#also if you don't know what I'm talking about I mean the aliexpresses of the world
secondbeatsongs · 2 months
truly the only point of those cheap dropshipping sites is so I can type "earrings for men" into them at 3am and then go "🤔 hmm..." at all the pictures
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studyingpookie · 26 days
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What's upppp??? Here I just couple of photos from today!! Hope y'all enjoy!
Things for school that I've done today:
- history of art (starting all over to revise for my exam)
- computer science (just did assignments)
- started to edit my advertisment for my film class (I need to start it all over but now I have my mind set on what I want and need so that's fine)
So if you want you can read all about today but it's a lot 💀 like a LOT. I really wanted to describe this day sorry 🙏🙏🙏
So today was the first day of finals in my country, the good thing is that I'm not participating in this I still have two years till then. 🥳🥳
I've decided yesterday that this Tuesday will be ONLY for me and be my kinda rest day, I would be just chilling going through the city buy something to eat and drink. Well... My plan kinda shattered.
For starters I wasn't alone, my dad happened to be in the city and we went to dinner together. I'm not a big fan of crowded and obligated places especially when I eat. Long story short we talked a lot, I mean for sure more than normally. This made me super hopeful, I don't want to vent here by any means because I just feel uncomfortable with it but It was a really needed experience.
I thought at first that I'm gonna just go back to my place and study but i decided to push my limits. I went to the mall by myself and walked to the gallery to see if there are this McDonald's plushies AND GUYS HOW HAPPY IM THAT I DID THAT. So if you don't know McDonald's have now collaboration with hello kitty and some anime I forgot the name of it 💀 and now they have in stock super cute plushies!!!!
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I really wanted this yellow dog because just look at him he is super cute! Or this black penguin. I went to 6 McDonald's to searching for this fricking dog because I wanted him the most but than when I was ready to give up miracle happened.. I saw it. The mf penguin. Words won't and can't describe how happy I felt. I immediately went to buy this happy meal. And now I got him. My very own penguin 😭🙏🐧
I started to binge watching this series called World's Strictest parents on YouTube I really recommend it if you are interested! I love seeing these kids change or I can look at things from their perspective (ngl I almost cried during one episode) Also I looked up songs that will be on Eurovision, my favourite for now is "La noia" by Italian artist Angelina Mango. I can't wait to see who wins and what score Poland will get! I think this year we have a good song to show off but we will see how it goes.
I'm not gonna talk about my studies because it's boring and I just studied while being super sleepy, tired and bored as hell. History of art IS interesting but I don't really like remembering the names of people and things. It's super hard for me and it's only going to be worse. Why these names are so hard 😭😭 and why I can't get into my head any Italian artist 💀
And guys the last thing is that I found the CUTEST BAG (that I can afford at least) at first I wanted to buy it from joom but then I found the exact same bag on AliExpress and it's slightly cheeper. One time I shopped from AliExpress and I was quite surprised that the quality was actually good. I hope it would be the case with that one! I will try to order it tomorrow 🙏 "we're getting what's in my bag" with that one boys 😈
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niuniente · 2 years
I don't know if you've ever posted about this, but if you ever feel like it I'd love to see the card decks you use and hear a little bit about them 😁 Which is your favourite, which is good for what, how you got them... I always hear good stories when I ask people about their decks! 🃏
I have spoken a bit about my decks in some asks but I've never introduced them all. All the photos are from online. I've left out some decks which I don't use and plan to give away.
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Ascendent Masters Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue was my first oracle deck. I bought it from Scotland very long time ago and it was my first introduction to oracle cards. Nowadays this deck serves for questions which are somehow related to person's life lessons and difficult lessons. It's quite heavy after being used for so long so I use it rarely. Heavy deck fits heavier topics. As all Doreen Virtue's decks (as she converted to her childhood religion), this deck is sold out. You can find fake copies from Aliexpress, which are the best you can do now if you want this deck or any other of Doreen's decks I've got.
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Archangel Michael's deck (also from Doreen) was my 2nd deck as I had such positive experiences with the Ascendant Master's deck. This is my most reliable deck and I managed to get an extra deck before these were sold out. I use this deck pretty much to all readings, for any topic. It's my most versatile and most loved deck - and it has a few funny cards! Like this Decide To Be Happy Now. Boy, Michael doesn't look too happy. It's also good for Yes/No readings.
