#and ''do not press unless in case of boredom''
lupinus-sanguis · 1 month
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the first time she said Chell's name was probably for something stupid like this (the sort-of-sequel to this)(edit: added some closeups cause i like how glados' internals looked :3c)
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allfearstofallto · 4 months
Hey girl found your blog and loving it so far
Can I request a yandere alhaitham forcing a marriage while making it seems he is not (does that even make sense 😭)
Hi friend! I could be wrong, but I think you're asking to be gaslit and manipulated. In which case, I got you.
It's What You Wanted
Yandere! Alhaitham x Reader
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The papers in front of you had this foreboding energy around them, like you were doing something wrong, even though it was something you agreed to. Or maybe it was the ramifications of them, the papers themselves weren't scary, they were just pages after all, but it was what they meant. What they represented for you.
His name was already signed on one side in his usual neat, cursive penmanship. The other line lay blank, empty, and waiting for your name next. Your name. You. It was just waiting for you to finish it.
“Well?” He questioned into the silence that sat over the both of you. He was always so nonchalant and today was no different. One leg crossed on the other and a book sat over his knee, keeping the pages open for him to begin reading again. He was treating this as if it wasn't a major decision for him, life changing even, but that energy suited his character.
You picked up the pen, but it felt heavy in your hand and you trembled, making you sit it back down, “Don't you think this is a bit of a bad decision, Alhaitham?” You questioned with a little sweat on your brow.
“You're the one who came up with the idea,” he retorted.
You opened your mouth to defend yourself, but shut it again. What he was talking about was an offhanded comment you'd made at the table a few days ago. After a night of drinking and complaining about having to return home, at the wishes of your mother and father, you drunkenly complained on and on about your problems. Once your term was over at the academia, they expected you to be on your way back home, despite your wishes to stay.
Your parents, being the old fashioned people that they were, wouldn't listen to your word, but the word of your husband? That's what mattered most in the world to them. You muttered something about actually wishing you were married for once, how it'd make it easier for your parents to actually listen to you, but didn't say much else.
You remembered seeing Alhaitham raise an eyebrow over the cover of his book at that and take another small sip of his drink, but other than that, nothing more was said about the comment. Not until now.
“But…would this even be okay with you? This is marriage,” you tried to press the importance of this to him, but his green eyes didn't even seem phased. He was always so hard to read, unless he outright said it, you never knew what he was thinking.
“You want to stay, don't you?” His words made your stomach drop. He was right, you did want to stay. You wanted to live in Sumeru for as long as possible. You wanted to keep studying and learning. You wanted to be close to your friends.
“I do, but…”
“You should just sign it,” he pushed the paper on the table closer to you once more, “It’s better you do this with me than some random guy who'll just use this against you. Think logically.”
You sighed and looked down at the blank space. Your name was to go there, but your hesitance was eating you alive. This didn't feel right. The idea, while a fun one in theory, was one that you wouldn't be able to get yourself out of easily.
Before you had the chance to think about it more, the page was picked up. Your eyes followed it as he held it in his hands and stood from the table. He didn't look at you once as he did this, the lack of acknowledgement making your heart drop to your stomach.
“What are you doing?” You questioned rather hurriedly, surprising even yourself.
“Destroying this,” was all he said, a hint of boredom in his voice again, “It's obvious that you want to go back home with your parents, so there's no reason to keep it around. I can't risk anyone taking it and having my signature.”
The speed at which everything was happening made your mind spiral out of control. All the emotions you were feeling swirled together, crashing inside your head until all that was left was fear. Fear of having to leave, fear of losing your freedom, the fear that your last chance was just going to walk away.
“No! Wait!” You shouted and Alhaitham stopped in his tracks, “I'll- I'll sign it.” The words felt like an anchor on your chest, but you knew they were what you had to do. He was right. You didn't want to go back to your parents.
He placed the page back in front of you, but instead of sitting back down, he stood beside you. His large body hovered over yours, casting a shadow that felt even more ominous. You could feel the heat coming off of him making your skin prickle up with goosebumps.
Alhaitham picked up the pen for you, his touch was gentle as he handed it to you. His finger tips brushed across yours, his touch lingering a bit longer than it should've.
Your hand shook the entire time you wrote. Your name was scribbled, but it was yours. You'd signed it. You thought you'd breathe a sigh of relief, of joy knowing that you'd done it, you'd secured your freedom, but instead you still felt that suffocating pressure.
He picked the paper up before you could change your mind, “I'll get this registered,”
“But we'll get it annulled after talking to my parents, right?” You asked a bit neverously, a feeling of dread sinking it.
“Sure,” he responded, it sounded like his usual monotone voice or at least he was trying to make it seem that way. He was still facing away from you, so you didn't know for sure, but a part of you could swear you were hearing a smirk in his voice.
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busycucumbermelon · 8 months
Come on, just paint one thing for me?…please love.
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 Summary: The man was determined to have a painting no matter what, and once he received one, he would always cherish it no matter the meaning. It would be a true treasure to him and a reminder of his ownership of the girl who created it.
 Warning: obsessive, delusional
Carmen gave you the north wing of his house, which is comprised of four rooms: a kitchen, a bathroom, an art room, and a bedroom. Carmen gave you a few days to make these rooms your own before sharing everything with him. Obviously, your room would always be exclusively yours, but he could enter at his discretion.
He made sure that every window would be bulletproof, making it impossible for anyone to open them, both from the inside and outside. Occasionally, he would take you out of the room and air it out, knowing that your request to do so was likely just a ploy. It's a method he would have used if he was in the same situation, assuming that he was as innocent as you were in such a scenario.
But after the first time you asked him to air out the room, you decided not to do it for around two weeks. Anytime Carmen came in, you would either be sitting in bed or cooking food in the kitchen, making Carmen sad as you never painted anything for him. However, as you were still adjusting to your new environment, he felt it would be rude if he rushed you with a request to paint something for him, as he was sure it would eventually happen once you noticed how in love the two of you are, even though you already were well in Carmen’s mind at least 
Except at first, nothing significant really happens except for an increase in the amount of time you stay in your room and starting to go into a bit of a depression. This prompts Carmen to start spending nights in bed with you, initially just laying on the other side of the bed and picking up after you. But as time goes on and his patience begins to wear out, he starts doing small things like taking you out of your room to watch a movie together or have a day out. He even goes as far as hiring a team of professional cleaners to help tidy up your room.
During that time he’d show you how much the two of you were really in love. 
Instead of the two of you sitting apart with snacks in between, you sit pressed up close together and have snacks in front of you. If anything is out of your reach, Carmen will quickly grab it for you. He likes to be in control, which makes him feel like he can protect you better. In addition to that, Carmen also pushed you a bit more every day. After one week of movie nights and cuddling, he decided that he needed more attention and you weren't allowed to sleep in your own bed. This meant that you had to walk across the house to Carmen‘s room if you wanted to take a nap or anything. Unless you wanted to spend time with Carmen. that meant the only other room you could relax and let your guard down was in was your art room.
Carmen got the best of the best art supplies - various paintbrushes, canvases, easels, and sketchbooks. He knew that some artists don't use sketchbooks, but he got them just in case. As time went on, his bodyguards began to report that you were spending more and more time in your room, Carmen got super excited at this news.
Even though Carmen has gained a deep appreciation for art, there's still a slightly bitter taste in his mouth whenever he thinks about it. Although he enjoys it, he won't personally pick up a paint brush or a pencil to create it himself, since it brings him back to his childhood - a time which wasn't bad, but it still had its ups and downs. Despite that, right now, he's happy to have you, his sweet little dove, to provide for and live a lavish life with.
To avoid boredom, Carmen would sometimes spar with you or work on paperwork, never telling you what it was about. Instead, he would tell you that your fragile mind "shouldn't be burdened with such scary things like that." He even went as far as to say, "Who knows what would happen to you if you knew, but if you're really that worried, you could paint me something, for my legacy. You know, just in case."
After your brief conversation about his work, Carmen grew more and more hooked on you and your art. Whenever he came into the art room to find you sitting on the floor or mixing paint, he would ask if you're painting something for him. Even during your movie nights together, he'd occasionally ask if you are painting something for him. Eventually, you got annoyed at this constant question and finally decided to paint something, not for him, but for yourself.
Every time the question of your painting was brought up, every time you remembered your scenario, every time Carmen held you down for a movie, or curled up against you in bed, you decided to paint something - anything - to help you remember, remember before this. You decided on your painting being inspired by one of the places you wished to travel to so badly. It was an attempt to not forget and to create something you could cherish, even if only for a moment.
There was a castle in the background, with a greenhouse near the front, which was surrounded by lush trees and various flowers. Everything seemed to have grown to the fullest extent, except for a fog that floated through the area. Inside the greenhouse was a woman, with her hand pressed against the glass, desperately trying to escape. This was how you felt for nearly every moment, except when you were painting. In that moment, you felt truly free, perhaps even happier than anything else you had experienced.
Carmen knew what the purpose the painting served: it was meant to be a slap in his face. However, he still chose to hang it up in his office.
He would approach you from behind, hugging you whenever you were unaware. He laid his head on your shoulder and slowly rock back and forth as you both did various activities. He wished for you to open up to him and explain to him what your piece of art meant and why it was so significant.
“Hello my love," he would often hum lightly in your ear. You would attempt to respond firmly and tell him to leave you be, but your voice would always crack. Carmen would always respond with a chuckle and claim that he just wanted to know what you were painting or hear you speak. You would insist on being left alone to continue working but Carmen constantly attempting to persuade you to explain the meaning of your paintings. Carmen would claim that perhaps this next piece would be displayed in the dining room so you two could see it together during dinner.
Every day, Carmen would approach you in your art room, intent on hearing every explanation you gave regarding your paintings. It was clear that he was obsessive about you. He never allowed you to venture beyond your space on that floor, making your art room your whole world. Although painting was your precious escape, Carmen's obsession gradually intruded on that space. In time, you would come to realize your love for him. Carmen knew he needed time to wear you down until you were aware of your affection for him.
At some point, your resolve might break, particularly with the constant pressure from those around you, claiming how perfect Carmen is. They believed that you two are a perfect match together. For now, Carmen could deal with what he currently had with you, but he was confident that eventually, you would come to realize your feelings for him and love him as much as he loved you.
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queenimmadolla · 2 years
All I can think about is a family photo day and penny is all full of smiles for the photographer and baby Wayne is just point blank refusing to smile and making the person's life so difficult 😂😂
Oh. My. God. Yes. And the photographer? Is Jonathan. I HAD to write this. I had to.
more from the pennyverse can be found here
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“C’mon, Wayne!” Jonathan encouraged through gritted teeth, waving around a small brightly colored, stuffed bear. If you asked around Hawkins, everyone would agree that Jonathan Byers had a lot of patience. He wasn’t one to worry over small things beyond his control. Until today. The small thing beyond his control in this case was the almost two year old in your arms, dogging the camera on the stand Jonathan had set up to take your family photos. He’d taken the ones before baby Wayne’s conception and arrival, and he’d had such a pleasant experience with Penny so he figured it’d go about the same. He was wrong. He was, oh so horribly wrong. Eddie was holding Penny, who was still a photogenic angel and while her attention occasionally wandered, as expected for a four year old, when Jonathan called for her, she let those tiny pearly whites of her’s gleam brilliantly for the camera. She’d been smiley even when she had been Wayne’s age, gums on display for everyone to see. Jonathan didn’t even know if Wayne had gums.
Okay, that was a stretch. He’d fed Wayne before and even witnessed him smile at you, Eddie and his big sister, but that baby’s poker face was unmatched for anyone else! Jonathan usually thought it was comical in most circumstances—like when Argyle tried to make him laugh by acting like a complete idiot and, on multiple occasions, a monkey and Wayne just stared up at him with those big, brown eyes in utter boredom, lips not even giving away to so much as a twitch—just not right then. Not when Jonathan had been trying to get his lips to just quirk up a little for the past hour.  You and Eddie would occasionally step in, catching Wayne’s attention with a couple of coos, but that meant his face was angled back and up to look at the two of you, not the camera. The moment Jonathan called for his attention afterwards, hoping he’d still be in a good mood from looking at you guys, the smile dropped instantly as he turned his head to face the camera, eyes half-lidded to make sure Jonathan was well aware the baby was unimpressed with him. Nancy had come along to assist him and was digging around Penny’s toy box for something else that might gain Wayne’s favor, so far everything she’d brought Jonathan had failed.
Eddie and Penny were all smiles, faces almost mirrored as they bit their lips to try and contain their laughter. Penny was doing a much better job than her dad, who openly snickered and boomed with laughter when he wasn’t holding his grin for the camera. You took pity on Jonathan, but unless you stood behind the camera, there wasn’t much you could do.  “Look! Look at me!” Jonathan’s voice was comically high in pitch as he made a stupid face, eyes screwing up. He even began whacking himself over the head with the stuffed bear. Penny giggled, little hands clasped shyly as she leaned her head against her dad’s, who turned his head slightly to press a kiss to her temple.
That seemed to do the trick, he saw the corners of Wayne’s lips stretch up and quickly went back to the camera, but when Jonathan peered into the eye focused on your little family, Wayne was staring directly into the lens with his mouth pressed in a thin line, face once more lacking amusement. No! NO!
Jonathan pulled away from the camera eye, shoulders sagging in defeat before he saw the small smirk on Wayne’s face, it almost looked smug. “Nancy!” Jonathan called over his shoulder and she appeared at his side, seemingly from nowhere, with an arm full of potential distractions, “He’s doing it on purpose!”
Nancy’s eyebrows pulled together as she glanced over at Wayne whose smile was once more gone. He blinked owlishly with unfocused eyes, back leaning into your chest. “Uh, no. No, I don’t think he is, Jonathan.” Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Eddie twist to the side to try and get a glimpse at Wayne’s face, smirking when he saw how bored the baby looked with the events unfolding before him. It was same damn smirk that baby had been wearing seconds ago. He twisted back around to face Jonathan, coughing poorly to hide his chuckling. Nancy turned to return back to the toy box and Jonathan swore the moment her back was turned, the corner of Wayne’s lips ticked up into a smirk again.
His mouth dropped open in disbelief. Flabbergasted, he struggled to find his words, sputtering until he was finally able to call out, “Nancy! Nancy, look!”  But when she, and the three of you, turned your attention to the baby, it was gone again.
Jonathan groaned, feeling a lot like Steve with the lack of belief he was sure you all had in him. “No, you’re not looking fast enough! I swear, he’s trying to make me seem crazy.” Nancy regarded him with some weariness, “Maybe, you need a little break, hun.”  She struggled to give his shoulder a squeeze before she disappeared down the hall to Penny’s room, eager to put the toys back and have her arms free again.  Jonathan sighed, accepting defeat once more. “Alright, she’s right. Let’s take a break, we can pick it back up in fifteen.”
You shifted Wayne in your hold, his front to your chest as you made your way to the kitchen to get him a snack. Wayne peered over your shoulder, staring at Jonathan as you went. This time he maintained his pokerface up until the second before you disappeared from view, he gave Jonathan a wide grin, the tiny tips of the few teeth he had poking out. Then the two of you were gone.
He looked frantically around for Nancy, who still hadn’t returned, at Eddie who’s attention was focused on Penny as she rambled to him about how pretty she looked in her dress (it wasn’t really a ramble, more so a really extended sentence because she was stuttering on words, taking forever to finish as her mind wasn’t completely focused on what she was saying) then to the kitchen area before he let out another, heavier sigh. No one would believe him anyways. That last smile would have been perfect for a photograph, though, he thought as he turned back to the camera on its stand. Despite being made a fool of by a baby, he knew he’d find the events amusing later.
Much later.
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devildomwriter · 1 year
Ugly Christmas Sweater Party Headcanons
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• He will only go out in an intentionally ugly sweater if it’s for a specific purpose like an ugly sweater party or ugly Christmas sweater day at RAD (of course Diavolo made it a thing)
• He considers bright colors and tacky lights to be ugly so he wears something along those lines and it even drives him insane
• He will make himself as hidden as possible throughout the day unless there’s an award option in which case his pride wouldn’t let him lose
• He thinks it’s funny so although he usually prides himself of “cool fashion” he jumps on board the ugly Christmas sweater train
• His is a green fluffy sweater with Christmas lights and a squirrel stuffie attached to the shoulder
• Naturally he names the squirrel and to cure boredom he’ll talk to the squirrel “did ya hear that Nutty? Guys full of crap.”
