#and obviously dragons aren’t real
kingkatsuki · 1 year
Imagine you’re an archeologist in the future going through these ancient civilisations and trying to discover the history of Pro-Heroes who fought AFO and saved the world centuries ago. Paving the way for new generations and civilisations to continue on, and build over the megaliths and ruins of the old city of Musutafu.
Most people think it’s just stories that people share with their kids about how Pro-Hero Deku and Dynamight saved the world and became the worlds greatest heroes, a fun myth that weaves into the real history. But you believe it to be true, and that’s why you’re currently excavating in some of the forgotten ruins of Musutafu.
But what you don’t expect is to find the marked grave of the once powerful hero Dynamight, who was nothing more than a story until you were in front of his epitaph. And as you read the inscription seared into the wall, you definitely don’t expect him to wake up—
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thebastardofgold · 2 years
I can excuse Targaryen incest but I draw the line at Hargreeves not even actual incest
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sootsz · 1 year
qsmp has accidentally stumbled into a psychology experiment that would make the stanford prison experiment sob in fear. they’ve gotten a bunch of cc’s, and tens of thousands of viewers, to be deeply emotionally connected to pixel eggs. in doing so they’ve presented a problem:
how the fuck do you get outta this
the eggs were obviously never intended to be permanent (logging on every day to do tasks isn’t feasible to upkeep forever) and they were even given a vague limit of When Mama Dragon Comes Back (and then, of course, the “6 days til they die” thing). now you’ve made it so quackity (and his team) have a big ol dilemma, where two things are true: 1) they can’t keep the eggs forever since it’s not sustainable 2) you can’t take away the eggs without, oopsies, emotionally damaging your friends that you invited to have fun on your server.
turns out, when you give a group of humans all their own fully-realized individual who presents as a (weak, vulnerable) child that is in need of care from them, whatever instinct has kept us alive for generations goes “!!!!!” which is both really cool and compassionate, but also kinda concerning!
because, well: not sustainable! and if the eggs aren’t sustainable, what’s the alternative? killing them?? no! just look at jaiden’s reaction to bobby “losing” a life, even when it wasn’t his last one. or bad’s genuinely heart wrenching reaction to dapper losing a life. or how quiet and angry phil got after chayanne and tallulah had a “nightmare,” before it was resolved. that’s not acting. that’s real. what the hell will they do if the eggs actually die? from what i see, the cc’s are taking the “6 days til death” thing as something that’s avoidable. a threat that can be overcome. and for their sake, i hope it is.
ever played a dnd game where you actually feel insulted bc of smth someone’s pc did? yeah. that x20 because there’s SO much overlap between “streamer persona” and “literally just who they are”. and this level of roleplay character bleeding is cool, but i hope the eggs are handled carefully, or all those involved might end up actually hurt.
there’s also the whole added element of fans, many of whom only tune into the streams for egg content. the plot is very egg-centric. the roleplaying and characterization that the cc’s are doing is all centered around the eggs in one way or another. it’s been going on for a month, but it does not feel at all resolved, and plot-wise it would completely mess up so many plot threads happening if the eggs were all to go (charlie’s unresolved deal with lil j, quackity’s goal to bond with tallulah, the trial, etc etc) so if you take away the eggs, you risk messing up the whole vibe they’ve got going on, and facing backlash from fans who are also emotionally compromised by pixel eggs
we inherently want to protect the cute and vulnerable, and by god are these eggs cute and so very fragile. (then, there’s another layer of people’s own issues that they project onto the eggs. be it desire for paternity, some kind of maternal instinct, or, even in the matter of chayanne, using chayanne as a sort of way to cope with loss by making connections between chayanne and technoblade. which is beautiful and very sweet but would give chayanne dying some additional emotionally charged elements which i think should be avoided at all costs). there’s a reason that movies and other media generally do not kill named children characters—audiences really hate it. it’s taboo for good reason.
which leads us to
schrodinger’s egg: until sunday, they r both alive and dead. and this is both good and bad. god help us all
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queermania · 1 year
Wait wait wait. Jensen picked the writer who gave Dean a lesbian best friend and made him a nerd to be the show runner for his little fixit fic show? This is amazing!
when you look at robbie's run of episodes (that he wrote specifically, not produced or was the executive story editor on), a very specific version of supernatural and dean starts to emerge and it is insanity-inducing. here's a very brief rundown of the episodes robbie wrote:
slash fiction -swayze always gets a pass -dean singing air supply -"it's like eating self-righteousness' -the creation and introduction of frank devereaux -"applications for sainthood" -dean letting sam go
time after time -"what are you gonna look up more anime or are you strictly into dick now?" -dean being a nerdy little fanboy about eliott ness (and checking out a dude in a uniform but that was probably jacting joices) -dean getting excited about dressing up in period clothing!! -understanding that rufus matters and that family isn't just blood -original sam is milf!bait (and he's into it) truther -actually writing grief in nuanced ways -dean is smart and resourceful actually! -your future is "covered in thick black ooze" (which i know is just a very lucky coincidence but i don't care!)
the girl with the dungeons and dragons tattoo -CHARLIE!!! he gave us charlie. he said "actually what if hardcore fans were cool and fun and GAY and they were dean's new best friend" -charlie/dean/security guard flirting split screen -"she's kinda like the little sister I never wanted." "how does a high-school dropout become one of the brightest minds…" -basically this entire episode is just "be gay, do crime" and i love that for me specifically
bitten -not my favorite episode but as @ilarual says "it's very fun in how it illustrates Robbie's willingness to play with form, since it's all done as found footage" -and as @doctorprofessorsong says it "has the concept of monsters aren’t always bad guys" -and apparently it contains a brokeback reference? my memory of this episode is hovering at around 1% tbh but you get it
larp and the real girl -dressing dean up in little outfits AGAIN -and he likes it!!! -and he likes being a nerd! (dean is getting into it and sam is the one who is unamused mr serious guy!!!!) -and charlie is dean's new best friend! -"belladonna" "the pornstar?" -"did you break up with someone too?" -honestly you already know all of it. this is a fan favorite for a reason. what more can i say about this episode??
goodbye stranger -yes robbie was the first writer to try to give us a destiel love confession -cas practicing killing dean over and over and over and still not being able to do it when it comes down to it -"what broke the connection?" gee i wonder -first episode writing cas and he nailed the sort of unintentional deadpan humor that makes cas so lovable ("would it kill you to watch a movie? read a book?" "a movie, no, but with a book with the proper spells—yeah, it could theoretically kill me.") -"if he's so sketchy then why are you praying to him?" -pizza man reference -"do you really think we can trust megstiel?" (we get both megstiel and jealous!dean) -dean quoting lord of the rings (because he's a nerd! and he reads!) -meg roasting the shit out of sam for the amelia stuff -etc
pac-man fever -charlie reading the carver edlund books -charlie and dean being besties/getting a montage -dean telling charlie that what happened with her parents wasn't her fault/understanding the guilt she feels -"i love you" "i know" -"what about castiel? he seems helpful, and dreamy" -again, putting dean in little outfits -charlie knows how to shoot/aim a gun
slumber party -dorothy!! -oz!!! -look, is this episode cheesy? yes. but it's fun and it's so obviously a love letter to the oz source material and i love that about robbie. he does his research and he commits
first born -cain!!!! -drowley team up!!!!! ("friends. besties, actually." im sorry but drowley means so much to me personally and this is the start of their beautiful bromance) -"this is by far the dumbest idea you've ever had." "yeah, well, it's early" -cas liked pb&js!! jelly, not jam. he found jam unsettling!! -"you have a guinea pig? where?" -"you're a terrible liar?" "that is not true. i once deceived and betrayed both you and your brother." -just. sastiel shenanigans (and hugs!) -"she only asked for one thing." "to stop" -anyway. you get it.
meta fiction -dean and cas phone call smiles!! they LIKE each other -metatron media dump -"what makes a story work? is it the plot, the characters, the text? the subtext? and who gives a story meaning? is the writer? or you?" -i think it's important to note that robbie who wrote gabriel faking his own death -cas noticing something is wrong with dean pretty much instantly and then discovering the mark of cain
fan fiction -i mean. come on. -"although we do explore the nature of destiel in act two." -"you can't spell subtext without s-e-x" -sam being such a younger brother and trolling dean about "destiel" -"BM scene" -dean "you know they're brothers, right?"-ing the w*ncest stuff but just being flustered about the destiel stuff ayyyy -dean casually referencing andrew lloyd webber -"transformative fiction" -"i want you to put as much sub into that text as you possibly can" -dean quoting rent -the samulet is back! -"i have my version, and you have yours." -"he took away our own free will" <- about john!! -THE RETURN OF CHUCK!
there's no place like home -"i forgive you dean" "yeah well i don't" "i know, kinda your move" -"you hurt my friend" -"you lied to me" "you lied to yourself. that's kinda your move." -i mean. robbie just gets it, ya know?
book of the damned -cas being a huge bitch (love that) -sam being the excessively codependent one -cas and charlie get to meet! -found family goodness if only for a little bit!!
angel heart -ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!! -"i got it at the hot topical" (and claire keeping grumpy cat) -no seriously. dean and cas went birthday present shopping together for claire and they did it at a mall -castiel feeling guilt for what he did to the novak family (and amelia recognizing that cas has changed/grown) -"you were both troubled teens. you speak her language." -"bring your daughter to work day" -"i'm saying she might be stronger on her own." which is a controversial line but i think it says something really significant about how dean feels about his childhood "in fact you're not anything to her except a constant reminder of someone that's gone." -mini golf!!!!!! dean and claire bonding!!!! -the introduction of the grigori, a class of angels which may or may not be important at some point -claire roasting the shit out of dean with "you seem pretty old" <3 -"happy birthday. don't shoot me."
