#and the way she immediately gets serious once she realizes 'oh shit he's not in the mood for playing'
t-rina · 2 months
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5x1 The Red Directive
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seospicybin · 6 months
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Changbin x reader. (s)
Too Hot To Handle masterlist
Synopsis: You and Changbin become contestants in a reality dating show, Too Hot To Handle. (13,1k words)
Author's note: I planned on posting it yesterday but i got so busy but here it is, hope you enjoy! :)
There are three things Changbin trying to digest at once.
One is that you kissed someone else last night. Two, Lana is not pleased so she doubles the fine as of this moment and that leads to number three, a total of $24,000 has been deducted from the prize fund.
You're following him as he walks to the firepit to have a talk with you, giving you a chance to explain yourself. You take a seat next to him with your legs pulled up and a cushion on your lap.
Changbin can't decide where to start, he's still having a hard time processing everything.
"What happened?"
You're fiddling with the tassel on the cushion, "I was trying to set Rita up with Nico and that just happened," you answer him.
"Do you feel different about me?"
You snort in reaction, probably thinking that he is joking but with the absence of a smiles on his face, you realize that he is being serious.
"No," you immediately deny.
"I know you also like girls," Changbin supports his assumption with a fact.
You stifle a chuckle, "Yeah and I like Rita, but not that way."
Stretching your leg, you put your foot over his leg and tip your head to the side, "You know I only like you," you say with a smile on your face.
Changbin would usually melt at the sight of your smile but not this time. This is not how he wanted to hear you say how you feel about him.
"How do I know for sure when you kissed someone else?"
You subtly roll your eyes to the side then put away the cushion, "The kiss meant nothing. We were just playing," you explained with an exasperated sigh.
This may sound like he's exaggerating things but Changbin doesn't like how you blatantly broke the rules and did it behind him.
"Put yourself in my position," he tells you.
"How would you feel if I kissed someone else and not telling you about it?"
Now that he has put things into perspective, he hopes you understand why he acts this way. It's not only about the kiss, he feels like you have dismissed him as your partner.
"I get what you're saying," you add a nod at the end of the sentence.
Seeing that you're slowly putting a space in between and the glints in your eyes fade with each passing second, he feels like he's the bad man here.
"I'm sorry," you mutter with a sad smile on your face.
The kiss, he can let it slide but the betrayal, he gets a little upset when you could have said something about it last night and he wouldn't have been this upset over a playful kiss.
CHANGBIN: I appreciate that she told me everything and apologized but I feel like I have to play it safe now.
It's been days and you're still on Changbin's naughty step.
You didn't think he would be this mad over a silly kiss, oh well, he didn't think the kiss you did with Rita was silly at all. You don't want to let this go on for too long but also, you don't know how to confront him.
Frankly, if something like this happened, you would have moved on to the next one. Considering that you're locked in and can't go anywhere, you're left with no option but to resolve it like two mature grown-ups.
The problem is you're really bad at confrontation and the way Changbin cautiously acts around you doesn't help.
"Was he mad?" Liam asks as he sits next to you on the side of the pool.
Your foot is playing with the pool water, "Yeah."
"You like him, right?" He asks, tilting his head to the back to let the sun hit his oiled body.
"I do like him," you shortly answer like it isn't obvious enough.
"What you did... I don't think that helps to convince him that," Liam says.
You listen to him only to hear that he says the same thing with Changbin and maybe this is your punishment, constantly reminded that you're the one at fault here.
"Yeah, no shit," you sigh.
Liam chuckles, "You know that, right?"
You lean back with your hands propped behind you, "I know..." you groan.
It's like he hears you're talking about him, Changbin walks out of the bedroom and heads down to the beach.
"Oh, my God! There he is!" You mutter through your gritted teeth at Liam.
"I know," he whispers, clocking him for you.
Not sure if he sees you or not, but your heart is sinking at the sight of him.
Liam starts talking after Changbin is out of sight, "Talk with him, tell him how you feel," he suggests.
It's easier to be said than done and also...
"I'm scared," you honestly share with a nervous laugh.
Liam chuckles again and wipes his sweaty forehead.
"Don't you see how big he is?" You jokingly say.
"Just be honest, be yourself," Liam wisely says and brushes his dark curls to the back.
Well, you don't want this to continue so it's time to admit that you fucked up and have a talk with him. You don't know how but you'll try.
YOU: I kind of realized that I can't do that to people and like, expect them to stick around.
You're a man on a mission tonight.
Before that, you have to arm yourself well. You borrowed a dress from Sabine and have Rita style your hair, you want to look good, ravishing even.
You're sleeping still with the man but you need a glass of wine to muster up the courage to talk to him.
Changbin is looking fine in a light blue shirt that fits him so well, showcasing his broad shoulders and muscular arms. You get the urge to rip it off of him but you have to hold that thought for now.
Coming up behind him, you link your arm around his and sweetly smile at him, "Can I talk to you?"
He looks over his shoulder at you and slightly nods, "Okay."
Since everyone is out of the house, you pull him to the bedroom to get some privacy, sitting at the end of your shared bed.
You don't talk right away, you give yourself a moment to compose yourself and to also, admire him as he sits close to you.
"I like this on you," you compliment with your hand tugging at the collar of his shirt.
He smiles hearing your words and places his hand on your knee.
"How about me? Do you like what I'm wearing?" You ask, tipping your head to the side and batting your eyelashes at him.
He pinches at the hem of your dress and feels how thin the fabric is, "I like it."
You put your hand on his and lace it together with him, now that you're both relaxed, you can finally talk about it.
"After what happened..." you intently observe his face for any changes of expression to see if it's still a sensitive issue to him.
But you decide to wait until he responds to it.
He turns his head at you, "Yeah?"
You lick your lips before continuing to talk, "Do you feel like you trust me less because of it?"
Changbin inhales air and even with his head facing you, his eyes are nowhere looking at you. He scratches the back of his head and props his hand against the mattress.
"I don't want to say anything. Truthfully, I still don't know what to do about it," he answers.
It seems like he's still processing it and not yet getting to the place where he can just let it go.
You softly shake his hand in yours, "Hey, I'm sorry."
You apologize even though you have said it enough to him but you feel like you need to do it again to prove to him that you want to fix things between you and him.
And if that's not enough, you can prove it in another way.
"You know I wouldn't do it again," you remark with utmost sincerity.
As soon as those words are out of your mouth, he stares at you and perhaps, trying to see how much you mean those words.
"I know," He says, then holds your hand back and gently squeezes at it. He doesn't add anything else to it but sure, it's better than nothing.
"Can I have a hug?" You ask, ignoring the fact of how pathetic you might have sounded.
A smile rises on his face and he opens his arms to welcome you which you waste no time to dive right in. You eagerly throw yourself at him, sending both of you collapsing onto the bed.
Oh, how you missed being in his warm embrace! You never feel this comfortable and safe with anyone but him.
"We barely cuddle lately," you grumble at him with a pout.
"No, I cuddled you," he denies.
"Not enough," you complained and put your arm around his neck.
Changbin turns his head to the side and looks at you, putting away the hair covering your face as you snuggle close to him. Catching him off guard, you sneak a kiss on his cheek.
With his lips only inches away from yours, the temptation to kiss him is getting to you. To tease him and also check if he's up for a kiss, you make smooching sounds at him with your lips puckering at him.
Changbin holds you by the jaw, but instead of kissing you on the lips, he kisses you on the cheek. At that moment, you realize that he's not fully getting over it yet.
YOU: It seems like it's going to take a lot more time and I have to be more patient... [groans]
If there's one thing you should know about Changbin is that he has trust issues and that's why he doesn't want to rush into this.
However, he has to admit that he's been distancing himself from you and not realizing that he tortured himself doing it.
He's still sharing the bed with you but it feels much better when you're cuddling him like this.
The others are also still stretching and gathering their senses on their beds after Lana comes for her morning greeting.
You shift on the bed and lay on your side facing him, "Morning, big man," you croak with your eyes half-shut.
Changbin often wondered how you look this good even when you've just woken up. He tenderly caresses your cheek and his thumb wanders by itself, swiping across your lips.
He may as well touch it, feeling it but keeping it in his mind that he can't do more than that.
All of sudden, you open your mouth and take his thumb into your mouth, tugging it between your teeth.
He knows a way to make you stop and that is by tickling you back. He bites at your neck until you let go of his thumb.
"What are you going to do today?" You ask, slinging your hand around his chest.
"Working out," he answers.
Dragging your hand down his chest, you slip your hand under his t-shirt and pinch at the flesh on his abdomen.
"If you keep working out, you'll get bigger," you mumble.
"And that's a problem to you?"
"If you get too big, I won't be able to hug you anymore," you pout.
He pulls you close and holds the side of your face, "Then I'll be the one hugging you," he simply resolves.
You get quiet but overlap his body with yours, "Play with me today."
This is the side that he rarely encounters in you that makes him feel needed, that he is not just some guy you kiss and have fun with.
In fact, Changbin secretly wishes that you're clingy to him, not the other way around.
He puts his arm around you, resting it on the arch of your back as he asks, "What are we going to play?"
You pursed your lips as you thought of an answer, "Uhm... we can get naked and stare at each other's body," you giggle at the end of your words.
You sure know how to keep him amused but that sounds like a dangerous game to play and it's only 8 in the morning. You seem to know that he would skip on it as you kiss him on the cheek before getting up from the bed.
The weather is nice today too and Changbin is having a productive day, as in he manages to finish his workout routine as planned.
It was a good day, well, until Lana assembled everyone in the cabana.
Changbin makes space on the seat next to him the moment he sees you coming and you plop down the sofa with your feet up.
"What's going on, guys?" Sabine asks everyone.
"You tell us," Liam teasingly says to her.
The cone lights up after everyone gathered around her and Changbin's eyebrow perks up at the sound of the way too familiar melodic chime.
"Here we go..." Shane mutters with a nervous sigh.
Even though he didn't do any rule breaks, Changbin still gets nervous whenever Lana starts talking because there's a big chance that she'll come with a piece of bad news.
"To further aid your personal growth, you must learn to resist your urges," Lana starts with a cryptic message.
Changbin doesn't like the sound of it and it instantly puts him on high alert. He notices that everyone else seems to be holding their breath as well.
"So, I am putting some of you to the test."
He is yet can't tell if that's good or bad, either way, hearing the word test, he knows that it's not going to be easy.
"I have arranged two dates..."
"Ooh... dates," Sabine coos in excitement and sparkling eyes.
"Both with new arrivals."
He hears you snicker next to him and he feels a little uneasy with it. When he looks around though, everyone is looking excited for it. New arrivals mean these people are not yet conditioned with retreat rules so yeah, Changbin can smell troubles.
"The first new arrival is... Jax," Lana announces.
The name attracts interest from everyone but the males specifically. While the girls... he sees that Sabine looks a little worried.
"I have allowed the new arrivals to select who they want to ask out on their dates," Lana further informs.
No, wait, Sabine is right to be worried.
Changbin catches you glancing at him before looking away and he wonders if you're worried too.
"Jax has chosen..."
Everyone may not be losing money today but that doesn't keep the tension from keep on building in the cabana.
Sabine gasps at the mention of his name and nods, she has no power to stop him since Lana is the one running the retreat.
"You seem so happy, Ollie," Liam teases him.
Oliver remains coy about it, then a grin blooms on his face, "It is what it is... I guess," he says with a nonchalant shrug.
Changbin feels bad for Sabine because Oliver seems like the type who would jump ship when the opportunity presents itself.
However, Lana is not done talking yet.
"And date number two will be with... Gareth."
The announcement is being welcomed well by the girls and he turns his head to see you remaining calm about it.
"Well, well, well..." Sabine sighs, probably hoping that he'll pick her to get back at Oliver.
"He's also been allowed to choose his partner for this afternoon date."
You look at him and smile, "Are you nervous?"
Changbin subtly shrugs in answer but deep down, he's nervous that you'd get chosen.
"Gareth has chosen..."
CHANGBIN: We have been kind of, like, going up and down so I am worried... I'm worried that her head will turn a little bit.
Can't tell if your manifestation works or Lana reads your intention but you're surprised when you hear your name being called. So this new guy, Gareth, has chosen you to go on a date with him?
You scoff and look at Changbin to see his reaction, he's rather a bit aghast.
"I would be worried," you tell him.
Realizing that sounded like he would mistaken it for something else, you correct yourself.
"I mean, I would be worried if I were you."
This is what you need. This is a good opportunity for you to show him that you're into him and you're going to prove him that.
"You may leave now to get ready for your dates," Lana orders you and Oliver to leave the cabana.
You hope you get more than just his silence but Changbin remains calm about this whole thing. You kiss his cheek before getting up from the sofa.
You wait for Oliver to walk over to you so the two of you can leave together.
As Oliver gets to your side, you like your arm with his and say, "We got it, Ollie!"
"Yeah," Oliver half-heartedly says.
You turn to everyone to say bye and just before you turn to leave, Rita teasingly shouts, "Don't cost us more money, Miss Kissy!"
Getting dressed for the date inexplicably excites you and Oliver keeps on laughing hearing you squealing while you're doing your make-up.
"Are you excited?" He asks while he's fixing his hair in front of the mirror.
"Yeah," you answer without looking at him.
Oliver spins on his feet to look at you, "This is weird for me because I've never been with a girl long—"
Lana chimes in, interrupting Oliver's talk, and both of your heads turn in the direction of the cone sitting in the corner of the dressing room.
"What's up, Lana? Did Gareth cancel?" You jokingly ask.
"I hope you're both looking forward to your dates his afternoon," Lana says.
Oliver sits on the chair across from yours to hear what Lana has to say next.
"To further assess how you deal with temptation, I have not told the new arrivals that they are guests at Too Hot To Handle."
You gasp in surprise, "Lana, you naughty!"
"You must decide at what point you tell them," Lana finishes.
You and Oliver exchange a horrified look on your faces, realizing that this is not just a date, this is a test, for real.
"Oh, fuck..." Oliver quietly mutters.
That changes everything. That means that they will not hold back from breaking the rules because they don't know the rules even exist in the first place.
You lean back on your chair and sigh, "I think the best strategy is to tell them right away," you comment.
Oliver looks at you and smirks, "But then they won't try to kiss us," he innocently says.
There's no surprise that Oliver is not afraid to play with fire and as someone familiar with the game, you can relate to that.
"Yeah, that's not fun," you agree while nervously chuckling.
Oliver walks over to the mirror once again to check on his hair again. He brushes his dirty blond hair to the back and lets a few strands fall over his face.
"What I got myself into?" Oliver sighs.
When it's time to leave, Oliver gives you a quick hug before parting ways to go to your respective dates.
"Good luck out there," he says to you.
"Be good!" You reply with a way to him but at the same time, as a reminder to yourself.
YOU: I hope this Gareth guy is ugly... [clasps hands together] Please be ugly! [A moment later] I know he won't be ugly [sighs]
Lucky that you're wearing sandals because the walk to get to where date is quite far.
Despite feeling pressured to break the news to the new guest, you're also feeling good. The plan is to enjoy it and have fun, you want to flirt because you feel like making Changbin sweat a little.
There he is, Gareth, sitting on the picnic mat and basking in the pale afternoon sun.
Hearing you coming his way, he turns his head and cracks a smile when your eyes meet. He scrambles to get up and hug you.
"Hi, hello," he says to you with a strong British accent.
He then offers his hand to help you sit on the space next to him on the picnic mat.
It's only been a week in the retreat yet you're already forgetting how to be on a date. He looks at you and you look at him, checking each other out in silence.
Gareth is a whole lot of attractive. He's tall, probably six feet two, and with his shirt left open, you can see the sculpted abs. Other than that, he has beautiful eyes.
Lana is doing an impressive job because she's testing you with such an attractive man. Not sure about Gareth, he's been quiet from the moment you met and you start to wonder if he has second thoughts about choosing you.
After a moment, he hands you a glass and fills it with bubbly wine.
"You're more beautiful in person," he suddenly says.
You scoff and without you realizing it, it turns into a shy smile, "Really?"
He licks his lips after sipping his drink, "Yeah, you're beautiful."
"Thank you, Gareth," you thank him and sip your drink.
You take a moment to look at him, finding something on him you can compliment even though every part of his body is praiseworthy.
The sunlight hits him right on the eyes yet it only makes them beautiful, mesmerizing.
"You have beautiful eyes," you return the compliment with a smile.
"Thank you!"
"Is it uh... Brown?" You wildly guess.
"Why don't you see for yourself?" He dares you with a sly grin painted on his face.
Without hesitating, you lean in close to see him up close until you can see yourself in his eyes. Gareth stays still so you can study his eye color.
"It's uh..." You find it hard to focus when he's intensely staring back into your eyes, "Green?"
Gareth doesn't say anything but smiles, "Are you even looking at my eyes?"
You back away and burst into laughter in reaction, flustered for getting caught looking at anywhere other than his eyes.
"Should we have a toast?" He suggests with his glass already raised.
You do the same, raising your glass in the air, "To what?"
"To the nicest date ever," he answers with a seductive smile.
With Gareth, you feel like you're getting the attention you wanted to get from Changbin and you start to worry that your head is about to turn.
You clink your glass with him and repeat his words, "The nicest date ever."
YOU: Gareth is tall, he's nice, he's a handsome man. What's not to like about him?
It's a fact that you have never been on a date this nice before with the beautiful sea view and the sun slowly setting, dipping lower and lower into the horizon.
The date is going to end soon and you feel bad the longer you keep the news from him, it's time.
To prepare both of you, you refill your glasses with more wine and initiate one last toast.
"Hey, Gareth," you call him.
He swallows his drink before answering your call, "Yes?"
You bite into a strawberry and continue talking, "Do you consider yourself a player?"
Gareth laughs, probably at how straightforward your question is and he can't decide how he's going to answer it.
"Well, uh..." he parts open his shirt to get some air or to show off his body, either way, you're liking it.
"Not really," he doubtfully answers with a suppressed grin.
You sip your drink before asking him the next question, "Are you a sexual person?"
Gareth thinks you're being flirty asking him this question and you feel bad playing with him just to break him down at the end.
He nods and confidently says, "Yeah, I think I am."
You bite your lips, having fun with the knowledge you have that he's not yet known. You tip your head to the side, sending all of your hair falling onto one side of your shoulder.
"Do you think you could go a week without sex?"
His eyebrow raises in surprise, "A week?"
"It's possible but I'd struggle, hard," he answers with a smile that slightly turns into a nervous one.
You look at him and look into his green eyes, for a second, not wanting to tell him about Lana and her rules.
"Uhm... well, I hate to tell you this," you begin and take another sip of wine.
