#and i worry everyone around me will be like ‘well duh’ but FUCK YOU
omgrandomwords · 16 days
ok so i’m incapable of keeping literally anything to myself but i am feeling very emotional abt this so
#i went to this like adhd therapy group at shcool#and like these ppl were so articulate??? like i keep forgetting some people are very capable of saying things in a way that makes sense#and also help why was it relatable#anyways it’s nbd except it’s a big deal TO ME#and i also walked out feeling Shameful which is not great#but i hear is common?#hopefully?#and like yeah ok so i’m like oh i may actually be neurodivergent to the neurodivergent webbed site#but still i think i just held on to the idea that im a little quirky instead#and i worry everyone around me will be like ‘well duh’ but FUCK YOU#I DON’T WANT YOU TO ‘well duh’ ME YOU CAN’T SAY SHIT#evil part of my brain is like nah ur making too big a deal out of it you’re literally fine and normal#but considering how fucked up i actually have been the past eight months especially it’s like No No there’s something going on#and i can’t just be like yeah i’ve got *gestures vaguely* without actually doing anything about it#bc that’s gotten me in the worst mental state of my life#and i fully signed up for these therapy groups because i was feeling so bad#it was like 11pm and i was hating myself and my chest hurt and i was like yaknow there’s free shit somewhere to talk abt this stuff#and now it happened and i went and it was alright#i brought a fidget toy i stole from my sister and did some colouring and talk about how bad i am at getting shit done#but yeah everyone else was p cool like the vibes were cool#and i’m really excited for the next session bc we’re supposedly going to go on a Walk#i love walks
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allysunny · 2 months
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Safe in my Arms
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Pairing: Miguel O'Hara x Drunk!Fem!Reader
Synopsys: A nigth out with your friends turns into you getting drunk. You're lucky your sweet Miggy has come to pick you up.
Words: 3.5k words
Warnings: Alcohol and being drunk, duh, reader is said to be shorter than Miguel and is wearing makeup, lots of fluff and a bit of crack, some suggestive themes. It's just a nice, fluffy and funny fic overall. Untranslated spanish, do tell me if I fucked that up, please.
A/N: Hey everyone!!!! So, three nigths ago I got fucking plastered and I was wondering about how nice it would be if Miguel was there to pick me up and take care of me. I love this man so much, he'd be the best at taking care of a drunk person, fight me.
It's kinda short and it's not my best work, because when I thought about writing it, I was drunk,,, and as I sobered up the inspiration kind of disappeared? I still think it's rather sweet though, and I hope y'all will enjoy it.
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“There you are, mi vida,” An extremely tall and rather handsome man said as he approached you near the bar. You’d been hanging out with your friends, celebrating the very-much promotion one of them had gotten. So far, it had been amazing. You all had been downing drinks and dancing to the sound of the catchy pop music playing on the speakers, and while you admitted your head felt lighter than it should be, and your limbs were getting harder to move around, you were still having an amazing town.
“Who are you?” you asked, narrowing your eyes ever so slightly to try and get a look at the stranger’s face. All you could make out were sharp cheekbones, a strong jaw, and what seemed like a soft smile playing on his lips.
“It’s me, honey, it’s Miguel. I’m here to take you home, do you have your things?”
Half of the things he said went over your head, the music far too loud and drowning out most of his speech. You shook your head and took a few steps backwards, putting your hands up.
“Sorry man, not interested. I’m here with a couple of friends.” You turned away from him and faced the very same friends you had just mentioned. The one being celebrated, Katie, smiled, somehow not noticing the imposing figure that stood behind you. You simply took her hand and spun her around a few times, laughing loudly as your feet swayed and the two of you tripped over and over again.
Another girl approached you to – rather, Miguel, and sighed before offering him an apologetic smile.
“Sorry to call you, she’s incredibly drunk and I didn’t want her doing anything stupid. I think it’d better if she goes home.”
Miguel gave her a tight-lipped smile and chuckled.
“Thank you for calling me. Before she left home, she said, and I quote, ‘Don’t worry Miggy, I’ll maybe have one or two drinks and head home.” He turned to you, standing on wobbly legs, and shouting loudly over the music.
“Well, you know her.”
“I do.” He nodded, before taking a few steps forward. “Thank you for calling me again, I’ll take her home now.”
“Thanks. Let us know when you two make it?”
“Of course.”
The girl walked away, leaving Miguel to look around himself – somehow, you’d disappeared in the middle of the crowd, and for a few seconds, it scared him shitless. Where the shock had you gone? You were standing just a few feet away from him just now. He turned around, walking and dodging the dancing bodies on the dance floor before he spotted someone whose hair resembled yours. Squinting, he made out your figure, leaning over the bar and gesticulating wildly.
Miguel approached you, sighing once more.
“ – And make it a double!” you yelled, before turning to face your friend and continuing to chat excitedly.
“Honey, I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to have another drink,” Miguel said as he walked up to you. He wanted to wrap an arm around your waist, or place a gentle hand on your lower back, but he knew you were intoxicated and might be upset that he was touching you so freely. So, he simply stood by your side, hands itching to touch, but never doing so.
“You again? Look man, I have no idea who you are, but I’d appreciate it if you left me alone.” You mumbled, eyeing him with disgust. “I have a boyfriend, and he could be here within a few minutes and kick your ass. So, if you don’t want to taste the floor, I’d recommend backing away from me.”
It broke Miguel’s heart to have you address him so roughly, with such harsh words. But it also filled him with a sense of pride – even intoxicated, you knew how to stand your ground. It also made him smile how you were quick to mention him.
“Cariño, it’s me, Miguel. I think you’ve had enough to drink, don’t you?” he asked, voice as gentle as possible, considering the loudness of the club.
You let out a snort and looked him up and down, suspicion evident in your eyes.
“You!? Miguel!? Yeah, sure, buddy. You’re not even half the man he is.”
Miguel crossed his arms, an amused smirk playing in his lips.
“Really? I’m not?”
“Not even close.” You faced the bar once again and smiled at the bartender who placed a drink in front of you.
“How so?”
“Well, first of all,” you took a sip of your drink, humming in appreciation, “You’re not as tall.”
“Ah. Not as tall?”
“Mhm. Miguel is huge, he’s this tall!” You faced him and stood on the tips of your toes, hand up to illustrate a height you clearly couldn’t reach. “He towers over me, you know, he’s huuuuuuuuge! And he’s super handsome, and you’re clearly not.”
“You don’t think I’m handsome?”
“Why would I? When I have my Miggy at home waiting for me?” You punctuated your statement with a large gulp from your drink. Miguel wanted to stop you, but he didn’t want to scare you by taking another step forward. “He’s the best boyfriend ever – you know, he gets up real early because he has a super important job, but he always makes time to cook breakfast for me.”
“He sounds like a dream,” The man before you nodded, leaning against the bar.
“Oh, he is. And he’s so kind and considerate. You know, people say he’s grumpy and mean, but I don’t really buy that.”
“Grumpy? Mean?” Miguel knew people didn’t think of him as the most affectionate or outgoing or overall happy person out there, but it was never nice to find out people spoke about him behind his back. Nothing he wasn’t used to, but it still hurt. However, your sweet words made up for it – they always did. You never chastised him for being standoffish, or for not being as excited as you were sometimes, or for being kind of a glum. You embraced him for who he was, giving him the space he needed when he needed it, and loving him and his traits completely. You never minded that he seemed a bit grumpy or rude, it was simply who he was. Besides, he was never rude to you. Sometimes he could be grumpy, yes, but he never once raised his voice at you or treated you badly. He was the sweetest when he was around you, all honest smiles, and relaxed hugs.
“Yeah. People say he’s like an all-year-round Grinch, but I don’t buy it. He’s so nice to me. He loves me so much and proves it every day. I don’t care what people say about him, I love him, and I think he’s fantastic, and really handsome, and so nice, and I love him, and I am not going to abandon him for you because we’re happy together. And you’re a stinky homewrecker!”
Miguel had to chuckle at that. He knew just how honest you were, and it would seem the alcohol in your blood was only amplifying that honesty. He nodded and reached for his phone, turning it on and showing you his lockscreen. Your face contorted in confusion as your eyes raked across the two figures on his phone. Your Miguel, in a dashing black suit, his arm tightly wrapped around you, wearing a dress that matched the colour of his burgundy tie.
You scrunched your nose, and looked from the picture to the strange man, and from the strange man to the picture.
“How do you have this picture of me and Miggy?”
“I told you, cariño, it’s me. I’m Miguel, I’ve come to pick you up.”
You shook your head.
“No, you’re not Miguel. I told you, you’re not as tall, nor as handsome, and you don’t sound like him. I’m not stupid, you know. I’m not gonna fall for this.”
You picked up your drink once more, and he sighed, trying to come up with something, anything that would make you stop drinking.
“How could I prove it to you?”
“Huh?” Your hand stopped mid-air and you frowned.
“How can I prove to you that I’m Miguel?”
“Hmmm….” You rubbed your chin comically and offered him a grin. “How did we meet?”
Miguel smiled softly.
“We were at the library. I wanted a book on Genetic Science, and you wanted a book on botany. Somehow, they were in the same shelf, although they really shouldn’t have been. I accidentally dropped by book when I saw you were on the other side of the shelf, and you helped me. The rest was history.”
Your expression of confusion had turned to a silly smile of content. You really did like your little meet-cute and bragged about having such a cute story to tell your friends and possibly your children in the future.
“Anyone could’ve told you that.”
“They really couldn’t.”
“Yeah, they could! Next question. What’s 40 + 40?”
Miguel raised an eyebrow.
“How does that prove anything?”
“My Miggy is super smart, he’d know the answer.”
“It’s 80. Honey, please, let’s go home. It’s getting late and you need to be taken care of, your hangover tomorrow is going to kill you, and I’d like to help minimize it.”
“What flowers did my Miggy bring me last week?”
“Peonies. Pink ones, just like the ones you’d seen at the park last month. I know just how much you liked them, so I brought a fresh bouquet home. You almost cried, because you were on your period, and you told me it was fate because just as I'd done something nice for you, you'd done something nice for me and had cooked me those empanadas I like.”
As the man before you recalled the memory, your features softened, and he shifted before your eyes. He wasn’t a stranger – far from it. That was your Miggy staring right at you. His kind brown eyes, his fluffy hair, his sharp jaw that you loved to trace with your fingers on lazy Sundays.
“Miggy?” your whole body relaxed, and you reached forward. Miguel understood immediately and gathered you in his arms, sighing of relief. Now that you remembered who he was, he could get you home safely. It’d be alright.
“Yeah, that’d be me.” He hugged you back tightly, rubbing circles on your back with his hand. “How about we go home? You need to get some rest.”
“You gonna take care of me, Miggy?” You looked up at him with a dazzling smile that he returned.
“Of course I am. You got your things?”
You move away from him to go back to your booth. You fetch your things (with a little bit of help from your boyfriend), say goodbye to your friends, and follow him outside of the club.
All it took was a few steps outside of the building and in the direction of Miguel’s car for you to lean over to your left and empty the contents in your stomach.
“Mierda,” Miguel whispered, holding back your hair and your clothes, and making sure you were okay. You weren’t. You sobbed for a while about how you were “utterly disgusting”, accused him of never wanting to see you again because he’d seen you puke and you were sure he was disgusted and thought you were disgusting, and now your life was ruined because you just loved him so much and you couldn’t live without him, and how were you supposed to move on when he was the love of your life and wanted to break up over some vomit?
