#all the places we used to buy our food stopped making it so I am making everything from scratch by myself
raeathnos · 1 year
0 notes
seeingivy · 2 months
ryomen sukuna x f!reader
**part of my best friend's (older brother) fic
previous part linked here
TW: minor mentions of violence/parental abuse!! also this is suggestive pls read at your own discretion!!
“so did i grow another head or are you meeting up with sammy later?” 
“what? how did you even know about that?” 
sukuna lazily leans against you, still half asleep, as he breathes into your neck, a string of unintelligible noises coming out of his throat. you can tell that it’s still too early for him – and that your racket or your absence must have woken him up. you reach up, running one of your hands through his hair, before pressing a halfhearted kiss to his cheek and returning to your typing. 
“google calendar.” sukuna responds. 
you smile. 
“i didn’t realize you actually looked at that.” 
sukuna reaches forward, slamming the screen of your computer down, as you roll your eyes and lean against him. 
“you can study in bed, y’know.” he responds. 
“that’ll distract you, with the typing and the shuffling of papers and all that.” 
“well, it’s already fucking distracting when i wake up and you’re not next to me, so…same shit.” 
you roll your eyes. 
“stop being dramatic. i could easily spend the weekend at my own place and you’d sleep just fine.” you respond. 
“no, i wouldn’t. you basically live here now, i’d obviously notice if you just disappeared.” he deadpans. 
you pause, clutching your pencil in your hand, before spinning it around in your palm. you can feel sukuna lean off of you, your silence clueing him in, as he now intently stares at you with his brown eyes, drowning in irritation. he’s clearly awake now. 
“what are you thinking about?” he asks. 
“well, it’s certainly not nothing. and i’m almost positive it’s something annoying because you’re not telling me.” he responds, poking into your cheek. 
you sigh. 
“should i be paying rent? because…i really am here all the time…s’kind of unfair if you’re the one paying for the place when i stole all of your closet space and your bed and –” 
“you’re making it sound like you’re such a nuisance to me. contrary to your beliefs, i actually love that you’re using my closet and that you take my jackets sometimes. and in my opinion, the only place you should be is in my bed anyway, so.” 
sukuna can tell that you’re not really buying it. 
“can you let me cover our groceries? i literally eat all of your food too. and –” 
“it’s our food. i made it for you.” he complains. 
“i’m probably emptying out your bank account and you’re just letting me. you should just –” 
sukuna reaches for your legs, before sliding you sideways on the chair so that you’re facing him. and he takes his residence in between your legs, cupping his hands around your face, and angling your chin up so that you’re looking at him. 
“you’re about to graduate. how about…you start splitting rent with me when you aren’t living in your dorm and you’re officially living with me? it doesn’t make sense to pay for two places right now.” 
you bite down on the softness of your cheek. 
“are you…asking me to move in with you?”
“you already live here.” he deadpans. 
“no. but then we’d have to put me on the lease. i’d-i’d actually live here live here.” 
“well, were you really thinking about moving back home? you would hate that.” 
“i mean no. but i was going to look for an apartment and roommates and –” 
“i have an apartment right here. i would be a great roommate – i feed you and i kiss you when you’re sad, which seems like a win win to me. but if it feels too fast for you to move in with me in a few months, that’s okay with me. i will help you apartment hunt if it comes to it.” 
you frown. 
“do you think people will judge us for moving in together so fast? i mean, by the time i graduate, it’ll only have been like…like half a year? and we still haven’t –” 
“do you think it’s weird?” 
“i mean, no but –” 
“what other people say doesn’t matter. if you want to live here when june comes around, that’s really no one else’s business. i’m not going to murder you, i won’t be a bad roommate, and that’s kind of all that matters.” 
you smile. 
“do you want to live with me?” 
“you. already. live. here.” he responds. 
“no, but like. joint lease. like actually living here. you know you won’t be able to break up with me for like two years because we’ll be stuck here, right?”
“well, i was obviously not planning on breaking up with you, so that won’t be a problem, will it?” 
you pause. 
“i guess not.” 
sukuna gives you a satisfied smile, before dropping his hand from your face to the chain hanging around your neck. you can’t help but feel your cheeks warm as he admires the little charms on the necklace he gave you, running his fingers over them. 
“what?” you ask. 
“you’re still wearing it.” 
“are you crazy? i have to wear this forever now. i’m never going to take it off.” 
“okay, but…i do take mine to get cleaned every few months so you will eventually have to take it off.” 
you roll your eyes, as you bring one of your hands up to his, and squeeze. 
“so…i’m taking your big avoidance of the question as a confirmation that you really are seeing sammy later?” 
you sigh. 
“yeah. i’ve been trying to make plans with her for two weeks and she was finally able to pencil me in.” 
sukuna pulls up the chair next to you, sitting on it backwards, as he leans his chin against the back of the chair. he’s playing with the rings on your fingers, twisting them back and forth, as he listens. 
“okay, but why? do i have to roam around in the mall at the same time as you guys just to save you in case she’s a bitch?” 
“don’t call her a bitch, sukuna.” you groan. 
sukuna’s eyes widen, as he jokingly presses his hands to your face and starts shaking your head. 
“who are you and what did you do to my girlfriend?” 
you swat his hands off, as you narrow your eyes at him. 
“stop it! i’m just…trying to be nicer to her. you should be too, she’s still my sister.” 
“wow. what brought on this sudden need to reconcile with the devil?” 
“okay, okay, i’m done.” 
you pause, leaning your cheek against the cold tile of the kitchen island. it bites into your skin, the shrill cold making the hairs on the ends of your arm stand up. 
“you know how we hate that yuuji is so…so one track minded when it comes to you and me? how he kind of pushes his own feelings into what he thinks about us and that…that a lot of them are really immature things from when you guys were kids?” 
“it would be hypocritical of me to hate yuuji for doing that when i do the same thing to my own sister.” 
sukuna raises his eyebrows. 
“do you?” 
“i think so. i’m just…i don’t know. i feel like dating you has made me more self aware.” 
“well, obviously. i’m the epitome of emotional intelligence.” 
“shut up! i was just saying because…well, i know why yuuji harbors so much dislike for you now that you’re dating me.”  
sukuna pauses, leaning forward like he’ll almost miss it if he isn’t close enough to hear it. 
“he thought it was really careless when you left for europe, that you just thought about yourself and no one else. he thought it was really unfair because he still needed you to be there for him and you weren’t anymore.” 
sukuna can feel the guilt pooling in his chest. 
“but now that i’m dating you…and i know why you left, i feel like he’s really immature. i know that yuuji needed you but you were still a kid too. it wasn’t your responsibility to take care of him and he can’t get mad at you for that. you were your own person and you picked what was right for you.” 
sukuna reaches forward and cups one of your cheeks. you lean into the warmth of his hand, before pressing a kiss to his palm. 
“that’s why i hated sammy. that she would try to be fake and act like she was the best, when i knew she was getting drunk every weekend in highschool. i…i was always embarrassed because really, i just wanted her to take care of me the way you took care of yuuji. but that wasn’t her job and really, she still did that when it really mattered, anyways.” 
“what do you mean?” 
“that time i told you about, where i got caught in that car with mazzy and got in trouble. they called my mom, but…but sammy was the one who picked up. she was the one who came and got me and i had to tell her everything. i was expecting for her to tell me what everyone kind of did at that time, that he was a bad guy so what did i expect from being with him?” 
“but she just took me home and told me to take a shower. made me a really nice dinner. it meant a lot to me at the time, i-i basically started sobbing when she handed me my food because it just felt so nice to be around someone who just wanted to take care of me. she never even asked me twice about it, just…just kind of did what i needed.”  
sukuna presses a kiss to the top of your knuckles. 
“we’re older now. i want us to be better and just…be friends at least? i don’t know, i just think i’ve been really unfair to her when i’ve never even stopped to ask her if she needed anything from me.” 
“well, you can start by asking her today.” sukuna offers. 
you smile. 
“yeah. yeah, i can.” 
sukuna leans forward and presses a kiss to your forehead. 
“so what i’m hearing is…i’m the best, most self aware boyfriend ever who –” 
“oh, calm down, narcissus. just when i think your ego can’t get bigger you go and start staying stuff like that.” 
you wait for sammy across from the little donut shop at the mall. you get a set of two donuts – a maple bar for her and a sugar one for you – as you swing your legs over the bench and rehearse your little script in your head. 
it felt a little evil given the conversation you had with sukuna earlier in the day, but you had a favor you desperately needed to ask her. 
and surely enough, she comes right on time, hands shoved in her pockets as she gives you a halfhearted smile. you jump up, unsure if you should hug her or shake hands and then there’s too much of a pause when you don’t say anything. 
“are you okay?” she asks.
“hm? yeah! yeah. how are you? also, i got you a donut. and it’s maple, your favorite! and –” 
you pause – too much. but she fills the silence. 
“you’re rambling.” she states, as she plops down on the bench. 
she shoots you a grateful smile as she picks up the donut from the box, perfectly wrapped in the napkin, and takes a bite out of it. you mimic her motions, maybe scarfing down yours faster than you should have, from the nervousness. 
she hates you. 
“jesus. is this the first time you ate today? do i have to slap sukuna for not feeding my little sister properly?” 
sammy reaches forward, an annoyed look on her face, as she wipes away the sugar around the edges of your mouth – and you shoot her a grateful smile, that she halfheartedly acknowledges, as you lean back on the bench. 
“how’d you know about sukuna?” 
sammy rolls her eyes. 
“kisa. she was going on and on about how the ryomen sukuna is dating sammy’s little sister. half of the town knows by now, including the moms, who are planning to invite you to some big dinner where they start talking about your wedding.” 
“huh? my what?” 
“you should thank me, bitch. they were actually talking about your grandchildren and i told them that they need to tone it back fifty notches or you both won’t ever talk to them again.” 
“well, sukuna definitely won’t if they say that.” 
“tell me about it.” she responds. 
you shoot her a grateful smile, heart warm that she had thought to advocate for you in the slightest, as you prep yourself to say your entire spiel. 
“i asked you a question. is he good to you?” sammy asks. 
“sukuna. is he good to you or do i have to mutilate him?” 
you smile and she returns it back, leaning back in her chair and hiking her legs to her chest. 
“really good. i really love him.” you respond. 
sammy smiles. 
“i know.” 
“what do you mean you know?” 
“first and foremost, that poor kid has been so hopelessly wet in his pants for you since he was like a kid. do you remember that one birthday where he got you a bike that he built from scratch? second, i did hear him call you a pretty girl that one dinner he came to right before you started chewing him out.” 
you cringe. 
“oh god. we’re not actually like that – i was being really stupid that day. i just…” 
“no, it was really funny. he came back looking like a kicked dog when mom asked him to leave.” 
you smile. 
“i bet.” 
you pause. you had to be honest. 
“we actually don’t fight that much, that was just one of the rare times. i just got kind of jealous. of you. when the moms were suggesting that you date him and you were buying into it. i thought he was actually going to do it and i just…got irritated and yelled at him. and trust me, i was even worse when we got home before i calmed down, so…” 
sammy scoffs. 
“i don’t want to date your boyfriend.” 
“i know! it…it was my problem. i clearly have issues with insecurities, especially when it comes to you because of how the moms were sometimes, and i know that it’s my fault.” 
sammy raises her eyes.
“well, i don’t know. i mean, i feel like i’ve had big problems with what people have thought of me since i was a kid. but i always felt like they liked you better, and that because they liked you they couldn’t like me, and sometimes it made me resent you. and it was unfair, because, because…that’s not really your fault.” 
sammy sighs, before demolishing her donut by splitting it in half. 
“well, that’s not entirely true.” 
“that’s not true. sometimes…i did do it on purpose. sometimes, i got a kick out of the fact that for once that…someone liked me instead of you.” 
“you’re kidding.” you deadpan. 
“i’m really not though. because you tend to forget, that i didn’t have friends like you did when you were a kid. you met yuuji the first day we moved into that house. sukuna basically followed you around after that. the three of you were friends and…and i was never included. so if the parents were the ones who liked to be around me, then…then that’s where i was going to be.” 
you pause.
the worst part of it was that sammy was always your dad’s favorite. and he’s the one who picked up and left. 
“you forget that your best friend before yuuji was me, y/n. i’m sorry that i was a bitch to you and maybe made some of your insecurities worse…but you did it to me first. i wasn’t exactly mature at that age so i just…that’s just what i did.” 
you lean back, unable to stop thinking about it now. that when you and yuuji wanted to go to the park, sukuna was always the one who took you guys – and that sammy was the one who stayed behind. how you really can’t remember a time where it was ever the four of you, but hundreds of times that sukuna had followed behind you and yuuji under the guise of taking care of you. 
and then you feel horrible. because every time you got drunk in highschool, yuuji was always there covering for you, making sure that you made it home safe with water and aspirin in your system, when you almost always found sammy half passed out on the porch before you had to drag her back into the house before your mom noticed. 
that maybe, sammy knew exactly how to take care of you that night she had to pick you up, because it was exactly what she had been longing for someone to do for her. 
“i’m a really shitty sister, aren’t i?” you ask.  
“yeah. but i am too, so…can’t really blame yourself there.” 
“are you? because…because i literally abandoned you.” 
“and i took it out on you and your friends after the fact so, relax. we’re both shitty people, it’s not a big deal.” 
you pause. you suppose that she’s right. 
“i was going to ask something really cheesy but i know you’d get really annoyed.” you state. 
sammy curls her nose up in disgust. 
“like what?” 
“well, i was going to ask if we were going to be friends now? and –” 
“you exercised the correct judgment. that’s disgusting, y/n.” 
but then sammy brings her hand up and rests it against the top of your head, before brushing the stray hairs around your face to the backs of your ears. and you smile, feeling so oddly taken care of that it makes your heart warm. 
“god. he really is good for you, isn’t he?” 
“pablo picasso. obviously, sukuna.” sammy responds, tone bitingly sarcastic. 
“why do you say that?” 
“dunno. we’re hanging out right now. talking about our feelings. if he makes you realize that you’re jealous of me and indirectly makes us talk about our…whatever…then he must be good for you. that and the fact that he’s been obsessed with you since forever so, he must be on top of the world.” 
you smile. 
“i don’t know. i kind of thought that some part of me was…ruined after what happened back then. like i came with this big thing that someone else would have to come to terms with if they were going to be with me.” 
sammy glares at you, but you can tell that it’s laced with concern. that she thinks you’re being stupid. 
“i just mean. i always knew i’d have problems from my past relationship in my current one. and that maybe someone wouldn’t love me enough to be patient, because i would struggle so much.” 
sammy sighs. 
“but, he’s so patient. sammy, sometimes i don’t even know what i did to deserve him. he’s…he does things just because he knows they’ll make me happy, even if he hates them, and…and he’s always so understanding about everything. he never pushes, he’s always so sweet and just –” 
“it’s what you deserve.” 
“it’s what you should have had the first time.” sammy states. 
you pause.
“yeah. but it almost makes me more grateful for him now. it’s almost like…i had to know the bad to really appreciate the good? and it makes it sweeter? i don’t know, i obviously wouldn’t have wanted it to happen if i had the choice, but i’m just really…really grateful for him.” you respond. 
