#Vibrational Astrology
brigidfaye · 4 months
Full Moon February 2024 Report
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chosen2begreat · 3 months
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breegadey · 4 months
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birthdays! we have birthdays!!
(click alt text for dates + astrology signs)
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astro-royale · 6 months
The stronger your gravitational pull and magnetism is, things start to come to you.
To attract, means to have something things can be attracted to in the first place. If you have no energy, nothing can be magnetised to you. And your efforts to manifest are futile when you are depleted.
Call your energy back from all and any people places things from all and any timelines back into this present moment in this current reality. Cut any negative chords and contracts and consents and retrieve that energy back to yourself.
Become clear in mind, heart , action and let such things reflect the truth of your heart as much as possible and miracles will happen because you’re creating reality as you go, and you’re relying on your inner vision, your inner sight, your third eye, to visualise things into creation. To visualise and create reality into being rather than allowing the collective energies to dictate you. Work with the elements , surrender to them and they will no longer control you. They only control you when you are not aware of them.
Karma will unfold, but when you become aware of it , it means you are now ready to create a change, you are planting a seed for change, and the more you nourish the thought of change the more the seed will grow.
Will you allow yourself to be manipulated by the elements, the planets , or will you allow their natural process to aid your growth?
If you don’t dictate yourself and tell yourself who you are. The gods(planets) nature, will define you. You will allow yourself to be defined. If you don’t sculpt yourself as Michelangelo did David, the ocean will sculpt you just as it would a rock, slowly withering away, with untouched potential. Are you a leader or a follower?
Astrology is a tool to see how one can transmute and allow themselves to be brought closer to themselves, and the world in an authentic way. It tells us, what may limit us, what is in our favour, what hand we were dealt essentially. But what you do with that is up to you. Please remember you are always in control. Learn to work with the gods(planets) and not against them. Understand them, see them for what they are, and when you do,you will no longer feel like the world is against you. See the sky as you see the ocean, as you see the earth, fire and wind. You cannot erase the duality of this universe, and you cannot control the natural flow. You can simply control your response and if you allow yourself to level up or get dragged down.
Will you ascend or descend? That is the question
- amaryllis
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viridian-tay-leaf · 11 months
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General messages from spirit:
Pile 1 Pile 2
Pile 3 Pile 4
Pile 1: 🧡🧡🧡
You guys are hard workers at heart. You've probably been the caretakers, the people pleasers, the adults even as a child in your family. People look to you for advice and are upset when you don't have the answers. You're either learning or have learned that this isn't the most healthy way to go on. You have to set boundaries and work on taking care of you, you can't pour out of an empty cup. So do some self care today, whether it's taking a walk, saying no, respecting your boundaries, dancing, sleeping, or simply doing nothing. Take some time for yourself to acknowledge what you've done and how far you've gotten. Then take some time to realize how powerful you are and that your possibilities are endless. You got it already so don't worry about it, just be.
Channeled songs:
Pile 2: 💛💛💛
You guys are busy bees, huh? Always on the go go go. But is it fun for you? Do you enjoy what you're doing all the time for you or others. Is it improving your daily life or your health? If not, stop doing it or atleast slow it down. Life isn't going anywhere no matter how old you are, you still have time. Be present for today. (You could've resonated with Pile 1 so go back if you feel the need) Seriously though, when was the last time you had some fun. Some real fun, the type of fun that is careless and childlike. The type of fun you had on the playground in elementary school. Whatever brings you joy in that way do it, and do it in the most carefree way as possible. You deserve love, you deserve happiness, you deserve to have your actions, talents, and feelings reciprocated tenfold. Whether you get it from someone else or yourself. Take yourself on a date today and find out what makes you, you. You'll never know if you don't try? What's the worst that could happen? You fail, someone says no? Oh no whatever will you do, it's not like you've gotten up and done this battle before. You're stronger than you think, act like it bitch (affectionately)!
Channeled song:
Pile 3: ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
Are you okay? Do you need a hug? Come here bitch lemme give you a virtual one. Seriously tho, get one asap. If no one is around hug yourself or a plush, or a pet. You need to comfort yourself today, getting cancer energy, motherly or caretaker vibes. "I can be needy"-Ariana Grande. Take a long hot bath with some music or candles in the background. Cook something you only make for special occasions. You may feel like the world is chaos/ending or the tower is crumbling but it's not as bad as it seems. Death is just a rebirth and right now you are going through it. I'm hearing "pluto transform me"-Melanie Martinez. Y'all are in your transformation era. Big Hermit vibes. Take it slow and take your time. You'll soon rise from the ashes like a Phoenix babe. You got this!
