#alastor hartfelt x reader
therand0mwriter · 4 months
Bare Your Soul
Alastor Hartfelt x Female!Reader
When the Hazbin Hotels second, more appropriate, commercial was interrupted by the news, Alastor decided to air his original, sarcastic, commercial. What no one expected was for the commercial to actually work.
"ɨ… աǟռȶ ȶօ… ɢɛȶ ȶօ ӄռօա ʏօʊ."
"𝓨𝓸𝓾 𝔀𝓱𝓪𝓽?"
Chapter 1 - The Hazbin Hotel
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[Update 02.08.24 - since I've had a lot of people come to me, pissed about the fact that I made Alastor's last name Altruist (even though I thought it sounded catchy), I changed it to Hartfelt. Yes, I know his last name isn't confirmed yet, but Hartfelt is the closest thing we'll come to a last name.]
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[A/N: (h/c)=hair color, (h/l)=hair length, (h/t)=hair type (wavy, straight, curly, etc.)]
[2nd A/N: When I put (s/c) and (e/c) you can do what ever color you want, you're a demon in this story, have fun with it:)]
*3rd Person POV*
Charlie came back from the meeting with Adam and was feeling down on her luck. She had no idea on how to tell everyone that Extermination Day was now sooner than they expected. But when her girlfriend, Vaggie, came bounding up to her and told her that everyone at the hotel had made a new commercial, her heart swelled and her eyes teared up.
Charlie and Vaggie joined the group in the main area to watch the commercial, but was sorely disappointed when it was interrupted by the news announcing that Extermination Day was pushed up by six months.
Alastor, on the other hand, seized the opportunity. "Well, my dear," He started, standing and turning to Charlie. "I could always air my original commercial. Now that the announcement of Hell's newest problem is out of the way, I'm sure it won't be interrupted by anything. I'll even broadcast it from my radio tower!" He ended with a flourish of his staff.
Vaggie then stood, standing in front of Charlie, "Hold on, can't we just re-air the better commercial?" Alastor's already large grin widened, "I'm afraid not, dear. The agreement was to only show it once!" The one-eyed girl let out an 'ugh', face palming. Charlie stood next to Vaggie and begrudgingly started, "Well, I guess that's all we can do. Go ahead, Alastor."
"Wonderful!" The radio demon shouted before disappearing into his shadow. "Maybe it'll convince someone to come here?" Charlie said to Vaggie, a sheepish grin on her face.
*Time Skip, Next Day*
Everyone at the Hazbin Hotel just finished watching Alastor's original commercial, Alastor's grin more joyous than usual, Vaggie's eye was twitching wildly, Charlie was grimacing, and everyone else had looks of surprise. "I really hope nobody saw that." Vaggie commented, distaste clear in her voice.
In a dark room, where the only source of light was the television, sat a lone woman. She watched with wide (e/c) eyes as a commercial out of place from the other ones started to play.
"Well, hello there you wayward sinner! Do you like blood, violence and depravity of a sexual nature? Of course you do! That's why you're in Hell! But what would you say if I told you there was a place to stay that had none of that? Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel, a misguided path to redemption! Founded five days ago by Lucifer's delusional daughter: Charlotte Morningstar! Come place your fate in her inexperienced hands as she tries to work through her  daddy issues by fixing you! Here, we offer fun things! Such as, somewhat functional staff! And 24 hour pest control. Custom rooms, and just look at this tacky parlor! Enjoy riveting conversation with our singular resident. Wow! All this and more at the Hazbin Hotel! Your last desperate attempt at salvation starts here."
The woman muted the TV after the commercial ended, still staring with wide eyes as she processed what she just watched. Eventually, she started to giggle. Then that giggling turned into full blow boisterous laughing. She placed her hand on her forehead, shaking her head until she calmed down. Once she did, she let out a tired sigh, her shoulders drooping. "This might be my only chance." The woman said forlornly, turning off the TV, enveloping the room in darkness.
*Time Skip, Next Day*
At the hotel, Charlie was pacing back and forth as her cat, KeeKee, was also pacing with her, swerving in and out of Charlies moving legs. "Okay! So the extermination is coming in six months instead of a year. No big deal! Just a little setback! Nothing we can't handle." At this point in Charlies rambling, KeeKee had run off, most likely finding a place to sleep. Charlie continued her worried rambling, "Just Angels cutting our timetable in half. But who needs a whole year to save souls? Am I right?! And next time when they cut the time in half again and again, we'll just handle it, right?!" 
Vaggie came up to her girlfriend and placed her hands on Charlie's shoulders, stopping her in her tracks and her panicked rant, "Yes, we will." Vaggie sent Charlie a comforting smile, but that smile was gone when Angel spoke up, "Oh, please. Ya had less than half a chance when you started all this salvation bullshit. And now," Angel paused, looking down to his phone to see multiple text messages from his boss, Valentino. "Ain't no silver lining this time, toots."
"Sure there is. We just have to look a little harder for it." Charlie responded, a hopeful smile on her face. "Well, while you're lookin', the rest of Hell is going nuts." Angel stated, turning his phone to Charlie to show multiple news headlines. "People are already freaking out about the news. Look at what's happening in the Doomsday District."
When Charlie leaned forward to look at Angel's phone, a text message popped up. "Uh, what is a 'donkey show'?" She questioned, her red eyes squinted in confusion. Angel's eyes went wide and he quickly brought his phone back to him, "Ah! Eh, nothing! My boss, Val, is just freaked out about the news, too. Like I said, everyone's losing their shit."
"Yeah," Vaggie started. "That's true. Sinners are desperate. Maybe desperate enough to try anything to escape the extermination?" Charlie gasped, a smile growing on her face once more, "This is the prefect time to recruit more sinners for the hotel!" She ended, throwing her arms up in the air in excitement. "Cute idea and all, but you really going to go out in all of this?" Angel questioned, turning his phone to the two women to show a fire and demons screaming in fear. 
"Well, it's not like people are just going to show up on our doorstep." Charlie said and immediately after a loud explosion sounded, causing the girl to shout in surprise. The three turn to see a hole in the wall next to the bar. They then heard a dramatic voice come from outside, "Show yourself, Alastor! Come and face-" The voice, Sir Pentious, paused, looking from the hole in the wall to the balcony above it from his ship. There, sat Alastor, drinking from a mug that said 'OH DEER' on it. "Oh, there you are. Face my wrath!" Pentious continued. Alastor took a sip from his mug before turning back to the snake demon, "Who are you?"
"Who am I? Who am I? I am the great Sir Pentious! Inventor, architect of destruction, villain extraordinaire!" Said demon boasted as Alastor went into his shadow, moving to stand next to Charlie, Vaggie and Angel who had come outside to see the cause of disturbance. One of Sir Pentious Egg Boi's turned to him, "Woo! You tell 'em, boss." 
Niffty had also came out from the hotel, climbing up Alastor's back and gasping with excitement, "Ooo! He's a bad boy." Alastor reached behind him and took ahold of Niffty by her scruff, placing her on the ground, "Huh, well if all that's true, you'd think I'd have heard of you." Pentious eyes were wide with disbelief, "I attacked you literally last week." The Radio demon tilted his head in confusion, a static hum coming from him. "We've done battle, like... 20 times?" Pentious explained, throwing his hands up in exasperation. "Well, you must have been really bad at this." Alastor said, a smug tone in his voice.
"Silence! Now cower!" The snake demon shouted. "For when I've slain you, the almighty Vee's will finally acknowledge me as their equal!" Niffty had climbed back onto Alastor's back, gasping in excitement once more. She then paused, "Wait, who are the Vee's?" Alastor waved them off, "Oh, nobody important. Now, let's deal with the nobody in front of us." The Radio demon chuckled darkly, static sounding from him as giant black tentacle came from the ground, wrapping around Sir Pentious ship, shaking it.
One of the tentacles smashed into the cockpit, causing Pentious to shout in fear, "Ahh! Please! Stop!" Alastor chuckled at the sight in front of him, his chuckling turning into manic laughter. "Um, Alastor?" Charlie called out, "I think he's had enough." Angel grinned, "Nah, he's got a few more hits in 'im."
The tentacles tilted the ship to where Pentious fell out of the cockpit and onto the cement with a crack. "Thanks for another forgettable experience." Alastor said, twirling his staff then leaning on it. Pentious slowly lifted one of his arms and slowly spoke, "Thank... you..." He then propped himself up, "For letting your guard down!" He quickly shot his tail out, taking ahold of the corner of Alastor's coat, ripping the edge off. "Haha! Yah!" Pentious shouted with glee, but immediately cowered as Alastor growled with anger, his antlers growing. "Oh, shit!" Pentious said before he was blasted off. He let out a scream of pain as green smoke followed him through the air as he flew.
When Pentious was out of view, Alastor turned to the three behind him, "Well, it looks as though I need a visit to the tailor. Best of luck, chums!" He turned back around, waving goodbye. Vaggie then stepped forward, "Wait, you're leaving? Alastor, we need your help. We need you to do your job." She stated. Angel added, gesturing to the large hole, "We need a wall." The Radio demon turned back to them, 'Of course! Can't let my new project fall into disrepair already. What would the papers say?" Alastor snapped his fingers, causing six black and white demons to appear from the ground as he walked away.
Angel giggled, pushing Vaggie out of his way as he made his way up to the largest black and white demon. "Hey, sweet cheeks." Angel started in a sultry tone, leaning one of his four arms on the demons shoulder. "What you doing later? I love me a man with a giant..." Angel pause, looking down at the demons crotch. "Tool." The spider demon finished. 
"Um, am I interrupting?" A new voice started. Charlie, Vaggie and Angel look to their left to see a female demon they've never met before. Her hair was (h/l), (h/c) and (h/t), her clear skin was (s/c), and her eyes were a brilliant shade of (e/c). On top of her head was a set of antlers that were decorated in little colorful flowers. The antlers went up and curled into each other, forming the shape of a heart. Also on the top of her head was a set of fluffy (h/c) ears, similar to a deer.
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[A/N: Something like this for your antlers. Image does not belong to me.]
"Wow! You look a lot like Alastor!" Charlie said, slightly amazed. The new female raised her eyebrow in confusion, "I'm sorry, who?" Vaggie then stepped in, a cautious tone to her voice, "Um, the Radio demon? You're not related to him, are you?" The new females eyes widened with realization, "Oh! Yes, I've heard of him. Don't worry, we aren't related. Are we that similar?"
Angel went and stood with Charlie and Vaggie, leaving the six black and white demons to do their job. "It's just the antlers and ears y'all got in common." Angel added. The female nodded in understanding and Charlie took a step towards her, a warm smile on her face, "So, what can we help you with?"
"Oh! Yeah!" The she-demons eyes went wide once more, remembering why she was there. She then became nervous, her hold on her suitcase, that the three others just noticed, tightened. "Uh, I saw your guys commercial. About the hotel. And I want to join, if that's okay?" With each word the female spoke, Charlie's grin grew wider and wider until she finally burst.
"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!" Charlie jumped up and down in excitement, running forward to take the she-demons hands in hers. "Yes, yes, yes! Of course you can stay here! Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel! We're going to help you get to Heaven! My names Charlie!" The said demon introduced, vigorously shaking the new females' hands. The blonde then stood next to the new she-demon, gesturing to Vaggie and Angel, "That's Vaggie, my girlfriend! And that's Angel Dust! Our other resident!" The two waved a greeting to the new girl, but before she could return it, Charlie was already pulling her inside.
"Here's our bartender, Husk! And over here we have Niffty! She does our cleaning! Oh! And these are my pets! Razzle, Dazzle and KeeKee! Oh! Let me show you all of the floors, the kitchen, the bathrooms-" Vaggie then stepped in front of Charlie, placing her hands on her girlfriends shoulder, "Charlie! Honey, we don't need to show her everything all at once. Take a breath and let her breath." And Charlie did just that, both her and Vaggie turning back to the new female.
"I'm sorry, during Charlie's excitement, we didn't get your name." Vaggie said, both her and Charlie sending a smile to the new female. The she-demon brushed off her dress, calming down from being pulled here and there. She cleared her throat before straightening her back and bowing her head slightly in a formal greeting, "My name is (Y/N) (L/N), It's an honor to meet you, princess Morningstar. Same with you, Vaggie. I hope I can be a good guest and help you achieve your goals."
Vaggie's eye went wide with surprise at how polite this she-demon was being, the only other person she's met that's this kind was Charlie. It made Vaggie a little suspicious. Charlie, on the other hand, was warmed by the greeting as tears swelled in her eyes. Angel then stepped up to the three women, "Wait, you said you saw a commercial. Which commercial did ya see?" Charlie then gasped, "Wait! You saw our commercial?!" The blonde shouted, shaking with excitement.
(Y/N) nodded, small smile on her lips, "Yes, I thought it was quite entertaining in all honesty." Charlie and Angel were confused while Vaggie squinted, "Wait, why was it entertaining?" (Y/N) gained a nervous sweat, "No offense, but I think my favorite part was about Charlie's daddy issues. I have no idea why you added it, but I liked it." She ended with a shrug. "Oh..." Charlie said dejectedly and Vaggie slapped her hand against her forehead. "Ugh, you saw Alastor's commercial." (Y/N) raised her eyebrow in surprise, "Really? I'll have to give him my compliments when I meet him."
Charlie shook her head and smiled again, placing her hand on (Y/N)'s shoulder, turning her towards the staircase, "Well, (Y/N), let me show you to your room. And please, just call me Charlie." The blonde said, referring to when (Y/N) called her 'princess Morningstar'.
Vaggie watched the two go up the stairs and disappear around the corner, her eye squinting with suspicion. Angel raised his brow at her, "What's with your face?" Vaggie ignored his comment, "How can someone in Hell be that nice? It doesn't make sense. Somethings gotta be up with her." Angel rolled his eyes at her paranoia, going and sitting back on the couch.
*Time Skip*
*(Y/N)'s POV*
It's been around an hour since you've arrived at the Hazbin Hotel. Charlie left you alone for the moment to settle into your room. After you finished placing your last piece of clothing away, you sat on your new bed and sighed, rubbing the area where your shoulder and neck connect. 'Charlie sure is energetic.' You thought to yourself.
Just then, you heard static outside your door. You look and see a shadow move from under the gap. As the shadow disappeared, so did the static. 'What was that?' You thought to yourself. You stood and made your way to your door, opening it and peeking your head out. You saw a red figure round the corner, the sound of static following them. You look around for Charlie, Vaggie, or anyone you could ask about the being you briefly saw. But there was no one in the hallway. 'Well, let's hope curiosity doesn't kill the deer...' You meekly thought, leaving your room and following after the red figure.
When you rounded the corner, you didn't see the figure. You then listened for the static, faintly hearing it. You made your way towards the noise, peeking your head around another corner. You then saw a door that was out of place from the other ones. This one was wooden, and had a small window near the top. Then, a light flickered on above the wooden door. You look and see it's an 'ON AIR' sign.
You thought back to when you first got to the hotel. On the outside was what looked to be a broadcasting tower, you just didn't think it was still functional from how it was leaning away from the building. "Salutations! Good to be back on the air!" You then heard a voice that sounded like it was coming from an old-timey radio say. 'Is that Alastor?' You thought, your curiosity growing. 'What does the infamous Radio Demon look like?'
Without thinking, you approached the door and pulled it open to see a metal flight of stairs leading up. "Yes I know it's been awhile since someone with style treated Hell to a broadcast, sinners rejoice!" You heard, what you assumed to be, Alastor say. You continued up the stairs, hearing a new voice you didn't recognized. This voice was clear, as if he was speaking to you in person, "What a dated voice!"
When you got to the top, you were met with another door, but this one was left ajar. "Instead of a clout chasing mediocre video podcast!" You heard Alastor say. You peek through the opening of the door and finally laid your eyes on him, The Radio Demon. He had pale skin, red eyes, short red hair that turned black for the last few inches, deer like ears that were larger than mine sat atop of his head, a set of antlers that were smaller than mine also accompanied his ears, and a large, sharp tooth yellow grin.
He wore a red suit and monocle, his bowtie, gloves, pants and shoes being black (accented by red). In his hand was his staff that, what looked to be, an older version of a microphone. "Come on!" The unknown voice shouted. "Is Vox insecure pursuing allure? Flitting between this fad and that, is nothing working?" Alastor responded smugly into his staff, lifting his shoulders in a shrug.
"Ignore his chirping!" The second voice, Vox, shouted once more, sounding irritated. "Every day he's got a new format." The Radio Demon added. "You're looking at the future, he's she shit that comes before that!" The TV demon bellowed with a singing tone. Unfortunately for him, his comment didn't bother Alastor one bit. "Is Vox as strong as he purports, or is it based on his support? He'd be powerless without the other Vee's!" Alastor sang back, his comment causing you to smile in amusement. "Oh, please!" Vox said, not knowing a better comeback. 
"And here's the sugar on the cream, he asked me to join his team-" Alastor was interrupted by panicked Vox, "Hold on!" But the Radio Demon continued to sing into his staff, leisurely leaning back in his chair, "I said no and now he's pissy, that's the tea!" You had to cover your mouth to keep the giggle bubbling in your throat from slipping out.
"You old timey prick! I'll show you suf-suffering!" Vox's voice started to glitch. "Uh oh! The TV is buffering!" Alastor teased, propping his head on his hands. "I'll destroy yoo-o-u-u you little-" Before Vox could finish his sentence, he cut out, along with all of the power in Hell. You jumped in surprise at the sudden darkness coming from outside, but also at the fact that the only place that still had power was the broadcasting tower.
"I'm afraid you've lost your signal." Alastor continued, leaning forward, the air in the tower becoming sinister. "Let's begin, I'm gonna make you wish that I'd stayed gone." With every word he sang, Alastor's antlers grew along with his malicious grin. "Tune on in. When I'm done," Alastor stood from his seat, his form growing larger and more lanky. The red in his sclera turned pitch black, only his iris staying red. What looked to be red stitching started to appear all over his body and clothes, making him resemble a voodoo doll. "Your status quo will know its race is run," Red liquid started to leak from his mouth. "Oh this will be fun!" Alastor ended with a maniacal laugh, his pupils turning into little radio dials.
'So this is him... The Radio Demon.' You didn't know if you should be scared shitless or amazed by his power. Alastor returned to his normal form, taking a sip of his tea. He then suddenly spoke up, "Are you going to join me or just keep watching me from the shadows?" Alastor turned to the door, and I instantly knew he was talking to me. 'He's a powerful demon, of course he noticed me.' You thought, mentally face palming. You noted that he still sounded like he was speaking through a radio. 'How strange, but fitting for the Radio Demon.' You pushed the door open and stepped in, "I apologize, I didn't mean to eavesdrop."
*3rd Person POV*
"I apologize, I didn't mean to eavesdrop." When the she-demon stepped in, Alastor paused, taking in her looks. (H/l) (h/c) hair, (s/c) skin, (e/c) eyes, deer ears, and antlers in the shape of a heart with flowers. She wore a long-sleeved black dress that stopped mid-thigh, with small black buttons on the top of the dress, along with a thin black bowtie that sat above her exposed chest (but of course not exposing anything indecent). She also wore white tights, covering the skin on her legs. On her feet were black Mary Jane heels that completed her outfit. 'How strange,' Alastor thought. 'She doesn't look half bad.'
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[A/N: Something like this for your dress. Image does not belong to me.]
Alastor stood and made his way to the girl, "It is no problem, my dear! I broadcasted it for all of Hell to hear. Did you at least enjoy it?" He then twirled his staff in a flashy manner. The she-demon nodded, a small smile adorning her (thin/plump) lips, "Yes, I thought it was entertaining." Alastor's never-leaving smile widened at her words and he straightened his coat, "The names Alastor! Alastor Hartfelt! And who do I have the pleasure of being in the presence of?" He held out his hand to her, bending his body slightly to meet her height.
She stared at his hand, then back up to meet his eyes. Alastor tilted his head at her hesitancy. She started to stutter, embarrassed when she realized she had been staring, "S-Sorry, it's just that your eyes are much brighter up close." Before Alastor could respond or even think about her comment, she took ahold of his hand, shaking it. "My name is (Y/N) (L/N), it's an honor to meet you. I am the newest resident of the Hazbin Hotel." She said, slightly bowing her head in respect.
Before she could take her hand back, Alastor brought it up to her lips, leaving a kiss on her knuckles, "Please, dear! The pleasure is all mine!" When he let go of her hand, (Y/N) placed both of her hands behind her back, out of sight to Alastor as she rubbed her knuckles. Alastor discreetly pursed his smiling lips afterwards, both of the demons thinking:  'Why did that burn?'
"So," Alastor started, tilting his head again. "You're the newest resident? How did you come about the hotel?" To his surprise, she started to chuckle. "I actually saw your commercial, and I have to say, I found it quite hilarious." She giggled, placing her hand over her mouth to keep her laughter at bay. Both Alastor's eyes and smile widened with glee, "That was the goal, dear! I'm so glad you liked it! But I have to say, I am surprised it made you want to come here."