“And – and – and I just love you so much – and if you leave me, I will never be the same, and I promise I will never vomit ever again, please don’t leave me, Miggy, we’re so happy together aren’t we? And there’s no need to ruin that over something as stupid as vomiting, and, and – “
“Ven aquí,” Miguel mumbled, pulling you close to him. He took a tissue out of his pocket – did he know this was gonna happen? – and wiped your mouth. Your eyes were sparkling as he placed a kiss on your forehead. “I’m not leaving you because you vomited. ¿Me entiendes?”
“Really. I love you, and no amount of vomit would make me stop loving you.”
You placed a hand on your mouth, making a gagging noise.
“Please don’t say ‘vomit’ again, or I’m – “
“Yeah, yeah, I get it. C’mon, let’s get you home.”
And that’s exactly what Miguel did. He brought you to his car, buckled you in (stopping halfway to kiss your face once or twice) and drove home. He was kind enough to not speed up too much, making sure to take turns extremely slow for your sake.
Once you got to your building, you nearly burst into tears again.
“The seventh floor!?” You exclaimed, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes. “I don’t wanna – I can’t do all of that. I’ll just sleep here, and you’ll come get me in the morning. How is that, huh?”
“C’mere, muñeca.”
Without any more words, he picked you up in his arms, and you sighed in relief, burying your face in his neck. He smelled like Alchemax and coffee and him and you felt like the smell itself could lull you to sleep. He carried you up the stairs up to the seventh floor as if it was nothing – and it really wasn’t.
“Alright, we’re here.” He said, opening the door to your shared apartment. He put you down and carried you to your couch, where he left you for a few minutes while he prepared a light snack and some pills.
“I don’t wanna eat, Miggy, don’t wanna throw up again,” you whined.
“You can’t take these on an empty stomach, and you need to take these, otherwise tomorrow your pretty little head is going to hurt like hell. So, eat up.”
You groaned and threw your head back, but complied, nonetheless. Your boyfriend was an Alchemax scientist (not to mention Spider-Man), so he was pretty smart. He must know what he’s doing.
“Fiiiiiiiiine….” You took the crackers in the plate in front of you and gulped them down in an instant. They were nice – soft enough for your stomach to keep them inside, but still tasty enough to feel like food. Miguel surely was smart, how did he even come up with this?
Once you were done, you downed the glass of water and the few pills Miguel had placed on top of the small coffee table in front of you. You had no idea what they were for, but if he told you to take them, then that must mean it was for your own good.
“Alright, ready to take a bath?” Miguel asked as he appeared from inside your bedroom.
“A bath?”
“Yeah, don’t you want to clean up before bed? I can help you.”
You shook your head, whining softly. Your head was beginning to spin a tad less than when you were in the club, but you were sure you were going to either fall asleep or fall on the floor should you want to take a bath.
“Miggy, ‘m so tired…” you mumbled, leaning your head against the couch’s headrest. “Can’t we just go to sleep? I’ll shower in the morning… You can shower with me in the morning you know, and you can do that thing I really like, the one with your tongue, and – “
“Sí, sí. I get it.” He chuckled lightly before moving towards you. Miguel helped you up, steading you with an arm around your waist, just like he’d wanted to do at the club. Only now, you were completely out of harm’s way. “At least let’s get your makeup off and brush your teeth. Is that okay?”
“Mhm. That’s okay.”
Miguel led you to the bathroom, where he placed you on top of the sink in front of him. You laughed as you often did at his displays of strength and closed your eyes as he gently cleaned your face and removed every trace of makeup. You liked the feel of his hands on your skin, on your face, taking care of you so sweetly. It felt extremely intimate to have him take care of you like this.
“I love you, Miggy. Thank you for taking care of me and not breaking up when I vomited.”
“¿Es en serio? Why would I break up with you over something so silly as that, huh, muñeca? I love you. I promised to always take care of you, didn’t I?”
You looked into his eyes and nearly melted. There was nothing but kindness and adoration in his, and when you put your palm against his cheek to caress it, he turned to kiss it softly. His fangs grazed your hand and you chuckled. Your little vampire Spider-Man.
“You’re so good to me,” you mumbled. “Is my head gonna hurt tomorrow?”
“Most likely. And I don’t think you’ll remember any of our interactions tonight.”
“Really? Well then, you better take advantage of that.”
“How so?”
“Well, you could tell me something you didn’t want me to remember.”
Miguel pretended to think for a while, stroking an invisible beard and earning a few chuckles form you. Then, he placed his hands on either side of you on the side and brought his face closer to yours before beginning to whisper in that low voice of his that always got you blushing.
“I love you. Te amo con todo mi corazón. Eres mi todo. Mi vida. I could never part from you.” He stroked your cheek with the back of your hand, eyes never leaving yours. “I don’t think I say this nearly as much as I should, but I’m so grateful to have you in my life. And I want you to be in it forever. I want to marry you, someday. I’ll take you somewhere real nice and propose and promise to devote my life to you forever. I’ll love and worship you like a goddess because that’s what you deserve. I was so broken before I met you, so lonely and empty. I don’t think I ever knew what true love was until we met. All my life I’ve felt alone. My relationships seemed superficial. And then you came along and changed all that. I’m not afraid of saying these things when you’re sober, it’s just – you know how bad I can be with words and feelings sometimes. And we’ve never really discussed marriage or anything like that, and I wouldn’t want to scare you. But my point is, thank you, cariño. You’re everything to me.”
You were speechless. You didn’t know what to say, so you clumsily wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him to you. Big fat tears were rolling down your cheeks, the alcohol in your blood making you more emotional. It was true – your Miguel wasn’t a man of many words. He would rather show his love and appreciation for you through actions. Cooking you dinner, bringing you your favourite sweets, remembering small details you’d told him days before. So, it made it all the more special when he did speak, especially when his words were this sweet.
“You’re so sweet, Miggy. I love you so much.”
Miguel helped you brush your teeth, and then he carried you to your bedroom, where he took off your clothes (or rather, helped you wrestle out of them) and helped you put on your favourite pyjamas.
“We’ll just get some clean sheets tomorrow,” he mumbled as he helped you lay down next to him. You wanted to toss and turn a few times, but after your stomach started complaining about all the movement, you decided to stay still and curl up into Miguel’s side.
“Dulces sueños, mi vida. If you need anything during the night, just let me know.”
“Okay. Night, Miggy. Love you, Miggy. Thanks for picking me up.” you nodded, nuzzling into his pectoral. Miguel felt something wet covering his chest and realised you were already out and drooling all over him. He chuckled – it wasn’t a problem for him. He’d let you do whatever as long as you were safe and sound and comfortable. And if you felt all those things in his arms, who was he to complain?
And as you fell into a deep slumber, you smiled, feeling your boyfriend’s grip tighten around you.
The following day, you did have a killer headache (that could’ve been much worse if Miguel hadn’t advised you to take those pills) and your limbs felt heavy and weird, and when Miguel asked you if you had any memories of the previous night, you shook your head and told him no.
You did not tell him the sweet words he’d said to you, about a future and marriage were engraved in your brain, and your heart.  
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A/N: And that's it!! Once again, I hope you guys have liked it. I am aware that it's short, and I haven't written for Miguel in a while, so I hope he's not too OOC. I need to write for my man some more, I have some nice requests for him, and I still have to continue Royal Secret omg, but my exam period is coming up and I'm getting kinda swarmed with papers and reports and whatnot. Luckily, I'll be able to write more when all of that is over.
I hope y'all have a wonderful day ahead!!!! <3
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luveline · 8 months
Hey gorgeous! I think I saw somewhere that you’d be open to taking a shot at Steddie x reader and I have this fall idea that’s been stuck in my head :) all 3 are together getting ready for a Halloween party but Eddie and reader argue about how to do Steve’s makeup and everyone gets totally distracted ❤️
ty for your request! steddie x fem, 1k
"Yes," you say, more to yourself than Steve as you close his bedroom door. "Quick, babe, while he's gone." 
Steve sits back in his bed unbothered. "You know I'm not gonna kiss you while he's gone. He gets antsy." 
"Not kissing. I'm gonna do your vampire makeup, duh." 
"That's an even worse idea," Steve says, though his protests die as you climb onto the bed and over his legs. "We'll get in trouble." 
"Eddie wants to make you look goth. I want to make you look like a vampire, not like someone from KISS." Truthfully, you're not trying to do Steve's makeup because you think you know better —you want to do it because Eddie will get fake mad with you and maybe throw you around a little bit. Teasing him is your favourite girlfriend's duty. "Am I too heavy?" 
"Shut up." 
You bring your hand to his bare face, stroking his cheek with the back of your hand. "So loving. Did you put moisturiser on?" 
Steve saves you from having to stand up again, having moisturised well. If you needed to you couldn't anyhow, his hands on your hips and locked like he's worried you're gonna topple off of him and fall the three feet to the floor, injuring yourself grievously. 
You start with white powder over his face, darkening the hollows of his eyes and cheeks with a dark purple colour for fun. He sits patiently, letting you turn his face this way and that.
"You want lipstick?" you ask, holding his jaw in one hand, a whisper so as not to disrupt the quiet that's fallen. 
"How about you put some on?" he asks. "That way I'll get some eventually." 
The image of you trading kisses for lipstick is inescapable. You want desperately to dig your face into his neck and kiss him, but the white make up transfers. "You owe me one for that." 
"Liked that, huh?" he asks lightly. 
"Liking it less." You sit back on his thighs and look him over. "I'm no good at mascara on other people, Eddie'll have to do it." 
"Eddie won't be able to do it," Steve says, and there would be pink to his cheeks if he wasn't covered, "you know what he's like, he can't not kiss you if he's close enough." 
You have a hickey on the side of your neck to prove it, skin purpled and yellowed from nights of being the little spoon. He doesn't mean to go so far, but it's hardly like you mind. As long as he doesn't go too high to be covered by your collar, he can kiss you whatever way he likes. 
Speaking of, your dark-haired boyfriend finally reappears, shirtless and yawning, three coat hangers in his hand that hold your clothes freshly steamed for tonight's party. "Hey," he says, looking down, his back arched backward as he shakes out your dress. He doesn't have a clue how good looking he is or how warm his bad posture makes you feel, how it emphasises the slightest muscle of his abdomen and the slimmer outline of his waist. "Y/N, I don't think the creases are ever gonna come out of your dress." 
"That's fine. You're just gonna douse me in syrup anyways." 
Eddie looks up smiling but his eyes quickly narrow, tossing your clothes over the dresser with a betrayed squeak. "You fucking sneak! I should've known you were gonna do it while I was gone. Babe, go wipe that shit off so I can do it again." 
"I can't do that," Steve says. 
"Why not?" 
"Uh, because that's, like, a cardinal rule? Happy wife, happy life."
"What's the rule about heartbroken boyfriends?" Eddie asks. He's talking and looking at Steve but he's approaching you, grabbing your hands in an attempt to steamroll you back into the bedsheets. 
You laugh, putting up a good fight for a time, but your laughter has you weak and it's not long before Eddie's pushed you down onto Steve's bed, a knee between your thighs as he clamps your arms flat on either side of you. 
"You'd look so fucking sick in the Star Child makeup, please let me do it." 