His eyes are wavering as he looks at you, "What?"
"But we can't have sex in there," you make a head gesture towards the villa.
"Sorry? What?" He asks with eyes widening in utter shock.
And Gareth hasn't heard the worst part yet, "We can't even masturbate," you add.
He closes his eyes for a moment to take everything in and shakes his head, "What?"
"This is Too Hot To Handle," you finally break the news to him with an apologetic smile.
It feels not right to enjoy seeing him suffer but you can't help it, you must have looked like it when Lana popped out of the box that day.
His hand flies to his face, his fingers are pinching the bridge of his nose as he tries to make sense of it all.
"They didn't—" he keeps opening his mouth to speak and abruptly stops in the middle.
"I know," you say, letting him know that you went through the same thing and know exactly how he feels right now.
Gareth drains his wine and puts away his glass, his hair is tousled from the wind constantly blowing at it.
"I was away traveling for months so I–I don't know..." he stammers as he explains himself.
You do feel bad for him but at least, he's not the only one going through it, you've been at it for a week now.
He then looks at you with his index finger pointed at you then at him, "So... we can't...?" His eyes are saying the words that you know what it stands for.
You shake your head, "No," you meekly say.
"Don't get me wrong, it's because I'm seeing someone in there," you add, not letting him get the wrong idea.
Gareth brushes his dark blond hair to the back, making it messier than before, groaning at the newly acquired information.
"I appreciate it that you're telling me that," he says as he refills his glass with more wine.
YOU: The date is nice, Gareth is nice but honestly, I was thinking of Changbin the whole time I was there.
Back in the villa, Changbin is scared, shitless.
He keeps looking at where you're having the date with this new guy but he can't see much with how far you are plus the sky that is getting darker.
He's been holding his drink but not drinking it, he's too nervous to try to relax.
"They're not back yet?" Nico asks as he sits on the lounger.
Changbin shakes his head and keeps his eyes on the top of the stairs, the only access back from the beach.
"Do you think she kissed him?" He innocently asks.
"That would be wild if she did," Nico gives his opinion then quietly sips his drink.
Rita comes to sit behind Nico, putting her arms around him, and notices the apparent horror on Changbin's face.
"I didn't expect you'd be genuinely this worried," She says to him.
He doesn't know why but he feels offended by what she said, "What's that supposed to mean?"
Nico hurriedly holds Rita to stop her from talking, he knows Changbin is being extra sensitive at this moment so it's best to not poke around him.
Almost half an hour later, you are finally back with the new guy, and your arm is linked with him. He also notices the smile on your face as you introduce him to the girls.
Changbin is not pleased with what he sees but he knows he should keep his composure, he shouldn't conclude without hearing from you first.
"Gareth," the new guy introduces himself to him.
Changbin has this belief that it's not about looks but looking at Gareth, it's impossible to not feel the slightest bit intimidated.
The boys take him for a chat at the cabana and questions asked at the new guy, the basic questions until Shane brings up the date.
"So how was the date?"
Knowing that he's not good at faking his facial expression, Changbin gulps as much air as he can and hopes it's enough to calm him.
Gareth brightly smiles before answering, "I think we had a good time," he answers.
Liam glances at Changbin to check on him, "Yeah?"
"She was great and the setting was beautiful, probably the most romantic date I ever had," Gareth adds and he should consider himself lucky for not knowing that he's talking right next to the man you're seeing.
CHANGBIN: He can have those drinks, that romantic date but don't even think that he can take her from me [shakes head]
Changbin is chatting with Shane when all of a sudden, he stops listening to him. He looks past his shoulder to someone behind him.
"Looking for me, babe?" Shane jokingly asks you.
You laugh at him and put your hand on Changbin's shoulder, "Can you give us a minute, babe?" You joke back at him.
"Sure thing, babe," Shane kindly left so the two of you could talk.
Changbin sees that you're already changed into a new dress and your lips are painted with a fresh coat of lipstick. As you sit next to him on the sofa, you slightly turn your body to face him then place a hand on his knee.
"Hi," you say with a sweet smile.
He looks back at you and he knows that you're here to have a good time, to enjoy yourself and there's a possibility that you might jump ships too but Changbin needs an answer from you about whether he should continue this or not, or do you have anything to tell him.
Changbin needs to know right now.
"So... how was the date?" He begins with an easy question.
"It was good."
You're looking chipper and radiant, it's something that he hasn't seen in these past few days.
"What did you guys do?"
"We chatted, had a few glasses of champagne... we got to know each other," you nonchalantly answer.
None of your answers are pleasing him but he's willing to continue with the interrogation.
"What do you think of him?"
You inhale air before talking, "He is so nice."
That's another answer that displeases him.
"And he was a little flirty to me," you tell him with a low chuckle.
Changbin immediately scoffs at that, "Of course, he was," he says, looking away to see the fire swaying along to the gust of wind.
"To be honest, I got a little flirty on him too," you admit.
He looks down at his lap and sees that your fingers are playing with the lint on the ripped part of his jeans. He doesn't want to hear what are you going to say next, he even regrets asking you about it in the first place.
"Then I told him about you," you suddenly add.
He looks up and sees you smiling at him, "yeah?"
"Yeah," you shortly replied.
You tip your head to the side and gaze into his eyes, "I told him that I'm seeing someone here," you confess.
Scratch his earlier remarks about regrets, Changbin's only regret now is for doubting you. He can't believe it still but now he knows he can continue with you.
Truthfully, Changbin doesn't even know how he would start things over with someone new.
"Were you worried I was going to do something?" You meekly ask.
Changbin hates to be seen as this pathetic guy but he can't lie about this, not when it tells you how much he likes you.
"Every second of it... it was just awful," he emphasizes it with a horrified look on his face.
Changbin has come to realize how much he likes you and he feels that it's safe for him to let you know that. Also, how would you know if he didn't tell you verbally?
"This process brought out a lot of emotions in me that I didn't even know I had," he endearingly shares as he puts his hand on yours.
You nod and say, "Yeah, me too."
Changbin slips his fingers between yours and holds your hand, "Come here," he says.
You scoot closer and then crawl toward him to sit in the space between his legs. You waste no time to rest your head on his chest and let out a delightful sigh as he puts his arms around you.
"Missed me?"
"A lot," he answers without a beat.
He tightens his arms around you along with a soft kiss on your neck, he then drags his mouth close to your ear and whispers, "I'm happy."
CHANGBIN: I feel more confident in us and I can't wait to keep building connections with her [smiles]
The new girl, Jax, is one gorgeous girl and there's no denying it, the other boys were practically drooling when they first saw her.
Changbin would understand if you feel a bit intimidated by her presence, just like how Gareth did to him. But you're not one to worry, the one who should be worried is Sabine because Changbin catches Jax and Oliver stealing glances at each other just now.
"Did you shower?" You ask as you nuzzle your head into his neck.
"Mmh," Changbin hums his answer.
You plant your nose in his neck and inhale his scent, humming as you snuggle close to him. He does the same, planting his nose in your shoulder only to playfully bite at it.
Instead of scolding him, you're giggling in his neck.
"I like it," you suddenly say.
You drag your hand down his chest and lift the fabric to peek inside the sleeveless white top he's wearing.
"I like it more if you take it off," you whisper to him.
After what happened, Changbin realizes how much he likes you and when he likes someone, he will do anything for that person.
"Just say you want me to take it off," he says with a laugh.
"Well, it's up to you..." you coyly say with a flirty smile on your face.
Changbin sits on the bed and pulls his top over his head, putting the piece of clothing on the bedside table afterward.
"Mmh... yeah," you slyly smile as he lays down next to you.
The lights are out and the low chatter in the room dies down not long after but in the dark, that's when things happen.
You keep clinging to his body with your hands freely roaming around his body, feeling his muscles and squeezing at it. Your lips are pressing on the sensitive skin on his neck once in a while.
Then all of sudden, you get up to straddle him, and against the darkness of the room, he sees you taking your top off.
"What are you doing?" He keeps his voice low to not wake everyone else who's sleeping in the room.
Your half-naked body is hovering above him with mere inches between your faces, "What? I'm making it fair for us," you say with a kiss on his jaw.
It doesn't take a genius to know what you're doing. You're kissing his neck and chest with your nipples lightly grazing his bare chest, making the goosebumps on his arm rise.
Changbin allows you for that but when your lips are getting close to his lips, he immediately stops you by looking away.
Yet you continue your trail of kisses down his jaw, then you whisper into his air, "How about a kiss?"
This is a test for him and it's a difficult one. A part of him is dying to give you whatever it is you want but the other part, and unfortunately, the most stubborn part of him demands him to keep to his principle.
A kiss costs $6,000 and Changbin could bear the consequence of losing that much money but the problem is it's not just his money, it's everyone's.
He endearingly brushes your hair to the back and holds your face, "We can't."
It seems like you have expected that answer, "I know," you softly sigh.
You roll to the side to lay back on your side of the bed, clutching at the duvet as you groan, "I'm so horny..."
You best believe that it's not easy for him to say no to you, not when his head is full of filthy things he wants to do to you.
As a way to console you, he presses a long kiss on your cheek and neck. You suddenly pull him by the shoulder, hard enough to send him toppled on top of you.
"Put your whole body on me," you mutter.
"I'm heavy," he tells you like it isn't obvious enough.
You wrap your legs around him, forcing him to put his whole weight on you. Changbin quickly props an elbow against the mattress to spare a little space.
With both of your bodies pressed against each other, he can feel you differently, in an inexplicably intimate way.
Against the darkness that lingers in the room, he still can see your eyes gleaming as you stare at him as he stares into your eyes.
He swipes your lips with his thumb and for a split second, tempted to kiss it.
"You can kiss it you know," your voice is so low that it almost sounds like a whisper.
Once again, his stubborn part wins and he kisses you on the forehead instead.
"Goodnight," he sweetly speaks into your ear.
Without warning, you pull him closer until he collapses on top of you and keeps him close with your arms locked around him.
"Are you okay?" He quickly checks on you.
You bury your head in the crook of his neck and mumble, "You can crush me to death for all I care."
That makes him laugh in amusement, Changbin plants another kiss on the top of your head and gently pats at it.
CHANGBIN: The sexual tension is... unbearable [groans] but I want to do this right.
It's only afternoon but Sabine is already looking done with the day.
You respect people and their boundaries so you would usually wait for people to come to you first and they would when they're ready to talk.
However, the silence that hangs in the air once she steps into the dressing room is suffocating. You decide to, at least, check on her, making sure she's okay.
"Sabine, babe," you call as you rummage through your make-up pouch.
"You're way too pretty to have frown lines," you tell her with a smile.
Sabine aggressively reclines on her chair then lets out a long sigh, sending her long hair dangling down the back and almost touching the floor.
"You okay?" You ask her as you continue doing your make-up.
"I don't know," she sighs again.
She picks up a hairbrush next but does nothing with it, she's holding it in her hand as she continues talking, "It's Oliver."
It must be about the date and you knew Oliver screwed up, you could tell from the moment he got chosen for the date. Also, it's not hard to read a guy like Oliver, he's a player and a few days in the retreat won't instantly change that. Not that it's impossible, but it takes time to get the game out of a player.
"What happened?" You ask even though you guessed the gist of it in your head.
Sabine looks straight ahead and starts talking, "He went on a date yesterday made me realize that my feelings for him are genuine," she explains.
You nod to show her that you're intently listening to her even though you're busy doing your eyebrows, "Yeah."
She then draws a long breath to continue talking and combing her hair with her fingers, "But I know his type, I know how good they are at lying so yeah, I don't fully trust him so I asked Jax about the date."
You didn't know why you thought she was that naive. Sabine knows the kind of guy she's with.
"And what she said?"
Sabine puts her feet up on her chair and hugs them close to her chest, "She said that he went in for a kiss."
It's predictable but it's surprising to hear your assumption is right.
You pause doing your make-up and gasp, "What?"
Sabine is drawing circles on her knee with her finger as she continues talking, "Oliver didn't kiss her but he said it's because he didn't want to lose money..."
She takes a shaky breath and puts all of her hair on one shoulder, "And not because of me, he didn't even mention me at all."
You put down everything you're holding and put all of your attention on her, "Oh, no... babe," you coo.
"I like him for real because..." she pauses to gulp air and holding in her tears
"Now I'm genuinely hurt," her voice breaks at the end of the sentence.
You get up from your chair to come and hug her, putting your arms around her to comfort her before getting back to your chair.
"I think you should confront him about it. Obviously, you don't want to waste time on him if he doesn't want the same thing," you suggest, hoping that it would help her know what to do next.
Sabine sniffles and puts her feet down, she pulls her chair close to the table, leaning close to the mirror to fix her make-up.
"I'll take to him once they're back from the workshop," she says, now picking up her brush to add blush to her cheeks.
You always take Sabine as this cool girl who likes to make boys cry but at this moment, she looks fragile and insecure, she's just like any other girl and so are you.
YOU: I just knew that Oliver would mess up but I didn't think he would really do that to Sabine.
Lana is aware that these past few days have been tense for everyone and with the arrival of two new guests, she throws a party in the villa tonight.
Dressing up feels useless now that Changbin has no intention of doing anything to you and that somehow affects your mood, you don't feel like partying tonight.
You choose to sit this one down with him and quietly sip your wine while watching everyone else dancing to the music blasting around the villa.
Eventually, Nico and Rita join you in the firepit and you couldn't be more grateful that your matchmaking is a huge success.
"Nico, I'm impressed you're not all over the new girl," you jokingly say.
Rita looks at him, trying to intimidate him while giggling close to his face, "You can be honest," she tells him.
Nico shakes his head in false terror, "Nah, I don't want to get in trouble," he says.
Rita smiles in approval as Nico puts his arm around her, pulling her closer to his side even though there's no space left between them.
"Changbin, you couldn't possibly still be mad about our kiss, right?" Rita jokingly asks.
You turn to look at Changbin, wanting to see how he reacts to that question. He's been giving you vague signs whether he is still holding a grudge about it or not.
"Mad? Who got mad?" Changbin jokes back with a grin.
Rita flashes you a questioning glance then she turns to look at him, "Then how about you guys kiss and then we'll kiss?"
"I'm in!" Nico excitedly welcomed that idea.
You turn your head at Changbin and put the ball in his court, leaning close to his face, puckering your lips to tease him.
"Are you scared?" Rita teases him.
"I'm not," Changbin replies with a half smirk.
You take his chin and turn his head to look at you, "Kiss me then," you dare him.
Since he's not doing anything, you keep leaning in closer and closer and Changbin is backing away to avoid you. You stop before you embarrass yourself
"See? He pulls away first," you tell Rita with a shrug.
YOU: I am already sexually frustrated here and now it seems like I'm going to be touch-deprived as well [sighs]
Lana is the worst party host.
She abruptly stops the party and calls everyone to the cabana, it's not a good sign when she has to get in the middle of the party.
Changbin prepares himself for whatever is about to come out of that cone's mouth and his heart drops when he hears that anxiety-inducing chime.
"Did anyone break the rules?" Liam asks around.
Sabine crosses her arms and leans back, "I don't know about anyone else but I'm celibate."
Sabine is looking so upset about something when she says it and Changbin notices that Oliver has been eerily quiet the whole night.
"I stressed the importance of being committed to my process and a few people are falling short on that goal," Lana begins
Changbin can tell right away that something bad is going to happen tonight and he's not ready. He fears that it's going to happen to him or worse, you.
"It's clear that I need to streamline the group and two of you must leave the retreat tonight," Lana announces.
Everyone is gasping in shock, the tension is rising and no one is safe at this point. It's like Changbin's fears manifested into reality and he's dreading it, he doesn't want to leave.
He sees that you're looking calm but he notices your hands are clasped together on your lap, you must be stressed inside, considering that you broke the rules multiple times.
"The first person to leave the retreat is..."
CHANGBIN: I don't like this at all.
No one wants to hear what Lana is going to say but there's no avoiding it, this is her retreat, her rules, she's the one in control here.
Niamh seems to have sensed that it's her, she smiles the second she hears her name and tears start rolling down her cheeks.
"Oh!" A broken gasp escapes Rita's mouth as she turns to the side to hug her.
Changbin didn't get to know Niamh well but she's been a complete shut-in and doesn't seem like she wants to build a connection at all. He believes the reason why Lana chose her is because she has the lowest possibility of forming a meaningful relationship.
"It's okay," she says while wiping her tears-soaked cheeks but she can't hide her disappointment from everyone.
"The second person to leave the retreat is..."
There's a huge chance that it'll be from one of the boys so
Changbin holds his breath again, getting more nervous than before.
He happens to sit next to you and you instantly rest your head on his shoulder while Changbin pats him on his knee, feeling like he's losing a friend even though he's only known him for days.
"It is now time for both of you to leave the retreat," Lana orders.
You kiss Shane on the cheek before letting him get up from the sofa to say goodbye to everyone and so is Niamh. She joined him in front of everyone to say goodbye for one last time.
"I hope this reminds the rest of you to take this process more seriously."
And just like that, Lana leaves with dark clouds hanging over everyone's heads.
CHANGBIN: That is one tough pill to swallow.
That should be a wake-up call for anyone to try and do better in this retreat.
Changbin considers himself lucky for not getting sent home tonight and he's still staying, being given another chance to continue building connections with you.
However, Lana demands emotional connections, not physical ones.
There's no denying that he has a strong physical connection with you and that should be the least of his worries. As of this moment, Changbin wants to focus on growing his emotional connection with you.
"Gosh, it feels empty already..." Liam says from the bed across the room.
Everyone's eyes shift in the direction of where Shane and Niamh shared a bed which is now empty.
You turn on the bed to face him and place a hand on his chest, before placing it on his jaw with your thumb tenderly rubbing his cheek.
"Are you okay?" You softly ask.
This is one of the times when he needed you the most. He doesn't reply but rests his head on your chest, letting you softly scratch his head with your finger.
And in a time like this, Changbin is convinced that he has emotional connections with you. There's no other reason why he feels like he can seek comfort from you if not because he's comfortable enough to be vulnerable around you.
CHANGBIN: I don't want to play around anymore. I want to grow with her.
With the girls out for a workshop, Changbin takes the time to get a little sun by the swimming pool with Oliver occupying the lounger next to him.
Changbin seems to have missed something yesterday but he notices that something is going on between Oliver and Sabine.
Oliver spills everything right away and Changbin only realizes it now that Oliver is younger than him which explains his reckless action.
"So you went back from the date with Jax and you said something stupid implying that you're not serious with Sabine?" Changbin concludes out of Oliver's explanation.
Oliver sneers at that, probably realizing how much at fault he is, "Pretty much, yeah."
