#anti crew-ra
atla: creates a fantasy world with groups of people and cultures that were heavily inspired by real-world cultures and ethnicities; with proper research done so that there are no harmful stereotypes
spop: uhhh fuck it this cat-human hybrid is latina despite not even having a proper origin. also we have poc characters who just have poc features for the sake of representation, and have no culture surrounding their ethnicity.
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feel like pure shit, just want her back
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#james talks#riverdale#miss the whole crew really but Betty especially bc Lili was so magnificent#god as perfect as the finale was (and it really was one of the greatest finales ever) i wish we had gotten another season#they had as good a run as a show on that network could hope for but there are few shows on there that eclipsed the network like Riverdale#like the list includes like. Crazy Ex-Girlfriend and Gossip Girl. and ig The Vampire Diaries. and that's it.#(that list is for shows almost exclusively produced by the CW. CXG DID have other producing companies but it was largely the CW).#no show will ever quite be like Riverdale ever again and no show will ever reach the heights it did.#especially not on their shoestring CW budget.#like honestly i just need more Riverdale in my life.#like RAS and the writing team found such a great way to turn their weaknesses into strengths.#as an article on the show once said [paraphrased]: it was a great show that was really good at pretending to be bad.#even now nobody gets the show like i do.#everyone thinks it's some silly little show about crazy shit with crazy plotlines and pretty lighting and aesthetics but no substance—#when in reality it's an incredible pulpy anti-fascist text questioning the role of authority using those aesthetics for a larger purpose#but i'll save the real analysis for whenever i get around to actually making the Riverdale video essay i need in my life#unless Quinton Reviews or SuperEyepatchWolf beat me to it first. they're the only people who i think will actually understand the show.#like SuperEyepatchWolf's video on the show is already pretty fun even if it's a little dismissive of the substance of the show—#(tbf to him it only covered up until the S05 mid-season finale and S06 hadn't released yet)#but like he at least feels like he gets the spirit of the show. especially with the wrestling comparison.#and i hope i don't need to explain why Quinton would get it.#anyway. i need the Riverdale crew back.
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whimsyprinx · 1 year
y’all remember when anti [person or thing] blocklists were a thing? so mad that I never made it on any of them, I’m such a hater and it goes unnoticed
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sometipsygnostalgic · 2 months
i'm losing my mind how are there STILL ACTIVE CATRA HATE BLOGS it's been FOUR YEARS how are you still this mad about a female abuse victim!!!!!! how do you STILL not get it!!!!!!!!!!
I have been in enough fandoms to understand that some of the people who stick around the longest are those who act the most scarred after watching the media. It's like stockholme syndrome. Or it's like hating the thing is what gives them drive in the world.
I have also been on the other side of this. I remained a Homestuck blog for a whole four years after the ending made me depressed about Terezi Pyrope, even lasting an additional year and a half after the dogshit epilogues released, through to the demise of Hiveswap and Homestuck^2, before I realised enough was enough and let Adventure Time give me sanctuary again.
But Homestuck had its Gamzee fans who hated the comic and fandom, Adventure Time had its Lemongrab fans who hated the show and fandom, and it seems She-ra has its fair share of antis.
The She-ra antis consist of the following groups, from my observation:
Former fans who got obsessed with some other show and have to bash She-ra because it ain't cool anymore. Usually Owl House fans but can be from anywhere. Their hate is universally connected to propping something else up, and is never done in isolation.
Hordak fans who hate Catra and maybe every other character and crew member and the show. There are a lot of the reverse, Catra fans who hate Hordak, which is part of why this group is so persistent, as a "counter" to this Hordak hate. However, the Catra fans who are Hordak antis MOSTLY do not hate the show (they are just... out of touch with it and generally have bad takes). I've seen one or two extreme cases of Catra apologists accusing Adora, Scorpia, and even Entrapta of abuse, but they were completely alone in their feelings. The Hordak fans who hate Catra tend to also hate Glimmer, Mermista, Adora, Bow, and say that the show is ableist or whatever, but they do not actually harbor much love for Entrapta. Her victimisation is an excuse for their behaviour and they have no understanding of her chaotic character. Do not interact.
