#Yasha Nydoorin x reader
railroad-migraine · 1 year
Hello! I was wondering if you could write a Mighty Nein version of the hiding in the alley together Bell's hells scenario you wrote? I really loved your Bell's hells one! Thanks!
Thank you darling! I love that post so much too 🥰
Bell's Hells version 💙
Tight Squeeze (hiding in an alley together)
Beau 💜
You're standing on her toes, and her elbow is poking harshly into your side, and you both just don't know where to look. "Sorry, I'll scoot over a little bit-" "No, wait, hang on a sec-" Awkward scrambling ensues. You whisper and try to convince her to put up with the closeness until you guys are safe, but she. Just. Won't. Listen. Eventually, her squirming has you both off centre and reaching for each other for balance, and she murmurs a quiet: "... oh."
Beau isn't a romantic, never has been, and she's never really gazed into someone's eyes as purposefully as she is right now. You're fucking gorgeous. How has she never stopped to just look at you before? Have you always been so... You blink in confusion as she seems to soften, ever so slightly, calming down enough to breathe in sync with you.
You feel a palm drag itself up your arm, up, up, up until she finally cradles your jaw. And you both stand there, unmoving, for who knows how long, before she eventually tears herself away from you and the alley with a grumble. You take a moment to recover from the intense look in her eye, running after Beau only when she calls your name to hurry up.
Caleb 💜
His mouth is puckered in a tight frown as he looks anywhere but your face. It's an incredibly tight squeeze where you've found yourselves, so narrow that you're effectively pinning the wizard to the wall behind him. Your palms rest flat at either side of his neck and his hands have curled into little fists between your chests. Your heartbeat is thundering in your ears - or maybe it's Caleb's - you're not quite sure whose it is when you're this close together.
It's incredibly quiet. Awkward, even. So you say something. Anything. A stupid comment on how this is like a cheesy scene in one of the awful smutty books that's been passed around the group, and he can't help but huff a laugh and try to hold back an amused smile. His shoulders relax and he rests his head against the wall to finally get a better look at you, and something makes you lean your head towards him, following his lead. His lips part slightly as you move closer and-
Nott/Veth calling both your names from outside the alley jerks your faces apart, and Caleb very hurriedly inches away from you. "We should, ah..." He reluctantly shuffles towards the road, adjusts unkempt hair and smooths down the front of his coat, fingers twisting the buttons shyly. "W-we should go join the others, ja?" His heart sings at the simple touch of you linking pinkies with him. It's a quiet message he doesn't need to worry about deciphering.
Fjord 💜
"Beggin' your pardon." You can't help but snort. Even in times of peril, in situations where you're taking cover from the intense fighting outside of alleyways, Fjord still manages to treat you well and act the perfect gentleman. He shushes you, smiling himself, and it briefly feels like you're the only two people in the world - except for those in the battle mere feet away from your hiding spot.
His eyes soften as you share a secret grin with him, but not in the way you'd like. He clears his throat, peeks out of the gap of the alley."Look, I know this isn't an ideal situation but..." You say his name sweetly, urge him to look up from the ground to meet your gaze, and you see colour quickly spread across his neck in embarrassment. He swallows thickly and looks away, and breathes out the quietest shuddering sigh.
A hesitant hand reaches out for yours, and you grip it tight before he can regret taking the leap. The rest of the Nein find you both in that same position minutes later once the battle had officially ended and it was safe to leave, all tangled fingers and soft gazes. Fjord never wants to let go.
Jester 💜
"Are you gonna kiss me?" She's a little cross eyed, a little flushed and out of breath, and so so pretty this close up. Her eyes flick between your own, both your noses just barely grazing. "It feels like now would be a good time to kiss me." And it does.
But the moment is ruined when a swarm of soldiers charges right by the alley's entrance, and Jester lunges forward to hug you close. Together you find yourselves huddled further in the shadows while the enemy runs right by your hiding spot. She's so soft in your arms, perfect - it's like she belongs there - and you want to tell her that, but saying so out loud would easily blow your cover. So you settle for keeping her close, a hand in her hair while she ducks her head under your chin.
You wait until the last soldier has gone before you reluctantly remove yourself from the tiefling (who visibly pouts) and peek outside the alley. Once the coast is clear, you look over your shoulder, only to find Jester already looping arms with you. She smiles, this time confidently, and you enter daylight once more with no mention of the almost-kiss.
Mollymauk 💜
He doesn't say a word. Which, y'know, is ideal when skulking about in an abandoned alley, away from prying eyes of spies and mercenaries - but the way how Mollymauk is not-so-subtly glancing your way every few seconds is awfully distracting. You lightly push against his chest, tell him in a hushed voice to stop smirking so much, that this is a very serious situation. "What? Can I not look at you now? Can I not enjoy the little things while we fear for our lives? Who knows when I'll see something so lovely again~"
You push him again, a little more forcefully this time, and he actually barks a laugh, sways back to you and tilts his head with sticky fondness. There's a sudden commotion nearby - heavily armoured folk who suddenly look in the direction of the sound and touch their weapons suspiciously. Quick thinking in the moment has you press your body closely to Molly's, making your forms fit within shadow, and cover his mouth with your hand.
And he's silent again, but his expression has changed. He never looks away from you, nor you him, both of you holding breaths in anticipation - of being discovered, or of something more passionate, you are not completely sure - but the moment is never interrupted. When all is safe and sound once more after the hired fighters evacuate the nearby area, he slowly peels your hand away and presses a single, simple touch of his lips to your palm. It's barely even a kiss, but you don't mind. It's nothing. It's something. It's a promise.
Yasha 💜
She's... Well, you already knew that she was tall before this, but you never really knew exactly how tall Yasha was until you were up against each other in a tiny alleyway in some fancy town neither of you know the name of. It's a small space, and there are hired thugs sniffing around town looking for you and the Nein, but you feel so safe with the barbarian - a protective barrier between you and the rest of the world. Your face warms at the thought.
She peers down at you with a blank expression, and you expect awkward silence, but she surprises you with: "Well this is quite cosy, isn't it?" It's dark in the alley, but she can see the wrinkles by your eyes when you smile at her. Good. That'll ease the tension immensely... And the slightly nervous pitter patter of her heart.
Despite it all, she's a little flustered being so close to you. It's weirdly intimate caging you in, and she curses under her breath quietly when you look away bashfully and bite your lip with a grin. She's obviously done something right when you gently rest a hand on her arm and ease her wandering mind. She still feels that touch hours after, and wonders if you're thinking of it too.
Kingsley 💜
You don't want to admit it, but you're panicking. What started off as a cheeky side quest quickly spiralled into a catastrophe, and you now find yourself in a claustrophobic space with bad guys on your tails, and you have grazed knees after tripping earlier and you're stuck with your most charming friend who looks at you like he loves you, and it's all too much, and- "Hey, keep your eyes on me."
Kingsley is holding your face in his hands, and you can barely make out his crimson eyes in the dark, but you know he's giving you that look again. "We're gonna be fine, we're gonna get out of this. I'll buy you a drink later, you'll see." You want to believe him, even as your heart drums loudly in your chest, leftover adrenaline dulling in your veins. You follow his lead, breathe in, and breathe out as you move to hold the wrists of his hand that are cupping your face still. You find calm, and he looks proud. Maybe it's only a shadow of an expression in the dark though.
Instead of leading you back towards the ship, Kingsley takes you by the hand and dances around the crowded marketplace towards a quiet tavern on the outskirts of town. He reaches out and holds the door open for you, and grins when you look puzzled."I owe you a drink, remember?"
