#also when i was doing these i moved towards not wanting the main images to go off the page and instead be kind of focused in the middle
bununuu · 9 months
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onlyoneof | seoul collection collages, part 2
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gurugirl · 2 months
Don't Speak
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*images are for aesthetic only
priest!harry x subby!reader | soft dom!harry x bratty/sub!reader
Summary: Y/n accidentally says something in front of everyone at prayer group that gets her in trouble with the priest.
A/N: I know it's been so long since I gave y'all any priestrry but I missed him and his pet so I was compelled to write this! Hope you enjoy! And if you're tagged it's bc you are either on my main general taglist or you asked to be tagged in anything for priestrry (even tho it's been so long) just let me know if you want to be removed and I will! xoxo
Word Count: 2,692
Warning: 18+ only, NSFW, religious mentions, smut, sub/dom dynamic, spanking, punishment
Forgive Me, Father masterlist
She hadn’t meant to say it in front of everyone during prayer group. It didn’t have to mean anything if no one read too much into it. She was only responding to a simple question but she said we.
We plan to eat after the meeting.
We, as in the mention of herself and Harry. The two of them doing something together. She hoped they interpreted it as her saying -with someone other than Harry. But she also looked at Harry directly when she said it. Maybe no one saw that.
But Harry certainly did. And the look she received from him was scalding. She knew she was in for it once everyone had gone.
No one followed up to ask who was the other part of this we she spoke of. She wished they would. She could say anyone and make up a little lie. Her brother. Her roommate. Anyone. But no one asked.
And she wasn’t sure if the room felt tense or if it was just her. Because after she said it, she felt like everyone was suddenly looking at her differently. And of course, the way Harry was warning her with his eyes wasn’t helping matters.
So she kept her head down and her mouth closed until the end. And when everyone began to leave, like always, she walked out of the house and to the side to wait until everyone was gone.
And even when the coast was clear she hesitated for a moment. But ultimately going back inside with Harry to face whatever kind of reprimand he was going to give her was better than waiting and wondering about what he might do. Perhaps she could plead her case.
Stepping into the living room she found Harry folding up the metal chairs and placing them tidily in their little wooden cubby behind the couch. He walked across the room without even a glance in her direction and into the kitchen with a glass. Standing still in her spot she could hear the glass being placed in the sink and then his footfalls as he began to walk back to the living room.
“Father, I’m sorry. It just slipped out. I don’t think anyone noticed–“
“Go stand and face the corner. Don’t speak.”
She gulped and gave a quick nod as she scurried toward the corner of the living room and let her limbs fall loose as she waited for the priest to finish what he was doing. She wanted to protest. To tell him it was an accident and to go easy on her but she knew better than to resist.
Minutes stretched on as she listened to Harry cleaning up and moving back and forth from the living room to the kitchen before she heard him approaching behind her and then stopping.
She could feel him standing behind her but he kept silent for a beat or two before she felt his breath at the back of her neck, “Tell me what happens if someone finds out about us, Y/n.”
She inhaled a shaky breath and squeezed her eyes closed, “Well, you could face expulsion from the church. Everything you’ve worked so hard for that you love the most would be gone. Or they’d transfer you and after penance, you’d have to promise to permanently end our relationship.”
The floorboard creaked as Harry stepped in closer and she felt his warm hands at the tops of her arms, “I could lose what I love, yes. But if it came to choosing you or the church do you know what I would do, pet?”
“Father, I would like to believe you’d choose me. But I would understand if you chose the church.”
“Do you doubt how deep my love for you is?”
Y/n opened her eyes and took a deep breath, the plaster of the white wall in her view, “I don’t doubt how deeply you love me. I feel it every moment. But I also know how deep your love is for God and for your vocation.”
“I’m angry that you let it slip out like that so freely in front of everyone. But I know you didn’t do it on purpose. I want you to know that I’ll always choose you. Over everything else. Over my priesthood. Over God. You’re the most important thing I have.
A stray tear escaped her eye as he pressed his chest into her back and suddenly lifted his hands and she felt her red leather collar being placed on her neck as he adjusted the buckle, “Besides, I’ve slipped up too haven’t I? When I thought no one was watching. But you slipped up in front of many sets of eyes and ears. Let’s hope they didn’t notice the way you looked at me when you said it.”
She turned to look back at him to respond but one of his hands gripped the back of her neck, “Face the wall. I’m not done with you yet. As much as I understand it was a mistake, there are consequences for your actions, pet. Take off this dress.”
Biting her lip she silently pulled the fabric over her head and Harry noted she was not wearing panties. He imagined she did that on purpose. She often enjoyed leaving things uncovered in case they were in a situation where he could just take her. But she was cheeky too so maybe it was just to get a rise out of him.
“No panties while we were all sat here praying to our Lord. Fucks sake, Y/n.”
The first strike to her bottom had her wobbling forward, palms on the walls, and bending slightly at the waist. She was used to being spanked and when he did it with his hands it was a treat. She loved his hands on her. No matter how they were touching her.
Another open-palmed swat and then another had her dipping her head and closing her eyes as she braced herself.
She felt his hand smooth up her spine and press down between her shoulders, “Bend down further. Keep your hands on the wall, legs together. Think about what you can do to not make the kind of mistake you made today while I get your paddle.”
A big gulp was pulled down her throat as Harry stepped away. What could she have done differently? Maybe just be on top of her thoughts at all times? Never waver in front of people? She wasn’t sure. How was it possible to not accidentally slip up once in a great while? She had been so good all this time. Never doing anything that would really tip anyone off. The slip-up was bound to happen at some point.
When Harry returned she felt a kind hand rub over her bottom, “You get five on each side and no crying. Once I’ve given you five you’ll tell me what you could have done differently and if you haven’t come up with something you’ll get another five on each side. Understand?”
“Yes, Father.”
“Count for me.”
Every strike to her sensitive bottom had her keening and gasping. She counted each one, five on each side (so ten really and she would have complained but now wasn’t the time).
“Now, tell me. What can you do to make sure that never happens again? How can we avoid it?”
She took a deep breath, still reeling from her stinging bottom and knowing she was about to get five more (ten more) because she hadn’t come up with an idea quite yet.
“Uhh… I just need to think harder and not let myself really look at you… uh… I can keep my mind sharp so I don’t say things I shouldn’t on accident.”
“No. That’s not it. Count for me.”
The next round hurt more. The smooth leather landing against her sore ass had her arching her back away from him and hissing between numbers she pushed from her lungs. Every one biting a little more than before.
But when she got to her final five (ten) she thought of an answer that she felt would suffice and nearly hopped up with a grin, but knowing better she stayed in her position.
“Have you come up with an answer for me?”
“I can just not speak. I’ll say my throat hurts and keep my mouth closed the whole meeting.”
“That will only work once or twice. But every meeting, pet? You can do better than that. Count for me.”
She let her tears slip out of her eyes as she racked her brain for the answer he might want. Every number she counted got lost in her fuzzy brain and the ache from the paddle on her bum started to numb and the shift in how it made her feel manifested in arousal, which the priest did not miss as he could see her pussy with the way she was bent for him; That obvious glisten beginning to seep out from her labia.
“Tell me what you can do to avoid making comments like you did today.”
She inhaled and moaned softly, “I think that I should maybe not come to all the prayer meetings. I can stay in my cage if I’m feeling a little off maybe? Then I won’t have the opportunity to at all. And me not being at all the meetings would be good I think. Because no one is always at every meeting. Probably good for me to sit back for a while.”
The paddle fell to the floor and she felt Harry’s hands gently caressing her bottom, his fingers gliding over the raised skin left behind from the paddle, “You are so smart, pet. See? That’s perfect. Don’t move from your spot. Keep your thighs together.”
She heard the clank of his buckle and smiled to herself. She loved it when he had his way with her. She didn’t even care what he was about to do, she welcomed him wherever and however he wanted.
When his hands returned to her back and gently pressed over her bum she sighed as he leaned over and kissed her shoulder blade, “I love you. I know you didn’t do it on purpose,” she listened as he spoke and could tell he was stroking himself behind her the way his voice was wavering, breathy. “No matter what happens, you’re mine and I’m keeping you, okay?” His voice hitched up just a bit as he scraped his cockhead through her folds. She was tempted to spread her thighs but she resisted since he’d been very clear with her to keep them together.
“Yes, Father,” she breathed as she felt his smooth tip collecting her arousal, gliding up and down through her crease.
“And since you didn’t do it on purpose and I’ve given you 15 spanks as punishment,” 15 on each side, she corrected in her mind, “I’ll let you come but you may not move. I don’t want you spreading your legs to keep steady either. I’ll hold you up if you start to fall.”
The sudden slicing of his wide cock through her delicate pussy entrance had her groaning and dropping her mouth wide open. She was so wet and gushy already. She felt her arousal seep down to the back of her thigh as he began to thrust into her, juices leaking down from her opening.
Harry’s hand landed on the wall next to her head as his other clutched her hip tight, thick crown splitting her in half, and it all felt even tighter inside with her thighs pressed together. But her legs started to sway as he took heavy strokes, hips smacking against her ass. A deep moan vibrated from his chest and the way she was squeezing around him was like heaven. If he had to go to hell for his sins it would be worth it. She was worth everything to him.
When the priest noticed his pet having difficulty keeping steady he pushed into the brim, filling her completely, and gently nudged and nudged deeper into her, rutting in with hips pasted to her ass, “Being so good for me, pet. Keeping your legs together as I asked. Feels so good with you around me…”
She could hear the tightness in his voice. Her priest was enjoying her pussy. His pussy. Everything was his. All of her belonged to him. She kept her palms on the wall as he fucked into her, keeping his body tucked against her, spreading her open completely and fitting right up against her cervix like she needed.
“Want to be good for you, Father. Want to make you happy and give you everything I can. You own every single part of me.”
He groaned and rutted forward making her inhale sharply, “I do own you don’t I pet? That’s why I call you my pet. Because you’re mine and you always will be. Isn’t that right?”
No one would have ever guessed the pair stood together in the corner fucking in the small living room had the kind of secret they did. No one would have ever guessed the man was a priest and the girl on his cock with the red leather choker was his dirty secret. His divine secret. No one would know the kinds of sinful things they did together every day. If they glanced at the marks on her bare bottom they wouldn’t have assumed they were from the hands of a priest.
“Yes! Father, I’ll always be yours. I’m your possession, your property…”
They both panted as Harry’s cock worked its magic inside of her hot cunt. The wetness of her walls surrounding him and coating him was the perfect spot for him to snug into and spill his seed into.
Her lip curled up as she coughed out a loud moan and arched her back, eyes closed and in sheer bliss from her insides being rearranged. She was weak for him and her orgasm couldn’t wait any longer.
“Please! Can I come, Father? Oh my god…”
He could feel her shaking, thighs trembling so hard he had to hold her hips on both sides so she didn’t tip over.
“Aww poor thing. It aches, doesn’t it? Little pet needs to have her release, doesn’t she? Got all stressed out after misspeaking. You can come. Give me your orgasm, Y/n. Let me feel you… want to feel you milking my cock…”
Harry’s own strong thighs were beginning to quiver as his balls began to squeeze up against his body, his release just moments away.
