#and honestly it'll always be one of the best books i've ever read
Pls More general sfw headcanons of cooper and reader? Ghoul or pre war whichever you prefer honestly.
General SFW Prewar!Cooper Howard Headcanons 2
(I'll do some Ghoul SFW in a follow-up; this got away from me a little.)
Clearly he enjoys film and theatre, but he has a fairly secret soft spot for musicals. Pretty much any musical will pique his interest, and you'll spend a fair few date nights out seeing shows. You find it very endearing that he wants to share his interests with you. He's got an especially soft spot for some of the older, cheesier musicals though; hope you're ready to see "Brigadoon" like a half dozen times! He's got that one on tape.
"Old Yeller" is banned media in the Howard household (as are most things about dogs who die), as well as books like "The Velveteen Rabbit", which he read to Janey when she was four and never truly recovered from. Coop cries like a baby every time and gets so embarrassed. You once asked Janey if she'd ever seen it, and she tells you, rather conspiratorially, that she once watched it at a friend's house.
The old man actually cries quite easily when he's moved by something. He'll try to hide it away, but every once in a while he fully loses it (tbh it's the 'child death' type stuff that really upsets him; to this day, he's still a little mad at Barb for showing him "Bridge to Terabithia" on family movie night and thinking he would like it). You think it's the sweetest thing and you always reassure him that it's nothing to be ashamed of.
I imagine that, like a good, engaged father, he takes a particular interest in Janey's likes and hobbies; if you ask him what she likes, he can give you an entire list of things you can engage with her on, every single one of them accurate and up-to-date. If Janey really likes a book series, he'll read it (or maybe listen to it if he's short on time). If she really likes a band, y'all have fun at the concert! Every group comes through LA so you may be going to several concerts a year eventually. He even knows who her favorite member is! He only falls in love with you more when you do the same with her.
He's a true romantic at heart; despite being really torn up about the divorce and thinking he'll never fall in love again, he does, and hard. It's not long before he (unbelievably, to him especially) finds himself wanting to propose. He waits a while, though, wanting to feel out the dynamic between you and Janey, worrying about how Barb will feel when she ultimately finds out. He doesn't want to be married to her anymore, but he still cares for her, and he doesn't want to hurt her.
I'd like to think that he and Barb had a pretty nice, large wedding (as I've said before, likely at an older age than many of their peers, even if, canonically, it seems they were already dating during Cooper's military service; they both strike me as the type to want to wait until they were better established to actually marry). Not anything too crazy, but since Cooper's career was really starting to take off, she did want to use the wedding as an opportunity to rub elbows, so there were quite a few people in attendance that he flat-out didn't know. It didn't bother him much at the time; Barb always loved an opportunity to network and Coop could never deny her anything. But, given a chance to do it over, I think he'd do things differently.
With you, he'd wanna go to the courthouse. He'd be happy to have a nice, private ceremony eventually, maybe a little vow renewal for your one-year down on the beach in Mexico or something. But when you get legally married it'll be at the courthouse, just the two of you and Janey. You wouldn't have it any other way.
You try your best to keep it under wraps, but, well...marriage licenses are a matter of public record, and there are people whose whole job is to unearth things like that. The fallout (ha) from it may be stronger than you anticipated, but, at the end of the day, you have one another, and you're happy with that.
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“Like most misery, it started with apparent happiness.”
Markus Zusak, The Book Thief
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hi, if you don't mind me asking (since i saw you reblog a post about the orv webtoon): how far into the novel is the webtoon, approximately, now that it's starting the dark palace (?) arc? is there still a long way to go, would you say? sincerely, a huge webtoon orv fan who is trying to muster up the strength to pick up the novel
Hi, anon!! I'm so excited you asked this, because I myself picked up the webnovel right around the dark castle arc! So, um... yeah, chapter 172 of the webtoon is chapter 151 and a good portion of chapter 152 of the webnovel, and there are 551 chapters of the webnovel total. (To be even more precise, with the formatting I have on my phone, chapter 172 covers up to 2290 pages out of 8807 pages-- just over a quarter of the way through the story both ways.) There is, uh, QUITE a ways to go
That said!!!! I literally cannot recommend the webnovel enough, and this is from someone who started with the webtoon as well and then transferred straight to the webnovel where it left off at the time! The webnovel is such a different experience, since there are so many small characterization details that the webtoon doesn't adapt, and I actually bitterly regret not starting the webnovel from the start (I'm in the process of backreading, and I find new things to scream about every day!). There's no rush at all to read the webnovel all at once when the webtoon will take so long to finish, but at the same time, the pacing is so addicting that you'll probably speed through it till you're caught up or even beyond regardless! In case you'd like it, here's some info on accessing the epub file :) Happy reading!!!!
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skitskatdacat63 · 3 months
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Prince Jenson of Somerset
+ process & lore
Yayyyyy omg finally have drawn portraits of the four main characters!!!! I'll show the process of Jenson's first and then them all four together. Though it's a shame the Seb/Fernando ones are older, I think it's hopefully obvious how much I've improved since November?
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Look at him in all his handsome, princely glory 🥹 It's funny, I'm always happy with the second sketch and initial lineart, and then I start coloring it and I absolutely hate it, and it takes a significant amount of time into the painting for me to like it again. And then I reach a certain point and I'm in love with it again. Ugh though I gotta say, I love drawing the curls, it's just so 18th century, but at the same point, man I always will love my original lineart for the hair the best ah. Also yes I absolutely had to give him a big ass hat with feathers, he really is that kinda guy to me. I originally drew a bicorne and then realized that those don't really exist until basically almost a century later oops, so tricorne it is!!
Okay now omg look at them all together 🥹
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Haha wow I have improved a lot! Just like the Seb/Fernando ones, Mark and Jense's were meant to be put together. I think there's a lot of inherent characterization in their poses that highlight the difference between them. Mark is looking up, very wistful, looking up to greater people, greater things. Jenson's head is tilted down, almost looking at the viewer, he is very satisfied with his role and revels in it, he's here to slay!
Okay, yes, lore, characterization, sorry that it is so far down on the post!!
Jense would probably be the fan favorite if this AU was an actual book or show or something. He's the guy you randomly find while browsing Wikipedia and you're like, woah this guy is so cool??? Unlike Sebmarknando, he doesn't really have the same level of angst, he's kinda just chilling. He's a bit harder to write a lore post about, because he's basically that character who is always magically around the corner, ready to witness some crazy thing and just breeze past it.
He is less linked to Seb than people like Mark and Fernando, because he's basically just his personal minister of transportation(read: horse fucker), so he avoids a lot of the relationship complications and drama, but that isn't to say he's completely uninvolved. He really likes Seb, and loves to hang around with him and serve him, but he's not as beholden to him. He's who everyone goes to air their grievances or to get away from the others, and he's very happy with this role. He's generally willing to play any side in an argument, but does tend to have a pretty big soft spot for Seb overall(Seb also gives him cuteness aggression, and he wants to bite him. Especially when Seb puffs himself up and acts super bratty when he gets offended at not being seen as a proper ruler.)
He's royalty from other kingdom, but pledged his loyalty to Seb's kingdom when he was quite young and has served him(his father first) ever since. He started off somewhat low in the military, rose to a pretty high rank, was a renowed war hero, and then ended up retiring pretty early to tend to Seb's horses. That's an oversimplification, but yeah. He liked the military life, was very good at it, but decided he had done enough, and wanted to be involved in more direct service, albeit more laid back. As I mentioned in Mark's post, Mark *really* doesn't understand his choice to do this, because if Mark had been in Jense's position, he can't ever imagine being able to let all that go and living the quiet life.
He is the palace whore, everyone has been with him honestly. It'll be like, some man walks into his bedroom, only to see Jenson in bed with his wife, but instead of being angry, he's like "wow you couldn't even wait for me??" He's just very carefree, and happy to just slut around and tend to Seb's horses.
I think he definitely still advises Seb, and would go to battle if truly need be, but generally seems to be living in a different world than the weird psychosexual homoerotic political drama that the others seem to be living in. But as I said, it's not like he doesn't contribute to it! He loves to goad Fernando, and constantly plays devil's advocate in "debates" between Fernando and Seb. He's also obviously the one that keep "accidentally" locking them in rooms and forgetting where the key is.
Sorry if this isn't very explanatory, I hope it gives a general idea to the type of character he is???? As always, let me know if you have any questions! I kinda struggled on what to write here because I'm finishing this at almost 8 am 😭 so I'm not sure if it's great or not. But basically you need to know: horse fucker who is generally breezy and carefree but also can be a bit of a menace to society every once in a while.
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#YAYAAAAAAA PRETTY HAPPY WITH THIS ONE!!!!#lmfao tho not 100% sure about the lore notes because i wrote this at like 8 am#hope its understandable 😭 and that you love jense as much I do#hes probably the funniest character in the AU#and like if it wasn't centered on seb/nando he would be the favorite#hes just often there as my kinda reaction character#tho both he and Mark are reaction characters but on opposite sides of the scale and they play off each other#jenson walks into a room where sebnando are psychosexually glaring at each other from across the room#and hes like hmmm how can i make this worse#and mark is the type to walk into the room. see whats going on. and briskly walk away#so jense absolutely loves to tease him w this kinda thing and just make any situation 100x worse(aka funnier)#well funnier for him probably not the other people involved#but its okay bcs they love him. hes jense!!! who wouldn't love him!! hes our favorite guy!! our jense!!!#I just love to imagine he gets all the sides of the gossip and is like hmm yes yes interesting#but doesnt use it for scheming or evil but rather just to tease and be annoying and make everyone blush :)#okay well anyways wow im not really discussing the art itslef sorry!!!@#I think he looks so handsome pretty in this 🥺#hes pretty difficult to draw but i think it came together when i gave him freckles tbh#i hope he gives off carefree but seductive but laidback prince 🙏🙏#f1#formula 1#jenson button#catie.art.#boy king au#*not sure about his title officially yet. i mean hes from somerset but yeah idk its okay
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kiichu · 1 month
20 Questions For Fic Writers
not tagged by anyone, i just found it and wanted to do it :3
How many works do you have on ao3?