“i’m sure that means the world to him.” 
“what do you mean?” 
sammy nearly cringes. 
“well, you know how his dad was. i’m sure it makes his entire life that someone actually appreciates him.” 
you nod. 
“i was going to call him after this actually. tell him that if he ever hurts my little sister, who is my friend now, i’m going to cut his dick off. but…same for you. sometimes i forget how much he suffered at the hands of his dad when he was little. he deserves good just as much as you do.” 
you feel a shiver down your spine. on a topic you had yet to broach with sukuna. on the times that he’d fight so bad with his dad that he’d spend the night at your house. and the rare occasions where his dad would raise his hands on sukuna and when you had to watch your mom ice his skin from the door of the kitchen. 
“you’ll cut my dick off?” you murmur. 
sammy snorts. 
“shut up. you know what i meant.” 
sammy pushes up off the bench, as she gestures for you to join her with her head. 
“so what did you need my help with?” sammy asks. 
“huh? how did you know?” 
“you’re annoying. you’re going to be nice to me but you’re also going to ask for a favor.” sammy states. 
“okay, i’m sorry! but i really can’t ask anyone else, all my friends are all…weird about me and sukuna dating so i can’t just be like oh…oh come buy lingerie with me because i have no idea how any of it works.” 
sammy raises her eyebrows, fighting the urge to laugh, as you shove her. 
“shut up. you’re such a bitch.” 
“you guys already hit a short fuse that you need to spice things up? he’s such a dog.” 
“what? no, no we haven’t even done it yet.” 
“well, we had a whole talk. and now that we’ve waited for so long, i want it to be special. for me and him, and…and i want to feel good, okay? not that i think it’ll make me feel good but i just mean it would be nice to do something like that.” 
sammy links her arm in with yours, turning on your heel towards the direction of the store, as she keeps laughing. you can feel the embarrassment in your cheeks, irritated, as you elbow her in the side one again. 
“stop it!” 
“i’m sorry! that’s actually like really cute and fucking romantic. but i can’t just stop laughing at you saying you don’t know how lingerie works.” 
“it looks so complicated online. just so many…straps and stuff.” 
“okay, okay, relax. my girlfriend loves this type of shit, so i’m basically an expert.” 
you try to hide your shock – at sammy saying she has a girlfriend – as she drags you into the store and basically shoves you into a dressing room. 
and surely enough, you leave the mall with a light pink set that she insisted on buying for you and a box of condoms that you swiped on your way out from the convenience store across the street. 
sukuna comes home to dim lights and the faint smell of lavender. and shockingly enough, you serving dinner, perfectly plating and garnishing it with the little minced greens. he quickly decides that it’s his favorite sight – your eyebrows scrunched in concentration, drowning in one of his old t-shirts. 
you feel sukuna’s arms wrap around your waist, as he sags nearly his entire weight around your back, and sighs heavily into your shoulder. 
“hi doll face. what’s the occasion?” he murmurs. 
you smile. 
“does there need to be an occasion for me to do something nice for you?” 
“yes. you’re cooking dinner, which is haunting, baby.” 
“fine. you can starve then.” 
sukuna laughs, before pressing lazy kisses into your neck, and loosening the buttons around his collar. 
and throughout the course of the dinner, he can tell that you’re nervous. it would be a little off putting a few months ago, but he knows better by now – that you’re clearly going to ask him something important or say something big to him. and naturally, with how impatient he was, he was going to weasel it out of you. 
“how was sammy?” sukuna asks. 
you smile. 
“good. she said she will cut your dick off if you hurt my feelings.” 
sukuna snorts. 
“i expected as much. did you give any thought to the apartment?” 
“yeah. it makes sense and…and i really don’t care.” 
you reach forward, pressing your hand into the warmth of his cheek, and feel your heart flutter at the smile he gives you back. you can feel the nervous anticipation pooling under your skin, entire body warm at the thought of him sitting across from you. 
“i really love you, you know that?” you whisper. 
sukuna narrows his eyes at you, the whisper of a smile still on his face. 
“are you sure you’re okay? we can talk about anything that’s bothering you if –” 
“no. no, nothing’s bothering me. really. i just really love you.”
sukuna shakes his head, the lightest pink dusting his cheeks. 
“you silly girl.” he scoffs. 
you smile. 
“i love you more. don’t argue back because you won’t win.” 
you shake your head, before reaching into the lining of your underwear, for the condom that you tucked into your skin. and you place it flat on the table, before looking up at him. 
“wow. you’re serving condom for dessert? at least tell me it’s flavored.” he asks. 
you groan, which earns you him a laugh from him. 
“they come flavored?” 
“yeah, but…but it’s weird so don’t buy those. also, don’t buy condoms. that’s my job.” 
“i don’t know how you initiate these type of things!” 
sukuna laughs, before cupping your cheeks with his hands. 
“you’re like a cavewoman. initiating sex by giving me a condom. no foreplay? no kissing?”
“i mean, obviously. but like…we always kind of get close to it. i just wanted you to know that i was ready. and that i…” 
sukuna grins and it’s enough to make your heart drop to your stomach. 
“that you what?” he whispers. 
“you know.” 
sukuna shakes his head, as he reaches for your waist and pulls you off the chair, and starts dragging you towards his room. 
“i don’t know, y/n. you have to tell me, princess.” 
you feel your cheeks burn, as you press your hands to your sides. 
“well…i want you.” 
“is that right?” 
“sukuna.” you whine. 
sukuna locks his hands around your waist, as you lift yours around his neck, nervously crumpling the fabric of his shirt in your hands as you look up at him. 
“i’m done teasing. you just make it so easy, baby.” 
you bite your lip. 
“well, i kind of like it. so you…you don’t have to stop.” 
sukuna smiles, before leaning his forehead against yours. 
“more of that, okay? you tell me what you like, more importantly what you don’t.” sukuna whispers. 
you nod. 
“safe word.” sukuna states. 
sukuna rolls his eyes. 
“and what if i wanted to call you my pretty little worm? then what?” 
“if i take all my clothes off and you even think about calling me a worm, i’m never speaking to you again.” you respond. 
sukuna laughs, before giving you a nod, and leaning forward to close the distance before you. you can tell that he’s moving slow, tiny steps backing you up before you fall back onto the bed, and he’s hovering with his necklace dangling over you. 
and his voice is quiet as he peppers kisses into your cheek and neck, so soft it makes your stomach rumble. 
“just so you know, it does hurt the first time. need you to tell me, don’t feel embarrassed. and i –” 
“i know. i know, i will.” 
sukuna smiles, before hooking his fingers under the fabric of his t-shirt, before he carefully pulls it out from under you. and maybe it’s the sheer embarrassment that you went out of your way to buy lingerie – but you pinch your eyes shut when you catch the realization in his eyes. 
his voices comes out more gravelly than you’ve ever heard it, as you open your eyes, skin burning, as you give him a confused look. 
“sit up, doll. let me look at you.” he whispers, this time more fervent. 
you oblige, sitting up on the edge of the bed, as he kneels onto the ground, hands fixed on your waist, as he looks up at you. you cringe, shrinking your shoulders together, as you look down at him. 
“too much?” you ask. 
sukuna scoffs. 
“are you fucking crazy?” he responds, tone dripping with disbelief. 
sukuna stands up this time, pulling you up with him, as cradles your face with his hands, eyes so sickeningly sweet that it makes you smile. 
“my perfect girl. what did i do to deserve you, huh?” he murmurs. 
“the dinner, the candles. this fucking set you bought. you ruin me, you know that?” 
you shake your head, as he drops his hands, admiring the lace. and he lifts one of his fingers, making the gesture for you to spin, as you oblige, and get a barrage of kisses in response. 
“i’m obsessed, you know that? with this, with you, with your smell.” 
you smile, pulling his face out of the crook of your neck, as you shake your head, and he takes the hint to slow down. you relax into his arms, nervously toying with the buttons on his shirt, as you calm down, trying to ease the nerves, as he presses a chaste kiss to your forehead. 
“i’m guessing you…you like it?” 
“like it? i love it. it’s special to me.” he murmurs. 
you look up at him, as he drops his gaze to yours, lovingly running his hands through your hair. 
“really? you don’t think it’s cheesy right?” 
sukuna shakes his head. 
“s’really special. never had someone put in this much effort to make me feel special. i was supposed to be doing all of this for you, y’know? was planning it all out too.” 
“yeah. was gonna get you a whole weekend getaway for your birthday. whole rose petals on the bed and everything.” 
you laugh. 
“what the fuck is so funny? it’s romantic.” he complains. 
“no, no it’s so cute! but you have to let me be the romantic too sometimes. i wanted to do all of this for you…and me too. i mean, i just –” 
“i understand, princess. you’re perfect.” sukuna responds. 
you pause. 
“you can tell me if you don’t want this right now. i know i made us dinner and made it a whole thing with the outfit, but really, you don’t have to oblige just because i –” 
sukuna responds by closing the distance, lips warm against yours as he pushes you back onto the bed, for a second time. 
sukuna brings you two advils when you’re soaking in the bath. you can still feel your blood pulsating under your skin, the tiredness seeping into your bones as you lean back against the tile, with the warmth of the water relaxing your muscles. 
and you can’t help but feel your skin burn when he walks back in – unable to stop thinking about how his head was just nestled in between your legs, of all the sweet nothings leaving his mouth, and the gentle way he carried you here after running the bath for you. 
he crouches down by the side of the tub, holding his hand out for you as you oblige. he lifts the cup to your mouth, refusing to let you hold it, as you down the pills.
“i can’t hold my own glass now?” 
“it's aftercare. shut up.” 
he makes the motion to stand up and you reach out, slapping your wet hand around his wrist and pulling. 
“you okay?” 
“yeah. yeah, but can you stay?” 
sukuna nods, as he sits flat on the tile of the bathroom, leaning his head against the side of the bath. he was intent on giving you the time to process and relax, despite the fact that he wanted nothing more to stay there, to possibly never leave your side again, and is pleasantly surprised by your request. 
“bath okay?” he asks. 
“yeah. thanks. for the pills too.” 
“promise it’ll hurt less next time, yeah?” sukuna murmurs. 
you nod, poking at the little indents of his dimples. you can’t help but admire him, the lightest sheen of sweat still stuck to his forehead, at the arch of his back and the tattoos littered over his skin as he lazily places his hand in the water and lets the soap run through his fingers. 
“did you like it?” sukuna asks. 
“are you a nut job?” 
“i mean, what did you like? just so i keep it in mind for next time. s’my job to make you feel good, y’know?” 
you smile, before feeling your chest ache. 
“all of it.” you respond. 
sukuna shakes his head. 
“nope. specifics.” 
you lean back, absentmindedly running your hands through his hair, as you think it over. 
“well, i liked it when you would hold my hand. it made me feel really comfortable…and when you would ask before doing something different.” 
“uh huh. what else?” 
“um…the stuff you called me.” 
sukuna grins. 
“like what?” 
you groan. 
“you know…the usual stuff!” 
“you like it when i called you my good girl, right? when you were taking me so well?” sukuna asks. 
you can tell that he’s trying to irritate you and lightly splash the water at him. 
“sue me! i like to be praised by my boyfriend!” you respond, glaring at him. 
sukuna shakes his head at you, before reaching for your hands and pressing kisses to your knuckles. the spots he marked on your neck are starting to purple up now, as he reaches down for his own that you left. 
“i liked it when you did this.” sukuna responds. 
you smile. 
“i’ll cover it up before you go to work tomorrow.” 
“i liked all the pretty sounds you made. i go insane when you say my name.” 
you shake your head, before splashing the water at him. 
“quit it.” 
“really. i love it all. i love you.” 
you deflate. sammy’s comment from earlier, the harsh memory of him with his eye purpled over on your dining room table, runs through your mind, as you lean forward, and press a kiss to his shut eyelids. 
“yeah, yeah. i love you too.” 
sukuna smiles, before leaning forward and pressing a kiss to the top of your knee.
next part linked here
taglist: @porridgesblog @k0z3mee @kayleegomez @yihona-san06 @sweetenertea @skzismyhome @mykyoon @violetmatcha @rebeccawinters @shotenvinsoot @itzmeme @gojoswifeyyys-world @cutiejg @chilichopsticks @ghostreadersthings @charlie-xo @whoami-72 @heijihattorisgf @megu-meow @complexivelovely @multiplefandomthings @hoebuns @lzaj19 @glossygreene @ramluvr @sureconfused @najaemism @manduse @imhorn1help @gamergirl5125 @r0ckst4rjk @invisible-mori @isaacdaknight @gyros-cum-sock @wishmem l @suftsunshine @i0099 @cowgirlikets @haitanibros0007 @stuffeddeer @yoontaedotin @ec3lipsy @armani78 @awkwardaardvarkforever @kereseth @leave-rae-alone @ruruvia @princess-ackerman @jjkwritingss @lilkiwikiara @opchara @telepathicheartss @starriesworlds @raechu11 @exprimidordefresas @nxxrxm @aalloochaat @strangehuman101 @tzutology
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yelenasdiary · 3 months
Forbidden || Chapter I - Welcome To Blisswater
Pairing: Yelena Belova x Bishop! Reader.
Summary: Just outside of the small town of Blisswater, lives two young sisters, Kate & Y/n Bishop. It's hard not to know who the Bishops are, Kate is the eldest by a year. She is a beautiful young woman, smart, protective and is known to have a talent in using a bow. Y/n, she is shy but quiet as some would say but nevertheless, she holds her own talents and can often be seen tending to the animals of Bishop Ranch. One evening while Kate is out hunting to make some money, Y/n is surprised with an unwanted guest, Yelena Belova. A bounty Hunter from Drybellow who has taken shelter in the young Bishop's barn after being wounded from a gun fight.
Struggling to keep money following, Y/n has no choice but to take the bounty hunter's offer of $5 a day if she is able to help the woman recover. During Yelena's stay, the two grow closer, a little too close if the wrong pair of eyes were to see them.
| No Warnings, I don’t think? | 3.6K |
Forbidden Masterlist
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"I'm leaving Lucky here with you" Kate, my older sister said as she entered the dining room, "I'll be gone for a least two days at the most. Will you be okay to handle things here?" she asked. A few, long months ago, our parents went on a business trip and are yet to return. Kate and I have been left to run the ranch and keep money flowing until they return, although we haven't heard from them, not even a single letter. My worries for them are endless. "Of course, I will be" I smiled before taking a mouthful of the porridge I made for us. 
"Do you need anything from town before I go?" she asked while putting her bowl in the sink for me to wash later, "no, I think we have everything we need. Just be safe, please" I looked to her. "Always, rabbit" she smiled. Kate has always called me rabbit, ever since we were younger. It comes from when my adult teeth were still coming through, they reminded her of a rabbit's front teeth when they would nibble on their food. "I'm just going to go get Arrow saddled up then I'll be on my way" she added before walking out the back door.
I'm used to Kate leaving for a day or two, she goes off hunting for us while I tend to the ranch. We have 3 cows, 5 pigs and 6 sheep! All of which have names of their own, of course. I've been saving some money to buy a couple of chickens so we can have our own fresh eggs. My father said we'd get some but that was before he and mother left on their trip. Today seems like it will be an easy day, feed the animals then off to the general store for my shift. 
