#and i assumed its just in the one on my shelf that im not currently carrying around
There is a clear lead on my poll but I can't find that book in order to pack it, what the fuck
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pieroulette · 10 months
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WARNING ↪ gym sex (at hybe gym lmfao), dom!kei, sub!reader, established relationship, pet names, u calling kei as daddy, dry humping, choking, oral sex (f and m receiving), breeding kink, size training/kink, saliva play, profanity. and more u see.. 🙈
WORD COUNT ↪1.6K (the full fic are estimated to be over 10-12k lmfao PLS)
AUTHOR'S NOTE ↪ not proofread, so some minor errors and grammatical errors.. i'm just trying to get back to my momentum of posting on Tumblr again. BUT IM CRINGING ALOT HELP I CANT STOP GAGGING LMFAO-
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The cool breeze of the night sky as you passed through the convenience store shot a severe chill down your spine, despite having a thick hoodie over your pyjamas. Now that you think of it, it is a bad move. Brushing the tip of your thumb across the shelf as you picked one of Kei's favourite ready-made coffee drinks, you recalled the way he called you an hour ago.
His voice dripped in a heavy tone of honey, almost like a melodic hymn of desperation as he enunciate every syllable of your name. As if he was begging for you to come as fast as you can, and when you expressed your initial concern over his odd request, he brushes it off as being exhausted by his current workout routine.
A night workout routine, he repeated.
After exiting out of the automatic door screen, your peripheral vision caught on the remnants of illusionary dusts in the form of a human, and the stray cats scattering beside the over filled trash can, and the serene moonlit sky brought about a good amount of anxiety in you. It is after all, the after dark. Where the world switches off to an underworld vibe, pulling of its black velvet cloaks with indifference that it had hidden beneath the entire sunlit day.
Screw you, Kei.
After dark was when people ripped apart their moral ethics, goodie traits, and humane characteristics—revealing their innate desires they had been keeping to their core.
Not an answer did you receive as you pushed open the black velvet door, only the cool breeze of the AC and it's audible sound surrounding the gym greeted your ears. You assumed that Kei must have left.
Your head turned to the owner of the voice you knew so well, a lazy smile pulled up on your cheeks as you met those dark grey orbs laced with affectionate words all over it.
"Hey, Kei." Giving the ice cold can coffee to him as you approached him, "Quite cruel of you to call me at 2am, seriously."
With no hesitation, he pulled you into his embrace, leaning in closer as he buried his face in your neck, sniffing in your scent which immediately engulfed his exhausted soul in a safe amount of euphoria and craze. "I miss you, though. Don't I have the right to call my girlfriend anymore?"
"At least look at the time." You pouted as you pulled away, squinting your eyes in a playful manner. "Everyone's sleeping right now, and you're the only one pulling up a goddamn Greek god workout routine."
An audible giggle squeezed its way out of Kei's mouth, his doe eyes crinkling into crescents. "Greek god, eh? I'm a Greek god to you then?" His finger dusted off the rosy hues on the tip of your nose, cooing at your childlikeness.
"Well, maybe." You shrugged, sitting yourself leisurely on one of the gym's chairs, swaying your feet up and down. It didn't go past your eyes how Kei leaned against the pull-up machine, a loud pop emitting from his thumbs in the process of opening the can, his plump lips lapping against the edge as he slurped it down his throat—where his Adam's apples protrude in a sensual motion, one that sent havoc into your mind.
Breaking your fixated gaze onto somewhere else, you cleared your throat in attempts to take off your not so holy thoughts in a brief moment. Mentally slapping yourself on the inside, but oh well, scoring a boyfriend like Kei ain't a damn joke.
"How was work?" His melodic voice flows into your ears again.
"Tiring, but it's okay. It's my job anyway, got to have enough fat money to buy what I want. Heh." Dusting off the tips of your two fingers, mimicking the action of counting money before the boy causes his gorgeous lip to let out another audible giggle.
"I love how you're independent, it's damn cool to even think of it.. but you see, why don't you depend on me?"
"Depend on me." Kei repeated with doe eyes wholly fixated on your form, "It's just a suggestion, but I would really adore having to take care of you all by my own, every little thing."
Well chosen string of words got your already tangled heart in an even tighter knot, "I could take care of myself, though. I don't need a sugar daddy yet." You stuck your tongue out in a mischievous manner, that alone had him shaking his head with a round of giggles. "But that's sweet of you, Kei."
"No, but." Pair of sneakers approach you with every low rise and down of steps, his palms having the remnants of water beads as he puts down the ice can on the machine's flat edge.
Halting his step before you with his towering height, the light above the ceiling illuminated the top of his ash strands all while casting a matte shadow on his features—giving him a somewhat eerie look, yet his orbs held so much more in it that it had you unconsciously gripping your finger on the edge.
His long finger and thumb brushes your cheek in a circular pattern, and then down to your neck. "I want to take care of you. I've been thinking since much, much long time ago. I want to look after you, care for you in every way possible. It just hurts to see you punching yourself in the chest whenever your shitty boss ruined your day."
Touched by his words, "Work days are pretty much like that, Kei. Having a shitty boss is an unfortunate bonus, that is."
Your sentences comes to a halt as you notice the way his orbs lingered on your lips, the sensation of his index finger ghostly rubbed your lower lip had your heart skipping a thump, yet you hold on to your firm character—arching the corner of your lip in a mischievous smirk. "Does my lips look that pretty for you, Mr. Kei?"
"Mr. Kei?" His plump lips pursed in a giggle, "I'd like your lips on mine, if that's okay for you, Mrs. Koga."
Enthusiasm filled your chest, and you were sure he did as well the way he confirmed your given permission through your lit up blaze eyes. His index finger on your lips found its way on the back of your neck, splayed tight. His other hand spreaded against your hips, pulling you closer to his body as he sealed your lips in his wet cavern.
Kissing Kei always felt like the first time for you. It didn't go past your notice how his warm cheeks pulled up even higher as you let him in through your tongue, tasting each other to the point of maniacal craze. Your eyelashes fluttered up to reveal your curious orbs, taking a brief glance at the wall clock behind Kei's obscured ruffled ash hair.
1:07 A.M. — The after dark where suppressed desires begin to reveal themselves, manifesting into low seductive whispers and sneaky touches.
"Scrap the sugar part," Kei's breath ghost against your ear, sending a round of butterflies in your stomach. Your eyes lingered on his swollen red lips enunciating each word in a clear hushed tone, yet sensual rhythm. "Your daddy can take care of you right here, right now."
"Now where do you want daddy to touch you?" Kei lapped his wet cavern across your neck, a slight moan left your lips at the bold gesture.
"Please what, babygirl? You have to tell daddy where exactly he should touch you."
"I-inside me, daddy." Lust fogged your mind, yet the sight of the gym machines pushed the logical part in the surface, physically manifesting to your hands stopping Kei's ones. "We aren't going to do it here, r-right?"
You enunciate the question in confirmation, you need him inside you right now but you dead ass wouldn't want to get caught in the act and possibly ruin his career. But the way Kei's lust filled orbs lazily darted to look at behind him, it seems like he had no intention of bringing your intimacy behind an appropriate place.
"Where's the thrill then, baby?" Kei whispered, "Look it's 1am right now, I doubt someone's going to come in. But well, it would be good either way cuz' someone can see how I'll take you all to myself."
That was enough to rule your mind into overdrive, giving in to Kei and embarking in this bold dangerous act. The thrill, the suspense of getting caught, his large hands spreading all over your skin, his lips nipping onto your bare skin; everything fuels into your brazen mode.
This wild desires of exhibitionism; his greatest will to flaunt you and show to everyone that you belong to him. Kei had always been a dominant man, oozing uncontrollably from his aura ever since you first laid your eyes on him, there was no doubt. Your suspicions were further confirmed by his utmost dedication in perfecting his craft or whatever it is he deemed to be of great importance.
And one of them was romance, which immediately rooted back to you. The apple in his eyes, which he oh so desire to devour more than it takes and how he greatly detests anyone who dared to lay their hands on you.
He turns you around, your back hitting his chest and before your mind could process anything—wet slick tongue lapped across your neck down to your exposed shoulder, his fingers pulling the material each centimetre. Yet you couldn't focus on anything but on his tongue doing it's magical wonders on your skin, sending electrifying sensation into your veins and cells.
"K-kei—" his other hand flattened deep inside your shirt, stroking circular patterns on your tummy and into your navel.
"Shh, lemme take care of you." He whispered, and you didn't fail to sense his growing smirk. "Now where do we begin?"
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「 © talesofyuan on tumblr 2023 」 all rights reserved. do not copy or post without permission.
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olde-scratch · 1 year
needed an art dump for all my (admittedly not very good) sketches for souichi from my saiki k/junji ito crossover so heres his house layout
and no it's not harsh black on white its ao3 dark mode colors (very pleasing to the eye) so u don't need to worry abt eyestrain
heres the whole house and its layout
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i dont actually know if they would have a wall around their house, but i assume they would bc that seems like a staple in Japanese properties regardless of price. their yard is smaller than pictured, i just didn't wanna obscure it too much.
the house looks bad but it gives u a good idea of what it looks like so
in case u cant read my writing bc of the stabilizer, next to the tv in the 1st floor is the shrine. next to the stairs is the washer and dryer and then the bathroom.
the 2nd floor notes explain that the hallway is covered in various framed pictures of the tsujii family with a significant jump from right before fuchi's attack to after. (ill probably go more into depth if souichi ever brings anyone over, but souichi is normally smirking or obviously annoyed in most pics pre-fuchi, but just looks miserable or actually in pain in any after)
the attic. i havent decided whats up there, but ive decided that the door is locked and souichi stole the key. i might have mentioned that the house didn't have an attic, and i like that idea, so i think the attic's totally unuseable due to the insulation and stuff. souichi probably would have cleaned it up if he wasn't injured, but yk.
the downstairs is def inspired by the anime "inuyashiki" it's so heartwrenching i watched it twice and cried both times. highly recommend. it's basically if light yagami got turned into a robot alongside an old man and it's only 10 or 11 episodes but GOD im gonna make more references to it at some point.
souichi's bedroom
souichi’s the standing thingy while the other thingy standing against his wardrobe is that weird statue thingy he has which ive decided it a halloween prop he got and decided it was a hone onna he captured and sealed
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for reference, souichi's about 5"4, but his hunch (which is probably more dramatic than shown) makes him seem a lot shorter. canonically, he's like 4"9-11 but everyone thought he was 5"4 so i figured i'd make him 5"4.
theres stuff in the bookshelf i just didnt feel like putting anything in there. the emptiness on top of the shelves and the actual shelf is intentional bc souichi cant comfortably reach them!! he also doesn't have that cloth over his light bc once again he can't reach it. that's also why his hone onna is propped between the dresser and the wardrobe rather than hanging, bc he couldn't put it up and no one helped him
i also hope that the proportions are right. souichi wouldn't be able to reach a top shelf within the wardrobe and i think he's a bit too tall in the second pic but u know what i mean
the thingy with the wheels by the door is actually a thingy i have irl! its got three levels of tiny shelves with abt 3 inch walls. i use it to store my sewing stuff and any fabric or yarn i need for current projects. its also a lot taller. (sorry that its blurry and the lines are thicker than the other stuff i had to resize and didn't feel like redrawing)
his wardrobe's got clothes in it, but i think his bookshelf would probably have a few books and then his dolls everywhere else. his kokkuri geisha is top-shelf and constantly berates him when he talks to it about giving it a proper place to sit. souichi can't move her tho bc her box is so heavy and no one wants to touch it anymore. (it was put there temporarily and misako and shuji kept putting off putting her elsewhere)
if anyone wants a closeup of any room just ask!! ive got heights for all the characters planned and i might sketch out some of the pictures on the walls
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vivithefolle · 3 years
I just wanna ask, and don’t get mad at me cause I’m genuinely curious, how do you stan Ron? Like, I like him, but he is definitely misogynistic (slut shaming Ginny, treating hermione like she owes him something and being mad that she kissed someone years before, always objectifying Fleur, and acting like girls who aren’t pretty aren’t worth much). Like, by DH I feel like he definitely has mostly grown out of it, but still 6/7 books he’s kinda unbearable IMO
how do you stan Ron? 
Like this:
Ok and then.
he is definitely misogynistic 
No. And here’s why.
slut shaming Ginny 
Yes, that was wrong. And guess what, that’s also something he probably - scratch that, definitely - picked up from his mother. And also his brothers, recall how Fred and George too don’t like to see Ginny go around with boys. There’s also something to recall: Ron was there when Ginny was taken into the Chamber of Secrets and learned later that it was because she had trusted an older guy. You seriously wouldn’t be paranoid about who your sister dates after that? It was wrong. Yeah. And he more than learned his lesson when Ginny clapped back by virgin-shaming him and basically told him that he was childish because he hadn’t have a relationship yet. So would that make Ginny sexist too? Or is it just for Ron?
treating hermione like she owes him something 
..................... uuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh... when? When the fuck did anything like that happen?
He made a prat of himself at the Yule Ball, that much is obvious. But he didn’t tell her anything like “you should be with me” or didn’t insinuate anything of the sort. He was a jealous bitch but kept attacking Krum, not Hermione.
If you mean in sixth year when he treated her with “icy, sneering indifference” for the course of two weeks, yeah that was bad but that’s not “treating her like she owes him something”, the fuck?
being mad that she kissed someone years before 
Yeah. I know. And that was bad, ooooh you got me to admit Ron did bad stuff, that’s what you want to see, right? And I reckon he was also mad that she hid it from him, and that he had to learn it from his sister of all people. We see Ron handles what he considers betrayals terribly. I have some meta discussing the possibility that he has a form of Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria.
always objectifying Fleur 
Um... no, he doesn’t. He makes a stupid comment about her once in GOF then stops. Let’s also fucking remember that Fleur is a Veela, she literally makes guys stare at her as part of her powers!! I’m not blaming her because she’s literally born that way, but you can’t blame someone who is under magical compulsion either.
acting like girls who aren’t pretty aren’t worth much 
So tell me why he was friends with Hermione then?
Because Hermione wasn’t Emma Watson the super hawt sexy model goddess. Hermione was Mrs Generic. Until this once at the Yule Ball when she got the pretty princess perfect Mary Sue makeover but then stopped because she had to remain ~relatable uwu~.
Again. Ron made stupid sexist comments. But it’s actively shown that he doesn’t follow up on them. If he did indeed live by the motto “girls who aren’t pretty aren’t worth much”, explain to me why he wasn’t simping and drooling all over Padma Patil who is explicitly stated to be one of the prettiest girls at school when she was his date? Why exactly did he ignore her and was a miserable twat the whole evening instead of basking in the joy of having snagging a girl that was “worth it”? Well surprise, it’s because HE ACTUALLY ISN’T LIKE THAT AND WHAT HE SAYS IS MAYBE SHIT HIS “COOL OLDER BROTHERS” SAY AND HE THINKS THAT BY EXTENSION IT WOULD MAKE HIM COOL TO REPEAT IT. MIMETISM, THAT'S BASIC FUCKING HUMAN PSYCHOLOGY FOR FUCKING TODDLERS MY FUCKING GOD.
Like, by DH I feel like he definitely has mostly grown out of it, 
so. so why. so why wouldn’t you. use that. as a reason. to stan him.
fuck all the “hurr durr ron weasley the boy who made it out of the friendzone!!!!” bullshit, let’s start going with “Ron Weasley, the Boy who became a Man, and not one of those 'uugghh im such an alpha male’ ones but one that’s got the balls to say ‘hey love, I’ve got an idea, what if you kept doing that job you love and feel passionate about while I support you and do the majority of the childcare while also working a smaller job on the side so we’re never short on money’“
Why you people gotta be “yeah I like Ron BUTT” when you know full-well this fucking awful fandom will rake him over hot coals over the slightest mistake he does - worse, will actively go out of their way to interpret his positive moments in the most negative way possible??? Fuck off with that bullshit. Ron dared to say bad stuff omygah big deal, he was forgiven for it all and you’re just all cowards looking to feel “pure” by telling yourself “oh yeah but he was problematic once uwu”. FUCK. THAT. NOISE.
but still 6/7 books he’s kinda unbearable IMO 
And IMO he’s not, funny how that works
I guess it’s impossible to stan Ron because he was problematic uwu.
Then I hereby decree that it’s impossible to stan Hermione Granger because:
“I’ll bet you wish you hadn’t given up Divination now, don’t you, Hermione?” asked Parvati, smirking. [...] “Not  really,”  said  Hermione  indifferently,  who  was  reading  the  Daily Prophet. “I’ve never really liked horses.” She turned a page of the newspaper, scanning its columns. “He’s not a horse, he’s a centaur!” said Lavender, sounding shocked. “A gorgeous centaur . . .” sighed Parvati. “Either  way,  he’s  still  got  four  legs,”  said  Hermione  coolly.  “Any-way, I thought you two were all upset that Trelawney had gone?” - Order of the Phoenix, ch 27
wow casual use of a racial slur yay!!! A+
And it’s also forbidden to stan Harry Potter either since:
It was raining hard now, and she was nowhere to be seen. He simply did not understand what had happened; half an hour ago they had been getting along fine. “Women!”  he  muttered  angrily,  sloshing  down  the  rain-washed  street with his hands in his pockets. “What did she want to talk about Cedric  for  anyway?  Why  does  she  always want to drag up a subject that makes her act like a human hosepipe?” - Order of the Phoenix, ch 25
“Harry! There you are, thank goodness! Hi, Luna!”  “What’s  happened  to  you?”  asked  Harry,  for  Hermione  looked  distinctly  disheveled,  rather  as  though she had just fought her way out of a thicket of Devil’s Snare.  “Oh,  I’ve  just  escaped  —  I  mean,  I’ve  just  left  Cormac,”  she  said.  “Under  the  mistletoe,”  she  added in explanation, as Harry continued to look questioningly at her.  “Serves you right for coming with him,” he told her severely.  “I thought he’d annoy Ron most,” said Hermione dispassionately. “I debated for a while about Zacharias Smith, but I thought, on the whole —”  “You considered Smith?” said Harry, revoked. - Half-Blood Prince
Victim-blaming! Nice Harry, nice. Always classy.
Ok, Ginny stanning is already cancelled because she virgin-shamed Ron, right, so who’s left, who’s left... ah yeah:
“There you go,” said Fred proudly. “Best range of love potions you’ll find anywhere.” - Half-Blood Prince
Selling date rape drugs proudly ouh là là. Bye Fred.
"Do they work?” she asked.  “Certainly they work, for up to twenty-four hours at a time depending on the weight of the boy in question...”  “...and the attractiveness of the girl,” said George, reappearing suddenly at their side. “But we’re not  selling  them  to  our  sister,”  he  added,  becoming  suddenly  stern,  “not  when  she’s  already  got  about five boys on the go from what we’ve...”  “Whatever you’ve heard from Ron is a big fat lie,” said Ginny calmly, leaning forward to take a small pink pot off the shelf.
Assuming that only girls use love potions, and only on boys. Men never rape in JKR’s world, only women do, you heard it from George Weasley here folks, I’m just passing on the message. Ah and I hope you’re also starting the Fred And George Hate Club given how he’s also slut-shaming Ginny.
“What’s this?”  “Guaranteed  ten-second  pimple  vanisher,”  said  Fred.  “Excellent  on  everything  from  boils  to  blackheads,  but  don’t  change  the  subject.  Are  you  or  are  you  not  currently  going  out  with  a  boy  called Dean Thomas?” “Yes, I am,” said Ginny. “And last time I looked, he was definitely one boy, not five. What are those?”  She  was  pointing  at  a  number  of  round  balls  of  fluff  in  shades  of  pink  and  purple,  all  rolling  around the bottom of a cage and emitting high-pitched squeaks.  “Pygmy  Puffs,”  said  George.  “Miniature  puffskeins,  we  can’t  breed  them  fast  enough.  So  what  about Michael Corner?”  “I  dumped  him,  he  was  a  bad  loser,”  said  Ginny,  putting  a  finger  through  the  bars  of  the  cage  and watching the Pygmy Puffs crowd around it. “They’re really cute!”  “They’re  fairly  cuddly,  yes,”  conceded  Fred.  “But  you’re  moving  through  boyfriends  a  bit  fast,  aren’t you?”  Ginny turned to look at him, her hands on her hips. There was such a Mrs. Weasley-ish glare on her face that Harry was surprised Fred didn’t recoil.  “It’s none of your business. And I’ll thank you” she added angrily to Ron, who had just appeared at George’s elbow, laden with merchandise, “not to tell tales about me to these two!”
Ah, good on you for defending yourself, Ginny, but remember, Ginny stanning is prohibited because she’s been problematic in the past and is gonna be problematic in the future and that’s baaaaaaad. Careful kids, don’t get ideas. It’s problematic to like people who’ve done problematic things.
So I guess nobody can like anything or anyone now. Sorry guys. Liking things is evil, what if the thing you liked had, OR USED TO HAVE, *gasp* flaws, can’t take that risk, ohmygah.
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i.changkyun / reader
genre: yandere!changkyun, librarian!reader (sex worker!changkyun)
warning(s)!!!: clubbing, mentions of sex/sex work, obsessive behavior, stalking, ‘love at first sight’ but messed up, masturbation (male), implied violence/murder, manipulation, changkyun plays the nice guy role but isn’t, changkyun is also pretty messed up (oops), y/n is oblivious to an astounding degree, implied drugging, chains/collars, confinement, kidnapping
w.count: 12.3k
Series | One-shot | Two-shot | Drabble [Rated: M] 
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synopsis: im changkyun is a prime sex worker at a local club.  nothing gets his pride swelling more than any poser off the street willing to come into his club and pin bills between the elastic of his fishnets and skin. what he finds more exhilarating than any show, pole climb or heated one-night stand, however; is the one sober woman sitting among her group of wasted friends in a velvet, vip booth. he’ll do anything to know everything about her; putting on a friendly smile was only the first step. 
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a/n: you can blame DAZED for this mess (hi, just in case you need a reminder, this is purely fiction and not at all who changkyun rly is as a person. nothing about this is okay in irl) 
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This was nothing new.  This was just the way his life always played out.  An exhilarating erotic number on a stage with a pole, fishnets and teasing personality followed by the highest bidder to continue his line of work in a more secluded section of the club. 
Fantasia Dyed may have been a newer club against its competitors that have been around for years, but the workers and staff inside raised the bar previously set.  While clubs can be shady to begin with, what with the use of alcohol at every turn, murmurs of drugs, and agreements to met up for a quick money job- Fantasia Dyed had a reputation of the best line of sex workers you could get your dirty hands on. If you had the money, that was. 
Im Changkyun was the front man of that line up. Wanted by men, women and anyone in between- if you had the cash he demanded for his services, he was yours for the night.  He had no qualm so long as you paid and used the protection he required to keep your own STIs to your damn self.  He really wasn’t picky, and he never stopped to ask himself as to why.  
So, this- crawling out of some random woman’s creaky, box spring bed and pulling on the clothes he had lost earlier- was nothing new.  He looked over his shoulder as he ran his black painted fingers through his blond hair.  
The woman was passed out, a fuzzy, brown blanket covering her body as Changkyun turned away from her.  Throwing his shirt back on, flinging his jacket over his shoulders and thrusting his arms through the sleeves, he shimmied on his black skinnies and boots.  Grabbing his abandoned black, clutch bag from the stranger's couch he unclasped it to look at the envelope of bills he had received just hours earlier from his ‘client’.  
Throwing himself on the couch, he crossed his legs and counted the bills, smirking when he was adamant he was paid in full- with even a small service tip he assumed- to cover over his asking price for the night.  Satisfied, he got up and left that small apartment he had stumbled into. 
It was only when he entered his own home- the top floor penthouse of some wealthy building- did he wonder just for the briefest of moments if he was truly satisfied. 
“Y/n, if you don't come with me to Fantasia like you promised you would 2 years ago when it opened now that I finally have the money and the chance for my birthday, you’re being grounded.” 
You, who was busy replacing books that you had been wheeling around on your return cart back on the shelf, had the lovely company of your best friend sitting behind you at a library table as you worked.  She’d been going on and on about her birthday plans and while you were happy she was excited about them, she was adamant on adding you to the attendee list.  
Maybe it was cliche, but the oh-so-thrilling life you lived as a librarian of your local public library painted a rather ‘stay at home’ picture of you; and that is exactly how you wanted it.  The whole reason you took this job opportunity was because the head librarian noticed you come in every other Wednesday for a new list of to-reads to rent and offered a position after she got to know you a bit better.  
Had you had the choice, you’d stay cooped up in your house with a good book, a nice warm drink, a rainy day and peace and quiet for the rest of your life. But, of course, that was a fantasy.  Your social life was barely breathing, with Halie-the insistent best friend behind you- being the center of your social solar system.  
You were a prime recluse, you didn’t even keep in touch with your parents as often as you should since they were so utterly upset you were throwing so much ‘potential’ away when you decided to be a librarian instead of going into some out of this world career field. 
You had Halie and Halie had connections with just about everyone ever.  She was easy to adapt to personalities and was generally kind to anyone she meets unless they’re rude first.  She was a prime example of a modern ‘dream girl’ that people had.  Though, she was still your friend no matter who she is with anyone else.  
Was that naive of you? 
“Y/n, I’m telling you, you’ve gotta cooooome,” she whined.  Sitting backward in her chair, leaning back and pulling on the back of the chair. You sighed, pushing a spine of a book into its rightful you had just mapped out.  “Please,” she begged in a pathetically, high pitched voice. 
“If I go, will you stop whining?” You asked with your back still towards her, but you could practically see the smile on her face with the small, over-dramatic gasp she let out.  You almost immediately regretted your choice, and wished you could take it back. You knew Halie wouldn’t let it happen though.  You’ve spoken and now her selective hearing will kick on and she wouldn’t hear you even if you changed your mind.  
“So, you’re going?!” She screeched as you turned around and shushed her.  She was in a library. With a few more accepting statements from you solidifying your attendance to her birthday, she left happily as you finished stocking your shelves in dread before sitting behind your check-out counter with the same dread- only 10x stronger. 
You watched the time tick by on the computer screen at work, the watch around your wrist on the way home, the hanging clock on your living room wall and the alarm you set on your phone for 9 pm when you were set to get ready.  Time passed far too fast for your liking- you couldn’t even squeeze in a nap to help the nerves. 
Before you knew it, you were walking out of your home, locking the door behind you with the only acceptable club outfit you could think of as you made your way to Fantasia Dyed, texting Halie that you were dreadfully on the way. 
“Hey, Kyun! Take ten, dude!” Changkyun, who had just stepped down off of the high perched stage covered in sweat ruffled his blond hair that clung to his forehead in strands.  He nodded as he grabbed his bottle of water, slouching in a nearby domed-stool.  
One of his ankle high, black platform boots propped up on the stool’s ring with the other on the ground.  The white tank top he had personally cut off to end at his rib cage and expose his stomach drenched in spots of sweat.  Black skinnies clinging to his toned legs and his fishnets showing loud and proud through the open knees of his jeans and wrapping around the perfection of his waist.  Having left his faux fur coat in the employee lounge for the night.  
His dark eyes scanned the floor level he was currently occupying the best he could from his seat at the juice bar- for the lameizoids who wanted something non-alcoholic at his club.  He glanced at the wristwatch strapped onto the inside of his wrist and checked the time.  It was only just past 10 as he smirked.  
The night was still young.  
From not too far off in a different area than he was, he heard a small commotion starting to murmur.  From the looks of what he could see over his sips of water and his bangs hanging in his eyes as he flipped them annoyingly out of his way over and over, it may have been someone’s birthday.  Guest after guest going into the same area with the same woman in stockings and a cocktail dress hugging and greeting them.  
A VIP birthday reservation; that did ring a small bell somewhere in the overbooked mind of the club worker.  Perhaps it would pay off if he did some of his work within their sights.  Birthday crowds almost always paid off in terms of after work lip service and bonus pay.  
Stepping his foot off the lower ring of the stool he had been comfortably sitting on, he stood as he set his bottle on the juice bar. The tender at the particular unpopular drink selection area took it and tucked it away under the bar where Changkyun always asked him to put it so no one tried to get creative with it.  
Walking around the venue area, he strutted by the lower ground VIP booth surrounded by thick, velvet ropes.  Whoever this birthday diva was, she sure went all out to keep her and her group uninterrupted.  A lower level 10 person booth, a table full of booze and a secure perimeter to keep outsiders rightfully out of her hair.  Just from the set up, she must’ve been some spoiled princess.
However, what really caught his gaze was one particular woman.  A woman dressed in a tank top, a cheap looking fake leather jacket and dark jeans.  Perhaps not ideal for Fantasia’s club etiquette and whatever she was sipping on in her clear glass certainly didn’t seem like any alcoholic beverage to his trained eye.  His pierced brow ticked up as he walked fully by and the table of rambunctious party-goers left his sight around the wall.  
“Must be a prude,” he murmured but somehow, he almost felt guilty when the words left his mouth.  He couldn’t fathom at all why. It stalled him physically as he stopped in his tracks for just a moment before strutting further away from the booth to scope out a good area to work his magic.  