She cried out and tensed as she spasmed and clenched around him, wave after delicious wave of wet orgasm gushing from her until she felt his grip tighten and then his chest brush into her back, his lips on her shoulder, “Come for me, pet. Holy fuck…”
He groaned at how her walls pulsed, beckoning him to come, sucking his cock deep into her tummy with every squeeze until he growled and bit down on her skin, cock pumping and throbbing inside of her.
The priest had considered not letting her come at first. But he was glad he changed his mind because there was nothing better than to have her siphoning his come from his cock as she fluttered around him and her pretty voice whined and begged…
His hot come began to leak out of her pulsing hole as he thrusted in and when he stood back to watch as he pulled out and plunged in again he saw her cream coating him.
Her legs were still wobbly as he pulled out and gently turned her in his arms and pushed his lips to hers. She felt his warm hands on her face and she knew she had nothing to worry about with her priest. He loved her and she knew it without question. Misspeak or not, he wasn’t going to just give up on her because of an accident.
Bumping his nose to hers he whispered against her lips, “I’ll always choose you. Over everything. Don’t ever doubt my love for you, pet.”
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gamermattsgf · 3 months
Horror movie hot takes // Matt + Chris
Again, I’m sorry that this is not my proper writing, but don’t worry! My breeding kink oneshot is on its way, I gotchu guys ;) I’m hopefully going to be dropping it some time in the middle of the week, so this is just some light and fun reading to do until then whilst you wait - if you want of course… pls humour my stupid ideas lol.
Thank you to whoever suggested this because I’ve been dying to give u guys my breakdown. Horror is one of my FAV genres, idk why, I just love scaring myself. Also, I don’t have just one to share with u guys, but three different options each because it’s such an expansive genre with so many probable things to pick from. You guys can probably tell that I have way too much fun with these things… (Plus they’d look good in multiple different genres and I rlly wish I could add more but I don’t want these to get too long bc they’re meant to be hot takes).
Obviously, a couple of the pictures I’ve used for the visuals may be potentially triggering as they contain blood and other disturbing bits of paraphernalia, so please if you’re squeamish, proceed with caution!!
But anyways…
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First up Matt’s most likely to star in some type of rural corn maze horror. I’m thinking proper Southern gothic style, low quality, out in the sticks and with only a small population in the farming town where he resides.
I could so see the storyline following the main character who moves to this place, but very quickly gets that sinking feeling in her stomach that there’s something not right about the town, from the way the locals look at her to the way Matt speaks when she first arrives. There’s got to be that cliché plot line where something suspicious is afoot, something that she wants to unearth.
Matt’s character gives off creepy neighbour vibes, like the kind that watches the main character from behind his curtains as she unloads the moving truck. This Matt is properly country too, from the cowboy boots on his feet to his red flannel shirt and his shotgun that he randomly carries around because he’s a sheep farmer (do I envision him using his country accent, yes, yes I do).
Long story short, the rural town isn’t just a town, it’s actually a cult, and the reason the farmers rear cattle and mind sheep is so that they can conduct ritualistic sacrifices with them.
(I lowkey wish this was a movie I’d eat this kind of twisted shit up)
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For his second movie I’m absolutely obsessed with the idea of putting him in a domestic psychological thriller- so proper stalking vibes. I’m thinking something like ‘You’ but almost making him a more extreme version of Joe Goldberg.
Possibly he’s maybe the main character’s co-worker, who takes the secret affection he has for her a little too far? Or even just an absolutely psychotic ex that refuses to let her go… In short this is the kind of movie that doesn’t quite give you that exhilarating rush of jump-scares, but instead tries to make you as physically uncomfortable as possible with an absolutely horrific instrumental soundtrack playing underneath it.
I’m not sure why I chose this branch of horror, but something about the way Matt looks just really did it for me, it’s so difficult to explain but his physical appearance fits the overall image of someone with an obsessive attitude towards a loved one.
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Three words. Found footage horror. These kind of horror movies scare me the most because of that idea of it being ‘found footage’. Equally, ‘based on true story’ horrors also mildly unsettle me just because of that idea that it’s been reimagined from a real life event.
Matt’s found footage is giving ‘The Blair Witch Project’, I can defintely see him out in the wilderness with a bunch of his really close friends, all with camcorders in their hands as they document their time camping in the woods. Until everything goes terribly wrong. And they get lost. And are picked off one by one until Matt is the only one standing.
There is no soundtrack this time, just heavy breathing, crunching leaves underneath running footsteps, the sound of the wind in the trees and the occasional blood curdling shriek of whatever is hunting them down.
(I should seriously become a director lmaoo)
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Now onto Chris… most people often think Chris would thrive in a classic 90’s slasher flick- like ‘Scream’ or ‘Friday the 13th’ which I’m not going to argue against because he really would look great in one. It fits his overall vibe of being the jock boyfriend that is one of the first ones to die after him and his girlfriend stupidly break off from the group to ‘fool around’.
HOWEVER, I personally think that a game show gore horror is more his speed, it fits his skill set better. I feel like Chris would be really versatile in this kind of high-pressure environment and I’d honestly love to see him in a franchise like the ‘Saw’ movies (I want to hear him whimpering in pain) -WHAT…? Who said that??
This Chris is just an ordinary guy who works an ordinary but depressingly mundane job that does not come with the best pay… so what happens when he gets an ad mailed through his letter box promising money to whoever volunteers to try out this new and exciting game for a reality tv show? Well it’s simple, Chris would do anything for a dollar, so he signs up- not taking into account at all about how advertisements like this aren’t normally personally mailed to a person and that quite possibly this letter had actually been specifically targeted to people who were known to be in desperate need of some spare change.
The result? A wicked sadist trapping these poor people into machines and torturing them for his own personal gain.
(Fuck I love this idea)
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This next one is a bit of a curve ball but roll with me here… a deep sea horror. Fun fact about me, I have horrible thalassophobia, and a severe fear of sharks (I know, stupid) but I can’t help it lol, they terrify me. However, still rolling with the overall cocky/jock/playboy characterisation of Chris, I could definitely picture him being some form of deep sea diving protege that’s a cave diving expert.
He’s a side character in the thriller that is called in when they need help with locating whatever monster lurks beneath the waves. Due to his speciality in the field, he’s one of the best, and co-leads a team of divers through a cave to see if they can sus out its location.
This Chris likes to wear a lot of blue things, and he’s constantly either smugly chewing on gum or is biting a toothpick within his teeth with an air of superiority about him. The soundtrack helps with the overall gritting suspense of the movie and keeps you on the edge of your seat constantly with jump-scares around every corner.
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And finally, who the fuck would I be if I didn’t rope Chris into a zombie/pandemic apocalypse horror? Because this kind of movie has Chris written all over it, real TWD style. For some reason, within the whole horror genre in its entirety Chris fits the branch of gore horror the best, blood, guts and big spectacles of action packed violence. You name it, Chris looks like he could be apart of it.
In an apocalypse kind of situation, Chris would definitely be either a side character who you meet maybe about half way through the series - possibly from some other rival gang that threatens to steal your weapons - or one of the original main characters that have survived thus far. His weapon of choice is definitely either a trusty crowbar, or a classic metal baseball bat, something that he can really swing and satisfy his frenzied killing needs with.
Aesthetics wise, he wear a black bandana to keep the hair out of his face, a white tank top and army green cargo shorts. Pair them with some heavy duty black boots and you’ve got yourself a mighty attractive apocalypse survivor to spend the rest of your shortened life span with.
Author’s notes: someone needs to take my phone AND my imagination away from me immediately at this point, it’s too powerful when they’re put together. I get wayyyy too carried away with this shit lol. I have such a vivid imagination it’s insane to me, I be writing whole ass screen plays for these Jesus Christ. But anyways, I wanna see those two in a horror movie so fucking bad (if you couldn’t tell hehe). Or maybe just watch a horror movie with them… like- dw baby boy I’ll hold your hand at the scary bits hahahaha.
Again, a list of people who I think would entertain my silly little ideas: @luvmila444 @luv4kozume @luverboychris @mattestrella @mattslutt @nicksmainbitch @ellie-luvsfics @orangeypepsi @sturniolosreads @sturniolowhore @sturniolosstar @imwetforyourmom @thesturniolos @strniohoeee @rootbeerworshiper @lacysturniolo @matthemunch @1800chokedathoe @asturniolos @vecnasnose0 @meanttomeet @mattscokewhore @stursweet @breeloveschris @kvtie444 @lovingmattysposts @bernardsgf @fake-sturniolos
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redcurrantarot · 1 year
Pick-a-Card Reading: Who is your Future Spouse/Life Partner?
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Hello everyone, and welcome to my first PAC reading! Use your intuition/call upon your spirit guides or higher self to choose the image/group that you feel called to as it holds the message meant for you.
Decks Used: Caroline Myss Archetype Cards, Tea Leaf Oracle Cards, Radiant Rider-Waite Tarot
PAC Theme: Howl's Moving Castle
Disclaimer: This is a general tarot reading for entertainment purposes meant for a wide audience and isn't targeted towards every specific person, so not every message will resonate with every person reading 100%. Take what information resonates with you and leave what doesn't. All of the info provided in my readings are my own personal interpretations of the cards and messages that come through. Because of the general nature of the reading, it's best not to take it too seriously and keep in mind this is just for fun!
© redcurrantarot 2023 — all rights reserved. Do not steal, copy, change, or redistribute my content.
Group 1
Cards: hills, caterpillar, elephant, hammock, samaritan, student, beggar, saboteur rx, chariot rx, page of pentacles, 8 of swords, 8 of wands, 2 of cups
Hello and welcome to your reading group 1!
Starting off, your future spouse/life partner is someone who is still figuring out their life and seems to be quite young and is just starting out their journey. Specifically I'm seeing they're still in school (higher education so college or university most likely) they're in a period of their life where they're a student and in a position where they're learning new things, as for what they're interested in or majoring in I feel like it's definitely something related to helping or communicating with others or societal issues. The thing is though, your future spouse at this point in time seems to also be kind of struggling with lacking direction and feeling stuck in life. It's giving me the feeling of being in school but also being confused with how their life is going, what they want to do and where they're headed. There's a lot of feeling trapped in their circumstances and not knowing what to do and feeling aimless. They're giving financially struggling college student, the type to barely make ends meet and might eat instant ramen a lot. It seems like they're probably lacking a support system in their life and feeling kind of helpless. I can also see them working a minimum wage type of job most likely and just trying to survive. I think the main reason for this is because of the fact that they seem to be some type of foreign exchange type student as in they're probably from another country and are attending school in another and have only themselves to depend on money wise. They're honestly working super hard to the point where it can be kind of unhealthy and they might not be able to take care of themselves very well because they're just trying to get by. Things won't always be this way for them though as things seem to be looking up and a change is coming their way. I'm seeing specifically that this is how the two of you meet each other, your person eventually decides to go on a trip or a vacation of some sort maybe back to their home country or wherever but it's definitely somewhere far away and then that's how both of you end up meeting!
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Group 2
Cards: bear, coins, boat, heart, messiah rx, prince rx, don juan, angel, knight of cups, 4 of wands rx, 10 of wands, king of wands rx, king of pentacles
Hello and welcome to your reading group 2!