"Alright, you know the rules" Kate spoke as she returned from saddling up Arrow, "father's rifle is in the case under your bed and please, don't let any of those wandering men stay too long! You can't trust everybody just because they say they've had a long day" she adds. "Yes, I know! You don't need to remind of that every single time, it was just once. Besides, Mr Lang has some very interesting stories to tell" I replied. I wish Mr Lang would return; his stories were almost unbelievable. 
"I guess I don't need to remind you to get some more coffee and canned peaches after your shift then?" Kate rolled her eyes at me as she tucked a few canned goods into her saddle bag. "You just did" I replied, sarcastically. "Let's go Lucky! We don't want to be late" I patted my right thigh after placing my used bowl in the sink for laters problem. "Hey!" Kate stopped me just as I was leaving the kitchen, "be safe, okay? If you need anything Mr Barnes is only a call away" she reminds me, again! 
We have a bell that Kate brought, it's rather large. I am to ring it if I'm in any trouble and Mr Barnes, the Salon owner, will come over and see what the matter is. Im not exactly sure how he's able to hear the ringing sound from so far away, we've done a couple of test runs and so far I haven't had the need to use it. 
"Yeah yeah, how about you be safe? I can't do everything around here if you go missing too!" I smiled softly at my older sister, she knows I'm joking. If anything were to happen to her, she knows I'd be okay…I guess. 
Lucky follows me around everywhere, especially when Kate goes off on her hunt. He'll come to the general store and wait outside by the door until I've finished my duties. Mr Wilson doesn't mind, he loves Lucky and even asked Aunt May to bake some of her famous cookies that everybody in town loves, she makes a little extra and dog friendly ones for Lucky. Everybody calls her Aunt May, not really sure why though, I think it's because she's such an aunt to everybody. Almost like a grandma that cooks everybody's favorite treats for the tea party.
The walk to town is always peaceful. In the warmer seasons, it can be rather hot but on days like today when the sun is just starting to peek over the mountains from afar, the wind isn't too cold and the birds sing their morning song, it's relaxing and maybe I tend to take smaller steps just to soak up the morning fresh air before I stay inside for most of it. 
"Good morning young Y/n!" A rather tall and very muscular man smiles to me, it's Thor. Nobody actually knows why his name is Thor, considering it's a very unusual name but he's very lovely. "Good morning, Thor! Keeping well I see" I replied with a friendly smile as Lucky and I slowly make our way past the Salon. "Oh, you know me! Can't resist the great liquor that is served here" the most likely drunken man chuckles. It's barely 7am and he is drinking. I guess that's a hobby for most people around here. 
Blisswater isn't a town for much entertainment, you have your basics. The Saloon ran and owned by Mr Barnes, the General store ran and owned by Mr Wilson, the doctors office with the only doctor within miles, Mr Banner. The gunsmith, Mr Barton owns and supplies Kate with discounts on arrows and sometimes ammunition for us. Mr Fury is the towns barber, my father wasn't a fan of him but when he was desperate for a cut, he had no choice but to see him. Then there's Sheriff Rogers, T'Challa the friendly banker, Peter the newspaper boy (by the way, he's love for me isn't exactly a secret!) and Mr Quill is the towns blacksmith. 
So that's all there really is to know about who lives in and around Blisswater, it's a small town. A town where everybody knows everybody, and word travels faster than you can blink! We all look out for each other here and most don't take kindly to newcomers. Sometimes we have outlaw gangs come passing through, they spend the night at the Saloon, get drunk and make a mess of themselves before pushing on by the afternoon. The walk-through town the following morning is usually a sight of Mr Barnes boarding up the windows of the Saloon from their drunken fights. 
The bell rings loudly as I open the door of the general store, and I'm greeted with Mr Wilson's warm and welcoming smile. "Good morning, Mr Wilson!" I smiled. 
"Please, Y/n, call me Sam! I've known you long enough" he chuckles before reaching down behind the counter for the plate of Aunt May's famous cookies. 
"I'm sorry, it's habit! I see Aunt May has come early this morning" I wandered up to the counter taking one delicious treat. "Lucky's biscuits are back here as well; did you bring him this morning?" Mr Wilson, I mean, Sam asked. "Of course! Kate is out today and left him all to me" I took a small bite out of the homemade goodness. "Parents off again?" he questioned, I nodded lightly. I miss them so much. 
"Well, I've got the perfect job to keep your mind distracted. How about you watch the store today?"  
"Alone? Me? Are you sure?" I asked with a mouth full of cookie. 
"Yeah, I have a couple of things that need my urge attention. I wasn't going to open today but I think you're ready for this. What do you say? You can even bring Lucky inside if you want" Sam smiled proudly. I thought about it for a moment while I finished my morning treat, it can't be that hard, right?
"Sure! I can hold the fort as they say" I replied with a smile, wiping the crumbs from my lips with the back of my hand. 
"I'll be back before closing, earlier I can. If you need anything, slip out the back door. I don't need to tell you this, I know" he chuckled, "Bucky will be around if you need anything" he assures me. I guess that's the handy thing about having your store next door to a saloon. "You're starting to sound like Kate!! I'll be fine, I have Lucky! What's the worst that could happen?" I raised a brow. 
"Right" my boss smirked, "well you already know where the stock deliveries are, and you know your main duties. Just don't leave the store unattended" he reminds me, I playfully rolled my eyes at him as he stepped away from the counter. "Stop stressing, Sam, the store will be fine. Go do what it is that you need to do" I hoped the door, patting my thigh for Lucky to enter.
Mr Wilson left as Lucky made himself welcome in the store, I closed the door and treated Lucky to his own biscuit before starting to restock the shelves. 
"Good afternoon, Y/n!" A familiar voice sings louder than the bell as the door fly’s open. "Peter! How are you?" I smiled softly as I was greeted with a smile of his own. "Oh you know how it is, busy busy!" He chuckles, "I ran into Mr Wilson earlier, he mentioned you were here alone today so I thought I'd come by and see if you, uh, needed anything" he adds. A hint of red fills his cheeks while his eyes struggle to stay connected to mine. 
It's no secret that young Peter Parker has a crush on me, the entire town knows it. Although he is a very sweet young gentleman, I guess I've just never found myself interested in him in a romantic manner. In fact, I've never really thought about anybody in a romantic manner now to think of it…
"You're very sweet, Peter. Thank you but things are pretty good. I've had no troubles today and please, thank your Aunt May for the cookies and Lucky's treats!"
"Oh, you're welcome! You know Aunt May, always baking" Peter chuckles once more. I could sense a hint of nerves in his voice and the redness in his cheeks grew deeper. "Peter, is everything okay? Do you need a drink? Some water?" I asked with a concerned frown. "No, no. I'm more than fine, thank you. It's just, it's getting a bit wild out there and I thought I'd walk you home later when you're finished here. Don't want you getting sick or anything" he gives me another soft smile. 
"It's meant to rain?" My frown only grew bigger as I looked out the window. Dark gray skys covered the town and beyond, distant flashes of lighting lit up the darkness for a moment. Wind blew the dry leafs onto the Main Street, horses stomped their hoofs with every crack of thunder that could be heard from the far, far distance. 
"Well shoot!" I sighed.
"Did Mr Wilson tell you when he'd be back?" Peter asked. 
"Sure hope it is soon, I have the animals I should move into the barn before the storm arrives" 
"It doesn't seem like it is far off. Maybe I could watch the store for you? I wouldn't mind at all" 
"You're very kind, Peter but I'm not sure if Mr Wilson would appreciate me leaving the store in somebody else's hands. I know you wouldn't ruin the place or steal from him but he is trusting me today and I don't want him to think otherwise" I explained as I watched the dark clouds darken, it'll be a big storm by the looks. 
"I'd be more than happy to make sure your stock is in the barn then" he offered, I turned to him and kindly shook my head. "I'm sure Mr Wilson will be back soon. Thank you again Peter, you're very kind. If you don't mind, there's a few things I should really get done before Mr Wilson returns" I smiled softly, hoping not to have hurt the boy's feelings.
"I plan on having supper at the Saloon, if you need me, I'll be there" Peter smiles before leaving the store. 
For the rest of the afternoon, I cleaned the store and did some stock take and made sure the store was exactly how Mr Wilson would like to have it when he returns and just my luck, he returns before the storm hammers down. 
"Y/n, thank you for all your help today!" He walks into the store, placing his hat on the  coat rack. He looked rather dirty; a nice bath would be in order for when he gets home if I didn't know better.
"You're welcome, Mr Wilson! I'm sorry to leave in a rush but I really need to be getting home before the rain starts" I grabbed my things, Lucky following closely behind me. 
"Of course, you best be safe now" 
I rushed out of the store, glad the rain hadn't started pouring down as yet but it was coming. You could smell it, the thunder got louder, the lighting got closer and the wind got stronger. The main street was quiet as people already began to make their way indoors until the storm pushed over. 
"Come on, Lucky! We haven't got much time!" I patted my thigh lightly before Lucky and I began to race home. 
The rain soaked the dry ground as expected and Lucky and I were able to get the animals into the barn before it came down heavy. I left a lantern in the barn just so I could keep an eye on it from the house, Kate hates when I do that, says it's a waste of resources but she'll thank me one day for it. 
"How long do you think she'll be this time Lucky?" I looked towards him as we both rested by the fire. He tilts his head at me as if he truly understands what I am saying. We listen to the rain dance on the roof and wind whistle outside while the fire cracks and keeps us warm. It's nights like this that I wish Kate wouldn't go off hunting, it's most lonely at night. But I know we need the money, just until mother and father come home.
"Come Lucky, let's check the barn" I stood up from my mothers rocking chair, and wandered over to the window. A frown creeps upon my brows when I notice the lantern, I left behind earlier in the night was gone. I rushed to my room and grabbed the rifle under my bed, grabbed my father's thick coat, a lantern and headed for the backdoor with Lucky right beside me. It was only a short walk from the house to the barn, but the rain was quick to soak me in its gift to the ranchers. Slowly, I pushed the large wooden door open, my rifle tightly in my grip. Lucky entered first, sniffing the ground for anything that didn't belong while I slowly followed behind him, one foot after another. 
Only a few steps in and I saw the lantern I had left behind, in the corner where Kate's horse would've been stabled. "Come out! I have a gun and I am not afraid to use it!" I called out, keeping my distance. Lucky walked quickly over to the empty stable slot, growling. "I said come out!" I repeated. 
"Don't shoot" a thick Russian accent came from the corner of the barn, "I won't hurt you, just call off the dog, please" the unknown voice added. 
"How can I trust you? You're a stranger in my barn! I have every right to shoot you" 
"Trust me, if I were here to harm you, you'd already be dead"
I took a few small steps closer to them, Lucky stood his ground and continued to growl. I wasn't going to tell him to back off just yet. "What are you doing here? Do you always just welcome yourself into other people's properties like this?" I asked. 
"You ask too many questions" the voice replied, "call the dog off, please" they asked once more. 
"Lucky, back!" I called once I laid my eyes on the intruder. A young woman, maybe no older than me. Blonde hair that was braided and she certainly didn't seem to dress how most women dress. Beside her was her gun belt and holster, her hat placed freely beside them. The woman was covered in blood, her right hand pressed tightly against her left shoulder. "You're hurt" you spoke softly while keeping my rifle pointed at her.
She chewed her bottom lip and nodded, "I'll be gone by morning, I just need a place to stay for the night"  
"How can I trust your word?" I asked. The woman smirked like I had just made a joke, an odd joke if my question was funny to her. 
"I know better than to kill a rich small-town girl" she replies causing me to frown at her words. 
"I am not rich girl. So, if you planned on robbing me later, you would find nothing, I can assure you of that" 
She chuckled, "well, maybe not rich but you are well off than others. Besides, I have no interest in robbing homesteads" 
"You know nothing about me" I snapped, pointing my rifle at her a little higher, aiming for her head. "Get off my property!" I demanded. Lucky growled once more, showing the unknown intruder his sharp canine teeth. 
"Maybe we could come to a deal. It seems money is a touchy subject to you, yes?" The blonde hissed in pain when she moved her right hand even the slightest inch. I didn't reply, my eyes were drawn to the amount of blood her hand was covered in. "I'll pay you" she spoke, gaining my attention once more, "$5 a day. If you help me. I'll give you the first three days right now if I could move my hand but as you can see, if I do that, I will bleed out" she offers. 
"Once I have recovered you will never see of me again, I give you my word" she adds. $5 a day would really help Kate and I and by the looks of her wound, she could be here for weeks. "I know you're thinking about it but I do not have time for you to think" her thick Russian accent brings me out of my thoughts, I nodded as I slowly lowered my rifle. 
"We best get you to the house then" 
"I'm sorry if that hurt" I spoke softly to the blonde as I bandaged her up, after pulling the bullet from her wound and cleaning the area with alcohol, she suggested cauterizing the wound with a lit candle. The smell of burning flesh is something I will never forget. "Don't stress, I've experienced worse" she looked to me with a soft smile. 
"How did this happen anyway?" I asked as I started to clean up the mess. I offered the woman my room until she was back on her feet, and I hoped Kate wouldn't have noticed when she came home. 
"Just a little miss understanding with an outlaw. I'm a bounty hunter" she informs me. 
"A bounty hunter? That's a little strange for a woman to be doing"
"Well, sometimes women just do a job better" 
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you. It's not often I meet women who aren't following the rules of society" My eyes dropped, I knew my comment offended her. 
"You should travel more; you'd be surprised on what or whom you might come across. What's your name?" She pulled the covers up over her, making herself comfortable on my bed. 
"Tell me yours and I'll tell you mine" I looked to her once more. She chuckled, "I'm Yelena, Yelena Belova. Your turn" she replies. I walked towards the bedroom door, my hands full of rubbish from cleaning her wound, "I'm Y/n, Y/n Bishop. I'll get you some water" 
"Bishop" Yelena repeated, "your father is Derek Bishop?" she questioned. I nodded slowly, "you know him?" I asked. Yelena shook her head, "no, just heard of him in passing. Water would be great, thank you" she watched as I walked out of the room. Her tone made me question if she was telling the truth; did she know my father? Maybe she knew where my parents were?
Lucky followed me to the kitchen, I grabbed two cups of water and returned to my bedroom, placing one glass on the wooden beside table next to my lantern. "You should get some rest; I'll make breakfast in the morning" I looked to Yelena who reached for her coat that sat at the end of the bed. "As promised, the first three days" she says before handing me $15 dollars in 1 ten-dollar bill and a 5 dollar bill. 
"T-thank you" I smiled softly, "do you like coffee? I could make some in the morning" I asked. 
"Never start the day without one" she smiled, "goodnight, Y/n" she added. 
"Goodnight" I walked towards the door, "oh, I hope you don't mind" I turned to face the blonde stranger once more, "I'm going to lock the door, you know…for safety" I added nervously. 
"I thought you would. I understand, I need to gain your trust" she nodded slightly. 
"If you need anything, just call out. I won't be far" 
"Thank you, again" Yelena smiled once more before I closed the door, making sure it was locked before making my way to Kate's room.
