#and I’m getting attitude and treated like shit and made fun of so
raeathnos · 1 year
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maoam · 4 months
Ramblings stemming from frustration with this fandom sometimes. ( Naruto. )
I know Naruto fandom has always been a tad toxic ever since it started becoming popular and such, but something about these newer fans who are so comfortable with d3ath threats, body shaming, sa threats, and d0xxing other people for the sake of a character. Fandom discourse is truly never that serious and the fact that they’ve become so obsessed with “ratioing” or “owning” other people that they’re willing to say absolutely vile things all for what… some likes? Validation from other gross people?
And then for these people to still say they’re the “good part of the fandom” or “the sane part”. It’s almost narcissistic for lack of a better word at the moment. ( not diagnosing anyone or speaking as if I’m some sort of mental health expert. Just can’t think of another word right now because of the headache this phenomenon is causing me as it is becoming much too common. )
They have this obsession with demonizing “the other side.” To the point of making false claims, which is insane. Or maybe they actually believe them? I can’t tell. They just spread whatever makes them feel good about what they like and don’t care about the source.
This is mainly a lame annoyed rant about the Hinata fanbase which have become somehow even worse within the past few days with their weird obsession with trying to get the Boruto artist (I think he works for sp? Unsure as he says most of his art is fanart but he made a like two or three official pieces that were on the official boruto/naruto page.) fired and sending him death threats for I guess just not drawing Hinata as much as they want? Like to the point where they were literally saying she was being “oppressed and bullied” by this artists. It was insane to see in person because you really would like to believe people WOULDNT compare a character not being drawn in a way they approve of to the oppression the people of Palestine are facing but hey, I suppose it’s a competition now to see how much of a bad person you can be for the sake of a character.
Also I know this is not just an issue in the hinata fandom, although the recent need to fetishize how “Asian Hinata is compared to that white girl sakura.” Is irking me a lot more than what other fandoms have done as of recent that I’m aware of. The Sakus seem to be their usual level of delusion and crappy attitude. Which is easy to ignore for me.
Does it sound like I’m making stuff up at this point? Because as I’m writing this I’m seeing just how insane this really is. This *shouldn’t* be real. This *shouldn’t* be things people say without shame. And yet, people just throw their morals for… what, internet points? The self validation that they defended to their favorite character? Who knows.
You might not even read this, I wouldn’t blame you lol. Just me being annoyed with how comfortable people within the naruto fandom have become so comfortable with being bad people.
My only real question is have you noticed an increase of toxicity within the fandom? Do you think this behavior has gotten worse with the ending of Naruto and beginning of Boruto?
I kinda get what you mean. I remember even before the manga ended there was apparently aggressive fights between Narusaku/Naruhina shippers, like the body shaming towards the other ship's girl and so on. And SS also were aggressive. But nowadays it indeed seems worse. I'm not sure if it's because we have new big platforms? Twitter and Tiktok I mean, both have really cancerous fandom spaces.
SS/NH harass official staff all the time, as well as other parts of the fandom. And then they act like victims because some people think Sakura and Hinata are shitty characters lol. Meanwhile they treat real people like shit. I think it might be because everyone makes fun of their ships/girls all the time, because it's so easy, so they become even crazier in trying to compensate, they try to harass the staff for more content for their ship, to get back at the people who say their ships suck. Also because so many popular content creators keep making content on Naruto and Sasuke being gay and Sakura/Hinata being their beards it's also humiliating to them.
Of course, they also need to fight which girl is the best girl. Which girl is less of a single mother for example. XD
"Or maybe they actually believe them?" Considering how many SS have convinced themselves that some moments that happened between Naruto and Sasuke actually happened between Sasuke and Sakura, I can believe them being that delusional.
"Does it sound like I’m making stuff up at this point?" No because I have witnessed it myself, plenty Sakura and Hinata stans on twitter have that toxic "bad bitch" attitude that they think makes them queens or whatever, they harass people and are extremely aggressive and think female character doing the bare minimun = queen behaviour. It comes off as very childish and narcissistic. No wonder Sakura and Hinata as characters appeal to them.
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showtoonzfan · 1 year
I really don’t understand some fans when they say that Blitz and Moxxie have an “interesting” dynamic and work off each other well. They portray Blitz as this “lovable goofball” who wants what’s best for his employees but is childish and crass, meanwhile Moxxie is the kind straight man and they’re a “foil to each other”, but….not really???
Their dynamic WOULD be interesting if Blitz was rewritten, perhaps as some kind of inexperienced boss who has no idea how to run a company or knew what he was doing, OR maybe someone similar to Mr. Krabs, a cheapskate who always gets the gang into trouble in wild ways and who’s methods are too over the top, someone just completely unhinged, had they kept the whole “I want to prove Imps are just as capable of doing anything like other demons”- for his motivation. He could be this crazy boss who while is mad, is actually VERY smart than people lead on, kinda like Lupin the Third vibes if you’ve seen that anime, just a guy who can be in over his head at times and nosedives first into situations, but also someone who isn’t 100% dumb and is actually very skilled and resourceful. Meanwhile keep Moxxie the same, just get rid of the punching bag scenario. Moxxie WOULD serve as a good foil dynamic for Blitz, because he is more stern, serious, and sophisticated, he’s the straight man who thinks Blitz’s ideas are absolutely insane and that constantly criticizes him, because the other is so unhinged and delusional compared to him. THEN they really would have been a fun dynamic, but that’s not the case for the show.
Blitz’s instead is just this asshole, his entire dynamic with Moxxie is just that he verbally abuses him and beats him down EVERY chance he gets, and it’s for no reason other than the writers are trying way too hard to be shockingly edgy and funny. I get that Moxxie is the straight man, but they give Blitz NO fucking reason to treat Moxxie the way he does, especially the sexual harassment and the creepy part about how much he wants to lay him and his wife. Also….Blitz as a character doesn’t even seem like he cares about his business at all? Like in the pilot it actually seemed like his passion project, but in the show he acts like it’s such a chore, complaining about clients constantly and always having this grumpy attitude towards it, he only seems to be in it for the money and I really don’t know why the show scrapped the idea of him doing this in the first place to prove Imps are worthy, in my opinion it would have been better and made more sense, but it doesn’t help as a vision since the show clearly doesn’t care about the “BOSS” aspect of the show anymore, aka the original fucking premise since the IMP business is now a background thing.
But anyway, yeah I don’t buy Blitz and Moxxie as a team, it’s honestly such a toxic “friendship” because Blitz barley shows companionship for his employees outside of thirsting over them or just being a dick to them. I’m still not over the “I treat you like shit to toughen you up” schtick, literally fuck off Vivzie.
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dreams-and-drabbles · 2 years
Could you do scaramouche accidentally confessing in an arguement ? ( roommate au is u can? Plz i dont see enough of these 😕🙏)
OMG SAMEEEE —!!! Roomate AUs are such a rare breed 😭 and I’d be happy to write this ! Tysm for the ask, anon !!!
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[ The ACCIDENTAL confession ]
You scowled, your fist clenched around a crumpled piece of paper. After hours of searching, you’d finally found it crumpled up in the trash—
It was the assignment for tomorrow’s class, and it had been on the table when you’d left the apartment.
Your roommate, Kunikuzushi was lounging on the couch and scrolling through his phone, as though he hadn’t broken one of the ground rules…
“Kuni, I told you not to throw out my stuff.”
You spoke, your tone was slightly higher, likely due to your slight irritation.
You both had talked about this. When moving in together, you’d each set out a few ground rules— One of them, was to not throw out anything that was obviously yours.
Kunikuzushi looked up at you, scoffing as he set down his phone.
“I said if there was shit on the floor, especially papers, I would throw them away… Remember? I’m not in the habit of checking what things are, if it’s paper and it’s on the floor, it must be unimportant.”
Kunikuzushi spoke, his tone clipped. You grit your teeth, eyes narrowing in annoyance.
“It was on the table, in the kitchen—! I didn’t just throw it on the floor, you know?”
You grit out, and he shrugged.
“Shouldn’t have left it where it would fall on the floor, then.”
You bit your lip, tears building up in your eyes.
He could be such a jerk, at times!!! Yeah, he had his cool moments— That was the ONLY reason you could stand to live with him. He could be really fun at times, but still—!!
Still, rarely was he ever willing to take even part of the blame for something, if he felt he didn’t do anything wrong.
What made it worse was that it only seemed to be YOU that he treated that way. He was fine with working with just about anyone else, if he felt it was necessary— Why you?! Was it because you two lived together?!
That wasn’t an excuse! If anything, he should be more willing to work with you—! You shared a space, after all!!!
You rarely ever got any sincere apologies from him and this was just—!
“I’m not even going to get a sorry?!” You hiss, your voice shaky.
He looked up, his eyes widening a fraction at the expression on your face—
“Why should I? You left it where it would fall. It’s just a paper, and I know full well you type them first anyways. Just print another copy. You’re getting all worked up over nothing.”
He said, returning to his phone.
At that point, you let out a harsh breath, your vision blurred slightly by frustrated tears.
“You’re ALWAYS like this—! You’re never willing to bargain, or apologize, or admit to ANYTHING if it means you’re even slightly in the wrong! I’ve SEEN how you talk to others, too! Why is it only ME that you treat like this, huh?! Is living with me that horrible?! You’re so conceited !!! If you looked past that big ego of yours for a second, then maybe you’d be able to SEE how upsetting stuff like this is but NOOO—! You can’t drop the attitude for a single second!”
You burst out, your fists shaking.
Kunikuzushi stood up, gesturing to you with his hands.
“This is why! Besides, I’m not entirely in the wrong! Sorry for throwing out your shitty paper! I said when you and I first decided to live together, that I have a tendency to straighten things up! You’re so sensitive at times, like fuck! I can’t believe I fucking find you attractive!”
You’re about to yell out a response, when what he said processes in your mind—
Apparently it processes in his, too, as his eyes widen and he immediately makes a beeline towards his room.
“Wait—! Agh! Ughhh! I’m—! You! Kuni! Kuni, do you mean that?!”
You ask, the crumpled paper in your hand leaving your mind.
There’s a few moments of silence, until finally a muffled response is given.
“Yeah, I mean it… Sorry, about your paper, and whatever else I did wrong… You’re not sensitive, either… I’d be pissed too…”
You stare at the door, dumbfounded. The anger you felt earlier has entirely dissipated at this point, and now all you feel is a numb sort of shock.
“Okay… You’re not conceited. I was just mad… I’m sorry for yelling, and um… I like you too?”
You said, your tone still slightly shaky. You hear a harsh laugh from the other side of the door, and then movement. Kunikuzushi’s door swung open and the next thing you knew, arms were wrapping around you. Your cheeks burned and you returned the embrace, shakily.
This was proving to be one of the weirdest nights you’d ever had, but well—
It explained why only you two seemed tense.
You let out a soft sigh, pulling away from the hug.
“So are we dating…?”
Kunikuzushi gave you a deadpan look, “I would hope so, after all that…”
You nod, a small smile forming on your face.
You still had to reprint your paper, but that could wait a little bit longer…
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lunarfleur · 1 year
Every Single Adam Banks thought I have (for Miles)
Tagging: @collieflower215 @sophie-i-guess13 @juneberrie @sluggmuffin @stupidratboii (this is for you)
Warnings: mention of death
AN: I had to write this from memory TWICE because Tumblrs fucking stupid
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As we know, Adam grew up with a lot of money. He always got the best of everything; clothes, dinner, you name it.
Adam basically grew up without his mom because she died when he was a kid. His dad was the only example he had, which is why he was so awful. He was selfish, he was conceited, he was a bully, and he was sexist. It’s not his fault.
Adam always hung out with the kids who had money, it’s all he’s ever known. Money was what mattered most, in his life. It apparently came before family.
Adam’s dad used all the materialistic things as a substitute for love. (Psssst that’s why Adam’s love languages is gift giving). He rarely ever got anything but a pat on the back for anything. It was always work, money, and being better than everyone else.
“It’s not worth winning if you can’t win big.”
The Ducks
His dad hated it. He thought they weren’t good enough for his son. He thought Adam was too good.
But Adam was okay with it. He just wanted to play hockey.
In the beginning, he felt small. Like, tiny. It was so obvious that, for once, money and talent wouldn’t make them like him. That was a first. They weren’t fazed by how good he was or what brand of clothes he could afford. He had a bad attitude, and the ducks, specifically Jesse, hated it.
