#and then another one of my niece at the same age with her own stuffed pikachu
blastdamage · 4 months
im crying 😭 it's my nephew's birthday hes turning 7. my sister got him animal crossing: new horizons as a gift. he wanted it because he remembered playing with me during the first lockdown. i was about his age when we got the first animal crossing on gamecube as a christmas present i..... idk why this is making me emotional
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namelysane · 1 year
Hellspawn's birthdays throughout the seasons/years?
1st birthday
pre s4
Sensei G's monastery
unfortunately, it wasn't really a good one, because Zane wasn't there — we all know why :( — and the team was pretty much a split up mess. It was fortunate the other three at least made an effort to show up, but it really felt like there was something missing.
Kai bought his honorary niece some baby hair clips — cuz hair is priority — and Lloyd sucks with his own hair, so he's trying to help the kid out.
Nya, on the other hand, was like "I'm gonna turn this kid into a future builder" so she got her some blocks.
Cole and Jay each got her an onesie...the same one. (sigh) They ended up bickering about it during the entire party.
Sensei G and Misako gave her a stuffed dragon that... looks familiar to Lloyd in a way. Wu just nods at Lloyd knowingly.
Meanwhile Lloyd wanted to make her first birthday as special as possible even though he knew she wouldn't remember it so he made her a mini version of his gi. Sadly, it didn't take long for her to grow out of it and that gave Lloyd some grief....well, lots of grief.
2nd birthday
This one was shortly after Stiix
a whole lot better than the first. They celebrated on the bounty
Zane was there (Yay!), and baked the cake. He (and Pixal) also got her some of those sortable shape toys to exercise brainpower. Nya just says it's because no one wants hellspawn to get Lloyd's iq and... Pixal agrees.
Lloyd bought her some finger paints...which she loved so much that she used them on his hair and face. Her excuse was that Unca' Zane had taught her that paper was bad for trees so naturally, she decided to go for another green source.
Jay got her another version of Mister Cuddlywomp, while Cole showed up with a toy piano — his dad's idea, actually. "Introducing kids to music at a young age is a great way to encourage brain development"...(and turn them into musicians, goes unsaid)
Once again, Kai was like "my niece better be stylish and not have little gremlin Lloyd's horrible taste" and got her a leather jacket — toddler size, of course. This guy even brought some sunglasses and a hat. Nya thinks it looks ridiculous.
Meanwhile, Nya came with some bath toys — which she designed herself to be durable enough against the strong waves of the sea. (She's still not over her new Master of Water status)
Misako got her a book full of children's stories — maybe a collection of legends would be more accurate. She's the historian of the family for a reason.
Dareth gave her a mini plushie of himself and she kept pointing out how much the plushie's eyebrows don't even look anything like his real ones.
3rd birthday
some time before Day of the Departed
on the destiny's bounty
Hellspawn wanted to learn airjitzu but that was quickly out of the question — she's too young. And for FSM's sake, she hasn't even learned spinjitzu yet. So that was instantly a no.
So, Misako was like: just do what your father did with you. He didn't listen to me, but you turned out just fine — I still do not understand how you even turned out just fine!
Which was why Lloyd decided to put her on his shoulders and spin around until they were both surrounded by green. Mission accomplished.
But it is only that he realizes that he'd forgotten the fact she'd just eaten some of the cake earlier and has the stomach of a nauseous toddler. Too bad it's too late to do anything. Lloyd ended up needing a shower shortly after that. Jay got a picture :(
4th birthday
pre s8
The apartment Lloyd was stuck living in during the year they were looking for Wu.
Dareth decided that she was already old enough to learn a 'sacred' karate move he personally invented. After learning it, she ran to use it on Lloyd.
Misako couldn't show up because she was too far away, but the others managed to come. Except Nya, but she still joined via face time and sent a parcel.
Lloyd made a cake himself instead of relying on Zane and it actually turned out to be edible. Kai was wondering if they'd entered the apartment of an imposter.
But actually, Skylor helped. So yes, the real Green Ninja has not been kidnapped by aliens. Lloyd can be trusted living on his own. A new invasion isn't coming, So Kai, stop setting chopsticks on fire, Nya can't save your ass—
5th birthday
At the monastery, post MoTo
Unfortunately, there's a reason Garmadon isn't here (I've added it in that post about how the ninja managed to take care of hellspawn)
That morning, Wu finds a strange package left outside, with a note that just says Happy Birthday in messy, familiar handwriting. He knows very well who it's from and opens the package to find a plushie of a plant...an unusual choice from someone like him.
Wu then just lies that it's a gift from a fan and the ninja believe him. So Lloyd lets hellspawn have it.
He ends up despising the gift during Crystalized. 😭
6th birthday
pre s13
celebrated in kindergarten. Which Jay jokes was merely done because Lloyd doesn't want their presence.
But actually, Lloyd does. Because he's getting too many stares and questions from the other kids and he's only doing this because hellspawn wanted to after she saw her classmate do something like this. They celebrated again at the monastery hours later.
And Lloyd gets to meet the boy hellspawn made immediate friends with and finally has confirmation that he's being overprotective over nothing.
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bad4amficideas · 2 years
General Encanto Headcanons
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Note: English is not my language, so I hope you will be understanding of any flaws you find.
You are not from the village, your parents set foot on Encanto for the first time on their honeymoon by accident and returned several times after that, until they moved shortly before you were 5 years old.
Your parents are very proud (and may have raised you to feel sorry for the Madrigals) and insist that you accept nothing from the Madrigal gifts.
It's not that you discriminate against the family, but something has rubbed off on you. And you try to be independent them as your parents said to you.
Normally your family acts as a link with the outside world.
Around the age of Mirabel and Camilo. You are Mirabel's best friend.
You're glad Mirabel doesn't have a gift because she can spend more time with you. And you tell her when the mood is right (you know when to shut up about it)
At the beginning of the film, the adults (except Alma, who is in her world, but will join the train soon) literally already adore you for being Mirabel's friend without wanting anything from the Madrigals.
Even Bruno knows you, he has seen you since childhood and in his visions you are always close to his niece (when he leaves, it's a relief for him, knowing that Mirabel will not be alone)
Casita loves you, you even have a guest room made for when you decide to stay for the nights. In the morning Casita wakes you up bringing the smell of breakfast to your window… when Casita can, of course.
And you can see the thought that the family has put into your bedroom. A shelf with books given by Pepa and Luisa, a diary given by Dolores (the only thing that will keep your secrets in this town! She told you) and bookmarks of dried herbs from Julieta, decorated with flowers from Isabela in the window, with cushions embroidered by Mirabel and the old boys' ruanas that you use as shawls to cover yourself at night walks when you're cold. You even have a stuffed black jaguar (at first you thought it was a black kitten) that you don't remember and who gave it to you.
You and Pepa exchange books, you are her “tear dealer”. The only one allowed to make her cry without causing commotion.
Even if you're shy or insecure, or have two left feet, being surrounded by them makes dancing or even singing seem second nature when you're all together. There are no judgements, just an infectious warmth and joy.
You attest that Dolores said that Bruno was within the walls of Casita when he left… and no one believed her. Well, she paraphrased it weird, being a kid, but she said it.
You celebrate the death of Barbie “Bela” and adore the new Isa. You had once asked her before why she didn't relax, but she always told you that she was "perfectly".
Of course you said the same thing to Luisa, so Isabela would surely think that you would ask it to comply and look good with her younger sister.
You usually don't accept Julieta food if you have not collaborated in doing it, so it is normal that you bring your own from home. Partly also because these are recipes from your country of origin. This sometimes hurts Julieta, but she is also grateful that you see her as more than just the cook. Plus you keep her in company these long morning cooking for the whole town.
Camilo doesnt transform into people in front of you, because he feels insecure that "you look for another person in him"
But anyway prefer when Camilo is Camilo with you (and you have learned to distinguish it)
The boy was the first to have a crush on you, if we discount Mirabel herself and Antonio.
Antonio who kept thinking about whether he should marry you or Mirabel or both when he grew up (laughs from the adults)
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vidalinav · 3 years
Nessian Headcanon #12: Family Edition
Since I keep seeing baby headcanons I wanted to make a list of my own :D which I’ve briefly touched on in other posts but...
Cassian and Nesta have a boatload of children (5 at the end of it all I think). The others start joking that they’re building their own army. But what really happens is that they end up taking in many children over the years because they travel often with the work they do and they see so many conditions and there’s wars and all sorts of circumstances. It’s inevitable that kids don’t have homes but they have a giant house and unending resources and the House is like a big nanny itself so they think it’s fate. 
Nesta is actually the one who brings most of the children home. The first one is a 9 year old girl, who is the angriest kid alive. Has something to do with the plot of a story I’m writing, but Nesta is basically entrusted with this kid. She’s the grand niece of someone she ends up knowing and she’s pretty magically powerful so her family would have ate her alive, so she’s asked to keep her safe and whatnot. Her name is Magda but she goes by Maggie. She does not like Cassian whatsoever in the beginning, and she is horribly rude to Nesta. But Nesta does not care at all, she’s like okay get it out, say worse. Like she’s so chill, because she knows how it feels to be that angry. Maggie and Nesta end up being really close to the point where Maggie does not like being away from Nesta and gets very protective of her even to other members of the IC. She’ll fight first and ask questions later. Cassian and her form a bond actually not by fighting at all, but because Maggie does so many experiments that end up going awry. She’s a fae and has got magic up the wazoo and she’s a book nerd, and she’s kind of a trouble maker, and Cassian thrives. He loves her because she’s like a smaller more diabolical version of Nesta. The House is amused by their antics usually. 
Nesta ends up getting pregnant for their second child and this kid is the only one they actually have on their own. Her name is Lyra, and Maggie thinks that it’s hilarious that Cassian lives in a house with all girls. Maggie is about 12 when they have her, and Maggie at first does not take kindly to Lyra, because she starts feeling like they have their own family and she’s just the kid who eventually is going to have to go back to her other family (because that’s a plot too that I won’t go into to) but they try so much to include her, because Maggie is their child. No question. Nesta ends up telling Cassian that she’s pregnant by giving him an enchanted painting, which is the work of all three Archeron sisters. Elain for seeing what the child would look like, Feyre for painting, and Nesta for enchanting it so that if they have more children the picture will get bigger and there will be room for Feyre to paint the others. So one big family portrait. In that picture, Maggie is tucked in between the two with the baby/toddler. Dark hair, big blue eyes... maybe hazel. Maybe one of each (I’m really not sure). The best parts of both Nesta and Cassian though. She’s so gorgeous. Prettiest little girl. But yeah going back to Maggie, they ask her during this picture time (probably solstice present time) if Maggie wants to be an Archeron. (Another headcanon for another time, but Cassian marries Nesta too and becomes an Acheron). So, does she want to do this? Absolutely, and at this point she already start calling them mom and dad and just referring to them as such, so that’s their kiddos. 
Third and fourth are siblings. They’re from the continent. Maggie is 14, Lyra is close to 2. The siblings are brought by Nesta who is doing some thing that I cannot say because I have not made it up yet, but she finds them at the scene of a Massacre in hiding. The oldest is close to 6, the other is probably 1-ish. The oldest will not let them take the baby from her. The baby is a boy. They don’t speak the common tongue, which is any issue, but they hire a tutor to both talk to the little girl and then also to teach them ALL (everyone in their household) the language that the two siblings speak as well as teach them how to speak the common Prythrian language. So everyone ends up learning. The little girl is taken under the wing of Maggie, who is the perfect older sister/camp counselor as she likes to refer to herself after there’s more kids. They don’t know her name for the LONGEST time, because she won’t speak at all, but she ends up loving Cassian because he makes her laugh and he brings her a thousand stuffed bears because at one point she won’t stop crying and he brings them home and makes funny voices with them, and carries her on his shoulders, and she has the sweetest giggle. But eventually they end up naming her Ursella which she ends up going by Ella when she gets older, because her nickname with Cassian is little bear. They do ask her later when she talks if she remembers her old name and her birthday since they don’t know, but she doesn’t say that she does, which may be a lie, but Ella happily goes by Ella, and they give her a choice to choose one random day in the year to be her birthday, but she chooses to celebrate her birthday on the day they brought her in. She calls it her re-birthday.
The baby boy they name Nico. It’s actually a common Illyrian name and Cassian knows that the little boy is technically not Illyrian but it is his first son, and he really wants to give him that piece of him. Cassian does ask him when he’s about 10 if he’d prefer a name that’s based on his own culture, because they make sure that’s very integrated in their home life, because of course Cassian loves his culture and Nesta has that anthropological eye, so she knows and learns so much and they just love their children so much that they want all of them, every piece that they come with. But Nico likes his name, and he’s his dads through and through. But he LOVES Nesta. He’s a momma’s boy for sure, which I guess just makes him similar to Cassian. He does not like learning though, so Nesta usually has to teach him herself instead of having tutors, and she spends extra time with him going through his lessons. Lyra and him grow up together closer to age, so they pick on each other A LOT, but ultimately they grow up to have that relationship like I can pick on you but no one else can. They’re super close. If you want one, you find the other. They both will be together somewhere making a mess of things. Ella is the one who usually is like would you please be loud somewhere else. She ends up getting into music--playing instruments and so she generally prefers quietness to study and practice. Violin is her forte. 
The next boy comes about 4 yrs later. Maggie is 18, Lyra is 6, Nico is 5/6 ish. Ella is 10. The boy is about 12. He’s Illyrian and Cassian finds him this time and takes him to Nesta first, but Nesta is like why are you asking lol this is our new son. He’s a “bastard” unfortunately. I hate that word. But he has learned to fight, Cassian found him in the fighting pits in an Illyrian camp a couple hours away from Windhaven, and the situation was so much like his except this kid was never given a home like he was. So, he spent a good couple of weeks trying to get on his good side enough for him to trust him and to want to go someplace safer and warm. He hates Cassian a lot at first... while at the same time being like you’re the hero I’ve heard about. So admiration but also a touch of resentment and anger at the world. Cassian doesn’t know what to do with that, because still to the day he does not handle emotion like Nesta does. He understands it but he doesn’t know what to say, what to do, his go to is always training, but training is not what this child needs. So again, this is Nesta’s forte. Interestingly enough, she’s very gentle with kids. She’s empathetic, soft, but not condescending. She gives everyone the same respect so it helps a lot when he sees that and he’s never had a mom before who tucks him in or makes sure he’s feeling well. His name is Julian. I forgot that part and it turns out he’s HATES fighting. But he really likes plants. So he ends up spending a lot of time with Elain when she visits. He’s fascinated by them and ends up having his own garden. But because Nesta is magical in this headcanon (because she’s more witchy in my fics) he learns A LOT about poisons. Not because Nesta teaches him, but because he finds her books and reads them and starts growing them. This becomes a problem, because when Julian doesn’t like his tutors or teachers, he starts trying to poison them. Like not killing them, but he knows which will give stomach aches, which will give rashes. Nesta is both proud and reprimanding. 
I do feel like they might have more, but I don’t know for now I feel this is good for their set family. Five in total for their first gaggle of children lol. But all of them are asked if they want to be an Archeron. All of them say yes. All of them have each other’s back even if they have screaming matches on the daily. The house is mostly chaotic at all times but the House loves having people in it and laughing and being filled to the brim with stuffed animals and train sets and plants and music and family members coming in and out since Nyx visits often because he’s an only child for a very long time with Feyre taking more of a position in court rulings and Rhysand just being generally busy because you know High Lord/High Lady stuff. I don’t see Feyre being a stay at home mom but I also don’t see Rhys being a stay at home dad, but they’re also rulers so I peg them for both being working parents, which they feel guilty about A LOT at first, and it’s something that they struggle with in the confines of their own identities and their relationship, because they love Nyx and they know they’re parents but that’s not all they are, and without having the gender role of one parent staying home it’s very difficult for them to both rule, but Rhys does not want to stop being a high lord and Feyre is bored too often and she wants to rule and she knows she can, and she has that title for a reason and wants to utilize it. So it’s a hard time, with lots of arguments, but Nyx ends up mostly going with Cassian for a good amount of the day when he’s older and they have more kids in the house, and Nyx doesn’t really know that Feyre and Rhys had this problem, because he’d just prefer to be around the other kids and it ends up working really well. 
Cassian ends up being more of the stay at home parent. I don’t know why but I feel he just gives me that vibe where forget the courtier business, if there’s no war and if the armies are generally taken care of which he does, he wants to stay home and raise his kids, which is very surprising since he’s the one who doesn’t ever take vacations. He wants to be there for every moment no matter how awkward or loud. That’s his family and he’s waited so long for them, and it’s not even about him not having that family early on, it’s because he genuinely would rather be with his kids. He’s the one who as soon as they got the siblings was like I’m going to have to take a step back, because he saw his kids every day but he just didn’t want to be away for long periods of time, and at that point he’d already taken several steps back on working, so it became more of a done deal then. He still is the general, but he gives more responsibility to Devlon and to other people he’s trained over the years to step up. So generally, Cassian will work a couple of days a week for a couple of hours or just go quickly in the evenings, go over reports if the kids are in class with their teachers, and more during certain times of the year, but he’s generally more of a family man. 
Nesta in my fic/headcanon ends up being a queen as well as a leader of the witches and the founder/leader of the Valkyrie and she owns a shipping company and she’s the cauldron’s guardian which don’t ask me to explain, it’s in this fic I’ve barely written. But she’s a “I can bake the cake and eat it too” type of person to me, and because of her magic it is easy for her to do it all because it’s like a full time job. She goes home after a certain hour and she’s back with her kiddos, and most of her jobs have other people who have a handle on things as well. So she’s not an island, but she loves having the purpose and the drive, because as much as she did like being in the library and being in Velaris and having that day to day slice of life, she likes and yearns for adventure. She’s a go-getter and is not necessarily ambitious for power, but she’s got the whole world to discover and she can have anything she’s willing to work for. She wants to be and see it all. Cassian is endlessly proud of her and is like that’s my mate, my wife. My mate. My wife. And they both end up getting what they want without having to sacrifice their own ideals. Their marriage is a collaboration and it ends up working phenomenally for the two of them and their children. 
But ultimately it’s really the House that makes it possible. Because who cooks food and cleans and supplies every need and wish and whatnot? The House. Who baby proofs? The House. The House is like I’ve always wanted a big family and boy does it get a big family. 
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zenalios · 3 years
Untamed Seas; 2 - Snake
Index (R18+)
Amphitrite, sea goddess, and daughter of Nereus, is less than willing to marry an Olympian, let alone Poseidon, the very god who overthrew her father. She does so nevertheless, in a desperate move to protect her sisters following Nereus’ absence.
The marriage is beneficial to them both: Poseidon gains legitimacy through a union with her, effectively solidifying his control over the seas, and Amphitrite guarantees her sisters' safety, along with all prestige due her status as queen.
The catch? She finds his domineering personality utterly insufferable, and he, the most fearsome god, resents being stuffed into an unwelcome marriage.
They have all eternity to make it work.
TW // Abuse - Verbal and Physical ; Abusive Relationship ; Forced Marriage
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It came to pass that the night of the dance itself, the few amongst Nereus’s daughters who had stepped foot onto Crete were:  
Amphitrite, the eldest of fifty Nereids and her sisters’ keeper; pretty Thetis, who came hoping to expand her social circle beyond the seas; sprightly and mischievous Galatea, twin to Galene, poise incarnate; another set of twins, Proto and Doto, who oversaw their voyage; and last but not least, the young Erato, loveliest of all her sisters, not yet a maiden, but who looked forward to the dance the most.