Alright this is interesting, your future spouse/life partner is someone who comes off or acts in a way that is arrogant and they're someone who is also very powerful I'm seeing when it comes to their position in life and their social standing. They're someone who has a very large presence and who gives the impression that they know everything and are pretty intimidating too as if everything is in their control, they have a god complex. But I'm also seeing the reason for why they act this way/give this impression and it's because it is an act/a mask or a defensive mechanism in a way, I don't believe they actually truly believe they are better than others or above them but they take advantage of their power, their charm and attractive qualities to protect themselves because there is a lot of burden on them since they are incredibly connected to money and might be at risk a lot because of this. I'm seeing that this facade they have is because of issues and pressures due to their upbringing/family and because it's likely they come from some sort of generational wealth, in a way it's like they have to serve them which gives me the impression on top of this pressure already, they might be the heir to their family as well which comes with expectations. They might feel like everything is on them to succeed and they carry a lot on their shoulders. There are always people flocking to them and around them, sometimes not with the best intentions because not only do they have wealth from their family, they're also very good at making money and doing business and are held to high expectations by others and also themselves. I also think they're someone who's very smooth and knows how to use their seductive qualities to their advantage. Despite all of this though, underneath it all, this act and this performance they are someone who is truly kind and incredibly caring at heart. I'm seeing that they're someone who is probably pretty sensitive and soft hearted which is even more of a reason to put out a strong front, despite having so much wealth, they're also altruistic too and they definitely use their money for the right reasons and give back to others and to the right causes eg. charities, non profit organizations etc.
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Group 3
Cards: torch, july, tree, apple, mediator, king, priest, monk/nun rx, king of swords, king of cups, 5 of pentacles rx, ace of cups, 4 of pentacles
Hello and welcome to your reading group 3!
I'm seeing that for your future spouse/life partner, they're someone who has a talent for connecting with people and has great communication skills which can bring people together. They're someone who can combine their intelligence and perception as well as their emotional sensitivity and compassion to move people and persuade them. I'm seeing that they're also someone who commands a level or respect and they also have some type of authority and are a leader in some way, they're someone people look up to. One thing that comes out very clearly about them is that they're also someone who is incredibly devoted to their spiritual/religious beliefs, they're very pious to the extent where it's something that they're known for and they might dedicate themselves to their religious beliefs to the point that they take priority over material matters at times or become overly concerned with them. They strongly give me the impression that they use their skills to help others in some way and offer them care and compassion. For some people their person might be a counselor of some sort or a therapist but I also can't help but feel like they do in some way use their spiritual/religious beliefs to tie into their work somehow or that it is in some way related. I honestly wouldn't even be surprised if they were some kind of religious/spiritual advisor or even a priest or just someone important in their religious/spiritual community that people turn to for help or guidance. They kind of give me the impression of someone who is good at preaching or might even want to "save" others. Another thing that is coming through is that they have a lot of self control or discipline towards themselves because of their beliefs and seem to be conservative in some way and for some of you, your person might be the type to want to "wait until marriage" or at least further in into the relationship if you get what I mean. One last message that is coming through is that for some of you, you guys might be part of the same religious/spiritual community and your families might know each other and it's possible you'll meet because you're introduced to each other through them and that this could be an arranged marriage/pairing.
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Group 4
Cards: mice, broom, camel, tree, healer, child: wounded rx, vampire, mentor, 8 of cups, 10 of pentacles rx, the hermit, 6 of cups 8 of pentacles, the sun
Hello and welcome to your reading group 4!
Your future spouse/life partner is someone who is on a healing journey. They're someone who has experienced a lot of pain and trauma in their past, specifically their childhood and growing up from their family and is finally leaving it all behind in the past and recovering from this. I'm seeing that they've finally walked away from this and probably have cut them out from their life and moved away into a new home and life and have made a lot of effort and spent a lot of time alone to self reflect and introspect on the issues their trauma has caused them. This caused them to become aware and more protective of themselves and to not let others take advantage of them anymore, but I'm also seeing that through this self healing journey they found a new purpose in life that is part of healing their inner child and past wounds. It's really beautiful honestly, not only are they healing from this but they've decided to use their experiences and pain to guide others, specifically other children so that they can give them what they never had. I'm seeing that this person is very likely a teacher of some kind or at least for sure works with children, they could work in a school teaching them or could even be a daycare/kindergarten teacher or a child therapist of some kind or they could work with families, maybe even child protection services, something along those lines. But whatever they do they truly put in a lot of work to be a good mentor to other kids and to help and guide them. It's something that they're truly passionate about and it brings them a lot of joy not only towards themselves and their inner child but to other kids as well, they're someone who is constantly and consistently putting in effort to learn more and heal by working with other children and just spending time with them.
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Thank you for enjoying and supporting my PAC readings! I'd love to know your thoughts, please feel free to let me know through my asks. Any feedback is appreciated ♡
© redcurrantarot 2023 — all rights reserved. Do not steal, copy, change, or redistribute my content.
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goldenharmony · 6 months
Ruby and Akane: Parallels
In chapter 77, Ruby reveals her dark secret to Akane, similar to how Aqua revealed his dark secret in chapter 52. In both situations, Akane enables their obsessions, thinking that she is doing them a favor when she shouldn't be encouraging them.
In Ruby's case, Akane is unaware that Gorou would be nearing his 50s if he was still alive, which makes me wonder how she would've reacted if she knew the truth.
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In my opinion, she would've still encouraged Ruby. Akane's already cool with murdering for Aqua's sake so I don't think ethics is a high priority for her.
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Unhealthy Obsessions ≠ Genuine Love
The way Ruby feels about Gorou is how Akane feels about Aqua, being obsessed to an unhealthy and obsessive degree to the person they think they might be in love with. Their unhealthy feelings are targeted towards the same soul but different incarnations. Akane's yandere tendencies flare up whenever the situation involves Aqua.
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And while Ruby also wanted revenge for Ai's murder, the main trigger for her to fall into darkness was seeing Gorou's corpse.
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Gorou/Aqua - Providing the Will to Live
When describing Gorou, Ruby focuses on how he gave her the will to live, saving her from having self-destructive/suicidal thoughts during her lowest moments.
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This is further supported by how Ruby was having suicidal thoughts in chapters 115 & 121 but the realization that Gorou = Aqua had saved her.
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How does Akane understand? Because she went through the same experience in LoveNow. When she was at her limit and about to kill herself, Aqua saved her and worked with the other LoveNow members to save her image.
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Thanks to Aqua, she got the strength to return to LoveNow and move forward. That moment had a significant impact on her, similar to how Ruby describes Gorou's impact on her.
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Returning to Original Location
Ruby and Akane return to the places where their relationships began, reaffirming their feelings. Its a callback but could be seen as them trying to hold onto those relationships when they should just let go.
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Delusional Era
Both Akane and Ruby go through a period where they think they will get what they want. Aqua and Akane started dating but Aqua only loves Kana. Akane knows this but she's convinced that as Aqua continuous to lie to himself about loving her, those lies will become the truth - which they never did.
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She also believed that the 2 of them had an equal relationship, and that she was saving Aqua - both immediately proven false in the subsequent chapter.
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For Ruby, she thinks that now that she has reunited with Gorou, they will get married, not realizing that:
A) Gorou never promised marriage. He said he'd think about it which was letting Sarina down easy because she was a dying child at the time.
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b) She no longer sees Aqua as just himself, but is projecting Gorou onto him considering she keeps emphasizing "Sensei" unlike Aqua with Sarina-Ruby.
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c) Ruby in a stable and healthy mindset thinks incest is gross lol
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Plus Ruby's sus manga panels being over-the-top hammers down the point that she is being really delusional right now.
In the end, the 2 girls are really similar to where I'm sure that Akane would've still encouraged Ruby to pursue Gorou even after knowing he was way too old for her because she can relate to Ruby's feelings, believing that he couldn't be bad for Ruby if she believes he is a good person.
Meanwhile Kana's reaction if Ruby confided in her instead:
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And if Mem-Cho tried to argue about the age gap, Ruby would probably say that its basically the same as Mem-Cho hanging out with the rest of them - killing Mem-Cho in an instant:
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strawhbrrries · 11 months
All That Matters, ii.
pairing: cocky!tattoo artist!frank castle x afab!reader
summary: working with a world renowned tattoo artist who knows his own beauty has more cons than pros. the main one being that he's infuriating and it turns you on.
warnings: general banter between frank and reader, jealous reader??, jealous frank?, mutual pining but they're both idiots, cocky frank duh!, tattooed frank with long hair!!, no use of y/n or descriptions of reader, not proofread
word count: 883 words
authors note: it wouldn't be a series if there wasn't some sort of trouble, theo my beloved don't get hurt!! if you want to be added to the tag list just drop a comment! as always, enjoy!
find the masterlist here!
read the first part here!
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You waited at the reception desk until the girl from Frank’s booth left before marching yourself right in and leaning against the wall, waiting for him to acknowledge you. He was busy putting away all the machinery he used, throwing away all the single use products and checking his notifications to notice you standing there. It made you feel a bit invisible, you’d unpack this feeling later in the shower.
“I wasn’t staring.” You stated, watching his hair fall around his face when he looked up at you from his chair.
“So what were you doing then? Did you think he was cute? Good thing you already have his number.” He responded, going back to whatever he was doing on his phone before he realized you were there. It almost sounded like he was jealous, but you pushed that thought aside. He had no interest in you.
“Jesus, Frank. Go fuck someone and get rid of the attitude.” You scrunched your nose at his attitude and turned around, instantly regretting whatever voice convinced you to come back here and speak to him. 
“Are you offering?” You heard him call after you, your eyes were practically in the back of your head at his words.
Frank allowed himself to eye your ass the entire time you walked away from him, watching how it moved when you walked and imagining it grinding up against him in a club. If he was drunk would he know it was you? Would you know it was him? He put the image in the back of his mind for later when he showered and needed some help reaching that high only you could give, and you didn’t know you did. 
You spent the entire rest of your shift ignoring him, only speaking to the other artists and telling them to pass on a message for you if you ever needed to talk to him. He spent that entire time trying to figure out what crime he committed, besides being so devilishly handsome, to earn the cold shoulder from you. One of the other artists had finished all his scheduled appointments for the day and decided to sit at the desk with you, generally you got along with everyone you worked with. Except for Frank, the literal guy who owns the place.
In a heated argument towards the beginning of your career as the receptionist, he’d told you he only kept you because he couldn’t find anyone better to do your job. You were proud that you were the best at it, also upset that he disliked you that much he was actively searching to replace you. The resentment for the statement sat at the bottom of your stomach, threatening to spill out every single time he irritated you. Frank paid you well, it wasn’t even a question in your mind if it was worth working there. The jo was easy, the pay was amazing, but your fucking boss.
“Do you wanna go out for some drinks later? Some of the other people wanna go out and I wanted to extend the offer to you.” Theo, the other artist sat next to you, offered. 
“I mean, as long as I’m not a bother.” You smiled, handing him your phone to input his number and then switching to put your number in his phone.
“Never, I’ll shoot you a text with the place and all that shit later.” He shot a smile your way, it almost rivaled Frank’s smile. You rarely saw it though.
Theo had only been there a few months when you got hired, he’d been friends with Frank during their internships and only felt right working next to him. He’d welcomed you with open arms and never made you feel any lesser for your position, in fact he always made his appreciation for you obvious. On most days he picked up some coffee for you when he picked up his breakfast, always making sure to give you a few napkins just in case you spilled. It was a surprise to everyone, but yourself, that you didn’t have his number yet. You knew that the second you let him into your life like that, you wouldn’t keep your hands to yourself.