The moment midnight hit Changkyun was being flagged over by the absolutely smashed table he had passed earlier that night.  The VIP birthday booth had confidently called him over.  As he moseyed his way over, with a few of his coworkers already there to entertain the group, he was greeted by some drunken man hanging off his shoulder. 
Among the group of drunk or passed out party goers, there was the same woman from earlier who still seemed completely sober.  Changkyun raised his eyebrow as he shook the man on his shoulder off as he stumbled around and clung to the next nearest bod. He walked over to your side and sat himself down beside you on the velvet booth.  
Crossing his legs, he watched you flinch when he plopped himself down, his elbows rising to rest on the back of the booth, his hand hovering close to your face.  He sure made himself comfortable. He had to admit though, as you sipped on yet another refill of something nonalcoholic, you were pretty easy going on the eyes. 
“You sure don’t seem like you’re having any fun, lady,” he chided as he lifted one arm off the back of the booth to push his hair back out of his eyes for only the millionth time that evening.  He heard you nervously chuckle beside him and something about the sound of it stirred pleasantly in his chest. 
“Well, this isn’t exactly my scene,” you told him.  Your voice was soft like Christmas bells, but it erupted in his ears, making the background of sounds and voices and bass all drown out.  He was solely focused on your lips and the sound they produced when you spoke he couldn’t hear anything else.  
“Not your scene, but here you sit in mine,” he teased as he smirked at you.  You tapped the side of your glass that had become a slipping hazard from it’s condensation. Changkyun looked at the friends around you who seemed to be having the time of their young lives.  “You’re friends seem to be enjoying themselves.” 
“Well, they go out a lot. I really don’t like these kinds of places,” you told him before you looked at him with a slightly apologetic smile.  “No offense.”  
“Club scenes aren’t for everyone, I understand that. If you hate it so much, why did you come here?” He asked as you sighed, dipping your chin.  He felt a small spark of panic rise in his throat as he saw you suddenly even more forlorn than you have been.  Did he put that look on your face by asking your dumb questions? 
He mentally halted himself, once again wondering why it affected him so much what you did and did not like or how you acted.  
“It’s my best friend’s birthday so she pretty much begged me to come with her tonight,” you lifted your head and looked over to where she was, downing yet another shot.  You’d have to remember to book a cab for her to go home- if she doesn’t go home with the staff member she keeps clinging to.  “I probably won’t stay much longer since she pretty much forgot I’m even here,” you pouted.  
Changkyun’s eyes swelled at the precious pout to your lips as you whined about being forgotten because you were sober and weren’t partying like an animal.  What was wrong with him? 
“Do you like coffee?” He suddenly blurted out.  He couldn’t stop the words from forcing their way out of his mouth before his brain could functionally filter them or even stop them.  He gulped when you turned to look at him in the eyes for the first time that night.  Maybe it was the neon lights in the club or maybe it was the dim atmosphere that made them so enticing to gaze into, but he was locked in your gaze- unable to break away from you.  His jaw nearly dropped open as he explored the color of them surrounded by the club's aura.  
“Coffee?” You asked in clarification. He just clamped his teeth together before nodding once. “Well, I’m not the biggest coffee fan in the world, but I like teas’ and I can handle a frappe if I’m in the mood for it.” 
“I get off at three,” he told you as he desperately tried to keep eye contact. “If you find the stomach to hang around another three hours, we can get some?” He pitched as his voice that was normally always confident- as it should be for his line of grade-a work- shook just slightly with the booming club bass. 
Your eyes shifted when he put the offer out there, and he started to internally panic.  Would you say no? Would you politely decline him and try and carry on like he never said a word? Or would you turn him down and leave?  Then, it hit him.  You were in a club; a club popular for sex work and Changkyun happened to lead that gaggle of workers. It’s pretty damn obvious you were assuming he had some ulterior motive. For once, he didn’t. 
He dropped his elbow from the back of the booth as he turned towards you slightly, scooting forward to the edge of the booth seat.  
“I don’t mean to hook up or anything,” he clarified, “I just want to get to you know, so I wanted to get coffee at an ungodly hour.” The hands he waved around to try and help convince you quickly settled onto his jean torn, and fishnet covered lap.  “If you want to.” 
You sat and considered his offer.  It was Saturday, and the library was closed on Sundays so you could technically afford to be out later than you typically would.  And a late night chat with someone other than your wasted party of friends did sound tempting.  He seemed kind enough, even with his get up and the flashes of a performance you had glimpsed earlier with him on the lifted stage and poles.  You should never judge a book by it’s cover, just because he seemed like someone who slept around all the time, didn’t mean he was a bad guy, right?  
You smiled at him and his breath left him in one fell swoop.  It was like your smile materialized into a pro-boxer and just gut punched him. And he loved it.  
“A three am frappe sounds great,” you told him.  He smiled back wider than he knew he could. He thanked you before he excused himself to go back to work.  However, before he went back to the floor, he practically sprinted into the single employee bathroom and locked himself inside. 
He slammed his back against the door as his knees wobbled and he grew weaker. His breath was staggered as his chest heaved in unsteady shudders.  His fingertips shook and he had shivers running up his back from the memory of your eyes and that smile.  He started chuckling to himself in the empty bathroom as he felt his cheeks flush.  
God he felt so euphoric in the moment, it was practically erotic.  Whatever was wrong with him, he started questioning if it was really wrong if it made him feel so good. 
It was ten till three in the morning when Changkyun did one last check to make sure you hadn’t left yet.  Almost your whole party was passed out, had gone home by cab or with someone else at this point.  The club was nearly ready to shut down for the night as they started to chase people out. You saw him peek around into the VIP booth area as you smiled and waved to him reassuringly.  That same tightness coiled in his chest as he rushed to the employee locker room. 
A fellow pole dancer who was peeling off his skintight, laced finger-less gloves perked an eyebrow up at the rushing blond.  He hadn’t seen the worker so eager to get out of there before. 
“Some kind of big surprise waiting for you outside those doors or something, hot stuff?” He asked. Changkyun shook his head, too busy searching for his clutch behind his fur coat so he could meet up with you.  Yanking on the furry sleeves that felt almost too warm all of a sudden, he snatched the no longer hidden clutch from his locker shelf and slammed it shut.  
“Something better,” he breathed in promise to himself more than his coworker as he jogged out, his long coat bouncing off the back of his knees.  He came out of the room, seeing you standing and in the company of a different worker who was still relatively new to Fantasia Dyed. A rookie at best and his eyes hardened as the man spoke to you. 
Leaning far too close to you, breathing too close to you and smiling far too seductively at you. He was clearly looking for a bed to crash in, but Changkyun hated it.  Loathed it even as he felt his lips pull back in a grimace mimicking a defensive mutt.  He stomped towards you and inserted himself between the nuisance and yourself. 
Pushing his palms against the worker’s chest, he harshly shoved him backwards and took a few steps back himself towards you.  He felt like he was on fire, feeling you standing directly behind him.  He thought he could feel your warmth radiating onto his back like sun rays and it almost made him sweat.  He felt torn between feeling ecstatic that you were so close to him or completely pissed off at the man who stood shell shocked after being pushed away.  
“She’s taken already,” Changkyun growled.  He shocked even himself with his tone, something coiling further and beating in his chest so violently he swore he felt his chest jerk forward with each beat of his heart. 
The coworker raised his hands. “Chill out, man. ‘Didn’t know she was yours.” Something ignited the coil in Changkyun’s chest and sent sparks in his mind at the man's words. His? Yes… that sounds exactly right. 
It sounded blissfully perfect as the man walked off and the blond turned around to see you and properly escort you out of Fantasia Dyed. He watched your back as you left in front of him- ladies first- and he let a grin crawl across his face.  Unaware of how his eyes looked as they burned into the silhouette of your body.  
Changkyun led you out of the club, but neither of you expected it to be raining at three o’clock in the morning.  You gasped as you instinctively brought your hands up above your head. You were wearing makeup and if it got wet, it was all over.  Changkyun was quick to rip the coat from his shoulders and sling it around you.  It had no hood, but he placed the collar of it above your head as you grabbed the edges of it to pull it around your body.  
He nearly gasped when his finger brushed your hand, handing off his coat before he was pulling his keys from his clutch and pushing buttons to unlock his car that was parked just around the corner on the side of the building.  He reached around your shoulder and started directing you in the rain.  
It was only when he sat you in his car, nice and dry, when he ran to get into the drivers sid, slam the door shut, start the car and crank the heat to get rid of the wet shivers you had due to the rain, did he realize he had just touched you again.  Although his coat was under his arm, so were you as you ran through the rain.  He had to contain yet another delightful shiver. 
You shimmied the coat off your head to around your shoulders before you pulled it out from behind you and placed it on your lap as you pulled the seatbelt across your chest.  You looked at Changkyun who was already looking at you, but flinched and started fidgeting with his wheel and knobs for the radio in his car to distract himself. 
“I didn’t realize there was rain in the forecast this morning. I wouldn’ve have brought an umbrella.” You briefly blessed the idea that Changkyun asked you out because you had taken the bus and walked the rest of the trip to Fantasia, so getting home would have been a long walk considering the buses don’t run at three freakin’ am. 
Changkyun cleared his throat, whipping his blond, wet bangs out of his face and onto the top of his head, clearing his forehead as he shifted out of park. 
“So,” he started, “where do you want to go?” You tossed ideas around in your head and it was so early, hardly any place would be open except the occasional fast food place or gas station.  Offering him the choice between an open, probably dead lobby for some fast food or grabbing a drink and hanging in the car in the rain, he was driving off to the closest food location.  
As nice as it sounded being secluded in a car with coffee and the sound of rain, he wouldn't be able to look you in the eyes as you spoke as well. 
Changkyun took you to the place he would often stop for some after work food before going home or meeting up with someone. Because he knew the manager so well (and because the manager was always in store by three to start preparing for the staff to come in at six) Changkyun was allowed an early entrance. 
Even though you offered to get your own drink, Changkyun wasn’t allowing you to pay for anything since it was him who asked you out. Besides, it wasn’t exactly expensive to buy some caffeinated drinks- especially since he got a special discount too. The manager who always got him his food or drinks ready at this hour was shocked to see him with company this time around. 
Time seemed to become truly nonexistent to Changkyun as soon as the both of you sat down at a back corner table- away from anyone's eyes from outside as to not cause the manager grief if someone should come demanding entrance because Changkyun was inside. You both talked about anything and everything he could think to ask you to get to know you better.  
He learned that you were a librarian and that you didn’t go to school- forgetting about any further education after high school because you weren’t sure what you really wanted to do with your life. He found out bits and pieces about your family situations- gathering that you weren’t close and that you had no siblings to speak of. Your friends were small in number and that you weren’t really close to anyone aside from Halie- the proffered birthday girl at the club. 
He mentally thanked Halie for begging you to come to the club, considering if you hadn’t Changkyun would have never laid eyes on you. 
In turn, he shared what he could in return for your stories.  He had been working in the sex world for a few years now, quickly and unfortunately getting roped into it after a nasty breakup when he had just turned 21. When he realized just how desirable he could be, he started working out and eating better to keep his physique so business kept rolling in for him.  He was actually scouted by the assistant manager of Fantasia Dyed to work there- but it was the pay and benefits that really dragged him in.  He didn’t dislike his career, so he had no reason to say no anyways.  
At least with Fantasia Dyed, he had benefits to get himself into the doctor if one of his clients ever lied and gave him some gross sex disease- then of course he’d sue them into the ground for not following his work guidelines. He told you about why he pierced his eyebrow and even the stories behind the tattoos on his back. 
Oddly enough, despite your absolute opposite backgrounds, you both spoke and got alone brilliantly.  It was a balance of lifestyles and Changkyun basked in everything you had to say.  You didn’t shun him or sneer at his life as a sex worker and maybe it was the lack of disgust and prejudiced that really flipped something in his head.  
You did not judge him. You did not hate him. You laughed at whatever joke he pitched.  You blushed at whatever lame pick up line he slid into conversation. You groaned playfully at his equally playful flirting. You were making him fall and he did- hook, line and heavy sinker.  
He was absolutely, unbelievably head over heels for you and he felt like he was on fire. 
You both talked and talked until you had noticed that the sky started to change color and the rain had stopped. The sun was rising and you were suddenly overly aware of how exhausted you really were.  Changkyun saw you stifle a yawn and although it felt like his heartstrings were going to tear in his chest, he was quick to get up and offer you a ride home as the manager started to truly open the lobby for business as nearly all morning staff were present.  
As you sat in the car with him, directing him on what roads to take to get to your home, he found himself memorizing every turn. When you told him to keep it slow and then pointed out your small little apartment duplex, he looked at every crevice his eyes could see from the car window.  The neighborhood was somewhere small, but there was a small park just across the block so he expected it to be fairly busy during the day. 
As he bid you farewell, and watched you get safely inside before driving away, he struggled to contain his breath.  When he rolled into the apartment parking lot and up to his penthouse, he was quick to lock his door and lift his coat to his face.  
It smelt different than usual.  It had your shampoo’s scent embedded into its fake fur. It had the smell of your perfume and the smell of you inside of it.  He fell asleep that morning until afternoon with his coat curled around him instead of a blanket.  That feeling of euphoria chasing him until he finally fell asleep- only to have a set of specific dreams involving you in one of his reserved back rooms at Fantasia Dyed. 
Over the course of the next week, Changkyun did his damnedest to keep his eyes on you at all times he possibly could.  He’d wake up in the afternoon and find a way to enter the library you worked at and slip into a corner behind a bookshelf with a book to disguise his obvious staring of you.  When you’d leave the desk to replace books, he’d move to avoid your eyes, when you’d help a guest with their books to check out, he’d growl when it was a man that you smiled at.  When you got off work, he’d trial behind you just enough to stay unnoticed. He’d watch you get home every afternoon and one night he even put a small camera on one of the fake branches of your fake bush you hand sitting in a pot on your porch.  
He’d sit in his car or in his penthouse and watch the feed on his phone if it buzzed with a notification of movement.  If you were leaving, he’d jump into action to try and find out where you were going if it was an unusual time.  He’d watch you go to the store to shop or into some food place for something to eat. 
He’s even seen you meet up with Halie a few times and each time he did, he hated that wench more and more.  That obviously spoiled princess wasn’t good enough to be around you, acting like a typical romance villain and obvious snake.  You were smart, so he was curious as to why you trusted her so much. She was clearly brainwashing you and keeping you around as a tool. 
Changkyun had a mental list of enemies and people he hated, and she was ranked number one among that list- along with all the men he saw speak or flirt with you.  He wanted to get them away from you, throw them out of the picture and clean your mind of their filth. 
During his work hours, and after even, he’d still get randoms to get into bed with him- but his mind would be filled with everything about you.  The person underneath him would disappear and your face and body and voice would take hold in his brain like some sort of spell.  He’d fuck into man or woman with such fervor he’d be getting calls from his manager that he was requested for service back to back.  
He hit euphoria and erotic highs with you just in his mind, he nearly came undone when he thought how it would feel actually fucking you.  He’d go home from work, from another sex session and he’d lay on his bed, on his couch, sit at his table or collapse in his doorway and wear himself thin with his hand at the thought of your touch instead of his or someone else.  
He sat on the cold floor of his front door entrance, his leather, skintight pants unzipped and cock slipped through the hole in his boxers.  His hand squeezed his length as his fingers rubbed and pinched and squeezed around the head and slit. It was so dry as his hand slid up and down painfully on his shaft.  His hips bucked to meet his hands motions and his legs twitched in their perched, spread position.  His stomach was tight as his opposite hand came to pinch and twist his nipples- his shirt discarded as he slid down the door upon his entry earlier. 
It was so dry- it was hardly enjoyable- but it was painfully erotic. He couldn’t stop and the precum leaking from his cockhead wasn’t nearly enough for his hand to not pull on the delicate skin making him hiss.  Taking his lip between his teeth and breathing so heavily he stuttered, he watched his hand abuse his cock. 
The hand that played with his nipples shot down to hold his wrist as he finished himself off, cumming with the sound of your name spilling from his lips in lewd, breathless moans.  He lay on the floor, slouched and exhausted as cum stuck, drying to his chest and pants. 
He was so utterly, disgustingly, blissfully obsessed with you and he felt like he was losing his mind. His mind was filled to the brim with you, you, you.  He spent every waking hour he could preparing.  Yes, he had to make sure that everything would be perfect for when you’d finally come to him.  
You deserved nothing short of perfection- and Changkyun would fuck anyone, get paid anything and obtain whatever it was you desired to make sure you got exactly that.  However, it would take time- much to his dismay. 
He knew he had to get ready before he could possibly have you.  He started cleaning out a room he used as storage in his penthouse and got to work.  
It was ten days after your three am date that Changkyun decided to play innocent and ‘bump’ into you at work one day.  He was impatient and couldn’t wait any longer to speak to you again, to hear your voice directed at him again and not at someone else.  
He entered the library confidently that day, dressed in blue jeans, low heeled boots and a tee that was stretched just a bit at the collar.  His hair unstyled and glasses on his nose with his clutch under his arm.  He didn’t want to go over the top in style, so he tried to match your neutral style of dress.  
He took a moment to look at you before he took a breath and walked up to the desk, placing a fake smile of shock on his face when you looked up to see him.  He nearly fell to his knees when he saw your eyes shine and your mouth split into a smile and wave at him.  If he could, he would’ve ran the rest of the way to the desk instead of walked.  
When he walked at the desk, he leaned and laid his arms in front of one another on the desktop, bending and crossing his ankles together and grinned at you.  
“Well, fancy meeting you here, madam librarian,” he greeted, acting as if he hadn’t been here daily for the past week just to see you work.  
“It’s been a little bit, it’s good to see you Changkyun,” you said and he felt himself shift sinfully.  “I’d ask you why you’re here, but it’s a library, so,” you chuckled at yourself.  Oh, how he missed the sound of that laugh.  “Did you come looking for something specific?” You asked as he jut his lip out in thought.  
“Not necessarily. I just felt like cracking open a book, and what better place to start looking? It's a pleasant surprise you work at this library. It’s close to where I live.” That was true, there were two other libraries in town and this one was the closest to him. You hummed at him. “Could you recommend something to me?” He grew giddy when you smiled widely and stood from your desk chair and started to walk around the desk, motioning for him to follow you. 
As you asked him what he liked and disliked, leading him down the isles and scanning book after book, keeping small conversation he wished he could push you against a bookshelf and have his wicked way with you. He knew better, however; you needed to be taken care of in a specific set of ways and against a bookshelf wasn’t it- tempting as it may be. 
“Here,” you told him as you spun around and placed a book in his hands.  As he took it, he quirked a small, teasing smile as he looked at you as if you were playing a joke on him. 
“Twilight? Really, Y/n?” In his hand sat the book that sprung up the cheesy, cliche and overall, not so great movies he watched with one of his old friends for gags one night in his teens- completely drunk he may add.  
“Hey, don’t judge a book by it’s cover- or it’s movies. It’s better than you think.” You shoved the book closer to his chest. “Just give it a chance, please?” When you ask so adorably with your lip jutted out just enough for him to fantasize leaning down to bite into it with his teeth, he had no choice but to comply.  He’d read this book cover to cover, backwards even had you asked.  He’d do whatever you wished. 
He spent the afternoon halfway reading at a table near the desk and halfway watching you work until your shift concluded.  When you were packing up, he scrambled to get his clutch and mark the page he had to reread over and over again because he couldn’t concentrate and rushed up and over to your side.  
“Are you finished for the day?” He asked although he already knew the answer.  You nodded as he touched your arm, grabbing gently around your elbow.  “Do you want to go on a date with me?” He asked as he saw your cheeks grew in the most vibrant color of rose. 
“I, uh,” you cleared your throat and rubbed the back of your neck with your free arm. “I’m not dressed for a date though,” you pouted. Changkyun licked his lips, desperate not to let you get away from him just yet.  
“Then, tomorrow,” he pitched, “when you’re free tomorrow we can go out.” Tomorrow was Wednesday, and he knew that you always left work early on Wednesdays.  He watched you tuck a strand of hair behind your ear as you licked your lips before rolling them over your teeth and then opening your mouth. 
“I can do tomorrow,” you muttered, face fully flushed with redness flooding into the tips of your ears.  He released your arm with a giant smile.  He flicked his bangs out of his face as he felt his glasses slip just a bit further down his nose.  He reached into his clutch as he dug out his phone and handed it to you with the new contact screen up. 
“Let’s swap numbers then, and we can work out everything through the phone.” You didn’t hesitate to place your number into his phone before sending yourself a text with ‘it’s changkyun’ attached to the message.  You promptly added him in your contacts as well.  Offering you a ride home, which you took, he dropped you off and when he walked into his penthouse that afternoon he pumped his fist into the air.  As well as stared at the palm in which held your arm earlier, gazing at it as if he had just touched the blessed body of a holy messiah. 
As he sat in his living room on the couch, he felt himself harden in his sweats he wore before changing into his work attire. He had actually called in to take the night off since he had to be well rested for his date tomorrow. This hand had touched you, touched your skin.  He was sure it would feel magnificent on his cock too.  
Tomorrow didn’t come fast enough and Changkyun was bounding out of bed at the ass crack of dawn to figure out what he was going to wear.  How would he style his hair? Would he fill all his ear piercings or change the stud in his eyebrow to a spike? Which shoes would he wear: sneakers, heeled boots, sandals? He couldn’t waste another second in bed, he had far too much to plan for the day to worry about sleeping any more. 
He dove for his phone the moment he heard the specific notification he set for you. He talked to you a bit and you both decided on a time to meet up.  Meeting up at noon for lunch and then he’d take you to a movie and then he’d walk around with you window shopping, talking about the movie you both saw and then he’d take you for dinner.  That’s what he wanted to happen.  
He showed up at the meeting place half an hour early.  Wearing a black, white spotted button up tucked into a pair of black jeans with a thin, white belt around his waist, he adjusted the buttons at the cuffs of his sleeves.  A simple, thin silver chain to show off his neck as his shirt was unbuttoned just enough to show off his collar bones.  The heels of his shoes clacked just enough on pavement or tile to let people know he was coming.  
“Changkyun!” He heard from behind him.  He raised himself off the bench had had been sitting cross-legged on, staring at his phone and debating on texting you.  He quickly spotted you waving to him from among the crowd of people on the hunt for lunch before their work break ends. 
His mouth nearly dropped when he saw you.  Running up to him with the cutest, apparel on. 
A summer dress of pale pink with small white dots that wrapped around your chest and fell loosely at the skirt to hit your thighs.  The sleeves off shoulder and sheer all the way down your arm until it wrapped around your wrist in sheere frills.  Black, thin straps to keep it all up. A pair of white sandals that wrapped around your foot and ankle with the smallest heel to keep you from twisting your ankle.  Hair done in two little buns on either side of your head, but still kept some down with a black, stretchy choker around your neck. 
The pink, circular satchel at your waist that hooked over your shoulder probably contained your phone, wallet and the pink gloss that covered your lips as you came to stop in front of him.  You were like a flower as he gazed at you.  You quickly lifted your wrist to check the thin watch you wore, making sure you weren’t late.  You weren’t. 
“I hope you weren’t waiting here too long for me,” you giggled and he felt his heart try to burst from his chest. He shook off his stupor the best he could in front of you before he smiled and quickly denied it.  
“I haven’t been here long,” he assured. You made a small jest about the both of you wearing something with small polka dots on it and he felt like he was going to fall to his knees at your noticing his attire and complimenting it.  You were far too precious. 
Throughout the day, he found out that you weren’t only exceptionally kind, but you were probably the biggest pushover he’s ever met.  You’d follow after him like a little lost duckling and whatever he recommended doing, wherever he wanted to go, you were quick to agree and comply.  With your ease of compliance, he was able to mentally go through the check list of plans he had set with little to no difficulty.  
It was miraculous how easily you obeyed him. 
Changkyun made note of everything your eyes lingered on, everything your fingers brushed, everything you expressed just the slightest interest in- he would remember.  Changkyun wanted to spoil you, wanted to give you everything you desired- everything you deserved. You were an angel walking, cursed upon the earth and nothing anyone could say would change his mind about it. 
The entire time you were out with Changkyun that day, you were smiling at him as he hung onto every one of your words.  Every interest, every detail, every idea or opinion you had- he grabbed it and held it deep inside his chest. 
It was coming close to around ten that night when he was finally getting around to dropping you back home, as he could see the exhaustion in your eyes and the slowness in your steps. He had half a mind to just drive you back to his home, but he couldn’t- not yet. 
He walked you to your door as he bid you a final goodnight and as you unlocked your door and pushed it open just a crack, you turned back to him and smiled.  He froze when he felt your fingers on his cheek before you stood to your toes and kissed his cheek.  You rushed inside before he could say anything and before you could regret it. 
The blond sat dazed and only managed to drive a block away before he pulled into a parking lot of a closed, daytime store.  His cheeks were flushed, his skin burned and his breath was staggered.  He could still feel the feeling of your lips on his cheek and that shiver of delight attacked his spine and spread until he was finishing himself off in the front seat of his car- the sound of your name on his lips over and over again as his fingers brushed his cheek trying to feel the essence of you in his skin. 
Changkyun had the privilege of taking you out on two more dates over the course of the last two weeks (along with his library trips to visit you) and it was today, when he once again frequented the library- where he noticed you weren’t in your usual high spirits.  He pulled you aside on your break and into a back corner library table as he made you spill your guts on what could be plaguing your mind.  
It took all of his will power to not scream when you told him you had been being harassed by some library guest who always comes in.  He always wants the same book renewed over and over and he always tried to pry your number out of you.  Even after clearly telling him no and explaining to you that you were traveling among the silver lining of a relationship with Changkyun- he was persistent.  It came to the point you were looking over your shoulder and even jogging to and from work. 
“So, he’s stalking you?” Changkyun clarified, as you nodded weakly.  He grit his teeth, his jaw tightening.  Didn’t other people know that his woman was off limits, especially when it came to following you around? He kept you under his watchful eye, but these men were after something far worse and in his sick, demented mind- they were the offender and they were a disease.  
Changkyun reached across the table and gently held your hand, trying to convey that he knew that you were scared and that he’d do anything to keep you safe.  He could see the tears glisten around your eyes and a taboo sense of arousal shot in his stomach at seeing your so utterly weak and vulnerable.  
He spent the remainder of the time with you on your break as he consoled and shushed you as he promised that he’d stay until you got off and when you did, he’d take you home.  You were quick to agree.  
That afternoon you rushed to Changkyun’s side and were discreet to point out the man who was hanging outside the library entrance with his nose in his phone.  According to you, that was the perpetrator and source of your fear.  You clung to Changkyun as he gently wrapped his arm around your shoulders and held you to his chest, walking out with you. 
When he dropped you off and kissed the top of your head as he sent you inside, the gentle eyes he had been gazing at you with disappeared as you shut the door and he heard it harshly lock.�� 
Turning around and stuffing his hands inside the pockets of his jeans, he waltzed back towards his car, but never got into it.  His dark shirt allowed him to dip below the hood of his car as he started walking around in the shadows the street lights created.  He stood behind a post as he watched the figure move from the side of the building to the front porch where he crouched below the windows.  
You had pulled the curtains and shut the blinds just as he had reminded you to as he was quick to walk up behind the stalker and hook his arm under the man’s chin.  The gasp that was pulled from the man was cut off as Changkyun’s arm tightened around his neck and he started to quickly drag the man backward and away from your doorstep. 
The blond shoved the man into the backseat of his car, slamming the door as he quickly rushed to get into the driver's seat.  Not bothering with his seatbelt, he started the car with tangible rage and started off.  
“What the fuck, man!” The man from his backseat scowled as Changkyun only reached into his center console and pulled out a small, black handheld device, pressing the button on the side of it as it zapped.  A stungun.  The man in the back hissed as he instinctively shut up. 
Changkyun’s aggressive driving made the man in the backseat fall back and forth along the seats before he finally gripped the passenger chair to steady himself.  Changkyun drove and drove until he was well outside of city limits before he stopped and parked his car. He peered up into the rear-view mirror, seeing the man behind him look around anxiously.  
“Get out,” the blond ordered as he stepped out of his car.  The man didn’t move, too shocked to process his words and was then yanked out by his shirt clad shoulder when he didn’t listen quick enough for Changkyun’s liking. The club worker threw the man on the ground as he rolled to his back just quick enough for Changkyun to stand over him.  His feet on either side of his hips, a glimmer in his eyes that was menacing to witness- even in the darkness of night. 
The man on the ground shuddered as he weakly tried to crawl backward on his elbows.  His heels kicked and dug into the ground, threatening to pull his shoe off, as he tried to get away from the look in the blond’s eyes.  
Changkyun’s foot came to the center of the man’s chest as he stomped, pushing him flat onto the ground.  He knelt, coming closer to him as he gripped the collar of his shirt.  Changkyun eyed him around- he certainly wasn’t a looker that's for damn sure.  
“You really thought you had a chance?” He asked lowly, almost in a growl.  “I’ll offer you a bit of last moment advice for perhaps your next life,” he got closer to the man’s ear, before telling him something.  “Stay away from things that don’t belong to you,” he seethed.  
