#also: expect ridiculous amounts of friendship
the-kaedageist · 3 days
It’s so funny that Essek was taken aback by Fearne summoning Teven, but if you’d asked me before this episode (or at least before Fearne met him), “which party would be more likely to randomly summon the champion of a betrayer god out of thin air without warning?” I would have immediately answered “The Mighty Nein”. 
I love the implications of this. I love the idea that the Nein’s antics might STILL throw Essek years later, but isn’t that also why he loves them so much? Didn’t they win him over by relentless friendship mixed with absolute batshit amounts of chaos? 
On the other hand, I can also imagine a world where yes, Essek totally would have expected this from the Nein - but he never expected any other adventuring party to be as ridiculous as his friends. 
This poor drow will never escape the confines of being trapped within the indignity of a game of dnd, and I love that for him.
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jolynesmom · 1 month
aging yourself up or down in your dr (+ dating)
I actually refrained from talking on this topic on my tiktok since I knew I was going to get chased off the app and didn’t see a point in talking about it on tumblr since everybody here seems to be more open minded and mind their own business, until I saw multiple posts a few days ago here, where the op were shaming people for changing their age or changing the ages of people in their dr
those people definitely came from tiktok and I honestly hope this post reaches them as I didn’t want to directly interact with them
I think one of the posts was about how adults age ‘minors’ in their dr to date them is problematic, which made me laugh, because how is it problematic if they’re both the same age in their dr?
and the sad thing about that post is that the op said that they’re aware how shifting works and all that, but still finds it problematic and hopes people that do that never shift which is just… girly I hope YOU never shift because you don’t deserve it for shaming people trying to live their lives
I’m not going to go into details about the og posts, but they still have the outdated idea that if you shift for a character that is much younger than you here it’s ‘problematic’. once again: how is it problematic if you’re the same age in your dr?
and then they hit you with another outdated take ‘it’s problematic because you find them attractive here’ which is ridiculous because of so many reasons
1.many characters (especially anime characters) don’t act or look their age. if your perceived a character as an adult initially then found out they’re a minor, I simply don’t care. ages in fiction never matter, if your mind perceived x as a certain age then they’re that age idc; 99.99% people are attracted to a character for who they are, not their age
2.many people had crushes on characters when they were younger or the same age with that character and still like them. let’s boo them that their crush on the character didn’t die and their fav character didn’t age, acting like you’re not going to be in their place in a few years
‘not true I’ll stop liking my favorite character when I’m of age 😡’
okay sweetie keep telling yourself that, because I keep seeing people on tiktok that had this mentality: they liked an underage character when they were minors and wanted to shift for them, now they’re adults, haven’t shifted yet but STILL like that character and regret having said they’re gonna stop liking that character when they’re adults because it didn’t happen lol
3.people don’t always script that an underage person here will be their s/o, it just might happen. I’m actually going to use myself as an example for this: so here I’m an adult and I’m also aroace which I dislike because I always dreamed of a fantasy novel like romantic relationship, so I’m straight or bi in most of my drs so I can date. in my jujutsu kaisen dr, all the people in jujutsu tech are adults because I don’t like teens or kids and don’t wanna hangout with them. in my 30+ drs I only have 3 scripted s/os which are all adults here. I didn’t script an s/o for my jjk dr, because I want to focus more on friendships and training there (but secretly hoped choso would pick me, a girl can dream ok); a few weeks ago I channeled multiple people from my dr (yuuji, megumi, nobara, gojo, nanami and geto) and I received normal messages from all of them. I expected all of their answers, except yuuji’s answers which had romantic aspects to them. that made me realize that he might have a crush on me and maybe we’ll even date in my dr or something? who knows, I didn’t think too much about it so idk
so now if a character that’s underage here likes me in my dr, am I supposed to refuse them or shift out? lmao you’re delusional if you think I’m doing that
4.people that have never experienced adolescence love here. a lot of people dreamed of having that sweet experience of teenage romance that disney and an insane amount of shows and movies love to push, but instead their teen years were filled with abuse and hate. why shouldn’t they shift to experience what was taken from them here?
ALSO let’s switch this around: why is okay for minors to date adults in their dr, but not the other way around?
‘it’s not as bad 🤓☝🏻’
imma be the devil’s advocate and say it’s just as bad
do you genuinely think it’s okay to be a minor here and date an adult in your dr? like do you really think your s/o would feel comfortable being sexualized by a minor and dating a person that’s a minor in another reality? you lowkey forced your partner to become a pedo if you think about it 🙁 /jk
and also if you shift to a reality where you’re a minor and become of age there, you’re officially an adult and shouldn’t date minors anymore, even in your ‘original reality’ where you’re still a minor. please keep the same standards for yourself
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insteading · 27 days
So, I'm newish to fandom, right? Though I'm not new to being obsessed about particular shows, my last rounds of obsession came when the blogosphere was still a thing, and that's where my blathering about it in the tags energy went.
I get that "Positive feedback only on art and fic" is a way of extending support to artists and writers who make things for free! (I also have ascertained that we don't have the same norms for meta / nonfiction, which I find fascinating AF. Is it that meta's commitments are more explicitly intellectual, and that we therefore expect and accept a level of critique we wouldn't where fic and art are concerned?)
The caveat I've been seeing "Except where racism is concerned-- we call out racism ..."
We don't. Not universally, not consistently. And I'm going to bet calling out racism when that calling out actually happens is a comparatively new fandom norm, and there are some people who dismiss it as a form of moralism. My point here is:
Fandom norms aren't eternal, and (this is my blogosphere training talking)
Re: "ship and let ship," you like what you like, but what you like is culturally influenced. Subtracting the wrinkles from someone you're drawing comes from somewhere (and it's not always "I'm drawing an AU in which these guys met in high school"). Drawing someone as skinnier than they are comes from somewhere. (I'm thin. The number of times IRL someone has attempted to force-team me into bonding over snarking on someone for their fatness is substantial and not cute.)
The norm of "If you don't like it, use the back button" means if I nope out of your fic in chapter 7 because I just read a sentence in which Stede's eyes are blue, and that has been a pretty reliable proxy for racism, you will never know why I stopped engaging. You won't know that I stopped reading because your Ed can't read-- a detail that you think is canonical but that has been disproven multiple times in the show. You might think life intervened. No. I have three hours of commuting and a ridiculous amount of reading time. If I didn't finish a fic there is a reason why. Maybe you're happier not knowing it. Meanwhile I'm thinking: if we were actually friends, I would be working up the courage to talk to you about it, because Blogosphere Years Ago I promised that I would not let pointing out racism, fatphobia, ableism be the sole responsibility of POC, fat people, and people with disabilities.
I get that it's stressful to be called out. Hell, it's stressful to say "I have a problem with this" too! But I've also seen people do absolute master classes in responding to a gentle callout without defensiveness, and with changed behavior, and it made me better at in-person conflict to witness. One of my blogosphere lessons is: Preferring harmony over growth isn't neutral. It's culturally white, and it has costs (mostly to the people who don't share the cultural positioning of the majority).
So yeah: part of what makes me sad about the back button norm is that I think it reinforces a producer / consumer relationship between writers and readers. If I can't tell you when I've got a problem with something, and you can't tell me when you've got a problem with something, that's a hard limit on the extent to which we can know each other. (Also: because I write meta rather than fic, it is absolutely within tumblr norms for you to tell me my take is bad, even if it's not within fandom norms for me to say "I love this fic except for X.") And as someone who made enduring IRL friendships from my blogosphere days, I find that a bit saddening.
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percheduphere · 7 months
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I wanted to find and gather some lesser appreciated Mobius moments from S1, and some thoughts occurred to me.
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When we see Mobius drill into Loki about his choices, his thought patterns, whether or not he enjoys hurting people, Mobius comes down on Loki HARD, cruelly, goading, and manipulating (Sound familiar? Just wait...). He does so in a way that's confident he will get the answers he expects from Loki, which he does.
When we cut to the scenes with Renslayer, Mobius's truer, gentler side appears. The side that is kind and soft and believes in second chances. Notice, also, the difference in lighting between these scenes.
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And then it hit me:
Mobius was using a carefully constructed persona--an illusion--with Loki to control the situation and get Loki into the headspace of self-reflection. He uses the very same technique Loki uses regularly to get the outcome that is beneficial for both of them.
Genius, really.
As we move into S1E2 and E3, the power dynamics are decidedly uneven, but once they are out in the field, Mobius's actual power and control over Loki is quite limited and actually banks on a LOT of faith. A ridiculous amount of faith, to be honest. Despite logical misgivings, Mobius makes a POINT of giving Loki freedom and trust because he has analyzed Loki enough to know that lack of trust perpetuates a destructive self-fulfilling prophecy.
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So when Loki chooses to escape with Sylvie, all those centuries of belief and good will Mobius invested in him were thrown in his face. He's understandably furious, but the interrogation scene after both Lokis are captured simply does not read as normal without the additional lens of jealousy. If Mobius were not emotionally compromised in some way, he would have handled the interrogation clinically, and he would have sent Loki to be pruned without a thought.
Mobius doesn't do either of those things. Rather than asking Loki objective questions, he focuses on Loki's attention on Sylvie and verbally twists the knife where he can. His punishment for Loki after the interrogation is shockingly personal:
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A word about the Sif loop scene: I really, REALLY hated that Mobius did that. It honestly made my gut churn. I think the writers tried to play it off for laughs because Loki gets kicked in the balls repeatedly, but the emotional undercurrent of Sif's words and everything that it means is just awful.
That said, I understand that this scene reveals not only Loki's vulnerability but ALSO Mobius's. This is a "passionate diagreement" through proxy. Mobius knows what would hurt Loki the most psychologically. But why would Mobius choose to hurt him this severely with these specific words?
Remember, this might be a memory, but Mobius is choosing to speak his feelings to Loki through Sif.
I think the answer is 4-pronged: First, Mobius put his career, reputation, and friendship with Ravonna on the line for Loki. The stress of the potential repercussions (which were HIGH) should Loki betray him was a constant heat on his neck. Despite this, Mobius chooses the riskier route of believing Loki would not betray his trust. And yes, within the context of what Mobius has done to advocate for Loki and what's at stake for Mobius should he fail, Loki absolutely betrays him.
Second, Loki told Mobius everything he believed about the TVA and his place in the multiverse is a lie. When was the last time Mobius reacted so violently?
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When Brad called him a "nowhere man".
Mind, there is guilt beneath this anger. Not only has everything Mobius believed in been revealed as a lie, it is revealed he was complicit in the genocide of multiple timelines for which there was never any ultimate good. YIKES. That's a lot to take in, and Mobius at his core is a deeply empathetic person. The guilt of this horror, at his hands, is probably why Mobius does not defend himself when Sylvie tears him a new one in S2E4.
Three, I think Mobius may have wished for a friendship with Loki long before his intervention. I've written elsewhere that his intervention appears to be premeditated. Mobius was only waiting for his chance to come along. Who knows how many centuries that took. I believe he may have rationalized away his emotional attachment as a means to help the TVA succeed. Mobius is adept at suppressing not only his emotions but his wants.
Four, by S1E3, Mobius came to love Loki to some degree, platonic or otherwise. I think it's very difficult to not develop love for someone or something you've been tasked to be an expert on. Having Loki actually beside him, engaging with him over lunch and work, no doubt added some much needed color in Mobius's life. It's hard not to become infatuated with someone fun and exciting.
The jealous rage that overwhelms Mobius doesn't last long. When it comes down to it, Mobius can't help but believe in Loki. Doubt in the TVA takes root once his immediate anger dissipates. So Mobius steals Ravonna's TemPad, verifies Loki's claims, and immediately self-corrects. Mobius could have dug his heels in with more denial, but he doesn't. Why? Because Mobius ultimately cares more about Loki than himself.
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When Mobius returns to Loki, he asks a few other questions that I can't share images for because of the 10-image limit. Those other questions include but are not limited to:
Do you care about Sylvie?
Do you really believe you deserve to be alone?
I should point out these questions are not at all tied to the well-being of the TVA or the multiverse. They are specifically tied to Loki's well-being. Loki's happinness.
Why does Mobius ask these questions? Because, in my opinion, Mobius was preparing himself to let Loki go, be with who he wants to be with (Sylvie), and fight the battle he wants to fight. Mobius will not be the obstruction to Loki's path to personal success even if that means letting go of the TVA, letting go of Ravonna, letting go of Loki himself.
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All of this is a selfless act of love. What kind of love that is is up to the viewer, but it is very much there. It's real and integral to the story.
Classic Loki points out that this is a high cost. In response, Mobius takes the crux of his belief in Loki and directs it to himself.
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The beauty of the goodbye scene in S1S6 is that the emotional thrust of selfless love is echoed and amplified in Loki's own self-sacrifice in S2E6. Loki lets go of the TVA, lets go of Sylvie, lets go of Mobius himself. Ouroboros.
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violet-1atte · 7 months
Kinktober Day Twenty-Six: Masturbation - Jisung/Minho
Tags: Fingering, getting caught, roommates, voyeurism
AO3 Link
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When Jisung had first learned that he was going to get a new roommate for the next semester, he was a little nervous. He had been rooming with Chan for the past year and now he had graduated, so Jisung was left to find a new roommate. Chan thankfully knew of someone who was just a year below him and in need of a roommate so Jisung agreed they could room together. He felt a little less nervous after knowing he would be with someone who Chan knew because he trusted the elder with his life, even though he had an atrocious sleep schedule. 
What he hadn’t expected was for Chan’s friend to be so hot . Lee Minho. The hottest man Jisung had ever laid eyes on. He was a walking wet dream. When he walked in the door, Jisung nearly got on his knees right then and there. He had a perfectly sculpted face–high cheekbones, a perfect nose, and a jawline one could cut marble with–and a rosebud pink mouth, and eyes that pierced through Jisung’s soul. He was clearly well built, with hard lines of muscle and prominent veins going up from his hands to his forearms. Jisung wanted to bite him. 
Not only was he hot, but he was also the funniest–albeit weirdest–and sweetest person he had ever met. He took care of him, cooked for him, and he loved cats, and put up with all of his rants about random topics that didn’t even make sense half the time. Jisung was a weak man and Minho seemed to hit all of his weaknesses square on the nose. He wanted him in every way possible, but as far as he knew, Minho wasn’t interested, even when their friendship got to the point of hanging out with each other at every waking moment. His friends said he was in denial, but he informed them that they were reading into things. 
An unfortunate outcome of living with a man who looked like he was straight out of a kdrama and had also made his way into Jisung’s life as his best friend was the incessant horniness. He had never gotten off so much in his entire life. He burned with shame every time he thought about Minho like that–above him, touching him, kissing him, fucking him . But his need always overrode the shame and he ended up touching himself to those thoughts anyway, coming with loud cries of Minho’s name. 
And that’s where he found himself one evening after Minho had left to go to his evening class. They shared a bedroom so Jisung always waited for him to be gone from their apartment or he got himself off quickly in the shower. Now he had a whole hour of free time and he wasn’t going to pass it up. 
Minho had looked especially good that day. When Jisung was crawling out of bed with messed up hair, Minho was returning from the gym, wearing nothing but some baggy shorts and a tight black tank top. His arms were bulging with muscle and his veins were even more prominent from his recent workout. And then he showered and left the bathroom with only a towel on, and Jisung nearly died right then and there. Somehow, he continued to look progressively more attractive even as he got dressed, putting on a lavender turtleneck that hugged his arms and torso and made him look so pretty he could have cried. It was too much. 
So now Jisung was here, two fingers deep in his ass, lube dripping down his thighs from the ridiculous amount he had used. Next to him on the bed was a dildo, one big enough to make him sore the next day. His chest was pressed against the bed, ass in the air, and he muffled his moans against the bed as he pumped his fingers in and out of himself. He imagined his finger’s were Minho’s. They could probably reach so much deeper than his did. Jisung’s fingers never did enough, but he knew just by the amount of times he had stared at Minho’s hands that he would be able to fill him up so well with those alone. 