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Taglist: @madislayyy | @riveramorylunar | @teganmiller | @kyleeservopoulos | @yelenaslyubov | @kacka84 | @lesbiarmy | @meurgen | @caporal-nino | @sl-ut | @scarletwidowblackwitch | @dogtamer415 | @mousetheorist | @flohouse46 | @boredandneedfanfics | @gemz5 | @randomnessbecausewhynot | @unicorniusfallapatorius | 
If you want to be on the taglist for this series, please see the masterlist. It's link at the top of this post.
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purpleberiii · 5 months
"Her Favourite"
☆Prompt: In which Countess Chelsea has a favourite sugar baby.
☆Warnings: jealous Chelsea
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She had many sugar babies yet only one of them caught her eyes and supposedly her heart as well. You were no different from others, yet something about you that pulled her in.
The Countess never wanted to leave MBCC, she could have all the luxury she needs while in there and she gets to see her favourite sugar baby every morning.
You were the one in charge of the sinners, with Nightingale as your senior who guided you. You were young, beautiful and kind and you pulled many of the sinners as well, something Chelsea did not like. She could have many sugar babies but if you told her to drop them, she would-but you didn't, cause you didn't care. All you wanted was the money, and probably the special attention you received from Chelsea.
Every morning, you visit each sinners' cell, with two or three persons behind you holding several tray of food. You had to make sure that the sinners are fed and comfortable, which were orders by the Chief. This morning stop at Chelsea's cell was different from the rest. You and one of the other men went in and placed her food down, however, she did not greet you as she normally would. Instead, you were greeted by an angry face.
"Is-is everything okay?"
"Tell your him to leave." You looked in the direction of the man and gave him a nod. He left and closed the door. Chelsea got up and began walking towards you, her steps carrying a powerful demeanor.
As she walked, you backed up until your feet hit something soft and you fell onto a chair. The Countess stood between your legs, her handed folded as she glared down at you. "What was that interaction between you and that psychiatrist?"
Was she referring to Chameleon? "What interaction Chelsea?"
"The one you had yesterday. I saw the way she had you smiling and the way she ran her finger up your arm." Was she jealous?
"We were talking," you breathed out as her glare got more intense.
"About what? What were you talking about that had you smiling like that?"
"She was telling me about the food. She was complimenting it."
"Did she compliment you?"
"No-wait.. are you jealous?"
"Of course not! Why would I be?"
"I don't know. You sound jealous-"
"Yes I am. Now shut up and listen to me." She straddled your lap with an intense glare and the position made you red. "You're my sugar baby. Mine alone. You shouldn't be smiling with anyone else? Don't I give you enough?" She frowned.
"Of course you do! It was just a friendly interaction."
"You don't get too friendly with other sinners understand me?"
"Yes ma'am."
She smiled, a genuine smile. "You're my favourite you know. I don't usually do these things with my other sugar babies," she rested her forehead against yours. Chelsea wasn't afraid to let you know her true feelings and with the way things ate looking, she's going to tell you something that will blow your mind.
"Well.. used to be sugar babies. I dropped them."
"H-huh?! What?!"
"I dropped them so I could focus on you."
"Chief told me something. You can buy anything with money but you can't buy a genuine companionship and that's what I want with you."
"Chelsea I don't know what to say..." indeed you were speechless. You didn't expect the money gobbling Countess to be so... interested in you.
"Of course I'd still give you money whenever you need it but I want to stop basing our relationship off of 'sugar baby and sugar mama'. I want you to be more than that. I want you to be my lover."
You still held Chelsea on your lap, your mouth opened to speak but no words came out. She held your face and gently kissed you. It took you a minute to process it before you kissed back, with just as the amount of passion she had.
Well... you took atleast an hour or two before you left the Countess' office and the chief immediately suspected what happened as Chelsea had practiced what to say using the chief's help.
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milesmolasses · 1 year
Don't Blame Me
miles morales x reader
warnings: nothing i can think of
basically, you and Miles are a cute little couple, and you help him dye his hair at midnight (he has waves)
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The time was 12.34pm EST, and most of the apartments in Ocean Hill Brooklyn had their lights off and curtains closed. You and Miles were in a 24HR drug store across the street from his apartment, checking out their hair supplies aisle- just when you were about to grab your hair mask treatment, Miles came running to you from halfway down the aisle.
"YEOOOOO, look what I found! We finna bring the demons out tonight," he said in a playful, scratchy tone. You looked at what he had in his hand and saw the platinum blonde hair dye he was holding.
"You wanna be Frank Ocean so damn bad, don't you? You know you're destroying your hair if you do that, right?"
"Nah, I've had virgin hair for forever; my hair can't get ruined after dying it once. That's just stupid," he waved his hand dismissively to my comment on him literally killing his beautiful hair.
"Miles use your head: it's 12 in the morning, and you aren't thinking straight. Trust, you don't want to do this and wake up in the morning regretting shit," I tried to grab the dye out of his hand, but he held onto the box with such a tight grip and a determined look on his cute face, really telling me he wanted to do this.
"No, no no no no, I am thinking straight; believe me, I have thought about this a lot. I can show you my Pinterest hair board right now, and it's full of niggas with blonde waves. Frank Ocean is calling my name Y/N, PLEASE let me do this," he went on and on. He looked at me with a pleading look in his eye, attempting a cute puppy dog face with his chapped pouty lips.
"... A'ight fine, but we getting you some damn chapstick with your cracked ass lips."
"Alright not too much on me, baby. You gon help me dye it though?"
It felt as if he was counting on me to say yes, so I agreed to help him dye his hair. We soon walked up to the register with my hair mask and a new conditioner for his hair, a bag of mini KitKats, the blonde dye, and some Vaseline. I paid for the items, wondering how much I would have to apologize to Rio for destroying her sons hair.
As we walked back to his place, we stopped by the deli to pick up some more snacks- two bags of chips, jolly ranchers, and a sandwich for Miles. We made it back and quietly snuck upstairs to the bathroom, but not without first dropping the food off in Miles's room. We made our way to the bathroom with the dye and the purple conditioner/toner, and I made Miles sit down on the edge of the bath tub while I prepped all the supplies.
"You're a W girlfriend for dying my hair and buying me snacks..." I was having my doubts about this whole "dying my boyfriend's hair thing" because I really didn't want to be the cause of something Miles might regret later on. Also, I kinda liked his regular black hair- I thought it was cute, plus he already had waves, so I didn't get why he wanted to dye his hair on top of that.
"Look, don't be upset with me, ok? I've been actually wanting to do this for the longest time, and I really do appreciate you doing this for me."
"Oh Miles, I'm not upset with you. C'mon, you know I love you but I'm just a little worried about how this will all turn out. I don't want you to regret this later on. Plus keeping up with dyed hair is expensive as fuck, bro," he looked at me again, this time, without the puppy dog looks; more like a sad and disappointed seal. He didn't want to make me worried I could tell.
"Alright look, imma dye it, fix up your hair, and we'll see how it looks unwrapped in the morning, is that ok?" He smiled and took my hand kissing it softly while looking up at me.
And so I got to work, giving him a towel to drape over his shoulders, bleaching his hair while listening to his moans and groans about how much it burned, putting in the platinum color in his hair, and toning it after. We washed his hair and dried it with a t-shirt, added light amounts of pomade to his hair, finger waved and brushed it, and finally came the durag.
"How did it look? You was the one doin' it, so tell me, how did it look?"
"You gonna have to find out when you wake up tomorrow. Yo, lemme crash here. I'm mad tired right now," I walked out of the bathroom, already knowing his answer to my question. I walked my way back to his room, opening the black deli bag of snacks.
He turned on the ceiling projector which showed what seemed like trillions of little life-like stars on his ceiling. He plopped down onto his bed with me, turning to the bag to grab his sandwich as we stared at the ceiling projector eating our food.
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The sunlight crept through Miles's curtains, basking us in the warm indication that a new day had arrived. My eyes blinked slowly and steadily as I shuffled through the bed I was lying in. I looked to my right and saw that the bed was empty and called out "Miles" absentmindedly.
"I'm in here," he yelled out of what I assumed was his bathroom. I rubbed my eyes as I strolled out of his bed and towards his bathroom. I walked in on a sight to behold;
A Miles I had never seen before was staring straight into the mirror, rubbing the neat blonde waves on the top of his head, smiling a smile I had never seen before.
"You are amazing. I can't believe this is what I look like, holy shit.." his smile grew even larger than before when his eyes finally met mine.
"Oh my lord, look at my mannnn," I squealed as I put my hands over my mouth in shock. Of course, I knew what the waves had looked like— I'm the one who did his hair— but seeing him so happy with my finished work made me even happier with myself and Miles.
"Me and Frank Ocean are literally twinning right now."
"He prolly don't even have them blonde waves no more."
"Why can't you just let me be happy?"
I laughed at his straight face when he said that, knowing it was only a joke. I walked closer to him so that we were both seen in the mirror, just looking at each other. He placed his hands on my shoulder as he kissed the top of my head. Something about this kiss screamed "thank you" or "I love you for this," and it made me feel warm inside as I stared into his eyes through the mirror.
Suddenly, as if he had just come to a realization, he whispered, "I gotta show my mom... shit"
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AYEEEE this took me so long to write for literally no reason
can u tell how much i love frank ocean? lol
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lightlycareless · 1 month
Hellooooo I hope u are doing well !! I found ur blog a couple weeks ago I love ur posts😙
I was wondering what it would be like for Y/N and Naoya going thru their first baby's pregnancy. I think it's cute how for the first child they have to get used to mood swings, cravings, baby shopping and all those couple stuff haha. But of course only if u want to !!
Aww, thank you so much!! Welcome to the club, we have only naoya. Enjoy your stay 😏
I'm sorry it took me a while to get back to you, I was quite overwhelmed by other requests, I still am lol, but I manage to write a little something I hope you like!
I kind of went through all of those things, but I do feel like writing more about y/n's first pregnancy with Naoya :> there's just so much agnjakshgjakshgjaghjia
Anyways, here are the warnings: fluff. you're pregnant with your first baby. naoya is super happy. indulgent. you know hehe. but maybe a tiny bit of angst at the end.
happy reading!!
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Their first pregnancy would have to be the most special, loving, adorable, spoiled moment of their life!!!
Not to say that the others weren't, but this was the first time… experiencing everything, you know? So obviously, they couldn’t just sit back and not enjoy this moment to the fullest, taking it to the extreme, as they always did.
It is for granted that whatever Naoya does it will always be to please you; whatever request, no matter how big or small, he is at your command and you should take advantage of that, as he’d frequently insist. 
Starting with your cravings, not that he didn’t do that before, but now he’s just a bit more cautious, taking an extra step just to be sure.
“Honey, I think I want something—”
“Sweet, sour? Or spicy perhaps? Maybe a combination of all? I got all kinds of snack for you to choose from, but if that doesn’t work, I can go out and get —”
“I haven't said anything yet, Naoya!” You chuckle. “I think I just want something sweet, that's all.”
“Chocolate? Cake? Cookies? Gummies? Ice cream? Mochi?” He goes on, and you remain silent, thinking…
“...maybe a bit of everything?” you pout. “And perhaps something else too…”
“And something else too.” he repeats with a smirk before placing his hand over your belly. “Sounds like a plan for my princesses’”
“Stop saying that, it sounds like you already know their gender!”
“I don’t, I promise.” Naoya kisses your cheek. “I’m just guessing, that’s all.”
“Well, if our baby ends up being a girl I’ll take it as if you did know, and I’ll be very angry with you…” you frown, he chuckles.
“Hopefully not too angry to eat.” Obviously, you don’t mean any of those words as seen in the way you quickly hug him, pressing kisses across his face as you declare that regardless of the baby’s gender, you’re very happy to be forming a family with him, as well as how eager you were to finally welcome your little dumpling in your arms.
Followed by dates, outings, or however you want to call them: those are definitely Naoya's favorite of all. 
From making the most of the little time he has with you between missions and clan responsibilities, to wanting to show off how happy he can make the future mother of his children, once again there is no doubt that whatever you set your eyes on, it's yours, no questions asked—clothes, furniture, food, pastimes, anything; don't worry your pretty little head about anything, he’ll make it work.
“Oh, that crib is so cute…” you’d say once stopping before a furniture store, the two strolling around the mall right after getting ice cream from that one place you wanted to try out for the longest, but haven’t been able to due to Naoya’s… unwanted commitments. 
Your hand is tightly holding his because of that, almost as if you were afraid of letting go and losing him. Moments like this make you all warm, keeping them close to your heart.
“...But we already have one.”
“And who said we couldn't have two?” Naoya responds, more than ready to step into the store and buy the crib—he doesn’t care if the bedroom is fully decorated at that point, you want it, you’ll have it.
“No, Naoya! We can't take it!” You’d tug at his arm immediately after. “We can't just have two cribs because we want to!”
“Who says so?” He raises an eyebrow. “If anything, it’s only necessary—the estate is too big to just have one bedroom; I can’t have you walking from one edge to the other just to put our dumpling to bed, nor will I allow it.”
“Don’t be silly… that’s not even a real issue…”
“... but if we get another, does  that mean we’ll have more rooms to decorate?”
“Naturally.”Naoya smiles. “Oooh, then can we get that other crib as well?” you cheer, gesturing at the one right beside it. “I’ve been wanting to do something with yellow, I feel like it could fit in nicely! I got so many ideas too, aahh I can’t wait to show you!!”
The Zen’in and your family would eventually come to think that maybe Naoya’s bottomless spending when it comes to doting you, as well as your willingness to enable his behavior might not be the best approach…
But unfortunately, your husband doesn’t care, quickly shutting down any unrequited comments before they came your way, focusing instead on nurturing the happy, safe family he always dreamed of having with you.
If you wanted to have matching outfits for you and the baby every day, then Naoya would take you to every store necessary, indifferent if it was on the other side of the country, or give you his credit card to order online, all depending on your mood, since pregnancy made you far more exhausted, as expected.
Which of course, Naoya was dutifully prepared for, showing how serious he was in preserving your wellbeing by arranging weekly, if not daily spa days for you to simply relax and unwind, only the best masseurs were allowed to tend to his wife—the slightest mistake would be met by his reproach, which thankfully rarely occurred since he mostly liked to be involved himself (jealous, perhaps?)
Your absolutely favorite moment had to be when he stood behind you, placing his hands just beneath your belly to relieve pressure from the baby by carefully lifting it, a gesture that while simple, made you just about the happiest woman in the world.
As well as the most miserable when he had to stop.
“You’re the worst husband!” you’d cry, pouting as he eventually retreated. Naoya tries his best to not laugh at the adorable way you complained, but he could only do so much when it came to you. “Why would you even do that if you’re going to leave?”
“I didn’t mean to, princess. But I gotta do things too, you know?”
“...Like what?” You frown. “What could possibly be more important than me??”
“Nothing, ever.” He smiles, carefully wrapping his arms around you and resting them over your stomach. “But you do know you can go to the bedroom to rest, right? You don't have to worry about any duties or such, our baby comes first. And if anyone dares bother you, just let me know—they’ll get what’s coming to them…”
“... I know, I know, but… I just wanted to be with you the most I could before you left.” you eventually admit, looking up to him with those teary, round eyes that always made him putty. “You’re leaving soon, aren’t you?”
