#and anytime she does try to push her away from the work she’s been doing to focus on other things she at best does it in secret
The Bet
Hot Bucky Summer - Week 1
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Plus-size female character (unnamed)
Prompt: “Louder, let everyone hear you.” | [Screaming/Noisy Sex | Gangbang | Exhibiotionism] @buckybarnesevents
Summary: (7k words) Bucky’s girlfriend thinks she can stay quiet during sex - Bucky’s more than happy to prove her wrong.
Warnings: 18+ Only. Fluff. Established relationship. Praise. Brief mention of insecurities. Dirty talk. Domination. Oral (f receiving). Fingering. Squirting. (Unprotected) PiV.
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“Wait,” Bucky says, reaching for the remote yet again. “Why does she even care? I thought she hated him.”
Bucky and his girlfriend are cuddling on their king-sized bed, enjoying another quiet night at home - something their friends like to tease them about, but they’ll never change. Home is where all their favorite things are. 
The moment Bucky pauses the show - for what feels like the hundredth time since they started the episode - she buries her face against his chest, her groan slightly muffled by his shirt.
Bucky’s laughter gently shakes her body as he asks, “What? I’m trying to understand!”
She picks her head up to glare at him, only slightly frustrated, a smile twitching at the corners of her mouth. “You’d understand if we started from the beginning instead!”
She’s been trying to get him to watch her favorite show for months now, and when he randomly suggested they watch the latest episode tonight, she wasn’t going to argue.
She’s regretting that now.
For someone as intelligent as Bucky, he’s oblivious to the inner workings of TV drama.
Bucky blinks slowly at her response, his eyes wide like she just said they should’ve gone to Sam’s impromptu karaoke party. And then he lets out an incredulous laugh, quick to point out, “There are ten seasons of this show! By the time we get caught up, there will be at least five more.” 
Her mouth opens in surprise, and she pushes herself up, one hand on his stomach, her other hand moving to her chest like he’s just wounded her.
“First of all, there are six seasons.” Bucky playfully groans in response, the pout on her face telling him exactly where she’s going with this. “And even if there were ten seasons, you wouldn’t want to watch them with me?”
“Okay.” Bucky’s laughter reaches his eyes as he tosses the remote to the side - it’s clear he’s not going to be pressing play anytime soon.
He looks adoringly at his girlfriend as he sits up with her, his gaze never wavering. “Doll. Sweetheart. Love of my life. I’d enjoy watching paint dry with you.” 
Her smile almost breaks through, but she holds back, patiently waiting for him to continue. He’s either about to make too much sense, or he’s about to dig the hole deeper. 
After a soft, dramatic sigh, he gently tells her, “But, we haven’t even gotten through this episode, and it’s already been over an hour.”
The moment he says it, he has to hold back his laughter, her response exactly what he’s expecting.
Her mouth drops open again, and she laughs at the ridiculous notion that she’s to blame for their time-management issues.
With a quick shake of her head, and resisting the urge to poke him, she quickly points out, “You keep pausing to ask questions!” 
The moment the words are out of her mouth, Bucky seems almost too eager to remind her of several moments that had nothing to do with him. Sure, he’s partly to blame, but most of the interruptions had nothing to do with him.
Like during the first five minutes when she kept getting up because she forgot something. Or when she had to search a familiar looking actor.
“Or,” Bucky continues, his tone gentle, even though he’s clearly enjoying himself. “When you swore you’d heard that one song before-.” 
She cuts Bucky off before he can finish the last thought, shoving one of the pillows in his face, his hands quickly deflecting it.
“I get it!” she says, laughing with him as he pulls the pillow away from her before she can attempt to hit him with it again.
His slightly raised eyebrow tells her he’s waiting to see if she’s going to try to defend herself.
“Fine,” she relents, giving him another exaggerated pout that makes him grin. “I guess no marathons for us then.”
She glances at the TV where the episode is still paused before turning her attention back to Bucky, her own grin growing. “At least,” she starts, her eyebrow raising suggestively. “No marathons of the TV variety.”
Bucky laughs, a surge of arousal rushing over him at the mere suggestion, but has to shake his head, the disappointment clear on his face.
With a pointed look, he reminds her, “Sam’s down the hall.”
Sam materialized on their doorstep a couple of days ago to stake claim to their guestroom once again, this time while in the city for a friend’s birthday. 
There hadn’t been any objections at the time - and there aren’t any now, as far as Bucky’s concerned.
He really doesn’t care if Sam hears them having sex. It’s not like Bucky’s never overheard him before. But Bucky knows his girlfriend. If she thinks Sam might have heard her, it’ll take her weeks before she’ll be able to be in the same room as him without turning red. 
She’s not thinking about any of that, though.
It’s been a few days since there’s even been an opportunity for them to get lost in each other, and she doesn’t want to waste this one.
With a smile and a slight shrug, she simply says, “So? I can be quiet.” 
Bucky’s bark of laughter rings out, and she narrows her eyes at him. Before she can even think about it, he quickly grabs the pillow still sitting between them so she can’t throw it at him and instead flings it to the side, making her laugh. 
“What?” she asks, still feeling confident in her words. “I can be!”
“No,” Bucky says, trying to hold back his laughter as he shakes his head at her. The simple refusal of her statement makes her lips part in a surprised exhale, but before she can make an argument, he adds, “You are entirely incapable of being quiet, doll.”
He can’t help but lean just a bit closer to whisper, “Especially with me.” 
That feels like a challenge to her. And even though she knows Bucky is probably right, she can’t just give in. She’s just as stubborn as he is, and she knows exactly how to play this.
With a quick flick of her tongue to wet her lips, she leans towards him, their mouths almost close enough to touch, and asks, “Wanna bet?”
Her question has the desired effect, causing Bucky’s stomach to flutter with a rush of excitement. She’s a strong, confident, capable woman, and there’s almost nothing she can’t do, especially once she puts her mind to it.
But, there’s not a doubt in his mind that he’ll have her screaming by the end of the night.
Bucky’s hand reaches out to brush a few strands of hair away from her face, his eyes glancing at her mouth as he starts to close the short distance.
Her hope to feel his lips on hers fades quickly, though, Bucky pausing to grin at her, needing to set the terms of their deal first. 
“When you lose, we’re finally getting that swing.” 
For the briefest of moments, she hesitates. The idea of a sex swing excites her, and it’s something they’ve been discussing for months - even going so far as to choose their favorite - but the intimidating feeling of being on display like that has never faded.
Bucky’s only ever made her feel beautiful, and sexy, and desirable, but that doesn’t mean he can completely erase decades' worth of insecurities. 
Bucky doesn’t rush her, not with something like this. He’ll give her all the time in the world to decide if this is a bet she’s willing to take. And if she decides she’s not ready, then he’ll accept that without hesitation, no matter how much he wants her to say yes. 
The anticipation is short lived though, because a smile spreads across her face and before she even says, “deal” he’s already hard, imagining how incredible she’ll look suspended and tied up for him, completely at his mercy.
There are so many possibilities, and the sooner he wins, the sooner he gets to make them all a reality.
Her lashes flutter when Bucky’s hand moves along her scalp, his fingers sliding through her hair to softly grip the strands. She allows him tilt her head back, putting her in the perfect position for him to finally kiss her, and she tries to remain patient. 
It doesn’t matter, though, because after just a soft brush of his lips against hers, he’s pulling away again, the grin on his face causing her to let out a frustrated sigh.
As much as Bucky wants to just jump right into this with her, the faint taste of her on his lips making his cock twitch, he’s taking this bet seriously. 
He meets her gaze, holding her head steady, and says, “We gotta set some ground rules first.”
She breathes heavily but doesn’t move, waiting for him to continue, wanting this just as much as he does.
“No covering your mouth,” he tells her, increasing the hold of her hair, making her gasp softly.
Bucky doesn’t miss the way her thighs tense with arousal, and he groans softly, pulling her closer so his lips brush across the corner of her mouth. “That includes no biting me.” 
She lets out a soft exhale of a laugh, but doesn’t object, no matter how much she enjoys sinking her teeth into him when he’s fucking her hard.
And considering this bet and what’s at stake here, there are no plans to go slow tonight. 
With a slight nod of her head, his fingers limiting her movement, she agrees, but she’s unable to stop herself from still being a bit of a brat. “Is that all?”
Bucky pulls back, narrowing his eyes at her, his breathing slowing down as he fights the urge to smile. He loves when she pushes back - it’s her way of telling him not to go easy on her. 
“No,” he answers her, his vibranium hand suddenly coming up to wrap around her throat.
The brief flash of surprise that crosses her face is quickly replaced by a look of pure desire, her trust in him radiating off of her. It encourages him to keep going, his need for her reaching new heights.
“You’re also not allowed to tell me to stop just because you can’t be quiet.”
Her body tingles with pleasure, just like it always does when he takes charge, and she has to bite back a moan as the ache between her thighs intensifies.
She’s playing with fire, but all it does is excite her, even as she briefly wonders if she has an ounce of a chance of winning this bet. 
The moment he asks if she agrees to the terms, she answers without hesitation, telling him, “Yes.”
With a cheeky grin, she adds, “And I look forward to winning.”
That’s all Bucky needs to hear and he pulls her against him, crashing his mouth against hers, his tongue immediately demanding entrance.
With his hand around her throat and his fingers gripping her hair, he keeps her in place so he can kiss her, leaving her breathless and desperate for more.
As much as Bucky enjoys taking his time with her, he’s on a mission tonight.
There’s a primal urge to claim her, to prove how quickly he can make her lose control. And there’s no doubt that he’s going to win this bet.
Within just a couple minutes, Bucky has her naked and writhing underneath him, her head resting on a pillow.
His lips follow a slow trail from her neck to her breasts, taking a moment to focus on her sensitive nipples, giving them both the attention they deserve, his ears trained on the soft noises of pleasure already leaving her. 
Her hands never leave his body, needing something to hold onto to keep her focus, her fingers gently tugging at his hair while her other hand grabs at his shoulder, pressing against the defined muscle.
She’s already having to force herself to take slow, deep breaths, the occasional shift of hips causing his hard cock to tease along her wetness, making her want to beg for more.
She remains as quiet as possible though, her eyes drifting closed as Bucky’s mouth travels lower, taking his time to place tender kisses all over her soft stomach, reminding her how much he loves every single inch of her.
He doesn’t even care that she’s not looking at him right now. He’s just grateful for the way she gives herself to him, trusting him to treat her like she deserves.
With one last glance up, Bucky eagerly settles between her thighs, the smell of her filling his nostrils, making his mouth water.
The soft groan that leaves him makes her hips twitch, and he pauses for a second to take her in, both hands coming up to keep her spread wide for him.
She’s already so wet, the sight of her swollen clit just begging to be licked, and he can’t wait to hear her come apart for him.
The first slow swipe of his tongue along her slit causes her body to tense, the sudden sensation making her breath hitch, almost making her forget all about the bet.
Bucky learned her body so quickly when they first became intimate, and now, the familiar swirl of his tongue around her clit immediately makes her back arch, a moan getting trapped in her throat.
He loves the taste of her, happy to spend as much time between her thighs as she lets him, and even though that’s not what tonight is about, he still takes a moment to appreciate the delicious meal she’s offering him.
He alternates between long licks, and fucking her with his tongue, grinding his soft beard against her pussy to get as deep as he can, as if starved for more of her. 
Despite Bucky’s own noises of pleasure getting louder, hers remain low, and it’s not long before the desire to hear her scream builds inside of him again.
Without warning, his mouth suddenly closes over her clit, his tongue resuming the perfect rhythm against the bundle of nerves and his hands grips her thighs, holding her in place.
She cuts off the harsh gasp that spills out of her, and her fingers tighten their grip on his hair as her hips move against his mouth, chasing her pleasure.
Despite half her focus on keeping her sounds under control, he’s still able to quickly bring her to the edge, and her other hand grips the bedsheet as the tension suddenly snaps.
As much as it turns Bucky on to watch her and feel her come for him, there’s something wrong about not hearing her as she loses control.
He refuses to pull away though, his mouth working her through her orgasm, his hands holding her, letting her ride out the waves. His own hips grinding against the mattress, his cock hard and heavy, aching for relief.
When she becomes too sensitive, he takes pity on her and quickly kisses back up her body, giving her a moment to catch her breath.
Her need for him is too overwhelming though, and within seconds, she meets him in a kiss, moaning at the taste of herself on his tongue. 
She doesn’t allow herself to get lost in the moment for too long, her body craving more, and she reaches between them, her fingers wrapping around his thick cock, ready to remind him that she still has a chance of winning this bet. 
Bucky welcomes her touch, his hips thrusting forward, groaning against her mouth.
She takes advantage of his pleasure-filled state, rubbing her thumb across the head of his cock, the tip slick with his arousal, and proudly states, “I told you I could be quiet.” 
The laugh he makes in return sends a shiver down her back, and she can barely quiet the soft squeak as he pulls her hand away, his fingers wrapped around her delicate wrist.
He’s always careful not to cause her any real discomfort, but the look he gives her still makes her freeze, wondering what she’s gotten herself into.
“Oh sweetheart,” Bucky chuckles, slowly pinning her hands over her head as he starts to grind his cock against her. “We’re barely getting started.”
Her body tenses in anticipation, expecting him to thrust inside of her, but he doesn’t change his pace, his eyes taking in how beautiful she looks, all desperate and needy, her skin flushed.
Even after all this time with him, she’s still not used to all the attention he gives her, and she’s grateful that he allows her to move with him.
Each shift of her hips makes her breath quicken just a bit more, the length of his cock sliding along her clit, and she’s pretty sure she could come just like this. 
The thought of it makes her body pulse with arousal, and she quickly nods her head, breathing quickly. “Please,” she whispers, her fingers flexing under his hold.
He grins down at her, tightening his grip slightly, keeping the same pace, watching her fight between completely giving in and trying to silence her noises.
Bucky wants the noises. He needs them. He needs to hear her whines and moans and cries as he brings her pleasure.
She’s clearly determined to win this, but so is he. And the moment he feels her almost reaching the edge, he suddenly stops, pulling his hips out of reach of her.
She has no idea how, but she manages to keep the whine of “no” down, her voice almost betraying her. Bucky’s soft laughter helps keep her focused, though, and she glares at him, breathing heavily.
Her mouth opens in protest, but before she can even think of how to react, his vibranium hand closes around her throat, pushing her down against the bed. 
“Oh god,” is all she can say, her voice trembling as she tries to mentally prepare herself for whatever Bucky has planned.
He knows her too well though, and the moment he moves, she almost loses the bet.
His right hand slides between her thighs, and in one smooth motion, he fills her with two fingers, curling them inside of her to press against her front wall.
She bites her lip hard enough to almost draw blood, but she’s able to dampen her cry of pleasure as she throws her head back, both hands now gripping the sheet. 
Bucky gives her no time to gather her composure before he starts moving, the heel of his hand rubbing hard against her clit while his fingers stroke over her g-spot.
She may not be speaking, but her body is talking, the sounds of her wetness filling the air. He growls his approval and leans over her, his metal fingers twitching against her throat.
“Listen to that,” he murmurs, watching her as he quickly works her towards another orgasm. “Your pussy’s talking to me, doll. Just begging for more.”
She pulls her lips inward between her teeth, biting down as she breathes heavily through her nose, the pleasure starting to make it harder to focus.
His words aren’t making it any easier, but she’s grateful that he doesn’t make her look at him, her eyes currently shut tight, her head pressing into the pillow underneath her. 
There’s something so intoxicating to Bucky about being in charge of her pleasure, and he knows he’ll never get enough of her.
For just a moment, he forgets about the bet, his eyes taking in the way she writhes underneath his touch, everything about her encouraging him to keep going. Her back arching, her legs spread, hips thrusting in time with his hand as he fucks her deep and hard.
Except, she’s still keeping her noises to a minimum. Even as she starts to breathe quicker, the gasps turning to shuddering sighs, she manages to somehow keep it all under control.
And it’s starting to get under Bucky’s skin. He can’t be a gracious loser when it comes to this.
That primal feeling resurfaces in Bucky, the urge to take her hard and fast igniting inside of him. But, first, he needs to make her come again.
He quickly moves his left hand down her body, pressing hard against her clit, giving him the ability to fuck her harder with his fingers.
Her eyes roll back in her head, and she nearly screams, his fingers deep inside of her, curled and rubbing hard against the spongy tissue.
She can feel the pressure building, and she grabs her legs, her hands wrapping around her ankles to keep her spread wide for Bucky.
“That’s it,” he encourages her, just as breathless as she is, his body humming with pleasure. “Can feel you, sweetheart,” he moans, grinding harder against her clit, knowing exactly what she needs to get over the edge. “Doing so good for me. Gonna come all over my fingers, aren’t you?”
She quickly nods her head, but she can’t trust herself to speak. She can barely breathe anyway as her fingers dig into her ankles, the slight pain giving her something to focus on, reminding her of the stakes here.
She’s so overwhelmed, and he hasn’t even fucked her with his cock yet. She has no idea how she’s going to win this bet.
She can’t think about that right now though, because her entire body suddenly tenses, and she squirts, coating his hand with her juices.
She barely hears Bucky’s groan of approval, but his words of praise quickly flood her brain, and she comes for him, using every bit of energy to not cry out.
“Good girl. Fuck, look at you,” his deep voice adds to the pleasure still washing over her and she lets go of her ankles to reach out for Bucky, needing him.
He quickly joins her, resting some of his weight on top of her, letting her cling to him as her body shudders, her hips riding his fingers. 
“You feel so fucking good,” he murmurs against her neck, his fingers buried deep inside of her, savoring the way her pussy pulses with each wave of pleasure. “I think I should I make you come again, just like this.”
He’s only half-serious, his cock aching to be inside of her.
Her expected whine makes him laugh, and he curls his fingers inside of her again, easily finding that spot that makes her tremble.
She’s still sensitive from her orgasm, but her mind is starting to clear, and she immediately shakes her head. “Absolutely not.” Another breathy moan, and then, “I think you should let me suck your cock.”
Bucky groans, allowing himself to briefly consider it, but kisses her softly and tells her no.
As much as they both enjoy when he fucks her mouth, it’s not going to help him win this bet. Her mouth needs to be free to make all those beautiful noises.
“I think you’re forgetting the point here, doll.” he teases, sitting up between her thighs and slowly sliding his fingers out of her dripping pussy.
She doesn’t even try to stop the soft whine from the loss, and he grins at her, watching her as he lifts his fingers to his mouth, licking the delicious taste off both digits. 
The sight of him clearly enjoying himself makes her want to bring him more pleasure, and she leans up to kiss him again, welcoming the taste of her wetness on his lips and tongue.
When her teeth playfully bite at his bottom lip, his fingers tangle in her hair to pull her head back, meeting her grin with one of his own.
“How about I put my cock somewhere else?” 
The smile on her face grows, despite her slight disappointment at not getting to have him in her mouth. And as Bucky rests back on his knees, she slides her hands down to touch herself, giving him an even better view of her wet pussy. 
The action immediately makes him groan, and his hands move to her ankles, gripping them to steady himself. After all this time, she still has the ability to catch him off guard, and it makes him love her even more.
They both watch as he moves his hips forward to slide his cock along her slick slit, almost slipping inside her before gliding up to tease her exposed clit.
The movement sends a jolt of pleasure through both of them, and she lets out a soft whine, shifting her hips to try to guide him to where he needs to be.
It’s futile, though. Bucky’s doing this on purpose. Trying to make her forget the bet, but she keeps herself under control, breathing heavily through her nose, proving to him she’s just as dedicated as he is.
With a longing look on her face, and another shift of her hips, she pleads, “Fuck me.”
Bucky’s fingers tighten around her ankles, but he stays exactly where he is, continuing to tease her with the head of his cock. “You sure you’re ready?”
His gentle tone makes her laugh softly, but he shakes his head at her, his eyes dark with desire.
“I’m serious, doll.” His breathing is just as heavy as hers, his body tense from trying to control himself. “I’m planning to fuck you until you scream for me.”
She’s far from making objections, her need for him overwhelming. As if he needs any more encouragement, she licks her lips and raises her brow at him, declaring yet again, “I’m going to win this bet.”
His laugh sends another shiver down her spine and a pulse of pleasure straight to her clit. There’s no way she’s winning this bet, but she’s going to have fun losing.
Bucky angles his hips, their bodies fitting together perfectly, and as the tip of his cock pushes against her entrance, he tells her, “Arms over your head.”
She narrows her eyes at him but doesn’t question it, knowing there’s a good reason for it. And she’s excited to find out what it is. 
The moment her hands grip the pillow under her head, he smirks at her and snaps his hips, burying himself inside of her.
A harsh gasp leaves her, but it’s not loud enough to make her lose and she throws her head back, biting her lips to keep her mouth shut as he starts to fuck her hard. 
