#actor mark x butler ben
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I saw this in ADWM and it was funny for my AU, so I made this.
(App: Twinote)
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marky-iplier · 2 months
Bactor, wholesome Bactor? Pretty please with a cherry on top 🥺👉👈
Of course! Here u go :3 I'm not sure if this counts as wholesome but I tried sobs
Unexpected Confession (Actor!Mark x Butler Ben)
Valentine's Day. A day filled with love. However, not for Mark, perhaps. His, well now, ex-wife, had divorced him so he wasn't sure what to do on the day. He didn't have any ongoing project, he couldn't just stay in his manor for Valentine's Day. That would be sad. But, in reality, he did have someone to spend with and he finally knew what to do.
Ben's POV
I just finished dressing up in my room, just another day being a butler. It was around 8 in the morning and Master was not awake yet. He told me he wanted to go out and get some things for tonight. He wanted me to wake him up if he hadn't woken up after 9 AM.
After weeks of him, being alone, it felt miserable to see him being broken and sad. I also had this feeling that I tried to push away to maintain professionalism over being personal. It was hard, really hard but I couldn't help it. It was a job I needed to face. The news of the divorce saddened me but somehow I felt relieved. I wasn’t sure what I was feeling.
I went up to his room and opened the curtain, he just rolled over under his blanket, facing away from the window. I grabbed his iconic dark red silky robe and hung it on the bed frame,
“Can you turn off the lamp, please?” he groaned, plumping his face on the pillow. 
“Sir, it’s already past 8. I am afraid you need to wake up due to your schedule today,” I said. I grabbed some of his clothes on the floor and put them away in the laundry basket, then stood beside him to give him his robe when he finally stood up,
“Fuck, is it today? What date is it?” He wiped his eyes with the heel of his hand, “14th February. It is Valentine’s Day.”
“Oh, yeah. Is the driver here already?” he asked while standing up on the side of the table, I gave him his robe as he covered his half-naked body was only covered with negligees. I looked at my watch, “He will be here in 15 minutes, sir.”
“That’s enough time to get ready. Oh yeah, you’re coming with me for today,” he blurted. I was surprised, usually when he went out, I would stay in the manor to make sure everything was okay.
“Pardon?” I needed to make sure what I heard was correct. Him? Asking me to go with him?
“Yes, you’re coming with me to go out today. Now, will you excuse me, I need to get ready.” He went past me, heading to his bathroom.
I just stood there, trying to process what was going on. I did not expect that. This was going to be nice. I went downstairs to make sure the chef was already cooking breakfast for all of us.
“Is the breakfast ready?” I asked, walking inside the kitchen. The chef put down a plate of bacon, egg, and toast on the counter. Then, another plate of pancakes. I just grabbed two pieces of toast for myself from the stack of cooked toast, since I hadn’t had my breakfast.
"Oh yeah, have fun on your go out," the chef teased, smiling to himself while cooking breakfast for himself. I just turned around and looked at him confusingly, "How did you know?"
"I know everything in this house. Don't ask." Huh. Although I tried not to think about it too much, he was right. The chef knew about everything and everyone in this house because of his little buddy. I put down the plate of breakfast on the dining table, along with the utensils. I went to the bar to make his favorite morning cocktail, Mimosa.
It took me a couple of minutes to make the drink, and without delay, after finishing it, I went to the dining table to put down his drink. Everything was settled. I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder which caused me to jump a bit, "Well, isn't this a wonderful morning, don't you think, Ben?" 
I exhaled, "Yes, indeed. I should check on the driver to get us ready, sir." Before I walked out of the room, he called my name, "Ben. Hold on. Why don't you sit down here with me? You can have these pancakes. Enjoy the morning with me,"
"Oh, I don't think that is necessary. I already had my own feast for this morning." He was still insisting, pushing the plate of pancakes to the empty side of the table in front of him,
"Please, I insist. I don't want to get too full." He took a bite of his toast. I couldn't resist his plead. I smiled and sat down in front of him, grabbing the utensils in the middle of the table. 
"Thank you," I said before eating the pancakes. He opened his mouth which was slightly full from the meal, "Yeah, yeah, no problem."
The breakfast was silent. This wasn't the first time he did this, it was pretty common so it wasn't something special. He just wanted to have someone to eat with after his divorce. I finished my food faster than him, oddly, because his food had less portion than mine. 
"I shall check on the driver now." I wiped my mouth and got up from my seat, heading to the front door. 
The car was ready and parked perfectly. I smiled and headed back to the dining table, "Sir, the car is waiting for you." He just finished drinking, "Oh my god, you know me so well, Ben. I will wait for you in the car, okay?" He tapped me on the shoulder. I grabbed the empty dirty plates, glasses, and utensils on the table to put them away in the sink. The chef was enjoying his food on the counter, "Here are the dirty dishes. I will go now."
"Yeah, man. Enjoy your time," he said. I went outside to where the car was, the passenger front seat was empty because Master took the back seat, his favorite seat. 
"Good Morning, Butler Ben," the driver greeted me when I got in.
"Good Morning."
"So, are we going to the Boutique, Mr. Iplier?" He looked up while reading a magazine, "Oh yeah, yeah. You know which one. Also, can you play another radio channel too? I'm kinda getting bored with this one. You know, to try something new," he said as he continued reading the magazine.
"Of course, anything for you, sir." The driver changed the radio channel as the car started, driving to one of the most popular department stores, I. Magnin.
The day went on, it was about a 45-minute drive from the manor. We went through the department store to get a new suit but the size seemed to be bigger than his. Odd. He also got a box of chocolate, a flower bouquet, and a wrapped gift. It wasn't much for him, was he going on a date? He looked at the time, we had been there for more than an hour. Why did it hurt me a bit knowing he got a new date?
"It seemed like that's all. We should head back now, don't want to miss my afternoon nap," he said while stretching his body. The Driver and I were just assisting him with his shopping bags. We just walked around the department store for quite a long time now. 
We headed back to the car, putting the items beside him as I went to the front passenger seat. Master was just sitting there in the back while crossing his legs while we drove back to the manor.
Third Person POV
Time passed by, and Actor Mark was getting ready for something. It was almost sunset, Ben on the other hand was cleaning up the house. The thought of Mark going on a date was stuck in his head, hurting him inside. He had been on the first floor for the whole afternoon since Mark had told him not to go upstairs because he didn't want to be bothered? So, he did what he asked, not going upstairs. 
After cleaning, Ben decided to head back to his room and clean up, taking a shower. He didn't have much plan that evening, perhaps, reading a book would help past the time.
There were knocks on the door while he was fixing his tie after showering, and he wasn't sure who it was, the door was then opened, and it was The Chef, "Ben, Mark wants to see you upstairs on the balcony, he said that he needed help to prepare for his date or something." Ben looked at him, he needed to examine his facial reaction just in case he was messing around with him since he always did that to him,
"How can I be sure that you're not messing with me?"
"See it for yourself, man. You know how it is when Mark is mad." He narrowed his eyes as he walked past him, heading upstairs to the balcony.
The sun was slowly setting, it was a beautiful view along with dim lights from the city in the distance. He walked out to see a table set, the tablecloth, a vase of roses, candelabra, utensils, glasses, and plates. He didn't set this for sure. There was also the chocolate box and bouquet on one of the chairs. Ben felt relieved knowing Mark wouldn't be as miserable as he was after the divorce but again, a scar was made along the relief. 
'Wait, he's not here. Chef, I'm gonna come for yo-'
"Ah! Ben! There you are!" The familiar voice appeared behind me, he was admiring how amazing Actor looked in the suit, it was a different suit that I hadn't seen before, it wasn't the one that he bought. He shook his head a bit to brush off the thoughts, noticing he was holding two boxes that were wrapped beautifully.