Changbin lets out a chuckle and takes a sip of water from his tumbler. He knows Oliver is old enough to know that this is his own doing but Changbin feels like he's seeking some bits of advice from him.
"You know you have this connection with Sabine and you're here to develop that connection," Changbin chooses his words carefully to avoid sounding like he's being so self-righteous.
"You just need to control your urges a little," he adds.
Oliver sighs at the last bit, aware that that's his main problem, not being able to control his physical urges.
"But Jax is so... hot like... how come I didn’t think of her sexually when she's that fit?" Oliver innocently says.
Changbin immediately slaps his thigh hard enough that it leaves a mark on his alabaster skin.
"Hey, emotionally! Not physical!" He reminds him.
Oliver laughs, feeling like he's a little kid being scolded by his parents. He recognizes this typical attribute because Changbin has been there once, playing the cool guy who acts like it doesn't bother him but deep down, he does care.
"I know you want to act cool like you don't care about her but you have the chance to make it better, it's not too late," he tells him.
Oliver gets quiet and looks straight ahead, letting a moment pass without a word. Then a minute later, he nods and says, "I'm going to talk to her later."
As a motivation, Changbin gives him a pat on the shoulder, "You can do it, man!"
On the other hand, Lana has been quiet the whole day but that only makes Changbin more suspicious.
When she finally calls everyone to the cabana, he knows he is right to be suspicious, especially at the sight of small boxes on the table.
"Is it Christmas?" Rita playfully comments.
"Have we been here that long?" Nico adds with a chuckle.
Changbin is skeptical that it's going to be a gift, maybe it is but there has to be a catch to it. He knows Lana well enough to know the motive of everything she does.
"Hello, everyone!" The cone chimes.
"Yes, Lana!" Riley shouts, being the loudest to answer to her.
"As you can see, I have a treat for you all," Lana announces, confirming everyone's guesses are true.
Everyone is cheering but Changbin is the only one struggling to accept the fact that Lana is being generous to the group.
"Ooh..." Liam coos in excitement, rubbing his hands together while looking at the box in front of him.
"The purpose of this gift will further enhance your relationships going forward. You may now open your gifts," Lana orders.
No one wastes their time to take their boxes and open them, finding a watch inside. You help him put it around his wrist and he helps you with yours after.
"When I observe two people forming genuine connections, they will be given a green light, like this..."
Lana demonstrates it by turning everyone's watches green at the same time.
"...where the rules do not apply for a limited amount of time."
"This looks good on you," you compliment him.
Changbin flexes his bicep to show it off, "I'll keep close to it with a tense bicep," he jokes.
His first thought is, of course, he wants to get a green light with you and that can be accomplished with emotional growth.
"We have reached the half of the retreat so please use your time wisely," Lana leaves with a gentle reminder that some of us should have accomplished something at this point.
With these watches, Changbin is highly motivated to build an emotional connection with you.
CHANGBIN: We don't need to lose money now because Lana will reward us if we do something right.
Uhm... you wouldn't say you're jealous to see Liam and Riley getting a date from Lana, but you know you just hate to admit it.
It would be nice to go on a date with Changbin because things feel way too alright and you crave a little spark here and there.
For someone who loves getting physical affection, it's exciting that you have the watch and the promise that Lana will reward anyone who shows genuine emotional connection with a green light.
You're not that optimistic that you'd get it but who knows?
The night is warm and you're holding a glass of wine, sitting next to an extremely attractive man.
Changbin is wearing a printed shirt with dark jeans, what you like the most is how his muscles bulge out of those short sleeves.
"You look good, babe," you compliment him with a smile.
"I'm not saying that to try to get a green light," you quickly add.
You know better that a compliment wouldn't get you a green light but because he simply earned it.
You put your legs over his lap and look at him, tilting your head to look him through your lashes.
"You're so sexy and cute and big and gentle..." you compliment him more.
Then you lean into his ear and whisper, "You're irresistible."
Getting no reaction from you, you pout and meekly ask, "Am I not appealing to you anymore?"
"No, baby. No," he strongly denies.
You feel pathetic saying that but at least, you finally get his attention now.
He reaches for your head, endearingly caressing your head, "you are beautiful," he sweetly compliments.
He then takes a good look at you with his hand gliding down your arm until he meets your hand, "Head to toe, I admire all of it," he compliments again.
You deeply look into his eyes and ask, "And you don't feel some type of way?"
Changbin inhales air, his fingers are intertwined with yours on your lap. He seems to know the reason why you asked him that.
"I know you want to break a rule," he says.
"I do," you shortly confirm, beating around the bush will only waste time.
Changbin once again gets quiet, you can't tell if he's mulling things over in his head or if he has no words to say to that.
"I don't think we should be punished for having a connection," you give your opinion.
"But that's what we're here for," he simply responds.
You swallow air to stay calm and keep your tone in check, "I know but I think we shouldn't be adamant about spending the money," you give him a solid de
Changbin nods and a moment later, he comes up with a response to your words.
"I think there's no reason for us to break rules now."
He places his hand on your knee and tenderly rubs the skin with his thumb, "We have these watches and we just need to do this right and Lana will reward us with a green light."
You get it that he's trying to be on Lana's good side but the way he completely shot you down... It almost feels like he forces this decision on both of you and you don't get a say on it.
"Yeah, right," you half-heartedly reply and then drain your glass of wine cause the night suddenly feels cold to you.
YOU: Ugh! I'm so frustrated. I don't know how much longer I can take this.
Everyone is cheering when Liam and Riley return from their date.
They look happy as they become the first to get the first green light. They're not the only ones looking happy, it looks like Sabine and Oliver have made up as they're being lovey-dovey on their bed.
Truthfully, you're happy for both of them but it's hard when you're struggling with your relationship. You feel like, as a couple, you're at a standstill.
Liam and Riley got a green light, you see Sabine and Oliver, they're not perfect but it's endearing to see them overcoming things together.
Then you look at what you have and Changbin, it's alright, it's okay but that's not enough for you. This thought leads you spiraling down, you wonder about everything that is wrong with you and what could've been the source of the problem.
Without intending to, you begin to feel insecure about yourself, questioning everything, including your feelings until it overwhelms you.
When you wake up in the morning, you feel like doing nothing. As if you have the choice, you drag yourself out of bed and get ready for the day. It seems pointless now doing all of this.
"How are you doing, my darling?" Sabine asks.
"Feel like shit," you honestly reply.
Sabine takes her turn to be the one who comes to your aid after you did the same role to him days ago. She reaches across the table to place her hand on your forearm.
"Is it about Changbin? Are you guys alright?" She lowers her voice since the other girls are also in the room.
"I don't like that he's like... 'we're not going to do anything physical'," you tell her while dampening your cotton pad with toner.
"Like... give me something. Fuck!" You lowly curse, putting your suppressed anger into that profanity.
You toss the dirty cotton pads away and let out a long sigh even though it no longer helps you to calm down, "It's like he's cockblocking himself."
"Oh, my God!" Sabine gasps with a horrified look on her face.
Even Sabine can't find any words to say to help you with your crisis because it's that bad and of course, Lana knows about your bad day so she comes to make it worse.
At this point, you give up on trying to guess Lana's intentions and just go with it.
"Hello, everyone," Lana opens her session as usual.
"Hello, Lana!" Sabine cheerily responds next to you.
It's not hard to spot where Changbin when he's the biggest of all of the boys and he's sitting on the far end of the sofa.
"I am pleased to see that several of you have developed romantic connections during your time here," Lana says.
Not sure which couple she deems as romantic but you're sure as hell it's not you.
"But for these relationships to succeed in the long-term, it is vital that you trust each other to resist temptation."
Jax dramatically gasps from the other side of you, "Uh-oh!"
That sure sounds like Lana is brewing something and you're aware you wanted to stop guessing but... old habits die hard.
"Today, I will be putting that to the test."
Oh? Another test? You have done it once and barely passed it, you're not keen on going through that again.
"With the help of two new arrivals."
New guests, huh? So yeah, you don't want to be involved in any drama, not when you're going through something right now.
"The first new arrival is... Javi."
You already have too much in your head to add something else to worry about.
"The second new arrival is... Gia."
And you don't want to do anything, you want to curl up into a ball and be left alone.
"Two of you will be going on private dates with the new arrivals."
Is there a way where you can escape Lana just for a day? A few hours will do.
"They have selected the guests they are most attracted to from a choice of those in relationships."
Everyone else is busy freaking out at Lana's announcement while you keep dissociating yourself from what's happening.
"Javi has chosen to go on a date with..."
You reel yourself back into reality and notice that everyone is looking so tense.
It seems like the table has turned. First, it was Oliver and now, Sabine is being picked for the date. You can see the slight panic on Oliver's face.
But then what if...?
"And Gia has chosen to go on a date with..."
You look over at Changbin and feel a little nervous that he'd get picked, well, even if he did get picked and his head turned, then it would only reassure you about the true state of your relationship.
Yet here you are, letting out a sigh of relief knowing that he didn't get chosen for the date.
YOU: I'm– [sighs] I'm starting to second-guess what I have with Changbin.
Everyone else is buzzing with the new arrivals and all the drama surrounding it, except Changbin.
Everyone has been behaving lately and no one is breaking the rules, everything is going so well so Changbin wonders why you're sitting by yourself looking rather upset about something.
He comes up to you, putting on a smile when you glance up from your glass of wine.
"Hey," he says as he takes a seat next to you.
You hold your drink in the other hand and meekly reply, "Hi."
It's like the girl he met is slowly disappearing from you, you look down and low-spirited, and the sparks in your eyes are somehow dimming.
"How are you feeling?" He asks.
You scratch the back of your neck and weakly smile, "Right now, I'm a little bit lost," you answer.
Lost? Lost as in you don't know where to go or what to do anymore? But the more important question to ask is... is it about you and him?
You uncross your legs and put away your drink, looking serious as you start talking to him, "I do value physical affection and I feel like I wasn't getting what I needed from you," you tell him.
Changbin tilts his head to the side, feeling accused of something he didn't do. He's been treating you well and trying to do better every day so yeah, he won't easily accept you just said to him.
"I told you that there's no reason why we should break rules now," he reminds you of the things he has said to you once.
It seems like you have so many things to say to him but not wanting to let it out, but he's noticing how your jaws are clenched and unclenched.
"We're supposed to work on our connection and I've been opening up so much to you but you're not," you reply to him.
He's not going to lie, you hit him hard with that one. He admits you've been so open to him and what he gave back to you? Not so much.
"Being more open... that's not easy for me," he honestly admits.
"I know," you answer.
"And I've seen you trying but it's been a while now and it feels like we're not going anywhere," you look away and let out a low sigh.
It makes his head hurt how you misunderstood everything and doubted him when all he does is try to do what's right.
"I like you," he says to you, running out of things to say to convince you.
"But you don't show me that and I started to think that maybe it's not because of the money..." Your voice is quivering and you pause to inhale air.
Changbin lets you finish talking because he knows you still have a lot to utter to him.
You brush your hair to the back and sigh, "You make me feel so insecure and I don't like that," you conclude.
Not only that half of what you said is not true, Changbin is a little annoyed at how haste you conclude things. He also doesn't like how you doubt him, questioning everything when he thinks that he has shown you everything he has.
Changbin has a lot to say to that but he doesn't want to do the same thing, being haste about it and saying things he didn't mean.
CHANGBIN: I don't want to give up on her but I need some time to think things through.
It's the first time in the retreat you wake up feeling not excited, you wake up letting out a long sigh instead.
Lana chimes in for her morning greeting so you drag yourself out of the duvet and sit up on the bed with your back resting against the headboard.
"Good morning, everyone!"
A few are sleepily answering to her while the others are still struggling to open their eyes.
"Javi and Gia, I trust that you sleep well," Lana says, talking to the new guests.
Gia turns to look at everyone in the room, "are there usually noises in the middle of the night?"
"What noises?" Liam asks.
"Like smooching sounds..." Gia proceeds to describe the noises she heard last night.
To be completely honest, you're hearing your own thoughts all night to hear anything else.
"From where?"
Gia shakes her head, "No idea."
Well, wherever that smooching sound coming from, it's definitely not from your bed. You wake up next to Changbin but this morning, it feels like you're merely there for the sole reason that is sharing the bed and nothing more.
"How is it going with our big guy?" Sabine asks as the two of you are doing your make-up in the dressing room.
"I talked to him last night," you answer.
Sabine twists her hair before putting it on one shoulder, "And how did it go?"
You squeeze a dollop of moisturizer on the back of your hand and slowly dab it on your face, "a lot of stuff been said, a lot of stuff going down..."
Sabine turns on her feet to face you, "What's going on?"
Your shoulders slumped as you let out a sigh, "I honestly don't want to talk about it," you tell her.
As much as you want to tell her everything, talking about last night only makes you feel sad and you don't want to let it bring you down further.
YOU: The ball is on Changbin's court now so let's see what he's going to do with it.
Just because there's drama going on with you, that doesn't mean you're not aware that the new guy, Javi, has been secretly checking you out since last night.
Just now, you notice him clocking you out while you're chilling in the swimming pool with Jax.
After a while, he realizes that you know so he swims in your direction and stops right in front of you.
Beads of water are dripping down his tattooed body, he brushes his wet hair to the back and smiles at you.
"Hey, how are you girls doing?" He greets both of you, but his eyes are only looking at you.
"Good. You?" Jax answers.
You decide not to say anything but lock in a gaze with him, those light brown eyes are piercing right through you.
Javi looks away to glance at Jax and a moment later, puts his eyes on you again, more intense than before.
"Red looks good on you," he compliments.
The way he's looking at you, it's like he's doing something unspokenly filthy with those eyes.
"I know," you coyly say with a half smirk.
Javi flicks his eyes to your lips for a second then intensely stares into your eyes before brushing his hair to the back again.
"See you girls later," he says, then continues swimming to the other end of the pool.
Jax nudges your side with her eyes watching Javi swimming away, "Look at those shoulders," she whispers.
"I know," you mutter back, getting that fluttering feeling as you recall the way he looked at you.
The reason Lana has been quiet lately is because she's been collecting the receipts and you believe she's going to expose them soon.
And just like you have predicted, she gathers everyone in the bedroom when you're still getting ready for the night. Even though you have to third-wheel Liam and Riley, you decide to sit on their bed because it's much closer to the door back to the dressing room.
"Hello, everyone!" Lana starts.
"Hi, Lana!" The group replies in unison, not sure about everyone else but you're not that excited to hear her voice.
"You have received watches as part of the next stage of your development at my retreat. Unfortunately, some of you have still decided to disobey my rules."
See? You know she's been quiet for a reason, not because she didn't know people had been secretly breaking the rules.
Nico raises his hand and speaks up, "I'm just going to straight up telling you guys that Rita and I kissed," he bravely confesses.
"I'm sorry," Rita quickly adds with an adorable pout.
Everyone let that one slide because someone is quick to claim with their rulebreak and it's making it easier for everyone to assess the damage.
"This breach of rules has cost the group $6,000," Lana announces.
Here is the time for the animosity to fill the air, the cone is still lighting up so it means she's not done, there must be another rule break.
"Okay, who else wants to fess up?" Changbin says and he looks confident saying that because there's nothing happened last night, or anything before that for that matter.
"You're looking nervous there, Gareth," Liam points out, shifting everyone's attention to him.
Gareth doesn't put on a good poker face, he keeps rubbing his chin with both of his ears reddening. You look at Jax and she's only giggling next to him.
"Oh, God!" Sabine groans with her hand flying to her forehead.
Gareth finally faces everyone and lets out a nervous laugh, "We had a moment last night, we uh..." he starts, now scratching his ears, flustered.
"With all of us in the room?" Riley asks in disbelief.
"We what?" Oliver presses him.
"We started with a kiss," Gareth continues, stammering as he speaks, "Then we wanted to..."
"Mate, stop stalling," Oliver presses him more.
Poor Gareth, he's under a lot of pressure right now and Jax is right there, leaving his man facing it alone. After a moment though, she finally finishes it for him.
"I gave him a hand job, no big deal," she nonchalantly admits.
There's a mix of reactions but most of them are disappointed groans. Apart from the fact that he spent money, you understand Gareth's struggle though.
"That's so selfish!" Changbin says loud enough for everyone to hear.
Except for Changbin probably, he doesn't understand the struggle because he's Lana's loyal disciple.
"Jax and Gareth, I must inform you that your rule breaks have resulted in a total of $16,000," Lana announces.
The groans are filling the room and everyone is sure not tolerating what Gareth and Jax did because they're only been here for barely a week now.
"The prize fund now stands at $139,000," Lana updates.
YOU: It seems like Changbin is too busy worrying about the money than our relationship [scoffs]
The vibe gets a little off in the villa ever since Lana announced the current prize fund.
You finish your make-up quickly and get out of the villa, get a drink for yourself, and then sit on the lounger.
The night is warm with cool air blowing your way, you look up and see the stars like pinpricks on the night sky, it's a beautiful night, too bad you don't have anyone to share it with.
"May I sit?" Someone asks.
You turn on your seat to see Javi standing with a drink in his hand, looking good in a black t-shirt and blue jeans and no everyone can't look that attractive in such a casual attire.
"Yes, please," you tell him with a smile.
He then sits on the lounger next to you, sitting facing you with your knees almost touching in the middle.
"How are you?" He asks.
"I'm good," you lie, in the hope that if you believed it enough, it'd come true, "You?"
"Great!" He shortly answers with a bright smile, showcasing his perfect white teeth.
You respond with a smile then take a sip of your wine, your eyes are quietly looking at the tattoos peeking out of the neckline of his t-shirt.
"You look amazing," he compliments with yet another bright smile.
"Thank you," you say, suddenly so aware of yourself that you cross your legs together.
"I like the dress. It suits you well," he compliments again.
Javi sure knows how to amuse a girl, complimenting you to the tiniest details just to let you know that he pays attention to you.
"Thank you," you say again.
Javi takes a sip of his drink before putting his attention back to you, "I actually can't believe how beautiful you are," he sweetly compliments again.
You crack a shy laugh and thank him again, suddenly having problems accepting compliments.
"It's nice to finally be able to talk to you," he says.
"Why is that so?" You curiously ask.
"As soon as I looked at you, you caught my eyes but I obviously didn't want to step on anyone's toes," Javi openly shares, avoiding using Changbin's name.
"Really?" You ask.
"Yes," He answers with a nod then buries his head in his hands, probably to hide his reddening cheeks.
And you like that in contrast to his appearance, he gets shy as he's talking to you.
"I like that you're shy, it's sexy," you compliment him back with a satisfied grin.
"Well, I'm trying to..." he can't finish his sentence without shyly laughing.