Bucky pushes her legs back, spreading her wider as he finds a quick rhythm. His own noises of pleasure get louder, but he does nothing to quiet them.
He knows how much she craves the sounds he makes, the pleasure she gives him like nothing he’s ever experienced. 
“Oh fuck,” he groans, trying not to squeeze her ankles too hard, “you feel so good, baby. So wet, oh my god.”
She can’t look at him. She clings to the pillow underneath her, her forearms cradling her head as she does everything in her power not to cry out. His cock feels so good inside of her, reaching all the spots that make her toes curl and her body shudder in pleasure.
Bucky is more than desperate to hear more from her. The soft gasps and whimpers doing nothing to quell the ache to experience her pleasure at its fullest.
He’s used to her cries and moans filling the room, and while everything about her is telling him she’s enjoying herself, it’s not nearly enough. 
“Stay just like that,” he orders her, sliding his hands down, squeezing her thick thighs as keeps moving, his hips never faltering.
She’s in no mood to disobey, willingly letting him fuck her towards yet another orgasm. Bucky can feel her tightening, her walls trying to keep him in place on each outstroke.
“That’s it. You wanna come for me again? Wanna come all over my cock?”
She can’t trust her voice and all she can do is nod her head, finally opening her eyes to look up at him.
He immediately growls and leans forward, letting her thighs spread around him as his hands go to her bouncing tits, making her back arch, allowing him even deeper.
Bucky curses again, her wetness allowing him to bottom out each time, and he can feel his own orgasm building, the sight of her writhing underneath him almost too much.
“Fuck,” he growls, his right hand moving to her stomach, loving the feel of his fingers digging into her soft flesh, his hips never slowing. “You feel so good. Come on, come for me, doll, let me feel you.”
All it takes is one brush of his thumb over clit and she comes again, her fingers sore from her tight grip the pillow. But all she can focus on is the electric current of pleasure rushing through her, the tension causing her to clench her teeth.
She resists the urge to press her face against her arm, and somehow manages to make it through the intense pleasure with only making soft, breathy moans.
It’s at this point that something in Bucky snaps.
He fucks her through the waves of pleasure, waiting until her body finally starts to relax, before he suddenly pulls out.
The whine she makes is louder than all the sounds she’s made tonight, and she opens her mouth in surprise, looking up at him with wide eyes.
“I’m not quite done with you yet,” he promises her, the gruffness of his voice making her hips shift.
Bucky chuckles softly and runs his hands over her body, his fingers dancing over her throat before sliding down between her breasts. 
Before he does anything else, he checks in with her. “You ready to keep going?”
Her words come easy this time. “Yes, please," she smiles, lifting her hips again as if to entice him.
He has other plans though, and instructs her to turn over, the roughness of his voice returning. The excitement on her face is clear as she quickly obeys, getting into position - head down, ass up.
Bucky takes a moment to appreciate the view, the desire to claim her burning him up. He controls his breathing and reaches out, running his palm along her back and down to her ass, relishing the way she immediately spreads her thighs even more.
“Good girl,” he praises her, his voice deep with admiration. And then he slaps her ass, hard enough to make her gasp, and she turns her head to look over her shoulder at him.
They grin at each other, and he does it again, making her groan softly, but she pushes back, welcoming the sting. 
Bucky’s hand rubs across the pinkening skin as his metal hand slips between her thighs, teasing her with his fingertips.
She’s more than ready for him to keep fucking her, but he still asks again, needing to hear her give him permission one final time.
As soon as she utters the soft plea of ‘yes, please’ he’s lining up behind her, his hand wrapped around his thick shaft to guide himself back to her welcoming pussy.
He wastes no time and sinks into her with a soft groan, her hot, slick walls enveloping his hard cock like she was made for him. 
Bucky takes her slowly at first, the feel of her pussy fluttering with each long stroke of his cock making it difficult to focus.
She’s so sensitive, and with each deep thrust, her soft noises start to get just a bit louder, reminding him he’s on the right track.
His tender touches start to become a bit firmer, and as her hips begin to meet his with more force, he suddenly grips her waist.
Bucky plans to do whatever it takes to elicit louder noises from her, and without warning, he starts to piston his hips, making her take all of him, over and over. 
This time she’s expecting it though and has just enough time to grit her teeth, each thrust making her gasp, her breath coming quick and shallow.
It’s taking all of her focus not to give in and let herself lose the bet already; she’s just too stubborn to give in, no matter how good Bucky is making her feel.
The irritation grows in Bucky, her lack of noise starting to feel personal, and his hands move to her hips, grabbing fistfuls of her ass as he starts to fuck her harder.
He watches as her back arches and her fingers grip the bedsheets, each deep thrust causing her legs start to shake again. She’s almost there. He can feel it.
She whines his name, and her hands scramble to grip the edge of the mattress, keeping her head turned, refusing to bury her face in the covers.
“Oh sweetheart,” he murmurs, the tenderness a stark contrast to the way he’s fucking her. “Gonna squirt for me again, aren’t you?”
All she can do is nod her head, her eyes shut tight, trying her best to keep her noises under control. But, with each thrust of his cock, she feels herself slipping, her skin breaking out in a light sheen of sweat. 
It’s like a breath of fresh air to Bucky, watching as she starts to slowly lose control.
Any other time, he might take it easy on her, wanting her to be proud of herself for doing something she didn’t think she could do.
But, he’s way past that point now. 
Now, all he wants is to make her lose control and scream for him. And he has one more trick up his sleeve.
Bucky’s strong hands slide up along her back as he raises himself up, placing his feet flat on the bed in order to crouch over her, keeping his cock buried inside of her.
“Oh god,” she breathes, her eyes rolling back in her head as she tries to prepare herself.
She loves this position, but it’s going to be her downfall. And it’s clear Bucky knows it, because the moment he starts moving his hips, he starts talking to her, the growl in his voice pushing her closer to the edge.
“That’s right. Told you I was gonna fuck you until you scream for me.” 
He fucks her hard, the angle making his cock rub against her g-spot with each stroke, and she can feel the coil in her belly tightening.
She can no longer stop her noises from getting louder, and without thinking, she makes a desperate move to regain some semblance of composure.
With a quick pull of her elbows, she buries her face between her forearms, trying to quiet the cry of pleasure as she reaches a breaking point.
Bucky won’t allow it though, and grabs a fistful of her hair, forcing her head to the side.
“Fucking take it,” he demands, grunting with each hard thrust, “fucking take all of me.”
It’s too much. She can’t hold on anymore and her body tenses, her tightening pussy almost pushing him out.
“That’s it!” he growls. “Come for me, baby! God, I love you so fucking much.”
She sobs as her stomach tenses and she squirts, each hard thrust causing her wetness to run down her thighs and soak the sheets.
He talks her through it, like he always does, telling her how beautiful she is, how good she feels, and how much he loves making her come for him. 
Even as her body pulses from the aftershocks, Bucky keeps going, slowing his pace as he settles back to his knees behind her, trying to help her come down slowly.
She was loud, but not enough to satisfy his need to hear her scream.
“I need you to give me one more,” he murmurs, running his hands along her sweaty back. 
She whispers his name and shakes her head, her trembling limbs trying to give out on her.
Bucky’s quick to guide her onto her back again, this time slipping a pillow underneath to raise her hips.
He’s already fucked her senseless - she’s barely able to keep her eyes open - but he knows she has one more to give him.
Bucky starts slow again, giving her time to come back down, waiting until she can finally look up at him, still clearly cock-drunk.
He murmurs words of praise, telling her once again how beautiful she is, splayed out like this for him, her arms over her head, her thighs spread wide.
“You’re gonna look so good in that swing, sweetheart. All tied up and on display for me.”
Whatever insecurities that usually run through her mind are absent, and she moans at his words, starting to slowly move her hips against him, welcoming his cock back inside of her.
The image of being completely at his mercy makes her body pulse, and Bucky smiles down at her, sliding his hands along the sensitive skin of her thighs, just taking another moment to truly appreciate her. 
At this point, it doesn’t matter how he makes her come. She’s going to scream for him either way, all her inhibitions now gone that the bet is over.
And that frees him up to give her everything she could possibly need. “Tell me how you wanna come this time.” 
She breathes heavily and just slowly shakes her head for a moment, still not sure she has anything left to give.
But, if there’s anyone that can pull it out of her it’s Bucky. 
He waits patiently, fucking her slowly, barely pulling out before sliding back in until he’s completely sheathed. “Do you want me to keep fucking you like this?”
His fingers slowly move to her pussy, watching the way her body takes him so perfectly as his thumb finds her clit.
“Or do you need something else?” 
The shaking of her head turns into nods and she tries to find her voice as her back arches, her body welcoming the intense pleasure.
Her body is so sensitive, like every nerve ending is exposed, and she’s still not sure what she needs. Bucky will give her whatever she asks for, but she’s too lost in the moment to answer him.
As much as he’s enjoying the unfiltered sounds coming out of her, he needs her to talk. He needs to know she’s still with him, that she truly wants him to keep going.
There’s a slight edge to his tone, and she meets his eyes again, a soft smile forming on her face.
He grins down at her and nods encouragingly, “I need your words.”
She nods again, but as she starts to say “I want-” her words are cut off by a soft whine, Bucky’s cock bottoming out inside of her, finding that spot that makes her legs shake.
They both laugh softly, and she shakes her head at him before she finally finishes her thought, “I want you to come with me.”
A deep moan leaves Bucky at her request, his grip on her thighs tightening as he resists the urge to start moving faster.
“Is that what you need?” he asks, starting to lean forward, peppering kisses along her breasts and collarbone.
Her answer of ‘yes’ comes quickly and he starts to rock against her, grinding his pelvis against her clit.
“Yes,” she repeats, the simple word causing pleasure to race up Bucky’s spine.
He drops to his elbows, caging her in, and they both start moving at the same time, her legs wrapped around him, encouraging his hard thrusts.
“Yes, fuck me, oh my god.” She doesn’t care how loud she is anymore, the cries and moans leaving her without a second thought. 
Bucky’s already close, her pussy practically milking his cock, each flutter making him groan. But, he’s a man of his word and he’s not going to let himself give into the pleasure until she comes one more time.
“You feel so fucking good,” he moans, panting above her, unable to tear his gaze away, committing this moment to memory. “Such a perfect pussy, baby. Just made to take my cock.”
She clings to him, her nails scratching down his back, sure to leave marks. But he welcomes it, the sting adding to his pleasure, watching as she cries out, her body starting to tense, her final orgasm building.
When she whines his name, he hears the apprehension in her voice, as if to warn him that this one’s going to overwhelm her. 
Bucky’s fingers slide through her hair, and he cradles her head, forcing her to keep looking at him.
“It’s okay,” he promises her. “Give it to me. Give me everything.” Her back arches and her pussy tightens, the sounds of her wetness filling the air as she starts to squirt again. “Fuck yes, come for me!”
And she does, her breath hitching as the sudden explosion of pleasure rocks her body.
Bucky doesn’t stop, moving hard and fast against her, forcing his cock to stay inside of her, even as her walls clench around him, almost pushing him out.
She cries out, finally giving him what he’s been working towards all night, her scream of pleasure sure to wake the neighbors. 
Bucky can barely hold back, his own orgasm threatening to consume him, but he fights through it, giving her a few more seconds of his attention.
“That’s it, scream for me. Let everyone fucking hear you.”
But then she’s begging him to come too, her sobs of pleasure pushing him over the edge, and he kisses her hard, his tongue sliding along hers.
All his senses are consumed by her, every single part of him entirely overwhelmed with pleasure, the rhythm of his hips faltering as his cock pulses, filling her up with his cum.
After a few more lazy thrusts, their hips finally come to a stop, and he groans against her mouth, collapsing on top of her. 
They’re both panting, their arms wrapped around each other, Bucky’s weight a welcome feeling as he starts to nuzzle her neck, breathing in her scent.
They take their time coming back down, murmuring words of love and affection, their lips eventually meeting again in a soft, tender kiss. 
She barely registers him rolling them over, but makes a soft noise of protest when he slowly pulls out.
Bucky’s own sigh joins hers, the loss of her warmth making his softening cock twitch. If it wasn’t so late, and she wasn’t clearly spent, he’d happily go another round.
For now, they snuggle quietly, her head resting on his chest, listening to his heartbeat while his fingers make slow, soothing strokes along her back.
Bucky’s sensitive ears pick up the steady rhythm of her heart as well, the sound a constant comfort to him even on his hardest days. 
Eventually, they finally move, sharing another brief kiss and exchanging words of love yet again, neither of them ever tiring of hearing it - or professing it to each other.
But, they need to clean up, his release still leaking out of her, leaving her slick - and he’s not much better off, their combined fluids matting the hair at the base of his cock.
Bucky’s first to finish in the attached bathroom, and he’s already in bed when she returns, the covers pulled up to his stomach, his phone in his hands.
The silly grin on his face makes her laugh, and she climbs onto the bed, asking him, “What are you up to?”
He gives her a quick glance, his bright smile making her heart flutter as he returns his attention back to his phone.
“I’m purchasing that sex swing.” 
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arolesbianism · 5 months
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Beginners guide to my Jackie and Olivia universe thoughts except the handwriting might be kinda unreadable so idk figure it out
#keese draws#oxygen not included#olivia broussard#jackie stern#also to be clear everything I have for the rabbit and raccoon universes is completely pulled out of my ass lol#I just wanted to play around with the idea of every universe in oni having the same results despite wild differences#in canon they’re both probably near identical outside of what critters olivia works with#but I find it fun imagining those moments in the logs as the moments that come closest to converging#three olivias who are all wildly different but despite it all still end up in a lab feeding their favorite critters in near perfect sync#three separate jackies with varying amounts of respect for olivia each deciding to rid of olivia’s critters#three separate pairs each holding near identical conversations through text that even then could have varried wildly in tone if heard#two women who have a strained relationship two women who don’t realize how bad things are between them and two women who are on the offense#anyways rabbit universe is my favorite of the other two to think abt because god it’s so fun imagining jackie slowly realize that olivia#may have slowly but surely become like super dangerous to both herself and others and that it was initially to support her but now it’s#gotten Way out of hand and jackie doesn’t know how to try to bring it up because she has things that she deems more important to do#and anytime she does try to push her away from the work she’s been doing to focus on other things she at best does it in secret#the problem with people who consider themselves righteous is that they can become incredibly dangerous if they aren’t#now jackie sort of considers herself righteous but I don’t think that’s her primary motivation in scientific advancement#she is far more motivated by the thrill of progress and as such operates less on is what I’m doing right and more how do I most effectively#get this done and as such she’s incredibly strict and shitty to people and is more than willing to cut corners that she rly shouldn’t#the thrill of progress also appeals to olivia deeply but she generally sees herself as a moral person#which even in canon leads to olivia coming off as kind of hypocritical as anything that doesn’t make her actively uncomfortable doesn’t rly#seem to register to her as a problem#her morals are kind of dictated by her personal comforts and as such an olivia who is comfortable with doing questionable experiments is an#olivia who doesn’t see them as questionable at all#now I do imagine rabbit universe olivia is generally nicer to employees than jackie is#but mostly in the sense that she gives them proper breaks and lets them do fun activities and such#she is still mostly invested in optimization she just knows that rested employees are productive employees unlike jackie#like if someone has a breakdown over the work they’re forced to do she’ll send them home early but she will expect them to get back to it#so she’s not actually like. that good to the ppl working under her. she’s just not as bad as jackie
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bunnylovesani · 6 months
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A Birthday Affair
Summary: It's your birthday and your best friend is making you a cake! Too bad she's left you home alone with her boyfriend, Anakin. She should've known you two had a thing for each other, right?
Content warnings: cheating, p in v sex, creampie, daddy kink
WC: 2.6k
“Alright guys, there’s only one shop that sells the buttercream we need and it’s way at the other end of town.” Padme shouts tiredly, grabbing her coat by the door. “Could’ve sworn I’d already picked some up…but anything for the birthday girl. I might be a while so make sure you keep an eye on the cake in the oven!”
“We’re not that incompetent, Padme.” Anakin rolls his eyes.
“Of course, we got it!” You answer as she leaves and turn to face Anakin. “You should really be nicer to her.”
“I’m plenty nice.” He responds. “And you’re the birthday girl, it’s you I need to be nice to.”
“But she’s your girlfriend. You’re obligated to be nice to her all year round.” You put the empty batter bowl into the sink as Anakin stares at you across the kitchen, leaning against the countertops. 
“I’m about as nice to her as she is to me.” He murmurs and you look back in confusion. Were they having issues you didn’t know about? 
“That couldn’t be further from the truth, Padme is the perfect girlfriend and you-“ You paused, looking at him up and down with a light scowl. “-well you’re you.”
“Ah, so you think I’m not good enough for her? How cliche.” He gives you a look of displeasure. “And what is it that makes me so unworthy of her company?”
“You’re not bad per se, you’re just…” You sigh, struggling to put your thoughts into words. “Look at it this way- Padme is one of those rare people. She manages to balance being successful and beautiful with somehow being humble and kind- I know for a fact she wakes up every morning to make you breakfast- and she does things like drive all over the city looking for a specific frosting for her best friend. That’s just the kind of person she is.” You ramble on, walking around the kitchen as Anakin stares at you in fascination.
“And then there’s you, who’s forgotten every anniversary and has been fired from every job because of his inability to control his temper. You see what I’m getting at?” 
Anakin furrows his thick brows as he processes what you’re saying and you think he might get mad at you for a second but to your relief, he cracks a bright smile.
“Don’t get me wrong, I’m just as much of a mess as you are. Just as unworthy.“ You laugh and a puzzling smirk crosses his face. 
“So you’re saying I should be with someone better suited for me?” 
“Yes, exactly.” 
“Someone like…you?” He raises an eyebrow. 
You chuckle nervously and take a step back, suddenly aware of how close he’d gotten. 
“Obviously not. I-I didn’t mean to make it sound like that.” Stuttering, you try to move away from him but he doesn’t budge, tall figure towering over you. That stupid smirk he has plastered over his face increases your heart rate tenfold. 
“What’s the matter, sweetheart? Have I got you flustered?” He sneers.
“Stop playing around.” You push him away by his chest and escape to the sofa, slumping down it with a huff.
“Padme told me about the little crush you had on me.” He stands behind you and you refuse to face him, consumed with embarrassment. 
“Crush is too strong of a word for what that was.” You feel your cheeks burning up at the memory; when you first met Anakin at that bar last Christmas, you’ll admit you initially wanted him all to yourself. But what were you supposed to do when Padme got to him first? You can’t believe she told him. 
“So you don’t find me attractive anymore?” He asks in that provocative tone of his. 
“The outer shell is fine but the inside could do with a little work.” You feign confidence, avoiding the question. To be truthful, you found him incredibly attractive. So much so that you actively avoided him because you felt yourself folding under pressure anytime he was near. 
“Can I let you in on a little secret?” He asked quietly, taking a seat on the footstool across the sofa. 
“No, but I sense you’re going to anyway.” You brace yourself.
“That night I saw you and Padme playing pool at the bar.” He begins. “I wanted to approach you, not her.”
Your breath hitches in your throat.
“But she came up to me first and when I asked her who her friend was, she told me you weren’t interested…in men.” Your mouth widens as his words linger in the air.
“I-I don’t know what to say.” You stutter, feeling a small sense of betrayal run through you. “I don’t know why she’d do that.” 
“Because she knew she wouldn’t stand a chance otherwise.” He gets up to sit next to you and you tense up at his knee lightly brushing past yours.
“I thought you were a lesbian for half the time I’ve known you- until you started dating that loser a few months ago and Padme had to come clean. She thought I’d find it funny.” He curls his lip in disgust.
“And did you?”
“No.” He responds, steely eyes staring right through you. “I’m still mad about it.”
“Anakin…” You cautiously murmur, sensing the direction this could so easily take.
“I’m just saying, remember that next time you want to rant about how great she is. If it wasn’t for her deceit, it could’ve been us together.” He rests his hand on your leg but you swiftly brush it off.
“But it’s not. And it never will be. You’ll always either be her boyfriend or her ex. Either way, you’re off limits.” You try to assert some boundaries before your self-control completely slips away from you.
“And if it weren’t for these limits?” He reaches his hand up, tucking your hair behind your ear. 
“Oh God, the cake! Must go and check on the cake.” You get up, trying to escape his grasp but he pushes you back down. 
“I said what if it weren’t for those limits?” He repeats sternly and you can’t help but fixate on his rosy pink lips. You’d always wondered how they’d feel pressed up against yours.
“In another galaxy where you’d never met her-“ You sigh, walls crumbling down. “then I’d be yours.”
“Is that what you want?” His husky voice mutters, barely above a whisper.
