#Witch Asks
magickrosegalaxy · 5 months
Get to know me asks 🌟
Witch edition
🌙 astrology sign?
💎 favorite crystal?
🔮 favorite form of divination?
🧘🏿‍♀️ do you look up to a guru/psychic/spiritual leader?
🧚🏻‍♀️ have you had any paranormal experiences?
🌞 are you working with a deity?
📿 describe your altar
🕯️do you have a favorite spell/ritual?
🧿 what persuaded you to start practicing?
🧝🏻‍♀️ what kind of witch are you?
🌟 are you currently manifesting anything?
🔢 do you see angel numbers?
👽 do you channel spirits/interdimensional beings?
🌀 have you had spiritual experiences under the influence?
🙏🏼 what puts you in a spiritual mood?
👁️ what are your psychic/intuitive abilities?
📌 have you ever hexed anyone?
🎶 do you chant or listen to meditation music?
🌎 what’s most profound experience spiritually?
🌑 have you experienced a “dark night of the soul” for witchcraft? How did you get back into it?
🐺 do most people know about your craft, or do you keep it a secret?
🌐 are you into spiritual conspiracies?
🐉 what are your thoughts on cryptids/magical animals?
🕊️ are you a religious witch?
🗝️ have you ever manipulated a situation to your favor using witchcraft?
🪦 do you contact your ancestors?
🫧 what’s your favorite method of cleansing?
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tarot-tea-cafe · 2 years
Witchcraft Questions
a list of questions based on the major arcana
the fool: whats a mistake you may have made when starting out or something you often see baby witches do that you wish they didnt/wasnt so common?
the magician: whats some advice you might have for people who might be interested in witchcraft?
the high priestess: whats your favourite bit of witchy knowledge or your favourite bit to research?
the empress: whats your relationship like with your guides? (if you have any and are comfortable sharing)
the emperor: would you ever be a mentor witch and why or why not?
the hierophant: is there a set of rules you go by in your craft?
the lovers: thoughts on love magic?
the chariot: how'd you choose your current path/craft practices?
strength: whats a challenge in witchcraft youre determined to overcome?
the hermit: are you a coven or solitary witch? (do you prefer having a group to practice with or prefer doing it all on your own?)
the wheel of fortune: if you do divination, whats your favourite or preferred method/form of divination?
justice: do you believe that what you cast out will come back to you in some way?
the hanged man: do you prefer waiting for moon phases or do you just cast whenever?
death: whats a change you want to happen?
temperance: how adaptable are you to change?
the devil: whats something you should stop but just cant bring yourself to?
the tower: whats something you used to believe but now realize isnt true?
the star: whats something, spell/media/charm etc, that calms you or cheers you up?
the moon: whats a rumor you heard that you arent sure is true or not?
the sun: whats something youre very proud of?
judgement: whats something youre thankful for but wish to "close the book" on?
the world: whats something youre glad is over and why?
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poisonnxkki · 1 year
Poison's Guide to Hekate: Deipnon, Noumenia & Other Celebrations🦋
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"Black" by Aykut Aydogdu
🖤Disclaimer: A great deal of this info comes from "Keeping Her Keys" by Cyndi Brannen because I really enjoy her exercises/rituals on the subject
What are Deipnon & Noumenia?
Deipnon (Deipna) is a celebration (or more accurately a ritual) dedicated to Hekate which occurs during the new moon. Also called "Hekate's Supper", ancient worshippers would leave a meal out at the crossroads in honour of Hekate. According to Sorita d'Este, in her book "Circle for Hekate", these suppers may have been an act of charity as well as an offering. The rich would leave out food in the name of Hekate which would then be taken by the poor. The modern variation of this practice is quite similar, offerings for Hekate (food, herbs, etc.) are left out at a crossroad, after sunset, on the night of the new moon. Anything can be used as an offering but bread was most commonly used.
Although they may not be called "Noumenia", there are many ancient resources which discuss rituals performed on the first and last day of a lunar cycle. The modern interpretation of Noumenia, the day after Deipnon, is used to set intentions for the new lunar cycle.