Thetis immediately set off for a nearby crowd of dancers, and the twins grouped together in search of the banquet tables. This left Amphitrite with Erato. The former rubbed at her temples, stifling an urge to groan. This was not going to be an easy night. In the week leading up to the event itself, all her family could talk about was the dance, her sisters boasting to the others about all the things they would do and the people they would meet; in turn, this only reinforced their mother’s worries for their safety, and led to further nagging imposed on her, the oldest. She felt a little squeeze from the small hand in hers. Amphitrite looked down. 
“Wow, they just ran off like that,” Erato laughed, her radiant face enough for Amphitrite’s own lips to twitch upwards. 
“They certainly did.” She agreed. 
“Phi!” The pair turned to a beautiful nymph gracefully striding towards them in a cloud of blue satin, the swell of her belly prominent but never once hindering her movement. “Aunt!” Erato let go of her hand, rushing forward to tackle said relative. Amphitrite also drew near, brushing a swift kiss against the Oceanid’s smooth cheeks. 
“Eurynome,” Amphitrite smiled, though it did not quite reach her eyes. “How have you been?”
A tinkling laugh burst forth from the Oceanid akin to that of a bubbling brook. “I have been just fine,” She chucked Amphitrite on the chin, then looked down at her belly, “And so has this one.” A silky hand reached for Erato’s head, ruffling it fondly, “And this one too, I see.” The older nymph peered at Amphitrite, the latter flinching backwards when a finger attempted to prod the space between her eyebrows. “Don’t frown, Phi, you’ll age faster than my children will be born if you do.”
“I’m not frowning!” Amphitrite protested, even as she felt her brow pulling together, which she rectified at once. At this, Erato erupted into giggles, still clasped at Eurynome’s legs, who soon joined her little niece in peals of laughter, till even the nymph being teased could not help but grin, her shoulders rolling with silent mirth. After they had calmed themselves, Amphitrite’s face was drawn in by Eurynome’s hands, both gently pinching and caressing her cheeks. “I am so sorry about your father.” Their aunt said, a sorrowful look passing over her gorgeous features. 
Amphitrite leaned into Eurynome’s touch for a moment, then swallowed and removed her hands, “It’s alright.” However much she craved physical intimacy, it reminded her too much of what her mother was like once, all warmth and tenderness, now left tense and anxious in the wake of her husband’s loss. The sea nymph let out a good-natured huff. 
“But thank you all the same,” she maintained despite the doubting look her aunt gave her, allowing her fingers to intertwine between Eurynome’s to give them a brief squeeze of reassurance. After that Eurynome had lingered a little longer to ask after Doris' state, leaving her nieces only when persistently called upon by a group of other similarly pregnant nymphs. 
“Make sure you join the dances, alright?” She quickly squeezed Amphitrite’s shoulder, “I know how much you love to dance.” With one last kiss and ruffle to Erato’s head, Eurynome disappeared just as Thetis had, leaving the two Nereids standing in a corner. 
The older of the two turned to her sister. “So,” She began, “What do you want to do?” 
Erato shrugged, staring up at her. “I dunno,” she blinked. “I’ll do whatever Phi wants to.” Amphitrite felt a lump rise in her throat. Even in her childish innocence, Erato’s brilliance could not be concealed. There existed several reasons everyone called —no, expected —her little sister to become the loveliest Nereid of them all, one in particular being her smile, bright enough to charm all sea creatures in the near vicinity. On top of this, Erato’s eyes had taken on their father’s murky green ones and blossomed into a pair of emeralds coated with a ring of honey, made all the more obvious by the firelight now dancing in their depths. 
For all their mother’s nagging and accusations of complacency, Amphitrite was by no means negligent when it came to her sisters, least of all if it involved Erato, nor had she brushed off Doris’s warnings as to Erato’s safety. 
In truth, she was all too aware of how lovely her younger sister was and the numerous looks they had received upon arrival. Everyone present knew Nereus had disappeared, his wife and fifty daughters ripe for the picking in his absence despite being left in Oceanus’ hands. For all the powers they possessed, the Nereids were not related to the new king of the seas, effectively nullifying their royal status and the protection it conferred, the river god’s old age only worsening matters further. If others held back, it was only out of respect and common decency, a show of sympathy for the family during this period of mourning; once over, Amphitrite had no doubt they would pounce. She slowly exhaled. And even then it did not hurt to be cautious around the Olympians. 
Amphitrite knelt before her sister, brushing away a wisp of hair that had fallen into the child’s eyes, provoking a little whine from Erato: “I can do that myself!” 
“I know,” She returned with great affection. “I just wanted to do it.” 
It was a little habit the eldest Nereid had picked up after many years spent watching over her siblings, something their mother found irritating as of late. Try as she might, however, Amphitrite remained unable to suppress her maternal instincts towards her younger sister, especially in such an unfamiliar environment, surrounded by potential predators. 
She offered her hand to Erato, “Let’s dance?”
And dance they did, if only for a brief moment. Though Amaltheia had initially bleated out instructions regarding specific steps designed to depict Zeus’s triumph over Kronos, the goat nymph’s voice was rudely drowned out by the growing multitude of intoxicated revellers. At this, Amphitrite saw their hostess’s lips thin with disapproval. Further mortification ensued when it was discovered several amphorae had already been emptied of their contents. Soon after, the whooping crowd whipped itself into a frenzy, many a dancer grasping for a partner to twist and writhe against. 
Amphitrite merely watched from the side, one hand on her hip, the other still holding Erato’s sticky palm, which had since tightened its grasp on hers at the display before them. “What are they doing?” her sister whispered to her, to which Amphitrite promptly responded, “Just dancing.” The older of the two could already hear her mother screaming for her to remove Erato from this indecency, or if she would not, then to at least cover the girl’s eyes —to do something, anything about it. Amphitrite glanced down at her sister. She had tried the latter, but Erato’s response was to tug her hand down and plead her case for watching. 
At this Amphitrite sighed: her sister possessed the same level of persistence and curiosity as she did when younger; she permitted it on the condition that Erato did not ask to join, something Erato readily agreed to anyhow. Fortunately, the dancers' movements were beginning to resemble the very steps Amaltheia demonstrated at the beginning, albeit in a much wilder fashion. After they had stopped hollering, each danced in time to the tune of a pipe, some singing along and others only chiming in at certain strains, about a snake that swallowed its own. 
“Many an egg did the snake consume, and still more it hungered to pursue.” A pinched voice intoned above the rest.  She leaned down to whisper in Erato’s ear, tapping her foot along to the beat, “The snake is Kronos, the eggs are his children.”
“Oh.” Erato frowned, confusion evident from her voice alone. “Then where does Zeus come in?” Amphitrite tilted her head, humour colouring her voice, “When do you want him to come in?” 
The words had barely left her when she felt a tap on her shoulder. The Nereid instantly whirled around, instinct driving her to pull Erato behind in the process. “What do you want?” She demanded of the satyr standing before her, whose first reaction was to look utterly terrified. Serve him right for disrupting their peace and quiet, a savage little voice echoed within her; she, who knew better than anyone it could not have been Erato, whose head barely reached her collarbones still. Did they take her for a fool?!
“Uhh,” the satyr began, flinching when Amphitrite drew herself to full height and snapped at him again as she so often did towards any unfamiliar male specimen: “Speak up!”
Only the faint sensation of something tugging at her arm jolted Amphitrite back to reason. She glanced over her shoulder at Erato, instantly feeling as though she had committed some kind of unforgivable crime. Curses, she was getting good at guilt-tripping. Had Thetis been teaching her? Amphitrite ran a hand through her hair. In doing so, she threw her head back, sucking in a deep breath. Fine. She nodded and let go of Erato’s hand, catching the grateful glance her sister sent her way.
Amphitrite folded her arms with an air of impatience. Was he going to speak or not?
“Someone wishes to speak with you, my lady.” The satyr blurted, his voice trembling all the while. The Nereid lifted an eyebrow. Who? She echoed the question her mind had set, albeit a little more vehemently, which brought about another flinch from the satyr. “Uh— Ah, they said they wished to meet you. That… that is all.” 
Someone wanted to meet her. Amphitrite squeezed the tip of her tongue between her teeth as she tried to process the satyr’s message. Someone wanted to meet her without revealing their identity. She parted her lips to speak, then closed them again, finding her judgement insufficient. No, that was not all, she mused. There was something more to this. The nymph focused on a point just above the satyr’s shoulder, staring ahead at the banquet table where she now spotted the twins. 
Amphitrite snapped her fingers. Surely it was their aunt? Despite the fact that pregnancy did not exactly hinder their movements, all Oceanids suffered from swollen ankles and feet, requiring them to rest every now and then. “You should have just mentioned her name.” She chided the satyr, who gave her a strange look. “Her name?”
“Yes, yes,” the Nereid filled in for him a little more cordially this time. “Eurynome. Our aunt.” 
Despite the change in her tone, the satyr’s face had paled. Amphitrite now wondered what her aunt could possibly have said earlier to frighten him thus.  Or maybe she had been too harsh on him after all. “Ah.” His mouth opened and closed repeatedly, much like that of a fish’s, Amphitrite thought bemusedly. She turned to her sister, who she found had moved to stand beside her. “Let’s go then, Erato—”
“Wait!” Amphitrite halted. “What is it now?” She allowed a sense of restlessness to enter her voice. The satyr seemed to shrink beneath her gaze. “They— They said you had to come alone.”
Amphitrite felt she had sighed one time too many tonight. Still she did so, it being the only outlet for her to express her annoyance. The Nereid lifted her chin at the being before her, “Why not?” Erato’s hand nudged hers, immediately causing her expression to soften once more. “Maybe Aunt Eurynome wants to ask Phi something really important.” And leave Erato alone like this? 
As though the child knew what she was thinking, her skirts were being pulled in the direction of the banquet table; Amphitrite lifted her head, following the girl’s arm until four of their sisters came into view. “I can stick with them.” 
Erato had a point. There they were: Galatea, Galene, Proto, and Doto, all loading heaps of food onto their plate as though they had been starved for eons at their grandfather’s home. Where they had been this entire time Amphitrite had no idea, nor did she want to know what sorts of mischief they had been up to. “Well, better than Thetis,” she deadpanned at last, who was nowhere to be found even. “Fine.” 
At this, Erato tackled her in a big hug, both lingering for a while in each others’ embrace. 
“Be good.” Amphitrite had tapped her sister’s nose, so turning and following the satyr into a nearby bend. 
And that was how Amphitrite presently found her path obstructed by a ridiculously muscular god who had introduced himself as Zeus, king of the gods. You’re lying, she wished to say, but could not on account of the bandages wrapped about his fists —only Kronos had the ability to inflict bodily damage severe enough to warrant medical intervention, and Zeus had been the only recipient of those affections. Unfortunately, these observations only served to worsen the situation as she saw it. Hadn’t Amaltheia sworn to her mother that Zeus would not be coming? That he desperately needed his energy to recuperate? 
Amphitrite grit her teeth in vexation. The god standing before her did not even seem to have just fought a massive tournament and won. Aside from a hideously distorted jaw and crooked nose, both of which warranted a copious number of bandages about his head, he looked to be in the pink of health. 
“You are Amphitrite right?” She had been raised to respond to questions like these, but the sheer absurdity of this entire situation said she should not. Against convention, she went with the latter, dismissing the question with a glare; he ignored her silence, continuing to speak as a slew of questions swirled through her brain akin to the whirlpools her father used to create. On top of it all, how could she have been so foolish? The satyr had not given her a strange look because her aunt had chastised him, he could not possibly have known the name of a goddess he did not serve. 
Stupid, stupid, shit, stupid, she cursed internally. It almost made her wish this was a confession instead, from some random god that had fallen for her upon arrival. Almost.
“It’s very simple, Phi.” Their new king was saying, arms akimbo. Though he was no taller than Pan, who was the height of a young cypress tree, the width of his shoulders and position in which he stood made it difficult enough for her to attempt escape from this god she felt no desire to speak with. Amphitrite scowled; firstly, at the sheer audacity and disrespect he showed by using her pet name, a privilege she held dear and bestowed only upon her parents and sisters, or her future husband; secondly, at how her neck had begun to ache from craning upwards to look at such a disagreeable face. 
The likelihood of him knowing she was displeased and enjoying her reaction was all too high. What a swine, she would have liked to call him. But that would only be a slight on the entire species itself. 
Her eyes darted to and fro, searching for some form of escape, be it in the form of her sisters or aunt ─anybody, really, who could help. To her dismay, there was none. Thetis, who she had spotted flirting with a satyr when making her way here, was now nowhere to be seen, and the rest were likely still blissfully unaware of the present danger that lurked in the form of Zeus. He reminded her of a lamprey: one that had latched onto her, its prey, and now refused to let go. Amphitrite grit her teeth. He looked like one too.
“You see, ever since my brother went to claim his new kingdom,” He began as Amphitrite stretched her neck to stare over his shoulder at pair of amorous guests making their way in this general direction. “He’s been having some trouble dealing with its inhabitants ever since.” Which brother? Hades? Amphitrite groaned internally at the shadow cast over their faces as the two unknown revellers drew closer still, then stopped for yet another passionate kiss. Ugh. 
Come on, just a little more, she urged the couple silently. “I’m sure he’s more than capable of subduing you all by himself, but that would only end in senseless slaughter.” Did he just say slaughter? Her heart thumped. Even if she was only half-listening, she knew what he was talking about —her people. “I don’t want that to happen since it’ll make me look really bad now that I’m king, so I need you, O daughter of Nereus, to help him legitimise his position.” Wait, Amphitrite squinted. They were moving, she realised. The couple were still on their quest for privacy, now at least a cubit away from the god king’s back. The nymph tensed with anticipation, waiting for them to bump into him. Closer. One foot. She grit her teeth. Come closer!  
At that very moment, however, Zeus’s face suddenly appeared exactly half a foot away from her line of vision, as he swerved to avoid the couple altogether. Amphitrite sprang backwards immediately. Her only opportunity to flee had just been thwarted by this monster of a god. She bit down hard on her tongue to keep herself from screaming aloud in fury. Zeus studied her, an eerie grin on his features. “I’m sure you know who I’m talking about.” 
“Hades?” She blurted, only catching the glint in his eyes after finally responding to his statement. 
No, Amphitrite felt her cheeks drain. No. She refused to enter a conversation regarding the one god she detested the most in the entire cosmos, even more so than the one standing before her. And now she had broken her silence, she regretted falling for his provocation all the more. “So you do know.” He finally declared, evidently delighted at her expression. “I knew you were a smart thing.” Amphitrite cringed inwardly, her throat beginning to constrict. 
“What do you want from me?” 
Even as Zeus’s chuckle rang through her ears, his answer left her reeling back a few steps. “I want you to marry Poseidon.” What? The name itself made Amphitrite’s throat tighten further. The king of gods may as well have punched her in the gut. The nymph shook her head numbly. This had to be a nightmare. She secretly pinched herself, desperately hoping it was all a dream, that she was not presently trapped by Zeus on some mountain in Crete, that Doris had never, in reality, accepted Amaltheia’s invitation, and that she was instead tossing fitfully in her bed at this very moment. 
But as fate would have it, the ensuing sting only confirmed her worst fears. There was no way she could conceal her anguish at the name Poseidon itself, the event fresher than Zeus’s own battle scars with Kronos, and far more short-lived as well. Everyone had heard of the Titanomachy, and how Zeus had earned his title as the strongest god in the universe, just as they knew of the lots drawn by Zeus's older brothers. 
The first had earned the underworld, the second the right to conquest, and the third, authority over the seas. That third brother was Poseidon. 
The very day Nereus set out to face his challenger, he had sent his wife and fifty daughters away to live with their grandfather Oceanus despite vehement protest from all, fearing the worst if he lost. Only, the worst did happen, and it was the last time Amphitrite saw her father ever again. Her fingers curled into fists at the very thought; they should have stayed or allowed her to remain at the very least. Ultimately she had not even seen Poseidon nor witnessed the battle itself. Instead, she had been forced to comfort her wailing sisters as all the waters in the cosmos trembled from the blows her father traded with some intruder from Olympus. 
And on the fortieth day, when the ocean’s plates stopped quaking, the old sea god was nowhere to be found, his successor long gone, leaving only clippings of blond hair amidst the rubble. The ocean itself had opened wide and swallowed her father upon defeat. The memory alone caused Amphitrite’s chest to heave in short, jerky, breaths as she struggled to pull herself once more from this immeasurable, overwhelming, sense of grief the god before her had reignited. 
Zeus grinned at her, “Can I take your silence as a yes, then?” 
At that she froze over. There was a tightrope somewhere within her gut, she was sure of it. One that had been cut at with a blunt object and left to rot following her father’s disappearance. Then her mother and now the king of the gods, both of whom treated her like a child, insulting and stretching her limits beyond measure, every strand and fibre of her being fraying with every word they spoke. Above all however, lay the question of her marrying the very cause of her misery. 
Help him? When he had destroyed her home and family? A strangled laugh escaped her. He was the main reason she, a saltwater nymph, who lived and breathed the ocean’s air for decades —centuries, even, was torn from her home in the wake of his victory; the reason she, eldest of fifty Nereids, had been unfairly charged with the overwhelming task of ensuring her sisters’ safety amidst a pack of wolves waiting to jump them all; the reason her mother no longer held any regard for her simply because she reminded Doris of her own lost love. Her? Marry Poseidon?
The rope snapped.
“No!” Amphitrite yelled for all the world to hear, losing her temper for the first time in her life. 
“I will not!”
1 - Prologue ; 3 -  Enalios, α
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alicenttully · 4 years
Sansa and Motherhood
I remember reading someone’s meta on how (book) Sansa doesn’t possesses a natural instinct for motherhood.
Before I discuss my thoughts, I just want to clarify several things-
I think it’s perfectly fine if people don’t think Sansa is naturally maternal. She shouldn’t have to be. In a perfect world, she and Arya and Bran and Rickon would still have their own mother. But I do think there are flaws in the post, and I want to share my thoughts. 
The first argument used is that Sansa only ever wanted children was because it was part of a fantasy - of marrying a handsome lord and being his lady. 
First off, I think the fandom needs to let go of this word fantasy when it comes to Sansa.  It isn’t fantasy when you have been taught all your life that this is the future you should except. Sansa, as soon as she would have been able to comprehend this, knew this fact- that her father would arrange her betrothal and that she, like Arya, would be excepted to marry one day.  Sansa isn’t a little girl in modern day 2020 dreaming of her future marriage- for Sansa in ASOIAF/GOT, it is a responsibility that she owes to her family and to her House. I’m mentioning this because I think it’s important to remember this when understanding Sansa as a character.
But that being said, Sansa is also only 11-13 years old.  And yes, while there is an argument that Sansa only wants children because it is part of a fantasy- couldn’t you also apply that argument to every other little girl that dreams of having children?  When I was younger than Sansa, I wanted eight children. I had names all picked out.  Now like Sansa who dreamed of having children with Joff,  having eight children is the last thing I want.  Do such fantasies mean I lack a natural instinct for motherhood like Sansa because they are just that- fantasies-  or is it more complicated than that?
It’s more complicated than that.
The thing is - for every person who dreams of having children- that is all they have at first, fantasy.  Fantasy is very different from reality.  But just because fantasy is all they have at first- does not necessarily mean they don’t truly want children or want to be parent, if that makes sense. 
Furthermore, the next time we do see Sansa dreaming of having children, it’s very explicitly tied towards the love of her family- 
In Sansa's dreams, her children looked just like the brothers she had lost. Sometimes there was even a girl who looked like Arya.