“It doesn’t matter because this isn’t another galaxy. This is reality.” You shuffle back a little in an attempt to impose some distance between you. 
“Fuck reality. I want you.” He pulls you in and you’re hit with a wave of warmth radiating off his firm body. 
“Anakin, no. Padme is my best friend! I’m not a homewrecker.” You cry out, unsure whether you’re trying to convince him or yourself. 
“You can’t wreck something that’s already fallen apart. I don’t care about her— I don’t care about any of it anymore. For God’s sake, I even hid the damn buttercream because I wanted her to leave us alone for a while.” Your mouth gapes open at his revelation.
“I knew it!” You point your finger at him but he grabs you by the wrist and pulls you onto him, faces barely an inch apart. 
“I need you. In every way possible.” His voice is so breathy it makes you squeeze your thighs together. 
“Ugh, Ani I-“
“Do you want me as much as I want you? Please, put me out of my misery.” He whines and you bite your lip over the beautiful desperation in his words. 
“Of course I want you, I’ve always wanted you.” The words barely leave your mouth before he grabs your face with both hands and kisses you sloppily, grip on your jaw a little too strong. He has you gasping for air, stubbornly holding onto you like it was the last kiss he’d ever have. 
“Don’t you worry about her, I’ll take care of everything.” He rubs your cheek with his thumb comfortingly and you feel all your worries melt away; he was here, he would fix it all. 
“I’ve thought about this for so long.” You cry, pawing at him. The sense of elation you felt at finally being able to touch him, inhale him, taste him- after an eternity of forcing every feeling down. You did it all out of respect for Padme, out of respect for Ani who chose her- but now that you’d learned the truth, restraint flew out the window. He should’ve been yours- he is yours.
“Lie down for me sweetheart, I wanna see my pretty girl.” He pushes you down onto the sofa and inches your skirt down, admiring your pretty pink panties. “You wear these just for me?” You nod frantically- it’s true, you wore everything for him. Your best underwear, your prettiest lipstick, your shortest little skirts, it was all for him. He pushes your top up slowly, messy kisses being planted all over your tummy until he reaches your perky tits. 
“Is there a reason you’re not wearing a bra, young lady?” He scolds you playfully. 
“Mhm, it’s fun watching you fight the urge to stare at the way they bounce and jiggle.”
“You noticed that, huh?” You giggle at his honesty as he rips your top off, laughter instantly replaced with breathy moans as he squeezes your boobs harshly, taking turns sucking on the nipples. 
“Best pair of tits I’ve seen in my life.” He mutters into your chest as he continues to kiss and lick all over, making you writhe underneath him. 
“Ani, please.” You buck your hips up towards him, desperately needing more. “Hurry, we don’t know when she’ll be home.” 
“Then it’s a good thing the door bolts shut from the inside.” He grins, hands trailing down between your thighs. 
“Ani, no! We can’t lock her out, what would she think?”
“I don’t care, all I know is if I don’t get enough of this sweet pussy, I’m gonna lose my mind.” He groans as he hooks his arms under your legs and pulls you down, pulling your panties to the side. You bashfully cover your face with your hands as he rubs your clit with his thumb and when you peek through your fingers, you see him biting his lip and curving his eyebrows into a pitiful swoop. Just as you think it can’t get better, he lowers his boxers and frees his cock, heavy length slapping against his stomach. Not wanting to inflate his already engorged ego, you try not to look shocked- but he sees right through you. 
“You tryin’ to make me feel bad, sweetie? No problem, I’ll have you squealing in a minute anyway.” He confidently asserts and you feel him rubbing his tip along your soaking folds; the anticipation alone is enough to make you throw your head back.
With one sudden thrust, he pushes himself into your tight pussy and you sink your teeth into the pillow beside you to conceal some of the noise. Reaching forward and grabbing it from you, he tosses it aside and grabs you by the jaw. 
“I want to hear every little sound you make. Raw and unmuted.” He growls. 
“B-but someone might hear-“
“I don’t give a fuck.” He asserts aggressively. “Let them hear. They might as well start getting used to it now.” You moan at his depraved words, drool forming around your lips. 
“If you want something in your mouth that bad, here.” He offers you his fingers- which you accept gratefully, sucking and biting on them to your heart’s content. Just as you’ve adjusted, he slides the rest of his cock in- filling you so deeply you question how it’s even possible. The mewling that proceeds boosts Anakin’s ego more than is healthy; you pant and whine so fervently that you look like you’re on the verge of passing out. Your pupils are dilated, your hair messed up, your thighs dampened with arousal and sweat. 
“Ani, mm fuck- fill me up, please!” You dig your fingernails into his back as he lowers himself to kiss your wet lips, silencing your sobs and pleading if only for a moment. 
“You want my cum, sweetheart? You wanna be daddy’s cum slut, hm? Let me hear you say it.” His strokes get deeper and sloppier as he hurtles his way to his release. 
“Yes daddy, yes! I wanna be your cum slut so bad, it’s the only thing I want.” You ramble, words barely audible over the loud sounds of smacking and squelching. 
“I could never say no to you.” He whispers, head tucked into the crook of your neck planting open-mouth kisses. 
“I need it, need it noww.” You whine, tits bouncing into circles as he roughly pounds into you, strong hand maintaining a firm grip on your hip as he rams himself into you one last time: cum spilling from his tender cock and filling you up to the brim. Pulling out, the sensation of his cum dribbling out of you doubled with his thumb circling your clit sends you over the edge, orgasm washing over you like a tsunami. He rests his head on your chest as you both catch your breath, running your fingers through his hair. 
“I’m gonna leave her.” He softly speaks. “I’m leaving and I’m telling her about us.” 
Your heart seizes in both panic and excitement. There’s an us?
The familiar thud of footsteps in the hallway has you both scrambling to get dressed- you pull your top down and your skirt back on but can’t find your frilly panties anywhere. Anakin just about finishes zipping up his jeans when Padme walks in to the sight of her very flustered-looking best friend and boyfriend, sitting oddly far apart in unnatural positions on the couch. 
“Hey guys, I had to check several different stores but I finally found the right buttercream, what have you- wait, do I smell something burning?” 
Fuck, you forgot the cake.
Running over to the oven, she scrambles to pull out the smoking tray. Despair takes over her face when she sees the round crust, black as cinder. 
“How did you forget?! What were you doing?” She yells, throwing the ashes straight into the bin and frowning at you. 
“Nothing, Padme. We just got carried away chatting is all. ‘m really sorry.” You walk over to join her in the kitchen but start to feel Ani’s seed leaking out of your stretched-out hole and dribbling down your thighs. Noticing the glistening sticky wetness, Anakin rushes over in front of you to distract Padme. 
“It was my fault, I said I’d keep track of time and I didn’t.” He explains, subtly tossing a kitchen towel your way. 
“Classic Anakin, honestly a monkey would have better time management.” She hisses, barging past him and opening windows to let the smoke out. “No wonder you can’t keep a job.” He takes a shaky breath and you can see how hard he’s trying to restrain himself. 
“Not now.” You think, giving him a knowing glare and he nods reluctantly. Padme stomps over to the bathroom and you quickly wipe the cummy mess off your thighs, giggling a little at the excitement of sneaking around. Anakin rushes over and gives you a feverish kiss, whispering in your ear “She goes to bed early, you know.”
Maybe you wouldn’t tell her just yet. 
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@crazy4hotmen @erinkeifer @mortalheartache @arzua10
Part 2 here
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notsosweetchan · 3 months
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˚ʚ♡ɞ Private Session ˚ʚ♡ɞ
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Warning: Smut
Paring: | Jisung x Reader |
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Y/N his neck as her hand stroked his cock through his pants. Jisung let out a gasp of both pleasure and frustration . He knew they were in a public place, but the heat between them was unbearable .
“Y/n...,” he whined out her name, "we can’t do this here."Y/n chuckled and lightly bit Jisung's earlobe, her hand working up his shaft teasingly. "But I want you so bad, Sungie," she purred, using her pet name for him. She knew he hated it in public, but she couldn't help herself when she was this turned on .
Jisung clenched his fists, trying to regain control. "I want you too, baby but, were in the studio they could come back at anytime" he growled lowly
"Mmm, they probably won't." Y/N purred and bit down on his earlobe softly, her teeth grazing against his skin as she skillfully stroked him through his pants. "Besides," she continued, breathing heavily, "we could always lock the door."
She couldn't help but tease him, wanting him just as badly as he did. Her other hand slipped under his shirt to caress his stomach, tracing patterns on his skin that sent shivers down his spine.
She leaned in closer to him, their bodies pressed together, and brushed her lips against his neck before nibbling on his earlobe. "Just imagine how good it would feel when I take your cock deep into my throat," she whispered seductively.
The scent of her perfume filled Jisung's nose and made him lightheaded. His heart raced as he tried to keep himself under control but failed miserably every time she touched him like this.
He groaned out loud, unable to hide his desire any longer. He grabbed onto her waist tightly and pulled her even closer, grinding his hips forward slightly to seek more contact with her hand.
They stood in the quiet studio surrounded by nothing but soft music notes floating through the air - yet all he could hear was the sound of their breathing and his own need for release.
It had been too long since they'd shared intimate moments like these; their relationship had been purely professional lately due to their busy schedules.
Finally, overwhelmed by desire, he nudged her head downwards until she was in front of his crotch level-wise. "Fine," he growled out between labored breaths, "But make it quick."
Y/n giggled against his skin before unbuttoning his pants with practiced ease. She freed his erection from its confinement and stroked him leisurely, her gaze locked onto his face the entire time.
Jisung's eyes were hooded with lust as she leaned in and took him into her warm mouth. He bit down on his bottom lip to muffle a moan that threatened to escape him. He tangled his fingers in her hair, guiding her mouth closer as she bobbed up and down on him.
"Fuck, Y/N," he groaned, arching his hips upwards into her warmth. "You're so good at this."
Y/N didn't respond but instead let her actions speak for themselves, sucking him deeper into her mouth and massaging his balls simultaneously.
Jisung couldn't believe they were doing this here, in the studio of all places, but he didn't care; all he could think about was her lips around his cock and the way she looked up at him with her big doe eyes as she took him inch by inch.
The pleasure built up inside him, threatening to explode out of his body any second now. He couldn't take it anymore; he had to have more of her. He pulled away from her mouth prematurely and pushing her on the couch in the studio .
"I need you, Y/N," he panted, unbuttoning her pants and slipping his hand inside to feel how wet she was for him.
Y/N moaned as he rubbed circles around her entrance with his fingers, her back arching off the couch. "God, jisung...yes," she breathed out. He positioned himself at her entrance, using his other hand to guide his hard cock to her slick entrance. She wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him closer as he slowly pushed inside her slick heat.
"Fuck," they both moaned in unison as he bottomed out inside of her. Jisung's hips moved in a slow,pumping motion, filling the room with the sound of flesh slapping together and moans of pleasure.
The contrast between soft music notes floating through the air and their raw, primal sounds filled the studio, an aphrodisiac in itself. Y/N's eyes were closed tightly as her head tilted back in ecstasy, her mouth open in a silent scream."That's it, baby," he whispered into her ear, nipping at it gently. "Feel good?"
"Mmmhmm," she moaned out, her hips moving in sync with his. He could feel how wet she was around him, her walls squeezing him tightly with each thrust. Jisung leaned down and captured her lips in a deep kiss as they moved together rhythmically on the couch.
Their tongues danced together as their bodies became one unit of pleasure seeking release from each other. Her nails dug into his skin gently as he picked up speed until she was crying out his name and bucking her hips up to meet every stroke of his cock inside her.
"Y/N...I'm close," he warned between heavy breaths against her lips. She nodded and bit down on her bottom lip as she felt herself clenching around him.
With a few more thrusts, Jisung grunted out her name and came deep inside her, his hot seed filling her up. Their breathing came in pants as they clung to each other, trying to catch their breaths. Slowly, Jisung pulled out of her and collapsed on the couch next to her panting heavily.
"That... that was... intense," he managed to say between breaths. Y/N giggled, a blush creeping up her neck ."We're lucky no one walked in on us." Jisung chuckled wearily, "I wouldn't mind if they did at this point."He winked at her, and she playfully hit him on the chest before they both dissolved into fits of laughter .
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adventuringblind · 3 months
Monsters in my Mind
Max Verstappen x Reader
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
Summary: Sometimes those thoughts won't leave, the ones you don't want... The ones that can be dangerous. All it takes is one person to help make them go away.
Warnings: Intrusive thoughts, referenced/implied self-harm, violent thoughts, impulsive behaviors, panic attacks, non-sexual dominance as a form of coping, dom/sub undertones
Notes: My thoughts are self stabby as of late. Pardon me as I write this for myself to keep my head and hands busy.
Side Note: Consider feeding my praise kink maybe...?
Masterlist // Request Form // My Website // buy me a Ko-Fi
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The head is a strange place. One's conscious is usually meant to help them make the right decisions and not engage in acts that could hurt them or others. Her head, however, is the opposite of that.
It's a dark twisted place where thoughts that aren't her own find refuge. They want to bathe her in the ecstasy of things that shouldn't feel good. daydreams about things that could repulse any typical human being.
Sometimes they are so strong and her bodies reactions are so out of control, that she has to find relief somewhere. The knife against her skin takes the edge off. Is it normal to moan at the sting and feel satisfied looking at her red stained thighs? She does, until the realization settles in and the guilt won't let her think.
The thoughts laugh at her for giving in so easily. They scrutinize the fact she gets off on the pain.
She walks around in fear of herself. The anxiety and exhaustion from constantly fighting herself are visible on her body. She's tired, and everyone knows it. It's why they don't come near her. Always to caught up in her own head to realize people are trying converse.
It's not like her job requires to much discussion with people. Puzzles keep her brain busy and Ferrari keeps her busy with all the strategy mishaps they throw at her. They throw her a problem, she solves it, plans for next time, and they fuck it up again by not using the solution.
Sometimes she thinks about throwing herself in front of an F1 car going full speed. That voice in her head screams at her anytime she's close to the live track.
Then there is Max. His voice sends the thoughts running and it makes her want to cling to him. She wants him to never stop talking about anything and everything.
Today had been particularly difficult with the of the driver switch coming at the end of the season. Carlos and Charles are the first drivers she's worked with and they all got along great. She doesn't want it to change. That means more unknowns.
The wind graces her cheeks and kisses her finger tips as she sits on the balcony of their apartment. Everything is to much right now and her thoughts won't quiet.
She was in Maranello when the news came out. Her head became so loud with the fear of change and worry for her friend. Enough to be sent home for the day - alone, and nothing to help her head aside from the burning desire to just end it all.
Max had made arraignments for her to spend some time with him in the Milton-Keynes. She was still alone for periods of time. Enough to have to settle herself somehow.
The color red makes something in her relax. Specifically when it's flowing out of her own body.
Now Max is with her and she's stuck in her own head. The never ending maze of twisted thoughts keeps her from moving. The fear of giving in has been looming over her head for longer then normal. It feels like she's losing something, always has been with this team, but change feels far worse then staying with them.
Max hasn't pushed her to do much aside from at least stay in his presence. Occasionally attempting to get her out of her own head with movies and games. He's even spent hours at a time just talking to her about anything and everything.
He opens the door to the balcony, but she doesn't look at him. Not until he holds his hand out for her to take. An action she does without hesitation. No thoughts are needed for this, just following Max's lead.
He leads her over to the couch and arranges them so she can sit tucked into his lap. A grounding hand runs up and down the lenght of her spine. "I've been doing some research about how we might be able to get your head to quiet down."
"I'll do anything, jus' want it to stop." Her voice sounds dry and cracked from how hard she's screamed and cried through the last few days.
"Do you trust me?"
"More then I trust anyone."
She finds herself slipping off the couch and onto her knees, in-between Max's legs with her head resting against his thigh. His touch doesn't leave her skin. "You're doing so good for me. Listen to my voice and focus on taking big breathes for me. Can you do that for me?"
She hums in response. The continual stroke of Max's fingers against her face and sound of his voice already helping immensely.
"That's it, just breathe for me. I've got you; you don't have to fight the thoughts alone. I'm right here with you, keeping them away, never leaving your side." Max grabs one of her hands with his free one. her fingers lay between his. Her favorite puzzle with how easy the pieces fit together.
"You're here with me; I've got you. Those scary thoughts aren't your own. The are unwanted and uninvited, but most importantly, they don't define you. You are brave, loved, beautiful without gaping wounds. You're not crazy or psychotic. You are yourself, with your highs and your lows."
Her body has never felt like this. Her entire being wants to give itself over to Max. His breathes guiding her own, his gentle yet firm hold on her keeping her where he wants.
She lets herself fall under his spell. If Max can take the control away from her, make her complaint and relaxed like this, then he can have her thoughts too.
"That's it, such a good girl, let me think for you. I won't leave you to fight or flounder on your own."
She follows Max's directions, lets him guide her in this place of trust and letting go of things. He's turning her brain off and letting her float without any kind of worries except what Max is telling her to do.
Until all she can think of is him. The calm the comes with his presence and the way his voice falls over her like a soft blanket. Max is all she knows, occupying every crevice of her mind and leaving no room for anything else to creep in.
"How're you feeling, geliefd?" There is a lightness to his tone that makes her swoon.
She hums against his leg. "Warm, fuzzy, head empty."
"Then you stay here as long as you need, okay? I'll keep you safe."
And she does.
She falls into the warm embrace of Max's words. She lets him protect her and keep the dark ugly thoughts away.
With Max, her head is quiet. The voices can't come though. When they do, he's there to fight them back.
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foreingersgod · 2 months
Is it Casual now? . CC
pairing: caitlin clark x reader
synopsis: you thought you and caitlin were endgame, but now things are starting to feel a bit different
A/N: will be shifting the “ending” of the song so that we can all enjoy a happy ending lol
My friends call me a loser
'Cause I'm still hanging around
“YN come on we’ve had these plans set for weeks now” your roommate complained from her spot on your couch.
life had been so hectic recently and you barely had anytime to hang out with your girls. so when you heard caitlin was going to be out of town for the week and you had work off, you thought to set plans with your roommates to have a movie night and dinner at your place.
“seriously, you’re just gonna ditch us off?” another one of your roommates chimed, slightly irritated. you were scrambling around your apartment, throwing things into your overnight bag for when you arrived at caitlin’s place. “caitlin shoots you one quick text that she’s back in town earlier than expected and you’re immediately at her beck and call?”
you rolled your eyes. you knew what they thought of caitlin, that she was a player and only wanted you for one thing. but to you, it felt different, like she genuinely wanted you there at her side
I've heard so many rumors
That I'm just a girl that you bang on your couch
“she just wants you for a quick fuck, YN”
you’ve heard it all before. and you were very aware of how bad it looked from the outside. caitlin would only reach out late at night, never took you out, never bought you gifts, or offered to come over to your place. no wonder everyone thought you were just a booty call, every possible flag was blazing red.
and you often had your fair share of skepticism when caitlin called you up at 2 am with a “sorry i hadn’t called all week, you down to come over?”. but you always felt so worshipped when you were with her, completely blinded by the attention and false promises.
I thought you thought of me better
Someone you couldn't lose
she fucking stood you up. again.
you were sat at a bar, swirling the contents of your lip stick stained class. the classy black dress you wore suddenly felt suffocating and your eyes welled with tears. you couldn’t stop staring at the blaring 9:30 on your phone, thinking back to your conversation with cait the night before.
cait <3 : yea baby i can do 8:30, how does that bar down town sound?
you : that sounds really nice, see you then :)
it was your fault really, you kept hoping she would change. that maybe one of these dates would actually mean something to her, but after sitting in a bar alone waiting for an hour for her arrival, you were starting to lose your optimism.
sick of waiting, you paid your tab and left, not even thinking of texting caitlin back.
You said, "We're not together"
So now when we kiss, I have anger issues
“i missed you last weekend, cait” you muttered, pushing her face away from the crook of your neck, letting your head fall back against the pillow.
she had sent yet another text to you a few hours ago, asking if she could makeup for standing you up. of course, you gave in immediately.
she had sweet talked you so nicely when you arrived at her apartment. whispering in your ear, leaving trails of kisses down you neck and abdomen, taking your clothes off so gently. but the thought of her possibly abandoning you again lingered in the back of your mind.
“i know, i already said im sorry,” she attempted to seduce you with a kiss to the cheek “am i not showing it well enough?” now a kiss to the jawline.
she knew what she was doing, trying to act all innocent with flattery and kisses. if you weren’t so sick of the back and forth between the two of you, you would have let it convince you.
“cait, please. i want to talk about this”
“what is there to talk about?” her voice, once inviting was now laced with anger and irritation.
“don’t get defensive with me” you sat up, pushing her off your vulnerable body “i’m just trying to tell you that what you’re doing is hurting my feelings”
she looked at you expressionless, fingers rubbing at her temples.
