#amazing how my blood pressure is out of control and i have to reduce stress in my life and make good lifestyle and diet choices
dogbunni · 10 months
HELTH SUX!!!! (eating paste)
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sugar-petals · 3 years
SuperM: Their Orgasm Faces
a/n. i’ve written the same scenario for bts and thought this is perfect for these guys as well 💦
warnings ⚠️ multiple rounds, masturbation, loud sex, crying
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➸ Taemin Constant little trembles. Puffy lips and a huge back arch. Softly moving hips that know exactly what they’re doing, reacting to your every touch. Balmy moans for the gods, they’re such a giant turn-on. His face looks so soft and relaxes into the pleasure without restraint. And my god, the hair. It’s like an old Italian painting. The voice is just as indulging — all those little “ha...” noises he makes. So lush and super breathy. Long story short: He looks perfect in the unlikely case someone forgot. What more can I tell you. He’s broadcasted it to the entire world at this point. In fact, isn’t Taemin’s entire cinematic work a silk and satin-laced compilation of o-faces? Even his haters can’t deny that. He has the perfect variety, perfect sensuality. Never out of place, never too feeble nor too much. He doesn’t just show that to you in bed, he truly owns it. Taemin’s orgasms are really drawn out, it’s the most amazing spectacle. So much to see: And you never know when the first one ends and the second one starts. He’s that erotic and completely swayed by you. If there’s one person completely in tune with his arousal and amps it up to the maximum, and takes you higher yourself with him, that’s Lee Taemin. He cums more beautifully than anyone you’ve ever seen. Fuck, it feels like you have to write him a ten-page thank you letter for being able to witness that. One word suffices: he’s fantastic.
➸ Taeyong You won’t believe it. He is so handsome, but he tries to hide his face. Or buries his hands in his hair, and twists himself to the side. Sometimes, into a pillow. Othertimes, a blanket or a sleeve. Taeyong doesn’t like his pleasure being seen. He’s not just shy; he’s reserved, delicately cautious. He’d rather have his hair fall into his face and conceal all the sweet emotions that surface. His lips are tightly shut and more often than not, he looks away. Even when he’s by himself getting off to the thought of you, he can’t keep his head up. It’s a shame, but you also figure it’s because he gifts himself to you to be very protected, not judged or consumed. Taeyong needs your guidance and strength. That’s why you hug him and let his face rest in the crook of your neck, and it becomes his favorite spot to lean into when he’s coming. Taeyong is more reassured this way. His eyebrows raise and he’s giving you the most heavenly whimpers. It overwhelms him every time. But that’s the place where he can finally moan it out. His voice is so gorgeous, and desperate, and full of gratitude towards you. When he really trusts you, he’s — god — actually grunting in his deep voice and sometimes meets your eye fleetingly. Or sucks in air and holds it before his whole body erupts. Oh my god. Those thighs are gonna go through an entire earthquake. Truth be told: NCT didn’t lie when they sang about a volcano, did they.
➸ Jongin Come on. The main dancer who has his face all up in a camera every stage, making people worldwide bust a nut by just raising a corner of the mouth. If there’s one person with the best, most intense facial expressions? It’s Kai all the way. Just throw the OSCAR right at him. Matter of fact, we all know he is the king of being absolutely stunning in bed. Jongin always looks like he wants to take you in completely, his entire upper body goes forward. His eyes are deep and glistening, but not fully mysterious. First and foremost they’re hundred percent passion just as you’d expect from him. The brows, the fucking brows! The lips, mumbling, and the jaw is in motion even if you wouldn’t pay attention to it at first. And by contrast, he looks more in love than anyone else. Can we appreciate how romantic Kai’s vibe is? How does he do it? He yearns and calls you babe, the entire face feels twitching and shaky. As if he was suffering from being so enamoured, but it feels so good to him. Every new thrust makes his expression change a bit. How he’s allowing himself to feel you literally paints a living story on his features. Toward the middle and the end of his climax, Kai looks so vulnerable and lost in the pleasure that you gave him or he gave himself. It’s almost like he is underwater. If you ever look into those dreamy eyes... Kai’s orgasm face will put an actual spell on you. Have a guess. The spell is called: Make you even hornier and throw your fucking head back from all that good stuff.
➸ Mark Yeah, uh-oh. The bomb is going off right here. It feels like Mark didn’t fuck for literal months every time even if you had sex the other day. His jaw is hanging open throughout. The eyes wide. Lips shivering, only a little. A bit of saliva is pooling just there. Then, his head falls forward. Hair in his eyes, brows clenched toward the middle. He looks like he can’t believe it, he’s helpless to the power it has over him. His orgasm darts through his body like a thunderbolt. You got it, sex with Mark is exactly that, so electric. It arrives fast and it’s over fast. And it’s massive, catches him off guard so often. A big, sweeping “Ah—h!” that carries him away like a tidal wave. Who’s the living super car in SuperM? That’s Mark Lee who goes through his climax like he’s watching a train speed by. What can he do but curse himself and moan. Something is possessing this poor man. His face looks like he has to keep up with his own damn reflexes. Can you imagine how hard his body is going to clutch if he just cums in one go? And if he tries to kiss you during that? What the fuck Mark! He just never calms down, does he. Or wait — fast forward... oh wonder: He falls asleep only minutes after. His face: now completely angelic. Mark really put all his heart and mind and cum into this one orgasm. This guy has dedication and it shows. He always delivers you one hell of a show. Rumor has it you have a couple videos of it on your phone.
➸ Baekhyun Clenches his teeth so hard. The first you’ll hear is a loud and whiny “nnh!” in the buildup. And that’s when you know he can’t go back. The entire neck seems under pressure. He stares. Gasps for air. The breathing, raw as fuck. Up and down goes that chest all the way against you. In fact, he breathes the fastest in the group. His face gets so heated. All those veins come out. This guy’s blood flow is a new level. Releasing tons of stress and energy. His eyes are squeezed shut as soon as it begins because it’s so strong and relieving, it’s borderline painful. He couldn’t speak for the first five seconds even if he tried. Only the second wave brings out a stifled chain of moans that he surrenders to. On some days, he even starts crying from relief. It takes minutes upon minutes until he cools off entirely. Baekhyun is so orgasmic, he’s all splayed out on the bed afterwards or deeply engrossed in your embrace for endless cuddles. I’m telling you. Should you ever get a second orgasm out of him, he’s gonna be reduced to a puddle. A shaking, sobbing mess that can’t stop wailing. There’s only begging for more in these eyes. It goes without saying that you need the most sound-proof room there ever was because he is at the top of his voice. Baekhyun being loud for you is a natural staple. PS: Mark my words. Should you get him to a third orgasm, he’s gonna be screaming without a pause and his fucking tongue is hanging out. 
➸ Yukhei As if he can ever stop wiggling his brows at you. Did you expect he just lets loose and rolls his eye back? No, no. He keeps looking right at you until the end. Full Xuxi confidence and charisma at play. Lots of nicknames coming at you, he’s gonna say them all. That level of eye contact is gonna get you going big time. You know how large and wonderful his eyes are, like a doe’s. Lucas hardly closes them unless it comes to getting blowjobs. Where he’s gonna look at you very intensely most of the time anyway. Lucas tries to not let the sensations overcome him so he remains present with you. He never really seems like he indulges all the way like Taemin or Kai would. The whole thing is pretty suspicious because he doesn’t fully ease into your interplay of movements. Guess why... at any point, he’s invested in making you cum and keeps on pulling out his magic tricks until you’re getting there. He’s gonna use those big fucking hands (he knows you love ‘em) and goes on and on until he has you there. Yukhei’s personality is all over the place, but he has steely concentration during sex. Not to mention the technique. He’s even gonna go for pushing his hair back as a killing part. No mediocre, he’s doing the most. After all: Lucas cums the best if he just saw you losing it or you’re on the way. Synchronizing your orgasms is difficult, but he puts all his focus into achieving just that. Yukhei is an expert in how close you are after a while, and even starts letting himself fall back into the sheets below you when you release together. 
➸ Ten Perfectly understated. Lids heavy, lips opened just a bit. Elegant, almost, and chesty in tone. He’s the connoisseur. My god. It’s the most gentlemanly someone could ever cum. His forehead is so sweaty as is his hair and back, because if Ten fucks he does it properly, but still. He’s so calm. He could be in your arms for more than half an hour and be fully composed. The focus and self-control is just phenomenal. Completely in the moment, not missing a heartbeat. Which is such a hard thing to do but it’s effortless with him. Ten knows the value of moderation and tension. He’s not keeping his groans in for the whole time and only moans when he comes. Not at all. It’s a different story with him. It all builds up perfectly and comes out freely whenever. He’s actually pretty close to singing, his voice accompanies his breathing in ideal sync. So melodic. Ten is all smitten by you. Nothing is kept in. He looks at you so fondly, he enjoys himself so much. So, it becomes a beautiful loving serenade. His face doesn’t make any sudden or extreme contortions either. The expression moves and changes very slowly, is very easy on the eye. Every minute with him is fulfilling. Ten is all wrapped up in the mood and the groove like it’s business. Prepare to lose your fucking mind, these are new levels of feeling good. Not one awkward moment, just making love. Oh my god are you lucky.
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art: The Great Wave off Kanagawa (1829-33) — by Hokusai
© 2017-2021 submissive-bangtan. all rights reserved. no reposts allowed.
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islamicrays · 4 years
How do you deal with your child's temper tantrums or meltdowns?
When my kids hit a certain age, right around 1.5 or 2 years old, they start having meltdowns and tantrums, complete with loud crying, maybe even screaming, reaching a state where they can't be reasoned with. The kid is basically freaking out.
If the kid is being purposely disobedient or deliberately defiant, there definitely needs to be a punishment. Consequences are critical for teaching a child that in-your-face defiance of parents is unacceptable. The parents are the authority, and the child must learn to accept and respect parental authority.
But sometimes, it's not an issue of defiance. It's just that the child is very young, and has zero knowledge of how to manage his emotions, express his needs, or self-regulate. The frustration that he feels with feelings that doesn't know how to handle results in sobs.
It's my job as his parent to teach him emotional self-regulation. To teach him how to bring down his levels of negative energy, how to reduce the levels of stress hormones coursing through his little body. How to calm himself down.
This is not only a helpful skill for children--this skill is absolutely essential for adults. The reality is that even some adults don't really know what to do to relax themselves and reach a state of calm. They live with chronic, pent-up stress, which over time builds on itself and may create chronic illness.
So what I do with my child when he's crying, or just about to, is:
1. Squat down so that I'm at eye level with him,
2. Provide gentle physical touch, like putting my hand on his shoulder or rubbing his back in slow circles,
3. Say: "خذ نفس عميق." "Take a deep breath."
When they are really little, I simply take a deep breath myself and they just mimic me. They're too young for anything else. But we take several deep breaths slowly, until he is calmer. Sometimes, especially in younger toddlers, just doing this exercise alone serves as a means of distraction and that alone actually helps divert the tantrum. (Of course sometimes it doesn't!)
But as my kids have gotten older and more able to understand, I explain more thoroughly the process of breathing.
"There are two parts: الشهيق و الزفير. Inhaling and exhaling. Inhale through your nose slowly until your belly moves out, then exhale even more slowly through your mouth until all the air is out. Make sure your exhale is longer than your inhale. Then do it again. And again. We can do 5 deep breaths, or even up to 10 deep breaths if we feel really upset or angry."
Ever the curious skeptic, my 7. 5-year-old asked, "Why? How does just breathing help anything? I'm always breathing!"
"Breathing sounds so simple and so random, I know. If you feel sad or angry and someone just tells you to breathe, how does that solve the problem exactly? Sounds like it would be useless.
But you know what? Allah has created our bodies in such an amazing, intricate way. It's unbelievable! The mind and body are not separate. They're linked. So if you feel a certain strong feeling, like for example غضب (anger) or حزن (sadness), there will be a reaction *in the body* to that feeling or thought *in the mind.* The body and mind work together, and affect each other.
So say you get mad at your brother, what does your body do? Your mind feels the emotion of anger, so your body reacts by making something called cortisol. This cortisol starts going into your bloodstream and moving all over your body. Your muscle tense up, maybe you clench your hands, or maybe you start yelling or crying.
Too much cortisol for too long is bad for your body and your health. It can make you sick if you keep making cortisol without getting rid of it. Getting rid of cortisol means calming yourself down.
And...what's one way to calm yourself down? You tell me."
The kids giggled. "Deep breaths!"
"Yes. Taking long, deep breaths is one way to calm yourself down. And it's very important for all of us to learn what to do with our emotions and how to calm ourselves down from them."
Many of us never learned any of this explicitly or implicitly as kids, and as adults, we go through life, brimming with tension and struggling to cope with chronic stress.