Arguably, Sansa’s longing to have children stems not from “superficial desires” but from a desire to rebuild. 
The second argument used involves the relationship with Sansa and SR.  This passage is used-
It was more than Sansa could stand. "Robert, stop that." Instead he swung the doll again, and a foot of wall exploded. She grabbed for his hand but she caught the doll instead. There was a loud ripping sound as the thin cloth tore. Suddenly she had the doll's head, Robert had the legs and body, and the rag-and-sawdust stuffing was spilling in the snow. 
However,  the argument falls flat as it fails to take into account the passage that precedes it -
Sansa tried to step back, but he pulled her into his arms and suddenly he was kissing her. Feebly, she tried to squirm, but only succeeded in pressing herself more tightly against him. His mouth was on hers, swallowing her words. He tasted of mint. For half a heartbeat she yielded to his kiss . . . before she turned her face away and wrenched free. "What are you doing?"Petyr straightened his cloak. "Kissing a snow maid.""You're supposed to kiss her." Sansa glanced up at Lysa's balcony, but it was empty now. "Your lady wife."
"Might have been," he admitted, with a rueful smile. "But you're not, are you? You are Eddard Stark's daughter, and Cat's. But I think you might be even more beautiful than your mother was when she was your age.""Petyr, please." Her voice sounded so weak. "Please . . .""A castle!"
Before SR comes upon them, Petyr sexually assaults Sansa - who is meant to be his step-niece.  We cannot forget the power that LF has over Sansa here. She does not want him, but she cannot act against him here- her words are “swallowed”  - her power to say no is taken from her. Consequentially, this passage is important to the context of the first. When Sansa is telling SR to “stop”, remember how she also tried to tell Littlefinger no. Neither LF nor SR listens. And while for SR it is innocent, childish behaviour,  he is also another person who is refusing to respect Sansa’s space- (think of Winterfell as a metaphor for Sansa’s space) and that is what Sansa cannot stand.  That scene is not necessarily a commentary on how Sansa does or does not have the natural instincts of a mother, or does not want the reality of raising children - it is more complicated than that. 
The argument then goes on to say that Sansa puts her concerns above SR’s health.
However,  I feel like whenever that passage is used people are kind of forgetting something important - it’s not that Sansa doesn’t care for SR- but she also does kind of have pretty large concerns to deal with as well? Like the fact that she must maintain her Alayne persona because Cersei wants her head or the closest thing that she has to a protector- the same person who lusts after her and has made that clear- has forced her into a position where she must lie about her aunt’s death? 
Furthermore, there’s also the fact that Sansa does want SR to be well-
Why not surround him with Winged Knights? She had thought one night after Sweetrobin had finally drifted off to sleep. His own Kingsguard, to keep him safe and make him brave.
Why would Sansa be interested in keeping SR safe and making him feel brave if she didn’t care about his health?
Furthermore,  when discussing Sansa and SR I think it’s important to remember something very important when discussing Sansa as a potential mother-
SR is not her child. 
Yes,  she is a maternal figure to him,  but he is not her child. He’s her cousin, and an annoying one at that.  And for some women, they don’t feel that maternal instinct with other children,  but they feel it with their own. And that could very well be the case for Sansa. It’s impossible to tell, because we haven’t seen Sansa with a child of her own.  
Finally,  another important thing to remember when discussing motherhood - is that when you have a kid for the first time, motherhood is something that can be learned as it is instinctual. Again, this is something that can apply to Sansa. The idea of the mother’s instinct can be harmful because it can alienate women - a woman who has given birth may feel there is something wrong with her because she does not instinctively know how to care for her baby, and is thus one of the contributing factors in PPD.   
So yeah, those are my thoughts. 
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sugarbooger513 · 3 years
Holding On (Chapter One)
I love writing OCs so much. This is the beginning to a fun JJK fic I had some ideas for. It will include spoilers and end up straying from the canon story. Please beware of that. I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I do <3
Mara belongs to @katgalle
Warnings: soft Gojo, mentions of guns, Gojo being... well, Gojo.
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How long had it been exactly? Nine, maybe ten years? Nova blinks slowly before closing her eyes. It hadn't exactly hit her that she was back where she grew up. Maybe Tokyo hasn't changed much.
Sadly, she had changed a lot from that day.
She can still remember the laughter they would share. The simplest things would send them both into fits of hysteria. She hasn't looked at stupid cat videos the same since her second year of high school.
"Nova? Are you asleep?" "If you thought I was asleep," Nova sighs softly, "why would you ask?" When she peeks her eyes open, Mara smiles sweetly. "Ah, just thought I would be a bit polite. How are you feeling about moving back?" Nova's nose scrunches slightly. "It hasn't hit me yet."
Nova knows that Mara can read her better than she lets on. It's the curse of being twins.
"What about you? We've been in Osaka quite a while now." "Well, I can't say I'll miss it. I don't care where we go. It's just nice still being beside you." Nova can't help but smile softly. Truly, Mara has been there when she had no obligation to be.
When Nova's phone rings, she answers it with a sigh. "We should be pulling into the stop within the next ten minutes or so, Aunt Cammie." "Oh, good! I can't wait to see you two again!"
That's one of two reasons Nova can think it's a good thing to move back home. Aunt Cammie gave up her entire life to move to Japan in order to raise the twins. She could have allowed them to go into foster care, but she didn't. She could have forced them to move back to America with her and leave behind everything they ever knew, but she didn't.
Shortly before the twins went into high school, both of their parents were killed by a special grade curse. The worst part was that their mother wasn't even a Jujutsu sorcerer. She just happened to be around their father when it attacked.
"We'll see you in a few. Love you." "Love you too, sweet pea." When she lowers her phone, Mara places a gentle hand on her sister's shoulder. "She's been texting me non stop since we got on the bus." "Yeah, I kinda figured she would. She's excited to have us home."
"You called it home, Nova." "I'm trying to get over what happened. I really am. It just hurts." Mara leans over, resting her head comfortably on her twin's shoulder. "You're allowed to grieve as long as you need to, sis."
They stay quiet for the rest of the bus ride, casually leaning against one another. When it finally comes to a stop, the first thing they see from the window is their Aunt's flaming red hair, which both of them somehow inherited.
Mara races off the bus, grabbing her suitcases on the way, while Nova takes her time making sure everything was taken off the bus. Before walking off, she leaves the driver a tip.
"Nova!" Aunt Cammie engulfs her niece in a tight hug full of love. Nova drops her bags so she can return it. "I missed you girls so much. It's been so long." "I now, Aunt Cammie, but we're here now." She places both of her hands on Nova's face to stare lovingly into the eyes that match her dear sister's.
"You both still look so much like your mother." "Somehow we got your fiery hair though." Mara giggles and makes a point by swishing her flaming red hair around. Aunt Cammie gives both girls a kiss on the cheek before she starts helping them load her car.
"Your rooms are set up just like they used to be, right next to each other. I put some new sheets and blankets on the beds, new carpets are in the rooms, and- " "Aunt Cammie," Nova stops her aunt's ranting, "we still plan on getting out own place. For Christ's sake, we're twenty-seven."
Cammie's smile makes both girls feel a bit lighter. "I know, baby. I don't expect you two to stay long, but I want you to know that you will always have a home with me. I don't care what age you are."
Mara spends the entire ride singing her head off with Aunt Cammie in the front. Nova's phone starts exploding with texts from her second reason for coming back.
'I can't believe you're back! We have to catch up ASAP! Coffee later?' 'I didn't take you as a coffee person, but that sounds amazing.' 'Really, I'm not. The shit makes me feel like some old geezer, but I remember how you would get some every morning before school. Is your sister going to hang out with us?' 'Maybe? It'll depend on how well she can compose herself. I'm not sure how much she knows about you now.'
"We're home! Nova, what are you doing?" "Just texting a friend. He wants to hang out today, so we're making plans." Aunt Cammie grins like the she-devil she can be. "Really? I'm so glad!"
Mara had already made her way out of the car to start unpacking, so Nova does her best to catch up, but the twin is just too excited to be back home and races ahead of her into the house. "Well," Cammie rubs the back of her neck, "that probably isn't good." "What did you do?"
"Uhh, well, your friend had texted me this morning and asked if he could hide out here so he could greet you as soon as you got back.." Nova's eyes widen in shock. "It.. wouldn't happen to be the friend from high school, would it?" Cammie laughs a bit awkwardly. "The white haired boy.. that Mara always had that massive crush on..?" Nova drops her bags and races into the house without another thought.
Once she makes it inside, she sees Mara staring, slightly confused as the tall man towers beside her. "Why are you in my aunt's house, dude?" "Huh, you aren't running from me? Does that mean you're over that high school crush?" To Nova's own surprise, Mara only tilts her head. "Who are you again?"
The sound of that question is enough to make Nova let out a snort of laughter. The sound catches Gojo's attention, and he smiles brightly. "There's the woman I wanted to see." Gojo slips past Mara with a soft pat on the head.
Nova doesn't really expect Gojo to hug her, but he puts his infinity down just to wrap his long arms around her. Her head rests just below his shoulders. "Gojo," she laughs and places her arms around his lanky body, "I've missed you so much." "I've missed you, too. I see you haven't gotten any taller." "And I see you've grown even more, fucking string bean." He lets out a small chuckle as he pulls away from her.
"Sorry about the surprise. I just wanted to see you." "No, I appreciate it a lot. It's nice knowing you still care." Gojo's gorgeous blue eyes seem to sparkle behind his sunglasses. "Of course I do. Keeping in touch for nine years would make most people bored out of their minds, but I'm not like any other person."
Despite him trying to be cocky, he has a point. Anyone else she went to school with stopped talking to her less than a year after she moved. While they didn't talk daily, Gojo always sent her random texts throughout the week.
"I know, Gojo. Trust me," she walks forward and lays her head back on him, "I know. I'm so glad to have you back." His long fingers rake through her red curls effortlessly. "I'm right here, Nova. I'll be here as long as you need me to be."
"I didn't get to say good morning to you, Satoru! It's nice to see you again." Gojo chuckles and gives aunt Cammie a quick hug. "I should visit more often, work just keeps me away." "Well," she smacks his arm softly, "I hope Nova will entice you to come over more." "Of course, Aunt Cammie."
"Nova, love," Gojo leans to whisper in her ear, "tell Mara to put the gun away." "Mara! You know Gojo!" Mara scoffs slightly. "Can't believe I didn't recognize him. Sorry, I don't well to men showing up form nowhere." "Technically," Gojo turns to face her, "you showed up here. I've been here for at least an hour." "I still have a gun out. DO you want to continue this argument?"
He smirks, suddenly leaning down close enough that Nova can see his lips brush against her ear. Mara's eyes widen in shock as he chuckles. "Go ahead, sweetie. I want you to do it."
Nova can't help but let a small fit of laughter escape her, which earns her the look of all death looks. "Anyways," Gojo leans back up and turns to walk out the door, "I'm gonna pull my car around. I owe you a coffee date. Don't keep me waiting, baby."
Once he shuts the front door behind him, Nova sighs softly. "One of these days I'm going to- Holy shit, Mara! Your face is so fucking red!" Mara hides her now tomato colored face in her hands with a small squeal.
"I know it is! Damn it, I thought I was over his dumb ass!" Nova rubs the back of her neck. "Well, you didn't run from him this time." "Oh, I wanted to. I really wanted to, but instead I summoned my fucking glock!"
Aunt Cammie takes over calming Mara down while Nova rushes off with a bag to change. Opening her old bedroom door hits her with a wave of nostalgia. It really is how she left it.
On the bed is a basket filled with all kinds of goodies from Aunt Cammie. She even remembered that Nova's favorite animal is a buffalo, and included a cute stuffed one.
However, when she starts digging through the basket, she notices a few pictures that she printed off.
The first is one of Aunt Cammie, Mara, and herself. It had to have been long before the girls' parents passed away. Actually, if she remembers correctly, it's form the first time they met Aunt Cammie on a trip to America. They were no older than four.
The second picture is one of the girls getting accepted to Jujutsu Tech. Aunt Cammie must have taken the picture because the girls were busy being hugged to near death by their parents.
The third one is form her graduation. Gojo had graduated the year before she did, and he made it to her graduation when he wasn't sure he would be able to. In this picture, he has his arms around her and his face buried in her red curls. Truly, he was the only non family member she ever went to after her second year.
The last one has a note attached to it. She places it aside to stare at the picture. It had to be from her first year of high school. She was sitting on a pier, and next to her was a boy. His raven colored hair was pulled into a man bun. Behind their backs, his hand was on top of hers, almost enclosing the entire thing.
Thinking of that day brings tears to her eyes. She places it on her bedside table to grab the letter.
Nova baby,
I doubt this picture will bring you a real smile, but when I saw it in your box of memories I had to pull it out. No matter what life looks like now for him, or even for you, the two of you shared something special. Despite him only being a stepping stone in your life, he helped shape you into the strong woman you are today. Don't think about who he became because that isn't the same boy you found your happiness in. Think of the boy who made it a point to buy you flowers once a week before school, the boy who always asked me permission to take you to dinner, the boy who you and Gojo spent hours with daily. Think of the boy who loved everything about you. I love you babygirl, and I know that your journey in life has just begun.
Aunt Cammie
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some-cookie-crumbz · 3 years
Okay so the Bakujirou fic made me want to read more of ur writing(uwu💖💖💖💖)so can you please write a fluffy tdmm fic of them playing Animal Crossing:New Horizons together featuring trans girl Momo(which is my favorite bnha trans hc tbh)?Pls include all your headcanons i want this to be as self-indulgent for you as possible
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We are getting up to some hopefully good nonsense up in here~! Let’s see if I can’t cook up something tasty for ya! Also this was one of those prompts that really got away from me and kinda... rambled away from the main point of the request and dissolved into a bit of a character study with added notes of fun shipping goodness so please forgive the length! And obviously if this is unsatisfactory please feel free to scream at me for my sins.
Trigger Warning: Transphobia, Mentions/ References to Body Dysphoria
She wasn’t Nashi. 
Momo had to remind her of that fact every now and again, when the doubts about her appearance started to leak in. Did she present well enough? Did her hobbies speak loudly enough of the truth of her femininity or did people think she was faking? If she decided to go with a bob cut like Ochako’s, or a cute pixie like Mina's, would it make her features stand out wrong? Would she be fine wearing shorts, or would it be safer to pick a skirt or dress? It wasn't as often as it used to be that the anxiety about her appearance reared up - especially since she had been eagerly accepted by her peers when she confessed that she'd been deemed male at birth - but there were still moments where it did.
Like that evening, in specific.
While Father and Mother still worked in Pro Heroics, their roles had shifted quite drastically over the years. Momo herself had only been eight years old when Father was gravely injured in a Villain fight, taking a serious blow to protect a fleeing civilian. There had been countless surgeries and treatments to follow, leaving Father unable to move as well as he used to. He retired as an active on-duty Pro and became more involved with the agency behind the scenes. He worked more with the finances, employee relations and things of that ilk while Mother took over control as the public face. For a while, things were fine like that. It was a nice balance between them and, even though it was clear Father missed interacting with the public, he settled into his position quite well.
But as Momo's second year at UA started its second half, Father's health started deteriorating quickly. His immune system had been compromised as a result of all his past procedures and the side effects of that started to hit fast and hard. Momo herself had missed three days of classes to rush to see him when his cold escalated enough to warrant a hospital stay. While there, Mother and Father had discussed an upcoming business mixer. It would allow for them to connect with various other agencies to locate team-up partners as well as connecting to a few new support development teams. Mother had seemed rather concerned by the idea of going alone given that Father had always been the social core of their team.
And so, despite her discomfort, Momo had volunteered to go along. Mother had seemed surprised but agreed to take up her offer.
The day had been very strange leading up to the event itself. After getting out of her classes that Saturday, Mother picked her up to get put together. The full works were done for her; hair, make-up, manicure and pedicure, all coordinated to match with the long, sapphire blue evening gown Mother had picked out for her. Mother was an odd mix of overly involved and incredibly distant, taking care to ask if the length of her heels were comfortable for her or if the red of her lipstick was too dark for her liking. Once getting a response, though, she’d be heading off to tend to something for her own attire for the night without a second glance.
A part of her said she should have expected as much. It was a hard thing to define, her relationship with her mother. Ever since she came out and asserted who she really was - claimed Momo as her true name - Mother had never misgendered or dead named her. Even in the beginning, when the change in name and pronouns were still new, she’d gone out of her way to speak more carefully, to address her daughter the correct way. Momo took that as a sign that she was accepted, yes, but… Mother had always been incredibly distant. She seemed to only take an interest in Momo when it involved her Quirk training and her accomplishments therein. She often wondered if the problem was more that Mother had never wanted children in the first place and only agreed to having one to placate Father, or to carry on the family name.
It was rather disheartening to think about. 
The moment they entered the extravagant ballroom for the mixer, another Pro that Momo couldn’t place was flagging Mother down excitedly. “Yaoyorozu-San, such a delight!” he greeted happily, offering her his hand. His gaze flickered over to Momo, smile remaining in place though his eyes gleamed in confusion. “Ah, and who is this? A niece or cousin of yours or your husband’s?”
“No,” Mother said, quirking an eyebrow as if the answer should be obvious, “this is my daughter, Momo.”
Momo made sure to flash a demure smile as she bowed. “It’s a pleasure to meet you,”
“A daughter? I heard your only child was a son,” Momo could feel herself tense as she righted her posture. Of course, she thought, it would already be starting so quickly into her evening.
“A mistake, I assure you. This is my daughter and I expect you to respect her as such,” There was an odd undercurrent to Mother’s tone that caused Momo to glance at her sideways. She looked thoroughly unamused, judging by the scowl and slight glare she had fixated on him, and her shoulders were squared as a show of confidence. She supposed that Mother got tired of hearing this same statement time and again.
He blinked slowly, nose wrinkling briefly, before nodding curtly. “Of course. My apologies,” he shifted his gaze away from her to Mother quickly, clearly uncomfortable. “Anyway, Yaoyorozu-San, I had been hoping to have a word with you! I have a case on my hands that seems well suited to your skills.”
Mother perked up a bit at that. “Hmm. For now I’ll just take a general overview. I assume you do not have any official documents regarding it on your person currently, yes?”
Momo let out a small breath at the attention being directed away from her. “I’ll be going to get a refreshment, Mother,” she announced, though she doubted that she was heard. She made a beeline for the aforementioned table. It was often at these kinds of get-togethers that there were two separate refreshment areas; one for the younger crowd and another for the adults. She grabbed the ladle in the punch bowl and started to pour some into a decorative plastic cup for herself. There were orange and lemon slivers floating on the surface of the liquid so she prepared herself for the tart bite of citrus on her tongue, a small smile on her lips.
For a second she thought of Shoto, most likely settled in the dorms with his Nintendo Switch, most likely catching bugs or fishing on his new Animal Crossing game. The system and game - according to him - were a bribe from Hawks to keep some secret from Endeavor. Shoto had held up that part of the bargain but, he confessed, had snitched to Natsuo. It had been the most entertaining family meal they’d had in a while after that, he assured, and she giggled to herself as she sipped her drink. He may not seem like it, but Shoto had a mischievous streak in him.
“No way! Is that you, Nashi?” She jumped and whipped around, noticing a group of three boys around her age approaching. She recognized one of them from her first grade school, before she’d started her transition, but it took a moment to place a name to the face.
