#also excuse the poor quality screenshot
pennamepersona · 4 months
rewatching fmab for the 140539th time and noticed smth for the first time
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hey. hi. what the fuck is this.
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why is there a teeny tiny pitcher on the table?? what is this for??? is there a mouse drinking tea with bradley and winry???
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technicalknockout · 7 months
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Sorry cant draw rn because SOMEONE broke my color wheel
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emirrea · 6 months
I decided to hop on my second Genshin account today, did the dailies and events that are available, got enough primos for like 9 pulls, and decided to throw them at Furina. I was close to soft pity and was guaranteed to get her, so no surprise that she came home. Yay!
I switch to Baizhu's banner kinda without thinking much, just going through in my mind what I need to get for Furina and whether I even have good teams for her. I do a couple pulls for Baizhu, still thinking that fuck, I don't really have any good healers that can keep up with the damage Furina deals to the whole team.
And then Baizhu comes home at 3 pity LMAO
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Aaaand then I realised which boss I need to fight to level up Baizhu and legit almost cried
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persephoneggsy · 2 years
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saw this template a while ago and the Dreadwolf announcement got me to finally finish filling it out for my canon worldstate heroes: Fiora (archer rogue), Marian (healer mage), and Hildegarde (rift mage). Leaning towards a warrior for Dreadwolf, just so I can have one, but we’ll see.
and just a fun little bonus, i made one for my Inquisitor Sebastian Vael AU:
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m1ssunderstanding · 3 months
Understanding Lennon McCartney Rewatch Part 1.1
So disclaimer: I took screenshots instead of photographing my screen this time, but the quality of footage is a thousand times worse so the images are still mostly shit. But anyway, here we go :)
We're going to have to keep a tally on how many times they refer to their relationship in romantic terms. Less than a minute in, Paul has used the description, “great love affair.”
And John's right on his heels with “the sexual equivalent of . . . People in love.” So there's 2 already. Oh boy.
That opening montage of John and Paul just living for the light in each other's eyes should actually be the official music video for “I wanna hold your hand.”
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Also I wonder how many songs they have about hiding. Someone's got to have a list somewhere right?
I adore the absolute lack of reaction to John manhandling Paul.
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And then This Look. He's in love with him, ladies and gentlemen.
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I remember seeing somewhere that this footage was literally right after they'd finished “she loves you.” Which was pretty recently after Bob Wooler, which was right after Barcelona. And if you're like me and you think that song is secretly about their relationship? If Paul's just been singing “she said you hurt her so, she almost lost her mind, but now she says she knows you're not the hurting kind. She said she loves you” at you, after all of that? Of course John's acting like a fucking puppy dog.
Poor George tally number 1
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Excuse me??? John wants to live in the Beatle apartment instead of with his actual literal wife until Paul decides to move in with his girlfriend? What? He's so insane. Cynthia, you're lucky Paul's a fucking social climber.
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I think it's indicative of two things that Paul said “screw secret girlfriends” while John happily went along with secret wives. One: different levels of security in masculinity (John doesn't have gay eyebrows etc) and two: different relationships. Jane and Paul's relationship was a smart career move for both of them and I think, being upper-class, and having her own career, and not being a mother, Jane was in more of a position to have a say.
Every time I watch that footage of Ken Dodd asking about their parents I physically cringe. Poor poor babies. Do your research you idiot! I don't think that ever happened again. I wonder if Brian made sure of that.
Paul literally talks like such a husband here. “We've thought about it, and probably the thing that John and I will do . . .”
Obsessed with Paul shouldering himself between George and John after George's little joke shove. It's so protective and yet so subtle. Exactly the same strong posture and easy smile as when he stepped between John and that interviewer during the Jesus scandal.
Poor George tally number 2 (you can't quite tell from the pic but John is shoving him out of the way because how dare he put his suitcase by Paul's?! That's John's suitcase's spot!!)
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All the Beatles were cuddly with each other. It's one of the cutest bits about them, the puppies in a basket aspect. But I think we'll need a “noticable spacing difference” tally for this rewatch, too, and here's the first.
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Paul wearing John's hat for attention and it fully and completely doing the job? They're so embarrassing!
I actually love that John's imitation of his upper-class Scottish family (which Paul can't do) is actually much more convincing than his broad Liverpudlian (which Paul nails in two variations, one based off his own family) I'm obsessed with the class dynamics between them.
Poor George tally three. He shares this one with Ringo. That moment when Paul's pretending to interview them about their purple hearts and cuts them both off with, “thank you. Mi-mister Lennon,” and John and Paul proceed to completely forget the other two exist for who knows how long – certainly longer than the videographer was willing to record.
I find John sliding into Paul's raspy “tiiight yeeeah” with his very turned on “mmmMM it's been a hard” extremely suggestive. I'm sorry but I do.
It's like he thinks if he looks away for too long he's going to disappear or something. Which. Now that I said that. Yeah. That is what it is. Poor separation-issues baby.
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Ringo: Paul, you wrote a beautiful song and you sing it great. John: yeah and you're SEXY! Let's not forget that, everyone.
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Am I crazy to obsess over every little musical similarity in their songs? Yes. Can I help it? No. The little “oh-oh ohoho” in the If I Fell demo is exactly the same as in Imagine and (frothing and writhing) it means something I can feel it! I just have no idea what.
I also find the lyric change from “i hope that she won't cry” to “i hope that she will cry” extremely interesting. There's always a heterosexual explanation. Trust me, the straights are the Simone Biles of mental gymnastics. But while the published lyric can be read as a man bitter toward his ex girlfriend hoping to hurt her by flaunting his new relationship, the demo version is trickier. Could it be that he doesn't want to hurt his wife's feelings by letting her know he's in love with someone else? But who else could John Lennon possibly have been in love with at the time?
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“Too too much in love. Woah, too too much in love with you.” My heart
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lavendarr00 · 3 months
The funniest thing to me about Gortash's coronation when you play as the dark urge is that durge's and your companion's reaction to him could also be interpreted as "Really? This guy? You were with him??" Like both Astarion and my durge Annette are confused and appalled lmao
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Post coronation Astarion to Annette: "I thought you had better taste than that, darling."