baby -do i really need to explain anything about this one? -"okay first of all, never use swayze's name in vain, okay? ever." -"mistakes were made" -dean having a dream about john teaching him to drive but under normal and appropriate circumstances -werepire…. ghoulpyre… -honestly just the whole episde. you know what i'm talking about. the unique perspective. the insight into their day-to-day lives. the moments that live in between.
into the mystic -eileen! my best friend eileen! -dean x mildred otp -remembering sam's lucifer/hell trauma -the whole "follow your heart" speech -"banshees go after the vulnerable, so why'd it go after you?" -dean recognizing there's something off with cas -but really the most important thing here is EILEEN
safe house -bobby and rufus!!!! -i repeat BOBBY AND RUFUS!!!! -"were you ever nice?" "1985. worst year of my life." -robbie just really GETS that this show is more fun when it's not centered entirely on the brothers. -bobby referring to sam and dean as his boys -timey wimey shenanigans -there were some interesting implications in this episode too but i'm losing steam here so i'm gonna let you rewatch and figure it out lol
don't call me shurley -the reveal of chuck as god!!!! -bisexual chuck -dean does sam's laundry (sometimes with beer) -chuck is a shitty egotistical writer -he also plays the guitar and: "i like front row seats. you know, i figured i'd hide out in plain sight." -"i thought if i could show my sister that there was something more than just us, something better than us, then maybe she'd change. maybe she'd stop being… her. but every time I'd build a new world, she'd destroy it." -"the world would still be spinning with demon dean in it but sam couldn't have that though could he?" -"you were gonna choose amara over me."
so. yeah. jensen chose THIS GUY to helm the winchesters. bold move, sir. full respect.
also, this tweet always makes me crack up
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one of us! one of us! one of us!
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subastian-swallows · 1 year
Ominis Gaunt — Head Empty, Thoughts
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This has been requested by the lovely @tinaexe and obviously NEEDED! Like the Sebastian one, I feel like as a fellow BioWare fanatic — romance is my forte, in games! Ominis is a little harder as most will be based on what if’s, as unlike Seb, we don’t fully get a developed relationship with him in the game. (We kind of are friends at the end?) So because of this, we only truly see him expanded through Seb’s quest line.
So, let us begin at the beginning:
If you decide to be in Slytherin, you meet Ominis in the Common Room. I actually really love this interaction! I think it’s a nice way to set him up as a character, but would have loved more dialogue options — a big thing the game failed on. I understand it wasn’t their aim, but more dialogue, more choice, would make relationships develop more and make your own character feel more real. I think the only bad thing about this interaction, is that he is too sweet straight away (HERE ME OUT LOL) Ominis comes off as someone who is very picky with his friends, I would have loved to have him more indifferent here — just for a lovely enemies to lovers type thing. Think Morrigan from DAO but more tame…way more tame lmao. (This is just me, tbh it fits his character that he’s kind. I also like the idea that he’s extra kind because of how he grew up — but easily snaps if upset) If you aren’t meeting him here, it would also be DADA! I like the idea that he would make fun of Sebastian losing here, perfect opportunity for romance points — the curiosity of you beating Sebastian would win points with him for sure. Flirty-ish dialogue could be added here!
Now, I’ll do gifts first this time — mainly because we don’t really spend any time with Ominis lmao, so from here, apart from some quests like the scriptorium etc will be my interpretation! With gifts for Ominis! I like the idea of him being a sweet tooth, so the idea of being able to buy sweets from Honeydukes would have been so neat for this. (This would the small relationship point add on.) for bigger gifts, I like the idea of him being into more refined artefacts! Like interesting things you find on your journeys. Think:
Sculptures/art type stuff: x20 romance points
Flowers: x10 romance points
just for fun lmao — dark magic artefacts: -30x romance points
Unlike Seb, Ominis should be harder to romance! I stand by the idea, that he is hesitant and feels more complicated when it comes to love. Considering his upbringing, bringing down the walls is the first step! This is where more dialogue plays into part, remembering things that are brought up later — a big bonus to romance points!
Now interesting idea, re-meeting Ominis in Hogsmeade! I think with an Ominis romance for it to work alongside the plot — it would be mostly through Sebastian. (Drama for all those that love both — me everyday battling my inner demon of wishing to romance anyone else, but Alistair in DAO!) I like the idea of him interrupting your visit with Sebastian and perhaps helping alongside you and Sebastian with the troll! Would have been really neat to see more action from him. Flirty dialogue could be added, but it would be met with a flustered/confused Ominis.
This is where we linger from the quest line a bit, because well let’s be honest, Sebastian would never let Ominis know he’s taking you to the restricted section. So, this is where I kind of make it up. I think a small quest would work here with Ominis OR simply another one on one conversation. This could be where you learn a little more about him, if you picked the right dialogue OR you could upset him. I think a big part of this game would have benefited with a main character that had more choice. Even in Mass Effect you get two options, sometimes three — same with Dragon Age Inquisition, but the main character still feels more real, simply because of the choices! A quest for Ominis here, could be anything really, maybe he’s in the library and needs help with something or you find him in the DADA tower needing help etc.
Undercroft, baby! Here is the thing, I love the idea of Sebastian still taking you here — but like Sebastian’s one, Ominis should have caught you in the act! I would have loved to have him pissed off and you have to work your way out, but actually getting the chance, rather than him automatically not believing you or giving a shit. This would be the first instance of where romance points matter, if you have enough he apologises and takes it out on Sebastian, if you don’t, he takes it out on the both of you and is grumpy.
Scriptorium. This is the quest. I would feel like this is the major quest to determine whether you are locked into a romance arc with Ominis and I could even agree that this would be where you’d lock in either of the boys! I’d like to think that this quest should have had more chances to side with either boy, depending on who you wanted and what you believed. It needed more banter, comforting dialogue where you could commend Ominis for helping you both and it would have been perfect for flirty dialogue — making him all flushed and shy. This would also be where he starts to see you as something more, if you pick the right dialogue. Perfect opportunity for Ominis to take care of you when Sebastian crucio’s your ass.
Relic moment. OKAY! Here would have been so perfect to show that your romance points mattered. Imagine that depending on how you’ve interacted so far, it would determine if he would trust you or not. He was too trusting at this point, TBH. He knows how Sebastian is, not you and so this felt a little strange to me. So the idea, that at this point your romance points mattered, to determine if you had to curse him would be HUGE. Because if you had to curse him, I’d love to see it be a huge factor that he can’t be end goal. By this point, I think you also have to be completely against dark magic and Sebastian using it. This would be big points for Ominis’ romance.
Conversation about Sebastian it’s Ominis! Worried! You express what is going on, the mine situation etc. This would be where Ominis is more shy and clear with his feelings without actually telling you, if your romance points are high enough. A gift from him? A ROSE?
Solomon quest, rip. Ominis would need you to be fully on his side here. You would need to have the opportunity to support him in this and with dialogue omg I hate it. Still agree with being able to stop Sebastian, having enough romance points with Sebastian, to the point of stopping him before he does anything — would tie into if you could complete Ominis’ romance. I like the idea that they tie in together here and you had to have thought about both throughout. Ominis and Sebastian are practically brothers, so it makes sense.
THE ENDING: You could only get a good ending IF you save Sebastian, I just think it’s very fitting. If you can stop Sebastian, I feel like Ominis can really open up. If you don’t I think he would be toooo heartbroken for a romance. If you succeed, you get the kiss and hug scene and he shows his appreciation for you — thanking you for being there for him RIPP
Bonus: Winter Ball like Sebastian — only agreeing to go with you if romance points are high enough. ALSO, I like the idea of a moment to stick up for him or he sticks up for you. BECAUSE CUTE.
I might have missed stuff and more definitely could be added, but this is the basic romance plot line — that could have worked. We just needed more dialogue, more options and more quests for him!
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mistwhisperexpress · 5 months
I'm not Jewish myself but I do belong to a couple of minority demographics that receive denigration for one reason or another, along with people trying to speak for me.
My only real advice is that there comes a point where it's no longer "defending the oppressed" and more infantilization. There is such a thing as being too sensitive. This is a kid's game, not propaganda meant to encourage hatred. Same as any other demographic, Jewish people can speak on their own behalf. They don't need others' help, they only need a listening ear. To do anything else is risking spoiling the fun for everyone including those you're trying to speak for.
Also "goblin" as far as I've seen is as much an umbrella term as anything else. Jewish people don't hold a cultural copyright on financial greed and hooked noses. (may I direct you to dragons and stereotypical witches respectively) I could probably name a dozen other fairy tale and mythological creatures that have such traits.
Suggesting that SSO's new little green goblin (Grinch? Norman Osborn?) is a caricature of Jewish people makes as much sense as saying the orcs in Tolkien's legendarium represent black people or that the white walkers from ASOIAF represent white people, aka little to no sense once you look past the surface. The comparison of Jewish people and goblins alone could be deemed borderline antisemitic in itself. It's misguided, but forgivable.
Worry more about enjoying the game and less about whether SSO is offending a group who are more than capable of defending themselves in a kid's game. ❤️
Okay I don’t blame you for assuming I’m not Jewish because apparently I haven’t mentioned that here yet even though I (mis)remembered I had, but this still feels really weird to send? Telling someone who’s not part of a minority to not speak for them is absolutely okay, the job of people outside a minority is to raise up their voices, not add their own, so I have no issue with that aspect and I am genuinely sorry that’s been done to you, but why are you, someone who by your own words isn’t Jewish, speaking on if goblins antisemitic or not at all? You are speaking for/over us there, and you would be even if I wasn’t Jewish.
I am Jewish, and obviously while we aren’t a monolith, no group of people is, I personally find this depiction of goblins (green and greedy/thief) antisemitic, and with much of the world going mask off with their antisemitism right now I’m not as open to giving benefits of the doubt as I used to be. I do believe this was a mistake on SSO’s part and not intentional as I said in a reblog, but that doesn’t make it any less harmful or antisemitic.
