#amphibia tritonio
wixelt · 10 months
The way actualization works needs to have some established rules behind it, since as it stands there are possibly two components laid out, one established and one somewhat assumed but left unsaid. You said for sure that learning player things from players is required, presumably continued study over a long period. although this alone would apply to anyone from Hop Pop to The Core. Grime, Tritonio, Valeriana, Andrias probably, Gary. The odds of half the population of Wartwood becoming Players exponentially as time passes and the concentration of Hermits increases. At the very least, this includes the IT gals, Dr. Jan, and Terry. At some extreme end, this could mean the US Military starts training unaging magic super soldiers.
But the second component limits this a good amount. It's kind of implied that a genuine, deep, probably pointedly positive, connection to a player is required for actualization. This cuts the numbers down quite a bit, we likely won't get a missive influx of super powered side characters, no matter how hilarious as that image is and how much it may fit Wartwood's canonical status of army of cryptid country bumpkins, as well as removing Gary, The Military, and The Core for sure. The IT gals come down to how ride or die Xisuma is to them, but they may not have long enough for it to set in. The same applies to the other earth squad characters.
I have only really thought of one more setting rule but I may also have a potential narrative rule.
The first setting rule would state that only 'mature' Players can transmit their power. Player Maturity takes a long ass time. I'm leaving it up to you but I was considering anywhere between a lifetime and their first few centuries. this avoids both the plot hole of why Players aren't exponential in number and by extension the retconning of the backstory of this setting's Amphibia.
The narrative rule, that I will only be proposing, is one I call 'The Hop Pop Standard.' It is a rule that, for the purposes of maintaining thematic coherency with Amphibia and imposing a hard limit on where the line for who becomes a player in-story. This rule may need to be reevaluated later down the line depending on how the AU develops because if things change it has a high chance to stop functioning.
Simply, this rule would state that Actualization would have to maintain rules and caveats that insure that Hop Pop becoming a Player would be breaking the established world building. More broadly, a line should be drawn to prevent parental figures of Amphibia's main cast members from becoming players, for the purpose of keeping the rules strict enough that the number of characters capable of Actualization is appropriately small, as well as keeping a tangibly permanent reflection of Amphibia's themes present in-story.
As interesting as exploring Andrias eventually achieving a true form of immortality as a reward for his redemption and recompense would be, succeeding with kindness where his ancestors failed with cruelty, I'm willing to give it up if doing so ended up giving precedent for an ever expanding list of characters becoming Players. He himself is not a parental figure for any of the girls but allowing him in may bring up questions of why him and not people closer to the girls.
I am opposed to blocking Ivy from eventually Actualizing, mostly for Sprig related reasons, but that does mean she needs a bonded hermit, and this ask is already long so I'll put my nomination in another ask.
(Sorry for the wait, but I wanted to be in the right mindset first. :D)
I don't know for sure that player-to-player knowledge is an absolute requirement of actualisation, but its for sure one of the most common components. And - more importantly - its likely the only common component available for prospective players in our AU.
The need for player "maturity" - I'd say it takes a human lifetime on average, but varies based on a player coming into their own - helps keep the numbers down. Retcon averted.
It makes sense a "newborn" player lacks the experience to help another on their way.
As you say, though, this could apply to most characters if that was all it took, & there'd be exponential growth with how populous Amphibia & Earth are. Also, villains - from as of-the-week as Gary to as terrifying as the Core - aren't folks you want acquiring immortal power just by doing the reading of False's mind.
There's got to be more to it.
But that's where the inferred 2nd component of at least this method (as noted, there are others - the multiverse is big) comes in: the positive relationship. It wasn't something I'd consciously decided, but it does make sense that you don't attune to a new existence just by understanding the theory. It takes deep bonds with those already of that ilk.
Ivy has Joe. Maddie has Cub. Polly has Cleo.
Sprig has Grian/Stress/Ren/Doc.
Ally & Jess might have Xisuma (X likes them but this would be based on how much he interacts with the IT Gals post-Invasion).
Marcy has Mumbo.
Sasha has Scar.
And Anne has False.
So it tracks. And while the lack of a superpowered Wartwood resistance is a missed glory, I think its worth it to deprive the villain side of things - and Mr. X, as much as I love him - of easy power.
Besides, have you seen Wartwood? They're already OP as is!
And the 'Hop Pop Standard' works as a starting baseline for eligibilty, even if we have to change it later. It wouldn't feel right for his character for Hop Pop to be a "Player", so using him as a benchmark for someone not qualifying to keep numbers down & Amphibia's themes intact is sensible.
For him - & other primary parental figures, as mentioned - I imagine its not because he lacks the bonds, but more because he's fine where he is in his life & chooses not to advance despite his intelligence.
And yeah, even accepting his eventual redemption, I don't see Andrias getting actualisation as a karmic reward. I wouldn't give him this even if the rules were more relaxed, as it feels more in his nature to shy away from such ideas now he's free of his family burden.
If Hop Pop isn't going to wake up one morning with a suddenly there inventory full of light grey glass, neither is the former King.
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bunbunshark · 1 year
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Made Anne's sword out of popsicle stick.
Note to self: don't trust the fanwiki page too much
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forosha · 2 months
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I can’t escape them 😔
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dashintrash · 1 year
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cr*ckship that could be real actually (number 2)
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scrabbleknight · 6 months
Sasha and the Frogs S2: Pumped Up Pink! (Ep10 "A Day in Wartwood")
Art by @rqmdae (deactivated)
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Wa-ha-ha! Behold, a new chapter. TWENTY-ONE THOUSAND WORDS OF IT!
This is the longest chapter I've ever written. While the time-span was 3 months, the chapter actually took around 2 months to write. There was a lot of rewriting, backtracking and editing involved, and it's at a level that makes me wonder whether it's worth it. But it's a chapter I've planned to do for a long time, so yeah, it's worth it.
