#Well he's NSH
rottenrascalart · 21 days
*Chucks this at you*
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xenomorphicdna · 9 months
I know the fandom tends to see Five Pebbles as a sad, self-hating, angsty bug boy but, I struggle to agree with the fandom depiction.
I think a lot of characters in Rain World care a lot about each other, I think they care too much. That's why it's such a tragedy.
Pebbles falls to that too. I think he cares, a lot, it's tough to see but it's there.
Take a look at the bug maze convo - "FP: So why do we continue? We assemble work groups, we ponder, we iterate and try. Some of us die. It's not fair." He clearly realises that there's problems, he realises they're working on something that ultimately does not matter, and they're all stuck doing that. "It's not fair" Its not and he wants to do something about it, he ain't just gonna stand around and keep working on this pointless problem. They don't deserve to be stuck working like this forever.
Problem is, just like Suns, everyone is still working on the problem, and for what purpose? Look at Sky Islands pearl 3 read by Pebbles - "Should we reject a way out of this maze, on the mere principle that escape itself is forbidden?" They are all stuck and no one is doing anything. Gold pearl read by Pebbles - "I need to fix this, and try again. If I can just reproduce Sliver of Straw's results, they will understand." And that's why he's so adamant on solving the problem, if they can all understand that "hey the solution is right here, we can stop now, we can do whatever we want" then they'd all be free. I think he sees how unfair all this is, and how everyone has given up to simply just working on the problem because what else are they supposed to do. He sees all that and wants to help, if he can find the solution then he'd help everyone, and he does these dumb risky things because if he succeeds then it'll all be worth it.
He loves his sister and he loves his friends, and he cares about all the other iterators and even the scugs that pass through. And its all such a tragedy because despite all this love and care we still watch everything fall apart and crumble. It was never fair for any of them.
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ria-starstruck · 10 months
did you know it's possible to combine a mullet and a bowlcut? i didn't either until just now when i horribly butchered an oc's hair
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artgletic · 8 months
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on biomechanics: No Significant Harassment
(i have been fighting with the tagging system for this post specifically as it won't show up in tags. ive narrowed down the cause to be the non-fandom tags [ie. my typical post-comic monologue lol]. those are under the cut if youre curious)
before the monologue id like to congratulate tumblr user mewguca for perfectly predictung the subject of this comic under my 5p one
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anyways, tags:
NSH is so fascinating to me because of the way he completely memes on his intended purpose
#hes so unlike every other iterator we see in game. its like he doesnt even care about cycles or sliver the big problem at all
#this comic is my personal headcanon as to his thought process:
#hes a little jokester as a spiteful rebellion towards his purpose and creators
#but im sure he also finds it funny lol
#and the ancient's design philosophy as well:
#let them think and feel and be a part of the cycle to drive them to keep trying
#but dont let them ascend! because what would stop them from just solving the problem for themselves only and leaving you behind?
#making them fully mechanical would have forced the ancients to input solutions and think on the problem themselves.
#and i remember pearl dialogue where moon talks about how taboo it was for the ancients to aspire for anything in life
#even if that aspiration is death
#also its in my personal hc that rain world's surface is covered in a thick mat of piping and metalworks
#and that biological life forces its way into (much to the chagrin of the ancients!)
#theres patchy semi-deep ponds all over the surface due to drastic and irregular rainfall. basically like an overgrown industrial district
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exo-dus404 · 2 months
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NSH info file revealed! Again, the narrator is not reliable and you should be suspicious of the information given.
No Significant Harassment is the Second-in-Command, the bioengineer and the medic within [The Local Group].
Unlike most iterators who like to maintain a stern working environment, he is energetic, always cracking jokes and messing around. His carefree and joyful nature is almost uncanny, making it nearly impossible to discern his true feelings and intentions. He can be quite intimidating when he’s serious.