“i want to spend time with you and it hurts when you ignore me and stand me up and-”
“yea, well we’re not together so…” she cut you off sharply.
it felt like a punch to the gut, hearing her say that. yea it was true, you weren’t together, but you don’t just act like the person you’re fucking isn’t worth anything to you.
“wow” you didn’t even know what to say. your eyes stung and you chest heaved with humiliation. did she truly think this wasn’t “together”?
You said, "Baby, no attachment"
“YN i really don’t know what you want me to say…i thought we both agreed that this was a casual thing?” she tried to tell you as you angrily picked up your discarded clothes from her bedroom floor.
“i don’t care what we SAID, caitlin” you stopped, buttoning up your shirt, looking her in the eyes “it’s what we keep DOING.”
“what are you talking about?”
“i know we said this was just a casual thing, but- but things started to change. we…ugh i don’t even know how to say it, but it just feels so different when we’re together. more than a casual hookup.”
she’s looking at you confused, pleading for an explanation.
“like when we hooked up that time after Iowa’s big game, you were knee deep in the passenger seat and eating me out? is that casual?”
she scoffed and rolled her eyes, but you egged on.
“or when your mom invited me to her house on Long Beach last summer? what about that, is that causal now?” your face felt hot as you raised your voice to her. you had surprised your self with these accusations.
“I hate that I let this drag on so long, caitlin, and now I hate myself”
all she did was stare, studying the features of your face. every crinkle in your nose, the way your lips quivered with anger, and every twitch of your right eyebrow was now forever embedded in her mind. she knew you were right, deep down, knew that she had fucked up so bad and that you only hated yourself because of her. she knew that her inability to commit had caused you pain and her avoidance issues had gotten out of hand.
“i’m sorry” she admitted, “i’m so fucking sorry that it hurts”
“caitlin, why? am i truly just a quick fuck to you?”
your question nearly knocked the wind out of her. she stood off the bed and meandered over to where you stood at the door, your pants still undone and your items thrown haphazardly into your overnight bag.
“no,” she breathed “you’re so much more than that”
it’s like you couldn’t speak, unable to do much else other than stare at her quizzically.
“i know i’ve treated you like shit. that i’ve fucked up far beyond fixing”
“so why don’t you show it? why sit here and tell me that it’s ok to ignore me and stand me up because we’re just ‘not together’? i don’t get it cait”
her hands ran over her face in frustration, she hated the confrontation. having to tell you all of this was sending her into a spiral. things were fine before tonight, she was able to do want she wanted and ignore all her feelings. and it all came crashing down the second she had gotten you into her bed, instantly faced with reality. tonight was it. she needed to be honest with you.
“i didn’t think i could love someone as much as i love you” she blurted out, which was followed by a deafening scoff from you.
“i’m serious,” she retorted “obviously i haven’t shown that, i’ve done nothing but be cruel to you. but the moment i met you, i knew you would have some sort of hold on me. and it scared me, YN”
you tried to interrupt, to take another stab at her childish behavior, but she kept going.
“i was so scared that i’d lose you, that you’d see through me and all my issues and eventually realize that i’m not worth having a real relationship with. so i tried to keep my distance from you, tried not to see you so it didn’t absolutely tear my heart apart, but i couldn’t help myself. i needed to have you, just a little bit, so i what it felt like to be loved by you. i just couldn’t risk ruining you, taking away a genuine life that you truly deserve all because i’m fucked up and avoid everything. and hooking up with you, to be completely transparent, has only made it worse because…because now i’ve seen what i actually lost”
“you,” there weren’t any words to express how you felt right now “you don’t need to avoid me, cait, you won’t ruin me. i know what i want in a relationship. it’s you, i want you”
“i’m just scared you’ll finally see past this whole thing and see that you don’t actually want me like that”
“i know you. i know that past this,” you waved your hands, gesturing between the two of you “there’s a different caitlin clark. one who doesn’t undermine herself and recognizes that she’s deserves real love just like how i deserve it. one that can address her commitment issues before they get out of hand like this did. one that won’t stand me up, that won’t shoot me down because she has ‘practice’. i know that the real you is perfectly capable of change.”
“i’m scared.” was all she managed “but i want to do better for you, i don’t think i can be without you, please let me fix this”
it came out as a desperate whisper, almost incomprehensible, but you heard her loud and clear.
“it’s going to take some time…but i’m willing to work on this.”
“i swear to god, YN, i’m going to be so much better. i’m done with the hookups and the late night texts. i just want you. all of you”
your hand found her cheek, pulling her towards you gently to place an intimate kiss on her lips.
“i believe you”
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opal-orchard · 1 year
warmth & respite
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18+ mdni!!! • fluff, smut (oral/face-sitting receiver!Ellie)
Ellie’s had a difficult day, only you can give her what she needs.
1.5k words
a/n: hi i’m nai! please accept this as my offering to the tlou community. i’m not new to writing or tumblr but this is my first tlou work and my first time writing a full smut so pls be nice lol. if there’s anything you want to see me write my ask box is open :)
i hope you enjoy it and if you do pls reblog and follow, i rlly want to make moots on this side of tumblr, you all are so unhinged and gay (my kind of people!)
The door to your shared studio slams shut, you don’t need to guess who it is —you could tell by the sound of her footsteps approaching the door. But you look up anyways and watch a disgruntled Ellie throw her dripping backpack onto the ground, her face twisted into a scowl.
“Patrols have been fucking insufferable lately,” she groans bitterly to no one in particular, removing her gear from her backpack and thigh holster.
You set your novel down and prop yourself up on your elbow, watching her intently. You know when she’s like this all she needs is you to listen.
She’s soaking wet, making her muscular arms glisten, and her tight black jeans and tank top press against her body. You salivate looking at how the fabric of her jeans hug every curve.
“I keep getting assigned to train Evan,” she continues, still fixed on putting away her gear, “He thinks he knows Every. Fucking. Thing!” She slams her drawer shut with a groan.
“And he’s so fucking annoying. Keeps trying to ask me stupid questions cause I like girls, and of course we had to take the river trail today, so that dick had to make sure I got all fucking wet!”
She glances over at you for the first time, and her demeanor softens. “Hey you,” she exhales.
“Hey. Sorry about your day,” you respond back.
“I need a shower, I’ll be back,” she says, heading towards her bathroom, peeling off her top as she walks, making you revel in the sight of her wet back muscles.
She emerges from her bathroom with a towel wrapped around her body, her short hair damp and a little messy. Sitting down on the edge of the bed, she softly rubs her hand along your leg, as if to remind herself you’re tangible and alive.
“Hey babe,” she says with all the gentleness she can muster, a soft smile on her face. Your eyes meet hers, and time stills. You’ll never grow used to her calling you that, no matter how many times she does. Warmth spreads through your stomach anytime her voice is this soft and raspy.
“Sorry I was …like that earlier. Just had a bad day.”
Wordlessly, you crawl behind her and wrap your arms around her bare shoulders, pressing soft kisses along her neck and cheek. Her skin is soft with a tinge of lemongrass from her soap.
“No need to apologize, my love,” you say, pressing your face against the curve of her neck, “I’m just happy you’re home safe.”
“Me too,” Ellie whispers, planting a kiss on your arm.
You two revel in this moment—in the relationship you’ve built, full of warmth and respite from the violent, cruel world you live in. You think of all the ways you want to make Ellie feel good.
You turn her face towards yours and press your lips against hers. Ellie’s lips are soft and she opens her mouth to let you take the lead for a little before she kisses you back with intensity. It makes you moan into her mouth and she takes that opportunity to plant open mouth kisses against your jaw and neck.
The sensation leaves you breathless but you gently push her back before you’re too far gone. “Wait— Ellie, I— I wanna— can I eat you out?”
She bites her lip, and a playful smile forms, “Can you?” before returning to your neck. A challenge. You make your lips meet hers again for a sloppy kiss and undo her towel; Ellie gasps into your mouth at the sensation of the cool air hitting her exposed skin. A string of saliva connects your mouths when you pull away and she’s flushed, the skin under her freckles a dusty rose.
You wrap your arms around her back and press your clothed chest against her bare breasts, it’s your turn to leave her breathless with open mouth kisses. “Mmmm you feel good, babe,” she purrs, her head tilted sideways from bliss. Ellie grips your shoulder and presses your head deeper in the crook of her neck.
Growing needier, Ellie rubs her chest against yours. The sensation of her bare nipples against the fabric of your top making her breaths more erratic. You lean down to take one in your mouth and she whines, gripping you tighter. “Ooh shit!”
Kissing the space between her breasts, you let your hands roam her body and her skin is hot to the touch. Liquid pools on the tips of your fingers when you reach down to touch her pussy, her swollen lips spreading with so much ease. She’s soaking wet and scorching hot, and the contact makes her jolt with pleasure.
Ellie watches, transfixed as you put those fingers in your mouth with unwavering eye contact. “Shit,” she grits, in this moment, something snaps— and you both know what’s about to happen.
Ellie shuffles off the bed and stands in front of your face. She loves being above you when you eat her out. You pause and marvel at her curves from her chiseled shoulders down to her hips, how her figure widens and narrows, then widens again. How her taut stomach leads to her most intimate spot that’s hovering right before your mouth. You scoot to the edge of the bed and Ellie props her leg on it to give you access.
Bound by the urge to be more intimate, you wrap your arm around Ellie’s thigh and pull your bodies closer. Looking up to meet her affectionate eyes you’re overwhelmed with a desire to savor her, to pleasure her. No one else has ever made you feel desire and warmth as searing and intense as she has.
Dragging your fingers from her belly button to her labia, you use your index and middle finger to open her lips, and a swollen sappy clit greets you. You take it into your mouth to suck—your lips between her lips and moan at the sensation that runs through your body.
Ellie’s mouth falls agape and her eyebrows contort in bliss, “Oh you good girl, oh fu— just like that!” She cradles the back of your head and rubs your scalp affectionately.
You grip the flesh of her ass and thighs tighter and swirl your tongue around her clit and suck on her folds. “Ugh just like that,” she rasps, her bottom lip stuck between her teeth, her hand gripping your hair a little tighter. You lick laps from her clit to her entrance and she bucks against your face.
She can get a little bossy when you fuck, you love when she tells you what to do, “Put your tongue inside,” she commands her voice raspy and breathy, she spreads her leg a little farther and pushes your face deeper in her pussy. You oblige, swirling your tongue around her swollen entrance before pushing inside. Ellie tilts her head back and releases a loud, guttural moan, so unfiltered and unafraid. You’re french kissing her pussy now, your lips pressing against and sucking her entrance to get your tongue as far inside.
Her juices are all over your lips and nose and cheeks, some beginning to drip down your jaw and chin.
“F-fuck, I need more,” Ellie gasps and with a swift motion she pushes you flat on the bed. She’s positioning her pussy on your face before you can ask questions, and she continues grinding into your mouth and nose. Your arms are awkwardly suspended in the air before you settle them on her waist.
You’re transfixed by her taste, her scent, her lascivious sounds filling the room, the sight of her head tilted back in bliss and her stomach flexing as she gyrates on your mouth. “Oh babe—oh babe!,” she moans, her face contorted and eyes completely glossy with pleasure.
She’s practically using your mouth and nose as she sloppily grinds her folds over them. Your mouth is growing sore but all you care about is getting her there, you stick your tongue back inside her, and she’s gone.
You grab her hips to help her ride through her orgasm. She releases a lascivious moan and bucks her hips one last time before she melts, her body limp and her chest heaving, her pussy sopping wet and throbbing. Creamy white sap oozes onto your lips and you lick it, savoring her taste.
You watch her stomach muscles flex as she lifts her leg to dismount you, and in this moment you realize just how dazed and aroused and transfixed you are. But content more than anything, that you could give the girl you love so much pleasure.
She collapses beside you and grabs your jaw, kissing you with tongue. “I needed that babe. I love you… so much” she says softly and licks her lips. She languidly wipes her thumb along your cheeks and puts it in her mouth.
You watch her and you both lay there motionless, placid from bliss, but it’s getting harder to see her clearly with the room growing darker. You peek out the window and the sun is setting in the summer sky, “Ugh, it’s getting late, I should head to Tipsy Bison and get you something to eat befor-“
Ellie grabs your arm and firmly pulls you back onto the bed in one graceful, effortless motion. She’s still laying there blissed out and it reminds you just how easily she can overpower you if she desires.
“I’d rather skip to dessert.”
a/n: in retrospect i don’t think this position would work unless ellie’s bed is really short…
i’ve read this over so many times i’m starting to hate it, so if there’s a mistake i apologize lmao. my goal is to not be so hard on myself and just write more lmao
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seungmoonandstars · 6 months
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆
Kim Seungmin/female reader
requested by hydratedhydro!
wc: 1k
rating: fluff (Seungmin wants to have your babies)
Seungmin ran off and left you to fend for yourself at this birthday party. It’s only been a five minutes, but still—all you can do now is sit awkwardly and wait for him to return.
It’s a little crowded. You’re not sure if that’s good or bad: more people means less attention directed toward you. Less people, well, they might notice you sitting here.
You don’t even really know anyone here. Everyone you do know well enough is with Seungmin right now.
A few moments later, you relax. You see him appear across the room, but he’s not breaking away. In fact, he and IN all together seem perfectly comfortable with the conversation they’ve kicked up. Or they were pulled into.
You narrow your eyes at him and hope he can feel it, but he doesn’t even glance your way.
You don’t pay attention at first. It’s an unfamiliar voice, and why would anyone be talking to you anyway?
“May we sit here?”
Now you break free of your trance and look to your left. You don’t recognize her, but a young woman is standing over you. Her face is sweet and her arms are very, very full.
“Yes, of course. I’m sorry.”
You stupidly set your bag and phone on the seat next to you, so you snatch it up and make her more space.
“I saw you come in with Seungmin, are you two good friends?”
Your face heats up and you hesitate for a brief moment, “yes, we are good friends.”
“I knew him when he was just a kid. He’s grown up so much.”
You’re listening to her, but your attention is on the baby she’s carrying now. She’s young, just a few months old. Her eyes are open and searching the space in front of her.
“This is Haneul.” Her mother says and moves the blanket from around her face. “This is her first time at a party, but I’m not sure how she likes it yet.
“She seems content.”
“You don’t look like you’re having much fun. Where did your date run off to?”
Seungmin has his back to you. He hasn’t forgotten you’re sitting back there alone, but the conversation they’ve gotten into has been difficult to get out of.
He turns his head and scans the room, casually, until his eyes land on you. He’s relieved to see you speaking to someone else besides him. The entire night has been spent worrying about whether or not you’ll have any fun at all. He knows you prefer being alone with him.
For a moment, he turns away, but IN has been staring along with you, and he hasn’t stopped.
“Does she like babies?” He smiles and nudges Seungmin.
“I’m not sure…,” he looks your way, and right at that moment, the little one is carefully handed off to you. “We haven’t talked about it.” He feels a little drop in his stomach. Seungmin wants kids, but having them anytime soon is not really in his plan.
The sight of you is giving him second thoughts, though.
IN giggles, “I think she does.”
You stand with her when she starts to fuss, and that does the trick. Haneul likes to be walked around, like most babies do, so you do a few laps back and forth near your seat, just until she settles again.
You’ve visited the daycare floor a few times at work. Very rarely. You like it up there, though. You’re making a mental note to visit more often.
When you glance in the direction of Seungmin, you see him watching you. He smiles, but doesn’t move. You smile and try to pull him back with your eyes, but it doesn’t work. He’s looks back at his group every so often, because they keep pulling him back in, but you’re pretty sure you have most of his attention now. He just doesn’t want to be rude.
IN is leaning to talk to him, nudging him a little further away each time. You appreciate it, and you’ll have to remember to thank him for that.
He still can’t get away, but he hopes you know that he’s trying.
When the conversation finally seems to slow down, and IN successfully pushes him an awkward distance away, Seungmin excuses himself. And just when he turns to face you again, you’re handing the baby back to her mother.
It takes a moment, though, because you’re still talking to her—your finger is clenched in her tiny hand. You’re not ready to give her up yet, but you know you have to.
Seungmin sees her let go when he’s halfway to you. You can tell he’s pouting a little as he gets closer and closer.
For a moment you just stand there and look at each other.
“You missed the baby,” you reach to touch his wrist, and he grabs your hand.
“I saw you, though.” Seungmin leans forward and places a kiss on your forehead. “That was good enough.”
“She was very cute.”
“As cute as our babies?” He pulls you close to say it softly, but he’s still not sure if the sweet moment with the baby was just you being friendly. Maybe that was too much.
He says it like it’s the most normal, casual comment of the night. You know he likes and wants kids, he just doesn’t know that you know about that part of him. But you have ways of finding out. What catches you off guard is that, yes, he wants them with you. It might be the most serious thing he’s ever said to you, regarding your relationship. He doesn’t open up very much.
“No, not that cute.” You wonder if he notices how shaky your voice is now.
Mhmm his lips move softly across your ear. “So, you do—?”
“Yeah, if that’s what you want…someday.”
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murdrdocs · 1 year
omg?? MORE ab stepsis quinn hearing you and stepbro!ethan pls? that was so good had me gripping my seat and all that🙄🙄
erm got carried away whoopsies
she remembers complaining about having to share a wall with ethan was they were younger, claiming he was too 'rowdy' during his excessive online video game phase.
and she never thought she would be appreciative of their rooming circumstances. until now.
she heard your bedroom door open (it's been a little creaky lately and wayne had been meaning to fix it for everyone's sake) and she was instantly pausing her third rewatch of pretty little liars to listen for the direction of your footsteps. when they headed towards her little brothers room, she couldn't help but feel a little giddy inside.
it's not her fault. really! she tried thinking about something else: meeting up with guys, watching porn. but nothing was as good as the little sounds you made. it was a nuisance that ethan, little dweeb ethan, was the one making you feel that good. she wishes it were her between your legs, tasting your sweet nectar, pulling those delicate little sounds from your lips.
it's what she thinks about as she closes her eyes and slips a hand between her legs, her ears listening for you.
she thinks about you coming into her room for more every few nights, the way you would shyly stand in the doorway, one foot in and one foot out, playing with the sweatshirt you wore to sleep as you stare at her, silently asking for things that only she could give you. she would pretend to think about it, make you pout with the possibility that you would literally be left to your own devices, but she would scoot over in her bed and the door would close and lock and she would be alone with you.
quinn would lay you back on the bed, kiss you until you were dizzy and you were pliable under her hands, your legs open and your body bare for her to do whatever she wanted. she would slip a few fingers into your weeping cunt, as many as you could take, and then her brain conjures up the idea of buying a strap for you. jesus fuck. she would make you suck it while she fucked you with her fingers, making you lube it up and prove that you really wanted her.
and when she thinks you've had enough, when she just can't wait any longer, she'll slip it on and press your legs open as wide as they would go and the silicone cock head would breach your pussy, creating the prettiest little sight. you would whimper, not used to taking something this big, and your hands would reach out for her.
"i know, i know," she would coo, one hand locking with yours, the other keeping your legs from closing. "you can take it." not like you had any choice. she would hold you down, keep you in place. when she started to really fuck you, her cock would reach so deeply that you're a whimpering mess with only a few thrusts. you would be so worked up, so horny and desperate for her, that you would be on the brink of cumming so quick. of course, you would try to hold it off, not wanting it to end. but quinn would tell you to let go, knowing that the night wouldn't end with one or two orgasms.
before she knows it, she's cum around her fingers and you've cum in the other room, your moans leaking for a second before it was muffled.
she's panting, thinking about that vivid thought and how bad she wants it to be true.
the bed next door creaks, then the floor does the same and quinn listens for the difference in yours and ethans footsteps, one more of a stomp and the other a prance. she hears a prance, so she stands, throws her bedroom door open, and intersects your way to the bathroom.
"oh, quinn," you're visibly flushed. "i didn't know you were awake."
quinn doesn't allow you anytime to become embarrassed about the thought of her hearing your activities with ethan. she just wraps her hands around your waist and pushes her lips to yours.
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sortagaysortahigh · 2 years
Sex Education P.1 | Steve Harrington
A/N: I present the first part of my new series! This follows the childhood friends to fwb to lovers trope, and honestly this first part is very dialogue heavy but it’s important for the plot, i hope yall enjoy :)
Summary: Steve Harrington has an issue, and Y/n Y/l/n is the only one brutally honest enough to help him solve it. 
