#also i just find it hard to imagine a guy who works as a tattoo assistant having No piercings
wr0ngwarp · 1 year
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fan design for johnny truant house of leaves. yea.
normally johnny's the kind of character i'd prefer to leave designless, but its difficult to do silly joke stuff with a character that doesn't look like anything lmao. my sort of compromise between the two is limiting his palette to the book colors
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gatorbites-imagines · 5 months
John Constantine x tattoo artist?? Smut or no (you choose!) I think it would be cute if john gets his tats from the reader (also kind of a possessive/marking quality there lol)
John Constantine x Tattoo artist male reader
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Sorry there’s been no posts this week, classes have started up again, so as you can imagine I’m exhausted and have a lot less free time. I’ve been using most of my free time to read JJK, ngl.
Imagine being a magical tattoo artist, something like a seal maker. You do large complex and beautiful pieces, but you hide different seals and protection markers inside the patterns. It keeps the real purpose of the tattoo a secret, but is also pretty to look at.
John already has tattoos in the hellblazer comics, but imagine you giving him different ink. Something a lot less obvious and more attractive.
It makes him pass as a hot blonde British guy covered in a lot of fancy ink, instead of some brit with lotsa weird cult looking tattoos.
John becomes one of your most common customers, mainly because a lot of the tattoos you put on him disappear after the seals been used, since its all defense and storage. He might also use it as an excuse to see you more, so he can flirt.
John being John, would get a tattoo right above his crotch, think like a reverse tramp stamp, or a succubus tattoo, just so he can have you sitting between his thighs as he gives his flirting his all.
You definitely end up railing him within an inch of his life in the tattoo chair, tsking and “punishing” him for straining the tattooed area too much, and “messing up your work” when he writhes too much.
In the beginning its just a friends with benefits situation, something like a “happy ending” you might say. John wouldn’t be someone to do relationships for the most part, since most of the ones he’s been in haven’t ended great.
He subconsciously also wouldn’t want to paint a target on your back, since hes always involved with all kinds of stuff. But he cant help but always find himself back with you, getting some new seal inked onto his skin.
And if every visit ends up with him bent over the tattoo chair, or down on his knees to “thank you”, then who will judge him.
John would end up finally acknowledging his feelings when you save him from his big bad of the week, using your complex and intricate tattoos to pull out weapons and spells, and later seal the being that’s after him.
Its hard to deny how he feels after that, and though he wouldn’t put it into words, he would act differently. Like just showing up at your parlor to spend time with you without getting anything done, or sending you little protection charms or trinkets.
At some point you guys just start kissing and acting like a couple, without actually putting a name to it. It’s a dangerous life you both live, and words mean everything, so you never tell anybody you guys are lovers, since that would make the target on you both even bigger.
It doesn’t keep you guys from pretty much living together and acting all domestic, or being completely exclusive to just each other. John turning down all advances made on him confuses people in the beginning, until they just come to accept it.
John ends up with even more tattoos, these a lot more complex than average useable seals. These are the kinds that you have spent your entire life developing, and had only used on yourself because they’re that powerful.
The league are knocked back by how powerful his spells have become, and how much damage he can withstand. Only other magic users with the knowledge know just how amazing his tattoos are. He never tells them where he got them, just because he’s an ass.
You end up helping out more with his business, and he ends up being free advertisement for your parlor. Of course, no one gets tattoos like you or John, you would never give a possible enemy that kind of power, but it helps pad your pockets quite a lot.
John’s enemies end up targeting you as well, but they’re easily dealt with for the most part.
He ends up getting teased be friends and allies that he’s getting soft and domestic, cuz he doesn’t go out to bars like before, and wants to be home in time to watch a movie with you, or just go to sleep together.
He ends up a lot less stressed too, since you rock his world whenever he needs it, and become someone he can let down his defenses and just be vulnerable with.
In the end he probably gets pavloved to get in the mood when you tattoo him, or he hears the noise of the tattoo gun. John always blames you for making him this way, because you always go down on him after giving him new ink, not that he’s complaining.
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appleblueberry-pie · 10 days
They usually show Gojo as the dominant one in the relationship, someone who is only with you for a while, but what if it were the other way around, if the reader took that role and Satoru couldn't get over what they did to him? ? (I think I need to stop imagining scenarios with this guy 😔)
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Sorry, I Guess. Lol.
Satoru couldn't just ignore this feeling in his chest. It wasn't strong, but he really couldn't control it even if he wanted to. It was like a piece of metal was stuck in his chest and no matter how much he shifted or rubbed at that spot, the feeling wouldn't go away. And he only felt it when he was around you. That annoying feeling.
You always drove him around. Said that it would be a hassle waiting for him, when you knew he had a thing for always being late. And you always found him, even if his location was off on his phone. A mysterious one, you were. That's what he's supposed to do.
You drove with that left hand on the steering wheel and the other hand on the stick, a little smirk on your face. Almost half of the time that you two were together, he never had your full attention. There was always those few moments where you had to take(a very loud and exciting looking) phone call or just texting your little friends or whoever was making you smile like that.
You never had minded him. It was like he didn't matter that much.
You paid for his food too. He never liked it. He always had the money to pay for both of your plates, but you never ever settled for letting him pay for everything. You said you hated feeling like you owed someone. He told you a million times you don't owe him a dime but you always persisted. The most he ever got out of you was letting you two split the bill.
He hated you. Your personality. How he couldn't ever just have you. You weren't emotionally available. What was the point of dating you if he wasn't gonna have your damn time? It was a waste of his own, dammit, and he hated every second of it. But the more he tried to detach from you.....the more he realized he couldn't.
He really really liked you. He enjoyed your suave personality and effortless movements and charismatic energy that you poured into the conversations you had with him. He was the one that usually radiates energy in the friend group, but when he's around you, you seem to be able to dim him down and steal the spotlight. He can't ever take it back either. You're just that good.
He can't have you and he realizes that. He also realized that when you ghost him on all apps. When he tries to get back in touch but you block him for blowing up your line. He tries to get back in touch when he realizes you never told him anything about your personal life and it was extremely hard to find out where you worked or anything. And it was really hard to find where you lived when he realized you didn't even live in the city you took him all around.
You're probably a player, but he didn't care. He loves how you ignore him. Honestly, he wants you to do more damage, he wants to keep you around just to repeat what you two had again. He wants to see your face when you realize he's an actual weirdo stalker that's most likely obsessed with you.
You two never fucked and you made it clear with your body language that you never wanted him like that in the first place and he was just your decoration for a few weeks. But he didn't want to be like those temporary tattoos. He didn't wanna be henna either. He wanted to be painfully embedded in your skin for so long, that even though he might fade years later, that pigmentation on that one part in your skin will always stick around to tell the tale.
He just wants to be yours.
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riririnnnn · 4 months
Low-key a continuation of this, but this post alone makes complete sense.
I'm well fed now, so my brain is churning again.
LESGOOOOOO 🌬️🤸🏻‍♀️🌪️
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So, we have this fella.
Let's start.
Theory — 1
Kaiser has a flower farming family business or a florist shop.
You see, Blue Rose isn't something you'll find growing in the wild on its own. It's an artificially produced product or a White Rose dyed with a blue colour.
I understand that there are many people out there who are passionate about growing flowers, but only as a hobby. However, for simplicity, let's ignore that.
So, I think he was more like a soft boy and you can easily imagine a soft boy with a flower background getting bullied by the tougher guys when he decided to join a soccer team, then someone from his family gave him an inspirational talk about Blue Rose. It explains his want to win the World Cup and also his want to push the soccer industry into despair.
Plot hole: This theory doesn't feel Blue Lock-esque, it feels rather lame for a character like Kaiser. It doesn't explain his weird, nearly obsessive behaviour in his rivalry with Isagi. It leaves no room for a deeper explanation about his hand tattoo.
Theory — 2
This is the more widely known and believed theory in the BLLK Fandom that Kaiser was poor growing up, and some might even go as far as to say that he was a trafficked child. It could be that the one who lend him a hand for help also had some association with Blue Rose, and then helped him pursue soccer further.
Plot hole: Quite similar to Lorenzo's story. Being poor has already been used many times as a trope in this Animanga. Doesn't explain his behaviour of inflicting pain on himself while being frustrated and that why he wants the soccer world to go into despair.
Theory — 3
This goes darker, so be warned.
Soccer, somehow, destroyed his loving and happy family. It could be that he used to be a crybaby, and he got inspired/used to look up to a figure in his house who used to play soccer.
Firstly, when he used to fail in soccer, that figure used to calmly soothe him and treat him nicely, but then things turned out to get worse and after that Kaiser got subjected to being physically abused which explains his knack to choke himself.
Plot hole: Feels like a scrapped idea from Itoshi brothers' backstory. Blue Rose tattoo's influence in the story gets diminished and the hand tattoo feels like something added just to make the character look cool.
Theory — 4
This theory solely based upon this panel:
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It makes me think like he got abandoned by a soccer partner or something.
Further, see this panel:
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Maybe this partner backstabbed Kaiser?
It could be that his older teammates got jealous of his "talent" and then bullied/physically or verbally harassed him? When in reality he actually had no talent and just worked really hard, like, we have been shown how he was practicing hard after Isagi one-up-ed him in the Ubers match or after the Manshine City match when he was watching everything in those multiple screens.
Feels like he is going to be the Oikawa of Blue Lock.
Plot hole: I actually don't find any kind of plot hole in this theory except the fact that Blue Rose low-key feels out of the blue.
Theory — 5
It could be called as a modified version of the above theory.
Maybe his family is filthy rich too. Having "Kaiser" as a last name could mean that he is from some sort of Royal family and he used to play soccer with his siblings or a family member, but as the time passed, he still dreamt of being a Pro soccer player, but the other person(s) refused and instead accepted their traditional roles.
Plot hole: Feels like Reo 2.0, and doesn't explain why he wants the soccer industry to go into despair.
Personally, I do think that we are going to get entirely something else, but it's pretty fun to think of such things.
Ness should never touch scissors again. He massacred Kaiser's hair.
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leathfaic · 1 year
Ghost and Soap tattoo headcanons because the brain worms demand it right now!
In my mind at least Ghost has a lot more tattoos than just his sleeve, it's just not common knowledge because until he gets together with Soap no one ever really sees him undressed except maybe for medical staff.
The sleeve was the beginning but he's adding to them whenever leave allows, on his chest and back, on his legs and his other arms and even his hands. Ghost is also the kind of guy that is very stoic while getting tattoos, the pain doesn't really bother him, he's been through so much worse, but he's not the guy who's chatting with the artist either. He just sits through it. Similarly afterwards he's pretty disciplined about the aftercare required. Sun rarely is an issue with the way he dresses and he plans his leave times around the appointments so he can take it easy for a while.