He slipped in a third finger after a moment, moaning out a whiny, “Minho,” as he did so. He imagined Minho behind him, holding his waist, digging his fingers into his soft, sensitive skin. He imagined Minho calling him pretty as he stuffed his hole with three fingers and pressed them against his prostate. Jisung’s body jerked at the mere thought. 
He spread his fingers and mewled at the stretch. It was good but it wasn’t enough . He needed more, needed it desperately. He needed Minho’s touch, Minho’s cock. 
“Please, please, fuck me,” he whimpered helplessly against the sheets. No one responded, but he had an active imagination. He could almost hear Minho, his overly sweet, teasing voice echoing inside his head. “So desperate and needy, hm? You really need my cock that bad, jagi?” 
Jisung moaned and nodded. He pumped his fingers inside himself a couple times and gasped when he just barely brushed against his prostate. “Yes, Minho-hyung, I need you so bad .” He bit his lip as he began to push his pinky finger against his rim to fill himself up with four fingers. The stretch burned a bit but it wasn’t his first time doing it. He let himself adjust for a moment before his began fucking himself like that. 
The stretch felt good but he couldn’t get deep enough. He let out a huff of frustration and removed his fingers. He was stretched enough. He could take the dildo now. It wasn’t a real cock but he could close his eyes and pretend it was Minho he was riding. 
He positioned himself on his knees and placed the dildo against his hole. He bit his lip as he began to sink down on it and a whimper caught in his throat. It stretched his hole more than even his four fingers could and by the time he’d fully sat on it he was already breathless. He raised him on shaky legs and then dropped his hips. His mouth fell open in a moan and he closed his eyes, letting the pleasure warming his stomach take over his senses. He imagined Minho in front of him, holding his hips as he rode him. He imagined him kissing his neck, praising him with his soft lips pressed against him. Jisung shuddered. 
“ Hyungg ,” he whined. A drop of sweat ran down his face. “Minho, Minho.” Minho’s name spilled from his mouth like a desperate prayer. He wanted him so bad it hurt. He was so fucking desperate, so needy. He needed Minho. Minho, Minho, Minho. 
He was so lost in the pleasure twisting in his stomach and filling his head with a pleasant buzz that he didn’t notice the sound of the front door opening. He didn’t hear the footsteps approaching the door, or the creak of the door as it opened. His own moans and Minho’s name were the only sounds his ears registered. That was until the subject of his fantasies started to speak, clearly not paying much attention either. 
“So apparently my professor canceled class and decided to just not tell, so I went all the way–oh shit.” 
Jisung’s eyes shot open and he snapped his head to the side to see Minho standing in the doorway, completely frozen in shock. His bag slipped from his hand. Jisung stopped all his movement and then rushed to move off the dildo and pull a pillow over his lap. 
“Hyung!” he exclaimed, cheeks aflame. “I-I thought you were going to be gone.” 
“I was!” Minho said back, his voice cracking. “I’m so sorry I–” he paused and his eyebrows furrowed. “Were you saying my name?”
Jisung’s stomach sank. Oh fuck . Minho had just seen him getting himself off. While saying his name . And he heard . He felt tears spring to his eyes and his entire body burned. “I–I’m so sorry, hyung. I was—I’m sorry. I didn’t think you’d hear. Oh no, now you’re uncomfortable. I’m so so sorry , you must be so disgusted, I can leave. I’m so sorry, Minho-hyung.” He didn’t even realize he had started crying until he saw the droplets begin to fall onto his pillow. He buried his face into his hands as his chest heaved with a sob. 
“What? No– no , Jisung-ah, stop that, don’t cry. Shit.” Suddenly Minho was beside him and he was immediately enveloped in his scent, which somehow managed to comfort him even in this situation. “I’m not disgusted at all–really jagi, I promise. Hey come on, look at me.” 
Jisung hesitantly removed his hands from his face and tilted his head up to look at Minho. He didn’t look disgusted with him at all. In fact, Jisung couldn’t even read his facial expression. But he didn’t look upset. 
“There you are,” Minho said softly. He cupped Jisung’s cheeks and brushed his tears away. “I promise I’m not upset at all. Quite the opposite.” 
Jisung wasn’t sure his brain was working properly. “Huh?”
“You really are so dense,” Minho huffed, but there was no bite behind his words. “I’m not disgusted because I like you, Jisungie. In fact I’m kind of ecstatic that you were just getting off saying my name. I’d be hard right now if you weren’t crying.” 
Jisung’s eyes went comically wide and his jaw dropped. “You–you– what? ” he gasped eloquently. “You’re not disgusted? And you like me too? Please tell me I’m not dreaming, hyung.” 
Instead of responding, Minho pulled his face closer and pressed his lips to his. Jisung squeaked but quickly melted into the kiss. He closed his eyes and committed to memory every detail–the softness of Minho’s lips, the taste of his chapstick, the smell of his cologne filling his lungs, the gentle touch of his hands on his cheeks. He never wanted to forget this. 
When Minho pulled away, Jisung stared at him, starstruck. “That give you enough of an answer?” he asked with a playful smirk. 
“Oh my gosh,” Jisung breathed. “Holy shit. Wow.”
“Yeah, so… You’ve got nothing to worry about. I didn’t mind one bit.” Minho smiled and Jisung felt a blush creeping up his cheeks. 
“Ugh, that’s still so embarrassing though…” he whined. “I can’t believe you walked in on me like that.” 
“Nothing to be embarrassed about, jagi,” Minho said softly. Jisung felt a chill run up his spine. “Actually…you know… I wouldn’t mind if you finished. There’s definitely more I want to do to you now that our feelings are out in the open, but I liked what I saw. And I kinda want to watch.” 
Jisung’s blood rushed south so fast he felt almost dizzy. Arousal pooled in his stomach and he licked his lips. “I think–I think I could do that,” he said bashfully. Minho grinned and Jisung’s stomach swooped. 
“Yeah? How bout I sit back then while you touch yourself. Then I’ll touch you more if you’re still up for it.” 
Jisung nodded quickly, his arousal already making thinking difficult. “Yes, yeah. Sounds good. Can you um–can you kiss me again first? Please?” 
“Of course my Jisungie,” Minho said with a sweet smile. Jisung’s heart nearly melted.
Minho grabbed his jaw and directed him to tilt his head so he could slot their lips together. Jisung moaned against his mouth as he squeezed his jaw and Minho slipped his tongue inside. Jisung couldn’t hold back his whimpers and Minho swallowed down every one of them as he kissed him deep. So deep. And with more passion and feeling than Jisung had ever experienced in a kiss. It was like he poured all his feelings into a single searing kiss and it was almost too much. 
When Minho pulled away, Jisung was back to full hardness again. Minho smiled at him and pecked his lips once more. “Good?” he asked. 
“Mhm, perfect,” Jisung mumbled. Minho moved back and Jisung hesitantly removed the pillow from his lap. He swallowed thickly at the weight of Minho’s gaze on him as he went to pick up his dildo again and grabbed the lube. His hands shook as he uncapped the bottle and squirted a decent amount onto the silicon. 
“Wh-what do you want me to do, hyung-ah?” he asked, his voice small. 
“Just touch yourself like you were before. I wanna see how you make yourself feel good while you think about me.” Jisung shuddered and nodded. He considered for a second that maybe Minho wanted to observe him to see what he liked. And that made him burn hotter. 
He positioned the dildo underneath himself like he had before and carefully sank down. He was still fully stretched but that didn’t take away from the pleasurable feeling of getting stuffed full again. He squeezed his eyes shut as he lowered his ass down until he bottomed out. He let out a shaky sigh that bordered on a moan as he let himself adjust. He heard Minho shuffling and then he spoke up. 
“Want you to open your eyes, jagiyah,” he said. “I want you to look at me.” 
Jisung inhaled and opened his eyes. Seeing Minho was like a punch to the gut in the best way, because how had he already gotten so worked up? He was just as red as Jisung probably was, maybe even redder, and he was looking at Jisung like he could eat him. “Hyung,” he whined and Minho licked his lips, going to palm himself through his pants. 
“Come on, Jisung-ah. I know you must be worked up. So go on. Be a good boy and fuck yourself on your dildo for me,” he instructed. A knot tightened in Jisung’s stomach and he let out an obscene moan at just his words. Fuck.
“O-okay,” he whimpered. He grabbed hold of the base of the dildo and lifted his hip so that he could begin fucking down onto it. It was so much easier to imagine it was Minho’s cock with him right there, watching him with hooded eyes. Still, he couldn’t wait until it was the real thing. He needed to feel Minho, hot and pulsing inside of him. 
His thighs quivered as he slammed back down on the dildo and tilted it just right so that it hit his prostate. The knot in his stomach tightened and he let out a strangled moan. “Mm-Minho-yah,” he moaned, his mouth going slack. Minho started undoing his belt and slipped his hand into his pants, and in response Jisung picked up his pace. He was so desperate from not getting his release before Minho came in and now with Minho actually there everything felt so much more intense. 
“How’s it feel?” Minho asked and Jisung could hear the strain in his voice. 
Jisung’s breath hitched and his hole clenched around the dildo. “F-feels soo good, nghh, just wan’ it to be your c-cock,” he hiccuped. Minho hissed and the sound made him feel giddy. 
“Fuck, Jisung. You’ll get my cock, I want to fuck you so bad. Make yourself come first though. Then I’ll take care of you so well, my sweet boy,” he promised. 
Jisung nodded vigorously and put more focus into coming. His thighs burned but he still bounced on the fake cock with as much energy as he could muster. He tried to thrust up to meet the rolls of his hips but it was a bit difficult with the angle. He needed more.
He took in a shuddering breath and wrapped his free hand around his cock as he fucked himself on the dildo. His needy moans, keens, and sighs filled the room. Precum dripped down his cock in little droplets which made the slide of his hand easier but it was also a little embarrassing that he was turned on so much. Luckily, Minho didn’t seem to mind, especially with how his eyes moved to the motion of Jisung’s hand over his dick. 
His orgasm was steadily approaching as he continued touching himself. Pleasure curled in his stomach at the combined stimulation and when he looked over at Minho again his mind reeled. His heated gaze scorched Jisung’s skin. He wanted him so badly it hurt. 
“ Please , Minho-hyung, please, I need to come,” he whimpered. His cheeks burned and he knew he probably looked like a disheveled mess, but Minho was still staring at him like he was the epitome of beauty and sex. He’d never felt so wanted. 
“Come for me, jagi,” Minho said, his voice rough. Jisung wanted to hear it over and over again. 
The pleasure melting Jisung’s insides built up quicker than he anticipated. His moans became more frequent and in between each sound he muttered, “Minho, Minho, Minho.” Minho held his gaze the whole time, his hand moving over his cock in his pants in time with Jisung’s thrusts. And when Minho moaned softly with one particular twist of his wrist, the knot in Jisung’s stomach came undone. “Ohhh f-fuckk , hyung!” Jisung exclaimed. His jaw dropped and he choked on a moan as his hole spasmed around the dildo and his cock spilled cum all over his hand. The corners of his vision went black for a second and he shook like a leaf throughout the entire thing. His orgasm wracked his entire body and it felt like he was coming for ages, even if it had only been a few seconds. Minho’s eyes never left him. 
When he was completely finished, Jisung let out a soft groan and crumpled up on the bed from exhaustion. Holy shit.
“Goodness, Jisung-ah. My Jisungie.” Minho got up from where he had been watching and moved to Jisung’s side. He brushed Jisung’s sweaty hair out of his face and cupped his heated cheek. “That was so fucking hot. Shit, you’re so hot. I loved that. Did you, love?” 
“Mhmm,” Jisung nodded softly, a warm feeling spreading through his chest at the nickname. “I did. Was so good, hyungie.”
“I’m glad.” He brushed his thumb over Jisung’s lip and he took it into his mouth. He swirled the tongue around the digit and Minho inhaled sharply. Jisung couldn’t help but smirk. 
“Are you up for more?” Minho asked for a moment. Jisung’s heart stuttered in his chest and he swallowed. Getting to have Minho like this was going to take some getting used to. 
“Yes, please,” he said eagerly. “Just let me rest for a minute and then you can fuck me for real. Please.” 
Minho grinned and leaned down to press a soft kiss to his lips. “I can’t wait.”
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don't you forget about me
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๑ Summary : will you be true to your word that you won't forget about Eddie when both of you stood on your ground with your hopes and dreams succeeded?
๑ Word Count : idk if y'all like longer fics, but I'm just eyeballing it on the right amount, I'm so excited for this one hehe
๑ Warnings : 18+ Songwriter!Eddie Munson x Popstar!FEM!reader, cursing, use of y/n, highschool classmates, set in modern era (but with 80's aesthetics) Eddie is (21), reader is (20), Eddie is also very shy doesn't know how to express he feels but he cares, reader is jittery and rambles when she's nervous! VERY CUTE! I promise :))
๑ What to Expect : friends to lovers, unrequited feelings, FLUFF! this can be slightly awkward but I am a woman of my word it would be absolutely adorable!
๑ Note To Reader : I just had this idea that Eddie and reader while reunite after so many years later and they both can't handle that their friendship has never changed! it's still pretty rock solid! 😭🫶🏻✨
๑ Author Note : I worship John Hughes films, so, you know the drill! 😉 and um- sorry if I'm bringing myself some of my fics in this but the beginning happened to me in real life, so, yes, I miss that specific person (yeah the same guy that had a crush on for 10 fucking years 😃👍🏻) I haven't seen him since 2018 👀
"Stop- what are you doing?!" you said to him while having a breathy laugh
He smirks as he looks at you within his eyelashes as he tries to hold you still while writing something down on the back of your hand
"Eddie, this is ridiculous" you say to him as you shook your head sideways but a fond smile is sitting on your lips as you glanced at your back a bunch of students are hollering in excitement for the school year end because knowing damn well that whatever he is written down on your hand it will not stay, it would be easily removed once you took a bath when you get home
But, you don't mind it anyways, you smile at him as you watch him curiously as you can see his lips muttering different words under his breath as he writes
"You're the one who is being ridiculous" he says to you not looking at your eyes yet
You chuckle at his reply as you playfully roll your eyes at him
"There" he says as he brings back the cap of his blue ballpen, you heard it with a click
You bring your hand close to your face as you read what it says
"Don't let anyone else stop you for following your dream"
you lightly giggle when some of the words are not aligned as it goes wonky down on the back of your hand but still it's nice and you liked it
"Don't forget about me when you get famous with your singing career" he leans forward to get close to you, so, you could hear him clearly
The hallways are filled with whooping and screaming in excitement of students that are cheering for the school year end, Eddie chortled at the sight of it
You missed the way he looks at you
You raised your head as you flash him a sweet adoring smile as you nod
You shyly taken a back from his words of encouragement that really meant true as you judge by his tone
You snort "Okay, Eddie"
A smile tugs to his lips as he leans his back on the railing as he spoke again "I mean it, Y/N"
You look back at him and you directly look into his eyes
"Just don't ever forget about me, okay?"
It's very heartwarming to you that he is so kind "Of course, I will never forget about you, Eddie"
How would you ever forget Eddie Munson?
When he's the only one guy in your school campus who is so respectful towards you?
