#about chapter 9
tartarduck · 11 months
words about tot chapter 9
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Gave myself a solid day to stew in my thoughts about ch9 and I just want to say that mihoyo is EVIL for timing it right before the anniversary. I don't know if I can be happy knowing Luke is suffering all alone in every conceivable universe other than his personal story/card timeline.
Point 1: How the chapter explored Luke's feelings of guilt for... Existing I guess?
I've been eagerly awaiting the reveal of Luke's survivor's guilt. The whole [wanting spirits to exist so he can at least apologise, or do SOMETHING, but knowing they don't] is such exquisite angst. I'm very happy they took the effort to write it in (though fortune tellers actually scare me in real life).
And now onto the related Point 2: Luke's feelings of guilt for literally everything else
I was reading through Luke's birthday greetings, and realised how often he calls himself greedy for literally wanting anything. God damn, SHE IS YOUR GIRLFRIEND IT'S NOT GREEDY OF YOU TO WANT TO SPEND TIME WITH HER --
That aside, it comes back to the theme of Luke Pearce's thought process, which in my brain goes a little something like this:
Good thing happens -> I do not deserve this
Bad thing happens -> It is completely my fault and no one else's
Which, might I add, vaguely reminded me of something from a lecture I forgot from my psych undergrad years. I'm worried for you, Luke. Please, Dr Yishmir, refer him to one of your colleagues for mental health.
In his personal 'route', he finally starts to come around with the idea that sometimes bad things... just happen and it's no one's fault (thank you, strategically placed rainbow in iridescent heartbeat). But in the main story? He's been feeling guilty ever since he saw MC after avoiding her for YEARS. There's no Aaron meddling with the two of them, or MC helping him clean his mess of a house to kick-start a card story. This is the man who hid in the attic after sending his confession after a YEAR of dates with MC -- the main story doesn't even give him a chance to start forgiving himself.
Basically, Luke Pearce is a mess in the main story, because everything that makes him un-messy happens by pure chance.
Point 3: Luke's black and white thinking of good and bad
One of the highlights of this chapter for me was Luke's anecdote about him faking a cold so MC would go out with her other friends and forget about him. Now, that's all well and good until he compares himself to the mum with Munchausen's syndrome, who is the closest thing we get to a 'villain' in this chapter. On top of his guilt, this whole I'm either a good or completely bad person mindset is really not doing favours for his mental health.
His anecdote also happens to be an interesting parallel to shape of you, because I remember Luke specifically wished to be forgotten in that card. He wants what's best for MC (because he thinks that he's taking everyone's love from her) but he also wants something for himself. And because he doesn't believe he's able to do both, but also because he isn't able to let go of his 'selfishness' sometimes, he thinks he's an awful person.
And now, to the last to do in my rant agenda.
Point 4: what happens in chapter 12. (Spoilers for CN server, but only about the Luke scene)
1. Ohmygod. He's going to run away. I can't see main story Luke NOT blaming himself for nearly hurting the MC. In whichever timeline, his priority is to keep her safe, and god, if he thinks he's a danger to her, the only way to keep her safe would be by disappearing again.
2. I'm going to read too much into this but MC trying to get Luke to recognise her while she's being pinned to the ground is such delectable angst. He's always worried that she'd forget about him -- whether it was the 8 years or literally just hanging out with other kids at school. But here she is, in a situation where he's essentially forgotten about her. The voice that my brain concocted up for MC was extra desperate in that scene.
Anyway, that's all I had to say about the recent main story developments in ToT. Keep the angst coming, writing staff. What a power move to send this out right before anniversary on BOTH servers. If there's anything I've taken away from this, it's that Luke stans are absolutely unhinged. Twitter circle people, I see you requesting more angst. How can we get even angstier than Luke nearly hurting MC while he's dressed in the outfit that he wears for his proposal card ??
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cherrywhite · 24 days
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Silt Verses protagonists // Returning Home
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Based Jodio
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fromtheseventhhell · 1 month
George did not write Arya naming babies in Winterfell and taking care of a child in the middle of a WARZONE just for y'all to say she's not going to end up with kids/family because she's "not that type of character" 😒
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artingstarvist · 3 months
Chapter 3 / 14 "Anger & Frustration"
Summary: Hua Cheng grapples with his anger issues; Xie Lian grapples with his language issues.