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a-writes3 · 6 months
i took a huge break on here but please send in requests i want to start writing again! people i write for is on my pinned post! i only write for women/ non binary characters.
adding the characters from the critical role campaigns to the list of characters i write for as well!
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randoimago · 5 months
Hi! Could you please write an Essek-Caleb-reader poly and separately a Yasha-Beau-Reader poly where the reader REALLY wants to make the holiday dinner, but is a clumsy chef and occasionally gets a small burn or cut? Thank you!!
Clumsy Chef Reader Making Dinner
Fandom: Critical Role
Character(s): Caleb Widogast, Essek Thelyss, Yasha Nydoorin, Beauregard Lionette
Warning(s): Blood, Light injuries
Note(s): Sure thing, here you go!!
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They both try not to hover, but they can't help hovering now and then. While they trust your determination, they don't trust your dexterity. Essek is the one that worries more, being more meticulate about things. Caleb notices that it's starting to make you a bit jittery with their hovering so he pulls Essek away to give you space.
While neither are healers in any copacity, there are potions and bandages on hand. Anytime you cuss or hiss in pain due to a new cut, you can expect one of the wizards to be by your side. Essek being the one to tenderly take your hands in his while he cleans your cut and applies the bandage. Caleb tutting and murmuring in Zemnian, probably light scolding, as he inspects the wound before fixing it too.
When the food is finally done (which would have been done much sooner if you had accepted Caleb's offer of using the cats), the two are complimenting you on the cooking and how much work you put into this. They are going to make sure that you have someone else in the kitchen from now on because neither of their hearts can take the amount of bandages you have covering your hands and arms.
Yasha is usually the one that cooks and she's more chaotic in the way that you have no idea what weird creature you'll be eating. So when you take over, the two can't help being intrigued as well as very supportive as you work.
Definitely fussing over you if you get a cut. If you complain about blood in the food then you'll hear Yasha saying, "It adds seasoning, don't worry my love." and Beau adding, "It's more fun if it gets a tad bloody" (which you don't quite know what she's referring to and decide it's best not to ask).
Both of them have experience with bandages up wounds too so while you have Yasha and Beau switching who's feeding you (because you put the work in making it, so they're going to feed you), the other is holding your hands delicately as they place bandages and salves on you.
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Taglist: @unhelpfulnpc
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packing-n-punching · 1 year
Rules and Regulations (Writing)
Minors DNI - Ageless Blogs will be BLOCKED (soz it’s for your own good x)
Currently taking Requests for...
THE LAST OF US - Ellie/Dina/Tess/Abby
CRITICAL ROLE - Vex/Keyleth/Pike/Yasha/Beau/Jester/Fearne/Imogen
What I’ll write...
Smut (Consensual and dub-con)
Fluffy shit
Angsty shit
WLW/NBLW/NBLNB (soz men, my lesbian ass hates writing for y’all xx)
What I won’t write...
or Incest
Please note, I’ll be taking requests at my own discretion and if I find your ask makes me uncomfortable, I’ll not answer it/respond. 
Knight Abby Anderson x Plus Size Princess Reader - Chapter 2
Dina x Reader (In universe one shot)
Twilight AU Ellie x Reader x Abby (Love Triangle Part 1)
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icarusthefoolish · 1 year
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The Mighty Nein Masterlist
Caleb Widogast
Nothing here yet...
Beauregard Lionett
Nothing here yet...
Jester Lavorre
Nothing here yet...
Fjord Stone
Nothing here yet...
Caduceus Clay (Platonic only!)
Nothing here yet...
Mollymauk Tealeaf
Blooming flowers, blooming feelings
Veth Brenatto / Nott the Brave
Nothing here yet...
Kingsley Tealeaf
Nothing here yet...
Yasha Nydoorin
Nothing here yet...
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The start of a fic set in regards to a conversation that happened between my partner and me in regards to Tieflings using their tails for various things.
M9 x Reader
slight mollymauk x reader
slightly suggestive but that's up to interpretation
Find it on AO3
You were staring. You knew it. Molly knew it. Everyone knew it and it was starting to get weird. 
It wasn’t the first time Molly had been stared at, being part of a carnival for a while, but the Nein were a bit more cautious about where they looked so as to not garner unwanted attention. Yet here you were; deep in thought, unmoving, and staring at his tail. At first he thought you were just staring into space so he started moving the appendage back and forth to be sure, only to have your eyes follow its every move. 
Glancing towards the rest of the crew with a smirk he lifts his tail to eye height, your eyes faithfully following.
“Glad you were able to find my eyes darling.”
“Why don’t you use your tail as a whip?”
He freezes at the random sentence. “I — What?”
You finally focus on his face. “Your tail. Why don’t you use it as a whip? I’ve seen both you and Jester lash your tails fairly quickly and it's about the width of my whip.” You place your bullwhip on the table, unwrapping part of it. 
Jester was the first to recover “That would hurt tho.” 
You look over. “Not if you wrap or braid it with leather or something. You’d essentially be making a new piece of armor that protects your tail. Plus you could probably find a blacksmith and get a piece of metal that you could place over the end that would be sharper to help deal damage.” 
“Almost like a stinger on a wasp.” Yasha responds, entering the conversation. “You could grapple with your arms and wrap around with your tail.” 
“Even without wrapping I feel like it wouldn’t be too different from clotheslining someone with an arm.” Beau leans forward, now entrenched in the idea. 
You nod. “It would probably hurt more than that, considering that the amount of contact would be smaller.”
“We could even get different things to attach to the end!” Jester states, pulling out her sketchbook and scribbling down some ideas while muttering to herself.  
Molly, finally snapping out of it, leans forward onto the table. “Your brain never ceases to amaze darling. Where did this come from?” 
You stare at him in confusion, slowly raising the bullwhip from the table. “You have something attached to your ass that looks like a shorter version of my main weapon of choice. I have seen you actively move it however you want. Why are you so surprised I asked this question?” 
Beau laughs. “Molly they say the most out of pocket shit that I have ever heard. You can’t be surprised by this. Between the threats of shaving people bald, wanting to make mimics their pet, and responding to things with random noises that make no sense, I'm just happy there’s some logic in this one.” 
Fjord, Caleb, and Nott sit down with new drinks, Nott speaking up first. “We making fun of Y/N and their mannerisms?” Jester jumps in, quickly explaining the small conversation that had happened while they were away, leaving you able to lean over to Molly. 
“You know, I could just braid a fabric around your tail for fun.” 
Molly looks back to you. “Oh?” 
“Wrap it up, put some charms on the fabric. Could even do so as to match the rest of your attire. Doesn’t have to be a defensive thing.” 
Molly smirks. “Was this just a long con to be able to play with my tail darling? You know all you need to do is ask.” 
You shrug with a smile, a glint in your eye that Molly quite enjoys. “But now Jester has an option to use to get alone time with a certain green someone.” 
Molly barks a laugh “Oh you clever little thing you.” All you respond with is an eyebrow wiggle as you drink your ale. 
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demigoddessqueens · 1 year
Could you write something with a reader who is really awkward and shy about touching their s/o? Maybe the first time they brush their hand against their s/o for the very first time and how they would react? Please make this one about percy, vax, molly, yasha and beau if you can? im just in love with them lately 💕
This is so cute 🥹! Also Mighty Nein my beloveds!!
