#admin penelope 🌻
ourhappylies · 6 years
Negan Holding You 🌻
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(I love the moodboard I made for Negan, so here you go, again.)
- Negan loves to hold you, more than just about anything in the world.
- He loves to scoop you up in his arms, carrying you around like the royalty he thinks you are.
- He holds you close to him at night, worried you’ll slip away from him if he doesn’t keep you close enough to him.
- Soft kisses while he holds you.
- Holding you by your thighs, grabbing them and bucking against you when he wants you, smirking to hear your noises.
- Him just enjoying being in your company, playing with your hair and kissing all over your face.
- Sometimes getting weird looks when Negan decides to hold you in his lap, grinding on you.
- Negan scares those looks away with a glare, pulling you flush against his body and kissing the back of your neck.
- Giving you piggyback rides just to feel close to you.
- Taking any and every opportunity to grab your ass and give it a light spank while he holds you, no matter who he’s in front of.
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ourhappylies · 6 years
Spencer Reid x Librarian Moodboard
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ourhappylies · 6 years
Gadreel + Green/Black!
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ourhappylies · 6 years
Ship #1 🌻
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I ship you with..
Draco! (If you’re into boys!)
and Hermione! (If you’re into girls!)
“Hey?” You asked sleepily, yawning and brushing your hair out of your eyes as you looked for Draco in the common room, finding him curled up with a book in the corner and smiling softly.
You snuck over to him, being as quiet as you possibly can, but right before you could say boo, Draco looked up.
“You know, it’s fascinating, you really think you can scare the scariest boy around Hogwarts.” He teased, pulling you down into his lap and looking up at you. “Do you want me to read to you?” He offered, and you nodded, burying your face into his neck and staying quiet.
“What are you reading?” You asked softly, sitting up suddenly to run your fingers through Draco’s silky blonde hair, scratching his scalp gently, just how it always made him weak.
“Oh..” he mumbled softly, closing his eyes for a moment before shaking his head. “The Mysteries that Lie Within the Forbidden Forest.” He said, showing you the front cover and pulling you close, wrapping his arm around your shoulder.
“... Are you gonna keep playing with my hair?” He teased, peering down at you and grinning shyly. “Cutie pie.” He murmured, nuzzling your hand.
Draco read you to sleep, reading long after you fell asleep before realizing you hadn’t actually stayed up to listen. He chuckled quietly to himself as he realized before scooting out from under you and going to fetch blankets and coming to sit by you under the blankets he grabbed.
He knew he couldn’t take you up to your room and he didn’t want to leave you alone here, so he figured he had to stay with you. Besides that, he also really wanted to cuddle with you.
He looked at you dreamily for a moment before pressing a soft kiss to your cheek and cuddling into your side to get some rest.
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ourhappylies · 6 years
Chuck + Shy
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ourhappylies · 6 years
Tom Holland + Red and Blue
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ourhappylies · 6 years
Ship #2: 🌻
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If you like girls, Luna Lovegood!
If you like boys, Remus Lupin.
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Remus was asleep in the Great Hall for the dozenth time, his arms crossed on the table, his head laid down on them. You sat down next to him, pulling his homework away from under his arms gently, looking over it. You laughed softly, shaking your head at his slanted and messy handwriting, casting one of the more complicated spells to straighten out his handwriting as James looked on in amazement.
“Wow, can you teach me that?” He asked, his eyes widening as he pointed to the paper, his voice just loud enough to startle Remus into awaking. He looked at the paper you’d just corrected, chuckling deeply, his throat full of sleep.
“Didn’t I tell you to stop doing that? What if you leave me? I don’t know how to fix my busted handwriting.” He said, scooting closer to you, burying his head in your shoulder.
“But I won’t pretend I don’t appreciate the hell out of it.” He admitted softly, yawning.
“It’s that time of the month?” You teased, and he nodded, leaning up to press a quick kiss to your cheek.
“I miss having you at night.” He mumbled, referring to when you two snuck into the room of requirement with you at least once a week, and tonight was the day of the week you always did as a minimum.
