#and also a bit irked by his fans constantly bringing him up in conversations about gojo……
allpromarlo · 29 days
i don’t think a character has ever polarized me as much as geto has. i will hate on that mfer without a lick of shame but let me see ONE fanart of him and
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altocat · 2 years
Sephiroth but somehow all three remnants still exist and keep trying to find new ways to kill him. They are persistent and annoying and getting on his fucking nerves. What would they come up with? How (without killing, he tried that, they grow back or some shit) would he deal with each antic? For "plot's" sake can be assumed on the planet Sephiroth wants to colonize or Gaia whatever's easier.
I'd appreciate the joy/angst/any of your writings if you have the energy right now.
The tale of the angry catboy and the annoying kittens that keep chewing on his leg.
-Sephiroth already is not a big fan of "kids". It was mostly due to old insecurities and hangups about his own rough childhood but here it's because it's just aggravating.
-Doesn't help that nothing they do really does anything to him. He constantly has to swat them away and ignore them. Constantly getting ambushed, constantly having his concentration broken because the little gremlins want to spar. He's the only one really communicating with Jenova and having them constantly bother him over her pretending like they're valued in her eyes irks him to no end.
-Kadaj is the worst of the lot. He reminds Sephiroth of... someone else. But he can't quite remember who. Either way, between him constantly giving chaotic speeches and Loz boo hooing every two minutes, Sephiroth has tried SO. MANY. times to evade them.
-Yazoo is okay. Yazoo is at least quiet most of the time. That is, until it turns out he's been plotting behind everyone's back and is the closest of the Remnants to actually entrap Sephiroth and do some serious damage. So FUCK Yazoo too. All three of them can burn.
-They have tried rounding on him, pranking him, outright attempting to shank the hell out of him, constantly stalking his every move, constantly taunting and demanding to see Mother. An endless loop.
-Sephiroth is in hell. How is he supposed to cultivate a shining future for this new planet with his newfound divinity with these three snotty, obnoxious little brats tailing him? Is this punishment? Does Mother think him unworthy?
-Worse still, they're eating up his time and attention. Between Mother hissing into his ear and the little wrigglers constantly challenging him to spar, Sephiroth for all his calm control and insanity, can't concentrate. It's too much at once, and all with no Cloud around to make for a pleasurable bit of recreation.
-Over time, Sephiroth finds that he's more than often forced to have to converse with them. This brings about... interesting results because while they ARE independent, they're also pieces of him. Of his psyche. Of his memories. He is, in theory, beginning to engage in cathartic discussions with aspects of his own ego and internal insecurities.
-Lowkey in the dumbest fluff ending tfw Sephiroth is slowly bringing himself back to sanity by way of being his own therapist/simultaneously becoming a dad. Happy ending??? Gaia is probably still in pieces rofl
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witchy-mel · 4 years
Bully AU w/illustrations
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So, I’ve had this idea for a long time and idk if anyone else has thought of this, but here we go.
A Bully AU where Petey and Gary switch roles, but instead of Petey being an A.D.D manipulating-narcissist who wants to rule the school, he instead wants to ruin Jimmy and Gary’s friendship. I know you’re probably thinking “Wow, that’s so childish” or “That’s petty”, but let me explain.
So the backstory for this AU comes from one of Petey’s lines in the mission “Race The Vale”. The line goes: “Well, for one moment I had friends, just one moment. You and Gary. Yeah, Gary’s a snake and you’re a psychopath. You both bullied me mercilessly, but at least I wasn’t left out. Now I’m back on my own…” At first, I didn’t look much into it but, after thinking about it for a while, I came to this conclusion. To me, basically what Petey is saying is that he would do anything to have a friend(he even tried joining the nerds for Christ’s sake(no offence to the nerds)). Even though his friends are assholes horrible to him, he stills considers them as friends, regardless.
And that brings us to the beginning of the AU. Before we start, I would like to state some things that I changed up a bit/added detail to here and there.
-I switched Gary and Petey’s personalities for this AU,  but they still keep some of their original traits. Petey is not all sugar, spice, and everything nice in this AU. No, he’s not as mean as Gary was in the original, but he’s not as much of a pushover this time.Gary is kind of a pushover, but he’ll snap back at you harder than Petey did in the original.
-I gave Gary an eyepatch because of the trait switch between Petey and Gary, and it gave Gary a more concealed trait, so he’ll want to keep to himself more(he kinda did in the original game during the 2-5 chapters, but it’s more relevant here). His scar is still the same though.
- Like Gary in the original, Petey starts to get paranoia, but not from not taking pills. His paranoia is just as strong as Gary’s was if not stronger. Since Gary is Petey’s only real friend, he gets very paranoid about him leaving him for someone else because of the way Petey treats him, so when he see's Gary getting buddy buddy with Jimmy, it irks him.
-In this AU, the storyline goes backwards. In the beginning, everyone at Bullworth is friendly with Jimmy at this point. It’s like this because if I were to keep it the same as the original, Petey’s plan would be a little harder to explain.
Alright, back to the AU
So it starts at the beginning where Jimmy meets Gary and Petey. Instead of Jimmy meeting Petey, he meets Gary first in the Boy’s Dorm(I'm talking about when they all meet in Jimmy's room). Petey then walks in on them having a conversation and that’s basically how they meet.
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A/N: As I stated before, Petey acts similar to Gary in this AU, so there are still going to be gay jokes, teasing, etc.
Time skip to a couple of months later. Petey realizes that Jimmy’s popularity has grown. He also notices Gary is hanging out with Jimmy more often. This is where Pete’s paranoia kicks in. Petey can’t have that, so he comes up with a plan to try and ruin Jimmy’s reputation(basically what Gary did in the original) to make him seem fake and untrustworthy and is only wanting attention and popularity. Unlike Gary’s plan in the original, Petey’s plan is more organized and well thought out. His plan would go like this:
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1-Spread false rumors about things Jimmy said about each clique to each clique leader one by one
2-Pay them so that they rat on Petey to Jimmy
3-Get Gary to unbefriend Jimmy 
4-Get rid of Jimmy
A/N: While Petey is executing the first two steps of his plan, he would still act like Jimmy's friend and make it seem like he overheard some clique members talking about how they have a bone to pick with Jimmy for "no apparent reason".