Warnings: SMUT, spelling and grammar errors, cursing, mentions of P*rn*gr*phy, mentions of piss kinks (LMAO THE READER AND STEVE DO NOT HAVE ONE OKAY ITS A FUNNY JOKEY JOKE), mentions of insecurities, talks about secksi time, P in V protected sex, fingering, slight handjobs, steve has a thing for choking and degredation (does not occur YET), praise kinks, mentions of oral (m + f receiving), pet names (baby, pretty girl), honestly just two idiots trying to have sex bye
Word Count: 7.7k
Series Masterlist
Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader 
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(He’s like a lost puppy i love him)
Y/n Y/l/n and Steve Harrington had been friends for eight years. The two met on the Hawkin’s Swim Team when they were twelve, and even through the tragedy that was the ‘King Steve’ rise and fall-Y/n still remained close with him. Of course she was always the one to tell him to stop acting like a pompous ass, she was the person that refused to hang out with him when Tommy, Carol, and the rest of their minions were around, and she argued with him constantly because Steve Harrington needed to learn what humility was in high school. 
However, falling in love with Nancy Wheeler, then getting his heart broken when she cheated on him with Jonathan Byers was enough to teach him that lesson. Some people were hard headed and had to learn through experience-Steve was one of those people.
Anytime he needed advice he went to Y/n, not because he was for sure going to follow it, but because he knew that she was going to be honest with him. It was one of the reasons that people either loved or hated her, she was always honest, speaking her mind whenever asked, and quite frankly it didn’t bother her when people got upset. If they asked for her input on something, she’d give her input. 
Which was the exact reason he showed up to her house at nine in the morning on a Wednesday. He knew her parents weren’t home so he rang her doorbell until the sound woke her up and when she reluctantly opened the door he knew he was in for it-especially at her disheveled state-the oversized Motley Crue shirt, braided hair messy and frizzy, eyes slightly swollen-remnants of sleep still there, and she was lacking in any other clothing from what he could tell. He was definitely in deep shit for waking her up.
She never woke up early on Wednesdays, it was the singular day of the week that she had nothing to do, no work, no school, nothing. It was her time to relax and to sleep in, however Steve had interrupted that and he knew she’d probably rip his head off-but this was an emergency.
He was now pacing back and forth in her bedroom, his hands on his hips while he was lost in thought, Y/n sitting on her bed with the most annoyed expression he’d seen on her face in years. She pulled her large purple comforter around her figure while she reluctantly remained awake. She’d already brushed her teeth-so there was no point in going back to sleep.
When he hadn’t said anything after ten minutes she rolled her eyes, getting out of her bed and walking out of the room-blanket dragging on the floor behind her as she walked. He followed suit, still in thought-trying to formulate his words while she walked down the hallway then into the kitchen.
She was thankful her house only had a main level and a basement-if she had to walk down stairs she would’ve probably pushed Steve. 
Once inside of the kitchen she grabbed the water kettle from the stove, filling it up before placing it back on top of the metal burner and turning the gas on-waiting for the familiar ‘clicking’ sound to ensure it was properly ignited before turning the heat down slightly. She then moved away from the stove, leaning against one of the counters-pulling the blanket around herself tighter while staring at Steve.
“Are you going to explain why you felt the need to come here this early? It’s not even ten yet” she sounded tired, and for a few seconds he felt slightly guilty about showing up unannounced. However, he then snapped out of that and nodded his head, hands on his hips while he started pacing again-ignoring the way she groaned.
“I need your help-your advice” she rolled her eyes “with what? What is so urgent that you showed up this early?” he nodded his head while he paced, licking his lips, brows knit together in concentration as he tried to figure out what to say-or how to word things.
“Well, okay so I’ve been running into a problem-an issue-a big one” she nodded slowly-when he glanced at her she widened her eyes, shaking her head slightly with her brows raised-waiting for him to continue “Okay good, you’re listening. So you know how I’ve been going on a lot of dates for the past few months” she nodded her head.
“-Steve stop pacing it’s making me dizzy” he stopped in his steps, now turning to face her before continuing “so I’ve been going on dates-and y’know” before he could finish the kettle started whistling, so she shushed him, walking over to the stove-turning it off before grabbing the kettle-pouring some of the hot water into a yellow mug, then she placed a tea bag inside of it and let it sit. 
“So what exactly is your issue with your dates?” he blinked a few times, running his hands through his hair “see the dates aren’t the issue-or maybe they are I can’t really tell-but last night i went on another one” she nodded her head.
“With Brenda right? The blonde with the big tits?” he scoffed “don’t be so vulgar-that’s also kind of objectifying” she blinked, tilting her head in confusion “you literally went after her because she has big tits? But Suddenly I say it outloud and it’s objectifying?” he shrugged “she has a nice personality”
“You sound unsure of yourself, next time practice your lies in front of a mirror with more confidence” his jaw dropped slightly-sure she was right-but she didn’t need to say it that harshly. He watched as she grabbed a spoon and stirred her tea before he sighed.
“Okay fine, yeah it was Brenda with the big tits-but she’s a pretty girl okay!” she nodded ‘you say that about every girl you go out with, I get it you swear you have good taste, airheads with pretty faces are definitely a nice change of pace for you” her sarcasm made him groan, running a hand through his already messy hair-watching as she trailed her eyes along his figure. He knew she was skeptical about something, putting two and two together-realizing he had on the same clothes he was wearing yesterday during their shift with Robin at Family Video.
“Did you really do a walk of shame then show up to my house? Did you even shower? Ew-I already know the answer” he felt himself blushing, the heat in his neck evident-he was slightly embarrassed but he knew it’d pass. She always managed to do that to him, even after eight years it still somehow surprised him that she saw right through him.
“Yes-but that’s not important. So last night, y’know after the date we were getting down to business and I think it was going pretty well, but it was kinda fast? Like abnormally quick?” she blinked a few times “you said this was an emergency-your shitty sex is not reason to wake me up at nine in the morning Steve” 
He rolled his eyes “I’m not finished yet! But yeah, I think it’s an emergency-besides you owe me one!” she furrowed her brows, taking a sip of her tea that was already cooling down with the rate that Steve was rambling “-Junior year, the night you lost your virginity” her eyes widened “Yeah, I haven’t pulled that one, I’m cashing in the fake emergency card right now” she scoffed.
“Fine, go on” He nodded his head, a triumphant smile on his face.
“Okay so here’s the issue, everything felt like it was going well, then it just went really fast. Usually it lasts longer than like fifteen minutes-unless it’s one of those moments you get what I mean-anyways I think she faked it?” he sounded unsure of himself, and Y/n could see the insecurity on his features while he ranted.
“Based on the way you’re questioning yourself I’m gonna assume she did, like is it like eating you up or something?” he nodded his head, brows knit together while he pursed his lips inward, hands back on his hips as he took a deep breath. 
“It’s not really that-okay well it is-but then this morning she was like ‘the rumors aren’t true huh’ but before I could even ask her about it she kicked me out, then I drove across town here” she blinked a few times, taking another drink from her tea. 
“The rumors as in the bullshit ‘king steve has a big dick’ rumors or the ones about you being some sex God?” he blinked a few times, the evident blush on his face making Y/n snicker. 
“Once again-vulgar. But I guess? I’d say the ladder? I think I’m pretty gifted downstairs” she scoffed “I’ve always thought you were the one who started the big dick rumor-it makes sense now that you say that out loud” he rolled his eyes, taking another breath.
“That’s not important right now Y/n, okay but be honest with me here-you’re like my best friend-” she gave him a faux look of appreciation-jutting her bottom lip before mumbling an ‘aw how cute’ to which he rolled his eyes in response.
“Like I was saying, you’re my best friend-” she cut him off “get on with it Harrington, my tea is getting cold” he nodded his head, now he was nervous-granted he’d been somewhat nervous the entire time he was explaining things, but the expectant look on her face had his palms sweating.
“Do you think I’m bad at sex? Not that we’ve like had sex or anything but if we did and if I was bad at sex would you tell me?” He rambled on and she couldn’t help the small laugh that slipped out of her lips. He groaned, throwing his head back slightly “Y/n! It’s not funny! I need you to be honest here!” 
She nodded, clearing her throat, holding in a giggle “okay, sorry. Are you sure you want me to be honest here?” he furrowed his brows “obviously!” she nodded again, placing her mug on the countertop. 
“You talk about all of the fucking you do so often that I assume you’re decent at sex and really overconfident mostly because you also never really sleep with the same girl twice. I’d say out of ten you're a six, like you make a girl cum once but that's it” he scoffed, looking taken aback by her words, swallowing harshly as he pursed his lips together-holding in a breath.
“I’m sorry-that was kind of mean-but you wanted me to be honest and Stevie, as much as I love you, you don’t seem like some sex God to me, but I mean hey! You’re only twenty so like you have time to figure things out!” she tried to cheer him up, his confidence clearly taking a hit by her brutal honesty. But when he remained silent, now staring anywhere but her-she rolled her eyes, walking around the kitchen island he stood behind-then pulling him into a hug-slightly wrapping the blanket around him as well.
He hugged her back, his head resting in the crook of her neck while he groaned.
She knew he was feeling insecure, and as much as she wanted to literally smack some sense into him, she knew that Steve was the person who needed comfort and what she considered to be ‘soft love’, rather than tough love. She started swaying back and forth slightly with him-hoping that it would help-and it clearly did based on the way a muffled laugh left his lips before the two pulled apart.
“What would I do without you?” she shrugged “probably cry into your pillows” he rolled his eyes-however as he held eye contact with her an idea popped into his head. There was a fifty-fifty chance that she’d agree to it-more like twenty-five seventy-five, but the worst she’d do is slap him. Actually, she’d probably do worse but that wasn’t on his mind right now.
She looked confused while he stared at her, something clearly on his mind.
“Spit it out Harrington” he blinked rapidly, nodding his head.
“What if-hear me out before you hit me okay?-what if you helped me figure things out” Y/n was confused, her eyes slightly squinted while her brows knit together as she craned her neck forward the slightest bit. “Helped you figure things out how exactly? Like am I supposed to be your sex therapist, I’m an English major Steve-I don’t know shit about psychology or sexology or whatever they call it”.
He nodded his head a few times, in all reality he was trying to get himself to say it out loud-but asking his best friend to  be in a friends with benefits relationship in order to help him figure out how to get better at sex wasn’t really something that could just casually be said. Especially when his best friend happened to be one of the most beautifully intimidating people he’d ever met. 
Y/n was every guy’s type-it wasn’t an opinion-it was a fact. Not because she was beautiful and hot-well that clearly played a role in things-but because she carried herself with confidence. She was smart, funny, a complete dork when she was comfortable with someone, and she was always honest-even if that would eventually be her downfall in any situation. She knew who she was-and even if she didn’t she acted as if she did-and that was enough to bring a plethora of attention her way.
But she always brushed guys off, she was picky about the people in her life-whether that be platonically or romantically. All of which only made this more difficult for Steve, and yet he was holding on to the hope that if she were to decline his extremely forward request that she wouldn’t completely cut him off after smacking him and cursing him out.
“But you do know about sex” she blinked a few times “I’m pretty sure everyone over the age of sixteen knows about sex?” he nodded his head, biting his lip for a second before he started rambling.
“Yeah, so you’re totally completely right, but what if I wanted you to uh-physically help me in that aspect. Not like totally unreciprocated or anything like that-I mean sure i’d appreciate a blow job-but that’s totally not necessary at all uh unless you’d want to-not saying you would! But what if we were to have-y’know-uh sex-together-as friends though! As friends in order to get better at it?” 
She blinked a few times, processing his words while she took a few steps away from him. 
“What the fuck Steve?” he swallowed slightly, his entire face, neck, ears, and chest felt like they were on fire and he was almost positive that she could see how red he was getting. 
“You don’t have to say yes, uh, it’s just a thought! An idea! I mean I totally don’t know much about how you are in the sack-not saying that this is what that’s about! But I figured you’re the only girl I know that would be brutally honest with me after the fact, or even during-kind of like giving instructions but more like giving direction if that makes sense? Once again you don’t have to say yes-I totally get that-I’ve never seen you naked-you’ve never seen me naked-not that I want to see you naked I mean sure it’d be cool-but not necessary no-uh-uhm yea” 
Y/n held the blanket around her figure while she stared at him, blatant confusion across her features as she tried to process what it is he was saying, granted the idea wasn’t terrible-but she wasn’t entirely sure about just jumping straight into bed with Steve Harrington.
Yes he was her best friend, but she’d never exactly slept with any of her friends, granted-if she were to sleep with any of them she’d probably pick Steve over the rest of them. He was a sweetheart when he wasn’t being a try hard douchebag, he was great with kids, he made her laugh, he wasn’t ugly whatsoever-and his hair was really soft, plus she trusted him which was probably the number one thing that she needed before having sex with anyone.
Not to mention that while she had experience, she knew that she could honestly benefit from trying things out and figuring out what she did and didn’t enjoy past the realm of vanilla sex-and who better to try it with than her obnoxious-yet attractive-best friend. 
“So you want me to have sex with you in order for you to get better at having sex?” he slowly nodded his head “So I’m like your test dummy or some shit?” his eyes widened and he immediately started shaking his head “no-no not at all-I uh was hoping it’d be mutually beneficial?” she blinked a few times.
“Steve, you literally could’ve just asked if I wanted to be friends with benefits with you. There’s a literal term for it. If I were to agree to this we’d have to have common ground, and written rules-preferably in a pink glitter gel pen.”
His heart was practically pounding against his chest as she nodded, it was as if a wave of relief had set in-but another wave of anxiety was hitting at the thought of sleeping with Y/n because what if he really was as bad as he thought-or what if he was worse. She’d have to experience that.
It was like Y/n could read her mind as she rolled her eyes, walking over to the dining room table-grabbing her bag that she’d left there the night before-pulling out the pouch she carried her pens in and a notebook
“Get out of your head Harrington, if we have sex and it’s bad I’ll tell you how to fix it” she spoke as she faced away from him, his eyes widening while he watched her sit down on one of the wooden chairs, uncapping the pen before writing on the paper in front of her-she then looked back at him. “Come sit down, we don’t have all day, I’m going back to sleep when we finish here, you can either stay, take a shower, and nap with me-or go home-it’s really up to you.”
He blinked a few times, nodding his head as he rushed across the kitchen-his shoes squeaking against the tiled floors before he made it to her dining table, pulling the chair next to her out and sitting down-watching her write ‘FWB Rules’ followed by ‘if either party breaks any of these rules, the deal is off and Steve can continue to be bad at sex’.
He scoffed “really? You didn’t need to write that” she shrugged “I may or may not be agreeing to let you fuck me and you’re bothered that I said you’re bad at sex-when you admitted that Brenda faked it then basically told you you’re bad at sex” he blinked twice, rolling his eyes “you don’t have to always be so blunt y’know”
“Stop complaining and c’mon we need to figure this out, but I have a non-negotiable clause. You can’t sleep with anyone else if we’re having sex-I’m dead serious. You don’t sleep around, I don’t sleep around.” he nodded his head, watching as she wrote it down.
Something about that gave him butterflies-but he chose to ignore them-instead focusing on her writing everything out on the page, then she moved to rule two, and without even saying anything she wrote ‘talk about new things first-don’t automatically try them without asking’, and when she glanced at him he nodded his head in approval.
That’s how the next twenty minutes went, the two of them going back and forth over the rules and figuring out what should be set in stone-or in this case set in pink glitter gel pen ink. 
Then they moved to a category Y/n listed as ‘off limits’.
“So what exactly is off limits for you? Cause for me, I’m cool with just about anything other than like pissing-Don’t look at me like that! The only reason I know is because I had to restock the porn section okay!” She slowly nodded her head, a look of disgust evident on her features while she wrote ‘Pissing - Steve claims he learned it from th-’ he took the pen from her hand-scratching out the latter half before giving the pen back.
“You’re childish Harrington” he scoffed “Me? I’m childish-you’re the one who wrote that down!” she shrugged “it was funny! Anyways-back to what matters” he nodded his head, staring at her expectantly “you’re supposed to answer the question Y/n” she knit her brows together, eyes scanning along the paper in front of her as she thought about what would truly be ‘off limits’ for her.
“Honestly, I don’t know? Is that weird?” he shrugged “does that mean I can try the backdoor?” His joke made her choke on air, coughing a few times before looking up at him, her lips parted as she stared at him in shock. “No! Oh my god! Steve!” she didn’t hesitate to smack his arm “My ass is off limits Harrington!” he rolled his eyes “why? This is supposed to be a learning experience-trying new things with someone you trust-all that jazz?” she scoffed.
“No! You’re not fucking me in the ass! Jesus Christ, that one of your fantasies or something?” he looked away as she said that-his gaze now focused on the page in front of her, making her eyes widen “Steve! Oh my god it is!” he rolled his eyes “Shut it Y/l/n” she clicked her tongue while wiggling her brows a few times, now teasing him “I thought you were a boob guy?” he was officially blushing again.
“Can’t a man want the best of both worlds?” she scoffed “so you’re saying you’d fu-” he cut her off “don’t start with me! I really don’t wanna get hard right now Y/n-and you’re making things difficult for me, either write down that your ass is off limits or shut it so we can move on!” 
She couldn’t stop her laughter-she tried to control it when he groaned and ran a hand through his hair-however she only laughed harder-holding her sides while the comforter slumped against her legs and the back of the chair. 
Usually Steve saying something like that would’ve had her slightly flustered-but given their current circumstance she couldn’t help but laugh. She was comfortable enough around him to be open to being his friend with benefits-so hearing him talk about getting hard at the idea of anal only made her giggle like a schoolgirl. Honestly it wasn’t that funny, however the way that Steve looked so frustrated only made her laugh more-her eyes practically watering while she tried to calm herself down.
“I’m sorry-please Steve-fix your face-it’s funny okay!” he rolled his eyes, the evident rose tint on his cheeks only getting worse as she laughed. 
Once she finally calmed down she wrote ‘Full blown anal - for now’, which only made him blush even more. She shoved him lightly “relax, I’m not judging your fantasies!”
Little did Y/n know that a lot of his fantasies involved her, it was the entire reason that he was blushing so much. He could talk about this with almost anyone else and be fine-but with Y/n-especially knowing that she might actually be saying yes to the entire arrangement had his mind melting into a pile of mush.
“So you’ll let me do it” she shushed him, rolling her eyes before adding ‘anything foot related’ to the list, earning a hum of agreement from Steve. With that she drew two lines, writing her signature on one before handing him to pen-shifting the page towards him.
“Sign it Harrington” he raised a brow “if I sign it does that mean that this-” he motioned between the two of them with the pen “-is gonna happen?” she rolled her eyes “You’re so obnoxious, because I genuinely trust you-and because I think we could both benefit from our weird twisted fucked up version of Sex Ed-yes. But if you do anything out of line, I’ll cut off your dick and put it in my dad’s meat grinder” She deadpanned as she stared at him.
He slowly nodded his head at her words, then he signed the page before putting the cap back on the pink pen. 
“Question-” she groaned “what now?” “Does this mean-” he pointed to the clause surrounding butt stuff “-that I’m allowed to eat your ass?” she gasped, jaw dropping. 
“I’m going back to sleep you pervert, you know the rules, but if you stay you have to shower” She stood up, shoving the notebook and pen into her backpack-grabbing it alongside her blanket before making her way back to her bedroom. He quickly stood up and followed behind her.
“It was just a question!” she shook her head, rolling her eyes while she walked ahead of him “Steve you’re not eating my ass the first time! Jesus! You’re such a perv!” he scoffed, mumbling “It’d probably feel good” as the two walked into her bedroom.
He knew his way around her house and room like the back of his hand, practically memorizing the layout of everything years ago-it didn’t take him long to open the bottom drawer of her white dresser, grabbing one of his shirts and a pair of sweats-after sifting through the clothes he’d left at hers over the past few months anytime he showered there or stayed over because he and his father were fighting.
Then he kicked off his shoes and made his way to the bathroom across the hall.
“Get your own towels Steve!” he turned back, looking at her through the doorway “Nope” she scoffed, rolling her eyes-knowing she’d have to put a new set in the bathroom again. It wasn’t the first time he used hers-claiming they were ‘fluffier than the rest of the ones in the house’ which was true but it still slightly annoyed her. 
However she simply got back into her bed, moving some of her excess pillows off of the bed-knowing Steve was most likely going to sleep next to her after his shower-then she pulled a few blankets over herself and put all of her efforts into falling back asleep.
By the time she woke up it was closer to three in the afternoon, Steve’s arm wrapped around her waist as his face was nuzzled into her neck-her back pressed to his chest-and she was enveloped in his warmth-however when she tried to move-she felt something nudging against her lower back-her eyes widening. 
Her mind raced while she tried to figure out the best way to move, of course he was hard right now-it wasn’t the first time they’d woken up like this-usually she just shoved him off of her and followed it with ‘Ew Steve, really? Go fix that or something!’ however this time it felt different-probably because she’d agreed to being friends with benefits with him-and something about that lit a small fire in her body that she tried her best to ignore.