I have done quite a bit of research into the history of goblins and when they began to be used as an antisemitic caricature (as early as the 1800s thanks to the Goblin Market poem, which is just classic blood libel) because I make dice as a job and I want to enjoy D&D without antisemitism and the whole dice goblin thing, and there is a very large connection. This isn't unfounded.
You’re right in that goblins are a bit of an umbrella term, they are, which is why it’s important to let the antisemitic version of them die. You can have goblins that are just mischievous, not green, big nosed, greedy, sneaky, and untrustworthy. It’s really easy to not have antisemitic goblins, but unfortunately the antisemitic version is a mainstream staple and that doesn’t just go away overnight.
If you apply harmful stereotypes to anything, even if it was completely harmless before, you’re going to get a harmful caricature. That’s what happened to goblins, and that’s what SSO did with the Snow Goblins. They took the popular depiction which is the antisemitic version, and applied it to the game without a thought because it’s been normalized to the point most people don’t even consider it may have less than great origins. Like Rapunzel and Hansel and Gretel. They’re so normal the vast majority of people don’t even realize they were created for antisemitic reasons. Antisemitism is sneakily within a lot of things. You don’t start recognizing it until you become familiar with the tropes and stereotypes.
I’m also going to bet if they’re European in origin, the “dozen other fairy tale and mythological creatures that have such traits” you could name also had that done to them if they weren’t antisemitic to begin with. And since you mentioned them, it’s also what was done to the stereotypical version of witches, which is antisemitic and has a very long history of such going back to accused women who were burned being forced to wear Jewish clothing of the time as further humiliation. It’s also where the classic pointy hat comes from, since a pointy cone hat was what we were forced to wear to signify we were Jewish. Witches actually share a lot with goblins in antisemitic traits and SSO also needs to address Pi hitting all but the green skin.
You clearly know a little about the issue, as you brought up The Nose when I didn't, but you also don't know nearly enough to speak about this at all as evidenced by you not knowing the antisemitic history regarding witches, so please don't. And I never said they were a Jewish caricature, I said they were antisemitic, there's a difference. A Jewish caricature is the happy merchant meme.
What we're also not going to do is the whole 'you're the antisemitic one for seeing Jewish people in goblins' thing. That has and always will be an utterly bullshit dismissive argument. The whole point of this kind of caricature is to normalize the stereotypes so when they're actually applied to people you don't blink an eye, like how very few goyim blinked an eye at Mother Gothel in Tangled. I'm currently sick so I really don't have all the smart brain power to go into that right now and I hope someone else can. It's not antisemitic to notice when antisemitic caricatures have been applied to something. That's a very good thing to notice actually, and I want more goyim to start noticing that.
So it does actually make more sense than someone saying those things (which I don't think I've ever seen someone argue??), which I'll get into under the cut to clear up any confusion about how SSO's Snow Goblins tie into the antisemitic depictions, since a couple people were confused in my initial post.
And I am worrying more about enjoying the game; that's the whole reason I brought this up, because I'd like to enjoy a game that's been with me for more than half my life and means a lot to me, and this is preventing me from fully doing that.
Again, I am genuinely sorry people have spoken over and for you. That is wrong and not at all okay. And I'm sorry if I misread the tone of your ask.
Okay !! Education with Mandy time. This has been a long post but I hope you'll all stick with me for just a little longer.
And real quick before we get into the specifics, I want to mention that Christmas time is one of the times where you want to be especially careful about things like this, given the history present with characters like Scrooge.
So for those who don't know what the Snow Goblin is, this is the creature in question:
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The typical antisemitic goblin is green, greedy, big nosed, and some flavor or sneaky and untrustworthy.
The Snow Goblin quite obviously hits on the green. If this creature looked like a normal capran and was named something like Snow Imp or Mischievous Capran, there would be no issue. Because bastardy little guys stealing things on it's own isn't an antisemitic stereotype. It's when there's multiple things that are the problem, like green skin, or in this case fur, and calling them something with a very large history of antisemitism when combined with those very traits.
The whole schtick of this little guy is they steal your snowflakes if you don't catch them in time, so it also hits on the greedy and untrustworthy tropes. If the Snow Goblin looked like a normal capran but was still called a goblin, there would still be an issue because the antisemitic goblin isn't just green, it's also bastard of greedy kinds, like a thief not out of necessity but of pleasure. "Thief" isn't directly an antisemitic stereotype, but it's very much there as an undercurrent. The "Jewish people are unfairly taking my money!" implication from The Middle Ages when the stereotype began, when money lender was pretty much the only job we were allowed to have.
If the Snow Goblin was called something else but was still green, I wouldn't say its directly antisemitic, but I would side eye it and not feel comfortable. It's kinda like the Grinch, ignoring the fact Dr. Seuss may or may not have been Jewish depending on who you ask because there's conflicting information. It's not directly anything bad, but I'm going to be a little wary of the intention and engage with it extra carefully.
Its about the combination.
I can't tell you exactly when the mainstream antisemitic goblin came together, because I don't know and it's really hard to find information on that, but it's there, and you can't deny that. I don't necessarily blame SSO for contributing to it's perpetuation, because you don't think to look deeper into something when you have no reason to think it's harmful, but I do hope they change it. And hire some Jewish sensitivity readers because this wouldn't have happened with more Jewish people around to catch it, and with witches being a focus of the story now I am admittedly a little nervous about how that'll be handled.
Also, this is all unintentionally made worse by use of the capran model, because it also gets to hit on the whole fun we're in league with the devil thing and the Jewish people have horns thing. I don't know when exactly those started either (drawings of us with "devil features" have been around a long time), but I know the we have horns one was popularized when Michelangelo decided to give his sculpture of Moses horns, because that's what we look like apparently. There are still people who genuinely believe we have horns. I feel robbed. Horns a super cool, I want horns. Where are my horns?
And before someone says it, yes this is a lot of words for something low stakes in a kids game. There are a lot of more important things right now. But that's exactly why it's mattering to me right now. I don't want to be silent about antisemitism while it's on the rise, but I don't know enough about the current aspects of that to speak on it. I do however know a lot about how it applies to fantasy, and I have had about three work in progress essays about the goblin issue to prepare for this.
And also before someone says it, Snow Gremlin isn't exactly an acceptable new name either. It's basically Snow Goblin 2.0. Gremlins aren't goblins (though they have become a bit synonymous and interchangeable), but they were popularized by the massive and proud antisemite Roald Dahl, and I have a hard time believing he didn't put any of those beliefs into them.
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darkonekrisrewrite · 9 months
Toga Himiko’s True Quirk
 (Toga and Quirk Meta) (Long Meta, Permission to use anywhere given)
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Toga Himiko’s Quirk is officially “Transform” but I believe that there’s a deeper twist, a hidden classification of her Quirk that better explains everything about Toga herself.
Toga’s action and the events surrounding her, and what she wants most as part of her Normal.
This change in definition for her would explain everything.
Quirks can be anything in Bnha’s setting but when they do correlate with something, the recognizable parts of their power, the host of the Quirk always has other qualities that pair with that definition.
There’s the Nature and Animal based Quirks:
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Kamui Woods and Bubble Girl are both Heroes with Quirks based off of natural things: Wood and Bubbles.
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The Rabbit Hero Mirko is, obviously, based off of a Rabbit.
But the important thing to note in these cases is the “Favorite Things” Part of their descriptions:
Kamui: Forest Strolls
Bubble Girl: Bathing
Mirko: Carrots
All things that connect with their Quriks.
Another important thing to note is that Quirks aren’t restricted to just “Real Things/Beings”:
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The Hero Ryukyu’s Quirk is based off of a Dragon, a Mythical being, and what is her “Favorite Thing”?
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“Anything Sparkly”
A trait very common among Dragons in fantasy; like Smaug from the Hobbit or Fafnir from the Norse Mythology.  (Not a direct comparison to ‘Wealth/Gold’ but definitely close enough to get the point across.)
Quirks influence the Host’s “Likes/desires”
Not only reflecting their physical appearance but also their internal drives, compelling them to certain things.
Now it could be argued that they only like these things because their Quirks gave them the idea in the first place and nothing more but I don’t think that’s true:
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Hawks and Tsuyu (Hawk and Frog) both exhibit the need to Consume the things related to their Quirks: Chicken and Insects.
A more clear cut to see in Tsuyu’s case, since Insects wouldn’t be normal for her to want to eat as opposed to Chicken with Hawks, but the implications come across clearly:
The Host’s Quirk influencing their Diet.
How does all of this tie back in to Toga and her Quirk?
The Bakeneko
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Even just the appearance is pretty familiar right??
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And the Similarities keep pairing up perfectly from there.
First with the small examples:
They are said to lurk in the mountains when in hiding:
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The league of Villains as a whole hid in the mountain areas during My Villain Academia.
The Bakeneko’s Tails:
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Legends vary on the Bakeneko’s tail, in that with age it can split and become multiple tails, although technically becoming a different, nearly indistinguishable type of Youkai in the process.
But it’s also said that the Bakeneko’s Tail can summon “Ghostly Fireballs” that can Ignite Houses, burning them down.
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Maybe a “Ghostly Fire” summoned through Toga’s “Tale” instead?
Now the much more clear cut Parralels:
They can walk without making a sound: With espionage being one of her most prominent traits, holding her breath and clearing her mind allows Himiko to erase her presence and allegedly vanish from her enemies' view. This ability isn't limited to ambushes, as it can be used in combat as well, disappearing if the opponent averts their attention from her, even for an instant.
Their Wild Nature that remains despite the gentleness they can show:
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Having the Power of Necromancy, upon raising the Dead, will control them:
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And finally, it is believed that a Bakeneko can transform if they drink the Blood of Murder Victims:
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Everything fits, a Mythical Creature (like the Dragon), with its desires matching up to its defined being.
Likes: Bubble Girl - Baths, Kamui Woods - Forests, Ryukyu - Shiny things
Consumes: Hawks - Chicken, Tsuyu - Insects, Mirko - Carrots
Toga Himiko Likes and Consumes – Blood
Which ties in and gives even more weight to the fact that Toga never had a Choice in her existence, because this is what she is, in her desire for Blood being no more normal than any of the other examples listed above.