"How about you guys go half and half?" Steve asks. 
Eddie turns his gaze to you, glaring, a loving quirk to his lip as he bends over you. "You're such a fucking sneak. I swear, you do it to piss me off." 
"That's exactly why I do it," you say, squirming in his tight grip. He squeezes you as if to show that he's stronger than he looks, getting closer and closer as your defences wane. "You're an easy target, how is that my fault?" 
"I'm an easy target? Which one of us is pinned down right now, sweetheart?" 
"Guys," Steve says, defeated through laughter, "you always do this! You fight and make up and someone decides to take my clothes off and we never get anywhere!" 
"Who said we're taking your clothes off, Stevie?" Eddie asks. 
"He's so presumptuous," you murmur agreeably. 
"Right?" Eddie nips down to kiss you, his smile a tight line pressed to the seam of yours. You kiss up and he relaxes ever so slightly, his hands loosening at your wrists to take your hands and hold them instead. 
"Forgive me?" you ask into his mouth. 
Eddie kisses a sharp stripe from the corner of your lips to your eye. "Nope." He punctuates with one last kiss before sitting up, and again, he can't know that the pose he's in could sell magazines, head tipped back and your joined hands held to his naked stomach. You sit up to be as close to him as possible. "I accept your half and half deal. You'll look like an idiot." 
You offer a hand to Steve and he accepts it. Eddie looks at him like he might try to eat him, but there's a real, soft love in his eyes as you both look up into Steve's pale face.
"She didn't do your eyes, huh?" Eddie asks fondly. 
"You'll do it for me, right? I can't do that shit, the wand. I'll blind myself." 
"Obviously I'll do it for you. Imagine the tension." 
You giggle happily and drop back down, yanking on their hands as you go. "Well, don't be too tense. You guys still have to pour that jug of fake blood on me." 
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amyrahrose · 4 months
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⁖Content warning: Sexual theme between Geto and reader, adult theme, unprotected sex (wrap it up!), dominant Geto!, READER IS BLACK FEMALE CODED.
Synopsis: Geto and Y/n are at her yearly office party, and while Y/n is having a great time, she's unaware of Geto's displeasure in it all. Especially how you keep entertaining one of your coworkers a little too much for Geto's liking. Well it looks like he's going to have to teach you (and your coworker) a lesson. ✨
•Author's Notes: 18 and Under, GET TA STEPPIN! Everyone else, please enjoy and feel free to like and repost 😊🤎
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The events that led up to this happened faster than you could breath. One minute you were engaging into some small talk with your coworkers, laughing at a corny joke one of the guys just told, and the next your were being dragged off by an unseen presence, only catching the shocked expressions from the small group you were just apart of. 
“What the hell is happening?” You think to yourself as you’re still being dragged away. You turned around, ready to give the person a piece of your mind when you notice who it is that has a hold of you.
“Geto.” You breathe out with a roll of your eyes. You should’ve know it was him, who else would have the balls to pull something as crazy as that at your office party? 
You loved your boyfriend, with every fiber of your being, but he was very possessive and had jealous tendencies when it came to you. Every guy, in his eyes, only wanted to take you away from him and claim you as theirs. It was even one time when he gave an elderly man a death glare for, as Geto puts it, smiling a little too hard for his liking at you. 
“Suguru, you’re crazy, what could an old man like that possibly want with me?”
“Well duh babe, isn’t it obvious, he wants the same thing I beg you to let me eat out every night.” Geto said matter-of-fact, in the middle of the grocery store. You were about to tell him off until you looked over at the elderly man sporting a shit-eating grin on his face, confirming what Geto said. Let’s just say you haven’t been back there to shop since. 
“Y/n, I tried being on my “best behavior” but I couldn’t take how that fucker was staring at you anymore, practically eye-fucking you, So I came to your rescue.” He said with a not so innocent smile. 
You scoffed, “I didn’t need you to rescue me from anyone, and Kento is harmless, he sees me as a friend.” Geto threw his head back in a fit of laughter. “Yea, sweatheart a friend he wants to fuck but don’t worry, after this, he wouldn’t dare look your way again.” He said with a smirk. 
Your breath hitched in your throat, you had a feeling where this may be leading.
“Louder sweatheart, I don’t think they can hear you.” Geto stated with a smirk dancing on his lips. He had you locked up in the restroom for the last thirty minutes, bent over the sink with his dick buried deep into your cunt. You barely stood a chance once he pushed you into the restroom, solidifying what was to come. 
“Please Geto, please.. it won’t happen again.” You moaned out, trying to plead your case. Part of you wanted him to stop, slightly embarrassed that this was happening in the same building where you see your coworkers everday, but the other part of you enjoyed every minute of it. The pleasure of his thick, veiny cock, pulsating inside of you overshadowed the consquences waiting on the other side of the door. 
“You’re sorry for what princess?” Geto breathed against your neck, licking and sucking on your spot behind your ear. “You’re sorry for laughing at the lame fucker’s joke? Hmm? Say “I promise I won’t do it again daddy”. Scream it out loud so Kento could hear.” He stated with a devilish smile. You moaned, shaking your head no at his request. Tsking at your protest, Geto pulled you up by your box braids and slammed your back against his chest, causing him to pound deeper inside you. 
“Was that a no sweetheart? Would you rather I finish fucking you out infront of everybody? I don’t mind letting them know who’s pussy this belongs too, especially your lame ass coworker.” He smiled against your back. His threat had you clenching around him, leaving a creamy, white coat around his dick. 
He groaned, “You like that, huh? You like the thought of being whored out infront of people, having them watch as I stretch this pussy out, filling you up?” His thrust becoming harder and sharper at the image of having you laid infront of group of people as he claimed what was his. 
With a shaky breath, you whispered out a small no, only for it to come out louder when Geto reached around and started rubbing your clit.
“That’s funny your lips are saying one thing, but she’s telling me something different.” He groaned and licked his lips at the sight of where you two connected, your pussy molding around he dick like it was made specifically for him. Clenching and milking him for everything he’s got, he knew it wouldn’t be long before he nutted.
“C’mon say it pretty girl. Let ‘em know you’re mine.” He demanded as he continued his assault on your clit and pussy. He know you were at your breaking point too from the way you tried grinding back against him. 
“I’m yours Geto. I’m yours” You squeaked out, eyes rolling back as you felt him rub your clit with more intensity. 
“That’s it baby, good girl. Say it again, louder.” He panted, watching you be submissive had Geto on cloud nine. 
“I’m yours Geto, only yours, I promise! Please Daddy, let me cum.” You whimpered out. That’s all it took for Geto to lose control. 
His thrust were unrelenting as he started deep stroking you, kissing your cervix with his fat tip, spelling his name over and over with the tip of his finger on your clit. With his lips pressed against your ear he whispered, “Look at me.” 
You looked up in the mirror to see Geto purple eyes already trained on you, staring at you with such an intensity it made you dizzy. 
He watched you for a few seconds more, before speaking one word that possesses you.
“Cum.” He demanded with a deep, territorial growl. As if magic, you came all over Geto’s dick. Waves of pleasure racking over your body as your juices splashed all over yourself and his lower half. He let out a hiss, eyes rolling to the back of his head as he felt your walls clamping down on his dick. With a few more thrusts, Geto drew out a long moan as he cummed deep inside you, hot thick ropes of his cum painting your insides white. Both of you stayed like that for a while, breathing hard coming down from the high. With a kiss to your neck, Geto slid out of you slowly, causing a moan to slip past both of your lips. 
Turning to meet his eyes, he sported a goofy grin before saying, “Now let’s go back out and enjoy the party.” 
You walked out the restroom, head hanging in shame as you felt all eyes on you and Geto. Geto on the other hand could care less, walking out with his head held high, smirking while basking in the attention. You didn’t think it all bad until you heard your boyfriend begin to talk, your stomach falling to your ass.
“Hey, Kento was it? Pleasure to meet you man. I’m sure you already know who I am. Hey, could you tell me that joke you told y/n? I’m dying to know what was so funny.” 
Yea it’s definitely time to cash in that vacation and leave the office for a little while.
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© 2024 Amyrahrose. Please do not translate, copy, plagiarize, or repost (sharing links is fine 🤎) without my permission. You will only find my entries/content on tumblr!
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apollosfavkiddo · 2 months
hi, I’m not great at requesting things but if this makes sense could you write a high school au where Jason is a football player. I think it would be cute cause he’s definitely tall enough and strong enough but then add in him being kind and wow he would make the BEST high school football player boyfriend. Thank you
⛧° Jason Grace x Nerdy! Reader hcs °⛧
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content: jason grace x reader, college au!
warnings: cursing, allusions to sexual stuff (not much tho), stupidtly fluffy and corny.
a/n: bby if i tell you i dreamt about this, would you believe me? like, i swear to all the gods, i dreamt with this and woke up thinking about writing it… well, here ya go. oh, and i also made her a brazilian, i hope you don’t mind? if you do, just ignore it, please 🫡
⛧° 。 ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆༺♱༻⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ 。°⛧
Of course, he’s a great football player.
Like, i know no shit about football, i’m a soccer girly, but he’s the best quarterback in the city. like, he’s really really good.
And obviously everyone believes he’s such an asshole and a womanizer.
But in reality he’s so so nice
Sure, he sleeps with some girls and all, but not as much as his teammates.
He’s also the only jock that sticks with a girlfriend. Not for long, but still more than the other guys ig
So when he was having trouble with maths, he needed a tutor, cause he had to have a back up plan of he didn’t went for the pros
Such a nice boy, fr.
And he went talk with the teacher to ask who could teach him.
And that’s when he found you.
You weren’t exactly a super nerd. You just liked to study.
But you had a lot of friends, since being the only exchange student did bring this sort of popularity around the university.
And when he first came to you, you were kinda bitchy.
You know, you had a bit of hatred towards football players. No idea why, it was just there.
Even with that, you were too kind-hearted to don’t tutor him.
And when you got to know each other… you kinda started liking him.
On your first study session, the library was too full, so you went to the outside
Which was really working out, till Jason found a little bird that probably fell from his nest
The guy was so worried that he almost took the bird home
He would’ve done it if you didn’t stop him
But he found the nest and put the little bird back there
And you just stood there, like “what the fuck? isn’t he supposed to be a douche?”
It happens that he’s not.
And you became pretty good friends with the frequent study sessions and all.
Not to mention he was pretty offended when you told him you didn’t like football.
And you were very offended when he asked if the spoke Spanish in Brazil.
He knew it didn’t, he just did it to piss you off.
He really wanted you to go to one of his games, but you never said you were really going.
So, one day, when his team was having a match against Briar University, he was more than surprised to see you at the stands, right in the front.
With his jersey. With his number and name on your back.
He honestly felt he was gonna cry right then and there.
He got so happy he made a touchdown. They won.
And you were there, cheering for him and pretending like you understand anything that was going on there.
When the game ended, he came rushing towards you.
“Congrats, Gra-“ Before you could even finish your sentence, he kissed you.
Oh, and it was heaven.
After this, you started dating and it was the best thing you ever experienced.
He was such a gentleman.
Doors? Don’t even touch that. Dates? He’s paying, duh. You’re tired? He’ll carry you, bridal style.
You get the point.
You started liking football because of him. And he started liking soccer because of you.
a/n: i don’t know what to feel about this lol. idk what you’ll think of the brazilian thing, but if you don’t like it, i’ll remake it, promise!
