#and if they change their minds about you they're very unlikely to forgive
batsplat · 2 months
Going back to the Italians, while it's true that sometimes I get annoyed with their insistence when they come and hunt me down, I recognise that it's partly because of me and the way I am. I am the kind of person who puts others at ease, who makes them feel like we've known each other for years. They think we're friends, that we can laugh and joke together as soon as we meet. Because Italians love doing this. So everybody thinks they know me well. Nobody approaches me with a degree of detachment. When they see me they want to hug me, grab me, touch me, squeeze me. There are all sorts of "types". There's the guy to whom it would never occur that maybe you don't feel like laughing and joking at precisely that moment. No, he appears and does his little shtick, one question after another, telling you things you never asked to hear. Then there is the worrier, who usually wants to come and sit down next to you, asking you how the bike is, the one who really cares about the standings, the opponents, who gives me all sorts of advice on how to ride in the next race. There's the sensationalist, the one who runs over as soon as he sees you. He hugs you, grabs you, pins you down and then calls his friends who arrive by the dozens and repeat the same routine. The souvenir hunter makes me feel like an animal in the zoo. He observes me, he photographs me from a nearby table or from the sidewalk. Ever since somebody had the bright idea of putting cameras in mobile phones, my life has changed, and not necessarily for the better: there is no such thing as privacy any more, ever. Anyone can spy on you, take your picture or even shoot a video of you. I truly loathe this, because the mobile-phone-camera maniacs have no compunction about stopping you, passing the phone around among themselves and snapping away from every conceivable angle in every conceivable pose. They don't ask permission. And, if they do, and you say "No", they just go and take your picture anyway, perhaps doing it secretly, which I believe is worse. The disrespectful type has no idea what privacy is. He'll come right up to you when you're at dinner with friends, or on a date, without thinking you might need some time to yourself once in a while. There's the moraliser, who comes up to you, interrupts whatever it is you're doing, puts his hand on your shoulder and says: "Goodness, you sure lead a nice life, you make all this money, you do fuck all and you get to travel all over the world! Life is good, isn't it?" And finally, there's the jealous one and here you have to be very careful, because it takes only a split second for an Italian to turn you from God to Satan in their minds. And if they change their minds about you, they're very unlikely to forgive. Having said that, when the Italians love you, they really love you. They transmit so much warmth, they really make you feel special. And that's why I always try to do something a little different at, say, the Italian Grand Prix. And that's why I still love my countrymen. It's just that I wish they were a little more polite.
Valentino Rossi in his 2005 autobiography, What if I had never tried it
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bellabrady · 2 months
Why many people dislike Tommy Kinard
Listen, I don't like to try and dictate what characters others can like. However, I do find it concerning how quick so many people are to forgive a bigot who didn't even get a proper redemption. So, especially for those who simply don't really remember Tommy, here's a quick recap of him:
Let's start with Chimney Begins. Tommy is one of the firefighters at the 118 when Chimney becomes part of the team. The first thing Tommy says when Chim arrives is 'Hey Eli, did you forget to tip the delivery guy?' On its own, this isn't really bad, because it could very much just be a harmless joke. But in combination with Tommy's behavior throughout the rest of the episode, one could argue the comment has racist undertones. But this one's up to interpretation so let's move on.
Although not explicitly stated, it's very obvious the 118 captain is racist which is reflected in the way he treats him: he only lets him do annoying chores, is a jerk towards him, actively isolates him, and so on.
The rest of the team, including Tommy, does nothing to try and change this. In fact, they actively take part in isolating him too, for example by letting him sit by himself at a tiny table instead of the group table while they eat. Even when Chimney attempts to talk to them, everyone but Eli (the paramedic who ends up training Chim) blatantly ignores him.
One time, Chim and Tommy are alone in the locker room and Chim says: "Hey man, let's build a bridge here." Tommy doesn't even react. Chim keeps making suggestions of things they could talk about, like movies or sports, to which Tommy still doesn't react except by rolling his eyes. Chim then asks: "You just really don't like me much, do you?" and Tommy responds: "If I thought about you at all, honestly, I probably wouldn't."
Mind you, he doesn't even know Chimney and yet he's pretty sure he wouldn't like him. What exactly is he basing that on? Race, perhaps? (Tommy is very close to some other guys on the team by the way.)
Eli tells Chim that the treatment isn't personal and that the reason everyone is so distant is because in this job, friends die and that the team isn't just gonna give Chim their friendship until they earn his respect. "You don't name a puppy until you know it's gonna pull through."
In my opinion this is absolute bullshit though. You cannot tell me every single probie at the 118 has been treated this way for weeks (maybe months? I don't remember exactly). Also, keeping someone at a distance doesn't mean you have to treat them like literal dirt. It's also worth mentioning that once the captain, Tommy and his best friend leave the 118, no probie seems to ever be treated this way again. So if it's about the nature of the job, why wasn't it like this for everyone? So, despite what Eli said, I think Chim's treatment was definitely caused by racism.
Eventually, Chimney is finally allowed out on calls and risks his life to save Tommy's, which basically makes Tommy go: "Oh hey! Maybe I could treat this guy like a human being?" He thanks him for saving his life and from this point on they're friends. I don't know about you guys, but personally I think someone who doesn't see it fit to treat you like a person until you save their life doesn't seem like a very great guy.
Let's move on to Hen Begins. The 118 is still under the same captain, who is also a misogynist. Unlike the racism, this isn't only implied but confirmed.
I've seen people argue that Tommy can't be blamed for not standing up to his captain because that's his boss. And yet, when the captain says "This is our new diversity hire" about Hen, Chimney says, "You know, Cap, there's another way to say that," which immediately proves that Tommy could stand up to him as well, and simply doesn't have the guts.
They treat Hen similarly to the way they treated Chim. Tommy, along with everyone else but Chim, for example throws some gear on the ground before Hen's feet so she takes care of it, not saying so much as a single word to her in the process.
Chim tries to make conversation with Hen and says "I would've bet money that you were from the east coast, you just kinda have that vibe." Hen laughs and says "Thank you for the compliment?" to which Tommy replies: "New York bitchiness is a compliment?"
He doesn't even know Hen and she's done nothing that could be seen as 'bitchy.' Just some good ol' fashioned misogyny. Chim also recognizes that comment for what it is immediately because he goes "woah, woah, nobody said anything like that, come on." Tommy only huffs in annoyance as a response.
The captain then goes on a rant about how training female firefighters is a waste of money and Chim once again stands up for Hen, unlike everybody else, including Tommy, who just lets the misogyny stand.
It isn't until Hen rescues someone on a call that Tommy and his friend admit they wouldn't have found in time, that they finally treat her like a person. You'd think they'd have learned from Chimney that maybe people shouldn't need to prove themselves to you in order for you to treat them like a human being, but apparently not.
Ultimately, the team submits complaints against the captain and supports Hen but if you ask me, this should've happened a lot sooner and not only after they deemed her worthy.
And that's pretty much all we see of Tommy, except for some short scenes in Bobby Begins Again in which he just interacts with his team until he leaves for a different station at the end of the episode. There's no redemption, no proper apology and, if you ask me, considering the fact that he treated Hen the same as Chim, there's also no development.
And yet there are people who will defend this man with their lives as if 90% of his screentime wasn't him being a bigot or at best a coward without the guts to stand up to his bigoted captain.
So yes, personally I think liking Tommy Kinard is weird.
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itssuppertim3 · 10 months
Miraak's Reaction to the LDB's Children:
ok it's been years since i adopted in this game and i forgot how cute it was to have kids
I'll put this plainly: Miraak has never been fond of the creatures (yeah he calls them that).
He seldomly tolerates people in general as it is, so hearing the Dragonborn mention them for the first time came as a great shock to him.
"You're saying... you just let them run around in your home?" "Yes." "Forgive me for ever calling you intelligent."
He claims he's very knowledgeable with child psychology because of the "horror stories" he's read through his duration in Apocrypha.
"Back in my day children were used as sacrifices to please the dragons. I suppose there was one good thing about their rule..."
He gets extremely uneasy at the thought of actually being introduced to them.
He also dislikes when you brag about them: "Sophie made me the prettiest bouquet one morning :)" "Can she recite the alphabet in Dovahzul?" "...No?" "Pathetic."
Keep in mind Miraak is extremely self-centered and still puts himself above anyone who isn't the LDB. But he'll get surprised when a seemingly average child can outwit him.
He becomes tense when he finally does meet them.