No person besides her has ever been shown to be unable to attain these “Favorite Things” connected to their Quirk aspects, as they’re all things that would fall under society’s acceptable “Normal”; such as eating Chicken or Carrots or taking Baths.
Or the things could be obtained secretly without any harm caused: Tsuyu likely eating insects in private when no one is around or Ryukyu getting Shiny Things as part of her very Lucrative Career of being a Hero.
The question Bnha may indirectly be asking: what would many years of depriving those “Favorite Things” do to someone’s mental state?
What would they become?
Toga Himiko is the answer.
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geeseandlimes · 4 months
[Honkai: Star Rail] Simulated You
Rating: G Pairing: Caelus/Dan Heng Character(s): Caelus, Dan Heng, March 7th, Herta Warning(s): None Summary:
A bug in the Simulated Universe causes Caelus to leave with a copy of Dan Heng's Imbibitor Lunae form. A very clingy Imbibitor Lunae. The only way to solve the problem is by either letting it run its course or...to fulfill Caelus' desire. Too bad Caelus is pretty sure Dan Heng doesn't like him like that.
“Well,” Herta says with a drawl in her voice that shows more amusement than disinterest, “it’s not like it’s im possible.” 
Her extra emphasis only makes Caelus cringe. If Herta shows amusement then it just means bad things for him on the horizon. All of the newer features that kick his ass in the Simulated Universe are all prefaced by Herta showing some sort of almost genuine excitement. Though he’s not sure if he wants the puppet to dissect what’s going on right now.
“And can it be fixed?” Caelus asks.
Herta waves her hand, flippant. “Yes, yes, it can. It’ll just take some time.” Herta speak for ‘ I’m too amused by this so I’m going to drag it out as long as possible. ’ There’s the slight narrow of her eyes. A sly little smile that makes its way onto her face. “But, would you really want me to fix it?” she asks.
“Yes,” Caelus says, a little desperately. “It scares me.”
“I scare you?” a voice whispers into his ear. Caelus can’t help the red flush that creeps up his neck. He desperately tries to ignore the press of a soft, but firm, chest against his arm and the press of plush lips against the shell of his ear. Caelus especially tries to ignore the curl of a tail around his leg and the gentle embrace he is currently finding himself in. It makes him have thoughts and he can’t have thoughts because–
“Dan Heng doesn’t like me like this and this isn’t real,” Caelus blurts out. 
All while a copy of Dan Heng’s vidyadhara form is clinging to him and nuzzling close as if Caelus is all he wants in the world.
“He’s real !” Herta sounds almost offended. “He’s fresh from the Simulated Universe–although due to a bug in the system–so he’s very much real!”
“He’s data! ” Caelus’ protest falls on deaf ears. Herta waves him off with a flick of her hair.
“But he’s in the here and now, courtesy of my Simulated Universe!” she says. “So you might as well treat him as if he’s real until I figure something out. Give Himeko my regards.” And that’s that. Herta does not give Caelus any room to argue. She cuts the conversation off, goes back to whatever she works on when he isn’t sifting through the Simulated Universe, and ignores him. Just leaves him to his…clingy Vidyadhara fate.
Speaking of Vidyadhara, Caelus is not going to have fun explaining why he’s coming on board with another Dan Heng.
“Caelus?” Simulated Dragon Dan Heng tightens the hold he has on Caelus. “Aren’t we heading back to the others?”
Caelus closes his eyes in defeat. There’s no avoiding this. He can’t just spend an indeterminate amount of time on the space station. Better face the music now. “Yeah, let’s go,” he says, and prays to god that March does not make a fuss.
March makes a fuss.
She’s wide-eyed and flustered, her finger pointing furiously back and forth between Regular Dan Heng and Simulated Dan Heng. Her finger finally lands on Caelus, mouth slack jawed. “ How!? ” March squeaks out. “ How, how, hooooow!???? ” 
Caelus wishes he can answer her with proper words. Maybe something along the lines of the Simulated Universe is just weird, or that there was a little hiccup. Instead, trapped as he is in Simulated Dan Heng’s arms (and tail) he can only awkwardly shrug. “Herta wouldn’t explain it properly,” he adds, as if that will help any. March fumbles for a bit, obviously confused, but it’s Dan Heng that Caelus is worried about. He keeps glimpsing over at the other man trying to gauge his reaction but he sees nothing. He doesn’t even hear Dan Heng say anything.
Simulated Dan Heng nuzzles close, cheek rubbing against Caelus’ own. It’s far too affectionate compared to how Dan Heng usually is. It gives Caelus thoughts again. All the “what ifs” and “could have been” if only–
Simulated Dan Heng presses his lips against Caelus’ cheek.
March shrieks, eyes wide and expression scandalized. Dan Heng looks just as scandalized, if not betrayed. Caelus can only pray for a hole in the ground to open up and swallow him. Maybe eject him out into space where he will then die of suffocation and the stellaron in his body can blow up safely. Anything to save him from whatever is going on right now. 
“What’s wrong, Caelus?” Simulated Dan Heng asks, all coy and sweet. There’s honey dripping from his words. Something that Caelus finds incredibly hilarious considering what a simple question it is. A question that’s followed up by another kiss that lands dangerously close to the corner of Caelus’ mouth.  This is absolutely slipping out of Caelus’ control (not that he had any).  He places his hands on Simulated Dan Heng’s arms, ready to push them off. First thing first, he needs to extract himself from Simulated Dan Heng’s hold. 
As nice as it is to even have Dan Heng (though not the real Dan Heng) pressed up to him, this situation is not meant to happen. Caelus wants things to be normal. Normal conversations, normal interactions–normal, normal, normal. He’ll just keep his feelings for Dan Heng tucked close to his chest. No need to shake the fragile atmosphere on the Express after everything that happened on the Luofu.
“Nothing’s wrong–”
“Everything is wrong.”
Caelus blinks owlishly as he feels a firm grip on his arm. With one harsh tug he finds himself stumbling out of Simulated Dan Heng’s hold and into Dan Heng’s chest. “Everything is absolutely wrong,” Dan Heng repeats. “You need to give him space so he can answer our questions.”
Simulated Dan Heng’s eyes narrow. His arms cross, so reminiscent of regular Dan Heng, and the look on his face is unimpressed. Caelus, still cradled in Dan Heng’s arms, finds himself sweating. He’s not quite sure what’s about to happen now. 
“Then, shouldn’t you let him go, too?” Simulated Dan Heng asks. His tail is flicking behind him in annoyance. “You’re also holding on to him far too tightly.”
Dan Heng lets Caelus go as if he’s been burned.
Caelus stumbles forward, finally allowed to have a little breathing room ever since he left the space station. March is quick to rush up to him, nervously clinging to his sleeve as she stares at the two Dan Hengs staring each other down. “C-Come on you guys, let’s just figure out how to solve this,” March says. 
“Herta is the only one who can help, though,” Caelus tells her. “And you know how Herta treats me.”
“Like a guinea pig, it’s disgusting,” both Dan Heng and Simulated Dan Heng say at the same time. The two glare at each other, but Simulated Dan Heng is the one who does something. He makes his way back to Caelus’ side. He doesn’t hug Caelus like before. He just nestles himself close to Caelus’ side, tail idly coiling around Caelus’ leg.
“I don’t like it at all,” Simulated Dan Heng murmurs. A hand comes up to rest on Caelus’ chest. “She puts you through way too much. You can ask for my help.” That hand trails up Caelus’ throat, delicate fingers coming up to tickle at Caelus’ chin. March is making flustered noises, her grip on Caelus’ sleeve threatening to tear the fabric.
“Stop that,” Dan Heng snaps. 
Simulated Dan Heng scoffs.
“Why? Are you jealous and wish to be where I am instead?” Simulated Dan Heng follows his words up by gently grasping Caelus’ chin. Caelus has to swallow the lump in his throat, eyes widening as his head is turned to look at Simulated Dan Heng. He’s trapped by jade eyes, bright pupils, by his own thoughts of always wanting to kiss Dan Heng. Caelus’ heart is pounding as Simulated Dan Heng leans in. A part of his mind is yelling at him to pull away, but the love-drunk part of him, the one who loves Dan Heng a bit too much, demands he stays still.
“Caelus! Caelus, snap out of it, Dan Heng looks ready to kill!” March’s words fall on deaf ears.
Caelus parts his mouth, body shivering as he feels Simulated Dan Heng’s nose brush against his, their mouths about to connect–
Caelus is drenched in water right at the same time as the door to the lounge car slides open and Himeko comes strolling in with Welt announcing that she was able to get the solution for their problem from Herta. Dan Heng had turned into his Vidyadhara form, having used his cloudhymn magic to interrupt the almost kiss.
“Oh,” Himeko says, eyes wide, “did we perhaps interrupt something?”
Yeah, Caelus definitely wants to die now. Not that he can, considering he is currently sat on Dan Heng’s bed in the archives, with Simulated Dan Heng curled up in his lap and purring .
Dan Heng himself is standing by the terminal inputting data to the archive as always. Though, if Caelus squints his eyes a little, he swears he can see that Dan Heng’s movements are stiffer than usual. Angry, Caelus thinks. Dan Heng is angry. Caelus doesn’t blame him for being angry, either. The information that Herta had supplied Himeko with revealed too much information than Caelus was comfortable with. And that information directly involved Dan Heng.
Herta told me that the bug happened due to Caelus’ own desires getting mixed with the system that made Aeons manifest. The Dan Heng that is currently…very affectionate with him is what Caelus wishes to have. It should go away on its own. Or, if you wish to have this entity disappear faster, then simply fulfill those desires.
