#and then when half of them are like 'we are literally just allied toward a common goal of getting rid of these tadpoles' she does NOT get i
soclam · 9 months
one of my favorite things about building out victri's characterization has been finding where her line in the sand is. she's very much this "good for goodness' sake" type from the start. she helps the refugees in the grove because they're in need of help. she's here and it's the right thing to do so of course she's going to help them? and if anyone mentions it, she genuinely doesn't believe it to be anything extraordinary. she knows logically that not everyone would risk so much for strangers, but she can't fathom walking away from a situation where she has the power to help. even when her companions are like "hey, we can't save everyone" she just replies "but we can still save someone"
but the flip side of this is her deep thirst for retribution. especially against people who hurt those close to her. someone inflicted this horrible trauma upon this person that has been nothing but a treasured friend since the moment they met. of course she's going to kill as many people as she has to in order to take that power away. she has a personality that inclines her to try and forgive, but killing the people she can't forgive becomes as easy as breathing. just like helping those in need - it becomes a reflex, a non-choice, because she fundamentally can't imagine doing things any differently
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cursedvida · 7 days
It's really crazy to me to see the hate Mae gets, like I was reading some reviews and I can understand not liking a character but as soon as they start with the name calling their opinion is invalid to me because they have no reason to be calling her a bitch, among other things, like it just reeks of mysogyny, (it's like they just want an excuse to call women names) and seeing it coming from other girls makes it worse like..
"Oh the girl was such a bitch why did she do that 🙄" ..is it really that hard to think for a moment about the circumstances in which mae was raised?? Do they need it spell it out for them?? Like, c'mon guys do you really think that the people trapped in a bunker for generations have anything nice to teach/say about the apes?? Wes Ball please give us Mae's backstory in the sequel!! Your audience needs it bc they are out there calling Mae the real villain and saying Proximus was right 💀 (when he was literally everything Caesar hated in an ape)
Look, I'm usually a polite person when expressing my opinions, but I'm fed up with the hate towards Mae, basically because the arguments people give seem incredibly basic to me, typical of people with little to no understanding. Sometimes I doubt if these people have watched the same movie as me or maybe they have some sort of cognitive dissonance, but seriously, I find them ridiculous. Either that, or they are basically the typical comments from misogynistic guys or women with internalized misogyny who can't stand morally gray and questionable female characters.
And well, having said that, I'm going to present my doctoral thesis on this topic:
One of the things I've seen the most is people saying that Mae is evil, the true villain, or an ungrateful traitor to Noa. This argument seems quite incomprehensible to me because, even though we don't have much data about her, I believe there's something very important that explains why she acts as she does: the Proximus apes killed the people in her group, including her mother. I mean: her damn mother. If we add to that the UNDERSTANDING (I mean, you have to be very short-minded not to assume something so obvious) that she has been raised in an environment where they've probably told her all her life that the apes are the reason for all the evils of humanity and the main reason why humans live in shitty conditions, I think anyone with half a brain has enough information to understand why she does what she does.
Yes, Noa is a good guy, but he's not helping her. Noa and Mae have a common goal and decide to ally themselves momentarily to achieve that goal, which is to reach Proximus. As much as they've formed a bond throughout the story, it's not yet strong enough for Mae to set aside what she has worked for so hard. Mae not only bears the weight of humanity on her shoulders but also emotionally carries the idea that she, as the sole survivor of her group, must complete the mission at all costs. Are those who criticize her telling me that if they truly thought that with certain actions they could not only save their species but also honor their loved ones who have been killed infront their eyes, they wouldn't do them? And that they wouldn't do them for someone they've just met, no matter how much they like them? That's just not realistic, it makes no sense. We would all do the same as Mae in her situation. I mean, I have no doubts.
Another thing I love is when they say she's the "true villain" as if it weren't clear enough that she feels bad every time since she forms a bond with Raka and Noa when she does something that she knows may harm them. She feels pain for Raka's death and clearly, you can also see the conflict and remorse when she detonates the bomb. It's not something she enjoys doing, but she HAS to do it. In the final scene, even though she's carrying a gun, you can also clearly see her in conflict with herself. Clearly, she doesn't want to kill him. Clearly, she has nothing against Noa, and this is evident when she finally accepts the necklace and they even shake hands. You can't tell me that's the attitude of a villain, narratively it's not presented as such, and seeing it that way is to have understood nothing.
Mae is a complex character whose life is based on survival, she's no different from the characters we're used to loving and idolizing in other post-apocalyptic series, the difference here for me is that she's human and humans have to be bad by default and also that she's a woman. Because female characters always have to be the support, the romantic interest, or the unconditional friends of heroic male characters, and Mae is none of that. Mae is a character with her own story and ambitions that go beyond Noa's plot. Mae has her own plot, and it seems that's something that bothers people a lot.
I'm sorry, but the hate towards Mae seems very similar to the one people had for Sansa Stark in Game of Thrones, which basically stemmed from people being misogynistic and hating complex and imperfect female characters, combined with how much they hate seeing protagonist characters with such human and real characteristics that they can't bear the idea of seeing themselves reflected in them.
But hey, for Sansa Stark, I would have killed, and now for Mae too. Mae haters basically DNI
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atraedia · 5 months
Anxious Times (Syzoth x afab! reader)
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Totally didn't just forget to put a title on this and came up with something in five seconds... It's been so long since I've written anything, so I'm a bit rusty; I've got my own headcanons in the vault and some reqs that I need to start. When I tell you, I will die on a hill for this man. I will defend him to the ends of the Earth. I would be cured of anxiety and become the 'he asked for no pickles' person for him. He could literally tear me in half with his bare hands and burn me with acid, and yet you best believe who's gonna be there with a sign, cheering him on when he's in a fight? - ME. Is Syzoth my favourite character? It's very much possible. I don't even necessarily like him in a typical obsessive way (like he's hot and all that); he reminds me of myself in subtle ways that make me wanna give him a big hug and wish him a good day.
Requested?: Yes. The reader is a human pregnant with Syzoth's kid. Naturally, the pregnancy is risky, considering they're from different species (technically, it shouldn't be possible, but we don't talk about this!). This is essentially a collection of his worries and relief over the stressful period.
Warnings: Mentions of Death (Syzoth's wife and child). Mentions of death during childbirth. Mentions of deformation. Pregnancy itself? Nothing explicit or graphic of any kind.
Syzoth had once lost everything he held close to his heart.
The sudden reveal of what he had always suspected yet steadfastly denied tore a gaping hole through his heart.
Everything he had done in those dungeons, everything he'd overseen in order to protect his family, was for nothing.
The pain had been momentarily dulled by the presence of his peers and soon-to-be allies, but it never went away. His wife had been a painful loss, one that would heal with enough time (though he would never forget the time he spent with her and how she'd accepted him despite the odds).
The loss of his child, however, was a pain nothing could heal - or at least that's what he thought.
Syzoth wouldn't have expected his sanctity to come from a human. Nevertheless, here he was, sitting next to you, beautiful and kind, occasionally glancing down at the jewelled necklace he had given you as a courting gift. The first of many.
"I'm pregnant, Sy."
When you gave him the news, he was stuck between two points. One of giving you a bright smile and thanking you for making him a father again, the other was to curl up into a ball and cry if he's being honest. The conflict must've shown on his face because it wasn't long until you were pushing yourself into his cold arms and rubbing circles on his back.
No words were exchanged between you, none were needed.
(As if he needed another reason to worship you)
He had lost one child and lover before, and he couldn't handle losing either (or, gods forbid, both) again. To make things worse, the risks were significantly higher this time.
You were human; he was saurian.
He didn't know much about interspecies relationships, but you were under the impression that it would be highly unlikely (near impossible) that you could get pregnant with him.
A couple hours later, he was pacing in his room near frantically. Maybe his humanoid form is an exception because if you were going to get pregnant - that form seemed like the most likely culprit. Maybe he has some human DNA; hell, maybe that's how he has this ability to begin with.
He remembers some information you had found at the beginning of your relationship (you were going to be in a relationship with another species, after all). The child could end up having a horrid mash-up of features, half-reptile, half-human, and not be able to shift the same way he can. Constantly stuck somewhere between the two for their entire life.
The other Saurians wouldn't like that - he'd never take you to them regardless; they were too volatile and held too much hatred towards anything warm-blooded for him to be comfortable with you being anywhere near his so-called 'kin'.
Of course, he'd sooner die than let anything happen to you, but he was only one person, and he knew the hard way that his people didn't mind ganging up to take out those they see as cursed.
If they found out you were with his child while you were there, it would be a bloodbath. A part of him still wished that his people would be more open-minded so that they might finally welcome him with open arms. Maybe even accept his child as one of them.
He knew now not to believe in false fantasies; they would never change their ways. He could only hope that this child would be given his ability, too. He would not let them interact with other Saurians, not really. He just wanted them to see what his home was like and learn a bit about their culture. He knew that regardless of the child's features, whether they were more zaterran than human or vice versa, they'd be loved the same by their parents.
He was getting ahead of himself, he remembered woefully. There was a chance the child wouldn't survive the birth to begin with; there was a chance that you wouldn't either. Who knew what kind of toll it would take on your body? Who knew if birthing the child would be possible to begin with? It might be one of those issues where pregnancy can be reached, but the child is never viable...
He couldn't lose you; he would not lose you.
He returned to you once he had his mind in some kind of order to discuss the situation some more. He felt terrible. Not because of the child but because he knew that you could see how this was affecting him; he was a horrible liar when it came to you. He knew that you would try to spin this around to accommodate his comfort zone, but this time, he wouldn't let you. Especially not since it concerned you.
Hence his vehement refusal when you asked if the two of you should explore ways of...removing the dilemma. He remembers what you had told him when the two of you started to get really close.
You'd wanted children, and you had been willing to give that opportunity up if it meant you got to live your life with him.
If this was possible, he was going to make it work.
The first call of order is to inform friends; at this point, Syzoth is still in a state of shock and is just letting you pull him along. Before long, the two of you arrive at the Shirai Ryu. That makes sense; you'd befriended Tomas and Kuai Liang shortly after their brother's betrayal, and the three of you (Harumi, too) have been close ever since.
Tomas was over the moon to see two of his closest friends and even more so to hear the news. Harumi and Kuai Liang gave their own congratulations. They offered the two of you to stay with the clan for the time being, seeing as you and Syzoth had been living together in a rural area of outworld and would be needing assistance throughout the pregnancy.
The first check-up went well but did nothing to quell Syzoth's worries. It only got worse when you began to experience the typical signs of human pregnancy, like morning sickness (which you were struck with particularly bad) and even more so when you were fit with sudden fatigue (he definitely thought you were dying or going into hibernation).
It felt like he was being punched in the face with the realities of pregnancy in humans, and he wasn't even experiencing it himself. Saurians had no issues as such, the occasional cramp. It could be a side effect of being warm-blooded, he supposes. Either way, it never failed to make him uncomfortable, but despite your protests, the physicians would still check. Each time, it was just the typical signs of pregnancy.
It's when the bump starts to show that it really hits him that this is happening. He's simultaneously fascinated and terrified.
"What do you mean the children come out hatched?"
"There's usually only one hatchling?"
It's genuinely like he's going through an entirely different process when compared with his previous relationship.
The poor guy knows next to nothing but stick with him because he's absolutely willing to know every detail if it means they'll be more prepared.
I think the fact that humans usually only give birth to one child per pregnancy soothes his nerves a lot. If you think about it, reptiles usually lay multiple eggs, and then some die before they hatch. I could see it being a pretty devastating process.
He'd probably go into this thinking you were going to have five kids, of which there's a chance none would survive, especially with the mix of DNA. He has no idea how big the child would be, and humans are obviously smaller than Saurians, so he was worried about the chance of you bleeding too much during the birth.
These were worries he'd voice to you in the privacy of your own room, with him laying directly next to you, a hand on the growing bump which had become a common action, listening to your explanations.
If you only have one child, then it should be less strenuous than Saurian births. Then, there was the fact that humans rarely had stillbirths. They would know as soon as the child was born whether or not it would live, and that made him sigh in relief. He didn't think he could handle getting his hopes up waiting for an egg to hatch, only to find out there was no chance to begin with.
Instead of the perpetual fear he held for the two of you, he could now see that there were upsides to the situation. Things in their favour. Still, though, his fears would never go away entirely until the birthing process was done and he saw for himself that you (and hopefully the child) were safe.
When the day comes, he feels no more prepared than the day he found out. It was a gentle morning in the Shirai Ryu, and breakfast passed quickly with light laughter among the friends. He'd grown closer to Kuai Liang and Harumi over his time here, having already been good friends with Tomas, and knew for sure that he could rely on them as well with the ever-nearing due date.
It was sometime around noon when things started to heat up a little. Syzoth was walking you back to your shared room so that you could rest your legs and feet a little bit. You'd severely underestimated just how difficult it was to keep your energy up with your daily walks. The exercise was good for the child, you'd been told, and that was the only thing that convinced you to actually do them.
You'd abruptly stopped in your small paces, and the hand wrapped around his bicep tightened while a silent gasp left your mouth. Syzoth stops in near tandem with you and gently places his free hand over your stomach, leaning over a bit to see your face clearly.
"What? What is it, love? What's wrong?" This man is panicking already, and he doesn't even know what's wrong yet. Little does he know that your water just broke; at least you'd been wearing multiple layers and pads.
