#and i'm insensitive towards others plenty
kuni-is-daddy · 5 months
I'm absolutely in love with your writing! I'd really like to see more of Lesser Lord!reader, the dynamic is *chef kiss*.
Sub! Wanderer X Top/dom Lesser Lord Fem Reader!
'A moment of dreams'
FT:// Spoilers for Nahidas First story quest. WordCount: 2k+ (Mostly their dynamic.)
//: GoodBoy/mommy Kink, Teasing, Calls reader darling sometimes.
CW: Minors do NOT interact past the cut! This is a NSFW POST!!
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After One of the 6 cardinal sins of the akademiya we're committed by A now expelled scholar, Moseis. You spent most of your days around the akademiya for 'the moment of dreams' festival; At a weekly expense Scholars and avid readers would eagerly await your Enlightening opinion and guidance on Dreams, Beliefs and other teyvat events.
With the sun setting Over the akademiyas roof top the line finally concluded. 1 man was standing by. "Lessor lord Y/N!" He called out, dressed in black and brown drapes. It was Ata, A usual visitor who recently started studying in Vahumana. You yawned then sat up in the chair and brushed some paperwork aside. His cheeks flashed a bright red and he covered his face behind two papers, The back of it already seeped dried ink through the lines. He leaned down and slid you his papers shyly.
You slid your gold embedded bracelets up, then retrieved his papers, The handwriting was rather sloppy. Grabbing a pen you began to write on the crumpled paper, highlighting certain parts of the young mans dream that seemed significant (Or really, The only parts you understood). As the two of you began to discuss his dreams and concerns You couldnt help but think of Kuni, He's also been studying at Vahumana under your request but treated it more like a hobby. He didnt attend lectures, Take extra classes or interact with other scholars of his branch. For Archons sake He barely touched the 'diabetically' sweet cake they gave him for his birthday and shared his slice with you. Then claimed that they followed him in the forest just go even give him a gift. Just how did they know he was there…
He asked you once, but you merely shrugged and drifted off on the path to hide your smile. Continuing to pick through beds of flowers while he relaxed on a stump. As he rested a couple of aranara began to pass by. "Hat rana hat rana! Did you enjoy your special day? Aranara came with gifts on request of Queen Aranyani!" 'Aranyani..?' Arunakula came by with a flower in its hand, A lotus, Then placed it besides his hat. Wanderer sucked his teeth but stayed quiet as another gave him a flower. Once they left, he had 3 yellow Lotus's. Then put them in his pocket softly once the Aranara left.
After a Gesture and parting smile you greeted Ata off, He then bowed graciously again. You sighed and pushed yourself out the chair, taking a folder of papers with your pen clipped inside it and your keychain. Two Matra stood outside the event and immediately held their heads down as you left. "Lord Y/n Its Pretty late for you to be out so freely. Should we escort you back to the pal-" One of them asked but got elbow'd By the other. "Forgive his insensitiveness Great dendro archon, Just let us know if you need anything." "I will. Thank you. Please Conclude the festival for today." They nodded and you then continued walking to the Sanctuary. Holding your head down slightly to avoid your citizens gaze on your way home.
You closed the door behind you, Then placed your keys by the rack. A cool breeze of lavender began to flood your sense of smell, While bells softly chimed in between the showerhead running in the distance. Some chimes we're a lower pitch while the others came from 'Hat guys' Kasa hat He hanged up besides your rack. As you walked towards your room The door was already halfway opened with your desk Freshly organized; Plenty of forums, Books marked and a Framed Picture of You and Kuni By the akademiya. A bright smile on your face. while his face was hidden behind his hat. (When you look closer there's a smudge of lipstick on his cheek). After placing your purse down, you Sat at your desk. 'A follow up on the expelled scholar, On support of a personal Account of mine.'
After what felt like hours, You finished up some work for the night. The moon's gaze was already gleaming through your side window and onto your bedsheets, practically calling out for you to take a break. You closed your folder then rested your head on the desk, Unaware of the paper which slid out. 'Lessor lord Y/n shouldn't be out so freely at this time. shut up you idiot! We'll get fired!' Why wouldnt you be out 'so freely'? You we're their archon after all. The gracious and generous archon they ever so adored, The highest authority Within their land, The savior of the aranara and Queen of the forest, The- "Assumingly Deaf Archon." A soft voice rung through your ear and you opened your eyes. "Dont tell me. You we're too 'Caught up' with whatever you we're doing to pay any attention to me calling you."
It was getting late and you we're still wearing your formal Robe and dress while he wore a lousy t-shirt and shorts with a towel wrapped around his hair, placing a mug of tea infront of you. "….Im fine Kuni, You dont have to worry about me." He scoffed then picked up the paper you dropped. Blinking and squinting his eyes at the handwriting. "A….ran..Kan- tsk Who wrote this? Their handwriting is atrocious. Even the Aranara could write better than this." Shit. You forgot to give Ata all his papers back. "Oh- It belongs to a scholar…I'll have to return it when i see him." You took the paper from kuni, Putting it back into your decorated folder. His lips curling at the bright colors. "Your still choosing to sit around with those humans all day? Couldn't they just figure out those Useless problems themselves." he dried out his hair with the towel.
"Its not that. I cant fully empathize with the pain and lost, they've experienced. So I want to be by their side now for recovery." "…Besides…Since you've been a good boy, you can come whenever you like." You drunk some of the tea. "A good boy?" you nodded. "A prisoner getting treated for a day out…To watch a bunch of humans Scurry around, argue, then wait in a line for your Benevolence. How childish. Id be better off listening to one of their boring lectures." Kuni Sat on your bed, Then placed the towel on your counter Next to the vase of lotus's. Despite his 'rebirth' and how he's previously 'encountered' you as a balladeer, He still saw himself as a bit of a prisoner. You didn't fully understand why he felt that way, But still chose to stay by his side as you once promised during the Joururi Incident. Doing everything in your power to help him adjust. Simply put, You we're in love with the Puppet. "Really? But i thought you liked being called my good boy?" You got up from the desk then stood infront of him, Kuni sighed and tried averting his gaze But you softly held his smooth face and planted a kiss on his lips to tease him. You began to shift onto his lap. And expected him to Shift over or complain a bit but the puppet stared into your e/c eyes with pink patches of blush on his face. He kissed you back and pulled you further into his lap. He smelled of light Lavender conditioner. "Well..Do you? Your gonna be my good boy?" You tilted your head, staring at his now perked up lips. "S-stop Calling me that."
He loved it.
His cock twitched in his pants as you chanted the nickname once more. As you climbed further to position yourself ontop of him your Cape swayed softly on his leg. "I-I told you before, Its redundant. Because im your Pri-ah~" Before he could protest again you dug into his neck and laid kissed down to his shoulder. Wanderer's hand reached to cover his mouth, muffling his soft moans while you started biting along his skin. To shift back and forth along his short's fabric, your clothed clit rubbed against his building hard on. He pulled his free along your blouse, then up to your cape, reaching recklessly for the buttons and popping one of them off until you pulled away, Ripping the fabric from his grip. "Mn mn. I changed my mind. Maybe I shouldnt call you my good boy." You shoo'd his hand away as he reached for you again. Kuni panted as he was left alone on the bed with his shirt wrinkled and neck littered in kisses. He watched as you walked towards your desk. "N-no! Wait…" He sat up while you slowly crossed your arms.
"Oh? I dont know…I'll just go finish up my work then go to bed, I'm a bit tired." You yawned and kuni knew it was fake, you we're willing to drag this out for as long as you wanted with him wrapped around your finger. But His body was already missing your warmth against his and pented up from you just biting along his neck. "P-please.." He whispered then began to dig his fingers into the sheets in frustration. But you tilted your head and pretended to not hear. "Hm? I didnt hear you Kuni?" You smirked and he gritted his teeth. "Please Darling..I want it..I cant i- I'll be a good boy- I-" Kuni fell back onto the bed as you pressed your lips against his, the both of you fell onto the pillow while you we're ontop of him. He wrapped his arms around you, Pressing your breasts against his body. The puppet panted during the intense kiss, His lips already became glossy as your tongue swirled around his and he dug his fingers in your hair. "F-fuck..More~ More please y/n~" "Theres my good boy..What more do you want~?"
"I-inside- Please~ Let me fuck you.." You smirked at his words "Your Such a filthy puppet Kuni…" You kissed him again and finally parted lips, crawling down to the visible tent in his pants. Your legs shivered a bit at the mark of his tip leaking precum that smeared onto his boxers as you pulled them down, His cock springing up near your face. "Now. You think you can be a good boy and wait?" You teased and placed kitten licks along the head of his cock. He balled his hands in a fist and nodded. You pulled his shirt up a little further, resting your free hand on the V line of his slim body. The puppet chew'd on his lip enough to draw blood, Trying to maintain the little bit of morality he still had while you bobbed up and down gently on his cock, with the head hitting your gag reflex you moaned into his cock almost in a buzzing sensation. "Fuck~!…Hnn~" Kuni's legs shifted up a bit in-between you. He was close And your clit throbbed through your cotton garments. Your mouth Popped off his cock before he could cum. "W-wha.. Shit why'd you stop?" He said through heavy breathes trying to sound demanding, But it only came out as a pathetic whimper. "Ah ah..Didnt you say you'd be patient? Im giving you your reward now."