That was 2016, nine years ago
You've been classmates since 7th grade and even though you don't both have the same section from 8th grade and 9th grade
You still see each other and interacted a little
You kinda wish that he was still your classmates all those years
Sometimes, though, you winced at the memories when you're with him, you cringe at it at how you make things weird and awkward
You hate it when you get all so jumpy and nervous around him, I mean- it's just Eddie but the problem is that he doesn't know that you just realized it back in 8th grade that you finally figured it out that you developed feelings for him
You both weren't exactly close
Yeah, both of you tease each other and make fun and silly jokes sometimes
Yes, you both have a few conversations and slightly deeper talks about both of your families when your teacher on P.E class partnered the both of you together for the dance project
That's the only time that you ever both talked real to each other
That little moment, until now is still vivid to you
But still, you're not that close to him
He was just a good friend or maybe just a good classmate that you had
You encountered him again back in 2018 when both of your paths crossed while being on the escalators
You noticed him first but before you call out to him, you made sure that it was him because you moved on to another school after 9th grade, so, pretty much something's have changed but him?
He never did, he is still stylish as ever and so are you
But of course, both of you grew up
You're now already looking at him and you expect him to notice you, so, you didn't do anything at first and when you both finally met in the middle of the escalator and he is still doesn't saw you on the other side and he is mere inches close to you and you're too fucking shy to call his name out, you tried to tap on the handles to make a sound but no to avail, as you had no choice but to say his name
He whipped his head around the second you call him
He smiles and leans back forward as the both of you stare at each other
You shyly wave at him as you duck your head down to look at where you're going
From the corner of your eye, you saw him reached at the end of the escalator, his eyes still locked on you
But goddamn, it's 2024, you're 20 and he's 21
Both of you are college students now
Your feelings for him remained the same way and all of the crushes that you had from elementary to highschool
He's the only one ever to take over your heart this long
So long that sometimes, you wonder, if you try to confess it, so, it will be all over
But isn't that embarrassing? since well....
You haven't seen him since what?!? 2018???
2018 was the last time you ever saw him
You also haven't talked to him for years
Besides, seeing him on his Instagram profile but that doesn't count
But you did some risky stuff and you made such a big deal out of it because you're too overreacting with your giddy feelings for him
Like for instance
You complimented him on his Instagram stories in 2021 and he only heart reacted on it
You greeted him on his birthday for the first time ever in 2022 (you're wishing that he won't find it weird that you know his birthday and you hoped that he still remembers that he also wrote on your slambook back in 7th grade, that's why you knew) you also send your pictures with him from the field trip that you both had in 8th grade
And that right there, you received a message
A message that is so short but so endearing and it really means a lot to you
He says that he is sorry for not reaching out to you after all of those years passed and he is glad that you hadn't changed ever since then and he appreciates and he is so grateful for the highschool memories that you both had together
Even it's just a short amount of period at that time
2023, you greeted him again on his birthday but he only said thank you
You kinda hoped that he'll message you
But, girl- thank god that you aware of the term called "reality check" because why would he message you all of the sudden since that you both didn't knew very well
You sigh in hopelessly romantic manner wishing that he'll talk to you someday
Yeah, a smile grows on your lips all the time when you always receive a notification that he likes your posts
Damn, only a notification from him already lightens up your day
How fucking great, that's how pathetic it is
"5 minutes then you're good to go!"
Okay, fast forward from your train of thoughts, right- you got a show to run
You're a popstar now and you made it like you always wanted to be
Despite, everyone from your school bullies tries to pull you down
Eddie is the only one who believed in you and supported you all the way even both of your lives are different now than before
While in the autograph signing table
"You're such an inspiration!" A young girl said as she beams up as she watches you sign up of your portraits photograph
"Thank you so much, sweetie! I'm very happy to hear that, did you had fun?"
She aggressively nods as she starts bopping up and down on her heels in excitement, you chuckled at that and you gave back the signed picture of yours to her as she gives you huge smile as she takes her leave
You didn't noticed the next person as you start signing
"As you walk on by, will you call my name?"
The sound of the person's voice is too unreal for you to hear and to register of what you just heard as you paused on what you're doing as you slowly raise your head up at the person who is standing in front of the table across from you as you gasp that you thought you're not going to see him again after 2018
But, now, here, he is finally once again
You've always dreamed about this
You've always wanted this to happen
It's unbelievable
You know that face and voice and that iconic smirk on him as you take him in
"Eddie?" You're still gasping in shock as you cupped your mouth in surprise as you look around you and your eyes are twinkling as he looks down on you in adoration and now the other fans that are waiting in line are getting curious and they flash you a smile as they relished and witness the reunion of the both of you
He grins as he nods as he shoved his hands onto his pockets "Ah- she remembers me!" You giggled to his classic antics
He hasn't changed
You could hear everyone who is asking, the buzzing "who is he?" "omg- they knew each other?!?" "wait- maybe he is the guy from her songs!"
You're too overwhelmed from all of this that you almost forget that you have to sign all of the pictures
You motion for him to lean down as you say "Can you wait for me backstage?"
He smiles "Yeah, sweetheart- I'll meet you there"
You sheepishly smile at him again as you gave him access that made everyone eyes goes wild, the crowd seems to go nuts over it
And by that the following question had been like this
"Who is the lucky guy?"
"Why is he getting the special treatment?"
"Is he your boyfriend?"
You don't give them all the personal information from your life and all the details but you confirmed that he is the guy from your songs and you love how your fans squealed and get thrilled from this
After an hour, the show is over and you bid goodbye to your fans and thank them for attending, you stretch your arms out and massage your neck as you exhale as you headed into the backstage
"Y/N's a star now" he leans his back on the wall as he smiles at you
He says the moment you moved the curtains on the side as you snort at his comment
You went into the small comfort room as you change your clothes into much more relaxing attire
"Hey, Eddie, I hope you didn't get bored for waiting"
"Nah, I don't mind it- sweets"
Once you get dressed, you open the door, so, you can talk to each other as you start to remove your makeup with a cotton pad as you double cleanse with rinsing it thoroughly
He watches you put a tinted lip balm on your lips, he swallows as he hangs his head low for a while
You groan at the hairstyle that you had earlier but you absolutely loved it getting all glammed up but you're just so tired and wanting to get this everything off so you can get to rest
Both of you kept talking but you didn't notice how he looks at you and watches your every move from removing the pins and hair ties from your hair from brushing it and you let your hair down as you grab your shoulder bag
He is so entranced by you like as you do too
Only if he knew
And only if you knew
His daze has cut off the time when you're literally now in front of him, he snapped out of it when he tries to recall of what you just asked him
"Do you want to walk outside?"
"Y-Yeah sure, come on, let's go"
You told your crew that you'll be back and you look out for them and always saying thank you for getting the job done
The walk was.....pleasing....but too quiet for you
It seems like Eddie can read your thoughts as he finally spoke up
"How many years had passed?"
A knowing smile is showing onto your features as you glanced at him
"9 years"
He raises both of his eyebrows "Damn" as he chuckles in disbelief
"Yeah" the smile still lingers on your lips
"Did you get to do it?"
"Do what?"
"Your band? Corroded Coffin?"
There's a glint on his eyes as he stops to his tracks as he stares at you for a moment
"What?" You ask him in confusion
"Nothing, it's just- you still remember that?" He tilts his head at you as he squints his eyes
"Well, of course! you told me not to forget about you, right?"
"You're always true to your word, sweetheart, I like that for you"
You both sat down on the bench in front of the fountain as you watch random kids playing
He sighs but he notices that you're awaiting for his answer as you quirk an eyebrow at him as he snorts
"Uh, no- Jeff, Gareth and Me, played for 4 to 5 years, I think? We had a blast but I realized that being a rockstar, it's not for me permanently"
"But, I thought you always wanted to be rockstar"
"Yeah, well, we got a record deal for a while-"
"What?!? Really?!?"
He chuckles to your excitement as you turn your whole body facing to him
"Yup, and we- uh- did a little tour here and there but, it just felt like that's not what I was looking for" he shrugs as he looks down as he starts to fidget his rings
You notice that, you always do, it's his nervous habit, you smile at him sadly
"How about Jeff and Gareth?"
"They got all their own ambitions and all of us took the same thing and we agree to not totally disband but, maybe, someday I don't know in the future, we'll get back to where we started"
You nod at him in understanding "I still feel superior to be one of the very first audience" you smirk
He whips his around at you at that and he blinks slowly like he just had a flashback
Yeah, if he's supportive to you and so do you
"the most loud cheerier ever, I gotta say" he laughs as you facepalmed as you can remember all of it
"So, what do you do now?"
"Uh, I'm a songwriter"
You react in delightful way and he chuckles at your face that you make
Both of you reminiscence your highschool memories as both of you look back at it
"Y/N, you-"
He hesitates for a few seconds as he chuckles as he dismissive his hand at you
"It's getting late" he says as he clears his throat
Your smile slightly falls as you glanced on your watch
It's been 2 in half hours
"I guess, we better get going then"
You both stand up as he walk you through the parking lot
You dig your nails through your palms as you think twice if you should tell him right away how you really feel about him
You can't chicken out now
You're not a kid anymore, you can take the rejection and well....
At least you tried, so, it will bring you peace
You've been fighting for your whole life not to ask him before, it's plaguing every year passed
Only a few more steps, you can sight your van
You took a deep breath, you know you'll make a rambling mess out of a speech but you don't care
"Eddie" you say as you turn around to look at him
He raises his head the moment you call his name
You walked closer to him as he looks at you as he waits for you to speak
"I know this is going to sound so out of place but uh- I have feelings for you since we we're 7th grade, I didn't know that I had it since I just suddenly realized it when we we're in 8th grade and ever since then and now I still have it for almost 10 years and it's okay, you don't have to-"
"I know"
You're stunned, you can't function to speak anymore
"I-I'm sorry?"
"I know and I'm aware of it"
He can't just say that to you like it was nothing
You're definitely screaming inside to this mind-blowing revelation
Your cheeks starts to glowing red as you feel all bashful to his gaze
Your eyes suddenly can't manage the hold to look in his anymore
"Even before?" You whisper as you wrap your arms to yourself
He's now the one who moves towards you
You're appalled and you didn't even noticed that your mouth is hanging agape as you shut it and swallow
"How did you find out?" You ask without looking at his eyes
He runs his tongue over his lips "from Gareth, and you know him he's got a big mouth and all that"
You close your eyes in humiliation as you bite down your lip
You shouldn't have been talking to him or giving a clue
But, sometimes though, you give hints when you're having a conversation with him
Gareth, somehow, finds the missing puzzles and figures it all out
You couldn't stand here and you feel ashamed of what you just did, my god, what are you thinking?
"Listen, uh- it's good to see you, I gotta go" you say as your drag your heels to walk away from him as fast as your feet can take you
But, he reaches out and holds your wrist making you stop
"Y/N, don't go"
"Because-" he sighs as he runs his fingers through his hair
"I'm no expert in showcasing my feelings, okay? I-I'm shy"
Your entire discomfort of being flustered has completely washed away
You find it amusing, well, Eddie has always been shy but really???
There's nothing to be mousy about when he's with you
"You're shy?" You echoed what he just said as you pursed your lips together
He scratches the back of his neck as he clicks his tongue as he nods his head slowly
You exhale "Well, fuck- Eddie, I'm shy too! I can't even blurt it out loud of what I've been carrying for what?!? 10 years?!?"
You start pacing back and forth in front of him as he breathes through his nose
"See, Eddie, I've always liked you, okay? or maybe I took your kindness way out of line" you throw hands up
He gave you that doe eye look and you avoid looking at it as you continue rambling at him
"I can't even comprehend why? Why am I still clinging onto you for all these years? I hate that you still made me swoon over you and make me feel things!"
His mouth starts to slowly hanging open to your subtle confession
"You know what's unbelievable to me? Is that you don't know me and I don't know anything about you but still it feels like I knew you even though we don't talk a lot back then and it hurts, it hurts that you're so big-hearted and it pains me that you're just so mellow person" your voice cracks and that's where the time the water works starts to fill up in your eyes
You sniffle as you quickly wipe your tears from your cheeks "You're the only guy that has ever been so nice to me, the only who cared, the only one who hasn't changed towards me since highschool, I don't even know what's the reason why"
He is still remains silent, probably still processing every information that you just told him
His eyes softens and his heart is begging to leap forward outside of his chest
"Y/N" he holds your forearm softly as he runs his thumbs over it, you shivered from his touch
"Have you ever wondered why I still don't have a girl beside me?"
He is still single?!? What?!?
You gulped as you look at him with hopeful eyes and tear-stained cheeks
He smiles down at you as you scrunch up your face in a shameful way that you don't like him to see you crying like this
That's right
You haven't seen anyone with him since elementary or highschool
He had a couple of silly crushes that you heard from your classmates before but still
You don't saw anyone else with him
And that alone made you think a lot since Eddie is not an asshole, it's mind-boggling
You're still in denial that you might think he has the same feelings for you
As if
"Eddie- I think you're a great human being, anyone is lucky to have you"
He chuckles slightly as you dodged his point
"I didn't date because why?"
You take all the courage that's left inside of you as you look at him
"You already have my heart, darling"
Your eyes flutters to his admission, your heartbeats faster that it might burst any second
He likes you?!?
"A-Are you sure? I don't u-understand- why didn't you m-make a move before?" You stuttered, your voice sounds so small and it makes his heartache
"I was a coward" he pulls you closer to him your eyes widen but you melt to his touch
"W-What about the messages that I sent you? Does that mean anything to you?" A sprinkle of insecurity is showing through your tone and he catches it, he reassures you that it means a lot to him
He grins at the birthday wishes that you make before
"I appreciate them all, I-I just didn't know how to express it in there, so, when I found out that you're have a show in here, maybe it's time to take it to the next level, it feels it's the right thing to do in person"
He embraces you for the first time and the only time that you ever became this much closer to him, you feel his warmth enveloping you his arms surrounding you in the most cozy way possible, you sigh in content as you squeeze him
"Feel better?" He asks as he still holds you tightly
"Yes" you whisper softly as you smile against his chest inhaling on his scent, it's intoxicating
The moment you pushed yourself away from him, you slipped on the thin ice as his reflexes are fast enough to catch you before you can hit the icy cold ground
You gasp as your eyes goes everywhere to his face as you held on him to stabilize you to get back up on your feet
He's so mere inches close, his eyes sparkle as he stares at you
He slowly lifts you back on, both of you didn't break eye contact
He can't help himself as his hand crawls at your waist to flush your body against his, you fight for your breath for the idea that he's about to do
His eyes flits through your eyes and to your lips, he goes for it as you close your eyes as you kissed him back
"Is it too late?" The smugness is radiating off of him when you chase his lips to peck on it
"I think we both waited on the right time" you say as you kissed his cheek
His cheeks blooms red as he dramatically freaked out as you let out a fit of giggles
"I'm relieved that you're patient to finally let me get out of my shell"
"Oh, be thankful that I have a wide patience or else I'll fucking lose it"
He laughs as he rest his forehead against yours
"You're the most perfect girl ever"
You smile brightly "And you're the most perfect boy ever"
Your crew call out to you saying that you have interview tomorrow morning
"Be with me?"
You snort as you elbowed him as he catches you off guard pressing another kiss to your lips
"I love you, Y/N- you have absolutely no idea"
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diana-bookfairchild · 9 months
September Prompts Day 21: Murderous
Harry was the Man Who Conquered. The Head Auror.
And he had never faced a situation quite so tense.
Ginny fixed him with a murderous gaze before slowly moving her eyes to her brother. “Which of you was it,” she said in a low, dangerous voice that typically preceded hexes, most likely the Bat-Bogey variety. “I want the truth. Now.”
Harry was used to making decisions on the fly, but this was ridiculous.
“Answer the question, boys,” Hermione said disapprovingly, perching on the couch, her book closed for once.
Harry made an executive decision.
“It was Ron,” he threw his best mate under the bus with no small amount of remorse.
“Harry!” Ron cried out in betrayal as both women honed in on him with murderous gazes and flared nostrils akin to bloodthirsty hellhounds (he ought to know; he had a case related to them not two months ago).