"What do you need me for, sir?" he asked. Actor sat down on the opposite chair from where the bouquet and chocolate box were,
"How do I look?" he asked while facing me. 'Beautiful' 
"You look amazing, sir. Who is the lucky one if I may ask?" 
"Well..." He got up and looked down at the boxes, Ben was waiting for the answer nervously and anxiously. 
"One of the most amazing people I ever met." He smiled to himself, "I'm sure the person must've felt lucky to have you, si-"
"... and he's standing in front of me." 
Ben's POV
I was shocked by what he said. Me? No. The feelings that I had pushed aside came back at me. I could feel my cheeks heating up, I mean, he meant it as a friend, perhaps,
"I wasn't sure when the feeling appeared but every time you were there for me, it was like the first time feeling love again. I love you, Ben. Happy Valentine's Day," he softly said. His hands extended to me, lending me the boxes of gifts.
"You should try the suit, I'm sure it looks good on you," I was still speechless about what was going on but gracefully accepted the gifts. All this time, he also had the same feeling as me, perhaps burying it down. Or was he waiting for this moment to come?
"I... I am sorry. I am out of words. Thank you. I..." He was waiting for my answer, I couldn't form words in my head, "I also have been feeling the same way. I was just afraid that it would ruin my job." There I said it.
"Oh, Ben..." he stopped for a moment, "I noticed it, I was just waiting for this moment. I just thought that maybe it'd be more romantic if we do it right here, at this moment, during Valentine's Day." I smiled to myself, what were these butterflies feeling in my stomach? Should I just do it? Do it, Ben. Kiss him.
I put down the boxes on the chair. I turned around to face him as we both got closer, I could feel my heart beating faster, slightly sweating. I was taller than him so I needed to look down to see his eyes, I put my hand on his waist and slowly leaned down, planting my lips on his. He smiled and kissed me back. 
After waiting, it felt amazing. All those emotions just felt fulfilled. The connection and chemistry were strong, I could feel them. It was passionate. It wasn't long until I let go, "I should try on the suit now. Again, thank you, sir."
"Please, call me Mark from now on." I grabbed the bigger box, "I will."
I went to change to the new suit for the date tonight. The date that I didn't expect. 
It was truly planted as a core memory for me.
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phantom-le6 · 1 year
Ramble of the month May 2023: 90’s MCU Phase 2 (1996-1999)
It’s now been a year since I did the last of my monthly rambles outlining how to do a 90’s MCU fan-cast properly, in response to the inaccurate memes on the subject.  To mark the anniversary and in lieu of a better subject, we’re now going to look at the next round of films I would have in such an alternative MCU. Before we look at this, however, let’s recap what the right way to do a 90’s MCU is and what’s come before.
 First of all, Marvel film rights in the 90’s were different to today; it was in the mid-90’s (1995, if memory serves) that Marvel had to sell the film rights on its characters to various mainstream film studios in order to avoid bankruptcy. It’s for this reason that the X-Men and Fantastic Four films to date have all been made by 20th Century Fox, Sony has handled Spider-Man solo films and so on.  The MCU is comprised of films (and now TV shows) made with film rights that lapsed back to Marvel due to sometime passing without those film rights being used.  As such, a proper 90’s MCU will capitalise on all Marvel properties, provided you don’t leave things too late in the decade to start (if you do, a 90’s MCU would be impossible).
 Second, the source material was different back in the 1990’s.  The Ultimates continuity of comics that made Nick Fury a look alike for Samuel L Jackson hadn’t been done yet (that was all turn-of-the century/millennium stuff), no Winter Soldier arc bringing back Bucky, the Peter Quill iteration of Guardians of the Galaxy wouldn’t be done in comics until 2007, Civil War didn’t hit comics until 2006, and so on.  Because of this, the storylines for any films would be different and you’d have a different standard of comics-accurate casting, etc. to the MCU we know at the moment.
 Finally, as goes without saying, it’s a different group of actors to go at, which is part and parcel of asking what a 90’s-centric MCU would be like.  So, let’s do a very quick recap of my 90’s MCU phase 1;
1992: Fantastic Four, Hulk, Iron Man
1993: Thor, Spider-Man, Ant-Man & The Wasp
1994: Captain America: Fantastic Four 2, Iron Man 2
1995: X-Men, Avengers, Daredevil
The 1992 films give us introductions to the title characters via their origin arcs, as do each of the films thereafter which aren’t sequels or about putting the Avengers together.  More of the films are New York-centric in places (most notably Thor’s opening film), and of course there’s some quite different characters, actors, etc. worked in, which you’ll get some reminders of from the role reprisals seen in the phase 2 films, which we’ll now dive into.  First, here’s the quick overview of the 90’s MCU phase 2 line-up;
1996: Spider-Man 2, Thor: Land of Enchantment, Silver Surfer
1997: Hulk vs Wolverine, Fantastic Four: Doomsday, Iron Man 3
1998: Captain America: Society of Serpents, Daredevil 2, X-Men 2
1999: Avenger 2, Spider-Man 3, Doctor Strange
As you can see, this phase is very much weighted towards sequels as much as the MCU phase 2 we know from real life, but like that phase, we also get a couple of original films.  So, without further ado, let’s look at what these various films involve.
Spider-Man 2 (1996) Directed by John Hughes
Peter Parker/Spider-Man = Wil Weaton
May Parker = Marg Helgenberger
Flash Thompson = Ben Affleck
J. Jonah Jameson = J.K. Simmons
Joseph "Robbie" Robertson = Denzel Washington
Betty Brant = Parker Posey
Jacob Conover = Steve Buscemi
Randy Robertson = Taye Diggs
Norman Osborn = John Travolta
Harry Osborn = Ryan Phillipe
Gwen Stacy = Reese Witherspoon
Captain George Stacy = James Cromwell
Mary-Jane Watson = Alison Hannigan
Sergei Kravenoff/Kraven the Hunter = Gerard Butler
Dmitri Smerdyakov/Chameleon = Brent Spiner
Spider-Man gets to headline this phase of my 90’s MCU, and with the first film having occurred during his time at high school, this one goes into his college years.  This enables us to add Harry, MJ and Gwen to his supporting cast, all of whom he only met when he went to college in the original comics.  As such, this is an element of source material accuracy no adaptation of Spider-Man has ever got right.  That being said, some accuracy to the source material has to go when making films of superheroes, and here the trade-off is Gwen’s dad being killed by a different villain to the comics iteration.  However, when you’ve got Gerard Butler and Brent Spiner as your villains, I think we can understand this.
 The film very much plays up the sibling link between Kraven and Chameleon and keeps them relatively away from Peter’s personal life.  This is to help avoid the over-unmasking of Peter prevalent in Spider-Man films as they’ve been made by Sony, and given the on-going presence of the Osborns in these films, even going back to our phase 1 film where Peter and Harry haven’t met, I imagine most of you can guess why I want the Spider-Man dual identity better secured.  For those who can’t guess, fret not, I’ll explain when we get to Spider-Man 3 later in this phase.
Thor: Land of Enchantment (1996) Directed by Kenneth Branagh
Thor = Dolph Lundgren
Loki = Gary Oldman
Odin = Anthony Hopkins
Frega = Glenn Close
Fandrall = Cary Elwes
Hogun = Tony Leung
Volstagg = Thomas Haden Church
Sif = Demi Moore
Heimdall = Keith David
Balder = Sean Bean
Jane Foster = Courtney Cox
Amora the Enchantress = Charlize Theron
Skurge the Executioner = Jean Claude Van Dame
Dr Donald Blake = Matt Damon
Hercules = Arnold Schwarzenegger
Ares = Russell Crowe
Zeus = Brian Blessed
Pluto = Michael Shannon
Hera = Michelle Pfieffer
Aphrodite = Jaime King
Apollo = Heath Ledger
Hephestus = Jonathan Frakes
Hermes = Josh Hartnett
Our return to Asgard in our 90’s MCU is meant to capitalise on yet more notable 90’s actors, while at the same time working in Marvel’s take on Olympian deities and more notable Thor villains than Thor: The Dark World did.  In this film, it’s Amora the Enchantress and her bodyguard Skurge the Executioner who come to the fore, Amora enthralling the Olympian Hercules and setting off an incident that puts Asgard and Olympus on the verge of war with each other. Only by travelling to New Mexico on Earth in search of the “real culprits”, who in turn out to be conspiring with a supposedly banished Loki, can Thor hope to save the day.