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I'm not a mermaid person nor a dolphin person, never was, but this deck was my favorite from the moment I saw it. Magical Mermaids and Dolphins (also from Doreen) is one of the feminine decks. It's excellent for dreams, how to reach your goals, pep talks, for brighter energies. If I use this deck in the reading, it usually comes at the end of the reading to give a soft pep talk.
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I got Black Cat Tarot from @sunnysunflowers as a Friend's Day gift some years ago. I love its art the best but as I'm still learning how to use tarot, I haven't used this as much as the oracle decks. This deck has its own personal meanings differing from traditional tarot. See above how V, the Hierophant, isn't so much visually about preaching as it is a teacher and a master who provides those in need and doesn't try to eat the mice. The Chariot in traditional tarot usually asks the rider to decide where to go, but as you can see, in this deck the Chariot is taking the cat forward, whether the cat wants that or not. This is visually very interesting deck to read if you forget what the tarots usually mean and see what's described in the pictures.
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Halloween Oracle Deck by Stacey DeMarco took me a little while until it started to work for me. Nowadays, it's very easy deck to use and answers really good for questions such as what's the issue, what's the hindrance, what's the problem? I read this deck based on the cards and their symbolism than what the guide book says. This deck unfortunately has a creepy looking Mummy card I have taken out from the deck because just NO. Not that kind of vibe into my readings, thanks. It also has the most hideous werewolf I've ever seen. A disgrace to all werewolves (I'm sorry, artist! Q_Q) and as someone who has loved werewolves since I was 6 it pains me so much...!
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Gods and Titans, also from Stacey DeMarco, is one of my favorite decks. This goes very well together with the Halloween deck. This deck contains only male deities from different cultures and masculine energy, so I always use it for clients who want to know something related to their male relatives, bosses, sons, husbands, lovers, including the future partner. This is very no-nonsense deck and a wonderful celebration for men and the guidance you can get from men & masculine energy. Though that Barbaric Fantasy Thor card always makes me laugh.
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Angelarium deck from Peter Mohrbacher took me really long until it started to work. Turns out this deck needed other decks to accompany it. Now, when I'm more familiar with the deck I can use it alone, too, but this always shines together with other decks. It's one of my fave decks but it's pretty hard to use for beginners, so I would recommend you all to start with a simpler deck. This deck requires lots of connecting dots, intuition and seeing the big picture in small details. I got this from Thene, who was part of our Metal Gear Solid paintchat group long ago. She also makes oracle readings. It was a real surprise gift and I'm still very grateful for this deck! It even has Peter's autograph on its cover.
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Sacred Traveler by Denise Linn (a Cherokee by her family line) I got this from my sister as a Christmas present. This is very easy deck to use, very nice to approach, as all Denise Linn's decks are if you ask me. This is supportive dreamer deck, full of positive messages and lots of cards. As it's a traveler's deck, I always use this if there is a need to find direction for something or someone.
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Shaman's Oracle by John Matthews was a gift from @panimauser some years ago. It has worked really well and after many years, now shines as one of my most trusted decks when I really need to dig into things. It has lots of cards and all have photos of real cave paintings on them.
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Yokai Tarot by @buboplague is a gift from @lanelacy. This deck is an art deck I'm not using for readings as it's a way too precious for me to be damaged in use. As the name implies, this deck contains Japanese demons and monsters.
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Neon Moon Tarot by Pixel Occult is the best tarot deck I've had since I owned a Viking Tarot deck in my early 20's. This is so easy to use as we clearly speak same language with this deck. With tarot, it is important to find a deck which speaks the same language with you and vibes with you. Otherwise the reading can be difficult. This deck was a gift.
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Moonology oracle cards by Yasmin Boland came to me as an exchange with my sister; she didn't come along with this deck and I had a deck I didn't come along, so we switched the decks. This works for me and my deck works for her. I use this rather rarely but it always has good and wise messages to give to me. It has light energy and it's pretty straightforward in a good way.
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StarDragon Oracle deck is super pretty and a small deck but for some reason we don't come along that well. It feels a bit soulless and distant, but perhaps it has a long waking up-period similar to the Angelarium deck? I use this so rarely I was thinking not even including it in this list.
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Small Bunny Postcards. These are not meant for oracle readings but they work perfectly for divination, like any other tool(s). I read these by interpreting the images and their symbolism.These seem to be good in predicting time frames or time posts I should be aware of.
This is my haul from the past decade. It's that difficult for me to find decks I come along with haha.
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yanderelovlies · 1 year
✨Galaxy Anon ✨ here!