Deep breathing, also called diaphragmatic breathing or abdominal breathing, is actually one of the methods that psychologists and cognitive behavioral therapists teach their clients, people who suffer from conditions like anxiety, depression, panic disorders, bipolar disorder, and other issues.
Controlling your breathing can help you voluntarily regulate your automated nervous system (ANS), which has a ton of benefits:
It helps you relax, lowering the harmful effects of the stress hormone, cortisol, on your body.
It lowers your heart rate.
It helps lower your blood pressure.
It helps you cope with the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
It improves your core muscle stability.
It improves your body’s ability to tolerate intense exercise.
It lowers your chances of injuring or wearing out your muscles.
It slows your rate of breathing so that it expends less energy.
-Via Umm Khalid
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wisdomrays · 4 years
Your Endocrine System: Part 1
We are now approaching the end of the series of organs that told you about themselves. They have been pointing out the seal of God on them, and celebrating themselves as they manifest the beauties and the delicacies of God’s art. Thus, they have not only expanded your knowledge, but also guided people to the truth of God’s Oneness, stressing that natural and biological causes alone can never be an explanation for their splendid creation.
Each of your organs told you about its perfect structure and how it functioned within your body system. Let us think that each organ is a musical instrument. No matter how splendid and artful a musical instrument is, its true value is understood only among other orchestra instruments as they perform a wonderful concert. Your body is like that orchestra, where hundreds of instruments play together. In addition to the perfect structure of each organ, more importantly all the organs have to work together perfectly as a team. The success of an orchestra depends on how the instruments play in harmony with each other. The conductor of an orchestra is the person who ensures that harmony. The orchestra members carefully watch the conductor and play according to his arm movements, sometimes louder or softer, sometimes pausing or breaking into a very loud introduction. That is how a perfect concert can be performed.
In order to achieve such harmony, the organs in your body need a system that works just like a good orchestra conductor. This “regulating system,” which has to maintain the perfect harmony and order of the ongoing activities in your body, has two sub-units: One is the brain and the nervous system, and the other is me; your endocrine system (hormonal system). Since I work as a system that consists of many organs, from now on I will refer to myself as “us.” Each of us adjusts itself to the whole system by carefully watching the movements and works of the other organs. At our head are the brain and nervous system, which act as the general control center. However, it cannot carry out the regulating and controlling task alone; it needs our help.
The most basic principle that your body has to follow in order to maintain its health is keeping the inner medium stable in a dynamic balance while responding to varying environmental conditions properly. This is also known as homeostasis. For the inner medium to be kept stable, it is first of all important to be aware of the changes that are happening in the outer world, which is initially done by your sense organs. The signals related to the changes in the outer world are sent to your brain and nervous system through the sense organs. Afterwards, the signals are evaluated, and then they are sent to the related organ so that the proper reaction is produced and the inner balance can be regained. While all the activities regarding growth and reproduction are carried out, the inner medium should be kept stable at the same time (homeostasis). In order for all these activities to be performed continuously, you need inner secretion glands, which are small, but highly important.
The most important of all your organs that constitute the endocrine system is called the Pituitary (hypophysis) gland, which is recognized as the commander of all these organs and situated in your brain. The other secretion glands included in my system are the thyroid, parathyroid, suprarenal (adrenal) gland, epiphysis, pancreas, testicles, and ovarium. Now, these small but very important organs of mine will respectively talk about themselves and demonstrate the perfect program and the sensitive balance within which they work. You are the one who will draw the necessary lessons from this.
In all tissues, there are specific recipient molecule groups that respond to a particular hormone. Each hormone is programmed to stimulate its target cells, which contain those special recipient molecule groups that start doing their specific work. The principal functions of my endocrine system are: to enable growing; to regulate the necessary reproduction process in an ordered manner; and to carry out the physiological processes in the body in a relatively stable medium. I guess your amazement, admiration, love, and apprehension will increase when you hear about my secretion glands. Now, here comes the hypophysis.
My name is Hypophysis (the Pituary Gland)!
I am appointed as the commander of all your glands. Therefore, I am situated in a very firm place at the lower brain. I am an organ that is as small as a bean and that weighs only a few grams, but I have got so many talents. I have two parts. The first is my frontal lobe (adenohypophysis) which secretes most of the hormones. Our Creator has given key roles to the hormones of my frontal lobe to direct secretion activities of other endocrine glands. For example, thyrotropin hormone is arranged in such a way that it affects the thyroid gland and stimulates it for secretion. The unbalance in my thyrotrophic secretion affects the function of Thyroid gland negatively. If it is secreted too much, hyperthyroid; if it is secreted too little, hypothyroid illnesses emerge. In both cases, some problems occur during metabolism. Adrenocorticotropic hormone is created to arrange the activities at the adrenal cortex. Follicular stimulating hormone has two very important roles. The first one is regulating the secretion of estrogen, which is one of the female hormones. The second one is maintaining the physiological activities in the maturation of sperm cells in males, as well as the egg cells in females, for the continuation of human generation. The Luteinizing hormone together with the Estrogen stimulates the secretion of other sexual hormones (progesterone and testosterone).
When you were born, you were 20 inches tall. Now you are almost 6 ft tall. Both your height and your hands and feet grew. Meanwhile, your head and body got bigger proportionally. Another important secretion of yours that controls your growth appropriate to your age is somatotropin hormone. If, for some reason, my working balance got deteriorated, and this hormone secreted less, you would be like a dwarf, or some of your parts would be unbalanced with your body and abnormally short. If this hormone were secreted too much, then you would get into gigantism due to abnormally large growth. Together with gigantism illness, several problems occur; i.e., heart and blood pressure problems, muscle weaknesses, and problems regarding immunity and general metabolism.
Other hormones that are secreted from my frontal lobe are prolactin hormones, which help milk glands develop in expecting mothers, and melanocyte stimulating hormone, which stimulates the pigment cells that give color to your skin. However, these two hormones have no relation with the other hormonal glands.
The lipoprotein molecule of my melanocyte stimulating hormone helps the morphine substances, known as encephalin and endorphin, to be synthesized. You can call these two substances naturally inherent drugs. These secreted substances help you to bear several physical pains. The secretion of my hormones has direct relation with your nervous system and psychological well-being.
Although formed in the hypothalamus part of the brain, one of the hormones that is secreted after being stored in my back lobe (Neurohipofiza) is oxytocin, and the other one an antidiuretic hormone called vasopressin. Oxytocin makes the smooth muscles work. In particular, it stimulates the contractions at uterus during labor and delivery, and it also stimulates the secretions of milk canals by making them contract. Vasopressin enables blood vessels to shrink, causes the blood pressure to increase, and also reduces the production of urine by increasing the transition of water to blood through the kidneys. Hence, it prevents dehydration in hot and dry weather. In the deficiency of the secretion of this hormone, an illness called diabetes insipidus will occur and water metabolism will be deteriorated. I have more amazing features to tell, but I should not be selfish. I think it is time for Thyroid to speak.
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Weed and Ana Masterpost
Weed: The benefits, the downsides, and some general information that should be more universally known.            Because of the legalization of weed in Canada, and the imminent legalization of recreational cannabis in the United States (sorry UK, I am not familiar with your marijuana laws but I am assuming that you are similar with the states. Correct me if I am wrong).             There are a million and one different benefits of cannabis, but with every good thing we see in the world, there is an equal amount of bad. For thousands and thousands of years, women used cannabis to aid with menstrual pain and childbirth, as well as headaches, nausea, lethargy, and more. The plant fibre itself was used for clothing, building material, food, and even fuel. Within the last 100 years, weed has been criminalized and decriminalized, thrown through clouds of hatred and lies, and was used as a tool to harm an entire class of citizens.            But as we have seen recently, a lot of the propaganda from the “war on drugs” is being disproved. And now that we have easier access, we can get more information from this infamous herb. Pros and Cons:            CBD, (Cannabidiol), is a compound within Marijuana. It is the compound that most people associate with overall anxiety relief, pain reduction, and mental function enhancer. CBD also reacts chemically with Collagen, increasing the healing process of bones and joints. Because of the CBD within the weed itself, smoking, vaping, and/or consuming canabis is highly beneficial for mental health issues as well as physical ailments. CBD reacts to our natural Cannabinoid receptors in our brain; we all naturally create THC (the compound that gives us the “high” sensation), and allows our brain to secrete more serotonin.           Depression is one of the most widespread, yet least talked about medical conditions in America, and research is showing that cannabis can help relieve people. Compounds like CBD and weeds different terpenes restore normal endocannabinoid function, and potentially helps stabilize moods and ease depression. IN CORRECT DOSES cannabis can alleviate anxiety disorders. In large amounts, cannabis can cause anxiety. “Start low, go slow” is a fun little saying that we like to use in the cannabis industry when talking to new users.               For patients with ADHD or ADD, cannabis provides a more effective and safer treatment to aid focus than Ritalin and Adderall when using the correct strain. A strain that promotes focus and concentration (like Sour Diesel) is extremely useful in small amounts. Lets remember, the best remedies require the least amount.
           Not only can cannabis aid in remedying mental and physical ailments, it can help treat extreme addictions! Individuals addicted to serious drugs like heroin, opiates, and cocaine are showing promise in ridding themselves of their addictions through cannabis therapy. Weed is providing a safer and much more controlled means of getting “high” and aiding the rehabilitation process in alcoholics as well as people, such as my husband, who are at a high risk of getting liver disease. There is a small chance of becoming dependant to cannabis, but I will talk about that later.
           You’ll never guess whats coming next; weed improves LUNG HEALTH. Lung cancer and emphysema have been shown to regress when cannabis is thrown into the mix. The smoke is damaging to the lungs, so to avoid that damage, ingesting cannabis via edible, tincture, or vapor is the safer alternative.
           Cognitive degeneration is pretty much unavoidable, but the good news is that studies are showing cannabis can stop the progression of Alzheimer’s.
           Cannabis reduces pain, spasms, nausea, PTSD, headaches, and asthma. The herb works as a bronchodilator, so when vaped or eaten, those suffering with asthma have better control of their coughing fits. However, it can lower blood pressure, but beware because it can lower blood glucose levels as well and spike hypoglycemia (again I will talk about later). 
The Economic benefits of cannabis: It can be used as a food source as a source of protein! It is used to create protein powders, and seeds can be purchased for consumption. It is creating new industries, cultivation, processing, sales outlets, and there will be more to come as legalization continues across the world. Traffic deaths have gone down, people are succumbing to the substitution effect; people are choosing pot over alcohol. 
Cannabis can help your pets, offering relief from pain and anxiety. It helps bad dreams, as it impacts the REM sleep part of the cycle, the part of the cycle where you dream. Those with chronic fatigue syndrome are effectively treated with certain cannabis compounds, terpenes, and strains, and on the flip side with other strains it can help you sleep.
Precautions: Weed is not for everybody. Mental health professionals warn against people with Bipolar Disorder and Psychosis from consuming. This is again, all individual. It is up to the patients discretion.            Those with family histories of schizophrenia, psychosis, multiple personality, and other personality-based disorders may pose the risk of bringing them on in themselves. 1 in 4 cannabis users with such a family history have said that their symptoms only appeared after smoking weed. We do not know, as this is anecdotal evidence. Hopefully more will arise as we are able to do more studies. A curious finding among people with schizophrenia and other pshychoses is that a history or marijuana use is linked with improved performance on tests assessing learning and memory.
           Despite what everyone tells you, weed is addicting, but not in the way you think. People become dependant on cannabis, not addicted. The reason why is not so dissimilar to someone to takes Advil everyday or prescription medication, it makes life … better. People become “dependant” on it because of the many benefits it brings to an individuals life, including my own. People get “bitchy” and “moody” without it because weed is a mood stabilizer and we would be “bitchy” if it wasn’t for cannabis in the first place.
Ending the stigma: People go around saying that cannabis decreases productivity and motivation levels. This is simply false. For lots of people, the medical benefits gained from cannabis (like pain management and mood management) make them more productive! Stoners burn approximately 1.3x the amount of calories on average that a non-user does, and even though stoners are shown to consume higher amounts of calories, the food choices are often better. We see a lot of the “junk food munchies” posts making fun of it, but in reality, stoners are more likely to make more consistent healthier food choices. 
Weed and ED; choosing what is right for you:            Cannabis users have been shown to be slimmer on average than non-users. This is because cannabis helps the body regulate insulin production, and manage caloric intake more efficiency. A common use for medical cannabis is to help regulate eating patterns. Whether you eat too much or too little.           Precautions: those of us struggling with an eating disorder where we are not taking in the correct amount of calories can be subjected to one of the absolute worst feelings in the world; hypoglycemia. Blood sugar (due to marijuana’s insulin response) and blood pressure drop considerably. You get nauseous, dizzy, confused, and HOT. Clammy, feeling like blacking out hot. This is dangerous. Always make sure that you have something around you, be it a Gatorade or a protein bar. You could die.