What's your total ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
According to Ao3: Zero Escape, Legend of Korra, Gotham, Dangan Ronpa, Daredevil, Skyrim, FNaF, Frozen, Hazbin Hotel, Life is Strange, Logan, MCU, Nope, Saw, Spider-Man, Squid Game, The 100, FATWS, The Jungle Book, The Walking Dead Game, The Wolf Among Us, Uncharted, Animal Crossing, Zom 100, Ace Attorney
Top five fics by kudos:
Out on a Limb
Smoke and Mirrors
Electric Sheep
Do you respond to comments?
For the most part! Sometimes I don't really know what to say in response, but I appreciate every single comment I get. Like, I adore them all.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
(spoilers lmao) It's a tie I think, between Out on a Limb (in which Troy does die, but he saves Clementine and repays his debt, being remembered for the good choice he made in the end) and Electric Sheep (Dio and Luna's fates are left ambiguous, it's unclear if they're alive but at least they're together wherever they are)
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Any of the fluffier fics tbh, but a special mention for Taken by Storm. It's the last fic of the Nope series, and it shows that the gang is recovering from their ordeal and have hope for the future.
Do you get hate on fics?
I mean, I've seen offhand comments on Twitter, but honestly I haven't gotten any hate on Ao3 at least. :)
Do you write smut?
A tiny tiny bit. It's very rare. But we have Stay Classy for a direct smut thing, with like two other fics having references to sex. It's not really something I like to read or write, and have to be in a ver specific mood to write.
Craziest crossover:
I don't write crossovers haha.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Oh god I hope not. Or maybe I do, maybe I want my old deleted (see also: gone forever) fanfiction.net fics to resurface somewhere.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes!!! Electric Sheep is being translated into Polish. Here's the link: Elektryczne Owce :]
Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Nah. Not my thing.
All time favourite ship?
Dio/Luna. Always always always <33
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I... dunno. I have a few that probably won't ever see the light of day, but I'd rather make that decision and leave it at "everything might one day get posted, but I don't know".
What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm pretty good at descriptions, and putting out my best work possible. The latter is a result of my OCD not letting me post something without passing a very strict self-imposed "quality filter," but still. It does show in the final product, stressful as it is to get there.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Sticking with something. Sitting down and writing. Also making more happen in scenes, with more dialogue.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I've tried to pepper in some Russian in both Out on a Limb and it's just blood under the bridge for the Russian characters, and also some Spanish in Vencido, but it's all Google translated haha.
First fandom you wrote in?
Yu Yu Hakusho :]
Favourite fic you've written?
It'll probably always be Out on a Limb. I worked so hard on it and I reedited it all and made it into a book through a website (I own the only copy so it's not illegal or anything).
I'm tagging anyone who wants to do this!! :]
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jtargaryen18 · 5 months
Wait,I just saw an ask you answered about Waves That Beat on Heaven's Shore,for real? Seriously? You will continue it in 2024? It's 1st January already where I live as I was reading that and honestly it's the best news I could've ever read this New Year. I miss Waves so much,you have no idea ❤ I smiled,I giggled,I blushed,got butterflies in my stomach and I cried over Waves 💔 It's just so,so beautiful 😢❤ It's probably my favourite story ever and I'm so grateful to find it in my lifetime. I love it more than any romance/drama books I've ever read,they don't compare. AHIAR would be my number 2 favourite. I've probably re-read it more than 20 times. I even tried to "continue" it,in my personal notes,that I will never put out or have anybody read it except for myself (don't worry,I know that's wrong since the fic is yours,it's your work and property),like putting my own imagination and thoughts on how the story will continue,think of it as fanfiction of a fanfiction. And honestly,it's shit compared to your gift for writing. Trying to come up with suitable plots in my personal fanfiction of Waves made me realize it's actually really hard to write a story and even harder to write great ones and it made me appreciate writers like you more 🙏🏼 No pressure,as we all understand that real life always comes first no matter what. Only we ourselves know how busy we are in each of our personal lives'. Hell,I was busier in 2023 than I had been in 2022 or previous years,and it'll probably be busier and packed for me in 2024. You don't owe anyone anything and like someone already said to you here,no one's sponsoring or paying you,it's art and you should enjoy what you're doing,instead of feeling like you're pressured to do it ❤
And like the Waves anon said,even if you can't continue it,that's okay too ❤ Like the Waves anon,it'll be my 2023 Holidays gift wish as well. Even if you can't,I'll still love your other works and will keep an eye out for your future works ❤ Thank you so much for everything! ❤ For all the adventures you brought us through and all the feelings you gave us through your amazing stories! ❤ I really am grateful to find you and blessed myself with your talented writing 🙏🏼 Happy New Year to you and your family! ❤ Have a blessed New Year and may all your wishes and dreams come true in 2024 ❤ All the best and all the love in the world for you ❤❤❤
First of all, Happy New Year. 💕 I hope 2024 is good to you.
This note had me tearing up. It really did. Thank you for this. I mean it. 💕💕💕 And it resonated with me so much because...
You read correctly. I am picking Waves back up. I got sick over the holiday at the end of the year. I was there with the laptop after we got the kids down and I knew I wasn't going to be able to sleep (cough). I went through all my files and I found the next chapter I'd started for Waves, so long ago. I really got upset at myself because after I read that, I went back to my notes. The outline. I love the story because it lets us keep up with Steve and his girl from Rage. I also have this twist in Waves that I was really proud of and I want to write it, damn it. So this is the year we're going to do it. 🙏
Also I wanted to say, don't dismiss your own writing so easily. I'll bet you're a good writer and I hope to get to read your work someday. 💕
Thank you so SO much for this. From the bottom of my heart, thank you 💕💕💕
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nikethestatue · 2 years
Hello NikeTheStatue,
So, fist of all I'm an Elriel shipper and I must say that I most absolutely love your work. Secondly, english is not my first language so I'm apologizing before hand for any commited mistake.
See Nike, I have been wondering lately what would be the purpose of Gwyn's character, her meaning to the story, because she did won some tiny development and I do think she can end up being quite an interesting secondary character to the following books. Anyway, I got myself comparing Elriel, yet again, to Romeo and Juliet and I got to a certain tipe of conclusion, I think that you may have thought this before, but if you don't mind I would adore to know if it makes some sort of sense or not:
(Obviously) Elain is Juliet, who is promised to marry Paris (Lucien). Juliet's ally is her maid (the twins). Juliet as Elain has a mother that sees her only as marriage material, and I think that if we go this path any longer we might agree that Juliet's parents might be Elain's mother and Nestha herself, afteral we are yet to see Nestha's apologies towards Elain. I don't dislike Nestha, but she hasn't been a good person to anyone and that does include Elain, who is one more time like Juliet: sumerized as this foolish dreamer of true love.
Azriel is Romeo, who spend the hole summer in love with Rosalinda (Mor), when he tells his cousin Mercucio (Rhysand) that he suddendly is in love with Juliet, Mercucio puts up a fight, he does his best for their family not to know because of the war that would occur = Blood Duel, but ends up helping Romeo.
Ok, that Mercucio, Paris, Romeo and Juliet do not end the story alive. But I said all this because my point here is that Gwyn is the Priest: the only common part between Romeo and Juliet. And if we once more compare Nestha to Juliet's mother/parents it'll make even more sense because in R&J the Priest is also the friend of the Capuletos and pretends to convince Juliet to marry Paris when he was actually marrying the young in love couple in secret.
When I said all this to my grand daughter she said that I was seeing too much into the story, but Azriel's bonus chapter was to me the confirmation of a forbiden romance and the begining of Azriel's friendship with the Priest.
Anyway Nike, thanks for your attention, I hope I haven't taken too much of your time.
Dearly, grandmother Martha
Ps.: this is my grand daughter's account so that's why I did this in the anon way, or at least I hope I did, not surprisingly I'm not great with technologies.
Hello Martha!
i love that you are reading these books and discussing them with your granddaughter! It's the best thing I've read all day today!
But this is really interesting, because I don't know if I've ever read such a close parallel drawn between Elriel and Romeo and Juliet. However, when you explained it, it really is interesting!
I've always viewed Gwyn as a replacement for Elain in Nesta's life. Nesta was lonely, she rejected Elain--the closest person she ever had--and then Gwyn arrived, who is vaguely similar to Elain (a bit innocent, a bit sheltered, a bit lost, someone with a terribly difficult background as well, someone who had a sister too, and someone who accepted Nesta pretty unconditionally, much like Elain did). So I always felt that that was Gwyn's primary role.
Now, going back to the Priest and the R&J similarities.
Honestly, I've seen posts before that said that Gwyn might be the priestess to marry Elain and Azriel. Which truly, would be very sweet! He saved her life and was there for her recovery, and she stepped up during the most important moment of his personal life--particularly if Elriel chose to elope, and she married them in secret. I think it would be very poetic in a lot of ways, especially if Nesta is there to watch her sister be married by her best friend.
That would be in line with R&J too--the Priest was there to assist them in secret. I had an idea of maybe Gwyn finding information on how a bond is rejected, and helping with that as well, to 'free' both Elain and Lucien.
We will see, but now that you've pointed the similarities out, I can't unsee them!
Thank you for finding another interesting theory for us to think about!