Annette: "ME TOO WTF"
(I also imagine Astarion is feeling cocky and confident about being many steps higher than durge's ex in terms of looks and will absolutely tease her about it)
Excuse the poor picture quality. These are from my old screenshot folder before I knew what I was doing haha
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xx-slug-xx · 3 months
Hello! It have been a while since i've heard about the controversies of Viv, especially about some of her views
If you want, can you explain about her transphobia, homophobia, racism and antisemitism, pls?
I’m not an expert by any means, but I can explain a little bit. There’s other sources that are more reliable than my word though, especially since I’m not going to go into huge detail lol. I encourage you to do your own research, my word is not law and there’s a good chance I’m misinformed.
I will give a disclaimer that, despite being proship, I do discuss some of the things she depicts in her fictional works on top of things she does irl. Some of which is just my opinions based on observation of the show. But most of this is in regard to stereotypes being portrayed, which is an area of fiction that actively perpetuates bigotry and I don’t really see it as “just fiction”. That’s just me though. There’s some screenshots of how she treats real people too.
Anyway, antisemitism:
The character Mimzy from HH is a blatant Jewish stereotype. Not only is she someone who’s extremely money hungry, small sharp teeth, short, fat, has a nasally voice, but she’s also got the classic hooked nose that’s seen in antisemitic propaganda, (none are bad things on their own. If it wasn’t for all of them combined, then I wouldn’t think twice about it tbh) On top of that, she’s not a well liked character in the show, being portrayed as annoying, selfish, greedy, and even sleazy to some extent. She’s not a character that has many positive aspects to her
But on top of that the character Rosie is based on the Jewish mother stereotype as well. It’s even in her audition notes.
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But wait! There more! She was a fan of the I-hate-jewce blog here on tumblr, as she followed them and did an art trade with them that depicted Hitler as a Sausage Party character. The excuse she makes was that she didn’t believe in I-hate-jewce’s opinions, but admired their way they voiced their opinions. And that it was a different time when making jokes and stating harmful opinions like these were “more accepted”. Which, to me, is a piss poor excuse for being a bigot in the past and/or present.
Onto transphobia:
This screenshot may be faked, but it also lines up with her pfp at the time the screenshots were taken, as well as other viewpoints she’s lauded to. They are from discord, formatting is wierd bc they were taken in compact mode
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However, she does misgender her trans associates. There’s been an ongoing (to my knowledge) situation and dispute between someone named Ken and Vivzie. Ken uses they/them pronouns. Vivzie has been seen many times referring to Ken using she/her, despite knowing Ken’s identity quite well. Here’s some screenshots from some times they’ve talked together, Vivzie talking about Ken to others, and Ken voicing their concern twards Vivsies views on their gender. (Sorry for bad quality btw)
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In addition to this, Vivzie in the past (when zoophobia was being worked on), has created a character by the name of Jojo who was a direct caricature of a past friend that she clearly didn’t like.
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Here’s the character
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Plus, folks who have worked with Spindlehorse have discussed that transphobia is an issue in the work place. Not really Vivzie’s fault, she can’t control everything. But still, it’s odd and not cool that this continued to be an issue.
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Millie’s trans brother in HB doesn’t have any speaking roles, or even a name. And there was an error in one of the episodes he appears in where his horns indicate that’s he’s cis male instead of being trans (not a huge concern, animation errors happen. I just find it not cool that rep for trans men was overlooked) She also doesn’t credit people who voice the only trans masc character with a speaking part, plus he’s also unnamed. But from the looks of it, his VA is a cis male. Keep in mind the contrast for Sallie Mae being that her VA is a trans woman.
Vivzie has shown a pattern of not respecting trans men as real men. Or any afab person as their gender if it’s something other than cis. It’s a pattern that’s come up that can’t be denied imo. It’s especially obvious when it’s towards people she has some sort of beef with.
Would also like to bring up how her merch sexualizes Sallie Mae. Like, to the same degree that the main characters of HB are. She’s a side character who has minimal speaking parts and appearances. Yet, she’s sexualized to hell and back. I’m all for making trans women feel desirable and beautiful, because they are! I think it’s great! But imo, I find it kinda weird that her trans fem rep is treated like this when she’s not a main character. Plus, her merch doesn’t do that to her trans masc characters. Why do it to one but not the others? But hey, that’s just me and it’s not a rule that everyone has to agree with me on that lmao
Valentino is black coded, and is a blatant black stereotype (violent, black, drug addicted pimp archetype who sexually abuses people). I don’t feel like I need to explain why that’s not a great look.
Alastor is “black coded” (ashy skin and he’s white washed to hell). He uses voodoo, which is a closed practice that black slaves created to empower themselves and have a connection to their roots despite their horrible circumstances. He’s “mixed” Creole from some older depicting of him in notes if I recall.
She has supported Blaire White (she did black face and mocked blm) (look up that whole issue lol, too much there to talk about but I’m putting it here anyway) before back tracking when people realized what was going on. Vivzie back peddles a lot on her past though, never making a true apology or owning up to her past actions.
Any characters that DONT look white washed in the shows are not designed by her. Every poc character that she designs herself is white washed to hell and back. I know they are demons, they don’t look human, that’s a given. But Grim from TGAOBAM is a literal skeleton, but you still know he’s black. There’s better ways to depict bipoc coded characters though, that’s my point. She prides herself on her bipoc representation, when it’s shit representation when she’s the one soully behind it imo. There are really good character designs that depict people of color, but they aren’t Vivzie’s ideas and that credit goes to the character design team!
Sir Pentious is based on another ex friend of hers who she used to mock. She didn’t like him, saw him as a joke, etc. He was indigenous American, his hood is ment to look like his hair (which Vivzie mocked extensively). The whole “inventor” aspect of his character is ment to mock the steampunk aesthetic that her ex friend liked. He’s also the butt of a lot of jokes. Overall, I don’t think it’s very cool that Vivzie has repeatedly shown to make caricatures of real like people who belonged to minority groups.