That night, you snuck out of your room, sneaking out to the woods, avoiding the pacing Severus Snape at all costs, going out and around the entirety of Hogwarts to get to the Whomping Willow, crawling into the entrance and going to where Remus always slept when he was turned. You sat by him, frowning and pulling his head into your lap. You sat up most of the night, petting him and finally falling asleep only to be woken in the morning by your favourite werewolf kissing you softly on the lips.
“You remembered.” He teased softly.
“How could I forget?” You responded. “I always look forward to Tuesdays.”
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ourhappylies · 6 years
Chuck + Turquoise
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ourhappylies · 6 years
Penelope Garcia + pink!
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ourhappylies · 6 years
Castiel + Charcoal
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ourhappylies · 6 years
Rob Benedict + Gold/Black
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ourhappylies · 6 years
Ship #3: 🌻
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I ship you with James Potter, undoubtedly.
You two would always make each other laugh with your random antics and you would always cheer each other up no matter what. You’d always defend him to Severus and in your defense he’d defend you to any of his friends that dare to say a single bad word about you.
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He’d love to plant things with you. Especially where he shouldn’t. Like the Forbidden Forest.
You’d snuck out one night, sneaking into the forest, wandering to the middle of the forest to where the plants you and James had planted were sitting, running your fingers over the leaves and the closed up buds.
James snuck up behind you, having watched you leave Hogwarts, wrapping his arms tight around you and covering your mouth so you wouldn’t yelp.
“Hey cutie. Guess who?” He asked, laughing as you hit his arm gently as you turned around.
“Hey dork.” You teased, grinning and leaning up to kiss his cheek quickly before sitting back down.
“Do you like your flowers? I planted them for you. By hand.” He added the end shyly, he knew you loved when he did things the “muggle way”. He knew it would get him brownie points, and so he smiled, cuddling up next to you.
“I’m proud of you James. They’re beautiful. Like you.” You said, tapping his nose.
“Like you.” He responded shyly, smiling.
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ourhappylies · 6 years
Brendon Urie + Neon Purple/Black
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ourhappylies · 6 years
Spencer Reid
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ourhappylies · 6 years
Being Best Friends With Daryl Dixon 🌻
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- Protecting each other at any cost
- Him teaching you to hunt and showing you how to operate all kinds of weapons you find
- He passes on as much knowledge to you as he possibly can
- You're the only person he'll really open up to
- He tells you the good stories from his childhood
- But put a little liquor in him and he's telling you the bad stories too, showing off his scars to you and being completely honest and vulernable
- Being the only one to see his scars
- Long hugs before bed and before going off on supply runs
- Holding each other's hand when you're nervous to let the other know it's okay
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ourhappylies · 6 years
Adventures of a Blind Boy (Blind!Spencer Reid) 🌻
Note: Part one. (of six!) Spencer is blinded and wakes up in the hospital, where reader spends time with him for a few days.
Tag List: @rayreids @jason-gideon-is-my-dad @tippy06 @pianista-bookworm @bionic-bat @mrssierrarogers
Word Count: 1067
Reid followed Morgan into the dark house, there wasn’t a single source of light, save for the television playing static. Spencer nodded, and he turned left into a room as Morgan turned right into a room.
“Cl-“ he started, before Spencer let out a yelp, and there was a thud, presumably when Spencer dropped his gun.
Morgan rushed over, aiming his gun at the unsub who already had a beaker raised to his lips.
“Put it down, and put your hands up.” He demanded, and the older man laughed.
“I think you might wanna take care of your partner before you start barking orders.” He teased, letting out a chuckle. Before he could down whatever was in the beaker, Morgan shot it out of his hand, shattering it and getting glass in the unsub’s hands.
“Help him!” He demanded, looking at Reid who was sobbing, his hands over his eyes, trying to naturally flush out whatever was in his eyes.
“He’s doing the best thing for him. Crying.” He said, smiling, and Morgan knew if Reid was in any other situation he’d agree that the best thing to do when a foreign substance entered your eye was to immediately start crying.
Morgan moved forward and pushed the unsub down onto the table, cuffing him before he could reach for anything else.
“What did you throw at him.”
“5M of Hydrochloric Acid, he’ll never cry it all out.” He said sadistically, and Morgan finally spoke into his ear piece.
