#and mtmte is likely the most inevitable
And then we loop back to a favorite question of mine: was the great Cybertronian war inevitable? And if so, in how many universes is it?
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Hillowhillow may I make a request? How about relationship headcanons for MTMTE Megatron with a s/o who is taller than him? Many thanks and take your time!
((As a Tall Girl™ this speaks to me.))
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Being Megatron's EVEN TALLER sparkmate would include...
- To say you intimidate people when they first meet you would be an understatement - after all, not only are you usually looking down at them, but your significant other is one of the most infamous (former) warlords to ever walk the face of Cybertron. Surely, you must also be tough as nails, right?
- You're actually a pretty nice, chill person once someone gets to know you - Megatron admires that about you. You don't let people's quick judgements stop you from being kind, something he is working on within himself. Your personable demeanor balances him.
- This inevitably means you end up being more liked than Megatron aboard the Lost Light... but the first time someone makes a comment about how such a jerk could have such a nice sparkmate, everyone present sees that you are just as capable as Megatron of putting your foot down and speaking your mind, regardless of what others think. If some bot isn't willing to let Megatron have his second chance, you two are not going to get along, period.
- But what ends up surprising people more than how soft YOU are is how soft Megatron can be around you. Primus, it's almost creepy how much his gaze softens when he looks at you. Who is this bot and what did you do to Megs?
- And that's just the public sappiness - half of the Lost Light would probably short circuit if they knew just how often you found love poems you found left on a datapad in your habsuite. 
- (Magnus apparently knows about this, because someone had to beta read the things, but of course he never lets it slip.)
- Megatron writes about you like the softest, most delicate thing.... even though you might be able to judo throw him over your shoulder at all. A few of the poems hint that probably into into that actually.
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singingcicadas · 3 months
The main thing I have against Spotlight: Hot Rod is that it portrays him as being constantly weighed down by past losses and guilt, to the extent that he even limits himself for fear of facing the potential negative consequences that his misjudgement might inflict onto others - the "prefer to go solo" line - when it contradicts the very essence of his character as established in MTMTE and the main comics (even Autocracy), which specifically presents him as the type of person who is unburdened by the past and for the most part consciously remains unaffected by the consequences of his actions. It's why he has a perpetual Peter Pan thing going on, because he moves on from one day to the next, one crisis to the next, for four million years without letting the experiences change him - which includes the experiences of deaths and sufferings of both himself and others - and maturity and growth cannot be achieved without change.
His impulsiveness and headstrong obstinacy is in part a compensation mechanism for insecurity and subconscious self-doubt but is also an intrinstic aspect of who he is, someone who plows onward while refusing to look back. He can feel sorry but he does not do regret, much less mire himself in it like his spotlight appears to suggest. As a matter of fact he doesn't mire himself in anything at all - be it politics, responsibility, or guilt. He doesn't regret Nyon, nor Ironhide, nor Optimus' resignation, nor leaving Cybertron, nor trusting Megatron. Not even the Overlord incident, since although he does feel bad for his poor decision getting a bunch of people killed, in the end the biggest issue that he has with it is the 89/101 voting result (which isn't even solely about Overlord).
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It's obvious that he wants - expects - to stay as captain in spite of everything and having the vote cut so close got him hard because it's a blow to his ego. He practically admits to this when Optimus calles him out, which again is in direct contradiction to his spotlight monologue.
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If he's willing to apply this kind of introspection for a failed mission that can’t even be attributed to his fault, then a lot of his later screwups would never have happened.
Choosing to return the Matrix to Optimus is supposed to be a landmark incident of Rodimus' character growth, yet he regresses right back in MTMTE, in which he develops a recursive pattern of messing up, trying to do better by making amends, then returning to his old ways because he can't fully commit. There's no fundamental change going on. I would argue that the true pivotal moment of change to his character took place during his talk with the guiding hand in Mederi, when he first learns to look past himself to accept what's best for other people, how his decisions might affect them etc. - even if it clashes with his own desires.
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And then he chooses to save Getaway, and the speech that gave everyone the confidence to open their matrices. There's change and growth and maturity, he learns to fully empathize and appreciate the people around him. But with this growth comes a double-edged sword: by opening himself to connect with other people he leaves himself open to be affected as well - he is irrevocably changed by his experiences aboard the Lost Light, by the people around him he's grown to care about, so that when the Lost Light lands for its inevitable end and everyone departs to pursue their own lives, he alone remains mired in place, with nothing but the past to cling to. After a lifetime of moving on and brushing horrors off without lasting issue he's suddenly unable to move on. The remainder of his life becomes defined by the weight of memories and loss (and the empty comfort of a parallel universe of which its existence he'll never know).
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lord-squiggletits · 8 months
On my Pharma apologism bullshit again
So like, I've made posts in the past about how Pharma's trauma at the hands of Tarn/the DJD and his refusal to call for help makes sense given what we later learned about Tarn/the DJD's capabilities for isolating and brutally murdering targets. Basically, I said that it makes sense that Pharma is largely treated as a villain by the narrative because the present-day of the story takes place entirely during Pharma's madness/villain arc and that's the only function he has in the story: as a super tertiary villain that's not meant to be Super Deep. Since a lot of Pharma's character is stuff that you can only infer via retroactive lore scattered throughout future series, and the narrative never brings it up so you have to put the lore together yourself, it makes sense that Pharma's first/present-day characterization as a "mad doctor" is how he's primarily remembered.
But honestly, I still have to call bullshit on Ratchet immediately assuming Pharma was evil and working for the DJD. You don't have to sympathize/apologize for Pharma based on later lore that only we as the reader are subject to; you can find signs of it literally throughout MTMTE 5-6, the same issues that introduce Pharma and treat him as if he's simply a mad doctor/evil Autobot.
We establish that the facility of Delphi is on "the edges of DJD territory"
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As characters introduce more details about the DJD, we find out a lot of "fun" facts about them:
They specialize in "extreme punishment" aka torture, as wee see a mech who looks like they've been completely stripped of armor and literally has their guts hanging out
They punish Decepticons who defect or turn traitor
Just witnessing the aftermath of what they do is enough to traumatize people (the Swerve line is played as a joke of how he was upset he couldn't talk, but the root cause of him not being able to talk was being traumatized by seeing the DJD's work)
Multiple Decepticons, including Drift who just earlier in MTMTE 5, tried to play off his fear of the DJD, say that they would rather be killed or euthanized than face the DJD
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And, most importantly in regards to Pharma... the DJD were literally going to kill everyone at Delphi and destroy the whole facility if Pharma didn't comply with Tarn's demands.
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And also: Delphi is harboring an ex-Decepticon who defected to the Autobots, aka one of the very people who the DJD are employed to track down and kill in the most gruesome of ways.
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So in other words, not only would the DJD have wanted to kill everyone at Delphi simply for being Autobots, it also stands to reason that they would have inevitably come to Delphi at some point in time because they would've come for Ambulon and, presumably, Pharma's deal with Tarn was the only thing keeping Ambulon safe (as we can extrapolate since his t-cog deal was keeping everyone at Delphi safe).
Though of course, the characters in the story (I'll focus on Ratchet for now) aren't privy to all of this. But I still find it rather callous of Ratchet to react the way he does
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Considering that before this conversation, he already knew the points mentioned above (including having the personal experience of Decepticons/Drift telling him they'd rather die than meet the DJD)
And what rubs salt in the wound is that later on Ratchet acknowledges that
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For most of his life, Pharma was a fantastic doctor.
Later on in certain flashbacks we also find out that Pharma and Ratchet worked together at the DMF before the war even started and continued to work with each other throughout the war (such as when they saw all the dead Wreckers cadets), dating their friendship as having lasted at least 4 million years long. So basically, Ratchet has an intimate knowledge of Pharma from them being friends virtually their entire lives.
Then Ratchet sees Pharma go from "a fantastic doctor" to a raving lunatic killing his patients and just....... doesn't notice anything amiss with this? The ONE PERSON IN THE UNIVERSE who was closer to Pharma than anyone else just didn't question this sudden, radical change in Pharma's demeanor? Even after knowing about the DJD being on Messatine? Even after being personally told that people would rather die than face the DJD? And Ratchet's first reaction to the whole situation is to say angrily to Pharma "You harvested organs on behalf of the DJD?!" as if it was some sort of choice Pharma did willingly.
It's not so much Ratchet being mad about Pharma killing people that gets to me, it's the aspect of how Ratchet was Pharma's best friend for 4+ million years, used to be inseparable from him at one point, and should therefore have known Pharma well enough to understand when he was acting out of character, both in regards to betraying his medical ethics and in regards to behaving erratically and acting stark raving mad.
Like really, this is just a personal thing, but as someone who HAS a best friend that I've been friends with for almost half my life at this point (and soon we'll have been friends for longer time than we didn't know each other), I can't fathom treating her the way Ratchet treated Pharma here. Anger and a feeling of betrayal, sure, but assuming the absolute worst of Pharma and not giving a single lick of care towards the circumstances all pointing flaming arrows to a sign that says "PHARMA WENT INSANE FROM BEING BLACKMAILED BY THE DJD"? That's just low, man.
TLDR: I thought that the sympathetic Pharma lore wrt his fear of/paranoia about the DJD was only established retrospectively, but it turns out the signs of Pharma being forced/driven mad by the DJD were there literally from the start of the Delphi arc and Ratchet just didn't give a shit about it I guess.
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popculturebuffet · 6 months
Transformers More Than Meets The Eye Retrospective Season 1 Finale: Remain in Light (Patreon Review for Brotoman.exe)
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Hello all you happy Autobots. It's been over a year, two spotlight issues, a two issue prequel, an annual and as of this review, 22 issues but we've done it we've reached the end of more than meets the eye season 1.