Nifty’s pilot design depicted her skin as yellow. She’s Japanese. This is on top of being a maid and being boy crazy. That’s not a stereotype at all /sar. (She’s one of my favorites and she did get a redesign in the premier. And she got the best jokes in the show so far imo. She’s silly lol but I still wanted to bring it up, despite how much I like her)
She has ignored bipoc fans when they express being uncomfortable with anything relating to how she depicts poc characters. And it’s blatant that she doesn’t care about the voices of concern from her bipoc fans. If you are going to depict bipoc characters in your show, especially cultural depictions, listen to people who are bipoc and who come from those cultures you are depicting! She as a white person needs to listen to bipoc people when they voice their concerns to her about characters that are supposed to represent them!
Also! During her recent trip to Japan, she ate at McDonald’s and KFC despite there being a boycott due to the companies both supporting Israel. Idk how you feel about it, anon, and it’s not something I’ll go into too much detail over since I’m not super knowledgeable on it. But it’s a really important detail about Vivzie to a lot of people out there, and I wanted to bring it up because of that. (I hate all wars and genocides before anyone makes assumptions about my stances)
Not much to say reguarding this other than I found that she favors mlm relationships heavily over wlw relationships. HB isn’t a show that focuses on lesbian relationships because that’s just not the way the show is written, and that’s fine. However, she prides herself on the wlw rep she created due to HH being female focused. The main relationship between Charlie and Vaggie feels pushed away in favor of more mlm relationships. They clearly have been dating for a while, and so, their relationship doesn’t need to be explored as much as some others imo. However, to me the show doesn’t do too much with them and there’s a large focus on the male characters and their relationships as opposed to the female lead and her girlfriend.
I will give her credit on her depictions of gay and bi men, I do like a lot of those and I can’t really find anything terrible to say about that or find evidence of how she treats real gay people. Everyone is free to think whatever they want though. However, queer people are the only minority group that Vivzie actively is in support of from what I’ve seen, which is sad imo.
You could say that Angel Dust is a homophobic stereotype (sex loving, drug addicted, drag queen, sex worker, feminine), but there’s real people in the world who share his experiences and it makes me feel like the people who claim such just don’t take into account of the real people in the queer community who share similarities to him. Like, there’s a lot of queer men who do sex work and are addicted to various substances. It’s a struggle and his character is a testament to that.
Anyway, do your own research, come up with your own conclusions, you can still like her work and characters, and all that! This is stuff off the top of my head that I could think of.
(Any Vivzie stans who try to tell me that this is either all faked or rumors will be ignored btw. I’m tired of dealing with y’all every time I say anything about her that’s even remotely negative. You guys can like what you like, even if your attachment to Vivzie is unhealthy imo and you shouldn’t place anyone on a pedestal. She’s not perfect, nobody is. This is my opinion, and it won’t change. I don’t hate her shows or her work. I just dislike her as a person.)
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goosewriting · 8 months
some of my fav cal screenshots i've taken thus far because i am obsessed with him (deranged). please excuse the absolute potato quality but this is the best my poor pc can give :')
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yes i gave him his old haircut,, i don't like the new one sdjfhsdkfj the last one makes me go 🥺 why does he look like a literal puppy <33
also the one cowboy pose holding his belt???? dear lord i almost fainted
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caterpillarinacave · 1 year
AIW Allusions in the new RWBY V9 trailer
  So I take it everyone’s aware of the new volume nine trailer! (Anyone else get a bit of content whiplash?)
   A lot of the specific stuff I already covered in this post, so this is a lot more general!
  I’m also mostly glossing over the Through the Looking Glass allusions, because its been awhile since I’ve read it, and do not trust my memory. 
  Background information:
I’ve covered this (sort of) in the first post, but it looks like one of the mains settings is going to be the Queen of Hearts land/kingdom.
  In the AIW books there are a totally of four queens, the White Queen, The Red Queen, The Queen of Hearts, and the Queen of Clubs. They are all very different, but as you may have noticed, most people use the Red Queen and Queen of Hearts interchangeably, despite being very different characters (when you think of the AIW queen you are likely thinking of the Queen of Hearts), so this setting could be referring to either or both of them.
  In the books, admittedly TTLG, all four queens have their own area or kingdoms, all of which tend to correspond with their basic color schemes. Two of the queens, the Queen of Hearts and Queen of Clubs, have a card themed “aesthetic”, and the White and Red queen both have a bit of a chess theme.
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Because of the lack of hearts (and chess pattern), the red pattern, and castle/village, I would normally guess this is the Red Queens land, but from the next peice of evidence I think CRWBY may be using the Red Queen and Queen of Hearts interchangeably
The Queen of Hearts(?)
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Now this one’s interesting because it seems to mix several characters into one, but seems to be a major Queen of Hearts (henceforth to be called QOH) allusion. 
(Excuse the poor quality)
  Obviously, the room is very red, and the character is royalty and has the angry, violent, explosive behavior similar to the QOH.
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  The other interesting thing is the height of this character. In the orignal AIW the height of the King of Hearts (QOH husband) isn’t really described to be short, but in the 1951 Disney adaption, the most common adaption, the King is quite tiny to show how he doesn’t really have any power, (although if you dig into it neither does the Queen). At least to me, it feels like this may be an allusion.
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  I should mention the soldiers, who seems to wander around and perhaps get in the way of the protagonist which is very typical of the royal courts in AIW
Building off of that, all of the random charcaters who seem to be confusing/annoying the main cast, which is basically the entire dynamic between Alice and the creatures of wonderland 
The Caterpillar 
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(First of all, I should point out that this creature is definitely the thing in the pile of leaves we see in the trailer. Note the number of eyes and the leafs flying in the corner.)
 This one is a bit of a two parter between the actual character and the setting.
 This one mostly stems back to a, big bug with a very grumpy/accusatory expression, and b, the setting.