He's never been around children and has even forgotten what it felt like to be one.
That being said, he wasn't raised up the same way. Miraak doesn't know what it feels like to have fun or to be freely naive. He simply judges what he can't understand. Being exposed to your children does gradually start to make a change in him, though.
They're obviously frightened of him in the beginning; especially because of the ominousness of his mask. Sadly, he takes it off for no one, so they just have to get used to it.
Sophie is the first to acclimate to his presence. Somehow his demeanor sparks a tiny similarity with her father. He's abrasive, yet silent, and shows affection through actions rather than words.
She quickly grows fond of him and idolizes him as a father of her own.
The next child's personality is also very specific to the orphan you adopted, so I'll leave that for you to decide :): - (Lucia): She's awfully shy of him and prefers to strap herself against your thigh when she's near him. Unlike Sophie, it takes her a bit longer to adapt, but once she does, she's a fiery chatterbox. - (Runa Fair-Shield): She likes to bully him (constantly) and when he threatens to dispose of her she immediately tattles. She's also very good at blackmailing and makes him give her piggyback rides. - (Alesan): He can't say he likes him much; mainly because Miraak's Atmoran genes make him the size of a giant through his eyes. He avoids him more than the rest, but he's also recognized for his smarts, so every now and then Miraak will attempt to teach him something new. - (Blaise): He feels as though he has something to prove to him due to his struggles on the farm. Miraak wordlessly drives him to become more of a man, and Blaise respects him for it. - (Hroar): He has a lot of adoration for Miraak's skill as a master swordsman, and often begs for sparring lessons (perk: you get to see Miraak wave a kiddie wooden sword around).
On another note: - If you only have girls, Miraak is decorated in flower crowns galore 100% of the time and often finds himself falling asleep with the two wrapped under his arms after reading them stories. - If you only have boys, the house is always messy from roughhousing and amateur sword fights. The boys won't be nearly as spoiled as the daughters, and not even Akatosh will stop his wrath if they disrespect you.
Turns out, Miraak loves your kids more than he ever anticipated. He merely hated the idea of children, but never realized just how perfect they are.
((((((he really wants to make a baby now))))))
I'm melting
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earthstellar · 8 months
More Thoughts on Prowl in Earthspark
I think it would be fun if Prowl has a little bit of a tough time integrating with the Terran Team, which I talked about previously in another post
Like, if it starts out rough, understandable-- And then the "lesson" for the intended audience (kids) can be something along the lines of learning how to get along with others that may be different from yourself, how to integrate into a different culture by trying to make friends and being open to learning, how to meet people halfway when you might be personally hesitant, etc.
But I have some more thoughts...
Real World Concerns: ACAB Still Applies
Keeping in mind that Prowl's a cop and there are some real world implications of that which are even more highlighted as the Maltos are a non-white family who live in the USA, I can understand the concerns I've seen some people have about bringing a "tough cop" type of character into a show that has heavy emphasis on diversity and reflecting that diversity fairly realistically.
I've been wrongfully detained back when I was a teenager and was taken across a state border then had to sleep in a cell overnight thanks to the NYPD myself as a trans person, which happened only four weeks after my black partner at the time was harassed by a police officer when a cop straight up just walked into my dad's house with no warrant because apparently a black person and a trans person gardening together is "suspicious behaviour".
My dad's house is in Pennsylvania, which is where Earthspark takes place. Me and my loved ones have been harassed by cops that are quite literally the actual cops you'd see in Earthspark, in Witwicky. Same police department/region in Pennsylvania, given their proximity to actual Pennsylvanian locations in the show.
So I know these fears well and I understand-- Nobody has a good experience with the American police. Every interaction is terrifying, and those of us in any minority group are far more likely to have experiences like this having never committed any crime or wrongdoing at all. Seeing any cop, even a fictional one, can trigger some bad memories or prior trauma for a lot of us, and it might be hard for them to work around.
I'm thinking that's part of why they've changed his alt-mode, from what we can tell from the toy photos.
Earthspark Handles Real World Issues Fairly Well: Writing with Sensitivity
At the same time, the themes of the show are fundamentally family, friends, learning, growing, and teamwork, with some emphasis on developing emotional intelligence and social/cultural awareness.
It's important to remember that Prowl is a Cybertronian cop who took a cop car alt-mode back in the G1 days because it was simply what fit his own role best and made for the most effective cover while on Earth-- He may not be working with local human police forces, but if he is, we'll see how the show handles that.
I think it's notable that they've changed up Prowl's alt-mode design here, despite having shown him in his police vehicle alt-mode in the G1 flashback sequence. You don't see "POLICE" written across his doorwings, these days. They're not selling him as a "cop car toy" anymore, which I think most of us can agree is a good thing.
I think Prowl absolutely has a place in Earthspark, and it'll be interesting to see how they utilise his character-- For all we know, it'll be a totally unique take on the character unlike any specific prior iteration of him, which would also be interesting!
But I do think that they know they have to be careful with introducing a cop character. They've handled subjects like xenophobia in Earthspark very tactfully in a way that suits the intended audience of children, and hopefully they continue to use the same tact when interpreting Prowl's character for this same audience, given that he's a cop and there are implications to cop characters in general that are going to lead a lot of people to be a little less forgiving and a little more suspicious of him.
More Conjecture/Thinking Out Loud, Since All We Have is a Photo of a Toy At This Point
That having been said, almost no story can happen without a hero's journey in some shape or form, and it would be interesting to see Prowl have some initial difficulty dealing with the Terrans and humans in general (or something similar that might cause some level of conflict) to be resolved as time goes on.
It would be interesting if the show touches on Prowl being a cop and how American kids realistically react to that.
I was always taught to never speak to a cop and how to do so very carefully if I ever absolutely had to etc. when I was a kid, and I'm sure the Maltos have had that same conversation with their children. It's a safety issue; Unfortunately, most American kids get "the cop talk" pretty early.
Maybe Prowl shows up and Robby immediately grabs Mo to get her behind him and he tells his Terran siblings to "let him do the talking", since he's the oldest one and a little more aware of the risk that police officers can present. Since Mo is usually outgoing, and she might be more quiet here because she would understand the potential risk whenever cops are involved, the Terrans would take the hint and be wary of Prowl.
Or perhaps Prowl is introduced as an "enforcer" by Optimus, and when the kids ask what that means, Optimus translates it as "police officer", which might be what causes Robby and Mo to react a little negatively/suspiciously to Prowl. So it wouldn't be as immediate of a reaction, but once they find out he's a cop, they react appropriately-- With caution.
Which might serve to alienate him a bit, as he wouldn't understand why they were just outgoing and friendly and now they're suddenly not-- From Prowl's point of view, he might not fully understand their reaction.
If he'd been working on trying to investigate the bot fighting rings etc., then he'd be aware of the general public's xenophobia towards Cybertronians and how that can manifest as real violence, and might think the kids were being biased against him. Which might be worsened by the fact that to him, as far as he knows, they evidently don't like enforcers specifically-- Which may even lead him to overthink it, as he is technically designed to do in most continuities, and he might assume their anxiety around him comes from some kind of criminal history on their part.
This could be handled partially comedically, as the audience knows the kids are good and haven't done anything wrong (and this would also introduce Prowl's capabilities as an investigative officer while framing him as a "silly adult bewildered by kids just being kids" for the younger viewers)-- -But it needs to be treated respectfully and with reasonable seriousness as well.
This type of assumed guilt is often what leads to wrongful arrest, miscarriage of justice, and serious abuse from actual police. There is a real world body count for this exact kind of assumption, and these assumptions are often based in racism, homophobia, transphobia, etc.
And this is a kid's show, so I don't think they'll go too deep-- But I do think they'll address the "cop in the room" in some kind of way.
There could be some serious misunderstandings that go both ways, as the kids might then interpret any upset from Prowl as being inherently hostile.
It would take work to get them to trust him, and Prowl would need to come to understand why being an enforcer in this context is something that registers as a threat to the Maltos and by proxy the Terrans as well-- Who haven't had good experiences with authority figures either, given the whole GHOST situation.
And given that he might not start out too enthused about the situation altogether (we don't know how he might be coping with being forced to live on Earth), it might be interesting if they take this approach (or a similar one) to introducing Prowl.
Keeping in mind this is a show for kids, and you don't want kids to implicitly trust cops. In America especially, that's just not a safe lesson to teach.
