#and no can tell me otherwise
patchyy my lovee!! congratulations on the milestone!! this event looks absolutely stunning!!
could i offer you two fics in exchange for a bewitching brew of captivation? sacrilege written by me and as above, so below by vampyrsm!
hope you’re well, beloved!! hugging you very tightly! xx💜💜
Hello Kaida, thank you very much for wanting to join me in my celebrations - your love and support are always so very appreciated 💛
Thank you for your offerings - I am blessed you brought me two - for such fine gifts it would be a sin to not repay you in kind. Now, let me make you a captivating brew, hm? 🔮
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Being with Bakugou has proven, and still proves, to be a very domestic kind of relationship and love. Immediately after going on your first few dates to test the water, and after you finally committed to being with one another, it was like you were married.
He always cooks for you, even if that means meal-prepping days in advance due to his hero work. He never wants you to go hungry, nor does he want you to eat take-out, and he always boasts about how his cooking is better than any other place you can go to. Either way, whether it be eating with him at a normal time, really early/late, or having to reheat a meal, you're always eating a meal made by him.
Saturday's are cleaning days. He'll make you join in too - though he won't push you hard. But, weekends are the only time you both have off, and two sets of hands work better than one; so Bakugou declared when you first moved in together that Saturday would be the day to deep clean the house. He gives you a list, usually pertaining to cleaning the kitchen and bathrooms, while he does the rest. You can usually find him on those mornings on a ladder dusting.
Sunday's are for a day of rest, he'll allow you to keep in bed until the morning is almost through before he scoops you up to go with him to the bathroom to get ready for the day. Expect these days to be even more spoiling that the rest, he does everything for you and pampers you - as that is how he shows his love the most. Expect not to lift a finger those days.
He loves going on walks with you; loves the simplicity of holding your hand as you both casually walk to where you need to go - whether be to the grocery store or some other errand, on your way to your date destination, or simply strolling because fresh air is important - he just finds the whole ordeal so calming that it makes his whole being soften as he remembers why he fell in love with you
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A potion for a potion, I hope this pleases you 🔮
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garnet-xx-rose · 1 year
Yes, I’ve done the work analyzing this relationship’s problematic traits and I’ve come to the educated conclusion that I still want them to fuck
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time-woods · 9 months
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sleeping habits
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Andrew texting Neil:
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formywriyinglalala · 3 months
this genuinely breaks my heart
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dr-chalk · 5 months
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Harbinger of chaos, order-breaker
(Light thoughts underneath)
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Been having thoughts about how the idea of chaos vs order is set up in lmk
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emin-folly · 1 year
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Yeah I'm sorry but I seriously don't buy the whole "Batman can sneak up on Kryptonians and other superpowered aliens/people cause he's ~Batman~" BS
Personally what I think would be much more in character and frankly way funnier is if just about every superhero can see/detect Batman, they all just choose to humor him cause of his fragile ego lmao 
 Low effort comic cause I tired aha
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nalairin · 2 months
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And I’m back in it folks(when I say that I disappear for months)
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ninjautistic · 2 months
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ineffablehubbys · 12 days
Something about this is just so incredibly Crowley coded of him…
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gomzdrawfr · 2 months
yeah im a super big fan of cod, those fishes are reely big!
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happy aprils fools yall
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akiiame-blog · 2 months
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Mario and Daisy doodle because I haven't drawn the chaotic duo in a while
And they have a ton of potential in their dynamic :]
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cemeterything · 6 months
i think the most important thing i've learned from years of working to recover from trauma and break the cycles of abuse i was both a victim and perpetrator of is that i can't change that i was hurt or that i hurt other people in the past, but i can use that to empower myself to learn from those experiences in order to do better in the present and future. obviously it would have been better if none of it had ever happened, but instead of hand-wringing over what-ifs and if-onlys, i accept that it's done and can't be changed, but i still can. i don't have to let myself be defined by my regrets.
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time-woods · 7 months
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its a classic !
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egophiliac · 1 year
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event filler is my favorite, because sometimes it's characters walking around for three hours reciting wikipedia entries about local dishes, and sometimes it's pillow fights and Leona getting mad at everyone for trying to call shotgun.
(also lore dumps)
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bupperscotch · 2 months
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Graduation, 1986.
My piece for the Wingman collection of the @topgunzine
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