#and equally some people you date are fine and there's nothing wrong with them and you just don't work well together
thepoisonroom · 2 months
frankly we need more acknowledgement that sometimes you have an first/early/formative gay kiss or sexual experience and you're like wow that sucked ass maybe i got it wrong but actually sometimes gay dating and kissing and sex just aren't very good. as is true for all dating and kissing and sex. many such cases
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rosewaterandivy · 2 months
tightrope across the table
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Summary: Abandoned at the bar and left to your own devices, what's the worst that could happen?
Pairing: e.m. x fem! reader
WC: 1.4k
Warnings: NSFW 18+, drinking, cursing, & the perils of dating in the 21st century
A/N: For my beloved Luna, @abibliophobiaa - I love you and I hope this brings a smile to your beautiful face! Reblogs, likes & feedback are appreciated - reposting is not. Enjoy! 💜
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What had begun as a promising New Year's Eve out with your best girl was quickly devolving. Nursing your now lukewarm beer, you watched as your friend laughed with the latest acquisition to her horde. She really was the worst kind of fag hag. Sipping the last dregs of beer from the glass, you tap through your phone and open the app that’s been taunting you all evening.
It’s not that you enjoyed being on the apps, because who in their right mind would? It was, unfortunately, a necessity now because meeting someone at a bookstore or your local coffee joint just didn’t happen anymore, not with everyone’s nose buried in their phone.
Much like yours was now.
The messages were the exact same as the last time you’d checked— nothing new. You sighed and tried to push back the swell of disappointment. This guy you’d been chatting with seemed decent but not eager to continue the line of conversation. You forced yourself to close out of the app, but before you could, a notification popped up: ‘New Message.’
Looking around to see where your friend had gotten to, you let out a sigh of relief finding her at the bar ordering another round. She sends you a wink and mouths something unintelligible. You shrug back with a smile and glace back down to your phone.
Not to be *that guy* but you wouldn’t happen to be at the bar right now, would you?
Heart kicking up and pulse racing, you calmly scan the immediate area trying not to draw attention to yourself. Finding nothing of concern, you prop your elbow on the table and hold the phone aloft in an attempt to stay alert to your surroundings.
Meant that in a totally not creepy way, fyi!
Despite yourself, you were smiling. You’d had a few conversations with this guy before and always found yourself grinning and laughing in equal measure. It was you who’d initially asked him to a movie a week or so ago, deeming the chemistry enough to warrant an in-person meeting. But he’d regretfully had to decline because of work or some other bullshit excuse, you couldn’t recall.
Things had understandably cooled off since then.
It wasn’t as if he’d stood you up or anything, he’d given ample notice, but it hurt all the same. And there was no shortage of hurt in your life at present.
If it wasn’t an engagement or bachelorette party, it was a wedding or christening. All your friends had apparently gotten the memo and paired up accordingly, while your invite to the Grown-Ups party was apparently lost in the mail. 
Why is it that they were all married or already parents and you couldn’t even get a second date? Was something wrong with you? How had you become the designated single friend?
You were happy for your friends, of course you were, it’s exciting moving through the high points of life! But you could still be overjoyed for them and throw a pity party for yourself, the two weren’t mutually exclusive. And sure, people tried to get you out of the house with trivia nights and dinner dates with the girls but it inevitably wound up with them talking about their spouses or babies, cooing over pictures as phones were passed around.
And sure, they celebrated your milestones too. But was a graduate degree going to keep you warm at night? Was a promotion going to cuddle with you on the couch as you fell asleep to Gilmore Girls for the millionth time?
But things were fine, things were good even, if you could just forget the apps and failed first dates. Besides, you had your Emily Henry books and pints of Ben & Jerry’s— things could be worse.
Okay, so I def creeped you out. Just gonna go back to my cave, pls forget this ever happened.
He then sends a gif of Harry from Harry and the Hendersons sadly sulking off. Again, you find yourself smiling.
Mayybeeee a little creeped. You type back, Just caught me off guard is all.
There’s a minute or two before he responds.
You sure? I can totally fuck off, just say the word.
Crossing your feet beneath your chair, you weigh your options. It was you who asked him out after all, so clearly some part of you was interested. And he’s still talking to you now, even while he’s apparently out at a bar.
Potentially the same bar you’re at now…
Okay, fuck it.
After sending a quick text to your friend explaining the situation and asking her to standby, you toss your hair behind your shoulder and take another look around. 
The bar is pretty packed, the weather is decent so the picnic tables outside are quickly filling up too. It’s loud but not deafening and from your current location, you’re within sight of the door for a getaway if needed.
You hoped you wouldn’t need it.
Sparkly boots.
And with that, you lock your phone and set it to the side. You figure, if this guy is worth his salt he’ll figure it out and find you. If not, oh well, at least you tried. 
The waiting is torturous. Minutes trickle by and you’re about to pack it in for the night when there’s the jangle of a chain against the metal chair and a man swathed in black denim and leather all but pours himself into it. 
“Fucking christ, d’you know how many people are wearing boots tonight?”
For a moment there, you’re speechless— eyes wide and pretty lips opening to say:
“Okay, but how many were wearing sparkly boots.”
His lips, pink and full, pull into a winning smile. 
“Just you sugar, but I think you already knew that.” He leans back in the chair, fingers locked behind his head as he stretches back. 
His shirt rides up, exposing a sliver of skin at his hip. You try not to lick your lips.
“I’m Eddie, by the way,” He says offering you his hand to shake, fingers bejeweled with silver rings.
He’s warm to the touch as you palm slots against his. His lips part to in a soft gasp as your thumb grazes a knuckle and shake his hand, introducing yourself. His brown eyes flit from your hand to your face and back again, as if he can hardly believe you’re real.
Reluctantly, you pull your hand from his grasp. 
His fingers trail after yours, drumming along the tabletop. Your hand rests mere inches from his, close enough to reach out and touch. 
You cock your head to the side assessing him. Eddie’s not all that different from his pictures on the app— scruffy in that attractive masculine way. Long hair pulled back at the nape of his neck, a few errant curls falling to frame his face. 
A vibration to your left breaks the moment.
You mutter an apology and check to your messages:
How we feelin?
This from your friend by the bar who's standing steadfast with her retinue, keys swinging from her fingers if you need her.
Another swoosh sound signalling a response. You glance down once more, this time it’s a photo of you and Eddie taken just after his arrival. You’re looking down, lips rolled between your teeth even though it’s clear as day you’d rather be smiling and he’s looking at you like… Well, like you hung the moon.
“So, uh,” He ducks his head to cough and clear his throat. “Have I passed the test?”
“What’s that?”
“Y’know, the test verifying that I’m not gonna abscond with you to an undisclosed location or whatever.”
“How did you—”
“Your friend’s not very subtle.” He nods in her direction and follows it up with a wave.
“Well, Edward, if you must know—”
“It’s Eddie.”
“Shut up, you know it all!”
His laugh and your retort takes him by surprise, it’s loud and probably the best thing you’ve ever heard.
“As I was saying, that all depends.”
Eddie leans across the table, all loose limbs and big doe eyes. 
“Depends on what, sugar?”
You give a subtle nod to your friend at the bar who flags down the bartender and places an order.
“If you’ll let me buy you a drink.”
He smiles and the rest of the world could drop dead for all you care. For a night that was beginning to look a bit disastrous, with the arrival of Eddie it was starting to have some possibilities.
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thebubblesareevil · 1 year
Secrets for the Soul
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 5
“That concludes our meeting for tonight, thank you all for making time to join us.” Announced Batman, finally ending this tortuous l, though necessary meeting. Diana stood from her seat and said her goodbyes intent on getting back to Danny for movie night. If she hurried she could stop and pick up ice cream, her hopes of the frozen treat were dashed however when she was stopped by a hand on her shoulder.
“Diana, a moment of your time?” Batman asked with a gruff voice. Diana silently mourned her ice cream as she smiled back and the two stepped away from the zeta-tubes. “As you are aware, Black Canary is leading the training for the covert team. However Canary brought it to my attention that while Superboy is doing well in his training, he is getting very little experience fighting opponents of an equal or greater power level.” Diana frowned.
“He is the teams biggest heavy hitter, it would do them no good if he were to falter when given a challenge.”
“My thoughts exactly, which is why I would like you to take some time to spar with him. Show him what it means to fight above your level.” Batman nodded,
Diana looked at Batman, skeptical “Wouldn’t Superman be better suited for this task.”
“Things between them are a bit…stained to say the least.” He ground out.
Diana frown, “I would be willing to engage the young one in battle, however Superman needs to figure things out with the boy. He is only a child, he needs guidance.” She said firmly.
“I know your hands are already full, we can work out a schedule at another date however I would like it if you would come by this weekend to meet him.” Diana raised her brow. His eye twitched “Please” he added.
“Now that wasn’t so hard was it? Alfred’s been pestering you about manners again, huh?” She smirked. Batman grunted. “That should be fine, I’ll be there Saturday morning at 10, and Batman? I won’t hold back.” She said with a savage grin.
“I would expect nothing less.” And with that Diana took her leave. It was a short flight from the Zeta point to her apartment, when she arrived Danny looked up from his Mars book.
“You’re late~” He said with a grin “You know what that means. You forfeit your movie choice!” Diana sighed as she went to get changed.
“All right, fair is fair, did you pick up dinner?”Danny nodded as he scrolled through the movie choices.
“Chinese is on the counter, drinks are in the fridge.” He shouted as he set up the movie. “Comedy good?” He asked as she made her way to the fridge.
“Sure.” She replied, opening the fridge she grabbed the drinks sitting next to the chain covered stew labeled ‘Danny’s! Do not touch!’
Grabbing the Chinese she made her way over and plopped herself on the couch. “So what are we watching?”
“Only one of my favorite ghost comedies EVER! The Grudge! It’s hilarious, trust me!” He tilted his head in a picture of innocence. “By the way, why were you late, something wrong with the league?” He inquired, nudging her with his elbow. Diana scoffed.
“We are a team of international vigilantes, something’s always wrong. However, in this case, Batman stopped me to ask a favor. There is a young hero who packs quite a punch, however unlike you he has mostly fought people who are physically equal or weaker than him. He needs to train with someone stronger than him to get used to fighting stronger opponents. I’ll be meeting with him on Saturday morning.” Danny nodded.
“Cool, I’m gonna be hanging out with Travis. We were planning to check out the arcade near his new job.” Diana smiled.
“It’s a pity he left the museum, where did he end up going?”
“He got a job on the boardwalk, at that smoothie shop. Y’know with giant monkey on the window.” Diana nodded.
“They do have good smoothies. Grandfather expects us for dinner that night so don’t stay out too late.”
“Sounds great! Hopefully I can get the recipe for that stew, it’s way better than Lunch Lady’s… don’t tell her I said that.” Diana frowned.
“So long as it doesn’t try to eat my lunch again, my poor sandwich it was so young, so tasty.” She replies dramatically with her hand on her heart. “Now start the movie, I wanna see what passes for ghost comedy.” She passes Danny his mushu pork and he presses play….
Two hours later Danny is asleep on the couch as Diana stares at the tv, reevaluating her definition of humor. Looking down at her peacefully sleeping cousin, she couldn’t be too mad. But she could ask around for the best chick flick she could find as payback.
Saturday morning came, and as promised Diana made her way to a zeta tube. When she arrived at Mount Justice, Batman was already there and based on their reactions he had already briefed them on todays training. She grinned, this was gonna be fun.
She wasn’t wrong either, they each took turns trying to knock her down, each failing more splendidly than the last. When it came time for Superboy to face her she readied herself to face the strength of Superman.
Unfortunately for Superboy, he did not have the same strength as Superman. Diana had also been regularly sparring with Danny, so her evaluation of his strength might have been a bit…skewed to say the least.
Unfortunately only hindsight is 20/20 and so when Superboy charged she immediately countered with full force, and he went flying across the room. After crash landing Superboy quickly righted himself and started charging her once more. Diana, while impressed at his enthusiasm, frowned at how easy it was to push his buttons. She grabbed her lasso and quickly subdued him. He fought against the bindings, though he had no hope of destroying the magical artifact. Diana released him only when he calmed down. She looked Superboy in the eye with a smile.
"You did very well young one, your warrior's spirit is admirable, however you must use it at the right time. When fighting an opponent that you know is stronger than you, you must used that spirit wisely. Wait until you find an opening before you strike, otherwise your opponent will use that strength against you, as I did."
Superboy clenched his fists and grit his teeth, Diana knew that look well. He was frustrated, her advice was likely akin to something he hears quite often. Diana sighed, "I will not tell you to purge yourself of this spirit as it is a useful tool, one I myself use when fighting overwhelming enemies. It is nothing to be ashamed of. However you must be careful not to be consumed by it. I have known many who let the rush of battle consume them. It has never ended in their favor." she approached Superboy, placing a hand on his shoulder.
"I will work with you on this journey, young one, so that you may learn as I did." she said with a smile.
Superboy looked surprised "Seriously? Why? What do you get out of this?" Diana laughed
"What else?! I want a proper rematch! You have impressive strength, I would like to see what you can do with it with a little extra training, young one." Superboy looked her in the eye for a moment before looking to the side.
"My name is Conner." he said with a blunt tone. "And...thank you."
"It's my pleasure Conner, now come, our time today is short let's see who else wants to try their might."
She turned back to see Kid Flash slowly inch behind Artemis. She gave a predatory grin, "It seems we have a volunteer!"
Danny woke up with his alarm at noon, and couldn't help but revel in the amount of sleep he got, a whole eight hours. He briefly considered snuggling back into the world's comfiest, and coldest, comforter, gifted to him by Frostbite. He slowly closed his eyes before his second alarm went off reminding him that he does in fact have to get up, as he has plans today.