So it would be hard for them to pull something like this off, in a way that both 1) solidifies that cops can't be safely trusted and also 2) Prowl is good not because he's a cop, but because his genuine interests are to protect and serve in his own way, and it's not just some kind of fake creed that he doesn't follow like every other cop.
But like I said, you can't teach kids that cops are good. So it'll be interesting to see how they handle his role as "enforcer".
He might be misguided sometimes, or he might need some fine-tuning, but Prowl shouldn't be directly malicious or intentionally mean to the kids. Maybe he's accidentally rude, or doesn't understand how he comes across to others (especially humans/the Terrans). Maybe he's having a hard time being on Earth, and it shows in his behaviour or demeanour.
But he can learn, and adapt as best he can over time. The show is about learning and growing with each other.
I Don't Think He'll Dislike the Kids Too Much: Teaching Time with Prowl
It'll be interesting to see how Prowl gets along with the kids, but I do think he eventually will, at least to some degree.
I don't think Prowl is a child-hater. I think he might need time to acclimate and socialise a little more effectively and understand a little more. And the kids might need the same, when it comes to Prowl.
I can't see him as being mean to them, not once he realises the Terrans are essentially sparklings and the human kids develop and grow on a totally different scale. We don't know what interactions Prowl might have with humans in general, or how experienced he is with younglings of any kind.
There might be a learning process, or Prowl might even take up helping to tutor the kids a bit-- He could help teach them investigative techniques, or logical problem solving, or how to evaluate complex situations (like calculating battle outcomes and assessing threats in the field-- a safety lesson as much as anything else). Things along those lines.
We've already seen the kids learn from various adults, so why not Prowl too?
I can see him wanting to protect them and do what he can to help them, but he might not be a super-involved parent-type, and that's totally fine.
He would likely make for a strict but effective teacher, using his skills of observation to notice when the kids need some extra assistance or would benefit from a different approach.
He might also struggle to teach at first; Maybe he attempts to treat it like an enforcer academy, which the kids might not respond well to. Bumblebee could provide some input to help Prowl adjust his approach, as he has the most experience with training them so far.
He Might Not Be a Cop at All
Maybe he's not an enforcer at all anymore, in this continuity.
Maybe he's struggling to find an identity for himself after realising the enforcement system on Cybertron was corrupt (as Megatron in Earthspark has given us some hints that the background setup to the war might be similar to IDW 1 in some regards), and after finding Earth's police are no better, he's at a loss for how to make himself useful.
He could possibly be working as a kind of private investigator, carrying out missions assigned to him by Optimus. He doesn't wear the GHOST badge, so it doesn't seem like he's been working with them somewhere this whole time.
Part of any irritation from him might be, essentially, an identity crisis. What does he do now, and how does he do it, with almost no resources and very few Cybertronians left to collaborate with? Does he even want to collaborate with anyone at all, at this point?
He might be more of a solo actor in Earthspark, off doing his own thing. With or without missions assigned from Optimus.
But he does still wear the Autobrand, which is interesting if this is the case.
More Disability Representation: Prowl is Essentially Neurodivergent With a Syncope Disorder
He might not be too good at socialising, but this shouldn't be taken as a sign of being a "mean cop"-- Prowl is canonically neurodivergent in some continuities (owing to his unique tactical/statistical processing, he is also prone to crashes), and any social problems he's depicted with are at least in part a result of his thought processes and perception of things being fundamentally different.
It would be interesting if they brought this aspect of his character back for this iteration of Prowl; Maybe he sees the Terrans for the first time and his processor struggles to understand what's going on and what they are at first, and it might trigger a crash.
Of course, the kids would react like how most kids do; Sort of panicked and worried that it's their fault somehow. Prowl could provide some situations that would be a good opportunity to teach kids a little more about disability and provide further representation for any neurodivergent kids watching the show, which would be great! And a "crash" could be comparable to anything from some types of seizures to syncope disorders to narcolepsy etc.-- Any health condition where fainting or collapse might occur.
We rarely see syncope etc. disorders portrayed in media, let alone kid shows, so it would be great to see in Earthspark as an opportunity for both inclusion for disabled audiences and education on disability for non-disabled audiences.
It would be interesting if a "crash" were portrayed somewhat realistically, no immediate recovery, maybe some dizziness, lingering fuel tank upset, maybe he even sustains some damage from falling over. It might take him a bit to fully reboot. He might regularly need to be a little more careful, to avoid processor loops or logic system issues that could lead to a crash.
Maybe he has a crash at a critical moment, and is out of commission for a battle or situation where he could have been helpful. If the kids are lukewarm towards him at this point, maybe seeing him laid out on a berth still recovering after they return from the fight would encourage them to step up and reassure him that he's not any less capable-- They would understand.
They've likely seen their mother struggle now and then on days where the phantom limb nerve pain is too much for her to go on that hike they had planned, or days where the prosthetic just isn't the vibe so she goes without and gets around the house a little differently on those days, or maybe even days where they see Dot looking at her prosthetic with a little sigh, and that's just how it is. Not every day is a feeling good day, some days the prosthetic just isn't wanted, some days the prosthetic is harder to put on than others. Disability is variable, and how people deal with disability fluctuates.
The kids would be good about understanding that Prowl has "those kind of days" too.
The show's not about Prowl-- There is an ensemble cast and plot/storylines to progress. But it would be a nice little scene if they want to do a one-off bit about this, that could also serve to show that Prowl, as hard-ass as he might come across, does actually have some vulnerabilities.
It could be the thing that encourages the kids to at least try to work with him, if they have any initial hesitancy-- Especially following their experiences with Robbie's illness previously.
If the kids might think Prowl's demeanour is a little off-putting because he's not as outwardly emotive, might be more literal than others, etc., maybe one of the other adult bots could help explain to them that Prowl's processor just works differently, and that he struggles with being social. The kids would likely be understanding of this, and it would be a nice parallel to teaching abled kids how to interact with autistic peers, while also making Prowl relatable to autistic kids watching the show.
(This would also provide a potential opportunity for a medic character to be introduced... I'm just saying. We all want Ratchet to show up, lmao.)
Earthspark is good about disability representation so far, and it would be nice to see that it's not just humans who can be disabled.
Anyway, yes, there's a lot of potential for Prowl in Earthspark, but it will have to be handled with tact, which I think the writers have proven themselves to be pretty capable of so far.
So, we'll see! We have no information right now aside from the toy photos, but the hype is real, and it will be interesting to see how they bring Prowl into the show and what, exactly, he'll be doing.
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epickiya722 · 1 year
An izuocha shipper said this:
Bkdks are just so transparent and easy to read. The people who rant now and want "justice for iida" are the VERY SAME people who always call him irrelevant to the story, boring, annoying, talk down his friendship with izuku and still havent forgiven him being rude ONCE to izuku in the very beginning of the manga before he and izuku even were friends (ohhhhh but anti bakugou people have to forgive bakugou ABUSING izuku for 12 YEARS, right?) and unlike bakugou didnt need over a century to apologiez! Lets be real, there is maybe just 1% of bkdk shippers who are really mad that it wasnt iida. For the majority thats not what the real problem is. They arent mad, because iida was "swaped" with ochako in the opening, they are mad because it was ochako and NOT bakugou! NOT ONE OF THEM would complain if instead of ochako reaching her hand out for izuku, if it would have been bakugou! Despite that there is no such moment in the manga between them! Its all about their shipping agenda. The anime can be as inaccurate as possible, bkdks dont care as long as bones highlights izukus and bakugous relationship even if its not manga canon.
What do you think about it? I'm interested in your opinion
And I am happy to give my opinion!!
Once more it's just other shippers trying to take a stab at BkDks and for what? Because they can't let it go. They're just bored and can't help but be asses.
For one, a lot of BkDks I have seen NEVER said Iida is boring or that irrelevant in any way. When it comes to other characters, I have seen a lot of BkDks defend them, Iida being one, Uraraka being another.
Hell, ask a BkDk who their favorite female character and most likely you'll get Ochaco Uraraka aka Uravity as an answer
No one is upset that it wasn't Bakugou that held Midoriya's hand in the opening. We're upset because once more Uraraka is just being used to fuel that role that it seems she's being forced into, which she doesn't deserve. She doesn't deserve to be a girl who only seemed to have Deku on her mind. A lot of her actions aren't even influenced by him and it sucks that others don't get that. On top of that, Iida, who a lot of us love, myself included, hated seeing his big moment taken away like that.
That's what it's more about. When that chapter came out that the opening is alluding to, no BkDk shipper I saw get upset. Why?
