#and I ask the owner if I can start a stack on his counter while I shop and he is always happy and comments on my finds as I bring them
siena-sevenwits · 1 year
#Maybe 84 Charing Cross Road had too strong an effect on me. As I turn my head this way and that#trying to figure out what I shall do with myself when the semester is over and ties are cut with the school I've been teaching for this pas#decade#it occurs to me that I might go - hat in hand as it were - to the old bookseller who runs my favourite used bookstore of all time.#The shop has the most wonderfully curated selection. The first time I walked in there#having been used to the used book section in value village#I almost had my breath taken away#I have to be careful not to go there too often because I am weak for spending money on books#but every Christmas I go and buy a ton as presents and usually something for myself#and I ask the owner if I can start a stack on his counter while I shop and he is always happy and comments on my finds as I bring them#He is kind and conversational on those occasions#My mom once struck up a long conversation with him when we were there together#and learned how he has owned that shop forty years or so and does not have an assistant because he's always managed on his own#And last night as I tried to fall asleep I got ridiculously ahead of myself and imagined the possibilities of employment there in#the detail of a novel without much regard for the probable realities - the realities that he has given no sign of wanting to hire and#having gone so far without an assistant probably doesn't want one#that there would be sides to the job which would likely be dreary#and that as with any job there would be all kinds of difficulties#BUT I often need these romantic imaginings to spur me on to take any kind of action. So - this might be silly - but I am thinking of doing#things the old fashioned way - of going round to the shop rather than emailing him - and asking if there is any chance that there might#be opportunities for work. It will likely all come to nothing and I'll keep looking#but I'll at least make a memory of having tried.
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frnkiebby · 1 month
Frnkiebby’s FellowWhore Appreciation Day(week) Installment Number One:
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(if you have criticism, it’s welcome. but keep it constructive. my life motto is ‘arson is the answer’ for a reason)
You didn’t realize that Frank was no longer at your side until you turned your head to ask him a question.
“I— Frank??”
When you turned to look behind you, you saw him looking into the window of the new shop that had opened the previous week. Smiling to yourself, you walked back to him, scuffing your feet against the cement to catch his attention.
“When did this get here?” he asks, almost offended that he didn’t notice.
“Like….maybe opened a week ago or so?” you made a face and shrugged.
Frank just gapes at you. The look of incredulity on his face breaks any sort of commitment to being serious with him. It’s almost as if once you start laughing you just can’t stop. You’ve never seen a grown man in his 30’s get so miffed over not being told about a new vintage record shop opening up in a town that had at least five other record shops in the vicinity.
“Well you could’ve told me.”
“Is that my job?” you ask. Frank narrows his eyes at you and you have to try even harder to not start laughing again.
“Maybe it fuckin’ should be” he grumbles.
Before you can think of a quip back, he turns and pulls the door, frowning when it doesn’t open. You put your hand over your mouth and just watch the scene unfold. Frank looks to the open sign on the door and back to the handle, pulling again.
“Frankie. Baby. See that sign? ‘push’? You’ve gotta push the door open.”
You make a pushing motion when his head whips around to snark something in response. Likely to tell you that you’re wrong. That is until the door swings open and Frank nearly tumbles into the shop owner.
“Oh! Sorry about that young man! I thought maybe the door was stuck again….you do know this is a push door right? Did I make that sign big enough? I’m so sorry!”
The sound of your hand flying to cover your mouth is loud enough that it causes the older gentleman to look at you in confusion.
“No! No, Sir the sign is perfect, your store is perfect! He was just so excited about looking around that I think he just wasn’t paying attention.”
If looks could kill, you would have been dead seven times over with the one playing across Frank’s face. You simply smiled at him and threaded your fingers with his, holding his hand and smiling innocently up at the store owner.
“Well isn’t that sweet! I love seeing such young people taking an interest in older forms of media! Come in, come in!!”
The old man ushered the two of you in and flapped his hands at the numerous stacks and rows of vinyls before promising not to hover and retreating back to his stool behind the counter.
“he does know we’re in our 30’s….right??” Frank asks, leaning over to whisper while eying the owner with mild concern.
“Frank stop. Let the poor guy be excited about such young people taking an interest in older forms of media” you swatted his hand out of yours and nudged him toward the closest row “now go look for more records to add to your hoard.”
He rolled his eyes at you but it didn’t stop the smile that slowly grew on his face. The afternoon progressed in fits of giggles, bargaining between which record to add to your arms, and a very pleased old man thanking the two of you for an eventful time.
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trblsvt · 1 year
the regular | jeon wonwoo
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summary | wonwoo couldn't really recommend anything at the bakery he worked at, he couldn't even handle going in a couple days a week. that is until he found his new favorite customer. genre | fluff, bakery!au, college!au warnings | none, i think let me know! word count | 1.6k words pairing | jeon wonwoo x gn!reader min | lowercase intended another request from @i-luvsang making me lose my mind out here....
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dread. that's all wonwoo felt. he was honestly so sick and tired of the smell of baked goods. crazy, right? well, you try and work around all that food and not get sick of it.
sometimes it felt like he had a permeant scowl on his face whenever he clocked in with kihyun, the baker and owner. he wasn't sure why he was always so... displeased when he came to work. it was better than working at the work-study program his college provided and paid better too. yet, wonwoo hated smiling at rude customers when they demand he make them a new sourdough loaf because the one in the case looked "stale."
there was nothing "stale" about the loaf.
it was made that morning. like everything else made in the bakery.
and he wasn't even the baker.
today was no different. he clocked in, greeted the kihyun, swept the floor, took down the chairs, flipped the open sign, and sat down behind the register. he pulled out the book he hid under the counter and rested it in his lap. the sun began to peek over the buildings across from the bakery, and he knew he wouldn't be able to keep the book open for too long.
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the morning rush went by like it usually did. the pleasant regulars looking for their bagels, the rude customers who didn't realize it wasn't a breakfast place with eggs, and the silent ones who never looked up from their phones to greet wonwoo.
"what would you suggest?" asked a young woman. wonwoo glanced between her and the case. "well, i think our sourdough makes great toast and grilled cheese sandwiches," he half-heartedly suggested. it wasn't a lie, but who knows maybe the baker changed the recipe and it tasted different. he wouldn't know, it had been months since he had the sourdough.
to be completely honest, he hadn't tried any of the goods for a while. when he first started working at the bakery, he ate there all the time. it was free and good, so he took advantage of his employee privileges. over time, he grew tired of everything and he couldn't bring it to himself to stomach any of it. that's what he gets for working in food service. "thanks! i'll get that then," she smiled.
"no problem, that'll be five dollars. i'll get that wrapped up for you," he said taking the cash and sliding off his stool to take out a loaf from the case. when he bent over and reached into the clear case he looked around the store through the glass. he liked doing this, it made him feel like a fish in a fishbowl.
then he saw you. he froze still inside the case. you looked around the cozy bake shop with a bag over your shoulder. your eyes scanned the store and then the case. you found wonwoo's eyes and he was snapped away from his trance. he blinked with panic and pulled himself from the case, bumping his head on the edge on his way up. he slipped the loaf into a bag and handed it to the woman. "thank you, i hope you enjoy," he said automatically. she smiled and walked off.
you were next in line.
"hi," he greeted.
"hi, is your head okay?" you asked motioning to the glass case. shit, you noticed. his hand flew up to the back of his head, "yeah, i'm all good. it happens more than you'd think." you giggled and looked around the case. "um, can i have three of those raspberry macarons?" he looked over at the neat stack of macarons and nodded. "that'll be eight dollars," he said and went to pack up the macarons in a small box.
"are those any good?" you asked casually as you pulled out your card to pay.
"um, yeah, i think so," he shrugged.
"think so as in your opinion, or you think so like you can't remember if they're good or not?"
"is both an acceptable answer?" he asked, passing the box over to you after your receipt began to print. you raised an eyebrow at him. "possibly. have a nice day..."
"wonwoo," he finished. "my name is wonwoo."
"wonwoo. have a nice day, wonwoo. i'm ___."
"nice to meet you, ___." with that, you smiled and left, and he addressed the next patron.
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his shift finally ended and he took a quick look at what was left over. some bread he would bring home, a couple cookies, and exactly three raspberry macarons. he stared at the lined-up pastries and reached into the case to try one. it had been weeks, maybe months since he had burned out on baked goods.
raspberry macarons, hm, he never thought someone would go for those.
but when he tried it, he understood. it wasn't too sweet, but it was fresh and it melted in his mouth. maybe you would come back the next day for more.
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"wonwoo, what are you doing here?" kihyun asked wiping his hands on his apron. "i didn't have you scheduled for today."
"oh, well, i, um, i just wanted to help out some," wonwoo offered.
"i'm always grateful for help, but you know thursdays are notoriously slow. shouldn't you be off doing college-kid things?"
"yeah, i guess. i just need some extra cash. did you make anymore raspberry macarons?"
"i did. you ask me that every day. i didn't realize people were actually buying them until a couple weeks ago."
"well, thank my amazing marketing skills," wonwoo jested.
after that day, wonwoo realized you came to the bakery every day like clockwork. he would get your coffee and macarons ready even before you would walk through the door. today, instead of your usual greeting you quizzed him, "what if i decided i didn't want raspberry macarons?"
"oh, do you not want these? i can get you something else. wow, it was silly of me to assume-"
"wonwoo, it was a hypothetical. it's kind of cute that you know my order."
he froze. cute? he was cute. you thought he was cute.
this was another win for the books.
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the last win was when you noticed what he was reading and offered up some of your own recommendations. the two of you even talked about exchanging books at some point. "well, if you run out books to trade what should i do?" he had asked.
"um, well, i can recommend you some of these pastries and you can recommend me books," you shrugged.
"isn't recommending goods my job?"
"not when you haven't even eaten any of the goods for months!"
"well you only eat macarons!"
he hoped he would continue to have wins like that or another win when he actually worked up the nerve to ask you out.
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you also started sitting at one of the small tables in the corner of the bakery to eat your macarons. it was a slow day, so wonwoo came out from behind the counter to chat. "are you sure, i'm not bothering you?" you asked, glancing around the practically empty bakery.
"oh no, it's fine. i like talking to you, it makes my shift more tolerable," he said. wait, he wasn't supposed to say that. not yet at least. "really? you like talking with me?" you giggled.
"yes! i mean, yeah. of course i do. you're funny, and smart, and actually really pretty," he paused. "wait, i don't think i was supposed to say all that to you." you smiled at him and took a sip of your coffee. you glanced out the window.
wonwoo had approximately five seconds to compose himself. he never acted like this, it was so out of character to be so flustered around someone he liked. he felt like he was on the playground in middle school and a girl came up to kiss him on the cheek as a dare. he was blushing for days.
"look, ___, i'm sorry if i made you uncomfortable, but ever since you started coming here, i've just wanted to see you again. i've picked up more shifts just so i can talk to you," he admitted, rushed. you looked back at him. he couldn't read the look on your face, but what he wasn't expecting was for you to grab his hand and wrap it in yours. "i'm flattered, wonwoo. to be completely honest, i started coming here every day in hopes of seeing you too," you smiled. god, he could kiss you right now. "wow, oh my god, i've been wanting to tell you this since i met you," he breathed for what felt like the first time in a couple minutes. "can i take you out on a date sometime? soon, preferably."
"yes. give me your phone, i'll put my number in it." he reached into his pocket for his phone when a woman and her daughter entered the bakery. wonwoo shot up, passed you his phone, kissed your cheek quickly, and made his way to the counter. what he didn't see was the look of shock on your face that quickly faded away into a grin as you typed in your phone number. "hi, how may i help you?" wonwoo activated his customer service mode.
"those macarons look good! would you recommend them?" the woman asked.
"yeah, actually i do, especially the raspberry ones," wonwoo grinned, but this time he didn't miss the way a cute smile spread across your face too.
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min | i'm in my delulu era don't mind me guys! i keep having dreams about wonwoo and i just want him to hug me. this isn't proofread yet! leave feedback! reblogs and comments are always appreciated!
tagging: @a-wandering-stay
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hellishjoel · 8 months
playing hooky
9.2k / pairing: linecook!frankie x waitress f!reader
Series Masterlist l Previous Chapter l Next Chapter
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summary: Frankie calls in sick for his shift. You simply must investigate. 
warnings/information: MA 18+ (minors DNI), mentions of reader previously being on her period, smoking w33d, getting h!gh, swearing, pet names (angel, princess, etc.), handjob if you squint, oral (f! receiving), unprotected p in v, h!gh sex, aftercare, tangled feelings/messy emotions, sitcom vibes
A/N: tune in next time for a special halloween episode of Table for Two! 
follow hellishfics and turn on notifications to see the next time I update!
“We’re not at the diner right now, y’know? We can,” he pauses to find the right words, seeming to get lost in the beautiful hue of your eyes. “We can take things slow. Wanna take my time with you.” 
You purse your lips as you scribble another drawing on your order pad. You’re sitting at one of the empty barstools at the counter, one leg lazily swinging back and forth while the other is brought up under you. 
“You’re gonna get hip dysplasia.” Carla, your sarcastic manager, hums as she passes you. She playfully smacks you with her own order pad before she settles down beside you, a loud and tired sigh leaving her ruby-red lips. She rolls her swollen ankles, a side effect of being on her feet all day. A side effect of being alive. 
Your eyes lightly screw together, eyebrows knitting in curiosity. “I thought only animals get hip dysplasia.” You trail off and watch her sit with slight confusion. She parts her lips and takes a breath before her face contorts in thought. 
Finally, Carla reemerged with a new confidence. “No, baby, because my cousin- my second cousin,” she illustrates all of this with her hands. “They were born with it! I swear, look it up.”
You stifle a giggle before you both hover over your phone in search of the truth via Google. That’s when you clock the time. 
Your head swivels to the wall clock and confirms it’s half an hour past five in the evening. “No Frankie tonight?” You ask, eyes still attentive to your phone as you attempt to try and hide any obvious interest or concern. Where the hell was he?
Carla eyed you up and down. Since when did you start caring if Frankie showed up for his shifts or not? She decides not to press it, clearing her throat as she moves off her barstool once she hears the doorbell chime, a new customer sauntering in. 
“Just said he was under the weather. And we don’t need another sick line cook, that’s for damn sure. Everyone would be coughin’ and sneezin’ over their undercooked bacon and runny, nasty eggs.” She said with a little umph at the end for distaste. 
You sigh and nibble on your thumbnail. 
Frankie was a bit of an ass, but he made the shifts go by faster. Yes, even before you started fooling around, he was entertaining. 
Let’s see, there was the night he tried to see how many coffee cups he could stack and if he could make a tower to the ceiling - he tried this multiple times, and each attempt left glazed ceramic shards everywhere, to which Carla made him sweep up.
There was another time the diner needed supplies, and Rudy, the owner’s son, sent you and Frankie on an errand run. He pushed you in the cart through nearly the entire store, in search of toilet paper and paper towels, dish soap, and other amenities. Frankie bought you a Redbull at the end of it. 
Now, more recently, Frankie fucking pavloved you! Like a damn dog! Every time you worked a shift, you got ferociously horny. You had gotten so used to clocking in, working for a bit, then getting your needs met. And now that you had finished serving time being on your period, you were needy for what you missed while you were surfing the crimson wave. 
Your foot, more anxiously now, taps against the metal stand of the barstool you were sitting on, huffing in annoyance hearing that Frankie was ill. The pit in your stomach was already coiling, searching for a release that just wouldn’t be satisfied tonight. Or would it?
You’re not in the back kitchen as much as everyone else, but as the end of your shift wound down and it was nearly ten o’clock, you decided to piece together a panini and a side of fries for Frankie. You thought about how he learned you weren’t feeling good just last week, and he knew how far a simple meal went to make you feel better. Maybe you could do the same for him. And that was it. You swear there were no ulterior motives. Just a nice coworker bringing a bite to eat. 
You yank your phone from your uniform. Your fingerprints smear your phone screen with grease from the fries. 
text me your address if you’re still up
frankie (work) Huh?
You have to will yourself not to roll your eyes. 
read the first message again and ask me if you’re still confused
frankie (work) Okay sassy pants 194 Rivercrest Apartments #501
His stupid reply leaves a broken, twitchy smile on the right side of your mouth. Stupid asshole. 
Once the restaurant closes, your clunky car takes you across town to Frankie’s apartment. Your gleamy, tired vision catches the streaks from passing cars and street lamps. You pull into a visitor parking spot and let out a disgruntled sigh as you sit in silence, waiting in your idling car.
A weird part of you is nervous. Overthinking. Was this taking it too far, helping him out while he’s sick? 
You push aside any nerves and force yourself out of the car, a death grip on the doggy bag of food you had packed him. The evening Texas air tickles your bare legs, trying to adjust your uniform under your jacket after it got smushed around in the car. You buzz his number before you hear the entrance’s lock click, allowing you in. 
Glancing around for an elevator is hopeless. The entrance leads you straight to a set of stairs,  and you clench your jaw in annoyance. God dammit. You were not a woman who prayed to the cardio gods. 
Your lungs feel strained, and your feet ache, desperate to sit down after your shift and the mild hike up to Frankie’s apartment. You rap your knuckles against his door in disdain, lips parted with a few light pants for breath as you wait. The door had a few random dents and marks, obvious trails of someone moving items in and out of the apartment over time. The numbers on his door were crooked, the paint chipped. Did he have to live in such a sketchy place? It looked like the birthplace of tetanus. 
There were a few heavy footsteps on the other side before the door jangled open. And a very healthy, Frankie opened the door. Your face fell, and your eyebrows furrowed. A heavy whiff of weed smacked you in the face, and you swore it nearly gave you a contact high, even from the hallway. 
Frankie was all too happy to see you here. You drove all the way to his apartment just to see him. His face was dripping in a smirky grin. He barely fit through the door frame, his large broad shoulders and tall stature filled the entire rectangular entrance. He crossed his arms and leaned one shoulder against his door. He was perfectly fucking fine. 
“Hey, princess. Surprised to see you-”
Your lips purse and your eyes screw tight as you smack him with his bag of food. “What the hell-” smack, “is wrong with you! Fuckin-” smack, “asshole!” 
He’s slow to defend himself at first, letting you exhaust your hits as you fist the brown paper bag in annoyance. Finally on the last hit, he swipes the bag from your hand and sighs. He’s trying to dial down his stupid smirk, but it ends up turning into this stomach-twisting, sweet smile. 
You pinch the bridge of your nose and chew on the inside of your cheek. “Carla told me you were sick.” 
“I am sick.” Frankie playfully defended, standing straight and shrugging his shoulders with a half-innocent smile. “Sick.. and tired of working.” He laughs at his own joke, and you bite back a smile. Such a fucking dork. 
You’re at a weird standoff outside of his apartment. It’s like he’s holding your invitation to enter over your head, and out of your reach. He wants you to ask. You want him to ask. You’re both so goddamn stubborn. You cross your arms and stand straight, eyeing him down. 
Frankie rolls his eyes, his smile breaking into a larger one as he grabs your wrist and pulls you inside. “So fuckin’ difficult.” You hide your smile as your face lightly glides against his chest, unintentionally inhaling his scent. By the looks of his hair, he was fresh from a shower. 
Frankie closes the door behind you, and his front brushes against your back as you stand in the tiny entrance hallway to his apartment. Music was playing deeper inside. 
His hands gently settle themselves on your arms, slowly coasting his warmth up and down your goosebump-covered skin. You inhale slowly, your back lightly resting back against his front. He was so easy to sink into. But then you remember how he bailed on work today, and you jut your elbow into his gut. He lets out a puff of air at the force you hit him with. 
“You’re such an ass ditching work. Ditching Carla.” You say as you step away from him and invite yourself further in, exiting the dark hallway and working your way further into the apartment. “We had to make do-it-all Paul step into the kitchen. Do you know how terrifying that is? Such a dick, Frankie.” 
“And you’re so sweet for bringin’ me food.” You hear him rifle through the paper bag, digging out his packaged food, and seeing him smile at the contents. “Thanks. You shouldn’t have.” He brushes past you and towards the kitchen while you stand in the living room. 
You didn’t concern yourself much with Frankie up until recent events, it was odd to see his evil lair. Okay, he wasn’t evil, but you know what I mean. You take in as many important details as you can while you slowly peel off your jacket and toss it on his couch. 
It’s quaint, really. He has no other furniture in the living room besides a couch, which you feel is by design. It sits perfectly opposite his mounted flatscreen. The walls are plain beige but are decorated with band and movie posters. You admire one that was purposely framed, unlike the others, with signatures. You didn’t recognize the band, but by their look, they seemed like an 80s rocker group. 
Below his flatscreen was an impressive vinyl collection, a record spins, and you recognize it as the melody you initially heard upon entering. It was serene, jazzy almost. 
“This is what you listen to when you’re alone?” You tease, kneeling down and flicking through a few album covers to see his taste. It was expansive, to say the least. There were only a fair few that you recognized. TOTO, ABBA, Billy Joel, Bruce Springsteen, Metallica, a little Van Halen, and a whole lot of The Beatles. 
Frankie sucks the salt from the fries off his fingers, seeing he’s already munched on half his panini. “It’s something I listen to when I’m stoned.” He half-jokes, a slight smile on his face. So that’s what he’s been up to. 
“You called in so you could lay around your apartment and get high all day?” Your tone is playfully judging, but he gives you a proud nod, not a care in the world behind those slightly glazed eyes. 
“I didn’t really lay around all day.” His tone is softer since you’re both so close. He’s standing just to the right of where you’re kneeling down, your head could lay against his thigh if you wanted. “I was trying out some new recipes and shit.” He mutters as he points a thumb behind him and to the kitchen. You glance up and notice his pretty curls in the light. You don’t often see him without his hat or his bandana. Come to think of it, you don’t really see him outside of his yellow-stained apron. 
Your eyes slowly took Frankie in, seeing him casually for the first time outside of work was startling. He was big. Tall and broad, with squishy thighs and a soft tummy, strong arms, and defined biceps. He was comfortably relaxing in a pair of black basketball shorts that landed just above his knees, eyeing a few tattoos by the hem. On his upper half was a tattered, well-loved Lakers shirt with a small tear at the shoulder, which has since been sewn closed. He had a little bracelet on, one of those leather brown ones that twisted around his wrist, accompanied by a spherical, multicolor beaded one. 
Your eyes linger for a hair too long, and now he’s already smirking at you. “Like what you see, princess?” God, that stupid fucking nickname needed a break. Heat shoots up your spine nonetheless, and you have trouble staring daggers at him like you usually would. 
You huff a breath through your nose and stand up on your feet, raising your eyebrow at him. “What do you mean you trying new recipes? You can actually cook?” It sounds rude and sarcastic, but you thought Frankie just goofed around at work and cooked for the cash, not as a hobby. You slowly make your way past him, eyeing his kitchen in the process. 
There are recipe books, honest to god recipe books. Big ones, small ones. Different categories of food outlined on the covers and spines. And his kitchen was a chaotic mess, with multiple cutting boards of varying sizes across his already limited counter space. There were bright-colored vegetables cut up and diced, the scraps having been tossed in a spare plastic bag sitting on the sidelines. There was an open bottle of soy sauce and another for sesame oil, a little tin of cornstarch, and diced chicken sizzling in oil on a frying pan. 
You take a few steps in further, your sneakers landing on linoleum as you really smell what’s simmering in a large skillet. Mushrooms, bell peppers, green onions, broccoli, and peas are cooking in a thick sauce, coating them amidst freshly minced garlic onion.  Your lips part as you inhale, and you can’t believe it. You don’t even know what it is, but it smells heavenly.
You finally have to ask, because hunger is carving a hole in your stomach. “What are you making?”
Frankie parks his hands on his hips and looks at you with knitted eyebrows. “What? You’ve never had stir fry before?” 
You purse your lips and reach for the spatula, looking to Frankie for reassurance, to which he nods his head. Go for it. 
You smile as the vegetables sizzle once you push them around on the pan, relishing in the attention as you allow the other less glazed vegetables to catch some heat from the burner. Frankie hums, like he’s debating something, like he’s learned something from his little experimentation. He reaches past you, his front brushing against your shoulders as he reaches around you and adds a little brownish-amber liquid to the pan. It sizzles, splashes, and dances across the different vegetables, which makes you grin. 
You were never big into cooking, especially since you started working at Tommy’s Diner. You’ve seen enough grease to last a lifetime. You were fine settling in on the couch with a bowl of cereal and a glass of cheap wine. You saved making extravagant dishes for when you had a date over, and even then, that was risky. 
But there was something about Frankie actually knowing how to cook cuisine that you liked. “I didn’t know you knew how to make dishes besides burgers and fries.” 
He sneers and rolls his eyes, but he’s smiling the entire time and lets you continue slowly shifting the vegetables around, watching as the glaze sizzles. “I didn’t know you cared enough about me to visit me at my apartment. We’re both a bit surprised tonight.” This was your worst nightmare. 
“I only came here under the impression that you were sick-”
“So you came to my aid?”
“Psh,” You huff, “You wish. But no.” You insist more forcefully, setting the spatula down and turning to face Frankie, who is all too close to you. You lose a lot of your angry traction as his hand finds your hip, feeling his fingers flip to the stovetop’s burner switch to a lower setting. 
His hands navigate you away from the oven, your back flushed against his counter now. His eyes trail you, grazing over your body as his hips now plant you in one spot. You swallowed a lump in your throat, your still resisting hands planting against his chest. You can feel his cock twitch against your thigh. 
You can’t explain why your fingers twitch and start to clutch his shirt, pulling him a little closer. Stupid Frankie with his goading smirk, bringing his forehead down against yours. It was so hot in his kitchen, in the middle of summer. You feel a bead of sweat sprout behind your ear and lightly glide down your neck as you flutter your eyes closed. It wasn’t often you felt your power to resist him rendered useless, but tonight you felt like he had a quite literal home-field advantage. 
“You want me to stop?” He asks, voice low and lust-drenched. His leg parts purposely between yours, jutting them open and spreading what was his. 
Your throat is closed off, the lack of air draining from your busy head. “I..” Your words fall off, distracted by something scampering through the living room.
“Do you have a cat?” Your eyes light up as you slink past Frankie. He found your stray of attention a bit adorable, despite being given a slight case of blue balls. 
You carefully padded out of the kitchen and into the living room, using the excuse to slip off your sneakers at the entrance. The small orange cat had curled up onto Frankie’s couch by your tossed jacket from earlier, forming a perfect circle amongst all of its tangerine fluff. Its eyes were closed serenely, absent of a new presence. It was fucking adorable, in short. 
Frankie was still flummoxed in the kitchen, adding the cooked chicken into the stir fry before turning the burner off and putting his masterpiece aside. “That’s Leo.” He announces, Frankie’s voice carrying annoyance that he lost a sure thing in the kitchen. Now you were cooing over his cat. 
He settles two bowls on the counter and adds the stir fry to each, a few splashes of the sauce splattering around the rim of the bowl. With two forks randomly stabbed into the piles of food, he walks one of them out to you. “Could have eaten this whole thing by myself.”
You smile, taking the offering and humming as you flop on the couch, the orange tabby finally peeking its eyes open. “I don’t doubt that, so thanks for sharing.” You recognize how he had eaten the panini and fries, and he was still excited over the stir fry. Poor guy probably had the munchies like crazy. 
With the kitty taking up one of Frankie’s couch cushions, he’s forced on the end with you in the middle. He sets his food aside on a spare side table and reaches for a small pipe, your breath pausing at the sight. “You want a hit?” He asks.
His face glows orange as he flicks on the lighter, spreading the flame over the green, now black, substance in the tiny bowl. He inhales, and you watch in mystification as he takes in the smoke filtering through. Your heart thumps harder in your chest, the right side of your mouth twitching up in a sly smirk. 