Caelus groans and closes his eyes. The worst way for Dan Heng to find out that Caelus harbors feelings that go beyond friendship for him. Simulated Dan Heng snuggles closer, as if taunting Caelus. At least the explanation Himeko gave explains the uncharacteristic way Simulated Dan Heng is asking. All of Caelus’ desires, made manifest thanks to a simple bug in the Simulated Universe. Honestly, Caelus should be apologizing to Dan Heng for all of this.
He came on board with a copy of Dan Heng’s Vidyadhara form. Said Vidyadhara form was latched onto Caelus and refused to let go. On top of that, Himeko then dropped the equivalent of a nuke in terms of information by saying that this Vidyadhara form reflected every single desire inside of Caelus. Dan Heng had to find out that Caelus wishes to not only kiss him, but also want him glued to his hip almost twenty-four seven.
Caelus would hate himself, too.
“Hey, Dan Heng–”
“Why aren’t you asking me,” Dan Heng, like he’s been doing since Caelus came back, cuts him off.
Caelus blinks owlishly. “What do you mean?”
“Why aren’t you asking me for help?” Dan Heng repeats. He’s stopped working on the archive, making his way to where Caelus and Simulated Dan Heng are sitting. “We can solve it by fulfilling your desires, right? So why aren’t you asking me?”
“Wha–Dan Heng, you do know what I want considering how this other you is asking, right?” As if to emphasize Caelus’ words, Simulated Dan Heng coils his tail tighter around Caelus’ waist. “I can’t ask that of you. You don’t…you don’t even like me like that.” Admitting it out loud hurts, but it’s the truth. Dan Heng appreciates Caelus as a friend. There’s no romantic attachment. 
Dan Heng’s face looks conflicted, face twisting in rarely seen emotion.
Simulated Dan Heng’s purring stops. His hands cradle Caelus’ face, once again making Caelus look at him. “Look at you,” Simulated Dan Heng says, “so sad. Don’t look like that, you have me.” Simulated Dan Heng leans in for a kiss again, as if to comfort, but Caelus stops it by bringing a hand between them. It’s too much. 
The smile Caelus puts on towards Dan Heng is self-depreciating. “Sorry, this must make you uncomfortable. I know we moved here just because it’s easier to keep an eye on the Simulated Universe version of you, but we can leave.”
Dan Heng doesn’t answer. In lieu of words he sits down next to Caelus. Almost awkwardly, he leans against Caelus to rest his head on Caelus’ shoulder. Simulated Dan Heng watches. Silence stretches between the three, long and awkward. It’s broken by Dan Heng.
“I don’t…I don’t know how to express myself properly,” Dan Heng says. “I’m too used to keeping to myself. That and I didn’t know how you’d react if I told you.” 
“...yeah?” Caelus waits for Dan Heng to continue. Unconsciously, he tightens his grip on Simulated Dan Heng, who also stays quiet while Dan Heng speaks.
“So seeing you come onboard with the other me and seeing him do what I’ve sometimes thought about doing really made me…jealous.” Dan Heng seems to curl in on himself after admitting that. It’s an admission, a confession, that makes Caelus’ heart leap into his throat. He desperately tries to untangle himself from Simulated Dan Heng but only succeeds in draping one arm over Dan Heng. Jealous , Dan Heng is jealous . All because this other him had been clinging to Caelus and kissing him and doing the exact same things that Caelus thinks of whenever he sees Dan Heng.
“So you like me?” Caelus asks. “Like I like you?”
The tinge of red on Dan Heng’s ears tells Caelus everything.
“So I can keep saying that I like you. That I love you and want to kiss you and– mmph! ”
Caelus’ words are cut off by Dan Heng fisting his collar and dragging him in for a kiss. Their teeth bump together awkwardly and it’s more like they’re mashing their mouths together more than kissing. Caelus doesn’t care. He drinks it all in with glee, heart beating hard in his chest.
Dan Heng likes him.
Dan Heng loves him.
“Hey, I want one too,” Simulated Dan Heng says, trying to lean in and steal a kiss of his own. Dan Heng growls, his own tail finally coming out to wrap tightly around Caelus’ arm.
“You can’t have one,” Dan Heng says. “He’s mine.”
“I’m you, so that means he’s mine, too.”
Caelus can only awkwardly laugh as the two bicker, only to pause once he realizes that Simulated Dan Heng is still in his lap and not gone like Herta said he would be once Caelus’ desires were realized. Dan Heng seems to notice this, too.
“Caelus, what was it, exactly, that you wanted to do if he’s still here?” Dan Heng asks.
The following day, Simulated Dan Heng is gone and Caelus and Dan Heng come into the dining car together for breakfast. March is sitting there, head in her hands, and when they sit down she glares at them.
“Loud,” she hisses, “you’re too loud. Next time you guys decided to have some surprise fun time do it somewhere else.”
Dan Heng awkwardly coughs into his fist while Caelus looks absolutely unashamed. Hard to be embarrassed when he got everything he wanted last night. He casually hooks an arm around Dan Heng, a shit eating grin on his face.
“Couldn’t help it, I was just happy to be with the guy I love.”
Notes: Wooo! Baby's first post on the writing blog lmao. Written for a CaeHeng server's valentine's exchange for my giftee who gave me the fun prompt of Clingy DanHeng and Caelus sandwiched between his normal form and vidyadhara form.
don't question the logic for the Simulated Uni bug it was for plot purposes
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bohemian-nights · 11 months
What are your opinions on both Book!Rhaenyra and Show!Rhaenyra.
😬 Welp obviously unpopular opinions coming through:
Book!Rhaenyra is incredibly entitled, self-centered, and narcissistic. She literally is what happens when you are never told no and essentially every whim is indulged and handed to you on a silver tray.
I know some people have said that her depiction is borderline misogynistic in the books(Maegor with tits), but if you look at real-life monarchs(who come from empires built on colonialism and slavery), even to this day, they are not nice people so I’d say her characterization isn't exactly an unfair depiction.
Of course, people always like to point out that Rhaenyra did not start off bad(she was the realms Delight and beloved by the people). She was just stressed from losing nearly all of her kids. She snapped like any of us would do. She’s actually the true victim of the Dance.
I’ll grant her supporters the first part, but the subsequent arguments🙃 Rhaenyra started acting, um how should I say, in a questionable manner long before she started losing her children. People always leave out how she ordered Daemon to chop off Ser Vaemond’s head and feed it to her piss-colored dragon for daring to speak the truth. Unlike in the show, this happened three years before the events of the Dance when she was mentally sound.
Yes, you could make the point that it was technically done to protect her children(and herself), but then you can also argue that if she really wanted to protect her children she would not have had such obvious bastards(I’ve seen people try to argue that they aren’t bastards in the books because they’ve got Baratheon and Arryn ancestry, which is dumb as hell because they have features that don’t come from either house) in the first place.
Plus it’s not as if her children would be killed if they were acknowledged as bastards. They’d still be alive albeit out of the running for the Iron Throne. Of course that would have probably taken her out of the running as well so murder and cutting out the tongues to silence those who state the obvious to be queen someday it is😄
Honestly, I feel like she’s a dumber duller version of Cersei(and that’s saying something because while entertaining she is pretty idiotic). Rhaenyra is not very charismatic and she’s a hypocrite(bastard hater while having bastards herself) and a racist(and once again stress isn’t a “good” reason for racism so if you feel that way 🙃). I’ll keep it cute and leave it there, but in my humble opinion, there is nothing about her that is really likable.
Show! Rhaenyra is boring. She started out fine and we could see some of book! Rhaenyra's arrogance that fuels her fire and drive, but when they switched actors in episode six she became lifeless.
We see a little of that fire return during the scene where everyone is gathered in the Great Hall of Driftmark and Rhaenyra suggests for Aemond to be questioned, but it once again disappears.
Now I want to be clear, I do not blame Emma for Rhaenyra’s lack of fire. As I said, during the Great Hall scene in episode seven, the fire was present. However, production so far seems hell-bent on making her into this sympathetic heroine of sorts which is why it has disappeared.
They are setting her up to be this wronged woman who the patriarchy wore down even though that simply isn’t the whole truth. Before this show even though people felt like she was the rightful heir, no one saw her as this hero who had a heart of gold. They recognized that she wasn't a very likable person while still acknowledging how she was wronged in some way.
Now you have people who act like she never did anything wrong(some of the people behind HOTD included). That she is the unquestionable hero and a kindhearted person who was destroyed by the war when that's simply not the case. I don’t find it cute how they are trying to redeem a racist sociopath in the name of supposed “feminism”(all while tearing down and stripping every other woman character of her characterization🙃).
I will say that even though they’ve whitewashed her, she still doesn’t come off as sympathetic to me. You can see moments of her arrogance. It’s not as vicious as in the books(I.e. chopping off Ser Vaemond’s head and feeding it to Syrax), but it’s still there like during episode seven and when she was taunting Daemon right before she got choked out by him in the finale.
Going forward, I hope the show brings in more of her book personality because she’s not very entertaining to watch.
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margindoodles2407 · 1 month
heyyy margin I was wondering
for the sw high fantasy au, how are you planning to make the story go down? Will it be pretty similar to the movies, or will you be making any changes? Also, are you gonna be doing anything with all the crazy creatures found on every planet connect? Like, some of them are dragons and so on? Or there being different families all the creatures fit into? and finally, are you gonna include any ships that aren’t canon?
Ok that’s it XD
Okay SO. Let me answer these one at a time :D
(this is over a thousand words so it's going to be below the cut)
In terms of story, everything from the Prequels through the Original Trilogy is going to be pretty much the same. What I can tell you is that although I haven’t actually put that much thought into the Sequels yet, they are going to be markedly different from the current Disney canon in that they will combine elements from both the Disney canon and Legends, including Mara Jade and the other Organa-Solo kids (Jacen, Jaina, and Anakin as well as Ben) because they live rent-free in my mind. 
