#and luis just has to slowly being him back
s0fter-sin · 1 year
i need leon who can’t stand people being near his neck bc of all the times zombies bit him there, it’s just become a huge trigger zone for him
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gothic-thoughts · 16 days
Keep Our Mouths Busy
Sanji Vinsmoke x Black Fem Reader Angst
DomesticAU, ModernAU, Drunk Sanji
CW: Sanji yelling and breaking a bottle, reader has oral fixation, banging on doors, anxiety/stress reliving tactics
TW: drunken anger
Word Count: 1196 (give or take)
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Any French translated via DeepL
Sanji came back late at night, slamming the front door closed, startling you out of your sleep. You roll over in your shared bed and go to walk downstairs. You step off the last step into the living room to see his tie and blazer discarded on the floor near the front door and upon hearing soft cursing followed by the sound of glass hitting the marble countertop, you slowly walk to the kitchen.
"Il ne m'écoute jamais, putain(Never fucking listens to me).” He mutters, messily filling a shot glass with whiskey, “Jamais (Never does)." 
The slight sway of his body showed that this wasn’t his first drink of the night. He downs the glass in one gulp before slamming it down next to the bottle of whiskey before he picks it up, looking at the label and scoffing with a sarcastic smirk.
“Great... maintenant, je suis un putain d'ivrogne comme lui (now I’m a fucking drunk just like him)!”
He throws the bottle to the floor, making it shatter against the tile, shocking you out of your drowsiness with a loud yelp from where you stood in the doorway. Sanji turned to face you, leaning back against the counter.
“Have your lost your mind!?” You yelled, staying in the doorway to keep your bare feet from the sharp shards and alcohol littering the floor, “The hell is your problem?!”
“Qu'est ce que tu fais ici (What are you doing here?)”
“Why are you drunk, you were at work!”
He kept staring at you wordlessly, you don’t even think your words were getting through to him in this state. Sanji picked up the shot glass again, taking another sip as if it was still full before slamming it back on the counter. He clearly wasn’t in his right mind so you backed up a little, but he took a step forward, glass crunching under his dress shoes with his eyes still intensely locked on you. He clearly had no idea how scary he looked right now.
"Qu'est que tu veux(What do you want)?”
You back up again, stepping out of the kitchen, “In English, I can’t--”
"I said what do you want?" He snapped, slurring, “Why you down here so early?”
"First of all, Vin, it's 12 am," Your eyebrows raise, “Second who the fuck are you getting loud with?"
He stepped forward again, eyebrows furrowing. "Vin...? What are you talking about? My name is Sanji."
“Not when you're being a dick and breaking shit.”
He squints then struts towards you making you immediately keep your distance with tears burning your eyes, preparing to fall and your heart racing unsure of what he was going to do but he didn’t seem to care if he even noticed. He just followed you backwards, strides longer than yours as you hoped he wouldn’t have to hurt him.
“Tch, you think I’m being a dick?” 
“Yes, you are and I'm calling you your first name until you remember how to act right.”
He stops walking when he notices tears of frustration brimming your eyes, right before you jog upstairs, leaving nothing but the sound of your bedroom door slamming before locking it. He stumbles upstairs, gripping the banister tightly until he reaches the top floor then staggers and throws himself at the door, banging his fists against the door several times.
"Baby, open the door." His voice contrasts with his actions heavily, “C’mon, you can’t just lock yourself in there, open--”
“Stop banging on the fuckin' door before the neighbors call!”
"How was I being a dick, I barely said anything to you!”
"You actin' like you ain't break a whole bottle in my vicinity then walked up on me like we was bouta fight."
“I didn’t, I was just-- I just..."
"Ion even wanna hear what you think you did cuz why else would I be in here?"
"I'm... I’m not...” He stops banging, finally gaining some self awareness as he leans against the door, “I'm... merde, I'm scaring you--"
"No shit, so calm the fuck down."
"You know I’m not mad at you, cheri, right?”
"I'm not asking you what you're mad at, I'm telling you that you need to relax."
You could hear his quiet, shallow breaths almost like he was panting just to calm down. Part of you wanted to help and hold him but you thought it was best to keep your distance until you were sure he was calm. Your heart pounded in chest with each of his breaths until they became deeper and more focused. After a few seconds, he knocks softly with one knuckle like he always did, making you let out an audible sigh of relief.
"Mon chéri... I'm okay, now. You can come on, okay...? Please, I'm calm now."
“You sure?” You ask, despite already being at the door, ready to see a non-threatening expression.
"Yes baby, I promise..." He sighed. "Just come to me, please? I'm sorry."
“When I open the door, I’m finna slap you.”
"You can slap me all you want, chéri, I earned it. Just open the door for me...?"
You unlock and open the door, revealing your tear-streaked cheeks and bloodshot eyes to him as you anxiously chewed on the gold chain hanging loosely around your neck. His eyebrows rise with more worry but as soon as he opened his mouth, you slapped him across the face, turning his head and making his hair flip to the side. He slowly reached up to touch his face, feeling the spot that you had slapped while the necklace fell from your mouth when you opened your mouth.
“I....” You sniffle, “I thought you were going to hit me.”
"No, no! I would never hit you... I would never; why would you ever think that?"
“I-I don't know, you're drunk.” You fumble with the chain again, placing it back in your mouth, “And you smashed a fuckin’ bottle and you were yelling a-and banging on shit so I thought you were mad enough to--”
"To hit you, no. Never. I'm sorry, I was upset and I wasn’t thinking about my movements or tone."
He sighed, rubbing his hand over his face a few times. He stepped closer, slowly reaching to cup your face in his shaking hands, looking down at you with sad, apologetic eyes.
"But I would never hit you. Never... Never, baby.”
“I didn't know, you're usually flirty when you're drunk and I just assumed the worst when walked up on me like that.”
"Yeah, I know, but tonight I drank because I was angry, I didn't become it.”
You sniffle a little, trying to get over it but your heart is still racing and he could tell by the way you were still gnawing on your strings so he steps closer and gently pulls your necklace out before replacing it with his middle and ring fingers into your mouth and watching you nibble lightly.
“Don’t like when you chew on your chain, charmant(lovely). Don’t want you breaking it.”
He pulled you into his chest, hugging you while the thumb of his free hand effortlessly caressed up and down the back of your bonnet as he held your head. He kisses your forehead, breath still reeking of whiskey.
"I’d never hurt you." He said quietly against your head, “I’d never, please forgive me, baby.”
You nod against his chest, snuggling closer. After several silent seconds of lightly grazing your teeth just about his knuckles for comfort, you grab his wrist and pull his hand away.
“What even happened?” You ask
“The old man benched me again, this time for the whole shift and we had fight in front of the restaurant. Shouldn’t have taken it out on you though."
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ensn4r3d-d0ve · 1 year
Reader trying to get Leon to sleep with her but he’s not getting the hint. Instead of Ashley being the one getting saved it’s reader. Till Luis starts to tell Leon if he isn’t gonna take a hint he’ll have sex with her.
But what if i switch it up ay the end where leon gets a little possessive over the reader?? 🤭
Sub x Dom dynamic w Re4r Leon and the fem! Reader
Summary: He’s saving you (instead of Ashley & your his mission) you are the president’s daughter, and giving him hints you wanna be with him but he doesn’t get it, so Luis tells him that you wanna fuck him although you just want to get together w him basically bf and gf!
— Needy Princess
Since the mission of saving you, the president’s daughter, even started Leon has been extra protective over you and determined to keep you safe. Besides the point you are very restless and sore from running all this way, fighting, and even meeting new people like luis. It is also obvious how tired you are since Leon has to carry you to the nearest save room, you have flirted with him countless times and even gave him hints having still never taken a hint. You invited him to lay next to you as you pat the bed beside you.
He can only shake his head while he stares at you with shining eyes ‘Can’t slack off on a mission, sorry y/n’. causing you to frown and nod at his own wishes right now, luis comes in walking up to you as your sleeping, leon walks closer to luis and pushes him against the wall pinning him there in frustration “What do you think your doing?!” He asks luis who just shrugs at him, a look Leon gives can easily make someone die.
Luis said crossing his arms against his chest “Maybe if you took the subtle hints Y/N gave you we wouldn’t be in such a situation. Jeez she clearly wants you, so if you can’t take the hint, I’ll just have sex with her!” The brunette says cockily, causing Leon’s cheeks to flush with anger but at the same time he could feel himself getting turned on by luis bold statement about Y/N, making him chuckle darkly “No way, no way are you going to sleep with her, I want her. So shut your mouth and go away.”
With those words Leon pushed luis out of his way making the brunette glare at Leon but not before mouthing “I’m still waiting for my turn, you don’t have a claim yet and she’s mine.” and then walking down the hallways to continue the mission. It makes Leon feel weird, it made him uncomfortable that luis seems to want you and not him. Leon shakes his head and goes back to check if you woke up, which you did but then again you weren’t really awake since you were half asleep.
Leon gently touches your forehead to wake you up a bit more when you start to stir, and you blink up at Leon before you smile softly at him and give him a little peck on his cheek “Good morning Leon” you mumble softly.
“Morning, how do you feel?” He asks.
“Better actually, I haven’t felt as tired for days” You answered.
“That’s good. How long ago did you take to wake up though?” Leon asks and your face turns red a bit, he must notice your expression, because Leon laughs lightly at how cute you looked embarrassed.
“Y/N, what happened? You know that I love you right?” He says and you nod hesitantly and very slowly.
Did you hear that correctly or are you just imagining things?
Leon leans down slightly and puts his lips against yours and kisses you sweetly “And I’m going to protect you always.” he finishes and you smile shyly at him “Leon… You’re going to get sick of carrying me around!” You say and you lean up to kiss him again but it didn’t last very long “Don’t worry, that doesn’t mean I won’t carry you around” Leon says with a smirk before planting kisses on your neck.
You blush profusely but then laugh softly when Leon starts to leave butterfly kisses around your throat making you giggle “mmh!” you let out an unexpected whper. You can’t really hear yourself but just Leon laughing “Sorry princess, I didn’t know I was that good at kissing.” Leon says with a smug grin and licks at your earlobe and you giggle again “Mhm! Just like what I imagined” you whisper to Leon who smiles at you warmly and kisses you once more before laying you on your bed and climbing on top of you.
He leans down and whispers to you “Do you wanna stay here or go upstairs?”. His voice is husky and low and sends goosebumps all over your skin. Your breath hitches as you gulp before replying “Uhh….” You mumble, you’re blushing hard and your voice comes out in a stutter so that makes Leon chuckle quietly as he leans down to your lips. He captures them with his own one, moving slowly LG and giving you time to react but you don’t. All you can do is moan into his mouth when his tongue slips into your mouth. Leon chuckles and wraps his arms around your waist pulling you close.
He presses a lingering soft kiss to your temple as he pulls away from you, looking at you intently “Is that better?” he asks in a huskier voice.
“Much” you whisper to him lovingly.
“Good. Now let'me show you what I'm capable of, princess” Leon whispers back and he lifts you up, pressing you against him as he climbs off the bed. His hands are under your thighs making it easy for him to pick you up bridal style, he carries you to the door and heads to your bedroom where he lays you onto the bed.
He stands up as he looks at you for a moment before leaning over you taking a few moments to admire the way your body is exposed to him and your red face is hidden behind your hands, “Please be gentle...” you say shyly. And Leon nods before bending down to kiss your forehead tenderly, making you shiver a bit “Will be princess~.” He whispers before leaning down again pressing his lips to yours and this time, his kisses are passionate and possessive.
This time, you can’t help but gasp and squirm under his touch as he pulls apart from you, his hands roaming over your curves. Leon smirks at your reactions and kisses his way to your neck “Are you ready, princess?” he asks huskily against your earlobe. A shiver runs down your spine and you nod eagerly.
He places another kiss on your mouth as his hand slides down to caress you through your dress, “Then let’s see if i can make you come.” he murmurs as he moves to pull away. However, he gets pulled down instead by you who immediately latches on his mouth again in order to try and keep him down “Don’t go yet~” You whine. Leon groans as he pulls you close to him, holding you against his torso as you straddle him. “But princess~” he moans against your neck as he kisses you deeply. You can feel his erection rubbing against your ass through your dress, you feel like you might lose control any second.
“Please Leon, stop teasing” you whine, Leon just chuckles softly and kisses the side of your neck again “Only when you tell me to~” he replies between kisses and bites, causing you to whimper “I will...but not until you give me some attention~” You admit. Leon raises an eyebrow and hums softly, his gaze becoming heated “Alright, alright, I’ll listen.” Leon replies while he kisses along your jawline, trailing down to the curve of your neck leaving wet marks as he goes down to your breasts “Mmf!” You gasp out as you feel his wet kisses down your chest.
As he keeps licking and biting down at your nipples, he grabs your left arm and hooks his fingers on the wristband to lift it. Your other hand goes to grab at him as he starts sucking on your breast as well, causing your hips to start bucking against him. When you reach for him and tug at his hair with your left hand, you let out an involuntary noise when he bites down on your nipple, making you arch your back slightly.
Leon takes the opportunity to press his body against yours, feeling his bulge brush against your center. “Oh God please don’t make me cum like this!” You plead with him, you wanted him but you needed to hold on for just a little longer so that you won’t come too soon. And he just laughs lowly “If only I could. Then I would” he says and you can feel his hardness pressing against your core. You bite your lip and try to hold back a moan as you feel him rub against you, making you feel even more aroused. Leon notices your struggle and stops teasing you, he pulls away from you and looks at you with lust filled eyes “I’ll give you whatever you want, baby~” Leon says as he cups your chin softly and brings your lips together in a hungry hungry kiss, his mouth slanting across yours.
It’s hot and rough and everything you have ever dreamed about. And Leon never fails to surprise you. “…Want you..want you inside me.” You manage to say, He breaks the kiss suddenly after you beg him to enter, breathing heavily “So impatient princess~” he says amusedly before continuing to pound against you. After what felt like hours of fucking, Leon lets out a breathless pant before pulling away from you “Damn you’re tight, (y/n)..” he pants as he continues to pump himself against you.
“Warmth..warmth inside me..” you breathe and moan loudly when he finally slams himself into your core. Your hands were gripping the sheets tightly enough that it was white and it would definitely tear anytime soon. But that didn’t matter anymore, your mind was focused on Leon’s thrusts and moans which are coming out as shaky breaths, they sounded sexy and desperate.
The pressure builds up within you and you feel your orgasm coming closer, your legs tighten instinctively as you start rocking against Leon’s member. “Ah~!~ I’m gonna cum, Leon! Don’t stop! Ah~~ Mnn~!~” you shout in pleasure and you feel a sudden warmth spreading through your body as you came and came hard and fast. Leon grunts as his seed fills your insides.