He indulges in a hobby of conducting experiments on local biome. However, No Significant Harassment's cold-hearted disregard for the well-being of these creatures contrasts sharply with his otherwise affable disposition. He enjoys a little bit too much of their suffering.
It's worth adding that [No Significant Harassment] harbors a deep affection for [Looks to the Moon] and displays unwavering fidelity by executing any task she assigns to him — regardless of the potential consequences. LTTM is, and will always be the only thing he cares about.
He wields a scythe as his weapon. Apart from this powerful weapon, his legs are also weaponized to a point that they can cut through most materials. His arms have also been replaced by artificial limbs, which capable of unsheathing ion knives (side) and needles (finger tips).
Due to his legs being weaponized, He cannot walk/stand, as he is fully dependent of his wings to hold him up and move around.
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mewguca · 1 year
Do you think any scavengers have reached the Iterators? How would both sides react?
Also i wanna say i lvoe your art and your artstyle, + happy iterator ending make me happi
ok i finally finished this
I believe some have in canon, but here's how I think their first encounters would go down in my sort of...headcanon...au....thing.
also apologies for varying art quality ill probably just do doodles in the future idk. ill figure it out
so first we have suns....
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Well...unfortunately the poor unlucky scav that wandered into sun's can caught them at a very bad time. They had just lost contact with their messenger and their close friend they had been trying to help... Suns was not very happy about it.
As for Pebbles....I like to think Scav King was brave enough to enter his chamber.
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Pebbs gave them the mark hoping they would tell their friends to leave, but.....
Sadly that didn't work out. He was also not in a good mood!
As for Moon....
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Sadly, her first experiences with scavengers were very disappointing. They aren't much for conversation, and they don't like listening either. It's crushingly lonely when you don't have anyone to talk to.
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Eventually, some scavengers wandered in that just enjoyed listening to the sound of her voice and enjoying her company. She is very grateful for them...I like to think they have become good friends, even if they can't quite understand each other.
As for NSH....
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They may have gotten into some....mischief.
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But don't worry! They're just a silly prankster! A harmless jokester!
Just ignore any remnants of their failed experiments.
I like to think NSH would be very interested in the scavs. They'd probably think they're super entertaining, lol. Constantly sending the GC stupid scav pics.
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trying this out was really fun!!!! I wanna do more stuff like this in the future!! sorry it took so long :D
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hdra77 · 2 months
DISARRAY NSH?! LETS GO?? He has a screen face!
yes !! the visor screen for a face really fits in well with the theme of the au!
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have another doodle of disarray NSH !!
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attex · 4 months
I love your UI design. Any thoughts on them like their interaction with others?
that innocence is pretty paralleled if we are being honest...
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My interpretation of UI is based on the idea of them just being attention and stimulation addicted... They were made like this on purpose, by the same group of engineers (not exactly the same persons though) as NSH, due to the seeming work efficiency in a more active and stimulation seeking personality. This is also why they are named ironically too, along with having a fake mouth! However, such a personality tends to give diminishing returns, especially when there isn't things to focus on constantly. Which is why UI leaned towards gossiping and messing around.
They don't do things out of malice, (the ordeal with 5P was not malicious lol) it's all just another little thing to pass the time. But they do feel guilty and awkward if pushed around a bit. They're more honest than they seem, they won't lie about their mean thoughts or opinions. They will lie if it causes more attention to be given to them or they dislike the way they're treated from their honesty; but this is all hard to achieve as they can get VERY stubborn. They're naturally curious in a gawking at things and not shutting up kinda way. If they see something weird, they will point it out and keep bringing it up to talk about it.
I interpret them to be the youngest, being built a short while after 5P. This is why they look the way they do, but they still have discerning traits due to the engineers that built them. Their design for the puppet should be obvious in the ways it's similar to how NSH's puppet is designed, at least I hope I managed to show that... I also imagine their structures have much bigger bio-engineering lab sections, not for actual production of purposed organisms but rather for experimenting with them and the like. Those two would be occupied with that often, along with their other duties. The small cloak, a lot of parts that light up to indicate status, fake mouth, more angular parts, focus on strip patterns, sturdier legs... Their cloak has patterns resembling rod cells in eyes, also!
