#Unless its night time
radiance1 · 11 months
Jack got into an accident that booted him out from his own universe, leaving him stranded in an entirely different universe. Danny came along with him, but is pretty much weakened by whatever situation they were in before where he wanted to keep his dad alive.
Jack searched around for what he had on him, a few ecto-batteries, a Fenton thermos and his jumpsuit.
Luckily around him laid the very destroyed yet salvageable parts of a machine that was brought along when this happened. So he took it apart and decided to make something outta it.
Danny meanwhile is not doing that hot, so he took to sleeping his fatigue away, he doesn't know how long it'll take but eh. So when his father built a coffin he very happily climbed in and started napping away.
Which, it wasn't supposed to be a coffin nor for him to sleep in, but Jack just went what the hell and decided to modify his original plan. Installing the ecto-batteries he tinkered them to draw in the ambient ectoplasm from their surroundings (which is far less than Amity Park but eh) and release it into the coffin to act as some kind of recharge station for his kidd-o. At least he hopes, then added some straps so he could put it and voila.
There strapped to his back was the Fenton-coffin, bound to (hopefully) recharge your ghost kid from either sickness, loss of power or both! Call now and you can get on for-
Now with Danny safely secured to his back and in a safe (enough) environment. Jack went on to (hopefully) find something to get them back home.
It is weird seeing superheroes that aren't ghosts though.
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a merry Between Week to everyone! rest well!
extra layers:
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july-19th-club · 1 year
i know for a fact i have made this post before but for me it's very important that bbc merlin is a pointless tragedy. it wouldn't be good (it's frequently not good anyway but it would be a lot further away from good) if it wasn't a pointless tragedy! it's simply not arthuriana if it doesn't go past the high point of the heroic/legendary/high medieval romance stuff and end with detailed rundowns of exactly how everybody got betrayed and died like that is what makes it real arthuriana to me and not just a silly show about a wizard
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heartorbit · 1 year
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toxooz · 4 months
i Need to take up embroidery now rIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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keicordelle · 3 days
So I don't like, actually ship anyone from Idolish7 aside from yukimomo. I respect the Mezzo shippers, but I'm on the fence about it; I think they make a really nice platonic pair and I'm not really sure how I feel about viewing that in a romantic light. I see it, I get it, I'm on the fence.
BUT I could fully see Pythagoras in a QPR together. Nothing sexual about it at all, but they all just sort of come together and support each other in a way that probably makes others squint at them in confusion. You'll find them cuddled up together on the couch or in someone's bed because "it helps Nagi sleep". Know what brand of toothpaste and coffee and tissues the others prefer, makes sure to bring that home whenever they're running low. They go to each other first for comfort when something goes wrong, Mitsuki sneaks little memos into their lunches, Yamato brings home little gifts every time he goes out.
Anybody Yamato or Nagi dates learns really quick that they must be okay with the qpr trio or they will not be asked out again. Pythagoras comes first
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doomed-era · 1 year
ok so I found this after doing some research last night
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(im aware that the yiga survive aoc just fyi)
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essektheylyss · 11 months
my toxic trait is that if someone tries to orient me while giving directions with anything other than cardinal directions, I will straight up stop wherever I am to be like "I don't know WHOSE fucking left you're talking about. try again."
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aahsoka · 8 months
ok conception dream call is funny but are you actually trying to imply shes pregnant after their FIRST time having sex?? i know theyre in love or whatever but did yall not use protection ?????? i guess if theyre happy but an unplanned pregnancy is like a nightmare to me hahaha
i hope she just means like. in the future
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Wait!! In an earlier post you said everyone was aggressive… especially Barnaby…
What happened when he woke up? Unless it’s a spoiler/ not ready yet, then forget this question!!
I hope you have a nice day/night though :3
that answer is indeed Not Ready Yet! but in short, he has a Really bad time after he wakes up. like, it's Rough rough for him. and before anyone asks - no, it's not because of the arm! that is something he can understand, even if its a lil unsettling. everything Else, however...
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opens-up-4-nobody · 1 year
I just wanna listen to music ragged with rage and emotional desperation. But it's kinda hard to search for that sorta thing.