He holds you close, resting his chin on top of your head, his hand playing with your hair gently, kissing your skin lightly. He was panting too, but his breathing calmed down quickly. You both lay there in silence for awhile, listening to each other's heavy breathing and relaxing completely. You move in the crook of Leon' s arm so you're laying next to him instead of hovering above him. “Thank you…” you murmur sleepily. “Anytime, sweetheart..” Leon mumbles as he pulls you closer and nuzzles your hair lovingly. You snuggle into his embrace as the two of you fall asleep in each other's arms with a blanket over both of you. Luis leaning against the doorframe smirking and saying ‘I knew it.’ with a smirk
The next morning you wake up early with a yawn as you glance around the room. Your eyes widen and your heart skips a beat when you realize you weren't alone, Leon was still sleeping beside you, still hugging you close and smiling sleepily. Your blush creeps up to your cheeks as you watch him sleep, enjoying the sight of him. You smile softly and lean forward to kiss his cheek, whispering “Good morning!”. Leon stirs a bit and opens his eyes, blinking a couple of times before he smiles at you and kisses your forehead.
“Morning, princess” he whispers back. You smile and snuggle closer to him “How long have we been asleep?” you ask curiously. Leon doesn’t reply straightaway as he runs his fingertips lightly down the side of your stomach, tracing patterns on your bare skin “Well…it must’ve been late” Leon answers casually.
“And the sun hasn’t risen yet...” He adds, giving you a peck on the forehead before sitting up and stretching, “We should get dressed princess, it’s too dangerous for us to be out here naked” Leon says sternly, giving you a look as he reaches over and tugs on the hem of your skirt. He puts back on his gear and bulletproof vest before he grabs his backpack and turns back towards you “Do you need some help princess?” He offers. He picks you up bridal style and cradles you close to his chest as he helps you put your clothing back on and buttoning it all up neatly.
“Now let's continue the mission of getting you home.”
……………………………………. …………………………………
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love-toxin · 1 year
#the merchant not being IN the shooting range like he is in re4 gives me thots abt being bent over the counter too-//SHOT #luis promising u a prize if u beat his high score (its him he's the prize)
so u just gonna spoonfeed us some ideas then leave us hungry ⁉️⁉️⁉️ smh my head get to work /j
(cws: gn!reader, semi-public sex, jealousy, mutual pining, teasing)
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You know Luis isn't gonna keep quiet while you're shooting away--honestly he has to stop himself from shifting around or adjusting himself because just the sight of you with a gun in your hands turns him on. He loves the way your shoulders tense when he gives you a compliment, how you glance over your shoulder and your grip goes slack when he flashes you a wink and a grin, because you just can't help being cute. You can act tough all you want, but you're adorable and he thinks you know that. If not, well, he's here to remind you.
"How about some pointers, mi vida?"
"I know how to shoot, Luis."
You huff and puff but you don't reject his approach, you don't shove him off when his chest meets your back and certainly not when his hands clasp gently over yours. You let him lead you, guide your hands up to aim the sights down at the target, and slowly squeeze the trigger-
"You're good at this, mi amor." His murmuring voice trickles into your ear, resonating louder in the aftermath of the enormous bang of the gun firing and the target blasting into pieces. His fingertips drawing down your arm leave shivers in their place, his warmth bleeding into every inch of skin....it's no wonder you lay the gun down and turn to face him, eyes gleaming with something akin to need that your hands convey so much clearer as they drift up his chest. Luis doesn't even have to speak, you can feel his intentions in the way he reaches around to grab for fistfuls of your cheeks, and lifts you up to sit you on the counter so you can look down on him.
"Oh, don't let me stop you. I'm just admiring the view." Such a tease. He's swift in feeling behind you for the gun and raising it up, his free hand coming round to shelter your head in the crook of his neck and cover your ears as he shoots off a few quick rounds. Looking back, you're met with a smoking gun and an empty chamber, plus six new holes in the last six targets you've spent twenty minutes trying not to miss. You roll your eyes and he tucks the gun away in your case lying just off to the side, but even though he's bracing the small of your back as he does so he never lets go of you completely.
"Alright, Sera. You win."
"I win, mmh? Win what?" He purrs into your skin, nosing your cheek just until you turn your head and find your lips barely a hair's breadth from one another. You really have no idea what your voice alone does to him--nor how lost he could get in your eyes and your warm breath on his skin.
"You win....twenty minutes. You can do whatever you want with me for twenty minutes." You whisper back, quiet and soft like you're afraid people will hear you. All your secrets are safe with him, though. They might be the only ones he can keep.
"I'm all yours, Luis."
Those words could very well be a siren song to him, they're almost toxic in the way they singe their way through his veins and blur any sound thoughts from his conscience. But even poison would taste sweet if he drank it from you, and when he closes that distance to kiss you, that's all he tastes on your tongue. Sweetness.
"I could do damage in ten. You're generous, amor."
His heart soars as you lean in for him again, lips chasing his like that one kiss wasn't enough for you. Usually it's him that's doing the chasing, that's begging not to be let go, praying he's going to be held for longer than a second--you fill that need like it's as easy as breathing, so maybe you're not quite as poisonous as he might've thought. Loving anyone is dangerous for him...especially when he's so quick to realize it's really love, and not just lust.
Time stands still in those heated presses of mouth to mouth, breathing fresh life into his lungs, yet every other moment seems to blur together before he can try to hold it in place. Your clothing spills over your shoulders and down your thighs, bare skin meeting his palms as he vainly tries to consume as much of you as he can. How desperate he is to lower his head and fall to his knees before you, but you pull his face closer to share another kiss instead--and how could he deny you? This prize is meant to be his, but he gets so much more out of allowing you total control over his body.
Luis wouldn't have thought you could get cuter than that, but the desperate paw of your hands at his belt and the strain for more kisses blows that assumption right away. This clearly isn't a one-way street, you've been craving him just as much as he has you. Maybe this is what you were hoping for. Maybe this is what you've been building up to all this time, and why you've made him spend so much time here just to watch your hands fiddle with the trigger of your gun. He'd like to imagine you were envisioning it was him, and based on the confident way you grab hold of him under his jeans, he was right.
"We're short on time, Luis. Let's make this quick." Your lips against his ear as you stroke him feels like a rebirth, his knees buckling and his eyes halfway to rolling back in his head. How can you make him so weak? There's part of him that wishes it wasn't so, but another part shines through in his wobbly grin, one that whispers out 'I want more of you'.
The tips of his fingers part your kiss and dip into your mouth, your tongue like velvet as you suck down on each one. He just needs them wet but you go further; you lap up every ounce of him so all that remains is you. Your scent, your taste, your touch--much like what you do to him each time you brush by, your presence like golden light he can't help himself from basking in, and himself a heathen that craves your glow over salvation.
And as he pushes each one inside, your nails bite into his bare shoulders at the ache, the stretch ripping a gasp out of your lungs that soon dulls into the sweetest whines Luis has ever heard. You're so eager in your touch yet overwhelmed every time he indulges you, so he expects as much when his hand retracts and he replaces it by guiding the tip to your center. Were you really just pretending to be annoyed by him all this time?
Maybe some of it was real, surely, he knows himself well enough to anticipate it. But all of it is called into question when you grab his hips forward, forcing him to yield to your heat when he's entering you too slow for your taste. Now it's his turn to cry out, each breath stumbling on its way out while you pant and press your lips to his throat, his hips sunk all the way down to meet flush with yours. He must be so deep you can feel him in your stomach, and your crooning voice gasping about how big he is reassures him so. Moving feels almost impossible now, and yes, now that he's gotten this far he'd adore nothing more than to just stay in place and bask in your warmth forever. But you're so needy for him it seems, and the last thing he'll do is disappoint you--and that's what draws him back and pushes his hips forwards, your squeaky moans of ecstasy dragging out that animalistic pace he's been keeping locked up for ages.
"Imagine how much trouble we'd get in if Leon found out," He pants with a chuckle, hurrying his thrusts as the urgency of time finally settles on his shoulders.
"I really don't wanna think about Leon right now," You breathe right back, keening out a whine as your body adjusts to both the intrusion and the force of Luis slamming you back against the wood-grain countertop ad nauseum. As childish a thought as it is, he feels a smirk return as he thinks "good". As great as he is, there's a few things Luis would rather not share with that criminally handsome American if he can help it--and you're one of them.
"How's that feel, mi vida?" The sloppy, thumping rhythm of his belt buckle hitting the counter and your body clinging to every drag drowns out any half-whimper of an answer you give, your breathing peppered by echoes of his name and curses that would even make himself blush. Luis brushes a bit of your hair from your cheek and cups it with a ginger firmness, the gesture melting you in his palms as you meet his eyes and think of nothing else but him. Whatever the answer is, he can't imagine a string of flowery words as good as seeing you come undone in front of him. "Feels like a victory to me."
Your groan follows his smug comment either out of indignation or lust, if it even matters. But he's already getting close and he's praying you are too, if for no better reason than his own desire to feel you grip him so hard he bruises as you meet your end. That would be quite the way to show off. And when that blinding pleasure soon overcomes both of you and culminates in a kiss, one so much deeper that means more than either of you are willing to admit, that's when a fresh feeling of pride surges inside Luis as he hears the elevator doors swish open behind him--along with a low, soft inhale of breath being sucked through one's teeth in shock.
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autisticlancemcclain · 8 months
The boy is young.
Marcela is concerned.
“What you are is nosy,” Miguel says.
“Blah, blah,” Marcela responds like the elegant lady she was raised to be, peeking through the blinds to watch as the boy struggles with several bags full of groceries. She frowns. “Look at him, Guelos. He’s still so young that he takes one trip with ten bags. He’s — a child, practically. A baby. With a mortgage. Who authorized this?”
Her husband sighs, pushing his chair out to come stand next to her. She opens the blinds a couple millimetres wider to help him see, leaning into the hand he places on her back.
“We were young too, you know. No older than him the year you were pregnant with Luis.”
Marcela frowns at him. “Yes, but we were young together. We both had savings, and jobs. I’d been practically raising my siblings for years, at that point. You’d been working since you were twelve. Times were — different, Miguel.”
She turns back to the window. The boy, who just moved in a few days ago, is standing on the small veranda, staring at the door. He looks down at his hand, laden with bags, and then back at the door. Marcela has to bite her lip to keep from smiling, despite her worry.
Miguel slides his hand across her shoulders, pulling her close and pressing a lingering kiss to her head. She closes her eyes, leaning into it, curling her fist at his sternum.
“Times have changed,” he agrees softly, words muffled against her skin. “We’ll keep an eye on him.”
“Okay,” she breathes. She watches over her husband’s shoulder as the boy finally gives up, dropping the groceries to the ground and digging around his pockets for his keys. It was funny before, but he looks so — defeated. Sad. Like this was the frustrating cherry on top of an already difficult day.
Or maybe she’s reading into things. She watches until he finally gets inside, door closing forcefully behind him, and she knows in her heart that she will not be able to leave it be.
Marcela is nosy.
“Why are we here,” Lancito whines, trying and failing to pull away from her hand.
“Because we are being neighbourly,” Marcela responds primly. She sees him stick out his tongue from the corner of his eye and decides to let him have it.
“You just want to see the inside of the new guy’s house,” he mutters.
Marcela’s jaw drops, because how the hell did that little brat know that, but before she can say anything the lock turns and she schools her face quickly back into her brightest smile, slightly strained. Lance, suddenly shy, hides behind her legs.
“…Hi,” the boy says. He looks — wary, slightly, but not too uncomfortable.
Marcela takes it for the win it is.
“Hello,” she says, softening considerably. The boy reminds her sharply of her brother. He had that same look to him, the eyes of someone older than he is; the posture of someone who seems to simply understand the world on a deeper level. His slight, awkward smile is identical, as well. She has to blink back tears, heart aching in missing him. “I’m Marcela. I live next door. These are for you.”
She holds out the plate of tostones, covered in aluminum foil. She’d originally had them in a container, but then worried that he’d feel pressured to wash and return it. She moved the tostones from the plate to the container so many times that Marco had walked over from where he was doing his homework, grabbed her hands, guided her gently to the side, and fixed the plate up himself. Miguel had laughed until he cried, because apparently he’s hankering for a divorce. (He’d laughed harder when she’d said that.)
“Oh.” The boy blinks, surprised. He stares at the plate for a moment, wary look on his face replaced with something like confusion.
“They’re tostones,” Lancito offers, peeking out from behind her. The boy startles, looking at Lance with wide eyes. Lance takes his awkwardness for ignorance. “They’re squashed plantains that are fried. Plantains are like bananas but better. Mamá makes them really good.”
Slowly, the boy reaches out and grabs the plate. He peels back the aluminum foil slightly, peeking inside.
“They look good,” he agrees, voice soft.
Lancito scoffs. He steps out from behind her, offense making him brave, but still hold on to the hem of her shirt. “Um, duh. They’re tostones.” He looks hungrily at the plate. “Mamá spent all morning making them and we didn’t get any. You must be her favourite neighbour or something.”
“Leandro-Agustín,” Marcela hisses, cheeks flushing. Lance only stares back at him with a puzzled expression, hand raised in a universal, what?
Luckily, though, the boy doesn’t seem to notice, or if he does he doesn’t say anything. He only slowly peels back the aluminum farther and offers the plate towards Lance. Lance looks back at Marcela, questioning. Marcela sighs.
Quickly, so she doesn’t change her mind, Lance snatches the closest one and shoves it in his mouth. The boy’s small smile gets a little bit bigger. He picks up his own tostone and takes a bite, inclining his head after swallowing.
“You were right,” he says. “They are delicious. Thank you, Mrs. Marcela.”
“Just Marcela is fine,” she assures.
The boy hesitates, face twitching. “I don’t think I can physically do that,” he says politely. “I can feel my grandmother rolling in her grave.”
Marcela snorts. “Alright, fair. I can live with the formalities, I suppose.”
The boy has the same tiny smile again. It brightens his eyes, makes his whole face look younger.
“I’m Takashi,” he says. He goes to offer his hand to shake, but there’s only —
The stump of his right arm twitches. The boy — Takashi — stiffens. Marcela watches, despondent, as his expression shutters, and he steps back.
“Thank you for coming,” he says robotically. “I appreciate the food.”
Marcela knows a dismissal when she hears one. She anguishes, once again, in the privacy of her own mind, just how young this kid is. Barely older than Luis.
“I’m right next door,” she says softly. Lance, ever observant, watches the two of them closely. “If you need anything, Takashi, let us know.”
The boy nods stiffly. He closes his door without another word. Marcela sighs.