At his words, (Y/N)'s laughter halted. Alastor took note of her mood change. "Yes, well, you did say in your commercial that this was a path to redemption. Even if it is misguided," She let out a soft chuckle at the memory. "I want to get into Heaven." Alastor hummed, "Why do you want to go to Heaven?" (Y/N) opened her mouth to respond, but then shut it. She thought for a moment, a mental battle clear on her face. Eventually, she gave Alastor a strained smile, "Personal reasons."
Alastor hummed again, 'Interesting...' He thought. "Very well!" Alastor started, twirling his staff once more. He then moved to the door, holding it open. "Shall we? I'm sure Charlie hasn't finished giving you the tour yet. We don't want her to be disappointed at your sudden absence." (Y/N)'s (e/c) eyes widened and she took quick steps to the door, "Ah, you're right! It's rude to be late!" 
As (Y/N) made her way down the stairs, she missed the way Alastor looked at her. His head was tilted and his eyes were squinted. 'What an anomaly.' He thought right before following her.
*Time Skip*
Charlie had just finished giving (Y/N) the full tour of the hotel, with Alastor accompanying them and making little sarcastic remarks here and there, making (Y/N) chuckle (much to Charlie's dismay). "Well, what d'ya think!?" Charlie asked, grin large and holding her arms out wide, gesturing to the hotel.  (Y/N) nodded, small smile on her lips, "It's nice." At her words, the blonde squealed, "Ah! I'm so glad you like it!" She then took ahold of (Y/N)'s  hands in hers, "Trust me, (Y/N)! I'll do everything in my power to get you redeemed and into Heaven!" 
Alastor took in the doe demons expression and could easily tell she was uncomfortable at her personal space being invaded. But, she continued to smile. "Thank you, Charlie. I appreciate your effort." She said, making the princess jumped in happiness. 
Just then, Charlie's phone went off with a notification. She looked at the message and gained a mischievous grin. "Oh, (Y/N)!" Charlie said in a sing-song tone, "There's something waiting for you in the foyer!" The blonde started to make her way, skipping in excitement while Alastor and (Y/N) followed behind at a leisurely pace. 
The doe demon sighed, but smiled nonetheless, "It's a welcoming party, isn't it?" Alastor looked to her through the corner of his eye, seeing her looking straight ahead at Charlie with a tired fondness. "How could you tell?" Alastor asked, already knowing the answer. (Y/N) softly chuckled, "Charlie is easy to read." The Radio Demon found this interesting. Then a question formed in his mind. He needed to gather more intel on this strange being. "Am I easy to read?"
Finally, (Y/N) looked up at him through her (long/short) lashes, her lips still holding that small smile, "No, you're an anomaly."
Alastor halted in his steps, staring at the doe demons figure as she got smaller and smaller, still following Charlie. When both of their figures disappeared around the corner, Alastor felt like he could finally breath. Multiple thoughts ran through his, now panicked, mind.
'Who is she?'
'Why is she here?'
'Can she read my mind?'
'She has to be fucking with me.'
'There has to be more to her.'
'She must be playing dumb.'
"Alastor? Are you still joining us?" The male snapped his head up to see just the person he was freaking out about. (Y/N) had stepped back around the corner, her eyebrow raised in question. 'Well you know what they say: keep your friends close and your enemies closer...' Alastor thought before disappearing into his shadow just to reappear next to the girl, making her jump in surprise. "Of course, dear! I apologize if I kept you waiting." (Y/N) smiled in response, "It's alright. No need to apologize." 
The two then finished the walk to the foyer in silence, being greeted by a loud 'Surprise!' when they made it to their destination. There was a large banner that said: 'Welcome (Y/N)!' in different colored paint, the bar was decorated in hearts, there was a table full of food and the center pieces were bouquets of wild flowers, on a different table were various card and board games, and next to the couch was a... karaoke machine.
Alastor noticed how (Y/N)'s shoulders dropped when she laid eyes on the singing machine. He leaned down to her height, "What's the matter, dear? Don't like to sing?" (Y/N) shook her head, "No, not really. I don't sing." There was another thing Alastor found interesting about her. Every one in Hell sang, even him.
Charlie came bounding up to both of the deer demons, "So, (Y/N)! It's your party! What would you like to do first?" The girl looked around and noticed everyone's eyes on her, waiting for her response. "U-Um, why don't you guys get a game of cards started while I go get a drink?" Charlie smiled and nodded, her, Vaggie and Angel heading to the game table. (Y/N) made her way to the bar and Alastor watched her every move. 
"What will ya have?" Husk questioned, his tone bored. "Do you have any wine or whiskey?" (Y/N) asked, taking a seat. "No to the wine, and for the whiskey, we only have the cheap stuff." Husk responded, gesturing to the bottles behind him. "Oh," (Y/N) hummed, thinking about what else she should order.
Alastor disappeared into his shadow, reappearing next to the doe demon, making her jump in surprise once more. "I believe I might be able to help you!" Alastor said. With a wave of his hand, he summoned a bottle of whiskey from his personal stash that was already 1/4th gone. (Y/N) squinted her eyes to read the label, and when she saw what it was, her eyes went as wide as saucers. "No way!" She started, looking from the bottle to Alastor. "Macallan 1926?! How did you get that?!" Alastor chuckled, pleased at how she knew how valuable the alcohol was, "I have my ways, darling. I only bring this out for special occasions, so consider this a welcoming gift, from me to you."
[A/N: Fun fact, a bottle of Macallan 1926 is worth over two million dollars.]
When Alastor reached behind the bar and took two brandy glasses, Husk took that as his que to leave, taking a bottle of the cheap whiskey and joining the others. Alastor filled the glasses a third of the way, gently sliding one over to (Y/N). She looked at it with furrowed brows, turning her gaze to Alastor, "Are you sure I can have this?" The Radio Demon tilted his head in confusion, "Do you not want it?" 
(Y/N) vigorously shook her head, not wanting to offend the male. "No! Of course I do... It's just, I don't feel like I'm worth it..." She ended her sentence, playing with the base of the glass in a nervous habit. Alastor's head stayed tilted, wondering what the girl had done to make herself feel too guilty to accept a drink. Alastor then straightened up, taking his glass in his empty hand, "Well, believe it or not, I think you're worth it. If I didn't, I wouldn't be offering you this drink now, would I?" He ended with a laugh. (Y/N) looked up at him with wide doe eyes, surprised at the Radio Demon's kind words. She gave him a genuine smile, "Thank you, I appreciate it, Alastor." 
Something ticked inside of the males mind at finally seeing a smile that reached the doe demons (e/c) eyes and how his name sounded coming from her voice. 'How strange,' He thought. 'I'll dissect that later.' Alastor went and stood next to the girl, offering her his left arm, "Shall we? Everyone is waiting for us." (Y/N) kept her smile, standing and linking her right arm with Alastor's, her drink in her left hand, "We shall."
[A/N: let me know if I missed changing any 'Alruist' to 'Hartfelt']
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xcrust · 7 months
Cheshire... Deer?
OK so this is chapter 4 to my Hazbin hotel and Helluva boss reader insert novel. A note to remember is that for the first few chapters are before either of the shows begin.
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Now you're dripping again, what was this? Two days in a row and this is definitely going to mess with how your body is feeling. Wrapping red silk after getting out of the bath definitely gave a strong look of elegance. Respect and honor in whatever someone does is something so incredible. Even holding elegance in times of chaos. 
Was so enticing.
Though what lilith said when you had returned home is something that has been such a nagging feeling in your heart. 
“No one keeps you here. At least I know I don't want you here” 
It doesn't seem fair, her testimony never made any means of sense. Her and Lucifer were not good parents but it never changed the way that Charlie and you loved them. If they both truly didn't care then why keep them around. 
But she is right. There is nothing holding you back. Life in the castle isn't bad at all in any sense, sure there were moments like last night however in general there was never a chance to see her parents enough for you to care. Being just below a couple centuries old, there was never a reason to dote on the bad.
Or maybe it is deflecting, It would be beneficial for you to forget about it all and just stay in bed. Waking up everyday and reliving all that great castle in the ring of pride can offer. 
Is it really all that great? It's gotten repetitive. Nobels lifestyle gives a strong urge to reject all morals and throw all the divine art out the windows. 
“They are such a drag, what pitiful excuse of a demon” someone had just sniffed that out. 
You had no business being in the working class quarters. Most of this area was full of imps and certain hellhounds that resided in the basement. 
“Shhh! They literally own us. If anyones hears you talking then who knows what they are going to do with us.” a smaller timid voice speaks out. 
“Whatever! You know none of them ever come down here, ESPECIALLY the owners of this place.” Well if that isn't the most ironic thing. “All I'm saying is that the royal family really made a mistake with the youngest of the castle.”
Damn well if that isn't a humbling thing. It's not that you were useless but you never had any real duties to do. Looking further through the creak of the door you can see two imps in a circle plating cards. One looked like an older guy with a uniform in less than ideal condition. The one beside him looked like a meek little boy. He was awfully cute. You can only wonder what he's doing as a servant here. Maybe it was time to try to implement some labor laws. It was so shameful to look at. 
“They are in over their head, a true skank of the castle. Did you know that I heard that she has slept around at the goetias party?!?!” This imp was starting to get on your nerves. Speaking like that to a kid is such a disgusting sight.
“But I was just told they just were wandering around the halls that are there” Oh such innocence with this child.
“Yeah and why else would they be at that castle and not be the center of attention. She had to be sleeping around. Even the head of the house was even out. Wonder if they were being whores together. They should really watch their place”
Maybe it is time to offer a firm hand.
“What a disgrace for a Magne butler.” In a flash you were holding the poor imps shoulder. “You should hold your tongue pet. If anyone needs to learn their place it's you” As much as you looked the most human out of everyone in your family, your eyes were glowing red. Raging in place.
Later walking towards the boy you held the boy up. “You should head to bed, a growing boy like you needs to get some rest” Dropping him off at the door. All the tension just started to build larger and larger. 
“I-I— I swear I devote all my time and love to your family! Let me fr-” pathetic isn't it. Seeing it beg like a dog. 
“I told you to hold. your. tongue.” 
“Whatever do you meAAHH” in an instant his entire tongue was sitting in his palm. 
“Nobody would miss you. I mean you're just another of the hundred imps here. Replaceable.” you were an Imp advocate, however when taking the life of the pathetic sometimes words hurt larger. Without his tongue he looked corned, falling on the ground.
Within a second taking one of the cards from the table you slit his neck.
“Disgusting, the opposite of elegant”
Maybe that was a little harsh. It definitely came from insecurity from your side but the rage was building up. However if this taught you anything it's that respect comes from nowhere. If even the people that you cared about so much were still just a victim of the castle. 
You weren't oblivious enough to say that everyone loved the royal family. However, with how much you've tried to promote better rights for the lower classes in your own home it definitely stung. 
But this was the push that was needed to get out of the palace. Respect can be earned and good people are possible. Just a little push can be helpful in all of the seven rings of hell.
Walking down the hall back to your quarters you felt a sudden rush in your heart. Maybe being in hell had made killing give you rush. But it couldn't be. Not in the slightest. Protection. It had to be protected. Seeing that kid around the scum of what hell has to offer is the opposite of what you want. 
If you're born in hell why shouldn't you have the option to do good?
Standing at the gates was so incredibly scary. You told no one that you were leaving. Not even Charlie, she didn't have to know. If anything, cutting contact with everyone in the family would be the best course of action. 
Holding nothing while walking out could've been a good idea. It's a new life and if anything that your dad told you it is having power to be a proper function in hell's society and you're going to do just that. The only minor thing that made you almost start praying was that your parents wouldn't cut off the spare card of money that was held.
At the current moment you were heading towards the cannibal colony to get some new clothes for a new life that was ahead of you. While you were at home you had to entertain yourself somehow and that usually played with watching old TV. A favorite of yours would be the addams family and it may have been set in the 50s but the cannibal colony had held some of the finest clothes of all of hell. 
“I don't believe my blinkers! Your aura was singing like a canary since you entered the city” A glitched out voice came booming out. 
Just from your knowledge everyone from hell is the worst so looking at this so called demon would be the worst idea. So you kept walking.
“I'm not just another joe, while you're not just another dame.” The feeling of a strong wind lifted you up towards the voice. Facing him was honestly such a sight for sore eyes. He held himself with such immense height, in the most luxurious suit fit for a prince. Beauty was all that could be said about his face. Such a divine specimen. 
“Well aren't you a dashing” As much as he was a sight it was better to be cautious. “You're right though, I'm not just a dame. One day i'm going to change this place” 
“That's such a bold thing to say for someone who knows nothing of this place.” 
Shit, he's also right about that. You do know nothing about this place. It's almost a losing battle if you fight back.
“For someone that isn't from here that's a statement in itself” well that sounded really dumb coming out of your mouth. 
“You're absolutely right, doll! It is such a statement!” His grin was so terrifying, it made your entire body crawl “By saying i'm not from here you answered my first question. For being from hell you dont look like anyone else that wanders the streets” 
Sometimes you wish you looked more like your parents with how pale and unique they looked. However for some reason you were made in the likeness of a human. Maybe that's why a lot of people aren't the biggest fan. 
At this point he's still holding you in the air where you are facing eye to eye. You weren't short, but for most demons in hell you were considered small. In fact a lot of hellhounds were taller than you. It only furthers the point of how human that you do look like. 
“Who are you to talk? As far as i'm aware you're just another demon from earth pip” you spat out. To you all humans that come from earth simply chose to be down here because of their actions. 
“Flirting with me are you? I am more than happy to say I am Alastor Hartfelt!” pulling you closer to his face “Though some may call me the radio demon” he announced.
You've heard of him. Now you don't have a feeling that you're going to be hurt but in fact more impressed that the first person you meet is one of the overlords of hell. 
In all honesty you have no regret for calling him pip, he is such an attractive soul that it would be so wrong to not do so. 
“Now come with me! I'll help you look smooth before you get eaten alive” Alastors voice rang through your ears while you looked around to see ladies in fancy old dresses glaring at you with intense power.
Looking in the mirror you were now wearing flowing dark red high waisted pants with a mesh translucent skin tight top. It looked really good but the opposite of on brand for the 1930s. Its practically a gothic hippie. 
“Hey Alastor, why are you here? Like you have no reason to be here and helping me” looking around the curtain of the clothing shop you see him sitting tall while polishing his microphone.
“I have no idea pip, When I look at you, you simply give me a weird calling. Not only that but dollface you hold much power and i want to see all things with value breaking others to squeeze them into a pulp.” by the end of that little tangent objects were shifting around the room. His radio voice is so oddly satisfying.
Walking out with an amused face, he looked at you with a small hint of admirations and some weird warped look of desire. There are a lot of compartments in a streetcar named desire and to him you are another key to his already large package of power. Looking through his eyes you can only tell that he sees you as a helpless little deer. If only he knew being a child of a demon and an angel meant so much more.
Now rushing to mind, you never introduced yourself. Red started to flood your face as it has been most of the day that had already flown away without introducing yourself. 
“Im (Y/n) by the way” 
Ring-a-ding-ding he thought. The thought flowing through his mind wonders if the wonder standing in front of him knew the weapon he's going to build from them.
“(Y/n)? Mmm i do like the sound of that” grinning like a Cheshire “Now (y/n), you are such a murder! would like to make people bleed?”
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nanami1chu · 3 months
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Someone please write about Cursed Cat Alastor!!
He’s so ugly but funny looking at the same time it’s cute! I want him lmao ❤️
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alastwhore666 · 4 months
imagine sitting in alastor’s lap while he’s doing his radio show. his voice is so delicious and staticky, and you’re getting all worked up just listening to him, having to hold back whimpers so you don’t interrupt his broadcast, but the heat pooling in your core is hard to ignore as he continues speaking into the microphone, absentmindedly bouncing his leg, causing you to have to cover your mouth as the delicious friction is driving you mad. it’s just enough to make you feel oh so good, get you so close to the edge, but you need more.
it takes everything within you to not whine and moan, and alastor seems completely unaware of how… affected you are by him. but of course, he’s noticed, and he’s playing you like a violin. bouncing his leg faster, more deliberately, a wicked smirk on his face. you’re leaving a wet stain on his pants with how desperate you’re getting, grinding on his leg, desperately trying to get yourself off, all while forcing back the sounds you long to make so as not to ruin his show. and he knows exactly what he’s doing, edging you, torturing you.
you need release so badly, and he’s refusing to grant it. when finally, you cum all over his leg, dripping down his nice pants and leaving a mess to clean up, he just continues broadcasting like nothing happened. but he’ll punish you afterwards, of course.
“what a pathetic little slut you are, darling. so needy, so worked up and desperate from my voice alone that you get yourself off on my leg…you truly can’t get enough of me, can you, my little fawn?” he smiles wickedly, knowing exactly what he’s done to you.
the torture has only begun.
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alastorss · 3 months
HIIII so i had an idea for like a reader that's crushing on alastor, and angel dust making jokes about it in front of alastor and basically what would happen once he catches on
Have a lovely day, get good sleep!!!<33 luv ur writing<33
a/n: hello sweets <3 thank you and i hope you like this!
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
Alastor has watched you splash your martini all over Angel's face so many times this week, he's almost certain the star is provoking you on purpose just for a free drink.
In the short time he's come to know him, he's learned that if there's one thing Angel Dust is good at—besides looking pretty on film—it's that he can be absolutely shameless.
Alastor remembers, with a twinge of disgust, that the spider had once told him he came with built in reins. That comment kept him seething for hours.
And now, poor you, having fallen into the trap of his intricate web—the Radio Demon would be laughing if he didn't actually feel slightly bad for you. He knows what it's like to be on the receiving end of those comments, after all.
You, unlike your four-armed friend, have a capacity for shame the likes of which have never been seen before. All hot cheeks and wide eyes, lips pulled into a straight, thin line—embarrassment burns in every corner of your expression.
Though, that's probably why Angel has taken such a liking to teasing you.
Here he is again, crawling over the bar to get into your face as soon as Alastor appears in the room. His voice is low and melodic, so quiet the Overlord can't quite make out the words until—
"Look, hun. Your prince charming!"
Alastor raises a brow as he takes his seat next to you at the bar, setting down his newspaper.
"What was that?" He asks, eyes flickering between you and a coy-looking Angel Dust.
"Oh, nothin'. That right, sugar?"
You look nothing but utterly defeated, martini forgotten and abandoned. "Angel..." you mutter in warning. The spider only shrugs and gives you a toothy little grin.
"Hey Smiles," Angel suddenly grabs you by the cheeks and turns your face to look in Alastor's direction. You only blink at each other in surprise. "Cute, eh?"
You quickly smack his hand away from you, swivelling around to glare. "Quit it!"
Angel puts his hands up in mock surrender. He huffs, backing off. "Okay, okay! Fine! You two are unbelievable."
With that, he stalks off to bother Husk instead. You sigh in relief, head hitting the bar counter. For a moment, you completely forget that Alastor is still sitting beside you.
"Care to explain?"
He watches as you nearly jolt out of your skin, amused at how flustered you are from a little teasing. It's rather cute.
"It's nothing!" You sputter, waving your arms around in panic.
But you can't fool Alastor. Not anymore.
It hadn't clicked before—that perhaps there was some merit behind Angel Dust's words. He had gotten so used to empty threats of sexual advances that he had ruled out the possibility that the star was being a little serious for once.
He wasn't exactly subtle, always jumping on the opportunity to make your cheeks burn whenever the Radio Demon was around.
"It didn't sound like nothing," he sings, leaning in closer to you so he can gauge your reaction.
As expected, you nearly leap away from him when he suddenly invades your personal space. He snickers.
"Not you too..." you groan.
"Why, I didn't know you had such a crush on me, darling~"
"You're the worst."
"Ah, and I suppose that's why our dear friend has been teasing you about me all this time? Because I'm the worst, and you hate me?"
He's getting entirely too close. His face is nearly touching yours.
You stare at him in bewilderment, mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water. Finally, you manage to stammer out a weak retort.
"You should butt out of other people's business."
"It sounds like it's about to be my business, dear. You know, if you liked me so much, you could have just told me instead of Angel Dust."
"I preferred it when you were just a regular asshole, and not a cocky one!"
"Oh, how you wound me~"
"Shut up!"
taglist: @the-lake-is-calling @dragons-and-dwarves-are-nice @averylonelysea @bri22222 @cxrsedwxrlds @amarokofficial @anae-naea-zacheria @for-hearthand-home @fantasy-is-best @angixyc @th3-st4r-gur1 @i-am-nonbinary-bean-deal-with-it @dilemmaiscool @concentratedconcrete @squiword7 @clarakainda
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A oneshot where the rest of the hazbin crew finding out that Alastor already owned Reader's soul?! Fluff btw!
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"Some overlord owns your soul?? Who?!"
Reader: "hahaha.. I wonder who.."
Husk: "you don't wanna know."
Alastor sipping his tea on the other side of the room (obviously listening in)
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The Hotel was abuzz with life; Charlie rushed around checking in with everyone as they worked on various tasks, and said occupants tried their best to focus amid her constant scurrying.
The Princess of Hell had decided a Grand Opening event would benefit the Hotel.
You didn’t think it was half a bad idea, recently a resident of the newly improved establishment yourself and a sinner with a rare knack for helping others. The promise of redemption did seem silly to you, but the idea was fresh, and you desired to see if it was possible before completely disregarding the Princess’s dream.