Javi takes a big gulp of his wine and swallows it down fast, he looks a little nervous so whatever he's going to say next it's important to him.
"So, what do you think the sleeping arrangements will be?" He asks.
Oh? He's quite aggressive and you like that. It reminds you of someone you used to know but unfortunately, he's not that man anymore and Javi seems to be more than glad to take that role.
You tilt your head to the side and ask, "What do you want it to be?"
Javi is giving you that gaze again, the kind of gaze that slowly strips you away from your senses, making you a little crazy.
"I think you'd look much better in my bed," he boldly remarks.
You're not sure if it's because he's so attractive, a bit aggressive or if it's because you're just so desperate for some attention and some touches.
Either way, you want in.
YOU: I've been waiting for Changbin but he clearly has not gotten the message so I might have to explore some other options here.
The longer he's away from you the more Changbin realizes that he doesn't want to give up on you.
He's indeed worrying too much about the rules and the money that he forgets that the point of this retreat is to build a connection. He admits that his plan has backfired on him.
The worst of all, he's been forcing this on you without asking you how you feel about it.
That's fatal and he understands now why you're so mad. He doesn't know why it took him this long but he's ready to have another talk with you again.
This time, he promises to be more open because you deserve it, you deserve better.
After drying his hair, Changbin tosses the towel into the laundry basket and makes his way to the bedroom. He has nothing in his mind, he's just going get in there and wait for you on his bed.
Once he pushes the door though, he's not expecting to see you getting on Javi's bed. He has to take a second to register what he's seeing before snapping himself out of it. He continues his way to his bed, collapsing onto the mattress and trying hard to ignore how Javi is cuddling you on the bed opposite his.
"You're okay, Bin?" Nico asks from the bed next to him.
Changbin plays it cool by giving him a thumbs up in response.
Well, to be honest, he's mad, he feels like walking up to you and asks, 'What the fuck?
He planned on talking to you but how is he going to do that if you're on someone's bed?
CHANGBIN: I really wanted to believe that this was going in the right decision but I just believed it too soon.
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strniohoeee · 6 months
Reader who’s turned on by Matt’s little cowboy act!!!
Save A Horse
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Pairing: Matt Sturniolo X Female Reader
Synopsis: Matt’s little cowboy accent gets Y/N going, and he takes notice to it. He takes matters into his own hands🐎
Warnings⚠️: Suggestive at parts, but no actual sex in this one🫡
Song for the imagine: Wicked Game- Chris Isaak
The world was on fire and no one
could save me but you
It’s strange what desire make foolish people do
I’d never dream, that I’d meet somebody like you
At first it started as a joke, Matt's stupid little country accent. I found it funny and cute in the beginning, but now it made my cheeks flush and my brain race with inappropriate thoughts.
I never told him this because that was embarrassing. He literally did the weird voices for his brothers and to make the viewers laugh. But here I was getting all hot and bothered by it….I needed to get a grip
He started to do the accent more once he realized my head would perk up and a sheepish smile would grow on my face. I just figured he thought I liked it and found it funny. I mean I did, but these dirty ass horny thoughts would pop into my head.
Right now I was at their house sitting on the couch with them as we scrolled on our phones, and talked here and there. I kept hearing weird cowboy videos and country songs coming from Matt’s phone. Was he really taking this country act serious? I laughed to myself at his foolishness
“Matt what the fuck are you watching” Chris asked him
“Cowboy videos….these guys are cool as fuck” he said as his eyes were glued to his phone
“Matt is this going to be your new lifestyle?” I asked him laughing
“Would you like that?” He asked me finally looking at me
I felt my cheeks grow hot at this question and my throat began to run dry
“What? What do you mean” I said stifling out a laugh
“Like eventually if we move to like the countryside and have like a farm and horses and shit” he said
Why did I think he meant something else? Lord get your head out of the gutter Y/N….
“Ohhh uh yeah that would be cool. It would be very different, but I’d like it” I said smiling at him
“And then we can get horses, and hay and a tractor” he said doing the country accent
“Shut the fuck up with the accent” Nick said smacking his brother
“Heyyy be nice I like it” I said to Nick
“This motherfucker won’t let it go like I’m tired of hearing country boy Matt” Nick said rolling his eyes at Matt
“See my lady loves it” he said doing the accent
I felt myself fighting a smile and a blush on my face
“Yeah she’s smiling and blushing like a freak” Chris said
“Fuck off” I said kicking him
“What can I say my woman has great taste” he said winking at me
A few days had passed and Matt did the accent here and there. I was fighting myself not to just jump his bones anytime I heard him.
I was laying in his bed when I heard him come out of the bathroom and walk into his room. Immediately looking up my jaw dropped.
Matt had a plaid shirt on with his chest exposed, a cowboy hat on and denim jeans that fit him just write. My throat ran dry and I felt my pupils dilate
“Matt what is this?” I said sitting up
“I know how much you love cowboys…I figured I try something out for you” he said shutting his door behind him
“Oh really?” I said scooching off his bed
“I see the way you squirm when I do the accent, and I’ve seen the TikTok’s you reposted….I turn you on as a cowboy” he said biting his lip
“What….I do not” I said avoiding eye contact
“You don’t?” He said tilting his head and looking at me
“No I don’t” I said
“Mmm your body language tells me otherwise and so does the blush on your face” he said walking over to me
“Okay fine, maybe I find it hot” I said rolling my eyes
“I know you do baby” he said pulling me in by my waist
“Matt” I whined out
“Just teasing you” he said rubbing his hands up my sides
“That’s not nice” I said looking up at him
He pouted at me before pulling me in smashing our lips together. A much needed make out happening. Our teeth clashing together and our tongues fighting for dominance as we fought to breathe.
He slowly began to kiss down my neck causing me to moan out at the feeling.
Matt pulled away to take his cowboy hat off, and I ran my hands up his chest and wrapped my hands over his neck pulling him back into me
Our tongues once again fighting for dominance. His hands running down my back and squeezing my ass before bru bringing them back up to squeeze my breast
“Oh Matt” I sighed
“I know baby, I know” he said kissing down my jawline and to my neck again
I turned us around and laid him down on the bed as I straddled him running my hands up his torso and grinding down on him.
“Just like that baby” he moaned out helping me grind down on him
I slid my shirt off and leaned back down to kiss his neck and chest, his low pants sending me to the moon and back.
“You know what they say, save a horse, ride a cowboy” I said leaning back to remove my bra
“Today is my lucky day. I’m a cowboy and I love when you ride me” he said biting his bottom lip and running his hands up to my breast to squeeze them
I melted into his touch allowing my head to roll back. Matt pulled me down towards him by my neck and continued to kiss me as I grinded on him
Matt lifted up slightly to remove his flannel when we heard the front door open
“Were backkkk where yall at” Chris yelled
“Are you kidding me” Matt said his face dropping
“Ughhh why” I said laughing and leaning my forehead on Matt’s forehead as I laughed
“I guess we’ll continue this later” he said letting out a sigh
“I guess so my love” I said slipping off of him to put my bra and shirt back on
Later that night his brothers left again, and we sure did take care of business. The save a horse ride, a cowboy had nothing on me. Matt was spent by the time we were done.
I loved cowboy Matt….
The End
I hope you guys enjoyed this one. I felt ehh about it, but also wasn’t too sure what to write for this😭😭. Love yall tho 🤭🖤🖤
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joelslastofus · 1 year
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[SUMMARY: You’re a DEA agent who gets hurt and tries to hide it from Javi, only making him more protective of you.]
“Next time she’s with you and she gets hurt, you fucking call me. I don’t care what she tells you.”
Today you teamed up with Murphy to visit a bar and interview a few workers there who were a witness to a shooting. Javier of course wasnt fond of the idea that you were assigned to this, but it was your job. The two of you were seeing each other for a few months now and it was safe to say he grew protective of you as time went on.
Arriving to the bar you immediately grew suspicious of the workers around you. Murphy could see it too yet before either of you could make a move, gun fire went off. The two of you hiding behind the bar you pulled out your guns and fought back.
“You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me” Murphy groaned before standing up and firing a few shots and hiding once more.
“When I count to three, we’re gonna go out that back door,” he whispered to you as you had your gun ready, finger on the trigger.
“1….2….3” the two of you ran as gun shots rung out around you.
“Shit!” You screamed attempting to fire back when a man appeared and shot your way, hitting your waist. Murphy shot the man in the head as you fell back and winced holding onto your side.
“Oh fuck-“ you panted looking down, but quickly realized the bullet never went in.
“I’m fine, I’m fine, it only grazed me.” You spoke in relief through the pain you felt before noticing Murphys expression.
“Don’t you dare tell Javi!” Your words making him look up at you.
“I’ll get banadaged up and he won’t suspect a thing. Promise me!” You spoke sternly. Murphy sighed and nodded his head before helping you up and getting out of there.
Later that night you sat at the office desk across from Murphy as Javi rushed inside towards you.
“I heard about the shoot out, why didn’t you call me?” Javi sat on the edge of your desk with his arms crossed staring down at you.
“There was nothing to call for, the men got away and we were fine. Right Murphy?” You looked over at Murphy as Javi didn’t take his eyes off you. You could see the concern he had but you kept a straight face.
“Mhm,” Murphy responded as he filled out paper work.
“I don’t like you going to these places, Pablo’s people are always around there.”
“And what do you think I can’t handle these men, Javi?” You raised a brow with a smirk as you stood up ignoring the pain on your side.
“I’m being serious.” He furrowed his brows, the tone in his voice making you sigh.
“Javi-“ just as you went to speak he unexpectedly put his hands on your waist pulling you into him. The piercing pain of your wound causing you to scream and quickly back away.
“What is it? What’s wrong?” He rushed to you as you winced holding your side.
“Jesus Christ you’re fucking bleeding-“
“Javi, I’m fine.” You insisted with a whisper.
“You’re not fine- get me a damn doctor!” He yelled at Murphy who quickly ran to get someone. Javier helped you to the back to an empty room at the station and sat you down. He placed his hand over yours covering your wound just as a medic walked in.
“Im fine I just-“
“She was grazed by a bullet earlier today.” Murphy cut in without looking your way.
“What?” Javier looked down at you with his hands on his hips.
“So you were shot at.” Javier flared his nostrils and turned away. Worry turned into anger at the thought of anyone even attempting to hurt you.
“Javi- ow!” You gasped making Javier quickly turn back to you as the doctor pressed down on your wound.
“What are you doing?” You asked in pain.
“You’re hurting her,” the urgency in Javis voice making the doctor ease up.
“Your stitches opened up, I’ll have to clean it up and stitch you up again.” The doctor explained. You sighed laying your head back looking at the ceiling. Javier was pissed, worried and on edge, he paced back and fourth in the room as the doctor took care of you. Any sound of a whimper he’d immediately stop and look at you hating that he couldn’t do more for you, hating that he couldn’t take away the pain.
“Peña why don’t you go have a smoke and relax-“
“Next time she’s with you and she gets hurt, you fucking call me. I don’t care what she tells you.” Javier stopped and whispered in Murphys face who only knodded in response.
“Are you almost done?” You winced looking down as the doctor stitched you up. Javier quickly rushed to your side and cursed at himself.
“Now I’m done,” the doctor finally finsihed and placed a bandage over the wound. You both thanked him as he walked out with Murphy leaving you and Javier alone.
Javi had his back to you as he took a deep breath.
“Don’t ever pull something like this again,” he spoke sternly.
“Javi, please I didn’t want to worry you.” He turned to you with a much softer look in his eyes than you expected.
“I always worry about you.” He stepped closer to you as you slowly stood up. Standing before you he looked down into your eyes, his hands gently taking hold of your face as he leaned in and planted his lips on yours.
“And what about you?” You whispered.
“What about me?”
“I need you to be careful too.”
“Nothings going to happen to me mi amor.” He caressed his thumb across your cheek as you leaned your face against his hand. Closing your eyes you sighed, you couldn’t see but he looked at you in a way no man had ever looked at you before, your safety was all that mattered to him.
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eroticwurld · 1 year
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sypnosis y/n breaks up a fight between aunong and neteyam. she is frustrated by neteyam’s anger towards the boy; she just wants to move on from the hatred and settle in peacefully. neteyam has other plans in mind.
content warning neteyam & reader are 19, dom! neteyam, p in v, fingering, oral (fem! receiving) if you squint, dirty talk, cursing and a bit of fluff at the end :)
"WAS IT REALLY NECESSARY TEYAM?" y/n scolded at the boy who was wiping the blood that dripped from his wounded lip.
"he was fucking pissing me off y/n." neteyam grumbled as his body stirred in frustration.
y/n rolled her eyes and groaned at his response, "you can't pick a fight with him every time he says something dumb."
"when the fuck did you become such a pacifist!?" neteyam raised his voice at her.
y/n was in disbelief at his tone, his choice of words. her eyes frantically darted from his eyes to the floor. neteyam had never yelled at her.
"i am not the one to be mad at! don't you dare yell at me." y/n yelled back, attempting to reclaim her ground.
"how could you be friends with him? after what he did." neteyam said in a softer tone.
"i never agreed to being his friend. i decided to be cordial because let's face it neteyam. we aren't leaving this place any time soon. he is the chief's son—"
"so!? why should we tolerate him. i can't stand his stupid face. the way he tries to get under my skin makes me want to hurt him every chance i get!"
"it is never that serious! he is barely a threat—"
"—he was talking about you y/n! talking about all the shit he'd do to you. did you expect me to stand there while he spoke of my girl in that way?!"
"oh." was all y/n could say.
"i mean honestly. i can't stand this fucking random fascination he now has. i fucked him up hard enough that he'll never think of even looking your way again."
y/n wasn't listening to his threats. she was far too focused on how attractive neteyam looked. she never knew someone could pull off anger the way he did. she bit her lip softly as she allowed herself to get distracted by his jawline, the way it clenched between each sentence.
"okay tey. i get it. you're my mighty warrior."
neteyam's ears perked up at this. he made eye contact with her and immediately became enchanted by her gaze. he recognized the tension and felt his once angry demeanor slowly turn into lust.
he walked over to her and grabbed her chin, pulling her dangerously close to his face. she looked at him with innocent eyes that she knew drove him crazy. the thought of her being a submissive mess under him was enough to send him into overdrive.
"say it again." he demanded.
"my mighty warrior." she said slowly making sure that the words burned into his ears. he let out a breath of satisfaction before pressing his lips against hers aggressively. she was taken aback by the sudden contact but melted into the kiss and his grasp.
he pulled away from the kiss causing y/n to look at him with confusion but her wonders were replaced with pleasure as he began peppering her neck with rough kisses. the chaste kisses gradually turned into him sucking and nibbling on her skin. he made sure to create love bites.
he wanted everyone in the clan to know she was his. no one could dare to take her from him. she was his everything.
"you're mine."
y/n hummed in response, far too lost in the sensation that neteyam had provided her. she could feel her womanhood pooling against her loincloth. she was desperate for his touch.
"use your words."
"im yours neteyam— mm' fuck!" she yelped quietly as he slid his hands in her loincloth running his fingers along her folds. she could feel her core ache against his hand, begging for him to satisfy her.
"you're so wet for me. only for me."
y/n whined as he slowly pushed two fingers into her. his pace was agonizingly slow, he realized he loved to tease her when he knew she was needy for him.
"faster tey, please." she pleaded.
he chuckled to himself before pumping his digits in and out of her. he placed his free hand over her mouth to lessen the noises she was producing. she let out a muffled moan against his hand and grinded her hips against his fingers.
he curled his fingers and watched her legs shake, struggling to hold her weight. she opened her eyes and raised a weak hand over his, removing it from her face.
"i need you neteyam."
neteyam groaned at her words as blood began rushing to his lower half. he took his hand out of her loincloth and placed a firm hand on her lower back, gently moving her to the ground. y/n laid on her back waiting impatiently for her mate.
he helped her take off her clothes before untying his loincloth, his dick springing free from the restriction. his eyes feasted on her body, appreciating every detail. he started leaving a trail of kisses from her chest down to her core.
"so fucking beautiful." he said and left an open mouthed kiss on her pussy. y/n felt her stomach clenching at the new feeling of his tongue against her.
he rose up and started positioning himself in front of her entrance. he rubbed his dick against her folds causing her to grind her hips. it was all so painful for y/n.
"oh eywa, please fuck me neteyam!" she cried.
neteyam wasted no time in thrusting his length inside of her. y/n let out a cry of pleasure at his roughness. it was pure ecstasy. the way each push hit all the right spots in the girl's body. she wasn't sure how long she'd last.
as neteyam drilled into her he placed a hand on her stomach, feeling himself inside of her. he could feel his dick twitch, it was enough to make the boy loose himself completely.
"such a fucking good girl for me."
y/n could only let out a moan in response. he lifted one of her leg's over his shoulder allowing him to plunge deeper into her. she felt tears brimming her eyes, the change in position elevating her bliss.
neteyam continued to abuse her insides as he listened to his mate make sounds he never heard before. her sweet voice and moans edging his climax further. he wished aunong could see this. he was fucking his girl dumb. y/n was forever his and there was nothing anybody could do about it.
"shit. baby mm' feels so good!" she managed to scream.
"say my fucking name, ma' y/n."
"n-n-net. neteyam!" y/n struggled to say through the overwhelming feeling of her stomach beginning to knot. neteyam moaned loudly at the sound of his name falling from her lips in this context. seeing her under him made him wish they could stay like this forever. connected.
"fuck. i'm gonna cum. are you close my love?" he whimpered as his thrusts became sloppier.
they were sure that half of pandora could hear their sins but neither of them cared. they were too engulfed in each other to worry about anyone else.
y/n repeated his name as he fucked her senselessly. hearing him yell profanities as he made love to her.
she could feel her orgasm creeping up on her until it washed over her, leaving her body to go limp.
she shook slightly from the feeling of neteyam continuing to pound into her. the sensitivity threatening another orgasm. he let out a long moan before pulling out and releasing.
he leaned down and left a passionate kiss on her lips.
"i love you." he breathed out still catching breath.
"i love you." y/n fluttered her eyes at him making him smile.
neteyam fell onto his back next to her, still recovering. y/n sat up and placed a hand on his chest.
"are you still mad about aunong?"
"i think i fucked the anger out of me." neteyam wiggled his brows teasingly.
she laughed at his sarcasm, "you're a freak."
"okay aunong." neteyam rolled his eyes and y/n smacked his chest. "hey!"
"okay! okay! bad joke!" neteyam winced.
y/n shook her head at his stupidity and laid on his chest, allowing his breathing to soothe her.
"you're really hot when you're mad." she purred.
"oh really?" neteyam said and y/n could already imagine the look on his face.