He’s not as used to such open affection but he’s coming around to it. Percy knows it’s not your strong suit but he’s EXTREMELY patient with you and welcomes the gentle touches. Complete with the shy flushed smile he fails to hide
Thinks it’s the most precious thing about you, and gives you as much time and space that you need. Even if you are feeling bold on particular days, he can’t help but place a small kiss on your hand/along your fingers.
Used to being the loud and center of attention, your shyness is a complement to the tiefling’s behavior. Still, he has soft praises to offer along with cheeky compliments. And he can’t help but wrap that tail around you with a purr.
She is more of the bold type and can’t help but tease you a little in the shyness. Sure she may try to hold your hand as a “next step” but she respects your boundaries, and still wants to see that other smile on your face.
Your hand unknowingly brushed hers and through rapid apologies you see her expressions soften. Her story is not lost on you, and eventually you relent and ease into holding her hand.
A soothing voice of “it’s ok, I know.” puts you at ease and soon your grip tightens day by day around hers.
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hymn-of-muse · 9 months
Not My Flower.
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a Yasha x Reader requested by @botanicalbard
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"tell me, bard. you've been seen with the nein quite often, you're familiar with them, yes? tell me all you know of them." a man demanded in a low tone, face obscured by shadow in the dimly lit room.
you'd left the tavern after you and your friends had a few drinks, all you wanted was a bit of fresh air as the ale started to take affect on you. you we not expecting, however, to be grabbed from behind and dragged into the alleyway next to the tavern, a hand silencing you and arms holding you firm so you couldnt run away.
the next thing you knew, you found yourself in a small room, windows covered up and the lighting too dim to make out any doorway outline, unless it was behind where you sat on a stool, ankles restrained and hands tied at the wrist around the support beam you were leaning against.
a man, clearly trying to intimidate you into talking about your friends weaknesses and secrets, stood over you with his arms crossed. you could hear someone in the corner shift, so you knew it wasnt just him here.
"i'll ask you again-"
"no i heard you" you interrupted "im just not sure what it is specifically you want to know, i mean theyre a lovely bunch, sure, but you cant just be so vague, do you want me to give you an introduction for each individual? i can do that in song!" you told him smugly
"what?" he gave a confused look upon your sudden compliance "no-no, no songs, just tell me-"
"are you sure? i got a really good one! oh! or i could sing you a tale of the mighty nein's greatest adventures thus far! what a brave and interesting party of beings they are, like this one time-"
"stop that!" the man snapped, agitated by your interruptions and clear attempt at stalling him for more time. "enough of your games, bard, just tell me what i ask of you and nothing more. if you comply, we'll consider letting you go unharmed. got it?"
"come on, you went through all this effort and all you want is a little information? why not a whole story, huh? not even one song? all you want is small talk? thats so boooring" you groaned, putting emphasis on the 'o' in boring.
the man gave a grunt of frustration as he grabbed hold of your shirt collar and got all threatening in your face. "shut up! just tell me each of their weaknesses, secrets, some information i can ACTUALLY use!"
"one, ew your breath smells. two, nah thats lame. besides, by now they likely know im gone and will come looking for me. you made a huge mistake thinking i was a good kidnapping choice." you chuckled, still smug as ever.
"yeah? what makes you so sure they'll find you?" he grumbled.
"because the barbarian's my girlfriend, and she can get really physical when shes angry"
"heh, you think youre safe? youre not going anywhere till i get something outta you" he glared, raising a fist to throw a punch just when the door swung open with a crash, breaking it off its hinges.
in the doorway now stood yasha after she'd kicked in the door, the light outside illuminating the room and as she stepped in with heavy foot falls, the anger on her face was clear as day. she gave an icy cold glare to the man who's fish was frozen in the air.
"how did you..?" the other person in the corner finally spoke up with a weak voice.
"your neighbors made a noise complaint" yasha stated, storming closer to the man who threatened you a minute before as he stumbled back and reached for a weapon to defend himself with.
when he tried to swing a club at her, she grabbed it and tore it out of his hands, tossing it to the side and grabbing him by the arm. she swung him around and threw him into the other person, knocking them both out on impact when the hit the wall.
"are you hurt?" yasha asked you as she quickly moved to undo your restraints, a gentle hand moving to the side of your face to make sure you were alright. the look of concern on her face said everything.
"i knew you'd find me" you smiled sweetly at her, leaning your head into her warm hand as her shoulders dropped in relief.
"of course i did. i wouldnt let anyone hurt you." she spoke with a light chuckle to her voice, hoisting you into her arms and walking out of the room as she carried you. "not my flower."
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reblogs are appreciated! im sorry this took a while to get done! /g
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Give me your recs of Reader x Mighty Nein fic. Or Reader x Vox Machina. A girl has needs and I'm literally in love with them all so all characters are welcome.
And if there are none, so help me god, I'll make it.
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Orrrrrrr reader x overwatch? (i.e. Moira, Mercy, Cassidy, Pharah)
Shakarian? Shrios?
Fenhawke? Alistair x Warden?
I beg.
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basalt-deltas · 9 months
Requests are OPEN!
Fandoms I write for — Spiderverse, Valorant, Life Series, Hermitcraft, Critical Role, Hazbin Hotel
Spiderverse — Miguel O’Hara, Hobie Brown, Pavitr Prabhakar, Gwen Stacy, any of the live action Spidermen, Peter B. Parker, Spiderman Noir, MJ (Zendaya version only SORRY), Miles Morales (both of em) Valorant — Phoenix, Yoru, Cypher, Jett, Gekko, Omen, Skye, Nanobomb, KAY/O Vox Machina — Percy De Rolo, Vax'ildan, Vex'ahlia, Keyleth, Pike Trickfoot, Scanlan Shorthalt, Grog Mighty Nein — Caleb Widogast, Mollymauk Tealeaf, Jester Lavorre, Yasha Nydoorin, Beauregard Lionett, Fjord, Nott the Brave, Caduceus Clay, etc Hermitcraft — Just ask, I'm too tired to put all the sillies in here Life series — Again, just ask :thumbs up: Hazbin Hotel — Angel Dust, Alastor, Lucifer, Charlie, Vaggie, Adam, basically the whole cast
Reader — I’m best at male!reader, but I’ll also do fem!reader, gnc!reader, and trans!reader! Fear not, I am trans also!
Usual Genres — Angst, fluff, idk what does genres even mean. Punk Rock???
What I will write!!
⇨ character x reader (2nd person, you/yours, no y/n) ⇨ character x character (I won’t do certain ships, ask me first!!) ⇨ canon or canon-divergent ⇨ headcanon scenarios ⇨ character headcanons ⇨ oneshots ⇨ platonic, romantic, or familial ⇨ multiple requests from the same person ⇨ poly relationships ⇨ make canon cis/het characters queer ! ⇨ reader/characters with mental illness as long as it’s not romanticising or Weird about it (??) ⇨ Suggestive / 16+
What I will NOT write!!
⇨ NSFW / 18+ ⇨ other people’s ocs (SORRY) ⇨ yandere or other kinds of abusive/toxic relationships ⇨ anything with substance abuse as the main theme ⇨ child!reader in fics, mentioning it in familial fics/hcs is okay though ⇨ suicide, self/harm. severe depression, or similar topics as the main focus ⇨ anything proship or illegal ⇨ anything disregarding canon LGBTQ identities (making a gay character straight, a trans character cis, etc)
When requesting…
PLEASE BE AS SPECIFIC AS POSSIBLE!! Tell me everything you want, specify if you want me to take some creative liberties, please I am so bad with unspecific directions!!! I will not dm to clarify if you’re not on anon
You can specify if you want me to post your request anonymously or with your ask attached !! If you don’t specify, I’ll just assume yes and I’ll attach your ask
I will answer whatever question you have!! About pretty much anything :D
PLEASE just. Don’t be a dick. I am not being paid to write for you!!! And I do this on my own time!!!