Naoya feels his heart clench with regret, sorrowful when reminded of the truth.
“Yes, I have a mission.”
“Why do you even go on so many missions?” you protest. “I mean, I get it but—but you’ve been working so much this year, and we’re expecting a baby too! Shouldn’t you… shouldn't you have some time for your family as well? You deserve it—I deserve it!”
“Yes, I do. And you’re not the only one that thinks that, but as the heir and sorcerer, I also have—”
“It’s almost like you’re married to them, and not me.” you frown, looking away; he doesn’t need to hear more to know that you’re very upset (and even then, that might be an underestimation) by his frequent absence, but also, perhaps mainly, anxious for the arrival of the baby.
It was only natural that you’d feel that way, after all, your little dumpling was set to come in just a few weeks, introducing you to the last, most crucial moments of your pregnancy.
The doctors asked you to be cautious, reduce stress to the bare minimum and continue having a healthy routine, but that was always easier said than done, and though you’ve done your best thanks to the constant comfort and reassurance of those you loved, such as your family…
They could never compare your husband, whom you only missed more and more with each passing day as he was forced to undergo missions after missions, after missions.
You might not lack anything at home, and was greatly appreciative of it too, but all the things in the world could never replace his company, no matter how much you tried to tell yourself otherwise.
And thus, he takes one of the many decisions that not only proves his commitment to you, but the depth of his feelings, how excited he was for this new stage in his life, setting an example to his future as a husband and father.
“I'll stay home from now on.” Naoya promises, taking you in his arms and kissing the top of your head, before gently cupping your face, swiping away the tears on your cheeks and sealing his words with another kiss on your lips. “I'll arrange someone to take my missions, I won't leave you alone, I swear.”
The two couldn’t care less if the whole world was against both, as long as you had each other, everything would be alright.
Exactly what he intended to do, from the very moment his heart became yours, he vowed to do whatever it took to be by your side whenever you needed him, in the good and in the bad, for better or for worse…
Until one day, unfortunately, he couldn't.
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hahaha well I decided to connect this one thing with another thing I have planned in the future... detailing more of naomi's relationship with her dad and y/n's second pregnancy...
Also Naoya is like super detached (acts like it, he's not) when it comes to your decisions about getting stuff for Naomi, but if you buy matching outfits for the two he will die of cuteness. Test it. :) he loves it.
Well, I hope you liked this little something!!! Omg keep them coming I love domestic stuff between our two lovebirds 🥺especially when y/n is still pregnant hehe Naoya becomes an even more overprotective man aghjkahsjgasghasjgk or when Naomi is eventually born..........................
ugh thank you so much for sending this!!! I LOVED WRITING IT if there's anything else you want me to write be sure to let me know!!!! 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️
Now take care, and hope to see you soon!!!
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dduane · 1 year
For those interested in the drink covers
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Yeah, they're absolutely fabulous! Here's their story.
I first spotted them sometime in the late 2010s when @petermorwood and I were passing through Freiburg im Breisgau—that queen among medieval cities in southwestern Germany. I can't remember why we were there on that particular trip. It's a place we've both been often: occasionally on our way to Somewhere Else, sometimes specifically to go there and stay a while for the terrific yearly wine festival, or for Freiburg's own sake. (I've been there two or three times when I needed to get away and do some writing. The usual plan is to rent a holiday apartment for a week or so and buckle down: but even on such trips you get to know the city around you pretty well as you do your food shopping, etc.)
This one time we were there together, in the summertime. All the shops were full of cool summertime things that were making us salivate. And we passed by the well-known cutlery (and cookware, but mostly wonderful knives, ooo, kniiiiiiiives...) shop Ramsperger, and saw the drinks covers above in the front window, along with various picnic stuff.
As too often happens, we didn't go in and buy them right then. But a couple of years later I remembered them, and said to Peter, "We really need those, if we keep getting this good barbecue weather. I'm tired of wasps and things falling in my rosé." And he said, "Well, go find them!" So I went hunting.
Generally, because I am a persistence shopper, what I hunt I find. Eventually I tracked these guys down at Amazon.de. (There may be other sources for homeXpert goods, but I stopped there, as amazon.de happily delivers to us.)
Here they are:
"Trinkglas-Deckel Schirmchen" is more or less "Little 'Brolly' Drinking Glass Covers." They're stiff heavy plastic, and you can see how the concentric ribbing inside them will help them snug down onto just about any size of drinking glass.
At €16 for a set of six, which would probably turn into sort of $20 at the moment, I wouldn't call these cheap. (It's worse in the UK. Amazon.co.uk will charge you £23 and change for the same item.) ...Yet at the same time, if you were to buy them, you wouldn't need another set any time soon. They're solid and well made, even heavy-duty. As an anti-bug measure, they work way better than the kind of cardboard beer mats you get from bars: they're heavy enough not to blow off your glass. And the shape of them means that if it suddenly starts raining, none of the water will get in your drink.
So: 10/10, would buy again if necessary (though I can't think why that would be). And I heartily recommend them for those of you who like the look of them, and for whom the price isn't a problem.
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infinitystoner · 7 months
🐊 headcanons...
If Loki was somehow forced to buy birthday presents for Thor, Tony, and Nebula on their birthdays...what would he get them?
God of Gifts
Word count: >900 Author’s note: I don’t think I’ve ever written anything so quickly, but I couldn’t stop imagining Loki giving gifts to everyone! Here’s a sweet lil’ gen fic/drabble featuring some of my favorite Marvel characters.
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This was ridiculous. Nevertheless, Loki followed his brother into Stark’s cabin. 
“Happy birthday to us!” Thor bellowed, flinging his arms open and nearly knocking Loki back out the door in the process. 
It was not Thor’s birthday, nor Loki’s. It was, however, the birthday of the Iron Man himself, Anthony Stark.
“We don’t know when our birthdays are,” Thor had bemoaned as Pepper handed out party invitations earlier in the week. 
“Oh, how heartbreaking!” 
“I know when my birthday is,” said Loki, rolling his eyes at her sympathetic look.
Thor was shocked. “What? How?” 
“I asked.” 
Of course, Loki didn’t know his exact birthday, but the day Frigga had claimed him as her own was good enough for him. Loki also knew Thor’s birthday, but that was of little consequence. 
“You are more than welcome to celebrate with Tony, Thor. You too, Loki.”
“That won’t be necessary,” Loki replied as Thor gave Pepper a hug so mighty that her feet left the ground. 
And now, Loki was at said party. Worse still, he’d procured gifts. 
He surveyed the room, giving a cordial nod to Banner and Colonel Rhodes before approaching his first target.
“Many happy returns, Stark.” Loki gave a hesitant smile to the man leaning against the kitchen counter. 
“Glad you could make it, Horns. Can I fix you a drink?” Tony asked before taking a sip of what Loki surmised was scotch. 
“No, thank you. But, speaking of potables…” 
Loki pulled three amber vials from his pocket and placed them on the countertop. 
Tony set down his glass, picking up one of the tinctures instead. “And what exactly is this?”
“A gift.” Loki rocked back on his heels before continuing. “Your wife has you on a special diet, does she not?” 
Tony’s brow furrowed. “Yeah…”
“Well, one drop of these elixirs will make even the blandest of health foods taste like,” he tapped his finger on each jar as he explained. “Cheeseburgers. Fried potatoes. And doughnuts.” 
Without a word, Tony retrieved a piece of broccoli from a veggie tray on the kitchen island and poured a drop of liquid onto the florets. With a flourish, he took a bite. Loki watched in satisfaction as Stark’s eyes widened.
“Schiiit–” he mumbled. “Unbelievable.” 
Loki was caught off guard by the hug.
After explaining the magic behind the concoctions, he headed towards the living room – and his next target.
“Best regards, brother.”
“Ah, thank you for playing along, Loki,” Thor laughed, wrapping an arm around the younger prince’s shoulders as he sat on the couch. “I am glad to celebrate with you.” 
“In honor of this most special occasion,” Loki replied, pulling a small brown parcel from his pocket and handing it to Thor. He picked at his palm as his brother opened the box, revealing four miniature figurines.
“Loki,” whispered Thor, his voice catching in his throat. “I- I don’t know what to say. Thank you.”
Blinking back tears, Loki watched as Thor carefully sat the small figures on the coffee table. First was Frigga, resplendent in gold. Next was Loki, with gilded horns and emerald cape. Then Odin, complete with Gungnir. And finally, Thor, strong and mighty with lightning in one hand and his hammer in the other. 
“Is this what you’ve been toiling away at in your workshop all week?” 
“Yes, and I actually quite enjoyed the process,” Loki confessed, leaning forward to observe his own handiwork once more as he donned a mischievous smile. The figurine of himself was a few millimeters taller than Thor’s – practically undetectable, but Loki knew, and that was all that mattered. 
“Just don’t let the Valkyrie see these, or she’ll want me to make enough to sell at the New Asgard gift shop.” 
After promising Thor he’d work on figurines of the Warriors Three next, Loki headed out onto the front porch. There was still one gift left to give. 
Nebula sat alone on the steps, looking up into the night sky. 
“Heading back out there soon?” Loki asked, settling down beside her. 
“That is the plan.”
“Here. For your adventures.” He handed her a tarnished skeleton key. 
“Is this going to make our ship smell like eggs or something?” Nebula turned to him as Loki chuckled. Her skepticism was warranted. He was the trickster prince, after all. 
In truth, the key was a relic from his youth. Long forgotten until yesterday, when he discovered it in his workshop. 
“It is enchanted,” he explained with a grin, “but for use as a tool. That key will successfully pick any lock and open any door in the galaxy.” 
“Liar,” she hissed, but Loki caught the twinkle in her black eyes as she observed the serpent at the key’s bow emit a green glow, twisting into itself.
“I’m sure you’ll find out soon enough,” he said, straightening himself before walking to the front door. “Happy birthday, Nebula.” 
“How did you–” By the time she turned around, Loki had already disappeared. 
“Some Migardian traditions aren’t so bad, are they now, brother?” Thor teased as they walked back to the compound later that evening. 
Loki shook his head, but he couldn’t hide the smile spreading across his face. No, maybe life on Earth wasn’t so bad after all. 
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tagging @loki-cees-all @sarahscribbles @cleo-fox @tripleyeeet @use-your-telescope @the-lady-amphitrite @liminalpebble @fictive-sl0th @coldnique @joyful-enchantress @superficialdomina @holdmytesseract @smolvenger @tallseaweed @maple-seed @loopsisloops @mischief2sarawr @asgards-princess-of-mischief @fandxmslxt69
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doe-eyed-fool · 2 months
Fallen {Chapter Twenty Four}
Alastor x (fem)Reader
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It had been about a week since that incident, I was still a little shaken from it. Though, I tried to keep my composure, and act normally. Most seem to buy it, except for two people. Angel Dust, he saw right through my act. He tried to make me feel better. Talking to me, inviting me out with him and Cherri. While I appreciated his efforts, it didn't help much. I tried to put his own worries at ease, but I wasn't much help either.
Then there was Alastor. Even if I wanted to pretend like everything was fine, it wouldn't convince him. He was patient with me and understanding. He did as I asked, and kept quiet about what he did to Liam. Though, telling from the grin on his face, he was satisfied with what he's done. 
Today, Alastor had stopped by my room. He wanted to take a crack at trying to cheer me up too. But, the way he went about it was...shocking.
I answer the door, I've learned overtime that his knock pattern was different from the others. He stared down at me with a friendly(?) grin. "Good evening Y/n! How are you feeling?" He asks. I shrug. "About the same." Not great, but not terrible either. Somewhere in between. But, it wasn't a good in between. I knew that much.
"Well, that's not good." Alastor knew it too. "It's because of that, I came by. I wanted to ask you to join me this evening." 
"Join you? I don't know Alastor, I'm not really in the mood to be going anywhere. I could tell I was dampening the mood, when Angel invited me out recently. I don't want to do the same with you." I tell him.
"Nonsense! You never let my spirits down! Y/n, I feel like this would be good for you. Trust me, you'll have a blast!" Alastor quickly adds. "And before you say anything, no, this evening will not involve murder or maiming of any kind." 
"Then, what were you planning?" I ask him. Alastor offers his hand. "That's for you to find out." I hesitated, but took his hand anyway. "Aha! Wonderful! I assure you Y/n, you won't regret it!" He begins to walk with me, but pauses after taking another look at me. I raise an eyebrow. "What?" 
"I feel as if we should properly dress for the evening, shouldn't we?" He says before snapping his fingers. Suddenly, we were both wearing new outfits.
I wore a red midi dress with a black bow tied around my waist. While Alastor wore a red suit, because of course it was red.
"Perfect!" Alastor exclaims. "Alright, are you ready, dear?" He asks. "I don't think I will ever get use to sudden wardrobe changes. But yes, I am ready." Alastor chuckles at my comment before leading me out. He teleports us both, as not to draw attention from the others in hotel.
We had traveled to a upscale part of the city, anyone here clearly were proper and fairly rich. I felt so out of place, though Alastor acts as if he's been here hundreds of times. He probably has, now that I think about it.
"I say we should start the evening off with a nice meal. What do you think?" Alastor asks me. I couldn't pass up the chance for food, especially when I haven't ate all day. "That sounds fine." I tell him. Alastor leads me to a fancy looking restaurant.
He informed the host of his name and reservation, and was swiftly welcomed in. Though, I'm sure without one he'd get in. He was an overlord after all.
We were brought to our seats, and given a bottle of wine that was sat in a small bucket of ice. The host told us our waiter would be with us momentarily before excusing himself. "I know you don't drink, so I won't force you. But, if you change your mind..." Alastor says as he pours both of us a glass. "It'll be there." 
"Well, it's not like I don't drink ever." I say while taking the glass. "I just, prefer not to over do it. I like to keep it light, you know?" I then took a sip. Wow. This is good. I dare not think about just how much this wine costed alone, on top of sitting down to eat here.
"Understandable." Alastor nods as he takes a sip himself. "I don't think I've gotten drunk in a while. Last time I did, I believe I found myself in a part of the pride ring I'd never been to before. Apparently, in my drunken state, I had bet quite the sum of money on a race horse...and lost." 
I couldn't help but laugh a bit at that. "How much did you drink?" I ask. "Couldn't tell ya. But my pockets were hurting for a bit after that, I can say that for certain." Alastor chuckles.
"I can't even remember why I was drinking that much to begin with. But I recall Mimzy being there, and when Mimzy and I drink together...The night can take us literally anywhere. I even asked her, and she can't remember why either. But she had gotten herself into some trouble as well." He takes another swig. 
"This Mimzy girl sounds like a blast." I say with a smile. "Oh, she is." Alastor chuckles. "Quite the trouble maker too. But, she's a decent woman. Me and her go way back. We were good friends when we were alive." He tells me. "We got each other out of a few sticky situations, every now and then." 
"I notice your quite popular with women." I say. "You get along with them better, and it seems you only make friends with women. I'm surprised you don't have a girlfriend, or a wife." Alastor shrugs. "I was never interested. Romance, love, it was never a priority." 
"Oh, I see." Something about hearing that made me a little disappointed. Not upset. But, I guess I was hoping for something? Then again, this could be a good thing. My delusions and silly emotions could finally settle. At least now, I know for sure I won't get hurt again.