Additional Tags: Coffin Rescue, Coffin AU, AU - Canon Divergence, AU - Different First Meeting, Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Identity Reveal, Revenge Plot, POV Alternating, Blood and Injury, Dream-Reality Confusion, Canon-Typical Violence, Hua Cheng AND Xie Lian have Self Esteem issues, Hua Cheng & Xie Lian Invented Love, Slow Burn, Mutual Pining, Hua Cheng bout to make it 34 gods
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Chapter 3 is up! Also forcing you to look at actual post-coffin Xie Lian I'm so, so sorry lmao. What have I done to my beautiful boyyy.
(I keep having to remind myself he canonically did get stuffed into a coffin for many years I'm actually doing him a favor in this fic)
Oh also, I updated the tags a bit now that I got the rough draft done. This one definitely counts as Slow Burn and Mutual Pining. 😁
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feuer-bluete · 3 months
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Having never played rdr1, switching from Arthur to John was hard and it took me about 100hours just to get used to him and another 100 to grow fond of him. But now he is my special boy just like Arthur. 🧡
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heartofalifer · 2 months
sometimes I lay at night thinking what exactly did daisy write in the description of alec hardy's tinder profile and what pictures did she use that made her think that could get women to swipe right on him. was it selfies? was it candid photos she took? was alec wearing that blue jumper on and reading a paper with his legs crossed in the photos? I need to know
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soaps-mohawk · 3 months
"A good Omega kneels for their Alpha," "But a good Alpha kneels for his Omega."
Uhm hello???? I love that line??? It holds so much m power for me
Fun fact: I actually wrote that line while working on Chapter 9. So that was the first line I wrote for this chapter. I think it might be the best line I've ever written.
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islandoforder · 1 day
i'm sorry i'm sorry i know my 911 posting is like years out of date but they really had buck say "i've been ana" to eddie's face and i'm supposed to feel normal and platonic about it??
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chandralia · 10 months
Bakugo Katsuki.
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eldritch-ambrosia · 3 months
WIP Ask Game
I've seen a few posts like this and wanted to give it a try!
Here's are the titles/brief ideas for my current wip Merlin fics. If you're interested, feel free to ask about the one that intrigues you the most and I'll post a snippet or say something about it!
The Wedding Knight (Merwaine, Explicit)
secret relationship rumors (Merthur)
pwp, Your Eyes Glow Ch 2 (Merthur, Mature/Explicit)
carving wooden dragons as gifts (Mercelot)
arthur returns after five years (Merwenthur)
whump, love triangle, Waiting on You Ch 6 (Merthur)
Rival Princes AU (Merthur)
Cowboy Gang AU (Merwaine)
pwp in the rain/temple, Eye of the Storm (Merthur)
Artist/Secret Wealthy Patron AU (Merthur, Explicit)
ygraine is summoned
searching for Emerys (Merthur)
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tightjeansjavi · 15 days
I’m literally fucking throwing up right now!!!!!😭😭😭
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the-kr8tor · 3 months
Chapter 9 sneak peek 👀
(warning: WIP)
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Update will be on Saturday, hopefully 🤞
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mxtxfanatic · 9 months
So i was reading a wangxian fic last night, and it started out great: wwx ran away from yunmengjiang and ended up in the cloud recesses and met lwj and they became friends. I got super excited cuz it was very promising, but then a couple chapters in jc appears and then they do the whole “oh no wwx and jc love each other, they are best bros, wwx left because he didn’t want to cause his siblings pain by them having to be associated with him, jc begs his beloved brother to come back because he will always have a home in lotus pier, etc” and I immediately wanted to throw the whole fic away, but i guess im a masochist (and honestly it’s so freaking hard to find a good wx fic that doesn’t somehow involve the homophobic grape) and kept reading.
That was a mistake, long story short the whole thing ended with both wwx and lwj being best of friends with jc, lsz loving his grape uncle who’s the best and just so amazing and them all living happily ever after. Im so disappointed in myself for reading that crap 😩
Wish I could find that post someone wrote about how in mdzs fics, when Jiang Cheng shows up, the plot and all characters warp to accommodate him. No matter how in-character everything and everyone is, once Jiang Cheng enters the scene, it becomes the most ridiculous fanon mess that breaks even the logic of the story that the fic writer, themself, set up. Op was so real for that.
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eerna · 10 months
honestly Noragami deserves some kind of an award for being the most intense downward spiral of "it can't get any worse than THIS, right???" I've ever read. I haven't known peace since Kazuma did that stupid spell on Yukine and it's only gone downwards from there
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mtndw-whteout · 1 month
Should I be thinking of one off fics for my au? Probably not!
Am I going to write them even tho I'm not finished with the main one? Absolutely!
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