It's been a long project but one of my faviorites, one I always wanted to do but simply didn't have the time on my own and was more than happy when Brotoman commissioned these. I owe him a world of gratitude for his support and patience. Without him I woudln't of been able to talk about gay disfunctional robots every month and for that, i'm eternally grateful. This is one of my faviorite comics and re-reading it slowly and intently has only solidified that.
So a few things before we dive into this wonderful story: The first is something I forgot to mention last time that brotoman pointed out, something important I missed in my tired daze: How big a moment Rewind saying "I Love You" To chromedome is.
See before this, the series was coy about the two: It made it damn obvious the two were a couple.. but also used terms like them being "friends" and no one using words like couple, common law husbands or pound pals. The two were just a duo at first and if you were a mite thick headed like yours truly, who at the time I first read the comic didn't look for gay subtext like a bloodhound after a cheeseburger, you'd miss it. It was still obvious, the way they act around each other, their history, the way they fight.. the two are ENTIRELY an old married couple and act it and anyone looking closely could see that. But Roberts knew that those three little words were, to quote an interview with Sequart Orignization, a step up.
All that said, the Chromedome/Rewind relationship stepped up a gear – and moved fully into the open – with issue #16, when Rewind tells Chromedome (not for the first time, but it’s the first time we’ve seen it on the page) that he loves him. I was conscious that this was really nailing certain colors to the mast, and I was ready to make a case for those three words to stay in the script. But both John and Michael Kelly at Hasbro were incredibly supportive and encouraging, and the declaration of love survived the editing process. The reaction to the first Transformers gay couple was amazing – overwhelmingly positive. To be honest, I thought most people would be pretty cool with it, because most people are sensible and decent, but it was still encouraging to see. Hooray for Transformers fans."
I"m happy to hear that the reception was entirely positive and that Hasbro was supportive. I'm sure there are still a few idiots who were again it here and there, but like those who actively deny huntlow happened.. their a few idiots who can't accept objective reality and there's only one way to deal with them
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Moving on to Remain in Light itself, We need to talk about the big shockwave shaped elephant in the room. Dark Cybertron is intended to be the finale for both this and Robots in Disguises' first season, a big epic crossover to shake up both series status quos and onboard us into season 2.
In practice.. it's the big showy finale to Robots in Disguise with the MTMTE cast guest starring. It's still VITAL to MTMTE, I would've simply recapped it like I intend to recap RID if that weren't the case: Nautica and Nightbeat are introduced, joining the crew in season 2, Megatron has his heel realization that leads to him also joining the crew, Cybertron finds out Prowl didn't kill MOST of the lost lighters (RIP Rewind I), and Chromedome powerbombs the motherfucker off a cliff.
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I'll unpack this scene more when we properly get to it but I cannot see Prowl get powerbombed off a cliff while he's somehow SHOCKED this happened despite begging for it. It's Dellliccciooousss.
The fact is while a crossover was inevitable the death fakeout meant both books were completely isolated from each other, and thus their plots.. really don't intersect much. Prowl's actions have consequences and his baiting Chromdome leads to bad shit over in RID, but for the most part the two books are their own stories and their own spheres and by the time they intersect it works well enough... but it's clear they just work better on their own. It's likely why the third addition to this line, Windblade (both volumes) was made to stand on it's own while having an easier time intersecting back with Cybertron as our heroes are one teleport away versus the lost light being deep in space and in it's own character stuff. Windblade, btw is fucking great and I intend to cover it at some point, just not as part of this retrospective. It's it's own beautiful thing.
So while Lost Light was going to get into the Dark Cybertron hype, it needed to cap off it's own story first as it would've been a bit much to try and cram two series with a wide buffet of ongoing plots and plans together. So we get Remain in LIght where a LOT of character arcs are paid off, a few questions are answered, and a few things are set up for both next season and the eventual finale of the series. As usual it's remarkable how much Roberts set up, but here's where it gets to payoff more: last arc paid off the overlord conspiracy and rewind and chromedome's relationship, this one pays off magnus' breakdown, the circle of light and even where we found skids and just what was chasing him. It's a true epic and I can't wait to share it with you under the cut.
Part 1 picks up exactly where we left off: Tailgate is running to tell Cyclonus some "stupid news" while Rodimus, Blaster and Ambulon look over the security footage since Ratchet was busy telling Tailgate he gonna die. And to remind us Ambulon exists before the carnage to come.
For now Blaster's friend Mainframe is able to track the shuttle, so Rodimus is rounding up a crew to go find Magnus, with a determination we've scarely seen and a grimness we really haven't.
Meanwhile it turns out Tailgate's sickness... is cybercois, a condition that slowly kills the trnasformer, taking away their movement , speech and eventually memory.. and given memories of this place are all Tailgate really has he didn't take it well. Cyclonus urges tailgate to face his death with dignity and head on, agreeing to keep it secret and leaving... to mutilate his own face with a large scrap, enraged the one person he has on this ship is about to die and he can't just cut his diseas in half.
Hot Rod leads the crew to a big hole, making it very clear that he dosen't care what they ahve to say their going in... and for once his impusilvness pays off as what he finds is Luna 1, cybertron's missing moon which was mentioned before and I honestly forgot was the setting for this arc but it's a brilliant payoff and a way to have Rodimus have acomplished something big: he found one of the lost moons. Even if the quest has gone nowhere, this is still pretty damn big and he has perceptor confirm it. What's more curious, even if Perciptor dosen't buy it? Luna has a BILLION PEOPLE on board.
So Rodimus assembles his crack team.. and this is the first time we really see what we'll call Team Rodimus come together: While Rodimus has interacted with all these guys before, this is where it becomes clear how much he cares about them as more than just his crew:
First recurit is Rung whose surpised after Rodimus' outburst last time they talked. Naturally that's exactlyw hy: Rodimus flipped out largely because it was something he didn't want to hear... and with magnus gone he NEEDS that opposing opinon.
The rest of the team includes Brainstorm, whose happy to go and is already packed (holds up suitcase), Ratchet as the Medic, Perceptor as the more stable science guy to Brainstorm's mad scientest, and Whirl... who Rodimus flat out admits he just needs to throw a punch. Also going along is Chromedome, who Skids begs to help him: Since LUna 1 is allegedly's a giant treasure trove, Skids wants something to repair his memory. Swerve also wants to go but is harshly turned down by rodimus due to limited capacity, while Cyclonus agrees to go and take Drift's place as spirtual advisor, since he's the most religious person on the ship left, which he agrees to if Tailgate can come.
What I really get from this is while Rodimus is asking most on qulaifications, only being really straight with Rung.. like I said this shows who he really cares about: his team has to be small and he's a dick to swerve.. but it's likely more he knows Swerve might be in danger here and if there were room, skids and swerve would be along. These are who he can count on, who he's leaned on, who he needs without his two main supports on the ship. And this team will only grow as time goes on.
For now Team Rodimus heads to the planet, with Tailgate hoping to find a cure and Cyclonus.. thinking hope is a lie and telling him to never hope. And also he killed his puppy. He made him a puppy and then he stabbed it. A bunch. And then he showed tailgate the pictures.
Anyway our heroes land on the seemingly barren moon only to find...
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IT's a hell of a reveal, and one that will be vastly important down the line... it won't really have any consequences for NOW but just remember this in a few years when we get to the final arc. For now jus tnejoy the sense of wonder on everyone's face: even Ratchet, the crankiest of crank and Tailgate who
We then find out what constructed cold means as Tailgate asks... granted I think I covered this definition back in chapter 1, but as a reminder; cold construction is making a cybertronian via "Spark splicing" using a bit of someone elses to craft a new one. This was in part due to demmand: Cybertron couldn't expand out into the cosmos if it didn't have enough people. Problem is as we've seen like any society Cybertron is quick to prejudice, and thus once Nova Prime who invented the process left, many a city started trying to "prove" constructed cold bots were inferior, something Chromedome is still bitter about and rightfully so.
It's about then things go to hell: On the ship commuincation is suddenly blocked between the bridge crew and away team, and Skids hears some clanking. on Luna 1, our heroes are soon swarmed by decepticons as Lockdown arrives
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Okay probably not the right reaction but for those curious who this guy is, Lockdown was one of the handful of original characters from Transformers Animated, my faviorite transformers show and the one that reignited my spark for this fandom. And then this comic did it again, it's a bit cyclical. Point is even if I badly need a refresher on that series, Lockdown was their kraven the hunter, a bounty hunter who hunted down autobots for the decepticons, mostly working for them out of necisity and largely being his own man, so he fits for being a gun for hire for someone else. He sadly dosen't get as much to do here, at least in this season I can't remember if he shows up again, but it's just nice to see something from Animated imported as later installments tend to either make new transformers or stick with the core ones.
On the ship.. things are worse... Skids is confronted by those mysterious robots, who i'll just go ahead and call by their proper names: Legislators... only this time their giant sized and emerging out of the oil pool. What's worse is they soon creep up on EVERY deck of the ship, all shouting the same thing: 1984. Oh and in case you thought things couldn't get any worse as Team Rodimus flees... Ratchet is shot down and isolated....
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We pick up from the siege in issue 2: the ship's overrun, our heroes are outgunned and only Swerve is able to land a solid hit as only one came to Swerves
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... admitely I just wanted to show off the my first blaster. (Clears throat)
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Meanwhile Skids continues his fight and easily wins using his super learning, able to predict his new foes attack easily and counter it.. the problem is while it's a great skill when your fighting a few of Legislators.. it's not so great when your fighting NINE of them and they'll likely keep coming.