"yeah... maybe you should get mad more often." she shrugged against him.
"hm... i think i still have a tiny bit of anger left in me. wanna help me out?"
she giggled before straddling him and leaning down to kiss his lips eager for neteyam to please her again.
author hey! this is an excerpt i wrote from my book DEVOTION on wattpad! username, NEUROTICBRAT. i have never written on tumblr and am a little unsure of how it works but hope you guys enjoy! i’d love to hear any requests for the future!
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michelle-is-writing · 3 months
Crayons, Steve Harrington
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Word count: 1.1k~
From the day we got Evelyn's school supplies, Steve has showed his excitement for his growing little girl in every way he could. Most parents would be sad over their babies getting older and going to their first year of school (a.k.a. me), but Steve was different.
He was so involved in getting her the notebooks she wanted and teaching her pointers on how to color better than the rest of the kids. Steve even wanted to come with us to shop for clothes when I needed to get Evelyn new clothes for the fall. Although, it eventually just turned into me shutting him up after a while as he wouldn't stop trying to get Evelyn "cool" clothes. I think Steve failed to realize that our six year old shouldn't have the same title as he did at the age of sixteen.
Thankfully, Steve soon forgot about what clothes he thought our child should wear and smiled when he saw our little girl ready for her first day. She may have been  wearing a pink sweater and plaid skirt instead of the jean jacket and pants combination like he wanted, but nothing beat her award winning smile. Just like Steve, she was excited for her first day of school.
"And you're sure you have everything I packed you?" I ask our little girl, walking through the doors of her school beside Steve as he holds her to his side. Evelyn only nods, the same smile still stuck to her face. "So, you're promising me that you didn't take out the crayons to color with last night?"
In response, Evelyn giggles and hides her face in Steve's shoulder, making him smirk. "I was just trying them out, mommy," she murmurs, her voice slightly muffled by Steve's shirt.
Seeing her act the way she is, I can tell she's slowly becoming shy. However, it doesn't last long as we soon end up in her kindergarten classroom with rest of the kids and parents. Once she realizes that there are kids around, she immediately begins to clamber out of Steve's arms and onto the floor where she joins the other kids. Slowly, they all begin introducing themselves with enthusiasm filling all of their young and high voices.
Although, what strikes me as odd is Steve's calmness. Instead of speaking to me with a fast voice and practically rolling on his heels, he's just standing beside me peacefully while a soft smile rests on his lips. His sudden change of mood is strange, and I can't help but wonder if everything is okay.
"Everything okay, baby?" I ask, taking his hand in mine. "You seem a bit off."
In response, Steve turns toward me with that same smile before wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me close. "What if I told you... I have been in love with you since we were kids..." He tells me, his thumb gently rubbing against my clothed hip. "I remember, the first time I talked to you, I was showing you my pack of seventy-two crayons."
"Yeah, you were practically boasting about them," I whisper, lightly laughing. Moving my hand up to rest on his chest, I lightly shake my head with a smirk. "Rich parents and shit."
"I would never!" He quickly defends himself, "I let you use them whenever you wanted!"
"And the minute I accidentally broke one, I was prohibited from using anymore," I remind him before looking back over at Evelyn. Now she's sitting at a table with a boy in front of her as they excitedly talk to each other. It's only then that I realize he's pushing a box of seventy-two crayons toward her, and at the sight alone, I can't help but chuckle a little. "Steve, look."
Instantly, he does, before his eyes widen. "Oh, no," He murmurs at the sight, making me nearly burst with laughter. He sees the box of seventy-two crayons too, and I know what is exactly going through his mind. "She has to move seats."
"Steve!" I scold him, lightly hitting his arm. "It is not that serious!"
"It is too!" Steve responds, looking at me with the same widened eyes. "That's how our friendship started, and now look at us," He then holds his hand out toward Evelyn. "We have her!"
"Mister Harrington," We hear a strict, yet playful voice say behind us, causing both me and Steve to turn around and see Mrs. Kensington - the woman who used to be our teacher. "Still being a disturbance as usual?" She chides, smirking as she walks toward us.
"Always, ma'am," Steve responds to her with playful comment, making her shake her head with that same smirk. Turning toward me, her smile brightens as she speaks up once more.
"Miss (Y/n), still beautiful as ever," Mrs. Kensington compliments me, causing me to smile back at here. "And I see you did end up with Steve after all," she adds, "I had a feeling that would happen - but, I'm glad it did. I can't wait to teach your little girl," she tells us, her eyes slightly narrowing on Steve one last time. "Hopefully, she won't be as rambunctious as you were, mister Harrington."
With that, Evelyn's new teacher turns away and heads toward some other parents to speak to. This then leaves me and Steve to look at each other again, my lips widening as our eyes meet. "You were a little shit back in kindergarten," I note, whispering up to him as his eyes slightly widen.
"I was not a little shit!" He whispers back, making me slightly giggle.
"Well at least I know Evelyn is in good hands," I tell him, looking back at our little girl as she tells her new classmates different stories, each with enthusiasm and detail. "If Mrs. Kensington could tolerate you, she can tolerate anyone."
Instead of arguing or even defending himself, Steve sighs with a tired smile as he rolls his eyes before lowering a hand down to rest on my stomach. "I wasn't lying when I said I knew in kindergarten that you were the one," He murmurs, gently swaying me as I watch Evelyn with a smile. "And now that were married and we have Evelyn, I'm happy that I was able to offer you my crayons."
Despite his confession being a little goofy toward the end, I can't help but feel my heart skip a beat as Steve holds me closer to him. There wasn't a day that went by that Steve didn't offer me his crayons (even though I may have broken a few) and as we got older, it was the same way, but with other objects. Now that I think of it, I may have fallen in love with Steve when we were kids too; but unlike him, my love for him didn't start with love-at-first-crayon.
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nightfalltales · 2 years
let me make you feel better
parings: p4 jotaro kujo x fm reader
cw: SMUT - size kink + foreplay + fingering + penetration + literally just bathtub sex; dom!jotaro + sub!fm reader; explicit; au where everyone survives aka: eyes of heaven
word count: 2.1k+
summary: after a difficult day at work, you arrived home eager to see your loving family. fortunately, it appears that your husband is home while your daughter is out. how will he take care of you?
author’s note: damn i’ve been gone for a long time and will prob be gone again but oh well, wrote y’all a dilf jotaro smut bc we love dilfs and milfs ;)
smut below (18+) !! MINORS DON’T INTERACT !!
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oh boy, you had a rough day of work. your co-worker accidentally spilled their drink on your paperwork, the project from the speedwagon foundation postponed today even when you’re prepared to get that over with, you name it. you drove back home with a headache, you couldn’t deal with this shit right now.
all you wanted to do was to rest after a long day, nothing more. of course, your husband and your daughter are welcome to rest alongside with you-- they are what you need to relax. you were content to just be with them and enjoy their company since they both put a smile on your face.
you park on the driveway, make your way to the door into the home that you, your husband, and your daughter shared, unlock and then shut the door to your living room while exhaling heavily from exhaustion. the first thing you see when you enter the house is your 6’5” husband approaching you with a serious expression on his face, indicating he know you’ve had a bad day and didn’t want to talk about it.
your husband immediately embraces you, giving you little time to greet him. you become calmed by his warmth, and you give it to him in return by encircling him in your arms.
“sorry i came home late..” you sighed.
“mm, no need to apologize.” jotaro replied as he rubbed your back.
he releases his grip on you, helps you remove your coat, and set down your bag. “would you like to join me for dinner?”
“you.. waited for me?”
he nods. crap. you were concerned that he become impatient because you felt like you made him wait so long for you. 
“i’m so sorry, dear. i believe i called you earlier that you could have dinner with jolyne and i’ll come home later to eat the leftovers.” you groan a little in irritation as you scratch your head.
jotaro held your hand and replied, "you did," as if to reassure you not to panic. "but i'm not going to let you eat the leftovers alone. i'm eating with you.”
wow. he actually did waited for you. for that long. 
it’s always the small details that jotaro left for you that makes you fall for him more and more. he’s a private, quiet man that everyone knows. they are unaware that he would express his affection for you whenever you both were alone. whether it would be cuddling you, kissing you, hugging you— you name it. he is your husband after all and since you’re his wife, he feels at ease around you.
you grin as you nod your head. "okay, then let's have dinner together."
he leads you into the kitchen, where dinner was already served. as you observed how organized the dinner table was, you grinned. despite the fact that jotaro was a capable cook, the meal he prepared smelled amazing.
suddenly, you realize there wasn’t enough food for your daughter to eat. “wait, jolyne doesn’t have enough food to eat with us.”
“jolyne already ate.” jotaro said as he grabs more utensils out of the drawer.
“wait really? where is she then?”
“she’s at kakyoin’s house for a sleepover. it’s just the two of us in this house.”
you sighed with relief. thank goodness you remember jolyne and kakyoin got along really well once you introduce her to him and he didn’t hide his smile. they would always enjoy playing games together at his house, even though kakyoin would occasionally win and tease jolyne about it. she would stick her tongue at him and demand for another game so she could win. that thought made you chuckle.
“come on and eat. what’re you standing there for?” jotaro grinned as he heard your chuckle.
you quickly return to reality. “oh right.”
you joined your husband in eating the dinner that he had prepared. you could tell he worked hard to make the dinner delectable since the food was delicious. you wonder how jolyne’s face lit up once she had her first bite of the dinner your husband made. she would most likely exclaim, “daddy, this is really good! mommy would enjoy this!”
though the atmosphere was silent, having your husband there to eat dinner with you was sufficient. the silence didn’t bother you at all. as long as you’re with him, that’s all you cared about.
once you two were finished, you were about to pick your dishes to put them in the sink when jotaro intervenes.
“let me clean the dishes.” jotaro offered as he took your dishes to the sink. oh great. you felt bad for him even more. after he has prepared dinner, you shouldn't let him clean the dishes.
“oh no no jotaro, let me-” he turned his head to look at you with a stern expression, you immediately stopped talking. you reluctantly gathered the remaining dishes for your husband to wash.
as he pumps the soap onto the cleaning sponge, he sighs. “didn’t want to make you wash. you had a rough day and you need rest.”
deep down on what he said, he’s right. he wants you to get some rest so that you can feel better along with him. he knows you well ever since when you first met him.
after washing the dishes, he comes over to you and tugs at your work clothes. “take these off and run a bath.”
“oh yeah.” you cast a downward glance over your work clothes. “i should go take a bath then.”
“i’ll join you.”
“eh? you haven’t took a bath yet?”
“no i haven’t. i want to join you.”
“isn’t that enough trouble for you..?”
you immediately regretted asking that question when a frown formed at his face.
"i waited all evening for you, y/n. i want to be with you, and being with you means taking a bath with you.”
you nodded hesitantly in agreement, mainly because of his demanding demeanor. but then again, perhaps the key to a good rest is a bath with your husband.
as you enter the bathtub, jotaro assists you and allows your head to rest on his chest. you feel calmed by the warmth of the water and the presence of your husband sitting behind you.
“thank you, dear.” you muttered as you nuzzled his chest. “for making me feel better.”
he mumbled a “hm” as if to say, “you’re welcome”, and then leaned in to kiss you on your forehead.
you smiled as you felt his lips touch your forehead. you turned around to offer him a forehead kiss of your own.
but in this moment, jotaro wanted more. he intended to make you feel better. he didn’t want you to stress over a bad day at work. he wanted to make you think of him and him alone to put you at ease. the sight of you was enough to increase his desire for you.
“dear, you oka-” before you could finish, he leaned down to kiss you on your lips. you squeak in his lips as he grasp your hips to pull him closer to you. god you were adorable, transforming into putty in his arms so effortlessly that he could hold you close.
his tongue entered yours as he kissed you firmly. you felt him tightening his grip on your hips, giving you the impression that he was in control of you.
he releases his hold on you and gives you a lustful gaze. his eyes wanted you to know that he wanted more. more of you.
“jotaro..” you whimper as his mouth drifts along your jaw, leaving open-mouthed kisses and bites until he reaches your earlobe, which he tenderly grabs between his teeth and pulls slightly. the sensitive sensation on your body reached to you. he smirked as he felt you trembling in his arms.
“can i continue?” he asked as he rubbed your back. the need inside of you makes it impossible for you to speak; all you can do is nod. you needed this, you needed him.
he growled and bit your earlobe once again and you jumped at that sensation, letting out a squeak.
“i need to hear you say it.” his scorching breath hitting your sensitive ears. he’s directly speaking against your ear, it’s not fair.
“y-yes..” you push the word out of your mouth, it’s silent and breathless.
“let me make you feel better.” he then kissed your cheek before setting his fingers in place to enter you.
you are seated on his lap with your legs extended to his liking on each side of his. he continues to peck on your earlobes as one of his arms encircle you and hold you to him.
he finds this view breathtaking since he gets to watch your chest move as you trembly breathe in and out. he gets to feel the pressure of your face against his neck and hear the sound of your moans when he touches you.
your eyes widen as he slips one of his fingers into you, and you moaned in response. he pulls you to his face by grabbing onto your chin— he wants to see you.
“jotaro! ah!” your attempts to regain your breath only made his finger move more quickly. your responses start to pull him back toward the authority and control he formerly possessed. every time he moves more quickly, the warm water from the tub splashes.
it was embarrassing for you to let him see your reactions. although you two had already engaged in sex, the notion of him witnessing your reactions makes you feel extremely ashamed.
nothing could conceal how readily his fingers pumped inside of you, no matter how slick you were or how wet you were due to the water. you were unable to contain your voice when he stuck one more finger in you.
suddenly, you immediately felt your own climax about to reach to your limit. you tighten your hold on his broad shoulders. “j-jotaro.. mph! i’m close.. i’m close!”
“then go on and cum.” once again, you felt his hot breath on your ear.
you reached your limit and screamed his name, but you could still feel his fingers inside of you, every pulse, and the tightening of your walls around him. he kisses you from the base of your neck to the delicate curve of your shoulder.
“i’m not done with you yet, y/n.” he growled and pulled his fingers from your pussy. as you bucked your hips together, the water sloshed. his dick is lined up against your hot pussy, and you gasp as you feel it. jotaro was gripping your waist firmly as you both grunted simultaneously.
you were biting your lip while holding onto his shoulders as your husband slammed into you, his huge cock ripping you wide and the head shoving your cervix with every rock. you screamed his name while keeping your eyes closed as the sensation of his cock inside of you grew stronger.
even though he was fucking you slowly, the blows were powerful, leaving you unable to remain silent. his thrusts went shallow but rapid, and you drove your nails into his back and shoulders as your slick body slid up against his, never ever pulling back before forcing his hips close with yours once more.
“fuck y/n..” he groaned.
he fucked you through your orgasm, extending it as your entire body felt hot— you were left to cling onto him. as jotaro chased his own orgasm, the water in the tub sloshed erratically and spilled in some places.
when your climax suddenly started to approach, he was groaning loudly and occasionally letting out moans.
“jotaro! i’m gonna..” you bit your lip to suppress your noises.
with a few more thrusts into you, jotaro then roughly pulled you down onto him, spilling inside of you with a rasping groan as he dumped his seed. this left you with a warm sensation in your gut as opposed to the water's somewhat cooled temperature. 
“fuck..” he groaned even more.
as soon as he let you go, you sank into him and started panting hard alongside with him as he leaned back into the tub, satisfied with one another.
“you feeling better?” he asked as he looked down at you.
“a lot better.. thank you.” you nuzzled once more on his chest.
you made an effort to get out of the bathtub but lacked the strength to stand up straight. goddamit, you were unable to walk. jotaro assisted you by carrying you bridal-style out of the bathtub followed by his chuckle. “come on, let’s get each other both cleaned up.”
you nod your head in agreement and cleaned each other up. what a great “rest” provided by your husband.
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amethystunarmed · 6 months
I Need a Shovel to Love Him
Word Count: 4,226 A03 Link Richie calls Peter after the events of the opening night of Workin' Girls.
Holy fucking shit.
Peter is about to lose his virginity to Stephanie Lauter. 
They are on the couch in Peter's brother's apartment. Ted is gone for the evening, went to Ruth’s musical at the Starlight, but he had thrown a condom at Peter with a wink before he left. Peter was equal parts mortified and grateful.
By pure luck, Peter and Steph had managed to avoid getting tickets the same night Ted was going, giving them an opportunity to finally go all the way. They are making out on the couch, Steph straddling him while he gazes up at her in awe. Neither of them are wearing their shirts (Peter has come a long way from the first time he saw Steph in her bra and got so flustered he had to stop. He's just lucky she thought it was both hilarious and adorable). Her skin is hot against his, and when she trails her fingers down his spine, it gives him chills. Steph has finally taken pity on Peter, and moved to take her bra off herself, when the phone rings.
Pete sits up to grab it and Steph groans, flopping forward so her head rests on his chest. 
"Are you serious Spankoffski? You're answering your fucking phone right now?"
"I figure if it's my brother telling us he's on his way back because he finally realized the show isn't about sex workers, we'd want to know."
"... You get a pass just this once." She slides off his lap and Peter immediately misses her weight.
Peter fumbles for his phone and is surprised by the name that pops up.
The Power of God and Anime. Richie. 
Peter frowns down at his phone. Richie would rather die than make a phone call. For all Ruth loved talking to telemarketers, Richie about broke out in hives every time he had to make a call. (Between his phobia and Ruth's penchant for making the delivery boy uncomfortable, Peter had been making calls to Pizza Hut for them for years.) Richie wouldn't call. Not unless...
Peter hits the button and brings the phone to his ear, even as Stephanie groans behind him. He slides his legs off the couch and stands as he talks.
"Hey Richie, what's up? Aren't you at the show?"
Sobbing. Richie is sobbing. Peter's stomach sinks. "Richie? Richie, what's happening?"
"Pete?" Steph asks, suddenly concerned. Peter holds a finger up to her.
Richie hiccups. His voice is shaky, so much that Pete can barely understand him. 
"He- he- He went crazy, he killed them-" 
Peter feels like he's had ice water dumped over him.
"Who? Who killed who, Richie?" Peter gets up and grabs his shirt from where he'd thrown it earlier.
"Everyone, he- he-"
"Where are you?"
"The Theater."
Oh thank God.
"Richie, my brother is there, go find Ted, okay?" Ted was a fucking asshole but he would (probably) look out for Ruth and Richie, if only so Pete didn't tear him a new one. "He'll get you and Ruth out of there okay?"
"That's what I'm trying to tell you," Richie says, sniffling, voice hitching. "Ruth and Ted are dead, Peter."
Peter drops his phone. 
