ammonitetheartist · 8 days
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[Image ID: A drawing depicting Archie the gopher and Zashchitnik the red squirrel from Multiverse Tales. They’re both drawn and colored in a sketchy, messy way, with black lines for eyes. Archie holds his ray gun while Zashchitnik wields his sword.
They’re set against a forest background, with a speech bubble reading ‘i’m archie’, above the gopher’s head, while the squirrel has a speech bubble reading ‘and i’m zashchitnik’. Below the drawing is a transparent gif of burning test reading ‘the Kill Maim rodent brothers’. End ID]
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therummonster · 1 year
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more whiplash art!
but look how nice they look!!! especially the bottom right. Zashchitnik got all dressed up as well!!
references i used below.
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thepiratefish · 3 months
Given that the Zashchitnik won the civil skirmish I could definitely see a situation since it wound up coming down to him and the armors that Benny and vasilia crafted themselves suggesting he and vasilia spar in their own individual armors just to see who has better craftsmanship because we've seen that when they work together they make something better than they can make separately and that would be a very entertaining story to hear fantasy versus sci-fi basically in the form of a spiring match
I would love to see Zashchitnik show up more
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stephanieromanoff · 7 months
I decided doing like a masterlist of fics from AO3 I like for myself, but thought maybe I should share it with y’all so here it goes.
Love Language
Trapped under the rubble - comfort
Meet Liho… and the man whose dog I stole - civilian!reader
Stay - nightmares, comfort
A weekend at the Barton’s - domestic
The Gardener - gardener!reader
A third heartbeat - pregnant!reader
Only yours to see - slight angst, hurt/comfort
Finally - pregnant!reader
Dog days
Look at her - pregnant!reader
Ti amo - italian!reader
Zashchitnik - newborn, mom!reader, mom!nat
Itsy Bitsy Spider pt 1 pt 2 - Stark!reader, age gap, first time, smut only in part 2
Party favour - bottom!reader
Second first time
My best girl - bottom!reader, domestic
I prefer yours - period, fluff
As the sun rises
You’re barely waking up and I’m tangled up in you - fluff, morning sex, top!reader
Learning opportunity - bottom!reader
Pumpkin spice - bottom!reader, pregnant!reader
Honey - supersoldier!reader, first time
One more struck of luck - sex pollen, bottom!reader, 2 parts
With the right person - fluff, domestic, talk about having children
One more struck of luck - smut, sex pollen, aftercare
Blue christmas - smut, friends to lovers, domestic
The smell of a Rose - pregnant!reader
I think she likes you - civilian!reader, coffee shop, minor stucky
Take me home for Christmas - smut, civilian!reader, fake dating
Number Neighbors Never Work - civilian!reader
Coney Island - some fluff, death, no happy ending
Drinking Alone - there’s fluff, happy ending, comfort
Enough - light angst, happy ending, comfort
Dance with me - dancer!reader, light angst, happy ending
Maybe you should be - light angst, comfort, happy ending
Waiting game - light angst, happy ending, age gap
Taken - threats of rape, hurt/comfort, happy ending
You’re not a monster - also kinda have brucenat, hapoy ending
Freaking me out - very light angst, Jessica Jones is reader’s best friend
Is this what you expected? - soft nat, happy ending
Back to you - post endgame, happy ending
OTHER FICS (not reader insert)
I have these scars but I’m not fully healed - ft Yelena Belova, talks about sterilization
It felt like I was drowning and you saved me - wandanat, friends to lovers, nat discovers her sexuality
Mother’s day - Wanda and Pietro are teenagers, mother figure!Nat
Thirteen - Nat being a big great big sister to Yelena, talks about period and sterilization
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l3m0ngal5 · 3 months
I was scrolling on here when I got the idea to write down. How I think a Sharpagne wedding would go.
About two years Forward from the cannon champagne Proposes Towards the start of the year Surprisingly in public And Pretty much the entire sharp gang Would be Extactic especially vasilia she Insists on make ther rings.
Calamity is champagnes' best person. Benny's is his cousin Billy.
the ring bearer is zashchitnik.