So now, how do you choose the right strain for you?           Terpenes: Terpenes are the flavour or smell of the weed you have. These are what differentiate the strains from one another, other than of course the basic indica vs. sativa argument. The terpenes are what cause the main benefit differences too, some promote relaxation and stress-relief, while other promote focus and acuity. The main terpenes are: Limonene, Pinene, Caryophyllene, Myrcene, and Linalool. Now, if you don’t know the difference between sativa and indica, here you go;            Sativa effects are more invigorating, uplifting, cerebral, and pair well with physical activity, social gatherings, and creative projects. Indica provides a more relaxed, physically sedating “couch-lock” feeling and is best before a movie or bedtime. Indica also is the strain that is said to promote “munchies”.            The ONLY reason these two differ, as every strain is a hybrid of the two, is the terpenes and cannabinoids.             If you go to smell something you like, does it smell citrusy? (Limonene) Or floral? (Linalool) Or is it spicy? (Caryophyllene) Does it have a musk? (Myrcene). Everything has a scent profile, and that consists of these terpenes. Me specifically, I love my citrusy and earthy strains, because that is what flavour profile sits with me best. They give me energy and don’t give me the munchies, unlike an indica strain which would commonly have Linalool, which is most commonly found in lavender, and is more relaxing.
            So, to pick the right strain for you. Start low, with a low dose (smaller bowl) and lower THC content if you can see the content. If you want to buy legally, you have the option of discussing your concerns/questions with one of the retail members there. There is exstensive training for Canadian employees so depending on who you talk to, you can get a lot of information! Decide whether you want an energizing or sedating effect (but I will warn you, Indica is KNOWN for the munchies. Sativa’s I find do not give you that appetite stimulation as much, only specific strains). And, if you can, keep a journal of the strains you’ve tried and liked. That will help you choose in the future. 
So, dealing with the munchies.            If you did pick a strain that is an appetite booster (Leafly.com is an amazing reference to see the terpenes, and overall benefits of the strain you are choosing), or if you just so happen to get the munchies (me, beig a seasoned stoner do not get that appetite boost as often anymore), here are some tips to deal with it:            -Always have a way to distract yourself. Be it tumblr, video games, sleeping, anything. Food tastes amazing while high, but music sounds just as good as the food tastes. Let your other senses wander freely            -Have a safe snack food, one low in calories. I have the tendency to crave salt, so I have those Special K brand crisps that are 80 calories for 27 of them. One whole bag is less than 500 calories, so I know I have a safe food.            - Smell something minty or sweet, it will trick your brain into sending the satiety signals. My favourite is a peppermint and grapefruit mix.            - Brush your teeth and floss. I love the feeling of a clean mouth, and honestly, we all don't do that enough.            -And most of all, know yourself. Know the strain and how it makes you feel. If you know it gives you munchies, try having tea and coffee a couple times during your high, or make preparations to avoid eating. It sounds odd, but it is actually comforting to pay attention to your own triggers and what you need.
          If you are new to using, here’s a few tips. Always try it with a trusted group of friends, you never know how you will react. Small bowls if it is a bong, stick to one puff/bowl until you know how you are reacting, takes a couple minutes to fully set in, but a couple seconds to feel it. Holding it in longer does not make you more high, that is a lie. The THC passes the blood barrier within seconds of entering the lungs. The reason why you may feel more high is because 1) your brain is not getting any more oxygen, and so of course you will feel light headed. That happens any time you hold your breath. 2) holding it in will probably make you cough, because it is an irritant to the lungs because it is smoke, and coughing opens up the lower chambers of the lungs and allows the smoke to touch more surface area, therefore absorbing faster. Don’t listen to anyones lies, exhale that bigass cloud be a baller, astound the with these FACTS.           If you are trying edibles/oils, only take one dose, and wait at least an hour. Trust me when I say that you will melt into the couch and it will not feel as comfortable as you think. Being stuck inside your head for 8+ hours is not how I like spending my time, thank you very much. I assume you think the same.           Never be afraid to ask questions about origin or reach out to someone with your concerns. One day being that aware and cognizant of what you are experiencing could save your (or someone elses) life.
           All in all, weed is an amazing gift that the world has given us to use. But with everything we are given, we also have a responsibility to use it wisely and within our means. And as with every gift, there is also a price to pay. It is not in itself inherently evil or good, it is how we use it. 
With much love,
Your friendly neighbourhood witch.
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Over 30 Hormone Solution
Over 30 Hormone Solution Review: Who is Debbie Anderson’s Program Good For?
If you’re wondering whether or not Debbie Anderson’s dietary supplement called Over 30 Hormone Solution is right for you, then this Over 30 Hormone Solution review will help you make your decision.
Below, I’ve given a complete review of the dietary supplement. Plus, at the end of the review, I’ve given my final thoughts, how it stands up against other solutions like it, and an overall score (out of 10) for Over 30 Hormone Solution.
Over 30 Hormone Solution
Debbie Anderson, Marissa Anderson
Creator Credibility
Debbie Anderson isn’t a doctor or trainer. She’s the first woman whose life was changed using Over 30 Hormone Solution. After having her third child, she had a hard time controlling her weight. When she tried losing weight, she injured her leg and fell into a frustrating pattern of late night snacking. No matter what she tried, she only gained more weight. Eventually she her sex drive slowed down to nothing and she became depressed.
Then, tragedy struck. She had a Transient Ischemic Attack in her kitchen, which is also considered a Mini Stroke. The doctor then told Debbie that her blood pressure and cholesterol levels were high. To make matters worse, she was a type II diabetic.
That’s when the doctor gave her grim news: “Debbie, I’m sorry to tell you this but if you don’t lose at least 47 pounds in the next 7 weeks. You are very likely at risk for another stroke….. and your next stroke may kill you”
Just a few days later, Debbie caught her husband cheating on her. And she was ready to give up. That’s when she got a call from her daughter, Marissa. 
Marissa Anderson was just returning from a trip to a Blue Zone in Asia where the world’s healthiest and longest living people reside. There was a special combination of herbs that all the women on this island in Asia ate which they claimed is the reason their average life expectancy was 86 years old. 
After using this combination of herbs, Debbie lost 2 lbs. overnight. And the weight kept coming off until she was a happier, healthier and hotter version of herself. That’s when Debbie and Marissa Anderson knew they had to get these recipes out to the world — and created the Over 30 Hormone Solution.
Creator Credibility Score: 8/10
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The Supplement
Why Was Over 30 Hormone Solution created?
Over 30 Hormone Solution was originally created to help Marissa Anderson’s mom, Debbie, lose almost 4-dozen pounds in just weeks to save her life after a Mini Stroke. (see story above). 
Marissa discovered the amazingly simple (yet almost miraculous) herbal recipes featured in the supplement while studying in Blue Zones in Asia. A Blue Zone is a region of the world where people live much longer than the average. They’re typically a lot leaner and healthier as well. 
Marissa suggested these ingredients to her mother because she had sustained an injury while exercising and couldn’t workout while recovering. Yet, she kept piling on the weight because her metabolism was running very slowly and hormonal imbalances were adding inches to her waist, neck and face. Debbie was in desperate need for a solution, but nothing she tried worked. 
There are many women who face this same struggle as Debbie. Yet the herbal recipes from Asia (featured inside the Over 30 Hormone Solution supplement), helped her go from 210 pounds to 132 pounds in 8 weeks, at age 53. And she did it all without a strict diet or exercise. Plus, the doctor was blown away when her high blood pressure, cholesterol and type II diabetes vanished in 2 months.
After discovering the power of these ingredients for herself, Debbie and Marissa set out to help as many women as possible get a second chance at life — whether that’s losing 10, 20, or even 100+ pounds, reversing a difficult diagnosis, or just looking younger and feeling more confident. That’s why they created Over 30 Hormone Solution.
What’s Inside The Over 30 Hormone Solution?
The Over 30 Hormone Solution supplement contains:
➤ Black Cohosh: Black cohosh has been used for centuries by Eastern North American to treat various conditions and carries a rich history of medical use. Multiple records show that Native Americans started using black cohosh centuries ago for the treatment of menopause symptoms, menstrual irregularities, as well as to ease childbirth. Today, black cohosh is a popular remedy for the symptoms associated with menopause, such as hot flashes, mood changes, night sweats, sleeping program, and even vaginal dryness. 
➤ Dong Quai: Dong Quai’s scientific name is Angelica Sinensis, but it is mostly referred to as female ginseng. Mainly it is because this herb keeps the female reproductive system healthy. For thousands of years, Dong Quai has been used as a medicine throughout China, Korea, and Japan. Today, it is often recommended as a treatment for premenstrual syndrome (PMS), menstrual cramps, and other related menstruation problems, as well as hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms. 
➤ Red Clover: Due to its beauty, Red Clover is used as an ornamental plant. This herb is traditionally used in the treatment of different conditions, including symptoms of menopause, coughs, cancers, and disorders of the lymphatic system. Today it is more frequently used as a key treatment for various hormonal imbalances. 
➤ Chaste Berry: Chasteberry is the fruit of the chaste tree; it is sometimes called Monk’s pepper. This plant has been used for centuries to treat numerous hormone-related gynecologic conditions. You will find chaste berry in most women’s health supplements, because it’s useful in treating menstrual problems, menopause symptoms, infertility, and other conditions. 
➤ Licorice: Licorice is the root of glycyrrhiza; it is known for its earthy odor and sweet flavor. While licorice is best known for its use in chewy candy, it has also been used in medicine for centuries. Most importantly, this herb is potent in reducing the occurrence of hot flashes, which make it essential in hormone health. 
➤ Sage: Sage is another very important herb to the native American. It’s not only beneficial for multiple health problems, but it is also believed that sage can protect against harmful spirits and draw them out of the body or soul. Historically, this herb has been used in the preparation of many foods not just because of its amazing flavor. Though there is little research targeted at its uses in menopause, people popularly use sage to deal with various menopausal symptoms, including hot flashes, night sweats, and mood swings. 
➤ Blessed Thistle Herb Powder: Blessed thistle is commonly used in the form of herbal teas as a herbal remedy for loss of appetite and indigestion. It is also prepared to treat colds fever and cough, diarrhea, and bacterial infections. Some people use blessed thistle as a diuretic, as well as for promoting the flow of breast milk in new mothers. 
➤ Mexican Yam: Some experts suggest using wild yam as an alternative to estrogen replacement therapy for treating symptoms of menopause. Evidence suggests that the yam may increase or stabilize estrogen levels in the body, and this helps relieve the person of the symptoms of estrogen imbalance. 
This combination of herbs makes Over 30 Hormone Solution a very simple yet effective remedy for hormonal imbalances, unwanted weight gain and just wanting to feel better. In fact, one of the best parts is its simplicity. All you need to do is take one serving per day and you’ll restore hormonal integrity to the most important female hormones including cortisol (stress hormone), estrogen (the primary female hormone) and insulin (fat storing hormone).
Who is Over 30 Hormone Solution for?
Over 30 Hormone Solution is for women over 30 who want to lose weight and shrink their waist without starting a rigorous exercise program or boring, tasteless diet. It’s for women whose hormones are out of balance and it’s wreaking havoc on their bodies and lives… and they’re in search for a simple solution that can make them feel better. 
Whether you have 10 pounds or 100+ pounds to lose, are 30-70 years old, or just want to have a better balanced and happier mood — Over 30 Hormone Solution is for you.
Ingredients Score: 9.5/10
Over 30 Hormone Solution
Created Real World Results?
➤ Kimberly lost 35 lbs. in 6 weeks and says, “At 45 after two kids, my weight ballooned up to close to 198 pounds. I was on the verge of a divorce because my husband and I completely lost our sexual desire with each other and worst of all I had no energy to play with my kids. I tried everything and decided to give Over 30 Hormone Solution a try…and I quickly lost 35 pounds in 10 weeks….now we’re going on weekly trips together as a family and my husband proudly holds my hand in public!”
➤ Carla says, “For years after I had my daughter I experienced everything that you went through. I was going around in circles with doctors telling me to take all these different types of medicine that made me feel worse. Once I started taking Over 30 Hormone Solution my tiredness disappeared. I even lost 29 pounds! Thanks Debbie!”
➤ Ann says, “I really couldn’t believe how easy this solution was. I didn’t even have to leave my couch!”
➤ Tina says, ““I never thought in a million years I would not only lose my stubborn body around my belly and love handles but reverse my hypothyroidism! It’s amazing just how easily the fat began to come off once I put my “hormone hat” on – haha.”
➤ Miranda says, “Debra I can’t thank you and the team enough for changing my life! Menopause really took me for a spin. I gained an extra 30lbs and didn’t even want to get out of bed some mornings.”