He doesn't remember what happens next. He blinks and they're in the back of Mayor Lauter’s limo. Steph is holding Peter's now cracked phone to her ear. Miss Tessburger is prattling on about something but Pete can't understand her. Her words sound like a broken garbage disposal, continually revving but never getting any clearer.
He blinks again and Steph is kneeling in front of him. She sways as they take a sharp turn. She should be wearing a seatbelt, he thinks, inanely.
"Pete, you're scaring me."
Peter doesn't know why. He hasn't even done anything. 
He blinks and they're at the theater. Steph's hand is firm in his, the only thing that keeps him from drifting away. He trails behind her, letting her guide him to the sirens and the flashing lights. Until he sees-
Peter loses time again. Suddenly he is sprinting, and Richie is too and Peter slams into him and they fall to the ground and Peter has his fingernails clawed tightly into Richie's vest so nothing can pry Richie away from him and-
He is sitting in the back of the ambulance. A scratchy orange blanket is wrapped around his shoulders. Richie is next to him. He has Peter's hand in a death grip, squeezing so tight Peter is beginning to lose feeling in his fingers.
An EMT is shining a light in his penlight in Peter’s eyes. It fucking hurts. Peter blinks aggressively at him.
“His pupils dilate, I don’t see any sign of concussion. As far as I can tell, Peter here is just suffering from a pretty extreme shock.”
He gives Peter a pitying little smile. Peter wants to knock his teeth out.
“But he’s not responding.” Stephanie is standing off the shoulder of the EMT. She has her arms crossed over her chest, her chin cocked out. It’s the same stance she’d had when she’d stood down Max Jagerman after they first started dating. It means she’s scared. “You can see it, he did it in the car too. Why the fuck can’t he hear us?”
The EMT hesitates a moment, then speaks slowly, like an adult on Sesame Street.
“Sometimes, when someone goes through something terrible, their brain will... take them away for a little. It’s a defense mechanism.”
Peter has already heard enough of this. 
“You don’t have to talk about me like I’m not here.”
“Oh, thank god.” The tension melts out of Steph as she throws herself at Peter’s free side. Her arms wrap around his shoulder and she tucks her head into his neck, like she is trying to get as close to him as possible. “You’re okay. Jesus Pete, never scare me like that again.”
"Pete?" Steph and Peter pull away from each other to look at a Black man in a checkered shirt. He nervously fiddles with a button on the cuff of his sleeve. Peter hadn’t initially noticed him, but he’s pretty sure the man had been standing there for a while. He seemed vaguely familiar, but Peter couldn’t place him. "You're Peter Spankoffski, right?"
Steph pushes over the ambulance, and stands in between him and Peter and Richie. "Listen, if you want a statement, go talk to some other smarmy asshole looking to get famous off this. Try Linda Monroe, she has an affinity for vultures." She is so fucking cool, so brave. Peter thinks he may be in love with her.
Oh my god he's in love with her.
He's in love with Stephanie Lauter.
He wants to tell Ruth, even though she'll ask a million uncomfortable questions. 
He wants to tell Ted, even though he'd give some awful advice about not being tied down.
Peter squeezes Richie’s hand.
"No, no," the man says. "I'm one of Ted's co-workers? Bill. Do you remember me?” The name slots into place. Peter remembers him in the backgrounds of office party pictures Ted had shown him and from when Ted brought Peter to a “Bring Your Kid to Work Day” even before he moved in with Ted full time. He has a recollection of Bill smiling at him from where he had hidden behind Ted, telling him, Richie, and Alice Woodward to all play nice together. Peter gives him a faint nod, which puts Bill somewhat at ease.
“Look at you, all grown up. So tall!” He is studying Peter with a sad sort of softness, cataloging all the changes from that little kid he’d met years ago. Peter wants to find the nearest bridge he can jump off of to avoid this conversation. “I wouldn’t have recognized you if Ted hadn’t had a picture on his desk." 
Peter wonders if he spontaneously developed a latex allergy, it feels like his throat is swelling shut. “He... He has a picture of me on his desk?” 
"Yes, he does.” Peter waits for him to elaborate, but Bill just offers him an awkward little half smile. Which, what the fuck? Did he just come over to here to remind Peter he was going to have to go to his brother’s fucking office and clean out his desk?
“Bill, I don’t want to be rude, but... why are you here?”
“Oh.” Bill furrows his brow at that, like he isn’t actually sure. “We came here together. Ted and I."
Peter squints at him. "Like a date?" He knew Ted had been sleeping around the office (knew too much about it, because his brother was kind of a slut), but he'd been pretty sure he'd been hung up on someone named Charlotte.
"No!" Bill denies, "He- I had an extra ticket, and I- he was the only one who wanted to come." Bill suddenly looked nauseous. "H- he was the only one who wanted to come tonight, and to spend time with me, and the whole night I just-"
"So you're the reason my brother is dead." The whole group snaps their heads to stare at him, even the EMT. He doesn’t know why they all look so surprised. It seems like a pretty logical deduction to make.
Steph wraps her arm around Peter’s shoulder, but she stays standing. He feels small tucked against her side. It feels nice.
Richie gives his hand a squeeze and runs his finger along the side of Peter’s hand. It feels nice too.
Bill sucks in a breath, like somebody stabbed him. Which is fucking hilarious, given the circumstances. He looks at Peter like Peter did something to hurt him. It does not feel nice.
“What? Don’t have anything to say about it? You just said it, you were the reason he was here.” The EMT winces, and Peter glares at him. He wisely decides to fuck off to the front of the ambulance.
“Peter, that’s not- I’m didn’t-” Bill fumbles over himself. Peter isn’t sure what he fucking expected.
“I think you should go.”
“Right, right, but I just wanted to say, if you need anything, you can-” He fumbles with his back pocket and pulls out a wallet, nearly dropping it on the ground. Ted always says that Bill never knows when to drop a subject, and so far, Peter isn’t seeing anything to disapprove this fact. 
“Here,” Bill says, as he holds a white card out to Peter. “My number’s on there, you can give me a call-"
And Peter just wants him to shut the fuck up.
"I said fucking GO!"
Bill jumps and drops his business card. Peter feels bad, but he's too fucking tired to apologize. He slumps against Steph's shoulder. Her breathing feels like a gravitational pull, and he doesn't think he could escape it if he tried.
Bill scurries off, and Peter is grateful. “Fuck,” he groans, hiding his face in the crown of Stephanie’s head. She smells like sweat and that fruity shampoo her dad won’t stop buying for her. “Ted was right, he’s a fucking busybody.” It tears through his chest, even saying his brother’s name. He thinks the only thing that could hurt worse would have been not saying it.
It grows quiet. At least, as quiet as the site of a disaster can be. If he listens carefully, he can hear Chief Sweetly crying about one of the actors or Officer Bailey debating with Grace Chasity over who gets to keep his gun. (He's pretty sure Grace is winning.) The noises of the parking lot combine into a low background, police interrogations and muffled sobbing weaving into a dull drone. The police have turned their sirens off, but the lights still flicker red and blue and white. Peter closes his eyes, and the solid colors flicker across the black of his eyelids. The repetition is soothing, smoothing over the anxious hum that has been blaring a klaxon in the back of his brain. Between the warm pillar of Steph in front of him and Richie’s solid weight across his back, Peter finds his eyes drifting shut.
Richie’s shoulders hitching, however, gets him wide awake in an instant. Peter sits up, away from Steph, and pulls Richie closer to him, so he is angled toward Peter. Silent tears flood Richie’s cheeks. His mouth is screwed up in a crooked line.
“What happened?” Peter asks, frantically looking Richie over. He seemed fine when they arrived, but Peter had just been happy he was breathing, he could have missed something important-
"It's my fault Ruth is dead," Richie weeps.
"I killed her, Peter. I killed Ruth." Tears stream down Richie's cheeks.
"I thought you said-"
"I told her to audition! She wasn't going too, she said she wouldn't get in. I'm the one... I'm the reason."
Oh fuck.
Richie just sobs and latches onto his shoulder. Peter can feel time slipping again and he digs his nails into his palm to stay present.
"Richie, it's not your fault."
"I'm the reason she was here."
The sick feeling in Peter's gut twists deeper. That isn't what he... Fuck. What does he say? What does he say?
Steph sees his hesitation and gets a wild look in her eyes. Her hand flutters to the back of Peter’s neck. Her fingernails graze the skin in a repetitive line, like she is trying to beckon him back. He wonders if she thinks he lost time again. If so, she doesn’t say. She focuses all her attention on Richie. "It's not your fault, okay? You blame the murderer, you blame the theater for hiring this whackjob, you blame God for all I care, but you don't blame yourself for that shit, okay? That's how you drive yourself crazy, and Ruth wouldn't want that, you torturing yourself for believing in her. Okay?" She reaches across Peter and takes Richie's free hand. "Promise me."
"Promise you?"
"You won't blame yourself. Promise me."
"I'll... I'll try.”Steph opens her mouth, most likely to argue, but she is interrupted. From the side of the ambulance, the EMT clears his throat, far too loudly, and rounds the corner.
Steph glares at him, but only says, "We'll work on it.” Richie nods, and  Peter is positive he is counting on her forgetting about it. 
With the EMT back, their closeness starts to itch. Peter can feel him searching them, trying to figure out just what they mean to each other. Peter is pretty sure a vivisection would feel less intrusive.
The three of them untangle from one other. Steph habitually tucks her hair behind her ears, straightening to perfect posture. Even at the scene of a disaster, she maintains her image. Not that Peter blames her. He is sure Dan and Donna will have all sorts of footage from tonight all over the news tomorrow. As a local celebrity, Stephanie will probably get a featured segment. The thought makes him feel nauseous. "Everything seems to be in order!" The EMT says brightly. "I don't think you two need to go to the hospital. Do you three have someone who can take you home?"
"My uncle is coming to get me," Peter lets him know. He looks toward Stephanie and Peter. “He can probably get the two of you too!”
Stephanie's frown deepens. It has been such a common expression for her tonight, Peter feels bad. He has etched so much grief into her face. "But Peter-"
"I'm fine, Steph."
"No you're fucking not. You keep fucking... Leaving."
"I've been here the whole time."
"But you haven't. The lights are on but nobody is home. It's... It's fucking terrifying, Pete."
Pete turns to Richie, who nods. His palm is slick with sweat against Peter's. He looks freaked out, even considering everything that has happened tonight, which Peter again feels bad about. He is letting everyone down today. Still... There is one person he can't fail. He can't.
Peter looks up at the EMT.
“Where is my brother?” 
Richie swallows nervously. Peter feels his Adam's apple bob against his shoulder. "Pete...” He says slowly, like Peter just asked if he could move to Clivesdale. “He's d-"
"I fucking got that." He doesn't need a reminder. "Where... Where did they take him. After."
The EMT presses his lips together. “You should let your parents handle that, sweetie-”
“Then it’ll never get done. Where is he?”
“Everyone who was... who had passed before we arrived was taken to the hospital morgue.” 
“Huh.” Images of Ted, pale and expressionless on a silver slab flash through his head. So many nurses were going to see Ted naked. He would have been ecstatic. 
Then Peter is laughing. He is laughing so hard he can’t breathe. Stephanie and Richie are saying something, and they sound almost frantic and someone is shaking his shoulder but it’s so fucking funny Peter can’t stop. Tears stream down his cheeks as he cackles. And at some point his laughs have turned to sobs. They shake his whole body, and he thinks he might be screaming. He falls into Richie, and Richie is sobbing too. He wraps his arms around Peter, and hugs him tight to his chest. Peter can feel wet spots on Richie’s shirt where he is soaking him with tears and snot, but Richie only holds him tighter.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, Pete,” he murmurs over and over into Peter’s hair. A warm weight drapes over Pete’s back, and  Stephanie reaches up to pet through Peter’s hair. 
“Let it out baby, let it out.” Her voice is wet.
Peter isn’t sure how long they sit there, crying. Long enough, that Peter runs out of tears, and he just sniffles through shaky breaths, feeling like a wrung out dish towel.
“What am I going to do?”
“What do you mean?” 
“Where... Where am I going to stay?” His parents were out of the question. Peter wouldn’t go back, even if they wouldn’t just slam the door in his face. Without Ted to pay rent on the apartment... “I’m homeless. Fuck.”
“You can stay with me!” Stephanie assures him. 
“Your dad is going to be okay with that?” 
“Are you kidding? He’ll love it. Taking you in right before the election? He’ll look like a hero.” She scoffs. “He’ll probably claim it was his idea.”
A car pulls into the parking lot, a beat up red Toyota probably older than Peter is himself. The bumper is more rust than metal. At the wheel is the mean barista from Beanie's. She is wearing an expression that Peter has never seen on her before, blatant concern weighing her face. Out of the car, comes Richie’s uncle Paul. He is still in his suit, like he was relaxing at home in a starched shirt and tie. Considering everything he knows about Paul, that probably was the case.
“Richie!” He yells, louder than Peter imagined he could be, “Richie!” His head frantically turns back and forth as he scans the crowds.
“Over here!” Richie yells, standing and waving his and Peter’s conjoined hands. He has backed up, so the lines of their legs are still pressed together.
Paul’s entire body decompresses when he sees Richie, like he is sighing with his entire body. He staggers against the hood of the car, briefly studying himself with his hands, before pushing past it. He cuts the corner too fast, slams his thigh into the headlight, but he doesn't even seem to notice the impact. He speedwalks over to the back of the ambulance, running up to his nephew to take Richie's face into his hands. “Richie,” he gasps, like holding him is the first breath of oxygen he has gotten all night. Something about it makes Peter's already sore eyes sting, and he has to swallow a lump in his throat.
Richie looks up at Paul with a brittle smile. “Hi Uncle Paul. Thank you for coming.” He says it like Paul has picked him up early from a sleepover. Paul doesn't even answer. He just opens his mouth and then closes it, once, twice, then a third time. Then he pulls Richie forward, unflinchingly, into his chest. His shoulders shake.
“Jeez, Uncle Paul!” Richie shrieks, “You're crushing me.” He doesn't fight the hold though, merely wraps his free arm around Paul and squeezes. The hand still holding Peter’s trembles.
The mean barista jogs up to them, finally catching up from where Paul had run off without her. Peter remembers Richie mentioning she and Paul were dating, but Peter hadn't realized they were “Drive me to get my nephew from the scene of a mass murder” serious. Good for Paul.
"Hey kid. How are you holding up?"
Richie sniffs. "Sorry, Emma. I know you were excited to have dinner with Tom and Tim."
"Kid, you don't have to apologize for... For any of it. I'm just glad you're okay." She places her hand on Paul's shoulder. “Babe, you're going to suffocate him.”
“Right, right,” Paul says, distantly. He lets Richie lean away, hands slowly falling, like he is ready to reach out and grab him again at any moment. He glances over, paling at the sight of Peter and Stephanie. He clears his throat as he processes their presence. “Hello Peter. Stephanie.” He says Stephanie's name slowly, like midway through saying it, he realized he wasn’t actually sure he was right. 
She graciously doesn't mention it. “Hey, Mr. Matthews.” Paul frowns, like he always has the few times she's joined them for a study session, but for once doesn't argue. Instead, he turns to Peter.
“Richie mentioned that Ted... Is... Is he, um-”
Peter doesn't have the patience for this. “Ted's dead, yeah.”
Paul gets that same stricken look Bill had, and maybe Peter should be nicer, but to be honest, he just wants people to stop looking at him. Even the fucking barista, who Peter is 99% sure has spit in his hot chocolate, is looking at him like he's a walking tragedy and Peter can hardly stand the writhing weight of their pity.
“Okay... Okay, okay,” Paul repeats, slowly, taking a deep breath. "I'm... I'm sorry for your loss. Ted and I weren't close but... I know he really, really loved you."
It's so impersonal, so distant. It’s a stranger’s eulogy.
It's exactly what Peter expects from Paul. Their mismatched relationship used to be something Peter, Ruth, and Richie laughed at Ted recalling his "best friend Paul" while Paul clearly only tolerated Ted, at best. Ruth had once called it a "tragic, one-sided bromance" and Peter had laughed so hard, milk shot out his nose. But Ruth isn't here. And Ted isn't here. And Paul doesn't like Peter's brother. And Peter can't help but say it.
"Ted called you his best friend." From the way Paul's eyes widen, this is news to him.
"Oh. I... I didn't know he, um, felt that way. I kind of thought he didn't like me."
"Being mean is how Ted shows affection. He learned it from our parents."
"Jesus fucking Christ, Pete," Steph exhales, like the words pain her. She nuzzles closer to his shoulder.
"Speaking of parents,” Paul says, in that frantic way he does when he is trying to change the subject, “are they coming to pick you up?"
"Fuck, I hope not." Peter says, before he can stop himself. He groans. Fuck his filter tonight, apparently he’ll just say anything. Stephanie, Paul, and Emma are looking at him with barely masked concern.
“Peter can stay over, right?” Richie asks, nervously. He still hasn't let go of Peter. Peter can't imagine asking him too.
“Of course,” Paul says and nods toward Peter. Then he looks at Stephanie. “Are you... Are you coming as well?”
“I...” Steph looks between them. “I’m not-” It is the most at-a-loss Pete has ever seen her. “I wouldn’t want to... You guys were... Ruth and I, we weren’t... We only hung out a few times, and... I shouldn’t.” It’s Richie who reaches out and grabs her hand.
“Please, come with us. For Pete, and... for me?” Somehow, tears begin to drip down Richie’s face. (Peter is distantly impressed. He thinks that if he cried anymore, he would crumble into dust.) “You’re our friend, Steph. You are Ruth’s friend too.” He chuckles, and chokes on it. “She was so excited to have a friend who was a girl, you had no idea.”
Steph sniffles a bit. “She was my first girl friend too. At least, the first one who was actually nice to me.”
“Steph...” Paul says. Peter didn’t realize it at first, but his eyes are red. “Even if you think you weren’t as close-” Paul’s voice cracks, “-as you should have been, you get to be sad too, okay?”
“Paul...” Emma says, a twinge of genuine grief in her tone, but Peter can’t bring himself to care about whatever the fuck they are talking about, because Steph is looking between him and Richie like she is waiting for them to say something. Words are fucking impossible but to be honest, Peter doesn’t want to talk anyways. He holds his arms out and Stephanie falls into them. And Peter was wrong, because as Steph silently cries into his shoulder and Richie worms his ways into the hug, shoulders heaving, Peter finds he has more tears left to shed after all.