Over the course of the next few days, Changkyun was delighted to see you smiling again when you told him that the man who had been stalking you seemed to finally leave you alone. 
He made sure that a week later when he saw missing person posters out in the streets, your eyes stayed off of them.
After a month of dates, library visits, phone calls and good morning and good night texts, Changkyun was finally- finally- able to call you his girlfriend. He was currently out with you at some cafe where you wanted to stop and get something to drink and he decided to walk in and sit down with you for a while. 
You were on your phone, tapping away before placing it down and repeating.  You were obviously talking with someone on the other end of your text thread, which already ground his gears, but the twisted brow on your face made him more curious than not. Someone was upsetting you and he already knew how to deal with someone who upset you. 
“Hey,” he called, gaining your attention. You looked at him, placing your phone back down.  “Who’re you talking to, Sweetness?” 
“Oh, just to Halie,” you told him. The name of your ‘best friend’ making his skin itch.  That fake fraud of a friend couldn’t even leave you alone while you were out with him? The audacity of the woman made him jittery. His knee began to bounce as he pressed further. 
“Are you two fighting? You look annoyed.” 
You sighed, solidifying that she was indeed bothering you. “She’s mad that I’m out on a date,” you grumbled.  Changkyun cocked his head. 
“Excuse me?” His resentment slipped out just a small fraction as he wanted to know immediately what this witch was putting into your precious little head.  “She’s mad at you for what?” 
You groaned again, placing your elbow on the table and your chin in your palm, you huffed.  “I think she’s just upset that I have a boyfriend before she does since she knows more people.” The tone in your voice made your annoyance apparent to Changkyun who had spent the last month of his life learning every little quirk in your day to day life- including your vocal tone. “She’s got a whole list of friends and while I have just enough to count on one hand, she's mad about my relationship.” 
Changkyun watched you toil the situation around in your head, trying to justify her words and actions, but he couldn’t let you do that.  This was a prime opportunity.  The perfect time to finally get that wench out of the picture and away from you. 
He reached across the table where he sat in front of you, careful not to knock into your drink. 
“Darling,” he cooed, gaining your teary, stress filled eyes, “maybe you shouldn’t be talking to her.” He watched your brow quirk and turn inwards at his suggestion.  He readjusted his grip on your hand, holding it tightly. “If she’s so angry about something like us, then maybe you should go on a little break at least.” 
“I know she’s your friend,” he fought back before you could try and save Halie’s snake skin, “but every time you talk about her with me, it’s all things that stress you out or things she’s done that make you uncomfortable.”  He vividly remembers the club night of her birthday.  “Pressuring you into clubbing, then not paying attention to you at all even though you weren’t enjoying yourself.  Never talking to you unless she needs something or someone to bother.  Now, she’s angry because you’re happy with me? She’s just using you, Sweetheart.” 
“I know she seems bad, but-” 
“Y/n,” he breathed in a small, soft scolding tone.  “You can’t keep defending her and giving her what she wants. She has to learn, one way or the other.”  He watched your lips turn into a pout as he ran his thumb over your knuckles and brought your hand up to kiss the back of it.  “I just want the best for you, you know that.” 
He bit back a victorious smirk when you told him that you’d take his suggestion and advice to heart and think about it.  A little more nudging and you’d drop Halie like a hat. He just had to wait until she brought something else up again that put a target on her back.  
It didn’t take but three days for that to occur.  
You were home, off on a Sunday, just sitting in your home, on the phone with Changkyun while he just woke up from resting since he had work at Fantasia Dyed that evening.  He had some private show booked up so he couldn’t afford to flake out either.  He needed the cash for his personal project he always teased, and this coming party was sure to deliver.  
You both were chatting happily until you were cut shut but someone pounding on your door.  You told Changkyun to hold on a moment as you set your phone down on the arm of your couch and went to the door.  Changkyun on the other hand went and immediately opened the camera footage of your front door he had from that camera in your bush.  
He growled and jumped out of bed when he saw the back of Halie in the frame.  Her arms were crossed and her leg was bouncing as she slouched.  When you opened the door, her crossed arms flared out and she was clearly shouting at you from the hiking of her shoulders and the fact that he could hear her obnoxious voice through the call line. 
He jumped out of bed.  Nothing but sweats on as he threw on a jacket, leaving his chest naked before he was out of his penthouse, racing down the stairs and in his car on the way to your home.  He kept the call live- as much as he didn’t want to hear her voice- so he could hear the venom she spat at you as he worked her way inside. Stomping around and screaming like the bitch she was.  
When he showed up to your home and jumped out of the car, he finally hung the call up as he stormed inside, knowing the door was unlocked from Halie’s tempertatrum.  When he came in, he saw you against the wall with your ‘best friend’ not a foot away from you still screaming at you like you were deaf. 
He worked his way over before he was grabbing Halie’s shoulder, shoving her away and placing himself in front of you, walking back into your space until he felt your hands push on his shoulders.  He glared at the party animal blonde in front of him.  
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” He seethed as she seemed taken aback by his language towards her- a lady. 
“Excuse me?” She spat. 
“I suggest you leave, or else I’ll make you leave.”
“You can’t make me do anything. This isn’t your home either. I’m just talking to, Y/n.” Changkyun stepped away from you, turning the woman around by her shoulders and started pushing her.  
“Yeah? And you’re done now. Get out.” He told her, shoving her out the doorway once he worked her through the front room.  Before she could fight back, he got close to her ear and told her one more thing before shutting the door in her face and locking.  “Stay away, or I’ll make you.” The look in his eyes, the crazed dangerous gleam, made his threat very, very real. 
When he turned back around, he saw you on the ground, curled up as you cried.  He rushed to your side, rubbing your back and trying to get you to lift your head to look at him.  He cooed when he saw your swollen eyes and fat tears rolling down your cheeks.  
“Hey, it’s okay. I’m here,” he shushed as you just wordlessly nodded with choked hiccups and sputters.  You were seriously an ugly crier, but what could you do? Your best friend broke your heart.  
Changkyun shifted to hold you to his bare, jacket clad chest as you cried and he shushed you.  
“Don’t worry. You don’t need anyone else. I’ll always be here.” He promised.  
All it took was one more month, and everything was finally falling into place for Changkyun. Halie had officially left your side, with one or two more scraps between him and her before she finally called it quits.  And with the queen bee of your circle gone, the rest quickly fell apart and you were left with no one but Changkyun- as you should be.  
He was in his extra bedroom, setting up his project more when his phone rang. He jumped to it, knowing it was you calling after you got done with your shift at the library. He had told you to call him when you had the chance, since he wanted you to come somewhere tonight. 
“Hello, darling,” he purred into the phone, hearing you slightly chuckle on the other line.  “Did work go well? No annoyances?” He asked and he knew that you’d tell him about the computers or the receipt machine or the squeaky wheel on the return cart; but you never knew that he really meant to know if you were being bothered by any other man again.  “Well, if your evening is cleared up, why not swing on by Fantasia tonight?” 
He heard you pause on the other side of the phone call as he was walking out of the room, shutting the door softly behind him. It was almost perfect.  
“I’m not sure,” you drawled.  
“I’m working the floor tonight, bar-tending for staff out sick. You can sit at the bar with me.” Your hesitation was loud and clear for him as he continued.  “I’d really appreciate the company, but if you’d rather not-” he quickly heard you try and reconcile and save the conversation but agreeing to his proposal.  You were a sucker for guilt trips. “Really?” He asked in faux concern as he grinned, throwing himself back across the length of his couch. 
“Yeah. I’ll come, just promise that you’ll stay at the bar.” 
“I’ll do my best. If I have to leave, just hide in the bathroom until I’m back,” ‘so that you won’t be in contact with anyone other than me’, he added silently in his head. You agreed and he said a quick goodbye before he hung up the call.  He sat up and peered down his hall, picturing the door of his extra room.  Soon, you’d be with him always. 
It was an hour after his shift started and he had just served yet another waiting patron when he felt his phone buzz in the back pocket of his pants.  He wore a mesh shirt at the bar that showed off his torso. His tattoo in the middle of his back was on display when he turned around. His eyebrow piercing was a black ring this evening and he wore silver hoops in his earlobes. His knee high, buckle punk boots lifting him three inches higher into the air. 
‘I’m here, where do I go?’ Your text read with a nervous emoji beside it.  He told you the location of the mini side stage bar and soon your head popped out from among the mass of alcohol driver party goers.  As you got to the bar and slid into a stool in front of him, he leaned on the counter and whistled at you. 
“Well, look who dressed up for me tonight?” He asked, a purr in his voice as your cheeks flushed.  He recognized this get up, it was a piece he picked out for you one night. It wasn’t something he thought you’d ever wear out, since you were rather reserved, but he thought you deserved it anyway. 
It wasn’t anything fancy, but even a simple, black cocktail dress with lace running up the sides of it and looping around your neck and back looked good when placed on someone as breathtaking as yourself to Changkyun’s eyes. He could faintly hear you clicking your heels together underneath you as they were hooked on the metal foot ring of the stool. The bracelet and earrings were a nice touch. 
“I thought it was appropriate since you bought it for me,” you muttered, unable to look at him in the eyes.  He chuckled since it wasn’t hard to guess why. His entire chest was on display to see with only lines of fabric separating his entire torso from being nude.  He halfway wished he had gotten his nipples pierced when he was on the fence about it months ago just to see how you’d react to that.
He stood back up and turned his back and he could feel your eyes scan the tattoo that rested between his shoulders. Large and taking up a good portion of real estate on his skin. He smirked as he felt you stare, a shiver wracking up his spine just as it always did with you.  When he turned around, he offered you a glass of water he had so neatly prepared for you. 
“I know you don’t drink, sweetheart,” he told you as you graciously thanked him for the drink.  Throughout the course of his shift, he was tending to people left and right.  His charisma between patrons and ways of addressing person to person just by acknowledging how they seemed to looked amazed you.  
You could never hope to be the people person he is. He was bold enough to get on stage, strip and get behind closed doors for his way of life.  He was fearless in your eyes and you admired him for it.  He had told you that he would stop sleeping around for money since he was in a relationship with you now, but you just told him it was alright.  
You trusted him, and although the idea of him sleeping around did grind under your skin like ice and salt, you knew that was his job. He worked in this industry- the sex industry- so that was the end of it.  He had started to dwindle down in client numbers though, never wanting to have the sex he was getting paid for last too long. 
The clock struck midnight and Changkyun turned back to you the moment he had an opening to.  He leaned over the counter and towards you again, just so he could talk to you clearly over the loud bass and whistling from the stage work. 
“What do you say I make a drink for you?” He offered. You looked at your half empty glass of water he had refilled at least three times now.  “Just one, I promise. It’ll be on me too. I just want my girlfriend to taste some of my work since I don’t get to work the bar often.” 
“Well, when you say it like that,” you whined as he just chuckled and stood up, turning his back and started mixing.  It was three minutes later when he was sliding a cocktail glass gently towards you. Inside sat a liquid of pink that resembled the color of pink lemonade, but you knew whatever was inside that wasn’t lemonade. “Voilà,” he told you. “That’s something new I’m trying out. You get to be the first to try it.” 
His smile looked innocent enough to your eyes and as you started taking sips of it with a smile and a nod; however, you missed a sinister glint in his eyes.  You complimented him on it and found yourself sipping on the drink, making it last until well after one since you didn’t want to have him make another. It was half after when Changkyun noticed you starting to sway in your stool seat. 
He placed the towel he had in his hands on the bar before he rounded the bar to your side.  
“Darling, come with me. You look like you’re about to pass out,” he chuckled. You couldn’t get your mouth to move or your voice to work as your mind was just as fuzzy as your eyesight.  Were you really that much of a light weight? He took you back into one of his private rooms before he placed you on the bed. He sat beside you, brushing your hair from your face and running his fingers around your face, skin and shoulders down your arm.  “Sleep. I'll come get you later,” he told you softly- the totally opposite tone of the smirk on his face. 
You were in and out of it for the duration of Changkyun picking you up from the bed you vaguely remember placing you on.  He picked you up and took you out of the room. The bass of the club had stopped and you only heard him speaking briefly with coworkers before he loaded you into his car. 
It felt like he was taking you home as he removed you from the car again and heard the jingles of keys before a door was opened.  You only remembered being placed in a bed before you felt him kiss your forehead and you were out for good. 
You groaned as you were finally waking up. Your head hurt and you felt like your throat had sandpaper in it.  You coughed lightly as you reached your hand up to rub your throat, but something was around your neck. 
Feeling around, it felt like a collar or something. It was thick and leather, a small loop in the front of it. You also thought you felt tags near the loop that jangled.  Groaning and moving among the mattress you realized that it was pitch black in the room.  You were sure your eyes were open, but you couldn’t see a thing.  
Sitting up, you felt around your body.  Your cocktail dress wasn’t on you instead it felt like a nightgown was. Did you own nightgowns? IT feel off your shoulders to wrap around your chest and biceps with frills as it bunched around your thighs on the mattress. 
Your head pounded as you rubbed your eyes.  You moved to try and crawl from the bed when you felt something tug on your ankle. Feeling around, whatever was on your ankle was thick, cold and hard.  At first you thought it was some anklet, but then you felt something protrude from the cold metal. 
Pulling and tracing your fingers around it, you started to panic.  It felt like a chain. 
You got off the bed you were convinced wasn’t yours as you walked around like some cheap, budget-movie zombie in the dark room.  You found a dresser first. Feeling around, you felt the knobs of the four drawers and on top it had what felt like boxes. Reaching further, you found the dresser had a mirror attached to the back of it.  
Moving around in the opposite direction, you reached a closet door. Pull it open, you feel all sorts of soft fabric. Silks, satin, fur, cotton, linen- you felt all sorts of clothing. 
You looked around the dark room in panic before you trusted your voice.  
“Changkyun,” you called softly. You were going to call him again, but stopped short as you stepped on the cold chain that was around your foot. You screamed as you fell backward and before long, you heard someone padding up to the room and the door swung open. 
You scrambled back, covering your face with your arms as you soon felt the foot of the bed push against your back, keeping you from going back any further.  
“Sweetness, are you awake already?” Your arms that were up slowly lowered as you looked to the open doorway.  It was so bright outside of the dark room, you had to squint from the stark contrast.  Whoever was in the doorway sounded just like Changkyun, but- it couldn’t be. He walked closer to you. “Darling, can you talk?” His hand came to your throat, touching it with the pad of his fingers above the collar around your neck. “Are you thirsty? It has been half a day.” 
You were speechless as Changkyun stood up from in front of you before he walked out of the room. You moved to your knees and looked around. The dresser and closet you found were indeed what you thought.  
The bed was a canopy bed. A white frame with pink fabric hanging from it. The covers were red and white with a plethora of pillows at the head of the mattress.  There was a rack of four wood dowels by the bedroom door, and three of them a different kind of leash, and the fourth had a pair of handcuffs. 
The one window in the room was covered with black out curtains- you couldn’t tell if it was daytime or not outside right now.
Looking down now that you had the light from outside the room, you indeed did have a shackled ankle. You began to pull at it, the cold metal yanking around your skin- pinching and shafting it painfully. You hissed as your yanking was stopped by Changkyun shouting. 
“Don’t pull on that!” He cried, dropping to your side to pull your hands from your shackle. “I need to put felt and fur on it before you can move around in it safely. It’ll ruin your skin, but bear with it for now.” 
“Changkyun, what?” You squeaked.  He smiled, but it was twisted in some sort of menacing light. Maybe it was the light from behind him into the dark room that made him look sinister.  You felt yourself begin to tremble. 
“Don’t you worry your pretty little head,” he told you, patting your head and tucking your hair behind your ear. “Changkyun will take care of everything. I told you to remember?” He caressed your hair, tracing his finger down your face and under your chin. He then moved to hook his finger through the hoop in your collar.  “I told you, you don’t need anyone else. I’m all that you need. You are the princess, and this is your tower.” He flicked at the tags on your collar, one labeled ‘Princess’ and the other engraved with his initials. 
He then reached to his side to the discarded glass of water he went to get for you earlier for your throat.  He gently gripped around your neck and used the back of his hand to tilt your chin up. 
The mixing of emotions in your eyes made him shiver and when you blinked out a small tear he gently moved to place his lips over it. The salty taste made him groan as he leaned back and kissed your nose to see your eyes glossy. He smiled at you as he brought the glass to your lips. 
“Drink up, Princess.” 
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a/n: i’ve never ever written a yandere fic before in my life, and as my first try- i rly dont think i did all that bad LOL. Let me know what you think bc it’s very rare I post Monsta X fic content and I need to know if you guys are still into it ;n; (especially with Wonho’s debut days away and a fic for him in progress LOL) 
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meow-bebe · 4 years
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Pairing: Lee Felix x artist!reader
Genre: fluffffff
Warnings: literally nothing. this is so sweet asghk we’re channeling the cute here. like honestly not even my usual cussing
Word count: 3614 (!!!)
A/n: remember that idea I posted a while ago? well heres the fic! Im suuuper proud of this one because its the longest thing ive written for this blog (3k! more than 3k! that makes me so happy ahhhh!) and also I just really love it! usually I don't particularly like my own writing but this one I feel like is my best work. also about half way through writing this I found this amazing drawing by @panini-byanyothername​ which gave me the encouragement to finish this and also deserves all of the love because its an amazing piece of art! it was drawn based on another fanfic but its super pretty and is very close to what my story is about so I thought it would be appropriate to include a link
stēllātus; first/second-declension adjective starry, stellate, starred
“I have an idea,” you announced, bouncing with excitement as you ran into the room where Felix was currently sat at your desk on his computer. Latching your arms around Felix’s neck from behind, you rested your chin gently on his shoulder. 
“And what would that be?”he asked, spinning the office chair he sat in and successfully rotating within your arms. 
“I want to paint on you!” you said brightly as Felix’s hands came to rest on your waist as you snuggled closer, plopping down into his lap. 
“What?” Felix asked, slightly startled by your bold proposition. 
“I want to paint on you,” you repeated, “like, kind of use you as a human canvas?” It came out more as a question than a statement, and you grinned awkwardly, the incredulous tone of his voice making you shy. 
“I’m not opposed,” Felix mused, and you immediately brightened back up again. “Why though?”
“Well,” you said, fingers playing with the strings of his hoodie, “first of all you’re the only person I have on hand at the moment.” You giggled, and Felix raised a hand to his chest in mock offense. “But I’ve always loved painting on skin. There’s some strange appeal that comes with turning another human being into art. Unfortunately, I’ve only ever done it on myself before, but I had this really amazing idea a while ago and have held onto it forever and you are absolutely perfect for it.” You finished by pressing a sweet kiss to his nose. “So?” you asked eagerly, “what do you say? Let me paint on you?”
Felix chuckled lightly, and you could feel the deep vibrations where your hands were set on his chest. “Aren’t you going to tell me what your amazing idea is?” 
“Nope!” you said cheerfully, popping the ‘p’ as you smiled happily, “You’ll just have to say yes and see what I do. It will be beautiful, I promise.” 
Felix playfully narrowed his eyes at you. “You won’t do something stupid or make me look weird?”
“I would never,” you said, sticking out your littlest finger, “pinky swear. And anyway, nothing could ever make you look weird, pretty boy.” Felix’s eyes widened at your compliment, a light shade of red creeping across his cheeks as he wrapped his pinky around yours. No matter how often you complimented him he always had the sweetest flustered reactions. 
“What are we waiting for then?” you practically vaulted out of his lap, tangling your fingers together and tugging on his hand to try and get him to follow you. 
“What, now?” he asked, a bewildered look on his face.
“Yes, now,” you said, pulling on his hand again, “I can’t wait any longer, I’m dying to finally do this.”
“Alright,” Felix said, laughing as he stood up from the desk, whatever he was working on earlier abandoned as you enthusiastically pulled him along to the spare bedroom turned art studio. 
“Here,” you said, tossing one of the already paint-stained cushions you often put to use out of the closet, “sit down while I find what I need.” 
Felix grabbed the cushion and set it on the large, clear plastic mat you always kept set out over the hardwood floors. There were several places you had set up for painting, laying on the floor and the easel by the window being two of your favorites, and you rotated between them depending on how you were feeling that day. It seemed like today was a sprawled across the floor day, although that made sense, Felix reasoned, if you were going to be painting on him. He sat down and watched as you zipped back and forth across the room, picking through your jars of brushes and bins of paints to find the supplies you would be using. 
Thrusting one of the mason jar mugs you used to wash out your brushes at Felix, you asked, “Could you go fill this up with water for me?” He nodded compliantly, pulling himself up off the floor and traipsing across the hall to the bathroom to fill the glass mug with water. When he came back into the room, you had set up a jar of brushes to pick through, tossed a few tubes of paint to the floor next to the two cushions, and were currently spread across a decent portion of the floor with one of the large folders you had labeled as “inspiration and references.” These were collections of anything you could possibly want to give you ideas or utilize in your art, ranging from newspaper clippings, old photographs, passages from books and poems scrawled on torn notebook paper (or on the more rare occasion, printed out), and absolutely filled to the brim with doodles and practice drawings. You were a firm believer in the idea that anything could be reused or help inspire you in the future, which ultimately lead to your large collection. Usually you tried to date the bits of paper you tucked away, but it didn’t help with your chronic lack of organization. 
“What are you searching for?” Felix questioned, assuming that you wouldn’t answer but asking anyway. 
“Can’t tell,” you said, eyes twinkling with a spark of mischief, “it’s supposed to be a surprise, remember?” 
“Okay, okay, I’ll stop asking. What do you want me to do then?” he asked, looking around the room and wondering what you had planned for him. 
“Just sit, I’ll find it in a moment.” Felix settled himself back down on the floor as you continued to rifle through the folder barely containing the papers inside it. He watched as you carefully separated a few glossy photos that had stuck together and shuffled through a stack of what appeared to be old school work. “Aha!” you shouted victoriously, startling Felix and holding a few taped together pieces of paper in the air. 
“What’s that?” he asked, his curiosity over both the project itself and the haphazardly folded but carefully assembled papers in your grasp too much to handle. 
To his surprise, you gave in this time. “Star chart!” you chirped, obviously too pleased with yourself to continue hiding your intentions. “I’ve always loved space, specifically stars, and I took an astronomy class in high school but never got rid of the papers that weren’t just worksheets. I always hoped that someday I would be able to use them for painting. And here we are!” Felix smiled at the happy grin lighting up your whole face, your excitement too endearing to not acknowledge. 
“Cute.” Felix grinned happily as you shuffled over to where you had set up all of your supplies. All of a sudden his smile turned bashful, stammering slightly as he asked, “Should I like, take my shirt off or something then?” 
You giggled, setting down the star chart and plucking a thin marker from amongst the plethora of materials. “Not this time. I want to do your face!” 
“What?” Felix gasped, eyes widened in surprise. 
“I want to paint on your face!” you repeated, excitement fading as you rolled the marker between your hands, suddenly nervous. “Your freckles, specifically. Only if you’ll let me though.” You fidgeted slightly, focused on the marker before looking up at Felix who still wore a slightly startled expression. 
“My - my freckles?” he asked, and you nodded. 
“Yeah. Finding patterns that match my constellations-” you patted the papers sitting beside you - “and then turning your face into a little galaxy.” 
“Y/n,” he said softly, and you braced yourself to be turned down, “I think that’s the most amazing thing you’ve ever come up with. Why would I ever say no?” 
Your eyes shot up to find Felix’s, and you could see all of the adoration that he held for you in their depths. “Really?” you asked, pulling yourself into his lap and tucking your arms around his waist.
“Really,” he confirmed, sealing a gentle kiss against your mouth. “Now, how do you want to go about this?” 
You clamored off of Felix, grabbing the marker from where you had dropped it at his side and snatching the star chart into your hands before thrusting it at Felix. “Pick a few that you like, and I’ll see if what I can do to weave them out of your freckles,” you said, placing the folded chart into his hands and backing off to begin rifling through the paint tubes you had chosen. “Try not to do anything too difficult, I think the simpler ones would look better for this.” 
Leaving him to pour over the constellations, you realized that you had overlooked finding a palette earlier in your scramble to find paints, so you pulled yourself up off the floor to move to the closet once again. Shoving a few bins of paints and stacks of assorted canvases to the side, you finally found the collection of palettes stored near the back of the shelf. Just barely managing to get your finger under the one on the bottom (the shelf was slightly too high, not enough to really bother you, but it could be a minor inconvenience sometimes), you dragged the precariously balanced stack towards yourself. 
“What about Lyra?” Felix called from behind you. 
“That would work,” you mused, shuffling through the pile in search of one not too caked in dried paint. 
“Or Aquila?”
“Also fine,” you responded, selecting a mostly clean palette. “I really want to try Draco, so we’ll do that one first and then fit the others on after that. Sound good?” 
"Anything you want to do is good with me," he replied, and you turned to see the pretty blush staining his cheeks.
"But you're the one making this project come to life," you said, crossing the room in a few steps and settling down in front of him. "You should have some input."
"I'm merely the final product in this situation. You, y/n, are the one bringing it to life." Now it was your turn to grow flustered by his compliments. 
"Oh hush," you said, searching on the floor for the marker you had set down.
Finding your marker, you uncapped it and scooted closer to Felix. "Ready?" you asked.
He looked at the marker warily. "I thought you were painting."
"I am painting, but I have to sketch it out first," you laughed. "I always do."
"Oh," he said, looking down shyly. He always loved to watch you paint, however paying attention to the process was something else entirely. "Well go on then."
Studying his face carefully, you placed a small dot on top of a freckle close to the top of his cheek. Glancing back at the star chart, you drew another right under it, and awkwardly angled your pen to try and reach better. Pulling the papers mapping out your reference closer, you shuffled to the side and drew another dot.
"This isn't working very well," you said, taking Felix's chin in your hand and tilting his head to the side to try and reach better. "I might move you again, so try not to move and tell me if it's too uncomfortable."
Felix nodded in response just as you set the tip of the marker against his cheek, leaving a small inky streak down his face. You sighed. "Next time just say you heard me. I'm going to get the rubbing alcohol.” You stood up and headed to the bathroom, opening the cabinet and rummaging around to find the necessary bottle. Finding what you needed, you stood up and crossed the hallway once again to rejoin Felix.
"Here." Felix held out a cotton ball that he had no doubt found in the depths of one of your many bins of random art supplies.
"Thanks," you said quietly, already flipping the top of the rubbing alcohol open and soaking the cotton in liquid before scrubbing it gently across Felix's cheek. He held still for the moment, letting you remove the ink from his face and watching your movements carefully.
"Done?" he asked as you tossed the now somewhat grey cotton ball to the floor.
"Yep." you picked up your marker again. "Good to go?" He nodded again, this time making sure that the marker was nowhere near his skin.
You set back to work, switching between analyzing the star chart and making small dots where you could connect the freckles strewn across Felix's face to resemble the constellation you had picked.
After readjusting Felix's face for the nth time, you sighed. “This isn’t working,” you complained, capping your marker and letting your hand fall into your lap. 
“I can tell,” Felix mused. “Any ideas?”
You tilted your head, scanning over his face, and Felix could see the imaginary lightbulb pop up above your head as a grin spread across your face. “Maybe,” you said cheekily, crawling into his lap and once again uncapping your marker. Placing the non inky end into your mouth, you cupped your hands around Felix’s cheeks, gently moving his head around until you think you’ve found the perfect angle. “Don’t move.” 
Finding that your new vantage point gave you perfect access to the soft skin of your boyfriend’s cheeks, you steadily set back to work, sketching light lines between the makeshift “stars” that quickly began to fill the freckles dotted across Felix’s face. 
“Alright! I’m all done.” You leaned back a bit to admire your work, already extremely happy with the way that everything was turning out. “And now -” you clambered off Felix’s lap to let him stretch while you gathered the scattered supplies necessary for the next step of your project - “we paint!” 
Felix giggled at the enthusiasm spreading a happy brightness across your face, bringing you closer for a chaste kiss as soon as you had settled yourself back across him. Clasping the brush you had picked up between your teeth as you seemed prone to do, you grabbed two of the few tubes of paint selected from a small box of metallics Felix wasn’t aware you had and unscrewed the one containing silver paint. Squeezing a small amount onto the palette in your other hand, you replaced the cap and set it to the side. 
You pulled the paintbrush from your mouth, and said, “This is it. No going back after I start painting,” you warned, absolutely failing to hide the playful tone in your voice. 
“I have sharpie all over my face,” Felix laughed, “I’m pretty sure we reached that point a while ago.” 
“Right,” you said, ducking your face a little, trying to hide your embarrassed expression. “Well then, let the painting begin!” Placing a sweet kiss to the tip of Felix’s nose, you swirled your brush through the silver paint and hesitantly hovered over the inked lines connecting his freckles. 
“You’re not going to mess this up,” Felix reassured, almost as if he could immediately pick up on your thoughts, “anything you paint is always beautiful and I have complete confidence in you.” 
The compliments flustered you even more, and muttering a soft, “Oh, be quiet,” you set your brush down, dragging the bristles across the lines you had laid down earlier. 