Once you come to terms with what's just happened, you look to meet your partner's unnaturally green eyes.
"It's time." His heart drops, but he's quick to steel himself and get you to the healers. Even though he goes to pick you up to get you there quicker, you gently refuse. Not wanting to be seen getting carried, you've always been a little bit headstrong when it comes down to it.
Besides, you aren't far from the healers, and you aren't having contractions at the moment. If Syzoth carries you now (as much as you would appreciate it), you feel as though the situation will finally dawn on you, as you won't have anything to focus on except for the child.
And Syzoth is definitely worrying more than enough for both of you.
You manage to waddle your way there with no catastrophes, which you take as a good sign. These next hours are the make or break, and suddenly, you understand just how anxious Syzoth must've been over these months.
To be truthful, you hadn't been all too worried. Finding out you were pregnant, despite not thinking it was possible, felt like a blessing. If this child wasn't meant to be born into the world between the two of you, then why had you been allowed to carry them?
You know biology would tell you differently, that this child may not live long even if you do birth them safely, that they might be unhealthy their entire lives, that they may never be able to have children themselves, they might seem fine until years down the line when they suddenly come down with some incurable disease... the list was endless, is endless.
It was almost comical how the person carrying the child was so much more relaxed than the father. Now, you were beginning to feel as though you were in over your head.
Settling into the bed made you feel restless; Syzoth's presence at your side soothed you momentarily, and he swore he wouldn't leave your side.
The birth was long and arduous, but Syzoth kept to his word, even if it ended up breaking his hand. He couldn't help but think about how different human births are from saurian ones. Even though you were birthing fewer children (what would've been eggs had you been saurian), it seemed to take a more immense toll on your energy as opposed to what he had thought earlier. Since the child wasn't in an egg, it made complications more likely, and it was harder to fit through the birthing canal.
You were warmer than usual and dripping in sweat. More so than any fight he's seen you in. Somewhere along the way, you'd reached over to grab his other hand, which had slotted itself into yours subconsciously.
Hearing the words 'nearly there' over your screams was a blessing, but he really wished this would all be over and that the two of you would be okay.
There were extra healers in the room, given the unusual circumstances, and they'd been telling him that it was actually coming along like any other birth. Had he been in the right frame of mind, he would've felt much better.
Syzoth has his eyes closed when you give the final push. He almost doesn't realise the child is out until you grip his hands harder than before.
You're staring intently at the small yet silent figure being bundled in blankets by the head healer. Syzoth copies the action flawlessly, spotting soft skin when the blood and other fluids are wiped away.
Human hatchlings are supposed to cry at birth, aren't they? He thinks to himself. It means they're breathing.
The less experienced healers are glancing at each other; it certainly doesn't help either of you two in your worries. The head healer, however, is nonplussed. They look into the baby's mouth first before pulling the blanket down, turning the child over in their arms, and rubbing circles onto their back.
"Come on, little one." They keep rubbing and give a few semi-firm pats before continuing to rub. "Breathe. Come on now."
After twenty or so seconds of agony, cries break out in the room. Strong and loud. Relief passes over the occupants of the room as the head healer turns the baby back over gently with a smile.
Like they'd discussed beforehand the baby is taken for some simple tests, just to make sure everything is really okay. You'd pretty much passed out in response and Syzoth very nearly felt like doing the same.
He leaves the room momentarily so that the healers can check up on you and is met with a pacing Tomas. Open seeing his outworld friend, he's quick to question about you and the child's health.
Syzoth just smiles and leans forward to rest his forehead on his shoulder.
No more than 30 minutes later, Syzoth is holding that child in his arms. She looks human, but her eyes tell a different story. With nine months of stress and panic finally over - he holds his daughter to his bare chest and settles down in the chair directly next to your bed where you are sleeping off your fatigue after finally being able to hold your firstborn.
The pain in the absence of his first child is still there; they would've loved to welcome their little sister into the world.
He finds the pain is still present but not as raw or gutwrenching. It'll never go away, he realises, no matter how much time passes, but he doesn't ever want it to. Everything's as it should be.
Somehow, he manages to fall asleep in that chair, a secure grip around his daughter. His lover at his side. The ache in his chest, now comforting, reminded him of memories from another life - memories he could now look back on with a smile instead of a grimace.
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obislittleone · 3 months
The Winner Takes It All
Episode 12
Pairing: Finnick Odair x Tribute(OC)!Reader
Chapter Warnings: this might be the saddest one... or maybe I'm delusional and it can only get worse from here. Anyways, death, canon typical violence, drowning, my sweet baby Lukas is trying his best as always... oh yeah a hUGE AMOUNT OF ANGST
Chapter Summary: This is the endgame, there are four tributes remaining. Who will live, and who will die? The choice has never been up to the tributes.
Word Count: 3.8k
my live action cinderella dress (movie accurate) is finally done so expect me to have a lot more editing time. I will also probably have more writing time so expect some endings to unfinished series.
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“He had f-feelings for me?” Lukas was dumbfounded. The poor kid didn’t even get to tell you. He tried to speak, opened his mouth to do so, but froze upon not knowing what he could possibly say in response. Maybe just start with the truth.  “He did,” his head fell when the words finally escaped. “I’m sorry, he wanted to tell you.”
You’d been silent. Not quiet, but absolutely silent. Lukas didn’t try to make you be anything else… but he did have to keep you moving. It wasn’t much later in the day, but the sun was already setting. The minimal amounts of light only being shown through the small openings of the tree canopy. It was harder to tell where you were going. Nothing looked the same as it did yesterday, or the day before. You could swear you’d walked through here to get to the stream, but the path had somewhat changed along the way. 
As drowned in your thoughts as you’d been right after it happened, your entire body, including your brain, had been numbed to Rodey’s death. His blood was still on your hands. Figuratively and literally. You didn’t stare at it too long, forgetting to let your gaze linger on anything except the path ahead, and Lukas, who was three steps in front of you. 
You both were half of the remaining tributes. It was a miracle you both had made it this far, but now that the numbers had dwindled, there were two other tributes left who were hunting the both of you. It was better to keep moving than to sit like a duck and let one of them take their victory. 
The longer you went without finding the stream, your need for freshwater had grown exponentially. It was strange how the past few days it would rain for hours, but now that you actually needed water it ceased to exist… in a literal rainforest. That was the peak behavior of a game maker, to play sinisterly. 
“We can stop here for now. Maybe if I can get up one of these trees I’ll be able to spot the stream again.” 
You barely minded what he was saying, giving a small nod to at least show you heard him. You didn’t care much to speak anymore, not even to the person who you felt the most patience from. He was doing fine without the constant dialogue of the days before, and you knew he’d be fine without it till the end. He was going to win, there was no doubt in your mind. You’d thought that perhaps it could be him or Rodey, but Rodey died saving you. Now you would do the same for Lukas, whenever the situation finally came. 
You sat down, back against a tree trunk and head dropped forward, eyes making an instant connection with the dried blood on your body. Even if you scrubbed at yourself for hours, there was no chance you could get rid of it all. You have the blood of two allies on your hands, now. That’s as many as you’re willing to have. 
Lukas had set down his pack, starting to climb the roots and knots of the tree’s enormous base, when a tiny parachute descended straight towards him. You looked up when you heard the familiar sound it made, watching it fall into the boy’s hands. 
“Head’s up,” he called, tossing you one of two canteens full of water. You took it gratefully, beginning to drink up as much as you could take. 
Lukas smiled before looking down to the note included. 
Talk to her for me, tell her it’s not her fault. - F
He sighed, trying to come up with any ideas on what he could possibly say. There’s no way to know if she’ll even be open to a conversation. There’s no indicator that she even wants to speak at all. But this is a sponsor that keeps them from having to exhaust their resources, and Finnick asked for something simple in return. He doesn’t understand why Finnick is so dead set on coddling you in this arena. It’s not like things are going to get any better from here. It’s an absolute fact that the time can only become worse, until everyone meets their end but one. 
But against his logic, and against what his brain is telling him, his gut wants to follow his mentor’s instructions… So he does. 
He sits beside you at the base of the tree, his own canteen in hand and his pack in the other. 
“Listen, I know you don’t wanna talk about it,” he assumed, given the fact that you’ve literally said nothing since it happened. “But what happened, it wasn’t your fault. You know that, right?” 
You reasoned with the scene over in your head, and the only way it didn’t end the same way is if he didn’t choose to jump in front of you. It was hard to think about, because you feel responsible. He wouldn’t have jumped if you weren’t there. But if you weren’t there, she’d only have him to charge at. It all ends the same every time. He was faster than you, braver than you. He would have stepped time and again, and you couldn’t stop him. 
“He s-saved me. It was f-for me.”
“I know.”
You closed your canteen and let it roll out of your hands and onto the ground next to you, curling your legs to your chest and trying to comfort yourself. You really didn’t want to talk about it, but if he was adamant for you to do so, it was going to be on your terms. 
He seemed to be stumbling for more words, and only came across some having rambled a thought from his head. 
“I wish he’d never told you…”
“T-told me what?”
He hadn’t caught onto the fact that you had no idea what he was talking about. So like a dumbass, he kept going. 
“About his feelings for you. I told him a few days ago it could only hurt you. Then again I also told him it was a good idea so I guess we were both stupid,” his rambling of a response made your eyes widen in both shock and anger. 
“He had f-feelings for me?”
Lukas was dumbfounded. The poor kid didn’t even get to tell you. He tried to speak, opened his mouth to do so, but froze upon not knowing what he could possibly say in response. Maybe just start with the truth. 
“He did,” his head fell when the words finally escaped. “I’m sorry, he wanted to tell you.”
For some reason, this information didn’t hurt you as much as it should. Instead, it angered you. How could he possibly have been so stupid to sacrifice himself in the name of feelings for someone he’d only recently met? How could he have given up a possible win, just to show his devotion. Had it been an instinctual move of protection, you could have accepted it… but no. 
“I s-should be dead r-right now. All these p-people around me, dropping l-like flies. And I’m still h-here.”
“Don’t say things like that. Look, I get it. You feel responsible…”
You nodded, because yes, you absolutely did. Your ally’s blood is on your hands, and no matter how many times you scrub it away, it will always be there. 
“But I feel responsible for you. I’d rather it be any of them than you, understand?” He finished off, his look of seriousness piercing yours of confused emotion. Sadness, anger, guilt. Probably more, but you can’t identify them.
You nodded, but his words didn’t make you feel any better. If anything it just made things worse. He was still trying to protect you, and you couldn’t stand losing one more ally. Especially not him. He had to be the one to make it out of here. You’d been thinking about it so much more the past several hours, now that only four remain. You’ve only gotten this far because of your allies, but now they are almost gone. It’s on the verge of every man for himself, but you know Lukas won’t let you die on your own. If it comes down to the two of you, you have every intention of throwing yourself from the top of a tree so he can go home. You don’t think you’ll survive the other two tributes, however. 
“You’re g-going to win, y’know.”
He sighed, looking at the ground and shrugging. Maybe they are true, the things that you say. He just hopes they aren’t. 
“I’m not so sure anymore. If I were a gambling man, I’d have to put money on you.”
“Well then it’s a g-good thing you don’t gamble,” you smiled, trying to expel every other feeling you had, and only hold onto one emotion at a time. The air was light, just around the two of you. Old friends, fighting for their lives, but they can still make the other smile, or laugh. It’s simply what friends can do. 
Lukas hopes that he doesn’t leave this arena without you. He is praying to anyone that can hear his thoughts that if he watches you die, he’ll die too. It’s not like he has anything to go back to, anyway. 
“Promise m-me something, for when you get h-home?” You asked, his curiosity piqued. “Promise me that you’ll take care of m-my family. My brother, make sure he d-doesn’t ever have his name in the bowl more than it h-has to be.”
He smiled. He hadn’t even thought about his own family, his mother. Probably because he didn’t consider her to be so, anymore. 
“I promise, if I get out of here, I will.”
“T-thank you, Lukas.” 
He leaned against you, his head resting on the tree while your own head was on his shoulder. You’d be perfectly content with dying if you could just drift away like this. Everything now was peaceful, and you’d left no stones unturned. Your family would be taken care of if Lukas lived, you know he’s good on his word. You know that having spoken with him, and even sitting here with him now, you will have resolved everything with him. There’s nothing else you need to know… except-
“W-why did you volunteer?”
He took a deep inhale beside you, then went stiff as the reasoning coursed through his mind. He could lie and say it was an impulsive mistake. He could come up with literally a million other things that would sound plausible for any kid on why they would do something so stupid. But he wasn’t any kid, and you weren’t just some bystander. You were his best friend. Either of you could die any moment, so he wanted to make sure you got nothing but the truth. 
“The morning of the reaping, my mom and I had that argument,” he recalled. You nodded along, remembering the scene vividly. He hadn’t been himself until he’d gotten on a boat. The water always seemed to calm him down. “I’d been feeling better after work, but I went home to shower and get dressed.”
He stopped for a moment, his brow furrowing as he tried to bring it all back into recollection. The nasty look on his mother’s face, the way she swore at him and spewed her insanity. Thinking back to it now, him volunteering is just what she wanted. It would have been better to refuse volunteering out of spite. 
“She told me I would never measure up to my father, and that there was no point in trying. When I asked her what she wanted from me, she told me she wished I had died in his place.”