“You’re gonna need another plate of nosy food,” Lance observes. “Or maybe you should invite him for dinner, and then he’ll invite you for dinner. That might work better.”
Marcela guides them down the steps and back to their house, kissing him gently on the head. “I think you’re right, mijo. You wanna help me make some cookies?”
They’ll get there.
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lex-the-flex · 1 year
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Infectious Defenses
Las Plagas! Leon S. Kennedy x reader
Summary: Trapped by Lord Saddler, the man believes he has the best weapon at his fingertips. Unbeknownst to him, nothing can break the alliance between two of the greatest D.S.O Agents.
Word Count: 1.2k
Warning(s): HEAVY ANGST, brief action and violence, descriptions of injuries, Las Plagas nearly takes control of Leon, mentions of brainwashing, the reader being a badass, and MEGA FLUFF!
A/N: I’M SO HYPED FOR THIS GAME!! And the new trailer made me loose my mind!! I hope you enjoy and feedback is appreciated!
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The heavy rainfall made seeing the pathway to the cathedral nearly impossible in the dead of night. Hoisting Leon closer to you, there was no room to breathe, and your muscles started to ache from carrying his weight against your tired body.
Coughing more frequently, Leon tried his best to cover his mouth, but he couldn't. Letting his left arm dangle, the only thing he could do was trudge his feet along the gravel trail to the church's entrance.
"Come on, Leon. It's just a little further." You shouted against the rain, hoping he'd hear you.
"I'm trying, Y/N..." Leon mumbled in between another coughing fit.
Reaching the cathedral's front steps, you pushed the door open with your hip, hoping the barrel of your submachine gun tied to your back would provide a little help. With the large wooden doors swinging open, the force alone made you and Leon fall to the floor.
Breaking your fall, Leon held you in his muscular arms, not wanting you to collide with the stone flooring. Heaving past your shoulder, Leon gasped for a rush of cold air, begging for anything to enter his collapsing lungs.
Even when he's dying, Leon is ever the gentleman.
Moving to your knees, you carefully held a hand on Leon's chest, hoping to keep him still. Grabbing your wrist, the young man wheezed for any kind of saving grace. Taking a few herbs from your hip pouch, you held the medicinal mixture to Leon's chapped lips, he swallowed the remedy with a few sips of water out of a spare canteen from Luis.
Laying back, Leon slowly released his grip on your wrist, the agent's breathing returned to normal. Focusing on continuing the flow from in through his nose and out the mouth, Leon balances on his elbows.
"Y/N? You okay?" Leon asked and a crease formed in between his dark brows.
Motioning for your barely bleeding shoulder, a small quiet giggle escapes from your lips, and a quick smile fills the corners of Leon's dull pinkish lips.
"What?" He asks, returning to his normal self.
But before you can respond, an echo of vile laughter fills the cathedral's empty hall, and your face drops. Turning to the altar, Leon subconsciously clutched your arm in his hand as he rose from his spot on the ground.
"So the lambs decided to return to their Shepard after all. But don't worry, you'll soon become one of us, Mr. Kennedy. Then your partner shall fall in line right behind you." Lord Saddler explained as the two of you stood to your feet.
“You're wrong. I don't carry the same blood as you and your men." Leon said, pacing to the foot of the altar.
“Ah but you do, my boy. Once the egg hatches, you will see the true path.” Saddler snickered, waving his hand towards his infested staff.
"Leon, what's he talking about?" You ask, standing at his side.
"Ah, so you don't know, Ms. L/N. You were more than fortunate enough to escape my grasp. It'll be a miracle once you accept this wondrous gift!" Saddler projects, with a smirk lighting up his eerie face.
The Lord's spine-tingling eyes try to break your spirit, but you stand strong beside Leon. Unclipping your own modified handgun, you aim the barrel toward the sadistic leader.
"Nah ah ah. I wouldn't do that if I were you." Saddler mocks you, wagging his finger in your direction.
Your pointer finger barely begins to squeeze the trigger just as Leon begins to heavily wheeze. Reaching for the base of his neck, Leon descends to his knees, as if he can no longer stand up straight.
"Leon, are you alright? Here, take my hand." You instruct never letting go of your gun.
Rejecting your hand, Leon pushes you back causing you to stumble towards a pillar.
"Don't come near me, Y/N! I can't... I can't--" Leon replies, staggering in place.
Beneath his olive skin, a series of dark crimson veins begin to emerge on top of his own. Clasping his hands on his chest, Leon takes in a few uneven gasps out of desperation, hoping, praying for this to just be a bad dream.
"Ah yes, the time has come!" Saddler praises, praising the power before him.
Switching targets, you can't decide whether to aim at Saddler or Leon, you choose the latter. With a firm stance, you begin to march toward Saddler with your gun held high. But before you can reach the foot of the altar, the sight of Leon taking hold of your gun startles you.
Swiping the gun from your hands, the D.S.O. Agent tosses your piece of artillery across the room. Your hands start to shake uncontrollably as you try to cover the gasp that sneaks from your mouth. Gazing over the man who now stood before you, it was as if Leon became a different person in a matter of seconds.
"Exult all! And let it be so!!" Saddler shouts, witnessing the true marvel before him.
Sinking to the very mold of the pillar, your fingers grip the old stone, hoping the cold will soothe your sweaty palms. Watching the dark mass inch its way up Leon's neck, he faces the ceiling. Gritting his teeth together, a terrifying scream escapes Leon's lips, and it shakes you to your very core.
You've never heard Leon scream. Let alone in pain. This man was not your partner, friend, or the man who shared the same infatuation with.
This was not your Leon.
Making eye contact with your gun, you bolt towards it, ducking under Leon's attack. Switching the safety off, you aim the gun at Saddler and shoot. The bullet makes contact with Saddler's shoulder and he falls through a hidden trap door behind the waist-high flat table.
The moment Saddler disappears, Leon collapses to the ground, and the terror that once controlled him is gone. Rushing to his side, the crimson colored veins vanished.
"Leon?" You question, nudging his exposed skin with the butt of your gun.
Jerking awake, Leon held up his hand to see the sight of your gun aimed at him. Wiping his sweaty face, he looks around the cathedral.
"What happened?" He innocently asks, trying to process what had just occurred.
Just like that, it was like a dam opened, and a rush of tears flowed down your face. Standing before you, Leon takes your shoulders in his hands, and leans his forehead against yours.
"You, you lost control, Leon. It's like you... became a different person." You tried to explain through a series of sobs.
"But I didn't, Y/N. I won't let that virus take me. I'm here and I don't plan on going anywhere." Leon whispered to ease your sobs, taking you closer in his arms.
re taglist ~
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fortune-fool02 · 1 year
A Gentle Moment
Leon Kennedy x Luis Serra
Requested by: anonymous
Maybe something super fluffy, like Luis comforting a stressed Leon after the vendetta movie?
Warning: Light Spoilers for RE4 Remake and RE Vendetta. Light angst, fluff.
I love this idea! This is my first Serennedy fic so please be understanding if its a bit meh. I'll try my best though. 
Thank you and please enjoy!
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It was the same. It was always the same again and again and again. A vicious cycle that Leon never seemed able to break. No matter how hard he tried, no matter how hard he fought to wipe out B.O.Ws and the monsters that create them, there was always more popping up like weeds. Always someone else deluded with the power they offered, of the blood that they spilled in their wake. 
Leon never asked for this. He only ever wanted to help people, to bring hope when there wasn’t any. That’s why he became a police officer in the first place. Ever since that damn day, every day of his life has been soaked in blood, loss and pain. What did he do wrong in his life to end up here? Was he being punished by some higher power for something he did wrong? Or had Fate chosen him out of the millions of people in the world to focus all this pain on? 
Whatever the answer was, it offered no sense of comfort for him. And this recent attack on New York only enforced this more. He could not even take a vacation without being dragged back down to this Hell he called his life. A part of him wanted to disappear. To pack up his stuff and just vanish. The glass in his hand went empty some minutes ago but he couldn’t stand up from his spot on the floor, huddled between the side of the couch and the wall, squeezing himself down into it like a child trying to hide from something they couldn’t see. 
But he saw his monsters. Every time he closed his eyes, he saw the twisted faces of those he has faced. That tyrant he faced on his first day as a policeman. The rotten faces of innocent people plagued with Las Plaga. People he worked along side with and ended up having to put a bullet in their heads once they turned on him. His friends. His squad. Everyone. Maybe he was the cursed one? One who was touched by Death itself to spread it to those around him. Like an infection. A tight pain clenched around his throat and chest, squeezing firmly until his lungs burned from the lack of air. Long, piercing claws dragging along his chest, pushing into his skin as he felt something alive squirming about inside his chest and organs.
The room around him was spinning, he couldn’t see straight. Black veins breaking through his skin, crawling up along his arms and face, he could feel them inside him. A figure shot across his vision, crouching down beside him and trying to grab him. A cloaked monster with piercing eyes, its jaws opening wide to tear his head off. 
“LEON! Por favor, calm down!” Sharp, concerned words cut through the thick haze, and, just like that, the veins vanished. The cloaked monster was replaced with the concerned look on Luis’ face as he held Leon’s wrists securely. The glass shattered in his hand with small shards of glass embedded in his hand and hot blood spilling down his arm. 
“L.... Luis?” Confused, Leon tried to look around more. Expecting to see that dark look in Krauser’s eyes, that twisted glee as the knife dug into Luis’ back. But there was nothing there. Nothing but the living room. Slowly, Luis helped Leon to his feet, keeping the man steady as he guided him towards the bathroom to clean him up. Luis’ dark hair tied back in a small bun with strands still falling over his face a bit, similar to how it was when they first met. His thin-rimmed glasses slipped on while he examined the damage. 
“Infierno sangriento, Leon. You were supposed to be on vacation.” Setting Leon down on the closed toiler, Luis pulled out the first-aid kit and knelt beside Leon. They had both agreed that Leon taking some time off would help the man’s mental state and allow him to relax for once. So when Luis got the call that Leon was in New York dealing with a Bio-Terror attack, a few colourful words left Luis’ lips as he drove out to find Leon. 
“Oye, look at me.” With a gentle touch, Luis turned Leon’s head to face him, giving him a comforting smile. “I’m here, okay? You’re not alone here, Leon.” Leon simply looked at Luis, his expression somewhat unreadable with that little dazed look in his cold blue eyes. This wasn’t the first time Luis had seen Leon like this, and unlikely the last, but he knew how to keep the man grounded. After he cleaned up and bandaged his hand, thankfully no stitches were needed, Luis took his hands and guided him back downstairs. 
Setting Leon on the couch, he turned to walk off only for Leon to grab hold of his jacket. “Don’t leave me.... please.” His voice was so small it almost went past Luis entirely. He turned and held Leon’s hand, smiling at him still. 
“I’m not going anywhere, amar.” Pressing a light kiss on his lips, Luis headed into the kitchen and got them both a drink, returning to Leon’s side quickly. The lights were on, as well as the electric fire to offer some kind of warmth for Leon. “You want to watch something on T.V?” Holding the remote out towards him, Luis watched as Leon shook his head lightly. An idea springing to mind for the Spanish man as he turned it on and flicked through some channels, settling it onto a romantic comedy that was currently playing. 
He pulled the blanket over and had Leon his head onto his lap, his fingers lightly playing with Leon’s hair, knowing it was something that he enjoyed. “There you go, see? Everything is going to be okay, Leon.” Luis cooed softly, looking between Leon and the T.V. Having been with the man for many years now, Luis knew what to do for him. How to be there for him when he was pushing everyone away. 
A few moments passed when he noticed Leon was actually watching the programme. His rapid breathing had calmed more and the light tremble had dispersed. All of which were good signs to Luis. Leaning down, he kissed Leon’s head and continued to stroke the agent’s hair. 
“Thank you.” 
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bruhaintnowway · 1 year
Hybrid Dog Leon from RE4 cuz it’s cute :)
•Anyone can be reader
•Leon is dog
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Scenario one:
Leon walks with the group as they all took a rest in a room. Ashley stands behind him talking to Luis about how tired they were from walking around.
Leon sits on a crate relaxing his muscles and sighing gratefully as he takes the weight off his feet.
Ada stares at Leon with a gleam in her eyes. He wasn't acting the same as when she had first met him. She remembered seeing the man's tail wag for every victory and every praise she'd given him in his youth. Now, However, now he was sitting stoic and uncaring as if this entire ordeal bored him. She observed him closely as he did.
“So, Leon.” She says, Leon looks at her with an unamused expression. He doesn't move to look at Ada just moving his body slightly adjusting himself in his seat. She seems amused by the action. In his past even being addressed would have the man's ears perk up and tail wagging.
"You're a lot more serious than you used to be," She says, eyeing him suspiciously with a faint smile. Leon doesn't say anything finally looking up at her with a bored expression.
"Come on. Where's that cute, fun-loving, rookie cop I met not too long ago?" She teases, watching Leon who leans back against the wall behind him meeting her gaze with a stoic face.
"He grew up," He says back, rolling his shoulders to relieve some stress he'd been holding from his mission.
"Really?" Ada hums, nodding slowly as if he was changing her mind. He was definitely different, but she could still see that rookie cop in him and she was determined to bring it out.
"Yeah, can't be a kid forever," Leon says nonchalantly fiddling with his gun his face neural and calm.
Ada nods watching Leon before a small smile pulls at her lips.
"So, how's your keeper?" Ada asks with a knowing smile.
Leon freezes keeping a bored expression on his face
"Why are you bringing them up?" He says, in the same monotone voice.
He's not noticing Ashly holding back a laugh as his tail wags smacking her repeatedly. Ada arched an eyebrow putting a hand up to cover her laugh.
"They have no relevance to this conversation," Leon says, his face remaining cold as his tail wags uncontrollably at the thought of his significant other.
Ada holds back a laugh watching his tail wag and watching Luis's eyes grow wide in shock.
"OH MY!? IT WAGS!?" Luis yelled excitedly, watching Ashley laugh happily at Leon's excitement.
"You left the rookie cop in you behind, huh?" Ada says snorting a bit, as Leon's tail seems to be causing dust to pick up behind him.
"Shut up," He says, grabbing his tail.
He feels bit embarrassed as he steps out of the room to compose himself, ignoring Luis's pleas to let him pet him.
Scenario two:
Leon has successfully taken Ashley out of danger as they speed away over the water on the jet ski. Ashley speaks to Leon excitedly as he smiles softly, promising to get her home where she can finally be safe.
Ashely smiles she'd only seen Leon smile once since they had met and suddenly she felt a spark in her brain as an idea formed she smiled mischievously and cleared her throat.
"Hey, Leon?" She asks innocently.
Leon glances back with a smile happy that they'd made it out safe and sound his mood soaring.