But Adam likes Bombay more than Riley. He was nice to Adam and, right away, it was like a pressure being lifted from his shoulders. He could have fun for once. He was allowed to be a kid on Bombay’s team. Bombay went out of his way to take the team to a pro game so they could have fun with each other. Riley would have never.
Jesse ended up being one of the best friends Adam’s ever had. His hatred for his beloved cake eater made Adam a better person and, while Jesse continuously felt bad for how he treated him, Adam would forever be thankful.
D2 was Adam’s peak. Things were great.
He was playing away from his father. This meant that his dad wouldn’t pick apart everything he did right after every game and find something to argue about. This meant that he could relax a little bit.
Adam and Julie got along pretty well. It was surprisingly easy for Adam to adapt to her personality, and she was a fairly patient person so it gave him time to open up more.
However, when his wrist got injured, he was terrified of what it would do to his dad’s dream. Adam just wanted to play, it was his dad who wanted him to go big.
Bombay really became a father figure for Adam during the Goodwill Games. Gordon believed in him and genuinely cared about him, not his hockey talent or money. He was there to give pep talks and pats on the back: the few things Adam never got from his dad. Bombay never hesitated to say, “I’m proud of you.” That’s what Adam needed.
D3 Adam deserved better. Everything that happened was beyond his control.
All he wanted to do was play hockey. But he was too good at it, so they put him on varsity. It was the worst thing for him.
His friends treated him like the villain because it was either join varsity or not play. He didn’t have a say in what team he played for, and The Ducks were way too quick to assume he just switched sides. They never listened to him.
The varsity treated him like shit. They’d talk about him behind his back, make sly remarks, and sometimes they’d ignore him. They talked about his friends right in front of his face. They forced him to go to parties he didn’t want to go to. And, worst of all, for every single prank they pulled on the other freshmen, they didn’t tell him a thing.
After a while, it was hopeless for Adam to say, “they don’t deserve that,” because he’d get shit for it. So he just stopped talking altogether.
I wish we had gotten to see how the team made up with Adam because, like, one minute they’re fighting and the next they’re friends again?? What??
In my mind, Adam didn’t get anything close to the apology he deserved. He got some mumbled apologies and sincere looks, and he took it because it was more than he’d ever gotten his entire life. But deep down, he wanted to scream at every single one of them. He deserved to.
I hate the way The Ducks were so okay with acting as if Adam was “one of them.” He deserved so much better.
Adam’s love life
Bro has issues. He’s so genuinely bad at interacting with people that he’d ignore you for days on end because he didn’t know how to talk to you.
He’s literally never experienced genuine affection, so he’s so so so scared. Like, oh you want to hold his hand? He all but blows up. He avoids it for quite a while.
Literally all he needs it patience and reassurance. If you listen to him and try to understand why he is the way he is, you’ll get there eventually.
You don’t understand. The bar is so low.
Literally just, like, be nice to him, don’t leave, and treat his friends with respect and he will love you forever. That’s how low the bar is. Do the bare fucking minimum and he’s ready for marriage bro.
But, no, he deserves so much better and I just love him so much.
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mhathotfic · 2 years
Tumblr mobile decided to post this a week early so I’m just editing to say so, but I’m still allowed to be as self indulgent as I want and demand praise on this because it’s my birthday gift to myself. It’s not super long due to lack of energy but I’m happy with it regardless.
Warnings: afab reader that uses they/them pronouns, dom reader/bottom Bakugou, male masturbation, use of toys, Bakugou typical refusal to communicate properly, pegging, written with plus size reader in mind
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x reader
“F-fuck, oh fuck” a carefully quiet moan slipped from his lips. Pleasure sparking through his veins with every bounce of his hips, distracting from that pitiful gnawing sense of shame that tries to eat him up when he gives in to this want. Gives in to his needs.
He almost wishes he didn’t have such a strong sense of curiosity and had never discovered this. Almost wishes he had never tried it in the first place, but then he’d angel his hips just right and see bright white stars of pleasure blurring his vision.
A hand wrapped around his dick as he swore and cursed his stupid discovery of one of the best things he’s ever felt. Trying to push aside his embarrassment for the stupid harness strapped to a pillow just so he could simulate getting fucked a little better.
Trying even harder to not pay attention to the lewd squelch of his lubed ass being penetrated over and over. To pay no mind to the name on the very tip of his tongue or the image his brain conjured up while that knot in his stomach pulled tighter and tighter.
Gleaming eyes that sparkled with a sense of satisfaction at his undoing, plump lips pulled into a smug grin and sing-song tone of voice that teased him for being so needy. A perverted image of his best friend and roommate (Yn).
Perfectly plump and soft body pressing into his muscular, larger frame. Treating him like he’s the most deliciously delicate being in the world and they’re honored to break him down into a whiny mess covered in his own cum.
The thought of which made it so much harder for him to keep that name out his mouth. Trying so desperately to at least keep himself just quiet enough to not be heard as he mumbled out his declaration of desperation and love.
“Oh my! Do you really feel that way about me Tsuki? That’s so sweet!” came an overly saccharine coo from his doorway.
He froze awkwardly in place, unsure of if this was real. If they were really standing there with that stupid, infuriating, all too smug smile of theirs. Witnessing him in such a compromising position.
Watching him barely satisfying himself, he hoped it was a fucked up dream. That it was all fake and they weren’t judging him for his shamefully des—“You’re making a cute face right now you know? I’ve never seen that one on you Katsuki, can you be a a good boy and show me more?”.
His breath hitched, they had to be real, and they had to be fucking with him right? He didn’t have time to give some biting retort, rather he didn’t get the chance.
“It’s not like you to get shy, do you want help? I bet it’ll feel a lot better that way too!” he blinked slowly, his senses returning just as slow before he snapped.
“The fuck are you playing at huh?! Trying to make fun of me or—” “Yeah I genuinely don’t care if you’re gonna be a brat about it. Cut the attitude and the assumption I don’t want to watch your cute ass swallowing that pretty little toy you got or you can continue fucking yourself instead”.
Something about the hard set glare, as if begging him to step out of line and the flat tone he’s never heard them use almost made him want to comply.
“You know what? Fuck you, can’t make do shit for you!” almost.
“I shouldn’t give you the satisfaction but…” they sighed, catching him off guard and shoving him off his little makeshift rig. Disorienting him from the sudden loss of that full sensation and shocking him with how quickly they managed to strip down and strap up.
He barely even had the chance to spit out some vitriolic comment about them being whore for how well practiced they are only to have his face shoved into his mattress and told to hold still like that.
“Pfft so you can follow orders huh? Just gotta treat you like the slut you say I am”.
“O-oh fuck you, y— aha! F-fuck you d-didn’t… didn’t even—” “warn you?” they finished his sentence, relishing in the quick disappearance of his attitude “why, should I have hmm? You knew what was happening, did you think I’d go easy and treat you like a good boy when you’ve only given me attitude?”
Their hips began to rock into him, far rougher than he was used to, but delectably none the less. Hitting spots he was unaware of and setting his very being ablaze with a euphoria he didn’t know existed until now.
Pulling pathetic moans and whines from deep with in him and making it impossible for him to think other than to beg for more.
“God, oh shit, (Y-yn) fuck please, wanna cum”
“Hmm ready to be my good boy then? Gonna let me make you cum all over yourself?” he shook with anticipation, a hissed out agreement and a plea for them to make him feel so fuck good was all they needed to hear.
Wrapping his hand around his leaky cock, they guided him in exactly how they expected him to jerk himself off before grabbing hold of his slim waist and matching the quick pace of his hand. Hitting and prodding at his prostate. He was glad they couldn’t see his teary reddened face properly or the way he gritted his teeth with his eyes screwing shut when his orgasm hit.
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lemon-boy-stan · 2 years
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summary: yn is afraid she might be the reason steve dies the next time they go into the upside down. genre: angst, fluff. warnings: swearing, stranger things v2 spoilers. hints of depression. pairing: steve harrington x munson!reader. an: the reader is eddie’s younger cousin, but they both live with mr. munson so eddie treats her like his younger sister. set in v2?? i think???
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You didn’t think you’d been yelling, but your voice travelled all the way downstairs Nancy’s house. “I DON’T CARE WHAT STEVE OR EDDIE THINKS, ROBIN! I’M NOT UPSET, I’M FINE!”
Robin crossed her arms, “Y/N, you’ve been acting miserable and shitty all day! You yelled at Nancy because the batteries didn’t fit the radios properly! You’re being mean to the kids! You kicked your cousin in the shin! Eddie wasn’t too happy about it, you know! And you’ve been ignoring Steve the whole day! Oh my god, don’t even get me started on Steve -”
But Robin never actually got to start talking about Steve, because you walked into the nearest room and slammed the door loudly in her face before she could continue speaking. 
You groaned loudly and flopped onto the bed before realising you were in Nancy’s room, the pink walls a little too bright for your liking, but you weren’t going to get up any time soon, so you might as well take it all in.
On the wall next to the door, there was a cupboard with a messy surface, a jewelry box that Robin had picked up the day before and reluctantly put back down. On the wall next to the shelf there was a closet which was half open, the inside of the door tacked with a Madonna poster. Across the bed was a desk with a collage of photos above it. 
You couldn’t help but smile, she’d already put the polaroid photo in the muddle. It’s our last day on Earth, you’d said yesterday, let’s all take a photo for at least one of us to remember when the rest of us are dead. Even though Dustin looked horrified and Robin hit you upside the head for making such a depressing comment, everyone agreed that yes, taking a photo could lift our spirits.
So you took eight photos, one for each of you, the kids in the front with Mad in the middle, though in this one she was frowning because she didn’t like the idea of taking so many photos. Dustin and Lucas were doing bunny ears on her head. You stood behind them, between your boyfriend and your cousin. Steve had to stand at the edge because he was so damn tall. Robin stood next to Eddie, who made his infamous rock-on sign with his hands, and had his tongue out.
The photo was actually blurry. Nancy had wanted to be in it, too, and had run in just before the shutter had gone off, around the same time Steve had kissed you, Eddie and Robin shared looks with each other, Max crossed her arms and Dustin and Lucas turned at the two of you with horrified faces. No one was actually looking at the camera. Not even Max, because she was rolling her eyes.
And suddenly you were crying. You’d wished that Nancy hadn’t put up that photo. Because yesterday wasn’t your last day. Today was. It was the last time you’d be around your friends. Around your cousin, a man accused for murder. Your best friend Robin, her crush Nancy, and your boyfriend, Steve. Also, like, these weird children he hanged around with a lot? But it didn’t matter that they were weird. You’d grown attached to them, even the ones in California.
You cried softly again, your smooth black hair flowing below your shoulders, the tears down your cheeks. That was the only thing you and Eddie had in common; the colour of your hair. Well, that and your attitude. You had a love for music, too, but Eddie always said indie music “wasn’t music”.
In fact, Eddie wasn’t too thrilled when he’d found out you were dating “Pretty Boy Steve Harrington Who Doesn’t Know his Ass From his Head.” three years ago, and especially not when Steve’s friends made fun of Eddie being into that “satanic cult shit”. And he was still miffed about it when you found him in Reefer Rick’s trailer, which was probably why he almost tried to kill your boyfriend the first time they properly met... but after Dustin’s persuasive speech and Eddie seeing Steve step up in that tiny boat on Lover’s Lake to lecture you about safety, well, Eddie was okay after that.
Which was exactly the problem. Not Eddie being okay with you dating Steve, but with you dating Steve. It might very well be your last day on Earth tonight, on this dimension. But you weren’t about to let it be Steve’s. 
And if you and Steve were dating, well... to put it shortly, you knew that if it was you who’d dived that night, he would’ve gone after you, too. And that was the main issue here. That Steve was going to die tonight, and it was going to be your fault.
You would blow up in his face in a near-death situation and he would try to save you and would save you but he would die doing it, he would die doing it and you’d be alive and he would be dead and it would be all your fault. 
The space on the bed next to you sank and you jumped up in surprise, taking your head out of your hands before groaning loudly again, seeing who it was. Steve ignored the groan, smiling gently instead. “Hey,” he gave you a small wave, “how are you doing?” and you crossed your arms before turning to face Nancy’s shelf, “I’m doing fine.” and even though you weren’t looking, you knew that Steve was giving you that stupid look with that stupid condescending expression. 