Oh viví but how could you deprive me of this privilege?! It’s too good lol!
Yea like i’m so picky on even getting something I want from the store. The most you will see me ask my mom is for food because I want a snack. I life really have to have a whole debate with myself if the item is something more I want than need if I really want it or I could live without it. So when people give me stuff I feel guilty or use it a lot so it doesn’t go to waste.
You sure? Some sound childish I guess I’m my opinion or many wouldn’t understand my perspective on things and call me one of those fans which makes me close up. If you’re sure I guess it be alright, and no worries you aren’t straightforward in a way that is disrespectful and I like your blunt on what you are saying. Maybe someone could be selling it somewhere! Was it limited edition or something?
You know if I was in your shoes I give up because dammit math is hard so I commend you for even still trying since I don’t understand algebra and my math teacher must’ve been horrified on my scores. Oh those sound fun especially evaluating people behavior and also traits. Ooh his dog? He must’ve been fun!
It’s my job now vivi! Gotta make you feel happiness with compliments!
Glad your spending your time also making time for them and showing you care. Still make sure you have some time for yourself! You deserve that much vivi! Also what did you sing?
Honestly the amount cases for death, assault in one or the other way is scary. Why do you think I’m such a hermit? Other than work I like staying at my house since I feel safe and just shit happens outside like what the hell?! It’s actually a surprise now when nothing goes horrible for once in the news. Have that pepper spray vivi and good for being safe! Good because while I’m paranoid I loving having my headphones on for music and well if I’m distracted enough I would be a easy target. Damn I need to learn self defense.
Thanks vivi! I mean those customers a little less common at least. Most are nice or you can leave them alone enough and they be cool. Unfortunately that is true since I’m just trying to work and some people are unnecessarily mean for some reason or get mad when you bother them to ask what they even want to drink like I’m just trying to get your order since you wanted to eat.
Lol come back during business hours.
Me too! Even if I'm buying it myself I'm always sitting there and complaining if I really need it or not. I usually miss out on good shit, but I always feel bad for spending mine or other people's money on stuff I don't need to survive. It weird lowkey frustrating.
I don't mind at all! I love hearing about people's fandoms and what they love about them. So throw them my way I wanna see 🥺🥺💕💕. Also, I found a shirt on aliexpress, but the original place I found no longer sells, but I'm gonna keep looking and hoping.
Honestly, I thought about it, but going back to my last job scares me more. So I'll take my chances with the math lol. Also, I've only taken one semester of those classes, but I still had a lot of fun and even learned some cool tips for helping manage anxiety.
Just you taking the time to talk to me makes me happy. It's always nice to hear from you. 🥺💕💕
We were singing all kinds of things. Musicals, their favorite songs, and some random they fell into line.
Me too! If I'm allowed I stay inside with all my favorite things where I am safe. As for the headphone thing me too I have these big ones that I take, but they are loud enough so I can just have them hang around my neck and still hear them.
It's like people these days forgot how to be kind to one another. It's sad, and I always feel bad for those who get the terrible treatment for just doing their job. I am glad they aren't frequent for you though.
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firespirited · 6 months
Aside from looking and feeling drained, I've had a nice week.
Still enjoying chilling with Stargate Atlantis even listened to a couple of episode commentaries (the writers have early aughts typical broey vibes though so that's off-putting).
Found a pair of shoes to wear this late autumn as my "vintage" vans mannaz fell apart. After I'd talked about the difficulty of finding shoes that fit me and how many I'd tried that didn't work out, Mum dug up a pair of hiking boots she'd forgotten to send back to dad and said he'd always had the same problem: wide feet with height just behind the toe area as the arch starts. Apparently getting work shoes for his teacher job that didn't hurt was quite a quest. They fit great except for the length so I went online, found the same brand "Queshua" and looked at their hiking shoes of the updated but same series/range. Ordered a male and female model in my size. Only the "guy" shoes fit and they don't have any spring in them like sports shoes do but sports shoes often end up too narrow. I can't risk buying them without going to a physical shop or doing a dozen returns. Queshua from decathlon have a free return from your post box and refund policy. Fantastic.
So basically, I'm elated to have been able to toss out the vans and stick the pastel gradient laces into my new all terrain, waterproof trainers. I'm going to look at their winter models for colder weather. It's reassuring to know there is a brand that tends to fit. I'm hoping to try the thrift store on the outskirts of town one day when the carer isn't too busy but that could be a while (why thrift? Because I generally don't fully know a shoe's problems before I've 'road tested' them) .
