#and it's ALWAYS people who supposedly love said characters more than anything. like if that was true you wouldn't do this lmao
rottin6 · 2 days
hi layla my love my light. could you perhaps spare some jegulus cam sex thoughts? i fear i may waste away without them <3
i could yap about this forever, lane im kissing u for asking
it’s essentially an entire universe that spans out across different characters and ideas. the constant variable in each universe is that james is always the director. he’s always behind the camera, capturing sex for the art, whether it’s regulus (his favourite star) or some other actors. he lives in la and he spends his time writing scripts, editing the films, going over certain scenes etc.
in one scenario, there’s a time in maybe a completely different city where you’ve got lily learning how to give a blowjob purely because of james’ videos with regulus:
the first thing lily’s learnt is that the pornhub interface is surprisingly easy to navigate. she scrolls down the page, more inclined to watch the shitty iphone made videos because they look less fake. there’s one video of a couple, a man’s face behind the camera while a young and pretty boy sucks his cock deep, taking it in all the way. lily watches, studies, the way his lips part open and his tongue licks all the way up to the tip, mouth sinking down right after. she keeps herself cocooned in her blanket, chin in her palm as she traces over her own lips with her fingers. the same couple have another video with a ‘deepthroat’ tag, and lily swiftly realises that this is the superior method. and that above all, she wants to be the best so at some point, two fingers are hitting the back of her throat and she’s trying to keep them down. she gags a couple of times, both digits slick with saliva. she tries to match her pace with the boy in the video, holding on until she’s hit with the sudden realisation that barty’s much, much bigger than her two fingers.
(snippet from a bartylily drabble i have yet to upload)
it's the extent to which james loves making these films and videos, he gets off on the pure idea of them. his camera alone is enough to get him hard until he meets regulus, this star who is a star before even being shown to the world. james is enamoured and he builds most of his success with regulus (prior to this, he tried things with a bunch of different actors, but nothing stood out). he goes on to creating an empire of sorts, climbing this ladder but director james wants more and more
but i feel that the jegulus cam sex universe has so much potential to become more than just. sex, if that makes sense
there’s a really shitty 1976 film called snuff and it led to loads of people thinking the pornographic murder in the film was actually real and happened. i want this for james. i want james to crave the money and power and status so bad that’s he’s willing to go to any lengths. he desires to have a name for himself in this industry and rosekiller have the ability to do that for him. they’re his best stars (yes, reg is his favourite but favourite ≠ best) and they make him a shit load of money. they’re on board with anything that james tells them to do and james takes their ideas with a grin on his face and the camera ready
one of the writers of snuff (shackleton) was interviewed and said: “if the murder is real, i’d be a fool to admit it. if it isn't real, i’d be a fool to admit it.” — this whole ambiguity reeks of director james and rosekiller. he has barty and evan make a shitty snuff film, one of them supposedly dies, it’s horrifically gory and perverted but it gives james the name he wanted
he’s so LA fame hungry, he wants the people in twenty years time to be asking stuff like “what ever happened to that actor evan what’s-his-name?” and that’s exactly what happens
james’ entire production company is cut after a series of investigations but he’s not bothered, evan and barty put his name on the map and he’s got loads of money to leave him comfortable until he dies. he packs his bags and takes his favourite star, regulus, to marbella and they live in a house by the beach where they “occasionally” still make shitty cam sex videos but it’s totally anonymous now
i'm not sure yet if i want this to be a full fic or just upload little things here and there on tumblr...
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hooved · 8 months
it's insane how when a character's """"real"""" name (deadname) is revealed and that character says "that isn't my name anymore and i associate it with trauma and i don't want you to call me that", their "fans" start calling them that name like it's some secret special term of endearment. like would you do that with a real person or what
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theerurishipper · 7 months
Idk I always find it bizarre when people shocked that Marinette just let rubble and whatever fell down to Emilie's coffin just so Gabriel move to protect it as if it's smt new. Miraculous can be inconsistent with it's characterization sometimes, but not for Marinette. Her characterization is still strong and constant from s1. Her let the rubble fell to the coffin is her s1 equivalent of taking down Eiffel tower at the Mime episode or s2 when she baited anansi to punch the arc de triomphe so she'd be buried under it's rubble.
What bizzare is the amount of what Marinette destroyed is far exceed what Adrien, as the holder of desruction ever did. Chat Blanc excluded because he was akumatized while Marinette did all that intentionally.
Can't imagine just how much destruction she caused if she were the holder of black cat miraculous instead. Must be terrifying.
I feel like those other two were different because The Mime and Anansi were akumatized villains with superpowers, so they wouldn't die from that or anything, and they could defend themselves just fine. But it's not the same with Emilie Agreste. This is an innocent woman who as far as she knows wanted no part of this. This is the mother of the boy she supposedly loves and is fighting for. And she drops a whole elevator onto her body without a single second of hesitation. That's so cruel. That's awful.
This literally proves why Marinette is so unsuited for the role she occupied in the finale. She has no connection to any of this. The whole Agreste arc was built on their family drama and the emotions they have for each other. We're supposed to feel something for Emilie Agreste, regardless of her lacking presence in the story. And here comes Marinette, who cares fuck all for any of them, treating this innocent woman like a prop in her fight, literally dehumanizing her in order to get an advantage over Gabe. There's no consideration for Emilie, from the narrative or the characters. Gabriel had to be the one to save her from Marinette.
And I am a proud "Emilie Agreste was an abusive parent" truther, but that doesn't excuse this. At the end of the day, she was an innocent in Gabriel's supervillainy, and Marinette threatening her life as part of a strategy to defeat Gabe is awful. And like I said, this shows why it's so counterproductive to have her take the central role in the resolution of this conflict. We're supposed to watch Emilie's heartfelt words reach Gabriel, as if she matters, when Marinette just treated her like an object and almost killed her (not sure if she's already dead or just in a coma, but my point still stands). The emotions are all gone. Nothing matters expect Marinette being a girlboss (which is literally the stated reason for why Bug Noire happened, so that Marinette could look cool).
Like, can you imagine if Adrien was here? Could you imagine how he'd feel watching his partner who supposedly loves him using his mother as a tool to defeat his father? Could you imagine how he'd feel to see his mother's body be almost destroyed, to see his mother be killed because Ladybug wanted to beat Gabe's ass? How would it feel to see that Marinette doesn't consider his mother a person more than she thought of her as a prop to get an advantage over Gabriel?
But no, treating Emilie Agreste with any kind of dignity is secondary to letting Marinette be awesome and cool ig. Removing the character who is the emotional core of the story removes all emotion from the finale, who woulda thunk it.
Thank you for your ask!
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chalkrevelations · 8 months
And another thing. I know I've mostly talked about Boston since I finished watching the finale, but the more I think about the absolute character assassination Only Friends did on Nick in that last conversation with Boston, the more pissed off I get.
To have the one man who actually sees Boston as fully human and complex, who's been given access to a side of Boston that's normally protected behind so much armor no one sees it, who's literally been told by Boston that Boston can do care and sweetness, not just sex, and that he wants a chance to have that in some way - to have that man look Boston in the face and say "No, you're lying to yourself when you say you want sweetness and romance, you should just be lonely" is like - what the actual fuck did I just watch? Nick would never.
That last conversation is infuriating. And not because Nick's saying, we want different things and we aren't going to work together as a couple, although I've seen plenty of people try to flatten dissatisfaction about Boston's ending and the BostonNick ending into simple unhappiness about the pair not ending up together. No, it's because Nick utterly discounts and ignores what Boston has said he wants for himself, just like other people have repeatedly done when Boston's tried to delineate his boundaries, just like Nick himself did before he had 9 episodes of a growth arc, in whatever little snips of time the show begrudgingly gave these two characters. It's Nick telling Boston not to even try finding what he needs and wants with someone else, that he should lock himself back into a loveless existence, in his darkroom, without light and air, making no more intimate connection with the men he fucks than looking at them through his camera lens, a connection that's not even real enough to make the photo he took of Nick worth keeping. It's Nick gaslighting him by telling him he'd be happier that way, in spite of Boston's expressed desires.
And it's Nick - the only person who's ever expressed any appreciation for his art - discounting that art.
Boston takes off some of his armor for Nick, and the show hands Nick a knife and has him stab Boston in the soft places that are subsequently exposed.
It's not as ham-handed a character assassination as Boston literally leaving Nick on the dancefloor and two drinks on the bar to go fuck in an alley because he's so instantly dickmatized by a random guy and then having him lie about it, in the face of 11.5 episodes of being the one character who'll always throw the truth in your face whether you want it or not, because apparently he's panting after dick so bad - because he's a slut, ya know - that he can't keep a promise to Nick for a week, let alone four months the show needed some excuse to set this relationship and Boston's character in particular on fire. But it is almost as egregious.
And it's Nick being used as a mouthpiece for the show's shockingly moralistic agenda about casual sex, how it's bad, how those who do it are bad, and how it's apparently antithetical to care and romance and love. Boston is lying to himself when he says emotional commitment and physical sex are different things, Nick and the show say here. Anything other than monogamous, heteronormative relationships mean that you're supposed to be forever alone, this supposedly queer show about queers tells me, through Nick's mouth.
They might as well have just reached out of the screen and stabbed me.
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olderthannetfic · 10 months
I've just read an article (in Gazeta Wyborcza) about a very popular series of books among young teens in my country, Poland, called "Rodzina Monet" (Family Monet). The author gained popularity while publishing on Wattpad lol. The article basically said that it's problematic because these books are read by young girls, even 10 years old, and it glorifies violence. Plus it just isn't well written - there were some fragments in the article and yeah it's not well written lmao. A woman in the comments said that her daughter is reading this book and asked if she should forbid it. Since no one answered her, I replied that I don't think forbidding the book is a good solution and suggested talking to her daughter about it, showing her the article and asking what she thinks about it. But I don't know anything more about that situation, for example how old the daughter is. I don't think I'd worry if my child were to read this book, I read trashy stuff too. But I started wondering if maybe there should be some control in such a case? The thing with the books from what I gathered (I haven't read them) is that they are about a 14yo girl, who suddenly lost her mother and grandmother, is sent away to US from Britain where she starts living with her 28yo (handsome) stepbrother and his 3 (also handsome) brothers. She lives in a beautiful villa since the stepbrother is super rich. He's also cold and distant and doesn't understand that she has issues with food (she has some kind of eating disorder). Some of the things he and his 3 brothers do can be described as domestic violence but they apologize, buy her expensive stuff and are all adult handsome men. Yeah it's a young adult fiction. The thing is that it's just not well written so none of the bad behaviours is commented upon.
Sounds like typical godawful id trash that people eat up. Making a rule against it will just make it more tantalizing.
It would be far more valuable to kick any worthless partners out of one's life and demonstrate not putting up with shit to a tween girl than to ban her from reading trashy books.
One could always try buying her something better, but IME, people who try that always do it wrong: they buy books that are better written, yes, but the vocabulary and sentence structure are a thousand times harder, there's zero iddy wish fulfillment, and the plot is something fucking depressing and supposedly edifying.
Readers can smell a tryhard "your taste is bad" gift a mile away.
I think it's also important when trying to find replacement trash to understand what the kink actually is. Why is it age gap? Well, have you seen 14-year-olds? They're awkward and covered in zits. Of course the protagonist is young like the readers and the hotties are older.
More importantly, why is it abusive? Absolute idiots will be like "Because society taught girls wah wah wah wah wah", but the actual reason is obvious if you've read trash romance for adults:
It's so the love interest(s) can be in the wrong.
The self inserty protagonist of this type of story has very little power. Not only is she usually younger, but she's poorer, a fish out of water in a new situation, etc. The way she gets power is by the love interest doing something absolutely horrible, realizing they have erred, and then groveling forever. Their guilt is an effective way to manipulate them. And yes, retail therapy is usually the next step from this particular trash classic all the way back to The Flame and the Flower.
You can try giving a teen girl a book about a teen girl action hero who is awesome and whose love interest likes her because of that... But if the reader doesn't feel awesome, she's still going to prefer a book about a loser with a destined, fated love or a misunderstood woobie whom other characters have to grovel to after not initially realizing she was special.
You can't fix self esteem by handing someone a book they don't identify with and telling them their id is wrong. And if self esteem does improve, that doesn't mean the lizard brain is going to switch trash fiction tastes anyway.
One can try leaving other fun books around, but that's about the most that could be helpful.
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butwhatifidothis · 4 months
So, why do some people who love Crimson Flower always go on about how the English translation is pure evil? Because they always say that "oh, Treehouse hated Edelgard," but they never do a side-by-side comparison of why the English translaton is significantly more pro-Dimitri and anti-Edelgard (notice who they leave out in that) than the Japanese script.
From what I've seen, it seems to come from early fandom interpretations of 3H saying that it was "mistranslated to make Edelgard look worse" that came from people who, uh. Primarily didn't actually speak Japanese, or otherwise had a fairly severe misunderstanding of it.