He almost looked like a blonde version of Frank, way less arrogant about his looks. If they told you they were secretly twins who were separated at birth you would’ve believed in an instant, your mind was blown when you found out they didn’t know each other until they were twenty. His voice wasn’t as deep or rough, just as loud though. You never could see an ink of skin that wasn’t covered in tattoos, on either of them, except Theo’s face. He had this weird thing about never tattooing his face, he’d do other people’s but never his own.
Frank rounded the corner to your desk and frowned the second he saw you two together, laughing. He’d been the one to bring up going out for drinks, he however had no intention of inviting you, he’d look like an even bigger asshole if he told you not to come after his best friend invited you. Theo being so close to you was irritating, Frank. He knew he was attracted to you but jesus, this was a problem.
tag list: @elsvrse
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starillusion13 · 5 months
Hello! Can I make a request? About Baekhyun's jealousy. His wife is a kdrama fan and has been a fan of Park Bogum for some time. The reader found Baekhyun's attitude sweet and funny. She was also surprised. He was never jealous of such things. (Maybe he needs some attention)
"He is really cute, what should I do?"
"They look beautiful together"
"Bogummy did a good job"
"Hey, I'm here and you'd rather watch TV for 500 hours than spend time together?"
The smile disappeared from his face when the reader noticed his jokingly angry tone.
The rest is up to you!!
Please some fluff things!! ❣❣
Are you jealous?
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Pairing: Baekhyun x f!reader
Genre: Fluff, slice of life
W.C: 1.4k
Warnings: none ( but mention of actor Park Bogum)
Networks: @cultofdionysusnet @k-vanity
Note: please I want to thanks to people for reading and reblogging. Reviews are always appreciated . Applause to the ones who come up to me to interact and they know how friendly I am. Okay enough!
You were giggling and munching on the snacks that were all displayed in front of you. Not even glancing at the things that you were eating, but eyes still fixed on the T.V screen where one of the most exciting dramas from your watch-list was playing.
The way you were cooing and making faces while watching the main lead as if you were talking about your high-school crush to your best-friend.
Something blocked your way of vision and annoyingly you tried to push away the person. But the person didn’t budge and stood at the place, hands resting on his hip.
“Hey, move. I’m watching T.V. I don’t want to miss a single scene.”
 You were trying to watch the screen from the person’s side but he was again blocking the view. Getting enough of the bullshit, you somehow paused the drama and looked up to see him standing, furrowed eyes and pout on his face.
You rolled your eyes and leaned back into the sofa and he sat beside you.
“What are you watching?”
You glanced at him and at the big screen. Can’t he see himself? But you were not feeling to talk back to him as you were already annoyed with him for interrupting your drama.
“K-Drama.” You said in a tone as if it was very obvious and you offered the chips towards him. He huffed his cheeks but grabbed some from the packet. He was trying his best to look intimidating and angry but you were finding his attitude cute and funny.
“Last night, you finished a K-drama and again you are watching this. Is it the same one?”
He looked confused at the screen and back at you when you were scrolling on your phone. Before he could speak anything, you held up your phone in front of him.
“Isn’t he cute, Baek?” You titled your head to side and peeked from behind your phone to look at him. He glanced between you and the person you were showing on your screen.
“Who is he?”
You smiled and scooted closer to him, “His name is Park Bogum. He is the cutest actor to me. Last night I finished watching ‘Encounter’ and now I’m watching his other k-drama, its named ‘Record of Youth’. I can’t get enough of his acting.”
He ‘tsk’ and hugged you to pull you on his lap, resting his chin on your shoulder to look down at your phone, where you were typing something.
“You are literally obsessed with him, Y/n.”
"He is really cute, what should I do?" you replied and cooed to the picture displaying on your phone screen without noticing the pout on his face.
You were scrolling through some images in google and tapped open one to show your boyfriend. He pretended to look away but you gripped his cheeks, pressing your fingers lightly to make him focus on what you were trying to show.
"They look beautiful together" you smiled, but to whom. Were you smiling at the couple you were showing from your last k-drama or your smile was for your boyfriend?
You leaned back into your boyfriend’s embrace and tried to grab the remote but he was quick to take it back from you.
"What? Are you going to watch with me? Bogummy did a good job and I know you will love his acting." Your cheerful tone was not setting right with him even when you were literally speaking about this another man in front of him. But he was atleast happy that you were smiling while sitting on his lap.
“Bogummy?...You are now calling him with a nickname. How come this person suddenly replacing me?”
You ignored his childish comments and pecked his cheek, it got him taken aback and you found it the chance for sneaking the remote from his hands. Just two seconds into the drama and it got turned off. You let out a groan and turned back to him and watched him smiling down at you.
You waited for him to reply and you raised your brows.
"Hey, I'm here and you'd rather watch TV for 500 hours than spend time together?"
The smile disappeared from his face when you noticed his jokingly angry tone.
Licking your lips, you scanned his face and felt hurt. He was sitting in front of you, so close to your body. You could feel the heat radiating from his body and still here you were ignoring him for the k-drama. Maybe, you love to watch them but nothing is more important or lovable to you than him, your boyfriend, Baekhyun. You turned around, now facing him to his side.
“Don’t tell me you are jealous with this actor.” He stared at you for a while before you continued. “If you are…then I don’t think you are much older than five years old.”
You stifled a laugh and he puffed your cheeks.
“Yes I am jealous. Look I came here yesterday but you were not even speaking with me and watching this man on repeat. Why is he so important?”
Oh. Your big baby needs some attention. But it’s your fault too as he came back after 1 week of exchange student project but without greeting him properly, you were watching your new crush. Well, celebrity crush. Your real crush is always Baekhyun.
“Aww my baby missed me. Come here, give me a hug.” You spoke to him in baby language and honestly you were cringing on your own tone but you were having fun in teasing him. But he held your extended hand and pinned them down while leaning forward.
“I see you got something or someone to spend your time with when am not around. It’s definitely I have missed you for one whole week but it seems like you didn’t even think about me for once because of this Bogummy guy.” His irritated tone was not harsh but it was funny to you.
You laughed lightly at the way he pronounced the name, even the nickname you said earlier.
“Now for whom are you being so smiley-smiley?” he narrowed his eyes and stared down at you. You were almost lying on the sofa and he was hovering on top of you.
“For….him.” It's fun to tase him.
“YAH!” He started tickling you and the room filled with both of your laughs. After a while when both of you were tired from tickling each other and laughing, you laid down and he rested his head on top of your chest. Your hands automatically started playing with his hairs.
“I missed you, Baek.” You told him softly.
He hummed to you and raised his head up to look at you. His hand caressed your face and head and combed your hairs. You closed your eyes and leaned to his touch. Damn, how you missed his touch so much.
He smiled at you and before your lips could curl up, he connected his lips with you. You smiled in the kiss and there was a desperation in the kiss. From both the sides. You both have missed each other for one week and you both are childish for each other. It’s okay as in the end it’s only you both for each other. Your hands moved around his neck to keep him close to you and he held your jaw and head.
Breaking from the kiss, he rested his forehead against yours. A glint of happiness flickering in his eyes.
“Did I make you forget him now?”
“Baek, you are still onto it. Come on. I love you. He is just a celebrity crush.”
He laughed and nodded.
"I love you too, Y/n." you pecked him.
“But next time, before leaving I will make sure that you don’t fall in love with another celebrity.”
“And what are you even going to do?”
“All the things you are watching and loving, I’m going to reenact them in reality.” He had that mischievous look with the teasing smirk on his face but you smirked back at him.
“I would love to see them. Afterall its you who would be doing those things to me.”
Again the room got filled with laughter.
Literally whenever I imagine Baekhyun, it feels like he is my real boyfriend. He is my first love in k-pop and no one can ever replace him.
Taglist: @mymoodwriting @justhere4kpop @anyamaris @yeoobin @icchyi @jwnghyuns @piratequeen-queenofgames @dinonuguaegi @oreharuuu @hwanring @sanwifesstuff @kiwiisnthereoops @kiwiraccoon @hyuukah @kazscara @aceofspadesbiofalltrades [open!]
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pinkdaiisies · 1 year
Hii, Hope you're doing great:)
Could you write something where Billy is being an asshole with reader and Warren gets very angry, defending the reader right away and telling Billy to fuck off lol
Kill You To Try Warren Rojas x Reader
summary: jealousy leads to a rough day at the recording studio, but warren is there to stick up for you
notes: thank you sm for the request!! this was so fun to write. i also have nooooo clue how recording a song works so i definitely made up some stuff lmao. enjoy!!!!!
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ever since you joined the band back in Pittsburgh, billy had this unexplained hatred towards you. during band practice he would constantly pick on you and get you to completely rewrite your bass lines. no creative freedom at all. he was totally intimidated by your talent.
you would’ve left the band in a heartbeat if it weren’t for the rest of the band, and camila. you weren’t going to let billy ruin your friendships, or your chance of fulfilling your dreams
once you and the band moved to LA, and billy went to rehab, he kind of let off you for a while. he didn’t constantly pick on you like he used to, and he treated you like human being for once. it was nice.
the recording process of Seven Eight Nine was a dream. you were so grateful to be doing what you loved while spending time with the people you loved. especially warren.
you two became extremely close, and you guys were always spending time together. during the making of Seven Eight Nine, is when you finally realized your feelings for the drummer.
you figured that he liked you back. although it was hard to tell because warren had that natural flirty personality. you didn’t want to get your hopes up and your feeling hurt.
although you and warren were still very close, and spent most of your time together. you two were best friends.
once the recording process for Aurora started, and it was announced that Daisy Jones would be featured on the album, it seemed like billy returned to his hostile ways back in Pittsburgh. except this time it was daisy who he was bickering with and not you. you felt bad for daisy because you knew how hard it was to withstand his constant insults.
once teddy told you guys to take five after billy raised his voice at daisy for the 43rd time that evening, you were happy to walk to the break room. warren also seemed happy to take a break. you seen warren get up and rush to the main office.
once you and karen found a comfortable spot on the couch, you noticed warren walk in with deb. you couldn’t help but feel a jolt of jealousy through your veins. karen took notice of this and hooked her arm with yours to comfort you.
it seemed like ever since you started recording at this studio, warren couldn’t take his eyes off of deb. you knew that you had no right to be mad, but you couldn’t help the jealous feeling. warren sat down on another seat with deb nearly in his lap.
when teddy called you all back in, all you could think of was how close they were sitting, and how badly you wished it was you.
it was your turn to record your part for Kill You To Try. billy thought it was best if the bass was isolated so they would be able to manipulate the volume in later producing sessions. so that meant you were in the studio all by yourself.
“ok whenever you’re ready hon.” teddy said through the mic. you gave him a thumbs up and started playing. with the image of deb and warren sitting together crossing through your mind, you accidentally played the wrong note.
“sorry.” you mumbled while shaking your head. with an annoyed look on his face, billy took the mic from teddys hand.
“c’mon, we need this recording by today.” he said sternly.
warren looked at billy annoyed, and then fixed his gaze back on you.
“could you stare any harder?” graham whispered in warrens ear with a smirk. warren playfully slapped graham in the chest.
you began playing again. you got about 7 seconds into the verse before billy stopped you again.
“what the hell? i played it right that time!” you said from the recording booth.
“no you’re not.” billy said. “you’re getting the timing wrong on the third note.”