"Hm?" He hums as they zoom over the water
"Tell me about your keeper," she says.
Leon's ears perk at the mention and he smiles wider his tail wagging and smacking her in the face she regrets the timing of her request but she knew that this would have been a missed opportunity if she hadn't asked.
"Oh! They are the best! I'll introduce you when you get back home! They are so nice to me! They help me stay clean and they always make sure I eat and don't overwork myself! I'm so excited to see them when I get back!" Leon rambled his tail smacking Ashely repeatedly she laughs loudly trying to hold his tail so she wouldn't the knocked off.
Scenario three:
Leon walked leading the group as they made their way around. Ashely and Luis close behind.
"I need to," Luis says to Ashely, feeling a sudden urge of confidence as he looks at Leon's tail.
"Don't," Ashley warned shaking her head.
Luis ignored her and took a few steps forward reaching out slowly in hopes of touching Leon's tail. Luis had successfully pet both Ashely and Ada but Leon was a tricky one to get. However Luis was filled with determination as he walks crouching trying to be as quiet as possible feeling his heart pound with anticipation as his hand neared the fluffy tail when Leon's ears perk up and he lifts his tail before Luis can touch it.
"What. are. you. doing." Leon asks looking down at Luis who laughed nervously his hand still outstretched clearly caught in in his intentions.
"Good doggy?" Luis said jokingly, feeling his body spike with sudden fear seeing Leon's face as he catches him.
Leon looks at him unimpressed knocking him to the floor with a swift kick to the stomach. Luis groans in pain holding his stomach as Leon rolls his eyes turning away and continuing to walk.
"Told ya~" Ashley teased, laughing her ass off as she walked past Luis who huffed on the floor from pain.
"I WILL PET THAT TAIL!" Luis yelled before them as he groaned again in pain.
Scenario Four:
Luis walked behind Leon watching his tail remain low and controlled he hums and speeds up walking next to Leon he was determined to see his tail wag again and even more determined to pet him.
"So how come your tail doesn't wag with normal exciting stuff?" Luis asks, he'd been watching Leon closely for hours and after every victory or even when Leon seemed excited his tail remained perfectly still.
"I am a specially trained agent I can control my excitement, unlike some people," Leon says with a bored expression not sparing Luis a glance as they walked. Luis narrowed his eyes at his words thinking back to what Ada had said earlier.
"So, Not even when you think about your keeper?" Luis asked, experimenting with how he could see Leon wag his tail again. Leon's ears perk and his tail swishes but remains still.
"No," Leon says back.
"Don't wag. Don't wag. Don't wag..." Leon thinks desperate to keep his composure but he deflates a bit when Luis lets out an excited yell.
"Damn it," Leon thinks as his tail wags uncontrollably smacking Ashley again who groaned.
"WHY IS IT ALWAYS ME?" She laughed, trying to step away from Leon's tail.
Luis walks over excitedly reaching over to touch his tail only to be smacked hard in the face making him fall back.
"Oh come on!" Luis yells in defeat.
Leon sighed deeply trying to re-contain his excitement thinking how he couldn't wait to tell his significant other all these stories he was sure they would have a good laugh about it.
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rebelwrites · 2 years
I Can Never Show My Face Again
Charles Leclerc x Reader
Summary: You kept your feelings hidden for Leclerc but after drinking a little too much at the season opening gala you make a complete fool of yourself.
Requested by anon: Heeey! Could you write an image with Charles where the reader tries to seduce him and everything goes wrong (she falls from the bad or accidentally hurt him idk) thank u
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“How drunk is she?” Charles asked, not taking his eyes off you as you stumbled over to the bar, leaning against the marble countertop as you held your finger up at the bar tender. He couldn’t help but be concerned about your current state, this wasn’t like you at all.
“Mate, she’s pissed.” Daniel laughed, slapping his hand on Charles' back. “Not seen this side of her for a while.”
“Should we stop her?”
“Nope,” Daniel said, shaking his head. “I mean you can try but it won’t end well, she will stop on her own accord soon either she will sneak off to go puke or she will pass out first. It’s always the same when she gets this drunk.”
Charles narrowed his eyes, not liking the sound of either option. He couldn’t just stand around doing nothing whilst you kept knocking the shots back.
“If she punches you then that’s not my fault, I warned you.” Daniel nodded, watching as Charles slipped into the crowd without responding.
Leaning against the bar you squinted trying to keep the double vision at bay but it wasn’t working. You knew it was a bad idea getting this drunk at a work event. All eyes would be on you and not in a positive way. Something inside of you snapped and you were planning on telling Charles how you really felt but after a couple of shots for Dutch courage it turned into 3 which turned into your current state.
A hand landed on your shoulders, causing you to sigh the feeling of sparks erupting through your skin told you exactly who was standing behind you.
“Charliiieeee.” You giggled.
Charles smiled at the name, he hated being called Charlie but for some reason he didn’t mind you calling it him. He would never let anyone else call him that, just you.
As you spun around on your heels, you lost your footing causing you to stumble. Luckily Charles quickly caught you before you hit the floor. “Have I ever told you how handsome you are?” You giggled, resting your hand on his cheek.
“I think you’ve had too much to drink.” He said, helping you upright but keeping his hands firmly planted on your hips keeping you stable. However he couldn’t help but slowly run his thumbs over the exposed skin from the cut out dress.
“Not had enough.” You slurred, poking your tongue out at him.
Charles looked over your shoulder gaining the bar tenders attention. “Ne lui servez plus d'alcool, elle en a déjà trop bu. Puis-je avoir une bouteille d'eau s'il vous plaît ? (Do not serve her any more alcohol, she has had too much already. Can I have a bottle of water please?)”
No matter how many times you heard him speak in this mother tongue it always made you weak at the knees.
“Fuck, you sound sexy when you speak French.” You purred, running your hands up and down his torso. “No idea what you just said but it sounded sexy.”
A chuckle escaped Charles’ lips as he reached over taking the bottle of water. Slowly he started guiding you through the crowd of people until he reached the booth Ricciardo, Sainz and Gasly were sitting at. All of them shooting questioning looks.
Charles tried to get you to sit down but you were putting up a fight. In turn you managed to push Charles down on the couch smirking as he looked up at you. Hitching your dress up slightly you thought it would be a good idea to straddle in front of your friends and co-workers.
You only managed to get one knee on the couch before you made a complete fool of yourself. Lifting your other knee up you thought you had landed on the couch but from the pain that etched across Charles’ face you quickly realised that you had kneed him straight in the balls.
Embarrassment washed over you as you quickly jumped backwards knocking all of the glass off the table causing them to smash on the floor gaining everyone’s attention.
Carlos immediately jumped to his feet wrapping his arms around you so you didn’t fall and land in the glass. Hiding your face in his chest, you didn’t want to face anyone after making an utter fool out of yourself.
“I will take her back to my hotel room, it’s closer than hers.” Carlos said to the guys.
“Think that might be wise.” Daniel nodded.
The walk through the room was a walk of shame, your boss shook his head at you as you passed him making you drop your gaze to the floor not wanting to make any more eye contact with anyone. If anything the whole incident had sobered you up a little.
Once you reached the elevator you sighed heavily hiding your head in your hands.
“I fucked up.” You mumbled to Carlos. “I’m sorry.”
“You don’t need to apologise to me.” He said softly, placing his hand on your shoulder squeezing softly. “Let’s just get you back up to my room and talk about this tomorrow no think the best thing for you to do is sleep it off.”
“I don’t know what came over me, it was only meant to be a couple of shots to give me courage to approach Charles.”
“Well, love and crushes make us do stupid things and sometimes we have to live with the consequences.” He hummed, as you stepped into the elevator.
The sunlight started to creep into the room causing you to groan, pulling the duvet over your head. You didn’t even try to open your eyes, the pounding in your head told you everything you needed to know.
You were hanging out your arse.
Running your hands over your face you sighed heavily as memories of the end of your night flashed through your mind. How could you be so stupid getting that drunk?
It was now time for some major damage control, not only with Charles but with your boss as well. Dread instantly filled you as you thought about how that conversation would go. It wasn’t going to the the stranded ‘you fucked up talk’. This would be a full blown lecture, profanities screamed at each other and a raging argument the whole of the team would hear. The downside of working with your Dad, you were too much alike so when you squared up to each other people tended to run in the opposite direction.
The thought of that and Charles was enough to make your stomach churn. Launching yourself out of the bed you rushed across to the bathroom, dropping to your knees and just making it in time before you emptied the contents of your stomach.
Carlos quickly appeared in the bathroom, pulling the hair band off your wrist before pulling your hair into a loose ponytail.
“I’m never drinking again.” You groaned, taking a small sip of the water he had brought.
“You say that now,” he chuckled, knowing exactly how you would be. “I’ve known you for too long now.”
“I mean it.” You huffed, running your hands over your face.
“Whatever you say.” He nodded, crouching down resting his hand on your knee. “Me and the guys are going out for breakfast soon, you think you can manage that?”
Silence filled the room, that was until your stomach growled at the mention of food. You hadn’t eaten since yesterday lunch time and even then it was half a sandwich.
Without thinking you agreed to go forgetting that he said the guys were going as well.
“Come on then, get yourself cleaned up and dressed, I ran to your room this morning and brought you some clothes and trainers and I’ve put one of my hoodies out for you as well.” Carlos hummed, helping you to your feet.
“You are a good friend.” You smiled, giving him a quick hug before you turned to sort your face out.
After half an hour you were walking back through Carlos’ hotel room taking deep breaths as you neared the living area. The sound of Charles talking in French caused your heart to race. How could you show your face around him after last night?
Fiddling with the sleeves of what you thought was Carlos’ hoodie you froze realising that it didn’t smell like your best friend. You should have known the moment you pulled the hoodie over your head and the smell was intoxicating. This wasn’t Carlos’ this was Charles’. Scurrying to the mirror you needed to confirm for sure by seeing the number on the hoodie. The white number 16 was staring you back in the face.
You were going to kill Carlos.
It was time to face the music no matter how much you wanted the earth to swallow you up right now. Taking a deep breath you walked into the living area. All eyes were all on you as you b-lined to the coffee maker.
Charles smirked when he realised you were wearing his hoodie. He knew Carlos would have had something to do with that but he couldn’t hide the fact that his heart swelled at the sight.
“How’s the head?” He asked, appearing next to you.
“Like I have a baby elephant stomping around.” You winced, pulling your sunglasses over your eyes, trying to shield them from the bright light of the hotel room.
“I’ve never seen you that drunk before.” He said softly, placing his hand over yours. Once again sparks shot through your body at the contact reminding you just how much of a fool you made of yourself last night. “I was worried.”
��Yeah about last night.” You mumbled, not daring to look away from the coffee machine. “I’m sorry, I wasn’t myself.”
“Hey,” he whispered, placing his fingers under your chin tilting your head so you were looking at him through the sunglasses. He slowly removed the glasses so he could see your eyes. “It’s okay, No lasting injuries but I’m more concerned about you. What’s going on? You know you can talk to me right?”
You couldn’t take this, it was too much for you. The coffee machine beeped signalling it had finished brewing, taking a step away from Charles you pulled your sunglasses back over your eyes before grabbing one of the Ferrari travel mugs to make your coffee in.
“Can we just drop the subject?” You huffed, focusing on the mug. “I don’t want to talk about it right now.”
Charles was taken back by your snappiness, something was going on with you and he wasn’t going to stop until he had found out what it was.
Staring at your nails as you sat in your dad’s office, you were only doing it to piss him off and it was working.
“I promised your mum that I would keep you out of trouble and what do you do?” He snaps, “you make a complete ass of yourself at the opening gala, landing yourself all over the papers all because you were chasing some tail.”
Rolling your eyes at him, you finally looked up to be met by the angry face of your father, Christian Horner.
“Doesn’t affect Redbull though, does it?” You shrugged, knowing it was like waving a red flag to a bull.
“I’m going to pretend that I didn’t hear those words come out of your mouth.” He scoffed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Look kiddo, I get it you have some stupid little crush on Leclerc but you gotta be sensible about it. You are in the limelight, especially being my daughter.”
“You have no idea, it’s more than a crush,” you muttered hoping he didn’t hear you but you knew he did by the knowing look on his face. “Can I go now?” You said with no emotion in your voice. “I’m nursing a hangover from hell and this is making my headache worse.”
“Go sleep it off.” Dad nodded, running his hand over his face. “But just so you know this isn’t over.”
“Never is.” You mumbled, pushing yourself to your feet.
“Just a piece of advice from your old man.” He said softly, relaxing his expression. “If you really like Leclerc and think you can make it work, stop hiding your feelings. Just tell him. If you don’t want this crush to get out then you might want to avoid wearing his hoodies.” He said with a small smirk. “And please no more drinking yourself into oblivion.”
Half smiling at him you quickly slipped out of the room, taking a deep breath as your head was still spinning. Pulling your sunglasses back over your eyes you ignored everyone and made your way outside. Feeling your phone buzz in your pocket, you pulled it out seeing a text from Charles.
New message from CL16🏎 - we need to talk, meet me at the coffee shop near the hotel.
Your stomach churned as you read the message, this couldn’t be good. You knew he wanted to talk about last night but the way the text was worded he didn’t sound happy.
Message to CL16🏎 - Be there in 5.
Pulling the hood of Charles’ over your head you held your hand over the side of your face, ignoring the paparazzi and the questions they were shouting. Scurrying to your car you quickly slumped into the drivers seat, resting your head in your hands. You knew you shouldn’t have been driving with how shit you felt but right now you didn’t care.
The drive to the coffee shop was quick, there was hardly any traffic on the road. The moment you saw Charles through the window your heart started to race, somehow you managed to park the car before heading into the shop.
Your heart melted as you saw he had already ordered the coffees, in the middle of the table were two take away cups. One iced coffee with what looked like caramel sauce drizzled on the inside of the cup and his takeaway cup.
Letting out a shaky breath you flashed him a small smile as you sat down, fiddling with the sleeves of his hoodie.
“You said you wanted to talk?” You mumbled, pulling your coffee towards you, biting on the plastic straw.
“About last night.” He said softly, resting his hand over yours. “I know you probably want to forget it even happened but we can’t pretend it didn’t. I’m not leaving here until we have cleared the air because there is this awkward tension hanging over us now and I don’t like it.”
Finally you looked up at him, feeling yourself starting to get lost in his eyes.
“I got drunk,” you mumbled. “There’s nothing more to talk about, Charlie.”
His lips tugged into a smile at the sound of the name.
“We both know it’s more than you getting drunk.” He hummed, brushing his thumb over your knuckles. “Do you feel it too?”
“Feel what?” You asked, the words practically choked you and you just hoped he couldn’t tell.
