#and move on with their day haha
jaythelay · 2 months
I'd go to college for video editing if I didn't find out as a kid how fucking BAD it was. Perhaps it's improved now, but with the fact it's so social media driven, I imagine it's only gotten exponentially worse.
A cousin of mine came over and saw that I was using Camtasia, and that they were taught editing, with it, in college. In. College. Camtasia.
By this point in time, I had already figured out how to break the thing in order to make animations via the zoom tool, figured out how to greenscreen effectively better than anyone else, and had made several half hour long videos, to the point that even I knew this thing was a scam of a product, and completely useless for someone wanting to improve. It's a good starter, don't get me wrong, if you'ree just getting into video editing, Camtasia (legally obtained) is the peak to start.
But oh my god if it isn't pathetic as an editing program.
So, imagine being told that people paying for college are using a program that you've been using for years, while you're literally breaking the thing to make it work towards your whims, for Youtube Videos, knowing full well, this thing isn't good for professional use in any case you could imagine. This thing is like a suped up windows movie editor, that's what we're discussing being used in Colleges.
I was like...13? At 13 I was more advanced than college kids. Yeah. No. I'm not paying for college or bothering with it. That would honest to god, Crush My Soul if I walked in and Saw fucking Camtasia. I'd throw a god damn fit. I'd be so mad that any money was put towards fucking CAMTASIA.
Maybe things have changed, but I'm not interesting in learning how to set up lights for facecams or how to game the algorithms or some pathetic shit I guarantee alot of colleges are doing now. That's the kinda bottom you don't get to far up from in just a over a decade.
Gross. That's what I can only feel about college in general. Go into forever growing debt for sub-amateur skills you easily could've learned yourself, faster, and without any price of entry. Of course for medical shit, obviously it can't be too bad, but anything artistic? Naaaaaaaaaah. Scams by amateurs. I wouldn't even run a college class, but I can tell you for a fact, I was better than whatever nut they hired for that class, at 13.
God the world changed so hard. I remember when I was actually kind've unique, now kids are smarter than me doing better than me with far better than I had to work with. Good. I'm glad we don't need college to make good edited content. But you'll NEVER be the first to do a Let's Play of the Half-Life 2 Beta. That's forever mine. Go claim your own.
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temeyes · 1 month
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brotherly embrace
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shopwitchvamp · 7 months
"People need to read the book to see how dramatic book-Howl is!" True, but on top of that, even people who read the book need to read the sequels..
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wyvernity · 3 months
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sss day my favorite national holiday WOOOOHHHH
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#pokemon#trainer lyra#rival silver#soulsilvershipping#timeskip tag#bao beis#i had so much more planned. but alas. college.#ANYWAY. sss my everything. ohh. always thinking abt them.#this is very obviously lyra's room! all the pink! massive bed to fit all her pokemon! the champion paycheck gets you that much at least#and plants!!! no. 1 horticulturist in johto#she's living somewhere around the base of mt silver... decently close to the league and her hometown#so i like to imagine her with a huge greenhouse so she can take care of plants even in the harsher climate#meanwhile silver has one of those decrepit malelivingspace flats in viridian. he's making it work.#i can only see sss properly moving in together liiiike in their late 20s#after they get to enjoy young adult independence for a while#but before they permanently settle down they should go on silly adventures again... just once. or twice. or#as much as i like to entertain the thought of them being homebodies i think they'd rather spend their lives travelling haha#since silver never got to fully experience it as a kid on the run#being a wanted man and all#and lyra is itching for the getaway#they deserve to be in nature and responsibility-free and *frothing at the mouth*#BTW i put my whole wyvussy into that wall decor#lisia signed poster... rosa's resemblance as mei(!!!) in the totoro one... bell tower + whirl island pics //#pokemon constellations... and those gen 4 mail templates that no one actually used. probably from dawn. champion penpals :]#i debated doing a lance poster because celebrity idol funny but nah she'd bin that immediately after moving out#oh yeah the drawover was um. inspired by the nonebinary neochamp fit. so happy for my son.#i'm glad i managed to finish the big piece in time otherwise i would've just posted that LOL can you imagine#okey bye happy sss day
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acomumsb · 5 months
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That twitter trend of drawing your comfort characters but make it extra by adding dialogue....