• He doesn’t consider it ugly but just wears an anime sweater
• Will probably get offended if someone says he did a good job because he feels it’s an insult to the anime character who is “a goddess”
• Don’t vote for his sweater as an ugly Christmas sweater he will either cry or get really mad and summon Lotan there is no third option
• He wears a personalized Christmas sweater that says “Cat Dad” and he attached a bunch of cat stuffed animals to it
• They all have names (after the cats he knows and one after you “the cutest one”)
• He finds the sweater adorable and not at all ugly but there’s no way he’d leave the house wearing it otherwise
• He can make anything beautiful and every is ugly in comparison to him so he dies the only natural thing he can think of
• He buys a knitted sweater and attached a small mirror to it therefor making whoever appears in the mirror the reason it’s an ugly Christmas sweater
• He keeps asking Mammon to look into the mirror and it’s pissing Mammon off
• The first rule was not to wear anything with patterns relating to food
• He and Belphie wanted to match and decided to buy a two person pull-over sweat shirt
• Now Belphie can sleep with his head on beel’s shoulder and Beel can use his hidden arm to carry Belphie around
• Belphegor didn’t want to compete in the ugly sweater contest so decided to wear whatever Beel was going to wear
• Beel couldn’t decide either so they chose to buy a two person sweater leaving each with just one functional arm
• Belphegor loved this because it meant he could fall asleep on Beel but he ends up with a lot of crumbs on his face
• Solomon thinks the human trend of ugly Christmas sweater is hilarious and knows exactly what he’s going to wear
• He wears a sweater with a pocket the shape of a stocking that feet’s one wine bottle inside it so he can sip it through a straw at the party
• Lucifer wishes he’d done that and keeps eyeing solomon which solomon mistakes as a sign he wants to talk and annoys Lucifer throughout the party
• She didn’t want to leave her cave in anything ugly but decided to when she saw everyone else was doing the same thing
• She wants to be fun and funny so her sweater has Solomon on it that lights up like it’s being electrocuted whenever she presses the hidden button
• She’s angry Solomon thinks it’s a cool idea
• Simeon thinks it’s a hilarious idea but also feels he’s being mean to call someone’s sewing job ugly so it takes him a while
• He wears a sweatshirt based of the ELF movie with a narwhal saying “I hope you find your dad buddy” he does this intentionally knowing everyone is either not in the same realm as their dad, doesn’t have a dad, or is estranged from their dad
• He asks everyone to read it, Lucifer especially and his sweet smile isn’t fooling anyone
• He decides to make his own but doesn’t know what people consider ugly so asks Asmodeus who only made things more complicated
• He decides to buy a sweater instead with a reindeer with antlers sticking out that you can toss rings onto (he didn’t know this and was confused and defensive when people threw bands and rings at him)
• No one successfully lands a ring on the antlers as he instinctively catches everything
• Luke loves the idea and asks you for help picking it out
• He decides to embrace the Chihuahua joke for one night hoping it’ll pay off and wears a sweater with a chihuahua on the front. When you press its nose it starts yapping loudly
• He gets more head pats than he bargained for and “yaps” louder than the sweater
• Normally would not be caught dead in anything considered ugly but you and Diavolo are there so he goes along with it
• His sweater has the grinch on it asking if it’s jolly enough
• Everyone seems to think it’s the perfect sweater for him but he doesn’t realize this and just thinks they’re complimenting his fashion sense
• This man will do anything Diavolo asks so when Diavolo wanted to throw an ugly Christmas sweater party, he naturally agreed
• His sweater just has rats depicted on it, he will not look at his own sweater but he wanted to prove his dedication to the meaning of the party
• He suddenly finds that this sweater seems to frighten the rats and used it to his advantage later on
• Diavolo was so amused by the idea an ugly Christmas sweater party that he decided to throw one and invited everyone he could think of
• He decides to wear a sweater that says “Get Lit” and has a reindeer that lights up and emits jingle bells music
• He’s so entertained by his own sweater that he keeps pressing the music button to hear the song jingle bells blare over and over again
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fictionalmenmakemecry · 9 months
Batman therapist - Part 2 (prequel)
Summary: While been taken hostage under the Wayne's residence helps you develop a severe case of boredom, you occupy your mind with thoughts of Bruce. Understanding his strange behavior leaves you with more questions than answers.
Characters: Bruce Wayne x Reader
Warnings: Fluff
Looking up from my book and seeing the god like sculpted muscles with what the towel would let me see. The little of light that would brush against his skin softly.
Water droplets fell from his hair and rolled down his back. Would it be too much from me to say that I would lick it off his body in an instant?
Hearing him in the shower when walking past his room. I swear he would tease me, the way his door would be ajar.
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I spent most of my time here barely existing. I daydreamed most of the time whether that was while deep in many of the books that were here or looking at particular someone. Bruce had a routine and by the first week I had it down.
Mostly of his routine was by himself in his little cave from what it looked like.
As weeks went by, I stayed. I questioned first, many many times. But the same response came from Bruce and Alfred. My safety.
Somehow I got tangled into Gotham's troubles. Bruce wouldn't let me go. For how long? No answer.
I know I've definitely lost my job. My plants are probably dead. My apartment could be broken into by now and I wouldn't even know.
In the events that lead of up to strange existence, I lost my phone so I felt pretty much cut off from the world. Alfred would give me a private line to contact my family to tell them I'm safe. But other than that, not much else.
"Miss, do you want to have the rest of that sandwich that you were saving for later?" I snapped my head back.
My attention completely broken from the corrupted thoughts running in my head.
"Oh.. Yeah, that actually sounds great" I smiled crawling out of my big cozy chair I made a den in for the last couple of hours.
"I've noticed you have taken quite a liking to that chair when reading over the last couple of weeks. Would you like Mr. Wayne to move it to your room where you might be more comfortable?" Alfred offered leading me to the kitchen.
"There's really no need. I kinda like the cozy corner I have in the living room right now. Unless.. I'm in the way?" I asked realizing this might be "Mr. Wayne's" request more than Alfred idea.
"Of course not, I just suggested. I know I just like reading when I'm in more my space" He wholesomely smiled while handing a plate of my left over sandwich.
As I ate, some stray piece of lettuce fell out of the sandwich. I felt a presence walk behind me. With that, the chair beside me pulled out.
I casually glanced over to see the towel still around his neck but underneath a black t-shirt was now covering his soft pale skin.
"What's that?" He gestured to the food on my in my hands.
"A sandwich" I stated holding back a smile that was peeking through my poker face.
He rolled his eyes and I noticed his jaw clenched. My thighs automatically pressed together.
"No shit.." He mumbled.
Before he looked away a small smile crept up on his face. My heart jumped at the thought of me making him smile.
I looked down at his hands, they were fidgety. He couldn't sit still. Within a couple of minutes, he was gone again. I looked over at Alfred who was busy pouring himself some coffee.
"How do you relax around him?" I smirked
"Change you mind about the chair now?" Alfred chuckled taking a sip of his coffee.
After saying goodnight to Alfred, I made my way to my room. Every night I past this stairwell that lead presumably to the basement. I argue with myself most night whether to go down or not.
"Fuck it" I whispered to myself. I glanced by to make sure Alfred wasn't near and quietly made my way down the stairs.
Dim lightening peeped from the bottom of the door. I pressed my ear against it, nothing.
I turned the knob expecting it to be locked but hearing the latch click. I paused realizing the door was unlocked. I opened the door gently hoping it didn't squeak.
Through the crack, I could see him at his desk, all surrounded by computer screens which were casting a bright light on to his face. That was the only light source in the big open void space. I would see shapes of object in his room but nothing too detailed.
I tried to focus on what was on all the screen but I couldn't make out anything. I just knew two of the screens had several CCTV footage on them. I squinted my eyes, straining to see anything further.
As I leaned more forward the door hinges made a high pitch squeak, ripping me from my focused trance. I pulled back quickly not knowing if he noticed or not. I held my breath for a second listening to any cue of what may be happening.
Suddenly the ajar door jolted open.
It took a second for my eyes to adjust in such darkness.
"What the hell" He voice stayed low with a hint of annoyance.
"Uhh... " I fumbled my mind going completely blank.
"That's all?" He replied I couldn't really make out his facial expression.
"I didn't realise taking you in means I would be losing my privacy" He sighed leaning up against the door frame shoving his hands in his sweat pants.
"Well... I think you're being a bit dramatic" I smirked.
"What were you doing then, peeping Tom?" He snapped back.
We both stood in silence in the near pitch black doorway. The only thing I could see was the silhouette of his frame from his computer hub.
"So can I come in?" I whispered, breaking the silence.
He didn't say anything. He just shifted his weight and turned, leaving the doorway free. He made his way to his desk and plonked his body on his chair. As I slowly entered the room, I watched him exit out some windows on his monitors. The CCTV monitor stayed. The closer I came the more I noticed that it was live footage of Gotham city.
He spun around in his chair to face me. I continued to look around, but the room was in the depths of darkness. Making out anything was a mission. I think there was a wall full of book shelves on the left of me. That's where a couple of reading chairs and a coffee table were, that I could make out.
"Satisfied?" He stated, bringing my eyes back to him.
I nodded but felt lost in the middle of the room. I didn't want to leave knowing this was probably going to be the last time I would be here. It's the only part of the building I haven't explored, and I wanted to see more. To be honest, I wanted to watch Bruce. I wanted to see what he does for hours and hours. I know I won't get that now due to my presence.
I walked over to one of the leather reading chairs, feeling his eyes on me the whole time.
I sat down, the cold material pressing against my legs. I brought them up on the chair and rested my head back.
We looked at each other for a couple of seconds before he turned back to his desk and continued with whatever he was up to.
The quiet clicking of a mouse every so often was the only noise that filled the room. I glanced down to see his leg shaking under the table, nonstop. It was a tick I didn't expect from him. His eyes stayed focused on the screen in front of him.
As time went by, I felt my eyes getting heavy. I fought the urge to stay awake until the next think I remember is waking up in a bed.
My bed.
My eyes followed a beam of sunlight, cutting my bed in half and continuing all the way up my wall.
I laid there wishing I was in his room instead.
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merakiui · 1 year
omg stalker jade who’s living inside your home is such a scary thought…GOOD, but scary. i have such bad adhd and memory issues that i already forget things regularly, like what i just did yesterday or even just a minute prior. it’d almost be too easy for him. do you think he’d step his game up after a while? whenever things start to get too boring so he decides to play a game of just how much can he get away with before his housemate notices? i think he could pull it off, he’s certainly careful enough to hide his tracks again, and really—who’s going to actually believe there’s someone living inside their home without their knowing?
It's so easy, especially if you're busy or have trouble remembering things like whether you did the dishes, took the trash out, made your bed, and so on. Each of those tasks are simple and not truly worth remembering, which makes it all the more easier for Jade to live alongside you and you'll never know. He's best described as the monster under your bed, both literally and metaphorically. He'll lie under your bed and stare at your arm or leg as it dangles over the edge of the bed. He could reach out and hold it for himself, bring your finger to his lips and bite down hard enough to wake you—perhaps even sever your finger entirely; the jaw is monstrously strong, after all. But instead he just watches and waits, shrouded in darkness.
When you're out of the house (either to run errands, to attend classes, to meet up with friends, etc), he roams inside, cooking a meal for himself, tidying up certain places you don't pay much mind, going through your toiletries to see what soap scents you use, putting your toothbrush in his mouth to pretend it's a kiss, however eerily indirect it may be, and even lying on your bed to surround himself with your scent. He's careful to avoid standing near windows in case any neighbors see and make a comment to you, and he rarely goes outside unless he absolutely must. If anyone ever catches him and asks, he'll simply tell them he's a friend, a boyfriend, a housemate—whatever sounds best in that situation.
Jade is very daring at night. He'll stand over you in the darkness, sometimes leaning down to press a fleeting kiss to your forehead or the corners of your lips. When you shift and stir, making the cutest and sleepiest groans and whimpers, he can't help but look on fondly. He could hurt you while you're in such a vulnerable state, but there's no fun in ruining a good thing.
He likes to misplace some of your items (a key, your phone, headphones, an accessory you really like, etc) and watch you scramble in a panic to find them. If you believe in the paranormal, you might mistake these happenings for a particular mischievous ghost (or your own forgetful nature if you have a tendency to misplace items). Oh, you couldn't be further from the truth. What makes this entire game so fun—yes, he views everything he's doing to you (tormenting you) as a game to cure his boredom—is that you haven't suspected him yet and he's been here for months now. Months of toying with you in little, unimportant ways. Months of peeling the shower curtain away when your back is turned and eyes closed. Months of watching you through the crack in the closet doors to see you when you're most comfortable. Months of eating your food, sleeping in your bed when you're not home, washing with your soaps, going through your belongings, finding all of the secret pleasures you like to keep hidden in drawers.
You'll probably never know he's there until it's too late and you finally get to meet your secret housemate when he's chasing you through dark, shadowed halls.
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atinytokki · 9 months
𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐨 𝐀𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
Chapter 12: Destiny
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The jungle was quiet but restless. Never more than a few moments could go by without the cry of a bird, the hum of insect life, or the distant crackling of canopy leaves swaying in the island breeze.
Ama was alive, and less than a day after the wave had struck, certain animals were returning to their habitats.
Namely birds, Surgeon Oh noted as he made his way through the trees. He was no expert on wildlife, but considering that they’d had the sense to flee ahead of the beach’s destruction, they must be assured that it was safe now if they were already returning.
Moisture clung to the air, whether naturally or as a result of the disaster, and thirst crept through the surgeon on his journey back to the Crow from a brief supply run.
Surely not thirsty enough to be imagining things, he thought. But the surgeon could swear there were voices in the trees up ahead.
Passing the cluster of trees where the uniforms had been laid out as laundry, the sounds suddenly ceased. What Oh couldn’t put a name to before, he certainly had no chance of identifying now.
He had no weapon, unless one counted the island roots he had dug up for medicinal purposes during his search, so he merely clutched them closer to his chest and quieted his steps through the brush.
The silence, after becoming attuned to the noises of the jungle, was unnerving. It was not until he came upon the familiar sight of palms bent sideways under the pressure of the ship as it had washed up into the trees that he let out a sigh of relief.
But his assurance came too soon. In the blink of an eye, he was restrained on both sides, with something sharp pressed against his back in warning. A knife, he presumed.
They had jumped at him from out of nowhere, perfectly hidden in the bushes before pouncing at his blind spots. With how tightly they were pressed against him, the surgeon couldn’t even turn his head to see his captors.
But he didn’t need to wait long before coming face to face with the orchestrator of the ambush.
“You,” he ground out between clenched teeth as the pirate sauntered over to him, smaller frame just as imposing as the muscled crew members holding him prisoner. “Performing a mutiny, even now?”
“Hardly,” Hongjoong laughed, looking half offended by the question. “Unless you consider yourself the captain.”
Pursing his lips, the surgeon considered his options.
“I always knew it,” he spat, angry at himself more than anything. “I always told Byun you would betray us. Once a pirate, always a pirate.”
“That doesn’t have to be the case, you know,” the pirate crooned calmly, extending his hand toward one of the other pirates.
The pressure at Surgeon Oh’s back let up, and the object threatening him was passed to the pirate captain.
A stick. Not even a knife.
The surgeon shook his head at the ridiculousness of it all.
“I could kill you with this,” Hongjoong acknowledged, nonchalant. “Yeosang could kill you with his bare hands. Any of us could kill you in a myriad of ways, you know.”
But we haven’t, went unspoken.
“So what do you want?”
“First you’re going to tell us everything you know. And then,” the pirate flashed a smile and shrugged, signalling his boys to let go.
“How about a little more trust?”
Most days San was too impatient to accept watch duty with open arms.
The others often said that he had changed, and while it may be true, one thing that had not was his boredom when he scanned the horizon endlessly until his time was up.
Today, however, he remained alert and fixed, hoping he’d be the one to spy land or sail. It was the second day since departing their safe haven in the ATEEZ’s journey to the island Ama, and it was unknown whether the Stardust had arrived ahead of them or not.
There would be much to consider when he did see land; where to anchor, who to send as a scout, whether to approach in disguise, when and where to meet the Stardust crew, and plenty more things that would need to be arranged in a single moment.
“Won’t it be interesting to see Eden again?” Mingi’s voice broke into his musings. Somehow he had climbed up to the crow’s nest despite his injury, but the sweat beading on his forehead gave away his exhaustion.
Momentarily struck speechless, San quickly helped him into a sitting position before scolding him.
“What on Earth are you doing up here?”
Mingi flashed a shy but knowing smile. “You said I ought to keep up my exercise.”
“Yes, over time!” San scoffed. “Walking in circles was a challenge for you just yesterday.”
“Don’t worry, I pulled myself up,” Mingi responded, flexing his arms comically. “I’m starting to understand how it is Yunho gets himself up here with only one leg.”
A smile of satisfaction began to grow on San’s face. Mingi was already healing well in mind and body. “And so you thought you’d join me on my watch? If the others hear of this, you may be added to the rotation again. Are you sure you want to risk having to stay up here for another few hours?”
The quartermaster smirked at the veiled threat and performed a shrug of nonchalance. “If it means I see the Stardust first, so be it.”
San chuckled at this. “You know, I was hoping to be the one to see the Stardust.”
They were all running out of busywork aboard the ATEEZ, and the lack of wind had stalled them even more. If there was anything to be competitive over, it was this.
Mingi gazed at him for a moment while the sun beat down on both of them before asking, “What’s your reason?”
“I’m bored,” San answered simply. “The sight of land and some company would be more than welcome.”
He received a nod in answer. Mingi felt the same way. There was a mission on their doorstep, if only they could get to their destination. “No more delays.”
“Well, since you’re here…” San muttered to himself before swiping the spyglass from Mingi’s belt. “You’ve got better equipment than me.”
He set down his own, smaller, spyglass and scanned the horizon with Mingi’s. He didn’t seem to care, lost in thought as he was.
“Last I saw Eden, he was recovering and insisting we go on without him. Jongho and I were talking about how we always wanted to go back for him but now even more so, I… I want to hear about how he taught Hongjoong.”
Mingi sounded almost embarrassed at the admission. Encouraging him to go on, San smiled and gave him his full attention. It was a thought that had crossed his mind too.
“I was there, you know, for most of that time,” the quartermaster sighed. “Lost in my own world and my own troubles but never far from their secret training on the beach.”
That shared past afforded Mingi more cause than most to wish to speak with the Stardust’s captain again, especially under these new circumstances.
“That’s true,” San filled in the quiet of Mingi’s pause, thinking back to his own experience with Eden. “I think for me, it’ll feel like I’m meeting him for the first time. He doesn’t know what I’m really like at all— just the demon.”
Mingi cringed at that, no doubt remembering how Eden had at first suggested killing San to rid them all of the demon.
“It will be a much better first impression than the previous one,” he encouraged instead.
San chuckled at his optimism, kicking his legs in the air where they hung from the platform, high above the deck.
“I’ve changed in more ways than one,” he acknowledged. “I think I could speak up for myself now. All of us could.”
“It will be nice to be on equal ground with him.” Mingi agreed. “I know the way Eden and Hongjoong left things was a little… awkward to say the least. But having seen and read what I have, I want to know the history.”
Suddenly, a shape appeared far south and directly in their path. White and cloud like.
“Sail,” San breathed, scrambling for the spyglass and taking a good look.
It was a ship headed the same direction as them, and it must have come from southeast. San had no idea how long it might have been visible while he was chatting away.
“Sail, Mingi!”
He jumped to his feet and Mingi mirrored him, finally seeing it himself. “Is it them?”
San carefully observed the ship and its flag. “It’s of Haemin make and… the colours… it’s an aid ship.”
Mingi audibly swallowed next to him. They both knew the ATEEZ was in no shape for naval warfare at the moment.