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sluttywonwoo · 1 year
Skz thot incoming bc I saw u asked oops - seven minutes in heaven with Han who’s secret bf so it goes from kissing to him fingering you with a hand over your mouth in like thirty seconds flat
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“thank god the bottle landed on me or i would’ve killed myself.”
you roll your eyes and shove your boyfriend, sending him tumbling into the hamper behind him. he’d been on his knees, unsteady already, but you didn’t mean to push him that hard.
“oi, what was that for?” he grumbles, righting the hamper and himself.
“for being so dramatic.”
“i’m not being dramatic! the bottle was this close to landing on minho and then you’d be in this closet with him for seven minutes.”
“yeah, but we wouldn’t be doing anything, ji. the ‘heaven’ part of seven minutes in heaven isn’t guaranteed.”
“yeah but he’d definitely try something,” jisung mutters.
“oh my god.”
“knowing him! c’mon you know i’m right. have you seen yourself?”
you purse your lips. “do you really want to spend all seven minutes arguing over this or do you want to actually put them to good use?”
jisung sighs and pulls you onto his lap.
“for the record, if everyone knew we were dating, i wouldn’t have to worry so much about one of the other boys trying to get in your pants.”
“first of all, weird way to put it. second of all, you know why they can’t know. and third of all, i thought we agreed not to talk about this anymore.”
“i know, i know. i just-”
“so kiss me.”
he does, cradling the back of your head with his hand. he slips his tongue into your mouth the moment you part your lips in a moan. you want to grind down onto him but it’s hard to through the tight pants you’re both wearing.
jisung had chosen leather out of all things.
sensing your frustration, he snakes his free hand down between your bodies to unbutton your pants. it’s still difficult for him to get his hand down them, considering how big it is, but he manages to wiggle it in so that he’s cupping you over your underwear.
“fuck, you’re wet. what’s all this for?”
“you, duh.”
“well i’d hope so,” he scoffs, “but why?”
“you know i get horny when i drink,” you whine. “and this hair color looks so good on you, and your pants are tight in all the right places-”
“shit, you just got even wetter, i can feel it running down my fingers.”
“touch me, ji,” you plead, trying to grind into his hand.
“i got you, baby. let’s just get these pants down a little… there we go.”
your body slumps against his when he slides two of his fingers inside of you. you feel him chuckle and kiss the top of your head before repositioning you so that your back is against his chest.
“i’m surprised you haven’t already jumped me tonight,” jisung admits. “just knowing how turned on you are right now.”
“i have self-control,” you mumble.
“what’s that supposed to mean?”
“nothing, but if you think it means something then what does that say about your restraint?” the end of your sentence gets cut off because jisung started to move his fingers to shut you up but you know he gets the gist.
“what was that?” he asks.
“fuck you.”
“you already are.”
“i wish i wasn’t.”
“you know that’s not true. just feel how wet you are for me, baby.”
your head lolls back against his shoulder. “fuck, go faster please.”
“that’s what i thought.”
he speeds up and adds a third finger, making you whimper involuntarily.
“shhh, gotta be quiet, baby,” he whispers. “can’t let them know what we’re really doing in here.”
“can’t help it…” you choke out.
jisung’s solution is to hold his other hand over your mouth to muffle the noises you’re making. it’s effective, but it only turns you on even more, and you know jisung can feel you tightening around his fingers.
“how many minutes do you think we have left?” he asks, “maybe three?” you nod against his hand. your guess is about the same. “i’ve made you cum in less time. this should be easy.”
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Obey Me Brothers + "Big Bro" Kink [+18]
Happy Valentines! Or not anymore... Well, it's a romance month for me! I have honestly no ideas about any cute scenarios so... me being horny. As you do. This time with the full cast of brothers... Although Belphie kind of... Got special treatment from me... As he does. *cough*
Warnings: Implied incest, duh (but only as roleplay here), dubcon (especially on Asmo and Belphie) but everyone is super into it, verbal manipulation with Belphie + him saying one thing and doing another but also in roleplay. Use of "MC" and "Sib/Sibling".
Author loving Belphie too much aka excessive Belphie content.
Also, just so nobody wastes their time, check the tags for dom/sub dynamics. Satan and Beel aren't there because I feel they don't fall into any here lol.
Lucifer ❤️
You say it teasingly because he's totally in his own "taking care of the family" mode again, while he's trying to do his work, solve your life problems, and help you with homework, all at the same time.
And his reaction?
Not again.
He just sends you a withering look, completely not taking it seriously
You hang out with his brothers, after all, you were probably just messing with him
Privately, it's a bit of a different story
Still doesn't take it seriously but will sigh lovingly instead, messing with your hair
"Yes yes, big brother is going to take care of this."
Cue you blushing like an idiot
Cue him going "💡"
Laughs softly at it. But I mean, honestly, you should have been just honest with your desires.
He's gonna make sure to fulfill them completely now, after all~
Gets "gentle dom" and "service dom" in big brother mode. Really likes to pat your head and give you forehead kisses. Being a big brother means taking care of someone to him after all.
"Oh, like that?"
"Does that feel good?"
"Don't move. You don't have to worry about anything… Your big brother is taking care of you…"
Mammon 💛
You just say it randomly, to tease him.
His reaction is a mix of embarrassment and a kind of strangely pleased reaction.
Because you're family. You said so! - is his first thought
But also embarrassing because gez, it's embarrassing okay!
You will have to lay it thick that it's a kink. 
So you do - springing it on him during sex. A terrible idea, really. But you can turn it into a joke, he won't mind.
"W-What are you saying!" He stutters, he blushes, and huffs about it...
But his reaction... Is not bad. :>
He likes to be the "seduced" big bro. Really subby, "I can't give in to my desires!" type.
Naturally, it will make you bratty as hell, taking advantage.
Handcuffing him into the headboard with a giggle, climbing right into his lap, squirming your butt around, totally on purpose. With your shirt collar hanging open, and you will see his eyes flicker down, him blushing, trying to pretend like he didn't look at all.
"What's with ya, MC? Dumb prank, one Lucifer is enough, ya know? C'mon..."
But you will only grin, tilting your head teasingly.
"But don't you think I'm cute, big bro?"
He will only gulp in response.
Levi 🧡
He asked you to. It was a bad idea.
You were cosplaying a typical cutesy "little sibling", and you asked you to get in character... So you did... A little too well, shuffling your feet as if shy, looking at him with wide, innocent eyes and saying;
"Is this good, big bro?"
Oh no.
Hell no.
Levi snaps a quick photo and promptly runs the fuck away.
Because he popped the biggest boner in his life in promptly 0.3 seconds. Seriously, he almost got dizzy.
You get a "💡"
He's a damn filthy pervert so he likes all types of little sibling treatment from you - from a cold tsundere act, to a cute innocent cinnamon roll, to a teasing brat.
Which, naturally, produces a bit of different flavors from him.
He's probably the biggest, open perv with a tsundere-type lil sibling.
"Tch, stop drooling, it's disgusting." While you sit on his lap as you play video games, and can't stop sniffing your hair, and you can feel his erection pressing into your back, and he wasn't drooling but he sure as hell is now. Pressing himself closer, lifting you up a bit so e can thrust right against your ass, his body shivering.
The innocent act makes him feel like the biggest pervert though.
"Y-You shouldn't touch those places, big bro..." While he quite shamelessly gropes around your chest, his hands trailing through your stomach to massage the inside of your thighs, hips, fingers rubbing right against your front. 
"D-Don't worry... I'm just measuring you... F-For cosplay, y-you know?" He says, flushed to high heavens, not even looking away from your body.
"Oh? Wanna see?~" You ask, grasping onto the hem of your maid dress that was certainly way too short, grinning at Levi, who spent the last fifteen minutes trying to not look at your legs, your revealed thighs... The absolute territory... And now this. "Then get on your knees, big bro~ And beg like a dog~!" You honestly expected more preamble but he looks at your face and just drops. It's a bit too heavy, and he's being a good boy so you decide not to tease him... Too much. Lifting up your maid skirt, high above your waistline, fully revealing your underwear, right in front of his face. "Fufu~~ Big bro is a dirty sibcon~~"
Asmo 🩷
He asked you to. It was a great idea.
Asmo really doesn't get to be the big bro a lot... Not in the official sense, his younger brothers rather mostly rather willing to swallow glass than be his cute little siblings.
So he gets an idea while painting your nails, gently blowing at the nail polish.
"Now you look like part of the family you know. So... How about you thank your new big brother for his hard work, okay hon?~"
He had his ideas before, little to no kinks he didn't want to try but...
When he feels lust waffling from you while you answer... Oooh, this was good.
He brings it up all the time, wanting to be called big brother, or even big sister, as long as it makes you squirm and flush and makes you so so adorable, he could eat you up!
Then one day, he catches you masturbating... And decides to be the right bastard about it. Because you didn't need to, or didn't tell him, so he has a right to tease you a bit!
He gently catches your hands while you stutter, heart beating like crazy with embarrassment, or because he startled you or because you were still so so turned on.
And you don't know what you expected... But he leans into your space, slides his own hand into your underwear, and... Oh.
"Big brother is going to teach you how to do it properly, okay?" He says, expertly playing with you with his delicate dexterous fingers. "Pay attention, silly... Or do you need him to make you feel good, hm? Because it doesn't feel that good when you do it alone?" He giggles. "Big bro is going to make you cum of his fingers everytime, if you only ask... Unless you need more?~"
Satan 💚
He does not hear that a lot... It's kind of amusing.
You say that while you two play with the cats. Because you notice how gentle and protective he is of them. And it just reminds you... So you put on a pair of cat ears, and decide to goof around a bit.
"Such a purrfect cat big brother, Satan. Pet me too, big bro~!" 
He has to cover his face not to laugh, and he sighs but does reach out and runs his fingers through your hair, petting along your neck like you were truly a cute little kitty cat.
He doesn't really expect it but from that day on, he kind of enjoys having a needy cat "little sibling". Makes him more affectionate towards you, and if you had problems asking for affection before, well, this role strangely boosts your bravery.
The turn towards sexual happens accidentally, actually... He just starts cuddling up to you, touches turning more intimate when he notices... You wearing the "cat sibling" headband... He freezes for a moment, his face turning red... And makes a gamble.
"... Do you need big brother's affection here too?" He asks quietly, gently petting lower...
Beel 💙
It starts because talking with him and Belphie, observing their interaction, you decide - he's way more of a proper big brother, than most of his brothers are.
So before asking him for any little favor, you add on a little "big bro", to reference that conversation, turn the phase into your secret praise of his character.
He's... Honestly a bit confused but since he also knows the context, well, he can't say he dislikes it.
It becomes such a natural part of your relationship, it's honestly only a matter of time before it slips out in bed...
And it does.
He's giving you head, and fuck, it's Beel quality head, meaning - he has been sloppily, hungrily sucking and licking you for at least an hour now, with no signs of stopping. You don't know how many times you came already, but somehow you don't even feel too overstimulated yet. Just hot, panting, feeling almost like you were floating, completely lost in his warm, wet, mouth.
"Ah... Feels good, big bro..." You mutter, not even aware of what you're saying... And his gaze snaps to your face, half-lidded eyes, look intense...