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dulcesiabits · 11 days
I'm a little too obsessed with SeekL and I've been thinking about it constantly, so here's an odxny character analysis, slight game analysis and a personal review ordered in a numbered list <3 Spoilers for the game, of course!
Personally, I love odxny's design, and I think it's really cute how his mask changes to reflect his emotions. But to analyze it further, his mask is a representation of his guarded nature and his loneliness. At his core, odxny struggles with two conflicting desires: a desire to connect with others, and a desire to simply give up and save himself from the heart ache of failed connection by isolating himself. The mask lends anonymity, and this anonymity gives him both protection (from interacting with others) and restriction (prevents him from getting closer to anyone). Additionally, it represents how odxny uses his identity as a "hacker" as a form of protection from the rest of the world.
I think odxny's hoodie also reflects this! He has two layers to his outfit: a button-up shirt, and a hoodie on top. The hoodie is casual, and the button-up shirt hints at something more "serious", once again reflecting the duality of his desires and his personality (ie he's guarded, he has difficulty with connecting with others, the hoodie is a feigned casualness over a more serious loneliness). The button-up also is buttoned all the way up his neck, once again reflecting a closed-off nature.
Also, I don't have analytical thoughts on them, but the way the strings are tied is very cute! Super cute! The fact one hoodie string is a loop and the other is thrown carelessly over his shoulder makes me wonder if they're supposed to represent binary code (0 and 1)!
2. Names and Relationships
So, within the game's server, the nicknames of each character are randomized, and the resulting nicknames don't follow typical naming conventions. Additionally, odxny is never named within the game outside of his server nickname. I think this decision regarding names serves to illustrate the game's themes of isolation and connecting with others. The randomized nicknames strip an element of personalization in the server, while simultaneously providing anonymity.
Names are a signifier of our identity. This decision to take away the ability to name ourselves (as the player character) and for the other characters to name themselves serves to anonymize and depersonalize each character, which also furthers the isolation of each character. But this isolation seems to affect odxny most prominently, as he has the most hang-ups when it comes to loneliness (I will get into this part of his character in the next two sections).
Part of the choice with the naming conventions also reflects the general attitude and relationships of every character within the server. They aren't friends, even if they enjoy each other's company; there's a clear purpose to their relationships with a set end time (they will all go their separate ways once they fulfill their respective hacking goals). I would argue that while the other characters are okay with going their separate ways, it's this precise pattern of coming and going and non-lasting relationships that odxny is so tired of, and which drives him to physically isolate himself from society.
Additionally, before the player character arrives, each character implies they've never really revealed personal information about themselves to each other. The relationships between each character is cut and dry, and this further highlights odxny's isolation, even when he's with other people whose company he clearly enjoys. The difference between the other server member's and odxny's attitudes towards relationships serve as excellent foils to each other!
3. Lyrics
The theme song actually captures a lot of odxny's character beats, while providing great insight into him, which is really impressive! A lot of the lyrics point to the tension between his internal loneliness and his desire for connection— how he wants to "feel anything at all" and is trying to "Grind to find a way out of this hell / Used to be so confident but now I can’t tell." This is very telling of his desire to escape his circumstances through any means possible, but the particular way he chooses to do this is through hacking/his work with code. Odxny relies on hacking/coding to provide meaning for his life; it seems to be something he clings to because he no longer feels like he has anything else, which is why his apartment is so barren save for wires and electronic equipment. Perhaps he used to be more sure of himself/his goals, but the further he continues with his plans, the more conflicted he feels. Is this really what he wants to do? But if not, what other options are open to him?
Additionally, the lyrics also points to the distance he keeps from others on purpose, and a line of self-destructive thinking: "I'm stuck in a loop like lines of code/ Seeking a future that I don't even know/ Burn it down to face it alone.” He feels isolated and alone, and the only way he sees out of this cycle is just to leave everything behind. He's stuck running in circles, where nothing feels fulfilling; he can't even see a potential future, and the idea of "burning it all down" seems to hint at his desire to break out by essentially self-destructing and running away. But even then, he'll still "face it alone," so it's not a true solution to his predicament. Yet, this stanza ends with "still find myself reaching out for the phone." Despite the fact he’s decided on leaving everything behind and has given up interacting with other people, he still longs for genuine connection. At the same time, he knows the connection won’t last, which drives him further into his loneliness.