To check if your request is being written/worked on, check my works in progress!!
Everything above applies to requests!! If I write something by myself that breaks the rules, it’s because I want to and I can
masterlist (none yet) | pinned post | works in progress (none yet)
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railroad-migraine · 1 year
Oooo could you also do a M9 version of the post-intense battle kiss?
Yes. Yes I can. Prepare yourselves for many, many kisses.
I've now written this scenario three times - it's been so much fun, thank you guys for the support <3 Ughh it gives me such a gooey feeling, this 💕 This is also my longest set of headcanons (8 characters involved) and was a labour of love. I hope you enjoy and please do reblog, it's much appreciated xx
~ Poet
Bell's Hells version ✨ Crown Keepers version
After-Battle Surprise Smooch ft. Kingsley and Essek
Beau 💜
She's panting as if the ambush the party just experienced was nothing more than a heavy workout, and she's attempting to brush away the stray flyaways of hair that cling to her forehead. There's a slight flush to Beau's cheeks, her heartbeat is racing - and yours is too. You swallow heavily and step into her space, and tug on her robes to gain her attention. She offers a scratchy "Yeah?" before you take a leap of faith and make a move.
The moment your mouth connects with hers, she turns as stiff as a board for a hot second. All lean muscle and calloused edges, the softness of your gesture has her tensing up while her brain buffers in a post-fight haze. You sigh through your nose, hand cupping her cheek as you lean back and grin and she blinks at you owlishly before returning it easily.
She ducks forward, her hands skirting the edges of your coat back to tuck her fingertips under the hem of your shirt, attempting to steal some of your warmth for herself. It's grounding. She kisses your temple, breathes against your cheek as her eyes slide shut. She allows herself a laugh when you suggest she pay more attention to your lips.
Caleb 💜
The wizard is propped up against a pillar of the temple the Nein had come across, and in the distance he can still hear (and smell) the sizzling remains of the evil cult members he had to take down with a fire spell minutes prior. He sniffs and wipes the dribble of blood from his nose with the back of his palm as you settle down on the ground at his side. It's gotten easier, facing the aftermath of fights ever since you came into his life. Your joints ache and your heart still is thumping in your chest, body still on high alert even though it's all over. He looks at you, concern in his blue eyes, and Caleb must also share the anticipation, meeting you in the middle for a kiss.
You pinch his chin between your fingers and tilt his head to the side, and then they slide into his hair just as his body completely melts into you. It's not a frantic kiss, not rushed nor explosive. But it is practiced and passionate, languid and drawn out as he follows your lead.
The man has the audacity to whimper into your mouth when your fingers tease and tangle themselves into the hair at the nape of his neck. You would have happily sat there kissing your wizard instead of taking a well earned long rest, but eventually he winces and draws back. You're both still in recovery mode, still injured and weak - you both know this. He gives you a small smile and kisses your cheek, mumbles something soft against your skin.
Fjord 💜
The party barely manages to escape the crumbling ruin after defeating the necromancer, and the sunlight is blinding when you reach the surface. Shaken, you quickly wrap your arms around Fjord's middle, seeking some sort of familiarity after all you had faced together. He freezes. You can't help but feel a little rejected and embarrassed when the kiss is cut short as he places a gentle but firm hand on your chest and leans back.
He's panting, remnants of the fear he experienced nearly dying at your side in the battle lingering still. He settles for holding your hand in his, pressing your knuckles to his lips with his eyes tightly shut. It's not your fault that the situation was a bit overwhelming. Being swept up in theatrics after encountering malevolent spirits had Fjord in a slight panic when you moved to kiss him. But it's okay now. You're both safe.
When his heart has a moment to slow and his eyes start to focus, you quickly become the most important thing in his vision. As quick as he's pushed you away, his hand moves to cradle the back of your head and he's pouring every ounce of himself into a proper kiss. He's so warm, his frame completely shielding you from the rest of the world. He mutters an apology into the miniscule gap between your faces, immediately closing the distance after for another.
Jester 💜
You're shaken out of your battle rage by an incredibly exaggerated and disgusted retch from behind you. You turn only to find Jester standing behind you with a scowl, lifting one leg to closely examine her boot. To her dismay, it's completely covered in giant spider remains. She wrinkles her nose at the sight, more annoyed than angry, grumbling about how she wouldn't have worn her new shoes if she'd known the party would be fighting giant spiders while out exploring.
With the way your blood is still fiery in your veins, and your dear tiefling's face is sulking endearingly, how can you not sweep her off her feet? You soften her mood immediately with a kiss. She goes up on her tippy toes, leaning into you enough that she's barely even making contact with the ground. Laughs into your mouth, and you can feel the upturn of her lips against your own.
She pulls away, tenderly reaches out to wipe at the shine of your mouth that she left behind. With a waggle of her eyebrows, she beams at you, says something clumsy and crude that makes you laugh. Squeals if you happen to lift her, spin just a little to ease the after-battle tensions, and she holds onto your shoulders with a vice grip - as if you'd ever drop her. She knows you love her too, especially considering she's covered in spider bits.
Molly 💜
The tiefling has the biggest toothy grin when you find him after the fight, his smile slightly faltering at the edges when he sees your stormy expression and stomp in your step as you get closer. Mollymauk is nursing a cut made on his arm from earlier, one of his own to ignite his bloodhunter powers, but it's also one that also nearly cost him his life. He's so incredibly careless sometimes, but you know it's because he cares so much - about his second chance at life, about the party, about you. He prepares himself to be scolded by you but is pleasantly surprised when you cup his face so delicately and give him the softest look, brushing your lips against his.
The best way to describe the kiss is that he takes his time, as if he desires to taste and savour you while he still has you. He is so gentle, almost lazy with the motion of it, even though it's after such an intense fight. His nose bumps yours briefly, and he's practically purring by the time one of your hands weaves itself into his hair.
But he's selfish, greedy too, and though your lungs cry out for oxygen you can't bring yourself to leave him wanting. A cheeky hand trails down your waist, past your hip until he can get a handful of your outer thigh. He gives a playful but comforting squeeze, a little and innocent thing compared to the way he's ravishing your mouth.
Yasha 💜
"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Her worried voice over the dissolving battle carries a tenderness that greatly contrasts the heavy sword she carries. You quickly clamber over debris when you spot her, a deeply emotional urge to just be close to your barbarian that began as kindling is now a roaring need. Your foot catches on the edge of an abandoned cart and gravity suddenly pulls you down.
Yasha reaches you and, having dropped her weapon, swoops just in time to keep you upright and unharmed. She's your constant balance, what keeps you grounded. By pure instincts alone, you thank her by crashing your mouth into hers. Your arms wind around her neck and your body is buzzing all over, electricity flitting along your skin and through your veins. Her eyelashes kiss in the corners of her eyes when she closes them, strong hands lovingly caress along your shoulder blades. Your mind, love-addled, barely registers the way her thumbs stroke back and forth there.
She lifts you a little bit, just enough that she supports your weight and your tippy toes are grazing the earth. She makes a noise in the back of her throat and breaks the kiss, her hair a little bit frazzled. "Well... that answers that. Heh."