So back on Luna 1.. it isn't much better. Whirl and Cyclonus get seperated from the group, and Rodimus, while finding out Ratchet got taken down from tailgate.. simply can't go back for him.
Rodimus then procedes to do some dope as hell sacrlige as he plunges into a titans corpse to give him more room to evade their captors. Sadly while his moves are dope as fuck and Lockdown is sure to give them the slow clap they deserve.. he's already gotten everyone else. After taking a second to tell pharma everyone else hates him, a worthy use of his time. What a legend.
So our heroes end up in a jail cell where, for the past two issues, Rodimus has been recapping these events to Minimus, his cellmate.. who looks an awful lot like someone a certain dead bot was looking for.. hmmm. Questions for later.
For now Rodimus admits they weren't just dumped in a cell first, as Rodimus correctly figures Lockdowns taking them to his boss: a long lost moon as a base, teleport tech.. all of this screams big bad.. and Lockdown is at the end of the day a guy just doing his job. Pharma mentioning a collective "lord and master earlier" already told us this, but it's a nice character bit, shows that beneath his reckleness Rodimus is far smarter than he appears and far more capable than most give him credit for. He's an idiot, sure, but he's one with great skill and intiution.
And sure enough there is a big bad behind all this.. and of all people it's..
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I was as shocked as rodimus but it's a clever rug pull: We've seen Chief Tyrest brought up a lot, his accords are what Ultra Magnus is duly appointed enforcer of and back in Last Stand of the Wreckers, he's the one who oversaw the Aquetius trials. So seeing him show up is a suprise... but seeing him be BEHIND all this is a nice swerve. He also makes a perfect contrast to our crew: the embodiment of order and rigidity veruss our far looser, far more human crew. Metaphorically I mean thir still giant robots.
Tyrest is being an obstinante dick, proving he really is Magnus' boss, charging our heroes with crimes against creation. We find out our ambus ISN'T dominus, but his brother minimus, an allged energon trader who hasn't tried to escape because he's waiting for his day in court, a BIGGGGG honking neon sign of a clue at who this guy is. But more on that later, for now Tailgate has a bit of a breakdown, with no one knowing why since he didn't tell anyone present he's dying and could be trapped here for what days remain.
Meanwhile Ratchet.. is not doing any better, with Pharma torturning him, showing off his new shapeshifting hands which can become TWO chainsaws. That double groovey. He's no less stable than last time, but now he dosen't need to PRETEND to be and is honestly an even better villian on return: he has a joker style quality to him as he fiddles with his double groovy hands and plays with ratchet making him ask what's in THE BOX
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Turns out 9 robots vs skids does just mean send more legislators and we get a nice speech from the guy, with him pointing out how the Lost Light took him in, cared for him and welcomed him no questions asked.. and
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Unfortunately while Skid is totally badass.. he's also wiped.. and thus dosen't see this coming
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We'll get into who this fine bastard is later, for now he knocks out Swerve too.
Back in Prison, Tailgate asks about tyrest, noting Nova Prime had a chief science offer of the same name.. the same guy. We get Tyrest's backstory: He was a nobody until the war when, with Dai Atlas' help , they helped 10,000 neutrals off world. Tyrest returned to TRY and broker peace, simply two city states, one for each side, but naturally since one of those sides was Megatron that never went anywhere. It instead lead to the Tyrest Accords, a series of rules of engagment the biggest being not exporting cybertronian weaponry. It's thanks to him the universe isn't a smoldering crater and thanks to Optimus he's chief justice.
As for what he's doing here... no one has a clue. He was last seen during the Aquetius trials, which Rodimus helpfully recaps: trials using a judging machine that 100% predicts guilt, and hasn't been seen since the trials. They also pass around energon sticks, something equivlent to either gum or cigarettes or autobot slim jims
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Rung offers Minimus to snap into one.. then delberately spills it and spills it more, causing him to HAVE to get them off the ground and organized... and proving what Rung's figured all along:
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Yup, while Ultra Magnus was indeed Ultra Magnus... he was also Minimus Ambus. It's complicated and naturally Hot Rod's a bit confused, so Magnus backs it up slightly: he war bought into luna one and reparied... then smacked in the face by tyrest.
Tyrest decides just bitchslapping Magnus PHYSICALLY isn't enougH: having read his logs and found his actions disgraceful, both the micromanagment and the various fraternizations, he disables the armor and left ambus as he was.
As for why Magnus was a fancy suit of armor, turns out Ultra Magnus is a legacy of brave autobots, all one percenters.. but smaller rewind sized ones, Loadbearers. So while their not super tanks from the start.. it means they can be heavily modified and thus wear the Magnus Armor. The Magnus Armor was forged after the original Magnus, a real brave bot, died: Tyrest saw what fear and awe he imposed and realized he could exploit that and thus created an "immortal lawman". If this is sounding very sinestro to you and making you nervous, that's the idea. As for why small transformers it's simply that most cybertronians can't get fancy armored add ons" too much and they freeze up. A loadbearer has plenty.
So our magnus, Minimus was the latest.. and seemingly last. He also has ten days left.. but it turns out Pharma wasn't lying: Tyrests doctors can work miracle.
Back in the flashback, we get a recontexulization of Magnus character from Tyrest, who isn't exactly reliable , hence why I didn't think too heaviyl about his words before.. but in hindsight.. they make perfect sense and the interview I mentioned backs it up: Magnus.. had a nervous breakdown.
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For most of the lost lighters the war ending is a fresh start: the war is over.. but for the bulk of them the war wasn't something they fit into. They were fighting because they had no real choice or had been for too long. And in the case of some like Chromedome the war simply took one terrible thing they were forced into and swapped it for another. The war ending means a chance ot start over and do anything else.
Magnus... fit perfectly. He was a stickler for order, a natural talented combatant, and while he was the latest to wear this armor, he more than earned it. The war was chaotic and horrible, but it also had rules, a clear bad guy (even if this book shows there's still plenty shades of grey in the autobots), and a clear end goal. Life.. dosen't have those. LIfe is just doing your best and hoping today is good. It's not perfect, it's often messy, but it's just how it is. Magnus didn't really have to worry about small talk or what he does with the rest of his life.
It also explains why he took the lost light: it was seemingly close to what he'd been doing: going through space, righting wrongs, etc, all. Cybertron would've had more order.. but it was also filled with thousands of bots who resented him for everything he'd had to do over the war, and a new world he understood even less. It was the lesser of two evils, so he overcompesated by becoming anal retintive in the extreme. He's a soldier who simply couldn't cope with the war being over, a tale sadly as old as the nasty institution itself and didn't get himself the help he needed.
Magnus replacement.. was Star Saber, that guy we saw make Skids into a kebab. Magnus was mostly talking to them though.. because he was curious. He asked to be put in there as.. nothing is adding up: the decepticons, the titan, and now this "crimes against creation" charge that wasn't in the laws before. magnus, still being a tad naive even after all of this, goes to talk to tyrest.
While he does, WHirl and Cyclonus have escaped having killed a bunch of decipticons themselves and after their done getting to the numbers, see a cell block above... identified as such because it's directly over a giant smelting pool, as whirl puts it "a prison you can dunk" Whirl of all people is the logical one here: They need a ton of weapons to go rescue the others, and he can sniff an armory. Somehow. Honestly I'd question it but if anyone could find weapons through sheer force of will it's whirl.
Back with the head tha twouldn't die, Ratchet assumes this is about revenge.. and it is, Pharma wanted to hunt ratchet down, but his main goal
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Thing is Pharma's a mite bit paranoid and hasn't removed them because their hard locked, and he assumes rigged to explode. Ratchet uses this to his advantage: he calls Pharma a coward, stating that he really didn't do it because he's scared he can't and essentially challenges him to a surgery duel: first to fix it win. Honestly Chicago Med and Grey's Anatomy could use WAY more of those. I'd watch every episode twice if it was a death sport race to see who can surgery faster. Get it on it Dick Wolf and Shondra Rhymes!
So back with the bicker twins, Cyclonus and Whirl argue, with Cyclonus pointing out byu this point.. Whirl could've had his own hands back and his face if he wanted, with Whirl genuinely worried if he stops being angry, he wouldn't be him anymore. Cyclonus gets stabbed from behind for our THIRD stabbing this story and our FOURTH in the last few issues, but it's not fatal, Whirl saves him.. and our dynamic duo find the prisoners: not our heroes, who are as it turns out somewhere else.. but the circle of light. It's why they have so many swords avaliable.
Back with Ratchet he made a bit of a tactical error.. while his gambit was clever.. he forgot that Pharma is basically the joker now and thus had ambulon and first aid brought here as swerve and skids were to Team Rodimus cell: their going to be the guinea pigs and despite ratchet's begging, he can't get the contest called off. This is happening. And unfortunately for ambulon instead of across the waist... Pharma decides to go lengthwise.
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Semantics point is ambulon is super fucking dead and purple chainsaw blood is all over. It's a brutal, horrifying death.. and tha'ts really the only reason it works. That Pharma set up this horrifying death game, when he could've just done minor surgery and used one of the Legislators, since they aren't really sapient at this point anyway. Otherwise.. Ambulon is a guy we barely knew who disappeared entirely: Pipes was also mostly absent till his death.. but Pipes felt like an actual character and had enough characteirzation up to his death. Ambulon.. feels like he was kept on just for this chainsaw death since First Aid had more to give. It's not a bad death, I mean... look at that gore, but it's not as weighty especially coming after two big tearjerking ones.