You finally pulled your Blouse and skirt off, Giving Kuni a quick show within his lustful vision. Your slit coated the skin of his cock, with your folds smearing it further while guiding it to your pussy. 'Hah..yes please~ D-dont tease me' You sunk onto his shaft and your walls immediately rubbed on his cock, A moan spilled from your lips and your nails dug into his skin to stay in rhythm. "Kuni~ Your doing so well~ Filling me up just like that~" his hips bucked up at your praise and his pride finally slipped. "Ah~ Yes! Mommy~! S' good~ Y/-y/n Your so warm~ fuck! please please~!" He whined and began to babble while you sloshed up and down his cock, Filling the room with mixed sounds of your skin slapping together and Kuni's loud moans. The pleasure from being inside you and your praise over whelmed him. You gave him everything he's ever wanted, from a person, and especially a god. His Bangs began to turn frazzled and hid his Slashed eyeliner and now teary eyes. " Your such a pretty boy arent you kuni~? Does my- ah.. good boy want to cum~?" "Yes~ Fuck yes please! wanna cum mommy!" Kuni already started messily bucking his hips into yours to chase his high. "K~kuni Dont go so fast~ Y-your gonna make me ah~! your gonna make me cum~!" He gripped onto your hand, Intertwining it through his. then held onto your thigh with the other to plunge himself as far as he could into your warmth, repeatedly hitting your core with each thrust. "M-mommy~! i- Ah~! oh fuck!" with a few more bucks of his hips kuni slammed you into him again, whimpering as ropes of his sticky load painted your insides while your orgasm coaxed his cock.
Both your highs subsided and Kuni finally pulled out from his cock being nested inside you. His cum slowly oozing out your pussy and onto your now stained sheets. You looked down on the already fucked out puppet through heated breathes, He was utterly speechless from his orgasm and For a moment you two stayed silent, With you laying on Kuni's chest now half asleep while he ran his finger through locks of your hair. "Y/n." "Yes Kuni?" You replied and He stayed silent, As if The puppet was gathering his thoughts. "I love you." He muttered out through his now hoarse voice and let out a soft huff after hearing himself. You smiled warmly and held onto his hand, Rubbing your thumb along his ring. "I love you too."
A/N: THANK U ALL FOR BEING SO KIND. <3 Anon Im not sure if you wanted smut but I hope this was okay for a mostly fluff then smut one.
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seravphs · 1 year
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losing faith —
ੈ♡˳·˖✶ — SUNA x FEM READER
You and Suna reminisce on your adulthoods.
wc — 1k
tags — angst about everything but each other, Suna and you comfort each other
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"What are you doing here?"
"What are you doing here?"
"Kita's getting married," you both say in perfect unison.
That breaks the awkward tension of Suna finding you crying your eyes out at a random bar in Hyogo. He sits down at your booth as if you haven't been zero contact with each other for five years.
"Didn't you have a crush on him in high school?"
"Suna, honest to god, what is wrong with you?" You snap.
He lifts his hands defensively. "Well, didn't you?"
"Even if I did, why would you ask me that right after we acknowledged that he's getting married?"
Suna makes a face like he's suddenly come face to face with his own insensitivity and doesn't like it. You suppose it's an easy slip up for him. He was always easygoing, even in high school, and he seems like the type to be able to pick up right where he left off. You wouldn't know, since you haven't talked to him, but you can imagine him acting like nothing's changed.
"It's fine," you tell him before he can apologize. "I don't have a crush on him anymore."
He makes a doubtful face. "You were really obsessed with him in high school. Remember when you made me sneak chocolates into his locker?"
"That was more than ten years ago," you laugh, secretly touched he remembers. You're warmed by the memory of him actually agreeing to do it, even though he got caught. "I'm over it."
"So what's this about?"
"I guess I'm just a little sad about marriage in general. Kita's always been the best of us, you know-"
"Understatement," he snorts.
"I feel like I'm behind."
"Oh, me too. In general, right?"
"I just broke up with my ex."
He gives you a piercing look. It makes you uncomfortable, like he's forcibly trying to peel back the layers of all the ways you've changed since he's last seen you.
"There's plenty of fish in the sea. You're a pretty girl, what are you worried about? You'll find someone eventually."
It's too soon after just meeting him again to tell him what you really think, that you're broken. That you're unlovable. That you just passed your thirtieth birthday, and you haven't been able to keep a partner for more than two years. Instead, you redirect the conversation towards him.
"What about you? What are you trying to distract yourself from?"
"Got scouted for the national team again," Suna says.
"Fuck you."
Halfway through lifting his glass to his lips, he gives you an affronted look. "What for?"
"You tried to make me feel like we were comrades! Whole time I'm crying about my wasted life and you're at the pinnacle of success for you career. Fuck you for making me feel like you understood."
You're half joking, half not. It sucks to scroll past your Instagram feed and see Atsumu jetting across the world or Osamu's third restaurant opening while you can't figure out what you're going to make for dinner that night. Suna's life is also a sore spot for you, in that way. It's hard not to compare yourself to them.
Suna rolls his eyes. "If you let me finish, I was going to say that I'm thinking about turning it down."
You're too shocked to remember you're thirty, not thirteen. You reach across the table and slap Suna across the shoulder lately, like the old friends you could have been if you kept in touch. Or like the friends you had been, the specter of the past reanimating itself through you.
"You can't! You've always wanted to play on the national team. Suna, that's your dream! Do you know how many people would kill for that opportunity?"
"Mama really wants grandkids," he says, playing with the napkin on the table. "I want to give her that before she goes. She wants to see me settle down with a nice girl, and I can't do that if I spend all my time on the court."
"But your career..."
Adulthood feels like heartbreak after heartbreak. Not just yours, but Suna's too. Every story you hear from your friends feels personal, because it is. Those same sorrows will come for you soon enough. They come for everyone.
The worst of it is knowing that you aren't special. That every single generation has experienced this pain. That your misery is monotonous and tedious and overdone. It doesn't mean anything. It's just painful for the sake of it.
"You don't have to give up on nationals," you say. "Is there nothing else you can do?"
Even saying the words, you feel awkward and stupid. You're sure Suna has already calculated every possible scenario that would let him keep playing. He loves the sport more than you can understand, after all.
"I'm kinda resigned to it, honestly," he says, so you immediately think he's lying and he's actually not resigned to at all. "It was going to happen eventually."
"Me too," you tell him. You've felt this way for a while, aching for the dreams that were once in the palm of your teenage hand, and are now impossibly out of reach. "I've been feeling this way for a while."
"Yeah," Suna agrees, a wry twist to his smile. "See, I knew we understood each other."
"It's a shame," he says, his head lolling against the cheap plastic of the table. You want to tell him to get up, that his hair will get sticky with the residue of the cheap beer every other miserable bastard has spilled here. How many other sob stories have been shared over this table? "I was just starting to feel like I was getting somewhere in life."
You had felt that way, too. Potential is always, in the end, just an empty promise. The older you get, the more you can feel all of the different futures you could've had slipping away from you.
Suna clinks his glass against yours, even though he can barely keep his head up now.
"Cheers to what could have been."
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keets-writing-corner · 6 months
I need to talk about RWBY's Jaune Arc
okay this is 1.6k words, immaaaaaaaa put a cut
Okay so going into RWBY back in 2019, that was great right. I was in the middle of getting my degree in creative writing I was seriously burnt out from how formulaic stories had gotten for me, and then comes along my friend being all YOU SHOULD WATCH RWBY. And I said, SURE
now my friend knows my types and she nailed who my favorite character was going to be (Oscar) and she also nailed who my other favorites would be (Ren and Qrow) and I'll admit, 90% of my investment in RWBY was ya know, my favorite boys (Don't worry I love plenty of the girls, it just happened that my top 3 ended up being guys this time around). And wow RWBY was just such a breath of fresh air for me given all the story telling stuff I was learning about in college
and specifically, now that we're like waiting for volume 10 to be greenlit, I'm surprised by how much I've grown to like Jaune
I used to not care for Jaune/find him mildly annoying in Volume 1. He was the... audience stand in, so he had to be a little dumb. He was falling into a little bit of a stereotypical pretending to be confident to impress the ladies role. But ya know, I didn't hate him. He just wasn't my favorite of team JNPR
then volume 2 comes around and he has his whole IMMA INVITE WEISS TO THE DANCE WITH ME :D and I was not about that, it was pushy, and also, I really do not care for that sort of romance in the stories I'm engaging with, and then... it didn't go that route. He realized that Pyrrha wanted to go with him, that he had been unintentionally insensitive towards her, and pursued a girl who didn't even care about him who liked someone else. And Jaune just went "alright, damage control, gonna get Weiss what she wants and gonna give Pyrrha what she deserves" and that was the first time instead of being neutral or annoyed at Jaune I thought ya know, this guy... this guy has good bean potential. I'm interested in seeing where they take him next
And then there's Volume 3. He's been training with Pyrrha, he's been more supportive as a partner, he's been TRYING to be a good leader for his team, like he's not perfect at any of those but he's TRYING and he's lost a lot of the traits that I found annoying originally. Now he's starting to full step into the supportive wholesome leader role. And then, ya know the finale happens and just... ouch. Things were looking up for White boy, and the rug wasn't just pulled out from under him, it also slapped him in the face and threw him down the stairs
Now through Volumes 4-5 Jaune was still in the "I'm pretty meh" about him territory. There were moments where I found myself deeply empathizing with him, specifically in the scenes that showed him mourning Pyrrha, especially because well... I've been there. I've lost someone I was close with when I was 17 too. Extremely different circumstances but that thing where you put on a video of them and you watch it over and over and over because you so desperately want them back, that you're reaching for wisps and smoke of what used to be them all for a brief small chance to feel their presence again. And it's just, it's never enough. No matter how many times you watch the video, no matter how many times you replay their voice talking to you, no matter how many times you listen to old messages they sent you, they are gone and nothing in the world is going to change that. It hurts. It hurts so bad
this boy is GRIEVING
but, he was being bitchy. And look, I don't blame the guy alright. Grief messes you up as a person, it brings out sides of you you didn't know you had, it prevents you from being the best version of yourself. I. GET. IT. But he was being bitchy towards Qrow(aforementioned fave, special mention to that time he slammed Oscar ANOTHER FAVE against the wall), and at the battle of Haven, he initially let his grief and anger get the better of him, and ngl I couldn't watch. (To clarify, absolutely no shade to the writers, this was GOLDEN, peek character writing and whatnot) But that is what Jaune's arc is about at the end of the day. I'm not saying the other characters aren't grieving too, they absolutely are. But Jaune's arc has a lot more focus on how grief hurts and changes a person, how it gets the better of us, and how ultimately, if we want to move forward, if we want to keep going, we cannot just fight it and resist it because it feels icky. We cannot just sit in it because we hate what happened and happiness feels fake and forever gone. We cannot pretend the grief isn't there either.