As for their relationships with others in their group...
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LttM gets along well with them, which usually surprises outsiders. She knows they just need things to do but does get disappointed at their more reckless behavior. UI likes LttM for being a bit too lenient regarding things they do that they probably shouldn't, but besides that they do see her as a trustable friend albeit not taking her senior status too solidly.
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5P definitely doesn't enjoy having to interact with them at all after getting humiliated by them. He doesn't hate them or anything, he never did. While he wasn't surprised about them doing what they did, it still soured his view of them by a lot and feeling that many heavy emotions in one moment didn't help. Otherwise, he can't be bothered with them in general. UI sees 5P as an extremely difficult peer to mess with in any way, he is impatient and easily annoyed but his tendency to just cut things off makes anything silly near impossible. While they do find his issues interesting in a shallow way, a part of them secretly wishes to know more of him on a personal level... Most likely because he is the only one they've never gotten to engage with closely, their nosy interest in him got more blatant as time went on too.
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SRS actually enjoys talking to them a decent amount, though they can't help but feel like there is always a barrier of sorts in fully understanding and connecting with UI. UI finds SRS very amusing. Definitely their "favorite" in the group due to SRS' extrovertedness combined with that iconic tinge of obliviousness. UI has always enjoyed snooping in on SRS, especially when they talk to outsiders. SRS isn't fully aware of the extent of UI observing them like a weird animal, though...
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NSH is neutral, yet wary regarding UI. They both know how either one can behave pretty well. He still sees them as a friend though. He's the second person that tells UI to "behave" the most- but it isn't like UI can't snap back at him for being overly playful as well. UI is nearly the same way towards him. Both of them know of each other's mischievous attitude and that makes it difficult for them to mess with one another. They can get a bit too caught up in being silly if he eggs them on and vice versa… even if they don't fully notice NSH views them as acting more childish by a lot. CGW… I haven't thought of and characterized CGW well enough to say anything regarding them honestly… But the things I'm certain of are UI seeing CGW as being way too "put together" and unfun, because they act very proper in comparison to everyone else. That's more incentive to mess with them, though. CGW doesn't dislike UI or anything, but they see being closer friends with them as not entirely possible.
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sapphicdib · 11 months
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(ˡᵒʳᵉ ᵈᵘᵐᵖ ᵇᵉˡᵒʷ ᵗʰᵉ ᶜᵘᵗ)
This is from an au where Sig n Pebbles purposefully give themselves the rot while their citizens are still alive! >:D
Basically, imagine if Pebbles didn’t turn all his anger inwards towards himself and instead externalized it. Although Pebbles and Sig don’t get along all that well, Pebbles realized she was going to be the only one who could help him pull this off, since he is one of the local group’s best bioengineers…and also easy to convince to do stupid shit for the bit. So they make a virus that can rewrite their code, specifically removing the “cant harm your citizens” restriction, but they also got rid of any other taboos that they found tedious or annoying lmfao. Originally Pebbles was going to be the only one who gets infected, but after Sig works on it with him for like 1000 cycles, he’s like “I might as well reap the benefits of this!” and gives himself the rot too.
MOON AND SUNS FREAK OUT <3 Their citizens, once they realize what’s going on, ALSO freak out, and this causes a fracture in ancient society as a whole, with one camp claiming they should shut the iterators down completely and kill them, and the others immediately grovelling at their god’s feet, hoping they don’t choose to infect themselves as well. Sig n Pebbs are trying to get Moon n Suns to join them, but it’s not working very well. Between the growing fear that both their own citizens AND their friends are becoming threats to them, they are not having a good time :) Sig n Pebbs are tho hehe. Ironically they become better friends as time goes on because the rot creates a sort of hive mind effect between the two of them PFFT.