He groaned against her skin “you smell so good” she rolled her eyes, the rasp in his voice bringing heat to her cheeks “Y’know-we could try something right now” his lips brushed against her heated skin as he spoke, then he peppered a few light kisses along her neck. 
“You’re such a perv Harrington” he smiled at her words, she tried to say them as confidently as possible, however he noticed the way they slightly wavered. He laughed slightly, nodding his head, the slight stubble along his chin tickling her skin-making her let out a soft giggle. 
She shoved him back slightly-now rolling over to face him “you’re such a dweeb” he scoffed, a smile on his face “Coming from the one who reads Lord of the Rings before going to sleep at night” she rolled her eyes “it’s good to read before bed asshole, besides, it’s interesting!” he raised his brows at her.
“Have you always been this pretty?” she rolled her eyes again “Is this how you sweet talk all the girls?” he smiled at that “only you-the other girls usually take the compliments. You like to argue over them-always have” she tried to hold in her smile, pursing her lips inwards at his words. “See, even now you wanna argue” she shoved him slightly-however he grabbed her hand-interlocking their fingers together with a smirk on his face.
It wasn’t the first time they’d held hands-actually Y/n usually held his hand when she was nervous about something, or when she was trying to get him to follow her somewhere. She’d always been touchy with Steve-but right now the feeling of their hands together only made the fire within her burn hotter.
“Quit it!” he smiled, biting his bottom lip “quit what?” “doing that! And stop giving me your ‘fuck me eyes’!” he scoffed “I do not have fuck me eyes” she nodded her head “oh you absolutely do Steve-you’re giving me them right now as we speak” he bit his lip again “is it working?” she had to stop herself from smiling again-instead opting to stay quiet.
“It is working isn’t it” she rolled her eyes “You’re an idiot” he nodded his head “Y’know I like being degraded sometimes, keep going” she couldn’t stop laughing at his words-the two were holding eye contact.
Then he gently moved his hand that was holding hers-pushing her onto her back before holding himself up above her. She raised her brows at him “so dearest Stevie, are we about to have sex?” he faked a ‘lost in thought’ expression “I think so, I’m gonna need a few pointers-don’t be mean to me though-unless you choke me first” her eyes widened at his words.
“Steve!” he licked his lips “what! You gotta get used to the shit I’m into, and I gotta get used to the shit you’re into! We have to talk about it sometime, it’s written in pink-set in stone” she rolled her eyes-the smile on her face evident. He gave her an expectant look “well, I’m waiting to know what I can and can’t do-or rather what you want me to do”
“You make having sex with you difficult Harrington” he nodded his head a few times “usually I’m a lot smoother, besides I’m painfully hard right now-and if you want to just go with the flow we can-but I just gotta know if that’s what you want” she laughed at him again, nodding her head “that’s fine Steve”
With that he leaned down, his lips against her jawline-peppering open mouthed kisses along her warm skin, then he moved down her throat-now taking time to leave wet kisses along her skin, sucking lightly-earning a few small whimpers from her-then he found her sweet spot right below her ear and as he sucked a mark into her skin she moaned, her hands now slightly gripping the sheets under her.
He smirked at the sound of her moans and whimpers-he was committed to making her feel good, he wanted their arrangement to work out-and most importantly he wanted to please Y/n, of course he knew he’d need pointers and direction-but he didn’t want that to stop this.
He moved one of his hands off of the bed, now supporting his weight with his left arm, his right hand trailing along her figure, sliding under her t-shirt-fingers gently brushing against her warm skin as he shifted the shirt up. She moved her hands-tugging the shirt up before shoving him back slightly, giving her just enough room to pull it off-tossing it on the ground-his eyes widening at the sight of her bare chest.
She bit back a laugh at the sight of his wide eyes staring right at her tits, his jaw dropping while he looked down at her. 
“So is this usually how you react to seeing tits?” he shook his head, gaze still focused on hers, licking his lips slightly “n-no, only yours-jesus christ, they’re so nice, fuck-look at you” with that he went back to trailing kisses along her skin-his right hand now cupping her right breast, squeezing it and needing into the flesh-leading her to moan-then he kissed along her left side, leaving marks in her soft skin, bringing her nipple into his mouth-earning a series of loud elicit moans.
She arched her back slightly as he sucked against her hardened peak, using his fingers to tug at the other one while he ground his teeth against her before switching sides-making sure he left marks along both of her tits-lapping his tongue over them-listening to her whimpers.
“You’re so sensitive-fuck-” she nodded her head at his words, her hands now moving to his hair-feeling the soft brown locks as she tugged at them-causing him to moan against her skin “keep doing that and I might cum in my fucking pants” he spoke with slight dominance, his tone shift made her whimper while she nodded her head.
“St-Steve as good as that feels-I need you to fuck me or something” he bit his lip, moving back, looking up at her while nodding his head. He sat up, pulling his shirt off and tossing it on the ground-her brows knit together at the sight of his chest hair “when did you decide to keep it?” he scoffed “not important right now baby” he sounded somewhat desperate, eyes focused on her figure below him.
If someone were to tell him that he’d be having sex with his best friend two weeks ago he’d laugh at them and probably reply with ‘Y/n? She’d kick my ass before that could happen’. He was still processing this happening-and part of him was even nervous about it.
She knew-she always knew when he was nervous-so she sat up on her elbows, looking up at him “I promise I won’t judge you if you’re bad at sex” her joking tone broke the ice, he rolled his eyes, laughing at her, while she winked at him-then she moved one of her arms-pulling him back down “now c’mon, I want your hands” he nodded his head, sliding his right hand between their bodies all the while Y/n pulled him into a kiss.
Her lips felt so soft against his, the two molded perfectly together, and as he gained confidence she let him lead the way, one of her hands in his hair-lightly tugging at it while the other was on his side-fingers gently grazing his heated skin. All the while he slid his hand into her panties-earning a whimper from her as he did his best to gather her wetness on two of his fingers-sliding them along her cunt before attempting to find her clit.
She pulled away from the kiss, slightly out of breath, feeling his fingers lightly brush against the hood above her clit “a little lower-fuck-right there Steve-shit” she spoke between moans, her chest rising and falling rapidly as he rubbed soft circles into her clit “a little harder-oh fuck Steve”
He bit his lip at the sound of her moaning his name, it made his heart race and ears ring, he was painfully hard at this point, cock straining against the cotton of his sweats. He was focused on her-his gaze held her face, watching as her eyes fluttered closed, moans leaving her lips.
“M-more, your fingers Steve” her words had a slight slur to them, but he nodded his head, shifting his hand lower, one finger gently grazing her entrance-sliding into her. He started off too fast, Y/n grabbing his forearm “slow down-just like that” he nodded his head, moving his finger in and out of her, curling it against her walls. She noticed him changing the angle-a dopey smile on her face “a little higher-yeah-oh fuck-Steve-Steve” she dragged his name in a moan, her eyes shutting as he hit that soft velvety spot inside of her.
“A-another one-please-” he had to hold in a moan at her whiny tone his brows knit together in concentration while he slid a second finger into her sopping hole, he did his best to keep the same angle, curling his fingers as they moved in and out of her “faster-please” she whimpered-her head thrown back against the plush pillows-Steve leaning down-trailing more kisses along her neck.
“Just like that-I’m gonna cum-fuck Steve-fuck” her breathing picked up, her hands now on his back-fingers digging into his skin as she moaned, her back arching into his figure, toes curling, as the coil in her abdomen tightened, she was so close “keep going-please-please” he nodded his head “c’mon pretty girl, just like that” his words made her whimper, her orgasm overtaking her system as she moaned Steve’s name, his fingers coated in her slick.
As she came down from her high, she smiled, biting her bottom lip while she opened her eyes-looking right at him. “You’re not that bad after all” he scoffed “you’re obnoxious” she nodded “and you’re a slut, next comment?” he blushed at her words “what’d I tell you about that?” she raised her brows “I’m not choking you and doing all that dominatrix shit today”
“Thank god because I really wanna fuck you” she nodded her head “of course you do” he groaned “stop being a smart ass for five minutes” with that she rolled her eyes, pointing to the table to her right “condoms are in there prince charming” he reached over, and in the moment Y/n trailed her eyes along his figure, watching as his muscles flexed while he moved-then she moved to his chest, moving down, biting her lip at his evident happy trail leading to the large tent in his pants-and she couldn’t even stop herself from trailing a hand along his skin-then sliding it right under his waistband-a loud moan leaving his lips the second she gripped the base of his cock.
“Oh-oh shit” she smirked at the sound of his moans, slowly sliding her hand along the length of his cock-slightly surprised at how big he actually was. He let out heavy breaths, finally finding the condoms, pulling one out and ripping it open with his teeth. “As much as I love the feeling of you touching my dick, I’m gonna cum in my fucking pants if you don’t stop” 
She couldn’t stop the giggle that left her lips, and it only made Steve moan, feeling the way she pulled his cock out of it’s restraints-jerking him off as it rested against his stomach, her thumb spreading his precum along the tip-all while she stared up at him. He bit his bottom lip, hooded eyes looking down at her all the while he tried to hold his composure. He kicked off his sweats in a fast motion, trying to catch his breath while she stroked his cock.
“Are you always like this? So needy Steve?” he moaned at her words “shut the fuck up Y/n, you’re pissing me off” he spoke through clenched teeth, his eyes shut for a second before he looked down at her, the smirk on her face only motivating him to ruin her-granted he knew that it wouldn’t necessarily happen today-but by the end of whatever this was between the two-he’d have her in tears begging. 
She took the condom from his shaky hand, pulling it from the aluminum, tossing the trash on the floor next to their clothes before sliding it onto his cock. 
“For what it’s worth-you do have a big dick” even through the fog in his mind he managed to laugh at that, rolling his eyes while she lined him up with her cunt, one hand pulling her panties to the side-the other gripping his cock.
“c’mon Harrington-fuck me” her teasing tone was all it took for him to bottom out inside of her in one quick stroke, her eyes squeezed shut as she whimpered-she felt so full her mind hazy and as he tried to move she gripped his bicep “I need a sec-fuck Steve-so big-oh my God” 
He had to admit, that was an ego boost, but he simply nodded his head, giving her time to adjust to the fullness and the stretch-her grip on his bicep eventually loosening as she nodded her head, swallowing harshly “okay-you can move-” he slowly pulled out of her until just the head of his cock was there-then he slowly thrusted inside of her, ignoring the way her soft moans tugged at his heart strings.
“You can go a little faster Steve-I promise I’m not made of glass” he nodded his head, picking up his pace just the slightest bit-earning loud whimpers and moans from her. He was filling her to the brim and she loved every second of it. Her hands moving to his back-gripping his skin, nails slightly digging into it as he found a smooth rhythm. 
He kissed her as he fucked into her, one of her hands now in his hair while she kissed him back, their lips moving in sync-tongues against one another as they fought for control of the kiss-however when Steve realized he was losing, he picked up the pace of his hips-earning a loud moan from her as she tugged on his hair-breaking apart from the kiss for a few seconds.
“Y-you asshole” he smirked-lips centimeters away from hers “gotta-keep you on your toes” he spoke between thrusts, she whimpered, biting her bottom lip and as great as it felt-she needed more “I c-can’t c-cum like this” he furrowed his brows at her broken words, keeping his rhythm up, moving his upper body up slightly, his right hand shifting between their bodies-two fingers finding her clit-earning a loud whine from her.
“This good?” she nodded her head “just like that-fuck just like that-so good Steve-so fucking good” he moaned at her praise, her toes slightly curling as she felt the coil in her abdomen forming again, and as her cunt fluttered around his cock-Steve knew she was getting close.
He moaned as she did it again, having to mentally remind himself not to finish until she did-but fuck the way she was squeezing him, moaning his name, the way her fingers gripped his skin-and the sight of her below him-was all driving him insane. She looked so ethereal-the way her swollen lips parted and hooded eyes looked right at her, the thin layer of sweat coating her body-he wanted to memorize this moment in time forever-she looked so beautiful like this.
He shifted his hips-albeit accidentally-but she moaned “right there-fuck-right there Steve-so good-fuck” her words were choked out, her senses slightly overwhelmed by pleasure, as she looked at Steve-the two holding eye contact while he fucked into her. “C’mon pretty girl, just like that” she nodded her head, feeling the pleasure overtake her senses, her vision slightly blurring as her head fell back, eyes squeezed shut while her nails dug into his skin-sure to leave marks-her orgasm bursting through her body.
It didn’t take long for Steve to follow suit, letting out a loud moan as he came-the two in the same position for a few minutes-both coming down from their high before he slowly pulled out of her-tugging the condom off-tying it-then tossing it into the trash can near her desk. 
Then he collapsed next to her-the two of them catching their breath staring at the ceiling.
“So out of ten what would you give that?” she giggled at his question, grabbing the sheet and pulling it over her bare figure. 
“I’d say a seven” he scoffed “seriously? After all that?” she rolled her eyes “did you expect a perfect ten?” The two turned to look at eachother at the same time, Steve now pulling part of the sheet over his lower body.
“I mean that was at least an eight” she knit her brows together “no, definitely a seven, you need a lot of direction-and also the way you literally fucked into me at first-that shit was a lot-I should dock you a point for that. There’s a time and place for that” 
His jaw dropped slightly “are you serious?” she nodded her head “dead serious, I felt like you split me in two-and yea sure sometimes that’s hot and all-but that’s the kind of sex you wanna have after arguing or something-y’know it’s okay to go slow sometimes” he bit his lip at her words.
“Also, do you eat pussy usually?” he blushed at her words, eyes widening again, she rolled her eyes “Steve-we just had sex-I can say pussy-get a grip” he let out a ‘pssh’ sound before answering her question “uh when I was in a relationship yea-but usually not during my random hookups” she nodded slowly “why?” he didn’t really know the answer to her question.
“I mean like if a girl gives me head then yea I’ll do it, but I don’t like jump to do it all the time” she squinted at him, confusion evident on her features “you literally asked me if you could eat my ass, and you don’t eat pussy regularly?” he bit his lip “I mean if you want me to eat you out, I’ll do it right now without a doubt-I enjoy doing it-I just don’t really like doing it to random girls I guess?” 
“You’re such a weirdo Harrington-but we can save that for a different day-I think your face would make a nice seat” his eyes widened at that and he started blushing-she even went as far to poke him in the nose as she spoke “you have a big nose-it’d feel good” he nodded his head, almost entranced at her words. 
“But today, overall you get a seven out of ten, but I’m glad you found my clit-already doing better than my ex, now get up, you’re helping me wash my sheets” he groaned, laying closer to her-nuzzling his face into the crook of her neck-wrapping an arm around her “why can’t we just lay here all day” she smiled at that, rolling her eyes.
“When my parents get home at seven and see you in my bed naked you can explain everything to them” he groaned “okay what if I put my clothes on?” 
“Get up Harrington, besides you have work at six, can’t just abandon Rob”
“Fine-and out of ten I’d rate you an eight-you’re a good instructor-but you whine a lot” she scoffed, hitting him slightly 
Taglist: @dmonchld​ @r0s3mm​ @cryonme​ @anxietyandtacos​ @prettyinpunk85​ @destielshipper88​ @godidontevenknowwhat​ @harringtonsbtch​ @madziekatfromao3 @postresdevainilla @k-k0129​ @little-pocket-rocket​ @remuslupinisfruity​ @darylssluttt​ @catpoopiekaworu​ @touchedeprivedwh0re @siriuslysmoking​ @renaroo123​ @clearbolts​ @blorp-bee​ @bigbittiebitch @williamjzanders​ @misaamaneswifey​ @val-writesstuff​ @sunfairyy​ @inloveeith999fictionalcharacters @whoamads @treat-winchesterswith-kindness​ @niviiera​ @nearlypetrified @oneeggontoast​ @sparkletash​ @levylovegood @cali-888 @aizensgf​ @watercolorskyy​ @spiral-x
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waayfo · 1 year
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ׄ     ׅ  ★̶̲ ITOSHI SAE X READER
ׄ     ׅ  ★̶̲ CONTAINS : ooc sae, pet names, hurt/comfort, fluff, soft!itoshi sae, angst, readers can draw
ׄ     ׅ  ★̶̲ A/N : this is inspired from Yes To Heaven - Lana Del Rey and please forgive me if there are mistakes. If there is, you can tell me so I can fix it.
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A loud slap sounded and succeeded in making the room quiet. "Know your place! Sae is only dating you out of boredom." The words came out easily without thinking about your feelings at that time. You hold your cheek that was slapped. While your heart is filled with anger. but he didn't stop there, hurtful words kept coming out of her mouth, "You've never been good at anything, I wonder why Sae chose you over me. You can only draw. Can drawing really make your life happy? Success? This world doesn't need such talent. Which means, you are useless and so is your existence."
The woman left you speechless. She also closed the door with a bang. While you just sat limp in the chair. “Is this talent of mine useless… ? Am I really that useless?" No matter how hard you try, even if you give up your health, people will never be satisfied with the results you give. They keep making fun of your hard work without seeing and helping your struggle. "If so, do I deserve to be happy and have Sae?"
If I'm useless, then I don't deserve to be happy. Such thoughts keep running through your mind, until you don't realize that you are pushing yourself too much. And of course your actions are realized by Sae.
"Hey, what's wrong, babe? Are you okay?" You show a surprised expression. You notice me. "Of course I'm fine." Sae let out a sigh. "I don't like it when you lie to me. Honestly, are you in trouble?"
"No? Who dares to find trouble with me who is Itoshi Sae's lover?" You said proudly. "You're right. But your recent changes say otherwise. You always skip your meals and choose to continue with work. I also often see you staying up late or until the morning for work. And I also rarely see you draw, usually you always draw something that's around you. I won't be mad, maybe I can help you."
You just stay silent and stare at Sae without expression. "That means there really is a problem, huh?" Sae sat next to you. His hands cupped your face and played with your cheeks. "Tell me. Please?" "Promise you won't be angry?" "Uh.. yes?"
You took a deep breath before recounting the incident from the beginning. Without you realizing it, tears keep falling from your eyes as long as you tell it. Until finally forming a puddle on the floor. Your voice broke from holding back sobs. Sae's hand is now stroking your back to calm you down, and you know Sae very well. He couldn't calm anyone down and didn't know what to do. So when he does that, you feel touched and appreciate Sae's efforts.
"Sae, do I... deserve to be happy? I can do nothing but draw. I can't help you or anyone else either. All I do is mess up. And also... do you really love me and not kidding? This keeps haunting me when I'm going to sleep. I want to be the best for you and othe—" your words stopped because Sae kissed you suddenly.
"My love, I'm glad that you are willing to tell me all this when it is so excruciating. Let your fear go by telling me everything. you deserve to be happy And don't let that fear take away your happiness. It's okay even if your only talent is drawing. Every painting you make is meaningful to you and to me. Your talent makes many hearts move and gives peace to anyone who sees it. I am at this point because of your presence, your smile, and your paintings which always make me calm. I will always love you; anywhere, anytime, and even if it means giving up my life just to be able to meet you and be with you forever. And wherever I am, whether I'm in a crowd of people, my eyes will always be on you."
"You are a precious person for me. You are a star for my moon that is always together. If you want, I can give you many reasons why I love you so much." Your tears broke again. Now are not tears of sadness, but are tears of joy. You are truly grateful for having Sae. Every action and word he does to you always manages to make you fall in love with him again and again. Makes you even more reluctant to let other people take him from you.
"I love you," Your hug is getting tighter. "I love you more."
"By the way, my love. What's that person's name?"
"Just curious."
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lostinwoso · 1 year
Loser (Alexia x Reader)
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Song - 3.1k words
Oh, I'm such a loser, how'd I ever lose her? Oh, maybe I must have been out of my mind Now, I'm a loser, why'd I have to lose her? I'll never recover, I'll never be fine 'cause I
Alexia is lying in bed, the conversation between the both of you just a few hours ago keeps on replaying in her mind over and over again. This isn’t her first break-up, but for some reason this one with you cuts deeper than any other she had to go through. 
The way you brokenly whispered “I can’t do this anymore.”, while desperately trying to keep your tears at bay, brings tears to her own eyes. Just like you earlier, she tries to avoid them from running down her face, but as her mind repeats the scene of you pulling away when she tried to touch you and instead whispered a small, “Sorry.”, before turning around to leave her behind, is enough to make the tears fall.  
“¡Estúpida Alexia!”, the Spanish woman harshly whispers to herself while rather aggressively wiping the tears away, but no matter how often she does it, there always seem more and more tears to make their way down her face. 
Eventually the heart-broken woman gives up, just letting the tears run down her face since it’s not like they would stop anytime soon when the scene keeps on replaying over and over again, not even giving her the chance to calm down any time soon. Even as she falls asleep from exhaustion a few hours later, your face and words are still present in her mind.