And he shudders. Grabs onto your thighs to bring you even closer, make you cum even more-
You're almost completely out of it before he's done... But you make sure to whisper and moan your private little praise for him all through.
Belphie 💜
You kind of call him this one out of the blue. Just realizing that he's the youngest one, that it's probably a foreign concept to him... So you say, half to yourself, half to him, not even respect him to react;
"Big bro Belphie."
And he just stops. And looks.
He did not hear that one for a long time
It takes him completely off guard, but it's not entirely, not really negative... Lilith didn't call him "big bro" a lot but still...
He laughs it off, and proceeds to turn goblin mode to tease you about it.
"Big bro Belphie... Is that what you want to call me now, MC?"
Cue your embarrassed "No!"
He laughs... And proceeds to remember it forever, using it against you when you two are alone.
Seriously, you can be studying in the public library, in a group with Satan and Mammon, and the moment they start doing a ruckus, Belpie will lean in close, just to whisper in your ear;
"Need your big bro to help you with that?~" 
And just smirk smugly, like a cat that got its cream, when they turn around to find you red in the face and speechless.
He really likes you embarrassed like that.
And you just gave him new material.
Really, that was the fuel but you light the match - because he gets whiny, and complains in the mornings so you just say:
"If you want to be a big brother so much, then start acting like it." Grumpily.
Ah, so that's how you two were going to play? 
"Well, big brother missed you in his dreams, so how about you give him a little initiative to get up?"
Aaaand you blush. But do give him a kiss. And then another and another when he asks.
Hm... Interesting.
He starts really liking it when you call him that. He's not sure why but it makes him feel all... Fluffy. And protective.
Then one day you wake up to the feel of his hands creeping up under your shirt slowly, massaging your nipples with a gentle caress before drifting down, along your hips, the elastic of your pajama pants, and...
"Belphie..." You whisper, and he lets out a small noise, pressing himself flush to your body, not letting you turn around, hot breath against the nape of your neck.
"... Big bro was having really dirty dreams about you, MC." He says, his voice slightly shaky, and he expects you to get annoyed to tell him to stop... But you don't. You freeze, and get red in the face, and he can feel your legs squeezing together. It makes him huff a quiet laugh in response. "So just let him touch you a bit, okay? Not gonna do more, promise..."
He will mutter and fuck, the hotness down in your belly is so intense you already feel like panting.
So you... You play along. With high, whining voice, both embarrassed and strangely... Tiltilated.
"Y-You can't touch me like this, it's not right..."
You can feel him shiver in response, his hips sifting almost against his will, pressing his erection into your thighs...
"Shh, it's okay... Big bro is just making himself feel good. You feel good too, right? Then rhere's nothing wrong about this..."
You put on the whining protests all the way through, despite your hips eagerly pressing back into him, body arching into his touch.
And he keeps with his reassurances, promising he won't do more, just let him touch you a bit... Just give him a kiss, and he will be satisfied. No, a proper one, be a good little sibling, and open your mouth...
He will just take off your pants okay? Just the pants? So you two can touch more, it's more comfortable anyway...
All the way until he's sliding into you, and your eyes roll back, and you swear you almost cum on the spot, body shaking, and reaching back to grasp onto his body, to pull him closer, unable to say anything, letting out quiet panting sobs of pleasure.
"It's gonna be our little secret, okay sib? It's okay, it's okay, we're just feeling good together... I'm gonna pull out, there's nothing to worry about..."
He doesn't, making sure to press himself all the way inside as he fills you up, warmth spreading inside, making you tremble...
You kind of... Fully come around after that.
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findafight · 2 years
Ohhh fic where Steve and Robin and Dustin and Erica all casually make funny little haha jokes with each other about getting tortured/almost caught by the Russians under Starcourt because they all have that shared trauma and had many a long late night calls reassuring each other they're alive and playing dnd together and fulfilling lifetime supply of icecream obligations.
They do this because sure the rest of the party knew there were Russians under Starcourt but everything they went through in that basement was sorta...forgotten in the aftermath of literal flesh monster. And with Hopper dead and the Byers moving, there's so much happening that whatever happened to Steve's face (lost another fight...) and why he and Robin went from mildly antagonistic co-workers to codependent goobers who couldn't go literally a day without seeing the other or what made Dustin always ask if Erica was going to come for party hang outs are all sort of brushed under the rug. Not a big deal, really. Bigger things happening after everything.
And they cope together and scoops troop is a weird little section of the party no one but them really understands. Robin and Steve are attached at the hip and to a lesser extent so are Erica and Dustin (but they'll never admit it), and they all have mini gatherings together.
So, the casual mentioning of starcourt and specifically what went down with the Russians is commonplace for them. (Erica is quick to remind them she saved their asses, and are they so lame they need her help again? but she smiles and Steve and Robin just laugh and give her a big hug.) And somehow, they forget that not everyone really knows what went down before July 4th 1985.
And I want them to do it in front of everyone. I want them to have their stupid "this was so fucked up but we're alive and we got through it so now we have to laugh or we may never stop crying about it" banter at a big "we saved the world again!" Barbecue. I want the rest of the folks there to go silent and them not to notice.
I want someone to mention Steve not getting a black eye this time, congrats! and Robin going "the only reason why I didn't get one last time was because the Russians said-"
And Steve, who is lying with his head in her lap, reaches up to gently cup her cheek and says in a terrible Russian accent "don't worry, we will not ruin your pretty face!" (everyone is quiet around them, they do not notice)
She laughs. "And punched me in the gut a few more times. I peed blood for like, three days."
Steve goes "ewwww" only to be pinched by robin.
"you peed blood too, dingus. You got it worse than me and my pretty face."
He giggles and opens his hand up for a high five "pissing blood buddies, hell yeah!" And shifts in her lap. "But they bruised my pretty face. Rude."
"aww. It's okay, Stevie, your face is still so pretty. Prettiest boy in Hawkins."
"thanks Robin."
"at least Dustin and Erica got us out before they started ripping out fingernails." She shudders.
"or used the bonesaw"
"mmm. Unfortunately not before we got funky truth serum drugs though."
He leans up, looking at the two "y'all couldn't have been a bit faster?" But he's smiling, teasing. A well worn joke.
Dustin and Erica respond simultaneously with "I'm missing bones, Steve, what do you want from me?" And "I was ten and my legs were short as shit. Beggars can't be choosers." Respectively.
It is at this point an Actual Grown Up butts in.
"what. What do you mean ripping out fingernails?"
Robin and Steve look towards Joyce, who asked.
"like. To interrogate us? Because we just kept saying we worked for scoops even with the truth serum."
"because they thought we had to be superspies to get into their creepy lair and not a bunch of kids."
Hopper jumps in "wait. You were tortured by them?"
Robin and Steve give him eerily similar looks that express how obvious the answer to that is.
"yeah, duh."
"I don't go looking to get brain damage every year, you know."
Hoppers eye twitches. "Why didn't you say anything?"
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moremaybank · 1 year
headcanons about being pregnant with jj maybank
-͟͟͞☆ pregnancy headcanons with jj...
warnings: mentions of pregnancy/sex, mentions of smoking weed (jj, not reader)
jj masterlist
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the man is so overprotective, and he worries about you like it's his second nature, so he won't let you do anything
he's always rubbing your feet after you've been running around all day
always there to satisfy your pregnancy cravings, no matter how odd they are
has his hands on your belly, caressing it as he talks to your baby
"you're totally gonna be a daddy's girl. or daddy's boy. or a daddy's baby. i don't care. either way, you're gonna love me. i'm super cool."
and you're rolling your eyes playfully, but you think it's the sweetest thing ever
he's constantly taking pictures and videos of you because he's obsessed with you, even more so now that you're growing his child
you catch him filming you one day as you're swaying back and forth, trying to soothe the baby who's kicking like crazy
"you look so pretty, baby"
"i look like i swallowed a watermelon whole," you reply with a frown
decorating the nursery together, and jj buys a miniature surfboard
"what? we're gonna have a lil' baby pogue. they're gonna be cruising the waves just like their daddy."
giving you belly rubs because it's relaxing for you and for the baby
"you're so sexy like this, baby. i like the fact that everyone knows that's my kid in there."
helping you put your shoes on 'cause you can't reach your feet anymore
"my own personal cinderella"
standing behind you and wrapping his arms around you so he can gently lift your belly in his large palms to give your back/body some relief
kissing your belly all the time
if you've ever watched how i met your mother (highly recommend if you haven't), you might remember marshall and lily hosting a mock game show to find out if ted, barney or robin would be the godparent(s)
so naturally, jj does his own pogue-style version with the group
also naturally, pope excels because he's extremely well educated
"i always knew my boy pope would win"
"then why did you have to hold a competition?"
"...because it's fun. duh."
he's always saying the most random things out of nowhere
"...wait. does this mean i have to stop smoking?"
"you're not the one that's pregnant, jj."
"does this mean we can't fuck anymore? 'cause i'm not tryna poke the baby's head with my schlong. that's just rude."
and you're just like "really? that's where your mind's at right now?"
honestly it's just a fun time seeing the biggest (and sweetest) goof you know prepare to be in charge of a whole other person's life
jj tag list (join here!): @maybankslover @kittyqrt @skydisneylover @v-velvetykisscs @hobiibobii @rafesdior @fool4him @hemogloban @pankhoeforlife @rafesmuse @lyn07 @houseofperfecttaste
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Girls like girls
Deena Johnson x fem reader
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You moved to Shadyside a few months ago, you've heard about about this town being a shithole, and some sort of witch called Sarah Fier possessing people turning them to killers which sounds stupid in Y/n's opinion.
Her Dad died when she was 13, and it shattered y/n's heart. Her mom became a alcoholic, so y/n had to support herself.
Y/n's mother had moved to Shadyside for a fresh start, Y/n thought moving to Shadyside would be the worst idea, but she actually met three amazing people who changed her life.
Y/n met Kate through cheerleading ever since you got on the team. she was your first best friend, but one secret Kate told you was that she sells drugs with her other best friend Simon so they could leave Shadyside one day.
Y/n was totally supportive of that, and she also met Simon, Simon, and y/n's friendship was very flirty they would often flirt and mess around with each other. Y/n had a crush on Simon at first but he had eyes for another girl at school so she knew it would never work, but she still loved Simon as a bestie, He cheered y/n up when she was sad and he was the life of the party.
But the one person that stood out to Y/n was Deena Johnson, She seen Deena in band, Y/n thought she was the most beautiful girl she'd ever seen, her freckles and curly hair. Kate introduced you to Deena. Y/n was very nervous, and she felt like she was going to melt.
You thought you weren't going to be close to Deena but in the end you and Deena were very close, you guys talk about Shadyside, you both hang out alot after-school, you both listen to The pixies.
Y/n wanted to make a move to ask Deena out and tell her that she liked her, but Deena started dating Sam. Deena was very happy, and y/n loved seeing her happy, but she doesn't feel happy that she's with someone else.
Deena and Sam had been dating for six months until they broke up since Sam moved to sunnyvale.
Y/n was there for Deena when Deena needed a shoulder to cry on. She was there for Deena and and her little ''Fuck Sam" phase. You know how much Deena was angry at Sam but you knew she still loved her and would never get over her, Deena even quit band because of her.
But she got back into the band since Sunnyvale was hosting a candlelight vigil for the victims, so players, cheerleaders, and band had to go.