“Okay,” and you knew he was playing with his hands, too. “Okay, that’s good. So why did you yell at Robin, then? She wasn’t too upset about it, but she said she’s worried because she thinks you’re loosing your shit.” his words made you turn around at him and glare, “I’m not loosing my shit. And I didn’t yell at her.” rolling your eyes, crossing your arms.
Steve sighed heavily, “baby, you yelled so loud we could hear you from Mike’s basement.” your stomach churned with guilt, but you weren’t about to let him win any time soon. You shook your head furiously, “I wasn’t yelling. I wasn’t.” Steve reached forwards, “baby, it’s okay if you were. You’re stressed, we all are. Even Robin’s not upset about it, baby. She understands.” You were still shaking your head, “I wasn’t yelling!” you were yelling again, but this time you knew. 
The tears formed in your eyes and Steve sighed quietly, “baby. What’s wrong, honey?” you buried into his denim jacket, “it’s okay if I die,” crying softly with your legs curled up into his lap, “but it - it’s not okay if you die,” choking out the words before he could argue anything back, “I can’t - you - I don’t want you to die for me, Stevie, I wanna br - we have to break up because if not you’ll die for me, you’ll die for me and I’ll be here and you’ll not even be there, you’ll just be gone and it will have been all my fault, I’d have killed you and it will have been my fault, please just break up with me please.”
And you’d only seen Steve cry once, when he was drunk. But this time he cried he cried loud, rumbled sobs, not even bothering to hide it. “I’m not leaving you,” he spoke stubbornly, and his tears fell deep into your head, “I’m never leaving you. You won’t ever kill me, baby, no matter how hard you try. You will fail, because you’ll never be able to get rid of me, I’m sticking to you like glue. Lobsters mate for life, Y/N. And I swear to god I am gonna be around even after our sixth kid’s funeral...”
You stopped crying and Steve laughed softly, kissing your forehead gently. You sniffed and smiled before frowning and looking up, “six kids?” the shock settling in as he sniffed the tears away, “you want me to have six kids? Are you out of your fucking mind, Steven? I don’t even want children, Henderson! That’s a fucking throng!” but Steve nodded eagerly, his puppy-dog eyes shining in caramel tones of tinted coffee and shades of browns. 
“Yeah! Six little Harrington nuggets. We could get one of those trailer things and drive around in the summer and go to the Rockies or the Grand Canyon. Eddie can come too.” and you snorted at the thought of Eddie on a road trip with children. Then you rolled your eyes, “I don’t care. I’m not pushing out six kids, no, not even spaced out!” you added furiously, as Steve opened his mouth, probably to say, what if they were all a few years apart? and you shook your head, “it’s one or two. One or two, you got that, Harrington?” Steve chuckled at this, kissing you softly on the lips. 
“Okay,” he said, still smiling, “I can live with that. But the point is... you’re not getting rid of me any time soon, baby.” and you sniffed before giggling quietly. You scoffed, “jesus. Six kids. You know, you’re not the one with the uterus! You’re fucking crazy, Harrington.” and Steve put his arms up in surrender.
“Okay, okay! I get it. One or two. A boy and a girl, maybe. Are you sure you don’t want three?” you giggled again before shoving him playfully to the side, “one or two!” and Steve leapt up from where you’d pushed him, “grahhhhh! I can’t beleieve you’ll only have two of my six kids! How are the defaults gonna carry on the family name?” you were still giggling, “are you sure you’re not the original default gene, Stevie?” making him shout “grahhh!” again, attacking you with ferocious tickles that made you shriek with sobs of laughter.
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alyjojo · 25 days
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May 🏋🏻 2024 Monthly - Leo
Preshuffle: Life is boring, everything is monotonous, it may feel like the same thing day in and day out, for a time. You’re getting cranky. A solution to this is being chosen by you, but it may not be the best option, especially if it’s something you’d be afraid for others to know about.
Meditation: As a lion 🦁, you were coming up on a “rabbit hole” 🕳️ that actually was more like a giant pit. A pit made for a lion even, it was big enough. Who knows how far it went down? You were moseying about, minding your business, when you found the hole and became curious. Coming right up to it, the edges of the ground started to give way, and you ended up nearly falling in, clinging to the top with your claws. You needed help, but didn’t want to call out for it, because then someone would know you were nosing about where you shouldn’t have been.
Main energy: 2 Pentacles
Look…you’re not going to like this, but as I’m laying down the cards, The Devil, Disturbance, Final Sunset…other cards are showing me that Spirit’s message here is “lighten up.” And then that “Why you always in a mood?” song started playing. So yeah, Taurus energy is likely to get under your skin this month. Things are going too slow, you could feel like you’re waiting on everything - not just one thing. Everywhere is an excuse or a hold-up, everything costs too much or it’s unavailable, at some point you’re gonna get pretty snippy in general - but may take it out on someone in particular. Someone lighthearted, playful, flirty, trying to *poke the bear* aka you, for a smile 😊 Not a meltdown. But…shit happens. The pressure is building for you this month. 2 Pentacles shows a lot going on and you’re constantly busy. You can’t see change in the future, it’s like there is nothing to look forward to? That’s the real problem here. Some of you may be entertaining several options in the dating department - and so far no one has really tickled your fancy to progress with. Or, someone may have treated you as a casual option, and you’re fit to be tied about it.
What’s going on in May:
The Devil:
One of two stories here. Either you’ve successfully battled your demons and put an end to a toxic situation or relationship in your life, standing your ground and making clear decisions on what you will and won’t put up with. The Devil isn’t reversed, so it’s still a process that hasn’t completed, but under the deck a bit - Strength is here. Your energy, which conquers any Devils that may try. You’re getting there, some of you may have dealt with some serious addictions or issues, and you can see them for what they are. Even if it’s your own attitude, you’re aware. Doesn’t make it easy! Temperance would show patience & coasting along day to day, just getting through it being necessary. Not what you want to hear though.
The other story is a connection which may have been hot 🔥 passionate, centered around sex & attraction most likely, that’s since ended. Or it’s died out - if you’re still seeing them, I’m not seeing an ending. This person makes you feel alive, excited, all of the fun and mischevious kind of energy you’re seeking - but they are defensive, have reasons not to engage, or are otherwise not making any effort to change the situation. You’re the one dissatisfied, and also the one that has to fix it, or listen to excuses on why it can’t be better than it is. This could be a repeating pattern in your life. Getting with someone and then getting bored? You could be opening up a little black book again. Just to see. Playing with fire.
Spirit is telling you to chill. Be content for now. There’s a vibe of like…you’ve got it good, and whatever this is isn’t serious enough to potentially have a negative effect on - should you make some kind of reckless or impulsive move - which you’re tempted to, because it’s FUN. Yes fun please. You’re not happy with things exactly how they are…7 Swords at the bottom of the deck, some of you are calming yourself down so you *don’t* do anything for the sake of today, that you’ll have to pay for tomorrow. Some are absolutely up to something. Or maybe just considering it. Little black book has Wyatt - wonder if they’re single? “It can’t hurt.” It’s that vibe, whatever it is. Could involve substances. You seek to live a little dangerously and take some kind of risk - even if it’s just being entertained in your mind. Temperance doesn’t ACT immediately, but can also be resolution & compromise should you try getting in touch with some old friends/something. You want some 🔥 excitement but aren’t willing to hurt anyone or get into shit that’s going to cost you - 2 Pentacles is weighing options (or people?) and deciding what you want - or you’ll need to.
The Wheel of Fortune:
This situation could be karmic for someone, you or someone in particular, could be a Capricorn. After so much time goes by, with one person messing with the other one’s head or entertaining other options perhaps, or just other things - the other things are always more important - they could be the one that’s “not chosen.” Makes sense. This person may have been waiting for drama, worries, hurt, and instead got what they asked for - no cooperation or solid decisions from you. Or that’s switched. “Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.” If not that, then you could feel a lack of cooperation generally, maybe at work above everything else, and it’s draining your energy. Same shit, different day, you’re waiting for progress that never comes and it’s got you feeling pissy. You’re not wrong, something’s gotta give. 2 Pentacles isn’t a sustainable energy, you can’t stay on top of your game and everyone else’s game forever, it’s too much. Or it’s taking too long for your priorities to be *the* priorities, you could do that.
King of Pentacles:
Clarified by Queen of Wands (you), The Fool, The Hermit, and Strength. Chariot at the bottom. All major arcana, this is a serious change you may impulsively decide on that leaves you feeling alone. Or that’s switched. Maybe you impulsively decide to be alone in the first place, enough is enough, this person doesn’t prioritize you in the way that you need. You feel discarded, bored, not celebrated, nothing is going anywhere. So fk it, you’ll be alone then 🤷 I get a stubborn and negative mindset from you greatly affecting this decision. I’m not seeing consistent effort or communication even - being put into changing a dynamic, more like a lot of waiting and expecting…which isn’t working out. Might want to let someone else know what you’re expecting if that’s the route we’re taking here. Or that’s switched. If there’s a lack of cooperation in response, it feels deserved. For some this is regarding work too, you could suddenly decide to NOT give as much effort. Suddenly you’re taking vacations, declining clients, making space for yourself to breathe, where before you probably went too hard at 1000. You can’t stay at 1000 and nothing is changing, you now get 500, congratulations - whoever/whatever.
Page of Wands:
This is happy & excitable communication, maybe someone is trying to make you laugh or lighten you up, “it’s not that serious.” And they’re kinda right, it’s maybe not, but your feelings aren’t being honored by someone, love, work, whatever, and so how you respond to that is kinda on them. They may not understand it though, nor will they give you the reaction you seem to be baiting them for. Or this is switched. Someone is attempting to reach out and communicate, the other person is not “in the mood,” to talk, but they’re still watching what you’re doing, saying, etc. Snow Leopard shows needing time, The Hermit needs time, this all is showing it’s already been plenty of time - maybe others have wasted - so take all of the time you need.
Signs you may be dealing with:
Heavy Capricorn, Sagittarius, Taurus, Scorpio, Aries & Leo
Oracle: ✨
Disturbance 👀
Obscure - Irritation - Supernatural
Stubbornness 😤
Selfness - Mulish Attitude - Arrogance
Snow Leopard 🐆
“Take some time out of your usual life and spend it in solitude.”
It can be difficult to spend time in solitude these days, to unplug from electronics and get into nature, or off by yourself, if only for a few hours. Although you may feel anxious or restless when you first do this, you’ll relax. Use this time for contemplation and meditation, it’s not isolation, it’s solitude. If possible, take a full day off to yourself, and do whatever you want to do. Enjoy the feeling of sacred space around you in solitude, and know you’re never alone.
We enter into May as:
Salmon Chairs 🌷
“Come sit in my chair and feel my love”.
People, places and events are being drawn to you beyond your wildest imagination. Aim higher, for you will draw even greater experiences into your life. It is time to step up to the next level. All “things” are energy and will be drawn to you when you allow your energy to grow. The Salmon Chairs is being brought to you as a gift, to raise your faith and self esteem. It is a gentle and profound change in the way one relates to themselves, and the world. We create the life we feel we deserve. Often we feel we must do something to prepare, yet Salmon Chairs says “Stay in the light of truth, meditate, and relax - if you drink in the light and allow spiritual wealth, you will be surrounded by material wealth.” This is about subtle action, and receiving is an action. You are being told to sit still and receive the bounty that is coming to you. Salmon Chairs can also signify a love relationship in the wings, it’s your choice to receive it. It may also be a present relationship that’s moving to the next level, both spiritually and physically.
What is to be learned in May:
Final Sunset 🌅 :
“A life has come to its spectacular conclusion.”
This is a reminder to cherish all of the beauty in your life, including endings. Spirit embraces you and the loss you are aware of at this time. When we watch a day’s sunset, we can recognize the beauty of an ending. All things have a completion, even life. This is the end of a long journey. It is a time to reflect on your part of history, and discover what you value most. This could be a long emotional road ending, or simply a project at work that took a lot of effort and time. Too often we look to what is “next”, and miss the spectacular beauty of the finale. Do not fear the completion. Stay in the now, cry, laugh, reflect. Be with the fullness of your experience.
Orange may be a lucky color 🧡
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yeetlegay · 2 years
Heya! Asking this as someone who has watched the movie Pretty Woman but not for a LONG time, so my memory is fuzzy.