She plastered on a smile as she turned to face them fully. “It’s Momo, actually. It’s good to see you again, though, Hiroki-Kun,”
Hiroki blinked and tilted his head, confused for a moment, before his eyes widened in epiphany. “Oh, okay, my bad! Momo it is!” he agreed with a grin before indicating the other two with him. “Well, let me introduce you! This guy to my left is Yori, and the one to my right is Manzo! Guys, this is Momo, the one I was telling you about!” His tone dipped slightly as he introduced the second boy with him, as if saying his name had left a bitter taste in his mouth, but quickly perked back up after.
Yori offered a shy smile, staying close to Hiroki, but still offering her his hand. “It’s very nice to meet you, Momo-San. Hiroki-Kun says a lot of great things about you,” he said quietly.
"Does he?" she asked in slight surprise.
Hiroki grinned at her, folding his hands behind his head. "Of course! You were, like, the coolest kid on the playground! Cool Quirk, super nice, really smart… Who wouldn't admire that?"
She looked away bashfully and giggled. "You're too kind, Hiroki-Kun," she mused, turning her attention to Manzo. She held out her hand to shake his hand next. "You're Manzo-Kun, right?"
“And you’re Nashi, yeah?” he quipped, stuffing his hands in the pockets of his slacks.
She flinched and shook her head, still trying to be civil. “No, I’m not. As I just told Hiroki-Kun, my name is Momo,”
“Your name now is Momo, but your real name is Nashi,” he retorted.
Her hand dropped to her side, clenching into a fist at her side as she tried to keep her cool. “Momo is my real name!”
“No,” Manzo laughed, taking a step towards her that caused her to take a step back, “Momo is the name you use to play dress up.”
Hiroki stepped forward, shoving an arm against Manzo’s chest and nudging him back that step. “Dude, don’t be a disrespectful ass!”
“She hasn’t said or done anything to offend you. And even if she did, that doesn’t give you the right to act like this,” Yori chimed in as well, a disappointed frown on his face.
Manzo glared before shoving Hiroki’s arm aside and advancing on Yori, who recoiled at his approach. “Oh, what? You think just because you have your stupid little buddy here you’re hot shit?” he barked, moving to shove him.
In a flash, Momo rushed forward and grabbed his arm. “Leave him alone!” she snapped.
Manzo whipped around to face her and wretched his arm free, a nasty grin on his face. “Oh, what, you wanna fight about it? Fine! Let’s fight like men! Since that’s what you really are, Nashi-Kun!” he goaded.
“I’m not a boy and my name isn’t Nashi!” she shouted back, grip on his arm tightening slightly as angry tears started to pool in her eyes. “My name is Yaoyorozu Momo and I’m a girl!”
There was a beat of silence following her words, making her glance up as she realized that all conversation had died around them. Her stomach churned at the realization of the spectacle they’d become. She wasn’t supposed to behave like this! She was supposed to come and be the perfectly sociable young lady her parents had raised her to be. She wasn’t supposed to be getting dragged into situations like this.
“What is the meaning of all of this?” Mother’s curt tone cut in, snapping her from her thoughts. She had to steel herself to look up only to see that furious orange eyes were not fixated on Momo herself, rather, Manzo.
“Yes, son, explain,” another voice chimed in from behind Mother. The man she’d been chatting with when Momo first wandered away approached, looking directly at Manzo with a clearly forced smile on his face.
Manzo opened up his mouth to speak when Hiroki interrupted with “Manzo was being a dick to Momo! He wouldn’t respect her identity or name!”
“I was just stating the truth!” Manzo sneered angrily, finally wrenching his arm free from her grasp.
“Son, you-!”
“Momo, we are leaving. Now,” Mother said, tone clipped and flat.
Manzo’s father looked at her in panic. “Um, uh, Yaoyorozu-San, how about we select a time to discuss that case I mentioned in a more professional setting? One where the adults can talk without the children around?”
Mother glared at him, the look so harsh he shrunk back, before moving to wrap an arm over Momo’s shoulders to lead her out. She said nothing as she allowed Mother to lead her out and to the car, the air between them tense and awkward, barely catching Hiroki trying to call an apology after her and Manzo’s father berating him.
The silence in the back of the limo once they were settled inside was staggering, making Momo wish she could stick her head out the window to scream instead of keeping her gaze fixed on her toes. It was even worse than the air between them on the walk over with the added lack of escape route. She felt like such a failure as she struggled to take in breaths to keep herself composed. She was a top student in the top class at the top Pro Heroics school, for crying out loud! She should be able to handle herself against a bigoted moron! He shouldn't be more terrifying than the ruthless villains she'd faced!
“Momo,” Mother said, her tone so shockingly soft that her head jerked up. Her gaze was fixated on her, as unreadable as ever.
Momo swallowed thickly as she forced herself to square her shoulders. She should apologize for her behavior. She’d caused a scene and surely Mother had been embarrassed by that. “I’m sorry, Mother,” she said, trying to keep her voice steady.
“You don’t have anything to apologize for,” she said, blinking in surprise at her words. There was another pregnant pause as Momo let her gaze wander away again, fixated on a small fuzz ball in the limo carpeting by the heel of her left shoe. “Is that normal? What that little brat was saying and doing. Is that what normally happens to you at these kinds of things?”
She squeezed her eyes shut and nodded timidly, wringing her hands in her lap. “I’m sorry, for blowing up like that. I can normally keep myself more composed than that during im-!”
“Do not apologize to me, Momo; you were not in the wrong,” she insisted, her voice catching in a mix of irritation and… concern? Mother opened her mouth three times before shutting it again and sighing, her shoulders slumping. “So this has happened and you never told us.”
Feeling a lump sprout and block her throat, Momo could only nod in response.
Mother lifted her head to meet Momo’s eye, her expression filled with sadness and regret. “You don’t feel comfortable coming to me with these concerns, do you?”
“It’s not just… I… So many more important things are going on right now. I don’t want to put more on your plate,” she said softly.
“Nothing is more important than you, Momo,” she argued with a shake of her head. She looked away for a moment before taking a breath and reaching out, setting one of her hands on top of Momo’s. “I haven’t always been the best with affection when it comes to you, or, well, really anyone aside from your Father. I suppose that I had always assumed that it was fine to leave those things to him, that one of us would focus on the emotional side of things and the other the more practical. Father was the fun parent you could play games and sing songs with, while I was the parent who made sure you kept your Quirk in check and your grades up. I thought… I thought that would be a good balance, that it would give you everything you needed. I’ve come to understand how wrong that belief was.”
She placed her other hand above her heart, giving Momo’s a small squeeze as she held her gaze. “I’m going to work at being better for you, at giving you what you need from me. I need you to understand that my failings as a mother... None of that was ever your fault. I’m sorry that my actions made it seem like my love is something you have to work to earn. I love you, Momo, and I’m sorry I’ve presented that fact as being conditional and not eternal,”
She could feel more tears starting to pool in her eyes before she surged forward to embrace Mother. She was tense for a second before she embraced her back, one hand gently combing through her hair soothingly. The rest of the ride back to campus was spent like that, with her face burrowed into Mother’s arms as she cried and settled. It was strange, how nice it felt. It wasn’t like the bear hugs Father used to give her, where her small frame would be completely enveloped and held snug. No, this was something a bit more careful and delicate, something nostalgic and delicate but just as important.
Mother offered to walk her in, carefully dabbing the smeared mascara and smudged eyeshadow aside with a handkerchief, but Momo insisted she’d be fine alone. After stepping out of the vehicle and into the brisk evening air, she took a breath to help settle her nerves and maybe alleviate the twinge of a small headache she could feel brewing. It rattled inside her, still a little shaken up, but she squared her shoulders and made the trek inside. Mother didn’t leave until she was inside, she noted, and made a mental note to talk to her later more about everything that had happened that night. The incident with Manzo had been one thing, but there was the separate can of worms it had opened that she wanted to take care of, too.
She made sure to be quiet as she made her way to the elevator, the sounds of some of their peers milling about in the living room easy to hear. She was pretty sure they were gearing up for their Saturday evening game fest. Surely there’d be a barrage of broken controllers a la Bakugo if it was one of their Super Smash nights, she thought with a small huff, before turning to hit the elevator button. “Momo?” A familiar voice chimed beside her, causing her to jump.
She turned and blinked to be greeted by Todoroki Shoto, staring at her with his usual unreadable face, and let out a small squeak of shock. “Ah, Shoto,” she sighed as her shoulders sagged slightly. “Perhaps Ochako-Chan’s suggestion of putting a bell on you wouldn't be such a bad suggestion. You startled me.”
He hummed in acknowledgement, tilting his head as if sizing her up, and blinked slowly. “I got my Snooty and Cranky villagers earlier,” he said.
She gasped before pouting at him. “You said you’d wait for me to do any more island hopping, Shoto!” she huffed.
“I needed to load up so I could give Ojiro some oranges, and then I got kinda wrapped up doing stuff,” he admitted. He stole a glance at their classmates as Sato and Tooru made their way from the kitchen area with a few bowls and snacks. “Are you going to join everyone else for JackBox tonight?”
She shook her head. “No. Tonight has been a bit more… eventful than I would have liked,” she said, making sure to keep her composure. She didn’t want to worry him over it all. “I just want to go finish washing off the make up, put on some comfortable clothes and relax.”
“I’ll get snacks, then,”
“Huh? Snacks?”
“I still have two plots left for my island and a lot of Nook miles tickets. You get changed and I’ll meet you in your room in a few minutes so we can do them together,” And with that, he moved towards the kitchen.
She blinked and watched him before letting out a small laugh and shaking her head, hitting the elevator button. Shoto was an odd one to be sure, especially since he’d started working towards coming out of his shell more. A part of her was grateful but another part found his stubborn streak to be a bit exasperating. Then again, he only seemed to push when he knew something was wrong, so maybe it was more just trying to offer comfort? Despite his usual aloof demeanor, he was surprisingly astute at reading a room. As to whether or not he could understand how to react to what he was able to deduce was another matter entirely, though.
She set that aside while she got washed up and changed. Her mind shifted gears as she stared at her reflection, thinking about what Mother had said. She felt a tightness in her chest as her mind whirled again. There was some comfort in Mother acknowledging that there was room for growth, sure, but… The catalyst that remained unsaid left her sick. Even if Mother hadn’t said it, she knew this was a reaction to the looming shadow of Father’s death. She had to swallow a growing lump in her throat and shake her head, put those thoughts to bed until a more appropriate time.
She didn’t want to ruin the rest of she or Shoto’s evenings.
She opted for some old sweats and a tank top, taking a moment to comb her hair out from the complex updo it had been styled into, opting to leave it loose afterwards to help abate the small headache she had brewing. Though, if she was honest, sitting and playing games with her boyfriend seemed like a nice way to wind down. She had been having a blast watching Shoto become completely enamored with his little island and all the cute animal villagers with him.
She’d had her own file a good time longer than him and was mostly done with all the villager-hunting and replacing she’d wanted to do but found watching him work through his first experience with it endearing. He’d never even played an Animal Crossing game before so everything was completely new to him. Once she was settled, she took her unit off the dock and propped open the door. Not too long after she’d taken the time to give daily gifts to Phoebe, Ozzie, Chai and Shep, Shoto appeared in the doorway. He had four lychee ramunes, a bowl of popcorn, a bag of konpeito, a variety bag of hi-chews and a package of black licorice tucked away in his arms, his Switch case strap around his wrist. “Ah, here, let me help you,” she urged, setting her Switch down and getting up to help him. “Also, you can dock your Switch on mine. That way we can see your island visits on the big screen together.”
“Thanks. I grabbed a few different things but I can go downstairs and get more later,” he offered as she took the drinks and popcorn. He set the other snacks down on her dresser before heading over to her bed to rearrange the pillows to form the usual cocoon they made for play sessions together. She took his Switch and docked it for him, then grabbed his joycons and put them in the controller holder. Once that was all set up, Shoto settled into the large pillowy ring with his legs spread so that she could settle between them, resting her back against his chest, him using her pillows to prop him up and her relying on him.
She used her remote to flick on the television, then grabbed her console from the other end of the bed and reached for the bowl of popcorn, popping a few pieces into her mouth. “So you did some island hopping while I was gone? Find anyone you liked?” she asked as they watched his game load up.
“I encountered Diana on one of them. She talked to me like she didn’t know me, which was weird,” he said.
“Well, of course she did! That Diana is different from the Diana on my island,” she giggled. She then perked up and glanced up at him. “Oh, and I still need to come get some oranges from you. They’re the only fruit I’m missing on my island.”
“I still can’t believe that out of the fourteen people that have this game, I’m the only one who ended up with oranges as their island fruit. Or that one of you didn’t at least get it as your exotic option,” he commented as his character stepped out of his house. “Oh, and how soon before I can move my villagers' houses?” 
“You’ve already gotten your first three furnished homes, so I think you should have access to it. It’s just a matter of having the bells to spend on moving someone,” she explained as she glanced down at her own screen. Shep came rushing from the left to talk to her excitedly. “Who were you thinking about moving?”
“Roald. I want to move him to the other side of the island from me,”
“Aw, why? He’s so cute!”
“I think he’s plotting to kill me,” he said, completely serious as he stopped in front of the penguin in question's house. When he’d first made his file, Shari and Roald were his beginning villagers and he’d decided to place their tents close to his own for the sake of ease.
She snorted and looked up at him. “He’s just a penguin, Shoto,”
“Just look at his eyes, Momo… He’s a villainous mastermind,” To illustrate his point, he ran his character in a circle around the little avatar, before turning and darting to the left. “That’s why I need more villagers like Ruby and Kyle, who have my back no matter what. I need a whole squad for the day he finally snaps.”
“You don’t think Gayle and Punchy would have your back?”
“Gayle would probably be on my side. She and Roald had a fight the other day so there’s bad blood there. But I don’t want Punchy putting his life on the line. He is a precious boy who must be protected,” he said, glancing down at her with a stern gaze.
She couldn’t help but snort at the expression. Specifically in that it was being enacted regarding pixelated animals on a Nintendo game. “And did you find anyone worthy of enlisting for this most noble of causes?” she teased.
He hummed, reaching with one hand to grab a bit of popcorn himself as he came to a stop between a labelled plot at the edge of the beach. He clicked on the sign, pulling up a card that read “This spot reserved for Static’s new home.”
“Oh, you got Static? He’s a great choice for your Cranky!”
“I like that he is a very tiny squirrel with a very deep voice,” he said.
“Much like how you like that Punchy is a cat and is Lazy?”
“You get me,” he said before running upwards. He crossed a bridge to another area to show another plot with a sign that read “This spot reserved for Willow’s new home.”
Momo giggled. “Willow’s a good choice, too. I almost expected that you’d try to get another cat villager for your Snooty villager, but sheep villagers are always a good one, too,” she said excitedly. She plopped a few more pieces of popcorn into her mouth as she walked into Bruce’s house on her own game. “So you officially have every personality type on your island! Do you have any idea as to what kind of personality types you’d like to have duplicates of?”
“Hmm… Not too sure. You have two Jocks and two Normals, right?” As he asked that, he ran back to his Resources Center to get the first of his last two house kits.
“Yeah. I have Bam and Tybalt, and Bertha and Savannah,” she hummed. She watched as he placed the new house right behind his own, as if it would be watching the back of his own. She rolled her eyes and shook her head at the sheer ridiculousness of him.
He hummed thoughtfully before he made his way into the airport. “I guess I’ll just go for characters I like. Personality doesn’t really matter to me since I already have one of every type.”
“That’s a good approach, I think,” she hummed, tossing a bit more popcorn into her mouth. “How many Nook Tickets do you have?” 
“13,” he said while speeding through the dialogue to board the plane. “I farmed Nook miles after I found Static and Willow so I could go get more villagers once you got back.”
She tilted her head up and pressed a small kiss to his chin. “So sweet,” she hummed before looking down at her own game as she started looking for her daily fossils. She’d already completed the fossil exhibits in her game, but like the extra scratch she got from selling the duplicates.
For a moment things were quiet as Shoto used his ladder to climb up the three tiers of the small island to the top, where his potential new villager was waiting. To then immediately start climbing back down at the sheep sitting in front of the campfire. “Nope. Nope. N. O. P. E,” he mumbled as he did.
“Aw, you don’t want Pietro? He’s considered rare!”
“And he can stay rare and away from my island,”
The next three islands were deemed ones Shoto wasn’t interested in - Eugene, Jeremiah and Limberg - not that she could blame him with Limberg. “He’s not particularly good,” she mumbled.
“You know, I don’t think I’ve seen a single mouse villager that I like the design of,” he commented as he wandered off the desk and onto his fifth island.
“Bree and Dora are pretty cute but most of them are really lackluster,” she agreed, saving her own file and setting her Switch in her lap as he approached the campfire.
Shoto blinked in slight surprise. “A snow leopard?”
“Actually, Bianca’s classified as a tiger, despite her markings,” she said. She watched as he immediately invited her to his island. “Just so you know, she’s a Peppy type, I think.”
“She looks like Fuyumi-Nee,” he said. Ah, of course that would be enough to get him on board with adding Bianca to his roster.
She set her Switch aside and carefully maneuvered off of her bed. “I’m going to open one of the ramune. Do you want me to open one for you, too?”
She made quick work of opening the drinks and offering him his once he finished placing his last plot back on his own island. She took a quick sip from hers before opening the package of black licorice and eating a piece as she watched him. “Mind if I ask you something unrelated, Shoto?”
He glanced up at her, mismatched eyes sparking with something she couldn’t quite place, before he set his drink on the bedside table and patted the space she’d left. “Sure,” he said, his avatar boarding the plane to do his next round of island hops.
She was quick to settle back in with him, turning her body this time to snuggle into his chest. She felt him shift to wrap his arms around her, controller lax in his hand. “We’ve discussed it before but… What do you think it takes to forgive someone?”
He let out a thoughtful noise. “Well, I think forgiveness is different from person to person. Everyone has a threshold for what they feel is forgivable, so I think that needs to be considered,” He set the controller off to the side to card one hand through her hair while the other stroked up along her spine, the movements slow and soothing. “Speaking from my own situation… I chose forgiveness because I could see a genuine change and a refusal to shy away from the wrongs that had been done. I’m still keeping a distance, and I’m ready to burn that bridge in a heartbeat if I see a relapse, but… I can see authentic change. And that’s enough for me to offer my tentative, conditional forgiveness.” 
She nodded at his words, closing her eyes and burrowing into him further. She had always wanted to have a better relationship with Mother, if she was honest. So… This could be a good chance for that, right? They could work on mending things between them and find some common ground. The thought of having a better relationship with her left a warmth in her chest, one that made her smile. Could they have proper Mother-Daughter days? Maybe she could learn more about the older woman’s hobbies and interests outside of Pro Heroics work? That could be nice. “Thank you, Shoto,” she mumbled.
“Any time, Momo,” he said, tipping his head to press a peck to the top of her head. He perked up again and glanced at the screen. “Not to derail but… I think it’s another cat?”
“Oh yeah? What color?” she mumbled.
He shifted his hands to pick his controller back up, keeping his arms looped around her though. “Grey. Oh, their eyes are different colors,”
“Oh, that’s-!” Momo’s eyes snapped open and she sat up, looking wildly over her shoulder at the screen. “Shoto, that’s Raymond! You got Raymond!”
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Updated a few of my characters’ pictures last night when I was having an ADHD moment while playing WoW. 
Daryl “Mason” Knox - This version of Daryl is part of our Zombie storyline (the premise of which I barely remember) and currently in the mountains above Colorado. He is a survivalist already, tanner, taxidermist and wicked good shot and when the virus began circulating, he packed up his pickup truck and headed as far into the mountains as he could. He had been in Tennessee for a little while but left there when the area started to fall as well, moving around a lot for a while before settling high in the mountains where it’s coldest, realizing the undead have a hard time moving through the snow and it seems to make their bodies more brittle. He stumbles upon Ryki and Kristy’s group (shortly after they get Mikael back from the roaming motorcycle gang (see Widower/Simon). Daryl was under the assumption that most of his family had died when the virus first took hold and started using his middle name, Mason, instead of his last name. 