“Civilian,” San breathed a sigh of relief, catching sight of the people milling about on deck. “But it’s marked as an aid ship. I wonder why…”
“We’re flying our standard, San,” Mingi reminded him, pointing up to the flag proudly waving above them.
Pushing the spyglass back into Mingi’s arms, San made for the shrouds and began to climb down. He could only hope the others below had noticed the problem on the horizon and were preparing to deal with it. “I’ll tell the crew to raise neutral flags,” he informed Mingi, releasing the net for a minute to point at the telescope he’d just handed him. “Keep an eye on that ship.”
“San!” Mingi called down before he could get any further. “Remind Seonghwa about the textiles smokescreen! He’ll know what it is, we’ve done it before.”
“Textiles,” San repeated to himself as he clambered down like a flustered cat in a tree. “Textiles, textiles… Seonghwa!”
The boatswain was already waiting for him on the main deck, sword in one hand and the other on his holster.
“What is it?” He wasted no time in asking.
“Haemin aid ship, not military,” San summarised quickly, already rushing to take down their colours. “Mingi says to do the textiles smokescreen,” he grunted between pulls of the rope. A pair of deckhands jumped to the task and helped him take the flag down.
“Good call,” Seonghwa approved, waving the other officers down from the quarterdeck. “I’m going to change. Jongho?”
Cupping his hands around his mouth, Jongho projected his voice for those crew members at the furthest end of the ship to hear. “I want ten of you with concealed weapons to stay on deck and act inconspicuously. The rest of you, below, and prepare the cannons but gun ports stay closed until my orders.”
Immediately, the crew hurried into action and sorted out among themselves who was to do what.
Seonghwa re-emerged from the boardroom in record time, now with a nondescript jacket and a merchant’s hat, and asked after the final officer. “Yunho?”
“I’ll go below with Jongho,” Yunho decided quickly. “There will be much to manage there.”
“Hyung, let me go with you,” San interjected as he grabbed Seonghwa’s arm. “I picked up a phrase or two of their language on that Haemin ship.”
“Alright,” Seonghwa relented, unclipping the holster from San’s belt and handing it to him. “Hide that and be ready to signal Jongho if our cover is blown. We’re posing as textile merchants.”
The pair stood beside the gunwale in nervous silence, San’s heart beating loudly in his ears while the aid ship drew nearer. When it was in speaking distance, he and Seonghwa simultaneously removed their hats and waved them to draw attention.
Finally someone from the Haemin ship approached the side and yelled something.
San only caught one word; where.
“What did he say?” Seonghwa whispered quickly.
“He… he said…” San faltered for a moment. It must be a dialect he hadn’t heard before. “Um, he said a phrase with the word for ‘where’ in it. I don’t know if he’s asking where we’re from or where we’re going.”
“I thought you knew some phrases!” Seonghwa hissed, eyes almost imperceptibly widening.
“Some!” San argued back between his teeth, keeping a smile on for the Haemin sailors watching. “Not that phrase! Take your chances.”
Seonghwa sighed a moment before calling back, “Ama!”
Consternation broke out on the aid ship seconds later. The men were speaking over each other but clearly meant to give a warning.
There was one phrase, one word that San recognised.
It was the same in both their languages.
“That I understood,” he chuckled nervously. “They’re telling us not to go there because of a flood.”
Seonghwa gave him a look and waved in thanks to the aid ship. “Yes, I think we both got it.”
San called out their thanks in the Haemin language and the two of them turned to discuss the problem amongst themselves in low voices.
“A tsunami must have hit the island,” Seonghwa reasoned. “Look at them.”
He nodded towards the sailors’ grand gestures.
“Is this good or bad for us?” San muttered, crossing his arms and watching the aid ship move on in the direction of Ama.
“We can only hope the Stardust didn’t get caught in the wave,” Seonghwa pointed out. “And it would be best to follow that Haemin ship at a distance.”
“A very large distance,” Mingi’s voice called down to them from the shrouds as he descended from the crow’s nest. Clearly he was in earshot for a minute or two. “They can’t see our ship headed the same direction after just now telling us not to go to Ama.”
“We should’ve offered our help,” Seonghwa groaned in hindsight. “It would be an easy in to dock there.”
“If there even is a dock still,” Mingi shuddered. “That tsunami seemed like bad news.”
“Sorry, I don’t know how to tell them we’re offering our help,” San shrugged. “It would’ve obligated us to bring survivors back to the Haemin mainland anyway. Let’s just hang back until they’re almost out of sight and go slow.”
“How much time is this costing us?” Seonghwa asked, chewing on his lip and watching the Haemin ship sail away.
Wooyoung and Yeosang were on his mind, as they were on everyone’s. The ATEEZ was unlikely to find them without the help of the Stardust, assuming the Stardust had indeed tracked Assassin Jang to the Black Crow.
“I’m not sure,” San admitted. “But now we have someone to follow to Ama, so at least we know we’re headed the right direction.”
There were nods all around at his valid point. That had been a concern of theirs until now.
“One thing at a time,” he went on, the only way he knew how. “Next we just have to figure out how to get on that island.”
“Surely it’s not too soon to ask the big question,” Wooyoung voiced his thoughts freely, even while scaling the massive beached hull of a 140-gun warship. “How do we get off this island?”
Yeosang responded with ease, “They’ll be sending aid from the capital.”
Of course, it was a massive natural disaster on an island that had been useful in the war effort as a prison base. The capital must be sending rescue ships.
“I think you know what I have to say about that,” Hongjoong interrupted Wooyoung’s thoughts before he could convince himself into complacency.
“That we ought not to take that ship,” Yeosang sighed knowingly, ducking a weirdly angled cannon on his way to climb over the railing. “Let the locals be saved, stay out of the way.”
“Well aren’t you all so selfless,” Surgeon Oh scoffed, his voice dripping with sarcasm, as he reached the main deck only moments after Yeosang. He turned to help Wooyoung up.
Wooyoung rejected his hand.
“It’s not just that,” Hongjoong clarified, hauling himself up last and taking a moment to breathe before looking around the ship. “We’re more than capable of regrouping here for a time, and the longer our presence goes unnoticed by Haemin, the better.”
“Unnoticed? I don’t know how anyone can miss this thing,” Wooyoung whispered to himself, gazing up at the mainmast and, as it happened, into the branches. “I’ve never seen anything like it.”
There was something tree-like about the Crow itself, perched as a bird in its nest, but crawling with vines and mosses where the tattered sails hung in shreds. It was tilted to the side, with a massive hole in the main deck that ran so deep it exposed two decks below.
An eerie creaking sounded every time the wind blew.
“Can you believe the power of the ocean? To strand a ship this size in a cluster of trees of all places.” Yeosang had a smile on his face as he rested his hand on the mast.
He was right, the Black Crow was enormous and incredibly out of place, but had found a permanent home among the branches and would likely not move again.
Motion from the direction of the quarterdeck put Wooyoung on guard, especially when Lieutenant Byun came into view.
No matter how much he reminded himself of the officer’s change of heart, the memory of being tortured by his hand raised the hairs on the back of his head.
“What have we here?” Byun laughed in disbelief, arms thrown wide in welcome. “You were all thrown off the ship, weren’t you? It’s a miracle you’re alive.”
Hongjoong smiled and shook his head.
It wasn’t the first time.
“And you lot?” Wooyoung called up. As usual, he didn’t bother showing them more than the most basic level of respect. He was a pirate, they knew it and they could deal with it. “Where were you?”
“The captain’s cabin,” the lieutenant answered simply, motioning behind him to the door, still on its hinges. “It weathered the wave well, all things considered. Though the windows are no longer intact.”
Yeosang stared for a moment before asking him, “Of all the men we freed… how many…?”
It was generous of him to say “we”, Wooyoung thought to himself. As he remembered it, save for the single hit he contributed himself, Yeosang was the one ripping chains off the imprisoned navy men and receiving no thanks for it.
“Nearly all,” Byun encouraged swiftly, descending from his post and joining them on the maindeck. “We lost a few who were on deck and one or two washed out the windows. They may be on the beach alive, if you managed it.”
Hongjoong flashed a bitter smile and let the man down gently. “I don’t think so.” He had been on the beach long enough to see a few bodies. “Were children among them?”
“No,” Surgeon Oh piped up. “We protected them in the boardroom.”
“Nice to see you have your priorities straight,” Wooyoung muttered, not really intending to be heard. It was the bare minimum, but good to have confirmed.
Byun took another step forward and lowered his voice for the captain’s ears. “Is it presumptuous of me to hope you’re here to join forces again?”
Hongjoong scoffed out right at his redundancy and answered in his previous volume, “In this situation? No.”
Byun seemed to relax, but Hongjoong wasn’t done speaking, and quickly continued, “But we do expect to be heard and consulted equally. This is about survival now.”
The group quieted at this observation. Once again their lives were in their hands, and this time things couldn’t be fixed with a blunderbuss and some good aim.
“Right,” Oh smacked his lips and collected his medicine roots, strewn across the deck where he’d dropped them in his climb over the railing. “Let’s get on with it then.”
The pair of officers led them to the captain’s cabin, where the four other leaders of the mutiny had gathered for a meeting of sorts. It looked much the same; a table righted here, a trunk tipped over there. Soaked blankets were drying by the window ledge where glass had blown out and sunshine now freely leaked through.
Once introductions were finished, they all settled into business.
“Where’s the Admiral?” Hongjoong asked the room, voice low.
Byun shook his head helplessly, answering, “Not among us. We haven’t seen him since landing, so we presumed him dead. Although, if you survived…”
He trailed off, not needing to state his implication outright. If there was a chance Admiral Kim was out there, they would simply need to be prepared.
“What have you been doing in terms of survival then?” Wooyoung questioned, arms crossed as he surveyed the worn out officers.
“Well it should be obvious but, no, we can’t sail the Crow out of here,” Lieutenant Park informed the group with a grim smile, happy to see the three pirates but worried nonetheless. “Even if we somehow could remove her from the tree, I’m afraid the damage is extensive.”
Second Lieutenant Han opened his mouth next to offer an idea, a man Wooyoung hadn’t spoken with but knew was on their side.
“We did think perhaps that the capital might send some boats to conduct rescue operations, seeing as this island is important to the war—”
“No,” Hongjoong cut him off before he had a chance to explore the same possibility the three of them had recently discussed. “If we stow away on an aid ship, we’ll have to stage a mutiny again at some point, or set ourselves adrift on a longboat. I’m not a fan of either of those options.”
Surgeon Oh, who had been nodding in agreement at Han’s suggestion, sighed and pulled up a chair to sit in. They might be here for awhile.
There was a tense silence for a moment before Helmsman Kim fought back, “So you prefer being stranded on a deserted island? That’s your best play?”
All Wooyoung knew about him was that he had strongly opposed their mutiny before but had agreed to it when pressured, out of love for the royal family. Clearly his priorities ended there.
Hongjoong stared him down long enough to catch him off guard when he finally replied.
“292 days.”
“What?” The helmsman sputtered. He couldn’t yet see why it was relevant.
“292 days,” Hongjoong repeated, unfazed. “That’s how long I survived an island much smaller, deadlier, and with far fewer resources. Ama isn’t even deserted.”
Silenced, the helmsman sat down and looked away. He would just have to trust the pirate captain on this.
Technically, Hongjoong was correct. There were still people on Ama, and even when they were carried away to safety, civilisation would soon return to the island. A few hundred years from now, Wooyoung could even imagine tall buildings springing up around this old warship cradled in an ancient tree.
Steward Doh tilted his head to the side at the mention of Hongjoong’s time on the deserted island. He still clearly remembered hearing the pirate briefly open up about it.
I managed to sail alone over five thousand nautical miles in a boat I built with my bare hands, whilst wounded and starving, as an eighteen year old, and came back stronger.
“I say we follow him.”
“What?” Surgeon Oh blinked at the steward in confusion. “Just like that? No one else wants to take an aid ship?”
“Regardless of our method of escape, Lucky is right,” Doh reminded him. “Survival comes first. We can survive here as long as we need to, but we ought to set our affairs in order. We’ve been here a day and all we’ve managed to do is drain the flooding in the lower compartments. I don’t know about you, but I’m hungry.”
There was a hum of agreement in unison from the other Black Crow officers and Yeosang shook his head in amusement. “I’m sure there must be some preserved food down there,” he reasoned. “What supplies have you salvaged?”
“We didn’t exactly get that far,” Byun admitted, massaging his temples in embarrassment.
“Why don’t we go back to the basics,” Hongjoong reminded the group, gesturing around him. “Shelter I see is taken care of. Food will be easy for a while. What are you doing about water?”
Byun nodded in the direction of the youngest among them, explaining, “Midshipman Moon searched for water last, but didn’t find any. Midshipman, show the captain where you were looking. Maybe he will be able to help you.”
The lad eagerly stepped up and escorted Hongjoong out of the room, the pair of them promising to return within the hour.
Meeting more or less adjourned, the officers got to their feet and began to disperse to their usual tasks.
“I’d inventory the storerooms if I were you,” Yeosang put in a word of advice before his hand went to his head and found it bleeding again.
“Surgeon Oh,” Wooyoung quickly caught up to the man before he could finally escape to the infirmary with his medicine roots. “We need some medical assistance here.”
Without even glancing their way, the surgeon waved them on and the pair followed him belowdecks. It stank of soaked wood and wet powder on that level, a particular dankness to the floorboards even after being drained.
“In here,” Oh led them inside and finally placed his roots in a jar, rummaging his drawers for his tools. Books and scrolls were laid out by the porthole window in the hopes that the wind would dry them.
With ease, the surgeon clipped Wooyoung’s shirt sleeve from Yeosang’s head with his strangely shaped scissors. He reached for another of his strange contraptions until Yeosang stopped him.
“Just the fresh bandage please. I don’t know where those have been,” he motioned to the metal tools.
Wrapping them up in cloth again, Oh complied with a knowing sigh and began winding the bandage tightly around the wound.
Keeping a watchful eye, Wooyoung sat himself on a table and looked around.
No one else was there in need of treatment, an incredible feat considering the wave that had slammed into the Crow and washed her this far into the woods.
“Nearly the whole crew alive and not one old sailor to teach you these survival skills?” Wooyoung scoffed to no one in particular.
“Admiral Kim didn’t like old salts,” Oh answered him. His voice was clipped and unreadable in his focus on the patient before him. “He employed as few of them as possible. Never one to be outshined by someone more experienced than he.”
“Ridiculous,” Wooyoung laughed and shook his head. No one had a bigger ego than the admiral, wherever he might be. “All it took was a few Haemin ships to do that.”
It was quiet again for a moment while the surgeon finished and turned to his supplies to make a concoction for the pain.
Wooyoung was still thinking about that Haemin ambush, arms crossed and slouched against the wall.
“Yeosang, you were in the palace,” he reminded the navigator, turning to him in curiosity. “Did it seem to you that anyone had the faintest idea why Haemin started the war?”
Yeosang hummed quietly to acknowledge the question before answering carefully, “Every diplomatic mission Jaecho has sent so far has ended in blood. It truly is quite unusual. The two countries have always had their animosity, but it was relatively quiet and peaceful until the assassination.”
He seemed to be just as confused about the reason for the war as Wooyoung and pondered further, head resting on his hand, “How could the Haemin king change so abruptly?
Wooyoung shook his head. He was the last person to know the answer to that. He’d been pressganged and thrown into this war so quickly, it was all he could do to keep up with his own orders, let alone the enemy’s.
“You’re sure he’s the one making the war decisions?” He asked Yeosang again, but only received a shrug in return.
“None of his generals even want to fight,” Oh chimed in while he squeezed an orange above the medicine cup before searching for his roots again. “And the Haemin advisors who dissented have either disappeared or turned up dead. He may be acting like a different person, but that king is running the country.”
Acting like a different person.
Wooyoung suddenly pictured San writhing on the floor of his cell, eyes alight with demon fire.
“Maybe something else is running him,” he whispered, the seed of a thought beginning to grow.
Yeosang and Surgeon Oh simply stared at him when he sat bolt upright.
“What do you mean?” Oh asked, deadpan, closing the window when the wind fluttered his book pages before continuing to crush the root into powder.
“Yeosang, think about it!” Wooyoung insisted, growing excited as the idea fully latched on. He ignored the surgeon and appealed to Yeosang’s recent memory. “The demon that infected San— what was it trying to do?”
“Infect Seonghwa,” Yeosang answered in a questioning tone of voice, slowly continuing as Wooyoung nodded him on voraciously. “…Because he’s royal blood? In order to take over Jaecho?”
“And then what happened?” Wooyoung jumped in, a touch too loud from the look the surgeon was giving him over his shoulder. “The king of Haemin became a different person overnight and ordered the assassination on the king and the crown prince!”
“He only succeeded in killing the king,” Oh pointed out, mixing the potion and handing it to his patient.
“So…?” Wooyoung prompted.
“So he started this ridiculous war?” Yeosang finished after taking a swig of the bitter drink, trying to be helpful.
Wooyoung got to his feet and took Yeosang’s face in his hands, as if to jog his memory so that he had to agree with his theory.
“Remember what Hongjoong said when we joined him here? Haemin is trying to kill Seonghwa. That was the whole reason Admiral Kim sent out an assassin; because he knew Haemin would be blamed for it. It can’t be a coincidence, Yeosang, it simply can’t! The demon is back and it’s taking Jaecho by force this time!”
“I don’t know, Woo,” Yeosang sighed with a lopsided smile, face still smushed between Wooyoung’s hands. “It’s a bit far-fetched and there’s a lot we don’t know…”
Wooyoung finally released him and threw his hands up in frustration.
“All the important things are there! My theory checks out, and we—”
Before Wooyoung could continue, he suddenly felt the tap of something bumping against his head and froze in place.
At the sound of the glass falling to the floor and shattering, his eyes shot over to see Yeosang, having dropped the cup, with his hands over his own mouth to muffle any noise he might make.
He and Surgeon Oh were both staring at something above Wooyoung, eyes wide and holding their breath.
Oh opened and closed his mouth a few times, extending his arm as if to calm everyone down.
“Don’t. Move.”
Wooyoung gulped and tried not to twitch when the feeling returned. His mouth was suddenly dry so he had to try twice to ask, “What… What is it?”