➤ And Cindy says, “I couldn’t believe my own reflection. For the first time in my life, I have been able to lose my stubborn belly fat…it was just so hard before…I tried everything…eating well, workout but nothing worked until I took the Over 30 Hormone Solution. It feels so good to have my hormone balance so I wake up every morning full of energy”
And here are Debbie Anderson’s results:
Debbie says these are just a few of the thousands of amazing testimonials that have flooded her inbox since releasing Over 30 Hormone Solution.
Results Score: 9/10
Comparison to Other Solutions
You’re probably reading this Over 30 Hormone Solution review to figure out if it’s the real deal. And I’m glad you’re doing your homework and want to compare it to some other solutions for you. Obviously, this isn’t the first hormonal balance and quick fat loss solution you’ve ever heard of. But after seeing the results I’ve shared with you already, I’m willing to put it up against some that have made a splash in the health world. (And honestly, I think Over 30 Hormone Solution is easier than all the others I’ve seen):
Lean Body Hacks
Cinderella Solution
Flat Belly Fix
What’s so great about The Over 30 Hormone Solution is that it’s not a cookbook full of recipes that may or may not work, and that take time to make. It’s a simple supplement. It only takes 7-seconds to use this supplement and you’ll unlock exciting results.
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If I had to choose a price I would pay to use Over 30 Hormone Solution, I think the maximum I would pay would be around $65-75.  
Don’t get me wrong, this supplement is something special. It’s packed with powerful all natural, herbal ingredients that restore hormonal balance to women of any age so you can feel like you again. 
So if you can get it for under $65-$75, definitely do it. Now, The Over 30 Hormone Solution normally has a $99 retail tag on it. However, as I’m writing this, there’s a special sale going on for only $59. All you have to do is click the link below: 
Price Score: 9/10
Final Thoughts
The Over 30 Hormone Solution one-a-day supplement from Debbie and Marissa Anderson is for women who want to regulate their hormones and get leaner and healthier without making drastic changes to their lifestyle. It’s simple to use (only takes seconds to take an easy-to-swallow capsule), and can help you see exciting (even life-changing) results, and feel like you again — and completely refreshed.. 
The testimonials are impressive. I haven’t tried out some of these recipes for myself, but I have to admit, these Blue Zone herbal ingredients have lots of great science to back it up.
All that’s left to do is try it out for yourself. You can try it out for a limited time discount price by going here:
*Note: This is an affiliate link and Fit-Critic.com gets a commission on this sale. If you found this review helpful, then please buy through the link above.We buy every program we review, and the money made from this site helps fund those programs. This way, we can continue to provide you with free reviews.
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Real Life Recess
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The idea of being mindful—or being present, being more conscious of life as it happens—may seem contradictory to those who are used to sacrificing living for pursuing their goals but cultivating mindfulness will help you achieve your goals and help you enjoy life more. In fact, you’re more productive when you’re mindful – and when your body is feeling less anxious it reduces stress and lowers blood pressure.  When you are mindful and able to live more in the moment you can hear negative feedback without feeling threatened, you are more aware and excepting of your weaknesses- which reduces the kinds of impulsivity and reactivity that is associated with depression, binge eating and attention problems, mindful people are happier, more exuberant, more empathetic and more secure which could also lead to more satisfying relationships with friends and family.
So, if being mindful and being present and more conscious of life in the moment can create a recipe for a more fulling life and - on paper seems like such an easy thing to do then why are there so many stressed out people out there who work more then they live for themselves or more importantly when was the last time you took a shower that didn’t feel rushed because you had something more important to do (like raising a child?)
How on earth do we become more mindful?
I remember growing up, every morning I would hear my mama’s alarm go off and I would hear her get out of bed and find her way to the kitchen where she would sit at the table quietly sipping on her freshly brewed coffee and after about half hour she would then shower and get ready for work, she did this every morning until I moved out and you would think that would have taught me some sort of structure but I am lucky if I even remember to set my alarm clock and 9 times out of 10 I am rolling out of bed at 20 after 8 rushing to get Colton to school on time (which we are getting better at).  I wish I was that person that could get up with sun but this girl is not a fan of early mornings and I don’t drink coffee so my mornings consist of running around like a crazy person, waking up a 7 year old, getting him dressed, making him breakfast – reminding him 17 times to brush his teeth, to put socks on all while trying to put together a healthy lunch (this is where I wish I had more then two hands) and when I finally feel like I have everything under control and his backpack packed and ready to go, I score the last 10 minutes to myself- just to put clean underwear on! Lol And up until about 6 months ago I had the mentality that being productive meant working 12 hour days and coming home to cook, clean and parent- I made zero time for myself and when I did I was more concerned with the work that would pile up in my absence. My days would start as chaotic as they ended – and I struggled to find time to even get the oil in my car changed within 3 months of the expected change date, but that was my normal and I had accepted that. I started working at 15 and I was managing my own retail store by 17. I went onto bigger and more amazing things throughout my 20’s to now and I have worked really hard to get where I am- but I believed that in order to be successful I needed to dedicate myself to work – at whatever cost (which I realize now was my own happiness)  
Looking back now, I wonder what my mom was thinking about in that half hour of caffeinated bliss, was she planning the day ahead, what we were going to have for dinner, what bills were coming out that week or was she simply just enjoying 30 minutes of pure silence before her own chaotic day started?
I have started taking an hour to myself everyday (sometimes two) however I am not in need of that hour to plan my day or drink my coffee - I have learned that in my life, I can no longer plan ahead because… well… “shit just happens” and if you can’t learn to roll with the punches then the anxiety of not being prepared (for me at least) takes control - I have had to learn to let go of the “what ifs” (like “what if” I picked up that call- the not knowing drives me absolutely bonkers) but I’ve spent a lot of time reminding myself that life is full of what ifs and maybe we should spend more time taking risks and just accepting whatever happens, BUT anxiety is a bitch like that – doesn’t wait for the welcome mat to be rolled out before it pushes its way in.
So as my mama would say “why borrow trouble” – and, I find myself repeating this daily.
After I quit my job I got stuck in this routine of dropping Colton off at school, and going straight to the gym where I would stand and chat with the girls for about 20 minutes, workout for an hour (or dance) massage, chat with the girls (again) only to leave to come home to do the dishes, clean the house, feed the fish, do the laundry, pick up Colton, make dinner and so on, from there it was just on repeat- I became a “house hold CEO” I managed my house like I did my gym because I was so lost and the only thing I knew how to do was work – and at no time did I think to myself, “hmm, maybe I should stop and think about what I need for once”-
How terrible is that- one of the worst things I could be going through right now and I still couldn’t put myself first.
Eat. Sleep. Repeat.
But slowly things have started to change, I am no longer worried about having to go home to clean or cook or pick up Colton every day and so that leaves me with a few more hours to do things for myself and although my mornings stay fairly consistent, my day to day has really changed – I took a solo trip to Ikea, I walked around every room and just took in all the quiet- the drive was probably my favourite part- no where to be, and no 7 year old child yelling at me to put “loud night” on lol- and even though I have done that drive about a thousand times – everything seemed so fresh! But that is part of the problem, we simply cannot live in the moment, when we are at work we fantasize about being in warmer climates and when we are on vacation we worry about all the things we aren’t doing while we are being “lazy” on a beach somewhere, I still stressing out over things I know are not getting done at a job that isn’t even mine anymore -  we dwell on intrusive memories either from the past or things we may stress about for our futures.  We become mindless that we stop paying attention to the things around us that we should be taking the time to appreciate, we go about our morning routines in a haze because we’ve done it a thousand times and so we stop being mindful.  
Here is what I do know and the only thing I can 100% plan for - my day is going to start at least 20 minutes late hectic from the second it starts and I am going to question if we will make it for the bell (still snap a quick selfie (late or not) because well, it’s me) and as we get there we will hear the first bell ring and he will start running towards door with his little back pack on which is half the size of him and I will casually stroll behind him because I know he is going to get half way there and run back for a quick kiss from mama (leaving him even more late, lol) and then within a few seconds he is gone I can tell you that chaos is my favourite part of the morning (HE is my favourite part of our mornings) - But the need to have a plan or at least have an idea of what to expect used to consume me at least 23/7 (yes, even when I am sleeping) and I would be lying if I said my anxiety didn’t get the best of me every time I found myself in new environments/situations without having a plan of being there – I can say I may not have this down pat yet, but something I am working on.
So finally, last week Andrea, Ankush and I went to Toronto to check out this place called HideSeek they call it an “immersive pop up experience inspired by childhood nostalgia” and let me tell you- its description meets the experience- from 90’s pop music to rooms full of beautiful childhood colors like pinks, whites and oranges I felt like a kid again (and going with Andrea and Ankush just made the experience that much better) Ankush, beside being just a really good friend is also an amazing photographer who was wonderful enough to take some photos of us while we explored this indoor adult playground-the rooms were all really interactive and we were the only people in there so we took our time and among 600 beautiful photos to show for it the three of us had a BLAST, I have not laughed so hard in years – and the moments he was able to capture on film are a serious reminder that being mindful and humble and appreciative for the moments we are in happens to be SO much more fulfilling then always planning the next step.
So, to answer the question above, how do you become more mindful? It’s simple really, you give yourself your own 30 minutes of caffeinated bliss - a “real life recess” – whatever works for you! 
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suezue635 · 2 years
This blog is on more of a personal note. The lineage that came before me stayed true to our roots in terms of our beliefs in a western society. My Great Grandmothers mother is from Jamaica, and her fathers bloodline (after years and years of tracing) originated from the Igbo tribe in Nigeria; along with the Choctaw tribe of Mississippi. All of my spiritual beliefs and herbal practices come from this side of our family. Herbal practice is not only for medicinal purposes, but very much spiritual as well. They truly go hand in hand. Certain practices have been passed down in my family and my Mother and I could not be more proud to carry on the traditions of our ancestors. In many cultures outside of western society families continue to pass down the uses of herbs for spiritual and medicinal reasons. One of my first experiences or introduction to the teachings of herbalism was with my Great Grandmother. She would boil the roots of burdock and dandelion and pour the water into a bowl with arnica, St. John’s wort and cramp bark. There are more steps to the process but this is the foundation. She soaked two cloths in the water and would place each one on her knees; she would repeat this process with soaking the cloths in the warm water (making sure the water stays hot) until her pain and swelling was gone. I’ve had digestive issues since I was younger and still do now; but one of the remedies that I use is hot water with a few mint leaves. Mint leaves are not just used for digestive issues, but also good for easing a sore throat, reducing stress (helps with my anxiety and panic attacks), calms coughs and helps with nausea. My Mom and I are always having conversations on how to live longer and healthier. We moved here in 2020 from Indiana so that we can eventually live on my Great Grandfathers farm. My mother tells me, and even my Great Grandfather still reminds me of how his farm is an important symbol of being self sufficient and self reliant with everything we need. There is nothing more fulfilling than being able to grow your own vegetables, fruits, and herbs; not to mention raising cattle so you have your meat supply. Majority of health issues for Afro Americans come from our eating habits, and unfortunately that is something in a lot of our communities that we can not control. More and more urban areas are understanding the importance of urban gardens and have seen a huge decline within a specific population of health issues. There are a few main health issues that affect Afro Americans, such as congestive heart failure, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, and so much more. Corn silk is a wonderful medicine for all those issues and more, and has the ability to be used in numerous ways. It can be consumed fresh, dried out before consumption or as a tea or extract...it can also be used in pill form. We have become so accustomed to popping pills for everything in our lives and the downside to that is consumption of more pills for the side affects. One incredible herb that is so common, but kept a secret on its many amazing properties is sage. People because of social media trends use sage to cleanse their home; which it is good for, but many do not realize that sage is also good for cleansing your body in a spiritual bath, along with its high source of nutrients and vitamins, including B1, B2, B3, C, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, sodium, sulfur, potassium, phosphorus and much more. Sage also relieves hot flashes for women in menopause, lowers blood sugar levels, supports memory and brain function, promotes thicker and stronger hair, cleanses nasal passages, great for your liver, and digestive health. I could go on and on about the uses of sage, but I think you get the idea. I truly believe that if more people realized the abundance of what herbs and plants can do for our bodies there would be no turning back...unfortunately that is exactly what the pharmaceutical world is worried about. 
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kpop-melody · 6 years
BTS reaction to their wife giving birth to their first child and there’re complications
Anonymous said : 
OMG I LOVE YOUR PAGE SOOOOO MUCH 💕💕💕 please can I have a reaction where you are giving birth to their first child but there are complications and they are worried about losing both you and their child (maybe a happy ending ☺️) Thank you 💕💕💕
I LOVE YOU TOO  💕💕💕 thanks for requesting ! .. here’s your requested reaction and I hope you like it >< .