Cue Volume 6 where he was mostly backstage, but all of this comes to a culmination at Pyrrha's statue and Jaune finally gets a moment where he gets to sit with his grief. Really sit with it. In a way that isn't anger, or repression, or wishing things had been different or that Pyrrha was there. He got to sit with his grief with the reality that it was. He lost Pyrrha. And it hurt. Maybe it was senseless. Maybe he really couldn't have done anything. Maybe it really does hurt so bad. But at the end of the day, it had been Pyrrha's choice to try and do something. And for better or for worse, she tried. And the rest of his team confront him. Ren and Nora are quick to console him, and join in on the grieving. And they also confront him about his behavior in season 5, where he believed that he didn't matter so long as his friends got to live. And here are Ren and Nora telling him, buddy, you DO matter. You matter so much. You matter to us just as much as Pyrrha mattered to us. We all chose to be huntsmen, so let us grow together and honor her choice even if it hurts. We can hurt together and we can take comfort together.
And listen, up until this point, when I was watching RWBY, Jaune was not my favorite. He never had been. He was just a guy that was there going through his own arcs. But after this key moment in volume 6, suddenly I find himself enjoying seeing him whenever he was on screen
for the rest of volume 6 he slips naturally into an empathetic leader. Stealing the ships was his idea but he let everyone take the roles they were good at, he played good support, he protected his team when possible. AND THEN WE GET TO 7 AND 8 and omg
this is when I started loving Jaune. Suddenly, it's like he found a balance, he found himself. He was still hurting but instead of being angry he was being compassionate. He was still goofy and fun, but he was no longer annoying being respectful of people. He was no longer blundering about on the battlefield but he was moving with purpose and with skill. This Jaune feels like an entirely different character than the Jaune we first met back in volume 1. He's fallen into a character role that I personally love. I love the empathic leaders who are a little bit goofy. I love them to pieces. I love their level-headedness, i love their compassion. I love their gentleness. But what made Jaune special is that we got to see how much he had to suffer to get there. He was doing the best he's ever been, and he was being so kind and so humble (straight up, tempted to do a time travel AU fic or something with baby jaune and leader jaune meeting each other cuz they'd be so different)
Then we reach the end of 8 and ya know
THAT happened
and of course Jaune's arc is always about grief. But what a stroke of genius, have him find his footing and then REtraumatize him. ngl, I ALSO have been there, and imo the retraumatization is almost worst than the originally one, especially if you haven't properly dealt with the OG emotions because now THOSE come rushing back AND you've got new fresh ones to deal with. Call me a sadist. Accuse me of projecting my own trauma or whatever, but genuinely I loved what they did with Jaune in volume 9. It was *chef's kiss*. The unhealthy coping, the latching onto and hyperfixating on a single thing that ultimately is the opposite of what he needed, forced to be alone for decades, betrayed by someone he tried to help, being reunited with his friends without having processed or dealt with any of that and STILL trying to be friendly and kind and gentle to them while barely keeping it together- it's just SO GOOD
and ultimately he does break. But his friends are there with him, just like Ren and Nora helped him in volume 6. He's still the gentle leader he's grown into, but now there's just so much more to it, there's so many layers
I'm genuinely so excited to see where they take him for future volumes. He still can't dethrone my favorites BUT he has climbed the ranks of my favorite characters so fast that I wouldn't have believed you if you told me when I started watching RWBY that the character I found most annoying would end up being one of my favorite RWBY characters
soooooo yeah
I really love Jaune now
controversial opinion, I love his short hair
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ben-wisehart · 1 year
hi! do you ever feel like the bingqiu fandom is binghe biased? like a lot of the time its giving.. “wow binghe is our little precious bun who deserves the world and more! ..oh and stinky neet loser sqq is so blessed to have him lul” it feels unfair towards sqq :( it makes me sad hes no ones fave but thats okay like whatever right? but even when its bingqiu hes treated like an afterthought. like we have binghe fans criticising sqq for not doing more, sj fans are frankly delusional, sqh fans think hes “too mean” to their precious hamster, liushen fans only like him bc hes a good hole/dick for lqg (obligatory “not all men” lol) idk i only follow a handful of svsss twt accs because no one seems to like him, he feels either tolerated or treated as a gag character lol 🥹
i just dislike a lot of fanon bingqiu i think? i read all the books before hopping on twitter and i see some absolute rancid takes on there like the woobification of Shaun(tm) qinghua and jiumei.. which is easy enough to avoid tbf so whatever floats their boat idc. but when i follow bingqiu accs, it feels like OC x OC rather than ~bingqiu~ if that makes sense? like i LOVE the manipulative crybaby domtop x flustered thin face subby pillow princess they have going on!! and fanon bingqiu is just.. not it? and obv id never send hate or anything (i just block and keep it moving) but it makes it kinda sucky when the fandom is already teeny tiny and a large chunk of the fandom isnt what i envisioned/expected i guess which is so odd! when they essentially erase canon!! if it’s like some queerbaity ship or whatever, people can characterise them however they want but its like CANON how they act/are in bed/etc and its all taken away!!! idk im probably just whining sorry 😭
(i included all my thoughts here sorry for the spam!!)
hey, thanks for stopping by!! I definitely know what you mean with regards to SQQ, but I will assure you that there are very much still plenty of dedicated "sqq mains" out there. My sphere of influence on twitter is heavily biased toward people for whom sqq is their favourite character, so maybe I'm not getting a representative sample of the fandom overall, but he's definitely a very well loved character and has more than his fair share of people who do him justice in their writing and for whom he's their primary blorbo!! I remember posting this on reddit a while back and more than half of the responses (though admittedly a small sample size) had him as their fave. So, I don't think he's without appreciation!
But with that said, I do get where you’re coming from. I’m not gonna talk about readers who take his actions in bad faith and actively dislike him (HOW??), but as you’ve said, even among people who do like him, we don’t always understand him as well as we could. Most fans do get on some level that he’s an unreliable narrator, but it’s still very common for people to take him at face value and completely miss his depth. He’s a funny little guy with amusing narration, but he’s also kind and selfless, and he’s also smart and witty, and obnoxious and annoying, and frankly pretty insensitive, and deeply, deeply traumatised—and a million other things! He has layers.
I think all popular characters in fandom will inevitably start getting boiled down to a few key traits. And as somebody who’s been writing fic for 15 years, it’s really hard not to let your own biases colour your portrayal? I absolutely do it with SQQ!! I focus on his kinder, warmer aspects and downplay his flaws, I’ll readily admit that. We all get drawn to a favourite character for a certain trait, and that trait becomes the grit around which our interpretations form. If you’re somebody that likes silly characters, you’re going to write SQQ and dial his silliness up to eleven. If you like kind characters, you’ll write SQQ with emphasis on his kindness. None of these traits are OOC in and of themselves, but if you start to only read fanfic and don’t revisit the source material, you can get lost in what’s popular and forget all the depth that actually made them interesting in the first place. And once you’ve grown attached to a particular version of the characters in your head, it can be really hard to let go of it. I don’t really know where I’m going with this, but I'll add that I think protagonists are just particularly prone to this happening because they're usually the one the audience relates to most.
Idk if any of that really addresses the stuff you were talking about. You mentioned dom top Binghe/pillow princess sqq and to be honest I’m kind of reluctant to talk about this in depth because I’ve received negative comments in the past for supposedly being anti-bottom Binghe, when all I’ve ever said on this matter is that I think it’s a bit weird to insist that ���I’m scared of hurting you so I might as well let you do it” is proof that Binghe is canonically a bottom. The fact that someone found that statement so threatening to their view of the characters that they would go to my ao3 page, click on the first fic they saw that happened to feature bottom SQQ and leave their holier-than-thou anonymous opinion there is just bizarre to me.
To be honest tho, it tends to be Binghe characterisation that puts me off moreso than Shen Qingqiu. The only SQQ characterisation that truly bothers me is when people write him as willing to hurt Binghe, or willing to do anything with underage Binghe, but there is a LOT of Binghe stuff that I’m sensitive too. Idk if you read this thread of mine but like, even my friends whom I love make “Binghe stalking/imprisoning/"atticwifing" SQQ” jokes and these bother me way more than any random stranger saying SQQ would get off on spanking Binghe.