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After Petey has successfully got everyone at Bullworth to hate Jimmy's guts, Jimmy travels to the roof of the school because that's the only place he has left where he isn't constantly hated and judged(it was also Jimmy's,Gary's,and Petey's hangout spot before this all happened).
It starts raining, but he'd rather stay up here than go back to the dorms. Petey then enters the scene. He's not here for friendly conversation. He taunts Jimmy and tells him about his plan to get everyone to turn their back on Jimmy and how no one will believe him if he told them the truth.
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They start arguing. Since they're on the roof and are screaming and shouting at each other, it's only natural for others to hear them. It didn't take long for them to attract an audience. One thing leads to another and Petey had already pushed Jimmy off of the school building(this is taking place by the main entrance of the school).
Everyone rushes over to Jimmy to see if he is ok. He's still breathing(somehow), but is knocked out cold. Petey's sudden realization of what he just done kicks in. All the eyes of the students are staring straight at him. He flees the scene and is never to be seen again.
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After the incident, Jimmy has almost fully recovered from the incident, still a few broken bones to heal up. Unfortunately,he had also gotten severe amnesia. The only thing he can remember is Petey's face before being pushed off the school roof.
End of AU
Well that's it for the AU. I hope I explained it well because I'm not the best at story telling😅. I know it got kind of fan fiction-ny at the end but it's alright. Hopefully the illustrations will help with the storytelling. I've been procrastinating this for the longest time, so if you're reading this now it means I finally had the time to finish this up(*sigh*). Also for clarification, the events in the original storyline are still the same in this AU(like boss fights and stuff like that), but he doesn't gain any respect from any of the factions though(because he losses most of the time).
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skylarmoon71 · 4 years
Peter Stone x Reader Chapter 1
Disclaimer: I don’t own Law and Order SVU. 
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“Good morning Detectives.” you rolled your eyes as Peter Stone walked by. After Barba left, he replaced him as the ADA. Rollins and Fin replied, but you just wheeled your chair in the opposite direction. Carisi walked in that second sipping on his coffee. His eyes raised when he saw the way Fin and Rollins were smirking at you. 
“Something up?” he asked, wanting in on the looks on their faces. “Nothing, just our adorable little (Y/N) still giving Stone the cold shoulder." You didn’t even respond, just kept your eyes on the paper on your desk. 
“I’m not giving him the cold shoulder, I’m just the only one who isn’t blind. He can spread his charm to the rest of you, but I’m not stupid. The guy’s a lawyer for goodness sake. At least Barba was honest with his words. I’m not buying it.” Carisi’s eyes were aimed behind your back, and you were confused.
“Good to know you have such a strong opinion of me.“ your body stiffened. Rollins was snickering from her seat. You turned to face him, he had a stupid smirk on his face, a folder in his hand. “We have a case.” he waved it at you. “Let’s get to work, Detective.”  he tipped his head in your direction, walking off when he saw Liv enter. “Detective.” you mocked making a face. Fin started laughing. 
“Man that expression on your face, priceless.”
Liv and Peter talked for a while. He went on his way and she started assigning you all areas to cover. 
“(Y/N), Fin, check in with Mr. Kane, his alibi is a little too believable. One of these men is lying and we need to find out who.” 
“On it boss!” you responded.
“Carisi, Rollins, go back to the club. Twelve hundred people partying, someone saw something.”
“Roger that.” Carisi called. 
Everyone went their separate ways. You and Fin headed for the elevator down. You could see the doors closing so you picked up your pace. “Hold the door!” you shouted to the person behind. They pushed their hand out just in time and you smiled entering. 
“Thank yo..” your words trailed when you saw who it was. 
“No problem.” Peter said. Fin walked in shortly after, greeting Peter. You shifted to the back, avoiding any type of conversation with the district attorney. Since your eyes were trained on the door you were clueless to the look of interest that flickered in your direction. 
Since Peter joined he couldn’t seem to get through to you. At first he assumed you were just not ready to accept that your friend Barba was gone, if anyone understood  loss it was him. But that was two months ago. He just wished you’d be a bit more friendly, he wasn’t asking to be best friends, but a simple greeting wasn’t much to ask for. The elevator dinged and you walked out, all but ignoring his existence. Peter sighed, bidding farewell to Fin. 
“It’s going to take a while.” Peter thought. 
“(Y/N), can I see you for a second?” Your head raised and Rollins made sounds, grinning at you.
“Someone’s in trouble.” you frowned. “Sure Liv.” you answer going into her office. When you got there she instructed you shut the door. 
“Hey Liv, did I do something?” you didn’t think you’d cross any lines today. She shook her head with a smile. 
“Just the opposite. Stone told me how you persisted with the suspect Ian Kane. If you weren’t so adamant on looking into his past we may not have found out about the charge five years ago. Good work, you stopped a predator from attacking again.” you smiled. “I’m glad it all worked out. If you really want to thank someone just thank my gut. She’s never been wrong so far.” 
“Trust me, I know the feeling.” She was seated at her desk, pulling off her glasses. 
“I also wanted to talk to you about Barba. I know it’s been hard, especially for you. If you want to talk about, don’t be afraid to ask. I’m here.” 
“I-I appreciate that, but I’m fine.” she didn’t push, which you were grateful for. “Well, that’s all I wanted to say. Keep up the good work.” 
“I’ll try.” you joked, turning to leave. When you walked out you had the biggest smile on your face. You marched over to your desk. 
“Okay spill, what’s with the grin. Did she find you a husband.” you scoffed. “Even better. Liv praised me. She said I did great today. One of her most liked Detectives I think.” Carisi laughed. “We all know I’m Liv’s favorite. “ 
“Like if, try again kid. I’m definitely Liv’s favorite.” Fin butted in. 
“I think maybe I’m her favorite.” you jumped at the voice behind you. 
“Jesus, why the hell are you always sneaking up on us.” Stone had somehow managed to walk up behind you again, without your knowledge. “You should probably work on your detective skills, aren’t you supposed to be guarded at all times.” 
His remark just annoyed you. You stood from your seat, walking to the kitchen without another word. Peter turned to the rest of the team, lost on why you were constantly brushing him off and putting him down. 
“Have I done something to offend her?” Fin shook his head at Peter. “Don’t take it personal, she’s not a big fan of change. She’s been here a while too. Back when Cragen and Nick were still part of the team.”