He already knew the answer from the way it was slithering down the back of his head into the neckline of his shirt.
“Snake,” Yeosang whispered. “Big snake. It’s hanging from the exposed rafters.”
Feeling its weight as it continued down him for a few tense moments, Wooyoung did the calculations. “How long is it? Four, five feet?”
It was moving much too slowly for his liking.
The surgeon took in the sight and gave him an estimate. “Looks to be almost six—”
“Give me something long,” Yeosang interrupted. “A sword, a stick— something to draw it off.”
Surgeon Oh scrambled for a moment before grabbing the poker from the fireplace and placing it in Yeosang’s hand.
“Quickly,” Wooyoung whimpered, feeling it begin to coil around his leg. “Don’t let it bite me.”
Oh continued running his mouth. “Actually, I’m not sure if it’s the biting kind or the constricting kind.”
Ignoring him, Yeosang shakily leaned forward and pressed the poker to Wooyoung’s leg, just below where the snake was moving. “Come on,” he whispered to it. “Just grab on and we’ll put you back where you belong.”
Sensing the increasing pressure to his leg, Wooyoung finally tilted his head down carefully, just enough to catch sight of the snake.
It was thick, a greenish colour with brown markings. Even as its triangular head prodded Yeosang’s poker with interest, its body continued to squeeze.
“Yeosang,” Wooyoung squeaked. “Please!”
Setting his jaw, the navigator moved in closer and involved his second hand, actively uncoiling the snake’s body with one while its head was busy with the poker in the other.
Finally it took the bait, inching forward enough for Yeosang to pull its body loose.
“Open the window!” He instructed the surgeon, nervous the snake would continue up his arm next. “Open the window!”
Stifling his panic, Oh rushed forward and unlatched it, swinging it open again and moving out of the way.
Swiftly, Yeosang flung the poker outside and watched it sail through the branches of the tree, snake still wrapped around it. All three stuck their heads out to look for it, but none of them could see the bottom well enough to know where it landed.
After a moment of relief and laboured breathing, Wooyoung sighed as an afterthought, “Well, I hope it didn’t land on anyone.”
“A bit late for that!” Yeosang scoffed, turning to the surgeon who was already sweeping up the glass shards from the dropped cup. “What do you think it was?”
“Some sort of boa,” he answered, shutting the window and glancing at the rafters to ensure there were no others lurking.
Wooyoung shuddered and sat himself down for a moment, exhausted. “How did it get in here?”
“We’re in a tree!” Oh cried, throwing up his hands uselessly. “That’s the second one today!”
Wooyoung barked out a sardonic laugh and fell back onto the table, shaking his head. This was life now, dodging death at every turn. They could not yet be truly safe.
“Come,” Yeosang patted his leg to get him up. “Let’s see how the inventory is coming along.” He checked his head bandage in a small hand mirror before passing it back to the surgeon.
“Alright,” Wooyoung sighed. “Why don’t we bring another poker just in case.”
The first to arrive was a fishing ship. It appeared on the horizon in the late afternoon, and Admiral Kim kept his eye on it as it approached.
He was perched in a bit of netting he had strung up at the top of a tree and had kept close watch over the comings and goings to and from the Black Crow where it was stranded nearby.
Aside from the occasional supply grab, the admiral had maintained his distance from the traitors and kept to his coconut water.
Disregarding his hunger and thirst, he had escaped any real injury thanks to the knife of a fellow sailor next to him when the wave hit. He had pilfered it, used it to cut his chains, held on for dear life, and stumbled out of the Crow before he could be seen.
For some reason, the idiots who had once been his brightest men were gathering supplies for a long stay rather than focusing their energy on flagging down a rescue ship. Anyone could tell that the tsunami was cause for a strategic retreat to gather resources, not for them to dig in their heels, but it seemed they had chosen their own fate. Kim suspected the idea came from the pirates, and he knew why his officers placed their confidence in them. It was no matter.
History would not repeat itself here.
He would not be humiliated again.
The fishing boat arriving now had evidently been a day out from Ama already, which meant official aid ships could not be far behind. He had best move on this one now rather than risk an altercation with the Haemin military.
Kim sunk lower into the palm fronds and considered his options.
He didn’t speak more than a few words of the language and he had no disguise to make him appear to be a Haemin civilian. There was no choice but to hope for the best, sneak aboard in his admiral’s uniform, and make his way to civilisation.
Others would have cracked under the pressure and the abandonment, but crew or no crew, ship or no ship, Kim would devise a way to achieve his present goals.
To gain what he could from the Haemin war, then end it when no longer profitable.
And to kill the pirate scum once and for all.
What could have been called a personal vendetta was now a full blown revenge mission, and even nature herself could not stand in his way.
The timely arrival of the fishing boat was proof of this.
It anchored when the sun began to set, and the admiral made his way down to the beach covertly, turning his coat inside out and stuffing his hat into his pocket.
A small group of survivors had already gathered and set up a camp of sorts, the dead laid out in one area and the injured in another. Keeping his head down, he mingled with them while longboats launched and paddled to shore.
He allowed two of them to fill with thankful refugees before stepping forward and helping a fisherman load an injured man onto a third boat. That was his ticket, and no one questioned him when he boarded the ship and tucked himself away into a bunk of his own when no one was looking.
If anyone asked, he signalled that he had lost his voice.
With a watchful eye ever pointed behind him, Kim holed up and let night descend on the island.
He may only have his uniform and the knife at his belt now, but he’d be back, and he’d be back in a position of power.
The admiral did not sleep that night.
There was work to be done.
When darkness fell, Hongjoong was careful in lighting the lanterns. The crew would need enough light to see what they could around the ship, but with too many bright lanterns they may find themselves attracting visitors.
“The fishing boat is leaving, sir,” the watchman informed Hongjoong as he passed him a lantern for the crow’s nest and descended the shrouds once again to the main deck where Wooyoung and Yeosang were waiting.
“Everything in order?” He asked them. Both looked tired after a full evening of sorting through waterlogged supplies and checking over their shoulders for another snake.
“As well as it can be,” Yeosang reported. “The steward has a fire going and supper brewing. It may taste of bilge water but it’s better than nothing.”
Wooyoung nodded in agreement and opened his mouth to repeat a request he’d made earlier, “Can we talk about my theory now? The one I mentioned before about the—”
“Demons, yes, I remember,” Hongjoong sighed, beckoning the pair to follow him. “Let’s move away from earshot first, why don’t we?”
A number of rope ladders had been hung from the side of the ship at their direction to allow more people to quickly scale the Crow when needed. The idea had already come in handy for the transportation of resources Hongjoong had found, and it would be much easier to get away now that such a system had been put in place.
“If a demon is giving orders from the top, why do you think soldiers are following?” Hongjoong put the question to Wooyoung as they descended to the beach, wary of the makeshift camp that had been set up on the south side of the island.
“I have the same question,” Yeosang admitted, running a hand through his hair, careful around his head wound. “Anyone could tell this was a losing war on sea, given the superiority of our navy to theirs. And yet they attack the colonies.”
Wooyoung huffed and shook his head. “It’s like I told you, they’re looking for Seonghwa hyung.”
“But the foot soldiers?” Hongjoong asked him, moving a palm frond out of the way and pausing at the edge of the treeline. “The sailors drafted from fisheries and trade ships aren’t possessed themselves, are they?”
“No, I don’t believe so,” Wooyoung answered, following along as Hongjoong led the group down to the water. “From what I remember from history class, Haemin has a much stronger monarchy than we do. What the king says, goes. And overthrowing him will be a bit harder than overthrowing the Master on Fortress Island.”
Yeosang snorted out a laugh at this, and plopped down to a seated position on the sand where the others quickly joined him.
There was no need for a lantern, as their eyes had all adjusted to seeing by the light of the moon.
After a moment of quiet thought, Wooyoung became antsy again.
“So, what do you say, Captain?
Hongjoong sighed and refused to meet his eyes. What was he meant to say? That they should charge in and assassinate the king of Haemin?
They had only just been reunited and now they had a chance at becoming whole again. Could he really give it up that easily just to help tip the scales of a war he never wanted to be part of?
“I’m not sure why you want my opinion so badly,” he muttered, still looking away. There was a twinge in his side as he said the words. “You know I’m not the expert on the shadow realm.”
Wooyoung put a hand on his shoulder and prodded gently, “If I’m right, don’t you think we ought to do something?”
Hongjoong finally glanced up at him and let down his walls for a moment. It was time to be vulnerable and as much as it pained him, it was the only choice when he had nothing left to hide behind.
“I don’t know,” he admitted quietly. “I don’t know what we should do, and if the rest of our members don’t want to act on this, I’m not going to make them.”
He couldn’t help but feel some responsibility to end things, but if it went against protecting the rest of his crew, once he found them—
“What is that?” Yeosang asked suddenly as he got to his feet, alarmed.
Hongjoong and Wooyoung followed suit and peered into the darkness of the water as they waited for the mysterious thing that bubbled underwater to appear.
It was a woman emerging from the shallows, slowly walking up out of the water as if she had been lying in wait there, headed towards them even as they stepped back, intimidated.
She was dressed in a garment that looked like the ocean itself, waves swirling across her and flowing with every step. She twinkled in the moonlight but her eyes were dark and her jaw was set.
Hongjoong felt as if he knew her, but she was some otherworldly creature borne of the sea.
“Who are you?” Yeosang ventured. The woman only circled them without answer, bare feet silent on the sand.
“The sea goddess,” Hongjoong suddenly realised and she stopped to gaze at him piercingly.
“I never thought the sea goddess could take physical form,” Wooyoung breathed.
“I never thought the sea goddess was real,” Yeosang whispered back.
The woman neither confirmed nor denied the allegation, but stopped to face Hongjoong and whisper in his ear. He was suddenly unsure whether this was a vision.
“Bloodshed has tainted my waters.” Her voice was at once crashing and clear. He was mesmerised as she continued, “Demonic forces have grown bold and stirred up war. You have the power to put a stop to them.”
Hongjoong swallowed. If this wasn’t a message from the deep, he didn’t know what was.
He looked into her eyes, cosmic and infinite. 
“End it,” she whispered with a furious hiss.
As quickly as she had come, the woman turned back and waded into the sea. For a moment she was luminous with the stars reflected in her hair, and the next moment she was gone, a drop in the current that was carried away.
“What just happened?” Wooyoung whispered, scared of ruining the moment.
“The sea goddess…” Yeosang answered, contemplative despite having just had his entire world sent reeling. “She was angry. Perhaps that’s why she sent the wave?”
“And it must be why we survived!” Wooyoung replied, excited at discovering it. “See, the ocean herself is enlisting our help.”
Hongjoong felt both their eyes on him, but he couldn’t bring himself to look away from the pool she had emerged out of. It was suddenly so still, as if all the air had been sucked down with her.
“One thing at a time.”
Crickets began chirping again— none of the pirates had been sure when they had stopped— and Yeosang called the captain’s attention away for good this time.
“Hongjoong, there’s something else. Look.”
A ship was on the horizon, coming from the northwest this time.
“It can’t be an aid ship already,” Wooyoung mused, pulling out a spyglass he had been carrying around, knowing he wouldn’t be able to see it in the darkness anyway.
That was because he didn’t recognise her as she drew nearer.
“The Stardust,” Hongjoong said quietly with a warm smile.
A choked gasp from behind told him Yeosang and Wooyoung had heard him.
“You can’t be serious!” Yeosang exclaimed, snatching the spyglass from Wooyoung and trying his best to see the approaching ship himself. “Could it really be…?”
“The Stardust!” Wooyoung jumped up and down, elated and no longer taking care to be quiet. “We’re saved!”
“But who’s crewing her?” Yeosang spluttered. “And where did she come from? A rebuilt Stardust?”
“I always wondered if… one day…” Hongjoong trailed off in amazement. Since meeting an imprisoned Maddox all those months ago, a hope had formed inside him.
That Eden had been wrong, that some of his crew had indeed survived.
And Hongjoong was looking at them as they launched boats and made their way to the island.
Yeosang and Wooyoung hung back until Hongjoong motioned them forward to meet the crew.
“Hongjoong!” An excited shriek sounded from the boat and a shape too shadowy to make out jumped overboard with a splash.
From his voice it was clearly Maddox, swimming the distance to meet them.
He crawled ashore, dripping, and pulled Hongjoong into a hug.
“I can’t believe you’re here,” Hongjoong laughed, squeezing back regardless of his wet clothes.
“I can’t believe you’re alive,” Maddox replied, pulling back to look at him. “We all thought the execution was… well, successful.”
Hongjoong shook his head with a sigh, keeping his former quartermaster’s hands in his but letting him greet Yeosang and Wooyoung.
“I can’t tell you what a relief it is to find the three of you together here of all places. The Mystic told us just a few days ago of your survival, but the rest of your officers will be thrilled beyond belief. They embarked on a rescue mission just after we did, and sent us a message to rendezvous here. We hoped they would find you first, but… how on Earth did you come to be on Ama?”
“It’s a long story,” Wooyoung reported with a laugh, hugging Maddox as if they were old friends. “But you’re in for a surprise. The Black Crow herself is here, washed up with all her officers. Excluding one Admiral Kim.”
Maddox’s eyes widened in shock and, after turning to check that the others were on their way when he heard the first boat reach the shore, asked, “Is that going to be a problem?”
“No,” Yeosang reassured him, arms crossed and a smirk on his face. “A strong majority has defected to our side.”
Maddox shook his head wordlessly at what they had accomplished in so little time. “We’ll have to debrief soon. We have a surprise of our own.”
The rest of the officers were pulling their boats up the beach and coming to see what all the fuss was. The lanterns they brought with them splashed light on their faces, and each grew clearer as they approached.
Hongjoong registered who each of them was and watched the shock of who they were seeing hit them one by one.
Youngsaeng, Minseob, Jihan, Soomin, Jonghoon… Eden.
And a new addition, a woman he vaguely recognised.
“Surprise!” Maddox chuckled, somewhat nervously, unsure how Hongjoong would take to seeing Eden again.
They had separated in the autumn on civil terms, but a tense atmosphere hung between them nonetheless. It felt as if enough had happened in the days since for them to greet one another amicably, but Hongjoong wasn’t sure what to say.
The two merely stared at each other for a moment.
Everyone else was mingling already, making introductions where they needed to and congratulations on having reunited.
Eden drew closer and flashed a sad smile.
“How are you?” Hongjoong asked awkwardly, feeling ever so much the weight of silence in his former mentor’s presence.
“A little worse for wear but mostly healed,” Eden answered honestly, confidently. “You?”
Hongjoong nodded his head slowly as he checked in with his body. “The same,” he finally answered, fighting the sudden pull of tears as they gathered in his throat.
“I’m happy to see you,” Eden told him resolutely, standing very close now and not breaking eye contact.
Hongjoong pressed his lips together and tried to nod again, a little lost in the feelings that overwhelmed him.
Anxiety, comfort, pain, love, confusion… relief.
A hand landed on his shoulder, ever mindful not to smother him.
“The world needs you,” Eden admitted quietly. “We all need you.”
And it was all Hongjoong needed to hear.
Like the child he’d once been long ago, he threw himself into Eden’s arms and clung on tightly. Something inside him was at peace and he knew once they’d argued about it, once he’d laid bare the grievances weighing him down, they’d be back to some semblance of how they used to be. They’d be alright.
Eden held him for a moment before pulling back and checking for tears.
“I’m alright,” Hongjoong whispered, wiping them away before anyone else saw. It was a reality he needed to remind himself of constantly since that brush with death.
“Let me introduce you to our newest member,” Eden guided him back to the group and pulled aside the woman who had come to shore with them.
“Namji, from the apothecary shop on Geobugi,” she told him herself, beaming and shaking his hand enthusiastically. “Your members Yunho and San visited before.”
“You know them by name,” Hongjoong observed, not surprised to hear that they’d been in Geobugi for awhile before setting out to find Wooyoung and Yeosang. “Do you know how far away they are?”
“Not presently,” Namji answered, still hopeful. “But they can’t be more than a day out. Soon, very soon, I imagine.”
The thought of it made his stomach turn in anticipation.
“Good,” Hongjoong shot her a relieved smile and addressed the group.
“I think we had better inform our Navy friends of your arrival. Some of them might not take too kindly to the idea, but this island is under our control,” here he gestured to Wooyoung and Yeosang as well. “So let’s all try to coexist. I hope you've brought some decent food. I think a meeting will be in order tomorrow.”
Glancing again at the waves where the sea goddess had disappeared not long before, he accepted the long road ahead.
“We have much to discuss.”
Mingi stood patiently at the wheel with his eyes trained on the distant dot of the ship ahead of him, stretching occasionally and eating a packet of salted crackers.
They had followed the aid ship through the night despite the lack of wind and now that the third day was dawning, he knew they must be arriving any minute now.
It wouldn’t be the first time that his eyes played tricks when he saw another shape ahead that looked, from the low light behind the ATEEZ, something like a landmass.
Hongjoong’s voice was there in his mind again, reminding him of words he had once spoken when it was only the two of them against the world on open waters.
Don’t lose sight of yourself and the world around you. The ocean has many tricks, and she’ll beat you down before she shows you the way.
Mingi could only hope this really was the way they were meant to go, and as he grew more and more certain that the form ahead was indeed the island, his will was hardened and his mind was set.
Ama was a rare mercy, and it was time to take advantage of it.
Brushing off the crumbs, he went to the rail of the quarterdeck and called down to Yunho, who was closest in earshot.
“Land ho, look ahead.”
The master rigger turned sharply to spy the speck of an island himself and joined Mingi on the quarterdeck. He too had been considering their options.
“We’re approaching from the east, but the Stardust would’ve come from northwest,” Yunho pointed out. “So perhaps we’d best circle around to that side of the island.”
“It’ll help us avoid prying eyes at any rate,” Mingi agreed. “Time to bid farewell to our aid ship.”
Clouds dotted the sky in the west, and the ATEEZ passed in and out of shadow as Mingi guided her around the island.
Yunho was watching closely through his spyglass and, after a moment, lowered it with a sharp intake of breath.
“It must be on a slope,” he pointed out. “Look at the difference in flooding.”
He was right, the southeast side of the island was practically submerged still, while the area they were heading to remained much clearer of debris.