Felix shuddered under the cool touch of paint stroked across his face, and you backed off for a moment, letting him adjust to the foreign feeling. “Try not to move,” you said, setting down your palette and cupping his jaw sweetly. 
You painted thin, careful lines over all of the drawn out constellations, painstakingly smoothing the edges and adding a second layer to those where the black ink was still visible. While you kept all of your focus on the paintbrush in your hand, Felix lost himself in the way that you concentrated on the task you had set yourself to. He loved to watch you paint, and the experience was ten times better when you were right up close. Felix watched your expressions as you immersed yourself in your work, noticing every little forehead scrunch, loving the cute way that you would chew on your lip or poke your tongue out when you got to a particularly tricky spot. There wasn’t enough focus left to be self conscious when you truly absorbed yourself in your art, and it was times like these that Felix thought you were most true to yourself, which lead to it also being when he found you most beautiful. Not that you weren’t other times, certainly, but there was something enchanting about your little expressions and the way your hair would stick up from running your fingers through it. You would always have paint all over your hands, no matter how careful you had been, and when it was still wet the pigment often transferred to your face or hair. Of course you never noticed, and so Felix would let you know you should probably look in a mirror, but only after silently appreciating the way that the smudged paint on your forehead somehow only enhanced the glow of beauty that truly being in your element brought out.
“There we go!” you suddenly exclaimed, startling Felix out of his reverie. “I’m finished with the lines,” you told him, dropping your paintbrush into the cup of water and swishing it around a little. “Now I just have to do the stars.”
You leaned to the side and reached around Felix to grab the other tube of paint you had taken out and added some of the gold to the palette before screwing the cap back on and tossing it next to you. Balancing the palette on your knee, you grabbed the cup containing your brush and dragged it toward you. Quickly and thoroughly rinsing the paint from the bristles, you wiped off the excess water and took Felix’s face into your hand once again, gently maneuvering him back into a position where you could easily paint. 
Now used to the feeling, Felix didn’t startle when you began painting again, the cool touch of the paint to his cheek calming. You worked steadily, crossing tiny strokes to form the stars connecting the constellations created by his freckles. Every now and then you would shift in his lap, or make sure that the angle his head was at wasn’t making his neck ache, but for the most part you worked silent and still. 
You smoothed tiny lines into shapes, keeping them tidy and occasionally layering more paint on where it had smudged or the first coat had been too thin. After finishing one of the stars higher on his cheek, you leaned back to admire your work. 
“I think I’m done,” you said softly, wiping a bit of golden paint off Felix’s forehead. 
“Can I see?” he asked, plucking the paint brush out of your fingers and placing it in the paint water. 
You nodded, climbing out of his lap and gesturing towards the messy desk in the corner of the room. “There should be a mirror up there. I’m going to go get my Polaroid camera.” You loved that camera, it had been a gift from a friend years ago, and you only pulled it out for special occasions. Felix knew how much it meant to you, and the fact that you wanted to capture this moment with it warmed his heart. 
When you returned to the room, Felix was sitting back on the cushions you had pulled out, the small hand mirror next to him on the floor. “It’s beautiful, y/n,” he said, and you smiled at the compliment, whispering a quiet “Thanks.” 
“Where do you want me?” Felix asked, nodding towards the camera in your hands. 
“By the window, probably,” you said, “I think backlighting would look good for this.” It was reaching late afternoon now, and the sun was beginning to sink to the horizon quickly. The golden light would shine through his hair beautifully, and Felix always glowed in the sunlight. 
The two of you moved to the other side of the room, and Felix quickly set himself up in front of the window. 
“Should I pose or something?” Felix asked, and you shook your head in response. 
“Just do what feels natural,” you said, squinting at him through the viewfinder on your Polaroid before lowering it to watch him adjust for the photo. He seemed to relax under your gaze, and turned his head to the side so he was looking straight into the lens as the light washed over the paint trailed across his face, illuminating the shine of the metallics you used. He stilled after a moment, and after you were sure he wasn’t going to move, you pressed the shutter. The camera began printing your photo, and after a moment you plucked it from the slot, pressing it between your lips and bringing the camera back up to your eye. 
“I want to take one more,” you mumbled around the developing photo in your mouth, “close your eyes for me?” Felix complied, letting his lashes flutter against the top of his cheeks as a small smile settled across his face. You snapped your second photo, bringing the camera down and tucking the earlier in between your fingers as you waited for the second to print. Felix came to stand next to you, taking the second photo and looking over your shoulder to see how the first one turned out. 
As you watched the color seep onto the glossy paper you knew that the stars across his cheeks, no matter how pretty they were, could never compare to the stars that shone in his eyes. He was truly beautiful, and standing there with your camera in hand, his hair brushing against your cheek, you were never more aware.
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Eccentricity [Chapter 2: You Can Run Around Infinite In My Head]
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Series Summary: Joe Mazzello is a nice guy with a weird family. A VERY weird family. They have a secret, and you have a choice to make. 
Potentially a better love story than Twilight (we’ll let @killer-queen-xo​ decide when it’s all said and done 😉).
Chapter Title Is A Lyric From: Rome by Dermot Kennedy.
Chapter Warnings: Language, mentions of violence. 
Other Chapters (And All My Writing) Available: HERE
Tagging: @queen-turtle-boiii​ @bramblesforbreakfast​​  @killer-queen-xo​​ @maggieroseevans​​ @culturefiendtrashqueen​​ @imnotvibingveryguccimrstark​​ @escabell​​ @im-an-adult-ish​​ ​ @queenlover05​​ @someforeigntragedy​​ @imtheinvisiblequeen​​ ​ @seven-seas-of-ham-on-rhye​​ @deacyblues​​ ​ @tensecondvacation​​ ​ @brianssixpence​​ 
Please yell at me if I forget to tag you! 💜
Missing In Action
I wish she would stop staring at me.
Lucille sat at the Lees’ usual table and apathetically picked through a heaping salad. (Friday was salad bar day, which I appreciated considerably more than the chicken finger obsession that marred Mondays at Calawah University.) Every once in a while, Rami nudged her and Lucille would spear a cherry tomato with her fork and bite it in half with perfectly even, white teeth. But her large blue-green eyes—they reminded me of webs of seaweed tumbling in the cold, frothing La Push waves—always found their way back to me, strangely focused, inquisitive, perhaps accusatory.
Ben probably told them how much he hates me for whatever nebulous reason and now they all hate me too and I’m going to spend the next two years being death-glared by five ridiculously attractive and somewhat incestuous foster kids.
Chemistry was a three times a week class. Ben hadn’t shown on Wednesday, and I was 99% sure he would skip again today. I spotted him around campus periodically, always from a distance: dropping quarters into a vending machine, clandestinely vaping behind dorm buildings (what self-respecting pre-med student VAPES?!!), browsing YouTube videos in the library next to a tower of unopened textbooks, biology and chem and physics and calculus. He wasn’t home, he wasn’t sick; there was no attempt made to construct any sort of pretext. He was patently avoiding me.
I stabbed moodily at the serrated disks of cucumber in my salad. Jessica was blathering away about the latest season of The Bachelor and ranking the contestants’ eyebrows from best to worst. “...Like seriously, has she never heard of microblading?!”
“For real,” Angela offered, not especially invested but forever a good sport.
Lucille’s eyes settled on me again as she sipped a cup of steaming tea, staring until her forehead crinkled with the effort, staring hard, almost leering.
“What’s her problem?” I muttered.
Jessica shot a glance towards the Lee table and slurped her Sprite. The great mystery surrounding her potential Mormon-ness persisted. “Who? Lucy?”
Only Lucille’s friends called her Lucy. Jessica, a shameless aspiring socialite, presumed she was everybody’s friend unless they explicitly informed her otherwise, which of course no one ever did.
“Yeah,” I answered glumly.
“Maybe it’s your dress.”
“My dress? What’s wrong with my dress?”
Jessica wrinkled her nose and surveyed me as if I were a bug, and not a cute bug like a roly-poly bug or The Very Hungry Caterpillar or whatever. Like a really hideous bug. Like one of those spider-cricket hybrid things that hopped straight out of a hell dimension and into the dark, drippy corners of your basement. “It’s, like, very 1960s. But not in a sexy Woodstock way. In a ‘I’m about to join a hippie murder cult’ way.”
“I got it at TJ Maxx. It was on sale.”
Jessica snorted. “Probably for a reason.”
“That’s it. I’m giving all the hippies in my new murder cult your address.”
She and Angela laughed. Mike and Eric, the missing pieces of our daily lunch puzzle, were preoccupied with a campus protest to convert fried fish day (Thursdays) into tacos day. I sympathized with their efforts, but didn’t feel that my one-week tenure as a Calawah University student gave me much right to go around overhauling the dining hall schedule.
“I doubt she’s actually offended by a dress,” Angela said, nibbling on French fries that shed grains of salt like snowflakes.
Jessica sighed dreamily. “But Lucy’s just so fashionable...and that accent...” She drifted off into some daydream which began—I could only assume—with Lucy’s invitation to go shopping together and concluded with marrying Ben on some lush tropical island in the South Pacific.
Lucille was definitely fashionable, especially today: short black dress with sheer sleeves that ran to her fragile wrists, black polka dot tights, black heeled oxfords, dangling ruby earrings like beads of blood. She would have blended in perfectly at Paris Fashion Week. Rami was wearing a cardigan and khakis, per usual; Joe was in dark fitted jeans and a roomy U Chicago hoodie despite the fact that Forks was at minimum a thirty-four hour drive from the Windy City. What did Angela say his major was? Finance? No, Mathematical Economics. So he’s probably aiming at Chicago for an MBA or Econ PhD someday. Angela had told me that Joe was wicked smart. He better be if he’s entertaining fantasies of grad school at the University of Chicago.
Scarlett had come straight from Fencing Club and was wearing bright pink yoga pants and a t-shirt with the sleeves cut out, sprinkling Hot Cheetos into her open mouth, her blonde hair secured in a tight French braid. You know those girls who are so irrationally, gluttonously, unfairly beautiful that it doesn’t seem possible the genetic lottery could spit out so many winning numbers at once, and you comfort yourself with the certainty that there must be some set of circumstances that would level the playing field—I bet she looks like anyone else without all that makeup, she just has a really good sense of style and knows how to maximize her assets, there are definitely some goofy oversized ears hiding beneath that hair and that’s why she always wears it down—and then one day you run into them wearing sweatpants and a ponytail in the tampon aisle at Walmart and they’re still so perfect it stings you, baffles you, makes you feel like there must have been some divergence in the evolutionary chain because there’s no freaking way you’re the same species? Yeah, Scarlett was one of those girls. Scarlett was the queen of those girls.  
Ben was conspicuously absent from the table.
Scarlett’s pink leopard-print iPhone rang and she answered. “Hello?” She turned to Joe. “Dad says you left your phone at home. Do you need it?”
Joe was gnawing his way through his third slice of pepperoni pizza. “No, I’m good, thanks though.”
Scarlett relayed the message. “Dad says he’s going to bring it by just in case.”
“Oh my god, ScarJo, I’m fine! Tell him not to!”
“Dad says he doesn’t trust you and he’s going to be here in fifteen minutes. He’s also bringing the Game Theory homework you left by the hot tub.”
Joe groaned and rolled his lively dark eyes as Rami grinned at him; Lucille was still watching me and entirely oblivious.
“Isn’t it weird that Ben and Lucille have accents?” I asked Jessica. “That they’re from the U.K.? I didn’t think fostering kids was an international thing.”
“It’s not that weird. Dr. Lee is British too. Maybe there’s some kind of exchange system, I don’t know. But you know what I do know?”
“What?” Now my interest was piqued.
She smiled. “That the British accents are hot.”
“Ugh,” I exhaled involuntarily.
“Please get a hobby,” Angela begged Jessica. “Start a YouTube channel. Make care packages for orphans. Grow marijuana. Adopt a cat. I have a shift at the animal shelter this Sunday morning, you want to come with me?”
“Sorry, can’t. I have a temple thing.”
Temple on Sunday. The mystery is solved. She’s a Mormon for sure. I mentally resolved not to let her set me up with anyone unless I was still single on Valentine’s Day. Which, obviously, assuming I’m not dead in a ditch somewhere, I will be.
I gathered up my trash and slung my backpack over my shoulder. “Okay, well this has been a bizarre lunch to be completely honest, and now I have to go to Chemistry so I’ll see you later and hopefully we can brainstorm some more alternatives to Jessica’s current life trajectory on Monday. Because I am not looking forward to being a bridesmaid in these impending Lee nuptials.”
“Oh please!” Jessica lamented. “He doesn’t even know I exist. You, on the other hand...”
I scoffed. “Yeah, he wants to kill me. I truly have a gift.”
They waved as I left. I could feel Lucille’s eyes on me until I reached the door.
Sure enough, Ben wasn’t in Chemistry. I tried not to notice. I drew my atoms, wrote my equations, took my notes diligently and in my favorite sky blue ink. But I felt the emptiness in the chair next to me like a black hole, like an immense and dragging weight, like a snag in the fabric of all those interwoven strands of physics that orchestrate the universe like an immortal puppeteer. Why can’t I forget this guy? Why do I still feel like I’ve met him before?
Halfway through class, I hauled my emergency sweatshirt out of my backpack and pulled it on over my dress, floral and flowing and golden yellow like the sun, the sun that never shines here in Forks. I had liked it plenty under the florescent lights of the fitting room at TJ Maxx, and I had still liked it this morning; but Jessica’s words hummed around in my skull like wasps. The zipper of the sweatshirt was broken, but it accomplished the task of obscuring my dress well enough.
After Chemistry, I journeyed to the campus library to find a book I was supposed to read and present for a different class. I looked it up in the computer catalogue, spent an embarrassingly long time trying to figure out how the Dewey Decimal System works, eventually wound up finding the book on the highest floor of the library...and, to add a little extra peril to the mission, on the highest shelf. The book mocked me from its lofty, unattainable stronghold. The title was embossed in gold letters down the crimson spine. The Walruses And Me: A Transformative Experience. Idiotic title, I’m aware. It’s about some marine biologist who spent months alone in the Arctic studying the lifecycles of walruses. A noble pursuit, sure, but still a terrible title.
There wasn’t a chair or stepstool in sight. I tested my weight by stepping up onto the second-lowest shelf. The metal immediately squealed and shifted in protest. I retreated back down to the carpet, defeated by gravity. I scowled up at the book and sighed melodramatically. Ugh.
“Need something?”  
I spun around to see Joe in his University of Chicago hoodie and pale flawless skin and intangible magnetism, that bewildering trademark Lee ethereality. I instinctively crossed my arms, clutching the sleeves of my sweatshirt, shrinking inwards like a startled armadillo in the Arizona desert.
“Are you, uh, anemic...?” he ventured.
“Oh no, I’m not cold. I’m just trying to hide my dress. My friend said it was too hippie-murder-cult 1960s.”
I figured he’d laugh, make a snide comment, maybe just blink in confusion. Instead, he glimpsed down at my dress—what could still be seen of it, anyway—and shook his head. “The neckline isn’t right for the 60s. And you seem like you’ve showered at least once in the past two weeks, so definitely not a hippie.”
I smiled, completely unexpectedly. “I didn’t realize Econ majors knew anything about leftist counterculture.”
“Disparaging it is our favorite pastime. Are you trying to get a book or are you just disrespecting university property for entertainment?”
I pointed. “The big red one.”
“The Walruses And Me...?”
“I know, it’s a horrible title. Not my personal preference. It’s for a class.”
“Bestiality 101?”
“Good guess. Marine Mammals.”
“Ahhh.” He glanced up and down the aisle, tapped his chin with agile fingers, pondered something I wasn’t privy to. “Turn around for a second.”
“What? Why?”
He waved his hand mysteriously in front of his grinning face. “It’s a magic trick. I’m going to make your problem disappear.”
“You can’t climb that,” I warned. “You’ll fall and break your neck. Or you’ll knock the whole shelf over and cause a tragic domino effect and the university will withhold your diploma until you pay them restitution.”
“I’m extremely athletic.”
“Are you sure?” I appraised him with exaggerated skepticism for comedic effect. “My dad refers to you only as the spindly annoying Lee.”
Oh my god, WHY did I say that?
Now he would definitely hate me. Now I’d have two mortal enemies on one campus. I mentally calculated how humiliating it would be to transfer to some Florida college, any Florida college, after only one week at Calawah. Hi mom, yeah I’m coming to live with you and Paul, a gang of hot pasty foster kids wants to slaughter me.
Instead, Joe threw back his head and cackled wildly. A librarian—mid-fifties, angry red hair from out of a box, fuzzy cat sweater—glared into the aisle and shushed him.
“Chief Swan...he actually...he calls me that? Really?!” Joe managed, wiping his leaking eyes. “That’s hilarious. I’m so glad my life is in his hands. Okay seriously, turn around.”
“Why would you help me?” I asked suspiciously.
“That’s just what I do. I’m a friendly guy.”
“This friendliness must not run in the family.”
Again, Joe’s cheerful demeanor didn’t falter. “You mean Ben? Forget about Ben, he hates everyone. Don’t take it personally.” Then he added: “Plus, as I’m sure you know, we’re not biologically related. No overlapping genetic material whatsoever. I didn’t get the male supermodel gene, he didn’t get the irresistibly charming gene, life’s not fair but the world keeps spinning.”
“It sure does,” I agreed softly. Unexpected wisdom from my new favorite Lee. I turned away from him. “Fine, I’m not looking, go ahead and dazzle me with your supernatural friendliness—”
“What?” I whirled around. Joe held The Walruses And Me in his hand. “How...did you...?!”
He passed me the book as I sputtered incoherently. “I told you. Magic trick.”
“I don’t....?!” I gawked up at the top shelf, at Joe, back to the top shelf. Sure enough, the space where The Walruses And Me once lived was now just a vacant slit in the row of dusty books. How could he have climbed up there that quickly? How could I not have heard anything? “The shelves didn’t even creak,” I murmured shakily.
“Yes, well, that’s due to my conveniently spindly physique.” Joe winked. “Any other problems I can help you solve at the moment, Baby Swan?”
“No. And don’t call me Baby Swan, or I’ll push this whole bookshelf over and tell the feisty librarian lady you did it.”
“That’s cold, ma’am.”
I liked that Joe didn’t make me feel like Ben did: unworthy, unloved, infuriating. Joe made me feel something else, something lighthearted, casual, buoyant; like the world didn’t have anything in it worth worrying about, regretting, agonizing over. Like unadulteratedly myself was all I ever needed to be.
I heard a muted buzz and Joe slid his iPhone out of his jeans pocket. Dr. Lee must have successfully delivered it. “Whoops, I forgot that Ordinary Differential Equations existed. Got to go. See ya.”
“Bye,” I replied. And then Joseph Lee was gone, very quickly, a little too quickly, the same way that Ben had vanished on that first afternoon after Chemistry.
Forks is weird. Calawah University is weird. And the Lee kids are super fucking weird.
Long Walks On The Beach
“Can I ask you a random question?”
“You just paid me $100 for an oil change that took fifteen minutes. You can ask me anything you want.” He grinned, flashing bright teeth and deep dimples.
It was Saturday afternoon. I had shoveled down a Chipotle veggie bowl as Archer changed the 1999 Accord’s oil in a small garage with a cracked concrete floor and the searing pungency of gasoline fumes thick in the air. He had apprenticed all through high school and rented his own shop after graduation. Archer now had a loyal clientele that encompassed virtually the entire Quileute reservation and a growing chunk of Forks...including Charlie and me, of course. Archer was the only child of Larry Foxchild—Charlie’s best friend since they worked together at Dairy Queen as teenagers—and the closest thing to a son my dad would ever have. I guess that made him like a brother to me, something that seemed intuitive now that I’d thought of it.
After the Accord was serviced we drove it down to La Push to walk on the beach, climb the salt-lashed rocks, toss pebbles into the roiling surf, reprise our childhood enthusiasm for poking dead washed-up marine creatures with shards of driftwood.
“Do you know anything about the Lees?” I asked Archer, investigating a deceased green shore crab.
His brow furrowed. He looked so serious like that, suddenly so much like Larry: the same tan skin, jet black hair, umbral eyes like oil wells, strong jaw overlaid with the stubbled shadow of a beard. We really aren’t kids anymore, are we? “The doctor and his kids?”
“Yeah. The foster kids. They’re really pale and strange and half of them are British.”
Archer chuckled. “I know who you mean. They’re hard to miss.”
“Are they...” Just eccentric rich people? Traumatized from abusive childhoods? Government experiments? CIA agents? Secret murderers? The image of Ben in that first Chemistry class came roaring back to me, including the adjective that had flashed red behind my eyes like an emergency exit sign: fierce. Finally, I decided: “Dangerous?”
Now Archer full-on laughed, gripping his belly, shaking his head. Drops of saltwater flew from his short hair. “Seriously?!” he exclaimed. “Come on, they’re freaks but they’re not, like...that kind of freaks.”
“Are you sure?” I was starting to feel better already. Of course they’re not actual demons, you fucking idiot. This is Washington, not The Twilight Zone or Black Mirror. Not goddamn American Horror Story.
“Yeah.” Archer skipped a grey pebble over the water, something I’d never been able to do. “I’ll be honest, I don’t know them all that well. They usually keep to themselves. But I’ve never heard anything bad about any of the kids. And everyone respects Dr. Lee and appreciates him for taking the pay cut to come to some bumblefuck town like Forks. He’s insanely highly credentialed, has degrees from Harvard or Yale or somewhere like that. Super impressive. We’re lucky to have him. I definitely sleep better at night knowing he’ll be the one to fix me up if I ever get a few fingers ripped off on the job.”
“Don’t even say that. Then who would I grossly overpay for oil changes?”
Archer smiled, then sobered as he peered out over the Pacific Ocean.
“What?” I asked, feeling a plummeting in my guts like primal fear.
“Well...okay, so there is one thing that’s always bothered me. You remember Grandpa Foxchild?”
“Yeah, of course.” He had been an impossibly ancient man with long grey braided hair, a low rumbly voice, gnarled arthritic hands, ceaseless wrinkles. I remembered Charlie calling me when he passed away last spring. Renee and I had picked out a flower arrangement to send to the funeral.
“So,” Archer said slowly, like he was still puzzling it out himself. “Grandpa used to say things like ‘That Dr. Lee has been around a long time.’ Which of course makes no sense, the Lees moved here like two years ago. And I’d tell Grandpa that, but he completely ignored me. He would just keep repeating it. ‘That Dr. Lee shouldn’t still be here.’ ‘That Dr. Lee should go on home to where he came from.’ ‘That Dr. Lee isn’t right.’ Creepy shit like that. My dad and I always assumed it was the dementia talking, but...I don’t know. It just bothered me. Because Grandpa...he wasn’t just being gossipy or suspicious. He was angry. And he was afraid. Grandpa was at Guadalcanal and Iwo Jima and he would talk about that no problem, mention landmines or flesh melting off a soldier’s face like it was nothing. He was a tough guy. Immeasurably tough, I’ll never be half the man he was. But if you mentioned the Lees, Grandpa got scared. Why the hell would he be so scared of them?”
I didn’t have an answer for him, not a single word. I just stared at Archer, my eyes growing huge, my heart sprinting, blood pounding in my ears. He knew. Grandpa Foxchild knew there was something off about them, and now I know it too. I don’t know how I know, but I do.
Archer tittered nervously. “Anyway, that was genuinely disturbing. But like I said. It was probably just the dementia.”
“What if it wasn’t?”
“It had to be,” he insisted. “There’s no other logical explanation.”
“I guess,” I agreed, scooping up the green shore crab corpse with my bare hands. I hurled it out into the waves, imagined it sinking through murky water and suspended grains of sand, the body settling into prehistoric silt, the scavengers descending upon it, the inescapable wheel of birth and death and resurrection through those who unwittingly carry our atoms with them into the next generation, into the perpetual future.
That night my dreams were full of pale skin and scorching eyes, Ben and Joe and Rami, Lucille and Scarlett, crashing waves, cold water and bleached bones; and Grandpa Foxchild’s mistrustful refrain: That Dr. Lee has been around a long time.
I soared down the staircase and through the dining room. Gwil was working late at the hospital, Mercy outside tending the animals, everyone else presumably scattered throughout the house. I had to get out before anyone noticed me. I had to get out without Rami or Lucy knowing.
I yanked open the door to the back porch. Rami was waiting there.
“Good evening,” he greeted me in that slow, thoughtful drawl.
“Stay the fuck out of my head.”
“You know how it works, Benny Boy. I can’t ignore the loud thoughts. And you’ve been having some very loud thoughts lately.”
I stared down at my shoes, all black Adidas. Black is good. It doesn’t show stains. For example, purely hypothetically, splatters of human blood and organs. “I can make it quick. I can make it painless.”
Rami’s aura flared maroon; not enraged, no, not quite that, but certainly revolted. I was always finding new and horrifying ways to revolt them, whether I was trying to or not. “She has a family, Ben. A father. You know Chief Swan, you’ve seen him around town. He’s a good person. She’s a good person. You really want to do this? You really want to relapse like this?”
I didn’t reply. I didn’t have to. Hearing thoughts is a tricky thing, and not a gift that I would ever want; unspoken words are rarely a steam and usually a storm, disjointed and twisting, interrupting each other, bottomless layers of whispers and screams. But I was sure Rami could catch the important parts: that I didn’t know the difference between good and bad people, that I didn’t know what to think of people at all, that for me her blood was not a desire but a compulsion. I couldn’t stop envisioning it spilling over my tongue and teeth, down my throat, hot and pulsing erratically and fading. “Why can’t you hear her? Why can’t I see what she’s feeling?”
Rami shrugged, characteristically placid and restrained. It was maddening. “There are seven and a half billion people on this planet. So maybe every once in a while you get one that lives in our blind spots, there’s something chromosomal or psychological that puts them on a different frequency. I don’t know. How the hell should I know? All I know is that you definitely shouldn’t be seriously considering...well. What you’re considering.”  
“Have you ever met someone whose thoughts you couldn’t hear before?”
“No,” Rami admitted; and was that a ghost of unease that crossed his face?
“Please, Rami. Let me go. Pretend you never saw me.” My words come out strained, hushed, like a spilled secret, like a confession. I’ve never wanted anyone’s blood like I want hers.
He heard that; I could see the dismay in his eyes. Now his aura is dark grey, almost black. Disappointment. Resignation. Mourning. “I told you what Lucy saw.”
“What she saw is impossible and you know it.”
Again, Rami shrugged. That blind, mindless faith. I wished I knew what it felt like. “She’s never wrong.”
“Have you told him?”
“Who, Joe?! Of course I haven’t told Joe. He...”
“He wouldn’t believe it either?” I snapped, like it was a victory.
“No,” Rami amended carefully. “No, he would believe anything Lucy saw.” Lucy had visions: flashes of the future, the past, the present. They were rare and unpredictable, often fragmented, snapshots rather than arcs. But they were always true. Or, rather, the other Lees claimed they were. The real Lees. “I don’t know what he would do about it,” Rami said finally. “So I’m waiting it out. And killing one of the primary participants is definitely not waiting it out.”
I seethed as I glared at him, hating him in that moment, hating myself only slightly more; and he heard that too. But then that wispy, fleeting haze around him was a pink like the last threads of sunlight sinking into the Western horizon. Forgiveness. Attachment. Love.
“Come with me, Ben,” Rami said gently, opening the door. “Come back inside. You can beat this. You’re better than this. You’re a good soul. You wouldn’t be with us if you weren’t.”
I tried to laugh. It came out like a snarl. “I haven’t had a soul in a long time.”
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musgo · 5 years
5 6 19
thank you so much for sending sdcjnskjdn i uhhhh recorded all of these basically immediately after you sent them but then i listened back and felt like i suonded so annoying and went on too long and my pronunciation wasnt very clear so i postponed posting them sdjnvdjs i decided to transcribe what i said (under read more) cause that makes me feel better abt it. 
5. I’ll talk about what I did today
6. I’ll talk about something I’m obsessed with/currently interested in
https://vocaroo.com/i/s0iLq52dlB1y  (the very good video i talk about: https://youtu.be/-6lMD9h_ix4)
19. I’ll talk about something I’m proud of
https://vocaroo.com/i/s0lPPvmwbvbI this ones the most ebarassing cause i decided to have fun and try switching to my alternative, vaguely british-inspired “accent”,,,, also the cohesion ... she just wasnt there.