You'll see this with pretty much every big-name event that is claimed to have been "mistranslated" in general. The AM parley, the Continue To Kill no u, Faerghus Toxic Masculinity, and "the Dream Interview calls her an antagonist not a villain" are the Big 4 of this thing happening, and all four of them have been thoroughly debunked as nonsense by people who actually speak and understand Japanese. That's probably why the actual MAJORITY of events that get the "this was mistranslated to make Edelgard look worse" card don't actually have that side-by-side comparison you mention (since there's WAY more smaller things that they say this about, for example Dimitri was TOTALLY JOKING with Edelgard during Gronder 1 and TOTALLY WASN'T freaked the fuck out at her "jokes"), because the people who claim this are 0-4 on being correct about this for four of the most important examples of this supposedly happening.
So they'll kinda just say anything is Totally A Mistranslation in the hopes that the English-speaking fandom who for the most part don't speak Japanese will believe them, and through that believe them on what the game is "actually" trying to say. With that being, of course, that Edelgard was completely and utterly right about literally actually factually every single thing she has ever said in the game ever and literally actually factually every single other person who disagrees with her is completely and utterly wrong (unless what they're saying is, of course, in alignment with what Edelgard is saying).
And if anyone who actually knows what they're talking about comes in and corrects them - even nicely! - they'll either go on about how everyone is coming after them (read: people who understand Japanese are correcting someone who doesn't understand Japanese about something that exclusively revolves around understanding Japanese), or they'll accuse that person of being a liar/sexist/homophobic POS who just wants the poor little gay bean that is Edelgard to be pure and utter evil since they totally view all gay women to be pure and utter evil.
All this, from what I can gather, is mostly to serve as a justification as to why they like Edelgard since they view liking her as a villain to be a genuine mark of bad character, for some reason. They want to believe that she's the progressive figure who does everything for the little guy for one reason or another, and so grab for any excuse they can give her they can think of to make their interpretation of her not seem so unfounded against all of the evidence Edelgard provides the player that she really is just an imperialist who doesn't really give a shit about her people if doing so gives even the slightest bump to her goal of forceful unification. All because daring to like villains is just soooo baaaaad lmao
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writingsbychlo · 1 year
Okay I was thinking about this the other day but how do we feel about a tamlin redemption arc? I personally think sjm has so much potential with him as a character but I also know what he did was messed up so it’s just something I think about a lot and always want other people’s inputs
what he did was messed up yeah but my guy was also fucking traumatised himself after 50 years of being responsible for literally every single person in prythian. HE was the one who was supposed to break that curse. EVERYONE was waiting for him. HE was the one who spent 50 years sending his friends to die and trying to fall in love with their killers to save everyone.
he didn’t handle it well, but like, who could he expected to? honestly like yeah it was wrong but it was a trauma response, all he ever wanted was to keep feyre safe and alive and protect her.
my real beef is the fact that for personal revenge feyre destroyed an entire court because someone gave her a panic attack. babygirl we’ve all been pushed to the point of panic attacks but we don’t actually ruin the lives of thousands of innocent people as a result.
like the people of the spring court? who just wanted to rebuild their homes and recover from the poverty? and she ruined every chance they had. she destroyed their economy and infrastructure and reputation for what? she left them vulnerable to attack and conquer for what? ridiculous behaviour. far more villainous than anything tamlin ever did.
and that nonsense about the tithe? like yeah okay it’s a shitty old tradition that needs changing. but hello where was rhys changing shitty traditions when he kept Velaris a secret from the majority of people in the night court who might’ve needed it? “the people from hewn city are savages though” right but did Mor not come from there? and we’re just gonna overlook entirely the fact that she’s supposedly the only acceptable one with absolutely no explanation for that? alright. and the Illyrians are brutes. but we’re just gonna overlook cassian and azriel and emerie and barth because it’s convenient? like all I’m saying is that these reputations are obviously generalisations and he’s in the wrong too.
if I’m being so for real right now, and I say this as somebody who fucking loves rhys, he’s not even top three best high lords.
helion, thesan and tarquin. no fucking cap these three genuinely wanted what was best for the continent at any given time. thesan hosted the high lords meeting and was pulling up ready to share technology and antidotes?? he fixed luciens eye after he saw what happened and I’ve never seen even a speck of debt for that.
tarquin really got manipulated and robbed when he would’ve been willing to help had they just asked and been honest and willing to trust, and still he didn’t declare war or march across borders which he was entitled to, he sent blood rubies. it was basically a text that said ‘hands on sight if i see u again bro’ and called it a day. he fr didn’t want beef. he opened his home to spring court people instantly after feyre had her petty revenge moment.
helion lives for the vibes and i stand by it the man was ready to fight ready to help ready to show up and show out. perfection. an angel. i see where lucien gets it. an unbothered king.
so like, tamlin. yeah. I think he got done dirty for what happened. all in all what did he really do? accidentally played a role in killing rhys’ family by spilling a location detail? alright but rhys and his father intentionally killed tamlin’s family.
locked feyre up? yeah after being abused for 50 years himself those 5 months he didn’t handle his trauma right, damn yeah he really got what he deserved 🙄
that comment at the high lord’s meeting? he was a man wounded and scarred and embarrassed and tbh it wasn’t even that bad. rhys and feyre fr overracted. azriels lil comment was quite enough. they wonder why he keeps acting up like they don’t keep making a mockery of him??? like??? I KNOW we’ve all said and done mean/petty things like that when we’re hurt, don’t deny. I’ve never brought an entire kingdom to its knees but pop off ig.
so yeah. I still love all the characters. feyre is still great. I still adore rhys. I still like tamlin.
I just think tamlin gets the most insane amount of hate compared to the actions of the other characters. he deserves his redemption arc massively.
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tamelee · 3 months
Hi!! 💞
I’ve seen some Kakashi stans who ACTUALLY believe that "you don’t need a reason to love someone" in real life
Like what. This sentence doesn’t work in the manga, but it works even less irl… We don’t love people without reason and we don’t continue to love them no matter what just because?? Or am I missing something???
This is the general idea as to why- Naruto's face is golden here. Absolutely *chefs kiss*. But mind the words "that is what SHE has resigned HERSELF to, because SHE fell in love" despite not knowing what this darkness is or willing to hear Sasuke out in the first place. It means she doesn't even know who she fell in love with, meaning it's an idea. You could say the only reason she loves him, is... she just does. But even in that, there's reason... But, well.. it doesn’t make any sense in English. I’ve read people say that what Kakashi said can’t be translated correctly in a way that aligns with its true meaning. (Take it with a grain of salt though, because I can’t check that myself.) 
Apparently it has more to do with the idea that people are born to love naturally (and generally), but to hate, one needs an actual reason. Like revenge caused by evil, which in turn was probably revenge for other evil, fear is often involved. (Cycle of Hatred— got nothing to do with the Uchiha, it’s an ongoing Theme.) And that in turn aligns with the ‘Will of Fire’ supposedly representing ‘love’ in the sense that people sacrifice themselves for each other because you’re comrades as leaf Shinobi. Like Shikamaru risking his and his team’s life for Sasuke despite not being friends- uh, despite not liking him.
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But that’s duty. That’s not love. And although duty is often masked as love in the story through a sense of community, there’s a reason why there are many distinctions made when it comes to personal relationships that forces a character to go against their duties. (Or personal morals/values, like Kakashi's father.)
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Why there are differences between characters sacrificing themselves because it’s their duty, or because they love that person.
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And in order to go beyond duty, to really, truly love someone… there’s always a reason. 
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There MUST be a reason to deny, set aside everything (even briefly) you know and were born into or even start to question general belief for this other person in this story in particular. Naruto had to do that several times in order to start understanding Sasuke and that journey is naturally written into his character and his own experiences. Although not completely this black and white, it's why people say Naruto had to choose between Konoha or Sasuke.
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It makes no sense without reason. And that’s even more true in the story than in real life, because in order to really tell that story, it must be something tangible. Something concrete that the reader/audience can understand. In real life, it can be a whole lot more vague— you don’t have to explain it. 
Which also means that no explanation is also explanation if you were looking for an answer. Hence, Sasuke saying she has no reason to love him.
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And technically that's true, because it isn't about Sasuke. Sakura's reasons to love Sasuke are literally spelled out afterwards by Kakashi. It’s extremely contradicting. And these are reasons that are very heavily (and frankly, very unfairly) filtered in Sakura’s favor (through Kakashi’s standpoint). 
According to Kakashi in that scene alone, she:
- Just wants to save Sasuke (yeah because she loves him)
- Wants him by her side (because she loves him)
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- Cries, is hurt/suffers from loving him.... right.
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None of these have anything to do with duty, but it also has nothing to do with the real Sasuke.
She’s insecure and has this perception of him that isn’t real and she HAS to ignore the real Sasuke in order to keep that fantasy of hers alive. That’s why she won’t hear him out or blatantly talks over him the moment he tries to speak. “I don’t care!” Or some other version of, “anyway, but what about ME and MY feelings?” Despite whining in Part 1 that he won't talk to her -.-
According to Sakura, she:
- Just wants to save Sasuke and thinks it's her (own personal) duty to kill him, because she- 
- wants him by her side and right now she isn't important to him, he won't prioritize her wishes so she-
- suffers without him/from loving him and- - is otherwise lonely.... Just as lonely as Sasuke is after his entire family/clan got murdered (her words not mine), but she would throw away the family that loves her to be with him even though she doesn't know Sasuke's reasons, so fuck her parents I guess.
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- And she also said that his revenge is selfish because it won't make her happy. (lmao.....!! My god.)
It’s all selfish. It's all only for Sakura, but it’s a reason nonetheless 🤷🏻‍♀️
Here's a good post. So, I wonder if it's a translation 'error', or whether he genuinely meant it more as duty in a community sense (though I find it unlikely), whether it was guilt because he told her things would go back to the way it was and failed to give that to her or questions Sasuke's idea about romantic love- people always argue about it, but it's hard to tell because it's very, very contradicting in several ways. But yeah, I agree, one does need a reason. And like I said before, this reason needs to be shown specifically in story for it to have any meaning one way or another.
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chaosartic · 11 months
Zodiac Signs Headcanons
Featuring: Sebastian Sallow, Ominis Gaunt, Garreth Weasley and Leander Prewett
Word count: 0.8k
Warnings: none
a/n: This HC idea was born again in the Ominis server. Thanks to @huntress-valkyrie for this idea and everyone who talked with us about their ideas.
Again no proofreader, mistakes may be there.
Sebastian Sallow: Capricorn
People born with the Capricorn sign are supposedly overachieves and will do anything when they have set something as their goal.
• Sebastian finding a cure for his cursed twin sister.
They’re persistent and will more than likely never give up. They tend to be practical and will not always follow rules given by society if they don’t feel like they’re important.
• Sebastian sneaking into the restricted section or learning about the Dark Art. When meeting Slytherin MC in the common room for the first time, he tells MC that they will soon learn that not all important spells can be found in the schoolbooks. On their way to Hogsmead he tells MC that Hogwarts Professors should have more trust in their students defensive skills and allow them more freedom, for example being allowed to go into the Forbidden Forest.
Capricorns will spend any giving moment of their time to help those they love.
• Again the topic of finding a cure for Anne.
But at the same time Capricorns are feared by other signs because of their nature to ignore rules from society and their nature to not care about consequences. They are feared for their never giving up attitude and their dedication to put themselves into any task giving that they believe in.
• Sebastian doesn’t care about the consequences of his actions in school (sneaking into the Restricted Section or opening the Scriptorium. He also doesn’t think about the consequences that follow after killing his uncle.
Ominis Gaunt: Aquarius
Aquarius are mainly beliefed to be very clever and analytic.
• Now Ominis is very clever for sure. He managed to navigate his home despite his blindness as a child,without help, and figure out that whatever his parents are doing and what he ultimately was taught as a child to be normal is wrong and cruel. He also was clever enough to hid his true feelings about that topic long enough until he had a save space (Hogwarts) and someone to trust with this (Sebastian).
People born with this sign are said to he rather confident in their abilities and assertive. They carry thenself with a certain elegance and confidence in public.
• While Ominis isn’t so happy about his last name he does know how to use it to his advantage with others, given the fact that the name Gaunt gives most people the creeps and they get scared. Both his posture and demander, when he wants too, are very confident and assure that he know what he is doing.
Ominis is also highly creative and innovate, both traits that are often associated with the Aquarius sign.
• Furthermore Aquarius are known to be highly creative and innovate. Both traits are found in many signs but Aquarius are supposedly those who carry it the best.
He figured out with a little help how to use his wand to work as his eyes and is ,despite his rather uncommon disability in the wizard world, a very gifted and talented young wizard.
Garreth Weasley: Saggitaurus
This zodic sign is said to be the most cheerful and funny one of them. They tend to make everyone laugh with their cheerful nature and are always up for bringing the most random jokes, the class clown.
• Garreth with his cheerful nature and the smile he tend to carry around on his face. And while his potion experiments may not always work, he dies make people laugh with his mistakes.