“The Stardust!” Seonghwa exclaimed from the main deck before coming up and joining them, Jongho and San in tow. He had felt the change in course and now seemed lighter, as if a great burden had been lifted from his shoulders by their arriving here.
The island was calling to them.
“Oh, thank the ocean,” Mingi sighed in relief. Despite everything, they’d succeeded in meeting the Stardust. It was such a small, meagre goal compared to what they had accomplished as a crew in the past, but it brought respite nonetheless.
“Look alive, lads,” Jongho addressed their crew. He’d been unusually active in their training and direct orders as of late. “Longboats at the ready.”
“Shall we go to them straight away?” San posited, joining Mingi and Yunho at the wheel. “Or might we pull for the island?”
“That’s a good question,” Yunho acknowledged with a sigh, not seeing anyone on the deck of the Stardust in his spyglass.
“She’s anchored,” Seonghwa observed. “So the officers must be ashore, no?”
Mingi let them continue to debate the dangers of rowing to the island now, with no indication where the Stardust crew was, and snatched Yunho’s spyglass to take a look at the beach himself.
Three people appeared to be standing there, watching the ATEEZ approach. Taken aback, Mingi extended the telescope as far as he could to get some detail.
His jaw dropped when the lens unblurred and he fixed his gaze on the silhouettes.
It was Wooyoung and Yeosang, dressed down to shirts and breeches and in conversation with one another. Yeosang’s head was bandaged.
Mingi let out a startled laugh and turned to look at the others in astonishment.
“I can’t be seeing this.”
They paused their conversation and gave him their attention.
A beat.
He was unsure how to even articulate what he was looking at. Part of him wondered if he’d been hit on the head and begun to hallucinate.
“What is it?” Jongho asked bluntly when all Mingi could do was shake his head and grin at them.
Wooyoung and Yeosang, the very reason they had taken off on this forsaken journey south. The reason they’d interrogated an assassin, fought a kraken, and dodged a whirlpool. Just to get to the next step that would lead them to their missing members. The last pieces of the puzzle who could complete them as a group.
His hands shaking, he passed the spyglass to the nearest officer. He wasn’t even sure who he’d handed it to, so wholly consumed by the revelation in front of him.
“Look at the third figure on the sand,” he whispered, pointing ahead to the exact spot. Wooyoung, Yeosang, and next to them, a particular apparition Mingi had all but lost hope of seeing in this life.
“He’s… alive.”
The final expanse of the shallows lay between them, glistening in the morning sun.
There he stood on the sand, smiling so softly with the light of the sea in his eyes.
“It’s Hongjoong.”
Taglist: @ddeonghwva @knucklesdeepmingi @serendipityunho @atzjjongbby @ley-writes
A/N: WOW! It's been a whole year since I've published anything across all my works (aside from my late crossposting)-- who would've thought finishing a degree, starting a master's degree, and a whole lotta writer's block would get in the way to this extent lol.
Readers past, present, and future; whether you're returning to this story post-hiatus or tuning in for the first time, thanks for being here. This chapter concludes volume 4 and that means there's just one left which I have big plans for and hope you'll enjoy!!
Let me know your thoughts, reactions, questions, praises, protests, everything! I'd love to know who's still here. And reach out to me on twitter (or whatever it's called now haha) where I'm a bit less active than I have been but certainly still around :)
Thx again my lovely crew, and buckle up for Volume 5 :D
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Patience is a Virtue
Written for @yourwinchesterbros for missing edging on your kinkfest request. This has been in my drafts forever.
Can be read as a The Reaper and The Death Angel one-shot or as a standalone.
Sons of Anarchy Masterlist
Contains: Fluff, consent and kink negotiation, smut (female masturbation, spanking, edging, fingering, oral sex M and F receiving, P in V, aftercare.)
2.2K words
Comment if you want to be tagged/removed or follow #the reaper and the death angel.
Jax teaches you a lesson about waiting
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"I'm going to miss you tonight."
You smiled, "it's only night shift Jax, one Club party without me isn't going to kill you."
He smirked, "it might, you can die of boredom you know. My brain's going to fall out of my ears, my heart's going to stop from having nothing to keep me entertained. My…"
You kissed him, "ok, enough. I'll be having my main meal at two, I'm sure the party will be done by then, you can stop by and eat with me."
He smiled, "I'd like that darin." He leaned down and kissed you, his lips soft against yours, "I don't know why you need to keep going on night shift. I thought work was slowing down?"
You shook your head, "it's the usual Jax, the state wants a certain number of cases done and the more we do the more they want."
He sighed, "I'm sorry darlin, I'll bring you some of flan from he cafe if you like."
You smiled, "I'd like that. See you at two yeah?"
He nodded and kissed you again, "yeah."
Jax was there right on two, flan in hand and his Teller smirk on his face. He pulled you into his arms and kissed you, his hands holding your head as his thumbs rubbed your cheeks, "dinner?"
You smiled, "yes please, it's been a long night." You sat down on your office couch, Jax sitting next to you, "how was the party?" He gave you a look, "oh no, what?"
"We have to go on a run tomorrow, we're leaving mid afternoon."
You sighed, "another one? Can't they pull someone else?"
Jax shook his head, "nope, we'll be back in three days."
You smiled, "does that mean you're going to have to touch your own dick instead of me doing it for you?"
He gasped in fake offence, "you don't think I can hold off, I thought you were the one who insisted I call you before I go to bed so we can say good night."
"Well yes, but you're the one who always brings up what I'm wearing."
He smiled, "I just want to know that you're comfortable, I can't have my woman not getting a good night's rest."
You shook your head, "sure Teller. Are you saying I can't wait?"
He nodded, "yep."
You pressed your lips together in thought, "well then, I guess we'll see. I will hold off for however many days you think I need to so I can prove I can wait. You can touch yourself, we both know that you can't keep it together."
Jax stuck out his hand, "you're on."
Jax was gone for five days, not three. You talked every morning and every night. Jax was merciful and kept the conversation PG, only asking if you were being good and you could hear his smirk across the line. When he got home, he wrapped you in his arms and kissed you long and slow, normally he would have you bent over the bed the moment everyone was asleep but tonight all he did was hold you.
"This must be rough on you too."
He nuzzled your hair, "it is, even more of a reason for you to give in."
You chuckled and stroked his face, "never, I told you I could wait and I will. The balls in your court Teller."
He hugged your tighter, "we'll see if you feel that way in the morning."
You woke up in Jax's arms, his face pressed to your hair, "good morning beloved."
He smiled and sniffed then ran his hands up and down your arms, "good morning darlin, did you sleep well?"
You nodded, "I always sleep well when you're with me."
He threw off the covers, kissing you one last time before heading to the bathroom. You watched him go, since you started buying Jax tight black boxers, it was all he wore. "See something you like?"
You smiled, "maybe, I can appreciate a nice ass."
He chuckled, "well, unless you cave, that's all you're going to be doing."
You shook your head, "I keep telling you, I can wait."
You lasted four more days before you broke. It was Sunday afternoon, Jax was out on Club business and you knew you'd have a few hours before he got home. All you needed was one, it's not like Jax would find out, he was intent on making you beg. You shut your bedroom door and lay on the bed. Your thoughts drifted to Jax as your hand slid down your body, this wasn't meant to be an indulgence, there was no fan fair, you were going to get off and be done with it. 
You could almost feel Jax's hands on you as you circled your clit with your index finger, "what do you think you're doing little girl?" 
Oh shit, you yanked your hand away from your body, "what does it look like?"
He swaggered over to you, "it looks like you're touching yourself without my permission."
You huffed and swung your legs over the bed, walking over to him, "you were taking to long."
He smiled, "so you can't wait." 
You sighed, "maybe not, I missed you."
Jax pecked you, "were you thinking about me?"
You ran your hand down his chest, "of course I was."
He chuckled, "get naked, you're going to have to make this up to me." he stomped over to the bed and sat down, patting his legs, "over my knee." You huffed, "because spanking me has always worked." He licked his lips, "I know what it does to you, if I wanted to hurt you, I would be doing something very different."
You stripped off, taking your time while making eye contact, "don't you think I know what you're doing? Get to it darlin." You stripped off the rest of your clothes in a rush then dropped yourself over his knees, "count." The hits came hard and fast, "how many was that? Don't make me start again."
You gathered yourself, "three."
His hand rubbed your hot skin, "good girl." You could feel his hard cock through his jeans.
The rest of the hits were just as hard, Jax pausing to rub your hot skin while he waited for you to count, "have you learnt your lesson now?"
You shrugged, "I don't know, have I?"
Jax tutted, "get on your knees."
You smiled, "make me."
He grabbed you by your upper arms and pulled you up then planted you on the ground, "don't make me spank you again." His hands moving to hold your face.
You smiled, "I'd much rather suck your dick." He smirked, still fully dressed as he unzipped his jeans and pull them down just enough to get his cock out.
His hands moved to your arms and then he was lifting your hands to his hips, "tap if you need a break."
You nodded "yep." He stroked his cock with one hand and your cheek with the other.
"Get to it little girl." You took one hand off his hip and lifted it to his cocked, stroking the base as you wrapped your lips around the head. 
"Fuck, just like that." You slid your mouth over more of him, Jax's head dropping back in pleasure, his hands lovingly rubbed your face. You pulled backed and kitten licked the head and Jax grunted, his hand tightening in your hair and spoke low and almost harsh, "don't tease."
You kissed his thigh and looked up and him through your eyelashes, "sorry my love." 
You kissed the head of his cock one last time before sucking it into your mouth and swallowing him down like an icy pop. Jax gasped, his hips starting to move in their own as you sucked him deeper into your mouth. Your hand left the base of his cock to cup his balls, rolling them in your palm while Jax grunted. He tapped your cheek to let you know he was about to cum and you moaned around him in permission. 
He tapped your cheek one last time before you felt something warm and salty hit your tongue, "fuck, fuck, fuck, my good girl." He bent over at the waist and rubbed your back then stepped back away from you. "Get on the bed." You scrambled up and got comfortable, Jax made no room to get naked, rather, he pulled up his pants and shed his shirt. 
Your eyes raked his bare chest, Jax smirking as they landed on his face, "you see something you like?"
You nodded, "everyday."
He shook his head, "you've been good for me so far so I'm going to let you cum tonight, but when and how many times is up to me so you better behave." Jax climbed on top of you and nuzzled into your neck, his teeth coming out to nibble your skin. 
You brought your hand up and placed it on his shoulder blade, the muscles ripping under your touch as he kissed down your body and to your core. He lifted your legs over his shoulders and kissed your inner thigh, running his thumb up and down the crease of your legs before spreading your open and sucking your clit into his mouth. 
You moaned and Jax chuckled against your skin, you felt two of his fingers circle our entrance and then he was sliding them inside you, pressing your G-spot in a steady stroke. It didn't take you long, between what you were doing before Jax got home, the spanking and sucking his dick, you were right on the edge in a matter of seconds.
But before you could topple into bliss, Jax stopped. You didn't react, you knew this was coming and Jax smiled, lifting his head briefly to speak praise at you, "good girl, if you keep this up, you'll be cumming before you know it." You shifted and settled into the bed as his head dropped back to your skin.
It took a handful of licks or you to be arching off the bed but Jax stopped again, moving to bite your thigh while he replaced his lips with his thumb. He kissed your thighs until you were at the edge again then paused the fingers that were inside you, pulling back the sensations just enough to pull you back from the edge. 
"Jax please, I need more."
Jax chuckled, "oh, I know. You'll get it when I say you can."
You grunted in frustration and his teeth smarted at your hip, "careful, don't give me a reason to leave you hanging."
You whimpered, "I'll be good, please."
He smiled, "I know darlin, you're always good for me." 
He started moving his fingers again, faster this time as his thumb found your clit and his lips kissed everywhere they could each. Each time you reached the peak, he slowed down. You wove your hands into his hair and he turned his head to kiss your forearm, "I know, I know how hard you're trying, just a bit longer little girl."
You inhaled, "thank you."
Jax smiled, "you don't need to thank me, just lay back and enjoy yourself."
You let the tension fall from your muscles as his mouth returned to your skin, with one last lick, Jax pressed your hips down to the bed with his forearm as you came so hard you saw white. You felt him kiss up your body, then there was something hard and hot pressing to your entrance, "you want this little girl?"
You gasped, "please, please I need you."
Jax chuckled, "no need to beg." You have no idea when he got naked but you were very happy about it. 
He rested his weight on his arm as he slid inside you, the other hand coming to run your clit. You let out a pained whimper and he kissed you softly, "I know, I can feel you shaking around me." His voice was tight, you could tell he was holding back. His hips started slow, pushing past the sensitivity from your previous orgasm. "Fuck you're tight."
You giggled, "is that a problem?" He kissed your again, harder this time. 
"No, but I have a reputation to uphold and you're going to ruin it."
You kissed his neck, "I'm not going to tell anyone."
Jax smiled, "you are really something, can you give me one more?"
You nodded, "I think so."
Jax chuckled, "well I know so." His hips moved like rolling waves as two of his fingers rubbed your clit, his warmth seeping into your body. Between his cock and how his body felt encompassing yours, you were coming again before could warn him. 
Jax grunted like you had shot him as the contraction of your core pushed him over the edge. Then he was dropping on top of you as his hips moved of their own volition, ringing every ounce of pleasure from you. It took a while for him to gather himself and roll off you, his lips never leaving yours as he pulled you into his arms. 
"You good?"
You nodded, "I will be when I can feel my limbs. Was this your plan all along?"
He smirked, "my smart girl. It was, why do you think I kept finding a reason to take my shirt off."
You giggled, "I love you."
He kissed your forehead, "I love you too darlin, now let me get something to clean you up then I'm going to run you a bath." 
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castle-dominion · 11 months
5x19 the lives of others
lol fries she looks angel murdering this fellow
Oh no not a kneecap you're missing on his bday!? castle you are insane spa trip not a guilt trip XD I can't believe they are here sjdkfaksjldfhasdjh they are just here in his house & using his binoculars XD *whispers* voyeurism as in watching other ppl or as in watching this individual with the towel (or without the towel *raises eyebrows*) K here's the scene: MR opens the door to leave and she runs into Kevin Ryan & Javier Esposito. MR: Oh! Katherine, your ride is here! KB: Oh, great. RC: Ride? KB: Yeah. We had a body drop. I asked the boys to pick me up so I’d have enough time to make you breakfast. She heads to grab her stuff and he wheels himself after her. RC: I’m missing another case? No! C’mon! Take me with you! KB: No! Not until you get better. KR: Castle. How’s the knee? RC: It’s not the knee so much as the boredom. JE: I thought you writers liked being alone. RC: Yeah, if I could write. But the painkillers make me a little loopy. Last night I used the word ‘speculate’ three times in the same sentence. KR notices a pair of binoculars on the table. He picks them up. KR: Hmm. You must be bored. You’ve actually gone Rear Window. He trains the binoculars at the building across the street. RC: Alexis got me those as a joke to cheer me up. I have not yet resorted to voyeurism. KR: Then you are missing out. (he whistles) JE: What? Let me see. They wrestle for the binoculars. KR: Hey, no! JE: Give me those! JE yanks them away. KR: Dude, she was just about to take off her towel. JE: Oh, the towel’s off. KR: Yeah. RC is amused. KB: Unless the body you’re looking at is dead, I suggest you drop those binoculars. (JE: does) Okay, Castle – (she kisses her hand and presses it to his foot) - I will call you and check on you soon. She leaves with KR and JE. RC: Hey, what if I consult by phone? We could pretend I’m Charlie and you’re my angels. KR and JE pause and strike a pose in the doorway, but they leave him alone anyway. there are surely enough pics online that I do not need to take one of these making this pose
"you're making it up" magazine? See? Ryan walked off to the side & rejoined em later with more info
just a headlight? Huh. Sus.
Oh yeah ppl in the usa hate the irs. Remember that veggie tales episode where larry lets everyone in including a burglar & santa except he closes the door on the irs agent?
Oh no castle! Nooo (going to clip this)
Oh of course. Reporting threats is annoying bc of this?
Sammy keyes moments! RC: Oh, to be young and underemployed. no nonn onono no no the hat! 'slpaining
Castle loopy with the painkillers
Kate’s phone rings and she checks the ID. KB: Hey, Castle. RC: Where are you? He’s bored. He’s playing with a magnifying glass. KB: I’m … at work. Why? RC: You said you were bringing home dinner. KR& JE stop working. They’re more interested in KB's conversation. KB: Yes, on my way home. RC: So when are you leaving? KB: Soon. RC: When soon? KB: Like in … half an hour? RC: Fine. He hangs up. KB looks at KR and JE. KB: Shut up. JE: shrugs.
Ohhhhh here's the thing Martha has binoculars! "action" when ready! the soda from the fridge Oh no the knife castle maybe call 911 or smth? Oooooh it falls down 100th episode!
fafjsdl;aksdjfksdhfdsfjkasdf Ryan shrugs out at the window bc he knows castle is watching They are actually great at Their "Jobs" here rn Why are they On Top of the covers & wearing their clothes?
clipping that uwu
jimmy stewart
so THAT is det wilson
Ryan pretty af wow
Castle is SO me, talking out loud to himself Castle snap a pic
Why does she have her phone OUT tho? At least it is on vibrate This is where mom said she wanted to disappear & succeeded lol he couldn't get thru to beckett so he called ryan
Good point, how do you know it is the same girl? Blood looks way different, trust me I'm a chef & a self harmer Beckett is not choosing the right things to say
See? This convo can be taken both ways!
Alexis acting tho lol she has a nice ring ALEXIS WATCHING HIM TAKE OFF HIS CLOTHES LMAO
KR: Staring at the phone won’t make it ring. I learned that in junior high.
Tommy Valentino?
I practiced my lockpicking bc of this episode lol his crutches lol RC: Oh, no, no, no. If you get caught you get a B and E on your record and you’ll never become President.
Shark: You bet your ass. No one’s going to Al Capone me.