He dragged himself out of bed, still wrapped in his comforter, and made his way to the kitchen. After starring into the fridge for roughly five minutes, as though it held the secrets of the universe... or poptarts, he grinned and grabbed his leftover stew. Pouring some into a bowl and reheating it, he slowly made his way to the table to savor his blob ghost stew. He jumped only a little when his phone started blaring once more, he scrunched his nose before looking at the caller ID. It was Travis. Danny sighed, it was too early to talk.
"Hnnghh?" The sound of laughter exploded from the other end.
"I'm sorry sleeping beauty, did I wake you?" Danny released a massive yawn.
"Nah, mm jus eatin breakfst? Wazzup?" He mumbled, watching the tiny blobs swim around in his stew with half-lidded green eyes.
"Hey I ran into a buddy of mine, mind if he tags along?" Danny scooped out a particularly plump blob and took a bite.
"Hmmm" Travis laughed.
"I'm gonna take that as a yes. We'll meet you at Café Loco before we head to the arcade, you sound like you need it. Were you up playing video games again last night?" Danny once more responded with a noncommittal, “hmmm” because no he was not playing video games. He was flying invisibly around the city and lost track of time, who wouldn't it was beautiful.
“Alright man, I’ll let you get back to you’re breakfast. See ya soon.” And the call ended.
Danny put his phone back down and finished eating before he started getting ready for the day. He threw on some jeans and a t-shirt, taking a moment to consider the jacket. His core would keep him cold, normally he wouldn’t bother but…. He sighed grabbing the jacket. Being a teen hero left him with more than a few scars, Travis was led to believe he got them in the accident that killed his “parents” but this new guy… it would be annoying to explain again, best avoid it entirely.
He grabbed his wallet and headed out, walking down the street he greeted familiar faces, stopping to pet Mrs. Perkins’ dog as he made his way to the bus stop. It wasn’t a long ride, and when he arrived he clambered out of the bus. Heading towards Cafe Loco like a beacon in a storm. He beelined it to the counter, nearly crying at the lack of a line as he ordered his cappuccino with 4 shots of espresso.
Travis found him huddled in a corner booth, curled around his coffee, watching people pass by. He saw a perfect opportunity and slowly snuck up to the booth, he was inches away from tugging the earbuds out of his ears when Danny suddenly turned his head to look him directly in the eyes. Travis jumped back with a shout, Danny took a long sip of his coffee, the stranger next to Travis covered his mouth trying his best not to laugh.
“Why is it so hard to scare you?! I swear this guy has eyes in the back of his head!” At this point the guy next to him scoffed.
“Or he saw your reflection in the window.” He said, pointing at the offending surface.
“Who’s side are you on?!” The stranger shrugged and Danny chuckled.
“I don’t think pointing out the obvious counts as taking sides. Your Travis’ friend right? I’m Danny, nice to meet ya.” He said, the other guy smiled.
“I’m Matt, nice to meet ya. Is the coffee here any good?” Danny nodded, pulling his coffee closer.
“It’s okay at best, he just likes it because they don’t limit his espresso shots because he bribes them.”
“It’s not consider a bribe of it goes in the tip jar.” He said with a wide grin. Matt blushed.
“Oh really, I’ll have to try that.” He coughed into his hand. “So, uh, you said we were going to the arcade.”
“Hell yeah! You said it had all kinds of new and retro games! Plus desktop gaming! Let’s go!” Danny stood from his seat. While he may never reach the overwhelming height of Jack Fenton, Danny had grown to be a respectable 5’10. He was quite proud of this fact though he didn’t think of it too much, considering his cousin was over 6’. But still he wasn't that tall, right? Danny thought,
'So why the hell did Matt just look at him like he was 10 feet tall? Sure the guy wasn't huge, but he wasn't exactly short either.'
Matt backed up just a bit, rubbing the back of his neck and looking away, "Yeah, let's get going before it get's too crowded." Danny downed the rest of his coffee and they headed out. Along the way they started talking about the upcoming school year, as it turned out Matt would be joining him as a junior at Gateway High.
Despite Travis' not so subtle diversions, Matt eventually made a rookie mistake. He asked what Danny wanted to do when he graduated. For the next hour Danny went on and on about how he wanted to build space ships, and how amazing space is, and did you read the Daily Planet interview with Martian Manhunter?!
Not to say Danny ran out of things to say about space after an hour, especially when Matt was giving him his full attention even when they got to the arcade and started playing. No, as someone who worked with Danny until his parents made him quit, Travis knew EXACTLY how long winded Danny could be when it came to space so he did the only thing that could distract him from space. He brought up his cousin.
"So I here your cousin is single and ready to mingle, according to Mrs. Doris, you think if I gave her my number I'd have a chance?" Travis wiggled his eyebrows. Danny looked at him as though he just said he put jelly on a tuna sandwich.
"Dude first of all, you're like 17 it's not gonna happen, second of all, and I cannot stress this enough, she is way out of your league." Travis pouted as Matt laughed at his suffering, not knowing his sacrifice.
"Ahh whatever man, let's just play. I hear there's this new game added to the online corner. Something called Doomed?" Danny froze, slowly turning to face Travis.
"Did you say Doomed?" his eyes were wide.
"Yeah? Have you-" Danny grabbed both teens by the arm and dragged them over to the desktops. Over the next few hours, the three of them made characters and a crowd gathered as Danny dominated level after level. Eventually though his alarm went off, reminding him to head home for dinner. After they said their goodbyes, Danny took off leaving Matt and Travis alone.
"Don't even think about it." Travis said, Matt tensed.
"He has single handedly increased the foot traffic in the space exhibit from the sheer amount of people who come to flirt with him. Him and his cousin are next level man." Matt's face turned a fiery red. Travis looked at him with pity. "If it makes you feel better, he has yet to actually say yes to anyone. To be fair though, I don't think he realizes their flirting when he's in space mode." Travis shrugs.
Matt nearly wept.
Danny dug into the lasagna with extreme gusto, while Diana ate at a much more restrained pace as she ate her second helping.
"You've outdone yourself, grandfather. Dinner is absolutely divine." Diana complemented the elderly (at the moment) Ancient. He gave her a proud smile.
"I should hope so, I got this recipe from Naples in the 15th century, from a lovely family of noodle makers. I tweaked it a bit based on it's evolution, I'm quite proud of how it turned out." he said with a grin as his form shifted to that of a young man. "But enough of that, how was your day today? I know you were planning on training the young Kryptonian clone today, how did that go?" grinning, Diana raised a brow, Danny perked up.
"Have you been spying on us grandfather?" Danny laughed.
"He's always spying on us, trust me. But who cares, what was that about a clone?" Diana sighed, resigned.
"Conner is a clone of Superman. Normally it would be his responsibility to train him, however he has been a bit... reluctant to interact with the boy." Danny scrunched up his nose.
"Did he try to kill him yet?" Diana looked at Danny, surprised.
"Superman may object to training him but I assure you he has not intent-" Danny waved his hands.
"No, no, not Superman. Did Conner try to kill him yet, it's like, a clone rite of passage." Diana stared at Danny. Danny stared back.
Clockwork drank his tea, fully aware of what he started.
"I'm gonna need a little more explanation than that." Danny shrugged
"I mean, he's gotta try to kill his original at some point. Just to get it out of his system y'know. My clone didn't last a full day before she tried to kill me." Danny shrugged, taking another bite of his lasagna.
Diana gave him a look like she was praying to the gods for patience, honestly she probably was, before she finally responded.
"When exactly were you cloned?" Danny shrugged.
"When I was like, 14 I think. I know it was after I met gramps, now that is a crazy story." Diana took a deep breath.
"We can get to that later, can we focus on the clone that tried to kill you? Please?" Danny set down his fork on his now clean plate.
"I guess, there's not really much to tell. My dad's best friend, who hated him by the way, wanted me to be his son because we were the only existing halfas, he's not technically he's more alive than he is dead, and because he was in love with my mom, she despised him, I told him no when he repeatedly demanded for me to join him, of course not he's a fruitloop, so he cloned me, a couple times actually but none of them were stable so they destabilized, and Ellie, the only stable clone, posed as my cousin, she is now kinda, and when my back was turned she tried to kill me. It's cool though, she realized Vlad was a fruitloop and we beat him up." he shrugged. "Like I said, there's really not much to tell." he explains before he starts to sneak over to the cookie jar.
Diana looked over at her grandfather, "What?" he nodded in symathy.
"I understand it's a lot to take in, however I assure you any future murder attempts perpetuated by young Ellie are completely harmless. She spends most of her time these days exploring the realms or spending time with Pandora." Clockwork explained.
Diana sighed turning to Danny "And you were okay with this? Being cloned by your enemy."
Danny swallowed his bite "Oh, hell no. I was pissed. Not only did he violate my privacy, he stole my DNA! He made a kid to replace me! So I kicked his ass and stole my clone." Diana looked to the heavens for advice, Clockwork set a hand on her shoulder.
"The gods will be no help when it comes to things like this. Trust me." he smiled. "And how was your day Danny? Did you have fun making friends?" Danny grinned.
"Definitely! He let me blather on about space!" Diana's eyes went wide.
'Dear gods, not another one.'
@a-salty-sal@impulsiveasshole@meira-3919@alcorbearson@cute6troll@samgirl98@skulld3mort-1fan@addie-lover-of-stories@amercurio@chronicallyonline-fandomwh0r3 @heirxofxtime @gin2212 @thegatorsgoose@wanderer-of-worlds@terzatheunderscorerima@bright-shade@satanicrutialspecialist@mur-ururu@birdie-24-05@ascetic-orange@cyber-geist@thatrandomsarahchick@dr-syko-pharm-4@observerblock23@addie-lover-of-stories@rainybyday@berseid@pastalavistamf@ae-vixrose@sunflowershine03@theauthorandtheartist@ruelukas22@krzys2000@onlyhereforthechaos@stargirl1331@apointlessbox@mewzaque@distractedducky@cutelittlebeanie@unorthodoxdreamers @universallytacowolfbakery @joseph557@ver-444@icedbluesoul@shark-time@milo-l-l @spookytragedyshark@nutcase8691@idfk-man10
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thegreenwolf · 20 days
Howdy! I stumbled across a broken link to your WordPress blog where you mentioned your views on people who believe their religious/spiritual practices exempt them from wildlife laws. I'd be very interested to hear your thoughts, since this is a topic I have a hard time getting through to others about. If you don't have the time (or don't want to), don't sweat it! Have a wonderful day ^-^
@raspberrysquid Well, it's something I've primarily run into in the Pagan/etc. arena. These religions, as a general rule, are recently created, though they may seek to emulate older polytheisms to varying degrees. (There are also polytheist reconstructionists who do not consider themselves under the modern Pagan umbrella for varying reasons, FTR, but that's a whole other discussion I'm not going to get into here. The Venn diagram is complex, and not everyone fits under the Big Tent, so to speak.)
The attitude I seem to run into repeatedly is the idea that Neopagan religions should be on an equal par with indigenous American religions with regards to access to restricted items such as eagle or other migratory bird feathers. For example, Lady Suzy Bunnysnuggles picks up a red-tailed hawk feather that a bird molted, and decides that this must be a sign from [insert deity or other higher power here] that she must incorporate that animal's energy into her spiritual practice somehow, and so she takes it home.
Now, there is absolutely nothing wrong with interpreting an encounter with an animal (or its shed bits) as being personally, spiritually profound. However, if Lady Suzy Bunnysnuggles is--like many of us Pagan folk--an American citizen of varying European origins or otherwise not in a federally enrolled* Native American tribe, she is breaking the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) which prohibits the possession of almost all native wild bird parts, other than a few exceptions like turkeys. This law is in place because in the latter 19th and early 20th centuries bird populations in North America were being absolutely demolished for both restaurant tables and the feather trade. Since you can't really tell the difference between a feather that was naturally molted, and one that was torn off of a poached bird, the law has a blanket prohibition on possession regardless of origin.
There are some exceptions to the MBTA, and to the Bald and Golden Eagle Act, for federally enrolled people to have access to otherwise prohibited parts for religious or cultural use. However, people like Lady Suzy Bunnysnuggles, when informed of the laws, huff in indignation that they, too, should have religious exemptions, and that they are not, in fact, going to put that feather back where they found it. In fact, they may very well hang it from their rearview mirror or on a ritual staff, in blatant violation of the MBTA, and with the assumption that they will not run across a USFW law enforcement agent or other authority who is familiar with the laws. If pressed, they may claim "Oh, it's a TURKEY feather**!", but they're banking on the idea that no one is actually going to recognize what they have.
My thought on it, as a longtime Pagan of various European descent, is that it's my people who basically screwed up everything for everyone else by coming over here and overhunting species and systematically destroying their habitats. I've been working with hides, bones, and other remains in my practice for over a quarter of a century, and I am totally fine with staying within the confines of various laws. I have plenty of things I can legally work with, AND I am creative and flexible enough to come up with legal alternatives to prohibited items. My traditions are my own, and they don't pre-date me. Indigenous people, on the other hand, have been dealing with over 500 years of physical and cultural genocide, and the previous ban on their possession of eagle feathers and the like is just one more manifestation thereof; reversing that ban and making allowances for feathers/etc. for their spiritual and cultural practices is a TINY piece of trying to undo centuries of damage.
I am not going to try to argue that the erasure of European polytheistic traditions by Christianity many centuries ago affects me in the same way that the ongoing oppression of indigenous Americans affects them. They're not even comparable. Any problems I may have experienced as a relatively out Pagan in the United States are nowhere near in comparison to the immensity of 500+ years of active racism and other violence enacted upon Native American communities by both individuals and governmental entities.