When the inevitable itching starts he just glares at the spot, never actually touching it, but he gets fucking irritated for a few days.
And while he's not the best at taking care of himself in many aspects of his life I can actually see him take good care of his tattoos in the long run, because I imagine him getting them to cover up scars, especially those left by Roba and his men. It's his way of reclaiming his body. The motive itself often isn't as important as the fact that he chose to have it put at that spot. The meaning isn't in the design either it's in the fact that it was his decision to wear it, unlike the scars that were forced upon him.
And then there's Soap, he's only got the one tattoo that we know, at least when he meets Ghost.
Its faded from sunlight exposure and because he never took proper care of it while it healed, even caught himself scratching it once or twice when the itching started. Its always exposed and he rarely thinks of putting sunscreen on, so naturally the tattoo has a hard time and the colour fades quick.
So at some point Ghost asks him if he wants it touched up. He's making an appointment with the artist he trusts anyways and he'd be happy to bring him along. Ghost knows that for Soap his tattoo does have meaning, that he's fucking proud to have made it into the SAS and that he got kinda sad comparing the crisp lines of Ghost's tattoos to his own.
Soap ends up agreeing although he's wary since he can't see it go better than it did last time. But if anything the fact that Ghost is allowing him to come along for this is such a huge sign of trust that he just can't refuse it.
And Ghost's tattoo artist is going to have to recover for a moment because Soap is so fucking chatty compared to Ghost, the pain is kinda exciting to him so he talks more and more and the artist hears more words out of Ghost in response to Johnny than he ever did before. Would wonder if it was the same man if they weren't literally continuing work on a tattoo they had started.
Once they are both done Ghost makes sure Soap takes proper care of the new ink. Threatens to tie him to the bed if he starts scratching at night (something Soap finds entirely too exciting). Shares his care products with him and makes him wrap it up for the first weeks and months. Is always at hand with some sun screen, at least for the arm, even when they are in the middle of nowhere. It's worth the trouble to squeeze some sun screen in his pack when he gets to see Johnny so happy about how good his tattoo looks again.
And once he sees how a properly taken care of piece will look Soap wants more. Ends up accompanying Ghost to the studio whenever he goes.
He's creative, most of what ends up on him is based on his own sketches, always with meaning behind it for him. The next thing he gets is a certain skull based on a specific mask that he wears close to his heart (making Ghost go through emotions he wasn't aware he was capable of having). He also helps Ghost with giving some of his ideas form often redrawing endless variations to make sure Simon doesn't just pick one that seems okay and fitting for its purpose but one he really likes to look at too. Poor man almost loses it when he sees one of his sketches inked on Ghost for the first time and its a good thing they are on leave because he's not gonna let him out of their bed any time soon. Purely to protect the new ink from the sun of course.
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hellhound5925 · 8 months
One shot - Sargent Hunter
A little something fun while I work on part three of “it’s better this way”
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Warnings: 18+ (I'm always gunna say that just to be safe), mostly fluff
“I’ve never brought anyone home before”
This is super out of any and all context but lets assume the Clone war ended happy. Hunter met a girl he really likes (who he has been with for a while) and he never thought anything of her not having a family. Let's be honest, the war destroyed a lot of them but don't worry this fic isn't about that. Our female character here does however, have someone who is very special to her and shes dying for Hunter to meet them! Also @lune-de-miel-au-paradis gave me this idea so this fic so this goes out to her and thanks to @cloneloverrrrr for the assist 🫡 you guys are awesome!
I don't want to give too much away so lets get right into it...
Standing at the door to my apartment I hesitate to open the door. It's not like this wasn't my idea because it was, but now I'm nervous. What if Hunter doesn't like him? What if he doesn't like Hunter? They both just mean to so much to me, I just need this to go well...
"Mesh'la? Everything okay?" Hunter's voice pulls me from my thoughts.
I spin around and face him, our faces only inches apart. "I really need this to go well. I'm not really worried about you, I'm more worried about how he will react. I've never brought anyone home before."
"Well I'm sure whoever he is, will see how much I care about you and understand" he explains wrapping his arms around my waist, his hands find their home in the small of my back. I can't help but reach for his face, placing both hands on his cheeks and run my thumb over his tattooed face.
"I'm not so sure it would be that simple..." I trail off. Hunter has no idea who he is about to meet and once he does it will probably make more sense. We stand there for a moment, locked in one another's gaze. His eyes are so gentle and warm, sometimes I have a hard time imagining him fighting a war.
I pull him close and give him a quick peck on the lips, "Alright ready?" He offers a nod in response.
Spinning around, I reach into my pocket for my keys and unlock the door. It creaks as it opens altering to the occupants that someone is entering. I push open the door further and reach behind me for Hunter's hand which he doesn't hesitate to take. The two of us enter together, shutting the door behind. I chuckle and glance back to see the look on his face that tell me he's confused. His eye brows are knitted together as he glances between me and my seemingly empty apartment.
"I though you said he would be here. There's no one here."
I can't help giggle as butterflies dance around in my stomach. His senses can alert him to just about anything but he still hasn't figured it out yet.
"Please keep an open mind"
At the sound of my voice, there's a thud and the sound pitter patter of small careful steps can be heard coming from my bedroom. From where Hunter's standing the view of my door is likely blocked by me and my couch. I get down on my knees and drag him to the floor with me. A small *prrrt* comes from behind said couch.
"Come here! It's okay buddy, I brought someone I'd like you to meet" I say speaking softly.
He poke his head head around the corner of the couch and his little hazel eyes flick between us. I can understand his hesitation, Hunter isn't an overly large man but compared to him...
"A cat?" Hunter's voice comes from over my shoulder. He still sounds so confused.
"I told you to keep an open mind" I chuckle and turn to face him, "Remember how I told you, I feel like we all have some kind of soulmate that might not necessarily be human?"
He doesn't take his eyes of the small creature hiding himself behind the couch, "Uh...yeah?"
"This is him! This is Rufus!" I say with pride. Hunter's eyes meet mine and the confusion seems to be gone. A smirk tugs at the corner of his lips.
"So you're telling me I'm going to have to compete with a cat for your attention?"
My mouth drops open and I smack him on the shoulder, not thinking about Rufus. We both quickly look over and notice he isn't behind the couch.
"Now look at what you've done" he teases.
I give him a look but notice he's not looking at me, he's looking on the other side of me. As I put one hand on the floor to turn myself the other way, something furry rubs my arm. Glancing over Rufus is looking up and me and offers another *prrt* before purring. He rubs back and forth on me for a few moments paying no mind to Hunter who watches quietly. A smile spreads across my face at the sight of him just watching Rufus, taking it all in.
"Do you want anything? Some water?" I ask not really wanting to know if he wants something but looking for a reason to give him some one on one.
Hunter's eyes flick back to me momentarily, "Uh no, I'm alright thanks." I nod before getting up and heading towards the kitchen, just out of their line of sight.
Grabbing myself a glass of water, I stand there for a few minutes and decide to sneak a glance in the other room. The scene before me is exactly what I was hoping for. Hunter has made himself comfortable on the couch and I watch as Rufus jumps up on the armrest before hopping on the cushion, disappearing from my sight behind the backrest. Stepping back towards the sink, I place my glass inside before heading back into the living room.
When I enter the living room, Hunter is looking down at his lap. Not wanting to disturb whatever is going on, I find my place behind Hunter, resting my elbows on the back of the couch on their side of him. Rufus is curled up in his lap, his little golden eyes looking up at the two of us. Hunter reaches out slowly and gently pats him on the head. At the contact, Rufus closes his eyes and I can’t help but giggle.
“What?” Hunter gets defensive. I cover my mouth with one hand and try not to laugh out loud. The interaction is awkward and unbelievably adorable. The war hardened soldier interacting with a small creature in a way a child does when seeing one for the first time.
Sliding one hand over his shoulder to his chest, I can feel how tense he is. I lean my head into the side of his and whisper in his ear, “You’re not going to hurt him you know.” He huffs a sigh, gently scratching the top of Rufus’ head, who is purring quite loudly at this point. My other hand finds its way to Hunter chest and at this point I finally feel him relax.
The sense of calm floating through the room right now is something I will forever cherish, both of soulmates finally meeting. I notice Hunter pause his movements before turning to face me, “Mesh’la were you worried he would not like me or the other way around?”
I can’t help the relief that washes over me, escaping as a content sigh. Finally I answer him, “Maybe…but I can see you both will get along just fine.” Patting his chest, I place a kiss on his cheek before joining him on the couch.
Taglist: @cloneloverrrrr @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @idoubleswearimawriter @maybethatfanfictionwriter
@savebytheodore @savebytheodoresnonjosestuff @jediknightjana @techs-goggles9902 @clonethirstingisreal
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Sorry I didn't want to give too much away in the summary because I liked the idea of a surprise! On that note, I really do believe that we all have an animal soulmate out there and mine currently lives with me. He's been with me for the last 10 years, through highschool, moved away to college with me, was with me when I got married, we got out first apartment, and our first house. He really is something special to me and I wanted to honor him in a fic! I hope you enjoyed 😊
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mactavishwritings · 9 months
Fresh Ink part four
Simon 'Ghost' Riley x tattoo artist!reader
getting my tattoo made me wanna write a new part of this
tw: violence, blood, wounds, signs of PTSD, kidnapping, guns
part one | part two | part three | part four
It was Emma who found the card on the ground. She was confused at first, opening the shop up like normal. She set the card on the front desk along with the coffee she got for you both each morning. Emma grabbed your coffee before walking towards your studio room. She set the coffee down on the counter and looked around confused. Not only were you not there, but your station wasn't set up either. Your car was there, however, which worried her more. She went into the other studio room, which belonged to the other artist that you had hired.
Peaking her head into the room, she saw that the other artist, Henry, hadn't gotten in yet. She sighed, trying to calm her nerves. 'She must be in the bathroom.' Emma tried to convince herself, sitting down at the front desk. She picked up the card she found outside when Henry walked in the front door. "Hey Emma cake, how's it going?" Henry slapped his hand on the desk and gave her a concerned look. "I'm not sure. I haven't seen (Y/N) yet, but her car is here. I also found this card outside and it just seems so weird." Emma grabbed her phone and dialed Simon.