You gave a helping hand whenever asked, smiled as kind as ever, and had a genuine nature subtly, inviting the others closer into your friendly aura.
Angel referred to you often as the “sweetest doll in the shop,” poking fun at your generous endeavors, but truly a fan of your presence nonetheless. Vaggie came to you for advice often, needing a calmer voice of reason when Charlie’s overbearing tendencies became too much for her, and you’d give your time graciously. Husk and Niffty, you knew all too well before you arrived at the Hotel, generally comfortable in their company and able to enjoy a drink with them occasionally.
Everyone cherished you in one way or another, which showed significantly in their approach to you.
Angel, as vulgar as he was, tended not to tease you as often as the others. Though there were times he couldn’t resist a good jab at your modesty, amused by how quickly you blushed while attempting to stutter out an equally snarky remark.
The two of you were at it now, taunting one another while giving a once over of the hotel's new advertisement flyers, but your focus was nowhere near the polished posters as you tried to retort Angel's last statement. He’d made another comment about your avoidance of the hotel's resident facilities manager.
The mere sound of his name made you skittish and visibly flustered, and Angel took notice of said reactions very quickly. “You sleepin’ around with him, aren’t ya toots?…” He snickered as you froze up, ears fluttering down as your eyes widened in his direction, “N-no!? Angel…you shouldn’t say things like that!” You puffed your cheeks out, the tip of your ears turning bright red as the spider demon cackled across from you, “Hah! You aren’t denying it either, doll face, so now I know it’s true!..”
“No, it’s not Angel!…” you grumbled childishly, glancing around the room apprehensively as if the overload would emerge from the shadows at any moment, and he very well could…
However, Alastor remained hidden, shadow lingering on an armchair in the dimmest corner of the room, and his attention fully fixed on your exchange with the raunchy spider as it progressed.
The deer demon was intrigued by the interaction, mildly curious about how you’d handle Angels prying, and quietly prideful of his effect on you.
“You can’t fool me toots. I see how you look at ‘em’ when he’s in a room. He breathes, and you’re a mess! It’s actually kinda cute how much you like him!” You glared at Angel, ears standing straight as you seethed at him, “I. Don’t. Like. Him…”
He clicked his tongue, leaning forward with a coy smirk, “Really? So it’s just a coincidence you get all nervous around him but do everything he says without question?… “ Angel was unfazed by the quiet growl you responded with, “That doesn’t mean I fancy him-“
“Okay, so how else would you explain it then?” Angel sat back, arms folding over his chest and torso as he peered at you expectantly.
By this point, Charlie, Vaggie, and Husk were listening to the rift between you two. Although, Husk lost notable interest when he realized the subject of discussion while the others subconsciously chimed in without warning.
“He’s right, though..” Vaggie stared at you intensely, trying to piece together clues you swore weren’t there, to begin with, and Charlie soon joined her in the friendly interrogation. “Did you know Alastor before you came here or something? You do act a little off when he’s around…”
For the love of Satan!
Why couldn’t they just let it go?!?
You huffed and hung your head, agitated with so much attention being thrown onto you and becoming uncomfortable under pressure.
The matter of your soul belonging to Alastor was a subject you weren’t fond of breaching for several reasons.
1. Everyone would want to know why and how the arrangement occurred.
2. You were afraid they’d look at you differently, as less than worthy of being treated as a friend or reduced to being Alastor’s property and nothing else…
In reality, you meant much more to the overload than that, but no sinner needed to know such a thing, and to an extent, you weren't aware of his affection either.
Alastor preferred it that way.
It gave the overlord a vague thrill to leave you clueless about his infatuation while enjoying the way you couldn’t hide your adoration for him…
He chuckled to himself watching you squirm under the group's collective curiosity, admiring the deep rose color that set into your cheeks as you pouted.
Precious little thing…
The stag’s grin grew as the thought settled in his mind, eyes hooding over as a hum filled his chest, and though the sound was quiet, you still heard it.
He was there.
In the same room.
Waiting and watching…
A small groan fell from your lips as you lifted your head, gaze shifting around the room to pinpoint where Alastor was, but there was no trace of him…
Or so you thought…
“My, my, you all are a nosy bunch! Leave the poor dear alone …” Alastor appeared behind you, mic in one hand while the other came to rest on your head.
He petted your hair softly, silently comforting your frazzled state, and you welcomed the gesture with a soft sigh.
Angel raised a brow at the sight, gaze shifting from your content expression to Alastor’s satisfied one as he caressed your ears. “See, this is what I was talking about. You act as if he owns you or something-“
Alastor whipped his head in Angel's direction, startling him and the others a bit as he interjected the observation. “That’s because I do own her, my good man. Mind. Body. & Soul…” The air grew thick with static, an uneasy wave of tension drowning the hotel lobby as Alastor glared daggers at everyone.
However, you still sat obediently under his touch without anxiety clouding your demeanor.
Charlie laughed nervously while Vaggie’s eyes widened as the revelation dawned on them both. Angel's mouth fell open, and Husk grumbled before rolling his eyes.
“Thought it was obvious…” the winged feline mumbled to no one in particular, refocusing on organizing the bar's alcohol arrangement as the conversation carried on.
“A-Alastor owns your soul?” Charlie asked, clearly shocked but actively masking it with a light-hearted tone. You nod slowly, choosing not to speak as his claws scratch behind your ears tenderly.
Vaggie shrugged, “Now, it makes sense…”
Angel finally clasped his mouth shut, stifling a laugh as he leaned further back into the parlor's sofa. “So I was right!” He shouted triumphantly, which earned a side glare from you. “Oh, shut up! Just because he owns my soul doesn’t mean I like him…”
Alastor gave you a quizzical look, humming thoughtfully as he processed your words, “Is that so, my dear?… You feel nothing for me at all?…”
Oh….maybe I shouldn’t have said that-!
Your mind raced to find a suitable reply, but all you could manage was a shaky laugh. “W-well, I wouldn’t say…’n-nothing’…”
His smile grew, “Would you like to elaborate on your true feelings for me in private, then?…”
“Sounds kinky…” Angels mumbled cheekily while flashing a closed-eye smirk, but neither Alastor nor you offered the remark a response.
“Wait, where’d they go?!..” The spider demon sat up pin straight as he realized you two were no longer in the room. The only sign left of your disappearance was the lingering tufts of black shadows swirling the spot he’d seen you and Alastor occupying a moment ago.
Vaggie rolled her eyes, turning on her heel to return to the task she’d left undone moments ago, “Not my business…” she sighed.
Charlie followed after her, stuck between confusion and giddiness over the newfound information, “I would’ve never thought Y/n belonged to Alastor. Wait, do you think she can still be redeemed, or are there strings attached…?”
Her rambling continued on as everyone found themselves busy again.
Everyone except you and Alastor…
You found yourself all alone with the owner of your soul, hidden in his infamous Radio Tower with the beginnings of a confession poised to slip from your tongue as he sat you in his lap.
“Now, I believe you were going to tell me exactly how you feel, darling….” Alastor lowered his head, hands resting on your waist to keep you flush against his chest, and your heart nearly flew from your chest as he did.
“You have my full attention, sweetheart.”
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I rewrote this five times….all because of writer's block :( ❤️ someone please send help -I'm hanging on by a thread rn…
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greenandsorrow · 4 months
the price for misbehaving (i)
Alastor in the rut x gn!reader
WARNINGS; 18+, reader with female parts, horniness & hormones, deer/doe!demon!reader, breeding k1nk, primal instincts, mentions of deer mating season, premature ejaculation, masturbation, dry humping, penetrative sex, marking & biting, friends to lovers, very descriptive, smut with emotion, corn with plot, fictional man being pathetic
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Dividers by; @cafekitsune & @saradika-graphics
Please do not repost or directly copy my work and don't use it on AI platforms either .❤️
I somehow always manage to write more than originally planned, so this is big. Also, this is my first time writing a gender neutral reader I'm still learning.
my original idea • ~masterpost~
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Alastor is the radio demon. You have no clue how he manages to behave like he's the epitome of etiquette and a true gentleman, while also having the reputation of one of the most dangerous citizens of Hell, an overlord, a sinister killer and a cannibal.
Alastor is your friend. You fell in Hell three decades after him, but the fact that you're also a deer demon seemed to get him interested in you. His smile is less a sign of dominance and more one of sympathy around you. What's more, the radio demon is a tad bit protective when it comes to you. You'll never know it, but Alastor has his way of keeping you safe, discreetly pulling the strings, luckily for your sake.
He had been missing for years and when he had come to your door, big grin, shiny hooves and polished cane and had told you about the "Hazbin Hotel" you hadn't questioned much. It was weird that someone like him would back up Lucifer's daughter on such an idealistic plan, but with the extermination being a constant bane in your life, you had agreed heartily. You had wrapped your arms around Alastor's lean frame in a never recorpirated hug and you'd been off to your new place of residence.
You like the hotel. You and Niffty are old friends, the barman is a familiar face and Charlie is thrilled to have you here. The other residents have been no trouble to you, so you've managed to adjust to your new lifestyle no problem.
Let's not forget one thing though, you're all sinners and Alastor is ten times the amount you are. This comes with consequences for him. Alastor is bound to face an eternal struggle against his animal side, a struggle that he's been destined to lose. According to Angel, the radio demon you call your friend would identify as asexual had he been born later on Earth. But even with that, the urges he has to experience during the rutting season can't be prevented. You're still unaware your friend has to go through this.
But that's Alastor's price for misbehaving.
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It's another evening at the hotel.
Charlie and Vaggie are on a date and that means no planned activities for the rest of you. You like the peace and quiet. Your deer ears are lowered in concentration as you're sitting on the couch of the lounge area, reading a book which has turned out to be a sick and twisted edition of Pride & Prejudice.
Alastor's been very distant since the beginning of autumn. More than usual. It's almost October now... and it has peaked your interest why he has been spending whole days locked up in his quarters. Sometime during September, you two had been chatting merrily about jazz, when all of a sudden his pupils had shrank and he had let out an uncharacteristically shaky sigh. You remember how his breathing had sped up and he had smiled politely before vanishing into thin air.
You're about to stand up and go to your room, when your ears practically perk up at the sound of static. You know this sound... and even though it usually means bad news, you look up and give the source of it a little smile. "Oh, hi Al..."
Alastor's antlers begin to grow, but he can control himself for now. The rutting starts hitting him with a new wave of frustration and it's getting worse now that he's in your presence.
"My favorite y/n! What are you reading my dear?", his grin and confidence hide how vulnerable he feels in this state.
"Charlie gifted me some of her old books and-"
"Oh Charlie! She is a gem, isn't she?" Alastor suddenly leans to the side, as if trying to scratch something out of his hair. His face quickly returns back to its normal grin... but he also begins to scratch his arm.
You chuckle awkwardly. Why is he looking so irritable?
"Well, she's so nice, I can't disagree with you there... and I'm glad she finally decided to take some time off to spend with her girlfriend." He laughs, showing off his sharp teeth as you initiate in the small talk.
Alastor can feel a voice deep within calling him to give in and claim you, breed you 'till his hunger is satisfied. The radio demon's expression fades to an empty, dull stare, as his instincts fight against him. Now you're feeling uneasy and you shift in your seat.
"Ah- sorry dear. Got caught up there, I forgot myself." Alastor takes a quick breath, his eyes narrow as he struggles to stay in control. "Don't you worry y/n! I'm certainly quite harmless."
He's in full rutting mode, his voice starts becoming breathy, the animalistic urges taking over. It's only getting worse as he stands close to you, the hormones increasing his urge to be near you, to make you his and his alone-
His voice is hoarse now and his breathing is heavier. "Have you seen Niffty by chance?" His ears move as if they're itching him.
You clear your throat and try to keep your curiosity regarding his behavior at bay. "I'm afraid I haven't, she's probably killing bugs somewhere..."
Alastor's expression shifts to one of pure annoyance. To your oblivious so far mind, Al is probably just pissed off at something. "Well then, if you happen to see her, do tell her she better not disturb me at my room... and don't you dare forget it my dear!"
"I- I won't."
His pupils almost completely disappear as he stares at you and his mouth curls into a snarl with his yellowish teeth out. He has a hypnotic effect on you, you're beginning to feel lightheaded being near him. He takes a step back, moving a safe distance away from you, because he feels like he's gonna launch on you at any given moment. Alastor is getting tired of trying to maintain his composure around you.
He hates how shallow his breathing has become, how the urge to take you has become too much for him to bear. A low growling noise escapes him. Alastor watches you as you resume your previous activity of reading. Humiliated from his lack of control and frustrated from the stinging sensation in his loins he slips away from the lounge.
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Alastor is alone now, his eyes wild with lust and desperation as he looks around his room in a frenzy. He grabs a pillow and starts rubbing his groin against it. He feels like his body is melting from all the heat... he can't help but imagine the pillow is your backside.
"Oh~", he breathes out raggedly, his inhales shallower and shallower as his imagination toys with him. You'd look so delicious in the place of the lifeless pillow... Alastor's heart is racing and his antlers have grown sharp and tall on his head. He is overwhelmed, being rather sexually unbothered the rest of the year has made his shaft extra sensitive .
...why him? Why does he have to go through this rutting thing? It makes him feel powerless and he hates it...
Alastor groans in desperation. He squeezes his eyes shut, imagining your soft skin sliding against his body... He thinks of your cute fluffy tail. You get all your clothes tailored so that there's space for it to protrude... he always tucks his in his suit pants...
In a fury, he takes off his coat and crawls on the bed, placing the pillow between his legs. He's in all fours as he humps it like a real deer.
He keeps growling, the sound mixing with static. He can't stop thinking of you- the perfect mate... another deer. Alastor's mind is playing out all these amazing things, your smile and your voice, your butt, your ears that match his own... and your neck that he'd definitely mark with his teeth if he was ever given the chance.
Alastor is in a trance. With shaky hands he curses himself for, he reaches down to his crotch and takes out his cock. His tip is flushed and swollen and he hisses as he continues to push his hips against the pillow. The deer demon grunts softly, his hips moving involuntarily with restless abandon as he pretends to be mating with a partner.
"Take that... oh~" Alastor's cock throbs painfully, desperate for release. The pillow has been providing him with some much needed friction the last few weeks, but he knows it soon won't be enough to satisfy him. His red hair is sticking to his forehead and he's panting so much, chasing his release with a desperation he'd consider pathetic, if he could focus on anything else than his tightening balls.
Alastor continues to rub against the pillow and the motion makes his deer tail slip out of his suit pants. He can feel his body heat up even more, sweat beading on his forehead as he approaches his climax.
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Your curiosity has gotten the best of you. You can't concentrate on your book and all you can think of is Alastor. In any case, the other residents of the hotel are busy doing their own thing, so there's no one stopping you from walking all the way to Alastor's rooms. There's static coming from his bedroom, but what really intrigues you are the groans... they're rather guttural... You assume maybe he hunted down an animal and he's devouring it? This has to be it...
On the other side of the door, Alastor is shaking with desire and his heart is pounding. The smell of you that he assumes is part of his fantasy is driving him insane, as he is almost ready to release a torrent of hot cum on his pillow.
"Alastor?", you knock on the door.
This sudden surprise almost causes Alastor to fall over. He quickly covers his twitching member and throws the pillow away from him. One would expect him to feel embarrassed, but his first thought at being caught red handed is to kill you. Luckily for you, it's just a thought.
"Al? It's y/n. Can I come in?"
The radio demon's face contorts in desperation as he realizes how unsatisfied he feels. His hips are still rocking back and forth slightly, despite his attempts to control his body.
Why did you have to pay him a visit NOW? He was so close to finding relief...
Alastor has become desperate and not to mention agitated. What if you smell his arousal in the air? What if you look down and see the outline of his dick in his pants?!
He groans and shifts uncomfortably. The demon closes his eyes for a moment as he tries to even out his breathing.
Eventually, he shakes his head and walks to the door. He has fought against mighty overlords, he shouldn't hesitate to face his harmless friend just because he is in the rut.
Alastor doesn't want to admit it, but he most definitely is in breeding mode. Proof of that... the moment he opens the door for you, your smell becomes so strong to his heightened senses that he almost cums in his pants from it. Your friend swallows a groan.
"To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit my dear?"
Taking in his appearance, something is definitely off to your inquisitive eyes. You notice how he's only in his shirt and vest, something truly rare for the Alastor you've come to know. His bow tie is crooked and the cherry on top... you can see his tail! It's red like his ears and... moving? You wonder why. Is he in musth or something? you joke in your head.
"I was just bored in all honesty... Everyone is occupied with something. Um... you look... sick?"
"Ha!Ha! Don't be absurd y/n! You can't get any sicker than you already are in Hell!" he can't hide the slight edge from his voice. He claims he is fine, but the look on his face screams otherwise.
Alastor's temperature keeps rising, his body is so sensitive and without realizing it, he neglects to filter his voice.
"Would you like to come in?"
Your eyes widen and you look at him with genuine surprise clear on your features. He quickly catches up that he screwed, but lets it go, the shivers he's starting to experience as his unattended cock is asking for some action having gained all his focus.
The air in the room is thick and you begin to have second thoughts about your decision to come here, but it's too late for that, so you just walk in Alastor's bedroom. His quarters are always clean and intimidating like their occupant. Still, you like coming here, he's never been hostile towards you and if anything, dancing with Alastor or spilling some tea with him has always been part of your routine here at the hotel.
"Wanna dance?"
"You know I always do." Alastor manages to keep his smile and composure despite the sweat running down his back.
The jookbox starts playing on its own and you casually walk closer to your years long friend. Since he's always been much taller, you place your hands on his chest, while he wraps his own around your waist.
Alastor's lips start tingling as he looks down at your exposed neck. He bites the insides of his mouth until he tastes blood, he can't allow himself to think about you like that.
You sway back and forth in the rhythm of the old timey tunes, inevitably rubbing against him. The new found friction has him biting down on his tongue and clenching his fists behind your back until his nails are piercing his palms, otherwise he'd be howling out in despair.
Immersed in the songs you love so much, you unconsciously shift even closer to your fellow deer demon, but he harshly jerks away from you, his expression growing panicked. "H- haha... I c- can't let you d- do that my friend!"
You frown. Why can't you dance with him like you always do? ...and did the radio demon just stutter? You sigh at his lack of cheerfulness and look down.
Your now downcast gaze gives you a nice view of his... crotch area... and the said area has a raging bulge. Your first thought is to touch it and indulge in the attraction you've always felt for Alastor, but the way his antlers are growing right now and the static that's peaking up again... makes you turn to leave.
Long fingers wrap around your wrist in an instant and when you turn back at him, his eyes have changed.
"The song's not over dear y/n.", he says in the same strained tone and you swallow.
"R- right... my bad."
He has you pressed tightly against him in no time and he's swaying with you almost like he's on autopilot. And you can now feel his unbelievably hard erection against your lower body. Alastor grunts softly, his smile faltering as his cock keeps throbbing painfully within his pants, desperate for release.
The demon's eyes wander over you, taking in your form. He knows he has to maintain some semblance of control, but his hormones are off the roof. Without realizing the inappropriateness of his actions, Alastor reaches out to touch you, his fingers grazing the skin of your cheek. The demon's cock throbs even harder at the contact, leaking pre-cum in his underwear.
"You're so beautiful..."
Heat pools in your belly and your face flushes at his simple comment. He's a charmer, but that's new. His monocle slips down slightly as he leans in close, his scent of musk and arousal surrounding you.
Alastor's hands move to your hips, pulling you impossibly close. His eyes lock onto yours, filled with lust and a primal need. He presses his hips against yours and you can feel his clothed cock twitching eagerly.
His monocle falls to the floor as he loses himself in the rutting.
"Al- what's happening?"
Before you can question his unusual behaviour any further, Al presses his hardened length against your stomach with intent. A mix of frustration and pleasure is clear on his features.
To say you're surprised would be an understatement, but you don't stop him. You watch in awe as your bricked up friend loses himself to lust and his need to mate.
Your innocent dancing moment has turned into him dry humping you. He releases a guttural groan, too far gone to care about composure.
Alastor begins to grind against you faster, mimicking the movements of a rutting deer. His grip tightens around you, his need growing stronger and overwhelming. The bulge in his pants keeps pushing insistently against you, but you're so stunned by this turn of events that you grab him by the arms and take a step back.
Alastor's eyes flatter open and for a moment... he snaps out of his blurry state of mind. He straightens and clears his throat. He then gives you a stern look, with his ears lowered.
"Get out."
"B- but we were-"
"You don't want to make me repeat myself."
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The moment he's alone again, Alastor works the buttons of his dress pants in a daze, freeing his swollen cock. A low growl rumbles in his chest and the deer demon is convinced that if he doesn't cum in the following minute, he's going to die a second time. He keeps making soft sounds, his body aching with the need to mate.
He had you right here, but he can't bring himself to be so vulnerable in front of someone other than himself.
What would Vox say if he found out that Alastor is forced to go through a mating season like some fucking animal? Why does the price of his sins have to manifest into some primal need to breed?
His mind gets fixated on the ache between his legs.