Because Iida is another good friend of Midoriya’s, he's also a great character on his own and it was nice seeing him getting the spotlight in that moment. It's like with Kirishima, BkDks like Kirishima because he is also a great character. He just happens to be a friend of Bakugou's. Do BkDks hate that? No!
Also BkDks and Bakugou fans aren't asking for anti Bakugous to "forgive" Bakugou. No one cares how they feel about Bakugou.
At most, what is being asked is not being so annoying about it and leave that space alone that does like his character. They're constantly the same ones sending threats, purposely tagging their anti posts wrong, commenting under fics, reblogging posts, etc. Like hate Bakugou, that's your preference and no one is forcing for a change of heart.
But how in the fuck (excuse my language) are antis going to throw the "Bakugou is a bully" card (mind you, who at the end of the day is a fictional teenager) yet do trolling and bullying REAL PEOPLE?
The anime actually CAN'T be inaccurate as possible because all it's doing is ruining what Horikoshi and his team has worked on in the manga. It's why it's highly encouraged to read the manga.
I'm not surprised an IzuOcha shipper said that because guess what the anime is doing? Making IzuOcha seem more important when there's other things they should be highlighting like Iida's importance. If anyone is easy to read it's some of them.
BkDk shippers love BkDk, yeah, but most I have seen are always excited for the other characters, analyzing scenes about other characters and themes, hell, some are even multishippers so they do like other Bakugou and Midoriya ships.
Honestly, BkDks and Bakugou fans are probably the sets of people that seem to actually care about the story as a whole the most.
Ashido got a scene cut? A BkDk shipper will point it out. Shigaraki didn't say that in the manga and it's out of character? Oh, look that Bakugou fan caught it! Uraraka being reduced to nothing more than a girl with a crush despite having other great qualities that should be highlighted on? BkDks and Bakugou fans are ENRAGED.
Overall, to summarize this (it is long and I apologize for that, I ramble) BkDks in general don't care that it should have been Bakugou who held Midoriya's hand, I know I don't. We care about Iida's and Bakugou's significance to one of the darkest times in Midoriya's life. We care that Uraraka is also treated with care as she should be. If the opening wanted to have an IzuOcha moment, they could have! Just why make it the moment that should have gone to the characters that was important in that vital moment? They've been doing original scenes and whatnot forever, why stop now? Why take something away from other characters that are just as important as the protagonist and main girl character?
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creetchure · 8 months
Please tell me about your ideas for the fallout for like everyone post gotham war (if not everyone than just Jason is fine too, i am very curious about your ideas for an arc for him)
hi hello!!! my thoughts are more directed to jason because he's the one who went through the brunt of things, BUT i have thoughts on all of them. i also have sort of separate thoughts because of the detective comics anouncement, but they contain spoilers for the future issues of detective comics, so if you don't want that, i'm putting it under read more after this.
also typing this and realizing it's REALLY long, so i'm gonna put a tldr at the end of each character LMAO
first off, dick is never forgiving bruce for this. we know exactly how protective of his siblings he is -- he killed joker for implying having killed tim -- and i can't see him letting this slide, no matter how much bruce pleads the "it wasn't me i was being influenced by the personality i created as a backup". Of course, because they're bruceanddick and they're always in a cycle of coming back to each other, eventually, little by little, dick is going to start working with him again, but i don't think this is something he'll ever *forgive*. or forget for that matter. so to me, this should spark an arc of nightwing becoming more separate from batman than he's been in years.
TL;DR: Dick isn't forgiving bruce for this, but will eventually work with him again
second off. there are a lot of things i would like to see for jason, some more likely than others. ill start by what i *know* won't happen, but would be best for his character imo.
Jason is a character we've seen move forward and backwards so many times, mostly because he sells well, and so the writers keep him stuck in this red hood limbo of eing a loner and making friends, and hating bruce and forgiving him, and it's been the same arc since his resurection, and i'm tired. which is why i think what'd be best for him is an Oracle arc, for lack of a better term.
Jason will never leave Gotham for an extended period of time. it's home to him as much as it is to Bruce. he might go away for a bit (id like to see him in Blud but ill get into that later), but he'll always come back. he also will never give up trying to protect Gotham and the people in it, because he never has. But he can't be a vigilante in the same way anymore, functionally, what Bruce has done to him is profoundly disabling in day to day life, let alone doing things that are made to trigger the panic response.
I don't think that should stop him. Personally, my vision for it is to put him at the head of a spy network, to render Batman obsolete and stop major crime before it even happens (potentially also feeding batman fake info to make him look bad), but like. you could do other things. it's just the idea that i'm going with.
But I do think that unlike Dick, jason is going to forgive bruce for this (against his better sense or wishes. he does understand how fucked this is) because he understands altered states of mind (NOT talking about the pit. talking about good old fashioned brain fuckery). but it's also going to cause a rift in their relationship that i don't see them bridging anytime soon, and Jason *will* be extremely uncomfortable for a long time.
Thats only if they don't walk back the panic thing, though, which i firmly believe they will. a Red Hood solo has been in the works for ages, and is supposed to come p soon, and i doubt they'd start it off with Jason unable to *be* Red Hood. They might not fully fix it, but they'll make it much more manageable.
overall, i'd like to see Jason in Bludhaven after this for a bit. I kind of just want a focus on him and Dick for a while, though I dread what Tom Taylor might write of the two of them. I'd also like a mantle change, but that's just me dreaming.
TL;DR: if it was up to me, Jason would have an Oracle arc and be the head of a spy network. it's not, and all I can hope for is Jason moving to Bludhaven and detaching himself from Bruce for a while
third off, tim. I don't have many thoughts about him, if I'm honest, mostly because he's one of the least directly affected by Bruce's actions, imo. i'm also less of a fan of his character, making it harder for me to see all the implications that this arc will have on him. I do firmly believe that he'll stick to his siblings rather than Bruce, because he does know how to look at reality and call out Bruce's bullshit.
TL;DR: i don't know/don't care enough about Tim to have that many thoughts. he'll pick his siblings side.
fourth! Cass! She isn't really present in the event much (doesn't sell as well i assume) but this is important to me so. To me, this causes damage to her and Bruce's relationship as well, that he'll have to work to fix. She is loyal to the Bat and what the symbol represents before she is loyal to the man wearing the suit, and I think that to her, this is betrayal of the ideals Batman stands for. bruce isn't a hero in this arc, and he's not a symbol of hope like the bat stands for. What I would like for Cass is for her to keep going on the missions, keep doing good, but doing so independantly from Batman. She stops answering to him entirely up until she feels he has made amends and has worked himself back to the standard he used to be. I want her to stay in Gotham, and keep protecting it the way the Bat should, even from the bat himself.
TL;DR: cass should stay in Gotham and be batman and not return Bruce's calls.
Damian is the one i'm not exactly sure i know where the writers are leading, but i can still speculate and tell you what *id* do.
we know that him and bruce are still going to be friendly and on the same side by the end of this from Batman and Robin #1. we also know Damian in that issue is kind of distant, doesn't really stick around Bruce much. Williamson's damian always reads sort of. depressed. so idk how much of that is in reaction to Gotham war or just from the way Williamson characterizes him, but there's that.
Imo, Damian will forgive bruce, but is also internalizing a lot of the bad shit that happen in Gotham war. Bruce leaving him needs to be something that stays, because he's 14 and his dad is his hero and he left him behind *anyway* and that's bound to fuck you up.
So I think Damian is staying in Gotham, and he's staying with Bruce, but he's also going to be dealing with the aftermath of that for a while, potentially up to a boiling point, which i'd really like to see. Also i'd like to see this compound with the fact that Talia left him with his father, and how that computes together in his head etc etc.
TL;DR: Damian will stick by Bruce for better or for worse, and might have a shit time mentally dealing with the aftermath of this.
I don't have many thoughts on steph, babs, or selina, since 1) i don't know selina and babs well enough to speak on their character, and 2) steph hasn't been there much, and i don't have a Vision for her like i do for Cass.
okay. those are my thoughts. Now for those on the tec announcement
right so. forget literally all i've said about bruce, because he's going to die.
I'm not pulling this out of thin air, in issue 1080 of detective comics, it's said that Bruce is killed by the orghams, leading to the entirety of gotham city forgetting him. Now, I have no idea how this is getting implemented, so I can't say much about how the members of the Batfamily will react. But I can say that this is, in fact, the natural progression for bruce's character.
in the past year or so, both Zdarski and Ram V have been talking about how Bruce is getting too old, and putting more tangible, permanent consequences on what he does (losing a hand, zur, etc).