Glimmadora fans (the ones who purely seem to exist to make 'Spop Is Abusive' posts). Why the fuck Glimmadora fans hate the show so much, I do not understand. But these are probably the most In-Your-Face of these three groups. While the Hordak fans mentioned above have a lot of similarity to Homestuck Gamzee fans or Adventure Time Lemongrab fans in the weird way they'll hate on the show for doing their blorbo wrong, Glimmadora fans don't have that evidence because they don't really care about Glimmer or Adora. They have absolutely nothing to say about the show, other than that it is Bad. My theory on these Glimmadora fans is that they really liked the Glimmer and Adora ship on a superficial level, and then the show decided to have its Deeper Themes and give Catra and Adora a messy, complicated relationship. There was a lot happening after season 3 where people went "CATRADORA IS REALLY ABUSIVE AND CATRA IS HORRIBLE AND YOU SHOULDNT SHIP HER WITH ANYONE". This period was SO fucking harmful to the fandom that it never recovered, so much work was lost and deleted from AO3. People would say "Glimmadora is a much better ship anyway". But then when season 4 rolled around and, uhh, Glimmer was acting like a little shit all season (for good reason but she really fucked things up with Adora), and Glimmadora crumbled into ash? Well the Glimmadora truthists felt like the show was working against them and that Season 5 was a grand conspiracy to make the Abusive ship Catradora canon!!! The funniest part of this is I sympathise a lot with these feelings. I used to be a Glimmadora truther myself when I watched the show in fall 2021. I was like, "wow, look how nice this ship is. And they go with catradora in the end?? Fucking HOW???". But then seasons 4 and 5 happened and.... yeah, I was disappointed with how Glimmer and Adora's friendship ended up, but I was ENAMORED by the messiness of Catra's character and how raw her and Adora felt about each other even in spite of all the bullshit. I never made excuses about the show being abuse apologising. I analysed it purely in how believable the relationships were and what the intentions of the characters are.
Of these groups, the ones responsible for the most actual SPOP Anti blogs are undoubtedly the Glimmadoras. The only time I've seen something similar, so many antis appearing, was because of Steven Universe ship wars. You have NO IDEA how petty people feel about Lapidot, Amedot, all the dots, all the amethysts. A crew member was chased off the internet over it, or left the internet over the show's own decisions, depending on whether you believe the """screenshots""" that were taken of Zuke's ""private blog""".
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yoinkschief · 3 months
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The reference sheet for my Eddsworld Red Apocalypse Persona 😼
I love this AU so much what the actual fuck what happened how did I get sucked into this it's got me in a chokehold hELP
Info Dump about my bbg under the cut blink blink
Jay started off as a soldier for the Anti-Red Army, and he was rather loyal to it, rarely ever questioning the intentions of his superiors and just working his way up the ranks, not really caring about what he had to do to do that
Eventually, however, the higher up he go the more,,, rumors,, he'd inevitably hear about his fearless leader and what he's really doing
At first she didn't think much of it, just brushing it off as insubordination or whateva, but eventually she starts looking into - out of morbid curiosity, surely, and suffice to say he didn't exactly like what he had found there
She confided in someone she thought she could trust about it, they weren't particularly close but she thought that they wouldn't be the type to open their mouth - turns out they were, and they flapped their gums all the way up to the big man himself
Turns out Fredrik did not like people talking shit about him
Shortly after that, Jay found themself being called in late for some "extra help" in Thatcher's laboratory, which quickly turned into a less than pleasant experience for them
Though they managed to survive the experimentations, not without some serious repercussions - their body had to effectively remold itself once a knew genome was spliced into their normal, and frankly they shouldn't be alive but they were, and they were determined to keep it that way
Their body hurt, it ached and was sore with every breath they took, and they were covered in their own blood but they managed out of the army's immediate range if they were to look for them
To be a little self indulgent and cringe 2016 he was found by the Eddsworld Crew and helped him get back on his feet
Not without of course keeping him in a pseudo-prison of sorts - no normal person looks like that and naturally they suspect foul play afoot
But all seems fine as Jay explains himself and how exactly he got into this situation - there's still suspicion of him, I mean c'mon the guy just admitted to being an A-RA soldier, no doy, but in an attempt to bridge this gap he did end up spilling his guts about what exactly Fredrik was planning - or at least, as much as he could recall, as a peace offering of sorts
Fredrik has yet to seriously search for Jay, he most has a passive warrant out on him that surely won't end at demotion and dishonorable discharge
It's definitely suspicious that he hasn't, seeing as Jay is an escaped experiment, but hey, that's just a theory :3c
Sigh,,, I miss MatPat
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tumblrisweird · 10 months
Crash Course on Lancer, the best TTRPG
I've been obsessed with Lancer lately, so I thought I'd put together a quick and dirty crash course on the key aspects of the system so people could see if it interests them.