“whatever man play the track.” you put the headphones back on annoyed. first you have to deal with warren, and now you have to deal with billy being an asshole. this day wasn’t going your way.
you continued to play again when billy stopped you another time.
you felt infuriated as you played the tune for the 3rd time. you couldn’t even get 10 seconds in before billy stopped you.
warren couldn’t take it anymore.
“goddamn man! lay off her for once billy, geez!”
“warren stay out of this. it feels like i’m the only one who actually gives a fuck about the details of the album!” when billy stopped you, he turned the mic switch on, so you were able to hear their entire argument.
“fuck off man! you think we don’t care? we all care about this album just as much as you do! but you need to stop ripping on y/n for the littlest things! she is talented, and if you let her play for more than 10 goddamn seconds maybe you’d see that!” warren walked out of the room infuriated.
you put down your bass. you couldn’t take it anymore, and you followed warren. you two were alone in the break room.
“hey… you didn’t have to defend me back there, i’m used to billy being a dick to me. i think we’re all used to it.” you giggled.
“yea that’s the thing though, we shouldn’t be used to it. i’m tired of him acting like this, i really am.” warren looked at you. he thought you looked so pretty, just the sight of you calmed his nerves.
“well, thank you anyways for standing up for me.” you smiled.
“anytime pretty girl.” warren laughed, and you blushed at the nickname.
“we should probably go back in.” you suggested.
“yeaaaaa…. we probably should. we wouldn’t want to upset master billy.” warren said sarcastically, and you laughed.
warren put his arm around your waist as you two walked back into the recording studio together.
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anistarrose · 2 years
One thing I love about The Owl House, and I know I’m not alone in this, is how it depicts disability: Eda and Lilith’s chronic illness-coded curse, Luz’s neurodivergence, the many characters who can’t do magic the “normal” way, and the accommodations and adaptive equipment they receive, and so on and so forth. Disability and accommodations are huge themes in this show —
So, with that in mind, I think it would be great if we as a fandom could start writing more image descriptions, to make our posts about these characters as accessible as possible!
Image descriptions help blind or low-vision people who use screen readers, and ND people who have a hard time interpreting expressions or other aspects of an image, just to name a few. If you haven’t written image descriptions before, it might seem intimidating — but for the most part, there isn’t really an objectively right or wrong way to do it, and any image description is better than no image description, I promise. Here’s an example:
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Image description: a screenshot from The Owl House Season 1, where Eda Clawthorne pats Luz Noceda on the head approvingly. Both of them are smiling, and Luz is slightly covered in Abomination goo. End description.
My (personal, and pretty loose) rule is that I start by specifying what type of image we’re dealing with — is it a canon screenshot? is it fanart? — and moving on to the main “topic” or “focus,”  which in this case is Eda patting Luz on the head. Info about the expressions, tone, and any other major details is good to round it out. 
I maybe could’ve gone without mentioning the Abomination goop — if I was making a post about Eda and Luz’s relationship, for example, and focusing only on the interaction between the two, I might’ve left that detail out for conciseness. Ultimately, it’s context-dependent, and completely subjective. 
The most important thing is just representing the image accurately and accessibly, and of course, denoting where the description begins and ends. This is sometimes abbreviated “ID” and “end ID,” as you might've seen elsewhere.
Other quick recommendations: don’t overuse caps lock, especially for long strings of text (some screenreaders have problems with it); include image descriptions immediately after the image instead of further down in the post, and try not to put them under a read more. Basically, the intent here is to not just make posts accessible, but avoid breaking up the “flow” for anyone reliant on image descriptions.
You can start small! I started with just describing simple memes and the occasional screenshot, and worked my way up to describing fanart. That said, if you’re an artist, you are automatically going to be the best person at describing your own art — you know what details you want to receive focus, you know each character’s expression, and you know the precise intent behind the piece. 
And, once again, any description is better than no description!
Finally, as a corollary, image descriptions on just some posts are also way, way better than image descriptions on no posts. Lots of us don’t know how to describe every image, or don’t always have the time, or the spoons, but I’ve always thought of it like: if everyone on the internet, or in a fandom, captioned a handful of posts when they felt like they were able to, that would still do wonders towards making the community more accessible. 
Anyways, if you read this far, thanks a lot! This post came about because I’ve seen so much great discussion about disability in The Owl House lately, and trying to raise awareness of image descriptions felt like the right next step — both because accessibility is a good thing to aspire to in general, obviously, and because it feels especially important when we’re talking about disabled characters themselves 💜
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ninthriven · 3 months
Hii, your art is so gorgeous!! I always wondered how you draw Exos head despite practice, do you have any tips on placing parts?
hello! thank you for saying so i appreciate it ^-^
as for tips, exos heads aren't too complicated once you break them down into their main shapes, they're basically skulls with certain planes smoothed out or added, and i find that image of them helpful to think about when looking at references.
my biggest piece of advice is to trace over screenshots of exo faces at as many different angles as you can collect, but the tracing should be in service to learning & understanding the underlying anatomy & design if you want to actually improve & not just rote copy paste. corey brickley has a great twitter thread detailing his method of blocking out the shapes of a reference image & adjusting them to suit his needs, you can easily adjust that method towards blocking out the different pieces of an exo face! here's also something old i made a couple years ago for a visual aid:
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i also recommend drawing a bunch of cubes and cylinders from different angles, it eventually unlocks something in your brain that helps with perspective (something i am still struggling to master, but they really aren't lying to you about practicing fundamentals) c:
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something else i've been meaning to do and just haven't gotten around to is getting myself a little plastic human skull, printing out different exo facial plates & making little cardboard cutouts i can stick on and take off, so i can have an IRL model to move around without breaking the bank for a 3D printer & going down that rabbit hole, but that's a project for when the sun is finally out past 6pm again & giving me its strength again lol
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yourmaidsp · 2 months
How do you come up with your compositions? They are so cool I wanna know if you have any huge inspirations :-) your art is so lovely
Hiiiiiii! Awww thanks for the appreciation!
I'm actually working on a more comprehensive art tutorial rn (bc someone asked here earlier), that would include composition, but I'll do a shorter answer first for u bc you're asking sth. more specific ?( hope it's okey (❁´◡`❁))
(Oh and also I've seen ur req! don't worry, I'm doing that as well, it's just there's still some before yours( ´・・)ノ(._.`))
Um and when the long tutorial is out, feel free to check that out ~
On Composition:
For me the goal of my illustration r Storytelling n full on Emotional experience.
(It's something I've been trying to achieve but cannot guarantee I hit it all the time, sometimes bc of my habit I'll lost myself during the process and looking back find out I miss something important, so the following is the best theories I could provide. Most of improvement r still in daily practice(●'◡'●))
To paint with beautiful compostion, you'll first have a solid story in mind, it can be simplified into " who when where n what", writing them down on a note n stick it near by would help.
And as to emotional experience, is something I can't get hold of all the time... music might help I guess? I have headcanon playlists for every chatacter or ship I wanna paint, and extract emotions from them everyday.
But there's some practical methods too.
I've worked storyboard n director for 2 years in the past, even though I'm not proud of the projects I worked on, some knowledge might still be useful.
It's mostly 2 methods: Silhouette & Movement
Well for silhouettes there's already bunch of books discussing this, one of my favs is Framed Ink, I'm sure u can find a pdf somewhere on the net.
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(I find this photo on the internet bc mine is not around)
Basically it's that, think about the objects within your image, by using shadows n their original colors, you can split it into interesting shapes. This will visually elevate the overall feeling of composition.
Also, there's a cheat build in humem's understanding of an image.
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basically this, putting important object on the 1/3 points of an image is the fastest cheat.
Also, contrast your silhouette. If you're painting sth that has no background, try giving your silhouette a constrasted design.
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(like in this one, the right side is smooth but I'm putting lots of variation on the left.)
For movement, think about your image as a shot taken when your characters r doing sth.
They would each have a direction to move to, and that forms their movement. Your job here is to arrange them into logical or emotional lines.
If it's a series of work, u can plan out the movement toward the same direction.
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(the only time you're seeing their car facing left is when they stopped, I was trying to say that their trip kinda ends here)
Also for manga, comic n movie, make sure your important information is within safe area.
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(the area within dotted lines is the safe area, u want your character's expression to be mostly within it. if it's like extreme close-up, the certain area u want to emphasize should be within it.)
I have some examples for these two theories.
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First let's analyze this screenshot of one of Kurosawa's film, Seven Samurais.
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The story here is that these guys r about to fight, possibly some big conflict. There silhouette can be sumed up like this, within the orange line.
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We see this guy sticking out from this shape, implying he might be the head of this crowd.
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Movement wise, their spears n heads face the same direction, telling u that the enemy will come from that side. Even this is a still frame, the movement is implied perfectly.
Another sample from Synecdoche,NY by Charlie Kauffman
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This is a minimalist way of conveying emotion, u only see one main character here, and hardly any movement. Why is it so powerful?
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Our main character, Caden, is in the almost center of this shot. He has a clear n simple shape. You don't normally put your main object in the center, so we'd assume he's very important.
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Then there's this repeated notes in the background. When something is repeated a lot, it giver u an impression of pressure. Especially when he's surrounded by them, and they take more space within the frame than he does.
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Also, this is a down shot, the camera is pointing down and behind him. You'll feel your character being watched or at his lower point of life when u do that.
Movies mostly, and traditional artists.
Back when I was in film school I watched a bunch of movies n that slowly became a habit, movies r very good sources for ideas.
Even if you're not having enough time, watching reviews n analysis would also help, (but I'd suggest u try to consume the films not listening to critics to get a unique experience.)
Some of my favourite directors are:
Kelly Reichardt (First Cow)
Apichatpong (Tropical Malady, Memoria);
Charlie Kaufman (Synecdoche NY, Adaptaion);
Satoshi Kon (Paprika, Perfect Blue);
Kurosawa Akira (Yume, Kagemusha );
Edgar Wright (Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz );
Kusturica (Black Cat White Cat, Underground 1995);
Carol Reed (The Third Man)
Errrm I hope it's helpful? (❁´◡`❁) The next tutorial is gonna be even longer.
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allyheart707 · 3 months
So my sona hasn't really made an appearance due to me not being much of an artist or posting my own stuff very often, but the pfp on my writing blog is kind of an early version of her. She's a humanoid Gold Cross variation nine-tailed fox, (because Gold Cross foxes are gorgeous and I love them), and she has the ability to turn into a human when she needs to. This is the human:
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Because of course it is I use her image for almost all my main characters because she resembles me so it's just easy. I'm also goth so of course she is too. When in human form her eyes are blue but in her fox form they're red-orange. She also usually only has one tail out unless she needs to use a lot of power for something and they all come out, and her eyes glow blue when she's using her magic in human form and red in fox form. And she can shrink down to a normal four-legged fox as well if she wants to. And she has mental powers because I love giving characters mental powers so at points where it seems like she knows what other characters are thinking it's because she actually does know. But she doesn't intentionally read minds unless given permission or prompted by a dire need. She just knows surface level thoughts because she can't control seeing those most of the time.
Anyway sorry for the info dump I just really love my girl and sorry this took me a bit I've had an interesting day. Here's my girl trying to rescue some turtle babies! Starting out in her human form because how else can she infiltrate a top-secret high-security government building?
"Well, I do love kids. And I have been told I'm good with them."
