#an unexpected ask
unexpectedstormy · 2 months
Draw a friendly wall master that just wants to help those poor lost boys find their way out of the dungeon quickly.
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Here you go! Friendly Wallmaster
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factorialsfandoms · 1 year
Story idea: Hyrule finds a kitten and tries to keep it a secret from the rest of the Chain.
Thank you!
PoV Time, referenced animal death
Something is wrong with Hyrule. Time is willing to wait for him to say - Legend might.
Something was wrong with Hyrule.
This was not exactly a strange state of affairs, unfortunately, but it did not seem to be an injured sort of wrong, and neither did it seem to be another anxiety attack, and so Time resolved to just... Keep an eye on him. Legend seemed less happy about the solution, but from the looks he and Warriors were making, the two had concluded the same.
Hyrule squirmed more than usual - something which surely could not be blamed on the sore throat he claimed to have - and he kept himself tucked in his coat. Warriors had checked his temperature and told him to drink more - nothing seemed actually wrong - but Time was still trying to steer them towards a village.
Constant cold and claims of a sore throat were concerning, if they were not also so... Hyrule still seemed entirely himself, when sickness usually had him skittering away towards a hole and recovery, not curling up in his place.
Which is what he was doing.
Time was worried, but also determined to leave him be. He kept reminding himself of that with every oddly pitched cough, every bottle of milk which disappeared, and every time Hyrule stole another of Legend's blankets.
Legend, however, seemed to have had enough this time. Time was unsure what happened, only that everything was still until there was one exasperated cry of "Hyrule", and another of "don't hurt her!"
Time glanced at Warriors. The Captain was not moving, so Time had to. He got up, and went looking for them.
In the clearing set aside for their sleeping rolls, Hyrule and Legend were both crouched on their respective mats. Looking between them, Time could see nothing immediately a problem...
"Boys," he asked. "Is everything alright?"
"Fine!" both of them called in union.
So definitely not fine.
He stepped closer, and looked down.
In Hyrule's lap, mostly hidden by blankets, was a tiny, black and white kitten. Presumably the her. She looked very small, but then Time was not an expert in cats.
Careful not to spook her, he knelt beside the pair.
"I didn't steal her!" is where Hyrule starts, raising more questions than it answered. "The last fight we were in? I heard her calling. The lynels ate her mother, and her brothers had all starved. I couldn't just leave her!"
Time reached out, stroking the top of the little kitten's head, "and what do you plan to do with her?"
Hyrule's face fell even as he tucked her closer to himself.
Not what Time meant.
"I told you," Legend said. "You can't keep her - you don't even have a house."
The strain in Legend's house made it clear to everyone but Hyrule - even the cat - that it was not the cat he was worried about.
"Our cat had kittens recently," Time stepped in before it got uglier. "They will probably be about her age by the time we get back. You keep her safe for now, then we'll see if Catrice will foster her. If not, Malon's more than used to bottle feeding. Would that be okay?"
Hyrule frowned a little, the chewing of his lip visible even as he hid himself behind his hair. It was clear that the boy was weighing it up, trying to balance the needs of the kitten against the fact he loved her. If Time had his way, it would not be a problem - all of his boys would be able to come home to him whenever they wished - but without knowing if he could force their hands...
"Her name is Bloop," Hyrule eventually said. "... And I want to check where she'll be living."
"Of course," Time smiled a little more, watching Legend also relax as the Traveller took the sensible option. "For now, how about we see if we've got anything better for her to eat? I'm sure Wild will have something in his slate."
Bloop crawled back under the cloak as Hyrule stood up, hiding herself in the warm cocoon. If she were so young... Time was honestly surprised he'd managed to keep her alive this long and unassisted.
No matter, she was a family cat now. They would all be sure to help out until they could get her home.
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aeonianarchives · 2 years
Why didn’t they just fly the eagles to Mordor? 
- chiefest and greatest of calamities
Taglist: @the-girl-with-the-algebra-book | @frosticenow
The Fellowship can't ride eagles to Mordor because of the giant, flying fucking snake-dragon monsters ridden by One-Ring-sensing warrior kings and their half-mile-wide aura of fear.
Besides Gandalf can’t just ask the Eagles for help all the time they are not a taxi service.
Besides the Eagles do have self preservation if the risk is to high they will refuse, take for example we see Gwaihir swoop in and save Gandalf from Saruman’s clutch in The Fellowship of the Ring, but this is a situation in which aiding Gandalf held little to no consequence for a Great Eagle, different from putting themselves in great danger by flying above Orcish grounds and into Mordor. The Eagles are blessed, but not indestructible, there for the risk was to great to fly the fellowship to Mordor.