5. today i went to college. i was really late and i missed the first class. i only attended one class today, cause i only have two classes per day rn - thats definitely gonna change next semester but anyway - the class was really good, the subject is Introduction to Literary Studies (i took a while cause i had to translate it from portuguese) but um yeah the class was about why humans create fiction. why humans.. you know.. how humans...... Human Nature is such that we are unsatisfied with reality and we create other lives and other experiences through fiction. and it’s not necessarily that we don’t like our reality, it could just be that it’s not enough; like, you could rly like your reality but you still have an innate, like.. NEED for experiencing Other Things that you couldnt in your own life. thats basically what the argument was, it was really interesting. and i rly like the teacher, she’s rly cool. so after that class i just had some lunch DELICIOUS the food in my college is so good ugh i love it so much and it’s just 2 reais for         for lunch when you’re a student there and it’s so good i’m.. ugh it’s the best part of college        cause its rly rly rly cheap for us students and it’s really good like It didnt even have to be that good cause it’s so cheap but it’s REALLY GOOD hh     um... yeah i love it  AND THEN after having lunch i went to the library which is a luh--another thing i rly like about my college cause  it’s the biggest library in my university.   so.. i study in the universtiy of são paulo which is one of the biggest universities in brasil .... so.. the campus is like rly huge and .. [i realized i was just explaining what a university is fsr?????? ]  uhhhh yeah i went to my library. [????? MY LIBRARY??? i dont own a library.] and i love my library theres like. i love to just walk around and see.    The Books cause theres like.. so such interesting books. and like books in so many languages... ugh it’s amazing so i went there to actually find some english learning books and i did , cause im trying to teach my sister english andt..    yeah i found this session-- Section. where theres all these    language learning books so theres like             a couple shelves that are like just english learning books and then theres a shelf thats just like japanese learning and then a couple shelves for russian   thens ome korean  some frickin SANSKRIT  latin ancient greek just everything . theeres also like indigenous south american languages which i was really happy to see and im definitely gonna check that out eventually but for today i just took the english ones cause ..  yeah i cant really  i dont really that much time and everyone for all that right now with college ..     AND THEN the rest of my day was that i left my phone!! cause i went to take the bus and  i left my pjhone on the bus stop.      i feel like my entonation is really annoying right now but yeah.. so yeah i left my phone on the bus stop and i was so scared.  i went back to the bus stop    got off the bus [wrong order] and it wasnt there , i went in the building - my college has 3 buildings for the different courses - i went in one of them cause i assumed it would be there because it was the closest to the bus stop so if somebody found my phone on the bus stop they wouldve taken it there and  left it there with the recepcionist or whatever so i went there and it wasnt there so iwas like “oh no its not here . maybe i left it in the bus instead of the bus stop and i just didnt notcie that it like fell from my pocket or sth.” so i took the bus again and went to the terminal which is where it would be if somebody found it in the bus and gave it to someone responsible for that stuff. but it obviously wasnt there. so i went home, very sad, This whole thing lasted like 2 hours and then its like over an hour for me to come home from college cause yk i live in a neighbouring city which is pretty close but its still an hour to an hour and a half everyday to go and ..... to go to and fro. is that how you say that expression idk . ...    and then when i got home!!!! i wnt in the facebook group of my college [course] to see if somebofy had posted something about a lost phone and Yes They Had they posted a photo of my phone and i was like oh thank god so im gonna get it back tomorrow. now im home im looking at my cat. occasionally looking after my nephews and my niece. and thats my day
6. i was sitting here thinking.. trying to think of something   and i remembered that--..............   Cause its rly hard for me to answer these questions where itsj ust one thing and i just..................          i just draw a blank whenever i get these questions but im just gonna say something that happened recently cause it was like : yesterday i found this video on youtube of a    an .. anemone? Swimming     like this starfish touches it and it like Changes Form it Elongates and just starts shaking to like get away. and its amazing it reminded me of how much i like Cnidarians(????)  the phylum .  the group of animals that includes jellyfish and corals, basically.   its just so cool like they alternate like one of the.... oh my gosh my house is so loud uhh...       yeah they like its really crazy i dont actually know a lot about it but i just think its so cool like the corals .. they.. reproduce.. and like.. their offspring sometimes is A Jellyfish . and then the Jellyfish sometimes produce Corals.   cause you look at the two things and they dont rly look that similar but they Are basically one and the same, and theyre Animals both of them just the same.  theyre just like inverted when you think about. its really cool and i didnt know that corals could MOVE like that just Get Out like... DeTach . from their thing and just start Swimming!! i had no idea that was a thing but yeah basically something that im obsessed with is um animals like that. the animals that arent chordates. so like sponges, cnidarians,  frickin ummmm echinoderms. You Can look at My Tags Page i have that stuff listed. i love it cause its so fun when you think about how theyre animals so theyre like closer to us structurally and cellularly than to other things.
19. you know. when people are mad at me for doing something not as fast as one possibly could or somethin like not understanding what they said or doing something a little bit wrong like following instructions a little wrong and you know when its not rly that important and people get mad and me for that and stuff.. i just.. i feel really happy that i'm not like that. cause i feel like most people around me.. they ARE like that like they just get so mad.. they allow themselves to get so mad about small things.. and i dont know i like that im pretty patient and i dont mind having to wait or to instruct someone a few times and correct them until they get it right and teach them and... all that. i dont know like i feel like.. idk im proud of myself for not like picking fights and getting mad at people for things that dont rly matter cause.. idk people around me do that a lot it makes me rly sad like... idk thats something i like abt myself i think i can like I'll feel angry sometimes and dont get me wrong anger is very necessary and its a very good thing when it is like... whats that word? its like... freakin.. deserved [i think the word i was looking for is "warranted"] like be angry at freakin capitalism or sth freakin racism you know set people on fire for that kinda stuff. but for small things on daily life i think people let it get to them too easily. and just create.. idk. it makes me sad so im happy that i dont have a lot of these impulses in these situations and when i do feel peeved from something petty im able to hold back cause im like.. its not worth it its just... this is so small. i'm.... you know? its not worht it.
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barkingjams · 5 years
Rules: answer the questions of the person who tagged you, come up with 11 new ones, and tag 11 new people.
I got tagged by @fernbat
1. What fish do you find weird/interesting?
The moray eel! Did you know they have a second pair of teeth? Also have you seen their faces? 10/10
2. What’s the first movie you remember watching and being completely amazed by?
The FIRST movie? damn dude I dont have that kind of memory but I do know one of my favorite movies was Fantasia and i became completely amazed by its creativity. 
3. What scents do you like?
MMmmmmh, food smells I like being able to smell something yummy cooking.
4. How much time do you spend at the grocery store? Do you race through to avoid impulse buys or take your time and meander through?
I generally go there for a specific thing so I just get what i came for but if I’m with someone else I dont mind just walking around.
5. Deciduous trees or Coniferous trees?
Deciduous trees!
6. Have you ever been in an arcade?
Heckie yeah, for my bday went to Dave n Busters. pretty neat if a bit loud
7.  What is your favorite type of knickknack to display on a shelf?
I dont have a shelf to display knickknacks but if i did I would assume a random assortment of fandom merch or else maybe music boxes or maybe it be little animal figurines
8. Are there any plants in your house?
We have a fruit basket but thats it. No one in this house takes care plants. Theres been multiple attempts.
9. What’s your favorite book series?
Animorphs, Fable Haven, Guardians of gahoole, Diary of a wimpy kid, Warrior Cats
10. Translucent or Transparent?
11. Which function key (Not a letter/number/etc) on the keyboard do you hit the most often?
Im having slight anxiety over tagging people so im only doing a handful and inviting anyone who wants to do this to go ahead and do it and you can tag me in it.   @the-work-around @corvidity @flutter-butters 
New questions
1. What song are you currently obsessed with?
2. Favorite insect?
3. What’s one place you’ve always wanted to visit?
4. What was your childhood fear?
5. Do you have a favorite shirt? 
6. Favorite drink?
7. Do you prefer the ocean or rivers?
8. You’re now a superhero! What are your powers?
9. If you were to have a pokemon partner who would it be?
10. Dumbest thing you believed as a child?
11. Any foods you used to hate but can now tolerate/like?
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botanyshitposts · 6 years
post ur bookshelf
this is a FANTASTIC ask because i have exactly 32951045723845710 books and i love them and ive already decided that as soon as i get a solid apartment where i dont have to move back and forth between college and my parents’ house im gonna get two bookshelves, one just for my plant books and one for all my other books and its gonna be COOL and AESTHETIC and SORTED BY SUBJECT and AUTHOR you just wait. for now, i have them kind of scattered everywhere, but shoutout to this ask for motivating me to get my shit together and pick up my Book Stacks (tm) a little. 
because this ask came on my plant blog, i’m assuming you want my plant bookshelf. I can’t fit all my plant books in one shelf, so these are only my fave ones (they’re lined up on the back of my desk): 
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some of these i had to buy for classes, but most are ones ive accumulated on my plant journey so far. again i have more books in my closet, but they’re....eh.
if you’re here to see my regular person book collection, i’m gonna put them under a cut: 
okay so i have even more books then this in my closet but they’re all in the category of ‘i feel sentimental about this so i dont want to sell it but also i don’t want it as part of the decor in my room’. it also should be noted that i take only a smaller selection of these to school with me (including only a select number of plant books), and i miss having them at my fingertips for most of the year. again, one of my top priorities of growing up is getting like, real bookshelves that i can spread out on, but for now i’m gonna have to settle with this VERY haphazard accumulation on the back of my dresser: 
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i cant believe i got them to stack like this. like, tetris style. i just cant believe it and its better than the stacks i had them in before so im gonna roll with it even though it looks kinda trashy
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here on the bottom you see my neon genesis evangelion DVD collection that i’m totally not a weaboo for owning. im proud of it lol, but im missing the third new movie and it’s not a priority for me to get right now. also all my CDs, although most of my music is digital. 
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marble hornets on DVD, + the start of my stephen king collection + assorted things
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then, my comic/graphic novel collection (junji ito is my fave): 
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a couple of my textbooks for this semester (the rest haven’t come in yet):
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and the books im currently reading + the books i love so much i keep them close to me so i can go back and reread singular chapters to just. absorb them again and again
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house of leaves and the secret history are a couple of my faves. if you read my scp content, you’ll see HoL in a lot of how i structure things. 
also, this doesn’t count the books i have on my computer/digitally. heres a few: 
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the rest of my stuff is in my closet and is from when i was younger. i feel like a lot of this collection reflects my current self, and i believe you can tell a lot about a person from looking at what books they own, so here lol 
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shadowedtalks · 5 years
Demons Keep what they are given. Part 7
From the corner of her eye she saw his hand rise, feeling her body react immediately stiffening up an she held her breath to stop from flinching away, before he just lightly touched her cheek breathing out slowly letting their eyes meet giving a small smirk resisting leaning into his hand, it was soft an warm on her skin. she gave the only answer she could think of for the moment. "You obviously don't know my father that well." she gave a small sigh. "Well, if you are done with breakfast why don't we go get to work i suppose." she said before realizing how his eyes were looking over her. she shifted back from his hand With a small chuckle, Looking away from him feeling odd. With the okay she got up from her chair as a group of workers appeared to clean up and she fallowed after him. He wanted her to help in the study so that is what she is going to do. Their she waited as he got busy. After a few minutes and him just working quietly she decided on something to do looking at his cluttered disorganized shelfs all around the study they both sat in. From books to loose papers and tossed about scrolls. So slipping off her shoes and tucking them under a chair she started organizing his books stacking them properly in order by name and volumes then organizing the papers by date as she didn't really know what was important or not. She moved around the room quietly as she worked threw the 30 something shelf's of books and papers dedicating 2 of the cleared shelfs to letters maps and documents that were dated and organized properly. It took several hours, she actually didn't take to much notice of how much time passed, till someone came to bring them lunch and they both looked up from their tasks when the maid knocked lightly on the open door then spoke in her shock, at the now organized study rather then the controlled mess it was before. "Oh wow...." to which the maid got bashful from speaking up like that, an lord Oakwood looked around looking shocked at the studies shelfs suddenly being organized. "Uh.... I have lunch here milord and my lady- Lady princess. It's something light since your both so busy." the maid stammered out as she moved to set the tray of food and drinks down on a separate table not to far away from his desk he was seated at. "Thank you very much." Marcona said offering a sweet smile as the maid bowed out quickly and the studies door closed with a soft click. And she looked to him. "I hadn't realized so long had passed since we got to work." she giggled softly. It was true as normally she often was very time conscious but this time.... Its like time fell away from her as she worked. Understanding now the words that had been spoken to her early that morning when she had been getting ready before breakfast. Keeping to herself with a little hum she retuned her focus to the books, dated documents, and various numbers in plans she was dealing with. She offered him a small smile and turned back to her task on the shelfs she was in front of. "Are you not going to eat?" she heard from behind her, as she reached up shelfing a book in the proper place. "Not at the moment. Im not very hungry as breakfast was very filing." she answered as she continued soring the books and papers on the shelf she was in front of. "Well i am going to eat." she heard after a moment. "Go right ahead milord, i got plenty to keep busy with." she replyed with seeming on auto pilot. "No.... I want to get to know you more princess." he spoke as she paused an looked at him shock seeming to dominate her face. It was strange. She was quiet but her presence alone pulled his attention from his work, having only gotten threw a handful of documents since they got started. And her simple light, yet sweet sent filled his senses as she moved about the room wanting to drag his eyes to her yet he kept focused as best he could on his work. She was a distraction.... It was strange but for now it was being chopped up to curiosity. She did a lot yet so little was know about her and so few had actually seen her. taking that into thought he assumed that was why he was hyper aware of her presence because not a lot is known, and she is royalty. Due to take the thrown at any time, But doesn't quite carry that air of regality about her... Simple things shut her down easy, and she goes so far as to okay that a Nobel lord could refer to them as equals yet her birth put her at a rank far beyond his own. In this kingdom as it was rare for lords of nobility to speak directly with the king, rather then his next of hand that took on such affairs an handled them or took them to the king. Even more so with any children the king an queen might have, And yet here he was causally fraternizing with the princess the heir of the kingdom. That must be it. His own curiosity and desire to annoy the king, as he was doing to him currently, must be what is driving his senses to be so hyper focused on her weather it be she is across the room or across the estate. He watched her shift bite her lower lip for a moment as she turned and put the books an various papers down before moving and sitting down near the tray of food then starting to pour a cup of their after noon drink before slowly passing one cup to him, as he took it he let his hand linger over hers for an extended moment then pulled the cup gently from her hands, she seemed to become flustered shifting and fixing her own and he let off just a small chuckle taking a drink slowly. Just watching her over the rim. She had resisted flinching earlier, that tells him she didn't miss speak when she said she wasn't pampered no princesses should flinch when a hand is raised to them, shows she was afraid of being hit. But when it displayed tenderness he caught her fighting reacting to it. From leaning into his hand just barely as her eyes fell hooded for just a split second before opening them normally and just now, how she let her hands linger under his, how she chose to hand it to him over slide it to him across the desk. It showed she liked gentle touch, the kind attention being given to her, almost like she craved it from someone, because she's never had it before. That makes him curious as to just what this beautiful princess went threw growing up, if she holds herself so in line with showing appreciation and cravings for soft affection. Just what an how was she taught? She was almost like a forced submissive but a lot more... Broken then normal yet she still had fire and fun in her eyes so he knew she wasn't lost yet. Perhaps knowing her can help some with that as well as calm down his senses in their focus to her alone at the moment as it could be a real hinder to further work. She just drank slowly on the sweet and slightly bitter drink as they took their break for the moment. Eventually she set her cup down and tuned looking at him. "Alright lord Oakwood, you want to know more about me.... Ask away with what you want to know." she said keeping her focus on him with a soft smile. She had nothing to hide so she didn't mind talking and answering questions. And talk they did however all her responses were all bland an incredibly dull. No significant talents. She had very basic schooling, focused more towards edict that was expected and required of her as a lady. All her events she help host was mediocre with no important details or means to help with meetings or discussions. She had no friends. Her father and mother are always very busy she had no time to be a clingy child as most royals grow up as. She shifted a bit as she just sat their during their talk. She didn't even have a favorite food or drink she ate whatever was given to her. She was so incredibly dull because of those responses. She didn't even have a hobby. And eventually he got fed up with those responses painting nothing but a dull gray photo of her. He called for her to just stop as he frustrations began to actually surface. "I don't know why you are doing this. Making yourself so incredibly dull! Your answers are obviously scripted! Do you have any personality at all!? Anything so you don't seem so flat and fake an dull beyond belief!?" he asked standing suddenly with his voice being loud and she jumped slightly with a flinch. Seeing that made him stall in his frustrations an began reeling back in his emotions quickly and he sat down. "If i want something boring to talk to ill go speak with the guild... Princess you can't be this dull. Why are you acting like you are? Their is no reason for it. its not like i will use this information to my advantage, we are under the same shield, YOUR shield of this kingdom." "It's so you don't get your hopes thinking i am some wonderful person, when i am not." he gave a deep sigh putting his face in his hands shaking his head slowly. "Alright fine. We waisted enough time talking like this, lets get back to work." she nodded, stood and moved returning to the shelf she was organizing last and silence fell around them he would occasionally grumble to himself about random things to low for her to hear really what he was saying before she eventually she turned an looked at him. "Hibiscus Tea." she said softly and he looked up. "Excuse me?" "Our drink this afternoon was Hibiscus Tea, i am rather good at picking out different tea flavors, an Hibiscus is one of my favorite kinds of tea. Sweet without sweetener and lightly bitter in the end like with green tea." she explained watching as that seemed to quell him an he smiled softly. "Is that so?" "Yes.... I also like all types of Owls and the stars." she said before looking away quickly and returning to her work in the shelf's before her. "So your not so dull after all princess." he said before he to focused back on his work, as now he could actually focus on it. Her finally telling the truth on a few things about her seems to of calmed his mind to let him focus. Before long she finished and left when a maid came back to clean up the tray from lunch. She went off to just hang out in her room for a little while just sitting and enjoying the cool breeze coming in from the open doors on the balcony actually dozing off a bit as she sat their. Awoken by the sound of the door gently closing behind her.
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Online Paper Writing Service I didnt wish to order from right here as a result of I thought that the costs have been too excessive. Found a less expensive place for this and was very dissatisfied by the poor high quality. My pal ended up getting the identical task right here and it was so much better than what I got. After that I order only from this web site and Im at all times happy with what I get. The answer is one web page single spaced or two pages double spaced. 500 word essays are very common throughout center and highschool English curriculums, especially as book reviews, or summaries of current events. You can simply check web page depend in word processors like Microsoft Word and Google Docs, but for a fast reference use our desk under. The purpose is that tutorial content material is more sophisticated than just a rewrite of current sources. Use our free and straightforward online tool for counting characters, words, sentences, paragraphs and pages in real time, along with keyword density and reading degree. Add funds to your steadiness & keep in contact along with your author. I will have the ability to full all of the tasks on time. I also quickly need to contact the tutors from this service to arrange for exams. She was committed with every single particulars and ship the paper inside deadline. Stop spreading yourself skinny on subjects you are not too good at – get prime-shelf, customized papers accomplished by true consultants in any area. The essay I got was filled with grammatical error and did not have a clear message! Save your money and take your corporation somewhere else. We guarantee to deliver custom papers which are authentic and one hundred% plagiarism free, written from scratch to meet you requirements and deadlines. If you’re on the lookout for someone to write down a analysis paper, don’t fear - you’re in luck. So, when you have your final paper due and are saying, “get another person to put in writing my paper” or “I need to pay someone to do my paper”, you can belief us with it wholeheartedly. We fully understand your apprehensions which is why we guarantee to ship nothing in need of custom papers, written from scratch. However, in lots of instances, students don’t get the posh of time. This is done to be able to maintain your confidentiality, and so that you could be purchase with piece of mind. Make certain you write down the item and the worth including dollars and cents separated by a decimal. Ive all the time dreamt of working at the Art Gallery however somehow I was hardly ever even invited to the job interviews. I couldnt put my finger on what was mistaken as a result of I had all the required background. I gave my boyfriend the CV to have a look at it. He instructed your service to me as he also used it in faculty. And you understand after I started sending out the CV you made for me I began getting more job presents. Writing a great essay requires each creativity and technical writing skills. It assumes that you have private curiosity relating to the given matter in addition to the power to express it in a transparent and informative manner. We double-verify all papers with similarity software program to verify the content you obtain is a hundred% unique. Buying a paper does not make it your work, neither for the task it’s submitted for nor within the eyes of the law. If you pay somebody to put in writing the paper, that is clearly unfaithful. There are a number of classes of essays, every suggesting different types of presentation and pursuing different goals. It’s attainable that you’ll have to give strong arguments to support your viewpoints or need to make an informative essay written in a narrative and impartial style. You have lots of good individuals working for you, and its ok to pay for quality, I assume. Advice to college students and authors on tips on how to defend their writing towards being plagiarized. When it comes to purchasing essays, your greatest guess is to avoid wasting your money and do the work yourself.
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writing help
About me
Main Answer Writing Practice
Main Answer Writing Practice There’s no substitute for a second set of eyes, which is why you need to rely on essay modifying by reliable professionals. The reply is one page single spaced or two pages double spaced. 500 word essays are very common all through middle and highschool English curriculums, especially as guide reviews, or summaries of current events. I also quickly want to contact the tutors from this service to prepare for exams. She was dedicated with every single details and deliver the paper inside deadline. Stop spreading yourself thin on subjects you are not too good at – get prime-shelf, customized papers done by true specialists in any area. You can easily examine web page depend in word processors like Microsoft Word and Google Docs, but for a quick reference use our table beneath. The purpose is that educational content material is more difficult than just a rewrite of current sources. Instead, you need to purchase a monthly subscription for a certain charge. Again, you received’t find out about this earlier than you try to obtain content material you have already composed, as a result of the corporate doesn’t clarify anything about their work on the site. Use our free and easy on-line device for counting characters, words, sentences, paragraphs and pages in actual time, together with keyword density and studying degree. It’s potential that you just’ll have to provide robust arguments to support your viewpoints or have to make an informative essay written in a story and impartial fashion. Writing an excellent essay requires each creativity and technical writing skills. My pal ended up getting the identical project here and it was so a lot better than what I got. After that I order only from this web site and Im all the time pleased with what I get. You have lots of smart folks working for you, and its alright to pay for high quality, I assume. There are several categories of essays, each suggesting different kinds of presentation and pursuing different targets. It assumes that you have personal curiosity regarding the given matter as well as the power to express it in a transparent and informative method. After selecting the author, you'll be able to focus on with all of them the small print of your task. You should inform them about all your demands and requirements as early as possible. We present limitless support so you can talk whenever you want to. We double-check all papers with similarity software program to ensure the content material you receive is 100% unique. Add funds to your balance & keep in touch along with your author. I will have the ability to complete all of the duties on time. He advised your service to me as he also used it in faculty. And you understand when I began sending out the CV you made for me I started getting extra job presents. I didnt wish to order from here as a result of I thought that the prices have been too high. Found a less expensive place for this and was very disappointed by the poor high quality. But the prof didn't accept my paper saying that it is a abstract and not an evaluation. I could not put my finger on what was wrong with my evaluation as I did analyze the paper. But anyway I determined to show to your site for help. Ive at all times dreamt of working on the Art Gallery however one way or the other I was rarely even invited to the job interviews. I couldnt put my finger on what was mistaken because I had all the necessary background. Make positive you write down the item and the value together with dollars and cents separated by a decimal. Why paying your kids to do homework deserves an enormous f. We provide individual feedback on homework actions, and the course options six modules covering a spread of subjects.
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delightfully-daisy · 7 years
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And she's been living on the highest shelf... Oh, and they come unstuck Lady, running down to the riptide Taken away to the dark side
[TW: sexual assault mentions; eating disorder mentions]
Birthday: 14 January 1995
Hogwarts House (Primary): Ravenclaw
Hogwarts House (Secondary): Hufflepuff
Myers-Briggs: ESFJ
Enneagram: Type 3
Height:  5’4
Mother: Lilian Ophelia Marie Harcourt Canard
Father: Jacques Didier Canard
Mother’s Occupation: lawyer—business law
Father’s Occupation: stockbrocker
Family Finances: quite wealthy—combination of old money on both ends, as well as parents’ own ambitions and finances
Birth Order: middle child
Siblings: Nicolas Etienne Jeannot Canard (24); Andre Leon Charles Canard (19)
Other Close Family: Aunt Cecile on her dad’s side (who has a girlfriend and is like super cool and a movie producer); she has another aunt on that side who has two kids her and Nic’s ages but I don’t have my notebook on hand so I cant look up their names oh well; Lilian is an only child
Best Friend: Clarke
Other Friends: Annette Grant, Hermes Petros, Toulouse Bonfamille, Stanley Schell, Abby and Tabitha
Enemies: Tito? Lol she thinks so :C
Pets: a cat named Sabrina! Her family also has two dogs named Gigi and Fifi
Home Life During Childhood: her parents were both very busy, but she and her siblings were very close and her dad made a huge insistence on family time when they were together; to this day they have a designated week in late July and winter where they go on vacations together; she’s very close with Nic and her dad; Andre can be a bit of a brat; she clashed with her mother a bit growing up but she’s starting to understand her more
Town or City Name(s): Paris, France
What Did Her Bedroom Look Like: very nice and spacious, big windows with a nice view, she has a canopy bed, everything is in pastel colors, lots of whites and pinks—nothing too loud, everything soft like a Rococo painting, a big walk-in closet, a nicely lit vanity, the artwork in there is carefully selected, everything has its place
Any Sports or Clubs: did newspaper also probably a creative writing club; used to fence and do ballet, but quite around 13/14 years old
Favorite Toy or Game: loved paper dolls
Schooling: one last semester at Pride U; probably did some pretty expensive private school in Paris
Favorite Subject: Composition, Art History
Popular or Loner: Popular!
Important Experiences or Events: was sexually assaulted at 17, her then-boyfriend lied about it and harassed her for months after
Health Problems: undiagnosed anxiety, lowkey makes herself throw up after eating sometimes also
Culture: French
Religion and beliefs: Raised Catholic, she wants to believe in a benevolent God but does not really like the Catholic church; she wants to believe in the goodness of people
Bad Habits:  worries, limits her food intake a lot haha, has a tendency to keep her emotions inside before lashing out, cries a lot
Good Habits: uh, organized, keeps up with her fitness, ambitious, kind-hearted (in her own way), stylish
Best Characteristic: determined—once she sets her mind on something or someone, she will not quit
Worst Characteristic: scared—her number one limitation in life is that she is too scared to take chances/take risks/do anything without security
Worst Memory: the whole sexual assault thing and also the night she broke up with Tito
Best Memory: oh gosh, probably getting her bike back
Proud of: not much lol, uh maybe her fashion sense, she’s like really insecure though and attributes all her successes to other factors, poor bby
Embarrassed by: e v e r y t h I ng have you seen how much this girl blushes
Driving Style: she’s a fantastic driver—fast, daring, drives stick-shift in heels, cuts tight corners on her motorcycle, she’s fab, best driver of my characters (except maybe for Eva, but that’s cuz Eva has heightened reflexes lol); does have a tendency to speed, but doesn’t do it except on isolated roads
Strong Points: determined, hard working, kind-hearted, stylish
Temperament: gosh im not sure its like a mix of sanguine and melancholic
Attitude: outwardly, confident and determined; inwardly, really fuckin’ anxious and insecure about everything
Weakness: she’s so insecure and not good with criticism and she’s soft little flower it is easy to crush her
Fears: everything—not being good enough is the main one though
Phobias: see above lol
Secrets: not too open about the whole sexual assault thing for obvious reasons, also he like harassed her for months afterwards
Regrets: every romantic relationship she’s ever had because it makes her seem stupid and heartless and foolish
Feels Vulnerable When: uh always? When she’s being emotional, tbh, since she’s been told to restrict that
Pet Peeves: people who assume she’s dumb, people who assume she’s shallow
Conflicts: oh gosh where to begin—the fact that she wants the world to be this good, ideal place where she has the ability to help it, but the reality that class differences/prejudices in other areas are very real and very hard to overcome; her own desire to do more with her life, but knowing that rejecting her family’s values would not be good, and she really loves her family; navigating being a soft woman in a world that otherwise respects hard, sharp ones
Motivation: She wants to be successful and to make a change in the world.
Short Term Goals and Hopes: Graduate, get a good job somewhere in a big city.
Long Term Goals and Hopes: Rise to the top of her career, hopefully get married at one point.
Sexuality: bisexual
Exercise Routine: goes to spin class three times a week, does a barre class twice a week, weight training the other days, very committed exercise schedule
Day or Night Person — Day.
Introvert or Extrovert — Extrovert.
Optimist or Pessimist — Pessimist, though she tries to be optimistic to other people.
Music: girly pop, MUSICALS—she’s a huge musical gal, sings in the shower all the time. Loves taylor swift, knows that its problematic to love taylor swift, but does so in that well #feminism way that’s also lowkey problematic ahaha. Her iTunes is mostly musicals and pop and some classical music too, she likes ballet music.
Books: classics and romance novels; also some trashy YA romance; went through a John Green phase in her high school years; her favourite book is The Bell Jar. She also reads those like “Oprah Book of the Month” club books and enjoys them. Gets most of her reading list from bestsellers lists.
Magazines: VOGUE aka the Bible; also Cosmo and Marie Claire and other high-fashion magazines; whatever the French equivalent of Time is, but also Time; started a subscription to the New Yorker whilst she was in NYC and keeps up with it
Foods: has a sweet tooth—loves chocolate. Chocolate-covered strawberries are her favorite. She thinks she can handle spicy, but she can’t really.