I also tried crochet again (every few years I try to knit or crochet from tutorials and it hasn't gone great, you all know I can't think in 3D, so like for the keyboard, it has to be muscle memory and mnemonics) This time I had two different youtube tutorials on half speed and could sort of 'get it' but for the life of me could not properly hold the yarn in the left hand. Mum was around so I sheepishly asked what I was doing wrong. Her first answer was "well have you practiced?" 🙄 (she forgets I'm not the 7 year old who gives up as soon as the dopamine runs out or gets distracted by shiny - i mean i am but I've learned to go back to practicing even if I have to make myself angry or use bribes and limits.) I dutifully produced my series of messed up lines and sat down to show her and she went "oh OK! you're doing it wrong, Here's how auntie Grace taught me" and wrapped the yarn around my little finger, using the middle finger as the main yarn holder and index+thumb to pinch the crochet. Then I had to leave because she kept telling me to "relax my shoulders relax your hands RELAX", I love her but I do not control the muscles when trying to practice a new hard (for me) skill for an audience.
That hands on tip was what made it actually 'take' this time even though I might end up using the ring finger instead. I haven't had much time to practice and made quite a mess of my first attempts at rows with a 3 ply yarn.
Today I was able to proudly show off a 5*30 stitch parallelogram (still haven't got the tension down) of thin cord, it took three tries... but not bad. I'm really hoping I'll be able to grok some more stitches and have something to keep the hands busy that's less taxing on my shoulder. I also need to ask her about auntie Grace, she's probably part of the deaf adult community mum grew up in.
Slowly working towards listing more dolls. You get stuck on junk decisions about whether to bundle, whether to dress them or one of the photos is too blurry and the whole thing stops because there's a missing step or piece. Plan derailed.
I've got incoming which helps with motivation: Elle eedee!!! I didn't click with her the first time then really missed her but now I know how I want to do her eyes. Twilight teens grey for Nicole Steel head (aliexpress 11.11 sales $5) and white.
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A Catrine and pink haired Howleen. Catrine is a design I just love and was always put off by the yellowing. Now that I know more about straight peroxide bleaching, I really want another try. I also want to see what happens to that lilac turned grey hair and if it fries or just turns lighter grey, she'll be bald. Their cleaning will be top priority in general but not top on the project list as I have Barbie Marnie who needs just a few more lines of hair to be perfect, a 1/6th BJD to string (need to practice rotary tool sanding and buffing on a damaged barbie before I touch her resin) and probably switching out Jewel Richie's eyes, they're beautiful with the green shimmer details but the visible bevel on the 'baddie' eyes makes them hard to photograph and distracts from looking like a cohesive face. Oooh I might try a line of black acrylic paint first to see if that fixes the issue.
Voilà, big blurb. Not many photos they're all on the desktop. The dogs are happy and well, Lily is a bouncy frolicking 15yo, Talia is learning to be less afraid of the big world and other dogs specifically Gargouille and Elliot.
Talia also threw up in almost every room in the house today, with for her grand finale some raw hide bone she swallowed whole to concentrate on hoarding the other two from Lily. Chihuahuas either have Tardis stomachs or they are mostly stomach because the dimensions of all that came up don't make sense.
Highlights were sharing popcorn with sis and mum on Sunday just chitchatting. Long hot bath to warm legs cold from the inside out. Stunning sights as the sun comes out from behind the mountains:
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cindylouwho-2 · 2 years
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Welcome to my latest summary of the top news, studies and helpful resources for ecommerce, social media, SEO and content marketing (with a special focus on Etsy), compiled since my last update in January (although a few articles are older than that). I am all caught up and will try to stay that way.
If you missed January's update, please note the new format - I've grouped topics a bit differently, and added a few new ones. I like it a lot better than the previous one, but will probably make at least a few changes, so please let me know if you have any complaints or suggestions. Post your thoughts here on Tumblr, email me through my website, or connect on Twitter.
Etsy released updates to several of their legal policies, to take effect March 9, 2022. Many sellers are still combing through each page to try to figure out what has changed and more importantly, what the changes mean, but a major reveal came in the Advertising and Marketing Policy with the first mention of “Partner Checkout”. Customers will be able to buy items on third-party platforms without ever coming to Etsy. Expect to learn more about how that worked and how much Etsy will charge us for this in the coming weeks, possibly around February 24 when the 2021 4th quarter numbers come out. One seller posted their summary of the exact changes here.