Peter could understand that. 
“She just needs some time to adjust. “
“I hope so. I’d hate to be on her bad side, especially after what she did to Kane. Poor guy didn’t even see it coming.” Carisi chuckled. “Yeah, speaking from someone who has been on the other side of (Y/N)’s closeline, I know how he felt. Sometimes I swear she’s a stunt double in those action movies.” Peter smiled. “You guys are lucky to have someone like that on your team.” You walked back in, drink in hand. “Gossiping about me again. “ you said, sipping your drink. 
“Just commending you on your exceptional skills.” Peter informed. You hummed, not really paying him much mind. An idea sparked in Peter's head. 
“I almost forgot. Liv told me you were a fan of that track runner, Karl Trembly. If you're interested I could make a few calls and get you a great seat to his next competition. “ You placed down your drink, staring up at him pissed. You stood, getting into his face. 
“No offense counselor, but I don’t need your charity so you can stop trying. See everyone here might have already forgotten about Barba but I haven’t. And if I remember correctly you were the one that tried to put him in jail. So excuse me if I’m not groveling at your feet.” Carisi moved closer, placing a hand on your shoulder to pull you back. “That’s enough (Y/N), calm down.” 
You laughed bitterly, shrugging Carisi’s hands away angrily. 
“What! I’m telling it as it is. This guy thinks he can walk up here with Chicago homicide experience and buy his way into everyone’s good graces. Bullshit!” you hissed. Apparently your little speech caught Oliva’s attention. She opened her door. You were positive she heard everything. “(Y/N), I think you should turn in for the day.” 
“I’m fine I don't’ need to-”
“It’s not a request.” you couldn’t believe it, if anyone understood, you thought it would be her. 
“Fine.” you grabbed your coat off your desk, bumping your shoulder harshly into Peter’s on the way out. He shuffled back, watching as you exited. 
“What was that all about.” Rollins commented. You were usually the level headed one on the team. This was the first time either of them saw you lose your cool. Liv walked to Peter. He quelled any worries she may have had. 
“It’s fine, she’s still dealing with a lot. Sometimes the best medicine is to let out your anger on someone. Unfortunately that someone turned out to be me.” 
There wasn’t much they could do now, you needed to blow off steam. So you went to the one place that Barba always was when he was working on a case. You were so aggravated. You couldn’t understand why everyone was acting like nothing happened. Barba was almost jailed for doing what he thought was the right thing. 
He’d been working with the team for a few years, didn’t they see that he was the last person to act out that way. The fact that he took it upon himself to kill that child was proof that he did what he believed in. The entire situation irked you to no end. When you got to your destination you yanked the door open roughly. The scent of alcohol practically smacked you in the face. You smiled at the nostalgic feeling, the familiar environment bringing you at peace. When you got to the bar counter you waved the bartender over. 
“Vodka please, neat.” he nodded. Pulling out a glass and pouring your drink. You knew the guy that worked there. Luckily you came in on his shift. 
“Tough case?” he asked. You took the drink, downing it in one go. You swallowed, the burning in your throat bringing you a slight relief. 
“Something like that.” you mumbled, indicating for him to pour another glass. He did a bit cautiously. You noticed the look of worry in his eyes. “Don’t worry.” this time you sipped at the drink, which made him relax a little. “If you need anything let me know.” you could tell he wasn’t referring to drinks. He was just looking out for you. You nodded and he moved to attend to another customer. 
Hours passed, you just sat there, taking drink after drink. You lost count of how many. The only reason you didn’t pass out yet was strictly because of your friendship with Barba. The amount of scotch the guy indulged in was ridiculous. Safe to say you joined him on numerous occasions. It made you somewhat immune to alcohol now. Which was both a blessing and a curse. It took more than the usual to even get you buzzed. 
“Hey there, what’s your name.” you frowned, glancing at the man who took it upon himself to take a seat next to you. “Not interested.” you replied, getting back to your drink. That was apparently not the answer he was hoping for. “What does a guy have to do to get a smile these days. “ He moved closer. 
“I’m talking to you bitch!” he slapped the drink right out of your hand. The bartender moved almost immediately to stop any kind of altercation. You smirked, getting out of your seat. 
This guy came in at the right time. You were already agitated, and he was just asking for a beating. So you were about to grant his wish. Before you could even do anything someone blocked your view. “I believe she said she wasn’t interested, move on, or I’ll see to it that you spend the next few months in a cell for aggravated assault.” The guy backed down at the threat. 
“Whatever, you can have her.” he walked off angrily, and the bartender thanked the lawyer who now turned in your direction. At the sight of his face you scowled. 
“I didn’t need your help Stone! I could have dealt with him myself.” Peter straightened his jacket, dropping his case on the counter. “I know, In all honesty I was trying to spare the guy a nasty black eye. “ You knew he was joking, maybe trying to ease the tension. You just dropped back down, too exhausted to retort. You gestured the bartender over for more, but Peter stopped him. 
“She’s had enough thank you.” He nodded walking away. You gritted your teeth, turning to him.
“You’re really starting to get on my nerves, counselor. " Peter smiled. 
“I was under the impression I passed that mark a long time ago.” His snarky remark didn’t really earn him any favors in your eyes. “Asshole.” you grumbled. 
His face was now resolute, he took your hands, forcing you to turn in his direction.
“This contempt you have, building up inside. You need to deal with it. I understand you lost someone, but there is no reason to take it out on others, especially me. I took this job to help the precinct. Olivia needed a prosecutor and I respected Barba. I was hoping to make a difference. I thought that I could help people here the same way I did back in Chicago. It was never my intention to step on anyone’s toes.”
“Oh cut the saint act. I’m sick of it. “
“Okay, if we’re putting all our cards out there, I’m no saint. And I don’t try to be. I just thought the best way to get used to this team would be through honesty and mutual respect rather than hostility. You should try it. Tell me, what’s the real reason behind your anger. If it’s Barba then you have to know that he did what he thought was right. He didn’t have a choice.”
“HE HAD A CHOICE, HE HAD ONE AND HE CHOOSE TO LEAVE, BARBA LEFT!! HE LEFT ME!!” you screamed. Your loud yell caught the attention of everyone in the bar. Peter just stared at you, something dawning on him. “You..you were in love with him. “ hearing those words come out of his mouth just hurt more. And just like that, you fell apart. Your eyes watered, tears rushing down your cheeks. You felt pathetic.