If I recall correctly, there were some bits in various spots that I think wouldn't float today. So if the Pretty Woman movie were remade today, with an updated approach and more contemporary viewpoints on sex work, what do you think might change? How might the story go differently?
Partly I'm asking because I'm curious to see what different choices you make from the film in FLH. 🤔 *curious curious curious*
Ohhhh this is fun, although idk if I’m the person to speak in depth about the “right way” to tell a story about sex work. Most of what I know about the industry is based on either a) academic scholarship or b) conversations with friends who currently are or used to be in sex work. Representation of sex work is complicated and there are contradicting opinions even within the sex worker community about what it should look like.
With that disclaimer aside, the original Pretty Woman movie isn’t perfect by any means. I think its big weakness is with Vivian’s character and how they chose to write/depict her journey and backstory. They lean into this very Christian/evangelical/biblical idea that women become prostitutes because they have a low sense of self-worth or they’re tricked/forced into it. (I say women because the movie ignores the existence of male sex workers entirely, and is so heavy with the gender binary that trans and nonbinary sex workers are even further off its radar.) Obviously sex workers can have low self-worth just like anyone else, and it’s a high-risk profession that a lot of people get manipulated or trafficked into. The problem is that they didn’t have any other sex workers in the movie besides Vivian’s friend Kit, who’s in pretty much the same boat as far as character background and motivations.
(Throwing in a cut here, it’s about to get rambly lol)
So what hasn’t aged well for me is that Vivian’s development relies so much on ideas about sex work that minimize women’s agency and moralize their sexuality. Vivian got to be the main character in the movie, the person people rooted for, because a) she was ashamed of how she made a living and b) her arc centered around self-esteem and wanting to be “saved” from poverty and exploitation, both of which made her a kind of Mary Magdalene figure that was the only archetype of a sex worker that would be palatable/sympathetic to a broad audience’s values and norms.
That perception of her was reinforced by a pretty big age gap, even though it’s not really discussed much in the movie. Julia Roberts and Richard Gere have a 19-year age gap. She was like 22 to his 41 when this movie was made. To be clear, I don’t give a shit about age gaps (I actually love age gap romances when done well, noona romances are my absolute WEAKNESS) and I’m not saying it makes their relationship unhealthy or anything. It’s just something that helps drive home to both them and the audience that Vivian is the young girl who needs a second chance, and Edward is the older man who can help her. He treats her well, but also he has a pretty condescending, paternalistic attitude toward her that exacerbates the power/class divide and infantilizes her a bit for the audience’s sake. Honestly he’s kind of a dick lol. It’s a miracle I like this movie as much as I do given how much I would hate him if I met him in real life. (Also the way he doesn’t CALL THE FUCKING COPS when his friend Stucky tries to force himself on Vivian??? What the actual fuck my guy)
Okay, now that I’ve rambled about all that, to answer the “what would I change” part of the question, I’d actually say Fake Love and Hennessy is pretty much my answer tbh, in the broadest strokes at least. When I first started outlining and writing, I knew what didn’t work for me in the original Pretty Woman and I had a decent grasp of sex work advocacy, so it was just a matter of figuring out what felt true to Porsche’s character and sort of reverse engineering the plot of Pretty Woman to fit that as much as I could. Which was actually ridiculously easy, not because I was some kind of genius lol, but just because Pretty Woman and Kinnporsche have a surprising amount of plot points and narrative elements in common. The outline basically fell in my lap, I’m not even joking.
Intentional choices I made re: representing sex work and character arcs:
Porsche has self-worth issues, just like Vivian, but they’re explicitly tied up in his role as caregiver for his brother and the class/power divide between him and Kinn. He doesn’t feel good enough for either of them, but that’s not why he got into sex work. It’s just a thing that happened, a choice he made, and he’s not ashamed about it, even if he feels the friction of deviating from social norms. It helps that Kinn is a deviant too (sociologically speaking, not talking about morals just that they’re both breaking society’s rules in different ways) so it would be pretty hypocritical for him to look down his nose at sex work, a major part of the underground economy in his world. (In fact, pretty much everyone in Kinn’s network is sex work positive and Porsche being a sex worker is by itself a total non-issue. If you’re afraid someone is gonna slutshame him or demean sex work at some point in the fic, don’t be. I’m not writing it, point blank. Not even the villains get to pull that shit on my watch.)
I’m playing around a bit with the wiggly consent moments from the movie. Kinn isn’t as pushy as Edward is, which is because a) he’s not as steeped in Western patriarchal influence and b) he just plain digs consent. He doesn’t repeatedly try to kiss Porsche after Porsche shows visible discomfort (like Edward did in the piano scene) and even after a couple of days when it’s obvious Porsche would be pretty down for kissing, he doesn’t make a move because Porsche already set his boundaries.
The D/s stuff honestly just sort of happened lol, I didn’t mean to make it such a big part of their relationship, but when I realized it was going there I went back to my outline to puzzle it out. It was really important to me that Porsche’s submissiveness wasn’t somehow conflated with powerlessness, considering the class divide between him and Kinn. I wanted it to be about him feeling empowered to own his pleasure and desire in a way he’d never let himself before, NOT about him lacking agency in his body as a sex worker. Porsche as a character is just so wrapped up in taking care of everyone around him that he’s not very self-aware in a lot of ways, so Kinn’s style of domming—extremely attentive, confidence-boosting, worshipful—throws him for a complete loop. So while the movie wasn’t very kinky, I thought Kinn and Porsche’s sexual power dynamic in the fic would be an added way to give Porsche agency as he starts exploring this new side of himself.
I’m still not trying to represent sex work “accurately” because that’s sort of impossible to do, and also it’s fiction, where a bit of idealization/rose-colored glasses treatment is pretty much a given. So I’m not saying this fic is even remotely realistic or true to the lived experiences of sex workers. That was never really my goal honestly. What I do want, and what I hope I’ve succeeded at, is to tell a story that respects sex workers across the board and doesn’t stigmatize, dehumanize, or otherwise contribute to their marginalization and oppression.
Okay, that’s a SUPER LONG response lol I get wordy very easily. There’s a lot of stuff in later chapters that departs from the movie, which I would’ve loved to talk about, but it’s all massive spoilers 😔
This made me realize how much I’d love to talk about all kinds of “behind the scenes” stuff about the fic when it’s done, because there’s all these little things (Easter eggs from the movie and show, role reversal moments, scene inspo, etc.) that I’ve had so much fun thinking about and working into the fic. Maybe I could do some sort of Q&A or something at the end if anyone’s interested, or just a list of fun facts/cutting room floor stuff.
But thank you for asking, Nemi, you gave me the perfect excuse to rant about the movie lol. 💖💖
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thetavolution · 3 months
Tav Party
I want to try something and see how it pans out, just for fun!
I'd love to see whose Tavs would be in a party with mine. Just send me an ask with the name or names of my Tavs that you could see your Tav(s) in a party with! And be sure to tell me about your Tav(s) or link me to a profile/info about them.
If you feel up to the task, you can add a little emoji to represent how your Tav might approach them. I'll answer with whatever I think my Tav would do in response.
Your Tav would want to be friends: 💛 Would become family: 💚 Would want to be lovers: ❤️ Would be enemies: 🖤 Would murder them: ☠️
Don't worry about any Origin characters for this thought exercise.
The Tavs:
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Human Rogue Monk
She's the daughter of a thief and mercenary who is a beloved "member of the family" in Zhentarim circles.
Despite being a professional thief, Tessa is a kind-hearted person. She always overflowing with joyful enthusiasm. Tessa is outgoing and funny. She has a big heart and it’s easy to take advantage of it, especially with a good enough sob story. She has a good-natured sense of humor, but she's not averse to dark humor either. When she’s angry or hurt, or just talking to someone she hates, she can be particularly cold and scathing.
Tessa is far from morally perfect, of course. She’s made peace with stealing, focusing on targets that “deserve” it. That said, she doesn't believe in hoarding wealth. She keeps what she needs (with some left over as a little treat) and spreads the rest of it around to those who might need it.
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Tiefling Bard
Bex is intelligent, but flippant. Not very many things upset her, but when they do anger her, she goes from 0 to 60 in the blink of an eye. She can typically diffuse tense situations simply by a lack of reaction or by telling a joke. She generally keeps a cool head, so much so it seems like she doesn’t care. In reality, she’s tired. She’s seen some shit and she is over it. She is in a constant state of existential dread and it's led to her having a very "is that all there is to a fire?" attitude about life.
Her philosophy is life is hard, why make it harder? She’s way too tired for that shit. She's friendly yet apathetic to most people when she meets them at first. She doesn't hate a lot of people either. Someone would really have to press her buttons or give her a reason to hate them. (I.E. I'm talking like Cazador vile.) She’s the type of person who prefers to stick up for the underdog.
She struggles to trust people on a deeper level, yet she continues to seek out connection with others. Under all her bluster, she has a good heart. She's just used to taking care of herself with little to no help from anybody else. Some people see her as trashy and she'd tell them they're correct.
She’s blunt, but she’s never intentionally hurtful. Sometimes she just sucks at wording herself. She’s never been one to brush off someone else’s hurt feelings with “I’m just being honest” either.
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Shield Dwarf Selûne Cleric
Minty is excitable and bubbly. She’s kind-hearted, friendly, and cheerful. She can be one-track minded, especially whenever she has a new obsession. This can make Minty seem rude when she’s just bulldozing right past someone’s point. 
She’s a little too confident in her knowledge as a cleric, believing she can handle whatever is thrown at her. She's not "stupid" after all. But going out on this adventure teaches her a bit of humility.
Sometimes she can get so single-minded that she doesn’t think twice about her actions. She’ll accidentally hurt people when she becomes obsessed with getting her way. When called out on it, she'll try to make amends as best she can.
She’s a family oriented person. While her father has passed away, she’s very close to her mother and older sister. She’ll do anything to help or take care of them.
She’s quick to adopt friends into her family. So when she puts her family above all, that includes her friends. Even if she doesn’t always see eye to eye with her loved ones, she draws her strength from her family.
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High Elf Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer
Laura is sarcastic, but not cynical. She has a deadpan sense of humor without being unnecessarily mean. (She's only mean to people she believes deserve it.) Laura is blunt about her opinions, but she has some sense of tact. She can be a total dork when she gets excited, especially when it comes to magic. She's as giddy as a school girl whenever she finds a new spell or magical item.
Laura is a natural born leader. She’s talented and brilliant, but she doesn’t trust people easily. She struggles with her self-worth and PTSD, preferring to fight her inner demons in private. Laura doesn’t reach out for help nearly as often as she should. She keeps trying to set aside her trauma and hope it'll sort itself out. She’s a humanitarian at heart and she’s not a judgmental person. At least, not unless what you’re doing is hurting someone else.
She does show signs of someone who has been traumatized. She can be irritable, even when she doesn’t understand why something is upsetting her so much. She’s easily startled and she can have a full on panic attack if something reminds her of her past. When not adventuring, she has to work to keep her mind busy to avoid thinking too much. It's near impossible to get her to talk about what happened to her before she left home. Whatever it is that haunts her, she's trying to keep it firmly in the past.
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Seldarine Drow Monk
Paloma is the quintessential older sister. She’s protective, responsible, determined, and bossy. She’s also short-tempered, high-strung, and sarcastic.
She grew up in an orphanage as one of the older kids. She stepped up to take care of the younger children and she took responsibility for them at a young age. Even after they reached adulthood, she continued to clean up after them and care for them like she always did. She has a habit of stepping in and doing things for other people.
Paloma believes she has to "earn" the right to be in people's lives, which means taking care of them. She has a very dry sense of humor that can sometimes go over people's heads.
She avoids getting help from others, and she reassures everyone she can take care of everything herself. It's a lot easier for her to ignore her own problems if she spends all of her time solving everyone else's. She actually gains a lot of pride and satisfaction from taking care of other people. She just needs to learn to take care of herself... and let other people take care of her every once in a while.
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Rogue Bard Changeling
I have to use a half-drow to make her in BG3 due to the lack of Changeling options.
I don't have her profile up yet, but soon! Lamia is Paloma's adopted younger sister. They grew up in the same orphanage together and neither were adopted due to the prejudice against their species. They aged out of the system instead. She typically hangs out with her Dragonborn Barbarian buddy, Allie.