Macy, the Flower dinosaur
Before the actual wedding They go to champagne universe and fill out marriage paperwork, so they are officially married in both universes .
They didn't do sides because benny has a lot of friends.
They were both kind of emotional when it came to vows
Benny spech is the longest of the bunch.
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moonpizzalol · 10 months
y'know, i have a feeling you haven't fully scrolled down to see my:
1. A016 Apocalypse
2. Cult of the Herald
3. Harpy Benny au
4. list of benny's canonical injuries
5. i've already made the trio furries-
6. literally anything i've done to benny
7. archibald and zashchitnik whiplash art
um im sorry your WHAT LINKS LINKS NOW PLEASE PLEASE also i finally found out how to find asks yayyyyy
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skelezux · 2 years
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I finished working on Ezra’s talents!!! (descriptions under the cut if you’re interested)
They are:
Basic Attack - Abyssal Bladework: Zashchitnik (defender in russian)
Elemental Skill - Blizzard Breaker 
Elemental Burst - Survivor's Fury
Passive 1 - Icy Assistance
Passive 2 - Offensive Resistence
Passive 3 - Coldblooded
Abyssal Bladework: Zashchitnik - Normal Attack
Blizzard Breaker - Elemental Skill 
Tap Skill Slashes the area in front of her, dealing Cryo DMG. Hold Skill Slashes the air around herself, dealing Cryo DMG and creating a Snowdrift shield. The shield's DMG Absorption scales based on Ezra's Max HP.
Survivor's Fury - Elemental Burst 
Ezra calls upon her strength from ages spent in the abyss to stab the ground in front of her, dealing AoE Physical DMG and causing 8 icicles to fall, the icicles will explode upon impact, dealing AoE Cryo DMG. Icy Assistance - Passive 1
Characters protected by the Snowdrift shield created by Blizzad breaker will receive 25% Physical DMG Bonus. Offensive Resistence - Passive 2
Ezra deals bonus DMG based on her Max HP: Normal Attack, Charged Attack, and Plunging Attack DMG is increased by 5% of Max HP. Blizzard Breaker's Slash and hold DMG is increased by 3.5% of Max HP. Survivor's Fury's DMG is increased by 33% of Max HP. Coldblooded - Passive 3 (Utility)
When Ezra is in the party, the Sheer Cold effect will be unable to lower the HP of party members below 25%
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kappu-ke-ki-67 · 2 years
Guestbook: Charlie
General Information:
Full name: Charles Zashchitnik
Gender: Male
D.o.B/Age: Jan 27th/ 98yrs old
Height/Weight: 6'7" (200.66cm)/ 197lbs (89.9kg)
Physical Appearance: Charlie is very tall and well proportioned for his height. He has some muscles to him, but he covers them with a nice blue suit and brown neck tie. he keeps his short light blue hair tidy. He has golden eyes and fair skin.
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Place of Birth: He was created in Hell
Race: Russian
Education: he hasn't finished all of his training yet
Occupation: Currently a dream watcher for his girlfriend. he used to be an inhibitor.
Key personality traits: Charlie is very traditional, and speaks as so. He is a prim and proper demon.
Family: Little brother to Lucifer, Amasa, Valentine, and Lilith.
Relationship Status: Currently dating Nasya
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avengerscompound · 5 years
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Zashchitnic:  An Black Widow Fanfic
Avengers as Parents Drabbles Thor | Clint | Natasha | Bucky | Sam | Bruce | Tony | Rhodey | Scott | Wanda | T’Challa | Steve
Buy me a ☕
Character Pairing:  Natasha Romanoff x F!Reader
Word Count:  1128
Warnings: Parenting Fluff, I don’t speak Russian
Synopsis:  You and Natasha are brand new parents to a baby girl. Natasha won’t leave your little girl's side for a minute.
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You walked into the living room to find Natasha asleep on the couch, your infant daughter asleep on her chest.  You chuckled quietly to yourself.  You had put Ellie into her crib about two hours ago and gone and taken a nap.  Either Ellie had woken up and Natasha had gone to get her.  Or Natasha had just gone to get her.   Somehow you expected the second to be true.