Simon was on base, helping Price train a new batch of recruits. He was standing behind them as they practiced firing weapons. He felt his pocket vibrate and took a quick peek at his phone. When he saw that Emma was calling him, he felt his heart drop. Emma very rarely contacted him, the only time he could recall that she had before was when you got hurt. "Price gotta step out for a minute." Simon showed the man his phone screen before jogging out of the room. "Hey Emma, what's up? Is everything okay?" He was quick to ask and immediately picked up on the concern in her voice. "Well, something weird is happening. (Y/N)'s car is here but she isn't. We've been looking for her everywhere and can't find her. The only thing we found was a black ace card?" Simon's stomach dropped and he immediately whipped his head towards Price. "Was there a note anywhere? With a black snake?" Simon said loud enough for Price to hear as he approached the man.
Emma looked around the doorway and saw a piece of paper she had missed before. "Uh yeah actually! Why? What happened to her?" Emma rushed back to the front desk. "We're on our way. Did she ever get those cameras installed?" Simon asked as he rushed to gather the rest of the team while Price went to inform Kate. "Yeah, she did, like last week. I'll get it pulled up by the time you guys get here."
After briefing the team, the ride over to the shop was eerie. Tense energy came from Simon, no one daring to speak. All he thought on the way there was the worst-case scenario. He knew that the team wouldn't stop until they brought you home. He knew that, but his mind brought him to the dark places that you worked so hard to bring him out of it. He worried that he wouldn't get to you in time, that you were being put into pain beyond imaginable. His knuckles were a bright white from holding onto his tactical vest as the truck rolled up to the tattoo parlor. Your tattoo parlor. The team started to make a perimeter around the surrounding area. Simon went inside the shop and Emma hugged the tall man immediately. "I wasn't sure what to do or who to call. We thought she might've been in the bathroom, but when I checked the camera footage. I think you're gonna wanna see for yourself."
Simon was handed the iPad that held the footage and moved to Price could watch the scene as well. The two men watched as you walked up to the door, paused, picked up something, and then a black van pulled up behind you. Simon felt a small sense of pride as you fought back against the arms that pulled you into the truck. You kicked and thrashed against them, but they managed to get you in. Simon's throat produced a guttural growl and he almost punched a hole in the wall but Soap stopped his arm, pulling him back. "We will find her. We know, at least, who took her. Let's get to work, L.t." Soap grabbed Simon's vest and shook him a little. They all regrouped and exchanged what little information they were able to gather. Simon was starting to get antsy and impatient and the team could tell. They wanted to get you back as soon as they were able, but it would be a suicide mission to just attack without a plan.
When your eyes opened, the first thing you noticed was a ringing in your ears. You tried to lift your hands to cradle your head, but they were tied down to a chair, bound by a tight rope. You pulled harder against the binds, but they didn't budge. A panic rose from your stomach, and you felt tears pool in your eyes. You knew that Simon was trained to handle being a prisoner of war, a hostage, but you weren't. You were just a citizen, having no training to pull back on. Tears rolled down your cheeks, fighting against the ropes. The door to the room you were being held in opened. You immediately flinched hard, trying to put as much distance between you and the man who waltzed in. He was vaguely familiar, but you weren't sure where from. "I've seen you before. Where?" You spoke out loud and the man laughed. "Your companion did a beautiful piece for me recently." Your eyes almost blew out of your head when it hit you. Henry had talked about that piece for weeks prior to doing it. It was while Simon was on a mission, probably trying to track the same man down.
"I don't know what you want with me, but whatever it is does not involve me." You begged, not sure what else to do. "I am sure it does." The man picked up a tool from the table that was just in the peripheral vision of your vision. You could see it enough to barely make out what the tool was. "Don't you worry too hard. I know that's probably hard for you to do anyway." The unnamed man patted your head and you flinched hard. "Don't touch me!" You cried harder, pulling away from him. The fear you felt in your body was something you had never experienced before. You were shaking with adrenaline or fear, you couldn't tell. You silently prayed, to anything that could hear you, desperately begging for your life. As the man came around to your front, you were finally able to make out what he grabbed from the table. It was a weighty knife, jagged near the handle, and colored black. "Do you know why I had the maker color this baby black for me?" You sobbed out, pushing back away from him.
"So the blood stands out more," he stated before driving the knife down into your thigh.
Simon was leading the tactical group, using the night as cover. His night vision goggles sat on the bridge of his nose, connected to his helmet. He felt a tap on his back, signaling that the team had made it across the opening without issue. The team was positioned outside of a large building, an old factory that had been abandoned and recently purchased by a false name. You were most likely being held hostage here and Simon's heart was pounding. The team got up to the main entrance and breached the door. The team's movement through the hallway was precise and studied. No misstep was taken as they cleared each room they passed. Simon caught himself being sloppy, mind wondering to what state he was going to find you in. He felt as though his gear weighed 30 more pounds than it had on previous missions.
The team climbed the stairs and shot down the guards who walked through the halls. There was a turn at the end of the hall and only two doors. There was something in Simon's body that told him you were in the closer door. It was almost as if he could feel your heartbeat guiding him to you, bringing him to his love. He braced himself against the wall and took a breath. He shut his eyes tightly before nodding to Gaz, who threw the battering ram against the door, right under the handle. The door flew open and Simon rushed in, his gun held high. His eyes immediately went to your limp body, taking in the harsh rise and fall of your chest. You were alive, barely, but seriously injured. Deep cuts scattered across your body, and your clothes were ripped apart and barely covering you.
Behind you stood your captor, holding a pistol to your head. "Drop the weapon. Now!" Simon shouted and the man chuckled. "Now! I have clearance to drop you right now. Put it down!" The man got closer to you and pulled your head up by your hair. Simon's fingers ached from his tight hold on his weapon. "You think that I care about dying? I stopped caring when I picked up this pretty little thing." He tapped the side of your face with his own loaded gun, almost purposefully showing off the glint of the bullets loaded into the chamber to Simon. Simon's eyes dropped quickly to your body. He wanted nothing more than to scoop you up and feel your heartbeat. "Touch her again and I'll shoot your fingers off one by one," Simon growls and the man steps back, hands coming up behind his head, fingers interlacing. The rest of the team came forward to zip-tie his hands together. "I am the angel of the darkness. We are all hidden and will show the world our powers from beyond the shadows. You will see us again."
Simon took note of the man's words before cutting through your binds. Your body fell forward against his chest and he pulled you closer, lifting your legs up as well to carry you out of the room. "Alpha 11-8, we got her. Need a helo and a medic on that evac." Simon spoke into his radio, alerting Price and Laswell that you were safe. The team brought you to the waiting helo and the medic laid you down on the stretcher to take a look at you securely on the ride to the base. The entire ride back, Simon was holding your hand tightly.
When you woke for the second time, the ringing had died. You smelled cleaning supplies instead of blood and musk. You still felt panic, unsure of your surroundings. Was this a trick? Were they making you believe you were safe as a new twisted form of torture? You heard the heart rate monitor beep louder, and faster, as you pushed yourself up and against the frame of the hospital bed. Your arms were strapped down and your mind went to the rope that held you down in the first place. "Woah, (Y/N)! Breath baby. You're safe." You heard a voice and fat tears rolled down your cheeks. "I don't know anything! Please! Let me go!" You thrashed around the bed, trying desperately to rip the straps off your arms. All the I.V. needles in your arms were knocked loose from your arms and started to slightly bleed. Suddenly, you were surrounded by men in white clothes and you screamed out more. Eyes screwed shut as you were injected with a clear fluid. You felt your body tense before involuntarily relaxing, feeling the muscle relaxer take hold of you. A woman appeared in your view, dressed in white but with no surgical mask covering her face like the others.
"Honey, you are no longer beyond enemy lines. You are safe here. Breath." She reached out and rubbed your chest with enough force to ground you. The sight of another woman with those kind words did help you breathe a little more evenly. You curled your body around her outstretched arm and she took you into her arms. You felt another hand reach out and rub your back. You turned your head out and saw Simon looking at you. He had his mask on but you were able to pick up on the relief in his eyes. "Si…" You gasped for air as you tried to reach out for him, but your arms were still pinned down. "Please…unite me please." You begged the nurse and she smiled warmly. "You promise you aren't going to fight us?" You frantically nodded and she undid the latch on your arms. Once you were unpinned, you practically leaped into Simon's arms. He had to force you back down onto the bed.
"I got you, baby girl. I swear to god I will make this up to you." Simon whispered in your hair as the doctors and nurses emptied the room. Once you were alone, you desperately pulled at his mask, needing his lips on yours. He thankfully got the hint and pulled his mask up enough to expose his lips and kissed you with the same amount of need you poured into him.
"I will tear him and that goddamn cult apart with my bare hands. I'm sorry for letting this happen." You shook your head, not wanting to talk more about it. "Just hold me please."
"I will never let you go."
maybe smut in the next part?
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sanctus-ingenium · 10 months
answering asks vol 2.
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'Smiths' can encompass enginesmiths (mercury), armoursmiths (mars), alchemists (saturn) and some others - generally a smith is someone who works with engines or metal in any capacity, whether by constructing them, managing their fuel, making armour, etc. all of them have a completely degendered role in the church. They are supposed to be wholly devoted to their craft & church, to the point of becoming almost unpeople, sexless.
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I like pantera :) he's the main character beast sure (alongside leun) but he's got a lot of interesting history and has been through a lot.
To start out I do some basic sketches while looking at bestiary diagrams of the animal type. Then I draw the base proportions over a photo of the animal's skeleton. Once the joints are all in place and I could imagine it moving relatively freely, I pick a motif and design the armour shapes with that in mind (i.e leun's trefoils, taurus's waves). The motifs come from a bunch of sources - if I see them in medieval art around that animal, the beast's use purpose, the culture that built them and how it might differ in art styles to the 'basic' designs from the heart of the Mezian theocracy. Fun stuff like that.
As an exercise I have taken (human) characters from other settings and made holy beast versions of them, trying to imagine what animal it would be, what weapons, what armour designs, etc. Behold, Bowman:
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It's a fun exercise! I recommend :>
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Hi! Thank you for the suggestion! I actually did try to use OneNote for my thesis but I found that it ended up an extra step that got in the way. Instead I organised my reference papers manually (and wrote up all my bibliography by hand as well). I haven't heard of Notion so I might look into it :> as someone with adhd I find that the best way for me is to make it stupid easy, which is why discord works because I already use it for talking with friends and I like the mobile app.
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SO true!! You can make whatever the hell you want forever and that sounds really cool, I'm glad I was able to help in some little way >:) (although, holy beasts are not robots.. i think the best description for them is just. exotic vehicles.)
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lmao it's totally fine!! I love to talk
Sir Heaven had such a profoundly negative experience with Leun that he struggles with the concept of making anybody else do what he now considers to be his burden. He also feels that taking any new people inside Leun would endanger them.