Ryan looking hecking season two vibes here with that face those lips that hair love it sm.
glad they have radios Bleach & paint explains the mask & gloves except he can't get OUT he needs to HIDE
radio silence hun radio silence Taking the entire bag
double indemnity lunch break
Why would he not shred that one? nice push, dramatic Castle making her do unscripted stuff lol
KB: You’re talking about an illegal search. RC: When you do it it’s an illegal search. When I do it it’s just illegal.
too thin for a body wig XD, mum guessed it
GATES SFDJKHSDJHFSJKDFH Mould can be red love gates sm
Soda soda soda I didn't notice it the first time
Happy birthday to me sdhfjksdhfjj she SAID a drink from the fridge on purpose fhskjdfhsdkjfsdfjskdk
RC: I rescind the apology. I take it back. She’s in the fridge.
KB: Not as dangerous as me if you blow up my plans. RC: (hesitates) Well what if he doesn’t let you in? KB: Look at me. He’s gonna let me in.
Ooh the lights go out
RC: limps across the street. He has called for backup, and KR and JE are just getting there in their nice red car. KR: Where is she? RC: She’s upstairs! She’s in the apartment! KR and JE run into the building. They’re followed by some uniformed officers. RC hobbles behind them. RC: Wait for me!
KR and JE are at Michael’s door, guns drawn, before RC can get off the elevator. KR knocks on the door. KR: NYPD! Open up! JE: Open up now! There’s no response and KR starts to shoulder the door. RC: Kick it! Kick it! JE: Yeah! KR and JE kick in the door together and burst through. RC is right behind them. RC: Beckett! JE: Beckett! KR: Beckett! JE: Beckett you there? KR: Beckett! RC: Beckett, where are you?
The apartment is dark and still. There’s no response. Suddenly the lights come up. KB is standing front and center in their group of friends. She’s fine. It’s a surprise party. They all yell ‘surprise’ and clap. KB: Happy birthday! RC is confused. He watches as MICHAEL gives BRENT back his hat with a smile and a shrug. EMILY comes from the bedroom. RC: It was all fake? His low tone quiet. the guests, Martha, Alexis & Kate are worried now. RC: Nothing was real. You – you let me think I was crazy? You let me think you were going to die. She puts down the champagne she was going to hand him. KB: But Castle, you were – you were so bored over the last couple of weeks stuck at home with no case to solve and I saw that this apartment was for rent and I just – I thought that – I – MR: Richard … RC: No. No. This is … (they all watch, afraid) … without a doubt … the greatest birthday gift of my life! The group cheers in relief. KB sighs and gives MR a hug. She was really afraid he was mad. RC is still in shock and disbelief. KR and JE congratulate each other and AC just smiles.
RC: How did you do it? KB: Well, I did have a lot of help. She hugs MR again. MR: Yes, you did indeed. RC: You were all in on it? MR: Mmhmm. (she points) Michael, Brent, Emily. My brilliant acting students. (the bow) I, of course, was the director. RC: And the boys? JE: Yep. KR: nods. KB: Oh, yeah. They were great. Except you didn’t have to kick down the door. JE: I was in the moment. KR: We wanted to be convincing. JE: Yeah. RC: Alexis, you too? AC: (smiles) It’s why I bought you the binoculars. RC: Even Captain Gates? KR: Yeah. She jumped at the chance to dress you down for any reason. KB makes a tiger gesture. RC: Where is Captain Gates? JE: She couldn’t make it. RC: Good. He can’t stop looking at Kate. KB just smiles, so happy that he’s happy. RC: Wow. He comes forward and she meets him in a kiss. MICHAEL: All right! The rest of the crowd claps and cheers. RC and KB don’t care; they’re in their own little world. RC laughs. OH THE MUSIC RC: (incredulously) You really blew my mind. KB: Yeah well, I figured the trickiest part would be fooling you and keep a straight face. RC: Well you win the Oscar for best pretend murder. I cannot believe the whole thing was staged. She nods and laughs happily, then her smile drops. KB: Staged? RC: What? KB: I think I just solved my case! RC: Does that mean you’re going to go run off and arrest someone now? KB: (smiles) No. (she takes the champagne form him) Right now I’ve got other plans. She kisses him and holds up her glass in a toast. KB: Happy birthday.
I like how she at least decides to wait until tomorrow to arrest the person
Did they not have a time of death?
except some of the episodes had multiple murders (or way more than just multiple) & some had none & you solved cases off-screen too, you have referenced at least one. But yeah about 100 ish.
rolling her on his chair so romantic
0 notes
derealfeelz · 1 year
A little about me (Kodoku's Lilacs, The Life of a Flowstar No. 3)
So apparently, the title for these posts on the desktop version of Tumblr is automatically setup, but I have to manually set it up myself if I wanna get a title. Oh well, it don't hurt to press some extra buttons, I suppose.
Anyways, who am I? Who is the person writing this? Is he some person that everyone will just forget or not even pay attention to?
Well I bet that will most likely be the case, especially since I'd have to be very lucky to be not forgotten lol.
Anyways, onto topic. I'm a teenager about to be an adult that is planning on being a photographer. The reasons why is photography is pretty fun and easy to do. You can make a picture of how you want it with settings and filters. Even you can take pictures in high quality, depending on the camera.
Ever since I had a Samsung Galaxy A01 (rip phone), that phone took really good pictures. Before that, I had another phone called the LG Aristo that I got in 2017 that is not the best quality with taking pictures lol. It was a phone I had for 4 years until I got the A01 (I still have that old phone and it still works), and that was an interesting change.
I don't think I'll share any pictures on here unless it's like a picture I took out of state, because everyone knows what can happen when some toxic kid that I may have argued with sees a similar tree or building, figures out where the location is, and the rest is history...
But yeah, if nothings interesting in a day, I'll do one of these, especially when it's out of boredom. I don't wanna share too much tho, this isn't like a personal diary that I keep in-person. Until then, peace.
Sincerely, kodoku
0 notes
visd3stele · 3 years
Kisses and Jack-O's - marauders
I know this is late, but I thought it's cute so I should share anyway
- on Halloween night you could usually be found in the Gryffindors' common room, regardless of your own house
- no one minds, seeing how everyone loves James and you are making him very, very happy indeed
- he heard about pumpkin carving this year, so he wanted to try it
- you're sitting between his crossed legs on the floor next to the chimney, your back relaxed against his torso
- his head is resting on your shoulder, so he can steal kisses on your neck and/or cheek every now and then (and steal ideas for his own pumpkin)
- you realize it, of course, but you actually like the thought of matching pumpkins, after all
- so, next time when he presses his lips to your neck, you turn your head and catch his mouth with your own, instead
"Happy, Halloween, Potter."
- his day has been ruined when he received a howler, ordering him to have a special celebration with his family at school (unless, of course, he preffered going home and have a proper dinner there)
- so when he drags his feet back to the common room, tired, sad, angry and annoyed, you surprise him with a mini Halloween party
- just the marauders and the girls, cheering him up
- soon, it excalades in a pumpkin carving contents and you and Sirius play as a team
- you're sitting behind him on the couch, ankles thrown soothingly over his tighs, hands wrapped around his torso
- you whisper in his ear what to do, as his long fingers weild the knife in and out the thick, orange skin of the pumpkin
- every now and then, he'd nuzzle your shoulder with his nose, like a pretty little puppy, and you'd know to throw a candy in his mouth
- unless he nonchalantly says "kiss", in which case, you'd hug him tighter and press soft kisses on his lips until he goes back to work
- the full moon was closing in
- the Great Hall was full of scary stories about vampires, zombies, evil witches, mass murderers and, of course, werewolves
- you dine at the Gryffindor table, one yourself or not, it doesn't matter, fingers interlaced with his, always holding his hand during the day
- or hanging at his arm, burring your head in his upper arm and nuzzling lovingly, reminding him he's not a monster
"You're too cute to be horror, Moony."
- the boys decide to take him outside the castle until everyone goes to sleep and there are no more storie
- and to preven the boredom, you start carving pumpkins
- you're by his side, legs tangled with his own, every now and then switching the pumpkins and turning both in a couple's work
- when the switching happens, you don't miss the chance to peck at his lips, until he gives in, finally, and kisses you back with full on werewolf force
- he, too, isn't thrilled about the fancy meeting with his family
- but he's better at hiding it than his brother
- he's going back to the Slytherins' quarters late, having been walking the funny feels off around the castle
- you stop him on his way, dragging him away to your secret spot, thinking he needs a distraction
"It's a muggle thing, but it's gonna be fun, I promise"
- and you bring up two pumpkins, explaining the carving tradition to the pure blood
- too tired, or intrigued, to protest, he takes one from your hands, sits on the floor cross legged, and starts his work
- unexpectedly, he's bloody talented
- when you both are done, his pumpkin looks waaay better than yours
- so you take your consolation prize (much to Regulus' shock, but joy)
- you close the gap between you two, leaning over him while resting on your palms
- you place a chaste kiss on the corner of his mouth, before he cups your face and brings your mouths together
- none of you goes back to bed that spiritful night
- you and your friends are gathered in the boys' dorm, planning a prank
- you're caught, of course, Minnie Mcgonagall got used to your antics
- during detention, which is boring, you come up with the idea of pumpkin carving
- you sit next to Peter, hands over his as you lead the procedure, carving a stag, a dog, a rat and a wolf
- when you're done, the guys congratulates you two and Peter is so overwhelmed with pride and happiness
- in his enthusiasm, he tries to kiss you, but seem to shy away before your lips meet and pecks your cheeks instead
- you laugh as he touches the back of his neck awkwardly
"Well, well, Pettigrew."
- and you kiss him chastly on the lips
- she invites you to the Gryffindor Halloween party
- you stay over night
- when everyone left or went to sleep, you, the girlas and the marauders still have too much energy to kill
- soneone propose carving pumpkins (make it a contest, loser does everyone's homeworks for a week)
- you aren't pretty confident in you abilites, for good reasons though
- so when you're done you show it to Lily, whispering "I don't have time for my own assignments, how am I going to deat with all of yours?"
- Lily, as the sweetheart she is, switches pumpkins with you
- she loses, as expected
- later, when you catch her alone as you all make your way to beds, you thank her
- and what better way to show your gratitude than a series of sweet kisses everywhere on her face?
- on the tip of her nose, cheeks, lips corners, mouth
- she deepens the kiss, asking you to open your mouth for her as her tongue tastes the words off your own
- she's competitive
- from Quidditch to house points to the best of the class, the girl wants to win
- but for once, you want to beat her at something
- so you get your friends' help
- you people hold a carving pumpkins competition
- and the marauders agree to place a spell so Marlene's wouldn't come out the winner
- later, you feel bad about it and confess to her
"I'm so sorry, Marl. I'm such an idiot. Can you forgive me?"
- and she does, eventually
- something for which you're very grateful for
- you jump up and down and hug her
- which leads to a reconciling make out session
- hands everywhere, bodies pressed together, heated kisses
- to avoid being caught, you cut it off
- but not before she pins you to the nearest wall and claims your lips hungrily
- she is breaking rules in the cutest way, you think
- she breaks in the kitchen at night to bake for her friends
- so you, the girls and the marauders make sure she's not caught
- but you get bored of waiting, so you follow her
- she's not even half way done
- so you wait with her in silence
- which soon become too much to take, so you start carving aimlessly a pumpkin she hadn's used yet
- Dorcas notice this and tiptoes her way to where you're sitting
- she rests her head on top of yours gently (being taller now that you sit down), hugging you and pressing a kiss to the side of your head
"It looks pretty, y/n."
- you smile up at her and catch her lips longingly
- they taste like apples and cinnamon, you vaguely realize, sweet and delicious as she is
- she knows everyone: their secrets, their likes, dislikes, teir business
- so it's no suprise when she bursts in your dorm with two invitation to Hogsmeade's Halloween party
- where there will be a pumpkin contest as well
- so you and Mary work on yours all day long
- when it's done, you sneak past Filch and the ever so loyal Mrs Norris and out in the autumn air
- later that night, you both stumble over your feet as you try to sneak back in
- your laughter, though, could be heard even by peacefully sleeping londoners
"I think we drank too much."
- but not enough to get drunk
- the reason of your good spirits is the magic ribbon singnaling you and Mary won the pumpkin carving contest
- you were so happy about it, that when it was announced at the party, you squeeked, took Mary by the waist and kissed her out of air
- not to worry, though, she returned the favor tenfold
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yourelivingwrong · 3 years
Tumblr media
Dean Winchester x reader w/ vagina
Pure smut, some fluff
Warnings: p in v sex, public sex, bratty reader, boyfriend Dean, a bit dom/ sub (reader receiving), poor Sammy
Word count: 3k
this is my first fic in six months! welcome back me i guess!
"Come on Dean, this is a total dead end. We're best off heading back and just googling it, this isn't getting us anywhere” you whine in a pathetic tone you can’t bring yourself to care about.
You and the Winchester brothers are currently in the library of some middle-of-nowhere town about three hours out from Omaha, trying to get some research on local history for the ghost case the three of you are working. You've been here five hours already and have yet to find anything even remotely relevant to the local haunting reports and string of deaths that drew you here, and you’re beginning to get really, really fed up.
Dean breathes out a laugh as he places another useless book on a pile to his left, "Just hang on a couple hours more sweetheart, just these last pieces of info then we're good to gank this son of a bitch” he flashes a dazzling smile your way, green eyes sparkling with amusement at your boredom. You groan and fall to hit your head softly onto the book in front of you, making Dean chuckle before turning back to his book. He’s just glad he found someone that makes him look actually proficient at research in comparison.
Despite being a small town, the library is actually a relatively large building: old stone, big windows, a grand staircase and a labyrinth of stacks all full of dusty old books. There’s been barely any attempt to modernise it for the times, and the building is almost empty, save you and the Winchesters of course. You and Dean have taken the upstairs floor by the main staircase while Sam's covering downstairs, looking through decades and decades of newspapers through an archaic manual system - there’s no computers here, of course.
You play with the hem of your skirt just to do something, smoothing the seam and sighing with bored frustration. The Winchester boys had once teased you about your love for skirts and dresses but once they understood it was down to your want of feeling feminine they backed off. Dean has since admitted how cute he thinks you look in them, likes how they show off your legs. You only really wear pants when you're hunting or in your pyjamas, finding a leg length that fits you is too difficult a chore to deal with on a daily basis. You brush a hand through your hair and try to focus on the job, returning your attention to the book in front of you, and try to make your way through yet another volume of dull, unhelpful town history.
Another half hour passes and a chapter devoted to the local bus network from the forties is your breaking point.
“Dean, if I read one more word I’m going to die of boredom. This isn’t giving us anything! ” you sigh frustratedly, chest heaving, grumbling under your breath, “Unless this ghost is taking the number fifteen to the 7/11 and back”.
The oldest Winchester snorts and pats the chair to his left, raising his head to look at you sympathetically.
“Come ‘ere baby, come sit next to me” he extends an arm to you, and you round the table to meet it and perch next to him, resting your head on his shoulder with a pout. He brings a calloused but tender hand to your head and turns to press a chaste kiss to your forehead.
"Couple of hours Y/N, then we'll leave, I promise.” he chuckles, smoothing your hair then returning his hand to flip the page.
You sigh, leaving your head propped on his shoulder as you skim read the book he currently has open. It’s even duller than yours was. Feeling more content by your partner’s side, you close your eyes and let your frustration ebb slightly. Now you just have to manage your boredom of waiting out the Winchesters until they admit there’s nothing to be found in this stupid old library.
The familiar comfort of Dean’s plaid shirt soothes you only for a short while, and you grow tired. None of you have had much sleep, and you skipped out on coffee this morning. You curse yourself for doing so. At this point, you honestly don’t care what you do as long as it’s not this. There’s a clock ticking on the wall that you swear is mocking you with it’s slow passage of time.
Sam praises you for how Dean has matured since meeting you. He’s calmer in himself, less angry at the world with you by his side and able to commit himself to his friends, family and his job. He’s the best hunter he’s ever been without so much weight on his shoulders, and that’s great in most areas, but Dean is now so focused even in research that’s there’s nothing that could distract him from it.
An idea strikes you. There is one way…
Rotating your head on his shoulder, you gently press your lips to Dean’s warm neck. His breath catches but he carries on reading, so you kiss the area again before dragging your tongue slowly up the length of his neck and start to play with his earlobe between your teeth. He shifts slightly in his seat, trying not to let his eyes shut to allow him to bask in the small pleasure.
"Dean..." you moan softly into his ear, "Dean baby, I need you”
He continues to ignore you, but you can tell he's more than interested in what you're doing. You up it a few notches and trail your hand down to his crotch, palming him ever so softly through his jeans and kissing his neck again. There’s a certain side to him you’re hoping to coax out with what you’re doing.
"Fuck, you're going to be the end of me I swear,” Dean growls softly, his breath catching. You grin and playfully nip at his ear, teasing him more, “I’m sorry baby, it’s just…” you pause for effect before continuing in a low, sultry voice, “The thought of you fucking me here where anyone could see is getting me so wet”.
Home fucking run. Dean snaps the book shut so swiftly it makes you jump, and he twists to capture your jaw in his firm hand before you can think about moving - not that you would. His green eyes, now darker, scowl at you, only inches away from your own.
“You are such a needy little brat” he all but growls in your ear.
You smirk. That’s the response you’ve been trying to get out of him. Dean eyebrows furrow in the centre, his eyes hardening.
“Oh you think that’s funny, do you?” Dean seizes your wrist and roughly jerks you to your feet, pulling you against his chest. He lowers his head down so that his face is barely separate from yours, eyeing you up under those long lashes of his. He’s so close that you could count his freckles from here, and it makes your breathe stutter and your mind go blank. Dean brings his lips closer to yours, but when you lean up to meet them he halts, his jaw almost as firm as the fist still wrapped around your own.
“I’ll show you fucking funny”
He releases your jaw, seizes your wrist instead and drags you into the stacks, leaving the windows’ light and going deeper, looking for a place further away from the exposed staircase. You're grinning the whole way, heart beginning to race. The pair of you turn around the fifth corner and see it's a dead end - it's quiet here and you can barely hear any noise from the library. Dean turns, and winks at you with a raised eyebrow, checking this is okay with you.
You give a small nod, and he’s on you in a second.