Back at the cells, Swerve fills the rest of the crew in: the legislators have locked down the place, and he tells them about Star Saber, who it turns out in this unvierse is a notorious evangelical nutball who tried to do atheist genocide. So you know the MOST stable person to give a big sword. Star Saber being made into a villian.. was a bit contervseral according to tv tropes. Saber Originally was the optimus prime equilvent for one of the G1 animes, Transformers Victory, having a neat design and big old sword. So making him into a sociopathic religious nut wasn't the best for some. Me I think it's fine: the series already has plenty of heroic autobots and it helps reinforce the idea that being on the autobots .. dosen't make you a good person. Same with Tyrest.
He shows up to drop off a new prisoner.. and it makes Chromedome have a relization: when Skids memory was begging for estape it was asking for getaway... the autobot whose now being loaded into their cells.
Minimus goes to confront Tyrest who couldn't give a shit what Magnus thinks.. but is willing to explain what his grand evil plan is and why he's doing all this supervillian nonsense: guilt. Turns out Tyrest is one of the archetechts of Cold Construction, and instead of using sparks.. it used the matrix. This is a brilliant move and explains why, with cold construction only stopping fo ra bit because it was assumed the matrix was dry when really someone stole it assuming this was blasphemous.
And sadly. Tyrest has started to agree. The Aquetius trials drove him around the bend, with all the guilt and horrible actions of the autobots on trial getting to him.. to the point he started to drill into himself, hence the holes.. including one in his own head. Huh Egon WAS right it would've worked.. as Tyrest saw something beckoning him and thus the space bridge is a portal to cyberutopia itself. But being ... unhinged to say the least, Tyrest has decided he has to atone first... since all the criminals on trial were constructed cold, he assumes their an abomination and plans to use a literal killswitch to kill every last one tommorow. And beofre Minimus can stop this.. he has a legislator squish the poor guy's head.
Onto Part 4. After a reminder of the various gushers of blood abound, we cut to a fight with Whirl, Cyclonus and the Circle of Light. Turns out the circle had been cut down a bit, but is still a massive army, allowing for an epic battle while everything elses going on and the revelation that will come in hand in a bit that Cyclonus, being a true believer, can power their faithswords, which use energy from a spark to do something something something religion. Look I'm being as through as I can, but this is a MASSIVE story arc.
In the Cell Getaway TRIES to have a reunion with Skids, while also introducing his catchphrase bomp.. basically a sort of fistbump he used to annoy skids. At any rate Skids can't remember anything but Getaway can and fills the rest of the cast in on Tyrest's madness, which is a term I try to be careful with as someone with a mental illness myself.. but really appleis to a man whose drilled a thousand holes into himself and is trying to do holy genocide right about now. When Rodimus mentions Ambus not being back yet... Getaway drops the bomb on him baby, he drops the bomb on him... that Ambus LURED them here.
Back with Team Holy Genocide, Tyrest explains how the hell he knows this switch will work to someone who was there for it: He kidnapped Pharma because Pharma is apparently famous for being Forged, so he could prove it wouldn't kill Forged transformers. THe attack on the circle of light? A whole cities worth of test subjects, taking ten thousand down to one thousnad. Speaking of which given the Circle is a mite testy about the genocide, Tyrest decides to handle the situation by.. letting the equally religious genocidal monster he keeps on payroll handle it.
Skids has a bit of a breakdown over his missing memories so not wanting to see his best friend break down further, Swerve asks Gateway to fill him in on what he's missing. Skids and Brainwave were partners in the Dipolmatic Corps... which was really Autobot Special Ops. What good would being spies be if they broadcasted that fact? They had a similar job as the wreckers, impossible missions and such, but while the Wreckers were more Impossible MIssions Force, going in somewhat subtle and always ending loud and dangling themselves off cliffs, the ASO were more the stale beer type of spy: get in, do the mission, maybe surivive.
Their mission this time was to put a mind bullet in Tyrest's head.. not kill him, to Skids relief, as the binary gun, that gun Skids couldn't find when he was introduced, wasn't designed to kill, simply implant a thought, and a very simple one at that: Resign. As for why, while Skids boss didn't know the fulls cope of what tyrest is doing he got the feeling something bad was going down given he was chasing down titans and talking to the decpticons. Sadly .. Skids missed, Tyrest set his horeds on them and while Skids escaped, he followed one last protocol: after all the binary gun had two bullets... and the other was used on him to erase the mission
To no one's suprise, Prowl's the spymaster here and to even less shockity shock, him prodding the already deranged man with a god complex led him to speed up his plans. The good news of all this though is Getaway.. can get the mout. He's an escapeologist, a master escape artist, macguver as a transformer and the only reason he hasn't busted out? He didn't have a fresh set of keys.
While Getaway plans his way out, so does Ratchet, who has an argument iwth first aid: First Aid makes the valid point that Ratchet has a savior complex; he hasn't really retired.. because he dosen't think anyone else can do the job as well as him. Turns out this isn't it: Ratchet didn't let first aid help.. because Ambulon was long dead by chainsaw to the face, and he simply was stalling to weaponize his corpse, a nice little callback to drift doing the same. The two argue over what to do with Pharma, Ratchet not wanting to sink to his level and First Aid wisely feeling Pharma will just come back to haunt them again, if probably not the one to do it since i'ts clearly out of anger his friend we saw maybe once just got chainsawed in half by the guy.
The argument is interupted by Team Rodimus. Turns out the keys... were all the stuff on everyone and using Brainstorms breifcase straps (he had it on him as it's designed that only those who KNOW it's there see it) and Chromedome's fingers to create a dart gun, knock out the guard then have everyone use the sticks on the bars at the same time. THeir out, and Tailgate is hopeful he can find a cure. And what I like, and forgot to mention is HOW Luna 1's a treasure chest: it's not because it was lost. Luna 1.. is just luna 2 with a diffrent name. But since Tyrest took up refrence he also took every bit of treasure the magnuses had built up with him and thus he really CAN work medical miracles. It's juts without Pharma.. they might not be able to.
For now it's time to light up the stage cause it's time for a showdown. With team two guys , a religoius leader an an army it's not great as the legislators won't stop and there's a LOT of them, and Star Saber makes it worse. While Dai Atlas does his best against his polar oppiste.. Saber snidely tells him "Primus hates you and stabs the life out of him"
Team Rodimus don't have it much better.. they arrive, point a gattling gun at Tyrests face.. and tyrest simply activates his staff and the bodies hit the floor. It's a subsonic suggestion they can't move, so powerful they don't even belivie it when he tells them and with that.. he pulls the switch. Brainstorm and Chromedome start to fade.. and they aren't alone...
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It's a brutal sequence ending with the scavengers... and with that tyrest has almost won, and all he has to do.. is step into the light of his portal as it activates.
So as the final chapter opens, Tyrest is about to get his big prize when...
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It's a clever save: Tailgate's condition had been front and center for most of this arc, Ratchet outlined loss of functions.. it's poetry. I also love him jamming his finger in the head hole, it's a detail I did'nt notice till writing this but I love it.
WIth that the rest of the crew can rally.. but Tyrest uses tailgate as a human shield with Tailgate revelaing his condition so Rodimus can shoot.. but Rodimus has grown from the incident with fort max and can't bring himself too... thankfully..
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Before we can process "how the hell is magnus still alive", we cut to the battle outside and we get an awesome fight with Cyclonus and Starsaber, with Cyclonus stabbing the fucker in the eye.. before he gets teleported away. Where? Well.. that's al ong ways off from being answered, but for now he's away from gutting people range so that's good at least. Back with Team Rodimus, Rodders asks what we're all thinking "What the hell". Turns out in a clever, if still somewhat labored twist... Minimus didn't tell them HOW many loads he was carring. This is as far down as he goes, but it still makes a lot of sense. Tyrest not KNOWING this dosen't, but we can handwave it as Tyrest assuming he got the heads and just.. not carring enough about magnus to double check the corpse, a mistage that made him into one.
Our heroes need to scramble to find someway to shut off the killswitch though as Tyrest was still sane enough to not put a shutoff on it. Before they can deal with that properlyt hough, Pharma heads into the portal with First Aid giving chase.. and Pharma saying far more than he needs to, chuckling and grinning about all the autbots at delphi and bursting into laughter about his lengthwise joke... and soon bursting from the head as first aid shoots him.. and then collapses, not able to deal with taking a life for the first time
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It's a powerful moment. Pharma absoltuely deserved to get his head burst... but it's still a life and it dosen't, as first aid clearly hope, make the pain of everyone he's lost go away.
So while this goes on Perciptor has a hail mary: he hooks rodimus up to it, which MIGHT hurt him and will defintely destroy their matrix piece, using it to undo the code. While Rodimus makes a "there goes our map" quip.. it's very clear he has no intention of backing out: personal glory isn't worth the deaths of everyone.
So with Death on the way he decides to clear the air with Magnus, ask if he really betrayed them. Turns out.. yeah he entirely lured them out here, having become disturbed with Rodimus' increasing irresponsiblity. It wasn't a full trap as he had no idea Tyrest was so far gone, he just wanted him to give Rodders a lecture, snap him out of it, tha tsort of thing not you know, nearly kill them all and then try to commit genocide as an encore. It speaks to who Magnus is: he's orderly.. but he's not the zealot his former boss is. He just wants to do the right thing.
And so does rodimus..w hich leads to one hell of a confession
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It's a powerful moment an da wakeup call for rodimus: while he's still carefree after this... it's him realizing he's been way too caviler.. and let his own ego and pride get people killed. And he needs to , instead of hiding from it like he did, face the conseqeucnes of his actions. It's also a nice moment in that instead of seeing his sacrifice as a way out or a glorious way to redeem himself as he might have before the incident... instead Rodimus just hopes he lives long enough to begin the real work.