Daryl Knox - Daryl is the survivalist of the Knox men, the youngest but the one who has his fingers the most in the various family businesses and also the one who discovers that a good portion of the Knox family land that backs the Blue Ridge Mountain range actually belonged to the Cherokee tribe and gives it back to them, only asking if they can continue to use the land as the hunting area he currently has it set up as. Daryl and his brothers also took a portion of the money made from the Knox Lodge (a small series of cabins built closest to the Chattahoochee National Park people can rent and go fishing and hunting for deer, quail and even armadillos) and give it back to the slave families that their great great grandfather had working for them. Daryl is quieter than the rest of his brothers, sticking to living away from nearly everyone and only coming down from the mountains when he is dropping off supplies at the Knox Family General Store in Jasper, Georgia where the family is primarily from. The general store is very rustic looking, with the old fashioned candy jars behind the counter and a small restaurant in the back where the family sells their homemade pies. (They also sell locally made and sourced jellies and jams, as well as jerky and unique gifts. Think trading post for the interior) A skilled taxidermist, Daryl has a special he runs through the Lodge that if you shoot it, he’ll stuff it (for a fee of course). 
Schyler Lewis - A former Scorpion and currently a Slayer in Los Angeles, Schyler is quiet but loving and loyal. He’s also one hell of a shot with pretty much anything, though he prefers knives over everything. He has a deep respect for RJ Jamison, as well as the former leader, BP and keeps a protective/big brother kind of watch on Queenie. He and Simon are pretty good friends, he often tries to keep an eye on the older man to keep him from going crazy.
Trevor Phillips (nothing changed, just both versions of him are going to use the same picture)
Simon Knox - Simon is the middle Knox brother, only a few years older than Daryl though he’s not particularly close to most of his family anymore. He and Jericho had once been vying for the same girl’s attention, but when he was sent to prison for a bar fight/blackout he missed the chance to be with her, even though he does very much still love her. When Simon was released from prison, Jericho gave him the chance to come home and get back on his feet again (the courts and mental health professionals released him on account of him having absolutely no memory of the bar fight other than some kid pushing him too hard and spitting on him. His anger flared up and he didn’t remember anything that had happened after that point. It wasn’t until an officer hit him on the back of the head did he come around again) and while he’s there, he and Maggie ended up in bed together after he told her what had happened. He had a ring and had been going out with a few friends the night before coming to see her. He is actually Ryder’s father, and Jericho does know. Following Ryder’s first outburst and slamming his head into the wall, tearing a stuffed animal and general unprovoked rage, Jericho had come to bed with a few scratches on his arms and gently kissed Maggie’s forehead, not coming right out and saying anything about the possibility but just telling her that whatever thing that’s weighing on her heart right now, it’s okay and he forgives her.  (Ryder has similar violent outbursts like his father, though recognizing it as was what going on with Simon, Jericho instead got his son therapy to deal with the outbursts as well as getting him involved in boxing.)
Following Ryder’s birth (and Simon getting to hold his son), Simon leaves and joins the Outlaw motorcycle gang though moves around a lot after that, winding up “settling” with Haven for a while before finally establishing a place with the Scorpions. He made quick friends with Schyler, despite a several year age gap, and when the Scorpions were assimilated into the Slayers in LA, he stayed on with them. He is prone to blackouts and violent outbursts and unfortunately does not possess much in the way of empathy toward nearly anyone. He does very much like children, and wouldn’t mind finally getting to have a family of his own. He is pansexual and it doesn’t seem to matter to him who he’s with, as long as they’re over a certain age. He’s not overly thrilled with the relationship RJ has with Jamie but she’s safe and not in any danger so he doesn’t say much about it either way. He and Floki of the Vikings have rolled around a few times, but generally speaking he is still very much in love with Maggie. Part of the reason he stays away from his family is because of how Jericho has been treating his “dying” wife. (Jericho is having an affair with a younger nurse/friend of his daughter Lorelei, while his wife is presumed to be dying from stage 4 cancer. She does make a rather miraculous recovery though, leaving him and going out to the man who has always loved her) 
Simon has some seriously reckless traits and has actually had to be sedated by members of his own gang because his anger will flare up and he goes berserk. He has NO control over his actions whenever he blacks out either. Following BP and his wife’s untimely death, Simon is taken by the Slayers along with several others and thrown into the Pit, basically an abandoned warehouse near the docks that has been hollowed out and made into a fight arena. Because of his anger issues there’s a few that believe he could have been pushed to a breaking point and lashed out, though BP never pushed his buttons and he has no desire to take the gang over. When Rollo and a handful of the Vikings reveal themselves as the masterminds (and hired by Marcone to do the deed), Simon is the one who takes an axe off of Floki’s hip, throwing it into the back of Rollo’s head before kneeling down in front of Queenie and telling her he’s always been loyal to BP and subsequently, to her.
Widower (Simon Knox) - This version of Simon is for our zombie alt world and currently in Tennessee with the Savior gang run by a Negan type. In this world, Simon was able to remarry Maggie and the two of them were living quiet happily, considering starting their family when her cancer makes a return and is incredible aggressive. As the virus starts to spread through Atlanta and they begin seeing how it eats away at the host’s body only to reanimate them, Maggie begs Simon to shoot her so she doesn’t have to suffer through her cancer and the possibility of getting the virus. At first he refuses to do it but after the hospitals shut down due to too many people contracting the virus, he takes her up to one his brother’s hunting cabins and shoots her, burying her in the backyard. He had attempted to shoot himself as well but the gun jammed and he ended up throwing it into the river instead. After Atlanta falls and the zombie virus appears to be spreading through the small towns, taking the Knox family out as far as he can tell. He and Daryl were traveling together for a little while but were separated and Simon lost track of his little brother. Assuming that his family is dead (since there’s no trace of any of them and the communications network was the first thing to go down) he gets on the back of his motorcycle and leaves. He first meets Morgan (Negan) and his group, Haven, when they stumble upon one another trying to refuel and get supplies. Simon is unhinged and no longer even trying to hide his homicidal side, since no one is there to hold him back any longer he’s completely off his rocker. He initially told Morgan and the rest to call him Widower, as he didn’t even want to link himself to the man he used to be. If the virus is ever contained, he isn’t sure there’s going to be much of a world left for him. 
Widower, Morgan and I think there’s an NPC version of Schyler with them as well find 5 yr old Mikael after the little boy panicked and ran from his aunt and uncle’s convoy during one of the zombie attacks. Morgan grabbed the boy as he was crying by the back of his jacket and puts him onto his motorcycle leading Kristy and Ryki and their group to give chase to get him back. Morgan had a son once and may have done this in order to protect him, not initially seeing the small group of survivors on the road. Widower takes over kind of protecting the little boy when their group stops at an old warehouse they use as a base. 
Morgan Caldwell - I haven’t actually decided if I’m going to make Morgan but he is Sam Caldwell’s older brother and Martin & Lynn’s uncle. He is the leader of the Haven motorcycle gang which moves around a lot and Simon was part of for a while. He is incredibly disappointed in how his little brother acts and very much wants to meet his estranged niece and nephew. 
Morgan “Negan” Caldwell - The zombie-verse version of Morgan, I know little about the man other than Widower is his right hand man and fiercely loyal to him. He genuinely seems to be concerned for Mikael and after meeting Kristy and finding out she’s pregnant while going through the virus, he may offer their services to them, as protection (or he may try to keep Kristy with him and his group masking using the air of wanting to protect her until she gives birth) There’s a lot of ways this guy can go. He isn’t particularly trustworthy, and has said one thing only to do the direct opposite of that less than a few minutes later. 
Kevin Reynolds - the oldest Reynolds brother and also the only one that’s biological to the Reynolds family. Kevin was 10 when Matt was adopted and 12 when Vartan came to live with them as well. The family typically fosters children, and seeks to give them a better life than the one they had. Kevin is currently in his later 40s, and lives in Chicago where he owns an old-fashioned record store (with actual records on the upstairs level) called Empire Records, or just The Empire by his teen/20-something staff. Kevin is gay and actually just lost his husband Jimmy to AIDS. Jimmy was the drummer for his brothers’ band Silex, and actually younger than Kevin was as well. He is currently having issues with depression following the loss of the only love in his life (up til now, obviously), though he actually has clinical depression as well. He and Matt absolutely cannot stand one another, mostly due to Matt’s homophobia, though Kevin has always been out so he’s not sure exactly where that stems from. He and Vartan are close, despite the 12 year age gap. Empire Records is a somewhat failing business, though is eventually brought under the wing of Revolver Records for its vintage, throwback to the late 80s/90s music scene and often becomes the site of the Revolver bands’ signings, which boosts their sales quite a bit too. 
Ryder Knox is getting a new picture, I just need to figure out who he actually looks like, taking his dad into a bit more consideration right now. The Knox men also all have a very distinct smile, so gotta find someone that fits. I’m stuck between these two: 
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Ryder is 22 years old and lives in an apartment on his own which he pays for by an OnlyFans account. With close to 1000 subscribers, he makes money selling pictures of anything from his feet to being shirtless (sometimes in his underwear) on parts of the Knox farmland. Very gay but not very out about it. 
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comradekatara · 4 years
sunset glow - a short mai x ty lee fanfic for mailee week (PG, 3k words)
Stuck in a cell together, they find themselves, surprisingly, without a lot to talk about. They’ve just spent months traveling together and experiencing everything as a pair, but how do they talk about what just happened?
Ty Lee breaks the silence first. “Sad about your uncle’s record,” she offers.
“Sad about our future,” Mai returns dully, not taking her eyes off the wall directly opposite her.
It’s surprising, really, that they were put in a cell together. Surprising Azula didn’t forbid it. Normally any special treatment they receive on their travels is because of Azula, or if a certain type of man is involved then maybe Ty Lee, but Mai wonders darkly if her status as the warden’s niece is what’s helping them now. It figures that the one time things go favorably for her would still end with them both in prison.
Still. It is unnerving Azula let it happen.
“Do you think the Princess is alright?” Ty Lee asks, eerily echoing Mai’s stream of consciousness.
Mai cocks her head to look at her. She swallows. “I don’t think we’re gonna find out either way.”
Ty Lee stretches one of her arms sideways across her chest, then the other. She keeps her gaze on Mai. “Probably not.”
It seems that at night, the firebender guards extinguish the torches in the hallways and patrol with their own palm-sized flames. Ty Lee watches the guards patrol in the hall through the small slot in the door while Mai tries to get comfortable on their ratty mattress.
“It’s weird that they have firebender guards here, isn’t it?” Ty Lee remarks quietly. “You’d think they’d all be in the army. The Firelord talks like that’s where all our esteemed firebenders should be directing their ‘gifts.’”
Mai rolls onto her side and faces the back wall. “I guess bender guards make it easier to break up fire fights,” she says.
“Firebender guards and firebender prisoners, huh,” Ty Lee muses. “I thought they were supposed to be the best the world has to offer.”
Mai laughs out loud. Facing the wall, she doesn’t see that her laugh makes Ty Lee smile.
They get two interruptions a day. Every morning, a guard takes them to wash and relieve themselves. When they get back to the cell, there’s food and water waiting. The only other interruption they get is at night, when the guards take them to the latrine again just before lights out. If they need to relieve themselves any other time during the day, they have to call for a guard. Mai hates the way the guards look at her, with a mix of disgust and pity. Usually Ty Lee takes care of talking to the guards for both of them.
There’s only one mattress their first night and they share it. On the third night, the guards dump another mattress in the cell. It smells slightly better than the first. Ty Lee insists that Mai take it, and crawls onto the old one before Mai can argue. But even though it’s summer, it’s cold in their underground cell, so by the fifth night, they’re back to the original sleeping arrangements, squeezing as tight as they can onto the first mattress with the second one awkwardly on top of them like a blanket.
It’s not comfortable. They both thrash in their sleep when they dream.
By the end of their first week, they’re both starting to look disheveled, and Mai offers to braid Ty Lee’s hair. To her surprise, Ty Lee accepts. Mai sits on the mattress with her back against the wall and Ty Lee sits between her thighs, leaning her head down.
“Do you think our parents know where we are?” Mai asks as she works hair over hair. She’s trying to be both gentle and neat, but above all, to keep from touching Ty Lee’s neck and shoulders unnecessarily. Ty Lee is sitting stiller than Mai has ever seen her, and Mai just has the strange feeling that it would be embarrassing to touch her by accident when Ty Lee is making it so easy not to.
“My parents don’t even know I was with Princess Azula,” Ty Lee admits.
Mai tries to visualize Ty Lee’s family. When they spent time together as children, they’d mostly done so at the palace; it was always more of an effort for Azula and Zuko to leave the palace grounds than it was for Mai and Ty Lee to just come visit. But she vaguely remembers Ty Lee’s parents, a harried mother and disinterested father, overwhelmed by too many daughters who all had to look presentable and be excellent.
“It happened fast,” Ty Lee adds. “I was at work, then the Princess came to invite me to join her, and then we were on the road. So I just didn’t have time to tell them.”
A dot of sweat blooms on the back of Ty Lee’s bare neck. Mai stares at the hair in her hands and then back at Ty Lee’s neck in time to see a second dot of sweat materialize. She’s never seen Ty Lee up close from this angle before. She starts to wonder if Ty Lee might have made sure of that. If this might be a particularly vulnerable position for Ty Lee. If she sweats from the back of her neck when she lies.
If she agreed to let Mai braid her hair because she’s growing to trust her.
“My parents knew,” Mai says quietly. “A royal summons was basically the only way to get away from them. Otherwise I’d still be in Omashu cleaning up after Tom-Tom.”
Ty Lee swivels all the way around at the mention of Tom-Tom. As she turns, Mai’s hand grazes her neck. Ty Lee doesn’t seem to even register it, but Mai stares down at her hand as she processes the unplanned motion.
“How is Tom-Tom?” Ty Lee asks, looking fond and earnest. “Does he talk yet?”
Mai racks her brain. It’s only been a few months since she left Omashu, but life before she was involved in the war feels like a lifetime ago. “I don’t remember.”
Day seven and the guards give them their kindest indulgence yet. In the evening, Mai and Ty Lee are given an hour in the yard outside, without any of the other prisoners.
They step outside and Mai immediately tilts her head up to the sun, unable to resist the breeze on her face. “Close your eyes,” Ty Lee advises as she does the same thing, but it’s a second too late, and Mai is already seeing blue spots in her vision. She has to look down and blink repeatedly before they go away. Sheepishly, she closes her eyes hard before she tilts her head back up to enjoy the sunlight on her face again.
Ty Lee shifts beside her and their shoulders touch. Neither one moves away. “Okay, would you rather have to spend all day in the sun every day, or never see the sun again?”
Mai ponders that.
“Before we got here, I would have guessed you’d pick never see the sun,” Ty Lee adds, and suddenly the warmth of her shoulder is gone, and Mai hears the rustle of fabric as she moves away. “But now that we’ve been inside, is it different?”
Mai tilts her head back down and opens her eyes. Ty Lee is gone from eye level. She follows her voice and looks down to find Ty Lee laying on the ground, her eyes still closed.
“Yeah, it’s different,” Mai says, and she sits down to join her. She keeps her eyes open and looks down at her lap for a long moment before she lays back. “I pick sun.”
The hour feels like an instant.
On day ten, Mai tells Ty Lee about what happened with Zuko.
She feels stupid, because “girl talk” has never come naturally to her and she can’t imagine a less worthwhile subject than the shitty ex-boyfriend for whom she unintentionally gave up her freedom.
“It’s so stupid,” she says as she finishes her story. “There was no reason to fight Azula for him. It’s not like we were ever gonna get back together. I didn’t even like dating him.”
“You didn’t?” Ty Lee says, but her tone makes it clear that she knew this and said nothing.
Mai looks down at her hands. A flush tints her cheeks. Ty Lee spares her from having to answer by adding, “He didn’t seem like a very good boyfriend.”
Mai snorts. “He wasn’t. He was self-involved. I mean, I think he’s just caught up in his own shit.” She looks down, allowing her hair to fall into her face and hide her eyes as she goes on, “But... I don’t think it would have been different with any other boy.”
Ty Lee nods exuberantly. “Boys are exhausting,” she agrees. Her expression looks serious, and as Mai eyes her curiously through her curtain of hair in search of an underlying meaning, a twitch in her posture seems to convey assent. “It’s good that you’re single.”
The weird thing about sleeping side-by-side is how attuned they become to each other’s breathing.
Sometimes, Ty Lee wakes up in the middle of the night and when she opens her eyes and looks to the side, she always finds that Mai’s eyes are open too.
Day eighteen is different. The torches in the hallway come on like always, but the guard who takes them to bathe doesn’t show up until later. By the time she shows up, Ty Lee is already desperate for a bathroom. She starts to hurry out of the cell but the guard stops her. “Just her,” the woman says, jerking her chin toward Mai.
“What’s going on?” Mai asks, getting to her feet.
“Just come with me,” the guard repeats. “Your uncle’s orders.”
Mai barely manages to make eye contact with Ty Lee -- a fleeting, awkward, almost apologetic expression -- before the guard takes her shoulders and steers her away.
When they reach her uncle’s office, Mai finds him stuffing items into a bag. He tells her, without meeting her eyes, that there are rumors that a large military operation is heading for the Earth Kingdom. Many of the guards have been summoned to help with the invasion, and the Boiling Rock will be vulnerable. There are even rumors that they might miss a food delivery or two. He explains that it isn’t standard operating procedure for the warden to leave, but under the circumstances, and here he waves a hand at Mai...
“What about Ty Lee?” Mai interrupts sharply. “If you’re trying to protect me, you need to protect her too. She’s my same age and she doesn’t belong here either.”
But as with everything Mai ever says to the adults in her life, it falls on deaf ears.
They leave by gondola within the hour.
They spend the night at an inn. Mai gets her own room. Her uncle lets her in, but then he keeps the key. He tells her sternly not to leave.
It feels surreal to have privacy for the first time in weeks. More than that, really; it wasn’t like she had any real privacy while traveling with Azula. Even on the nights when she had her own bedroom, she could never completely rule out the possibility that Azula might intrude on her during the night and demand an audience for some new speech or change in plans.
She bathes, relishing the soap and towel, and then lays back on the bed for a moment. It’s such an improvement over what she’s become used to, but it’s also chilly and eerily quiet without Ty Lee breathing beside her. Mai gets up and rifles through drawers until she finds paper and ink and starts to write a letter.
There’s no way to send it. Prisoners of the Boiling Rock don’t receive mail. She writes until she’s out of space, and then she folds it up and puts it in her pocket for safekeeping.
The night the comet passes overhead, both Mai and Ty Lee are inside and very far away from windows. They don’t notice the streak of fire in the sky. They just live to experience its aftermath.
For Ty Lee, the aftermath is that one day they open the door to her cell and tell her she’s received a special pardon from the Firelord.
Ty Lee isn’t sure if this is good news or not, since it begs a follow-up question: who’s the Firelord?
Her shoulders collapse with relief when they tell her.
Mai and her uncle get word of the official change of regime while traveling by carriage from the first inn. A hiker literally runs through the road and screams the news. It sounds almost laughable before Mai realizes they’re still in the Fire Nation, and this guy is in Earth Kingdom robes, seemingly unafraid of where he is and to whom he is speaking. 