Your hand immediately found his in a tight and reassuring grip when you heard this. It was just like his mother to go off and say some shit like that. Something that would scar him the rest of his life and force him to go immeasurable lengths, and for what?
“I told her I would volunteer if she wanted me dead so badly. She said I might as well, because it would be the only way to bring some pride back to our family. The sad thing is, I didn’t regret it until they called your name…”
“I’m s-so sorry,” you whispered to him, barely heard above the humming and buzzing of the rainforest. You clung to him, hoping that this could bring the smallest semblance of comfort in a place that exudes horror and danger. He clung right back to you, being still in your embrace as it was one of normalcy. He wasn’t sure how much longer he’d be able to hug you, or look at you, or talk to you. Even simply being in your presence wasn’t something he was going to take for granted, because he knew that soon, he would never be able to again, whichever way it went. 
The day continued on, and the sun was setting much faster than you would ever anticipate. Probably because it wasn’t a real sun, and any glimpse of normalcy was non-lasting. It couldn’t be, because there had to be reminders that this was not the wilderness, and you were not safe. You would die any second. There were only four tributes remaining. You could imagine that things were getting tense back in the capitol. You couldn’t imagine the kid from eleven had garnered much of a fan base with Lukas being the prized tribute this year. You doubted the girl from one was getting any special attention, either. Not that they needed it. Estelle was most definitely the most qualified remaining tribute, a career who has trained for this moment all her life… but still, you’re sure Lukas will win it from her. 
While walking in the marshy rainforest, you’re quickly reminded how easily this game can end. 
You hear a branch snap a bit down the trail behind you, and you freeze. 
“Lukas…” you whisper, drawing the knife from your hip. 
He heard another branch, and turned his head, the boy named Brock from eleven quickly approaching, with Estelle on his heels. Whether or not she was chasing him, no one could be sure, but they both had a determined look in their eye, and all it took was one word for you to bolt ahead like lightning. 
The branches below you snapped in half, the pressure of your rapid footsteps was intense enough to squash any animal or snake that dared slither into your path. 
You could hear Lukas’ hard breath intake, as he was passing you every few seconds, then trailing a step behind, only to look back and make sure they weren’t gaining too quickly… except for they were. This was going to end in a face off, whether you liked it or not. You couldn’t run forever, and it was just a matter of time. You were ready to die, and you would protect Lukas. 
You tripped over your steps, holding your hand out to stop Lukas in his tracks before he fell. 
Well, at least you’d found the waterfall. The only downside is, you were at the top of it, having run onto a ledge that was at least a thirty foot drop into deep waters, raging from the pressure of the falls. There was no way you were making that jump without drowning. You’d probably have a heart attack on the way down and die before hitting the water. 
“W-what do we do?” You turned to your counterpart, and he whipped his head back at the two approaching tributes. 
“We’ve gotcha, now!” Estelle could be heard shouting, the sound getting far too close for comfort. It was now evident that they had been teamed up on this effort. “Nowhere to run!”
Lukas yanked your arm, pulling you beside him. 
“Do you trust me?” he asked sincerely, the look in his eyes made you scared, like he was thinking irrationally, and he was… but it was all he could come up with. 
“Yes,” you nodded, but grabbed his hand which was still on your arm. “Lukas?” 
He didn’t even hesitate. He didn’t answer your call of his name. He didn’t even give you a second to understand what the hell he was about to do. He just did it. 
Within a moment, gravity became your enemy, and you went flying backwards off the edge of the cliffside, arms and legs flailing as you screamed all the way down into the waters. You sucked in a quick breath before being  fully submerged, hammered down by the constant onslaught of heavy water. 
Lukas took off, running away while the others were distracted by your fall into the depths. He ran towards the forest again, trying to jump logs and dodge trees, anything that could make their path to him harder. 
Brock was still looking over the edge, having been surprised by the play of events. 
“Let’s go, we can’t let him get far,” Estelle pulled him by the shoulder, turning him to the rainforest patches again.
“What about the girl?” 
Estelle scoffed, “We’ll hear a cannon in a few minutes, she can’t swim.” 
And with that, they took off.
Immediately being in water, the panic set into your mind. You were clawing around, trying to make it out, reaching out for anything that you could use to pull yourself up… but with the pressure beating down over you, you sank deeper, and deeper, with no savior to jump in after you, now. This was it. This was the moment you had to choose. 
Live, or Die.
Last time you chose to die, but there was nothing on the line. Lukas is on the line now. He is the only person you swore you were going to protect in this arena, and you had to find a way out of here if that was going to happen. 
You tried to quiet your mind, to forget the past and just how much you hated being in this water. You were ignoring just how badly your arms ache while attempting to paddle to the surface. You forgot it all and remembered the boy you’ve known since childhood. You remembered all the times he stood up for you against the kids mocking your stutter. You remembered just how much he’s done for you and is still doing for you… and suddenly, your head breaks through the surface, and you’re able to crawl into the small cavern behind the waterfall. 
You start heaving breaths, rapidly letting the air tear through your lungs, now that they had access to air in the first place. You smiled to yourself once you were able to get high enough on the rocks to stand. You survived. You’d been dealt a hand that was completely out of your favor and you managed to climb out and breathe the air around you. 
Your excitement was immediately cut off when you heard a cannon sound. 
You didn’t waste a minute in climbing the rocks as fast as you could, albeit a little clumsy from having wet hands and shoes. Your mind raced, and you hoped that your heart pounding would be eased, and you would be wrong about your suspicions. 
“No, n-no,” you shook your head, running into the rainforest and looking around frantically. You took several turns, and couldn’t see anything or anyone, but you had your knife drawn anyway. You were practically panting by now, the heaviness in your breath never dwindling. 
The minute you came to a clearing, your eyes falling on the person in front of you, your eyes watered with tears. 
“Lukas,” you slid down to your knees next to his limp frame, pulling him into your lap to hold him. “Wake up. W-wake up, Lukas, I’m h-here.” 
He didn’t budge, but as you rocked him, you were able to see the source of this tragedy, the trail of blood, streaming from his chest and over his body in gushes. It was all over your hands, and it was all over your arms. It was all over you. You were covered in his blood, just like you were covered in Rodey’s dried blood. You’d let another ally sacrifice themselves for you. You swore you wouldn’t. 
This wasn’t just another ally, and this wasn’t just a tribute you’d met a week ago. This was the best friend you’d ever had. The person who grew up alongside you into a wonderful man. He was the person who comforted you when you felt too embarrassed to go to a family member. He was the boy who’d complimented you when no other boy would dare. He was the one who brought you shells every morning from his walk to the docks. And now he is the boy who’s blood you are covered in, crying over miserably. 
You can’t bring yourself to part with him, to let him go. You know if you do, something different will become of you. Something you have never been before. So you don’t. You cling to him, and you cry, and you let the thunder that begins to rumble above you reflect your emotion. It’s been a day since it’s rained in this rainforest, but even still, the rain doesn’t pour, it only trickles slightly. Enough to remind you that despite this loss, and despite the fact that you will never be the same, you are still in this arena, and there is only one way out. 
You raise your head, and hear another sound of a cannon. You look around, but there is no sign of movement or of other tributes. 
There’s only one left, and despite what you’ve said since the moment you entered this God forsaken place, despite your morals, and despite these tributes not being your real enemy, there is only one thing on your mind, and you will not rest until you’ve attained it…
As you move to stand, you roll Lukas’ body on his back, placing his hands over his chest to be at rest. You hate that this is how his story ends. You want to bury him, you want to give him a proper memorial, but you know this arena will be scrapped by the capitol for next year’s use, and this spot will be desecrated soon after you arrange it. So you’ve decided you will raise a memorial of him back home, when you arrive there. 
Your tears are still running hot, but there’s a new fire under them that hadn’t been there before. There’s an anger you’ve never felt before. There’s a glint in your eyes that will not be satisfied.
You turn your head at the familiar sound of an incoming parachute, the contents of the container seem to be large, as there’s an entire box being lowered in. You watch it fall to the ground, in disbelief at the sheer size of it alone. It comes up to about your knees, and you wonder, what could Finnick have sent me?
You flick open the top, and immediately see the contents of the inside. Rope, lots and lots of rope. Several carabiners are included that could be used for rock climbing, but you know, and he knows, that’s not what you have in mind. 
You pick up the note, two little wet spots appearing from the tears in your eyes, and the rain from above. 
Show no Mercy… - F
tags(open): @thepassionatereader @i-voluntears @secretsicanthideanymore @mystargirl-interlude @c4ttheart @lilibrn
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Jean Vicquemare
He's a minor character with a surprising amount of depth when u look into it!! But he is also a Cop (derogatory) and I feel a lot of people take the few things we know about him and twist it into an entirely different entity separate from the source material. I think he's an interesting character and should also be catapulted into the sun <3
This could not be more of a divisive character in this Fandom, which is hilarious considering he doesn't even have that much screen time. He is either seen as the devil incarnate or a poor little baby who's so sad! Being a fan of him means it's just best to block his tag here on Tumblr otherwise you'll tear your hair out at how frustratingly people misrepresent his purpose in the story.
Dark Pit
Most of Dark Pit's mischaracterization comes from the fact that he's in SSBU- everyone assumes he's like every other nintendo clone; evil and just a 'bad' version of the original. But he's not!! Even the characters in his own game think he's just cruel by nature, when he's never actually done anything wrong. He's a dick, yes, but wouldn't you be a bit pissy if you kept getting dragged into a war you want no part in, called a name crafted specifically to belittle your own existence?
Dark Pit was created when Pit, the original, was on a mission to destroy a mirror that would copy anything that stood before it, since the villians were using it to create an army. It's incredibly important to note that it does NOT create 'evil' versions or even just copy the body and leave the personality at home. It's a 1:1 conversion. Unfortunately, the villians also knew Pit would destroy the mirror quite directly, standing in front of it (or more accurately, flying kicking towards it) and triggering the copy to be made. It was shattered midway through creation, creating Dark Pit- something the villians were hoping would happen, as Pit is the last angel to exist and they REAAAALLY want their own angel.
Immediately everyone assumes Dark Pit is just evil by default- even the villian is gloating about her new minion, but he immediately rejects that and punches the villian and helps you in the fight. He steals her power and flies away after, but its important to realize that Dark Pit could've just allied with the villians for the same result, and instead chose to be alone. Sure, he's kinda a dick to Pit, but he hasn't done anything outright evil. Just took a dead god's power in order to fly and left.
Cue the next mission where Palutena calls Dark Pit 'twisted' and 'inherently corrupt' like ma'am where??? Hes just an asshole cmon, you would be too if your birth parent is a reflective piece of glass. You go off on a mission to try and KILL him, and he obviously defends himself- once again, he's done nothing outright wrong. He's rude and aggressive, yes, but he literally doesn't want ANY part of all this war between gods shit, and here you are killing him for merely existing. During the final battle of the mission Dark Pit tells Pit that he is his reflection, and that they're the same person- Dark Pit is just more than willing to say the things Pit refuses to admit to himself.
AND HE'S RIGHT. Dark Pit believes the gods are selfish, are using Pit as a tool for their own gain, and that the world would be better off without them since all they ever seem to do is cause war and destruction. If you pay attention to how Pit reacts to the world around him, he DOES share these beliefs but instead of acting on them, he just buries it. Pit will even snap at the gods about half-way through the game, telling them outright that its THEIR war that is destroying the planet and that THEY'RE all at fault. Dark Pit is NOT an evil clone; he's an inversion. Everything Pit hides away, he wears on his sleeve, and interestingly, everything Pit openly is, DARK PIT STILL IS TOO. He, just like Pit, hides it away instead of admiting it.
After the fight Dark Pit runs away, and shows up mainly as an ally to Pit going forward. The game mentions further how kinda fucked up Dark Pit's whole situation is- if Pit's soul is removed from his body, Dark Pit just DOESN'T EXIST during that time. If Pit dies, Dark Pit dies, and he has no control over it. He never even gets his own name- its either Dark Pit, or his nickname of 'Pit two' (Pitto). If Pit ever attacks Dark Pit and tries to kill him, there's little Dark Pit could ever really do; In the game he'll defend himself and try and kill you, but at that point he's dead either way. His life is barely his own.
Worst part is, SSBU confirms Dark Pit allied with Viridi after the events of Kid Icarus Uprising. I cannot STRESS how horrible that is for his characterization so far. Viridi is the god of nature and hates humanity for even existing, with her first appearance being her dropping NUKES onto towns and cities to purge humanity. And Dark Pit now works as a commander under her. Either Viridi has to mellow out REAL damn fast and stop nuking medieval humans, or they accidentally wrote Dark Pit to be a Human Murderer (we specifically know Viridi sends her commanders to kill off anyone who survives her nature nukes). Really hope this stays in the realm of 'not canon' because holy shit there's so many better options to pick from than the 'little girl god with a hit list and a factory of bombs'.
(Not even sure WHY Dark Pit, who thinks gods are selfish and use angels like tools, would want to ally with a god. Yes, he can't fly without a god's help, but even then why ally with the most vindictive and murder-happy god that isn't Hades??? Poor dude really just needs a break from all the gods to sort out who he is and to start building his own life independently from Pit)
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siriannatan · 30 days
Dragon Sleeping Habits - ScfWhip
For once fWhip isn't the one who needs being taken care of :)
He'd be first to call himself a hypocrite, fWhip thought as he watched Scott during a meeting of all the emperors. Why Katherine insisted on gathering them together if all they did was argue and exchange vague and veiled threats and insults was beyond him.