“Did you do it, Ron?” Ginny asked, now very calmly. Somehow, this was worse than the angry tone. Hermione was fingering her wand as she stood up, also very calmly.
Harry loved his girlfriend and best friend. He really, really did.
He was just also extremely scared of them, as any sane person would be.
“I cannot believe this,” Hermione intoned lowly. “From you of all people. I would’ve expected this kind of impulsivity and short-sightedness from Harry—”
“Hey,” Harry cut in broodingly, because doing suicidal reckless things was kind of in his nature, but shut up when Ginny raised an eyebrow.
“But not from you,” Hermione shook her head sadly, ignoring Harry completely, which he was grateful for, but also a little offended by. “How could you?”
“Hermione, c’mon, I didn’t mean to do it!” Ron cried out desperately, confirming his guilt and sealing his fate.
Then he proved just how little Harry’s friendship meant to him.
“Harry was the one who brought it up, anyway.”
“Ron,” Harry said hoarsely, disbelievingly, as the girls’ murderous looks were trained once again on him.
“You started it, mate,” Ron shook his head sadly too, proving he spent far too much time with Hermione.
“Harry,” Ginny said slowly. “Did you bring up the party to Mum?” Hermione stared at him incredulously.
Harry saw his life flash before his eyes.
He could lie to the press, the whole world, his coworkers, the Weasleys, even Ron and Hermione and Teddy, but he couldn’t lie to Ginny.
He took a deep breath. Steeled himself.
“Yes. I did.”
“How could you?” Ginny whispered. Harry could swear there were tears in her eyes, but Ginny Weasley never cried. “Do you realize what this means for us, Harry? What the next three months of our life are going to be like?”
“I know,” Harry nodded. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.”
Hermione sighed. “Of course you didn’t,” she murmured.
Ron made an indignant noise. “Why is it when Harry’s to blame you two go all soft and when I am you look murderous?” He complained.
The girls threw scathing looks at him. “We haven’t forgotten that you’re the one who dealt the final blow, brother,” Ginny said threateningly.
Ron gulped and shut up, because he had a sense of self-preservation.
“I’m sorry,” Harry repeated, because despite how ridiculous it sounded, he could display some self-preservation too. Occasionally.
“I know you are,” Ginny said soothingly, murderous expression disappearing, as she hugged him and kissed his cheek. Hermione sighed and sheathed her wand.
“I hope you know we’re leaving all the work to you,” Hermione informed them.
Harry and Ron blanched, exchanging looks.
“We know nothing about party planning,” Ron said flatly.
“Well, you should’ve thought of that before promising Mum our help,” Ginny smiled, showing all her teeth. “Unless you’d like to also be the one to tell her we can’t.”
Harry would, quite frankly, rather face Voldemort again.
Ever since the extended Weasley family (which consisted of most of the Order and the DA along with the actual blood family) had started marrying and having children, getting together on days such as Christmas and birthdays had become nigh impossible.
Mr. Weasley had discovered the American holiday of Thanksgiving, and his wife had decided that was the one day every single person of their acquaintance would sequester themselves in the Burrow and celebrate.
It was the most exclusive event of the year, according to Witch Weekly, and Mrs. Weasley’s mania regarding it exceeded even her grief after the war and the craziness of her children’s weddings.
And Harry and Ron had just promised to help her plan and organize it, something the others took literal vacations to avoid (George and Angelina were currently in Botswana; Percy, Audrey and Oliver were pretending to be sick while definitely not being so; Bill, Fleur and Victoire had escaped to France; Neville was apparently swamped with work at the office while Harry knew he was tending to plants in his terrarium all day; Teddy had suddenly started throwing tantrums with destructive accidental magic again according to Andromeda; Kingsley was assigning himself paperwork, which was truly desperate).
“We’ll do the work,” Harry said defeatedly, Ron nodding morosely beside him.
Nothing for it, after all.
Ginny smiled and kissed him, which made his outlook a lot more positive.
She was worth the entire world.
Even spending his days buried in invitations, letters from various great-aunts and fifth and sixth cousins, gifts, catering orders and décor options.
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chaostheoryy · 2 years
Wedding Crashers [Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw X GN!Reader]
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Summary: As one of Bradley’s most treasured companions from his early Navy days, you’ve been lucky enough to find yourself at his side more and more. However, no amount of caffeine-fueled rendezvous and shameless fun prepares you for the moment he asks you to be his plus one at Maverick’s wedding.
Rating: Teen+
Warnings: Cursing, alcohol consumption, (spoilers!) a heated make out session, and implied sexual encounters
Word Count: 5.4K
A/N: Man, oh man. This one sure got out of hand. Did I intend to write this much? Absolutely not. But I am just a slave to the feral little writer in my head and they said they needed more. I’m also tempted to pull a Crawlin’ Back to You and create a NSFW sequel like I did for Cobb Vanth so we’ll see what the people have to say...(No beta as usual. Just me, myself, and the feral little voice in my head.)
“How would you feel about crashing Mav’s wedding?”
Now there’s a question you weren’t expecting to hear at nine in the morning.
Ever since Bradley made the decision to stay in San Diego after the big mission that reunited him with his surrogate uncle, the two of you have been meeting for coffee at Ferry Landing every Sunday. It started as an accident, really—you bumped into each other one morning, not realizing the other person was still in town and decided to catch up over lattes and pastries. It’s not every day that you get a chance to rekindle a friendship from your Navy days. Especially when that friendship is with one of the best pilots that has ever graced North Island’s runway.
You stare blankly at him for a moment as you process his inquiry. “You’re joking.”
“Mmm…” He narrows his eyes, tilting his head and biting his lip in faux deliberation. “I wish I was. But no. I am not sitting through a long, boring and ridiculously outdated ceremony by myself.”
“Bradley, you’re his best man. You’re gonna be right up there with him!”
He groans. “I know! I just—Please. Don’t make me brave this one alone. I’ve gotta stand in front of a hundred-plus people in matching suit and tie with a bunch of dudes I barely know. Then what? Have drinks with Mav’s crotchety old Navy friends?”
“He’s not a grandpa, dummy.”
“Good point. Now that you mention it, I’d probably be more excited to share a beer with a group of grandfathers than those geeze—Ow!”
A quick jab of your fist against his shoulder silences whatever other bratty comments he has sitting on the back burner.
“Fine,” you say with a pointed glare. “If it’ll get you to stop whining, I’ll go.”
His face lights up like night sky. You can tell he tries to hide it, but it’s harder for him to contain his youthful jubilance than it is for Top Gun cockpit jockeys to keep it in their pants. “Really?”
“Yes. But you owe me. Big time.”
“Okay. Yeah. Great. Whatever you want!”
His arms ensnare you in a rib-crunching hug. All the air is sucked out of your lungs and, for a split second, your feet clear the earth from the sheer force of his embrace. If it wasn’t for the fact that you placed your drink on the railing of the rickety wooden pier, you’d be coated in a blend of espresso and hot milk by now.
“Jesus, Bradley,” you groan as he places you back down, “I didn’t know the idea of getting stuck at a wedding was such a fucking nightmare.”
“Hey, getting shot down in an F-18 after blowing up an unsanctioned enemy uranium enrichment plant can really change your perspective on things.”
You scoff. “Right. I’ll be sure to squeeze that into my schedule next week so I can understand where you’re coming from a little bit better.”
“If that’s what it takes for you to get me,” he replies with a crooked smirk.
An agreeable lull settles over the conversation as you both look out at the bay. With crisp waters backdropped by the San Diego skyline and impossibly blue, cloudless skies, it’s a view you’ll never cease to enjoy. Having Bradley at your side to soak it in with you makes it all the more surreal.
“Why me?” It’s a valid question, one that’s been bugging you from the moment he asked you to go with him.
His face contorts into an almost painful expression of bewilderment. “What do you mean, why you?”
“I mean, why are you asking me to be your plus one. You’re basically an A-list celebrity around here and I’m sure there’s an astronomic number of people who’d be thrilled to go with you. I’m just saying, I don’t see why I’d be the first person you wanna ask.”
“Okay, first off, I’m C-list at best. Secondly, who said you were the first?”
As calm, cool and collected as you try to be about the situation, it’s impossible to keep all of your emotion locked up in a box. Your face falls at his remark.
“Oh. That’s—Yeah. No. You’re right. I don’t know why I thought—“
The flat, almost unreadable look he’s been giving you vanishes in an instant. A humongous grin stretches out from ear to ear in its place. “Hey. I’m kidding. Of course you’re the first! Who else would I wanna ask? Natasha? Hangman?”
You both cringe at the very mention of Jake Seresin’s call sign. Never in your life have you met a more unbearably cocky person. And you only spent thirty minutes in a room with the guy. You can’t imagine just how insufferable he is up in the air.
“Seriously,” he adds as his hand finds a resting place between your shoulder blades, “I’m asking you because I want to. Because I can’t think of a better person to crash a wedding with.”
At this point, you’re not sure if you’re blushing or not. And frankly, you can’t blame yourself if you are. You’ve always known that the bond the two of you share runs deep, but a part of you has always hesitated to believe that you actually play a significant role in his life. Why would you? He’s Bradley fucking Bradshaw. And you’re…Well, you.
But apparently being you is enough.
You grin. “Well, consider me your wingman.”
The gleeful twinkle in his eye shines even brighter at your response. You don’t know how it’s possible, but somehow this spunky golden retriever of a man manages it. “You’re my wingman? Nah, fuck that bullshit. I’m yours, sweetheart.”
The day of the wedding comes much faster than you expected. It seems like just yesterday that Bradley was asking you to be his plus one but somehow that’s a whole month and a half ago now. Time is the universe’s most nefarious trickster.
You’ve spent far too much time trying to figure out what you want to wear. Weddings aren’t exactly your forte, especially having spent most of your time surrounded by military brats who, between the toxic masculine mindset and the constant anxiety of being one phone call away from a suicide mission, are afraid of commitment. Getting invited to a wedding by one of your former Navy buddies is about as likely as a thunderstorm in San Diego.
But hey, you’ve managed to pull something nice together for this shindig. It’s not Tom Ford or Louis Vuitton nice but it’s still quite the look. The outfit hugs all the right places and is undeniably flattering. And, if you’re being honest with yourself, it leaves very little up to the imagination in certain parts of your body. Who can complain about turning a few heads because their ass looks good?
“Holy shit,” Bradley gawks as he watches you descend the steps into the parking lot of your apartment complex. “You look amazing.”
Yeah, can’t help but blush at that.
“You don’t look too bad yourself, Bradshaw,” you reply with a coy smile.
Dressed in a sharp, black tuxedo, he looks incredible. How a man who is a ten on even his worst days manages to get even more attractive is beyond you. 
“I clean up when I want to,” he says proudly.
“I can tell.”
He gives you a once over, soaking in every detail of your outfit. When his eyes trace over the more…personal aspects of your figure, he makes no effort to hide it. He’s looking and he wants you to know it.
Despite the butterflies in your stomach and the color in your cheeks, you manage to play it cool and roll your eyes. “Alright, would you quit checking me out and get in the damn car? You can’t crash a wedding if you don’t actually go to it.”
He smirks at your flustered diversion but turns to pry open the passenger door of his Jeep. “After you, my dear.”
Once you climb in and he shuts the door behind you, he circles around to hop in the driver’s seat. Rather than start the car, however, he turns to you and holds his hand out, palm up as if waiting to receive something.
You eye him quizzically. “What?”
“Where’s my tip?”
“Your tip?”
He fakes offense. “Uh, yeah! You really expect me to chauffeur your ass across town and provide unbeatable, gentlemanly service, and you’re not going to tip me?”
“Oh my gosh, you’re right. I’m so sorry. Hold on.” You pat your lap and hips, pretending to search your person for a wallet. “Ah-ha! Here it is. For you, my good sir.”
You give him the middle finger with both hands.
He barks out a laugh and nods enthusiastically. “Fair enough,” he says as he starts the engine. “Let’s blow this popsicle stand. Next stop: holy matrimony.”
Though the ceremony itself is far from exciting, the venue is stunning. Maverick, being Maverick, managed to work some magic and secured the entirety of Harbor Island Park for the big day. With the San Diego skyline to the east and North Island directly across the bay, it’s the perfect spot for the occasion.
The entire time vows are being exchanged, your eyes wander to the groomsmen standing behind Maverick. Standing up there with a big smile on his face and admiration in his eyes, Bradley watches as his father’s best friend finally gets to say “I do.” 
Every now and then, he steals a glance your way. You lock eyes, share the tiniest grin, and both end up biting your lips to keep from drawing attention to yourselves. 
Though you won’t admit it, there’s another, less innocent reason you have to avert your eyes so quickly each time. Yes, this is Maverick’s big day and he is glowing up there with Penny’s hands in his. But, as much as it drives you crazy to even think about, there’s another man stealing the spotlight with his broad shoulders and bright eyes. The more you look at him, the harder it gets to look away. And man, would it be a treat to see all that Bradley Bradshaw has to offer.
The dinner is exceptional. And not just because it’s being held in a waterfront restaurant with floor to ceiling windows that overlook the harbor. While you’re no wedding food aficionado, you’re pretty certain that this is the best meal you could possibly ask for at such an event. It tastes like heaven and the preparation is infuriatingly impeccable. Honestly, who the hell takes the time to make little sauce flowers on the plate of every single guest? It should be illegal.
You’re sitting alone at the reception table while Bradley fetches you both another glass of champagne when you hear a vaguely familiar voice utter your name. It sounds strange. Not in an uncomfortable way, but in a “I know you so well even though you and I have never met” kind of way.
Sure enough, you find yourself looking up into the impossibly hopeful eyes of Pete Mitchell. Though you and Bradley have known each other for years and have spent a lot of time together in recent months, you have never once gotten the chance to meet the man behind so many of your friend’s life stories. Guess it was only a matter of time. You are at his wedding, after all.
Clambering to your feet, you instinctively raise your arm to salute him. “Captain Mitchell. Sir. It’s an honor.”
With a chuckle, he reaches out and grabs your arm, lowering it back down to your side. “Please,” he says. “The only time anyone seems to call me Captain Mitchell around here is when I’m getting reprimanded. Maverick is fine. Or Mav, if you wanna save yourself a couple syllables.”
“In that case, it’s nice to meet you, Maverick. I hope you don’t mind me being here.”
“Not at all,” he beams—his smile is ludicrously bright and charming in a way that almost makes you nervous to be on the receiving end. “I was actually hoping I’d get the chance to introduce myself sooner or later.“
You blink. Now that’s a statement you weren’t expecting to hear. “Really?”
“Of course! I’ve been eager to meet the person Bradley speaks so highly of.”
“He’s mentioned me?”
Maverick laughs again. “Once or twice,” he replies. “And by once or twice, I mean you’re just about all he talks about whenever we catch up.”
There’s definitely color in your cheeks now. It shouldn’t be a surprise. Seriously. Of course he’s mentioned you. You’re someone he spends a lot of time around. At the very least, he’s shared a story or two with Maverick about your caffeine-fueled Sunday shenanigans or late night phone calls.
“Hey, Mav.”
Both you and Maverick find yourselves turning sharply at the sound of Bradley’s voice. Just as expected, he’s got a glass of champagne in each hand. He hands you one and places the other on the table next to you before giving Maverick a tight hug.
“Thank you for coming, Bradley,” Maverick says as he clings to the fabric at Bradley’s shoulder.
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
When they separate, the two exchange gentle smiles. There’s so much admiration in their eyes—the kind of admiration that only comes from shared experience and years of devotion. Bradley may not be his son, but it’s clear that Maverick would do everything in his power to protect him.
“I see the two of you have finally met,” Bradley notes as he snags his glass from the table.