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an-emovision · 1 year
𝓡𝓮𝓵𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷𝓼𝓱𝓲𝓹 𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓬𝓪𝓷𝓷𝓸𝓷𝓼 - 𝓦𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓮𝓻
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A/N: HDBHEIBFROIEBKMDF LOOK AT HIM LOOK AT MY BABYGIRL OH MY Warning(s): Mentions of violence(obviously), cursing ——————•°•✿•°•——————••——————•°•✿•°•——————
❀- Redemption arc my ass ❀- Ya'll see that shit eating grin? he'd spit in your face and call you a slur ❀- Anyway ❀- The relationship started out.. rocky to say the least. You two didnt necessarily hate each other anymore but there was still tension
❀- I mean you did beat his life long goal out of him... so yk ❀- When he first realized his feelings he immediately went to Nahida. Confused and slightly disgusted at his feelings he explained them to her ❀- She'd laugh as he asked her how to get rid of them ❀- "Quit laughing this is serious!" Embarrassment written across his features ❀- Nahida didn't have much experience in this field so she'd give him what little information she could. Small things like basic relationship advice ❀- You had loved him far before he realized he loved you though ❀- Of course you were a bit ashamed to admit you had a crush on the harbinger and Paimon absolutely ragged on you for it ❀- And really you thought you had gotten over it but the moment you saw him at Pardis Dhyai those feelings came rushing back again. ❀- Even after the fight you'd pace in your room as you contemplated his well being. When you expressed your worries to the god of wisdom she'd give a knowing smile as she assured you of his safety ❀- And once the irminsul incident was settled and he was now 'Wanderer' you'd tell him of your feelings and reluctantly he'd confess his own ❀- You loved him, and would often express it. Small kisses to the cheek or asking if you could hold his hand or hug him ❀- You always asked, it had been centuries since Wanderer allowed anyone to touch him so you made sure to be careful ❀- Though he'd never express it outwardly he loved you to and deeply appreciated how gentle you were with him in the beginning. he had no clue how romantic relationships worked ❀- As time went on he felt more comfortable with telling you that you didnt have to ask to touch him anymore
❀- Obviously this made you unexplainably happy ❀- And he became more comfortable with expressing affection towards you ❀- He would be less mean at times, as his way of telling you he loves you ❀- hes a very gentle lover when he needs or wants to be ❀- He can be a bit insensitive at times, old habits die hard. To be honest you just need to tell him that hes being a dick and upsetting you and he'll probably apologize ❀- probably
❀- He'll say some mean shit not because he means it but because he just doesnt know how to not do so ❀- He'll call you names like stupid, or rat, or weak. Most of the time its a joke and you know that but there are times when you just cant handle his bullying ❀- Of course he'll stop if you really want him to, he loves you its just he doesnt always know how to express it ❀- Hes like a little boy, bullying you because he likes you ❀- But again, his childishness is made up for in his soft intimate moments.
❀- "Look im sorry okay? just come here, damn." He'll say, arms wide open as he invites you into his warmth.
——————•°•✿•°•——————••——————•°•✿•°•—————— 𝐹𝑒𝑒𝓁 𝒻𝓇𝑒𝑒 𝓉𝑜 𝓇𝑒𝓆𝓊𝑒𝓈𝓉!
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t00thpasteface · 5 months
How do you like the mash movie?
I saw the series first, my dad is a fan and we used to watch it together, and was surprised at its more serious tone. Frank Burns also struck me as also a pathetic idiot but in such a different way and also has these evil vibes. Because of you I discovered the books, got them, and im having even more shocks!
i fucking LOVED IT. i was absolutely HOWLING the entire time. my favorite bits were:
the opening where you see the dangling arms of the bodies in the choppers??? oh my god. i was like GASP. the insane blood and gore was awesome and really drove home how petty and wacky everyone's being
hawkeye's stupid tinted glasses and bucket hat <3 sooo 70s.
mulcahy getting immediately ignored the second he's introduced. mulcahy basically acting like a frightened mouse in every scene he has. he is so sad. he's really not cut out for this
frank being introduced as an aggressive bible thumper (very funny contrast to the likeable and shy priest) so him cheating on his wife with margaret, who is also married, is even funnier
radar(!!) being the one who puts the mic under frank and margaret's bed
mulcahy hearing them bang, leaning in bc he thinks it's a radio program he enjoys, and going D: when he Realizes
suicide is painless. holy shit. did you know a 14 y/o wrote the lyrics? his dad said "i needed the lyrics to be extremely stupid, and 14 year old boys are masters of stupidity." mom just learned that and has been telling all her 50-60 y/o friends. also both versions in the movie are sung beautifully (and thus hilariously)
the unbelievable fruitiness of hawkeye and trapper at all points but especially in the golf related scenes
trapper spawning the olives out of nowhere. player.placeatme olivejar 1
bring me the sultry bitch with the fire in her eyes! (dramatic zoom)
hawkeye's entire interaction with painless just SCREAMING "chaotic bisexual who's been out the longest of anyone in the friendgroup and will forcefully yank you out of the closet the second you start questioning"
racists do not get dignified with a response. racists get shoved out of their chair
frank getting carted away in a straitjacket and never seen again
margaret hating the idea of football until the general wants it and suddenly she's a cheerleader with pigtails bc she's completely spineless. god she's so evil in this i LOVE horrible evil women. full agency at being the worst person ever <333 i support women's wrongs and i love watching chicks who are just slow-motion car crashes
"i was thinking we should have some plays, cause yknow, football teams always have plays" "actually i took the liberty of drawing about seven or eight plays for us to try ^_^" "great! ...what do these arrows mean?"
hawkeye suddenly not wanting to leave once he's actually able to 🥺
end credits being read over the loudspeaker like the other movie night announcements. so. cute.
okay sorry. good movie. i had fun and cried laughing ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
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kimberlyannharts · 9 months
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Like I mentioned before, I'll be recapping AJJ's story separately from everything else, as I have so much to say about it jfkdjfd It's technically part of a larger story, so it kind of makes sense? If you're wondering why I'm doing the same for the Ranger Academy story.....uh........it's Amy Jo Johnson's (and Matt Hotson's) prologue to The Return, Re-Imagine!
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--- idk if i mentioned it before but I like the sort of mix between modern comic designs for the ogs and 90s portrayals. I do miss Kim's fuckass bob though
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--- with the full comic confirming this is meant to be a diverged show timeline that means this really is meant to be their first kiss and i'm rhghhrhghrhgrhrggrj esp with the alteration of Kim's hand placement. Francesco I owe you my life
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--- Finster agrees: men get pegged!
Also this is a minor thing but I like that Rita is visibly older here like she was on the show. comic!Rita has always been drawn younger but between MMPR/TMNT II and Mistress Vile they've really been piling on the sexy Rita fanservice lately
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--- now why did she go and kind of low-key confirm DrakkonSlayer as romantic here too. "Take your place by my side" I've heard that line before!
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--- listen dodging the Peace Conference and the Power Transfer with "wait.........we can fucking teleport, who cares if we're on the other side of the world" is the funniest way to go about it. Omega Rangers you're NOTHING
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--- damn girl no one's going to take him from you!!!!!!
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--- me @ Melissa's story: eh this is a bit over the top, like we get it, they're this super perfect romance, okay
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--- Paralleling Tommy and Kim's wedding with Zedd and Rita's is so sick slkdhlskjlsdj AJJ is an auteur
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--- OKAY SO. posting the whole page so we can discuss Once and Always 2.0 -
Jason and Rocky both being firefighters is a funny coincidence. Part of me has to wonder if both weren't originally meant to be cops but both sets of writers went with the "safer" choice. Basically a Warden Garcia situation
I know we all love Minh but Trini actually having a life beyond just being Minh's mom thank fucking god. And putting her in CONGRESS!!! Why did they give that to Zack in the special!!!!!!!!!
Billy being a scientist duh. At least this just seems like........experimental science stuff and not turning him into PR's Elon Musk
I already mentioned Trini getting the Congress job rather than Zack and I like him being a DJ!!!! It's nice to see some serious consideration given to Hip Hop Kido and love of music rather than ignoring it or making it a joke
and I know I yelled about it before but AJJ canonizing the Tomberly coach duo RHRHHRHGRHGHHGHGH i just know AJJ heard about the whole PhD in paleontology thing and went "............no??? he teaches fucking karate"
(and yay, Down Syndrome rep in Tommy's students :>)
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--- damn just like seeing classic Rita and Zedd again seeing classic Serpentera again really makes you realize the current comic incarnation uhhhhhhh sucks. Especially when they're cutting to the chase and just blowing up shit compared to how Serpentera in the comics can get messed up by uhhh a big cat jumping on its tail
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--- the way this cut happens in a page turn Amy Jo Johnson IS! AN! AUTEUR! (like legit it's awesome that you can clearly tell how she's applying her experience in directing TV and film to comic form.)
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--- and Kim/Emma I'm gonna need you to find your husband immediately you know you can't trust him to be on his own for five seconds
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neo-oniii · 1 year
•Toxic Pleasure•(M) Mark x reader x Haechan •
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Preview for Part 4
Pairing: Haechan x reader x Mark ft. Yeonjun
Genre: smut;fluff;love triangle;Mafia au
A week had passed since the "event" in the bathroom, Y/n felt embarrassed. The way Yeonjun witnessed her and the 2 others go all out on each other sent a cold chill up her spine. Her own best friend, witnessing her do such sultry, and not with one guy, but two.
What made it even worse is that the two stayed together. So, seeing him or even coming into contact with him made her feel shame. She couldn't even look him in the eye, afraid she might see a look of disappointment. Since she's an official member of their gang now, it's hindering how they do their mob work. The other member's have taken a notice to this and wonder why, asking her what's wrong, but she's always switching the subject.
Meanwhile, with dream, Jaemin had caught on immediately to what happened with them, seeing the 4 enter the room at the same time with uncomfortable gestures and awkward glances around the room. The day after, he confronted Haechan about it and teased him. "You sure had your fun with Mark hyung, haven't you? I bet you were turned on more when Yeonjun barged in on you three fucking the shit out of her!" He laughed uncontrollably. Haechan just frowned at him with a "Shut up." mumbling from his mouth. "What are you two talking about?" Mark asked as he entered the living room. Since that night, Mark had been trying to forget about what had happened, feeling as if his ego is getting in the way of his reputation all because of some mysterious woman he became fuck buddies with for a little while. "Oh, nothing. Just how you two were getting freaky with Y/n in the bathroom and getting caught!" Jaemin smirked. "Okay, and?" Mark deadpanned, earning the younger to gape at his reply. "That's in the past, so stop talking about it and meet me and the others in the meeting room." Mark ordered,. earning a bewildered look from Haechan. The two followed their leader, giving glances at one another from time to time. They sat in their chairs and gave Mark their undivided attention.
"Tomorrow night, our drug dealer will land from China. We must be prepared for anything that tries to sabotage us in the process." Mark stared with a serious face expression. "You're referring to your little fuck friend, am I right?" Jeno smirked as Mark glared at him. "Not just her. But other mobsters." Mark gritted. He gave his attention to the quiet Renjun in the room. "I want you to make sure that no one gets in our way that night, watch everything carefully." The Blue haired demand, earning a nod from the younger. "Tomorrow we will succeed in this mission, no matter what it takes." Determined Mark said.
"I'm sorry, what?" Y/n blurted in bewilderment. "Are you death? He wants us to kill Mr. Lee. We need to get you some hearing aids, Jesus." Beomgyu rolled his eyes. "Your sister heard me fine." Mr. Choi said to his son. "When and what time?" Yeonjun spoke. "Tomorrow, at night. I wanted to hire masked beauty, but I just can't get in contact with her." "We'll gladly do it for you, Mr. Choi." Yeonjun nodded. Y/n stood there in nervousness. "Isn't Mr. Lee, the father of the leader of DREAM?" Y/n asked in hesitation. "Yes, what's it to you?" Her father asked in suspicion. "N-nothing."
Yeonjun, who had realized the situation, stared at his friend. After discussing details about the assassination, the six made it back to their base. Y/n planned on shutting her self away once they arrived, but was surprised when Yeonjun pulled her into his room and locked the door behind him. "Let's talk." He said as he pushed y/n down on the bed. She plopped onto the edge of his bed, with him standing in front of her with his arms crossed. "You've been avoiding me ever since the threesome I caught you three having." He began. Y/n winced at the mentioning of it. "What's wrong, are you ashamed, embarrassed? I've seen you're area before so I know it's not that. So tell me, what is it?" He confronted.
"It's hard to explain. Can we talk about this later?" She mumbled. "Yeah, not gonna pressure you. I've pulled you in here to talk about the mission. "I know how you feel about this. It being Mark's dad and shit." He said as he sat beside her. "I'm having mixed emotions. I shouldn't care about his dad, right? Father's voice keeps playing in my head. How he wanted me to do the job instead." She expressed, Yeonjun nodding in understanding. "Maybe you should sit this mission out." He suggested, but y/n refused. "I'll do it," she sighed. She got up from her friends bed and opened the bedroom door, only for Beomgyu's body to fall down. "What the fuck?" Beomgyu stood up and pointed at his leader. "I got my eye on you." He said in a serious tone before causally walking away. The two friends looked at each other before rolling their eyes.
Y/n made her way into her room, closing the door carefully, and took out her phone. She dialed a number and put the phone up to her ear. It ranged a couple of times before the person picked up.
"Wow, look who's calling. What do you need, kitten?" The person on the other end asked.
"Haechan, we need to talk..."
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greazyfloz · 1 year
Bend Til We Break - Chapter 18
previous chapters
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[POV Quinn]
“Mr.Hughes” I hear as someone stand in front of me, I open my eyes slowly realizing it is a nurse. My eyes shoot open and I sit up straight. She gives me a soft smile and it gives me hope. “I’m Grace, I was Dr. Leland’s operating assistant, I’m here to give an update as Dr.Leland finishes up the c-section” she tells me and I nod waiting for her to continue, “your son and daughter were born. Your son was born first at 11:56pm and your Daughter was born at 11:59pm, both Valentine babies. Dr.Leland and our team scrubbed in at around 9:15 when we left you but Ms.Y/l/n’s injuries were more severe than initially introduced to use so we had to wait for Dr. Gregory to stabilize her to allow us to perform a c-section to allow less trauma for her and the babies”. 
“I-is she going to be okay?” I ask scared for the response
“I cannot speak on the behalf of Dr. Gregory at this moment but I can inform you that the reason we were not able to start the c-section until 11pm was because they had lost a pulse before we scrubbed in” she says and my head dropped to the floor. “I can give you any update on your children though”
“Are they healthy? I know that they are going to be here for a while but how are they looking?” 
“Your son is looking healthy from the impact the womb had just taken, his tests all came back looking quite well for his state and will be transported up to the NICU momentarily. Your daughter is still being monitored as she received less oxygen from her mother, causing some brain and heart issues. It is likely we will need to operate, but as of now, she will need to be monitored in a secluded room with 2 nurses. You will be able to see your son as soon as he gets to the NICU but your daughter may need a bit more time. If surgery is required for her, do we have the go ahead? The quicker we can get to her the better”
“Of course” I say, still not looking up, “Where do I sign?” 
“I’ll tell Pamela to bring you the papers” she says “Do you have any questions?”
“N-no not right now” I say finally looking up and running my hand through my hair and checking the time, 12:54. I signed the papers from the receptionist and call Brock not even caring for the time, he answers almost immediately, “Hey, Hughesy”
“Can you and Bella come to Van Gen?” i ask
“She’s having the baby? Isn't it a little early?” he asks me with a little excitement and confusion in his voice I don’t answer as I feel my eyes fill with tears. I try not to sniffle into the phone but fail, “Oh no, Is everyone okay?”
“Y/n- She- No, she’s not” I say as the tears fell
“We’re on our way!” He says hanging up. 
They got here around 20 minutes later. I stand and make my way over hugging them both before we go and sit down. I explained the whole night and all of the information I had gotten so far to them. I had to look away from Bella as she began to cry. 
“Hey bud, she’s strong. Dealing with your shit proves it” Brock says jokingly yet serious
“Don’t say that” Bella says, swatting Brock’s arm, “So did you have to name them or, how is that working?”
“They didn’t ask” I say and we begin chatting 
Around 5:24am, Brock and Bella both fell asleep in the seats in front of me while I waited. A man in scrubs approached me. “Quintin Hughes?” he asks and I nod standing “Yes, I’m Quinn” I say back
“Hi, I’m Dr. Gregory. I was the surgeon leading your girlfriend?” he questions before continuing
“Yes” I say with no hesitation
“I was the surgeon leading your girlfriend's surgery. Grace had already informed me that she had informed you of losing her pulse earlier tonight, so I am here to give a greater detail of her condition and injuries” he starts and I take a breath, “After Dr. Leland had closed her up from her c-section, the trauma was much too significant for her body and she went under cardiac arrest. We were able to immediately operate. We lost her pulse once more for 15 seconds, but were able to successfully revive her. She is now resting in the ICU, but the surgery caused major trauma throughout her body as she faced a broken clavicle, nose, and a slight brain bleed, then birth. Her surgery was successful though but there won't be a speedy recovery as she was put into an induced coma” 
“Oh wow” 
“She is in room 235 B, the room was turned private for her and your family’s convenience” he says. I thank him before making my way up to her room. I wake Bella and Brock and let them know what is going on and we make our way up. Because she was in a private room, she did not have the same visiting hours as others so all of us were aloud in. As we approach the room Grace, the doctor’s surgery assistant for the kids, was waiting at the door. 
“Go in, I’ll be right in” I say to Brock and Bella as we get to the outside of Y/n’s door. 
“Hi Quinn, I’m sorry but your daughter was just sent back to be operated on, I came to let you know since consent was already given that the surgery has already started. We did catch her heart slowly down fairly quickly”
“Thank you” I say and she nods
“Your son has been transported to the NICU, if you would like to go see him” she says smiling before leaving to assist in my daughter’s surgery.
I walked into the room and Brock stands up giving me a hug. “She’s in surgery” I say and Bella stands from beside Y/n and makes her way over to me giving me a hug. “My son is in the NICU right now” I say after pulling away from the hug
“Go see him, we are here with y/n and if anyone comes with news we will tell them where you are” Bella says. 
When I got to the NICU, I had to look down at my son in a sealed cradle. He is so small. I can’t even tell if he is more me or more y/n he is so small. I sit in the room with it for a bit until the nurse says she has to do some tests on him. I tell her I will be back in a bit as I make my way back down to Y/n.
I walk in the room and both Brock and Bella stand, we are going to head out now, but : “your mother was actually just here. She got the last red eye out of Detroit” Bella informs me
“We are going to head out now” Brock says, “I’ll tell em where you are today, don’t worry about it” he says referring to morning skate. They leave the room and my mother walks in handing me a coffee and giving me a hug. 
“What time is it?” I ask her
“Almost nine, how are they?”