On top of that, he has been made to make amends with Dick, Tim, and Jason over the course of that same year (nightwing 100, cheer, failsafe arc, etc)
To me, this arc is the culmination of months of foreshadowing.
Though i'll admit, i thought they were going to just retire bruce for a little while, not fucking *kill him*. it won't last for more than a few years, he sells too well, but i genuinely thought this would be like a knightfall situation.
when it comes to the question of who gets to be batman (i swear, last paragraph and i'm done), i think that gotham war also serves to tell us that *no one* will be. I don't see Dick picking it up in those conditions, Jason won't either, Tim is scared of becoming batman, and Damian might but they won't really let him. ofc they won't let Cass take up the mantle either.
Woo. hope you're happy with this and tihs wasn't more than you bargained for. i'm a bit insane about this.
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bluebellhairpin · 2 years
Greek Gods + Goddesses
These are just all my thoughts on their appearances, so take it with a grain of salt, and don't take them too seriously. It's not a powerpoint, ik, but forgive me. I'M LAZY.
The Douchebag Supreme has grey hair and a beard, and over all looks good. Dare I say handsome. He can change to look older or younger, but the crows feet at the edges of his eyes never really go away.
Has an air about him that either makes you really like him or really hate him. You'll never see him skip leg or arm day. His bolt takes a lot to throw (more than he'd admit) so his arm/shoulder/back game is too good for someone with such a bad personality.
Its easy to nail him as a surfer dude, and no one is more tempted to follow than trend than I am, but I'm not. He's actually more of a trawler fisherman. Real burly bulk.
Messy hair, full beard, tanned skin. Probably has a few scars but not as many as Ares. Wears woolen cloths a lot and looks like a grandpa way too often. His hands a really rough from all the stuff he handles with no gloves and the saltwater getting into callouses.
I had to look at pictures because unlike everyone else, nothing was coming to mind for what she looks like. But yeah I like this long dark hair portrayed in some pictures. More curled than straight though.
Has the kind of face that can go from looking really kind and soft and motherly - the ideal wife - to looking like she'll ask for your head on a platter when she opens her mouth next. A completely sudden switch between the two and she does it flawlessly. Snaps to her, take that Zeus.
Everyone agrees she is gorgeous, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I am a firm believer in the shapeshifter Aphrodite theory, so what she looks like doesn't matter so much.
Because everyone's view on what is beautiful, or who is the prettiest vary from person to person, her looks come across different for each person, including herself. She doesn't mind so much now as she may have previously.
Poor guy was thrown away by his mother because he was ugly. Ik he's a god but that effects people badly, so he probably doesn't maintain a certain type of appearance. His hair is long, not messy, and he's got a full beard that he would never get rid of because of his disfigured face.
He's got the biggest body of all the gods. Built up a lot of muscle with a healthy layer of fat all over. Like the kind of person you could happily nap on, but who could also crush your head in one hand.
(Yoiking this one from Rick Riordan) He's got a very scarred face. They're all over his body, God of War and all that, but he still has a handsomeness to him. Not saying all his scars are pretty - there's one across his cheek that's particularly gnarly - but he wears them with pride, so it works.
Very bulky in how his body is built, and honestly he probably walks in a way that makes him even more intimidatingly. Very board shoulders, smaller waist but not snatched. Thighs and biceps are LARGE.
Just because he's the of of the underworld, I'm going to say his skin is almost transparent in some lighting, you can see his skeleton. I know he's not the god of death, but souls enter in his realm and idk but I feel like he'd kinds fit into that. And I think it looks cool.
Very tall and thin. Dark hair. Looks more starved and wet and paretic than all the blorbos from your shows put together. His eyes are dark but like his skin they seem to fade in and out of existence.
He's hard for me to pinpoint a look for. The god of travelers and thieves, a messenger. One thing I can say is that he's small. Not tiny, and by human standards ig he's pretty average. Most likely to pass by you on the street and you not even notice or look at him twice.
Can get into small spaces (flexible), and has the endurance to walk or run whenever he wants (I thinking good leg power). Also most likely to have no collarbones and be blond. idk why.
Gets so much sun time, so his hair is majorly sun-bleached like sailors who spend too much time on deck out at sea, but his skin is dark and full of melanin. He's the one I can see being portrayed as only ever being black - the others are definitely chameleons, but Apollo is definingly a black guy in my books.
Immaculate skincare routine. He thinks it is anyway, even though it could definitely be worse (better? Let's say more complex). Either way, flawless skin. Rocks the moles he has though.
I knew she and Apollo are twins, but he's the sun and she's the moon. So her hair is super dark, and her skin is so pale. The only sunlight she sees (unless she's on Mt Olympus) is what's reflected off the moon. Starved Victorian Child kind of pale. Being tanned is a lifestyle and it's not one she lives.
Very small in body-type. I'm thinking almost child-like, but not quite. As if she never grew out of her teen years into maturity. Eternal youth and maidenhood and all that. Her power in in her arms, drawing back on a bow takes practice and time and damn her arms are good for it. Flawless draw.
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csmingy · 3 months
Hi, I was notified about some asks about me on this blog concerning feral porn, and I wanted just to send in a post to clear things up since I do not want to be associated with anything feral-related. The art for my dragon!AU was never in any way or form intended to be feral art. The pieces for both AUs were made with the "Harkness test" in mind, They're both presented as sentient human beings that can shapeshift (same for my werewolf AU).
I was unaware that some of my art was perceived as feral, and I am/was extremely uncomfortable when I found out it was perceived that way, I removed those pieces a while ago and believe they are no longer on my blog. I cannot control if they have been reuploaded on third-party sites, but to my knowledge, I have removed all of them and those i have access to.
I apologize for any discomfort my past work may have caused, and I want to clarify that creating art that could be deemed feral was NEVER my intention.
On the other point of contention, I also have in the past talked about the defending of the writer, but I can only share my part and reasoning of the story since another closed species owner was involved,whom I am no longer in contact with and wish to not be associated with, hope you can understand.
Unlike how other people might have reacted I very much needed a second to come to terms with the fact that somebody i deemed a good friend created some fucked up content I wasn't aware of. it's admittedly very hard for me to deal with situations like this since I put a lot of time and effort into my online friendships and sadly I get VERY over-attached and care too excessively for people I deem friends and or users in my server,, EVEN if they don't have my best interest in mind, so finding out about stuff like this doesn't equal turning off a simple light switch for me, this is very much one of my flaws. After I had time to process and had time to talk with my mods and make them aware of the situation, the person in question has been blocked, banned and removed.
I am not seeking approval or forgiveness from others; you are welcome to make your judgment and form your own opinion of me. I strongly disapprove of feral art and regret making others uncomfortable with my past work, this was and has never my intention.
thank you for this, it was very well worded. we were unaware of any old apologies or conversations about this so we are glad to hear directly from you
following this post we will no longer be answering asks about this subject! we do believe that people can change, so out of respect for that and this apology, we hope y’all understand !🍋
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embershroud108 · 11 months
i'm just gonna send you an ask directly to avoid touching that gigantic post again lol
the main thing i want to address is this: "I mean, honestly, I don't think Vi loves Jinx." because i super disagree with that. when jinx walks away from her in the end, it hurts her so much that she breaks down and cries which is something she almost never does. vi doesn't look at jinx and see a new person, she just sees powder, her little sister, who she loves more than anything in the whole world. and that view of jinx is accurate--jinx is her sister, and vi doesn't need another reason to love her.
now obviously jinx has changed a lot since she was a kid. i think the real issue on vi's end is that, while vi loves jinx as much as she ever did, she doesn't understand her at all, and how could she? because unlike with jinx and ekko or even jinx and caitlyn, we have seen every single minute that vi has spent with jinx since getting out of prison, and it's...not very long at all. she's spent maybe twenty minutes with her in the last six or seven years. but i think, right now at least, not knowing her sister anymore doesn't affect the way she feels about her. my One Fear^tm is that the more vi is acquainted with who jinx has become, the more that distinction between powder and jinx will form in her mind and the less she'll be able to love the "new" powder. and that possibility is incredibly upsetting to say the least, but i don't think we're nearly there yet and i am holding onto hope that we never will be.