With an animalistic sound of pure lust, Alastor reaches down and wraps his fingers around one of his heavy testacles. He squeezes it gently, feeling his warm seed oozing out his slit. He leaks copious amounts of pre-cum on his crimson bedsheets. The radio demon watches, transfixed by the sight of his own seed dripping down the length of his hard dick. It's a powerful aphrodisiac for him and he can't help but imagine it spilling into you instead.
His cock twitches in anticipation and he gives in. Every day since the rutting season began, he has been trying to suppress his instincts and today has been no different, if anything, your presence made his hormones go even more nuts... and you should be happy you're not carrying his fawns by now.
Alastor begins to stroke himself, legs spread and sweat making his clothes stick to his body. His breath catches in his throat as his hips involuntarily back into his hand. The tips of his claws grow slightly and he's jerking himself off at a punishing pace now. Alastor's groans turn into pleasured whimpers as he arches his back, driving his erection deeper in his hand.
What would it feel like to finish inside you? To make you come... To have your heat contracting around his rock-hard member as you milk him past the point of no return?
"Oh- ...agh- y/n..." He's murmuring things in unknown languages, but it all comes back to your name.
Alastor's hips begin to thrust forward in time with his strokes, seeking release from the torment of his lust. He snarls and growls in a throaty manner. He physically can't take it anymore, his balls feel like they're on fire...
The radio demon's eyes roll back in his head, the pleasure is intense, but it's only fueling his desire for a real partner more. His fingers are sliding up and down his sensitive shaft and he can feel himself getting closer, but he knows that's not enough. Al's breath has become ragged, his monocle forgotten along with his pride somewhere far away... his vision is blurring...
Feeling himself nearing the edge, Alastor grits his teeth and pushes through the pain. His muscles tense... and then, he finally comes in a powerful burst of pleasure, shooting thick ropes of cum across the room. He keeps coming, his hips bucking upward, pushing his cock even deeper into his fist as he empties himself.
Alastor's orgasm was intense, almost violent, but it was the sweet release he's been craving all day long. As his climax finally begins to subside, the demon collapses back onto his bed, panting heavily.
However, his cock has remained hard and throbbing between his legs, demanding more attention as he tries to catch his breath.
Slowly, a tired Alastor sits up and glances down at his still engorged member. A part of him is reveling in the feeling of power that comes with being so thoroughly aroused. He needs to fuck something, anything, his eyes are gleaming with lust.
But hasn't he been tormented enough? Why isn't he satisfied yet?
He reaches for the nearest object. It doesn't matter what it is, as long as it can take his powerful cock and bear the brunt of his ferocious passion. With a sinister chuckle, Alastor picks up another unlucky cushion and holds it tightly against his hips. His cock jerks repeatedly as he positions himself with the head of his shaft pressing against the soft fabric.
The cushion offers little resistance but serves as an outlet for Alastor's raging desire. He pounds away at it, relentlessly, his body shaking. With the ever present sound of static, evidence of his frustration, he rhythmically pistons in and out of his makeshift partner with brutal force.
He's been doing this for weeks now, all the unsatisfied hunger making him lose his sanity bit by bit.
The radio demon's eyes are glazed over with passion. He continues fucking the cushion with savage intensity... still he wishes he could take it out on someone made of flesh and blood, someone who would react and offer him some reassurance that he's not going to pass out.
The pleasure is threatening to overwhelm Alastor once again and with labored breathing, he frantically moves his hips-
"N- no, n- no....agh-" He lets out a feral roar, spurting a sticky cumshot onto the cushion. This time, when he collapses on the mattress, he is exhausted.
He doesn't bother looking down at his angry cock, the discomfort isn't going away till the mating season ends...
...let's go back to you now.
After being so abruptly pushed away by Alastor, you went straight to your room. You have a lot to ponder over after tonight. Maybe you did have a small a crush on your friend that had allowed the situation to escalate. His behavior has been so off putting though.
You'd been proud of yourself, considering that you know Alastor better than anyone else in Hell, since he talks about everything with you over a cup of tea. He had been so excited to tell you he'll soon be back on air and he's always somewhere around you at all times. So, the fact that he just expressed sexual desire for you and then told you to leave him alone immediately after...
You would have never guessed that your fellow deer demon is interested in sex. He's been in the company of some of the most desired demons, but he's simply not into that kind of thing... Yet, he had dry humped you like some desperate animal.
His scent had been so blissful to your nostrils, that he had almost woken something primal in your own body. There's definitely a lot of tension between you two now and you hope that tomorrow he will approach you.
You sigh and get all cozy under your bed covers. How should you deal with the situation at hand? You know him. Not just the radio demon, or Alastor the cannibal, but him.
Maybe the whole redemption thing is working, but when did you start being so considerate and thoughtful of other sinners' hardships? And if your friend's hardship is a constant hard on, perhaps your services will be appreciated... or you've just been hanging out with Angel too much.
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It's a new day in Hell.
You take your time getting ready before joining Niffty in the kitchen to make breakfast.
Alastor is sat on his bed, his face buried in his hands as he trembles with unwanted arousal. He's almost at the point of a nervous breakdown. The radio demon is getting angrier with himself, the urge to find you and claim you is getting worse and worse and he struggles to maintain his calm.
Alastor gets ready. His routine a bit different when in rutting mode. He first relieves some of the pressure in his balls, he then puts on a clean shirt, fixes his hair and places his red monocle back in place. And of course, his smile, because he's never fully dressed without one!
"Oh good morning my fellows! What a pleasant breakfast you seem to be having!" He prefers to eat alone, so him appearing late isn't something worth noticing... but the tenting in his trousers definitely is... and when Angel smirks mischievously at him, Alastor smiles in such an unnerving manner that the spider demon has to cower behind Husk.
"Al! Morning!", you say a bit too cheerfully. Your deer ears rise on your head to match your general attitude.
The radio demon grins at you, internally relieved you're not keeping last night against him. He rarely feels any remorse (part of why he's in Hell), but he's not proud of snapping at you last night just because he's irritable and frustrated 24/7. You're a deer demon like him, but you never get in heat like an animal, you weren't as sinister as he was when alive and therefore your punishment isn't as tormenting.
You stand up and start gathering the dishes. Charlie is eager to help you, but you manage to deny her excessive kindness for once.
Alastor swallows a guttural growl as you turn your back at him and start walking to the kitchen, your deer tail and your ass all too enticing for him. His legs begin to move against his will, following you like he's being driven purely by instinct. He is once again biting his tongue hard enough to taste the familiar to him metallic taste of blood. There is a certain strain the urge is causing him... and for once Alastor is feeling desperate for touch.
"Angel and I are going outside today, he said he wants me to meet a friend of his... um, I think her name's Cherri or something." You obviously felt his presence, his red eyes feasting on your form the whole time.
"How delightful, making new acquaintances! I am still decorating my humble station. Haha!"
"Oh, I can't wait to experience your radio show again Al! It's been so long!" His arrogant smirk is accompanied by a twitch of his stiff dick. The energy boost he feels when you acknowledge his power... it makes him dangerously lightheaded.
He walks closer to you, looming right behind you as you stretch to put something on a high self. Alastor has you trapped between the kitchen counter and his body. The demon's cock throbs painfully against the fabric of his pants. The said fabric growing damp as he grows harder.
With a frenzied urgency, Alastor gives in to his animal side and leans in, his hot breath in your ear is sending shivers down your spine, your pupils dilating.
"Do you even realize what you've been doing to me sweet y/n?"
He is getting impatient... and when you don't answer him immediately, he presses his tent against your ass. "Do you my little deer?"
The sound of static feels the air, his voice distorted and his breathing heavier than before. "You... have no idea how much I want- no... how much I need this, with you."
You swallow, your own breath has sped up and heat has pooled in your tummy again. But when you turn to look at him, you come face to face with a hideous creature with wild eyes. You flinch. Alastor's smile fails him and you swear you hear the most discreet of sniffles coming from him.
"Help me." That's proof enough for you that your friend is going through something he clearly didn't ask for, but it's taking over him anyway.
Angel Dust has described to you how he'd needed time to get used to having multiple arms and you have to file down your antlers daily, so that they don't overgrow and cause you headaches. Alastor on the other hand loses himself to primal urges once a year.
You lock your gaze on his and extend a steady hand, placing it on the side of his pale face. Not only does he allow it, but your small gesture seems to have an effect on Alastor, his demon form receding... and you can see how sweaty and shaky he really is, while trying so hard to hold back from bending you over the counter and taking you raw right now.
"Stay still..." It's now or never for you. You hesitantly cup the bulge on his pants.
Alastor gasps, his eyes rolling back in his head as he leans into your touch. He's already so aroused that any contact is sending shivers down his spine. He buries his face in your neck and starts nibbling or better... biting around your collarbones. It’s a cannibalistic urge of his, but he would kill himself before causing you any real harm.
Alastor groans, his still clothed member twitching under the pressure of your hand. The demon can barely think straight, his rutting instincts taking over completely.
"I need... I need to be inside you." He can only whisper, reaching down to pull your shirt up, his fingers trembling as he does, revealing your upper body to him. "Yes... I need you."
This is all so sudden for you, but you finally know with certainty what's happening. "You're... mating or something?"
You stop rubbing his clothed crotch and Alastor moans, the sound carrying the old audio like effect. He nods slightly, his hips bucking against your hand. He's so close to losing control. The mating season has driven him mad with lust. A lust projected on you it seems.
"Y/n... I need you now."
"Al... they- they're gonna hear us... we're in the frickin' kitchen! ...we can't...can't-"
Alastor's eyes widen and he stumbles back a step, his erection painfully asking to be freed from his dress pants. He looks at you incredulously, angrily. "What?! But I... I said that I need you." He starts panting, there's a look of betrayal on his face that has you short circuiting.
"I'm already half naked here and you're... you're obviously hard- it's too risky!"
"I. Don't. Care."
"Well you should... but..." you sigh.
"I do have another idea. I've been rather inactive in the afterlife but... I can do it for you."
Your friend's heart is racing with anticipation. He tries to control his unsteady breathing without much success. "Another idea?" He asks with a glimmer of hope in his eyes. "What is it?"
"I know it's not what you really crave... but I can... you know... jerk you off?"
Did you really just say that?
He begins to unbutton his pants hurriedly. "Very well..." As Alastor's pants fall to his knees, he scratches his fluffy ears, presenting his throbbing member to you. It's a sight to behold; long with a shimmering dew covering the tip. "Do it."
Your mouth is watering as your eyes take in Alastor's cock. The head of it is a deep reddish purple, almost glowing with arousal. His ballsack hangs heavy, clearly filled with seed, so that he can breed for as long as the rutting lasts. Something must've altered in your brain's chemistry, because you take his balls in your hand, gently playing with them. The deer demon lets out a low moan, his hips thrusting forward slightly. The sensation of your hand on his sensitive balls is almost too much for him to bear...
"More..." he manages to whisper between pants.
Encouraged by his reaction, you squeeze his balls softly and Al lets out a throaty groan, his dick twitching almost ready to explode. He's not used to other people touching him.
You're still unsure if that's the right thing to do in the kitchen, where anyone can walk in at any given moment. But he seems to be really into it and the look in his eyes makes it clear to you that you can't just stop now. So that's what he's been struggling with, what's been making him stay locked in his room, until dealing with it on his own wasn't enough.
Alastor's gaze is pleading you and his voice comes out shaky, unfiltered.
"Please... I need more..." He then reaches down and moves your hand on his eager cock. You wrap your fingers around his length, with your thumb resting on his head, tracing it slowly. The sounds he makes and the way his features contort with pleasure makes you start stroking him.
The overlord can't believe what's happening. He has never experienced anything like this and it feels incredible. The more you stroke him, the more he bucks his hips into your hand. "Y- yes... just like that..."
You feel so confident now that he seems to have let go completely, allowing you to do as you please with his body. You know teasing isn't fair, especially in his hormonal state, but you can't help slowing down your hand's movements, playing with the friction you're providing him with. He lets out a frustrated huff of air, his nostrils flaring. "Faster."
"Nope, I told you I don't want anyone finding us out."
"I didn't ask you darling. It was an order."
You stubbornly slow down your hand even more and you know that this is far from enough for him. Alastor needs more speed, more pressure.
"I... Don't... Give a single penny if they'll hear us... J- just... y/n, get me there." His body trembles with need as he speaks to you.
"You... you accepted to help me... and yet you- you refuse to give me what I want." He looks down at your lips with a mix of lust and anger in his bright eyes.
You suppress a mischievous giggle. It's empowering seeing such a strong demon being dependent on you. You can feel the heat radiating from his dick and he makes a desperate little sound when you begin moving your hand up and down his long member again.
You almost feel pitty for him, teasing is fun, but you don't want to disrespect him or humiliate him while he's so vulnerable and not in control. Though that decision has nothing to do with the fact that he could kill you, you actually feel strongly for him and the way both pairs of your ears move in sink as you peak up pace is so... natural for you, like you two belong together in a primal sense.
Alastor feels his muscles tensing up and his black heart is pounding like crazy. "I can't- can't-" He looks mesmerized at your hand jerking him off at a now delicious speed.
You are so turned on and you want to give him all the pleasure you can in the hotel's kitchen. You begin to sink on your knees and you see him gulp. Your friend freezes for a moment, his mind racing with images of pleasure and ecstasy.
"That's new."
"How so Al?"
"I've never had that... but I want to now."
You can't help but smile. He probably never wanted a blow job before and he won't be in the mood for one after the rutting ends.
You're now at the right height so you just go for it, leaning in. Your tongue swirls around his pulsating cockhead and you're surprised from the amount of pre cum he can produce. Alastor's eyes roll back in his head as he lets out a long, low moan. The sensation of your warm breath and wet tongue on him sends shivers down his spine. "Don't stop..."
You lick his slit and he groans deeply, his eyes squeezing shut. "Yeah... Keep doing this... agh~"
You're offering stimulation and he's gritting his teeth at the feeling, but something isn't quite right. You're once again toying with him, denying him the release he so desperately wants.
"I will have you... eventually."
Alastor then takes a big breath, his cock is still hard as steel. "You're a real temptation-" He glares at you, rather hungrily, his nostrils once again flaring.
"Don't try to make me beg."
"But would you now?" Under any other circumstances, you'd never be that bold with him.
Alastor laughs darkly in response to your challenge, causing a cold chill to run down your spine. "You wound me, my dear. I would never beg for anything... especially not when it comes to satisfying this... this unwanted but still unyeilding desire..."
You smile wickedly, your deer ears conveying your feelings as always when they move. In a swift motion, but still cautiously, you push back his foreskin. A low, agonizing moan escapes Alastor's lips as your action exposes his sensitive flesh to the air. Hips jerking forward involuntarily, seeking more contact with your hand...
"You're killing me mon cher~"
"Buckle up Al..." You start stroking him with consistency now.
The radio demon closes his eyes, ragged breaths leaving his open mouth as you're jerking him off. Every fiber of his being is focused on the pleasure. He groans... feeling his elusive climax approaching at last. His monocle almost falls from his nose. "Unh..."
You're now applying some serious pressure on his throbbing dick. With a primal scream, Alastor's entire body tenses up and he begins releasing his seed on your hand.
"Oh goodness..." He keeps groaning and you can see him shuddering as he does so. He continues spurting thick, white fluid onto your hand, seemingly unable to stop himself.
In his eyes there's a mix of lust and gratitude. He licks his lips unconsciously.
"What else can you do to me?"
"W- what? Me?"
The demon chuckles lightly at your question. His eyes trail down your body appreciatively when you stand up. "And why not you? You're here and I need some action these days!"
He grins and you sigh.
"Well, that means it could be anyone... anyone other than me." You don't like how this revelation makes you feel sad and disappointed.
A sly smirk plays at the corners of Alastor's mouth. "I suppose it could, but then again, why settle for anyone when I can have you?"
His voice is husky and you like this tone from him. You and I belong together, dear y/n." He's clearly considering you his mate now.
Your romantic side wins and you cup his face. That seems to sober him up if just for a few minutes. The overlord looks like he's savoring the sensation and a deep sigh escapes him. "I don't deserve this, not with you y/n."
"But I do want to be present through this... I get it."
The glimmer of hope returns to his eyes. "You have to mean it."
"I won't leave you suffering alone Alastor."
He nods as he thinks this over. "In that case... I'll accept your offer."
You smile sweetly. This isn't that bad. He didn't even ask for a deal. You stand on your hooves and give his cheek a little kiss. He beams at you as he takes hold of his signature cane.
"Oh I think I'm going to enjoy this!"
"Haha, so do I... B- but let's make you something to eat before you get all excited again..."
"That's a wonderful idea darling! And I might as well tell you about Susan's new act while you're at it."
Alastor feels a warmth he hadn't in a long time. As you work on preparing food for him, he seems content and somewhat at peace. But then, like clockwork, the desire is going to build up again. Through the week the rutting hits him anew and he becomes extremely short-tempered. He has to change rooms when Charlie starts singing and he's constantly arguing with Husk.
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Alastor surprises himself.
During the times he does manage to control his primitive urges, he's actually avoiding you. He has this idea that he would end up hurting you if things ever escalated fully between you two. Could this mean that he actually cares for your wellbeing?
He is an overlord. He is the one and only radio demon, there's no way he has a soft spot for his fellow deer demon... who had relieved him of weeks of pent up tension just with their touch.
You, on the other hand, feel no shame nor guilt for your little encounter with Alastor in the kitchen. If anything, the fact that he's still in his mating season is making you wet, longing for more.
One fateful night, all of you sitting together, you across from Alastor's armchair... and it's impossible to not look down. He has a prominent bulge and you're not even surprised. However, when you look back up, you freeze like a... well, you do freeze like a deer caught in the headlights, because he is staring at you so very intensely.
The air feels thick all of a sudden and his gaze implies many things, to your delight. He excuses himself shortly after, but not before giving you a slight nod. He wants you now. He needs you now.
Experiencing a slight Deja vu, you find yourself knocking on his door the very same night. The Deja vu intensifies at the sound of static coming from the other side of the door. You decide to let yourself in when there's no answer. "Al?"
A pair of big and intricate antlers comes in your vision. The smell of him floods your senses. It's intoxitacing, addictive. You want him too.
Alastor wastes no time.
He pushes you up against the nearest wall, his body pressing tightly against yours. His breath is coming in ragged gasps, his eyes full of lust and desire. The demon growls, baring his teeth in a feral grin.
In one swift motion, he tears your clothes from your body, leaving you naked and vulnerable before him. His eyes roam over your exposed flesh, his lips parted in a wicked grin. With an animalistic growl, he buries his face between your breasts, sucking on your nipples with rough abandon.
You moan and arch your back, the sensation sinfully satisfying. Noticing your response, Alastor's movements become even more frenzied. He reaches down to grip your hips, lifting you up onto the wall.
You then unzip his pants, lost in the haze of your increasing desire for him. Alasor groans when you do that, his hips bucking forward as you free his cock from its confines. It slaps against your lower stomach, rigid and angry.
With another feral growl, Alastor turns you around so that you're facing the wall, while he has a perfect view of your ass and tail.
You gasp as he parts your folds with his thumb, finding your dripping entrance. Maybe he's not that experienced, but right now he seems to be driven by some infallible instinct. His finger doesn't stay in your cunt for long though, since the man is getting desperate to claim you as his, in a much more effective fashion.
You turn you head to the side and lock eyes with him. You shiver, almost scared at the pure hunger on his face. He thrust into you with brutal force, driving his cock inside you deep and hard. His hips start pistoning against your ass, as he takes you without mercy. He's breeding, essentially. It's not meant to be slow or soft.
The gentleman you knew is gone for now, but you're digging your nails in his shoulders and letting out whines and moans nonetheless.
With each thrust, he growls like a beast, claiming his prize. Alastor's eyes are wild and feral, reflecting the primal lust that consumes him. His heavy balls are slapping against your skin. You're turning to jelly slowly but surely, surrendering to him in way that feels natural to you, not forced.
Your old friend grunts in both pain and pleasure, losing himself in the heat of the moment. His fingers dig into your skin, leaving marks on your hips that show his possessiveness of you.
You reach behind you, grabbing his thighs to somehow ground yourself from the onslaught of pleasure in your core. A guttural moan escapes him as you touch his sensitive flesh. His hips buck against yours, driving himself deeper inside you and your eyes roll back in your head.
Alastor continues to pound into you relentlessly, his cock throbbing with each powerful stroke. He's sweating and he starts taking off his clothes in a uncharacteristically clumsy manner.
He can't take it anymore, your tightening walls becoming overwhelming for him to bear. Feeling the pressure building within him, he growls low in his throat and picks up the pace even more.
The new speed he fucks you in has you seeing stars, the knot on your stomach snapping without warning. You cry out his name loud enough for everyone in the hotel to hear, but you simply don't care.
He moans your name as well, his hands gripping your hips tightly as he drives himself deeper into you one last time. His body shudders violently as he reaches the height of his own orgasm. Hot, thick cum is filling you up and there's so much of... It's dripping out of you and onto the carpet.
He finally did it. He's mated. He's bred you.