I turn away from the scientist to look in the window. The four mutant turtle children I was told about are bouncing around what looks like an interrogation room, climbing over the table and running around it. One of them is even making faces through the window.
"So, hopefully that'll work in my favor...." I'm suddenly concerned with the fact that these are actual children thrown into an interrogation room like crime suspects.
"Hopefully," the man rolls his eyes, moving past me to open the door. "We're running out of options here."
"Can I ask a quick question though?" This is a bad idea. I shouldn't do this.
He turns to me, glaring, obviously just wanting to get this "interview" over with.
Just do your job, May.
"Is there possibly somewhere else I could take them? To make them feel more comfortable?"
He squints at me, not understanding why their comfort would even be a thought on my mind.
"This is an interrogation, not a playdate."
"They're children. What if a playdate is what it takes to get them talking?"
He thinks for a moment, glancing towards the kids in the window.
"Well, there's their bedroom, I suppose. They're not allowed many places. For obvious reasons."
Don't you dare ask.
"What if I took them around the facility?"
Stop it!
This earns me another glare as he whips his head back towards me.
"Why would you do that?"
"Well, they've gotta be curious, right? Don't worry! I won't be taking them anywhere they absolutely shouldn't go! Just, like, the hallways in the main area and places other agents don't frequent. And places they can't mess with or break anything important. They don't know what they're missing, right? Since they've never seen it before? So they won't know I'm not actually showing them anything important."
He ponders for a moment, turning the idea over in his head and going through all the pros and cons. He seems to be leaning towards a negative response when he suddenly sighs and shakes his head, clearing all the thoughts away.
"Fine. But remember, there are cameras everywhere. If you do anything against protocol or allow them to do anything damaging to the building or the project, you're fired."
"Of course! I would never."
He studies me again for a long moment before opening the door and motioning for me to enter the room.
"Hi boys!" I greet cheerily once I can see all of them. "How are you all doing today?"
"Great!" The little box turtle exclaims, jumping up onto the table. "I've never seen this room before!"
"You haven't?" I ask, patting his head, much to his delight. "What do you think it's for?"
"Games?" He asks hopefully.
"It's an interrogation room," the softshell states, sitting in a chair next to the table. "Like I told you. It's where they ask people questions."
The slider leans against the wall and crosses his arms with attitude.
"I'm not telling you people anything."
"Oh, I'm not here to ask those types of questions," I explain.
"What are you here for, then?" The softshell asks, skeptical.
"I'm your new teacher!"
The little turtle lights up at this, eyes growing as wide as possible as he leans forward in the chair. The others seem confused.
"What's that?" The snapper asks.
"A teacher is someone who helps you learn things you don't know," I explain. "We're in this room because they didn't have any other rooms prepared, but hopefully one day we can have an actual classroom!"
"Yes!" The softshell jumps up and down in excitement, waving his hands around. "And we can learn things properly, just like the people in my books!"
I have to smother a laugh at that. I wasn't expecting them to be this cute.
"Pft," the slider scoffs. "What can you learn from books? Can you teach us how to fight? That would be useful."
"I can," I lean down to his level and whisper in his ear. "I happen to be a very strong ninja who trained under the greatest ninja master of all time."
His eyes widen, and I see a glimmer of his own excitement shine in his eyes as he looks to me with a new sense of awe and admiration.
Straightening back up, I look around to all of them.
"Now! My name is May. Before we get started, I would like to know all of your names as well."
The box turtle and softshell give each other a strange look, but the snapper jumps forward excitedly.
"I'm Raph!" He answers me with his tail wagging happily behind him.
"Hi Raph," I pat his head, and he squeaks in delight.
"Heishi..." The slider says quietly.
"Nice to meet you, Heishi," I hold my hand out to him. After a quiet moment of staring, he tentatively takes it, shaking it slowly.
"We don't have names," the softshell tells me.
"Yeah we do!" The box turtle jumps back up from having sat down on the table. "Raph told us!"
"Shh!" The softshell scolds his brother, pulling his arm to have him sit again. The box turtle does so, pouting.
"If you don't want to tell me your names, how about I just call you Orange and Purple? Because of the colors of your markings."
The box turtle looks down at his arms as if he's never seen the spots before while the softshell scrunches up his nose.
"It's just for now, anyway," I reassure them. "Just until you're comfortable with telling me your names or you come up with your own."
The orange one turns to his brother with a questioning look, and receives a shrug in response. He then turns back to beam at me and nods.
"Alright then!" I clap my hands together. "Let's get started. Today, we're going on a tour of the facility!"
Why must I always try to rescue animals I find? I mean, I know these are kids, but they belong to the government and are kept in a high-security building.
The plan I have is a good one, but it could end up putting the boys in danger if it goes wrong.
Heishi lights up at the prospect of seeing the rest of the building. He turns towards the door and looks back to us over his shoulder.
"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go!"
Donnie was fairly certain that something was up, though he didn't have enough of the pieces to figure it out just yet. Why would they take them to a brand new room just to take them out again? And especially when they knew how much of a flight risk Heishi was.... was she trying to give them a chance to escape?
Well, he wasn't going to jinx it, so he simply followed behind her quietly as she led them out of the interrogation room classroom?
In the map he had studied during their first failed escape, he had learned that there were six halls- all with different purposes. Hall C, however, was reserved entirely for them. It was the only hall they had ever been in and it was so alluring to know that there were six whole halls that they had never seen.
And then, outside of those halls...?
Not that it really mattered, because unless their new escape plan worked out better, Hall C was all he would ever see.
"This room is-" "The testing room. We know." He mumbled, rolling his eyes- The only reason they were having the tour was for their new subjects. Him and Mikey new everything on this hall by heart, and there was no way this stranger would be approved to take them out of it. "Yeah, but please, bare with me on this. I promise this tour will be a lot more interesting soon." She asked kindly as her face scanned the hall, looking for... something? What was she looking for?
Her eyes seemed to light up as one of the scientists in the hallway walked by Dr. Meanie-pants, striking up a conversation.
It wasn't going to keep him distracted for long, but it seemed a few seconds was all she needed for... whatever her plan was.
"Okay, follow me. Oh, and uuuuh, be prepared to run." She winked at them as she pulled Mikey with her, speed walking down the hall, past the testing room, then the meeting room, and Hall C's storage-
Were they leaving hall C?!
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akystaracer22 · 3 months
The Exception to the Rule
Synopsis: How far do you bend your morals for someone you love?
This is definitely a turning point to the story and is a little jump ahead of everything so far.
From here on out, there will be two different types of oneshot, flashback oneshots which happen either in Heaven or in Eden, and present day oneshots which are primarily in Hell.
This also adds a new epithet to Adams repertoire! Technically.
There are OC’s in this one, I can’t avoid it.
Heaven politics! Theres a lot going on in heaven I can’t talk about because nobody in hell knows about it, but I can finally start talking!
I listened to More than Anything, Connor’s Main Theme, and Gladiator while writing this.
In exchange for starting the extermination early, the one after would take 18 months as opposed to 12.
I have named over 60 exorcists. If you see a reference no you don’t.
Vaggie wasn’t the first angel to show mercy to a sinner.
I drop so much fucking lore in this jesus fuck.
This one shot was supposed to come so much later.
Hey uh, you know how I said I can’t write stupid characters? Yeah… Adam can act and think like a damn general now ig.
Adams over 6,000 years old he knows how to move quickly.
... I really like my BAMF characters huh.
Word Count: 1862
Fic under cut!
“Over here Luci,” The first man replied easily, looking towards where the angel had entered the wastelands.
Well… wastelands was a bit of a stretch now.
Once he was able to improve the soil, grass was able to finally start growing and…
The oak tree Adam was taking a break under was a testament to his labour. It was still growing and would probably take another year or so with the help of Lucifer’s magic before it’d resemble the mighty trees most people knew.
It didn’t make Adam any less proud of it.
The fallen angel got up and stretched his wings as Lucifer rounded a crag and came into view.
One of Adams wings hiked up before he could shove the instinct down, it was just Lucifer.
“Charlie wanted to know if you wanted to come up for lunch or if you’re fine down here,” The devil started, “She and Maggie are making pastries from the pear’s you dropped off yesterday.”
“Vaggies baking? Better hope your daughters good then, Vaggie’s got a tendency to burn whatever she touches.”
Regardless, Adam started making his way towards the hotel, completely disregarding the unspoken offer to just teleport there.
Lucifer just laughed and unfurled his wings as Adam began the trek up the stairs, flying up beside the man.
“I doubt you have room to talk about when it comes to cooking.”
“I helped Eve cook you know,” Adam scoffed, “I had a few specialties of my own.”
“And yet Maggie can’t cook.”
“Oh, shut the fuck up, plenty of my daughters can cook! Lux is extremely good at dessert foods and Needle can make some great fucking lunches.”
“Oh really?”
“Yes really! It’s Mari you have to look out for. The presentation of her food? Stunning, beautiful, gourmet even. The taste? I thought I was going to die a second time over the toilet.”
Lucifer cackled and a light chuckle escaped Adams lips as the angel almost fell out of the sky at the mental image.
“Shut up! I’m serious I thought I caught some sort of illness! They don’t even have illnesses in heaven!”
“I would pay to see that!”
“I bet you would be you sick fuck.”
“Hey! I-”
Lucifer went dead silent, and Adam almost asked what was wrong before he heard it too.
He didn’t even glance at his friend as they were both caught in Lucifer’s magic, bringing them both to the hotel lobby.
“I’ll stop the fight.”
“I’ll grab my fucking axe,” Adam headed down the hallways until he found the gym, carefully taking his axe off the wall and slinging it over his back before booking it to the hotel exit.
“If you’d just give me a minute-!”
“Your majesty-”
“Oh for fucks sake!”
Adam slammed open the doors and jumped the stairs, “What the fuck is going on-!”
Adams brain short circuited immediately after taking in the situation.
Lucifer was frozen stiff with his wings spread wide, his head whipping around to stare open mouthed at Adam. Alastor and Lilith’s glaring contest was broken as they also stared at the first man. The princess and Vaggie were holding hands and Charlies demonic traits receded at Adams arrival.
The other residents were also still at the first mans arrival, nervousness and surprise evident in everyone expressions, even Nifty stopped moving. Under normal circumstances Adam’s gut would have twisted from all the attention.
That usual knee jerk response was completely crushed under the weight of the other three present.
Adam was barely aware of the fact that he’d dropped his axe as he took in the maskless faces of three of his exorcists.
Echo almost dropped her scimitars; her hair was undone from it’s usual bun to brush against her shoulders. She almost stepped back from him before a wing from her sisters steadied her.
Delta was much more graceful, sheathing her rapier and swallowing thickly; Adam understood how she felt. She’d recently had a haircut, her undercut looking crisper than the last time he saw her.
Nina’s war pick clattered to the ground as she brought her hands to her mouth, tears cropping up in the corners of her eyes as she took in his ruined form. In contrast to Delta, her hair had grown out; the normal buzz cut fading.
Adam stood in the silence, wings slowly folding in from where he had mantled them prior. He didn’t know what to do. These were his girls, and they were here and fuck, they were outnumbered. But… shit they were here to kill him weren’t they.
Fuck it.
The first man sprinted forward; wings spread wide as he reached out for the three of them. Weapons hit the ground as he pulled his kids into a hug.