Channeled songs:
Pile 4: 💙💙💙
You guys are in your bag this season. It's been messy for some people around you, but not you bitch. Y'all are thriving in your energy and you know it. Main character energy. I'm getting Cancer, major Virgo & Leo vibes aswell. I'm hearing that yall don't even need this reading, it's just a confirmation that you're on the right path and you're doing you. Okayyyy go ahead besties be you and be proud and loud about it. Go off loves and do it unapologetically. I'm done here, yall don't need me to hype you up cause you already know you're that bitch. Beware of jealousy, envy, and other negative energies from others around you though. There are people who see you thriving and hate it, misery loves company so you best avoid those energy vampires. Cleansing and protections will help you stay in this energy. I don't even need to tell you to be grateful and honor yourself cause you're already doing it. Okayy, I see you sis!
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taurusbae222 · 2 years
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𝐠𝐮𝐲𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐚 𝐥𝐢𝐥 𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐡𝐧𝐢𝐪𝐮𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠
hey it’s me again ♡
so basically, create a playlist of songs that fit with the aesthetic of your desired reality of having for example, an sp (specific person) you’d then create a playlist of love songs and feel love in your heart of being loved by your sp and being with them.
then if you want, just jam out to these songs and dance and sing to them and really feeling these songs through your whole existence and feelings this desire is yours and you are singing/dancing them into existence.
what you can also do is while listening to your playlist, is go on pinterest and pin pictures of people that look like you in your desired reality. then basically gaslight yourself into thinking that is you in those images and you are just gathering recent pictures of you from a week ago into an album for memories.
i really hope this made sense, good luck 🫶🫶
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strawberrystepmom · 1 month
just the concept of someone being able to call u low vibrational bc you experience a normal range of human emotions (sadness anxiety sorrow etc) is so hilarious to me like
*random baby crying*
hmm…low vibrational behavior…protect your vibes
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spiritualgirlie · 3 months
How to Raise Your Vibe Based Off Your Sign
Aries: Engage in high-energy physical activities like intense workouts or adventurous activities. Express yourself fearlessly and pursue your passions.
Taurus: Surround yourself with nature, indulge in sensual pleasures, and practice mindfulness through grounding activities like gardening or meditation.
Gemini: Stimulate your mind with diverse experiences. Learn something new, engage in lively conversations, and embrace change to keep your energy flowing.
Cancer: Foster emotional well-being by creating a cozy and harmonious home environment. Connect with loved ones and express your feelings openly.
Leo: Boost your vibration through creative self-expression. Shine in the spotlight, engage in artistic pursuits, and radiate your unique light.
Virgo: Focus on self-care routines and organization. Declutter your space, practice mindfulness, and pay attention to your physical well-being for an elevated vibe.
Libra: Seek balance in all aspects of life. Surround yourself with beauty, create harmonious relationships, and engage in activities that promote peace and justice.
Scorpio: Dive deep into self-discovery and embrace transformation. Release emotional baggage, practice forgiveness, and engage in spiritual practices for higher vibrations.
Sagittarius: Expand your horizons through travel and exploration. Seek wisdom, pursue adventure, and maintain an optimistic outlook on life.
Capricorn: Ground yourself in practical achievements. Set ambitious goals, work hard, and find satisfaction in your accomplishments for an elevated sense of purpose.
Aquarius: Connect with your visionary side. Embrace innovation, engage in community activities, and contribute to social causes to elevate your vibrations.
Pisces: Immerse yourself in creativity and spiritual pursuits. Connect with your intuition, explore artistic expressions, and find solace in quiet contemplation for a higher vibe.
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thejournallo · 7 months
Explain the methods: the eavesdrop
This is a method I found on TikTok, and the account is "The Blessed Woman."
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This method is actually pretty good for manifesting appearance changes, and it is easy to visualize! and I think if done properly, we can use it to shift as well.
So all you have to do is get in a sleepy, relaxed state and imagine that you are overhearing a conversation. Those people you are overhearing are talking about you, and you can decide what they are really saying!They are talking about your hair, your height, and your body.
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For example, I over heard a conversation where they said, "Oh my god, did you see Nyx? They always look perfect and stunning."
and you can manifest pretty much anything with this method, and it creates a dissociation with yourself so you attract it faster!
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As always, I will love to hear your thoughts! and if you have any questions, I will be more than happy to answer them! If you liked it, leave a comment or reblog (that is always appreciated!). and have a wonderful day or night!