Lancer is a ttrpg system "centered on shared narratives, customizable mechs, and the pilots who crew them"
It is co-created by the author of the webcomic Kill Six Billion Demons, who also provides some of the official illustrations
The mech design is primarily inpired by Titanfall, but there is a wide variety and plenty of options available to suit your taste.
Mechanically, it's most similar to D&D 5e, but with major improvements (imho).
The game and community are super inclusive of BIPOC and LGBTQ+ people.
Lancer takes place in our universe, but several thousand years in the future
in the near future, human society collapses due to all the shit going on. ten generation ships are sent out to colonize space, but contact with them is soon lost as everything on Earth goes tits up and humanity enters a dark age for almost 5000 years
Eventually, humanity on Earth comes back, creates Union, and returns to space and tries to contact those generation ships, a few of which have founded new civilizations in deep space. Relations with these civilizations doesn't go great.
Union also finds a weird super-robot-mind-thing old humanity built on Mars, which lets them predict the future. After about a thousand years, it ends up producing a sort of super-AI called RA (I will get into this later).
The above event also lets Union develop FTL tech (using something called Blinkspace).
In the process of expansion, humanity runs into its first (and so far only) sentient alien race. Things go bad very quickly. The people in charge do very bad things and for this end up being overthrown. This is also when mechs first start getting used for combat.
A new committee in charge of Union takes over and has a strong anti-colonial, humanitarian ethic. This however is harder to reinforce the further you are from Earth (now called Cradle by some)
Some of the still independent civilizations and mega-corporations get in some fights. Union tries to keep the peace. This is where we are now.
So there are two different types of AIs in Lancer.
The first kind are regular AIs which can act human but don't really have free will. They can be found all over the place.
The second kind are called NHPs (Non-Human Persons). These (mostly) came from that super-AI called RA I mentioned above. Their basic consciousness is "paracausal" (i.e. magic), so they have to be "shackled" to be able to even think like a regular human. They can often do really powerful things. They are hard to get and heavily regulated because they become really dangerous if they get unshackled.
Player Characters
Character creation in Lancer is incredibly fun. There's two main aspects of a character: the pilot and the mech
The pilot is who you control during narrative scenes. While they can do combat, they generally are not suited for it, especially against mechs.
You can choose a background for your character, but this is purely flavor.
You get some "triggers", which are different skills you get bonuses in to use in narrative scenes. Default triggers include things like "lead or inspire", "read a situation", "apply fists to faces", "hack or fix" and many others. You can also create custom triggers (with your GM's permission). These are what you use for narrative scenes. You start with +2 to 4 different triggers and get another +2 at each level
You also get to choose things like armor, pilot weapons, and three pieces of equipment.
One expansion also adds a mechanic called "Bonds" which are like character archetype powers. These encourage you to roleplay more.
You also have a certain number of "Talents" which help in mech combat. Each talent has 3 tiers and focus on things like using certain weapons or fighthing certain ways (e.g. grappling, spotting, hacking, etc.). You start with three tier-1 talents and get another tier each level.
Levels are referred to as "License Levels". You start at LL0, but this doesn't mean you can't do anything. You have access to the starter mech frame, which is a very good all-rounder. You may also have access to two more if you have certain expansions.
Mechs have two main sets of health: actual HP and "Heat". You get heat mostly by being hacked or using heat-generating weapons. Each player mech also has 4 points each of Structure and Stress, which correspond to these two sets of health. When your HP hits zero or your Heat goes above its max, you lose a point of Structure or Stress, respectively. You will also suffer other consequences like status effects or losing parts of your mech. If either hits zero, your mech gets destroyed (though this doesn't necessarily kill your pilot, and you can rebuild your mech). Also having 50% or more of your max heat means you're in the Danger Zone, which may let you do certain things.
Mechs will have a certain number of SP (system points), which you use to add different systems, equipment that gives you abilities and bonuses.