I just might get a little too drunk, so I won't think about us (Uh) I don't think about what (Uh) we could have been And I stay up like three or four nights, so I won't dream about us (Uh) I wake up with no luck (No), I just can't win
No matter how much Alexia tries to keep you off her mind, it doesn’t work. If it isn’t you breaking up with her on her mind than its other moments shared between the two of you. All the times she made you laugh, the movies and shows you watched and the little trips you took together.
What was new though were the thoughts and dreams about the what if’s? What if you two didn’t break up? Would you two be together on one of the trips you two wanted to go on? Walking together through the streets of Athens together? Or maybe rather decided to go to Paris together? Snapping the most usual tourist pictures ever with the Eiffel Tower? 
But it isn't just the short-term what if's that occupy her. What if it’s just a small up and down along the way? Weren’t you two meant to last forever, as she first thought you two would be? Weren’t you both meant to marry each other at some point in the future? Weren’t you supposed to wear her last name ‘Putellas’ proudly? Shouldn’t you have been the one she starts a family with? 
All those questions run through her mind at high speed. And if distracting herself doesn’t work, then a little alcohol should do the magic, right? So here she sits at home on her couch, second bottle of wine already halfway chugged down, watching some random show on the TV. And to be fair it did help a little, but only until she finally called it a night and went to bed, that’s when she is confronted with your face again, clearly visible in her mind. Sometimes it’s just you alone, but sometimes she can see herself next to you, doing all the what if’s her mind won’t shut up about.
And the only thing that can help prevent that from happening? Staying awake. So instead of drinking herself to sleep, she drinks just enough to make her mind a bit quieter but not too much for her to feel sleepy, so she can stay awake as long as possible. One night without sleep turns into two, then three, and eventually four. She even tried to push for a fifth night but there is only so much her body can take without sleep, so despite her wanting to fall asleep, she does. Once again dreaming of you two together just to wake up all alone, but still with you present in her mind.
I should've seen it all along (Ah-ah) She was one in a million (Ah-ah) It hurts whenever someone says her name
Alexia tried her hardest to not look at you during training, pretending as if you weren’t there. And that was honestly working out quite well so far for her, mostly thanks to the separated group drills you were in, but football in general has always been Alexia’s escape when things in life were difficult. 
She is completely focused on the drill at hand, until a loud shriek breaks her focus away from the ball.
Pain. A small stab feeling like pain hits the woman’s chest, as her throat closes up a little. She raises her hand up to her chest to rub the spot where the stabbing-like pain comes from, but it refuses to leave. She knows she shouldn’t look over right now, if that is the reaction of simply hearing your name, she doesn’t want to know how worse the pain could get from seeing you. But it's as if she has no control over her own eyes anymore, and before she knows it, she is looking at you. 
There you are laughing at Jana who tries to wipe her face dry with her training top after you just splashed some of your water on her face. Alexia forgets to breathe for a moment, tears gathering in her eyes, the pain in her chest getting worse, but she couldn’t look away. Her eyes focus on your face, the face you make while laughing always managed to bring a smile to her face, but not now. All it does now is bring her another wave of pain while reminding the woman of what should have seen long before.
You are the only one for her. 
Oh, I'm such a loser, how'd I ever lose her? Oh, maybe I must have been out of my mind Now, I'm a loser, why'd I have to lose her? I'll never recover, I'll never be fine 'cause I
It’s been almost two weeks since you broke things off with a Catalonian woman, Alexia thought it would be better by now, that her heart wouldn’t ache anymore every time she sees or hears you in training but no. The pain is still there, every. single. time. 
The what ifs are still there. During the day in her thoughts or at night in her dreams. Her family noticed the change in the woman, usually she would call or text every day, but now it’s only every now and then, when her mind actually allows having another thought for a moment before you would take your place there again. 
Her mother and sister asked questions, they went through every possible thing that could lead to their loved one to be so distant and distracted all the time. But the answer was always the same, “No, it’s not that.”. That’s until they ask if something happened between the two of you, she doesn't answer immediately. Should she admit that you left her in the dust? Did you leave her for good? What would they say? Would they be disappointed, upset for losing you, when they love you almost as much as she loves you?
With those thoughts in mind, she softly shakes her head, whispering a weak, “No”, that she herself can’t even really buy sincerely off. Her mother and sister make eye contact for a moment, not believing the woman in front of them, but instead of questioning further, they just decide to hold her a little closer.
Uh, I just might been a little too gone When she needed somebody (Uh) Up against her body (Woah) at 2 AM
In the third week, Alexia tried to think about what the breaking point of your relationship could have been. The obviousness in the answer pains Alexia, she is an asked woman, so as one of the most popular women in the football industry she often has many events to attend. 
Those events often go until the early mornings, with alcohol flowing easily throughout the entire night. Chatting with strangers and investors that don’t even really care about her as a person, only caring about her as the brand and face she has become for women football all over the world. Is that why she lost you? Because she rather wasted her time away with people who don’t even care about her as a person? 
As Alexia tries to recount the amount of times she didn’t make it home until the early mornings, she lets out a sigh. Why didn’t she try harder to be there for you? Why did she stay there for so long when all the important stuff was always finished way earlier? 
She can’t imagine how you must have felt all the times where you had to go to bed alone and having to wake up alone at times, or having to spend mornings alone because the alcohol the woman consumed left her dead asleep until early noon. 
How much does she wish she would have done things different, wishing that time machines are real, and she could simply go back in time and do things the right way for you. Being there right next to you while going to sleep, holding you close to her all throughout the night until you both would have to get up together. Spending all the mornings together making breakfast or just staying in a little longer. 
But that’s not how things work in life. There is no time machine she can use to get back in time, no. She is here in the present, alone, without you by her side.
Yeah, and now I keep lying to myself When she's just joking probably (She's joking probably) She'll probably call me and we'll be us again
Denial. That was up next, after the first two weeks of only grief, which is still present, and questioning the possible reason of you calling quits on her is now the time for denial.
Every relationship has its ups and downs, so maybe this is yours? Maybe you didn’t mean a complete break-up but rather a small break apart from one another?  
Deep down Alexia knows that this isn’t the case, this wasn’t just a down in your relationship, after all there is no relationship to have ups and downs in anymore. You felt her, completely, with no intention of coming back. But lying to herself is much easier than accepting the truth. 
So she checks her phone almost every 30 minutes, has her ringtone on full volume, waiting for you to send her a text or call her to tell her you didn’t mean what you said. You were joking or just having a bad day when all this disaster happened.  So it’s just a matter of time until you reach out to her, it could happen any minute, or maybe you would rather have this walk in person and will approach her at the next training session?  
It will eventually happen, that’s what Alexia repeats in her head over and over again, if not in the next hour, then the day and if not the next day then the days after this one, but it will happen. You will reach out and tell her that everything is okay between the two of you, you still have a chance to experience all those scenarios her mind plays on the daily. This is not the end between the two of you, it can’t be. 
But the text or call never comes in, and you don’t even spend moments longer close to her in training than you have to. She knew from the beginning that the thought was ridiculous, she knows that you didn’t just joke about breaking up, but damn does she wish you did. So no matter how much she knew how stupid and unrealistic the thought was, she hoped there was at least some possibility of it becoming reality. 
Wanting nothing more than to have you back by her side.
I should've seen it all along (Ah-ah) She was one in a million (Ah-ah) Now she's in love, and I'm in second place (Damn)
The denial phase ended rather quickly, but the ultimate end to it was put when you posted a picture of Ana and you on Instagram. The both of you smiling brightly at one another with the Swiss woman having her arm thrown around your shoulder, pulling you into her, way closer than normal friends would be. 
That’s just a normal picture of two friends, right? There is no way you moved on from her while she is still hung up on you, right? 
But the simple heart you used as caption is enough to let her know that this is not just a simple picture between two friends, and the comment from Ana with a heart and the heart-eyes emoji doesn’t help her suspicion either. 
She did notice that the two of you spend more time together. You were always right next to each other in training, doing all the pair drills together or just chatting and joking away during drink breaks. At first, she didn’t think much of it, you two did all the partner drills together, so of course you would do them with someone else after your break-up, but this picture, the way you almost became inseparable during training and the conversations she overheard during training, which she purposely tried to ban out of her head, lets her know that whatever there is, isn’t just a friendship anymore. 
The conversations she tried to ban from her mind were mostly between the two of you making plans to hang out or talk about how much fun hanging out together the day prior was, how excited you both were to go and try out the new place around the corner or how great the movie was you watched the other night at Ana’s place. 
But the most important once she wished she never witnesses was one which you weren’t even part of. During one of the strength sessions, Aitana approached the Swiss woman, asking her how the ‘date’ you and her were on, the day prior, went. Alexia listened to any word Ana said, how amazing it went, how much fun you both had, how she can’t wait for the next one that will just be a few days later, how amazing you are and how much she likes you and hopes for it to go somewhere. 
So if Alexia was honest to herself, she knew long before you posted the picture that you were moving on. But it was simpler to deny it, much, much easier to ignore everything she heard and label the conversation between Ana and Aitana as a misunderstanding, that you two didn’t go on a romantically motivated date, no, it was a simple hang-out between friends accidentally labeled as a date. 
But she can’t deny it any longer, there was now proof, not just for her to see but for everyone in the world too. You moved on without her. You are in love with someone else while she is stuck here in second place, still having a hard time to get over the break-up.
Tell me God is real Do you think about me still Or am I livin' for nothin'? Don't know where it went Wrong but I'll just take the hint It's gonna take some adjusting
Alexia knows she has no chance but to move on. But she still struggles with adjusting to seeing you and Ana together all the time. She knows you try to keep it as low-key as possible when she is around, she can tell in the way you glimpse at her when Ana was standing a bit closer to you when she was around, trying to keep a certain distance to your new girlfriend in respect of her.
But this also made her wonder, is there still a chance you think of her like she thinks of you? Or are you simply trying not to make things awkward between you? Is that the only time you think of her? 
But she never asks you, because once again Alexia knows the answer to her own question,  because the way you look at Ana and Ana at you is the answer, there is no chance of you still harboring the same feelings towards her the way she does for you.
Having to accept this hurts, almost as much as the first day of the break-up itself, but she will move on, she will leave you alone. You are happy, you deserve happiness even if it's not with her, she has to accept it. And she will move on, but not because she wants to, no way does she want to give you up, no. She does it because she loves you, and you deserve the happiness Ana gives you, so she will let you go. 
Oh, I'm such a loser, how'd I ever lose her? Oh, maybe I must have been out of my mind Now, I'm a loser (Oh), why'd I have to lose her? (I'll never) I'll never recover, I'll never be fine (Oh, baby, I) 'Cause I'm a loser
Lying once more in bed, she stares at the ceiling, it’s been a good three months now since your break-up. You were thriving with Ana, everyone could tell how great you are together, how happy and healthy the relationship is. Alexia on the other hand can’t say the same. The woman tried so hard to move on, but every time she tries to get to know someone she compares them to you, and to her, no one could ever compare to you. You were the one in a million for her, and she lost you.
You are happily moving on with your life, while she is stuck in the same place you left her. Alexia feels lost, defeated. Even with all these trophies in her apartment, proving how successful the woman is, she can’t help but feel like a loser. How did she manage to win so many trophies but lost the person that was made for her? 
“¿Por qué soy un perdedor?”, Alexia asks herself, tears once again making their way down her face.
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hazshit-hotel-hater · 2 months
I’ve been spending the past like hour looking at your page I love it sm! I have some questions :3 1. Does Rosie have a design in your au yet? I’d love to see her being actually super scary- 2. Do velvette and vox know how Val treats angel? 3. Where is angel’s brother. Just what is he doing in hell.
Just for you anon I have drawn Rosie incredibly quickly and she kind of looks like garbage but ive never drawn her before im so sorry
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For any issues in this (a few I can already spot) I will be fixing when I work on her full body design 🙏 I like her original smile and hollow eyes but honestly sunken in eyes that are barely visible are a lot scarier to be so she gets that. Ive also considered making her blind but we’ll see if I go through with that (I would love to design her a really fancy white cane though… something with that umbrella it does things to me..)
As for Vox and Velvette, I don’t think Velvette is anywhere near as aware as Vox is. The majority of her knowledge is some horrible things have probably happened but she’s never seen it or explicitly gotten any confirmation her suspicions are true so she refrains from prying into it because it’s “not her problem” and finding out would make things more complicated for her image and work, though she absolutely does hat Valentino and is 100% okay with killing him and has discussed kicking him out with Vox multiple times, however they have yet to settle on this.
Vox is definitely aware of what Valentino does but doesn’t actively engage himself in it aside from very sparse talks with Angel on set that usually involves Angel becoming irritable or jittery in Vox’s presence. Vox does detest Valentino’s behaviour and treatment of Angel and will frequently roll his eyes at the mention of Angel since in his mind “its always something with him” and by now any complaints Valentino has about Angel get filtered out after so many years of hearing the most mundane things Valentino is upset about. (ie. Angel moving even though he didn’t live with Valentino to begin with) Even though he heavily disapproves of what Valentino does he still turns a blind eye to it and leaves Angel with little to no help, only ever giving him a few words of advice or a brief warning if Valentino is in a bad mood that day.
Velvette is also unaware of Vox and Valentino’s actual situation as well as basically everyone else. On the surface they come off as “friends with benefits” however Vox is in a (very loosely) similar situation to Angel. Valentino will make similar threats and statements to Vox as he does Angel and currently, Vox doesn’t realise that Valentino is exploiting him. As of now, he hasn’t processed “I don’t actually want to be doing this” or “I am uncomfortable in this situation”. He is still suffering the effects of an abusive work relationship since Valentino does still hit and yell at him, he just hasn’t processed the sexual aspect of what they do was pushed onto him unnaturally rather than him consenting to it openly. Hopefully this makes sense? If it doesn’t feel free to DM me about it or send in another ask and I can clarify more
Angel’s brother currently is still in the mafia and is mingling with crime as usual, however a decent few years ago he ended up gambling away +65% of the families earnings at Husk’s casino back when he was an overlord and ended getting himself stripped of all respect and ranking and is currently attempting to repay his family and work his way back up while trying not to get killed. He is also vaguely homophobic still but has become more tolerant of it after being around and meeting more people. He definitely doesn’t think its “natural” but he knows when to keep his mouth shut and will probably understand more about it someday. Not anytime soon though. He also hasn’t seen Angel for around 8-10 years now and by seen I really just mean yelled at him from across the street and then got a brick thrown at him probably
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dreamwritersworld · 1 year
Ghost of you. Part 2 (Sully family x reader)
She would be horrified by the things I’ve said, and if anyone told me that Y/n wouldn’t want me to hurt my parents, that she would want me to forgive them, her and move on…I know that too.
How could she just leave me? The strength I had to just try and smile the next day…it wasn’t visible, at least not to me.
*flashback day after Y/n left*
The people were still unaware that the daughter of their Olo'eyktan, twin to Lo’ak, had ran away.
Tuk was sitting down with the older women next to her silent mother cleaning that was cleaning her families blankets and cloths. While Tuk was miserably washing away her sisters sweet scent from her blanket so that Tuk could now use it as comfort. Tuk was silent as well until she was asked a question from the happier elders who knew Y/n and knew that she was very close with Tuk.
“Tuk, how is your sister? She didn’t come by to do her extra late work that she usually does around the village or her morning work.”
Tuk was very unsure on how to answer this and she saw how her mother gave her warning eyes as if telling her to keep quiet…so Tuk smiled down at her sisters blanket, imagined that she was here and looked back up before saying with a sly smile
“she’s doing okay!”
The fellow elders smiled and said
“Good for her! She helps around a lot in this village!”
“..yea she’s good!”
“When you see her let her know I have the gift-I mean I I made a gift for her!”
Tuk looked back down knowing she won’t be able to let her sister know anything because she left.
“excuse me..”
She had gotten up, walking away from the elders while her mother watched her knowing how upset Tuk must’ve been, but she couldn’t do anything…Tuk hasn’t talked to her and she refuses to.
Tuk had silently cried in the quiet part of the forest…In the exact spot Y/n would….she later found out that the lady exchanged beautiful jewelry and a very beautiful craved, sharp knife for Tuk from Y/n…all Y/n had to do was do even more extra work….It gave Tuk hope that maybe she’d do some extra hours of traveling to come back for her.
My father made sure I wouldn’t escape. Y/n was the one who got out. My mother, she never lets him forget it, he only gets more upset and he goes against me…punishes me. He doesn’t know what else to do, not when everyone in the family is just turning a blind eye to him, not when he knows they secretly still mourn for Y/n, and definitely not when her departure ignited a flame in my mothers anger and an even bigger flame in mine.
I get more upset that I can still hear her. How can I move on when her voice is the only thing that brings me comfort?
Anytime I wonder off too far in the forest I can hear her whistle, call out for me…or I can hear her telling me it’s ok and that all I need to do is keep pushing, be strong.
I don’t get it. I try to but I don’t get it at all. How was it so easy for her to leave and not come back for me? I yearn for her motherly love all the time and yet I’m so mad at the thought of her sometimes.
…I listen to her tapes. She taught me how to work the human device, it’s recordings of her voice. Some songs she’d sing. Her voice brings me comfort, music is the only thing keeping me at peace when I’m falling to pieces.
It wasn’t easy being under my father’s watch and quite frankly I don’t know how Y/n did it…any of it. She always knew what to do!…my mother she just hasn’t taken it very well and she’s been very off with me. I’m still angry at her, for not standing up for her own daughter. How dare she cry? Cry now that Y/n was gone?!
*flash back*
I was had just came back from training in the forest and taking some time to listen to music. I was rushing inside to hide my tape recorder and I did! But i stopped on my way out when my mother called for me
I walked toward her slowly cautious of what she’d do and she pulled me in and hugged me while tears fell from her eyes, she was begging for me to stay there.
“Oh Y/- Tuk my baby! My beauti-“
No. I wasn’t going to allow her to mourn using me. She doesn’t deserve it, not with how she treated Y/n, not with how she turned a blind eye. So I pulled away.
“I know who you pretend I am. You will not mourn the loss of my sister, not in front of me. You are selfish too, you can be mad all you want but it won’t bring her back to you.”
…Tuk meant what she said. However it didn’t qualify for herself, she actually had a relationship with her sister. She was allowed to show her open wounds if she pleased.
The one thing father did know what to do was argue. He too pretended I was Y/n sometimes, takes his anger out on me, talks down on her name when she isn’t here to defend herself or me but …one thing I learned from her was to never let him or anyone push me around.
Jake and Tuk were going back and forth on why Y/n left and suddenly he got up..
“Y/n was finished! She was washed up anyways.”
“Watch your mouth talking about Y/n-“
“Wanna hear the truth? She left you-“
“Because of you. You drove her away! It was your fault.”
“You better stop talking back Tuk before you’re punished.”
Tuk shared a laugh right in front of his face..
“I’m not scared of you-“
Jake pushed Tuk before she could finish her sentence. Neteyam walked in at the perfect time and interrupted the argument..
“Hey! Hey! Don’t you touch her Dad! Cmon stop! Stop it!”
“I didn’t have a child like you to be disrespected!”
“You didn’t earn your respect!”
“Your the one who should get upset at her! Your the one who tried to stop her from leaving right-“
“And if I hadn’t? Would you have stopped her?!”
Both of them looked at each other in silence while Neteyam looked down disappointed still maintaining space between the two
“…that’s right. I didn’t think so.”
“…I tried to save her.”
“There you go, still lying.”
“You’re being unfair now Tuk, you’re still my daughter.”
“Don’t you ever call me daughter again in your life! You didn’t earn that title! You trying to make years of manipulation and trauma disappear, are you crazy?!”
“…I’m trying to sto-“
“Stop! Look at you still trying to place the blame on Y/n for what you did! No I got a better idea, how about you take your bum ass and get out of here. I hate seeing your face. You go find a ditch and you lay in it. Cause I don’t need you.”
Both of them stood in disbelief looking at Tuk. Y/n made her strong, fearless and determined…something she never was against her father if it wasn’t for Tuk.
Oh but Jake never learned his lesson…he still let himself slip on how he felt towards Y/n, never in front of Tuk or her mother. Truth was since Y/n was the best, always trained and the clan admired her, she tended to make Neteyam intimidated by how skilled his younger sister was.
Jake only gave harsh training.
“Father I don’t know how to beat my speed I can’t win.”
To this complaint Jake scuffs and rolls his eyes at his eldest son…when suddenly another child came to his head.
“It shouldn’t be that’s hard I mean, I never wanted Y/n to win and she won all the time.