And like, it’s kind of hard because objectively, Binghe is a very dark character, so it doesn't feel particularly OOC to say he would do those things, but it's about framing. It bothers me when the emphasis is on how fucked up he is and not how hard he's trying, because it implies a level of futility that I just don’t think is there in canon. To me the beauty of him is in how much doing right by SQQ doesn't come naturally to him, but he ultimately decides to do it anyway because he wants SQQ to be happy. (I feel it needs to be said that I don't mean this in a judgy "if you write dark Binghe you don't understand him and are a bad person" way. Just that I myself can't handle that, and I strongly disagree if you think it's where Bingqiu's relationship is headed).
but idk, I've found my corner and I'm very happy here. I actually don't read fic as often as you'd think, mostly because I am sooooo picky, so I totally get where you're coming from :) but the fandom is still decently sized and very diverse, so there are always going to be at least a few people who share your feelings, if you can find them!
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greatwyrmgold · 7 months
I saw a post about "gamers" the other day, which pinged off some videos I'd watched and thoughts I'd had the other other day, which lead to me writing this post.
What the heck is a gamer?
In the literal sense, a "gamer" is someone who plays games, usually video games. And unless your definition of "video game" is needlessly restrictive, this is a pretty trivial label.
It's like calling someone a hamburger-eater. Eating hamburgers is normal; most people do it occasionally, and exceptions have specific reasons not to (like not wanting to eat meat or fast food or not living near a decent burger joint or whatever), which are more significant (or at least unusual) labels than hamburger-eater.
Video games became ubiquitous in the Global North with the proliferation of smartphones, on top of the already unremarkable presence of video game consoles and PC games. "Gamer" in the literal sense has been irrelevant as a label for at least a decade. So why do we still use it?
Well, part of it is because we're stubborn and cling to labels that have stopped being useful, or even labels that were never really useful. (Citation: Pluto isn't a planet. If this post breaks confinement, you'll see evidence in the notes. Less fun citations can be found outside.) And part of it is because proud gamers want to prove their L337 status to others, and that only works if L337-ness has a level that looks like a word.
But also, there's a certain pattern of behavior associated with the term "gamer". Competitive, defensive of their hobbies, callous towards others, openly bigoted towards marginalized groups (or at least vocally insensitive about them), etc.
But why are they "gamers"? Not everyone who plays a lot of video games is a "gamer"; I play more video games than I should, and I absolutely love making fun of "gamers," a group that I don't consider myself part of (at least for the purposes of those jokes).
Moreover, plenty of people in other fandoms perform "gamer" behaviors. Look at redditors, or anime fans, or anime fans on Reddit. Or look at the Star Wars fandom and its reaction to...basically everyone in the sequel trilogy who wasn't either a white male or coded as similarly "default". Or the D&D community, whose most outspokenly assholish members mock both video games and any attempt to make their favorite game friendlier to marginalized groups (e.g. the backlash to acknowledging racism baked into racial Int penalties or the existence of a homebrew combat wheelchair).
Granted, D&D is still a game, and plenty of fans of anime or Star Wars also play games. Many of the people I'm discussing also play more video games than average, and hence fit into a literal definition of "gamer". But we don't call them gamers because they game more than non-gamers. I'm willing to bet that plenty of the assholes aggressively defending the prevalence of slavery in isekai anime play video games and TRPGs way less often than me, but they display "gamer" behaviors way more than me.
So why do we call them gamers?
The answer is probably a combination of inertia and GamerGate. Inertia is obvious; we're used to calling those assholes "gamers," and people know what we mean when we talk about how shitty gamers are, so we keep calling them "gamers". And we started calling those assholes "gamers" in part because of GamerGate, an extremely vocal and unfortunately influential movement, which emerged as people were starting to realize how pointless the traditional meaning of "gamer" had become, and which sought to actively police who could consider themselves a "gamer".
In a sense, they won. I mean, obviously they won in the sense that they started a series of historical dominoes that (currently) ends at QAnon, the January 6 insurrection, and heightened hostility for various minorities. But also, they won the definition of "gamer".
You want to keep women, POC, queer people, and progressives from being "gamers"? Fine. Now gamers are cock-goblins who shout slurs at people playing TF2 wrong. Nobody likes gamers any more, and the video game market treats them as more and more of a niche market. You still have to put up with the people you hate, though. You just get to say they're not real gamers, and get mocked by people for your futile gatekeeping. How do you like that?
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negrowhat · 1 year
Hi! Hope you're doing alright! I read the tumblr posts from you and a couple other users regarding lutawolf and im so confused as to what is even going on, you can answer if you want to issokay <3, have a nice day <333
Hello! I'm going to give you the condensed version because I've been talking about this all day. Not necessarily explaining things, just dealing with the drama is draining lol.
I woke up this morning to an anon telling me that the tumblr user Lutawolf was comparing Build Jakapan to Emmett Till. Which was not what I needed to see first thing in the AM. What happened was that Luta was trying to say people cancel people too fast without proper facts and people get sent on witch hunts to crucify people or some BS like that in regards to what was happening to Build. The problem is that she did use Emmett Till's case as a comparison to what was happening with Build.
What bothered me is that the circumstances surrounding Build share NO similarities to what happened to Emmett Till. Build is in this predicament because of shit that he's done and was involved in and he's being accused by someone he knows and was together with for being violent towards her.
Emmett Till was an innocent black child who was the victim of a racist attack by white people. The only thing that child was doing was existing in a racist town as a young black male. He was killed by a group of racists who was being lead by another racist. He didn't get a say or a fair trial. No evidence would've been collected and he would've NEVER had a say in the matter because white people kill massacre black people on a consistent basis, solely for being black.
Build has a chance to defend himself and prove his innocence and has the luxury of being protected by lawyers and a company. He still has plenty of people rallying for him and also people are allowed to cancel whoever they want. He lost a few endorsements and deactivated his sns. Even if he loses his career he's still be able live on and do something else. He's going to be able to face his wrongdoings fairly where Emmett Till was brutalized and violently murdered and tossed at the bottom on a river for being black. Emmett Till didn't get a chance to plead his case (there was no case) or defend himself in front of a court or peers.
Non-black people love to bring up black tragedies and trauma and pick it apart to fit whatever narrative they're pushing while ignoring why such atrocities occurs. To compare what happened to Emmett Till to whatever the fuck Build has going on is disgusting and racially insensitive and overall tone deaf. Which is what my posts were addressing. And when people started to call Luta out about it she doubled down and began to disrespect people and also began spewing some nonsense about the Holocaust to try to further prove whatever point she was trying to make.
There are PLENTY of cases she could've used that were actually similar to whatever points she was trying to make that were centered around what Build is being accused of. Not bringing up a case where a child was murdered for existing.
It's really fucked up.
So now Luta's lil trolls are comforting her and saying she's done nothing wrong and just showing how once again Black voices are being ignored in favor of someone else. I could walk out of my house today and be shot dead for being a darkskinned black woman and people don't understand that the anti-blackness worldwide affects me like it does all the other black people out there being targeted solely because we're existing in our blackness. She gets allowed to be coddled and comforted for spewing this nonsense because it doesn't affect her. I just want non-black people to stay out of black folks business, make your lil point without including us.
You can feel free to contact Luta to get her side of the story but from where I'm sitting, that person is disgusting for using the black child to make a point and then doubling down when black people called her out on being insensitive about it.
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so. i wear comfortable clothes (like pajamas and sweaters and stuff) when i get sad. and tbh i'm sad a lot so i wear those kinds of clothes like 5 out of 7 days of the week. can i request alois, maurice, and both ciels (have their actual names been released yet?? 😭) with a s/o like that?
aaaaaa all I can offer are virtual hugs and prayers for you that things will get better and you'll be less sad in the future
.. and some reactions from some bois who really love you! <3
I don't think we have official names yet, but, I just call O!Ciel "Ciel" and my headcanon name for R!Ciel is "Astre" :D
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… Oh, his darling looks so adorable like that! Really, he just can’t help but gush a little when he sees them looking so relaxed. Those kinds of clothes are ones that he doesn’t often wear himself despite very much wanting to, so he’s almost jealous. He’s happy for them, though! He just… maybe wishes he could join them? He might have to do that one of these days. But, when it becomes apparent that they usually only do this when they’re not having a good day, he starts to get… pouty. Mostly because he’s worried. He starts trying to cheer them up, by dancing around and urging them to come dance with him, or attempting to coax them into coming into town with him. When that doesn’t work? He puts on comfy clothes and has a sad day with them. While he knows it’s not a long-term solution, and he’ll have to figure out a long-term solution, for the moment he thinks everything is just fine if he dresses comfortably and lies down next to them and cuddles and lets them feel sad. It’s not as bad when you’re sad alongside someone you love, right?
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Hm, how… unfortunate? Is that how he wants to word this? It’s a bit of a disappointment, to see his darling putting forth a lack of effort when it comes to their appearance. If they’re going to be on his arm, he needs to make sure they look appropriately elegant just like him. It’s not like he’s trying to be insensitive; deep down, he’s a lot more concerned than he lets on. When someone doesn’t look after how they present themself to the world, surely that means something bigger is going on. That’s distressing to him for the simple fact that he cares very much about them. He takes a very direct approach, though he does try not to be cruel about it. (He’s not in the business of making (Name) even sadder, after all.) So his efforts tend more toward cajoling them into wearing something else, telling them that he’s going to have a ball going on tonight so they need to wear that new dress or suit he got them. He’s hoping that getting them dressed up and moving and all that will naturally bring them out of sadness. While he knows he needs to find a more sustainable way to help them… this is the best thing he can think of. Well, this, and lots of ducking behind walls so he can kiss them. ‘Soft’ clothes or no, he’ll keep them plenty comfortable.