They are loyal and smart, supportive and yet daring enough to dive head first into any adventure that excites them
• Some character traits that Garreth shares which ultimately may have been the reason he hot sortet into Griffendor, the house of the brave and daring.
Saggitaurus tend to be fascinated by one thing and make that their lives ling passion.
• Garreth has, and will most likely, always love potions. He neglects his other subjects and school work, as revealed by his aunt, in order to experiment and create more potions.
They are creative and more hands on when it comes to learning. It is also said that this sign has an adventures spirit and would di anything for their loved ones.
• To create new potions, he has to be creative, intelligent and perhaps be a bit adventurous.
Leander Prewett: Cancer or Aries (I’m thorn on him)
Cancers are supposedly sensitive, self-protective, loving, nuturing and with a goodfu sense of humor.
Aries are said to be competitive, ambitious and have a high energy.
• We do not see enough of Leanders character traits throughout the game to be completely certain about how he truly is. He seems to dhare the Cancer traits on one hand but also the traits of an Aries on the other.
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chuuwtoy · 6 months
i remember discussing with my friend if rebecca was really the blushing virgin that everyone in the fandom makes her out to be. at the time i just shrugged it off and said yes, because i didn't know much about her character (not that there is much anyway.) but after thinking about it, my opinion's changed a bit. so here's my random opinions about rebecca.
incoming airstrike: incoherent rambling.
initially i felt like rebecca was only really put into the first game to be jill's opposite, and also i guess to make it even and put a girl on the other team.
i haven't played RE 0 (and with the complaints i probably won't..) but she isn't exactly squealing and blushing whenever billy looks her way - if anything, billy is more of a flirt. maybe him giving her all these cute nicknames is just in his nature? or perhaps he just really likes her. who knows!
you could argue that everyone on her team died and she's going through this hellish nightmare on her first mission - so why on earth would she have goo-goo eyes over some inmate who supposedly slaughtered 23 people?! haha, i love analyzing these guys.
rebecca isn't afraid to put anyone in their place, she demands respect, "but that's officer chambers to you", "and dont call me little girl!" one thing i love about these lines is how it's delivered, she isn't stomping her feet and throwing a tantrum. she keeps her soft tone and says it sharply! i wish people saw her as spunkier and dominant, rather than an innocent, helpless baby.
suprisingly, she doesn't fall for chris either. i mean can you blame me for expecting her to? he's protecting her throughout the game and vice versa. she's tired and scared but atleast she has chris to lean onto. that's the perfect set up for a predictable (one-sided) romance. the same arguement could be made - she's tired, and got thrusted into another nightmare, she doesn't have time to be flustered over chris..
something that's a little odd but rebecca has respect for chris in the sense that she refers to him as "sir", when she doesn't even do that for enrico. though, im sure its because she's familiar with enrico, but not chris.
she's oddly professional for her age, but no one in the fandom gives her credit for it— and yes i know it's probably because she's a child prodigy, so perhaps she had to grow up quicker? i assume she was around adults much older than herself. ( ≧ᗜ≦) !!!
i know it's common for people to call her a tomboy because "girl + short hair = tomboy" (sarcasm). though, if i'm being honest, i never saw her as one. rebecca (and jill) are just girls, they can't really be placed into boxes - they're not clichés. you see the duality with rebecca loving basketball but also being a chemist? i LOVE that so much. she's in this male-dominated field with an age that still end in -teen.
rebecca is described as "androgynous" in her uniform and while i agree to some extent i don't really like that word too much, because it implies that jill's uniform isnt androgynous when i think that it is.. so what because jill's chest is prominent she can't be androgynous too? hmph, it always left a bitter taste in my mouth.
also i really love that she's wearing makeup in 0, it's her first mission and she's all dolled up 笑笑笑笑笑 but they stopped using ayumi's model and i guess wanted to rework her face.
this isn't meant to disprove or bash that very popular ship "rebilly" by the way! do i ship it? not quite, sorry but i dont ship anything besides myself and a certain bioterrorist えへへへへへへへへ
the novel, caliban cove, portrays her as your typical teenage girl. she gets embarrassed a lot, blushes at the slightest contact, etc etc. it's not canon though, so i didnt bother to mention it.
i haven't discussed this either but i'd like to see discussions about her sexuality, nothing is confirmed but options are always open (ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ.゚
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iwanttofuckereh69 · 9 months
now reading: 2ha vol 2
ch 71 - 88
lets go 
1. Mo Ran is more in love with concept of Shi Mei than Shi Mei himself
It started to dawn on me a while back but it slowly became clearer and clearer. Like, before there could be multiple explanations of his lack of interest in Shi Mei. Because their interactions in the first book were so sweet and wholesome and njgvtfninvghbjuvif but like reading how they cleaned up the house in silence was fucking painful. It’s like he tried to convince himself he was and he is in love with Shi Mei. Maybe he never really was, maybe only after he died Mo Ran began to convince himself he always did. Maybe he saw it as more than it really was because of grief. And because he is stupid. 
2. Shi Mei is a snake isnt he
I said it in my emotional post before ab ch 74, he totally pretended to be sick. I CONSULTED ALL MY FRIENDS (what i mean by that is my bestie and my boyfriend because im a loser like Chu Wanning) AND ASKED THEM TO TELL ME IF HE WAS SUS OR NOT. The verdict wasn’t clear but as i kept reading, it became super obvious. It was soooo sus when he just casually got out of bed while he was supposedly sick, just to menacingly and mysteriously stare at Mo Ran out of the window. As if it wasn’t clear enough before when he acted like a dainty lady all of the sudden. jnfjnju i love him, but omg im scared of what that little snake would do and what is his goal. Is that Taxian-jun’s dick really that fine 
@rosemary-screams i don’t know… how much longer i can take it… how much longer i can be true to my principles… to my love… its so hard… the weight of evidence seems so overwhelming…
3. i didnt realize before that Mo Ran’s grave was under the haitang tree. Maybe that wasn’t mentioned or maybe i forgot about it by the time i realized haitang tree’s significance nvgjnvgjvg NOW I KNOW WHAT YOU GUYS MEANT when you said its obvious from the beginning he loves Chu Wanning. (i mean im still not super convinced by the narrative; that doggo Mo Ran needs to try harder to connect those two lonely neurons scattered inside that thick skull of his)
4. I dont like that it was mentioned that infatuation pills exist in this universe. I dont like how they are introduced out of nowhere. That could be literally anything. Magic viagra. Or dick enlarging pills. ANYTHING. But no. It has to be infatuation pills. I dont like the fact that it seems like those are important. I really dont like that thought.
5. Shi Mei’s resemblance to Song Qiutong has been mentioned twice by now. Basically every time she appears, Mo Ran makes sure to note how she was similar to Shi Mei. And from what I understand Butterfly-Boned clan is pretty unique in their appearance? Is Shi Mei somehow… related to that clan? Like maybe only in a tiny bit tho… Or he's just THAT pretty <3
6. That person in black at the end of vol 2 is me trying to get my ship to work
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But on a serious note, what an ending, what the hell is going on. Did someone else really got reborn as well? Wasn’t it supposed to be rare? tjnfgvtfbvgfnbvgjnik And like… when Mo Ran is trying to figure out who the hell has water element from the people he knows… He basically goes through everyone from the main cast aside from Shi Mei… I CHECKED TWICE. It gives me goosebumps. But Maybe Shi Mei doesn’t have any? Like, his cultivation is super lame.
And the fact that Mo Ran forgot that whole interaction... njrigvkrhiuvrfjhiukvgnh no wonder there's gonna be like 8 books or more....
In all honesty I don’t even know what else to say, im so stunned! What the fuck is going on! I NEED BOOK 3 NOW
BTW! Tell me what character from 2ha i should draw for kinktober and in what crazy situations would you want to see them. I'm too lazy to draw two people so choose wisely lol (leave a comment or send me an ask)
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mikewheely · 2 years
“Mike was nothing more than El’s boyfriend in Stranger Things 4”- Okay, let’s discuss it in this outrageously long rant then.
The argument regarding Mike
“Mike is just being El’s boyfriend in Season 4, it’s pathetic” - this is an argument that has been going on ever since Volume 2 released. I do understand where this could be coming from, and while it could be true that the most important part Mike Wheeler has played this season was him as a lover, it is the wrong interpretations and reasoning behind the fact that is ruining the purpose of it altogether.
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There could be majorly four possible reasons behind people not liking this side of Mike; First, you wanted him to show this love to Will (it is the most prevalent reason, you cannot change my mind). Secondly, you have made up a version of Mike Wheeler in your head and he did not abide by it by simply caring for others and being a leader rather than spending one second focusing on what HE feels. Thirdly, you think focusing on romantic love is lame and it weakens a character. Lastly, you cannot really digest the fact that a boy at the age of 14/15 could be so involved in a romantic relationship, because that is a bit too rare, and thus, ridiculous (trust me, I have seen people making age a factor to make Mike and Eleven’s relationship look less important). So, here I am, writing yet another novel based on this issue, not with the intention of changing people’s mind, but simply to rant because I am absolutely DONE with people never trying to understand complex characters and the technicalities of storytelling.
Mike as a Character
Like the majority of the ST characters, Mike also is a complex character and an extremely realistic one to me and people who actually understand him. He has positive sides, like he is extremely caring, compassionate, intelligent, optimistic, has strong leadership qualities and a good balance of emotion and logic. I had mentioned in an answer to a question sent anonymously that Mike is a combination of all of his best friends. He has Dustin’s emotional side, Lucas’ logical side and Will’s side of being secretive.  Then he also has negative sides, like he can be impulsive at times, he can get carried away by his emotions, can be opinionated and stubborn, is irritable and can lose temper quickly. This combination of positive and negative sides only make him more realistic and complex, and I am a sucker for such characters. Audience is so habituated with watching and accepting idealistic characters that many often have trouble accepting characters like Mike Wheeler who can be good at heart and make mistakes at the same time. He is someone who is always ready to help others, that is his most important purpose in life. He sees a problem and he is ready to do anything to solve it. Finn as an actor understands that very well, because he has said that Mike is pretty clueless all the time until he sees a problem and that’s when he becomes really active. In taking care of others, he keeps hiding his own trauma, fears and difficulties that comes to the surface in different ways, namely, graffitiing the bathroom stall, cursing out Mr. Kowalski, plagiarizing essays, stealing money from his sister, misbehaving and being rude to others, and calling a supposedly dead girl that he has been with for a week every night for almost a year. You can read a really good post on that analysis here. 
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The fault as a viewer is to judge a character simply by whether what they are doing is right or wrong, and never considering their perspective, thought process and the situation they are in, to consider if it was natural for them to react like that in a certain situation and mental state.
Mike as a Leader
When we first see the Party, they are playing Dungeons and Dragons, Mike is shown as the Dungeon Master. That is the way of telling the audience that this is the leader of the group when you are watching characters in a movie or show, unlike a story where you can just simply state “Mike is the leader of the party.” He is always shown as the one taking most of the initiatives, giving instructions to others and giving final decisions on matters. Everyone gathers at ‘his’ basement, to plan things, discuss matters and play D&D, even when he is in another state. All of these are indications that he is the leader. So, I don’t understand why it is so difficult for people to accept it when Will calls him the ‘Heart’ of the Party, stating clearly that he is saying so because Mike is the leader.
He was not exactly entirely in his leader mode due to several reasons. He was not in Hawkins, not with the Party, he did not have any idea what was going on in Hawkins since the last night before he left for California. He was in a new place, as a guest, visiting his girlfriend and his best friend until things went downhill. Then he had to follow Jonathan’s instructions as he came up with the idea of leaving for Hawkins and also because he was older than them. However, Mike goes into his leader mode as soon as he finds the number and since then he leads the way and makes decisions of going to Utah, meeting Suzie, finding the location and giving directions to reach the location. So, it is not that he did not do anything like a leader, it is just that the things he did revolved around finding Eleven.
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Mike as a Lover
If you have not paid enough attention in the last three seasons, I would like to inform you that Mike really loves El. As per his monologue, he fell in love with her the moment he saw her for the first time and he has loved her every day since. So, irrespective of whether you like them as a pair or not, think he is too young, or feel romantic love makes a character weak and lame, the creators have said that Mike has been in love with El since the age of twelve. Yes, live with it. So naturally, after an intense argument like that, when she gets taken away first by the cops, then by Owens, when he does not know where she is, but he knows that the military is looking for her so that they can kill her, what exactly do you expect him to do? What would you have done if you were him? Sit back and relax like nothing is wrong? Let me tell you, he was still going back to Hawkins for his friends and family until Agent Harmon said that the girl “is in danger” and they have to inform Owens. If you haven’t noticed, when Argyle was having a panic attack, he also repeatedly says that the military is going to find her and kill her which further makes Mike more worried. He constantly keeps saying that he should have explained himself to her then maybe she would have taken him with her, because he was so hurt by the fact that El misunderstood him and was upset with him. Later we come to know that Mike also lives with the fear of El growing emotionally distant to him, so even if he does not lose her to interdimensional monsters, or the military, he would lose her because he is not good enough for her. This is the reason he cannot even express how much he loves her, the very thing that upsets her in the first place. He expresses his love through his acts of service, which is why even when El is expressing her disappointment, you still see no hesitation in his eyes as he says, “I say it.” Still he lives with the fear that El would leave him one day realizing that she does not need him anymore because she is special and he is ‘just a random nerd.’ So when Will tells him what Mike needed to hear, he feels much relieved. Ever since he got her back at the end of season two, he has repeated this dialogue in every single season that he cannot lose her. I don’t know what makes you think that when she is in an unknown place, about to be killed, he would not shift his entire focus to her.
