#and the one bright side to it was that i thought maybe our friendship could start to go back to normal now that we didn’t work together
steviescrystals · 2 months
guys things are happening
#so i met this girl at work last summer and we clicked right away and we were super close for a while#and it was really only a few months but i considered her one of my best friends#and then both of us got promoted to basically shift leads and right after that things just got really weird between us#i never figured out what exactly happened but it was just like tense and off which sucked bc the time before that was so much fun#but i just pushed it aside bc i still wanted to be friends with her and i was hoping it would just pass i gués#and THEN a couple months later she got promoted to store manager which was… shocking#i want to make it super clear i did not want to be manager and i truly was not jealous of her job#but i just did not think she was the right choice for manager bc after working super closely with her for months#i had seen her do sooo much shit that was either not allowed or just like not correct and straight up kinda dumb??#but none of the higher ups knew about it bc i would always help her fix her mistakes bc she was my friend and i wanted things done right yk#so anyway she became manager and our friendship just got even weirder bc suddenly she was my boss and i did not think she was a good manager#as much as i still loved her as a person she just got on my nerves a lot at work bc of the way she was running things#THEN a month after that annual company wide layoffs happened and i got laid off 😍 which i have vented a ton about on here bc it was awful#and the one bright side to it was that i thought maybe our friendship could start to go back to normal now that we didn’t work together#but instead she pretty much stopped talking to me completely aside from sending me a tiktok occasionally#so i was like okay this sucks but oh well i’ve got my own shit to deal with now that i’ve gotten laid off so i’ll just give her space#and tbh i was just hoping a band we both like would go on tour soon or something so i’d have a good opportunity to ask her to hang out again#BUT THEN she texted me a few minutes ago and turns out she just got fired???#which does not happen often at that job btw there’s very low turnover i think only like 2 people got fired the whole time i worked there#usually layoffs are the only time people end up leaving#and it’s weird bc i spent all that time thinking it was a bad choice for them to make her manager and she wasn’t doing a good job#but i’m still somehow surprised???#and i feel so guilty bc i talked so much shit about the whole thing with one of my other friends bc her management pissed me off so bad#and it’s not like me talking about it with someone who didn’t even work there caused her to get fired but i still feel so bad#like yeah i do think she shouldn’t have been manager in the first place but i would never wish that on someone yk#so idk i’m just like in a very weird headspace rn!!#vent#lj.txt
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lil13 · 1 year
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FEELINGS - j. champion
You and Jack met during the chemistry reads for Scream VI. It was obvious that, from the beginning, you two were close. Your personalities went well together and everyone saw your obvious chemistry. The chemistry really helped, seeing as your characters were love interests. As time went on, you began to see Jack differently and he the same. And maybe, unlike your characters, the two of you would have a happy ending.
Filming for Scream VI was slowly coming to an end. You heard someone say that you only had about 2 weeks of filming left before everything wrapped.
It was bittersweet.
Occasionally, you'd find yourself reminiscing about all of the friendships and memories you've made this summer. Something about your castmates just made the whole filming process all the more better. Especially since this was your first real project.
The directors were taking a chance with you, hiring a newcomer was a risky move. But needless to say, they believed they made the right choice. You were a phenomenal actor.
"Earth go, Y/N." Jasmine was waving her hand in front of your face, bringing your attention back to the 4 sitting around you.
You, Melissa, Jenna, Devyn, Liana, and Jenna all sat in a circle in the grass. A break had been announced while they worked out some kinks in a scene and they let you all just chill together.
Devyn reached over and squeezed your hand, smiling sweetly at you. "We're rating our castmates 'cause we're bored."
She was the sweetest, just like her character.
"And it's time to rate Mason, and I don't plan on rating him because he's like my brother and that's weird." Jasmine laughed, earning laughs from the group.
You shrugged, "7.5?"
Most nodded, except for Jenna who scoffed and called out the number 4. Her response only elicited a fit of laughter from the group. Jenna loved picking on Mason, it was one of her favorite pastimes.
"Oooh, i've got one." Melissa clapped her hands in excitement. "Y/N, rate Jack."
You swallowed harshly. Suddenly very thankful that the boys weren't around instead of being mopey like you had been before. You actually had been wishing that Jack... and Mason were there. But now that they'd asked that? Their absence was actually a blessing.
Jack was your best friend.
"Bullshit!" Liana yelled.
She was right, you'd lied straight through your teeth. You'd met Jack while doing chemistry reads months ago. Your characters played love interests so you'd gotten to meet the boy before the rest of the cast so the directors could ensure the two of you had believable chemistry.
"Um." you mumbled, you'd actually fallen for him as time passed.
When you got to set in June you thought the constant butterflies in your stomach were from being excited and nervous to film. It wasn't until a week or two later and you were grabbing lunch alone with Jack that you realized that the butterflies only showed up when you were in his presence.
Jenna playfully pushed you by the arm, "C'mon, tell us the real answer."
You hated how they knew about your real feelings. You had never admitted them, though. So, their knowledge was pure speculation at this point.
"10." you'd said it almost too quiet for them to hear.
But when they erupted in screams and Devyn tackled you in a hug, you knew they'd heard you.
"No one can tell him! He definitely only sees me as a friend and i'm not ruining the friendship." you instructed from your spot below Devyn.
They all agreed to not tell, but also told you that you were wrong. Apparently they knew that your feelings weren't 1 sided.
"Who likes who?"
You all froze.
It was the familiar voice of Jack that made your stomach drop. Devyn crawled off of you, helping you sit up. You couldn't bare to look at Jack. You were sure your cheeks were bright red and he'd know immediately.
"Chad likes Tara." Jenna blurted, attempting to get Jack off the topic.
The grass looked very interesting all of a sudden.
"Well, I knew that. That's boring." he scoffed.
You mentally cursed when he sat down next to you on the grass, his knee bumping with yours. It took everything in you to not look at him still. Jack was your best friend after all, his brown eyes always brightened your day.
"Jackson, wanna play our game?" Jasmine broke the silence.
Your eyes snapped to Jasmine's, she wouldn't.
You looked around the circle, realizing that all of the girls had smirks on their lips. They knew what Jasmine was up to.
"Sure?" he laughed nervously.
Jasmine rubbed her hands together, never looking back at you. "We're rating our castmates, so, rate Y/N."
"Easy, 10."
You looked right at him as all of the girls went crazy. Did he say what you thought he did?
He wouldn't look at you though, his cheeks burning crimson. You couldn't tell the reason behind the blushing, though, sometimes Jack would blush when he had too much attention on him.
But it still made you sick that he wouldn't look at you.
"I don't feel good." you mumbled, jumping up and running off.
Jack was oblivious though.
While you were basically dry heaving in your trailer, he had texted and wished for you to feel better and to ask if you were still on for your movie night. You sighed, actually thankful that he didn't get the hint as to why Jasmine had asked or why you ran off and simply texted a "thank you, and yes."
The Jasmine texted, checking on you and apologizing for asking Jack. Even adding the disclaimer about how at least he thought you were a 10. You forgave her and told here there were no hard feelings. It was just a simple game.
A few hours later and you had all returned to your apartments for the night.
You were freshly showered with your hair in two braids down your back, body clad in pajamas. Your pajamas consisted of a pair of boy's boxers and a tshirt Jack had given you of his. The two of you were at his apartment one night and you saw an avatar shirt he had on the arm of his couch and you had geeked out over it. In that moment, Jack knew he had to give it to you.
The shirt had brought you more joy than it probably ever would him, and he'd definitely smile every time he saw you in it.
"Knock, knock!" Jack called out as he walked in using the key you'd given him in case you lost yours — well that and you didn't want to have to let him in every time he came over.
He held up a bag of takeout, "I still got the tacos in case you were hungry. Feeling better?"
You nodded, walking over and taking the bag from his hand, leading him to the kitchen.
"I don't know what happened." you lied, taking the containers out of the bag. "But i'm much better now."
The two of your stood in the kitchen eating your tacos. For some reason, every time Jack came over he'd bring tacos from this place you two had found at the beginning of filming. You'd stand around in the kitchen and chow done, catching up on any time spent apart before eventually finishing and going to watch your movie of choice.
"Do you mind if we watch in my room? I'm exhausted." you sold your story by yawning.
You were telling the truth, you were absolutely wiped today. Jack shrugged, lunging toward you and picked you up. You let out a scream of surprise as he carried you, walking you back to your bedroom.
He carefully sat you down on the covers and let you crawl into your spot while he took his shoes off. Without hesitation, he crawled in next to you, propping himself against the headrest.
Your heart started beating closer at your proximity. You tried to ignore it be cueing up the movie, Scream (2022) tonight. The two of you had been on a Scream kick lately.
"This one's gonna be weird to watch since we know these weirdos in real life." Jack chuckled, getting more comfortable, which only brought him closer to you.
Was that on purpose?
You couldn't tell.
As the movie went on, you suddenly became super aware of how close the two of you were sitting. Your head was only inches from Jack's shoulder, so you gave in, letting your head fall onto him.
You'd done this countless times before, but this time felt different. You could've sworn you heard Jack breathe in sharply.
A couple minutes passed before you felt something touching your hand under the covers. You focused for a second before realizing that Jack was tapping the back of your hand with his fingers. Without thinking, you flipped your hand so your palm was up, Jack quickly intertwining his fingers with yours now.
You'd never been more thankful that it was dark, because he wouldn't be able to see how red your cheeks were now.
You got more comfortable, enjoying both the movie and Jack rubbing the back of your hand with the pad of his thumb. Once again, he'd held your hand before, but this time felt different.
Your mind was going crazy and so were all the butterflies in your stomach. Oh what this boy did to you.
You'd met him about a month after you had turned 17, about a week before Christmas. His birthday about a month prior to that. The two of you had bonded over being "late 2004 babies" and the rest of your friendship was history.
But what if it changes tonight?
Jack squeezed your hand.
You lifted your head, looking to him, your hands staying connected. Jack had a different look on his face, once that you'd only ever seen when he was playing Ethan and he was looking at you. This was a look you'd seen Jack portray when looking at his girlfriend.
But this time the look felt entirely genuine.
"J?" you questioned quietly when you noticed his eyes flickering to different places around your face, one of them being your lips.
It was like you were nervous.
Almost questioning if this was real.
Jack didn't say anything, instead he ducked his head and connected his lips with yours. You gasped slightly, not expecting his abruptness.
But you didn't hesitate to kiss back.
Sure, you'd kissed before while acting, but this right here? This was real. This was Jack and Y/N. Not Ethan and Y/C/N.
Your free hand held the back of his neck, fingers fiddling with the curls at the nape of his neck. Jack smiled into the kiss and you swore you almost lost all composure.
How could he be so cute?
His hand broke free of yours and you faltered for a second. Only regaining your composure when you felt his hands grips your hips to pull you on top of him. You forgot how strong he was.
Jack's hands stayed on your hips while your hand not on the back of his neck decided to rest on his chest. You hadn't realize how toned he was and you could definitely feel the muscle under his tshirt.
He pulled away, letting you sit up slightly as you both goofily smiled at each other. "I'm assuming this is okay since you so willing let me pull you onto my lap?" Jack raised an eyebrow, the slightest smirk playing on his lips.
You couldn't help but peck his lips, heart fluttering when you saw his smirk falter into a pout when you pulled away so quickly.
"I mean, we both rated each other 10s earlier and i'm pretty sure i've liked you for a couple months now."
He seemed proud of himself, the cutest smile now on his lips. "Good, good. Glad I didn't read the signs wrong and ruin the friendship."
"That'd be awful."
You hand slid around from the back of his neck and up to his cheek, your thumb rubbing over his cheekbone. You couldn't help but admire him.
You've done that time and time again. But never this close or with these feelings.
He was looking at you the same way. His hands had found their way underneath your shirt, sitting on your bare waist and thumbs caressing the soft skin underneath them.
"Kiss me again, your lips are addicting." he mumbled, his voice quiet from being mesmerized by the situation he'd found himself in.
You happily obliged.
You quickly leaned in and connected your lips, both of you moving together in sync. It was like your lips were created to be together.
Jack's hands stayed put, never once wandering. And same for you. The two of you were content with doing exactly what you were doing. Maybe the rest will come a different day.
"Stay over tonight?" you mumbled against his lips.
You felt him nod, "I'd like that."
You were ecstatic. The thought of falling asleep in Jack's arms had you beyond excited. He always made you feel safe, so you had a feeling you'd sleep like a baby tonight.
"Good, good." You let a finger lightly trace his jawline, down his neck, down his chest, and then stopping when you left your hand to rest in his lap.
Jack caught you hand, breaking the kiss and looking you dead in the eye, his eyes wider than usual. "I'm going to need you to not do that again, because i'm really trying to be respectful and only kiss you tonight and that's not helping."
Your cheeks burned red, "Oh." You patted his chest, "Then let's stop this for now and finish the movie."
You crawled off of him, Jack saying something about how that was a good idea before kissing you quickly once more. You tucked your body into his once more, except now your head was rested on his chest and his arm fell lazily around your body.
You could get used to this.
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benedictscanvas · 1 year
could you possibly do a benedict bridgerton friends to lovers fic with maybe some jealousy thrown in there? i adore your writing 🫶🏻
this request could not have come at a better time! i finally started my bridgerton rewatch recently and i can feel myself sparking with ideas yet again :) || 2k words, tw benedict is PINING & this is much more suggestive than my usual content, so 18+ please!
can't bear it - benedict bridgerton x reader
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He looked bored. It was the first thing you noticed upon entering the ballroom and, in truth, it was often the first thing you noticed upon entering any ballroom. Over your years of friendship, it seemed you had a highly trained eye to seek him out amongst any crowd.
Just as your eyes strayed to him, as if he had similar training, his found you. What had been a dull stare at the ground to avoid any accidental eye contact with the Mamas scattered about the room quickly became a bright and excitable gaze locked to yours and you returned his slow-spreading smile with a rather unladylike grin.
"Hi," he mouthed, a grin of his own now twisting his features. You shook your head at him fondly, biting the inside of your cheek in a foolish attempt to stop your grin from growing any wider.
You were lucky to have a sister with whom your mother was preoccupied. It made it easy to hurry along the sides of the ballroom, exchanging nods with those you passed without stopping to greet them properly, to end up next to Benedict in record time.
You stood side by side, your usual routine, the backs of your hands inches apart but both facing outwards, as if surveying the rest of the room. Each one of your senses was entirely tuned into him as soon as you entered his presence, but it would not look as such to any onlookers.