Let’s smoke weed with Frankie Morales tonight. 
He lets out a labored breath, the smoke flying loosely in the air and creating hazy grey circles that flood the ceiling before disappearing altogether. The stench fills the small apartment rather quickly. 
“I get really weird dreams after I smoke.” You whisper, biting down on your lower lip as you glance down at the pipe he’s holding, a small glow still coming from the weed. 
“It’s still lit if you want some.” His voice is low from smoking, and you have to clench your thighs closer together. Damn this stupid uniform, you wished you would have brought a change of clothes so you’d at least be comfy eating stir fry, petting his cat, and getting stoned with him. 
He raises the piece in an offering, and you look to him for one last look of reassurance. It’s polite to be offered free weed, especially since he’s the one who paid for it. He gives you a nod and looks at you with furrowed eyebrows. Are you crazy? If you want it, take it. 
So you do. And you smoke it. And you pat yourself on the back to do so without coughing. It’s a small hit, but you don’t need much, your brain already feels like it’s as light as a cloud, dancing in slow motion. You giggle by accident. 
Frankie lets out a sputter of laughter, watching you get high with him is a bit comical. “Princess knows how to smoke. Kudos.” 
You let out a puff of laughter through your nose and grab your warm bowl of stir fry, stabbing into a green pepper. “Shut up, Frankie.” 
He ends up putting on a show you both agree on, something comical that makes you both laugh your high asses off. You eat the stir fry and almost forget Frankie is the one who made it. It was delicious, you ate everything down the the finely chopped green onions. 
You both shared another hit, and you felt like you were loosening up. Any need to hold onto control slipped through your fingers. Any issues you had been dealing with drifted away. And you realized how stupidly happy you were to be beside Frankie. Trying to do anything of actual initiative went out the window after your second hit. You both found yourselves on the floor of Frankie's room, sat side by side, heads resting on the edge of his bed as you both stared up at the ceiling and spoke gibberish. 
“Aliens?” He asks, your thighs brushing. 
“Of course.” You hum, slowly blinking in a gentle haze. “Ghosts?”
He sighs and takes a long time to answer, which apparently offends you because you snap your head up and look at him in disbelief. 
“You can’t be serious. If you believe in aliens, you have to believe in ghosts.” You argue as you stare at his fan. 
He lets out a throaty groan, closes his eyes, and runs his hands down his face. His curls are pretty. They haven’t been run through a million times yet or smothered by a bandana or hat. 
“I think… I do believe in ghosts. I just don’t want them to bother me.” He says, a weak smile on his face. 
“What? Like you’re afraid to be haunted?” Your head lays back on the bed but rolls over, watching his profile while he continues to look up absentmindedly at the ceiling. 
He’s silent for far too long. Finally, he rolls his head over to face you, your noses lightly brushing. He’s so close that looking at him feels a bit cross-eyed. 
“Wait- what? Sorry.” He finally says with a broken, short laugh. 
“Can you focus?” You ask teasingly, pushing your hand up against his cheek and making him stop staring at you. 
You take the soft silence as an opportunity to rest your hand lightly on his thigh. He does the same, except he feels the warmth of your skin and the material of your uniform. Goosebumps form shortly after, and you smile shyly up at the ceiling. 
“Have you…” You start to say but trailed off, bashfulness overcoming you. 
“Have I what?” He asks. You both blink slowly as a car’s lights flash through his window only for a few seconds, lighting up the dim room before it is filled with darkness again. The moon and an orange lava lamp was the only source of glow. 
You distractedly look away from him, admiring a tapestry on his wall and his soft comforter. “Have you had sex with someone high?” 
He shrugs and slowly smiles before gently nodding his head against the edge of his bed. “Yeah. Have you?” His head rolls over to look at you again. You feel his warm gaze, but you just keep your eyes locked on his ceiling fan. 
Warmth and a subtle shyness flush across your chest, your thighs nearly trembling in excitement. “No.” You whisper. 
He doesn’t say anything, but he watches you for a few moments. 
“Want to, though.” You finish, feeling a knot slowly grow in your stomach. 
Frankie’s eyes flick to your long lashes, then down to warmth creeping up your neck. “Yeah?” He asks.
You gently nod, too, eyes still too shy to meet his own. “Yeah-” 
He doesn’t let you get out one more syllable. His large hand comes up and meets your cheek, guiding your head to meet his gaze.
Frankie kisses you deeply but at a slow pace. And you’re feeling a desperate hunger to have him. You eagerly cup his cheeks in return and swing a leg over his lap, intensifying the kiss as your hands glide down the landscape of his clothed chest, bunching up his shirt in the process. You feel like a horny jackrabbit, but it’s really all his fault. You can feel his half-hard cock as you grind the center of your pelvis over his own, whimpering into his mouth desperately.
“Take care of me,” you whisper, and it ends up sounding a little more like a desperate, whiney plea. 
Frankie’s lips part against your own, feeling the neediness of your touches. His hazy vision peers open, breaking your kiss for a moment. 
“Hold on, baby,” He sits up a little bit against the bed, his eyes scanning yours with a certain deepness. 
You pause, your chest heaving lightly as you regain your breath. “Frankie, come on, don’t make me beg.” You say as you lean in once more, but he catches your face and pauses your movements. You feel like a deer in headlights, static tingling in your ears as you feel a sudden rush for embarrassment. Why wasn’t he just as excited? Or eager? Or desperate? Were you the problem?
Suddenly, your eyes were dashing around for an escape. Then he speaks your name. Soft, gentle, careful. Hear him out. You swallow your pride and stay seated over his lap. 
“We’re not at the diner right now, y’know? We can,” he pauses to find the right words, seeming to get lost in the beautiful hue of your eyes. “We can take things slow. Wanna take my time with you.” 
You can’t help but let an awkward chuckle escape between you, eyes having a hard time meeting his. You playfully scoff and smack his shoulder lightly to regain a sense of control. “Shut up, Frankie.”
His head cocks, and he looks at you with that stupid fucking smirk. “You don’t know how to take it slow, do you?” 
His words antagonize you, and your eyes light with fire. A defensive fire, because he was right. 
Slow meant feelings, slow meant experiencing, slow meant bonding. You weren’t slow. Sex was supposed to be fast, hot, desperate, counting down the seconds until a sweet escape, racing to an orgasm, chasing it like a fever dream. You weren’t good at slow. 
You hate that Frankie has learned this about you. Giving up the upper hand wasn’t in your caliber. And you find yourself frowning as you look down at him once his smirk washes away. He’s looking at you like he cares. Even with you both stoned, brain’s hazy and light, he sees through all that and looks at you like he gives a damn. 
He lightly shrugs his shoulders and softens the hold he has on your face, his thumb gently stroking along your cheekbone. “Can show you.” 
Hesitancy screams across your blank face, but he reads you better than anyone else. He speaks your name, more genuinely explaining his offer. “Let me teach you.” 
You let out a gentle sigh, slowly giving in to temptation. Because having him at all was better than not. So you take it slow. Frankie teaches you zen. Teaches you how to melt. 
One of his hands falls from your cheek and lands on your waist, gently stroking your hip in a soothing slow circle. It feels like heaven. 
His brown orbs dip close, and you let him take the lead. He kisses you tenderly, soft. His tongue lines your lower lip once he’s ready to lightly increase the intensity, begging your mouth for permission to part. If it was any other night, your tongue would be down his throat, and you’d be a grinding, sloppy mess in his lap. Let him teach you.
You take a deep breath in as your tongues tangle. 
It almost makes you giggle again, because it feels stupid, but you sort of like it. 
His stubble brushes your face, and you fight to release a moan. Frankie’s hand on your hip shuffles to your lower back, and you feel him add pressure. Your chest meets his, and you let yourself melt into him. His strong torso easily keeps you both up. Your heavy breaths hit the room, and you force yourself to pull away for air, despite how much you enjoy making out with him. He grins at the sight of satisfying you. 
Frankie pushes a stray hair that’s fallen out from your loose ponytail behind your ear, smiling as his hands move to the back of your uniform. This will be the first time he actually undresses you properly, not just shoving the material up past your ass so he has access to your pussy. 
“You know how to work the zipper?” You playfully ask as you settle your head on his shoulder, taking the slower moments to breathe and relax. 
He stuffs down a chuckle and nods, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “I think so. Am I doing it right?” He asks as he guides the zipper down your back, feeling your flesh exposed to the rest of his room. 
You purse your lips and slowly sit up in his lap, watching him take in a deep inhale as your centers brush lightly. You hide your coy smile as his eyes light with excitement, but he’s made a point to be slow with you. You guide the sleeves of your uniform down to your hips, exposing your breasts to him. Giggles leave your mouth as you wiggle out the last bit of your dress, Frankie is more than happy to help you. 
“I’m feeling a little alone here.” Your voice is soft, tugging at his shirt before you push it up just past his pecs. Your high ass got a little distracted, staring at the hair sprinkled in dark trails across his torso, feeling him struggle in his shirt as he laughed. 
“Focus, princess,” his arms tangle with his shirt before he tosses it off, especially since you started slacking. You shyly smile and flutter your eyes down to his warm body as your hands explore the landscape for the first time. You had yet to undress each other like this, you sort of liked it, especially with this whole slow and steady thing going for you both. 
Frankie leans back against the bed, admiring the sight before him. You feel a little awkward, goosebumps rushing up your arms as you shyly smile and playfully push his face away. “Stop staring, perv. You’ve never seen a pair of tits before?”
He’s quick. “Not a pair that nice.” 
You smile and crack out a laugh, knowing sex has never felt this casual before. No pressure. Good vibes. And it’s not just because of the weed. It’s because it’s Frankie. And he looks at you like you put the sun in the sky and you could do no wrong. But then he starts staring at your tits, and you realize he’s just another guy. 
His hands caress your waist, thumbs dipping into the curves and appreciating the way they run up you like beautiful rivers. You decide to do the same. Your hands slip lower, letting his happy trail guide you to his black mesh basketball shorts. His rough and calloused hands cup your tits, taking them in his palms and giving you a tentative squeeze. He’s figuring you out, what you like, what makes you squirm and whine. As soon as he pinches your nipples between his thumbs and pointer fingers, a broken gasp is elicited from your mouth. 
“Shit,” you curse breathily. Everything was a bit heightened right now, including your sensitivity. It felt like a million little strums were being played, making your spine shiver and your head grow foggy. And you were determined to make him feel the same way. 
You bite down on your lower lip, fishing your hand into his shorts and fisting a hand around his already hardening cock. A smirk tangles on your lips as he lets out an earthy grunt, low to the ground and heaven to your ears. 
You start a bit fast, eager to please, wanting to see him tremble for your touch.
His lips meet yours in a distracting manner, rocking your steady pace. “Slow.” He murmurs against your lips, and you gently nod, a shy smile spreading from embarrassment.
“Slow.” You whisper, your lips brushing his. Your ego trips on the power you have over him, fisting him, his heavy length weighing in your hand. You couldn’t even fully wrap your fingers around him, he was all just… girth. Your body ached for him, needy for the feeling only he could satisfy by being inside of you. His tip trickles with precum, and a low moan drips off his tongue like honey. It fuels you. 
“Spit on my cock, princess.” He grunts out, his face leaning in to capture one of your nipples in your mouth. You squeak lightly in excitement before doing just as he asks of you. 
You angle your head over your centers, letting a long line of saliva puddle down onto him. It meets the strokes of your hand, and Frankie’s jaw twitches as he squeezes your breasts involuntarily harder.  You let out a long whine as your nipples form peaks between his fingers, feeling your heart thrum against your chest. 
Frankie likes how you look on top. Back arched, chest pushed up, messy hair falling loose, eyes lit with an eagerness and curiosity for him to teach you the method of going slow. Admiration mixed with respect. He feels like he’s dreaming. 
All he can imagine is you like this, bodies in sync, riding his cock. Tight walls milking his cock for everything he has. His skin becomes riddled with goosebumps, thinking about your nails digging into his chest, your tits rocking up and down, how he would tumble out moans of your name and squeeze your hips with adoration. Yeah, he’d like to see that one day. 
He’s not sure how much longer he can last with merely your hand on him. 
“C’mere, baby.” 
A gasp of surprise jumps from your throat before you can stop it, Frankie managing to stand up off the ground, wrapping your legs around his waist for security. His strength, how easily he lifts you and shuffles you around like a ragdoll spurs white hot heat in your stomach. You were going to fuck him good if you ever got past the going slow part. 
His smirky mouth meets yours in a hot kiss, one heavier than before. Like he’s needy for you. Your eyes melt closed as your fingers wind into the pretty curls that were formed at the nape of his neck. Your back meets his mattress and blankets, your fingers dance along the pattern, your high mind hypnotized seeing Frankie on top of you. 
His body rests between your parted legs. You whimper into his mouth, feeling his hardened cock resting against your core. 
“Take my fucking panties off,” you beg more than you mean to. 
Frankie tries not to sneer. His teeth capture your lower lip, and you mewl out a moan before he lets you go. 
“To hell with going slow.” 
You hastily nod, feeling his fingers grip your panties at either side of your hips before he shuffles them down. You whine with how the sticky center stays latched to your core, he gently peels it loose with a hellish smirk. 
Frankie’s heart thrums against his chest and echoes into his ears. Hearing you desperate for his touch was heaven, he felt undeserving to have such an angel vying for his attention. “So wet f’me, barely touched you, princess.” 
He discards your panties to the side, off on the floor with the rest of the clothing you both have shed. You’re completely naked together, makes you a little nervous. 
Frankie promised to speed up, but you’re finding harmony in the way his soft lips trail down your body, leaving wet prints between the valley of your breasts to the soft skin of your stomach. Your breaths come out heavier, thighs shaking as he drops back down to kneel at the edge of the bed. His hands grip your thighs and yank you impatiently closer to his eager mouth. You whimper as your body is shuffled closer, your fists that were clutching the sheets being torn away. 
You giggle as your thighs shake around his head, feeling those perfect kisses move between the warmth of your legs. 
“Fuck,” you finally let out, excitement seeping through your bones. Frankie’s stubble drags across the sensitive flesh of your inner thighs, and again, you feel that heightened sensitivity that makes your stomach roll. 
Frankie decides that dragging out the teasing is enough. He wanted to taste you, every mile, every inch, every centimeter. 
Your core glistens in his eyeline, begging to be touched, kissed, fucked. He can’t help but dive in. His dopey brown eyes meet yours as his face disappears lower and lower before he’s past the valley of your tits, and all you can see when you crane your neck are those mocha brown eyes. 
His tongue tastes you, and divides your folds, as he laps up your juices. 
The feeling is exhilarating, like the rise and fall of a roller coaster. 
A gasp riddles its way up through your throat, concaves your chest, and your pupils blow wide in excitement. Frankie enjoys your taste but aims to pleasure. His mouth latches onto your sensitive clit and suckles, his tongue intervening every few swipes to flick across your clit. Rise. 
His large hands grip the outside of your thighs, pinning your lower half to his mattress, and lapping over you in a heated race to the finish line. Your face contorts in pleasure, fingers drifting down your stomach before you wind them in Frankie’s hair. He growls against your pussy, you’ve never felt your blood pump faster. Fall. 
“Fucking- Christ,” you push out, gripping his hair strands tighter and making him grunt hot heat against your core. “Feels so fucking good- oh my god,”
He pulls away for a breath and sucks a love bite into the sensitive flesh of your thigh until it swells pink and purple. One of his hands on your outer thighs wraps around the shell of your body, playing with your clit. He slowly shakes his head as he looks at you. You wonder if he shares your hazy vision. The pleasure makes you feel like you’re seeing double. 
“Christ isn’t making you feel good,” his words make you whimper, “I am.”
You quickly nod, but you realize your body can’t move quickly under the influence. You’re just hazily bobbing your head, your hand in his hair dropping to his strong bicep. 
“Frankie, I need you,” you plead as you gently sit up on your elbows and cup his cheek, wiping your glistening slick off his pretty bottom lip. “Need you inside of me.” You whisper, a desperate look splashed across your face. 
You hated how much power he had over you. He almost just made you cum from playing with your clit. You need him biblically, fully, flesh and blood, blood to bone. It was carnal, primal. 
He doesn’t need much further convincing. Frankie preferred to pull an orgasm from going down on you, but he listened to your needs and what you wanted. 
His lips meet yours in a hungry kiss, working you further up the bed and letting you collapse into his pillows. Your eyes catch the sight of a dream catcher while his tongue tangles with yours. You flush at the taste of your own arousal. That’s when you realize his hand is still between your thighs and working soothing circles into your clit. 
You whimper as he adds a tad bit more pressure, and you feel the white-hot heat of adrenaline making your stomach pool even more excitement into your tummy. 
“Frankie,” you whisper softly, and his forehead rests over yours while he guides his shaft to your center. 
He lines his tip up and down between your folds, your jaw dropping as he sickeningly uses your slick to lube himself. He lets his entire shaft rest against your sex, and he does slow thrusts back and forth, lining his entire cock with you. Holy fuck. A shiver was sent up your spine, goosebumps parading across your body. 
Your chest swelled for him. 
“What do you say?” He asks in a taunt, knowing how weak you are. 
You huff and move your hands up his arms and hang them loosely around his shoulders. He complies in moving in closer. 
“Please.” You finally admit between gritted teeth, which makes him grin. 
“Alright, princess,” his forehead now rests against your temple, cocking his chin down to get a better angle of your centers. He guides his tip to your entrance, slow and patient, before he notches himself inside of you. 
Your eyelashes flutter, and you watch as his eyes clench closed. He likes to act all tough like he wouldn’t fold for you, but you know he would time and time again without having to say more than a simple please. 
Both of you share unsteady breaths. It feels like a dam is giving way inside your chest. 
Frankie thinks how he has never been inside a tighter pussy, squeezing the last bits of air from his lungs. 
Your walls pulsate around the intrusion, but your dripping core and his wet tongue from earlier allowed him to slowly push in, inch by inch. 
You swallow a lump in your throat. You don’t realize your eyes are closed, and you're gripping him around the neck to keep him close until he sponges a soft kiss to your cheek. 
“Alright?” He forces out. It’s like you’re choking him, and it makes you twitch up a smile. 
“Mhm,” you muster up, feeling his chest rumble lightly with laughter. 
“Baby,” he whispers, and your chest surges at the pet name. “Can’t breathe.” Oh, shit. You damn near had him in a headlock.
You loosen your grip around his neck, shyly smiling as your desperate hands look for something to ground you. 
Frankie stays flushed inside you but shifts to be more centered over your body, gently resting his forehead just above yours. 
“C’mere,” he whispers before he takes your hands. You decide not to question why he interlocks your fingers. But it feels safe, and you’re still high, so you’ll blame any poor decision-making on that. 
“Fuck me,” you finally grit out, desperate for him to just fucking, “Move.” 
Your whine is met by him reeling back his hips, only for him to plow right back into you at an unforgiving rate. A gasp ripples through your throat, and you feel like screaming. Your entire goddamn body was on fire with the way his girth parted your walls, splitting you open. You let out a string of whimpery moans, and your eyes glared desperate daggers into him. 
“S’what you wanted, right?” He grunts out, jaw tight, pretty curls falling limply in front of his eyes and crowding his forehead. “You wanna be fucked hard, is that it?” He can barely speak authoritatively, you’re squeezing him like your last lifeline. 
But he’s right. Tears cloud your vision, and you weakly nod as desperate puffs of air leave your pretty parted lips. “Yes,” you squeak out, relaxing your hips so Frankie falls into you more. 
“Feels so fucking good, can’t-” An eager cry leaves your lips as he pulls himself out, just to thrust right back in and rocking you further up his bed. Your chin tips to the ceiling as you curse every god, man, woman, whoever the hell created Frankie Morales. 
“Can’t what, princess?” His tone is lower, sinister even as your walls twitch around him but only gush out more arousal for his cock to slide in and out of you. 
You find it hard to string together syllables. So he squeezes your hands that you’re holding for dear life. He stills inside of you until you answer. 
“Shit,” you whimper. 
“Can’t what, angel?” He probes again, cocky asshole waiting for his answer. 
You whimper and peek open your eyes. The right side of his face is highlighted silver from the moon, your hazy vision thinks he looks like an angel. His hand wanders between your centers and finds your throbbing clit, making you cry out the answer. Your face crumbles as you own up to what you need to say. 
“Fuck! Fuck, Frankie! Can’t go without your dick,” you pant out as he subtly rocks into you at a good pace upon your confession. “Can’t even go- can’t even go a week without it,” you admit in defeat. 
That stupid, cocky smirk of his graces his parted lips. It’s crooked and perfect, and he’s fucking you like your life depends on it. Because it does, you think. 
His thighs clap against your ass, pounding you into the bed, drilling you into place, suffocating the air from your lungs.
Your vision goes hazy, seeing white, then rainbow, then stars. They cloud your vision, and you’re not sure if you’re still high off the weed anymore. Or just high off Frankie. 
You whimper strings of his name tangled with profanity, he’s still filling you to the brim. It once seethed hot with pain, but now your stomach is contorting in pleasure. It’s like he knows exactly how to crack your vault, penetrating your walls, unlocking something deep inside of you that no one else manages to know the code. 
His messy fingers continue to circle your clit, and you know your end is coming. 
Frankie’s grunting with every thrust, moaning a symphony of your name every chance he gets. He likes holding your hand, resting his sweaty forehead against your own, listening to you beg for his cock, for your finish. It’s the only thing he wants to give you. He’d be at your every beck and call if you let him. He wouldn’t mind if the only thing he ever got was a fraction of your praise. 
Frankie’s thighs clap against your ass, the sound echoes around his bedroom. If his neighbors didn’t know his name, they did now. 
“Fuck! Frankie!” You cry out, feeling every inch of his cock massage your insides. His tip kisses your cervix, and your jaw drops. Nothing more comes out of your mouth, so your blown-out eyes do all the talking. 
I’m so fucking close.
“I know, baby, feels good, doesn’t it?” He grunts as his balls slap against you. “Feels good having my fat fucking cock inside you, huh?” 
You shake under him, your thighs clench around his hips, and you pray to the gods for making Frankie. You take back what you thought before, you need him. 
You don’t care that he’s a little older, that he’s an asshole, that he eggs you on. 
Because in the shelter of his bedroom, locked in your embrace, he swallows your name and persuades you into pleasure, time and time again. 
Your clit tingles, and your walls furiously clench around him. Finally, your mouth finds words to try and elaborate on what you’ve been holding inside. 
“Fucking- shit! Fuck me harder, right there- fuck me, Frankie! God- I’m coming!” You cry out as his pants fill your space, fanning across your face. He fucks you harder and faster as you near your orgasm, wanting to help you reach it. And he gets you there.
Your back arches, and he groans lowly as he stills inside of you. It’s almost beautiful the way you cum in unison. 
Your hands hold his tighter, and he reciprocates by squeezing gently. I’m right here, I’m here, baby. 
You’re not sure how long you lay there, still. Your hips get a little achy. He feels you twitch and knows it's time to let you go. 
A gentle whimper leaves you as he pulls out. You feel a bit empty, a little cold.
His sweet laughter makes you peek open your eyes. He’s trying to move out from around you, but you haven’t let go of his hands. 
You shyly let go, and both of you squeeze your hands to flex the knotted muscles and stiff knuckles. You close your legs and lightly curl up. He doesn’t come to rest, he gently pats your outer thigh once or twice before he disappears to his bathroom. 
You think he couldn’t have been gone for more than thirty seconds, but he comes back in a fresh pair of boxers and his basketball shorts, his tanned torso still exposed for your viewing. 
“Frankie,” he pauses like a deer in headlights as he stands up from grabbing your panties. “I’m gonna… spill.” You finally pitch out, a bit embarrassed. 
“Oh,” he says, feeling like an idiot. He circles back to the bathroom and grabs a towel and a wet washcloth. 
“Sorry, my brain is all-” he starts to say, but you quickly shake your head. 
“I know me too. S’okay.” You whisper with a smile as you weakly sit up on your elbows. The record playing in the living room had stopped. He shimmies the towel under your hips before he aids you with a clean washcloth. 
Feels too domestic, so you take over, much to his annoyance. You wrap yourself in the towel once you’re done, and sit up to retrieve your uniform. You dread putting it on. 
“Can I take the towel for the way home? My underwear is still too..” you trail off. Soaking wet was the words you would have used. 
Frankie’s face screws up in confusion, his eyebrows knitting together. 
“You’re going home?” 
Now your expressions match. “Yeah?” It sounds more like a guess than a statement. “What else would I do?”
Frankie shifts back and forth on his feet before he sits down beside you on the bed. “Dunno. Stay here.” 
You take in a hesitant breath, and he feels it. “You shouldn’t drive home, you know. You’re stoned. And tired. Don’t need you falling asleep at the wheel or some shit.” 
You frown. Staying here does sound nice. Thinking about going down those five flights of stairs with your jelly legs sounds like a walk to hell. 
But there’s a certain rule about sleeping over. One you don’t want to cross. You and Frankie are just fooling around. Nothing more. 
“I don’t know, Frankie.” You say with a small frown, tightening the towel around you even more. His sullen look deepens at your words. He doesn’t want to overly convince you. If you want to go, he doesn’t want to stand in your way. 
You chew on your bottom lip and weigh your options. You don’t want to go down the stairs. You’re tired as fuck, and you don’t want to get pulled over or something else. And you really don’t want to put your uniform back on. And you want to stop trying to put issues in your own way when you really just want to stick around. But the decision is made for you. 
Your eyes meet his. He’s more certain now, going after what he wants. 
“Stay the night, it won’t kill you. I’ll get you something more comfortable to wear, and you can just…” he trails off and shrugs. 
“Stay?” You ask, raising an eyebrow. He nods. 
You sigh loudly but inevitably smile as you point to his closet. “I need a shirt. Please.” 
A big smile glides across his face, and you can’t believe you’re the one who put it there. 
“Alright, princess, whatever you say.” He squeezes your thigh and stands up, his back to you as he fishes through his closet and smells a few shirts to see how clean they are. 
You roll your eyes and sigh as you fall back into his pillows. 
You change into something clean, you hope it’s clean, and end up curling into a protective ball under his covers. 
His cat, Leo, circles up by your feet, and you coo, gently stroking the pretty fur along his back. Frankie retrieves two glasses filled with water and hands you one. You instantly take a few gulps before your hand gently strokes down the shirt he’s put you in. It swims a bit on you, but you like it. The hem hangs at your thighs. 
“Can you get in here?” You ask impatiently. “M’getting chilly.” You whisper with a coy smile. 
Frankie blows out a few candles in his living room and finishes putting away any leftover stir fry. 
Your high has worn off, and now you’re just a sleepy little thing. A long shift plus getting railed would be your new nighttime sleep aid. 
Now that the apartment is drenched in darkness, he pulls back the covers and moves in beside you. Cuddling was not an option. He spoons you, yanking you halfway across the bed and out of your little ball. His warm flesh meets your back, and you hum at the feeling. He was a furnace. His head settles above yours, you feel the stubble gently poke at your hair. Your eyes are already closed as his arm wraps around your waist, an affirming hand settling on your tummy. He must need skin-to-skin contact because his hand slips under the shirt he’s put on you and settles on the warm skin by your belly button.  
You let out a short little laugh. “You do this with all the girls you sleep with?” 
“No.” He quickly says, and your eyes peek open. 
“No?” You ask curiously. 
“No. Just all my coworkers I sleep with.” You roll your eyes and reach around to slap the back of your hand against his hip, forcing out a chuckle from him. 
“M’kidding.” He somehow pulls you closer. Your head rests comfortably on his bicep, the cold tip of your nose warmed by his flesh. 
Questions pour out of your stupid brain. Were you the only one he was sleeping with? If you weren’t, who else was there? Was this normal to him, cuddling after a friends-with-benefits situation? Did Frankie want something more? 