Jin :
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He could hear his heartbeat, like drums were played in his head. Jin could feel the danger of what was happening, just imagining the worst made him feel like collapsing.
A sudden power held him up on his legs as the doctor came out of the operating room .
“Doctor?...” he couldn’t say more, his imagination drew pictures of you lying on that bed with white sheets, covered you in blood, that was enough for him to lose the ability of speaking for minutes .
“Don’t worry Mr.Kim, it was a difficult surgery but fortunately she and the baby are both fine. You can wait here till she wakes up then you can come in, thank God the large amiunt if blood didn’t affect her badly ..” the doctor spoke with delight, Jin could feel it, every positive word that fell from the doctor’s lips made Jin even more relaxed, he let out a sigh of relief and thanked him over and over again.
As he counted the seconds Jin entered your room as if he entered Heaven, the wish of meeting his other halves finally came true, he couldn’t ask for anything more .
“Ohh my God y/n, I knew you would make it ,you look- you're stronger than I thought ..” he said as he showered you with kisses all over your face.  
He glanced of your daughter, the masterpiece you and him created
“Gosh y/n, we created an angel, as beautiful as me !” you glared at him .
“and as sweet and cute as my love ..” he kissed your forehead .
Suga :
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It was so strange, so new for him to feel such pain, to feel so terrified of losing someone. It wasn’t normal  for him to panic but because the one who might to die was you he couldn't help but panic. His only prayer was for you to continue breathing
As the doctor walked out Yoongi couldn't find the power to raise up his head, thoughts of losing you were spinning around in his head making him dizzy but he had to force himself to do it for you  
“Mr. Min congratulations you have a beautiful boy waiting for you in the room “ smiled slightly, trying to hide his tensed face, that made Yoongi’s dizziness increase  
"And- and y/n ..” he tried to show off some strength, but his words didn’t seem but weaker  
“Yes ,she had problems with her placenta but we handled it quickly, she’s in the room with the baby too-“ without even letting the doctor continue Youngi rushed towards your room with all hope of meeting you awake and smiling .
He kept staring at you as he held his baby between his arms, waiting for half an hour till you woke up. You saw his cute and joyful expression as he was caressing his boy before you noticed, a warm, gentle smile on his face, proud of you finally waking up.  
“If you were planning to drop my heart to my feet then you succeeded ..” you kept eye contact before putting his child down then kissed you
“He is as beautiful as you and he has my ears ..” you giggled lightly .
"That makes him even more perfect ..!”
J-Hope :
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It took him no time to break down as he heard the news, he imagined it being a piece of cake, but it turned into two hours in the operating room, he spent them crying himself, imaging the worst .
“Mr.Jung ..” Hoseok didn’t even notice the doctor when he walked out.  
After hearing his name he stood up immediately and wiped his tears away, hoping for relief from the doctor’s words.
“Don’t worry, they’re all right. It shouldn’t take that long but we faced difficulties with stoping her bleeding but luckily we were able to get it under control" the doctor said in a serious tone, this didn’t  give him much comfort  
“Is she- are they fine ?. Are they in danger ?” Hoseok spoke while shivers ran down his spine
“They’re all tight, it happens now and then, especially with the first child. So don’t worry, also you can see them when she wakes up “ the doctor patted at his back and wished him the best.  
It took him like 15 minuets to recover from his sadness, and after a while he entered your room, with a brightly composed but the second he sat next to you and grabbed your hand he burst into tears all again .
“Gosh y/n, I was scared to death” before he leaned and kissed you deeply.  
He took few steps towards the incubator, breathing heavily, trying to control himself.
“Did you see her y/n? she’s just like you, soft and amazing !” you smiled and whispered.
“I haven't, but I’m sure she’s as caring and beaming as you”
RM :
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Pressure, all he could feel is pressure, as he walked back and forth, trying to reduce his stress, as it seemed like that was the only way he could.
The moment the doctor came out, Namjoon took a deep breath, with an inner hope for good news.
“Doctor, why did it take so long?” the doctor smiled warmly, as he could see how stressed Joon was, just by looking into his eyes.
“They’re all right, we just need to keep Mrs. Kim here for two weeks at least, to keep an eye on her if any complications happen, and your twins are great, as healthy and relaxed as you want them to be” Namjoon’s smile became wider at every word the doctor spoke. He thanked him over and over again, as he spent a long while on the chair trying to calm himself down and recover from his shock.
As he entered your room, his dimples suddenly showed up, as if his heart was healed just by the sight of you, smiling comfortably and his kids sleeping calmly in the incubator.
“You really surprised me y/n, you look better than ever, another proof how perfect you’re!” he slid his finger on your face.
“You always treat me with your sweet talk” you smiled warmly as he kissed you.
“You deserve it, I swear!” he said as he walked towards the incubator, kissing each of his kids’ heads.
“I think I’ll face troubles finding a difference between them, they’re both smooth and adorable!” he admired them with caring eyes.
Jimin :
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Unexpectedly, Jimin is the only one who was shocked, sitting all alone staring at the wall, lost in his world of nightmares  
“Mr. Park?” As Jimin heard his name, he didn’t react immediately, eventually he looked slowly up at the doctor, with no strength to speak a word.
“Congratulations, you have now a beautiful girl, and your wife is sleeping in her room, I won’t deny that the surgery was difficult, but she was strong enough to handle it. You can meet her when she wakes up” Jimin nodded, without a noticeable facal expressions. And again, he didn’t move. Finally he realized what happened and he started crying.
As he stepped in your room, you could notice his red eyes before he threw himself on you for a very long hug, like a child going back to his mother.
“I swear if you do this again I will die” you wiped his tears away.
“Don’t worry honey, I’m fine, we're  both fine!” you mumbled wearily as you looked at your daughter near you.
Jimin walked slowly towards her, he spent a minute just staring at her with a tired and light smile.
“She- she’s an angel!” Then he looked at you.
“We'll call her Heaven!”
V :
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As expected, the moment the boys heard about you giving birth they ran to the hospital to stay with Taehyung because it’ll be one of his best moments. They saw him sobbing hardly, tears showered his face.
“They- They said she- she has troubles, and- and she is bleeding heavily” he mumbled between his sobs.
“Mr.Kim?” the doctor called, everyone stood up, Tae couldn’t control himself.
“Don’t worry, she's fine. She just lost a huge amount of blood so we need to keep her here, but she’ll be alright. Congrats, you’re the father of a very handsome son” the boys cheer and clapped, hugging Taehyung and congratulated him, as a huge boxy smile showed up on V’s face.
He hid himself behind a large bouquet of flowers, then sang your favorite song as he entered the room, with an atmosphere full of joy and delight. He kissed your forehead and stared deeply into your eyes.
“ohhh look at you, all comfortable” he kissed you again, before picking up your son.  
You could see how happy he was happy, a tear fell down from his cheek, he kissed the baby.
“We made a miracle, a beautiful cute miracle !”
Jungkook :
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“Hyung ,y/n is giving birth today” Kook said in a firm tone.
“I know it’s early but..” he lost his strength suddenly and burst into tears
“She’s been in the operation room for two hours and I can’t stand on my own anymore! I can’t stop think about how bad it’ll may be!” it took only a minute for his tears to cover his cheeks, the thought of losing both of you was too much too much to bare alone
RM dashed towards the doctor as he came out, Jungkook couldn’t even take a deep breathe to calm himself down.
“Jungkook-ah!” Namjoon said as he finished with the doctor.
“I can’t believe that you have a family now!” Jungkook was taken aback by his words.
“Congratulations Jeon Jungkook ! you now have a girl and her mother will be waiting for you after she wakes up!” unlike Taehyung, Kook couldn’t recover fast from the shock, as the boys stayed with him til the last minute, he needed another hour to believe that you were fine.
“I promised them I wouldn't cry “ Jungkook whispered as he hugged you, but tears filled his eyes.
“Look at you being a great father from the beginning!” you said as you wiped away his tears .
“I know she’ll be as beautiful as you” he said as he caresses your girl, smiling as a proud dad, happy as Jungkook always used to be.
GIFs are not mine .
Requests : OPENED !
~K ,thanks admin A >< .
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ashleyblackguru · 3 years
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locoluis · 3 years
Pam's visit to the doctor
DISCLAIMER: This is a fictional story. I have no medical knowledge, so the following is all artistic licence and stuff taken from the web. Please consult a proper medical professional if you experience any of the symptoms described below. Oh, and sorry for the sloppy writing.
It has been from bad to worse during the last weeks. I don't like summer, I get way too sweaty and dehydrated. I get sunburned easily. I am self conscious about my body and will need to wear less than the normal amount of clothing I usually enjoy wearing, which attracts the stares of people who look like they haven't seen a girl with more than a B cup in their entire lives.
Like they never get out of this town.
I like going to the city, even though the climate is warmer there than up here in the hills, because nobody bats an eye about my appearance there, or at least not that much. The city centre is a couple hours away by bus. Only a few, elderly people are joining me in this trip I absolutely need to carry out.
The local paediatricians are as useless as the painkillers they prescribe. One of them said: “ At this point, you should consider going to an adult's doctor. ” Madam, I'm only twelve, and you're supposed to be able to take care of people through their late teens. Don't come at me with such rubbish.
Then my PE teacher recommended me this children's hospital in the city, and I got an appointment. I got so stressed during the bus trip that the box of chocolates that I brought with me didn't last long enough. I hope this isn't as bad as it feels.
Even though this is the second time I've seen this particular lady, I immediately recognised her. Shorter than me, dangerously skinny, with a childish face despite being in her mid-thirties, and a brunette ponytail of ridiculous length.
— Pamela Evans. I remember you.
— Dr. Eliana Martínez. You were the lady who awarded me the gold medal at the swimming competition a few months ago.
— Indeed. That was… a random, unusual philanthropic gesture from me. I must confess that your victory caught me by surprise, as you looked like you didn't even want to participate.
— Well, Mum taught me to swim at an early age, and she really wanted me to participate. But I hate PE with a passion, and it was really embarrassing for me to be in a swimsuit with all those people around. You can guess why.
— Yeah, I can relate, having been pregnant once. Never again.
I couldn't quite hide my amazement. How does such a twiggy lady manage to have a child growing inside such a tiny belly?
— Indeed, I have a daughter. Her name is Violeta, and she will soon be bigger than me. I carried my baby through full term, with no complications, shattering all expectations. I guess I'm a woman after all, ha ha ha. But enough about me; please tell me what brings you here.
I took a long breath.
— Doctor, during the last few weeks it's been difficult for me to concentrate in class, to get asleep, to get enough rest. I sweat way too much. I feel a lot of anxiety, even to the point of paranoia. Sometimes I feel my heart beating too hard and too fast. Sometimes I feel a burning sensation in my chest. And I've been putting on quite some weight, though I'm not sure how much of that is just going through puberty.
— Well, body changes are normal through puberty, and girls grow and develop at different rates.
— I'm aware of that. All my classmates still look like children. I'm the only one with the shape of a grown-up woman at twelve.
— About that. When I was twelve, it was the exact opposite. The other girls were all grown up, while I still look like a ten years old.
— Well, you sure are tiny, even compared to my classmates.
— Yeah, yeah. Now that I think about it, you look a lot like one of mine. Blue eyes, a different hairstyle and nose shape, a slimmer waist, but otherwise she was a dead ringer for you.
— Even her breast size?
— Indeed. She was curvy and gorgeous, and all the boys were crazy for her, but she only had eyes for one boy… who just wasn't ready for a relationship. And it made me cringe that she didn't seem to feel pretty enough, that she wore more make-up than was necessary, plus her dangerously short, tight-fit school pinafore dress… she looked ridiculous.
— Oh, I have some classmates who are like that. Not me, though; I already get way too much attention without doing anything with my looks.
— Well, you seem more like the forbidden snack type, which ironically is more attractive for some men than the overly sexy type.
— … Ach-y-fi.
— … Excuse me? I'm not a native English speaker, and that's a word I haven't heard before.
— Oh, that's a local expression of disgust. Like, it seems like I can't avoid the male gaze.
— That's their problem, Miss Evans, not yours. Don't make it your problem. I've got nothing here, yet men still stare.
— Well, your body type is even more unusual…
— I know. But you have to excuse me, this is getting way off-topic. I don't usually talk to my patients about my own childhood, and I'm talking to you like we knew each other from long ago.
— Well, I don't mind. Yours seems to have been an interesting childhood.
— Indeed, but that's not why you're here. So let me get through this. Most of the issues that you describe are not necessarily associated with puberty, and no sign of pain or discomfort is worth getting glossed over. First of all, please stand on the scale to get your height and weight measured.
I do. To no surprise, I'm overweight. She also checked my heart rate and blood pressure.
— Now, tell me. Tea, coffee, carbonated drinks. How much do you drink each day?