 The film also works in Dr Donald Blake, Thor’s human alter ego in the comics, as a separate character and romantic rival to Thor where Jane Foster is concerned. Action stars like Dolph Lundgren, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jean Claude Van Dame provide the action leads while the likes of Anthony Hopkins and Brian Blessed deliver a nice helping of gravitas, and there’s no shortage of acting skill and ability in the various other roles.  As you might guess from the cast list and plot description, the title is a deliberate nod to both Enchantress and the parts of the film that would occur in New Mexico.  The film also results in Hercules being banished to Earth, setting him up for further use elsewhere in this 90’s MCU.
Silver Surfer (1996) Directed by Leonard Nemoy
Silver Surfer = David Wenham
Mephistopheles = Jeffery Combs
Shalla Bal = Liv Tyler
Al B. Harper = Levar Burton
Our Silver Surfer spin-off from phase 1’s Fantastic Four sequel is quite small on main cast because it’s very much a shorter film compared to what I imagine most of our 90’s MCU films would be.  In large part that’s because like the comics, we’re dealing with a Silver Surfer trapped on Earth after defying Galactus, and struggling to see in the wider race the virtues he found in the Thing’s girlfriend Alicia Masters.  His lone friend outside of the F4 and Alicia is a scientist named Al Harper, and into this situation enters the demon Mephistopheles, who spends the film trying to tempt the Surfer into abandoning his nobility.  Part of this involves reminders of Shalla Bal, the woman the Surfer loved before he became the Surfer, and perhaps the one thing he might prize above his wish to defend humanity.
 As a result, the film would be less cosmic adventure and more psychological thriller, which is why you might not get a longer film with a major action spectacular at the climax.  In part, that’s why I’d want Leonard Nemoy taking up the directorial reigns on this film; someone from the alumni of Star Trek would be necessary to direct this kind of character exploration and issue discussion.  Having other Trek alumni in the cast by way of Levar Burton (TNG’s Geordi La Forge) and Jeffrey Combs (multiple DS9 secondary recurring characters by this time) also help with this.
Hulk vs Wolverine (1997) Directed by Tim Burton
Bruce Banner/Hulk = John Cusack
Betty Ross = Jennifer Connelly
General Ross = Sam Elliott
Major Talbot = Steve Guttenberg
Wolverine/Logan = Tom Cruise
Sabretooth/Victor Creed = Tyler Mane
Maverick/David Nord = Tom Jane
Silver Fox = Salma Hayek
Sasquatch/Walter Langkowski = George Clooney
The Professor = Robert Picardo
Dr Cornelius = Colm Meaney
James McDonald Hudson/Vindicator = Val Kilmer
Heather Hudson = Samantha Mathis
I’m sure by now anyone who didn’t know I was a Trek fan could tell by some of the casting going on here.  Aside from Wil Weaton and Brent Spiner in our Spider-Man Franchise, Frakes (Riker) appearing in Thor 2 and the various alumni cited in our Silver Surfer spin-off, our Hulk vs Wolverine film has Voyager’s EMH (Robert Picardo) and Chief O’Brien (Colm Meaney) showing up in certain roles.  Of course, more will be showing up as we go on, and I’ll highlight them where appropriate.  For now, though, let’s look at how I’m looking at pitting Hulk and Wolverine against each other.
 In this film, Hulk strays north of the US-Canadian border, and does so right when US army intelligence picks up chatter about a rogue group trying to restart the Weapon X project that produced Wolverine.  To that end, Ross and Talbot manage to convince Wolverine to go Hulk-hunting before the green goliath can be grabbed.  After the obligatory Hulk/Wolverine clash unearths a resurrected Weapon X program, it’s Wolverine and Hulk trying to free several captured super-beings, backed up by Canadian superhero and future Alpha Flight leader Vindicator.  This film would create a spin-off Alpha Flight TV series to follow-up on Vindicator, Sasquatch and their team-mates.
 Everyone down as far as Wolverine on the cast list is a reprised role, while the remaining roles are all fresh cast.  Tyler Mane is my one carry-over from Fox’s run of X-Men films, though this version would play up his antagonism with Wolverine far better than the original X-Men films did.  Tom Jane being cast as Maverick is down to the German accent he put on for Frank Castle’s undercover identity in the Punisher film of the mid-2000’s.  As for Clooney and Kilmer, I think each as a bit mis-cast as Batman, but I think they could each do better in other roles, such as Sasquatch and Vindicator.
Fantastic Four: Doomsday (1997) Directed by Steven Spielberg
Reed Richards/Mr Fantastic = Tom Hanks
Susan Storm (Richards)/Invisible Woman = Meg Ryan
Johnny Storm/Human Torch = David Spade
Ben Grimm/Thing = Bryan Cranston
Wyatt Wingfoot = Robert Beltran
Alicia Masters = Heather Graham
Victor Von Doom/Doctor Doom = Goran Višnjić
Hauptmann = Ronald Guttman
Matt Murdock/Daredevil = Christian Slater
 After waiting through a few F4 films, we finally get the pay-off of Doctor Doom showing up.  Fox always went to this guy too quickly, and I hope Marvel gets this and holds off on Doom for a while with their films.  However, in this 90’s MCU, we bring Doom in on the third film, which is meant to combine elements of Doom’s comics intro and backstory with a later story where the F4 are depowered, attacked by Doom and have to rely on some assistance from Daredevil to re-enter their headquarters and regain their powers.  As with most third-instalment MCU films as we’ve come to know them, this film has to involve some loss.  As such, the F4 lose their original headquarters, and Ben loses a chance for his perceived happily ever after with Alicia Masters.
 The only new roles here are Doom and his aid Hauptmann, and for these roles, we’re diving into European actors to get the accents right.  Goran Višnjić is my usual front-runner for characters like Doom or Magneto, but since a 90’s MCU would more likely use Ian McKellan on the latter, I think it’s better to use him as Doom and see how he’d do playing against a Tom Hanks version of Reed Richards.
Iron Man 3 (1997) Directed by Sam Raimi
Tony Stark/Iron Man = Tom Selleck
James Rhodes/Iron Man II = Samuel L. Jackson
Pepper Potts = Uma Thurman
Happy Hogan = Sylvester Stallone
Jasper Sitwell = Bill Paxton
Nick Fury = Tommy Lee Jones
Justin Hammer = Christopher Lee
Bethany Cabe = Julia Roberts
Mark Scarlotti/Whiplash = Jason Lee
Donald Gill/Blizzard = Robert Duncan McNeil
Clayton Wilson/Force = Will Patton
Unlike the Iron Man 3 of 2013, this one isn’t playing fake-outs with the Mandarin or dealing with a PTSD-suffering Stark. Instead, the film combines elements from the ‘Demon in a Bottle’ arc and his later relapse into alcoholism under the influence of Obadiah Stane.  As a result, you get a film where industrial sabotage by a true-to-comics Justin Hammer and mounting pressure from SHIELD sends Tony to rock bottom, and as a result, Rhodey has to step in to salvage the Iron Man name, setting up for his eventual progression to War Machine.  In fact, it’s trying to get Rhodey’s pre-War Machine past as a substitute Iron Man into film that is the whole reason for this plot arc in our 90’s MCU.