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Flat Characters vs. Round Characters
I saw a YouTube comment saying “his character was so flat this season”, and I realized that whoever was saying that did not understand what a flat character is and is saying so because his main focus this season was El. A flat character is someone who goes through no significant development and stays the same throughout the story. A round character goes through major development and is complex in nature which may even surprise the audience, for example, Steve, Nancy. Mike’s development is rather subtle, but not unnoticeable. If you have seen him in season one and two, he never actually apologized whenever he lashed out at someone. Which starts changing from season 3, as he apologizes to Will, to El. Similarly, this season he apologizes to Will again for being rude to him at the Rink-O-Mania, and apologizes to El that he had hurt her sentiments by his instant reaction after what happened there. Later on, he finally plucks up the courage to communicate and share everything he feels that he has been hiding for THREE LONG YEARS. So, you are telling me that this is not character development? Or does it not count because El was the motivating factor behind this development?
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Technicalities of Storytelling
When people randomly throw in suggestions on what the writers should have done instead, they forget that there is a technical side of storytelling too. There are several things related to a single occurrence within a plot that helps the story in getting developed.  So, when you include one thing, several things change as the impact of the ripple effect. Let’s say Mike stayed back in Hawkins so that he could be the ‘leader’, what would have happened then? The Rink-o-Mania incident wouldn’t have happened, the fact that El was lying to him wouldn’t get revealed, Will’s storyline would have stayed unexplored. Then, Mike and El’s development as a couple couldn’t have been explored as they would not even communicate about the incidents of the previous day, we wouldn’t have known she was upset with him, we wouldn’t have known why Mike was struggling. We wouldn’t have seen that he has learnt to take responsibility for his wrongdoings, that he has actually grown enough as a person in the past few years. Nobody would’ve known where El is, nobody would have been there to bring her back when she was sitting alone and exhausted in the middle of nowhere. We wouldn’t see Mike finally plucking up the courage and actually communicating. He wouldn’t have confessed his love, thus keeping the relationship static with zero development. El wouldn’t have gained the mental strength to fight Vecna, Max would have permanently died, El would have died too as Vecna would have killed her as well if she did not fight back, Hawkins would have had no hope left, there wouldn’t have been any story left. So, do you see how Mike going to California instead of being in Hawkins to be the leader has affected the storyline?
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It’s just really upsetting how people are just here to criticize things and throw in expert opinions without even considering why the story was told in a certain way. Just because a character does not do what you want them to, does not mean the character is getting ruined. I think the people who have created the characters know them better than you.
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sxtvrns · 1 year
duo of dreams
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🎶 now playing: ordinary – nct dojaejung
P: Hueningkai x Fem!Idol!Reader
S: You were seductive. He was an angel. Two polar opposite concepts come together in ways no one would expect.
C: fluff, comfort, inaccuracy, self indulgence, girlboss reader, downbad hyuka, brainrot, drabbling, kinda long, not proofread
N: i am a baby moa so pls do not slander me if i dont get a millisecond of a certain stage performance correct. this is purely for self indulgence because i am so severely in love with kai and everything that he does. idek where this story went but im hoping it makes sense cuz i was so upset with the ending i changed it multiple times and this is the one i liked the most. this man is so fine and im glad im not the only one that thinks so
view the full perfume collection.
please interact if you enjoy!
The minute you turned 19, you knew what you wanted. Even before you turned 19, you knew what you were, and you knew what you wanted to make out of it. You were hot. Fierce, confident, and eye catching. Everyone knew it, too. You turned heads every time you went to the headquarters, seeing people stare at you out of the corner of your eye.
Before you were of age, though, you never openly exposed yourself in such a way. It was all a tough girl kind of concept. You tended to stay on the neutral, dark, concepts rather than cuter ones. If you were given an idea, you found a way to design it and stick it to your niche. You always preferred to do what you liked rather than being forced into a box with little room to do anything your way; it demotivated you.
As a solo artist, you had lots of creative freedom, being able to write your own songs and even nitpick at how you wanted them to sound. Sometimes you would just need a kickstart or a hint from another fellow producer to get the ideas flowing, and boy, did your mind flow with ideas.
Sometimes you were labeled as ‘provocative’ or ‘controversial’. Some even said you were acting too mature for your age. But it never hurts to get a head start.
When you weren’t music making, you often dabbled in modeling with your partnered companies or for magazines, really, any source of promotion. You felt even more confident while doing so as well, which further boosted your productivity in the studio. It all came full circle.
You tried to do what you like while also balancing music, and you managed to make it work. People looked up to you. Newer groups admired you, your stage presence, how you gave 100% in every single performance that you did, how you wouldn’t settle for anything less than perfect, how much effort you put into practicing.
You idolized your own fair share of groups as well. BTS, Blackpink, Twice; any group debuting for longer than you have, you admired. When you saw Suga crack a smile at your MAMA performance, you nearly broke character on stage, but held it in by letting your heart race and stopping your face from faltering. When Dahyun talked about you during one of her lives, saying you were cool and how she longed for confidence like yours, you nearly fainted on the spot.
You were still a growing girl with people you looked up to, inspired by everything that they do and how you could apply aspects from their performances to yours. You were truly committed to your craft.
You were invited onto a talk show, along with another group, whose name was not revealed to you. Off camera, you heard the footsteps of multiple people passing by, yet you didn’t know who since it was supposedly a surprise for both you and the other idols.
You adjust your mic, the cameras rolling and the MC and group introducing themselves. Though their voices together are loud, you can’t make out what they are saying, only adding more to the suspense. You’re suddenly given the cue by a staff member, walking out and seeing five men sitting together in their chairs with surprised expressions.
You’re equally as surprised, knowing you’ve seen their faces at previous award shows. “Tomorrow by Together?” You point at them, all of them jumping and freaking out at the fact you knew who they were. “Y/N, meet TXT!” The MC says, letting you sit in your chair as the boys calm down.
“Have you two met formally before?”
“I think once backstage, we were on Inkigayo together.” You answer, the event fully coming back to their memories as you mentioned it. “Do you remember our names?” Taehyun asks innocently, watching as your eyes scan over each of their faces before answering. You point at each respective member as you say their names. “Soobin. Yeonjun, Beomgyu, Taehyun, Hueningkai.” They all cheer and applaud as you dramatically bow towards them and the camera.
“Is there something in particular you like about each other’s music?” The MC asks.
“TXT has a certain flow in their music that manages to get stuck in my head; No Rules and Frost have been playing on loop for the past few days since those are my favourites. And the rhythm and the way each song plays a role within a story is something I really like.”
They all nod, the MC turning their head towards the boy group. “Hueningkai should answer for us.” Yeonjun ushers, patting the maknae on the back. “Yeah, he has your music on 24/7. Nonstop.” Beomgyu adds, only making Kai even more shy.
“Well, Y/N has a really significant, gritty style to her music and a satisfying edge that balances out throughout her songs, so each song is different in its own way. She really pays attention to the role of each instrument in the background and how well they balance together, and her ballads are really well put together because of this. Of course, all of her songs are good, but her ballads stick out even more to me. They’re usually the ones I listen to the most.”
“He’s good.” You say, all of them laughing. “Frost is actually Hueningkai’s song.” Soobin adds. “Really?” The maknae nods, all redfaced and flustered. “That’s why it’s so good then. You did the laugh at the beginning?” He nods again. “I picked it up from you, a little bit.”
“That’s amazing. I loved it, it gave the song the whole like, badass vibe.” You say, immediately covering your mouth. “I’m sorry, I don’t know if I can say that.” They all laugh it off, going back to the topic at hand.
As the interview progresses, you slowly find yourself getting more comfortable with the boys in front of you, laughing and joking around as the questions go on and on. They treat you like a close friend though you’ve only known each other for an hour, and your heart is filled with a familiar warmth as you even fall out of your chair from laughing so hard.
You compose yourself before the interview ends, and when the cameras cut, it goes silent, all of TXT staring at you, and you staring back. Hueningkai is the first to break, everyone else following right after.
the way he looks at her
hyuka had hearts in his eyes the whole time i swear
she is literally slaying so hard and all she’s doing is sitting in her chair
id freak out too if i was in the presence of y/n
hueningkai finally formally meeting his celeb crush guys the character development is real
You lurked a lot on social media, having your own personal accounts and such. This also meant you saw all those comments about the tension between you and Hueningkai specifically. They weren’t wrong about it; in fact, there was something there between you two that you couldn’t determine.
It was like a chain operated by a crank that wanted to pull you two closer together. You felt yourself drawn to him, and he felt drawn to you, yet you didn’t know why.
“Hueningkai has the biggest crush on you. He has some of your posters hung up in our room and always stays quiet if your performance is on. He never stays quiet for anything.” Taehyun said, which stuck with you the rest of the interview.
During the recording, you couldn’t help but feel your eyes drawn to him specifically, and how he’d already be staring at you when you looked at him. He could feel it too, the crank wanting to turn. You both were resisting against it, not letting the chain pull you two any closer.
He was cute, for sure. His innocence seemed to radiate off of him, and the way it contrasted with your maturity made you wonder why there was such a significant tension between you two.
So while you sat in HYBE’s cafe on the 19th floor, sipping on an iced chocolate while staring down at the streets below, you tried to take your mind off of him. But it was the most fun you’ve had with another group, and you wanted to relive the laughter in your head over and over again for as long as you could remember it, but Hueningkai was always the first person that came back to your mind when you tried to reminisce. As much as you liked it, it also felt like torture.
The doors of the elevator open with a ding, Hueningkai ordering a lime bachaas at the counter, noticing a familiar figure at one of the window seats. He gets his drink, taking a sip before guessing. “Y/N?” You turn around at the mention of your name, noticing Hueningkai who’s waving at you. You wave back, wondering what to do. It’d be awkward to leave it at this.
You nudge the chair out, letting him sit down next to you. “Are you busy?” You ask, knowing it’s late at night but not late enough until practices usually end. “Just finished. Had some dinner.” He’s usually rambling when he’s asked questions, but maybe today tired him out. You can’t blame him, you were equally as drained. “You watched our episode?”
He huffs with a laugh. “Yeah. I saw the comments too. We’re everywhere.”
“Hope you don’t mind. The internet is crazy.”
“I’m aware of that. I don’t mind at all. Do you?”
You shake your head. “I don’t really care.”
A comfortable silence lingers over the two of you. It isn’t awkward in any way, merely the sounds of the machines behind the counter serving as background noise. “You really picked it up from me?”
“That laugh. In Frost.”
He awkwardly chuckles. “Ah, well, it’s a bit strange to say it out loud but, when I was recording that part, I tried to envision what it was like in your shoes. All… cool and villain like.”
“You think I’m a villain?”
“Wrong word… more like dominant. When we were sent the sample recording, I could immediately see you doing the song as your own, like I could hear you doing the intro itself. When I imagined your vibe, that’s how it came out. Is that weird?”
“No, I love it. I can understand why you think that way. You did a great job, by the way. Really sweet of you to think of me like that. Your performance for that song too, fuckin’ sexy.” You cover your mouth, looking around and seeing no one else around. “Can I swear?”
He nods with a small laugh. “Sexy?” He asks. “If I’m being honest, you looked really fucking hot up there. Just saying.” His face goes warm, partly at the fact you called their performance ‘sexy’, but mostly at the fact you called him hot right to his face with no shame at all. “Are you flirting with me?”
“Take it how you will, I’m just telling the truth.” Your eyes meet his for the first time during the whole conversation. You break first and finish off your drink, his gaze enough to intimidate yet fluster you at the same time. “I’m gonna go now. Hopefully I run into you again.” You get up, about to leave when you feel a hand tugging on your sleeve, stopping you.
“Um, do you want me to walk you back? We live in the same building and all, I just– it’s dark out.” He rambles, a smile creeping up on your lips. “So you’re cute and you’re a gentleman? I really found the one.” It doesn’t directly answer his question, but the compliment has his heart racing faster than before. “Sure. Let’s go.”
As you walk back to the dorms, you manage to make small talk with Kai, filling in the silent gaps when needed. “I do appreciate your attention to detail.”
“For what?”