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viiinz · 1 year
hi vince, your posts about dostoyevsky have made me want to read some of his works; any suggestions on where to start? hope you're having a lovely day <3
hiii, Finn!!! sorry for the late reply, I've been kinda busy and really wanted to give an in-depth response (and I also knew that once I started talking about Dostoyevsky, I would hardly be able to stop lol). I hope you're having a lovely day as well <3
I'll give you 4 of his books that I've read so far that might be a nice place to start, and a little spoiler-free review, so you can see which one appeals to you the most
okay so the first novel I've read by him was Crime and Punishment (1866), I think that's where a lot of people start. and tbh it's a good place to start! it's not extremely long, about 500-600 pages (depending on the edition) and I think it's definitely one of his more accessible works. in the story we follow our main guy, Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov, a poverty-stricken ex-student who has the vague plan to murder and rob an old pawnbroker. during the book we then follow his mental anguish and moral dilemmas. we also get introduced to an amazing cast of characters (one of them being Razumikhin, who is the best friend ever and whom I have had such a crush on ever since I first read c&p lol <3). the psychology in all Dostoyevsky's books is amazing, but this is the book that first introduced me to it. what I wasn't expecting when I first read this, is that it's also honestly really funny at times, like there were literally times where I had to laugh out loud. other than that it's also just really interesting to get in the head of our main guy, and the book also discusses (and by doing so ultimately criticises) some theories that were getting popular at the time about utilitarianism, free will, who stands above the law, etc. other fascinating themes are guilt, morality, poverty, family, power dynamics, mental illness, religion etc.
this was one of the first proper classics I had ever read, so at first I was scared that it might be too difficult for me and that I wouldn't be able to get through it. but honestly, once I started caring about the characters, I just wanted to keep reading. and in the end I found it to be a fascinating and really moving story. (I also read this during a time in my life where I seriously struggled with my mental health, and not to be dramatic but crime and punishment really helped me a lot, so just for that it'll always have a special place in my heart)
then there's also The Brothers Karamazov (1879). the book I'm currently the most obsessed with, I'm sure you've already seen me posting about it lmao. personally I think this is Dostoyevsky his best work, it's also the last book he wrote before he died. a lot of themes from his previous works make a comeback in this one and get more polished and perfected. it's so fascinating, and moving, it made me cry and laugh and think A LOT (I mean I haven't been able to stop thinking about it). HOWEVER it's also about a 1000 pages with a couple characters that love to monologue, which makes it not the most accessible, so keep that in mind lol.
the plot is basically about four (half) brothers and their piece of shit father who dies (him dying isn't a spoiler, since it's said in the first sentence, but fair warning, it doesn't happen until like halfway through). the four brothers (three recognised sons, and one bastard son), are all very different in personality and belief, but I love them all so much. they're so interesting and well-written, and so are some other characters as well!! I could talk for hours about all the characters and their dynamics, but I won't do that here. but if you are interested in reading this book and would like a list with the names + a little bit of info about all the characters in this book, just let me know! I made one for a friend of mine and could easily translate it to English and send it to you. I definitely recommend keeping a list of some sort with the names of these characters, since it's easy to loose track of them all. (this goes for all his books btw)
I couldn't possibly summ up all the themes in this book, it's about family, it's about humanity, it's about god, it's about suffering, it's about children, it's about love, it's about Alyosha visiting a fuckton of people, and so on.
of course there are some aspects and ideals in it that I don't agree with, but at it's core there are some really beautiful and meaningful things that I took away from this story that will probably stay with me my entire life. and for that reason and because I'm absolutely obsessed with the characters, it's one of my favourite books of all-time.
The Idiot (1869). I love this weird little book so much. (I say little, but it's about 600 pages) Dostoyevsky's goal was to write about how a christ-like hero would interact with 19th century Russia, but what it comes down to however is just a sweet guy trying his best and having an awful time.
there's pretty much no plot, just people visiting others people, causing drama, and I love it. mostly because of the characters!! the characters are amazing!!! even the side characters are so complex and all over the place and weird, but also feel so real, it's great! the main character is Myshkin who spend years in an asylum in Switzerland and is now returning to Russia. the title of the book refers to him, because a lot of people simply see him as an idiot, (which is so unfair!, he's not!!) personally I think it's a really interesting portrayal of how people with disabilities/neurodiversities are viewed and treated. the guy canonically has epilepsy (just like Fyodor Dostoyevsky himself btw) and this is probably one of the most sympathetic portrayals of epilepsy during that time period, despite the harsh title of the book. (he also has a lot of characteristics of autism in my opinion, even tho obviously autism diagnosis didn't exist back then).
and again, the other characters are also amazing and messed up and complex and well-written and !!!! one or these characters is Nastasya Filippovna. all I'll say for now is that I love her so much and that's she's done nothing wrong ever in her life (no but really, she's a very complex character, who has suffered a lot and is allowed to be a messed up person because of it). there are also like two love triangles in this book, but actual triangles, meaning the relationship in one of them between the two guys and in the other between the two girls is about just as intense and fascinating as the guy-girl relationships. this book is fun at times, has some really interesting discussions at other times (some of which were very personal to Dostoyevsky himself) and then there are a couple of scenes that will probably haunt me for the rest of my life.
okay, last one: Notes From Underground (1864). this one is by far the shortest, around a 150 pages. it has an iconic opening line that goes: "I am a sick man, I am a spiteful man, I am an unattractive man, I believe my liver is diseased." (honestly this book has a lot of really good lines)
it's basically just a diary of a very pathetic man. at times I hate him, other times I relate to him deeply, I make fun of him a lot and I can't help but feel really really sorry for him. the book consists of two parts, the first part is some of the fictional author his philosophical ideas, how he sees life etc. it's very fascinating and you already get a glimpse of what the character is like, as he tries to impress his imaginary audience. the second part are retellings of events from his life when he was younger. these made me laugh at times, feel so much secondhand embarrassment, sometimes dislike him a lot and pity him even more.
while this is the shortest out of the four, it's not the most accessible. and the fictional author his self deprecation and bleak outlook makes this book sometimes difficult to read.
other than that I've also heard really good things about Demons!! I'm probably going to read the book this summer.
for all these book, if needed, I'd definitely advise to maybe look up the trigger warnings. some of the top of my head are: suicide, animal cruelty, abuse, talk of rape, talk of CSA, lot's of religious talk, and unfortunately also antisemitism at times and just some really biased religious and russocentric views (which is why I'd never blame someone for not liking or not wanting to read Dostoyevsky)
okay, this was A LOT lmao, but I hope you find a book that interests you. of course it's always possible that Dostoyevsky just isn't your cup of tea, which would be totally fair. but if you do end up reading one of his books, I'd love to hear your thoughts on it!!
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bills-pokedex · 1 year
(Mod Question)
Oh… was the state of Scarlet and Violet the reason why you took a hiatus?
{Admittedly, no—it just had hilariously excellent timing.
If we're talking about the blog alone, the hiatus was (and is, as it's still technically going on) purely accidental because of a cross between RL stuff and me spending a lot more time on original fic, which honestly makes me happier than writing fanfiction ever has. There's something about toying with a universe you've created entirely on your own—and, also admittedly, seeing how many people are actually interested in reading what you create. I'm actually working on three different novels at the moment, one of which I plan on self-publishing sometime next year (and another of which is a delightful fantasy romance that's best described as "powerverse meets FFXIV Endwalker," should anyone be interested), and the amount of support I've gotten from writeblr, Tumblr's writing community, for these novels has been incredible.
But really, I do it for the freedom and the peace of it. I sort of alluded to this when I left fandom as a whole, but when I was super involved with the fandom, I felt like I was constantly doing things for other people or changing parts of myself to please others, only to have people violate my boundaries, take advantage of me, treat me like crap, ignore me/my needs, etc, and then go off on me because I wasn't doing what they wanted. There are good people in fandom, don't get me wrong. It's just that there are also a lot of people who don't really acknowledge that other people on the internet are, you know. Other people. If you catch my drift.
Point is, I just wasn't having fun. At all. And I guess that's also why I haven't really been back all that much. It's been hard to do much with Pokémon because sometimes, when I look at anything to do with it, I'm just reminded of how many years I'd spent making myself miserable when I could have been embracing the things I love. Like, apparently, I really like film analysis, and I never really knew that before because I'd always spend my time talking about Pokémon? And lost media! I spent two hours watching somebody on YouTube talk about how they discovered the lost Saban Moon pilot, and it was incredible. And musicals—apparently, I love musicals too!
And then, the writing! I wrote an entire book that was probably about 75% one dude monologuing, and people actually liked it? Not a single comment was disparaging? They're excited to see me turn it into a book they can hold?
I guess what I'm trying to say is for a very long time, I wasn't having fun with fandom. If anything, I was just hanging around because I liked Bill and Lanette and because I felt like I had to in some respects. So I kinda had to leave to do my own thing and figure things out, and that became a hiatus for the blog too, not because I intended to leave it when I left fandom (I was planning on doing more of my own thing here, after all) but more because I realized I was just having more fun doing other stuff.
Now, again, don't get me wrong. I still like this blog and want to continue running it. It's just that it isn't as much of a priority for me as it used to be. Will I ever close the askbox and write an ending? Maybe. I'd thought about it, even. It's been a couple of years since we last really heard from Bill and Lanette, and I had thoughts about writing a post in which we find out they've gotten married and started in on a new project—maybe even lay the foundations of Halcyon Labs, as a nod to one of my fanfics. But if that post ever comes, it'll be some time far off, I think. I'm not quite done with this blog just yet.
But! Yes, I'm still on hiatus. Technically.}
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sparkagrace · 2 years
Loveliest of lovelies, my darling, Tej 💖💖💖
I thought I’d take a page out of @musette22 ‘s book, because she’s right, and life is too short to hold back and not spread the love as uninhibited-ly as possible, and you deserve ALL the love really. The ask you sent me yesterday, as well as your bday message to Minnie, and all of the texts full of love and support you send me every day, they really just show how incredibly a loving person you are 💕💕💕💕
You’re the most freaking adorable, the most ridiculously talented, the sweetest of friends, and I’m so freaking grateful for you. Can you believe we’ve only know each other for a little over 2 months? I definitely can’t, because it feels like I’ve known you forever, and I never want that to change. 💖 This fandom is so freaking blessed to have you.
I’ve expressed this to you in a couple different ways, I think, but I don’t think it’s ever enough, so I’m gonna do it this way too. Thank you so much for inspiring me, for encouraging me, for listening to each and every idea, for being the best damn cheerleader anyone could ever ask for, for making writing fics just an ABSOLUTE joy, just because you are in my little corner 🥰🥰 . It means the world to me, really.