God, you hated those stuck-up Sunnyvale pricks
You made it inside the bus, seeing people amped up, and all up in your face, which you were very annoyed with, so you saw Deena and sat next to her.
"Hey." Y/n said to Deena.
"Hey." Deena responded.
"I don't wanna fucking do this." Deena said.
" Trust me, me too, I'd rater be at home listening to music, not going to Prissyvale." Y/n said, rolling her eyes.
" I don't want to go there but I have to because I have to give this to someone that I used to- it doesn't fucking matter anyway." Deena said mentioning to the box on her lap, which contains pictures and stuff with her and Sam. Y/n wished she was with Deena before Sam did.
It was silent on the bus ride. y/n looked out the window seeing Sunnyvale.
As the bus driver stopped in front of Sunnyvale High School, everyone got out of the school bus and made it to the football field.
Kate walked up to Y/n. " I know you like Deena." Kate said to Y/n straight forwardly.
" What? Is it really that obvious?" Y/n said to Kate questionly.
" Duh, I saw the way you looked at her when you first met her. You look like it was love at first sight." Kate said, smiling at Y/n.
"Well, it's not love at first sight since she's stuck up on Sam." Y/n said.
" Don't worry, you'll find someone, and if you don't, you always have me." Kate said jokingly.
" Shut up." Y/n said as she blushed at the short girl.
Y/n stands next to Deena, Y/n saw Deena looking for someone in the crowd to see Sam with this guy wrapping his arms around her.
Deena looked heartbroken she wanted to be sucked up in a black dark hole and disappear.
Deena left the football field, which made Y/n feel bad for her.
Y/n followed after Deena saw her sitting down in the corner of a wall.
" What's wrong?" Y/n said as she saw her crying.
"Oh, you know Shadyside being a shithole, seeing someone you use to know with someone else." Deena said sarcastically as she laughs, wiping away her tears.
Y/n comes over to Deena sitting right next to.
" I can't believe that she can just pretend like we weren't together and put up this bullshit facade ever since she moved to Sunnyvale, it was like she was ashamed to even say we were together, like I didn't matter to her, I was gonna give her this box of memories we had together but all I want to do is set it on fire." Deena said, feeling anger rise up.
"Maybe you need to let her go." Y/n said to Deena.
Deena gets up, scoffing as she rolls her eyes as she gets up, looking at y/n.
" Do you think it's that easy, she had a impact of my life, and you just expect me to let it go, God that was really fucked up to say Y/n." Deena said angrily
" I'm just saying she made you felt like shit ever sine you guys broke up, you literally quit band because of her, she literally has a impact of your life that you need to let go of, can't you fucking see." Y/n said, defending herself.
" Why did you want me to let go of her?" Deena said, questioning Y/n.
" I don't want to talk about it." Y/n said as her heart beats rapidly as she wants to admit that she likes deena.
"No, tell me, I mean you have so much blunt honesty to tell me to hurt my feelings, so please tell me Y/n." Deena said, targeting Y/n.
" Because I fucking like you!!! Is that what you want me to say? I wanted to tell you I fucking like you for months, but you were to stuck up on sam, that I felt like I was gonna loose you, I know how much you miss her but I just can't stand you talk about her." Y/n confessed as tears come out of her eyes.
Deena didn't say something as she looked at Y/n in her eyes.
" Deena, please say something... you know what? I'm gonna go and leave you alo-" Y/n was cut off as Deena kisses Y/n passionately cupping her face softly.
Y/n kisses Deena back as she waited for this moment to happen ever since she met Deena.
" I'm so fucking sorry, Y/n I was so stuck up on Sam that I didn't realize how much it affected you, I really liked you when I first met but I was so blinded by Sam and how much I wanted to be with her, I really liked you too but I was too scared to admit it and was so stuck on sam." Denna confesses as she looks at Y/n teary eyes.
" When we're done with this, can we eat cheeseburgers and listen to The Pixies and sing our hearts out." Y/n smiles, laughing with tears in her eyes as Deena laughs with her.
"I would love that, and your right I need to move on from Sam and focus on the good side of my life which is you, and I'm sorry for my attitude, that was very bitchy of me." Deena apologized.
" It's OK I've heard worse." Y/n said smiling at Deena.
Deena kissed Y/n again as she rested her forehead on Y/n's
"Y/n L/n, will you be my girlfriend." Deena asked.
" Of course." Y/n said pecking Deena on the lips.
Deena walked hand in hand as they make it back to the football field.
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blackstarchanx3new · 2 months
FSR rambles 19 traumatic things Link experianced
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Pet him like a cat shadow.
At least Link's normal enough to get up now.
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Shadow's like "Damn this is weird"
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Link's selectively mute still but I'd struggle to talk with four dipshits screaming like cracked out squirrels in my head too so ya know, I don't even blame him for being shitty at communication with Shadow rn.
He's got his priorities in order: FOOD.
Okay but you know Link is mad his plan failed literally the day after he employed it.
I'd be pissed anyway XDDDD
The four of em fell asleep, wake back up and they're right back to square one, ground zero the shit storm he tried to escape from.
That's horrifying in a way I can't quite articulate. "Hopelessness" is the only word coming to mind. Like, everything he did, it didn't matter. It was all for nothing they're BACK to how they were.
His hopes that pulling the sword would fix it: Crushed.
The literal only difference is that Shadow's here.
Which, is BETTER but damn if the disappointment from Link isn't palpable. You can only imagine what's going through his head rn after all this shit, he's just defaulting to a LITTLE BIT of normalcy in making breakfast.
Shadow's back to defaulting to doing: well nothing.
He isn't helping Link and is just WATCHING. Smth literally just yesterday was ALL HE COULD DO.
They're both just defaulting to what they're used to because this shit is too weird.
Is nice of Link to make enough for Shadow though. XD
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Haha okay I can get into this:
Literally Shadow and Link simultaneously know each other and don't.
Yes Shadow had interaction with the colors but Link and Shadow: Nothing.
So of course he feels awkward around him.
They spent forever together and yet still feel so far away.
It's a tough situation.
Link pulling out the "you sure are quiet" is imo, him trying to be funny.
he continues with "thought you'd be more comfortable with me...at least considering how many times we've kissed"
Obviously this is in reference to Vio lmfao (...Also green but uh we'll get into that later). With Link's eyes matching Vio's.
Link is completely fucking with him and it's funny to me at least. Like he's so deadpan but he's being such a goof rn.
Though it is interesting to note how Link directly says Vio is him without any separation here. Since Vio also thought he was Link last night.
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Shadow clearly not knowing HOW Link works is kinda hilarious but also, nobody knows how this works.
Link casually referencing what Vio said in the fire temple, it's much more obvious now he's goofing with Shadow rn.
Shadow realizing the obvious, that Link IS the same person he's been hanging around just mashed together is a small but good reminder. Like link isn't a stranger fully. He's still the four of them.
Shadow just asking "Is this for me" would seem weird but uhh remember:
He didn't have a BED. He's been a SHADOW for YEARS. Like. Shadow being neglected isn't new. So it's a sad notion but he is shocked he'd be given food.
Link kinda having a "Wtf u mean? duh it's for you." moment.
Also the bomb drop that Link knows about Dark Link...Oops.
Exactly what relationship/how he KNOWS about Dark is kinda, left open since he doesn't elaborate what so ever...
It can be assumed he just knows what everyone else does. Buuut. There's always that "but"
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"Link what are you blabbing for they can hear you" - Shadow continuing to not understand how Link works. XD
I don't think it was mentioned anywhere before this but haha Blue was also in on the splitting Link plan. Vio and Red are the only ones left out of some of the loop it seems...But they were mainly worried about Vio catching on.
Link accuratly noting this nightmare isn't anything like the first time. Sorry buddy it's cause you're in an unrated comic by a weirdo fan vs any official Zelda comic. XDDD Which wouldn't allow 90% of what's in this comic I'm sure haha.
Also reasonable train of thought thought Shadow buddy about reverting back into a shadow. What a terrifying thought.
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Aw Link's being sweet and- TRIFORCE
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Yeah Shadow's sweating bullets considering uh the little fact Ganon said "Here catch, you're evil triforce of power man now"
Takes Link a second to remember back on that convo Shadow and Vio had about the triforce in the flashbacks. PG 179-182 ish if you're curious on brushing up on that.
Oh hi Vio.
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I don't think a lot of people caught that this was Vio's design from FS. Which is why Shadow was SO DISTURBED to see him like that. Link's very all over the place mentally and it's showing with his appearance. He's unstable as all hell right now.
Blue chiming in with "Wait a damn minute" remembering Zelda ALSO has the Triforce on her hand.
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Vio and Red are being obtuse/ignorant while Blue and Green know smth's up and are getting pissy about it.
Which just makes Link: All over the damn spectrum of emotion about this right now haha.
I'd get tonal whiplash too Shadow.
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Link going down the list of things he thought Shadow would want haha.
and Shadow's gay lil confession that all he really wants is Link is sweet.
I mean what else does he have to strive for? He gave up on a lot of his old dreams as pointless after becoming apart of the endless cycle of hatred.
It's noteworthy that Link's outfit glitches to black again.
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The line "Which you" was a very fun one to come up with. Because it just, hits ya.
Link isn't one entity. He's multiple. And he literally can't tell who Shadow's talking to in that moment. Because the underlying assumption (To Link and this will become obvious) is that Shadow really only cares about Vio.
All of last night is probably a complete blur/emotional whiplash around Shadow For Link.
Shadow threw a sword at Blue and was VERY hostile, was ALL OVER THE PLACE emotionally with Green mostly being bitter as hell, didn't really acknowledge red and Vio had a complete meltdown over his guilt surrounding Shadow and their friendship and relationship as a whole was all over the place.
Cram that all back together and what is Link supposed to take away from all that. Overall dude had a net negative experience with Shadow and now he's telling him he wants him?
I'd be confused as hell too.
Hi Zelda.
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Safe to say that was inevitable given how badly Link was bugging out this entire time.
He couldn't handle seeing Zelda haha.
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I don't think people caught Vio is just in his "headspace" outfit. Except it isn't pastel color palette.
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Panic attack, featuring Blue. He was the most vocally insistent they draw the sword, was activly trying to force his way out of Link's mish mash body during that whole ordeal. The main take away is that: He HATES being In Link and that was just about the worst nightmare come to life for him.
He doesn't even want Red to touch him, which considering the way it's all but stated Link's magical body is just their bodies pressed together into one form makes the angle that they're all LITERALLY touching each other that much more...ehhh disturbing.
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It's okay guys he just needs a minute alone-
Hah. Everyone's leaving you Vio. Doesn't press on the ol anxieties or anything.
Doesn't make it easy for a certain someone to come visit you.
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Vio's insecurities focusing around being ALONE and himself are smth that's been fun.
He mainly wants to be Link out of pure selfishness and self hatred. Link is an escape from his own accountability, a way for him to keep himself in check. While Blue finds it to be an outright prison.
Everything Dark is saying about here Vio could also be applied to himself and even Dark says that. He looks miserable while saying it too since Vio's problems are starting to hit a lot closer to home.
At least we got Shadow to yank Vio out of his funk. But Dark has no one to do that for him.
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Shadow petting Vio's face here while in a headlock is just, funny to me. Shadow can't affection properly at all lmfao.
But hey he knows when our lil buddy is active. Oops.