“H-He..he just left me. Like the way I felt about him was nothing, I told him that day in court, no matter the outcome...I would wait for him. He looked so surprised. H-He had no idea. How could he not know how great a person he was...h-how did he not know..” you sobbed, and Peter reached out, wrapping his hand around you. You relented, falling into his embrace. 
“When he was found innocent I finally told him, h-how much he meant to me. H-He said that he felt the same..maybe for longer than I did…” you laughed through the tears. “How stupid was that...w-we both were infatuated with each, yet no one said anything..” Peter was rubbing your back soothingly, listening intently as you spilled all your feelings out. 
“Despite all that...he said he couldn’t stay. I begged him, I begged him too. But he said he couldn’t. I-I even offered to leave New York. I didn’t care where he wanted to go, I would have followed him anywhere but he said I couldn’t. He didn’t want me to uproot my whole life for him. He said I’d regret it if I did.” You grip tightened into Peter’s suit. “He just….left me..why didn’t he see that I was willing to give up everything for him. That bastard, he even said there was someone for me out there, it just wasn't him. How did he know! How could he know that. I loved him! Only him!” 
“Shhh, it’s okay. (Y/N), You’re an extraordinary Detective. He saw that, and I have no doubt in my mind that he loved you with all his heart. But Barba thought it was best for you. He must have known how much good you could accomplish here. He didn’t want you to have to sacrifice your future for a selfish decision he made. “ You know Peter's words were meant to bring comfort. But they didn’t do much. So you sat there, drunk out of your mind, pouring your heart out to the guy you’d been ignoring for the past two months. Maybe Peter was right. 
You’d only wish that Barba had given you the chance to at least try. Now, you were positive that wasn’t going to happen. He was gone. And you needed to move on. 
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qandnoablog · 5 years
Life on Sakaar (Marvel Imagine)
Title: Life on Sakaar: Discovered Short Story
Pairing: Loki x Avenger!Reader
Warnings: Based on the movie - Avengers: Age of Ultron Thor: Ragnarok
Short story based on my other fan fiction: Discovered, so it’s best to read that one before starting on this! Click here if you want to go to Discovered (Marvel Imagine) Part 1
Part: 2/3 Part 1, 2, 3
Key: Y/N - Your Name Y/L/N - Your Last Name
Word Count: 3,073
Summary: [Y/N] is still stranded on the alien planet Sakaar, finally adjusted to this odd way of life, when Loki barges into the picture! Now dealing with the once-enemy of Earth, how will her life on Sakaar change?
Note From Author: Well, I had some free time on my hands and decided to post part 2! Part 3 still has to be looked over and edited, but it’s mostly finished so be expecting that soon (no promises though)!
Part 2
A full week had passed since Loki’s arrival.
[Y/N] had gotten used to his presence in that short amount of time because the Grandmaster insisted on keeping them together. Whenever he invited them out to another one of his famed parties, the two were always by his side upon arrival. Of course, in front of his eyes, Loki and [Y/N] were the best of friends. There was not a trace of disdain that could be found.
But that all changed when the Grandmaster turned his head away.
In a volume low enough where others couldn’t hear, the two exchanged their usual greetings.
Both terms wouldn’t really be considered offensive in their respective languages. It was just the truth. To Loki, any person from Earth was a Midgardian. To [Y/N], anyone outside of her planet was indeed an alien to her. However, the way they addressed one another with those words sounded like an insult.
Of course, it was Loki that started it.
At first, she didn’t care about the word. She knew it wasn’t slandering in any way since Thor and Scrapper 142 had used it on occasions. When Loki used it, she sensed a bit of arrogance in his tone but brushed it off. Upon further examination, she found it very funny when she realized that Midgardian could be translated to Earthling in her language. Still, being called that constantly, Loki not even bothering to remember her name, [Y/N] was starting to feel irritated.
Since he decided call her Midgardian, then why couldn’t she call him alien? So that’s how their constant exchange began.
The Grandmaster was oblivious to their hidden resentment, enjoying the merriment around him, that he wandered off on his own and left the two behind. Immediately, they were hoarded by the crowd. Pleasantries were exchanged and their usual masks slipped into place to act as welcoming hosts. They shared the living space of the Grandmaster so any party he threw, they were obligated to host along with him.
[Y/N] was starting to feel a bit homesick, a feeling that would just randomly occur whenever she let her mind drift for even a moment. Whenever she missed Earth, she would always excuse herself to visit the Hulk. He was the only one from the same planet as her and the only friend she could truly trust. Scrapper 142 was nice to her, but there was a visible distance that kept her at an arm’s length. Since she couldn’t close that distance, Hulk was the only one that could somewhat alleviate the pains of being away from home.
The people of Sakaar already knew her patterns over the years. She would only ever excuse herself from the Grandmaster’s party to visit the Champion. The Grandmaster never minded, even encouraging her to be with the Hulk so that he wouldn’t get bored if there were no competitions. So long as they were still on Sakaar and continued to entertain him, the Grandmaster would shower the Champion with many favors.
Loki, however, didn’t know this little detail.
“Midgardian,” Loki called out the moment he saw her leaving, but before he could finish, [Y/N] interrupted him.
She was determined in getting this god to say her name. It would be a small victory, but knowing his domineering personality and belittling nature, it would still be a win nonetheless.
“Where are you wandering off to?” He finished, slightly irked as usual.
“You don’t need to know that,” she sneered, knowing that the Grandmaster wasn’t watching their interaction at this moment since he had called her Midgardian, as she continued on her way towards the exit.
“Ah, but the Grandmaster might,” he countered, standing in her way.
Loki didn’t really mind her going off on her own, but he couldn’t stand the company that would be left behind without her there. It was either the Grandmaster or the incessant crowd that he would have to accompany if [Y/N] left the party early. Rather than sucking up to the ruler or being unnecessarily polite to the guests, he would preferably be in this human’s company who didn’t try to pry him for a lengthy conversation. Besides, he would have liked to have her fall asleep again so that they could avoid unnecessary pests desperate for their attention.
Loki would never let [Y/N] know but he actually wanted to sit together on that couch again. It was the most at peace he felt in ages. He really wanted to savour the feeling again.