And on top of that - I don’t even know if I told you - but I’d been going through a rough time lately, just not feeling all that great, and to talk to you every day, share my love for stucky and evanstan and cry over Sebastian with you, have our little fic club chats, READ your amazing freaking fics, all of that? That definitely made my day more times than I can count. You’re such a bright light, such a beautiful soul & I honestly can’t express how grateful I am for our friendship 💖
I love you I love you I love you 💛💛💛💛💛
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I'm so glad I wasn't in a public place because I would have been a puddle. I have no words. I am speechless. I don't know what I've done to deserve you. You have honestly made my day with this lovely message. It's National @musette22 Day so celebrating through our mutual love for her seems so apt to do 🎈🎉🥳️
To think it's just been two months we've known each other but I can't imagine this little space on the internet without you in it. I've loved watching you fill my dash with your fics, your reblogs, your messages of love to our mutuals and our little fic book club. You've added so much joy and love to this fandom! 😭 There's no-one else I'd rather fight off DM rumours and defend our boys with! 💗💗💗
You can come bother me about Evanstan or Stucky any time! I love seeing my phone light up with a message from you. Whether it's just an idea or a draft you've cooked up an hour before, it thrills me every time! You've taught me so much about my own writing too. 💖 You know I've been in a pretty deep writing funk lately, and you're part of the reason I'm slowly coming out of it. Just seeing you go from concept to draft to fic within hours has helped me overthink less about my own work (and be less likely to scare myself out of writing it). I'm so glad that we're both doing the Stucky Bingo this round and I cannot wait to see what your wonderful brain comes up with! I know it'll be fantastic! 🥰️
Thank you for cheerleading me! ✨ I'm sorry you've been through such a tough time lately, but I'm so touched to hear that I played even a small part in helping you through it 💞 I think I've told you before that I was in a very bad place by the time I finished lane lines, so I can relate and I hope you know my door is always open for you whenever you need! 💗💗
I love you so much, Maya! Thanks for sending such a heartwarming message. You've totally made me want to go sob into my pillow because I don't think I deserve such kind words, but thank you so much for making my entire day 😭😭😭
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hey there! i absolutely love your content (especially your writing, it’s like one giant, intricate poem. AND THE WORLD BUILDING OMG) and i just had a question for you
i’ve recently rediscovered your fic ‘Just a Volunteer’ (started it a year ago before i lost it 😔) and sadly, i’ve almost reached the end of it. i was just wondering if there were other works you’d recommend similar to it?? (...in other words rev fics. *shakes my fist in the air* you completely outed me as the revenant lover that i am) 
side note: i’m aware of the sequel ‘Lost Files’ and can’t wait to read it next but i just know i’ll plow through it because of just how good your writing is ☹️ take care you stylistic genius, hope you’re doing well!!
Oh, thank you so much! That's so kind of you!
If you haven't seen (and I apologize if you already know this): the good news on my fanfic is that The Lost Files is one (difficult) chapter away from completion, and Book #2 is actually almost halfway done! It's only being held up by that aforementioned difficult chapter. I am doing my best, and I really genuinely appreciate the patience and kindness of everyone sticking around.
Anyways, onto your real question!
As for suggestions, it is so dependent on what you're looking for! I try not to read too much of other people's work just because I don't want to accidentally plagiarize any ideas, but I can point you in a few directions! Also, plenty of stories are incomplete. (All these link to Ao3, which is the premier site for this kind of content. I didn't want to make anyone uncomfy by pointing directly to a Tumblr, so I hope this is okay.)
Non-Terrae Plus Ultra: This fic is one of the longest I've seen, and has a number of Reader x Character interactions. This writer keeps Revenant extremely rough and mean, and it is explicit with no mature version, so read at your own risk! You can easily skip to the interactions you're more interested in, rather than reading the whole thing. The author is very dedicated to writing a lot and often, and I cannot help but be impressed by them for that.
If You Make a Robot Your B****: This is a fic writer here on Tumblr as well, but mind the rules of having your age in your bio before interacting (oops got myself blocked that way—but that's my own fault even though I'm old enough!). Either way, they made a lot and seem to have gathered a large fanbase doing so for good reason. You could easily carouse their backlog for anything you're interested in. Generally, their work is explicit (hence their rules) with no mature version.
I'm Not Supposed to Love You: As you can imagine, this one is also explicit (I really hope you weren't looking for a mature selection... goodness I messed up if so). This person also posted to Tumblr quite a bit, and honestly I just found their work super cool. I got to beta read a few chapters, and help a little wherever possible. I think they've been off the scene for a bit, and I hope the author is doing well and enjoying life, but this one may never be completed. Despite that, it'll always be nostalgic for me just because the author was always kind to me, even in a really dark time in my life.
Red Lines: Explicit. Haha... ah. Anyways! This is also a good writer form the Tumblrsphere as well, and this was—I believe—the first fanfiction I ever read? I think? So in a way, my entire writing career (as short and socially unacceptable as it has been) is owed to this one. Which is crazy to think! But honestly, my own work has a couple very loose references to this one, in part based on this piece teaching me a bit about the canon lore when I was still learning. Solid one.
So, uh, those are all explicit. I am so sorry if you were looking for ones with mature options. I don't think it's too often that a writer will make a mature version of their work, but I am very glad I did for those who were uncomfy with explicit works. I also think my narrative is a bit unique, and I'm not entirely sure who else "writes like me". All these share the same subject of affection, at least! So hopefully they'll suffice!
Thank you so much for your kind words though!! I really appreciate your kindness and encouragement. I've been able to write a lot more lately because of the support. It means a lot to me. I am glad others get so much out of something I put effort into, even if it's a bit disagreeable to more prudish individuals (whom I genuinely don't mean to offend, this is just how I cope!).
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tanaka-asuka-san · 5 months
I think my mental health is at an all time low.
Read if you want, but it's me rambling about my depression for multiple paragraphs. You are more than welcome to ignore this.
At 32 years old, I've never had a meaningful romantic relationship. The closest I've ever come was awful for myself and one of the worst "first relationships" I feel anyone can go through. They had just gotten out of multiple back to back long term relationships and after asking them out, I was told that they also liked me but wanted an open relationship because they wanted to be free to date whoever they wanted for a while. Me being so happy that someone actually returned my feelings in any way, I insisted I was okay with it to my own detriment. I never felt like I was enough and I ended up not being the person they stayed with at the end, so I guess I was right.
My cat is 16 years old and is not the healthiest. He's about the only thing that keeps me going most days and I know he doesn't have a lot of time left. I really don't know what will happen after he's gone and if I think about it too much I break down.
I work in a call center for tech support because it's that, retail, food service, or manual labor. I've been passed up for promotions 5 times now in the 3 years I've been there. A couple of those by people who were less experienced and less reliable. But they wait hand and foot on management and I refuse to do that. I ask relevant questions and push back against changes that will negatively affect my department, my job, and my team. But upper management doesn't want that. Can't think for yourself, just do exactly what they want when they want and question nothing. I'm good at my job and the only thing it gets me is fuck all.
And to top it off, I've learned recently that within the next year or so, the home that I thought I finally had, won't be my home anymore. Will we even be able to pay off the mortgage by selling the house? Doubtful. The housing market is shit right now. I feel like there are other options but it seems like I'm the only one who feels that way. That was honestly my breaking point. I've cried so many times this week and I doubt that will be stopping. I can't start over again. I just can't. I'm just so tired, every fucking day, and I don't know why I even try anymore. The continue screen costs more coins every day and it feels like I'm running out.
I've been depressed for nearly 2 decades now and honestly it doesn't even feel like depression anymore. I feel empty every day of my life. I have no goals, no aspirations, and any I had when I was young have long since died. I don't even know who I am as a person. I just sit in my basement cycling between vtuber streams, games, anime, and books, all to keep myself out of my own head. I just don't know what the point is anymore.
I've always been the person who does their best to help their friends when they're going through shit and telling them that it'll get better. But all this time I've never been able to look at myself in the mirror and say the same thing. I'm so fucking fake.
I just needed to put my thoughts and pain somewhere because if I don't, I'll fucking explode. Who am I? I certainly don't know.
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fenimores-book-nook · 7 months
My Thoughts ~ 10/23/23
Gooooooood evening, well, evening for me. It is 6:55 PM where I'm at. The other day I wrote up a draft that ended up being Halloween costume themed but I decided not to post it. I don't know why you need to know that information but I feel like it's valid. This post however, is just a little writing thang that I feel like working on right now. :) Who knows what I'll write about in this one, but let's find out.
Now that I have my cozy Christmas jazz on, we're ready to get going. Yes, I said Christmas jazz. I've been feeling very much in a Christmas mood lately. Which is interesting because last year I wasn't, not even really on Christmas Day. But I'm happy about the early Christmas feels this year because I normally love, love, LOVE Christmas. I don't think I've ever not loved Christmas. I think I maybe didn't feel the feelings I thought I would feel and it made me sad. Which is just a part of growing up and getting older, I've found. My feelings and ideas about the holidays are different now than what they were when I was a kid. And that is okay. It just takes some adjusting. ;)
And now, enjoy three holiday photos from last Christmas and a Christmas that was from when I was in eighth grade.
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One of my favorite things to do is put on a fireplace with Christmas music playing while decorating our tree. :)
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I always love the book-coffee shop I work at during Christmastime. It's always one of the most jolly places to be.
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I wanted to include an older photo and when I came across this one, it made my heart happy. :) Here's one of my best friends and I with my pet rabbit I used to have. (his name was Phil)
I think now it's time to move away from the early holiday cheer, don't worry, there'll be more. ;)
Today, I spent the day with my sister, who lives about 45 minutes away from me. I had spent the night at her and her husband's place last night when we watched the TV show, Friends, one of our all-time favorite shows. I honestly do not know how many times I've seen it. I've watched it. A lot. It's one of my favorite comfort shows! After a couple episodes, we watched 10 Things I Hate About You, which I hadn't watched all the way through until last night. I loooove it. It'll probably be one of my comfort movies when I'm in the mood to watch a good chick-flick. After that, we watched A Christmas Kiss. Also one of our favorites, although, in my opinion, the second Christmas Kiss is better. (that one, we watched a bit of today) And finally, the last film of the night waaaaaaaas, drum-roll PLEASE!!...Red, White, and Royal Blue. Which I had read before, FELL IN LOVE WITH IT, and watched it when it came out on Amazon Prime. And now, my sister loves it too. ;) It's SUCH a good rom-com. Yes, I do think the book was better BUT, they still did a fantastic job at the movie. I had forgotten how much I love it.