Since you had both brought Ellie home from the hospital 3 days ago, Nat had not left Ellie’s side.  She stuck with that baby girl like she was afraid that if she let go for just one second she’d cease to be real.
You took a moment to just watch them sleeping.  The slow even rise and fall of Natasha’s chest.  Ellie’s tiny hands balled in the fabric of Natasha’s shirt.  You smiled and approached them both, brushing Natasha’s fiery red hair from her brow.  Leaning down you pressed your lips to her brow, letting them linger against her skin.
Natasha’s eyes snapped open suddenly and one hand wrapped around Ellie protectively while the other swung up, pausing mid-arc.  “Shit, sorry.  You startled me.”  She said as Ellie started to cry.
You took her hand and kissed her fingertips.  “I should know better.  I’m sorry.”  You said.  “No harm done.”
Natasha sat up and started to bounce Ellie.  “Shh…moyo Zoloto.  Mommy has you.”
That familiar ache reached your breasts and you sat down beside Natasha.  “She’s hungry.  You want to change her and I’ll feed her?”
Natasha smiled at you and got up.  “Alright, Zolotse.”  She said, continuing to bounce a very unhappy Ellie.  She carried her into the bedroom.  Right from the start, neither of you had wanted a nursery.  You had wanted to be close when she started to cry.  The crib was not close enough for Natasha and she would sometimes bring her to bed and you’d sleep with Ellie nestled between the two of you.
Natasha placed the infant on the change table and popped the buttons of the onesie.  As she changed the diaper she sang. “Tili-tili-bom, Zakroy glaza skoreye, Kto-to khodit za oknom, stuchitsya v dveri.  Tili-tili-bom.  Krichit nochnaya ptitsa.  On uzhe probralsya v dom.  K tem, komu ne spitsya.  On idet… On uzhe blizko… Tili-tili-bom.  Ty slyshish’, kto-to ryadom?  Pritailsya za uglom, I pronzayet vzglyadom.  Tili-tili-bom.  Vse skroyet noch’ nemaya.  Za toboy kradetsya on, vot-vot poymayet.  On idet… On uzhe blizko… Tili-tili-bom.  Ty slyshish’, kto-to ryadom?  Pritailsya za uglom, I pronzayet vzglyadom.“
The song soothed Ellie so soon she just stared up at Natasha making gurgling sounds.  By the time the last word was sung, Natasha was fastening the buttons back up.  She carried Ellie back out to you.  You had settled yourself into the couch, a pillow behind your back and one in your lap.  Natasha placed Ellie carefully into your arms and you pulled out your breast and offered it to your daughter.
Natasha sat down beside you and ran her fingertip over Ellie’s arm and down to her hand.  Ellie’s tiny fingers closed around hers and Natasha leaned down and kissed the tiny fist.
“Were you singing that creepy song?”  You asked, watching her.
Natasha chuckled softly.  “It’s not creepy.”
“I mean, maybe not for you.  But it’s about a monster breaking into a kid’s house and just lurking in their room.  It’s creepy.”  You insisted.
“Mmm…”  Natasha hummed. “And ‘Rock-a-bye baby’ is perfectly normal.”
You ran your hand through Natasha’s hair and curled a lock around your finger.  “Nat…”  You said softly.
She looked up at you from her place crouched over your lap.  Her green eyes were soft and content.  “Mmm…?”  She hummed.
“I know Ellie is only 5 days old, but do you think this helicopter thing will last long?”  You asked.
Natasha sat back up and leaned against you.  “I’m sorry, Moyo solnyshko.”  She sighed.  “I didn’t expect meeting her would bring up all the things it did.”
You leaned your head against Natasha’s as you ran your thumb over your daughter’s cheek.  “So talk to me.”
Natasha sighed again.  “You know that I’m sterile.”
“Yes… because of what they did to you.”  You answered.  It was an issue that had been discussed a lot.  Particularly when the two of you had decided you had wanted to have a baby.
“I thought I’d come to terms with it.  I kept telling myself I never wanted a baby anyway.  Where in the life of a spy did children even fit?”  She said, her thumb stroking over the back of Ellie’s hand.  “I was married once and I got pregnant.  I thought I was stronger than what they did to me.  Then I had a miscarriage.  I wasn’t strong.  I was stupid.”