As he writhes in pain, Tyrest.. turns out not to be dead and says one word: one... which sends all the legislators their way.
In the meantime Skids ends up on Cyberutopia.. yeah... in a big reveal it, or some form of it exists and skids ended up there due to taking the portal: it was blocking anyone who had guilt in them, and Skids.. finally felt free enough to try it.
What he saw there will be important later but for now the plan worked: everyone is saved and Whirl celebrates, deciding to put the past behind him and cyclonus... and after a quick murder fantasy Cyclonus agrees. He has somewhere more important to be.
Back in the control room the legislators swarm and Skids shows up to help.. while something takes Ambulon's corpse through the portal. No time to dwell on that setup now as the legislators need to be stopped..a nd it's tailgate who once again saves the day in a brilliant way too. Remember how Magnus had him memorize the law and just about everything including the dimensions of the kitchen sink? Well when finding out the law computer is right there, this allows tailgate to easily write a new one REPEALLING them all. the legislators freeze, our heroes win the day, and Tyrest vanishes. And sadly while Tailgate won the day.. he passes out.
Thankfully we have a solution: on his deathbed we get a very poginant line from Tailgate, the little bot who simply wanted to be special and important...
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It's a small line.. but one that sums up the comic> life isn't about being a big hero or saving the unvierse, though our heroes certainly did that.. it's abotu living it. It can be hard, messy and often rediculous.. but it's more than worth it.. and with that Cyclonus gives Tailgate the gift of life.. by stabbing him in the chest
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And for once.. IT IS HEALTHY as it was a way to do a spark transfusion, one Whirl of all people brought up. It was risky.. but it was worth it.
So as Rodimus decides to bounce, deciding this big discovery wasn't really wroth it with one crew member dead, first aid traumitzied and brainstorm in his lab, unknown to all having taken the super spark, and the rest of the sparks having gone quiet after the matrix became dust.. he's lost.
Magnus however.. is found. He may not know what his future is.. but he's finally at some sort of peace.. and has a ncie gentle talk with cyclonus
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Remain in Light was one of my faviorite arcs of lost light.. and re-reading it only clinched that view: it's a tense epic that's fast paced but manages to cover a LOT of ground without anything feeling underserved, and the result is stunning. It's a worthy end to season 1.
And it WOULD be where we leave off.. but before dark cybertron we have one issue left, issue 22.
Little Victories is a nice Coda to the season, an issue I skimmed over the first time I read the comic due to the art... not being great. Artist James Raiz takes over from here through dark cybertron and his art style isn't bad, being kind of sketchy and gritty. Not my cup of tea but not bad art. The problem.. is that the art style dosen't fit lost light at all. I mean look at this panel with cyclonus
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It's a good joke, but it looks just so dead serous and grungy. It just dosen't fit what's entirely a slice of life issue, showing a recuritment film Rewind made before his untimely passing.
That said giving the issue a second chance or two i've come around... once your ready for the jarring art shift, you can enjoy the story with plenty of fun documentary gags including Magnus having part of the film removed and getting editiing rights, as well as having Swerves swears censored.
There's two plots here: The first involves everyone being curious what Rungs alt mode is, with Swerve having a bet as to who can get him to show it first, leading to a really great, really stupid joke
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I love this comic for it's deep characters, engaging plot and world building.. but I also love that a large part of the comic is just roberts letting these robots act like jackasses. It makes them so damn relatable. I mean someone had to try this.
The other is Thunderclash, what a guy. Thunderclash is a legendary hero and the king of the parody sues, a guy so noble and kind that even optimus looks up to him, a hero unparalleled. He's this series Ace Rimmer, and intentionally too as Roberts is a big red dwarf fan, something that isn't a huge suprise but is welcome.
For those not familiar with Ace, he's the alternate counterpart of Red Dwarf's Arnold Rimmer, an uptight attempted ladder climber who usually fails due to his own incomptience and ego, while Ace is everything Arnold WISHES he could be: Smart, handsome, good with a joke, beloved.
So naturually someone like Rodimus, full of ego and self importance himself, needed someone just simply better than him doing the same job who everyone on his crew unabashadely loves. Thunderclash is just.. that nice and I love the ways they bend over backwards to make EVERYONE fall for this guy, from him being one of the few autbots to be nice to cyclonus and earn his genuine respect with his knoweldge, to teaching Perciptor of all people something. It's just great fun and it's just as fun to watch Hot Rod gnash his teeth over someone else getting all the attention.
There's also a third kinda plot as the crew runs into the Ammonites, a group of robots fighting a forever war with some bug aliens that whirl seemingly end sin ten minutes. We don't know how and tha'ts how I sleep at night
All three collide at the end: Thunderclash's ship needs a jump, esspecailly since, while an epic hero of epicness, he's dying: the ship is Thunderclash's life support and being the autobot's own personal jesus, he's naturally using this time to save everyone he can. It's why his crew's behind on their own quest for the knights.
Sadly one of his crew turns out to be an ammonite spy and they turn out to not have been the good guys, thankfully Rung has an idea and turns into a blunt insturment. Or is it an object. point is he's blunt, hard and blunt. As for WHAT he is...
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This will be important going forward, and in hindsight may be one of the most important little bits in this issue. Thunderclash will be too.
We then get the ending which is... eh in my eyes. I like Lost Light's comedy, I point you to just a few paragraphs ago with the stupid alt mode night joke. But this bit.. feels a bit of a stretch: it turns out the film was being screened to the circle of light who ALL, every one of them, boo hiss and complain about them all being fuckups. Besides being more than a little harsh... the film was made by a DEAD AUTOBOT. Rewind DIED before this was made and i'm damn sure they told them that. I like the jokes and I don't mind shots at how little the crews acomplished, it's a decent runner but here.. it just feels mean. Doubly so since the lost light JUST SAVED THEIR ASSES and the ENTIRE UNIVERSE, and not a one of them think tha'ts neat. We get a heartwarming ending showing how much it means but this joke.. just really dosen't work at all. One of Roberts rare misfires but boy is it off target.
That said the issue overall is fun and i'm glad I gave it a second shot. It's good stuff and like seemingly EVERYTHING before the finale itself, it's got a lot of setup.
Next Time: Before we can get to DARK CYBERTRON we have to see what everyone else has been up to
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Thanks for reading
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rawmeknockout · 2 years
Hi! I can ask for MTMTE Megatron and MTMTE Prowl with a human female crush where they are obsessed with her and do everything to have her in their bed, following them in their holoform everywhere and the human has no idea that their holoform are they. Nsfw pleasee Thanks for reading 💓
More of a creepy admirer type. Leaves long poems in your habsuite, gifts on your work desk, somehow finds a reason to stand close to you. Complaining to Ultra Magnus doesn’t help. The security feed is wiped often, since Rodimus complains that it slows the internal system down to keep video files on memory. He does promise he’ll keep an optic on your habsuite, but that doesn’t deter your admirer’s affections. If anything, he applauds you being so forthright with your feelings. It makes him like you more that you stand up for yourself, as useless as it is being surrounded by people you can’t force to follow your whims. Megatron is, of course, there to comfort you first when you complain about having a creep trying to grab your attention. While he would prefer you take his advances better, he doesn't mind if you take them 'wrong' as long as he can get close to you. As you two get closer, he'll inevitably make moves on you. Much more subtle than his detailed letters. You're looking at spending the rest of your life in space, do you really want to spend it alone? He's certainly charming and has been unattached for so long, Megatron has a lot of love to offer after being available for millions of years. So much of what he does is dashing and romantic, endearing if you forget about his past. Eventually he'll have you so swept up with his heartfelt gestures that you'll forget all about the reason you became so close in the first place. It's okay if he never tells you, after all this is true love and he's done plenty of bad already. If you needed to be scared into his arms, it's justified as long as you end up right where you belong.
He's demanding of your time and attention when he realizes how he feels, and Prowl isn't above scaring away potential suitors if he must. This is just like any other situation and he'll approach it with a carefully thought out plan. Not to win your love, although he would enjoy it all the more if you returned his affection. If he can only get you alone and all to himself, Prowl will take it. That's really the most practical plan, after all love can be finicky and, boy, does he know that. No your love could be changed by one wrong action, but getting you isolated will at least keep you from wandering away from his side. He's more likely to give you extra work that you absolutely need his approval and close monitoring for, preventing you from working next to other mechs or people because it's a rather sensitive issue (at least he says). In fact, now you know too much. You should really travel by his side at all times. He's second-in-command, after all, you'll be totally safe with him. Oh, but don't talk to the mechs meant to guard and assist him. They're just grunts and can't be getting information, even an unintentional slip up, from you. Even after the war, Prowl doesn't really approve of you living on Earth away from him. Like he said, you knew and still potentially know valuable information. About the Autobots, about him, and you would do more good on Cybertron. Decepticons are still wandering about, you know, and they could come after you if you live alone. But by this time Prowl has so enmeshed himself in your life, you don't really want him to leave do you? Even if you aren't technically romantic partners, Prowl doesn't mind. He has you by his side and that's really all his spark was after. It has finally stopped bothering him enough that he can go back to focusing fully on his work, knowing you'll be going home with him. You really have no other choice.