Ancient Celebrations:
In her epithet as Hekate Kourotrophos, or Guardian of Children, Hekate was honoured 3 days a year. According to "Keeping Her Keys" those days were the 27th day of the January-February moon cycle (for 2023, that will be February 16-17), the 3rd day of the June-July moon cycle (June 21-22, 2023) and the 16th day of the August-September moon cycle (September 1-2, 2023). During those days people sought Hekate's blessing and protection over their children.
Modern Celebrations:
Hekate's Night (August 13th)
Hekate's Month (November)
The Day of Hekate of the Crossroads (November 30th)
Note: These celebrations are modern and therefore may not align with your personal practice, please do your research and read "Keeping Her Keys" Chapter 7 for more information.
"Ask Hekate whether it is better to be rich or starving; she will tell you that the rich send her a meal every month and that the poor make it disappear before it is even served." -Aristophanes, 380 BCE
My Reading List🖤
🖤Check out this source for some more information:
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sappy-witch · 1 year
do you know of any weight loss / metabolism boosting spell/spell jars? i've been trying to lose weight for a year now, and i really need a boost. i don't need a miracle worker, just something to put out into the universe that is something i desire and have been working towards. blessed be! :)
Hello darling 🥰
Thank you for reaching out to me, and I hope you’re proud of all the wonderful work you’ve already put in!
While, of course, there is no substitute for a healthy diet and exercise, I understand that sometimes we need a little extra help from the universe to reach our goals.
Before I start yammering on, I hope you don’t need reminding that our worth is never determined by our physical embodiment, but what this beautiful temple holds within it. Of course, that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t treat our bodies with the respect and kindness they deserve, so here we go ✨
Here is a simple spell jar recipe that you can try to help boost your metabolism and aid in your weight loss journey:
✨🫙 Metabolism Boosting Spell Jar 🫙✨
1. A small jar with a lid
2. Dried ginger - increases energy, strength, and confidence. It is also commonly used in herbal medicine to aid digestion, reduce inflammation, and boost the immune system.
3. Dried red pepper flakes - for motivation, courage, and passion, red pepper flakes are believed to bring fiery energy and vitality to a spell. They are also known to have numerous health benefits, including boosting.
4. Dried dandelion root - wish fulfillment and manifestation. Also a powerful diuretic that can aid in weight loss by helping the body eliminate excess fluids. It is also commonly used in herbal medicine to support liver health and digestion.
5. Dried cinnamon - for love, success, and prosperity. It is also believed to have numerous health benefits, including regulating blood sugar levels, reducing inflammation, and boosting brain function.
(Feel free to alter as you see fits - based on your preferences or accessibility)
1. Begin by cleansing your jar by rinsing it with saltwater or leaving it in the light of the full moon for a night.
2. Add a tablespoon of each herb into the jar, visualizing yourself reaching your weight loss goals as you add each ingredient.
3. Close the jar and seal it with the wax of a green candle - a symbol of health. You can also use any other color that resonates with you.
4. Hold the jar in both hands and visualize the energy of the herbs filling the jar and flowing into your body, boosting your metabolism and aiding in weight loss.
5. Place the jar on your altar or another safe space in your home.
I would also recommend focusing on positive affirmations and visualization during your weight loss journey. Try visualizing yourself at your ideal weight, feeling confident and healthy. Repeat affirmations to yourself such as "I am strong and capable of achieving my weight loss goals" or "I release excess weight with ease and joy."
Remember to approach this spell with a positive mindset and a commitment to a healthy lifestyle. A spell can be a great tool, but it is not a substitute for hard work and dedication.
And once again, remember to always treat yourself and your body with kindness on your journey towards your health goals. Your worth is not determined by your weight or size, and your body deserves love and care no matter what. Incorporating positive affirmations and self-love rituals into your routine can help shift your mindset towards a more positive and empowering perspective. Focus on nourishing your body with healthy and balanced meals, practicing movement that feels good for you, and celebrating your progress no matter how small.
I hope this helps you on your weight loss journey 💕 Best of luck to you!