Spent and panting heavily, Alastor collapses on you, his forehead resting on your shoulder. You can feel his breath and teeth on your skin as you try to catch your breath. His dick is softening inside you, but he doesn't pull out just yet. His primal instinct is still active and making sure you take every last drop of his seed.
After you both relax in the present silence for a bit, he casually lifts you up and places you on the bed, the manhandling having you blushing profusely, but he doesn't seem to notice. He lets out a sound close to purring as he lays down next to you, spooning you.
You sigh, feeling exhausted and content at the same time. You roll over so that you're facing him... and he looks like he's already asleep.
Your heartbeat has turned back to normal and you find shelter in his long and elegant neck as you start dozing off into a peaceful and dreamless slumber.
He's not cold or ignorant the next morning. That morning ends up in him grasping at the air, as if searching for something to hold on to, as your head bobs up and down under the sheets.
It becomes a fact that Alastor's mood improves significantly after having sex with you. Something that does occur a couple more times in the spam of a week or so.
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You knew the rutting was coming to an end when his desperate and forceful claiming, usually from behind, became passionate love making.
There was this one night...
Like a true gentleman of his time, Alastor had made love to you with deep, sensual thrusts as your hands had gotten lost in his fluffy hair. You had been underneath him.
Your orgasm had been accompanied by a soundless moan as you'd thrown your head back and he'd nuzzled your neck, breath labored and a frown on his face as he'd come after you. You had let him fall asleep on you that night, both of you panting, sweat covering you.
The only time Alastor isn't smiling is when he is asleep you have come to realize. You can't help but notice how tired he looks as you lay motionless next him. So you gently start caressing his ears and he groans softly, nuzzling deeper into your touch, without even bothering to open his eyes. A small smile forms on his mouth, a real one.
Is this love? Maybe someday.
The End??
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my masterlist || hazbin masterlist❤️
tag list; @stygianoir @aperfectidiot @lady-valtieri @what-0-life @clowncollegealum @whatinthepluto @dragonqueenfk @ajajajajajakak @ellie-x0xo @1rxsemary1 @ermmmwhattheflipguys @kimkimmm2411 @sukaretto-n
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sillylittlesimp · 7 days
New Orleans Beignets
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Summary: Y/N is one of the leading bakery owners in the entirety of New Orleans! People travel minutes, hours to try the sweet treats that reside within her bakery. But there's one special radio host who's obsessed with none other than her famous New Orleans Beignets.
E/N: This is based off of Princess Tiana's Beignets. It was too perfect not to make into an Alastor story so why not + she's one of my favourite princesses.
This story isn't proofread so it's not perfect. Also I haven't written for a while so I might be a little rusty, but I hope you all enjoy it anyways! x
No trigger warnings besides some light kisses! (Lmk if I forgot any.)
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Rainy afternoons were never the brightest time for those in New Orleans.
The freezing cold, the shivering of finger tips, the multiple layers worn in hopes of being able to keep at least a little bit warm. It was always certainly a surprise when people realized that instead of the usual sunlight and humidity, it was going to rain.
So, what do those in New Orleans do during these miserable days? Well there's one of two things. Stay inside, bored half to death, or go find a nice place to have a cozy meal and settle down for the day. And what better place to go rather than Y/N's bakery?
That's the thought that Alastor thought of every day when these storms swept through New Orleans (and every usual day too.)
No rain, hail, nor shine could prevent him from leaving the studio on his lunch break to go check on his dearest wife who was slaving away in her bakery, and in the process of greeting her, he could never resist stealing one of her heavenly Beignets.
"Hello, anyone home?" Alastor spoke loudly, his radio voice on show as he entered the door. He watched as Y/N perked up from behind the counter after hearing the short chime of the door opening. "Hello, stranger." She laughed softly, standing up straight to brush off her dusty apron. It was adorned with pastry batter and powdered sugar from all the sweets made throughout the day, if anything it was just a sign of how hard she worked.
"Yes, I did prepare your Beignets darling." She admitted without a question needed, walking over to her husband to pass over a small brown paper bag, inside two hot Beignets showered perfectly with powdered sugar. They smelled divine, it was like heaven itself had been baked into two small pastries.
"Just how you like it." She nodded slightly, moving forward to kiss her husband's cheek nonchalantly.
"Thank you my dear, without you I fear I would starve!" Alastor laughed, looking at his wife with such a thankful and loving look plastered across his face. "You truly are such a darling when it comes to spoiling me."
"Only for New Orleans finest radio host." She said proudly, crossing her arms over her chest.
Alastor leaned forward, kissing her forehead softly for a moment before pulling away, smiling down at his gorgeous girl. "And only for New Orleans finest Beignet maker."
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E/N: I'm tweaking I hate this. Am I still going to post it? Yes.
PLEASE don't be hesitant to send me some Alastor ideas or head cannons you'd like me to write. I really don't enjoy writing without a plot like this story, you can see the laziness within my work.
All dandy though, have a wonderful evening everyone!
- Weedie 🥀
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huskersbooze · 3 months
Alastor x Reader
Summary : You get sick and Alastor keeps you company <3
Warnings : Swearing(lots of it)
Pairings : Alastor x F!Reader (M!Reader here)
Additional Tags : ALASTOR POV CUZ YES. Sick reader, implied relationship, h/c, fluff, comfort
Word count : 1.01k
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“Hey, you alright, kid?” Husk tilts his head to the side, wiping down the last glass of the day.
You don’t respond. Instead, you’re staring off into the distance, dozing off in your own world.
“Huh? What?” You finally snap out of your thoughts.
“Geez, ya’ look like hell.” Husk acknowledges. “Are you sick?”
“I don’t know.” You shrug. “I don’t think so?”
“Go rest. I’ll work alone today.”
“What? No! I’m fine I swear-” Before you’re able to finish your sentence, Husk flips you off.
“Bullshit. Go find your radio boyfriend.”
“Don’t bullshit me-”
You try arguing but Husk only smirks when he catches a glimpse of Alastor who’s appeared right behind you.
“Well, I just did.” He says. “Now stop being so stubborn.”
“I’m not being stubborn I-” 
You feel a hand being put to your forehead and try to fight back, only to realise it was Alastor.
“High fever.” He lets go. “You’re being stubborn.”
“Oh, fuck you, Al.”
“We’ll fuck when you’re better, darling.”
You blush. Alastor grins. Husk tries to hold in a laugh but ultimately fails.
“You’re sick and you need rest, my dear. Come along.”
“I’m fine-”
Alastor can only sigh, picking you up as you yelp.
“This is completely, and utterly, your fault single-handedly.” He smiled as you pouted. “You're very much welcome, darling.”
You managed to escape Alastor as he leaves to mess with Vox. (Ep2 lmao)
Upon returning to the bar, Husk was not pleased to see your ass out of bed, emphasising on how important sleep was to someone sick.
You couldn’t care less.
Though, after wiping down a few more bottles with him, your eyes doze off and your eyelids feel droopy.
The world spins and fades away.
“Fuck! Kid, ya’ alright?! Alastor!”
[Alastor’s pov]
I heard a little groan as my eyes widened.
"Darling." I whispered, hoping not to startle her.
"Al..?" She breathed out.
"Good morning." I joked, though so grateful she was now awake.
"Wha.. What time is it?" She asked, struggling to get up.
"Be careful." I ushered, helping her sit. "I'm not so sure myself. It's very late at night."
"Where am I?" She asked, finally waking up as she stopped slurring through her words. 
"My room. ‘I’m not sick’ my arse." I replied.
"Oh. Well, I guess you and Husk were right. I just thought I was a little sick." She murmured. 
"You are sick." I replied. "Just worse than you expected."
"Real humorous, Al." She gave a small, yet weak, giggle.
Silence filled the air between us, and we didn't say anything else after that. That was, until she gave a small sneeze. I could tell she tried to suppress it, but seeing it was late at night and so quiet, it was hard not to notice.
"Are you cold?" I asked. I could barely make out the silhouette of her nodding lightly. Without hesitating, I took off my coat and handed it over to her. "Better?"
"A lot. Thanks, Al." She replied. After another few seconds of silence, she spoke up once more. "Why aren’t you asleep?"
"You do remember your dear partner does not need, nor does he enjoy, sleep?"
"Excuse, excuses." She joked, earning a chuckle from me.
"I can't really sleep now." She suddenly says out of nowhere. One thing I really like about this girl, she says the most random things in the most random situations. "Could we do something else?"
"Are you trying to get me killed?" I laughed. "You need to rest."
"I'm aware. That's the initial plan, anyways." She joked. At least, I hoped she was joking.
"You sneaky little deer."
"Yes. That's me. Hello." She replied, sitting on the edge of the bed with her legs crossed as she proceeded to look at me in the dark room. “Besides, it’s not like anyone here at the Hotel is actually powerful enough to kill you.”
"Very well, then. What do you have in mind?"
“Some jazz and cuddles would be nice.”
She chokes on another cough.
"Are you sure you're alright? You should really rest in such vulnerable state."
"I'm," Another cough. "Fine. I swear."
"If you insist."
After a while, I turned to face her, worried she wasn't enjoying herself anymore, only to find her sound asleep, clinging lightly to my shirt. See? I told you were sleepy. You just refused to listen to me. I stopped and watched the girl, moving little by little, afraid of waking her up.
She looked so peaceful. Though, it wouldn't be the first time I find her sleeping in my presence. I tugged a small strand of hair behind her ear as she shifted a little. I immediately paused. Shit, had I woken her? Though she soon returned to her slumber and she curled up into a ball in front of me.
I suppose this would suffice.
"Goodnight, darling." I whispered softly, laying next to her in the bed. "See you in the morning."
[2nd person]
You awoke early in the morning, feeling well rested. Your bed was awfully more comfortable than you had remembered. You sat up and rubbed your eyes, finally opening them for the first time, only to find that you weren't in your own room. It took you a while to let things simmer in.
That's when you heard snoring next to you.
You turned to find the Radio Demon cuddled into a ball next to you in bed sleeping oh so soundly. The poor man probably hadn't had sleep in days. Before you could process what was happening, you checked the time and realized you had to be back at the bar for work in 5 minutes. Not wanting to wake Alastor up, you left him a quick note to thank him and left.
The whole day passed and you never caught sight of Alastor. After closing the bar, you headed to Alastor’s room,hoping to find him there.
You stop at his door and break out a tiny laugh.
On the door, a rushed sign saying — Sick. Keep out.
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sweetchildcloud · 4 months
How Alastor would be as a boyfriend/lover pt.2
Pairing: Alastor x A!Reader
Tags:fluff,cute,maybe OOC?[out of character again :/],Alastor being jelaous,period(mestr*ation),supportive Alastor during tough times with d*pression
P.S: this is shorter than the first part so i'm sorry if you didn't enjoy this as much :/ also if you're wondering why i putted the period part even tough the reader is anon is because i want to reach people who transgender [god i wrote it so bad but i hope you understand what i meant]
@muzansslxt @candy69gurl @kiwicopia
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It is true that Alastor can be a bit jealous when you are talking with other people, especially strangers. He is very possessive of you and does not like to share you, and will often find excuses to join your conversations or get you away from the other person. He can sometimes be passive aggressive or sulk if you continue to engage with the stranger despite his efforts at cutting off the conversation.
However, Alastor will never become violent or aggressive towards you for engaging with strangers. He respects your right to interact with others, but he also would rather you spend your time with him instead. He just really likes being around you and is somewhat possessive of you. He will often shower you with affection and compliments to let you know how important you are to him in an effort to ensure that you choose to spend your time with him rather than strangers. [and if he succed he will wrap an arm around your shoulders as the two of you walk away from the guy you've been talking to, as he looked behind him and staring at the stranger smiling wikedly "she's mine pal" you:"mhm? what did you said Al?" "oh nothing dear,let's just go"]
But if you continue to ignore him and keep talking to strangers, he will start to become frustrated and may express a subtle jealousy or resentment. However, he will never force you to leave or yell at you for continuing your conversations. He may sulk or give you the silent treatment for a bit, but he will never become violent or verbally abusive towards you. Instead, he will just quietly let his feelings of jealousy and possessiveness boil under the surface.
If you confront him about his jealousy, he will deny it at first but will eventually admit to being jealous and possessive. He will explain that he just really likes being around you and doesn't want to share you with other people. He will admit that it is not fair to be jealous and that he wants to work on it, but he just can't help how he feels when you talk with other people. He is willing to try working on his jealousy but he asks that you be patient and understanding with him.
He may also admit that he feels a bit insecure or not good enough when you talk to others, and that he is worried he is not good enough to keep your attention and affection. He will ask that you assure him that he is enough for you and that you are not thinking about other people. He is willing to work on his jealous and possessive tendencies and is willing to communicate about his feelings more openly with you in an effort to improve.
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Alastor is mature and understanding about this issue. Whenever you have your period, he will be understanding and supportive and will not make a big deal out of it. He will not react in any sort of negative way or shame you for it, and will instead simply try to take care of you and make you feel comfortable. He might even bring you a hot water bottle to help alleviate your cramps, or make you a cup of tea to help relax you.
In addition to caring for you during your period, he also wants to make sure you have the right necessities on hand to get through it smoothly. He will often bring you tampons or pads, painkillers and other essentials to help with your period. He may also bring you chocolate or comfort foods to cheer you up and help distract you from the uncomfortable symptoms.
Even if you accidentally bleed on the bed and taint it, Alastor will not shame you or get angry. He will be understanding and compassionate about the situation, and will not react in any negative way. He will simply help you to clean the sheets, and then comfort you afterwards. He understands that accidents can happen, and it's nothing to be ashamed of.
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If you're depressed and feel overwhelmed, Alastor will be as kind and thoughtful as ever. He will be attentive and comforting, and will offer you a shoulder to cry on or even just listen to you and let you vent to him. He will also try to encourage you to do things that make you feel better or distract yourself and take your mind off of it. He will make sure that you are cared for and comforted during this time, and will do whatever he can to ease your sadness.
He may also suggest things that could potentially help you feel better, such as exercising or going for a walk, but he won't force you to do anything you're not comfortable with. He understands that feeling depressed is not easy and can be draining and overwhelming, and he will do his best to be supportive and encouraging while also giving you space and respecting your boundaries.
If you do decide to take his suggestions, he will try to go along and help you with whatever you are doing. He will try to keep things light and make jokes to make you laugh as it can help uplift your mood. He will also encourage you and compliment you along the way to try to boost your confidence and give you positive reinforcement that you are doing well. 
On the other hand, if you decide to take some time to yourself and spend some time alone to process your feelings, he will respect that too. He will let you be alone and will check up on you periodically to make sure you are doing okay and ask if there is anything you need him to do. He understands that depression is a personal journey and sometimes being alone can help you focus on sorting through your feelings, so he will keep a respectful distance during that time.
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hope you liked this second part and if there is something wrong tell me i wrote this on the verge of falling asleep so.... :/
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hazbinhotelie · 26 days
Could you maybe do Alastor with a reader who is a big fan of his radio and serial killer work when from when he was alive?
I feel like he'd turn it into a game when he realises and keeps hinting but never outright saying he and this radio host they admired in life are one and the same.
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The moment I stumbled upon Mr. Hartfelts radio broadcasts, my life changed. His voice, rich and captivating, pulled me in, and his dark humor kept me coming back for more. There was something magnetic about the way he spoke, a charisma that was impossible to ignore. I had devoured every broadcast, every hint of his dark deeds cloaked in the guise of entertainment.
He’d cover the local news, which of course, included crime. He seemed to have a particular fascination with the local murders, the most infamous of which was carried out by someone called the Bayou Butcher. The other murderers would disappear days after they’d been mentioned on the show, but he was the most consistent. The style of his killings was profound, easy to identify, and so was the pattern of who he targeted.
What was interesting was Mr. Hartfelts knowledge on the cases, how he was able to describe the events better than the police did in official reports. Most brushed it off as apart of his story telling skills, but I noticed more. Little details unavailable to the public, and in some cases, even the pi,ice. Details he wouldn’t know unless he was there- unless he was the Bayou Butcher. I wasn’t a snitch, and I had no hard evidence, so I kept that little secret to myself.
What fascinated me most was the way he targeted those who preyed on the weak. In a twisted sense, he was a vigilante, dispensing his own brand of justice. It was a dangerous admiration, but I couldn't help it. There was something thrilling about the idea that someone out there was standing up for those who couldn't defend themselves.
When I found myself in Hell, it was a shock to say the least. But the real surprise came when I met a fellow named Alastor. His charm was just as potent, his radio motif drew me in, and there was an air of familiarity about him that I couldn't quite place. He seemed to take an immediate interest in me, and before long, we became close. Close enough that I felt comfortable sharing my fascination with that infamous radio host from my living days.
"I was a huge fan," I confessed one evening as we sat together in the lounge. "Listened to every broadcast. It was like he was speaking directly to me."
Alastor's eyes gleamed with interest. "Is that so? Quite the mysterious figure, wasn't he?"
I nodded enthusiastically. "Absolutely! The way he dealt with those horrible people, it was... well, it felt like justice. In a way no one else had the courage to deliver."
He chuckled softly, leaning back in his chair. "Indeed. A unique approach to morality, wouldn’t you say? What was it that drew you to him so much?"
I paused, considering my answer. "I guess it was the idea that someone could take a stand. Do something about the evil in the world, even if it was in such a drastic way."
Alastor's smile widened, a knowing glint in his eye. "A very admirable perspective. Some might even say... inspiring."
There was something in his tone that made me wonder, but I brushed it off. It wasn't the first time he'd said something that made me think he knew more than he let on.
As the weeks passed, Alastor began dropping more hints. Subtle, almost playful. He'd mention details about the broadcasts, things only a true insider would know. It was like a game, and I was eager to piece it together.
One night, as we walked through the streets of Hell, he turned to me with that familiar, mischievous smile. "Tell me," he began, "what would you say if you found out your admired radio host was still around, in some form or another?"
My heart skipped a beat. "You mean... here? In Hell?"
He chuckled. "Hypothetically speaking, of course. But if it were true, how would that make you feel?"
I considered it, a shiver of excitement running through me. "I'd be thrilled, I think. To know that someone I admired so much was... well, real. And still carrying out his work."
Alastor's eyes twinkled with delight. "Well, my dear, perhaps you should keep your ears open. You never know what you might discover."
The next day, I woke to find an old radio sitting on my bedside table, one that looked suspiciously similar to the model Alastor had described in one of his stories. I turned it on, and the familiar voice that filled the room sent chills down my spine. It was unmistakable. Unfiltered, no transatlantic accent. It was him, Mr. Hartfelt.
I confronted him that evening, my heart pounding with excitement and a hint of fear. "Alastor," I began, trying to keep my voice steady, "is it you? Are you the radio host?"
He smiled, that enigmatic, knowing smile. "What do you think?"
It was all the confirmation I needed. My admiration for him grew tenfold, knowing that the man I had looked up to, the man who had taken a stand against the worst of humanity, was right here with me.
"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked, a mix of awe and curiosity in my voice.
He chuckled, pulling me into a close embrace. "Where's the fun in that? It's much more entertaining to watch you figure it out."
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therand0mwriter · 4 months
Bare Your Soul
Alastor Hartfelt x Female!Reader
Chapter 2 - Pentious and Vox
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*Time Skip, Next Day* *(Y/N)'s POV*
'What time is it?' You woke up and groggily thought. You look over to your bedside table and saw the clock read 7 AM. 'That's not as early as usual. Maybe having that busy day yesterday helped.' You thought, referring to how you usually wake up naturally between 4 and 5 AM.
You stood up and out of your bed, heading to your bathroom to get ready for the day. Once done, you went down to the main area to see if anyone was awake yet. Not seeing anybody, you started to make your way back up the stairs.
'Clink, shuffle'
You halted in your steps when you heard noise coming from the kitchen. You took slow, cautious steps towards the kitchen door. When you stood in front of it, you heard faint static and instantly knew who was in the kitchen.
You pushed the door open fully and stepped in, seeing the one and only Radio Demon. "Ah! Good morning, dear (Y/N)!" Alastor greeted at the sight of you. "Good morning, Alastor." You smiled back to him, nodding your head in a greeting. "I must say," Alastor started, pouring boiling water into his mug. "I am surprised to see you awake. Everyone doesn't usually wake until 9. Sometimes even later!" He ended with a laugh. He then gestured to his mug, "Would you like some tea, darling?"
You nodded your head, "Yes, please. If you don't mind." Alastor waved you off, getting a mug ready for you, "Nonsense!" You sat down at the table as you waited for the male, responding to his earlier comment. "I actually slept in today. I normally wake up earlier, but I guess yesterday took it out of me." You chuckled. Alastor hummed, "Really? How interesting. Well, I am always late to bed and early to rise if you ever want someone to keep you company."
You smiled at his words, "I might just take you up on that offer." Alastor chuckled, handing you your tea, "Please do. Now, would you do me the honor of joining me up on the balcony?" He leaned down, offering me his arm like he did last night. You smiled once more, standing and linking your arm with his, your mug in your left hand. "Sounds lovely."
*3rd POV*
Ever since Vox found out that Alastor was back in town, he couldn't stop checking his cameras that displayed the outside of the Hazbin Hotel. But when Vox checked his cameras this time, he spit out his coffee at what he saw.