— Not much, actually. I drink a couple cups of tea each day. Unlike the rest of my family, who just can't get enough of it. And they drink green tea, which tastes horrible to me.
— Hmm. What about chocolate?
She stopped talking when she noticed the sheer expression of horror in my face.
— What? Did I hit a nerve, Miss Evans? Please tell me how much do you eat everyday. Answer truthfully.
I started crying uncontrollably. She patiently bears with me through this.
— … Doctor. I have a lot of admirers. Every day I get several boxes of chocolate in the mail. And I can't control myself.
— Well, chocolates have a high calorie count due to their sugar and fat content. And the symptoms you've been experiences are consistent with an excessive chocolate intake.
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— And now you're telling me that I have to eat less chocolates. As if my life wasn't horrible enough.
— Well, at least you don't have acne… yet.
— ACNE!? Oh my God! I need to stop eating chocolates right now!
— Well, acne is more of an issue with eating lots of carbohydrates and dairy products, and there's no consensus about the link between acne and chocolate consumption. But I still advise you to reduce the amount of chocolate you eat everyday.
— I understand.
— To prevent acne, you should eat more fruits, vegetables and fish. Drinking green tea is also good against acne, and it has many more health benefits. It contains caffeine, so it too must be consumed in moderation.
— Green tea. As I said, I don't like it.
— Add lemon juice and stevia to it. There are many types of green tea, you just have to find which one is better tasting for you. And brewing it correctly is quite important in order to get it just right, not too bitter or watery.
— Well, thank you.
— I'll prescribe you some medication in order to treat the symptoms you've mentioned. But you should follow my instructions in order to attack their root cause. Stop eating so many chocolates, and come back in a month or so, in order to check your progress. I most likely won't be around, as I travel a lot and I'm currently on a temporary contract, but Dr. Spencer is an experienced paediatrician who will be able to take your case.
— I'll do. Oh, and I have a last question. Do you think I should get a breast reduction? And how do I get it on the NHS?
— Well, first of all, I don't think it's advisable to get one while you're still developing, except in extreme cases of breast hypertrophy. Second, you should get down to a stable weight, and get an assessment with a psychiatrist or psychologist. Third, as there are many women seeking to get breast reduction surgery on the NHS, the waiting list can be up to several years, and a lot of women are being turned down as not meeting their criteria. Also, private treatment is quite expensive. And… would you like me to measure you?
— Yeah, sure.
Her procedure for measuring my breast size is a bit more complicated than what I knew. She then puts the measurements on a spreadsheet, which gets her a bunch of numbers.
— Wearing a good-fitting bra can alleviate many of the issues associated with large breasts. Also, I'm recommending you some exercises that can strengthen your core muscles, and some tips to improve your posture. But I wouldn't advise a breast reduction surgery on someone like you, as its risks and consequences certainly outweigh the possible benefits. They're not that big, actually; you just have a delicate body frame. Your ideal weight is lower than that of other girls of your age and height.
— I understand.
I need to make a lot of sacrifices in order to stop feeling like this. Mum is going to stare me down and tell me: “ I told you, Pam ”. And then I'm asking her what we should do with so all those chocolates.
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ketoprouk2021-blog · 3 years
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There are lots of people on this planet who are struggling with obesity and they are not able to find the right way to deal with it. There are hundreds of methods to handle overweight or obesity problems but there are only a few of them which are effective in the real world. It can be difficult to identify the right product in the market and here we will help you. Keto Pro is a ketogenic product for reducing all the excessive fat in your body.  It is a powerful and organic product to burn fat safely and achieve better overall health. It is capable of activating the ketosis process and you can stay in the same state for as long as you want. It has multiple health benefits and you can enjoy your life in the best way if you are using this Holland And Barrett product daily. MUST SEE: (SPECIAL SAVINGS) Click Here to Get Keto Pro For an Exclusive Discounted Price
What are Keto Pro Pills? How it gives weight loss?
Keto Pro is the right product for eliminating the obesity problem quickly. It can increase the metabolic rate and stamina for a better weight loss process. It may be hard for some people to induce the ketosis process because it is not easy to stay away from carbs. In the keto diet, you cannot take more than 10grams of carbs in a day. But this product will reduce the appetite and you will not crave carbs very much. It can help in controlling emotional eating and you can follow the Keto Pro Diet. It contains the right ingredients to activate the ketosis process. This product will also improve the overall blood circulation to regulate the blood pressure in your body. It can also help in reducing cholesterol levels. This product will improve mental functioning by boosting serotonin levels and you will enjoy better concentration and a stress-free mind. It can help in improving muscle mass as well. There are thousands of weight loss supplements in the market today and it is not easy to choose anyone just by looking at it. You need to check the complete details about the product you are consuming every day or it might show some unwanted effects. Keto Pro Pills is a safe organic product for both men and women. It is suitable for burning any kind of body fat and it will remove all the fat stored in the different body parts. This product will burn the fat through the ketosis method, and you will start burning stored fat for the generation of energy. It contains extra ingredients for improving heart and brain health. This product will boost the metabolism to increase the fat-burning speed.
MUST SEE: (OFFICIAL DEAL) Click Here to Order Keto Pro From Its Official Online Store
Keto Pro UK contains Garcinia Cambogia because it contains HCA and that will help in burning fat quickly. This ingredient is also capable of boosting energy levels. It contains caffeine for increasing the metabolic rate and to improve the overall concentration power. It contains apple cider vinegar for boosting digestion and metabolic rate. Beta-hydroxy butyrate is added to this product for activating ketosis. Vitamin C will help in flushing all the harmful toxins in the body. This product is manufactured in a GMP certified lab and it does not contain any filler or artificial ingredient.
Advantages of Complete Keto
Keto Pro is one of the most loved weight loss products across the globe and most of the users have posted only a positive review for this product. They have achieved amazing results after using it for a couple of months. Our team has verified multiple reviews and every user is very happy with the working of this product. One of the users states that “Keto Pro Dragons Den is the best product for me because it improved my fitness levels and my wife was also reduced body fat with this product. It never showed us any kind of side effect and now we are enjoying a healthy body. It was not easy to achieve and maintain a slim body structure but this product has made life very easy for us. We can stay physically and mentally active. It is a powerful product and it is worth recommending.” The official website is filled with appreciating reviews and you should also buy it for improving the overall health and to get rid of obesity.
It is approved by the FDA and you don’t need any prescription for buying it or for using it. Visit the official website and place the order quickly. It will reduce high blood pressure levels and high blood sugar. It can reduce cholesterol levels as well. Keto Pro Pills Reviews can improve their mental abilities as well because it will boost the serotonin levels and your stress levels will go down.
How to utilize it?
This product has received amazing reviews and testimonials so far. It has satisfied every user and you can also check the reviews on the official website. Our team has already verified multiple reviews and they have not found even a single negative review about Keto Pro UK. One of the users states that “It was extremely difficult to reduce body weight without any weight loss supplement and then one of my friends suggested me to use Keto Pro UK. After using this supplement for about two months, I was able to see an amazing change in my body. It improved my stamina and I was able to work hard in the gym as well. I was able to achieve the desired body shape easily with this supplement and I would love to recommend it to others as well.” There are multiple reviews like this one everywhere and it is the reason that this product is so popular across the globe.
MUST SEE: (OFFICIAL DEAL) Click Here to Order Keto Pro From Its Official Online Store
Where to buy?
Buy this product from the main website of the company only and you just need to fill the form on the home page. It cannot be purchased from other pharmacies and you can buy it easily without going out. It will be delivered free of cost in the USA. Just fill all the credentials in the form properly and you will be redirected to the payment page. Select the payment option and place the order. It will be shipped within 4-8 working days. It can be used without taking any prescription and there are some amazing deals if you buy it today. If you face any issues, you can solve them with the help of customer care representatives.
This weight loss Keto Pro can be used according to the steps mentioned on the label. It is present in the form of pills so you can easily take them with water and the package is travel-friendly. You just need to take a couple of pills every day with water. One in the morning and one in the evening. It will produce the right results only if you are taking the right dose and there is no need of taking an overdose for achieving better results. Keto Pro UK is only made for people whose age is above 18 and pregnant ladies should also stay away from them. Keep this product away from direct sunlight and moisture.
Keto Pro Pills is only present on the authorized website of the company. It should be taken directly from the online store because this product is not available in any other pharmacy or store. You need to fill the form on the website with all the important details. It will redirect to the payment page if you submit the form. It is easy to order this product and all the major payment options are available for you. Place the order and it will be delivered within 4-9 business days. There are some amazing offers for a limited number of customers and you should place the order right now to grab this opportunity. If you any issue while purchasing this product, then contact the customer care people for help.
Read More:
https://ketopro2021.wordpress.com/ https://ketoproukofficial.wordpress.com/ https://supplementshub4u.blogspot.com/2021/07/keto-pro.html
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homewecomesblog · 3 years
Backyard Healing Herbs The Best Health Tips
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Product Name: Backyard Healing Herbs Click here to get Backyard Healing Herbs at discounted price while it's still available... All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors. Backyard Healing Herbs is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked. Description: This message is essential for anyone facing any health issue. Clarifications from Donna Nicholson Hi, I'm Donna Nicholson. Anyone struggling with any health issue needs the message I want to share right now, it feels like they are constantly in a constant battle. Because in the next 5 minutes ... I will be sharing about an appointment with an elderly grandmother ... who helped me get rid of my bad fat ... almost overnight ... I grew up in my own backyard using 100% natural herbal remedies. I will share with you many medical studies that support all of these natural products and solutions ... 5 Let me tell you how my family threw away 7 different RX Med and OTC tablets in a month. We are healthier and happier now than ever before. (* Results may vary) Let me share with you a simple secret I learned on that occasion ... it will help improve anyone: Easily tackle any health challenge ... 100% naturally ... from the comfort of your own home Avoid unpredictable and often life-threatening side effects of vaccines. Take control of their own health ... so they are not at the mercy of the medical-industrial campus Enjoy the peace of mind that comes with supporting your health ... with all scientifically proven and time-honored natural products Now let me share these scientific studies in a minute ... But please tune in now ... Fears are growing about foreign chemicals switching to our systems ... 9 It will rob them of their health. What else ... I guarantee this solution is completely different in its approach, unlike anything most Americans have used before. Because this approach gives it a better nature ... Run where it is most needed ... just like Mother Nature thought. Unfortunately, this is something that most medical professionals do not even train for 10 people But ... independent researchers are now confirming that these natural remedies are often effective ... otherwise very effective ... Hence the traditional approach11 So in a few moments from now ... I share a secret that can revolutionize the health of any family ... 100% natural. For 250 years in preparation, I would pour beans into a pocket-sized herbal system. I will share how to directly access everything you need to manage your health ... quickly ... safely ... naturally ... and effectively. I think it's important to mention the complete system I shared ... There are hundreds of testimonials from those who have used the secrets in it to seriously improve their health ... Easily cultivate your own backyard healing solutions. I am indebted to you for revealing me in this free presentation ... This will break some feathers. There are many preferred partners to hide this information. That is why those who want natural and healthy solutions to the most stress ... You have to play very carefully today ... Because this natural home remedy will change everything for those who have a health problem. Based on the scientific research I reviewed, based on what I found in my own family ... Anyone who has considered all of these natural remedies ... I hope you will greatly benefit from this 100% natural family health resource. Backyard herbs are healing   If you are worried about the side effects of traditional medicine ... If you want a cake-easy "master class" from Grandma Mary on using the grace of nature to solve the health problems your family faces ... If you want to grow your own medicine in your own backyard ... no matter how big or small your garden area ... Regardless of your "gardening experience" ... So I am happy to share with you “Healing Herbs for the Garden”. Backyard herbs are healing It's 260 full pages ... in a real-life book ... you can mention it day by day ... Give your children an inheritance too. So ... here is a small sample you can find within 260 pages of backyard healing herbs: How this “miracle plant” helps maintain healthy cholesterol and blood pressure levels In addition, this same miracle plant helps regulate your metabolism, makes weight loss easier ... and put it off! 17 Leading University of Michigan researchers During this miracle plant, it proved It is combined with a common kitchen spice ... Its efficiency has risen to 2000%! Really amazing plant! 