You’d be a fool to think that Eywa wouldn’t send subliminal messages between the two sister that were torn. Much like Y/n, Tuk was given a small gift from Eywa to visit Y/n in her dreams even if they weren’t ‘real’…to Tuk they very much were and she held them dear to her heart. She even believed that Y/n had passed…why would she still appear in her dreams if she hadn’t? But it made Tuk confused when she couldn’t connect with Y/n in the tree of souls…maybe she hasn’t died? Or maybe she did die but…Eywa only wanted Tuk to connect..? It was too complicated but for now, Tuk would settle for the ghost of her.
*Tuk’s dream*
It was silent and Tuk had been waiting doing target practice when she heard a whistle call out for her.
“Sunshine! Doing well as always!”
Tuk looked up with the most saddest eyes ever…it had been so long since she’s been able to connect with Y/n, she only came when Tuk needed her most…right now was one of those moments. She needed Y/n’s motherly love.
“…what’s wrong baby?”
Y/n pulled Tuk down to sit on a tree stump…
“…Y/n…I miss you..so much. I wish you were really here. I wish that none of this happened, I’m so angry.”
The older sister looked at the quiet forest avoiding her sisters eyes, regretting leaving and betraying her sister. Y/n would not burden her sister with her pain. She didn’t exactly know how to reply so she just gave a stressful sigh..
“I miss you too Tuk…but we’ll have to make due with pretending. It’s just me and you.”
“Why?..why can’t you just come back.”
Y/n tried responding but her voice was distorted and it didn’t make any sense..
Tuk got frustrated at not being able to understand so she looked down at her hands upset.
“You have to forget me Tuk.”
“…Y/n nooo.”
“It’s ok, it’s ok. I’ll miss you even more but you just have to forget me just for now ok? Something’s coming…I don’t understand either. We will meet again soon sister, when all is ok.”
Tuk had been pulled from her dream and felt unsettled with the warning given to her…maybe it was just a bad dream.?
“Yo! Sister cmon stop sleeping! You’ve only been out with us once since yk…So come out today! It’ll be fun like last time trust me!”
The young sister got up to follow her older siblings and spider…running into a forbidden dangerous part of the forest.
Tuk felt chills against her body again. She heard Y/n’s voice.
“This is the dangerous part of the forest …turn back now.”
“Guys we should go now. Cmon!”
Suddenly Tuk was yanked by a soldier and all her siblings were held captive.
Quaritch was going past all children…when his eyes fell on Tuk.
Funny enough as hidden and secretive as Y/n was, the sky people knew of Y/n and her story with Tuk…A scientists who was close to the family betrayed their trust for a little more funding to create an avatar..the child that he decided to risk for that was Y/n…he held a grudge when she held a gun to his head in the forest.
“Oh my God, you don’t know me but I sure as hell know you.”
The dull lifeless eyes in Tuk should’ve been enough for him to back off because she was only a ticking time bomb.
“I don’t give a fuck who you are, you evil bitch.”
Quaritch was offended and surprised at the child’s remarks.
“She made you feisty…Where’s your sister? I know you know who I’m talking about, the dangerous one. I half expected her to be next to you but..She isn’t with you…so she’s dead then?”
Knowing the bond the two siblings had Quaritch believed it was easy to break Tuk.
“She was too ruthless with people…everyone except you. Probably why she isn’t here, you’re probably why she didn’t make it.
The solider repeatedly pasted back and forth while talking..it irritated Tuk fully.
“You might not want to move around so much. You might trigger an animal that’ll chop your head right off.”
“You’re bluffing kid.”
“Take another step and find out. Or leave. Can’t you just be smart and take the warnings?”
“You’ll be here for a good long time before animals come.”
“I don’t mind waiting.”
The soldier got a tighter grip on the child making Tuk hiss at them and the others
“You should probably think about being nicer to me…that’s just my advice.”
The coldness in her voice made Quaritch interrupt the other soldiers tormenting.
“No..nah we’re not gonna do it like this, lose the hard grip on the girl. Better thank me kid without you I’d probably shoot one of your siblings heads already.”
Now Tuk can tell he was the one bluffing and it was obvious.
“So? You want a Cookie? You want a cookie for doing the right thing?-“
“You know, you’re not very polite for a little girl.”
“And you’re not very polite for an adult-“
Lo’ak got panicked at the time ticking and Tuk’s stubbornness
“Tuk stop-“
“Lo’ak shut up! You need to think quick and good about your next decisions because I won’t hesitate to kill-“
The standoff was interrupted again by Neytiri’s calling and suddenly everyone went quiet.
When it was time to strike Tuk bit into the soldier grabbing his gun and shooting at two of them while running away.
No one comforted her besides her Kiri and Neteyam…it wasn’t enough to make her feel better, not that she really needed it. She just craved Y/n’s comfort.
It was as though she was waiting for her even now when they were already over, Tuk couldn’t help herself from looking for her.
I’m so sorry it’s taking me long to post ‘on my way’ I been so stuck, I don’t want it to seem done fast with zero care and it’s just really difficult to fit what I want with like 10 different endings I have in mind 🥲‼️ in the meantime enjoy this! Ik you guys love their relationship 😊
I wanted this part to show Tuk upset but also sad..? Like she has a mix of emotions based on Y/n. I also wanted Tuk just running her mouth to show how she became defensive of her siblings the same way Y/n was. There are many parallels and small sayings that Y/n would say, meaning Tuk got some of her tendencies and habits
Tag list: @noodlesfics @eywas-heir @itshype @zatarias-pandora @yeosxxx @arminsgfloll @abbersreads @tsireyak @neteyamforlife @aimsro @elegantkidfansoul @goodiesinthecloset21 @nikotokitaswife @bucky1235 @detectivesparrow @kikosaurscave @octavias-next-meat-bite @midnightliacr @waitingforanotherpart @marybrown23 @ssc7514 @destinylb @simp-erformarvelwomen @eirianna @ambria @im-in-a-pansexual-panik @lv9su @luciddasher @dakotali @manohari @httpjiikook @snowywhiterose @tainted-artist4161 @fanboyluvr @bat1212 @deleted-1-800
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t0ast-ghost · 1 month
S3 episode 2 (The Enterprise Incident) yeah. I bet they have a lot of those.
Starting off:
- with McCoy narrating
- “I can find no reason for the captain’s behaviour.” Kirk is on his period, that’s why.
- *enters neutral zone* *immediate Romulan ship*
- Spock outright disagreeing with Kirk! Spock and McCoy on the same side! Oh, Kirk dismissed McCoy. He knew he couldn’t take both of them.
- violated your territory? Girl what were you doing in the neutral zone?
- I can’t tell if Kirk is being controlled in this episode or just being a dick
- Spock is trying to save your ass Kirk! Spock cares about his boyfriend and he’s worried cause he’s been more irrational than usual
- “I’ll kill you!” Damn poor Spock
- The Romulans are being kind of reasonable
- “If you stop looking upon star fleet as the whole universe.” Right it’s star fleet. Not Kirk and McCoy or anything. Noo..
- “I don’t make house calls.” “Doctor, it’s Captain Kirk.” WHO DID YOU THINK IT WAS? Like who would request McCoy’s services on the Romulan ship other than Spock and Kirk.
- She wants Spock so bad.
- This guys got the bluest of pants
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- “This man is not fully competent.” “No, not now.” McCoy really wanted to laugh
- McCoy getting angry at Spock and the commander stepping in like, ‘back off from my man’
- That face clutch
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- “I instinctively used the Vulcan death grip.” McCoy looks at him like, ‘the fucking what?!’
- “The captain is dead.” Big moment and whatnot but Kirk’s dead face is…
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- “My neck feels like it’s been twisted off.” Kirk’s neck, his back- etc.
- “Bones I want you to prepare to surgery.” Kirk touches McCoy’s shoulder so tenderly. Like that’s just not normal.
- I love how happy Scotty is, “You look like the devil himself, as long as you’re alive.”
- “What the devil is Spock doing?” McCoy says ‘what the devil’ when he is worried about someone or confused quite a bit
- I still do not know why they went into the neutral zone tbh
- So Spock will drink with HER but not with McCoy. Wow.
- “A place?” “With me.” Commander back up he is taken
- It’s interesting to see how everyone really wants Spock to ‘embrace his humanity’ because they can relate to it better. Vulcans can seem like the most distant and the least able to connect with anyone because of their claim to logical and unemotional ways, but they still desire peace and helped to create the federation. I think that Spock rejects a lot of his human side because that’s what those around him in his childhood defined him as. And so he finds pride in being a Vulcan when working in star fleet, and anytime someone tries to force upon him the idea of being human he continues to reject it. With McCoy and Kirk it’s almost come to a playful rejection because he cares about them a lot and knows they appreciate his Vulcan side, but it’s got to still hurt that anytime he connects with them they think it’s his more human side. Obviously he’s not just split down the middle, he doesn’t just act wildly like one or the other because it’s a mix, but to him it really seems to be like a one or the other kind of situation (which is fair because that’s what he’s been taught) so he mostly chooses to connect with his ‘Vulcan half’ because that’s the one that’s so often pushed away by others. All that to say, he hasn’t been able to find a balance within himself and it’s not his fault because that’s difficult to do especially with a lot of outside forces pushing him to be one way or the other. And I think about this a lot.
- Kirk is not a good spy. He is good at beating the shit out of people though
- “What are you that could do this?” “First officer of the Enterprise [that bitch (positive)].” She slaps him and then he says, “What is your present form of execution.” HE IS THAT BITCH (🎵i-t-g-i-r-l you know I am that girl🎶)
- “You will not die alone.” Spock would find this mortifying. He does not wish for Kirk to join him in death. He would do anything to prevent it. But I could imagine that in their last moments, they would share a look to try and help each other and know it would be futile but share it anyway. (Edit: Think I was supposed to edit this but I’m too tired)
- Spock’s eyes are enchanting
- “Captain… please go. Somehow they [pointed ears] do not look aesthetically agreeable on humans.” I love each of the crews reaction to this comment but especially Sulu, Chekov, and Uhura’s reactions
Spock is so tired, let him rest.
Episode written by D. C. Fontana
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poetryandfluffycats · 1 month
OKAY. since reqs are open uhm would you write madara cucking kuro plz...
like literally fucking fem!reader getting fucked, kuro's clothed boner pressed to her cheek while he kinda js sits back in shock and doesn't know what to do while mama is fucking her rrroughhhh and is like "you like my cock that much? kuros right there you'll make him angry" and shit. idk DOES THIS MAKE SENSE but yeah 🫶🏻
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A/N: I GOT CARRIED AWAY WITH THE PLOT OMG SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG. I hope it's too ur liking I may have gone off the rails a little bit....
Pairing: Kuro Kiryu x fem!reader x Madara Mikejima
Content: Madaras into you, everyone and their dog knows that. Only problem is, you have a boyfriend.
Warnings: NSFW, dub-con, slut-shaming, oral sex(f receiving), cuckolding, dry humping, sexual harassment(?), mentions of cheating, established relationship with kuro, ooc madara(?), they're both ooc tbh💀, porn with plot
Words: 2.1k
NSFW oneshot under cut!
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Have Him Watch?~
It was no secret that Madara had a thing for you. He had made his advances-both romantic and sexual alike-very obvious to you and everyone else, not even hesitating to flirt with you right in front of your own boyfriend, Kuro.
Kuro wasn't the type to let himself fall into petty jealousy, he knew you loved him and that nothing would never change that. Therefore, he hardly batted an eye whenever Madara made another stuipd comment about your body, or when his hands would linger for just a bit too long. It was better to simply ignore him and wait for Madara to get the hint. Kuro knew he was strong, but to pick a fight with Madara? Death wish.
So, he didn't aggravate him in any way, letting the bigger man do this thing until he realised he had no chance with you. Which is why he was confused when Madara cornered him in the gym one day, his teeth gleaming in his signature smirk.
"Kuro! My friend, my pal! Got a minute?" He beamed, slinging his arm around Kuros shoulders and pulling him in close, squeezing so hard you'd think he was trying to suffocate him.
"Uh, I'm a bit busy right now" Kuro pushed him off, dusting himself off and returning his attention to the weights he had been lifting. "Maybe later"
Madara smile didn't waver, if anything it only grew in size. Clearly, he had no interest in leaving anytime soon, not even when Kuro desperately wanted him too. Whatever Madara wanted from him, he didn't have the time for it. Not now, hopefully not ever.
"Ah, cmon! It'll only take a second!" He chirped, plopping down on the bench beside Kuro, crossing his legs and watching as the redhead started his reps. "Hey, working hard or hardly working, am I right? Hahaha~"
"Out with it, Mikejima" Kuro grunted, resisting the urge to smash his weights straight in the mans face. All he wanted was a peaceful workout, was that too much to ask for?
Madara laughed, waving his hand dismissively as if to clear the tension. "Always so blunt, I've always liked that about you y'know!" He grinned, resting his chin in the palm of his hand. "So, you and (name), huh? How serious have you gotten with her? Is it marriage?"
Now he was just starting to piss him off. How was this any of his business? Sure, you and Madara were friends, but where did he get off asking for details about your relationship?
"She's my girl, yeah" Kuro answered, praying that his short replies would deter him from the conversation. If that was even possible.
"Right, right. And just hypothetically, if she were to cheat on you, would you be mad?"
Kuro tighten his grip on the weights, his knuckles turning white at the strain. "What are you getting at? You trying to start something?" He said through gritted teeth, shooting a glare in the brunettes direction.
Madara chuckled, putting one hand up in defence and using the other to playfully slap Kuro on the shoulder-a gesture that he did not appreciate, might I add. "Woah! Easy, I don't wanna fight ya! I'm just curious. Hey, maybe you'd let her cheat on you, I don't know what you're into!"
Kuro dropped the weights, the metal making a loud 'clunk' sound as they hit the floor, causing the other members of the gym to look over and stare at the two. Not that he gave a damn, oh no. Not when this clown was making a scene. How dare he suggest you would have an affair? Was he out of his mind?
"What's wrong with you? Of course I'd be mad, what makes you think I'd be cool with that? Get lost man" He spat, shoving him aside as he rose to his feet. The blood rushing through his veins felt as if it was burning as he sped away, not wanting to spend another second with such a fool.
What even was that? Kuro had gotten used to Madaras teasing and loud personality. Hell, he'd even grown to enjoy it to an extent. But this was just insulting. Why was he even saying those things? Did he know something Kuro didn't? Had you....
No, that was silly. You would never be unfaithful, that just wasn't you at all. Yet here he was, images flooding his mind of you tangled in Madaras arms, both of your bodies sticky with sweat and cum as you screamed his name. It was disgusting.
But so, so hot.
You and Madara were friends. It was normal for friends to hang out alone in each other's bedrooms, even if they were the opposite gender, right?
Yeah, of course it was fine! Who were you kidding, it was perfectly acceptable.
You two were good friends, the best of friends! So it was normal for him to hug you, to wrap his arms around your waist from behind and pull you closer. He was a touchy person, after all. It was totally okay for him to nuzzle into your neck and inhale the smell of your perfume, to pepper kisses all over your jawline, to grind his erection against your ass-
Wait a minute.
"H-hey! What are you doing?" You yelped, squirming around in his grasp in a feeble attempt to escape his hold. It didn't matter how close you were, there was no way you'd be comfortable with this!
"What's wrong?" He cooed, your wiggling only seeming to excite him further as he continued his humping. "Friends cuddle all the time! Or are we not friends anymore?"
"This isn't cuddling! This is-ah! This is, oh fuck! This is sexual harassment, you perverted fuck!" You cursed yourself for allowing your voice to crack, letting those dreaded moans spill out like you were some whore who enjoyed this. Which, of course, you didn't! You didn't like it, right? Dammit!
"Sexual harassment, huh? If that's what floats your boat" Madara chuckled, pushing his hands past the hem of your skirt, groping the soft flesh of your thighs.
You squirmed around, hitting at his chest and clawing at his arms. It was no use, damn him and his muscles! In this position all you could do was stand there and take it, because in all honesty, you knew that no amount of protesting would get him to stop. Even of you did get away, it wouldn't be for long, Madara was as stubborn as ever and you knew for a fact that he wasn't afraid to use force to get his way.
You just didn't realize that part of him would ever show itself to you.
"Kuro. Kuro will be home soon, and he'll-ah! He'll kick your ass!" You threatened, snapping your head around to glare at the man behind you. Using Kuro as a form of defence probably wasn't the best idea, but it was your last resort. Begging and trying to fight back certainly didn't work against Madara.
He just laughed. "Maybe we can have him watch"
"What do you-"
A sudden knock at the door cut you off, the familiar voice of your beloved boyfriend coming from behind it. "Uh, (name)? Do you have someone over? Why's the door shut? Can I come in?"
Oh fuck. No!
It suddenly dawned on you just how horrible this would look to Kuro, you pinned against another man with his hands up your skirt? Anyone would think you were a cheating whore! No matter how much you tried to explain the situation, it would still look the same. You had dug your own grave by even letting Madara come over!
Madara pressed his lips to your earlobe, nipping on the soft flesh and whispering lowly, "Do you want me to stop?"
Yes! No! Maybe?
God, why did it have to feel so fucking good?
"Babe? I'm coming in"
"Wait-ah-no! Don't-"
Too late.
The door swung open, the face of your wide-eyed and shocked boyfriend sending a wave of guilt down your spine. He looked at you, then Madara, then you again, his mouth opening and closing but no words coming out, only surprised mumbles and stutters.
You honestly couldn't tell if he was angry, sad, confused, aroused, maybe a mix of all three? And it didn't help that you were unaware of what emotions you should have been feeling either. Should you scream for help, or moan in pleasure? Push Madara away or pull him closer?
"Kuro... this isn't..." You started, trailing off when you glanced over the very obvious tent in the redheads jeans. Oh. Oh shit.
So he was aroused by this? What even was this? Some twisted form of roleplay? A fetish that the two men discussed that you didn't know about? Did Kuro actually like this, or was his body reacting subconsciously?
Either way, you didn't have much time to think about it before Madara picked you up from under your thighs and tossed you onto the bed like a ragdoll, wasting no time in climbing in between your thighs and nuzzling his nose into your panties.
"Mm~ You smell so good" He purred, the vibrations of his voice sending a wave of pleasure to your core, a gasp mixed with a whorey moan leaving your lips at the feeling.
The redhead in the doorway cleared his throat, footsteps echoing in the room as he made his way over to where you lay on the bed. He sat down beside you, a hand coming out to gently stroke your cheek. It was a soothing action. One that might have made your heart melt if there wasn't another man currently lapping at your panties like a starved dog.
"Is this okay? I'm sorry I didn't talk to you about it first.." He apologised, his face flushed pink and his lips turned upwards into a small smile. "Just tell me if your not enjoying it and I'll kick him out, alright? That's okay?"
You gulped, then nodded, bringing your own hand up to hold his as you squirmed around on the mattress, your mind slowly but surely becoming goo at the pleasure spreading through your veins.
"Ah!- I don't know"- Madara looked up at you with those big brown eyes, choosing that moment to flatten his tongue against your clothed clit, making a show of slurping and smacking his lips together -"f-fuck yes! Oh god, please!"
With consent finally granted, Madara hooked his fingers under the waistband of your panties, pulling them down in a second and diving straight into the heat of your pussy. He flicked his tongue up and down, side to side, round in circles and everywhere he could possibly reach inside of you.
Anything to make you scream his name, and scream his name you did. You threw your head to the side, falling into Kuros lap, as he brushed over that one spot, a spot that not even Kuro had reached before.
"Shit! Right there! Ah-ha~ Madara" You cried out, wrapping your legs around his head in a death grip, shoving his tongue even further inside you. "So good!"
He pulled his tounge out of your wet hole, opting to swirl and flick it over your clit. You withered and squirmed around on the bed, griping onto the sheets as hard as possible. The knot in your lower belly was starting to build, and both Madara and Kuro could tell. Your whole body felt as if it was on fire under Madaras touch, every inch of your body begging for release.
It just felt so good. So, so, so good-
"Ah-gonna cum!"
Your orgasm washed over you like a wave, toes curling and eyes rolling to the back of your head. Your lips parted and you were panting so heavy you barely had enough breath left in your lungs to moan or even scream. Juices splattered all over the face of the man in between your legs, dripping down his chin as he drank it up like it was the finest wine in the world.
Madara pulled away from your swollen cunt, climbing up onto the bed and hovering above you, leaning down to capture your lips in a quick kiss.
"Aren't you a little slut, huh? Getting off on my tongue while your boyfriend watched? You came so quickly, does he not treat you right?" He cooed, brushing a strand of hair away from your eyes.
Kuro, who had been dead quiet the whole time, finally spoke up. "You didn't have to be so rough with her" He grumbled, stroking the top of your head.
Madara huffed, a grin tugging at his lips. "She loves it! Don't you know what your own girlfriend likes?" He rolled his eyes before returning his attention back to your blissed-out form. "Ready for more, sweetheart?"
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