To sum it up:
Pebbles: Someone will die.
NSH: Of fun!
NSH: …someones still gonna die, though ~
and to leave you with a silly little horrifying detail: sig breaks his neck in a physical fight with suns and by the point this happens the rot has essentially destroyed his body’s ability to heal, so for the rest of the story her head just. dangles slightly to the side held up only by the cushion of her scarf LOL combined with the thousand yard stare she looks a mess
Hope you like it PFFT I’ve written a couple drabbles for it but imma shut up now ^_^ feel free to send me asks n stuff if you want!!!!!!
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Ignore my shitass font I'm using flipaclip.
Concept for the au under the cut (ISAT OR RW SPOILERS BELOW)
So yeah I'm making this a full au now lol. The plot will mostly follow the Isat plot with some of the rw lore elements. Also if not obvious the time freeze thing has been replaced with the rot, it's also why I didn't give hunter the rot as I wouldn't be able to make it work.
As for the cast!!
Survivor/Siffrin: I'll probably redesign them but blame that mal du plays vision I had that surv is siffrin. As for some lore they had fallen away from their colony during its disappearance/flooding.
Rivulet/Mirabelle: So I had orginally planned to make them Monk but after deciding to make lttm the housemaiden, I had to make them rivulet; also them being immune to rot worked better.
Hunter/Isabeau: it was either him or spearmaster and I felt like spearmaster didn't fit all too well. I like to think that when Rivulet had came nsh had just grab hunter and threw him at rivulet and just went "take that one". Also in this au he lost his eye instead of survivor
Saint/Odile: the only correct choice. Lore wise there's a big chance I might make them actually be blessed by SOS and just refuses to tell anyone. Also instead of a familytale they ask surv to help them with finding an echo.
Artificer/Bonnie: child arti, that's it. Their two younger siblings had been infected.
As for the other characters:
The king:Five pebbles
Euphrasie:Looks to the Moon
And the enemies are just rw enemies.
"Where's monk?"
.....who's monk?
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diviningrodtv · 1 month
Oh yeah, NSH Time.
I've been holding this post back for like a week😅
I absolutely love how NSH came out and I think he's currently my favourite rain world model that I've done! (Sorry Pebbles, I'm going to upgrade you later anyway :]
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I also made his scarf easily removable so you can see how the stripes aren't just on his head! The stripes and his irises also glow, but a bit brighter than the areas on Five Rotten Pebbles.
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His antennae are pretty similar to how I did Sliver's, especially considering I did his first! XD They're separated from his head a bit.
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Also if you've noticed in my art that his eyes are the exact same as in the model here, that's because they are! I tried finding a way to draw them how I usually might, but I just couldn't get the same vibe! So I said, "Fuck it!" and I've been drawing over his model ever since XD
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NSH is also who I used to make the "umbilical arm" model! So if you saw those posts, that's why the textures are all messed up!
And here it is in all it's glory!
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It's mostly made of ball joints with a flexible joint attached to the back. The last segment also twists just like your forearm bones!
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Also..... lore shit below cause I have, plans™ so-
If you don't want to know why NSH is acting strange on my blog yet, read no further!
(there's also some downpour spoilers, and some other disturbing things)
*slaps top of can* This bad boy can fit so much fucking insanity in him. (cw: self-harm yeah you heard me)
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If you haven't figured it out already (I did drop hints :) NSH's structure is damaged! His legs are giving out because a group of scavengers thought it would be funny to transport all of their explosives at once.
So he's in a bit of a pickle!
This is when Looks to the Moon and Five Pebbles' communication tower is repaired! During their first conversation in a very long time, NSH finds out about good ol' Hunter long legs, and is rightfully distraught! He feels like a total failure, that he wasn't experienced enough to properly create his messenger.
That's what this whole post was about!
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But, experience is something that can be gained.