But back to him observing the leven half-dragon king. Scott looked exhausted. And trust him, fWhip would know what exhaustion looked better than most. He more than once caught himself in a mirror after working on a project. And he knew, being one himself, that half-dragons were fully capable of exhaustion.
He fully knew why Scott was exhausted. It wasn't just a few weeks since his brother tried to take over the world. It must have been hard knowing your sibling was in an eternal magical prison for consorting with demons. Not to mention all the horrors they all had to go through to get him there.
So, even if fWhip was usually wary of Scott. It was in every dragon's nature to be wary of other dragons unless mated. He decided he needed to talk to Scott. Everyone else seemed to ignore the obvious. Not to mention that Scott pretty much only left his empire for these meetings. And fWhip might have overheard about him withdrawing from all his alliances. Just suddenly turned neutral to all his ‘friends’. Even from Jimmy what fWhip took worrying amounts of pleasure from. Well, he could always blame Scott being pretty for that.
So once the meeting was over. Just like last time no issue Katherine raised got solved. In fWhip's opinion best solutions involved explosives and ended with big holes. Sausage and Jimmy have been cordial ever since weren't they? Back on topic. Once the meeting was over, fWhip told his allies he needed to go back sooner but instead of going back to Grimlands he followed Scott.
He wasn't trying to hide so he was not shocked Scott landed halfway to his empire and waved at him. “What are you following me for?” The elf asked. Wings spread slightly in a threatening manner but fWhip could see them shake slightly.
“When did you last sleep?” Fwhip asked instead of responding. “Who like who, but I'd know how long we can go without sleep, no? And I can see your wings shaking. You need to sleep Scott,” he scolded, refusing to return Scott's hostile stance. He wasn't here to pick a fight for once.
Scott stared at him, likely trying to come up with a good excuse. He likely didn't but he spoke anyway. “How are you expecting me to sleep? I literally can't with the nightmares fWhip,” he huffed and yawned, likely against himself judging by the blush.
fWhip sighed. Of course Scott had nightmares. “You want a potion for dreamless sleep? It'll take a bit to make but you can stick around my place while I work on it. Who knows, some actual company might help too,” he offered. fWhip rarely offered potions to not friends or allies.
Scott stared at him in disbelief. “Do you really expect me to agree to be alone with you?” He asked but his wings relaxed.
“I can ask Gem to come over too if that makes you more comfortable,” he shrugged. Even with that one incident Gem and Scott had a pretty cordial relationship. Not to mention she had a reputation as a peacemaker.
“No need to bother her, I'll go with you,” Scott sighed, likely having thought the whole offer over.
“Okay, you first,” fWhip nodded and took a step back so Scott could take off towards Grimlands.
“Why me first?”
“So I can catch you if you pass out,” fWhip grinned. He knew Scott would hate being saved by him.
With a huff and a mutter of something that sounded like a complaint Scott took off. fWhip followed as close as he safely could. He had to admit, it'd probably be fun to race with Scott if he wasn't so exhausted.
The first thing fWhip did after they arrived was have Scott send a message to Rivendell that he was fine, just getting help solving his nightmare problem. And then let, practically dragged, Scott to his alchemy lab.
“Sit wherever, the potion should be ready in about an hour, try to sleep if you can,” he instructed while changing out of his nicer - less filthy and burnt - coat.
Scott did, taking the only chair there. Well, there was still fWhip's cot for when he couldn't drag himself into his real bed after experimenting for too long.
The potion wasn't hard. It just took some time to properly brew. So he occasionally snuck in looks at Scott. He observed fWhip carefully. Arms crossed over his chest. Clearly tense as his leg bounced up and down. Attempt to keep himself awake? fWhip felt a bit bad with how often Scott was yawning. But not enough to offer a real bed. He'd likely refuse it anyway.
Scott actually fell asleep shortly before the potion was done. Soft snoring was what alerted fWhip to the fact. He still finished and bottled the batch. It didn't look like Scott was currently having a bad dream. Aside from some mumbling between the snores he seemed quite peaceful.
With a sigh fWhip gently picked Scott up. If his calculations were correct the manor should be empty save for the patrol outside. He didn't like having people in his house while he slept.
Now, he could just leave Scott in a guest room. Put the potions on the nightstand. Maybe leave a letter if he felt particularly nice. It's what he'd do if it was anyone else in his arms - maybe aside from Gem. But this was Scott. Nothing was ever this simple when Scott was involved. Scott had fWhip's damned instincts oedge just by existing near him.
And not the aggressive, territorial instincts. fWhip had him wanting to act like an idiot. Some part - he'd never admit it was the whole - of his brain liked Scott. And wanted to mate Scott. Court him with gifts and all that. But fWhip was a realist and knew there was no way Scott would like him back. So he just suffered silently.
But as for now? Now he took Scott to his own bed. To keep an eye on him, he pushed the excitement down. He was absolutely not coming up for excuses for when Scott woke up.
Or so he could tell himself. But he could not deny the warm feeling when he tucked Scott in. His brain was too happy about the situation. So with a huff, fWhip got his coat off and removed his shoes before getting into the bed as well. Once the potions were safely on the nightstand that is.
Scott woke up the most rested he's been in days. He still felt dead tired. But not as much as when he spoke with fWhip. He felt he needed to apologise for likely making a ruckus, even if he couldn't really control it, but he felt so comfy and warm. His draconic side was practically purring in his head…
Why would he be comfy on that chair in fWhip's lab? He couldn't… Wouldn't… With panic building up Scott's eyes opened. All he could see were dark sheets. He tried sitting up but something… someone stopped him.
“Just sleep,” he froze as fWhip spoke. Voice heavy and coarse from sleep. Scott looked down. All he could see was fWhip's hair and horns. And the count was purring. Scott himself as well.
“fWhip? What… why are we in one bed?” He asked while trying to wiggle out of fWhip's hold against what his dragon part was telling him. Damn fWhip for being nice and pretty.
“You fell asleep, looked pretty peaceful so I let you sleep and brought you here, stayed in case you woke up from nightmares,” fWhip explained as if he was explaining his next plan. It shouldn't have sounded as attractive as it did.
Scott gave up trying to escape. fWhip was pretty strong for his size. And pleasantly warm. “Once I'm rested we need to talk,” Scott sighed as he settled as comfortably as he could with fWhip clinging to him.
“Fine, I freed a whole day for a nap, by the way, I can have someone bring food here if you're hungry,” fWhip continued to push all the right buttons. Scott just sighed and closed his eyes. All that could wait. He was too exhausted and touch starved at the moment to care. Their empires could survive a day or two without them around. He could be selfish for one day.
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frog-0n-a-l0g · 7 months
So ea spoilers
As I go
Porters cryptic as shit
Porters going up in the ranks
Omg alexys stop being a bitch
This is a game of fucking clue
Omg vin said it’s clue too
Relax??? RELAX???
Did they?? Pls tell me they did
Of fuck davidddd
Babes gon get snatched
it wasn’t sh???
Porter at that. That one lil thing? He ate that
Omfg David and Porter duke it outtttt
Hah duke ehh ehh? ^
Milo’s mate was in the room where it happened~
That was hot ngl…
Ok so Porter is an ally???
What the fuck is w these wars
Ok but his government take is so real tho
Ok ash he is obvi being truthful
Even when he did tell the truth they didn’t believe him bc of what Sam and Vince had been saying abt Porter. Him giving them an in was a good thing and they were phase clocked so no one should no and they can make their aura almost undetectable so they would’ve been fine babes. Ash needs to look for answers elsewhere
HE CAUSED THE COMOTION??? So then he knew he would die???
Don’t call the department right fucking now. Omg they gon call the opps
Oh yea I forgot they had vampiric discretion
The motherfucking omg the house of vas
Omfg the racism and the wolf is right there???
Also she says she “wouldn’t even get to enjoy the second half” like if she wasn’t the arbiter she would’ve been just fine w him dying. Kinda sis ngl
Also why are they not freaking out
Omg the shit is pointing to solair. Porter looking real sus. He def had a part in the murder but I don’t think he did it. Ok so alexys found him after he had already been dead for a minute so what the fuck was the prince doing??? Living his best life while his king was just killed in front of him??? Nah he’s on the suspect list
These theories bouta go crazy I swear
Only 14 mins in🙄
Not the beheading
Omg the prince is saying show respect but he was just saying he hoped he died??? Nahhh💀 me fr tho
Ok I believe alexys tho
Ok so Porter was out. So only Chris and the king was in there. He had been dead for a minute. That’s super fucking sus. But was was the force? Then he wanted alexys in there?
Yea where the fuck is will
He said he stepped out but sh said there was a force that knocked them BOTH back. Meaning they were both in the room. So that’s a fucking lie
Either that house is that fucking big that the porch is that far away from the room which I don’t think so cause he could’ve just zipped though. But I mean I could get if he was being courteous by walking and it’s a mansion. But the push still isn’t coming into play. I can’t remember if that was the distraction or just what happend. I’m leaning towards the latter
She told “her fellow progeny” which is also the host of the event, a part of her clan, and he would def need to know abt that. And why would she talk to anyone else? Just in small talk, “oh yea I just saw the kings dead body time for a stroll” bitch?
Literally everyone also thinks it’s weird that will isn’t there
Also he’s halfway across the country? Tf is he
He prob did order the death
Also yes fam is w fam in this type of thing
Also everyone hated Adam so fuck off
See Porter is eating
See they’ve all killed someone so quiet
Prodigal son??? Fuck that mean?
“My kings death is not a joke” “no but you’re acting like one” PREACHHHH POP OFF PORTER🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
See?? No one can verify where the king was. The fight was witnessed and took place slightly after the fight bc of Alexys’s timeline and we don’t know where he was before that. Fucking w the distraction?? Nope that was before it. Where was he during?
Ok she said as soon as they’re killed that changes ALOT.
So I thought the prince used the distraction to kill the king and sh popped out right after that but the distraction was a noise. So in that case they would think they could get caught talking abt closeknit and if they were caught talking why wouldn’t he get caught killing? And wtf was the force????
If he had stepped out maybe the person who used the force killed him bc they said it was powerful magic. It was sh who said they used force right?? Cause if I’m remembering this wrong then shits abt to get wicked
Bitch this ain’t abt you idc abt ur enjoyment
Porter is eating rn
Omg he’s the king now
Ok he was
Are we just not gon acknowledge her leaving
Yea he makes sense but then again will AND Adam killed their makers sooooooo
Ok more to the story
Demon blood?
Ok so he COULDVE overpowered him bc it’s poisonous. The beheading could’ve been done like that
He didn’t debilitated??
Ok so it would be an equalizer so he could kill him if he just stabbed him rq
Bitch ur not even the one who’s explaining it it’s Sam that’s helping shut up
So the king wanted to stop funding closeknit and the prince was like dude wtf. It they are so close w close knit we know that they have a demon there, scorpius. What if Chris told them the situation and said that if he was dead they would still get more funding and since scorpius don’t have a choice, gave him his blood, making him able to kill the king with it!! I’m so fucking smart
Ok so he would need to access the demon easily which would make sense w my theory
Yes they have omfg
Yes but you wanted to continue paying for them
There is merit they literally have shades and a demon and a kidnapped human Blake is running this shit show. WAIT I JUST REALIZED THAT THEY HAD THE SHADE BC THEY STARTED THE INVERSION. I feel dumb now but HOLY FUCK
Propaganda??? Milo preach🙏🏻🙏🏻
Your former kings taste can reflect on your veiws and motives so yea it do
SEEE they didn’t even trace sh
Uh huhhhhhhh
See that’s fucking dumb
Everything points to Chris tho.
OK BUT THE PANIC BIT he DID plan but the comotion scared him right? He knew he only had a certain time frame to do it so he killed him and left quickly before people could come check out the comotion and lose his chance. Making him kill him quickly, hurry out and having no time to clear his aura and forgetting the knife in his panic
Both. You are both
it is not you’re deflecting
Now. It’s now.
Welp. Lovely trauma time😊 time for Adam flashbacks
Omg they’re so chill?
Well he’s dead either way so omg.
Omg they made me lose the game too
David is right fr
Ain’t that the truth
Oh my fuck
Wait where we going??
Well im fucking planning on it
That makes his “lost the game” quote hit harder
Oh my fucking god
Porter idk if this is a good timeeeeee
Ok but he sounds sweet tho
Well atleast we got some answers and sh ain’t dead. But then again lovely prob got some ptsd rn what’s David gon do. What’s Porter gon explain?????? UGHHHHHH
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buckysimp101 · 2 years
Everything the Light Touches (18+) - Chapter Two
Mafia!Bucky x Reader
chapter warnings: language, angst, light sexual content but not really
a/n: so glad y’all are enjoying this fic so far! hopefully chapter 2 lives up to the expectations! let me know what you think!
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“And if there are any other problems with the Stinson boy you bring them to me first, don’t go busting some kid’s head in because he looked at you wrong,” George Barnes spoke with a clear pointed voice, his attention focusing on his son to his right, his literal righthand man. George Barnes had been grooming Bucky to take over the ‘family business’ as he called it since Bucky could walk. If Winnifred had her way, Bucky never would’ve stepped foot into his role as underboss, he would’ve gone to college and lived a happy life with a happy wife, 2.5 kids and a picket fence. But that was not what the universe had planned for James Buchanan Barnes. Instead he learned how to run guns, how to get the cops on his payroll, how to extort whoever he wanted. He learned how to gain power. 