 Cast-wise, we’re largely dealing with reprised roles from Fury on up.  It’s Justin Hammer on down where the new roles come in, and of course there’s a Trek alumni in the mix by wat of Robert Duncan McNeil.  As for why Hammer is played by Christopher Lee, anyone who has read proper, pre-Ultimates Iron Man lore, would know what Hammer is an older man and a British ex-patriate living in the United States.  As such, it makes far more sense having Christopher Lee play the role than Sam Rockwell or someone like him.  I leave the irreverent humour in this one to Jason Lee as Whiplash, plus some appropriate protagonists in the cast.
Captain America: Society of Serpents (1998) Directed by Peter MacDonald
Steve Rogers/Captain America = Brad Pitt
Nick Fury = Tommy Lee Jones
Sam Wilson/Falcon = Will Smith
Barbara "Bobbi" Morse/Mockingbird = Rebecca Romijn-Stamos
Sharon Carter = Nicole Kidman
Viper/Ophelia Sarkissian = Rose McGowan
Cobra/Klaus Voorhees = René Auberjonois
Diamondback/Rachel Leighton = Neve Campbell
Rattler/Gustav Krueger = Christoph Waltz
Death Adder/Roland Buroughs = Ed Begley Jr
Constrictor/Frank Schlicting = Stephen Dorff
Baron Von Strucker = Udo Kier
Clint Barton/Hawkeye = Kevin Costner
Apparently the second MCU film for Captain America was originally titled Society of Serpents, and sometime before it went into production, Kevin Feige announced it would be Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Since our 90’s MCU lacks the Winter Soldier source material, we’re going down the route not taken by the real MCU. It’s still about Cap struggling to adjust to the modern world, but this time he’s surrounded by a slightly different crop of characters and we’re not tackling Hydra infiltrating SHIELD. Instead, Cap is leading a small group of specialised SHIELD agents in trying to take down a terrorist group called the Serpent Society, not realising that their leader Viper is a total nihilist and fighting for no other cause than to wipe out all life.
 As we’re dealing with a Cap in the late 90’s, the role of Falcon ends up with Will Smith, and for those seeking a Trek link in the casting, the main one is René Auberjonois (DS9’s Odo) in the role of Cobra.  However, Ed Begley Jr also guest-starred in a Voyager episode, and features as the character of Death Adder.  The film also uses Blade alumni Stephen Dorff and Udo Kier in a couple of villain roles, and for the lead villainess, I’ve been tapping into the Charmed casting pool and setting up Rose McGowan as Viper.  Hawkeye also comes in on this film, but later in the sequence of events, hence his being separated out on the casting lists.  Since original comics Hawkeye married Mockingbird, I concluded any film including one character had to include the other and get that set up.
 In terms of romance for Cap, we actually have a kind of Bond girl situation here; both Sharon Carter and Diamondback have been among Cap’s romances in the comics, so the dynamic here would be almost akin to such notable Bond double-acts as Xenia Onatopp and Natalia Symonova, or Miranda Frost and Jinx, or Electra King and Christmas Jones.  The only difference is Cap’s more old-fashioned in a positive way, so he’s not going to be philandering his way through his love interests like Bond does.
Daredevil 2 (1998) Directed by Paul Verhoeven
Matt Murdock/Daredevil = Christian Slater
Foggy Nelson = Jon Favreau
Karen Page = Denise Richards
Wilson Fisk/Kingpin = Bruce Willis
Joseph “Robbie” Robertson = Denzel Washington
Ben Urich = John Spencer
Elektra Natchios = Leonor Varela
Frank Castle/Punisher = Liev Schrieber
Silvermane = Roy Schieder
Lonnie Lincoln/Tombstone = Wesley Snipes
Leland Owlsey/The Owl = Bob Gunton
Mary Walker/Typhoid Mary = Drew Barrymore
Matsu'o Tsurayaba = Hiroyuki Sanada
Kwannon = Kelly Hu
Daredevil 2 puts everyone’s favourite man without fear in the middle of a gang war that’s been sparked by the downfall of the Kingpin in the first Daredevil film.  As a result, the film includes several major Marvel characters that fall into its stories regarding organised crime, and also expands the supporting characters on the side of the heroes, including the additions of Elektra and the Punisher. Again, I’ve tried to be racially and nationally accurate to characters that come from abroad, and I think it’s lead to some good selections.
 Now some less observant readers may wonder why I’ve cast Wesley Snipes as Tombstone considering the character’s extremely white skin.  Well, the simple reason is the character is African-American, but also an albino.  As such, it’s best to get a good actor of the right ethnic background to play the part, then use make-up/prosthetics to create the albino appearance. Tombstone’s inclusion also gives us a chance to bring in Joseph “Robbie” Robertson from the Spider-Man films, especially since Ben Urich works for the same newspaper as Robbie.  That means you’ve got Denzel Washington in the mix as well, and adding in all the other great actors on this list, I think this would be a very cool sequel indeed.
X-Men 2 (1998) Directed by Jonathan Frakes
Professor Charles Xavier = Patrick Stewart
Cyclops/Scott Summers = Patrick Swayze
Jean Grey = Milla Jovovich
Warren Worthington III/Angel = Neil Patrick Harris
Storm/Ororo Monroe = Halle Berry
Beast/Hank McCoy = Alec Baldwin
Banshee/Sean Cassidy = Liam Neeson
Polaris/Lorna Dane = Jeri Ryan
Havok/Alex Summers = Kevin Bacon
Kitty Pryde = Selma Blair
Sam Guthrie = Paul Walker
Roberto Da Costa = Mario Lopez
Tabita Smith = Anna Faris
Wolverine/Logan = Tom Cruise
Sunfire/Shiro Yashida = François Chau
Yukio = Vivian Wu
Mariko Yashida = Shu Qi
Viper/Ophelia Sarkissian = Rose McGowan
Silver Samurai/Kenuichio Harada = Hiro Kanagawa
Ogun = Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa
Senator Robert Kelly = Robert Hays
Henry Peter Gyrich = David Caruso
Calisto = Carrie-Anne Moss
Sunder = Kevin Nash
Ape = Gotz Otto
Annalee = Rosemary Harris
Plague = Gates McFadden
Caliban = Joe Pantoliano
Healer = Brian Cox
Sally Blevins/Skids = Amy Smart
For our second instalment of X-Lore in the 90’s MCU, we get two plots for the price of one film.  As former X-Man Angel is abducted along with several others by the underground mutants known as the Morlocks, heightening human-mutant tensions due to Angel’s public persona as a wealthy heir to a business fortune, an old foe of Wolverine’s kidnaps certain X-students.  The two plots loosely adapt the introduction of the Morlocks and the Wolverine/Wolverine and Kitty Pryde mini-series.  In terms of new characters, Angel and everyone from Calisto down is new and centric to the Morlock story arc, while Sunfire down to Ogun are the new characters for the Wolverine-in-Japan arc (not counting Rose McGowan’s Viper, who is reprised from our phase 2 Captain America sequel).
 In terms of Trek alumni, the film has Frakes in the director’s chair, Patrick Stewart as Xavier, and even Dr Crusher actress Gates McFadden is worked in, giving us three TNG alumni.  The film also allows Wolverine to begin a story arc involving his romance with Mariko Yashida, and it retains Senator Kelly and Henry Peter Gyrich from film 1 to maintain the face of the human fear of mutants.  Some Marvel films fans may also be able to spot a couple of people cast in other Marvel films given new roles in this hypothetical MCU.  More specifically, Rosemary Harris has gone from being Aunt May in the Maguire/Raimi Spider-Man trilogy to being one of the Morlocks, while another Morlock is playing by Brian Cox, the man cast to play William Stryker in Brian Singer’s X2.