There's a dichotomy apparent in the last few stanzas: "They'll never know of me just that I've won/ That's how I operate and what I've done/ Thought you’d only know me for my voice / Never thought that leaving you would be the harder choice." In the first half, you have the confidence and purpose that hacking gives to odxny; yet, it can also be read as the way he interacts with relationships. He's fallen into a specific pattern with interacting with others, one that he doesn't believe can be changed. Yet, the second half of the stanza reveals how he's been shaken by the player character. Here's someone who he could share a genuine connection with, even though he never intended to be close to them.
Even the chorus (which is EXTREMELY catchy) reinforces this with a “I wish that I could give a damn/ Taking all your money like Uncle Sam/ I wish that I could give a fuck / I’m tryna balance out but feelin stuck.” It's a clear distillation of how odxny balances between the confident hacker facade and his genuine feelings of loneliness and feeling "stuck" and being unable to sort out his own feelings.
4. Character
The crux of Odxny's character is centered around connection and isolation. Robobarbie reveals as much in the dev log, where they mention they and the other writer, Allie, also drew on personal experiences to craft the character. So, I'd like to analyze a little more what I think this isolation entails. Odxny's isolation results from both circumstances both in person and online, both which feed into each other. A lot of his in-person circumstances captures the loneliness of being an adult, of drifting away from others and then the difficulty of finding new connections again. In fact, there's some articles online about the current loneliness epidemic within America, which odxny feels like a consequence of.
Making new connections is made both easier and more difficult in the digital age. It's a double-edged sword, because there are millions of people you can talk to online, and yet, this broad scope can increase the feelings of alienation. There are so many people out there, and yet you’re close to none. Technology exacerbates this sense of loneliness, and technology is also what both restricts and frees odxny. I would guess that a lot of the people he connects with is through coding/hacking (whether positive or negative), but it's a fleeting connection.
I’ve reiterated it throughout this analysis, but I will say it again here for emphasis: odxny has given up on connecting with other people. He tries to set himself apart from them and keeps a measured distance, yet connection is also something he desires above all else and the cause of his pain. This also ties into some of odxny's actions: a way to protect himself from vulnerability is by keeping his distance from others. After all, he can’t get hurt if he doesn’t let himself get close to others. And yet, this same the same distance also hurts him. In order to negotiate this contradiction, he has to try to convince himself this is what he really wants, that it's for the best, that all other choices are fruitless.
It’s why he only gives surface level protests against the player character’s involvement with his life; he genuinely wants someone to convince him otherwise. He wants to have a person in his life who cares about him enough to change his mind and to say that running away from society and isolating himself permanently isn't the right choice. What makes this work is that the player character is insistent, and isn't deterred by odxny's half-hearted attempts to distance himself. In a way, pushing back against the player allows odxny to reinforce to himself that this is someone who cares about him and wants him around, which in turn allows him to admit that he wants to connect with others, despite how painful it could end up being.
5. Personal Review
What I love this game is that there is a hint of a romance-- there is only one romance option, but there is no explicit confession, only hints of flirtation here and there. I love the focus is on the mini-game (which is genuinely super fun), and the interactions we get to experience with all the different characters. The dialogue is snappy, witty and real, and each character is distinct and given enough dimension that interacting with them feels like talking to people you would find in a server or a forum. The fact that they can be mean to you is great-- it feels realistic, and it's just something I personally love and find more interesting than if characters simply fawn over the player character all the time.
I love that it feels like a meeting of different people who aren’t sad to see each other leave-- they have a clear purpose in coming together, and there are no hard feelings at parting. It feels natural, and a bit bittersweet-- and part of this is how it feels like the server is a representation of odxny's unhealthy habits. When he's able to let go of the server, it feels like letting go of the past. Additionally, it's poignant because as someone who feels numb by all the partings he's had to experience, it's a sign of growth that he's willing to it let go and let things end without fear. He's able to be more open and vulnerable with the other server members by the end, and can admit he enjoyed their company, because he has some measure of hope in the future and faith in other people again. Regardless if he chooses to keep in contact with you, what's important is that he changes his mind about running away from it all in both good endings.