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skitskatdacat63 · 5 months
I need to remind myself often it's okay to take as long as I need to work on projects/drawings
#dangerous grind mindset territory >:(#i get so weird abt wips like#unless its extremely relevant no one is gonna care rly how long it takes#like if someone shared a wip with *me* and they took a while to finish it or never finished it#id still be like ahhhh so cool#but then i get into a weird mindset of like: you need to finish this TONIGHT#and then it never happens lol#as i said its only random occurrences when i can sit down and finish smth in one night#i need to remind myself: these things take time#i think my brain is sometimes running on a deadline that doesn't exist#theres a weird point btwn:#enjoying encouragement bcs it makes you feel more motivated to finish smth#but also feeling this odd sense of guilt and obligation#i draw for myself but literally for my whoel time drawing i often feel obligation towards a nonexistent audience#some imaginary force thats gonna be disappointed if i dont finish smth in [illogical period of time]#its good to have some sense of motivation obv bcs how would you ever finish anything#but its weird to start feeling the same thoughts abt schoolwork for your hobby#basically: I hate setting deadlines for myself bcs it just never works out#if i say 'you must work on this tonight!' i will absolutely not be working on this tonight#funny feeling when you start being like 'aaaahhh everyone is gonna hate me if i dont post this soon'#i think its nice when i can post smth i talk about in a quick turn-around#but rationally i know that if people are interested they wont care how long it takes <3 bcs id feel the same#also i guess i get put out some times seeing how fast other people can create :/#catie has 3 moods(for creation):#a. complete and utter burnout#b. not burnt out but finishing smth takes more than just one day. maybe a wk or more#c. can finish a piece in one day or even one sitting. often draws several things right after the other#C is truly the goat 🙏 i feel blessed when i get into that mindset#blah blah blah please stop feeling beholden to something that doesnt exist. thanks catie.#catie.rambling.txt
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mitchmotch · 1 year
I'm so interested in your Anastasia au! will you tell us more?
yes of course i will! @revalito and i are genuinely so elated that so many people like the au HEHJKSDHJKS i will always want to talk about it trust
i don't know if there was something specific you wanted me to talk about, so i'll just talk about their time in the cloud recesses when they were younger =]
as i said before in my tags, wwx found lwj sitting outside the gentian cottage waiting for his mom and that's how they first met--he brought him a blanket and something warm to drink and offered to sit next to him. after that wwx would find lwj every now and then and hang around a bit but not for long. that does.. imply that his parents died sooner but well. HEJDSJKSD we figured one of the servants was his dad's close friend that agreed to babysit wwx for a while before they died, so now at least wwx has someone that was considered family (and that can tell him about his parents)
wwx didn't actually start working as a servant until he got older and that's when he was really allowed to interact with lwj. silly little comments turned into prompts to speak more and eventually, they'd have "conversations" (lwj would listen, wwx would talk) as wwx did what he had to. one day lwj asked wwx if he would be allowed to be a personal assistant on a quick task he had to do outside of the cloud recesses, and of course that's allowed. and that's the loophole they found to spend more time together =]
lxc knows about lwj's crush. he could read it on him easily HEJKSDJK i'd like to think one time wwx was called in to serve something to them, and as he did he made some comment to lwj. lwj acknowledged him with a small uptick of his lips and lxc was just ⁉️⁉️⁉️ HEHKJDHJKDHDJK he starts making excuses for wwx to go see lwj. the first time he asks a servant to call for wwx bc he needed something delivered to his brother it started a rumor within the servants immediately. this is where the teasing among them began HEHJKSDJKSDK lxc is the main reason why eventually wwx is the main servant/one of the only servants for lwj
wwx starts learning about cultivation in his free time--and we'd like to think the gusulan sect would set aside a teacher for willing servants on their breaks--but he never attends any actual classes. it isn't until they accept guest disciples when they're around 15/16 that he even entertains the idea. he probably makes a side comment to lwj, like "ah, guest disciples… it would have been nice to attend a class or two.." and lwj is immediately like i'm on it. he talks to lqr to attend the classes and ofc here lan qiren doesn't Need lwj to be a good example to wwx like he does in the novel, but we think lqr would still want to show him off HEHJKSJKSD also, lxc is probably like "it would be nice if wangji had more friends =] perhaps if we have wwx in there (someone he is already comfortable with) he would be more willing?" and that seals the deal HEJKSDHJKSD wwx is invited to his classes to be a "personal servant" to keep up appearances, but he is there to learn.
of course some other people there aren't to keen on the idea of having a servant in the class with them, so this time when lqr calls on wwx, it's not to test him, it's to prove his worth. he knows wwx and lwj are friends so in his head, his justification is that disciples are offending wwx -> they're offending lwj -> lwj is his nephew -> they are offending lqr too. ofc. HEHJKDSJKSDK lwj defends wwx in his own ways.
nie huaisang is the first to go up to wwx to chat and they become good friends, and since wwx is friends with lwj, nhs becomes friends with him too. it's a funny dynamic but lwj inwardly thinks it's nice.
thank you sm for asking! <3
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todayisafridaynight · 6 months
ignore if you don't give one for my streams Anyways potential stream schedule goin forward Just Until I Finish Judgement
thursday i'll stream judgement from like. 3:30 ~ 7:30
friday'll be 4:30 ~ 8:30
saturdays will be the usual 3:30 ~ . fuckin whenever LMAO art stream i do
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wibble-wobbegong · 1 year
wait . i am so fucking behind on the theories i cant believe i didnt know about the eddie thing i have to reconsider so much shit
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bones-n-bookles · 7 months
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Fall boy sporting his corn collar from @losech on our morning walk 💕
2.5 miles at ~60F, a bit warmer than either of us like in the sun but pleasant in the shade. Only a bit longer than our old morning walks, but nicer than the 1 mile walks we've been doing lately on the mornings!
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