“When you were talking about my music. I really like hearing other people’s interpretations on them and what sticks out and such. I’ll be sure to write more ballads for you.” You start off, joking around. “I think it’s a bit funny you view me as someone higher and you’re casually hanging out with them right now. The only difference is that I debuted after you did.”
“You flattered me too much already tonight, Y/N. One more thing and I might just faint from your words alone.”
“Pleased to know I make such an impact on you.”
“You’ve made quite an impact on me for a while now.”
Unlocking your door, you tell Kai to wait outside for a moment, handing him a folded slip of paper. “Thank you for the peace, Kai. Goodnight.” You go to shut the door, opening it slightly again. “Sorry if I made you uncomfortable.” You add, Kai walking back to the elevator after you shut the door. He doesn’t unfold the slip until he reaches his own dorm, numbers written down.
It was your phone number, words written right below it.
I enjoyed talking to you tonight. Text me whenever, and hopefully we can talk like this again.
His mind goes back to your words from earlier. ‘Sorry if I made you uncomfortable.’
Was it because you called him hot and that he was more secluded on the way back? It was only because he didn’t know what to say after. What was he even supposed to say to that? Thank you? You too?
Before he went to bed, he added your number to his contacts, and hid the note in one of his drawers. He realized one thing, though.
You were definitely flirting with him.
The elevator door opens, Hueningkai alerted by the ding and turning around to see who it was. Your hood was on, yet he still recognized you, messing around and simply staring at you the whole time to see how long it would take for you to notice.
You see him out of the corner of your eye as you put your phone away, sheepishly waving at him as he proudly waves back, gesturing for you to sit with him.
“Do you wanna see something?” He asks, which grabs your attention. You nod, Hueningkai taking out his phone and opening his emails, tapping on something else. He fully reveals the screen to you, showing photos of him modelling for a campaign. He scrolls through them, and you simply sit there, admiring how he glows in every single one.
“God, you look so good in all of them.” You mutter, hearing him giggle as he shuts his phone off. “You’re the first person to see them.”
“Really?” He nods, running his hand through his hair. “I feel so special.” You smile, wondering how his silly demeanour could turn into that in front of a camera. “Do you want me to send them to you?”
“Can you really do that? It already feels a bit illegal just looking at them.”
“No one needs to know.”
You huff, accepting his offer. “If you’re encouraging it.” He turns on his phone again, sending the photos to you with a ding. “Have you been busy today?” He asks, putting his phone back in his pocket. “Writing. Dancing. I’m performing for KBS, so I’ve been rehearsing. Speaking of which, I just had an idea.” He leans in closer, intrigued.
“Could you… record a few lines for me? It’s for my festival performance; it isn’t a lot, I swear. Just some dialogue. Whenever you aren’t busy, of course.”
“I’m available tomorrow.”
“Great! Cool, I’ll text you more about it. You’re on the setlist too, right?”
“Yeah. Just our title track.”
“Looking forward to it already.”
“What song are you covering, anyways?”
“U-Go-Girl, then transitioning to my title.” His eyes widen, remembering the dialogue that would have to be voiced over by him. “Oh.” Thinking about it alone is almost embarrassing, but he takes pride in the fact that he’s the first person you thought of to record such… important lines. “If you don’t want to, I can find someone else–“
“No, no! I can do it, yeah, I can. I want to. Sounds fun.” He cuts you off, sounding almost too excited. “You know what you’re getting yourself into and not just doing it because I asked.”
“Really, I’d be honoured. Playing a part in your performance.”
“Good. I’d have a hard time finding someone else then, anyways. Wasn’t planning on asking anybody else.”
“So I was first pick?”
You pause, looking for an answer. “You’d add your own little Hueningkai flair to it. I’m not sure exactly what it is, but you’re gonna help me make it stand out from the rest. And that’s exactly what I want.” You always had a thing for being different. Different in a good and influential way, in a way where you wouldn’t be compared to others, rather others were compared to you.
You yawn, covering your mouth and letting your head hang to the side. “Today must’ve taken a toll on you, huh?” You feel his sleeve briefly brush against your hood. “Dance was… hard today. I couldn’t get the moves right even though it’s the easiest dance to ever exist, my brain was mush, I was failing to comprehend anything– I did great in everything else but the performing, stage presence part of it.”
“Don’t beat yourself up. We all have bad days, and it’s okay to feel horrible about it, but you learn to move on and improve. Trust me, I should know.” Kai advises reassuringly, his hand having a gentle grip on your shoulder. “Thanks, Kai. I just feel like a bit of a lazy ass not being able to do things at the pace I usually do.”
“You haven’t been overworking yourself, have you?”
“Not necessarily.”
“If you need to take a little break, take one. Better to be conscious to perform than not perform at all.” He jokes it off, even making you giggle a little as well. “I’ll take your advice to heart, Kai. Means a lot that you care.”
“You aren’t lazy, by the way. I’ve seen your performances and judging from how you exceed everyone’s expectations, you are far from that. You’re a hard worker, Y/N.”
“You really know how to flatter a woman, do you?” His face flushes on the spot, instantly a flustered mess. “Like you said, I’m just telling the truth.” He says, mostly spitting out words that he isn’t entirely sure of. “And you pay attention! My goodness, I’ll never find another guy like you. I’ll treasure you forever, Hueningkai.”
“Stop that…” He murmurs, still flustered and warm faced.
“Don’t be embarrassed! I mean it. I’ll never regret ever knowing you and being a friend of yours.” He only hides his face deeper into his hoodie, giggling as you take a sip of your drink. “Don’t fall in love yet, Huening, you should take me out on a date first.” You tease, finishing off your drink and tapping on his shoulder as you get up to leave “Don’t make false accusations, you’ll get in trouble for that.” He follows behind you, throwing away his own cup.
“I really did appreciate the advice, though. Maybe I was a bit too harsh on myself. I promise I’ll try to be more self aware.” You look up at him with a nod as the elevator doors close with a ding, and he nods back, giving you a thumbs up.
When you arrive at your dorm, you finally figure out a time. “Are you free at 3 tomorrow?” You ask. “For what?”
“For recording, duh. Was this not the first thing we talked about?”
“It was actually the second thing.”
“Okay, smartass, that was rhetorical.” You laugh it off, waiting for his confirmation. “Yeah, I am. I’ll take some time out of my practice for it.”
“I can do it sometime else if you’re busy, then–“
“Y/N, I’m practicing all week, it’s fine. You won’t get my recording in time if you were to do it when my schedule isn’t actually packed. I’ll let them know, okay? Don’t worry about it.”
“Fine, but if I get a complaint that pulling you out of practice was unprofessional I’m blaming you.”
He chuckles. “Fair enough.”
“See you tomorrow, then?” You peek your head out the door at him, tiredly staring at him. “See you. Get some rest, Y/N.”
“You too, Kai.”
Hueningkai steps out of his practice, following the directions you gave him through text, seeing a few staff members outside the recording booth. They let him in, shutting the door and putting on the given headphones. “Hi Kai. You ready? Need water or anything?” You’re sitting in the producer’s booth at the computer with another staff member.
“I’m good.”
“I’ll play the sample recording for you. Unless you want to go straight into it?”
Kai had a way of mimicry that you admired. It stayed true to the original, but his voice made it stand out the exactly how you wanted it to, that he got it only after the second recording. You play it back to him, this time layered on top of your main vocals, the part transitioning to your song being the most prominent section where his voice really stands out. “Do you wanna rerecord anything? Personally I think this is the take.”
“Then I’m good.”
You frown at the way he describes himself, even though he isn’t entirely wrong. “Alright, then that’s it. Thanks for coming in.”
“Should I see you later today?” He asks, the other staff member looking at you. “Yeah, sure. Just get back, I feel I’ve taken you for too long already.” Hueningkai begins to tear bits off the lyric sheet, the sound of it reverberating in the room you’re in. You simply watch as he rolls the bits into tiny crumpled balls, leaving them on the stand.
“At least clean up after yourself. You can walk a girl home but can’t pick up your own trash?” You joke, Kai’s ears going red as he takes the bits with him, muttering a goodbye before leaving the room. “You’re close with him?” The staff asks, finicking with the audio.
“Yeah. Why?”
“Nothing. You two seemed to just click instantly. Do you wanna hear how it sounds now?”
As the sky darkens, you wait for a response from Hueningkai almost too eagerly, checking your phone every time it buzzed in your pocket, hoping it was him. You stopped by your rendezvous, just to take a seat and listen to the recording over and over again; it was that good that you wanted to put it on loop and just admire it as many times as you could.
Hueningkai pounces on you, his hands grasping your shoulders to make you jump. “Kai– do not do that! If I had a drink in my hand right now, I would’ve thrown it at your face.”
“So mean!”
He sits down next to you, leaning in to see what took up all your attention that you didn’t notice him lurking behind you. “Wanna listen? It’s the backup vocals for my performance.” You offer him an earbud as he accepts, playing up until the transition. “And that’s most of it. For now.”
“Feels a little bit wrong to get early access to this.”
“It was only part of it. And now you know how I felt when I saw those photos of you.”
“They’re up now, so nothing to worry about. I saw your messages but that was during water break, so I didn’t get to respond. Figured I’d find you here.”
“I felt like giving up and going back to the dorms. This was a last resort.”
“I’m sorry I didn’t get to even text you afterwards. Slipped my mind.”
“It’s fine. This is all I wanted to show you anyways.”
He pauses for a moment, staring at the ground trying to remember what it was about the KBS festival he was going to say. “Oh! Right, I just remembered I was gonna tell you something.”
“What is it?”
He leans in closer and whispers something.
“I’m dying my hair.”
“Really? What colour?”
“Brown. Then after the festival, black.”
“Are you getting a new concept?” He nods excitedly, his grin unable to be contained. “I will keep my mouth shut. But I’m excited to see what’s to come!”
“I think you’ll like it. We’ll be working on recordings after the festival.”
“Oh?” You were intrigued. “I’ll like it?”
“It seems like something you’d enjoy, at least. I’m hoping you will.”
“Now you have me wanting to know more. You know this is very unprofessional of you, speaking about your group’s plans with another colleague.” You poke fun at him, leaning in. “I’m speaking to you as a friend, not a business partner. And with how much unreleased information we’ve been sharing with each other, it’s safe to say that we are more than just business partners.”
“I feel like a schoolgirl sharing secrets with someone.” You giggle, Kai’s smile growing. “I heard somewhere they call you Hyuka, can I call you that?” Why did the name sound so perfect when it rolled off your tongue? He did his best to stop his face from heating up and replied. “Yeah. You can.”
“It’s cute. I like it.”
He doesn’t reply, avoiding eye contact with you and simply replying with a nod. “You really get flustered over the smallest things, don’t you? Nothing to be ashamed of.”
“Maybe it’s because I can’t believe the Y/N keeps flirting with me. Not very professional of you.”
“Oh, the irony! It’s corroding my heart…” You overdramatize, earning a snicker from the boy seated beside you. “If it makes you uncomfortable, I can stop. I hope you know that wasn’t my intention.”
“I know. And it doesn’t. If anything, my heart beats so fast that I just can’t think of anything to say to you because I’m so focused on the fact my heart is racing in my ears.”
“So you like it?”
“I mean, who wouldn’t want to be called cute by the L/N Y/N? If anything, I’m lucky enough to be talking with you like this.”
“Now you’re the one flirting with me?” You laugh, checking your phone. “I have an interview tomorrow. I’m a bit nervous.”
“Why? You’re always great in interviews. You’re comedic, you’re stylish–“
“It’s one where the MC asks questions to get under your skin. Like a hot seat.”
“I’m not… I’m not very open with my personal life. I don’t usually talk about it. He might go that far.”
“Can you not cancel?”
“Too late now. I was booked for it but didn’t care to ask what it was about since I was too busy with other things.” You feel his hand rub your shoulder reassuringly, giving you a look that said ‘it’s gonna be okay’. You sheepishly smile, his hand not leaving you for as long as you stay with him. “I just don’t want to get into controversy right before that big performance. It’s gonna ruin my confidence and my performance is gonna be shit and when I look back on it I’m gonna hate myself–“
“Y/N, you’re gonna be okay. Your fanbase would understand wholeheartedly if they are really fans of yours. They would defend you until the end of the line. Have you seen what they can do? It’s a bit terrifying.” He says, making you chuckle. “I get why you’re so nervous, but if the episode is that bad, they’d have a reason to not stream it.”
Hueningkai’s words stay with you the entire night leading up to the interview, where you’re seated in the chair and the cameras are rolling. The questions start off innocent at first, typical questions you’d get on any other interview.
“What is it like being a role model for newer idols?”
“What is your favourite performance outfit so far?”
“Is there a specific place you’d like to go to for a world tour or concert?”
Then it slowly started getting more… iffy.
“Do you have a ghost writer?”
“Did Bighit force you into the ‘sexy’ concept when you turned 19?”
“How many times have you cried over your duties as an idol?”
When it got into relationships with others, however, that’s where you drew the line.
“Have you ever had a boyfriend before?” The MC asks with a shameless smile on his face. “No.”