Our waiter then arrived, and took our orders. As we ate, me and Alastor talked about all sorts of things. He told me a bit about his living days. How he was a popular radio host, though that was unsurprising. How he basically came from nothing made something of himself all on his own.
And being a black man in a time like that, it was more than a little difficult. But he did it, and he was damn proud of it too. He told me more stories of him and Mimzy, and from what he talked about, she was a handful. She would get herself into trouble and usually Alastor would have to help her out. But, she would always make up for it somehow.
By the end of dinner, he would take me to a jazz lounge. The relaxing atmosphere, along with a few drinks, had put me a calmer mood. While the restaurant made me a little anxious, this place was the total opposite. Jazz wasn't my most preferred music, but I still liked and appreciate it.
And as I said, it was very relaxing. I take a look around, there was a few couples in lounge, cuddled up next to each other. I smiled at the sight, but it made me a little jealous. My gaze then moved to Alastor. He was focused on the performance, so he didn't catch my stare.
Maybe it was the alcohol finally settling in, but, the lighting of the lounge made him look very handsome. And we were sitting so close, our shoulders nearly touched. My cheeks began to heat up, and I prayed he could hear my heart beating as fast as it was. 
"I was never interested. Romance, love, it was never a priority." 
My heart started to settle, upon remembering those words. I turn to face the stage, feeling that same twinge of disappointment again. 
After that, Alastor and I took a stroll trough the city. We didn't talk much, but it was a comfortable silence. My arm interlocked with Alastors as we walked.
The night here in Hell was different from the one on Earth. Instead of a black sky full of stars, the red sky was a cool maroon. Even the bright pentagram had dimmed down, still bright enough to light the sky, but not enough to hurt your eyes. It was like looking at the moonlight. 
I looked up at Alastor. "Did you have a nice time?" He asked me. I smile and nod my head. "I did. Thank you." Alastor's grin soften, he turned his attention ahead and kept walking. As we walked, the sound of music steadily grew louder.
Ahead of us, was a street performer, who was playing a saxophone. There was a small gathering of demons who watched him play, some playing money into the saxophone case next to him. He was pretty good.
Alastor suddenly stopped walking, unhooking his arm from mine, and twirled me around. "Alastor?" I gasp slightly. "May I have this dance?" He asks, pulling me close. "I thought I told you, I can't dance." I laugh weakly. 
"You did fine the last time we danced." Alastor said, beginning to move. "Don't focus on the dancing, just focus on me." I tried to do what he said, keeping my eyes on him, trying to drown out my thoughts as we danced.
I follow his lead, and like before, he was perfect. I couldn't help but wonder how long he'd been dancing. 
I became less tense by the second, just taking it all in. The soft music in my ears, the beautiful city lights. The very same feeling I had when Alastor held me like this before...I couldn't help but smile, and finally give in. Alastor made it clear, he wasn't interested in romance. But it was a nice thought. 
It was nice to pretend for a while. Just for tonight, just in this moment. 
 As the song slowed to an end, Alastor and I found ourselves closer than when we started. Our lips but inches away from each other's. I half expected Alastor to back away after the song finally ended.
But, he stayed put. His eyes, looking deep into my own. I swore I saw something in his, I had never seen from him before.
It was really nice to pretend...
I inwardly sighed before pulling away from him. "That was nice." I say softly. Alastor was silent for a moment before speaking. 
"Yes...Yes, it was."
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lloydfrontera · 8 months
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"What are you doing?" Lloyd went on. "Eat up. If you still don't get it, then just put it in your head. In an event like this, food is what you remember." "I do not-" "Feel like eating it?" put in Lloyd- "No." "But why?" There was genuine curiosity in Lloyd's voice. "To be honest, I am skeptical about whether it's really necessary to waste so much money on this extravagant food," Javier spoke as he looked at the food stacked high on Lloyd's plate. "It is excessively rare. Unnecessarily high-end. Inefficient and expensive. The money that was spent on your plate of food alone could buy a large amount of rice and bread." Lloyd noticed the faint glint of complaint in Javier's eyes. He smiled. "Aha," said Lloyd, "I suppose you mean that giving up a small portion of this extravagant meal could help feed more hungry people in the capital, right?" "Yes." "Well," Lloyd said with a nod, "you're not wrong, but what can we do?" "What do you mean what can we do?" blurted Javier. "It's not like the food you refuse to eat will be distributed to the people." "..." "And we didn't spend our money on this," Lloyd reminded. "The banquet was prepared and hosted by the palace. That is why they prepared food befitting the status of this event."
the food being excessively expensive and lavish is exactly why javier doesn't feel comfortable eating it, he'd much rather the money went towards helping people that need it, that's an inherent part of his character, how much he cares and wants to help other people!
lloyd has to point out to him that it's not their fault the money was wasted, that they cannot give it back or use it to help people in need, even if they don't eat it won't actually help because the food is already there and the money was already spent.
and then he goes onto explain to him how the shows of power that alicia does are necessary in order to keep up the image of the kingdom and encourage other nations to keep the peace with them which does help the people even if much more indirectly. something that javier hadn't considered before.
and then he tries to get javier to enjoy himself a little in a way javier wouldn't allow himself on his own.
"So enjoy yourself," Lloyd suggested. "This event and amount of extravagance is a necessity." "Um, but..." "Oh, wow. Is that the special coconut from Ahinsya?" Flinch. Javier, who was about to grumble, stopped. The special coconut from Ahinsya. The sweet and sour taste automatically came back to him. "I got you." Lloyd smugly smiled. "..." "Look at that. I knew you'd chow down once you found something you like," pointed Lloyd. "You are wrong," denied Javier with a defiant look. "I was just tensing my body to hold back a sneeze." "Really?" "Yes." "Really?" Lloyd waggled his eyebrows. "Yes." "Then can you swear that you will never lay your hands on the coconut even when it's right in front of you?" "Of course, I won't-" "My, looks like there's a real one here." Lloyd immediately snatched a plate from a passing servant. The plate, in fact, did have a special coconut placed right on top of it. The smile on Lloyd's face turned more evil. "Then I will enjoy my drink" "..." Javier's face froze in a flash. That gave Lloyd another smile but not because he was able to make fun of Javier. Those reactions just now definitely suit Javier. A knight who was always sided with the weak. A hero who pursued justice over immediate power. Lloyd suddenly recalled Javier's appearances throughout the original novel. Yes. Right. I forgot because he's with me all the time, but he was always like this. Javier preferred a conversation in front of a bonfire to a luxurious banquet. He preferred to use the money for an extravagant meal to buy dozens of bread loaves for people in need. He didn't hesitate to act and didn't come to regret his decisions. This aspect of his personality remained unchanged even when he became the grandmaster in the novel. If he really wanted, he could have attained all the power and wealth he wanted. If he really made an effort, he could easily have had his own kingdom. But Javier didn't. He's really quite the man. Lloyd picked up the coconut with a grin and held it out to Javier. "No need to stiffen your face like that. Eat it." "..." "I won't judge." Lloyd held it out some more. "Eat it, I tell you." "..." "Hey, eating comes first before swearing," Lloyd insisted. "I never swore." At last, a wry smile appeared on Javier, and he was about to receive the coconut [...].
it's just. such a nice scene. we get to see another part of javier's personality that just like lloyd says we don't get to see very often because he's normally at his side. we get lloyd teasing javier into acting his age by presenting him with his favorite fruit. we get lloyd reflecting on the kind of person that javier is and being so fond about it in his thoughts even while he teases him on the outside.
it's about!! lloyd knowing javier better than anyone!! liking him just the way he is while teaching him to relax and enjoy stuff they have no real control over!! it's about their banter and the easy way they act around each other!! it's about them learning and helping each other grow as people!!
but no we don't need that why would we just add another ugly face while javier makes fun of him i'm sure that's just as good lol
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darth-aces · 1 year
Pining For Pineapple
Bella Ramsey x Reader
This is just a short story I wrote that wasn’t meant to be a fanfic, but I’m bored and I don’t know where else to share this story so I decided to nourish the gay Bella army with a new story. Anyway I hope you enjoy.
“Pineapple again?”
Bella asks as they picks up a silver tin wrapped in a bright yellow strip of paper. Before I could answer, their hand and the can make their way toward the basket swaying from their other hand. “I know you like them. We might as well pick some up while we’re here.”
“I’ve got a can or two in the cupboard already so I think I’ll be all right till next week,” I explain as I try to pick the can back up to return it to its original place on the shelf. Before my fingers could reach it in time, Bella moves the basket farther away from me.
“I think we should just grab one, in case you’re craving pineapple this week. Also, it might save us some time from coming back here next week.” Bella protests.
“Why? Are you so sick of me that you’d rather stock up on canned food to avoid hanging out with me?” I say teasingly, knowing full well that I’m the one who wouldn’t be able to go a day without them.
I watched as a grin emerge from their lips before they speak. “Yeah. You’re suffocating me, so I’ll have to buy as many canned pineapples as I can to feed you and keep you satiated while I’m away.”
To this remark, I scold them with a light smack to their arm and say, “You know you love me too much to stay away.”
“I do know that, but do you love me?” They playfully say.
I taunt back, “Not as much as my pineapple.”
We continue our banter with a side of more shopping. By the time we paid for our things and exit the store-the groceries in my hand-I noticed that night was approaching, and the clouds were grey and ominous looking.
We’re walking back to our apartment when Bella gets a text on their phone. I take a glance and it’s a message from a good friend of ours. “Everyone’s hanging out tonight. Wanna go?”
“Sure, but we gotta be quick. It smells like it’ll rain soon.” As if on cue, raindrops lightly fall onto our face.
“I think if we run, we can make it back to the apartment before the rain gets heavier.” My hand holding the grocery bag tightens as I nod, and we both take off.
I’m only a few steps behind them, giving me a chance to get a good look at them.
Hair, eyes, nose.
Then I see their lips. They grew as uncontrollable giggles slip out of their mouth as we run through the rain, and it convinces me that I now have heightened hearing and limitless capacity in my memory just for them.
Suddenly I feel my heart expand, and I am eager to fill it with the thing I’m craving the most. I’ve felt it before. The way my lips purse as I engulf myself in its sweetness, but I have to brace myself every time for the sourness that comes at the end. Despite this pain, I’m craving it more than ever right now.
When we finally get to the main entrance of our apartment, we slow down before getting closer to the door. The giggling had turned into huffs as we try to catch our breaths.
Before they reach the door handle, I say with the little air in my lungs, “Hold on.” They turn around to face me, and our eyes connect. Before I forget why I stopped them in the first place, I lay the groceries down by the door. Then I walk back into the rain just a few steps away under the warm yellow hue of a street light nearby. The rain had started pouring moments before we got here. Despite this, I still waved them to come over.
“In the rain?” They yell over the sound of the sky continues to pour down on us.
“Just for a bit, please,” I say.
They come over grinning, radiating, and ecstatic about whatever plan I have up my sleeve.
“So much for trying to avoid the rain.” They’re still taunting me.
We’re both drenched now, yet they’re still glowing; brighter and yellow now as they enter the light. I extend my hand as they get closer, and they rest their palm against mine, weaving our fingers together. My eyes are on them this whole time, with a grin I can’t seem to shake. Our eyes are still connected until they get close enough to place their other hand gently on my face. Immediately they use their thumb to caress my cheek, and my eyes fall to their lips like it always does.
I’m feeling it again. I’m craving them, and nothing can stop my concentration, not even the rain.
When I move closer, I ask them, “Is this okay?”
Bella nods, and they let out a slight chuckle. This only amplifies my craving. My smile gets wider and my heart beats at a rhythm I can not recognize.
Then we kiss, and I lose myself in the sweetness.
The hand already tangled in theirs, softly squeezes. I do this because I hope it can make the sweetness linger a little longer. It is also to brace myself for the sourness that will follow when it’s over.
When we do pull away, we laugh to ease the tension in the cliche story we’ve curated. It’s time to walk out of the rain, but my concentration stays on them.
I'm doing my best to savor this moment so I can store this memory away for the next time I'm craving pineapple, and I’ll ensure to ask them if they want to share it with me again.
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delusionalwings · 1 year
Hello! I saw your reqs open and was so excited, cuz I adore your writing!! So I'd like to make a rq! Headcanons, pls!
How would Beel, Barb, and either Mammon or Raphael react to their MC just accepting everything. Like they kidnapped them and forced them to love them and their different scenarios of being Yandere, but they just accept it and love them anyway!
― synopsis -> when you accept his yandere tendencies after he kidnaps you
― characters -> beelzebub, barbatos
― gender neutral reader
― headcanons
― warnings -> yandere content, kidnapping, toxic and problematic behavior, stockholm syndrome
― a/n -> i am happy that you enjoy my content ♡ i hope this is to your liking!
mammon version
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The kidnapping was the most amusing business. He approached you like it was any other day and offered to escort you back home. There was no reason to be suspicious since that was second nature to Beel. Even when he told you to take a different route because he had something to buy, you did not bat an eyelash. You thought that some new restaurant must have opened in the vicinity and he wanted to try the food there. When he stopped in front of a small cottage, you did not question him and went inside. The sound of the lock didn't bother you either. You were with your protector, the one who would save you from every harm, not someone who you could consider as a possible danger.
“Do you like this place, [Name]?” he asks after turning towards you, pocketing the key quickly.
That is the first time you look around, really look around with the intent to answer him.
“I think it's neat. I wouldn't mind living here with you,” you chuckle and tease playfully.
His stoic face softens, and a blush graces his cheeks.
His voice is laced with relief, “Hehe that's wonderful news because that's how it would be like from now on! I told Belphie that you would understand. I knew you would! I told Belphie that I wouldn't need to force you. I am so happy that I was right.”
“Understand what exactly?” you ask, blinking.
“That we will live here from now on. Belphie will come visit from time to time too,” he finishes a little uneasily. Was that doubt that he heard in your voice? But he thought you understand. You always understand what his family needs.
You need to understand that he kidnapped you for your own good. With all the attention and popularity, you could have fallen victim to some demon's ill will. Trust him. He knows demons better than you do.
He looks at you pleadingly.
You frown.
“Okay... I didn't know that it was in the plan. I thought we were going home.”
“Exactly. This is home. Our home. Nobody can come between us now. I can feed you, take care of you, carry you around and get your attention whenever I want. So this is home for me.”
You look at him and your chest feels warm. The idea that he just put in your mind doesn't seem too terrible. In fact, you would like Beel to take care of your needs.
You smile and put a hand on his arm, “Yes... I think you are right. This might be home.”
Beel smiles, “I knew you will understand. I am so glad that you understand! Now we must get this place ready to spend the night. I will treat you to some good food for dinner today hehe. This is what it will be like from now on.”
He sounds so dreamy that you kiss him on the cheek.
He would have liked to proceed slowly. Even though he is greedy for you, he wanted to keep his darkness hidden longer. Maybe put a little distance between the you who thinks of him as a friend and the you who will come to hate him someday. That is how he expects it to turn out. Not that you should complain when he is going to give you a life where you won't have to lift a finger. All you should be concerned about is making him happy and you will be taken care of.