"You'll start more rumours if you keep trying to communicate across such wide distances, Lord Bridgerton," you began, eyes fixed on the twirling couples so you didn't sneak a glance in his direction, "I thought we were attempting to rid ourselves of the clamours for our engagement."
"They can hardly read into a mere greeting," he responded easily, the words a mere murmur from the corner of his mouth, "I am a gentleman, as you know, and it would be impolite to simply ignore you."
"It would. You couldn't ignore me if you tried, anyway," you mused, "You'd get ever so bored."
"Always so self-important."
His mutter makes you bite back a smirk. Perhaps facing away from each other did nothing to hide your obvious conversation after all. Violet would be sure to notice, you knew, and may once again force Benedict into explaining the lack of proposal between the two of you.
In recent weeks, however, you had been struggling to explain it to yourself. Benedict was so dear to you, so utterly different to the men that regularly bored you, that once you had struck up such unlikely friendship, it seemed you valued it far too much to take it any further.
That, and there had never been any indication that Benedict himself saw marital potential within you. He was by no means a shy man. If he wanted you, you were quite sure he would have swept you off your feet by now.
And what a sweeping it would be, in those strong arms barely concealed by the crisp white shirt, billowing fabric...
"Good evening, Miss Y/L/N," a voice broke you from your spell, and your gaze accidentally drifted to Benedict in surprise before landing on the man interrupting you, "I believe I was promised a dance last we met, and I have heard you are a lady of your word."
You had to fight to keep yourself from frowning as you wracked your brains for his name. Unfortunately, you came up entirely empty and had no choice but to respond vaguely.
"I certainly would not like to gain a reputation for breaking promises," you smiled as taught, taking in handsome features and arms that didn't fill in a shirt nearly as well as Benedict's. You shook that thought from your head as you placed your hand in the unnamed stranger's own, "It would be an honour."
There was a splutter to your left, no doubt Benedict struggling to conceal his amusement at the sudden change in your tone. You allowed the man to lead you to the dance floor, turning subtly to send Benedict a wry smile but finding him staring right through you, expression anything but amused.
It wiped the smile clean off your own face.
His face was thunder throughout your dance, you noticed, however much you tried to focus on the pleasantly mundane conversation provided by your new partner. He really was quite good looking, if only you could appreciate it, but you were entirely preoccupied by Benedict's new foul mood and what could have caused it.
As the dance ended, you bowed politely to your captor, which was the only word that came to mind for him, and hurried in the direction of your favourite friend only to find him gone. This time you did frown, despite your mother's warnings of wrinkles, and picked up your skirt lightly as you slipped out of the ballroom.
Searching side room after side room proved useful. You soon found what could be described as a studio, with large windows to let the light in but currently only cast moonlight across the canvases spread around the room. The moon also lit up half of Benedict, who was stood at the window, staring out into the gardens.
"Be prepared to hide under that desk if anyone should come knocking," you said, startling him as you clicked the door shut behind you, "I shan't let you compromise my honour just because I have to chase after you when you're having a tantrum."
He glowered at you at the mention of a tantrum, the kind of look he usually levelled his brothers with rather than you. It was new territory and you found yourself quickly floundering.
"I did not bid you to follow me."
"And yet here I am," you reminded, taking a tentative step, "So why don't you put a stop to this strange mood and tell me what's wrong?"
"I'd rather not," he said curtly, his voice a little wrong as he turned to face you at last. Were those tears? "Please return to the festivities and I will join you momentarily."
You'd never seen Benedict cry before. In fact, you weren't sure you'd ever seen a man cry in your life, and the sight was terrifying. You wanted nothing more than to wrap him up in a long overdue embrace, but you kept yourself stock still in the middle of the room.
"Benedict..." you began, not sure where you were going despite the plea in your voice, "Please. I have never seen you like this."
He laughs, but its harsh.
"You must not be very observant then, Y/N."
"I beg your pardon?"
"In fact, you must be positively blind. Maddeningly so. How do you ever get anything done?"
You could feel tears of your own welling up in your eyes and blinked them away furiously. It was a great effort to keep your voice level when you spoke.
"I have known you to be many things, Bridgerton, but you are not cruel. I am sure I have done nothing to deserve such vehement insult, so-"
"I quite disagree," he interrupted, face fierce as he stalked over to you until he was right in front of you. Your chest heaved as you looked up at him, eyes wide, and felt the rise of his chest almost against your own, "You are observant, Y/N, and far from blind. It is your cruelty at fault here, not mine. It is yours."
He hissed the last word, pointing a finger at you so close to your chest that your head was spinning. His closeness was intoxicating, his scent crowding you out of enough oxygen and his words were making you lightheaded with panic.
"You're not making any sense," you murmured. His fingertips ghosted across the fabric of your dress near your hips, barely there, and nowhere near the skin underneath.
"You must see it," he mutters back, all gritted teeth and barely concealed restraint, "You must see that I worship you. That I always have."
Your inhale sounded more like a gasp. He shook his head above you, moving closer until his chin was pressed hard into your temple and you keened into the touch.
"I know you do not feel the same. And you are not obligated to, I swear it. But taunting me as you do. Playing with me only to dance with another..." he trails off, breath shuddering, and you can hear those tears in his voice again, "I can't bear it. Please, Y/N, I cannot bear it."
Neither can you.
You reach up and take his face in both hands, finding chiseled cheekbones and jawline, thumbs either side of his lips as you pull him until you can look up into his face again. Your gaze flickers across his face, and you wipe the tears from his face with shaking fingers.
"You're blind, Benedict," you say, leaning up on your tiptoes until your lips brush his, soft, like the ghost of his fingertips against fabric. You know what you want him to do and you need him to do it first, need him to take your lead and run away with it.
When he fists his hands in your dress at your hips and drags you into him, your prayers are answered.
He opens your mouth to his, still gentle but insistent, demanding more, more, more of you. You'd give him everything, right here, mainly because you know he'd never take it. He seems more than content with the here and now as it is, especially when your hands slip into his hair and he lets out a low grumble of a moan that you feel everywhere.
He's trying to pull you closer still when you break for air, gasping it in as the two of you pant into each other's mouths. He runs a hand down your hair, your neck, your arm, until he intertwines his fingers with yours, chases your lips for a peck, then another, then another. You meet him with a lazy grin.
"I dance with the Lords of the ton every ball," you breathe out, "I'd have noticed if you reacted like this every time."
Benedict was grinning too. He looked far more like himself when he did.
"They are usually old, ugly fools," he said, wrinkling his nose in distaste at the thought, "I always hate them having their hands all over you, but watching a young charming bastard who may just have a chance with you hold you as I have always dreamed of doing? It was enough."
"He never had a chance, my Lord," you assured, tracing his hairline, his earlobe just to see him shiver, "You are, as already accused, blissfully blind. Blind as a bat, I should think."
"Recent developments would suggest that to be true," he mused, glowing in a way he wouldn't usually when wrong. Then, all too quickly, his face briefly fell, "I truly apologise for all that I said to you, Y/N. There is no excuse, it was cruel."
"Hm," you agreed, "It was. Although, I can think of a multitude of ways you can make it up to me. Would you care to hear them?"
His eyes lit up at the realisation of your teasing. It was familiar, exactly what had drawn you both to each other time and time again. It was likely what would keep you together for eternity.
"I would like nothing more."
"How about I sit right up here..." you began lowly, moving to take a seat on the desk, "-you sit yourself underneath this desk, and we can have a conversation about compromising my honour."
You grinned at him wolfishly. It looked almost as if his eyes rolled back into his head already, but it wasn't long until he was kneeling in front of you, hands on the hem of your dress.
"And what would you know about compromising your honour, Miss Y/L/N?"
You ran a hand through his hair and used it to roughly yank him forward, until his nose was pressed to the fabric of your dress, exactly where you wanted him. It was easy to see it now, as he stared up at you in total awe: the way he worshipped you.
"Let's find out, shall we?"
if you’d like to request something, please do so here! i’d love to hear from you, sunflower <3
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sainzfilm · 1 year
Toto + mutual pining (maybe with driver!reader?)
pairing: toto wolff x driver!reader
a/n: HELLO I AM BACK. this has been so long and overdue but school has been fucking me over honestly. but also man oh man…ive been in such a toto mood lately like i am head over heels for this man and i need him in my life thank you very much
When Ferrari had announced their newest recruit for the upcoming season, Toto didn’t expect anything out of it. He couldn’t help but think that the newbie’s going to undergo much pressure having to race against the Tifosi’s Il Predestinato.
But if someone were to ask his thoughts about it in a few months time? Toto would simply chuckle nervously and shrug it off before walking off and thinking that he was completely fucked.
“So, Toto, we want to know your piece of the pie,” Lissie asked the Austrian, “What are your thoughts on the grid’s newest red Stallion?”
“To say that I’m impressed would be an understatement,” Toto chuckled softly, putting his hands in his pockets and quickly glanced your way to the media pen before turning his attention back to Lissie, “She’s easily rising up the ranks, I could say that she is a lingering threat to our fight in the championship.”
Lissie nodded in understanding, a smile playing on her lips as she noticed the sneaky glances that Toto has been giving you, “Would you consider her to be a future driver for Mercedes?”
“I think it’d be a better fit to ask her if she’d consider a future with Mercedes,” Toto replied, a twinkle in his eye as he saw you finishing your interview and waiting at the side, “She does have a bright future in motorsport.”
As Lissie wrapped up the interview and exchanged thanks with the Austrian, who was immediately walking out of the media pen to mess up your hair from behind, “Someone finished media day quickly.”
“Stop messing with my hair,” You frowned, playfully punching his arm and eliciting a laugh from the Mercedes team principal, “I could say the same to you.”
“I figured I had better things to do,” He shrugged, walking beside you, “You busy for the day?”
Putting your cap back on your head and adjusting it, you shook your head, “Not until the evening. Why? You got something in mind?”
Toto stopped walking for a moment, turning his attention to you with a sly smile on his face, “Would an afternoon with your favorite macarons, matcha latte, and Austrian be enticing enough?”
As you threw your head back laughing from the idiocy of the film, Grown Ups, on your laptop, Toto couldn’t help but admire the way your eyes turned into crescents and snicker at the way you snort from getting a few laughs out.
Toto put his arm around you on the couch in his office at the motorhome, “You’ve seen this film a million times yet you still laugh at it.”
“And you still watch it with me throughout the duration of our very odd friendship,” You poked your tongue out, reaching over for a macaron, “That is dedication.”
Very odd friendship. Sure, maybe that’s what Toto would call it – the lingering touches, the way your eyes meet in a room full of people, getting on a Facetime call most of the time, even when either one of you would fall asleep during it.
It was fair to say that Toto felt his heart skip a beat when you situated your head on his lap, yawning in the process as you rubbed your eyes, “Is this okay? I just want to take a nap.”
“Not a problem at all,” He cleared his throat, shifting to a more comfortable position and carefully reaching under the coffee table to grab a blanket to drape it on your figure, “Get comfortable, Y/N.”
With a soft sigh escaping your lips, you snuggled the blanket while Toto softly combed his fingers through your hair in hopes of getting you to fall asleep quicker. It was as if a lightbulb went off his head that prompted him to hum your favorite song all of a sudden.
As your eyes started to close with a soft smile on your face, you sleepily reached out for his free hand and intertwined it with yours. Neither of you said a word but it could easily be seen by anyone that your hearts were content with the way things are.
“I still think this is a…” You mumbled sleepily, your breathing starting to even out, “Very odd friendship.”
Toto chuckled quietly, leaning down to kiss your forehead gently and resumed his position by leaning his head back on the couch, “One where the Mercedes team principal likes the stargirl of Ferrari?”
Feeling the heat rush to your cheeks, you couldn’t help but try and fight the blush by clearing your throat, “I heard the stargirl of Ferrari likes the Mercedes team principal too.”
bonus scene!
Toto smiled proudly at you, standing on the topmost spot of the podium and holding your trophy up high. It’s been three months since the situation that kickstarted your relationship with the Austrian. Nobody had to know just yet – it was better that you two just kept it to yourselves for the meantime.
Looking down at the sea of people, you smiled brightly as you spotted your lover and traced the letter ‘T’ over your heart, which would definitely cause a commotion all over the paddock.
“Interesting sight up there, boss,” Lewis nudged his shoulder, a smirk on his face, “So, I definitely figured out the mystery girl now.”
“We weren’t trying to keep it a secret,” Toto replied nonchalantly, his eyes never leaving you, “Just a bit discreet about the actual label of our relationship. People would figure it out.”
Toto chuckled from the confusion on Lewis’ face, but also at the fact that no one really pieced the puzzle pieces together – how you always came to the paddock together, the way rumors of you having a mystery guy on your lockscreen spread, a keychain of the initial of your name hanging from Toto’s car keys.
But then again, Toto wouldn’t really mind whether or not the world would know your relationship. All that mattered was that you were his girl.
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ronwestbreeze · 1 year
becoming jake sully's mate
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pairing: jake sully x fem!reader
warnings: nothing but fluff and longing from both sides
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you had already been a botanist and biologist and had a slowly developed friendship with mo’at there when jake first arrived. you had a hand in creating grace’s school and had sadly watched it fail after the incident with mo’at’s daughter sylwanin. you felt awful about it and always resented the rda for ruining something that could’ve been good for both the sky people and the na’vi. thankfully, you and mo’at still retained a respectful relationship, although now it was a lot more strained since you, like the rda that killed her daughter, were human.
when coming back from another plant research journey, you meet jake right after grace was done snapping at him and stalking off to talk to the higher ups about him replacing tom sully. knowing how grace can be, you offered a more pleasant and warmer welcome as you had no issue with the other sully brother.
“i wouldn’t let what she says get to you. somewhere in that icicle heart in her there’s a heater. i managed to only crack it just a bit.” you joked.
“jake sully, this is dr. y/n l/n. one of our best biologists here.”
jake nodded toward her and offered you his hand which you shook it happily. he gestured toward your hair, “i like the hair color. very bright.”
you had nearly forgotten your terrible dye job which unfortunately turned it into a fiery orange. you remembered grace laughing at you for hours when she first saw it. “yeah, i keep forgetting to shave it all off.”
“don’t. i think it’ pretty cool.” jake grinned.
you smiled back, “thanks, sully. welcome to pandora. hope you enjoy your stay.”