“The sparks, the connection we have.” He smiled, watching as you raised your brow at him. “I feel it every time I’m around you. Suddenly all the love songs are about you, I guess what I’m trying to say Y/N is I’m falling for you in ways I can’t begin to describe and I’m falling hard.” Tears glistened in his eyes as he spoke. “The first time I realised this was at the Christmas party a few years ago, you were wearing a dorky Christmas costume when everyone else was in suits and gowns but you dared to be different.”
A smile appeared on your face at the memory and your heart had practically stopped beating with his words. You couldn’t believe the words you were hearing.
“I love the fact you call me Charlie, the way your smile lights up any room and your little goofy celebration dances you do.” He beamed, gently squeezing your hand.
It was the first time you had been lost for words. Tears threatened to spill over your lash line as you pulled your sunglasses to the top of your head.
“Please say something.” He whispered, trying to read your reaction.
A smile graced your face as you placed your other hand on the side of his face, feeling him nuzzle into your touch as his eyes fluttered closed.
“Charlie, feel the exact same way.” You whispered, watching his eyes light up at your admission. “That’s why I acted the way I did last night, I embarrassed myself because I was trying to seduce you and ended up kneeing you in the balls.”
“I’m okay, no lasting damage.” He chuckled, opening his eyes, taking in your expression. “So what do you say, shall we see where this goes?”
“Oh I know where this is going.” You smirked.
“And where’s that?” He questioned raising his brow at you.
“It’s going to be the greatest love story in history.”
A week had now passed since you and Charles confessed your feelings to each other. However you missed the race due to being ill from catching a stomach bug. Watching his face flash up on your phone made you smile. Hitting answer on FaceTime you propped yourself up in bed.
“How you feeling?” He asked as he wandered around the garage.
“Like shit.” You whined, sipping your drink. “Wish I could be trackside.”
“You need to rest,” he nodded, coming to a stop with the flash of red from his car visible on the screen.
“You are just as bad as my Dad, I’ve stopped puking now.” You shrugged, as a yawn escaped your lips.
“But you haven’t been sleeping so I’m with your dad on this one, you need to catch up on sleep, let your body recover.”
“Urgh fine.” You huffed with a smile on your face. “You better win this race though.”
“Only if you promise me you will sleep.” He hummed.
“Okay, okay I will take a nap now but you better let me know your position as soon as you finish qualifying.” You whispered, feeling your eyes getting heavier as you spoke.
“Of course, I don’t want you finding out any other way.” He winked, lifting the camera up to give you a view of him and the car. “Now get some sleep.”
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sorrowfulrosebud · 7 months
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𝕮𝖔𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖓𝖙: Yandere Skarlet headcannons with her human darling
𝕲𝖊𝖓𝖗𝖊: Yandere, so please read with caution
𝖂𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘: mentions of murder, yandere and unhealthy behaviours, Shao Kahn mention
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༒ First and foremost, Skarlet is your guard dog. Hands down, no questions asked. She is an attentive captor lover, and wants the two of you to have a happy life together.
༒ She is desperate for your approval. Her desperation and loyalty as her adopted father’s daughter shines through the relationship, trying her best to provide a stable lifestyle for you both.
༒ Skarlet does have a bit of a morbid obsession with your blood, I can’t lie to you. If you’re found misbehaving, she will knick you with her weapons to see your blood ooze. She hates seeing your blood when she’s… correcting… your behaviour. She would much rather you be a willing donor.
༒ Furthermore, she is not above using her magic to get you to behave. If you’re throwing a tantrum, she will use her abilities to make you frightened.
༒ INSANELY jealous. When she kidnaps you and brings you to the palace, she often gets Kitana to keep an eye on you since she knows Mileena would most likely try sniffing you out. She only trusts Kitana since she knows that she’s slobbering over Lui Kang.
༒ Despite her immense love for her father, she wouldn’t hesitate to kill him for you. She keeps you a secret from him, knowing he would kill you for “being a distraction”. Soooo, when Shao Kahn finds out, she claims you as a new test dummy for her powers. You make her feel somewhat human, despite her being a genetic experiment.
༒ She takes the best care of you, hands down. She is an attentive partner, but she is a little rough around the edges. I imagine she’s a lucid yandere too, so she knows that being kidnapped by Shao Kahn’s daughter would make anyone shit their pants so she’s very lenient.
༒ Skarlet just wants a more human like relationship. She wants to experience closeness and intimacy, to hold her darling’s hands and kiss them. She wants to experience domesticity, and learn how to relax instead of fight.
༒ She is wildly protective and keeps you on a very tight leash. She gets antsy and wound up if you’re not in her immediate sight.
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“Angel? Where are you?” Skarlet called, scouring the palace for you. You were currently in the kitchen, sat on the counter as one of Shao Kahn’s chefs whipped you up a snack. It was surprising that Skarlet let you out of the room, but she did say that she cursed you so that your blood would boil to the point of explosion if you tried to leave.
“Angel?! Where- oh, there you are,” she sighed in relief. She walked over to you, hugging you tightly. She was careful of her powers, knowing she was quick to trigger when irritated.
“Oh, having something to eat, my love? We’ll eat in my chambers, we have many things to discuss,” she smiles as she pets your hair. The chef hurries up, handing you your food as Skarlet huffs impatiently.
The walk is long back to her chambers, her trying to prompt small talk with you. Your answers are curt and nervous, but she chalks it up to being shy with her since she’s your lover.
The door creaks loudly as it opens, light pouring into Skarlet’s bedchambers. She sits on her bed, petting the covers when she sees you stand timidly. You oblige shakily, tensing when her hand touches your shoulder. You don’t put up a fight when she gently pushes you to her lap, your head nestling deeply into her soft thighs.
She breathes deeply and contentedly, hands petting your head as she slowly feeds you the food from your plate. You couldn’t deny; the witch’s hands were pure magic. Your eyes fluttered as she smiled above you, feeling proud that the hands that cause damage and hurt are making you relax.
“I love you so much, my angel. I’ll kill anyone who tries to harm you.”
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༒ And kill someone she will. If she even suspects that someone has hurt you, their entire body explodes before they have time to blink.
༒ If she’s in a bad mood, she is scary as fuck. She is grumbly and touchy, forcefully holding you to calm herself down.
༒ Overall, she’s a fairly tame yandere. She’s more lucid, but also incredibly protective and paranoid.
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wisecrackingeric-2 · 6 months
One question that’s been on my mind a lot lately whenever I’m trying to analysis Luis’ childhood is,,,,,, did Luis know or understand why his Grandfather did what he had to do???????
Cuz like,,,, obviously Luis was there when the wolves attacked him- in fact it’s even implied to have been Luis’ fault somehow, as he probably distracted his Grandfather and let his guard down like kids do and this left him open to being attacked by the wolves- but did Luis understand why Bitores had to burn down his home with his Grandfather inside?????? Surely he didn’t read the notes his Grandfather made, right????? And he was, what, 10-12 years old at most??????? He was just a little kid!!!!!!!! I can’t even IMAGINE what must’ve been running through his mind as he watched his childhood home and everything he loved inside of it burn down!!!!!!
BUT EVEN BEFORE THAT TOO- can you guys imagine how Luis must’ve felt watching the ONE PERSON he has in his life slowly deteriorate from the wolf bite??????? Can you imagine how confused he must’ve been?????? Did ANY other villagers help him??? Did Méndez ever come over and offer his support?????? How quickly did his Grandfather deteriorate?? Days???? Weeks??????
Not to mention the fact that Luis probably internalised the situation as being HIS FAULT. Because in his child mind, who else is there to blame?? How else is he supposed to rationalise the situation in a way a kid can understand???? He was obviously a bit of a child prodigy but kids are still kids who will latch onto anything that can logistically explain a situation
So how did he feel watching MÉNDEZ burn down his childhood home with his Grandfather inside???? The ONE OTHER PERSON who ever showed him care and affection- who listened to him ramble about his tales of chivalry- was also the same person responsible for burning down everything he loved. Did he understand WHY he had to do that?????? Did Méndez ever tell him??????? Did his GRANDFATHER ever warn him??????????? Did he KNOW what was about to happen, or was he left thinking this was all spontaneous and unexplainable????? Luis and his Grandfather were kind of implied to have been outcasts of the village- so I can only imagine this must’ve been an even bigger stab to the back (hah)
((I also think it’s. So. S O UNBELIEVEBLY POIGNANT that Luis was described to have just. Stood there. Staring at his home burning down. Completely unmoving. Like he didn’t even CRY. NOT ENOUGH PEOPLE TALK ABOUT THAT DETAIL MAN THATS SO DEVASTATING???????? HE WAITED THERE UNTIL M O R N I N G TO LEAVE????????????????? I WANNA MAKE A WHOLE POST ON THAT BY ITSELF THATS SO S A D ))
But anyways back on track- did Luis ever hold any RESENTMENT towards his Grandfather after he’d left Valdelobos and made a life for himself??? Cuz that’s kind of what I always thought for a while, just off of gut instincts alone- did he feel resentment that his Grandfather never showed him the outside world????? That he burned himself to the ground without saying anything???????? Did he ever internalise that grief and anger and self-resentment????????
Or was it the opposite????? Did he hold his Grandfather so near and dear to his heart that he dedicated EVERYTHING he ever did to him????? All the things he dreamed of doing as a child- all the things his Grandfather encouraged- he finally got to achieve it all. He finally got to become a prestigious scientist and work on a cure for the very things that took his Grandfathers life- only for that to come crumbling down around him too. Just like how his home burnt.
And when he tries to return home, tries to find solace and comfort where he once grew up- instead he finds a completely unrecognisable, cult-driven village that forces him to make the same things that killed his Grandfather. That’s DEVASTATING MAN.
Did he ever get to read his Grandfathers journal entries???????? If he did, how did he react, if he reacted at all?????????? Would he have been angry???????? In denial??????????? Or would he have just stood there silently just like he did when his home burnt down for the first time????????
There’s also just. The devastating fact that if I Leon hadn’t found him, Luis would have died in the exact same place his Grandfather did all those years ago. That cycle of pain would never have ended and he’d be buried nameless alongside his mistakes.
And on kind of a related note, I find it so interesting that Luis chose Leon, Ashley and Ada to be the stars in his version of Don Quixote- when, assumedly, the only other person he’d ever truly expressed his love for that book towards was his Grandfather and Mendez. I think that’s just. SO TELLING MAN.
AND and on a similar note, again, Mendez was implied to be an almost secondary father figure to Luis- so hell!!!! Imagine how he must’ve felt seeing him become so beyond recognition!!!!!!!! Again, would he have understood why????????? How would he have reacted???????????
I wanna know if baby Luis understood why his Grandfather did what he had to do. I wanna know if he knew the reasons behind why his home burnt down, or if he thought it was simply just a cruel twist of fate.
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adasknife · 3 months
ada being saved and my ramblings (I'm sorry)
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I'm insane, please help me. my usually propaganda of luis and ada being once friends, re2 remake being ada's first proper mission, and wesker teaching her, like always, i don't declare myself as right so there we go.
i was numbly thinking about ada's "three big saves" in the current story. leon being shot for ada, wesker saving ada and lastly luis helping ada.
leon saving ada because of leon's unselfish way of being is so terribly fun for me. ada just wants to do her job, but when he slowly begins to help her with stuff. ada decides for him to stick around. She gave him a way out, but leon wants to be the hero of raccoon city. especially if there's is an evil guy in the center. when Leon gets shot for her, ada leaves him behind to 'finish' the job. what makes this so fun for me, ada doesn't seem to super regret having leon shot because in the end of the day, he owes her. and immediately after, ada loses a fight with annette. this saving gave her humble down.
being saved by wesker has me currently over thinking it. i remember reading a post of wesker not fully trusting ada and that's why he is babysitting her; I loved it! but with ada's losses in re2 remake, I just know he taught her. after all, he once was a leader for the STARS team, and in my simple mind- ada and jill sort of (very, very weakly) fight similar. when ada asks him if he'll back her up, he denies her- in my simple brain, it's because he did go on missions with her. after all, she did get so much better than the last time we saw her. wesker and ada have a sort of bond that developed between re2 and re4, but we never truly see it. I think this saving is just a reminder that ada will forever need help (well, at least for her)
luis's saving was just a man trying to clear his mind. despite me being they were friends before re1, sure, maybe not many people will agree with that, but ada and luis did send each other emails. a sort of bond already formed there. ada doesn't understand why luis wants to help leon and ashley. which funny enough, ada probably never understood why leon saved her years ago. but ada trusts luis. sure, she threatens him to give him the amber, but give her a break. she has been chasing the amber for two days already. her boss is calling her liability. she can't risk more time. yet after he saved her, ada let him go. in my opinion, this is the first time ada truly understood the point of saving a person.
i just think every detail in ada's life changed her for the better.
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scentedpepper · 3 months
Missions, Malaise and Migas Pt. III | Leon Kennedy
Pt. 1 Pt. 2 Pt. 4 Pt.5 Pt. 6 Pt. 7 Final Part
Fandom: Resident Evil
Pairing: Leon Kennedy x Male Reader
Summary: Leon and Y/N have some underlying issues. Ones they tried to warn DSO about.
Content Warnings: None
Other Pairings: Luis Sera x Reader
Author Note(s): Don't mind errors, I edited this half asleep
Things get less gender netrual here with he/him pronouns being used
The storm is back. The rain is pounding down on the window and you're not sure how much time has passed, only that the windows are practically fogged up now and Luis seems to have all the areas of your body that hurt wrapped up like a mummy.
You stay void of the areas that have bandages plastered to them as you wipe the grime from your body with a rag. When the water in the tub has turned a brown color you drain it and fill it halfways again, like a mop bucket.
The bathroom is silent other than the continous splash of soapy water and the scrubbing sound that emits from the rag moving too harshly against your skin. Your hair is damp, pushed back and out of your face.
And though you can hear Luis rummaging around in the other room and you can faintly smell something being cooked, it's not enough of a distraction to pull you away from your thoughts. It was stupid coming here without a word. You knew that. And you were dreading what would come after.
It was just a bad move.
Luis, bless his soul and his ability to set up a good atmosphere and help you feel comfortable, had taken to leaving you alone and making you ease into the change of setting. It would be rude not to appreciate it, or try to find a way to ask for his forgiveness instead.
You sigh, moving to sit on the edge of the tub, hands dipping into the water to unplug the drain and let the it escape. You step out after watching it swirl and swirl and swirl. But your movements feel slowed, as if the moment you step from this bathroom, your responsibilities come back to you. –Not that they ever left.