18 With the "Sunshine Surprise" solution 3 energetic herb flowers This helps to lift the load Anxiety, Depression, and Stress ... Have a sunny and windy summer day ... If you do not drink margaritas all day and live on a tropical beach ... the staff brings you breakfast, lunch, and dinner ... This is the only solution you need to support yourself with the daily stresses of life. Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine have found that these flowering herbs significantly reduce stress, depression, and anxiety. Why this herb, scientifically researched University of Michigan Health 20, It is bomb-proof Pain relief solution With powerful anti-inflammatory properties This means that you now have a powerful, all-natural alternative to the traditional anti-inflammatory approach. Twenty-one How to Enhance Your Energy with a 100% Natural "Energy Drink" from this little known garden plant Its secretly powerful perennial herb It is highly desirable for its ability to increase energy ... Who provoked constant wars in the Far East It controls thriving forests. This simple "energy drink recipe" can't be easy ... Requires only 5 ounces. Water and 5 minutes of your time For an energy boost without caffeine! After our project, I asked Grandma Mary if we could achieve the same results ... By purchasing additional items from your local health food store or Amazon. But ... during my research, I was surprised to learn that most of the big "health subsidiaries" are owned by the same mega-companies that the pharmaceutical companies own. After reading it, I was not so excited to give any of them even another penny! Plus ... for our budget ... I felt I needed a car-sized loan to keep my family healthy That’s why discovering Grandma Mary’s system is a gift from God. You are also learning ... How about you ... or someone you like ... Let's say "see you later" for sleepless nights! Getting enough sleep is not a luxury ... it is a necessity. Usually, poor sleep increases the risk of weight gain, heart problems, and irregular blood sugar levels ... not to mention reducing our lifespan! 24 | 25 But ... getting regular "good sleep" naturally helps: Improve memory Increases immunity Manage weight Increases mental well-being Support healthy blood sugar levels Many more! 26 Drink this delicious and simple Valerian Root Tea Recipe and enjoy the most naturally happy sleep of your life I can add these 4 secret healing guides as a free gift to anyone who commands today. But be careful ... these free bonus healing guides may come off the table at any time ... As soon as we are ready to release the next edition of backyard healing herbs. Here is a brief description of 4 free special guides that I will add when you order today. Free Guide # 1: Native American Natural Healing Secrets - Retail: $ 39 Native Americans had powerful centuries-old therapies long before Europeans appeared. His existence is based on living in harmony with nature. They made efficient use of natural resources such as mullein, peppermint, salol gaga, valerian root, wild black cherry, witch hazel, geranium, and willow bark. To keep their families strong and healthy. That's just a few names. In this 100% free guide, you will discover the richness of Native American healing secrets. Grandma Mary and I have added her most treasured security secrets to perishable items ... So you don’t have to worry about electricity or cooling. There is also a section on Native American "Superfoods" that, when properly prepared, can help maintain health and recover quickly from illness. Natural Healing Secrets of Native Americans You are going to love this simple and powerful collection of healing secrets! Free Guide # 2: Wild Groceries - Retail: $ 39 This kind of guide can really make the difference between life and death for you or your family member. Getting lost in the desert happens more often than we think. But ... knowing that you have this essential guide at your fingertips will increase your peace of mind. You will find out how to find edible mushrooms and how to avoid them like a plague. You will learn to easily identify edible tulips, berries, nuts, and more. Even if you are in a desert area, you know how to easily choose safe food sources such as thorny pear cactus, sago cactus, desert Christmas cactus, chia sage, agave, pine nut, mesquite, Solla cactus, and yucca. Wild cooking We also provide a simple "Wild Edibles Fire Test" to determine if any plant is edible or poisonous. You can never be sure if a wild plant is edible or not. Free Guide # 3: Vegetables You Can Grow in Your Backyard for Self-Sufficiency - Retail: $ 39 Look, I don't know about you, but I often worry about crises and emergencies ... Those who threaten our food supply, our power grid, or our water supply. It doesn’t make me one of those surviving nuts, I just want to be confident in taking care of my family in case of crisis or emergency! Now I grow enough (and more!) Food to feed my family in my backyard ... no matter what the season. I did not spend hours and hours weeding this garden because in this free guide I learned some powerful secrets that I will pass on. This special foundation guide covers how to grow healthy and hearty foods that work better than most backyard gardens to provide plenty of food for your family. Backyard for self-sufficiency This guide covers 3 different horticultural methods so you can easily grow healthy, nutritious, and vitamin-rich food arugula, beets, broccoli, carrots, tomatoes, quince, dandelion, green beans, kale, pomegranate, rosemary, berries, and more. If it is a short-term natural disaster or long-term infrastructure failure, you are doing your family and your peace of mind a great help ... with this special free guide. Free Guide # 4: Shoe Box Garden - Retail: $ 39 This free guide is specifically designed for anyone with a limited footprint. Many Americans don’t even have a patio! City dwellers, students, pension communities ... Wherever there is space at a premium. We cover everything from the perfect “shoebox” size containers to consider soil, light, water, and drainage. You will have amazing creative techniques for using hanging baskets, running pots, and the best tips for vertical gardening. You will find out how to create an inverted garden and the plants that thrive in it. We will show you how to easily create your own landscape to grow healing herbs. These are essential in tight areas! Shoebox garden We have also included the 14 best vegetables that thrive in small spaces. Anyone with a limited footprint needs this special guide! It is yours for free when you order today. Now, as I said, these special guides will be included in our next backyard healing herbs. That's good news. The bad news is that the price of backyard healing herbs should be increased to at least $ 15 ... You have to pay for the next round of printing. My husband said order our next book ... on us! Don't swim in your pension account anymore! As I said, I had to pay 500 books in advance. To our surprise, they sell faster than we expected. I want to get your own copy today ... First, we have to raise the price. Think about it. If you order today, you will get 4 free bonuses worth 6 156. Additionally, you save $ 15 by avoiding the next cost increase. I gave you 1 171 to order today. Before I tell you now how to get backyard healing herbs ... Let me ask you a very important question. Click here to get Backyard Healing Herbs at discounted price while it's still available... All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors. Backyard Healing Herbs is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked. Read the full article
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Coding - Psychology, Stress, Health
Notes taken from: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/a-coders-guide-to-managing-stress-46f2bbb49a8e/ https://skillcrush.com/blog/eliminate-your-coding-anxiety/ Good reddit resource: https://www.reddit.com/r/cscareerquestions/comments/3t8hcy/programming_is_just_too_stressful/ How Stress Works Programming culture emphasises excellence and ability. This can make it difficult to admit to ourselves or others that we might be having an issue with stress.
Stress In The Mind And Body Stress is a series of physiological and mental changes that happen when our body and mind percieve a threat or challenge in our environment. Stress and relaxaion are defined by the level of physiological arousal and muscular tension in the body. To be relaxed is to have the optimal level of physiological arousal and muscle tension for your current situation. To be stressed or anxious is to have too much physiological arousal and muscle tension for your current situation. The stress response - also known as flight or flight - kicks in when we process information that indicates we're under threat or facing a challenge. The physical symptoms of arousal can include: 1) Muslce Tension 2) Increased heart rate and blood pressure 3) Shallow breathing (into the chest rather than the belly) 4) Nausea 5) A sense of mental busyness 6) Narrow attentional focus 7) Emotional reactivity (you lose your mind with everyone) Evolutionary theory offers a neat way of explaining anything that humans experience in terms of survival. The stress response can be viewed as a means of keeping us alive by preparing us to meet a challenge. All of the physical responses associated with stress serve a purpose. For example, we tense up in preparation for explosive movements -- very useful if we're about to escape from a bear that we've encountered on a forest path. Not always so useful if we're hunched over a desk running some unit tests.
Perception Of Threat An interesting thing about the stress response it that it doesn't require the existence of a real, physcical threat. Simply remembering a stressful situation can trigger the physical and mental responses. The threat response can be activated whenever a challenge or threat is perceived. This is why an email or conversation with your boss can be stressful, even though you are not in immediate physical danger.
Good and Bad Stress A little bit of everything is good, in moderation. Stress is actually a pretty useful response in a challenging or threatening situation. One of the many reasons that we've thrived as a species is our ability to evade threats and rise to challenges. We need a little bit of stress response in order to get things done. Call this good stress. The difference between good stress and bad stress is the change to return to equilibrium (a state of rest or balance due to the equal action of opposing forces) Low-level stress provides fuel for getting things done. Many of us learn to embrace and even enjoy it. The problem comes when our stress response is activated excessively or continuously, without the chance to return to equilibrium. Every programmer has been on a death march at some point. Think about how you feel after a few weeks in crunch mode. You're probably tired, maybe getting sick, your concentraing is waning and you just generally don't feel good. Your focus deteriorates, which is no good for your productivity. It turns out that continuously flooding your system with stress hormones, diminishing your digestive system and immun response and being consumed by excessive thinking is not only uncomfortable but also prety bad for you in the long term.
Programmers and stress Sometimes, there are inherent sources of stress caused by the nature of the career itself. As programmers we need to consider a number of factors when examining our relationship to stress.
We Live In Our Heads Most of us turned to a career in programming because we like thinking about things and solving problems. We live in our heads a lot of the time and are happy that way. This means that we can become a bit disconnected from our bodies. Because we're not always paying attention, it's easy to ignore some of the physical symptoms of stress. If we don't notice the problem, we can't go about solving it. Part of healthy stress management is noticing when we're experiencing excessive stress, so we can take appropriate action.
Cultural Expectations Extrinsic sources of stress are found in the working culture we operate in. Stress and busyness can be seen as a badge of honour, a sign of a productive employee, or just part of the job. Because we're all amazing super-human coding machine (we're not) there's often an expectation that we'll keep delivering to a super high standard sprint after sprint, project after project with no time to rest or repair. Intrinsic sources of sterss come from within ourselves. Programming culture values intellect, which causes is to compare ourselves to others, which leads to imposter syndrome or feeling guilty, both sources of stress in their own right.
Diet and exercise are both definitely part of the equation when it comes to programming and sterss. Consider getting more active or take it easy on the caffeine and sugary snacks for a while.
Stress management strategies. So what's a busy programmer to do? Stress exists, it's going to get excessive sometimes and in the long term it's not good for you if you don't work on your relationship to it. Thankfully, stress has been thoroughly researched. There are a number of strategies that you can consider when trying to manage stress in your life. They fall into three categories: 1) Address the source 2) Undo the damage 3) Reduce your baseline
Address the source Often there are internal sources we can work on too. What are your beliefs about being busy? Do you see it as important? Is it part of your self-worth? Do you push yourself extra hard, even though it probably wouldn't matter if you worked ten percent less? Do you see rest as a sign of weakness?
What If I Don't Like Coding? Coding was stressing me out. Every time I tried to run some code, and it didn't work, or I chagned one thing and everything broke, I dealt with waves of anxiety. The blood rushed to my head, my ears bgan to pound and my stomach twisted in to a tight little knot. The angst and it's accompanying physical discomfort -- they were a regular occurence. This was how I felt every time I got stmped when I was first learning to code. And that physical distress I went through made me wonder if I could ever be any good at coding.
Time and time again I was ready to quit. Chalk up the last few months to a filed experiment and ifnally admit my worst fears were true: nobody would ever pay me to code for them. Add to this stress the fact that the time I had to spend coding was limited: I had a full-time job and a full-time life. I'd get one maybe two hours to dedicate to improve my technical skills per day. So when stupid simple problems ate up half an hour, then half an horu more, it was easy for me to feel liek I'd never get anything done.
I changed the way I think about code in 3 simple ways.
Thought Modification #1: Consider Time To Be Abundant Instead Of Scarce If you've already started coding you know that sometimes the littles things can seem to suck away all your time. And when it feels like the hourglass is running out, it's hard to focus on the work at hand. Instead of seeing time as a scarce resource-one that I had little control over - I began to consider its sbundance. When I thoughts about time as something that I had control over, something I could manipulate instead of be manipulated by, I got more done. That meant that instead of feeling like I "wasted" and hour tweaking one thing, I felt satisfied that in only an hour I had solved a problem that was giving me trouble.
Thought Modification #2: Focus On Finding Motivations Instead Of Eliminating Obstacles Instead of fixating on trying to eliminate unhelpful feelings and emotions. Instead I focused on how much I enjoyed learning. Enjoyment is a huge motivator. It isn't quite a goal -- it can't be measure. But it is something that most of us strive to achieve every day: to enjoy life, and everything in it, including learning to code! Motivating myself in a positive rather than negative way worked wonders. Instead of thinking about all theways I could stop struggling, I was thinking about all the ways I could enjoy my daily successes. Thought #3: Gain Control Over Situations By Planning Ahead
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lodelss · 3 years
What’s it Like to be in Immigration Lockup During a Pandemic?