“i think i will.” he gave you a charming smirk in return.
it was one of those moments you realized you had a crush on him.
and it was way too fast for your liking. it was stupid how fast you had fallen for his boyish charm, his sarcastic nature especially around grace.
you didn’t have anyone really. your parents were dead, you had no siblings. all you had was grace and mo’at, who only reluctantly kept you around despite her dislike for humans. and now jake could be added to that.
he was a lot more outgoing then you were while you always kept to yourself most of the time, studying plants. that was your safe haven.
one day you found yourself at the avatar compound having a discussion with grace about some of the trees you had been studying that day when jake comes barreling through the compound, in his new avatar form.
jake had spotted you first and grinned, “hey, cheetos! check this out!” he was jumping around in his new body excitedly. “crazy isn’t it?”
despite you wanting to grin back, you couldn’t help but raise your brow, “cheetos? wait do you mean—that’s not gonna be a new thing sully—”
“already is, cheetos.” grace smirked playfully, standing over you in her avatar body. “s’not as good as carrots! colonel came up with that one.”
“fuck him.” you roll your eyes while jake continued to laugh. you tried hiding your face as it grew warm. it’s a good thing your face was dark enough for people not to notice the blushing.
when jake got lost in the jungle and met the omaticaya clan, surprisingly enough you were one of the first people he told.
“what you did was reckless, skxawng. but somehow your ass is lucky, i don’t know how, but i’m impressed.” you sighed sitting at the table as he rolled up next to it.
jake looked at you with furrowed brows, “skxawng? that’s what the female na’vi called me. the one i met.”
you cringed, “ah right, sorry, i’m too used to the language here, sometimes it slips out.”
“no, no, it’s fine. maybe you can teach me.”
you try not to smile, “maybe.”
“at least tell me what that word means.”
“uh, i don’t think you want to know.”
jake narrowed his eyes playfully but let it go for now, “next time you should bring your avatar and come out with me.”
you tried ignoring the fluttering in your chest. a delusional part of you thought he really wanted to spend time with you. while the other more rational and professional part of you knew it was probably so she could help him understand the species more.
“maybe another time. i can’t get too distracted.”
you neve realized then how closely jake always watched you. when you weren’t looking or even when you were having a simple conversation. somehow you always missed the certain fondness and affection. and he certainly wasn’t good at hiding it. “nothin’ wrong with distractions.”
again, you smiled stupidly, “just find me some plants while you’re out there.”
jake nodded instantly, “will do.”
you ignored the fluttering again. because the next time you met up again, your mind would be clear when you learned that he was going to be the colonel’s spy and gain information from the people. grace was on board with it of course, always trying to search for the diplomatic way. but you hated every bit of it.
this was the first time jake had ever seen you mad and it especially startled him when it was directed at him. he was so used to your smile, your lighthearted and soft spoken personality. he never expected a woman to get so angry at him so fast. new record.
“tell me what other way there is to get out of this peacefully! i’m all ears, y/n!”
“how about not forcing them to give us their resources! this isn’t our world! we don’t have a fucking right to any of it!”
“we’re trying to maintain the peace here, y/n.” grace added. “if we don’t do this, then you know what the rda is going to do.”
“and you think lying to them will make it any better?!” you fumed hotly.
“not if they don’t find out.” jake reasoned.
now you were beyond angry. so angry you couldn’t even get anymore words out without wanting to scream even more at the both of them.
“you know what, do what you want. i want no part of it.” you hissed before storming out of the room.
it hurt because you loved the na’vi people. it hurt because jake was going to be in on it and possibly cause harm to them. it jut because you actually thought…
no. why else was he here? why else did he take his brother’s place? at the end of the day he was just like the rest of them.
it had been a week since jake had seen you and started becoming one of the people. jake had decided then that he didn’t like you being mad at him and he would do whatever he could to have you smile at him again.
so when he had time to sneak away from the training, in his avatar body, he found your lab deep within the forest. he had gotten a flower that he was sure you would like and brought it to you at your lab.
you were shocked to see him to say the least. but still pissed at him.
“i don’t want you to be angry.” he’d say while looking down at you. there was a heavy look across his face that you couldn’t interpret. but at the time you didn’t care much for it.
you took the flower, “a flower won’t fix it, jake.”
“what can i do to fix it, y/n? just tell me and i’ll do it.”
you didn’t understand why he was persistent, or why he even cared about what you thought at all.
“you know what i want, jake.”
another look crossed his face. “and what if i can’t give it to you? i want this to end just as peacefully as you want it to.”
“i don’t want this at all!” you snapped. “this isn’t right and you know it, jake!”
“i can convince them to relocate!”
“why should they be forced to move from their home because of an outsider’s greed?”
jake of course didn’t have an answer for that. he knew you were right, he knew they wouldn’t peacefully relocate. he just wanted to hold on, find a way. for them. for you. he wanted to make this right. he wanted...
he wanted so many things he couldn’t have right now.
instead, he invites you to his ceremony.
“i want you to be there. please.”
you, despite how stubborn you wanted to be, ended up going. the flower he gave you was still clutched in your hand as you watched him become one of the people. but you studied the culture long enough to know what it meant. you knew long enough it meant that after this he would be able to choose a mate if he wanted to or not, depended on his so-called mission he was given by the colonel.
but your question was answered when you saw him go off with neytiri.
you knew he had made a choice.
when the rda attacked the forest, jake was panicked. for the omaticaya people and for you. he couldn’t find you anywhere. jake wouldn’t know what to do if something had happened to you in all of this mess. and things got even worse when he revealed to the clan that he had known about the attack and they had him tied up next to grace. more destruction came. the hometree was destroyed and he still has yet to find you.
then he got pulled out of his avatar and arrested for treason. for the short time in the cell, he couldn’t stop thinking about you, worrying about you. you were still out there while they were here. you could be gone by now and he wouldn’t even know.
you had been in your lab when the attack on pandora happened. you rushed out of your small lab to take in all of the damage with tearful eyes. you had never hated the rda so much until then. seeing the na’vi die, seeing the nature being destroyed by missiles. it made your heart burn.
mo’at had found you and brought you back to the tree of souls with all the other surviving omaticaya people. you, of course were worried for jake, especially when you hadn’t seen him among the surviving people. you even asked neytiri where he was but she wouldn’t say, clearly too angered at the mere mention of his name. you put together that they must’ve found out about jake. and as much as you wanted to say “i told you so” whenever you saw him, you were still worried that he wouldn’t show up.
it wasn’t until jake had rode in on toruk did you feel immense relief and awe when you saw him. and because of the toruk he had rode on, the people knew he was now the toruk makto, and he had gained their trust once more.
but when he reveals that grace is hurt and that he needed their help, the relief was gone and instead replaced with more worry for your friend.
jake had come straight toward you after, asking if you were okay.
but instead you were rambling.
“what happened to grace? how bad is it?”
“y/n, are you okay?”
“is she dying? you wouldn’t be asking for help if it wasn’t bad, jake, how bad is it?!”
“y/n!” his larger hands cupped your face gently, making you focus on him. he was breathless, you realized. eyes staring at her desperately. “are you okay?”
shocked by this, all you did was respond quietly. “yes, i’m fine.”
mo’at attempted to transfer grace’s spirit to her avatar body permanently, but it was too late. you grieved quietly as jake gave his speech to the people about fighting back against the sky people. days go by and jake recruits many more tribes to join the fight. he had come back when you were back at the tree of souls, hoping to talk to grace’s spirit if she was listening.
he stood close at your side. the height difference between you two was ghastly but you had grown used to the na’vi towering over you. although it was different when it was jake.
“will you fight?” he asked you.
“of course.” you said without hesitation.
jake frowns, “do you have an avatar?”
“will you use it?”
“then how can you say you will fight?”
you frown back at him, “it’s my decision, sully. i rather die as a human rather than someone i’m not meant to be.”
“but i do not want you to die.” he hissed, grasping your shoulders. the intense look had fallen on him once more. and this time it overwhelmed you. “if you will fight, fine. but promise me you won’t die, l/n. please.”
you didn’t make any promises but you said you would try. you knew that wasn’t enough for him and he knew he couldn’t stop you from defending the na’vi. because that was what you had always done from the beginning. and you weren’t going to stop now.
you didn’t see jake after that. instead you were alone. after stealing a ship, you had taken down at least two of the rda’s machines before your ship had been hit. right before you crashed, you used your gun to bring one final blow to the colonel’s, making his fall as well.
unfortunately, you were badly injured. and it didn’t look too good, especially when you crawled your way out of the ship and rested against the tree in your final moments. you never imagined dying alone and in the middle of a war. your parents were already long dead, you had no siblings, no children, no lover. regret couldn’t even describe what you felt in that moment.
mo’at had found you before you passed out. she held your face gently and whispered something in her language.
and she said something you never thought you’d ever hear.
“i see you, y/n.” she whispered to you quietly.
the chaos around you had gone silent when she had said those words to you. those familiar words that was only used between their people. and here she was, saying it to you like a mother would a daughter.
“your death will not be in vein.”
you shake your head weakly, “i don’t want to die yet.” but it seemed the world was only darkening as you spoke. it’s as if the more you talked the more energy you wasted. “j-just tell jake…”
“ssh, little one.” mo’at gently patted your head. “rest. he will be okay.”
that’s what you hoped. that’s what you wished.
and before you knew it, darkness enveloped you.
technically, you hadn’t expected to wake up. you hadn’t expected to good as new or have blue skin when you did.
and you certainly didn’t expect to see your dead human body next to you.
mo’at stood next you, saying you were now apart of the na’vi. after risking your life to save her people, she believed you deserved a second chance.
she had pulled you away to the celebration for winning the war. it wa strange being in a whole new body but you were glad. you were happy.
there was just one thing you wanted.
“where’s jake?”
mo’at raised her brows, “jakesully? he should be back soon from meeting.”
so you stayed next to mo’at for most of the day, learning the basics of what to expect now that you were na’vi.
jake had returned later that night and found your body at the tree of souls. he saw the blood, the loss of color in your face. you had been dead for a while. but under the tree of souls?
“y/n!” he called.
he went searching for you. it wasn’t until he reached the camp where the celebration was did he finally see you. the new you.
both your eyes locked. jake came to you first and pulled you in a tight and long hug.
“i told you not to die, skxawng.”
you grinned into his shoulder, ”ah, so you know what that means now.”
he frowned at you though the amused glint in his eyes wasn’t missed. “y/n.”
“next time i’ll pinky promise.”
knowing he couldn’t stay mad at you, he just pulls you into another hug. this one lasting longer than the other. he just couldn’t find himself letting you go any time soon.
a bit of time goes by. you train to officially become one of the people. then you arrived at your ceremony. you officially become a part of the na’vi.
after the ceremony, you go and ride off with jake and his new banshee to a private spot for just the two of you and have a lighthearted chat about how you both were excited for your new lives.
then the topic of mates comes up.
“have you chosen one?” you ask despite already knowing the answer.
jake nods, “yes.”
of course.
you try not to frown as you looked away and said halfheartedly, “it might take awhile to choose mine. tsu’tey doesn’t seem too bad. he could make a good mate just as neytiri is for you.”
suddenly his strong grip wrapped around your arm and pulled you closer to him, surprising you.
“i never said i wanted neytiri.” then he smirked amusingly, “nor did i say who it was.”
you pouted, “you’re being mean.”
he nestled his nose into your shoulder as he mumbled against your skin, “i’m still wondering if she would accept me.”
it could be too good to be true. you wanted to believe it.
almost as if jake read your mind, he cupped your face with his larger hands and pulled her face closer to his.
“will you have me? as yours?”
without hesitation you nod, “yes. i will have you if you choose to have me.”
he smiled then, “i wouldn’t have it any other way.”
then your lips touched. then your heart melted. then your skin was no longer cold.
he was yours. and you were his.
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firegirl888101 · 1 year
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Insatiable Madness (3)
|Sagau Yandere Fatui Harbingers x Reader|
I don't have much to say this update, how is everyone doing? Slow updates will continue to occur btw.
Reader is Gender Neutral!
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"I'm hungry as fuck, let's get some food!" You cheered, closing the car door behind you.
"Strap in, Y/N. My sister's already being soooo fussy..." Your aunt sighed, looking in the rear mirror to see your dad comforting your mum.
"So... Where are we going this time?" You looked at her, the car beginning to drive.
"Oh, you know..." She trailed off, avoiding your inquisitive gaze. "Fine, I won't lie. We're going to one of those fast food chains down the street."
"But... But I thought we were going to a fancy restaurant...?"
"Get your head out the gutter, Y/N. When it's my turn to pay, the best you're getting is Wagamama's." She rolled her eyes.
"Well, I'll make sure to get extra food this time then." You scoffed, noticing her eyes. "Sure, Sure, go ahead. I'll just buy an 'All-You-Can-Eat' pass for you." She laughed to herself.
"Damn it." You cursed, looking away from her and staring at the passing trees and harbingers.
"What the fuck?" You leaned forwards, your head pressing against the window.
Why are there people cosplaying in the fucking park? Eh, you shouldn't judge, really. It's not the weirdest place to cosplay...
They look lost, and they're arguing with eachother. How canon.
"Friends of yours? I recognise the ginger one, didn't I buy you a pillow of that guy for your birthda-"
"You 100% did not!" You interrupted her, your cheeks burning in embarrassment.
Why, oh why, did she have to say such confidential information in front of your parents!?
"Aren't you going to help them? They look lost, and this could be an opportunity to make friends and share hobbies. and maybe get out the house too..." Your dad questioned, eyeing the suspicious individuals.
"Obviously not! Do I look like the type of person who would willingly walk up to a big friendship group like that??"
"Well, you don't look like the type to chicken out." Your aunt laughed, speeding away from the area in a hurry.
"Ah, too late anyway! We already drove past." She sent a wink in your direction, a slight smile on her lips.
Thank fuck someone here is on my side.
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
"How strange..." Dottore muttered, tapping the glass on the compass and coming to a stop.
"Whatever could be the matter now, Dottore?" Pulcinella, firmly slammed his walking stick to the ground.
"No need for such aggression, Pulcinella." He sighed, waving off the old mayor's aggressive antics.
"Then whatever is the matter, Doctor? You seem to enjoy demoting my intellect while your invention is malfunctioning." Sandrone sarcastically asked, grabbing the compass from his hands.
"Always jumping to conclusions..." He sighed once more, snatching the compass back from her hands.
"...The compass recalculated."
"And why is that such a big deal?" Childe shrugged, squinting his eyes at Dottore's mask.
"It's 'a big deal' because it means our Decider is aware of our intentions. They're on the move." Dottore glared, watching the other harbingers' reactions.
"Are you sure, Doctor? The Decider could very well just be heading somewhere in one of those moving metal boxes..." Columbina pointed, a car driving past coincidentally.
"I suppose you could be right, Columbina." He coughed, turning his attention to the passing machines.