However, a few things in the Prequels especially are going to be markedly different because the way they are executed in canon doesn’t fit into a High Fantasy world, and I’ll put these as bulletpoints:
Kamino is going to be introduced very differently. While Dooku destroying all evidence of its existence works in canon, because it’s in the outer rim and canon Star Wars is a digital, data-based world, in a fantasy setting it would be extremely difficult to cover up all the evidence of an entire island- especially in regards to its references (or lack thereof) in the Jedi Archives, because these would obviously now be a paper-and-pen, books and scrolls and tapestries library, instead of a digital archive where data can just be erased. (Though, the mental image of Dooku checking out all the books on Kamino and then burning them is very funny to me. Especially if Jocasta Nu walked in on him. “Master Dooku… what are you doing?” “Oh, nothing, dear Jocasta.” *book makes a FWOOSH sound as it goes up in flames*) Instead, in the AU Kamino is an Atlantis-esque legend to the people of the Galactic Archipelago: in the days of the Old Republic, it was sunk in divine retribution for the unnatural genetic alchemy practiced by the Kaminoans. After leaving the Jedi, Dooku discovers that Kamino is, in fact, real, and that the Kaminoans preserved their ancient fortress undersea by way of a magic barrier. When Obi-Wan learns about the Kaminoan dart from Dex, his problem in looking for Kamino is now that no one takes him seriously because at every turn, it’s dismissed as just a children’s tale.
This isn’t necessarily a story thing, but the map is slightly different; the most obvious example of this is the changing of Mustafar’s location, because it and Coruscant are part of the same chain of volcanic islands- Coruscant just happens to be dormant. In fact, Coruscant’s underworld is built into the caldera of the volcano, because it hasn’t erupted since the early days of the Old Republic and is widely thought to be extinct.
C-3PO has his own new lore now. He’s the ghost of a knight- Sir Anthony Threepio, so I can keep it phonetically similar (C-3PO = Sir Threepio) and also give a little reference to Anthony Daniels- who died in a surprise pirate ambush on Tatooine centuries ago, and the stress he retains from the events surrounding his death has made him neurotically obsessed with being prepared for absolutely every possible situation. In life, he was also incredibly intelligent, and spoke almost every language in the Galactic Archipelago. When Anakin is a little boy, he meets and befriends Threepio’s ghost, and, being the kind soul he is, offers to build him a suit of armor so Threepio can be in the world again. In gratitude, Threepio swears a knightly oath to serve Anakin’s family for as long as he is able.
R2-D2 (and, actually, all astromechs) ALSO has his own lore. Astromech Gnomes are a race that lives far below the surface of the Galactic Archipelago, and have for so long that sunlight is actually toxic to them. They are gifted with a masterful knowledge of machinery- an art lost to the rest of the Archipelago- and can build and/or fix almost anything, including ships. In addition, because they live in near-total darkness, they have an excellent internal compass, so they often work as navigators. However, because they can only ply their trades on the surface, and sunlight will kill them, they use their mechanical genius to build themselves small dome-like suits from which they can safely practice their craft without endangering themselves. In addition, they can understand but cannot speak basic, due to the fact that they have avian-like mouth structures and can only speak in whistles and chirps. 
On a similar note, let’s talk about Battle Droids. I’ll try to breeze through this pretty quickly. Regular Battle Droids are necromanced skeletons (General Grievous is an ancient, undead Lich Warlord and necromances all of them), Super Battle Droids are centaur-esque automatons (in the classic sense, like in Greek and Roman mythology), and Droidekas I… haven’t actually figured out yet (if you have any ideas let me know!). 
Creatures! Well, obviously I just talked about Astromechs and Battle Droids. But yes, I have thought about this! I have a few ideas which I actually came up with while I was designing Padme’s area outfit from Attack of the Clones, and then obviously I’ve been thinking about the alien races that are too bizarre to just put into my system of “There Are Many And Diverse Human Cultures In The Galactic Archipelago”. And anyway, this is a fantasy world, we need fantasy creatures. I’ll put these in bulletpoints, too. In regards to all of these, I’m trying to keep their in-canon appearances as much as possible while just amping up the fantasy vibe, so- for example- Admiral Ackbar will still look like Admiral Ackbar, but with lobster legs. And such.
Nexu are manticore-esque
Acklays are something like a Cockatrice
The Rhino Thing whose name I can never remember? The thing Anakin fights? That’s a Tarasque now.
The Aquatic races are all types of merfolk: Nautolans are your classic mermaids, and still have their head tentacles (for reference, I’ll upload a picture of Heroforge!Kit Fisto at the end of this list); Mon Calamari are crustacean-legged; Quarren are squid-people; and the other fish-people (like the one who steals Ahsoka’s lightsabers in that one episode) are. Well. They’re fish mermaids. 
Heroforge!Kit Fisto:
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Thisspiasians are like Nagas, but with four arms. 
Besalisks are centaurs. But with four arms. (There’s a lot of four-armed creatures in star wars.)
Yoda is a delightful little imp-creature. 
Kaminoans are. Well. Kaminoans. I think they’re weird enough to just leave alone.
Geonosians are malicious insect-like pixies (in the classic sense)
Darth Maul specifically is a Drider- a spider-legs person. The Clone Wars writers were cowards (affectionate), but I am not, so he keeps the spider legs.
If you have any more ideas for creatures to fantasy-ify, I’d LOVE to hear them!
Ships. Both in the boat sense and the romance sense. But I suspect you’re talking about the romance sense here :) So here’s the thing, most of my Star Wars ships are. Already canon. (A few I think might just be widely-accepted fanon, but that could just be because I’m not quite done with TCW and I haven’t started TBB yet, so that remains to be seen). HOWEVER. There is, in fact, Mara Jade, and as she is no longer Disney canon, I think it’s safe to say that she and Luke are no longer canon, so yes, there will be at least ONE non-canonical ship in this AU- that being the aforementioned Luke and Mara Jade. There might be others, which I will get back to you on upon completion of TCW and TBB. (Oh, and there’s also pre-Sith Dooku and Jocasta Nu, because old people in love is near and dear to my heart, and I don’t know if this counts as non-canon or not, but that will be at least briefly touched upon.)
I hope you found this enjoyable and enlightening. And also, you know me, if you have any follow-ups, I will be DELIGHTED to scream about those with you :D
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when i originally made my equestria civil war au as a an edgy teen, one of the primary things that defined the north wind as being evil was their use of animal products. i do think it’s enough that they are militant fascists. that simple fact makes it worthwhile to oppose them. i don’t mind them being evil in other ways, but i want to acknowledge before i continue that they certainly don’t need more evil traits as far as narrative goes. i left the alicorn experiments in because they are cool lol, but the animal products thing i don’t know about. their use of animal products was pervasive, much like our real world, but it was really bad because ponies are herbivores (don’t come at me on this. not interested in arguing the fact that ponies are herbivores) and further at no point in history were ponies reliant on animal products for any reason. so the habitual use of animal products was obviously evil to any observer. purely exploitation for nothing but convince. but further than that, their animal products extended to animals that aren’t exactly animals. i kinda hinted at this with the alicorn experiments, and the implied complete disposability of their pony test subjects for a flimsy misguided cause. they actually see anyone who isn’t a pegasus as an inferior being, and this belief informs actions.
here are some of the things from the original au that i am considering dropping, along with the use of animal products all together. i warn you that they are pretty bad:
the first practice of theirs that i am reconsidering in my remake of this au is that they used dragon hyde as armor. i had decided that it deflected magic and they made armor out of it, and also wrappped their ships in it. in the og story this is actually the thing that deradicalized mistletoe. he had a gradual change from indoctrinated child to aware and remorseful young adult, but the second he found out that the armor he was wearing came from a creature that could talk is when he completely flipped. i’m not sure how much i like that story anymore. also as a not edgy not teen im not sure that that level of depravity is necessary to show.
the somehow worse thing i am also reconsidering, and i have to warn you again if you are going to go forward that this is pretty bad, is that in the original they would take unicorn horns and use them to make weapons out of. sometimes via grave robbing, but sometimes from living unicorns. the unicorns that they would take these from would then often be made to work in factories and stuff. the hornless unicorns were all discolored and sad like when starlight took those ponies’ cutiemarks.
i’ve been open about how star wars was an influencing factor in my pony au being a story about fighting fascism. it bugged me watching star wars that you don’t see the empire being bad. they blow up a planet in the beginning, and then continue based almost solely on that. using aesthetics and exposition to show the evil of their villains. star wars feels less like a galaxy full of people rising up against an empire that is oppressing them, and more like a conflict between a handful of people. the citizens of the galaxy are only props in the story. i don’t think star wars is uniquely guilty of this by any means, and i don’t even necessarily think this is a bad thing about the story, but i think it’s not a coincidence that recent star wars stories have been focusing on the actual material harm of the empire instead of a conflict between a handful of wizards who it turns out are literally related to eachother. that would be the reason to leave things like this in. here is some of the real material harm that the north wind is doing. here are some of their real victims. a reason to oppose them that is more personable than narratively broad concepts like government takeover.
love to her thoughts if you have them
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daily-hayley568 · 2 years
i really hope these charlie requests aren’t getting repetitive for you but i’m glad someone’s writing for him! could you write an argument with charlie? maybe he gets jealous or protective? i loved your charlie one shot where reader is the twin’s best friend and charlie and her have an age gap 🤩 that was such a good fic xx
You Can’t Control Who I Date|Charlie Weasley
pairings: Charlie Weasley x fem!reader
Summary: Charlie hates when you bring dates around and talks down about them, but at Ginny’s birthday you get into a screaming match.
Warnings: jealousy, drinking, kissing, swearing, after the war, FRED IS ALIVE, cheating I guess, charlie scared of rejection
A/N: tbh idk if I could ever get tired of Charlie requests!
[charlie weasley masterlist]
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It was Ginny Weasley’s, well now Ginny Potter’s birthday. So, for her birthday, she got the group together.
She invited, Harry, her husband, Fred and George, ron, hermione, bill, you and Charlie.
You always had a crush on Charlie. You never admitted it to him. You were in England and he was in Romania. Charlie always liked you and was jealous whenever you brought guys around.