Lamia's a con artist and thief. She considers herself as more intelligent than most people. She’s smug and her ego is often her downfall. She likes to be perceived as tough as nails and cocky, but she’s a lot more sensitive than she lets on. It doesn’t take much to hurt her feelings, especially if you imply she's stupid. She can be callous toward strangers and acquaintances. She assumes people are cruel until proven otherwise, so why go out of your way to help anyone?
Due to her ability to shape shift into any humanoid, Lamia is able to blend into any crowd. She has the skills and brains to take care of herself. It’s just that her bloated sense of self-importance always lands her in hot water. She's actually a pretty smart cookie though. It's what makes her attitude so frustrating sometimes.
All of her bravado hides a lack of self-confidence and a fear of being abandoned. The only people she trusts with her whole heart are Paloma and Allie. She's so afraid of everyone leaving her that she pushes others away before they can hurt her first. She never had a safety net in life and now it's everyone else's problem.
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Deep Gnome Circle of Spores Druid
Ingrid is soft-spoken and timid. She can be shy, but once she feels comfortable, she loves to talk! People are surprised at how at ease she feels with the dead and the spores, but it makes perfect sense when you get to know her. She respects all aspects of nature, including death and decay. Oddly, it’s become a way for her to confront her own fear of death.
She’s a pushover and she lacks assertiveness. Or, at least, that’s who she was before she started traveling with a ragtag team of certified weirdos. She had to get it together and get over her bullshit. Her bravery comes from how terrified she is. If other people weren't counting on her, she’d probably curl up in a corner and cry. When other people are relying on her, she quickly musters up every ounce of courage she has and powers through her terror.
She always comes through in a clutch. Even when scared out her mind, she’ll never abandon anyone. She’ll just go have a panic attack after it’s safe. She has an incredibly kind heart and strong sense of empathy. 
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Rail Rage (CW: Coarse Language)
The 3/3 Extravaganza continues in this story of annoying visitors meeting their comeuppance in Rail Rage...
Don't bother the locals...
It was a cold, very windy day on the Island of Sodor sometime in Autumn, not really much different from any other.
A visitor from the Mainland had come to visit the North Western Railway. It is not that unusual in this day and age for steam engines from the Mainland heritage railways to visit the last great revenue paying steam railway in the world.
The fact that during the visit, a “rail rage” incident occurred is.
Most of the time, the visitors are humbled and awed by the fact that there is an Island populated by their cousins that are free to work and run in ways that are meaningful to them as locomotives rather than being kept around as museum pieces or run only occasionally.
Most of them are friendly, like Flying Scotsman and City of Truro.
A few are not, like Mallard.
This one was antagonistic.
BR Pacific Britannia-Class 70013 “Oliver Cromwell” was seemingly bent on annoying absolutely everyone on the Island of Sodor on his visit.
He unfortunately had the attitude a distinct set of steam locomotives had that their particular heritage lines spoiled them and whenever the time came to meet other locomotives, he didn’t treat them very respectfully.
(The fact that a lot of the locos on Sodor were either pre-Grouping or Grouping era engines inflamed his attitude...)
He’d given Edward smacktalk at Elsbridge. “Queen Victoria died 100 years ago, time to retire!”. Edward frowned at him but said nothing, quietly seething.
He’d made fun of Toby for being a tram...”Get off the line you old codger! You’ll give yourself a heart attack! And shouldn’t you be on the electric line, being a tram and all?”.
Toby was very angry and attempted to wheesh him, but the Pacific visitor chuffed off laughing.
“You’ll keep!” grumbled Toby, “You’re gonna get yours…”, and hissed steam in his direction.
“Pay him no mind, love!” said Henrietta, his faithful coach.
He said something so crude and disgusting to Murdoch it doesn’t bear repeating, but the mighty engine could only be gainsaid from laying into his BR cousin by the intercession of James.
When Oliver Cromwell came upon Henry chuffing towards Brendam on the mainline with a couple of coaches, he decided that it was an irresistible opportunity to show off…
He raced past him and called out , “Nice coaches! Glad that they made them empty enough for you to pull, you old LMS piece of junk…”, and he pulled away laughing at himself.
Henry was pissed off. He had, as the kids say nowadays, No Chill.
“’LMS Piece of junk?’ Its not enough he comes to visit our Island and insult my friends, he has to give me shit while I’m on duty…”, but a sudden idea came to his smokebox.
If this uppity, pampered heritage Mainlander was going to give lip to basically his Elder and antecedent (the BR Standard classes were strongly based upon Stanier designs, of which Henry was a proud example of, being one of the first Black Fives), then he was going to put the fear of Godred into him.
The constabulary were often stationed at random points on this section of the mainline to trap engines exceeding the speed limit (a safety measure the Fat Controller put to the Island Council to stop incidences of burst safety valves and potential accidents as well as countering foolish machismo amongst the engines). The prospect of getting their crews fined or suspended without pay was enough to get engines to behave.
Only locomotives with specific lamp codes like the ones for Gordon’s Wild Nor’wester, the Flying Kipper and the Sudrian were exempt, and at any point, Henry could always make a clever excuse if he was clocked.
And Oliver Cromwell knew not the lines of Sodor at all. Or this policy as a matter of fact.
As if knowing what his engine was thinking, Henry’s driver turned away from the window and opened the regulator wide.
“We’ll show him, we’ll show him!” snarled Henry. The coaches started singing, “We’ll get him! We’ll get him!”
Knowing that his stretch of track would eventually curve out towards Brendam by the time the idiot BR Britannia wised up, Henry relaxed into his cylinder rhythm and began to trance out.
Trickity trock trickety trock
He drew level and maintained presence of mind only to whistle rudely at Oliver Cromwell; a high-pitched chirp laden with contempt, then fully locked on into running down the line.
As it was said, it was a terribly windy day and it was blowing a cold gale directly into their faces as they ran, creating an even more thunderous atmosphere for those aboard both sets of coaches.
By now they had noticed that Henry was keeping pace and thought it was part of the trip. They kept laughing and cheering towards the passengers in Henry’s carriages, who would laugh and cheer back.
Oliver Cromwell blinked and realized the Black Five was now running level with the creepiest look of blissed-out intensity on his face.
“What the hell are you doing, you crazed Middy loon?!?” he yelled.
Henry took no notice, he was enraptured by his own exhaust beat, the rhythmic clanging of his motion gear and the roar of the wind.
A long blast of Oliver Cromwell’s whistle didn’t snap Henry out of the trance.
Bear tooted hello as he approached on the opposite line, while Henry shouted greetings and continued to follow and ignore Oliver Cromwell with that self-same look of deranged mania on his face.
Oliver Cromwell pumped his pistons as best he could and pulled ahead easily, but he was starting to get the odd feeling that this… was not as it appeared.
Henry was seemingly racing him without making the customary challenge out loud…and was deliberately ignoring him. Was he stalking him? Was this a Rail Rage incident in the making? Why is his driver letting him do this?
Oliver Cromwell was growing more uncomfortable and unhappy as Henry kept pace.
He kept yelling at the Black Five trying to get an answer but Henry ignored him.
The most terrifying part of all this was that Henry didn’t even look angry… he was ecstatic.
Henry began singing.
“One man went to war, went to war, went to war...one man and his baseball bat, went to war in Vickers…'
“Sing it with me girls!”
Henry and the coaches were running full pelt down the line and singing a violent football song…then the passengers were singing it!
“We are Vicarstown...We are Vicarstown!...”
“You’ve done it now, Ollie…” said his driver, “I told you a thousand times not to antagonise the locals… now one of them seemingly wants to kick your smokebox in…”
Oliver Cromwell began to panic and moved to pull ahead as the lines began to spread out before Wellsworth. Driver scolded him for freaking out and maintained a firm grip on the regulator. The spoiled idiot locomotive deserved a bit of a scare from a local, because he knew Henry couldn’t do anything else other than frighten him.
Before anyone knew, they were both storming though Wellsworth at top speed. Lots of people sitting at the station looked mightily impressed, not knowing this was entirely unplanned.
“Look alive Henry, the turn is coming…” shouted his driver, pulling Henry out of his reverie.
With a clang and a clamor, Henry pulled back to slow down, made the turn after Wellsworth and vanished down the line towards Suddery.
“Byyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee…” he and the coaches called out as they pulled away.
Oliver Cromwell was somewhat relieved the crazed green Black Five was gone. But now he was by himself at full tilt down the line… without having the proper head code to run Express.
At 200metres down the line, a bright light startled Oliver Cromwell as he approached Gordon’s Hill.
A speed camera?! On a fucking steam railway? What kind of weird Alice In Wonderland bullshit is this?
They ran the rest of the way towards Vicarstown, and without saying a single word to any engine on the way.
He didn’t bother to insult Gordon who was making his own way towards Tidmouth with the Wild’Norwester.
He didn’t say anything to Percy as he was taking the mail train in the opposite direction from Barrow.
He didn’t say a word to Emily who was sitting in a siding, or to Pip and Emma at Vicarstown.
He was too frightened to say a word. But he complained to his driver and fireman that the “crazy LMS loon” had been about to kill him incessantly and pestered them into talking to the Fat Controller.
Also, he was peeved they had been clocked. No other railway had speed cameras! They absolutely must get out of paying the fine!
“That doesn’t sound like Arthur at all…” said the Fat Controller, referring to Arthur the big ex-LMS Ivatt Class 2MT tank engine, who came to mind first. Arthur was notoriously stable, obedient and not crazy at all.
The idea of Arthur being some kind of deranged stalker was actually kinda funny to the Fat Controller.
“No sir, we are referring to the big green Black Five…”
The Fat Controller questioned Henry at Tidmouth Sheds, who tried to look innocent.
‘I don’t know sir, maybe it was one of those other green LMS tender engines…”
Henry gulped.
“Were you threatening Oliver Cromwell with violent songs?”
“Oh Godred no sir! Me and the coaches were singing ‘One man went to mow, went to mow a meadow! One man and his train, peep! Went to mow a meadow…’, Henry nervously sang.
“I recall something mentioned about a baseball bat…”
Henry panicked. He sang the one song that could have probably have mentioned baseball bats in a non violent context, one that Rosie taught him at Vicarstown.
“Take me out to the ballgame!...”
“I appreciate the demonstration of your singing talents, but don’t bullshit me, Henry… if you did that was an unacceptable breach of hospitality… ….’
Thomas spoke up.
“Its true, Sir! Oliver Cromwell was being an arsehole to everyone on Sodor…”
Edward, who was very tired and really really peeved snarled, “He said that Queen Victoria died a century ago and that I should retire!”
Toby raged “He said I was an old codger that would get a heart attack and should be on the electric line, being a tram and all! Electric! Electric!”
Thomas then said, “He also asked Hiro how long he’s been there… Hiro just said, “From before your designer’s father was swimming around in a nut sack…’, which was a pretty killer comeback…”
The Fat Controller contemplated all these claims.
“I must admit, all of these have a ring of truth...”
‘Everyone had been complaining about Oliver Cromwell’s attitude towards the other engines, staff and rolling stock the entire time but no one wanted to say anything…’
And somehow, the people on his train thought that your little rail rage incident was part of the show! They thought it was a train race that we organized as part of the tour! They were very, very impressed...”
Henry fought the urge to take credit, knowing that if he failed the stern warning to ‘Neither confirm or deny” everyone could get into serious trouble, with the Fat Controller, with Oliver Cromwell’s owners, with the Island Council and everyone.
The Fat Controller could see the struggle raging in his smokebox and he understood. In order to avoid that can of worms, he decided that this matter was to end right here, in a swift and decisive manner so that no one could threaten to sue.
You do that again, I’m putting a tent on you! Got that?!”
“Yes, sir…” said Henry, meekly.
“You report to slow goods duties tomorrow afternoon and for an indefinite period!”
“Thank you, sir…” said Henry, deflated.
At least it wasn’t rubbish duty.
The Fat Controller huffed and walked away, trying to stop himself from quietly laughing at the idea at Arthur being a crazy homicidal maniac, Henry’s lame attempts at avoiding responsibility… and Hiro saying “swimming around in a nut sack”.
Henry sat in the sheds; sad, drained and tired. The run had caught up with him and he was exhausted down to the frames, the motion gear aching. The emotional comedown from that ecstatic run was far worse than the relatively mild punishment he was given.