BONUS: Kingsley 💜
It's pouring rain, storm clouds have engulfed the sky. You stand, soaked to the bone with your overcoat torn to shreds, over one of the many (now deceased) sea monsters that managed to scramble onboard the ship and attack you all. A victorious cry comes from the helm, and Kingsley victoriously lifts his sword high above his head as the crew cheer. He sees you amongst the fray and charges straight to you, about to assess you for wounds but it's hard for words to form when your mouth captures his.
So fucking eager. He wants to wrap himself around you, surround you, instinctively curling an arm around your back to keep you anchored to him. He's still so new to the world, new in general, but this - you - are so easy for him to adapt to. The kiss itself does not last as long as you would want, but he makes up for it with hasty and almost desperate smaller kisses to your cheek and jawline. It feels as though he's trying to imprint these fleeting touches into your skin, moulding into you, little memories of a moment of calm after the storm.
Kingsley holds you close to his body after that, cradling you into him while his eyes dart around the scene of battle with his chin perched on your shoulder protectively. His hair is matted and sopping wet and tickles your face, the buttons of his coat scrape harshly against your thin shirt, and you catch a glimpse of some of the crew averting their eyes - but you couldn't care less. Kingsley is living and breathing and here and yours.
BONUS: Essek 💜
This poor man. He's still getting used to the intensity of physical fights rather than diplomatic ones. His feet hit the ground and he stumbles to balance himself before you hold him by the elbow to steady him. His smile is wobbly, cocky but wobbles slightly as he thanks you. His white hair stands in all sorts of angles and there's a small cut above his brow, and you know it seems impossible but it post-battle Essek just does something to you and he has no time to react when you grip his collar and tug him towards you.
You quickly find he's just as desperate as yourself. His hands find your waist and smooth towards your back, fingertips pressed into the skin there and accidentally treading upon and brushing against bruises in the process of forming. You wince and he breaks the kiss, immediately concerned and hesitant, his touch turning gentle when he settles his hold on your hips instead.
You assure him you're okay, but he's not having it. He decides to go slow now, peppering small, lingering kisses to your face before he steps back and adjusts how his robes sit upon his shoulders. He looks cool and composed, and you want to hate him for it when you yourself feel so disheveled. Don't worry though - you'll get even with him later.
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randoimago · 1 year
This is agoraphobia Anon from a decent chunk of time ago, idk if you remember. Life has its ups and downs but I think I’m doing a lot better! In celebration of the can I have some headcannons for Molly, Caleb, Yasha and Jester reacting to the reader taking them somewhere on a date that involves navigating crowds? Reader is still nervous obviously but makes it through without panicking.
Agoraphobic S/O Taking Them on Date
Fandom: Critical Role
Character(s): Caleb Widogast, Jester Lavorre, Mollymauk Tealeaf, Yasha Nydoorin
Type of Request: Headcanons
Note(s): I do remember! I'm glad you're doing better!! Life is wild and it's nice to have a bit of respite from it. So I hope you enjoy these headcanons!!
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You told him you wanted to take him on a date and he agreed. He noticed you looked excited, yet nervous, but he didn't say anything as he trusted you and didn't want you to be more nervous.
When you began leading him into busier streets while holding his hand, he stayed silent. He wanted to speak up and make sure you're alright, but you looked determined. He didn't want you to lose your nerve when you're doing so well.
Caleb's face lit up when you took him to a bookstore that just opened. It wasn't the most crowded, but there were still a good bit of people wanting to see the newly-opened establishment. He noticed you seeming more nervous with all the people around and he gave your conjoined hands a light squeeze.
"Thank you for this," he'd say as he moves you to a section of the bookstore that is just the two of you. Despite the nerves, you manage a smile and he gave a bright one back. The idea that you did all of this for him. That you faced your fear for him. When you both are back in privacy, he'll happily tell you how much he loves you.
Jester had grabbed a newspaper for fun and to draw dicks and circle people's names that she thought are silly. She let out a pleased gasp as she read a part of it. "There's a new art museum opening today!"
She was definitely going to visit and promised she'd tell you all about it so you could experience it too in a different way. Instead you looked at her with a nervous smile stating, "Let's go."
Jester constantly peeked over at your expression as she swung your joined hands while you two walked to where the museum is. She filled the air with excited chattering in hopes the noise could help you focus on her and not the fact that you're outside and heading to a place that's likely to be really crowded.
"You know, we can just stay home and I can paint you some pretty pictures," she pipes up as she doesn't want you forcing yourself. But you just look at her without fear in your eyes. Nerves yes, but not an ounce of fear. "I want to do this with you." The brightest smile just grows on her lips as she goes to hug you.
He continues to stare at you as you hold his hand and walk with him somewhere. You wanted to take him out and didn't tell him where. Molly is definitely curious, but he also is staring to see how you're fairing considering your phobia.
"Nice day out," he'd say as if he actually cared about the weather. He doesn't, but it does cause your focus to shift slightly and he can see the nerves but you give a smile as you state that the weather is perfect for whatever you have planned.
Molly hears the excited chattering and all the different noises before he sees what your plans are. You bring him to a stop and give him a small, "Ta da." and he looks behind you with some surprise as it looks like a carnival came to town.
"Carnivals are kind of overrated," he jokes but it is his way of giving you an out if you need to walk away. This looks like a lot, but you just continue giving him a determined look. Nerves are still on your face, but it's evident you want to do this. He gives a lazy smile at that, "Lead the way, love."
You're on a walk with her, taking her to some date you had prepared. She is happy that you're taking her out, but also sending glares to anyone that gets too close. Yasha sees you're having a good day and doesn't want some rando ruining that.
Yasha lets out a small gasp as you take her to a flower shop that has newly opened. There's so many different colors and plants and she immediately wants to take a piece of each for her book.
"There's going to be a lot of people," she states when she focuses back to you. You just give a nervous smile and shake your head. "I can't back out of a date." Yasha gives a smile as she moves to kiss your forehead.
"I love you," she tells you as she holds your hand and leads you inside the crowded flower shop. You can bet she's looking for a lovely bouquet to give you.
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agoracactus · 4 years
M9 x Reader - Real Life AU Headcanon
just got some ideas what the M9 is like in real life, and since i cant draw shit imma rely on words lol hope u enjoy!!
Caleb Widogast
He is a semi-famous detective fiction writer, works at home and rarely goes out. You have to drag him out of his study and force him to do grocery shopping with you, so he can take a break from his desk. He loves having you around, he would grab his laptop and cuddle with you on the sofa while you’re watching Netflix.
Usually has his curly copper red hair that runs past his shoulder tied up into a messy bun- sometimes with a pencil. He washes his hair every other day, and just leaves it dry naturally so he can do more work. Sometimes you make him sit and blow dry his hair, then comb through it gently. He’d mumble about how he doesn’t need it, that his hair would dry eventually. But he’s actually very happy about you taking care of him.
He goes to bed later than you do, sometimes he doesn’t sleep all night. He makes breakfast every morning and would sit with you, making sure you had your breakfast before you head out. Then he would go take a nap, or do some cleaning around the house, before he returns to his writing.
Has the world’s most comfortable cardigan collection, and they are all slightly oversized for him for being washed so many times. You steal his cardigan all the time. When he needs to leave town for a business trip, he’d come home finding you asleep on the sofa in his cardigan. He’d stand there staring at you for a few minutes, taking in the scene with a smile on his face, then he’d wake you and walk you back to bed.