“The Grandmaster won’t mind,” [Y/N] replied matter-of-factly, not noticing the flash of disappointment on the god’s face. “Besides, he knows where I’m going.”
The God of Mischief wasn’t dumb. He was cunning and smart. Of course, in just a matter of seconds, he knew exactly where she was going through that small exchange of words.
“You’re going to see the Champion.”
It wasn’t a question. There were few people that [Y/N] would willingly visit. One of them was Scrapper 142, but since the scrapper loved to drink, that company wasn’t often sought after. The other was none other than the famed Champion that the Grandmaster adored. Everyone knew that [Y/N] and his relationship were very good and many flocked to her solely based on that reason alone. It was due to this that the Grandmaster had kept her by his side, allowing her to more easily gain his favor than others.
[Y/N] didn’t confirm or deny Loki’s statement. She merely brushed past him and walked closer towards the exit. Honestly, she couldn’t care less whether or not he knew where she was headed. So long as he didn’t get in her way again, she wouldn’t mind. However, she knew that Hulk and Loki’s relationship was questionable. He most likely had met Hulk during his invasion of New York. If he knew who the Champion really was, would he just sit idly by or would there be a bit of resentment? And, he would know her connection to the Avengers through her friendship with the Hulk. Perhaps it wasn’t the wisest idea to allow the two to meet.
Thinking of that, she turned the corner and before Loki could follow her out, she was gone.
It was a rare, calm day when [Y/N] settled in a chair close to the window.
The Grandmaster was hung over and didn’t feel like throwing a party today, so it was a scarce opportunity to enjoy this moment of peace. The instant he was feeling even remotely better, he would surely make another ruckus, so she had to savor it while she could. Perhaps it would have been better to relish in this silence in her quiet and isolated room, but she wanted to use this opportunity to enjoy the vast space of the Grandmaster’s usual party room. It was large, spacious, and beautiful. It also had a view that [Y/N] had seen for many years, but caused her to feel a twinge of sadness.
She would never admit it… Never out loud… But [Y/N] was starting to forget what Earth looked like. She tried so hard to remember, drawing out all that she could recall, but she was never an artist. There were no pictures to look back on. Nothing to help her jog her memories of Earth. It was… It was horrible, not being able to clearly reminisce of the home she so longed for.
[Y/N] was so lost in thought that she didn’t even notice that she was no longer in the room alone.
After a few absent-minded minutes just staring out the window, she finally felt a set of eyes on her. Instinctively, she snapped back to her senses and turned to Loki. [Y/N] was surprised and noticed that her face was wet. She had been crying without even realizing it, so lost in her yearning for Earth. How embarrassing!
[Y/N] immediately wiped away her tears with her sleeve, a practiced motion since thoughts of home often made her emotional, and looked back up to the new arrival. Putting on masks was her specialty after constant use for many years, so she was certain that there was no longer any trace of those vulnerable emotions showing upon her face. In its place, there was only that usual look that she always displayed. Calm with a hint of attitude. Just like how the Grandmaster liked it.
“What do you want?” She questioned, snapping him from his daze.
[Y/N] didn’t even bring up the tears. She made no excuses for herself. No explanation for her crying. She didn’t even let herself look embarrassed or angry. Instead, she acted like it was nothing and just asked Loki a question, brushing aside the tears in an expert fashion.
Honestly, she was secretly proud that her face didn’t immediately heat up. It was like this was practiced when this was actually the first time she was ever caught crying! Not even the Hulk knew of her deep loneliness on this alien planet.
“Pardon me,” Loki cleared his throat and apologized in a mocking tone, though there was something else he seemed to be trying to suppress. “I was just surprised that a Midgardian like you would come out of her room without the Grandmaster’s invitation.”
“Well, alien,” she replied, emphasizing the word and enjoying Loki’s subtle twitch of the brow, “I didn’t know I had to report to you.”
“You misunderstand me,” he said, brushing aside the annoying title, “I am merely curious. If I recall correctly, the sole Midgardian resident of Sakaar only seems to comes out of her room for either the Grandmaster or the Champion.”
“Please, alien, I am just admiring the view of our beautiful Sakaar.” [Y/N] quietly scoffed but had an amicable smile plastered on her face. “So you may put your curiosity at ease.”
They were smiling at one another and if anyone else was listening, they would think it was just a pleasant conversation. However, if they were actually in the room with them, they would feel suffocated by the tension rising in the air. It was as though lightning was shooting from their eyes, daring the other to start the fire so they could really fight.
Finally, Loki broke the stalemate with a somewhat tired voice and a long sigh, slightly surprising [Y/N]. He was always so stubborn, so him giving in so soon was obviously a bit startling.
“Let’s call a truce, shall we?” He proposed, his posture going a bit more relaxed. “It’s a bit tiring and childish to continue, wouldn’t you say? I won’t pry into your life so let’s stop with this ‘alien’ nonsense.”
“Why should I believe you?”
“I have no need for whatever little thing is hidden in that mortal head of yours.”
“Hmph, you call this a truce?” His attitude certainly didn’t seem like a call for a truce, but she couldn’t deny that being allies was better than enemies. Their relationship was always shifting between hostility and neutrality. It would be better to choose one than keep on switching between the other. However, that didn’t mean [Y/N] was ready to completely give in. She still had one condition. “You still call me ‘Midgardian’.”
“Yes, but at least that is centered around Midgard, or Earth as you call it. Your use of ‘alien’ encompasses every race, besides your own.”
“I’d rather not be associated with so many lower lifeforms.”
“Then… Asgardian?”
Loki didn’t say anything, but the atmosphere immediately plummeted. She could feel the room quickly turning chilly and a shiver crawled up her spine. It was a reaction several times worse than “alien.” There was something else that briefly flashed in his eyes but it happened too fast for her to identify. She immediately regretted the suggestion, even though it was his fault for calling her Midgardian in the first place.
“Let’s just say… You calling me that would not exactly be… Accurate.” He finally answered, the air still tense around them but not as cold as before. He let out a small laugh, but it was a sound that carried not even a drop of joy.
That’s when [Y/N] recalled that Loki was the adopted brother of Thor. She had briefly heard of it from him, since it wasn’t a secret, but she still felt a bit guilty for bringing it up. Just from the look on his face, she knew she had accidentally poked at an open wound.