 “A” goes without saying. Smoking caterpillar is a very aggressive being, yells at Alice, turns into a giant butterfly, ect, ect.
 The second part is these mushrooms here.
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Going off the color scheme and lighting, this is probably where we will see aforementioned bug. In the books the caterpillar is depicted perched atop a mushroom. It’s also worth mentioning that Alice eats mushrooms throughout the book to change her size.
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Once again building off a previous point, in the beginning of AIW, Alice eats to much of a mushroom and grows very large, distressing a nesting bird. She also grows very large in the QOH’s court, which terrifies the court, and when she shrinks back down and is chased away. 
  This is less of an allusion and more of a “little being mobbing large protagonist”
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Here, in a very bad screenshot job on my part, we’ve got a little white chess peice fighting a red one. This is likely an allusion to the white queen (and her soldiers) and one of the red colored queens. 
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Now, I know, we are all very caught up on it perhaps being Jaune on this rabbit, but I should point out that this is a white rabbit whose moving through wonderland, perhaps like the white rabbit from AIW.
 Fast round:
  If this forest is in the same area as the mushrooms, and Ruby is walking through a forest in small size to giant mushrooms then that is the same route Alice takes in AIW
Chess board. AIW/TTLG just has a lot of chess boards in it. It’s a thing.
 I already covered this, but this cat is clearly supposed to be a Cheshire Cat allusion. The cat comes apart, grins, and is acting like a guide for Ruby, which is the main purpose of the original Cheshire Cat.
  This is it for now! The overall vibe seems to be trying to match the AIW energy, with the nonsense, creatures, towns, ect, ect!
*Excuse any and all spelling mistakes, my phones at 10% and I haven’t eaten in 10 hours*
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agena87 · 1 year
1,2,3 pls
(beware, I wrote a full novel here XD)
You know what, I'll answer those not for one, not for two or even three characters, bur for FOUR: Simon, Seamus, Karl, and Agena because I have a looooot of background stuff to share about those four AND BECAUSE I CAN (and I KNOW that Seamus and Karl are, for now, just characters I introduced in renders, but I actually have stuff with them in my never-ending folder of screenshots to edit/post)(which I need to do soon).
How does your character think of their father? What do they hate and love about him? What influence - literal or imagined - did the father have? *Simon: He HATES his father who's a bigot, a narcissist, a tyrant, and an all-around shitty person. All of his life, his father controlled every aspect of his life: who he could be friend with, what he should study, who to date, how to dress, EVERYTHING. It made him very self-conscious and was always making sure he was doing what was "right" growing up, which led to poor-self esteem later on, and a bit of paranoia (it got better in the last few years). It made him rather permissive with the people he loves, too, scared that he would turn into a control-freak like his father if he tries to exerts any kind of authority. *Seamus: They like to pretend to that their father doesn't exist, which was it felt like when they were younger, since the man was always travelling for work (that's what they call "having multiple mistresses/lovers to take care off while ignoring your family" in this household). Since Oswald (for it's their father's name) was never around, he didn't really have any influence on Seamus. *Karl: Finally a good father! Karl loves his father, who always was here for his children. His main influence on Karl is his open-mindedness. *Agena: Her father, Alfred, died when she was two, so she doesn't have any memories of him, and no influence on her. As for Seamus who raised her after that, she loves them. They mainly influenced her in the fact that you ALWAYS stick with your family/friends, that loyalty is the best quality to have.
Their mother? How do they think of her? What do they hate? Love? What influence - literal or imagined - did the mother have? *Simon: He hates her only a little less than he does his father, mainly because she was too drunk to do or say anything to him most of the time. In her defence, she was her husband's tyranny first victim (but it doesn't excuse the fact that she never defended/helped Simon). She was an ever-present and yet absent mother. Because of her addiction, he swore to never touch a drop of alcohol, and he never did. *Seamus: Hate is not a strong enough word to describe what they feel about their mother, Wendolyn. Maybe "loathes" is? Wendolyn was very abusive, both verbally and physically, especially with Seamus, who she despises. She spent years calling them names because of the way they decided to present themself, using the f-slur on a daily basis since they were about eight. She beat them for as long as they remember, and tried to send them to conversion camp when they were sixteen, which caused them to left home and never come back. Because of her, they can't handle people screaming. (She also is the shittiest person on the planet, since she actually is the one who paid someone to kill Alfred, her own brother). *Karl: Just like with his father, he loves his mother, even if she is a bit over-protective and waaaay too invested in her children's lives. From her, he learned to always help those in need. *Agena: This is a weird relationship that Agena and Carol have. Carol, who was rather young - but it's not an excuse - when she got pregnant with Agena, abandoned her as soon as she was born. She got spooked because of [REDACTED] regarding Alfred - not something bad, mind - and left him. It was only after she discovered her pregnancy. She actually thought of aborting, since she was scared that the [REDACTED] thingy would affect her baby, but after talking with Alfred, she accepted to keep it if her ex-boyfriend accepted to raise the kid himself, which he was more than happy to do. Then, when Agena was 13/14, she contacted her daughter, after her other daughter, Tabitha showed signs of [REDACTED] and her mother, Alaria, told her it was something present in their family too. Alaria never knew why Carol got rid of her newborn (nor she knew who the father was) until then, but it turns out that she knew Alfred's family, and after a bit of investigation, found that he was dead and that Agena was living with Seamus. Feeling guilty how she treated her daughter, Carol wrote to her to explain why she left her, and try to make amends. It took several years, but they finally met, and are now in somewhat frequent contact, even if their relationship is still a bit difficult.