You sigh and close your eyes, attempting to shut off your brain as your finger lazily draws shape on his forearm. 
He murmurs a goodnight against the shell of your ear. You blame how happy and comfortable you are right now on his cat. And it somewhat makes you feel better. You never pictured falling asleep beside your coworker, let alone Frankie Morales. 
Sleep eventually overcomes you. You dream of Frankie sitting in a bowl of stir fry like a hot tub. 
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cyripticchronicler · 2 months
oki oki so basically a muggle bookstore au where shy!remus is a worker there, f!writer!reader just moving into town, and after a while, shes a regular and remus starts to yk, get a little crushy crush. And it’s mutual 2 so thats gud. He finally asks her on a date or sum when its been 6 months since they like talked with like flowers and chocolate and everything (AWWWWW). THEN THEN THEN, they hang out at his house and the other marauders walk in and be like, “you finally asked her out? BOUT FCKING TIME!” And then they all laugh and hang out then BOOM smut! (If you’re comfortable of course!)
sorry if its a weeee bit long, its 1AM when i saw the cry for requests so 🤷‍♀️
BYEEE! (My signature emoji is 🚐)
Whispers of the Page - Remus Lupin
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Pairing: Shy!Remus Lupin x F!writer!Reader
Summary: Having recently moved, you were in dire need of more books. But the last thing you expected was to catch the owner of the bookshop's attention.
Word count: 4k+ (I went overboard)
Warnings: Smut (My first smut ever posted plz be nice) Kissing, shy Remus?? Is that a warning?
A/N: Thank you so much for requesting!! You're my first request EVER so thank you I appreciate it so much! I hope I did your request justice, I tried my hardest :)
Humming quietly, your heels click along the cobbled path. You hold your coat up above your head in a desperate attempt to keep your hair dry. Goosebumps spread over your skin, and you sigh in relief when you find the store you’ve been wanting to visit for weeks now.
Rushing into the warmly lit shop, the bell jingles when you enter. The smell of old books and candles immediately engulfs you, warming your body from head to toe and you shift so your coat is slung over your arm.
Your heeled boots are quiet against the patterned carpet, and you take a few moments to take everything in. The bookshop is covered with books, ones that look brand new and others that have been well loved, their spines cracked and pages doggy-eared. Lamps light the room, placed in every nook and corner of the cramped space. 
Looking to the right, you jump slightly when you realise you’re not alone. Standing behind a covered counter stands a young man, book in hand as he reads quietly, fingers turning the page every few minutes. He’s dressed well, an old grandpa sweater tucked into a pair of brown dress pants. His brown, shabby hair shields his face, but you peek at the sight of his sharp jawline. 
Wanting a proper look at him, you mutter a “Hello,” heart speeding up when he looks at you, his gentle eyes meeting yours. You didn’t expect him to be so pretty. He’s gorgeous. You knew he’d be if his jawline was any indication. His face is covered with scars, but that doesn't diminish his beauty, it adds to it. His cheeks flush when he notices you staring at him and he looks down to bookmark his book before looking up. 
“Hi, welcome. Is there anything I can help you with?” His voice is warm and smooth like honey, a red flush warming his cheeks as he avoids eye contact. 
You smile at his shyness, moving to a shelf at grabbing ones you find interesting. “No, thank you. I’ve just moved and I wasn’t able to bring any books with me.” You hold up your hands that are already stacked with books. “I need to stock up.”
You hear him place his book down from where you're inspecting this fantasy book, listening to his quiet steps as he walks towards you. He leans against the shelf beside you, awkwardly placing his hand on his hip before dropping it, falling to his side as he stands straight, cheeks still tinted red. 
“Do you need any book recommendations?” He questions, his eyes finally coming in contact with yours. You feel a cool shiver run down your spine but you ignore it. “Yeah,” You shoot him a shy smile, “I’d love some.” It was a slight lie. Sure, you’d love more book recommendations but you definitely didn't need any to add to your long list of books to read. 
He starts listing off more books, seemingly more comfortable while he wanders around the store, picking up books as he goes. “So,” He starts, “You said you’ve just recently moved?” He inspects an older-looking book before adding it to the pile. 
“Yeah, I decided it was time to leave my home town and focus more on writing.”
“Writing, eh? What do you write?”
Your cheeks heat, though you will them not to, readying for the teasing to come. “I write romance books.” His eyes perk up, shooting me a small smile as he adds another book to the pile. “I love romance books. Written any that I’d know?”
I laugh, following him to the counter. “No, I haven’t published a book. Yet.”
He starts scanning the books, placing them in a brown paper bag as he does. “Well, you must tell me when you do. I want to read it.” His cheeks flush as he speaks the words, hands slightly shaking while he rings you up. 
You notice the cost being cheaper than you expected and shoot him a curious look which he just whispers a quiet “Half price.” You will your cheeks not to heat, paying for the books with a barely concealed smile. You go to leave, bag in hand but stop at the exit. 
“What’s your name?” 
He looks up from where he’s staring blankly at his book. “Remus. You?”
You mutter your name, trying your best to not skip down the pathway, already planning your next visit to the store. 
Your next visit was only a week later, and your mind coming up with multiple excuses to go back all week until you finally came up with a viable one. 
It’s your nephew's birthday soon and he loves reading as much as you do so you’ve decided to stop by the store to pick up a present for him. Bell ringing as you enter, you notice Remus isn’t standing behind the counter like before and frown. 
Warm glow guiding your path, you make your way to the young adult section, hands tracing the spines of books as you search for a specific one. Your head turns at the sound of shuffling coming towards you. Heating when you spot Remus making his way to you, a pile of books in hand while he searches for an empty spot on the shelves. 
He looks up and jumps when he spots you, eyes wide and cheeks flushing almost instantly. Biting your lip to withhold your laughter, you attempt to control your smile. “Sorry, did I spook you?”
He snaps out of his trance, shooting a bright smile your way. “Sorry, I didn’t see you there.” He laughs breathlessly, hand reaching up to scratch the back of his neck before he remembers the books in his hands and hurries to catch them before they fall to the floor. 
“You wouldn’t happen to have They Both Die At The End in that pile, do you?” You grin, gesturing to the books in his hands. 
“Not on me, but I think I have a couple of copies in the back. Let me just put these books away and I’ll grab one.” You nod and follow behind him while he puts the last few books away, waiting outside the ‘staff only’ door while he goes around back and grabs the book
Your next visit was only a week later, and your mind coming up with multiple excuses to go back all week until you finally came up with a viable one. 
It’s your nephew's birthday soon and he loves reading as much as you do so you’ve decided to stop by the store to pick up a present for him. Bell ringing as you enter, you notice Remus isn’t standing behind the counter like before and frown. 
Warm glow guiding your path, you make your way to the young adult section, hands tracing the spines of books as you search for a specific one. Your head turns at the sound of shuffling coming towards you. Heating when you spot Remus making his way to you, a pile of books in hand while he searches for an empty spot on the shelves. 
He looks up and jumps when he spots you, eyes wide and cheeks flushing almost instantly. Biting your lip to withhold your laughter, you attempt to control your smile. “Sorry, did I spook you?”
He snaps out of his trance, shooting a bright smile your way. “Sorry, I didn’t see you there.” He laughs breathlessly, hand reaching up to scratch the back of his neck before he remembers the books in his hands and hurries to catch them before they fall to the floor. 
“You wouldn’t happen to have They Both Die At The End in that pile, do you?” You grin, gesturing to the books in his hands. 
“Not on me, but I think I have a couple of copies in the back. Let me just put these books away and I’ll grab one.” You nod and follow behind him while he puts the last few books away, waiting outside the ‘staff only’ door while he goes around back and grabs the book you want. 
“Thank you,” You grin when he hands you the book, walking to the counter while he follows. You spot a worn book on the counter and recognise it immediately.  “You’re reading Pride and Prejudice?”
“Re-reading,” He corrects. “It’s one of my favourite books.” He smiles, stuffing his hands in his pants pocket while he stares. 
“It’s one of my favourite books too!” You exclaim, rather too enthusiastically. “It’s tied with Emma.”
He breaks the short eye contact and scans your book. “I haven’t read that yet, but I’ll add it to my list.”
You grow shy, hands fiddling with your sweater nervously. “Yeah, you could tell me what you thought about it, too.” His eyes widen adorably at your words, cheeks red as a tomato while he nods furiously. 
“Y-yeah.” He hands you the book and you smile, making your way to the exit. “I’ll see you next time, Remus.”
‘Next time’ turned into visiting his shop fortnightly, your bank account getting lighter each time you visited the shop. Over time, through scarce conversation, you’ve learnt that Remus owns the bookshop and is the only one who works there, and that, out of his two best friends Sirius and James, he’s the only one who enjoys reading. 
He’s learnt that you’re working part-time at this bakery while you work on getting your first book published and that you’ve been writing for years, but only decided to turn it into a profession recently. 
It’s clear that Remus likes books, and he’s visibly more comfortable when talking about them. Instead of his quiet voice, he gets louder and waves his hands around in enthusiasm. You find it adorable and have to bite your tongue to stop yourself from asking him out every time. 
You’re not even sure he likes you. I mean, sure, he’s all blushy and shy around you but he could act like that around everyone. 
Months of talking and wandering around the bookstore have gone by, and every day you find it harder to control your infatuation with him. 
And, though you admire the beautiful bookshop, you’re dying to actually go out with him. 
And that’s what brings you here today, on a cloudy day, rain threatening to fall at any moment. You don’t have any books to buy, or any recommendations you want, you’re only here for one thing and one thing only; to ask Remus out. 
The familiar ring of the bell greets you as you enter, your eyes instinctively searching for Remus, spotting him in the corner of the store, his sharp features highlighted by the dimly lit lamps. 
He looks up from where he’s dusting a shelf, eyes lighting up as he meets yours. “Hey!” Walking over towards you, he reaches his arm out before awkwardly letting it hang by his side. Casting a look at the ‘Staff Only’ door a few feet away, his hands start fidgeting with his red patterned grandpa sweater. “I uh- I have something for you.” He mutters, suddenly shy as he avoids your eyes. 
Your eyes light up, cheeks turning a light shade of pink. “Really? You didn’t have to get me anything.” His cheeks flush even redder if possible, and you bite your tongue to hold back a loud ‘awww.’
“It’s in the back. Let me just-” He gestures to the back door before hurriedly walking through it. Your eyebrows raise when you hear loud thumping and quiet swearing.
“Remus? Are you okay?” The sounds of crashing stop immediately and he clears his throat before responding. His voice still cracks when he shouts, “I’m coming!”
That’s what she said.
A second later he comes back out, a hand behind his back as he attempts to hide whatever crinkles behind him. You take a deep breath and feign confidence. “I’ve actually been meaning to talk to you too.”
He nods in acknowledgement, using his free hand to scratch awkwardly at his nose. “I-I would prefer if I talked first.”
You nod your head, offering him a reassuring smile. He smiles in return before showing me what was behind his back. You can’t stop the small gasp from passing your lips, eyes wide as you take the ‘bouquet’ of books from his stretched-out hand. 
“T-” You clear your throat, “This is for me?” Cheeks hot, he nods and rubs the back of his neck. “I-I also bought you chocolates. I wasn’t sure when I was going to see you next so they’re still at home.” He takes a deep breath and meets your eyes. “Go out with me. Please.”
Your eyes widen an unconstrained snort escaping your nose. Cheeks flushing in embarrassment, you slap your hand against your mouth, and you watch as his head hangs in defeat.
You hurry to fix your mistake. “Wait! No, no, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to laugh. I laugh in a lot of situations, whether good or bad- I once laughed at a wed- That doesn’t matter. What I’m trying to say is that I’d love to go out with you.”
He shakes his head. “You don’t have to if you don’t want to-”
One hand still holding the bouquet, you reach your other hand out to rest on his shoulder, successfully gaining his attention as he looks up to meet your eyes.
“I do, I promise. I just found it funny because I came here today to ask you out but you- you beat me to it. I-It was just funny.” You shrug, awkwardly smiling at him. 
“So…You do want to go out with me?” You nod and his eyes light up, flashing you a blinding smile. “How about my place? Sunday? I don’t think my roommates will be home.” His eyes widen. “-Not that I’m trying to get ‘lucky’ or anything.” 
You nod your head enthusiastically, “Yeah! I’d love that.” Pulling out your phone, he takes it from your hand. “Just text me the address.”
Long, nimble fingers type in your phone and you attempt to distract yourself from his veiny hands. Your heart beats in excitement, mind already racing through what outfit to wear, and how you’ll style your hair.
How you’re going to get any sleep at all over the next couple of days is beyond you.
Knuckles against wood announce your arrival as you stand awkwardly in front of the door, comfy leggings and sweater barely protecting you against the cold, frigid air. Thankfully, you don’t have to wait long, Remus’ smiling face comes into view as he opens the door. 
“Hey, come in. It’s freezing out there,” He opens the door wider and you don’t hesitate in walking into the threshold, excited to get away from the horrible weather. He shuts the door behind you, the cold wind blocked off as your body finally starts to warm up.
“Wait here,” Remus says eagerly and you nod, taking the time alone to take your shoes off and calm down your racing heart. His house seems nice, a mixture of Remus and his two roommates Sirius and James personalities peaking through the decorations. 
You’re inspecting a miniature aeroplane that lays on a table beside the front door when Remus comes back, a pink heart-shaped box in his hand. He spots you looking at the plane and smiles, “James picked that out. He’s training to be a pilot right now. He loves flying.”
You nod in acknowledgement, shooting him a smile as an awkward silence fills the room. He scratches his head awkwardly before seemingly remembering the box. “Oh! T-this is for you.” He all but shoves it into your hands and you take it gratefully, carefully pulling away the heart-shaped lid to look at all the chocolates inside. 
You internally aw, “Thank you! I actually got you something as well.”
He perks up, eyes widening in excitement. “Yeah?” You nod, placing the chocolates down on the table and reaching into your bag to pull it out. 
His eyes are blown wide, lips slightly parted as he takes the string-bound pieces of paper from you. “No…Is this what I think it is?” He questions in shock. 
“If you’re thinking that this is my first official copy of my book then yes.” He’s shell-shocked, flipping through the pages and admiring the cover. “This-this is amazing, I can’t wait to read it.”
It’s like he can’t control himself as he walks closer to you, wrapping you into his arms, the scent of tea and parchment invading your nose as you stuff your face in his neck. You wrap your arms around his waist, too focused on the way he’s holding you to acknowledge the small ‘thank you’ he whispers your way. 
Pulling back a bit, you move your head out of his neck to look at him and he looks down at you with hooded eyes, almost like he’s in a daze. You reach up, one hand wrapping around the back of his neck, standing on your tippy toes as you lean forward. 
He does the same, licking his plump lips. His hot breath fans your face and your eyes flutter shut in anticipation. Pulling him closer, your lips are centimetres apart-
“Well, well, what do we have here?” You jump out of his grasp in seconds, turning towards the intruder while Remus swears. 
“I thought you guys would be back later.” Remus interrogates. You assume the ‘intruders’ are Sirus and James, easily being able to tell who's who from the amount of stories Remus has told you about them. 
Sirius is too busy sending Remus a teasing look to respond so James steps up, “We forgot something, don’t worry, Moony. We’ll be out of your hair in no time.” James leaves to retrieve whatever they forgot while Sirius stands, still smirking at Remus. 
He ignores Remus’ glare, turning to face you, “Hello! Sorry I haven't introduced myself, I’m Sirius. And you are?” He apologises though he doesn't sound sorry in the slightest. 
You tell him your name, watching as he shoots a teasing smile towards Remus. 
“I know you! Remus can’t shut up about you. Honestly, it’s either; ‘She looked so pretty today I almost died’ or, ‘Today's the day, I’m going to ask her out.’ Honestly, I probably know everything about you considering how much Remus talks about you.”
Remus groans quietly from beside you and you place your hand on his arm in reassurance - something Sirius doesn’t hesitate to wiggle his eyebrows at. “I’ve heard a lot about you too, it’s nice to finally put a face to a name.”
“-Yes it is.” James returns from his scavenger hunt, wallet in hand. “Hopefully now that Remus has finally asked you out he’ll stop talking about you so often. It’s always, ‘Her hair is so shiny,’ and, ‘Her eyes are brighter than the sun, they’re the light that guides my path, the sunshine to my moon-”
“Don’t you two have somewhere to be?” Remus’ dark, annoyed voice interrupts, cheeks flaming as he shoots a lethal glare their way.
James’s hands raised in surrender. “Okay then, I guess we should go before Moony over here kills us,” they walk towards the front door, cold air slicing through the warm room, “Remember to wear protection!” He screams before slamming the door shut. 
Turning to face Remus, an amused look on your face, he shoves his face into his hands but winces when he realises he’s still holding your book. His muttered threats filtered through the air and you bite your lip to conceal your laughter. He shakes his head, shooting me an apologetic look. “I am so sorry-”
“Why?” You laugh, “They seem great.” 
He visibly relaxes, “Really?” You nod, “Yeah. Now, what do you want to do? I have heaps of movie recommendations if you want to watch something.”
‘Ugh, as if!” Cher’s voice filters through the dim room, bundled in blankets, your head resting on Remus’ shoulder as you watch the movie. 
Eyes straying from the screen, you turn your head slightly to look up at Remus. He feels your gaze immediately, “Yes?” He asks, shifting his body so he can see you properly. 
You smile, “You’re just so pretty.” His cheeks flush red in record time, hand pulling you closer so your head rests against his chest. 
Long, nimble fingers play with your hair while the other rests along your back. You’re practically on top of him now, your legs between his own, face propped up against your hands that lean against his chest. 
“You’re pretty too,” He mutters, warm eyes tracing every inch of your face, filled with admiration like you were carved by Zeus himself. “Yeah? Are my eyes brighter than the sun? Do I guide your path-”
You barely noticed his small smile before his lips were on yours. Remus’ lips pressed against yours, emitting a muffled moan from your throat. His mouth takes yours in a mix of tongue and teeth, the hand that was resting against your back moving further down, resting on top of your ass. 
You prop yourself up with one hand beside his shoulder the other caressing his cheek. The hand that was playing with your hair now resting on your neck, gripped hard as he pulled you in closer, tongue mixing with yours like you were his lifeline. 
His lips move down your throat, the feeling in your gut enhancing as his hands move over your body, hair tickling your neck.
“Please,” You gasp when you finally move away, lips swollen and covered in spit. “Please what?” He questions teasingly, thumb reaching out to stroke your red cheeks. 
“I need you,” You whisper. Your stomach somersaulted at the hard feeling of something poking your stomach. Spurred on by his reaction, you kiss him again. He doesn’t waste a second in kissing you back, calloused fingers tracing your body, the pull of his lips eagerly smiling against your own. 
His mouth moved downwards, planting little kisses down your neck. Slowly, he shifts so that he’s on top of you, a mess of tangled limbs as you reach for his lips again. One of his hands slides over your hips and up your shirt. 
You gasp at the feeling of his warm hands against your cold body, goosebumps trailing after his touch. The other went to your ass, palming gently through your thin leggings. Gently, your hands trailed under his shirt, his hips pressing harder against yours. 
“Off,” You mumble through kisses, yanking on his shirt. He pulls away, taking his shirt off in one fluid motion before slamming his lips against your throat, wet mouth biting and sucking at your neck. 
You leaned into his touch, quiet moans slipping past your parted lips as you lost yourself in pleasure. Remus’ hips shifted against you, the friction sending a jolt up your spine. Hips moving on their own, you wrap your legs around his jean-clad waist, moving your hips against him, another jolt of pleasure shooting through you. 
He groans against your neck, hips meeting yours in sharp thrusts. Hands reaching behind you, he unhooks your bra and slowly drags it down your arms along with your shirt, tossing it to the side. 
“You’re so beautiful,” He mutters against your soft skin, his right hand cupping your breast, his other hand sliding lower, rubbing circles against your hip. Gently, his right hand needed the flesh firmly, occasionally squeezing. Your nails dig into his bare back, scratching down the rough skin.  
He started rolling your hard nipple between his fingers, your cunt clenching around nothing. Desperate for something, you rut harder against his covered lap, whining in disappointment while he chuckles. 
“You want more, huh?” He asks and you nod desperately. Slowly, his hand lets go of your breast, replaced by his mouth, tongue swirling around your nipple. Warm hands trail down your stomach, playing with the waistband of your leggings before pulling them down completely, panties following soon afterwards. 
“Are you sure you want this?” He asks and you nod. “Words, sweetheart.” Pulling away, his head eyes track the way your cunt clenches around nothing, wetness running down your thighs as he laughs deviously. 
“I want you so bad. Please-” You gasp when his lips land on your left thigh, biting softly as his hands need the flesh roughly. You swallow hard, focusing on the way his mouth gets closer and closer, warm lips kissing up your thigh and towards where you really want him.
The feel of his warm, pointed tongue running up the length of your cunt has your back arching against the sheets, hands reaching out to grip his hair, pulling on the strands desperately as his tongue circles your clit. 
His tongue barely dips inside you before running through your slickened folds, the vibrations of his moans further spurring you on. Soft licks against your slit have your hips bucking up into his face, your head falling back against the pillows as you lose yourself in the pleasure. 
Your mind goes blank at the feeling of a long, veiny finger filling you up, finger pumping into you while he sucks your clit into his mouth. He adds another finger, stretching you out. Warm breath fanning your cunt, he smirks at you, “Merlin you’re hot.” 
You opened your mouth to respond when his fingers curled inside you, eyes snapping shut at the heavenly feeling. Tongue back on your clit, occasionally sucking, you felt your orgasm building up deep inside you, the weight getting heavier when he adds another finger, his moans vibrating through your body. 
You were done for, loud moans filling the room, nails holding him against your cunt, thighs shaking around his shoulders as you reach your climax. He works you through it, nimble fingers dragging your orgasm out. 
His fingers slip out moments later, your cunt clenching around nothing. You open your eyes to the sight of Remus slipping his slick-covered fingers in his mouth, tongue making sure to get every last bit. 
Your hands reach for his pants, hurrying to unzip the denim and pull them down his thighs. “Someone’s need-fuck.” He cuts himself with a groan, head falling against your shoulder as your hands reach into his black boxers, slowly stroking his cock. 
He pulls down his boxers, his hard cock springing free and you have to withhold your moan. He reaches into the bedside table to grab a condom, playing with his cock before rolling the condom on. 
You lay underneath him and watch in wonderment, hands finding their way to your nipples and rolling them between your fingers. “I need you,” You whisper. His hands stop their movements from where they were kneading your thighs, eyes meeting yours. “Yeah?” You nod. “You’ve had me for months now, baby.” 
His mouth is back on yours, tongue tracing your lips as he lowers, one hand by your neck, the other holding your thigh up and against his waist. IMpatinelty, one of your hands move downwards to his cock, lining it up against your soaked entrance. He laughs, “Patience, baby.”
He rubs his tip along your slit before thrusting inside you with a groan, your back arching up, nipples grazing his chest as you moan in pleasure. 
With one more roll of his hips, he’s fully inside you, chest pressed up against your own as he starts trailing deep kisses down your throat. Your hands fly up, nails clawing at his neck, pulling him closer when he starts moving. 
His hips thrust in slow, fluid motions. Reviling in the low groans coming from the man above you. Forcing your eyes to open, you look down to where your bodies connect, cunt clenching around nothing causing Remus to let out a loud moan. 
Nails raking over his skin, you pull him in for a kiss, hot bodies moving in sync as he fucks you deeply. One of your hands trails downwards, towards his stomach and you feel his muscles contract in pleasure. 
Mouth open, you moaned in pleasure when he brought your other leg up to wrap around his waist, his cock even deeper than before. The sight of his eyebrows pulled together, beads of sweat dripping down your neck as you close, head falling back against the pillow, needy whines leaving your lips as one of his hands finds your clit, rubbing it aggressively. 
“You’re such a good girl. Taking my cock so well,” He grunted against your sweaty skin.
You moaned, hips moving faster against his own as you felt your orgasm building up, nails digging into his shoulders. “Your body is perfect. Like it was made for me,” He slurs, hips slamming hard into you, his loud groans mixed with your moans filling the air, toes curling in pleasure. 
“Please, I- gonna cum-” You cut yourself off with a loud moan, his hips thrusting into you with incredible speed as you come, thighs shaking around his waist, breaths coming in short pants. 
His head falls against your shoulder, thrusts becoming sloppy as he pumps into you, greedily chasing his own high, moans growing louder and louder. One hand reaching up and into his hair, you gently pull the sweat-soaked strands, “Cum,” You whisper into his ear. 
“Fuck,” He whispers before coming inside of you, hips abruptly stopping as his mouth falls open against your warm skin. Goosebumps pebble your skin as he gently pulls out of you a moment later, hands rubbing your body as he places kisses against your skin. You can’t control your smile as you watch him dispose of the condom before laying back down beside you on the bed. 
You turn your body to face him, eyes tracing his face. You watch his cheeks flush and can’t withhold a laugh. “What?” He asks, hands running through your hair. 
“You just fucked the living daylights out of me and still blush when I look at you,” You respond teasingly, resting your head against his bare chest. He places a kiss on your forehead, looking at you like you hung the moon. 
“You make me nervous,” He admits truthfully and your heart speeds up.
“You make me nervous, too.” You whisper. 
He looks down, his warm breath fanning your cheek. “Does this mean we can go on a second date?” You laugh, slapping his chest playfully, “Fuck off.”
“I’m going to take that as a yes,” He responds smugly, your heart speeding up at the prospect of going on another date with him. 
“It is a yes.”
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bonbelles · 9 months
˗ˏˋ fun hair imagines ˎˊ˗
prompt: (from my own lil brain) just messing with their hair, and their reaction
content: gn!reader, fluff, alcohol (kaeya).
characters included:
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Diluc found yourself in his office when he returned from Mondstadt, organising his paperwork on his desk. Often, this was how you spent your free time - in a desperate bid for some form of business, you would tidy up the workspace of the Angel Share owner.
When Diluc walked into his office, you quickly vacated his chair, opting to stand and sort through the last pile of bills and letters. Now left with time to relax, Diluc simply put his head in his hands and closed his eyes for a moment.
Watching him (supposedly) rest, you noticed how dishevelled his hair had become, seemingly from a busy day behind the bar. Instinct took over you, and you took to tucking his hair behind his ear.
Diluc glanced up momentarily, before returning to his original position.
"Sorry, is this bothering you?" You asked him, retracting your hands from his face.
"No," he responded. "It's somewhat relaxing."
"So should I keep going?"
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As per usual, Kaeya finished his shift by going to Angel Share, and noticed you sitting at the bar upon his arrival.
"You're not one to drink this soon into the evening." While Kaeya was surprised by your appearance, he was taking advantage of some free time with you.
"It's been a day..." was your response, taking another sip of your drink afterwards. Kaeya merely laughed, before ordering himself a drink of his own.
While the two of you laughed and drank together, other regulars came and went. By the time the bar was closing, the two of you were the only barflies remaining.
"Come on," you said, slamming your empty glass on the counter. "It's about time we left, Kaeya."
"No, no, the night is only just beginning."
You exchanged eye contact with a subdued Diluc, who - you assumed - was desperate to leave himself. Turning back to Kaeya, unable to grasp Diluc's despair, you found yourself with no other choice.
Grabbing the back of Kaeya's hair, you dragged him out of the bar - the latter too intoxicated to protest. As soon as Diluc slammed the door, you let Kaeya go. He opted just to stare at you in amazement.
"Don't ask if I liked that," Kaeya said, starting the walk home.
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In the bustling library of the Akademiya, Alhaitham's workload was tripled following the rescue of Lesser Lord Kusanali. As a result, he very rarely spent a night at home, much to Kaveh's frustration (as his roommate seemed to hoard his keys). As a result, the anguished architect asked you to try and get his housekeys back.