Not sure how to improve your website’s SEO for 2022? Here are 22 tips from Moz’s Whiteboard Friday [video and transcript] I like this one, because it goes against recommendations in the past: “this may be the year that you want to nuke the SEO fluff. You know what I'm talking about with SEO fluff. It's those flowery keywords. It's those descriptions and it's recipe pages. "Oh, I was walking along the Irish countryside thinking about my bread and biscuits." …We're finding that it may not be necessary, and it may even be detrimental to your SEO. Glenn Gabe wrote a great case study where they reduced a lot of their fluff on category descriptions and they actually saw an increase.” Also, “optimize your internal link optimization. We've seen a number of new tools and processes talking about internal link optimization. We're talking about pages that have too few links, under optimized anchor text, pages that have great opportunities that aren't ranking that should.”
Nike is suing ecommerce sellers it says are selling counterfeit items. While the sellers aren’t yet publicly named as Nike is currently asking for a restraining order and other remedies, Nike specifically called out “Amazon, eBay, AliExpress, Alibaba, Wish, and DHgate … as failing to properly vet new sellers through verification and identity confirmation and instead allowing sellers to use fake names and addresses.” Here’s another article on counterfeit, mostly on Facebook and Instagram.
Etsy reportedly now says they are aware of the weird order cancellations I wrote about last time. The seller was advised that Etsy is working on it, and gives the following advice for buyers: “We recommend that the billing information is correct and that you are not using a VPN when purchasing with us. Also, cleaning cookies and cache from the browser they are using, currently cancelations are a system error that we are working to resolve as soon as possible, we advise trying again in a couple of days.”
There are still ongoing issues with Etsy Labels and Pitney Bowes “tracking” for letters and flats. The items show as pre-transit, sometimes even after they have been delivered. This is of course affecting sellers who have reserves on their shops, since Etsy releases the money once Etsy tracking shows the package is moving, as well as sellers hoping to achieve or maintain Star Seller status.
Etsy also continues to have serious issues updating tracking for many countries, including France, Germany, Italy and the UK. This affects not only sellers (as explained above) but also buyers - who are supposed to be Etsy's priority - as they now don't know if their order has even been shipped. All of these tracking services worked fine with Etsy until they integrated Aftership, but Etsy refuses to own this problem, and expects sellers to change their entire shipping process away from major carriers so that buyers will get tracking updates. You can check to see if your carrier is integrated with Aftership here.
Etsy claims to be improving Support, but most of the changes do not mention sellers, and the ones that do are not all that promising. The major change for sellers seems to be “... harnessing the power of machine learning to help our teams prioritize the most pressing requests” but if these weird order cancellations are any indication, the machines aren’t learning much. The promised expansion and improved navigation for the Help Centre needs to include an improvement in its search, which is horrible at the moment. Not sure when this is supposed to start, but I have seen more complaints and fewer options recently myself.
Some sellers received an email from Etsy on February 9th, explaining that "necklaces, bracelets, or anklets composed of a string or strand of small amber beads, chips, or nuggets smaller than 1.25 inches" could not be sold as of February 15th. Problem is, quite a few people whose items didn’t match that description also received the email, including some who merely used the word “amber” to describe a colour, or whose items were jewellery such as rings, not beaded strings. It appears that a bot went wild again. This may be related to the child who died in 2016; that trial is apparently due to start soon (or this could be part of a settlement agreement in the works). Here is another thread on the issue. As of February 16th, nothing much has changed, though everything is still listed, and visitors are directed to click on search links for amber necklaces for children and even infants.
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It appears that Etsy is also banning the sale of merchandise with the former name of the Cleveland Guardians. Forum thread here.
Just so you know, Etsy says that you can’t sell AirTags on Etsy, even if you alter them to make them silent. Not handmade! Also, often used by people doing illegal things like stalking. An eBay seller was also caught in this investigation.
Etsy seems to be testing letting sellers remove keywords from Etsy Ads, but it is not yet clear how it works. One seller reports they see the following on their Ads dashboard: “These are the search terms that brought buyers to your ads on Etsy. If a keyword seems irrelevant, just turn it off. This is just a test for now, but your feedback will help us improve Etsy Ads.”
Different types of cooking utensils now have their own sub-categories. Etsy claims to have moved items to these categories for you, but it is probably a good idea to check, given that there have been many errors with these introductions in the past.