There was the Radio Demon he hated with a burning passion... along with a girl... linked in arm and arm. "What the hell?!" Vox shouted, going face to face with the monitor. Valentino heard the TV's shout of distress, "What's the matter?" Vox moved out of the way so the moth Demon could see the screen, "Look at this! Can you believe this?!"
Valentino leaned forward and squinted at the blurry screen. Once he was able to see what Vox was so upset about, he straightened his back and smirked, "Oh, wooow. Looks like Alastor got himself a little girlfriend. And a pretty cute one at that." Vox stared at the screen until there was a brief moment where the image of the girl was clear, and sure enough, Val was right. She was pretty cute.
"What is someone like her doing there with him? And where is that snake guy?!" Vox angrily shouted, his voice switching tones as he threw his hands up in the air. "Relax," Valentino started, taking a puff from his cigarette. "The snake man is on his way, and when he's at the hotel, he'll find out more about your new little crush."
Vox buzzed in annoyance, "I don't have a crush on her! I'm just confused as to why someone as nice looking as her is hanging out with that prick!" Val smirked, "Sound like to me you're jealous." Vox glitched and turned to Valentino, yelling, "Get out!" The moth demon chuckled on amusement before leaving his TV friend.
Vox looked back to the monitor, watching the two deer demons talk. When the she-demon smiled and giggled at something Alastor had said, Vox growled and his brows furrowed. He was so angry, it felt like his entire body was on fire. He dug his claws into his desk, leaving marks. 'Alastor shouldn't have anything like her...'
*Time Skip* *At The Hotel*
"Okay!" Charlie clapped her hands together. "Today's goal is to focus on (Y/N) and to figure out what she needs to do to make herself a better person!" (Y/N) winced with a smile at Charlie's words as Angel chuckled, "Ouch." Charlie's eyes went wide with worry, "Oh, I didn't mean it like that! I don't think you're a bad person-" (Y/N) cut Charlie off before she could start to ramble, "It's okay, Charlie. I know what you mean."
Charlie sent the doe demon a grateful smile, "Great! Now! Um... you're polite, so we don't need to work on that. Hm... you apologize when it calls for it. Uh, you don't make inappropriate jokes. In the day I've known you, you've never cursed..." The blonde started to pace back and forth, hand on her chin as she started to mumble to herself. Vaggie sent her girlfriend a worried look, "Uh, Charlie? You okay?"
The princess then slammed her fist into her open palm, "I got it!" She shouted, turning to the doe demon. "(Y/N), what did you do in your human life that got you into Hell? We'll work on fixing that!"
Up from the second floor, Alastor eavesdropped from the shadows. "Oh... um..." (Y/N) hesitated, thinking of how to respond. Then, a knock came from the front door. Vaggie stood from her seat and went to open the door. On the other side was Sir Pentious, who had his hat in his hands with a sheepish smile, "Why, hello, my dear-" He cut himself off with a yelp as Vaggie punched him without hesitation.
Vaggie took out her spear and pointed it at Pentious, the snake demon falling to the ground. "Wait, wait, wait! I come in peace." Pentious said, a panicked look on his face as he held up peace signs with his hands. Vaggie narrowed her eye at him, "What are you doing here?"
Charlie peeked her head around the door, "Vaggie, what's the problem?" Then the blonde gasped at who she saw, "Oh! Hello again." Pentious sat up from the ground, "I didn't come looking for a fight. I Uh, I heard that you're helping people! People who want to be... better?" He ended with an unsure smile.
Charlie gasped and ran towards the snake demon, clasping his hands with hers. "You heard right! Welcome to our home of healing, our resort of restoration, our-" Charlie was cut off by Angel when she started to pull Pentious into the hotel. "Are you fucking nuts? This chump was trying ta kill us like, literally 12 hours ago. And now ya wanna bring him in here to live with us?" Angel asked incredulously.
Charlie stepped in front of Pentious, spreading her arms wide, "Absolutely! This place is about second chances, and who deserves one more than this slithery... slippery..." Charlie started to hesitate when referring to Pentious. "Special little man!" She ended, elbowing the snake demon.
Angel then turned to Vaggie, "Aren't ya supposed to protect this place?" Vaggie looked to her girlfriend, who then promptly gave her large, red puppy dog eyes. Vaggie sighed in defeat, "I guess... he's not much of a threat without the war machine." At her words, Pentious grew a large smile. "Or even with the war machine." Vaggie added, making Pentious droop in sadness.
Charlie ran up to her girlfriend and hugged her, spinning her around, "Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!" She put Vaggie down and ran back to the snake demon, "Sir Pentious, welcome to the Hazbin Hotel!" Everyone started to make their way back inside as Pentious spoke, "Oh no, darling. Thank you! You won't regret this." Angel spoke up, following behind Pentious, "Meh, I give ya a week, tops."
"So," Charlie started, "This is the bar and the bartender! This is the curtain, and this is the new wall, after you broke the last one." She chuckled nervously. "And, oh! This, this is-" Charlie paused when Vaggie took ahold of her hand, pulling her back. "Babe, you don't have to show him every detail."
"I'm sorry, I'm just so excited to have our second real guest!" Charlie jumped up and down, grinning largely. "Uh, what the hell am I then? (Y/N)'s suppose ta be the second guest." Angel asked, lifting one set of his arms expectantly. "Well, you're an important part of our family here, Angel. But, you, um, uh..." Charlie started. But when she couldn't find the words she wanted, Vaggie added in, "You constantly make us look bad, sexually harass the staff, and have literally never once tried to improve."
Charlie looked from Vaggie back to Angel, "What she means is, it's just nice to have someone interested, for once." When Charlie walked past Angel to Pentious, she missed the sad look Angel had on his face.
Charlie gestured to Niffty who was currently playing with KeeKee, "Over here we have our maid, Niffty." At hearing her name, Niffty stopped playing with the cat and made her way to Pentious, "The bad boy is back!" She jumped onto Pentious, holding him by his collar, "Never leave me again." She said darkly, making Pentious sweat nervously. "We're about 80% sure she's harmless." Charlie chuckled nervously.
When Alastor noticed the two were about to go up the stairs, he went into his shadow and reappeared at the staircases bottom. "And over here we have-" Charlie cut herself off with a gasp when she almost bumped into Alastor. "Oh! Uh, Alastor! Our gracious facility manager! You've met our newest guest, Sir Pentious." Charlie stepped to the side so the two males could meet again, a nervous look on her face.
"Ah, yes. You're the one who ruined my coat." Alastor's voice went an octave lower, fuzzy static omitting from him and his red eyes growing brighter, "I definitely remember you now." Pentious gulped in fright and Charlie's eyes went wide. But, the blonde ran with the opportunity that just presented itself. "Well, I guess this is a great time for your first lesson," Charlie said to Pentious, clearing her throat. "'How to apologize.' The first step to becoming a better person is to admit when you are in the wrong." She then went behind the snake demon, giving him a gentle push towards the Radio Demon. "Why don't you give it a try?"
"Yes," Pentious starts, giving Charlie an unsure look. "Um," He turned back to Alastor. "Mister, um... Radio Demon, sir, please forgive me for attacking you and ruining your very lovely coat... um, here..." Pentious reached into his pocket and pulled out a small piece of red fabric that he had tore off of Alastor's coat.
The Radio Demon took the fabric from Pentious, bringing it up to his eyes to inspect it, "Oh-ho! Not this many people have been able to take even this much off me." Alastor stated, sounding slightly impressed. "It must have meant quite a lot to you." Immediately after, he set the fabric aflame with a green fire, wearing a smug smile as he reveled in the snake demon's horrified look.
(Y/N) abruptly let out a laugh at the scene, but quickly covered it with a cough. The three turn their attention to the doe demon, Alastor tilting his head, a little please that she also found the situation entertaining. Charlie smiled, ignoring the girls strange sounding cough, "Oh! And this is another one of our residents, (Y/N)! She joined yesterday." The two demons made their way over to said girl, while Alastor went into his shadow and reappeared next to (Y/N) on her spot on the couch.
The snake demon sent a flourishing bow to the doe demon, "It is a pleasure to meet you, miss (Y/N)! I am Sir Pentious!" The girl bowed her head in greeting, "It is nice to meet you, I hope we can be friends." Pentious was taken aback at how nice this demoness was, he didn't really know how to act, "Oh, um, yes, I do too." (Y/N) sent him a small smile in response. "Sir Pentious, let me finish giving you the tour and show you to your room." Charlie said after introductions were over, guiding the snake demon to the stairs, Vaggie joining them.
After the three left, it was just Alastor and (Y/N) in the main area as Angel and Husk went off to their rooms and Niffty was who-knows-where. Alastor turned his head to face (Y/N), (Y/N) following suit when she noticed his movement. "I take it you have a dark sense of humor, my dear?" Alastor questioned, amusement in his tone. (Y/N) let out a weak chuckle, "Unfortunately. It's one of the qualities that got me into Hell."
"'Unfortunately'? My dear, you should be proud of who you are." Alastor said. (Y/N) broke eye contact with him, looking down at her hands, playing with her fingers, "I'm not... there's a reason why I'm here." Alastor hummed, intrigued, "And what is that reason?" (Y/N) didn't say anything, having an internal struggle on whether or not she should say something. "I'm... not ready to talk about it." She eventually got out. Alastor was disappointed at how hard it was to get information out of the doe demon, but he didn't let his frustration show. 'I have time to get the information out of her. Meanwhile, I'll just have one of my little demons spy on her.'
Alastor stood and took a few steps toward the girl, standing in front of her, "Very well, if you're ever ready to bare your soul, I'll be here waiting for you. Oh, and (Y/N), dear?" Alastor placed his free hand under said girls chin, lifting her head up to make eye contact with him. "Smile, it looks good on you." Alastor said, his grin growing a litter bigger. (Y/N)'s (e/c) eyes went wide and stayed that way when Alastor took his hand from out under her chin and 'booped' her nose with his index finger, disappearing into his shadow with a laugh. 'What just happened?' She thought, a tiny grin growing on her lips at how ridiculously funny she found the situation.
Pentious was in his room, finally alone. He quickly looked around to double check no on was near. He lifted up his sleeve to the VoxTech watch he was wearing. Pentious tapped on the screen and it lit up, showing Vox. "Well, what have you found out so far?" Vox questioned, already impatient. "U-Um, well, they are letting me stay here and gave me a room." Pentious stuttered. Vox rolled his eyes, irritated, "I don't care about that! Did you get any useful information?"
Pentious cleared his throat, "T-The only new information I've gathered so far is about the girl." At this, Vox leaned forward, his interest piqued. The snake demon continued, "Her name is (Y/N), and she is a resident here." Vox leaned back, his eyes going soft, "'(Y/N)'." He repeated her name, finding it fitted her perfectly. "Um, sir?" Pentious called out, raising his brow at the TV demons actions. Vox shook his screen-like head, becoming serious again, "Keep up the work, find out as much as you can about (Y/N) and make sure a deal isn't struck between Charlie and Alastor." Before Pentious could respond, the screen went black, signaling the end of the call.
*Time Skip*
Charlie had called Pentious, (Y/N) and Angel down to the main area, Vaggie already there. "Okay everyone, get comfortable!" The four sat in a circle while Charlie stood. "Now! With new residents, I think it's important we all get to know each other, so we are going to play a little game. Everyone, follow me." The princess instructed. "My name is Charlie," She sang clapping her hands twice. "I like to sing," She clapped twice again. "And when we get to know each other it's the greatest thing!" Charlie ended with two claps, gesturing to Pentious for his turn.
"My names Sir Pentious," The snake demon started unsurely, clapping twice. "I like to build," He clapped again. "And despite my stupid Egg Boi's, I think I'm very skilled." He ended confidently with two claps. Him and Charlie then gestured to Angel, who looked up from his phone to say: "This is stupid."
Charlie's eyebrows furrowed, but her smiled remained. "This is not stupid! It's just the game, Sir Pentious did it well so now please try to do the same!" The blonde sang, dancing over to Angel while clapping on beat. "I am too sober for this." Angel said, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Well get used to it and learn how to play, this is gonna be your whole day!" Vaggie added in a singing tone and clapping, smiling sarcastically at the spider demon.
"(Y/N), do you want to give it a try?" Charlie asked, sending a hopeful smile to the doe demon. "Oh! Um..." She brought her hand up to her face in a thinking manner. "My name is (Y/N)," She said with a nervous tone, clapping twice. "I like sweets," The doe demon clapped twice again, still sounding unsure. "And if you're nice to me, I'll make you delicious treats?" She ended with a weak chuckle, clapping twice.
Both Pentious and Alastor's little demon, who was hiding in a shadow on the ceiling, took note of (Y/N)'s rhyme, reporting it back to their masters. Charlie cheered, jumping up and down, "That was so good you guys! I'm proud of you!" She said, mostly to Pentious and (Y/N), making Angel look back to his phone in anger.
*Time Skip*
Charlie had made Angel put on a bloody trench coat and a fedora while making Pentious put on a sailor like shirt and hat. Charlie handed Angel a script and Pentious a large pink lollipop. When (Y/N) came back from the bathroom, she saw all the seats were taken. She went to go stand next to Niffty, but before she could even pass the couch, Alastor stood and gestured to his spot, "Take my seat, dear." (Y/N) raised her eyebrow in question, "Are you sure? I don't mind standing."
Alastor chuckled, "What kind of gentleman would I be if I didn't offer up my seat to a lady? I insist!" The doe demon sent him a grateful smile, "Well, thank you, Alastor. I really appreciate it." The Radio Demon felt a tick in his mind. 'There it is again.' He thought, simultaneously confused and irritated. He brushed it off for the time being, nonchalantly dropping a small red pouch in (Y/N)'s lap.
(Y/N) looked from the rose patterned pouch up to Alastor, confusion written on her face. Alastor, on the other hand, continued looking forward at Angel and Pentious, as they started to do their skit. The doe demon looked back down to her lap. She pulled the black ribbon and the pouch opened up, revealing 3 pink macarons with a red raspberry filling. Her eyes sparkled at the treats, looking back up at Alastor, who was still watching Angel and Pentious. She sent a smile his way before turning her attention back to the pouch, tying it back up and placing it in her secret pocket. From the other side of the couch, Vaggie watched the two with a narrowed eye. 'What the hell is going on between those two?'
*Time Skip*
Dinner had just ended and everyone was on their way to their rooms, ready to wind down for the night and go to bed. Except for Angel, after the play he and Pentious did, Angel disappeared to his room. (Y/N) dished up a small portion of dinner onto a plate, about to leave the kitchen. "(Y/N), darling," Alastor started, appearing next to the girl. "What are you doing?" The doe demon looked down to the plate before looking back up to the Radio Demon, "Angel didn't eat, I figured I would bring him some food."
Charlie overheard the two and went up to him, "(Y/N), you're bringing Angel dinner? That's so nice of you! I'm sure we'll be able to get you into Heaven in no time!" (Y/N) gave a strained smile at the compliment, "Ah, thank you. I'm hoping my efforts pay off." While Charlie reassured (Y/N), they continued to walk up the stairs, leaving Vaggie and Alastor behind.
Alastor planned on following, but he halted in his steps when Vaggie called out to him. He raised his eyebrow at her in question. "What is going on between you and (Y/N)?" Vaggie asked, crossing her arms as her brows furrowed. Without hesitating, Alastor responded, "I don't know what you mean." Vaggie scoffed, "Bullshit. Why are you being so friendly with her?"
"Why are you avoiding her?" Alastor shot back, tilting his head. Vaggie paused, hesitating. Eventually, she responded, "I don't... I don't trust her." Alastor's grin grew a little larger, "Exactly." He turned back to the stairs, "Now, as the kids say, you do you and I'll do me." He disappeared into his shadow, leaving Vaggie by herself. 'He's scared of her too? Why?' Vaggie confusedly thought, even more wary of (Y/N).
'Knock, knock, knock.'
"Who is it?" Angel called out from his bed, not bothering to get up. "It's (Y/N). I brought you food since you didn't come down for dinner." She spoke softly yet loud enough to be heard through the door. Angel sighed, not having the energy to yell at her. Plus, he was pretty hungry. "Come in." He said, sitting up in his bed. (Y/N) slowly opened the door, peeking her head in. She then fully entered, making her way to Angel.
(Y/N) sat on the edge of Angel's bed, handing him the plate. The spider demon took it with a thanks and started eating. The doe demon watched him for a moment. She then turned her attention to her hands in her lap, sighing, "Angel... I'm sorry if I am a... disturbance to your life here." Angel was taken aback. He didn't think anyone noticed his behavior today. Even if someone did, he didn't think they would come and apologize to him.
"I, uh," Angel stammered, unsure of how to respond. "If you want, I can leave the hotel. I don't want to put you through any more uncomfortable situations. I know we haven't interacted much, but from what I've seen, I thought we would have made good friends." (Y/N) said, a sad but comforting smile on her face. "W-What?! No!" Angel shouted, surprised that the demoness sitting in front of him was so willing to leave because he was jealous of the attention she and Pentious were getting.
"D-Don't leave," Angel started again, setting his plate aside and moving to sit next to the doe demon. "Listen, I... I'm not upset at ya and I don't think you're a disturbance. It-It's just," He let out a sigh, rubbing the back of his neck. He didn't have to worry about what he would say next though, because the woman next to him said exactly what he was thinking. "You started to over think about all of your flaws and insecurities and how there's a possibility that you won't ever change no matter how hard you try?" Angel looked to (Y/N) to already see her looking at him with a weak, but understanding smile. He returned the same smile, "You took the words right out of my mouth."
Angel stood, nodding his head towards the door, "C'mon, let's go get a drink. It's about time you and I get to know each other properly." (Y/N) gave him a genuine smile and stood, "Sounds wonderful." The two made their way down to the bar, chatting along the way. Well, it was mostly Angel talking and (Y/N) commenting here and there. But either way, both of them were smiling.
They arrived at the bar and Angel started rummaging through the alcohol. "Ugh, where's the good stuff?" The spider demon grumbled. At Angel's difficulty to find what he was looking for, (Y/N) decided to help search through the bottles. She happened upon a bottle of raspberry liqueur and got an idea. "Hey, Angel," (Y/N) called out to said male, gaining his attention. "Have you ever had a French martini?"
Angel raised his brow in question, "No, what is it?" (Y/N) opened her mouth to respond but stopped when Angel held up one of his hands, "Ya know what? I don't care as long as it feels like someone is tongue fucking me in my mouth." (Y/N) couldn't help but to giggle at his dirty joke, "Then can you do me a favor and go get me the raspberries from the fridge please? I saw some in there earlier." Angel nodded, heading off to the kitchen while (Y/N) got the other ingredients she needed for the martini.
Angel returned, placing the small container of raspberries on the counter then taking a seat on the other side of the bar. Angel watched with a smile as (Y/N) took a shaker with ice, poured in pineapple juice, raspberry liqueur, and vodka. She placed the lid on the shaker and paused, looking at Angel through the corner of her eye. Before he could ask the doe demon what was wrong, she smirked.
She shook the shaker a few times before throwing it up in the air and catching it behind her back. With quick movements, she shook, twirled, and threw the metal bottle around with a professional flair, getting 'ooo's' and 'ahh's' from the spider demon. When she was done, (Y/N) took the lid off of the shaker, straining the dark pink liquid into two martini glasses. To finish, she garnished the drinks with cocktail picks that held three raspberries.
(Y/N) placed the drink in front of Angel with a 'Ta-Da', receiving an applause from the spider demon. "Bravo! Bravo! I didn't know you were one for showing off." Angel smirked at (Y/N), who came around the bar with her drink to sit next to him. She chuckled, "Well, I only do that for special occasions." (Y/N) said with a warm smile, referring to her and Angel's get-together. The male was touched at her kind words and sent a warm smile back.
"So, tell me," Angel started, taking his drink in hand. "How did someone like you, someone who is super fucking nice for no apparent reason, end up here in Hell?" (Y/N) sighed, looking down to her glass and moving her finger along the rim, "That's the big question, huh?" Angel saw the discomfort on her face and placed one of his hands on her shoulder, "Hey, ya don't have to tell me if you don't want to." The doe demon placed her hand over his, sending Angel a grateful smile, "Thank you, I appreciate that. But, it's going to have to come out eventually." She sighed.
Alastor's spy sensed something big was about to be revealed, so it alerted it's boss. The Radio Demon arrived at the top of the stairs, hiding in the shadows and eavesdropping. "When... I was alive-" (Y/N) started, but was cut off by Angel. "What the?" The doe demon noticed the spider demon was looking behind her. She swiveled in her chair towards that direction, "What's the matter?" She asked, not seeing anything. Angel stood from his seat, leaving his drink at the bar. "C'mon, I saw something." Alastor buzzed in annoyance.
(Y/N) copied Angel, following his lead up the stairs. The two passed Alastor, who was still hidden in the shadows, without knowing. At least, that's how it seemed to the Radio Demon until (Y/N) stopped in her tracks, looking behind her with a raised eyebrow. 'Can she see me?' Alastor thought, starting to worry. But when her (e/c) eyes passed over his figure, not stopping, he let go of his breath that he didn't know he was holding. "(Y/N)!" Angel whisper shouted, gesturing the girl over. "Coming!" The doe demon whispered back, running to the spider demons side.