"You owe me; this'll be a challenge, Kaveh."
And, as you expected, as soon as you sat down on top of Alhaitham's cramped desk, he responded with: "Not now."
"Kaveh needs his keys."
"Not now," Alhaitham repeated, this time with a sense of lethargy following his speech.
"How much more do you have to do?"
Alhaitham pointed at four very highly stacked books. Definitely not work you two could do in one evening, let alone just Alhaitham.
"Come on, it can wait until tomorrow."
Alhaitham yawned, covering his mouth with his fist. Concerned, you glared at him until he reciprocated the eye contact.
Shaking his head, Alhaitham said: "It can't. It needs to be done tonight."
"You think you're getting all this done tonight? Five people couldn't do this in one night."
Alhaitham took a seat at his desk, ignoring your chatter in front of him. This was the wrong move, because as soon as Alhaitham sat down, his eyes started to close themselves, and they wouldn't stop.
Sitting on his lap, you took his head into your hands and started to stroke his hair. Quickly, he succumbed to the first sleep he had in a long time.
Never in his life would he admit to liking the moment you started stroking his hair.
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After a while away, Kaveh had finally returned from his most recent architectural journey. You thought you would surprise him by cooking for him, to save Kaveh worrying about his evening. Alhaitham, as per usual, was away researching, leaving you alone to arrange everything perfectly for Kaveh's arrival home.
The opening door made you jump, Kaveh's loud greeting bringing a smile to your face.
"I'm back!" He shouted.
You purposely left the door unlocked, after Alhaitham gave you a set of keys before his departure.
Rushing around the table, setting plates of piping hot food down, you quickly yelled "don't come in yet!" across the house. Laughing, Kaveh stayed in the hallway.
When you were ready, you called Kaveh in, watching his face light up at the dishes covering the table. "You did all of this for me?" He asked, red filling his cheeks in admiration.
"Of course! Welcome home, Kaveh," you replied, breathing for the first time since he returned.
Taking a seat at the table, unsure of where to start, Kaveh looked over all of the meals before him. Approaching the table, you sat down next to him. Without thinking, just with the sheer joy of Kaveh's return in your mind, you took your hand and ruffled his hair, giggling at his awe over the food.
Kaveh stared at you, in confusion.
"Oh, sorry!" You said.
"Do it again."
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rose-pearls · 1 year
The Deal - Part 4
Summary: Hogsmeade time and time for the plan
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Previous part
Hogsmeade is filled with students as James and you arrive, most of them are going to get a butterbeer but the two of you decide to first buy some sweet treats before going in there. It seems like a normal thing to do, but in reality, everything is planned to perfection. Lily usually goes to buy a book first before going to get a butterbeer, so you needed to kill some time before arriving together as she is drinking hers.
The countless candies fill up the hallways and you can’t help but stare in amazement at the sight of them. You pick up some candies for Susan and Christie to share and before you can move any further you feel an arm wrap itself around your waist.
“So, finding anything good?”, James asks, and you smile at his question while looking around.
“I think so, nearly done. You?”, he smiles down at you before showing the tons of chocolates he has in his arm.
“Didn’t know you liked chocolate that much.”, you tell him jokingly and James shrugs his shoulder.
“I’m not really a fan of chocolate but Remus loves it so thought I would buy some for his stack.”, he says it with an easy smile, like it’s just normal for him to do so but you can’t help but feel touched at his attention to Remus.
“I’m sure he’ll love it.”, you tell him, and a bright smile appears at your words.
“Let’s hope so.”, he helps you find the last of the candy you need before going to the register.
Just as you are about to pay for your candy James puts some money on the table and smiles at the shopkeeper.
“This is for the two of us.”, you look at him in surprise while James looks unbothered.
“You don’t have to pay for me!”, you tell him, and James looks at you surprised.
“But I want to, plus as my girlfriend I am obliged to be a good boyfriend and that means buying candies.”, he says softly, while looking at you with his big brown eyes and you try to fight of the small butterflies in your stomach.
“Fine, but I’m paying next time.”, you only realize what you say after, but James doesn’t show anything. A large smile appears after a few seconds, but it seems shyer than his usual smiles.
“It’s a deal.”, he whispers, and you smile at the words before taking the bag of candies from the owner who smiles at you with a sweet smile.
“My husband and I were just like that at your age. Keep on to this one sweetheart.”, she tells you and you don’t know what to say for a moment, to busy trying to fight of the blush.
“No worries! I won’t let her leave me.”, James says jokingly but you can hear the nervousness under his voice as he puts his hand on your back to steer you away from the counter.
You manage to say a quick goodbye before leaving the shop into the coldness of October. James still has his hand on your back, and you don’t know if you should turn around to talk about what the woman just said before a hand grabs your arm making you shriek.
“Merlin Sirius! Warn a person!”, James yells, equally frightened at the sight of Sirius suddenly there.
“You should’ve seen your faces!”, he manages to say before laughing again, weirdly sounding like a dog for a bit. Remus is trying not to laugh but you can see him chuckling while the two of you glare at them.
“So, any reason for this assault?”, you ask them and Sirius sighs before wiping away fake tears. 
“Well, we just got words that the flower is in the pot.”, Sirius whispers and you all look at him like he is an idiot.
“Really? Is that the best you got?”, you ask the man, and he looks offended for a moment.
“Excuse you it is a verry good metaphor.”, he says, and Remus shakes his head in disagreement followed by James.
“Sorry mate but it was bad.”, James says while patting Sirius’s shoulder, the man himself looks at James in betrayal.
“I will never forgive you for this betrayal!”, Sirius says dramatically, and you can’t help but laugh as James starts to plead for his forgiveness. Remus is shaking his head while laughing at the sight of them and you can’t help but do the same thing.
“Alright let’s stop this boys we have actual things to do.”, you tell them and they break apart from their hug before James appears by your side.
“Some Slytherin’s were in there, so they definitely saw you! For the rest everything is going well!”, Remus says, and you can’t help but feel a bit nervous at the reaction of your parents when they were going to learn about this.
“Then let’s go get a butterbeer and continue the show.”, you tell them happily and the two follow you before James stops in his tracks.
“I forgot! This is for you!”, James says with a bright smile as he gives his bag full of chocolate to a confused Remus.
“I saw that your stack of chocolate was getting smaller so here is some chocolate!”, James says with a large smile, but his voice sounds a bit nervous as Remus doesn’t say anything.
“I- thank you. You didn’t have to.”, Remus says softly, and he looks up from the bag with a grateful smile and for the first time you see a bashful James.
“Glad you like them.”, Remus nods quickly and James lets out a sigh of relief.
“Right, well let’s go.”, James says before taking your hand and opening the door to get inside. 
It’s currently filled with students, but Sirius quickly manages to find a table while James keeps your hand in his while going around the tables to get to yours. In the corner of your eye, you see a redhead sitting with her friends looking at you furiously. Her gaze focused on your clasped hands with James, and you can’t help but feel pride at the fact. 
Christie quickly joins you, and she look exhausted from her trip as she falls down on her chair while letting out a big sigh.
“Mission S & D is going well! The man seems to be getting really interested into her and she seems to – well to manage.”, you can’t help but feel a bit worried for Susan, hoping that everything was going well for her.
Just as you think of it the door opens and you see them coming in, looking for a table. Susan seems to be telling a story while Diggory is nodding along, a large smile on his face. She sees you at some point and waves at you before sitting down with him at a table.
“Why don’t they come sit with us? Do we stink or something?”, Sirius asks while looking at the two chatting.
“Some of us do.”, Remus says while looking at Sirius pointedly with a teasing smile.
“I do not stink!”, Sirius says outraged and Remus snorts at the words before taking a sip of his drink ignoring Sirius’s offended look.
“The reason why they aren’t coming is first because they are on a date.”, Christie says, and Sirius looks at her unimpressed before pointing at James and you.
“So are they.”, he says deadpanned, and you can’t help but laugh, James joining you while putting an arm across your shoulder.
“Not the point Black! Plus, she had to tell him a story to get him to go on a date with her and it wouldn’t go well with the story for her to come here.”, Christie tries to explain without saying too much but Sirius looks at her confused and the two others also seemed to be interested.
“What story? If she goes off script you have to tell us!”, Sirius whispers and Christie rolls her eyes.
“He was moping around because he couldn’t ask Lily out and he was telling her all about how he was sad to not have anyone. So, to relate with him she told him you had harshly told her that you didn’t want to go to Hogsmeade with her when she asked you.”, Christie says after a moment of pestering and Sirius looks at her offended.
“I never did that!”, he says loudly, and some students turn to look at the five of you curiously so you all sush Sirius.
“Will you keep it down!”, James whispers and Sirius rolls his eyes before turning towards Christie.
“We know that, but he doesn’t, and it was the perfect opportunity and story to get him to ask her. And it worked so forget it.”, she says a bit harsher while Sirius glares at her and then moves to glare at his butterbeer. 
“Well, it seems plan flower is working she is talking up a storm with her friends looking furious.”, Remus says after a moment and you try not to look behind you, but James looks for a moment acting like he is looking at the whole room before turning back.
“Means that the plan is working.”, he has a smile on his face, and you try to smile as much as him but somehow, it’s more difficult.
Susan is still with Diggory, and you can hear her laughter while Sirius is glaring at his butterbeer, and he seems to get angrier by the laughter he hears. James is busy talking with Remus about Lily’s reaction and for the first time you can’t help but think that maybe this wasn’t a good idea.
Taglist: @marplest, @fanboyluvr, @ambria
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unrefinedmusings · 2 years
Between the Shelves - Part 2
Hi again! Thank you for the positive feedback on the first chapter 🥰 Hope you enjoy this next part!
Stephen Strange x Bookstore Owner! Reader
Part 1 Part 3
Warnings: 18+ only, smut, explicit language
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— — —
Reader POV
Despite achieving an above average number of orgasms over the last three nights, you still awoke from a dream about the very reason why that many releases was even necessary. 
Doctor Strange. 
You were ashamed at how the fifteen minutes the man spent in your presence wouldn’t leave your mind. Determined to push away thoughts of baby blue eyes and a cocky grin, you got out of bed and started getting ready for the day. Leaving your building in a floral cream sundress with a tote bag and a travel mug full of coffee, you headed off to your store.
Unfortunately, you only made it through the subway ride and the beginning of the short walk to your livelihood before your interaction with the wizard was on your mind again.
He’s probably just a flirt. He is a cocky son of a bitch, it would make sense. Think on the bright side, it was a fun (albeit sexually frustrating) conversation. It doesn’t matter that you won’t meet again, and it definitely doesn’t matter that he called you sweetheart. This can just be a fun story to tell your girlfriends on a night out after too many drinks. Maybe they have their own thirsty Avenger stories.
As you turned the corner, the self placating thoughts came to a halt when your eyes fell to your storefront. You had never been proven wrong so quickly because there Stephen was, the morning light gracing his attractive face. He wore jeans and a black button down, with two takeout coffee cups in his hands…or so it seemed. As you approached, you realized he wasn’t holding the cups but rather suspending them in the air next to him. You bit back a smile and rolled your eyes. 
Show off. 
“What are you doing here?”, you questioned once you had arrived in front of him.
“Good morning to you too. You should mind your manners, sweetness,” he quipped with a raised brow.
“Sweetness?”, you challenged back while trying to ignore how much you liked that name and being scolded by him. He only shrugged and bit back a smile of his own in response.
“My friend was very pleased with his gift, so I wanted to say thank you for your help,” he said to answer your initial query, pausing when he saw the mug in your hands. “Although, maybe I should have just gotten you a gift card.”
You plucked one of the cups from the air with a free hand, and replied, “I always appreciate more caffeine in my life, but you already said thank you the other day and you didn’t have to get me anything. You were looking for a book in my store. It was a very pleasant business transaction.”
“Pleasant enough for a repeat?”
“Another gift?”
“Well, a gift to myself.”
“What are you in the mood for?”
“Something romantic,” he said while taking a step closer, dangerously close to invading your personal space. You stifled a giggle at his comment, leaving you unable to come up with a response. Instead, you made your way around him and to the shop’s door to open for the day. 
— — —
Stephen POV
As you opened the shop and busied yourself getting settled in, Stephen observed your movements in silence. You opened the blinds on the door and windows, pulled some things out of your tote, and gathered up a stack of books behind the counter.
“Give me a few minutes to finish some things, and then we can start looking for your next read,” you said.
“No rush, I’ve got time,” Stephen replied.
While you worked, Stephen noticed a book you had pulled out of your bag along with your laptop. He could tell it was a favorite as the binding was worn and there were small red sticky tabs coming out of the pages. He turned it over to see the cover. 
A Literate Passion: Letters of Anaïs Nin & Henry Miller
“May I?”, he asked as you were placing some books on the “Picks of the Month” display table. You looked up from your task to see what he referring to. The doctor observed a blush make its way up your neck to the apples of your cheeks.
“S-Sure,” you said, your voice quivering ever so slightly.
He smirked and picked up the book, eager to read the contents that made your face flush like that. He perused the pages, especially the ones you bookmarked, and decided to take his flirtation with you to the next level. 
Oh I am going to enjoy this.
Finding just the right line, he recited, “I adored you.” 
You breath hitched loud enough for him to hear. Stephen knew you weren’t expecting him to read aloud. He didn’t look up from the page, a satisfied smirk on his face as he went on, “You were so soft, so diabolically angelic looking.”
The Avenger would have continued, had he not heard several loud thuds come from your direction. Setting his gaze on you, he saw you looking down at a pile of books that had fallen off the table.
“Sorry!”, you blurted out while bending down to clean up the mess. However, before you could grab a single book, they were levitating off the floor and to their proper places.
“Thanks,” you remarked with a sheepish smile. 
“No problem, now you can help me faster,” he said.
“I thought you said you weren’t in a rush.”
“Not in a rush to leave, but I’m in a big hurry to talk to you again,” he explained with a playful wink.
You made your way over to him and plucked the book out of his hands. Stephen teased you with a pout on his full lips and remarked, “I was still looking through that.”
“Follow me, please,” you announced, ignoring his comment. He obliged and the two of you debated options for his next read, until choosing Anna Karenina. You turned away from him to head back to the front, but he quickly grabbed your wrist to stop you.
“One more thing, do you have a copy of that collection of letters for sale?”, he questioned. 
You nodded, smiling up at him. 
— — —
Reader POV
Over the next few weeks, Stephen had stopped by your establishment several times. 
During each visit, the two of you would discuss his previous purchases and choose something new at your recommendation. 
With every conversation, you learned more about the man behind the cape cloak. He was not only intelligent, but insightful and curious. Funny, too. He had made you giggle, snort, and throw your head back in amusement more times than you’d like to admit. And despite the cocky attitude (not that you didn’t find it sexy), the sorcerer treated you with a warmth that was quickly making you fall for him. 
As the two of you became more familiar with one another, the flirtation only grew bolder. The both of you were determined to rile the other up.
By the third time he had patronized your store, he overtly let his azure eyes look your body up and down before greeting you with an appreciative smile and a low “Hello, sweetness.” 
You responded by wearing shorter hemlines from that day on. 
On another occasion, you had baked and brought a few brownies as part of your lunch. After offering some to Stephen, he decided to thank you by wiping away a trace of chocolate from the corner of your mouth with his calloused thumb. To make matters (and the ache between your legs) worse, he proceeded to place the aforementioned digit in his mouth.
Not backing down from what was the most sexually charged challenge of your life, you decided to reach out and ever so gently run your fingers through the side of his hair. You were pleased with the reaction you elicited when he froze and his eyes went wide.
“Just brushing away a little dust,” you offered with an innocent expression that was completely incongruent with how provocative you were feeling. You added on, “Although, maybe it was just the gray hairs,” and pulled back your hand with a wink of your own for once.
Overall, things had been escalating. You had feelings for Stephen and wanted to believe he reciprocated. He was definitely hitting on you, but with an undercurrent of such kindness that made you believe he wanted more. Unfortunately, it had officially been five days since your last encounter, the longest he’d gone without stopping by since you’d met.
He’s an Avenger! There are more important things for him to do than talk to you about Steinbeck and reach for the books on the top shelf so you don’t have to go grab the step stool. Even if he doesn’t come back, it’s a crush. You’re a grown woman, not a schoolgirl. Your heart will ache for a little while and then you will move the fuck on.
You had four hours until closing and were determined on keeping that damn magician off your mind. Luckily it was an especially busy Friday afternoon so every time your thoughts drifted to a woodsy musk and a low baritone voice, another customer came in. 
At 4:45, a quarter hour before closing, you found yourself alone once again. Fifteen minutes before it would be six days without him. Sighing loudly to the shop, you picked up a stack of new inventory to be shelved.  Most of these were on the bottom so you were about to kneel down by the bookcase until you heard the bell chime. You were in close view of the door and snapped your head up at the sound. Your eyes met blue.
Okay, so maybe…I overreacted. Debatable though.
— — —
Stephen POV
Stephen was agitated. The past few days had been subpar at best as the Avengers mission he embarked on at the start of the week took a day longer than planned, which was followed by an emergency at the London Sanctum. He was exhausted upon arriving back in New York, but couldn’t resist the urge to see you after so many days apart. He glanced at one of the clocks in the Sanctum foyer and realized how near your closing time was.
Transforming his robes to civilian clothing, he quickly made a portal to the front stoop of the store. Rushing through the portal and through the door, his eyes immediately found yours. They brightened at the sight of him, but widened when they saw what was just outside. Stephen turned and saw the portal was still open. He closed it, turning back to you and explaining in a hurried tone, “I have had a really busy week and I saw it was so close to closing. I just wanted to get here fast.”
He would’ve felt slightly embarrassed by his admission and lack of composure…had it not been for the beaming smile that graced your face. 
“I’m just shelving these, but when I’m done we can find you a weekend read,” you offered in a cheerful tone.
“No no, you were about to close up. I just wanted to stop in, but I don’t want to prolong your day or—”
“Stephen,” you interrupted, “I want to. I like your company.” 
As a doctor he knew it was impossible, but in this moment he felt like his heart was ready to beat right out of his chest. Stephen made his way over to the shelf where you had started your task, leaning with his back against it. The two of you fell back into the easy banter you usually shared. This lasted for a few minutes until you were through with the stack of books once next to you. In his peripheral vision, he saw you make a move to get up and turned in your direction. Once again, your gazes were drawn to one another. 
Oh fuck.
Stephen realized he was looking down at you…because you were on your knees…directly in front of him…eye level with his crotch. He watched your eyes enlarge once more as you made the same realization. Neither of you said a word, barely even breathed.
In a move he didn’t realize he was making, the doctor brought his hand from his side to cup your face with a shaky and almost feather light touch. He let his fingers graze you hair and, feeling bold, brushed a few strands behind your ear. You leaned into his touch, your mouth starting to fall op—
A buzzing startled the two of you from your shared trance, and Stephen pulled his hand back.
— — —
Reader POV 
Looking around for the origin of what was now your least favorite sound in the entire fucking universe, you saw it was your own phone vibrating a few feet next to you on the hardwood floor. You were getting a call. 
Grabbing your phone and standing up, you avoided Stephen’s eyes. “Uh one second, I-I have to take this,” you mumbled, too flustered to say anything else before making your way to the backroom to answer your phone. After finishing your call, which ended up just being your landlord informing you new security cameras were going to be installed outside, you took a few deep breaths. When you felt calm enough, you walked out of the backroom and right past where Stephen was standing. 
You closed the front window’s blinds. Then you walked around the counter and to the door, shuttering the blinds there as well. The sound of heavy footsteps coming closer confirmed the doctor was on the same page as you. 
You turned the lock. Click.
Stephen’s hands grasped your waist and pulled you close, your back against his front. You let out a gasp at the sudden action. His hands drifted lower, squeezing your hips, while he moved his lips close to your ear.
— — —
Stephen POV
There were many things Stephen used his photographic memory for. However, he couldn’t think of a better application than to recall his favorite passage from one of your favorite works, and whisper those sweet words to you right now.
“I don’t hear your words: your voice reverberates against my body like another kind of caress, another kind of penetration. I have no power over your voice, it comes straight from you into me, I could stuff my ears and it would find its way into my blood and make it rise.”
With your back still pressed tight against him, he heard and felt you let out a shuddering breath. Before he could even process it, you turned in his arms and grabbed him by the front of his shirt to meet you in a burning kiss. He was quick to respond by licking at your lips until they parted for him. Weeks of not just flirtation, but longing and need were finally being unleashed. 
Stephen moved his hands up your back to bring your body taut against his own, soft curves meeting his muscular frame. Your arms wrapped around his neck and your hands quickly found purchase in his hair. You broke the kiss to catch your breath, but Stephen was undeterred. He angled your head to give him easier access to your neck, and began to kiss and nibble at the skin there. Your moans only spurred him on and when your hand came down to palm his cock through his trousers, he bit down on the juncture of your neck and shoulder.
“Stephen,” you rasped, “I want you so bad.”
In another assertive display, you maneuvered your bodies until Stephen stood with his back against the counter. The sorcerer could only watch as you sank down to your knees and gently tugged on the front of his pants. You looked up at him with big wide eyes and asked, “Can I?”
Fuck yes.
“Fuck yes,” he breathed.
An impish grin crossed your face before turning your attention to his belt buckle. Once you got his zipper down, Stephen choked as you started mouthing and licking at his member through the fabric of his boxers. Finally, your fingers hooked in the waistband to bring them down and his thick, hard cock sprang up. 
Stephen’s ego swelled when your eyes widened, knowing it was because of his size. The shock was a precursor to desire as he saw your pupils dilate. You began leaving kitten licks at the tip, then moved down the shaft to make long languid swipes of your tongue there. 
The doctor lost his patience and fisted his hand in your hair, tugging your head back. He warned, “Sweetness, Daddy doesn’t like to be teased.”
“Sorry, daddy,” you replied without hesitation, a mischievous glint in your eye. Taking him into your mouth, you began sucking on the head of his cock. Stephen’s head fell back, his hand still in your hair with a looser grip now. You were bobbing your head up and down his length, taking more of the sorcerer in your mouth each time. He looked down to see red lipstick smeared along his cock, lipstick he knew you wore to drive him crazy.
— — —
Reader POV
Desperate to make one of the most powerful men in the world come undone for you, you put your neck into it and sped up your motions. 
“You’re taking my cock so well, such a good girl,” he praised, his ragged voice betraying how lost in pleasure he was. The rough hand in your hair tightened, sending another gush of wetness to your already ruined underwear. You brought one of the hands that was braced on his thighs to rub your clit through the material, making you moan around his length.
“Fuck yes sweetness, I’m gonna cum,” he grunted through clenched teeth. Stephen held your head in place, making you take him to the hilt and choke around him before his hot cum spilled into your mouth and down your throat. 
When he slipped his cock out, a few drops landed on your bottom lip. You made sure to make direct eye contact while licking it off, turning the dazed look in his eyes to one of pure lust. He pulled you up off the floor into another searing kiss, gripping the backs of your thighs tight in order to lift you onto the counter.
“Lay back,” he whispered against your lips before dropping to his knees. 
His hands rested on your thighs before slowly sliding underneath your skirt. Bringing his head to follow his hands, Stephen began to suck and nip at the insides of each of your thighs. Just as you were about to complain about his teasing, he swiped a finger over your clothed slit. You cried out and used one hand to grasp at the thick head of hair between your legs.
“Such a needy girl, you’re just gushing for me aren’t you,” he mocked, his digits feeling how soaked you were through the lace. 
You whimper and whine in response, “Please touch me daddy! I’m so wet for you.”
In an act of mercy, he tugged your panties down your thighs and exposed your pussy to his hungry eyes. Stephen licked a line up from your entrance to your clit, making your back arch against the counter. 
He pulled back slightly to meet your gaze and said with a smirk, “And you questioned me when I called you sweetness,” before burying his face against your wet cunt.
The sorcerer started licking and circling your clit, before plunging his tongue in your core. Your thighs clamped around him and your body writhed, each motion sending ripples of pleasure through you. The hand not tugging at his gray streaks shot up to muffle your loud moans, but his firm grip was on your wrist before you knew it. 
“I’ve been dreaming of what you sound like when you cum. I bet you scream when it finally hits you,” he said while pulling your arm back down. “Now get loud and prove Daddy right.”
He resumed at a faster pace, lapping at your clit in quick strokes. Your orgasm was quickly approaching when Stephen thrust two rough fingers inside your pussy. He set a harsh rhythm that had your thighs shaking and your walls tightening around his digits. 
“That’s it, be a good girl and cum on my face,” he said with his face pressed into your cunt, his baritone voice sending vibrations through you. 
Then the Avenger curls his fingers just right, pressing on that sweet spot inside you, and you see stars. The interiors of your livelihood become a blur before your eyes as you fall apart on his skilled tongue.
“YES DADDY! RIGHT THERE!!! I’M CUMMING,” you screeched, your legs practically choking him with how tight they were wrapped around his head. Unbothered, he carried you through your orgasm and the aftershocks, licking up the length of you in broad strokes of his tongue and placing messy kisses on your clit.
Well...that definitely proved he was right.
While you were basking in the afterglow of one of your fantasies coming true, Stephen stayed between your legs to gently place kisses on your inner thighs and lick up the slick that dripped down from your pussy. His lips moved down your legs, leaving one final caress on your knee, before standing up. His hair was a mess after you used those locks as a lifeline to cling to while falling off the edge earlier, and his goatee was glistening with your release.
Fuck, he has never looked better. 
You smiled deliriously up at him and giggled when he smiled back. Lifting yourself up, you rested on your hands while he bent down to meet you halfway for a sweet kiss. You tasted yourself on his mouth and whimpered. It was too hot, and you pulled away from his lips to lick and sloppily kiss your cum off his chin. He groaned but wasn’t able to retaliate as another buzzing interrupted you two, this time muffled by his pants pocket. 
You couldn’t help but laugh, and rested your head against his chest while he pulled out his phone. 
“Goddamnit,” he grumbled. 
“Is there a problem,” you queried, looking up at him.
“It’s a reminder about an Avengers briefing in ten minutes. I am supposed to be there. Although…I’ve made a lot of excuses in the past to ditch these. One more won’t hurt,” he reasoned and proceeded to put his lips on your neck. You knew it wouldn’t be long for things to get too charged to stop.
“Absolutely not,” you began with a laugh, placing your hands on his chest to push him away. “I am not going to be the reason you ignore official superhero business. Besides, what if they don’t believe you and come looking for you?”
He sighed, “Fine, but on one condition. We do this again. In your bed. Preferably after dinner.”
“A date?”
“Tomorrow night.”
“Someone’s eager,” you teased.
“Well, we are being interrupted right now and I don’t like leaving things unfinished for long. Plus if we go out tomorrow night, you’ll have the next morning off,” he argued, unashamed of knowing your shop’s schedule by heart.
“To sleep in?”, you questioned mockingly.
“Sort of, we’ll definitely be in bed.”
“I don’t know, I have a feeling you are going to be a big fan of my dining table. Nice and sturdy.”
His eyes darkened, and he nearly pulled you in for another kiss before you said, “No! Go be responsible.”
He rolled his eyes and replied, “Fine, but one more thing.” 
With a flourish of his hand, a white business card appeared on the counter beside you. It was plain, save for ten digits and his name. You looked up when you heard sizzling and saw Stephen opening a portal. He gave you a small smile as he stepped through and you waved back as it closed.
After giving yourself a few minutes to cool down, you cleaned up and packed your things to head home. You were almost out the door before noticing you were still commando. Looking around, it hit you. 
That asshole took my panties!
— — —
Stephen POV
Stephen stepped through the portal into an empty bathroom in the Avengers facility. He took a look at the state of himself in the mirror. You had done a number on his hair and while he had no complaints, his colleagues would have questions. Invasive questions. 