The Barnes family name had been whispered throughout the city for half a century, with his grandfather running the business, then his father, but within the last decade it had grown from whispers to a roar. Bucky had helped his father take on more businesses and hide the illicit activity behind honest work. Well, as honest as strip and night clubs could get at least. The Barnes family had created “Barnes Inc.” many years ago, their business venture with every intention of providing legitimate services to the people of Manhattan. The traffickers, drug and human alike, knew better than to fuck with the Barnes family. It was one business that Bucky and his father ensured they would never mess with. But being the underboss of one of the largest mafia outposts on the eastern seaboard meant that Bucky had to sit in every one of these meetings, listening to his dad talk shit about how he handled business.
“Senator Stinson,” Bucky drawled in response, “is no longer a boy, and hasn’t been a boy for a decade. If he wants to make his bed then he can lay in it. I’ll behave myself if he does.” Bucky hated Senator Stinson and his whole family. They were allied with a rival family but were too involved in the upper echelon of Manhattan life to really fuck with. The kid just never knew when to shut up and constantly said things for the sole purpose of getting on Bucky’s nerves.
George groaned and rubbed the center of his forehead with the palm of his hand before adding, “like I said. Don’t let me see his murder on the 11 o’clock news. We got enough shit comin’ our way, we don’t need the death of a junior Senator coming back to bite us in the ass. Leave him alone, James.” With the finality that only a mob boss could have the conversation was over. The rest of the members at the table didn’t have anything to add so George dismissed them, casting a final glance at Bucky before shaking his head and standing up to leave.
“Please, son. Just, for once in your life, listen to me,” he pleaded before walking out the conference room, not giving Bucky another glance.
A low whistle sounded from behind Bucky’s back as he groaned and rolled his eyes at the dramatics his father was playing on. “Sounds to me, like someone ticked off daddy Barnes. What’d you do this time, Buck?” Steve Rogers teased as if he didn’t know about Bucky beating the shit out of the police officer that tried to give him a ticket a week ago, or about the fact that Liam Stinson had been hanging around The Underworld and some of the other Barnes family clubs a little more recently, asking questions of his workers like he was a detective and not the youngest member of the New York Senate.
“Fuck off, Rogers. You know just as well as I do that when the old man gets twitchy he takes it out on me,” Bucky joked as he walked side-by-side with his best friend of over twenty years towards his office. The Barnes Inc. building was huge, almost as huge as Stark Industries, with an extremely coveted view of the city. Steve had teased him about his office a time or two once he started officially working with the Barnes family and Bucky had joked right back that he could gladly give him an office in the basement next to the beaten and bloodied bodies that inhabited the space occasionally, Steve had kindly turned him down.
Shutting the door to Bucky’s office behind him, Steve made himself at home as he plopped down onto the leather couch in the corner of Bucky’s office near his desk. Bucky made the two of them a drink and loosened the tie around his neck. They drank in silence, taking in the view, before their little party was interrupted by a knock and Sam Wilson’s entrance before they could even say anything.
“Wilson, what have I told you about knocking? You knock first, wait for someone to invite you in, then you open the door. I can’t be any more clear. One of these days you’re gonna walk in here and not like what you see,” Bucky teased, knowing that Sam could take it.
Sam merely rolled his eyes at the jest before snidely responding, “Yeah you’d think after that time of walking in on Megan sucking your dick like a lollipop that I’d learn, old habits die hard,” he mocked a disgusted shiver before taking a seat next to a snickering Steve. “Pour me one too, Barnes. I’ve got some news.”
Bucky quirked his brow in question but got up to pour his friend a drink. After a few sips Sam took a breath, taking in the increasingly curious eyes of Steve and Bucky before smacking his lips and pretending like he was admiring the whiskey. “Wow, that’s smooth. What vintage is this, it’s like drinking water,” he drawled, obviously avoiding the conversation that Steve and Bucky wanted to hear, the reason he came into the office in the first place.
“Spit it out, Samuel. We don’t have all fucking day,” Bucky growled lowly, growing tired of Sam’s game. Sam let out a deep sigh before downing the rest of his drink and dropping the piece of information he’d been sitting on for the last hour.
“Y/N’s back.” 
Steve did a spit take that would put even the best of Hollywood’s actors to shame, meanwhile Bucky felt like the room had started spinning and his tie was suddenly way too tight. Y/N. A name he hadn’t heard in ten years. What the fuck was she doing back? The last he’d heard she’d refused to ever set foot back in Manhattan. He couldn’t help but wonder what had changed her mind.
Twelve Years Ago
You sat on the couch in Bucky’s parents’ living room. Giggling as Bucky whispered some ridiculous joke in your ear. You always laughed at his jokes, even the ones he didn’t find particularly funny. But you swore he could’ve been a comedian if he wanted to. He was just about to press a kiss to your lips when he was interrupted by the sound of his father clearing his throat. In the archway to the living room stood Winnifred and George Barnes with identical smirks, dressed to the nines to go to whatever charity they were blessing with their presence.
“Do we need to keep a nanny cam on the two of you tonight? Better yet do we need to make Steve chaperone and relay all the details of the evening back to us?” Winnie joked, the smirk on her lips playful as she took in the clear look of embarrassment on your face. You and Bucky hadn’t been officially dating long but you’d been friends for as long as the Barnes family could remember. The day Bucky announced to his family that you were dating was the day Winnifred Barnes saw a different future for her son. One that didn’t involve the violence and darkness that her husband saw on a daily basis. But she knew that it had already begun to creep its way in, grabbing Bucky in a vice grip by the throat before he could drive. But she pushed that to the back of her mind and held onto that hope that you brought.
“Mom, we don’t need Stevie to babysit us, promise. We’ll be good, hands above the waist and all that jazz,” he threw a wink in your direction and he could tell that he wasn’t helping the situation regarding your embarrassment. 
Winnie merely laughed at her son before scolding him lightly, “James Barnes, I taught you better than that. Apologize to the poor girl. You don’t say those things about your future wife,” she added the last bit with a wink in your direction.
Bucky grinned evilly before looking at you and pouting his lips in mock sadness, “sorry, princess. I promise only to touch you if you want me to.”
“Alright, James, Winnie that’s enough. James, your mother and I raised you better than that. Apologize sincerely to both of them now so we can leave, and Winnie quit making the poor girl think about her future as the other Mrs. Barnes, it’s terrifying,” his dad’s tone was serious, more serious than his mother had originally been, but it held a little joking intonation. His eyes thought? His eyes leveled Bucky with a look that he’d better take this seriously. 
He apologized truly to you and his mother before giving the latter a hug and wishing them a good night. When the front door had shut Bucky turned around to continue where the two of you had left off when a pillow came flying towards his face.
“BUCKY HOW DARE YOU EMBARRASS ME LIKE THAT IN FRONT OF YOUR MOTHER!?!” You yelled indignantly, only half-joking but clearly still embarrassed from the words Bucky and Winnie spoke just moments before.
“And my parents didn’t embarrass you by callin' you my future wife? Just the talk about what I would do to my wife gotcha all wound up, sugar?” He teased you mercilessly, one of his favorite things to do was see what he could say to get you all riled up. You were the one pouting this time, perfect lips pushed out just where Bucky could lean over and kiss them-
“Earth to James? Man wake up and stop daydreaming about some pussy you left a decade ago,” Sam joked without thinking of the words coming out of his mouth. Without a second thought Bucky was holding Sam against the wall by his throat, his friend’s feet kicking trying to get down.
“You don’t EVER fucking talk about Y/N L/N like that again. You fucking know better, Wilson. Say it again and you’re going to the warehouse on the Island,” Bucky threatened, his chest heaving with anger and making eye contact with Sam to make sure he understood the threat was very much so real. Sam nodded his head quickly and Bucky released his grip, allowing Sam to slide down the wall to his knees as he gasped for air.
“Come on, Wilson. You know Y/N’s off-limits. Has been for years. That was low for someone who considered himself one of her best friends,” Steve growled lowly from behind Bucky. Sam still hadn’t found his voice and just nodded his head while keeping his eyes low, avoiding eye contact with his bosses as he let himself out of the office. 
“Alright, Buck. You know Sam didn’t mean it. He was just surprised to see that the totally-cool-so-not-in-love-with-Y/N-L/N-Bucky doesn’t actually exist,” Steve explained, half joking in the way only Steve Rogers could and not get murdered. Bucky was working on his breathing, trying to pull himself away from the anger he was feeling at one of his friends just moments before.
Tugging at his tie, Steve sighed and checked his watch. “Alright, jerk. Call up Megan, let’s go to Underworld. Have a few drinks. Get laid. Work this tension right out of you, kay?” And with a slap on his back, Steve was pulling Bucky out of the office and towards the car waiting out front.
The bass inside The Underworld beat in time with Bucky’s pulse. The second he and Steve had arrived Megan was walking through the curtain of the VIP section and practically straddling Bucky as she sat in his lap and kissed him with what he was sure she thought was a fiery passion. Bucky sank into the kiss, the first thing that had given him a break from his brain since that afternoon, and invited her tongue to tangle with his. Bucky could barely hear Steve clearing his throat once, twice, three times, but neither he nor Megan cared as she began to roll her hips into his. Steve groaned and took his leave, leaving the two of them to dry hump and make out in the booth.
“Mmmm Bucky Bear, missed you so much,” she panted in that fake, breathy voice that Bucky truly hated. Normally it would be enough to turn him off but tonight he welcomed the distraction. He moved his hand between her thighs but this time is attention was caught by a flash of red hair as the curtain surrounding the VIP section was pulled open.
“Alright, Barnes, if you’re gonna fuck you don’t do it in my club. Go home,” Natasha’s smooth sarcasm rang clear as a bell, acting as a bucket of ice water on his erection. Megan and Bucky both groaned, clearly annoyed at Natasha’s interruption but she merely raised a perfectly groomed brow as if that was answer enough to why she was doing this.
“This isn’t your club anyways, Romanoff. It’s Bucky’s. He can do what he wants. Like fuck me in a booth,” Megan spoke up, obviously feeling powerful sitting next to Bucky, her self-assurance that he’d stick up for her made him roll his eyes and roll her off his lap into the booth next to him.
“Enough, Megan. That’s not your place,” he spoke firmly to her before facing Natasha with a quirked brow of his own, “but she’s right, Nat. It is my club.”
“Well when you start managing it every day then I’ll give a shit. For now, act appropriately. Don’t make me call Thor to kick you out.”
Bucky knew that only a small part of her was kidding. Ever since he’d given Nat control of The Underworld, to help manage it as a legitimate business and provide regular income for the family, she made the rules. And Thor enforced them. Nat didn’t leave right away meaning that she wanted to talk to him, without Megan, so Bucky sent Megan to the bar to get them drinks on his tab. She pouted, obviously hoping that would get Bucky to change his mind, but he just leveled her with the same look his dad gave him when he meant business, and she scampered off in the direction of Clint for drinks.
Nat took a seat in the chair across from him, quietly thinking before speaking softly, “Steve told me. About Y/N. I just…wanted to make sure you were okay.”
Natasha and Steve were the two of his friends that could talk about Y/N and not make Bucky irrationally angry. Sam had practically scrubbed her name from his vocabulary, but Steve and Natasha had been forced to scrub her from their lives the second Bucky made his decision to leave. He’d only ever told Steve why he left you and a part of him had always felt bad about leaving Natasha in the dark. You and Natasha had grown to be as close as he and Steve and by Bucky forcing you out of their lives he knew he’d hurt you both. Over the years Nat had tried to get the information out of him but Bucky was a safe, locked up tight and only he had the key. No matter how hard she pleaded all Bucky ever said was “don’t question my methods if you wish to remain a part of this family, Romanoff.” That usually shut her up.
“I’m fine, why wouldn’t I be? The name Y/N L/N means nothing to me. Just another girl from a bygone era,” Bucky sneered as the curtain to the VIP section was moved to reveal Megan and Steve with a tray of drinks. Steve offered an apologetic smile to Natasha, Bucky could tell he was trying to hold off Megan for just a little longer so Natasha could speak to him but judging by the breasts in the low cut dress pressing against his arm that didn’t work out too well.
“Look Bucky Bear! I got us shots!” Megan cooed, her coo sounding more like a squeal and Bucky forced himself not to roll his eyes. Natasha did roll hers. She never liked Megan and if she had it her way Megan would never set foot in The Underworld ever again. But some things Nat didn’t have completely control over, nor would she ever. Who James Buchanan Barnes brought to his club was one of them. Bucky, Steve and Natasha took the shots from Megan and threw them back before Natasha left to bring them a few bottles before continuing with her work.
The drunker Megan got the more sloppy she became. As the night went on her hands wandered, palming the front of Bucky’s pants as she tried to talk him into going to the bathroom with her or taking her in one of the storage closets. Bucky had half a mind to listen to her when his attention snagged on the dance floor. For the second time that day his heart had stuttered, the collar of his shirt feeling way too tight now, as he watched you dance.