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Well, if nothing else, they know what they’re doing. Nobody else knows what’s best for another person, right? Except maybe a doctor. He’s unsure if his dear would need any kind of doctor for… this. It strikes him as odd that they seem to dress comfortably only when they’re feeling down mentally, and even odder that he can point to the pattern that spells out the fact that they feel like that a lot. He doesn’t say much, but one can almost see the gears in his head turning when he looks at them in their too-big sweater, as he tries to think of how best to approach the topic. He can’t very well go up and tell them to stop wearing those clothes and tell him why they’re sad or any of that. There comes a single order he gives Sebastian which is nigh impossible for his butler to follow: “Keep (Name) happy.” It isn’t so easy… it’s the only thing he can think to do, aside from kissing them and doing things he knows they like. He just makes sure to get them out as often as possible so they have a reason to wear other clothing, so that perhaps that in itself will cheer them up. All the while, he makes sure to be thinking of how best to help them, and ensuring they know he cares for them.
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Haha, what on Earth are they doing? Attempting to violate every law of fashion all at once? Honestly, he doesn’t mind so much if his sweetheart dresses in a way that lets them be more comfortable… except that they do so around his friends. Whilst he’s with them. Of course they look very calm and they’re not wearing stiff or hard to fiddle with clothing. He’s definitely jealous. Still, he also is perhaps a little embarrassed that they dress so casually when with him. Not only does he want to be known as someone beautiful, which also necessitates put-together people being associated with him, it also… sort of concerns him? Why aren’t they taking care of themself and dressing up a little? Although he doesn’t expect them to be flawlessly dressed all the time, the kind of clothes they wear while sad are so dressed down, it’s like they don’t want to pick something else out. He tries to be kind about it, offering to pick an outfit for them or to please, please, please let him do their makeup and/or their hair! It’s a way to bond, but also to help them dress themself up a bit. It might seem kind of shallow; however, he truly is worried about them. He has to try something, doesn’t he?
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fairy-writes · 1 year
Hi can i request bungo stray dogs and chainsaw man platonic matchup?
I'm female, she/her pronouns, I'm bisexual so I'm fine with both male and female matchups.
Personality: I'm very laid back but sometimes come off as ego-centric and domineering. I have to admit I’m a lazy person who prefers having a leisure more than anything else. I mostly spends my time as a stoic and a calm person and i might even come off as apathetic towards the world around me [even tho I’m not]. I’m usually perceived as being insensitive because i generally prefer to deal with emotions in my own head rather than openly. tbh I often think I’m above others, yet I am always willing to acknowledge that I’m a total piece of shit [sometimes] Sometimes i have fantasies and ideals that I want to start creating or becoming but i myself a reality check and let the dream fade away. I’m very innovative but still choose the practical route a lot. It’s easy for me to create goals and envision the end results but it’s ridiculously hard for me to remain committed to the process. my sense of humour is full of sarcasm and irony. I have trust issues and I don’t like asking for others help. I fear rejection and most of the time i think people are lying to me or being two faced. I feel like someone saying no to me or rejecting me would demange my pride and ego and others would talk about me and make fun of me so i refrain from asking for help or anything similar. I’m not really good at group works cause i get really competitive [not in s good way].
Hobbies: reading, listening to music, drawing [if i have a motivation] and watching movies;
Likes: colour red, horror genre, urban legends, mythology [mainly Egyptian], cats, fantasy genre, spicy food; Snakes, true crime.
Dislikes: sweets, dogs[I don't hate them i just dislike them], romance movies [i like romance books tho], soda;
What i look for in a partner:
•I adore bold and confident people
• i find Intelligence very attractive
•my partner should be able to keep up with me and hold a proper conversation
• it'd be nice if they have a good sense of humour or a fashion sense
I hope you like your matchups! Just so everyone is aware, I don’t write matchups for Chainsaw Man, so this is for Death Note instead. 
Bungou Stray Dogs Matchup: I pair you with… Ozaki Kouyou!
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She is initially your boss in the Port Mafia. You are an errand girl and run messages and files to various executives when phones are just inconvenient, and they don’t feel like making phone calls. It happens more often than you think. You’ve dealt with Chuuya, Akutagawa, Mori, and pretty much everyone. But your favorite person to visit is Kouyou!
She’s kind and as welcoming as one can get in the Port Mafia. She is also brilliant, confident in her capabilities, and a pro at conversations (she has to be, negotiations in the Mafia are complicated). And have you seen her fashion sense? It is immaculate! (at least in my opinion, lol) She appreciates how calm you are, and it is a trait that is valued greatly in the Mafia. 
The two of you are a team to be feared! Especially as you get promoted to being a negotiator, and Kouyou is often sent with you to ensure that you’re safe. It’s a job usually reserved for Mafioso grunts, but she willingly volunteers because you’re pretty much her only friend in the entire organization. Like sure, she has Chuuya and whatnot, but they aren’t friends, ya know?
Death Note Matchup: I pair you with… Mello!
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The two of you bond over horror movies! They’re one of Mello’s favorite past times, especially if there’s chocolate involved. Like, make sure there’s plenty of chocolate, and he’ll watch just about anything with you. 
You and Mello both butt heads sometimes, what with you both being a bit domineering and steadfast in your ideals. He’s also more active, whereas you can be a bit on the lazy side. It’s not a bad thing, though! He helps motivate you because he knows you can do great things. 
You are his rock, he’s so hot-headed, and you are calm, so you keep him level and cool. He knows about your trust issues and has some of his own, but the two of you have a bond where you can trust each other no matter what. He would never lie to you, wouldn’t betray you, and you’d do the same for him.
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inspiteallthedanger · 2 years
Do you think John’s resentment towards Paul (which still came through sometimes in 80) was something that grew and festered in part due to his distance from it? I mean, maybe it was easier to transfer his trauma from beatlemania and other negative aspects from that time in his life onto Paul especially since he was already pissed at him for the way the band ended (Paul announcing it, bringing in eastman, suing them ect.). It seems like all that really soured him on Paul and totally flipped what was once fondness and a tolerance for his quirks into mostly contempt. If John and Paul used to feel magnified by the other I guess it makes sense that the negative side of that would make him hyper aware of the ways he couldn’t stand him. Paul’s insensitivity and his ‘being aware but not wanting to know’ seem like things which John eventually found intolerable. Obviously it’s all moot anyway but what do you think it would’ve taken from both John and Paul if they ever decided that a friendship was worth salvaging? Although the possibility that they would’ve just gone on as distantly friendly (a la Paul&George) with periodic phone calls, postcards ect. is valid too lol
In short, nonny, I think you're completely correct. I'm going to elaborate but it got so long it's going under a cut. It's been ages since I needed to that. Thank you for sending something that sparked this!
It's like Paul says in GB, "When you're close, physically, something grows. When you're not, something goes." One of the things that almost everyone comments on in GB is that Paul and John seem almost hopeless to stop themselves from being drawn together. When they let themselves, their chemistry is off the charts, and they get one another. They're creative and they have fun. John making Paul laugh even when he's almost out of his mind from stress, through to John carefully talking Paul through his anxiety. Through to Paul gently coaxing John into the project. I know there's plenty of sources (themselves included) that show they weren't always so happy. I think music seemed to be a very safe space, but nonetheless, when they let themselves, they did get on.
I think part of the reason John threw himself on the 'Yoko boat' was for exactly the reasons you've outlined. He knew he had to get away, to put physical space between them if he was ever going to actually move on.
It's also important to note Janov's influence on the things you outline. One of the pillars of his teaching is that friendship is a lie. You see John spouting this line years later. I think it played into his deepest fears about his relationships, especially his relationship with Paul. So, without Paul there to show that it wasn't true, it was almost easier to believe it.
The things you outline so perfectly illustrate how it feels to break up with someone. All those things you fond cute are just annoying. But, also, I do think it's just a very John thing. He needs to make a villain or a hero out of people. It's also very John to need to blame someone for his own feelings. Across the Universe didn't sound how you wanted it to? Paul must have subconsciously sabotaged it.
I don't mean this to say, btw, that he's wrong either. Paul is annoying. Paul was cold and distant in ways that plenty of other people have commented on. I think the issue was that Paul didn't realise that John wanted/needed anything else. They were stuck in 15 year old boy dynamics and they aren't known to be super caring and supportive.
What would it have taken for them to move on? Urg. That really does depend on what you think the issue was. If it's the official narrative: Paul being overbearing and not supportive enough. John being hot and cold and noncommittal about projects. Then I guess that's not that hard to overcome. It would take some time to build up trust, to meet on an equal playing field. But it's doable.
I think, personally, it’s more complicated than that. At the very least, they were way too possessive of each other. They didn’t know how to be together without it being the most important relationship of their lives. That, clearly (and as they said repeatedly) didn’t work with marriages. So, what then?
Either they both move on and accept that they're not each other's everythings. This is problematic because I think the whole reason they were incredible was the intimacy of their connection. Dumbing that down might impact the music. Ultimately I think that’s probably why they didn’t go back. Accepting a lesser thing just wasn’t what either them wanted.