Once he was looking less disheveled, he made his way out into the hall and walked to the conference room. Most had arrived already but luckily, the meeting hadn’t started yet. Stephen wouldn’t draw any attention by being late. He slipped inside as inconspicuous as he could manage, taking a seat near the back with Wong and Dr. Banner. Mordo was leading classes at Kamar-Taj today and therefore absent.
“You actually came this time,” Wong remarked from beside him. Stephen pulled a face.
I would’ve cum a lot if it weren’t for this stupid meeting.
Before either sorcerer could get a word in, Director Fury stood and began speaking at the front of the room. Stephen did his best to pay attention, but a slight vibration from his phone broke his focus within a few minutes. Discreetly, he looked at it and bit back a smile. Despite not recognizing the number, the doctor could tell it was you from the message. He replied with one hand, the other having gone to his pocket to feel the lacy and still damp material of your underwear.
Y/N: You took my panties.
S: So? They were soaked through.
Y/N: And whose fault was that?
S: I took full responsibility by getting you out of the mess I made ;)
Y/N: And you had to take them…why?
S: What were you going to do with them?
Y/N: Take them home and wash them???
S: Sounds like a waste of water, just go without.
— — —
A/N: Yes I wrote 4k+ words to share a quote I love. Also I didn't want to write it because I got lazy with the shifting POVs, but the books fell because the reader was clumsy cuz she's falling in love - Fergie
P.S. how are we feeling about the POV switches?
Taglist: @strangesweetheart @kentucky-criedfricken @kimxlysm @sherlocksgirl91
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stargazing-imagines · 11 months
A&A REWRITE // Eight : Club Owners and Quinquennia’s
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Description: Its trish’s birthday, and she expects a bunch of gifts from you and her friends, meanwhile you fight your feelings for Austin. 
Pairings: slight Austin and reader, it’s very fluffy so enjoy it 😉
If you want to be added to any of my taglist, let me know or fill out the updated taglist in my navigation!
“Austin, Dez I thought I told you to not play basketball in the store." said Ally as she took the basketball from the grand piano as she put it behind the counter "and Y/N why do you let them do this stuff?"
"Ally ,I only let them because it's fun, besides it's not like anyone's buying it," you said, flipping through a magazine. 
"Yeah but we don't play 'ball' in the store" 
"Your no fun," Whined Dez, You leaned over to Dez and whispered...
"I don't think she knows what fun is," you said as you flipped through the next page of a magazine with your licked finger 
"Hey I know what fun is," said Ally as she grabbed the ball from Austin 
"Let Ally D show you how it's really done," said Ally as she threw the ball, when she did it hit a stack of instruments
"Yeah we don't play ball in the store,"
"Guess who Quinceañeras coming up," said Trish as she walked into the store in a ugly rugged blue gown, after she said that she fluffed the dress and when she did duct bunnies and dirt fell off of it
"Trish your seriously aren't wearing that to your party aren't you?' asked Y/N as she leaned against the counter "Its hideous!"
"I know but my mom is making me wear it because it's been in my family for generations,"
"No wonder it looked outdated," said Dez, when he said that Ally elbowed him in the stomach
"i think it looks great Trish," said ally as she smiled
"thanks Ally but I kinda don't want to wear this, but my mother is making me wear it,"
"So... tell her you want a different one," said Y/N "I know this great store down at the mall that sells dresses, maybe we can go there,"
"Yeah it can be like a girls retreat, except it's shopping instead of a vacation,"
"Alright let's do it!" Said Trish as she fluffed her dress gain and when she did a pile of dust flew up
"Austin what happened to you?" You asked as you walked into the music store, when she did Austin was sitting down at a bench while ally sat on the bench next to Austin
"I broke my ankle teaching ally how to dance," said Austin "now I have to find another way to perform for Trish's Cousin," 
"And I need to figure out how Trish can make her grand entrance," said Dez "Do you think we should go with Trish on an elephants?" asked Dez as he looked at you
"Dez how are you going to get an elephant into the building?' asked Y/N, you laughed at the thought of Dez riding an elephant. 
"Hey guys," said Trish as she walked in she handed you a pink envelope "Y/N don't forget to get me a new bracelet," 
"Trish you can't go around ordering people to get you something," you said opening the Envelope "Its suppose to be a surprise," 
"Yeah she told Dallas that she wants a new phone case," said ally, you smiled, eyeing your sister with a smirk.
"Wait, you invited Dallas?" you asked crossing your arms "Don't be offended  but can you be in the same room with him without things being awkward?" 
"I can try," said Ally 
"yeah try," you said walking away 
"Wow this place is huge!" you said walking into the room with Austin, and Ally, You wore a white simple sparkly dress which was embodied with curls 
"I hope she doesn't get mad at me," said Austin "I didn't bring a gift," 
Ally and you looked at the gift table to be seen with a pile of gift
"I don't think she will mind," said Ally 
"yeah there all Broken," said Dez as he dropped a Bracelet, Dez thought it would be a good idea to swing into the building on a vine now he hunting not broken presents for Trish 
"The club Owner still isn't here and people are starting to leave," said Austin as he looked at you in panic, to ease his panic, you placed your hand hand on Austin's before giving him a faint smile 
"Don't worry he'll be here," You said as you smiled
"Thanks Y/N," said Austin as he smiled back at you The looks that you two shared was intense that dez broke the staring contest . Out of the trance you were looking at the side of the room scratching your neck, while Austin tapped his finger on the table looking the opposite way before looking back at you again.
"Where's Ally?" 
"I'm down here," 
you Looked around before looking under the table, when she did she saw ally sitting under the table, she looked at you before speaking 
"I'm sad," 
"And why are you sad?" you asked climbing Into the space with Ally 
"I made a fool of myself in front of Dallas," said Ally 
"Ally if Dallas doesn't like you for the way you are then he's not worth it," 
"Thanks Y/N/N," said Ally as she hugged her sister "So what's going on with you and Austin?" 
"Nothing we're just friends," 
Austin and Ally Rewrite Masterlist
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scorpiongrassfield · 1 year
You Point Out That You Are Not A Ghost
Start | Prev
Pat snorts again, more amused this time. 
“True. But I suspect she’s after the shadow that’s stuck itself to you, rather than you yourself,” Pat says. “Though she’s probably pissed at you too if she thinks you're sheltering it on purpose. She can get pretty mean sometimes.” 
“Sounds like a nice lady,” you say sarcastically. 
“She’s plenty nice when you aren’t on her bad side,” Pat counters. 
Theo shifts in his seat. “Um,” he starts. 
You turn to look at him. 
“This… has been a very nice conversation. But. I need to get home now… I usually feed Concrete around this time,” he says. 
You stand to let him out of the booth. 
“Thank you,” he says as he scoots out. He waves, then hurries off without paying. 
Though you aren’t even sure if he had anything to eat, since the soup you thought he’d ordered disappeared. 
Your head starts to ache as you think about this discrepancy. 
“Alright kid. Now that our onlooker is gone I can share some info with you about our case,” Pat says, pulling some papers out of their purse. 
You frown. 
“Pat…” You aren’t quite sure you want to ask. But you do. “Do you really think Theo did it?” 
“Probably not.” 
“Then why are we still investigating him?” you ask. 
Pat shrugs as they’re taking a sip of their drink. It’s just the last bit of the soda, so the straw slurps noisily. 
“Well,” they say as they put the now-empty glass to the side, “Probably isn’t definitely, for one thing, and for two, if he didn’t do it, someone else did.” 
“Our client isn’t going to like hearing that we don’t think Theo did it, is she?” you ask, with some dismay. 
Pat bursts out laughing. 
“Pff, sorry. You must have been spacing out. She already fired us.” Pat pauses to consider it. “…Or maybe I quit. We had an argument. I’m not too beat up about it, though,” they say with a shrug.
Huh. Alright then. 
“So are we investigating for fun then?” you ask. 
Pat grins. “Kinda,” they say, pausing to take a sip out of their now-full glass. “But if there’s a ghost involved I’m sorta honor bound to help h-them.” Pat stumbles on the last word, but it’s unclear if it was a simple slip of the tongue or not. 
“Plus,” Pat says, moving on quickly, “It’s something to do while we wait for the insurance to pay out so we can start fixing the house back into livable shape.” 
You suppose that makes sense. 
“Anyway!” Pat says, kicking the conversation to the side, “Do you wanna see the info I have or not?” 
“I do,” you say. 
“Well then stop asking questions and start reading. Here,” Pat says, and pushes the small stack of papers over to you. 
You pick up the pile and leaf through it. Some of the papers stand alone, but some of them are paper clipped packets. 
There’s one with information about the body, how it was found, and the investigator’s conjecture about what happened. It’s written in an unfamiliar hand. 
“How did you get this? I thought the Ellis family paid everyone off.” you say.
Pat grins. “A lady doesn’t kiss and tell,” they say with a wink. You can’t tell if they’re joking or not. 
They chuckle when you ignore them in favor of looking back down at the papers. 
Next, there’s information about the cabin, how Theo came to own it, and who the previous owner was. 
The third in the stack has information about Theo’s sister Courtney. 
The fourth has some more lore about ghosts and exorcists. 
The fifth talks about shadow people and dream-worlds. 
They all seem pretty interesting. 
Which would you like to read first? 
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softbobamilktae · 2 years
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The Strings of My Heart [25] - War on Gluten
← Chapter 24 | Chapter 26 →
Pairing: Zoro x Jupiter
Genre: fluff, angst, f2l
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: none. this is literally just another filler chapter I'm sorry </3
Summary: Zoro’s moved to sunny California for college to escape from the life of fame for a little while. But when he loses his violin case in the second week of school, he’s sure his college experience has just gone up in flames. What will he do when, despite all odds, his case is returned to him?
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Zoro’s family returned home on the eleventh, and school started for everyone within the next few days.  This meant that Aurora and Comet were the only ones home during the day besides their mother, and Jupiter was headed back to her long days at work.
As school came to a start, it was time for Zoro to start his teaching job.  He wasn’t sure how horrified he should be that he had students of all ages.  On the bright side, he was teaching people one-on-one instead of in a group.  He would never have been able to handle teaching a group of people he didn’t know.
He was greeted by a slightly older girl when he walked into the shop.
“Hey!  You here for lessons?”
He shook his head. “Uh…I’m your new violin teacher.  Zoro Kim?”
Her face lit up. “Oh, yes!  Welcome!  You have about fifteen minutes until your first student gets here.”
He nodded and set his violin case down on the counter. “I didn’t realize this place was also a shop.”
“Oh yeah.  We rent out instruments, too.  It makes things easier on the students if they can just buy things here instead of having to go to another shop when their strings break or something.”
He hummed. “Do you play?”
“I play piano.”
“Oh, really?”
“Yeah.  I’m not that great at it, though.  Is violin your only instrument?”
He shrugged. “I can play piano and guitar.  I went to university for violin, though.”
“That’s awesome!  You have a bachelors, then?”
He shook his head. “I only completed a year and a half.  I was going to school down in California, and I had to move here to help my girlfriend out, so I dropped out.”
“Well, glad to know I’m not the only college drop-out here.”
“You dropped out too?” he laughed.
She nodded. “I was studying to be an attorney.  I decided I hated it after about two years.  I know the owner here, so he gave me a job when I moved back to town.”
“I should probably show you around.  The building here is pretty cramped, so it’s really easy to miss stuff when you’re walking around the halls.”
Maybe teaching wouldn’t be so bad.
Zoro was very much ready to be home by the time the day was over.  His students had all been fine – besides the kid who had started shrieking the second Zoro had asked him to pick up his bow – but Zoro’s social battery had run out hours before.  Maybe Hyeon had been right.  Maybe teaching wasn’t the best job for him.
“Zoroooooooooo is homeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!” Aurora squealed as he walked through the door.  She was hugging his leg a second later, and he dragged her through the hall as he went to pull his shoes off.
“Hi, Rory.  How was your day?”
“We made a big tower!”
“Oh, did you?  Anything else today?”
“Mommy let us watch TV for a longgggggggggg time, and then we had apples!”
“That sounds like fun,” he chuckled, finally picking her up once his coat was off and he’d sent his violin case down.
“Yeah.  But I missed you lots!”
He chuckled and nuzzled his nose into her cheek. “You missed me, did you?”
Aurora giggled. “Yeah!”
“What should we do now that I’m home?”
“We should eat!”
“Eat?  No…didn’t you just eat, silly?”
“No.  I ate a longgggggggggg time ago!”
“Huh.  All right, what should we eat?”
“I want to have a cheese!” Aurora wiggled out of his arms and went running into the kitchen.
After pulling out a cheese stick for Aurora, Zoro went to find Comet.  The toddler was sitting in his room stacking blocks.
“Comet!  What are you doing?”
“Buildin’ blocks.”
“Are you having fun?”
Comet nodded. “Yeah.  Is fun.”
“Are you hungry?”
“All right.  I’ll let you keep building, then.”
Zoro had to leave soon to go get Bella from kindergarten, which meant taking the van.  It wasn’t his favorite car to drive, but it was the only car with car seats in it.  Thankfully, the rest of the kids were old enough to ride the bus in Jupiter’s standards, so the rest of them would get home by themselves.
Usually, Zoro would just leave Aurora and Comet home.  After all, their mother was here.  It didn’t appear that she was really attending to them today, though.
“Rory, Comet, do you guys want to go with me to get Bella?”
Aurora gasped. “Yeah!”
Comet pouted. “Want to build.”
“Would you like to come if we went shopping?”
That was enough to get the toddler to abandon his blocks and head down the stairs to find his shoes.
“We’re taking Bella shopping too?” Aurora asked as she pulled her shoes on.
“That’s right.  We’re gonna go get her from school and go shopping for dinner.  How does that sound?”
“That’s fun!” Comet squeaked.
“Ok, who needs help with their coat?”
Bella nearly bounced out of class when Zoro picked her up.
“Look what I drew!” she grinned, holding her piece of paper up to him.
“Oh!  A horse?”
She frowned. “No, Zoro!  It’s a unicorn!”
“Ah, of course.  How silly of me.  It’s definitely a unicorn,” he nodded, although he really wasn’t sure she’d drawn a horn on the unicorn. “Do you want to go shopping with us?”
“Shopping?” she gasped. “Yes!  Can we get cookies?”
“If you guys behave while we’re at the store, we can get cookies.”
This earned a ‘yay!’ from all three of them.
They were at the store not five minutes later, browsing the aisles for the items on Zoro’s list.
“We need to get juice boxes,” Aurora told him as they walked down the snack aisle.
“Are you sure we need juice boxes?” Zoro asked.
Aurora nodded. “Yeah.”
He gave in easily.  None of them had complained about this outing whatsoever, so he thought they deserved a reward.
“All right.  What kind of juice do we want?”
“Fruit punch!”
He grimaced. “How about we just get one kind?”
“Ok, I also get apple,” Comet gave in.
“But I want fruit punch,” Bella frowned.
“All right.  There’s a pack with apple and fruit punch in it.  How does that sound?”
It was easily agreed upon that this was the package they should get, so they moved on.
“How are we feeling about broccoli soup tonight?” Zoro asked as he picked out the ingredients to make said dish.
“Yummy!” Aurora exclaimed.
Bella nodded along.
They’d eaten it quite a few times before, but Zoro always wanted to make sure that it was something everyone wanted.  His mom had taught him that often the reason littler kids were so picky was because they knew certain foods bothered them, so he wanted to make sure that foods he made were ones all the kids enjoyed.  None of them tended to be picky, though, so this wasn’t usually a problem.  The only thing they had to shop around was Stella’s gluten allergy, and sometimes she opted for other food options just to make cooking easier for them.
“Is there anything else we need?”
“Cookies!” Bella reminded him.
“What kind of cookies do we want?” Zoro asked, finding himself in the bakery section of the store.
“I want oatmeal!” Bella announced.
“Can I have chocolate?” Aurora asked.
Comet opted for pointing to the one he wanted, which was apparently the M&M ones.  Each cookie came in a pack of three, but Zoro decided that the remaining cookies could just be eaten by the rest of the kids at home.  Shopping appeared to be a success today.
Stella set a bag of almond flour on the counter. “Zoro, can you help me?  Jupiter bought me some almond flour so I can make some gluten-free cookies, but I don’t really want to try it alone.”
Zoro smiled. “Sure!  Do you have a recipe?  I may be good at baking, but I am not good at coming up with recipes.”
Stella laughed. “I found a recipe online that I’d like to try.  I’ve never really gotten to eat sweets very often because most of that stuff has gluten in it, so I thought I’d make something by myself!”
“Good idea.  Have you used almond flour before?”
She grimaced. “No.  It was the most recommended gluten-free flour, so I’m just hoping it tastes good.”
“Well, if it isn’t, we can always go buy other flours.  We can experiment until you find something you like.”
“We don’t have to do that.  I think a lot of those flours are more expensive.”
He waved his hand. “We’ve got the money.  Don’t worry about that.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, Stelle.  Your sister is the CEO of a company, and I have plenty of money.  We can buy you some flour if you’d like it.”
“Ok,” Stella agreed quietly. “Thank you.”
“Let’s get these cookies started, shall we?  What do we need to set the oven to?”
Stella’s cookies were piping hot out of the oven half an hour later.  They mostly resembled the cookies that had wheat flour in them, but these were a bit more flat.
“What do you think?” Zoro asked after he set the pan of cookies on the counter.
“They look…pretty good, actually.  Honestly, I haven’t had a cookie in ages, so I don’t really have anything to compare them to taste-wise.”
Zoro hummed. “Well, we need to get them off the pan if we don’t want them to overcook.”
Stella was quick to get the baking racks out so they had somewhere to set the cookies, then they scraped each cookie off the pan and set it on the racks.
“They’re kinda floppy,” she observed.
“Most cookies are when they’re straight out of the oven.  They’ll probably get firmer once they’ve cooled off a bit.”
She poked one of the cookies with her metal spatula, causing chocolate to pour out of the cookie.
“Well, if nothing else, the chocolate looks good.”
Zoro laughed. “I’m sure they won’t be that bad if almond flour is so recommended.”
“Yeah, you’re right.  Just not sure if the almond flavor will be very good with this.”
“Don’t be so pessimistic.  And remember, if this flour doesn’t taste good, we can always buy others.”
Stella shrugged. “I don’t know, Zoro.  One of my friends is gluten-free, and she said these kinds of flours don’t taste good.”
“You don’t have the same taste buds as her.  You might love it.”
“Are you sure?”
Zoro tore one of the cookies apart and held the half out to her. “Take a bite.”
She sighed but willingly took a bite.  It had been her idea, after all.  Her eyes widened in surprise a moment later.
“Oh!  They are good!”
“Are they?  Here,” he handed her the cookie.  Then he picked up the other half and took a bite of it. “Ooo!  You’re right.”
“We need to hide these before everyone comes out here.”
Zoro laughed. “I’m sure it won’t be too hard to deter them.  Maybe I can go buy some more cookies for them.”
“Nah.  If I just tell them they’re made with almond flour, they’ll leave them alone.”
“You think so?”
Stella nodded. “The older kids especially.  Jupiter used to buy peanut flour, and that stuff was nasty, so they’ll probably assume this is too.”
He chuckled. “Ok.  Your original idea of just putting them away was probably better, though.”
“It was.  Let me go get a fan out of the basement so they’ll cool faster.”
Zoro shook his head. “They’ll probably be mostly cool by the time you get back up here with that thing.  Let’s just clean the kitchen up real quick.” “Ok.  I’m going to put the almond flour at the top of the cabinet, ok?”
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Chapter 26 →
This is part of the Dad!BTS series that can be found here
Series M.list
A/N: I felt like we needed more Stella so you guys get a cooking scene lol. Next chapter will have drama again I'm sure
It would be greatly appreciated if you reblogged the story if you liked it!
Taglist: @jiminie-and-his-pinky-finger @jinnie-forthe-winnie
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hotforharrysheart · 2 years
The Bookstore
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You wake up to a an overcast NYC morning and look over to the gorgeous man lying next to you. He looks so peaceful, and he rarely has a lie in. He deserves to rest. You thought you might pop over to a local used bookstore that’s known for their collection of true crime books. He stirs and hugs the pillow tighter, and you smile. You still couldn’t believe he was yours sometimes.
You get dressed quickly and slip out the door. Security asked if you needed an escort, but you waved them off. You were a nobody in a city of eight million. You were like a ghost. It wasn’t raining but it was overcast and misty, in other words, a perfect morning to step into a used bookstore. You take a deep breath and just breathe in the smell of old books. You go to the counter and the owner’s face lights up in recognition of your conversation the day before. She happily takes you to the section where the true crime books are. Your eyes light up at the possibilities in the stacks. An hour later, you’ve made arrangements to ship all of your selections but five to Harry’s London home.
You step out into the street and into a group of girls. You can tell they’re Harries from their clothes. They freeze and stare at you open mouthed. “It’s her! You’re Harry’s new girlfriend, aren’t you?” One of them squeals out. You’re just as stunned as they are and you’ve no idea how to answer this question.
Just then your phone rings. You look at the screen and see his name. Unfortunately, they see it too.
The one standing closest to you screams, “She is!!! He’s calling her right now!”
Your heart is beating out of your chest. What’s happening? How did they recognize me? Is the only thing you can think.
One of them loudly whispers, “Oh my god, she looks old up close!”
You race back into the bookstore dodging the stacks and find the desk where you checked out. You duck behind it, scaring the wits out of the owner. The girls are right behind you, hot on your trail.
The owner looks up at them in shock. She doesn’t know what’s going on, but she knows it’s not good. “Can I help you?” She asks standing abruptly and looking the girls up and down.
They all scream at the same time.
The owner’s face falls into a furious frown, “I don’t know what’s going on, but you need to leave immediately.” She’s pointing to the door. “You heard me, OUT, all of you!” she says and claps her hands loudly.
They huff but after a stare off, they leave the store but settle on the sidewalk, waiting off to the side.
You hear the bell and the click of the door lock. You sigh and let the tears flow. You know you’d better call Harry back.
“Where are ya?” He answers on the first ring.
“I…I’m in a used bookstore, the one I was telling you about last night. Some fans they found me.” You start to cry. The owner arrives back behind the desk and stoops down to check on you.
Harry sighs, “Fuck!” He mouths to the ceiling through clenched teeth. “Jesus love, are ya ok?”
You can’t answer him because you’re crying so hard. The owner can hear him trying to soothe you; she gently takes the phone from your hand. You can tell the exact moment he tells her who he is. Her mouth drops open and she looks straight at you.
“She’s fine. Shaken up, but fine,” she stammers trying to remain calm.
“No, they’re outside the store and I’ve locked the door,” the owner replies into the phone while leaning up to look out the front windows.
Shaking her head like the phone can understand her body language, “Yes, there’s a back exit.”
“Yes, absolutely, she can stay here, of course. I’ll close the store until you get here, no problem. You’re welcome,” she says reaching for a box of tissues for you.
******* 30 minutes earlier **********
Harry rouses from a deep sleep and squeezes the pillow realizing he doesn’t have you in his arms. He pokes his head up looking around for you, “Babe, come back to bed...,” he groans out flopping his head back down on the pillow. No answer. “Baby?” He says a little louder into the empty room. After no answer, he crawls out of bed naked as the day he was born and checks the en-suite and closet before deciding to go looking. Ten minutes later he’s searched the entire house and the concern begins to set in.
“Where are you?” He asks to the empty house as he reaches for his phone to give you a call. He notices several missed calls and texts. One grabs his attention, as Jeffrey has left a text, “READ MY TEXTS! CALL ME!” He clicks on the first text informing him that your name is out and your social media has been found. The word is out and it’s rabid.
“Fuck!” He says into the still empty room speed dialing your number at the same time. No answer. “Fuck… Fuck!” He says through a clenched jaw. Panic.
He’s jumping around the room one leg in his joggers and the other attempting to slide in while shouldering the phone calling his driver. “I need ya here as soon as possible, ‘s urgent. Really appreciate ya gettin’ here now, ’s kinda an emergency,” he says stopping only a moment to slip his t-shirt over his head. He knows its useless to try to drive on his own, the city is crawling with fans at the moment. What the fuck was she thinking going out on her own, Jesus, he thinks to himself. His phone rings and it’s you calling back sobbing. The whole situation is a clusterfuck, but at least he knows where you are now. In the parking garage he dives in the back seat worried sick about you and also trying to determine how he’s going to handle this situation if he gets “found” by fans even in the alleyway. “Christ!” he says trying not to think about how this could be the end…this could be what breaks his sweet girl…the love of his life.
The alleyway was deserted, thank the gods, so the driver was able to pull up straight to the door. He reaches for the door just about the time some girls come running from the other direction straight to the car. His driver says, “I’ll handle this,” just as he steps out and bounds to the door to snatch you up.
You stand at the door with your arms wrapped tightly around your abdomen, when a large man comes in, thankfully, you recognize him as one of H’s detail.
“Come with me,” he says as he places his arm at your lower back. You hesitate at the door as you can hear the squealing and Harry’s name being called out over and over. “Look at me, you can do this,” the man says, “we’ll just step out and step into the car, kay?”
You nod your head, swipe at a tear that runs down your face and clutch the bag of books that you purchased. True to his word, you step through the door and the car door flies open and Harry’s hand reaches out for you. He grabs your hand, pulls hard and you sort of flop into the seat your bag tossed to the floorboard.
He pulls you into his arms, squeezes tightly and soothes you as best he can. He wants to scold you for this whole mess, but he can’t. You didn’t know…how could you? He’d found a text from you buried deep letting him know where you were. You didn’t know you’d been outed. It was a part of dating him. He’s honestly surprised you were able to go under the radar as long as you did.
“S’ok. You’re ok, I’ve got ya,” he says smoothing your hair and placing a series of kisses to your forehead.
You pull back. “‘M sorry, H. I…,” an errant sob escapes, “Jesus…how’d they recognize me?”
He sighs and pulls his phone out showing you the text from Jeffery.
“I didn’t know! I swear Harry! I…I told security I didn’t need them.” A tear runs down your face.
“They screamed horrible things at me. I can only imagine what they’ve said on my social media.”
You snuggle back into him, your face in his neck.
He sighs. There’s never enough “I’m sorrys” to apologize for the behavior that some of his fan’s exhibit. “Jeffery’ll take care of ya social media accounts.” Sadly, he knows what to do, he thinks.
“Does this always happen?” You ask him softly.
He sighs and kisses your head. “Yeah.”
You snuggle in and kiss his neck. “I’m sorry, Harry, I just…just can’t even imagine…so sorry.”
He shakes his head. So typical of you to apologize to him after you were the one harassed.
You’re finally back at the apartment parking garage and after a quick look around, the driver seems sure it’s safe to exit the car. You apologize for the inconvenience. He simply shakes his head and hugs you. “No more ducking out, ok?” You nod.
Harry looks around, always on alert, while waiting for the elevator car to arrive. Finally, you step in and Harry grabs you and hugs you hard. “Scared me ta death. I was s’worried abou’ ya.”
You hug him back. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
He pulls back and kisses you softly. “Stop apologizing. This isn’t your fault.”
You sigh looking down while fidgeting with the fringe of your cut-off denim shorts. “Last night was so special, I just wanted to grab a couple of books and surprise you with coffee and pastries and I didn’t even get to do that.”
He hugs you again and chuckles. “Order ya whatever ya wan’.”
“Maybe later. Can we cuddle?” You plead with fresh tears welling in your eyes.
His heart breaks just a little with every quiver of your bottom lip, “yeah, you’ve earned a cuddle or two.”
You smile, but it doesn’t reach your eyes. He grabs your hand as you walk up the stairs, trying not to think about his own fears. You strip down to your tee and get into bed. He pulls you close to him, wrapping his arms around you and stares at the ceiling wondering what’s going to happen next.