Ten years had passed. Ten years since Bucky had seen you last but you still looked as gorgeous as the last time. In fact Bucky was convinced that you looked even more attractive, if that was even possible. Childhood softness had turned into womanly curves, your outfit clinging tight as evidence. The flashing lights on the dance floor bathed you in shadow one second and illuminated every angle of your face the next. You swayed to the music, drink in hand and not a care in the world. Bucky was mesmerized by the sway of your hips, their intoxicating rhythm drawing his attention further and further away from the woman pressed up against him and attempting to seduce him. Steve noticed the look on Bucky’s face and followed his line of sight to see you on the dance floor, his eyes bulging as he took you in. Bucky seemed fine, albeit a little strung out by your presence, until Caden Smith approached you with his hands on your hips and began moving with you, grinding your ass into his pelvis. 
Steve couldn’t stop Bucky fast enough, it all happened before he even knew what was what. Megan was being thrown off Bucky’s side as he stormed his way through the curtain of the VIP section to the crowded dance floor, Steve hurrying in his wake to make sure his best friend didn’t kill anyone, not after the talking to they’d had by George that morning.
When Bucky approached Caden he grabbed the kid by the neck and pulled him off you as quick as possible. You turned around, a look on your face that could possibly murder someone but your words died on your tongue as you stared him down. The fire in your eyes that Bucky remembered from so long ago was still there, except this time it was being directed towards him. Bucky decided to deal with that in a second before turning around to face the Smith kid.
“You’re lucky I don’t fucking kill you for being on this side of the city tonight, kid, But I’m feeling fucking generous. Go back to Pierce, don’t ever show your face here again, and I’ll let your ass live. The next moment I see you in my territory will be your last,” Bucky growled the threat lowly into the face of the newest recruit to the Pierce family’s ranks. Bucky knew that the kid had to have known better than to make himself at home in his family’s establishment, so it was completely possible the kid was sent as a spy. But Caden’s family came from money, the same money as Liam Stinson, himself and you. He couldn’t afford to kill him…tonight.
Caden nodded his head and scrambled away and Bucky turned to face you. Your face was twisted up in anger. He could tell you wanted to yell at him, fuss at him for breaking you away from your dance partner but he didn’t let you. Because Bucky Barnes is an dumbass with a sharp tongue, a mouth that tended to run away from his brain and when he opened his mouth to speak to you, for the first time in a decade and the first time since he decided to shut off all contact between the two of you, he couldn’t have been more dumb.
With a cocky smirk, he spoke in his signature Brooklyn drawl, “you know, L/N, I always thought the first time I’d see you again after all this time would be in a more classy setting, never thought I’d watch you grind on some loser in the middle of my club.” 
taglist (comment or message me to be added! and if i forgot anyone let me know!):
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sociallylost · 10 months
What if Leo and Alex where cousin???
I was sitting on a bench with Sam, as Magnus paced around impatiently.
"Stop moving!" I snapped "It's annoying me!"
He paused for a moment...then went back to pacing.
I groaned, slouching on the bench and rubbing my face with my hands.
We where waiting for Magnus's cousin Annabeth and her friends.
"Why are you so nervous?" Sam asked flatly, "This isn't the first time you've seen Annabeth or Percy."
"Yeah," I chimed in "nothing to worry about Maggie."
"I know...but I haven't met her other friends before, she's bringing two other demigods"
"Don't worry!" I groaned, "Nothing bad or interesting is going to happen, it'll just be a normal catch up," Sam gave me a tired side eye, "Well, as normal as demigod stands go." I added under my breath.
"Hey, Magnus!" A voice called, we all looked towards it to see Annabeth and Percy walking towards us, with two other demigods behind them.
Magnus ran up to Annabeth and gave her a quick hug, he wasn't usually a hugger, but Annabeth was an exception...and me of course, but only if I agree.
They walked over to us and Annabeth introduced her friends, to Magnus, Sam and I.
"Guys, there are my friends from camp half blood, Piper and Leo." She gestured to a Cherokee girl, with messy brown hair, and eyes that seemed to change colour, then to a Latino boy, who looked like and elf.
I stared at him, and he stared back. Somthing about his face, seemed strangely familiar.
"Uh...Alex you good?" Magnus questioned.
I nodded slightly, "I feel like I know you."
The Latino boy nodded, "Yeah, same...your names Alex?"
"Yeah, Alex Fierro."
His eyes seemed to spark with fire.
"HOLY HEPHESTUS!" He cried, smiling stupidly, "Alex! Your my cousin! Remember, my mum was Esparenza? We had the mechanic work shop and garage!"
My brain clicked, he was right, "Oh! Yes! Now I remember, my parents never let me play with you because they thought you where weird."
He laughed awkwardly, "Yeah...so did everyone else."
I was about to ask what he meant when Sam spoke up.
"Umm, I'm sorry, can we have an explanation?"
Leo perked up, and bounced over to me, bumping his shoulder with mine.
"Alex is my cousin, we rarely hung out because her parents didn't like me."
I grind mischievously "Well they can't tell me what to do now!"
"Ahh," Piper said "I see the resemblance."
"What?" Magnus asked.
"Leo has the exact same grin...usually it means he is about to make a stupid yet effective plan"
"Yea- Hey!" Leo exclaimed.
I laughed, "So, your a demigod?"
"Yep!" He said bouncing on his feet, "Child of Hephestus" he held out his hand and lit it on fire.
"Woah!" I stared and the flames, mesmerised by its glow. A sly grin spread across my face, "¿Quieres hacer algo divertido?"
His eyes literally lit up, "¡Sí! ¡obviamente! ¿Qué tienes en mente?"
"Oh no" Annabeth and Sam said at the same time.
"Hey! I wanna know!" Piper exclaimed.
Percy and Magnus just stood there, confused.
"Sígueme" I say, dashing off.
"Sí" He responds, running after me.
"Wow, surprised you can keep up" I call.
"Ha! Well running from authorities for six years of your life definitely builds up some stamina." He jokes.
"Yep," We both jump up onto a ledge and climb onto the roof of a small building, running along the tops, "The family, uh..they disowned me when I was eight"
I jumped into an ally way, Leo right behind me.
"Wait, they disowned you too?" I asked, shocked.
"What do you mean too?" He responded.
"Well, I was disowned when they found out I trans and genderfluid."
He gaped at me, I became defensive instantly, was he gonna make fun of me? Call me names?...hurt me?.
"THEY DISOWNED YOU BECAUSE OF THAT?!" His hair and hands caught fire, of course that's why he was shocked, he didn't think I was gross, he was mad at our family, I thought releaved.
"Yeah, but sucks for them, they lost a perfectly amazing person" I say, smirking smugly.
Leo laughed "Your weird," he said "It's great!"
"Yes! Finally some understands! You must flaunt the weird!"
"Yes, definitely" Leo agreed.
I started walking down the ally way, still have to get to the place.
"So what about you?" I ask.
"Why'd you get disowned by our f**k of a family...uh, minus your mum, she was cool"
Leo stopped and looked down, "um...maybe another time..." he muttered.
"Not fair!" I exclaimed, "I told you my story, you have to tell me yours." Crossing my arms, I planted my feet firm on the ground to show him, that I would not move till he told me.
Taking a deep breath he closed his eyes, "WhenIwaseightGeaevisitedmeandscaredmeintothinkingthattheonlywaytosavemymumwastousemyfireabilitiessoididbutthatendedupkillingmumandsomyfamilydisowendmeandaentmetofostercarewhereiranawayfromsixdiferenthomesbecausemostofthemdidnttreatmekidnlyandiftheywhereniceiwouldrunanywayscauseineverwantedtostayinthesameplacefortoolongsoukeptrunnigawayfrommyproblemswhichisastupidideabutstill"
I stared at him, there is now way it's humanly possible to speak that fast,
"I'm sorry, what the hell did you just say?"
His eyes looked tired and sad, "When I was eight I killed my mother"
I stared at him for a moment, trying to process what he had said "What happened to the rest of the crap you said?"
"Geae the earth goddess lady, scared me into thinking the only way to save my mum was to use my fire abilities, but that just ended up killing her, so I was disowned and sent into foster care, but I would always run away, because I never liked to stay in one place for too long...or the homes just weren't nice"
To my own surprise, I hugged him.
"That was a one time offer, I don't hug everyone, got it?" I say sharply, he nods.
"Can we continue with the chaos causing now?" He asked.
"Yep...but I still want to here the rest of this story."
"Fiiinnnneeee." He complained.
I turned and ran towards a near by street, turning down it i stopped out side a large building.
"Where are we, and what is the plan?" Leo asked.
I smiled in a snake like way, and walked inside the building, Leo beside me.
"Santa madre de zues" He breathed.
Inside the building, where boxes, upon boxes of fireworks.
"Come on!" I call, running to the boxes, and picking an armful of fire works.
"This is illegal right?" Leo quetioned.
"Yep, but I'm dead and you'll be fine." I say carrying the fire works to a ladder, transforming into a large bird, I fly the fireworks to the roof and set them down, waiting for Leo.
He comes up a moment later, the fireworks stuffed into a bag.
"Where'd the bag come from?" I ask.
"My magical tool belt." He said proudly, patting the belt that sat in his waist.
"Cool! Can you make anything from it?"
"Yep! All I have to do is think of what I want, and I can just pill it out"
"Can you summon a chainsaw!" I question eagerly.
"Sadly no, I've tried before, but it's too big, even this belt has its limits, what about the whole turning into a bird?"
"I'm a child of Loki, shapeshifting is one of my abilities."
"Cool! I have a friend who can do that, he's name's Frank...but he's a son of Mars, not Loki."
I nodded, I will have to meet this Frank someday, "Now! Shall we?" I ask, gesturing to the fireworks.
My cousin grind, lighting his index finger ablaze, he lit, each one of the fire works.
"Okay...now, run." He said.
"Better plan!" I call, transforming into a large bird, I pick Leo up, causing him to screech like a mouse, and fly him to another roof top, so we can view the fireworks.
I sat beside him, staring up at the fireworks.
"Hey! Idiots! What are you doing?!" A voice calls.
Leo crawls to the edge of the building, "Hey Pipes!!!" He calls waving.
"The police are on there way!" Magnus calls.
I sigh and turn into a bird again, lifting up Leo and taking him back down.
"Alex what the hell" Sam snapped.
"You could've at least give us a warning" Annabeth chided.
"Clam down Annie" Leo said, earning a punch in the shoulder, "Ow, anyways, me and Alex where just catching up! No harm done."
"Tell that to the police" Percy chuckled.
"We should probably leave before the police get here" Annabeth sighed,
"Sorry Magnus, I'll come back soon, next time without Leo."
"Hey!" Leo and I exclaimed.
Piper laughed, "Come on Leo, we can't have the police catch us again."
"Wait again?" Sam asked.
"Okay! Keep in touch bird girl!" Leo said, smiling.
"Will do Mr.Toolbelt."
We all said good bye, and with that Leo left with his friends.
"We should probably leave too" Sam said.
"Yeah, I don't want the police to find me" Magnus agreed.
I nodded and walked with the, back to the gates of Valhalla.
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I can't in any capacity say that I'm an ally to anyone. That's not me being an asshole. That's not me being a bigot. I'm an ally to no group. I'm a friend to people. And I care about people. Someone asked me about one of my asks where I got called a transphobe and a homophobe and it reminded me about the topic in general.
Fact is I don't care what color you are. What religion you belong to. What sexuality you are. What Identity you assume. If you are not a dick to me or to people that I care about, I won't take issue with you. What's weird though is to be called homophobic when a lot of my friends are lgbt. And this is not one of those, "Well I have a black friend" moments. I legit have friends from varying walks of life. One of my best friends from college was a gay black furry. And one of my favorite past times was picking on him in playful ways. Why? Because if was always fun to see him flustered and he actually thought it was funny. Am I gay? No. I'm comfortable in the fact I'm straight. And my friend knew that.
There are going to be a lot of things that people say that I don't agree with. Does that make me hateful? No. It just means that I have my own views on things. I however understand that if I WAS hateful towards certain groups, I'd have to be bigoted against a huge number of my friends. Like my college buddy from Sri Lanka, his friend and our roommate who's have Korean half Black. Several of my ex GF's who've been bisexual. Even friends of mine who are lesbians whom I've defended in public after they have been accused of being transphobes for, and I'm not kidding, "No being willing to suck the dicks of trans women". That's not a fucking joke. And it's sick.
I've made posts about how I'm not an extremist because I'm not. Fact is, and I mean this, I should not be considered an bigot because I don't worship a movement. No one else should either. And on my blog I will cover a lot of topics. Like:
-Groomers -Gun Laws -Radical Feminism -Black Representation in TV and Movies -Race Swapping -Capitalism -Communism -Socialism -Anarchy -State and Federal Powers -Etc.
And there will always be more. I'm not transphobic. I just want kids left alone. I'm also not homophobic, but again leave kids alone. If you are an adult you can love another consenting adult. I take ZERO issue with it. And I never will take issues with it. My only focus on any of that stuff is quite literally "Let kids be kids. Let them figure out who they are without pushing them. Don't sexualize them ever." Simple rules to live by. Anything else? I'm willing to have a discussion about. Hell I've been on record losing my shit at least in one of my reblogs borderline making promises to deal with anyone who would threaten any of my friends/family irl because they are LGBT.