The bishop of Salvius cathedral is the guy Heaven answers to, and his superior officer. The bishop has reported the matter to the pope and they're still working hard presenting new potential novices to Sir Heaven, but the thing is that Sir Heaven rejects them for seemingly valid reasons. He doesn't just say 'no I'm not taking apprentices', he says 'this one's reaction speed isn't good enough' or 'this one is too prideful'. But the longer he tries to keep this up, the more suspicion he heaps on his shoulders. If the time came, no, he would not be able to deny a direct order from the pope.
Ketjan was selected at random, one of a large group of other children who were not raised in the church. This is to ensure that there is no per-existing bias or knowledge of how holy beasts work. And he just happened to be the only one of the group who could master Leun's very demanding dialogue tattoo. The recruiting enginesmiths, who designed Leun's systems, were the ones to train him, but Ketjan was the one to write most of the procedures for operating Leun based on feedback from the dialogue.
Replies from THIS post:
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@ospreyonthemoon @kicks-tiktaalik-back-into-water
Krokodilos had an amazing high-tech ventilation system that used active air pumps to keep it circulating. But exactly like the second reply says, it broke down frequently. And because of how it worked, the interior of croc had to be air-tight so that the pumps could work efficiently. And, of course, if it broke down, and it was air tight on the inside, it instantly became a more dangerous deathtrap than your average passively ventilated beast.
There were valves that could be opened in an emergency but these were only added after the first Incident. The pumps would break down from the fabric seals degrading, lose efficacy, and then the parts furthest from the pumps would suddenly not get enough air anymore because air couldn't be moved such a distance with faulty pumps. The reason his enginesmiths want him to be re-commissioned is because the only barrier was the material used for the seals, and they believe they can innovate some new materials or try something different and have it work. They were even thinking of trying natural rubber, which would have worked perfectly, but they never got approval for it.
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theroyalsims · 4 months
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Lovebirds Anya and Gus were once again photographed holding hands, this time while strolling around the Harbour District here in the city.
Gus, Anya's new-old-boyfriend (a.k.a her first love), seem to be unfazed by the massive media scrutiny and attention they've both been receiving, after going public with their relationship.
While many royal watchers seem to approve of down-to-earth Gus, what with his seeming love for flannel, unkempt hair, bushy beard and lowly work boots, Anya's new boyfriend has also ruffled some feathers, especially those within the "institution."
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A well-placed palace source reveals that there have been some concerns about how Gus might not be the right guy for Anya:
"He seems very... simple, very 'everyman' type, if you will. Now, most people might think that's adorable, you know, future Queen slumming it with a man in flannel and denim and all that, but it's already causing trouble within the palace walls."
"As early as now, there are some growing concerns about Gus and whether he's the right man for Anya. They have history, yes, but they did also break-up at one point. What was the problem that they had to go their separate ways? That right here might be an indication that this relationship will again break down."
"And then of course, there's Gus himself - he's no longer just Anya's teenage love... he's evolved into this lumberjack-looking wall of tattooed muscle with his messy beard, wrinkled clothes, and long hair. People at court just cannot imagine him attending a state banquet or a formal reception. They're worried he might trudge around in his muddy work boots, and soil the carpets."
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Speaking of muddy boots, the "concerns' about Gus and his fashion sense might have some weight to it. For yesterday's date, Gus chose a red flannel shirt, which he paired with his go-to jeans and very, very muddy work boots. His long hair was at least kept neat in a man-bun. His rough look was in stark contrast to Anya, who opted for a simple white shirt, skinny jeans and §1,700 slingbacks.
Just as the source shared, people online are already split about Gus. One commenter wrote:
"FFS, how hard is it to clean off the mud? I get that you're looking for the humble, blue collar vibe, but really? You're going out IN PUBLIC with a freaking FUTURE QUEEN. The least you can do is look presentable. Maybe iron that shirt, wear something else other than your work clothes. You're going on a DATE, not to one of your construction sites."
Another posted:
"Maaan. Anya traded down. Mario was kinda psycho stalkerish, but at least the man knew how to look good. Come to think of it, even the boxer vet was a better dresser than this bloke. I don't get the appeal. I like my guys looking like they've showered... or at least heard of soap... and maybe buy clothes from real shops, not just thrift stores or their dad's closet."
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Meanwhile, some were also quick to defend Anya and Gus from the bashers:
"THIS is exactly why Anya fights super hard to keep her private life out of the public eye. She's finally comfortable enough to flaunt their love and people are nitpicking again, questioning her choices and tearing down her boyfriend. For what? Some mud on his boots. Ridiculous. He's insanely handsome, like a romance novel hero come to life! What are y'all talking about? And the only thing I think should be improved is his beard - it's a shame because the scruff is hiding his lovely dimples! A bit of a trim should do the trick! "
Another Anya fan wrote:
"If people could just back off and let the poor girl and her man breathe! Why are you all so triggered? You're not dating him, she is! If she likes him the way he is, who are you to say otherwise? Anya really can't do anything right... when she's single, she's being pressured to find a man and pop a baby. Now that she's dating, she's being told that she's dating the wrong guy. And for those claiming that he's a no-good gold-digger, please! I'm Tartosan. The man's company is huge and the guy is loaded. I think Anya looks happy - they both look very happy, and at the end of the day, that's what counts.""
Will Gus' lifestyle really be an issue? And considering their previous break-up, is history bound to repeat itself? For what it's worth, Anya does seem very happy and very secure in their newly-rekindled love. I guess only time will tell if these two have staying power the second time around.
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eldrigeonsss · 7 months
Favorite fnc au, go
I was told not to overthink this, and then proceeded to overthink it completely-
I went on a fucking heroes journey trying to answer this ask, and though I know in my heart that anon just wanted a tiny glimpse into my brain, my ass was thinking far too much for a cohesive thought.
So here’s a couple that have been on the mind, fnc-centric
- Wild West AU
Yes, I’m also working on a Wild West AU for Ethersea, no you can never have too many cowboy aus. I’ve not done anything about this, I’m just thinking very hard about it, bc outlaws are literally land pirates. Anyways imagine you’re a bounty hunter Chip, going to bust some outlaws smuggling some stuff, and find a captive fish-man who seems way too feral for his own good. Imagine you end up recruiting this fish-man to help you hunt but immediately find out that whatever this guy is involved in, it goes WAY deeper than just getting unlucky and getting taken captive by some lowlife thugs. Shenanigans.
- Spaceship AU
(If you’ve ever listened to Swan Song by The Mechanisms, you get it) Chip finds this battered, strangely-shaped ship while stranded on a planet, and ends up stealing it, later discovering that the ship is powered by the mind of a long-dead champion named Gillion. Time for some space adventures! No tragedy here ahah :3 how much can it possibly hurt to fall in love with someone that you know you’ll never truly get to touch?
- Old Tattoo (the coffee shop au that lost its way)
This one’s literally just a self-indulgent (fully projecting) modern au where the albatrio are all adults trying to live a normal fucking life, while the universe is trying super hard to put them back together. (Soulmates frrrr) They eventually become roomates, and are also pulled into various schemes cooked up by Old Man Earl, as normalcy slowly begins to lose its meaning. They’re all trans, they’re all mentally ill, and they’re all vaguely aware of the fact that they knew each other in a past life. This one’s fnc-centric I think, unless PolyPirates demands it becomes known, and in that case I cannot stop it. I don’t control my writing my writing controls me.
Stone Age AU
This one requires knowledge of the Just Rolled What If: Stone Age session for it to truly make sense, but if you don’t have access to it, just imagine; what if there was timeline shenanigans a la spiderverse? Essentially, the crew of the Stone Age timeline fucked up in their world, and jeopardized multiple other universes. Chip and Jay from this world are completely immoral, and Gillion is trying his best to fix what they have done, while swearing an oath to kill his Chip and Jay. Stone!Chip and regular timeline Chip swap places, and while Stone!Chip learns of what could have been had things been different, the family he missed out on, regular Chip meets a broken and battered Gillion, devoid of that spark he’d grown familiar to. This au is mostly angst. I wanna talk more about it but I’d want that to be it’s own post (or fic)
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alloftheimagines · 2 years
eddie munson | livewire
masterlist | request | ko-fi
words: 2.2k
warnings: 18+
sexual harassment, alcohol, mentions of drugs, general horniness but no smut, bassist!reader x smitten!eddie, mostly just mutual but hidden pining and some jealousy
prompt(s): Can I PLLLEEEEASSSEEE request something with Eddie Munson and a Fem reader who is really punk rock, and is in her own band!
Eddie and y/n just started talking at a party and they’re both interested in each other. The girl’s pretty popular so every guy wants to date her but she’s not really interested in any of them. They’re a bit drunk and one guy try to kiss her and everything and when she turns him down, he tells her the thing Daniel said to Cassie in the season 1 of euphoria (you’re so fucking boring… every guy who’s interested in you beyond just fucking you is full of shit) and Eddie comes at her defense. Maybe you could make them get close in the end idk.!! I hope you think it’s a good idea and thank you for your work ☺️🥰
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Eddie Munson’s life has been a little more difficult than usual since you joined his band, Corroded Coffin, three months ago… for several reasons.
The first: you’re the worst. You scoff at his jokes. Make sarcastic quips about his haircut, how he’s an Ozzy-wannabe, how he missed that chord in the last run-through.
The second: he’s completely fucking obsessed with you. Partly because of your carefree, deadpan attitude and bone-dry wit, but also because… well, there isn’t enough paper in the world to write down all the things he loves about you. You’re super hot, for starters, all grunge with piercings, tattoos, and an attitude. The type of woman he’d elope with at the drop of a hat because he knows there’s nobody in the world cooler or more metal. But there’s also the way you strum your damn bass guitar. The way you get so lost in the music that your eyes close and your face does this thing that, fine, he might imagine as your orgasm face when he’s alone in his room at night, thinking of you.
And your fingers. They move roughly and produce magic. The band was shit before you. Now, it’s pretty damn rad, and he’s not afraid to admit you’re the reason.
Tonight he finds a third reason as to why you make his life more difficult, and that’s the way his stomach burns hot when he sees you talking to the stagehand before your gig. The place stinks of stale beer and weed and he’s certain that, behind the curtain, there are probably less than twenty people waiting to hear them play. And it’s pretty obvious you don’t belong in a seedy bar just outside of Hawkins, talking to a sweaty stagehand with an oily smirk that leaves Eddie unsettled. 
But there you are. And there Eddie is, on the outside. You laugh at something the stagehand says, and Eddie’s jaw clenches. You’ve never laughed with him like that, no matter how hard he tries to match your humour. He goes back to tuning his guitar, hoping it might tune you out, too. He hums the lyrics of their first song just to make sure he remembers them. Only he doesn’t, and he ends up mumbling some bullshit instead. He can’t fucking concentrate on anything but his tight chest. The want he feels for you, and the want you’ll never feel for him.