Just like how they were afraid of the men of the Vales of Anduin, who shot arrows at the Eagles to keep them from stealing livestock Therefore, the Eagles took the Company only a short distance, so they didn’t fly the dwarves all the way to Erebor.
And how could I forget Plot development if the eagles just flew them there, their would of been little plot.
Many Spies have many eyes, Even if one of the Eagles had carried Frodo or Gandalf on their back with the purpose of entering the mountain, Sauron’s spies would be able to spot them at just about any moment, and attack. There’s no hiding when you’re an Eagle of the Valar and are flying straight into the mouth of evil.
It's also a mere matter of physical practicality. Gandalf was essentially a ring-bearing angel, but even his body would become tired. Eagles, on the other hand, are not Maiar spirits with unlimited strength and energy. As proof, when Gwaihir the Windlord rescued Gandalf from Isengard, the wizard asked Gwaihir how far he could fly him. The Eagle's response was, "Many leagues, but not to the ends of the earth. I was sent to bear tidings not burdens." Thus, flying to Mordor might have been a bit far, even for the Great Eagles.
Gwaihir rescued Gandalf from Isengard beacuse Gwaihir was already looking for Gandalf at the behest of Radagast the Brown. That meant that the Great Eagles were not simply at Gandalf's beck and call, able to be summoned for every little thing. They had their own interests and their own decisions to make. Case and point: most of them stayed out of the more human affairs of Middle-earth.
The Eagles were not at Gandalf's command, but Gwaihir did seemingly owe him a debt. In The Return of the King, as Gandalf asked the Windlord to rescue Frodo, the wizard said, "Twice you have borne me, Gwaihir my friend Thrice shall pay for all, if you are willing." Gandalf did save Gwaihir from a poisoned arrow. So that is probably why the Gwaihir was so willing to help Gandalf on three different occasions.
There is your answer oh Smaug the terrible, the greatest calamity of the third age, oh Smaug the great.
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undertalethingems · 6 months
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Unexpected Guests Chapter Ten, Act Two: Page 10
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3-on-1 would normally be quite an unfair fight, but so far, Gaster's proven to be more than capable of taking what's been dealt... but the battle's far from over and our heroes still have plenty of fighting spirit!
The long fight continues next time, coming Jan. 11th!
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pensbridgertons · 10 days
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2.08 | 3.04
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samwise1548 · 8 months
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[ID: A screenshot of an ask by user adamofingolstadt that reads “The ‘K’ in ‘Martin K Blackwood’ stands for Kettle” with a heart at the end of the message. \End ID]
AAAAAAAAOH NOOOOO!!! @adamofingolstadt WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO HIM?!?!?!?!?? NOW HE'S KETTLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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[ID: An animated gif of Martin Blackwood from the Magnus Archives from the waste up. He’s drawn in a chibi style and only colored in blue. The animation is of his head transforming into a kettle. His expression through the process is of agony. \End ID]
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canisalbus · 2 months
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Crosshair, bitter youngest child: Are we seriously going to let Hunter keep Omega?
Tech, not looking up from his work: We let you keep Echo.
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willowser · 3 months
HMMMMMM interesting to think about arranged marriage with prince shouto...............
i think he wouldn't know. what to expect with you. i think he'd have an idea, as in, what his father, the king, has taught him; the duties of a wife, where your importance ranks in relation to his duties. what he's not meant to discuss with you, like politics and matters at court and foreign relations. how you will speak to him. what to buy in the event that you become...unhappy. a nuisance.
("and she will," enji had muttered, briefly glancing up from the parchment on his desk to fix shouto with a look he didn't understand. "they always do.")
you don't meet until the royal wedding, when you're coming down the long aisle of the grand cathedral, dressed up in a swathe of silk and lace. a thin, gossamer veil hides you from him, but he can feel the ardor in your eyes, the intensity burning through the material. it doesn't seem real until your bare face is only a breath from his own, until he has to see the earnestness in your stare, too.
your kiss is simple and chaste, nothing spectacular, something that leaves his mind as soon as it's over. ever a todoroki, a hundred other things enter his mind, all regarding his now iron-laid obligations: it's vital he meet with advisor keigo to reiterate the plan to establish his authority among the council; general aizawa is in attendance to the wedding, and shouto has not yet received word on his opinion of the new king's ideas to modernize their armed forces; midoriya is somewhere, no doubt wanting to go over state affairs again.
truthfully, shouto doesn't spend long "celebrating". there's already too much that's required of him, hardly enough time to even scarf down a few bites of the banquet laid out before he's being chartered off into discussions on foreign relations and infrastructure development. maybe once or twice does he look back to check on you, chatting pleasantly with his mother and sister at the front of the great hall, and that's satisfying enough.
it's not until much later that he sees you again; freshly bathed and wearing something sheer and long and white, atop his bed.
or his marriage bed, he must remind himself.
enji didn't spend long going over consummation, with him or either of his brothers—natsuo, red-faced and annoyed at the very subject, always storming off, and touya had seemed well-aware of the process, at the time (back before he'd been ex-communicated). it had sounded simple: strip off your dress, get his cock out and into you, and only retreat once he was sure his seed had been spilled.