“I need medical for Spencer Reid, he’s just had acid thrown into his face and it entered his eyes.” He said, trying his best not to cry himself, and leading the man outside and into one of the many cop cars that littered the driveway.
He jogged back in and found Spencer, still convulsing with sobs. “Come here pretty boy..” Morgan started, helping him stand up and wrapping his arm around Spencer’s shoulders to gently lead him out of the house.
“I can’t see anything Morgan..” he mumbled, turning his head to face Morgan, where he should have been able to see his concerned face.
“That’s okay, we’ll get you fixed up.” He reassured, but was just as shaken as Spencer was as he led him into the back of an ambulance that had just pulled up.
Morgan moved back and let the ambulance pull off, heading to a hospital and he sighed as he knew his next move was calling you. He called Garcia first.
“Hey baby girl. Can you do me a huge favour?”
“Your wish is my command, what’s up?” She asked cheerfully, and Morgan smiled wistfully.
“Can you get ahold of Mrs. Reid? His girlfriend? Spencer.. Spencer is in critical condition, he just had acid splashed into his eyes.”
Morgan hung up after he heard a yes but before any questions he couldn’t answer at the moment escaped Penelope’s lips.
You of course, answered Penelope’s call without a second thought.
“Hey Pen, everything okay?” You asked, smiling as you cooked dinner for you and Spencer.
“Spencer.. Spencer..” she repeated, and your smile faded, as you waited for her to continue.
“He’s blind.” She admitted, although it wasn’t comfirmed, she was for the most part sure he would be, acid didn’t do well mixed with eyes.
“Oh my god. Where is he?” You asked, covering your mouth as you heard her typing, it was a local case, you knew you could make it in less than an hour.
“Potomac hospital. But he’s in critical condition, you won’t be able to see him for at least an hour.. bring him dinner.. and a book.” Penelope offered, and you sniffled.
“Yeah.. Yeah. I’ll read to him. Try to make sure he knows.. he knows I’m still here..” you sobbed out, running a hand through your hair.
When you hung up the phone with Garcia, you finished dinner, shakily sliding down the cabinets to sit on the floor, covering your mouth to suppress cries from your mouth.
You gathered a few books from all genres, a poetry book, a horror, a romance novel, an adventure, a choose your own adventure, and a comic book that you knew you would have to spend time describing for Spencer.
You also packed him a dinner and a lunch for the next day, dinner consisting of his favourite- homemade dumplings and fried rice and his lunch being a staple, a pb&j, a tuna sandwich, pickle roll ups, and as many fruits and snacks as you could shove in the lunch kit for him.
Driving to the hospital was shaky, but talking to Morgan and being told Spencer was alive and.. as well as he could be the last time he was seen was relatively calming, and you smiled sadly at the thought of Spencer wearing sunglasses- Spencer, the man who hated sunglasses as much as one person possibly could.
The thought of getting to cheer him up with fruit roll ups and reading Edgar Allan Poe to him cheered you up, and you sat outside his room once you convinced a nurse Reid was your husband. You sat on the floor by the door, playing some silly game on your phone to pass the time until it died.
You pulled your knees to your chest, counting the number of people who walked by before you were finally allowed into his room. One hundred and thirty two people. Mostly in teams of two or more.
When you walked in, you saw a sterile white bandage over Spencer’s eyes, and you knew he hadn’t recovered his eyesight.
“Hey.. Spence..” you said softly, touching his arm. He smiled sadly, turning his attention towards you.
“I’m sorry. I should have been watching where I was headed, and I should have been more alert and.. and..” he started to ramble and you kissed him gently, and he flinched slightly before finally kissing back, reaching a hand up to feel your cheek.
“I brought you some snacks. Jello, cookies, fruit snacks.. but first we’re gonna have dinner together.” You said, and Spencer smiled shyly.
“It’s a little cold but it’s still good. I made dumplings and fried rice for the best boy I know.” You said, running a hand through his hair, and kissing his now exposed forehead.
“I even brought books!” You added, smiling and pulling out the extra blanket from the car as you settled in to stay for a while.
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