Mai’s uncle wants to make an immediate detour and go into hiding. He’s worried about the consequences for a man like him, someone who personally endangered the new Firelord, tortured him, and almost killed him.
Mai does not want to go into hiding at all. For once, she argues with her uncle with the intent to win. She points out that if the Firelord wants to find him, he will, and in the meantime, her uncle’s best chance at survival is if he makes it to the capital with the young woman who personally saved the Firelord’s life.
She wins the argument and they continue on course for the capital.
Mai’s welcomed with open arms, of course. Zuko gives her a teary apology, going on and on about how he was selfish and mean and he was only hurting himself more when he allowed himself to forget to respect her. It’s awkward but he means it, so Mai forgives him. They’ll never be together romantically, of course, but they agree they can be friends. With this out of the way, Mai asks her new friend for her first favor: for him to pull Ty Lee out of prison immediately. Zuko assures her that Ty Lee is already on her way. He sent the Kyoshi Warriors to pick her up. They’re bringing her back on the Avatar’s bison.
“By the way,” Zuko says, cracking a smile more sincere than any smile she’s seen on his face in years, “it’s time you met Aang and the rest of my friends.”
Ty Lee’s trip to the capital can best be summed up as a joyride. She also has an apology to make--to Suki, the leader of the Kyoshi Warriors, who happens to be piloting the bison today. But Suki is quick to forgive her. The two of them have been failing to hide their creeping respect for one another since their first meeting in the Earth Kingdom. As they fly (which is an absolute delight, and an experience Ty Lee will never forget), Suki shows Ty Lee how to use a fan, and Ty Lee returns the favor by showing Suki a thing or two about pressure points. By the time they make it back to the Fire Nation, Ty Lee has a job offer and Suki has a bit of a crush.
When the Kyoshi Warriors new and old dismount the bison in the palace courtyard, Ty Lee has to hold her hand above her forehead to see in the sun. It’s a beautiful day and the courtyard is bustling with activity. As she blinks her eyes repeatedly to adjust to the light, her gaze lands on a cluster of people gathered around an outdoor table. Suki pulls her over to the table by the hand.
Ty Lee’s eyes focus and she sees that the people are Mai, the Avatar, and some of his friends. They’re playing pai sho, Mai against the earthbender girl. The earthbender is winning.
“Hi,” she says, with an awkward wave.
To her surprise, the whole group greets her with, if not warmth, then at least a neutral friendliness. Introductions are made, and Ty Lee squeezes into a seat next to Mai, feeling a refreshing sense of ease when their hips touch the way they always used to on their shared mattress. There’s some small talk while Mai and Toph finish the game, and then as the sun starts to go down, everyone starts to disperse. Mai and Ty Lee stay outside.
“I missed you,” Mai says immediately, the moment they’re alone.
Ty Lee smiles. “Me too.” She reaches out her arm for Mai’s hand, her arm loose and limp but still purposeful, and Mai allows her to take it. “Did Zuko send for you?”
Mai snorts. “My uncle abandoned his post and took me with him. Either to keep me safe or use me as leverage, we’ll never know.” She looks like she has a suspicion, though.
“And the Princess?”
Mai drops her gaze and starts to pull back her hand. Ty Lee just holds it tighter, and Mai doesn’t fight back. “She’s not doing so well,” Mai admits, and her voice cracks. “But she’s not a threat.”
“Oh.” A few frightening images spring to mind. Ty Lee tries her best not to dwell on them. She adds, unnecessarily but honestly, “I don’t want to see her.”
“I know. Me neither.” Mai’s voice cracks again but she doesn’t move her hand. “You know I used to always wish we could be in this courtyard just us. No royal siblings.”
A rush of warmth for Mai fills Ty Lee’s chest. “I did too!” she says. “It’s beautiful. It was so sad to only be here to experience, like, emotional mind games.”
Mai squeezes her hand. “You want to take a walk around the grounds with me?” She hesitates. “And then maybe if Zuko doesn’t have a room ready for you, we could share again. I think we’re getting the hang of it.”
They’re standing in the coutyard on the west side of the palace, with nothing westward but open field. The sun is on its way down the horizon. Mai looks completely content with the last touches of sunlight on her face.
Ty Lee threads her fingers through Mai’s. “Yes. Of course.”
And that’s how they spend one of the most beautiful nights of the summer together--their first night of freedom.
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hb-writes · 4 years
Thank you. How did you know today’s my birthday?
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Inspired by my 100+ lovely followers, @love-me-a-good-prompt’s “THANK YOU IDEAS” prompt list, and a recent rewatch of White Collar season one.
Summary: After a few months of showing him little aside from a bit of casual enmity, Peter’s niece realizes that Neal’s likely not going away any time soon and she might as well try to make nice with the man. There’s no better time than Neal’s birthday.
Featuring: Neal Caffrey and Alice Burke 
“You have a visitor,” June said as Neal came through the front door. It was near to seven o’clock, having spent a few extra hours after his time at the bureau wandering downtown. “They’re waiting upstairs.”
Neal wasn’t expecting anyone but he was getting used to it now, the random pop up visits. He was at the whims of the White Collar division, at the beck and call of Peter Burke and his team. Either that or it was Mozzie. One could never expect when Mozzie would just show up. 
“She seems like a lovely girl, Neal.” 
Neal raised an eyebrow, his head tilted just a bit as he looked to June but he didn’t bother with asking for anything more from the woman. He knew she wouldn’t tell him, not with the sly smirk she wore. 
“Ace,” Neal said to the girl stretched out across two of his dining chairs, one of his books open in her lap. Chess Fundamentals. “You know when June said she let a lovely girl in to wait for me I—”
Alice set down the book. She tried her best to hate the nickname her uncle’s felonious pet bestowed upon her, but she just couldn’t. It was just too catchy, so catchy that even Peter started using it from time to time.
“You weren’t expecting me?” she asked.
“It’s not that you’re not a lovely girl, Alice. It’s just—” 
“It’s okay, Neal. I know I haven’t been the loveliest towards you,” she offered. “But Aunt El said I should give you a chance.” She leaned down to pick up two bags from the floor beside her chair. “And I know today’s your birthday, so I just thought it was an opportunity to start fresh and try to like you. And I also know Uncle Pete probably forgot. He’d forget my birthday every year if Aunt El didn’t remind him.” 
“I’m sure he wo—” Neal stopped himself. “No, you’re right. He absolutely would forget.” 
“And he has,” she said. “Always forgot about it before Aunt El, always just gave me an envelope with an I.O.U. scratched out on the back of a receipt or something for whatever I wanted, an outing usually.”
Neal smiled at the picture of a six-year-old version of the girl in front of him giving her uncle an earful for that type of forgetfulness. The vision came to him easily because Neal couldn’t imagine Alice Burke would have trouble giving an earful to anyone at regardless of her age.
“But enough about me. It’s your birthday.” 
Alice pushed two bags across the table, one a generic brown paper bag and the other a garish thing with glitter and balloons and colored tissue paper stuffed inside. 
“I guess I should do this one first,” he answered, pulling the birthday bag towards him and moving aside the tissue paper. A smile graced Neal’s lips as he pulled the hat out of the bag and fit it over his head. 
“One can never have too many fedoras,” he said. 
“I think my uncle would disagree,” Alice answered. 
“I think you’re probably right,” Neal answered. 
“Okay, now this one is actually a gift for both of us,” Alice said, pushing the second bag a bit closer.
“Both of us?” he asked. 
“El says it’s the absolute best…well, it’s...just open it first, I guess.” 
Intrigued, Neal pulled out one of two small boxes and opened the lid revealing a piece of cake. 
“The best cake from the best bakery in Brooklyn,” Neal said, recognizing it on sight.
“That’s what El says, anyway,” Alice added.
“Elizabeth is right.” 
“Usually is,” Alice added from the kitchen. 
Neal accepted the fork she brought over from the kitchen, not the least bit surprised that she’d cased his place before he made it home, finding whatever she would need ahead of time. 
They both took their first bites at the same time, both sighing in the over-exaggerated way one does while tasting something truly divine. 
“Thank you for this. It’s great,” Neal said, “but how did you know today’s my birthday?” 
“My uncle has a file eight volumes thick on you, Neal. You think I’ve never read about you?”
“Not sure the bureau would approve of you reading their files.”
“Like you’ve never done something the bureau wouldn’t approve of,” Alice said, using her finger to scrape a remnant of frosting from the box and popping it in her mouth. 
“Touché,” he answered. 
“And if Uncle Pete didn’t want me reading them, he shouldn’t have left them lying around. He knows I have a curious mind. It’s his own fault.” 
“Interesting logic,” Neal answered. “I don’t know if Peter would agree.” 
Alice shrugged. There was a lot she did that her uncle likely wouldn’t agree with, but she had accepted that as part of growing up. They both had. She and Peter and Elizabeth had been in constant negotiations over what was and wasn’t acceptable for the better part of a decade. 
“I have one last gift for you.” 
“Another gift?”
“I want to play another game of chess. Well, more than one, actually.” 
“Really?” Neal asked. “After you told me you’d never play me again?”
Alice nodded. “I won’t even be a sore loser.”
“Is that so?” 
“Yes,” she answered, taking their boxes and forks to the kitchen. “Mostly because after you teach me a bit more, I’ll never lose to you again.”
Neal shook his head, chuckling. “Is that so?” 
Alice nodded. “That is so.” 
Neal put his feet up, leaning back in his chair and resting his hands behind his head. “Alright, but if you’re ever going to beat me, which you probably won’t, you’ll have to commit to us playing at least--”
“Weekly,” Alice interrupted. “I already had Uncle Pete agree to keep at least one hour a week free on both our schedules.” 
“And he agreed to that?” Neal asked. “Just like that?”
“I can be very persuasive,” she answered. “And I may have cashed in an old I.O.U. from ages ago.” 
“You brought me birthday gifts and used an I.O.U. for chess lessons with me? I think you might actually like me a bit already, Ace.”
“We’ll see,” she answered. “You’re currently on probation.” 
“You know, I don’t care what people may say. You’re absolutely nothing like your uncle.” 
Alice glared at him. “You might want to tread lightly there, Neal.”
Neal raised his arms in surrender. “Alright, fine. Chessboard is on the bookshelf, Bobby Fischer.” 
“I prefer Judit Polgar,” she answered.
“So, you’ve done your research, then?” 
Alice didn’t answer but smirked at him as she pulled the chessboard off the shelf.
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sxveme-2 · 3 years
Strawberry Pancakes // Bucky Barnes
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DESCRIPTION: Lily Osborne and Bucky Barnes were never blessed with an easy relationship. Whether it be emotional trauma, or Lily's parents trying to be evil scientists. But they somehow made it work, after coming together once again after the birth of Lily's nephew. They were smooth sailing for a while. He proposed, they got engaged, but have yet to marry. While also juggling raising a teenager together as Hunter reaches the age of 16 now. All the while struggling with adjusting to their new lives in Long Island, balancing careers. Meanwhile, Lily struggles with the new found fame of being the fiancé of The White Wolf; and handling the tabloids critiques on her life and gossip columns digging up any information they can on her. While trying to maintain a low profile; and handle her life as it is. And becoming parents. Lily for the second time, while Bucky, well, this is his first attempt at a biological child. All the while a new threat from their past rises up once again, blind siding the family. Bringing forward old hatchets that had been buried, and putting their relationship at risk once more.
DISCLAIMER: I do not own any original Marvel characters! All canon plots and canon characters belong to Marvel Comics and Marvel Studios. This is an original work. You may not publish it anywhere else
STATUS: Unedited
NOTES: Takes place after endgame. I have elected to ignore Tony's death and Steve's leaving. Did not happen. Quick Reminder! My works are only published here, AO3 and on Wattpad, thank you.
Chapter Five: The One With Her Uncle
Warnings: N/A
Word Count: 2286
     "Keep five feet away," Lily snapped, eyes not wavering from the man that stood on her porch, "Bucky go keep the kids upstairs."
No one argued with Lily as she grabbed a shoe and stepped out onto the sandalwood porch where the man stood. Her eyes stayed glued to his, though hers burned with a fiery rage that could only be described as murderous. The light spring breeze of Long Island danced along Lily's exposed legs as the door shut behind her. Everything inside of her wanted to grab the gun that Bucky always kept near the bed and threaten the man within an inch of his life, seeing as he deserved it.
But what kind of sister would she be then?
"Surprised you're even giving me the time of day," Cedar whispered, stuffing his hands deep within his pockets, "After everything that happened."
Lily stayed silent, eyes lowering as she continued to kill her brother a thousand times over in her head. He had nerve showing up at her home, where her kids were. Of course, he had no idea Stella even existed. She didn't bother keeping in contact with him or her parents when they were in prison. The only way he would have known about Stella, or Leo for that matter, would be if Rose had told him. But as far as the eldest Osborne knew, she didn't bother seeing them either.
"You have five minutes to explain how you're here before I call the police because you're trespassing," Lily stated, face blank as she stared down her brother, "Any longer and I'll throw this shoe at your head."
"Awfully small shoe for you, Bucky, and Hunter," Cedar joked, seemingly attempting to lighten the mood.
Glancing to the side, Lily noticed she had grabbed one of Stella's Crocs. She smiled softly at it before returning to her stone-cold facade. As far as Lily was concerned, Cedar had no business knowing that he had a niece sitting in the house they were both standing in front of. He had no business knowing what was going on in Lily's personal life. And she had no intention of telling him anything explicit.
"I'm going to guess that you've had another kid," Cedar sighed, "Can I at least ask her name?"
"Stella. You have three minutes," she sighed, shifting her weight.
"I was released because they dubbed me a victim," Cedar shrugged, rocking back and forth on his feet, "I have to attend court-mandated therapy and I'm on probation for a bit just in case. I got in contact with Scott and asked him where you were living now. I don't have anywhere else to go."
Lily felt her heart long to embrace her younger brother. But the rational side of her reminded him of the terrible trauma he had caused her and Hunter. The things he said to her the day he was arrested. They still haunted her at night, kept her wondering what else she could have done to help him. To protect him from the terrible things her parents forced him into. He was her baby brother, her only brother. And there he stood on her front porch, asking for help. What could she do? Say no?
"Try Rose," Lily stated simply, turning and walking back into the house without risking another glance at the frail boy on her porch.
When she shut the door, Lily saw Hunter and Bucky standing on the landing of the stairs. They both looked crestfallen and upset, but Lily didn't know what else to do. He had hurt her and her son more than words could truly describe. She used to drop everything for Cedar. And yet there she was, standing on the other side of the door where she knew he was still standing. Hoping and praying for his big sister to change her mind. He had been released on probation and as a victim. The legal system trusted him enough to let him walk free. Why couldn't she?
"He can stay in the guest room," Bucky whispered, squeezing Hunter's shoulder, "Rebecca's heading back into the city today."
Lily let out a breathy sigh before twisting the doorknob once again, opening the painted wood. Stepping around the other side, she noticed he was still there, just as she had predicted. His eyes were soft and his cheeks were hollow. It broke Lily's heart to see him in such a solemn state. This wasn't her brother. This was the same shell she had seen all of those years ago when he had asked her for help. When he needed her the most. And she used that against him.
"She's asleep, but you can meet her when she wakes up," Lily nodded, opening the door wider for her brother.
An hour or so later, Lily found herself terrified for Stella to meet her Uncle. It was just the week before when she had asked if she'd ever get to meet him. It was ironic timing, to say the least. She knew that Stella would be overjoyed to meet Cedar and she was sure he'd be a dotting Uncle. But it didn't help the fact she was terrified that he would use her and manipulate her family to work in his favour.
After getting dressed in a pair of loose jeans, a flowy gray t-shirt and one of Bucky's flannels, Lily raised her daughter from a dead sleep. The young brunette whined as the light hit her eyes, earning a gentle laugh from her mother. Dressing Stella in a white shirt with frills at the top and a pair of red overalls, Lily prepared herself for the man downstairs to meet her. She brushed out her long dark hair before placing a gentle kiss on the girl's forehead and scooping her into her arms and shutting the door behind her.
"There's someone here who is very excited to meet you," Lily whispered into Stella's ear, earning a giggle from the girl, "Any guesses?
"...A new puppy?"
"You won't give that one up will you?" Lily laughed as she landed on the main floor of their home, "No. Chandler and Joey are enough as it is. Plus Alpine. The best I could do is get you a fish."
"Fish smell," Stella cringed, "Hunter and I went fishing. I don't like them."
Lily shook her head and laughed at her daughter's story before rounding the corner of the living room where the rest of the family sat, attempting conversation. Even from the threshold, Lily could feel the awkward tension that laid heavily in the room. Pursing her lips, the blonde continued her entry, Cedar watching her with a sad look in his eyes as he admired Stella.
"Stella, this is your Uncle Cedar," Lily cooed, placing the four-year-old down on the floor, where she ran into Bucky's legs beside her mother, "Remember you were asking about him last week?"
"Well aren't you so pretty," Cedar cooed, bending down from the couch so that he was at eye-level with the girl, "It's nice to finally meet you, Stella."
Lily watched carefully at her daughter's reaction. The best judge of character were dogs and young children. And the dogs were in the backyard, so Lily was selfishly relying on her young daughter to see. If Stella was uncomfortable with Cedar, there would be no questions. He would have to find somewhere else to say. If Hunter even showed an inkling of discomfort around his Uncle, Lily had no issue book a hotel for the man. If anyone, and she truly means anyone, found issues with Cedar, there was no doubt in Lily's mind that she would have him leave without a second thought.
"Everything alright, darling?" Bucky said in a hushed voice, running his flesh hand down Stella's, "He's your Uncle it's okay. I promise, nothing will ever hurt you. As long as I live."
"Yeah, remember meeting Aunt Mary for the first time?" Hunter piped up, "You were so confused as to why she was black and white in all her photos, same with Aunt Frances. You thought they were ghosts. But then Dad told you that we'd protect you from everything, even ghosts," he cooed, bending down so he was face to face with Stella, "Uncle Cedar won't hurt you. I promise."
Lily felt tears gather in her bottom brim, threatening to pour over as she watched her two boys comfort the young girl who was clearly hesitant with new people. She chuckled softly as Hunter raised her pointer finger, prompting his little sister to make the same promises he and Lily used to make before he went to Scott's. Lily's heart grew ten sizes as Stella wrapped her smaller finger around her big brothers before turning and walking over to her Uncle with her arm outstretched.
"I'm Stella Barnes."
"You let him in your house?" Rose scoffed as she took a sip of her wine, almost spraying it all over Lily.
Lily pursed her lips as she glanced between her sister and best friend. She knew they wouldn't take it well when she told them she and Bucky agreed to let Cedar stay with them. It was only a natural reaction. Even Lily was still hesitant to let him stay. But Bucky seemed confident that it was okay and that Cedar would be fine. It surprised Lily, how much faith he had in the law and the legal system. Especially after the life he has had.
"And Stella actually went up to him?" Gen asked as she took a quick sip of her wine, "It took that girl almost a year before she even let me hold her."
It was true. Stella and Gen did not have the best start to their relationship. Despite being the baby's godmother, Stella despised Gen for the first bit of her life. If Gen even attempted to pick up the newborn, Stella would scream bloody murder. Lily was terrified that her daughter had an innate dislike towards her best friend. Luckily, the Barnes child was able to outgrow the distaste towards Gen and now looked forward to the times her 'Auntie Genny' would babysit her. Which wasn't often, seeing as both Lily and Bucky were homebodies. But it happens every once and a while.