If you sell items for weddings, make sure that you check out Etsy’s article on 2022 wedding trends. As usual, various custom and personalized items are hot, bows are back, and the 1960s and colourful wedding themes are much more popular this year. “we’ve already seen searches for colorful wedding items jump by 327%* in the last three months…”
More generally, Etsy says balance is trending, as are abstract shapes, and the 1990s are back. Also, “There’s been an 85% increase in sellers on Etsy this past year.”
The Washington Post ran an Etsy Q & A on Feb. 4 [soft paywall] asking for any question from buyers or sellers, but the Etsy employee was a trend expert. So we learned that vintage and nostalgia are hot, but didn’t get great answers on things like how to filter all the irrelevant results out of search.
There are hundreds of articles on Google’s ranking factors, but Mangools just put out another, and it is pretty good! It explains how and why backlinks work, internal linking, and Page Speed among other factors.
If you haven’t really looked at keyword research tools, check out this short list of free tools & Google results ideas to improve your language use for SEO.
Backlinks are a huge part of Google search ranking, but Google admits that some links get more weight than others.
While Google is still rewriting most titles for display in search results, there are ways to improve your titles’ chances of remaining intact.
Google’s John Mueller says that Google does understand honest mistakes. This video [with subtitles] explains that they will ignore what they can, and otherwise will notify the site owner through the Google Search Console if changes need to be made.
If you missed some big changes with the Google algorithm last year, you will be happy to know the Search Engine Land did a good review.
SOCIAL MEDIA - All Aspects, By Site
I tend to shy away from adding “predictions for the next _________ trends” articles, because they are frequently wrong. To prove my point, here are 5 things the experts got wrong about 2021.
For the first time ever, the number of daily users of Facebook dropped in the fourth quarter of 2021, causing the parent company’s stock to drop 25% in one day. All of Meta’s apps (including Instagram) only went up by 10 million users from the third quarter.
Instagram is testing the ability to move photos around on your profile, which could help users promote certain posts.
They are also testing a subscription service for creators. Meta is not currently charging creators, but Apple users who subscribe mean the creator loses 30% in fees.
Instagram Stories now have more poll options.
All users can now use the “Security Checkup” feature, previously only available to people who had been hacked.
Pinterest does a yearly trend report, which users might want to check out, so they know what the site may be looking to promote. USA Today summarized some highlights.
Pinterest is the latest to introduce augmented reality (AR) options for shoppers to visualize their own home with new furnishings. It’s only available for limited large retailers at the moment, though.
Snapchat now has a new augmented reality tool for shopping. The company stated that “Snapchat said users engage with its augmented reality lenses more than 6 billion times per day, and that 93% of them want to use those AR lenses for shopping”.
Should you go with TikTok, Snapchat or Instagram Reels for short-form video marketing? HubSpot weighs in with some stats and a survey of 1000 marketers.
Most of those “best time to post” studies don’t include TikTok, but Hubspot has corrected that omission. Saturdays are the best day.
You can plan your posts ahead of time with Twitter’s 2022 event calendar, which is broken down by different regions of the world.
Twitter missed all estimates for the 4th quarter 2022, but not by much, so their stock was not as badly affected as some other sites.
Don’t be annoying on Twitter. Please.
YouTube is another platform investing heavily in social shopping this year, working on shoppable videos and living shopping events. They are also expanding Shorts, to compete with TikTok and Instagram.
(CONTENT) MARKETING (includes blogging, emails, and strategies)
Email marketing services are getting expensive. SendInBlue put together a price comparison of 10 of the best-known companies, with the pros and cons of each. While this is a self-promoting post (because SendInBlue is the cheapest on their own list), it is helpful to see the benefits and drawbacks of each laid out.
Learn how the privacy changes on iOS 15 may make your email list opens look higher than they actually are.
Each month Practical Ecommerce publishes 5 content marketing ideas for the upcoming month; here is the version for March.
If you use the free product listings for Google Shopping, you can now use auto-tagging to better track their performance. And here is a good overview on optimizing your pages for Google Shopping. “Images should use the highest resolution available. Products should take up no less than 75%, but no more than 90%, of the full image.”
Performance Max campaigns (a type of automated Google Ad set-up) now tell you where the ads are being shown.
Microsoft Ads are expanding their reach, and are now available in 29 new countries, with more to come this year.