“Tasha, that isn’t what…”
“I know,”  Natasha said, cutting you off.  “Logically I know.  I don’t like admitting having feelings often, but sometimes what happens in here…”  She tapped her head.  “Doesn’t match what happens in here.”  She tapped her chest.  “But I was lying to myself, I did want children.  And I hate myself that I did.  I’m supposed to be stronger than that.  They trained me to be stronger than that.”
“Natasha, you aren’t what they did to you.”  You said firmly.   It was a phrase that you kept on hand like a mantra.  It was used whenever she wouldn’t allow herself to be weak.
“I know.  But the thing is; they took it from me.  They took the choice.  And when I thought I had it back, that was taken from me too.”  She said, her voice almost monotone in an attempt to stop her emotions from bubbling over.  “Only you gave it back. They couldn’t control me then.  And the one thing they did that I thought I would carry forever, you undid it with the simple suggestion that you have our baby.  And here she is, and ever since she was born I am terrified they’re going to come and take her from me.  That this wasn’t something I was ever supposed to have.”
You turned your head to Natasha and leaned into her, capturing her lips with yours.  You kissed slowly and tenderly.  You hand going to her hair. When you pulled back, you rested your forehead against hers.  “We won’t let them.  Do you hear me?  She’s ours and they are never going to take her from us.”
“Look at you, Moy zashchitnik.  My protector.”  She said, rubbing her nose against yours.  “You’re right, we won’t.”   She took a deep breath in and smiled.  “YA ochen’ tebya lyublyu.  So, so much.”  She crouched back over your lap and breathed in the scent of Ellie and began to sing again.
“I love you too, Natasha.”  You whispered.
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gazetailtumen · 4 years
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Крепкая экономика  фундамент любого государства. Экономику делает бизнес, как большой, так и малый. И защита прав и интересов предпринимателей  одна из основ государственной политики в отношении бизнеса. Одним из гарантов правовой защиты бизнесменов стал институт бизнес-омбудсменов – уполномоченных по защите предпринимателей, который сегодня существует в каждом регионе, а главный омбудсмен работает при президенте РФ и назначается его указом. Должность уполномоченного наделяется широкими полномочиями и серьёзными обязанностями по защите прав предпринимателей, в том числе, и от самих государственных структур, выходящих порой за рамки дозволенного законом. Претенденты на должность выдвигаются раз в пять лет из бизнес-среды самими предпринимателями, рассматриваются и избираются открытым голосованием на заседании Координационного совета по предпринимательству при Главе РС(Я). После кандидатура согласовывается с Уполномоченным по защите прав предпринимателей при Президенте РФ, и уже потом тайным голосованием большинством голосов утверждается или отводится депутатами Госсобрания (Ил Тумен). В общем, даже сложность этой процедуры вызывает к должности уважение -- случайные люди сюда не попадают… И не случайно, что первым вопросом тринадцатого пленарного заседания Госсобрания стало рассмотрение претендента на должность Уполномоченного по защите прав предпринимателей в Якутии. Кандидатом, прошедшим через жёсткое сито отбора, стала интеллектуал и бизнес -леди Альбина Кычкина. Выпускница ЯГУ, её специализация «математическое и информационное обеспечение экономической деятельности», «прикладная математика и информатика», «математическое моделирование». ⠀ Подробнее читайте на сайте http://www.sakhaparliament.ru/ Автор Аламжи Будаев ⠀ Активная ссылка  http://www.sakhaparliament.ru/ru/politika/218-novyj-zashchitnik-biznesa ⠀ #газетаилтумэн #илтумэн #сахапарламент #экономика #якутск #бизнес  #политика https://www.instagram.com/p/B9EgHq9plxJ/?igshid=k8fxpd6i0x0s
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therummonster · 1 year
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these two are today's victims i guess.
i also drew em human because that's been stuck in my mind.