And that’s not considering the possibly that they were in love with each other. What if they were the lovers that never were?
They… shag? See Going Nowhere, really.
Or we go down the middle and say they were just best friends that fell out badly. Well, in that case, it would involve a lot of work. They'd need to establish healthy boundaries. They'd need to communicate about both how they feel and what they want from the relationship. John would need to feel loved and cared for outside of the music. Paul would need to feel secure and that John wasn't going to run off with the next artist that catches his eye.
There is, sadly, little evidence that either of them really got to the stage where this would be possible for them. As I sad, I don’t think they even necessarily wanted it. Seeing someone that you loved and it all fell apart can often just be painful, however much you want it not to be. Staying friends would have kept things tidier but, really, it might also have just been worse.
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female-malice · 2 years
i'm a gay man and I agree that post was very insensitive. I apologize on behalf of the tone deaf gay men that are lashing against you, we need to act more supportive towards our lesbian sisters.
🧡 I have some pretty close gay male friends and I lived with gay male roommates for 2 years. I truly believe we're stronger together than we are apart. I know plenty of gay men love the outdoors, gardening, sports, foster kittens, and other generic lesbian hobbies. Plenty of gay men love female indie folk singers. That's why I think we'd all be a lot happier if lezzie culture wasn't so marginalized.
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commajade · 2 years
i saw your tags and i agree, plenty of Korean people have called out that natalie person for being a weird fetishizer of Korean issues. natalie tried guilting people into funding her a vacation to the dprk and has been insensitive toward Korean people. i don't trust nonKoreans about the dprk because it usually comes from a weird fetishizing motivation or financial motives. its super gross
omg yeah i knew some of my korean commie mutuals were rly weirded out by her too but other ppl who i respect follow her and rt her stuff and i was like :/ i'm sure there's a korean person u could get this info from there r many korean commies on twitter
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lapoetisa · 1 year
i was born with an acute sense of relationships. and with extreme sensitivity. i could very easily see the things that people did wrong in their relationships. assume things, not communicate, judge, be rude,
i was also extremely lonely and so something happened that was both a blessing and a curse. i did not have an initiation to social relationships. at least not the type of relationships that ppl usually have with one another. this was terrible. i was incredibly lonely growing up. i was like an alien bc i never knew social customs. but on the other hand, i could be incredibly objective when seeing the way ppl interacted with one another. some things were extremely pleasing and sweet to learn about, like kissing ppl in the cheek as a greeting every time you meet. others seemed insensitive, such as calling women you love whores. i saw plenty of social media statuses that say "i love you, slut ❤️" and i was like... what? i've grown up a lot since then and i've even been called a slut myself! and yet, it's never failed to make me cringe. i always wondered, why is it that we choose insults to talk to the people we are closest to? i do agree that in high school, many of the girls i saw calling other girls slut in a friendly way didn't like that girl at all. and fully meant the insult. but i also know many people who genuinely use that expression in a loving way. and although i'm not trying to police anyone, i can't help but wonder why don't we just say something sweet, though? why not just fully own the tenderness of what we feel toward someone and use a pet name? am i crazy or are we all afraid of intimacy?
my theory is that we are hurt by these words in infancy. and then when we grow up we adopt them bc it's the way to live, it's the way to socialize, w/o really thinking much ab what it means. we almost strip the word of meaning to make it mean something good. why not just use something unequivocally good? are we all numbing ourselves and pretending we don't care? are we all happy to use those words bc they ironically make us feel closer to others? and why is that?
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baekhvuns · 2 years
This comeback is really successful I'm proud, maybe they get more wins, apparently they have a chance. Seonghwa calling Nicole from KARA "an original Hallyu queen" wasn't on my bingo card, but 😭💗
The downside of Hwa having longer hair is the possibility of him cutting it unexpectedly. Last time at least he went pink so the pain wasn't that bad...PUT THE CAMERA AWAY BESTIE I'm only saying this because I'm too far up Seonghwa's ass 🥴
Is the panther gonna eat Hwa? 🤔 cause I wouldn't be shocked. Jduwugsgshdhdywwyys ok so I'm gonna melt alright???
Omg wait at first I thought my whole life was a lie and Noddy was a girl 😭 the gay misogynist racist is taking me out wtf
I'm trying to find some photos of me in that hanbok, but idk where the fuck are they... but it was sooooo pretty
Seonghwa will never leave me, he's a loyal man. That's lowkey creepy, but I don't mind <333 I'm glad Mingi appeared so many times too. The POBs were from Synnara (the green background white outfit ones) not my faves tbh, but the other ones were holos from Kpopstore I think! For some reason I can't upload a picture now, but A ver 1, diary limited, Z limited (this one is my fave ahhh) and the Synnara POB. Manifesting Hwa's for you, which version did you get?
Yeah sign me the fuck up Baek, love that rivalry AU already 🔫 I just know there'll be a lot of sweat involved, but unfortunately Seonghwa looks divine all sweaty so I have to simp anyway 🤡 idk I just had ADHD bestie, had to do something otherwise I was bored, plus initially my marks weren't outstanding so at least I did sports and music 😅
I think one of the reasons I'm a water anti is actually because no one ever told me drinking water is that crucial? Ushsbdhbshsgdha like I drank water when it was the only liquid available, but at home I was always given juice, soda, flavoured water etc. I was afraid you're gonna make that jopping joke 🔪
I SAW WTF PARK SEONGHWA WHAT'S WITH THE ARMS (I only hope he ate well and felt ok in a tight shirt, cause he always worries about his stomach sticking out 😭) goodbye world. Anyways the arms will be devoured now <3
I had to show you that throughout research because??? I'm both amazed and baffled lmao. What fic?! Actually I DON'T WANT TO KNOW
Hahaha I saw that UK band I recognised them from somewhere, people were too ruthless towards them, but also wtf it was so random 😅 and Conan Gray will be there next week
Ugh can't upload a photo still, but you hit me with the deep one once again, wbu?
Coffee & Cream: It is rare that you are disliked, little adventurer. Your body never gives in to sleep; you can sleep when you're dead, after all. You love to take risks, and dance in the rain. You try to see the positive in every situation, and that can sometimes be perceived as insensitivity. You tend to forget the people around you in favour of the world beyond, but not for lack of trying. You make friends and lovers so easily, but have trouble keeping them, for fear of commitments. Your love is plentiful, but thinly spread. Don't be afraid to confide in someone, once in a while. It's okay to cry, little hero.
Also Shakira miss girl pls, thought you'd be free from your dumb man, but now the jail thing... she'll probably get away with it, but still - DV 💖
hi hello!!
This comeback is really successful I'm proud, maybe they get more wins, apparently they have a chance. Seonghwa calling Nicole from KARA "an original Hallyu queen" wasn't on my bingo card, but 😭💗
it rEALLY IS I HOPE THEY WIN TODAY AS WELL 😭😭 NO BUT HES SO TRUE I WAS LISTENING TO HER ALBUM BEFORE AND???? ADOPT ME MOMMY 🤚🏼🤚🏼🤚🏼 omg bestie did u see GG’S comeback teaser?? it’s itnw instrumental 😭😭😭😭 cHILLS
The downside of Hwa having longer hair is the possibility of him cutting it unexpectedly. Last time at least he went pink so the pain wasn't that bad...PUT THE CAMERA AWAY BESTIE I'm only saying this because I'm too far up Seonghwa's ass 🥴
no you’re so right bc we’ll end up being upset about it 😭😭😭 LMFAOOOO BFWNFBWMFND FELT YES
Is the panther gonna eat Hwa? 🤔 cause I wouldn't be shocked. Jduwugsgshdhdywwyys ok so I'm gonna melt alright???
I HOPE HE DOESNT 😭😭😭🤚🏼 i think maybe a bite that’ll make hwa run to y/n BDNSBDD YES YOU ARE YES
Omg wait at first I thought my whole life was a lie and Noddy was a girl 😭 the gay misogynist racist is taking me out wtf I'm trying to find some photos of me in that hanbok, but idk where the fuck are they... but it was sooooo pretty
omg when u do! pls do sent if ur comfy!! CHANNELING SCARLET HEARTS
Seonghwa will never leave me, he's a loyal man. That's lowkey creepy, but I don't mind <333 I'm glad Mingi appeared so many times too. The POBs were from Synnara (the green background white outfit ones) not my faves tbh, but the other ones were holos from Kpopstore I think! For some reason I can't upload a picture now, but A ver 1, diary limited, Z limited (this one is my fave ahhh) and the Synnara POB. Manifesting Hwa's for you, which version did you get?
100% HE’S A SIMP AND HE’Ll NEVER LET U GO FBFBFB LMFAOOOO 😭😭😭 nothing’s creepy with hwa fbwnfbsndhwk,,,, omg u got the green ones???? 🔫🔫🔫 FUCK OFF IM RUNNING TO U RN THAT LIMITED PC IM BEGGING FOR IT BC I ONLY GOT THE Z VER! IM BOLTING LOCK UR DOORS if i get the album before this posts ill update with the pc! oKAY I pulled a hwa ID card dbdbdhdhd sCREAMED WHEN I DID,,, a jongho yeosang and wooyoung 😩😩 my vv first jongho!