That was last night, where we also made some Christmas themed bracelets. (yes, my sister is a Christmas fanatic just like me, maybe even more of one)
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A Christmas Kiss on in the back. ;)
Today, both my sister and brother in-law had work so I hung out at their apartment, went to a cozy coffee shop, shopped at Spirit Halloween and Dollar Tree a little bit, and then returned to their apartment. A bit later, I left again to go to my sister's work, she's a 3rd grade teacher, so I hung out with her and the kids for a bit. Normally, I am not a kid person. But 3rd graders aren't too bad. Now, I'm not saying I want to be a teacher (nononononono) but maybe I don't dislike being around kids as much as I thought. ;)
Tonight, I'm spending the night in, writing this. I did have a community choir practice going on, but bestie..when I tell you I didn't feel up for it, I didn't feel up for it. Once I came home from my sister's, I took a much needed hour long nap (went to bed at 2 AM) and woke up extremely groggy and didn't snap more awake until, maybe two or three paragraphs into writing this. What better way to spend a night than to stay in, put on soothing jazz music, and write? That sounds pretty wonderfully magical to me.
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My cozy night in. ;)
And that was my many thoughts and events of my day today!
Until the next one,
Thalia <3
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Huan x female airbender Part Three (last part)
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Part one here
Part two here
Tagged: @feitansrisingsun​ @sirkekselord​ @sillytimetravelcomputer​ @linrailme​  I tagged people who asked for a part three :) 
You and Huan travel to the firelord’s palace for his appointment with firelord Izumi but another firelord decides to crash your appointment...following the meeting you and Huan get into an argument that ends the trip in a way you did not expect
You and Huan arrived in the firenation a week later and you grinned as Huan stared at everything like a tourist. Wanting to impress him you took the flashy route home to where your mother was waiting. It was the first time Huan had met her and you knew he was nervous given your dad’s attitude to him but he needn’t have been. Your mom had heard all your stories about Huan and greeted him with a large hug as if he was already family, sincerely congratulated him on his appointment with the firelord and enquired after his favourite meal so she could make it for him all within a minute of meeting him. Huan saw where you got your kindness from.
You were slightly worried your small fire nation home would seem quaint in comparison to Huan’s mansion but he seemed oddly entranced by it. You saw him examining everything curiosly, from the handprints on the wall from when you decided to paint the wall when you were 3 and your dad joined in to the bizarre overgrown flower maze your dad called a garden. As Huan was looking around the *kitchen* that was really more of a culinary laboratory for you mom to experiment with new recipes you worried compared to his efficient home this would all be odd to him. You watched his face for any sign of confusion or dislike but couldn’t read his expression. When Huan held up a cup you’d made out of clay when you were 8 you burst “so what do you think?”. “Honestly I think your clay modelling needs work” he joked and you smiled “no of my home...will it be okay for you? I know it’s not Zafou but...”. “Not Zafou? y/n your homes lovely!”. “But you don’t think it’s....” you hit your head on plans your father had hung from the ceiling and frowned “messy and disorganised?”. You knew Huan’s father kept all his research in his laboratory, not on the living room ceiling. Huan smirked and shook his head “no i like all this because it’s so you” he smiled “the warm colours! The personal touches crammed everywhere! The fancy artifacts used as vases” Huan smirked noticing the firenation vase your father had been given which your mom used to hold cooking utensils “it’s the exact embodiment of you I love it” Huan finished and you blushed. “Well that’s...not what I was expecting” you commented and Huan smiled “I can tell by how red you’ve gone, I like when I make you blush”. You blushed even deeper and Huan laughed making you roll your eyes. “Come on i’ll show you your room” you said attempting to distract him but Huan continued chuckling as he followed you upstairs.    
Given the fact the meeting was early tomorrow morning you ate and got an early night before setting out for the palace. You and Huan gave your names and were taken through so many coridoors you lost count before eventually being shown into a room with a desk and some sofas. "Wow this place is...". "I know, i thought you were rich" you smirked and Huan smiled but you could tell he was nervous. "Don’t worry it'll be fine, if Iroh recommended it i bet the firelord's all for it". "Have you ever met her before?" Huan asked and you shrugged "a few times at fire nation parties, my dad and her were friends as kids, then he mentored her son Iroh when he joined the army. Iroh was always around our home, he actually babysat me as a kid". Huan paused "the future firelord was your babysitter?". You paused before nodding "i guess, he was always just Iroh to us...his parents wanted him to live as much like a normal teenager as possible so he'd babysit me once a month, kind of hard to think of someone as a prince when they make you food and play doll houses with you". Huan smirked and you smiled "but i’ve met firelord Izumi quiet a few times, and firelord Zuko and Mai once or twice at really formal events". Huan nodded slightly reassured and you touched his arm "it'll be okay i promise". Huan wanted to point out how you had no way of knowing for sure but he didn’t, he just smiled and put a hand over your hand on his arm.
The door opened and you both tensed. You jumped up turned to the leader of the fire nation "Firelord izumi" you said bowing low and Huan followed your lead. "Thank you but there is no need for that" she called "you are my guests" she said showing you a warm smile. You smiled back and she stepped closer to you both "y/n it is so lovely to see you again, how are you parents?". "They are well thank you ma’m" you smiled. “Your father an airbender...I bet he’s making a unique mark on the air nation”. “He is” you laughed “my uncle Tenzin is not too pleased with him”. Izumi smiled fondly "That sounds just like your father” before she turned to Huan “and how are you Huan? We haven’t had the pleasure of meeting before but my son was very impressed with you, how is your mother?". "My mother?" Huan asked "you know her?". "Well i haven’t see Su since we were children but i am fond of her" she smiled "you know my parents and your grandparents were close friends don’t you". You and Huan nodded "of course". Izumi smiled "that is why when my son told me about you Huan I knew I had to meet you. I've been wanting to freshen up the place and who better than such close friends?". You and Huan were slightly speechless but Izumi smiled "so please sit and we will discuss what i have planned". You had just gotten into the plans and areas Izumi wanted art work for when the door opened. Deespite neither of you having been around him much you both recognised the former firelord on sight.  "Firelord Zuko" you and Huan gasped and you both rushed to stand and bow. "No no! You are my oldest friends children" he smiled "you do not bow to me". You and Huan blushed and smiled. "It is so nice to see you both here" he smiled coming to stand right in front of you. He searched your faces and smiled "y/n you look just like Aang but I see the hint of Sokka and Katara in you too and Huan....well you just eminate Toph energy" he grinned "it is so nice to see you both, it’s like having a mini Aang and Toph in the palace again..i am so pleased our bloodlines are still linked together". You and Huan smiled glancing at one another "it seems they always have a having of intertwining" you commented and Zuko laughed. "That they do! Now Izumi please continue" Zuko said taking a seat “pretend i’m not even here”. You and Huan smirked at the very idea and Izumi smiled fondly before turning back to your both “so the question isn’t if we want you but when can you start Huan?”.
You walked down the palace steps an hour later a buzz about what had just happened. Huan had been hired to comission the palace! The palace! Izumi had given him almost full artistic freedom and a mass amount of money and resources. She had set him no time limit, her only condition was she wanted to announce him as her royal artist and keep him in her books for future works. It was an amazing first job as an artist and more than many got in a lifetime. You were chatting away about how proud of Huan you were when he stopped walking and grabbed your hands. You looked at him confused as Huan grabbed you and kissed you. Huan never liked PDA or being overly affectionate but here he was kissing you infront of the whole fire nation. It wasn’t a quick kiss either, it was the longest kiss you’d ever had and Huan had initiated it. You finally seperated for breath and Huan looked at you "thank you" he smiled "for getting me here, for being my girlfriend, for coming into my life" he smiled stroking your cheek "i...you..". You smiled Huan’s energy running low and took his hand "i know". Huan smiled at you gratefully and pulled you into his chest hugging you. You wrapped your arms around him slotting into him and smiled. You looked up and noticed huan was bright red which was hard with his tanned skin but none the less adorable. "Come on" you smiled seperating from him and tugging his hand "my mom will want to hear the good news!".
Your mom was thrilled and said you should celebrate. You agreed and took Huan to one of the best resturants in the capital. You covered the bill, despite the fact Huan was filthy rich, and just enjoyed treating yourselves ordering everything and anything you wanted. You’d both dressed nicely and you were determined to make this a special occasion and it became one...but for reasons you weren’t expecting.
Huan loved when you dressed up but also couldn’t help but feel nervous or lesser beside you. He knew he was punching dating you but that was most apparent when you went places looking stunning and Huan wore all black or dark green floor length outfits. It was more noticable you were an odd match in moments like this and although you never seemed to notice Huan knew that couldn't be said for other people. Case in point, on your way home you were walking hand in hand back to your house and passed some men. Huan saw their eyes fall on you in that dress and sure enough their heads turned. They were so busy staring at you they didn’t even notice Huan’s glares for a few seconds. When they noticed him they did a double take at your joint hands, clearly thinking the two of you didn’t match. Huan glared at them his muscles tightening and you felt his arm contract. "Huan?" you asked glancing at where he was looking and saw he was staring at some men. "Huan?" You repeated "are you okay?". Huan nodded snapping his head back around "i’m fine". You frowned seeing Huan was angry but didn’t want to press it out in the open.