Well, see that's kind of my point, right? She doesn't even know the person who is her sister, now. So how could she really love that person in the way that she thinks? She loves the memories she's been hanging on to of someone who doesn't really exist anymore, at least not in the way she knew her. That's the whole crux of the tragedy. By the way this also applies to Jinx and what she means in her final line. Jinx was also hanging on to an idealized version of Vi who doesn't really exist anymore and similarly can't accept that she's gone changed. So, what happened in the final scene, I think, is that they both realized that the person they loved is gone, or so irrevocably changed as to be effectively gone. That's why Vi broke down like she did, and was the last thing that pushed Jinx completely over the edge. I think they're both going to continue seeing parts of the person they cared about before in the other, but....yeah I share your One Fear. The more they come to be at odds based on the sides they've chosen, the more they're going to resent each other as they are now until we finally get that actual physical fight between them teased in the intro.
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My One Hope, though, is that they can get to the point where they both accept and forgive the other for how they've changed and still care about each other.
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callmegaith · 6 months
Hey! I'm just wondering where you got the idea to start shipping Dale and David? (Cool art btw!) As far as I know they've met thru Birthday but are they related in any other way?
Oh boy. Okay. This is gonna be all over the place.
So birthday, you get the letter from David saying he's sorry and all that. Yeah. Dale and David are connected, we just don't know how yet. Something important to David was for whatever reason in Dale's home.
But really the appeal just comes from what if scenarios. Both Dale and David are victims of their circumstances. David made Dale the person he is. He set him on the path of the lake, doom pretty much. And seeing he was remorseful for that in his letter, I like to imagine a world where David is doing his best to undo the damage he's done....
And so Down the Rabbit Hole is born. (If you haven't read it, I feel like it explores my idea for their dynamic better than my rambly post can. It's a comic series I'm working on exploring Dale and David's relationship during David's own paradox journey)
To me they are like two people chasing each other for opposite reasons. David just wants forgiveness so he can let go of the guilt of what he has done to Dale, and Dale wants peace of mind and an end to the trauma that the events of that day caused him... Or revenge even.
The potential of those two just... Meeting again, talking, and David finally having the chance to clear everything up to Dale can make for something so beautifully tragic. There's a story to be told here, not necessarily romantic. But a good tragic story about healing and moving on which is what I want for both of them more than anything. David has turned his back on the Lake. He has betrayed his gods and ran away unlike the rest of the souls at the bottom of the lake, and Jakob wanted to hunt him down and kill him for that. He's been up to something we don't know since then and that eventually led him to Dale. And I just imagine a world where the two of them become the characters that break the cycle of the Lake.
It's the star crossed trope really. With all the jumping around and changing pasts and futures in this game, the idea of them being doomed in every loop, every universe, every recreation. It's appealing to me. Just two people who are broken, running circles around one another but never being able to reach out to finally break the loop. And so they're stuck, never being able to move on while desperately wanting to. And there's just something so MWAH, chef kiss, about the tragedy of them.
So TLDR??? Makebelieve and doomed yaoi :)
It's really hard to explain and I do it better with art than words. I'm not very good with explaining things so I'm sorry if this made 0 sense. But hope it answered your question well enough or that at least Down the Rabbit Hole gave you a better idea than this xD (tho Down the Rabbit Hole is not a ship comic, it just shows the dynamic and idea I have for them)
Generally, the ideas I have for them aren't specifically romantic. I just like dudes kissing :)
(which I never even drew them doing except for a meme)
So yeah, gay, not gay, I just want the two of them to meet again and reconcile.
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thatseventiesbitch · 9 months
Spreading positivity :) What would you pick as your five favorite Eric/Donna scenes of the show? And what do you see as both of their greatest strengths as individual characters and as a romantic partner?
Hi! These are great questions - love them. Also love talking about something else! Thanks so much. 😊
Favorite Eric & Donna Scenes (this was soooo tricky!):
Their couch scene in S2xE2 "Red's Last Day"
Their first 'I love you' in S2xE7 "I Love Cake"
Cuddling in the back of Kelso's van in S5xE1 "Going to California"
The scene at the end of S4xE1 "It's A Wonderful Life" when Eric's memories of them flash
Their goodbye on the Vista Cruiser before Eric left for Africa in S7xE25 "'Til The Next Goodbye"
I think Eric's greatest strength is what Donna says about him to their daughter in That '90s Show - that he has a good heart. It's the reason she always came back to him/forgave him, it's the reason he was the glue who held the gang together. As a romantic partner, and specifically as Donna's partner, I think his greatest strength is his consistency, his stability. As Kelso once said about Eric, "You don't offer much in the way of excitement, but if it's the same old same old the girl's after, look out!" That's just who Eric is - he's dependable, responsible, boring even - and that's exactly what Donna was missing/what she needed in her life so desperately. Eric's always there for her - even when they're broken up - he's lived 20 steps away from her his whole life.
I think Donna's greatest strength is her self-assuredness. She really knows who she is. From the very beginning of the series we knew who Donna was, too. Feminist, big goals, one of the guys but couldn't be pushed around by them. She wasn't going to be controlled by anyone - not her parents, not her boyfriend. As a partner, she's incredibly forgiving. She forgave Eric for some very major transgressions throughout their relationship, when you think about it. Kissing another girl - before they were exclusive, true, but she was still incredibly hurt by it. Killing her cat (and lying to her about it)! Leaving her at the altar (or the rehearsal dinner, whatever)!! Deciding to go to Africa without talking to her about it. Breaking up with her from Africa - in a letter! Being a sexist jerk - more times than I can sit here and count. But again, 16 years later she tells their daughter that no matter how many times Eric screwed it all up, she always went back to him because of his good heart. Because underneath the dumbassery, he is a genuinely good man who is capable of reflecting and growing and changing. And Donna's capable of forgiving him time and time again - and she forgives him easily once she's made up her mind, no hoops to jump through (unlike Jackie, *lol*).
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hmsharmony · 10 months
Give me all your thoughts about tsitp!!!!!
ALL OF THEM??? That's a lot of thoughts, seek!!! With very little guidance!! So here, please have a bunch of thoughts with zero segues between them.
Though some caveats before I dive in: 1) I have not rewatched S1 since it aired so my memories are FUZZY; and 2) I read the first book (and only the first book) back in 2015 and started the show knowing I preferred Jeremiah to Conrad.
First, I want to wax poetic again about the "Delicate" scene, despite having already screamed about it in the tags of multiple reblogs. But it was just!! so!!! good!!! Altered my brain chemistry, cleared my skin, watered my crops etc. The timing is just SO!!!! "I pretend you're mine all the damn time" as they're holding each other and staring??? Belly breaking the stare and slipping underwater and swimming away as "'Cause I like you" fades into "is it cool that I said all that?" because she's not sure what to do, especially after the golf course? The camera switching to Jeremiah staring uncertainly after her during "is it chill that you're in my head?" only for him to go after her?? The instrumental break as they talk, and then "isn't it isn't it isn't it" playing as their hands reach for and grab each other? I AM LOSING MY GODDAMNED MIND THE ACTUAL FUCK.
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Okay, now that I've screamed about that again, moving on:
I think our feelings are aligned re Conrad. The moody, bad communicator, maladjusted boy is not for me. Even when I was a teenager, Conrad-like male characters generally weren't my favorite (obvs that's not a hard and fast rule--if you look back at what I was shipping as a teen, there are moody boys there, although I'd argue those moody boys developed into much less moody, healthier characters). So I don't think it's a surprise that I do not enjoy Conrad. I'm open to changing my mind, but I'm also not invested in his growth. 🤷 To the extent I am invested, it's vis-à-vis Jeremiah, not Belly. Part of that undeniably is because Jeremiah is my fave, but a larger part is because narratively Jeremiah should be his most important relationship. I hope the show surprises me, but I'm also not holding my breath. Also, also! Going back to the most recent ep, where Conrad insists that he went home whenever he could to help with their mom: it's hard to buy that when the only time we see him come home was when he wanted to guilt Jeremiah into blessing his relationship with Belly. Of course, that's Jeremiah's POV, and maybe he's an unreliable narrator (in this case, only showing us that one time Conrad came home when there were many others). But so far the only evidence we have that Conrad made an effort with their mom is Conrad's assertion that he was there, and I'm not buying it.