Actually a very good driver, and genuinely likes driving you to places. Sometimes when he drives he hums, sometimes is just some random tune he made up, sometimes is something you know and you would sing it out loud. He would join the car karaoke eventually.
When he’s drunk--- which is rare, he doesn’t really drinks--- he’d grab you and waltz in the living room. You’d be tipsy and giggly while he holds on to you turning in circles and hums.
You have to trim his hair when it gets too long, for he refuses to “spend money on unnecessary things”. When it gets too long you’d braid it and take pictures to set as your lock screen.
Sometimes when a discussion gone too intense, he’d walk away from you and back to his study. It frustrates you at first. After a while you learned that he walks away to stop himself from saying anything that might hurt you. After he cooled down he’d come back to you with a cup of hot cocoa or a hug, and mumble apologies. Then you’d sit down and talk.
Mollymauk Tealeaf
He’s a stage manager for a rock band, travels all the time. Sometimes he brings you with him if you can work out your schedule. If you couldn’t make it, he’d call you everyday when he’s not there with you.
LOTS of piercing. He has all sorts of dangling bits on his ears. An eyebrow piercing, and a nose stud. He used to have his lip and tongue pierced as well, after learning that you’re a bit weirded out when you make out, he took them off.
Has very pale skin and very dark hair. All the colorful tattoos that covered the half of his body stand out vividly on his pale skin. No piercing on his body as he claims “They caught on things.”
Has scars of self-harm all over his upper torso. You cried when you learned about this, which made him panicked. He wrapped a blanket around you with you in his arms, and he talked quietly about his teenage years. He reassured you that he’s better now and he hasn’t hurt himself in years, and promised you he would never do it again.
Lot’s of accessories. Bracelets, necklaces, rings... and he switches them out to match his outfit.
When he’s at work, he wears simple white T-shit, ripped black jeans and high combat boots. Other times he’s a walking fashion show, rocking all sorts of outfit across the gender spectrum. You used to feel underdressed and insecure walking next to him, he made sure you understand you are perfect just the way you are. When you asked him to help you shop and update your wardrobe, he was more than happy to do so. Now when you two go out, he makes sure he matches what you’re wearing, either the color palette or the fabric, even it's just the accessories.
He used to smoke, but not often. It's more of a means of socializing in his line of work. After you tell him that you are worried about his health, and wish him to quit, he chews bubble gums instead. Now he only smokes when he���s overwhelmed with anxiety and when you’re not around to comfort him.
Shares skincare and makeup products with you, not like he needs the makeups, he has perfect skin and it makes you jealous. Sometimes you would help him do his eyeliner because he keeps poking himself in the eye--- you suspected that he was faking it so you can get close to him, but you enjoy doing his makeup anyway.
Has pamper night with you. Make homemade facemasks from his special recipe, and do each other’s nails. He’s very friendly with the band’s makeup team, he’d share all sorts of beauty tips with you.
A little bit too skinny. You worried if he’s eating properly when he’s away. After a while you realized that he has normal portion of meal- if not more- he just doesn’t gain weight.
You don’t really fight, but when you do he’s always the first to apologize and would do anything he can to put a smile back on your face. He would talk to you after you calmed down.
Caduceus Clay
A Lifestyle coach. The most healthy person you know. Doesn’t force you into a healthier lifestyle, but you get motivated/ashamed into being healthier anyway.
Has a little greenhouse with all sorts of vegetation. He’s a morning person, every morning you’d find him watering and talking to his plants in his little sanctuary. He has a little tray of food and water for the birds at the window of his greenhouse, once you saw squirrels came to visit.
Makes great food. Mostly vegetarian, but if you crave meat he would make it for you. Sometimes you cook together, although it’s mostly he doing the work and you distracting him.
You help dye his roots pink. His natural hair is brown, so it takes some time for the color to stick. You usually catch up with each other’s life during this time.
Actually had wild teenage years, nothing can really surprise him. He would pop the most random experience during dinner, makes you wonder if he’s lying or did he really lived a thousand lifetimes.
Dresses in a boho style. Even the interior design of the house speaks boho. He does own some formal wears for your date nights, but you felt that he could try some different things. You tried to persuade him into changing his wardrobe, but somehow he's able to find some more formal boho wears, so you gave up. He looks good anyway.
He makes tea for you when you’re working, and gives you a good massage on your neck and shoulders when he senses the tension. Sometimes he even gives you a scalp massage.
Knows reiki healing. When you’re too stressed out and couldn’t sleep, he’d do some reiki healing on you. It’s greatly relaxing while his calming voice eases you from the anxiety, and you often fall asleep before the session is completed.
He’s a tall guy. It intimidated you when you first met. After spending some time together you realized he’s the most gentle man you’ve ever met. You never fight, whenever there’s a conflict he tries to solve it calmly and with reason. 
He likes knitting/crocheting. He makes decorations and blankets for the house, and comfy sweater for you.
You wear his shirts to sleep, as they are huge for you. He adores it cuz you seem smaller than you do when you’re in his shirt.
Loves the nature, would take you to national parks and beaches for a walk. Plans a camping trip every year, either it’d be nights in a tent with cozy campfires in the forest or a little wooden cabin near the lake.
Yasha Nydoorin
She’s the bassist of the band Molly works for, the two of them are close.
She doesn’t bring you along when she needs to travel for work, as she prefers staying focus. However as soon as the show is over, she catches the next plane and goes straight back home to you no matter how late it is.
Mostly dress in black and white. Once when you went shopping together, you caught her staring at a flowery summer dress, so you bought it for her birthday, which made her very happy. But she only wears it for your date night. Sometimes she wear the clothes you bought for her- none black and white- on stage, Molly would teases her but she doesn’t mind.
Not very good at singing. Only because she gets too nervous and couldn’t get her voice out. After you reassuring her she has a beautiful voice and that you would never judge her, she shyly sang you the songs she wrote for you- although still a bit out of tune.
When she’s working on a new song, she’d have her hair tied into a simple ponytail- if you’re not there braiding it and distracting her.
Owns a jet black motorbike, and when she’s not working she’d send you to work and pick you up after.
Doesn’t wear makeups, and doesn’t really know how to, Molly usually is the one she goes to if she needs makeup. When you two moved in together you had to educate her on doing skincare, and had to remind her the importance of sunscreen, for she has very pale skin. Now she comes to you for smoky eyes, and if she’s feeling adventurous, she’d let you do some more colorful looks.
You two don’t really argue, she always agrees to you. Sometimes you wish she has more opinions of her own, and you’d encourage her to do so. Once she had a different idea of where she wanted to go for the weekends- she said it timidly- you were over the moon and it actually gave her more confident. 
She feels bad about how she’s always away for work, even though you told her a million times you don’t mind. She often tries to do nice things for you, bringing you trinkets when she comes home, taking pictures on her travels so she can show you afterwards. She tried cooking for you once but she’s terrible at it, and almost burnt the house down.
Had no concept of “pajamas” before meeting you, she used to wear a pair of tight black jeans and nothing on top to bed. Now her travelling bag is packed with different color of pastel PJs that are made with the softest materials. She felt awkward putting them on at first- even though no one would see her- after realizing these are washed with the same detergent you’re using, she loves them.
Beauregard Lionett
She’s a personal trainer working in your gym. And she was actually the one who came up to you first. It was so awkward that you actually laughed, making her flustered and wanted to ran away. You apologized and accepted her date invitation eventually.
She‘s also an amateur boxer, and has won several contests. She doesn’t really care about the trophies, she left them in the corner of a cupboard gaining dust. After you moved in together, you found every one of the medal and trophy she owns, polished them and put them on the shelf for display.