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Yeah sign me the fuck up Baek, love that rivalry AU already 🔫 I just know there'll be a lot of sweat involved, but unfortunately Seonghwa looks divine all sweaty so I have to simp anyway 🤡 idk I just had ADHD bestie, had to do something otherwise I was bored, plus initially my marks weren't outstanding so at least I did sports and music 😅
oH ABSOLUTELY LOTS OF SWEAT and hwa purposely hugging the mc with it or chasing mc around while she rUNS,,, DHJDDJ NO BC ILL PUT THIS IN MY DRAFTS FOUND A COOL PLOT SO ILL WRITE IT!!! 😭😭😭 I FELT THAT TOO always had to do something or it felt useless nO FR HELLO SAME marks go 📉📉📉 from A’s to C-‘s 😭😭
I think one of the reasons I'm a water anti is actually because no one ever told me drinking water is that crucial? Ushsbdhbshsgdha like I drank water when it was the only liquid available, but at home I was always given juice, soda, flavoured water etc. I was afraid you're gonna make that jopping joke 🔪
iM gonna have to sit ur mother down and chat about how u don’t enOUGH drink water 🔫,, LMFAOOOO FBWMFBKWHFWK DID U LAUGH FBFBDB ur knee’s will jop from now bestie ur not a regular old person, ur a ✨cool✨ old person <3 we love to see this <3 jOP MORE DBDB
I SAW WTF PARK SEONGHWA WHAT'S WITH THE ARMS (I only hope he ate well and felt ok in a tight shirt, cause he always worries about his stomach sticking out 😭) goodbye world. Anyways the arms will be devoured now <3
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GOOD BYE DID U SEE TNQNDHKWHDKW close the god damn gyms it’s time we barricade them (omg i hope he ate so much after the rehearsal or at least wooyoung takes him this time fbfbfb)
I had to show you that throughout research because??? I'm both amazed and baffled lmao. What fic?! Actually I DON'T WANT TO KNOW
Hahaha I saw that UK band I recognised them from somewhere, people were too ruthless towards them, but also wtf it was so random 😅 and Conan Gray will be there next week
omg fr???? what’s the news about them 👁👄🤌🏼👁 LMAO WHAT???? WHATS GOING ON IN KPOP PLS IS CONAN ALSO GONNA DO THE FINGER HEART 😭😭 this is nct hollywood innit 😭😭 & THEY MET ATEEZ??? 😭😭
Ugh can't upload a photo still, but you hit me with the deep one once again, wbu? Coffee & Cream: It is rare that you are disliked, little adventurer. Your body never gives in to sleep; you can sleep when you're dead, after all. You love to take risks, and dance in the rain. You try to see the positive in every situation, and that can sometimes be perceived as insensitivity. You tend to forget the people around you in favour of the world beyond, but not for lack of trying. You make friends and lovers so easily, but have trouble keeping them, for fear of commitments. Your love is plentiful, but thinly spread. Don't be afraid to confide in someone, once in a while. It's okay to cry, little hero.
hIT U WITH THE DEEP JDJD,,, “Your body never gives in to sleep;” yOU AND YOUR 100 JOBS omg.
exhibit a : “and dance in the rain.”
is this one of your reasonings to like bodyguard hwa bc they have 2 rain scenes 🔫
“Your love is plentiful, but thinly spread. Don't be afraid to confide in someone, once in a while. It's okay to cry, little hero.”
bestie…that’s so well written omg,,, nO THEYRE RIGHT YEAH MISS HERO 🔫🔫
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Also Shakira miss girl pls, thought you'd be free from your dumb man, but now the jail thing... she'll probably get away with it, but still - DV 💖
LMFAOOOO FBWNFBWMDJS THE WAY IT CAME OUT ONLY AFTER PIQUE’S STUFF 😭😭😭 miss girlie gonna serve in court too, her hips won’t lie dbdb
2/2 BAEKKKKKK HAPPY GUERRILLA 2ND WIN! BUT ALSO WELCOME TO OUR FUNERAL! 😭😳🥴😬😩 I just saw it and thought you must see it as well 🥰 /// So many oiled arms today, wow... but Hwa's outfit obliterated me - DV 💖
DV ARE U SURVIVING HOW IS IT FOR U FBFBF LMFAOOOOI SEE THAT “🥰” UHUH UHUH DBDDB 😭😭😭 so many oiled and glazed arms would 100% BITE
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alexcollix7 · 2 years
People being like "you don't know if Ish post is about druck" like Druck's new team didn't solve Isi's fatphobia towards Ava in a four minute clip (while Ish is someone who talks and cares about body positivity), then casted her aside and decided have more screentime about the struggles of white character that barely had any personality, Sascha, regarding Isi's actions over hers? In the same season they also used a plus sized girl as a fake li, and gave more attention to new white characters instead of the poc main/their poc friends?
And not only that, but they also didn't have Ava in the final episode, and gave season 8 to a white character who had no background story whatsoever, while Ava had plenty that was being developed during season 5 and season 6? The very same character who was totally insensitive about race issues to both Fatou and Ava?
Druck had a very different concept by the start of season 5, and that was what the actors signed up to. It was clear that Ava had an important storyline and role for the old writers, but that suddently seemed to change in season 7. I'm glad Ish is speaking out and letting her feelings be known, because she deserves a whole lot better than this.
Finishing that thought, I know you love the characters, but do not give druck s8 any views. Especially now that even the cast is letting us know the situation is not ok at all. The new team sure as hell don't deserve the attention, or any praise. If you want to support the actors, try to watch and follow their other works, and let them know of that support, especially when they are trying to let themselves be heard, like Ish did.
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flodaya · 3 years
you know, everyday I am in this fandom and everyday I notice how mlm and wlw ships are not given the same treatment at all.
people were SO QUICK to drop eskam after Irene said that (and I'm absolutely not excusing it, whether she apologized or not it was wrong) saying it's a problematic show and it sucks and we shouldn't watch it anymore.
1) Irene isn't the show itself, there are plenty of problematic actors in other remakes but this was never a reason to drop them for these same people.
2) while eskam has absolutely some problematic elements (whitewashing Yousef, making Cris skinny, a good part if not all season 4, not many race and body diversity etc) that we absolutely need to call out, they also were one of most revolutionary remakes for a reason (making Isak a girl, focusing on women, giving a pov to all the girls, calling out the toxicity of noorhelm and making a season about abusive relationships)
the same people who refused to watch eskam after that are often the same ones who watched wtfock and skamit and constantly make content about it (and by content I mean Sobbe and Nicotino only stuff)
it's so clear that they just wanted an excuse to not watch the wlw season and the anti Noorhelm season and drop eskam so they could ignore the sapphics and the actually good message and have a "good" reason why.
and it's not all about Crisana because even Kietou and Mayla aren't afforded that same grace.
after the whole "it was just a kiss, nothing more" thing people were so quick to compare Kieu My to Tiffany Prigent and William???
and while I do see a lot of love for Kietou I mainly follow skam blogs who's users are other wlw (like you, which btw.. I love your blog) so it's clear they enjoy having this rep.
but the same people who hyped Matteo and Davenzi? hello? were are they? because they weren't there for Fatou's season but suddenly they were there for Ismail's when they found out their LI was a cis skinny white abled boy.
and then they refuse to even watch Lola's season but then will not stop talking about Lucas's season.. I see all of them, and how they claim to care about gay Rep but said rep is cis white skinny abled mlm only.
i could write a whole entire essay about the mistreatment of wlw ships in this fandom for real
like not only do so many people refuse to watch eskam which, fine, after that horribly insensitive selfie irene posted a few months after s2 aired i can't even really blame anyone, but even before that while the season was airing so many people called crisana toxic because of their fight and how cris called joana crazy, and tbh yeah, as someone with bpd i would also criticize that moment and i do think it was a choice(tm) and not one of eskam's finer moments but the same people will still support s*bbe despite robbe calling sander a literal slur?? and also, i mean y'all know i love them, but having matteo shout at david in their reunion was also a choice, but all the mlm evaks get excused and are still perfect soulmates but crisana is toxic, give me a break (though tbf davenzi definitely also often gets more criticism that other white cis mlm evaks but i digress)
same goes for what you mentioned with the "it was just a stupid kiss" comment, idk if it's everyone being way more personally involved when it comes to wlw ships or what but that comment was absolutely unproblematic and just petty teen behavior yet people reacted as if, like r*bbe, kieu my had called fatou a slur, or as if she bullied fatou
i've said it before, i will defend the three wlw seasons no matter what, i have issues with all three and my personal attachment and love are quite different towards each of them but representation matters and it's so sad to see how people willfully ruin these seasons for wlw fans and not support and even trash them more than any other season, it's like wlw seasons need to be flawless to be considered even passable while mlm and other seasons get a pass for literally high-key offensive stuff like slurs, racism, sexism etc.
(and thank you for saying you love my blog 💜)
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giorno-plays-piano · 4 years
Cry Little Sister
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Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Warnings: yandere, obsession, verbal threats, gaslighting, both reader and Peter are high school students, kinda slight incestuous undertones (the characters aren't related, though).
Words: 2214.
Summary: Your adopted older brother is not as nice as he seems, but no one is willing to believe you.
P.S. And yep, I used one of my favourite citations from Grishaverse in the end of this story. Hope you enjoy!
"Peter, sweetheart, I knew you'd make it!" Your mother had clasped her hands together while your father patted Peter's shoulder. "The best test results in the whole class! My goodness, we need to celebrate it!"