“That’s right,” Maverick says.
Bradley’s eyes jump between the two of you. “And?”
“And we were just discussing how nice it is to put a face to the name after all these years,” you explain. A smirk pricks at the edge of your lip. “Especially since you seem to spend a lot of time gushing about me to poor Maverick here.”
Never before have you seen Bradley Bradshaw grow that red, that fast. Whatever supplier he gets his daily dose of confidence from has apparently gone out of business because the signature Rooster smile that you’ve grown accustom to seeing flees his face faster than a supersonic jet. He’s embarrassed. Scandalized, even.
He’s never looked cuter.
“Great. So glad you two are getting along,” Bradley mutters. “I’m gonna take that as I sign that I need to spend a little more time at the bar.”
He slinks back a step and is about to turn and head away but Maverick intercepts him with a hand on the shoulder. “Hey, hey, hey. Relax. I’ll get out of your hair. The groom’s gotta make rounds and say hi to everybody before people start getting too drunk or too bored to stick around.”
Maverick yanks Bradley into another hug, then turns to smile at you. 
“It was nice meeting you, Maverick,” You say as offer your hand, assuming he intends to shake it.
To your surprise, however, he doesn’t take it. Instead, he wraps you up in his arms and gives you a hug. You nearly melt. To be welcomed so wholly by the person who means more to Bradley than anything in the world is something you can’t possibly take for granted.
When he releases you, he lets his hand rest on your shoulder. “I’m sure we’ll see each other again soon. In the meantime, keep an eye on this son of a bitch for me, would ya? He’s trouble.”
The ear to ear grin that finds your lips threatens to crack your face wide open. “Yeah, I know,” you reply. “That’s kinda why I keep him around.”
“Good. Now, you two go have fun!”
You watch for a moment as Maverick strolls over to the next table and shakes hands with another pair of guests. When Bradley clears his throat, you turn your attention back to him. There’s still a faint pink tint in his cheeks but overall, the chagrin that had stricken him during the conversation with Maverick appears to a have diminished.
The puzzled expression on his face is almost too amusing for you to hold in a chuckle. “So, what?”
“So, what’s the play for the remainder of the evening? Surely you don’t plan on sitting at an over-decorated banquet table all night.”
“Absolutely not. I’d rather suck Hangman’s dick.”
“Exactly.” He takes a massive gulp of champagne and unbuttons his suit jacket to loosen up. “The plan is: get trashed to the point where the floor becomes the ceiling and the walls are made of liquid, then—without a single sober brain cell left to hold me back—embarrass the ever-loving fuck out of myself by tearing the dance floor to shreds.”
You bark out a laugh. “I really hope you aren’t expecting me to do the same.”
“C’mon. You’re really gonna ride the bench while I carry Team Wedding Crasher to the championship?”
You consider his words for a moment. As much as you detest the idea of making a fool out of yourself in front of several dozen well-dressed strangers, you find the sheer possibility of disappointing Bradley to be even worse. Besides, life’s too short to give a shit about what a bunch of middle-aged Navy officers think of you.
“Alright, wingman,” you declare with a smirk. “Let’s give ‘em hell.”
Hell hath risen. 
Not for the partygoers, of course. The devil spares their innocent souls this round. Instead, you and Bradley have found yourselves consumed by the cursed flames of alcohol’s aftermath. The drunk bliss you’ve enjoyed for the past few hours has faded, leaving behind a brutal malady of headaches and nausea. So here you are, kneeling on the tiles of an upscale restaurant bathroom with your head in the toilet.
“You alright in there?” Bradley asks from the other side of the door.
The groan you utter in response is far cry from conveying a coherent thought, but he takes it as an answer nonetheless. He pushes open the door—which, bless your drunken ass for being too lazy to lock it—and crouches down next to you. A gentle hand begins rubbing your back.
“How you feelin’?”
“Never better,” you manage to grumble as you lay your head on the arm you’ve draped across the toilet seat. “How ‘bout you?”
“I feel like dog shit.”
He chuckles and takes hold of your forearms to help you to your feet. “Let’s free up the bathroom and go get some air.”
Clinging to his arm like a frail, old grandparent, the two of you make your way outside. The earth isn’t swaying anymore but man, your legs want absolutely nothing to do with getting your body from point A to point B. Thankfully, Bradley seems to have enough mental and physical strength for the both of you.
A short walk down the path that lines the rocky shoreline later, you find yourselves back at the park where the wedding ceremony had been held earlier that evening. All the chairs and decorations are gone. The only sign of celebration that remains are a few pink and white flower petals nestled in the grass.
Bradley helps you ease yourself down on one of the waterfront benches before taking a seat next to you. With his bowtie undone and his hair disheveled, he looks far less put together than the man who’d stolen glances at you during the ceremony and yet, he still maintains that aura of charm that makes it impossible for you not to swoon.
“How are you so put together?” You ask. “I’m pretty sure you had twice as much to drink as I did and I’m the one getting pried off the bathroom floor.”
He smirks. “Guess I’m just that tough.”
The flat, unamused look on your face must communicate your disbelief perfectly because he chuckles and runs a hand through his hair.
“I’m kidding,” he adds. “Pretty sure I’m going to go full Exorcist on my bathroom the second I get home.”
“That’s hot.”
You both laugh.
A pleasant silence falls over the bench as you both look out at the water. Reflections of the city lights dance across the waves like sea-bound stars. The gentle breeze that kisses your skin brings with it a comforting chill that perfectly balances out the discomforting heat of your impending hangover. You still feel like crap but it turns out a beautiful view works wonders when it comes to distracting a person from suffering.
After a moment, you dare to peer at Bradley from the corner of your eye. He looks so at peace. There’s the tiniest smile lingering at his mouth and the way his attention is torn from the bay every time a plane flies overhead reminds you of the unbreakable optimism of a child. How can a man so handsome and resolute be so gentle? How can that gentleness be a privilege you’ve become so familiar with?
“Thank you.”
He’s not looking at you when he says it, but you tear your eyes from his face as if you’ve been caught anyway.
“For what?” You ask.
“For coming with me tonight. I know weddings aren’t the most exciting thing in the world, but it means a lot to me that you came anyway.”
You study his expression closely. It’s hard to place your finger on why, but you get the sense that he genuinely hadn’t expected you to say yes. 
“I’m glad you asked me,” you admit quietly.
He turns his head to look at you. “Really?”
You nod.
“Good.” He exhales. The blissful smile on his face curls into something more playful. “I was worried you might regret the whole thing after I peeled you off the dance floor.”
“Y’know what? That blonde bitch is lucky I was too hammered to tussle. If I were sober enough to plot my revenge, I would’ve snapped the heel off one of her stilettos and watched her stumble into the dessert table. I mean, c’mon! Who trips a person throwing it back to Lady Gaga?”
“That should be a federal offense.”
There’s another lull in the conversation. It’s not a bad thing by any means, but it definitely makes you wonder what is going on inside the man’s head. He may not be as outspoken as other Navy pilots like Hangman, but he certainly isn’t shy either.
“There’s one thing I’m disappointed I didn’t get to do tonight though.”
You raise your brow at the comment. “What’s that?”
“I never got the chance to ask you to dance.”
“What are you talking about?” A huff of laughter rolls off your tongue. “We literally just spent the last two hours dancing!”
He considers your reply. “Yeah, that’s not quite the dancing I’m talking about.”
You blink. With your jaw hanging loose from its hinges and your eyes wide, you must look like a grade-A idiot.
“You…Wanted to slow dance with me?”
“Is that really such a surprise?”
And just like that, your cheeks are turning red and whatever hope you had for staying calm, cool and collected about the whole thing has skipped town. 
“N-no!” You stammer. “Well, yes. But it shouldn’t be. I mean, you asked me to be your plus one at a wedding so I really shouldn’t be shocked. That’s kinda the whole point of plus ones, right? I guess I just never expected you to actually want me to be that kind of plus one. And I know that probably makes zero sense now that I say that out loud but it’s just—“
The remainder of your blabbering monologue dies on your tongue when he reaches over to cup your jaw in his hand. His fingertips caress the delicate skin just below your ear while his thumb strokes your cheek with timid curiosity. 
There it is. That sweet-tempered charisma that you’ve been so fascinated by. Oh, what a privilege. What a dangerously addictive privilege to be on the receiving end of such an unrivaled indulgence.
“Bradley,” you exhale. 
You don’t know why you say his name. You don’t even know why you say anything at all. It just sort of slips out, as if you’ve been holding it in all night. And the way his pupils dilate ever so slightly as your voice floats into his ear makes it clear that he’s been waiting just as long to hear you say it.
He’s staring at your lips now. It’s painfully obvious and he doesn’t give a damn. He’s telling you exactly what he wants without uttering a single word. As if to seal a letter of his desire, the thumb on your cheek glides over to brush the corner of your mouth.
The beating of your heart is deafening. Sure, the sound of the waves colliding with the rocks just a few steps away is irritatingly loud but they sound like they’re a mile away in comparison to the thudding in your ear. What you would give to tune it all out right now.
Fearful that he’ll take your silence as an indication that he’s crossed a boundary, you lean into his hand and kiss the pad of his thumb. His breath catches in his throat. The fingers at your jaw twitch. His thumb, now pressed to the center of your mouth, traces your bottom lip with the measured stroke of an artist smearing paint across his canvas. Never before have you felt so delightfully fragile.
“Fuck,” he whispers with the desperation of a man forced to sin. “You have no idea how bad I want to kiss you right now…”
You nearly choke on the lump in your throat. A reply lingers in the back of your mind: then why don’t you? But, as if he can hear your every thought, he answers before the question can breach your vocal cords.
His tongue dips out to wet his lips. “But I know if I do, I might not ever want to stop.”
Just like that, the sense of helplessness that you’ve been feeling gives way to unrestrained desire. You want this. You need this. You don’t even know what this is but you aren’t about to let it slip away.
Fingers curling around his wrist, you squeeze his forearm like a vice. “I don’t give a damn if I suffocate,” you growl. “Kiss me right now or I swear to God, I’ll rip that mustache off your face.”
Maybe threatening a man isn’t the most romantic thing you could have said but it gets the job done. His lips instantly come crashing into yours. It’s so fast, so passionate that it draws a small gasp from your lungs.
Instinct takes hold of your body as your hands blindly seek shelter somewhere in the sanctuary of his body. One hand ends up clinging to his shoulder while the other curls around the back of his head to bury itself amongst the fine hairs on the nape of his neck. Fingernails scrape their way up his scalp until his tongue dips into your mouth and drives you to anchor yourself to the earth by grasping at a fistful of his hair.
You tug. He groans. The sound rumbles like an earthquake in his chest and tickles a primal, needy part of you that you’ve long since forgotten. At that moment—at that sound—all of the self control you have left crawls right out of your skin to leap in the waves and drown.
Without so much as a second thought, you crawl into his lap so that you’re straddling his thighs. He has to crane his neck slightly to kiss you now but he doesn’t seem to care. You’re right where he wants you. And the sudden pressure of his hands seizing your waist to pull you flush against his body confirms it.
It’s hard to tell how long you stay like that. The concept of time itself seems to vanish and the world around you has pretty much ceased to exist altogether. All you know now—all you even care to know—is the taste of Bradley’s lips and the heat of his breath on your skin. 
When the kiss is finally broken so you can give your lungs some much needed oxygen, his mouth latches onto your neck. Teeth graze your throat and his tongue leaves a ghostly trail of saliva in its wake. There’s no doubt that you’re going to find a collection of hickeys on your neck tomorrow and, in all honesty, you’re glad. You want to remember this, to look at yourself in the mirror tomorrow morning and think about what it feels like to be consumed by the man you’ve grown to love.
A tiny whimper slips from your mouth as he sucks a particularly dark mark onto your skin. Maybe that was his closing remark. Or maybe the sound you made was a little too reminiscent of a person wincing in discomfort. Either way, his mouth finally eases off and he pulls back to look at you for the first time since this has all started.
“You make me crazy,” he murmurs as he slides one hand down to your thigh.
You let out a breathless huff of laughter. “I can’t make you something you already are, Bradshaw.”
“Fair enough.”
Dragging your hands toward his neck, they find their place just above the collar of his shirt as you lean in to kiss him again. It’s much slower this time. The initial hunger has been satiated just enough to allow you to coast on affection rather than whatever lust-fueled engine had kicked off the whole encounter.
“Mmmm,” he hums into your kiss. “I wanna take you home with me…”
Something hot and heavy pools in the pit of your stomach at that. Making out with Bradley has been heaven sent. It’s more than you could have hoped for and you are beyond grateful for the opportunity. But this impossibly handsome, shamelessly sensual man just can’t seem to count his blessings. He wants more and he has no desire to hide it.
Not that you’re opposed…
You drag your tongue over his bottom lip and grin. “Well maybe if you ask nicely, I’ll let you.”
He shifts underneath you, legs separating just enough to make you feel an ache in your thighs as you continue to straddle him. The movement brings your attention to something else as well. There’s a firm, hot pressure against the inside of your thigh that most definitely hadn’t been there when you first crawled in his lap.
Oh, Jesus…He’s hard, you realize.
No legal team stands a chance against that. He practically whines as he does what you suggest, begging like an animal who can’t wait to be fed. He may not be the kind of guy to shy away from pursuing something, but he’s also not the kind to take what doesn’t belong to him. If he needs to earn your trust or your permission, he’ll do whatever it takes.
You reward him with a sultry kiss. It’s quick, but it makes your intention clear: Yes. You are saying yes.
Without giving him another chance at initiating anything more, you climb out of his lap and stand on the path that separates the bench from the rocky border of the San Diego bay. The evening breeze is much cooler now and actually coaxes some goosebumps into crawling over your arm.
He lingers in his seat, legs now spread wide to ease some of the discomfort between his thighs. You’ve never seen him in such a messy state. His clothes are all ruffled. The unknotted bowtie around his neck is lopsided and threatening to slide out from beneath his collar. The hair on the top of his head is now completely unkempt with a handful of strands dangling over his forehead. And, with the combination of hooded eyes and slick, swollen lips, he looks like the kind of raunchy wedding date people have wet dreams about.
As much as you want to stand there and appreciate the view, the impatient little creature tugging at your gut has other, less restrained plans.
“With all due respect, Lieutenant,” you say as you straighten the fabric hugging your torso, “I don’t have all night.”
A crooked smirk tugs at the corner of his mouth. “10-4.”
Making no attempt to fix any part of the mess that is his visage, Bradley stands up and grabs your hand to lead you back to the parking lot. None of this is what you expected when you agreed to be his plus one, but man are you glad you said yes. Whatever lies in store for the remainder of the night is a gift you just can’t wait to unwrap.