Moreover, if we open exceptions to Neopagans and other followers of modern nature spirituality, then anyone can step up and say "Oh, hey, I'm a Wiccan/Druid/etc., can I have some eagle feathers?" that would then open up a greater demand for otherwise prohibited animal remains, and feed into a still-substantial black market. Therefore, I think it's best if I and Lady Suzy Bunnysnuggles simply find alternative ways to work with the archetypal spirit of Red-Tailed Hawk, rather than argue that our supposed religious oppression is somehow on par of that of indigenous Americans, and use their plight to try to weasel our way out of following a law that is in place to protect wildlife after other white people have demonstrated time and again that they couldn't be trusted to hunt wildlife at a sustainable level. Is it a case of some bad actors ruining things for everyone else? I mean, sure, maybe. But it's one of those things that I've long since made my peace with.
*This is with the understanding that there are also significant problems with federal recognition of some tribes, but not others, and the immense amount of bureaucratic bullshit a group of indigenous people have to wade through just to prove their legitimacy to the BIA.
**I once pointed out to a fellow vendor at an event that some of the feathers on their wares were, in fact, from various species of owl, because the last thing I want is for someone who is simply ignorant of the law to get in trouble, and generally speaking people are pretty cool about removing the illegal bits of their work and grateful that they met me before they met someone who could actually issue a ticket and/or cause trouble for the event runners. This person instead insisted repeatedly, both to me and to event staff, that they were turkey feathers, in such a manner that it was clear they knew what they were but was assuming we all played the "wink wink, nudge nudge, yeah, those sure are TURKEY feathers!" game. Needless to say, they had to take down anything made with owl feathers in order to stay in the vendors' row.
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mixelation · 10 months
some itachi + romance meta for reborn au ->
so, my personal headcanon for itachi is that he has a lot of little idle romantic fantasies about a nondescript fantasy partner, but it takes a pretty big push for him to go "oh, i love this person." he's open to sex if his partner wants it, but he doesn't really care about it otherwise. in other words, he'd be into a romantic partner if he happened upon one (and, like, he didn't have four thousand other high-priority problems the relationship would be incompatible with), but he's not actively looking and he doesn't really need one to be happy.
in an AU where the massacre didn't happen, I think he'd be open to dating. but in mutagenicity, he DID live through the massacre and being in akatsuki, and he IS mentally 20+ years older than he looks, and oh my god, please don't make him talk to children. especially uchiha children he killed in previous life. please.
i don't think all ninja clans necessarily cling to old fashioned traditions about marriage and bloodlines, but i like the idea of some of them hanging around for Shenanigans. like no one would really care if itachi were gay, as long as he quietly kept his boyfriend as a boyfriend and married someone capable of childbirth and made that new heir. they don't even care if the heir is female! progress :)
but also itachi has a mysterious genetic disease so they're like. hmm yeah okay you may marry outside of the clan. (desperately start researching if there's some sort of Test for sharigan babies)
mikoto has of course Noticed itachi just like.... isn't interested? in even talking to other teens?? so she wants to get him started kind of early. listen itachi, marriage will be SO much easier if you've dated your bride and figured out someone you actually like. also if you don't find one i will simply find one for you at some certain age and you will have no say in the matter.
the first few times she sends him on dates she just socially manipulates a situation where somehow he ends up alone with a girl mikoto likes. the girl is almost always very accomplished for her age, polite, pretty. literally nothing is wrong with her except she's 16 and itachi hates strangers. like, he's fine with them. he can put on a smile and be polite for a limited amount of time. but Inner Itachi is so fucking mean and fucked up, getting socially close to people almost always makes them hate him (for valid reasons) and then also his date is 16. so mikoto keeps putting him in a position where he's inevitably going to make a poor teenaged girl cry because he told her she'll never get promoted to jounin because her mission completion rate is mediocre, which he does often feel bad about, but also he cannot do anything about his horrible personality and cannot help himself. and then even if he likes her, what is he supposed to do? be like "yeah i'm just going to tell you my opinion and it will come out blunt and mean and also i'll be right and refuse to apologize, it's because of my deeply fucked up past life where the state told me i had to pick between murdering my entire family or letting my family destroy everything i care about, sorry about that." no! obviously he can't do that!!!
and his feelings about mikoto in general just, like, insane. she had her hand in supporting the coup in his previous life, but she raised him and loved him, but also she let him kill her so he'd see it in his nightmares constantly, and this mikoto didn't do any of that but he still sees her in his dreams and she is EQUALLY socially manipulative in this timeline, and honestly this is sort of making his feelings about her even more insane, but obviously he can't talk to her about it. so he needs to figure out way to dodge this whole dating situation in order to avoid uchiha massacre #2
so one day he's stealing dango right off tori's plate while she's in the bathroom, and he's like. holy fuck. tori is a girl, and she's not even going to get upset i'm about to do this to her. and then she comes back and is like "why the fuck did you steal my food" and he tells her it's because she did a disproportionately low amount of substandard work on the mission and hence deserves less of the mission budget. and she DOES rub the inside of his sleeping bag down with poison ivy but she also doesn't fucking cry.
itachi, flipping his sleeping bag inside out: perfect. we're dating now. <3
tori is NOT mikoto's top pick because she's a wild card and not the easily controlled nice girl mikoto was aiming for, but. at least itachi seems to actually like her? and she hasn't come crying to mikoto about how her son horrible yet, so. she's even got a decent amount of social clout for (checks note) a defector from another village who seems to go out of her way to be annoying and unlikable. mikoto isn't really thrilled but she backs off
dating is basically nothing like itachi's idle fantasies because tori is also deeply messed up, and also itachi spent a VERY long time in the other timeline convinced she was going to blab his secrets and Ruin Everything and he really wanted to kill her, but also that DID translate into a weird sort of respect pretty early on in this timeline, and they can have actual conversations about stuff. she helped him kill danzo, no questions asked. they like watching bad movies and dragging them to pieces together. she willingly reads his favorite book. they say mean shit to each other and it's fine because they've mutually accepted the other is just like this. it's comfortable. also pointing tori'a ability to ruin everything for everyone is so nice when pointed at someone itachi doesn't like
so even once itachi is old enough he can date Actual Adults, tori is like, "hey are you going to break up with me?" and he's like, "........no?" and she's like "okay." and they move in together and have separate bedrooms and tori attempts to kill him at least twice over burning food so bad it won't come off the pot, but it's comfortable and they're both happy
(and also itachi realizes tori fucking loves going along with bits, so if he tells her he wants to do some stupid romantic thing, she will just go along with it and have fun. wild)
i think they get married kind of late For The Setting (like very late twenties) because it takes tori years to figure out their illegal test tube baby and they just don't really see the point without the baby. mikoto finds this immensely frustrating. but at least they're on the same page, even if it's the WRONG PAGE
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(TW: Sex mention)
My dear lgbt+ kids,
"We shouldn't objectify people" is a very good and important point - but it becomes a very bad point when we twist it into "Feeling sexual attraction to someone you are not dating is gross".
This is one example of something that can happen in online queer spaces: Sometimes, people take good ideas and remove all nuance from them. They learn that romantic or sexual feelings can, in some circumstances, be inappropriate and conclude that they always are inappropriate. This kind of black-or-white thinking leads to the (accidental) re-inventing of puritanical ideas in the name of progressiveness.
This is usually not something said (or even thought) out loud - but it shows up in subtle ways: young lesbians "jokingly" posting about how they are "just as disgusting as straight men" because they like to look at boobs, for example.
It may just be jokes, but the idea they are based on - that queer people need to be "better" than straight people by not thinking about other people in a sexual way - is just so weird and wrong, on so many levels. Sexual attraction or lust is nothing gross.
Looking at someone and thinking about how hot their body is is perfectly fine. It doesn't make you a pervert! Looking at someone and fantasizing about touching their boobs is also perfectly fine. Obviously, you can't just walk up to a random stranger and actually touch them, but thoughts do not equal actions.
You are allowed to think about someone's body. You are allowed to think about sex. You are allowed to be into someone physically, even if you are not in a relationship with them. It's a perfectly normal thing, nothing you need to feel ashamed of.
With all my love,
Your Tumblr Dad
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shallyne · 30 days
The Diary of Feyre Archeron Ch 9
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Chapter nine! So exciting! Some relief from the insanity of the past chapters. I hope you enjoy! Full Fic on AO3
Words: 1.1k
June 15th
Dear Diary, 
I still haven't burnt it. I will, I need to. I do, I know. I will. Soon. 
Although, the worst of the cases for Amarantha, Tamlin and Rhysand's father is over. It's been a hectic few months but we managed.
I have started therapy, too. It's been ROUGH but absolutely necessary. I'm glad Elain and Nesta pushed me into this direction, it's…I don't know how to explain it. I just feel so grateful for my sisters. We definitely had a rocky road and a fair share of fights over the years but when we needed it, we were there for each other, through our worst times. 
Since the accident, that's what I'm calling it now, Rhys and I have not spent one day apart. If it's work or just hanging out, he is there. Another wonder of the past months that I am infinitely grateful for. I have missed him a lot. I forgot how much of a rock he was for me. 
Something is definitely different between us now, though, but I am not mad about it. We became adults. He is some kind of criminal mastermind now (can you believe I say that casually? I would have RAN nine years ago!!) and I, well, I don't know what I am but I will find out. It's going forward, in baby steps. But baby steps are still steps! 
June 18th
The nightmares were bad again last night. After turning and tossing after an especially nasty one I called Rhys in the middle of the night. He actually picked up. That's insane, he should have been asleep. What did he even do at 3am? He refused to tell me. Not because he doesn't trust me but because he wants to focus on me. His words. It's kind of cute, right? 
I asked him to tell me about constellations because he LOVES astronomy, he's always getting super nerdy about it. 
For a moment I imagined him polishing his gun while telling me all about Orion and I kind of, I don't know, it was very attractive. It shouldn't be, right? That's wrong. That's SO wrong. 
I shouldn't get wet at the thought of him doing crimes. 
But I do. 
I should feel bad about it. 
But I don't.  
Haters can die mad about it. A wise woman once said “Haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate”
Anyways, I'm going to meet Rhys in an hour, I have to go now. 
June 19th
Nesta said Rhys and I are going on dates. Romantically. That's so not true! We are not going on dates. Romantically. I'd KNOW if we were going on dates. Romantically. This is absurd! And Elain agreed with my sister!! We never gave any signs that we would even date. He kisses my forehead to calm me down, nothing romantic about it. I enjoy it, yes, but that's a ME problem. And we only hold hands to not lose each other in crowds or to keep my hand warm. I get cold hands easily, even in summer. And we hug frequently but that's what friends do. They hug. People hug all the time. 
Nesta just gave me the Sure, Jan look and went back to reading her book while Elain stayed silent. 
Fine, if they want to think we are going on dates (romantically) then I can't stop them but this is not the truth! 
Rhys will also think it's ridiculous when I tell him over dinner later. 
Anyways, I can't decide if I should put on my wine red lipstick or my crimson lipstick. I'll decide on a whim when I'm done curling my hair. 
June 20th
What. Is. Happening. 
I don't know what is happening. 
Something is happening. 
Something GREAT is happening. Something amazing and equally terrifying. Oh god, it's definitely happening. I don't know what's happening. No, I know. I know what is happening but I just can't believe it. Maybe I'm still in that coffin and I am about to die and this is just a daydream and–
God no we're not going down that route. I definitely have to talk about this in therapy. But I digress. 
Okay, so, Rhys and I met for dinner yesterday and I told him about my argument with Nesta about her saying we go on dates (romantically) and he got that weird look, like, I was so sure he was about to agree with me that it's ridiculous. Spoiler, he didn't. He agreed with NESTA. He thought, well no, he hoped we were going on dates (romantically). I was flabbergasted. Absolutely shocked. I think I freezed for a moment, I'm not sure. Why was so sure about these dates not being romantic? I don't even know! I wore the sluttiest lipstick I have, that I bought for our dates. I'm so blind, oh my god. 
Anyways, he asked me if we are dating. I said yes. I cried. In the middle of the fanciest restaurant in velaris. I am dating Rhysand. This feels like a dream. And we kissed! I swear this was the most swoon-worthy kiss EVER. I'm blushing just thinking about it, I feel like a damn teenager. 
But, Rhys and I are only dating for now. I am not ready to throw myself into anything just yet and Rhys was, of course, respectful of my boundaries. We didn't have sex yet, either. I thought about it but I couldn't. Not yet. He said he's waiting as long as it takes. 
It was the perfect evening. 
June 28th
I just came from therapy and I have to write this. There is something I have to do and I will do it tomorrow. I am nervous. So god damn nervous about it but it's time. I feel ready, finally. So, it is time and I will do it no matter how hard. I will also ask Rhys to come with me, my therapist said I should take someone with me that I trust and I trust Rhys. With my whole life. I want him to be with me when I do this step and if I'm being honest, I need him to be with me. 
There is this quarter in Velaris, a quarter I never stepped foot into because I couldn't. There were times when I stood close but turned around, I never was quite ready. It's called the Rainbow, it's the Artist's quarter of the city, which Velaris is actually quite famous for. There's all kinds of arts strewn throughout the whole quarter, everyone finds their place there and there is also an art school people dream of attending, it's quite famous. 
I never took a look at it, or anything. But I want to. So badly. 
And I will. 