🌞 If you enjoy my posts, please consider donating to my energies 🌞
✨🔮 Request a Tarot Reading Here 🔮✨
With love, from a Sappy Witch 🔮💕
Blessed be. 🕊️✨
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sayhoneysiren · 2 years
astrology/zodiac ask game❣️
send emojis to my inbox to ask me questions
🍭do you resonate with your zodiac sun sign? if yes what qualities do you relate to. if no what other sign do you relate more with?
🌝 what is your rising sign?
🧊 what is your sun sign?
🪷 what is your moon sign?
🥰 what is your favorite thing about your sun/moon/rising sign?
😡 what do you dislike about your sun/moon/rising sign?
🦋 what zodiac signs do you get along most with, why?
❌what zodiac signs do you get along least with, why?
🔥 what do you think of fire signs? (Aries, Leo, or Sag)
🍀 what do you think of earth signs? (Virgo, Taurus, or Capricorn)
💦 what do you think of water signs? (Cancer, Pisces, or Scorpio)
😈 what do you think of air signs? (Aquarius, Libra, or Gemini)
🖤 what signs would you Marry/Kiss & Kill
🙄 what are the most annoying misconceptions about your zodiac sign?
🍒what are the best things you hear about your sign?
🌈 if you could choose new placements what Sun/Moon/Rising combination would you choose for yourself?
👁 share a fun fact about your birth chart placement?
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brightgnosis · 1 year
Good evening! I’m a new follower and I have been really enjoying the takes on your blog. As an ex-Mormon, one thing that caught my eye was that you describe yourself as a Mormon folk practitioner. Do you mind elaborating either what that means to you or what that may entail? Only if you feel comfortable, of course! (Also, I sincerely hope you feel better soon!)
Hello! Your comment on one of my posts was very sweet, thank you! And no, I don't mind talking about Mormon Folk Healing at all! I think it's actually a really important part of our history that's been stolen from us that more people deserve to know about.
A lot of people are unaware that Mormonism is a syncretic religion that blends Christianity, Ceremonial Occultism, and English (and Welsh and Irish variants of) Cunningways. And as a part of that, they are likewise unaware that Old Mormonism had a rich healing practice which sat at the center of the faith until actually quite recently.
Mormon Healing was a blend of Indigenous and Old Word Herbal Healing + Prayer, Baptisms, and Oil Blessings based on Biblical scripture + English / Irish / Welsh Cunningways. And it formed two major lines of practice: A robust Temple Ritual and Liturgy practiced by both Lay and Clergy alike (predominantly centered around Nauvoo) -- and a robust Folk Healing Practice participated in predominantly by the Lay People (especially after Nauvoo was decentralized); neither were seen as superior, but the later rose out of the former based on accessibility as the Mormons moved Westward, and the Church actively supported both variations of the practice.
Originally it was practiced by all genders within the Church, and all were ordained with both Healing and Prophetic abilities during their Priesthood Blessings. As time progressed, though, it became the primary domain of Mormon Women even within the Temple variants- with them being the ones to not only perform Bathings and Baptisms, but also to even pass on the remaining liturgy to other women. Eventually, however, it was near-completely abandoned and the (by that time) two remaining rituals were consolidated under the male Priesthood entirely in the 1920's; the primary of those two remaining rituals is the Pouring of the Oil ceremony- which is a ceremony Elder DO has openly spoken about, at minimum, at least as recently as the 2010 General Conference.
If you're interested in learning more about the really interesting (and now nearly erased) magical syncretism of Mormonism and its rituals, I have quite a few suggestions and links floating around here as I putter about my own research into the topic- including 'Visions in a Seer Stone: Joseph Smith and the Making of the Book of Mormon' by William Davis and 'By Our Rites of Worship: Latter-Day Saint Views on Ritual in History, Scripture, and Practice', by Jonathan Stapley (my Library has more books on Mormonism in the "Abrahamic" category), plus my "Mormon Folk Healing" tag. There's also a lot still left in my que, since I'm actually still in the process of moving over content from my old blog.
I'm an ex-Mo Apostate, however. My name has been formally stricken from the records, and it took me a lot of time to get that formalized. So while I do practice these rituals, I don't personally do so as a Mormon- but from a historical perspective as someone whose Ancestors were some of the first Mormons and therefore claims Right-to-Magical-Inheritance. And I practice all of my Christian syncretic magics (including my likewise unsanctioned Braucherei) in the names of HaShem, Adam, and Chava, in honor of my Jewish ancestors from Ukraine.