NSH figured if Five Pebbles was able to leave his can, then he should be able to as well, but that requires solving the three problems I mentioned in the Five Rotten Pebbles post:
The self-genome modification barrier,
A general lack of puppet central brain matter, and
No material processing within the puppet.
I'll talk about my umbilical lore for this AU here since it's relevant.
Either the "cord" or the "arm" can be disconnected, but not both. This is for ease of repair by administrators. Disconnecting them both would leave the unfortunate Iterator fully functional. Although, they would be blind in the visible spectrum (apart from overseers), unable to speak directly to someone in their chamber, and would otherwise have their workflow be severely impaired. They would effectively be trapped in their own head.
NSH realised that even if the barriers existed, they could still have the intentions, to break them. So what would happen, if he broke one? Not by writing it out of his system, Five Pebbles already proved how risky that method was, but instead by setting his actions in motion faster than any barrier could stop them? This was something to test, and wasn't that what Iterators were built to do anyway?
Umbilicals can only be disconnected by administrators, but what if he were to do it anyway? He needed to leave his can after all, it wouldn't be much of a loss if he was stuck on the floor of his chamber or floating aimlessly in zero gravity for a while.....
So what if he just ran fast enough to rip himself off?
What if he moved his arm back at the last second, could he gain enough inertia to pull it out of his back? Even if it took a few tries?
What other choices does he have? Perfect Five Pebbles' method until he collapses and continue even then? He had time, but not enough for that, and The Hunter certainly did not have any time for waiting around. NSH had to fix his mistake, he had to.
So this bastard goes and does exactly that, and short-circuits his entire system.
Not just breaking the umbilical maintenance barrier, but every other one in the process.
And it all hurts like hell.
But that's the first problem solved, and now he can help keep himself afloat longer. So that now, he can figure out how to solve the other two problems with precision.
Of course, the others won't like any of these plans, but, after what Five Pebbles did, they wouldn't dare disturb him if he stopped responding, right?
And maybe, he could even hijack their communications array, to look for help.
yeah so NSH is not sane
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shkika · 1 year
I'd love to hear your thoughts on NSH x Suns, if you wanna share! cause I already ship NSH and Moon (not necessarily romantic but it's definitely a queer relationship), but I wanna learn about NSH and Suns
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They are this meme to me crying.
But also they have the same kind of opinion on a lot of stuff and VASTLY different ways to deal with those opinions/ideals.
Suns finds solving the problem pointless. It's unsolvable, but works anyway. Because what can be done? Nothing. They can do nothing else.
NSH finds solving the problem pointless. It's unsolvable and DOESN'T work. What does he do? God knows, he's bored in his can. Probably why he bugs everyone else with random messages.
They also work well together. NSH came up with the idea of messenger scugs while Suns perfected it. They refined it and made it work well. (too well cough)
They hold genuine affection and respect for each other, while also being annoying as shit and bugging the other.
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amerricanartwork · 8 days
I want to say I love reading your headcanons, especially your Iterator ones. Do you have a unique headcanons for Pebbles, since you haven't talked about him much?
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Ohhh, I'm so glad to hear that!! I love creating and typing down these headcanons, but sometimes I worry whether anyone actually wants to read these long posts about it, so it's always so nice to hear people appreciate them!
I would love to talk more about Five Pebbles! I actually have quite a few headcanons for him specifically since I tend to ponder him a lot. In fact, of all the canon characters, when it comes to headcanons that aren't purely working out their general personality and backstory I think I currently have more outside headcanons for him than anyone else.
But nonetheless, assuming you mean "unique" as "interesting and relatively uncommon/unheard of in the fandom", here's one of mine that might seem odd or specific, but I really like it!
I’ve headcanoned for at least a few months now that Five Pebbles is very much an auditory learner. He’s more receptive to spoken and auditory information than just written text, and as such he tends to talk a lot, which is how he best formulates his ideas. 