If he was going to die, he’d like to die hugging his girls.
Adam didn’t expect the three of them to hug back. His shoulder grew wet as Nina’s tears started to fall; Echo made a soft noise as she buried her head in the feathers of his good wing. Delta’s wings were touching the tips of his own as she all but collapsed into the huddle.
Huh, seems like they were all mad here.
Adam didn’t give a fuck; he was hugging his exorcists and that was enough for him at the moment.
“So… we’re good?”
Moment over.
Adam pulled away to glare at Lucifer, “Do you fucking mind?”
“Sorry sorry! I’ll shut up now!”
“No, you’ve ruined it. Moments gone and done thanks to you,” Adam huffed, regretfully stepping away from his girls even as he kept his good wing extended to the three exorcists, guiding them by the wing towards the hotel.
“Come on, I have a feeling you three aren’t here just for show.”
- - ┈┈∘┈˃̶༒˂̶┈∘┈┈ - -
Adam blew lightly on his tea before sipping it, leaning forward to pour the exorcists some tea as he worked to calm his still slightly frayed nerves.
He’d managed to move the girls into a private room before unceremoniously kicking everyone else out, if anything happened Lucifer would break into the room in a flash, so it wasn’t like he was in any real danger.
Besides, they were his girls, it’d be fine.
“So,” Adam swallowed, before  “What brings you three to this side of the pentagram? The hunts not on for another eight months.”
Echo swallowed thickly and Nina bowed her head, it was Delta who answered.
“I- Netto discovered that heaven knew you were alive, sir. Lute wanted to come down immediately but the rest of us were able to convince her otherwise.”
“She’s too far in the eyes of the high seraphim, if she disappeared they’d know.”
“So, we decided to go instead,” Nina finished for her sisters.
Adam stared at the three of them, horrified, “What?”
“What Nina’s saying is… we’re staying here.”
“Why the fuck would you three do that!” Adam hissed, feathers bristling at the implications, “You all have so much to lose-”
“We don’t,” Delta asserted, scowling at the window, “You know damn well what hells denizens took from us.”
Adam froze as the image flashed into the forefront of his mind.
Charlie. Echo and Delta’s missing piece to their trio. They were best friends even beyond the bonds of sisterhood. Where one was the other two were close by. Charlie was the sunshine to their storm, always taking time out of her own day to brighten up the other exorcists. She preferred to use a crossbow to keep away from sinners, something Adam was always grateful for.
Charlie’s body was missing several ribs and most of her organs, looking every part like it had been ravaged by monsters. It took effort Adam didn’t have every day to not go to cannibal town and raze it to the ground. For Charlie, for Zirco, for Steel, for Feather and Annie and every exorcist he failed.
A scream, a plea as Adam struggled against divine magic nononono please stOP PLEASE-
Adam whole body tensed up. Fuck, Wasp. He hadn’t- shit he’d almost managed to convince himself that that had never-
The girls were looking at him now, Nina reaching out a hand to him.
“And you?”
The hand pulled away, “What?”
“Nina, why did you decide to come down here,” Adam rasped, “You- fuck you were planning on proposing to your girlfriend why-”
“Because your our leader,” Nina answered quietly, like she wasn’t taking Adams breath away with a single sentence, “And Regina understood, she agreed with me.”
Nina held up her phone with a sad smile, “Besides, at least this way it’s easier for me to watch out for her dad.”
Adam wanted to send the three of them back to heaven immediately, this was no place for angels. Vaggie was lucky she found Charlie immediately.
But Delta and Echo had backbones of steel, and once Nina set her mind to something there was no stopping her.
Shit, Netto and Lute were smart to send them.
“What did you mean when you said heaven knew I fell Delta,” Adam whispered, “I should have fucking died. How did Netto find out I fell.”
Delta sighed and gazed tiredly at him, “Same way she always finds things out, she got it straight from Michaels lips.”
Adams blood froze before his mind caught up with him. Michael was involved with this. Fuck of course he was it was Michael, and if he was involved… then it stands to reason the rest of the ancient archangels had something to do with all of this too.
The first man stood up before pausing, if his gut was right, this wasn’t just about his fall. For the ancient archangels to be aware of his fall and do nothing for ten months… there was something he was missing.
He’d need to wait, maybe even bring Lucifer and the others in on this. But first…
“I’m in room 2101, Lucifer’s wing. 2100 is taken by the king of hell himself and his wife but the rest of the floor is empty,” the three exorcists perked up at Adams commanding tone, “Get set up and get settled in. Echo, send a message to the others and tell them I’m okay.”
“Already done.”
“Love that, Delta how is training looking?”
“Lute’s leading the effort sir, we’ve been working hard to fix our holes.”
“Great, get back in contact with Lute. I have a few techniques that can help. And for fucks sake tell her to use whatever prosthetic she has to her advantage; I fucking know she’s not.”
“Yes sir!”
“Nina, keep an ear out. Both for anything Netto has for us and for anything in hell. Carmilla Carmine, and the Vees are important. Especially Carmine, she’s the one with the angelic steel. Do not engage.”
“Go it sir.”
“Good, I’ll get you three for dinner. Remember, stay sharp, stay armed, and whatever you do. Don’t fucking trust the Radio Demon. He’ll kill everyone in this hotel the moment he’s off his fucking leash.”
The leader of the exorcists watched the three of them head down the hallway towards the front desk before turning and heading for the stairwell.
He had a lot to think about, and from the looks of things he still had an extermination to plan.
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whirligig-girl · 9 months
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Star Patrol rocket Piccard-5 encounters an artifact of the incredibly powerful White Marble Civilization. circa 2169, colorized & shipgirlified.
Commission for @foxgirlchorix, based on a render by Holly for @torchship-rpg
This is some of my best rendering work ever! These commissions do have a knack for putting me out of my comfort zone enough to continue developing my technical skills and style.
Image ID: Digital art of two ship girls in a black and blue nebula background. One girl is a very large solid white marble statue with a naked feminine form, pitted and cratered with meteoric impacts, drifting belly-down though space. Instead of a face, her head has a large hole which glows yellow-orange, with a white marble sphere held in space outside of it. A green tractor beam is being emitted towards the second girl, a Torchship named Piccard-5. She is a silver girl with her body resembling a star patrol jumpsuit. Warp drive rings circle her waist like a hula hoop. She is wearing a spherical ball helmet. She is wearing white rocket boots. She has glowing red-orange radiator panels as wings on her back. The white marble sphere's tractor beam is slowly disassembling her into individual hull sections, disconnecting her radiator wings, removing her boots to reveal the rocket propellant inside her legs, and taking her body apart. Piccard-5 is reacting with a worried or confused expression. End Image ID.
Artist's notes and concept sketches in the read more:
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When this render was posted Levana immediately had the idea to make it one of a series she was planning on commissioning me for, of shipgirls based on Torchship's Star Patrol (and alien) rockets. So we quickly brainstormed how it would go down and what she could afford price-wise.
When I do big commissions with new characters where I'm creating the design without an existing OC reference, I charge extra for character design. That doesn't just go to waste! Here's the concept art page:
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The White Marble shipgirl is inspired by the Eerie and Enigmatic Empty Vessels by @murmurlilies, which Levana really likes--if you look at her blog you might see one of those posts reblogged multiple times. I wanted to pay homage to the eerie and enigmatic empty vessels without directly ripping them off! The first sketch on the upper left is imagining the girl poses by breaking her arms into segments and moving them around, but that never looked quite right to me. The second is basically just a direct study of the empty vessels (with a ball head). The third is after a little more refinement--I liked the cute hair on the empty vessels so I wanted to keep the head mostly intact, and I found a way of keeping the silhouette of the jagged angular hips on the empty vessels but in a very different way! Meteoric impact damage, just like on the original Torchship render. I also used an edited version of one of the Empty Vessels drawings for the thumbnail sketch in the lower right out of laziness.
There's also a sketch of what Piccard-5 looks like when she's not being disassembled. Piccard-5 has a rounded main hull, so it looks much more like a regular space suit helmet than the frustum-shaped helmet on the Newton-2 shipgirl I sketched a while back. The Newton-2 shipgirl had heat radiators as wing shapes on her boots, but making them actual wings on her back makes the disassembly image all the more unsettling.
I changed the hairstyle on the white marble girl when I drew the main drawing because I wanted to evoke like, greco-roman marble statues, and so a curlier/braided look worked better than the cute pixie cut of the empty vessels. I'm really happy with how the final product looks. I knew I wasn't gonna be able to half-ass it with the rendering, you know, just a little shading along the edge; this required a lot of careful thought and it was a lot of fun to do! Especially where the craters interact with the terminator (line between light and dark), just like on the Moon, which I have a lot of experience sketching (see below--the following sketches were made while looking through telescopes at the Moon at night)
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Here's a WIP of just the line-art:
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and with the basic shading done on the marblegirl
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I started with like, a cel-shaded look (?), and then went in and softened the edges, then went over it again to fix the craters. I also added the marble texture to the unshaded base layer.
For the Piccard-5 girl, I spent a lot of time trying to get the pose right. I wanted it to be a little stiff, she's in a suspension beam after all, but not too stiff? And I had to decide like, what pieces should be detached, and where should they be going. In the render, hull pieces are often displaced towards the side, but when doing that to a humanoid, it ruined the pose too much, so i avoided doing too much weird stuff to the torso and kept the disassembled pieces largely to one axis. The cross sections are hollow because they're ship decks. She's a spaceship, not a robot girl. The warp ring was suspiciously untouched by the dissassembly beam in the original render, but i had the marble girl pull a few pieces off of it in my drawing.
Probably the one thing that isn't based on something happening in the render is the belt. Like, rockets don't have belts, cosmonauts do! So that was a fun little touch.
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herrscherofmagic · 6 months
A look at the past & future of Honkai design: Simplicity vs. Complexity (Part 1)
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Link to the YouTube channel of the person whose thumbnail I yoinked off of Google Images for this; it was the best image of the new Hyperion that I could easily find which is why I used it for this.
Original Honkai Impact 3rd designs tended towards large, simply shapes that gave battlesuits (and other stuff) a strong "mecha" vibe. Many newer designs are trending towards more complex designs that do away with these simple and recognizable shapes, instead using more overlapping textures and ornamentation to create detail. Some designs balance the two, using large and relatively simple shapes that still carry enough detail to stand out as newer while still keeping the original vibes.
Because of this, I think there's gonna be a very clear visual split between Part 1 designs and the APHO+Part 2 designs because of this split between simplicity & complexity, and some Part 1 designs feel off because they stray too far from the original design motifs, making them feel out of place even if they're still good designs on their own.
I've been thinking a lot about the design philosophy of Honkai Impact 3rd for quite a while now. As someone interested in concept art and illustration and who's played video games for more than 3/4ths of their whole lifespan.
And obviously I'm not alone in this, given how often I've seen discussion of Honkai's character design. Whether it was the march of the pastel battlesuits or the techwear of the part 2 cast or the upcoming Garuda Fu Hua battlesuit, many people have had many opinions both positive and negative.