He truthfully doesn’t know exactly how you will react and he doesn’t want to find out using his powers either.
The situation keeps growing grim as your popularity increases in the Devildom. With his usual expressionless mask, he notices how lower demons muster up the courage to greet you, to hog up all your attention and time. Seeing others greedily enjoy your light and company when he can’t do so himself only makes him more firm to get you sooner rather than later.
There are very few things in his life that he has wanted as ardently as he desires you. So he acts.
His plan is carried out perfectly. Nobody in any of the realms knows where you are. Nobody expect Barbatos.
His absences during the period of your disappearance might be noticed so he doesn’t dare leave the Devildom to go meet you and suffices to spy on you from his room. It’s only when suspicions have shifted enough that he finally goes to visit you in person. By now, after watching you almost religiously daily, he has realised that you knew all there was to know.
“Do you know what this means, [Name]?” he asks after showing his face, approaching you slowly.
“Barbatos... Yes I was expecting you... We are going to always be together from now on,” you answer calmly. You register a little surprise but that’s all and by the looks of it, the emotion is triggered by his appearance rather than the entire... unpleasant affair of the kidnapping.
“Very good,” he says.
His face gives nothing away but his voice has a cautious undertone in it. The human he has set his heart on seems to be full of surprises. No wonder everyone was losing their minds over you, himself included.
He speaks again, “You know that I am a busy demon so if we are to be together all the time, you must be available for me whenever I get free time. You must always be ready to receive me. So how do you feel about it?”
You take a step closer to him, “I do not mind. I wish to know you better and be closer than we are now.”
“Is that so? Do you understand the gravity of the situation as you speak so innocently?” he moves towards you.
“I made my decision after thinking about it. I love you enough to want to be with you. I think my reason is innocent enough,” you smile and take another step towards him.
“If that is what you want. Remember that I do not take kindly when someone goes against their words,” he says darkly but lets you reach out to him.
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ninadove · 29 days
Nina reads Dracula 🦇
May 8th
Today we pick up where we left off with our good friend Jonathan!!! I hope he’s having a wonderful day!!!
I began to fear as I wrote in this book that I was getting too diffuse; but now I am glad that I went into detail from the first, for there is something so strange about this place and all in it that I cannot but feel uneasy. I wish I were safe out of it, or that I had never come.
If there were any one to talk to I could bear it, but there is no one. I have only the Count to speak with, and he! —
Every day this story reads more and more like a Beauty and the Beast retelling… 🦇🌹
I only slept a few hours when I went to bed, and feeling that I could not sleep any more, got up. I had hung my shaving glass by the window, and was just beginning to shave. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder, and heard the Count's voice saying to me, "Good-morning."
I started, for it amazed me that I had not seen him, since the reflection of the glass covered the whole room behind me. In starting I had cut myself slightly, but did not notice it at the moment.
When the Count saw my face, his eyes blazed with a sort of demoniac fury, and he suddenly made a grab at my throat.
At least buy him dinner fi — oooooh so that’s what all this food was about… got it… carry on…
I drew away, and his hand touched the string of beads which held the crucifix. It made an instant change in him, for the fury passed so quickly that I could hardly believe that it was ever there.
"Take care," he said, "take care how you cut yourself. It is more dangerous than you think in this country."
"And this is the wretched thing that has done the mischief. It is a foul bauble of man's vanity. Away with it!" and opening the heavy window with one wrench of his terrible hand, he flung out the glass, which was shattered into a thousand pieces on the stones of the courtyard far below. Then he withdrew without a word. It is very annoying, for I do not see how I am to shave —
The castle is on the very edge of a terrible precipice. A stone falling from the window would fall a thousand feet without touching anything! […]
But I am not in heart to describe beauty, for when I had seen the view I explored further; doors, doors, doors everywhere, and all locked and bolted. In no place save from the windows in the castle walls is there an available exit.
The castle is a veritable prison, and I am a prisoner!
A PRISONER WHO CAN’T EVEN SHAVE!!!!! (and shouldn’t)
Of one thing only am I certain; that it is no use making my ideas known to the Count.
[The Count] did not come at once into the library, so I went cautiously to my own room and found him making the bed. This was odd, but only confirmed what I had all along thought—that there were no servants in the house. When later I saw him through the chink of the hinges of the door laying the table in the dining-room, I was assured of it; for if he does himself all these menial offices, surely it is proof that there is no one else to do them.
It’s not his fault his love language is acts of service 🥺
This gave me a fright, for if there is no one else in the castle, it must have been the Count himself who was the driver of the coach that brought me here.
I must be very careful, however, not to awake his suspicion.
In his speaking of things and people, and especially of battles, he spoke as if he had been present at them all.
Blood is too precious a thing in these days of dishonourable peace;
You would think that, wouldn’t you.
(Mem., this diary seems horribly like the beginning of the "Arabian Nights," for everything has to break off at cockcrow—or like the ghost of Hamlet's father.)
Guys… I don’t want to alarm anyone… but I think… I think the Count might be… you know…
… a werewolf…
< Prev 🦇 Next >
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cceanvvaves · 9 months
try it; h.mm
(moved to isanggayfrog) warnings: a bit suggestive at the end in an unserious way
Momo's hands were wrapped around your smaller own with her arm pressing into your side. Your eyes roamed around the mall, looking for items that might catch your eye and were affordable enough for the pitiful amount of money in your wallet.
You don't know what Momo and you are. You'd say friends, best friends even, since that was what you two were throughout the duration of your school days. But she left you confused. You shared a somewhat intimate skin ship, like neck and shoulder kisses or her hand on your thigh whenever you felt anxious.
That's normal among friends, right?
Anyway, she dragged you here saying she needed to buy something, promising that she would pay for dinner. Well, you're not saying no to free food.
"Hey, how about there?" She pointed to a pasta and pizza restaurant on the sign. Apparently, you were 2 floors too low. "Sure. Escalator?" She shook her head. "Nah, it's too far. The elevator's just there."
"But- The time we spend waiting is probably the time we spend looking for the escalators," you complained, not wanting to stay in an enclosed space with strangers. What if it stops moving in the middle?!
"Don't be a baby, you can hold my hand," Momo teased. "I already am," you muttered. She brought her hand up to ruffle your hair, messing it up. You shot her a dirty look, to which she responded with a smile.
She pressed the 'up' button, and to your surprise it arrived almost immediately. There was a guy and a girl inside already though, and you assumed they were a couple based on their matching shirts. You stepped in, standing on the opposite corner from the couple.
To your dismay, the two started kissing. You fidgeted uncomfortably while Momo banged her head against the wall softly. Not because you were disgusted by kissing, it's just because they looked like they were eating each other's faces. Aren't they worried about that CCTV camera always on the left corner?! Damn, the security guards are getting a live show.
They seemed to be going to a floor higher than you, because the elevator didn't stop until yours. When you finally arrived at our floor, you practically ran out, only slowing down a bit so as to not seem rude. "Whew," Momo said, "I'm free." You snickered, pushing her inside the restaurant and reminding her to pay.
You flopped down to my bed, waiting for Momo to finish showering. "Ughh," you groaned, "I'm so full." You heard a chuckle, raising your head to look at the source of sound. Momo stood in front of you in all her glory, black hair still wet, hair plastered to her face and wearing nothing but sweatpants and a sports bra, exposing her fit figure.
Your face turned red, causing you to roll over and hide your face in the sheets. "Go put on a shirt," you mumbled into the pillow, your voice coming out muffled. You heard Momo laugh again. "What? Don't you like the view?"
"Shut up," you grumbled, standing up with your eyes screwed shut and feeling around blindly for your towel. You felt it being shoved into your hands and a pair of soft lips brush against your temple. "Here. You'll fall over like that." You finally opened your eyes, sneakily grabbed one of Momo's bigger shirts, and rushed into the bathroom.
Once you finished, you walked back into the bedroom and found the television on. "What's happening?" you asked, automatically taking your place beside your roommate. She moved so that you sat between her legs instead, your head resting against her shoulder. "Movie night, remember?"
Halfway through the movie, you felt bored. You examined your nails instead, until you felt hands wrapping around your waist. You let Momo cuddle you, enjoying the warmth radiating from her body. She placed her cheek against yours, before placing a quick kiss you were used to, but still didn't fail to make you blush. But she had something else to surprise you with.
"Y/n, what are we?" she said without hesitation, making you widen your eyes and hastily turn to look at her. "Why are you asking me that?" Momo shrugged. "I was just curious."
"I don't know, what do you think we are?"
She shrugged again. "I, um.. wanted to try something." You raised an eyebrow. "Try what?" This time, she was the one who looked nervous. "Do the thing that that couple was doing in the elevator."
You turned a full circle to face her by now. "What, you mean... kiss?"
"Well, yeah."
You didn't answer for a moment. Of course, You've always wondered what her lips would feel on yours, so you suppose you should take my chance now to feed your curiosity. "Okay."
Momo scooted closer and leaned forward, putting her lips on yours. You didn't have much experience, but she guided you, and damn, she was a good kisser.
It started slow and sweet, since you were trying it for the first time and she wanted to make sure you were comfortable, always pausing to ask if you were fine.
The moment she kissed you for the second time though, the atmosphere changed.
You got the hang of it, shifting a bit into a more comfortable position, now finding yourself on her lap. Her grip on your waist tightened when you wrapped your arms around her neck, feeling her smile against your lips. You tilted your head to fit perfectly, feeling Momo's nose tickle your cheek. She pulled away only to press kisses along your neck. Sure, you've done this before, but this was different. A soft sigh escaped your lips, telling her that you were enjoying it. You played with her hair, gasping blissfully when you felt her hum against your skin.
"Wait," you breathed. She obliged immediately, moving away to hold eye contact with you. "I'm pretty sure that couple didn't go that far."
"Do you want to..?" Momo smirked. Rolling your eyes, you crossed your arms. "I only agreed because you asked what we were. Do you know now?"
"I mean, I'd say girlfriends, if you agree."
"Are you asking me out?"
"Say, how about we eat out tomorrow?"
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mina-saiyat · 1 year
Twice Interactive Story Part 385-421 You got nothing in the end, Cheater (Nayeon, Momo, Feat. Jihyo)
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You wake up in the morning, and you go out to find that Jihyo and Dahyun are still sleeping, so you go to Kitchen to prepare breakfast for yourself.
You check the phone, there is still no update from Nayeon, but nothing else you could do, maybe she just need some time to calm down.
Momo texts you that she wants you to pick her at her home, she wants to spend the day with you outside rather than at the gym.
I respond that that would be great.  I make breakfast for Jihyo and Dahyun and then get dressed to go pick up Momo.
You prepare the breakfast for Jihyo and Dahyun before you leave for Momo. You drive to her home and wait for her.
Momo already standing on the street waiting for you. Momo has well prepared for your first date, she is wearing a pretty dress, a more decorative makeup compared to her makeup in the gym. 'Momo is so beautiful today.' You talk to yourself in mind.
"You look great Momo." I tell her. At my first opportunity. "Did you have any place in mind today?"
Momo kisses your cheek after she gets in your car. 'Thank you, honey. Maybe we can go to see a movie, then some shopping, finally a romantic dinner? I am not so sure, but I want things go more romantic as it's our first date, not in gym, not on bed.'
"That sounds great." I make start driving to an a very nice movie theater.
You buy the movie ticket and popcorn before entering the theater, Momo sits next to you, she grabs your hand and lay her head on your shoulder, asking you to feed her the popcorn.
I do just that. "Look at you are acting like a princess" I joke.
'Aren't Momoring your princess?' Momo giggles and kisses your cheek. 'This is the reward for my knight.'
Unexpectedly, there are some hot scenes which the actors are making out passionately, you turn around and see that there are some couple audience are kissing too.
'No, Y/N, there's too many people here. Don't...' Momo is shy and try to push you away. You ignore her and grab her for a French kiss.
You two kiss until you are out of breath, Momo hide her head in your chest after your lips are separated, 'Y/N ar...'
I cup Momo's cheek and have her look at me. "What was that?"
'No, honey, I'm just too happy to be with you.' Momo hugs you tighter. 'But don't do that again, I am shy to kiss you when there are so many people.'
"Do what? This?" I say before french kissing her again.
Momo replies to your kiss passively, hitting your chest lightly. 'Ah, I told you not to do it.' You just giggle and hug her closer for the rest of the movie.
You two then go window shopping at shopping malls before you two have a romantic dinner at a good restaurant, with candles and flowers.
At our dinner we talk about a few things, and I feed Momo some of her food. I plan on taking her back to her place afterwards to have some fun.
After the dinner, you whisper to Momo when you are walking back to your car. 'Let's have some fun tonight, your place or my place?' Momo just shyly nods.
'If you don't answer, let's go to your place.' You then drive Momo back to her home.
As we reach her door, I give her a light spank and kiss her. "I hope you don't have work tomorrow because I want to go all night long."
'I'm more than glad that you can stay overnight with me' Momo kisses you again and bring you to the shower room. 'Should we start by the shower?' Momo start removing her clothes before you answer her.
I start groping her, sliding my fingers inside her pussy, "yeah, let's clean each other Momo. Let's be very thorough."
You two giving handjob to each other while enjoying the hot water shower, you use your other hand to play with her tits while kissing her.
Momo cums before you, she struggle to stand and laying her body on you. You feel you are going to cum too, but Momo stops the stroking.
"Momo I was so close." I tell her.
'I know, but I want you to cum in me.' Momo grabs your dick and pull you out of the shower.
Momo jerks you a few times, stops again when she feels you gonna cum. She sits on the sink, spilt her legs and rub her pussy, waiting you to come in.
I put my hand under her chin to distract her while I suddenly thrust my cock deep inside her.
Momo moans instantly after you have entered her. 'OH, yes, I miss it so much.' You grab her ass to fix her position so you can fuck her harder.
'Yes, just like this, harder, honey.' Momo cross her legs on your back to lock your cock inside her. You already on the edge of orgasm before you thrust in, her suction in her pussy makes you reach the point of no return.
I fill Momo's pussy with my cum and continue thrusting past my orgasm. I hear Momo's moans and get a little rougher.
You can feel Momo's pussy keep milking you while you are thrusting, you keep shooting waves of cum inside her.
'Ah, so warm, honey, you fill me up.' Momo enjoys your rough sex, 'Cum everything in me, honey, I don't wanna leave anything for Nayeon.'
I spank her hard, leaving an imprint of my hand "don't say her name." I continue thrusting, making sure that she's getting all of my cock.
'Ah, yes, honey, don't say her name. You only belong to me, ah forever.' Momo moans loudly as you fuck her roughly.
'Babe, I'm gonna cum again if you go this fast.' Momo arcs her back from the sensation.
I keep at that pace and suck on her right tit while fondling the left. "Cum for me Momo."
'OH yes, honey, oh...' Momo moans when she cums, you keep fucking her through the orgasm.  'Honey, it's so good, maybe you should get some rest now.' Momo slightly pushes you away, and you lay on the bathroom floor, waiting her to ride you.
The cold floor make your body shivers and you just thrust your hips up to reply Momo's riding.
I spank Momo leaving her ass red. "Come on Momo, go faster." I say as I pull her down as she moves up.