Tears slide down your face. I shouldn’t have left him this morning, you think to yourself.
He hugs you tighter. “Please don’ cry, baby.”
“I just wish I hadn’t left. I feel like I ruined our great night…,” you whimper with a hitch in your voice.
“Will ya look at me?” You raise your eyes to his. He’s torn up and you can see it. “‘M sorry. ’M so, so sorry,” he apologizes like deep down he’s really… asking for some sort of redemption.
“I’m sorry too. I mean…you told me this wouldn’t be easy and I thought I was prepared but being cornered like that was really scary.” You kiss the mole on his chin, his eyes cast down like he’s waiting for the gauntlet to fall. “I get why you’ve been so on edge about this now.” You kiss him in the same spot again, but this time pull his chin up so that you can meet eye to eye. “But, Harry, I just want you to know you’re worth it. We’re worth it,” you say with fierce commitment.
He sighs. “Ya mean tha’? Like truly mean it?”
“Yes…god, yes, of course, H,” you say with determination.
He lets out a breath he’d been holding and slumps forward slightly, “’ve been dreadin’ this mom’t. I…ya might no’ think I was worth it. S’happened befo’.”
“Oh, baby I’m so so sorry,” you say smoothing one hand on his cheek.
He can feel the tears running down his cheeks. He’d been carrying this worry in his chest for months. He was all in, but there was a tiny portion he was holding back just in case Gemma was wrong about you. Everyone said that they could handle it, but very few people actually can.
You pull him to you and hug him and he squeezes you so hard you can hardly breathe. You think you understand now how much this has been weighing on him and why he’s been dreading it.
You reach your lips up to his cheek and kiss your way to his ear, “I love you, Harry Styles and we’re gonna be ok. You’re all I ever wanted and no one, I mean, no one, is gonna stop me from being with you.”
He pulls your head to where he can rest his forehead on yours, “‘M sorry tha’ happened to ya, bu’ ‘m never gonna be sorry to be with ya because I love bein’ wi’ ya.”
You smile resting your lips against his. “Think about it all the time, if I’m honest…” you say, playing with the curls at the nape of his neck.
“I love ya, sweetheart. So much,” he says rubbing his hand over his heart, “wanna fuckin’protect ya so much, but I can’t keep ‘em away from ya or ya social media. This ‘s painful fo’ me. I’d do anythin’…I…ya hav’ everythin’ I hav’ ta give, my heart, my soul an’….never gave tha’ much ta anyone befor’. An’ taday jus’…I didn’ know wha’ would ‘happen…” He still rubbing his chest like it hurts.
You gently take it and place it over your heart leaving your hand around his wrist. “And you have mine, H,” you say placing your other hand over his heart tears streaming down your face. “I just… wanna crawl up inside here.”
“Jesus, scared me so fuckin’ much…in so many ways” he mutters like he is saying it to himself not realizing it actually came out. He grabs you by the shoulders and pulls you in for another breathless hug.
You look up into his eyes and very simply ask, “kiss me please?”
He searches your eyes and returns your smile with a sad one of his own, “Yeah, I will.” He runs his hand up your neck to pull you in closer then slants his head and slowly brushes his nose back and forth against yours, eyes wide, staring into yours. “Love ya so much,” he says placing a series of sweet kisses on your lips. He pulls back and his bubblegum tongue pops out to wet his lips and you groan at the sight. Everything this man does warms you.
“Please, Harry…,” is all you can get out before you dive in for another kiss. He gives you another sweet chaste kiss and you ask, “kiss me… like you like kissing me, please?”
“Christ, love kissing ya, ‘m jus’ so scared, ya were so frightened, don’ wan’ ever see tha’ again.” He pulls your head toward him and places a kiss over first one eye then the other before finally landing on your mouth where he licks your top lip and you open for him. You pop your tongue out to taste his warm one, your saliva mixing. “Mmmm…,” he moans before taking the kiss deeper.
You thread your fingers in the curls at the back of his head and open your mouth to suck on his tongue and when it retreats back inside his mouth you dart yours out to follow it, “Ahhh…,” you moan melting into him. You feel the connection from not only the kiss, but his hand returning to your heart.
He pulls off and says, “wan’ mo’ of ya, so good for me, make me feel safe an’ grounded.” He goes in for another kiss, this time sucking and biting on your bottom lip.
“I’ll give you everything I have, H, everything,” you say in between kisses.
***** 30 minutes and many kisses later*****
“Wanna order some pastries and coffee?” He asks smoothing your hair down and behind your ears.
You nod, “Yeah, that sounds nice.”
You make your way back down to the kitchen. “Need ta getcha the set up on the security system here so you can come an’ go. Everythin’s the same as London, fingerprint locks…this is your place too, yanno?”
You blush.
At the breakfast bar in the kitchen Harry places a call for his usual and twenty minutes later the white bag arrives along with a start struck delivery boy.
“You have so many fans everywhere, yanno?” You remark with a proud smile.
“Only focused on one right now,” is all he says as he unpacks the bag and pops the lid on both of your drinks. “Hazelnut or French Vanilla cream this time?” he asks referring to your coffee.
“Hazelnut, and thank you,” you say pulling the top off a chocolate croissant. “Mmmm,” you groan at the buttery flavor. “These are so good!”
He sits in a bar chair next to you and turns toward you. He reaches out to turn your stool toward him. “Gimme a bite,” he asks watching you pull another bit off. He darts his tongue out as your hold the bite close to his lips. You squirm in the seat, even his tongue is beautiful. He shakes his head and closes his eyes, “Mmmm, sweet, flaky, carbs.” He leans forward to give you a quick kiss. He tastes of chocolate butter and warm coffee. He tastes like home.
You continue to feed each other and drink your coffee. You reach for your phone to take a quick look at your e-mail, you’re expecting a document to arrive from a investigator regarding your latest case. Harry places his hand over yours on the phone, “No,’s leave ‘em alone today, if it’s an emergency, someone can come find us, but lets…..I mean...do ya mind if we jus’ leave ‘em alone today?” he pleads with his eyes looking your face over for a response.
“Sure, Harry, that’s no problem,” you say with a knowing smile.
“I jus’ really need ya, right now, all ta m’self please…” he asks looking down at his hands on your thighs.
“I really need you to, Harry, would you please….I mean, I hate to ask, because it’s been a crazy morning…but could you…” you are stuttering like you can’t just get it out, just as you work up the courage, he interrupts and you both say at the same time.
“Make love to me?” you say.
“Make love ta me?” he says.
You smile and he leans forward for a kiss.
“Yeah?” He asks, smirking, eyebrows shooting up his forehead.
You nod, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. “Can’t get enough of you. I…want you all the time.”
He smiles against your lips. “Me either. I…wan’ ya all the damn time.” He presses his lips back to yours for more soft open mouth kisses. “Can’t get enough kisses either.” He goes back in for more, tongue at the seam of your mouth, and you let him in, tongue tangling with his.
He pulls you closer and you nearly slide off the stool you’re sitting on. He moves a little closer and pulls you onto his lap. Then he’s picking you up and carrying you to the bedroom and laying you on the bed, laying on top of you. He pulls back to peel your panties down your legs and push his joggers down.
He feels so good…the closeness of him, the weight of him…it’s all so good. He moves his kisses down your neck, his hands pushing up the hem of your tee.
You sigh and sit up just enough to tug the shirt off and then you pull at the back of his T shirt and then he’s crossing his arms and taking his shirt off. You smile. You love that he takes his shirts off like girls do. He’s so comfortable in his skin and it makes you feel more comfortable too. “Y’ok?” He says, as he hovers back over you.
“Yeah…just love you is all,” you say rubbing your nose on his.
He smiles, his thumbs rubbing on your cheeks. “Yeah? Love ya too. So much.” He kisses you again, fingers trailing down your side to your slit. His fingers move slowly up and down your pussy, testing to see if you’re wet enough for him. You’re wet but he’d like you a little wetter. His fingers gather some of your wetness and then move to your clit, slowly circling. He’s watching your face and he smiles as you throw your head back. “’S it feel good?”
“Mmmm… so good,” you sigh out.
He smiles and kisses you again, softly. “Wanna cum like this?”
You shake your head and meet his eyes. “No, I want you inside me. Wanna feel you. Please, Harry.”
“Ok, give whatever ya wan’.” He lines his cock up to your entrance and then slowly slides in.
You gasp like you always do as you feel him enter you and he can’t help but smile. “Dream about tha’ gasp, yanno.”
You lift your legs high around his waist. “Can’t help it. It…ahhh…” you trail off as he shifts inside you. “Feels so good.”
He starts rocking into you slowly, eyes never leaving yours. You’re not sure if you’ve ever felt closer to him than you have at this very moment and you know that he wasn’t lying. You really did have all of him now. He just needed to know you weren’t going to leave him when you went public. You circle your hips under him and you both moan out.
“Do that again,” he whispers close to your ear.
You circle your hips again and he groans. He deepens his kisses and with every thrust of his hips, he slips his tongue in your mouth simulating his cock in your pussy. It’s a very erotic sensation.
“Wanna put all of m’self inside you, jus’ can’ get close enough,” he says pulling off of your lips.
You unwrap your legs from his waist and then wrap your arms around him and run your hands down to his bum cheeks, pulling him in deeper. “And I want more of you inside me,” you whimper.
He pushes in deep and stops resting his forehead on yours. You run your nails up his back, bum to shoulders and rewrap your legs around crossing them pulling tight. “Harry, you’re so warm on me, the feeling of your weight on me while you are buried deep…it just…it’s like a blanket, you just feel so good, and that feeling of you stretching me open. It’s like you’re inside reaching for my heart,” you whisper against his lips.
You feel the tears well up and see his eyes get glassy. He’s silent, jaw clenched and gulping like he’s holding in something. “You can talk to me, H.”
“’m talkin’ ta ya wi’ everythin’ I am, ’m talkin’ ta you, can ya hear me?” He doesn’t pull out, he just circles his hips and it feel like he goes just that much deeper inside you. “Hear me?”
“It’s intense,” you murmur, “god, its so good. Does it feel good to you?” you say circling your hips with him.
“’S so warm an’ slick, can feel ya squeeze me every time the angle hits our spot. My spot, ‘s made for me. When ya move wit’ me,” he rolls his head back and forth on your forehead, “we’re makin’ love ta each other, your inside me as much as ‘m inside you.”
You pull your legs in tight and clench your inner muscles. “I can feel when the blood rushes to your cock and when you are this close your hair tickles my clit.”
“Wanna cum together,” he squeezes his eyes tight.
“Harry, don’t close your eyes, wanna see them, I’m so close, just like this, I’m gonna cum just like this,” you pant out.
His curl falls forward onto your forehead and the vein on his neck is pulsing, so is his cock. “I love ya,” he groans and picks up the pace while pulling out slightly and pushing back in still circling his hips.
“I love you too,” you reply on a shuddering breath.
His face is scrunched like a man on fire, mouth hovering over your lips. “Wanna show ya how much…can’t fuckin’ breath wit’out ya…it hurts…scared me so much, don’ scare me like tha’ anymore…hear me, can’ lose ya…can’t…” he rambles taking a gulping breath like it’s his last. “my everythin’…fuck, ya feel so good. Baby, can’ hold out anymo’…need ta cum…gonna make ya mine!”
“Haahhh, Haahh, Haahh, Haaaaahhhh,” you move your hands up to back of his head and grab a handful of curls and tug.
“That’s it, that’s it, that’s it…” he’s calling out to you. He thrusts deep and stills. “Unnngghh…! Can feel ya fuckin’ cum…so tight.” He collapses in a heap still deep inside you.
Your body is still pulsing and with every breath you take his cock slides over your g-spot causing you to quiver. On every quiver, he shivers with the sensation of your tightening.
He kisses you shoulder over and over. “Love you so much.”
You lean up to kiss his shoulder, “I love you too. We can make it through this, I‘m not going anywhere.”
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mysteryinkkat234 · 2 years
Think I’m in Love (Adrian Chase/Vigilante x Reader)
Well it’s been a while. So keep this in mind while reading this, this is for an OC, Kaitlynn Turner, so the punk aesthetic the reader has is based on that. If any of you are interested in reading more about her, let me know. Also this is inspired by Pitch Perfect, where Freddie Stroma’s character, Luke, owns a record store, those two scenes of him I cherish with my life. Anyway, I hope you enjoy. If you want to read any of my other stuff, you can read them here. If you would like to request a story, don’t be shy and hit me in my dms.
Female Reader (She/Her)
Think I’m in Love - Beck
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“Why are we going to a record store?” Adrian asked Chris with confusion. After a day of radio silence from Murn, Adrian and Chris decided to have a day together to ‘bond’, by going to a record store that Chris went to with his brother, called ‘Brady’s Tacky Records’. However, when they saw the store for the first time in maybe thirty years, it was under new management.
The ‘Brady’s’ of ‘Brady’s Tacky Records’ was removed and was just called ‘Tacky Records’. It was cleaner and more…purple? As Chris and Adrian walked in, they saw a young woman, probably around Adrian’s age, her fast was covered by a pretty hefty book with the title ‘Uzumaki’. “Hey what happened to Brady?” Chris asked, walking closer to the desk.
“Well, Brady left town, I moved into town about a week ago, I bought his shop, some records were still here and I was threatened to leave town,” She lowered her book to face the boys. She had a very punk aesthetic with her: Piercing on the nose, ear, and eyebrow, the side-shave/mullet, “so yeah, I’m doing good. Anything specific you guys are looking for?” 
Chris was still a little confused, but Adrian was already looking through the stacks. “Got any hair metal?” He asked, trying to act casual, trying to get used to change.
“I know have Guns n’ Roses and Mötley Crüe. I may have some others because this lady and I assume her husband or boyfriend came in. You should probably check, I don’t remember, they were yelling at each other and I just told them to leave.”
“Oh yeah, Evan and Amber, you know one time, my friend and I-” Chris was then cut off by Adrain.
“No way! You have Paramore?” Adrian said with excitement, holding the album ‘Riot!’. The owner, instead of going around the counter like a normal person, she closes her book and jumps over it, a quick sprint and she was right next to him. 
“Yeah, I’ve been getting some more ‘newer’ albums, I’m close to the 2010s right now, I have albums that go all the way to the early 80s. Are you interested in buying ‘Riot!’?” She asked him, definitely trying to sell it to him.
“Oh, no, sorry, I don’t own a record player…at least one that works,” Adrian started acting more awkwardly as she started leaning closer to him, “it’s just cool that you have all these songs,” he turns to see Chris cruising through the ‘Metal’ section. He then whispered into the owner’s ear, “do you maybe have any Aqua?” 
She smiled and pointed to the ‘Pop’ section, which was near what looked like a radio station. As Adrian was cruising through the albums and cassettes, his eyes moved up to see through the window into the station, there were so many big computers and DJ sliders. One of those machines didn’t look like something music-related, looked like a police scanner. 
The owner put her hand on his shoulder, making him jump. “Found it yet?” She said she had a bit of a condescending tone. Before Adrian could ask why she has a police scanner in the room, Chris interrupted them.
“All right fuck buddies, I got my stuff.” He said without a care. The owner takes him to the counter as Adrian follows. While she was counting the money, he could see that she was writing something down.
“You know, I’ve always wanted to listen to hair metal, I hope you enjoy them, sir,” she pushes the records to Chris, but before leaving, she slides a piece of paper to Adrian, to the point of having her hand in his, “and I hope you come back so we can talk alternative and 90s pop.” She winks, letting go of his hand and waving goodbye. 
They left the store, Chris feeling satisfied, while Adrian looked down at the piece of paper that she gave him. It was a phone number. Chris snuck a peek and was laughing. “Are you fucking serious!? I didn’t know who had the looks to kill.” He almost choked Adrian with his side hug. 
“She just wants to talk music-” Adrian explained innocently, however, Chris had a didn’t idea.
“Nah dude, a chick gives you her phone number, that’s an entry ticket to her PUSSY!” He yells ‘pussy’, embarrassing Adrian, jabbing in on the side. 
He turns around and sees the record store again. He could see her at the entrance, still waving at them, and Adrian waved back.
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Summary: Harry and Y/n meet again. This time spending more time together and getting to know each other. 
warnings/ disclaimers: Swearing, mentions of death, mentions of childbirth. 
Harry was out searching for a book. He had left Loralie with his mother for the day since he had some errands to run and it would be a busy day. He had finished all of his books and he was on the search for another, maybe even some extra ones for his classroom. He had stopped by his favorite coffee shop and ordered his favorite black coffee to start his day of errands, then he went to the market to get everything for dinner tonight- he thought he might as well get it out of the way since he hates grocery shopping.
Now he’s on the way to a bookstore, he didn’t want to order it on Amazon or just go to a big chain store so he did a quick google search and found a small book store a block down the road from the coffee shop he had gone to. He wanted to find the book burning in water, drowning in flame- his sister had recommended it to him and now he was itching to read it.
He made his way to the bookstore, it looked like a homey place just from the outside of the store. It was a rust colored brick with two sconces on either side of the top of the book shop, a rather tall building- possibly a flat at the top. Harry looks at the cacti peeking through the windows, little flower stickers to decorate.
Harry walks into the book shop, opening the door making the golden bell at the top of the door frame sound off. As soon as Harry steps in he notes the warm scent, it smells like the owner had been baking cookies. “Hello!” He hears a cheerful voice sing while he steps toward the poetry aisle in search of the book. “Is there anything I could help you with today?” He hears the voice again making him turn his head. To his surprise it’s Y/n, he’s been thinking about her. “Oh, hi.” He says bashfully, smiling and stepping over to the cashier counter she was behind.
Y/n smiles, continuing to add price tags on the back of her new shipment of books. She had started her little business officially a bit after she had gotten pregnant with Milo. Milo’s dad had left her after she broke the news to him, they were in their early twenty’s (Y/n being twenty one and him being twenty two) so it was understandable that he didn’t want children yet but the way he dealt with the situation was just dramatic and too much on Y/n. So she put everything into her little book shop, she took out a loan and bought this place, starting planning and putting her all into it, it wasn’t easy but it was worth it.
“Hi Harry.” She says, adding a book to the stack. Harry blushes at her tone again, she’s hard to read. “Um… do you happen to have burning in water, drowning in flame?” He asks, whirling around her display of different styles and colors of bookmarks. He is a twenty six year old man, why is acting like one of his students who thinks he’s handsome? Y/n laughs, nodding while she pulls her mug up to her lips- Harry thinks it’s hot chocolate (and he’s right). “It’s in poetry, first aisle, third shelf, second row.” She says, impressing Harry in how she has memorized every single spot of her book store.
Harry gives her a tight nod, walking over to the poetry section and looking for the book. “Is this your place?” Harry asks, making conversation while the rest of the store is dead silent.
“Yeah, me and Milo live in the flat upstairs.” Y/n admits. Harry’s ears perk up, she didn’t say anything about a partner. He walks back to the counter placing his book down, not handing it over to her yet. “When did you open this place?” He questions, looking around the shop. He sees some crystals, some candles- that both look up for sale and also her personal ones. It’s cute.
“After I got pregnant with Milo. Right after Xavier left me.” She says, leaving Harry wondering. “Xavier is…?” Y/n sighs, rolling her eyes a bit. It’s only their second time meeting and she’s already giving him her sob story. “He’s what would be Milo's father.” She says, picking at her bare nails. She doesn’t consider Xavier Milo's father, he’s never been there for him so he’s not a father. Harry’s lips form a tight line, “um, Loralies mum died… so… we’ve all got baggage.” He laughs, trying to cut the tension.
Loralies mum had died, she died during childbirth. She already had a particularly painful and rough pregnancy with Lora and that was just extremely unexpected, Harry just thanks his stars everyday that his little one is safe with him. “That’s awful, Harry. I‘m sorry.” Harry smiles at her, “it’s okay. I’ve got my Lora so I’m okay.” Y/n nods, smiling and grabbing the book from between his fingers. “She’s a sweet girl.” She compliments.
Harry nods, feeling a little cocky over how well he has raised his daughter. “Is this all for you?” She asks, pulling out a small brown bag with the logo and name on it- they are cute. “Yes please.” Harry politely says, making her laugh under her breath. “If this is your first time here? You get a free bookmark with every book you purchase if it is.” She says, nodding over to the bookmarks. Harry nods, looking through the bookmarks and picking a random Fleetwood Mac one- cute, he thinks. Y/n adds the bookmark to the bag, setting it infront of him. “13.22” she says, Harry fishing his wallet out.
“Are you doing a lot today?” He asks, motioning down to all the books stacked around her while he hands her a ten and four singles. She shrugs, “the usual.” Y/n says, handing him back his change. Harry thinks for a second, pausing his response making Y/n a little nervous. “I could help?” Harry offers, setting his coffee on the table. Y/n gives him a questionable look, sharpening one of her eyes at him. “You want to put tags on books and reorganize with me?” She asks, making Harry laugh. He nods, putting a bookmark back in its place “see, I’m already helping.” He says cheekily.
Y/n smiles, shaking her head. “I guess you can help.” She says.
Soon enough they are sat on the brown carpet, mountains of books around them. Y/n has a blanket wrapped around her and Harry has his legs stretched out. Y/n is tagging books while Harry is setting by the book shelf closest to them organizing. “I swear they put something in the water fountain at that school, the kids are always running and screaming around my classroom while I’m trying to talk about how Van Gogh cut off his own ear.” Harry says, making Y/n loudly giggle, thinking about how Milo probably gives him a horrible time on Wednesdays.
“You like working where Loralie is?” She asks, Harry of course nodding. Loralie is his baby, he loves knowing she’s just up the stairs- especially if she were to get sick or hurt he would be right there to take care of her. “Yeah, I wish I could always be with Milo but one of us has to make the money.” She jokes which makes Harry laugh.
“She always comes waddling into my classroom screaming for me- which disrupts the class but I don’t care.” He shrugs, his mind going back to Loralie. “Oh shit, I’ve got to pick her u-“
“Hi! How are you, baby!” Y/n cheers, Milo running toward her then crashing into her in a hug. Y/n’s friend Mikaela had babysat Milo for the day while Y/n tried to get as much work done as she could. Usually on the weekends (like today) Milo will be in the store with her… which tends to distract her. “Um, I’ve got to go but we should do this again? Maybe… over dinner?” Harry asks, Y/n’s face lighting up.
“Are you asking me on a date?” She teases, Harry blushing and nodding. Y/n laughs, slipping her phone from her pocket, “take my number and we can schedule that date you’re begging me for.” She teases.
Harry gets her number, thanking her for the book and letting him stay before he slips out. Now he’s got to get back to Loralie. But he’s got a date!
Later that night when Harry and Loralie are practicing her memorizing her ABCs his phone beeps. He ignores his at first, just expecting it to be a stupid text from his friend Mitch, but once he looks down he sees Y/n’s contact name. “Keep going, bug.” Harry says, grabbing his phone from the carpet while they set on the floor of the living room, unlocking his phone.
Hii, im free next Friday :) let me know if that works with your schedule!
Harry laughs at her cute little smiley faces, trying to think up a response that doesn’t make him sound a thousand years older than her. The tip of his tongue sticks out while he types back his response, his eyebrows knitted in concentration.
Hello! Friday works, how about 5:30? I can pick you up.
He lays his phone back down and helps Loralie with her letters, pulling her onto his lap. “D is for Daddy!” She cheers, making Harry smile, chuckling and kissing her round cheeks while she squeals. Harry hears his phone ding, grabbing it and reading the response, thanking god she answered. He thought his heart would explode out of his chest. It was beating so hard.
That sounds good ☺️ see you then!
Harry got her to say yes, but now he has to deal with the anxiety of actually going on the date. What should he wear, where should they go? Should he be opening the door and pulling out her chair or is that not in-in dating anymore? He hasn’t dated since Loralies mum and his baby is two years old now, it’s been quite a long time since he dipped his toe into trying to charm a woman. He just hopes he’s still got it.
The day is here. Loralie is with her grandma so Harry can get ready for the date. He’s been panicking and running all around his little house. He showered and smothered himself in lotion and his best cologne- he wanted to smell nice for her. He was adding leave in conditioner to his hair (which he hardly remembers to do) to make it more silky and the curls look a bit prettier than they usually do- he doesn’t know much about hair, he just does what his sister tells him what his hairdresser tells him he should do.
He planned out an outfit, a pair of tan dress pants with a white tank top and a cardigan over it. He had thought over the outfit a bit too much, was it too casual for the date? Was the cardigan too much? He decided against his thoughts and layers some pearls on, sliding his rings on that were in a jewelry dish, placed in there before his shower. He takes a look in the mirror, readjust his cardigan before he gives himself a little nod. He feels good about this.
He makes his way over to Y/n flat, walking up the metal steps to her flat and knocking on the door. When she opens the door he notices just how amazing her home smells, just like her book shop. He needs to remember to ask her where she gets her candles. “Hi,” Harry smiles, looking his date up and down. She was dressed nicely. It was a sage green dress with spaghetti straps, it stopped a couple inches above her knee. Harry thought it was cute.
She paired it with gold jewelry and a black cross body bag. Dirty white vans to go along with it that added a child-like feel to the outfit. Harry thought that was cute too.
“Hi,” she smiles, glancing behind her. “You look nice.” Harry says, suddenly feeling hot. Y/n laughs under her breath, thanking him. “You look nice as well.” Harry smiles bashfully, looking down at his feet. “Thank you”
Y/n says her goodbyes to Milo, hugging and kissing him before thanking her friend again for watching him. It’s the same one from last week, Mikaela. They get into Harry’s car, a bit of awkward silent before Y/n breaks it, Harry stopping the tapping of his fingers along to the low radio once her voice interrupts it. “So, where are we going?” She asks, smoothing her dress out against her thighs.
Harry laughs, he’s not prepared for dates and for some reason he hadn’t thought about the most important part. “I’ll eat anywhere to be honest.” Y/n admits, looking through her window at all the different places.
Harry was looking around in a panic and he finally pulled something out of his ass that sounded good, especially on his teacher salary. “Olive Garden?” Harry says, trying to say it confidently but it definitely comes out as more of a question. Y/n’s eyes light up, she’s in the mood for bottomless salad and breadsticks. “That sounds heavenly.” And Harry is happy to hear that.
They walk into the busy restaurant, instantly getting escorted to a table. Harry is happy they didn’t have to wait- that would have just been embarrassing since he threw this together last minute. They sat in the booth, sliding in and getting comfortable. “So, how’s the bookstore?” Harry asks, pulling apart his breadstick. Y/n knocks her shoe with his under the table, she thinks it’s cute how bashfully he can get when just asking a simple question. “It’s good. How are your little art students?” Harry playfully rolls his eyes at her choice of words.
“It’s good. They are doing self portraits.” Y/n laughs, her eyes widening.
“How’s that going?” Harry laughs, shaking his head. “They look like shittier versions of Picasso’s paintings.” Y/n dramatically gasps through her laughs, “aren’t you supposed to worship the ground that man walks on? Why would you say that?” Harry rolls his eyes once again, chuckling at her. “I’m just behind honest!”
Their date goes on the same, they order their food, giggling while they eat and even getting into a little food fight with the leftover breadsticks. (They weren't being humble, they asked for another basket) They finished their food, “That was fun.” Y/n admits smiling. Harry nods, taking the check and opening his wallet. “Here,” y/n holds out her card, Harry shaking his head. “I’ll pay.” Harry shrugs her off, handing his card tucked in the black check book the waiter had brought over back to him before she can further protest.
Y/n scoffs, throwing another breadstick at him that he tried to catch but it’s too greasy. “Hey! I thought we had a truce?!” Harry questions her. She shakes her head, apparently swearing off the truce. Harry shrugs, thanking the waiter when he brings his card back along with their mints. “You better sleep with one eye open then.” Harry says, standing up and waiting for her. She laughs, standing up and pulling her bag over her shoulder. “I have a three year old, I basically sleep with them both open. You’re nothin’.” She says, Harry nodding his head in agreement. He knows just how she feels.