“Is there anyone you have your eyes on right now? A celebrity crush?”
Your face begins to burn red, your heart pounding so loud and fast you can hear it in your ears, and you’re struggling to spit out logical answers.
“Not in particular.”
“Sunghoon from Enhypen? You two are known to be close friends. Is he your type?”
“Please don’t bring my friends into this.”
“P1Harmony, what was his name… Jiung!“
“I don’t–“
“What about Hueningkai, the boy from TXT? Ever since that interview, people have been endorsing you two as a pair.”
“I don’t think you should be dictating someone to fulfill my relationship status. You have absolutely no power over me and my relationships with others, and God knows everything about me and my friends while you don’t, so keep your mouth shut.”
The whole room goes silent. You’re holding back tears and you want to swear at him so bad, but this seemed to be impactful enough already, so your eyes stare daggers into his soul, as if they pierced through his heart to make it stop beating. “Well, you certainly live up to your fiesty trait.” He laughs off, switching to the final cue card.
At the end, in your dressing room, you’re so overwhelmed with humiliation and embarrassment, the tears that couldn’t escape your eyes begin to flood again as you pull out your phone, the first person to come to mind being Hueningkai.
are you there?
how did it go?
it all went to shit
oh… are you okay?
can i see you later? same place?
sure, ill be there by 9
Your hood is on for the rest of the day, pace relentlessly fast as you walk into the headquarters. The face ID for the elevator can barely recognize you with how much you’re trying to hold back from crying, and you avoid any eye contact with the staff that join you in the small space. You finally look up when you reach the 19th floor, seeing Hueningkai turned around and looking at you, and you begin to break down then and there.
“Woah, Y/N…” He runs over, catching you before you can fall on your knees. “What happened? What did he ask?” You feel like shit knowing Kai is trying to help you, but you aren’t able to say anything because you’re so overwhelmed with tears and how embarrassing you look crying in front of him.
“Do you want to come to my place and we can talk about it? Or do you want to go to yours? The boys are just practicing vocals so it’ll be just us, no need to worry about someone overhearing.” He’s so extremely patient with you, making you cry even more. You point at him, meaning you want to go to his place, because it was the first thing that came to mind. “But what about you?”
“Don’t worry about me. I’m only worried about you.”
who does he think he is???
i cannot believe the staff did not notice how uncomfy y/n was even after she yelled at them
the fact he just laughed it off like what?
this was so incredibly disrespectful, i dont even know how this show is still up
who is allowing this to be aired theres clearly something wrong with this
he knew he crossed a line and did not care how stupid can you be
i knew there was something off about this
imagine being scolded by y/n id disappear off the face of the planet forever
You sat quiet in your waiting room, scrolling through the posts on social media all written about you and that damn interview. You knew you were in the right, and you hoped everyone else knew that too. Luckily, they did. They didn’t bash you for anything, their dissatisfaction going towards the MC and the show.
You received endless support and praise for standing up for yourself and putting the host in his place, and you were so incredibly relieved for that. You watched the show broadcasting patiently on the TV in your room, TXT’s title track beginning to play. You were so fixated on it that you almost forgot you were going on next, the staff calling you backstage.
When their performance ends and they come offstage, you clap and cheer for all of them as they pass by, waving at Hueningkai enthusiastically when you see him. “Hyuka!” Even under the dim light, you see him with a tired smile as he runs over to you. “Wow…” He looks at you, eyes trailing over your outfit. “You look good.”
“I could say the same for you.” Maybe it was the lighting, or how nervous you were, but seeing your friend post-performance trying to catch his breath, sweat dripping down his face, his cheeky smile as his gaze with those tired eyes doesn’t waver from yours, you knew it was wrong to be thinking such things. But he looked hot. Really hot.
“I’ll see you in your room?” You ask, and he nods, head turning away first and eyes last. God, he had a gaze that could kill you.
The metronome begins playing in your earpiece once you’re on stage, and you let your confidence take control. Hyuka’s voice plays in your ear, and if you’re being honest, the one thing that usually runs through your mind is thinking about how cool you are to be on stage and performing for such a large audience. Did it make you seem like you were full of yourself? A little bit. Did you care? No.
When the song changes, so does the mood. The lights change colour and are different brightnesses, and so does your outfit. You discard your jacket and the skirt you’re wearing, adorning a matching pair of shorts and a sleeveless shirt, and a fishnet longsleeve underneath. Your title track begins, and the crowd screams so loud you can hear them over your instrumental.
After the rush of adrenaline from being able to make the crowd scream louder than ever, you walk offstage, saying thank you to all the staff as you pass by. You make a quick pitstop to your room, grabbing a few things before trying to find TXT’s. The next performers pass by and give you cheer silently, and you can’t help but smile back despite your exhaustion. You knock on their door, a staff member opening it. “Hi Y/N. How come you aren’t in your room right now?”
“Is it okay if I come in?”
“Is that Y/N?” Someone asks.
“Y/N!?” Another voice asks, who you can recognize as Hueningkai. The staff member moves aside, and there’s Hyuka, standing behind him with that goofy smile on his face. He pulls you in for an unexpected, brief hug, looking at you all thrilled. “Your performance was amazing! You looked so good up there, and the transition and your execution–“ He’s so excited that he just jumps around with glee, and you manage to laugh at his enthusiasm.
You take a seat on the empty couch with a content sigh, Hyuka then sitting next to you. “I loved your performance too. The brown hair suits you.” The colour made him look younger as if he wasn’t already, innocence along with it. “I like it. I wish you’d keep it.”
“You should’ve seen my in my group’s Magic era.”
“Do you have photos? It’s been a while since I’ve last seen it.” He pulls out his phone, photos of him from that time showing up after mere seconds of him typing it in. “You looked so cute! And so much younger…”
“We were both 17 that time, so obviously. I saw your concept during this time too. You looked cute too.”
A part of you wants to believe that he means it. Another part of you is making you think that he’s just saying it to be nice since you do that to him all the time. “So you’re saying that I’m not cute now?” You ask rhetorically, letting him search for his answer. “I’m saying that you’ve always been cute. How’s that?”
“You don’t mean that.”
“I do.” He’s looking at you so sternly that you want to believe him, and the fact he hasn’t broken out into laughter probably means that you should. “Soobin, Hueningkai is flirting with Y/N.” Beomgyu says, making you the first to break eye contact with him. “Don’t make her uncomfortable, Hueningkai.” His leader says, lounging in his chair.
“I think she likes it.”
“I do not.”
“Then why is your face so red? You don’t see me all flustered when you call me cute.”
“Actually, I do. We’re even.”
You both sit there in silence, Hueningkai scrolling on his phone mindlessly, lurking on his social media. He opens his camera to check and fix his hair, but notices you in frame, your eyes shut and head on his shoulder. You fell asleep on him.
He’s frozen in place, unsure what to do. He doesn’t move for as long as your rest on him, merely going back on his phone with a quiet chuckle. He snuck a few photos with you, and looking at them he realized that you were still as cute as he called you, even while you were asleep. When he looked up from his phone, he saw Yeonjun with his camera facing the two of you, fingers tapping on the screen.
“What are you doing?” Hyuka asks, Yeonjun immediately putting his phone away. “Nothing.” He lies, going back to using it as normal. You don’t stay asleep for long, being called back to your room by one of the other staff members. When you leave the room, Kai gets a text from Yeonjun, odd being that they were merely across the room from each other. He opens it to reveal a few images and even a video of the two of you together.
“Look at Hueningkai… Y/N is sleeping on his shoulder. Our maknae has really grown up and his crush is resting with him, they’re so cute. Saving this for when they date in the future.”
You nearly doze off in your own waiting room until your phone buzzes in your hand, a text from Hyuka appearing. It’s photos of the two of you, mostly of you sleeping on his shoulder while Hyuka is on his phone or taking selfies with you.
you looked so peaceful i felt bad when i had to wake you up
were you about to sleep in your room? im sorry if i woke you up again :(
ah its okay
who took the other photos?
were you just on your phone the entire time
i didn’t wanna wake you up!
can i come back
im not sure let me ask
no u cant cuz the show is almost over
aw man
we’ll talk tomorrow! its my off day so we have all the time in the world
you’re over exaggerating a little bit
only a little bit
she proved that flop of an mc wrong
is that hueningkai’s voice in the background??
hueningkai doing the dialogue for y/n’s cover is something i didnt know i needed
r they like best friends off screen because that’d literally be so cute like y/n asking hyuka to do the vocals for her
they sound so good together omg
collab when?
You were close with Hueningkai. You talked a lot, you hung out a lot, you even did media promotions with him, and you had little inside jokes that no one seemed to get, which made them funnier.
You two also had a tendency to… flirt with each other.
You could never see if he was being serious or not, and he’d never tell you afterwards and just move on. You’d do the same, which was only fair, but you really wanted to know if he meant it. Sometimes you wished he did. Other times you didn’t care.
You did lives together, mostly consisting of gossip and eating snacks, and you wouldn’t have it any other way. You even walked in on him once in the middle of one, and was unofficially invited as a guest.
You did promotional content with each other, and had a lot of pictures together in your camera roll. You almost lost important screenshots and info because of it. But every time you opened your gallery, you smiled, seeing pictures of him and the two of you messing around together reminding that there was more to life than just work.
It’s officially known by everyone, you and Hueningkai were best friends. Two peas in a pod, doing a lot of things together when you both were free. You were being shipped together, and while you were worried it made him uncomfortable, you also kind of liked it. Which begun the spiral of thoughts: did you have a crush on him?
You felt even more like a schoolgirl talking about it with your friends, except you were left alone with your own thoughts. You only flirted with each other about what, hundreds of times? He’d pat your back to calm you down, hold your hand if he noticed you shaking, run his fingers through your hair when you’d ramble, hug you when you need it, wipe off any crumbs that were left at the corner of your mouth…
He had comebacks that made your face go red, snarky replies and comments that made your heart race more than anything else, he looked hot when he was performing, like, really hot, he made sure you were the first person to see his unpublished modeling photos (all of them drove you crazy), he looked really pretty with contact lenses, he was the only person that could leave you stuttering and scrambling for words…
The list went on and on. And the more things you found out you liked about him, the more the answer became clear. You liked him. You liked your best friend.
Sure, he’s told you before that you were his celebrity crush, but that’s different. You liked him on a personal level, a level that could make or break your relationship with each other, and that was what scared you the most. You really liked him, to the point where if he rejected you, you’d go dark for a few days trying to recover.
You wanted to tell him so bad. Every time you tried, your heart would race uncontrollably and you couldn’t choke out a single word. It was almost embarrassing how flustered his simple actions made you, let alone on a livestream.
“I told my sisters about you.” He says, staring up at the clear, starlit sky. “Really?”
“My younger sister is a big fan of you, actually. She debuted this year. Older has plans to, and she says you’re really cool.”
“Tell them I say thank you. What group is your younger sister a part of?”
“Kep1er. Bahiyyih?”
“You did that Tiktok with her, I remember. You guys look scarily alike.”
“We really don’t.” You glare at him, straight faced. Hueningkai looks at you, face illuminated by the lights hidden underneath the plant fixtures. “You look pretty.” He thinks aloud, knowing you heard judging from the expression on your face.
You laugh. “I know.” You expect him to laugh the same, but his face doesn’t seem to change in any way. “Oh, you’re serious.”
“I always have been. You just never see it that way.”
“Oh.” You’re struck with a pang of guilt, cursing yourself internally. “You weren’t just being nice?”
“I meant every word I said. I hope you’re taking me seriously right now.”
It seems like I’m not, but I am. I really am.
“This is awfully bold of you, Hyuka.”
“I really like you, Y/N. How’s that for bold?”
He was being serious, unphased with genuine, meaningful eyes. “You always stayed by my side, even when I was feeling down. You remember the little things about me; my drink orders, the snacks I get, my habits, and merely being able to see you makes my day a whole lot better.”
You’re standing there, mouth slightly hanging, unable to say anything. The words are stuck in your throat, and you want to say something, but you feel like you’re gonna faint if you speak a single word.
“I… I can’t…” You’re too embarrassed to face him, knowing his eyes are on you. “I need to go…” You mutter, hand brushing over his for a second before leaving him unanswered on the silent, dimly lit rooftop.
You’re running down the stairs, mashing the buttons on the elevators, messily typing in your key code, falling to your knees once you step foot in your dorm. You’re coughing so much from your horribly paced breathing, and the pain adds to your tears, slowly trailing down your face.
Why were you crying? You didn’t deserve to cry. You were the one that hurt him, leaving him there because you were a coward. It hurt like hell. You barely managed to clean yourself up, falling asleep the second your head hits your pillow.
Practice the following day was straightforward, but you still felt empty. You would’ve gotten a text from Hyuka already, but the only messages there are the ones from yesterday. It hurts to see it so empty, and you want to talk to him, but what if he already hated you?