Brothers, sisters? Who do they like? Why? What do they despise about their siblings? *Simon: He has five older brothers and two older sisters. He dislikes them all, for they all are too much like their father, all about appearance and status. *Seamus: One younger brother, Reginald. As kids, they were the best of friends, but comes adolescence, they grew appart (mainly caused by Wendolyn). But in the last few years, they grew close once again. Well, when Reginald is not disappearing God knows where (he is very troubled and flees quite frequently). What they like about Reginald, is that they finally learned to stop listening to Wendolyn; what they don't like, is that they don't listen to anyone, even when people are trying to help him get better. *Karl: He has an older brother, Willi, and two younger brothers, Pertti and Reinhold. He loves all three of them (really, this family is a loving-one). What he likes about them: -Willi: his devil-may-care attitude -Pertti: his ambition and drive to reach his goals -Reinhold: his loyalty What he dislikes about them: -Willi: his stubborness (though he is just as stubborn, so he can't really say judge) -Pertti: his Lothario's ways (well, he actually doesn't care that he has relationships after relationships, but when it caused Willi and his wife to divorce because he had an affair with their sister-in-law and got her pregnant, well…) -Reinhold: his temper (once again, he's just as bad, so… kettle, cauldron). *Agena: She has a biological half-sister, Tabitha (which, yeah, not a scoop), and an adopted sorta-sister, Denebola ("sorta-sister" as in, they're not actually related other than as cousins legally - she is Seamus and Karl's daughter - but since Seamus is like a parent to her, she considers Denebola her sister). Both are a lot younger than her. She loves Tabitha, but their relationship can sometimes be a bit difficult due to the fact that Agena - even if she won't confess to it - is jealous that Tabitha was raised by their mother. As for Denebola, she's still a toddler, so it's impossible to not love her. She likes Tabitha's strong personality and Denebola's hugs, but she dislikes Tabitha's foul language (and bad influence on Alfie) and Denebola aggressivity.
Pfeeew, it was a lot (why did I decide to choose so many characters?).
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2 for the art asks <3
2: what’s your favorite thing about your style?
this is really funny because I have a hard time telling what my style is sdlkfjdsa but. probably my lighting! I really really love doing sunset lighting with glow dodge blending mode especially. Also hair is very fun. In general my favorite style is when I do lineless paintings. Everything else is ok but painting is definitely my favorite
(examples of what im talking about under the cut)
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^sunset lighting w/ glow dodge
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(excuse the poor quality i just took screenshots off of my art blog lol)
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cuffles · 5 years
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Gotta admit, some of these mods are pretty nice
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thewistlingbadger · 3 years
Finally doing my analysis on the moreid baseball thing.
(no time stamps, just read along as you watch)
Now, let's start with the obvious. It's suspicious that Morgan would want Reid to play baseball. JJ went to college for sports, Rossi was in a war, Hotch is a tri-athlete, but he picks "you look like a pipe cleaner with eyes" Spencer Reid to play baseball. The last time Spencer had played baseball was when he was 4ish, and his coordination is shit.
The clip starts with Morgan swinging a baseball bat, the ball clearing being a home run or at least making it to towards the back of the field. He's wearing a sleeveless shirt with black jeans. This is the first time in criminal minds history that we've seen Morgan wear this kind of shirt. And obviously, we can tell that he's jacked as shit. Tattoos on full display.
"see my hips?" Is the first thing that come out of his mouth. He then goes on to put his hand where his crotch is, and repeat what he just said, swinging his hips. Derek tries desperately to stop himself from smiling when he tells Spencer to "give it a try". Spencer, looks confused throughout the whole demonstration.
Spencer reveals that the reason why they're out there is because Spencer needed a ride to the airport and that he owed Derek one (a favor). Who knows what happened in that car ride. Derek approaches Spencer, their faces made 2 feet apart? They maintain eye contact. Spencer dumps the classic "my childhood was shit" and Derek makes this face.
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Which is just... anyway. he throws his back begging for Spencer to cooperate. (Hmm where have I seen that before? You yeah! When Derek was practically on his knees begging for Spencer to go on the Jamaican vacation with him and Elle.)
After convincing Spencer, he puts his hand on his back and smiles (🌈). "You're going to like this kid, i promise." (🌈🌈🌈) He says with a huge ass grin. You can hear the joy in his voice. Spencer completely missed the first time but Derek is overly nice about it. Talk about "ok! Ok! First try! Keep your eye on the ball!"
Spencer starts being smart which makes derek make a face so gay i can't screenshot it. (Literally when i tried it said YouTube stopped working.) Derek tells Spencer to get out of his head and to just "feel it". (Again, he's talking to the same person that is so uncoordinated he can't even run properly.) "Don't think just feel it." He then laughs and gives Spencer another huge grin.
"here it comes! ✨💓🥺"
This man puts his hands on his hips and goes "😑 that's not feeling it" when Spencer misses again.
"I'm feeling like an idiot!"
That grants another laugh and smile apparently.
Derek looks so disappointed when they get a case. Spencer is relieved, and it is painfully clear how he hasn't taken the hint yet.
Cut to game day, once again Derek gives Spencer a huge smile when he sees him. He trots on over to him (IN A BASEBALL UNIFORM) and says "hey! Pretty boy!" IN FRONT OF ALL THE OTHER CISHET MEN THAT WORK FOR THE GOVERNMENT, WHOM HE'S COMPETING AGAINST.
"you made it! 🤩 I like that 😊" why didn't you think he would come Derek?
Normally, Derek would have made fun of Spencer for not owning shorts but he's too busy looking smitten at Spencer.
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Derek's face when he tells Spencer that he'll be playing today. (Excuse poor quality.)
The rest of the team shows up, Derek's smile gets smaller and the joy in his voice is less heavy. and then, for the first time ever (canonically), Derek calls Spencer baby. We also learn in this scene that this game is super important because the FBI hasn't won in years. AGAIN, WHY WOULD YOU INVITE THE MOST UNCOORDINATED PERSON YOU KNOW FOR A JOB LIKE THIS? WE LITERALLY SEE SPENCER THROW A BAT INTO THE AIR AND MISS CATCHING IT, AND WE SEE HIM STRIKE OUT.
Derek is encouraging Spencer while out on the field, while the other team are talking shit. Seeing Spencer discouraged, Derek calls time out and gives Spencer a pep talk. he grabs the sides of his shoulders, and start talking in a quiet, soft, raspy voice, with the utmost sincereness. They are practically INCHES away from fucking each other.