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angelicwisdom777 · 8 months
Higher Self Message - Archangel Michael
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chosen2begreat · 2 months
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Be yourself, and everything else will fall into place. ♥️
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astropsychickid · 2 years
12 House is often misunderstood
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I rarely see astrologers giving a good explanation for the 12 house. It seems like most people focus on the dark and scary side of this house, and completely bypass the good traits. But let's be clear: ALL houses have good and bad traits. ALL signs have good and bad traits.
Most people think of 12 house as evil. It is hidden, dark, mysteries, secrets. So, of course, it is easy to relate it to all "bad" things in life. Isolation, drugs, addiction, mental health problems, prison, secret enemies, struggles, etc. And yes, in some aspects, these things can be true. The 12 house is what is occult, behind your "face" which is the ascendant.
HOWEVER, people seems to forget that houses are related to signs. And the 12 house is the house of Pisces. Have you ever met a pisces? Yeah, they are not scary at all, i'm sorry love but you are a softy.
12 house is ALSO being creative, hidden talents, strong compassion and empathy, but also strong intuition and connection to the other side. This is the land where the spiritual and the material world merge together, where inspiration comes from, where oneness resides.
So, what does this mean if you have placements in the 12 house?
I often see people scared of their 12 house placements, because there are a lot of astrologers out there saying that you will go to prison one day or that you will go insane with that crazy head of yours. So, let me be clear with this:
12 house placements are not necessarily bad. As all signs, houses and placements, it can be both, good and bad. Let's put some examples:
Sun in the 12 house? This can show off as a shy personality, you probably like to isolate, and you don't love to bring attention on you. It can also manifest as a person that is involve in spiritual or creative subjects. Meditation retreats? You probably love that. Some alone time to relax? That's your jam.
Mars in 12 house? This could mean that a lot of your focus and motivation is a bit hidden, but it can also means that you have a hidden passion, strenght or talent that as soon as you identify it, it will fired you up. Mars 12 house can show up as a person that loves working at home, and loves working on the shadow. You are the person that helps people thrive, and you love having success without putting your name out there. It can also show that you are heavily invested on 12 house subjects, like spirituality, creative activies, mental health topics, etc.
Moon in the 12 house? You are extremely connected to the other side and you are very intuitive.
Stellium on 12 house? This is just an intensification of these energies, so you probably have a lot of passion or focus for 12 house subjects.
So, my point is: if you have 12 house placements, don't be afraid of those. These placements won't always manifest as problems in life as astrologers say. Instead, they tend to manifest as people that are interested on those subjects, people that help/work with other people on those subjects, activism, healers, spiritual people, artists, entertainers, dreamers, and more. This is the actual 12 house.
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astro-royale · 6 months
Treat your social media like your altar.
All in this Universe is one and interconnected
The energy you choose to associate with yourself online, is still in relation to yourself.
Even if you use it for escapism, use it consciously ✨
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viridian-tay-leaf · 10 months
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Channeled Love readings:
Pile 1 ❤️‍🔥 | Pile 2 💚
Pile 3 💞 | Pile 4 💜
Pile 1 ❤️‍🔥:
Apprehensive at first to this relationship (whether new, established, or haven't me yet). You both will figure things out with time. I'm getting that both of you have been hurt by people from your past. Y'all just want someone to share the love and you want it reciprocated. Some of Y'all could've been drawn to Pile 2/vice versa (Pile 2 has a different vibe to it though emotion-wise atleast). This will be a slow but tender love full of explorations, learning, & new experiences. Whether or not it works out depends on your willingness to open yourself up to love & reciprocate w/out fear or projections onto the other. I'm hearing clear communication and openness will guide you along in this relationship. Both of you are meant to learn one another and do it together. This is truly a couple that thrives around one another if done right. Big Powe couple/supportive couple vibes. If all goes well, this could be the healthiest relationship in your life tbh~
Channeled Songs:
Ouuuuuuu- This is a new kind of love~ I'm getting teenager kind of love/honeymoon phase. These aren't minor descriptions, I feel as if this will be your whole relationship. Now this doesn't mean that your relationship is the honeymoon phase & that's it, absolutely not! Dismiss that thought right now! What it truly means is that you will find & create a love so strong & pure that you will feel like you're in the honeymoon phase at all times. Thinking about one another, getting gifts for each other, staring st one another from across the room. I'm hearing gushing/y'all will annoy your friends with how in love you guys are. Big flustered, kicking your feet while laying down energy. It's just so exciting and new and you want to spend everyday with this person. Some of you guys could've been drawn to Pile 1, if so I'm hearing that this pile is more evolved in their healing journey so they are less apprehensive towards their approach to love. Overall you guys are big supporters of each other, I'm getting movie night snuggles in pillow forts/ morning breakfasts with coffee & dancing/hot cocoa, mittens, ice skating, meet the family, holidays & a proposal (literal of figuratively). Go forward, go fearless, & go crazy with the love, the expression of emotions, & the butterflies you feel. Be honest & open about your feelings & give each other time in the beginning stages. Don't try to force anything.