Before you met, all she wore was comfy-training outfit. Now she has various style to choose from, for you buying her clothes all the time, claiming anything would look nice on her with her perfectly fit body.
She usually wakes up early, do her morning exercises, shower, then bring coffee to your room to wake you up. Then the two of you would cuddle and discuss the plan for the day.
Teaches you self-defense skills and makes sure you can counteract anytime anywhere. Meaning she’d tackle you anytime anywhere.
When you first got together, she’d say hurtful things during a fight. She would then beat herself up and do some extreme training till she couldn’t move anymore. She’s better at communication now after having several “social training” sessions with her friend, Fjord, and she would slowly count to ten while focusing on her breath when she feels like she would say something to hurt you.
Very socially awkward. She relies on you in most social situations, but you give her small tips and let her practice when you got the chance. It’s sort of a pay back for tackling you in public but you’d never admit it.
A terrible driver, both skill-wise and manner-wise. You banned her to drive your car after she crashed it the second time. Now she drives more carefully, but still has bad temper when she does.
She secretly planned to get you a pet for your birthday, but couldn’t decide on if she should get you a puppy or a kitten. So she got you both.
Has drink night with her friends every other week, sometimes she brings you with her. But when you’re not there, all she talks about is you.
Jester Lavorre
She works as an independent fashion designer. All her inspirations are coming from you, and she wouldn’t let you wear anything that’s not from her. She’d go without sleep to make you new clothes if she has to.
You have to look after her diet, for she only has pastries for her meals. On the weekends you would force her out of bed in the morning and make her jog with you around the block. She always wines at first, and is always the last to want to go home.
Has puffy bob hair in the color of hazel, and light freckles on her face. It takes her hours to take care of her hair, and sometimes she screams in frustration in the bathroom. You’d come in to help while trying to calm her. Eventually you’d give her a cute side braid with a flower pin, and she’d thank you with a kiss on the cheek.
She has an obsession of unicorns. Her collection is insane. At one point you had to rent a storage place for all the plushies. After a serious talk you now have a displaying cupboard dedicating to her unicorn collections, and only two are allowed to be out.
She has a very close relationship with her mother, and you two would go over to her house almost every week to have dinner. Marion absolutely adores you, and sees you as her second child.
When you first met, she often spoke about her uncle Artagan. The more you learned about this “uncle” the less you trust him. You found out that he wasn’t actually related to her when you first met him, which made you grew hostile towards him. After a while you realized that he actually cares about Jester very much, and now you two are on better terms.
She is very confident about herself, always has bold makeup and dresses in bright colors. She also gives you a lot of compliments, making you feel good about yourself as well.
Being the daughter of a famous actress, she usually can get free premiere tickets to huge movies, and you two would have a special date night.
You adore her pranks. They are usually harmless and funny. Sometimes you join her in her plan, and sometimes you would have to pull her back once you sense that it might go too far.
You sometimes fight, but it’s never anything serious, and it always ends up with giggles and jokes.
Former professional swimmer, now a swimming coach, specifically coaching national team. You joked about him might actually be a fish, for he has to go swim everyday or he’d lose his mind.
You ususally play video games with him, and you are actually better than him. Sometimes he gets frustrated for losing, and it hurts his pride a little. When you noticed he’s getting frustrated you’d subtly lose to him on purpose. He appreciates that a lot.
Mostly wears soft and comfortable clothes, meaning T-shirts and sweat pants. You tried to style him a couple of times, but he’s a stubborn little brat, so you gave up eventually. He’s in such good shape that even plain white T looks like a fashion item on him.
Owns a sports bike. He often takes you on a road trip, driving you to the beach. You would had dinner while enjoying the beautiful sunset before heading home with the night scene of the city aside.
Being a bulky dude as he is, he’s actually a timid guy. You make him watch horror movies with you, with all the lights out. He’d claim that he’s not afraid, while sitting as close to you as he can. You are often distracted from the movie, and focus more on his reaction. And of course, you are the one who has to take care of the bugs in the bathroom.
You help giving advice and social tips to his friend, Beauregard, when she comes over for dinner, complaining about how she couldn’t keep her clients. She likes you a lot and would tease Fjord about how he doesn’t deserve you.
Is actually a helpless romantic. Romcom makes him cry every time. He’d buy you flowers when he’s back from work.
Veth Brenatto -  Platinum
Owns a tailor shop, although she doesn’t know how to sew. She likes pretty buttons and has a great collection. Sometimes you wonder if she opened the shop just so she can have all the buttons.
She’s the “mom friend” everyone has. Always takes good care of you. When you come over for dinner, she makes sure you have more than enough, and would let you take the leftover home.
She’s a petite woman, but she’s fierce, she’d stab anyone who dare to hurt you.
You often go babysit Luk, her son, when Mr and Mrs Brenatto are having a date night. You’d play board games together in the afernoon, have whatever Veth left in the fridge for dinner and watch cartoons on TV. Usually the couple would come home, finding both of you asleep at the couch.
You’re Luk’s best friend. He likes you so much that he claimed more than once that he wants to marry you when he grew up.
Tries to set you up with her customers, or Yeza’s co-workers at the medicine company.
When she learned about you finally started dating someone, she invited you and your partner to dinner, and hit them with all sorts of questions, all had a slight hostile undertone. Yeza had to ease the tension with awkward jokes, and grew more and more nervous as he’s both ashamed and terrified with his wife. While you’re trying to hold in a laugh at how Veth put on her terrifying face so she can make sure you’re ok. At the end of the night, Veth basically threatened that she will kill your partner if they ever hurt you by a hair. You were glad that your partner didn’t mind the way Veth treated them. After the first dinner, and a few months of dating, she would treat your partner as family.
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justahumblebard · 3 years
Could you do some morning after headcanons for the girls?
·         She is very awkward the morning after. Beau is not used to waking up next to someone as most of her conquest are gone in the morning
·         She may have tried to stealth her way out of your room and back to hers, but fails miserably falling out of the bed and onto the floor.
·         You manage to convince her to come back to bed as you heal her wounded pride
·         Playing with her hair is one of the fastest ways to get her to relax
·         Once she manages to relax she won’t want to leave the bed
·         Jester is quite the snuggle bunny (and you cannot change my mind on this). You will wake up with Jester ontop of you.
·         If her sleeping on you won’t keep you in bed the fact that her tail is wrapped tightly around your ankle will
·         When she wakes up she will do two things. One make a dirty joke about last night’s activities; and two demand more snuggles
·         The only way she will let you out of the bed is if you promise to return with pastries
·         It will be her sole mission to make you blush for the rest of the day
·         Yasha will wake up before you but won’t leave the bed. She is timid around you almost as if she is afraid to break you
·         You do roll into her warmth and snuggle into the muscular woman
·         You wake up to her braiding your hair
·         Yasha doesn’t say much but she is content to let you cuddle into her
·         It is very awkward between the two of you for the rest of the day but She will melt if you offer her small wildflowers
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sunflowersloth · 4 years
Jealous- Yasha Nydoorin x Reader
Requested By: Anon.
Request: “Do you also write for Yasha? if so could you maybe do fluff prompt either 2 or 5?”
Warning: A brief mention of dicks and alcohol
A/N: Number 3 for tonight. I absolutely love this idea and I loved writing it. Hope you like it!