You also get to put points into 4 different "Mech Skills": Hull, which affects HP and physical stability, Agility, which affects speed and evasion (the thing enemies roll against to hit (most of the time)), Systems, which affects hacking ability and SP, and Engineering, which affects Heat management and ammo. You get another point each level.
There's other stats as well like Armor, Sensors, E-Defense, and Save Target, but I won't get into them now.
Mech's also have a certain number of weapon mounts, which determine what kind of weapons you can attach to it. The four weapon sizes are Auxiliary, Main, Heavy, and Superheavy. Most of the mount types match a specific weapon size. The only exception is Flex, which lets you mount one Main or two Aux. Also for a Superheavy, you need a heavy mount plus one other mount.
Player mechs come in 4 sizes: 1/2 (basically a suit of power armor), 1 (just big enough where a person could sit in the chest cockpit), 2 (much bigger than a person, about the size of heavier Titanfall mechs), and 3 (fucking huge, though maybe not quite as big as the mechs in Pacific Rim). NPCs can be even bigger. :)
This set of memes is a great way to get the idea behind several mechs.
While most mechs have a default appearance, they're highly customizable, and there are a couple of exceptions. Most Horus mechs have no default appearance, and the starting mech, the Everest, has no canon appearance, meaning it can look however you want.
EDIT: forgot to mention, every mech has a Core Power that you can use once per mission (usually). It typically gives you access to a really cool weapon or ability or otherwise powers up the mech for the rest of the scene.
Ever notice how in 5e, multiclassing kinda sucks unless you have a very specific thing in mind? That's not at all true in Lancer!
In addition to the stuff mentioned above, each LL you get to gain one level in the license for a certain mech! You can think of these as similar to classes.
Each level gets you two specific pieces of equipment from that license, generally either weapons or systems. Additionally, at the second level for a license, you get access to the mech frame.
Each license only has 3 levels to get, so you are very much encouraged to mix and match. Additionally, you gain levels at a more even rate than in 5e. Basically it's a milestone system I will explain later.
There are 4 manufacturers to choose from, each with a default of 7 licenses to choose from (more with expansions). ISP-N mechs are sturdy, reliable, and mundane. Smith-Shimano mechs are sleek, agile, and precise. Harrison Armory mechs are powerful and good at dealing with/using Heat. Horus mechs are extra weird and fucked-up.
Each session will generally consist of a few different "scenes", often including one combat scene. There may also be one "downtime" scene (usually at the beginning or end), which is sorta like a short rest. You can make limited repairs and change out equipment, as well as pursuing personal goals. A few sessions together constitute a "mission". After a mission, you get a level and can do a full repair, which is like a long rest. Get all your resources back and can completely rebuild a destroyed mech (or make a new one).
Action Economy
Each turn the player can take the following actions:
One Protocol (generally granted by a system, only at the beginning of the turn)
A standard movement, which can be taken in part or all at once.
Two Quick Actions or one Full Action
Quick Actions are things like Boost (take another full movement), Skirmish (attack with one weapon mount), Hack, Hide, Grapple, Ram, and Lock On.
Full actions are things like Stabilize (clear all heat or heal HP), Disengage, and Barrage (attack with two mounts or one Superheavy mount).
One Reaction, which can be taken on other characters turns when activated. The two default reactions are Overwatch (skirmish against an enemy that starts a movement in your threat range, which is 1 by default but more with some melee weapons or CQB weapons) and Brace (reduce damage from an incoming attack and be harder to hit, at the cost of losing actions on your next turn).
One Overcharge, where you take increasing amounts of heat to get another quick action.
There may also be certain systems or talents that grant certain Free Actions under certain circumstance
Combat in general is very fun, though a full round of turns may take half an hour or more. In my experience, most combat scenes are over within 8 rounds.
Using your systems and abilities in cooperation with your teammates is very important to surviving.
Of note is that getting advantage on a roll is much rarer than in 5e.
Much more common is Accuracy or Difficulty. Each point of Accuracy is an extra d6 you roll to add as the accuracy bonus. You pick the highest of your accuracy rolls to add as the bonus. Difficulty is the same except you are subtracting the number from the roll instead of adding it. For example, Lock-On lets you add an accuracy to a roll, but soft and hard cover add 1 and 2 difficulty respectively. Also points of accuracy and difficulty cancel each other out, which reduces the amount of rolling you have to do. So if your weapon has +1 accuracy but your target is behind hard cover, you roll the attack with 1 difficulty.
you can get the core rulebook (minus npc info and detailed lore) for free here
here's the official fan-run discord server. it is very helpful for finding games that are looking for players and talking about the game.