HE BRIEFLY TOUCHS THE SIDE OF HIS FACE FOR FUCK SAKE. Spencer looks like he's trying so hard not to kiss Morgan. For the life of him he can't maintain eye contact in the scene, he keeps looking away. He's sighing and licking his lips the whole way through bro. Shining those puppy dog eyes.
Spencer smiles and laughs towards the end of the pep talk. Derek's eyes glisten with love, you can see the smile wrinkles around his eyes. He pats the sides of his shoulders and then his cheek and runs away. This leaves Spencer with a smile on his face. Derek tells "c'mon pretty boy!" From all the way from the base. In front of all these cishet men.
He basically gets on top of him while Spencer is still on the ground. He helps him up and Spencer throws his arms around him. Derek grabs the back of his head and Spencer has the biggest smile I've ever seen him have. It's a full on open mouth smile. You know the happiness you feel when you listen to helpless from Hamilton? That's what Spencer's face looks like.
Derek then picks Spencer up and puts him on his shoulder. Spencer climbs the fence to get to the rest of the team (which is hella impressive. It was a tall ass fence. I HC that he was able to do that not because of his job because of his teen years.)
Spencer then jumps from the top of the fence and lands on Derek's back. I think the screenshot is explains it all.
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lyradaisical · 2 years
Excuse me for a bit, but I’m going to word-vomit here.
If you follow me on YouTube, I had previously made two Vograce review videos. I was set to make an update after my second one because there were some issues with my orders that I was working with customer service to fix.
Long story short, I have decided not to accept the resolutions they offered me. Ultimately, the biggest thing I lost, out of this whole situation, was my time. For anyone who is interested in reading about what happened or if there is any artist who is still debating what manufacturer to order from, buckle in because we're going for a loooong ride. I'm going to touch on details that I didn't cover in my review, mainly how this began and my experience with their service afterward.
First things first, Vograce reached out to me asking me to review their products. They offered three different options for compensation:
$150 coupon to use on their site
$70 coupon + $50 cash
$70 cash
I picked the second option because I was interested in checking out their stuff and the $50 cash was nice because I knew that the shipping cost was going to bite me in the ass. They sent me a list of things I was required to mention in the review video, which all seemed harmless enough. I've had another company reach out to me before and their demands were much shadier, so Vograce seemed legit to me.
Since I didn't have any designs to order at the moment, they shipped me a sample pack to review. I had to order the sample pack, which was $9.90 and the shipping cost was a whopping $20.18. I was refunded this cost. The products in the sample pack were genuinely very nice and my review reflected my honest opinions about them. Because of that, I was excited to place my first order using the compensation they sent me.
Order #1 January 21, 2022
6x 5 acrylic charm designs with no special coating
6x 1 acrylic charm design with star holographic on both sides
3x A6 spiral notebooks
3x A6 leatherette notebooks
Cost: $90.45
Shipping: $41.21
Total: $131.66
Out of pocket cost: ~$15
Since they liked my first review, they came back and asked me to do another review based on the order I put in. This time, I opted for the $150 coupon because there were some other things I wanted to check out.
Order #2 February 20, 2022
3x acrylic standees
10x 15mm washi tape
10x 30mm washi tape
100x 7cm heart memo pads
Cost: $156.57
Shipping: $51.17
Total: $207.74
Out of pocket cost: $57.74
Grand total spent: ~$73
I received my first order on March 21, 2022, so it took about two months. I gave them some leeway because Lunar New Year was within that time so they were on holiday. I let them know that I received the package and asked if my second one was coming any time soon because if it was, I could wait for it and review those items as well, even though I didn't have to. I just really wanted the review to be useful to fellow artists. My second order arrived on March 31, 2022.
At this point, I finally took the time to unpack and check everything. What I received was:
6x holographic acrylic charms
35x standard acrylic charms (7 each of the 5 designs)
3x A6 spiral notebooks
3x A6 leatherette notebooks
3x acrylic standees
11x 15mm washi tape
8x 30mm washi tape
50x sticky notepads
I'm not going to go into detail over what was wrong since I spent a ton of time doing so in my review video here. But basically, the notebooks were poor quality, dots printed only on one side of the page, the page count was wrong, I receive 50 sticky notepads instead of 100 memo pads, 8 instead of 10 of the 30mm washi tape, etc.
(Also, if anyone who is knowledgeable about shipping costs from China could confirm with me if these shipping costs were legitimate or not, that would be great! I had been suspicious of them overcharging on shipping to boost their profits, but since I don't have any actual knowledge on that, I won't say for sure.)
I spent about two days gathering my thoughts, images, videos, and screenshots and then made the review video. I reached out to Vograce and told them that I posted the review and that there were several issues with my order. As to why I made the review before contacting them, I felt that it would be a better reflection of what you could expect when receiving your order (in this case, a lot of errors). I also did not want to be coerced into not making a less-than-stellar review.
They apologized for the mistakes and then asked me to delete the review. Apparently, they didn’t like how critical it was despite the fact that I tried to be understanding about everything and was told by friends that my review was TOO nice. The way it was worded screamed 'scummy' to me. "Could you delete the video, first?" As if them fixing the order would be dependent on me deleting the video.
I replied back and said that I wouldn’t delete my review. I may have been compensated but I’m still going to be honest. And let's be real, my time is worth a lot more than what they sent me, considering how much time I spent working on the videos. I told them that I trusted they would allow me to be honest and that if I deleted it, it would be very clear that they’re only out to buy positive reviews.
They backtracked, of course, and told me that they prefer honesty as well and that they simply wanted me to add on to the review after they fixed any issues because they pride themselves on their customer service. To which I told them that I mentioned in my review that I would give an update. I even stated that I had faith that they would fix it. So they had no excuse to tell me to delete it.