I love the subtle possibilities of the ending, as well: whatever path his relationship with the player character takes, what’s most important is that he’s receptive to opening up to others again. This is a story about love, but it’s a story about loving other people and connecting with them, about caring for strangers and caring about yourself. I, personally, find this more compelling than a straightforward romantic dynamic, because at the end of the day, this is odxny’s story about trying again to reach out to other people, no matter how hopeless and lonely things feel at the moment.
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judasisgayriot · 8 months
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the one or two people one person
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sylvrndoodles · 1 year
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A scene from What Moves the Dead (by @tkingfisher) that has been ringing in my head since I read it ( ˙꒳​˙ )
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moeblob · 3 months
Hey so I have to inform you all because I am morally and legally obligated to inform people about this movie -
I have told you before that Clue (1985) was available on Amazon Prime and today I have even better news. I don't know when it was added BUT ! it's FREE TO WATCH (with ads) ON YOUTUBE !
Also it's my favorite movie (this doesn't matter I just have to say it).
Also also just because I found this out five minutes ago it was released on Dec 13, 1985. Which was a Friday. A movie about a board game about murder released on Friday the 13th ? Truly a move of all time.
EDIT: Someone wanted to know if you can watch it with adblock on and hey! You can! (I have watched it problem free)
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curioscurio · 7 months
Got up early (for me), ate a light and healthy breakfast, applied to some jobs, took a long mental health walk with the dogs, gave one of them a bath, and even did some phone calls and messaging regarding my medication and pharmacy problems and managed to sort it out without breaking down!!! And! Showered!! Kicking ASS at mental health today
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stargirl230 · 10 months
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First (official) day of college!
super nervous haha, wish me luck
(no reposts!)
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dimplesandfierceeyes · 7 months
Thinking about Last Twilight again and the connection between Day and action.
Here is a man who is a professional athlete, whose entire life was dedicated to movement. He would have had to exercise every day, cardio, weights, resistance training, the lot. On top of that, he would also have been training his specific badminton skills for several hours a day. His meals would have planned for maximum energy and vitality. It's almost impossible to overestimate just how much Day's every waking (and also non-waking, healthy sleep schedules are essential for good energy after all) moment was dedicated to high-level activity.
And then The Incident happens.
In an instant, his vision becomes so massively impaired that he is now almost functionally blind. Not only does that rob him of a huge amount of independence, it also steals his movement. Not because he can't move but because the people around him (and perhaps even a little bit himself) become worried about him moving. Action becomes something to be feared.
I think it's not for nothing that when we as an audience and Mork first see Day post-incident, his is sat in a wheelchair and because of that we know he is unable to walk.
(Now, that's not to say wheelchairs suggest a curtailment of freedom because, for their users, wheelchairs are freedom. Without them, they truly would be stuck. However, they do signal to the audience that the user's walking ability is impaired somehow. Additionally, it's worth mentioning that @my-rose-tinted-glasses already pointed out that Day-in-the-wheelchair is likely an homage to the French film The Intouchables. I also like to think that there's perhaps there's a small nod here to Day's determination to be independent. He can't walk but he can still move and, damn it, he's still gonna go to those interviews.)
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So, Day, at the moment he meets Mork, is at his least mobile. His career in movement has been shattered and now he can't even feed himself without injury. It is this that has likely forced him to accept that he could do with some day-to-day assistance.
Throughout the episode we then see the little ways that Day tries to take back his mobility but is stopped by his family and his own disability, culminating in the climatic road scene where he is saved by Mork.
But we also see little moments where he succeeds in his independence. He makes it from the car to the lift, he identifies the button he needs to press, he finds the library and is able to locate someone to guide him to the CDs (of audiobooks/music?). All the while, Mork is watching him, assessing him, seeing what he can do and what he can't, not running in before he has a chance to try. And that then ends with Mork calling Day up, asking him to cross the room on his own to get his library card.
So we start with a stationary Day, who is still determined to have independence but is hindered by his situation, and we end with a Day taking the first steps on the journey of seizing back his freedom to act.
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sysig · 7 months
You mentioned you mainly ship Glados/Chell when it comes to Portal? Could I please request something with them, however you personally imagine their dynamic? Sorry for the vague prompt, I'm just curious what your ideas are!