So you stay in there for a while, staring at yourself in the mirror. You comb through your hair with your fingers. More time than necessary is taken to check over everything. Some blotches and bags have formed underneath your eyes, tiredness seeping into your muscles, showing itself in different parts of you. It makes you annoyed. Wanting to leave, get your partner, go home.
"Mierda. " Luis cusses and you can only guess it's because he's burnt his finger on the skillet.
It's enough to move you away from your head and you reach for the boxers the man leant you without a second thought. You step into them slowly, and you pull them up even slower before settling on yourself in the mirror again, adjusting the waist band.
Your shoulder hurts and so do your hands, but everything else feels less stiff. You have one hand resting on the mirror as you gaze at yourself. More marks from various different missions litter your face. It wasn't unusual to forget what the normal you used to look like.
Your eyes are droopy, your features weighted with tiredness. But before you know it, they're changing, switching rapidly and you're grabbing your gun from the counter top. Suddenly, all your exhaustion is gone and you feel your body shoot to the exit like a missle.
Your eyes are wide when you burst through from the bathroom and your bare feet cause a crunch when you're left to stand on the door that's been knocked clean off its hinges laid in the middle of the walkway.
Your gun is up, arms outstretched the moment you turn the edge of the door frame and your finger is twitching at the trigger. You don't see anything at first, but when you pursue deeper into the room, your tense shoulders fall at the sight.
Luis is pressed against the wall, his hands are up in surrender, and there's a gun digging into the side of his turned face.
The food has been discarded, onto the floor, the skillets face down, the tables on its side.
Everything has gone to complete dissary in a matter of minuets.
"Where is he?" The voice is deep, angry and littered with resentment.
"Has interrumpido la cena, amigo. "
"In English. " The cold steel is pressing harder.
"Leon, let him go. " The words come out of your mouth with the breath you'd been holding.
The gun lowers so fast it may as well have turned back into air, never even been there at all. And you watch Luis retreat away from the opposing partner who has yet to even look at you, hands still raised in the air.
You're just standing there, near nudity, staring. Staring at the gradual lowering of Luis arms. Staring at Leon's back. Staring at Ada.
Staring at him.
When he finally turns around, his gaze moves straight to you before it darts over the bandages and all the bruises littered across your body. He's frozen at the sight of you and he keeps trailing all of your injuries but his face is unreadable.
His eyes go down your arm, stop at your ring. Flicker back up to the underwear.
"Put this on. " He says suddenly, jerking his upper body, and your eyes have already found the fabric flung towards you, plucked from your lost bag by the time his hand has released it.
You've already gathered that he's angry but this is no explosion and your eyebrows are creased in concern.
"How did-? " You ask cautiously and the last syllable of your sentence is barely heard as Leon turns his back to you.
"We're leaving. " He says bluntly and you hesitate a bit, slowly putting the pants on anyway.
"Leon, " its the beginning of Adas reasoning. "It's dark, we should wait out the storm. Your partner needs rest. " She shakes her head with a sigh. "Just look at him. "
As Ada refers to you, Leon's eyes stay solidly on her. You can see the muscles of his jaw clenching and unclenching. You can see him taking in a deep breath before addressing the situation. You can hear him when he speaks, when his eyes drill through anyone who looks at him.
"We have nowhere to go but forward. He'll have tough it out. “
Leon stares a bit longer, his words for you, for Ada, for Luis. He's just as emotionless when he's talking as when he was earlier and his fists clench and flex with the tense atmosphere he's created.
Leave it to Luis to never learn when to shut up.
"¿Perdón?" Luis takes one step forward. "He stumble in here, his poor body being bruised and broken. What were you doing in the moutains in the first place?" His hands are flat out, throwing questions the other man's way and the glare he receives only makes his eyes bigger, his movement more emphatic. "He has to rest! You want him dead?" His exclamations are fueled with exasperation.
Ada is not helping at all, staring silently and watching Leon out of the corner of her eye like she can tell what's about to happen.
"Don't be dense. You took his shirt off, didn't you?" The look on his face twists slightly, anger brewing, mixing with the other emotions that have started to surface. You've known him long enough you're able to read a few pages. "He doesn't need rest. " He squints. "He needs to get back in his gear and learn what it means to follow orders. "
That one gets you. It heats you to your core.
"Estúpido!" He grunts. "You won't even take the time to- to, " A hand gestures lazily. "take a moment and look at him. Look around you! " His hands swing wildly again.
Your face scrunches at the thought. "Luis. " You try to interject, huffing as you step forward, putting yourself more into his field of vision, but it doesn't work. They both ignore you all together.
"What's next, Captain? Hmmm?" He keeps rolling out with it. "This?" He swipes his forearm outwards, gesturing to your person. "Is this next? His death?" His hands bang together before gripping the air. "Another funeral you have to plan?"
That tears Leon apart. Splits him like paper. And the only way he can think to retaliate is with anger and harsh tones and the rebuttal comes from him almost faster than you can blink.
"Maybe if he could afford to listen! Maybe then, I won't have to push him so hard! To look at what his failures lead too!"
The accusation pisses you off more than anything has in a while.
"Leave. " You say and you're trying to keep things under wraps before they get more out of hand. The single word is pushed out fast and the way you're folding your arms over your chest helps you hide some of the hurt and the clenched expression you wish not to display.
Leon, stubborn and angry, doesn't listen.
"Yes, leave, hermano!" Luis insists.
"Maybe we should step out. " It's Ada speaking up now, her voice carrying a certain amount of calm and seriousness, but she makes no move to go, she simply addresses Leon.
Leon's reply is swift. "We have a mission. "
"Just to breathe. " She clarifys, holding the bridge of her nose, her lashes kissing and mingling together when she closes her eyes before she's sighing. "Why do we have to hold him prisoner? He looks like shit, Leon. " Her arm reaches to push her hair back.
A beat passes.
"Your mission can go to shit too. Like that. " She snaps her fingers in the air.
You know she's right, the both of you.
There's a silence that wafts over the air, like the calm before the storm, and you know it has hit Leon. That the words that have been spoken are sticking and he is analyzing all of them like a puzzle.
But he can't seem to muster up his next line and he's trudging out of the room, knocking his shoulder into yours.
Your face distorts into of pain as your left hand grapples where he'd hit you, the fresh relocation of your shoulder tender and sore.
Ada inhales, looking away for a moment and rubbing her brow again before she follows Leon.
The click of her heels pause when she gets to your side and her hand is resting on top of yours, her painted fingers far gentler than the current hold you have on your shoulder. "It was bad, wasn't it?" She asks and her eyes are fixated on her hand like it knows the answer better than her own mouth.
It was and she can see that without having to question you, but neither one of you press for further elaboration.
"I'll bring your boy back more reasonable, don't worry. " She beckons and her hand flits from you.
Luis is talking out his concern as he follows her, probably to put the door back up, waving his hands over his head, turning around abruptly, saying something in Spanish as he points at you. You can't make out half of it, but you believe it to be more exasperation.
The sound of the door being placed back in its frame is loud and chaotic and under normal circumstances you probably would've laughed at the lanky man. But it all feels like white noise right now. Your feet take you to the bedside and your body feels as heavy as a brick.
You let out a hefty puff, your fingers rubbing against your eyes until Luis' footsteps near closer and he is clasping your chin. You're already turned up to stare at him, eyes trained into his warm gaze.
"Mi amor. I'm sorry. " He states and you shake your head as his hand trails up your bandaged one, his skin touching you. He lays his fingers on the split of your palm.
"No big deal. " You dismiss but your voice doesn't meet your words.
"Lo es. " It's quiet and it's a hiss. He disagrees, even though, at this point, you're not sure if he understands you've brought this upon yourself. He starts to say more and the small laugh that's escaped his lips comes out halfway through. "You two so stupid. "
He's amused now, and you can't really help the small smile that warms your lips. He leans in slightly to place a lingering kiss on your forehead, the feel of his soft, brown strands falling onto you.
The creases of his eyes soften after a moment and he retracts his hands, sitting beside you on the edge.
"I fix some food. " He resumes and his steps are bouncy and upbeat this time, like the problem has already been rectified. "Simple. Because sancho..." He gestures to the fallen food on the floor, his tongue clicking.
He is so unbothered.
You feel like this was his intention the whole time. To get you smiling, which you're sure doesn't happen enough when you're not around him.
You give a half nod in response.
"You eat?" Luis is quick to fill the air.
"Two days. " You reply.
He scoffs slightly, pausing for a moment in the kitchen area.
"Grow your waist line, sweetpea. No time to lose. "
A small, rumbling laugh rolls in your throat. It's soft and nonchalant and your head is hanging, eyes closed for a moment. But you feel a little bit lighter after it.
"Now, you are tired. " Luis says.
"Luis. "
"Shhh. "
Your head rises to look at him and it hurts your neck to keep your gaze elevated but he's so matter of fact about everything it makes you roll your eyes and huff, laying back on his bed. Just for a moment. Just to rest.
"You sleep. Don't let him bother you. "
"Mmm. " You slur.
Luis looks over you when he turns, placing something back in the fridge. You're fighting the weariness, keeping your eyes open, watching his movements. He's humming to himself and re-stacking papers that had fallen when the door had been sent through the air moments before.
You fight it, but the sweet hum of a song you don't know begins to lull you, send you drifting. It was so nice to just stop for a moment. It was so nice to find Luis, a home, even if it was temporary, a place that could feel friendly while the world around you was turning without end, an uncontrollable amount of death and destruction looming.
So you fall, with the final note of his melody in your ears, asleep on the brink of the end of the world.
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dutchess-of-fear · 1 year
Thunder Storms
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You and Luis were relaxing on the couch in the living room of your apartment watching Lulo and Stitch, it was all quiet and peaceful being in your lover's arms.
Honestly nothing could go wrong, but just then a loud bang from outside and the power went out in the apartment, of all the things that could go wrong it has to be a thunder storm that would ruin this moment. I immediately jumped out of the couch and ran into the bedroom and dove into the covers of the bed.
Luis ran after me calling for me but I didn’t answered, another thunder bang happened again as I began to panic, as I closed my eyes and began whimpering, Luis walked inside the bedroom and gently sat on the bed "Mi Amor, it's alright its me, your safe here with me" he gently lift the bed sheet to take a look at me, I slowly look towards Luis as he began to gently pick me up and put me on his lap as he slowly rocked us back and forth as he rubbed my back gently. My whimpers slowly died down as I explained why I am frightened of Thunder and lightning.
"No need to fear Mi Amor for your knight is here to cheer you up and to protect you from the cursed thunder and lightning" Luis dramatically says to cheer me up, which it worked as he wiped the tears that came out of me, "te amo, so much, and I always be here for you" I began to calm down as the thunder began to go away.
I began to yawn as I began to feel sleepy, as he placed me in the bed as he join me in the bed, I turned around to face him and place my head on his chest and felt my eyes began to become heavy from tiredness, I felt Luis kissed my head as I fell into a deep slumber
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love-toxin · 1 year
“Don’t even look at me, I’m already thinking about Leon getting in on the process-“ BITCH SPILL
ok but......hear me out <33
(cws: fem!reader, established marriage + friendship, m/m/f threeway, friends to lovers, cuckholdry(?), pregnancy sex, breeding kink, teasing, facesitting, spit + cum = lube, leon's a boob guy, this is just filth trust me)
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So maybe Leon doesn't realize it until after Luis spills the beans that you're expecting. It's not until he sees you with that little curve of a bump in your belly that he thinks "How cute.....I kind of want that, too." and starts guiltily fantasizing about your baby being his. About you having a bump that he can fawn over and coo at, instead of having to watch Luis kiss your belly and touch it and manhandle you into his arms as he praises your newfound motherhood. It gets him so hard and he feels so ashamed of it he starts to distance himself from you, because far be it from him to ruin two friendships with people who actually like him.
And maybe you two notice this. You realize Leon's a lot clingier but he's also stepping away more often, and you clue in to what might be happening when Luis playfully teases bits of information out of him, like "So how do you feel about babies now, Leon? You gonna hurry it up so our kid has someone to play with?" spoken just sweetly enough that it has Leon struggling for an answer.
So you do the only rational thing in that situation: you invite him for an evening of board games and drinks (non-alcoholic for you of course) and when he sleeps over in your guest room as per usual, you and your sweetheart make things just a touch louder than usual when you fuck each other to sleep. The pillow gets taken out from behind the headboard so Leon can hear it squeak, can feel it thudding against the wall as Luis rails you like he hasn't already knocked you up good. You honestly get so lost in making a big show of it all that you genuinely lose your sense a little, and Luis gets a few deliciously sore scratches down his back as you grip him tight and beg him not to stop.
Leon's so observant, you knew he'd show up soon--just not so quietly, he would've scared the pants off Luis if he had any when he glanced over his shoulder and saw your friend standing in the room. Arms crossed over his buff chest, stare cold and stoic like you're in trouble, he's kind of scary....but that obvious bulge straining at his sleep pants proves that it's not annoyance but jealousy.
It's all kind of a blur when Luis acknowledges his presence, but doesn't even stop thrusting into you slowly--Leon's climbing into your bed in one moment and in the next he's been stripped bare, Luis' hand guiding his to rub your bump and an endless string of teasing spilling off his lips at how hot in the face he is. His palms are so warm and sweaty when he finally graces your belly, his touch almost possessive as he gets used to the feeling and sucks in a breath when he grazes the spot just below your breast.
"Maybe you can get the next one, eh?" Luis whispers into his ear, and Leon shudders both at the implication and the sight of you easing his hand higher to grope your tits properly. And he obeys like the good boy he is, using both hands to massage your chest and kneading the soft flesh like dough in a way that he doesn't even realize is so relaxing--having your boobs gain mass even so early in your pregnancy is pretty painful, and he seems to rub the right spots without even trying that makes that aching soreness a thing of the past.
And while he's distracted, Luis pulls himself away from that deliciously wet heat, and slides his fingers through your folds like a professional to get them as slick as he can--just so he can reach over and grab Leon's cock in his hand, your American hero grunting in response but not daring to let go of your tits once he's got them in his grasp. In fact, he latches his mouth on to one of them and gets in a taste while he can, all while your darling strokes him off with your own arousal and coats him from shaft to tip...with a little extra fondling involved, because c'mon, you can't blame him for getting in his licks where he can. Leon is gorgeous, and he's big enough that Luis feels the need to spit into his palm and add a little extra elbow grease to really make sure he's lubed up. All that twitching he gets out of it too definitely makes the kiss they share even hotter when Leon finally breaks his spit-slick mouth off of your boobs.