I wish Har’ was here to rub my motion gear down and give me a kiss good night… so sore, so tired.
It was just as well he was resting in Tidmouth for his 3 AM Kipper run, then off to slow goods for Crovan knows how long.
“Onya Henry! Way to scare the daylights out of that arsehole 7F!” he heard.
“Carn Vickers!” was another one. He had no idea who said it, he was sliding into oblivion.
“Thank you…whoever you are!” he said as he passed out.
Inspired by this video of a Black Five seemingly racing BR Oliver Cromwell
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Ok if Javi G doesn’t work how about Dieter getting stuck having to watch one of his own movies and you’re there for him
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(Or if need be I could come up with something for Frankie or Peña)
Pairing: Dieter x Female reader
Note: A couple of “Baby”’s. Dieter being Dieter. :) 
“Welp. I’m fucked.”
Dieter’s appearance at this arthouse festival had been on the books and he thought it’d be a quick one. The usual wave, smile, and nod, vaguely comment about upcoming projects, a few photo ops, and leave immediately after. Back to his hotel room where he could smoke and have a juicy burger, maybe a few Kit-Kats for dessert. 
He wasn’t expecting all of this.
The panel was so elated he came, they organized an impromptu viewing of his award-winning film. The announcement was made while Dieter was on stage with the host, so he had no time to plan an exit. This wasn’t supposed to be anything official. He was wearing a loose fitting flannel, jeans, and his “fancy” crocs, for fuck’s sake. 
Dieter never watched his own movies. No exceptions. Usually, he was up for anything and everything, but for starters, he’d never get caught wearing wireless headphones, and revisiting the roles he played.
As the room erupted with applause after hearing they’d be in for a treat, Dieter was willing himself to not flip out. He searched for you, in the third row, equally panicked. 
You mouthed, “It’s okay. Sit with me.”
As he sat among the crowd, he mumbled to you, “I should have brought an extra gummy. Maybe I can take a nap or call an Uber.”
Being the loyal friend and occasional date of Mr. Dieter Bravo whenever he was in town, you were also scrambling.  The text you received from his agent, gave you clear instructions to keep the talent in the seat. You weren’t supposed to babysit for several hours. The plan was to hang out and catch up at the hotel, with reality tv playing and snacks to enjoy.
You watched Dieter’s lips pucker as he slouched in the chair, adjusting the signature tinted glasses to cover the disgust and embarrassment in his eyes.
“Baby, what am I suppose to do?”
“You can’t leave.”
“I know,” he answered sardonically. “It’s a bad look.”
Beyond the subtly cocky, I-don’t-give-the-slightest-fuck attitude, he was like everyone else, painfully aware of judging eyes, and constantly wanting approval. The Dieter only a few recognized off-camera, was starting to emerge.
“D. You gotta fix your face, everyone is going to see.” You looked around to see if anyone was paying attention to the movie’s star and his easy-to-read body language.
He pulled out his phone, checking messages, and remarked, “Who fucking cares? I don’t. This is some bullshit. I should just go.”
You tried to shush him, because his voice was rising, but the person in the row ahead of you, thankfully oblivious, turned around. “Mr. Bravo! I loved you in this one. You know the scene when—”
“No, I don’t, I do not watch my own shit, you should never watch your own shit.”
The fan gasped, “What? That’s no fun. What about all the premieres you attend?”
You knew your guy was starting to zone out; he was trying to focus, but the conversation was boring him. His arm was all up in his open shirt, rubbing his trapezius muscle. 
“Mr. Bravo?”
He lifted his head, to find out what the person was asking again. Once he remembered, he smirked. “I’ll tell you a secret. I never stay for these things. I make arrangements, which I should have done for tonight.”
You grimaced at the thought of him being with anyone else, sneaking out, so he could be taken care of, whether it was a blowjob or a quick bump, or something else, more involved. Knowing you could not cross that line, at least not yet, you kept your cool and reassured him.
“Hey, D.”
You pulled back, with a glare that could make anyone immediately regret their action. That sharp, disrespectful tone that reached your ears was not going to fly with you. “Hey. None of that,” you sternly corrected. You had every right to get him in line, and remind him that he cannot talk to you that way. Ever.
Dieter apologized, rubbing your arm. “That was out of line. Forgive me.”
He shook his head, lowering his glasses, so you could see those sad puppy eyes of his. “You would think after all this time, I wouldn’t get nervous. It’s one thing for everyone else to see me, but I don’t like seeing me. You can get fucked up overanalyzing everything you could have done or shouldn’t have done. That’s not good for me.”
You understood his thought process. But for his sake and your own, you were wishing this screening would end sooner than later. All you could do was be with him as you power through the awkwardness.
The lights were starting to dim, and he groaned. His go-to response? Raking his fingers through his floofy and soft curls that stick up and out. That’s when you know things were getting bad.
“Hey,” you decided to quickly run your hand on these wild strands. From everyone’s perspective, you were making sure he looked presentable. But you and Dieter knew he loved being touched and this was an easy distraction. “I’m right here.”
Squeezing your hand, he replied, “Thank you.”
Before the opening scene, you nudged him and whispered, “Thirty minutes. If it’s too much, we will leave. Hold my hand? Or if you want, you can put your head on my shoulder. How’s that?”
You waited for him to respond, hoping this plan can work for the both of you. Hoping he doesn’t see your own nerves, as you inched closer towards the intersection of friends and lovers. It wasn’t the spicy level of fun he was used to, but maybe this could go in the right direction.
He kissed your cheek and genuinely smiled. The smile you knew and adored. You could tell his attitude was shifting, because he took off the shades. 
“I love that idea. Thanks, baby.”
Tagging: @moralesfish, @heythere-mel, @oogaboogasphincter, @thefuckinsandes
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inklessletter · 1 year
It's a love story (baby just say yes) Chapter 2
Chapter 1 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
“How’s university treating you, Buckley?” Eddie asked a little louder than usual, to get himself be heard over the pop music blasting in that freshmen party. Eddie offered her a very much illegal beer, and she accepted it with a cheeky grin.
It was the last weekend before Christmas break, where almost everyone came back home for the festivities. Of course, the break only lasted two weeks, and it was way less than an appropriate amount of time to actually throw a rager, but, hey, most people there were eighteen or nineteen. It’s not like they actually needed a reason to bring booze, and weed, and obnoxious music. 
Robin gave Steve the call a couple weeks before, and it only took Steve to mention it to Eddie for him to be on board. A weekend trip to Chicago to see Buckley and party surrounded by faceless people who actually were not worried about Munson being a mass murderer and also see again his favorite lesbian after months? Abso-fucking-lutely yes.
Well, truth be told, it’s not like he wasn’t going to see Robin just a week after that, she was going to be in Hawkins for Christmas and New Year’s Eve, but, come on, he wanted to visit. Plus, that would mean a four hour car ride with Steve, and there was no way he was going to refuse.
So everything in this plan was calling Eddie in, and after all the shit he’d been through, a selfish part of him actually thought that he deserved to have a little fun.
Sue him.
“Actually pretty good,” Robin said. She took a sip of beer, making an unfortunate grimace at the taste. “Classes are interesting, but some professors are shit , and I’ve met some people that are, um, how do I put this? More open minded, generally speaking, than in Hawkins, so. Yeah, I’m having a blast here.”
Robin granted him with a coy smile. Eddie took a second to appreciate her, she was stunning that night. She was wearing a lot of silvery jewelry, and a smudge and sparkly eyeliner made her eyes look impossibly large. She had a pink lock of hair now. Big worn out Doc Martens and purple plaid flannel over a cut off gray shirt tucked in belted and high-waist ripped jeans.
God, she looked beautiful (and not because of her very much flattering outfit, because she was wearing an attitude where she actually didn’t feel awkward in her own skin anymore), but he still couldn’t understand how it took him more than three months to realize that she was friends with Dorothy too.
Eddie bit his cheek and smiled, dimples showing. She was busy looking at her red solo cup. Too busy.
“Okay, Birdie, spill the tea.”
Robin looked at him, arching an eyebrow.
“I’m not—” Robin started, exasperated. “It’s not like—” 
Oh, wow. So, there was really something bothering her. She took a deep breath and then looked back at Eddie, soft expression.
“It’s nothing, really.”
“It doesn’t feel like nothing.”
Eddie thought for a second what he was going to say next.
“Look, I know I’m not your platonic soulmate, but if you want to talk about anything, you know I’m your humble servant, Ladybird,” Eddie said, with a compliant smile, hand in over his heart. “If you want your other half over here to spill your guts, I can go after him and drag his squeezy ass back here.”
Robin cackled at that.
“And if you don’t want to talk at all tonight, we can focus on how that hot punk girl over there has been checking you out for ever, now.”
Robin turned around and interchanged glances with her, who gave her a brief, suggestive smile. Robin bit her lip and looked at Eddie, hiding a smile.
“That’s Gwen, she’s in my philosophy class. She’s smoking hot , indeed,” Robin said.
Eddie looked at her with a wry face. He made a wordless gesture to go for it with her.
“We’ve already actually, um—”
Robin took a little bit too long sip of her nasty beer. Eddie smiled widely, and laughed.
“Oh, Buckley, look at you, you are such a menace now,” Eddie teased.
“Shut up, Munson. It was just one time.”
“So, you actually got to learn a thing or two from Steve, huh?” 
She slapped his arm, muting him to shut up again, but Eddie only laughed harder. She was going full red now.
“Oh, come on. It’s a good thing! Did you have fun?”
“Yeah, yeah, I did. It was fun, but, can we just not—?”
“Okay, fine.”
Eddie raised his hands in surrender. 
Robin looked around, and then Eddie realized.
“You’re waiting for someone, aren’t you?”
Robin sighed and looked at him. 
“And here I thought that you were expecting to spend the night with us, your friends,” Eddie said, in a dramatic tone.
“I am. It’s just— Do you wanna dance?” she blurted out, fast. Robin was acting weirder than usual tonight, Eddie could tell.
“To Madonna ?” Then Eddie realized that Gwen was approaching. The clawing hand on his forearm and the panicked look on Robin’s eyes was enough for him to accept. 
He took her by the hand and guided her to the mass of sweating, smelling bodies, and not a word was said, when he spun her around and they started dancing.
Okay, there were some blank spaces in this narrative that Eddie didn’t have. Robin looked so confident just a minute ago, and then this Gwen punk appeared and she seemed to want to crawl out of her own skin again.
“Birdie, I don’t mean to pry but you’re fucking weird tonight. Do you need help or something?”
“Can’t we just dance?”
“Babe, the weird thing about you wanting to dance is that you can’t bet to not trip over your own feet while just standing . What’s wrong? Is this girl, is she bothering you or something?”
Eddie cursed Steve in his mind. Where was he? He was supposed to go down to grab some drinks but that was forever ago. Whatever that was upsetting Robin, this was Steve’s field. Not that Eddie didn’t know how to comfort her, or that he wasn’t to be trusted, but it was clearly that she would feel more comfortable with him around.
Eddie grabbed Robin’s hand.
“I’m going to get Steve.”
“No, no, no!” She looked really panicked. Robin pursed her lips, stopped dancing and cursed under her breath. “Fuck, okay, come with me.”
Eddie followed her lead. She took him out of the dorm, and crossed the crowded hall to the stairs that went to the roof. The building roof was empty, except for some smokers. 
It was a quiet place.
Eddie observed Robin. He let her find the words and the strength to actually tell him whatever she needed to share. 
He didn’t pressure her.
Eventually, she turned to him, and took a deep breath.
“There’s something I need to tell Steve, but I’m not sure if our friendship will survive this bomb.”
Eddie was perplexed.
“What? Robin, what are you talking about? Steve will never break your friendship, he loves you.”
“He won’t once he finds out.”
Eddie frowned his eyebrows. He saw her sitting on the floor, and he sat in front of her without saying anything.
“You were right before, I am expecting someone to show up. I’m—shit, I’m kind of seeing someone. Well, not kind of. I’m seeing someone.”
“But Birdie, that’s great. Wait, is it that Gwen? That’s why you didn’t want to be seen with her before? Didn’t want Steve to find out before you could tell him?”