Avengers 2 (1999) Directed by Andrew Davis
James Rhodes/Iron Man II = Samuel L Jackson
Steve Rogers/Captain America = Brad Pitt
Thor = Dolph Lundgren
Hank Pym/Ant-Man = Michael Douglas
Janet Van Dyne/Wasp = Catherine Zeta Jones
Clint Barton/Hawkeye = Kevin Costner
Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow = Famke Jansen
Nick Fury = Tommy Lee Jones
Jasper Sitwell = Bill Paxton
Maria Hill = Marina Sirtis
Ultron = Marc Alaimo
Vision = Casper Van Dien
Edwin Jarvis = Mark Rylance
Col. John Jameson = Daniel Gillies
Michael O'Brien = Tony Curran
Bill Foster = Laurence Fishburne
Fabian Stankowicz = Tom Sizemore
David Canon/Whirlwind = Colin Cunningham
Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff = Kate Beckinsale
Quicksilver/Pietro Maximoff = Robert Sean Leonard
 This film has loose ties to Avengers: Age of Ultron, but it’s not an exact match.  First of all, no Infinity Stones in play, as I’d want that story arc much later in this MCU.  Second, I’ve brought the original Ant-Man and the Wasp into this group of Avengers already, enabling Ultron to be Hank Pym’s creation and not Stark’s, better matching the comics.  Third, in these films, Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver are trying to become heroes and get misunderstood, so there’s less of them fighting the Avengers.  Lastly, Stark’s at the bottom of a bottle in this continuity, meaning this film has Rhodey as Iron Man.  However, plot elements like the creation of Vision are retained, and we also get the Wasp’s recurring stalker/antagonist Whirlwind to hand. In fact, in this film, Ultron is created by Hank in part to protect Janet, who Hank has become noticeably controlling over, and the events of this film see this behaviour escalate to a relationship-ending point.
 Also worked into the film are some of the Avengers support staff, which helps to show the team’s evolution and gives them stakes beyond the immediate membership.  For those trying to spot the Trek alumni, we’ve got Marina Sirtis (Counsellor Troi) back as Maria Hill, plus Marc Alaimo (DS9’s Gul Dukat) playing the role of Ultron. As for other new roles, my use of Laurence Fishburne in this film and Carrie-Anne Moss in X-Men 2 nod to this being the era of the first Matrix film, Casper Van Dien is a bit of a shout-out to the Starship Troopers fans, and those who read my ramble on phase 1 will know that Robert Sean Leonard and Kate Beckinsale are reprised roles from X-Men 1. That said, they’re in part selected as a nod to Ken Branagh’s 1993 adaptation of Much Ado About Nothing, thus maintaining what I know to be strong 1990’s casting links.
Spider-Man 3 (1999) Directed by Frank Darabont
Peter Parker/Spider-Man = Wil Weaton
May Parker = Marg Helgenberger
Flash Thompson = Ben Affleck
J. Jonah Jameson = J.K. Simmons
Joseph "Robbie" Robertson = Denzel Washington
Betty Brant = Parker Posey
Jacob Conover = Steve Buscemi
Randy Robertson = Taye Diggs
Norman Osborn/Green Goblin = John Travolta
Harry Osborn = Ryan Phillipe
Gwen Stacy = Reese Witherspoon
Mary-Jane Watson = Alison Hannigan
Herman Schultz/Shocker = Patrick Muldoon
Ned Leeds = John Barrowman
Aleksei Sytsevich/Rhino = Jake Busey
Now we come to Spider-Man 3, and since my cast list is now crediting Norman Osborn as also being the Green Goblin, I’m sure you can understand why I wanted Peter’s secret identity better secured in these films.  Yes, this film is all about going down the death of Gwen Stacy story arc, but unlike Raimi or Webb, we’ve not rushed to this or anything like it.  We’ve had two films before this to lay groundwork, to get the audience invested, and so when this film gets to the third act where Gwen, and subsequently Norman, go down for the count, there is some actual impact even before you work in performance, scoring, etc.  That impact is also added to by Peter’s dual identity being more closely guarded, and thus it’s a real shock when Norman goes after Gwen instead of it being “oh, Peter let the truth slip again.”
 Casting-wise, it’s only two supporting villains and the introduction of Betty Brant’s love interest Ned Leeds that are new roles, and I’ve not got much to say on them.  This time, my focus is more on who is directing, which this time is Shawshank Redemption director Frank Darabont.  I’m sure anyone who knows that film would agree the bloke could probably work wonders with this tragic moment in the history of Spider-Man.
Doctor Strange (1999) Directed by Tim Burton
Dr Stephen Strange = Johnny Depp
Wong = Will Yun Lee
The Ancient One = George Takai
Clea = Keira Knightley
Baron Karl Mordo = Michael Dorn
Dormammu = Bernard Hill
Dr Nicodemus West = Alan Rickman
Dr Christine Palmer = Helena Bonham Carter
 To close out our 90’s MCU phase 2, we bring in sorcerer supreme Dr Stephen Strange, which loosely bases some elements on the MCU film we know from 2016 while also working in more comic-accurate elements.  The film shows Strange’s origins in backstory, featuring Christine Palmer there but not in the present day, and Wong is more like Strange’s apprentice rather than the man-servant or drill sergeant roles we’ve seen previously. Another retention from the 2016 film is Mordo’s racial shift, which allows me to work in TNG actor Michael Dorn. George Takai (the original Sulu) is also worked in as the Ancient One because I didn’t want to retain too much MCU revisionism from the 2016 Dr Strange film.  The film also includes Clea, Dr Strange’s first major romance of note from the comics.
 Beyond the Trek alumni, this film is notable for reforming that notable cinematic trinity of Tim Burton, Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter, while also working in Depp’s Pirates of the Caribbean colleague Keira Knightley. Other notable cast members include Bernard Hill from Lord of the Rings (played Theoden, King of Rohan) and Alan Rickman (do I really need to rattle off his resume?)  In terms of the present-day plot, that’s mainly about Clea being found by Strange, a refugee from Dormammu’s dimension, and her and Strange teaming up together with Wong to beat Mordo and Dormammu.
 And that’s basically it for our 90’s MCU for now.  Future instalments, if I do rambles on them, will of course be dealing with phases set after the 1990’s, but it’ll still be a 90’s MCU.  So, until the next ramble, ta-ta for now.
0 notes
ao3feed-lokiangst · 5 years
X Reader - oneshots
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2LYw0CH
by henley_sarah
This is just a whole ass mess I decided to do for some reason.
Basically, I have two lists; one for characters, one for plots/tropes. It's numbered, so I'll go to a number generator and put in 1-? and 1-? and then put the numbers together. (ex: 3;27)
As I said, it's a whole ass mess.