"Oh... I would love to just get a little glimpse of..."
"If you don't shut up and keep moving I swear to the Tsaritsa, Dottore!" Arlecchino threatened, tugging the Damselette along with her.
All Dottore could do was sigh at the ineducated buffoons around him.
"What is this place?" Capitano stepped forward, leading the group.
The building looked strange to them, it seemed like a cafe but there was no place for customers to sit! And the bright artificial lights covering the external and internal walls...
The light blinded the Harbingers, they all took a moment to turn away and rub their eyes.
"Is this a joke?" Scaramouche stared in disbelief, turning to Dottore with anger in his eyes.
"The compass says they're in there." He quoted, walking infront of Dottore and through the doors.
"Well, I suppose we're to walk inside with him. It's best to be on our guard; this place looks blinding." Pantalone coughed in his hand, covering his slight chuckle.
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Hmm... I don't think meeting the Harbingers will turn out well. What does everyone think?
I'm going to France for the week! 😀😀
Hoorah! My middle ages ancestors are screaming at me right now...
I promise I won't bring soldiers with me lmao
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Please don't expect too many happy, nice and generally fluffy scenes.
This is Yandere, a genre which should never, under any circumstance be considered normal. It's abusive, unhealthy and leads to a lot of victims facing awful conditions which they never should or ever have to endure no matter who they are.
This is fiction that I'm writing, meaning it's all taken light-heartedly IN A FICTIONAL SENSE.
If anyone, by chance, is currently in conditions where a loved-one or yourself has suddenly become distant and/or being hurt when away from eyes please get help. Talk to them, or if it's you, talk to someone you know you can trust.
If you can't talk to anyone, find authorities who can help you. Call 999, as it is in the U.K, or your local emergency service. They will always help you, and will never deny your rights or freedom.
Thanks for reading this, I hope all who's reading knows this information already, but I thought I'd include it since who knows when it comes to where you are in the world and whether your education programs taught critical information like this.
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✨Elusive✨ Taglist!:
@valeriele3 @pale-value @pix-stuff @yumi-genshin-writer @yuii-v @itz-luna @annoying-mary
Just a quick message here. If you no longer want to be on the taglist that's completely fine! I take no offence whatsoever so please don't hesitate to tell me. ^^
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huggyhughesy · 10 months
Lavender Haze
adam fantilli x hughes!sister
lavender haze
a.n. :: this is a short part 1 in the fic!! let me know what you think <3
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My life was theoretically falling apart. Well, maybe not my life, that was a tad dramatic. But my mind was.
On a late-night walk around campus – during which I discovered my headphones were dead – my mind began swirling with thoughts that I’d been drying to drown out for months. Noise cancelling headphones tended to help with that.
Those thoughts that currently plagued my mind were distracting me from my current surroundings, which probably wasn’t the safest place to be at eleven o’clock at night. But I had to sit down, there was too much going on inside for me to process.
Like the fact that my life was only now really beginning – and not in the way that you think it does when you get to high school, or apply to college. I was having to make important decisions. But they were already made for me. By me. I’d made these decisions for myself a long time ago, but now, after months of living on my own and beginning to discover myself, I discovered that the things that I used to think I wanted, were things that I really thought people wanted of me. And this realization during my late-night walk was currently sending me into a spiral.  
“Are you okay?”
The male voice made me nearly jump out of the bench seat. I put my hand to my chest, trying to steady my heart rate.
“Oh my God, you scared the shit out of the me.”
The man, who, I won’t lie, was extremely attractive, grinned at me. Even under the dull campus lamp, his smile was bright as can be. He was tall, although him standing and me sitting probably skewed my judgment a little bit.
“Sorry,” he said, still grinning down at me. “Didn’t mean to, just wanted to check and make sure you were okay.”
“I’m okay,” I replied.
This probably wasn’t the best response to give someone who was checking in on your well-being, and my assumption was proven correct when he tilted his head to the side slightly, like he was urging me to explain my current predicament. I didn’t though.
“Can I sit?”
I nodded, and he took a seat next to me. He offered his hand, which I shook with my own. He looked so familiar, especially now that I was seeing him this close up. But I couldn’t exactly place where I’d seen him before. Maybe he was in one of my classes?
His grin, if possible, got even wider.
“You seem to look very familiar to me, yn. Have we met before?”
After his sentence, it hit me. He was one of Luke’s new teammates. I didn’t get the chance to meet them during the summer, when he invites the team to our house for a couple weeks, but I’d seen plenty of videos and pictures of the team’s summer at our house.
“No, we’ve never met.”
This time though, I smiled at him. Based on the way his grin changed into a smirk, he was in on this charade of pretending that we don’t know each other, even though we were destined to meet in a couple days when the hockey season began.
“Is there any particular reason you’re sitting out here in the dark?”
“Oh, just a slight mid-life crisis. No big deal.”
Adam seemed to think that maybe it actually was a big deal. And it was, but I was never going to admit that to myself.
“Maybe, if you tell someone about your mental breakdown, you’ll feel better about it. I mean, it works for me when I’m freaking out.”
I really didn’t want to tell this guy who I’d never met before about the fact that I was regretting my profession choice. Or that I was about to have a nervous breakdown because after this year, my brother was going to leave, and if I didn’t make any friends freshman year, I wouldn’t have anyone after he leaves. Except for his teammates, but I think they gave me more of a pity friendship.
“You don’t have to tell me,” Adam said, interrupting my spiral. “But I could help you get your mind off of it, if you want to.”
I scrunched my nose, “Ew, no. I don’t want to –”
“That’s not what I meant!” he quickly interjected. “I can provide you with a distraction that doesn’t involve you being with another person. It would require you to leave campus though.”
“Leave campus? How do I know you’re not going to murder me?”
He laughed. Even in my mental state, the laugh did something to me. It sounded so carefree, like everything in his life was going exactly as he had hoped. Although, I suppose it was.
“Do you want to call your brother for reassurance? Or keep pretending like you’ve never met me before?”
Oh. He was confident, too. But I guess I should have expected that, nearly all of my brother’s friends seemed to be way more confident that they should be. I decided to live on the edge for once and play along with his charade.
“How did you know I have a brother?”
I stood, smiling at him. Now I was the one to look down as I spoke to him.
 “As long as we’re not going to a frat, I don’t really care where you take me.”
“How do you feel about Canada?”
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thedivineart · 1 year
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⠀⠀⠀꒰⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⌷ .⠀⠀d i s c l a i m e r⠀⠀✿𝆬
[ 𝒜𝓇𝓉 ✧ ] any events and other things in your life are cannot be accurately predict by me and the tarot cards, do take a note that we are 'still' the creator of our 'future'- what you 'do' now will be the outcome of your future life and this could be either a good or bad, if your doing good and you are good to others expect the bright future ahead but in reverse you might expect the worst.
[ ℰ𝓂𝒾𝓈 ✧ ] to pick a pile, firstly take a good deep breath, second focus on every pile in the photo provided below { pile one, pile two, pile three }, and lastly scroll more down to reveal your reading. if you cannot still pick up any of the pile, do remember the sequence of what is written in the first sentence.
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ꕀ ׅ࣪ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ 𝓅𝒾𝒸𝓀 𝒶 𝒸𝒶𝓇𝒹 ; facts and secrets of your ᵍʳᵉᵃᵗᵉˢᵗ ˡᵒᵛᵉ
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[ 𝒜𝓇𝓉ℯ𝓂𝒾𝓈 ✧ ] grammatical errors ahead, if you're a perfectionist then leave this pac. I do write with so many flaws and I know it's not perfect since my first language isn't english.
-` 𝑇𝐻𝐸𝐷𝐼𝑉𝐼𝑁𝐸𝐴𝑅𝑇 ´- ✰︵ — m a s t e r l i s t ´-
: ・. ゚ ✧. : ・. ☽˚。 ・゚ ✧: ・. :.
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seems that they likes socialising, sort of life of the party individual and may possibly that they got alot of friends since they value friendships however there's something happened between them and a friend ( probably group of friends ) which lead your person to feel victimize and got anxiety. either this called friend is hating/sabotaging them or bullying them, idk but this one 'friend' and your person isn't in good terms, definitely fear this 'friend' too. hmm, I feel that there's something fishing involve here, I think your person and this 'friend' have something before, like they tried to be in relationship before but actually failed to become stable. this person of yours may/already feel heartbreak and betrayal in their timeframe, even though they got friends they still feel need someone to fill their loneliness. on the other side, they literally got it all and might come from wealthy or wealthy by themselves (if they are a 'man'), high status in life and often in leadership position like in company being it's c.e.o or the boss where they work, actually they got multiple options and choices about their life, like they can get what they like unlike the others. however they tends to daydream and imagine often. also likes luxurious things or materialistic individual they are, they care about the money alot and good at handling it, they literally hate it when someone is late when there's a sched and call time when it be happen, but they are slow to be anger. when you see this person physically and in reality, you'll be having the thought of "they looks tough and cold individual" when it quite faraway from it, they know how to hide their innocence and vulnerability inside by hiding it on their appearance. one thing that keeps me interested with this individual, they willing to give it all if they love someone that's why often they end up feels of being disappointed and just hurting themselves but they know how to heal themselves too. knife and skull symbol might be prominent for this person maybe a tattoo or they like those symbols.
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tw: die, kill
soulmates connection here.there's two scenario here, first -they know within themselves that they are defensive being but of course they don't wouldn't tell it, if they found themselves in that situation they tends to walk away and leave that situation or where they are now, they want to leave and scape to that place but they don't know how, all they can do now is to be patient most of the time. and might be conservative in everything. they also know how to manifest specially to their desires, they believe that action and willingness with manifestation will lead you to a prosperous and secure life, at some point they prefer to work alone like being self employed. might be ailurophiles, they love cats. seems that they are more confident, if they achieve something or if someone is supporting them. they like to offer for people alot whether it's time, money or support from them. negative sides might be forgetful and hot tempered, idk if they are famous since they have alot of supporters maybe quite well known where field or place they are. they do believe success comes from hard work and overcoming obstacles, love how optimistic they are. finally a secret was channeled here, they may don't seem one as physically but they are very sensual individual who knows how to hide it. they do care about the animals specially if this is a cat and the humanity. you can easily may know their true identity by how they act in front of you. for some point, some people here may already know this person or will gonna know this individual this year. dang bruh, I'm shock to this message but this person having thoughts of wanting to die, they want to commit this sin or their anxiety is getting worst day after day, they want to tell it to someone but this person thinks that ' will they understand them even though they will tell it to someone'. s/he got the reason for it, the story behind of why they want to do it but might be afraid that no one will understand them. just a reminder that be observant to people who surround you, look how they behave and think before you outburst words coming from your mouth cause we don't know who suffer, this type of mental illness can kill, no kidding around.
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this person got powerful aura than the rest of the piles and somewhat seems that this pile is the combination of 1 and 2. they come from a wealthy/stable family/high status or inheritance from old people around their family, that's the reason why they don't suffer much when in comes to finances, this money may came from a masculine energy more likely the father or their grandpa. mostly who pick this pile, your person is more mature in appearance or by mentally or by age. might be working on authority level like the boss or in government and law or higher positions like manager, being team leader etc. for some people who pick this pile, I see that they still studying like maybe in higher grade than yours or simply this person loves to learn and very determine as well dedicated to what they are studying. however they may have fear that someone is more better than them, or they experience anxiety or deep unhappiness which causes to got some sleep paralysis/negativity. on the other hand, I'm seeing that they will overcome this one his/her obstacles. they tends to act hasty or bad mouthing and expressing how bitter they are in life maybe because of what they just experience, or they been/will face betrayal in life. they got big social cycle, alot of people know them and they know alot of people too, possibly that they are famous in their surrounding, however your person really knows who are the true and enemy to them or your person may feels that every people around them are not true and just want them for the money and fame specially if those individuals are his/her friends. they been wishing for healing from what people did to them for a very long period of time, they got solution and want to fly away to rest and ease this pain within themselves. they want some joy in their life and was eager for seeking it. as a addition, I see here that this person got some eagle eye or great observation, like they see it but other people wouldn't. everyone seems to respect this person and they know it, they know they are someone who should be respected too ( seems overbearing for me ). when they talk they are too honest to their words and doesn't care if the someone may feel hurt from it or spilling tea is one of their habit/mannerism. one more thing, they think people around them are ugly ( lol, that's bad ) like they based on physical appearance but of course they will keep it by themselves however if you focus on their eyes you can see the judging looking.
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© thedivineart — do not plagiarize any of my work, translate or repost it on other social media platform , do remember that this is only my official account where all my pac are posted, if you ever see something like mine from word by word kindly report it to me, thank you<3. theme is included
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lina-linny · 4 months
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summary: At your birthday party in a club, you get hit on by a strange guy and your "best friend" Wooyoung gets jealous.
words: 1.3 k
When I walked through the door of the club, I was immediately hit by the smell of alcohol and sweaty people. Smiling, I flipped my hair over my shoulder and huddled with my best friend.
Together with her and a few of my other friends, I decided to celebrate my birthday in a club this year. So we headed straight for one of the tables where my other guests were already seated.
Smiling, I greeted them all individually and they all congratulated while hugging me.
The last to arrive was Wooyoung. He was… My best friend? My boyfriend? I don't know. Honestly, things had been a little more complicated between me and Wooyoung lately.
We had been best friends since we were little. But things had changed recently.
Usually, it had always been so that one of us (usually Wooyoung) would start teasing the other and the other would join in. This teasing would change to flirting after a little while until one of us would back out (usually me) and either flee and regret all their life choices or go back to teasing.
But there was one time I hadn't backed down and that had led to the inevitable. Wooyoung and I had kissed. After that, everything became complicated.
I was just totally confused. I didn't know what I felt or wanted. I had enjoyed the kiss. I knew that whenever I was near Wooyoung, whenever I looked at his mischievously grinning face, I felt it tingle. The tingling spread through my whole body until it was unbearable. And maybe I knew what I was feeling all along, but I was just too scared to lose him.
Wooyoung hugged me and with that typical grin, he poked me in the side and said:
"You look beautiful again y/n. Don't you think you should show a little consideration for the others? Nobody will be able to take their eyes off you if you look as enchanting as you do." I turned bright red when he added in a whisper:
"Including me." I turned away. My head was as red as a tomato. Help, what was wrong with me? Couldn't I even behave normally infront of him?
I wanted to run away from Wooyoung, but I couldn't just disappear like that at my party. I would have loved to hide from my feelings.
That's why I suggested going dancing. It wasn't possible to stay together as a group on the dance floor for longer than 10 minutes anyway, which is why we decided to split up in advance. I made sure that I didn't end up in Wooyoung's group.