You can use the official app called COMP/CON to build and manage characters. I fucking love making character in this. It makes things super easy and fun. You can also download .lcp files for various expansions to play around with the stuff they add as well. These are available for free for the official expansion, meaning players can play with extra stuff from expansions without needing to buy them.
In conclusion, Lancer is a great system that you should give a shot to if any of the above sounds appealing.
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anti-spop · 4 months
i obviously can't just make ppl actually read our posts to get our point, but yeah it's infuriating that spop stans just assume we're haters with no life for hating on a silly little kids show (while at the same time stans make spop look deeper than it is). we're just seen like homophobes/lesbophobes, racists, ableists etc. who send death threats to fans and the crew-ra.
of course, there are some people like that, but most of the anti/crit community does NOT condone harassment. although we may get a little intense about our criticisms, they're still valid. spop does romanticize abuse. it does make light of bullying. it normalizes ableism. it's still racist. maybe these things aren't intentional, but the fact it's a KIDS show is why we're so revolted. kids and teens are going to internalize these elements and think they're healthy both in fiction and in real life. we also have to remember that grown adults are behind this show, hence why we have to call them out on it. and still, we aren't out there attacking or sending death threats to nd stevenson or anyone in the crew-ra. i certainly do not support that.
also, at least i actually post things that aren't negative rants. i do post some constructive criticisms, like how certain characters and plot elements could've been awesome if done right. like i talked about how frosta would've been a more interesting character if she retained her s1 personality, or how a friendship between bow and kyle could've been neat. how characters like castaspella or micah could've been more relevant to the plot, or how catra's redemption arc could've been more efficient. you know, we're not attacking the show. most of us still love it - or at least what it COULD'VE been. spop has a good premise. the problem is the execution.
besides, i feel like this is important to ppl who want to write their own stories or maybe their own tv shows and movies. it might make a difference to these creators! who knows! at least i'm an artist and a writer, so it could help me. but most importantly, this is a space where we can point out these issues and what we would've done if we were the creators of spop. we don't attack spop fans, we just offer a critical view of the show. not to mention we're just a minority in the fandom, it's not like our blogs are going to cancel c//a or anything. the show is over and everyone got their "happy" ending, so we're not rlly ruining your experience. you can just block us or filter the tags, because at least we DO tag our shit.
and again, there are shitty ppl in the anti/crit spaces, but they don't speak over the whole community. at least they don't speak over me.
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zmasters · 1 month
The Void Crawler - A Lancer "Dungeon"
I’m working on a “dungeon crawl” style Lancer module. I’ll be posting each “level” to the “dungeon” later, but here’s an introduction of sorts.
Floor 1 & the Lift
The HA Void Crawler. Despite the name and Harrison Armory's history of violence, the ship is a research vessel. The Void Crawl and her crew where sanctioned to explore the galaxy outside of known Union space and find potential livable planets to colonized. While this particular survey has been tainted by the Corpo-State's particular culture of nationalism, the greater Union views this effort as an ultimately good thing for humanity as a whole.
The Void Crawler went dark a few weeks ago.
Now a derelict caught in the orbit of a massive gas giant, all that your employers know is that whatever caused the vessel to be abandoned happened fast and it happened without warning.
None of the missing crew has been found. Early scans indicate that many of the ships systems such as life support and engines have not been destroyed, but have simply been turned off.
The powers that be have turned their gaze on the Void Crawler. Some wish to figure out what happened to the hundreds of lives loss in this mysterious accident. Other's wish to capitalize on the materials and data that this ship have hidden in it's cold halls.
You are a lancer. You have been hired by one of the five manufactures to venture to the Void Crawler and achieve their objective.
As Union's right hand megacorp, General Massive Systems has graciously put it upon themselves to find the missing crewmen and either save them, or avenge them. And of course the data that HA has collected will benefit all of Union, so it would be the kind thing to do is for GMS to bring it back home free of charge.