In the 1980s, fewer than 2,000 people were locked up in an immigration detention facility on an average day in America.  Since then, that number has skyrocketed, quadrupling from 7,475 to 32,985 people detained by ICE per day between 1995 and 2016. Under the administration of President Donald Trump, the numbers have shot up even higher — at one point last year, a staggering 56,000 people were behind bars each night in an ICE detention facility. When asylum-seekers and other migrants in Customs and Border Protection facilities are included, the total figure rises to nearly 80,000 people detained by the U.S. government per day. This explosive growth of the U.S. immigration detention system tracks the rise of mass incarceration in America, prompted by punitive legislation passed by Congress in the mid-1990s around the same time as the infamous “crime bill,” and later through a massive post-9/11 expansion. Since then, the number of detained immigrants in the U.S. has grown nearly every year under Democratic and Republican administrations alike. Now, it’s a sprawling prison system, with 40 new immigration detention centers opening their doors just since the beginning of the Trump presidency alone.  For immigrants caught in this system, life is often a nightmare of rampant medical neglect, overuse of solitary confinement, sexual abuse, excessive use of force, arbitrary transfers to other facilities across the country, unreasonably high bond costs, and long periods spent away from family members and loved ones.   The COVID-19 crisis pulled the curtain back once again on the abuse and neglect that is deeply embedded in these detention facilities. While the rest of the country hunkered down in their homes, immigrants in detention have been forced to confront the pandemic in cramped conditions without adequate cleaning protocols or in some cases even basic sanitation supplies like soap. Guards have violently retaliated against immigrants protesting those conditions, and ICE has resisted efforts to secure their release for public health reasons. A combination of lawsuits and public pressure eventually forced ICE to release more than 1,000 people from detention because of concerns over the spread of COVID-19 between mid-March and early May. Legal actions brought by the ACLU have secured the release of more than 450 people so far. But there are still more than 21,000 people in immigration detention — a drop since last year’s high that is largely attributable to a near-total shutdown of the southern border.   Whenever a new administration takes office, it will inherit an immigration detention system that has become an out-of-control, wasteful, and cruel behemoth. Drastically reducing the number of people trapped inside that system will be a crucial first step towards establishing a more humane and responsible immigration policy.   In recent weeks, the ACLU interviewed a number of immigrants who were released from detention due to concerns over the COVID-19 crisis. They shared the following stories of what it was like to be incarcerated in an immigration detention facility during the pandemic.   *Note: interviews have been condensed and edited.
Dreamer, born in Mexico. Detained at the Pike County Correctional Facility in Pennsylvania for over 12 months.
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Credit: Marco Calderon for the ACLU
“My mother and father had been here for a long time. When I was 7, she came to pick us up in Mexico, and we crossed somewhere in Arizona. I’ve been here ever since then.   “At a young age I started working in restaurants. When I got to high school, in my mind I said, ‘Okay, what’s going to happen?’ I can’t get financial aid, at that point there was no DACA, so I wound up dropping out. I can’t complain about it because I became a plumber, which is what I’ve been for the past 18 years.   “My wife is an American citizen, and my kids were all born here. I’ve never been to Mexico. I mean even though it’s my country, it’s a strange country. I’ve been here all my life. I have an 18-year-old daughter, along with a 10-year-old, a 7-year-old, and my son, who’s 5.   “We recently moved to Pennsylvania, where I purchased a property to fix up and started working with a real estate company. We’re trying to build a future for our kids.   “I was already on ICE’s radar from a DUI in 2010. They picked me up at my house on April 2, 2019. I came out to warm up the car to bring my kids to school, when an officer grabbed me by my neck. They showed me their badge, which said ICE, and I realized they’d come for me.   “I told my wife to contact my lawyer because she was begging them, you know, saying ‘He didn’t do anything wrong. Why are you taking him?’ The kids were crying. It was very sad, but I asked my wife not to beg them. They took me to Pike County [Correctional Facility], and that’s when it started.   “When you first get there, you’re nervous. You don’t know what’s going to happen. So it’s very scary. You have people in there that get so stressed that they break down.   “And if they see that they send you to the nurse, who asks, ‘How are you feeling? Are you stressed?’ Well yes, of course.   “But if you start answering the questions honestly, all of a sudden they put you in what they call the turtle suit,* because they’re afraid you’re going to hurt yourself. So then you’re locked up in solitary for two or three days while they observe you. It makes it so much worse. You can’t contact your family. It’s really sad.   “Seeing your family through glass is hard. I told my wife after the first time she visited me that unless the kids really want to come, I don’t want you to bring them. It’s like you’re in there trying to distract yourself and once you see each other it’s like reopening a wound that’s closing.   “Once COVID started going we started hearing rumors that it was already in other cell blocks. The [ICE staff] kept on quitting. They were overworked always, but once COVID hit forget it, they were understaffed. It came to a point where we’d be on lockdown for 23 and a half hours a day.   “I’m high risk — I have high blood pressure and asthma — so they released me. When I got into the car, me and my kids just started hugging each other and crying. As a child I went through so much domestic violence. I didn’t want my kids to go through anything like that so I’ve always spent as much time as I can with them.   “Not being with them for a whole year was extremely hard, and seeing them again was the most amazing thing. And here we are, you know. Trying to push forward.   “I’m only out because of the coronavirus. Once it’s over, I’m scared that they might come and pick me up again.” *An “anti-suicide smock” that resembles a straitjacket.
Asylum-seeking couple originally from Cuba. Detained at Otay Mesa Detention Facility for over three months. 
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Credit: Saul Martinez for the ACLU
Adrian: “Before I left, I was in charge of sending doctors on mission trips to other countries.”   Yasmani: “I worked at a radio and television agency, organizing programs and broadcasters for the night schedule.   “We left Cuba for Guyana, traveling to Brazil and then up through the Americas into Mexico. We were in Tijuana for months until our numbers were called so we could turn ourselves in at the border in San Ysidro [outside of San Diego, CA].”   A: “After being detained in a border detention center known as a ‘hielera,’ we were transferred to the Otay Mesa detention center. It was horrible there, like another world. When the coronavirus started, we went on a hunger strike because they weren’t giving us masks. [The guards] started attacking us. They would show up dressed all in black with tear-gas guns and threaten us, saying go back to your rooms.   “We didn’t want to; we wanted to be taken out of there. We did things right, waiting for the process in Mexico only to be treated like that. They didn’t care. They had masks and we didn’t.   “They took away about seven people from our pod, because a guard had coronavirus. He would take his mask off and walk around coughing. After he stopped coming to work for about two weeks, they placed our pod in quarantine.   “Everyone realized that our pod had coronavirus and that’s when we started worrying more. We were trapped in there, but they didn’t adopt any measures; they didn’t give us anything and we couldn’t keep any distance. In fact, if someone got sick, they would take that person out of the pod for a week and after that they would bring the person back. As someone who is HIV positive, I feared I would not survive if I got sick in there.”   Y: “After being released, we felt good to breathe fresh air again. But in my case, I also feel bad because I have an ankle monitor on — you feel like you’re still a prisoner. They call you at night at all times and again at dawn. During the process, you can’t work. We don’t have jobs, and we aren’t independent.   “But I think, if we made it this far, it was God’s will — we just need to wait it out until the process happens.”
Refugee and lawful permanent resident, originally from Eritrea. Detained at the York County Prison in Pennsylvania for two months.
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Credit: Allison Shelley for the ACLU
“I came here when I was 8 years old, from Eritrea with my family in 1998. We had gone through a lot of war, turmoil, and civil unrest. We were able to come to the United States as lawful permanent residents thanks to literal miracles from relatives here, and I’ve been here ever since.   “In 2007, I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease. In the span of a few weeks, I went from weighing 200 pounds to 140. It altered my life completely. I was taking pain medications and anxiety medications. What got me into trouble with immigration was prescription fraud.   “I took a plea bargain because I thought it wouldn’t affect me in a negative way. I wasn’t thinking about immigration, I was just thinking about my parents back home. She’s 78, and he’s 91, and I needed to take care of them. They didn’t inform me it would affect me like this.   “Immigration picked me up from the jail and brought me to the York County Prison.   “The food there made me sick because of my Crohn’s disease, and I started losing weight. I couldn’t see a full-fledged doctor, just nurse practitioners. They didn’t really understand my condition, and it took awhile for them to get my medication. They treat you like you’re the scum of the earth. What I heard from other people as well is that they would treat a severe issue as if it was something to put a Band-Aid on.   “When COVID started, people went on hunger strike because the guards had masks, but we didn’t have anything. And they’d just wear them when they felt like it.   “They didn’t offer us anything until people stopped eating. It took a long time. There had already been a confirmed case in the jail, and they hadn’t done anything about it.   “I was amazed to get out. It was a literal miracle. I could properly take care of myself and have some sort of control over my life and health.   “I went straight to my mom and dad’s. They cried. They had thought the worst, since I’ve never been that long without them before. They were happy, but they were crying and worried at the same time.”
Asylum-seeker, originally from Mexico. Detained at the Eloy Detention Center for 8 months and the La Palma Correctional Center for 3 months. Both facilities are in Arizona.
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Credit: Drew English for the ACLU
“Before turning myself over to immigration, I was waiting in Nogales, Mexico. I had trouble with the mafia there, and they cut off the thumb on my right hand. They told me to leave and that they didn’t want to see me again. I was in very bad shape, bleeding so much.   “I told a social worker that I was really scared and being followed, so she took me to [Border Patrol], and they said if I was in danger I should present myself at the port of entry.   “From Nogales they took me to the Eloy Detention Center, still in Arizona. At Eloy, they don’t have special conditions for trans women. They have us mixed in with the men. We suffered a lot of discrimination and abuse, but thankfully it didn’t go beyond that.    “Eventually I was transferred to La Palma [Correctional Center]. When the coronavirus situation first happened people were all crammed together, with no face coverings. They didn’t give us hand sanitizer or gloves, none of that. The [corrections officers] would work and cough, without any face coverings or protection. And they come from the outside while we are inside. I think that’s how people started getting infected.   “A lot of people complained, but that’s when you realize they don’t care what you say. ICE said our right was to shut our mouths, take it, and wait for our turn to get out or be deported.   “When they told me I was getting out, I was so happy, because I’d been detained for nearly a year. I’m doing really well with my sponsors now, they’re beautiful people. They treat me very well. After so much struggling, here I am.”
Undocumented resident, born in Guatemala. Has lived in the US since 2013. Detained for 15 days at the Plymouth Correctional Facility in Massachusetts, then for three and a half months at the Strafford County Department of Corrections in Dover, New Hampshire. 
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Credit: Channing Johnson for the ACLU
“When I first arrived, for about three years, I worked at pizzerias and restaurants. Now I work in construction. I like to spend time with my family and study English – that’s my hobby.   “It was just a day like any other. I was on my way to work at my construction job when ICE stopped us — they said it was a routine check, and that’s when they caught me.   “In detention, they give you a manual of what the rules are. They claim that you can go out in the courtyard and have fun or whatever, but it’s a lie. There’s no courtyard. I wouldn’t wish detention on my worst enemy because it truly is horrible. Some of the officers were very kind, but others just mess with you. One night my face and teeth were hurting and I told one of them I needed a painkiller. He said, ‘If you don’t go to bed, I’m going to put a mark on your record and send you to the hole.’   “We saw the news about the virus and started getting worried, because they were still bringing people in off the streets. We got scared when some people inside started having dry coughs. We were in bunk beds, all together, and couldn’t keep distance. There were a lot of sick people. I couldn’t say whether they had coronavirus or not, but they were rushed to the detention infirmary for eight, nine, 10 days. Some didn’t come back, and we never found out what happened to them. That’s when we got really scared, because we didn’t know what was going on.   “When I was detained, my wife was six months pregnant. I wasn’t there for the birth of my first-born child. That’s what I cared about — being with them. When I was released, he was about two weeks old.   “I was really happy, because I felt like I’d been in a contagion zone. I wouldn’t like to go back, and I wouldn’t wish it on anybody.”
Asylum-seeker, originally from Cuba.
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Credit: Gary Bogdon for the ACLU
“I flew from Cuba to Nicaragua and then traveled by bus through Honduras, Guatemala, and then Mexico. I crossed the border, and immediately turned myself over to Border Patrol. From there, I was sent to detention in McAllen, Texas for several  days and then was transferred to Michigan where I remained for months until my release.   “I traveled by plane with my hands and feet in shackles. They said in case of an emergency you had to put on your life vest and oxygen mask, but if anything had happened I wouldn’t have been able to do it because of the shackles.   “I won’t say they treated me badly — nobody beat me — but I suffered a lot while detained. I had never been in prison before that, and everyone suffers there.   “I have high blood pressure and gastritis, so the coronavirus was a big worry for me because I’m a vulnerable person. If I were to catch the virus, I would be in more danger than most.   “We were at risk, some people there didn’t wear masks and they could infect us. Not everyone practiced social distancing around us. We were all very worried, and every day we became more vulnerable to catching the virus. But a person who is afraid to go back to their country and wants to fight for political asylum has to wait as long as it takes.   “When I was released, I was so happy. I didn’t know what to do so I cried and laughed. Now I’m home with relatives complying with all the immigration proceedings. But I know a lot of people who are still there are at risk and suffering. People that I came to care about a lot since we were there together for so long. It’s very painful.”
Published August 24, 2020 at 09:45PM via ACLU https://ift.tt/2QnoCTU
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