I felt childish and immature because I wasn't able to face my feelings and just talk to Wooyoung. I knew exactly how I felt about him, but I was really afraid of destroying our friendship.
My friends pulled me onto the dance floor and made sure that I almost forgot about Wooyoung. But only almost. We danced and laughed a lot. After a while, however, we lost sight of each other. I wandered around a bit on my own until I decided to get a drink at the bar. Sooner or later we would find each other again.
I sat down on one of the bar and ordered my drink when a man suddenly sat down next to me. To be honest, he was a little too close to me for my liking.
"Hey sweetie, if you're wondering what my name is, it's r/n." He grinned at me. I certainly hadn't wondered what his name was. He looked at me expectantly. Did he seriously expect me to introduce myself in such a macho way now too?
"Y/n" I replied curtly. The situation became even more awkward when he put his arm around my shoulders. I stiffened noticeably.
"Are you here alone, sweetie?" I was going to retch if he kept calling me that.
"Oh really? Who are you here with, I don't see anyone?" He grinned as if he thought I'd made it all up to impress or flatter him.
"My friends, I'm celebrating my birthday."
"Ahhh…. In that case, how about another birthday present, sweetie? You could take me, for example." He grinned smarmily and I thought that now was the time to retch.
"No thanks," I warned him timidly. He just laughed and moved even closer to me.
"Do you have a boyfriend, sweetie?" My face couldn't decide whether to turn red or pale. What was wrong with him? Didn't he realize that the whole thing was making me incredibly uncomfortable?
"No," I replied curtly, desperately looking for a way out of this situation.
"So you're single?" As he asked this, he began to move his face towards the crook of my neck. What was that supposed to mean? Should I just lie and say no? His lips touched my skin.
"Yes," the words came out in a panic before I had a chance to think. I wanted to push him off me, but then I heard a voice that made me freeze. "Single, then?" Wooyoung asked Sourish. I whirled round to face him and r/n turned round in confusion too. I saw my chance and took it. I stood up, wriggled out of r/n's grip, and grabbed Wooyoung's hand. Then I took flight, pulling him after me to our table.
None of the others were there at the moment so we settled down on one of the benches.
"Did I interrupt something?" Wooyoung asked, slightly annoyed. I looked at him, confused. Was he jealous? I started to blush. Maybe now was the time for me to be brave.
"No! Thank you for being there. Otherwise, it would probably have taken me half an eternity to get away from there." Wooyoung looked a little taken aback.
"Um… no problem" Okey y/n don't lose heart now.
"Do you want to dance with me?" Now Wooyoung looked completely confused, but he agreed. I carefully clasped our hands together and walked onto the dance floor with Wooyoung. We started to move to the music. Wooyoung twirled me around in circles and we both laughed. I couldn't remember the last time I had been this happy.
In the colorful light of the spotlights, Wooyoung looked like an angel. That mischievous grin on his face, his eyes that radiated so much joy, everything about him was breathtaking.
"I wish you knew how much I want to kiss you right now." Without thinking about it, I spoke the words.
Wooyoung leaned down to me with a grin but stopped just before he touched my lips.
"So would you do us both a favor and finally kiss me?" he whispered with a grin and I connected our lips together with a smile.
I let my hands rest on the back of his neck to pull him even closer to me. When we broke away after what seemed like an eternity, I grinned.
"Thank you for being the best birthday present I could have wished for." Wooyoung laughed after my comment.
"You're welcome, I know I'm amazing." We both laughed together.
"Just please do me a favor. Next time someone asks you if you're single, say no unless you want to lie to them. Because from now on, I'm all yours."
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just-dino-maggie · 1 year
trevor zegras 61 pls
Thank you for the request!! I hope you enjoy this little imagine!
61. “I thought you knew.”
Trevor Zegras and I have never been friends. We are civil, professional. It’s how it should be. I’m the on the social media team for the Anaheim ducks, I see the guys almost every day. I’ve made good friendships with most of them but Trevor and I never quite meshed.
I was upset about it at first. I thought he was cute and funny, especially around the other guys but around me he shuts down. He so uninterested in me and it’s frustrating. I decided after a little while not to let it get the better of me. I still makes sure I get his good side for all the pictures. I cant leave my girls out to dry. I may not get along with him but it’s easy to see the appeal.
It’s the Ducks media day today which is one of my favorite days of the year. I get to do what I do best. I take some fun behind the scenes videos, I help direct our photographers, and I get to hang out with the guys who have been away all summer.
I check my itinerary and the first person I have to do one on ones with is Trevor. I feel a little nervous but I know Trevor will preform well in front of the cameras.
I get the lighting and the cameras set up early. I make sure there is a comfortable chair for the guys to sit in. Cam Fowler joked about a metal chair being too harsh on his “old man back”. Once all of that is done I read over my questions to make sure I have them on lock.
I wait patiently for Trevor’s call time. He is usually on time but every once in a while he’s late. I try not to worry about it. I fiddle with the sleeves of my sweater and anticipate his arrival.
When I hear the door open I stand, Trevor walks through the door nonchalantly. “Hey Trevor,” I say putting on a bright smile. “You know the drill, do you mind putting this on?” I hand him one of the reverse retros.
He takes off his sweater and I try not to notice the way his undershirt lifts up as he does it. Unfortunately my brain has chosen to take that information and not let it go. “When you’re ready you can sit right here and we can get started.”
We start filming and he’s amazing as usual. He might be my favorite to film. The other guys are awesome behind the scenes but the only time I get to see Trevor be himself is on camera. He let’s loose in some ways because people have come to expect his vibrant personality.
“Trevor that was great! I think we’re all set!” He doesn’t answer me. He just starts grabbing his things and getting ready to head to his next call time. I don’t know why it bugged me so much. His silence just felt dismissive and it hurt. “You are aware that you can be nice to me right? I get that you don’t like me very much but you can at least pretend.”
“I’m not trying to be rude, I just don’t know what to say.” He turns to look at me, “I don’t dislike you.”
I roll my eyes, “Right you don’t dislike me you’re just put off by my presence.”
“I thought you knew.” He says, confusion written on his face.
I throw my hands up in defeat, “You thought I knew what Trevor?”
“About the rule with the interns.” He sighs, “In Highschool I was an idiot and I screwed around with an intern at USA hockey. She ended up being related to a coach and things got complicated. I told myself I would never try anything with an intern ever again. So because I’m attracted to you I stayed away from you.”
I pause for a second trying to register his words in my brain. He has a rule about interns? He’s attached to me? Oh my gosh Trevor Zegras is attracted to me. “I’m not an intern.” I say then I mentally slap myself right after.
He smirks, “You’re right, you aren’t an intern and you definitely aren’t coaches’ niece. Maybe I should stop treating you like you are.”
“Yeah,” I agree. “Maybe we could be friends?”
He smiles, “Yeah something like that… I’ll see you after the shoot?”
I nod then I wave him out the door. I can feel the blush on my cheeks and the smile on my face. I don’t even care because Trevor might really like me after all.
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batimagines · 2 years
¦i'𝗺 n𝗼𝘁 h𝗲𝗿ꜜ
↬ damian wayne x reader
↬ warnings: none
↬ words: 2.1k
↬ sorry for any mistakes english isn't my language, but i tried. and if you can, let me know what you think.
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                       ❝no, I'm not her, no, never will.
                            never gonna move like her,
                             never gonna look like her.
                         at least that's what I've heard❞
                               -- i'm not her, clara mae
You and Damian Wayne were an unbeatable duo. Both on the battlefield and off it.
Your friendship was a surprise to everyone, and in a way, even to you. One is the complete opposite of the other, but maybe that's why you got along so well, there was a balance between the two. Obviously, this also made it easier for you to have adverse opinions about various things, but that was what made your dynamics active. And even though you're a sweet person and Damian is…well, Damian, you complement each other. It was even nice to see.
But it was as your physics classes had taught you, opposites attract.
Damian has always treated you differently from everyone else. He had been kind - in his own way, since you joined the team and after they got close, he became a protector with the smallest things, in fact, you swear that the listener threatened Gar with death for eating your chocolate that was in the room. refrigerator once. You go Wayne's little gestures, and maybe that's what was provided for you to confuse things.
You had made one of the worst mistakes you thought you could have made. You broke rule number one of any friendship and feared it would spoil everything from there.
You fell in love with your best friend.
Even though you promised to keep it to yourself until that feeling somehow just faded from your heart, it was suffocating just imagining a reality where you could have something more. And so, after a lot of self-questioning, you decided to open the game. You convinced yourself that, if not reciprocated, your friendship was too strong to end over a teenage crush. Today you know it was another mistake, you could have avoided the pain you felt in the following days.
It was a starry night and the day had been surprisingly calm, you were on the roof watching the stars like you liked to do and although Damian thought it was kind of silly, he always kept you company. You were mentally preparing to speak when he started.
"It's going to be the sweetest thing I've ever said in my entire life, but I think our friendship is the most bearable thing in my life. I like everything about you, Yn."
"Yes. But that's the problem. You like me. I love you."
"I love you, Damian. In a really big way, I love that you have an inordinate amount of pets, I love how you hate public displays of affection and I love how you can be so stubborn and headstrong almost always. Unfortunately, the things that should make me hate you, make me love you."
"I don't believe in that kind of relationship, Yn. You should know. Relationships like that are distractions and leave us vulnerable, and in the life we lead, it can be fatal and I don't want to die. So I'm sorry."
Damian then got up and left you alone with a broken heart. On the bright side, at least he'd said he was sorry, even if a part of you insisted that your friend had only said that because he still had a little regard for you, not because he was really sorry.
After your confession, things took a turn for the worse. Damian walked away and now the two of you barely spoke and when he did, it was reduced to a few quick words. He avoided training or going on missions with you and that, of course, didn't go unnoticed by the other team members, who thank the gods decided not to intrude and try to understand what happened.
But it was ok, you respected his opinion, even if it hurt, you knew that one day you would get over it. The wrong one was you for falling in love, you knew Damian well enough to predict he'd say such a thing.
You couldn't complain about Damian's choices and again, it was okay, little by little, you'd deal with it.
But then Rachel entered the game.
You've watched Damian approach the empath from the box, watched them become friends, and faked a celebration when they started dating.
The problem was never both, on the contrary, you were happy for both of them. Rachel was kind of a friend of yours and knew she was a good person, plus you saw the change she made in Damian. She heard the hearty laughs he gave when they were together, noticed the small affectionate interactions and discreet touches. Damian was happy and that was enough.
The real issue that bothered you was that two months ago Damian had said he didn't believe in dating and all his obsession with not making himself vulnerable to the enemy. He lied to you, was the only thing you could think of. And you hated lies.
But you weren't in your talking shoes and you didn't want to be seen as the one who wanted to mess up your friends' relationship. So you kept the feeling to yourself.
You held on as long as you could but your heart was broken and no one could say you didn't try. You avoided being around when the two of them were together and spent more time in your room trying to distract yourself and training than you used to, but it still hurt. That's why you've decided to take a break from everything from Damian, Rachel and the team. You felt selfish for a while for suddenly dropping everything, but convinced yourself it was the best choice for now. You talked to Nightwing and said you needed to take some time for yourself, and he completely understood without question.
Dick has always been something of a big brother to you, and you'd expect him to notice all the change in the last few days. He didn't pressure you to tell, but he always made it clear by gestures that he was there for you if you needed him. And you appreciated it.
You decided not to tell anyone you were going out, despite being a little immature of you, just with Dick knowing it was already a good size. But you didn't plan on bumping into Damian in the hallway as you left your room with your belongings.
"What is it?" Damian asked, glancing between your face and your bags.
"My bags."
"What do you need bags for?"
"I don't think you need to know"
You tried to continue on your way, but Damian stopped in front of you preventing you from doing so. You wished more than anything you could maintain your composure in that moment, after your botched statement to Wayne, you two hadn't had a conversation for more than five minutes alone and being confronted by him wasn't the best thing.
"I guess so."
"Damian--" You took a deep breath before continuing, just wanting to get this conversation over with. "Alright, I'm taking a break from the team, okay?"
"What?" Damian's expression changed from peaceful to shocked in a few seconds and you knew that indignation would follow soon after. Like he has any right to feel that way about you.
"I'm leaving the team temporarily or maybe permanently."
"No, you can't go! Yn, we're a duo, remember? Are you going to leave me like this?"
"Now do you remember me?" You gave the boy a little shove on the shoulder so you could go on his way. You gripped the strap of your backpack tighter, walking with your head held high with no intention of looking back.
"Is it because of my relationship with Rachel? Is it because I chose her over you?" His words made you stop where you were and turn to look into Damian's eyes. Now it was you who was outraged.
"No Damian. I'm doing this for me, I need some time to myself. I really don't care if you chose Rae because she seems really great and by the way I hope you treat her well because she doesn't deserve to be hurt by someone like you."
You walked through the door, now with more determination than ever, and for a long time you didn't look Damian Wayne in the face. You moved, you went to New York and you didn't really come back to the team. Years had passed and you'd only kept in touch with Dick, even though you didn't speak often. And now, you had a good job, nice friends, and a quiet life, although you admit you missed the little things that reminded you of your old life. Good things have always remained in your memory.
That is, until Nightwing's call asking for your help. He never called you without asking first, so you knew there was an urgency to that request. It looked like the villain was really tough and they needed as much help as possible. You didn't plan on going back to the heroine life, but now the world didn't need your civil citizen dilemmas, so you went to help your old friends. You'd already forgotten all about that whole Damian thing anyway, not that it mattered.
When you arrived at the T-tower and Damian looked at you after all these years, he couldn't believe that was you. You were different and for sure, time has done you good.
But the truth is, not long after you left, his relationship with Rachel was over, after all she wasn't that great and he realized he'd picked the wrong girl.
He tried to call you and talk to you, explain the situation, apologize and maybe convince you to come back, but you had changed your number and simply disappeared. Of course, he knew the bat cave had the resources to find anyone, but he still had dignity and he wouldn't do that to you, he knew he'd go overboard. However, he knew that Dick still kept in touch, and he even tried to blackmail his brother several times to get what he wanted, but the eldest never said a word about it. It was a promise he had made to you.
And now, you're here, in the same room as him and Damian wouldn't miss the opportunity to talk to you. And when you were in your old room alone, he got ready to finally strike up a conversation with you.
"Yn, can we talk?"
"Of course, I think." You said, surprising the action of the boy who still hadn't spoken to you since you arrived. You heard about Damian and Rachel's breakup from Dick, but that didn't matter to you anymore, the empath was still your friend as always and Damian just wasn't anymore because he decided to walk away.