With Rhys. (I hope) 
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Feysand Taglist:
@captain-of-the-gwynriel-ship @starfall-spirit @rhysiedarling @corcracrow @sydney-fae25 @tothestarsandwhateverend @aayo-whatt @dreamlandreader
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whumpshaped · 8 months
First of all, I am equal parts amazed and terrified of your severe brainrot rn. Surely you don't sleep at night, eat or drink, just rotate those two like döner kebab and write? I binge-read it all yesterday (some pieces I read twice or thrice 😌) and I am overjoyed that the chapters keep coming but please don't write yourself into exhaustion 🥺
Second of all, Shadows for the vampire bingo! I imagine Helle likes dining out from time to time... Finds some other poor soul and is disappointed when they aren't as entertaining as Beck; or maybe they take beck somewhere, some park full of shadows - as enrichment 😊
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i mean ur not wrong.. i do nothin but write recently.. but dont worry i'll be forced not to write for a good while starting saturday bc im going home :/ but until then its kebab time. heres how helle went about feeding while beck was out w the flu <3 not their best night
masterlist bingo card
tw vampire whumper, mind control, noncon biting of a married couple i feel like thats a special offence, noncon drugging, past trauma, death mention
Helle left the apartment feeling sick to their stomach. It was a dumb thing to still be so hung up about, it was merely the worst and last few days of their mortal life that gave way to a century torment right afterwards. Nothing monumental.
"This is ridiculous," they muttered to themself, quickly pressing the button that opened the front door of the building. The fresh air against their skin was definitely a welcome sensation — it made them temporarily forget about how suffocating their coffin had been.
They immediately spotted a couple on the bench by the playground, being all cute with each other. They thought about ruining yet another date night, but... no, they needed to get away for a bit. Just for half an hour or so. Take a walk, maybe, be around some other people so they could forget about the sight of their human lying on the bed with his face flushed.
'It's just the flu,' he'd said. Right. Because influenza was absolutely incapable of killing anyone, right? Because they weren't supposed to be thinking about the stupid outbreak, because it was three hundred years ago, because medicine had advanced since then, because it was just one human– Fucking hell, they had been that one human before. And if Beck was dying, they wouldn't even have the guts to turn him. Not like this.
They stopped and took a deep breath, exhaling slowly. It was fine. Everything was fine. Beck wasn't dying, they weren't dying anymore, and Lady Marie was dead. What they needed to do was find an unfortunate, stupid human, have dinner, and go back to check on their unfortunate, stupid human.
They stuck to the shadows around buildings, places that the streetlights didn't quite illuminate. They looked around the area for any fresh meat, eventually bumping into yet another couple. What was it with them? Well, whatever. They would do.
It took all of two seconds for the women to notice them once they amped up the charm a bit, and suddenly they were walking towards the danger zone, compelled to be around such an alluring stranger. Helle didn't wait for either of them to strike up a conversation.
"Stay right there for me," they said softly, enthralling one of the women while they grabbed her... girlfriend? Wife? They glanced down and caught a glimpse of the matching rings they were wearing. Yes, definitely her wife.
They grabbed the woman and bit down, steadying her with one hand and covering her mouth with the other. She tasted fine, they supposed, but everything felt like a downgrade after Beck. They used enough venom to keep her discomfort to a minimum, but hopefully not enough that she would come knocking on their door a couple days later for round two. It was hard to tell whether the charm was even broken, or she still thought she was getting randomly bitten by someone she'd met five seconds ago and didn't even get to greet.
They pulled away and lifted the enthrallment, just in time for the first woman to see her wife slump against them like a giggly little ragdoll. "You should probably bring her home," they suggested helpfully. "I am no doctor."
taglist: @whumpsday @the-scrapegoat @hidden-dreamland @dismemberment-on-a-tuesday-night @delicateprincepaper @whumppmuhw @florissimps @nicolepascaline @oliversrarebooks @the-cyrulik @pirefyrelight
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hanicchy · 3 months
actually i'm gonna talk about it because i'm unwell about it spoilers for dead plate beneath the cut
Vince and Rody's characters are SO interesting to me because they literally have the same problem to completely different degrees and go about it in wildly different ways. Like Rody is obsessed with Manon, he's pushy and thinks about her constantly and the only reason he even applies for La Gueule de Saturne is because he wants to save up to take her on an expensive date.
Rody is quite literally the overbearing boyfriend, to the point that Manon BROKE UP WITH HIM and he's STILL CALLING HER NIGHTLY a FULL WEEK LATER. Nothing about that screams "well adjusted partner".
On the opposite end, Vincent is obsessed with Rody in a similar but not equal way. He literally believes that Rody will be the thing to fix him, and is convinced that what he's doing has a greater cause but that Rody has to be the one to fulfill it. Rody's obsession over Manon is the catalyst for Vince's subsequent obsession with him.
Of course Rody deals with his feeling by hounding Manon and doing everything with the intention of winning her back. Vince deals with his feelings by literally trying to eat Rody, so. Clearly different solutions there.
What makes me truly feel crazy is that Vincent is disgusted at the implication that he's a cannibal?? Or that he'd ever eat anyone else. He's SO CONVINCED that Rody is the answer that he, in some twisted way, doesn't see what he's done as awful or reprehensible. Like sir you killed someone and fed them to someone else with the intention of eating that someone else. What about that is normal. TBF, he's also shown to just generally be a questionable person anyways, so it sorta makes sense.
(The whole game anytime Vince did ANYTHING I was sitting there screaming "THAT IS A BOSS RED FLAG!!! GET TF OUT OF THERE RODY!!!!" And then he didn't leave so. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
From what we get from the game (from what i remember), we know that Vince and Manon dated for a very short period of time. Vince clearly didn't care about her, and Manon treated him "like a rebound." We also know that Manon still loved Rody after the breakup, but left him because she felt uncomfortable with the tilted scales in the relationship. So, presumably, Vince discovered Rody through Manon, for whatever reason.
Which is fine. It all makes sense! But what the actual fuck incensed Vince to begin with his whole plan. In what world did learning that some random woman is still into her ex conjure up the idea, "Oh, I think I'm gonna kill her and feed her to her ex so that when I eventually kill him too, he'll taste like he was made with love 🥰🥰" I'M SO FUCKING SORRY???
I need to know what the thought process was before, during, and after. Because why. What. Help.
And Rody clearly saw the red flags!!! He KNEW something was weird about Vince. Sure, he might've thought it was just typical toxic boss shit, but it was definitely clear in the fact that he flipped between being generally amicable with Rody and being awful enough to slap him in front of the whole kitchen staff. Like he snooped through his apartment the moment the opportunity arrived. He did not respect Vince any further than "this man provides me the money I'm going to spend on Manon."
Also the fact that Vince clearly had people that, even if not considered friends, were friendly enough with him to come to his place for a dinner party of some sort? He wasn't a serial killer or a practicing cannibal anything he just had the craziest grudge against this couple specifically. Vince saw Manon being sad and went "what if I killed her and then also the guy that she's sad about. Teehee." There's something wrong with him.
I'm just. Rody seems so normal next to Vince and then you think about the fact that he's calling Manon nightly and not eating consistently and saving all the money he could be using to fix his bathroom or clean his apartment so he can take his ex girlfriend somewhere fancy for a SINGLE date. Not to mention his denial that they've even broken up. Rody may be normal but he is Not Okay.
Don't even get me started on the third ending. Vince chasing down Rody to kill him makes sense and Rody fighting back also makes sense but it drives me crazy (in a good way) that he lights the bistro on fire afterwards. He said "stabbing him in the neck ten times isn't enough I need to light him on fire" and he was correct to do so. Fuck him up Rody. The image of ALL THOSE LINE COOKS working there waking up without work because they're fucking job burnt down with the boss inside is also very funny to me. Wild series of events.
The news the next day must've been wild like. Famous bistro burnt to the ground with owner inside. Owner's apartment, directly above the bistro, was also burnt down. Former employees come forth about awful working conditions from said owner.
That shit HAD to have become a cold case. True crime girlies would have a field day with that if it were true. This guy mistreats employees and generally doesn't care about customers' opinions on the food, and then he fucking burns to death with his bistro and apartment going down with him? Within a week of a new server being hired?? There's no way they wouldn't suspect SOMEONE doing that and the chances of Rody being number one suspect are not zero.
But also this takes place in 1960s France and idk anything about their law enforcement or what even a case like this would look like in that setting so. Who knows.
I could talk more about Vince's idea of love and how it relates to food, as well as the extent that Rody's need to please goes (him going "you'd do that for me...?" when Vince offers him a fifteen second head start on not being butchered. I'm truly baffled. Wild thing to say to the man who has you tied up in a meat freezer and is threatening to eat you. What), but I couldn't articulate it if I tried so I leave you with this.
There is just so much going on in this game. I'm astounded. Sometimes a story about a wannabe cannibal and an obsessive ex trying to kill each other can be so personal.
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girlstressed · 4 months
advice column: my roommate is boy obsessed and it's kind of driving me up the wall. she calls it "husband fever" (like baby fever) and this fine, whatever, to each their own, i support women's rights and wrongs, etc. but she won't stop trying to do the same for me. my guy friend ordered me sushi as a thank you for carrying him through a coding project and she basically kept doing a conversation equivalent of "ooooooooooo do you like him", like the shit they do in middle school. she kept asking me multiple questions like if i wanted to date him or if i thought he was cute (one no should suffice. like stop asking) and it's irritating. i (mostly) like my roommate and i tolerate it, but i can't stand when she doesn't listen to me.
i think the overarching issue is that i hate having to explain myself to people who are so obsessed with romance it's almost inconceivable for men and women to be friends if one of them isn't gay. am i in the wrong here?? i'm so sick of having to be on edge every time i try to talk about a friend that happens to be a dude. not only is is really amatonormative, i just think it's tacky to think of men as some strange separate entity that can only ever be useful for dating/marriage/sex. they're just people. he's my friend. there is nothing else to it.
omg i get you SO BAD anon men and women can definitely be friends without there being an ounce of romance between them even if neither of them is gay! idk why but there are so many people i know that act like everytime i spend time with a guy it's romantic
i'm sure your friend means well (we all have that one matchmaker friend) but i can definitely understand her questions grating on you...i think honestly the best course of action is to be assertive and let her know very very clearly that you don't have interest in the sushi guy (and/or any of your other guy friends)—something along the lines of "hey, on a serious note i really don't like when you insinuate that there's something going on between me and xyz. i also dont feel this way about any of my guy friends, and it makes me uncomfortable when you water our relationship down to something that's leading to a romantic one" -> i get not wanting to be confrontational (i also am not a big fan of confrontation) but i sincerely believe your roommate doesn't hate you enough to continue something you explicitly say you dislike, my best guess is that rn she kind of sees it as teasing but if you make your boundaries clear she wont have issues with not crossing them :)
on the topic of every relationship you have with the opposite gender being like, perceived as romantic...i hate this!!! some of my most fulfilling and closest relationships are with women but equally so men—when i say that i dont have romantic feelings for my female best friend ppl will be way more inclined into believing it than if i said the same about my male best friend, yk? i think like you said it comes down to "having a man" kind of being seen as a status symbol rather than an actual person + the rise of "my boy best friend" content on tiktok and ig...all we can do is keep our intentions clean, my friend, and carry on!
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jewwyfeesh · 1 year
Magician’s Chessboard 1
Writer: Mitsuki
Release date: 5th June, 2023
Character(s): Aoba Tsumugi, Sakasaki Natsume, Harukawa Sora
Translated by: jewwyfeesh
Sora: Eh~? Why is that so? Sora doesn’t quite get it.
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Season: Summer
Location: StarPro Office Conference Room
Tsumugi: Let me see… mm, the plan will be as follows. Natsume-kun, Sora-kun, do you have anything you’d like to add?
Sora: Sora thinks it’s fine as is~
Natsume: Senpai, didn’t you tell us you’re wrapping up that fashion designer job for that new clothing brand soon? Why are these arrangements on the itinerary?
Tsumugi: Ah! I almost forgot to tell you about it. The client had commissioned me to design an outfit for them, but since it was my first time accepting this type of work, I felt a little uneasy and hoped Anzu-chan could give me some pointers.
She suggested that I provide the brand with some alternate drafts, so that with some examples they can pick and choose from, communication would be smoother. It’ll be easier to make adjustments this way, too.
In the end, they seemed rather satisfied with my designs, and hoped to launch the black and white versions at the same time. That’s why the total time needed increased.
Sora: Huhu~ It sounds amazing, as expected of Senpai ♪
Natsume: Hmmm…… These outfits draw inspiration from ‘Swan Lake’, right? The commercial should make reference to that theme as well.
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About the idols that will star in the commercial… does the brand have anyone in mind? At the end of the day, they are new, and it is their first commercial, so… I don’t think it’ll make much of a difference whether they star a protagonist or a narrator.
Tsumugi: Mhm. I’ve already taken a look at the tentative script. For the ‘W Series’, the white outfit, it seems like they intend on inviting Eichi-kun and co. After all, the impression that fine gives people is one of purity and innocence.
As for the ‘B Series’, the one with black as its main theme… maybe they’ll invite UNDEAD, or one of Cos Pro’s idols?
Natsume: The original protagonist of ‘Swan Lake’ is the white swan Odette. Considering that the majority tend to prefer the bright and innocent side of things… as a new company I think they should focus on promoting the ‘W Series’. That would be the safest option.
Tsumugi: Wrong answer~ This time, both black and white outfits will be launched together, and will get equal time in the spotlight ♪
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Natsume: Don’t interrupt my train of thought, you oblivious glasses-wearing human mop!
In short, as long as people can’t see eye to eye on things, they will be sure to argue amongst themselves.
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Even if there’s actually no need to attack each other, as long as the first waves of disputes have been triggered… there will always be some sort of push force – be it the pursuit of profit, or the desire to triumph over others – that will cause the situation to worsen.
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Sora: Eh~? Why is that so? Sora doesn’t quite get it.
Tsumugi: Haha, to be very honest I don’t understand what Natsume-kun is talking about either. Our conversation topic changed into something else entirely…?
Natsume: Nevermind, it’s nothing. I’m just musing to myself.
Speaking of which… as the designer, Senpai should be one of the first to know about the casting, right? I am very interested in this commercial, so when that time comes be sure to let me know immediately ♪
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wildissylupus · 11 months
So, I, out of simple curiosity, googled if omnics and humans could date. Seeing as omnics have, in a sense, a soul and sentience on the same level of humans, could they have a consenting romantic relationship with a human being.