What many don't understand about me is that I'm an angry ginger who is actually pretty moderate on most issues. And it's only in cases where people belong to cult like mentalities that anyone can even REMOTELY consider me hateful or radical. More so when we consider that the only people I actively hate are those that actively seek to harm others. And not just in a weird way that won't do anything. I'm talking people that WILL or would enact actual violence onto people I care about. Like the FBI. Or Antifa. Or real extremist white supremacist's. Or segregationists leftists who have called some of my non white friends "house N-". I typically don't give that word any power myself and most of my friends don't, but believe me when I tell you, I'll make you look like a punk and I won't even have to touch you.
So even the notion, that I'm X type of bigot is hilarious to me. And no amount of this, "Bow to me and my ideology or you are a bigot" will make me change who I am to my friends, my family, and the people I care about. I worship no one. And I will never bow to your cult like ideals. And maybe one day, someone like the person who sent that ask will find it justifiable to kill me. Who knows. I certainly don't. All I do know is that I'm a very caring person. And a lot of the time the stuff I mean get's lost in translation. What I say might be interpreted one way by one person and another by someone else.
That's just reality. But if you can't even come to me and ask for clarification, or you just expect me to placate someone because of the group they belong to, then you are barking up the wrong tree. You are not my friend. You are not my family. And a number of you are people that would actively endorse having me end my own life, or wishing someone would end my life for you.
Why? Because you are tyrants. You believe yourselves gods and that your "moral rights" are and should be everyone's "Moral rights". You will not rule me. You will not control me. You will not make me worship you as if you were gods. I am me, and only me. And I will live me best life not just for myself, but for the people I hold dear.
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skaruresonic · 4 months
Feel like you're taking 06's unfinished mocappedness over actual characterizing, though fans do the exact same in overly making him seem noble just cuz of taking the last scene OOC, and ignoring everything else
-He curtly tells Rouge he simply was rescuing her, which, kinda rude/blunt
-Mephiles he immediately calls BS
-Sonic he pushes back at the "don't be late" comment
-While he could've joined the others in simply going back to the present after Iblis, he remained out of his own volition of finding out WTF Mephiles is
-Silver he kicks and calls him misguided, rather than be proactive
Shadow isn't really misled or acting out of confusion/vengeance unlike earlier games in 06. It's a culmination of past char dev, along with different circumstance. So he doesn't have much to rib off of
Even then, in game there are a lot of quotes showing his ego. My fav is "Hah! There's no strength in numbers!" When he encounters hordes of enemies in later stages/Hard mode. The scrapped audio of him and Sonic having an Extra mode highlights more his attitude, though not to exaggerated levels like what the fandom does
And then Rivals 1/2, games literally written by Iizuka, was released a couple days later, and he very much is combatitive there to other chars interferring. He's not "softened" or "edged up", he's a very tempermental char depending on context/char interaction. Shadow's ego is very much "tell and show", so if nothing needs to be shown, he won't say as he's generally a reserved person
Later games are similar in that he doesn't have much to go off of in char chemistry for being "bratty", contrary to what fandom says. I'd argue the only bad use of him is Free Riders, cuz he legitimately has no reason or drive to participate in that contest
TLDR: I find fandom stupid, but I find your dismissal of 06 Shadow to fall in the same trap, for different reasons
My bad, I forgot '06 implied Shadow has an IQ of 200. xP
While I get what you're saying, my objections are more that fans call '06!Shadow peak Shadow without considering the fact that '06!Shadow looks like he's dissociating in half his scenes... Even more than the game where he's actively suffering PTSD flashbacks.
In addition, '06's canon status begs questions of just how much weight we ought to be giving it, when other games have largely tackled the same subject matter. We knew that Shadow will fight the world if necessary, since you have the choice to fight the entire world in ShTH.
I honestly don't know what '06 could say about his character that hasn't already been said. Because it seems to me the game offers more insight into Rouge and Omega's views on Shadow than Shadow's views on them, you know what I mean?
Rouge confirms her loyalty towards him and Shadow just stands there. It's not like in Battle where he begrudgingly calls her ally, or SA2 where Rouge's goading compels him to justify himself with "I came back for the Chaos Emeralds."
To say nothing of how the "I'd choose you over the world" sentiment loses a little of its luster when you realize it's not limited to just Rouge in her attempt to make Shadow feel better; Amy and Elise say it to or regarding Sonic as well. So it's not even particularly unique to Rouge and Shadow's relationship in this game anyhow. Compare these scenes. There's no real back-and-forth.
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You also read the post where I said I feel the only thing Maekawa seems to think to do with Shadow is stuff him in a capsule, right? I don't really give its inclusion in '06 quarter for being an old game because A.) if folks are calling this portrayal peak, then I'm going to hold it to a fairly high standard, and B.) it's a recycling of the same plot we've seen over and over again, and suffers the same pitfalls of reducing Shadow to a plot device. We already had an evil "mastermind" try to manipulate him in the previous game.
'06 saying "Shadow won't fall for the chessmaster's tricks" is kind of a redundant point to make twice. Mephiles attempts to mess with his head a la Black Doom, but even that conflict falls flat if Shadow doesn't at least buy into it a little.
I've read analyses of '06 Shadow before. Half the scenes people analyze consist of him staring blankly into space. And I get the point they're trying to make, but it's hard for me to overlook the fact that, compared to other iterations, '06!Shadow has no real discernible personality. It's not like in SA2 where he's simply quiet; he's inscrutable in a way that makes him seem dead inside.
He has the exact same look on his face as when he kicks Silver in the head as when Mephiles drops the bombshell on him that the world will turn against him as when he's staring at Rouge's boobs. And I'm not sure if calling this Shadow peak over all over iterations is any better than the accusations that Pontaff-era!Shadow is an edgelord. Because it's like okay I guess, you can overlook Shadow appearing to have no affectation at all, but don't like it when he displays personality in other games?
And then Rivals 1/2, games literally written by Iizuka, was released a couple days later, and he very much is combatitive there to other chars interferring. He's not "softened" or "edged up", he's a very tempermental char depending on context/char interaction. Shadow's ego is very much "tell and show", so if nothing needs to be shown, he won't say as he's generally a reserved person
I wasn't contesting that, lol. xP When I say Shadow's an asshole, bear in mind I'm not saying that's the only thing he can be, of course. I know he is also reserved and isn't always "fight me" depending on the context. But at the same time, I feel like folks don't like to acknowledge that he does have rough edges and a sometimes unlikable temperament.
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satancopilotsmytardis · 10 months
Will happily fulfill your request, partially because I love your writing in general and partially because I love getting to see behind-the-scenes stuff like an author's thoughts, and you've become one of my favorites. Especially for ShigaDabi/ShigaDabiHawks. What made you HC Dabi as a sub/switch?
Thank you so much for your words and your service in opening this door for me. This is gonna be a long one.
So first off I think that Dabi has the least sexual experience of the three of them (ShigaDabiHawks). Shigaraki as you know from this post, had unsupervised time where he experimented, and Hawks was very likely put in extremely unethical situations like honeytraps by the HPSC since he was legal (if we're being charitable, but given the HPSC's moral background we probably shouldn't be). Dabi was in a coma through a good chunk of puberty and then trying to survive/keep his skin attached through the latter half. Probably didn't start experimenting until he was 18+. This is also why when I write him and Shigaraki, I almost always have him fumbling into a new kink because he just either a) did not know that was a thing or b) did not know that was a thing he's into.
I think Dabi takes to switching specifically because he's very adaptable. Like once he does start to hook-up with people he's just like, 'yeah I guess I'll try anything once', and figures out that both ways feel good enough and he just gravitates towards topping or bottoming depending on what his partner(s) seem to be expecting from him. If they seem to think that he's a confident badass villain who takes no shit and that all the leather clothing is just an aesthetic choice (and not also because leather has a pretty high burning point and also won't melt onto his skin like polyblends would (also also why his shirts are cotton and later silk in the PLF era)) then he tops. If they think that he's more suited for being a bottom for whatever reason then he just goes with that, it doesn't matter to or bother him.
As for why he's a sub, in my eyes, I think this stems from the fact that Dabi desperately, desperately wants to be seen and valued. I think he has tried being a dom and that is also fine, he can do it and having his sub's eyes on him is good and fine. But he doesn't really like it. And that's because it's another place where he's just trying to live up to expectations that he's put on himself and the expectations of his partner(s). When acting as a dom it puts nearly all the power over the scene in his hands and that means he's so focused on getting a good grade in dom (something both normal to want and possible to achieve /sarcasm) that he literally isn't enjoying himself.
Meanwhile, when he subs he literally is just there, in the moment. All he has to do is be present and follow the rules of whatever play has been established. He doesn't have to make any choices for himself and critically, when he fails to do something or meet the expectations of his dom, he can be punished for that or earn back their approval by preforming tasks or something else deemed appropriate. As someone who has been chasing approval and absolutely desperate to be more than the failure that he sees himself as, having concrete opportunities to be rewarded/punished by an outside influence is a massive relief, incredibly validating, and allows him to just let go.
I think subbing for Shigaraki, in particular, works really well for him because based on their League work Dabi knows 1) Shigaraki already values him as a competent powerful ally that he trusts with serious responsibilities, 2) Shigaraki is powerful in his own right, and 3) has already accepted Shigaraki as being someone he's comfortable taking (some) orders from. So when he subs for Duster it's an extension and heightening of those things, but he knows that it's a safe place to give up all of his control because Shigaraki is not going to treat him like shit as soon as they leave the bedroom.
I honestly could go on and on about HCs for how I think Dabi (and Shigaraki, and to a lesser degree Hawks) engage with specific kinks like 'why is Hawks a rope bunny?', 'is BDSM a fetish or a kink for Shigaraki and what is the difference between those terms?', or 'why does Dabi, someone desperate to be valued and seen, have such a strong humiliation kink in all of your writing?'. I love writing smut and thinking about kink as a way of doing character analysis which is why I focus so much on it in my works!
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franflam (they are not sisters)
ahahahahaHAHA this is exactly what i was expecting people to send in when i said "controversial ships". no one is ready for one of my signature franflam tangents
under the cut:
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you know the last time i did this ship bingo thing someone asked me about franflam too and i just flat out refused to respond because i didnt want to touch the discourse with a ten foot pole. either me putting my opinions here will get me cancelled or it will summon some people hopefully sane about this discourse. i love gambling
to preface, my honest opinions on the matter are that whatever the hell those two got going on in canon is queerbaiting. i say this as someone who bought star allies on a whim at gamestop as their very first kirb game like two years after it released, not even knowing kirby still made games at that time, and thus played the game with zero biases towards anything but yeah those two were written with a weird attachment to each other and it would be stupid to outright deny that. do i think franflam is canon though?: absolutely not and also i hate everyone who claims that with a passion. you could make a claim with a reasonable amount of evidence for either side of the argument and the fact that its even remotely possible both could be true at once, along with kumazaki himself either refusing to elaborate or confirm, or giving even More support to Either side is absolute bullshit and any sort of grey area here is totally his and the writers faults so hey can we all stop arguing about what the "correct" answer is when there literally isnt really one
anyways with that out of the way, heres all of the reasons i hate franflam without mentioning "potential incest" as a concern even once
their dynamic in canon is stereotypical angry black woman is overprotective of stereotypical dainty elegant white woman. hate that. gives me bad vibes. the whole "to show one character is in love with the other, they talk about their love interest nonstop every half second" trope is absolutely HANDS DOWN my absolute least favorite romance trope EVER. it drives me absolutely insane. thats the #1 way to get me to hate both of the characters and their relationship the fastest. holy shit shut up and focus on the story and whats happening around you instead of shoehorning mention of the other person into your words nonstop. hate that. i also hate the "person a is overprotective of their love interest" trope too, esp when it extends into jealously of the other person hanging out with others (sparkling pupupu world does this, for example). feels gross. can feel infantizing. if people see that as romantic good for you but i can not see it ever. its overly possessive. i think having a trio of mages and having two of them being separated and off fucking around on their own all the time as their "happy ending" is bad writing, especially when it comes to zans character being so heavily affected by her isolation from others and how hyness treated her AND YOU JUST GO AND SEPERATE THEM INTO FRAN+FLAM AND ZAN+HYNESS ALL THE TIME FOR SOME REASON HELLO. JUST MAKE ONE MAGE CHARACTER IN THAT CASE IF TWO OF THE TRIO HAVE NO DEVELOPMENT OR PURPOSE OTHER THAN TO FUCK OFF BY THEMSELVES. and then people who ship franflam also often end up shipping hynzan cause of that EWWWWWW GROSSSSSSS. also fran+flam being more close because the jambacult is a broken family that needs to heal Or them being more close because flam is an overprotective older sibling are INFINITELY more interesting to me as concepts than: "fran+flam are closer to each other and not zan because theyre dating and thus inherently dont care about zan as much because platonic relationships are always secondary to romantic". hate that. and the fandom. oh my God as people might be able to tell by all of the arrows on the bingo sheet i have fucking FEELINGS about this this needs a whole new paragraph
okay so. so 😍. i have this thing i call "red flag ships" where the ships are fine as a concept on paper but for some reason the shippers are just absolutely Rancid and that throws me off from liking the ship in its entirely and i get really sussed out by anyone who ships it. franflam is a red flag ship. i think the shippers have gotten so used to being yelled at by people who think theyre siblings that theyve pavlov'd themselves into being insanely hostile and aggressive to anyone who doesn't ship them. at least thats what i can tell from anyone whos Open and remotely loud about shipping them. istg i am not joking in the slightest when i say 95% of my interactions with people who Happen to be big or even decently into shipping franflam have been godawful. the convos dont even have to be around franflam i just think the ship inherently attracts awful people because its only aggressive toxic people who arent scared about shipping it openly. is that generalizing?: Yeah but thats just my personal experience. i have never met someone loud about liking franflam or who makes content for it that wasnt an awful asshole or yikes person in some way
that said, people who really like the ship but are quiet or lowkey about it usually end up being super chill and cool. its just the goddamn Fandom i have an issue with really. so anyone whos normal about it i am so sorry for you lmao
in a somewhat unrelated manner, i used to be somewhat close with someone who had franflam as their ultimate otp and God they fucking sucked. apart from redirecting every convo ever to be about franflam, they were also insanely nasty to anyone who even remotely saw them as siblings because they inherently saw it as an attack against franflam, so theyd always be making comments like "can you believe anyones stupid enough to see them as siblings" and "kinda misogynistic and lesbiophobic that metadede and marxolor are more popular than franflam when franflam is so blatantly canon" and yadayadayada they would say that shit completely unironically even right in front of me when they knew i hc'd them as siblings. i could complain up enough of a storm about that person and all of the insane things they said and did to fill up another 10 paragraphs but in general they were awful and really awful to me and multiple friends and you know what. i fucking hate the ship because of that too. sue me i cant stand seeing it around and i get grossed out by it.