“What? No. This kind of has to do a lot with her but, no, Gwen and I—It was at the beginning of the semester, we started talking and she was nice. It kind of reminded me a little bit of you—”
“—and it had been like three weeks, and I was missing you guys a lot, and I wasn’t making any friends, and she was just like me , and she’s so hot, god damn, and I didn’t know how it happened but we had sex—” Robin stopped to take a shaky breath in and calm herself. “And don’t get me wrong, it was so hot. I wanted it, okay? And—And she was so nice after. But then I felt like shit, like the day after, and I didn’t know why because I wanted it so bad . But maybe I made a mistake because I wasn’t ready. I—” Robin gulped and looked away. “I hadn’t even kissed anyone before her. I didn’t even tell Vickie I had a crush on her. I had my first kiss and my first time in the same night, and I was so confused the day after. So confused, Eddie. I wanted it. I really, really did, but I felt like shit. Like I was the worst.”
Eddie listened carefully, trying not to interrupt her, but he got himself drowned by the sinking feeling of the understanding.
“I believe that I was going through a lot. Everything was new, I didn’t feel like I had to really hide myself that much, because my family wasn’t around, so. I don’t know, it took me a while to understand that maybe I got overwhelmed, and I felt lonely and maybe I went all the way with Gwen because I just didn’t know what to do with this—this ball of feelings. I felt like shit because—because I know I had my first time for the wrong reasons, and that’s nothing to do with Gwen, because she was splendid before, during and after, believe me, but—” Robin gulped around a lump that was forming on her throat, so Eddie finished the sentence for her.
“You didn’t have feelings for her.”
Robin looked at her hands, slightly nodding. She was playing with a piece of paper that was lying around, destroying it mindlessly.
Eddie felt terrible after hearing that. He felt even worse because he had teased her a little bit about Gwen before. Well, his goddamn mouth.
When Robin didn’t speak for the following minute, Eddie intervened.
“Birdie, I’m so, so sorry that you went through that. You must have felt so lonely and confused. Are you okay now?”
Robin looked at him, and sighed.
“Yeah, I mean. I’d been feeling like shit for weeks until I figured it out, but. Yeah, I don’t know, Eddie,” she flexed her knees, bracing her own legs. “I just don’t think I was ready for it, that’s all.”
Eddie waited a little bit for her to continue, but when he understood she wasn’t going to, he asked:
“Why didn’t you call? You know, we miss you too, a lot . Steve mentions you at least once a day.”
“I was embarrassed.”
“Why? Robin, we wouldn’t have judged you at all! We support you no matter what, I think we could’ve even taken a trip earlier to see you if we knew you were going through this!”
“I know! I know. I shouldn’t have felt that way.”
“I’m not saying that.”
“No, I am. But I felt that way, and I really didn’t want anyone to tell me that, because I already knew. Besides, Steve and I have been talking about my doomed love life for like, ages, and—I just, I don’t know. I got some action and it got me spiraling and I didn’t want to face this conversation with Steve.”
Eddie was going to refute that rambling, but Robin continued.
“ I know ! What you’re going to say, believe me, I know. I should have been able to talk about this with him, and I feel bad that I didn’t, that I—that I called Nancy instead.”
Eddie felt where that was going before she kept speaking. He raised a hand, covering his mouth. His eyebrows frowned, and his eyes were fixed on a very uneasy Robin in front of him.
“I didn’t know Nancy knew about you.”
“That’s because she didn’t. I didn’t tell her before, but—but I called her, and she wasn’t far, and she came by. And we—I don’t know, she’s so sweet and so fearless,” she laughed a bit, her cheeks stained in red. “How is that possible, huh? She can be so frightening, point a gun to your head, but then she’ll do whatever in her hand to make you laugh? To make you feel… less lonely. Not a—not a big error .”
Robin then, after what it felt ages, gazed directly at Eddie, and god, whoever said the eyes were the windows to the soul was so damn right.
“Shit, Robin—”
“She was going to come tonight, too. We were going to tell Steve together.”
Eddie covered his face with his hands.
This was bad.
This was real bad.
Eddie knew for sure that Steve would be happy for them if they were happy together, but he knew Steve. He would be hurt, too, for more than one reason.
Not that long ago, Steve still had inconclusive feelings towards Nancy. They had history together. 
Robin, his soulmate, had kept a secret from him, and they shared everything. God, if Eddie knew something about these two is that their friendship hadn’t met any boundaries yet. And this time, Robin didn’t want to talk explicitly to him.
Also, Robin had decided to trust Eddie before Steve, too.
And, well, she apparently had feelings for his first love, so. There was that.
“I’m assuming correctly that what you and Nancy were going to tell Steve tonight is not that you had your first time with Gwen, right?”
Robin nodded, shortly.
“We’ve been—uh, we’ve been seeing each other for a few weeks now.”
“I see,” Eddie said under his breath. But then he frowned and looked at her, “I’m sorry, this is not any of my business, but isn’t it too fast? I mean, the whole Gwen thing, and then you regretted it because you didn’t know what you were feeling, and all that jazz. Are you sure you’re going to be okay? I mean, you two guys are friends, and I know that you know it’s overwhelming this first semester. Robs, are you sure about this? I really, really don’t want you to get hurt. Any of you.”
That included Steve, too.
“Eddie—I had feelings for her before. It’s not—it’s not a rushed thing. I think I’ve been feeling for her this way since—you know.”
“Yeah. Fuck. Yeah, I know.”
Eddie was happy for her. For them both. He really was, truly. But a part of his heart was with Steve, anticipating what was going to be a sad journey for him. He won’t hint how he was truly feeling to Robin or Nancy, but he knew that he would speak his soul to Eddie. And Robin knew Steve as well as Eddie did, now. 
And she knew that, too.
“Please, don’t tell any of this to Steve. Not before I do.”
Eddie closed his eyes. 
Fuck, he’s shit keeping secrets. 
“It’s not my place to say anything,” Eddie said, pained for having to keep yet another secret to Steve. 
Robin sighed, relieved.
“Thank you, Eddie.”
“But please, if you plan to do it, do it soon. We all know that he deserves to know.”
Robin nodded. Then he offered her the hand, and she took it. He pulled her in for a hug, and whispered to her ear that he was thankful she trusted him, and that he was glad if she was happy now. 
Robin hugged him tighter.
“What about if we go back and look for Harrington? He’s either lost or looking for us.”
Robin nodded, and smiled.
“Yeah. I don’t know where he went.”
Robin and Eddie entered the stairs, passing by a few couples making out in the dark, when they both froze with the sight in front of them.
There, in the privacy of the indoor stairs there was another couple loudly kissing. Hard.
And one of them was Steve, trapped between the wall and the mouth of a six foot two tall, jacked, blond guy.
Two things happened at once.
1. Robin grabbed his arm and pulled Eddie back to the roof, shutting the door, making the sight of Steve devouring another man disappear behind it.
2. Eddie’s heart broke in a million pieces.
Robin dragged him fast to a quiet area, and put both hands on Eddie’s face, forcing him to look at her.
“Eddie, okay, shit. Okay. Eh—”
Robin was about to have a nervous breakdown.
“Listen, Eddie. I know that you’re a friend and to be trusted, but, what we just saw, it never happened, okay?”
“No, no, I need you to listen. This? This is a dream,” Robin started waving her hands, looking at him straight in the eye. “This is a dream, whatever is happening in those stairs you just dreamed it , capisce ?”
“Jesus, Rob—”
“I’m fucking serious, Eddie,” she said, high pitched, making a few people to look in her direction. Her hands were trembling. She held Eddie’s face in place again. “Holy fucking shit—” she said under her breath, “holy fucking shit!”
Eddie felt like he was on autopilot. He held her arms, keeping her in place.
“It’s okay,” Eddie said, almost without a voice.
“Why are you not freaking out?”
“Because he told me, Robin. That he’s bi. I know he told you, too.”
Robin looked at him and her expression changed.
“I won’t rat him out, okay? It’s fine. It is fine.”
“We can stay here to give him—uhm—privacy, yeah? I bet he can’t do this in Haw—Hawkins. He’s entitled to have fun. It’s fine .”
He didn’t remember Robin’s hand were in his face until she started wiping his cheeks with her thumbs.
“Eddie, babe. You’re crying—”
“It’s fine.”
Now he could feel his heart clenching, and all the air being sucked out of the world. He could feel his face growing hotter, and wetter, and his own shoulders shaking almost violently.
Robin lifted her arms and hugged him close. It took him a second or two, but he hugged her back.
“He can’t know. Please, don’t tell him. Please .”
“Okay. Okay.”
She entangled her hands in his hair, and he hugged her tighter. He was shaking.
“ Please ,” Eddie said again.
He blinked a few times, trying to control his own breathing, his shaking, his body. 
Eddie let out a sigh and loosened the embrace, until they were not touching anymore. He was under Robin’s gaze, and it took him a bit to calm himself.
When he had enough self control, he spoke again.
“Do you recall the whole capisce speech you gave me? Same here. You never saw any of this. If you think you did, you dreamed it. None of this ever happened, okay?” Eddie said as calmly as he could, but his voice was in a strange forced pitch, and still a little bit shaky.
Robin nodded.
“Yeah. Yeah, okay.”
With a deep breath, Eddie leaned in the wall, facing the skyline of Chicago in the middle of the night. After a few minutes, Robin asked her since when he was feeling that way for Steve, and Eddie shrugged. He couldn’t pinpoint it, really. She joked about now understanding about his squeezy ass. 
He laughed a bit, but then he spoke, after a silence and a deep breath, because he was shit keeping his own secrets.
Eddie told her that he’d been feeling like this for Steve for quite a while now. That he didn’t expect them to become friends, that he thought Steve would stop spending time without him after the apocalypse. And then after he recovered. And then, after she and Nancy left for college and school started again.
That everytime he expected Steve to leave, he was surprised because he didn’t. That he noticed every little bit of Steve and he loved every quirk of him, that they became closer, and they trusted each other with their own deep secrets and family history.
That he made him laugh until he couldn’t breathe.
That Steve had become the best part of his day.
That he knew that Steve was still struggling with his own internalized homophobia since he sort of hinted that he felt that he had to fight against it.
That Eddie wanted to come clean, pour his heart into his, give him his everything, and that it would be a problem.
That Eddie knew that he had no future in Hawkins, that he had to leave sooner or later, and he wasn’t sure Steve would do such a thing.
Eddie didn’t want to risk what he had with Steve, even if at the end of the day was not enough . 
Eddie kept talking about how much in love he was, how heartbroken, until his voice even out, and two figures came into sight.
“Holy shit, where the hell were you? I’ve been looking for you for ages !” Steve said.
Eddie and Robin turned their heads to him. Then they shared a brief look. 
“Look who I found at the party!”
Nancy smiled at them and waved. She had a red cup in her hand, and, if Eddie didn’t know what he did know, he wouldn’t have noticed the look in Nancy’s eyes when she looked at Robin.
“Hi Nance! I thought you weren’t coming.”
“Well, my car broke down, and I tried to call, but no one would pick up.”
Robin and Eddie nodded. 
Nancy went next to Robin, and they both looked at the skyline, having a quiet conversation. Steve walked and leaned next to Eddie, also looking at the horizon. 
It was obvious that both Nancy and Steve had been drinking.
“I went for drinks and when I came back you and Robin were nowhere to be found. You were here all the time?”
Eddie looked at him. Steve was shamelessly looking back, dead in the eye.
“Yeah, we were here. Sorry we bailed, we didn’t know where you went, either.”
“It’s okay. It’s nice out here.”
Steve offered him his own drink, and Eddie took it with a smile. He took a sip.
The sight of Steve’s lips, pink and kiss swollen didn’t definitely feel like a dagger to his heart.
The soft sigh leaving Steve’s body, while he rested his head on Eddie’s shoulder, looking at the infinity, didn’t definitely feel like dying .
“Did you have fun tonight?”
“Yeah. Did you?”
Please, say no. Lie to me.
“It was meh. I missed you.”
“You did?”
Eddie’s voice was small and fragile, but Steve was drunk enough not to notice. He shouldn’t be looking for reassurance, but some needy part inside of him, needed to hear it, even if it was while he was under the influence of alcohol, and not everything that came out of his mouth was reliable.
“Yeah. You know I do. You make everything better.”
Eddie closed his eyes, swallowing around the lump in his throat.
“And what did you do up here?”
We shared some secrets that we’re keeping from you .
“Nothing, just—Nothing.”
“Hm,” Steve hummed. 
Eddie knew the signs. First, the leaning, then, the humming. He didn’t have to look to know that Steve’s eyes were closed.