You got home and found your mom was out meaning you had the house to yourself. You and Huan settled in your room and you took off your jewellery and shoes while watching Huan worriedly. He hadn’t said a word since those men and was just sat staring into space as he expanded his metal bracelet and back again. You frowned and now in private decided to approach the topic. "Huan?" you asked laying a hand on his arm "are you okay?". Huan sighed but nodded "i’m fine". "Because you seem kinda...". "It’s nothing" he said but he’d raised his voice and you frowned "what did those men do?". Huan sighed "it’s not just them it’s everyone". You frowned "but those men must’ve done something to make...". "Yes they did but they’re not the only ones" Huan sighed "everyone does what those guys do when they see us together". You paused sensing this wouldn’t be good but still had to ask "and what’s that?". "They stare, mainly at you first and then they notice me there too and do a double take that you’re even with someone like me, i see them question it on their face, how is he with her?". You touched Huan’s arm again but he shook his head turning away from you "no i get it, i don’t need pity y/n i ask myself that too". “Huan but i...”. “Yeah you like me” Huan sighed “but that doesn’t change the fact you shouldn’t, we just don’t match! We’re complete opposites and it makes me wonder how long before you’ll find someone better and...”. “Huan!”. “No it’s okay honestly I’m just pleased we had this much time together”. "That’s enough" you snapped and Huan’s gaze shot back around confused to hear you raise your voice "what?". "I usually don't say anything because i know you’re just a realist but i won’t let you talk about yourself this way Huan!". Huan paused "but it’s true". "No you think it’s true because of what we’ve been taught but it’s not! Looks don’t count for shit Huan! Some people might think we look odd together but i don’t care, why would i care? I think you’re amazing, smart, funny, hot and care about me...why would i care what anyone else says or thinks? All i care about is what you think of us and I don't want you ever feeling like you have something to prove to me Huan, ever! In my eyes you’re amazing and i see you that way, i see how lucky i am to have you and when i look at you i just want to..." you trailed off and seeing the way Huan was looking at you just kissed him. Huan kissed you back but you could tell he was still hesitant. "You really don’t see how out of my league you are?". You shook your head not moving your face away from his "not at all, were equal you and i, i like you and you like me, what else matters?". "Nothing" Huan agreed and kissed you again. You smiled and kissed him again "you're incredible Huan, you need more confidence, if you could only see yourself how i see you" you sighed and Huan stared up at you "you're just perfection" and kissed him again. Usually you’d break away pretty early on but you didn’t want to this time and neither did Huan. Things progressed further than they ever had but Huan hesitated as you didn't show a sign of wanting to stop. "Y/n are you sure you want to...with me?' you paused but nodded blushing "yes but if you aren’t ready then that’s okay..." you started when Huan kissed you pushing you back down "no i just wanted to make sure you weren’t just doing this for...". You flipped Huan and pushed his shoulders down "i’m doing this because i want to, not because i want to make you feel better or because i feel bad, but because i find you incredibly attractive and i want this". Huan redenned but his eyes sparked “okay”.
"Do you believe me?" you asked Huan afterwards and he nodded "yes". You smiled against his chest as his arms tightenned around you. "Good" you smiled kissing his neck, the only part of him you could reach without having to move. "You’re brilliant Huan and i am completely infatuated with you". Huan nuzzled his head against yours and sighed happily “I am too”.
The next morning
You woke up with a jolt and Huan woke up too feeling you jump. "What’s wrong?" he asked and you smiled "nothing...i just wondered where we were". Huan smiled seeing how good you looked beside him and for once thought you fit. He kissed your forehead and smiled "we’re in heaven". You laughed and relaxed back against him "no but we did have an undistrubed night which is odd, my mother must’ve assumed you were in your room and luckily didn’t check". Haun nodded "lucky, very lucky". You grinned and pulled the covers over you two. "Are you cold?" Huan asked and you shook your head "no this way i can forget where we are, it’s just us". Huan smiled and nodded "that’s all i need".
When you finally couldn’t hide anymore you sauntered downstairs for breakfast while Huan went to shower. You mother was sat at the table and greeted you warmly. You ate together chatting happily before your mother smiled “ow i have news! Your father’s coming home tomorrow". You smiled pleased and went to ask when his ship was getting in when your mom continued. "So make sure Huan stays in the guest room tomorrow night". You almost chocked on your breakfast and swallowed with some effort "i’m sorry?". "I’m not stupid y/n" your mother said raising an eyebrow "i know Huan didn’t sleep in his own bed last night". You paled "we...we were...". "It’s okay, you’re both adults just be safe, i trust both of you". "You do?" you asked and your mother nodded "i’ve seen the way he is around you, he’s a sweet boy and i trust him with you, i like him for you". Huan walked into the room and saw the way you and your mother stopped as he entered. "What?" he asked startled and you smiled shaking your head "nothing" and just smiled up at him. You took a moment to just admire Huan in your kitchen, his long dark hair still damp moving as he talked. His goregous green eyes watching you as he pulled a signature frown at your behaviour. Huan was obviously very confused but ignored it and sat down next to you. You entwined your hands and Huan smiled "what’s gotten you so happy?". You sighed and shook your head "nothing in particular". Huan raised an eyebrow but smiled and held your hand tighter.
Huan stayed in the fire nation with you for many years to complete the palace renovation and afterwards decided to settle down in the fire nation permanently. He found the fire nation a perfect place for his modern art and was soon one of the biggests influences of your generation. You carried on your air bending, working as a representative of the air nation for the fire nation along side your father. You and Huan rented an excellently furnished and decorated apartment in the city and later when your duties reduced moved out to the colonies. Neither of you wanted children and instead invested in many cats and dogs, which you loved as dearly as children. Your home was constantly bustling with your and Huan’s family, your father was always popping, your cousins visiting whenever they got annoyed by one another and atleast one of Huan’s siblings was always around. You loved feeling like part of a big family but also love the quiet days where it was just you and Huan curled up infront of the fire. Huan never questioned your match again because he couldn’t. He knew something that felt this perfect had to be just that, perfect.
So this is my last part of this Huan series! Thanks for all your support, I never intended to do a part two let alone a whole series so thanks for encouraging me! I hope you like it :) 
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the-midnight-feline · 3 years
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¤¸¸.•´¯`•¸¸.•..>> So this piece is actually part of the Piliin mo ang Pilipinas Collab event hosted by @lumpiang-toge, you guys should seriously check this out since the works posted there are such good reads ❤️️<<..•.¸¸•´¯`•.¸¸¤
this is the first time i've joined a collab, (ngl i thought i was waaay in over my head lol) i'd like to thank a friend of mine, Dylan, (won't tag his blog just cause, loves you for reading it !) thanks so much for the encouraging words ❤️ and of course Mama Rae (@hq-girl-next-door) for the advice on the banner**❤️
**For the banner I did, I took the image from pinterest, if you guys know who the artist is, please let me know so I could properly give credit to them :)
Tags/TW: Mutual pinning-ish, friends to lovers, fluff to angst, Cheating, swearing (I think theres one or two in there)
(A/N: Please don't get too confused /-\, the italic parts is you recollecting the past, it comes and goes (。♡‿♡。))
WC: 3.8k ;-; didn't know it get that long
Pairings: Tendou Satori x fem!Reader
Summary: It all started with a simple crush, you wouldn't have guessed that it'll be more than that, It was a dream come true to loved and be loved by the person you loved, but not all dreams end good, some end as a nightmare.
“You like the Guess Monster, like THE Guess Monster?!?!” your friends shouted in unison, looking at them frantically as you’re in the gym watching the guys warm up for a practice match and the way they shouted had the sounds of balls hitting the floor just below where your group sat, you willed yourself to look at the who were the people below you guys trying repress the blush you feel creeping on your cheeks, swallowing that lump on your throat as you peaked just a little over the ledge and saw his red hair. Internally cussing out your so-called friends, you tired to act like you calm and collected as he was looking up at the bleachers, maybe trying to guess which one in your group, who was also looking over at whoever heard them, liked him, shaking his head, chuckling toward Ushijima and Semi who was already making their way to the court to get this warm up started.
A single tear began rolling down your cheek as you remembered how it all began, your friends’ sudden outburst in the gym gave you the opportunity to talk to the guy you’ve been crushing on when you first saw him in the opening ceremony just something about him drew you to him and you were adamant on getting to, at the least, know him. Sitting on the floor of your shared bedroom, opening the memory box you and your husband made a few months after you started dating.
Semi knew your friend, he actually liked her and from that outburst of theirs at the gym, he 89immediately thought of a way to hit two birds with one stone. “hey, y/f/n, I heard you guys at the bleachers, sooo” scratching he neck out of shyness “which of your friends like our Tendou? Maybe we could setup a date or something?" He really liked your friend and would honestly do anything to get her on a date, she pointed to you, the quiet in of the group, usually the source of rationality and guidance, the one that acts like the mediator of the group. You really always kept to yourself, didn’t really want to attract attention towards yourself. Semi was skeptical at first, you the quiet, shy girl of the class liked that loud ass friend of his? Maybe y/f/n was pulling his leg, she can’t be serious.
A bitter laugh escapes your lips as the memory of your first date comes crashing on you as see the pressed flower from the little hole in the wall café near the school, Semi was the one that found that café and planned every detail of the date.
As you and your friend were walking towards the café Semi told her about, you were itching to just keep hitting your friends back “why the hell did you fucking agree to this?!!” you hissed at your friend, you were practically shooting daggers at her for saying yes on your behalf and you didn’t even know what she agreed to but she told you to get dolled up, silly you, thinking that it’ll be just a girls day out, but peering over her shoulder as your guys walk out of the dorm, you see her texting Semi, thinking maybe it was him asking for notes since they were in the same class. She led you to this small café and you guys sat at a corner booth, making you sit inside by the wall, you really thought nothing of it, until you saw that distinctive red hair bounding towards your booth. Your palms got a tad sweaty, nerves getting the best of you, a million thoughts racing in your mind that you didn’t notice that the Tendou Satori was there taking the seat opposite of you in the booth, the ever infectious smile directed towards you and you alone. Seeing as you and Satori were basically having a silent conversation with just your smiles, Semi and your friend made a discreet exit and left you two be. Little did you know, he often saw you around, he knows you like shounen jump as much as he does since he sees you go to the store he usually goes to, he knows what snacks you liked since he usually goes out at the middle of the night to get some snacks of his own at the convenience store around the corner. He sees you in the library with your nose buried in some book when he follows Semi there just to annoy him. Tendou didn’t tell anybody about the girl he liked from afar, he knew he’d scare you off, no one wanted to date a Monster, or that’s what he thought.