Next, Belly. I'm gonna be honest: there is very little in this world that will get me to defend or love a character more than making them a teenaged girl. There is only one teenage girl in the history of media that I can recall actively disliking, and the rest I would probably kill for. Society hates and looks down on them, writers often fuck up their writing and create a narrative that unfairly blames them, and thus I grant them a lot of leeway. I absolutely have a double standard--if a teenaged girl does something questionable, I generally am much more willing to forgive than if it was any other character. So even though she's acted fairly selfishly this season, I have a lot of love in my heart for Belly and, unlike with Conrad, I am interested in seeing her hopefully grow and recognize that this should not be about her. Susannah was important to her. That house is important to her. But at the end of the day, she didn't lose her mother, and that house was never hers. Her feelings should come second to Jeremiah's and Conrad's, and right now that's not happening. None of this is surprising for a teenager, but I need the narrative to call this behavior out, and it's not. I also really, really, really need her to recognize that her relationship with Conrad was not healthy, and that it will not be healthy unless and until they both (but especially Conrad) work on themselves. Finally, and I touched on this with my villain origin story ask, it's frustrating that Belly is getting pieces of information about why Jeremiah has had his walls up, but not recognizing it as that. I can buy her being confused about Jeremiah on the golf course because Conrad told her he moved on. But then for Jeremiah to reveal, hey, Conrad actually came to me and made me give him my blessing, and for Belly's only reaction to be, "Conrad cared so much that he went to Jeremiah!!!" and not "wow this does not align with what Conrad told me when I was worried about Jeremiah" is kdslfjdksljf. Will the show circle back and have Belly question this? Maybe, but again, based on how they've framed it so far, I doubt it.
Jeremiah is easily my fave, and has been from the start. Characters that act happy-go-lucky, like they can't be relied upon, like all they care about is having fun, while actually being the one person who will always be there for the people they love? Characters hiding grief behind beaming smiles? Characters with heavy responsibilities placed on them too soon??? THEN MAKE THEM ONE HALF OF A BEST FRIENDSHIP TURNED MORE SHIP??? 100% my kryptonite, I was a goner before I picked up the book 9 years ago. Just, god. This 17-year-old boy having to deal with 1) his mother has cancer; 2) his brother KNEW his mother had cancer and never told him; and 3) the girl he thinks he has something with (I can't remember where his relationship with Belly stood at the end of S1 oops so hopefully this is accurate) kissed his brother and now she wants to pursue a relationship with that brother?? All of it at once?? And what he chooses to do is take care of his mom, figuring out smoothie recipes to keep her healthy, putting on a beaming face for her so she won't worry, hanging out with her in his senior year of high school when the only thing he should be worried about is applying for college (which, and I think you've touched on this--has he???)? Get the fuck out, this boy deserves the world and all he gets is hate.
Finally, I am Angry that Laurel has been missing for so much of this season. Outside of Jeremiah and Conrad (notwithstanding how I feel about the latter), Laurel's reaction is the most important--much more important than Belly's (sorry Belly). IDK. Again, maybe I'm biased: I've had the same best friend for 20+ years, so to see their friendship pushed aside?? To not focus on how Laurel is processing all this? Fucking criminal. (And look, I know this show's target audience is teens/early 20s. But Back In My Day teen dramas also focused on the parents to capture that 25-49 demo. And because they had 22-26 episodes to fill, and I am realizing yet again this is why the 8- to 10-episode seasons are fucking cursed.) How many times has Laurel thought of something and reached for her phone to text her best friend? How many things in her house are from Susannah, or are from a trip with Susannah, or just makes her think of Susannah? How many times has she said or done something that she picked up from Susannah, only to realize she only says that word that way because of Susannah and almost crumbling from the grief of that realization? And god, what was writing the book like? What was it like trying to distill into writing one of her most important relationships? What was it like putting Susannah out there for everyone to know, to judge? How many times did she think about not publishing because Susannah is hers, because she wasn't ready to share her best friend with the world, because any criticism of the book would feel like criticism of one of her great loves? I need to know, I want to know, and I deserve to know!!! I want to see Laurel dealing with this, and not just as it affects her relationship with Belly (which is also important!!! do not get me wrong!! but Laurel didn't stop being her own person when she became a mother). Give me the Laurel-centered episode, show! We can go without the love triangle shenanigans for 50 minutes, I promise!
So there are thoughts!
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thebluestbluewords · 7 months
i have a question about your rhyming is hard descendants fic (which is so lovely by the way, your writing is so snappy and captivating) — if there’s no death on the isle, when did the rest of the rotten four’s (other) parents die, apart from jay’s mom? was it before their imprisonment?
ooh thanks for asking!
I actually went back to read the fic again before answering this, because my headcanons for how their other parents died can change a lot depending on what I'm writing!
For Rhyming Is Hard, I had some very specific headcanons in mind:
First off, the rhyme they're using interprets "parents" as birth parents, the biological contributors of each child who was within range when the spell was cast. The magic mirror is a bit more literal with spell requests than, say, Mal's spellbook, because unlike the spellbook, the mirror has more of a will of it's own. Sort of a genie-lite vibe, because while it can't make things go wrong, and it doesn't really feel malicious about how it interprets spells, it'll jump to the most literal possible interpretation of a rhyme by default.
Second, as I said in the fic itself, there's a couple ways to die on the isle, despite the best efforts of the barrier. (forgive my formatting here)
“I thought the spell prevented that?” Ben asks curiously. “The spell was supposed to prevent anyone from dying under the barrier.”  Jay snaps his head up to look at Ben, and if his eyes are a little red, well, nobody else is close enough to notice.   “The spell doesn’t work all the time,” he explains, voice low and even. “You can get around it if you destroy the body. Scatter the remains, or burn them beyond what the spell can handle, or let the sharks deal with you. People who really want that way out usually go with the sharks.” 
So, all the ways that you can die on the isle rely on destroying the body before the barrier spell can kick in and bring it back. Sort of an Osiris method. Scattering, burning, and being eaten by sharks (or theoretically any other large enough and hungry enough carnivore) all adequately destroy the body before the barrier spell can kick in and bring them back.
So! For the kid's parents, here's the rundown:
Mal has two living parents. Maleficent is chilling in her castle being evil, and Hades is slowly expanding his cave, which he moved into after abandoning his restaurant that we see in the background of D2 that one time.
Jay's mother, as stated in the fic, committed suicide by sharks rather than continue to live with Jafar. As an important side note, in this and most other of my fics unless otherwise stated, Jay's mother is one of the Huns from Mulan who was sent to the isle for supporting Shan Yu in his takeover attempt. Her relationship with Jafar is contentious at best, and she....didn't necessarily want a kid. Take that one as dark as you will.
Evie's father (biological, as per the terms of the spell) was killed in her mother's dungeon. The Evil Queen has more than enough resources to brew traditional poisons, even on the isle, and my personal headcanon for this fic is that after Evie reached an age where her mother was pretty sure she'd survive, she killed Evie's father by chaining him up and testing how much piranha solution she could slowly drip on him before the solution overtook the barrier's healing factor. Once she'd gotten the amounts figured out, she used him as a test subject until she found a solution that would dissolve flesh, but leave bones behind.
(Evie is the reason I specify biological parents here - I love the idea that the Evil Queen had a relationship with the huntsman, and if he was on the isle, I don't think she would have killed him or used him to have a child. I think she would have kept him around as a sort of pet, and he might have been almost a father figure to Evie if that's something I ever feel like exploring more).
Carlos's father was skinned so that he could be made into the finest, softest human leather, and the rest of his body was burned before the barrier spell could kick in and bring him back. There's a wood stove in Hell Hall, after all, and it gets cold on those long dark isle nights after they've run out of wood and trash to burn. (sort of a Ms. Lovett vibe, but with marginally less cannibalism and lot more nightmares about the oven set from the current broadway run).
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freakadr0id · 2 years
When it comes to Leo, his family always drops it and forgives him when he acts in the wrong. But what I liked about Casey's involvement is that Casey made it clear he loved his Leo like family in the same way the Hamato Clan does. But unlike them, when Leo disappoints him he not only stays mad but doesn't forgive until Leo sincerely steps up and corrects what was wrong. Leo needed someone in his life who will love him like family but has limits to his mercy/tolerance.
I'm not sure if you're the same Anon that sent that last ask, but I'm going to kind of build on it anyway since it is very similar.
The movie was really smart about the way they incorporated Casey into the story. He was more than just a way to drive the plot forward, but he was exactly what Leo needed to help humble him and develop as a character.