"I'll be straight. Not long after you left, Rachel and I broke up."
"Oh, I'm sorry, you were–"
"I realized I picked the wrong girl."
"I realized it's you I want to be with until the end of time and so I think we can—" He says approaching you, but you interrupt him. God, it hadn't been a day since you'd seen him again and Damian was already making it weird again.
"No, Damian. Do you... Do you think you just come here and say whatever you want and that's it? Is everything settled?"
"Yea?" Damian replied, even though it sounded more like a question.
"Do you realize that when I told you I loved you, you said you didn't believe in relationships, and then soon after you started dating Rachel, you broke up with me? You could have been honest with me then, not after I moved out and years passed."
"I'm not asking you to stay. I want you to stay or I want to go with you, but I want you to be who you want to be and I know staying with me won't be easy, but you'd be sick if everything was easy too much."
"No... I want an easy life, okay? I want a comfortable, calm life. I went through the fire and it wasn't easy because I was so in love with you... and I can't do it again. And plus–" You're interrupted by your cell phone ringing, you pick it up and show the screen, where it showed who was calling you, to Damian. "I'm with someone now, someone who really loves me and cares about me."
And leaving no room for that conversation to continue, you leave your old room leaving a surprised Wayne.
Surprised not only by your words and by having been exchanged. But also surprised to have been replaced by the spider boy from Queens.
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i-was-a-well-kid-once · 11 months
“When the lights go out (and the walls come down)”
Most of our mornings were slow. We’d get home from a case sometime early in the morning, so most of us would end up sleeping in, sometimes until noon. Most days we’ll wake up, and Holly will already be here, tidying up, doing paperwork, or taking calls. Out of the three of us that lived here,  Lockwood was usually up first, already in the kitchen with the kettle on, reading the morning newspaper or the latest magazine. The next to wake up was George, who joins Lockwood in the kitchen and usually starts making some breakfast. Then finally, I traipsed into the kitchen still half asleep and in great need of some tea. 
The thing is, I usually don’t remember actually going to bed most nights. I’ll usually be so tired from whatever case we just got back from, that it has become routine to tramp up to my attic and plop onto my bed, some nights, too tired to even change into actual pajamas. 
Nights when I am plagued by particularly horrifying nightmares, I normally wake up and have trouble falling back asleep, so I’ll make the trek down to the kitchen, carefully avoiding those areas of the floor that creak, so as to not wake up either of the boys, and I’ll make myself some tea, or sneak some biscuits out of rotation. 
Some nights, I wasn’t the only one who couldn’t sleep. I would sneak down to the kitchen, bleary eyed, moments of vulnerability still flashing through my mind, and would find Lockwood with a cup of tea at the kitchen table, or his favorite armchair in the library. 
Some nights it would make me feel better just sitting with him, drinking tea, while I sketch and he reads. Some nights, we’ll find it in ourselves to fall back asleep, whether we would return to our respective rooms, or maybe we would cross over the line of friendship, putting pause on the unceasing dance that was the dance around our true feelings, wants, and wishes; because in the hazy hours of the late night or early morning, it was never the same. When the lights were low, walls would come down and secrets would be shared. Which is exactly why, some mornings, I would find myself safely tucked into Lockwood’s arms, curled together underneath a warm duvet, either mine or Lockwood’s, usually depending on who needed to be comforted the most. 
This time, however, I awoke to the orange glow of dawn coming through the curtained windows of the library, on the floral printed sofa, a duvet draped somewhat messily over us. 
As I blinked open my eyes—which struggled to adjust to the bright light—and assessed the situation, I was able to register that this was a risky place to be sleeping, as George or Holly could find us like this and we would never be able to hear the end of it. 
I lay on my side, next to Lockwood’s sleeping figure, arms wrapped around his waist, my ear against his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat. His arms were wrapped around my shoulders, holding me close to him. Our legs were entangled together, and I realized there would be no way to untangle myself from him with him stirring. 
I thought back to last night. I remembered waking up in a cold sweat, after watching another alternative of our trip to the Other-Side play out inside my head. These nightmares would always feel so real, it was getting hard to convince myself, in the nights and mornings that I would wake up to, that everyone is fine. We all made it out; we’re all alive. 
Eyes still red, cheeks wet with streaks of tears, I crept down to the kitchen, searching for some solace, some relief in the form of a cup of tea to warm the cold numbness I felt inside. A feeling I feel a little too often now, since my two trips to the Other-Side: a feeling of a coldness that can never be broken or thawed. 
When I found Lockwood in there, feeling relieved rather than surprised, I gratefully accepted the tea he poured for me, and when he had led me into the library and sat me down, still in a daze, I had let him pull me into his arms and hold me. I found his heartbeat and focused on the sound of it; the steady rhythm; the reassurance that he is alive. We’re alive. I let it lull me to sleep. 
Now, lying here, I felt warm and safe. I felt whole in a way I had never thought was possible. No, I’ve never been held like this before by anyone else, I’ve never felt this cared about by anyone else; I’ve never felt this safe. 
I felt Lockwood stir as I shifted my legs slightly underneath the duvet. I wondered what time it was, having a feeling it’s been a long time since Lockwood had slept in this late. He didn’t seem to get enough sleep, but I was glad he was resting well now. 
“Luce?” I felt the hum of his words against my cheek. His voice was hoarse from sleep.
“Mhm?” I hummed in response, finding my voice to be just as raspy. 
“Your feet are freezing.” He said, moving his legs around, away from my feet, as if to prove his point.
I let out a soft giggle at that, resisting the urge to press them against his skin again, just to mess with him. “M’sorry, what do you suppose I do about it, it’s not my fault.” I mumbled, teasingly. 
“Mm.” He hummed. “Could try wearing socks.”
Now I did press my feet to his skin, a sleepy grin spreading across my face after hearing him hiss in protest.
“Geez,” he hissed, pushing my feet away with his own. “What are they, made of ice cubes?” 
I scoffed at him, playfully. “You’re so dramatic.” 
“Hmm.” He mumbled into my hair, tightening his hold around my shoulders, bringing me just a little closer. 
I melted into his embrace, closing my eyes. We were silent for a few minutes, listening to each other’s breathing. I figured Lockwood had fallen back asleep until he started tracing soft circles along my arm with his thumb. 
“Do you feel any better now?”
It took me a moment to realize he was referring to my nightmare I had last night. I tried to recall what I had told him about it, if anything, but I hardly remembered anything about last night. 
“M’alright.” I really feel a lot better now. I had almost entirely forgotten about it until now. Opening my eyes, I rested my gaze on the colorful rug that lay in the center of the room.
“Do you want to talk about it?” His voice was gentle, still husky from sleep, but so warm. 
“There’s not much to say, really. Same as it usually is.” I said into his chest, focusing on his calloused fingers tracing light patterns on my skin. 
“You were back there again?” His hand moved into my hair and he began to slowly card his fingers through it, no doubt finding the streaks of white that had been left in there. Essentially they were scars, I suppose, a reminder that we’ve been there. Not that we needed any more reminders. 
When I didn’t answer, he only continued to finger his way through my tangles, every now and then massaging towards my scalp. “I know you don’t like them, but I think these white strands look pretty with your brown hair.” 
I gave a small grunt at that. He was right about me not liking them. I had considered dying them, hiding them away, but something had always stopped me from going through with that. 
“No, really, Luce.” He pressed his mouth to my hair. “You’re beautiful with or without them.” 
Doing my best to ignore the warmth creeping onto my cheeks and neck, I sighed and quietly added, “I like yours, too.” 
“They do make me all the more charming, don’t they?” He teased, lifting his chin off of my head. And though I couldn’t see him, I knew he was grinning.
“Maybe they do,”—a chuckle from him—“but don’t let that go to your head.” I said, lifting my head so I could see him, vainly hoping he wouldn’t notice the red tint of my cheeks. 
Grinning, he tapped my nose softly with his finger. “Too late.” 
I rolled my eyes, fighting unsuccessfully to keep a grin off my own face. How could I when he smiles at me like that? I put my head back against his chest, again, finding comfort in his heart beat. 
We fell into a comfortable silence that lasted for about two minutes. 
“How do your feet get so cold?” 
“I don’t know, Lockwood.” 
“Maybe you can wrap them in the blanket, or put some socks on for heaven’s sake.” Lockwood shifted his legs so they would be free of my cold grasp.
“Maybe some tea would warm me up.” I said, innocently. Not that I really wanted him to get up, but—per usual—I could really go for some tea. 
He sighed, dramatically, resting his chin against my hair. “I suppose.” He began to shift around and eventually untangled himself and sat up on the edge of the couch. “I’ll put the kettle on, as long as you’re still here when I get back.” 
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The labyrinth
Summary: Willow Everdeen Mellark arrives at the University in the Capitol and meets her roommate, a strange girl with light hair. How will their first encounter go? This is a short AU set roughly 30 years after the events of Mockingjay. It explores Willow's first time at the Capitol, her ideas about its people and the beggining of a friendship, or maybe more. Cassie or Cassandra is an original character with an interesting family history (guess who she is related to). I might turn this into a proper fic one day, but for now this is a glimpse of what could be. With no further ado, enjoy!
On the way to the University, I take in everything around me. Buildings, stores, vehicles, people. Above all, people. The images from home really do not do justice to the riotous aesthetics of the Capitol citizens. An amalgam of colors, fabrics and shapes swirls through the window and I almost get dizzy. But I force myself to keep watching. After all, this is what I wanted right? To experience this unknown world far from my simple District 12.
I stop for a second thinking of my mother. Right now, she's probably hunting in the woods to avoid her thoughts. To avoid any thought about her daughter stuck in the middle of this enormous city, which must have left so many memories marked on her skin.
The driver's voice brings me back to reality, announcing our arrival. I pay and thank him before getting out, coming face to face with the most imposing structure I’ve ever seen. Ancient columns, tall carved gates, and a pristine staircase dominate the entrance, packed with students.
I feel a tickling in my chest as I walk into the crowd. Several heads follow me as I pass, probably noticing that I'm not from around here. Although it is nothing new for districts to send their children to study at the Capitol, the numbers remain low. I wink at them without thinking twice, causing a few blushes, before leaving them behind.
After putting some documents in order, I finally head to what will be my bedroom for the next few years. I wonder if my partner has arrived yet. Will she be from a District like me? That would make the transition easier. Although, challenges never scared me, anyway.
As I get to the last hallway, I see that the door is already open. Looks like I won't be able to choose the bed. Whatever, it's time for the truth. I knock to get her attention, and she quickly turns around. The morning light reflects on her bright hair, and her eyes stay fixed on me. What a strange girl. She stands petrified, her next move undecipherable. Is she scared of me? Maybe Capitol people are as exaggerated as everyone says. Well, Effie is living proof of that, but that's part of her charm. If anything, my experience with my aunt gives me an advantage now. So, I offer her my hand.
“Hi, nice to meet you. You must be my roommate. I'm Willow.”
She blinks a few times, as if waking up. She gets closer to shake my hand and her floral scent reaches my nose. When we touch, I feel her silk like skin. And the coldness of her fingers.
“I’m Cassie. Sorry, I swear I'm not always like this. I'm still getting used to this place and my head is a mess.”
Her voice is sweet, but it doesn’t have the ring I was expecting from a Capitol girl. I take a better look at her clothes and I realize she’s far from those characters I drove by today. Was I mistaken?
“It's okay. I get what you mean. It’s all new to me here. The Capitol's sure bigger than it looks on TV, huh?”
I was waiting for her to boast proudly about everything this city had to offer to its newcomers, like any citizen would do. But it didn’t happen.
“Yeah, ever since I’ve got here, I’ve felt like I'm in a huge labyrinth.”
She looks away, and I notice how she rubs her hands nervously. She reminds me of my brother, when he gets carried away with worry instead of facing his problems. And if there's one thing I'm good at, is at getting him out of his head.
“Well, seems like luck’s on our side.” I say arranging my bags on the empty bed.
“What do you mean?” She asks me with a raised eyebrow.
“If we wanna make it out of the labyrinth, we'll have a better chance together, right?”
It takes her a few seconds to get what I mean, but when she does, my pulse quickens. She smiles. And then I realize. She is not strange. She is beautiful.
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kookiestiddies · 2 years
the way we are | 2 - the party
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pairing: jeon jungkook x female reader
genre: drabble series, college au, enemies to lovers >:), pining, fluff, angst, and smut (in later chapters)
➔ He got on her nerves and he knew it. She took his heart and she doesn't know it yet.
wc: 4.3k
warnings: swearing, reader is grumpy, kissing, attempted humour, typos and grammatical errors prolly, allusion to smut, bad jokes (again... it's a real problem), annoying characters maybe (oc prolly idk how to feel about her), jung hoseok (a necessary warning), jung hoseok again except I should mention that he embodies 'no thoughts just vibes" lowkey, taehyung too, taehyung showcases instigator behaviour, ben affl*ck (idk man, you're confused I'm confused), mention of queefing, kindergarten level insults.
taglist: @bubbless-world @ohitssummer @jeonsorchid
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The Jeon twins made for an odd pair. 
While they lived up to their title in terms of mannerisms and speech patterns, physically, they were as different as can be. 
If it weren’t for the inky patterns that lined their arms and possibly other parts of their body, their matching set of doe eyes, and the sudden dips in each cheek that always appeared after the sight of a familiar face or a well-told joke, you could never have guessed that they were once womb-mates.
While Chaeyoung thrived in bright shades of pink and white, Jungkook opted for the brooding presence of blacks and anything else no brighter than navy blues. Where she was all softness and curves, he was a sketch-up of hard lines. On the days when Chaeyoung wore butterfly clips in her hair that complimented her flowy dress and Mary Jane heels, Jungkook styled his mullet, wore more silver jewellery than you could count, and stalked about in black stompers.
One of these days, you were fated to find out that said stompers were actually worth quite a bit. But not just yet though.
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Parties were never your thing. 
Not to sound too different from other girls or anything, but you truly did prefer the comfort of your cosy shoebox dorm and a never-ending stream of meaningless online content. 
Parties were too loud, too stuffy and too stressful. That is unless you were shitfaced drunk like you were currently. 
Just a few months into your new company of friends, you were quick to learn that the whole lot of them were party animals, almost always on the lookout for nights of alcohol-induced shenanigans, and shameless whoring, twerking, strutting and queefing around as Jimin had so eloquently put, while you were decidedly not.
“You’ll come won’t you,” Chae asked you as she grasped your upper arm and looked at you with puppy eyes. 