Looking back, that impromptu date was what started the relationship with Satori, a soft sob escapes your lips as tears gently fall on the first picture you have together, he suddenly rang you up and asked you to go to the mall with him. In the picture, he had his arm wrapped around your shoulder while you were hugging his waist tightly, seemingly scared that being with him was a dream you don’t want to wake up from.
Getting out of the shower, you hear your phone ring from under your pillow, confused as to who might that be since it was an unknown number calling you, curious you answered it. “hey y/n! I know it’s kinda out of the blue but, you wanna go to the mall with me?” shock was evident in your body, it was Tendou! Your thoughts was scrambling, you know you didn’t get a chance to give him your number before you guys parted ways on your first meeting since Coach Washijo made Ushijima contact both guys for a weekend practice. You knew the coach was a hot head and would make anymore run 50 laps if they were late and that was a few weeks ago, a worried Tendou called out to you again “uh…y/n? If you have other plans I totally under-“ blinking back to the present “I’d love to go! Lemme get ready and I’ll meet you down” you cut him off midsentence hearing a small chuckle at the other line “don’t make me wait too long ok?” he said in a teasing tone which made you giggle on the line “yes, yes Satori, I’ll hang up so I could get ready ok? See you!” it took every ounce of self-control to not shriek the whole conversation, once he hung up you were practically jumping on your bed out of pure joy, but then you remembered that he’ll be waiting, you quickly snapped out of it and looked through your dresser for a decent outfit for going out with Tendou, you quickly settled with a simple get up of a long sleeved shirt and pants with some sneakers on, you excitedly exited your room, to meet up with Tendou, hoping you haven’t made him wait too long, turning the last corner you see him outside your dorm, almost wearing the same thing as you, even the color of your shoes match, biting your lip to stop a stupid smile from taking over you walk up behind him, gently poking his side, his sudden jump made you giggle as he took in all of you, a smile makes its way on his lips and eyes as he himself lets out a chuckle. “y/n? Are you copying me?” shaking your head, letting a small laugh out “Satori, please you’re the one copying me here” he just shook his out of amusement when he saw the glint of teasing in your eyes before he offended his arm to you like a gentleman would, the small action made you faint blush.
You two spent the day just walking around the mall, just browsing from store to store, having just a blast at all the random comments he makes, the last stop you guys make was the arcade, you guys played all sorts of games, air hockey, tried your luck at a pachinko machine and Tendou even tried the basketball game, which he surprisingly good at that he won a lot of tickets getting you a small rubiks cube, but near the back of the arcade something caught your eye, a purikura, Tendou saw where your eyes went and with a small smile he took your hand and walked towards the machine, and ushered you in the booth, he felt at comfortable around you, he would’ve never guessed that you were a crack head like, random outbursts of ideas and thoughts spouted from you made him laugh as you spent time together. He quickly wrapped an arm around your shoulder, pulling you close to him, a flash went off, that was the first shot, with the blush creeping on your cheeks you hid your face under your hair and hugged him another flash went off, that was the second shot, he tipped you head up, making you look at him, his infectious smile directed at you as another flash went off, and the last shot was of him kissing your forehead. You were left speechless after that whole scenario, seemingly in a dazed as he guided you out and grab the prints of the photos. That’s how you guys ended the date, he held your hand in his all the way back to the dorms, placing a chaste kiss on your cheek as you parted ways.
Rummaging further through the memory box, you see all the mementos you both kept from your dates, a few fallen leaves, a couple of pretty rocks, stickers, napkins, flowers, pictures, the cork from the bottle of champagne you drank at your wedding. More tears fell from your eyes as you dug through all the stuff in the box, who knew you both collected a lot of things in just a couple of years. What made you sob so hard was the acceptance letters you both got when you were selected as the few students for the incoming year.
A few months before graduation, you both got accepted into a culinary school in Tokyo, you were ecstatic as this means you and Tendou could get a place together since your parents already gave you two a small amount to get a place near the school so you two could still practice and create new dishes together, it was really no surprise to your friends or the whole volleyball team that you two would get into culinary school, you’ve always had a thing for cooking, you’d often come their practices with some bento boxes for all of the guys so they don’t have to go out and spend for food, on the weekends, the kitchen was his domain he’d let you watch him bake and oftentimes let you help him out. It’s often that the whole group get together during the weekends, you cooking for them while Tendou makes that dessert. For some reason, they got jealous of how your relationship started, it was as if all the pieces just fell into place at the right time, you two together just seemed right like you two were always suppose to be with each other. There’s always been a carefree air around him, it calmed you down so much that it helped you be more open or that’s how you saw it. You were the opposite of him always worrying, always, over thinking, being overly critical of your actions and how you overwhelmed with everything so you turned to anything that’ll help you divert your mind but once he was in your life it just got easier. He voice would immediately calm the voices spewing negative thoughts I had your head.
Looking around your room, you see pictures of you together, your graduation picture, the picture of you guys on the front of the school, the picture of your guys graduating culinary school, a photo of you two at the restaurant where you two both apprenticed and next to that was the candid shot of his proposal there, a mix of joy and hurt shoot through you as you the memory come rushing back to you.
The way he sheepishly confessed that he asked the manager if he could do his proposal there and invite your family and friends for that surprise. “Hey y/n, come with me, a customer just complained about the sauce you made being too salty, I’m not taking blame for that!” an angry chef came shouting at you, shocked and anxiousness dunning through you, you timidly follow behind him, thinking how you could screw up a simple sauce like that, your thoughts were everywhere, but once you stepped outside the kitchen you noted that the dining area was dimmer then usual, but maybe that’s because you’re used to the bright lights of the kitchen, you hear a soft melody playing, it’s one of your favourite songs ‘I Choose' you’ve always related that song to your relationship. On the far wall you see photos of you together, looking around you see familiar faces, his and your parents, your friends, the Shiratorizawa boys were there even the coach came!
The euphoria you felt from having everyone who had been part of your relationship through the ups and downs just had you in tears, your head was fuzzy with the mix of a dozen emotions swirling in you, through a blur of tears you see him kneeling in front of you, he let out a huff of breath to calm his nerves before asking you the question “y/n, my love, my baby, my better half, my paradise. You’ve stuck by my side through my highs and lows, loved me unconditionally, took care of me whenever I got sick, urged me to follow my dreams, guided me into being a better guy, especially with my chocolate making you supported my dreams like no other can, you, you made my world complete, you made me feel things I haven’t felt in a long time, you gave me your heart to cherish and protect. You made my life whole” the words flowed out of his mouth so freely, every word making more tears come out of you, every word so heartfelt, with shakey hands we presented you a pear cut yellow emerald ring “My Paradise, would you do me the honor of being my paradise for eternity?” no words could express how happy you were nodding your head, trying to stop happy tears from falling a hushed ‘yes’ slips past you lips as he stands to slip the ring on your left hand, pulling you in for a tight hug, whispering endless I love you’s and thank you in your ears as the people around you cheered for the newly engaged couple.
Biting back another sob, you feel fresh tears streaming down your cheeks as your eyes land on your wedding photo above the bed, he loved you enough to marry you, he was yours and you were his, you can’t help but stare at the framed photo, he had that infectious smile of his that made you fall from him the day you saw him. He has you up in his arms as your arms were wrapped around his neck, pecking a sweet kiss on his cheek. You asked him many times if he’d like to blowup another photo from your wedding, he simply shook his head and wrapped you up in his arms “you’re perfect in any picture of us, but in that one you look like the most perfect human being in existence and I’m just lucky to have you in my life” you basked in his love and affection on those simple words pulling him closer and burying you face on his chest, inhaling his sweet scent “I’m lucky to have you Tori, lucky to be called your wife” placing a chaste kiss on his chest as you look up to him with love-struck eyes. This was it you guys moved countries after your wedding to France since Tendou was offered a job at a famous pâtisserie there, all you wanted was your husband happy, wherever you guys may be.
You never really cared where you two were, as long as you were together, you could get lessons on the French cuisine as Tendou works, that was the plan before you guys flew out. You worked hard to learn the basics, you’d often have Tendou taste test all your creations and you’ll you the same for him since he likes to experiment with different flavor combinations, things were great the first few months of moving cross countries, you enrolled in a cooking classes there to build up your repertoire and after a few weeks of learning a few new techniques you've decided to look around for places you could work at just to keep your body busy again. You've decorated the apartment the way you liked it and how you think Tendou would like it, just adding different odds and ends giving it a familiar vibe. This place was your starting ground.
When you got a job at the nearby bistro, Tendou didn’t really mind it, since he’d often come home a bit later then usual saying something along the lines of making things in the experiment lab with the other chocolatiers at the shop to have something new for the upcoming season, in turn you thought nothing of it since you do work nights after getting a gig in a restaurant in town as well, it also means you could still have time to make his dinner and keep it warm for when he gets home. You two actually got into an argument when you got that gig since Tendou was adamant about keeping you in the apartment after the morning shift at the bistro so you don’t work yourself too hard, he wanted to start thinking about getting a kitten to keep you company when he’s out working but you argued back that you didn’t wanna feel like mooching off of him even though he said it was fine, he loved coming home to a warm meal that you made with love and gets more time to spend with you, but he did cave in after a few bats of your eyelashes.
It was perfect, you both were doing what you were passionate about, you two scheduled your offs near each other’s so one could take care of each other after a long day. But there was this weird feeling creeping in you but you simply don’t know why it was there, you and Tendou always kept communication open since you two do work different shifts and that itself puts a strain in the relationship but you two made it work. You loved him. So you would really sacrifice anything for him, he had have a rough childhood, he was bullied cause he looked different, acted different, but he wasn’t like that for you, he never was, even though he had a wicked sense for things which really surprised you, you can’t even hide a gift from him cause he knew what you’d get him or more likely sense what you’ll give him.