Dean backs you roughly into the bookcase before diving in to devour you in a kiss, one so hot and needy you feel yourself melt at his touch. He drags his stubble down toward your neck, immediately sucking a love bite into the skin where your neck meets your shoulder, making a few moans to spill out of your throat. You love when he’s like this, and you can already feel the arousal spilling in your panties. You reach your hand down to palm at his hardening cock through his jeans.
”Fuck, baby, you’re forgetting all your manners today,” he breathes out with a small huff of indignation, “Ordinarily you know I’d have to punish you for that, but we’re making this quick. All because you had to go be a spoilt little brat”.
He punctuates the last word by slamming a hand to the shelf behind you, trapping you and making your heart race with desire. Before you can respond with sass, Dean dives his other hand under your skirt, pulls your panties to one side and runs his fingers along your slit, then gently teases your entrance with just the tips of his fingers causing you to bury your head in his neck and struggle to bite back a not so quiet moan.
He tense instantly, “Did I say you could make a fucking sound?”. His voice is gravelly, cock still firm through his pants in your hand.
You shake your head softly. Dean frowns, your response not enough for him: “Use your words baby”.
You smirk knowingly, meeting his eyes to challenge him through your lust. Your pussy is begging for more of his touch, but you just can’t resist him when he’s like this.
In your sweetest voice, you breathe: “You said I couldn’t make a sound”.
The way you toy with him is unmatched to anyone Dean’s ever been with, and it’s what makes him head over fucking heels in love with you. God, the way you look up at him with your false innocence and small grin, just begging him to ruin you.
And he will ruin you.
Dean pulls his hand from your dripping pussy and licks your juices off his fingers, fluttering his eyes closed as he tastes you. When he opens them again his eyes lock on yours and he sharply lifts you up, back pressed into the bookcase. You think you might have some bruised, shelf-shaped lines across your back tomorrow, but right now the pain is sending thrills through you.
“You don’t even deserve my fingers today sweet thing” he snarls at you seductively, and you just have enough time to wrap your legs around his waist before he slides his hard cock up into your waiting pussy in one thrust.
However many times you and Dean do this, it never fails to knock the breathe out of you and light your body on fire. Dean’s cock fills your pussy so perfectly that the relief of him finally fucking you floods every sense. He starts thrusting up into you, slow and deep, just the way that drives you crazy and already your slick coating him and dripping down your thigh. Dean buries his head into your neck to silence his own moans that threaten to draw attention to you both, then quickens his pace as you bite your lip and dig your nails into his back, scratching down and making him growl. His noise makes you flutter around him in arousal.
"Fuck yes, you like me fucking your wet cunt against the bookcase?” he growls in a low, raspy voice that makes your shiver, “Gonna make you come so good, you're so beautiful when you come on my cock.”
His words are making everything so much hotter and you can feel yourself close to coming apart, just a little bit longer…
Suddenly, Dean pulls out and drops you to your feet, smacking your skirt down to cover your ass. You're about to protest before you see an elderly lady turn round the corner and pick up a book on a shelf about two metres from you. You turn to Dean who, ever the professional, is reaching up to pluck a book down with a straight face giving away no hint to the fact he's been thrusting inside you only fifteen seconds ago: the only indication is his hard cock pitching a tent in his hastily buttoned up jeans, which he's hiding by leaning casually toward you. The woman doesn’t acknowledge either of you as she brings her selected book closer to her face, squinting as she reads the back blurb. You barely contain your giggles as Dean retains his composure.
Though you’re blushing slightly from almost being caught, you’d be lying if you said the concept wasn’t turning you on even more. By the way Dean is biting his lip, he’s feeling the exact same as you.
"I'm so close baby, I want you to make me cum" you breathe into his ear as you surreptitiously stroke the bulge in his pants and make him shudder. He picks a large book from an overhead shelf and strategically holds it over his crotch making you laugh softly, trying not to attract too much attention to yourselves despite your teasing.
The old lady doesn't show at all that she knows what the pair of you are up to, but shakes her head at her book and leaves the dead end corridor.
The second she's gone Dean's back on you, already lifted you back up around his waist and panting as he struggles to unbutton his pants again, desperate to return to you.
"Fuck Y/N, how did I get lucky enough to get you?" He groans in whispers between kisses. You're about to reply with some witty retort but then then he's sliding back into you and all you can do is gasp and grip onto his shirt hard, basking in the delicious stretch of him filling you once more. Dean pushes your shirt and bra up so it's bunched under your arms, then he leans in to suck a nipple between his lips as he begins to fuck into you at a relentless pace that makes you throw your head back against the bookcase and grip hard to the shelf, trying desperately to stay quiet.
You blindly run your fingers through Dean's hair with your remaining hand and tug gently on it, encouraging him for more, more, more. He changes his angle slightly and suddenly he's brushing his cock past that spot again and again and it's too good and too much and even though you’re somehow muffling your moans behind your sealed lips you’re sure no passer by could ignore the slap of his skin on yours as he pounds into you.
“Dean…" you whine as quietly as your can into his ear with no care about how wrecked you sound, “Dean please I can't last much longer please make me cum please, ple-“ He silences your pleas with a messy kiss and whispers against your lips in response, ”Baby, you gotta - fuck - you gotta be quiet okay? I'm close too I just - god- just don't want to get us busted". He groans and continues to thrust hard up into your soaked pussy and you're so fucked out already you can't help but moan out his name again. Dean responds with a grin that tells you he was hoping you'd disobey, and shifts to lift one hand to clamp down on your mouth. Overcome at how hot the scenario is, he then he fucks into so hard you're glad he's muffling your new screams.
Dean’s cock is angling against that spot so perfectly with each relentless thrust that you’re almost in tears with pleasure, you’re so, so close it hurts and you know he's holding back till you come first. You're bucking into his thrusts, fucking yourself on his cock and you run your hand down your body till your fingers are pressing against your clit.
Dean groans in a high pitch, the sight almost enough to send him toppling over the edge ”Fuck yeah sweetheart, touch yourself, touch yourself and come all over my cock, so fucking hot I need you baby, need you to fucking come for me" he's babbling into your ear but it's so fucking hot and you only have to rub your clit a couple of times before you're clamping down around him, vision going white and everything is so good and just Dean. You twitch and writhe above him, jaw going slack behind his palm in a silent scream as your orgasm consumes your whole body.
Dean shudders, stuttering his sloppy thrusts, ”Oh fuck baby, yes, God fucking yes,” is all he groans out before he stills deep inside you and comes hard, groaning and jerking as your still convulsing pussy milks his cock.
You fuck each other lazily through your orgasms, shaking and moaning curses in laboured pants. When you start to come down, both breathing heavy and sweating; you kiss softly and rest your foreheads against each other. Dean laughs and presses another soft kiss to your lips.
"Shit Y/N, you have no idea what you do to me" he says with a besotted gaze into your eyes. You kiss him again, nipping his lip playfully as he gently sets you down and you each use shaky fingers to fixing each other's clothing.
"We are definitely doing that again some time." you smirk as Dean pulls your shirt back down.
"God I love you" he responds, leaning in to kiss your smile passionately. You're kissing back, and you're almost tempted for round two when-
"Guys?" there's a knock from the other side of the bookcase, "Are you done being gross yet? I found a lead!" you hear Sam say from behind you. You cover your face with your hands, cheeks going red as you stifle a giggle.
"Don't be such a perv Sammy, we'll be out in a minute!" Dean calls back over to his brother, before wrapping his arms around your waist and pressing a final kiss to your lips. You pout when he pulls away, but he just laughs and takes your hand as you walk out.
"You guys are sick" Sam shakes his head, smiling when he sees you. He’s secretly glad to see his brother this happy, with someone Sam likes so much as well.
"Nah, you're just just jealous you don't have a girlfriend this kinky" Dean grins, smacking his hand on his brother's back. You gasp and smack his arm in mock protest, but laugh when he pulls you in for another kiss.
"I'm going out to the car," Sam groans, taking the Impala keys Dean hands him without breaking contact with your lips.
"Sorry Sammy!" You manage to get out before he leaves and Dean pulls you even closer to him.
This may or may not have been inspired by an old bookstore I used to go to all the time and can no longer visit because once I started imagining Dean Winchester fucking me there it got hard to focus on books.
Thanks as always to my gorgeous Supernatural tag list:
@deandreamernp @eunomiasloane @savvy-the-human @tatted-trina6 @deascheck
Let me know in my asks if you’d like to be added!
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cancerjupiter · 4 years
🔥 fire moons 🔥
aries moon
Probably the simplest, most bluntly honest and emotionally direct of all the Moon signs, they tend to be single-minded when involved in their latest enthusiasm, not liking to be bothered (least of all by “emotional” distractions or someone else’s “personal needs”). Most of them will have thousands of such interests in their lives, each of which takes on a feeling of pressing importance and tremendous urgency … until they lose interest when the source of excitement is no longer new. Very action-oriented and thus often a bit pushy, they frequently react impatiently, even when they are not nearly so annoyed or irritated as others may assume from their explosive behavior. Aries above all needs new challenges throughout their lives. Often fearless, the one fear Aries Moon does have is fear of boredom. They always need a new challenge.
They are usually poor listeners, not just because of their obsessive self-interest but also because they tend to jump to conclusions (unless they have, say, lots of Gemini or Libra in their charts, in which case the result is people who can be superb at “active listening”—quickly grasping the essentials and energetically giving lots of instant feedback). Actually, as one perceptive woman with Aries Moon pointed out to me, they need to feel that they are not influenced by others, and therefore they appear not to be listening to others’ advice or observations. And yet, months later, they may inadvertently reveal that they heard it very well and even reflected on it and accepted it later.
Easily bored, restless, rather self-centered, they are by nature competitive—even though many of them don’t like to acknowledge it. They simply have to be the best at everything! As one woman wrote, “Two women I know with Aries Moon are domineering. They think they know all the answers, and that they are always right” (AQ). However, even though instinctively competitive, they do not tend to hold a grudge since they move on to their next interest so quickly—unless they see the other person as an enemy to their freedom who is trying to control or limit them. They are in fact extremely self-sufficient; they prefer independence and the freedom to act without restriction and rarely seek any kind of input from others.
Women with Aries Moon (or Sun for that matter) often use “toxic masculinity” at least in a gentle, non doctrinaire way, because they respect strength and competitiveness, and thus have little time for weeping and moaning from others.
Men with Aries Moon tend to expect a lot from women. In women it gives a strong sense of purpose and freedom.
A thirty-year-old female wrote the following about men with Moon in Aries:
“They seem to totally involve their attention in a very direct and powerful way in the scrutiny of new “data,” often to the extent of monopolizing conversations or others’ attention until their interest wanes or changes focus. They’re also very self-centered: their ideas, their action, their feelings come first, and they don’t usually have a lot of empathy for the needs or feelings of others; they’ll listen, but they’re not consistently good with feedback or support.”
Aries Moon can be outspoken and tactless. Their emotional reactions to stimuli seem raw, completely spontaneous and uncensored.
leo moon
Those with Leo Moon react warmly, generously, and often with enthusiasm and/or humor. There is a childlike simplicity about them, and in fact their notable pride often resembles that of a child as well. These people need recognition and demonstrative affection, and their pride is often hurt if such attention is not given in sufficient and public ways. Like all the fixed signs (Taurus, Scorpio, and Aquarius being the others), Leo is a sign of extremes; and it is therefore difficult to paint a balanced picture of their personal tendencies. They are often shallow and prone to flattery, and yet they have considerable personal integrity, which is not usually compromised. Needing to live up to a big and rather dramatized image of themselves, the Leo Moon person can be rather a show-off. But they do it with such innocence and high expectations that they are often forgiven for their tendency toward self-absorption and dramatization. In fact, it seems they are so in need of attention and so childlike themselves that in very few cases do they have room for children in their lives, even though they often have a natural way with kids and can be great parents. Although not a scientific fact, all the Leo Moons I can think of offhand have either no children or only one child.
They can be loyal, sometimes blindly loyal to the point of foolish behavior that has a negative impact on everyone concerned; and they can be generous (but they do not mind if others notice their benevolence). Shortsightedness is perhaps one of Leo Moon’s worst faults. Some “cannot see past the ends of their noses” and are so self-absorbed that they do not even notice others’ reactions to their sometimes obnoxious, grandiose behavior. This shortsightedness surprisingly extends to their understanding of their own potential. It has always amazed me how many Leo Moon people (with innate talents and ability in abundance!) sell themselves short and wind up worldly failures in comparison to what they had the ability to do. I cannot help but suspect that one reason for this is that their huge pride prevents them from ever listening to (or asking for) honest feedback about themselves. Perhaps they secretly fear that they are not quite up to their self-image. They are known for being insulted easily, so they naturally do not want to expose their fragile ego to criticism, no matter how well-intentioned. But unless they develop a deeper self-understanding and the ability to accept authentic personal communication from others, they may remain engaging in their earnestness and simplicity, but it can eventually wear thin, like a person who never grows up.
Leo Moon people have a capacity for encouraging others that can be extremely supportive and strengthening in a crisis. They can be as solid a support system as one could ever want, but in other cases they seem fanatically convinced that they are having a great, positive impact on others (regardless of the truth) and they want to be thanked for it. Being admired is a central need in many with this Moon placement. (Note that Leo Moon is much more passive than Leo Sun, who is usually busy creating and doing.) There is a deep-down feeling of needing to live up to an image of bigness and greatness, even if they wind up resenting others for not noticing all that they have given. In short, the vast range of Leo Moon personalities evokes extreme reactions, and they are probably included in anyone’s list of people whom one has either deeply loved or strongly resented! Note the extreme and varied qualities noted about Leo Moon in this questionnaire response:
“People with the Moon in Leo always like to be on top of things. They like attention and some can be easily appealed to through the ego. Moon in Leo makes for dynamic personal expression. These people tend to make their presence felt.… the person often tries very hard to make others see them as somebody special, getting mixed reactions from others. While tending to be somewhat opinionated these people can make good listeners, can be very concerned, very caring even if a little overbearing. Moon in Leo is gregarious, dynamic, and can be very creative.”
Another perceptive observation about them:
“Moons in Leo are emotionally melodramatic. They’re easily upset, and tend to get fixated on what they’re feeling, sometimes to the point that their feelings become a major issue in which everyone around them has to participate. They like the excitement of having everyone’s attention on them, even when the price for that is an argument or some kind of conflict. Once they’ve satisfied themselves that they have everyone’s full attention, they’ll usually happily drop the issue and magnanimously allow someone else the “spotlight.” They’re performers.”
sagittarius moon
Tolerant, broad-minded, with a buoyant attitude toward life, those with Sagittarius Moon are idealistic by nature and instinctively react with a philosophical attitude toward any setback, knowing that the future (not the past!) is what matters. They are most comfortable when exploring ideas, ideals, or outdoor places and love a sense of freedom without limits. The distant horizon is always felt as more appealing than the here and now. They particularly need mental freedom (including religious and spiritual room to improve themselves), since their aspirations are not just high but boundless. In fact, the term “upbeat” was invented by a Sagittarius Moon! As one Sag Moon woman always repeated as her mantra, “I see the glass as half-full, not half-empty.” They like to entertain groups of people with their humor. In fact, they want to say yes to every opportunity; they want to feel that life is unbounded by any limits, and so they tend to instinctively promise far more than they can ever deliver. They assume, I suppose, that everyone else forgets as many immediate details as they do, a habit that backfires when angry friends and colleagues confront them demanding to know why the promise did not follow through. As a questionnaire reply asserted, “A need to be all things to all people” characterizes Sagittarius Moon. Generosity and “bigness” are dominant factors in their lives and in their sense of reality and self-image.
Sagittarius is the sign most likely to be oblivious to the realities right in front of them that are obvious to everyone else, so focused are they on the distant goal. Since the road to hell is paved with good intentions, Sagittarius Moon people need to be sure that their goals and ideals are grounded in what is truly possible. They do need a large guiding vision to motivate them in life, but they also need periodic times of self-examination to assess whether they are themselves living up to their ideals. They like to preach to others (usually “helpfully,” in their view), but if something does not work out, well, that is not their problem. Sagittarius Moon people rather dislike the heaviness of daily “reality” and personal or emotional problems.
They have difficulty handling any criticism and often in fact become more indignant than any other sign—a pride that is usually hidden and often surprises others who take their positive, happy demeanor at face value. As Donna Cunningham wrote, “The things that set Sagittarius Moon people off are having one of their pet theories or convictions demolished”. This pride, manifesting at times as a rather exalted view of oneself (perhaps as the only one who can reveal the “truth”), is part of the dualistic nature of Sagittarius, the symbol for which is the centaur—half horse and half human. Sagittarius has the lifelong task of integrating their more idealistic nature with their more unrefined, impulsive, egocentric tendencies. At their worst, they are so proud of their “honesty” (sometimes viewed by other people as tactless bluntness) and of their own moral or intellectual righteousness that—unless more humble or sensitive factors are also dominant in the chart—they can be so uncompromising in their mode of expression that they are often perceived as inconsiderate and unnecessarily hurtful.
Perhaps the key for Sagittarius Moon people to feel authentically at home with themselves is to apply their honesty to themselves as bluntly as they express it to others! They often think too highly of themselves and want to project an admirable image to others. They like to feel idealistic and upstanding, but if they look at themselves honestly, they often have to admit that they are not as impeccably honorable as they like to think; for they can rationalize their behavior as well as anyone when it is convenient or advantageous to do so. Sagittarius Moon is thus a good example of the fact that how people feel about themselves (always directly related to the Moon in anyone’s birth chart) is not necessarily how others see them and their behavior.
A couple quotations from questionnaires can round out this description of Sagittarius Moon:
“Easygoing, gets along with and accepts strangers without discrimination—though sometimes self-righteous and snobbish. Independent emotionally, doesn’t seem to need so much from one as they can get from many.”
“Moon in Sagittarius can be very high-minded, they respond very actively to life. These people can try to push others or just be domineering in general. They can be a little pushy but this is generally out of enthusiasm. For both sexes, can be very direct. For men—very honest in attitude, they say what is on their mind. For women this is also a very blunt placement. Both sexes can often be tactless; they speak the truth as they see it and figure that others should just accept it no matter how hard it is to swallow.”