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candychameleon · 8 months
HOOH BOY. CRACKS MY KNUCKLES. OKAY SO, actually i do have a lot of thoughts on this man but i do not feel like i can articulate myself very well especially when it comes to IDW1 (specifically MTMTE) Megatron. smarter people than me have written much better meta posts abt mtmte megs than I could ever hope to LOL. he's so complex and i do not feel smart enough to write any sort of analysis on him that being said my favorite versions of him are a tie between TFA and Earthspark tbh. (lmao me picking the two megs that weren't voiced by frank welker at all like i'm so sorry mr welker i promise its not you 💀) TFA Megatron bc of how charismatic he is and also how buttery smooth his voice is (i...ok listen i know i've been bringing it up a lot but inevitably if i talk about TFA i'm gonna talk about how good the voicework was for it because IT WAS!!! its one of my favorite parts of the continuity) Earthspark because this is like the most Husband Material megatron has EVER been and it makes me insane. but it's also just...such a new, interesting take that we REALLY have not seen outside the comics. i absolutely LOVE this post-war, redeemed Megatron who is TRYING his best. and despite all his efforts he cannot escape the demons of his past and the damage that he did, nor can he just push aside his strong sense of justice (the way he argued for/stuck up for decepticons in multiple times throughout the whole series made me much happier than i can properly put into words). even though all the decepticons more or less see him as a traitor he STILL sees them as his people and still wants what is best for them (even though unfortunately there's not much he...really can do. he himself is already on a tight leash and rocking the boat with GHOST isn't something he can just freely do without consequence). so..will be interesting to see how he moves forward in s2 now that presumably??? GHOST is gone like i will always point out that like...Soundwave called him a "traitor" because he wanted to hit Megatron where it hurt and make him hesitate. And he was right, that worked. being viewed as a traitor by his own is clearly something that deeply bothers him. and like god dont even get me started on the whole thing with Starscream. i really hope that's delved into more because that has SO much potential to be so interesting character development-wise, for BOTH of them
i love Megatron vs the World where every episode we fight a different ex-wife of his hlkjhslfkdhflsd like its another thing that i love to squeeze for all the lore i possibly can but also its just plain funny. the polycule is in shambles and its all his fault
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Thanks for the tag @calamity-aims!
How many works do you have on Ao3?
What's your total Ao3 word count?
388,525! Hoping to hit 400k by the end of the year.
What fandoms do you write for?
Right now? Transformers and a little Marvel (MCU largely). Historically, The Magnus Archives, The Penumbra Podcast, Supernatural, Criminal Minds, and Star Wars!
What are your top five fics by kudos?
In order, "Five Times Echo Cuddles (Or Is Cuddled By) His Teammates," "Lighthopping," "Your Boy," "Subject," and "Porcelain Dolls."
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to respond to a majority of them, yeah! I just think it's polite.
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably "cut me off, I lost my track," a recent IDW Starscream fic
What's the fic you've wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of my fics have happy endings! Recently, though, I added a second chapter to "On Inevitability and the Nature of Living," a Clint Barton fic about being trans
Do you get hate on fics?
I've been vagued about a few times (I think, as is the nature of vagueposting), but not really, no! I've been very lucky so far.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes! Not super often, but it's usually either BDSM or something really emotional.
Do you write crossovers?
No, but I write AUs!
Have you every had a fic stolen?
Yes <3
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, multiple times, and it's the highest compliment I've ever gotten!
Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Yes! I've written a few with @calamity-aims that were super fun, and I'm currently working on an au that's gotten slightly out of hand with the wonderful @suborbitalrailgun
What's your all-time favorite ship?
Much like Cal, who tagged me, I will never be over Stucky
What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I've been poking at a rewrite of MTMTE from Red Alert's point of view, but my brain has been taken over by what me and Rails have on deck so I doubt that'll be finished for a year at least
What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue, definitely. Also poetics, but that's more something I work on outside of fic writing.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Battle/action forever and ever
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I'm not totally sure what this means? But I've done it and I will likely do it again
First fandom you ever wrote for?
On Ao3? Supernatural. Ever? Probably Star Wars, but I don't remember and those notebooks currently reside in another country
Favorite fic you've ever written?
Hmm. I honestly don't know! I want to say Lighthopping, but that's not true. Probably that one SPN longfic I did forever ago.
Tagging @suborbitalrailgun @bigtittymegatron @soundwavereporting
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prime-wars · 2 years
howabout -- drift :^3
for those of u who dont know my nickname in our tf server is stage iv drift liker so im afraid uve just turned the key on pandora's box
favorite thing about them: drift is the kind of person who is constantly kicked down and beaten up by life and just refuses to stop living. and im not just talking about his early life in the dead end im talking about how drift joined the decepticons to help make cybertron a better place for people like him only to eventually realize that the decepticons had entirely abandoned that cause halfway through the war and he'd just missed the memo. and instead of giving up and defecting he stays with the decepticons and throws himself fully into the war to try and end it so that they Can start building that better cybertron that he was promised. and then that doesnt work and he ends up abandoned on theophany and he meets wing and ends up forging a better life for himself and learning to heal from all the shit thats happened to him. and then the decepticons show up and the one person he'd grown close to since megatron ends up dying because of them - because of him, because they'd shown up because of him. and instead of giving into the complete and utter despair of that reality, he goes on thru sheer force of will. he joins the autobots and becomes close to rodimus and they make this plan to just say fuck it to cybertron and go out to live their lives without having to deal with the likes of prowl breathing down their necks. and then he watches rodimus trip and fall into prowl's manipulations anyways, and still sticks with him, and works night and day to keep the crew from finding out, to the point that when the overlord thing inevitably blows up in their faces he takes the fall. and so again he finds himself losing the person he's closest to - both of them, since he's now being torn away from ratchet after finally getting to be around him after 4-something-million years. (oh, and also while he was going around on the lost light he ends up finding out that the rest of new crystal city ended up being destroyed and all its inhabitants have disappeared. just one more piece of his life that he's lost.) and still he forces himself to go on. he makes a living out of bounty hunting, even if it isnt much of one, and finds some kind of purpose to fulfill in saving the lives of those who cant save themselves. and then ratchet comes to get him and he agrees to go back to the lost light with him, and they survive through all the shit the universe tries to throw at them, and make it back to cybertron and makes a home together, and they get to live together and be happy for some indeterminate amount of time, and for once nothing is going wrong and he gets to live the life he set out to create all those years ago.
and then ratchet dies.
least favorite thing about them: idk !!! i really like him a lot. even the parts of him that would annoy me in any other character just endear him to me more.
favorite line: all his lines during the sparkeater arc in mtmte + ALL of his lines in eos are very special to me. i probably couldn't pick a favorite. but i will use this space to remind everyone that "be shoosh" is a real actual thing drift has said in canon.
brOTP: obviously we got the drift + rodimus friendship but i also really like the scraps we get to see of drift's friendship with pipes. if overlord never happened i like to imagine that pipes wouldve slowly integrated drift into the minibot friend group and they wouldve gotten along well together :]
OTP: dratchetrod all the way babey !!!!!!!!!! my all time fav
nOTP: hummmm..... i do enjoy wrift but not in the way most people like to portray them so i guess that counts. wrift while drift is still at crystal city and at an incredibly vulnerable point in his life is just kind of ehhh and feels a bit predatory on wing's end to me. but i love wing-lives-au wrift where they meet up after drift has figured his own shit out and is much more firmly on the route to recovery.
random headcanon: i think drift would listen to machine girl unironically. i think he would absolutely love love love machine girl he would go batshit to machine girl. also i think he would really love to garden, both organic plants and crystals. the act of nurturing new life and watching it grow and flourish because of him would help him a lot to work thru the hangups his time as deadlock wouldve given him.
unpopular opinion: oh god so many. a) the sex worker drift shit is weird and fetishistic as fuck, b) the way people talk about drift's past as an addict in a lot of fanwork is INSANE and really shows how many people view addicts as less-than human, c) direct quote from @sparkxii : "Test for transformers fans describe Drift and if you do an overly detailed description of his legs a car comes down from the ceiling and falls on you a la saw trap style"
song i associate with them: drift is one of the three characters i actually have a character playlist for so i have a bunch, but if i had to choose just one... Jig of Life by Kate Bush <3
favorite picture of them: i have so so so so so many but this one panel of him is really cute 2 me. the little "and they dont change into anything" is SO funny
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dromedawrites · 2 years
🌟 Hello 🌟
This is my blog to write about my silly ideas, headcannons, and stories. Mostly Transformers related, but I may branch off eventually!
My main is Planumdromeda where I most my art. I'm not much of a writer yet. Though I have always wanted to be! So this blog is kind of like my jumpstart.
Things are gonna get gay! I made this blog with the primary objective of creating more 'x queer reader's out there. I'm gay and ftm myself! Very many of my drabbles will be influenced by that.
I'm okay with suggestions, but I'm not going to get to all of them. I'll likely pick what is most intriguing to me. I'm also not super familiar with every tf character, series, etc. And some topics I am not comfortable writing.
Overall, this will be like practice for me! So mistakes are inevitable. I'm also still learning how to navigate this website!
Anyway, here is what I won't write:
Self Harm/Suicide (Characters comforting reader about negative thoughts is okay though.💗)
Anykind of Hateful Material (homophobia, etc)
NSFW (Maybe in the future. Suggestive content is okay.)
Series I'm most familiar with:
MTMTE (favorite)
For now, I feel most comfortable with submissions requesting 1-3 characters when it comes to headcannons.
And only one character when it's a story.
I will only write characters from the series I am most familiar with.
I will deny requests that are too vague or I am not comfortable with.
Specify whether you want headcannons or a small story.
Give me a scenario I can write about, and not so much 'shy reader'. More like,'Reader gets flustered when [insert character] compliments them'.
When submitting requests give me the names of characters and the name of the show/comic they are from.