Words: 1329, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデ��ア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, Tokyo Ghoul, Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan, Kuroshitsuji | Black Butler, DCU (Comics), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Death Note (Anime & Manga), Actor RPF, Peaky Blinders (TV), Fairy Tail, Supernatural, Sherlock (TV), IT - Stephen King, American Horror Story, Stranger Things (TV 2016), Ouran High School Host Club - All Media Types
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Multi
Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima Eijirou, Kaminari Denki, Midoriya Izuku, Todoroki Shouto, Todoroki Touya, Dabi (My Hero Academia), Toga Himiko, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Uta (Tokyo Ghoul), Kaneki Ken | Sasaki Haise, Kirishima Touka, Levi (Shingeki no Kyojin), Eren Yeager, Ciel Phantomhive, Sebastian Michaelis, Undertaker (Kuroshitsuji), Joker (DCU), Harleen Quinzel, Loki (Marvel), Peter Parker, Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, L (Death Note), Near | Nate River, Tom Hiddleston, Tommy Shelby, John Shelby, Michael Gray, Alfie Solomons, Natsu Dragneel, Gray Fullbuster, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Lucifer (Supernatural), Sherlock Holmes, Jim Moriarty, Richie Tozier, Bill Denbrough, Mike Hanlon, Ben Hanscom, Stanley Uris, Eddie Kaspbrak, Victor Criss, Tate Langdon, Kit Walker (American Horror Story), Kyle Spencer, Jimmy Darling, James Patrick March, Rory Monahan, Edward Mott, Kai Anderson, Mike Wheeler, Suoh Tamaki, Ootori Kyouya, Hitachiin Hikaru, Hitachiin Kaoru, Haninozuka Mitsukuni, Morinozuka Takashi, Fujioka Haruhi, Reader
Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Reader, Kirishima Eijirou/Reader, Kaminari Denki/Reader, Midoriya Izuku/Reader, Todoroki Shouto/Reader, Dabi (My Hero Academia)/Reader, Toga Himiko/Reader, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko/Reader, Uta (Tokyo Ghoul)/Reader, Kaneki Ken | Sasaki Haise/Reader, Kirishima Touka/Reader, Levi (Shingeki no Kyojin)/Reader, Eren Yeager/Reader, Ciel Phantomhive/Reader, Undertaker (Kuroshitsuji)/Reader, Joker (DCU)/Reader, Harleen Quinzel/Reader, Loki (Marvel)/Reader, Peter Parker/Reader, Draco Malfoy/Reader, Harry Potter/Reader, L (Death Note)/Reader, Near | Nate River/Reader, Tom Hiddleston/Reader, Tommy Shelby/Reader, John Shelby/Reader, Michael Gray/Reader, Alfie Solomons/Reader, Natsu Dragneel/Reader, Gray Fullbuster/Reader, Sam Winchester/Reader, Dean Winchester/You, Lucifer (Supernatural)/You, Sherlock Holmes/Reader, Jim Moriarty/Reader, Richie Tozier/Reader, Bill Denbrough/Reader, Mike Hanlon/Reader, Ben Hanscom/Reader, Stanley Uris/Reader, Eddie Kaspbrak/Reader, Victor Criss/Reader, Tate Langdon/Reader, Kit Walker (American Horror Story)/Reader, Kyle Spencer/Reader, Jimmy Darling/Reader, James Patrick March/Reader, Rory Monahan/Reader, Edward Mott/Reader, Kai Anderson/Reader, Mike Wheeler/Reader, Suoh Tamaki/Reader, Ootori Kyouya/Reader, Hitachiin Hikaru/Reader, Hitachiin Kaoru/Reader, Haninozuka Mitsukuni/Reader, Morinozuka Takashi/Reader, Fujioka Haruhi/Reader
Additional Tags: Sharing a Bed, Oblivious, Hanahaki Disease, Alternate Universe - High School, Alternate Universe - College/University, Alternate Universe - Harry Potter Setting, Friends to Lovers, Enemies to Lovers, Writing on Skin, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Soulmates, Soulmate-Identifying Marks, Tattoos, Hearing Voices, Bakery and Coffee Shop, Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafés, Alternate Universe - Flower Shop & Tattoo Parlor, Alternate Universe - Bookstore, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Pain, Colors, Red String of Fate, Alternate Universe - Roommates/Housemates, Friends With Benefits, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Comfort, Love Triangles, 5 Times, Alternate Universe - Vampire, Sharing a Body, Bodyswap, Age Regression/De-Aging, Genderswap, Genderbending, Alternate Universe - Zombies, Alternate Universe - Historical, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Arranged Marriage, Amnesia, First Time, Sickfic, In Vino Veritas, Pregnancy, Consensual Sex, Rape/Non-con Elements, Childhood Friends, Villains, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Sex Pollen
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2LYw0CH
17 notes · View notes
aprilrph · 5 years
Tumblr media
hey y’all!! beneath the cut is #178 fcs that are underused, 35+, and have resources or content to make resources from.  it’s organized by gender and alphabetically.  by no means is it every actor available but it’s a good start. as far as i know,  there’s no one problematic on it,  but please let me know if you find someone who is!!  like/reblog if you find it useful.
abigail spencer (1981)
aisha hinds (1975)
aj cook (1978)
alex rice (1972)
amy adams (1974)
angela bassett (1958)
angelica ross (1980)
annie wersching (1977)
bae doona (1979)
brittany ishibashi (1980)
buthaina al raisi (1983)
candy palmater (1968)
carla gugino (1971)
caterina scorsone (1981)
celina jaitly (1981)
chandra wilson (1969)
charo bogarin (1972)
chelsea peretti (1978)
christina chang (1971)
danai gurira (1978)
deborah mailman (1972)
dichen lachman (19822)
elaine miles (1960)
elena finney (1982)
elizabeth mitchell (1970)
elodie yung (1981)
elsa pataky (1976)
fluvia lacerda (1980)
freema agyeman (1971)
gina torres (1969)
gisele marie rocha (1973)
heather rae (1966)
heather white (1983)
inez jasper (1981)
irene bedard (1967)
jamie clayton (1978)
jana mashonee (1980)
jennifer love hewitt (1979)
jennifer pudavick (1982)
jerrika hinton (1981)
jessica capshaw (1976)
jo in-sung (1981)
julia chan (1983)
jun ji hyun (1981)
justina machado (1972)
karina lombard (1969)
karlygash mukhamedzhanova (1983)
kate siegel (1982)
kate walsh (1967)
katherine heigl (1978)
kimberly guerrero (1962)
kirsten vangsness (1972)
kristen bell (1980)
kulap vilaysack (1980)
laleh pourkarim (1982)
laura dern (1967)
lauren cohan (1982)
laverne cox (1972)
linsay willier (1983)
lila downs (1968)
lisa hammond (1983)
loreen (1983)
mais hamdan (1982)
marisa tomei (1964)
mariska hargitay (1964)
marsha thomason (1976)
maggie q (1979)
melissa fumero (1982)
mia sable (1984)
ming-na wen (1963)
octavia spencer (1972)
paget brewster (1969)
ravshana kurkova (1980)
sandra oh (1971)
sara ramirez (1975)
sarah drew (1980)
sharaya j (1984)
sheri foster (1957)
sofia boutella (1982)
stephanie beatriz (1981)
sydney freeland (1980)
tamara feldman (1980)
tanya tagaq (1975)
tina ferreira (1972)
trace ellis ross (1972)
transaaradhna (1983)
velina hasu houston (1957)
viola davis (1965)
yaya dacosta (1983)
abhay deol (1976)
adam beach (1972)
adam rodriguez (1975)
adam garnet jones (1982)
alex kruz (1978)
andre braugher (1962)
andrew lincoln (1972)
andy samberg (1978)
ben bass (1968)
benjamin bratt (1963)
brett dalton (1983)
brian tee (1977)
colin donnell (1982)
chadwick boseman (1977)
cress williams (1970)
daddy yankee (1977)
daniel dae kim (1968)
daniel henney (1979)
daniel sunjata (1971)
eddie spears (1982)
eric dane (1972)
eugene brave rock (1978)
gabriel macht (1972)
gil birmingham (1953)
gong yoo (1979)
henry ian cusick (1967)
ian anthony dale (1978)
idris elba (1972)
james pickens jr (1954)
jason george (1972)
jesse borrego (1962)
jesse spencer (1979)
jesse williams (1981)
jocko sims (1981)
joe lo truglio (1970)
joe mantegna (1947)
john cho (1972)
john krasinski (1979)
jonathan joss (1965)
jon bernthal (1976)
josh dallas (1978)
josh keaton (1979)
justin chambers (1970)
keanu reeves (1964)
kenneth choi (1971)
kevin mckidd (1973)
kunal kapoor (1977)
laurence fishburne (1961)
litefoot (1969)
luke evans (1971)
malcolm barrett (1980)
malcolm-jamal warner (1970)
manish dayal (1983)
manu bennett (1969)
mark-paul gosselaar (1974)
martin henderson (1974)
matt czuchry (1977)
matt lanter (1983)
michael shanks (1970)
michael spears (1977)
michael greyeyes (1967)
miguel angel silvestre (1982)
nicholas gonzalez (1976)
omar lotfi (1983)
patrick dempsey (1966)
ricky whittle (1981)
redcloud (1978)
rudy youngblood (1982)
santiago x (1982)
shemar moore (1970)
simon baker (1969)
sterling k brown (1976)
steven yeun (1983)
taika waititi (1975)
taylor kinney (1981)
terry crews (1968)
todd grinnell (1976)
tom ellis (1978)
tony goldwyn (1960)
tristan thunderbolt (1980)
william jackson harper (1980)
will yun lee (1971)
zach mcgowan (1981)
zahn mcclarnon (1966)
alec butler (1959)
b scott (1981)
jill soloway (1965)
kelly mantle (1976)
tomson highway (1951)
if you know any other nb fcs to add to the list, please let me know!!  i probably won’t add more men or women because there’s plenty but it’s very challenging to find 35+ nb fcs.