The two stood in front of the study's door, peeking in through the crack to see Pentious, hiding a camera in-between a few books. At seeing this, Angel pushed the doors open, "You slippery little shit!" Pentious spun around and shouted in fright at the two demons before him. "You're working for the Vee's? I fucking knew there as something shitty about you." Angel said with anger as he approached Pentious, jabbing the snake demon in the chest.
Pentious brushed off Angels hand, starting to slither away, "I don't know what you're talking about," He then turned back to face Angel with a taunting grin, "Whorebug!" (Y/N)'s eyebrows furrowed and she let out a displeased, "Hey!" Angel, on the other hand, growled and pushed Pentious to the floor, punching the snake demon. (Y/N) gasped, her hands flying to her mouth. She promptly rushed out of the room, leaving the two to continue to fight.
The doe demon ran to Charlie and Vaggie's, pounding on the door, "Charlie! Vaggie! You have to come to the study quickly! It's an emergency!" (Y/N) didn't wait for a response as she ran back to the study. But she was relieved when she heard the couples door open.
(Y/N) arrived to the study first to see Angel cornering Pentious. Shortly after, Charlie and Vaggie arrived, both in their pajamas. Charlie had bed head while Vaggie had her spear in her hand, instantly grabbing it when she heard the word: 'emergency'. "What's going on?" Charlie yawned.
Angel took Pentious by his arm, "This little bitch is a traitor!" Pentious yanked his arm out from Angel's grip, "Preposterous, I would never betray you. You... are my best friends!" The snake demon said with a smile, slithering over to give Vaggie and Charlie a big hug. "Uh-hu," Angel started, disbelief in his tone. "Then explain this." He moved the books aside to reveal a camera.
Pentious grew a panicked look, looking behind him to see similar expressions on Charlie and Vaggie's faces. The snake demon started to shout, scrambling to the window, "Ah! Ah! Abort! Abort! S.O.S.! Agent Pentious is in need of immediate evacuation!" He simultaneously pulled on the windows handle and activated the call button on his watch.
A voice buzzed in, "Pentious? Wait... you were caught?!" The voice sounded amused and started to laugh, "It hasn't even been a day!" (Y/N) recognized the voice. 'Is that Vox? The one Alastor was fighting with yesterday?' She thought, already disliking the man she had never met. She was snapped out of her thoughts when Pentious started to speak, "Please, you've got to get me out of here!"
Vox continued to laugh, "I can't believe we thought you could handle even something this simple. Do us a favor, if they don't kill you," His voice went deeper and got more static-y. "Go ahead and do it yourself, you miserable failure!" The call cut off and Pentious grew tears in his eyes, "I... I..."
The teary eyed snake demon turned back around to the other four demons in the room, throwing off his watch and curling up on the floor, "Just make it quick, I guess. Not that I deserve it." Without hesitation, Vaggie responded, brandishing her spear, "Gladly." Charlie pushed Vaggie's spear away, "Wait... Pentious?" The blonde leaned down and held out her hand.
The snake demon looked up with blurry eyes as Charlie began to sing, "It starts with sorry." Pentious took ahold of Charlie's hands as she brought him up to stand at his full height. "That's your foot in the door, one simple sorry." The blonde continued to sing, placing a comforting hand on Pentious chest. He looked at Charlie with disbelief as she sang and danced, "Spoken straight from your core. The path to forgiveness is a twisting trail of hearts. But sorry is where it starts."
"Who could forgive a dirtbag like me? I don't deserve your amnesty." Pentious started to sing also, falling to the ground in a dramatic manner. Angel and Vaggie joined in on the singing, Vaggie still holding her spear and Angel pulling out two large guns, "Can't we just kill him? Shoot him and spill his blood."
(Y/N), who was leaning against the doorframe while watching the musical number, heard a faint buzzing noise behind her. She looked out into the dark hallway and saw nothing... but she definitely felt someone watching her. She looked back to the four singing demons before fully entering the hallway.
(Y/N) looked up and down the dark hallway, still not seeing anyone but still hearing the hum of static. "Hello? Is someone there?" Instantly, the static stopped. The silence became eerie and uncomfortable. The doe demon couldn't tear her eyes away from the pitch black of the hallway as she felt as if someone was leering towards her with malice. Instinctively, the ears on the top of her head flattened and she took a step backwards, yelping in fear when her back hit a surface. She spun around to see Alastor.
"Oh my gosh! Alastor! You scared me!" (Y/N) slightly shouted, placing her hand over her chest to try and calm her heartbeat. "I apologize, my dear. I didn't mean to startle you that much." Alastor said, amusement in his voice. (Y/N) shook her head at the Radio Demon's antics, but she couldn't help the small smile that grew on her (plump/thin) lips. "I'm going to ignore the fact that you tried to purposely scare me and thank you."
Alastor tilted his head, confused, "Thank me for what?" The doe demon pulled out a little red pouch from her hidden pocket. "For this. No one has ever given me a gift just because before. It was nice. Thank you, Alastor." (Y/N) sent him a sweet smile. Alastor felt a tick in his mind once more. 'What the hell is that?' He thought, irritated. Ignoring it once again, he responded, "You're welcome, darling. Though, I must admit, it is hard to believe that no one has ever given you a gift before."
(Y/N) weakly chuckled, "Unfortunately for me, it's true. But, thanks to you, I can now say I have been gifted something for no reason. It makes me happy." Her (e/c) eyes crinkled at the corners because of her smile, and Alastor felt the tick in his mind get louder. 'That is starting to get insufferable.' Alastor thought, aggravated. While lost in his thoughts, Alastor started to emit a buzzing noise, catching (Y/N)'s attention.
The doe demon gave the Radio Demon a concerned stare, "Alastor?" Said male shook his head, his attention back on the girl. "Are you okay?" (Y/N) asked. "Yes, darling. Sorry to space out like that." Alastor said. Just then, the two heard Pentious shout in pain. They look to the study doors to see an angry Niffty walking away, being followed by the rest of the demons.
Angel looked over and saw the two deer-like demons. "(Y/N)," He called out, waving said girl over. "We gonna finish our drinks or what?" (Y/N) nodded, "I'll meet you down there." Angel shrugged in response, heading back to the bar. "I guess they must have decided to let Pentious stay." The doe demon said, turning back to the Radio Demon.
Alastor responded while offering his arm to (Y/N), "Hm, yes, it seems so." Wordlessly, (Y/N) linked her arm with Alastor's, and the two started walking to the study. They entered the room and unlinked their arms, Alastor heading to the watch while (Y/N) went for the camera. Alastor flicked the watch on, an angry Vox appearing, "What?!" But once seeing who was on the other side of the call, the TV demon retracted. "You'll have to try harder than that next time, old pal." Alastor taunted, crushing and dropping the watch. The last thing any one heard before the watch shut off for good, was Vox's infuriated screams.
(Y/N) looked from Alastor back to the camera, "Why does Vox want to watch us?" Alastor appeared behind the girl, placing both of his hands on her shoulders. "He's threatened by me." His reply may have sounded simple, but hidden in his tone was pure cynical joy. (Y/N) hummed in response, then crushed the camera with her bare hands, her palms and fingers turning into a darker shade of (s/c) and her nails growing into claws. Her hands were only like that for a literal second before they reverted, but in that second, Alastor felt power emit from her. The power he felt didn't make him worry, but it made him think that having this doe on his side would help him in reaching his goal. 
"How fascinating!" Alastor spoke, his features going darker and his grin becoming sinister. When (Y/N) turned to face the Radio demon again, his facial features went back to how they normally are. (Y/N) raised her eyebrow at Alastor, about to ask him about his earlier comment. Before she could, though, Alastor offered his arm to her, "Shall we get going? Angel Dust is waiting for you." The doe demons (e/c) eyes went wide at remembering her new friend. She dropped the camera and hooked her arm with Alastor's, "We shall."
Alastor walked (Y/N) down to the bar, bidding her and Angel a goodnight before leaving the two. Angel and (Y/N) continued their chat session from earlier, (Y/N) having two more drinks after her first one and Angel having five more after his first. The doe demon made sure the tipsy spider demon made it to his bed fine before leaving for her own, finally ending the night.
 In his 'throne room' of TV's, Vox watched one specific video on loop.
"Why does Vox want to watch us?"
"He's threatened by me."
The video cut out. Then it started playing again. Each time he watched it, he became more and more irritated. To help himself calm down, he decided to cut out the part that irritated him. The part that was full of static, the part where his most hated enemy taunted him, the part where that old-timey asshole had his hands on the woman Vox was forming a crush on. Vox tapped on a few buttons, editing the video. Then, he hit play.
"Why does Vox want to watch us?"
To him, (Y/N) was what he thought angels should look and sound like. She was his little piece of Heaven. And he wanted her. The TV demon pressed a button. "Vox." (Y/N) voice came through the speakers. He pressed the button again. "Vox." He loved hearing his name come from her voice. Click, "Vox." Click, "Vox." Click. "Vox."
"Wow, you must be down bad." 
The TV demon shouted in surprise, turning to see Valentino and Velvette chuckling. Vox started to glitch, infuriated, "GET OUT!"
*Time Skip, Next Day*
"Uh, (Y/N)? Something was delivered for you." Charlie called out to the doe demon. (Y/N) approached the blonde and saw she was holding a white box that was wrapped in a dark blue ribbon. "Does it say who it's from?" She asked, searching the box for a return address. Charlie shook her head, equally confused.
(Y/N) placed the box on the table as everyone gathered, curious as to what the doe demon received. She undid the ribbon and opened the box, revealing a dozen cupcakes that were decorated with dark blue and gray frosting. Everyone let out sounds of astonishment, except for Alastor, at the cupcakes beautifully done aesthetic.
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[A/N: Something like these. Image does not belong to me.]
(Y/N) noticed an envelope fall from the boxes lid and picked it up, seeing it addressed to her. She carefully opened it and pulled out a letter. "Well, what does it say?" Angel asked as he saw the doe demon open the envelope. Everyone's attention was back on her, waiting for her to read the letter. And she did just that.
"'To the beautiful (Y/N). I hope these cupcakes find you well. I heard from a little snake that anything sweet is your favorite. It saddens me that we haven't formally met and I wish to change that. I would love it if you were to meet me tonight at the restaurant Sinful Delight at 6:00 PM. I hope to see you there, gorgeous. Love, Vox."
Tag list:
@gh0stedddd @raeinn @vixie--21 @mistresslemonsuger @lilmou5ie
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xcrust · 4 months
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{His Regret}
Alastor X Reader
Important note!!
There is spoilers to the latest episode!!
also another note to have is that this is a little drabble with heavy angst. Like I may not be the best writer when it comes to emotions but trust on this.
This doesn't apply to my main story
at this point alastor just escaped adam so he doesn’t know that lucifer fought him.
Anyways To the Story!!
The rubble danced from the fight that was playing out. Well maybe it is more present tense. Hundreds dying for the sake of redemption? So beautiful but not if this is putting me back
“My power is fucking reduced to nothing, this just will not do”
The acrid stench of burning debris hangs thick in the air, assaulting the senses with a noxious cocktail of smoke, charred structures, and the metallic tang of spent ammunition. The once-vibrant cityscape now lies in ruins, the hotel reduced to skeletal frames adorned with tattered remnants of what were once homes and businesses.
Alastor strode through the corridors of his lair, What once was the powerhouse of his mayhem just dirt and disgust. A predatory smile that once adorned his face had transformed into a snarl of frustration.
His mind, a sanctuary of sadistic amusement, now simmered with a tempest of indignation. The audacity of this Adam, had struck a chord deep. If it weren't for this deal then he wouldnt of had to retreat from that poor excuse of a man. How could someone nearly unravel the intricacies of his power? It was an affront to his very essence, a challenge that gnawed at the edges of his sanity.
In his chamber, Alastor paced with a fevered intensity. His crimson eyes, usually filled with mirthful malice, now harbored a storm of malevolence. He replayed the confrontation in his mind, dissecting every move, every smirk, and every flicker of defiance that emanated from Adam.
"The nerve of that wretched creature," Alastor hissed to the shadows that clung to the corners of his lair.
His fingers drummed against the armrest of his grandiose throne, a rhythmic manifestation of the disarray within. The very thought of being challenged, of being outsmarted, clawed at the fragile veil of his composed madness.
The intruder slipped through the shattered remnants of buildings and overturned vehicles. The ground beneath their feet crunched softly with each step, the echoes a mere whisper against the eerie stillness of the war-torn ruins.
In an instant, Alastor closed the distance, pinning the intruder against the cold stone wall with a speed that defied the laws of the mundane. His hand wrapped around their throat, a deadly smile etched across his face.
He looked up and saw you. You, the one he's known the longest from the underground. The one he brought to become as powerful as you were. "Who would have thought it would come to this? Fate has a peculiar way of orchestrating its grand finale."
You, not only were the shackles that he was under but one that you held him in. He grew soft. Weak. You. Just an inconvenience. To get back his power. You needed to be gone.
The fear spread across your face met Alastor's gaze with a mix of confusion and dread. The demonic smile on the Radio Demon's face seemed to deepen as he traced a finger along the edge of your face.
"He almost had me," Alastor muttered, the words tasting bitter on his tongue. The realization, the admission of vulnerability, hung heavily in the air. It was an unfamiliar sensation, an unwelcome intrusion into the sanctum of his pride.
A mirror stood nearby, a relic that once reflected the sheer delight he took in others' suffering. Now, he stared into it, searching for the elusive answers to his newfound discontent. The image that met his gaze was one of a demon on the brink, grappling with an unsettling truth—he was not invincible.
"Ah, the memories we've shared," Alastor continued, almost wistfully. "You, stumbling into my narrative like a lamb to the slaughter. Do you remember all the hell we raised together?"
As Alastor spoke, he seemed to drift into a reverie, his mind retracing the twisted paths of their interactions. The reader, still struggling against their restraints, watched with a sense of surreal horror as the demon reminisced about the moments leading to this ominous juncture.
Laughter started to echo the room. Grainy insane laughter. “Great Alastor died for his friends?” he choked out.
“Alastor? What are talking about” you try to push out. All you got was him glimpsing at you with pure disdain.
“I work best when unencumbered by the weight of sentimentality." Alastor's fingers tapped a rhythmic beat on the wall behind your neck, the subtle cadence underscoring his words.
"Baggage," he scoffed, the disdain evident in his voice.
In a moment the body of his oldest friend was on the floor.
"Do you not sense it, my dear reader? The freedom that comes with unburdened malevolence," he mused, circling you laid out on the ground.
"To be truly free, one must shed the baggage of morality, of attachments, of all that ties the soul to the mundane," Alastor whispered, his voice shaking with mania, a haunting melody that lingered in the air.
The laughter that usually echoed through the corridors was replaced by a guttural growl. Alastor's shoulders tensed as he unleashed a surge of dark energy, shattering nearby objects scattered across the room. Well at least the ones that still held up.
"Adam," he seethed, the name a curse on his lips. "You will regret toying with me."
Dark energy crackled around Alastor, a volatile aura that mirrored the storm within. His manic laughter echoed off the walls, bouncing like malevolent whispers in the confined space.
"I will not allow it!" Alastor roared, the once-charming smile contorting into a snarl of madness. "My power is mine alone to wield, to savor, and no interloper, no matter how curious or audacious, shall stand in the way!"
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nanami1chu · 4 months
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I found this in my old IG account, thought I’ll share :)
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pinkthick · 4 months
Ephemeral Voices
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Pairing: Human!Alastor & Female!Reader (He will love the reader but not in the way you think)
Human!Alastor & Human!Mimzy
Summary: Alastor chuckled softly, his eyes never leaving hers "I do not know, my dear." he replied, extending a gloved hand towards her. “Care to find out?”
Notes: I do not know what I’m doing but enjoy 😭😭 (Credits to the artist @xixixixi1037 on Twitter)
Chapter one: May I join you?
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In the dimly lit jazz club, the air hummed with the sultry notes of saxophones and the rhythmic tapping of drumsticks. Y/N sat at the corner table, her fingers tracing the rim of her whiskey glass as she lost herself in the melodies swirling around her. The ambience was intoxicating, drawing her deeper into the world of jazz.
Mimzy, her vivacious friend and a regular performer at the club, took center stage, her voice weaving through the room like silk. Y/N watched with a fond smile, admiring Mimzy's talent as she commanded the attention of the audience.
Amidst the crowd, a figure caught Y/N's eye. Tall and enigmatic, he moved with an effortless grace that seemed to defy the very essence of the music. His crimson suit gleamed under the soft glow of the stage lights, and his presence exuded an aura of mystery.
Alastor, that was his name, though Y/N didn't know it yet. He danced with Mimzy, his steps synchronized with the rhythm of the jazz. There was something captivating about him, something that tugged at the edges of Y/N's curiosity.
She took another sip of her whiskey, her gaze never leaving the pair on the dance floor. There was a story there, she could sense it—a tale woven within the threads of music and movement.
As the night deepened, Y/N found herself drawn closer to the stage, her heart quickening with each note that hung in the air. Alastor's presence loomed larger, casting a spell that seemed to envelop her in its embrace.
Mimzy's voice faded into the background, replaced by the sound of her own heartbeat as she watched Alastor's every move. His eyes, piercing and intense, met hers across the room, sparking an electric current that sent shivers down her spine.
Their gazes lingered, a silent exchange of recognition and intrigue. Y/N's pulse quickened, her mind ablaze with questions she couldn't yet voice. Who was this man, and what secrets lay hidden behind his captivating facade?
As the final notes of the jazz melody faded into the night, Alastor and Mimzy took their bows, their performance met with thunderous applause from the audience. Y/N remained rooted to her spot, her thoughts consumed by the enigmatic stranger who had ignited a flame within her soul.
In the hushed aftermath of the performance, Alastor made his way through the crowd, his eyes never straying from Y/N's as he approached her table. There was something interesting in his gaze.
"May I join you?" he asked, his voice a velvet whisper that sent shivers cascading down her spine. Y/N nodded, her voice caught in the swell of emotions that threatened to consume her. As Alastor took his seat beside her, the world around them faded into oblivion.
"I couldn't help but notice you were staring, dear," he remarked, his voice a sultry cadence that danced through the air. Y/N's cheeks flushed slightly, caught off guard by his direct acknowledgment. She laughed, a soft and melodious sound that echoed in the intimate space. "Wasn't everyone?" she replied, attempting to mask the fluttering excitement in her chest.
Alastor's smile widened, revealing a hint of charm beneath the enigmatic exterior. "Alastor. Alastor Hartfelt," he introduced himself, extending a gloved hand toward Y/N. The air seemed to crackle with anticipation as she placed her hand in his, their fingers interlocking in a fleeting moment of connection.
"Y/N," she responded, her name rolling off her tongue with a grace that matched the jazz melodies still lingering in the air. "Nice to meet you, Alastor."
Alastor's gaze lingered on Y/N, his eyes betraying a curiosity that mirrored her own. "Are you here all alone?" he inquired, his voice a whisper that stirred the air between them.
Y/N shook her head, a soft smile gracing her lips. "Oh, no. I came with Mimzy," she replied, her words laced with warmth and affection for her friend.
Alastor nodded, a knowing glimmer dancing in his eyes. "Ah. A friend of Mimzy’s is a friend of mine, Miss Y/N," he remarked, his voice tinged with a hint of amusement.
"She's a really good dancer," Y/N remarked, her eyes fondly following Mimzy's movements on the stage.
Alastor chuckled softly, his gaze still fixed on Y/N. "She's one of the only people who can really keep up with me," he revealed, a note of pride in his voice.
Intrigued, Y/N arched an eyebrow. "Are there others?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.
Alastor chuckled softly, his eyes never leaving hers "I do not know, my dear." he replied, extending a gloved hand towards her. “Care to find out?”
A spark of excitement ignited in Y/N's eyes as she accepted his invitation. Their fingers intertwined once more, and Alastor led her to the dance floor.
As the music enveloped them in its intoxicating embrace, Y/N found herself swept away by the rhythm of the jazz with Alastor as her guide. "I must say, Miss Y/N, you're holding up quite well," Alastor remarked with a twinkle in his eyes.
Y/N, breathing a little heavier, managed a breathless laugh. "I don't know how you're still doing this," she admitted, a playful glint in her eyes.
Alastor, the epitome of grace, chuckled softly. "Years of practice, my dear. It becomes second nature after a while." Despite her best efforts, the fast-paced dance proved to be more challenging than she anticipated. Y/N struggled to keep up with Alastor's effortless elegance, her breath quickening as fatigue set in.
She even stumbled occasionally, her steps faltering under the weight of the rapid movements, but each time, Alastor was there to catch her. “For someone who's not a usually, this is quite the workout." she quipped, attempting to catch her breath.
Alastor's eyes sparkled with mirth. "You're doing splendidly, considering," he complimented as he guided her through a series of spins with effortless grace.