This time was no different. You tried to move on from your childhood crush, but it never worked. No guy was him. They were never Charlie.
Charlie’s grip tightened on his glass when you walked in with a lanky, blonde boy.
“You know,” his sister, Ginny, started, “It would be better if you just told her and stopped getting mad when she brings guys around.”
Fred snickered, patting Charlie’s shoulder, “You can fight dragons but cant talk to a sweet girl like Y/N? Pathetic, Charles.”
Charlie huffed taking a swig of his drink.
You and your date took a seat at the table, squeezed between him and Charlie. You and Charlie were always friends through Hogwarts and it didn’t take long for you to begin crushing on the handsome boy. Then he told you of his plans after school, there was no way he wanted to settle down.
“Hi, guys.” You smiled at the table, “This is Richard.” The blonde waved, slinging his arm over the back of your chair. Charlie was seething, especially when Richard whispered for only your ears. He got up and left.
“Where does his work?” George offered.
“Ministry. Department of Magical games.” Charlie scoffed and you narrowed your eyes.
“What is wrong with you, Charlie?”
“You can get someone better than that.” You rolled your eyes ignoring him. He always made comments like that.
“Not right now, Charlie. We’re celebrating your sister.”
He took another swig. Your date came with two drinks.
After a couple of drinks you took Hermione and Ginny with you to the dance floor. Crammed bodies and loud music.
“I just don’t get it.” You shouted over the music. “Why does Charlie not want me to be happy.”
The girls both knew why. Though they didn’t speak on it.
Richard came out on the dance floor pulling you close to him, swaying to the music together.
But back at the table, Charlie was watching with angry eyes.
“If you keep staring at her like that, you might just break your drink.” Ron snickered at Fred’s comment. Richards hands were too adventurous grabbing your butt before landing them on your waist swaying together.
“Well, she shouldn’t be with him. He’s not good for her.”
“Who is then?” George egged on with raised eyebrows.
“I.. I don’t know.” Charlie muttered.
“Come on, Charlie.” Harry took a sip of his drink. “She likes you.”
“Obviously not.”
“She does look real comfy with Richard.” Ron added. Fred sent him a ‘not helping’ look.
Richard left you again and Charlie decided he needed bathroom. He opened the door. On the countertop was a girl he’d never seen before and Richard, your date, with his tongue down her throat. Charlie slammed the door closed.
He made his way through the dance floor, finding you with Ginny and Hermione. He latched a hand around your wrist and pulled you out of the club.
Now here you were on a rainy sidewalk. The rain pounded and Charlie was seeing red. “Charlie! What the fuck?“ you shouted.
“I don’t like Richard.” He crossed his arms over his chest.
“I’m sure you don’t! You never like any guy I bring around.” You scoffed, pointing at him.
“For good reasons.” His voice raised matching yours.
“Yeah, because he has an office job? Maybe I want to finally settle down, Charlie. Just because you don’t want to doesn’t meant your best friend can’t!”
“That’s not the point.” You scoffed again. “I want to settle down someday.”
“Well, I don’t want to wait around.”
Charlie sighed, running a hand through his hair. “I don’t like Richard!”
“Why? Why not Charlie?”
“He was kissing another girl in the bathroom.” Your feet faltered.
“He was?” You asked tilting your head. You were never going to fall in love. “Well, how do I know that’s the truth?”
“What the fuck? It is the fucking truth? I’m your best friend why would I fucking lie about that shit?”
“Well, you haven’t been acting like a best friend lately. It’s like you dont want me to be happy!”
“No, I do. Just not with him!”
“If not him, then who?”
“Me. Fucking me!” He said exasperated. “I want you to be happy with me! I want you to settle down with me. I want to settle down with you! I’ve been too scared to tell my feelings since Hogwarts.”
“Stop. Stop playing with me.” You said shaking your head facing your feet.
“Love, I’m not.” His voice soft and hoarse after the yelling. “I’m in love with you.” He walked closer pulling your chin up to face him.
You couldn’t keep back anymore. You wrapped your arms around his neck and placed your lips on his. You sighed when he didn’t kiss you back and pulled away.
Charlie finally came to his senses kissing you this time. Charlie pulled you in by your waist and slipped his tongue in your mouth; only parting for air.
“I love you.” You both whispered at the same time.
“YAY!!” Multiple voices cheered at the same time. It was Fred, George, Ron, Hermione, Harry, And Ginny.
They had been listening the whole time. You blushed hiding your face in Charlie’s chest, who chuckled winking at them.
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atopvisenyashill · 2 months
Any thoughts on why Targaryens and Celtigars never intermarried? I’ve been thinking about this, because are - supposedly- the blood of Old Valyria, just like the Targaryens and the Velaryons.
I think it’s very likely that like the Velaryons they weren’t dragon riders and like the Targaryens they weren’t rich either and without either signifier of power, the Targaryens just aren’t interested in them. Like, I’m guessing there’s absolutely no magic in their blood whatsoever, bc we do know there were Valyrians who didn’t ride dragons! - they were just some random Valyrian family that lived nearish to the Targaryens and believed Daenys’ the Dreamers dream was real and followed them into exile, but I’d bet they weren’t otherwise super associated with the targaryens or the Velaryons when Valyria still stood.
So they follow them all the way to Westeros and kind of expect to be treated as equals, only the Targaryens aren’t interested in Valyria so much as they’re interested in Valyrian magic. The Velaryons probably do have some magic in their family that’s a lot more consistently there than the Celtigars.
And like, obviously I have my own theory that you actually don’t need any Valyrian blood at all to ride a dragon, just a lot of nerve and patience and access (as in, literal access to a dragon) but not only do the Targaryens not know that (imo they did once know, but don’t now) but keeping themselves ~above the rabble~ as well as designating themselves the sole arbiters of who gets to ride a dragon keeps power firmly in their hands. I think you can even see this in the way that post Dance they completely cut the Velaryons out of power - they don’t “need” to keep their blood pure anymore because there’s no dragons, but they incest marry because they don’t want to share power/are coping badly on a spiritual level with the loss of their dragons.
So, early Targaryens (ie Aenar the Exile) probably saw the Celtigars as magically useless and post Dance Targaryens saw basically everyone as less than them, including the two other Valyrian houses. I’d be happy to hear other people’s takes though!
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deer-motif · 2 years
I’ve seen a handful of alternate universes where Hiccup gets taken that night with Valka, but what if Hiccup gets taken instead of Valka? like I have a lot of ideas and I need to get them out of my brain
1) For the first movie, instead concepts of feeling like an outcast to your own people and parental issues, it’s going to focus a lot more on the affects of grief/how to move on without pushing it down and marital issues (stoick and valka love each other dearly but you can’t tell me they wouldn’t have issues; dw they work through them because of the first thing).
2) Hiccup, instead of being taken by Cloudjumper, gets taken by a night fury. This sets up Valka’s motive for shooting down a night fury, as she narratively takes Hiccup’s place. Overall she still believes in the idea of peace with dragons (or at least claims such), but she’s dead set on taking down the local night fury because she believes it’s the same one that took her son. When she realizes that it’s Toothless, a very obviously juvenile dragon, she just. can’t take it any more. all that anger she held just fizzles out. “I did this. You aren’t the dragon that took my son.”
3) Everyone else in the original dragon riders group has now gained a crazy dragon lady aunt ! Astrid + Valka’s bond means a lot to me, especially because in that one comic there’s a flashback where Stoick mentions that they’ve always wanted a daughter. iirc we don’t really see Astrid’s parents much? if at all? arguably you could say this about the rest of them but Astrid is obviously a more prominent character in the first movie so I think Astrid forming a strong bond with another female warrior, especially an adult figure to look up to and rely on, would be nice (I know there’s technically Heather later down the line but she’s not really a permanent fixture in Astrid’s life in regards to canon).
5) also since Hiccup wasn’t in Berk this means we get Astrid as a chieftess by the end of HTTYD 2. also there’s a budding romance between Hiccup and Astrid by the end of the second movie but nothing comes of it (yet) because THW isn’t real and I haven’t thought up my own third movie yet
6) HICCUP’S CHARACTER DESIGN IS. LIVING IN MY HEAD. sorry I just think it would be. really cool ! also he would behave so much like a dragon because he was literally raised by dragons. he learns to speak common tongue from observing other humans/mostly traders and eventually his allies (such as the Wingmaidens) but he doesn’t really spend much time with humans overall so he’s much more accustomed to communicating with dragons so he himself is very dragon-like.
7) Unfortunately the night fury that takes Hiccup is not seen again after going out one night :( This is where Cloudjumper comes in and takes care of Hiccup as his own, like the night fury once did. Hiccup was young when the night fury disappeared, so he doesn’t remember much of her, but is amazed when he first meets Toothless. the two get along like a house on fire :D
8) also Valka and Toothless’s relationship >>> she realizes that she’s lost her way and she is perpetuating the cycle of violence and hatred onto a new generation and is refusing to continue it. Toothless is pretty much the same as he is in the original movie, but I guess you could say his actions are seen much more through a childlike lens? since Valka is significantly older than him. I personally believe that Toothless never grew up with his parents because while he obviously has amazing prowess as a dragon, there seems to be abilities that he never had access to previously that I feel he would have if he had grown up with another night fury in his life. so he kind of imprints a little on Valka’s motherly nature. but these two are literally besties :( inseparable family. eventually Stoick joins in too and they’re just. it’s like that one meme: “ah yes: me, my wife, and her two ton dragon.” I love them.
9) also you know that little intro Hiccup makes for Stoick at the beginning of HTTYD 1? it’s altered a little bit because this is through Valka’s narration. not badly, but a little funnier. like so: “They say that when he was a baby he popped a dragon's head clean off of its shoulders. Do I believe it? Absolutely not.”
10) I’m just saying shit and not really getting out any of the main points but i just. have a lot of Thoughts ! ask me about them!!