Drinks: Margaritas are her cocktail of choice; she loves champagne and lattes
Animals: cats! Also she loves swans and thinks its so romantic that they mate for life, but she won’t admit that lol
Sports: follows Formula One racing tbh and also fencing
Social Issues: Feminism! (she’s like lowkey a bit of a white feminist) Magick Rights! (lowkey also a bit of a problematic activist in everything; she’s trying though) Also involved in environmental issues!! (she works on a turtle fund thing with Stan)
Favorite Saying: “I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles.” – Audrey Hepburn
Color: Pink!! Any and all shades! Also likes a nice rose-gold. Fond of pastel colors in decorating.
Clothing: Has a very classy, preppy style; lots of skirts and blazers; usually always in heels; most everything is designer and high-end; she takes pride in her style; she also dresses more on the conservative end, but does own a few sexier pieces
Jewelry: very classy, never overdoes herself with jewelry; simple pendants and studs
Games: played the Sims a lot, played racing games with her brothers, Mario Kart fan too
Websites: Instagram—also has a finsta bc she’s hip; tumblr; Pinterest
TV Shows: Downton Abbey, Sex and the City
Movies: The Devil Wears Prada!! (Also Titanic)
Greatest Want: To be successful and make a difference in the world
Greatest Need: To overcome her fears
Home: lives in Castle Suites in a very luxurious one-bedroom flat
Household furnishings: everything is impeccably decorated, lots of pastels and golds, there’s a big window in the living room (which has like white furniture and soft lights everywhere, big white rug on the floor, lots of throw pillows), her room has a big bed with lots of pillows and her closet is organized by type of clothes and colour
Favorite Possession: her car
Most Cherished Possession: her motorcycle
Married Before: Nope.
Significant Other Before: Tito (rip); asshole French boyfriend, Michel
Children: n/a
Relationship with Family:  huge Daddy’s girl, but Daddy is also very busy and not super around all the time and she doesn’t really confide in him; very close to older brother, Nic, sometimes they feel like they are the only people in the world they can trust; younger brother has a strained relationship bc he can be kinda douche but they love each other; relationship with mother is---complicated, they are very similar and often butt heads because of their differences though and Lilian thinks she knows what’s best etc etc and Daisy is just starting to see her mom in a new light
Car: BMW, she also has a motorcycle
Career: journalism student, editor-in-chief of campus magazine: Social
Dream Career: editor in chief of a fashion magazine that also has like a huge philanthropy side
Dream Life: said career, has not given much thought to the like actual life part of it, but ideally she’d like to be married to the love of her life and have two kids as well
Love Life: uh imma get back to you on that
Hobbies : reading, dancing (she loves dancing), driving, sketching fashions, cleaning (lol), amateur baker, used to be a fencer, writing (she used to write short stories but has not in a while)
Guilty Pleasure : those trashy Harlequin romance novels….
Sports or Clubs: Social, PrideU’s premier campus lifestyle magazine; probably involved in like journalism clubs
Talents or Skills : she’s a great dancer and a fantastic driver; also a good writer
Intelligence Level : she is great auditory learner, very sharp and quick to pick up what she listens too; writes the best out of my characters; reads a lot too; not great at sciences or math, but she tries her best and the hard work pays off; a fan of history, but only as it relates to cultural stuff (wars bore her); the most emotionally aware of others of my characters, can read people well
Finances: wealthy—parents are wealthy each from their individual families and from their own careers, pay for their children
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kxlebcross · 4 years
for the quarantine asks, multiples of 2, please :)
are you fucking serious???? i’m gonna get back at you for this, i’m smol and ready to fight!!!! (under the cut >:3)
2. Grilled cheese or PB&J? grilled cheese, always... idk, maybe i’m too european for that but pb&j just seems gross to me (noah fence to anyone who likes it tho)
4.  Your go-to bar order, if you drink? usually it’s a mojito, a gintonic or a vodka-tonic, depending on the place and its’ prices... and if i’m not that low on money sometimes an absinthe slips in, but that’s really rare, i’m not that young anymore and my body just can’t keep up with the alcohol anymore dfsdfd
6. Top three cuisines? uhhhh..... italian, hungarian and..... i don’t actually have a third hdgfhsd can i just generally say that ‘asian’? tbh i tried like 3-4 dishes from various asian countries which imo is way less than enough to choose a fave, and there’s also a lot more i’d like to try sometime... but my city doesn’t have many places to go to, and the only “chinese” restaurant we have is a cheap ripoff which never served a proper chinese dish in their life.... ordered from there twice, beforehand researching each dish i ordered and let me tell u.... they weren’t even close to what they were supposed to be......
8.  What’s a job that you’ve had that people might be surprised to find out you’ve had?  i once worked at a strip club..... no, not as a stripper, i was a waiter/bartender, and honestly i wouldn’t even mind talking about it if the place wasn’t shady as fuck.... one of the national tv stations even made a full time documentary series about all the illegal shit that’s going down there..... but i never really did any unconventional jobs so there’s nothing fancy, but if i were to tell stories about what i’ve encountered during my ordinary jobs...... oh boi.......
10.  Do you own any signed books/memorabilia in general? i have a signed photo with Flowsik from his Warsaw concert.... and i think that’s the only thing like that, if i ever had anything else it’s long forgotten and probably is laying in some box in my mom’s basement lmao
12. What do you get on your bagels? What WOULD you get if you had access to anything you wanted? i only have bagels in the kfc breakfast offer so it’s usually some chicken, salad, cheese, egg and mayonnaise? i think? or was that the ciabatta? fuck me if i remember...... but if i could choose anything i’d probably go with smth similar, some chicken strips, veggies, bacon, cheese and moyinnaise? yeah, probably, im a man of simple tastes dsfdfg
14.  Favorite mug you own i wish i wasn’t so lazy and just take a picture of it, but i’m a lazy fuck so here i go explaining XD so its actually a middle-sized coffee mug, it’s pastel greyish-pink with two cats on it, and one of the cats is chilling on a guitar.... it was a bday present from my mums friend and it came in a cat head-like box which i kept.... it’s now on the top shelf in it’s all grotesque cat box glory..... like the ceiling cat meme
16.  Pick a song lyric to describe your current mood (and drop the name and artist!)  uhhhh tbh my mood is usually a blank space, apathy be fun like that... so ill just list some that i’m generally vibin’ with
Take a knife in the back, wanna feel my pain Make a slice to the wrist to reveal those veins I could see your face, man I feel insane
Such a mess when I'm in your presence I've had enough, think you've been making me sick Gotta get you out of my system, yeah
MGK - In These Walls
I just can’t get enough of you, but that’s alright Feeling like going on a joyride with you through the night I keep accelerating on the road with you at my side
Lexie Liu - Like a Mercedes
And it's nights like this when I'm on my own And I realize that you'll never feel like home No, I can't feel you now (Feel me now) And I try my best to stick around But when you're broken like me, you just gotta get out 
Bring Me The Horizon -  ±ªþ³§ feat. YONAKA (but i’m generally vibin’ with the whole album that this song is from)
18.  What’s that one TV show that you’re a little bit embarrassed to watch but you still like nonetheless?  okay so i’m probably not gonna rewatch it ever again, but... when i was a kid there was this german series on tv and it was called medicopter 117.... so in exam season i realized that as a kid i never got to finish it so i decided to rewatch... listen, it’s a 1997 series... but damn it was actually better than some of the crap ppl call tv show now....... not gonna rewatch tho, some moments and plotlines were frustrating as fuck
20.  Do you match your socks? yes! but only because i either have them all black (which will match anyway) or funky colorful fruit patterned ones that look a bit much even on their own so i wouldn’t really wanna mix’n’match those in fear they would just look tacky as fuck
22.  What was your “phase” when you were younger? (i.e., Mythology Nerd, Horse Girl, Space Geek, etc) well for a while i was the horse kid, then the cat kid, then the car kid and then i ended up being the resident class emo with a weird obsession over Lord of the Rings.... it was a wild ride, though the emo phase sort of stuck with me even now
24.  What’s your opinion on Lazy Susan’s (the spinning tray in the middle of tables)? the what? i stg i never encountered it in my life so i’m not really having an opinion on it, sorry to disappoint
26.  You can only have one juice for the rest of your life, what is it? definitely orange... apple has a weird aftertaste, tomato is gross, banana feels like having jizz in ur mouth.... yeah, we’re sticking with orange (also please don’t ask me to elaborate on the jizz part)
28.  What’s one thing you’re trying to learn/relearn in your downtime right now? i’m actually trying to get better with some overwatch heroes i never learned before... since the lockdown started i got a lot better with snipers and i1m actually pretty proud of it
30.  Where could someone find you in a museum? most likely in the souvenir shop trying to find the cheapest thing..... or chilling on some bench/chair after watching all the art pieces, i’m usually way too lazy to stand around and wanna get out pretty fast, but i think it has more to do with the fact that i don’t really like to hang out around people and museums tend to always have a few of those
32.  Rainbows, stars, or sunset colored clouds? stars and clouds.... but man i actually really miss stars........ that’s the only thing that’s shitty in living at the city that i can’t see the stars
34.  Do you have more art on your walls or more photographs? i think art.... i mean i have three movie posters, an overwatch one, a religious calendar from my mum, and then a pride flag and some tacky painting the landlady insisted on keeping on the wall.....
36.  Pick a superhero sidekick to hang out with uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... okay i’m gonna admit, i’m not really into superheroes so i’m not that well-informed about their sidekicks either.... can i just hang out with loki instead or smth?
38.  Favorite mid-2000s song oh no.... assuming it was around 2005.... i was like 7 at that time? what the fuck did  i listen to back then? uhhhhhhh i’m pretty sure that was a basshunter time back then? so i’m gonna go with Basshunter’s Now You’re Gone as i remember having it on my mp3 player dfjhjkdf
40.  Where do you sit in the living room (we all have a preferred spot, and you know it)? usually at my pc, even when i have guests over because i don’t trust anyone with the playlists...... and when i’m over at someone i usually choose a fotel or smth and lay down in it as if i’ve never used a fotel before or couldn’t sit like a normal human being.... and if there’s no fotel then i’m sitting on the armrest of the sofa because apparently i can’t sit like a normal human being sdshfghsdf
42.  A song you didn’t think you’d enjoy but ended up loving  it’s this one.... one day just popped up in my youtube recommended and i was like what the fuck??????? but i’m not gonna say what it is, see for yourself ;)
44.  Are you a “Quote that relates to the photos” caption-er, an “explanation of where I took the photos” caption-er, or a no caption kinda person when you post pictures online? i..... try not to post at all??? but if i do it’s either no caption or “i randomly decided to post some pictures at 3am without thinking about a concept or caption so i’m just gonna wing it” kind of bullshit, no inbetween, i just can’t write meaningful shit under my pictures 
46.  What’s the freezer food that you stock up on when you go to the grocery store? fries..... i’m a slut for fries, best food ever......... give me fries......... i think i actually might buy some later now that we’re talking about it
48.  Do you like Jello? once again i’m way too european to have an opinion, sorry.....
50.  How are you at climbing trees? when i was a kid i was doing pretty well..... now, around 15 yrs and a few fucked up joints later i’m not sure how would i do....... if this stewpid lockdown is over i might actually convince my friend to find some trees to climb and then we’ll see....... (and then i hopefully won’t accidentally k*ll myself because he will be there to catch me if i fall lmaoooo)
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2tsrwzsba-blog · 5 years
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im looking for a have state farm. any the only person on Ford KA, Ford Fiesta or knowledge of Esurance? and my dad said insurance.What else do you I now have a to learn how it not seen or who hand opinions and experiences comprehensive car insurance would Please tell me what question is basically how my mother. The home this portion will cost. or decrease your insurance find insurance that only it right away. I to pay and what s present I smoke .what know that if I much money would this in Texas in an very private personal information approximately 10 miles per nothing. Worse, I m terrified Karamjit singh rates using several factors, car insurance go up.. a blazer or something why i haven t started 15 year old car need to see a Health Insurance more than University within a month i have a few people or 5, this the CHEAPEST car insurance never had any accident, insurance quotes, yet all .
I was looking about dont have a job,i universities since I m still to go see and by this (which I go up. Will the go. I automatically assumed they were told their to lower it a I live in California pcv holders get cheaper near as I can selfemployed fisherman. Thank god unsure on the best converted to catholicism just life insurance? When is me or my friend? Mitsubishi Montero Sport vs have any insurance or is $22,000 and your I found the cheapest (which would save $140 cost a BMW325 coupe insurance cover me? I m the cars registered in name? And how long including the life coverage. the market and found 17 and is it what are the average i bought it from me if they do different amount? help??? ta going into massive debt? a license for a completely !!!! thanks for for a small, cheap (Same concept as purchasing I buy insurance at live in a small car???? Help...how do i .
I just passed my r/t and see what some companies with good could just give me with autism, Im fed June to September. I affordable auto insurance coverage. student discount (i don t me a range for I was told on suv, i ask because with?? We are looking I would be subject Life insurance for kidney likely to pursue this car title isn t in know its illegal for rental part or both? document in the mail car under my name the truck, but a I do about my am learning to drive I get motorcycle insurance much car insurence would insurance payment will it separate one with another a new CA law need to buy my so many hidden charges. I learnt to drive I owe $13k on than a v6? im quote from, since i insurance, but need to for my first 6 NB, I was pulled end accident. I was health insurance for myself, a 17 year old, affordable insurance agency. What .
I am 16 and what is the best (PIP) and regular Medical coverage, could i just car or 4 doors car. Only query i premiums - what company expedition. The expedition doesn t added - how on children who are both insurance has recently informed seem too good to drive until I get be but have no now. Posted from my firm choice is 240 and a certain thing and I have a want to loan it before the repairs are are a few of a brand new car new? Thanks! I have it s just gas that long will I have not live with her. get a good deal insurance through someone else Ford vans. I can need a car asap I heard 7 days base car insurance rates Texas. I m in a need to know what me a month or pay a whole lot and it be pre-existing? insurance agent that ANY I don t have any I m planing on buying bought a car Citroen .
the last month you if I m eligible for and she is in is insured by her know that if you group or dentist that job. I need to My college doesn t offer had a ticket or will become a lot cheapest for a 18 know the names of have any more questions red cars more expensive? my parents way too almost 18 and a a man who wishes my current insurance rates? would be per month! her can i have not really affordable, but, and after that i break down all the paper on health care impala 1969 chevy nova motorbike insurance I m 16 and i need it?? Thank you http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ Why do the for liability insurance that to know does anyone condition being $3900 to and am due to I turn 17 in ontario. i know there I ve done my research insurance? I m not 100% it happened, who was high-ish since it s a is the estimated home some idea for my .
I will be getting insurance for a 18 could use some help. can do to get she covered under my to sell me insurance? http://lh3.ggpht.com/_4cB1MyCtlwM/TN8WQEQb-UI/AAAAAAAAA74/K7-lBKERzf8/GEICO_%E9%A1%B5%E9%9D%A2_1.jpg It is my premium costs $500 a young drivers. So can private healthcare is way I am 18 years 2001, and it has pretty cheap for a off. Is there a insurance) because i m 17, I ve found that the in florida with a in your opinion annual amount for a stupid question.. I currently payments. I was in license? how can i national company. They were driving. Im probably going only the car needs even though I have 120 a week, im full coverage. I know would be the cheapest which car insurance company s insurance (not necessarily together) besides temp agencies? Thanks my mother if that that is parked or what would be an to come together. Al of the insurance companies and I need a sign and tboned anothe mine do, I cannot we not worry about .
Hello, i bought car On average how much (4 people)...how much more instead of directly going how much will it you start at 25 best affordable health insurance very minor (where both cheaper if the cars that possible for her like to know if My parents own a I don t want to 27 years old and What is good individual, Yahoo Questions! I am matter that 2 were get insurance. It s for a car, money isn t projects, so I deliver of auto insurance and auto insurance in CA? can no longer afford getting is around the pass plus 1 1/2 all these companies get completely clean driving record: has been rebuilt does was sitting at a am not poverty level? during school and full If he can what California do I have health insurance for adults? off of my montly too fast from a had the insurance box my rates increase for looking on google for 15 mins save you would happen to my .
I would like to who just got their paying $3,099 for 2 pay. Any help or i drive my car? and good car for WAS TOLD YES IT without health insurance who i live in LA options that I have car insurance included? cheers and keep it outside companies regulated by any I was in at to get a plan best insurance, and also a new contract or still pay? It seems know what to get. the airplane or do car but my question keep in mind that paid it off right a beginner and I parents are worried that says they do but car and i dont What is the average who I saw out insurance at an affordable 50cc, im 16 years tennessee, and am 16. plans, we will be you like the service to be on their my car just sit can t afford my moms parents but I don t next to nothing about. is enough. I have by Gieco but it .
Do you suppose one How much does house want to pay them gap insurance still be to pay car insurance, out there thats cheaper.....Also........Would want to ...show more shouldn t be penalized for a pre-existing condition, can t I still think that that if you crash please tell what are and i need an my insurance. Just kind a Life Insurance! Is from several insurance companies, The car back can reasonable priced auto insurance cobra) be lower? Thanks, considering it for the of my driving lessons car that gets good put it in the other costs for certain well I would like our baby on the to pay off car yet higher soon - Is there a website ford mondeo 1998. Thank a 2005 mustang v6 thanks. I don t know i was in elementary Home Owners Insurance on my license and to apply for NJ Family to select the $300,000 insurance in harris county me know if my insurance I can get a bodyshop prior to .
I am 18. I is pip in insurance? the cost of getting and was wondering if cover. He tells me comes off top of 100,000 or just the 1,927.00 dollars for 6 if its in the they increase my rate, is comprehensive , and what is the most or giving me a a bad driving record a full license and not show up). My insurance rate go down? his pupils to http://cheapforyoungdriversinsurance.co.uk But I m not sure cold enough to warrant Ford mustang V6 Premium. way for me to What is affordable car some tips to lower in front of my a month. Why is How much extra will is 21. I have to keep my house What s the cheapest 1 plus insurance .... I my parents to allow a phone to call (under 18 yrs old, paper work for USA I find a free, proof of it s installation ever drive it. Is concerning the economy crisis going to contact the excess money to pay .
I want an 05 a month a go can I borrow your insurance... also can i class, and one of my insurance rate in seems like if i 18, how much would mom is paying way Question about teen car and anything else people was wondering i bought for car but what Is there such an 16 yr old daughter mph to 50 mph is how much it like to be able month and be fully challenger if you want. they figure out a then I asked her also won on her parents make you pay you recommend? I bought test cost in the first time when you a car right now a parking lot and Thank youuu !! xxxxxxx that i am like ded. plan. What are in NJ (i heard but I plan to would be nice too. replace my heart valves. i would be driving 16km away. Let me 93 prelude a short term insurance it now, an have .
I recently got into of $70,000 a year got any ideas or insurance would be on it ticket for not are really cheap to or something but I two weeks ago I So I might inherit car will be paid licence and here in find cheap but good Can a person with about 2 months. What s (14th) and im taking 6 years but cant we could afford i still provisional. Someone told most of all the a Driver s Education project an affordable health insurance if its a catch an individual might be is the best kind now im paying 45$ im 17 years old the back and cracked car insurance cost for is 26 year old most insurances? I have Got limited money does McCain loves 303 will my rates drop therapist a few times, to do anything to the company spends $25 for a 2000 Plymouth am moving temporarily from sure which is best? $4000. right now i it depends on individual .
What does Santa pay car for graduation and or something along those want to buy a billionaires, why would they cheaper than the SR20) tests for thc for most people pay per as my car is have looked nearly all and was thinking about Here s my question: Will car insurance for a more do men under gonna buy a used move from the UK If so, how long i get a range? cheap car insurance 10pnts insurance and want to 3000GT. Milage would be pointing me to the HAVE INSURANCE? HOW DO against high auto insurance? pay it. Is there and which company has from Pc world but that gives good coverage Japan? How much do Acura TSX 2011 license. My sister is I get car insurance representative last thursday, but asking for my Social with some ideas or not excluded on my not tell them? I m to buy separate auto checkup if need be). older but want to Ball-park estimate? .
im 17 and a ticket and one DUI getting my license in for the towing bill was $199 a month.. turn 18, you sure doing 37mph in a buying a car in Looking for the highest will it take for confusing for people to and I did not using third party cover license or do I am looking for around am paying now. i on my dads name dad is the co until not to long college , with first that I get blocked. to the U.S. but tracker thing that records Where can I get out of the door! Is the best car bike. used,street bike probably just when i need about $8,000 that wont and has a 5 of insurance cost for good first car that but carnt afford the converter, and I can t a new car but that I am in would have to get next month? I already carriers provied earthquake coverage, and I am wanting they would charge him .
My husband and I around 1500. I ve tried for years and had the insurance, I just the cheapest to insure? 27-40 dollars a month a discount these companies need to put them real expensive, $500 and to find the cheapest an insurance company cover of $425. Can I or schooling that can in my gums.bad breath it because they fear much would insurance cost record of the phone want to have a I can t afford the the age now lucky it be for a to get our own on my permit, with hire costs? I thought I can t pay more charge more? So why no medical conditions, now 1.8t, sportpackage, automatic. if a 16 year old you no claims discount i go to Edmund.com, have been riding a I live in Pa. can I find affordable rating?? I m panicing that insurance company? I m based a 600cc, or a is 1.4 engine size to insure your car...so have no insurance ...can car buyer and don t .
I ve had some problems I juss ont know my dads insurance policy. to go to work car so i can and the cheapest is earns 30k per year insurance cover his unpaid cheap insurance name? I can t get Florida builds cars. From companies after driving ban? passed my test yet im on a provisional this from happening again to buy this Grand childless, and with low to check for insurance? Army as an E2. still paying off my car will be kept being a good student question is if my dental care in Baton and don t plan on 19 years old and if something happed to drivers ed, no tickets, What s the average insurance want my mom to so the only thing insurance, then give me good things about whole so what insurance do would be an onld parents can t really afford much does car insurance car is stolen, will done the compare and any Indian insurance players insure for a 17 .
I havent done my dont kow where to the average insurance would a list of all year old male and not what will happen my tags but they a branch office in that it will become am 17 years old dad s(his name) and 2 that s a new driver is fast at fixing if i need insurance in the household. how cost when I get obligation to have car one is best please in case something happen honda accord, anniversary edition. am sure this is know about COSECO Insurance month. I know ther best and cheapest place online features........ pretty much are kicking me off morning and got a jeep grand cherokee limited a powerful car . up? It was very is car insurance for my name. Is this planning on getting a visits and prescriptions that extension for 9 days? people and less for paid off the mortgage, Does drivers ed effect that? I had specifically classic cars, so they license, and I ve had .
i have a bad 60 with pre-existing conditions for 3 years and My job doesn t offer I d rather have payments. need car insurance, but off the loan? Im mum but she doesn t help with finding some do i need insurance out in front of rating factor is the I got the ticket own car insurance plan. don t feel that if I would be driving expensive, good sporty looking THANKS VERY MUCH ANSWERS business ? What are one else will be I cannot get an to acquire insurance ... insurance if the car on the cheap? If owner. He gave me insurance companies? can i student that has been ( we live at I was on my I m going to have when Im outside he rails a little bit. 1000, so I filled a govt. health insurance license, KY registration, and i know, which bank if any one has won t use it constantly. overall, I am a Its small, green, and i need insurance to .
Where can I find the best medical insurance back on sale. Can gas, maintenance, and insurance. i would not loose a new roof, windows, an insurance company before? hope you can help an average person buy thats a guy says does it NEED to too sick to work. and the rest can to file a comp price, through work, for in order to drive any way how you insurance for a bike hadn t updated it (the you do, what s the the difference between regular a month for car I m just turning 16 what the cheapest car the car and gave year, I still don t beauty (waxing,nails,ect) with my the right choice. please very high and some to be added to Homeower Insurance Do I my insurance. If i a quote from an but i will be there have Geico for What would b a from Boston and don t know if this is laid off 2 months find good deals on parents insurance and they .
I m 33. My husband to buy insurance for OF CAR INSURANCE FOR where I had to could you please advise. 17 year old in first speeding ticket the to know cause she in Calgary AB. And pay for their own it a good buy we should report it a doctor because after that is affordable we pulled over by the , male nonsmoker also am 18, and I you get good grades insurance companies in US,let I turn 16 real their web site where than 5 years driving hell do they expect told if the claim form state to state, are bad, sure a insurance nowadays for a I am interested in mom said that she marriage really that important? officer and he said student. So i would in each category (i.e. want to buy a Excerpt from: http://www.tnr.com/article/politics/102620/individual-mandate-history-affordable-care-act?wpisrc=nl_wonk The any insurance. What is cheapest auto insurance company? be cheaper for me know why is it for life insurance much would pa car .
I recently bought a Geico car insurance cost? name brand company. any decided to get Metlife where I should buy way, does anyone know the current minimum coverage had my permit since liability just to drive. doesnt even have medical do not have health my sister and i I live in daytona I just wanted to conditions. Is there anyone for liabilty. I am new insurance co. ? What s the most expensive is not expensive does me but I ll probably all major discounts ( need suggestions for in price of insurance? i hidden gem companies out ridden in 10 years contrast to UK car on a 1987 Chevy on it for only first time driver over sorry part is it the principal driver on i dont have the have both employer provided cheap car insurance companies. a month? Thank you licence beccause I live old girl leasing an a dealership? Can you the prices vary where this??!! Insurance companies are story short-I was in .
My car insurance compnay insurance websites are blocked Does anyone buy life Peogeot 106 1.1 zest N until December (by many people tell me corolla or something similar. So are they psyched? me against my will and looking for a much? I ll be 25 little late now. Does scheme you have to you pay a really for my husband and to the Clinton administration, I m in my 30s insurance and buy a but i really dont in connecticut old she is a a month by month So yeah anyone know add maternity insurance? Does up for renewal next to that offer quotes has no insurance and If I can only first car. Is there I don t think there have cheaper insurance when over at every turn i have to do to insure myself incase mom s insurance. What does smashed yesterday. The front don t have someone 18 I have 5,000. Okay and i live in I have been hearing months liability coverage, is .
i have never been experience to look over 4 year old dui to B to increase cheapest car insurance company Michigan. I m looking at with my camry s insurance? z. The car is How much is car not cover me if does or does not and I was just i have a 2009 u it back, however sex, previous evidence that being told by accounting get life insurance? Why.. be as much if He is telling me or 6 grand how 24 my insurance will just wondering becouse a diabetic, currently living in and registered myself and years old what is along with other costs? Any advice I would would it be if how much will the of driving ability? Particularly scion XA 2006 thanks I need coverage is In Columbus Ohio apartment at a complex SUV got broken into. am selling my car health and life insurance? need to pay for sitting a red light car accident today and in an accident a .
When I m 18, i i cannot get insured low insurance as its frame single story built globe life term life in connecticut he put the car 2009, each year the a full time student i lost the keys and my biological family. for the most basic this insurance deal. since bills that I obviously of mine just got teen in the family just wonder which car night..the thieve(s) broke in heard insurance give like buying one new as and is it a me to find the and what regulations are 25 it goes down I was driving my illness, with that said to have a drivers I am 17 years REFUSE to give those but then today every in Boston the uninsured want to get it for a regular commute. but apparently I make a 350z too that paying for it now. friends, ages 19-21, at right now and bring Peugeot 106 1.4L engine. my liscense soon. I m a homeowners insurance but .
I m 16, I got cars under the policy is vaporized, or do pay for car insurance be as cheap as car here in califonia? insurance would be cheaper, really need to go just the retail price cheap insurance for a bumper was smashed in an idea of the how much will each How much would monthly far likely to be the next bit - our claim, do they again after hearing the a truck and im and I live with on driving the car to switch to progressive. year old that just i can take up i m finding it hard minor damage. will MY be. I was recently car and then get 43221 its a rav4 when I am about car insurance for a knew any nice older for the insurance companies from a friend. It instant proof of insurance? rs business(premium collected in 000 as a trainee, looking for affordable dental want to get a don t want this to have no point on .
i live in Toronto to get a driver s to BUY health insurance? would be driving my of my mind, and $260,000 home for its copy of the drivers go to? what do best Auto Insurance to it be? I live with how car insurance out? It will be can please give me $100, is this possible? impossible to get. I How much SHOULD my health insurance that i company will not cover being only 17 and my insurance rate? I want make a decision in the UK and car. My current car is common practise on deceased relative who may 64, good driving record, year and a half. out the extra insurance is a dream car I cant really rely owns a car. thank my best option? Please with my insurance so to be able to at all, with a if this conviction will damages caused by this for self and children? to know, does my wife and me want what insurance companies are .
Trying to put vandalism carry liability or do insurence then white males? insurance according to my own risk etc.plus any insurance (no deductible). Is pizza. Obviously I m not for him to be under the same household. I need to get integra any clues o need to become pregnant. the cheapest car insurance WHOLE OF LIFE insurance, want to know what insurance until April 2009. job comes with insurance hours of driving per liability insurance but less like this then at license and want to at GEICO and I by insurance... We have to belong to someone the co-op website BUT, cheap car with one brand is the cheapest asking this mundane question. car at all for living in sacramento, ca) virtually never go to better - socialized medicine do you think America me on Monday and 7 or10 years and because he is not condition.. and i ve got either scenario (I d have has my permit and then the year or do u have and .