Anywho, we get past this and try to work on resolving my order. I pointed out all the issues they had: wrong info on their website, wrong templates provided, broken pages, etc. Let me tell you, my husband was not pleased whatsoever about this because normally companies PAID people to do what I did (finding errors, etc.) and I was doing it for them for FREE. He was even more so irritated because he is certain I got ripped off on shipping (since his line of work has him knowledgable about the Asia and Pacific regions). But whatever, you know. I really just wanted there to be a decent company out there that we artists could buy reasonably priced custom merch from, and if Vograce could fix these things, that’d be great.
So we went back and forth and my god was this painful. There are obviously several people that handle correspondence, which isn’t inherently a problem, but the thing here was that there was no communication between them and they didn’t bother going through the backlog to get an understanding of the problem. Some of them also aren't as good with English as others. I had to repeat myself several times. All I simply wanted was replacement products but for some reason, it felt like I was pulling teeth. 
For example, they were utterly confused about the memo pads. I was questioned about shape and design several times. I used their template. I sent the design. What is there to be confused about?
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For the spiral notebooks, where the image was stretched, they supposedly fixed their template and told me to send in the design using the new template. But when I looked at it, it still did not look like the right sized template for printing an A6 book. I measured the book, I got measurements for everything, and got back to them but they were still adamant that they were right so I went “You know what? Forget the notebooks. We clearly aren’t going to agree on this so I don’t want them.” They offered a $5 coupon to cover it:
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Fast forward almost a month later. Honestly, I was pretty pissed. “How are you these days?” I was expecting my replacement order to be delivered by now only for them to be like “Oh, turns out we actually can’t make it.”
I replied and asked if there was a reason why they couldn’t be made. I didn’t pick a custom design. AGAIN I picked the heart which is one of the standard designs. And the listing was still on their website. The reply:
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I was screaming at this point, really. Never have I ever worked with a supposed professional company that was this incompetent. I didn't bother responding to this and just left it. This morning when I checked my phone, "Rachel" had gotten back to me:
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I was just so done at this point because I knew that getting the items I wanted was no longer an option and I didn't want to buy from them anymore after this experience so a coupon was worthless, not to mention I'd have to put even more money out to cover shipping.
This was the reply that I sent before blocking them:
I believe that it will be best for us to end this collaboration here. I do not want the sticky notes or the coupon, as I am no longer comfortable with ordering from this business.
I have to say that I am disappointed with this experience. I really wanted to like this company. There is a level of irresponsibility and unprofessionalism within this business that I find unacceptable—lack of quality checking, mistakes on the website, poor communication amongst the team, offering products that aren't available, etc.
I'm not impressed with the blame towards the factory. A responsible business would put in the effort to find out what their manufacturer is capable of and would ensure this by getting samples of what can be made as well as ensuring the quality of said items. Instead, what we have here is a business that makes assumptions of what they can sell and advertises them for sale without knowing if the item can even be made or is of good quality.
Personally, I feel that it would be best for you to stick to the acrylic charms until you can reorganize and ensure that you can manage selling the other products. My statement from my review still stands: I can recommend this company for acrylic products and charms, but not for the other products.
I wish this company good luck in improving for the future.
I'm just so disappointed because I really really did like their charms (the clasps!) But because I happened to try out the other products, I inadvertently found out just how poorly this business is run.
I know many artists have had very pleasant experiences with Vograce and I totally get that. I had very pleasant experiences with them too, where the acrylic products are concerned. I don't want to deter people from writing this business off altogether because they did try to resolve my issues. It's just that it wasn't something that could be solved. But for me personally, I don't think I will buy from them again. If they do manage to get their act together after all of this, then that will be great for them. But the way they push responsibility onto others (their factory, the customers) just rubs me the wrong way.
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Deviantartober – The "Hey, you’ve been too long on DeviantArt" shitpost challenge
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These prompts are supposed to be shitposts, so drawing them should not take longer than 15 minutes each day. Picture them as a fast warm up doodles you can do every day.
Bonus points for extra crappy art or for using software like MS Paint or very poor grade traditional materials.
THIS IS NOT SUPPOSED TO LOOK GOOD. We just want to have fun and loosen up about art, like our 14-year-old selves on DA used to. Don’t be a perfectionist – have fun creating something really bad and unwind!
About the badly tracing prompts: Don't get me wrong: These are shitposts, so please don't actually steal some artist's work and claim it as your own. Credit the company you took it from!
Feel free to share your results via #deviantartober
Most important of all: have fun!
Draw either yourself, your sona or your OC in MS Paint style (if you are a traditional artist, use low quality crayons or something like that).
Draw a traditional piece of either yourself, your sona or your OC and share it by taking a low quality, out of focus picture of your drawing.
Create a Sonic OC. Explain their powers.
Now use the Sonic Dollmaker to make a better Sonic OC, cuz drawing is hard: Male character dollmaker Female character dollmaker
Draw either yourself, your sona or your OC as either a wolf, lion, dragon, cat or horse. You may badly trace over Disney art.
Make that wolf/lion/dragon/cat/horse look even sparklier.
Write an excuse about why you couldn’t post today.
Take some official and well-known cover art, trace over it badly, color it with the bucket tool and claim it as your OCs. (for traditional artists: just lazily trace over it and take a pic)
Draw a character from a cartoon and add some obvious erotic undertone.
Draw an animal, paste it a few times and color them differently. Congratulations, you are an adopt artist now.
Combine an animal with a piece of food and create your own original adopt species.
Take an out of focus picture of your pet or some random merch. It is art now.
Draw something with wonky anatomy and claim it as a STYLE.
Draw either yourself, your sona or your OC overly cute and put 90% of the work into making the eyes look sparkly.
Draw an OC with uncomfortable sexy undertones. Wonky anatomy, like gazillion abs or balloon boobies are welcomed.
Ship yourself, your sona or your OC with a canon character and make them seem madly in love. You may draw your character into a screenshot, cuz again – drawing is hard.
Come up with some overly random ship (Like Mordetwi, etc.) and create a shipping name for it.
Create a DA stamp for one of these ships. (These are stamp shaped gifs, that show support of your amazing ship.)