"I was just as surprised as you guys," Lily admitted, shrugging as she leaned back in her seat at the table, "I almost cancelled dinner tonight because I was too worried to leave everyone home with him."
"Yeah but Bucky and Sam are there, so is Hunter," Rose sighed, crossing her legs and shaking her head, "I would have told him to get lost."
"I did at first," Lily chuckled, running a hand through her blonde hair, "Told him to go to you. But when I went back inside...I just couldn't do it."
She knew it wouldn't be forever. There was no way in hell she was letting Cedar squat at her home and live off of her and Bucky's hard work. He had managed to get himself into the mess. But that didn't mean Lily wouldn't be a loving big sister and let him stay for a bit. She knew Bucky agreed, seeing as he was the one who gave her the look that convinced her to let him stay.
"You said he got your address from Scott?" Rose asked, smiling as the server placed the three women's food on the table, "Wonder why that was the first place he decided to go."
"Well, it's not like he would have the nerve to show up at your place." Gen shrugged at the younger Osborne sister.
"I would have thrown one of Leo's toys at him without a second thought," Rose sighed, twirling pasta onto her fork, "The audacity he has to just show up at your doorstep though."
"He was released by the court," Lily sighed, shaking her head, "I don't trust him fully but I couldn't just toss him out onto the street. No one could survive the streets of Long Island."
"You're nicer than most people though, Lily," Gen sighed, taking another swig of wine, "I'm with Rose. Honestly surprised Bucky didn't stare him down so much he ran away in fear."
Lily chuckled softly as she cut into the chicken parmesan she had ordered. A light conversation ensued as the girls began each of their dinners, all now a bit relieved that the elephant in the room had been talked out. Lily still wasn't entirely confident in the decision she had made to allow Cedar to stay with them. She worried that he was just using her to his advantage. If that were the case, Lily had just put her entire family in danger. But it was Cedar...he was her baby brother.
Lily lifted her gaze from her food and felt the air escape from her lungs. Just across the room sat two people Lily would have killed to keep apart from one another. They were talking in hushed voices, each glancing from side to side constantly as if they were ensuring that their surroundings weren't listening in on whatever conversation they were having.
She could have gone her entire life without having to see the two of them together. Sharing a meal and talking back and forth. She wondered what on earth they could have been talking about. The only thing that they had in common was Lily. And barely so for one of the parties. But there the two sat, leaning over the table and speaking with one another as though there were unspeakable secrets being shared.
"You alright, Lil?" Gen asked, placing her hand on her best friends.
"Walker's here. With Scott."
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honestsycrets · 4 years
Hi, Soldier | [ Alfred x Reader ]
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❛ pairing | soldier!alfred x librarian!reader 
❛ type | oneshot
❛ summary | waiting for alfred to come home, the reader fixes the books in the library.
❛  tags | library au, wwii soldier!alfred, implied war time violence, loss of vision.
❛ sy’s notes | i wrote this fic for @maggiescarborough​ ‘s birthday. she asked me for a library alfred au a while ago and i just couldn’t get it to what i liked until now. happy birthday baby!
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It was too high, you thought as you reached up on your toes. The cart squeaked outrageously as you got to the final books to stock that day. Your boss and husband’s cousin-in-law, Mr. Sigurd Ragnarsson, gave you leave after you would finish stocking this.
You never knew when there might be another.
When another air raid would come down upon your head, that was. It was war. Life was forced to consider to the best of its ability and still, you might wake up in the morning in a large bed, where he was meant to be, and feel the cold space beside you growing in its intensity. 
When you received post, it was with that fleeting hope that another might join your growing bucket of letters from war. The ladder had fallen off the track again. This time, your brother-in-law wasn’t here to fix it. Nor your husband-- who always had an answer.
“I can fix it,” you’re favourite spunky niece-in-law would say. You glanced off to her, holding books between her legs. When her mother was off working as a receptionist, you would often watch her until Sigurd had the opportunity to get off of managing his many companies to get her. Today was nothing short of the same.
“After we finish with these books,” you gesture toward your hand when you see it. The edition from 1926, The Private Life of Helen of Troy, which you had not read. It throws you back to the first moment you met your soldier.
He came in a hurry, dabbling his fingers through books, before he’d have to return to base. While all the other men were in the pubs, he found himself here, leafing through books hoping for one to read. You hadn’t noticed him as you squeaked along the aisles-- until coming upon his aisle, you suddenly became aware of the tall soldier who took up most of the room.
Your lips were suddenly chapped and dry. Your knowledge of soldiers was limited to the men your sister brought home and to be fair, they were not the reading type. He pulled a book free, pulling it into his open hand, and you found yourself looking down to your own. The Private Life of Helen of Troy-- it went there.
You left your useless clump of a cart, stuffing the books related to this section in your arms, and clopped over his way. It was then that the soldier glanced at you with curious, glittery eyes that contrasted against to his finely combed black hair on his head and lip. You tugged the ladder just to side of him, squeaking as your mary janes took the first step, smoothing out your skirt with emphasis on not flashing him with your undergarments and reached-- that was were problem brewed, because you couldn’t quite reach the area you needed to be.
Where your soldier stood.
“Let me help you,” he spoke, his voice low and smooth, like the honey in your tea. You drew your hand back when you felt him push the ladder on its wheels toward the section of historical period books. Then with a clop, clop, clop, the soldier climbed with his black boots up behind you. He was close enough to feel this thick, ironed uniform pressing up against your yellow dress.
“Right behind you,” he muttered as he slipped his hand over yours. “You’re alright?”
“Yes, I mean--” you gave pause. “Yes.”
“The Roman non-fiction is right there, then.” He muttered softly and you could feel the fibers of his moustache against the shell of your ear as a hand, crisp with a playfulness in slipping the book into its hole with a small push.
You were somewhat disappointed when he slipped off from behind you, allowing you to set the last of the books in their place before turning down the ladder. The soldier held out his hand to help you down even-- and despite uncertainty, you took his hand to the safe ground.
“Thank you,” you said. “The cart-- and the ladder aren’t the best tools. They’re broke half the time anyway.”
“I can fix that for you.” The soldier blurted out before he seemed to register what he said or the limitations of it. Maybe Mr. Ragnarsson didn’t want you to-- but you had the sudden feeling-- he wouldn’t care.
“I didn’t catch your name, soldier.”
You nibbled on your lip as you came to, your little niece squeaking something about being hungry. “There’s some bread in my bag,” you gestured. “I’ll be out in just a second. This is the last section.”
The top bookshelf was just barely out of reach. You flexed your mary janes, hopping to work every last inch out of your body on the first wrung of the ladder when a hand came up behind you, snatching the book and easing it into its proper placement.
“Broken it already?” you heard, and as you whipped around, you recognized your soldier standing there. He was wrapped tight in his slim fitting military attire, his other hand supporting his weight on a cane he really had little use for.
You slapped his chest repeatedly. “You’re here! You’re here!”
He paused for a moment, looking at you, with one eye covered by the darkness of an eyepatch. “I am, did you miss me?” he pressed. “Or were you--”
“Your eye!” you noticed at last, bringing your hands to his smooth cheek, turning over his cheek to inspect him. You would have brought your hands up to it, but decided rather against it, smoothing your hands past the side of his neck to rest upon his shoulders.
“Yes well,” Alfred looks down, then up again, fixing a cigarette to the side of his mouth. “Ubbe said I looked older this way. We had better fetch Áslaug-- she was in your bag. I might be too, if I don’t each something other than war provisions soon.”
He does. Not in the sense of his age, but the tiredness that carries in his eyes as he glazes them to your squeaking cart, dragging over the ground. You stuff the books into places they don’t belong, whirling the half broken cart to the end of the aisle before your hand would find his thick armcoat.
“I hardly care about how you look,” you admit, knowing you would likely rush him home, make him something that your meager budget as a librarian couldn’t afford. It would be worth it. You tugged him out of the aisle, your fingers laced in his larger hand. “Only that you’re home safe.”
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@tephi101​​ @alicedopey​​ @supernaturalvikingwhore​​ @tootie-fruity​​ @titty-teetee​​ @queen-see-ya-in-valhalla​​ @ethereallysimple​​ @deathbyarabbit​​ @deathbyarabbit​​ @readsalot73​​ @natalie-rdr​​ @lol-haha-joke​​ @lisinfleur​​ @hissouthernprincess​ @marvelousse​ @dangerous-like-a-loaded-pistol​​ @vikingsmania​​ @wish-i-was-a-mermaid​​ @lif3snotouttogetyou​​ @gruffle1​​ @cris101071​​ @gold-dragon-slayer​​ @babypink224221​​ @wonderwoman292​​ @naaladareia​​ @beyond-the-ashes​​ @generic-fangirl​​ @chinduda​​ @laketaj24​, @peaceisadirtyword, @ly–canthrope​ @cris101071 @daughterofthenight117​ @unassumingviking​ @ladyofsoa, @inforapound​ @winchesterwife27​ @feyrearcheron44@readsalot73 @squirrelacorngliterfarts @gold-dragon-slayer​ @medievalfangirl @sallydelys​​  @bluearchersstuff​​ @affectionrabbitt​​ @whatamood13​ @notyouraveragegirl17 @igetcarriedawaywithyou​​ @unacceptabletatertots​ @ivarandersen​ @stra-vage​​ @tgrrose​​ @cookies186​​ @learninglemni-blog @theleeshanotlouise @soiproclaim​​ @msmorganforever​​
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lyrazehedgieboiii · 4 years
another mood
I was in the mood to do this. I know. I’m pathetic. I have asks, yet I’m not doing them. I will get to them.
SO, there’s this person on Deviantart called MontyTH, and basically has an OC of this little hedgehog that’s supposed to be Sonic’s little brother. (Lmao he actually looks like a SonAmy fanchild though) So, that inspired me to make this!
Monty is kind of a blueish-periwinkle color, with three bangs just like Amy’s. He has emerald eyes just like Sonic. Sonic is overprotective of him, and gets jealous when someone else gets his attention.
Amy: 16
Sonic: 19
Monty: 9
Basically anyone else: 
Female: same as Amy’s.
Male: Same as Sonic’s.
   “Hey Monty! I’m home! I have someone with me! Come down, I want you to meet her!” Her? What did he mean, her? Monty went down the stairs, and found his brother, Sonic the Hedgehog, with a pretty hot pink hedgehog.
   “Hi big bro! Who’s she?” Monty asked, gesturing out to the lady next to him.
   “Monty, remember Amy Rose?�� Sonic asked. Monty remembered his number one fangirl. She would always chase after Sonic, always begging him to marry her. It was quite annoying, really. However, Monty couldn’t say that out loud. Sonic had taught him to be nice to everyone. 
    “Yeah. She was your friend.” Monty simply said. He was about to say ‘fangirl,’ but stopped himself before he could say it.
     “Well, now she’s back, and she’s more than just a friend now!” His big brother exclaimed. “I introduce you, Amy Rose! My first girlfriend!” Earlier, Sonic had his arm around her covered waist. Monty looked at her. She was practically unrecognizable! Her quills had grown to her back, she wore studs on her cute little ears. She was wearing a red cropped sweatshirt, and she she had a rose pendant around her neck. She wore a black shirt under the crop top. She wore skinny jeans and a pair of red converse. 
    “Hey there, Monty!” She giggled. “You probably wouldn’t recognize me, seeing that I was very annoying as a kid, but don’t worry, I won’t take your big bro away!” Amy said in a loving voice, like she was a doting mother praising her child. Monty liked how she changed.
    “I sure hope not!” Monty replied. Amy giggled once again, and Monty decided that he liked her and thought she was great for Sonic. “So she’s your girlfriend?” He questioned, turning to Sonic. He nodded.
    “And she won’t be able to get rid of me that easily!~” Sonic chirped, nuzzling his head into the crook of Amy’s neck. Amy chuckled.
    “After years of chasing you, of course I’d hold on to you forever!” Amy cheekily replied, nuzzling back. Monty found this a bit awkward, just standing there as his brother and his old stalker were starting to get intimate. He cleared his throat, hoping they would notice that he was still in the room. They quickly separated, and blushed.
    “Uh, well, I’ll go get all of us a quick snack. Monty, can you please take Amy to the living room?” Sonic commanded him. Monty saluted him, and took Amy’s hand.
    “What spell have you used to make Sonic fall for you?!” Monty demanded out in surprise. Amy flinched, not expecting the sudden outburst.
    “Spell? I’m not a witch, Monty. You know that.” Amy stated while smirking.
    “Your face is saying something else.” Monty crossed his arms, tapping his foot, copying his brother when he would get impatient.
     “Monty, are you not happy that Sonic finally has someone to love? And that someone actually loves him back?” Amy inquired, but Monty wouldn’t have it.
    “Are you saying my brother doesn’t, ugh, love me?” Amy was taken by surprise again.
   “No! I meant love, romantically! He loves you so very much, and you have a big piece in his heart. All I ask, is that if I can have a piece of yours?” Amy gently questioned him.
  “...Why?” He seemed a bit disturbed as to why she would want to be friends with him. 
   “You’re a really nice kid. Who wouldn’t want to be friends with you? You’re adorable and I love making new friends. Last time you saw me, I was some brat who only wanted Sonic to myself, and I would kill anybody who got near Sonic. I’m not like that anymore. I mean, I would kill any flirters who got near Sonic.” Amy darkly chuckled.
   “Uhm, still as...hyper as always?” Monty tried to lighten up the atmosphere, indirectly asking if she was still crazy.
    “Not really, I only act crazy when someone does something I hate, or when they abuse any of my friends’ names.” Amy responded, as if she was prepared for that question. “Anyways, has Twinkle Park changed? I haven’t been there in a long time.” She asked, hoping he’d offer to go with her so they could bond.
    “Yeah, they added some more exciting rides there, I go all the time with my friends. We can go there tomorrow and I could show you!” Monty exclaimed, ecstatic to go on the newest ride, that only he and a few other knew about. “But you’ll have to wake up early, we have to be the first ones at the park!” He added, while Amy nodded.
    “I can’t wait!” Amy replied in the same tone as him. Sonic comes back and hands them some snacks and Monty goes back to his room to give the couple some privacy, because he saw Sonic’s hand going down her back...
They started to make-out aggressively, Amy on the bottom and Sonic at the top. Sonic bit her lip begging for entrance, and Amy happily accepted. They were like that for a few minutes before they heard Monty yell out in disgust. Amy left, after trying not to give in to Sonic’s pleads to sleep with him. (not like that!) 
The next day, Amy and Monty went to Twinkle Park, and were on the new ride, which was called “The Thrill Seeker,” which Amy admitted wasn’t as thrill seeking as being in Sonic’s arms when he’s running, but they enjoyed it. Then came one of those prize-winning game with the hammer, and Amy showed off her strength with her own hammer, breaking the game altogether. She won a stuffed Sonic, and yelled out “AMY ROSE IS BACK, BABY!” until a couple of Eggman’s robots (which were automatically programmed to attack without Eggman in sight) decided to attack Twinkle Park, but Amy and her iconic hammer saved the day.
‘She looked so cool, no wonder Sonic loves her so much!’ Monty thought, as she appeared out of the smoke, her hair dancing with the wind. He gasped loudly. Then, it was time to go back home. Amy insisted that she go with him so nothing happens. Monty didn’t mind; Amy was now his new guardian angel. Well, not exactly “Guardian,” because Sonic was, but still, he was super thankful for her. As soon as they got home, Sonic pounced on them, asking if they were alright, and if anything happened. Monty proceeded to tell him about how Amy single-handedly took down Eggman’s robots, and made Amy blush by how heroic he made her sound.
Sonic seemed impressed, and that made Amy’s heart soar to the heavens. Monty went up to his room to text all of his friends what he had experienced. Sonic smirked at Amy and pulled her into his room. They made out once again, but with Sonic being fast, attempted to pull her shirt up before Amy knee-ed him at the crotch. (DUDE I WANT TO WRITE LEMONS SO BADLY FUCK TUMBLR’S POLICIES) 
    “Sonic, your brother is upstairs, he could hear us! And, I won’t let you go any farther until you propose!” Amy declared. Sonic’s sexy smile dropped. 
     “Amyyyy, you’re only 16! You need a legal guardian to allow you to get married.” Sonic pointed out.
    “Then you can ask Rouge if you can have my hand in marriage! She took ‘responsibility’ of me, since I’m still kind of a minor.” Amy rolled her eyes. “I moved in with Blaze and Rouge, so I’m closer to everyone!” She told him in a happy tone. He was happy too, he got to spend more time with his beautiful girlfriend...
During the time passing, Monty and Amy took the time to have fun by going out to eat, take a drive, train Monty because Sonic was scared something would happen if he used his thunder powers (it fits him, I don’t think MontyTH gave him a power). And he also told her about things that happen in school, and Amy always gives him advice on how to handle it.
Then came Mothers’ Day, the day to celebrate mother figures everywhere, whether it be your mother, your sister, your teacher, anyone. Monty never knew his mother, because she died when Sonic was only 10 and Monty was a newborn. Sonic looked everywhere for an opportunity to give his little brother the life he deserved. He became a hero, earned a lot of money, got a house, sent his brother to school, gave him the life he deserves. He didn’t have a mother, but Sonic tried to be everything for him. 
Monty decided to celebrate with Amy for Mothers’ Day, seeing as she was his brother’s girlfriend, and he could trust her with anything. She was his mother-figure, as well as a sister-figure, as Sonia wasn’t around because she had become queen. Monty texted ‘Happy Mothers’ Day Amy!!!!💕💕💕💕🌹” as soon as he woke up, and as soon as he sent it, he heard someone’s phone get a notification downstairs. He ran down to find Amy wearing one of Sonic’s cotton shirts, crying with a smile as she looked at her phone. She saw Monty and squeezed the living daylights out of him, and kissed his forehead.
    “T-Thank you so much! I’m so honored that you think of me as your mother! I love you so much!” She kissed him all over his face like some doting aunt would to her nephews and nieces.
    “You’re welcome!” He managed to say, all of his breath being taken out. She let him catch his breath, before he asked her something. “Where’s Sonic?”
    “On his morning run.” That got Monty confused.
    “But, he usually goes when I go to school?” He said, not sure why his schedule changed.
    “It’s because he doesn’t want to leave you home alone, but since I’m here, he gets to do it early.” She blushed intensely, thinking of what they had done last night. “Also, someone’s going to get another big sister~!” Amy’s voice chimed melodiously. Monty tilted his head in confusion. She stuck her hand out to reveal a diamond encrusted ring on her finger. Monty’s eyes widened in shock and happiness.
    “You and Sonic are getting married?! Yes!” Monty yelled and threw and a fist up into the air. Amy giggled and nodded. Sonic zipped back into the room and ruffled up Monty’s quills and kissed Amy’s cheek. He put a hand around on her waist, representing that she was his. Amy sighed in content. 
    “Whatcha guys talking about?” Sonic asks, taking his hand off of her and grabbing a plate of toast that was on the counter.      “Amy told me that you proposed to her!” Monty exclaimed, running around, streaks of lightening traveling through his quills. He jumped onto Amy, who would’ve almost fell back if Sonic wasn’t behind her. She happily wrapped her arms around Monty and hugged him back.
“Yup! Rouge, her guardian, said that I have to wait until she’s 18 to get married, but for now, she’s engaged to me.” Sonic informed him. Monty nodded in understanding and went upstairs to talk to his friend on Discord. Amy turned to Sonic and grinned. Before they were about to kiss, they heard the doorbell ring. Sonic answered it, and found Rouge standing there with some documents.