It's so cute when he finally shifts around to enter you, his thighs trembling the second Luis guides the tip towards your folds and pushes on him to part you around his swollen cock. Only now is he babbling those questions of "I-Is this okay?" and "I don't want to hurt you-" but they all get kissed off his mouth or straight up ignored, because both you and Luis moan much too loudly when Leon's sliding deeper and deeper into your guts. Earlier today you and your closest friend were exchanging jokes over a deck of cards, and mere hours later he's sweating and panting over your body as he fucks you with your husband watching. Not at all where you thought your friendship would go, but you're happy to see that you're not the only one satisfied with it.
"Luis," Leon moans in such a gentle way, yet grabs for your lover hard while he's sitting back to watch the show. Clearly he's not intent on letting him be a voyeur--he pulls the Spaniard close until he's practically pressed up against his back, and drags you down further on his cock until you're bucking and whining and leaking Luis' cum all over his thick shaft. "Watch me. Stop me if it hurts her."
He says as much, and Luis chuckles at his over-enthusiastic concern, but you can see from here that it's not the only reason he wanted him closer. With every tight thrust of his own hips, Leon rocks back to meet Luis'--and you can feel him getting even harder with your husband prodding him from behind, knocking up his pace even faster right up until Luis shifts forward with a groan and Leon halts, suddenly frozen and trembling with his eyes screwed shut.
"Oops," He chuckles into your friends ear, blowing on it softly to ease that tightness in his chest as he heaves for breath, slowly trying to relax himself enough to take it. "Just slipped in. You're a little too wet for me to resist, amor." He croons so mockingly, yet it only seems to turn Leon on more as he grinds those shaky hips into short, sharp thrusts inside you, each one propelled forward harder when Luis deigns to give him a buck that drags a pathetically high moan out of the agent's throat.
"Imagine a baby with his eyes, mija. Wouldn't that just be so cute?" He murmurs over Leon's shoulder, hands sliding up from their place on his hips to grope at his chest, darkly-coloured nipples lazily tweaked between his callused fingers like it's something he does every day. Neither man can take his eyes off your bump for too long though, Leon's literally drooling over it as saliva dribbles down his chin and splatters all over your soft, cute little belly.
"P-Promise me you'll give me a baby, Lee? After this one?" You mewl, holding up your pinky finger as an offering despite his hands being occupied with fondling your tits once again. "Hafta promise me. Say 'I wanna give you my baby', say it for me."
"I'm gonna breed you," He groans, eyes dark and lustful as he squeezes you hard enough for you to squeal. "You're gonna be a mom for me the second you pop."
"You're wild, Leon." Luis purrs over his shoulder, pecking a kiss to his neck that swiftly turns into a love bite suckled into the skin. "You can fuck my wife anytime. Right, sweetheart?"
"And my husband. Anytime." You giggle, though your adorable jubilance is soon cut off by a deeper moan as you start to hit your stride, fingers digging into the sheets below you before moving to brace against Leon's forearms. This time, when he spits, he dips his head to dribble it right on your clit and spares the thumb from his left hand to rub it right in, watching for the way your hips swivel in response so he knows just how to work his fingers into it.
"Princess likes her pussy eaten, too. Loves it. Let's try it when we're done, hm?" Luis' encouraging tone smoothes the thoughts away from your head, his voice blanketing your mind in nothing but a fuzzy haze that has you mindlessly humping every pair of hands and hips in your vicinity--you're just barely on the cusp of cumming, and a loopy grin splits your lips at the idea that Leon still doesn't know how hard you're gonna do it.
"Get on top of me, and I'll do it all damn night. Both of you."
"I-I'm heavy, Lee-"
"Don't care. I'll do it when you're full-term. You're never too heavy to sit this gorgeous pussy on my fucking face."
At that low, lusty growl of a compliment, Luis has finally met his match--you look on in awe as your husband cries out and frantically speeds up his pace, locks of dark hair sticking to his face with sweat as he pumps his last few ounces of energy into several deep, hard thrusts against Leon's backside that rock him into you and have you both crying out his name in a fit of pleasure that completely dominates your senses. Your hips jerk suddenly and he moans from his chest at how hard you're clamping down on him, but it doesn't stop his own thrusts until you're leaking and splashing him with jets of liquidy cum that totally soak him right down to his thighs. And from behind, Luis has his waist in a death grip as he spurts ropes upon ropes inside your friend, making him so slick he slides out with ease yet whines softly as his thoughts fizzle out and he mindlessly tries to push his sloppy cock back inside.
Stuck firmly in the middle, Leon's got nowhere else to go--when he cums, he drags you all the way down by the hips and forces his cock deep, pushing it snug and warm against your womb so he can spill into you relentlessly. It's as if Luis is cumming through him to add to the thick, creamy mess he leaves dripping out of your pussy, but pulling back and seeing that it's all him switches something in his brain that he had been desperate to keep locked away. Now that you've invited him into your marriage bed, however, it seems there's no better time to exercise it.
Before you can leak too much, Leon's sliding his hands under your hips and lifting you off the bed, shuffling back to lay down and incidentally splattering himself from thigh to chest with the cum he's left spilling out of you. But once he's lowered you quickly and comfortably on his face, mouth instantly sealed around the puffy lips of your cunt, there's no hurry at all and Leon blindly sucks away at the mess you three have made. And having been nudged aside, Luis clambers over Leon's body to reach his lap, eyes gentle and adoring as he watches your pretty, pregnant body writhe on the tip of his closest friend's skilled tongue.
"Oye--I don't think you can fit, caballero." He grins, reaching back to swipe up the cum between Leon's own thighs and rubbing his soaked fingers carefully inside himself. And just when he's managed to stretch himself open the smallest bit, one of those massive hands comes blindly groping down his chest, and upon reaching his hip Leon yanks it down and bucks his hips at the same time, spearing your husband so swiftly and suddenly that he braces himself against his chest in a fit of hot, stuttered gasps.
"A-And you thought it would be easy," You tease, taking hold of your husband's hands to lift him back up and kiss that dazed expression off his face.
"I think he's in my guts, mi amor--is he part horse? Dios mio-" Leon responds with another buck, this one harder and punctuated with a deep jab of his tongue into your spongy, gummy walls, and both of you are left whinging and moaning at his teasing but never quit riding him on either end. It's a different experience to rub your husband's sticky, half-soft cock while he grinds that impossibly tight ass against someone else--but with it being Leon, it feels as normal and safe as when you're doing it together. It feels right.
And as you clutch at your bump with one hand while the other clings tightly to your husband's, you let the rest of your weight sink down slowly to finally, completely relax, and both he and Leon look and feel so grateful for the gift. They both look at you like it's a blessing just to be in your presence, and to have that from two of your closest friends is just an indescribable feeling--maybe it's part of what makes this kind of intimacy feel so damn good, even while you're going through the early stages of what will certainly be a long pregnancy.
"You're going to be such a good papi," You whisper with a smile, nuzzling your nose into your husband's. "Both of you will, I know it." And from below, Leon pauses his fervent assault to lift you up and lave his tongue slowly over your clit--just enough that the warm, wet kiss he places on it lets you feel the curve of his grin against your skin before he goes right back to urging you into another hot, deep, spine-tingling orgasm.
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bratshaws · 2 years
goodness gracious 48. brb x oc
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a/n: glad to say im happier with this chapter :)
check out the fic's playlist made by the sweet @wiipes !!
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: FLUFF, Bradley being horny but it's not smut is just a dab of suggestive really
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!!)
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @shrimping-for-all @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix
@lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 
@lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2 @emilybradshaw @j-6o @louisahale @leobabbyyy @kulicny @winter-run
“So,” he begins watching Beatrice place the ornaments on her tree, which wasn’t that big it barely reached his chest, “Your aunt Martha and your father are twins.” she nods, smiling, ripping a box of christmas balls open and turning the small tree around to expose the other side, “And they are the oldest.”
“Yes, then you get my uncle Roberto, then my uncle Elia, my aunt Yvette and my aunt Regina, who’s the Bitch Trio’s mother.” she scoffs, shaking her head, “And my mom has my aunts Fabrizzia, Fernanda, Maria and my uncles Luis and Marcelo. So both sides have a lot of siblings.”
Rooster arched his eyebrows with wonder, trying to figure out how the hell was her childhood like since she had so many aunts and uncles. He doesn’t know how the subject of her family showed up, maybe it was because she was talking about how Christmas was the time they’d all spend together. He knew some people had a lot of relatives, but honestly, he never met one until Beatrice. 
“That’s…a whole lot of people.” she nods while laughing, still arranging her ornaments and thanking him when he hands her another box, “Were they at the wedding? Your mother’s siblings I mean.”
“Some of them were.” Beatrice explains, “Some lived out of state and couldn’t come. They all know my paternal family from childhood, my parents grew up in the same street.” she smiles, adjusting herself on her knees so she’d get a higher branch “And my dad’s move, if you want to call it that, was during a basketball game against the girls from the neighborhood was to steal the ball from my mom’s hand. They started dating soon after.” 
Bradley smiles seeing how her voice softened when speaking about her parents, he knows the feeling, he does get the same way talking about his own, “That’s really sweet.” he doesn’t know much about how his parents met, he didn’t ask his mother especially since it’d bring back painful memories, but Mav always said it was very sweet no matter what. So he accepted that instead of questioning her about it. “And they’ve been together ever since.”
“They have. I mean, they are both sixty-five so…” she counts on her fingers, muttering the numbers to herself, “Forty-eight years? If you count the time they started dating.” 
“That’s a long time.”
“It is, my dad always said he knew they’d get married.” she smiles, shrugging her shoulders, “I always thought it was very romantic.” but before she could complete her sentence, she winced in pain, one of her hands touching her womb with a frown, “Ah, damn it.”
Rooster straightened immediately, “What’s wrong? Everything okay?”
“Yeah,I’m on my period.” she groaned, slowly pushing herself to her feet so she could walk to the kitchen, “My period cramps can be really strong sometimes. I’ll be fine, it’s just a matter of getting something warm.” 
Ah, that explains why she was so tired yesterday when he came over and just fell asleep the second they got back from the Hard Deck. Bradley followed her into the kitchen, frowning when she just held her middle and pressed her forehead on the sink’s cool countertop, “What do you need? I can get it for you.”
“No,no, it’s okay.” she says quickly, “I can do it.”
But he wasn’t convinced, he just stepped closer to her, “Bea,” she groaned again, biting her lower lip, “Maybe you should lie down, I can make you some tea or whatever is it you need.” his girlfriend makes an annoyed noise “How bad is it?”
“It’s like a baby t-rex chewing my insides, Rooster.” her tone was a bit snappy, but he knew she wasn’t mad at him, she then whimpered, turning her body towards him and hugging his middle to which he reciprocated with his arms around her shoulders, “Having a uterus really sucks.” he chuffed out a soft laugh, biting his lip when she glowered up at him with her eyebrows low and lips furled down into a scowl, “Don’t laugh at my demise.”
He held his hands up defensively, “Sorry, sorry, you are right. I shouldn’t do that.” he then leaned down to pick her up by the back of her legs, which immediately wrapped around his waist and her arms around his neck, Beatrice sighing in relief when he did, “You okay?”
“You are very warm.” comes her muffled voice from his shoulder, pressing herself even tighter against him, “It helps.” well, if it helped he already knew what to do. He took the two of them to her living room and settled onto the couch, still holding her in his arms. Jolene’s sleeping form peeks one eye open when she feels movement in her favored furniture, but relaxes when she sees it’s her two favorite humans who sat down.
He wasn’t the type of guy who wouldn’t understand how painful these things are. His mother raised him to know, respect and understand what a period was. Rooster grew up knowing more than half the guys of his class just because his mother made sure it was something everyone should know. He knew some women had stronger flows to the point they had to go to the hospital, but he wasn’t sure if that was Beatrice’s case, she just seemed to be in a lot of pain but not enough that it was dangerous.
And if he could be her own heating pad, he wasn’t complaining.
Every now and again she’d moan out a soft complaint and hold herself closer to him, curling onto a ball against his chest as the cramps pulsated through her body but then she’d relax and sigh heavily, warming his skin when she did so. Bradley just kissed the top of her head, rubbed her lower back in slow circles knowing it could be helpful “That’s nice.” she mutters, turning her head to look at him from his shoulder.
He smiles, facing her with his hand still moving, “Good, I’m trying my best.” He says, “Is it helping?” she pauses a minute to think, her face scrunching in pain briefly but she nods, “Do you need me to do anything else?” 
“No, just stay here.” she murmurs,tucking her arms between his chest and hers, breathing in his cologne deeply and easing out the breath through her lips “That’s good enough.”
“You sure?”
“Roos, I can’t really understand what you are asking me because I’m trying not to die. So please just, just stay there.”
Bradley couldn’t help the soft chuckle that made its way past his lips, but he kept his hands on her either way. He doesn’t know how long they stay there, just sitting on the couch listening to the sounds from outside and Jolene’s quiet breathing next to them. But Beatrice eventually relaxed completely, rubbing her face with both hands and breathing hard against her palms, dragging them down her face so her eyes could blink up at him, bleary and a bit unfocused.
His brown eyes soften once they meet gazes, tucking a few strands of brown hair behind her ear, “Hey, gorgeous.” she smiles sweetly, leaning into his palm when he cups her cheek, “How are you feeling?”
“I’m better, thank you.” comes her quiet reply as she gives him an apologetic look, “I’m sorry for snapping at you.” it wasn’t even that bad, he thought, but she thought she probably hurt his feelings by lashing out because of the pain.
“Bea, it’s okay. You are in pain and you don’t know how to deal with it.” he shrugs, “So you have some anger because of it. That’s fine?” she makes a quiet noise, furrowing her eyebrows with a look that clearly meant if he was really sure. Bradley tsks, leaning his lower back deeper into the couch and unwrapping her legs from his waist so she could sit sideways on his lap, “It’s fine, Bea. I promise, you didn’t hurt my feelings.”
Beatrice chews her lower lip, dropping her temple on his collarbone as she sighs, “Okay…if you are sure.”
“I’m more than sure.” he chuckles, kissing the top of her head, “You’d need to do a lot more for me to get upset at you. This isn’t something you plan, baby. You can’t plan when it’ll hurt a lot to the point you’ll get too angry and will tell someone to fuck off.” Beatrice giggles gently when he says it, making his chest swell with relief “So, you don’t have to worry. Okay?”
“Okay…” she replies, pressing her cheek to his collarbones, smiling sweetly as she plays with the buttons of his Hawaiian shirt, “You are so understanding.” she comments casually, “Not a lot of guys are.”
He purses his lips, rubbing his thumb on the outer side of her denim covered thigh,” Well, not a lot of guys were raised with a mom like mine.” he laughs, “She set me up for what I’d encounter when I got older, so, “ he finishes his explanation with a shrug, “It’s easier to understand.”