Now, I wouldn't say the family always forgives Leo when he's in the wrong (Raph certainly doesn't). We see them repeatedly challenge his decisions and call him out on his actions, but you are totally correct in that it seems like they eventually let it go. However, I wouldn't say this is them necessarily forgiving his actions, but recognizing that at some point, it is a bit of a lost cause and that Leo simply won't listen.
Leo repeatedly ignores their criticisms throughout the movie and I think it has to do with the fact that they are family. Leo disregards Raph's advice not just because of his cockiness, but because he knows how overprotective and worried Raph is in general. Leo just sees this as another case of Raph being needlessly cautious and overbearing. Mikey is too much of a mediator to directly call Leo out on his actions and seems to stay quiet in order to alleviate the situation. Donnie does question Leo but based on the way he says "I know, Leo's always right," Donnie seems to recognize that once Leo's made up his mind there is no amount of logic that will change that.
The problem is that regardless of how close a family is with one another, there is always emotional history that is always a factor in how those in the family interact with each other. I don't know about you, but I have a tendency to ignore and disregard most of the advice my family (and especially my sibling) gives me because they're, you know, my family. It's a case of, "Who are they to tell me what to do? I've seen how flawed they are so what do they know?" There's too much history and emotional baggage on both sides and it gets in the way of how people in a family give and receive advice from each other. I think this absolutely applies to Leo.
That's why Casey was so important for Leo's character in the movie. Casey has that familial connection to Leo on his side to know who Leo is as a person, yet he isn't considered family yet to present Leo. That's why Leo finally listens - there isn't that emotional history that prevents Leo from heeding Casey's words. To Leo, Casey provides a much-needed outside perspective yet still has enough of a connection to the family to give Casey's words extra weight. Casey finally calls Leo out on his b.s. because the pristine image of his hero was shattered, and that disappointment weighs heavily on Leo's heart.
I was really worried when I saw that Casey Jr. was in the movie because I thought that he was just going overshadow Casey Sr. in order to "win back" those who were upset by her reveal. I'm glad he wasn't just there as a mere plot point and actually added emotional weight to the story.
Sorry, I know I kind of just reiterated some of your points, but I wanted to delve further into a potential explanation as to why it was Casey that was truly the driving force for Leo's character growth in that moment. You pointed out some interesting stuff that made me think about their dynamic in much greater detail. Thank you!
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sun-marie · 10 months
Thinking about bg3. And the prevalent themes of being taken advantage of by trusted authority figures and stuff. BG3 spoilers ahead.
Nearly every companion in this game is suffering from being taken advantage of, often by someone they trusted. Some, like Karlach with Gortash, Astarion with Cazador, and Wyll with Mizora, feel it keenly, so so keenly. They can't escape from that betrayal and the consequences of said betrayal are ever present and devastating.
Others, like Shadowheart and Lae'zel, have yet to realize the dangerous way they have/are being manipulated, and when we meet them are utterly devoted to Shar and Vlaakith respectively. The nature of these relationships changes depending on the direction of your game.
Then... there's Gale.
Seemingly the odd one out. The Wizard Prodigy with the tragic flaw of hubris, carrying in him a physical, permanent consequence and reminder of his failure. Because what he did was wrong. Right? He tried to please Mystra, his goddess and his lover, by committing something unthinkable, and in his mind he is being rightfully punished for it.
Except. Why was Mystra, the goddess of magic itself, in such a relationship with a mortal in the first place?
Gale's relationship to this concept of being taken advantage of is so interesting to me, because for the most part it is much more subtle compared to some of the other companions, and much of it is left up to to player interpretation. Because, yeah, ultimately it was his mistake, but when you hear him speak it almost sounds like he was *primed* to make such a mistake, to think he could handle something like the Karsite Weave. (He gives me big big "gifted child left with no true support system bc they're seen as being able to handle themselves at too early an age" energy)
He shares in common with Karlach that unlike the other companions, who *are* being taken advantage of, Gale and Karalch *were* taken advantage of. Past tense, over and done. And in both cases, the one with the power in the relationship (Mystra and Gortash) go on their merry way, basically unaffected, while the one without power (Gale and Karlach) are left holding the bag.
Mystra also differs in how she's presented by the game, bc unlike the others mentioned she's presented as neutral to a fault. But she wields her forgiveness like a weapon, and she manipulates Gale to make him fee like *she's* the one who truly suffered for his prideful crime, he *deserves* all the pain that's come from it, and that he *owes* it to her to just die. For her. And for the most part, she isn't *wrong* per say, she just pushes it very far. Farther then someone who had Gale's best interests at heart would.
And I just. I find it interesting.
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sick-ada · 6 months
again, big long text under the readmore
we were on proto werent we yeah
proto gets along with CB and Bubbles a lot better than with Flora, since cb and bubbles actually follow their orders and plans, even before theyre promoted to captain. flora obeys them even less after theyre promoted, for the record
this is very obviously because theyre traumatised child soldiers who were conditioned by both the octarian military and the metro where you explode if you dont follow instructions, but proto manages to delude themselves into thinking it's bc the twins respect their leadership
the twins completely stop obeying them after splatoon 3. granted, they leave the NSS after splat3, but by that point flora and bola have managed to get them out of the "you gotta obey authority figures Or Else" mentality
also because uh. the twins got the rest of their mem cakes back LMAO they remember what proto and the squid sisters set in motion and are NOT happy. theyd be willing to forgive if they had apologised rather than hiding it and hoping the twins wouldnt find out but they didnt sooooo
bola HATES proto so goddamn much. theyve met in person maybe thrice. the first time was when octo expansion had just finished and the way proto was talking to these kids bola's age like they were soldiers rubbed them the wrong way. the second time, proto came across bola while they were stealing something and called the cops on them. the third time was when they came back from alterna and visited flora in the hospital. bola had to be physically restrained to stop them trying to bite out protos jugular. they got one good sucker-punch in at least
Pluto's "Lil' Buddy" is a Horrorboros called Leviathan's Flight over Verdant Pastures (she/her), or levi for short
(idk if that salmonid name makes sense, salmonid naming and rainworld iterator naming have blended together in my mind and i cannot separate them)
theyre actually older than proto! proto is 24 in splat3 and pluto is 27. proto doesnt know this because i think it should be a recurring character flaw that proto just randomly assumes people's ages and doesnt ask ever.
pluto straight up doesn't care about the NSS or proto's commands. they came down into the crater to scavenge, attacked octavio cause they wanted to tear apart and sell his mech, and is basically motivated by the same "i want the treasure" mindset as Deep Cut
unlike deep cut, they have a horrorboros as a partner. they dont fight deep cut so much as they launch booyah bombs until they yield
it's splatlands culture to fight people, shows that you respect them enough to consider them a threat, but also asserts that you're stronger than them and could kick their ass
they are Very offended when the NSS just start USING the treasure that THEY earned, especially when it gets so damaged by the fuzzy ooze that it's basically unsaleable. theres a dramatic moment of proto being like "why the hell are you mad we literally got this to save gramps" and pluto being like "WE??? kid you didnt do shit and i dont care about your grandpa. fuck off and let me do my thing"
the fight with grizz is VERY fast. if smallfry gets that big, what do you think happens to a horrorboros? the moon is permanently coated in salmonid-ink in a suspiciously booyah bomb shaped pattern. they take all the most valuable bits of the rocket to sell and dont even go back down to alterna
as far as they're concerned, they were never a member of the NSS, never wanted to be, and owe nothing to these presumptious assholes. theyve got better things to do than argue with some spoiled inkopolis kids
in this version of canon, deep cut respect pluto and levi (the ones who showed respect by fighting them for the treasure) over the NSS (the ones who stole the treasure for their own purposes without fighting or even issuing a challenge), so they decide that pluto and levi are their bosses instead
pluto groans when they find out. levi thinks it's hilarious
oh yeah i need actual context for pluto and levi not just redescribing the splat3 campaign
theyre both rogues, deliberately unaffiliated with any groups (shoals? schools?) of salmonids or any particular inkfish city. they were raised together with salmonids but levi didnt see any particular honour or value in getting killed and eaten so pluto suggested running away together
they make a living by scavenging in the splatlands and selling to people on the outskirts of splatsville which, in this canon, is a hell of a lot more chaotic than in-game
deep cut also have a lot more actual authority than "the idol group who announces the map changes" in this canon, which pluto is not above using to get them and levi unrestricted access in and out of the city. having minions has some benefits, they guess
idk if theyre ever gonna meet the leftovers squad. i honestly dont know if pluto would care about a random group of inkopolis teens unless i made some plot reason for them to. idk
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