Draw a weird DA fetish of your choice. The weirder, the better. (Honestly just browse “Newest Deviations” for a few minutes if you need inspiration)
Go on hiatus and leave a hiatus post.
Post a screenshot of a random game you are playing and pretend it’s 3d art.
Draw some edgy cats fighting – don’t use any reference!
Post some overly dramatic vent art. You may be vague about the issue and make it sound worse than it actually is. Sympathy fishing is welcomed.
Add some Linkin Park or Evanescence lyrics to a piece of art.
Create a fursona, but it’s actually just a Pokémon with different colored eyes.
Make either a My Little Pony, Homestuck, Creepypasta, Undertale, Lion King, Warriors or Balto OC. You may use free bases or lazily altered screenshots, cuz drawing is hard.
Make a new OC by copy pasting an existing OC and changing their colors into a gothic look.
Take a stock photo of a person/animal resembling that OC and badly paint over it, to make it look like your OC. Lazily altered Twilight screenshots are not forbidden.
Create some art using any sort of FREE base art.
Take some of your artwork, you did during this challenge and turn it into a blingee -> https://de.blingee.com/
It’s the final day and it’s Halloween and you don’t feel like drawing and you are artblocked, so fuck this. (You may also draw your OC being sad about being art blocked – or you may return to your normal life, because I definitely will do so)
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silver-wield · 4 years
Can we talk about the scene where Cloud and Aerith wake up after inhaling the gas and when Tifa is telling Cloud why she decided to go see Corneo, Cloud drops his hands and says “seriously??” to Tifa, clearly upset that she put herself in a dangerous situation. It was my first time playing FF7, but I can definitely see how much Cloud is in love with Tifa - it’s so obvious.
Hey, Nonny, ff7 and remake is a wild ass ride so hold on tight and enjoy lol
Ok, spoiler warning for ppl who haven't played – do I still need to do this? Eh ok, (I tag FF7R spoilers as final fantasy 7 remake spoilers) and for once this is gonna be short and sweet.
Also, this is one person's interpretation of the scene, so if you disagree that's cool and we'll agree to disagree.
You're also gonna have to excuse the janky quality on some of the screens, I'm grabbing them from Youtube and it's frustrating af trying to get the exact moment I want.
Other analyses if anyone's interested.
Shinra HQ vision scene (Cloti/plot analysis) 
Chapter 3 (Cloti reblog) 
Tifa character analysis 
Aerith Resolution (plot analysis/theory – I should probably update this since I've had other ideas since then) 
Train graveyard (not really an analysis, but I got some sweet screenshots of Cloti) 
Clotiscrew tunnel analysis 
Cloti reunion analysis 
The Promise Analysis 
Andrea's approval (Cloti ask response) 
Leslie analysis (not mine, but a good read) 
Cloti action touching 
Aerti friendship analysis 
Cloti body language chapter 3 
Now, strap in and enjoy the ride.
Quick recap time. Cloud and Aerith successfully infiltrate Don Corneo's place, get knocked out and dumped in the basement. Cloud wakes up to see Tifa leaning over him.
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The scene starts off with Cloud looking relieved af that Tifa's not hurt. We know he acted like he wasn't worried about her, that he knew she can kick all the ass, but he totally pouted at not being allowed to help her and was probably hiding that worry throughout the entire section. This is further backed up by his expression in the seconds before he agrees to dance. That firm nod and eyes squeezed shut, you can hear him think to himself that he's doing it for Tifa, and I honestly don't think he'd have done it for anyone else.
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I'm sorry, I'm fucking dying at that second screen! It's like he's literally just come back to himself and realised what he's wearing in front of his crush! This is not how he wants her to see him lol This is definitely a real!Cloud expression and I love that we get to see these deep hidden feelings come to the surface, but they’re also not just “omg I love Tifa”, so Cloud’s personality is very much mutifaceted and not just one note.
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Poor bby is so embarrassed. He's lucky Tifa agrees to never bring this up again, which she doesn't when we get a callback to it later in the game. His eyes are everywhere but on her and as I've pointed out like a million times in other analysis, Cloud and Tifa do eye contact very well. Usually Cloud is all for staring into her ruby reds, but this time he's doing his best to avoid her. There's no judgement from her, she's just surprised. We probably won’t get this since we’ve moved well past this point, but I’d like for Tifa to acknowledge the lengths Cloud went to for her and thank him -- cue another cute moment?
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And this is the moment you're after, Nonny. Cloud is feeling very self-conscious and defensive, which is why he has his arms crossed. He can't do much about his appearance besides put up with it and go full on SOLDIER!Cloud until this nightmare is over lol
At the same time, he can’t go full on SOLDIER!Cloud because he’s with Tifa and his real feelings always surface. He acts instinctively to protect her and shows her favour all the time. He’s always aware of where she is and how she’s feeling, so it’s nice that this hard ass persona he’s crafted to protect himself has such a big flaw that Tifa isn’t even aware she breaks through.
Remember, I just said he's avoiding Tifa's gaze out of embarrassment? Well, now his eyes are back on her and this is one of the few times he's disapproving towards her. Which is actually a good sign because most of the time Cloud is soft af towards Tifa, but this shows he's not just some weak ass puppy with a crush. He doesn't view her through rose tinted specs. He understands that she’s just as flawed as anyone else and can make mistakes.
This is very much a couple moment for Cloti, like plenty of others. It's different in that we're seeing something close to a lovers' tiff. Cloud is disappointed in Tifa's method and shows it, which is good for him because having him be infatuated with her and never question her judgement doesn't make for a healthy relationship. He knows she's mistaken here and doesn't hesitate to voice that to her. Tifa doesn't get a chance to engage with this side of Cloud because Aerith jumps in, so we can only speculate what she's thinking. I didn't get the impression she was about to throw down with him though, more like a lengthy discussion which would likely end in them agreeing they need to continue with her insane plan because they need the info, though Cloud would not be happy about it. All in all a nice bit of relationship development for them.
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