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stevie-petey · 1 month
hello your honour (m), me and my partner, val @southelroy would like to take this opportunity to defend our client, one steven marie harrington. we intend to prove, beyond reasonable doubt, that his behaviour and actions are born from a place of genuine trauma, that his intentions, while marred in teen angst, are clear, and finally, that his bearing is better than certain past, shall we say........bonds.......cough johnathan cough.
idk how longer i can keep this bit going, but seriously, guys c'mon cut the guy a break, all steve and bug have been doing since midway season 1 is drive their car to struggle citadel and pray at its pews. Also m this season is so crazy delicious i will get into singing your praises in a minute, after i prove my case with evidence. thank you.
firstly, i'd like to establish a baseline from which we can work upwards from. frankly, steve clears. he has been worshipping the ground bug walks on since the day he saw her, and he made clear his high regard of her the moment he got to develop some sort of friendship/relationship with him. even just taking these last three chapters, the amount of outward steve shows bug, completely unabashedly, is ridiculous. it was the most physical, outward admiration bug has gotten out of her peers, aka, the teen boys her age. I'd like to point to one moment in particular, "You exhale deeply, wrapping your arms around his body, and Steve nuzzles his face into your neck and presses a gentle kiss there.". This parallel to johnathan and bug ending their closeness at the end of season 2, as well as the phone call/car ride johnathan takes in season 3, posits steve as the new "love interest", the new What-if/maybe of bug's love life. However, his romantic intentions are much more straightforward than johnathan's ever were. The end of season 2, he very clearly stated that he wanted to, eventually, be in a relationship with bug, that he would need some time before it happened, and bug understood this, and agreed to it. This is drastically different from Not Talking About It for years on end. I would argue that bug herself knows, at least to some extent, steve's feelings for her. She certainly knows the care he feels for her, "You know he doesn’t want to scare you, that he’s always trying to make things easier for you, so you tilt your head at him and nod slightly; you want him to tell you." The ease with which they kiss each other's cheeks is an openness bug did not experience in season 1, especially when shit with nancy and johnathan started becoming #real #deep. there is a certainty that is present in these interactions that bug and johnathan did not have until they were literally doing a friend break up.
Now that we've established the evidence of steve's background, i'd like to move the jury to view evidence of motive, with your permission your honour (hi m <3). As stated in the opening statement, bug and steve are getting stamps on that struggle card like their featured on tlc classic, extreme couponing, and baby they are making cashback! Bug's daddy issues are well documented, as are steve's. In fact, they are so well established, that the defense would like to claim that throwing a gren@de at mr. harrington's car would be an all round net positive to society. We know that steve thinks highly of bug, including post spring summer of '85, and that while they have moved past it, o would argue that a fear of abandonment is not unfounded in the young man's mind, particularly when his own self image is currently being shredded by a medieval torture device known as mr. harrington. Steve is being beaten down, it sounds like quite frequently, "He hadn’t turned into who had expected to become, something that you know his father reminds him of every time he comes back from some business trip. ", and it's showing in his relationship(?) with bug, "Steve leans into your kisses and smiles at the praise, relieved that you don’t think he’s some idiot." We see this when he rants to robin in episdoe 1, he is an, ultimately, scared and insecure teen, who is getting requited affection for the first time in a long time, from a person whom he deeply respects, admires, and holds dear in his heart, and, unfortunately, was unable to maintain a relationship with him during the beginning of their friendship. I ask you, the court, were we not understanding of bug then? Could we not see the place where she came from? While we disagree with her actions, did we not see the ultimate place she was coming from? Surely we can extend that grace to mr. harrington.
I'd like to perhaps bring in a new angle, that steve and bug's tiff at the end of episode 3 is not their fault expressly. We know bug has a giant guilt complex that makes my religious background look carefree. We know she has a very real fear of having a relationship pass you, due to someone whose name rhymes with bonathan, and is perhaps more sensitive to being strung along than she otherwise would be. We know steve's battling daddy issues, a need to prove himself with a great opportunity right in his lap, and a fear of relationships changing because of someone noticing his inadequacy (very incheresting to me that he's relieved that bug doesn't think he's an idiot.........he's my unmedicated undiagnosed adhd baby.....we're twins in that sense. also in the sense that we like women :P), which could happen when they are in a full blown relationship. Him not knowing how to ask bug out is valid, he's on a new man journey of shedding his old self off, he feels like he's batting way out of his league (he is), and he has a girl who fell out of love with him on his scoreboard, and a girl who used to be in an intense codependent friendship with a boy who is now currently dating said ex. That is a situation to be in!
While me and my partner understand bug's frustrations and empathise fully, and make clear our support of her, we only ask the jury lay the blame not at our defendant steve's feet, but rather the circumstances that have brought them here. And if they really want a target, feel free to aim towards one johnathan byers and mr. harrington, local triple f, (flop failure father).
The defense would now like to play offence. Johnathan, what the hell are you even doing here???? Get out of our family's business! What in the good lord's name are you doing ringing up a girl's number in the dead of the night??? The one you were a hair's breadth away from dating if you hadn't strung her along for a marathon length of time at that???? And then venting YOUR relationship problems, the very relationship you strung her along for, about a girl you left her for!!! The audacity of mr byers!!! While we understand this to be an affront to Ms. Henderson, we posit this is an affront to Ms. Wheeler as well. We ask you, the jury, how comfortable YOU would feel if the guy you were dating, told HIS ex best friend-turned-complicated-situation-turned now friends with boundaries all about your relationship problems while driving around at night, a deeply date like activity? While you may posture and say "oh, well, if it's a girl like Bug!". Girls..... That would make it worse. AS IT SHOULD! We maintain this isn't bug's fault as it isn't her relationship to protect, but mr. byers!
Okay we rest our case.
M, I apologise for this stupid essay above, but omg omgo omg omgogkogmogmgomgm I am EATING!!!!! YOU ATE!!!!!! This was so crazy delivious yummy!!!! Love love love the way steve and bug are interacting, all the casual affection has me giggling and kicking my feet like they're everything hehehehe. All the cheek kisses are so so so cute and making me crave affection like a motherfucker. All the flirting vibes between them is driving me up the wall...."So you admit you're flirting with me?" BITCH! I MIGHT BE!!! I am cheesinggggg. I remember you said that season 4 is going to be stug struggle era and my stomach is in knots already becasue the brief glimpse of unhappiness they experienced at the end of episode 3 made me want to cut my heart out of my chest, you have made them too lovable i fear.
SPeaking of cutting my heart out of my chest, may i say, you served with robin. Like. The struggle of being a closeted person really hit well. Not to get heavy, but the crushing weight of it was so subtly put into robin, it got to me alot. "She hates that you’re purposely excluding her and taking Steve’s side in this. You wish you could tell her the truth." This genuinely is sooooo fvnnvbvknsnbfe. I want to shake her through the screen like girl do NOT fall for your friend whose attracted to boys that is NOT a situation that ends well and you will NOT leave unscathed!! It felt like a lot like high school, when its a big thing you have no one else to tell, and there's too much at stake to say it. and omg. this part, "When Robin sees his wink, she only clenches her jaw and turns away before releasing your hand.". Devestating. If I were robin, i would have had a crush on both bug and steve and witnessed carousel kissy face gate, it would have turned me into the joker, i would have no choice but to pull the nastiest stunt this small town has ever seen. I feel absolutely awful for her, and it makes me kinder to my younger self. Just, omg, really excellent work.
Apologies for the length of this, but just on a final note, i really wanted to say thank you for writing this great story. it's been a tough couple of years, and my brain has gotten worse on me and i really have a lot of trouble concentrating on anything, including things i enjoy, and your story is one of the few guaranteed things i know i can sit down for and fully because i know i will love every minute of it. Wishing you luck and love wherever you go and always rooting for you <3!!
u bringing up bug abandoning steve first ,,, oh ur so right and i WILL be addressing that (steve finally asks for the entire reason ,,,, trust)
and ur so right about how grim of a situation it is. steve and bug reflect the hurt nancy and jon gave onto them. steve is afraid of being lead on again and not being enough (nancy lied about loving him and he wasnt enough in the end). bug is afraid that love itself isnt enough, that theres more than just loving one another that goes into a relationship (jon loved her and yet in the end it wasnt enough).
both babies are hurt :((((
and im happy everyone is loving robin <333 i have a cute and sweet scene planned between her and bug later that im so excited to share :')
the final part of your ask, im so so so happy my story means that much to you and i am sending you a million kisses my love <3333 im always rooting for you as well and youre such a sweetheart
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sneakyboymerlin · 1 year
I’m tired of the escalation and growing frequency of this fandom trend where people believe that any unique loyalty that Merlin earns from, say, Gwaine or Lancelot, is somehow an offense to Arthur, or taking from him the loyalty and companionship he is ~entitled~ to. He is not actually entitled to anyone’s friendship because he might be “lonely” or jealous or what-have-you.
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Posts like this also stress that Arthur would be put out by his knights choosing Merlin over him in the case of a magic reveal, which I find ridiculous since they’ve lowered the stakes from Arthur is committing a genocide against Merlin’s people down to… Arthur will be sad if their companions pick Merlin over him. Regardless, Merlin earned the friendship and loyalty of these people through his own kindness and understanding. Arthur is not entitled to the same just because it feels ~unfair~ that Merlin might have more friends.
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More recently, I found a post that, intentionally or not, specifically downplays Gwaine’s friendship to Merlin in favor of casting his loyalty to Arthur as greater than it is in reality. I understand that it’s easy to see a post like that and, without knowing the proper context, conclude that it must be accurate, but most posts on here are working backwards through confirmation bias to prove a point, and therefore will disregard any context that does not fit the argument being made.
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Because people believe that the king is entitled to an equal amount of love from Gwaine as his servant is (I wonder what subconscious bias that idea comes from…), they will look at the series through whichever lens fits their objective. But this is the crux of the argument: no one is entitled to anyone else’s feelings, in friendship or romance or sex or duty or any other relationship type.
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In truth, Gwaine gains a begrudging respect for Arthur towards the climax of his introductory episode, not a friendship. While he considers Arthur to be a “brat,” he recognizes that Arthur does not apparently base a person’s worth on their background. By Gwaine’s standards, this makes him an exception among nobles.
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Despite this, he does not become close with Arthur as far as canon proves, and he still explicitly regards Merlin above Arthur, both in words and in actions, consistently so even after he is knighted. Again, his sense of duty to Arthur does not automatically make them friends, nor does it necessarily conflict with his loyalty to Merlin. Most importantly, there is nothing wrong with Gwaine placing Merlin above Arthur.
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Overall, Gwaine does have a sense of loyalty towards Arthur. Is he shown to actually be friends with him, though? In short, no. Although Gwaine already shows four episodes prior to the events of 3x08 that he is willing to die to defend Arthur based on his sense of morality, he explicitly does not consider Arthur a friend (to Merlin: “You’re the only friend I’ve got.”). Rather, he feels duty-bound because he believes that Arthur is decent (for a noble) and actually worthy of his title. In truth, Gwaine is closer to Gwen than he is to Arthur, despite their shaky start.
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Arthur is someone who Gwaine has deemed good enough for his position as a leader, but it is Merlin who he is utmost loyal to. This is imperative to understanding Gwaine as a character, and it is ultimately an overarching motif that defines who he is—someone who defies classist expectations, who sticks to his own sense of right vs. wrong, and who is deeply loyal to those who he believes deserve that loyalty. But there is no such thing as “deserving” someone’s love. Gwaine offers that to Merlin freely, and it’s never a conscious choice to feel that way. Arthur cannot be “owed” the same. Gwaine feeling duty-bound to Arthur does not mean that they have the same emotional connection or depth between them that Merlin and Gwaine have. It doesn’t have to mean that.
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Arthur is not entitled to Gwaine’s friendship or loyalty, and it would not make sense for Gwaine to place Arthur above Merlin to begin with, for all of the aforementioned reasons and more. If Gwaine chose Merlin over Arthur in the case of a magic reveal, this would not be “unfair” to Arthur, and it wouldn’t matter if it made Arthur feel “lonely,” because in this scenario, Gwaine is doing what he believes is right, rather than standing by Arthur based on a sense of duty—one that is dependent on his belief that Arthur judges people based on their actions instead of their birth circumstances. And if Gwaine was forced to choose between Merlin and Arthur, at the end of the day, the answer to that is fairly obvious:
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summermoonshine · 7 months
Below, some clips + videos from MWIII where we'll analyse what happened to Soap.
After sharing them, however, I would like to say a few things (if you not interested in this, I understand, but please: just skip that part as I really need to vent about the matter; my apologies).
Now, the clips.
Let's start with the Soap's death (full video will be uploaded in a separate post because it deserves respect):
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Wanting to deliberately leave out the fact that Makarov had complete freedom to engage a firefight without being captured (the idiotic run after killing Soap is truly ridiculous compared to Makarov in MW3), what is inevitable to do is, for me, to compare the dynamics with something already seen: does this scene remind you of anything? No? Maybe this will jog your memory:
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This is in addition to what said by Makarov to Captain Price:
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"Never bury your enemies alive". Who else was buried alive if not Ghost himself (according to '09 backstory)? This could justify the lack of an official backstory for Ghost 22: would Soap's death be his true downfall into the underworld? Mh.
Speaking of him, I so resent Soap's death for many reasons (which I'll discuss shortly), but above all because by killing him, they also killed Ghost: one shot, two deaths. Ghost had started to live again thanks to Soap, and it was with him that he died, too. Until the end, he was stood next to him because ''no one fights alone''. The fact that, even under the threat of a bomb capable of neutralizing half the world, Ghost chose to remain next to Soap as he bled to death to me is everything. The stone-cold man, detached and attached only to the field manual (where friendship does not even appear), he is the one who SCREAMS his sergeant's name. Let's hear the pain in his voice:
Sure, it could be a standard reaction of any man who sees his teammate killed before his eyes, but no one would expect such a reaction from the 'stone-cold man'. But a mask isn't enough to hide the pain: He's lost; his eyes roaming for help:
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He's out of breath, his chest moving up and down as if he's not just catching his breath, but holding back an explosion. Cry? Tears? Anger?
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I slowed down this part to highlight how the head-shake was not just to confirm the death, indicating that there was nothing left to be done, but it was personal: he can't believe his eyes, and his heavy breathing confirms it.
At that precise moment, they didn't just kill Ghost; they killed Simon, too.
In fact, in the clip below (I cut+slowed it) it's Simon (see the mask) who takes care of Johnny after his death: he keeps Johnny in his backpack, holds the urn from start to finish, he has the task of scattering the ashes in what appears to be a Scottish's mountain, and he is the one who brings HIM back home with him.
He is family.
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It's precisely when talking about family that I can't stop thinking about the quantity of ashes in his urn. The amount of ashes is small: what if half the ashes went to Soap's family and Ghost kept the other half?
Also, Soap has managed to make himself loved by everyone, and this is why I consider this scene (pic below) to be of fundamental importance: the act of adding his nickname stands for: ''you were not a soldier, but something dear to me''.
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The document is drawn up by Laswell, the one who protected Task Force 141 from behind the scenes even when General Shepherd had betrayed them, showing that the relationship between them all goes far beyond the working one:
it is a matter of heart.
It's for this reason that I feel like I must say some things about all this: there is so much to say actually but, as absurd as it may be, I felt the strong need to take some time for myself and understand what to do with this pain. As a player and historical supporter of the COD saga, I can say that in 20 years I have never seen the fandom as active, lively and full of passion as in 2022.
As I already explained, it was vital to me that AV gave Soap another chance after mw3. Sure, it's a war videogame and deaths are therefore inevitable, but killing the same character twice with the sole hope of making us hate Makarov so as to have more hype for the next COD (which, personally, I doubt will follow this arc since I define it now concluded although there are still unresolved issues) it was a stupid move to make, because by doing so we are hating AV, not Price or Makarov himself.
Furthermore, what is most infuriating is that if the COD family has started to be so creative and enthusiastic again, it is above all thanks to Saop (and to our Neil along with others VA; unfortunately, not every one of them).
Each of the protagonists in MWII was perfect, earning a special place in our hearts, but it is clear that Soap and the relationship established with Ghost were the catalyst of definitive affection that connected us so deeply to the reboot, leading us to buy even a new game that, more than a campaign, more than a DLC, is a scam:
rushed dialogues, too many characters piled on top of each other, typical warzone game dynamics with such a short duration that each level becomes chaotic etc etc etc… 2, maximum 3 hours later, we find ourselves with a Soap killed, slaughtered and left to die with total dullness and without any emotional focus DURING our game without even receiving a cutscene dedicated to him.
And, as if that wasn't enough, by killing him, Ghost was also indirectly killed: for once, perhaps for the first real time, that man - always represented as cold - had found a family and something, someone to hold on to : taking it, taking HIM, away from him, they demolished two people with a single shot.