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hugsandchaos · 1 year
Headcanons for a Murder Drones Swap AU:
•While U (Swap Uzi) was the first to meet and befriend Neo (Swap N, but he mostly goes by N), T (Swap Thad) and Neo grew their friendship relatively quickly. They both share a liking for fidgety objects.
•Neo once brought a rubix cube and fidget spinner to the pod since he thought that they might get bored and it’d help. He was really nervous that it’d somehow go wrong and he’d loose the closest things to real friends he has, but it worked really well! T especially loved the rubix cube.
•Neo is often bullied by Jenna (Swap J) and Vixy (Swap V), but Jenna does most of the damage. Vixy simply watches and often pushes her assignments onto him, and usually beats or insults him if he doesn’t.
•Instead of anime, Neo found old movies that were really popular in the early 2000’s, his favorite being the How To Train Your Dragon trilogy. He loves drawing the characters in his spare notebooks, and his favorite character is (obviously) Toothless. He just wants to hug that face so badly! And can you blame him?!
•Speaking of drawing, Neo is surprisingly skilled at sketching. He did it a lot when he was younger, giving drawings to people as gifts, but stopped for a long time when he found them in the trash. He got back into it after watching the scene of Hiccup drawing Toothless in attempts to do the same and got really good at it. He also made a few sketches of his railgun from when it was in its early stages.
•Ron (the doorman) was (understandably) upset when Neo’s heart was broken by people throwing away his gifts and kept them on the fridge, even when Neo himself contemplated throwing them away because he just saw them as a reminder of how useless he feels he is. Now he sees them as a way of his adopted father saying “I’ll always believe in you” and cried when he came to this realization.
•When T or U discover his talent in the future, they’ll both be amazed, but express it in different ways. “You drew this?! Awesome... Wow, you can really see the progress here!” Would be something T responds with, and U would probably say something like “People really threw away your drawings? Are you sure they aren’t blind? Or can they just not see the progress made by your hard work to get better?” And he cries of happiness because Ron was the only one who ever liked them.
•U is short for a disassembly drone, and Neo is taller than the average worker drone.
•Helping Neo learn to fly once the whole “zombie drone” thing happens wasn’t all that hard since he’s always wanted to fly, thanks to the HTTYD movies making it look so fun.
•Neo also tried hanging upside down from his tail or legs like a bat.
•Neo reveals his name to be “Neo” and not just “N” later on to answer T’s question, and also mentions he goes by “N” because people forget his actual name.
•Ron was nervous at first to let Neo’s new murder drone friends inside, but seeing that they genuinely care about his son, he decided to give them a chance. He didn’t want to deprive Neo of his chance of having real friends, and even thanks them for it when Neo isn’t there/paying attention.
That’s all I’ve got for now.
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edgybutnotveryedgy · 1 year
My Very Unhinged Lila Theory Part 1/3
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Lila isn’t a good liar. From the beginning she has told lies that a even a fifth grader would never take at face value. Let alone adults. Yet she has so many people who believe these lies to the point that she has multiple women convinced that they are all her mom. She is enrolled at multiple schools. She has a secret lair in the Paris catacombs. She has been caught in her lies multiple times even, yet it wasn’t until Confrontation that she was caught in any of these lies. 
The easy thing to do is to say that this is just lazy writing or plot convenience or something, but I don’t like that answer. It’s boring and lazy and I like to have fun. That being said, I think to begin with the real question we should be asking is: why do people blindly believe Lila? 
Knowing what we know about Lila as of season 5, I think that it is worthwhile to look back on her former appearances. Going through former episodes, I have come to the ultimate conclusion, I don’t think that Lila is just a good liar, even in universe. I believe she is using some sort of power or magic to make people believe anything she says. 
To begin with, I would like to address the following. There are canonically other forms of magic and superpowers in the Miraculous universe. Obviously we have the Kwami, but on multiple occasions Plagg mentions other kinds of magic. In Origins Part 1, Adrien, after putting on his ring, says “No way! Like the Genie in the Lamp!” followed by Plagg saying “I met him once. So he grants wishes. Big deal. I’m way more personable!” There’s also mention of Dragons a few times in the series, as well as United HeroeZ showcases many different heroes and villains who have abilities of their own. There’s also The Legend of Ladydragon with the Renlings, who are similar to Kwami, but still are not Kwami. 
Furthermore, Miraculous is a part of a shared universe. Any show that goes under the Zag Heroez brand is a part of the shared universe. This includes Zak Storm, Power Players, and Ghostforce. Obviously Ghostforce has its ghosts as its main supernatural element. Power Players has a life giving magic called minergy that brings inanimate objects like toys to life. Zak Storm has aliens, witches, ancient gods, Atlanteans, time travel shenanigans, magic wizard aliens, star people, magic guardians, and skeletons. And that’s just scratching the surface. (seriously please watch zak storm. It is so underrated and needs more eyes on it.) These are just the shows that have aired. There are more shows that have been stuck in production hell, like Fairyon, Pixiegirl, and others that all have other magical elements. Bottom line is that a character in Miraculous having powers that aren’t connected to Kwami’s is not unreasonable, and in fact would add a lot world building wise. 
To begin with, I want to note some specific quotes from episodes involving Lila that I believe suggest her having some sort of abilities. I recommend that any readers should go rewatch the episodes themselves. In this post I’ll just be covering episodes in season’s 1 and 2. So lets begin!
When Marinette first gets to school she hears everyone fawning over the new girl Lila. Here is her dialogue
[Shortly after watching Lila drag away a clearly uncomfortable Adrien.] [Marinette is panicking because she thinks Lila is going to seduce Adrien and then he'll never love her.]
Marinette: *gasp* "where are they going? Alya! We've gotta stop them."
Alya: "You need to chill out Marinette. My Ladyblog has the highest number of hits ever after that Lila interview!"
Marinette: "what's going on? I mean has this Lila girl hypnotized everyone or something?"
Tiki: "You wouldn't be a little jealous, Marinette?"
Marinette: "huh? Me? Jealous? No way!"
[Marinette proceeds to run after Adrien and Lila]
While Marinette is spying on Adrien and Lila, Adrien is looking at the book he stole from his dad. Lila comes over talking about doing history homework with Adrien.
Lila looks smitten with Adrien. 
Her eyes look down and she notices the book Adrien has, then she immediately looks shocked.
Lila: "What's that?"
She pulls the book over to herself to look at it while Adrien starts to panic.
Adrien: "uh.. Nothing! Just stories about superheroes." (Smooth save bro)
Lila puts her hand on Adrien’s hand.
Lila: "I love super heroes!" (It feels like she's specifically trying to form a character that she thinks Adrien will like)
Lila turns the page and it shows Ladybug.
Lila: "Ladybug?" (She seems genuinely excited when she sees this.)
Adrien: "She's amazing!" (He's so smitten)
Lila suddenly has a jealous look. She puts the book down and moves herself and her chair over closer to Adrien.
Lila: "A girl doesn't need to wear a costume to be amazing, you know."
Adrien panicking autistically: "uhh, i don't know? I mean i-"
Lila: "so! You've got a little soft spot for the bug huh?"
Adrien: "me? Oh no. Not at all!"
Lila: "You know, I actually happen to be very close friends with ladybug." 
Adrien: "Really?"
Lila: "We can chat about it if you want! Not here though. Why don't we meet at the park after school, and I'll tell you everything."
Adrien suddenly has to go to fencing practice, and he drops his bag. Meanwhile the book falls out, and Lila slips it away with her shoe. Before giving Adrien back his bag.
Why is she so obsessed with getting Adrien to like her?
Heroes Day Part One
Lila has apparently convinced her mom, the ambassador Ms. Rossi, that school has been closed down and isn't reopened due to akuma attacks, as well as apparently she has convinced her mom that ladybug is useless and unable to save anyone. Like... Doesn't her mom watch the news? Or go outside? She's an ambassador. There has to be more to this than just Lila being a good liar. Especially to her own "mother."
While in her room looking over the heroes day footage
Lila: "Liar! Traitor! Coward!"
Gabriel comes up on the screen to announce his contribution to the parade as well as to denounce Volpina.
Gabi: "in honor of the wonderful Ladybug who has saved my son Adrien and myself, and who relentlessly protects all of us every day. I have financed this tribute to Ladybug, because Ladybug is the only true hero unlike her mediocre imitations, such as Volpina."
As soon as Gabriel comes on screen Lila goes quiet and is suddenly very interested to know what gabe has to say. I just think this is interesting. 
After hearing what Gabriel says about Volpina, Lila gasps and looks upset. She then proceeds to throw her laptop against the wall, then dramatically yell
Next the scene cuts to Gabi doing his Hawkmoth thing. He sends an akuma out to Lila. 
Lila is just sitting in her room looking very alone and upset.when she hears the akuma wings fluttering she looks up. Suddenly she looks frightened and jumps back a bit gasping before it goes into her bracelet. 
Hawkmoth: "Volpina."
Lila: "Hawkmoth!" (She says this very happily)
Hawkmoth: "Your dreams were once a reality, until Ladybug turned them into a nightmare. Regain your power of illusion, and make this heroes day a nightmare for all Parisians!"
Lila: "With great pleasure Hawkmoth."
After Volpina does her whole thing and makes everyone in Paris worried,
Hawkmoth: "Dear Volpina, you've performed your role well for the time being. We will meet again very soon."
Volpina: "I'll be waiting, Hawkmoth."
After being detransformed, Lila looks up, and she has a very sinister smile.
About Volpina
Powers of Illusion. She uses her powers to make people believe what she wants them to believe, such as in her debut episode, where she uses these powers to convince Ladybug and Chat Noir and Adrien as well as all of Paris, that she is amazing and that she accomplishes great feats. As we know though, this is all an illusion. Much like her lies. She also uses these abilities to ruin the reputation of Ladybug in Hero’s day, as well as to attempt to trick Ladybug and Chat Noir. This mirrors her behavior in later episodes as well. 
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
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