You don’t tell him that you swapped shifts with someone so you technically have a day off so you decided to drop by the pâtisserie where Tendou worked with some home made Pan Bagnat since it was nearing lunch, as you were close to the shop you saw his figure near the window placing new confections on display, but something made you stop, another person, a female chocolatier, was hugging him from behind and not in a friendly way, there was familiarity to it, it looked as if she’s been hugging him for so long, like she’s always hugged him, you didn’t notice that you’ve dropped the basket you were holding on the sidewalk, the glass bottle shattering on impact, the sangria spilling on the pavement, the sandwich you made, making a mess, the fruits you packed rolling in every direction. People around gasped at the scene, some tried to help in picking up the fruits that escaped, your mind in thought again, maybe you just interpreted it wrongly they’re just so so close, like a brother and sister kinda way, since they both work in the shop, you simply jumped to conclusions too fast, those thought completely vanished as the next sight you saw.
She kissed him. SHE KISSED HIM!! Your mind played that in your head like it was a song played on a loop. That was what made your heart break, that was the tipping point, he didn’t push her away, it was the opposite, he pulled her closer, the way he held her mirrored how he would hold you when he came home from work, people around you were asking you things trying to snap you out of your trance but you paid no mind to them, your legs moving on their own.
It was as if you were on autopilot, you got home, your mind racing with so many thoughts, how long had that been going on? Is she why he’d come home later than usual, is she the reason he had woken up earlier to get to work everyday? Did he spend his days off with her when you suddenly get shifts? Walking into your apartment, you didn’t know what to think, how to feel, how to make sense of things more questions come into your mind. Does he bring her here? Did they do anything sexual in the place you called home? What places were safe? Did she please him better than I did? You walked into your bedroom where the memory box laid in the middle of bed. It was your first wedding anniversary, did he really forget? Your anniversary was engraved on your wedding rings with your initials on it.
A scream of agony escaped your lips as everywhere you looked at it was all you and him the very place you thought was the safest of all was not. It's tainted with infidelity, your heart broke even more as you took the box from the bed with shaking hands contemplating on whether to open the box or not, he loved you with every part of him didn’t he? You were enough weren’t you? You made sure he was satisfied right? You gave him all the love you could and even more right? Didn’t he promise you that he’d protect your heart? You're still his paradise right? He loves you right?
Maybe opening the box, and finding something that you both placed in there would make him rethink his choices right? With broken sobs and uneven breathing, your fingers shaking as you pulled the pretty red ribbon that held the lid shut, looking at all the things that you both collected that reminded you both that you loved each other you broke even more. Every one of them held the promise of love, of fidelity, of trust. But now, a part of you is doubting every word that passed his lips, every kiss that landed on your skin made you feel dirty, every I love you's he uttered seems like a lie. You didn’t want to feel that way, you love him with every part of your being, you’re THE Mrs. Satori Tendou, no one else but you had that title, just you, it was only you right? You were his paradise for eternity right? Right?
I hope you guys liked this, I actually really liked working on this one(played my brokenhearts plays it nonstop for it) , but I do have another one coming so...yeah!
Song inspiration :Anong Nangyari Sa Ating Dalawa by Aiza Seguerra
Song used in the proposal I Choose by Alessia Cara
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rpmemesbyarat · 3 years
RP meme from Scream Queens Ep 10 "Thanksgiving"
Listen. I don't want you to take this the wrong way, but I don't think I can bone you right now.
My wanger is way stressed out.
I've killed for our love.
I just gave her a little push.
You and I can pick up right where we left off.
You can bring me home for Thanksgiving and introduce me to my future in-laws.
What did you do with the body?
I put it in the meat locker. It's where we've been putting all the dead bodies.
I need to see the body.
Look, we can have a three-way with the body.
I'll show you the body, but not so you can have sex with it.
I'll show it to you so that you and I will share a dangerous secret that will strengthen our relationship and bring us closer together.
I don't understand how this keeps happening!
Is this meat locker, like, a wormhole to an alternate universe or something?
She'll probably stop at nothing until she gets her revenge by murdering you.
No one wants to spend a room service Thanksgiving alone.
Are you going to talk at all?
You shouldn't be mad at me.
We're the sane ones.
Now, I know you've got other plans today, and for alibi's sake we need to protect your cover, but I am not letting you leave on an empty stomach.
Is that what quail is? I thought they were bigger.
You know what I was picturing? Pheasant.
Time to slice off those breasts.
I feel like this holiday is all about family, and, well, as you know, I gave up on my real family a long time ago.
I mean, at this point, the closest thing I have to family is. . . you.
I understand that Thanksgiving is supposed to be about family and being together and thanking God that we were born rich in America and not in Uganda or Venezuela or any of those other African countries.
You're late. The game's just about to start.
What do you think would happen if those instructions were incorrect?
This family's fortune is built on being right on time.
There's nothing better than sitting together as a family, watching the game. Laughing, smiling, just enjoying the warmth of each other's company. That's what it's all about today. Togetherness.
I hate defrosted food.
Why is it called Italian Style Chicken Cacciatore? All chicken cacciatore is Italian style.
This is not what Thanksgiving is supposed to be.
A bunch of my sort-of friends have been killed and no one has asked me about it.
Oh. And I'm starting a new family tradition. It involves me never coming to any family occasions ever again.
Would you stop with the screaming?
It's more like a stay of execution until no one is looking.
I've never cooked before, but that should be fine, since I usually just pretend to eat.
Well, I can cook and eat for the both of us.
So we've decided to have an orphans Thanksgiving all together.
I mean, I guess you could come over here if you wanted.
And this year I'm so thankful for the lax indecency laws in Eastern Europe that inundate our Internet with millions of hours of hard-core porn.
You know, ever since I was a little boy, I knew what God wanted me to do and that was make money off the backs of creative people.
I am so thankful that he, for whatever reason, has not murdered me yet.
You have such a vast future ahead of you.
You'll meet so many new and different women. So many wonderful women to go out with and break up with and move on from.
You should be thankful that this table is too long for me to reach across and strangle you, bitch!
What are you doing here? How are you alive?
When I woke up and regained consciousness, I felt better than ever.
The only thing you're carrying is water weight, you bloated little tramp.
I have a little game to play that's gonna make the time fly right by.
No, I've never killed anyone as far as I know.
Okay, there is no evidence at all that mass murder is genetic.
I would say that is more than a little suspicious.
I have bathroom shame issues. I always wait until everyone is asleep and then I sneak down to poop in the little powder room downstairs.
I mean, don't we all agree that those babies are the killers?
That seems like an unnecessarily complicated cover story.
I think we have plenty here to go to the police.
What, are you drunk?
You know, the one time I call you for a little advice, you're hammered.
I suppose we should discuss the matter of payment.
I'm asking you to name your price.
Are you propositioning me?
No, I'm asking how much money it'll take to make you go away.
My family is super-gross rich.
That outfit screams desperation.
I am, however, willing to write you a check for $50,000 if you will leave now and never come back.
It's a lot of money for a family like yours.
What is the best part about Thanksgiving?
Tastes like Henry VIII just barfed in my mouth.
Well, I don't want to sound like a dick here, but have you ever considered maybe you should leave?
I brought some of my famous eight-meat stuffing. It's beef, venison, alligator, buffalo, rabbit, goat, rattlesnake and Spam. I cut all of the meats super thin, so that you're guaranteed every meat in every bite.
I thought you said you were leaving forever or something like that?
Have you ever even cracked open a book?
You did say just the other day that the only way to live is to play the long game.
I really hope you can come up with something better than that.
I can prove that you're the only person in this room we know for a fact is a murderer.
I saw you in the coffee shop the other day, reading one of your old Playgirl magazines.
Okay, look, there's just some stuff that doesn't add up.
Look, I've gone through all the suspects in my mind, and I can explain away all my suspicions for everyone except you.
Can we just talk this out, so you can help me see that I'm wrong?
I mean, it would fit in with your whole hard worker, let's find out the truth, never take no for an answer, awful personality.
Anything to redeem your beloved dead mother.
I can't rest when the killer's still out there, so I stayed behind to do some more research.
You're skinny and pretty, so that's a plus, but it's highly competitive, so you'd better be rich, too.
You know how at the beginning of the year, I was always secretly following you so I could just keep an eye on you, make sure you were safe?
I heard you talking to someone, but I couldn't hear what it was about.
Thank you for letting me talk about this, talk this out, and hear your side of the story.
Um, homely, ugly.
Gold digger! Not welcome.
No, no, too chunky to wear that outfit.
I'm fairly certain this board game's been tampered with.
And while my motivations were airtight and my conscience clear, still, I'm sorry.
I mean, no one deserves to be spoken to like that, particularly not by what is, without a doubt, the most awful family in America.
I've honestly seen more tasteful decor at a Sizzler.
And you, sir, give the kind, hard-working, deeply moral people who work in such a wonderful industry as Hollywood a bad name.
I am walking out that door and never speaking to you again.
How could such a stud evolve from a boy who was so clearly a douche?
Oh, please, look, I-I was so bombed at that party. I mean, I remember I puked while I was making out with some girl, but there is no way that I could've found my way back down there 20 minutes later, let alone 20 years.
This is really embarrassing, um, but I started the paleo diet, because I'm back on the dating scene now, and I-I wanted to lose some weight.
I never saw a body down there.
I-I was a bit of a man slut back in the day, and it was the '90s, so nobody wore condoms.
I'm obligated to take it to the police.
What are you gonna do with the money?
didn't take the money, idiot.
Okay, first of all, I experienced extreme emotional trauma this evening, and second, I'm the one delegating tasks, thank you very much.
I couldn't find any matches.
I was sharpening this knife.
You haven't eaten yet, have you? I knew it!
You've come back. You've chosen me over your awful family.
First of all, my family is awesome. How dare you?
So, without further ado, dinner is served.
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