on another note if i see anyone trying to push franflam as canon i will kick your ass. it might seem like im complaining about a problem that doesnt exist since tumblr is very anti-franflam, but on other sites its the opposite and if i had a nickel for every stupid "franflam is definitely canon and the only canon option and here's why" argument ive ever heard and could Easily debunk i could buy a fucking mansion. how to tell franflam shipppers its Okay if their ship isnt canon challenge: impossible (generalizing ofc, this whole rant is generalizing. take with a grain of salt. man i hate franflam)
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azerothtravel · 1 year
Secret Origin
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I'm just an old time Warcraft nerd who's too dumb to quit. My first WC game was Warcraft II, when I was in high school. I gravitated toward the Horde because they were funnier. I liked the game, but wasn't too good at it. Jump ahead to the release of Warcraft III, it's a whole other thing. I read all the lore in the huge manual. I was completely taken with the concept of orcs as once noble, tragic victims trying to make their way in the world and atone for their crimes. A friend of mine had me read some of the novels. I was suddenly way, way into the setting. Plus, I knew a lot of people who played WC3. I enjoyed the Orgrimmar campaign in Frozen Throne with no idea it was more or less a test run for WoW.
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But I didn't like MMOs. I wasn't sure about WoW. Then I got into the beta. I hauled my whole-ass desktop over to the house of the same friend who loaned me those books, and we were up til 4am downloading the client and then getting started. Gormorash the orc warrior was born that night (And so was Skarsnik the troll hunter, but he lost interest after BC). I was immediately sold. Running around Azeroth at ground level, full of detail from the RTS games, was a ton of fun. Gormorash went on many strange adventures in beta, like a hilariously inept "raid" on Westfall where half our group died before we got there and none of us were even level 60.
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Then Gormorash was rebooted on Argent Dawn US when the game launched, a member of <Flaming Skull Clan> with several other friends of mine.
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By middle 2005, almost literally everyone I knew played WoW. My oldest friends, friends from college, friends from the internet, relatives. Basically 2 friends and my parents were the only people not playing. Friends of mine who didn't know each other met and bonded through WoW. It was a glorious time.
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By the end of 2006, I'd been through 2 guild collapses and one server move, as they opened up free transfers to Eitrigg and my friends all took it. I wasn't sure I'd keep playing. The novelty had worn off for most of my friends. I wasn't that into raiding, and doing Arathi Basin over and over was only so interesting (Gormorash just lived in Hammerfall for like a year). I was maybe gonna quit. And then, in early 2007, my brother found 2 Collector's Editions of BC just sitting on a shelf in a store, and asked if I wanted one. I had the vanilla CE, but I'd missed BC when they were released, and didn't buy BC at all. He bought them and shipped me one, and we leveled 60-70 together. It was a lot of fun.
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Along the way, I started a new guild with some online friends, and Gormorash is still in it. He's never missed an expansion. Most people have fallen off the wagon. Our guild typically only has 3 active members at any given time these days, but that's fine with me. Sometimes a couple people come back for major content. It was lore that got me into all this, and that remains my primary motivator for playing. My endgame is more PvP and leveling alts than raiding, but the game has literally never supported those 2 things better than right now (2023), so that's pretty good. I still have a good time. And that's why I have hundreds of screenshots to choose from stretching from the 2004 open beta to just a few days ago to post on this blog. With the sad exception of most of 2006, lost in a hard drive failure, I have a comprehensive collection of every screenshot I ever took, and that's what this blog is all about.
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I've made a few other Gormorashes on other servers, but rarely leveled them very far. Someone out there made a Gormorash that isn't me, a fact that shocked me when I found out. Who stole my name? Was it you? I have characters of every race on both factions, but still tend to prefer Horde. If you see me, say hello!
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Gormorash is an orc warrior who came of age in the camps. With his brother, Rugurrash, he's led a guild of adventures for many years, with trusty allies Snarfner, Vallkillmore and Canon rounding out the core group. His hair's started to gray after saving the world 8 or 9 times, traveling through space and time and the realms of death, but he's still out there, still exploring, still getting into trouble and mostly getting back out of it. He's an alchemist and herbalist in his spare time, and has a completely unmanageable collection of pets. He is really, really tired of being forced to fight his own Warchief, and really hopes the gods don't lean on that already very tired trope again in the future.
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brandwhorestarscream · 6 months
Idk wdyt 👁️👁️
Fr doe, the Shockwave egg thing is something I've mentioned in sntoher post that I honestly can't find despite the key word in it being shark but all in all it involves ladybug Shockwave where his half Insecticon biology saves the Cybertronian race from extinction and gives him a permanent leave off combat duty while he lives in constant sensual pleasure and intellectual glee
I gotta find that post oh my god
Or maybe I also copied it into my notes
I will literally never skip any excuse to talk about the cybermorphs and develop them more! So I'm going with that >:3
I'm gonna say this happens before the actual bombing happens that kicks off the war's full-fledged fighting. Shockwave was, for a long time, the cybermorphs' main contact in the Senate. He was wholly supportive of their endeavors, and was actively campaigning to end the strict lockdown measures and give them the same freedoms that, at the very least, the other warframes had, but was also advocating for some rather radical changes. The abolition of slavery and the banning of such things like mnemosurgery and shadowplay
As we all know, it didn't go well. Shockwave shows up at the hive, broken and violated, his face and hands destroyed and all empathy ripped from his head. But instead of making him entirely apathetic toward the morphs, he's now even more determined to do the logical thing and ally himself with them. Their numbers are swelling so unbelievably quickly, it's foolish to make an enemy of them
Megatron is horrified when he sees what's been done to him. They don't have the resources to try to reverse it or get him any sort of treatment, so he's unfortunately stuck. The queen welcomes him in, the second normal-born mech to freely walk amongst the hive's numbers.
Now, this could go a few ways, but I think realistically, Megatron might assign Shockwave to Soundwave’s care. Just to make sure he's settling in ok, to make sure he won't get lost in the passageways and stumble into one of the egg chambers and get himself facehugged. Shockwave is a dear friend and invaluable ally, the last thing he wants is him being put out of commission by one of the morphlings.
Time progresses and Shockwave has far less political work to occupy his time, and turns to science. Cybermorph biology is wholly unfamiliar territory to everyone: Megatron and Soundwave were among the very first generation, and there were only 5 of them in total. They're an incredibly young species. No one knows the most effective forms of healthcare, nor the intracacies of their internals. Shockwave takes this opportunity to learn. Observing hive behaviors and getting to look at their internal struts and varied alt modes, but eventually he's catalogued everything. He's even permitted to observe the morphlings, to watch their dramatic, bloody emergences, even to dissect an egg that's unfertilized or unfortunately perished before hatching
Eventually though, he runs out of things to do. He turns to another branch of research all together: reproduction. It's no secret in the hive that Megatron and only Megatron bears their eggs. There's no doubt that the cybermorphs are sexually mature as well as active, and yet despite there being thousands of them, not a single morphling has ever been born to anyone but Megatron. Shockwave is the one that officially determines in an inarguable capacity that the cybermorph species is, as a whole, sterile. The average ones can't get each other pregnant, can't become pregnant. The only one that's ever been capable of it is Megatron. It's so odd.
He knows that crossbreeding is possible. Orion Pax has sired several clutches of eggs. He knows that Soundwave has also sired a great many of Megatron's morphs. But he's always the one to create and carry life. Excited at the prospect and undeniably curious, he offers his own body, but rather than sire, he asks to carry
Megatron is taken aback. He doesn't even know if such a thing is possible. Can cybermorphs even concieve with a cybertronian for a sparkling that will be born live, rather than hatched? Neither of them know, that's why Shockwave wants to try. It'll be an important chapter of his research regardless of whether or not it's possible.
Megatron agrees eventually, and they make a schedule out of it: every other night Shockwave comes to the throne room to let the cybermorph queen have his way with him. It's entirely foreign to Megatron--babymaking like this isn't instinctual in the slightest. The idea of someone else carrying is so weird to him. But it would be good to know, if he as a queen caste is virile as well as fertile
It takes a little while but their attempts are eventually fruitful, and Shockwave is successfully sparked up. Just one little spark orbiting his, a soft orange color contrasting his blue nicely. Once again, Soundwave is assigned to keep an optic on him, mostly to ensure his health during the process. Shockwave is approaching the whole thing incredibly clinically--he's not at all attached, nor is there any real love for his little research subject. This is Megatron's morphling and will swiftly be assimilated into the hivemind. It's not like he'll be expected to raise it or anything. That's just not how morphs do things. There are designated caregivers whose sole purpose in the hive is rearing the young. He can't feel attached to them, thanks to the Senate's work: all he cares about is if they're a healthy, viable subject for his research. He spends a lot of time making notes about symptoms--of which there are a lot. Weird monster pregnancy does weird things to your body, who knew?--as well as the speed of geststional progression. The sparkling reaches maturity and is ready to be birthed in only about ⅔ of the time it would take a normal one.
Gonna cut it here cuz this is getting long and I have stuff to do lol. But if you want more hmu
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talenlee · 3 months
Seeing some gm advice I'm reminded of a campaign I had where I got to play a bard.
Back in 3e, which this was, I didn't get to play charismatic characters often - because I didn't play characters very often, and I was usually building towards doing something busted with the character building limits. But this time, I had made my boy, he was basically Sexy Anime Ed Elric But Secretly Armin Tanzarian, and he was a cool dude whose big thing was obligatory 3e combat broknenness, but really his big thing was astronomical bluff and diplomacy checks.
Now I've complained about this in the past, but back in the day, 3e made diplomacy a skill you could absurd numbers on, and then made it so the outcome of those numbers had to be completely narrative breaking for any sensible GM. I was a level 9 character who could quite reasonably convince a total stranger who was there to kill me that they were my best friend, and have them act on it. Diplomacy was dumb. And this was a half-elf, an underpowered heritage option, that meant that in exchange for Getting Nothing out of the character building process, I had access to a sort of short-sharp-shock calming effect that could let me force the diplomacy check.
I literally never used that ability in the entire campaign. I came close to using it, once, but the GM saw me preparing to do it, and just had the non human animals that were nearby just leave. I had to rely on backup of Just Being Really Good At Fighting.
In the course of this campaign we were hunting down a big bad business boss who was collecting our old allies and bringing the band back together to pilot a cool interplanar skyship because those are cool. And, intent on playing with the idea of my bard as being socially very dangerous, I had the bright idea of, in the course of these raids, doing things that made the boss' insurance pay out. My bard destroyed debt records, saved valuables from the fires we started and kept them hidden on-site, and made absolutely sure every site was marked as our work.
Eventually, the DM asks me what I'm doing, and I explain that I'm trying to make the boss convinced that we were something he had organised, that this was his idea and it was all an elaborate ruse. I was attempting to gaslight the villain of our campaign and I put a lot of work into it.
Anyway, DM said it wouldn't work and we just had a big fight at the end.
I was tempted to tell you an ending about how it SHOULD have gone, and then maybe tacked on an Everyone Clapped kinda ending. But nah, the DM heard my requests, saw what I was doing and just let me go on it, before resolving that sure, he knew what I was aiming for and trying, but he couldn't do anything with it so nothing came of it.
I'm not even mad about it, I don't think badly of that DM. He's a beloved friend, someone I would help move bodies. I feel like if I'd handed this to other people, now, they'd probably think that is cool as hell? Or we'd have more of a negotiation on it? But the thing that keeps coming up in my mind is that this is an instance where I, without realising it, was being failed by the system.
The system was telling me 'I can have these things.' But the thing is, like... having those things would be really stupid? Those things clearly could not work in the kind of campaign the rest of the game was built around? And when I tried to strike out in my own direction with it, the system had nothing to accommodate that, or even accommodate something similar.
Anyway what I'm saying is 4th ed D&D is the best D&D
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