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thepiratefish · 1 year
Allow me to introduce a popcross fic This fic dose include one of my headcannons about the Sharpgamg in general and this is set some point after the "Not so Adorable Delug Community Redraw ep"
[Spoilers for what's in Fic]
[] This includes Fluff a little angst not much tho *points* Father figure And comfort between The two old Dads. []
i was inspired to make a short fic by BlueJadeDragon on Ao3,
Enjoy :D
Benny did not expect to find The others once he awoke he had assumed they were all on missions or some sort of wacky adventures and that they wouldn't return for awhile and he was all to tired to try and figure out where they had went.
He had just finished up his newest Mechs for some certain clients who wanted a vary of different types. The first wanting a green and Black spotted Mech with explosives The second wanting a sort of tall black purple eyed puppet mech that could teleport or just move to another spot quickly.
But that would be a story for another time what was happening right now was that Benny was Exhausted from testing his newest mechs and didn't plan on any adventures Today so he decided to lay on the flat mattress that had been laid out on the ground for whenever they have movie nights and take what he thought would be a quick nap.
His eyes were still shut but the weight on his lower body was Heavier then what he felt when he went to sleep, He reluctantly opened his eyes to avoid any sunlight or light in general only to realize it must have been close to 8 or 9 o'clock, That and the fact most of his team had been laying on his stomach and legs.
Benny mind was both slightly shocked and still sleepy, from what it looked like Ana and Jake must have found him and layed ontop of him first then Mara Tayren and Sterling all finding them and decided to lay next to them.
Benny was a bit Shocked at first but then only gave a soft chuckle as he tried his best to slither his legs out from under the pile successfully managing to free himself without waking the others but being given a few grunts and groans as a reaction.
He began to turn and leave as he felt a hand tighten around his leg causing him to stop and look down to who had 'caught' him.
"Bn ji" A muffled pronunciation of his name was muttered from one of the youngest of his colleagues, Ana to be specific.
"Hm what is it kid?" Benny softly whispered trying not to wake the others still wanting to know what Ana wanted crouching down to her level."
"Don't go" Ana Tiredly mummered barely awake with there eyes still closed.
"I'll only be gone for a second to grab some blankets kid I'll be right back okay?" Benny Whisperd back reassuring them as they gently rustled a bit of their hair pushing it out of there face.
Their lossend hand fell and was tucked away fom Bennys ankle.
"Mm-tokay dad" Ana oblivious and sleepily mummerd falling back into a deep snooze leaving Benny in a suprised state, Picking himself up and bringing himself to the storage closet to find what blankets he could.
Some of the spare blankets they had were given to Harold the cowboy Gooby or 'Archibald' and Zashchitnik managed to capture who was locked up in one of the spare rooms but Benny managed to still find some.
They had picked up a few of the blankets tucking it under his arm before Abruptly stopping. His hand gripped at the blanket and shelf as his head was lowered down on it.
His eyes were pushed into the Soft blanket and if it were not for the Fuzzy coat of the fabric tears would most definitely be seen trailing down. His teeth clenched shut and he wanted to bite at the wood of the shelf itself.
He didn't deserve this team he did bad things in his past and he knows it and had manage to somewhat move past it but little things and memories would linger.
'What if something comes back and hurt them' 'What did I do to deserve such good people'
What did The Sharpgang do to deserve terrible or deciesed parents leading them to see him as a Father, Benny thought to himself his hand that was gripping the shelf now gripping his hair as he stayed there for about a minute before calming himself down and returning to the pile as if nothing had happened.
He dropped the fluffy fabric over his teammates who were deep asleep Cuddling against each other and holding onto one another.
It reminded him of cats curling up together giving him a small noticeable smile as he stepped back to give the sleeping pile some more space.
"Exciting day I guess you guys had?" A gruff quiet voice remarked a two arms wrapping around Benny's shoulders and chest one being mechanical.
"Champ? What are you doing here?" Benny questioned turning to look at there partner who had rested their head on there Shoulder, not that he was upset he was their.
"You haven't responded to my texts in the last four hours witch is unusual for you so I assumed you were kidnapped or busy and I decided to check on you" Champagne confirmed looking towards the pile of sleeping kids.
"It's like 8:52 Why would I respond at a time like this?" Benny teased giving a small kiss to the taller man.
"Were both Insomniacs benny" Champange declared returning the kiss.