They drive back to her flat, Harry of course walking her to her door. “I had so much fun tonight.” Harry says, looking down before he looks up at Y/n. She smiles, blushing. She hasn’t dated since Xavier and she admired that to Harry tonight, they both admitted that they haven’t dated since their children’s parents so they felt a lot comfortable knowing they were both rusty.
“Me too, you’re a really sweet guy, Harry.” She says. She needs to remember to thank her forgetful little Milo for leaving his folder in Harry’s classroom. “Thanks for agreeing to go out with me. I was pretty nervous.” Harry admits a bit sheepishly. Harry is a bit giddy on the inside about them hitting it off so well, they were having the best conversation and at times they were getting extremely loud, probably annoying the people around them, but they didn’t care, they had fun. “Yeah, I was nervous as hell but I haven’t had this much fun in a while. Thanks for tonight.” Y/n smiles, leaning in for a kiss.
Harry’s eyes widen, but he still kisses her back. He hasn’t kissed anyone in so long he thought he had forgot how to for a second. His hands come up to cup her jaw, moving his lips with hers. “I’ll see you soon. Have a good night.” Y/n smiles, opening her door with red cheeks. Harry nods, a little flabbergasted. “Have a good night.” He says, trudging down her steps.
And now he’s hooked on her.
Tag list: @romionefp @iaalien @hopeyoustaythenight @evanjh
If you liked this please reblog and please tell me what you thought of it ☺️ thank you for reading!! I hope you all like the series so far I’m writing part three right now so it should come out soon ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
253 notes · View notes
labomi · 3 years
selfish | two (18+)
Summary: You’re a former coworker of Kento Nanami back when he was just an office worker. You accidentally run into him at a bakery many years later which gives you a second chance at getting to know the man who had always caught your eye.
Pairing: Kento Nanami x f!Reader
Words: 8.6k
Warnings: Explicit sexual content (18+ only), vaginal sex, creampie, explicit language, alcohol
Notes: I’m so happy to get this out finally ajsfdsld thank you for all the lovely comments on the first part! I’m so glad people enjoyed it enough to convince me to write more! This will definitely be the last part for this fic, but I do have plans for more Nanami things in the future. Thanks for reading! It’s also up on my ao3 if you prefer to read it there!
Index: [Part One] [Part Two]
You were moving boxes in the storage room when you heard the chime of the front door opening. With a sudden jolt, you realized you had forgotten to change the sign from “open” to “closed” before cleaning up. Cursing at yourself for the careless mistake, you hoped the customer wouldn’t be too upset that the shop was actually shut down for the night.
“I’m sorry, but we’re closed,” you politely explained, emerging from the back room. But one look at the tall figure by the door caused you to stop in your tracks. A large smile grew on your face when you saw exactly who had entered the shop.
Nanami was still in his normal work attire, but he had left behind his signature blazer and sunglasses. The top few buttons of his blue dress shirt were undone, and the sleeves were rolled up to his elbows. You unconsciously licked your lips.
“I can make an exception for you though,” you teased with a wink before walking around the counter to greet your boyfriend.
As you waltzed into his open arms, Nanami leaned down to give you a sweet kiss as a greeting. You sighed happily against his lips. It felt so good to be with him after a long, tiring day. His presence always made you feel safe and warm. Like nothing could ever possibly go wrong as long as you were in his embrace.
Nanami’s hands latched onto your waist as he tried to deepen the kiss, but you reluctantly pulled away with a groan of frustration.
“As much as I’d like to continue, I have to finish closing up shop,” you complained with a pout.
Nanami kissed the top of your head before releasing you. “It’s alright. I’ll wait.”
You changed the sign on the door to “closed” to prevent any unwanted guests from entering the shop. You then wiped down all the counters and properly stored the leftover ingredients. Once finished with all your tasks, you took off your apron and shoved it in your bag. 
“I’m ready!” you called out to Nanami as you started to shut off all the lights. The two of you exited the now dark shop before you locked the front door.
Whenever you had a closing shift, Nanami always came to walk you home. You found it absolutely endearing. Even though you didn’t particularly mind traveling alone at night, the walk to your apartment was always more pleasant when the sorcerer was by your side.
It was almost midnight. The normally busy streets were now devoid of both cars and other pedestrians. You loved sharing these quiet moments with Nanami. Just the two of you enjoying each other’s presence with no one else around. Nanami preferred it this way too, especially because he wasn’t a particular fan of PDA.
You were holding onto Nanami’s hand as he quietly walked beside you. “How was work today?” you asked.
Nanami was a little sensitive about discussing his job as a sorcerer with you. He always refused to share the details of his missions, but he begrudgingly answered your general questions about his workday with vague responses.
“It was fine.” He squeezed your hand lightly. “I was able to get off early.”
“Lucky you! I wish I could have finished earlier,” you complained with a huff. “Closing shift is the worst.”
“Did you eat dinner at least?”
You nodded. “I got some takeout during my break.”
“Good.” He knew you had a bad habit of skipping dinner while you were working. You found it more convenient to just eat a granola bar, especially when it was busy. But Nanami always lightly chastised you when you did this, so you had been making more of an effort to eat better.
The two of you finally arrived at your apartment. Once inside, you immediately emptied out of your bag and threw your apron into the laundry hamper. Luckily, you were off of work for the next two days.
“Kento, you’re staying the night, right?” The sorcerer was still standing in your living room.
“I have to report to work early tomorrow. I don’t want to wake you.”
You rolled your eyes at him with a sigh. Nanami was too considerate of you sometimes. “You never wake me up. Plus, I have my 9 am class tomorrow, so I have to be up early anyway.”
Nanami knew you were right. Unlike him, you slept like the dead. Frankly, he was a little jealous. The sorcerer had always been a sensitive sleeper, but he found it much easier to relax in your presence. Since the two of you had started dating, the quality of his sleep remarkably improved.
“I’ll stay.” You grinned smugly. It didn’t take much to convince him to sleep over.
“Good. I’m going to shower.”
The two of you rarely spent the night apart from one another, alternating between each other’s apartments based on the convenience for the night. Nanami had his own toiletries, pajamas, and spare clothes in your apartment, and you had your own set of things at his place as well.
As you took your shower, Nanami changed into his sleepwear and sat on your couch, reading one of many books he left at your place. Once you announced you were done using the bathroom, the sorcerer placed a bookmark and set the book back down on your coffee table. You were already in the bedroom, changing into your pajamas and packing your bag for class tomorrow, knowing you would forget something if you waited until the morning.
You looked up as Nanami entered the room after washing up. You still found it relatively amusing to see him in such casual clothes: a pair of plaid pajama pants and a thin white t-shirt. But you were glad that only you got to see him like this. The man was the perfect example of prim and proper in public, but at home, he found it more appropriate to dress comfortably. And you thought he looked absolutely adorable. Especially with his unstyled hair.
After the lights were turned off, the two you snuggled in bed together and kissed each other goodnight. Within seconds, you were already fast asleep, exhausted from the long day. Nanami listened to the sound of your deep, even breathing. He felt completely at ease with you safely pressed against him. It wasn’t long before he followed you into a deep sleep.
Nanami’s life was simple before he met you at that bakery.
He went to work, came back home, read a book, had a glass of scotch, and made some dinner. The cycle repeated nearly every day, but Nanami didn’t particularly mind. He liked having a simple, predictable routine.
Once you reentered his life, things were a bit different. A bit more exciting. He wasn’t complaining.
Instead of only buying groceries for himself, he made sure to also buy your favorite snacks. Instead of making a reservation for one at a restaurant, he asked for a table for two. Instead of placing one set of utensils on his dining table, he always put down two.
Jujutsu sorcerers were a lonely group of people. They often felt isolated from the general population, born with unique abilities that allowed them to see things that most other people could not. 
It was a difficult path. Sorcerers faced a life full of constant battle and death. And the only people who could relate to their hardships were the same people dying by their sides. 
For this reason, sorcerers rarely interacted with people outside the jujutsu community. They saw themselves as an outsider to the rest of society. A society that was blissfully unaware of the existence of curses.
But it was different with you.
When Nanami was with you, he didn’t feel like an outsider or a jujutsu sorcerer.
He felt like a normal man.
The activities that Nanami once did alone were now the same activities he enjoyed doing together with you. He took you to his favorite bakery to pick out fresh bread every week. He escorted you to well-reviewed restaurants he had been meaning to visit. He even brought you to his beloved local bookstore, the one place he had been visiting for years as a regular customer.
The first time he took you into the shop, the owner couldn’t help but notice the way your hands were intertwined with one another. As you browsed through the shelves on your own, the old woman suggestively waggled her eyebrows at Nanami. 
“So you got a lady now?” she asked curiously.
Nanami thought it was a little odd that she was somehow keeping tabs on his relationship status, but he nodded anyway. 
“Ah! She’s a pretty one!”
You suddenly reappeared with a tall stack of secondhand books in your arms. “Kento! This place is amazing! I’m going to buy all of these!”
“Oh, definitely a keeper too,” the owner commented.
Nanami found himself agreeing. 
He didn’t know if you could be any more perfect.
Nanami had always enjoyed cooking. He loved the process of selecting a recipe, buying fresh ingredients, and turning them into a delicious, home-cooked meal. But he learned that enjoyed cooking even more when it was for you.
The sorcerer was appalled to hear that you hardly ever cooked for yourself. He had surveyed the state of your freezer in utter disgust. It was crammed full of boxes of microwavable meals and several pints of ice cream. You defended yourself vehemently, claiming that you were too busy to cook between classes, work, and study sessions. The microwave was the easiest and quickest appliance to use after all. And sometimes you just wanted ice cream for dinner.
Nanami took it upon himself to make sure you were eating proper, nutritious meals. In his eyes, it was less of a chore and more of a hobby. He enjoyed learning what you liked. He looked forward to hearing your thoughts about a recipe. He loved the way your eyes lit up whenever he presented a new dish. The sorcerer had even subscribed to food magazines and bought some international cookbooks just to try out with you.
Every morning, Nanami packed you a healthy lunch to ensure you wouldn’t just eat a granola bar for the entire day. And whenever the two of you both had a free night, you always ate dinner together.
In particular, Friday nights had become a weekly tradition between the two of you. Nanami would prepare a special dinner with some fancy wine. The two of you would even dress up a little to celebrate the start of the weekend.
You knocked on Nanami’s door one Friday night, wearing a simple yet elegant dress with just a hint of makeup on your face. The door opened and you were instantly greeted by the mouth-watering smell of whatever the man was cooking in the kitchen. But the sight of Nanami was even more distracting. He was wearing an apron over a tight black button-up shirt with gray slacks. You bit your lip softly, eyeing him appreciatively.
While you enjoyed going out to eat in a restaurant, there was something more intimate about Nanami cooking dinner at home just for the two of you. Plus, the atmosphere was always lovely. His apartment was clean, spacious, and well-decorated. Whatever jujutsu sorcerers got paid, it was clearly more than enough.
“It smells good,” you hummed. “What are you making tonight?”
The sorcerer never revealed dinner to you in advance. For some reason, he always wanted to keep it a surprise.
“Homemade linguine with shrimp. I also got some fresh bread to go along with it.”
Your eyes lit up instantly. “Oooh, sounds delicious! I didn’t know you knew how to make pasta from scratch.”
Everything that Nanami prepared was always amazing. There was never a meal he made that you didn’t enjoy. The first time he cooked you dinner, you almost wanted to propose to him right then and there. A man with those looks and proper culinary skills? You felt like the luckiest person in the world.
You always offered to help Nanami while he was cooking but he would gently shoo you out of the kitchen every time. You weren’t sure if it was because he wanted you to sit back and relax or if it was because he thought you would mess things up. 
It was probably the latter. 
(Most definitely the latter.)
Due to your clear lack of culinary expertise, you were in charge of cleaning all the pots and pans and loading the dishwasher. You couldn’t complain.
Your post-dinner activities were always the same. The two of you would play a movie and then immediately proceed to ignore it for the rest of the night.
Tonight was no different. 
You moaned loudly, writhing about on the couch. “Kento, fuck.”
Your dress was hiked up around your hips, underwear already discarded with Nanami’s face in between your legs. You were already shuddering through your second orgasm of the night with Nanami eagerly lapping up your fluids. His strong arms locked your thrashing legs into place as you gripped the edges of the couch, riding out the last few waves of intense pleasure.
You looked up at him through half-lidded eyes as he pulled back, wiping his mouth on the sleeve of his shirt. “Ready?” he asked in a deep voice. His pupils were blown open in lust. You nodded, still trying to catch your breath. The man gathered you in his arms and headed to the bedroom.
He carefully set you down on unsteady legs as he pulled the zipper down your dress until the garment fell and landed in a heap on the ground. To his pleasant surprise, you were already braless. You turned around and started to slowly unbutton Nanami’s dress shirt, taking your sweet time. His gaze raked over your entire figure, causing your fingers to fumble as you flushed from the intensity of his stare. Eventually, Nanami had enough. He threw you on the bed and quickly shed the rest of his clothes on his own.
“You’re so beautiful,” he breathed, climbing on the bed and hovering over you. His large, calloused hands roamed all over your bare skin while his mouth focused on sucking at the sensitive spots on your neck.
You relished the feel of Nanami’s touch all over you, but one glance at his painfully hard cock had your cunt begging to be filled.
“Kento,” you whined. “I can’t wait. Fuck me, please. I need you inside me, right now.”
Nanami sheathed his entire length inside you with just one sharp thrust. He proceeded to fuck you hard and fast, just the way you liked. Each snap of his hips left you a complete mess underneath him, moaning his name over and over again. It was just barely audible over the lewd, wet sounds of your desperate cunt squeezing around him.
Nanami grabbed one of your hands and interlocked his fingers with yours. A sweet gesture as he roughly pounded you into the bed. The two of you were so worked up that it didn’t take long for the both of you to quickly become undone. You arched your back and tightly gripped Nanami’s hand as uncontrollable pleasure coursed throughout your entire body. Nanami groaned your name as he sloppily thrust into you several more times before flooding your cunt with his cum. 
When he finally pulled out, Nanami was satisfied to see his seed trickling out of you.
“Kento,” you called his name, suddenly feeling shy under his intense gaze.
The man adjusted his position so he was now laying next to you. He kissed you sweetly and whispered praises of you as you giggled breathlessly.
“Hmm, I don’t want to get out of bed and clean up yet.”
“Then don’t,” Nanami said with a devious look in his eyes. 
It was then that you felt his length hardening once again against your thigh. He suddenly pulled you on top of him as he laid on his back. The movement caused your sensitive folds to inadvertently rub against his dick as you straddled his hips. You gasped at the feeling, clutching at his chest to prop you up. 
“I’m not done with you yet,” he growled.
It was a slow afternoon when a man entered the boba shop. He wore an all-black outfit and a matching beanie. Tufts of his disheveled brown hair stuck out from underneath.
“Hello!” You greeted him inside as his eyes flickered around the place nervously before walking up to the cash register. 
“What would you like to order?”
Instead of browsing the menu, the man’s gaze was focused elsewhere. Specifically, your chest. You stood there uncomfortably, wondering if you should say something or just ignore him. But then you realized the man wasn’t being a creep. He was reading your name tag.
The man said your name out loud hesitantly.
“Yes? That’s me.” You tilted your head slightly, trying to figure out if you knew this man. Nothing about his appearance rang a bell. You then started to worry about whether or not you were supposed to recognize him. Was he a current classmate? A former coworker?
The man’s eyes instantly lit up. “You’re Nanami’s girlfriend, right?”
Your eyes widened in surprise.
Kento? He knows Kento?
“Oh, um, yes I am.” The question had taken you off guard. You weren’t expecting a random customer to mention your boyfriend’s name.
“It’s so nice to meet you!” The man smiled brightly at you, looking extremely excited. “Gojo always mentions how pretty and kind you are, so I couldn’t resist visiting when he told me you worked here.”
If this man knew both Nanami and Gojo, did this mean he was also a sorcerer? 
The stranger had piqued your curiosity, and you just couldn’t give up the opportunity to sit down and chat with him. Luckily, it was a slow day and you convinced your coworker to allow you to take your break early. After preparing two drinks, you slipped into a booth in the back of the shop with the man taking a seat across from you.
“I’m Ino Takuma.” The man introduced himself to you.
“So, if you know Gojo and Kento, does that mean you’re a sorcerer?” You kept your voice hushed while asking, just in case your nosy coworkers were trying to listen in on your conversation.
Ino nodded. “Yep, I am.”
You couldn’t help but feel excited to meet another one of Nanami’s colleagues. He purposely tried to shield you from the jujutsu world, but it only made you more curious. Plus, you wanted to know more about what Nanami was like as a sorcerer. He was always so gentle and sweet with you. Well, except for in bed. But it was sometimes hard to imagine that he exorcised curses for a living.
“Do you know Kento well?” you asked curiously.
Ino nodded eagerly. “Yes! I worked with him on a mission once and since then, I’ve really respected him.” He blushed a little, rubbing the back of his head. “Nanami is my role model. I don’t see myself as a particularly smart guy, so whenever I don’t know what to do, I always ask myself what would Nanami do?”
Ino’s words were full of sincerity. In some ways, he reminded you of Itadori. Both of the boys seemed to admire Nanami in a way you would never understand as a non-sorcerer. But it made your heart full knowing that Nanami was a trusted mentor in his workplace.
“Does that mean Kento is strong?” You were a little hesitant to ask the question. As an outsider to the jujutsu world, you didn’t know what made a sorcerer strong. But if another sorcerer told you that Nanami was indeed powerful, you would feel comforted. You knew his job was dangerous, so you obviously worried about his safety, but you tried your best not to show it around him.
“Nanami is super strong!” Ino exclaimed, arms flailing around to emphasize his point. “He’s a Grade 1 sorcerer! That’s practically the best you can be!”
You bit back a sigh of relief. “That’s good to know. Thank you, Ino.”
The two of you continued to chat for the rest of your break, getting to know each other better. Ino even successfully squeezed out of you Nanami’s favorite bakery and favorite bookstore. He claimed he wanted to surprise the man with a gift he would actually appreciate. You encouraged him with a warm smile.
“Thank you for the tea and the conversation,” Ino said, sliding out of the booth. He hovered around you with a light blush dusting his cheeks again. “Um, next time you see Nanami, can you maybe ask him about my recommendation to a Grade 1 sorcerer? If you don’t mind that is!”
“Sure! Will do. It was great meeting you. Thank you for helping to keep Kento safe!”
Ino’s eyes widened at your words. He puffed out his chest proudly. “Of course!”
You waved at him as he exited the shop with a loud farewell.
After your shift, you had returned to your apartment to change and grab some things to spend the night at Nanami’s apartment. When you arrived at his place, the man was already setting the table for dinner. You hugged him from behind with a happy hum as finished his task. Nanami gently removed your arms from around him before turning around and greeting you with a kiss.
“Welcome home.”
“Dinner smells good,” you commented happily. “I’m starving!”
Nanami chuckled lightly. He pulled out a chair for you. “Sit down and I’ll serve you.”
The two of you sat at the table together, plates filled with delicious curry rice.
“How was your day today?” Nanami asked once you both started eating.
“Oh!” You swallowed your bite. “I actually met a coworker of yours. He came to the shop.”
“Who?” Nanami looked rather unhappy, gripping the spoon in his hand forcefully.
“Ino Takuma.”
Nanami sighed, rubbing his forehead in irritation. “I’m sorry. I’ll make sure to tell him to stay away from you. I have no idea how he found your workplace in the first place.”
“Huh? What? No, it’s fine! Ino was very kind and sweet. I enjoyed chatting with him. Also, don’t be too mad at him, Gojo was the one who told him about me.”
Nanami clenched his fist. The next time he saw that white-haired idiot, he was going to kill him.
You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. “Kento, why are you so against me meeting other jujutsu sorcerers? These people are important to you, no? I want to meet them.”
Nanami refused to meet your gaze. He still wasn’t comfortable with the thought of you interacting with the jujutsu world, sorcerers included. “I’m just trying to prote—”
“Protect me, I know.” You let out a deep sigh. “But I don’t want you to hide your life as a sorcerer from me. It’s a big part of your identity, and I want to learn more about jujutsu so I can understand you, Gojo, Itadori, and everyone better.” You lowered your voice slightly. “I care about you all, you know.”
Nanami reached out across to the table to gently hold your hand. “I know,” he admitted quietly. “I’m sorry.” He knew that shielding you from the jujutsu world as much as possible wasn’t doing you or him any favors. But Nanami didn’t know what else to do. He never imagined he would be dating someone while working as a sorcerer. And he especially never imagined he would be dating a non-sorcerer. 
Relationships between sorcerers and non-sorcerers rarely worked out, so Nanami tried to restrict your access to the jujutsu world as much as possible. He refused to talk about his missions with you. He tried to limit the presence of other sorcerers around you. He did this to protect you, but maybe he was doing it to protect himself instead. He didn’t want to lose you or scare you away.
“I do want to share my life as a sorcerer with you.” Nanami was struggling to find the right words. “But it’s difficult for me.” He had always envisioned his personal life and his work life as two separate spheres, but you were beginning to blur those lines. “I promise I’ll do better.”
You smiled softly, appreciating his efforts. “Well, we can take it slow.”
“Thank you.”
You were cleaning the dishes in the sink when Nanami wrapped his arms around your waist and nuzzled his face in your neck. Both of you felt so much lighter after the discussion during dinner.
“Oh!” A sudden realization popped into your mind. “I forgot to mention. Ino asked me to tell you not to forget his Grade 1 sorcerer recommendation.”
Nanami groaned in the crook of your neck. “Of course he did, that impatient kid.”
“What’s a recommendation? Are you not going to do it?”
He sighed. “It’s complicated.”
“Kento,” you whined.
“Alright. I’ll explain it to you after you’re done.”
You had just finished class when a text popped up on your phone. It was from Gojo.
Gojo: Hey! Do you want to go to dinner with me, Yuji, and Nanami tonight????
Dinner? You felt a tinge of excitement.
You: Sure! I’m free!
You didn’t know what the occasion was for, but you were grateful for the invite. Gojo often stopped by at your workplace, occasionally accompanied by Itadori, to greet you and grab a sweet drink. But you unfortunately never had the time to properly sit down with him and catch up. 
Out of all sorcerers you had met so far, Gojo was the most mysterious. After all, what sort of man wore a blindfold in public? And now that you thought about it, how did he always seem to know when you were working? Especially since your work schedule differed from week to week...
Gojo: Great! I’ll send you the time and place later~
You: Thanks! See you then!
You were about to text Nanami and tell him you were looking forward to dinner when one of your classmates called your name.
“Yes?” you asked, looking away from your phone.
“Want to join our study group? We’re heading to the library right now!”
“Yeah, sure! Coming!”
It was only after you left the library several hours later that you realized you had forgotten to text Nanami. But you figured it wasn’t a big deal since you would soon see him at dinner. 
Nanami looked at his watch impatiently. It was already past 5 pm. He wasn’t supposed to be here. He was supposed to be back in his apartment, prepping dinner for you. “What are we doing here, Gojo? I need to get home.”
The white-haired calmly rested his arms behind his head with a suspicious smirk on his face. “Relax, Nanami. We’re waiting for a surprise.”
Itadori perked up beside him, looking up at his sensei with wide eyes. “A surprise?! What kind of surprise?”
Gojo chuckled. “The best kind.”
Nanami let out an exasperated sigh. He removed his sunglasses and put them in his pocket. The three sorcerers were standing around in the middle of a busy street filled with pedestrians. “I don’t have time for such frivolities, Gojo. Excuse me, but I’m leavi—”
“Wait!” Gojo exclaimed. He waved at someone in the crowd. “She’s here!”
“She?” Nanami repeated, trying to follow Gojo’s line of sight.
It was easy to spot Gojo, even amongst the giant, moving crowd. The tall man towered over everyone else and his bright, white hair easily stood out in the background. You could see him waving his hand at you, so you waved back.
Squeezing your way through the crowd, you joined up with the three sorcerers with an excited grin. “Hi!”
“Say hello to the surprise,” Gojo announced, waltzing over to your side and wrapping an arm around your shoulder.
Itadori looked thrilled to see you, but as your eyes shifted to Nanami, you immediately sensed something was wrong.
“Gojo, you did tell Kento you invited me, right?” you asked cautiously, looking up at the tall man.
The sorcerer hummed to himself for several seconds before responding. “Nope!”
You blanched. Uh oh. You should have texted him.
Nanami didn’t look too visibly upset, but he was pinching the bridge of his nose with a frown. When would that idiot stop meddling with his personal life behind his back?
“Na-na-mi,” Gojo said in a singsong voice. “Are you excited to see your stunning, beautiful, and gorgeous girlfriend? Shouldn’t you be thanking me for bringing her here?” The white-haired sorcerer pulled you even closer to him. He didn’t miss the way Nanami’s eyes instantly narrowed at him.
Nanami grabbed your wrist and pulled you out of Gojo’s grasp until you were comfortably nestled against his side. He couldn’t stand seeing that man's hands on you. “Don’t let him touch you. His idiocy is contagious.”
You giggled at the comment. Gojo let out a satisfied hum, watching the two of you together. “Alright, lovebirds!” He clapped his hands together. “It’s time for dinner!”
“Dinner?!” Itadori gasped. He started salivating at the thought of food. “Gojo-sensei, what are we eating?”
The tall sorcerer patted the top of Itadori’s head affectionately. “To celebrate Yuji’s last night as a dead man, we’re going to a steakhouse!”
The kid loudly cheered as you looked to Nanami for clarification.
“Itadori is being introduced back to the school tomorrow.”
“Oh, I see.” Gojo had told you before that the Itadori was supposed to be dead and not to mention his existence to anyone. You didn’t understand why and you didn’t ask, but you kept your promise. The young sorcerer bounced around excitedly before hugging Gojo. You couldn’t help but smile at the adorable interaction.
“Let’s hurry up, so we’re not late for our reservation.” Gojo started walking quickly through the crowd with Itadori right by his side. You and Nanami were a little ways behind them as you found it hard to keep up with Gojo’s brisk pace. He pressed a warm hand against your lower back, guiding you through the large crowd.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you that Gojo invited me,” you apologized. Even though Nanami said he would be more open about the jujutsu world, you knew he was still sensitive about you spending too much time around other sorcerers. “I was going to text you but then some classmates asked me if I wanted to study with them, and I said yes because you know I need all the help I can get, and then I completely forgot to message you and by the time I left the library and actually remembered I didn’t text you, I thought it wasn’t worth it since I was going to be seeing you at dinner soon, and I, uh, yeah.” You winced, realizing you were rambling yet again.
“It’s not your fault,” he assured you. “That idiot always has something up this sleeve.”
“You’re not upset, right?”
He rubbed his hand up and down your back. It sent a tingle up your spine. “I'm not upset," Nanami replied honestly. "I’m glad you’re here.”
You slid into the booth at the steakhouse. Itadori was already seated across from you. Gojo was about to take the open seat next to you, but Nanami grabbed the back of the man’s uniform and shoved him away. 
“Hey!” the sorcerer loudly complained.
Nanami sat down next to you, completely unbothered. “Sit with your student, Gojo.” You tried to stifle your laughter, looking at the two men in complete amusement. 
Gojo slid into the booth next to Itadori with a carefree grin. Teasing Nanami was too easy when you were around.
The four of you had a pleasant dinner together. Your only complaint was the way Nanami rubbed your thigh with his left hand the entire time while waiting for the food to arrive. You were wearing a rather short dress which rode up as you sat down, giving him perfect access to your bare skin. It was incredibly distracting. 