—so he's not exactly sure what to do or think or how to feel, when you're laid bare and reaching up to hold his face.
it's so startling that he sits back on his knees, to frown where he's looming over you.
you stare at him quietly, like you're expecting him to say something, and he only has a moment to wonder if this is you becoming an unhappy nuisance—what had been the answer, to solve this, anyway?—before you let out a soft laugh.
"c'mere," you tell him, sitting up, too, when he keeps his distance. "i want you to kiss me."
"i already have."
"yes," you laugh again, amusement glowing in your eyes, like the warmth off the fireplace, as you reach for the ties on his trousers. "but you're meant to do it again."
and up until then, he'd felt confident in his achievements, his executions; he'd managed a lot today, in one evening, and he had a lifetime to manage more. it was a good a start as any, he'd thought, but now—
shouto almost can't get the words out when he feels your hands ghosting up the inside of his shirt, nails tickling over his ribs. "a-am i?"
you wrap your arms around his waist in what could be a hug, scooting forward to look up at him with your chin against his chest. "yes," you smile and—it's familiar in a way, how touya would whenever he was teasing. "you're my husband, you're meant to kiss me whenever i want."
that—was not something his father had ever said, he was sure, and it was a too-rare exchange between his own parents. now that he thinks about it—and he does, then, because he's faced with the reality that he doesn't know as much as he should—he's not sure the former king and queen even sleep in the same room, much less the same bed.
much less hug and touch and even smile, the way you do now.
there's no argument he can make against it, aside from finding keigo to find his father to verify the truth to such a statement, and he's only meant to retreat from this bed on one condition.
and if this is what it takes to meet that—then shouto supposes he'll have to do it, for now. he's a brand new king, after all, and it would seem he still has much to learn.
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erenthology · 8 months
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Drabble but I had to make it pretty :3
Eren is pretty nosy. When he visited your dorm for the first time, he went through everything in your room, shamelessly. You were lying half naked waiting for him, meanwhile this dude was smelling your perfumes.
“‘Hmm, what’s this? ‘Who’s this in the picture with you?”
“His name is Dave, he was my prom date.” you tell him, growing irritated.
“He’s ugly.” He puts the photo facing down and joins you on bed but sits down instead of pushing your head into the mattress fucking you raw. “are your sheets linen? Is that what you prefer?”
You stare wordlessly, this was not how you expected the infamous collage star to to act when invited into your dorm. You usually meet at his place because he insists to always pick you up and have you spend the night at his. So when you asked him if he wanted to come to your place you instead, you could swear you saw his eyes sparkle.
You put your feet on each side of his shoulders which gets him to glance down in between your legs. “Wow, you want to fuck me so bad.” he tilts his head to the side as if to get a better look.
He’s on his knees, hovering over you as you’re lying down with your legs open “Keep talking like that and I’ll find somebody else to fuck me.”
He raises an eyebrow, “keep saying stuff like that and you’re gonna get punished.”
“By who?” you clench your thighs.
His eyes track the dirty motion of your hips and licks his lips as if to taste you. “only me. why, is there someone else on your mind?”
“I mean, dave did hit me up recently. he’s grown quite attractive.” you like being petty.
Not even a crack of a smile. “You know, when you say stuff like that, it makes me want to fuck you silly.” he delicately strokes your cheek.
Huffing out a breath, you’re about to tell him to go ahead but get interrupted by him tracing your lips with his fingers. “Your lips turn down at the edge,” he smiles, “you have the perfect pout.”
Your breath hitches in your throat, not really used to being treated like this. Eren keeps surprising you and yet you find ways to ignore it. But you have a feeling that he’s fully aware of your antics and is being patient with you.
“So?” you dart out your tongue around his finger. “want to see it wrapped around something other than your finger?”
He adjusts his boner and pushes your legs down around his waist. Gazing into your eyes, he calmly speaks. “you have no idea how much I crave you. every second of every day.”
Swallowing hard, you feel the tension in the room about to snap. He lowers his body and pushes your legs up, folding you in half with his body weight.
Face to face, Eren looks at your searchingly. He’s waiting for you to kiss him, he wants you to show him you want him. So your hands reach for his face, and you brush your lips against his. He sighs a breath of relief, as if he’s been holding it it this whole time, and kisses you back.