And, while a decent few people were saying, "Yeah, they essentially have a soul, free will, sentience, and individual personalities. In a sense, they have enough human attributes to date a human." There were also comments that were very much against it.
One person legit said, and I quote, "Those filthy tincans were built to serve humans and nothing more. Whatever feelings those rustbuckets have are entirely artificial and therefore meaningless." And then continued on to say in another comment "If a human decided to love an Omnic thats fine since its essentially a command from the human towards the Omnic. However, Omnics must not have equal rights to humans. Omnics are property, and the owner may do whatever they want with their property."
I know this is set in a video game, and it's not real... but I felt like I was legit reading a hate comment toward a group of people. Like, holy shit, this felt like something some in-game omnic hater would say.
And I'm sorry, but isn't this the type of thought process that partially lead to the world being in SHAMBLES???
I just... did NOT expect to see someone being discriminatory towards omnics OUTSIDE of the overwatch universe, and that just threw me for a loop.
Honestly, I don't know weather to laugh at the stupidity or cry at the ignorance.
One things for sure, that's a red flag right there, cause what the actual fuck is that? Are they playing the same game? Do they not pay attention to the story?
And your right, the only place in the Overwatch universe that is considered a Utopia is Numbani, a place where Omnics and Humans live in peace! A big part of Overwatch's story, along with individual characters stories, is confronting the negative views and actions humans take towards Omnics.
Also saying that Omnics have no free will actively the omnic characters we know and play as, you're telling me Zenyatta is just programming? Mondatta? Ramattra? BOB?
I'm guessing the posts you found about these where old cause I don't think with all the recent lore that people would think like this, at the very least they'd keep those thoughts to themselves because there is a incredible amount of evidence proving them wrong.
But to answer you're question, humans and Omnics can date. They are just as capable of emotion as humans, due to them being sentient beings. It's even been astablished in canon that it happens;
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Also I want to point out that this is from one of the first cinematics Overwatch released, so even if those posts were old, there was already evidence proving them wrong.
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excessive-vampires · 4 months
Dealing With Demons Chapter 3: What Could It Hurt Part 2: Cee
Masterlist with CW
Taglist: @demyxdancer @softvampirewhump
Aw, you guys had a bonding moment!
"That's not what this is about. It's about trying to be seen as an asset and not a nuisance. I'm still surprised they contacted me at all, especially after so long."
Still, I think the big bad demon might be making a friend, I joked.
"So what if I am?" Avi said without getting defensive. It always surprised me how easily they let go of their tough guy image, at least around me. "I need more friends, most of the time you're the only person I have to talk to."
And what's wrong with me? I added some mock offense to my mental tone.
"Nothing, nothing," they reassured me.
And you could always get in touch with Dezi again, I suggested. I want to meet her someday.
"I don't know. We didn't exactly part on the best of terms." They shuddered at the memory.
Okay, fine. All the more reason to be nice to Riley. Ooh if you and them become friends we can help with more cases!
"I barely helped with this one. I don't understand why you, of all people, are so excited at getting to play monster hunter."
Their legs worked hard as they sprinted across the street after pausing to check for traffic. They had teleported from their apartment to the Chinese restaurant to Riley's place, and now we were enjoying the evening as they walked back. I never would have been able to safely walk home after dark back when this body just contained a timid young woman, but now I could relax, knowing that the demon could easily take care of any attacker.
Blame the book series I read obsessively in middle school. Stuff from that age sticks with you.
"Hmm. Anyways, I think I might need to change tactics with Riley. I've been giving out a lot more info than I've been getting."
So y'all need to have more equal conversations.
Avi made a face at my use of the word "y'all." I thought about sticking my tongue out at them.
Next time you have to tell Riley something about demons, ask them something about the Bureau. Or other monsters. Or exciting things that they've done.
A laugh bubbled its way out of their mouth.
What? You get to have ulterior motives but I don't?
"Such desire for knowledge, I think you're starting to sound a little greedy."
Their teasing was about as effective as mine.
I'm not ashamed to admit it. There's a reason my summons called to you and not an angel of charity.
In front of a glass storefront window I asked them to stop so I could look at their reflection.
I think this outfit was a good choice on my part. You look great.
Their eyes rolled in response.
"This wasn't a date."
Yeah, but what you wear still makes an impression. Besides, I'm not the one who suggested we wear lipstick.
"It's not like it's red. Just dark pink. My face needed a pop of color." It got even more color as they blushed.
We looked over said face in the reflection and stopped when we reached their golden eyes.
I miss the blue.
"It was a very pretty blue."
I shook off my sudden melancholy. No use in wallowing about what I couldn't change.
Whatever, gold is pretty too. 
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Henry Danger Reader Insert | Captain Man x Reader: SEASON 3
Episode 9: Double Date Danger
~In the Man Cave~
Well, Miss Shapen sure knew how to pull numbers on people. Because she was a crazy cat-lady and just an all-round weirdo, Henry's teacher had badgered him into letting her attractive niece, Noelle stay at his house because the girl was allergic to cats (of which Miss Shapen had many) and nuts. This all would've been fine normally, Henry was perfectly happy to have a pretty girl stay in his house, where he'd be free to woo her, but Jasper wanted in on the deal. He didn't see why it was fair for his best friend to have all the ladies and for him to be left as a sad, lonely loser.  
Of course, the best friends rarely fell out, they had been through so much together, but if there's one thing that can get teenage boys to argue, it's a girl; one they both want, but both can't have and as such, Henry and Jasper had been arguing from the left moment they left school and arrived at the Man Cave.
"You know I'm right," Jasper whined at Henry as they and Charlotte stepped out of the elevator. The poor girl had been in the middle of the bickering for way too long and just wanted to sip her soda in peace. The boys were so loud and rambunctious, it drew the attention of the Man Cave's resident love birds, who were more than happy to talk about all the mushy stuff of relationships.
"Yeah, I know you're annoying me." Henry snapped back as the kids dumped their bags around the place and (y/n) nudged Ray when she picked up on the new tension in their home. 
"Come on, you pushed my last girlfriend out of a window." Jasper recounted, the memory of Henry shoving Courtney the nutter through Charlotte's bedroom window because she nearly killed them all.
"Only because she was chasing Charlotte and (y/n) with a power tool!" Henry defended himself, not seeing why Jasper was still hung up about that psychopath. She was hardly a girlfriend, more like a jealous, rampaging lunatic who nearly committed mass murder.
"They're fighting, sort it out." (y/n) whispered to Ray and gently pushed him in the direction of the quarrelling boys. She was backup, but Ray was the boss so it made more sense that he stepped in first.
"All right, all right...What's this back-n-forth banter about?" The superhero asked the boys as he and his girlfriend sauntered up to them, her wrapping her arms around his waist as he looked between both his sidekick and shop assistant.
"Okay, when two guys are buddies, like the same girl, which guy gets her?" Jasper asked his boss, thinking that he was a guy too, he had guy problems, surely he'd be able to help them. He had a girlfriend, plus lots of other experience they wouldn't mention, he could probably write a self-help book.
"Yeah, which guy gets her?" Henry added, looking at Ray with the same eagerness, but neither girl in the room was particularly happy about their word choice.
"Hang on a minute, "gets her"? That's a bit medieval, don't you think?" (y/n) butted in, not liking how they were essentially designating women as property claimed by men. That was some prehistoric bullshit; sure, she liked it when Ray provided for her and protected her, it was her cavewoman DNA speaking, but that didn't mean she belonged to him. Not in that sense.
"Oh, I think they mean, like, which guy obtains her." Ray clarified, thinking that a synonym would make things clearer, but it just resulted in (y/n) and Charlotte shaking their heads.
"Yeah, like gets to have her," Jasper added, seeing nothing wrong with how they were speaking. and it seemed like Henry was on their wavelength.
"Mmm-hmmm, for his own." He nodded, making the girls frown. Had they gone back in time thirty years? 
"You guys! Miss Shapen's niece is a person. She's not yours to get or have. She's not the last half of the sandwich." Charlotte explained in terms they'd understand, but it still didn't go in. Obviously, Henry and Jasper had skipped the class on gender equality.
"What's she saying?" Jasper hissed to Henry, who tried to give him an answer, but honestly, he had no clue what their friend was driving at and now, all he could think about was sandwiches.
"I'm saying, you should both ask her out and maybe let Noelle decide which one of you she wants to go out with," Charlotte rolled her eyes when all three boys started to laugh at her suggestion and (y/n) put her hand on her hips. Was this some dumb guy thing that she didn't get? She thought Ray was less of a jerk than this, but he still knew how to surprise her.
"Raymond..." She said in a low, warning tone and the laughter and amused scoffs soon died down when the three noticed one woman scowling and one girl smirking. 
"What? Are you guys afraid to ask Noelle which one of you she wants to go out with?" Charlotte's lips wobbled as she tried to stop herself from smiling at the boys' reaction. She was bang on with her assumption and they sure as hell didn't like being called out for the cowardly behaviour.
"Pfft, yeah right. More like not afraid"
"No, I doubt it...I fear no man." Henry and Jasper shrugged off the blatantly correct statement from Charlotte as Ray was suddenly distracted by his phone. He had dinner reservations booked and he wasn't going to mess this one up. She deserved a proper night out and he was going to give her one, even if it killed him.
"Oh my god, you two are terrible. You should ask the Shapen girl out and feel happy for whoever she says yes to, or support each other if she both turns you down." (y/n) told the boys, who bit their lips at the third possibility. It hadn't crossed their minds that Noelle might refuse both of them, but hey, they'd take their chances.
"Hey, I just don't want you to be upset when Noelle chooses to take the J-train," Jasper smirked at his best friend and gestured to himself as he said the odd nickname for himself. Charlotte didn't want to hear anymore, leaving (y/n) to stay loitering around the two as they continued to argue.
"Uh, okay. Well, the only thing more powerful than the J-train is...the H-bomb." Henry bragged and cooly adjusted his sweater as he breezed past the boy and the young woman snorted. She had to take a step back so they wouldn't hear her giggling at their ridiculous names and she found herself wandering over to Ray as she chuckled.
"I'm sorry, H-bomb, but here come da J-train. Chugga-chugga, chugga-chugga, choo-choo!" Jasper pretended to be a train and got up in Henry's face as they began to attempt to outdo each other with their "coolness". Ray was forced into the corner with his girl in his arms as the boys continued to childishly make bomb and train noises, but he wouldn't let her see the restaurant booking on his phone. He wanted it to be a surprise.
"Chugga-chugga choo-choo!"
"Boom! Bam!" Jasper and Henry paced around the floor loudly and everyone waited for them to calm down, but it just wasn't happening. This was a pretty girl they were fighting over and they were desperate to be the one who got to take her out. Still, it was. nothing a good old-fashioned gun blast to the face couldn't solve and Charlotte was ready to fire.
~The next day~
That Noelle bitch. Well, she wasn't a bitch, not really. Henry was angry and bitter and jealous, all the emotions that a boy feels when the girl they were crushing on chooses their best friend because "she liked his smile". Yep, that's right, the dapper, boyish Henry Hart had been beaten by Jasper Dunlop in charming Noelle into a date.
He just couldn't believe it, girls never rejected him, not over Jasper anyway. Sure, the boy wasn't bad-looking, but Henry certainly had a certain appeal that ladies liked, but not Noelle. She had chosen Jasper for his quirkiness and unattainable charm, which left Henry sulking in the Man Cave with (y/n)'s arm around him as she and Ray did their best to help him through this "difficult time". He should've been happy for Jasper, the kid who never got any girls, but he couldn't help it. Noelle was so pretty...
It wasn't all bad though, Jasper had fallen headfirst into a compromise with Piper, some boy she liked and Mr and Mrs Hart. Something about the teens supervising the kids on a double date, meaning what was originally a sweet, romantic meal for two, was now going to be an awkward chow time for four. Every cloud has a silver lining. 
"There'll be other girls." (y/n) told Henry in an attempt to comfort him, but all the boy wanted to do was sit in a slump and mope. 
"Not like her." He mumbled and focused on messing about with a clackers toy he'd found lying about. He barely knew the girl, but rejection is a hard pill to swallow and it left the poor kid with a hole in his heart. It had been so long since his last date that the idea of having one in his grasp was exhilarating, but then having it so cruelly torn away was agony.
"Hey...what you doin'?" Ray asked as he came over with an iced frappuccino and sat down next to his girl so he could interrupt their little moment. He was terrible at giving any emotional support, but it pained him to see his usually plucky sidekick so down.
"I don't wanna talk about it," Henry grumbled grumpily and stared at his hands as both adults looked at him. This would pass, he'd realise that there were plenty more fish in the sea and if Noelle fancied Jasper then he would be happy for them, but he needed a bit of time first.
"He's putting because Noelle wanted to go out with the J-train and not the H-bomb," Charlotte revealed from her seat at the supercomputer, not giving a shit if it hurt Henry's stung pride. It sounded ridiculous out loud, but Henry was still bitter.
"I said, I don't wanna talk about it, so let's not talk about it, all right? Gahhh..." He replied in a flat tone, wishing they'd all just leave him alone to mope. Well, (y/n) could stay, she was the nicest out of the three and would soon figure out a strategy for getting him to perk up. The boy stood up from the ledge where they had been sitting and stomped across the room moodily and Ray saw that he'd have to handle this delicately.
"Okay...okay. So, where'd Jasper take her for dinner?" Ray smirked, deciding to just rip the bandaid off and get to the juicy information, even though Henry's wounds were still unhealed. Delicate? Yeah, right, like he knew what that meant.
"Oh, I don't know." Henry rolled his eyes and marched off angrily, showing that underneath all that mature, superhero stuff, he was still a teenager and prone to emotional outbursts. 