Apologies if anyone seems out of character!
I am a slow writer. Please be patient!
Criticism is accepted.
🌟Thank You🌟
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Can you do yandere Mtmte Megatron? I would appreciate it!
Indeed I can, I hope you like the direction I took!
As someone who's been through so much and had everyone he cares for taken from him, he's developed some serious protective tendencies that he barely keeps under wraps on most days. When he begins to fall in love with a tiny, defenseless, adorable human those tendencies burst to the surface. His past makes him well aware that the species is small, squishy, and painfully fragile so he immediately begins protecting them from all perceived threats. As a single misstep from another bot could kill them, this includes basically everyone.
He insists on holding his tiny beloved whenever possible, using his reputation and well rehearsed death glares to keep others a safe distance away. The happiness he feels with his human makes him guard the privilege of speaking with them quite jealously, leading to some impressive sulking when others communicate with them. So long as said communication never becomes flirtatious, he allows it, but his guard is never down on that front.
Any being that dares harm his beloved will endure an end so brutal yet swift they won't even have time to comprehend the gravity of their mistake. Should they so much as make an unwanted pass at the small human, they will inevitably apologize once the limbs start breaking. This is to say nothing of his capacity to terrify with his voice alone...
In short, his small organic love will be very, very adequately protected.
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blueikeproductions · 2 years
Well it’s officially official, IDW isn’t doing anymore Transformers after this year.
Over all I can say I liked IDW’s take, but there’s definitely a lot of stuff towards the middle and end I wasn’t a fan of. The various Beast Wars books and the original trilogy Movie books pry remain my favorites in particular, and I’ve generally had a positive experience with MTMTE despite not really enjoying how the final arcs went down. (Though the Functionists using Primus like Unicron was kinda funny in a meta sense).
The true loss, personally, is the Beast Wars ongoing. While Rocky in spots, it’s the first true fresh take that wasn’t a strange inbetweenquel or forced prequel to the original cartoon, it was finally a proper reboot going it’s own direction with a couple of new characters to keep the cast fresh. And it was all the better for it, and its a pity the book will inevitably have to be rushed to finish the story. The one solace I take is the book outsold the main G1 book quite a bit, so it shows theres a strong demand for Beast Wars content that I hope Hasbro will take advantage of.
What this means going forward? Going by Twitter specifically, and admittedly I don’t especially trust Twitter’s opinion on things, a lot of the younger-ish, queer fan base cultivated by MTMTE wants females and gay robots to continue, and basically just wants more MTMTE style stuff in general. (Which makes the whining about wanting no Earth and no humans weird when the Lost Light Autobots we’re pretty much twenty something hipsters who adored earth culture and humans and would’ve thrived on the planet. And that’s not including a story that took place on a holographic version of Earth, so yeah…). Anyway I think the situation is two fold.
I don’t think female robots and gay characters are going to go away (the former is especially silly with the influx of ladies like Strongarm, Scatterspike, Clobber, Shatter, Filch, Glowstrike, RBA Whirl, Shadow Striker, Airachnid, Skold, Nyx and Windblade being the new token Smurfette over Arcee these days). Gay characters could go either way, they’ll be there but it might just be limited to Knock Out and (possibly) Arcee and their romantic interests starting out, along with the possibility of gay human ally leads. The key thing to keep in mind, and I could be wrong, but there’s a slim chance the new book is going to be a MTMTE type thing again. Not right out the gate anyway. As much as some people don’t want to hear this, the new book is likely going to be a “safe” book featuring a conflict on Earth between the Autobots, their human allies and Decepticons. Once enough butts are in seats with the appeal of a traditional conflict, then, if sales are good, they can afford to do something more… exotic?
Again, anyone expecting MTMTE/Cyberverse out the gate are probably going to be disappointed. At most, a G1-y story with smatterings of Prime, Bayformers, Devastation, and maybe even the upcoming Nick show for brand synergy, is far more likely for now.
A splitting of the difference could be an opening arc focuses on a small crew of space fairing Autobots and Decepticons (one led by Bee and the other Shadow Striker) who are following a lead on something (probably the Allspark or some kind of wacky new age relic knowing Hasbro) and after some space adventures and a dogfight, they crash landing on Earth. Both trying to blend in, find the relic and manage to contact Autobot/Decepticon High Command for a rescue/backup and the story goes from there.
It won’t happen specifically like that, that’s just off the top of my head, mind you.
Whatever happens next, hopefully it does well and attracts a lot of people to be able to do more experimental things as it goes on.
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decepti-thots · 3 years
What did you think about the controversial lost light ending, like final thoughts about it
Oh, this is an interesting one!
I have mixed thoughts on it and basically come down as "didn't love it, didn't hate it". There's the obvious element of the end of IDW1 coming with fairly little warning, relatively speaking, for the creatives- something anyone writing serialized fiction has to be prepared for as a worst case scenario but which noone *likes* to get the news about (I would assume!), and it not only having to be wrapped up in a shorter period than originally hoped for but *also* running into issues where it couldn't overlap with or contradict Unicron/the end of the *entire* continuity.
The entire end arc feels really rushed, which is news to nobody, though I will say I don't think *all* the issues with it would be anything close to resolved by just giving an extra twenty issues. Some of the issues are essentially just payoff from stuff way earlier down the line (e.g. Rung never getting an actual arc). But I'd need to do like. A full retrospective to actually break down my thoughts on that re: narrative structure. So for this let's focus on just the END end, i.e. the conclusion in LL #25 and where it all winds up.
Things I really like about it: I like Ratchet's death and the stuff surrounding his funeral. I've said before, but the way that functions not only within the MTMTE/LL series itself but as a capstone to IDW1 as a whole really works for me. It feels right, it feels earned, and it feels final in a way that suits the place this comic has in the overall continuity. I like that in general, in the 'main' universe we see for the majority of the issue, things have shaken out variably for different characters. I like the 'life goes on' sense it manages to convey in a really very small space, how effectively it communicates its idea that this is some nebulous future time and things have continued to happen now both the war and the quest have ended.
Thing I don't really like which tend to get brought up in fandom: I don't think Rodimus' ending finishes off his narrative arc effectively. Not because it's 'too sad' (I am on record as saying I think JRo's initial idea of him dying might fit better), but because it doesn't feel like it makes its point about his overall arc coherently.
Thing I don't really like which I feel most people *do*: I really, really am not fond of the alternate Lost Light thing. I absolutely understand it as a metatextual thing. I get why it's there. I get its purpose. And I think its purpose- to leave deliberate room for the audience- is very sweet, especially in the context of how JRo even came to write MTMTE/LL. But for me, it dilutes basically every theme that the story in the 'main' timeline attempts to hit in the pagetime it has, by suggesting those are not inevitabilities of living your life, but instead are caused by not getting the lucky break that lets you escape them. It works as a *reader*, out of universe, but only, for me, by undercutting the actual storytelling going on prior to its apperance.
Hell, the fact fandom widely calls them 'good' and 'bad' timelines says it all. And there's then the added fact that the 'good' one is the one which mostly works outside the comic and its themes and gets the least pagetime, while the 'bad' one is now both the majority of LL #25's actual story but also like... you have an 'out' to disregard any of the more melancholy or difficult parts of the core story being told. Maybe it's in the execution and there's a way to do this without causing that effect, or maybe it's an inherent problem to the concept; I'm not sure. But the simple fact that so many people in fandom do categorize and view them this way says to me it's not *just* how I'm reading it, even if maybe that's only a *problem* for me, haha.
(And I think that dichotomy in itself gave Roberts leeway to be a little meaner in some places in the 'bad' timeline than he might have otherwise been willing without an 'out' like that, even if unintentionally. Maybe I'm wrong, but it feels possible at least.)
All of this is to say that more than bad or good I think of LL's ending as... messy. It's trying to do a lot of things on a lot of different narrative levels, and I'm not sure all those things are totally compatible with each other. But I enjoy it overall. And I certainly enjoy it enough to think long and hard about my opinions on it three years after it happened, so that has to count for something, huh!
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thankskenpenders · 3 years
just curious about a writing opinion: what makes the pacing of zombot arc work for you while feeling that the new idw transformers is too slow
The difference to me is that the Zombot arc in IDW Sonic has engaging characters for me to get invested in with distinct personalities, and a good mix of humor and heart to go with the action and drama. Yeah, it’s a relatively long arc for Sonic, but seeing how all the characters bounced off of each other as the stakes kept escalating always kept me excited about the next issue. And then the arc had a very definitive grand finale after about 20 issues and we moved onto new things with a different tone
The 18 or 19 issues I read of Ruckley’s Transformers run... didn’t have that. Admittedly the bar was set pretty high for me by MTMTE/Lost Light’s big personalities and constant use of humor along with the drama and action and politics, but Ruckley’s writing style just doesn’t give me anything new to latch onto in place of that. There are some super interesting worldbuilding ideas in there and occasional flashes of interesting character work, but a lot of the characters feel very bland and dour and samey with voices that all blend together. And way, way, WAY too many pages are devoted to repetitive West Wing style walk and talk scenes, which left most issues feeling extremely uneventful. Lots of pages devoted to characters ruminating on how there may or may not be a war on the horizon and saying hey, maybe somebody should do something. It felt very much like he wanted the new series to evoke the rising tension of Game of Thrones season 1 and uh, I just cannot stand Game of Thrones, personally. Not even the good seasons. And the extremely inconsistent art wasn’t doing the series any favors either
Like, for a more specific example of what bugged me: the first five issues were pitched as a murder mystery. Great! Classic story hook! But by the end of issue four I noted that very little actual investigation had taken place and we didn’t have any real suspects. And then finally, at the end of issue five, the end of the initial arc, we get our first suspect... when he murders one of the few characters I had been genuinely invested in. Eventually, in issue 13, we get another suspect who’s a minor character we hadn’t even SEEN yet... and of course they’re eventually confirmed as the culprit
I don’t begrudge people who do enjoy it, though, and I did like the Galaxies stories quite a bit. The main series just isn’t for me, so I’ve bowed out until the inevitable next shift in direction instead of complaining about it online every month
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MTMTE Headcannon Prompt
Sharing a Berth
Part One: Here!