Now, when I call him an auditory learner (or maybe just an audio-oriented person in general would be a better way to describe it), I also mean he generally cares a lot about how things “sound” to him. Five Pebbles pays close attention to how certain sounds “feel” in a sense, not just with regular abstract sounds, but spoken words, phrases, and ideas too. He likes it when sentences flow smoothly, convey the proper emotion or idea, and sound intellectual and well-thought-out, and dislikes when phrases sound clunky, confusing, or otherwise unprofessional and improper. In situations where he wants to appear smart and sophisticated, especially in a competitive sense, he loves flexing his extremely large vocabulary by throwing in long and obscure words and technical jargon too. To reference my last headcanon ask, this trait is another quality making him dislike NSH, who doesn’t care as much about grammar or syntax and thus tends to speak in casual ways Pebbles finds “improper”.
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Usually, when he has a decent amount of uninterrupted personal time, Pebbles will spend several hours on end just talking to himself in his chamber to work out his ideas and plan any essays or speeches he’s preparing to give. He loves making sure that every sentence sounds pleasing, proper, and is grammatically correct, yet still explains his ideas thoroughly and accurately. However, despite being an introvert who values his alone time, he sometimes talks about his ideas to other iterators, especially when he wants feedback and criticism. In fact, having long discussions and debates, particularly about scientific, artistic, and philosophical matters, is perhaps one of the only things he actively enjoys doing with other people.
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In this latter regard, this habit was actually one of the only reasons he occasionally, yet still actively sought out the presence of Unparalleled Innocence, someone whom I headcanon he never had much of a relationship at all with, positive or negative (at least pre-AU, that is). But nonetheless, Innocence is a very good listener and never declined an invitation to talk with him, though more often than not it turned more into him just rambling about something and her quietly listening and encouraging him to continue on (which she did for… other reasons besides her fascination with the subjects of his speeches, but I will get to those some other day…)
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Another facet to this headcanon is that Pebbles has a strong appreciation for music. He finds it helps him calm down and work through his emotions very well, alongside one other habit I’ll address in a more official headcanon post. Thus, he’s got various music pearls with his favorite tunes that he’ll listen to while working or when he needs to relax. The purple one in Rivulet’s campaign is only one of many, though that was also the only one he could obtain at the time his chamber was broken into by the rot. 
His love of music has always been another little “worldly pleasure” that he took for granted, not realizing just how much he enjoyed it until after mass-ascension. And even then, he stuffed it deep inside him and kept trying to downplay its value to him all the way until his rot condition was almost at its climax. This emotional turmoil I imagine him having is a particular element of his character arc I find very interesting even in regular Downpour canon, but once again I will elaborate on it more later…
Anyway, there's the headcanon! Seeing as I'm planning to explain major character info in official headcanon posts, I tried to choose one that wasn't too essential for narrative comprehension, but is still unique and hopefully decently entertaining in-and-of itself. I also tried to use this to test a new format of doing more sketches for these headcanon posts, so it's not as much pure text.
Anyway, I hope you like it! And if you (or anyone else reading this, for that matter) ever want more headcanons, or can add to this one, don't be afraid to send another ask!
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daily-nsh · 9 days
Your art is super cool!! Absolutely amazing and so well made( ≧ᗜ≦) Anyway, here's my Dreamscape NSH
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He inhabits a powerfull mainframe called Dreamscape and responsible for creating dreams alongside with other iterators, he prefers to be as much chaotic as he allowed to be. He also can travel into other universes throught static portals in form of semi-realistic holorgam Go crazy!
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Day 7. DEbjhbsjfbdshjfb thank you so much! I very enjoyed drawing your blorbo!!
Also I'm late yeah (it's 5:37 here) but until I go to bed tomorrow won't start xd
+small bonus cuz I was playing with effects and I found it kinda cool
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rainworldconfessions · 6 months
I HATE it when people headcanon suns with he/they pronouns, I know I shouldn’t get so worked up about headcanons and the block button is literally right there but it just makes me so mad. I am not even talking about the people who unconsciously refer to them with he/him because yeah, pre-dp everyone thought so, but the ones who specifically know that they now in canon use they/them but still choose to headcanon them with he/they pronouns.