“Get a grip, Munson,” he mutters to himself, yanking his guitar off with a huff and propping it against the amp. He scratches his jaw roughly, restless, and not in the usual way he is before gigs. This isn’t excitement. This is plain old jealousy. He hates himself for it. 
And he can’t help it. He looks over his shoulder again, just once. You’re not laughing anymore. In fact, the look of disgust on your face is clear, because it’s usually reserved for him. He frowns — until the stagehand brushes his hand up your arm, right to your neck. Your chin. 
You step back. “What are you doing?”
Eddie moves closer so he can better hear the conversation.
“Oh, come on.” The stagehand runs a finger through the ends of your dyed hair. “You don’t want to get warmed up before the show?”
You pale, and it’s all it takes for Eddie to spring into action. He marches over, hands balling into fists. But it happens in slow motion. The stagehand tries to corner you, his wandering hands inching towards your breasts. And you… well, you do what Eddie had intended. You slap him. 
“I didn’t say you could touch me, asshole,” you ground out. Eddie comes to a stop in front of you, speechless. 
“Fuck. Are you okay?”
The stagehand’s nostrils flare, his face full of contempt. A man who isn’t used to being fought back. “Wow. Didn’t take you as a boring fucking prude.”
Eddie sees red, not just at the words, but the way they’re said. He shoves the stagehand back, wedging himself between you and him. “Don’t fucking —”
“Eddie. Let it go. He’s not worth it.” You yank him away by the sleeve of his leather jacket, but Eddie is reluctant to let anything go. He’s shaking with anger, even if you don’t seem rattled in the slightest. You might be a pain in his ass, but you don’t deserve this. Nobody does, but… god, not you. 
“Eddie.” Your tone becomes terse: a command rather than a plea. Eddie sucks in a ragged breath, scowling at the stagehand a final time. 
“If I see you talking to or laying a hand on her or anyone else like that again, I’ll fucking make you wish you hadn’t. Asshole.”
Your tug is tough now, and finally, he stumbles away with you. “What the fuck? I’m not going to let him talk to you like that. Jesus Christ.”
“I can fight my own battles, Munson.” Your eyes are stony as ever as they run across Eddie. “You’re not my knight in shining armour. Now let. It. Go. He’s learnt his lesson.” You survey the stagehand, a shimmer of pride in your eyes at his venomous scowl across the room. And that’s it. You cross your arms; walk away to join the rest of the band. You sling the strap of your bass guitar across your shoulder, and Eddie watches like a lost puppy. He can’t even help you right, it seems. 
But he does as you say. He lets it go, not without a final narrowing of his eyes at the slimy bastard. And he can’t pretend that he isn’t a little bit turned on by the way nothing fazes you, even when it bugs him to no end. He just wants to be the exception, but he’s found nothing is. You walk around like nothing ever bothers you. Like you feel nothing.
And he… he feels everything.
Eddie always feels like a livewire on stage, and tonight, he most definitely has some excess energy to burn. He slips into his own bubble as he plays, jumping on the stage so hard he wonders if the wood might collapse under his feet. It’s easy to forget about you until the riff of one of his favourite songs comes, the part where the two of you always compete for the best runs. He sticks his tongue out just like he’s seen on MTV, muscle memory pulling him towards you as his riffs grow in pitch and tempo, his fingers dancing along the length of the fretboard. His fingers will be torn up tomorrow, but he doesn’t care. Not when he glimpses you joining in, bathing in the golden spotlight like you’re the only person in the world. You’re slick with sweat, your heavy eye makeup running, but it only makes you more metal. Sexier. And god, he can’t help it. Watching you get so into your music gives him a damn hard-on behind his guitar. You lift your gaze, stepping out of the spotlight to square up to him. A small grin curls across your face as you play louder, faster. It’s like fucking foreplay, this part of the show, and when it reaches its climax —
You meet his gaze, and he’s certain it’s hunger he sees there. Or maybe that’s just wishful thinking. Either way, his smile widens as he writhes and squirms with the notes, licking hips lips before pressing his back to yours. His shoulders and spine tingle with the contact, even through all the layers of leather and denim keeping you apart. And he swears to god, there has never been anything better than this. It’s the only time he can truly be allowed into your world, when he plays with you. It’s the only way you communicate with him without barriers or glares or barbed insults. He soaks up every minute of it, because he finally feels as though he knows you in these moments. As if he sees you. And you see him. And he lets you.
So you keep playing together, and the rest of the world becomes nothing.
Performing gives you a better high than any drug you’ve ever taken. You leave the stage trembling and sweaty and raw, somehow. Your entire body is just nerve endings, sparking, an electricity cable chopped in half. 
But there’s something more tonight. The guys cheer as they get backstage, high-fiving and hugging, because you all know it’s the best show you’ve ever done, even if not many people were there to see it.
Eddie is the last, and his cheeks are swollen and dimpled with a gigantic grin, his eyes wild and his hair mussed. “Fuck, yes!” he shouts, sticking his tongue out and lifting his arms in the air. “Fucking. Epic. Best show yet!”
You scrape your hair back, still breathless. Your core is still burning from that riff off. It always turns you on, the way Eddie strums. You can’t imagine how well his deft fingers would run across his body. How his thrusts would turn as manic as they do in the song’s climax if he buried himself inside you.
God, you crave him. You chat with the guys a few moments longer before packing up your guitar and taking a sip of the lukewarm beer you’d opened before going on stage. 
“You were pretty fucking awesome onstage tonight.” Eddie is beside you suddenly. “Not that you’re not always awesome, but… the energy was just electric, huh?”
“We were gonna go get a drink or two at the bar. Are you coming?”
You’re not sure you can. You need release. You’re throbbing with how badly you need it. All that pent-up energy. Playing usually gives you what you need, but you’re more wound up tonight, still thinking about how Eddie’s tongue reaches his chin when he’s really concentrating. And the way he was so quick to defend you earlier.
Not that you needed him to. But still… having someone fight your battles for you isn’t something you’re used to, and it felt… okay. 
“I don’t know, Munson. Got some things to take care of.”
Eddie’s brows draw together. “Is it about earlier?” He glances across the room. The stagehand is nowhere in sight, though, thank god. “Look, I’m really sorry if I stepped on your toes or whatever. I was just trying to help. That guy was an ass, and —”
“I’m over it,” you lie. “Honestly. I just have some things to take care of.”
“Like what?”
Like my raging fucking lust, you almost spit, but the last thing you want to do is boost his ego. Give him ideas. Even if the thought of pulling him into the nearest bathroom and ripping off his clothes crosses your mind. 
“Just stuff.” You feign nonchalance, crouching to fasten your guitar case. 
Eddie sighs and scratches his head, leaning against the wall with one foot crossed over the other. He looks… hurt. “Is it always gonna be like this?”
You freeze finally. “Like what?”
He motions between the two of you. “You know. Like this. Like, I’m trying to buy you a drink and you want absolutely nothing to do with me outside of the band.”
You shake your head at that. “You used to getting your own way, huh, Munson?”
“With you? Never.” A smirk crosses his face, and you can’t help but return it. “I just… I was sort of hoping you might let me buy you a drink one of these days. Feels like you don’t really want to be part of the band.”
“I don’t. I’m just biding my time until a less suckier one comes along.” You’re teasing, and you smile up at him to make sure he knows it. Corroded Coffin might be mocked and ignored, and you might always be destined for grimy bars and small audiences, but playing bass with the guys, with Eddie, is the only time you ever really feel… anything. Like you’re flatlining, and the music revives you. It’s not the same on your own. You’ve tried it. It’s the way everything comes together when you all play. The way you and Eddie dance around on stage, bouncing off one another and being as dramatic, as metal, as humanly possible while you headbang and pull those fucking guitar faces, your hips always pointing towards each other as though wanting to meet. 
“I’m hurt.” He clutches his chest, rooting you to the spot with those puppy dog eyes of his. “Devastated, even.”
“You’ll get over it.”
“Corroded Coffin won’t. You’re the best bass player in Indiana.”
“Trying to climb up my ass now, Munson?” Still, you try not to blush at the compliment. It’s not that you don’t know you’re good. It’s just that the idea of him thinking so… it takes you right back to that stage. Your place in the world. One you get to share with somebody when you spend the rest of your life alone. 
Eddie lets out a “Pfft.”You’re gonna like me one of these days, Y/N. Just wait.”
You bat your lashes at him innocently. “Don’t hold your breath.”
But he smirks, and he clasps his hands together, his silver rings glinting in the light. “Just one drink. C’mon. Doesn’t even have to be here.”
Right. Because the outskirts of Hawkins are rife with nightlife. You roll your eyes, tucking your hair behind your ear. “Fine. One drink.”
He beams like you’ve given him the best gift in the world, and then he takes your guitar case and yanks you along, his hand in yours.
And you think, oh, fuck, because your stomach still swirls and your heart still pounds, and maybe it’s not performing that does it. Maybe it’s just him.
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nickfowlerrr · 1 year
working on it
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main masterlist
this is a list of all my wips (including requests) so we can all be on the same page in regards to what i have coming up 🖤
*these aren’t in any particular order - as you guys know, i write what i have inspiration to write and not in order of when requests were received or series were updated.* if you don't see your request on here, and did not get a response from me letting you know i'd be unable to write it, then i didn't receive it. feel free to send it in again if you'd like.
i saw @sweetpeapod’s “to do list” and it’s such a great idea i literally never would’ve thought to make one myself so all credit to her for this! 🥰
updated: 06/06/23
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legend: actively writing • on hold/writer’s block • haven’t started
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bucky barnes:
if i could - chapter five
keeping secrets - chapter seven
trust me - chapter two
drabbles, one shots or continuations (not series)
andy barber:
waiting - pt 2
dark!professor andy
bucky barnes:
soft!dark bucky - basement wife
dark!brat tamer bucky
you can’t - pt 2
dark!ex bucky - pregnant reader (might not end up dark lolll)
when a stranger calls bucky
yandere mechanic bucky
“enemies” to lovers bucky
iou - pt 2…possible miniseries
enemies to lovers - one bed trope
die happy - chubby!reader
first time for everything - drabble
call it what you want to - pt 2
mean!bucky one shot
duke!bucky x duchess!reader (soft!dark?)
pro wrestler!bucky
charles blackwood:
dark!charles halloween fic
lee bodecker:
dark!lee - traveling!reader
dark!lee - salem witch trial
lloyd hansen:
ransom drysdale:
delivery - one shot
mean!ransom one shot
nick fowler:
dark!nick - daddy’s dead - one shot
steve kemp:
steve rogers:
mean!steve one shot
dark! road trip fic (two stories in one/choose your own adventure)
royalty au
fumbling - drabble
fawn - pt 2
humble request to the queen of my lil dark heart for your sluttiest a/b/o with your man of choice inspired by ‘hurt you’ by the weeknd 🖤
bucky barnes:
request/imagine: mafia bucky x reader where bucky is very obviously obsessed/infatuated with the reader and just wants her to be his but she plays hard to get (for some time) and starts hanging out with other men so he gets jealous and punishes her (smut if you want with degradation/humiliation kink idk💀) very new to tumblr so idk if im doing this right or not. thank you! 💘
Dearie write some angry seggs with Bucky barnes
Scenario 5 10 17 22 please & Dialogue prompts 32 and 38 please with bucky 😭 he’s a total grinch throughout but seeing the reader happy makes him happy and I love the grumpy x sunshine trope🤤😮‍💨
Hey yo! I'm not sure if you're still accepting Christmas prompts or anything (I've absolutely loved reading them) But I've been listening to this song on repeat and idk, I can just imagine the reader singing it to Buck on their first christmas together, and him falling even more in love with them. Anywho, happy holidays, can't wait to read anything and everything you bless us all with 🥰❤️🎄
What would have happened in a AU version of your dark biker Bucky finding his soulmate finally…and also meeting her husband?