Feeling content, he draws back and watches as you’re unable to open your eyes for a few moments afterwards. Eren smiles and releases your legs, then viciously hugs you and starts rocking you back and forth.
“You’re so cute.” he squishes you.
“stop, I’ll cut your teddy bear the next time I’m over Eren I swear.” you threathen harmlessly. He gasps, “first of all, Eldy is not a teddybear he’s my son.” he jokes back. Laughing at his antics, you realize you’ve gotten further involved with him than you might’ve realized.
The inside jokes, he kissing and unnecessary cuddling. As if noticing you’re drifting away, he puts you on his lap and grabs your laptop. “Let’s watch a something.” he strokes your thighs.
“Dibs” you both say on the same time. Turning to face him, you yell “supernatural” again, at the same time.
He stares intensely, “oh baby, you were so made for me.” he draws out enthusiastically. “Yeah yeah, just put it on.” you turn your face back to hide your blush.
Your bodies are tangled together, he holds you as if you complete him. Legs in between yours, arm around your torso, you’re surrounded by him. “Eren, did something happen?”
You can tell this makes him happy. “you care about me.” he smiles cheekily and kisses your cheek. So that’s the reasons he just wants to hold you.
“So, what’s wrong?” you forcefully let out. It feels a bit uncomfortable but you can tell he’s not uncomfortable at all. “Don’t worry about it, just let me hold you.”
“Fine.” you don’t know why you make it sound like you’re irritated, you’re not. But Eren doesn’t say anything, you have a feeling he’s learning how you work and actually understands you. Either way, you let him hold you.
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polarsirens · 1 year
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what could have been (i’m sorry thumbelina)
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unexpectedstormy · 6 months
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I lift up the rock. Rupee? Frog? Bug? Korok? Yunobo?
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factorialsfandoms · 1 year
Story Idea: Legend sneaking away from the rest of the Chain to go relax in a hot spring.
Gotta make his aching muscles chill somehow, after all
It was far too early in the morning to be awake. The group were staying at the newly refurbished hotel in Twilight's Kakariko Village, thankful for the warmth and dry after weeks on the road. Safe, too; within the bounds of the village there was no reason to set a watch.
And no reason to set a watch was, hopefully, the answer to Legend's aching bones. The damp and the cold had dunk deep into them, deeper than the fire could penetrate and save him from. His very nerves themselves were frozen, causing his joints to lock and his muscles to cramp and agony to flow through his veins.
But he made a show of being tired, and got himself to bed, and now, in the small hours, was his prize.
Careful not to wake any of his companions, Legend slipped from the bed and into his slippers. Despite the nightly chill he did not bother with his clothes - only a towel; he was not going far.
He had seen his saviour coming in to town, and spotted the walkway not long after. A door in the back of the room they were staying, almost as if they knew...
Legend slipped out of the hotel, onto the wooden walkway and into the night air.
Now chilled he moved as fast as aching bones would carry him, up the last little bit of the mountain.
And there, above the village, were the hot springs.
He quickly checked the signs - finding which were for bathing and which were for water - before kicking off his slippers and discarding his night shirt. Before he could process the cold on his skin he slipped into the water, letting it soak through him.
Finally, finally, there was enough warmth. It sank through his skin and his muscles, finally unlocking the cramp within them. The knots and the scars were still there, but looser now, kinder.
And then it sank through muscle and into bone, finally fighting the damp deep in his marrow. It hurt, it ached, but oh the released.
Legend slipped as deep into the water as he dared, breathing in the steam and the comforting warmth. Let it wrap around him, cradle him in relief and in soft exhaustion.
Finally, finally, here in the hot spring, he finally found release
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iamespecter · 18 days
Is Pauline dating both Agnes and Caine?
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I mean, it hasn't happened yet, but.... the fic IS leading up to THAT point, technically making it a slow burn-
I would also like to voice out that I think I might be the first to ship exclusively Caine x Pomni x Ragatha, but Caine and Ragatha want nothing to do with one another except be buddies at most (a v-type poly relationship) and I cry myself to sleep knowing I've repeated a cycle from my FNAF days
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undertalethingems · 10 months
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Unexpected Guests Chapter 10: Page 19
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Gaster's withdrawn from his pursuit for now, and the race to the skeleton brothers' house continues once more--now with more friends to help. With Undyne behind the wheel, it won't take long...
The might be a lull in the action now.... but only for a little bit. The next update comes on August 24th!
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st-hedge · 2 months
ok meant to send this months ago but: have you listened to the album "take me back to eden" by sleep token? it gives me a lot of loz triad feelings and i think it's also just a very good album
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