Entering the elevator, you run into Taehyun and his hooded mop of black hair. “Hi Y/N.” He greets. You tip your head to greet him, guilty for being able to talk to one of Hyuka’s friends and not him himself. “You should go talk to him. He skipped out on practice today.”
“Does he hate me?”
He scoffs. “Hueningkai could never hate you. You made his life 100 times better, according to him.” He pauses and sighs as the elevator nears the floor to the cafeteria. “Even for a few hours, he really didn’t seem like himself. If anything, he’s wondering if you hate him.”
As the door opens and Taehyun steps off, you get a text from Hueningkai.
im sorry.
forget i said anything.
“Shit.” You mutter, Taehyun eyeing you the entire time until the doors close. It’s one swift ride down to the bottom floor, and again, you run, but this time faster than you did the day before, spamming the buttons on the elevator and going to his floor. You stop in front of his door, knocking on it and ringing the doorbell. “Hueningkai? It’s me.” You say. No answer.
“Hyuka? Please, can we talk?” You plead, not hearing anything from the inside. You spam his messages instead, calling him 10 times before giving up. You then remembered accidentally peeking at him entering his dorm code, but you forced yourself to forget it for the sake of his privacy. Given he wasn’t answering, you forced yourself to remember.
He jokingly scolded you that day before shutting the door, but what did he type before that?
Your faded memory punches in the series of numbers you picked out, the door suddenly unlocking. You look around, seeing an empty hallway before shutting the door and locking it, taking your shoes off and running to his room. “Hyuka?” You call, hearing muffled sniffles from a distance. That had to be him.
You didn’t bother knocking. You opened to door, seeing Hueningkai’s face all messed with tears, puffy red eyes, and his arms clinging tightly to one of his stuffed animals. His eyes widened before he hid his face with a tissue. You walk over to him, helping him wipe his face with the tissues. You quickly get up and rush to his kitchen, refilling the glass of water on the floor beside his bed.
He’s calmed down by the time you get back, accepting the glass and drinking half of it. “How did you get in?” He asks, voice hoarse. “You typed in the code once and I accidentally saw. I took a shot in the dark.” You hold his face in your hands, warming them, wiping away a fallen tear with a stroke of your thumb. He clearly didn’t remember. “I’m sorry–“
“No, don’t be. I’m sorry. You have nothing to be sorry for.”
You sigh, heart pounding in your ears. “I was a coward for running away. It was stupid.” He chuckles. “I don’t even know why I’m crying, I just started thinking of you, and everything I’ve lost, and…” He cuts himself off, knowing he’d start crying again if he said anything else. “I’m right here. You haven’t lost anything.”
You move his hair out of his face, and all you can do is look at him. His post crying face, rosy and glistening, a content smile on his face. “I like you too, Hyuka. Your duality, your laugh, your carefulness, your personality…” You begin to look at the smaller details on his face. “Your eyes, your lashes, your jawline…”
“Your lips.”
The crank holding the two of you finally snaps, and you’re fully drawn to him.
You kiss him, and everything feels just right, sensing his surprise through the noise he made at the sudden action. It’s a first for both of you, so you could be as awkward as you needed to while learning how to kiss each other. But you were fast learners, and you got the hang of it quickly.
He pulls you closer by the waist, holding you close to him as you straddle his hips, kissing you fervently. So fervently that you swear you hear him moan in between a few kisses, and you try not to enjoy it as much as you do. Pulling away for a second to admire him, the way his chest heaves as he’s out of breath, his eyes doing the pleading for him.
You lean in closer. “Do you like being like this?” You ask, forehead against his, lips grazing over his own. “Mhm.” Your hand holds his face again, warm and tempting. “Is this what you’ve wanted?” He nods again. “For how long?”
“Too long.”
His lips are back on yours, dominant and hungry. He was the only one that could restrain you like this, and for once, you didn’t mind not being in control. His kisses move down to your neck, feeling him smirk after eliciting a groan from you.
“You can’t…” You start, feeling him stop and pull away. “People will see. We can’t risk it.”
Being in the industry meant that lying out of hickeys was nonexistent. Dating scandals would come abuzz and the only thing people would ask you for the next few weeks was who gave you that purple mark on your neck.
“I know. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay.”
The door suddenly opens, and you’re met with a shaken Beomgyu, eyes wide and jaw dropped. You immediately get off of Hueningkai, putting your hood back on and sitting on the side of the bed, gesturing zipped lips to the poor boy. “Soobin! They’re– they’re… Y/N’s here!” Beomgyu rephrases, a better choice of words than what you assumed he’d say.
“I’m sorry. That was a dick move of me.”
“It was. All I wanted was closure, and I got it, so it’s okay.”
His hand rests on top of yours. “Can I be your boyfriend, Y/N?” You blush, face hot as if you weren’t just making out with him a few minutes ago. “Yeah. Yeah, I’d like that. But what about our label?”
“You’re closer with Bang than I am. Could you talk to him?” You nod, kissing him one last time before leaving, avoiding eye contact with Soobin and Beomgyu on the way out. You bump into Taehyun on the way to the door. He looks at you with a smile, following with an affirmative nod and letting you go.
Taehyun budges through the border of Soobin and Beomgyu at his own bedroom door, Yeonjun peeking over and seeing Hueningkai all red and smiley. “What happened?” The oldest asks, eyes still on the youngest.
“Y/N happened.” Soobin answers, Yeonjun’s gaze locked on the maknae. Maybe it was his older brother genes that he noticed something different than the Hueningkai he saw this morning, but judging from the fact you walked out with your hood on, Hyuka’s shirt being slightly crumpled, his blanket gathered at the footboard, some of his plushies fallen out of place, and slight tinges of pink on and surrounding his mouth, he deduced you two had a little bit of fun.
“Took him long enough.”
Your relationship was smooth sailing as it ever could be with your schedules. A member of your team had to arrange a meeting with Bang discussing the relationship between you and Hueningkai. Keeping it a secret would have been the better option, but knowing Hyuka, he’d still show you off to everyone even if being scolded to keep quiet about it for hours on end.
Bang said he ‘had a hunch’ from the first interview, not showing any objection, but naming the risks and controversies that would come with the publicity of your romance. You two were too lovestruck to care about public opinions, but you still were wary of your interactions with each other, Hueningkai especially, knowing that getting into a scandal only involving himself would bring the group down with him.
You two were content with the way things were, but Hyuka tended to have the mindset of, ‘if it happens, it happens’ despite being so cautious, and you’re sure the staff members at Music Bank saw the two of you being intimate in the halls because your boyfriend just had to kiss your forehead at that time, no sooner or later.
Rumors started to arise, given how close the two of you had become. You were always close, but this time you were much closer. There were a lot of behind the scenes cameras at music shows, sometimes catching the two of you in the background together. Once you were even caught with Hyuka taking a nap on your thighs, and that only further proved the existence of the two of you dating.
The one time you decide not to wear a mask and just your hat, paparazzi caught the two of you holding hands on the way back, those gossip articles really planting all previous evidence as if their life was on the line.
Both of you never confirmed anything to the public. You simply just moved on with your lives as if nothing ever happened. It was brought up in a few interviews, but you managed to avoid answering questions on terms of your relationship, using the excuse of privacy.
It was surprising to everyone when they saw a video uploaded on TXT’s channel titled something along the lines of: ‘Hueningkai’s first date’, you couldn’t remember it off the top of your head. But you did vividly remember officially stating that the two of you were going out, and have been going out for a while.
The feedback was, as far as you knew, positive. Being dubbed as ‘the duo we’ve been waiting for’ or ‘netizens’ favourite couple’, you mostly appreciated the fact that you didn’t receive any threats, and only a loss of some fans. Maybe people just couldn’t handle the fact that you two looked so damn good together.
“What are you watching?” Hueningkai asks from the kitchen, seeing you staring at your phone intensely. “Your interview. You’re throwing away your plushies? But I got you one.”
“I’m keeping yours, of course. I’m getting rid of my hoarding habits, so I don’t really want anymore as gifts. Yours will always have a special place in my heart, and I’m never gonna get rid of it.”
“Can I at least keep one?” He considers it for a moment, then nods. “Sure. Which?” You don’t even have to think about it. “Honey.”
“You let me hold him when you invited me here so I could cry and rant after that shitty interview. So that one will also have a special place in my heart. It was also the first one you offered to me. Maybe when I’m alone and I have it in my arms I’ll think of you.”
“You can have him, since he means that much to you.” The sink turns off, shaking the water off his hands and drying them, going to his room and retrieving his, well, now your stuffed animal. The moment you hold it, your thoughts are flooded with nothing but of Hueningkai, despite the fact he took a seat right next to you, placing an arm around your shoulders.
“Jesus, you look fuckin’ sexy in these photos.” You say, zooming in and saving them to your camera roll shamelessly. “Speak for yourself. Front cover on Vogue? You looked so beautiful in those photos. I’m so incredibly lucky.”
You put your phone down, turning to hear his answer. “How so?”
“That you’re my girlfriend. That I get to be your boyfriend. That I get to see your beautiful face every single day, and that I know little things about you that others don’t.”
You chuckle. “I want to kiss you so bad, but the others are gonna come back soon and God knows we won’t be able to stop.” His hand gracefully holds your jaw, his finger tracing along your jawline to let himself move his face closer to yours. He speaks in a whisper.
“Then don’t.”
if you’re really, really tired, i want to hug you and pat you to sleep. i just miss you, even right now. 🎧
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zeref96 · 2 months
Is it just me or i feel very bad for uenoyama
Ppl will go "stop bringing uenoyama in yuki posts" but will constantly bring yuki in uenoyama posts "ppl who said uenoyama deserves better are so stupid" and ppl will continue to trash on uenoyama whenever yuki or mafuyuki is involved im just really tired that uenoyama constantly getting sidelined for a dead character DESPITE being the mc
And MAFUYU omg throughout the manga his ASS did not DO EFFORT despite that UENOYAMA helped him through his grief, open up his feelings, finishes his dead ex's song, comforted his feelings and WAS ALWAYS THERE FOR HIM WHEN HE IS AT HIS LOWEST, and HE DID NOT GIVE ANY RETURN FOR HIM, the fact that its ALWAYS UENOYAMA THAT WILL ALWAYS DO THE EFFORT FOR MAFUYU and HE DID BOTHING TO CONTRIBUTE TO UENOYAMA,
Also OMG THE FANDOM IS INSUFFERABLE due to the CONSTANT UPBRINGING OF YUKI WHILE SHITTING ON UENOYAMA MAKES ME SO ARRRGH bc of that he and the fandom made me stop shipping mafuyama in general atp just give mafuyu a therapist atp,
personally when people say that in another universe that mafuyu and yuki will always be together but to me in another universe uenoyama will find SOMEONE who TRULY LOVES HIM AND TO DO THE SAME EFFORT TO HIM
sorry for the long ramble i just want to let this out
Anon I feel the same, the fandom loves to indulge in hypocrecy 😃 the fact that there are people who are trying to blame uenoyama for not able to communicate to mafuyu his problems and constantly blaming him for everything while mafuyu is this innocent boy who can't do no wrong bc he is sad his abusive boyfriend died is so annoying and they are acting as if mafuyama is perfect and truly love each other when it's always one person doing the effort and trying for the relationship so for me it's not surprising that ue thinks their relationship it's doomed because mafuyu doesn't seem to bother about ue, we still don't have any panel of mafuyu comforting ue or reassuring him about his feelings it's always just vague words but never truths also the fact that kizu couldn't even bother to draw new scenes for mafuyu and uenoyama or it's always drawing mafuyuki when that man has been a hindrance for the manga and mafuyu's character is so shameless, I'm just gonna say that even if yuki was alive his relationship with mafuyu is doomed bc that man was toxic and manipulative who loved to isolate mafuyu from the world, a relationship like that had no future even if he was alive but at least ue's character would have had a different future at least I know he would've taken more of the spotlight and be his own character than just being the "what if" kizu is writing, I really kind of hate his new design too bc people were saying he has the same hairstyle as that dead man when in reality supposedly his new design is for akihiko but anyways I want him with long hair now because the fandom ruins everything and I'm so happy people are starting to realize that mafuyu doesn't care about ue and had never bothered about his health or anything related to him even when ue was trying to talk to him, we just need more people to start to notice even if the wrong ones are loud, the majority of the given fandom are weirdos and love traumaporn that's they are so fixated on mafuyuki and refuse to acknowledge ue's character and his role in the story also I really hope mafuyuma breaks up so mafuyu can go to a therapist and heal but watch kizu make uenoyama apologize for having insecurities and doubts about himself to mafuyu, watch kizu make ue swear his undying love to him and carry again their relationship because mafuyu is so sensitive and has trauma and loves his dead ex, watch her insert yuki again to make him the spotlight and mafuyu a victim and the fandom start calling ue names again bc he is not a therapist.
I just want kizu to prove me wrong and make mafuyu chase after him instead of ue always doing the chasing for someone who doesn't prioritize him or value him in his life.