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 You will admit, you were not the most perceptive person on the earth. You tended to have tunnel vision, not really concerned about much else then what was in front of you. Of course, you noticed and cared about other's feelings, but you weren’t always the first to notice these things.
Which was how you ended up in your current position, searching the outside of the tavern for any trace of Yasha.
The Mighty Nein was staying at an inn and tavern in Zadash while they were on a mission. It was getting to be late at night, the sky already dark outside and the tavern full of people ready to drink the night away. Everybody in the Mighty Nein was downstairs, drinking and having a good time. They had finished the most important part of their job today, so they were celebrating the victory. 
You had ventured away from the group to get a drink when you had been stopped by an elven woman. The woman was sitting at the bar, a tankard in front of her and a lazy smile on her face. You smiled at her as you approached, asking the bartender for another ale.
“What is a beautiful young woman like you doing in the tavern tonight?” The elf asked. You shot her a smile, pointing to her party that was at a table in the corner.
“My friends and I are on a job. We are partying as a celebration,” You exclaimed politely. The elf chuckled as the bartender pushed the tankard in front of you, and before you could put your silver down, the elven woman pushed 2 silver towards the bartender. You shot her a confused look as the bartender rushed off. The elf just smiled at you, her smile growing more and more seductive.
“Consider it a treat for a fine lady,” She said, sending a wink your way. You felt your cheeks flush as she chuckled, before patting the stool beside her. With little hesitation, you sat down with your drink and began to talk with her.
From across the bar, Yasha had been watching. She would never admit it out loud, but she liked you a lot. You made her feel the way that Zuala had made her feel, though in a different way. Zuala had been stubborn, strong, with a soft center that few were able to see. You were soft, kind, with a stubborn core that melted Yasha’s heart. 
Her eyes burned into you from across the room as she watched the elf get your attention. She felt herself frown as the elven woman made you laugh and blush. Yasha was hoping the minute you got your drink you would say goodbye to the woman and would make your way back to the group, but unfortunately, you decided to sit beside her.
“Yash, you alright?” Molly’s voice rang out from next to her. Yasha tore her gaze, unwillingly, from you as she looked to Molly. Molly’s red eyes pierced into her, a mix of amusement and concern in his expression.
“Yeah, I’m alright,” Yasha said, though her voice didn’t even convince herself. Molly raised an eyebrow, giving her a skeptical glance, but nodded and turned back to the group who was having a not too odd conversation about dick. Yasha stared at the purple tiefling for a moment before bringing her attention back to you. What she saw made her blood boil and her heart stop. You and the elf were leaning in, and the elf had her hand on your thigh, whispering something into your ear. 
Without much thought, Yasha stood up, shaking the small table. The party looked at her, and the tavern seemed to grow quieter, though not silent. Yasha, without another look towards you or the party, walked out of the tavern to cool herself down.
You had been talking to the woman, whose name you now knew was Elle, about your recent adventures. You were a little tipsy, and you didn’t even notice that the both of you had been leaning in towards one another until Elle was leaning forward to whisper a joke into your ear. It was as soon as she moved away, that you heard a loud noise and the quieting of the tavern. Looking out towards the tavern, you noticed Yasha walking quickly out of the bar, seemingly upset. Molly was already getting up to follow, but you made eye contact with him and shook your head. Molly nodded, sitting back down stiffly.
“I’m sorry, Elle, but I really should go check up on my friend,” You said, standing up with a smile. Elle sent you a disappointed frown but didn’t say anything as you slipped through the crowd and out of the tavern. 
And that’s how you ended up outside the tavern looking for Yasha. It was a little cold and the air was wet from the rain that had just past. You regretted not bringing your cloak, but finding Yasha was more important.
“Yasha!” You shouted as you walked down the cobblestone path, hoping that she would hear you and come out. Unfortunately, she didn’t, so you kept walking and calling her name every once and a while until you came to a clearing. The clearing led to a small section of woods, not far from the town's borders. There was a hill that overlooked more forest and sitting on the hill was the barbarian you were looking for. 
You silently walked up, til you were beside her. Without a word, you sat down beside her, scooching closer until your thighs touched hers.
“I’m sorry,” Yasha said, her voice soft and quiet. You turned to look at her, confusion etched on your face.
“What do you mean?” You asked, studying her face. Her nose scrunched up like she didn’t want to say what she meant, but finally, she spoke again.
“I shouldn’t have stormed off like that. It was just seeing you with that woman, and her so close to you… I don’t know. It made my blood boil and it made me angry and sad. I didn’t want to see it anymore so I left,” Yasha said. You took the words in carefully. Why would seeing you with that woman make Yasha mad? You were just talking and she was just being friendly…
You were an idiot. The elf was flirting with you and you didn't even realize till just then. But even so, why would Yasha be so upset with someone flirting with you. Unless…
“Oh, you’re jealous!” You exclaimed, before covering your mouth with your hand. You hadn’t meant to say it out loud, but you knew you were right by the way that Yasha’s cheeks flushed pink.
“I’m sorry if me being jealous makes you uncomfortable. I had no reason to get upset. I mean it’s not like we’re dating or anything.” Yasha looked away from you, pressing her hands in her lap. You smiled at her softly, before reaching and taking one of her hands.
“But what if we were? Dating, I mean,” You asked. Yasha looked at you, heterochromia eyes wide as she smiled at you, her hand squeezing yours.
“I’d be honored.”
“And you could have a reason to be jealous,” You teased, causing Yasha to roll her eyes, the small smile never leaving her lips. With hands intertwined, you and Yasha stayed outside before returning to the tavern. Molly’s eyes immediately landed on your hands and he smirked.
“Atta girl, Yasha!” He exclaimed, causing her to blush and you to laugh as you sat down.
“Yeah, Yasha should get jealous more often,” You said, sharing a smile with your new girlfriend.
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demigoddessqueens · 5 months
Ok so I'm just spitballinh ideas here cause I've been catching up on CritRol, looking at your posts and I love the mighty nein but like here me out....
Mighty nein (or VM) with their cowboy traveler...who is like the ghost rider?
Oohh the supernatural, my favorite trope
As curious and amazed as he is about you, Caleb is a man that gets to the heart of things and wants to know the depth of you and how you are with/without the powers.
She’s thrown around the word “beautiful” before but to her, you are downright eldritch ethereal in all the flames and celestial powers you wield.
Studying magic led him to you, which became even more than he could have ever imagined. All his studies and knowledge prove helpful to you, but at the heart of it he thinks it’s sweet you let him in and help you with any knowledge he has to share.
Given his past ties to the Betrayer God and Wildmother, he looks to you as someone he can confide in about his past. You both bond over your history and have a strong connection over your stories and where these paths have led you.
She can’t help but stammer in amazement at your powers and sometimes fires off a thousand questions about how, when, and why you got your powers. Plus, dueling makes for a good way to get to know each other.
The winged woman is another one who’s story is all too well tied with revenge, and given her history and your story, there’s also a strong bond/connection about battling between good and bad which you two are more than familiar with.
May or may not have let it slipped she thinks you’re “hot” when you took your form, but flames make it easy to hide your blush. Sometimes she crawls up on your shoulders just for an excuse to be near you, saying you’re warm and cozy at all times.
He’s an individual whose known what it’s like to have different identities, which gives you two something to talk about. Through hellfire, he still sees the Celestial side of your powers shine through and thinks you’re worthy than any god being that brought him back.
For a calm one, he sure is keen on showing you how enthralled he can be about your abilities and who you are in legion with. Though you appreciate his ramblings about his Celestial knowledge, it’s cute someone cares for you
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