You were a little surprised that Nanami was doing something like this in public, even though it was mostly hidden from sight. Part of you wondered if it was because Gojo was present. Nanami always acted a little differently with you when the other sorcerer was around.
For some reason, you couldn't shake the feeling that Gojo knew exactly what was happening underneath the table. Even with his blindfold on, you could tell that the sorcerer was looking right at you with a knowing smile on his face. You felt a little flustered, but Nanami seemed completely unperturbed. Perhaps it was just your imagination.
After dinner, you followed Itadori out the front door of the restaurant.
“Ah! I’m so stuffed!” he commented with a satisfied hum, rubbing his belly.
“I hope you still have room for some dessert.”
The two of you turned back to look at Gojo. Nanami was only a couple of steps behind him.
“Oh! Dessert? Don’t worry, Sensei. I always got room for that!” He gave Gojo a thumbs up.
“Great! I happen to know an amazing ice cream shop around the corner!” You blinked in surprise as the white-haired sorcerer wrapped a long arm around your shoulder again and started ushering you towards the destination. “Let’s get going!”
What you didn’t see was the way Gojo turned his head back to send a smug look to his dear friend. Nanami glared at the sorcerer but didn’t intervene. The walk to the shop was short, and you didn’t appear to be uncomfortable, happily chatting away with Itadori about the best and worst ice cream flavors.
It wasn’t until you all arrived at the shop that you pulled away from Gojo and latched onto his arm instead. “What are you going to get?”
“Hmm. I don’t know. What do you want?” he asked.
You looked at the menu, eyes squinting in concentration. “I’m stuck between Peanut Butter Cup and Mint Chocolate Chip.”
“Pick one and I’ll get the other. We can share.”
Your eyes widened. “Really? You don’t have to.” 
Nanami smiled softly at that adorable look on your face. He gently tucked a hair away from your face. “I like both of those flavors anyway.”
Itadori and Gojo silently exchanged looks with one another. They were both internally squealing at the cute exchange they just witnessed between the two of you. It was rare to see such a soft side of Nanami in public. 
“Nanami,” Gojo cooed, a little jealous. “Do you want to share some ice cream with me too?”
“Absolutely not.”
“Huh? Why not?” the sorcerer whined.
“Because you’ll get the most sickening ice cream flavor of them all.”
Nanami was absolutely correct.
Gojo ordered a large cone of triple chocolate ice cream with chunks of brownies, cookie dough, and fudge mixed with swirls of caramel and marshmallow. 
It was a complete abomination.
The four of you sat outside, enjoying the nice weather while indulging in ice cream. You thought it was cute how Itadori’s strawberry cone almost matched the color of his hair. Once everyone finished their dessert, the group finally split up. You waved goodbye at Gojo and Itadori. “Good luck tomorrow, Itadori!” He had shared with you earlier about how excited (and a little nervous) he was to see his classmates again. You hoped the reunion went well.
It was a quiet walk home with Nanami. The two you held hands, enjoying the calm atmosphere now that Gojo and Itadori were both gone. 
As soon as you entered Nanami’s apartment, you took off your shoes as Nanami removed his blazer. “I had a good time tonight,” you mused. “Itadori is such a sweetie, and Gojo—”
Your words were cut off with a gasp as Nanami roughly pushed you against the wall. He put a knee in between your legs, and one of his hands began to crawl up your exposed thigh. You instinctively wrapped your arms around his neck, shivering as you felt the pleasant tingle of his touch. He gave you such a heated look that it left you swallowing nervously.
“I don’t want to hear another man’s name out of your mouth tonight,” he growled in your ear.
You looked back at him, both half-amused and half-aroused. “I’m only yours, Kento.”
Nanami whisked you away to the bedroom as you laughed breathily in his arms.
Nanami surveyed the numerous body bags in the morgue of Tokyo Jujutsu High.
“Three Grade 2 sorcerers. One Semi-Grade 1 sorcerer. Five Auxiliary Managers. Two storage attendants,” Ijichi listed off the number of casualties. 
Nanami clenched his fists. “This is the same curse that Itadori and I fought together, correct?”
“Yes,” the manager replied, pushing up his glasses. “Shoko confirmed that the bodies were all disfigured in the same manner.”
The sorcerer grit his teeth in frustration. He blamed himself. If he had been able to exorcise the curse back then, these innocent lives might have been spared. After all, it was his fault that Mahito had escaped. He hadn’t been quick enough.
“Gojo, can I have a private word with you?”
The white-haired sorcerer had been leaning against the wall the entire time, quiet for once.
“I’ll take my leave,” Ijichi announced, exiting the room. 
Nanami broke the silence first.
“If anything happens to me, promise me you’ll take care of her.”
Gojo didn’t respond right away. “Why are you telling me this?” he asked in an unusually serious tone.
“Mahito is still around. My attacks are not effective against him. He seems to have a special interest in me, so there is a high probability we will run into each other again. And I may not be lucky enough to have Itadori by my side then.”
“What?!” Nanami whipped around to face the sorcerer. The fury in his eyes was hidden by his sunglasses, but Gojo could sense the anger all the same.
“No, I won’t promise to take care of her.”
“Gojo, you—”
“Stop acting like you’re trying to die.” Nanami stiffened. “Take care of her yourself. You’re strong.”
A tense silence hung in the air. 
Nanami let out a deep breath.
“Thank you, Gojo.”
The next day, Nanami had just finished a mission when the Kyoto Sister-School Goodwill Event ended. He came back to campus to see all the students in baseball uniforms. Wasn’t the second day dedicated to individual battles?
“Oh, Nanami!” Gojo called out, jogging over to him. He had forgone his blindfold for a pair of sunglasses and wore a simple button-up shirt and pants instead of his normal uniform. “Too bad you missed the game! We won!”
“The game?”
Gojo nodded with a devious look on his face. “Yup! This year, the Goodwill Event winner was determined by a baseball game!” He laughed victoriously. 
Nanami shook his head. Only Gojo could successfully pull off a stunt like this in front of both school principals.
“By the way, we’re going out for some drinks tonight. Even Utahime and Mei Mei said they would join. You should come. And bring your girlfriend too.”
“Absolutely not.” There was potentially a traitor among the group, and Gojo thought it was a good idea to bring you into the mix? There was no way he was going to let that happen.
“Too bad. I already invited her.”
“You what?! ” Nanami fumed.
“You mad or something?”
Nanami thought about trying to strangle the white-haired sorcerer when his phone chimed. It was a message from you.
You: Gojo invited me out with you guys tonight. Is that ok?
“Is that her?” Gojo asked, trying to peek at Nanami’s phone screen.
“None of your business.”
He began typing his response.
“I know you won’t say no to her,” Gojo hummed. The other sorcerer ignored him.
Nanami: Yeah, it’s fine. I’ll pick you up and we’ll go together?
You: I have to stay a lil late at work :( someone called out sick so I’ll just meet you all there
Nanami: You sure? I don’t mind waiting for you.
You: Yup it’s fine! See you tonight!
Nanami locked his phone and put it away.
“So?” Gojo asked, eyebrows raised expectantly.
“She’s coming,” Nanami grumbled.
The white-haired sorcerer clapped his hands together excitedly like he hadn’t planned for this to happen from the start. “Great! I’m looking forward to tonight!”
Nanami glared at him in response.
“What? You still mad?”
Nanami tapped his fingers absentmindedly on the table. You still hadn’t arrived yet. Utahime was somehow already drunk, loudly laughing at something Shoko said. Gojo was bothering Ijichi who was sputtering nervously, and Mei Mei was silently sipping on a cocktail she forced Gojo to buy for her. Nanami bit back a sigh. He missed you.
“I heard from a little birdie that you have a girlfriend now, Nanami. And a non-sorcerer one at that,” Mei Mei commented with a sly smile. 
Nanami looked at Gojo, knowing exactly who this “little birdie” was, but the white-haired sorcerer turned away with a whistle.
“A girlfriend?!” Utahime gasped. She grabbed Shoko’s shoulders and violently shook her. “Shoko, did you know about this?”
The doctor was completely unfazed. “Yeah. We’ve all met her before except you and Mei Mei.”
Utahime covered her face and made dramatic sobbing noises. “Out of all of us, it’s Nanami who’s dating first?!”
Nanami’s eyebrow twitched in annoyance. What was that supposed to mean?
“Shoko!” Utahime whined. “Will you marry me if I’m still single at 40?”
“I’ll do it!” Gojo quipped. 
The Kyoto sorcerer made a disgusted gagging noise. “Like hell I would ever agree to that!”
“I’ll do it for money. How much would you pay me?” Mei Mei asked.
“You guys are all terrible!” Utahime exclaimed. She latched onto Shoko. “Only Shoko is nice to me!”
“But I never said I would marry you,” the doctor pointed out calmly.
The entire table burst into laughter. Nanami quietly sipped on his beer. 
“Sorry, I’m late!” Your bright voice finally caught the man’s attention. You waved at the group, heading over. Nanami got up to greet you but a certain white-haired man beat him to it.
Gojo called your name happily, wrapping you into an unexpected bear hug.
“Alright, that’s enough,” Nanami commanded, immediately dragging the sorcerer off of you and kicking him back into his seat. 
You chuckled lightly before hugging Nanami too. Hesitating for a little bit, you decided to kiss the man on the cheek. You knew he didn’t like PDA, but you still wanted to greet him affectionately.
“I think you missed,” Gojo pointed out. 
Flushing in embarrassment at Gojo's comment, you were about to pull away and take a seat, but Nanami suddenly leaned down and kissed you on the lips deeply. It was so unexpected that you couldn’t suppress the noise of surprise that left your throat. You could vaguely hear the cheering and wolf whistles from the table which only made you blush more. Nanami finally pulled away, leaving you breathless.
“Now that’s more like it,” Gojo commented with a slow clap.
Ijichi covered his face with his hands, unable to believe he witnessed Nanami in such a manner. Utahime’s jaw dropped open in complete shock. Shoko was busy rummaging through her purse for a cigarette. Mei Mei raised her eyebrows, impressed at Nanami’s boldness.
Gojo gestured to you. “Well, say hi to Nanami’s girlfriend, everyone!”
You shyly waved at them. “Hi,” you squeaked, still embarrassed.
Even though you had the day off tomorrow, you hadn’t planned on drinking a lot during the night. But Utahime challenged all the girls to a drink-off and you couldn’t resist participating to get to know the other women better. Mei Mei only agreed to partake once Gojo confirmed he would cover everyone’s tabs.
It turned out that both Shoko and Mei Mei had incredibly high tolerances. You and Utahime on the other hand, not so much.
You groaned, struggling to climb the steps up to Nanami’s apartment. After watching your pitiful attempt, the sorcerer lifted you in his arms and carried you the rest of the way.
“Ugh, I’m sorry,” you mumbled. You felt bad that Nanami had to take care of you, especially because you had not intended to get this drunk.
“Don’t apologize.” He carefully set you down on your feet as he opened his apartment door. Nanami helped you wash up and get changed before joining you in bed once he was done with his own nightly routine.
You were practically laying on top of Nanami while rubbing a hand down his firm chest. When your hand started to wander lower, he gently took it and brought it up to his face to kiss it. “We should go to sleep.”
You pouted a little but mumbled in agreement, rolling off the man and nestling into his side instead. “Good night, Kento. Love you.”
Nanami stiffened, suddenly wide awake after hearing your words. He was filled with such an indescribable emotion that it left him completely speechless. Nanami was worried you would be upset that he hadn’t responded right away, but he was instead greeted by the familiar sound of your slow, deep breaths. You were asleep.
He let out a sigh. Nanami wondered if you would remember your confession in the morning, but he doubted it. Your memory was always spotty when you got this drunk.
Nanami kissed your head, stroking your hair gently. 
“I love you too.”
“Is something wrong?”
Nanami didn’t even look up from the newspaper he was reading to address the white-haired sorcerer. “Everything is fine. Why are you asking?”
Gojo hummed, tapping a finger on his chin in thought. His sharp eyes took in his friend’s appearance. “You seem a bit tense. You didn’t have a fight with the girlfriend, did you?”
“Nothing of that sort happened. And even if it did, I wouldn’t tell you.”
“So you did have a fight!” Gojo exclaimed.
Nanami turned the page. “No, we did not. And just to stop your incessant bothering, I will tell you that she has a very important exam today, so I have not seen her in several days to allow her to focus on studying.”
“Ahh, I see!” It made perfect sense to Gojo now. “You look so tense because you’re sexually frustrated!”
Nanami crumbled the edges of the newspaper in his hands. “I refuse to talk about such things with you.”
“Oh, but you’re not denying it,” Gojo pointed you. “Nanami, there is absolutely no shame in talking about our sex lives. We should be more open about sex to destigmatize it. For example, last week I—”
“I’m leaving,” Nanami suddenly announced. He folded up his newspaper and exited the lounge. He’d rather fight four Grade One curses single-handedly than hear about that man’s sex life.
Nanami couldn’t keep his hands off of you. As soon as you walked through his apartment door, cheering that you were finally done with your exam, he immediately pulled you into his arms and kissed you wantonly.
Your absence in the past few days was so striking. He had trouble sleeping and didn’t even feel like cooking without your familiar presence around him. It was so good to have you back again.
You giggled at his eagerness, looking up at him with a knowing smile. “Did you miss me?”
Nanami was already ushering you towards his bedroom.
“Let me show you just how much I missed you.”
The next morning, you stumbled out of Nanami’s bedroom with a loud yawn. You had no class or work for the day, so you were looking forward to lounging around Nanami’s apartment as a reward for suffering through your exam yesterday.
You perked up when you smelled something good in the air. Popping your head in the kitchen, you saw Nanami flipping pancakes.
“Good morning!” You eyed the pancakes with a hungry look.
“Good morning. Breakfast will be ready in a few,” Nanami replied, adding more batter into the pan.
“Okay!” You left to quickly get dressed for the day.
By the time you returned, Nanami was setting down a plate on the table piled high with fluffy blueberry pancakes.
“Thank you for breakfast!” you said with a wide grin, snatching two pancakes and putting them on your own plate.
After eating, Nanami looked at this watch with a small frown. “I have to go.”
“Don’t worry. I’ll clean everything up.” You headed over to the door where Nanami was slipping into his shoes and putting on his blazer. Before he opened the door, you stepped in to fix his tie that was just slightly askew.
“I’ll see you tonight, handsome?”
“Of course.”
For you, Nanami would do everything in his power to make sure he finished work on time and returned home as soon as possible. He used to look forward to the end of the workday because he hated working. But now he looked forward to the end of the workday because he got to see you.
As a jujutsu sorcerer, Nanami knew he couldn’t take anything for granted. Any amount of time spent with you was absolutely precious to him. So he wanted to make sure to maximize that amount of time as much as possible.
Nanami leaned down to kiss you.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
You blinked.
Did he say…?
Wait, did you say....?
Your eyes widened in realization as you covered your mouth in shock.
Nanami said he loved you.
And you immediately said you loved him back.
The words had slipped right out of your mouth without you even realizing it.
“Enjoy your day off,” Nanami said nonchalantly before exiting the apartment. The door gently closed shut behind him.
When Nanami arrived at work, a certain white-haired sorcerer knew something was different about his friend.
“What happened with her?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Gojo grabbed his phone and dialed a number quickly. “You owe me money, Mei Mei! I won the bet! I told you they would confess their love to each other before the end of the month.”
Nanami clenched his jaw.
The sorcerer menacingly stood over Gojo, sword withdrawn and cursed energy swirling around him angrily. “What bet?”
Gojo removed the phone from his ear. Mei Mei could be heard angrily yelling from the device, clearly upset about losing a large sum of money. “Now, now, Nanami. You’re only this angry at me because I’m correct, right? You two finally confessed to each other?”
Nanami took his tie off and wrapped it around his hand.
The white-haired sorcerer threw his head back with a howl of laughter. “I’ll take that as a yes! But before you try to kill me, just know that a) it’s impossible and b) I only agreed to this bet to prove Mei Mei wrong. She didn’t think you had it in you to confess so soon! But I always had faith in you because I’m such a good friend!”
Nanami took a menacing step forward towards Gojo, but the sound of his phone chiming stopped his advance. Gojo took that as a sign to escape with his loud laughter still echoing in the hallways.
With a sigh, Nanami unlocked his phone to read the text from you.
You: Wanted to say I love you ♡
You: Just in case you didn’t hear earlier
You: But I’m pretty sure you did...
You: I just want to be sure
You: Anyways I’ll see you later :) 
You: Miss you already
You: I'll try not to destroy your apartment
You: Ok sorry I'll stop bothering you now
He couldn’t wait to come home to you tonight.
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yinses · 3 years
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| he would make sure that everyone knew who you belonged to |
tattoo artist! sukuna ryomen
rating: t
a/n: this is going to be a three part series. it got too long because i couldn’t shut up. thank you to @teoran for beta reading !! 
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you should have never informed yuuji that you were thinking about getting a tattoo, because of course his first response would be hey, sukuna owns a shop. why don’t you stop there. as if you didn’t already known that. your other friend, unfortunately had not known how to be subtle about it.
its when you go to hand off your card that they gasp audibly, drawing the attention of both yourself and the woman behind the counter.
“you’re not going to ask for a discount? i mean you know the owner, right?”
she jumps back quick enough to dodge the errant elbow you throw her way.
you knew you would regret telling her.
the woman is undeterred as she take your card, looking bored with the news. “so you know sukuna, huh?” the way she said it implied that it wasn’t the first time it had been made known to her.
you had known the man long enough to know where her thoughts were going with that assumption. sukuna wasn’t only popular for his art. a shudder rolled through your body at the idea of being categorized as one of his flings.
it wasn’t as though you were intentionally shaming the women. but it was sukuna. the same guy who locked you and his younger brother out on the patio whenever he was meant to keep an eye on you. and then blamed you for hiding from him when the responsible adults got home.
in hindsight, maybe you should have chosen another location. but now your card has been charged.
you scribbled your signature on the receipt, “uh yeah, awhile now. im not requesting him or anything.”
“his appointment book is full anyway. he doesn’t take walk ins.” its not said snidely, just matter of fact. as if she was seasoned with dealing with these kind of customers.
the man of topic strides in then, carrying a few bags of take-out that he drops carelessly onto the counter. he doesn’t m look unlike any other day, a loose white sleeveless shirt with a low hanging v-neck that just invited attention to his skin. the swirls of black ink made permanent by his hand only. though that was the advantage of this field and owning your own business on top of it.
sukuna was prepared to ignore the clientele planted at front desk, until he did a double take. those vermilion eyes took you in, morphing from speculation, to shock, a pinch of awe, then back to postulation.
“what are you doing here?”
a small frown mars you face. you didn’t actually consider that perhaps sukuna wouldn’t want you here. it was one thing to know the guy, but whether you wanted to accept it or not, you weren’t just another customer. so you unsurely respond with, “getting a tattoo?”
the snort he gives isn't one of annoyance. in fact its almost comforting to see the minuscule curl of his lips until they start to part, “yeah, missing something aren’t you?”
you realize with a frown that he’s referring to his brother.
“i have other friends.”
that slow smile wides as he gives your friend a brief look of appreciation. suddenly all those years of witnessing him cart his flings around rise to the forefront of your mind.  really nothing rarely changed. “ i can see that.”
his gaze cuts back to you, “what are you getting? your boyfriends name?”
you cant tell if he’s teasing, fishing or a combination of them both.
he turns to lean over the counter, arms flexing at the action and pinches the fresh design still hot from the printer. you resist the urge to shuffle in place as he inspects the image with more interest than there were lines. it was hardly all that complex, just as you intended.
sukuna finally voices his opinion, to no surprise of your own. “yeah? kind of small isn’t it?”
“its my first sukuna,” you drawl.
you realize too late that the wording isnt best around him.
“no kidding.”
he tugs a styrofoam box free from the plastic bag before gesturing to you with a tilt of his head.
“alright, lets knock it out.”
you look to the woman expecting her to complain about his pending appointments but she only returns it with a pointed look. when it came down to it, what the boss wanted goes.
right then.
turning, you address your friend who seemed more invested in watching sukuna’s departure. “are you coming?”
her gaze snaps to you and she doesn’t even bother to pretend. she shrugs, “you may not be squeamish about needles but i am.” her hand waves vaguely towards the lounge area near the coffee station and stack of assorted snacks. “i’ll come running if you scream though,” she teases as you turn down the hall.
sukuna’s voice carries from the right in guidance where you find him setting his food off to the side. the room is neat. though you don’t know what you were expecting given the health expectations lining his work. then again, you’d spent the better part of the decade watching him cart week old pizza boxes out of his room so it was hardly a baseless assumption.
aside from the desk of tools and variety of inks the only other defining feature was the wall at the back. there was no rhyme or direction to the madness. the once white wall was littered with varying penmanships and messages. almost like an autograph book. some derogatory, others genuinely thankful for his work - you think you see a few numbers too.
the cushion of the seat protests under his weight as he rolls to the center of the room. he has the stencil of your chosen art held up in expectation.
“where is this pretty little thing going?”
“oh my rib- here on the right.” you think nothing of bringing up the hem of your shirt to expose the skin just under the curve of your breast.
he almost looks impressed, though there is some doubt. he wheels closer and gives no warning as his hand palpates the area. “over the bone? that’s daring for your first tattoo, princess.”
the name was nothing new, an accompaniment to yuuji’s ‘brat’.
part of you actually grateful that its sukuna. the entire shop had good reviews but it was best known for his talent. besides, the charge was already sitting on your card.
“i can handle it.”
he’s still squinting at your side, fingers tickling at your skin.
“yeah?” he answers absently. nimble digits you didn't think had any taste for delicacy carefully peel the plastic from the stencil. he doesn’t second guess himself in the slightest before pressing it to your skin.
when he pulls away, the chair follows him as he collects a hand mirror from his desk to reflect the design back to you.
“double sure?” he’s still rallying your resolve, but there is a hint of warning to his voice as professionalism seeps in.
with a firm nod you seal the deal,” yeah.”
“aright, pin up your shirt out of the way. tuck it into your bra if you want.”
you were expecting this already, given the location you’d decided on. with sukuna that action comes effortlessly without thought. it was no different than the times he’d seen you in your bathing suit, your brain reasoned. at least you still had your pants this time.
sukuna rests back into a lean against his small desk. absently you note that his eyes haven't left you once since you’d entered the room.
“eager little thing aren't you?”
but its sukuna.
you shrug.“ i guess. kind of been saving up for this one.”
the noise he makes is non-committal as he nods to the angled chair.
without your shirt there was no barrier between yourself and the leather. you expected the cold chill but the lack of stickiness kind of surprised you. once again you were reminded of the indisputable list of reviews at your fingertips.
sukuna goes about collecting the materials to disinfect your skin, angling the bottle and cotton over the trash can to catch the excess drops. satisfied with the saturation, he slides back.
you try to absorb the brief shock you feel when he applies the alcohol to your skin. it was hardly a substitute for actual bracing to come but it was good practice. when you look up, you catch his gaze again.
he’d been more observant in these last few minutes than you could ever recall sukuna caring before. maybe it was the job. though the thought of him excelling at customer service has you fighting a snort.
“cold,” you supply and he gives another grunt.
he chucks the cotton ball into the trash with all the efficiency of a man who has made a sport out of it and probably keeps score.
deciding on a solid color eliminated the need for him to break away to change shades, eliminating any surplus time keeping you in this chair.
a gloved hand braces your side, pinching the skin, while the other holding the gun rests against your sternum. when the motor starts you take a careful breath in. sukuna’s eyes raise at the sound.
“not nervous?”
you blink, expecting him to just get to it.
“uh, not really? i’ve never really been afraid of needles.”
he pauses. just when you part your lips to ask what wrong the buzzing starts.
its impossible not to tense at the first bite of the needle. but you fight the urge to jerk. it stings. the vibration of the motor is uncomfortable against your ribcage but it's not unbearable. you certainly wouldn't cry.
sukuna seems to notice it as well.
“not going to lie thought you’d be more of a cry baby? weren't you the one sobbing after you stubbed your toe.”
you latch onto the idle chatter even if it's a jibe.
“i was eleven and i sprained that toe.”
he gives you a quick glance. “sure, princess. completely called for the waterworks.”
you snort. “yeah well it made me stronger. im barely affected today.”
your words are followed by a shift of his hand as it turns to follow a line, the movement pressing firmly against the underside of your breast. you're too attentive to the needle pinching at your skin to take notice.
but sukuna does, eyes narrowing without your awareness.
“yeah, i can see that.”
rather than closing your eyes to block out the pain, you find a more comforting distraction in tracing the lines of his tattoos with your gaze. you can hardly make out the first tattoo he’d gotten at the age of seventeen after forging his parents signature. 
the abstract design had now branched out, interlocking with new styles to map out the formation of a sleeve. it was almost like his own branded language. a dialect of bold shapes and bands. you’d never thought to actually ask what his tattoos meant. nor did you expect an honest answer.  
sukuna works rather quickly and efficiently while your mind wandered. even if he hadn’t squeezed you in during his lunch break this felt like the usual pace for him. he looked so in the zone as he followed the pre-made lines to perfection.
you weren’t the model customer, still having your brief moments of weakness but he rolled with the interruptions better than you expected. sukuna was brash growing up and didn’t tolerate nonsensical people. you’d had your fair share of opportunities to be chewed out by him.
and earned a reasonable amount of them, though your returning attitude said otherwise.
but this sukuna was softer, if you could put it like that. he knew the right time to give you breaks but didn’t let your nerves settle too much. when he wasn’t adding a layer to permanency to your skin, an errant finger would smooth over the swelling flesh.
more than once you heard him throw out a quiet good girl. that you knew was meant to be encouraging but it came with additional implications that tickled your skin.
he tells you that you should be grateful that the artwork doesn’t need any shading. that it was never a good fit for beginners.
your chest expands the furthest it had in the last half hour when he finally rolls back.
“alright, princess, go ahead and take a look.”
you take the offered mirror again and angle it to take in the fresh piece. the reflection you get back is- amazing. you’d been so concentrated?? on micromanaging the pain that you failed to take in the little details he’d added along with the original design.
as if reading your thoughts, he snorts. “it's not my art if i don't leave my mark. you can tell me it looks good you know.”
if you didn't know any better, you’d say he was authentic in his attempt to bait your approval.
and you had no reason not to provide.
your legs are a little shaky but you manage to balance yourself before brining the eldest itadori into a hug. sukuna goes stiff for a moment before returning the embrace and doesn’t resist when you press your face into his shoulder. there’s an awkward pat before they release each other from the hold.
sukuna .. before he’s shrugging you off.
“god, what a noob. at least let me cover it up. you’re going to irritate the skin.”
when he turns back to rummage through his desk you note the hint of a flush creeping up his nape. you know better than to mention it, instead just smiling at his back.
there is a scowl on his face as he applies the cotton square to your skin and tapes it in place.
“please do not itch this shit. i don’t care if you feel like your skin is going to fall off.”
he presses a small tube of antibiotic into your hand.
“and apply this daily. you don't need it drying out. “
you’re grateful for the little slip of printed instructions that follow. you were able to remember the sensible directions but it couldn't hurt to have additional guidance when you started to question the progress.
“oh and no sex.”
that was definitely not on the list.
sukuna raises a brow in all seriousness. “what? if you get your blood pumping too much.”
you call him on his bullshit,” this small? hardly. “
he raises his hands in mock surrender. “alright, try it yourself if you want. i charge for touch ups though.”
the two of you size each other up. just like old times.
with a sigh you relent, “fine, no sex.”
“good, see me in two weeks.”
his words stop you short. it wasn’t as if you needed anything added and he wasn’t a physician checking on your progress. if anything, you would only revisit your artist if there was a problem.
“what for?”
the dawning grin would follow you for the next fourteen days.
“to make sure you didn’t have sex.”
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