“I won’t,” you answered with a sickeningly sick smile. 
It was on a Friday afternoon when you had been in the middle of your solo biweekly revision session that Chae’s familiar cotton candy head had popped over the sea of silence that engulfed the library. Students glanced at her with annoyance as she noisily clacked her heels over the floor to where you were seated in a single booth towards the back corner. You were also quick to notice the quiet thud of a pair of stompers that followed her suit. 
“Told you she wouldn’t be into it,” Jungkook said dismissively with a blank expression and lazily leaned against the side of your booth. “Oh c’mon, you can’t abandon me like this!” Chae whined and tightened her grip on your arm. It was starting to hurt honestly. 
The girl sitting in the booth across from you sent an angry “Shh!” in your trio’s direction. 
You lowered your head in embarrassment and gestured to the twins to quiet down. “Babe, what do you mean abandon you? I love you and everything and I truly appreciate our friendship and all, but we really haven’t known each other long enough for this to be that deep,” you said with a look on your face that said you were joking. Jungkook snorted loudly at that.
Another “SHH!” landed on you again. Bitch.
“Y/n! I can’t handle another night of taking care of Jimin and Nayeon’s horny asses. Do you have any idea the bullshit those idiots put me through?!” Chae cried. Her grip on your arm tightened even more. 
Jesus fuck, does she work out?!?
“C’mon Chae, I told you she wouldn’t be into it. You said you’d prove me wrong. You didn’t. You owe me ice cream now. Let’s go,” Jungkook said monotonously and stood up as you hopelessly pried Chae’s hands away from your arm. 
“Chae, please let go, you’re killing me here,” you whisper-scream, admittedly scared of the chick in front of you.
Luckily, the shrill ringtone of Chae’s phone suddenly cuts through the air and leads her a short way away from your booth to answer the call, gorilla grip talons and all. Both Jungkook and you notice the irritated look on the girl across and shared an awkward-embarrassed look with each other.
“What? Did you guys bet on me going to the party or something?” you redirected, looking between the twins. He shrugged. “Am I only worth some ice cream?” you joked mindlessly. 
“If you must know, it’s really cheap, grocery store ice cream…” Jungkook said quietly, but not quiet enough to escape your earshot as you massaged your arm (which will probably bruise tomorrow).
“Oh? Is that so? Everyone knows that cheap, grocery store ice cream tastes miles better though, compared to whatever premium coco-mocha-pumpkin-spiced-latte-ariana-grande ice cream I’m sure your tasteless ass likes having,” you banter. 
At this, he stares at you, glides his eyes up and down your figure, and smirks. 
“I mean… I didn’t even say that that’s my taste.”
“What is your taste then?”
“Cheap, grocery store ice cream,” he says strangely with a smile.
Is he flirting with you?
You let out a huff at that and say, “Whatever. This is a really dumb conversation. Hope you enjoy your ice cream, whichever one it is that you end up getting,” before turning back to your work.
Jungkook was still looking at you, with what you suspected was hesitance.
You look back and raise a questioning brow at him. 
Just as he opened his mouth, Chae saunters back over and unknowingly interrupts him. “Hobi’s here,” she announces while looking around the library. All the focus you had on Jungkook is abandoned immediately as you whip your head around to look for the sight of a familiar sunshine grin.
It doesn’t take long for you to find it as its owner walks over to your group with a bickering Jimin and Taehyung in tow. Taehyung’s hands are flailing everywhere and he’s bouncing around with Jimin looking at him in ridicule while trying to get him to calm down.
“What are these idiots fighting about now,” Chae mutters under her breath.
“...but Affleck’s Batman was literally the worst okay?! His rat-ass thought he was doing the middle-age existential crisis gimmick right, except that he wasn’t. Brother Pattinson came in and fucking ate that shit!” you heard Taehyung saying passionately as the trio came within earshot, making Jimin burst out a screech while Hoseok chuckled. You sneak a glance at the girl across and you’re pretty sure you catch her shaking in anger or something.
“Hey guys,” Hoseok threw at the twins and you. You were the only one who bothered to reply with one yourself. Chae was too invested in Taehyung and Jimin’s conversation to respond while Jungkook seemed to be in a mood all of a sudden, his eyes fixated on the way Hoseok walked over and leaned against the table facing you. 
“What are they arguing about?” you ask Hoseok. Before he could answer, Jimin voices it out himself exasperatedly. 
“But what does that have to do with why JLo and him aren’t good together???” 
“It has to do with everything!”
“EXCUSE ME, BUT CAN YOU PLEASE EITHER KEEP IT DOWN OR LEAVE THE LIBRARY?!” the girl from earlier finally explodes at your seemingly ever-growing gathering.
“Jesus fuck, yes, yes! We’re leaving,” you bellow out, annoyed and terrified, and start packing up your things.
“We’re leaving?” Chae asks finally tuning in back to you.
“We are?” Taehyung asks.
“But we just got here,” Jimin adds pitifully. 
It’s your turn to be exasperated as you say “Shut up, please, all of you. We’re getting out of here and going somewhere less quiet so that we don’t seem too much like animals.” You finish packing up and head towards the exit, throwing a measly ‘sorry’ to the girl ahead of you without waiting for a response. The rest of the group moves over similarly like a school of fish.
While Jimin and Taehyung carry on their argument, this time with Jungkook joining in (he’s Team Affleck because he and Jimin are both problematic like that), Hoseok catches up to you and Chae. 
“Are you sure you’re not gonna change your mind about coming to the party?” Chae tries again.
Hoseok cuts in before you could answer, “What, you mean the one happening tomorrow night?” She nods in confirmation. “She doesn’t want to go but I want her to,” Chae whines. 
“This is gonna hurt Chae, but frankly speaking, I don’t care what you want,” you say curtly making her huff and setting Hoseok off with laughter. 
“Shut the fuck up, that wasn’t even that funny!” Chae whines at Hoseok. “No, but it’s what your entitled ass deserves,” he throws at her causing her to fume.
“Who are you calling entitled?!? Jungkook, did you hear what they’re saying about me?” she screeches at her brother. Said brother turns to her and says, “I did and I agree, you are entitled and I also don’t care about what you want.” Now the whole group is laughing along. 
“That’s it, I’m calling Nayeon, you know… a real friend,” Chae huffs and gets distracted by her phone. Hoseok takes this as an opportunity to lean over and put his arm around you. 
“I know we’re joking and all, but I’d really like it if you’d change your mind about the party,” he says softly. 
“Oh, I don’t know. It’s not really my thing, ya’know? Besides, I have Mr Byrnes class to study for. He keeps talking about a test that isn’t even in the study plan and it’s making me paranoid that he’s going to surprise us with a pop quiz one of these days,” you ramble as he listens attentively. 
“C’mon, it’s just one night. Just have some fun. And I promise that I’ll watch out for you, okay? Make sure things don’t get out of hand or let anyone force you to do anything crazy,” he says.
“What do you say?” he asks, eyes hopeful and smile as wide and bright as ever.
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Of course, you said yes. 
It's so stupid. How could you refuse when he had asked so nicely? Plus, he promised to watch out for you.
So here you were, walking up to a large house set in the corner of an upper-class residential area that had college students pouring in and out of every entrance possible with Chae, Nayeon and Jimin. You honestly had no idea who’s house this was, or who even organised this party. An act of stupidity on your part you realised, because now you had no choice but to lean on your friends for safety. 
Oh well, Hoseok did promise to watch out for you, you thought as you secretly smiled to yourself.
Not secretive enough it seems as Chae tells you, “With that look on your face, I hope you’re actually excited to go to this party for the sake of having fun.”
You reply with a simple “Sure,” as your group turns into the neat little pathway leading up to the front door.
“Whether Y/n’s excited or not, I sure as hell am. God, I can’t wait to get fucked up tonight. It’s been too long,” Nayeon chirps next to you, much to Chae's chagrin.
“I’m begging you two,” Chase addresses both Nayeon and Jimin as she says, “don’t do anything you’ll regret in the morning. I’m sick of babysitting you two,” with a scoff. The perpetrators merely giggle at her as they spread out separately into the dancing crowd in the living room-turned-dancefloor.
“C’mon, let’s go out to the backyard. It’s way too early to be partying this hard,” Chase says and leads you by your hand. 
As soon as you step foot out of the house, you’re relieved to be able to breathe without the entailing smell of sweat and alcohol in the air. Towards the corner of the porch, leaning against the railing with red solo cups at hand are Jungkook and Taehyung talking with two other guys you don’t recognise. 
They’re both tall and attractive, you’re quick to notice. While one is more built all-around, the other has wide shoulders leading to a tapered waist.
“Hey guys!” Chase chirps at them. “Meet Y/n. Y/n, this is Namjoon and this is Jin,” she gestures to the built one and the one with wide shoulders in order. You greet them pleasantly before stepping aside to stand next to Taehyung while Chae rants to them about Nayeon and Jimin.
Suddenly, you feel a poke of a finger in your side. “Y/n….you’re at a college party without a drink. Tch, tch, tch,” Taehyung chastises you as he leans over. You can already smell the faint lingering of alcohol on his breath. “Sorry, I’m just really not looking to get shitfaced tonight,” you weakly say. 
“Fuck off, one drink never hurt anyone!” he retorts with a laugh. “I’ll be right back,” he says and before you could refuse, he’s already headed towards the kitchen indoors, presumably to get you a drink. 
In his absence, you notice Jungkook quietly nursing his own drink next to you. You shift your attention away from him and start looking around the backyard. 
Your eyes are searching, here, there and everywhere looking for a specific face. Where’s Hoseok? You want to text him, asking him if he’s here already, but you’ve never really texted him before. Would it be too obvious if you were to start now? In your train of overthinking, you fail to notice that the boy next to you has shifted to face you. He’s studying you, your actions, but you fail to notice. 
“Missing your loverboy?” the voice from next to you breaks you out of your reverie.
You look at Jungkook and dumbly say, “Huh?”
He chuckles and shakes his head, and curse the heavens for making him as handsome as he looks when he does so. “I asked if you’re looking for Hoseok hyung,” he says. 
“Hmm, figured as much,” he shrugs. At this, you raise a curious brow at him.
“Uhm, duh, you look like you lost your puppy or something. Huhu, where’s my boyfie, huhu,” he mimics you in a high-pitched voice. 
You look at him in disgust before saying, “Ugh, I have never and will never use the word boyfie.” It’s a weak attempt at a comeback, you already know. “Aha, but you don’t deny that you’re looking for Hoseok hyung!” he says with a grin. 
You let out a scoff at that and say, “Okay, so what? What’s it to do with you? Can you mind your own business?”
He looks like he has more to say, probably to tease you, but is cut off by Taehyung crying out “Children! Children! Please settle down, the party’s only just started. I can’t handle ya’ll bickering so soon.” You roll your eyes at Jungkook and turn away from him, making you miss out on the boyish grin he sends your way before he turns away himself to tune into Chae’s conversation with Namjoon and Jin. 
You don't blame Taehyung, if you were being honest. This is how it's been with Jungkook ever since The Textbook Incident. You're not sure if the two of you will ever be able to overcome that. The only reason you say that of course, is because he hasn't even apologised yet even though it's been months.
With that being said, you could probably the bigger person between the two of you and simply let go of all those bad memories and the ensuing hatred.
You could. If you wanted to.
Taehyung waltzes up to you and flourishes a red solo cup to you with a proud look on his face. “Ta-da! A drink for Her Highness,” he dramatically says with an even more dramatic bow. 
You giggle as you accept the drink. “Thank you, good sir,” you play along. Taehyung lets out a pleasant sigh and leans forward against the railing. His sudden silence hints to you that he might have something on his mind.
You don’t bother asking yet though, comfortable with the lack of conversation between you, and instead listening to Namjoon and Jin telling Chae about their disastrous search for a roommate. It seems like Jungkook had gone back into the house at some point.
“You guys don’t understand the number of crazy people we’ve met so far. We interviewed this one kid, a comp-sci student, who asked if we’d be okay if he were to use our storage room to keep all his blow-up “life-sized sleep dolls”. Like, what the fuck does that even mean?” Namjoon says exasperatedly. Jin shakes his head and takes a sip of his drink before saying, “I don’t think any of us here want to know what that means,” making the whole group laugh. 
“Hey, didn’t you say you wanted to find a different place to live? Somewhere closer to campus or something,” Chae asks you with a nudge of her elbow.
“Oh yeah, I almost forgot about that,” you reply. You turn to Namjoon and Jin to explain “The place I’m at now is too far away from campus, so I’m thinking about moving somewhere closer so that I don’t have to stress too much about the distance before leaving for classes.”
“Well hey, our place is less than a block from campus. If you’re interested, we can talk another day,” Jin says excitedly. Your eyes widen with excitement and you agree to meeting another day to discuss it.
While you’re busy exchanging numbers with Namjoon, Chae suddenly notices Taehyung’s silence and asks him “What’s got you thinking so deeply? Looking so serious doesn’t suit you” she says poking her tongue out teasingly at him. 
This brings Taehyung to stand straight and point at your chest area. “It’s weird you know,” he says. 
Your tit?
“My tit?” you ask aloud.
“Huh?” he asks back and realises what he’s pointing at. “What the - no! You idiot, not your tit. Your tit is fine. I meant you in general.” 
You and the others can’t control your giggles as you prod him even more, “What’s so weird about me?”
“It’s weird how you can’t seem to get along with Jungkook. He’s literally the nicest out of all of us.”
This catches you off guard as the laughter suddenly lulls down.
“What’s that supposed to mean? He’s always getting on my nerves on purpose. He’s such an idiot,” you say along with a quick apology towards Chae. She smiles strangely at you while Namjoon and Jin watch the conversation play out in silence.
“See that’s the thing, he’s never trying to get on your nerves on purpose. You just seem to always get annoyed by him all on your own,” Taehyung refutes.
“He’s right. Not to sound like I’m trying to stand up for my brother too much, but it is weird how much you can’t stand him. He doesn’t hate you the way you hate him,” Chae says the last part with a strange tone in her voice. “But it’s like you don’t even want to give him a chance to be closer with you.”
You suddenly feel cornered by the duo. “Oh, I don’t know. Maybe we’re just wired into different frequencies or something. Somehow, everything he does annoys me so much. God help me if knew why,” you try to brush it off and take a large gulp of your drink. 
You wonder if it had anything to do with the lack of an apology following The Textbook Inci
Are you getting a bit tipsy right now? Probably. Eh, whatever - you think as you chug the rest of the drink.
“Maybe, it’s because you like-like him,” Taehyung says making you choke on your drink. 