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ibijau · 3 years
Writing prompt: A/B/O AU where, after a night of heated passion and romance, Nie Huaisang is expecting Lan Xichen's child. Nie Minjue, being the overprotective Alpha that he is, has vowed to (possibly literally) kill anyone who has touched his little brother, but due to Huaisang making Xichen promise not to claim the child as his own, no one comes forward, which only serves to make Minjue even more furious at such a dishonorable move.
Meng Yao (and let's make this before his true colors are revealed because why not) takes full advantage of this and is somehow able to convince Minjue to let him marry Huaisang.
I’m going for Untamed canon for this, just because it works better. This would be just after the gusu trio and lwj bring xue yang to the unclean realm, but before the Wen come around
“I’d rather not,” Nie Huaisang mumbled, twisting the hem of his sleeve in his hands.
His brother threw him a puzzled look. “Why not? You like Meng Yao. And unless the true father is going to show up…”
“He’s not,” Nie Huaisang said, pressing his hands to his barely showing stomach, still pulling and twisting the fabric of his sleeve nervously. I told him to keep our fling a secret, he thought, something he was starting to regret.
It was just that he hadn’t expected Nie Mingjue to react quite this way. After all, Nie Huaisang was hardly the only omega in the Unclean Realm, and he’d seen more than a few Nie disciples get pregnant and raise children all on their own. In fact, the Nie sect had a bit of a reputation in that regard, he’d learned while at Gusu, at which point it had occurred to him that they did frequently get new disciples who were omegas whose partner wouldn’t take responsibility for the child. And nobody said anything against that. The parent would get all the help they needed as well as support from people who’d gone through the same, the children were taught in the Nie manner…
So when Nie Huaisang announced that he was with child after returning from Gusu, he’d thought it would just be the same for him. He’d get a scolding for being careless (and for taking so long to come home, but it’d been fun to run around with friends. Well, mostly fun, except whenever they’d almost died, and for the mass murderer they’d had to bring to the Unclean Realm) and then his brother would move on to the next problem.
Instead, Nie Mingjue had interrogated him for hours and hours to try to get the name of the alpha who had, according to him, “deflowered” and “ruined” and “taken advantage” of his darling little brother, promising he’d force the person to marry Nie Huaisang, or to kill them if they refused… and that was only after Nie Huaisang swore that everything had been consensual, because before that Nie Mingjue just wanted to kill the person.
Nie Huaisang also had been forced to swear that it wasn’t any of the three friends who’d travelled with him who had done this to him. And then Nie Mingjue had interrogated them anyway, much to Nie Huaisang’s embarrassment.
And then…
“Is he already married?” Nie Mingjue asked. “Is that why he can’t marry you?”
Shaking his head, Nie Huaisang almost laughed. In fact, he was quite sure that given the chance, Lan Xichen would marry him, being an honourable man. And Nie Huaisang certainly liked him enough that such a marriage would please him immensely, except…
Except he wasn't stupid enough to think whatever had gone on between them was love. The first time they’d gotten together had certainly been an accident, due to Nie Huaisang not realising that his heat had started a day early, and Lan Xichen had been tutoring him, and one thing leading to another…
The first time would have been excusable. These things happened, and luckily Nie Huaisang hadn’t gotten pregnant that first time. But everything after that had been the result of a combination of boredom and opportunity and, at least in his case, maybe a tiny bit of emotion as well. If he hadn’t been a little in love, he wouldn’t have suggested they continued fooling around like that, nor so boldly offered for Lan Xichen to join him during the second heat he suffered while in Gusu.
It still surprised him that Lan Xichen had agreed to something so stupid. But then again, few alphas could have rejected such an offer, and in spite of his new responsibilities as a sect leader, Lan Xichen was a young alpha with all the needs and desires that came with it.
Lan Xichen who had looked so sad when Nie Huaisang had suddenly announced that their little affair had run its course, but… but it was for the best. Having realised he was with child, Nie Huaisang just had to put an end to this, before Lan Xichen got stupid and tried to marry him for honour. It would have ruined his reputation to become known as lustful when, as a young sect leader of a Great Sect, so many eyes were already on him in hope of seeing fail.
Maybe it would also have broken Nie Huaisang’s heart to be married only out of duty, but that was irrelevant.
“I don’t want to marry anyone,” Nie Huaisang announced, which was almost the truth anyway, so it wasn’t quite a lie. “And Meng Yao is… I like him a lot! But I don’t want to marry him. I don’t think he’d want to marry me either!”
“He offered himself, actually,” Nie Mingjue replied. “He said he would hate for your child to suffer the way he has and that if we cannot find someone better suited, he’d be happy to help. I think he might be a little soft on you.”
Had Meng Yao not been on the other side of the country when Nie Huaisang was getting himself knocked up, it was likely Nie Mingjue might have regarded his offer with a little less kindness. Or maybe he would have liked it better if he could have assumed that Meng Yao was the father, making it a good deal less likely that Meng Yao would ever leave them to try his chance in Lanling. Nie Mingjue was ever so fond of his deputy, seeing him almost as a brother, a better one perhaps than the real one.
Well, Nie Huaisang too saw Meng Yao as a brother, so the idea of marrying him made him wrinkle his nose in disgust.
“You are impossible,” Nie Mingjue huffed, sounding so upset that his brother felt a little guilty. “I’m just trying to look out for you, and so is Meng Yao.”
“Well, don’t. I’m fine. I’m gonna have my baby alone. Well, I’ll want a midwife, and a nurse, and cousins to help me with it, but other than that, I’m having it alone!”
“Okay, that’s it!” Nie Mingjue exploded. “I’m writing to Lan Xichen. Let’s see if he can knock some sense into you and…”
Nie Huaisang threw himself at his brother, as if merely speaking of his friend might have made him appear in the room, thus ruining all his efforts to keep his pregnancy secret.
“Don’t!” he cried out, tearful from fright. Seeing him so distraught made Nie Mingjue suspicious, so Nie Huaisang clung to him tightly and scrambled for an excuse. “Xichen-ge is already so busy! He’s got all his attention taken by that Yin Iron business, should we really bother him with my problems? And anyway… anyway it’s private, I don’t want others to know!”
“I half blame him for this,” Nie Mingjue retorted. “He’d promised me he’d keep an eye on you. And you always listen to him more than me, heavens know why.”
Mostly that was because Lan Xichen gave fun orders, such as ‘sit down while I do your homework’ or ‘open your mouth, I have a treat’ or even better ‘open your legs a little more, just like that, you’re such a good boy Huaisang’.
Not that Nie Mingjue needed to know that.
May he never, ever know that.
“Don’t bother Xichen-ge,” Nie Huaisang pleaded again. “I’ll… fine. I’ll marry Meng Yao.”
“You will?”
Nie Huaisang shrugged. He didn’t like the idea, but it was better than to risk dragging Lan Xichen into a bad marriage he’d grow to resent once the novelty of it wore off.
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savagesbonergarage · 3 years
A quickie with Maul WITHOUT PLOT
Wise of you to add that on the end there.... But is it gonna be effective? We'll see.
I'm gonna make this 100% just self-indulgent porn since that's really all it needs to be right
I'm malfunctioning how did they get there what's the occasion and the timeline and the state of the relationship and the galaxy and ahhhhhhhh okay I need to get it together
(A/N - General ns/fw, definitely more explicit than not, but overall still not super hard stuff?, quickie, bj, power kink I guess?, hidden feelings, I think that’s about it honestly, if I’m missing something let me know)
Throne sex? Throne sex.
"... And Prime Minister Almec's influence has recruited warriors from among the civilians who would join our cause," you reported.
You stood alone before Lord Maul, who sat in his signature pose with his mechanical leg propped up atop the throne of Mandalore, resting his head on his hand as he gazed out the large transparisteel pane with a look of complete boredom and disinterest. He didn't even bother to look your way as he responded drily. "Fascinating."
You were tempted to raise your eyebrow sightly, but even though he wasn't looking at you, the fear of confrontation kept you from doing so.
"Will there be anything else, My Lord?"
The zabrak finally managed to direct some of his attention to you, his menacing eyes looking you up and down as his countenance changed with an ominous smirk. "Yes. How long before my blissful solitude is once again interrupted?"
You immediately checked the chrono on your datapad, afraid that you may have caught your new leader in an agitated state. The last thing you wanted was to be a recipient of his anger if you displeased him somehow, so you opted to simply be efficient in the tasks you were given. "You have a meeting in about eight minutes, My Lord."
"I see..."
Something about the way he was intently gazing at you made you uneasy, as though you weren't quite finished here and were expected to know why. You straightened your posture and put your datapad away before you geared up to leave. "Do you require anything else of me, Lord Maul?"
There was a new look in his eyes, something you hadn't ever seen until now, and the sudden change in contrast from before of his full and immediate attention on you sent a strange, yet not unwelcome shiver coursing through your body. Somehow you felt the previous uneasiness slip away and in its place was...dare you acknowledge it...want? Whether it was involuntary or not, the powerful man before you had you wishing there really was more you could do for him.
His gaze was nearly leaving burning holes everywhere his golden eyes tracked on you, each place they lingered a pathway into some rather inappropriate thoughts as it was fairly obvious exactly which parts he was shamelessly staring at. What's more, you didn't mind it in the slightest. You felt a little exposed, but in such a delicious way. Could you truly be tempting him, or was he simply teasing you in some show of authority over you - or was he really just that bored?
Suddenly, your train of thought ended when Maul planted his leg back onto the ground and unflinchingly brought his gloved hands down to work at the sealing strip of his pants. You barely registered what was happening before an impressive phallic appendage was gloriously revealed, held between two of his fingers at the base as an offering. Despite being synthetic, it twitched and leaked just like-
"Well?" he implored nonchalantly with his non-existent brow raised in a curious manner.
It was too late to conceal the slack of your jaw and flush of your face, your heart pounding as you finally processed the reality in front of you. Reflexively, you swallowed and looked over your shoulder and then back to find that this wasn't some kind of joke or game, but a genuine request. It was a miracle you managed to speak coherently at all.
"Erm, right now, My Lord...? In eight minutes-"
"Seven, now," he interjected, adjusting himself to present his lap as a rather inviting seat, "but surely your schedule permits?"
He did have a point - and who were you to deny the needs of your handsome new ruler? You did make an obligation to yourself to do your tasks efficiently, and it wasn’t as though you were hesitant about the prospect of it, either. No, with an opportunity having presented itself like this, it would be suboptimal not to show your enthusiasm, wouldn’t it? Not to mention time was of the essence now, unless you were fine with a group of officials walking in on you fornicating with the dangerous zabrak...which, as you pondered the possibility, it only served to send that pluming heat within you to entirely new heights. He certainly wouldn’t stop if that were to be the case, and a hidden part of you hoped that it would indeed work out that way, if only so you could feel more like Maul’s favored slut.
You wondered if this was solely due to the influence of the beckoning sith atop his throne, or if you had secretly always been such a promiscuous person - in any case, it hardly mattered. The priority of the moment was in being a good little subject and serving your master, and perhaps if you did a suitable job, you’d be given the privilege of doing it again. In a bout of courage that faintly surprised you, you found yourself at the foot of his throne standing mere centimeters from his legs, careful not to touch him unless instructed to as you ardently asked the most important question of the evening.
“How would you like it, My Lord...?” You didn't bother to hide the sultriness in your voice, which seemed to please him immensely as the corner of his lip curled into a scheming smile, his hands quickly moving to your waist to pull you in closer as he answered.
"I trust in your discretion to satisfy me. I believe you already know what I want, and it seems that you're certainly eager to give it."
His hand slid over your thigh and to the source of your radiating heat, burrowing his digits between the crevice that the fabric of your pants was unfortunately shielding from the supple flesh there, yet that didn't prevent his touch from being any less euphoric. It might have embarrassed you somewhat at just how apparent your eagerness was, however it was clear that the man working at your own sealing strip was enjoying the spoils of your arousal already. His words still rang throughout your mind, making you relish in the freedom and permission that was implied there - he was asking you to be as slutty as you wanted, knowing full well that you were ready to be his whore the moment you first laid eyes on him.
He wasn't wrong.
With his affirmation to take charge and the ever-present knowledge that you were pressed for time at the forefront of your mind, you relaxed your inhibitions and got to work. After a few more ruts against his hand, his grip followed yours to your waistband and aided in tugging the annoying material to the floor, returning one to it's former place on your slick flesh as you stepped out of your pants and boots. It was impossible to suppress the moan that escaped your lips, however, you were aware that this wasn't solely for your pleasure.
Six minutes left.
You quickly got down on your knees and carefully handled his cock, licking your lips before you kissed the tip of the wet slit and wrapped your hot mouth around the circumference of the ridge, swiftly lapping your tongue around the head before you started sucking. His groan of approval fueled your movements as you gradually unhinged your jaw and began going deeper, bobbing your head with every stroke and eventually taking him as far as you possibly could. You gagged a little, but it didn't deter you in the slightest as every time you choked on him, a moan was drawn from his lips.
Not only could he feel everything despite not having an organic organ, your ministrations were proving to be more than what he was anticipating as he groaned and moved to grab a fistful of your hair to still your actions. Your hungry eyes meet his as you drew your head back and released his cock with a loud, echoing, wet pop and licked away the string of saliva that connected it with your bottom lip.
"Is everything all right, My Lord?" you inquired with a perverse lowness in your voice, already drunk on lust as he held you in place for a moment before slapping your waist in a gesture to rise through his uneven breaths.
You complied with his order, lifting yourself back onto your feet as Maul practically pulled you into his lap by your thighs in a hasty move that nearly had you falling against his chest, but you were able to brace yourself against his arms. His dick rested against your abdomen, still warm and wet from your tongue as his fingers found their way back to your entrance to prep you for his cock. The way he tilted you upwards to lightly jerk himself with your own slick as he lined up with you was so tantalizingly good that you nearly forgot about the time constraint you faced.
Four minutes.
Your canines pierced your bottom lip as he entered you, the galvanizing pressure against your walls as you adjusted to him being so invigoratingly good that your hands gripped his shoulders without warning as you moved to sink down completely, ripping a gasp from the both of you in unison. You knew that you’d need an entire minute just to get used to the feeling of being so full, although sadly you couldn’t afford that kind of time in the present moment. 
Maul, on the other hand, didn’t seem to be too preoccupied with that particular technicality and held you firmly by your hips to keep you from shifting, and in an unanticipated move he rested his forehead along the curve of your neck. The heat of his skin and breath tingled across your own flesh, the sensation strangely more intimate than the actual joining of your bodies - rather, it felt like a different kind of intimacy entirely. It wasn’t merely in the way his grip on you remained solid or the new titillation of his lips against your skin; it was in the stillness of it all, how instead of insisting you ride him immediately, he preferred to simply feel you for an evanescent occasion, no matter how brief. 
You momentarily forgot the apprehension you had when the compulsion to kiss him infiltrated your mind - not the sort of lustful kiss that would be more appropriate for the situation, but a tender, more profound one. Would he mind such a gesture, you wondered, or would he even be able to discern the difference? One of his hands had moved from your waist up to the nape of your neck as you thought this, eliciting a soft moan from your mouth as he lured you in closer to him until you were chest-to-chest, the indication of the motion prompting you to wrap your arms around his neck so that you were symmetrical to one another.
Two minutes. Only two minutes until...
There simply wasn’t time for this kind of lenient indulgence or immersion, nor did the circumstances permit for the kind of casual affection you wanted to deliver. There was also the fear of him retaliating against a more tender action if he caught one to consider, so with a whisper of a sigh, you started rocking and bucking your hips against him.
Maul had been uncharacteristically quiet up until this point, an audible “oh!” escaping him as you continued your movements and utilized your nether muscles to grip his shaft with an ample amount of tightness. You fully planted your knees on either side of him and adjusted yourself so you could ride him properly - and in this case, that meant clutching onto his dick for dear life while you jerked up and down along his entire length like a jackhammer. 
His head rolled back and his eyes became half-lidded, the rapid rising and falling of his chest indicating his closeness as he kept one of his palms on your leg to grip the meat of your thigh for support. For the first time in minutes, he finally spoke again through a strangled groan.
“That’s it, stars it���s so...”
His train of thought seemed to leave him as you worked him even harder, somehow taking him even deeper when you kegeled with the entirety of his cock inside. A twinge of pain indicated that his cockhead was nearly breaching your cervix, a fact that might have concerned you if there was any reason to believe you could get pregnant - and even if there was...you weren’t so sure you would care. 
Less than a minute-
Luckily, it wasn’t long before you felt the crimson zabrak tense up beneath you and hold your hips tightly against him once more as he came, the spasming of his cock followed by the release of heat that filled your insides as he stilled and...
...and kissed you.
He had grabbed the nape of your neck again and brought your mouth to his all in one swift movement, capturing your lips with his own in a surprisingly graceful manner. It wasn’t chaste, his tongue immediately finding yours and warring with it as the dual beating in his chest matched the continuous pulsing of his gradually softening dick, but the action still caught you off-guard nonetheless. It certainly wasn’t unwelcome, and you found yourself matching his pace until he eventually relaxed, breathlessly parting from your lips and leaning back into his seat. 
There wasn’t much time to even think, as over the sound of your breaths you could hear the faint echo of footsteps down the hall fast-approaching. You quickly pushed yourself off of Maul’s lap and frantically gathered your pants, managing to hastily get each of your legs through the proper channels and hoist the waistband over your hips, still fumbling with the sealing strip while you faced your master as a barrage of stomping boots was perceived behind you. You ruler had managed to tuck himself back into his own trousers in time, a sly smirk hidden beneath his otherwise fierce countenance as he addressed you.
“We’ll continue this conversation where we left off later tonight.”
Your heart couldn’t help but skip a beat. He was wanting to see you again, to have you service him again after this agreeably satisfying evening. You nodded, a faint smile gracing your features as you bowed and turned to leave, brushing past the officials entering the throne room who were none the wiser about the sinful conduct you’d engaged in with Lord Maul of Mandalore.
You still secretly wished the session would have continued longer than it had despite the newfound company.
And you certainly hoped to continue meeting and surpassing Maul’s expectations in the bedroom - or wherever he saw fit - for a long while to come.
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