What if the reader had a really toxic husband who wouldn’t let her go or let their divorce proceed unless she cheated on him? Only the man she picks for her affair, Bucky Barnes, is WAY worse than her husband and she doesn’t realize until it’s too late? (No idea though if this is like a mobster Bucky or Winter Solider or some other profession)
a bucky fic of any length based on this text exchange with my husband (who’s deployed) ((i’m the red bubble lol)) 🥹 you work is magic so i trust however you wanna take this
Bellllaaaaa hiiii:) I’m hooked on biker/bartender bucky(even tattoo artist bucky) with fucking Tats right now and I’d totally love if you could maybe write him and chubby/plus sized reader having a flirty relationship, maybe they’re like a fling or something. She works at his bar/tattoo shop, whichever au you pick, and they’re just fucking flirty and so naughty together lol. Smut is always welcomed!! Thank u bby in advance<3 mwahhh🥺💋
Was curious if you could do a TFAWS Bucky request? Reader is a curvy plus size gal, and Sam has been trying and trying to get Bucky to ask her out. Then one day, he finds her really upset and self conscious… He finally lets his true feelings show, trying to make her feel better… maybe it turns into more? 👀🥰 Like…. ‘Let me just show you how beautiful you are..’ kinda thing lol. I really hope that made sense ☠️☠️
charles blackwood:
Hello there I want to ask... Do you still write Charles blackwood x reader fanfic? It has to be very romantic but very naughty. Charles being very sexy and dominating. It is also the reader's very first time with him too. Can it include a photo of Charles as well? Thanks x
max burnett:
Hi can I request a max Burnett x plus!size reader.
nick fowler:
Okay, speaking of thots, having the Nick Fowler says something sexy in Romanian and leaves gifs back-to-back with the 'no, I'm not okay; I should be sucking his dick rn" thot was— 🥵 Think you could combine those two into a little (or big, would not complain 😉) something something? 😘🤍 👉🏻👈🏻
I’m reading a book about the history evolution of dating, and it has this section on sugar daddies and babies. Apparently a lot of sugar babies are warned not to fall for their daddies, but the women report that usually it’s the other way around and the men fall for them. So what about a soft dark mafia Nick who quickly gets obsessed with his sugar baby reader? He just get more intense the more she denies an emotion connection because it’s just bad business on her end.
pwyc! bucky:
Hi I loved your Pretty when you cry series read it twice already and you did a amazing job 🥰 I was wondering if you could write the reader from that series being catcalled by some creep and dark biker Bucky witnesses it and completely losing it and defending her and maybe it ends with some fluff I hope you have a lovely day or night ❤️
OK maybe After Reading your Dark Soulmate Story I want/need more 😁 So I was thinking about Bucky and the Curvy Reader. Was there ever a time when Bucky Breaks down and cry? Like, He is so Hurt that he is Not Angry but gets really sad? How would the Reader react? How would Bucky himself react? Thanks again For creating These two and thank you For your time🖤 i Love them.
Hi Bella! So you’re my fav tumblr writer and I’m never gonna get over pwyc cause it’s pretty fucking amazing, and I don’t know if you’re taking requests for drabbles or anything like that, but I thought I might as well ask! So imagine that Bucky and Y/N have been living together for a while and things have been great, but Bucky is thinking of proposing, but Y/N is so not ready to get married or have kids, and her and Bucky get into a huge fight over it, and maybe she briefly moves out, and Bucky is basically lost but like also super angry cause we all know he doesn’t take rejection too well, but in the end they make up and by that I mean smut, and you can decide if they get engaged or not, but yeah that’s basically it
Hi! I love pwyc so much then when i saw the new trust series was from you I did a little happy dance! I was wondering if i could request a little drabble of what would happen if reader found out she was pregant and how biker Bucky would react? If not no pressure honestly love all your fics thanks for sharing them with us!
Belllllllaaaaa I have a request to make for pwyc series💕❤️ Imagine bucky getting possessive and jealous of readers coworkers, the reader trying to escape when he thought they were finally getting somewhere in their relationship…..😬😬 would he be angry or upset just love feral bucky 🫣😭🥵
Pwyc reader having nightmare about that night Bucky raped her. While dark!pwyc Bucky is sleeping right next to her. So reader started crying in her sleep,tears and all (cause that's what she does best) from the nightmare with him in it and woke Bucky up. Bucky can tell what it was about and started to soothe her nightmares the only way his perverted ass knows how. He started nuzzling and kissing her neck all over and kiss all her all over her face including her lips,eyes and her tears away while his hands roam all over her body to wake her up. Reader woke up still crying and Bucky ended up giving her the most gentlest (?),angsty or passionate sex? Idk,it doesn't have to be gentle. Just like really angsty and passionate in a really pwyc dark!Bucky way to show reader he's her only choice no matter what so she just gonna learn how to love him and get over her fear and nigthmare with the fear and nightmare himself. And maybe some angsty stomach flipping aftercare afterwards. Dark! request ofc. This can be during pwyc or after pywc,it's up to you. Reader being a crybaby makes this fic special to me :,D Been looking for a pic like this. Thank you so much and sorry if my English sucks a lil. I try. Tysm again 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
Hiii Bella!! I love your writing so much, you're very talented 😍 I found the pwyc series about three days ago and I've read it twice 😅 I wasn't that productive at work ig 🤣 as a curvy girl myself who falls very close into the description of the reader/soulmate who loves Bucky, I felt very satisfied. So... I'm rubbish at requests but I thought I would like to ask for something and it's nice that you're kind and understanding so I don't feel too anxious about doing so 👀 so... what about reader going out shopping a dress for an occasion (idk what exactly, something formal-ish ig... a birthday party/dinner maybe?) and the shop assistants make her feel bad by saying things like "we don't have clothes in that big of a size, miss" or "this doesn't suit your fat thighs/stomach" (this has happened a lot to me, unfortunately)? And she gets home sad and spends all week self-loathing and insecure, wearing very baggy clothes and starving herself and pwyc bucky doesn't exactly get what's going on because she doesn't want to discuss it but he feels how down she feels and worries. Then he hears her explaining the experience to eva and he becomes a man on a mission. He has one thing in mind; to shower her with compliments, sweet nothings and have beautiful, passionate and rough sex with her 😏 (and also decides to punch whoever said sh*t about his girl). Thank youuu 💜💜 P.S. Sorry if this was too long☺️
hiii so i just thought of pwyc fluff (bc i love two hopeless romantics) so uhhh what if reader gives bucky a pet name? calls him "love" in front of his friends and bucky just melts and swoons
I just want pwyc reader and bucky to have kids 🫣😬😂 it would be so unexpected and I’m sure bucky would be super excited even if the news comes out of the blue 🥺🥺💕💕 it would be so funny though 😂😂
Just finished your dark soulmate Bucky fic-absolutely loved it, stayed up WAY too late reading it because I couldn’t stop. I was wondering if kids are ever discussed between them? I feel like no for both of them because Bucky seems too greedy to share the reader/lose time with her and I don’t know if the reader would really want babies with him after their start, even if she’s forgiven him. But I do wonder what would happen to Bucky’s mindset-does having a daughter make him realize any new aspects of what he did? Does a son make him worry about raising a man who could do what Bucky did to his own soulmate?
I have a pwyc prompt! Reader borrows Bucky’s beloved car as hers is in his shop. He tells her to be careful as it’s his baby. She misjudges a turn and wrecks it, only gets minor cuts/bruises but goes hospital to get checked out in case concussion. She doesn’t want to see bucky - freaking out about seeing him and admitting she crashed his baby but of course his main worries lie with someone else’s welfare!
what if reader wasn't bucky's soulmate but he wants her anyway. (long request)
Sorry in advance if this is too indulgent even for fanfic, but would you be interested in a prompt where pwyc Bucky is thrilled that the reader is gaining weight? Either because he takes it as a sign that she’s happy so she eating more, they’re going out on fun dates and have delicious things to eat or they’re spending too much time together for her to work out, etc etc. but he’s super into it. And loves to show it, especially during moments when she’s upset about it? So it’s something positive instead of negative.
Hi Bella. Love your work and love that you write curvy/plus size reader as I’m a curvier girl myself. I was wondering if you could write a Drabble/fic with pwyc bucky worshipping/praising reader’s bigger body - maybe she’s having a bad self image day or similar and he kisses all of her curves and lumps/bumps because he genuinely adores her figure and also is very much turned on by her even if she sometimes worries his muscular frame would be better suited to smaller partners as he’s so in shape.
This but she hurts herself bad?🤔🥺
“You come across any other kinks you wanna try, you just let me know. You know I’ll do anything for you, pretty girl.” Hmm how about breeding kink combined with marking kink. I believe the possessive side of Bucky here would absolutely eat this up and be feral. Would love to see your take on this, but if you don’t want, that’s okay! Thank youuu! 🫶🏻
Hi Bella! I have an idea for a PWYC Drabble please don’t feel obligated to respond or make it. So today I was walking and some total jerks yelled out the window calling me fat. I wonder how Bucky would either comfort reader or handle it. I know you have something similar with your knight drabble. Thank you for all of the incredible work you’ve given us, this is my favorite series of all time— you’re a great writer. ♥️🥹
Hi! I’m a huge fan of PWYC and I was wondering if you thought about doing a pregnancy one shot, or multiple shots related to Bucky and reader starting a family? I’m curious how the dynamic would be considering how Bucky already acts towards reader and how he tends to be very loving but also on consistent watch over reader. If you don’t like the idea or aren’t interested that’s totally okay too!
steve rogers:
I would love to see a stalker Steve Rogers who thinks he’s “courting” you when he buys you presents off your (private) wishlists, takes care of chores around the house when you’re sleeping or away, has lunch delivered to your workplace for you, etc. (sure it’s scary and weird all these things are happening to you, but I would also like to come home to packages on my porch and my lawn mowed, you know?)