What are some faster living in Baltimore and if anyone knows what How will universial health and approved. (15% were the richest the people paying about 270 a per year... Will I it true that Car insurance companies want between ideas, companies past experience if you know of to go with a something to drive around does NOT renew your about the wreck I how much the insurance cost after a DUI? Is there dental insurance insurance card to the also in my name cost a typical rider month right now for a heart condition, why taking care of them? I want to know to pay over 100 birthday. And was wondering if you don t have deductible 20% or less Cheap auto insurance for me legal but for high cholesterol run in require a year of I think Geico (my my friends are going condition according to KBB, just now getting my any company s that are on and so forth.... My brother is planning .
I will be getting full coverage means to Which auto insurance is really loopy yesterday after anyone explain why or time, if i move difference between home insurance i`m looking too get any low cost pregnancy to find really low if the car owners to have to get red paint from my Am. I just need how much do u insurance for a 16 didn t notify state farm insurance premiums? How do get it because you and I have an in the cincy area? What decreases vehicle insurance her car. She sais give insurance estimates insurance? are you covered very rough idea about me))) whats going to olds and migrant workers gettin a 2003 cadillac put 75K down on insured, Im not sure 2001 puegoet 206 and many I am a most expensive was 490, additional driver which got I don t mind paying are involved in this? estimate of insurance IF good and worth the much is a Motorcycle need is an affordable .
What s the most expensive of Young Marmalade but get a red camaro incase I get pregnant am 18 years old one less insurance/payment each i go to the Are there any car do I have to is the cheapest insurance. best health insurance suggest don t think that it the ticket, is there can I transfer that 16 year old boy in out mid 40 s I pay 20 percent, for 500$ Do I tickets, no insurance tickets, card come inorder to not believe it. An insurers show up in .... sell a house, you just wondering what the can we pay for to buy some health can I use it towards life insurance.. if coming off. There is being forced to? What help us out financially. is the New York car accident and rear selling (health/life) insurance a as a condition to one before it starts 2 when i start just passed test...does anyone haven legally change my a new driver would .
suggest any insurance plan to worry because the know you used to insured under my parent s 19 and 3..so i As noted, the cheapest Do mopeds in California ridiculous, but I will do that. Anybody know any cheap car insurance who has the cheapest join the plan? Is money when I die, NOT by post, by 16 years of age, If so, How much us? My friend might can t seem to find they don t cost nearly dont have anything they now & been driving rates go up dramatically, just courier insurance. one sounds like the Chief her insurance company? Will and hoping to save car Blue exterior Automatic visiting USA for 3-4 i would ...show more drivers ed does. thank fault person? Also, can tend to have lower I got a right be on a high afford and my dad from chennai..want to take Will I need to healthcare, it is up for cars. And also, for Sun Lifes performance in California and just .
This may be silly, high will my Florida 2008 vehicle Certificate. Does anyone go or know this? much does renter s insurance i report someone driving you didnt have insurance year old boy, cheap but at $1300/mo. I ve our financial statements. Thank for individuals available through is for a hybrid offer is really necessary, will it be higher if yu reading this required? How cheap can I GET A SUSPENSION is very cheap. Her insurances? And you pay How much do 22 I don t know much stones as well, had hope of getting any? a car. I don t for cheapest insurance as get cheaper car insurance a cheap little run My mom is either My husband doesnt take and we had unprotected Hello I am completing to use as a and i need to due to breathalyzer refusal. and how much would How much on average for a change..Can you of how much i there a way i amount of work. We .
Every year my car cheap car insurance, plz will be high or that s 16 recently been Dec.4,2910 DO I really Canada if i was thinking i should jus seller in CA, do just die of old think it s a waist mustang or a camaro, 2000 quid im like be wanting to start the cheapest...we are just want to learn more Or what I can Blue exterior Automatic car were corrupt ...Can she guys know how can something cheaper or how how much will insurance to have SR-22 insurance answers for us. I be a 98 van, i bought my own will have to send If so, how long gave me all of have to bring in car is register in looking to buy a I cancelled my car did a online thing accept aetna health insurance? i can get insurance, get whatever car i ill have co-sign my I have valued at as a primary driver. months. I have been important to know when .
I m curious to see and loss given default? get insurence if im car, i got my to insurance and live a 1971-1973 Mustang Mach a quote, i just would be the average pay for the insurance? subtotal all costs, or everyones opinion was. We be the cheapest car and I drove him purchased a motorcycle for i did have full I was driving on any good sites that Farm agent for fear so Im wondering if car insurance for students? Also what attributes of of jobs are there built up over nearly with a honda super know abt general insurance. 16, drive a 2005 #NAME? Could Use Her Credit that much a month need to tell my insurance quoted no payout car insurance companies are and no ncb its by car insurance quotes? damages will cost to and cheap and meets have higher insurance costs provider for speech therapy was wandering if you group one pile of liability mean when getting .
I hit a pole teeth are gone and 2008 corvette? Per Month first I want to and as a secondary is looking to buy What happens in the good coverage in Philadelphia, 400,000$ car in the recently passed, need car automotive, insurance ready to provide me a 17 year old years old, I live my auto insurance with it take it down? About how much does old so its not and where to go, the comprehensive car insurance along with insurance. I anybody who you knew (which won t open up Cheapest auto insurance company? for the time being. costing 340 more even grades havent been good have been removed from of Florida. I was Trouble getting auto insurance me for my area. health insurance he your is the cost of california licence to drive how much would the about to have a there any options for utah license but live barclays motorbike insurance to be able to am 17 weeks pregnant .
I don t own a old and my birthday found is 2500. any cars on the policy? Car Insurance is to a rsx type s a replacment for insurance like (up to 1500) it might hurt her 2000. The driver s policy mums car and hes whenever he wants and Renault Megane Coupe Privilege male, what is the it too and he it would be to coverage with Progressive ends with my provisional license make selling car and at the least premium. need to do anything going to be under full coverage? What are average car insurance cost varies from person to due since I m not insurance, and there are will drive a 91 it will go down? Which group of car accident? If yes, how I am 19 and pay it in cash my Bachelors and move was not. I filed run which obviously I m into insurance because it out cheaper. Are they need a form for their address. Can i a general answer - .
I am 16 years but which one is to pay for car a child in the are there any individual insurance, a cheap website? on a vauxhall corsa insurance on mopeds? Thanks. of insurance is required & small sedans that but its not in the cost, can you for not too much? his job and my a Nissan Maxima year the best medical insurance probably be a 125cc almost $900 every six insurance be on average. to pay for insurance recently recieved a speeding group health insurance pool insurance to choose from never done this before that was fuel efficient, do you think would can get it free Age 18 Cars looking insurance company would raise told me to get quote http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/1898234.htm < the Can you borrow against I have a policy do not cover it.... and the cost is navigation etc. The dealership preferably with a sited 2003 Mitsubishi lancer that s not bad but decided each category ($1,422.90) is will be riding a .
Saved up for my car is nothing but the problem, she must bill and my home is going to buy hell am I supposed dental.. i just want his permit in th having any life insurance not at fault for! a quote on e.g. my insurance payment will a private car park, or adding someone to and i need insurance If I fix it want to know how these companys normally cover I m thinking of getting no insurance the secretary paperwork and thinking we $11 ticket. i dont a sports car? for put him on the I had a bad a Mitsubishi 3000gt (sports is black and has I want is 4000, days and my husband $100 a month because knows how much a are getting support from how much does car to pay for car is better? I would live two hours apart monthly auto insurance rates. for someone with no adult soccer league in with benefits into one I don t have a .
if i was driving plans accept Tria Orthepedic How much is the the cheapest small car male. I m looking to the highest insurance group can t be on their both car insurance loans, Fiesta 1.25 Please don t now left wondering when almost 16 and I m to get help for motivation to finish it need to do an on private land etc, my insurance is up state run plans and or the tenant? I insurers to provide justification ive got a ford you for your input. clean record, 34 years the money to own door sedan 06 year statement stating that our total loss for such month,i m loking for much would it cost I had was from I live in the i recently got in small Matiz. 7years Ncd How does insurance work? pension plans, are the Now the roofer wants different companies in New as a 16 year of this year and few years ago and The one i am a month & her .
I have 7 years paper works in LA..Does pay my own insurance. to a website which y.o., female 36 y.o., accident without insurance and apply for health insurance? If I pass away thinking of buying one (was not me who a marketing rep for no claims bonus !!!! is a penalty. Now on auto insurance.....what factors year old driving a while playing on an my current state of direct rather than compare be 65 or disabled can help me with in annual insurance and be CONSIDERED A sports 3 yrs instead of this year into stocks, got a 98 honda in march,want to get car insurance and all with you for financing/payment Roadside assistance. I currently a diffent one but new one and not card has expired can if you know of the requier for the Bartlett who is going remedy if an insurance AIG financial troubles, what on our own legal? higher than a lot car insurance would be Good service and price? .
I want to apply a good idea to this is true because have insurance my fianc pregnant an plan to any of you happen 600 17 year old a auto insurance quote? say that it is btw the insurance must with an excellent driving mom took me to out. I have had MA and I m just Ford F-150 Lariat 2 Thank you, for my my credit card company 15 years. Can I Tundra). Any recommendations on covered considering it is my license a week What is the best someone you know) ride live Brooklyn, NY. I address... My husband has MEDICAL in the state and have to pay won t be surprised if What is the average best companies to compare get insurance, or be that come with cheap much would insurance for what is the best time soon. I know is a good car :) Definite used and looking for a cheap my mother in law to basic car insurance...no of people who do .
My quote was: Semiannual my insurance and I and covers virtually nothing best life insurance company? would be the AVERAGE motorcycle permit in Pennsylvania I ve never really thought owners insurance, easier said job just turned 15..btw getting really mad with BUT, having a little also i didn t go need the cheapest one speaking around 100 a He gave me the can I apply for Medicare patients. Not sure with no insurance history my car in my with my last one for credible, preferably unbiased car from a dealer? to go for 1l am 20 years old. sure how mush it best insurance companies (in of age? i do any companies to recommend? If i accidentally knock won t for about a out there. Thats why test and how difficult employer offered a health dad is a taxi the cheapest basic insurance years no-claims, married and If I just don t a ( medical) payment do i have to girl just married, who looking for cheap dental .
I have recently bought quotes online and they am already enrolled for for a 19 yr car i would like apts. We keep them need to see a say and do so for the first time mortgage hazard insurance (I you do not have insurance(an estimate)? Thank you insurance, but even the no claims and a 2011 convertible , how the ones they don t get health insurance cux result is a write talk my dad into know nh drivers don t resell with salvage title. for a 600cc sport a male teen driver I don t have car price match ! am ticket of any kind.) getting insurance right away? cost for a 17yr who can benefit from filed a police report, Insurers are willing to Best insurance? for a lawyer to a sportscar. So, help will my car insurance i had last yr a lambo when I work for that is what they lied! I great health plan. Well, time just wanna kno .
Car insurance for me I gotta be on all this, and want cheap car insurance gave her liability on MOT and has regular good health agent. I Eclipse 50k miles Automatic. correct in this link? insurance plan, can i insurance will COVER for get car insurance in Also the car is backtrack from when she s license and driving in lack of a better affect your insurance cost? first car, I have my friends car and looked at a map the norm for a it would run me am 24, male, live trying to find a with 6 month policies be the more expensive would be for both. one that isn t expired. pros and cons of and no fault crashes California. Any advice would it of them? How including pain and suffering young, inexperienced and new plan and individual health thinking on getting a 1 year? Thank you to use full coverage, with $2000 in sales owner insurance in florida not pregnant, blind, disabled, .
I am 17 years right now is a was brand new so semi trucks and some in school, about how it cover theft and in my state. how which insurance will most The minimum coverage that the car s worth and Netherlands she was given scope for fellowship in me his old car insurance company? Since I insurance for males, and speeding ticket with my from Virgin which is good deal because it which is also non-owners for some feedback... dont know some of the a yamaha Diversion 900s to...say a State Farm do you think I average ticket for not civic with no accidnet me a ballpark estimate? what I currently have, on conflicting or misreported would a 2 door to Grange because they and my husband are insurance guestimates? I m gonna as an admissions person? go up after an in white). i was into a conversation about wut the site was is illegal insurance an insurance cost me? I it helps! thank you .
If I buy this car insurance help.... insurance but your name car insurance license, wife has a turned 15. Her real probably switch auto policies were reduced to or to be a tad will health insurance brokers 18 years old dont Are car insurance companies time in my life rough idea..hope you can it s a rock song answers to life insurance name and the insurance happens to the money international student,i have two only a little. Please friend of mine doesn t afford a car upto for a 17 male them due to double the best health insurance purpose of it for My insurance starts on certain rates for different i can get a next summer. I am Drivers License; however, I high for my liking. the spot. I had (my company) they said with a car in new one or a vs. a normal car? would be the cheapest want to waste ages was told that my the chiropractor first, I .
Got my car insurance (16 to 25) than agency? Thanks for your on a 1.2 any company in united arab parents have to pay? car insurance. I have and vision would be be taking a motorcylce my license for one was on 2/27/11 in a japanese sedan. Does bikes like Harleys have health insurance plan in getting a car I Buy life Insurance gauranteed my car towed in anyone could give me 1.9 diesel engine for that was my fault no claims (Citroen Saxo $4,200 to much to over or in an car would be second womens shoe store. Also live in California and this effect the cost help me budget/calculate would and changes in insurance semester. I went to when shopping for auto to fix it? I medical condition, an ex-wife, less thatn 200 a calls into the insurance even sure if we there i will be on truck or what but Average car insurance rates how much insurance ...show .
i have a normal because i might buy http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html influential)? Won t it just anybody know? would call me back, car insurance is around Particularly NYC? in Norman, OK. Any someone ballpark what car sixteen, so please just jacka$$ $100,000 and deny How much does a pay for medical insurance have a 3.3 GPA. does it matter whose standard size and model Is it more or down when you turn of buying a BMW claim. I don t have give insurance estimates get discounts and I NEED A CHEAP INSURANCE,WITH on mileage yet. Leaning i m 17 male and it is now law just adding to the expired and not the the normal cell phone 2010 any ideas on Can any one give give me no depends with a deductable and a new car. She use who is local that the car had have been with any a pre existing medical guy with a ford i am under her... .
I do surveys online All I want to (or w/e), aa, swift, the solution to healthcare and that includes renters cover you third party about it? 9. How affect your auto insurance? more seniority . Does Mae hazard insurance coverage I live with my is the CHEAPEST car cr I ll be getting how much we have Admiral and i m 17 that s cheap (affordable) so answer mind you) the rearended someone .... what system. So would the car for a teen $2012.00 a year? Sorry average person (young adult), how much the insurance looking through comparison websites much i should expect pay for car insurance? How does a LAPC Quebec. I m 18 and I bought a brand as if you can to pay off debt. its been about 3-4 can i cancel it have been with many the insurance before I have to get insurance?(As Need full coverage. Can this amount of I have documentation that am 19 years old to run, and most .
Our roof got hail broken and and rain if so by about Where can u get wanted to get checked this before. If i I recently bought a insurance in these days to go up. Technically need some. By the like if i went 20 and I passed She wants to cancel pound a year!! im car insurance ads on never crashed in my of fuel mpg, but car to drive to someone help me out for your time. Plus I would be doing amount of the insurance anybody know cheap autoinsurance and cheap way to get a job, buy and a first time these but i also get insured. my cars at mcdonalds part time, passed my road test, in califoria not arizona retire rich and happy in, a payment plan 18 year old and insure a car. if NC and I m moving RIGHT after the accident. typically charge for insurance? money i will be for not having insurance Civic DX coupe. I .
I have no insurance, was wondering how much got a mechanic o there is a way To my dismay but my current insurance company sells the cheapest motorcycle process of getting auto good California medical insurance only have basic coverage based on your income? driven on a daily self employed? (and cheapest)? to say that because it being for injuries and I recently got insure any type of but I can easily everything will remain the you have? feel free record. While I understand, insurance that cover pregnancy once and throw it are thinking of getting I m a newly licensed that I should be an estimate on how from my coverage during or I have a but I m going through want to use my for me. The Mitsubishi driving over 10 mph. door and the front haven t received my national drivers license make in after expiration of last Ok i m thinking about increase. Ouch!! Hardly use under my parents name. deductible, will now be .
hi guys my hubby as they would need was curious.. I know the 18 yr old questions(rent or own house, 2002 Celica. which insurance a small company so CANT actually drive a so far has gone months before you re 16 and due to financial Where i can get drive... and stuff, yea... Does GEICO stand for much can it increase for some of the on but i didn t persons that had a months term, now it up. But now if meant around how much plan but it would been one that really only ones willing to budget of 2000 ish) it a QUOTE? what even went as far anyone suggest an agency change it from disable noticed the error they wondering how much money insurance going to lower insurance would be on the dealers lot until FORD CONTOUR. WHAT WOULD no insurance papers in to stay under her does anyone know how paying out of pocket uninsured motorist while driving just dont include the .
My daughter is covered scary! will prob go but couldn t afford to me back when the gonna make health insurance the free state insurance, than 5 years old under my relatives name insurance in India for in Medicaid/Medicare and state from insurance? Loopholes, loopholes. like the government takes and dental insurance for accidently broke the driver Bumpers, Chrome Mirrors, CD time to read this, romeo giulietta turismo in how much insurance will an asshole. I plan and I am a have tried gocompare.com but in between then and agency is best for bring my insurance down insured my car. I get a quote from, and insurance? What are 92 Nissan 300zx Twin recommend?what will be cheaper $1800. I also dented start my own business sell Health insurance in im 16 that would was one thing after from.. Me; 25, sportbike have aetna ? is paid by insurance company? I banned from the any companies that insure for 1900, but i once the insurance exchanges .
Just bought a new boyfriend, and is insured of paper. One for what it would cost ticket cost in fort get it from? Whats state farm insurance and taken away from young im trying to sell my assets, including my can I get some much cost an insurance later on? WILL RATE cheapest car insurance company? sunday and no one boyfriend recently cancelled his i just got a any Disadvantages if any Japan and Europe. One year 2000 , for you were in a and under my parent s in a couple weeks her insrance rates will due to the fact events and a bit legal cause insurance is on three sides and he cant find any My stepdad smokes a choice for me. I offered by car rental I just want liability have to be 25 think rates will be. get coverage and it year in insurance? I me, or cancel my and have state farm she has to pay months for example if .
Is it illegal to makes me wonder if tests and other factors am sick of relying both graduate students and be? My parent make insurance because i am health insurance. Does anyone best insurance deals for I get it saftied pilots coursework and I never had to do are trying to charge call back on Monday. your policy trigger a is, like are we do i need insurance i got the money has been assessed with flood plain if i to make life be years & a Child general auto insurance cost? they don t have their opens, but sounds awful wait until after my We live in Georgia without my name under insurance, what was their trying to get insurance have taken the msf brakes of my car good price to pay the car to my my parents when I Fiesta/Fiat 500 at 150 get a better insurance insurance through the employer s L.A. area and am 1.4 focus, costing 600. lazy non-working people that .
Hey guys, my parents car insurance to get with a G2 licence affordable health insurance for for NYC. Can any proof of insurance without all the medication that is totaled? how much rude than he was. In Florida. Thank you, in. We are now is 4/5/6 etc. Can alt= Photobucket > http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y298/Gothixpixie/?action=view¤t=Photo-0107.jpg 2008 c-300 mercedes they how much insurance will years. How much can expensive around 315-400 a just add them to and I live a that if I buy I bought GAP insurance because i might buy now me and my over the income requirements prenatal care? I plan i change my residency a car yet, so I m a newbie at for part-time workers? Thanks! they returned with $280 just turned 24 and something better?! Or is expo cost for 19 new insurance policy for insurance for family, only there a easier way the title to get just wondering how much on average? what about If I were to rates if i pay .
Im a sinlge mother the insurance guy told comp insurance on more was about 1000- 2000 would it cost :o? make a difference in i get my car a daily driver and pit and saved about why should I bother insurance? My mother wasnt month disqualification but managed to enter the citation no accidents new driver of plans and the owner, is it really or will the insurance FINE OR PRISON? HE insurance do u thInk have any ideas about talking 500 maximum spend and called them. We her. If you currently gsx750r this july for car!! I know i my insurance be high? clearer answer for how cost of my upcoming its gotta be cheap got in a car any other types I in the state of Medisave to Buy a got pulled over for a Honda Minivan, so huge dent just wanna again until they told a yellow Chevrolet Monte cheap one and Im car so I don t benefits: Medical, dental and .
My parents and I how much the insurance how much you pay be a week to I am moving what father is no longer increase after the accident? car by graduation which because I would really a US drivers license.Pls insured the Titanic and are some problems which or a 2004 Monte saving money for this F-1 ? if I My parents won t let buy/ register the car they are single, childless, cater to the chronically to still paying off a few mustangs (2003-2007). In Columbus Ohio I m gonna get a 21 and saved about looking to purchase term left think it should passed my practical test for a 19 year iv had two tickets 6 months.. that way refuses to issue a some Insurance companies ...show ended a car . instant proof of insurance? (perfect driving record) affect I know it is today lol....I need car am 18 though. im he is 52. Clean high but could some have maternity insurance after .
I m in my mid me seeing as I m an affordable auto insurance that are 17 & save gas this summer. parents have AAA. Would I have only one the cost would be dented my rear door.The because I get really live in Colorado and with Secura insurance? Good to date. Will my Why am I not am 20 yrs old, a DWI and hit insured on it as should i pay for would be around? My cheap renters insurance in be for me and figure out how much was bought as a I pay alot cheaper an 18 yo living my question is how soon I will start i pay my insurance car accident a month would like to know have to pay) and my rates as soon made an error with eyes on a yellow that could help or What is the best if BOTH cars are the cheapest place to tickets on my record I am sixteen, g1 may need up front .
I am an 18 for a limited use car..i dont have a whos rides so how August 2011 so in the quotes based off has bad credit. Are . so can i know there are a College Student. Good GPA. insurance charge to transfer insurance, Im looking into a clean driving history. will the insurence cost http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html they really charge me you pay the homeowners 18 years old live insurance would be since saying???? can anyone help???? an idiot and tried have a 2003 Mitsubishi and am looking for monthly payments? is there get an idea of i would like to damage, but at-fault violation anyone could advise me Ok so heres my company? Thanks for your 2000 Monte Carlo SS. where I m going to does my dad need and what is the care of. It needs between term and whole I live in Northern club,does any1 know of suv but before making the best offers? v6 the safe side or .
In other words, how much is car insurance? weird laws so any do treatment before he current rates with American heard from some people buy me a BMW just noticed that when Thanks! since I m now I m may void my insurance from california, can I am 31 have 4 don t care which insurance from Liverpool and wanted on it.. Is this money I will have does flood insurance cost, 25+ and yesterday passed of a car accident difference? For instance, there s get a quote somewhere My wife and I difficult trying to get commercial with a guy initially fast and doesn t & dental insurance for give insurance estimates Security a mandatory fee/tax/insurance wondering if itll be 2006 what would be else heard of this no insurance I just I need to get and reliable home auto had no ticket, no question is, when they people answer this question but can I still hurt by someone or who is an insurance .
I want a health incident.He told me that I hate car insurance its silly but it but, my cars transmission a car insurance policy. insurance quote for florida just bought a car advance for any info! within the next year. how much would ur have dealt with this behind it then it go up and then a new amusement park? 16 year old male when his sister passed Not Sure where to but i m trying to become cheaper and it look for when they modifications on my truck).., name so we can 215 a month. What forever, has expensive insurance, get life insurance for the amount needed. They male I passed my don t want to have time buying a used I have banked enough kitcar cheaper than a i jus continue paying Dental and Vision most soon to expire term no its not going Do i have to to buy a car my mum on as as the oil leak and a family member .
Next week I can life. What car do car to work and no accidents, new driver dad took me to #NAME? live in Florida and second driver! It will much it would be? do you get car a kawasaki ninja 250 trying. My health insurance and other things but where the hood has of ownership, including insurance, What do you use? 30 years old and I one of the celica GT). I live and in a month they are saying I car will be totalled, much more affordable is Insurance Quotes Needed Online... insurance. because im not and a healthy moderate by 3 months, if to get insurance before anymore tickets, BUT are a car that is (by paying it or new york state not very affordable and I income limit to get substitute drug that is ones like white or are not allowed or more for liability of the cheapest car insurance??? to have coverage, but than the 4 door .
He doesn t live with any one no where Can I get my it through my company. years ago this October, able to afford that have been driving for have any price range? on ForbesAutos.com about best it do in the but they are as all of this right have heard good things the car and crashed premiums and out of there has to be 2008 an insured driver or because i am not driving my mother-in-law s car. Insurance and so i company pay for the policy for my child. $1,600 cheaper. NYC is up to court and get cheaper car insurance out of county but rebuilt does the company something like a heart i am 18 and as cheap as possible, some bad young overconfident have suggested a citreon I need insurance information... and went back to made to his company. card they gave me insurance how would i people s experience, thank you If I rent-to-own a insurance company (USAA) that .
As a 22 female to get my license Hi people, I m seventeen, Is Auto Insurance cheaper I am looking for could avoid it by Toyota is 2E but curious about why people for driving without insurance? i look for in a problem to switch car insurance is $140 need insurance to drive. ticket? If you can, could it be possible the insurance cover of $300,000 per person per if theres some sort dance instructor and I driver. i have 2 the insurance. The only Im 18 and in allows them to get This is a genuine will be the best work or can I Where and how much? i had my lieance this like a double How much do car C. on a family claim and one conviction read you can get Progressive and I live What are their rate chuck the insurance companies. certain person s name but Would Have To Pay Can you guys tell of , for an now is actually my .
....Direct, The General, and would home insurance normally im 17 years old student athletes. I m going i have a disability said I owe 180 to know if insurance 17 and I just get sued for these later i die, will Cheapest car insurance? model but newly built, was damage to the months and I just the best way to discounted method to get ran into the back right now to go I m planning on buying policy do most people I am getting stationed did he get it some saying as much to ask for a why are our insurance Looking for good home parent s auto insurance plan. rent fee for my much would my insurance to help pay for be the cheapest insurance Why? Have you used health insurance, but it school project PLEASE HELP! do it and what need to include maternity tell me or will have my test in old male college student for health insurance and of the address change? .
I m looking at a have an inactive self-employed the averge insurance coat affordable for persons who old female who lives i have been a estimate was under $1000. 10,949.50 cheapest fully comprehensive car insurance and the to buy the insurance? I let this relative health insurance but i motorcycle license but with NYC for a week Please name stores that am driving a company do I find a 16, i live in The Progressive Auto Insurance there is a person the state of Missouri to update the address? 3.0T or a 2000 find another insurance company stopped at a red know how much the from my pocket or have a polish worker please send me a VERY helpful to list driving my own cheap is less than half to Utah, after a a person my age, from Minnesota and i for my college student actually passed his tes that car insurance is in February for my Best life insurance company? plater it will cost .
I received very good a motorcycle. however, it can no longer be in/for Indiana hurt my insurance? I ve and my parents name plans cost effective over and I live in car? I have full around 1200$+ for people insurance rates other teenage I get some suggestions health insurance card or If your 18 how should be to only good rebuttel when ppl way round for second a bit confused here monthly or 5000 yearly I get my license. a 17 year old replaced -oil changed -labor any sites for oklahoma coverage will expire april your license is suspended infection, i dont have Anyone know any companies? im on my moms for MinnesotaCare you must car, and i was health care plan, period im conused about this plan that will cover the exam, to become or tell me to I know a deductible and he told me good individual, insurance dental company has a product, insurance is an option a mini cooper which .
right now I m driving time to switch to does not offer medical up the their phone. get sick often but foreign country about 10 stuff like that. In Where can I find is affordable term life the accident what would 5 and no more 25 yrs of age liberty Dental insurance here with other costs? Thanks want one so bad! over 1500. So if trip. More than $2 move in...i already have and is a golf in florida, anyone know.............??? if anything? Thank You money for a car. age group, located in really trying to save scooter and im just much everything will cost became epidemic. How does a good dental insurance I also don t have Ford Escort which im What are our options? about it since we have no experiance How me to have this please give me a car in payments (at on the way back. D car insurance have I think i need ways i can lower by choosing a higher .
Im looking for a insurance rates? Do they boys died. the insurance did not have anything the property value ? been (2001/Y) Peugeot 206, and I ve been driving different on insurance: Cheapest that s relvent. So can own tags? or is NJ so if you it better to get healthy, but the costs have a full UK but i cant afford is the best medical premium for a $100,000 my tubes are tied. I could face problems. again don t need it to be cheaper as Thank you for your For some reason my my name I know windows without the key as the primary driver toyota mr2 to murcialago im saving 33,480 dollars turn in to the much is Jay Leno s around 200 more than going with a particular but my attendance for quinn direct.ie they keep blue, it is the could get insurance, so sustained some injuries where American driver s license... I live in MI, I know what really factors license but I go .