Namjoon and Jin are chuckling into their cups when he says that while he stands there calmly with Chae waiting for you to finish your coughing fit.
“What the FUCK! Like-like him??” you let out an emotionless laugh and say “what are we, five? Like-like him, pfft! As if.”
You’re desperate for this conversation to end now. 
“Why? It’s not that ridiculous. It would be kind of nice if my baby brother and my best friend were to date,” Chae says with a smile and a shrug. “Besides, you what they say - there’s a thin line between love and hate…”
For a moment you’re almost touched that she called you her best friend, given that you’ve only known each other for a little over half a year now. But you’re not able to forget the context just yet.
“HAH! No offence Chae, but there is no way I could ever like, or love,  your brother.”
Of course, the universe is not on your side today (has it ever been?), because it’s at that exact moment that the man you’d been on the lookout for the whole night strides onto the patio towards you little group. 
“Oh shit, Y/n loves Jungkook? Then, I’m out of here,” Hoseok says with a teasing lilt in his voice and the insinuation of what he says makes your hearts beat faster. 
“NO! I said I don’t like him. Or love him. C’mon Hoseok, I want to dance. These rats can rot out here,” you say and drag him by his hand into the house through the swarm of bodies. 
You’re well able to notice your friends’ teasing comments follow you into the house, but not the pair of doe eyes that is fixated on you from the inner entrance to the porch area as you pass them.
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Currently, you were bouncing along with Hoseok in the roomful of bodies, barely able to decipher anything other than the music booming through the space. Oh, and his hand are on your hips.
Fuck, you think to yourself. That boy has got you wrapped around his pretty little finger, literally, and he doesn’t even know it.
Or maybe he does? You don’t know. You don’t know anything right now. You’re so out of it. 
The full weight of the drink Taehyung had given earlier had finally hit you 20 minutes ago, and ever since then, you’ve been daringly thrusting your hips and grinding against Hoseok in tune to the beat of the songs playing. You’re not sure if he’s drunk himself since you didn’t see him ingest anything since you met up with him on the porch, but the way he’s grinding back onto you, gripping your hips possesively and whispering sweet nothings into your ear suggest that he might be. 
“Y/n…” he breathes out. “You look so beautiful tonight. Sorry I didn’t tell you earlier. I wanted to. I thought it, but didn’t say it.”
You let out a cuckle and say “That’s okay. Thanks. You look really good tonight too.”
A minute passes of you two continuing to dance when he suddenly stops and motions you to do the same. “Can I- Can I ask you something?” he stars. The suddeness of his actions sobers you a little and you merely nod at him. “What is it?”
He seems hesitant to continue and it looks like it’s really eating him up. “What is it? You can ask me anything,” you encourage him.
“Okay, uhm, well, is there- fuck, okay,” he says before clearing his throat and looking at you pointedly. “Is there anything going on between you and Jungkook?” he asks.
“What the fuck, no!” you’re quick to refute.
His eyes widen at your response. “No? Are you sure? Are you 100% positive on that?” 
You can’t help but let out a chuckle at that.
This is so ridiculous. 
“No, Hoseok, there’s nothing going on between me and that brat Jeon Jungkook. Okay? The others were just joking around. There’s nothing happening between us. Is that what you wanted to know?” 
He visibly brightens up and says “Well yeah, because I wanted to know if what I’m about to do next would land me a punch on the face or not,” with a laugh. He comes closer to you and wraps his arms around your waist with a grin forming on his face.
“What are you going to do?” you ask, you breath getting shallower. Your heart is pounding so fast you hear your heartbeat in your ears.
“I’m going to kiss you,” he says.
And when he leans down and brings his lips to yours in a searing kiss, you’re unable to think of anything else anymore. Fuck Jungkook. Fuck everything.
All you think about is him.
He’s such a great kisser, lips so soft and careful yet bold. While your tongues are having a passionate battle for dominance, with you losing quickly, he brings his arms to wrap tightly around your body. “Y/n…” he moans in between and you swear you’ve never heard a sound more sweeter. You’re moaning too as you brings your hands up to run through his hair and down the back of his neck.
The pair of you part after what feels like both forever and finite. “Fuck, you’re something else,” he says breathlessly. You chuckle at that, out of breath yourself. 
You take a moment to just stare at his face and you’re heart feels like it’s about to beat out of your chest. He’s taking the time to look back at you too. You see his eyes dart around your face - to your eyes, nose, hair tucked behind you ear, you lips. 
His face is lit up by the glare of the colourful lights decorating the ceiling and something else that is purely him.
Sober-you would never find the balls to admit your feelings to him, but drunk-you could. 
“I-I like you.”
“I like you too.”
“Yeah. How could I not?” he says with a chuckle before he closes the gaps between your lips again. 
That night, on the livingroom-turned-dancefloor of the house, who you still to this day didn’t know who it belonged to, you and Hoseok kiss and kiss and kiss until you find yourselves rushing out of the house, hand in hand. 
That night, you and Hoseok found yourselves tangled up with each other in his bed at his apartment and you stay up to watch the sunrise together. 
That night, you and Hoseok started anew as boyfriend and girlfriend. 
Unbeknownst to you, that night, while you had found yourself brimming with happiness, another soul found itself drowning in heartbreak.
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notes: ya'll (me referring to maybe 10 people), this is so embarrassing. firstly, the fact that I've only jUst completed the second part of this almost HALF A YEAR since I posted the first part lmfaoo. and then... i fr thought that whatever little i was writing was actually gonna turn out to be a lot longer that a measly 4k, craaazy🤸🏽‍♀️ anyway here's the second part to wtv this is. i hope your read the warnings bcs i giggled a lot writing it. it only became crack halfway through, it was verY serious at first. enjoy👍🏼let me know your thots :8)
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sublimecatgalaxy · 2 years
hi i was wondering if you could do something with steve harrington x gender neutral reader and sharing a bed for the first time? maybe the ‘there’s only one bed’ trope? either way, i’d just love to share a bed with him :) thank u!
Man, I love this trope because there's so many different ways I can build around this. Love love love this request so THANK YOU.
Also this gif is an honorable mention. I had to use it because this is how I feel looking at him :D
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"When Dustin said that he had a guest room for us to stay in, I was not expecting this." Steve mutters beside me, reaching up to scratch the back of his neck. All of the other kids are down the hall in the living room, curled up on the floor surrounding each other with someone on watch each hour. Dustin was keen on Steve and I getting rest since we're the 'adults' of the group but I think his plan all along was to just get us alone.
With Vecna going around snapping people in half, the buddy system was a safe thing to put in place and after mine and Steve's hour long conversation about our favorite songs, it seems only accurate that we would be paired up.
But that doesn't mean it's not nerve wracking looking at the twin sized bed in front of me, realizing that Dustin expected Steve and I to share it.
"I think the dickhead had other selfish motives." Steve chuckles and steps into the room, stretching his shoulders as I awkwardly watch him walk around the room. Biting back my embarrassment, I shut the door behind me and I clear my throat, setting my backpack down at the end of the bed.
"This isn't weird, right? I mean we're both adults..." He trails off, looking back at me and I nod, but it's not convincing, it's anxious and I'm sure I'm radiating nervous energy. "We're both adults, right?"
"Adults who can platonically share a bed, you mean?" I ask, sitting down on the squeaky mattress and I fight the urge to laugh out loud. Dustin really did have other plans that had nothing to do with rest.
"I mean, we are in a life or death situation here. Sharing a bed is the least of our concerns." He shrugs nonchalantly but I can tell that he's nervous by the way that he rakes his fingers through his hair and the way he bites at the inside of his cheek.
"Yeah, you're right." I nod, folding my hands in my lap as he makes his way over to the bed beside me. "Right?" I laugh and he quickly blows out a breath, scoffing as he covers his red cheeks with his hands.
"I don't know."
We spend the next few minutes getting ready for bed in silence before slipping under the covers, my heart skipping a beat every time his arm brushes against me. I can feel the heat radiating off of him even though he's inches away and I can hear the way his breath hitches in his throat every time that I move in the small space.
He's flustered.
"I thought you were much more sly than this, Harrington. Can't share a bed with an attractive person?" He scoffs at my teasing words and I can barely make out his eyes rolling in the dark room. He doesn't reply for a moment, just listens to the TV playing down the hall.
"Shut up, dipshit." He chuckles and I grin at his sad comeback but loving the way a bright smile spreads across his lips. "This was arranged by Dustin, for this reason- to make me all panicky and shit- he always does this." He rolls over onto his side to face me, his hands smushed between his cheek and the pillow so cutely. I mirror him, rolling onto my side as our knees brush against each other.
"Why? Does he know something that I don't?" I ask quietly, my shaky voice barely coming out. His brows lift a bit, almost as if he's taken back by my question but I've known for some time that he's felt more than friendship for me between the fleeting glances and awkward jokes.
"Maybe." He bites at his lip, drawing my gaze down to his lips and my whole body heats up ten times more than it already was, even with the window cracked a bit and the fresh air flowing into the tense room. "Fact of the matter is, he's been trying to force me into along time with you cuz I'm just a 'pussy'- that's what he constantly calls me." He laughs and my heart warms at his explanation, his eyes bashfully looking anywhere but my eyes.
"I'm not scary." My hand finds his between us, thumb brushing over his and he just smiles softly and few moments pass by before he snorts.
"I'm laying five inches away from you in Dustin Henderson's guest room. I can't tell if this is a wet dream or a nightmare."
-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- Taglist: @bubblebuttwade @rafelover2405 @leslienjazzy @sorceresss @grxnde-dwt @alex–awesome–22 @bunnietoof @niyamar1e @serialghost @plantlungs @geniusohn @akaliltimmytim @lilaalouuxx @xshariex @elliotsbeigeguitar @elle4404 @lelieja @srhxpci @joselyn001 @taysirene @spinkspanther @thedivineuphoria @peter-maximoffs @tsukishimawhore @poohkie90 @szlaco @distantsighs @nstyles4299 @wolflover384 @givemefoodandlovesstuff @vane2828 @yeswhatever33 @amirrahfranson @vvaalleennttiinna @f-mu @yaspillz @jeyramarie @skylievin@abbybarnes17 @jointherebellion215 @visiondaddy @steezysimfinds @its-ya-gay-boi-luigi @crunchytoenailsyum@glizzymcguirex @beth123lg @melovesmut @rafecameronswhore @ariianelle @write-from-the-heart @vampviolets@haylee-e@popehaywardssecretgf @honee-chai-tea @lokiandbuckywife @smoke-and-fire @officiallyunofficialperson@heyaitsklaudia@rosepetalsparks @bluetreecloud20 @scenesofobx @double-shot-of-tequila @1dluver13xx @colbysbrocks @iamasimpingh0e @smoke-and-fire386 @loveshineslikethesky @id-3-kbro @diorsitgirl @errorfound101-allideasburnedout @neverwillknowme18 @ellyskey @taylors-folk @loversjoy @myaloveee @thyris-is @lagataprrr @aaaaslaaaan @minjix @luvrosee
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transfemmbeatrice · 6 months
parker's personal much ado primer
i'm gonna keep posting much ado shit so here is some background on my personal favorite interpretation of the characters; this is not a primer on the actual play and these opinions somewhat differ from my like. canonical readings of these characters. this is what my personal action figures are like when i'm talking about aus. i'm mostly leaving physical descriptions out bc they can vary quite a bit.
when i say "we" i mean me and my wonderful spouse @zaxal because so much of this we sort of developed together over the years and none of these characters would be quite who they are to me without them.
Beatrice: beatrice is a trans woman to me!! i talked about this a bunch here. she will also always have red hair to me (thanks catherine tate for that one). she's hot, she's confident, she doesn't give a fuck what anyone thinks about her, she has relatively good judgement, she sometimes struggles to be vulnerable or soft with other people, she loves hero more than anything. she's also arrogant as hell! and often quite angry. beatrice is all fire all the time, she is alive and loud and proud and really likes having the last word. you will always know when she is in the room.
Benedick: oh this man is such a slut. grade a whore. pansexual as shit too. always cracking jokes to cover his own insecurities, desperately needs to be liked or if not that at least the center of attention--even if people don't like him, if they're thinking about him and watching him, that's good enough. he loves being witty and he is prideful and acts somewhat detached when in reality he feels things the Most and gets desperately attached to people and doesn't truly believe they could love him back.
Pedro: strong sense of duty. pedro is one that tends to vary more wildly because we've fallen into "suffocated by responsibility and shitty father, actually kinda shy and dumb and kind" which i love but in the play he is mostly just kinda shitty but i don't WANT him to be, so sometimes we try to lean more into the shitty side of him but often he is an earnest idiot (affectionate)
John: as mentioned in my beatrice post, i hc him as a trans man! sometimes more genderfluid or nonbinary. he's quiet, serious, and calm, and has been done fucking dirty by his dad/the world. generally our thought is that he was raised by his mom until about age 12 when she died and he got dumped on the palace steps and the king extremely resented taking him in and everyone was shitty to him because he's illegitimate. everyone thinks he's a villain and he knows he'll never convince them otherwise so he doesn't try; he just keeps to himself and doesn't form many attachments.
Hero: usually soft spoken but whip smart, doesn't like a lot of attention, stem major, big lesbian facing comphet vibes. she and beatrice are basically sisters. she's insightful but she doesn't share those insights with most people, and is by far the one who calls beatrice on her shit the most. we've ended up friendshipping hero and john because they're both such flat characters who exist at the whims of others and i love the idea of two wallflowers finding each other.
Claudio: obviously the villain. there are lots of different approaches to this--he might be an entitled golden boy, or a rich kid not used to hearing no, or an incel--but essentially he's a bully. i think its most interesting when he appears very nice at first and then when there's any amount of pushback things get ugly but i hate him so much i often make him pretty rancid from the start.
Margaret: outgoing and fairly relaxed, a jock, bi, in love with hero.
Conrade: john's bf, utterly loyal, and by a twist of fate it has become a running joke that he has tumblr disease (purple eyes/white hair). we usually depict him as similar to john--stolid, serious, not interested in taking anyone's shit, but lately i've been wondering if maybe he should be the bright sunshine in contrast to john.
Borachio: essentially a stray dog john and conrade adopted. he comes and goes. he's a mess.
Antonio: beatrice's surrogate parent, and elder queer genderfuck who uses ve/vir pronouns. general chaos agent.
ship abbreviations:
b&b: beatrice/benedick bbp: beatrice/benedick/pedro benepedro: take a guess beap: beatrice/pedro heromeg: hero/margaret johnrade: john/conrade
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