Channeled Songs:
New to real, genuine love aren't you? It's okay, we've all been there at one point. I'm getting that this relationship had a rocky start or that you guys may have had a rough relationship in a past life. You guys have been here before many times in many lives. Some of you ran away, other times you chased them away, sometimes you've lied to protect each other but it only ended up hurting you guys more, I'm getting that at one point one of you gave the ultimatum in a past life and the other took it jokingly/ smirking/ "they wouldn't do that to me, to us". They would, they did. But this time around is where the ultimatum is put to test. This is your choice to mend, fix, enhance your relationship & move forward from the past lives you've lived together. Definitely getting old souls, major beach vibes this time. Maybe you'll have a beach house or meet at the beach. You'll definitely know when you see this person that you've been here before with them. It's like meeting an old friend, an old lover, but you greet them with a smile & say "here we go again huh 😉". Getting gemini/aquarius energy, maybe sagittarius but only a little. "Hey hey hey lover~". Some of you will meet online, some of you have met before in this life but you were very young & didn't realize who the other person was to you. Getting rich vibes tbh. Another power couple here. Large events, nightly parties w/ string lights, lots of dancing, its a royal vibe here. One of you may be far more elegant/graceful than the other. In contrast, one may be more of a jokester/more brash with how they show themselves. Both hold some form of authority in their area of work, some may even work together at different ranks. I'm getting Childhood friends to lovers vibes. Someone called someone a nuisance(affectionately). "You're an asshole, but I love you~". All I know for sure is that you guys love each other deeply & want nothing more than to be with each other. Hearing "we'll do it right this time babe!". So be open, honest, and communicative with one another. Be clear about your wants, needs, & boundaries and maybe, just maybe you will get it right this time babes.
Channeled Songs:
(Fun fact, this is my pile aswell. Don't worry, no biases here~)
Heads up! The love you've been asking for is on its way~ Who knows what the next season brings but you plan to be far more open, honest, & clear with your love & intentions with others. Good for you! Some of you may have faced hardships with past lovers or almost lovers, causing you to shield your heart from hurt. So big kudos to you for trying again and allowing yourself to feel things. Okay! Into the relationship aspects: I'm getting that one of you may feel that you have no chance with the other. "You were out of my league, got my heartbeat racing". The other is so enthralled with them that it doesn't even cross their mind to think about stuff like that. Both of you fall & you guys fall hard. "You got me tripping, stumbling, flipping, fumbling, oh you got me falling in love"~ I'm getting that you'll meet in a classroom, work environment, or daily hangout place (ie: coffee shop/library). One will definitely notice the other first while the other is preoccupied with something. The one who notices the other is far more outgoing, getting peacock energy. They definitely want to show off to the other, feel a need to impress the other in order to gain a chance with them (this is the person who is "out of their league"). The other is far more reserved, quiet, and even introverted. As I said they may notice the other watching them but are far too preoccupied to care/acknowledge it(which only fuels the others desire to impress). In regards to the peacock showoff vibes the other is giving, this person is someone who usually finds it annoying/rude but they find it endearing/amusing when this person does it. It's like someone is trying so hard to impress them its almost cute/laughable. They may trip or stumble & try to play it off while embarrassed. Meanwhile the other has heart eyes and has already decided that "hey they may be a cute idiot, but they'll be my cute idiot". This will be a romance for the ages. Others around them may be jealous & try to ruin it, some may succeed but only for a little while. Some will notice that this is a ploy & cut it off immediately. After all time tells all truths and these two were meant to be. If they are honest, open, & secure with themselves & one another then they will grow to highers sights & experiences they couldn't even dream of. I'm getting 444, dream couple, couple goals, its big kids on the playground energy. Like the vibe of one kid seeing another & deciding right there that they'll be married. Overall this is a fun & adventurous relationship. Getting movie, art museum dates. Concerts, traveling the world. Stars, night sky, Northern lights, night picnics, hammocks, campfires. Major cuddling vibes. Another honeymoon phase relationship (where it feels like that all the time/joy or butterflies whenever you see them). Some may even have a relationship where y'all help each other grow in career & wealth together.
Channeled Songs:
Was woken up around 2am to make this it is now 3:50am. Hope those who needed this enjoy~
Been super busy/tired lately, these transformations really mess with your schedule, huh?
Check out my other platforms, links pinned on bio.
Tips are appreciated~
As always: Be good. Be kind. Be safe.
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