Eddie lifted a hand to Steve’s hair, lacing his fingers in it. Steve let out a happy breath.
“Is this okay?”
“Yeah, yeah, it’s perfect.”
The four of them eventually sat against the wall, and it took no more than ten minutes until Steve’s breathing even out, and he was fast asleep. How he could sleep anywhere was something that none of them fully understood.
Robin was looking at Eddie, he knew. But Eddie didn’t have it in his heart to look back at her.
He just kept stroking Steve’s hair for a while longer.
For as long as Steve let him do that.
For as long as the secrets don’t destroy him.
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gnarlyeddy · 1 year
I’m back and I got some Front Roe headcanons (I hope that’s not a problem and that it’s not annoying to have multiple weird infodumping about headcanons asks from the same person /gen) and also they’re mostly just speculating on the 3/4 members we know about after Squid Squad which oops uhhh have them anyways hahahaaa
As of Splatoon 3 Ichiya is 24, Namida, is 23 and Murasaki is 19, but Ichiya regularly gets mistaken for a teenager
Murasaki went to collage and learned music theory! Now he can actually read music and makes more complex drum noises! (idk what to call them)
He still cries when he gets super into his performances though (which is/was canon to his character during Squid Squad era)
I don’t have much to say about the unnamed calm person because we don’t know their name, species, what instrument they play, a general idea of their personality or how they ended up in the band, but despite all of that I think that they’re Murasakis collage friend.
I also think they could be a zigzag clam
Ichiya wasn’t able to find a new band and lived off of the money from royalty checks and he ended up falling off the radar (which he was not happy about)
I think that Ichiya took Squid Squad breaking up the hardest because despite his attitude he really did care about the band, but due to his general attitude of “make guitar riffs that look and sound cool without any idea of why they do” made the fact that he wasn’t by himself while making music integral, something he didn’t realize until he started trying to make original tracks alone.
I also like to think he tried to audition for SashiMori to which they said “we already had a domineering and stubborn vocalist last time we’re not doing this shit again”
Namida on the other hand is the only one who actually focused on her solo career and probably made extremely surreal and odd synth tracks for fun
I like to think that since it mentions that Namida “has some knowledge of jazz theory” that she’s friends with and/or a big fan of Ink Theory
Ichiya is trans he is wearing a binder in the Front Roe album cover trust me my uncle works at the Squid Research Lab. If you need any more convincing:
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No way to argue with my flawless color picking logic /j
Okok my genuine crackpot theory is that in universe nobody knows that 3/4 members are members of Squid Squad.
None of the reveals for the band even mention it (the reveals are usually treated as an in universe thing)
Their eyes are blacked (greened?) out on their album cover
In the Japanese tweet it’s said that they don’t have a big media presence which seems pretty odd as they’re at the top of the charts (again in universe)
Putting all of this together, I believe that nobody knows that 3/4ths of the members are who they are despite the fact that they’re really bad at hiding it
I saw someone say that Sea Me Now is a thinly veiled Ikkan callout and yes.
YES Sandy Side Up is a collab with Diss-Pair
I chose to believe that when they first performed that song exactly Ichiya and Ikkan got into a fight and the crowd took a very long time to realize that it was not part of the show
Namida is wearing that one Toni Kensa jacket from Splatoon with the sleeves rolled up
Why the fuck doesn’t Ichiya have eyebrows
That’s alllllll
I hope your day is good and your crops prosper
YEAHAHGGGGG sorry for not answering but these. Oh my god if you have more hcs keep em going because you're so right.
I also thought ichiya was wearing a binder on the album art so glad to know i wasn't the only one... And that one theory is interesting! We do know that inklings at least aren't very smart so it is possible that they're not aware of the whole squid squad situation. And yeah sea me now definitely is a diss track (no pun intended) towards ikkan no other way to see it
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starryevermore · 2 years
✨ ooo “could you pretend, just for a second, that i mean something to you?” with marc
better that way ✧ marc spector
angst city™ library | send in a request (consult request faqs first)
request: ✨ ooo “could you pretend, just for a second, that i mean something to you?” with marc - @annab-nana
pairing: marc spector x fem!reader
word count: 739
warnings?: angst, not proofread
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“What the fuck is wrong with you?!” you hissed when you and Marc walked back into Steven’s flat. “What was that stunt back there!?”
Marc only rolled his eyes, shrugging off his jacket and tossing it on the couch. You scoffed, snatching the jacket back, taking it over to the closet to it could be hung up. When you turned back around, Marc had grabbed a beer, kicked off his shoes, and was watching baseball on the TV as he laid back on the hotel’s bed.
You marched over to him, standing in front of the TV, your hands on your hips. “Nuh uh, buddy. You don’t get to pull this shit. We’re talking about what the fuck happened back there.”
“Nothing happened,” Marc muttered. “Now can you just move?”
“No, I can’t. Because something did happen back there, and you need to talk me through what went through your fucking head because I’m really struggling to see your logic.”
You had gone out to the bar. It was supposed to be some stress relief from the mission you and Marc were on. Because, god, it had been fucking difficult. Not only was it damn near impossible to tail these people, but Marc had had an attitude the entire fucking time. Anything you did was wrong—even if it was something that Marc had previously told you he appreciated. So, when Marc said that the two of you should just lie low and the let the people slowly slink their way out, you decided to take the opportunity to get a drink. And it was going so well! That is, until Marc showed up. 
“You wanted to lie low,” you said. “This was your fucking idea. So, I go to the bar. By myself—because you didn’t want to be fucking seen with me! And, just when I’m having a bit of fun after dealing with your bullshit all week, you decide to swing by and ruin fucking everything!” You threw your hands in the air, completely exasperated. “You say we’re fucking partners, but all you do is treat me like shit nowadays. Seriously, could you pretend, just for a second, that I mean something to you?!” 
Marc only looked away, his jaw clenched. 
“Oh, are you gonna be quiet now? Because you sure had a lot to say back at the bar! Only just barely stopped short of calling me a whore, huh?”
“I don’t think you’re a whore.”
“What a gentleman. You’ll only just barely call me one, but at least you don’t think I’m one. I don’t even see why it fucking matters to you. You’ve never, not once, acted like you cared about me personally. But the second I go flirt with the pretty bartender, you kick up a big fuss? That’s fucking bullshit, Marc, and you know it.”
Marc glanced at you, before looking away quickly. “It matters to me because I do care about you. A lot more than I should.”
You rolled your eyes. “Oh, are you to go down the path that I think you’re about to go down? Because, dammit, Marc, you can’t do that. I had made it clear that I liked you months ago, and you all but laughed in my face. You don’t get to say this now. You don’t get to ruin things for me and act like a fucking bitch just because you realized you made a mistake. That’s not fair to me, Marc.”
Clearing your throat, you finally stepped away from the TV, going over to the closet to start gathering your belongings. Marc watched you, eventually asking, “Where are you going?”
“I’m getting another room. I can’t stand to be around you right now,” you said, shoving your clothes into a bag. “Then, when this is over, we’re going our separate ways. Okay? Because after this, I know you don’t respect me or my feelings or, or anything about me. And I can’t work with someone like that any longer. Not anymore.”
“But I don’t want you to go.”
“Too fucking bad. I’m leaving.”
And, as you walked out the door, Marc was left conflicted as to whether he should run after you or just let you cool off. As he stared at the door, he slowly turned his attention back to his beer, taking a long drink, before deciding that he should just leave you be. 
It should be better that way. 
join my sleepover!
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urmumsdrycooch · 2 years
I ᗩᗰ ᗩ ᕼYᑭOᑕᖇITE
Rachel Amber x Reader
Summary: Extremely toxic argument, that’s all I can say :/
Warnings: A lot of swearing, just a plain ol’ toxic relationship.
Before we begin, I just wanted to let you know that in this Kate only got drugged for the Vortex Club’s entertainment.
"Come on Y/n, have a bit of fun for once," Rachel spoke whilst jabbing my arm.
"No Rach, can't we just stay in tonight?" I spoke flicking through the book I was reading, in an attempt to find my page.
"No, I wanna go so I'm going, and you are too." Rachel pouted, she grabs her purse and walks over to me slowly.
"Rachel, I don't like those people, did you hear what happened to poor Kate? I just don't want me or you in that kind of environment." I explain, I could tell Rachel didn't care for what I had to say by her unimpressed gaze burning into my eyes.
"Y/n, Kate did that to herself and suffered the consequences, and you know I can handle my drink." She laughs also expecting me to join, but her face slowly drops when she notices my slightly irritated expression.
I place my book down, "Rachel, don't say that about Kate, that party was completely out of her scene. You don't get to say horrible things like that." I tell her off for her pure ignorance towards the poor girl.
"Oh, so you're defending Kate?" She bites, her arms now crossed in an anger-fuelled manner.
I didn't back down. I stood my ground and took on a defensive yet calm stance. "Yes, I am, she didn't deserve that to happen to her, no one does."
I speak, my voice unwavering and firm. "Ha! And what would you know huh? You're sat here doing your own thing as if you care about all their fates when you really don't." Rachel spat back at me, her disdain and bitter nature seeping into her words.
"So, I'm not allowed to care about women's safety, Kate's safety, your safety? I can't be against an innocent girl getting drugged for other people's entertainment?" I ask her, genuinely confused about her high-horse attitude.
"No Y/n, but you're all talk and no fight, you don't even like those girls and you still want to protect them. It's pathetic, don't you realize that?" Rachel asks her words so spiteful and hateful it made me feel sick, does she even know who I am?
I soon realise who I am.
Rachel had been right, I was all talk and no action, she had pointed out the truth through my lies and the façade I had built up around me, I was just a hypocrite! Yeah... totally.
"Wow, you know what Rachel? You're right, I'm a hypocrite. I don't give a fuck about those girls, I don't like them and I never will, but you were right about one thing: I'm all talk and no action." I chuckle without a hint of amusement.
"Rachel, why do you feel you have the right to be so fucking cruel to those women, I don't understand how you can be so fucking ignorant and naïve to the world and all the shit it throws at you. And listen to me Rachel because I am going to remind you once more: I am a hypocrite." I spit the words out one by one, my voice getting louder with each word. Rachel's mouth drops open in complete shock, her eyes wide with shock and surprise.
I had never gotten so angry at Rachel, she usually filled me with joy and thrill and excitement. How has it led to this?
"So, don't try to make me the fucking bad guy, because we all know I'm the hypocrite right, Rachel?" I snap, and the dirty blonde's fists clench in a wave of anger I've never witnessed before.
"So this is it? You're going to say all that, and what? We wake up tomorrow and forgive and forget. Y/n, you love me, you don't treat people you love like this." She speaks in almost a whisper.
I knew Rachel well at this point, and of course, she was going to pull the 'I thought you loved me' card. Classic Rachel.
It was hard for me.
Fuck, I went through hell and back to even think about the words I dared to say.
"I don't love you, Rachel, not anymore."
Her face drops.
"You'll lose me. Y/n, you'll lose me." She warns me, though I couldn't think of a better outcome at this point.
"You'll never find anyone better than me, think of all we shared. The play, dinner with my parents, that concert..." She continues to list these moments we treasure dearly.
"Stop it, Rachel," I tell her, she was making this difficult. Everybody loved Rachel. Rachel fucking Amber. I didn't. "Just stop."
"I don't care about what we shared, because I had never once thought about how you made me feel by my actions and words." I continue, my head lowered, I couldn't look Rachel in the eye.
"What?" she asks me, her face filled with a shocked and disgusted expression.
"I was in a relationship with you, I loved you Rachel and all you did was hurt me. And, I. Let. You." I spit the words out slowly and precisely, each word taking a chunk of my heart with it.
"You're a manipulative bitch who feasts on being better than those who stand a chance, and sorry to say, but it's tiring." I hiss at her, the words no longer remaining calm and fair. I slowly started to turn into her with the feeling.
"I'm not the one? What, are you finally making your own decisions? Good for you, Y/n" Rachel laughs at me, honestly, she sounds like a fucking monster.
"I'm sorry," I say to her, not sparing her one single glance as I walk past her, "Be safe."
The hand I'd been wrapped around for what seemed like an eternity had finally unravelled.
I had walked away.
Jesus fucking Christ that was intense. A bit of a short one tonight, I’ll update a couple more this week as I have a few in mind.
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