48 notes · View notes
X Reader - oneshots
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2LYw0CH
by henley_sarah
This is just a whole ass mess I decided to do for some reason.
Basically, I have two lists; one for characters, one for plots/tropes. It's numbered, so I'll go to a number generator and put in 1-? and 1-? and then put the numbers together. (ex: 3;27)
As I said, it's a whole ass mess.
I'LL ALSO TAKE REQUESTS, just look at the characters and the tags or not idk.
Words: 2538, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, Tokyo Ghoul, Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan, Kuroshitsuji | Black Butler, DCU (Comics), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Death Note (Anime & Manga), Actor RPF, Peaky Blinders (TV), Fairy Tail, Supernatural, Sherlock (TV), IT - Stephen King, American Horror Story, Stranger Things (TV 2016), Ouran High School Host Club - All Media Types
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Multi
Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima Eijirou, Kaminari Denki, Midoriya Izuku, Todoroki Shouto, Todoroki Touya, Dabi (My Hero Academia), Toga Himiko, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Uta (Tokyo Ghoul), Kaneki Ken | Sasaki Haise, Kirishima Touka, Levi (Shingeki no Kyojin), Eren Yeager, Ciel Phantomhive, Sebastian Michaelis, Undertaker (Kuroshitsuji), Joker (DCU), Harleen Quinzel, Loki (Marvel), Peter Parker, Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, L (Death Note), Near | Nate River, Tom Hiddleston, Tommy Shelby, John Shelby, Michael Gray, Alfie Solomons, Natsu Dragneel, Gray Fullbuster, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Lucifer (Supernatural), Sherlock Holmes, Jim Moriarty, Richie Tozier, Bill Denbrough, Mike Hanlon, Ben Hanscom, Stanley Uris, Eddie Kaspbrak, Victor Criss, Tate Langdon, Kit Walker (American Horror Story), Kyle Spencer, Jimmy Darling, James Patrick March, Rory Monahan, Edward Mott, Kai Anderson, Mike Wheeler, Suoh Tamaki, Ootori Kyouya, Hitachiin Hikaru, Hitachiin Kaoru, Haninozuka Mitsukuni, Morinozuka Takashi, Fujioka Haruhi, Reader
Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Reader, Kirishima Eijirou/Reader, Kaminari Denki/Reader, Midoriya Izuku/Reader, Todoroki Shouto/Reader, Dabi (My Hero Academia)/Reader, Toga Himiko/Reader, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko/Reader, Uta (Tokyo Ghoul)/Reader, Kaneki Ken | Sasaki Haise/Reader, Kirishima Touka/Reader, Levi (Shingeki no Kyojin)/Reader, Eren Yeager/Reader, Ciel Phantomhive/Reader, Undertaker (Kuroshitsuji)/Reader, Joker (DCU)/Reader, Harleen Quinzel/Reader, Loki (Marvel)/Reader, Peter Parker/Reader, Draco Malfoy/Reader, Harry Potter/Reader, L (Death Note)/Reader, Near | Nate River/Reader, Tom Hiddleston/Reader, Tommy Shelby/Reader, John Shelby/Reader, Michael Gray/Reader, Alfie Solomons/Reader, Natsu Dragneel/Reader, Gray Fullbuster/Reader, Sam Winchester/Reader, Dean Winchester/You, Lucifer (Supernatural)/You, Sherlock Holmes/Reader, Jim Moriarty/Reader, Richie Tozier/Reader, Bill Denbrough/Reader, Mike Hanlon/Reader, Ben Hanscom/Reader, Stanley Uris/Reader, Eddie Kaspbrak/Reader, Victor Criss/Reader, Tate Langdon/Reader, Kit Walker (American Horror Story)/Reader, Kyle Spencer/Reader, Jimmy Darling/Reader, James Patrick March/Reader, Rory Monahan/Reader, Edward Mott/Reader, Kai Anderson/Reader, Mike Wheeler/Reader, Suoh Tamaki/Reader, Ootori Kyouya/Reader, Hitachiin Hikaru/Reader, Hitachiin Kaoru/Reader, Haninozuka Mitsukuni/Reader, Morinozuka Takashi/Reader, Fujioka Haruhi/Reader
Additional Tags: Sharing a Bed, Oblivious, Hanahaki Disease, Alternate Universe - High School, Alternate Universe - College/University, Alternate Universe - Harry Potter Setting, Friends to Lovers, Enemies to Lovers, Writing on Skin, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Soulmates, Soulmate-Identifying Marks, Tattoos, Hearing Voices, Bakery and Coffee Shop, Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafés, Alternate Universe - Flower Shop & Tattoo Parlor, Alternate Universe - Bookstore, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Pain, Colors, Red String of Fate, Alternate Universe - Roommates/Housemates, Friends With Benefits, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Comfort, Love Triangles, 5 Times, Alternate Universe - Vampire, Sharing a Body, Bodyswap, Age Regression/De-Aging, Genderswap, Genderbending, Alternate Universe - Zombies, Alternate Universe - Historical, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Arranged Marriage, Amnesia, First Time, Sickfic, In Vino Veritas, Pregnancy, Consensual Sex, Rape/Non-con Elements, Childhood Friends, Villains, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Sex Pollen
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2LYw0CH
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anerdsmovieblog · 5 years
Most Anticipated of 2019
This is a little late, because one of these films is already out. But it's a packed year with lots of exciting movies, so here are my top 20 most anticipated movies of 2019, with a few honorable mentions.
Honorable Mentions:
All You Need Is Love
Chaos Walking
Ford v. Ferrari
Godzilla: King of the Monsters
Knives Out
20. Men in Black: International
Release Date: June 14
Directed by F. Gary Gray
Starring Chris Hemsworth, Tessa Thompson, Emma Thompson, and Liam Neeson
19. The LEGO Movie 2: The Second Part
Release Date: February 8
Directed by Mike Mitchell
Starring Chris Pratt, Elizabeth Banks, Will Arnett, and Tiffany Haddish
18. Artemis Fowl
Release Date: August 9
Directed by Kenneth Branagh
Starring Ferdia Shaw, Miranda Raison, Josh Gad, and Judi Dench
17. Hobbs & Shaw
Release Date: August 2
Directed by David Leitch
Starring Dwayne Johnson, Jason Statham, Idris Elba, and Vanessa Kirby
16. X-Men: Dark Phoenix
Release Date: June 7
Directed by Simon Kinberg
Starring James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, Jessica Chastain, Sophie Turner, Nicholas Hoult, Tye Sheridan, Evan Peters, and Kodi Smit-McPhee
15. A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood
Release Date: October 18
Directed by Marielle Heller
Starring Tom Hanks, Matthew Rhys, Susan Kelechi Watson, and Chris Cooper
14. Frozen 2
Release Date: November 22
Directed by Chris Buck and Jennifer Lee
Starring Idina Menzel, Kristen Bell, Jonathan Groff, Josh Gad, and Sterling K. Brown
13. Detective Pikachu
Release Date: May 10
Directed by Rob Letterman
Starring Ryan Reynolds, Karan Soni, Justice Smith, Ken Watanabe, Kathryn Newton, and Bill Nighy
12. Dumbo
Release Date: March 29
Directed by Tim Burton
Starring Colin Farrell, Eva Greene, Danny DeVito, Michael Keaton, Alan Arkin, and Nico Parker
11. Glass
Release Date: January 18
Directed by M. Night Shyamalan
Starring Bruce Willis, Samuel L. Jackson, James McAvoy, Spencer Treat Clark, and Sarah Paulson
10. Jumanji 3
Release Date: December 13
Directed by Jake Kasdan
Starring Dwayne Johnson, Karen Gillan, Kevin Hart, Jack Black, Danny Glover, Awkwafina, Danny DeVito, Alex Wolff, Madison Iseman, Morgan Turner, and Ser'Darius Blain
Welcome to the Jungle was a fun movie while also respecting the first film. Excited to see the third one!