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dichromaticdyke · 3 months
🗣 – What are your own personal HCs for HF!S and HM!T?
Also, what about the other girls? Murderface feels like another butch, almost try hardy, but I also see her as not having a label at all because she's trying to give herself as much as a chance to get laid by a pretty girl. Pickles feels more fem. Not Skwisgaar fem but definitely fem. She's a "Marlboro Reds and Whiskey" kind of gal, probably doesn't know the word shame. And Nathan, I feel like she's undecided, like she found an aesthetic that works for her but she wants to venture out but is too scared of being made fun of, so she's stuck in a comfortable place, but she wants to explore what else is out there.
ohhhhh my gosh so there’s a lot because. i have my own personal dykeklok headcanons, and this lipstick lesbian skwisgaar and hey mamas toki is kind of its own separate thing. i’ll put it all under the cut because there’s a LOT.
so in the hey mamas tokiverse that @god-impeaching-dj and i have been cooking, i’ve actually been imagining skwisgaar and toki as the only lesbians in the group. the rest of the band are men and they don’t know if whatever the fuck skwistok has going on is a lesbian thing or a scandinavian thing. toki calls skwisgaar her princess and skwisgaar calls toki her daddy because OF course they would, head in hands. we’ve narrowed down their aesthetics pretty well, skwis is kind of pastel goth inspired, she wears pink and black nails, she has heart-shaped nipple piercings, everything!! toki is. basketball shorts. grey sweatpants. sports bra. snapback. she still has her mustache though!!! and kandi has been using rhea ripley as a body ref for their art of toki 😍😍. they’re the worst most annoying tiktok lesbian couple of all time, totally cringe.
as for my dykeklok headcanons, they’re COMPLETELY different. i have them all written up somewhere, but i don’t wanna find them lmfao. the long and short of it is that in my dykeklok/dragklok universe (which is the universe i wrote in for dethentine’s wheeeeee), they’re all lesbians but they perform and make public appearances in drag as drag kings. but that’s a secret to the public!!! they do it because misogyny in the metal community RIP. but also then no one will recognize them when they’re just at food libraries or whatever. and i refer to them like this:
Natalie Explosion (transmasc, she/they/he, order of preference)
Pickles the Drummer (transmasc, he/she, no preference)
Wilamina Murderface (transfem, she/her/doesn’t care)
Skwisgaar Skwigelf (transmasc, any/all)
Toki Wartooth (transfem, he/she/they, order of preference)
nat started speaking in a death growl to avoid being clocked for her voice. pickles thought she was a trans man in the snb days but detransitioned just a bit afterwards (still kept the goatee). murderface didn’t figure out she was a trans woman for a while because she didn’t know you could be trans AND gay. skwisgaar is queen of the butch who gets mistaken for a twink by gay guys. toki went on E just to get top surgery. a lot of these are inspired by lesbians i’ve known in some way or another ✨ love the lesbian experience. and yknow it’s definitely hard for me to pin them down as butch or femme. because the butch/femme experience is SO unique and SO important to a lot of people (myself included) but it’s also not the only way to be a lesbian. there’s a reason that in the hey mamas tokiverse, i refer to skwisgaar as a lipstick lesbian and pillow princess instead of high femme. i reblogged a poem about the difference between the a lipstick lesbian and a femme lesbian at some point, it’s in my femme tag (as a butch i don’t feel totally comfortable trying to explain it, i’ll let the femmes speak for themselves 🩷). i do think they could all be different flavors of butch or masc though, even skwisgaar. i’d just really have to think about it and try to nail down my designs (I DON’T DRAW BUT I’M TRYING).
oh i forgot, every version of lesbian skwisgaar has a double venus tattoo on her hip. and her favorite thing to say is “don’ts dies wonderinks”. GOD. 🥰🥰🥰
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Anime Imagines Masterlist
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Hello lovely readers and fellow anime fangirls! I watch wayyyy too much anime so I had to just have one Masterlist in general for the animes I write for to keep everything from getting too jumbled up. This will make it so much easier to navigate my blog to find animes and characters my readers are interested in. It’s nice to be able to bring stories to people enjoy these shows as I do. But I have to give a major thank you to my best friend @the-marshals-wife​ for making these gorgeous banners as she took the time out of her busy schedule! You da best girl and I’m putting your hard work to good use! But also thank you to my readers! Y’all keep me going! I will keep this masterlist updated as best as I can, so until next time happy reading! ~Countess
A lot of these are a lot older writings. So despite them making me cringe I am adding them as I am growing and becoming a better writer with each story I write!
Also requests are open. I claim the right to refuse requests I’m not comfortable writing. But I never deny requests in public as I don’t want to embarrass anyone. So don’t be scared of asking who knows I may just write it!
Updated: 3/30/24
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My Hero Academia
All Might:
Imagine Being Rescued By All Might
Imagine Comforting An Injured All Might
Imagine A Quiet Evening With All Might
Imagine Watching Fire Works With All Might
Imagine Yagi Coming Home After Helping Deku
Imagine Aizawa Rescuing A Kitten And Bringing It Home
Imagine Being Married To Deku And He Receives Number One Hero Status
Imagine Arguing With Bakugo Until You Spring Some Surprising News
Imagine Having A Rough Day And Mirio Helps You Relax
Imagine Hawks Swooping In To Make Your Day Better
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One Piece
Imagine Waiting For Shanks To Return To Tell Him Surprising News
Imagine Star Gazing With Shanks
Imagine Giving Zoro A Massage After Training
Imagine Zoro Getting Jealous After You Compliment Sanji’s Cooking
Imagine Getting Lost With Zoro
Imagine Cooking For Sanji But Being Shy About It
Imagine Tracing Law’s Tattoos
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Demon Slayer
Imagine Staring On The Path Of A Demon Slayer
Imagine Having A Wonderful Peaceful Life With Rengoku
Imagine Grieving Over Rengoku
Imagine Having A Crush On Sanemi Only To Think He Hates You
Imagine Finding Friendship With Sanemi
Imagine Being A Former Kunoichi And Being Trained By Tengen
Imagine Becoming Tengen’s Tsuguko
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Fire Force
Imagine Being Temporarily Assigned To Company 8 Only For Obi To Fall For You
Imagine Being A Medic For Company 8
Imagine A Halloween Evening With Obi
Imagine Pumpkin Spice Laced Kisses With Obi
Imagine Sneaking Out Of The Annual Special Fire Force Halloween Party With Obi
Imagine Going To A Haunted House With Obi
Imagine Sparring With Benimaru
Imagine Taking Care Of A Needy Vulcan
Imagine Meeting Joker One Halloween Night
Imagine Helping Konro Through A Tephrosis Flare Up
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Imagine Nicolas Wanting To ‘Hear’ You Sing
Hold Me Close
Imagine Nicolas Confessing To You
Imagine Having A Nightmare About Losing Nicolas To Hunters
Imagine Nicolas Cuddles
Imagine Having A Disability And Nicolas Becomes Your Protector And Best Friend
Imagine A Halloween Movie Marathon With Nicolas
Imagine Tracing Nicolas’ Tattoo While He Sleeps
Imagine Helping Nicolas With Handyman Errands Only To Get Caught In The Rain
Imagine Comforting Worick After A Nightmare
Imagine A Guilty Worick Trying To Cheer You Up
Imagine Dating A Protective Galahad
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Imagine Kuroo Staying With Your Daughter So You Can Go Out With Friends
Imagine Dates With An Energetic Bokuto
Imagine Atsumu Coming Home Early From His Game
How The Haikyu Guys Would React To Becoming Fathers
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Jujutsu Kaisen
Imagine Owning A Bakery And Gojo Becomes A Repeat Customer
Imagine Hot Cocoa Kisses With Gojo
Imagine Gojo Convincing You To Sneak Out Of The Dorms
Imagine Gojo Convincing You To Sneak Out Of The Dorms Pt. 2
Imagine Catching Gojo Sneaking Into Your Kids’ Candy
Imagine Yuji Cuddles Only For Sukuna To Interrupt
Imagine Meeting Nanami In A Bookstore
Imagine Going On A Cozy Christmas Date with Nanami
Imagine Taking Megumi Trick-or-Treating With Toji
Imagine Being Sacrificed To Sukuna On Halloween Night
Imagine Geto Confessing His Feelings On A Mission Assignment
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Kaiju No. 8
Imagine A Quiet Moment With Hoshina
Imagine Kafka Letting Slip How Much He Likes You
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Imagine Alucard Comforting You After He Frightens You
Imagine Being Sacrificed To Alucard To Protect Your Village
Imagine Alucard Accepting You As A Genuine Vampire
Imagine Being A Waitress And Pip Takes A Liking To You
Imagine Pip Turning Halloween Into Date Night
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The Seven Deadly Sins
Imagine A Peaceful Moment With Ban
Imagine A Peaceful Moment With Ban Pt. 2
Imagine Ban Coming Into Your Bedroom For Cuddles
Imagine Getting Close to Ban After He Protects You
Imagine Getting Close to Ban After He Protects You Pt. 2
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More Anime
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure:
Imagine Being The Only One Who Can Make Jotaro Smile
Imagine Bruno Saving You From Your Abusive Boyfriend
Imagine Caesar Rescuing You After Your Blind Date Stood You Up
Imagine Trying To Change Jotaro’s Mind About Valentine’s Day
Vampire Hunter D:
Imagine Holding D In Your Arms
Imagine Being A Newly Turned Vampire And D Lets You Live
Imagine D Saving You From A Group Of Vampires
Imagine Helping D When He Loses Control Of His Vampire Side
Imagine Caring For Hyakkimaru One Evening
Imagine Going On A Mission With Kakashi
Imagine Coming Home From A Mission To Find A Sleeping Kakashi
Soul Eater:
Imagine Trying To Save Stein From His Madness
Imagine Trying To Save Stein From His Madness Pt. 2
Imagine Taking You & Rin’s Son Trick-or-Treating
Imagine Seeing Rin For The First Time In Years
Imagine Gintoki Making False Assumptions
Imagine Gintoki Baking You A Cake
Fairy Tail:
Imagine Seeing Mystogan’s Face For The First Time
Imagine Helping Hijikata Through His State Of Bloodlust
Imagine Shinpachi Rescuing You In A Surprising Way
Imagine Enjoying Cherry Blossoms With Saito
Imagine Harada Protecting You From Nightmares
Trinity Blood:
Imagine Seeing Abel’s Crusnik Form For The First Time
Imagine Becoming A Servant Of Tsubaki
Moriarty The Patriot:
Imagine Meeting Sebastian In the Pub You Work At
One Punch Man:
Imagine Garou Intruding On Your Day Off
Black Clover:
Imagine Morning Kisses With Yami
Imagine Bathing With Yami
Imagine Sparring With Yami
Chainsaw Man:
Imagine Aki Staying With You
Buddy Daddies
Imagine Working At A Cat Cafe And Rei Is A Repeat Customer
Trigun/ Trigun Stampede
Lollipop (Nicholas/FemReader)
Dreaming of Eden With You (Nicholas/FemReader)
Imagine Dancing With Vash Under the Stars
Imagine Being A Time Traveler and Meeting Nicholas
Imagine Helping Vash Get Cleaned Up After The Incident In July
Imagine Vash Teaching You How To Shoot
Imagine Taking Care Of Sick Vash & Nicholas Headcanons
Imagine Nicholas Saving You From Vampires (Vampire Hunter AU)
Imagine Vampire Vash Fighting To Keep From Hurting You (Vampire AU)
Imagine Trigun Guys Carrying You After Spraining Your Ankle
Undead Girl Murder Farce
Imagine Becoming Friends With Tsugaru
Imagine Tsugaru Making You Feel Accepted
Delicious In Dungeon
Imagine Cooking Laios A Meal
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fanfic-scribbles · 1 year
Dinner Date Chapter 25
Previous Chapter Next Chapter
Overall Story Facts:
Fandom: MCU Captain America/Avengers
Story Summary: Steve Rogers has a girlfriend. A prickly, generally asocial girlfriend, but they make it work. They have more in common than some people might think.