"Ray!...give me that!" (y/n) hissed to her boyfriend, not liking how he ignored Henry's sadness and just poured more salt into his wounds. Seeing no other fit punishment, she swiped his cold drink and claimed for herself by taking a long slurp from the straw. The brain-freeze made her eyelids flutter, but it was worth it when he snuggled up to her to win back her affection and his frappucino, 
"Oh, I think it's some new restaurant called, The Basement," Charlotte answered, momentarily looking up from her PearPad so she could answer Ray's question.
"The Basement?" The man said, trying to act as though he had never heard of it even though it was coincidentally the precise place he'd chosen for his and (y/n)'s little dinner date. It looked classy but cool and he just wanted to give his girl a night off, where they could just be alone and spend some time together,
"Where's that?" Henry asked and he had genuinely not heard of it. He wasn't in the habit of checking up on every restaurant that opened in the city, especially when his crush was being wooed there.
"Noelle found it. She said it's supposed to have amazing seafood." Charlotte shrugged, making (y/n)'s eyes light up. Now that sounded like her kind of place.
"Oooh, can we go there? Please?" She turned to her boyfriend excitedly, making him chuckle at how excited she got. If only she knew that he was one step ahead of her and dying to see her grin when he revealed his secret.
"Maybe, sweet girl." He mumbled and bent down to kiss her sweetly before she could ask anything else. She accepted it hungrily and didn't notice how he was coyly playing hard to get just so the surprise would last until the very last minute.
"Wow, amazing seafood, I sure hope Jasper doesn't choke on a shrimp." Henry pouted even more at the young woman's enthusiasm and the fact that she was happily in a relationship like him and it made him grumpily flop down on the couch. Stupid girls, they always left him lonely.
"Now, come on, Hen. You know you don't mean that." (y/n) told the boy, who deep down, knew was right. Jasper was his bud and he'd hate for anything to happen to him, shrimp-related or not. It was just his anger speaking.
"Hey, you know what'll cheer up a teenage pouty-pants?" Ray smiled and leaned on the back of the couch so he could glance over Henry's shoulder. Here came Captain Counsellor and all his divine wisdom for a frowny boy.
"What?" Henry grumbled, not feeling like doing anything apart from sitting glumly or finding solace under his bedsheets and it wasn't like Ray could offer that or anything helpful at all.
"Cleanin' the boss's bathroom." Ray smiled, making (y/n) fo a double-take. He had a way with children and his lack of an ability to read the room was astounding to her. Also, why the bathroom? She could swear it was clean.
"I don't think that---" Henry tried to tell him to fuck off in a polite way, but no. matter how hard he tried, Ray needed someone to scrub his toilet and he couldn't bear to watch Henry sit around doing nothing any longer.
"I'm serious," Ray told him and pulled a blue toilet brush from his back pocket. How he had been hiding it was anyone's guess and Henry told him where to go by accepting the brush and then promptly throwing it to the far side of the room. Yeah, like he was cleaning the floors all day.
"Would you prefer this pink one?" The boss smiled and held out a second toilet brush. He'd had a feeling that Henry would say no and dispose of the other one, so he grabbed a spare just in case.
"Ray, I cleaned the bathroom yesterday. How can it be dirty already?" (y/n) asked her boyfriend, seizing the brush from his hands and dumping it on the couch. Seriously, what had he been doing in there? She wanted an answer, but she'd have to wait to get one because right on cue, the emergency alarm started to ring.
"Uh-oh," Charlotte said and began to tap away on the computer keyboard to figure out what was going on.
"What's up?" Ray asked, snapping into action and dashing over to look at the monitor with (y/n) behind him. Henry chose to remain on the couch, it was nicer there anyway.
"Emergency. Looks like...it's a video from Swellview Police." Charlotte answered and pulled up the clip for the superheroes to watch.
"Captain Man, Miss Danger, Kid Danger, listen. We just found a kid lying in this alley and his teeth are all gone. But, uh my partner and I need to go 'cause we gotta go take our wives to see that new show, Mamma Mia? So, we're gonna leave the kid with no teeth here, lying in the alley. Bye!" Ray frowned at (y/n) and (y/n) frowned at Ray, how could those bozos leave that kid alone in an alley?
"What? That's it?" The young woman facepalmed but accepted that they were going to have to go out. Someone needed to help and as Swellview's greatest crime fighters, it fell to them.
"Mamma Mia! Why do the Swellview cops always dump everything on me, (y/n) and Henry? That's not fair!" Ray whined in frustration, wishing that just once, the police would be responsible and do their jobs. 
"Oh, let's just go. At least it's something to do." Henry sighed and moodily got to his feet so he could chew a gumball and transform. Well, this was going to be a fun night if his mood was this crappy.
"Fine, whatever. Charlotte, if you get bored here, there's a toilet up in my bathroom that could really use a good scrubbing—" Ray smiled at the young girl charmingly, hoping that someone would clean up his mess whilst they were out, but Charlotte wasn't about to do that. She picked up her trusty blaster and disintegrated the pink toilet brush out of Ray's palm.
"Look, doofus. Christ knows what you've done in there, but I'll clean it up when we get back." (y/n) told her pouty boyfriend, who was suddenly missing the brush that was now particles in the air. He didn't want her to clean up though, he was hoping that if this toothless kid thing wrapped up quickly, they'd still have time to make their reservations. Being a superhero was tough, especially when it made getting dinner so tough.
~In the alley~
"Hey! Hey, over here!" Henry yelled to Ray and (y/n) as they searched the back alley that the police had left. It would've been nice to know where to look, but as usual, the cops had scarpered before the superheroes could ask for any finer details. No matter, the couple had ice cream cones to keep them occupied and with Henry's sharp eye, it didn't take long for them to come across some poor kid laying facedown on the concrete.
"You wake him up." Ray nudged (y/n), who looked at him mid-lick of her ice cream with wide eyes. He was the boss, why couldn't help wake up the kid?
"Wha—? Why me?" She mumbled, trying not to let her ice cream drip as she analysed the boy. He could be a mad strangler or something, she didn't want to piss him off.
"Because you're beautiful, kind and good with children." Ray smiled at her sweetly and she blushed at his words. He really knew how to butter her up and she cupped her cheeks to press a kiss to his lips for being so cute, but...
"Oh my god, just wake him up." Henry groaned, not impressed with how even in a dirty, trash-filled alley, they were still able to be all kissy and cuddly. Seriously, they had a job to do and they could be gross later.
"All right, all right, geez...Hey, 'scuse me, kid. Wake up. Come on, it's time to wake up..." She knelt in front of the boy and gently shook his shoulder, causing his bloodshot eyes to snap open and his hands to instinctively grasp at her throat. He must have thought he was under attack again and squeezed hard as his fear clouded his vision.
"Okay, okay. Take it easy, please. I can't breathe." The woman gasped and felt for Ray's knee as she struggled for air. For such a scrawny kid, this guy had a strong grip. Seeing that she needed help, Ray used skilled fingers and a little bit of muscle to prise the boy's fingers away from his girlfriend's throat and reassured him that they were here to take any more of his teeth.
"Hey, hey, it's all right. Can you get on your feet? There you go..." Henry and Ray each grabbed one of the boy's hands and pulled him up, making him blink as the shapes of Captain Man and Kid Danger became clearer. Miss Danger stumbled onto her feet too, mourning the loss of her ice cream that was now on the ground. Oh well, at least she could breathe now.
"I'm Captain Man," Ray told the kid in his superhero voice, making Henry roll his eyes. Everyone in the city knew who he was, why did he do that every time?
"You don't have to introduce yourself." The sidekick lectured his boss, who ignored his tetchy attitude. Just because he was in a bad mood didn't mean he had to rub it off onto everyone else.
"What's your name?" (y/n) asked the boy calmly, ignoring her bickering boyfriend and fellow sidekick. This boy looked traumatised and when he tried to reply, all he could say was a garbled noise. 
"Son, what happened to you?" Ray questioned him further, thinking that the kid just had a weird name, although anyone who names their child "Mowhaleshma" is evil. Again, the boy tried to explain his situation, but all he could do was a gurgle and wildly wave his hands around like a madman.
"Ahhh...okay, we're not gonna be able to understand this freak." Ray put his arm around Henry and the two turned their backs on the boy so they could think of a plan. Giving the confused kid a small smile, (y/n) trotted over to them no plucked the ice cream cone from Ray's hand, intent on stealing his iced dessert for the second time that day.
"He's not a freak, he just can't talk with no teeth. They're really important for being able to speak properly." The young woman told her boyfriend and ran her tongue over the strawberry goodness of his ice cream. He frowned as she ate was should've been his, but he didn't care. Yeah, he loved ice cream, but he loved her more and seeing her so happy was even better than having it to himself.
"Yeah, I guess you're right, sweet girl." Ray sighed and just as he was thinking about what to do, two elderly men came shuffling down the alley. Hmmm, old people...they might have some teeth they could borrow. It would be beyond gross, but if it worked, who cares?
"Be right back." the large man told his sidekicks, who looked at him puzzled when he placed a soft kiss to (y/n)'s cheek and then walked off, intent on nabbing some grandpa teeth for their new friend.
"Gentlemen! Just a second, fellas...I notice you're both old, so...do either of you by any chance have false teeth?" Ray asked them with a pleasant smile, only for his friendly greeting to fall flat when the old men sighed grumpily. 
"What? What I'd say?" Captain Man looked between the glowering grandpas, who weren't best pleased with him making them as old, toothless codgers, who were societal rejects. He would be old one day too, not that he liked the notion, and they thought he should've been more respectful to Swellview's senior citizens.
"Thinking that all old people have false teeth is a stereotype, okay? And we don't like stereotypes." One of the grouchy old men snapped, making Ray cringe. Geez, someone got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.
"Okay, but...do either of you wear false teeth?" The superhero asked tentatively, hoping not to aggravate them even more. He just really needed some and then they could help the gummy-looking boy.
"Yes, we both do." The old man sighed, feeling annoyed that the irritating stereotype was proven to be true in the case of him and his friend. 
"I see. Well, on my authority as Captain Man, I need to borrow your false teeth." Ray commanded the men, who surprising volunteered to give them up quite easily. Not quite the struggle Ray was expecting but at least it made (y/n) weak in the knees when she heard his powerful voice.
"Thanks." The large man grimaced when a pair of slimy, warm dentures were placed into his outstretched palm and he was so grateful at the wore gloves. God, false teeth are so gross.
"Okay, son. Open your mouth and I'll try to get these in...Don't fight it." Ray stalked towards the terrified boy and started to force the grandpa's teeth into his mouth. The kid was gagging at the thought of sharing some old dude's teeth, but Captain Man was so much stronger, so he just had to take it.
"On behalf of Captain Man, may I apologise for...all of this." (y/n) chuckled nervously as the boy finally let the teeth slide over his sore gums and Ray relented.
"All right, try to tell us your name." The superhero told the kid and after getting used to the acrid taste in his mouth, he began to timidly speak.
"I'm--I'm Sebastian." He replied, everything making sense now. So that's what he was trying to say, Sebastian.
"Ohhhhh, Sebastian!" Henry realised and nodded along with Ray, both of them thinking that boy had been saying Samantha or some shit. Dummies.
"So what happened?" Henry moved on to the next question swiftly when he remembered that there was a dazed and confused child in front of him.
"Well, uh, I met this girl...and she asked me out to dinner, but then she took me to this place called...The Basement." Sebastian recalled, making Ray's heart stop when the restaurant's name was mentioned. Screw Jasper being there, he was more worried about where he could take (y/n) for dinner.
"The Basement? Wait, wait, that's where Noelle took...took you-know-who to dinner!" Henry gasped and looked at the worried couple urgently. Oh god, suddenly his gut was giving a very different feeling about Noelle and it wasn't a good one.
"Voldemort?" (y/n) giggled nervously, trying to make herself feel better with a little humour, but it didn't work. 
"Noelle! That was the girl's name!" Sebastian exclaimed, making their worst fears come true. Looks like behind that pretty face, Noelle was a bitch after all. Go figure.
"Look, kid, do you remember anything or anyone from this um...basement place?" (y/n) asked, grabbing Seb's elbows so he'd look into her eyes and see how she needed this information stat. Jasper had booked himself, Piper and Piper's crush into a madhouse by the sounds of it.
"No...Wait, yeah! There was a man, she called him...Drill Finger!" Sebastian took a moment to remember the evil name, but when he did, the revelation made the superheroes gasp.
"Drill Finger!" Ray grabbed hold of Henry's costume tightly and curled a protective arm around (y/n)'s waist. Of course, that crazed dentist would be behind this had his fingerprints and drill holes all over it.
"Oh my god." Henry paled and noticed how tightly his boss was clinging to his girlfriend suddenly. He wouldn't let her go, would he? Sure, there was no stopping her, but he hated to put her in danger and with Drill Finger involved, there was going to be peril. Lots and lots of peril.
Well, The Basement was disgusting. Not as disgusting as the alley, but pretty gross. It was dark and smelly, the perfect place for a villain to have his heinous setup, but not really this place to have a classy restaurant. How anyone dined here blew (y/n)'s mind.
"This place is so creepy." She shuddered and stuck close to her boyfriend's side as they crept through the creaking hallways. It sounded like the party was going on in the basement (well, duh, that's what it was called), so that's where they were headed. All they needed to do was avoid the elderlies stalking the place out.
"Yeah, who would ever come here?" Henry wrinkled his nose at the smell of damp in the air and the fading, outdated wallpaper. It looked like his grandma's house in a horror movie, not like the fine-dining experience Jasper had described, but hey, maybe that was his idea of a good night out.
"I know right, only idiots would." Ray laughed dryly in an attempt to cover up the fact that he was an idiot and he had tried to take his girlfriend to this shithole. Thank God he didn't, otherwise, they would've ended up like Sebastian, or escorting a load of criminals to the county jail, one of the two.