Google’s parent company Alphabet reported fourth quarter 2021 earnings up 32% over 2020, and 82% of that total was generated by Google advertising. Over 50% of all global advertising money will go to just 3 companies - Google, Meta, and Amazon - in 2022. That’s up from just 39% in 2020. [soft paywall: Digiday] “...the rest of the online ad market is growing at a combined growth rate of 3% year-on-year in comparison”.
Google’s latest plan to get rid of third-party cookies isn’t necessarily any better than FLoC, according to critics.
Websites in Europe have been accused of breaching the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for using Google Analytics since the data gets sent to the US without sufficient protections. “Current US surveillance laws, including Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act and Executive Order 12333, don’t protect data held on people living outside the US as well as they do those living inside it. ​​In short: It’s theoretically possible for US surveillance agencies to collect huge amounts of data that’s moved to the country. “What they do right now would be a violation of the Fourth Amendment if it's for US citizens”
Don’t know how to benefit from the Google Search Console? It’s a detailed Google search report for your website. Here are 6 key reports you will want to check out. Note that the reports for Image searches from January 24-27 may not be accurate due to a bug they are working on fixing.
ECOMMERCE NEWS, IDEAS, TRENDS (minus social media)
Chargebacks appear to be up for many ecommerce sellers.
Buyers in the UK are still able to use Visa on the site, reversing an Amazon announcement that said Visa wouldn’t be allowed as of January 19th.
The cost of Prime membership is going up for Americans, from $119 to $139 per year, or $12.99 to $14.999 per month. “As a retailer, (outside of its cloud services, where revenues rose 40%) the company is seeing more growth from fees it takes in from customers and sellers than from product sales.”
BigCommerce is now available in Germany, Mexico and Spain, just 6 months after they became available in France, Italy and the Netherlands.
eBay sent US tax forms for last year to some people who should not have received them, including some who have never sold on eBay.
eBay is raising fees for the largest sellers in the UK, but smaller stores won’t see the changes.
After cancelling or reducing many of its packaging and shipping contracts, is Shopify is moving away from offering fulfillment to its many website owners? Or do they have another set of providers coming? [Paywall; Business Insider] “Once Shopify implements these changes, its network is expected to have roughly half of its previous capacity to pack and ship e-commerce orders for merchants, two fulfillment partners told Insider. The changes mark a shift in strategy for the company's two-year-old effort to launch an e-commerce fulfillment service to rival Amazon's.”
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Today that article was followed up with another, claiming that Shopify wants to run its own fulfillment, but software development is delaying the process.
Search Engine Land updated their guide to Shopify SEO with new information.
Did this Google and Shopify page title bug affect you? Fortunately, it should fix itself once the pages are recrawled. Then just a few weeks later, Google had trouble crawling Shopify sites, but they say the problem should correct itself.
All Other Website Builders
Some Magento-built sites have been hit by hackers who are installing code to steal customers’ payment details. Owners can update the site to prevent being hacked.
Payment Processing
3 US PayPal users are suing after PayPal held their funds without explanation. “She received several different explanations when she contacted the company: One customer rep said it was because she used the same IP and computer as other Paypal users, while another said it was because she sold yoga clothing at 20 to 30 percent lower than retail. Yet another representative allegedly said it was because she used multiple accounts, which she denies.”
PayPal had a great fourth quarter 2021, but says 2022 is likely to be lower. Just like Facebook, its stock tanked 25% on the news.
If Gen Z is part of your target market, you will want to check out this article on 4 ways to get and keep their attention. “56% agree that social activism is the most important issue and, these days, they expect more than eco-friendly labels, diverse models, and sustainable practices that are becoming standard across brands and businesses.”
More and more, disposable (or “fast”) fashion is being criticized for environmental reasons, but sustainable clothing and accessories are often too expensive for many people to purchase. Do companies need to reduce the price of sustainability?
Have Malaysian sellers cornered the market on certain pre-owned clothing niches? A New York Times article [soft paywall] looks into bundle shopping of discards from other countries. “Nowadays, a given clothing item — say, a Nike hoodie — may be made in a factory in Taiwan or Bangladesh, sold to the United States, donated to Goodwill, shipped in a bale to Malaysia, and then sold back to the U.S. on Etsy….” ”most used clothing that ends up in Malaysia comes from Japan originally.“I’ve noticed a lot of pieces on eBay and Etsy by Vivienne Westwood and Jean Paul Gaultier from Malaysia and Thailand,” Collin James, a founder of the Manhattan vintage store James Veloria, wrote in an email. “Both had a lot of pieces produced solely for the Japanese market in the 1990s and early 2000s with interesting prints and designs that weren’t released for European and American markets.”