As the jazz melodies reached a crescendo, their dance intensified, weaving patterns of connection between them. Y/N embraced the challenge, determination in her eyes, even as the fatigue started to set in. Alastor sensed her effort and, with a twirl, brought their dance to a graceful conclusion. They stood at the center of the dance floor, breathless but exhilarated. Y/N, her cheeks flushed, couldn't help but smile.
"I must admit, you have a unique charm on the dance floor," Alastor complimented, a genuine warmth in his gaze.
Y/N grinned, playfully rolling her eyes. "Maybe not as unique as yours, but I'll take it."
They returned to their table, the echoes of their dance lingering in the air. Mimzy, observing from afar, joined them with a knowing smile. Her voice cut through the lively chatter of the jazz club, her tone laced with playful concern. "Take it easy on her, darlin'," she chimed in, her eyes twinkling with affection.
Alastor turned to Mimzy with a charming smile, his eyes alight with amusement. "Of course, Mimzy. Wouldn't want to wear out my dance partner too soon," he replied, his voice dripping with playful banter.
Y/N laughed, sharing a glance with Alastor. "I was just trying to keep up honestly.”
Mimzy winked at Alastor. "Not everyone can keep up with this one.”
Alastor leaned back in his chair, a contented expression on his face. "What can I say, just pour me some whiskey, and I will be on the dance floor all night long."
Y/N chuckled, raising her eyebrows playfully. "A man of simple pleasures, I see. I'll remember that for next time."
Mimzy chuckled as she rolled her eyes "Well, well. Alastor, you're quite the dance enthusiast, aren't you?"
Alastor grinned, his eyes sparkling with a hint of mischief. "Guilty as charged. It's hard to resist the allure of a good dance."
Mimzy smiled, pouring a glass of whiskey and sliding it across the table to Alastor. "You know where to find me if you need a dance partner. Now, enjoy that whiskey, darlin'." With a wink, Mimzy returned to the performance area, leaving Y/N and Alastor at the table.
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As the jazz melodies continued to fill the air, Y/N reached into her bag, producing a pack of cigarettes. With a swift motion, she took one out, placing it between her lips, and lit it with a flick of a match.
Alastor, watching her with mild surprise, hummed, "Didn't take you up for a smoker."
Y/N exhaled a thin stream of smoke, her eyes meeting his with a knowing smile. "It's a bad habit, I know," she admitted, the smoke curling around her like a veil.
Alastor nodded, taking a sip of his whiskey. "We all have our vices."
Alastor observed Y/N, her features softened by the glow of the match and the ambient light as she nodded.
He noticed her gaze shift towards a clock on the wall, a thoughtful expression crossing her face. "Something on your mind?" he inquired, curious about the sudden change in her demeanor. Y/N glanced back at him, a faint smile playing on her lips. "Just checking the time. It's later than I thought." Alastor followed her gaze to the clock, realizing that the night had indeed slipped away.
Y/N took a final drag from her cigarette before flicking away the ash "I should probably be heading home."
Alastor raised an eyebrow, a hint of disappointment in his eyes. "So soon? The night is still young, my dear."
Y/N nodded, her eyes lingering on the clock for a moment longer. "True. It's just... I have an early morning tomorrow.“
Alastor, sensing Y/N's impending departure, smiled warmly. "Then allow me to escort you home," he offered, a gesture that held both politeness and genuine interest.
Y/N looked at him, touched by the offer. "That's sweet of you, Alastor. But it's not necessary. I can manage on my own."
Alastor chuckled, his gaze unwavering. "Consider it an old-fashioned courtesy. Besides, a gentleman wouldn't let a lady navigate the streets alone, especially at this hour. It's the least I can do after the delightful company you've provided this evening." He would know that.
Y/N couldn't help but grin at his charming demeanor. "Well, who am I to refuse such a gentlemanly offer? Escort away, Mr. Hartfelt."
As they made their way through the jazz club's exit, Mimzy waved them off with a wink. "You two take care now. See you again, Y/N!"
The city night enveloped them as they stepped onto the streets, the echoes of jazz fading into the background. Alastor's presence offered a sense of comfort, and Y/N found herself enjoying the unexpected turn of events.
As they strolled through the dimly lit streets, Alastor engaged Y/N in conversation, the night air carrying their voices in a gentle exchange. Y/N couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the whims of fate that had brought Alastor into her evening.
"Excuse my curiosity, but are you working at the jazz club?" she inquired, her tone gentle.
Alastor's eyes flickered with amusement, and he chuckled softly. "Ah, no, my dear. I'm just a patron who appreciates good music and the art of dance. Although, I must say, the idea of working at such a place is intriguing."
Y/N smiled, finding a shared appreciation for the enchanting atmosphere of the jazz club. "You seem like you'd fit right in.”
Alastor tilted his head, a playful glint in his eyes. "Perhaps. I work at a radio station. Mostly a podcast focused on dramas and comedy ," he confessed.
Y/N's eyes widened in surprise. "A radio podcast? That's unexpected," she admitted, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "I would have never guessed."
Alastor nodded, his enigmatic smile never fading “I reckon you heard of ‘Ephemeral Voices’ from WWL.”
N's eyes widened with recognition. "Wait, 'Ephemeral Voices’? I've heard of that! I never connected the dots until now."
Alastor's smile widened as he took out a small card from his pocket, handing it to Y/N. "Well, now you have a face to put to the voice. Feel free to tune in whenever you like."
Y/N took the card, a mix of disbelief and excitement on her face. "I can't believe I've been listening to your podcast without realizing it was you." Alastor shrugged playfully at that.
As they arrived at Y/N's house, the night air took on a hushed quality, the city lights casting a soft glow around them. Y/N turned to Alastor with a grateful smile. "Thank you. You didn't have to come with me, you know," she expressed, the sincerity in her voice echoed in her eyes.
Alastor's gaze met hers, and he replied with a casual shrug. "I beg to differ. A gentleman wouldn't leave a lady to navigate the night alone. It was my pleasure."
Y/N chuckled, appreciating the chivalry that seemed to be second nature to him. "Well, I appreciate the company, truly. It's been quite an unexpected night."
Alastor's enigmatic smile lingered. "The best nights often are."
Y/N fumbled with her keys, her gaze lifting to meet Alastor's. "I suppose this is where we part ways," she said, a hint of reluctance in her voice.
Alastor nodded, a glimmer of understanding in his eyes. "I trust you'll rest easy knowing you're home safe and sound.”
She extended her hand, which Alastor took with a gentle smile. "Thank you, Alastor.”
Alastor bowed slightly, a gesture that seemed to belong to another era. "The pleasure was mine, Miss Y/N. Until next time."
As Alastor bid her farewell, Y/N watched him disappear into the night and she entered her home, the door closing behind her.
She couldn't shake the smile that lingered on her lips.
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cryptidghostgirl · 3 months
Drawing Down the Moon (Alastor x Ancient Roman!Witch!Reader)
Pairing: Alastor x Reader
Warnings: I don't think there are any? Please correct me if I am wrong. The subject matter is a little niche.
Description: Alastor reencounters an old friend.
Word Count: 2,871
Master Lists:
All Master Lists 
Hazbin Hotel Master List 
Alastor Master List 
Click here and leave a comment if you want to be added to any taglists or send me an ask about it.
A/N i’ve been reading about roman magic laws for school okay?? don’t judge me. Maybe one of the nichest things I've ever written (except that one Akutagawa x Reader fic I have on my Wattpad where I made them talk to one another in ancient Greek and Latin (its called Leo, Leonis and tbh, that fic slaps if I do say so myself)). Won't be surprised if no one reads or likes this one but I don't care. This will be a monster of a fic, she's been lurking in the recesses of my mind for a hot second now.
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"Why would she lie for so long? Does she think I wouldn't accept her?" Charlie was animatedly talking at Alastor as they walked the streets of Hell, "What about me, ME, says un understanding... misunderstanding?... Disunder- Wait, w-where are we?"
Alastor sprung to life as Charlie finally asked a question he had an answer to. Theatrically, he stepped into her curious line of sight, his arms held wide.
"Cannibal Town!" respectfully, Alastor turned and took Charlie's arm in his own, "There's a friend of mine I think you should meet."
"In Cannibal Town?" Charlie doubtfully asked as Alastor began to lead her towards a crowded shop entrance, "But it's... it's... surprisingly nice here."
"Isn't it, though?" Alastor proudly replied, "And it is all thanks to a very special someone."
Alastor opened the stained glass doors to the emporium, allowing Charlie to walk through them before he followed in her wake. The store was full, packed to the brim with cannibals of all sorts, all of whom seemed to part respectfully in the face of Alastor, allowing him to approach the front counter with Charlie trailing after him.
"Ah, Johnny my good fellow." Alastor hummed to the cashier, leaning casually on the counter.
The demon seated behind the table looked up with a wide smile.
"Mister Alastor, it has been quite a while since we've seen your face around these parts."
Charlie watched the interaction in mild surprise. It wasn't often she had the pleasure of meeting someone Alastor knew who didn't hate him or want him dead. Curiosity clouded her mind as Alastor waved the man off.
"I don't mean to be rude but, we're in a bit of a rush." Alastor said, politeness pooling delicately around his words, "Rosie wouldn't happen to be in, would she?"
"Ah, well, you see, Mister Alastor..." the demon seemed slightly uncomfortable, scratching at his ear slightly, "She's a tad... preoccupied at the moment?"
"A guest?" Alastor asked.
"A guest." Johnny reluctantly confirmed.
"Well, no matter. Is she in the back?"
"Yes," Johnny got to his feet, leaning forward as Alastor linked arms with Charlie once again, leading her behind the counter, "but I really don't think it's a good idea to... and they're gone."
"Wasn't that rude?" Charlie asked as Alastor pulled her behind the curtain that separated the main store from the backrooms and Rosie's apartment, "Oh no, is that guy going to get in trouble? Because of us?"
"Everything will be just fine my dear, don't you worry." Alastor patted her hand reassuringly as they came to stop before a door.
Letting Charlie's arm fall free, he straightened his jacket just the slightest bit before knocking on the door. There was a moment of silent anticipation before a voice from the other side called:
"Who is it?!"
"Alastor, Rosie." Alastor replied calmly.
There was a rustling of fabric, a handful of hasty footsteps, and the door swung open to reveal a woman. She was tall and beautiful in her long dress and her wide brimmed hat.
"Oh my stars!" she exclaimed with a bright smile, "Do my eyes deceive me? Alastor? Alastor! Where have you been? These halls really lost some of their sparkle without your lively presence and-"
The woman, Rosie, trailed off as she caught sight of Charlie standing beside her dear friend.
"Oh, who's this you brought with you? Come now, Alastor, she's much too young for you. Oh, I'm just kidding. But where are your manners, Mister? Introduce us, why don't you?"
"Ah, yes, Charlie, this is Rosie: the most darling, delightful, and dangerous Overlord this side of the pentagram."
At his words, Rosie smiled, giving a perfect curtsy. It was as her form lowered that Charlie caught sight of the interior of the room, and the strange seated figure it housed. Alastor seemed not to have noticed and as Rosie straightened herself up again, she laughed slightly.
"Oh, always such a charmer."
"And Rosie," Alastor continued, "it is my pleasure to introduce you to Princess Charlie Morningstar, daughter of Lucifer and heir to the throne of Hell."
Charlie smiled weakly, waving slightly at the imposing and nearly off-puttingly cheerful woman.
"How do you do?" she asked awkwardly, "I am very sorry for interrupting your meeting, I tried to get Alastor to wait but..."
"Oh, yes!" Rosie suddenly exclaimed, almost as if she had forgotten about her previous guest in all the excitement, "Come on in you two, I'm sure she wouldn't mind."
Charlie was about to protest when Rosie grabbed her by the arm, dragging her into the room. Alastor followed, turning his back as he shut the door behind them. Charlie's mouth fell open slightly as her eyes finally saw the truth of Rosie's guest.
She was tall, probably tall enough to rival Alastor or Rosie herself. Skin tinged slightly blue, she seemed to be covered in a faint gold dust that clung to her draped, toga-like dress and skin in equal amount. Heaps of gold jewelry hung on every inch of her as well, wrapping her wrists, her neck, her ankles, her fingers, even braided into her hair. Resting atop her head was a crown of gold with a half moon on it, her feet were bare. With wide, white eyes that nearly seemed unseeing, the woman watched Charlie carefully.
"Can I offer you something to eat?" Rosie was asking, but Charlie could barley hear her, unable to break eye contact with the woman, "I'm sure I have a leg around here or something..."
"I am afraid were not here for food." Alastor thankfully stepped in, turning to Rosie with closed eyes and a wide smile, "We happen to be in need of some help."
"Alastor?" the woman spoke and her voice resounded in itself, loud yet soft at the same time, singular and yet somehow plural.
"Well, aren't you fresh."
That was the first thing she had ever said to him. Alastor had been wandering Hell, minding his own business when he had heard that voice say those words and felt a fire ignited in him. Slowly, he had turned around to see a pair of towering demons. Overlords, he realized, and big ones at that. Alastor's smile sharpened at its edges as he began to formulate a plan.
Charlie turned at last, as if whatever spell the stranger had cast on her had broken at the sound of her voice, to look at Alastor in mild confusion. She heard his breath hitch in his throat. The man in question was frozen, his ears twitching wildly, his eyes now wide open.
"Is that you?" the demon asked again.
Alastor somehow seemed to reassemble himself before their very eyes. Slowly, he turned to the room's only occupied chair.
"Who are you?"
Alastor feigned innocence, looking up at the titan herself as she took a step forward. In an instant, she stood at his height, looking him dead in the eyes.
"An odd one too." she hummed thoughtfully, white eyes tracking the stars, reading his future it almost seemed, "Most people go with what before who."
Alastor was unsure how to respond to that one. The titan chuckled, a grin flashing across her face. It was unexpected, disconcerting. Alastor hadn't thought her face capable of any expression save solemn disinterest. She turned her head slightly to the side, looking back over her shoulder to her companion.
"Zestial, cara mea?"
The spidery demon took a step forward, meeting her eyes.
"Don't you have something you need to be getting to?"
Alastor may have been dumbstruck, but he wasn't stupid. He heard the order as clearly as if she had not bothered with the formalities of disguising it. It shocked Alastor to his core. This might be his first time encountering Zestial but, he had heard the demon's name before. Most frequently, it had been spat at him by his victims who claimed that one of Hell's oldest and most respected demons would come for him. So who was this other overlord, the titan? Sure, he'd heard of her before but enough that such blatant disrespect towards Hell's most respected made sense? No. Not at all, in fact.
Zestial paused a moment before bowing his head slightly.
"You're quite right." he hummed, "I will be seeing you presently I expect?"
"Perchance." the titan lazily replied, her gaze having long since switched back to Alastor, set on analyzing his features, "I'll let you know."
With another polite bow, Zestial had turned and began walking in the opposite direction. The titan held an arm out for Alastor. He looked at it curiously before meeting the demon's eye's again. She laughed.
"So suspicious. I thought you we're the one killing overlords, not me."
His eyes went wide.
"How do you..." he cleared his throat, "how did you know?"
It was a stupid question and he knew it. There hadn't been any secret keeping, not really. Sure, he never outright said he was the Radio Demon who broadcasted screams but he supposed there couldn't be many Radio Demon's out there really. It didn't matter that he had only been going after overlords for a month or so now, she was one. Of course she would know.
"Let's go for a walk, shall we?"
All it took was one look. Suddenly, he was new again, spat fresh out of life on Earth and in to Hell's gaping maw. One look at her, and he dissolved at the edges, forming and reforming his own ability to speak and comprehend the world around him.
"It is." the woman hummed, a wide smile breaking across her face, revealing the blackness of her teeth, her mouth.
Alastor soon formed a bit of a soft spot for the inhuman overlord. It was that first meeting, that first walk. He had asked, hunting for information to wield against her, about her life on Earth and in Hell. It was her fault really, for answering. That's what had him stuck.
Y/n had laid her life out for him like a freshly pressed table cloth. She had been raised on the streets of ancient Rome and executed as a witch. She was perhaps the oldest demon remaining in Hell, the exterminations having eventually wiped out even the strongest members of her times. Just as Alastor had been reborn as a deer due to his death, so too was she reborn as what they had accused her of. Every ritual, every spell, prophecy itself all worked for her. It was then Alastor understood the interaction he had witnessed between Zestial and Y/n, then he understood the respect.
He found himself drawn to her more and more and, somehow, he always seemed to be able to find her when he went searching. He assumed it was some strange magical nonsense she controlled. Alastor didn't question it.
Y/n showed him Hell in a way he had never seen it before. She taught him where to gather herbs and how to use them, how to bend the earth to his will, how to spin iunges and call down the storms, the rain, the moon. Alastor devoured, fed by her hand.
It was odd, Charlie had never seen a demon like her before. The white eyes, the teeth black with what seemed to be darkness, the gold. All of it was off putting yet somehow, captivating. Alastor seemed to be acting weird, his eyes flitting wildly across the woman, taking in her every detail. Charlie wasn't sure what to do about that.
In some sense, Alastor seemed to be scared. In another, he was in an overjoyed state of disbelief. Charlie wasn't sure which was more disconcerting, or how to respond to either and so, she simply watched.
"I have a question, mea ocella."
Y/n announced one day and Alastor turned from where he sat spinning stories into his microphone at her feet. That was what she had called him, her little eye. She told him it was a term of endearment. Alastor had no reason to doubt. The red grass swayed slightly in the breeze as he looked up at her, immediately bringing a halt to his broadcast.
"What is it?"
"You've been so set on ending all us overlords for so long now," she hummed, "wouldn't you like to do something different?"
"Something like what?"
"See from the other side of the glass."
Her white eyes glowed blue, the gold on her skin shining out into the world around like stars. Alastor sighed.
"You're prophesying again."
She nodded in agreement. Y/n had never seen the point in lying, she had never known its use. Not since before she could remember, back in the times she lived. They were so distant now, so immaterial and unimportant she rarely payed those memories much mind.
"So, what is it you see me doing?"
"Simple riddle or play on words?"
The two types of prophesy, the two options. Alastor put a finger to his chin, humming in thought.
"Simple riddle. Please, not in dactylic hexameter if you would, decoding that always gives me a headache."
"But that has been the meter of prophecy since Justice herself sat on the Delphic throne, mea ocella." Y/n retorted in surprise, meeting Alastor's eyes.
"Yeah, well."
Y/n laughed lightly, looking back out blankly toward the future.
"As you wish, ocella. Just this once. My gift to you."
Alastor hummed his non-comital thanks, turning his gaze back out the the skyline of the city as well.
"One will be two, two will be four, when that number comes be ready for more. Seven years past under grim sudden stress, four becomes ten, I'll tell you what happens next. Help one bright star to the top, not too far, and you will be free from the one not the three."
"Rhymes? Really?"
Y/n looked down at him, the glow fading from her as their eyes met and the future vanished from the scope of her vision.
"You asked for no hexameter, I still get to have fun."
"Yeah, yeah."
The pair fell into a comfortable silence. Alastor ran the words of her fortune in his head, trying to gain any semblance of reason from them.
"They don't sound very... avoidable."
"That's because it's not one of the ones you can change."
Y/n pulled herself to her feet suddenly, her chiton swirling around her. Alastor watched in awe as her image flickered in the air for a moment between the image of herself just a head shorter than him, the one who loomed around nine feet tall, and some three headed monster at what must've been five stories. Leaning, she held a hand out for him to grasp. It took Alastor a moment to realize, shaking his head slightly as he at last accepted Y/n's help and got to his feet.
"Where are we going?"
"I've decided you are going to be an overlord, mea ocella."
"I think it might help you down the line."
It had been years since Alastor had seen her. Long before he had taken his so called seven year sabbatical, Y/n had vanished. Alastor knew she wasn't dead, he would have been able to tell if she was dead. Surly the world would have shifted in some new and strange way to lose the goddess of the crossroads, the titan, Hekate made flesh and blood. Nothing like that had happened and so he knew she was alive, just not where or how.
Y/n's prophecies were always accurate. Standing here before her now, Alastor recalled her words from all those decades before.
One will be two, two will be four. When that number comes, be ready for more.
One had been just him. Two? When he had died and met his shadow. Alastor realized now that three had been Y/n herself and that the fourth important person who had come into his afterlife was the very person who owned his soul.
Seven years past under grim sudden stress, four becomes ten, I'll tell you what happens next.
Seven years he'd been gone, indeed under an unexpected and disastrous situation. When, after seven long years, he had returned to Hell, he had gone to the hotel. It was at the Hazbin Hotel that he not only met Charlie, Vaggie, Angel, and Sir Pentious but that they became vital parts of his life along with Husk and Nifty who before then had mostly existed on the periphery. Those six, plus the original four, made ten.
Help one bright star to the top, not too far, and you will be free from the one not the three.
All along, all those years ago, she had known. Alastor had always respected Y/n, always harbored a soft and disconcerting love for the witch. Never before now had either felt so overwhelming. Alastor took a trembling step forward from his place at Charlie's side. The world closed in, she was the only thing he could see.
Y/n smiled as he sunk to his knee before her, his head bowed.
"Mea ocella." she happily hummed, lifting his head up gently with the tips of her bluish grey fingers.
This fic will probably have a part two.
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