"Right..." (y/n) looked at him with suspicion and wondered why he was acting shifty all of a sudden. The colour was draining from his face and she was certain that if she removed one of his gloves, she'd find his palms to be sweaty. Highly suspect, indeed.
"I mean, I would never book a table for two here this evening, I'd have to be mad, right?" The superhero rambled, letting the truth out before it ate him up from the inside out. He had tried his best and had failed, but seeing that made (y/n) smile all the same.
"Wait, you made a reservation here? For us?" She asked in a shocked yet mirthful voice as her eyes lit up at the thought of going out with him. They'd had dinner before when they were still completely clueless as to each other's feelings and on little runs to the ice cream parlour down the street, but that didn't count. A nice, calm sit-down meal with the pair of them dressed to the nines, now that sounded like heaven, as long as it wasn't in the Addams Family's house.
"Well, yeah, but now we can't go 'cause Drill Finger runs this place. And I'm too fond of your smile to let him have it." He couldn't help the lovesick comment at the end. It made Henry gag and tiptoe faster, but (y/n)? Well, she was smitten, through and through; the effort was good enough and even though a date would be nice, just knowing that he cared was enough.
"You're so cute, doofus. I love you." The young woman grinned at him and threw her arms around his shoulders, making the couple stop for a moment just before they descended the dark stairs to the basement. Henry looked over his shoulder to see Ray tilting his forehead against (y/n)'s and decided to just wait for them at the bottom. He definitely didn't want to see them making out, he'd had enough of love for one day.
"I love you too, sweet girl." Ray smiled against his girl's lips as they met for a gentle kiss, both of them not caring about their location or whether or not time was on their side. Just one kiss, that's all they wanted. The superhero tilted his head to the side and gently bit her lip to get her to part even further, which allowed him to explore the depths of her honey taste. The whimper she released was greedily swallowed by him and he tried to push her against the wall, but a delicate hand on his chest pushed him back.
"Want you." He mumbled against her lips and (y/n) breathily giggled when he tried to follow her lips as she pulled away. So needy, he was adorable.
"We have a job to do." She told him and placed one, final peck against his lips before leaving his embrace completely and jogging down the steps. Ray was left by himself to stroppily stamp his foot in frustration throw his head back so he could curse the god that forced such torture onto him. Still, he knew his girl was right and stomped after her, catching up to both his sidekicks as they approached a door.
"What took you two so long?" Henry questioned them, but he immediately regretted it. He did not want to know the gross details of what they did in their free time and was more than happy to just get to fighting the bad guys.
"Ray's hot, not my fault." (y/n) shrugged, laughing when Henry nearly doubled over in nausea. Gross, gross, gross! He was a teenage boy, not the kind of person who wanted to be on the receiving end of a young woman and her desires for her boyfriend.
"All right, all right, just kick the door down." Ray rolled his eyes at the teen's overreaction and decided that a suitable punishment was making him be the one to go busting shit down.
"Why me?" Henry gawped. He didn't have super strength, why did he have to be the one exerting himself? Sure, his best friend was in some serious danger on the other side of the door by the sounds of the screams, it was getting pretty intense in there, but come on!
"Because you're the one mouthing off. Just kick it in, it's not that hard." (y/n) encouraged him and stepped back so the sidekick would have room to swing his leg back. The screams were getting louder and more terrified and when combined with the whirring of a drill (no guess as to who that was), the three panicked even more.
"Hurry up!" (y/n) hissed and Henry saw that there was no time to lose. Pulling his leg back, he jammed his steel-toe boot into the wood, but shockingly, the door stayed intact. The same couldn't be said for Henry's big toe though, which was probably bruised or broken.
"Owwww! The door didn't even break!" He wailed, grabbing his aching foot with both hands so he could tenderly nurse it. Honestly, never work with children or animals and if you want something done, do it yourself.
"Then here, let me help you." Ray pushed Henry to the side, making the boy tumble into the mildew-stained wall as his lone foot lost balance. Looking up and down at the barrier in front of him, Ray's experienced eyes found the weak point he was looking for and he moved to strike.
"Wait, what are you do--" Too late. All that pent-up frustration in the man was released as he seized Henry and used his body as a battering ram so he could break through the door. Well, Henry was useful in a way, just not the way he was expecting.
"Holy shit..." (y/n) breathed out and dashed through the splintered hole so she could lean over the railing and see if Henry was okay. Ray followed behind her but was less concerned about the groaning boy on the floor below them. He'd be fine, hopefully.
"It's Captain Man, Miss Danger and Kid Danger!" Noelle cried in fear, but Piper was smiling instead. Her entire body was flooded with relief at the sight of the heroes, unlike the criminals, who were bricking it. One more minute and Drill Finger would've had their teeth lined up for some pensioners to claim for falsies.
"You threw me through the door!" Henry whinged at Ray, getting back to. his feet once the soreness had melted away. His toe was still painful but he could ignore that.
"Well, the past is the past." Ray shrugged and took a slurp of some soda that he had found lying around. Christ knows why he wanted to drink, but there was no time for questions, just well-planned quips and fighting.
"All right, Drill Finger." Ray turned to the villain and tossed the soda in the trash. God, he looked so hot when he was playing the hero and it made (y/n) whimper internally.
"What?" Drill Finger hissed, returning the glare under his mask, even though no one could see it. 
"I'm taking you downtown!" Ray growled and began to stalk towards his enemy, who was just as ready for a fight. He needed those damn teeth and he wasn't about to let Captain Man get in his way.
"No chance!" Drill Finger yelled and when Ray tried to grab the evil dentist's collar, he flipped the superhero's arm under his and made him lean back helplessly.
"Feel the finger!" Drill Finger yelled and Henry looked to (y/n) for help as his boss screamed at the sight of the drill spinning towards his chest. However, contrary to how Henry thought she would look, (y/n) wasn't worried, in fact, she was calmly checking her manicure. She knew Ray would be fine.
"What the--? It was turning before..." Ray's screams stopped when he remember one very important fact; he was Captain Man and Captain Man is indestructible. The drill caught in the sturdy material of his tunic and the criminal felt his stomach drop when the weapon jammed up and went kaput.
"You broke my drill finger!" The man snapped, clutching his iconic weapon with his other hand. Well, that sucked for him, but none of the heroes could bring themselves to care.
"Dude, he's indestructible, what did you expect?" (y/n) shrugged, glancing up from her nails when she realised that her boyfriend was still undrilled. Some villains were so dumb.
"Kid, toss me that thing!" Captain Man ordered his sidekick dramatically, but Henry wasn't picking up on his urgency or his need to look cool. Why couldn't he just reach over and grab it himself?
"Uh, okay, but it's right here--" Henry rolled his eyes and slowly grabbed the thing Ray was pointing at. It was a pair of scissors and the man knew just what to do with them.
"All right, Drill Finger, I'm no rabbi, but..." Ray quipped and held his enemy's hand firmly under his arm. Taking the scissors, he snipped the drill bit in half, leaving the dentist useless and harmless. With no drill on his finger, he didn't even have a name. Maybe weirdo dentist would suit him better now.
"Mazel tov." Ray released Drill FInger, who dropped to his knees from the loss of his greatest weapon. Damn Captain Man, he always knew how to hurt criminals where it stung the most.
"Yeah, from now on, you're just Finger." Henry mocked the man, who hated being in the position he was. How was he supposed to extract the teeth of children now?
"That's not as good!" Drill Finger whined, but Ray ignored him. Right now, he had three terrified kids to help and a load of elderlies to deal with.
"Kid, Miss Danger, you release those three, round up those elderlies and that evil teenage girl." The sidekicks got to work, (y/n) going to untie Jasper, Piper and her date, whilst Henry made a beeline for Noelle. Sure, she was evil, but she was still so pretty and you can't blame a guy for trying one last time.
"Stay right there and don't move," Henry ordered her, making her frown at the command. She wasn't going to do as she was told, she hated authority. 
"What if I have an itch?" She asked defiantly, testing. Henry's patience. Okay, yeah, he didn't fancy her anymore. Noelle had a bad attitude.
"You let it itch, you let it itch!" He hissed and left her to sulk so he could help (y/n) untie his sister and friend. She was working on the knots securing Piper to the dental chair, so he decided to help her date before Jasper. He could wait a little longer.
"Hey, can you untie me?" He asked Henry as he walked past, hoping that their friendship would help him get free first. His wrists were really cramping up.
"Why you?" Piper asked him in an offended tone, not seeing why her boyfriend had to be the one to suffer longer.
"Because I need my lip balm! My lips are getting drier by the minute!" Jasper exclaimed, making (y/n) giggle behind him. He had nearly lost his teeth and was still in the middle of an evil secret hideout, but that was what he was worried about? He had weird priorities.
"Here, kid, use my lip balm. It's strawberry paradise flavoured." (y/n) momentarily stopped untying her knot to pass Jasper her favourite, and Ray's, favourite lip balm. She always wore it for everyday use and it made her honeyed lips taste even sweeter.
"But I'll get your germs!" The curly-haired boy protested, not liking the idea of sharing even if it was a kind offer. Plus, he was a boy, he didn't want to have that pearlescent shine on his lips.
"Yeah, you're welcome." She smiled at him sarcastically, but whilst she had been busily bantering with him, she nor Henry had seen the senior citizens conspiring behind their backs. These young whippersnappers, they'd ruined their chances at strong, healthy teeth again and they were gonna pay. 
"And you are free--ow!" As (y/n) undid her hands, Henry untied Piper's feet, meaning neither of them saw two old people coming up behind their backs and whacking them with their zimmer frames. The two sidekicks fell to the floor from the blow and seeing that they were down, that's when the elderlies struck.
"Attack them!" An old woman cried and they swarmed. A whirl of beige pants, walking sticks and creaking bones descended onto Henry and (y/n), who suddenly found themselves amid a fight. It wasn't all bad though, yeah the smell was bad, but old people aren't exactly good fighters.
"Back off, granny!" (y/n) snapped and she and the boy next to her leapt to their feet so they could push the elderly crowd back. Henry thought old people were supposed to be nice, but obviously not.
"Stamp on his feet!" A frail voice cried out and an old man crushed his walking frame into Henry's toes, which were still hurting from kicking the door. Not wanting his feet to suffer anymore, Henry seized the frame and used it too. shove the elderly backwards and into the ledge. Piper cheered the kid on as he made the man's forehead collide with the railing. and when more old guys tried to beat Henry down with their walking sticks, (y/n) was there to back him up.
When a stick came down to hit him again, she jumped in ad stopped it with a strong grip, ripping it from the old man so she could whack him back and block the next blow. She beat the second man away from her and then grabbed his elbow so she could shove him into another oncoming elderly. The men fell on the floor in a groaning heap and it was about this time that Noelle started to get antsy. She needed an escape route and quick.
"Okay, ladies and gents, stop moving! Hitting old people sucks!" (y/n) shouted, but the bitterness ran too deep and the elderlies who still had some strength left carried on with their attack. Henry picked up two bundles of stuff from the ground and swung them into several attackers, watching them fall like dominoes as their delicate skin easily bruised. It wasn't nice to do, but it was necessary, but they were mad.
"Kid Danger, look out!" Piper yelled when she saw a particularly sneaky man creep up to Henry and the boy dodged just in time before he could be skewered by a walking stick. Thank god for his hyper-motility, otherwise, that would have been a crappy death.
Avoiding every punch from the elderly man, Henry ducked to grab his ankle and pulled him off balance so his pelvis crunched on the floor. The sound made (y/n) cringe, but there was no time to feel bad because another pensioner was trying to kill her. A quick roundhouse kick to the face took him out, but then, a feisty old hag began to beat her with her handbag. It wasn't a particularly vicious attack, but her adrenaline was running high and she wasn't going to take any crap from her, so the young woman harshly shoved her into a wall.
That was that, or so she thought; (y/n) was ready to move on to the next fight, but her heart broke when the little old lady began to sob against the wall. Seeing an old person cry because of her made her kind nature droop with guilt and she rushed to see if she could do anything.
"Oh, god, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hit you that hard, are you okay?" Her fierce fighting aggression was gone instantly as she cooed at the woman, but it was all a lie. As soon as she was crouched in front of her, the devious pensioner slapped (y/n) harshly across the face and then kneed her in the stomach. 
"Stupid millennial!" The granny hissed as the girl collapsed on the floor, but the pain faded sooner than she expected. No one beats Miss Danger like that and gets away with it.
"I'm not a millennial, I was born in 1987!" (y/n) corrected her and happily tipped the woman onto a conveyor belt so she could press the button and send her off to god knows where. It was a brilliant move...until the other elderlies sought revenge for their fallen comrade. They fought back with more violence and fury, making the sidekicks struggle as they each faced three or four foes at once.
"Kid Danger! Miss Danger! Noelle's getting away!" Piper suddenly cried out as she spied the girl making her getaway amongst the chaos. She was an opportunist and with the heroes currently outnumbered, she was free to slope off.
"Oh, we're kinda busy!" Kid Danger gasped as a granny and grandpa pinned him to the conveyor belt tried to send him down like (y/n) had done to their friend moments earlier. Speaking of (y/n), she was having problems of her own, mainly that one guy had his cane pulled tightly across her windpipe, whilst two of his associates tried to bend her wrists in all kinds of unnatural ways.
"Why don't you deal with her?" The young woman choked, struggling to move with a limited air supply. Not wanting to see the bitch that did this to her escape, Piper picked up an orange purse from the ground and charged at Noelle with it wide-open. The blonde teen paled as the furious child tackled her and pulled the bag over her eyes so she could jump on her back. 
"You ruined my date!" Piper screamed as only Piper could and thumped his fists against Noelle's skull as the girls struggled across the floor. Ray burst back into the room after locking up Drill Finger and his eyes widened as he witnessed the brawl occurring. His sidekicks were having their asses kicked and Piper was taking matters into her own hands. Geez, he was only gone for a few minutes...