“He is in the NICU, and she is in surgery” I say starting to tear up but my mother brings my in for another hug as someone knocks on the door. Y/n’s parents walk in with Grace behind them. Grace asks us all to take a seat. 
“Grandparents?” she asks looking at my mother and Y/n’s parents and they all nod. “Okay, so Quinn, you’re daughter’s surgery was successful, I came right from her operating room so this is the most up to date news, she is headed to a private area in the NICU. We were able to put her brother in the same room since he is also in a sealed oxygen vented cradle” she says and gives us more information about her condition and what is next for her. 
After she leaves, my mother suggests I go home and sleep. And I nod. I make my way to the car and drive but not to my place. I go back to Y/n’s. The nursery still isn’t ready. I make my way inside and start building the other crib that was giving Y/n a hard time along with the rocking chair and painting what needed painted. 
Between then and the next week, I was between Y/n’s and the hospital. A week later my son, showed significant process and I got news that it was possible that both kids may be able to leave before March. Y/n however still asleep. It was 12 days after the accident when Y/n and I finally were alone in the room she was resting in. The nurse that was checking up on her looked down at me and said, “have you talked to her yet, sometimes even if you don’t think she can hear you it helps.” before leaving the room.
I take her hand and plant a kiss, before looking up at her sleeping figure,
 “You did it baby. We have two beautiful kids. Our boy is so easy. I already know he is going to cause us no trouble. They told me today that he could come down and share a room with you very soon, but you have to open your eyes. And our girl, she is so strong. Surgery on her very first day on this earth, maybe she will be our handful always given dad a heart attack. she took in like a champ though! She is getting stronger and stronger everyday. She is strong like her mom. Fuck I hope they are both like their mom. For her sake. You have to open your eyes so you can meet them. 12 days without you is way too long” I began but I start to cry, I reach into my pocket and slide the ring I bought her on her finger. “I’m giving this to you now just inca- no, I’m giving this as a promise to always be there for you. I bought this for you the day after you moved in. I wasn’t planning on promising to you anytime soon then but I knew it would happen. And there was so many times that I was going to but I knew it had to be special. I’m giving it to you now for the same reason that I kept it for this long, hope. When it comes to you, I’m never ever going to lose it. Just please, please wake up” I say as I lay my head on the bed beside her. 
I lay my head there looking down at the ground. I feel her hand wiggle a bit and I look up at her, she still has her eyes closed but her lips move and words finally escape her mouth, “Quinn”
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thegeminisage · 2 months
i guess it star trek update time. last night we watched ds9's "armageddon game" and tng's "sub rosa."
armageddon game (ds9):
this one was so fun and evil. i LOVE when obrien and julian are besties and yes they fought once but they were besties in most of this
NIGHTMARE scenario for keiko. im glad they actually put her in this instead of it happening offscreen but im sad there was no reunion :(
keiko realizing the recording had been tampered with bc of the coffee thing and then finding out that wasnt true is actually lowkey terrifying. they came THIS CLOSE. what a twist ending
quark's toast was like...strangely sweet. good for him.
i cant believe DAX was gonna keep julians journals instead of sending them back to his parents?? i also cant believe julian kept a diary for years and then decided to hand all of his diaries to his crush lol like he is insane
julian foot fetish also. don't think i forgot. i didn't. what a loser <3
these aliens being so committed to peace they'll kill people is actually kind of funny. you missed the point by lightyears
i liked how serious sisko was in this episode. he was wearing his very very very serious face. he was not fucking around. i also liked that he believed keiko INSTANTLY. on tng picard would have offered 1000000 other reasons why keiko was out of her mind bc in fairness she does sound fucking nuts but sisko believed her right away and immediately started an investigation because he trusts his people and also by extension their spouses. ugh i love him SO MUCH sisko for PRESIDENT
sub rosa (tng):
wow. wow wow wow wow wow
where do i even. BEGIN. with sub rosa
so, i knew there was a sex ghost in this episode and i was sort of aware that the sex ghost fucked or wanted to fuck beverly. but i had NO IDEA what i was truly in for
firstly, let's get this out of the way, this is a FAMILY SEX GHOST. "all the howard women have green eyes" "nana was over 100 and had a lover!" can you IMAGINE having like a family vibrator. the same vibrator your grandma used. getting off to her erotic diary entries. getting off, i repeat, to your grandma's stories about your grandma HAVING SEX with the SAME SEX GHOST who is chatting you up. beverly is INSANE
deanna took all this with so much good sportsmanship. first of all, i'm so thrilled that they're the kind of girlfriends who can share their wet dreams with one another in GRAPHIC detail. secondly, her fucking face journeys when beverly was talking about this shit in ten forward I REPEAT IN PUBLIC SHE WAS LIKE YEAH I WAS GETTING OFF TO MY GRANDMA'S DIARY
picard SOOOO put off that beverly would leave his ass to fuck a 30yo with long hair. JUSTICE! who's skipping breakfast now bitch. run around on her one more time i fucjing dare you. you WILL respect the woman you impregnated with the affair baby
speaking of affair babies, when beverly was like yeah all my family members have green eyes except mom and me i was like......is SHE the affair baby? sadly, no. but i know she had one
beverly looked the most beautiful she's ever been by the way. real bodice ripper shit. picard you blew it so bad
speaking of bodice ripper, there is a version of this where it's very serious and an allegory for abuse and the sex was dubiously consensual etc etc etc. this has happened to deanna so many times and it was so icky because it was obviously a male fantasy which objectified her. fortunately i don't think anyone can be expected to take a story seriously when it involves your grandma's sex ghost so i was perfectly happy to have a good time
nana who looked not even a little bit dead sitting up in her coffin bc she was possessed and zapping the daylights out of geordi and data. PLEASE.
also, sorry, i nearly forgot, but picard walking in on her while she was quite literally fucking the sex ghost. ohhhh i KNOW he was sick
OH YEAH AND. the gravestones saying vader and mcfly. set designers i love you forever
anyway, hands down the funniest and perhaps my favorite tng episode of all time. that was the first real laugh i've had in almost a week
TONIGHT: ds9's "whispers" and tng's "lower decks."
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daddyissues133 · 2 years
Be Quiet For Me, Will Ya?/SteveHarringtonxFemReader
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Rating: 18+
Warning: drugged characters, blood, gore
Tags: smut, oral sex, fingering, hand jobs, bathroom sex, etc
Authors note: Hello everyone!! this is my favorite oneshot i've written, so enjoy! and yes I do find it hot when guys are all bloody and hurt. You should too. also if any of you would like to request a oneshot or story you can, its in my bio if you want to request something, xoxo daddyissues133
My worst fear was being trapped in a small room with a lot of people, and what happened? That exact thing. I was trapped in a small room with two drugged people, Robin and Steve, my two co-workers. Not to mention the other two kids that were there. Dustin and Erica. And we were here to save Robin and Steve, since they saved us. “What do we do?” Dustin asked me, as I sank to the floor. “I have no fucking clue” I responded. “Great” Erica replied, while Dustin threw his arms up in the air. “Wait! Dustin, do you still have that pocket knife?” I asked eagerly for the answer. “Yeah, here” Dustin added, handing me the knife. I cut the rope tying Robin and Steve together. They were still passed out, but when they wake up they’ll be on cloud 9. 
“Where are we?” Robin asked, looking around, blood dripping from her forehead. “Were below the mall” Erica shouted out, waking up Steve. Blood dripped from his mouth and on his forehead a big gash appeared. “Oh god” I groaned, ripping a piece of fabric from my shirt. I dabbed the piece of fabric on Steve’s mouth and forehead, Dustin followed the same thing but on Robin. Ripping up a part of his shirt and dabbing it on Robin’s forehead. “Shit” Dustin exclaimed, as Robin spit out gushing blood. “Hey, y/n” Steve smirked, hazily. I smiled and said “hi Steve, looks like someone isn’t being mean for once.” Steve frowned and replied “I’m only ever mean to people I like.” The color from my face disappeared. I was confused, so I looked at Dustin, but he was occupied with Robin. She was rambling about nonsense. And as for Erica she was sleeping in the corner. 
I helped Steve to stand up and he leaned against me, making me almost topple over. Just because I hated Steve doesn’t mean he didn’t need help. “Dustin? You got robin?” I asked him, he nodded as I looked behind me to see Dustin helping Robin up. “ERICA” I shouted, she immediately woke up and looked around. Groaning, she stood up and walked out of the basement of the Starcourt mall with the rest of us. We all walked up the stairs with random sayings from Steve and Robin like “I used to pick my nose” and “y/n you're really pretty.” That last one was from Steve. I shrugged it off, as I helped him up into the hallway that led to Scoops Ahoy. Once we got there, Dustin and I set both Robin and Steve on the ground behind the counter. Erica stood behind me and Dustin. “Ill take Robin to the bathroom to get sobered up while you take Steve” winked Dustin. “Um okay” I replied and helped Steve up. His bruised eye slowly opened, but instead of looking at anyone else, as we walked to the bathrooms away from Dustin, he kept his eyes on me the whole time. He was much taller than me and literally limping and putting all his weight on my left side.
Once we got to the bathrooms I set Steve down and I started ringing paper towels under cold water. “I really did mean what I said back there” Steve muttered, laughing hysterically. I turned towards him and furrowed my brows “sure, Steve.” “I’m serious, I mean I am on truth serum” Steve responded, and suddenly it all made sense. The constant teasing about the way I looked and the way I acted was all now a lie? I mean I was definitely kinding, I was only making fun of Steve because he was doing it back, but I’ve literally had a crush on him since forever. “So you do actually like me?” I asked, now that I realized the serum should be wearing off. I then dabbed the cold paper towel on Steve’s eye, forehead and mouth. 
Our eyes locked and suddenly the serum was wearing off “what are you doing?” Steve asked, glaring at me. “Well there’s Steve again” I said frowning, passing him the paper towels to do it himself. I waited in the big stall till he was done. But then suddenly he entered the big stall and sat down across from me. “What exactly did I say?” he asked, looking sorrowful. I responded with “you said you liked me, is that true? I mean you were on truth serum for fucks sake. I mean I don’t like you, but do you like me?” I rambled on, but Steve seemed to be interested in it. “I like you, y/n” Steve said, finally. My face dropped. 
“What?” I asked, but before I knew it Steve leaned into me and kissed me, grabbing both sides of my face to keep my head in place. He pulled away and sighed. “Does that prove anything?” Steve asked me, and a blush krept against my face. The taste of blood consumed my mouth, but I didn’t care. “Whatever, I knew you didn’t feel the same way” Steve said, looking down at the floor. But I crawled over to him “look up” I said, and Steve looked at me. I grabbed the sides of his face like mine and I kissed him so hard I thought his lips would start bleeding again. Steve deepened the kiss by holding the sides of my face, and my hands tangled up in his golden locks. I’ve dreamed about touching his hair, but not in a creepy way, in a romantic way. The more we kissed the more I could feel myself getting wetter and wetter. 
Our lips synced together, smashing together every other second. I loved kissing him. I could kiss him forever and never be tired of it. I pulled away and muttered “I want you.” Steve looked at me with wide eyes. “Are you sure, because I want you too but if you're not up for Mr Harrington that’s fine” I rolled my eyes and kissed Steve. “I really do want you” I replied. “Okay” Steve responded before letting me down on the bathroom floor. Steve started by kissing my jawline and working his way down to my neck, sucking on the skin as he went, then he worked his way to my collar bone where I suddenly let out a moan, and arched my back slightly. 
“You like that?” Steve asked, pulling apart from my collar bone. I nodded lazily. Steve smirked and continued to kiss my collar bone. Everything I’ve ever said about Steve was all a lie now. I really like him. Now here we are about to fuck on the bathroom floor of starcourt mall. Steve motioned to my torn shirt and I nodded, instantly he slid off my shirt and unclasped my bra. His mouth fell open at the sight of my breasts. Now I felt extremely awkward, but I kept going along. Steve’s fingers lingered around one of my breasts and I nodded my head looking at the ceiling. Steve’s palm latched onto my breasts and massaged them, as he kissed my lips, blood seeping into my mouth. 
I didn’t mind. I wanted more from Steve so I slid off Steve’s uniform top and saw his abs, they weren’t toned but not super flabby. His chest was hairy, but for god sakes it's the 80’s. I love every inch of Steve no matter what. Not that has to do with anything, but I started to kiss his shoulders , but every time I tried he would push me back softly and say “let me take care of you” and I’d let him. After Steve was done with my breast after palming them, squeezing my nipples and such, his kisses worked all the way down to my stomach. Steve slid down my pants so they pooled at my ankles. Steve then started kissing the insides of my thighs planting love marks all over me. He likes to watch me squirm apparently, since every time I do he holds me in place. Which makes me moan even louder than before. “Be quiet for me, will ya y/n?” I nodded as best as I could, but pleasure was consuming me minute by minute. 
Then out of nowhere, two fingers plunged right into me, my underwear being pushed to the side. Steve worked his two thick fingers in and out of my dripping core. Each thrust was deeper and faster, just the way I like it. Steve grunted at the sounds I was making, which made me moan just as much. I clenched around his fingers as I started to climax, my stomach forming into knots and then suddenly I released all over Steve’s fingers, but that didn’t stop him. He stuck the juiced fingers in his mouth, then bent down between my legs and sucked and licked all the liquids I released. As Steve swiped along my slit I moaned so loud, Dustin and Robin could probably hear me. Steve covered my mouth and kept it there as he finished cleaning me up. 
Once he was finished, he wasn’t done yet. He unbuttoned his pants and slid down his underpants, his cock stuck out like a sore thumb. I sat up and spit on my palm and wrapped my hand around his tip then worked my way to his base. Massaging his cock as I went, Steve’s head fell back, and I grinned. After I was done with that and Steve was all warmed up to fuck me, I laid back down on the ground and waited for Steve to put on the condom that “magicaly” appeared in his pocket. After he slid it on, he slipped inside me, slow and steady at first. It stung, not even gonna sugar coat it. Then Steve started thrusting at a speed that was indescribable. And I enjoyed it. Then Steve pulled out suddenly, I was confused so I opened my eyes and he said “turn around on your hands and knees.” I obeyed and did just that. 
Steve started once more, slipping inside me. He began thrusting slow and steady then thrusting as fast and hard as he possibly could. I clenched around his huge cock and realized I was getting close so I told Steve that, and he nodded, going faster and this time rubbing my clit in fast, smooth circles. I felt overstimulated, but seconds later I had cum all over Steve’s cock and moments later Steve released as well, his thrusts became sloppy, as he pulled out. Huffing and puffing, we both laid there still as could be. Until we realized Dustin and Robin. We both raced to get our clothes on and everything, making sure we looked exactly like we did before. Then I looked up at Steve as he looked in the mirror fixing his hair that I pulled at, and kissed him on the cheek before heading out the door. 
As me and Steve walked back to scoops ahoy we were both silent, then Dustin shouted as we entered the building “you guys fucked didn’t you?” A blush crept across my face as Steve responded “yup, Henderson, You owe me 10 bucks.” Dustin and Steve laughed as I sat by Erica who was passed out and Robin who was on the verge of sleep. After a while of talking and such it was time to go home, well for now at least. Before long something tragic would happen here. We just didn’t know it yet.
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amazingmsme · 2 years
It’s a Tie
AN: Here’s today’s fic! Robin & Steve are so wholesome, I hope y’all enjoy this one! 
Robin and Steve had a special kind of friendship. One full of playful competitions, insults, and teasing. They wouldn't have it any other way.
Right now, they were in the middle of one of their arguments, shooting retorts back and forth. They both gestured wildly, voices going shrill from embarrassment while trying to defend themselves.
"You're out of your damn mind Buckley, you're way worse than me."
"Um, I don't think so! Have you even heard yourself when someone goes for your knees? You screech like a banshee," she giggled, reaching for his knees to prove her point. He jerked away, but not before she latched on and began squeezing.
"Noho dohohon't!" he squeaked, tucking his legs close to his chest. She looked at him with a smug grin and he huffed.
"That's not fair. Besides, your hips are way more ticklish. You snort endlessly if I even just look at them," he teased. Her cheeks flushed bright red, an annoyed squeal of protest slipping past her lips.
"What a load of horse shit! I do not!" she shrieked, hiding her face in her hands. He took the opportunity to squeeze her him and her body convulsed, a loud snort escaping.
"You're so mean! There's only one way to settle this once and for all," she said with a serious tone. Steve matched her energy, schooling his features.
"Oh yeah? And what's that?" he asked, arching a brow.
"We see who can last the longest getting tickled," she said nonchalantly. Steve's face fell.
"You heard me," she challenged. Steve glared at her, their eyes locked in an intense staring contest.
"No way."
"Then I guess I win by default," she chirped happily. Steve's mouth hung open in shock and he held up a hand to protest.
"Now wait just a minute!"
She looked at him expectantly, and he caved.
"Alright fine, but you're going first," he said pointedly. Robin swallowed thickly.
"Fine by me. I'll start my watch," she said, pushing a few buttons to start a timer. Her hubris made her jump the gun, and she only realized the mess she was in once he fixed her with a look.
He wasted no time and dove for her feet, skittering his fingers across her socked sole. She barked out a loud laugh, kicking her legs on his grip.
"Yeah you seem real composed right now," he taunted, slipping off her socks to get at bare skin. A snort interrupted the bout of giggles she found herself lost in. She fell on her back, her hair fanning out around her. He followed her down and plunged his hands under her arms. Her laugh got a little wheezy and she pounded a fist on the ground.
"Okay Ohohokahay Ihihi gihive!" she cried out. He eased up, ruffling her hair as she sat up straight.
"Wow, a whopping 2 minutes and 3 seconds," he said sarcastically. She shot him the bird.
"Let's see you do better," she challenged, resetting the timer and starting it. She pounced on him, straddling his waist and kneading his sides. Bright laughter immediately filled the air as he rocked back and forth, gripping onto her wrists for dear life.
"Ohoho fuhuhuck!"
"Aww what's wrong? Too ticklish? Might as well give up now," she taunted, slipping her hands under his shirt. She scratched her nails against the now exposed skin, pushing his shirt up even higher. She pinched each rib on both sides of his ribcage, adding a hysterical note to his laughter.
She made a show of taking a deep breath and bent down to blow a raspberry on his belly. He screamed and curled in a ball, shoving at her face.
"Mehehercy! Plehehease!" Robin stopped the timer, but blew an extra raspberry just to torment him further.
She gasped when she saw the timer.
"No fuckin' way."
Steve sat up, crawling over to see. 2 minutes, and 3 seconds.
"It's a tie."
"Huh. Guess we're evenly matched."
Steve sighed. "Guess so."
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