You smiled at them tiredly, seeing the faces of your parents practically glowing. True, Peter was a damn smart guy. You had never achieved such high results despite all those nights you spent studying, while he didn't care much about it at all, it seemed. You hadn't seen him with a book yet.
"I'm gonna bake an apple pie for you." A smile of your mother made you feel bitter, and you averted your eyes, missing an odd look your older adopted brother sent you.
Half a year ago he finally came to live with your family once your parents finished gathering all the papers and waited for almost a year to receive "the call". You remembered how you had jumped happily in the living room along with your mom, believing it was finally over. Well, maybe it was over for Peter, but for you it was only a beginning. You could hardly imagine the sweet skinny guy who you considered very shy and bashful would change so drastically.
It started very subtle. First, Peter was trying to be helpful, assisting you when you did the housework - he was actually way better at cooking and cleaning than you and easily got praised by your mom. You were truly thankful to him for his help, especially since it was easier to get to know him while working together. It was then when you first spotted the odd looks he was sending you when he thought you didn't see. There was something... uneasy lingering in his gaze. You couldn't quite put your finger on it, but sometimes Peter made you shiver with the way he spoke or touched you discreetly. It was strange. Of course, the boy didn't do or tell you something that would make you worried, but you just couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right. You blamed it on the fact you couldn't get accustomed to a new life with an adopted brother yet. Surely, it wasn't supposed to be easy?
But the more you spent time together, the stronger that feeling got. Despite Peter becoming a part of your family as easily as if he had always been your parents' son, you were wary of his sudden urges to touch you and always keep you in his sight. At first you thought he was just touch starved and needed human warmth. Maybe for Peter it was just easier to come to you rather than your parents since you were almost the same age as him.  But then... one day you saw him going through your things and taking one of your lipsticks from your makeup bag. You suddenly remembered losing a lip gloss two weeks ago.
Trying to voice your concerns, you talked to your mom who was so insensitive she went to speak with Peter right away. Of course, he said it wasn't true and you had probably misunderstood him since he only wanted to borrow a pen. He even showed his table and wardrobe to demonstrate he didn't hide anything.
From that time Peter had changed. He didn't hide his unhealthy behavior from you anymore, and he was scaring you with the things he had done, keeping an eye on you when you were around and stalking you if you were not, never staying far away aside from the time he had to be in class.
Of course, he sensed that you were becoming resteless, less and less eager to spend time with him, blaming it on lots of homework or sudden meetings with friends. You weren't blind to his frightening affection - if you could call his feelings like that. Why was he doing it? Despite spending only several months living with you, your parents loved him dearly, paying him twice more attention than you. You had never protested against it, knowing a poor soul like him who didn't have his own family needed all the help he could get now. But this... this wasn't alright. This wasn't a feeling siblings should have for each other. Did Peter consider you one? Did you truly consider him your older brother? You weren't sure. Nevertheless, it still didn't feel right.
Carefully, you attempted to talk to your father about it, vagualy wording your concerns and giving him little details - sure, you didn't like how Peter was behaving, but he didn't deserve to be banished from your family and sent back. You still believed something could be done to set everything right. Maybe the boy just didn't realize things were not supposed to work this way in a family. However, your father laughed it all off. He said little girls like you were thinking too much of themselves lately, claiming the whole world was obsessed with them. Peter simply tried to be a good brother and look out for you.
You had never felt more humiliated in your entire life.
Dropping all attempts to bring Peter's unhealthy behaviour to your parents' attention, you decided there was just one thing to do - separate yourself from him completely.
No more doing the housework together, no more chats in the kitchen in the morning, no more having lunch together at school, no more cuddles in the evening. You kept yourself as busy as you could - in the morning you did jogging, at school you spent time with your friends, in the evening you were taking your books and doing your homework in the park, at your friend's place or anywhere convenient. Even though Peter tried following you, you had started to change places all of a sudden to keep him away from you.
This was when he had enough of you distancing yourself.
Suddenly, Peter fighted for affection of your parents with such ferocity as if you tried to strip him of their love. His gradea were suddenly way better than yours - he claimed he had finally felt safe in his new home and could spent his energy elsewhere. The way he behaved was even more sweet than before. On the other hand, strange things started happening to you: once your mother found your expensive satin blouse torn and blamed it on you and your carelessness; the other time the chicken you cooked was so salty it ended in a trash bin; your friend received threats coming from your phone number, though you had never ever sent anything like that to her.
It was easy to guess who was doing this to you, but Peter never admitted it out loud. Talking to your parents was worthless, too, as in their eyes the boy was a pure blessing. How could you blame him for things you did to catch their attention?
Shit. You knew something was wrong with Peter, but you could hardly imagine to what extent he could go to have his way. It was unbelievable a boy like him could manipulate people so easily, wrapping them around his finger. Why was he doing it? Everyone already loved him. Everyone but you.
"Y/N!" Your mother's sharp voice broke the silence, and you hurried downstares, finding your mom near the washing machine with a wet black sock in her hands. "Are you out of your mind?! Did you put your black socks in there when I said to bring your WHITE clothes?!"
"But I didn't!" You gawked at her, knowing perfectly you only brought her what she asked you to. "I swear I didn't!"
"Oh yes, of course, it's Peter who went through your dirty clothes to incriminate you, dear." She sneered at you. "You have to come up with a new excuse, this is getting old. Look what you've done, my white jeans are ruined!"
"Please, mom, I-"
"Go to your room. I don't want to see or hear you." She snapped, tossing the sock to the floor as you stared at her in horror. She had never been so irritated like in the past month when your "slip-ups" were happening more and more often.
Racing upstairs, you pressed your hand to your mouth, trying not to cry. Why was he still doing it to you? Why did Peter want everything to be like he wished? Why did your parents never believe you? It was you who was their true daugther, for God's sake!
Locking the door, you fell down on your bed, burying your head in your soft pillow. It started to become unbearable. Why was this all happening? Despite your growing hate towards Peter, you couldn't say that he was ugly and unpleasant. He was easy on the eyes and could be really nice to people around him, and it made Peter quite popular among the girls at school. Why on Earth didn't he set his eyes on anyone other than you? There were plenty of girls who'd be willing to date him and give him as much attention as he wanted.
You wiped away your angry tears with your pillow, biting on your lower lip. It was unfair, and you weren't going to give in to him just because Peter wanted to play with you like a spoiled child. You'd find a way to prove you weren't guilty of all those things he wanted to pin on you, you just needed to gather yourself and think properly.
Suddenly, you heard someone knocking on your window and rushed to it immediately: your room was on the third floor. Seeing Peter sitting on the bench of a tree, you gasped in shock. You opened the window right away, praying for him to stay still.
"Are you out of your mind?" You whispered in horror, holding out your hand to him. "What are you doing there?!"
He smiled at you like nothing was happening, taking your arm and crawling towards your window. In the next moment he was already inside your room, grinning like a kid and shutting the window behind himself. You furrowed your brows, your heart racing. Peter was insane!
"What if you slipped?" You asked him furiously. "Are you mad? Do you want to die?!"
"No, but you wouldn't let me in your room unless I came in the window." He admitted carelessly and smiled, reaching out to you and enveloping you in a hug. "I'm glad you don't want me to fall."
"You're out of your mind, brother." You grunted, trying to push him away, but his grip was only becoming stronger. "What are you doing? Let me go, please."
"But I want a hug from you. Is it so bad?"
You clenched your teeth, watching him angrily. "You just made my mom scream at me for that stupid sock. You think you deserve a hug?"
"I only did it because you're stubborn. It's your fault I had come to this, Y/N." His sickly sweet smile made you nauseated as you put your hands on his chest in attempt to keep him away. "Come on, why have you been acting so cold? I just want to be a part of your family."
"Are you serious?"
Your eyes could burn a hole in his face as you stared at him, getting more and more angry with his behaviour and trying to blame you for his own actions.
"This isn't like it should be in a family, Peter. We're siblings now. Siblings don't do it... l-like that." You felt your face growing hot as you became deeply embarrassed, knowing how your words could be interpreted.
"But we're not siblings, are we?" He tilted his head to the side, narrowing his dark eyes at you and smiling widely.
You growled in irritation, still unable to get rid of him holding you like a doll in his hands.
"If you don't want me to be your sister, what family are you talking about, then?"
"We'll, it's not the only family I can have with you, right?"
You stilled, unsure you understood what Peter meant as he chuckled with content, watching you getting more and more confused while he gently caressed your back. What other family he could possibly mean?
It took you a few seconds to realize he was talking about marriage between you two.
Your eyes popped out of its sockets. Was he fucking serious? That kind of family? No, he should have been out of his mind completely. He definitely had to see a psychiatrist or something!
"You're joking, aren't you?" You muttered, shocked. "You can't be serious!"
"But I am, sister." Peter's sweet smile was slowly turning sinister as he leaned closer to you, dropping a kiss to your temple as you shivered against him, wanting nothing but get away. "And you better stop with that silly attitude of yours if you don't want me to get real angry."
"And what are you going to do if I don't? What if I will tell everyone about this?"
He smirked, touching your forehead with his and closing his eyes for a second.
"I see you still don't understand." Peter whispered to you, watching you getting more and more nervous. “I will strip away all that you know, all that you love, until you have no one but me.”
Tags: @finleyjayne @alexakeyloveloki   ​@helenaeisenhower @villanellevi @hurricanerin ​@void-hoechlin @abyssaint @heeeyitskay @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @rosalynshields @brattycherubwrites @sllooney @angrythingstarlight
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