“Here’s the papers, like I said, she’s not getting married until she’s eighteen.” Rouge simply stated and waved at Amy. “Here’s some of your clothes, hun!” She wheeled a suitcase into the house and flew away. Amy hugged Sonic from the back, avoiding his quills and nuzzling him in the neck. He turned around and kissed her.
“I love you, babe.” Her muffled voice could be heard saying. Sonic’s heart felt like it leaped right out of his chest, but kept his happiness contained.
“I love you more.~” Sonic replied.
“Says the one who’s been running away from me since I was eight.”
“Yes, really.”
“I was an immature boy back then, I’m a responsible adult now!”
“...Last night told a different story.”
“How do I even reply to that, Ames?!”
“Say I won.”
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plus-size-reader · 4 years
Intentions pt 2
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Bjorn Ironside x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 1744 words
Warnings: none
Summary: reader calms down daddy!Bjorn and Signe had to deal with her Uncle Ubbe———————————————————————————————————
Bjorn was about as happy to find out that his daughter was getting married as any other father would be.
He didn't know the boy that she was marrying, or why she thought it was a good idea to get married in the first place but you were painfully aware of his opinion. No one got to hear more about how unhappy he was about the whole situation than you.
"I just don't understand why our beautiful Signe would be interested in such a child" he shrugged, stuffing another piece of bread into his mouth as he ranted to you.
You had sent Signe and Birger out of the house earlier, thinking it was better to remove them both from the situation before Ubbe showed up. That just meant that you had that much more time for your darling husband to express his distaste for her choice of partner.
"He's a man Bjorn, not a child" you reminded, filling his ale horn with mead before taking a seat beside him. You had only been awake for a few hours, but he was insistent on having this conversation already.
You weren't exactly thrilled with the idea of your daughter leaving your family home and starting a family of her own but this was just what happened. The two of you couldn't stand in the way of her life just as your parent's hadn't been able to stop you.
This was just how things happened.
You knew that one day she would have to leave, you just never thought that it would be so soon.
"I've known plenty of men, and that boy isn't one of them" he spit, earning an eye roll from you. You had asked him plenty of times to stop talking with his mouth full at meals but it was hard to teach a man who didn't want to be taught.
Right now, he was so focused on what he was losing.
You two weren't losing a daughter, you were just gaining a son, in some respects.
Bjorn hadn't liked when you told him that, even going so far as to laugh in your face. He had made his opinion on Birger very clear, whether you wanted it or not.
"What if we simply tell her no? That she isn't allowed to get married" he suggested, getting truly desperate now. He didn't like the idea of his little girl out in the world all alone and you could see that this was really affecting him.
He didn't want to have to let her go.
"Bjorn, we can't keep her from getting married. She's a grown woman now, it's her choice to make" you sighed, scooting a little closer to him to rub his back. You just let your hand move in comforting circles, hoping that you would calm his nerves...but nothing worked.
Instead, Bjorn remained stiff, wracking his brain to try to think of anything that would keep her from going off and getting married.
As a father, this was his worst nightmare.
"Do you remember when we told my parents that we were going to get married?" you asked, taking his cup to take a sip of his ale as he thought over your question.
Of course he remembered it.
At the time, he had been so nervous, he'd almost refused to tell them in the first place. His plan was to just get married on a boat, then come back to Kattegat in a few years, probably with a baby or two.
You had made fun of him then too.
The idea of facing your mother and father made him nervous. In those days though, it was common to ask the father's permission before taking a woman's hand in marriage.
It would seem that young Birger had never learned that.
"You were so scared of father, I thought you would be sick" you teased, recalling the extremely pale hue of his skin when he approached your parent's front door. Your father was a powerful earl, and quite intimidating.
It was only natural for a young man like Bjorn to be nervous, even though he is a son of Ragnar. Your father never had much care for his title, he just wanted to get to know Bjorn as a person.
The few evenings that they spent talking were the most frightening of his life, but sooner or later, your father warmed up to the man you'd given your heart to.
There was no doubt in your mind that if Bjorn gave Birger a chance, the same thing would happen between them.
"Your father was as tall as the door frame, with bird skulls braided into his beard, of course I was scared" he countered, not liking you challenging his manliness. He would have been stupid to not be intimidated by your father.
You smiled at that, realizing your point was coming together perfectly.
"And do you not think you intimidate that young man? You're so broad shouldered and handsome" you purred, poking into his cheek as he stared at you, his eyes studying your eyes move.
He knew that you were teasing him, but it would be a lie to say that he wasn't flattered by your words, even if they were just a means to make a point.
"You're Bjorn Ironside. What boy wouldn't be intimidated by you?" you added, just for good measure. if nothing else worked, you knew that flattering Bjorn always got you what you wanted.
You were his weakness and all it took were a few well placed kisses and compliments and he would melt into the palm of your hand.
"I suppose I could talk to him" he allowed finally, not liking how easily you had gotten him to comply. Nevertheless, he shrugged it off, leaning over to give you a kiss before getting more mead.
He was going to have to have a bit of wine in him before he could face that kid again. After all, the first time they had met, he'd been naked. It was going to take a lot to get that image out of his head.
Luckily, before he could think much more about it, Ubbe came barging in the door. He hadn't seen the three of you in quite some time and every once and a while, you all had dinner together.
You thought that out of all his brothers, Ubbe was Bjorn's favorite. After all, they were the closest in age of all Ragnar's sons, so it was only natural that they bonded more than the others.
"Good morning brother" he greeted, clapping a hand down on the man's back before making his way over to the kitchen area to say hello to you. "It's been too long Y/N" he grinned, pressing a light kiss to the side of your cheek.
You couldn't help but grin, thankful to Odin for Ubbe's interruption. The house had been quite tense and you needed someone else to help you diverge Bjorn's attention.
Any help was better than none.
Besides, you had no idea when Signe would be back with her new suitor, so you could use all the distraction as possible.
"Good morning Ubbe, how are you this morning?" you wondered, pouring him some ale and passing it off via Bjorn, who was now closer to him than you were.
Both men settled in by the fire, and you knew it was only a matter of time before the news came out.
However, the news never came. Bjorn had no outburst, or rant toward his brother. Instead, he sat quietly, talking to him about sailing and hunting in the mountains.
There was no sign of him even mentioning it, and you couldn't figure out why.
Eventually, you joined both of them by the fire, eyeing your husband suspiciously. There was definitely something going on, but he was so calm all of a sudden. It made your stomach turn in the most unpleasant way, like watching moments before a storm crashed on the shore.
You knew that something bad was going to happen, but you couldn't do anything to stop it. All you could do was wait it out and hope for the best.
Little did you know, that Bjorn was just planning on waiting for the arrival of your daughter, who would have to explain herself to her uncle Ubbe. If anyone was going to try to stop the wedding, it was his brother.
Bjorn was sure of it.
Luckily for her though, when Signe arrived, she was alone. She knew better that to bring Birger back under such circumstances...not that she was out of the woods yet.
As soon as she came through the door, all eyes were on her. Both men had been waiting on her arrival all day and you were so worried about what would go down. If you thought Bjorn was angry, you had no idea how badly Ubbe would react.
As far as you knew, he would throw an even bigger fit than your husband. All of her uncles had always been protective over her, Ubbe most of all.
"Hello bearcub" you greeted, breaking the silence before Bjorn started in. Not even a moment after you spoke, he opened his mouth. "Signe, tell your Uncle Ubbe about your recent news" he prompted, quite proud of himself.
He assumed that his brother was going to be upset, and likely would reprimand the girl for her poor choice.
Unfortunately for him though, as soon as she informed Ubbe of her engagement, the man laughed. Instead of being angry like Bjorn hoped he'd be...he was happy about it.
In his eyes, the fact that his niece had found someone to love was nothing but a good thing. Though, Ubbe wasn't her father. He understood how upsetting it must be for his brother, who was going to lose a daughter.
...Not that anyone else saw it that way but Bjorn.
"I think it's wonderful Signe, congratulations...when is the wedding?" he wondered, grinning at your daughter with a shine in his eyes. Ubbe, unlike Bjorn, was a sucker for love and quite liked the idea of another wedding in the family.
However, his question startled you.
In all this time, you had been so focused on calming Bjorn that you'd forgotten that a wedding was actually happening. You didn't have much of a choice though, after all your daughter was getting married-whether you or your husband liked it or not.
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Survey #323
“dehumanized upon a shell  /  we came to bleed it dry  /  obsessed with divine wealth  /  divide and multiply”
Have you ever drawn on someone’s face while they were sleeping? No. Would you scuba dive in shark infested waters if you had the chance? No thanks. What is your favorite slow song? There are so many, but one of the slowest and most beloved of mine is "Obstacles" by Syd Matters. It gives me goosebumps without fail. It's one song I know I want at my hypothetical wedding. If there were aliens on earth, would you be afraid? I mean, yeah. I'd want to know their intentions. If your best friend died, would you be able to speak at their funeral? It'd be extremely difficult, but if I had any say in it, I absolutely would. Do you enjoy going through old pictures? Sometimes. Other times it causes too much pain, depending on the pictures, of course. Do you tend to have a lot of drama in your life? Definitely not. My life is painfully uneventful. When’s the last time someone was disappointed in you? I don't know. Do you have a house phone? No. Which fast food place do you eat at the most? McDonald's. Have you ever met someone on the Internet in real life? Yep. What’s your favorite color to wear? Black. Do you like being in pictures? No. Do you travel a lot? Essentially never, even though I'd love to. Do you play any sports? No. Do you like pickles? Yesssss. How many times have you been kicked out of a store? Never. Is there things you’ve told someone that you’ve NEVER told anyone else? Probably. When was the last time you had alcohol? My birthday dinner last month. Are you one to often make typos? No, except when I'm texting. I have autocorrect on for a reason. On a hot day, would you rather prefer ice cream or a popsicle? Ice cream. Have you ever wanted to get drunk and get your mind off everything? Yes, but I just didn't want to drink anymore at one point. I'm far from a lightweight, apparently. Have you played cards recently? No. Is there a band you like with amazing music but a bad vocalist? Mother Mother immediately comes to mind, but not the main singer; he's great. The woman who occasionally joins in is fucking horrendous. Like, it hurts my ears. Is there a certain song you like to headbang to? I don't and never have really headbanged, surprisingly. It's a sure-fire way to make me dizzy. Anything you might be giving up on soon? I hope not... Sometimes I feel like it's time with photography, but I just. Can't. Have you ever captured a moth? I've raised a caterpillar into one before, then of course let it go. Is there a band/artist who has strange lyrics but you love them anyway? Otep, noteably. When was the last time you wore earrings? It's been a long time. How many pairs of heels do you own? I don't think I have any. When was the last time you changed your picture on Facebook? Uhhhh it's been at the very least a month, but I know more. Would you consider yourself to be physically strong? Absolutely not, especially my legs. I struggle to fucking walk because they're so weak. Have you ever painted a piece of furniture? Yes, actually. I helped Jason paint his shelf black. Do you have a really fat cat? No, we never have. We've always been good about keeping our pets at a healthy weight. Do your initials spell a word? No. When was the last time you went to a playground? A year or so ago when I was taking pictures of someone's son, as well as just general family photos. That same family just had another baby the other day. Have you ever made a business card for yourself? No. Do you have a favorite curse word in a different language? No. Are there any recipes you have memorized? No. Do you know your multipication times tables? Lol not most of them, no... It's been way too long. Do you have a favorite font on the computer? Of the basic ones, probably Garamond. Are you good at creating logos? *shrugs* I've only ever really made my photography watermarks, and I only JUST made one I like pretty well. How about catch phrases? I don't make those. Have you ever been severely burned? Not severely, no. Did you ever dream that you had a baby? I've actually had numerous dreams where I was pregnant, but I don't THINK I've had one where the baby was born yet. Do you or anyone you know have a rabbit? No. What was the weirdest thing you ever saw cross the road? Hm, nothing too weird, I think. Last song you got stuck in your head? "ALTÆR" by 3TEETH. Last song you listened to? ^ Favorite movie quote? I don't know. Maybe Rafiki's quote about the past hurting, but you should take that opportunity to learn. Favorite lyric? That is impossible. There are so, so very many that just like slather me in goosebumps. What magazine are you an avid reader to? None. Have you ever gone a full day without interacting with another person? I have. How many relationships have you been in that lasted less than a year? Four. Have you ever been significantly more physically fit than you are now? Man, take me the hell back to my WiiFit days. I was pretty damn fit. The last time I did it, it was seriously alarming how much I struggled doing things that were once pretty effortless. When growing up, did you parents keep the house very tidy? "Very" seems a bit too much, but Mom definitely kept it in order. How many watches do you own? None. Should teenagers be allowed to have their cell phones with them in class? Yes. Emergencies happen. Do you have any gay relatives? Yes; my mom has a cousin who's gay. Have you unfollowed, deleted, or blocked anyone on social media recently? Not recently, no. If so, what was the reason? ^ What’s the biggest financial mistake you’ve ever made? Oh, y'know, dropping out of college three fucking times. Once I pay my own bills and I truly understand finances, that's going to fucking wreck me. Do you like metal music? Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck yeah. If so, what sub-genres of metal do you like the best? Heavy and symphonic. Who was the last person you sincerely thanked? My mom for bringing home lunch recently. Have you ever been in a relationship where there was a large difference in maturity levels? No. What’s the longest you’ve ever stayed as a guest at someone’s house? Maybe like a month when I was technically homeless? How bad was your acne when you were a teenager? It was preeeetty rough. Do you like strawberry shortcake? No. What’s the last you got out of the freezer? A microwavable breakfast bowl. Do you go on the computer or watch TV more? Guess. Explain why you are single: Because I'm a very, very underdeveloped "adult" that has very little clue what she's doing. At my age, I and any potential partner should want someone with direction. What feature do you usually get most complimented on? My hair. Has anyone ever accused you of being gay? Well, I'm bi. I had this weird therapist once in middle school though who asked if I was a lesbian... Idk why she did? What Facebook groups have you found the most helpful? I'm in an advanced ball python husbandry group, and while a lot of people there are utter, degrading elitists, they do have valuable information. Did you name all of your stuffed animals and dolls? I sure did as a kid. What would you have your bridesmaids wear? Probably black dresses, and I think it'd be really cool if I were to marry a woman, the bridesmaids wear checkered Converses colored into a rainbow pattern, or something like that. Where do you want to go on your honeymoon? I think Alaska, if it was a good time to see the Northern Lights. Are you sick right now? No, thankfully. Do you feel loved? Yes. Do you like your butt? Why or why not? God no. I have such a flat ass. Are you ashamed of your faith? I'm assuming by this you mean religion, in which case, I don't have one and am not ashamed of that. Has anyone ever tried to force their beliefs on you? Yes. Have you ever personally been a victim of homophobia? Again, I'm bisexual. I have never had a personal act of homophobia inflicted upon me, though. Have you ever been accused of being homophobic? Yes, because I was for most of my life. Fucking repulsive to remember. "Repulsive" is much too gentle a word, but yeah. It is so, so embarrassing to recall myself ever believing it was wrong because my then-religion said no-no. Do you think you’d be happier if you had a pet? I have two pets. I would be so, so lonely without any. :/ I've had pets my entire life. Who was the last person you went on a date with? Sara. How long has it been since that last time you went on a date? Like two or so years. Do you think babies are cute? They can be, but I usually don't find them all that cute, honestly. Especially newborns/very young infants. They're usually hideous. My youngest niece is actually the only newborn that I remember seeing that I thought was absolultely precious. What is your favorite style of pants? Ripped skinny jeans. Were you ever hospitalized as a little kid? No. Who was the last person who broke your heart? Jason. ^Do you still miss this person? I'm sure I always will to some degree. Do you have someone to talk to and share your secrets with? Sara more than anyone, but Mom, too. Is there someone you feel extra shy around? Just men in general. Have you been hurt more by friend break-ups or romantic break-ups? Romantic. Closest living thing to you? My snake's terrarium is against the opposite wall. She's in her hide. Would you rather drown or burn alive? Drown. You go unconscious first, so. And I'd assume it to be faster than burning alive. Also me no like hot. :'''( Who is the last person you got really pissed off with? My stepmother posted some ignorant bullshit on Facebook about how people blow out of proportion our "supposed" environmental crisis. I nearly deleted her right then and there. I take that shit seriously. Most of her beliefs drive me insane, honestly, but she's a wonderful person at heart, so I just bit my tongue. Who was the last member of the opposite sex you laid in a bed with? Girt. What type of sushi do you like to eat? Never tried it, don't want to. Was the last person you kissed physically attractive? Yes. Do you have any flowers in your room? No. Do you know anyone that owns horses? Yes. Well, I took pictures for her family, anyway. Do you know anyone who has road rage? Who? Jesus, yes. My little sister. Is your mom a big health freak or your dad? Or neither? Neither are "big" health freaks, especially not Dad when you consider he smokes and knows it'll be what kills him. My mom is diabetic though, so she's reasonably careful. Do you know anyone who wants to be the president one day? No. What kinds of chips are in the cupboards? We don't have any. Ma tries to keep snacks out of the house for both hers and my sake. If you were going out with your celebrity crush, what would you wear? OH BOY idk. I'd probably spend days planning the "perfect" thing. Do you have any friends who have naturally red hair? I do. Have you ever cried when a teacher retired? Yep, my band teacher. He was incredibly loved by literally everyone. Do you have your mom’s or dad’s eyes? Neither's. They both have brown eyes. What’s the best date movie? We gonna have a problem if you don't watch The Notebook w/ me if I have it on lmao. How long has your current best friend been your best friend? Many years now. (: Do you swear and yell while playing video games? I might swear under my breath, but I don't yell. Would you rather name your daughter Andrea or Eva? Andrea. If you were adopted, would you want to know? Yes. Do you know anyone who has grossly skinny eyebrows? I couldn't care less about someone's eyebrows. Do your pets chase after bugs? Oh yes, Roman certainly does. When’s the last time you were so excited you couldn’t sleep? Why? Hmmm... this actually happened recently, but I don't remember why... What is your mom’s favorite movie? I don't know, actually. I think it's some romance one. What TV family reminds you of your own family? None, really. Do you know anyone who always looks perfect? Who? One of my best high school friends Alon was like... just always pristinely beautiful, it seemed like. I haven't seen many pictures of her lately, but I'm sure that hasn't changed. Has anyone you know ever pulled the fire alarm in school, joking around? I think so once, yes. Who was the main character in the last book you read? A dragon named Sunny. Who are the last people you saw kiss? On the lips, I'm sure it woulda been my sister and her husband. Would you rather look at clouds or stars? Clouds, I think. Well, it would depend on their design, I guess, and time of day. When you get married, who will be the maid of honor/best man? Probably my mom. Does your best friend get along with their parents? She has a wonderful relationship with them. Have you ever been in a wedding? What were you? I was the fat, hideous, crying bridesmaid. ;x; Are you purposely hiding something from someone? No. What’s the most intimate thing you’ve discussed with a stranger? My suicide attempt with doctors. What, if anything, do you substitute for fries? I always get fries. Have you ever been in a building that was on fire? No. Are you in an argument with anyone right now? No. Have you ever written a poem for someone? Yes. Who’s the last person who cussed you out in anger? My grandmother. Who is the person you are closest to that you’ve meet online? Sara. Have you friended your parents on FB? Mom, yes. Dad doesn't have one. What’s the last tourist area you visited? Chicago. Mice or roaches? Mice are precious, meanwhile I hate roaches. Did you give or get any Valentines this year? No. Well, Mom bought me and my sisters each a delicious candy apple, if that counts? What’s your homepage? Google. Is there anyone whose grave you visit? No.
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