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Oh the fun they have together alright. 😏
It'll be a real wet and fun time-
What the hell Dark is talking about is left pretty open for now.
But he is getting sick of just sad reactions to what he says.
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He's nervous when faced with women. Same bro.
Green and Shadow begging for help on wtf to do with their new squid monster is pretty hilarious to me.
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Vio's being perceptive.
"IT IS!?" yeah red. And if you were an interesting character I'd write you doing things. :D
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Surely that won't bite us in the ass later or anything...
Vio's outfit is very covered up because he's emotionally closed off yada yads I've mentioned this before.
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This hasn't been brought up in the comic but Green is afraid of tentacles lmfao so his fear at Dark rn is warranted.
Shadow blatantly not caring what Dark is doing rn because he's busy
Zelda notices right away that Dark defied vaati which must have been weird for her in real time hah.
Shadow's instant response to what to do with Dark is "Murder"
Nice to see you've grown so much shadow lmfao.
Notice how Link being around isn't even the thinly vailed excuse dude just doesn't like Dark Link lmfao. Most of what he said to Dark last night imo was pure projection and again: Not because he cared about Dark. But now he feels like they have an easy to to get rid of him via Zelda. Doesn't have to confront weird feelings if the guy is gone ooomf.
Zelda isn't outright apposed to getting rid of Dark Link but is like "Uhh...But what about link tho-"
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Shadow noticed his hair change.
I'm sure he noticed earlier, it's right in his eye sight but background detail of him actually looking at it like "Wtf?"
Also fun pressure to put on Green when he's strung out to shit rn.
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Uhhhhhh. Okay then.
So Green's got murder trauma.
He's also just sick of the responsibilities piling on him like a crushing weight.
There's smth to be said about how Dark isn't a murderer so, doesn't have blood around his feet haha visual metaphores haha.
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So clarity: Link as a whole person murdered the people who killed his father. And Vio and Green were the ones who had main control in that moment.
Hope that clears some stuff up.
Dark finds this shit hilarious because he's sadistic but Green snaps out of the panic to realize THIS GUY IS DARK LINK.
The moment Green switches from his helpless attire into his current fit was very fun emotionally cause this was the first time someone had ANY amount of control when facing Dark Link. (Excluding Shadow I suppose, in terms of the colors anyway)
Green being a badass is just smth I enjoy and the "Oh shit moment" was very fun to watch people react to haha.
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Dark was so excited when seeing Green acknowledge him.
It really goes to show all of his "Nyeh you're such a shitty person" talk is literally not even his own opinion when it comes to the four colors. He's literally just repeating their insecurities and nothing else. Those words have NO BITE to them because Dark doesn't even believe it.
He's so excited to see Green because Green's the ONLY PERSON Who's truly acknowledged him in the head space.
Dark being so overwhelmed with joy he vomits.
Dark really doesn't have a lot of emotional regulation emotionally or physically. Like. The idea here is he's just, so excited he literally physically cannot handle that shit haha. I made a shitpost about it once but it's kinda just, accurate. XD
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Green's like "Wtf is wrong with you"
because this isn't ANYTHING he thought he'd be dealing with considering how Shadow was acting/talking about him lmfao.
He was expecting Shadow 2.0 and got...This guy.
Guy who apologizes when acting goofy as shit
Guy who is excited to see him overjoyed even...After utterly destroying him not 2 seconds ago.
Just. A silly. Goofy guy.
It is fun to have Dark switch IMEDIATELY to depressed as hell thinking about how he's been so alone.
I would really describe Dark's excitement here as pure mania. because at the root Dark is a depressed individual.
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Dark gives no shits when faced with death.
No begging or pleading for his life just "idk do what you want to I don't care"
Which, Dark Link's lack of care for his own personal safety has been shown off before and will only be a continued trend.
At the end of the day it shows a clear lack of self respect or care for himself.
Dark doesn't value himself.
Green's mercy here is rooted in his own selfishness.
He doesn't WANT to kill Dark Link because he doesn't want to hurt people. Which him and Vio did.
Green is ALSO very exhausted. And what you get is two individuals who would typically be at each other's throats, who aren't interested in fighting each other because they're just so worn out. The drive just isn't there.
Which leads them to being able to actually talk to each other in a meaningful way. And I just find that interesting.
Under different circumstances, these two very well could have fought here. XD
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Head cannons for sandor having a wife/so who’s laboring/giving birth and how he is afterwards when he sees his daughter (bc we all know he’s a girl dad duh)
WOOOO NONNIE inchresting. 🫶🫶🫶 This was super fun to do thank you for this my love 🫶🫶🫶
Pre-dad Sandor would definitely be a worry wart
10x that once his wife is pregnant lmao
very much giving 'let me do it for you'
super fascinated and in awe of his wife's growing belly
Loves rubbing her pregnant belly
Would cut a fool who gets too close to her, or if she gets crowded
Is physically unable to say no to whatever his wife needs
Loveeeessss giving (iykyk) when she aches (;
Mid labor, esp if his wife is having a hard time, Sandor would be panicky as hell, but he wouldn't show it
Ya know men weren't allowed to watch births if he wasn't there he would be scared out of his mind thinking about it
Buttttt if he was there he'd not leave her side
"you're doing so well my love"
Man's accustomed to gore but feels a lil lightheaded watching her crown
Tbh I feel like he wouldn't give a fuck if he became a girl dad or boy dad, but I myself am super biased to girl dads as well
Post dad, or rather, official dad!Sandor would sob at the sight of his daughter
"she's so tiny 🥺💔😭"
If his baby girl ever grabbed his finger, and did the baby grip thing he would bawllllllll
He'd definitely get super existential, "this innocent darling is my blood?" SCREAMING CRYING THROWING UP
"she's so precious and pure tho" BASHING HIS HEAD AGAINST THE WALL
Yaps about his daughter 24/7
Would get matching lockets with her
"Sandor, shes a babe, she can't wear jewelry 😐"
Hangs the locket on her cott instead
Would literally bring his newborn around, showing her shit she can't even see cos her eyes haven't gotten the sight update yet?????
Baby girl passed out making faces
His wife sometimes watches as he explains things to the sleeping girl and thinks it's super funny
Picks flowers for her baby and puts it in her hair
Shows it to everyone who has eyes "look mah baby so cutie 😁"
Trains her to say papa from day 1 🫡
Practices braiding hair on his wife for the baby
Is super jittery when the baby cries
Does the dumbest shit known to man just to make his child smile
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Glimmer 27/? Billy Butcher fic
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Tag List: @2dead2function @secretdreamlandmentality
Chapter 1
Previous Chapter (26)
Chapter 27
In the back of his mind, Billy knew that cut would heal in seconds on Addison, but still seeing the blood drip down her fair skin filled him with absolute rage and terror. Fuck every goddamn person on the planet if anything worse happened to her.
This was his fault. He knew it was. He pushed and pushed until he made a person break. If only he had been able to keep her with him…but he was a total cunt. 
Billy stood, gripping the back of the chair as he forced himself to watch the video feed on the screen in front of him. He wouldn’t be surprised if the metal frame on the chair splintered right under his hands. 
The man leaned closer to Addison again. The slice on her chest sealed closed but blood was dripping down to soak into her tank top. The man smiled at the sight then seemed to say something to Addison that Billy could not hear. 
He could tell she was still heavily drugged and she didn’t seem to know what was even happening. She hadn’t even flinched when he cut her and she couldn’t fully open her eyes or hold her head up. 
This was emphasized when the fucker tried to get her to look at him and she couldn’t quite do it. He wrapped his fingers around her neck to hold her chin up and drug the tip of his knife down her cheek, then laughed again as more blood ran down her jaw line. 
“I want those coordinates now,” Billy roared, picking up the chair and slamming it back down on the ground. 
But the next words that came made his blood run cold. 
“Are you watching this, Butcher? You watching?” The man flung his arm out, and his knife grazed Addison, a big gash opening on her shoulder.
“Butch-her?” The maniac chuckled. “I just met her! Oh watch this…”
He pushed her tank top aside a little then started to cut into her chest, just over her heart. When he stepped away again it was clear that he had carved a letter ‘B’ and he laughed the loudest yet. Blood dripped down her skin in a macabre pattern, emphasizing the letter. 
Billy felt like he’d been tossed in an ocean of ice. This cunt was doing this to hurt him, not her. Just like…
“I have a triangulation,” a voice came from a corner of the CIA room of computers and screens. “I can’t get a lock, it’s bouncing around but I have an area.”
“I want it now!“ Butcher bellowed. If MM hadn’t put his hands on Billy’s shoulders at that exact moment god knows what he would’ve done. 
“William -“ Mallory started. 
“I don’t give a fuck. We’re going now. I’m going to find this fucking cunt.” It seemed clear it wasn’t a supe and, beyond that, he didn’t give one single fuck. He would rip him apart, limb by limb. 
The agent was typing furiously as Billy stalked over to him when suddenly a shrill ring came across the feed and the man answered a cell phone. Everyone in the room froze, watching the screen. When he hung it up he was still grinning and he cut a long stripe down the length of Addison’s arm. 
“Well it looks like my fun for tonight is starting to come to an end. A little birdie tells me you’re honing in on me now so I think I’ll skedaddle,” he grinned. “But I’m really a nice guy so I’ll even help you out a bit. And maybe you’ll even learn more about yourself! I thought this might happen so I had a contingency plan ready to go. I have to admit even after everything I’m still curious if you actually love this dirty little supe bint or you’re really just fucking her for kicks so I set up a little experiment for you. I’m gonna give you two addresses. Yes, our little Addi here will be at one,” he cupped his hand around his mouth, “don’t worry I’ll be long gone,” he dropped his hand again, waving his knife around in the other. “But I found a nice girl to keep the other place warm and cozy too. Completely innocent. Young. Hopeful…” he shook his head smiling wide. “You choose.” He listed the two addresses gleefully then held up his hand. “Oh, duh,” he shook he head, “I might’ve, uh, rigged some explosives at both places. Big ones!” He gestured animatedly. “Addi might be able to handle this little knife,” he leaned closer, “but how much shrapnel do you think she can take? Eh,” he shrugged. “We’ll find out.” 
And then he was gone, Addison left hanging in the dark.
Billy was already out the door, MM hot on his heels. “Butcher!” He shouted. “Which one we goin’ to first? We only have your car…”
As Billy plowed through the door he almost knocked Frenchie to the cement but Kimiko grabbed his arm. 
“Fuckin’ good,” he growled. Maybe they had a chance. “Kimiko, with me, MM go with Frenchie. We’ll take the first place,” he shouted over his shoulder to MM, climbing into his car. Kimiko hopped in the opposite side just as he gunned the engine and they were gone, tires squealing.
Fucking hell… Addison tried to call out but only a whimper escaped. Her head felt like it was stuffed with hot cotton. She gasped, trying to take a deeper breath and shook her head. It had never, ever hurt like this, but she had to get the fuck out of here. She couldn’t remember much but she was pretty sure she heard the word bomb. And Butcher…. Something about Butcher. Oh he was going to be so fucking mad. 
Something tickled at her skin and she managed to blink her eyes open. Her shirt was covered in blood…a lot of blood. Holy fuck, what happened? The fucking cunt. She didn’t know who the man was that had been taunting her her but she knew she was going to find him and kill him.
Butcher was right, he’d been right all along, and she’d let her stupid stuck-up, narcissistic, pride get in the way. He was right about her. Maybe he was right about everything. 