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Day 25 - As if being dead wasn't bad enough
#My art#Requestober#Portal#Chell#GLaDOS#Big girlfriend <3#Big Mean girlfriend <3 <3#Ugh it's been a while since I've drawn her lol I forgot how complex her design is#A lot of this is just visual noise don't look too hard lol#I do love her tho! I just happen to love her mind - her personality - the most ♥#For a change of pace I listened to her lines in the background rather than music hehe ♪#I forgot how funny she is in Portal 1 gosh she's so cool and mean and fdjsalfjdsf I love her I love her#I never know where to cut the line between the Player and Chell - she's designed to be a blank slate so hmm#I mean I see her as being extremely long-suffered - you'd have to be to put up with GLaD hehe <3#Sarcastic and flippant in response to GLaDOS' long monologues haha#But for me personally I could listen to her insult me all day <3 So how much of that carries over to Chell?#Probably a non-zero amount while I'm playing her lol - we see Players nod or shake Chell's head!#That means something!#So just go ahead and insult her it's all in good fun ♪#I do love the idea of GLaDOS needing Chell to be somewhere and all other methods of moving her are inaccessible#Elevator breaks? :3c She can fall a long distance but her jump height isn't quite that good lol#Ride around on her to go from floor to floor! GLaDOS secretly enjoys it and turns that pleasure into more insults lol#''Stop enjoying this only one of us is allowed to be having fun right now. And by one of us I mean neither of us. Be quiet.'' Lol ♫
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starjunkyard · 2 months
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"Im not even sure anymore if we get to choose who our friends are" There is a part of me that resents you for making me a worse person than i want to be but i am inexplicably uncontrollably drawn to you. You make me a worse person which is the last thing i want yet i want you in every way. If i could leave i would. Maybe i can but i dont want to. I have fun with you. You challenge me and you captivate me and you push me and pull and run circles around me and it makes me feel like a younger man. For the price of being a worse person i get to feel truly, wholly alive. You are the blood that runs through my veins; vital, inseparable. I was reborn when i met you and you are the womb that haunts me. You are the one person on planet earth who knows me. I wish i could leave, move on and be the man im supposed to be but my heart is tied to yours in a gordian knot. There is a part of my soul that rests in yours, magnetic. For as long as i love you i cannot be better than i am. But maybe thats something i can learn to live with. Gregory House-- I think you're worth it.
#house md#james wilson#gregory house#hilson#johan being crazy about yaoi md#johan's mindpalace#Im crazy#like im tearing up#this scene is so romantic it genuinely makes me nauseous#the lowlight setting the lingering stares the soft little smile a dam thats finally broken#I need a 12 gauge bullet in the thigh#Please watch this scene screencaps do not do it near enough justice#do you know whats so genuinely actually sickening#its been months since i finished house md#and i have not watched a single show that has managed to fill even a quarter of the gaping bleeding hilson shaped hole in my heart#shows that have actual gay people actual representation and not a single one has managed to alter my brain chemistry the way hilson has#since day 1 episode 1#Like its actually nauseating a little its so over for me for the rest of my life#Like im actually never recovering#people say “they dont make xyz like they used to haha” But Guys they Genuinely dont#Im going through withdrawls#I need my yaoi cocaine so bad but my plug died 12 years ago and i cant fucking Move#House md capital of fatphobia homophobia transphobia early 2000s edgy humour outshining modern shows with actual rep like im sick#Its not even because i want to like i feel like there are worms in my brain. I feel like ratatoullie if the rat was evil#This is not what the stonewall riots were for#I feel like so nausous why couldnt i be crazy about an actual gay pairing like a normal gay person. Im gonna throwup#Why couldnt i like music and girls#Its not even that house md is objectively logically better than these shows like no. Im just crazy#Im so sick they make me so sick i feel like there are worms in my head. My head#Dont know when i will ever be onorlmal again. Sorr
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whumpy-wyrms · 7 months
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hope u like it @catnykit it was a very fun request! thank u
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arcticpuppeteer · 2 months
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Becoming a local in the UK: obediently queueing for over an hour to grab this one.
Love you too, Miles, our beam of sunshine 🤗
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