"True can't argue with that" Benny agreed placing his head against Champanges softly before turning back to look at the pile.
"? What's wrong and don't even try to deflect the question" Champange interrogated.
Benny opened his mouth prepared to make up some sort excuse only to leave his voice missing as he sighed, his head falling down.
"I don't really know myself I think? and... ah I can't really explain it." Or from the tone of his voice it was just that he didn't '`Want' to explain it.
"Well that sucks" Champange teased nudging Benny.
"-gasp- How dare you steal my personality" Benny dramatically reacted receiving a small chuckle from them and himself.
"Come on its almost midnight and we should sleep," Benny advises, dragging Champ over to the couch.
"Fine but only becuase The Sci-5 are on vacation and your team 'Knows' how to cook" Champange said tiredly with a barely noticeable smile.
"Atleast give them credit for trying" Benny commented laying into of champange dragging a blanket otop them, Feeling their chest raise and lower, the sharpgang would most definitely find them but that didn't matter they mostly already know..
Well... except maybe sterling.
[ Hope you guys enjoyed this! ]
[This was also the reason there wasn't any new Popcross headcannons]
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moy-grad-ru-blog · 5 years
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Продается Земельный участок, 3 соток. Ростов-на-Дону, садовое товарищество Защитник за 550000 руб. Подробности уточняйте: https://rostov.moy-grad.ru/obj/zemelnyy-uchastok-3-sotok-rostov-na-donu-sadovoe-tovarishchestvo-zashchitnik-24718 //////////\\\\\\\\\\#недвижимость #продажа #аренда #сдам #продам #куплю #сниму #дом #квартира #комната #коммерческая #мойградъ #безкомиссии #безпосредников #продажанедвижимости #аренданедвижимости #агенство #безпосредников #собственник #ипотека #вакансии https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt-pCvsnacz/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=m15ufqamyu9v
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l3m0ngal5 · 1 month
Archibald:Ooo, we break the laws of attraction
Like you're sent from above
Got a case of squirrely love
Ooo, we're like a chemical reaction
Or a code you can't debug
Got a case of squirrely love
he's always turning to violence
I'm always turning to science
he's so determined he's timeless
And I'm so nervous I'm silent
What if he finds out I'm lying?
What if he sends me home crying?
Ooo, why can't I just be kawaii?
And then I'm like
Baby, baby, baby, you're so fine
Mew Mew Kissy Cutie, you'll be mine
Crushing, crushing, crushing, on Zashchitnik
Oh, did I say that out
No, did I say that out loud?
Ooo, we break the laws of attraction
Like you're sent from up above
Got a case of squirrely love
Ooo, we're like an improper fraction
Hope this ship gets safe to shore
Though I'm really quite unsure
Yeah, he's always turning to violence
I'm always turning to science
he's so determined he's timeless
And I'm so nervous I'm silent
What if he finds out I'm lying?
What if he sends me home crying?
Why can't I just be kawaii?
And then I'm like
Baby, baby, baby, you're so fine
Mew Mew Kissy Cutie, you'll be mine
Crushing, crushing, crushing on Zashchitnik
Zashchitnik:And so you shout it out!
And so you shout it out loud!
Ooo, we're like warrior in action
Fit together like a glove
Got a case of Archie love!
Archibald:Oh my God, how long have you been standing there?!
Zashchitnik:I've been right here the whole time!
Archibald:Okay, now I wanna die!
Zashchitnik:Ooo, we break the laws of attraction
Archibald:A duet will maybe do
Zashchitnik:I invited muffles too! (What?)
Muffles:Ooo, it feels good to be included!
Zashchitnik and Muffles: Smooshed together like a bug!
Archibald:Got a case of squirrely love!
A.the Fact that You know the form of amazing
B. Adorable
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russianreader · 7 years
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Jenya Kulakova: My First Time as a Social Defender Jenya Kulakova Facebook June 27, 2017 Today, for the first time in my life, I was a social defender [
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alexsporty · 6 years
Защитник ПСЖ Маркиньос поделился ожиданиями от предстоящего матча против «Наполи» в 4-м туре группового раунда Лиги чемпионов.
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