Treating one of the characters who has practically supported the entire current COD fortune on his shoulders in this way is, for me, a great injustice, as well as a stupid move.
Again, I don't hate Makarov; I hate AV.
Soap 22 will forever be our comfort zone, because he has never been just a video game character, but our home.
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okay ive got fantasy high on the brain so here's a little fantasy high td au that i will never write. spoilers for like. all of it that's been released so far.
the bad kids:
right off the bat, sammy and amy as adaine and aelwyn. don't have much to say on this besides i think they fit pretty well. amy would have to be a bit smarter for aelwyn's place in the story but other than that i think they fit pretty well. sammy as a wizard with anxiety but who also desperately wants to fuck up the ppl who wrong her once she gets treatment for that anxiety. also i like to think in this au that amy would have a redemption arc and she and sammy could learn how to be somewhat functional sisters.
lightning as fabian. they are both egotistical athletes with a ridiculous amount of pressure from their shitty parents and i would love lightning to have an arc where he makes friends and learns to overcome toxic masculinity
dj as gorgug! he has the capacity to rage but he doesn't want to unless its necessary which disappoints people who expect someone as big as him to be a fighter. but he just wants to give tin flowers to his friends! maybe his love for cooking turns into a love for creating and that's how he becomes an artificer. he would definitely make little mechanical animal friends. also that makes his moms wilma and digby
hear me out. priya as kristen. big worshipper of helio thanks to her parents/being his chosen one but as she goes through the world without that strong of an influence she realizes how wrong they are and breaks away from that mentality. a bit of a chaotic being as she goes through life trying to find structure again but dedicated to her friends and whatever deity she's worshiping at the time
kitty as fig. she loves her friends so so much. she wants to try so many different things. she has issues with an authoritative female figure in her life (emma/sandra lynn). i think she could rock the punk/devil aesthetic while still being so friendly and silly.
i had such a hard time figuring out who would be riz but i'm gonna say shawn. they're both conspiracy theorists who probably drink way too much coffee and get way too little sleep. i can see shawn's obsession to surviving the zombie apocalypse be turned into an obsession with solving mysteries in this world. i think it'd be funny if that made sanders sklonda because she already sorta has tired single mom trying her best energy and is (unfortunately) a cop
chris as aguefort. truly a facilitator, manifester, and being of chaos. alternatively i could see him being the jace to chef's porter
millie as ayda!! she would sooo be a librarian who doesn't understand friendship and the chaos that comes with it but wants to be loved so bad but doesn't understand how to get that love and is generally insecure while coming off as knowledgeable and somewhat aloof
if kitty is fig then i can see emma as sandra lynn in an "older sister who's been raising her younger sister and who knows who her real dad is but won't say" i think there's some delicious sister angst there especially with kitty pulling away once she realizes they're actually half sisters and emma knows who kitty's dad is because she's older but won't tell her. not sure how gilear factors into the situation
dave as biz. has his nice guy thing with sammy instead of sky.
zee as zaphriel/the hangvan. just chill vibes dude.
scary girl as baron!! she's already lowkey got the aesthetic in different colors all she needs is the puppet/mask/mirrors stuff. she would haunt the shit out of shawn
raj as ragh!! starts out as a bit of a bully jock but once he gets over his toxic crush, is rescued by the bad kids, and comes out he's so much happier and nicer while still being a total jock. not sure how wayne would fit into the equation but maybe he could just be raj's friend on the bloodrush team
duncan as jawbone is really funny to me because yeah he has this crazy past as a drug dealer but now he's a high school guidance counselor who's super dedicated to helping kids and has embraced the domestic life?? kinda have a hard time seeing it for duncan but i do think it would be really funny
alejandro as garthy. don't have much to say on this just the vibes if alejandro wasn't evil and wanted to chill on a pirate ship he would be garthy.
leonard as sprak they're both so silly
i think putting trent as gilear would be so funny. local normal guy is just cursed to have the worst day every day. make that man the lunch lad
ennui as zayn purely bc of the tall goth aesthetic
beth as cathilda. i like to think she's generally small and helpful but could kick so much ass if needed
the rat grinders:
courtney as kipperlilly there's truly no other choice.
scarlett as oisin bc she seems like the nicest, most reasonable rat grinder and then bam she's been scheming with their most evil plot
crimson as mary ann bc she is so expressionless 24/7 but can fuck you up without blinking
julia as ivy. mean girl time!!
mal as ruben. he thinks he's so edgy and cool when he's just a high schooler who sings in an emo band. kitty would enjoy psychologically tormenting his as wanda chillda
bridgette as lucy!! she and courtney were once best friends until she was the one rat grinder who chose to die rather than be overtaken by rage and courtney is left alive and grieving and betrayed by her best friend
emma (td) as buddy, actually a pretty nice person who is being influenced by a toxic mindset and suffers greatly at the hands of people using her as a pawn
gotta go be a functioning human being in society so that's all i got for now
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tabl3 · 1 month
timeline of the beginning of the ef rewrite + book 1
for the peeps that either need a refresher or get overwhelmed by my 40+ book elite force rewrite (fair), I'm going to break down a rough tl of the events. we're starting with the pre-rewrite, and the first book of the series (which you can read on ao3 under tabs-alt :) )
March, 2016 Mission Creek, California - Tasha Davenport (44) announces to her family that she is expecting a baby girl
June, 2016 - across the country in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, supervillain Bridget Hunslet’s (38) reign of Terror is ended with the combined effort of dozens of superheroes
Mid-August, 2016 - Oliver Hunslet (16) and Skylar Diaz (near-17) leave their high school at the end of the school day, freshly in their junior year. They wave goodbye to their friends: Jordan (17),  Gus (16), and Stephanie (16), before Skylar attempts to reignite conversation with her unusually quiet companion. A black limousine pulls up in the drop-off zone, with a familiar face at the wheel. He rolls down the window and offers them a proposition. Twenty minutes later, Kazimieras Andris (16) hears a knock on his family home's door. He struggles forward to answer it, having a fussy baby in his arms and two toddlers clinging to his legs- the reason he was absent from school that day. Mr. Donald Davenport (47) stands in the doorway, flanked by Skylar and Oliver on either side. A new team, he offers. Use his technology to take down Mr. Terror's empire. A chance to be a hero
September 1st, 2016 - Leo Dooley-Davenport celebrates his 16th birthday in the lab with his older siblings: Adam Davenport (19), Bree Davenport (near-18), and Chase Davenport (17). After a few hours, they're scattered around, talking about their recent big victory. Their father, Donald, comes down and introduces a new mission that starts the next day. The siblings excitedly discuss preparations, before they're interrupted. Two for the new mission, and two to stay at the academy. They're going to be separated. As they're left to decide amongst themselves, Chase chooses to leave first. He sees the heartbreak on their faces, but understands that Leo has truly come into himself on the island, and this new mission needs a leader. There's silence for a beat. Bree volunteers next. She whacks Chase on the shoulder, proclaiming that she needs to keep him out of trouble. A long hug, many tears, and a sleepless night of packing followed. Adam doesn't say a word.
September 2, 2016 - Bree and Chase arrive at Davenport Towers, Centium City, Rhode Island. Donald leads them to the balcony. They reintroduce themselves to Skylar, Kaz, and Oliver, before Donald gives them all a brief tour of the penthouse. He leaves them be after. Once the two groups finish sizing each other up, Chase instructs them to follow him to Mission Command, their headquarters under the building with a network of tunnels under Centium City. He makes his distrust of Kaz and Oliver’s powers known, citing that they have no training and the idea of a “magic space rock” is ridiculous. He also points out that he’s the leader, because his father told them so, meaning they have to listen to him. This causes a minuscule amount of friction between him and Oliver and Skylar. Meanwhile, Bree and Kaz have a budding friendship, because she enjoys the fact that he annoys her brother. That night as they settle in, Oliver comments on how creepy Chase’s capsule is. Kaz only says it looks uncomfortable.
September 3rd, 2016 - Skylar comes downstairs early in the morning to work out. She’s surprised to find Chase already awake and ready for the day. He points to the donuts he picked up. Once the rest of the team comes down, Oliver begins pressing about their objective. Bree and Skylar both remind him that it will take time to achieve. This angers him, causing him to slam his hand down, breaking off a piece of the counter with his new strength. Kaz and Skylar are surprised to see him outburst like that. After he quietly sits down, Skylar begins suggesting routes to take. Chase immediately cuts her off, suggesting that her plans are ridiculous. Before they break out in a proper argument, Kaz and Bree divert it.
September 4th, 2016 - Kaz and Oliver are experiencing body pain, chalking it up to bad takeout. Skylar is using the boys’ bathroom to get ready, complaining about Bree hogging theirs. While they talk, Skylar points out how little Chase has in his portion of the room. She picks up a picture frame off the desk, one of his family. They identify Adam, Leo, and Donald, before figuring that the heavily pregnant woman who resembles Leo is his mother and Donald’s wife. There’s another man featured, one that looks strikingly similar to Adam, Bree, and Chase- one they’ve never seen before. Kaz decides to find out who he is, flipping open Chase’s laptop and hacking through his lock. Oliver is cautious about it, while Skylar is intrigued. The laptop shuts, and the frame flies away. Chase is standing in the doorway. He tells them they can ask instead of snooping. Kaz asks who “Raggedy Andy” is. Amused, Chase replies that it’s Douglas Davenport, Donald’s younger brother. He then informs them that it’s training time. When they complain about not eating breakfast yet, he counters by telling them they should spend less time breaking boundaries to have time to eat.
In the training room, Chase stands below with the other two boys. The girls watch from above as he begins instructing them. He tells Kaz to demonstrate his flying abilities. Kaz does so, and Oliver feels a pang of jealousy because he hasn’t been able to activate his powers on command. Chase then tells Kaz to demonstrate his pyrokinesis. Kaz does so. It keeps going after Chase tells him to stop, enveloping panicking Kaz and the bottom part of the room. Chase backs Oliver into a corner, putting up a shield around them. He yells at Kaz to stop. Kaz replies that he can’t. Skylar prepares to jump down to help. Bree is faster. She lands on the floor, siphoning the flames away with wind generated by her speed. Kaz is kneeling on the ground, shaken. Skylar makes it down, running to him. Bree begins yelling at Kaz for endangering Chase’s life, despite the fact that the siblings have barely spoken to each other since arriving at the tower. Skylar argues back that Kaz is new, and can’t control himself yet. Chase tells the two boys to follow him outside. Skylar stops them on their way out, telling them that she won’t tolerate it if Chase speaks badly to them. Her argument continues with Bree afterward, while Chase, juxtaposing what the boys thought, warmly assures them that he’s there to help them, and understands that it can be scary. 
September 5th, 2016 - Skylar finds Chase downstairs in the early morning again. He’s organizing colored blocks on a holo screen on their kitchen island. She inquires what it is. He replies that it’s to be the boys’ training regiment. Skylar vetoes it, saying it’s too much. Chase retorts that Kaz has too much power that he can’t control, and Oliver has nothing to control, making them a liability. This continues the friction between them. That afternoon, mostly Kaz and Bree’s doing, the team goes out to a sandwich shop. After that, they play laser tag, then go grocery shopping- where a gaggle of preteen girls show up for Chase and Bree’s autographs. While in the midst of this, an alert sounds off. An active robbery in the shopping plaza. The team runs to a small antique store, where a band of thieves are holding the owner at gunpoint. As Chase begins giving an order, Bree and Skylar run right past him, engaging with the criminals. Chase, annoyed, tells the other boys to not use their powers, as it's a cardinal rule to never use deadly force on humans, before joining the fight, leaving Kaz and Oliver completely unsure of what to do. The three heroes that can fight get in each other’s way, because they’re in a tiny space and not at all fighting together, which is added to by Kaz particularly being an obstacle. After a failing fight, Oliver trips, knocking everyone over into a pile. The thieves get away, the store is destroyed, and the young girls that followed them take a picture. 
Later that afternoon, Chase receives a phone call from Donald. He tries to assure him that they took care of the damages, but his father is furious about the terrible debut of his new team spreading across social media and news networks. Chase tries to explain, but only receives scathing words about how Donald never should have trusted him to lead, and that he’d better fix this mess. After he hangs up, Chase turns his anger on the team that’s gathered on the couch, pointing out everything they did wrong. Skylar laughs at him, telling him to do some reflection because he didn’t take any blame in his rant. Chase goes down to Mission Command, while Kaz tells Skylar to knock it off.
Oliver continues trying to activate his powers on command. Bree thinks about calling her family, before zipping off as she’s been doing to enjoy her new freedom. Skylar pores over ancient Calderan archives that her adoptive father Horace Diaz (3,045) transcribed from Hapax the Elder in a quest to retrieve her powers. 
Meanwhile, Kaz finds Chase working down in Mission Command. Chase tries to get him to leave. He thinks it works, until he hears crunches. Kaz is still there, staring intently while eating potato chips. Chase is purely confused as to why. Kaz says he finds whatever Chase is working on interesting. That perplexes Chase more, because even the more tech-savvy members of his family have never taken an interest. It’s the wormhole generator from Mighty Med that he’s trying to put into a more functional design. He teases Kaz that it’ll be another one to break. Kaz then threatens him that he’s going to touch his expensive equipment with his greasy fingers.
Hours go by, and Chase is surprised to look up and still see Kaz there. After a brief chat, Chase recalls the small crush he had developed on Kaz after waking up in Mighty Med and seeing who saved his life. This causes him to not pay attention, shocking himself on his machine. Kaz rushes over to help him, causing Chase to fumble away harder. They leave together after, with Chase tripping over the hyperlift’s threshold after Kaz compliments him. 
Once back upstairs, Chase makes eye contact with Skylar. He feels nauseous, saying that he’s going out to get air. He finds himself at a library/cafe, browsing the shelves. He collides with someone, knocking both of them over. A girl, a very pretty girl, accepts the hand to help her back up. They go back to themselves after, before their fingers brush on the spine of Frankenstein. They talk about this before exchanging names, with Chase heavily struggling to form the two words. She laughs anyway, and doesn’t care that he’s bionic or famous. That’s refreshing to Chase. She informs him that he’s taking her on a coffee date. Reese (16) takes his hand and leads him away.
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I never make memes because I suck at making them, but I thought I'd try my hand at making one for TFE. This is so heavily inspired by that famous TFE meme that I first saw posted on reddit and then saw posted again on here. I felt that it needed a part 2 because the TFE haters have been extra exhausting lately. 😩
*This isn't just a meme post, this is also a scene playing in my head and basically a jumble of thoughts. Can you guess which character I represent? 🤣
EarthSpark haters: This show is woke garbage! The character designs are horrible and the voice acting is subpar! This show is grooming children and forcing gender politics onto our precious children blah blah blah! 😡😤
EarthSpark: A refreshing new take on the TF franchise that redefines what it means to be family, through the lens of a beautiful POC family that adopt a new species of Transformers called "Terrans". The Terrans are born on earth and are adopted into the loving Malto Family, where they form a strong bond with the Malto Kids, Robby and Mo. Although the show's main target audience is children, the enjoyment of this show is not limited to kids because many EarthSpark lovers are not kids, and this show is meant to be wholesome and action packed.
This adaptation shows the viewers that Decepticons are not inherently bad and being bad is a choice. We see that some Decepticons just want to live in peace and do not want to harm people, but because of the insignia that they wear, they are forever branded as the villain. However, despite this, some Decepticons are genuine friends with Autobots in this show, showing that at the end of the day, Decepticons and Autobots are still the same species and friendship goes beyond a label.
The first piece of TF media to introduce a non-binary character (the main cause of all the hate that TFE receives 😑), that is such an amazing character whose personality does not centre around their gender identity. As seen in the new batch of episodes released on March 3rd, that EarthSpark haters conveniently did not watch.