Tears stung in the back of her eyes but fire flared up from within her. No. She was here, she was alive, and she knew she was stronger than anyone had ever given her credit for, even herself. Addison took another breath and growled, summoning whatever was left of her energy from deep inside. She pulled it up, up through her body and into her arms and she jerked her hands apart. The chains holding her broke, clattering to the floor. 
For a moment she thought she was going to collapse but she held steady, forcing herself to breath, to stand, to do this for herself. Somehow she gained her own steadiness and this time tears of utter happiness sprang to her eyes. And then the fire set in again. 
She felt like maybe after another minute of building her strength she could find that piece of shit and tear him apart. She was sure he had only just left. When she caught up with him…
Addison took a step and when her footing didn’t falter a sense of strength she’d never felt before welled up inside of her and she felt like she almost had enough fire to run out but she didn’t have to. In the next moment two big arms were wrapping around her. 
Addison blinked. MM and Frenchie were standing in front of her, MM holding her up. But only one thought came to mind, and a desperate sob escaped her before she could control it.
“Where’s Billy?!”
Chapter 28
It would mean the whole world to me to get some comments! Anything at all is welcome - your lonely neighborhood fanfic writer <3
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infinite-hearts-333 · 1 month
Tay Friend head canons and stuff i guess.
The beloved autism is currently mad at me and i am suffering due to stress and low social battery. What do i do to fix this? Feed you lot i guess lol.
Pspspssp @onyxonline I’m back at it again lol
Starting off strong with
Maya :D (now confirmed roommate and best friend heheh) @fishy0bishy
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Maya defiantly is gonna be the one that gets the most spontaneous gifts, due to their shared passion for nature, and Tay’s tendencies to hand out any plant matter as humanly possible. She’s also gonna be the one, (along side Andri probably,) to slowly chip through the masking Tay does so that at least in their little group they can be a little bit more wild.
They would have defiantly met in the green house, cause ofc a magic school has one of those duh. Tay goes there when thing’s are a little bit too much cause the greenery reminds them of the bush of home, and well i think we all know why Maya is there lol.
Maya is the BEST. stim toy ever. Period. Tay would spend hours just tracing their finger along Maya’s wood limbs with their finger if they could SSSKSK.
Andri (support and enabler) @north-heats-stronghold
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Absolutely calls Tay Dudelet. Like a mix of dude and dudette?? Get it?? (M sorry XD)
Lil silly man makes Tay very giddy and wild. They go crazy. I love the idea that Tay would eat Australian foods and everyone one is like. The fuck. Will force feed Andri fairy bread, and he will enjoy it /jk
Emotionally conscious enough to provide Tay a safe place to go crazy and not having to worried about masking. Which is excellent. Also provides correct complements for things that others simply wont catch, completing tasks they don’t like, doing something with confidence, speaking their opinion in large crowds ect. Very good for them yes yes.
LET THEM TRAIN TOGETHER!!!!! Really wanna make something where Andri get Tay to agree on training together and Tay all confident and chatty as a witch and everyone’s like :00000
My god, if magic does influence them outside of their ‘magic girl form’ and Andri can change his body heat at will Tay is gonna be ALLL over it. Massive heat stealer. Andri will never escape their cold hands XDDD
Drapes all over him. Or leans. They’re not tired! Just listening to you :>
Miguel (comfort- he did not sign up for this XDDD) @novalizinpeace
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Was it because he’s (slightly) intimating so he’ll scare off people? Is it because of the big fluffy jumper? Did Tay sense weakness? Who knows, but now Miguel is now stuck with them lol.
Reread up on their bios (again) but honestly, he kinda asked for this position lol. With his powers, he’s literally the ONLY person in the entire school that will have even the slightest clue on how Tay is feeling with masking and repression (yippee!!!) at stages, even they don’t know, so it is excellent to have someone that will understand and not brush them off for being ‘to immature’ or ‘to emotional’. Probably looks like a sad kicked puppy to him HAHA.
They can do parallel play!!! More so when Miguel first gets there with his worries about ‘how good his English is’, cause Tay is fine to just sit and do their own thing, together :> No talking required!
Defiantly would hold onto Miguel’s sleeves if they’re walking together lol.
Miguel is not ready for when someone insults him and Tay goes apeshit on them haha. No one is mean to their friend >:)))
Rosa (bad influence lol) also belongs to Nova :> ^^
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Met through Maya, and was utterly terrified of her haha. (Tay’s also bigger than Rosa, which makes it more hysterical.)
Resorted to bringing Rosa different seeds in hopes she wouldn’t bite them. And once they were more use to each other started bringing her native Australian plants, (which are apparently weird as shit to the rest of the world??? Y’all basic).
Rosa probably tolerates them more than other people cause their quiet lol.
Plant scientists! “This is a banksia. When the big fires come, they use the heat to melt the wax around the seed pods and shoot their seeds out once the fire is gone.”
“… technically?”
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halloiambored · 2 years
Random Snippet
CW: math… be warned.
“Ahhhhhhggggh.” BANG.
That… was strange, Villain thought, head cocking to one side. They thought the agency’s shining star lived alone?
“Mmmhmhmhm… fuck fuck fuck. What even is this?”
They did. Hero did live alone.
And no one else was here, Villain had made sure of it. So… ?
At Hero’s particularly passionate exclamation, and a second loud thud, Villain rolled their eyes. Clearly, Hero was the crazy one between the two of them.
Granted — they were trespassing, but that was besides the point.
Not even a few seconds later, curiosity killed the cat, and Villain slammed open the door to Hero’s room.
“It’s nOT maT—”
Their nemesis bolted upright, eyes wide and mouth agape. On reflex alone, Hero launched a pencil at Villain’s head.
Unfortunately, they missed, but watching Villain flinch away from the writing utensil was well worth it.
“The hell was that?!” Sighing, Hero slumped back into their normal relaxed pose - a glare already replacing the shock on their features.
“A pencil.”
“Well, duh.”
“Why are you in my house?”
Stepping closer to admire their surroundings, Villain ignored Hero’s comment entirely. “What are you doing?”
“Nothing that concerns you. Why are you in my house?! I just answered your question, it’s only fair—”
Huffing, Villain grinned. “When have I ever been fair?”
They continued advancing towards the desk on the far side of the room, forcing Hero to shy away from their current project. It did give them a much easier escape route, but well. What good is running if you have nowhere else to go?
“Hey! No. Why are you here, Villain?”
“I wanted to give you fair warning, is all. You have been especially difficult lately, and the way I see it, you have one of two optio— is this math?!”
“Uggh, no… well, technically yes, but no.”
Oh my.
“You were making all that noise over a math problem?”
“It’s not math!!”
“You’re a student?”
“Why do you care?”
Villain looked around the room again, this time paying much more attention to detail. Well, if the forest green banner was anything to go off of, Hero was a student. At the local college. Huh.
“You are—” it’s been a while since the criminal had smiled. Genuinely, smiled.
“Shut up.”
“I didn’t even—”
“You did.”
“It’s due tomorrow.”
Villain was full on laughing now, doubled over with a hand on the desk behind them. How many times had Hero missed a deadline?
“Last month, when I had you all chained up and useless for, how long did it take you to get out? Two weeks?”
Scowling, Hero knew exactly what Villain was referring to.
“Yeah, thanks for that. It’s not like I could explain to my professors, ‘Hey, I’m that hero everyone sees on the news. Sorry for missing your test, I was kidnapped.’ No, they all think I’m incompetent.”
“They’re not wrong—”
“One of them almost fucking failed me.”
Oh my god, it was too much. Wiping tears from their eyes, and cursing their aching stomach, Villain fought to regain their composure.
“Damn, then you’re not going to like what I am about to say.”
“Nno - no no no no,” Hero swung up an arm to try and delay the inevitable.
“Hhhmph, yes, but don’t worry. I’m not going to hurt you, you’ll be fine. For the most part, at least.”
All at once, the humorous mood sank into something serious. Dangerous. Dear goodness, Hero did not like the sound of that.
It was easy to forget that Villain was… a villain. Even after the thinly veiled threat, it was hard to recognize the 22 year old idiot in their room as someone who tortures people (people like Hero) on the daily.
“Oh, don’t look so frightened, love. If you’re going to play hero, you have to deal with the consequences. So, which would you prefer? Will you come with me now, by your own free will?”
“Hell no—”
“Or will I have to drag you out of here myself?”
Mmmm. Such lovely options.
Eyes darting to the floor, Hero’s stomach dropped. This was bad. This was… Villain was in their house, for goodness sake.
All they could think to say was, “No.” Which was incredibly lame, but what else could they do about it? They just wanted to finish their assignment and go to bed. They wanted nothing to do with whatever… whatever this was.
With a great deal of effort, the crime fighter met Villain’s darkly amused gaze. “No?” they echoed, lips hung open in feigned offense.
“Please, I just—”
“My little Hero, you’ve gotten quite bold, so much so that I can’t let it continue unchecked. We both know that I will win this fight, and frankly, I see no reason why we have to do this the hard way.”
Yeah, the hard way was not ideal. Best to avoid any unnecessary pain while they still could.
Hero’s jaw clenched subconsciously, before relaxing along with their audible sigh. “Where are we going?”
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spiderlilac · 26 days
I hope you don't mind me asking but in 'my rose garden' fic, did Aemond have a hard time giving birth to Rhaegar? Because he is a Strong baby. Was Alicent with him when the labor started? Sorry for being curious about it. Did Meemaw Vhagar feel Aemond's pain during it as well?
hi!! of course i will answer ! i love questions and i appreciate you being curious :)
i’ll warn you right now, i did get inspired writing this. full answer after the cut:
i imagine aemond getting the news and his first thought is “wow??” because he thought it would take longer. like alicent told him something like “it’s ok if it doesn’t take in a few months…” and for him to get knocked up in the first try is a bit overwhelming. i like to think he and luke were a slightly more functional marriage at the very beginning, so luke is right at his side, doing anything he can to make things easier (luke is 100% shocked too, not because it’s so quick but because it’s finally setting in that they’re married??) so the first few months are nice. aemond literally has luke ordering every strange food combo for his cravings, helping him up stairs, rubbing his sore feet and waking up at 3 am to get some tea because aemond’s stomach aches. everything’s fine !
then the months go by and aemond’s belly is fucking huge and he starts panicking because……….. what the fuck? he believes he’s carrying twins but the maester is 100% confident he’s not. the baby’s just tall LMAO
labor starts and u bet alicent is there. she’s the first one to arrive and the last one to leave; aemond dismisses all midwives and maesters and threatens to kill everyone slowly and painfully except for her (because mama’s boy, duh). luke also comes by but aemond’s too distressed at the prospect of having him there and watching that he makes luke wait outside 💀 alicent tries to get a maester and some midwives inside because they can and will help! and, despite alicent’s dislike of luke herself, she also slips him in because she thinks it will make aemond feel better to have him by his side (it does, although if anyone asks aemond he would deny it immediately).
about vhagar… i like thinking of her as very protective of aemond as well, so the first hours where the pain was increasing i see her growling, restless and absolutely worrying everyone around, thinking vhagar could squash them at any second with her wing. the whole keep knew the second the birth happened because vhagar’s roars + aemond’s screams were quire impossible to ignore lol
again, thank you for asking!!! <3
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