Part Two: You're Here!
Part Three: Here!
Part Four: Here!
Part Five: Here!
·You don't even need to be friends per say for this bot to be completely on board for a sleepover, but regardless of your current relationship status he does an actual double take when you say yes and has to hold back happy tears, only to run off shouting thanks over his shoulder because he has to clean up his room now.
·Being a smaller bot makes things a little bit easier, but he's still got more than enough mass to squish you, so despite how incredibly eager he is caution is still paramount and he shoves down his desire for snuggles to settle for sleeping side by side.
· Of course he's going to be talking from the moment you show up, about anything and everything but especially his favorite topics, though he's more than able to control his volume as you start to get sleepier.
·To your incredible surprise, he can talk quietly enough that his whispering is actually very soothing, to the point it helps you fall asleep at his side.
·He's not offended by you drifting off, quite the opposite, because the mere fact you're here is more than he ever could have hoped for.
·Every time you agree to spend the night absolutely floors him, even if you're beyond friendship and actually dating, because how can he be lucky enough to have someone like you agreeing to be with him when you have every right to go elsewhere?
·On more than one occasion he's woken up at night beside you, a little panicked due to a bad feeling that the inevitable had happened and you'd left, only to be massively but pleasantly shocked to see you still there and peacefully sleeping.
·For just a moment or two he'll let his gaze linger, if only because he can't believe you're real, and he just needs to see you to convince himself he's not alone before he drifts back off.
· When you wake up during one such incident he's mortified nearly to tears, despite how obvious it is he was just looking for a moment, and his babbled slew of apologies and assurances you can leave but please don't hate him is so thick it takes you a minute to break through.
·Upon your reassurance the tears start for real, a mix of happy relief and overwhelmed disbelief, and your gentle touch of comfort to his cheek practically gets him to melt right into your palm.
·After this he's finally ready to ask you for real snuggling, and you more than happily agree so long as you're both careful, but the blanket has to act as an impromptu towel more than once to soak up the happy tears that occasionally follow a tender cuddle of your body against his.
·You'll need to be fairly close for her to want to share a berth and spend the night, mostly because as a medic she's concerned for your tiny human body, but once she's reassured on that front it's time for a sleepover!
·Back when she was in her sorority fun nights to relax from studying were common, so she's got lots of experience with movie nights and the like, though they're more relaxed and ideal for snuggling than partying.
·It's a little hard for her to be convinced you're safe and comfortable; are you sure the temperature is okay and the air breathable, and are you certain there's enough space between the two of you to avoid squishing?
·One of her absolute favorite things but also her most private is that she loves to have her hand held at night, and even if you can only wrap your fingers around a digit or two it still warms her spark, just keep it secret please because she'll never hear the end of it.
·You quickly discover the stereotype of sensitive medic hands is accurate for her, though it's more of a comfort thing in her particular case, feeling your tiny hand gently rub the sensitive seams of her palm...
·The experience eventually draws her to appreciate your unique physiology instead of just worrying about hurting it, especially because you're so soft and warm against her for your increasingly frequent cuddles, which typically end in you sleeping atop her chest in a bundle of blankets for extra comfort.
·Being this close lets you hear her talk in her sleep for the first time, though it's more of an occasional murmur than any kind of coherent sentence, with only a word or two regarding medicine or Caminus coming through.
·You just might catch a few whispers that sound suspiciously like your name, but if you ask her about it come morning, you'll only get a blush and a very quick assurance that she doesn't recall dreaming about you or anything like that because that'd be silly!
·But speaking of morning, you'd better be prepared for some lazy wakeup snuggles, because that brief period where the sun is just up and you're both still not quite ready to get up is when she's absolutely at peak cuddling desire.
·If you're comfortable with it there will be delicate little kisses on your cute face, and if you yawn at any point Primus help her, because human yawns are like kitten yawns for bots.
·Don't think she ever stops being a medic though, especially if the two of you are extremely close, you will be getting your recommended eight hours and be having a healthy breakfast... once she feels like she's had her fill of cuddles.
·He's more interested in having you over to party and watch movies and have a few drinks initially, and you spend the night more out of convenience because you stay up so late, but eventually he comes to like having you there at night regardless of the circumstances.
·The move from a little mattress on his nightstand to his actual berth takes some work, and will require him to get a much larger one, because he LOVES to stretch out and sprawl when he sleeps so you'll need the space to avoid squishing.
·Whether or not you sprawl or curl up into a tight ball, he's absolutely beside himself over how cute you look sleeping, though he keeps it to himself despite wanting to comment on your impossible tinyness.
·When circumstances permit, he's a big fan of lounging with you on his chest, ideally while the two of you watch a movie or just chill and have some snacks.
·He's a very active sleeper on occasion despite claiming he never remembers his dreams, so snuggling is more for when he's awake or just lying down for a quick nap, the latter of which he does often after a hard day of training.
·He actually likes it when you give him pats to help him doze off for quick naps, and will actively admit so if asked by other bots, even going so far as to brag about his tiny berthmate and their delicate hands.
·At night when he's a little more settled though, he starts to enjoy more private and intimate touches, and when he's leaning back one night with you on his chest he confesses he'd had a lot of trouble sleeping before you started staying over.
·He's not embarrassed, but he does admit it feels a little silly, being so comforted and feeling so safe when you're near even though you're so tiny and squishy...
·Gently bumping your foreheads together, you assure him that being small would never stop you from protecting him, and his blush is strong enough for you to feel the heat against your cheeks as his optics flare.
·On occasion, you may actually wake to find his hand gently stroking your back if he feels you need a little extra reassurance, in part to comfort you but also oh my gosh you're so soft how is this even possible?!
·Bots also don't typically use blankets unless they're somewhere cold or sensitive to low temperatures, but you manage to get him hooked, and you know it's due in part to the simple security he feels when the two of you are all nice and bundled together.
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polyhexian · 4 years
[smacks my pizza hands down on the table]
RATCHET is a GOOD BOY and he is NICER to whirl than most and youre GONNA act like it
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here is our VERY FIRST interaction between whirl and ratchet in mtmte. whirl fucking body slams cyclonus so hard he knocks him offline right in front of ratchet and my boy keeps that shit on LOCK he does NOT wig out, his FIRST words to whirl are “Whirl...? You okay? What’s going on?”
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I know “Better at de-escalating than rung” is a low bar but look at him, de-escalating. staying calm. trying to make him calm. 
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RATCHET is the one whos like “okay we have to bring whirl with us hes clearly a danger to himself and others.” prickly grumpy man persona, but hes still concerned not just that whirls hurt but that he is, again, a danger to himself and others, you can’t risk leaving him
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like im pretty sure this is legitimately the meanest thing ratchet ever says about whirl and its pretty small time compared to what other people say, AND hes unconscious and cant hear it in the first place
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“Whirl! Listen! You’re safe! You’re among friends!” 1. ratchet called himself his friend on purpose like he knows who whirl is 2. i know i already shit on rung being bad at de-escalation once but like, seriously. 3. amazing! “you’re safe!” is his go to, its almost like ratchet looks at someone waking up and immediately having a violent fit as probably another patient with ptsd freaking out
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okay its my post so im allowed to side track to shit on rung if i want but like, again, rung is bad at his job, he really should be able to deescalate someone having a night terror without defaulting to what amounts to a threat, like, whirl has a big stupid pincer hes not even choking you dummy youve survived four million years of war and every person youve ever met has ptsd you REALLY should be better at this by now
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like i look at this interaction and i try to think of the way any other character might have phrased this and i do NOT think they would have been as gentle lol
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this is issue 16!!! 16!!! whirl is still an asshole! and yet ratchet thinks of two people when hes facing down inevitable death- i mean, drift also,but drift is two feet away from him, but he thinks of first aid and he thinks of whirl, ive literally just showed you ever other noteable interaction between whirl and ratchet up to this point, theres nothing missing. ratchet doesnt owe him shit, whirl didnt ask him anything, and most importantly, ratchet was not THERE for the fort max situation! he wasnt in the room! either drift told him whirls shtick or he already knew. ratchets the only person at this point who treats empurata as something thats like, serious, swerve makes jokes about whirl not being expressive, fort max calls him damaged, NO one treats empurata as serious or traumatic at this point in the series except for ratchet because of COURSE he would. hes an ex senate doctor. ratchet knows what they did to him and why they would have done it, of course he pities whirl
like i dont need to note ratchet left him his hands when he did eventually die because we all know that already, but like, that wasn’t a new thing for him, it wasnt something he decided to do after whirl finally stopped being an asshole all the time or after his character development, ratchet had him marked down for that since the beginning. and then after the lost light ended its run, decades and decades since he seen whirl ratchet STILL left him his hands
SLAPS my pizza hands on the table Ratchet does NOT hate whirl, he in fact deeply sympathizes with him and is probably nicer to him than anybody else, and even though ratchet finds him just as obnoxious and insufferable as every other person who is subjected to whirls presence does ratchet is STILL gentle and sympathetic toward him because hes a GOOD grandpa
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