Thank you for the well wish <3 I really appreciate it! If you have any more questions about it, feel free to ask them!
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Witchcraft Ask Game - April
I'm bored and I want asks so I'm starting an ask game. Feel free to send questions or reblog! I'll try to post one of these every month.
1. What's your moral stance on love spells?
2. Have you ever had a "paranormal" experience? If so, please describe it.
3. Share your favorite plant and some of your personal correspondences associated with it.
4. Share your favorite animal and some of your personal correspondences associated with it.
5. Share your favorite gemstone/crystal/rock and some of your personal correspondences associated with it.
6. Would you ever consider charging money for a working or spell (aside from divination readings)? Why or why not?
7. Have you ever had a "psychic" experience? If so, please describe.
8. Do you consider yourself initiated, by either group, self, or spirit initiation? Share your experience if you're comfortable doing so.
9. What's a skill that you want to learn but haven't gotten around to yet?
10. What are you currently reading and/or what's next on your reading list?
11. Share a photo of your favorite tool(s) and describe what you use them for.
12. In relation to your practice, would you ever consider taking on a teaching role? Why or why not?
13. Do you have any ongoing projects? Please describe.
14. Has an acquaintance or stranger in real life ever asked you if you're a witch?
15. What do you consider to be your greatest skill?
16. Is there a common practice or skill that you're really interested in but have trouble with? Please describe.
17. What's your opinion on treating household pets as familiars?
18. How open are you with friends, family, colleagues/acquaintances, etc. when it comes to your practice?
19. Is there a part of your practice that you perform daily or very often? If so, please describe.
20. What's your favorite holiday and how do you celebrate?
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wizardsaur · 5 months
Yo I searched up spells saw you’re page and was wondering if u got anything/spells for someone to communicate like I mean text or call me I’ve tried a couple but no result do u think u got any high efficiency ones :)
Hmmmm. No. I don't. But I'm willing to come up with one, I just need to know the context of why you want them to contact you, so I can incorporate that into the correspondence & make it custom for your situation.
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jaerybee · 1 year
Question for witches
Hello, so i was wondering if people had a preference between tangible or incorporeal craft and spell work. and what peoples general outcomes are and if you find they differ. My practice has always been very earthbound ive always found it a good way to feel grounded and connected with my craft and dieties.  this might be the tism talking but for me spells dont feel complete without some tactility to them. I was just wondering if anyone has a predominant non-physical craft and what there experience is? Or just what other witches experiences and opinions are? 
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grey-sorcery · 2 years
I just came across your witchcraft blacklist and had a genuine question. Why avoid theosophy? I know next to nothing about it, but was curious why that was part of the blacklist. Also, New Age. I thought witchcraft classified as New Age? Or perhaps I'm mistaken?
The Theosophy Society is rooted in appropriation and imperialism. They had headquarters all over the globe, especially in India. The organization is mostly responsible for the spreading and consolidation of western occultism (hermetic alchemy and ceremonial magic) by taking many eastern practices out of their cultural context and combining them with western thought. A lot of their influence is still heavily prevalent today. They are also tied almost directly with New Thought, which is ableist, racist, and extremely classist. A lot of the well known Theosophical occult authors wrote under an array of pseudonyms, many of which were of ethnicities that said authors were not. The subject takes a lot to research, but I highly recommend it.
Witchcraft (and other mystical practices) predate the New Age movement by a substantial degree. As time ebbs forwards the line between them grows thinner. New Age thought and New Thought are simple and easy to entice. They both rely on flowery and aesthetic vernacular like good vibration, higher resonances, etc. New Age relies entirely off of visualization and the law of attraction, which are not only ableist and classist, but aren���t even magical practices. Because of this, it was very simple and almost natural for it to influence mystical practice. These practices are also fascist-pipelines and inevitably lead to antisemitism and historical erasure/white washing. The influence started through crystal workings and discussions of psychic abilities. Both of which can definitely be a part of witchcraft practices; however, not to the extent in which they are framed in such new age practices.