Beatrice looks up at him with hearts in her eyes, her cheeks reddening with a little smile forming over her lips as she stares at his face, not being able to contain how her chest warmed up whenever he spoke. How the hell did she get so lucky? Beatrice leans up to kiss his chin, right on top of the tiny scars he had there, making her way up to his lips, humming happily when they touched, “I still appreciate it.” she says sweetly, “It means a lot to me.”
He knew what she meant, he knew that the reason why she appreciated it so much was because she had a shitty ex who wouldn’t help her out. She never voiced it, but he knew - especially considering what he managed to find out about him- what that piece of shit had done to her before. 
Speaking of which, he also explained to Shells that the red truck had nothing to do with Eric. She was very surprised and confused, as he was when he found out about it, but said that even if it wasn’t related to Eric it was still weird he was trying to win Beatrice over. Of course she used a more colorful language when referring to his antics, repeating she wanted to beat him up and that it was part of their deal.
He hoped that Eric wouldn't show up for a while,Damon said he’d be in the Bahamas or whatever was that he left, as long as he stayed away from Beatrice he’d be fine with it. 
He helped her finish decorating her house, always close to her in case she felt too much pain or just needed a pause. He actually had a lot of fun and since he was taller than she was he could reach areas she had issues with, like above her doors and the windows on the loft.
Beatrice’s soft gasp and clasped hands as she looked around made his heart flutter with affection, she looked so happy, the complete opposite from a few minutes ago and even if she was in pain she didn’t seem to care, “Gosh, it looks!! So good Roos!” she claps her hands excitedly, “Oh I’m so, so happy! Thank you for helping me!”
Bradley just smiles, approaching her from behind to hug her waist, kissing her cheekbone with a soft smack “Anytime, gorgeous. I’m happy I could help.” she’s gently touching her Christmas tree, watching the transparent ornament with the rooster inside move after she nudged it. She leans into his embrace when he drops his chin to her shoulder, moving some hair out of the way so he could kiss her lavender scented neck.
“You did more than you know.” she smiles, turning her head to meet his lips halfway, pulling back when he tries to deepen it, stepping away from his grasp so she could walk back to the kitchen, “Stop looking at my ass.” she calls without turning back, but her boyfriend indeed was looking without any remorse.
“It’s not my fault it’s so nice.” he tries to explain, leaning on the kitchen’s door frame with his hands in his pockets, biting his lower lip with his eyes following her movements around the kitchen, “And just out there for me to look.” Beatrice’s eyes narrow in his direction but her smile is still present as she warms water in her electric kettle, grabbing a tea bag from the cabinet. 
Beatrice shakes her head amusedly, smiling more when his arms return around her waist and he watches with interest as she prepares her tea, “You are terrible.” she says softly, “But I guess that’s why I love you.”
He grins, pressing a kiss to the side of her head, then another to her cheek, “I thought it was because of my breathtaking good looks.” oh he’d never let that live down would he? Beatrice laughs quietly, trying to ignore him the best she could but he was never one to be easily ignored, no matter what, “Or was it something else?”
“I think…I don’t know,” she shrugs, “You are really handsome, and musically talented…but I don’t know, I really liked how you were with your friends I guess. I really liked your smile the first time I saw it.” Beatrice’s cheeks return to it’s usual crimson color as she remembers the scene of him showing up and hugging Payback with a laugh leaving his lips, “And I don’t know, everything else that came after…I really like your hands too.”
“My hands?” she nods, grabbing the said limbs from around her to hold them up, running her fingers on the back of his hands, following the tendons until it reached his wrists. 
“They are very nice.” she says, still drawing random lines on his skin, “And I l-like how um…” she placed her hand on top of his, the size comparison was enough to make her whole body shudder “H-How….. big…..they are.” she said the word so silently he almost didn’t hear her. But he did and he couldn’t help the smirk forming over his lips.
The said big hands returned to her waist, following the tapered part down the flare of her hips, squeezing the meaty part there enough to make her squeak, “Do you?” Beatrice nods mutely, chewing her lower lip with her face red, “That’s news to me.” but he wasn’t mad about it, not at all, this new information could be very useful in the future even more than it already was. The brunette just busies herself in pouring the hot water inside her mug instead of her boyfriend’s known teasing nature. “What else is it that you like about me? I’m so curious now.”
Bea scoffs with a grin, rolling her eyes, “You already know I like everything else about you.”
“Yes, but be specific.” he smiles, “If you could.”
She looks towards him over her shoulder, squinting her eyes playfully at his boyish smirk and amused face, sighing in defeat, “Well…I like your eyes too. And…your neck.” her green irises drop to the column of his throat that was never hidden from her hungry eyes “I really like your neck.”
He was reminded of their first time when she bit his trapezius, the perfect indentations of her teeth were deep on his skin. Clearly not enough to break it, but the bruise stayed there for a good month before it disappeared for real and God it was such a nice souvenir to have when he was gone. Bradley makes a sound deep in his throat, pressing little kisses to her jawline, “Hmm, yeah,I remember it.” he chuckles, nosing the curve of her neck “Anythin’ else? I’m all ears.”
“You are a menace no matter where I look at ,Bradley.” she giggles softly, earning a laugh from him as well and another series of quick kisses to her jawline.
“Do you want to know what’s my favorite part about you?”
“My ass?”
“That too, but,” he taps her ass cheek gently, “I really love your eyes.” The said eyes turn to look at him, long thick lashes fluttering when she blinks, “Yeah, “he whistles low, “Look at those emeralds.” Beatrice gasps out a laugh, repeating the word as if she couldn’t believe it, her cheeks turning into a deeper shade of red than before. “I meant it when I said all you had to do was look at me and I was a goner.”
Beatrice’s gaze mellowed when he spoke, her heart fluttering with butterflies like always, “...yeah I remember.” she whispers, thumbing her mug’s ring over and over as she looks down at her tea, “No one…ever called them that, you know? Emeralds. They always said they were pretty or…” she shrugs “I don’t know it’s…it’s really nice to hear.”
Bradley’s smile softens and he hugs her closer to his chest, closing his eyes as he buries his nose on her neck, “I have a lot of these saved, just for you gorgeous.” he mutters against her skin. He meant that too, if he could tell her all the compliments he had saved up for her he’d never stop talking. Beatrice was sweet, so incredibly sweet and it hurt him to know she hasn’t been complimented or shown that sort of affection before, he knows sometimes she feels awkward when receiving them, her blush is stronger and she tries to play it off but she needs to hear how truthfully beautiful she is.
He waits for her to take a sip from her tea then set the mug back down, “Alright, now.” he picks her up bridal style without warning, making Bea squeak out a yelp of surprise, holding herself up by hugging his neck, “Grab your mug,” he leans close enough for her to get it while still smiling, “And we are going to watch some more Drag Race, how’s that?”
“Sounds perfect.”
Beatrice was surprised when she saw Evelyn’s tall frame walking inside the Hard Deck, casually, hands in her jacket’s pockets as she strolled in with her face in a neutral mask, “Ev?” the other woman smiles, lifting her hand in a greeting, “Well, that’s a surprise! What are you doing here?”
Evelyn settles herself on the stool in front of the bar with a soft sigh, then interlaces her fingers on the bartop, “Was in the neighborhood.” she says, giving Penny a nod as a greeting. Beatrice stares at her while she’s wiping a glass, then back to where Rooster and the others were sitting, Jake hasn’t noticed her yet - if he did he played it off really well.
“Yeah?” the brunette smiles, grabbing a water bottle for her friend who immediately opened it to take a sip,”It’s just you’ve been coming…a lot, you know? Shells told me you’ve showed up…um a lot more than you usually would, which was…never.” her friend just sipped her water in response, not answering. Beatrice could see it, even if Evelyn didn’t, that the sudden interest of her coming to the Hard Deck had anything to do with the atmosphere or how she was ‘in the neighborhood’ as she said.
It was all about Jake and herself. And Beatrice’s romantic little heart couldn’t handle how happy she was for her friend. She hoped really hard that whatever this thing with Jake that was currently being developed worked, because he really seems to like her and Evelyn, even in her cool façade, seemed to like him too even if it was a little bit.
“Actually, there’s a reason I came here.” Evelyn says when Shells approaches the bar top, setting the tray down so Beatrice could place the glasses, “We wanna go to the Shootout tomorrow.”
Shootout was a paintball arena close to Northride and one of their favorite pastimes during the weekends if the volleyball practices weren’t available. It was probably the wildes, craziest fun any of them had together, not to mention that the Shootdown was close to The Den so that meant they’d always leave and have a snack before going back to the dorms.
And they would be open until nine pm during weekends.
“Oh, I’m in!”Shells says with a huge smile, bouncing on the spot, “Are you kidding me? How long has it been since we went to Shootout?”
“They were expanding the arena during our final year,” Beatrice adds, “It seems super fun.Is everyone going?” Evelyn nods and Bea looks back at Shells with a little smile, “I’m in too. I’ll just have to talk to Roos about it.”
Shells looks back at the officers, jutting her thumb in their direction, “They could join us,” she suggests, ‘Hey the more the fucking merrier, right? Plus it’ll be amazing to have so many people in a team.”
Beatrice hasn’t considered it, but thinking about it it really seems like a cool idea, she turned her head towards Evelyn to check her reaction and her friend just seemed…neutral. No anger nor surprise, just a neutral cool façade as she took in the news and then she nodded. Wow, she must really be liking Jake because she wouldn’t say yes otherwise. Bea bites her lower lip, letting Shells know she’d tell them she had to take their drinks there anyway.
Once she walks out from behind the bar, Rooster immediately perks up, “Hi,” he coos as she walks past him, his body leaning closer as he holds on the pool cue, trying to follow her with his head, “Aren’t you a sight to sore eyes?”
Beatrice just gives him an eyeroll before giving everyone else their drinks, completely ignoring his antics the best she could, “Evelyn is here,” Jake’s head immediately turned to the bar counter where she was, sipping her water and talking to Penny, “She invited us to go to the Shootout, are any of you interested?”
It was Fanboy who answered, his eyes widening, “Wait, the paintball arena?!” Beatrice nods, smiling at the pilot’s enthusiasm, “I’ve always wanted to go there!” Soon enough it’s a cacophony of supportive answers and positive reactions, they all were game to join. Beatrice sent Shells a smile and a nod, to which the blonde pumped her fist in the air with triumph.
“I’ll let you guys know what time we plan on going,” she says grinning, “It’ll be a lot of fun.”
When the brunette turned to Bradley, who was still looking at her with his eyes low and mouth curved into a little smirk, putting the cue away to follow her back to the bar, “Those pants should be illegal.” she hears him say, quiet enough that only they could hear and Beatrice rolls her eyes again, setting the tray down the bar top.
“If they were that means I’d never wear them again, is that what you want?” she asks casually, but seeing how he just dropped his eyes down the length of her legs she already got her answer. She chuckles, walking around the bar as Rooster sits down in the usual stool he always chose when he wanted to be closer to Beatrice, Shells and Evelyn talking not too far from them.
“So, when were you going to tell me,” he begins, leaning on a hand, “That you liked paintball?”
Beatrice laughs, fixing the bun on top of her head with a shrug, “Oh,I don’t know, I guess it slipped my mind, you know?” he hums, not believing, “I mean, it’ll be fun, we all will have a lot of fun there. And then we can go to The Den, you guys will love it there. It’s the food joint I told you about, it’s right in front of our college.”
Bradley arches his eyebrows, “Really? I didn’t know that.” he was curious now, he had only seen her college’s colors at the game, and the obvious hyena mascot, but he had never seen the actual college itself. Plus, Beatrice seemed very excited, why wouldn’t he be excited too, “So…” he looks around the bar conspicuously, leaning on his forearms, “Shall we make another prize ticket, gorgeous? I could be wrong but I don’t think you’ve used yours yet.”
His girlfriend stilled momentarily but she bit back her smile the best she could, “I’m saving it up.” she explains with a shrug, “Plus what if I win again? Would it be fair to have two tickets in my power?”
He chuckles, dragging his eyes down her body with a soft whistle leaving his lips, “Maybe I’ll win this time.” he says, shrugging, “Make it a bit interesting you know?...but I won’t use it now, I know you are,” he makes a gesture with his hands, referring to her obvious cramps “But I can save it up, just like you are.”
Beatrice’s eyes soften and her smile widens, “You are too sweet, thank you Roos.” he smiles back, his cheeks flushing just the tiniest bit,”But…I’ll think about it, you know? We'll see how it goes tomorrow.” she explains while filling a glass and handing it to Penny who walks out from behind the counter leaving her and Shells to take care of it.
He leans on a fist, following Beatrice with his eyes as she moves about, “It’s just because I still have that idea,” he taps his temple, “Deep within you know? Can’t get it out of my head…I can give you a hint if you’d like, maybe it’ll make you think that winning isn’t that important–”
“Bradley Bradshaw,” she says quietly, feigning offense, “You will not bribe me with whatever it is you are planning, we’ll have to do this the old way, following the rules.”
Evelyn and Shells watch the scene from the other side of the bar, smiling at the interaction with the blonde shaking her head, “God, they are disgusting.” she chuckles, “...but she looks so happy.”
“She does.” Evelyn smiles, her eyes traveling from the couple to a known Texan pilot who was already looking her way, which makes the black haired woman snatch her eyes back in a panic. But Shells sees it and she just smirks down at her.
“You know, you can come up with a lot of excuses as to why you are suddenly interested in coming to this Navy bar,” Shells begins, grabbing another water bottle for Evelyn, “But I know that you know that I know, that it’s because of Hangman.”
Evelyn freezes up, her brown eyes narrowing menacingly towards her friend who looked like the cat who just ate the canary. She parts her lips but nothing comes out, which makes Shells look so infuriatingly pleased that Evelyn feels even more annoyed, “I don’t know what you mean.”
“Oh, come on Simpson, admit it,” she grins, leaning on a fist, “You like him.” Evelyn’s eyes widened again, panic returning as she stares up at the blonde woman, the hold on the water bottle so tight the plastic creaks under her grasp, “Or better yet, let’s make it interesting…we’ll both be in the same team tomorrow but the first one that reaches twenty hit points against the opposite team gets to snatch an answer from the other.”
“What would I even know about you?” Evelyn asks, narrowing her eyes when Shells shrugs.
“I don’t know, I have some skeletons in my closet that not even my aunt knows about.” she holds out her hand wiggling her fingers, “Come on Simpson, is that fear in your eyes? Huh?” Evelyn looks from her hand to her face, jaw moving as she considers it before she sighs heavily and clasps it tightly, holding it for a few seconds then letting it go.
“Deal.” Evelyn mutters, “Best of three rounds?”
Shells smirk only widens, “Best of three.”
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