Pain. That was the flicker of emotion that flashed in those blue eyes. It was pain.
“Then what do you want to be called?” She coughed, trying to shift the topic away from the taboo subject. It was too heavy to bring up, especially when she had barely gotten to know him. “You call me Midgardian, so isn’t it only fair that I call you something similar?”
“... Name,” he eventually mumbled, after a bit of hesitation, barely audible.
“What?” She couldn’t quite catch that.
“Just my name is fine.” Loki clarified with his usual smile, causing [Y/N] to relax. Thankfully, it seemed he no longer bothered with the whole Asgardian debacle.
“Then my name is fine too.” She grinned innocently, though she clearly knew that her forwardness would cause him to feel very uncomfortable. Probably no human talked conditions with him.
“Pardon?” She was right. His stunned expression said it all.
“My name,” she repeated, but the troubled look on his face caused her to feel a bit uneasy. At this point, [Y/N] was no longer smiling. “What? You don’t remember it?”
He really did forget. [Y/N] thought to herself, her heart falling for some reason. That’s right. Why would he bother to remember a mere mortal’s name. They were too paltry for him to recall. Besides, after a bit of time they would soon be gone. For a god that lived hundreds of thousands of years, remembering one name of someone with such an insignificantly small lifespan would be too much of a hassle. It seemed like she was trying to make excuses, but she still couldn’t shake this disappointed feeling welling up in her chest.
“[Y/N],” she said. [Y/N] couldn’t help but feel a bit displeased that she was that worthless to him. She really had hoped their relationship had gotten better but it seemed it was just her being too naive. “My name is [Y/N] [Y/L/N].”
“Well, [Y/N] [Y/L/N]... It seems we have come to an agreement.” Loki gave one of his signature smiles, a mischievous light glinting in his eyes, as he slightly nodded his head. He didn’t seem to notice the shift in her mood.
“You better remember it, Loki,” she replied, a challenging smirk playing on her face. “If I hear you calling me Midgardian again, I’ll be sure to remind you.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” he chuckled.
[Y/N] returned to her room but Loki stayed behind.
He watched her leave and settled down near the window right were she sat just seconds ago. Copying her actions, he peered out the large glass and looked at the surroundings below. He was used to the beauty of Asgard, so this meager view was not enough to allow him to truly admire the scenery. Still, he continued to stare out the large window just like she had.
He couldn’t help but recall the stunning scene he had stumbled upon.
Loki saw her from a distance while he was roaming around the Grandmaster’s place, something he had done on numerous occasions. While passing by, he had noticed someone familiar from the corner of his eye. Surprised to find her out of her room without the Grandmaster’s invitation, he decided he was bored enough to tolerate her company. He had just taken a few steps closer when he noticed something odd. [Y/N]... She wasn’t like her usual, stoic self. The look on her face… It was familiar to him.
Just as he was rethinking bothering with her, Loki was stunned at what happened next. Tears… Tears silently slipped down from her calm eyes, rolling down her cheeks. It was a sight that he never could have imagined from that headstrong girl that always had a witty comeback to his own subtle insults.
The more he looked, the more mesmerized he stood. She wasn’t sobbing, wasn’t trembling, and wasn’t even making a sound. She just looked out the window as if there was nothing else in the world. He could see a strong yearning in those deep eyes… A loneliness that he was no stranger to. So… So even a Midgardian could have such an expression.
When she showed no embarrassment after being caught in tears, something a strong woman would usually feel ashamed for showing, he felt a discomfort rising in his chest. The practiced motion, the fluidity of her change in attitude, increased the feeling of unease. It seemed like this wasn’t the first time she was caught crying… He didn’t know what that feeling was, but he didn’t like it.
Then she called him alien again.
He believed he was annoyed with how she would always call him alien, grouping him together with so many insignificant lifeforms, but when he thought a bit longer, he realized he just wanted her to call him by his name. The thought just slipped from him, barely audible, but she still caught a glimpse of it.
Why did he want her to say his name? And why did he hide the fact that he remembered hers?
The more he interacted with [Y/N], the more he questioned. It was an unfamiliar feeling that continued to nag at him the more he interacted with her. She was just a human but why did he initiate the conversation? Why did he approach her when the Grandmaster wasn’t even there? Boredom? No, that was clearly just an excuse.
It was an odd stir he felt deep within his chest, but it wasn’t completely uncomfortable. Actually, it was quite interesting because he was not used to the feeling. Perhaps he should talk a bit more with her, getting to know her more, so that he could finally find out what this odd sensation was. Maybe for just a bit longer.
Besides, he had plenty of time, right?
Tags: @themeanestlittlewitch @stressedandbandobessed7771 @moistpotatobear @fxckingfat
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thattimdrakeguy · 6 years
I’m gonna go on a bit of a midnight rant here, because I’m really tired and I’m having the inability to move on from my thoughts right now.
But man this fandom sometimes really bugs the hell out of me. I’m not a guy, who’s really out here getting involved in a lot of fandoms. This is honestly probably my first real one, and I didn’t really know what to expect.
I figured i’d be cool to be able to talk about stuff that I like with people that like the same stuff. Talk about what makes the characters so great and some cool comics and storylines and what not.
Like of course their’d be some idiots and people who just want to get into fights all the time like there is practically everywhere.
But man this fandom is disappointing. I haven’t read a whole bunch of comics when I first entered the fandom, as I honestly imagine most people in are like because who the hell is gonna spend money on comics all the damn time.
However the more I read the more I pretty much realized. No one has a damn clue what they’re talking about, besides some very very vague suggestions.
The fandom portrayals of the characters in this fandom aren’t parodies or fun exaggerations that we can all have fun with. 
They’re practically OC’s with the actual characters name attached to them. Along with some superficial traits from the actual character that people have picked up on, either from the cartoon stuff, movies, or just from some random comic people have actually read, or ya know just the bare bones basic knowledge about the character.
and hell you don’t even get that with some of them. Like coffee boy Tim. Coffee THIS coffee THAT, WHAT DO YOU MEAN TIM DOESN’T LIKE COFFEE OF COURSE HE DOES, IT’S ALL OVER THE FANDOM IT MUST BE TRUE!
They made Tim a total one note character, and it irks the hell out of me.
Like I’ve only ever seen Tim drink coffee once for sure, and now that’s his whole character to the fandom.