People who haven't seen it: I mean, it's pretty hard to form an opinion when we haven't actually watched the show yet. But we find the amount of hate that this show receives absolutely ridiculous. To hate on a show that you know nothing about, beyond the selective parts that you choose to hate is just sad. Maybe try watching the show first before you bash it? How do you know that Nightshade's personality will "centre around them being non-binary" if you haven't even watched the show yet? 🤨
How is this show "woke garbage"? Do you just have a problem with POC being the main humans? Or do you foolishly expect every piece of TF media to be identical to the G1 series or [insert preferred TF adaptation here]? Did you know that adaptations are meant to be a retelling of an existing story by incorporating new elements to further expand the story and offer a new take? Did you know that it's okay to add a variety of different characters from all walks of life, whether they are LGBTQ+, POC, disabled, non-binary, etc? These people exist in real life and it's good to teach kids this so that if they identify as any of these, they will know that it's normal and that they are not alone. They will feel seen!
We may watch TFE because it looks interesting and we like the Transformers franchise, and we want to see Transformers being Transformers! Or we may not watch TFE, but we won't bash it because we have not seen it!
EarthSpark lovers: We find the amount of hate that this show receives quite sad, because we absolutely love the direction that this show is going! We haven't had a TF show centred around family bonds since TFA! We really like the idea of a brand new species of Transformers being born on earth, and we like that they are adopted into the Malto Family vs just being seen as friends. This adds more depth and makes these characters even more interesting.
We find it cool that although the Terrans are these highly advanced, highly intelligent robotic beings, they still act like children and have their childish moments that consist of sibling rivalry, innocent naivety caused by them only being online for what, a few weeks in S1A? and other adorable childish moments.
This show may be marketed towards kids, but the amount of positive messages and themes shown is beautiful. Even more "sensitive" topics are present in this show, which is wonderful because kids should know about them.
Family bonds
Giving second chances
Healthy discussions on gender identity
We like that TFE has given us G1 Daddy Optimus back, with his goofy dad moments. Too funny! And why is Bumblebee handsome AND adorable at the same time?!! 🥺🥺 He's just so precious in this adaptation!
We like the little details like Mo wearing a bonnet to bed to protect her gorgeous curls, or Robby being a hard-core gamer. Or Alex wanting to share his Filipino culture with his children and pass down traditions that he and his grandfather shared. We like that Dot is passionate about animals and enjoys bird watching. She's also a war veteran and has a disability, but she's still a badass! We like the Malto Family as a whole because they are such a nice family and they must be protected at all costs!!!
Ultimately, it is impossible to narrow down everything that we love about TFE in one post, because there is just SO MUCH GOOD with this show!
The character designs
The voice cast
The positive messages
The Terrans
Representation for POC
Representation for non-binary people
Daddy Optimus
Uncle Megatron
Uncle Bumblebee
Aunt Elita-1
Big sister Arcee
Not all Decepticons are bad
Dot and Megs' friendship
The sound design
And many, many, MANY more things!
Here is the TFE meme I drew inspiration from:
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I can't seem to find the original reddit post anymore. Did it get deleted? But anyway, this meme is beautiful and if you're the OP of this meme and you see this post, thank you! I was thinking the same thing when I first saw this scene from "H.O.U.S.E. Rules".
*Edit: I've been adding to the list of things that EarthSpark lovers love lol so far I added Dot and Megs' friendship and The sound design, and I will probably continue to add more points in the future :)
If you made it to the end, thank you! 😊 That's all for now ~
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ivebeattheoddsbefore · 3 months
[Ben. He and I had been friends since college. That was the sort of friendship that rarely lasted. Usually once college ends, you gradually lose touch with those people who once meant the world to you. Especially from the guys' perspective of things. Guys were terrible at keeping in touch. Ben though... We couldn't shake each other, and after years continued to pass, we found that we didn't want to. After leaving Pennsylvania for LA in order to join the police academy and ultimately become a police officer, it was Ben who supported me. Don't get me wrong, he told me "I was completely out of my mind, and that midlife crisis' usually look more like a weird hairstyle, an earring, or buying a car I neither need nor want. They usually aren't in the form of a completely ridiculous career change at forty." He was right, but it didn't deter me either. He may not have understood it, but he continued to support me; even letting me crash indefinitely at his pool house, and sometimes the main house too, when he was on his lengthy business trips. He was a great friend. One who's back I would always have, like he's always had mine, which is probably why I reluctantly agreed to this blind date he allegedly set me up on, even though dating was the last thing I had on my mind] "John, you're in a rut. You haven't dated since the divorce. Sarah is already remarried, so if you feel guilty about dating, don't. It's time. Past time, if you ask me. You're not getting any younger, so it's time to find the one." [I didn't necessarily agree, but I respected his perspective on the situation nonetheless] "She's beautiful, seems nice, and when I did a background check on her, she checked out all the important boxes." [I shook my head in response. Leave it to Ben to run a background check on a woman he wants to set me up with. The police officer in me would let that go in one ear and out the other though. Ultimately I agreed. Not because I wanted to go on this blind date, because I didn't, but because I knew if I didn't agree, Ben would never drop it. Ben went out of town for his next business trip, and as promised, I went to this blind date. Found myself at the highly demanded table that Ben requested when he placed the reservation; sipping on a drink while waiting for "Bailey" to arrive. Problem was, she never did. Yes, I waited there an embarrassing and pathetic amount of time before finally throwing in the towel and leaving. Mind you, that wasn't before I heard my waiter, one of the bus boys, and even the restaurant manager asking me if I thought she showed up, saw me, and left. Oh yeah, that's one to wound the pride for sure. It was worse though once Lucy and Jackson found out, since they made a point to tell everyone else; leading them to also tease me that she probably showed up, saw me, and left] Great, guys. Thanks for the vote of confidence. [I said flatly and without humor as we proceeded with the morning meeting and would commence with the start of this day. Ben was expected back at some point today from his business trip, so I'd be sure to give him an earful in person once I was home later this evening. Nope. Never again would I let him set me up on a blind date. Rut or not, I'd find my own dates from here on out. I thought to myself as morning meeting ended, and Nyla and I left, so we could get started with what I expected would turn out to be a busy day on patrol]
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loverhymeswith · 2 years
All You Have To Do Is Stay | Takeshi Kovacs x GN!Reader
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Summary: A heatwave in Bay City leads to unexpected consequences.
Word Count: 1.8K
Warnings: Angst. Vague mentions of characters sleeping together. Nothing explicit.
A/N: Written for @that-sarcastic-writer 's 1300 follower celebration, using the prompt "Look me in the eye and tell me you don't love me". Congratulations lovely! <3
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Summer in Bay City does not come without its fair share of rainfall, but this year is different. It’s been six weeks since the heavens opened, six weeks since a drop of water fell from the sky, and now the drought - combined with the cloying heat - finally seems to be causing the residents of The Raven to lose their minds. 
Takeshi Kovacs is no exception. As soon as the pink unicorn backpack made its appearance, you knew trouble was afoot. With no end to this heatwave in sight, tempers are fraught, nerves are frayed, and left right and centre, unwise decisions are being made. In your opinion, Takeshi might just be the number one culprit, having just concocted a brilliant scheme that is sure to result in his real-death – that’s if you don’t murder him first.
“If you do this, don’t expect me to be waiting around to patch you up again.”
Takeshi finally drags his attention away from cataloguing the extensive weapons cache on the counter, his intense hazel gaze landing on you instead. A thin sheen of sweat clings to every inch of tanned skin he currently has exposed. There’s some small amount of satisfaction to be taken from the fact that he’s not entirely immune to the rising temperatures.
“I mean it,” you warn him, reading the subtle amusement in his expression. He’s clearly not taking your threats seriously enough. “I’m done. I’m gone.”
He zips up the obnoxious pink backpack and levels you with a penetrating stare. “If I don’t do this, a lot of people are going to die.”
You fold your arms, trying to ignore the uncomfortable prickle of heat at the back of your neck. “And what about you?
The stubborn, pig-headed envoy simply smirks. “Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine.”
You used to believe it – used to believe that Takeshi Kovacs was invincible. You clearly remember the first time Vernon brought you along to The Raven to help patch up the envoy’s wounds. You had been shocked, to say the least. Fascinated, too. Not only that Takeshi was still standing after suffering such extensive injuries, but also by how quickly he had healed.  
That was nearly two years ago. For some inexplicable reason, you found yourself sticking around. Like Takeshi and the Elliots, you’ve become somewhat of a permanent fixture at the A.I. hotel.  Consequently, it has put you in the perfect position to notice the shift in Takeshi’s behaviour. Ever since Bancroft and Reileen and Ortega, it’s like he’s intent on becoming some kind of martyr.
“Can’t you at least take Vernon with you?”
“And watch him get himself killed? I don’t think so.”
Poe and the Elliots have already spent the morning bickering with Takeshi, once again throwing around words like ‘friendship’ and ‘teamwork’ as if such concepts could be enough to make him change his mind – could persuade him against this ridiculous suicide mission. But they don’t know him like you do. 
Even after all this time, Takeshi still doesn’t believe in friendship. He believes in acquaintances. Assets. People he can leverage to do his bidding. To help him get what he wants – whatever the hell that might be. No matter how hard you’ve fought to make him believe otherwise, he still refuses to accept that there are people like Vernon and Ava, like Poe, who truly care for him.
And then, there's you. It’s still unclear where you fit in when it comes to Takeshi Kovacs. Until recently, you’d suspected you were just another dispensable asset. But then everything changed. What the others don’t know is that for the last six weeks – when it’s late at night and all the fighting and the scheming has finally stopped – not only have you been sharing Takeshi’s company, you’ve also been sharing his bed.
It’d be easy to blame it on the heat. Even easier to blame it on the liquor. The first time had been little more than a drunken mistake, an ill-advised distraction after his near-miss with the Yakuza. But the following night, you had sought him out again. After that, it became a compulsion. 
It wasn’t supposed to mean anything. Emotions were certainly not supposed to beinvolved. But that had become harder and harder each time you found yourselves rolling beneath his sheets. Foolishly, you realise,  you’ve been starting to think that you can see through the walls he’s erected. Thinking that one day you might break them down, brick by brick. 
It’s possible you imagined it entirely, but you thought you’d seen a change in Takeshi, too. You thought that there had been a softening to his eyes as he made love to you. A half-smile that he seemed to reserve for you alone.
That smile is currently nowhere to be seen as he matches you glare for glare.
Unfazed by the six foot three wall of muscle standing before you, the spark of anger in your chest ignites. “But you expect us all to sit back and watch as you get yourself killed?”
“That’s different.”
“No,” you tell him firmly. “It’s not.” With it now increasingly apparent that he’s not going to heed your warning, you simply turn around and leave.
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The streets of Bay City are eerily quiet. Nobody wants to be outside in this heat. It’s like a furnace, constant and smouldering. Leaving the relative luxury of The Raven’s air-conditioned foyer might have been another unwise decision, but you couldn’t spend another minute inside knowing that every passing second in Takeshi’s company might just be your last.
You’ve been walking for almost fifteen minutes when someone calls your name. Your hackles raise, but you continue walking, picking up the pace despite the pressing heat and the sweat forming on your brow. You're not some dog that can be called to command. No matter what might have transpired between the two of you back in the privacy of his bedroom, you’re not just going to roll over for Takeshi Kovacs. Not anymore.
A firm hand grasps your shoulder, halting you in your tracks. “Would you just stop and talk to me?” There’s a hint of desperation in Takeshi’s voice as he spins you around. It affects you far more than you care to admit.
“There’s nothing left to say,” you spit, not bothering to hide the venom in your own voice. He should know that wounded animals are prone to bite. “You’ve made your feelings perfectly clear.”
“You didn’t even give me a chance to explain.”
His fingers are still curled around your shoulder. You shrug out of his grip. “Explain what, Tak? That you’d rather go charging into danger, risking your life for a bunch of strangers than even contemplate the fact that there are people here that care about you.”
“You don’t understand.”
“No. I don’t.”
Takeshi is a storm cloud. As his mood darkens, electricity fills the air. “Everyone I’ve ever loved has been taken away from me. I don’t want anyone else to have to go through that kind of pain. These are bad people. But I have the power to stop them. I have to do this.”
“And what about the people who love you, Takeshi? You don’t care that one day you’re going to be taken away from them? Do you know how many nights I’ve sat up waiting for you to return, not knowing what state you’re going to come back in. If you’re even going to come back. I can’t do this anymore.”
A flicker of understanding crosses Takeshi’s face and his expression shifts. That softness you thought you must have imagined has suddenly returned. “Is that what this is about? Your feelings for me?”
His words penetrate your skin like a knife, cutting you open and leaving you to bleed out the truth all over the sun-bleached pavements of downtown Bay City. “I don’t have feelings for you,” you assure him, slapping a bandaid over the wound. “The only thing this is about is you being a selfish prick.”
Takeshi shakes his head. “I don’t think that’s true.” He reaches out a hand to cup your jaw, tilting your head so you’re forced to meet his gaze. "Look me in the eye, sweetheart. Look me in the eye and tell me you don't love me."
“I-” Before you can answer, a crack of thunder shatters the silence. As one, the two of you cast your gaze to the sky, only to find that the sun has disappeared behind a huge black cloud. 
The first fat drop of water lands on Takeshi’s brow. He blinks in surprise. The next one falls on your cheek. Takeshi wipes it away with the soft brush of his thumb across your skin. As you stand there, frozen by his words, by his touch, the heavens fully – finally – open. A tiny squeak of laughter threatens to burst forth from your lips. Of course, of all the days for the drought to break, it had to be this one.
“We should go inside,” you tell Takeshi, blinking away the heavy drops of water now clinging to your lashes. 
“No,” he disagrees, his palm still curved around your cheek. “I want to know what you were going to say. Don’t think I haven’t noticed the way you’ve been looking at me lately. We both know these last few weeks have been more than just about the sex.”
It’s complicated. Isn’t that always the case? There’s a very real possibility that you do love him, but you’re not ready to admit that just yet. You’re not ready to open yourself up to that kind of heartache. Not if he’s still going to walk into battle with that reckless grin on his face. You can’t bear the thought of losing him, but it’s easier with a protective shell of willful ignorance around your heart.
“What does it matter if I’m going to lose you anyway?”
Takeshi dips his head lower to make himself heard over the hammering rain. “It matters.”
The force of the rainfall has plastered the lengths of Takeshi’s hair to his brow. It’s a struggle not to reach out and brush the locks from his face, but such a gesture would do little to fight your case. “Would it make a difference?” You wonder aloud, trying not to lean into the warmth of his hand against your cheek. “If I told you I love you, would it make you stay?”
Takeshi’s lashes shutter. You can sense the conflict as he works his jaw. “I’m not going to lie to you and tell you that it would make me stay. But I can promise you it would be something worth surviving for. A reason for me to make it out of this fight alive.”
Three little words aren’t going to change the outcome of this battle, but if it means he’ll try that little bit harder –  if it means he’ll have hope in his heart instead of fear – isn’t that a small price to pay? 
Balancing on your tiptoes, you close the gap to Takeshi, brushing your wet lips against his. “I love you, Takeshi. Just promise to come back home to me.”
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Joel Taglist: @a-reader-and-a-writer @babblydrabbly @sociiallydiisoriiented @lacontroller1991 @ed-baldwin @fairchildflag @phoenixhalliwell @s-u-t @kirsteng42 @katjnordstrom96 @weallhaveadestiny @lavenderluna10 @mayhem24-7forever @yespolkadotkitty @bewitchedignition @heresathreebee @immyownlittlebitch @littlefreakingfangirl @xoxabs88xox @justin-hammers
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