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dearestones · 2 years
Monsters Like Me (Yandere! L x Reader)
Warnings: Yandere character, yandere behavior, manipulation, isolation, etc. 
@mysticstrawberryphantom Request: Hi Devin!! Hope you've been doing well (: if had a writer's block as of late, and I know reading something that inspires me will help- and I thought of you ahah your writing is always lovely!
So! Could I request a Yandere!L x reader (gender neutral or female) that is being confronted by said reader because they suspect he's been isolating them, getting ready to hide them from the world forever? Sorry if that was too specific and long lol. Anything you do will be fine tbh!
Despite what others may say—be they past investigators, police force, or acquaintances from times long past—L was nothing more than a simple human. A simple human who had the intellect to discern and deduce within seconds, but a human nonetheless. His mind was just as agile and as comprehensive as a calculator, with a mind that could outmaneuver and think ahead many moves into the future like an algorithm, but there were deeper impulses and desires that proved without any doubt that he was just as human as any other person you could find on the street.
And it is in the nature of humanity that you would find the monsters.
Once upon a time, L had told you that there were many monsters roaming around in this world. You had laughed and maybe you saw him smile, but he shook his head and crooked his finger to beckon you closer. He told you about monsters who would take advantage of the innocent, of monsters who could hide in the mundane, and monsters who pretended to be humans. You didn’t know where he was going through his mostly one-sided monologue about monsters, but you had to ask, “Have you met many of these monsters?”
You had meant it as a joke, as a way to build upon your already well laid rapport, but you didn’t expect an answer that was serious, almost somber in nature. 
He only looked at you, his thumb gently resting on his chapped bottom lip. 
“I am one of them.”
In retrospect, that should have been your first clue about L’s true nature.
You’re far from naive. 
You know that L isn’t some innocent, heroic entity hellbent on punishing all the criminals in the world. You’ve known since the beginning that he was a man who supposedly stood for justice, but he was only pursuing criminals for the challenges that they presented. Were this another life, you were sure that L would have been a master criminal with no hope of ever stopping him. After all, there were few people who could hold a candle to L’s intelligence, but you have borne witness to people who aptly fit the description of L’s monsters.
They were terrible people who were ruthless, cunning, and willing to eschew any morals that they must have at some point but had long since disregarded. With nothing holding these degenerates from their base desires, they wreaked havoc on whoever they targeted. Sometimes, they had no underlying cause to their behavior, but to show that they had the wherewithal and the audacity to be apart from the crowd.
For the more interesting and challenging of these people, L chose to track them down and play those games with him. 
It was hard not to feel appreciative of his work. With many murderers, terrorists, and criminals slammed behind bars, anyone could easily turn a blind eye to L’s less than ethical ways of handling investigations. Like any of the organizations or clients that enlisted L’s help, you trusted him. 
L was smart.
L was thorough.
L brought results and that’s what mattered the most.
So, it wasn’t all too surprising when L requested that you stay inside the Task Force inside during the night hours. Curfew? At your age? It was laughable, but you understood his reasoning. With Kira’s influence spreading throughout the world and especially in Japan, many criminals were trying to lash out and find out if there were any chinks in Kira’s armor. You were innocent in all of this, which meant you would have never landed yourself as Kira’s future victim, but L insisted.
And you trusted in L.
L always brought in results, no matter the cost.
So you acquiesced. 
At first, you were fine with the arrangement. You were still free to roam the streets to entertain yourself with your own devices or perhaps investigate on your own. However, L began to ask that you stay inside the building more and more—often citing that it was for your own protection. 
You believed him.
However, doubts started niggling at the back of your brain when you found yourself bumping into Watari, Matsuda, or Mogi outside the Task Force building. It seemed to be a coincidence, especially when it came to Matsuda’s clumsy but charming personality and Mogi’s stolid presence, but Watari himself? There was more to the old man—you knew that he made himself known on purpose.
Which meant…
L wanted to let you know that he was sending members of the Task Force to tail you.
But why?
You asked and a part of you felt relieved when L had said that it was all for your protection. Don’t you know that there have been riots lately? Or that there were a string of terrorist attacks due to Kira’s propensity to anger and divide the public? You’re important, don’t you realize that? 
You have nothing to fear.
You relented and eventually, you found yourself shadowed by one or more of the Task Force members on your outings.
And then—
And then you found out that you were allowed less than two hours of time spent outside, that your room was being relocated closer to L’s quarters, and that you were forbidden from interacting with any of the members outside of Watari and L himself. 
The fetters around your wrists had been slowly weighing you down ever since L had started restraining your movements, but now you realized that you were positively chained. Angry now and no longer trusting in L’s methods, you tried leaving your room so that you could rush to the command center. Unfortunately, you found that the door had been locked on the outside and that you were all alone. Confused now, but still very much angry, you tore through your apartment as you tried to find one of the many cameras that L more than likely hid. 
When that didn’t work, you shouted for him to meet you now. 
Cameras were never enough for the world’s greatest detective.
There had to be microphones too.
Roaring with rage for what seemed like hours did nothing but waste away your vocal chords. When the most that you could do was whimper and mumble incoherently at yourself, you began throwing objects at the door until finally—FINALLY—you heard the phone ring. Hurriedly, you picked up the receiver, eager to give L a piece of your mind. 
Unfortunately, after you ranted at him for five full minutes, you could only hear a brief intake of breath on the other side. You may not have been as close to him as previous investigators or as intimate a relationship as Watari’s, but you could hear the vague amusement and irritation. The sound rankled at you. It was as if he was treating this situation—you—as if you were nothing more than an annoying chore that he had to complete before Watari would box his ears.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing? I’m not a suspect in your investigation, so why am I restrained like Mr. Yagami and Miss Amane?”
You heard L chuckle on the other side, the quality of the phone rendering it crackly and even more monotone than his usual vocal quality.
“You’re not restrained. You’re free to do whatever you like and I’ve already stipulated that you can have two hours of free time outside.”
“You call staying in one room and only two hours of freedom ‘doing what I like?!?!’” If you were any stronger, you knew that the phone in your hand would have been crushed in your trembling grasp. “I’ve turned a blind eye to your methods before, L, but I question how any of this is related to me. So, explain.”
His voice dropped and the crackling on the line had you straining to hear him. 
What you heard next had you dropping your phone, the clattering doing little to calm the racing of your heart.
“Don't you remember? I’m a monster. And monsters like me would do anything to take and protect what’s theirs.” He paused. “You should be honored. I was originally going to give you only an hour outside, but Watari insisted on your behalf.”
You didn’t want to listen to him anymore. Before he could beat you down with his cold logic, you threw the phone at your apartment door, the clunking sound of plastic slamming into wood doing anything but calming you. 
You had to leave.
But in a world of monsters, who was to be your knight?
DISCLAIMER: I do not condone yandere behavior outside of fictional settings. Please don’t mistake the actions of fictional characters displayed in works of fiction to be considered harmless in real life.
If you want to donate a Ko-Fi, feel free https://ko-fi.com/devintrinidad.
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cienie-isengardu · 8 months
Liu Kang somehow thought putting Shang on poverty and Quan Chi in OutWorld's mines(likely enslaved) would make them a good people. How he thought that was the case, I have no clue.
Definitely one of the more questionable aspects of probably would've been easier if they just admitted Liu Kang had a bias and made their lives worse thinking they'd cause less trouble if they were miserable rather than painting it as a nonsensical attempt at reformation since it'd show Liu Kang is human and flawed.
Like where is the attempted rehabilitation? Shao Khan had a better chance of life than they did. I understand wanting to prevent them from getting power but his solution didn't even work. If anything, it just made them bitter and pissed when they found Liu Kang was deliberately making their lives terrible.
When I heard the Shang Tsung and Liu Kang character intro I too did immediately think about the miserable conditions in which Shang Tsung and Quan Chi were put on purpose. Understandably this is the most logical connection to make, however it is worth remembering that Liu Kang hasn’t said anything about wishing to redeem those two in story mode alone. Intro dialogues are tricky as they often refer to events that happened totally outside the main story (Bi-Han freeing General Shao from prison, Kuai Liang's marriage with Harumi to name few examples), so there is still, however small and unlikely chance the punishment mentioned by Shang Tsung and Liu Kang’s wish to reform him may refer to something else than Fire God constructing a miserable life for still innocent man solely because he has the misfortune to share the same name (soul?) with Liu Kang’s supposedly dead archenemy. It could, for example, be about punishing Shang Tsung for his involvement in the crisis as the final of the game did not resolve much about what happened to sorcerers or other villains and we know some bits here and there solely from intro dialogues. And by punishing I mean forcing him to make amends for wrongs brought against people of Outworld and Earthrealm, a people Shang Tsung has no love or loyalty for, which could explain why both characters have totally different views on the matter. 
Personally I do connect the intro in question to the main story but like I said, intros are tricky things by nature of talking about events but not showing us what truly happened, sometimes without a proper context, so I’m willing to give it a small benefit of doubt. However I too would like if the story examine more Liu Kang’s bias and favoritism, as he was after all a human first then Keeper of Time and I would like to hear more about his reasoning why he fucked up some people’s lives (Shang Tsung, Quan Chi, orphaned Tomas/Smoke) and some granted a great deal of power over other (Sindel and her whole Royal family) on purpose and why he tried so hard to get as similar result to old Timelines than like, rebuild it all anew.
I’m not even that mad Liu Kang for whatever reason decided to make Shang Tsung and Quan Chi suffer by giving them meaningless life but I’m furious that Shao Kahn get a chance at true redemption as Outworld’s respected champion that put him again in place of power if objectively speaking, Shao Kahn always personified the biggest Bad Thing to happen. Shang Tsung was no less of a threat to Earthrealm, sure, but he was also a subordinate doing his master’s bidding (e.g. creation of Mileena) and as other timelines showed, for failing a master he would pay with his life - and even when he did not fail, he was killed to give resurrected MK9!Sindel additional power like ages of dutiful service meant nothing. Shao’s BIO says he was born as a sickly child and it was his father that did not accept it and molded him into perfect soldier
Born into a proud military family, Shao was expected to become a soldier. But he was a sickly child who, though brilliant and eager, had an infirm body. Shao’s disability infuriated his father. He dismissed his son’s physicians and designed an extreme program to build his son’s strength and endurance. Years of toil molded Shao into a physical colossus and forged within him an iron will. And as his father had promised, Shao became the perfect soldier. His brilliant tactics and relentless effort won Outworld many victories and him much fame
and to be honest, I don’t have an idea, did making Shao the sick/disabled kid who - in theory - couldn’t carry on family military tradition was the punishment (backfired by a stubborn father) or was it a plan to make Shao work hard to earn respect/fame and by serving Royal Family, make up for past sins? The story mode says Liu Kang meant for Shao to be Sindel’s loyal follower which implies rather making him a soldier?
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Shang Tsung’s BIO states he “grew up in Outworld’s backwaters. Too lazy for hard labor and too shifty for honest work, he eked out a living selling quack cures and fake magic. Though his wares were useless, Shang Tsung’s easy charm always closed the deal. Shang Tsung was resigned to this hardscrabble life [...]” which makes it sound like the miserable life was his own fault, for being too lazy and not interested in honest work but the game gives a different impression of him, at least for me. Especially compared to Shao thriving as top champion, while Shang Tsung calls his life “barely surviving”.
What is even more weird, if Liu Kang constructed every character's life, why not just, you know, erase Shang Tsung, Quan Chi and Shao Kahn from history and be done with the problem? As the Jacqui Briggs MK11!Ending proves Keeper of Time can erase a person's existence by simple inference in events (Jacqui saving her dad from death at Sindel’s hand in MK9 resulted in Jax never meeting Vera and thus she was not begotten) so why not just meddle before any one of those were born or alternatively, give them different parents or better families to raise them right?
And if Shao could end in a respected family, why not put Shang Tsung between Shaolin Monks and train him to be champion of Earthrealm and like, give him some worthy purpose? 
So, at the end we come back to the question, did Liu Kang on purpose make Shang Tsung and Quan Chi facing miserable hardship under (false) attempt at reformation or just outright to punish them? On one hand, he is not presented as intentionally cruel person (and he did admit being Keeper of Time demands making hard choices) but at the same time, he favors existence of Royal Family (aristocracy) over democracy / equality, he doesn’t seem to mind Umgadi system that forces first born-daughters to be raised as warrior priestesses, who are stripped from any ties to their biological family, are forbidden to marry/be in relationship and whose whole life revolve around serving and protecting Royal Family - and doesn’t Umgadi system resemble the old Lin Kuei before Kuai Liang’s reformation? Generally, there is an interesting contrast between characters serving and seeking power / freedom to not do so, but that is a matter for another time.
Personally, I do not think of Liu Kang as bad person as he stepped from the role of Titan on his own accord and chose to be mere Earthrealm Protector and all, but that does not mean he is above human flaws, and his (and Raiden’s for that matter) life experiences definitely affect to some degree his choices. And let's face it, both Liu and Raiden have never been fond of Shang Tsung.
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