It seems to be impossible to talk about Tim now because the fandom has reduced him to almost one note to the point the more verbal members of the fandom have decided Tim was the irrelevant and boring one.
and as a Tim blog that is just annoying beyond belief to me, because I don’t really feel like I can talk about the characters in anyway I like because no one would even get what the hell I’m talking about, and that goes for the other members of the Batfamily too. Or just the concept in general.
Because somehow the fandom decided the Batfamily ... is like an actual family, as in they actually act like they’re a family that live and grew up together and yeah some super new stuff tries to show them like that, like Batburger and some other random stuff.
But that stuff only came along to pander to this fandom, and it come out of no where basically if you only read the comics, because they’ve never done that before, or have ever seemed that close besides some odd team ups. Ya know like a team, not so much a family.
and I’m not saying the whole family isn’t close at all ever in canon. Like Dick and Tim used to be very close. Cassandra and Barbara where close. Steph was close with both Cassandra and Tim. Dick and Damian.
But Jason literally came back from the dead with a vengeance trying to kill Tim (or ya know just hurt him like hell) and later on trying to ruin Dick’s reputation. And yeah, I can’t say that was totally in character from what we’ve seen of him in the 80s.
But just because it was OOC doesn’t mean you just ignore that.
and yeah we’re in a reboot now, but the reboot hardly tells us at all what happened and what hasn’t with Jason.
We start off with him and Tim being somewhat close ... for reasons never really specified in to much detail.
So we’re left to believe Jason did try to hurt Tim, but Tim forgave him.
Cool sounds like character progression. Oh wait what? They don’t really show too much progression they’re just suddenly bros now? Okay that’s a bit weird ...
and now Jason’s just all groovy with the rest of the Batfamily. He should hardly know them anymore since he hardly hangs out with him but yeah why not. He’s having a damn lunch with them and hangs out in the manor like family even though that doesn't make sense anymore.
Like stuff like that bugs me.
and yeah positivity is a good thing. But what I saw was unreal. I’m not saying the fandom needed some kind of riot to battle against some dreadful writing, but hardly anyone gave a shit that it was something that did not make sense, all because it was cute pretty much.
and that really irks me for some reason. Knocking off some kind of criticism because it’s “cute” I’m not saying it needs to be a large piece of negative-ness spouting from the fandom. But the idea that in the fandom primarily about these characters, no body seems to have cared that their character progression was past aside just to make it happen right away, so it can be cute faster.
No body seems to actually care about what the fandoms about, so long as it’s cute.
Like look at Damian. Multi-layered, intriguing backstories, a more unique way of doing things compared to others. He’s a very dark character with a conflict of trying to soften himself up for people. He’s practically a miniature adult.
and now Super Sons is pandering to them so I can hardly ever enjoy anything with Damian in it anymore. If I see another short joke about him I will just go into a pointless rage about it because there are FAR to many short jokes about him. When it’s only just now a thing he’s short besides the fact he’s young, and hell even then it’s mostly about how he’s young still besides Jon being taller. But yeah why not. Make that one of his few traits you care about, fandom.
and yeah some people do bring up the stuff that made Damian interesting to people to begin with, but it’s almost in passing so they can use that as an excuse to like the character, when really it’s just because the fandom makes him out to be cute and they like the way they make him out to be.
and I don’t even have anything against cute stuff. I like cute stuff, I’ve read Young Justice, I find it funny and cute, but I also think it just works well for the characters the way they did it, which is also why I like it.
and again, I’m not against cute, I’m not against positivity. 
but the main point I’ve been beating around the bush about is that this is a really pointless fandom. Not so much what it’s about, because it’s about something that’s been around almost a century at this point.
But because the fandom makes it pointless.
I came in it to talk about characters I was intrigued about and wanted to know more about. But the fandom isn’t interested in the actual characters. They’re interested in this false idea of what the characters are like because they don’t give a rats ass about the actual canon.
and that’s cool in small doses, because it is pretty fun every now and again, but man the MAJORITY of the fandom is more interested in stuff they just made up then the stuff it’s SUPPOSED to be about.
As someone that cares about the characters and is interested in their dilemmas it’s just been cut off for me.
Because it seems like DC is pandering to that part of the fandom more and more and I’m just left to be confused and annoyed.
Because I gave a shit, probably too much of a shit. But as someone who was that interested in the characters to make a blog about one, and has to constantly see the same ol’ shit every time I try to find a post to reblog for it, it’s just aggravating.
Like I don’t want to be that guy that says “I ACTUALLY READ THE COMICS SO I’M SMARTER THEN ALL OF YOU!”. But come on guys, can you act like you know what you’re talking about instead of making stuff up and gluing that to the pieces you do know?
I think i’d be cool to go on to tumblr every day and see people ACTUALLY talking about the characters and how they are, and having some nice peaceful conversations about the problems with their characterization when the writers make mistakes when they come up. Something actually interesting instead of more coffee memes or trying really hard to make your own head canon seem right.
Because I get so genuinely happy when I see a post that can talk about the characters in a way that seems like they actually read the same stuff I have. Or when someone makes a post about how characterization is off, and why they think so. Even if I don’t fully agree all the time I can enjoy it ... unless it’s just some idiot trying to really stretch their head canons into being right ... or some bad characterization they like that’s blatantly off the mark but they won’t admit.
Like I’ll admit I’m too salty about this for my own good, but I just really wish this fandom would be a bit more self-aware about what it does. Because this fandoms not even fun anymore.
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technologyinfosec · 4 years
Dulquer on the dream team of 'Varane Avashyamund'
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He completes eight years in the film industry; the Malayalam film industry to be precise. He is not just a star son, but has proved his mettle by acting in over 25 movies and producing three movies, most of them box office hits. A heartthrob in every sense, he handles every role with élan. DQ - as he is fondly known - has spread his magic to the Tamil, Telugu and Hindi film industries as well. In a telephone conversation with City Times ahead of the release of his latest production venture Varane Avashyamund, starring him alongside debutant Kalyani Priyadarshan, Suresh Gopi and Shobana, and directed by Anoop Sathyan, Dulquer Salmaan gets candid about movies, arranged marriages and more...