But I've wanted to do a sort of "deep-dive" for a while now, because I think HI3rd is a really interesting case where we can see the co-existence of (sometimes drastically) different designs made years apart from one another. It's normal for the style of a franchise to grow and change with time- my personal example is Halo, with obvious differences between Halo CE, Halo 3, and Halo 4 in mind. But typically that has been done over the release of different games over many years, not so much in consecutive releases within the same game. HI3rd's not alone in this regard, of course :)
I don't want to label anything as "bad" or "good". I can like or dislike something, and that's my personal opinion. Of course I COULD try to label designs as bad or good, but I'd want to back that up with serious analysis and get the opinions of other players, and that's way too much effort for a reddit post. Instead, I want to present some different designs in Honkai and share my thoughts, so others can feel free to agree, disagree, elaborate, etc. More of a matter of casual discussion rather than trying to present some solid theory, I guess you could say?
What I will say is I intend to label designs based on whether (or how) they fit into HI3rd's aesthetic(s), so that's the main point- not so much whether an individual design is good or not.
To start with, I'd like to talk about the simplicity vs. complexity of Honkai designs because I personally feel like this is the biggest problem I have with HI3rd, outside of story issues that is. Not because of designs being "good" or "bad", but because I feel like Mihoyo has been moving towards a new design philosophy that's different from what I loved most about HI3rd when I first started.
I opened with the comparison of Hyperion because I think it's a perfect example of this concept, and if we can understand what the difference is with Hyperion then I think it'd be more apparent with battlesuits as well. I also have another image that highlights some of the biggest differences between the two models:
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I had mixed feelings about the reveal of the "new and upgraded" Hyperion during the moon arc. It's a neat design I'll admit, but I felt like it deviated a lot from the original Hyperion, not as a difference in fidelity and detail but rather as a difference in the fundamental design of the ship.
What I like so much about the original Hyperion is, as you might have guessed by now: its simplicity. Hyperion was comprised of much larger, blockier shapes with more clear silhouettes. It's actually the same reason I love the design of Halo's UNSC frigates, funnily enough. I'm a huge sci-fi fan and I absolutely adore spacecraft and vehicle design, so I really appreciated the design of Hyperion cause to me it felt very original.
The new Hyperion retains most of the same characteristics, and it's still recognizable as a version of Hyperion. But it bothers me just how much the design was changed. Many of the simple shapes of the design were broken up into smaller parts or almost totally changed, like the cannon going from a sleek polygonal barrel to a spikey... thing.
To me, it feels like Hyperion was redesigned with the idea of trying to make it more "futuristic" or "tech-y", or perhaps it was even designed with some retro anime motifs in mind like the Space Battleship Yamato. But it seems as though this was done by adding many objects that broke up the original silhouette, as well as inventing lots of new detail instead of adding details to complement what was already there. The shape of the winglets was greatly changed; the vent-like structures were totally changed; the barrel was completely changed; most noticeably, the bridge was drastically changed.
The new Hyperion model is technically "better" in terms of fidelity and the amount of detail it has, no doubt about it. But I think changing the fundamental shapes of Hyperion so much really hurts the charm of the original design, to the point that I was actually quite disappointed to see that Mihoyo used the new Hyperion design in the CG of the Captainverse Hyperion farm event. It seems as though Mihoyo wants to consider this as the new default impression of Hyperion, and not a special one-off thing from the moon arc.
I think this can be seen across other aspects of the game, too. In general Mihoyo has moved away from simple designs and towards complex designs, and I think there's been a lot of hits and a lot of misses with this.
For instance, I'd like to compare the three Herrscher Kiana battlesuits: HoV, HoFS, and HoFi.
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There's a clear trend of an increase in complexity across the three battlesuits. HoV's design uses fewer and larger shapes, HoFS adds more and smaller shapes, and then HoFi is almost totally devoid of any large clear shapes.
To me, this is what distinguishes a battlesuit that "feels like Honkai" from one that doesn't.
Everyone starts the game in Chapter 1, and most long-time players have spent more time with older battlesuits than newer ones simply because they were playing the game before these newer battlesuits were even released. I think it's safe to say that even though HoFi is the grand "Kiana in her greatest form" battlesuit, most players will still have seen HoV's design more often because of the years that it's been around, and its prevalence in story content.
Most of those older designs were rooted more heavily in the mecha vibes early Honkai had. For instance, even though HoV is obviously not wearing a mecha battlesuit, the large blocky shapes are still reminiscent of armor, two examples being the large frames on her wings and the large white pad-things(?) on her sides. There's other obvious cases like White Comet being a skin-tight battlesuit which used glowy energy bits for its attacks, but I use the example of HoV because it shows that HI3rd was fully capable of creating battlesuits within the mecha theme without being limited to literal "mecha" designs. HoV's battlesuit is far from mecha in its nature, yet still fits perfectly with that aesthetic.
HoFi has pretty much none of that, though. It's a pretty design for sure, but it's also nearly completely divorced from that original aesthetic. There's few easily-recognizable shapes on her design, with the (very little) clothing she wears being almost entirely detail and ornamentation. It definitely fits the "Princess Kiana" or "Goddess Kiana" theme in isolation, but I don't think it delivers on that theme in the context of Honkai Impact 3rd.
Yet look at HoFS. HoFS definitely has more detail than HoV. Yet there are still lots of large blank areas that define clear forms; for instance, the armor on HoFS' waist. It's reminiscent of that of HoV while still adding more detail. This gives that same effect of a slight mecha vibe. It's still an appealing design and it still feels more modern than HoV, but it also manages to retain much of the same design language.
That being said, I have to admit I ADORE the Honkai wings that HoFi has, though I wish they were a little higher in the air. That's one thing that I think Mihoyo absolutely nailed with HoFi, and I wish more of that aesthetic was kept in the rest of her design.
What's also interesting is that (in my opinion) neither of the other two main Herrscher Trio designs suffer from this. For instance, consider Mei's battlesuits:
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I've included Lighting Empress as a reminder that old =/= good. I'd like to make it clear that just because it's an "original" battlesuit doesn't mean it's a good one. I said before that I didn't want to label stuff as good or bad but this is a clear exception and I hope y'all can understand why, lol
We can certainly argue about whether HoO Mei's design really fits the image of Raiden Mei. It's a vast departure from her other battlesuits when it comes to her palette, for better or for worse. I didn't like it at first but it has grown on me, and I think part of that is because of that concept of simplicity vs. complexity.
HoO has way, way more detail than the other two Herrscher Mei battlesuits, no doubt about it. But it also retains many large and recognizable shapes. Nothing on this battlesuit is bulky like HoT or other older battlesuits, but it still gives off the feeling of being armor despite being so thin. Much of the detail is created not by overlapping layers of ornamentation and texture, but rather by using intricate shapes with clear silhouettes and light detail inside that outline.
And HoTr is obviously a mecha design, so I don't think we need to elaborate on that one :)
The point is that it's absolutely possible to make detailed and beautiful battlesuits without getting rid of the original shape language that HI3rd was built on. HoFS is a bit dated now but still much newer than HoV, yet it keeps the vibes. HoO is also far newer, yet it still fits the theme of battlesuit. HoFi, though... not so much.
Finally, I want to talk about the elephant in the room: the Part 2 character designs.
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Once again, here's the link to the YouTube video by Matt Is Playing, where I pulled this image from!
Much like HoFi, there's very little trace of the OG Honkai mecha aesthetic in these battlesuits. It's not to say that they are inherently bad because of that* , but it doesn't quite feel like "Honkai Impact 3rd".
*except Dream Seeker, I'm sorry but what the heck is going on there???
But the thing is that this design philosophy isn't even new. In fact, it's years old by now... because we see this in APHO.
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For a long time now, APHO has had battlesuits that tip-toe on the very edge of the original Honkai aesthetic. So the designs of Part 2 aren't actually some new and drastic shift in Mihoyo's design philosophy- rather, it's reinforcing a design philosophy that was introduced with APHO.
These new characters all feel out of place if we compare them to the original battlesuits. They don't use the same simple forms, instead using dense and overlapping details. But if we compare them to the APHO cast, they fit right in. We can argue about the merits of the new character designs in other terms, but I think these discussions have to keep in mind this context.
I'd say the APHO designs work well in the setting of APHO because they're following the same aesthetic. As we enter Part 2 and once we see more of the story and setting of Part 2, it's very possible that these new character designs will feel more natural and more like "Honkai Impact 3rd".
But it's a different Honkai Impact 3rd.
This is why I think the idea of "simplicity vs. complexity" is so important to understanding Honkai Impact 3rd's designs. I think Mihoyo might be trying to emphasize two different phases of Honkai through this design philosophy. These are going to be two very different halves to the same game, with the designs of Part 2 possibly becoming as distant from Part 1's designs as Part 1 is from HSR.
You have the OG mecha action vibes from the good ole St. Freya days, and we have the sleek tech-wear of the era of exploring Mars, world-hopping in the Sea of Quanta, and fighting literal aliens.
For better or for worse? Only time will tell.
As a bonus, I'd like to include some extra comparisons, though I won't be adding any more analysis. It's more about having extra examples to keep in mind. Also, I think these ideas can apply to enemies and weapons as well, but that's a larger discussion I'm not yet ready for so that will come in a follow-up later on!
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Based on what we've seen so far, what are your predictions for Season 2?
Nine built Metal Sonic. I can guarantee it. The different look, the lack of hostility, the fact Sonic was expecting to see Nine when Metal first appeared? That's Nine's boy, not the Eggmens'. They probably made him build it as a weapon and he's turning it against them. Of course, if Sonic does something he doesn't like...
Nine is also doing his villain arc, and seeing the other versions of himself is either gonna drive him further towards it or back to heroism. It's gonna have a huge effect either way.
Sorry to talk so much about Nine but we see him strike a bored pose before stancing up at the Eggbot next to him… with his handcuffs on the floor. Can guarantee Mr Dr Eggman is threatening to kill him, and then Nine just. drops the handcuffs. cause he's been able to get out of them the whole time
We see the Eggmen invading the other worlds, and Thorn looks PISSED. Sonic may not like killing people but hot damn is she gonna start stabbing
Rusty seems to reset to heroism quite quickly as she joins the pirates in the fight. Either Sails gets his mechanical prowess on fast, or actually making physical contact with Black Rose is what's gonna give her the reset. Someone said we see an image of her with green eyes so that's not a Nine reset at all... if her eyes ARE green I'm leaning more towards the Black Rose theory for obvs reasons.
At one point we see the Eggship surround Sonic and Dread on an isolated sea area. It looks like they've lost the crystal and Dread's on the ground, so my guess is they just had their heart-to-heart.
I think the "hand over the shard or say goodbye to your friends forever" bit will happen a bit before that, too; it looks like Sonic is running away to draw the attention away from his friends.
and here's kinda my main one
As we can guess easily, Shadow tells Sonic that they have to destroy the shattered worlds in order to repair theirs. However, when Sonic says, "That could work, it has to work!" and it cuts to Shadow looking upset? Sonic's trying to come up with an alternate plan. He wants to fix the world without hurting anyone, he's gonna come up with an alt idea, and Shadow's not going to like it. It's too risky, or Shadow's just desperate to get his world back and truly believes the others are not real. The fact Sonic has all his dimension-hopping tech BEFORE this scene implies to me that THIS is when Shadow tries to steal it. Sonic won't get those crystals and destroy these worlds, so he'll do it. That's a VERY Shadow move– he focuses on the end goal to the detriment of everything else, and compartmentalizes like HELL. "Those worlds aren't real so what happens in them doesn't matter and I don't have to think about it. And if I have to beat the shit outta Sonic to do it, that's just a bonus."
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