Also, I'm sick right now. Like, physically ill. I have to go to the doctor's tomorrow to get an MC so I can be excused from work.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy this one because I don't think I'll ever write something as long as this ever again. Toodles! :D
[Archive Of Our Own]
tagging some folks: @lmjdraws @calebs-hangout-corner @srbleck @feeblephrog @cartoons4ever @sentretsparkle @fazar234 @writeroffanfiction @amphibia-ooc @cartoonboy9201 @wordcubed @rickrossome @metalinjector75 @metalinjector95
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creatingchimera · 1 year
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something from a while ago i never finished
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spadenlionelnbee · 9 months
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Drew a little Rentonio for meself
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cronchingsquips · 2 years
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hello tumblr i will probably never come back again but i will provide nonetheless
i draw more of the silly frogs rather than the calamity trio but i love them all regardless <3
lots of beatonio from me, this isn’t even half of it
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amphibia-a-day · 1 year
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Day 717 of Amphibia Screenshots
Episode: Newts in Tights
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Tritonio Espada in H4, like, it's really suits him
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not really all that different from his normal outfit really
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ilovetvtoons · 9 months
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Amphibia + Cooking 🍳
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wixelt · 1 year
Hermitphibia stuff, thinking back on the thing with xB joining up with Tritonio.
As Tritonio’s arrested at the end of his first appearance (Season 1) but has broken out by his next (Season 3), I’ve been mulling over exactly when he meets xB, as by the end of Season 1 the only Hermits with Anne are False & Grian, while the only other she’s met is Scar, who’s stayed with Sasha.
Heck, given False is there, its questionable whether Hop Pop even needs to drop the kids off at a “daycare”, but lets assume some sort of altered scenario happens instead of the canon Combat Camp to get her out of the way.
Picture this: False has gotten what she thinks is a lead on her friends, as apparently someone’s been robbing trains in the area & False knows damn well what sort of antics boredom can do to a Hermit. She wants to take Anne with her to another town to look for clues, but despite all they’ve been through & Anne’s combat training having come on in leaps & bounds, Hop Pop vetoes Anne going out on a risky mission. There’s a difference between being capable & actively searching for danger, in his eyes.
False has a bit of an argument with him over it but eventually concedes when he says he’ll think about changing his mind, but “not this time”. Anne is just a kid, after all, no matter how skilled she gets, & False needs to remember that.
Hermits - & “players” in general - have slightly skewed perceptions in this regard, given how long they live.
Just the group’s luck, then, that when Hop Pop leaves the kids at the “daycare” while he heads to that convention, Anne meets Tritonio, the very newt robbing those trains.
Things go similarly to canon: Tritonio puts on the ruse of a combat camp to train up his little theives gang, but is far more impressed with Anne here than in canon, though still pushes her to be better. The difference here’s that Anne’s had a while of being around False & maturing a bit more than she had at this point in the actual show. Though Tritonio’s praise still goes to her head a little at first, she’s already had False as a semi-positive mentor/teacher figure, so doesn’t fall into trusting him so blindly.
She, Sprig & Polly still go along with the plan, though, mostly because one of the less healthy things Anne’s picked up from False is that Hermit attraction to shenanigans. She smells a rat, but this could go places.
‘Places’ ends up being getting the drop on Tritonio before he’s even able to double cross them. Despite the complete fail & arrest, the newt’s genuinely humbled & impressed, & praises whoever taught Anne to think like that.
Regardless, the kids are picked up by a predictably battered HP, agree not to talk about the “wacky adventures” til False gets back - though this time around Anne actually kind of wants to - & go home.
And its weird, Anne thinks when they get back to the Plantar homestead. False said she’d only be gone a few days. Shouldn’t she be back by now?
Meanwhile, several miles down the train tracks - unseen by the others - the toad guards of the storage train are caught unawares as a tall, gangly creature not unlike Anne - dressed in black & blue - shoots the lock off the train’s side door, granting Tritonio his freedom.
Tritonio praises the day he met xB. So long as he continues to be this useful in getting the thief out of jams, he won’t have to betray the Hermit anytime soon.
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discet · 1 year
So I was thinking about Tritonio's glowing Blue sword that probably had something to do with the Heart gem given how seamlessly it was utilized in the fight in All In (and the color), which made me think about Tritonio in AWIW and if Anne will encounter the Inigo Montoyo Newt. Maybe they've already encountered each other given they're both p high level rogues it seems, or maybe Anne will join in the middle of Tritonio's redemption/robin hood arc. (haha can you tell I've been watching Leverage)
This was actually a cut episode from the fugitive arc! Originally Barrel's Warhammer (aAA) was going to be a double cutaway chapter for both Anne and Sasha. Anne was going to run into Trintonio and some band while traveling with Valeriana. There were going to be some parallels with the two of them dealing with anger and such. Ultimately though as I got deeper into outlining the season, I felt like keeping Anne's status and feelings a secret through the fugitive arc gave a lot more tension to Marcy's growing guilt complex. The tension in It Takes Two to Burn a Bridge over how things would end up between Sasha and Marcy would feel a lot less consequential if we knew that Anne was on the road to forgiving Marcy.
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forosha · 6 months
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Learning how to holiday
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finalfroevo · 2 years
I like the headcanon that Tritonio and Renee are related cus of the potential funny interactions that might've been
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mynjal · 1 year
Was just gonna set up a simple system to deal with characters interacting with each other during dialogue. It took me a week, and it's still got game breaking problems!
And you’d think that rotating the heads so they’re looking at each other would be the simplest thing. I still haven’t figured it out, and I can’t find any working solutions.
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