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dulquer salmaan✔@dulQuer Love. Life. Family. Relationships. Bringing together all these in one super special movie. Here is the trailer for #VaraneAvashyamund releasing on the 6th of Feb in the GCC and 7th Feb all across India. So excited!!! https://youtu.be/M3i-VGCY69c  YouTube ‎@YouTube2,1213:33 AM - Feb 1, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy441 people are talking about this Varane Avashyamund is a movie literally bursting with highlights - directed by Sathyan Anthikad's son, Anoop; the leading lady is Lissy and Priyadarshan's daughter Kalyani and, of course, it stars you. How did you manage to put together this elite group? This is a dream cast, all credit to the director. He had this in his mind for some time. I was not on board initially. But he was sure about Suresh sir (Suresh Gopi) and Shobana. There was also a bit of confusion about the heroine. Wasn't Nazriya cast initially? Yes. There was some clash in dates and so she could not join the team. Then Kalyani came in; I came on board and things got fleshed out a little more. Are Suresh Gopi and Shobana present throughout the movie? (Laughs) Yes, they are! It's not just cameo roles. It's like a multiple narrative. They are coming together after 14 years and some narratives are similar to Manichithrathaazhu. There is lot of curiosity among fans regarding the movie. Expectations are rather high. Yes, but it's all very organic. I don't think it's gimmicky in any way. We have been correct in terms of casting. I am excited about the narratives, they are very interesting. The movie talks about arranged marriage. What is your take on this? I don't think you can put it down to just arranged marriages. I think the trailer did that, giving that sort of impression. Well, my take . (laughs) I don't think there is any right way in meeting the right person. Actually there is no particular way. These things just happen in life. It's great to see 'slice of life' movies which the audience can relate to. Is that a genre you are particularly comfortable with? I think it's important to me that I relate well to the role that I do. That could be the reason I get drawn to 'slice of life' movies. Believable roles. Even the books I read, I need to be able to relate to the book, the characters in the book. Overly commercial roles . well, they are not for me. I cannot do them. I don't think I will be convincing. Yes, I tend (to do) more realistic movies. You are the epitome of fashion, the suave male of Malayalam cinema. How do you maintain your 'style-factor'? That is not a conscious decision. I like clothes, it's something I liked from a very young age. I have an eye for good things. I don't know, style is something unique to people. But it's not just about clothes. It's about how you come across, the sophistication. That's not conscious. I have been noticing people, their styles. This is how I am, you know. You work hard for your movies and it is reflected in your success, not just in Malayalam, but in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu films, as well. Has the fact that you are Mammootty's son helped you or hindered you in any way? Maybe in the beginning it has helped me. You know, to get my portfolio right, that sort of thing. Beyond that it all depends on how you do, how hard you work. How you perform and how ardently your fans like you and accept you, that's what counts in the end if you need to survive. Does it irk you if your capabilities are taken for granted? (Laughs). No matter what, I have had to work hard, very hard. Otherwise you cannot stay on in the industry. But initially expectations would have been high... That would not be fair on any person when you are kind of comparing us to their 20 to 30 years of solid experience. You can't compare that to a new comer, it's just not fair. The success of a movie is more daunting when you produce one. Is it in anyway different from just being an actor? It's exciting. Yes, it's different, but thrilling. My initial intent in producing a movie was to be able to create. I needed to make a team of my own to start with. That took some time and I got together a good team. I did not want to make experienced people do all the work. I have ambitions. I want to be a regular content provider. It's about a group of youngsters getting together. It's an opportunity.  So that's bringing young blood into the Malayalam film industry. I love doing that. I think it's about providing opportunity. And in turn, I get great opportunities. But then again, let me tell you, it's not charity. It's something we should be doing for the industry. And, in return, I get to do what I love doing.  Has your degree in Business Management helped you when it came to production? I don't know. I am waiting for the results. I have done two movies earlier. But they were different. Each movie is a learning experience.  What excites you about acting? It's exciting to be a part of any project in any capacity, and the more roles you take up the more exciting it is. If you are an actor there are specific times to come in, and specific roles to do. But as a producer, you are involved full time. You play various roles. I just enjoy that. Are you looking at direction also? No. I don't want to take too much time out of my acting career. I enjoy acting.  Malayalam cinema is back on track with new-age movies telling real stories. Budgets do not seem to matter now. What is your take on big-budget movies in the present scenario? I think there is space for that also. People have the appetite for all kinds of movies. If you feed them with just one type of movie, like what you call new age movies, it may not go down well, may not always entertain them or get them excited. You have to constantly give them different genres. I don't believe the time has come for just real-life movies. There is space for all types of movies. I truly believe that. When the old school comes back, there is still a lot of excitement.  But don't you think young actors are getting more opportunities now? Yes, definitely. But then age does not matter in the Malayalam film industry. Everybody has work now. There are a lot of good movies; lot of scripting is happening. It's a great time now. It's not like there is a particular type of appeal, everybody is trying different types of cinema, different stories, different roles. There is so much happening.  Is this phenomenon only in Malayalam movies? Yes. We are coming out with good movies. It encourages artists when the content is good. A movie like Anjaam Pathiraa is essentially a thriller. The fact that there are numbers for such movies is very encouraging. And people are viewing it repeatedly though they know the thread, even though they know the mystery. The suspense is known, there is no shock value, but still people are watching it because it's a well made film. That predominantly has to do with Malayalam movies and its audience. You won't find it anywhere else. Be it Driving Licence, Anjaam Pathiraa, Kumblangi Nights, all these have numbers. That's Malayalam cinema for you. What is the major difference when you act in a Malayalam movie and a Hindi movie? Well, it really depends on the type of movie you are doing, the team you are working with. It's difficult to generalise the entire industry. I have been lucky to work with good teams trying to put out good work. Do you discuss your movies with your father? We both hear from directors all the time. Sometimes when I lock something or I kind of like an idea, yes, I discuss with him.  Would you take up only path-breaking cinema or would he encourage you to mix them with commercial cinema like he does? He does a mix. And he has been successful in that, that's his experience speaking, his talent. I will, maybe. But not now. Again, the movies we do have numbers, and then such movies become commercial movies. What is your criteria in selecting a movie? I generally go with my gut. It's like when you read a book, you know whether you like it or not. I know when I like something.  So, it's the script above the team? It's both. Sometimes it could be a great team but the script may not be up to the mark. Sometimes it could be a great script but the team does not deliver. So, it should be the right combination. Read the full article
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