If you were an original Google G Suite user who had the plan for free, beware you will now have to pay for the services, starting in May.
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yanderelovlies · 1 year
✨Galaxy Anon ✨ here!
Alright what’s the schedule? Lol
Yes same to that sentiment. Yes like I actually feel bad sometimes when someone gets me something since then I can’t refuse it and also sometimes I’m not crazy about it but the thought counts. It is sometime I wish I can turn it off but nope. I mean ay least we are responsible with money.
Alright. Let me get the list
Helluva Boss
The Owl House
Gravity Falls
Sunny Day Jack
My Dear hatchet man
See Thru: Need a Friend
My Hero Academia ( though have lost interest on later seasons and manga)
Tokyo Revengers
Fnaf ( more into lore than games. I love reading fanfiction about it it’s fun seeing theories)
The rest I have to remember but I like more anime and shows but these are the ones I indulge into the most. Hmm what’s wrong on aliexpress? Not trustworthy or selling it for crazy prices? I hope you find it soon viví!
Wow it really was that bad though can’t blame you I don’t think that work environment is good for you especially still in school. Do what I couldn’t do and pass the math. I’m serious I literally think I would’ve failed a grade from it. Ooh what kind of tips if I may ask?
Thanks viví especially you waiting for my replies and sorry again for taking awhile. I do my best to respond the fastest I can but it’s so busy in life sometimes I barely even have to wind down. It’s always great to see your replies and hear from you as well!
Ooh so cute! Any songs in particular you recommend or love to hear while driving?
Seriously it is like that. Your basically in danger for showing basic human decency for being tricked and hurt by horrible people it’s crazy. If your not paranoid you can get easily hurt worse. That’s why I just like staying inside so much. At least you have enough bravery to do that, I hate people hearing my music unless I let them and it’s rare. I mean seriously not even my family hears a lot of my music since it’s so personal to me and also I’m afraid they look at me weird for my taste. My music taste is wild. So yeah I don’t even take chances doing that since I feel self conscious and since I have terrible hearing well unless I want the world to hear I can’t do the same shame.
Honestly yeah. Yeah and on the other side there are people who demand your attention even if you visited there table twenty times and get mad if you don’t visit for four minutes it’s ridiculous and get mad at me for it. Thankfully most are patient. Yeah at least I’m used to it also so I have more patience.
Also to answer the other thing I said about having a break don’t worry viví! Tell your brain to shut up and have a break otherwise you’ll get stressed from the pressure. I mean at least you have a schedule but don’t be afraid to take a break on it. You make these requests for free so people shouldn’t demand you make it right away. Vivi’s brain let them rest!
Lol I'll have to get to you on that one
Oh i know my old friends use to ask how I always seem to keep money. I had to gently explain to them that they don't have to buy everything they see. I was not the favorite that day 👀
All of those I've heard of but never been into the fandom. It's hard for me to get into shows. I really want to cause it'd what everyone is into, but it's hard for me to watch it. My mind wanders and I do other things completely ignoring the show. Don't get me wrong I have shows, but not a lot.
That being said I wouldn't hearing about them! I don't mind spoilers if you don't mind questions. Who knows maybe talking about it with you will make me watch it! Also from what I understand it's like wish and I don't trust clothing that come from wish.
Honestly If it a gets really bad I'm getting a tutor I'm determined to pass and get my degree. Won't lie it scares me a bit but I'll do what I need to. Since it was on semester it was basics such as meditating, Journaling (that one had helped a lot by the way) and finding the little joys. If you point out something positive at the end of the day it helps you see the day as good rather focusing on the negative.
Honestly, that depends on my mood when I'm driving. But I can give you some of the songs that hyper fixated on lately!
Honestly, I think it is just because I have never been able to hide away till recently so anything I listened to everyone heard. The only downside to it is now I have big loud speaker in my house that my neighbors hear on the daily. It hasn't been a complaint yet (cause I usually play it during the day and turn of off the closer to dark it gets) but waiting. The only playlist I keep to myself if my "when the clouds come" type of playlist if you get what I mean.
The people who want your attention the whole time they are there make me upset. I just don't understand where that entitlement comes from. They get upset when people mess up their work day so why do it to others?? Ugh
I know 😭 thank you for worrying about me 🥺🥺💕💕
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