It’s mainly because of how badly fandoms in general treat non-binary characters but it just rubs me the wrong way. After-dp fandom is all about headcanons, and I love that for them! But there‘s a difference between giving smart animals who are simply kept ambiguous genders headcanons about their gender and pronouns and misgendering someone with human intelligence (and beyond), usually out of ignorance or because you want to make sunstone „gayer“ (both of these suck).
Can we just… respect a character with they/them pronouns? For once please? I never see anybody headcanon five pebbles with he/she for example, he/they headcanons are super rare as well, even nsh who I have seen a fair share of different pronouns with gets called he/him all the time which isn’t a bad thing really… but why do you so badly feel the need to give a guy who uses they/them binary pronouns? and even use them more frequently than you use she or they for your silly green genderqueer robot who by canon is binary gendered? I don’t know, long rant but I feel like people just should reflect about that sometimes.
Of course I don’t wanna deny anybody their headcanons, headcanons are cool and fun, it just rubs me the wrong way and I wish people were a little more considerate.
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exo-dus404 · 1 month
is artificer like a mother to pebbles? seeing how everyone sees artificer as a mother figure for pebbles and pebbles is like artis pup Wanted to know if thats how arti sees pebbles too!
YES EXACTLY! However……there’s SOMETHING that Artificer won’t be thrilled about if she ever finds out……
CW warning: Character death, unethical experiments, manipulation, and general AU dark themes.
Being chased and hunted by the scavengers, Artificer with her child stumbled into [The Local Group]’s territory. And this is when everything went wrong.
They were surprised that when they reached a certain point, the scavengers stopped chasing them. They stopped for good reasons.
The region they barged in was Five Pebbles. His security system was immediately alerted and began neutralizing the “possible contamination”. Both of Arti’s pup were killed during the process while Arti was able to escape and find a blind spot, heavily injured.
Then FP received a system ping of something clogging his drainage system. He went to investigate and found the dead pups. He was disgusted and tried to dispose them, only to find out that one of them is still breathing, but barely alive. He took that one to NSH, since the latter just won’t stop harassing him for new test subjects.
NSH was not happy to get a pup that’s barely alive, and FP was enjoying his annoyance. With someone as skillful as NSH, he can easily save the pup, but he sees no reason to. He cut it open for its heart and put it into a new project that he’s been working on. It worked. Soon he will name the creature “Spearmaster”.
Months later, FP will wander off his own territory to get away from everyone during a mental breakdown. That’s how he encountered Artificer. The animal seems to have mistaken him for a lost pup of some kind of animal species due to his small size. And it won’t let go of him. He stayed with Arti for a while until Moon pinged him, demanding him to come back.
He was surprised that the animal started to follow him. Soon after, they met Moon, and Artificer immediately jumped in between them, claws out and fangs bearing. She certainly senses immense threat from the iterator in front of them. However, Moon just smiled, and gave her the mark of communication:
“The brave mother…I am the leader of the [Local Group], and you may call me [Looks to the Moon]. You are afraid. Terrified, even. But that’s okay, for I bear no ill intentions.”
“You don’t need to understand what we are. Godlike to you, if you insist. You lost your children, am I right? Your anger and hatred trapped you in a never ending cycle……it’s painful, and you want a way out.”
“I can help you.”
“The scavengers killed your children. They knew what will happen, yet they intentionally chased you there and activated the weapons.”
“You want revenge. Let me help you.”
“For a disposable animal like you…….in exchange, I want everything from you.”
“I am your only hope. If your simple mind can somehow make sense of what I just said.”
“Very well. The mother who is stuck in the unending cycle of hatred and violence…..welcome to [The Local Group].
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