Momo arcs her back and rides faster when she receive your order. The way her pussy massage your sensitive spots make you feel good. 'Yes, right here, grind harder, Momo!'
Momo pulls your body up, pressing your head to her tits.
I take one in my mouth, sucking in it and occasionally biting her nipple. As we continue on the floor, I could feel her getting ready to cum again so I pick up the pace.
Momo is triggered by you biting her nipples, her walls become tighter, you can feel she is going to cum, you grab her ass and thrust your hips faster.
'OH, OH, OH' With three more thrusts, Momo cums all over your dick. Momo collapses due to the orgasm and lets your head go.
I lift Momo up, moving us to her bedroom where I rub my cock against her entrance before sliding it in. "Are you tired already Momo?"
'A little bit, honey, but I'm ok. Fuck me Baby.' Momo grabs your cock and put in.
'Take me, baby.' Momo kisses you and ask you to fuck her.
I spread apart Momo's legs and start thrusting into her quickly and roughly. I can feel her pussy swallow go deeper.
Momo is too tired to cross her legs on your back, she just simply lay her legs on the bed.
Momo slowly stop replying to your assault, she just tense her muscle, hoping to milk you as soon as possible. 'Ah, honey, I'm gonna cum, cum with me.'
I start to move in and out like a high-speed piston as I work to reach my orgasm. I feel myself get close to cumming and tell Momo.
You thrust faster to chase your orgasm, Momo's orgasmed pussy is so tight, which you just gonna cum. 'Momo, I'm cumming.' Momo is too exhausted to answer you, she just nods and you cum in her.
You slowly try to pull out, wanting Momo to rest better as you know she is too tired. But Momo stops you, 'No, don't pull out, I wanna feel you a bit longer.'
I ram my cock back into her, "There you go Momo" in the meantime I start grabbing her breasts, pinching her nipples and pulling on them.
Momo laying back in your arms, wanting to get closer to you. She enjoy your caress, her body shivers from the pleasure, you two just enjoying this moment.
However, Momo breaks the silence, she turns around and cup your cheek, looking at your eyes with a worried look. 'Why would Nayeon know we are together, what happen? Would you leave me to go back to her?'
"Look Momo, I told her because I couldn't keep our relationship going the way it was. She hasn't messaged me or anything since then. It's over."
'Really? So we are not secret lovers anymore? I can be your girlfriend now?' Momo is so excited that she just kiss you. 
'If Nayeon doesn't cherish you, I will, honey.'
"Momo, I'd like a favor. I'd like a little bit of time to myself. Just to clear my head. I hope you understand, me and Nayeon were together for a long time. I just want a week."
'I have waited long time ago, it's ok for one more week, I'm fine.' Momo hugs you tighter, 'Would you stay with me tonight, babe? I want to have a good ending for our first date.' Momo hides her face in your chest.
"Of course, Momo," I kiss her head and then slide my cock out of her to cuddle with her.
You two cuddle and sleep, you sleep so well that you did not notice your phone is keep buzzing.
When you wake up the next morning, you finally realize what happened last night.
You have numbers of miss call from Dahyun, and she texted you that 'Nayeon eooni is back, where are you now, Oppa. Come back now!'
Unexpectedly, Nayeon also texted you, 'Is this your answer, Y/N?' Attached with a photo that Momo took when you were sleeping last night, it is obvious to let others to know you two slept together last night.
I send message to Nayeon, "You were gone, not a single message from you Nayeon. What else was I supposed to think besides it was over between us." After that I leave Momo's house.
'Do you know I waited for you the whole night long at home after the fight? I am going to fix it if you come back to me. But where have you been, you did not come back? And now you already hooked up with Momo again? Momo texted me that you are going to break up with me and date her. I just thought we need some time to calm down, but seems I am not in your heart anymore if you can move on so quickly.' Nayeon sends a long message to you.
I send a reply to Nayeon. "I'm done with both of you. I know I did wrong in the first place, but you two are acting like children with this." After a minute I send a voice message to Nayeon. I think of my mistakes and the trouble I've caused. "Be happy Nayeon. You don't have to deal with me anymore. You can be free, by happy with someone else. Someone who really deserves you. ...Look I'm sorry for everything, for all the pain and anguish I've caused you, for my lies, ...for being me. Please find someone who can make you happy. Someone better."
I send a message to Momo that I don't appreciate what she did and end my relationship with her too. I start my drive back home.
'You know what I mean if I did not bring all my belongings with me, but it seems is really over now. I respect your choice, I hope you can find someone that can treat you better, I don't know you require such a sense of security in the relationship, sorry for those lonely night when you need me but I am not here.' Nayeon seems calmed down and sends you the last farewell.
'I will still treat Dubu and Chae as my siblings, I hope you don't mind?'
I stop by the side of the rode. Sending her another voice message, "Nayeon...I really do love you." I feel myself get choked up with tears "Maybe in another world things would've worked out between us. Maybe if I wasn't an idiot, maybe I just talked to you about my feelings more. I love Nayeon, and I'll miss you. I just don't think I'll ever be worthy of a woman like you. You never did any wrong, it was always my fault. All my fault. Of course, I don't mind, you can always treat Dubu and Chae as siblings. They love you too. I ended everything with Momo. I know I don't deserve it, but if you could wait for me at home. Just so I can give you one last hug I'd appreciate it. I don't really expect you to be there but a man can dream." I restart my drive home, driving quicker than ever.
'Sorry, Y/N. I gonna go, I'm afraid that I won't want to leave again if I see you. I am sorry. If there are miracles, we may meet each other again. Goodbye Y/N, I will cherish all our moments in my heart, forever.'
You rush back to your home, you open the door, only seeing Dahyun and Jihyo, Nayeon is gone.
'Oppa, Nayeon has left, with a crying face, what happen? You two break up again?'
"It’s over. I'm going to bed."
You back to your room, laying on the bed, you look around to check is there anything Nayeon has left for you. Her belongings are still here, but this time the meaning is different, last time you still have chance to fix your relationship, this time just probably Nayeon doesn't have enough time to take it with her before you arrive.
Your tears start dropping down again, it is impossible that you are not hurt after the breakup, no one can be blamed, both of you have mistake, your disloyalty, Nayeon's taken the relationship for granted.
You hear the door is opened, you get up and wipe away your tears. It's Jihyo, 'You ok, Y/N? Do you need to talk?'
"I'm a fuck up Jihyo. You hear that? A fuck up. I don't deserve anything." I cover my face with my hands, nit allowing her to see it.
'No, Y/N, you are a nice person.' Jihyo sits beside you and gives you a hug. 'Remember you are the only one that willing to help me, not my family and friends, but you.'
'I always trust you are a good person.'
"I'm not a good person Jihyo, I threw away a relationship I was in for years because I couldn't stand being alone during the weeks. I'm fool."
'It's ok, it's OK Y/N, I know how tough it will be when you are alone, just like Daniel throw me at home alone.' Jihyo caress your head in her arms. 'It didn't change the fact that you help me even we just know each other, it didn't change the fact that you are good person.'
"I guess we are two injured souls" i joke. I hug Jihyo back. "Thank you Jihyo."
'If you are an injured soul, do you need some treatment then?' You feel Jihyo is pressing your head towards her chest, again you are surprised how big she is.
Your phone rings suddenly, Jihyo lets you go to pick up the call, it's Momo, she must have seen your message.
"I think you should step out for a moment Jihyo." As Jihyo leaves I'll pick up the phone.
'Why would you break up with me, you are going to break up with Nayeon, I am just telling her the fact if you are not willing to.' Momo seems angry on the other side of the phone.
"Momo, it's over. Let it go, I'm not going to argue with you."
'I need a proper reason, Y/N. It isn't fair, why it is ok that Nayeon wants us to leave you, but it is not ok that I tell Nayeon to leave you after you two are broken up. Tell me why, Y/N?'
'Did you ever love me, Y/N? Or do you just want to fuck me from the beginning?' Momo becomes angrier after hearing your reply.
"I did love you for a period of time, but the way you two acted was childish. I'm not with Nayeon anymore Momo, just like I'm not with you. Neither one of you did the right thing by sending those pictures to each other. I enjoyed our time together at the gym Momo. it was fun being pushed to my limits by you and relaxing afterwards. Our date last night was great, I loved getting to spend time with you outside of the gym but I'm not going to deal with your recent actions."
'It's Nayeon who started the war first, What's wrong for me to reply to her? Have you ever considered my feeling? I give up a lot of things to be with you, even my colleagues make fun of me for offering other services to you, even others saying I am a Snake that steals other's boyfriend. And now you said I am childish?'
"I didn't know, I'm sorry for not considering what you had to give up Momo. I still expect you to be the bigger woman though and not give into such actions though."
'Y/N, I never wanted to affect your relationship with Nayeon, I am already so happy to be your secret lover, but... but she did it first, I just... I just can't let you go without doing anything. I never want our relationship to go to the public if you are dating others.'
'We act childish because we both don't want you to leave, don't you understand?'
"Momo, I think we should take a break. I understand how you feel, but I just want to be alone for a little bit."
'You want one week right, Y/N? It's ok, just think about what you want before you come back to me, ok? It's ok if you still being with Nayeon, I can still be your secret lover.'
'I just want you to know, I really love you, Y/N.' Momo starts crying before she ends the call.
I put the phone away and lay back in the bed.  I just close my eyes and take deep breathes.
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jordie-gvf · 1 year
our love grows, josh kiszka
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warnings : pregnancy, mentions of pregnancy
word count : 1.3k+
After the tour, you hadn’t been feeling well these past few weeks. You were throwing up, you were fatigued, and you didn't want to eat your favorite foods. You had taken an at-home COVID test and it came back negative. You gave it a few days and when it didn't stop, you went to your physician.
You were outside in your car, waiting for them to call you in. They came out and gave you a mask. 
They asked you for your symptoms and you told them everything. They performed all kinds of tests. Dr. Wheeler came in and said, “Congratulations, Y/N. You’re pregnant.” 
“No, I'm not. That can't be right. I'm on birth control.” you said to her.
“In some cases, you can get pregnant if you're not taking birth control regularly. When did you take it last?” she asked you.
“Oh god. I ran out two months ago, we use alternate protection! I can't be pregnant.” 
“Honey, you are pregnant with a capital P. We have an Obstetrician here in the hospital. We can perform an ultrasound to confirm.”
She called the ultrasound technician in and you laid back on the table. You lifted your shirt and they said, “This is going to be a little cold, forewarning.” 
They placed the transducer on your stomach and found it. “There is the heartbeat, soaring. Very healthy,” they told you. 
You looked up at the monitor and saw your little baby, looking like a white dot on a black screen. “You are six weeks along!” they said to you.
“Before I leave can I get sonograms?” you asked them. They handed them to you and you went to your car. You started crying in your car, surprised that after all this time, you were pregnant. 
How would Josh react? Would he be mad? Would he stay with you? 
You couldn't rid the thoughts from your mind. You wanted to tell him in a cute way, so you went to Build-A-Bear and asked if they have anything.
“So I found out I was pregnant less than an hour ago, is there anything I can buy? And am I able to put the heartbeat into a recording?” 
She nodded and got you a yellow teddy bear with a picture opening. “That is perfect! Thank you!” 
She stuffed it for you and you made your recording. They sent you the heartbeat and you put the recording into the device.
You made a birth certificate and had the bear scented as well. You named it Goober Kiszka and put it in a box. 
You went to the grocery store for ingredients to make dinner. You were making your deer chili with homemade cornbread.
You set the bear on the couch in the exact spot he sat in every night after dinner. You put the sonogram in the slot and filled out the card you bought. 
You sealed it and placed it right next to the bear. 
You got started on dinner an hour before he said he was going to be home. You made the cornbread and already had it in the oven.
When he came home, it was dinner time. You got him his drink and put his bowl in front of him. He thanked you and started eating. “How was your day, Mama?” he asked you. You blushed at the name he had been calling you for years, as now it had a second meaning.
“It was okay. How was yours?” you asked him.
“Good, really good. I ate the lunch you packed for me. They poked fun at my pink lunch box that you put it in, but I said “At least I have a homemade lunch.” and they stopped. Thanks for the lunch, it was good.”
You said, “You're welcome, Josh. Next time, tell them to piss off!”
He laughed and continued eating. Once you both finished eating, he grabbed the dishes and helped you clean up. 
He wrapped his arms around you from behind and kissed your neck. You let out a low moan and said, “Come on, I got you something.” He perked up and followed you to the couch. 
He saw the bear and said, “You got me a Build-A-Bear?” 
You pulled his arm down and said, “Look at it, Josh.” He picked up the birth certificate and said, “You named him Goober?”
“Josh. Look at the bear.” 
He picked it up and said, “What is this?”
“I think you know what it is, Josh.”
He grabbed your hands and said, “Mama, you’re pregnant?”
You nodded and held his hands. He put his forehead on yours and said, “When did you find out?”
“Today, I found out today.” you told him. He kissed you and put his hands on your stomach. 
“I hope it's a girl,” he said.
Josh had started taking videos of your growing bump every week, to see the progression. You both decided that you would keep your pregnancy away from the spotlight until they were born.
Today, you were telling his family, including Danny and his family. You had put together a summer get together and made a whole bunch of food. Josh was grilling and you were inside loading the fridge and the cooler. 
You greeted everyone and they all got their food and sat down at the outdoor seating you had outside. Once everyone was done, you and Josh decided to announce that you were pregnant.
“So, we have an announcement to make, to everyone here.” Josh started.
Karen glanced over at you in anticipation. “In December, there is going to be an addition to the Kiszka family.” Josh announced. Karen shot up out of her seat and made her way straight over to you. She hugged you and then Josh, but went back to you.
You and Josh were showered with love from both of his families, which could not have been better for the both of you.
Your bump had grown bigger and bigger. You were about 5 months and today, you were finding out the gender.
You and Josh had been waiting for this day. You both got up at the crack of dawn and got in the car to leave. 
When you got there, you and Josh couldn't be more excited. You two walked hand in hand, ready to find out the gender of your baby.
They called you back and took all your vital signs. Mikayla, the technician, came in with the machine. 
You laid down and Josh was at your head, holding your hands. She put the gel on you and scanned your belly.
“Great heartbeat! Very strong, soaring.” she said. She finished up and said, “Alright, are you ready to find out what you're having?” 
You nodded and held Josh's hands tighter. “You are having a beautiful baby boy.”
Josh held your hands and closed his eyes at the news. You got teary eyed and kissed Josh's hand.
You two left and called Karen and Kelly. You told them and they were elated to have a grandson. You called your parents next and told them. You went to Sam’s house and told Jake to come over. 
Once Jake was there and you were all comfortable on the couch, Josh spoke up. “Boys, get ready for your nephew.” 
Sam went straight for you as Jake and Josh embraced each other. They both congratulated you and Sam offered to cook dinner.
On December 11, 2024, Denver Jacob Kiszka was born. He was 8 pounds and 6 ounces. He came out with a beautiful head of hair and big brown eyes, just like his father. 
Josh took a video of Denver in the car seat on the way home from the hospital. He edited the video and put every single clip of your growing bump into a short. He used the clip of him in the car seat last and added a caption.
“Welcome to the World, Denver.”
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