9. How to Train Your Dragon 3: The Hidden World
Release Date: February 22
Directed by Dean DeBlois
Starring Jay Baruchel, America Ferrara, Gerard Butler, Cate Blanchett, Kristen Wiig, Kit Harington, Jonah Hill, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, and Craig Ferguson
This series is my favorite by DreamWorks Animation, and I have been waiting for this one since the second one ended.
8. Captain Marvel
Release Date: March 8
Directed by Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck
Starring Brie Larson, Samuel L. Jackson, Clark Gregg, Jude Law, Gemma Chan, Lee Pace, Ben Mendelsohn, Annette Bening, and Djimon Hounsou
Marvel's second Female-led film after Ant-Man and the Wasp, and the first solo female hero movie in the MCU. It's an important film to release and important to see. Plus we get some 90s vibes in the MCU.
7. Shazam!
Release Date: April 5
Directed by David F. Sandberg
Starring Zachary Levi, Mark Strong, Djimon Hounsou, Jack Dylan Grazer, and Asher Angel
Being a lifelong lover of DC, I am excited with every new movie we get. Zachary Levi is one of my favorite actors and I can't wait to see him playing this hero.
6. Spider-Man: Far from Home
Release Date: July 5
Directed by Jon Watts
Starring Tom Holland, Jake Gyllenhaal, Cobie Smulders, Samuel L. Jackson, Zendaya, Marisa Tomei, Jon Favreau, Jacob Batalon, and Michael Keaton
Another Spidey adventure, and Mysterio at last! Need I say more?
5. Toy Story 4
Release Date: June 21
Directed by Josh Cooley
Starring Tom Hanks, Tim Allen, Annie Potts, Jordan Peele, Keegan-Michael Key, Keanu Reeves, Patricia Arquette, Joan Cusack, Wallace Shawn, Laurie Metcalf, Kristen Schaal, Bonnie Hunt, Timothy Dalton, John Ratzenberger, Jodi Benson, Tony Hale, Blake Clark, Estelle Harris, and Jeff Pidgeon
Another episode of toys making me cry.
4. The Lion King
Release Date: July 19
Directed by Jon Favreau
Starring Donald Glover, Beyoncé Knowles, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Seth Rogen, Billy Eichner, John Oliver, John Kani, Keegan-Michael Key, Alfre Woodard, and James Earl Jones
A live action adaptation of my second favorite Disney movie. I am there.
3. Aladdin
Release Date: May 24
Directed by Guy Ritchie
Starring Mena Massoud, Naomi Scott, Will Smith, Marwan Kenzari, Navid Negahban, and Billy Magnusson
A live action adaptation of my favorite Disney movie. I am there.
2. Avengers: Endgame
Release Date: April 26
Directed by Joe Russo and Anthony Russo
Starring Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo, Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy Renner, Brie Larson, Bradley Cooper, Karen Gillan, Paul Rudd, Don Cheadle, and Josh Brolin
The end result of 11 years of storytelling. This is beyond amazing that this series has made it to this level.
1. Star Wars: Episode IX
Release Date: December 20
Directed by JJ Abrams
Starring Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac, Adam Driver, Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Kelly Marie Tran, Richard E. Grant, Keri Russell, Domhnall Gleeson, Lupita Nyong'o, Joonas Suotamo, Billie Lourd, Dominic Monaghan, Matt Smith, Greg Grunberg, Anthony Daniels, and Billy Dee Williams
The end of the Skywalker Saga. The trilogy I've waited for since I was 16 is ending. And it will be incredible.
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Hey you. Yeah you. Could you give me some writing prompts for Bactor please? Or Darkstache? Pretty please with a cherry on top 🥺👉👈
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Darkstache and Bactor Double Date - Requested by @justnyat
Wilford and Dark had been dating for quite a while, they were actually happily married with four kids now. They hadn't had a date in years. So, Wilford thought of a great idea, a double date. But with who? Benjamin and Actor, even though they weren't dating. But, hopefully this double date would get their relationship closer. So they headed out to the bar that they were going to meet Actor and Benjamin at, their four kids were being babysat by Dark’s mother.
They finally arrived and sat at the table next to Actor and Benjamin, the two not noticing them yet.
“Did you buy a new suit just for this master?” Benjamin asked, smiling. Actor showed off his new crimson suit. “Of course, my dear, you deserve the best for this outing! Well, so do I, but I thought of being generous.” Actor stated. Benjamin let out a little chuckle until he noticed Wilford and Dark watching them. “Ahem, yes, yes. You would want to impress others wouldn't you?” Ben did not like when the two caught him and Actor flirting.
“Already started getting horny without us eh?” Wilford smirked. Benjamin blushed. “SIR WARFSTACHE, THAT'S NOT WHAT THIS IS-!” Wilford chuckled and rolled his eyes. “Wilford, leave the poor butler alone. Actor is nothing but bad news anyway.” Dark looked at Actor with a glare of hatred, as usual. “Alright, my dear lamb~” Wilford teased. “Shut up.” Dark said as he sat down at the table.
The night went on with the four drinking and talking to their partners. And, of course, Actor and Wilford were the drunkest by the end of the night.
I hope I delivered well >:3
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Girls night Part 2.
I feel like Ben came for romance advice while Wilford just flexes how Dark is so much better than Actor.
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I loved this screenshot so much lol.
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A blurb with Ben and Actor involving flowers or something would be pretty cute/cool if you're up for it!
Benjamin gifting Actor flowers - Requested by thedragonemperess
It was a boring day, as usual. Actor was in front of his vanity mirror preparing himself for the day ahead when there was a knock at the door. “Come in?” Actor looked at the door with a puzzled look. Benjamin popped his head around the doorframe, smiling kindly. “Need any help with that pretty face of yours?” Actor scoffed and smiled. “Of course not, Benjamin!” He crossed his arms and looked at himself in the mirror, admiring his snake scales across his forehead and his orangey-red snake eyes. He was truly perfect.
“Well, I've got a little gift for you, sir.” Benjamin smiled. Actor turned around, looking at Benjamin with a smirk. “Aw, you shouldn't have.”
Benjamin pulled out a bouquet of red roses from behind his back, presenting them in front of his master. “Taa-daa!” Actor looked at the roses and smiled a genuine smile. Without warning, Actor grabbed Ben by the collar and kissed him, only for a moment. They both pulled away and Actor chuckled. “Thank you, Ben.”
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Girls night Part 2 but it's fully finished.
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Okay drawing references. Sure. Just make me magically good.
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Stop they're too sweet in my fantasies. SOMEONE STOP ME.
Some little Bactor doodles. The one on the left is Ben stitching up some of Actor's scars, the one at the top is a normal morning for the two, the one on the bottom right is Actor asleep on Ben while he reads a book and the one the bottom left is Actor clinging to Ben after a terrible day.
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I did a thing. To be honest, if they ever dated in my AU, it wouldn't be sexual, more of a comfort thing. Like they are right now, a source of comfort.
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