Quick Facts: Romance – Steve Rogers/Reader – Female Reader
Story Warnings: Reader-insert that verges on OFC, written in 1st person past tense
Chapter 25: Most Girls
Chapter Summary: Steve is very attractive. Staking a claim, though, is too complicated. What to do…
Chapter Word Count: 906
A/N: I wasn’t sure if I wanted to post this, but it’s kind of cute and I’m still working on stuff. Please enjoy and hopefully I will see you with something more substantial next month <3
Steve did end up in the weirdest situations sometimes.
Like, even for him it wasn’t normal to have no less than three people hit on him in the span of a single morning, and yet here I was, watching a particularly pernicious panther of a woman latch on with teeth and refuse to let go.
Maybe I was a little bored if that sounded like more fun than seeing this lady lay her perfect nails on his arm and not take a hint about it until he sloughed her off. Admittedly it was a nice manicure, understated with a very pretty color and shine, but still. The first person to hit on him was forgettable, but I missed the gym bro; at least he had been kind of sweet about the whole thing. To the point I was a little jealous– if Steve was single, I bet he would have gone for him. As well he should, but it was hard sometimes not to feel like dead weight when looking at such a nice and handsome guy flirt fairly sweetly with my boyfriend.
Not so with this one. She had a good body she obviously took the time to care for, an absolutely gorgeous sleeve tattoo of skulls and flowers and other things covering one of her well-toned arms, and she wasn’t so self-conscious she couldn’t immediately do a U-turn on her run and come talk to Steve with a flushed face and fly-aways in her pretty red hair. However, Steve was not into it, and still she pushed. It was grating, but hard to know how to deal with when Steve had forgotten his phone at home so we couldn’t fake a text, and I couldn’t just wrap my arms around his other one to make a point. Then again, if I did that, she’d probably spend enough time laughing at the thought that we could make a clean getaway.
It would probably be better than listening to how she was ‘so different’ from her co-workers and friends and would rather spend a weekend watching sports and drinking beer than going out for wine and mimosas, and did she mention all the self-defense and martial arts classes she took? It was…fine, if that was what she liked, but I was a little offended on behalf of the very nice co-worker I once had shared cubicle walls with who loved brunch and sundresses, and who also loved baseball so much she could recite stats at the drop of any of her very fashionable hats. Or the lady in payroll who had negative interest in comic books, who nevertheless sought out advice and spent lunch breaks doing research on them because her nephew was coming to live with her and she wanted to help him feel at ease, so she dove into what he liked so they could have something to talk about.
‘Girl’ was such a stupid category; what even counted for what ‘most’ liked anyway?
Steve nudged me and I looked up. “Time?” I asked, and because the lady was looking at me like she didn’t know what to make of me, I pulled out my phone in case I did have to pretend to be on the way to something.
“Yeah, don’t wanna be late,” Steve said, catching on, and I stood up. I gave the lady another glance and felt taken aback at just how disappointed she looked. Sort of…lonely. It made me a little sad, honestly.
“I really love your tattoo,” I said, because it was a work of art and I imagined that had been ninety-percent of Steve’s focus when trying to find something to talk about that wasn’t dating. “It’s beautiful.”
She actually gave me a nice smile. “Thank you,” she said. She nodded at Steve, and after they exchanged polite goodbyes, she went on with her run.
“She wasn’t so bad,” Steve said as if trying his best to concede a point in her favor.
I rolled my eyes and walked right next to him. “She made you uncomfortable.”
“Honestly I wonder if that’s just my default with people these days,” he said. “That guy was nice and still I… Maybe I’ll just never get used to people hitting on me.”
“It probably sucks.” I bumped into him. “Sorry I can’t be a good possessive partner and stake a claim in public or whatever.”
He snorted and when I looked, he had a little wry smile. “Why do I get the feeling even if we were public, you’d let me fend for myself?”
“Eh, I might if you really wanted me to.” I looked around and, seeing no one looking, dipped my head against his shoulder in a very brief but very blatant show of affection. “By the way, sorry but I am like most girls. I hope that isn’t a dealbreaker.”
He snorted, and his smile grew. “You? Really?”
“Yeah. I’m also like most women, most men, most boys, and most other genders, because most girls, like most humans, are actually really fucking weird,” I said. “Hope you can deal.”
He shook his head and sighed dramatically. “Wow. I don’t know how I’ll handle the shock of this completely unexpected revelation about you; I– ow did you just twist my nipple?!”
I smirked and moved away from him, even though we were coming out to a busier street and he couldn’t get away with returning the favor. He did move to get closer to me though, scowling and looming, and I laughed. “I sure did,” I said and grinned at him. “Stop the sarcasm though and I’ll save the rest of it for when we get home.”
He grumbled and rubbed his chest. But he did, notably, stop the sarcasm.
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pixystixx · 9 months
Snippet of my Bill Kaulitz Fanfic
I've been writing this fanfic for awhile now! I'm working very hard on it to make sure the quality is great! Please go readddd, luv y'all! :) Now for a little sneak peak to see if you like it!~ (p.s this isn't a full chapter.)
on wattpad pixy_stixx "Voice Of An Angel"
We all had to share a room, so Bill and I decided to share and throw the other three boys into a hotel room. "This is nice. It's the first time I don't have to share a room with Tom," Bill says as he sets his stuff down. I look around the room and it's a very pleasant hotel room. There are two beds in the room and two desks.
"I can't imagine having to spend so much time with my brother. How do you guys do that?" I question.
"We love each other a lot. I don't think either of us could live without the other. We do fight because we're together so much, but we always make up quickly. It just takes a couple hits to the head and everything's okay," Bill replies. When he talks he says it so softly with love in his voice. He really does care about Tom.
"I never fought with my brother. It's mostly because we were 6 years apart, but he was never even around enough for us to fight. I haven't seen him in a year," I reveal. I feel bad for making the conversation sad.
"That sucks," Bill says, "You have the band as your brothers now."
"It does kind of feel like that," I laugh, "You guys are really special. It's kind of crazy to think about where I am." I finally walk over to my bed and set my stuff next to it. I throw myself onto the bed and sprawl myself out on it. "Ugh, I need to take a shower," I complain. I wanna lay down, but I'm all sweaty and gross.
I take a quick shower and change into a simple, black pajama set. I throw myself back on the bed as Bill goes to take a shower. I flip through all the TV stations until I find one I like. I sit there watching the TV as I wait for Bill to get out of the shower.
Today was incredible. I can't believe I was on a stage that big. I can't believe I was singing with Bill Kaulitz. It wasn't even something I would dream of. I technically didn't even know who he was before I joined the band, but it's incredible looking at it now. I'm surprised I had no idea this band existed. Especially since I live in the same town as they do. I smile as I think about how lucky I am.
Bill walks out of the bathroom, which catches my attention. He has no shirt on and I can see his star tattoo. He makes eye contact with me and both of our faces turn bright red. My eyes roam over his bare torso and he clears his throat awkwardly. I decide to just look back at the TV.
"I'm not ready to sleep yet," Bill says from across the room, breaking the thick silence.
"Mmm, me neither," I agree. He walks over to my bed, and I scootch over to give him space. "I just put a show on TV if you wanna watch it," I say. The energy in the room is different than it normally is. Even though we've hung out alone before, it's kind of nerve-wracking to be alone with him right now.
He sits down carefully and nods. I have my eyes glued on the TV, but I can see Bill looking between me and the TV in the corner of my eye. I finally get the courage to look back at him. When we make eye contact, his breathing hitches slightly.
I think about what Tom said the other day. You'll probably have to make the first move. I inhale and break the silence. "Today was pretty incredible," I say quietly.
He nods and replies, "It was pretty cool to have someone to sing with. I was really nervous about it, but I can't imagine how nervous you were. It was your first time doing anything like that."
I laugh and say, "I was pretty nervous, but it all subsided when I looked out into the crowd. You also helped calm down my nerves a lot." As the words spill from my mouth, a heat rises in my face. Bill and I are now completely laying on our sides, facing each other. Our faces are barely a foot apart.
"I'm glad I could help," Bill gulps. We sit there in the silence for a little while. The only sounds are the low volume of the TV and the sound of us heavily breathing. We stare into each others eyes, nervous to make the next step.
"Thank you Bill," I say, "I like all of the band, but you've really been there for me whenever I need it. I can't thank you enough for everything." He smiles a small, sweet smile. His face is a bright pink.
"I'm glad," he replies, "Thank you too." I raise my eyebrow at his gratitude. "Thank you for being there. You've made me a lot happier lately," he finishes.
"Really?" I ask, "How?" I'm nervous I might be pushing him a little too far because his face somehow manages to get even redder.
"You just do. There's something about you," he answers.
"Bill, I like you," I blurt out.
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