I’ve made a post about this subject specifically.
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belladonna-moon · 9 months
I'm tryin to find the true witch n me and how do I know wht kind if witch I am?
Well, it’s gonna take some time. First thing to do is to pinpoint what immediately catches your eye. Is it divination? Herbs? Candles? Make a list. Secondly, start researching your interests and practicing them little by little (Be careful not to overwhelm yourself with research or even practice, be mindful of your limits and please be safe). Then, you can expand your research and study things out of our list in order to explore more options. Sometimes we overlook practices and find it to be an important part of our craft in the future. It’s all about exploring and trying things out (And please be respectful and mindful of closed practices/cultures). As time goes by you’re gonna be able to tell what makes your practice more enjoyable for you and what you don’t really want to be a part of it. You can’t really rush your path but don’t worry, I promise you the answers will come eventually <3
And as a last reminder: Your practice doesn’t have to look anything like other practitioners’ practices or paths, it’s supposed to suit *you* not others
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theblasianwitch · 1 year
hey! I've been interested in pop culture deities. One in particular is Huā Chéng. I feel like he's been calling to me. The problem is that I'm white, and have no idea if it's alright for me to even respond to the calling. Do you have any advice?
I had to do a quick search to know who you were talking about. I actually haven't watched Heaven's Official Blessing. I don't want to speak too much into it as I'm not even sure if he is a true deity, but perhaps a representation of some folklore or other deities within the culture.
Given that aspect, my advice would be to do a bit more research of them. What is he based off of? Who does he represent? Is the connection from an open or closed practice? Is he perhaps an ancient forgotten deity? All questions to consider. When I did a based on search the story is connected to Taoism (which is an open practice) and he is more of a representation of "all gods" so I'm not sure what direction to point you in. I may have to watch the show myself between work and childcare lol
I will say though, if a deity is calling to you, it is good to at least acknowledge the call and accept their presence in your life so long as you have a good intuition for them. Given he may be a combination of Taoist gods, it may be good to look into the Taoist pantheon and see who sticks out to you for a clearer picture
YouTube rec for Taoist witch is Benebel Wen
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thewoodbine · 1 year
hi there!! so… i’m a *baby* witch, like just starting to seriously research, and i’m finding myself very overwhelmed. i have a million questions about where to start, but i don’t really know what sources/websites/books/people to trust. do you have any recommendations? you seem to have a very secure/balanced approach to your craft so i figured i would ask you. thank you in advance!!
Honestly there's a ton of resources out there but I'd high recommend the series of The Inner Temple of Witchcraft by Christopher Penzak. It's not perfect but it'll give you all the basics you need in a structured and linear way so you don't have important gaps or suddenly hit a dead end.
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poisonnxkki · 1 year
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Hi @loverofhairymen sorry it’s taken me so long to reply to this message. I hope my response is helpful.
I don’t know if I would recommend books that are specifically meant for shadow work. I’m sure there are some good witchy books out there, but I personally didn’t start with witchcraft related books. I read books meant for self development instead. I find this route to be super helpful in broadening the horizons. I know that prompts for self reflection are popular but self help books have provided me with a framework to make real changes in my life. I’m a firm believer in the phrase “mundane before magical” and I think this is a topic which illustrates that perfectly. Although you can go the witchy route in shadow work, it is also possible to go a more mundane route. I will list a couple books at the bottom which I found helpful and might be a good place for you to start.
Books (in no particular order):
The 4 Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck by Mark Manson
Atomic Habits by James Clear
Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents by Lindsey C. Gibson (this book is meant for adults with narcissistic or toxic parents. If you are still in your teens, this book might not be as appealing or helpful to you, but I thought I would include it anyway)
The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
For the rest of my followers, please feel free to comment or reblog with some books that you found helpful. Sharing is caring!
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poison-uwu · 1 year
What’s your fav witchy crystal or herb?
Herbs ~ ATM it's gotta be Mugwort or Tulsi (Holy Basil)
Crystals ~ Iolite, Charoite, Phantom Quartz, Genuine Citrine, Green Amethyst + some others ☺️
Thanks for asking !! (If you want a pick of any let me know 👀)
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witchesbe-like · 2 years
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