"All right, all right...that's not your job!" He told the young girl as he peeled her off of Noelle. He appreciated her help, but he didn't want to see Henry's sister get hurt because she thought she could save the day.
"She tried to escape!" Piper hissed at him and glared at Noelle, who had only just removed the purse from her head.
"Thank you, now go wait outside." Ray scolded her, trying to not be intimidated by the child and her temper. He was the superhero here, not this romper-wearing little girl.
"I wanna go wait outside!" Piper yelled and stomped off to see if her date was still hanging around. He probably wasn't, the poor kid had run off terrified and after this, he would never want to speak to her again. Oops.
"And you, stay there." Ray snapped at Noelle and shoved her towards a dental chair where she could wait patiently for her ride to jail. With the teen criminal under control, Ray could focus on helping his sidekicks, who were still struggling to fight back against the elderlies. (y/n) was breathing again, but now she was being whacked with two walking sticks and Henry wasn't doing any better.
"All right, that's enough! Leave them alone, come on! Let's go!" Ray's imposing frame spooked the elderlies into scuttling off obediently and the sidekicks could breathe a sigh of relief as the fight was over. 
"Come on, move your heinies! Keep moving!" (y/n) herded them to the door with Ray by her side and Henry made sure that Noelle wasn't left behind. They could deal with the old people and he could deal with the girl. And Jasper, no one could forget Jasper, who was still trying to moisturise his lips with (y/n)'s lip balm.
"You know, Captain Man, you're real hot when you're ordering people about." (y/n) whispered into Ray's ear as they guided their captives to the awaiting cop cars outside. Now that the real work was over, the police had finally shown their faces and were ready to slap the cuffs on two dozen pensioners.
"Oh yeah? Is that why you keep staring at me like that, little girl?" He smirked down at her and revelled in her blushing cheeks. That would be a yes to that question. Ray caught her wrist to stop her from walking and tugged her into his chest.
"Maybe..." She whispered shyly and quivered under his gaze as his eyes raked over her features until they landed on her lips. His hand was caressing her jaw so he could tilt her into him just as he liked, but...
"Wait, Ray..." She suddenly gasped and jerked in his hold as the penny dropped. Normally, there would be the noise of retching and complaining at this point, but there was nothing but the sound of the old floorboards beneath their feet. 
"Sweet girl, I just want to kiss you, what's wrong?" Ray whined against her lips, wishing that for once, they could go interrupted with no one spoiling the moment.
"Where's Henry?" Her eyes flickered to his and she saw the realisation grow in them. He was one sidekick down and the last time they'd seen he was alone with...
"Noelle!" They gasped together and dashed back down the corridor and the stairway so they could stop Henry from making a massive mistake.
"Well, maybe you could...change me, y'know. Teach me to be a better person?" The couple heard a sweet, sultry voice from inside the lair and knew that the young, attractive girl was trying to charm her way out of trouble. It was a particularly cruel move, flirting with him in front of Jasper, even if she didn't know that under his regalia, Kid Danger was actually Henry Hart.
"Oh, man. Uhhhhh--" Peeking through the doorway, Ray and (y/n) could see Noelle with her arms around their friend's shoulders and that he was seconds away from giving in to her seduction. 
"Kid? Are you letting that girl trick you into kissing her?" Henry jumped at the sound of his boss's voice and whipped around to see Ray glaring at Noelle and (y/n) struggling to keep in her giggles. Kid Danger had one weakness: cute girls.
"What? No, ew, gross! I don't wanna kiss her! Gross!" Henry gagged, but his actions spoke more than his words. The couple rolled their eyes as he tried to fool them by removing Noelle's arms, only to wrap them back around him immediately after. 
"Do we look stupid?" (y/n) asked him with a raised eyebrow and the boy sent her a pleading look. She got to kiss her boyfriend whenever she wanted to, why couldn't he smooch Noelle just a bit?
"Uhhh, can you just wait outside for like, twenty minutes?" Henry asked tentatively, hoping he could push his luck just a little bit. One kiss, just one.
"Kid!" Ray growled, his tone leaving no room for argument. He smirked as his girlfriend tensed up beside him and Henry instantly did as he was told. Noelle was pretty, but she was also a criminal and Henry had to remember that.
"Okay, fine. You're going to jail, let's go. Come on! No kisses for you, tryin' to trick me. Wearing a romper..." The teen ranted as he gave into his moral compass and marched Noelle out of the room, her hands twisted behind her back. Stupid girls and their good looks.
"There's a police car waiting for her outside." (y/n) told the boy as he moodily brushed past her and Ray. It was a shame that the girl he liked turned out to be an evil, wannabe villain, but oh, well. He'd find someone else and in the meantime, Ray was finally alone with his girl.
"Please, let me kiss you." He mumbled into her ear and wrapped his arms around her waist from behind so she'd feel his warmth surrounding her and his breath on her neck. It was working, she wanted to give in and let him take her home, she really did, but, there was one more thing.
"What about Jasper?" She breathed out and Ray released a growl of frustration when he remembered that his favourite assistant was still tied to his chair. That kid always ruined his plans to get some and it really pissed him off.
"I'll come back later." Ray offered and tried to sweeten his deal by kissing up her exposed shoulder. Jasper would be fine for a few hours here, sure, it was dark and damp, but he'd survive. Probably.
"No, you're going to go untie him and I'll be waiting in the Man Van, Captain." She smirked and felt his arms tighten around her waist. He didn't want to leave her, not when she was looking so lovely in her super suit and willing to let him feel her up, but he had no choice. She wouldn't leave without Jasper and if she stayed here then so would he. 
"Stupid Jasper." He mumbled and reluctantly let go of her hips so he could go do as he was told. He brought her hand to his lips so he could give her a parting kiss and watched as she left up the stairs with nothing more than a giggle. He was certain that the sway of her hips was deliberate and he cursed the boy he was about to untie. The smile on his lips was so infuriating and Ray prayed that his patience would last, after all, he had a sweet reward waiting for him.
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kittttycakes · 9 months
Yessss, that intensity of attention that slightly!jealous Morpheus would have. Like you said, overwhelming in the best possible way, and wouldn’t that make you feel so powerful to have that kind of effect on, and reaction from a being that is more than a god.
And about that tournament… your thoughts on what Morpheus would be doing are pure perfection and have sent my brain straight to the gutter.
A) undoing the buckles and unlacing the ties etc. on each part of Hob’a armour and clothes, and tracing with fingers and then lips over each piece of skin that is revealed…
B) omg, I can just imagine the filth that could come out of Hob’s mouth as he outlines exactly why Grace doesn’t need the attention of any of the Fae. “Who else could do this/make you…/have you feel…?” Meanwhile Morpheus is putting his fingers/mouth/…..etc ;) to good use demonstrating exactly the things Hob is saying, and whispering equally filthy but eloquent/poetic things in her ear.
I am just so here for some loving on Grace!
Also, the potential for jealous Hob, can you please tell us more?
I think Morpheus would be incredibly tactile, so I am joining you in the dumpster, because the contrast between armor and the clothing underneath, between the clothing and the skin at the bottom of it all…impeccable. All of the precious metal and all of the fine fabric in the world can’t possibly compare to the feeling of skin against skin.
There are so many things I love about this dynamic especially: 1. Hob Gadling will not shut up in bed and that is just straight facts, he should be allowed to say everything that he’s thinking in that moment, because it’s always welcome and it always lands exactly how it’s supposed to. It’s especially impactful when he’s been building up this lovely romantic moment, because who else could love her like this, who else could cherish her so deeply, who else knows her so well…only to then drop the most scorchingly X rated filth after it. Get you a man that can do both. 2. I love the vulnerability of Morpheus allowing Hob to take charge. Morpheus is still very much in control, but he’s the one listening to Hob, and even if they aren’t exactly orders, he can be very good at following instructions when sufficiently motivated. 3. Grace just gets to have the best time possible and I love that for her, she doesn’t even have to lift a finger.
I love jealous Hob. I love him. Because the Hob that Grace knows, the one that she sees, is the product of years of change and of working to be a good man. He’s a good partner, colleague, friend. But the other side of wanting as much and as deeply as he does is that there’s this little seed of jealousy, just waiting for the sun to shine on it.
More below the cut for the sake of everyone’s dashes!
Relevant backstory: As some people in academia do, prior to meeting Hob, Grace had primarily dated other people in her academic cohort. During her PhD program, she had a serious boyfriend, and things only really ended between them because he got a job at a university abroad and she didn’t want to turn down the offer she had received at the university she eventually meets Hob at, and so things ended quite amicably, if bittersweetly, because neither of them was keen on doing long distance. Not wanting to prolong a relationship that had an expiration date, they parted ways some time before Grace began teaching at the university.
However, Grace has professionally crossed paths with him several times since the end of the relationship, because they both work in very similar fields/with similar literary eras, and they have a still-friendly professional relationship. Hob, naturally, knows about him in the abstract and it’s all fine.
Until he meets him, at a conference he and Grace both happen to be attending.
He’s nice! There’s nothing wrong with him! He’s very polite and professional and clearly knowledgeable in his field and Hob thinks he might hate him, actually. He’s just so familiar with Grace, that kind of easy knowing that you sometimes still have with someone you used to love and know very well. (Among his cardinal sins, not that Hob would ever admit to it, is that he’s about an inch taller than Hob.)
He also…doesn’t look anything like Hob. If anything, he looks quite a bit like Morpheus, actually. Tall, slender, dark hair, light eyes…There’s no real rational reason for him to be jealous at all. He hasn’t done anything! He only knew Grace before Hob did, and had a relationship with her, and in a different world, he would be the one with his arm around her and she would be wearing his ring and Hob just can’t have that.
He’s trying so hard not to be an absolute dick about it, but he’s not quite his usual charming self, and Grace can’t seem to put her finger on why until she finally corners him in their hotel room and gets him to own up to it, after which she spends a lovely evening convincing him that he has absolutely nothing, nothing at all, to worry about.
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survey--s · 9 months
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How long have you been sober?   I haven't had any alcohol since New Year.
Do you think you are an argumentative person?   Hmm, I don't start arguments but equally I'm not going to sit there and take shit without standing up for myself.
How’s your heart lately? It's absolutely fine.
Do you still talk to the person you lost your virginity to?   Yeah, occasionally. He's actually planning to come up on here on holiday at some point soon.
Is it harder to be rejected or to reject someone else?   Be rejected. Rejecting someone is horrible but at least you know the reasons for it and you're not left guessing.
What is the best thing about your current job?   Working for myself and getting to spend all with animals.
What’s the last thing you drank?   Pepsi Max.
Have you been on a date in the park?   Sure, quite a few times.
Where are you going on your next vacation?   Manchester.
Are most of the friends in your life new or old?   How are you defining new/old?
Have you ever gotten so wasted, you didn’t know what was going on?   Yes.
Do you like pulp orange juice? Not really. I'll drink it if that's all there is but it's not my favourite.
Do you prefer the tanning bed or the sun?   The sun.
Who and when was the last person of the opposite sex that hugged you?   Mike - this morning.
Were you single on your last birthday?   No.
Who was the last person you talked to before you went to bed last night?   Mike. Do you have a friend who you think is a sex addict?   No, but I don't really ask other people about their sex lives.
When was the last time you cried?   I honestly couldn't tell you.
Ever kissed a Robert, Tyler, Ryan, or Michael?   Yes, a Michael. Two Michaels, in fact.
Name something you dislike about the day you’re having?   It's my last full day off for about six weeks.
When will your next kiss be? Tonight.
Do you hate the last person you kissed?   No.
Where is the last person you kissed?   Sorting stuff out in the garage.
Has anyone ever seen you in your underwear?   Yes.
Who was last to cook for you?   My mum.
Are you attracted to the last person that kissed you?   Yep.
Do you remember the first conversation you ever had with the person you currently have feelings for?   Very vaguely. It was online and over eight years ago now.
All girls deserve sunshine right?   Everyone deserves sunshine.
Who was the last person you saw besides family?   Sally.
What are you not looking forward to?   Going back to work lol. Don't get me wrong, I love my job but it's been SO nice having these last two weeks off.
What makes you cry right now?   Nothing is making me cry right now.
Will this week be a good one? I think it'll be a weird one as the forecast is for a heatwave so even though I'm back at work it won't be a "proper" week as I'll be shortening walks and swapping to home visits half the time.
Who is the last person that texted you? Mike.
Where did you get the shirt you’re wearing?   George.
What are you listening to? Below Deck: Sailing Yacht.
What are you going to do next?   Probably go and put my pizza in the oven.
Will you regret your next kiss?   No.
Who was the last person you gave the finger to?   Mike but it wasn't in a serious way.
Do you currently have feelings for anybody?   Yep.
Who did you last make plans with? Suzanne.
Are you the oldest?   I'm an only child.
Have you ever liked someone that treated you like crap? Yep.
Do you enjoy eating veggies? That depends which veggies we're talking about.
Do you know the difference between a vegan and a vegetarian?   Of course.
Who did you text most today? Mike or Suzanne.
Do you have a reason to frown right now?   I'm starting to get a headache - I think it's the humidity.
Would you prefer to go out on a fancy date or just chill in his house? The former, just because it's something different.
Are you wearing socks? Nope.
Do you enjoy long car rides? I love the idea of them but the reality is that they're uncomfortable and I always end up feeling exhausted and a bit sick lol.
Where is the person you fell the hardest at?   In the garage, lol.
When was the last time you got drunk?   Years ago.
What cell phone provider do you have?   o2.
Do you know anyone who has gotten an abortion?   Yes.
Do you own a laptop?   Yes.
Favorite smell in the world? Freshly baked bread, cut grass, coffee, bacon.
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