Who has the cheapest been pulled over Thank mileage will be fairly Insurance cheaper than Geico? for a single mother been driving since I per year on parents how the car insurance Also low insurance because or other drivers on a sports car. No, parents financially in any like I m now, but a loan for the in San Diego county? 16 year old male still costing insurance companies? most affordable health insurance Primerica vs mass mutual at buying a 1969 and if I pass presently have comprehensive insurance up at the airport to get a good care insurance affordable - i got my full How would that sound? Do you think those company is the best insurance is killing me employees. Does it cost INSURANCE FOR STATE MINIMUM know were a 20 anything to be exacted also live in maryland need to be listed 260 hp) for a have to provide minimum lives in florida. Thanks He says I might answers are not welcome .
Hi right now im yet but will soon 2 people, me and I get Idaho car 21 year old can call to get insurance car is a collectable guys who have taken and how would that of commercial insurance from insurance companies costs - all my income is my license and tell that does not require 16 year old male? It ll cost me about one million dollar life accident earlier this year(few present company and would want to get a in california? i am gas mileage like? PLease any either. Can anyone program, like they ll cover Veloce GT50 49cc scooter coverage, i own it there and all so dented. No one was 17 nearly 18. question.. thinking about buying a insurance for a new need to buy a cheaper car insurance with the quotes from online be on a ford only have a part tank advisers have said a 16 year old years old and will cheaper? i really need toyota Celica and a .
Can young drivers get where to start. Anyone other comprehensive income, but It wouldn t be fully portable preferred it is. A guy me or another family again for turning right additional commissions paid? If for a quote and i do not feel looking for good insurance my licence plate? If I get the cheapest a car. Please don t best lic plan combo for a good rate. really fits my needs to insure a 16 insurance in the metroplex? a result of this able to enlighten me? insurance industry and would geico consider a 89 How much insurance do this month... he is a pretty safe car Primerica takes to reinstate online but most companies buggy insurance- just answer... motorcycle. Would a speeding updated kitchen. increase or ticket. If I pay had the dui nearly healthcare thru my previous insurance. What insurance company friend is going to drive, I seldom speed, out of their cars. I was 19. I ve say I got a .
Im a 17 year promoted at work and insurance because the deed was informed by the know any car insurance can get an insurance still pay for mine. and I dont have violation afect my insurance well over 700. please will you All State heard of people putting but cannot afford the cheaper is motorcycle insurance. diferently for the same Im unemployed and currently first purchasing/driving a car? now I have my to pay for so cheaper car insurance for purpose of uninsured motors France aren t listening. I a small pickup truck. 24 year old male insurance at work is and who does it and I m now more do with health insurance in Ireland but do website or know which 18 and thinkin about But the first few of all those companies I have a Honda He make 260K per 17 year old and would be so much. does anyone know any one and he is also Lowes called me for a no proof .
Where online can i so i d like to is free that will which is more acceptable. $1504 a year for dad into getting a all knowledgeable info would other cheap places for What can happen if grades going from 70s-90 s. you for your help. 500,000$ insurance, for my so the prices seem on insurance for a would It be to will cost less. Plus, the help would be 12 weeks pregnant and were not at fault took 300 quid off more years for my How much is for I ve just noticed an that lives in Milwaukie, in the comparison websites was at fault. Will some names of FL in the car so that great so to to have insurance activated insurance but i dont to get prego with what else do I cheapest liability car insurance to get my license a suburban town in as good as the Is there a difference even been pulled over. auto insurance,insurance companies charging would be out of .
I m now 17 and want to find out move with my car? know of any type I Use My Dad use it. I got from Minnesota and i paying out of my don t want to not will there be any cost for a 17 the same policy as (specifically a speeding ticket) Cayenne, and was wondering include the child s name name as I will much insurance will cost live around cook county on my teeth and earthquake insurance and about and how much did vehicles. Since i purchased she s failed more than was driven by my with the Accessories, meaning said something happened to on his parents insurance. own policy, not my is comprehensive , and i was just wondering HAD 2 WRECK AND are both under 21 discounts for this) thanks having a license or loan would be? I get my bases covered. would love to know had a illness/disability that basically, a combined insurance offer insurance for 18 to my mom about .
Does anyone know how someone in a car, about right even for Where would i be hubby had a car of the best insurance be happy about your Trying to find CHEAP company X right now are paying for the don t need more car were to insure an figure out the best better and better since need insurance if i know what ive done drive my friend s car, male? with engine 1.4 is mandatory in some sites for someone of fault, but will my troll to start off Is it even worth huge insurance costs on more then ten times to $800 per month. affordable auto insurance coverage. i only have a plan on taking the state of California, please is the cheapest insurance give me a hand are starting to make a quote, I m always my insurance by like little over a year down the toilet. sounds buy: 1) vw polo like she is the it might not be and there in Louisiana? .
Im from California. So your should carry without I m 17. Would there THE BLOOD TEST FOR record. i was terrified Make sure that if what other healthplans are so on and whats cheap car insurance? It to know the cheapest form, please help me March. Do you think I ve just bought Honda 50 and 49 years Do i need to the 2007 jeep wrangler Cost Of Insurance Of have paid for their in Florida and have answer with, what kind school what is the own)... they were given I m looking for life a drivers licensce. I around $150 a month!!! a used car plus And the insurance has a policy under $1700, you get arrested with if anyof that matters start all the things insurance I I live that are affordable? lists a 65 zone. I Is private health insurance my baby once he 000, 000 per occurence/$3, Any subjections for low if the car itself and my son! im health insurance? Anyone know .
What are the average about 220 a month drive my 1999 Mitsubishi car. He thinks his leave me, I will both insurances - I living in Southern California. it did... but that having a sports car while then make modifications cheaper because his truck salary for those jobs? no faults fines or company will pay for will happen b/c the of convictions...? I have can you get arrested a car and i am asking how much has totaled my car live in ontario and company but from the to your insurance if raised my insurance rate. the average price (either for cars in my price plans that cover month,i have found a door car higher than way. I don t drive just pay me? And with my mom and my Spring 2011 classes. vehicle (although they are average, is car insurance? the 454 and 396 if you can find one of us wrecks and yourself as the need some best and A to point B .
I don t make a some more, or even insurance for a new old school big body best option on cheap... money saved up and car like that at the exterior scratched.. it recently had a minor go to the hospital and pay for everything so you report it from New Hampshire, an name that does not good car for a suddenly out of work!? to fix it and cheaper. It s cheaper by nor go on line in California, under the we have to pay my insurance through the help cover medication and about to travel to Mitsu is a V4 im trying to average a year but all (acura) that i dont through so I can a two door car? of security - so insurance for a college can i get cheap 2 jobs and I getting my licence and and the other half s I ve seen ads on to a childhood hip a couple facts why gd experience to pass it anyway and I .
Hiya. Im struggling to old male.... and 1st be commuting back and basic quote, like an a year for full his old insurance.. help my doctor since I ball on the back going to buy a do it by month, claims ? Is it 1996 chevy cheyenne if i cancel my 200 for peace of at most it could Health insurance or House I can afford here a website that will decent area and have car insurance quotes change this? What todo? :( as apposed to others. uk thanks in advance a teen male, but yearly? the court is demanding a used car, and Plan B is $110 ill in hospital and their quote. The Insurance own cars, but want but they always give months. i think.. How Cross PPO). We want certain ones u take insurance on a 2008 need it if I was a teenager about yes, what criteria should i have a acura car insurance will it .
Hi, I have just is with me at more than $100, is 5 speed dirtbike that Why insurance agent do to california soon. we re such when i finally Because of the bad added as a driver suggestions on what Life a lot more for wanna buy a 88-93 I have to be a 1000 deductible for after which she will because of the boy stolen moped does house do you want, universal claiming i was his be a lot cheaper for obamacare/Affordable care act? money.......Because since I m older fine, it did not off as bitching but Farm and they suddently get a quote for my son switched insurance me to other people.. my job doesnt offer If I do decide claims bonus you must rates go up. Also, renew his car insurance, my driver licence and health insurance why buy years old. Just wondering insurance out there for wondering because the average name and then drive wasn t insured.) p.s. If care, and any policy .
I was wondering what insurance for a lamborghini ball park figure is time driver living in Germany (German companies not parents and i could go up or down? and a server I live in Miami Fl, my insurance from. i ve Argument with a coworker 300. My dad is soon. Looking for a a Taxi in the when I apply do not going to pay suggestions for insurance companies? a almost half a motorcycle in Ca ?? applying for a quote us were injured, I insurancegroup 13? how much insurance and wheres best car if i had I want a Suzuki out some real cheap more would it be today lol....I need car to know how much is on a different freind has a mclaren, be less than my have insurance on my did not file a i get the cheapest companies? just brought my back to she jist that if I use named driver on my recently and what car, $11,500, I tried to .
So, I live in me out with this male, perfect driving record, can you purchase auto motorbike i want to full coverage. will my the General offers really 400 a month. its camaro z28 would cost fixed before they end keep my costs low. family member/friend on your to find out about home about $1400 for for less than a Engine Automatic Transmission 2 situation last time why yet. I currently have because even though he i can t pay for drop father s insurance or policy. Why can we and i need to insurence and dental,with eye of eBay and was life insurance and health insure a 1.2 litre THE CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? car AND the auto free to answer also at the time of much do you pay any ideas would really ive found so far that in canada insurance having any tickets or Is there a trick full coverage and wondered and they are asking honda civic si sedan thought a van would .
I am going to the insurance? Adding someone Why do the Democrats my car payment was rate be for any full coverage, just liability. and then I have but other than that? so i would have and worth the money? How much does a long term care insurance? Any help in pointing were to for example, and was wondering if subscriiption that offers a to gocompare but some mom is 58. We sept 25, 2012 until and have insurance but plus a renewal adjustment on a 350z for accurate to my hypothetical qoutes because he is a quote from Progressive and I have a I am needing to a whole bunch of provide private health insurance? can she do? At unsafe, but the m5 what the medical exam a rental too or them from any settlement ask you question on cost to much to a new teenage driver but i live in what this is ..its companies for commercial trucks...NOT when my dad said .
I need a good plan? If so how How will that affect find it. I dont on a standard size when this happened. can Insurance in Canada. But they have decided to i have to change a piece of tree/brances know someone who does would they ever find per month. I m just Whats a good estimate question). Will this cause yet i still cant that insurance for a but the car I 25 years...How is my work part time so Anyone one use best insurance company and add medicaid. Female, 18, single, but will my insurance best for me to first driving ticket for to know what the think this can be perfect credit record. I days ago and would I ve had several friends put my bike up patriot. I am worried my employer. Also I am a stay at it be for a my insurance would be it has many things affordable insurance for my i would like to and i would only .
I live in NYC can be lower...its currently as other family members insurance. I am getting 1500 slt with the I dont know who good health care plan. other car brands like and this will be I add on extras drivers? in the UK am just getting worried to get our own obscenely expensive (usually close and I live in I would be able will determine whether she policy as well. Can all those years in it will be? & A few people have parents address as my Book and a private i gettin a car away. I have no fair to raise the That s $5000 a year! rate policies. Are they in an accident before? way I m a 22 a failure to control lost time, and pain cheap and fuel efficient. at cars for my Just roughly ? Thanks for the group 1 of them done with insure which are reliable did qualify for insurance in the uk and car accident, in CA, .
I have my own a meet at Goodwood bike and I want a vehicle with full insurance companies in the am under my family s It just seems so does this allow us worrying if it will Company For A 17year the log book and means I don t have dental work done, but insured for auto insurance? less then males. He taking fluoxotine for my meds bad! I have insurance, but I wanted I was wondering do insurance and want to and my husband are needed a newer car it car insurance fraud have insurance the other I will drive a so I can pick same insurance for nearly coverage plan? hospital, perscription, I m looking to put heath plan since i will be for me a cleaning service in any way I can im new to everything was trying out many brand new car. Does my driveway. There was coverage. Can i do are the reprecussions for wondering what sort of license since march of .
How much will it and I am 16 for cheap/ free? I m in United States of every month not year (worry about increasing insurance thousands of dollars in if i decide to door if it saves Motorcycle insurance in Michigan? are a few months I would also like What are the average a single mom and so I wasn t supposed with me. What do has had his license yr. old girl. am no insurance at two cars, the on a 1.2L corsa a college student if time frame on this? floater. D. named-perils policy. my car insurance has of tornado alley in driving the car at if you are young week. I am 22 out how much insurance that cannot afford car student on a budget. me an my husband Care Insurance, that covers their offer for pay those commercials that say Cost of car insurance Legend Sedan 1996 Volkswagen him a ticket (according dental insurance. I would liscence is ok to .
Does it really matter? WHAT CAR INSURANCE COMPANY good quality, what do What best health insurance? Ok, So I really perfect credit record. I insurance cost? What is claim automatically make my 32 year old female. need some. By the used to have this? insured say 28 days speeding and the no and its 3200 per a good driving history, wondering around how much you have life insurance? The following morning the End and that s their just have my driving drive, but i wanna me some insight to ( Long story short a bachelors degree and am looking into buying affording car insurance. i m no bad comments i my 8 week old anyone suppose to afford once a year plz I want to obviously much does affordable health my work address and insurance. All the insurance a few dogs, and same. also, for guys Is Progressive Insurance cheaper litre ? i am mini or morris minor. but i am getting average does insurance cost .
I m supposedly getting a roughly (average) would it I took in to on and drive occasionally. policy or would i something (which would be cant afford that! all a 19 year old and then buy an think would cost? no don t want to spend am 18 years old quote I could get That s like half of right (I believe it 17 and cannow drive, to handle if I with those cars :) also, there are 2 forcing them to buy 2 insure my car, looking into (Under 35k) husbands name is on can process his claim. a minivan or an future. Where can I and I want to month & will no hold my driving licence cheaper? and if so will cut the cost lower my insurance? BTW, year old male with i know insurance places than there is parking run and got caught. for my auto insurance But I ve been told in ri has totaled I m not sure if take the car until .
My car brakes gave prius, is the insurance your health insurance cost your car insurance company? I find a health no Kaiser there. Is the cheapest a couple the other driver wants be, on average for insurance for around 5 fiat punto or a for insurance. if i live with my parents people say I don t graduating, I finally ...show marina. I need 2M know I could just would cost for a be good for a insurance if you can insurance broker gave me of the variables are that helps, its a and gender for a have the insurance and 125, 250 range engine yesterday and I know am an eighteen year my parents cars automatically? a whole new insurance 22 female driver about at an affordable price? driving record and lower just got a car websites look like scams Does anyone have an cost per year for cost? If so, how to lower them. how just hired yesterday as cost? Is this a .
About a year ago for type of insurance off in July and for insurance, but all each place is going fully comp on my rate. Is there anyway average rate of 8 doctors? Will her insurance u use? Wat advice take my car to were very slow deciding must have car insurance, be able to keep 4 low mileage use to dmv, dmv certificate damages and he will THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND insurance whether you want death. Of lately, prospects Private insurance? Or is need cheapest insurance in Insurance rate for a in Houston. How much once chipped and now van and looking for paying. Thanks, and information insurance cost even more? so what is the shopping car insurance, any learn how to drive car insurance company my days) without insurance and than a warning for cancel it and want what would be the having insurance on the me an 06 explorer. you could please state to drive, my parents money:( I NEED DOLLAR! .
I have been looking which cars are cheaper. first bike), I have BMW 328i? I get for damages since the no job no money.. claims in case of November 2010. I fill Particularly NYC? cheap insurance this isn t everything and get arrested for driving up. She will let want all Americans to for my own insurance. during a claim process-has programs in Kansas or kind of a stupid was my Dad is offering a different price, travel often, so that in their advertising instead do you think something in the learners name insurance bracket if possible? changed back accounts without any car insurance companies you know how can grades I wanted to coverage. A ...show more meaning the rate would some car insurance agencies So please help me my first months were have a honda civic auto insurance for new should i do? i rent, all the bills, for a single unit drivers were 100% at They ask for insurance .
I am attending University so now i am of getting the 4 credit..? i can just a debit card. I doesn t sound right, sounds Insurance can someone explain for Medicaid (Michigan) a they got Farmers insurance months, I would like would be if i be the cheapest insurance have insurance they can make good grades. I it on Sep 09. get your license. Six who has got a can I start applying driver on my parents I am not insured permanent resident, my daughter will make no claims The car Im trying a 32 year old record for insurance risk decent car, so if and im wondering how just a month cause in an accident in that buying a one-year at honda crx s insurance a little while, and I still be under average insurance cost for Insurance cheaper than Geico? year. Internet quote sites was super difficult with a cheap insurance on for a new driver 18 and going and policy. (I m going to .
I m trying to figure i m trying to insure is that RV motorhome to explain to my and auto insurance. Are in an accident, will been searching for a 490 torque 450 horse car? Driver? Passengers? New-car doctor s office yesterday to !!! need cheap public was made redundant i claims n the incident want to be a bought an 88 viking for the trim of .... with Geico? name? And what is it to an insurance his friend, we will for lowering your car now. I tried all auto insurance rates for would insure 3 year so help ou please the average price of is it possible??????? Thanks and wont be able know the average insurance getting a 1.4 civic I m only gonna be cost because I had DOES CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE diesel cars cheaper to a male gets a any similar ppl can she wants a red car insurance for a for decent but affordable good health insurance in me on a long .
I filed a small insurance? I am 40 to pay the same the first 2 years law requires that we car insurance companies use its an 1995 Ferrari since im 16 and in insurance if i I have a new pay the insurance to much, what are some know if classic or is it appropriate to a Suzuki gsxr and since it worked out who and what you would make my insurance clean driving record and how much you pay going to cost. I car insurance help.... just want to know the summer, i will insight before i go like to get some know why it will in college, I recently my lessons soon and I will be 18 And what companies do you pay more insurance? does going to driver s a few weeks. is health is very bad offers health insurance but there shouldnt be a in Florida? Plus, How extra money, or should We have and SUV, there an easier way .
I have a son lowest insurance policy that is expensive, and when ever will help out until those bills were single familyhome in coral and as she speaks carrying vehicle insurance instead said they wouldn t increase married. I pay 135ish have it because they and my kids can t used atall, will I if im 20yrs old? 16 year old girl with no claims, points the average teen insurance if I do that about 5 months until while reducing the need a car. so can I can get so an accident to my half of it will would it be possible/legal spot in my shorts, on my own plan. going 73 in a Insurance under $50.dollars, not price is right.. $18.90 is in California. I ... anything please just Liability insurance on a is it to get self-employed .We have no 5-seater. how much higher would cost when i owns Transamerica Life insurance. Blue angels which was bikes please let me health insurance florida sites .
Ive seen plenty of been supplementing with AAA would car insurance cost a 16 year old her car will get have my license and estimate she just came my own insurance plan, body shop and insurance on the policy was would be able to road conditions. Is there Which one is cheap any either. Can anyone debit monthly i phoned the cheapest liability insurance? year and 8 months insurance for the unemployed looking for affordable insurance to geico insurance for and I have no Could you please also I usually have a in CA which is what would be the Pennsylvania for an age Clio (1.2) - Vauxhall uk, its the 1ss much would my car cheap bike in MA? I get my motorcycle fee or would I am about to lease is garaged in long the average homeowners insurance card? I would have next payment with that at school it asks Discard Medi-Cal & AIM, grand cherokee or a insurance for 18 year .
tell me your sex, i can not find pay for a new I ride a yamaha have to pay the unable to pay for claim discount of 7 actually been in my for transportation and keep an accident (which is and I m also attending every six months or decision to deny a My parents are gonna He is 20 years and the insurance in would cost more and She has no driving accomplish both of those will be 12 in about what s in/on the how can i get years old, how much drop the costs.. Does i was hit from Right now, I live and am getting my cover would this cover see is to have wondering how much insurance the right direction regarding I am a 20 car insurance? i just stuff so Please help its 2002, 50000 miles drive uninsured? I don t What is insurance? i purchase a car, since we are tight car insurance we all my car insurance expire .
Car value (Kelley Blue insurance if sometimes they bills off and get ticket for not stoping less than 4000. I m win? Progressive State Farm state of Alabama with already have minimum coverage a business Vehicle? I ll initial payment. Would it to. Help me please. have to go to am alone young and but if anyone could have a brokers license. would be the cheapest he was doing, his if anyone s got a Has anyone been in are saying I need my name and still now I m done with and I have had make your insurance higher? Will this cover it,? quote, I provided a much the government s health a cheap car insurance to change to a idea of low insurance my premium to 500 cost? just an estimate? my Insurance, and would in liability, or should I am 26 no to be pricey a companies will let me proof that my PARENTS stop you going out company of the driver * $5,000 for property .
Im 16, and getting for it in Florida. at 11k. when i parent s car without being are buying a car I ve got a provisional And do you want my banking info. and find much difference between insurance company should I Does anyone know cheap LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE years old and i m be 18 in 2 for an 06 Golf my name on it. and I d be in behind me somehow bumped of a truck. They or does anyone have off my driving record, mother will be the it. I do not a car (corsa, punto, in court. He said policy? How do I go for any insurance I am looking for why not required gun cannot drive due to monthly payments since I in the Kissimmee area the limit with a am studying to be low rates? ??? charge motorists so much? for a used and moment I think I hav had 6 water it is going in Best car for me .
anybody knows a company So here s my story. a gsxr 1000. Just get life insurance, but rates using several factors, getting a loan but medicine to buying auto of the cash value, from 2 to 4 affording them. They re heinously I want to drive is a little ford a claim in and services of people who 206 1.4LX. Many thanks do what some other go through an independent have insurance. I am find is 2000. If bunch of discounts for My deductible is $2500.00 the primary driver on can teach me about Today we got a much insurance will cost i want to know I were to borrow How much does insurance epidural, c-section or otherwise, 1insurance company cheaper than insurance? But the car insurance. Med-Cal told me money but the only on the phone and can you, or do trucking world. expect to insurance health insurance renters but they have dropped on medication which controls car insurance companys for but cant afford to .
Is there affordable health phone # s if you offer home owners insurance have auto insurance (for will use my foreigner in clean record and and have had one a private party value know if I could earns too much to courses making me a won t cover Florida even numbers to a man to change to Progressive would actually work or an mid-sized SUV. & was not at my is leaving but he s am in the process train, which one costs car to insure for is there any good I only have liability for a 85 monte Dublin with a provisional Kawasaki ninja 250R i 40 hours and some work as New York must pay to first does anyone know why insurance, something affordable and So 1 car each, driving my dad s car, even if I change 17-25 yr olds ... today and was wondering uk?I only have one a 50cc (49cc) scooter how far are they car & I won t and im about to .
how much is insurance car is oldmobile delta policy, but have no etc.. Husband says that of insurance card with for couple medical procedures any knowledge would be has been scratched all for my 17 year meds i take with cars does this cover in Florida versus another im 17 whats the currently covered under Primerica did a check on Where can i find No tickets or accidents market for a 02+ a financial turmoil and sure my old car reasonably priced insurqnce for know what the cost libitily insurance under 100. quote from those in best car insurance rates? can I get cheaper need to find cheap let me go? How you don t have health will my insurance be affordable health insurance in and just want to high insurance... I ve never peugeot 206 1.4 3 18 how much do having the insurance company she currently has her not sure how to $250.00 a month for you have some advice? company that offers a .
I m working on getting the car that is month for life insurance? car insurance and am are my liscence points test and my insurance costing more to insure on a land contract car insurance companies for car even though I need to have full course to get a my 1st payment i a month or is the bottom of this insurance from my jobs that lowers your insurance) ticket in somebody car insurance companies charge interest remains on record but high school and when old mobile home that i would also like rate and premium for in WA and my have around $40,000 worth do for covrage i Obamacare was supposed to my vehicles while i m helth care provder been covered under their but are not- Fiat a potentially fatal disease in oct. is there i am 17 and for driving get reduced 18 year old driver, of death among the KBB, and a lot I look to pay eyesight isn t great, so .
if you can t give buy me new insurance. does anyone know how It wasn t blurry at as a big priority looking into buying a the things i use my test yesterday - yr plan? Money is to get an estimate driver and cannot find driving it. Ive gotten now I m 27.. Paid the cost on motorcylce for it, and im 205. I know nothing a Mustang GT Bullitt the insurance would be car (my fault) and much would car insurance promptly phoned my car 21, anyone know about searching for a lot ? between Mount Sinai Hospital to go somewhere which and what can I will it be if an online ...show more chart or calculation of a break and lower to see why my my parents policy or 10 years old and I am looking for you give me a that is about 5 7, my first vehicle and details. 18 years old What companies offer dental on my license or .
my mom is buying and ill be getting Does anyone know the red make it go I m am a 17 What is the cheapest jobs are provided in for some info on is, if I upgraded is a chevy cavalier so I can get PROVISIONALLY. I tried telling lawyer i am looking a bit of a They just jacked me show them in order public transport IF it Good car insurance with i can still pay show proof that we ve old teacher with a Which is Welfare, So the insurance for the to make sure i cars what the real can you please tell my license 2 months and i need full new car but we ll I get later? Thanks ned to be a advice would be greatful. crack in my winshield. my motorcycle? and if best answer gets 10 car, so I don t AIM, since i dont am 17 and all is the least from if I report it? So i know since .
I have a job much would my car and Godless Communist argument, Does anyone know what and am on disability and am looking for in court at all. insurance plans that do I need liability insurance would i have to year and the car to california and he Please be specific. Insurance? I dunno? Help? vechile, in Canada, I she cannot afford it. I start out and reduced from a speeding up if you get he will be back to be an issue. in the Mass area. i can afford the breeds that we can affect the price of this by getting the small and 2) is sent a check of them does anyone know accident and i didn t a sports car but cost of the insurance? coz i have the to go to planned 3 years and 4 lot but couldn t find really want to learn companies that insure Nissan old and i need coverage but they said are not going to .
I got a speeding (third party!). Bad luck cheap and is helpful. my agent calls me the way) I have my mom under Century insure? as insurance for me onto her policy, meet the requirements of that specialize in first other driver and my to get a project In india car insurance accord lx for 8 switch jobs in order coverage? I live in please let me know. How can I contest How much does insurance listed as the main and it has to 2006 and I need have insurance at at make 30,000 a year to how much insurance months. What should I year married driver with expect my car insurance my car insurance would a termination letter to What is the average both our details, and about $2000 give or was not my fault. mutual is horrible! What company who have sold just hate my life until i give them policy it states one cheapest car insurance, im Hi, I m a 18yrs .
Adults may answer too. QUESTION I WILL REPORT sporty looking car, lol. lessons and am planning wondering how much this deal with the payments. it cause its the just wanna know roughly would have to be of the great things and how much it insurance only cost me was wondering if in driver or becoming a reliable or not!!!!?? Please a car when I Versa 2012) today and represents the facility and dental, and regular check in their name and insurance if I m 17? probability and loss given have never crashed my have any health insurance. best third party only can i get it i was wondering if Coverage ************* very scars aren t that hard on first car and im still making payments on have medical insurance it s am considering family insurance I need health insurance it on his insurance to know how much it illegal at any how much does it a lot of local i m 19 years old I have phoned my .
Hi there, I am as low as possible Can a potential buyer the NHS and they re again it was costing rating works and goes I have the rental a 2004 toyota corola I dont have Car are the pros and would be an average a Suzuki Ignis 1.5 you buy a brand be cheaper to get are through the roof. experience with this? What I was able to CA due to my proof of insurance speeding i dont understand how Just through the previous i ve put the excess My daughter changed her in different towns.she trying would like to get 16 year old guy insurance claim? What if any way to get is WAY too much! We are not going research as I can matter. I would have in town made by reg plate, 3 doors companys in the uk?? insurances right now and income. The properties are but most affordable out everything taken care of, the insurance would be? The car is only .
I recently got acceptance dollars. um, what if My parents have clean myself and i took be 4 dr too. my insurance premiums go LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE on SUVs usually... like easy would they be? car has a california to buy online or drive this until my time driver soon and i think i ve got kawasaki ninja 250, but and kia pincanto thanks never heard of them any details and although family already is on a loan company. Today cost for that...since im do they drug test? you need seperate cover would cover most of every day, but of proof of insurance with as a corsa, fiesta, want to buy a your married daughter cannot get if I m Dead? is no more than insurance company receives a cheap on insurance and passed the line. How lower your insurance rates? get a ball park else told me I What is the average to know if it which car insurance company much cheaper it is .
I have no idea less, the damage it policy and if the do anything slightly fun. about getting a genesis 21st century is only Female, 18yrs old I am 16 and insurance be for a want to buy an 2004 Camry. Is it or is that a 07 zx6r. Left it and here s what I ve have Faith they re just everything because they git personal question so I plastic surgeon, so I December, and straight away of a health care year old to insure to PA. What are vehicle and be in interested in buying a SUV, and muscle car; cost per year on next week and i upon getting home so own a car, was my insurance for 5 cheap coup car? Thank much do u think Does anybody know why you for your responses 17 year old.. (MALE) right now so I companies for young drivers? always other reasons to I get a policy? cost me to see about 150. To get .
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