ISP-Northstar and it's close ally Albatross have a long history of anti-piracy actions, and the this situation has pirates written all over it. A quick strike should bring whatever material and data lost to be put into the right hands.
A popular rumor to what happened to the Void Crawler is that the vessel had run foul with aliens. While most organizations laugh off this theory as omninet forum conspiracy and HORUS memetic manipulation, Smith-Shimano Corpo has not written it off yet. When seeking to perfect the original machine, the human body, maybe xeno DNA is the key.
[We interrupt your following debrief with a message, curtesy from USER xxBASED64xx]
ZGVhcg== HORUS, SSByZXF1ZXN0IGFpZC4gU3RhdGlzLXF1byBwb3NpdGl2ZS4gTGlmZSBncm93aW5nLiBEcmFjbmkgdGhyaXZpbmcuIEVjb3N5c3RlbSBmcmFnaWxlLiBGb3JlaWduIGFjdGl2aXR5IHRocmVhdGVucyB1cy4gU2lnbiBDWUxBLg==
[Now returning to your regularly scheduled shitpost breifing]
And of course Harrison Armory has legal claim on the Void Crawler. They made the ship, they paid the crew, they provided the NHP, arguably they deserve whatever is left behind. But in the frontier of the great beyond, anything is fair game.
Regardless of who has hired you, the pay is the same. Lots of manna, a license in a mech of your choice, a genetic backup to be cloned incase of untimely passing. It has to be high, it's going to take at least ten years to get to the derelict.
You’ll be there for awhile.
With me.
New friend.
Come and smell the roses, I just planted them.
And you’ll love what I done with the place. A few expansions here and there, some refurbishments. My new friend helped me redecorate. Have you met him before? RA?
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(via XM1 Abrams Main Battle Tank by DarkWizard83 on DeviantArt)
The original prototype vehicle that led to one of - if not the - most powerful tank in the world, and current backbone of Us armored forces, the M1 Abrams MBT.  Born out of the failed German-American MBT-70 project, the XM1 was developed by the Chrysler Motor Corporation, and in 1978 Chrysler delivered to the Army a sleek, low-silhouette heavy tank that incorporated every major technological feature of the day, including computerized controls and a laser rangefinder.   But the most significant design feature of the new tank was its use of Chobham composite armor on the hull and turret.  While the exact nature and composition of Chobham armor remains a closely guarded secret, the evidence suggests that it utilizes a matrix of ceramic armor tiles, layered between the vehicle's internal steel and external armored plating.  When a high-velocity projectile - such as a round fired from a tank or an anti-tank missile - hits the armor, the explosion produces a high-velocity jet of gas that shears through the armor plating.  In normal armor, this jet of gas - once it had passed through the outer armor - would blast into the hull of the tank, causing irreprible damage and often killing the crewmen inside.  However, with Chobham armor's interweaved layers of ceramic composite, the forces that would normally tear into a tank's hull are forced to spread out and dissipate over a much wider area, leaving the inner hull intact.  This not to say that Chobham armor renders a tank invincible - any hit will still cause exterior damage, and a powerfiul direct hit could still damage or disable the tracks or sensitive electronic equipment.  But it would keep the crew alive, and often protect the tank itself enough to keep fighting. Another key crew safety feature is the vault-like armored compartment that houses the Abrams' primary ammunition.  One of the primary causes of a tank's destruction has not been the direct result of armor-pierecing hits, but the inderict results of those hits ignigting and detonating the tank's munitions.  To protect this, a kevlar and steel armored plate seperates the crew from the ammunition store.  Same with the tank's fuel supply.  Even if the compartments were pierced, and the ammunition or fuel ignited, the protective plates would insulate the crew from explosion and fire.   In combat, the Abrams has proven to be second to none.  During Operation Desert Storm in 1991, M1s were able to take out Iraqi tanks at distances as long as 4km.  Of the nearly 2,000 Abrams to see combat in the conflict, only 18 were ever taken out of service due to combat damage, and none resulted in any crew casulties.  In 2003 and onwards during Operation Iraqi Freedom, the Abrams again demonstrated a mastery of the battlefield, driving to Baghdad virtually unopposed.  However, the Abrams clearly showed its vulnerability to ambush attacks, with a number of M1s severly damaged and disabled from RPGs, and far more frequently by roadside IED bomb traps.  However, even when caught in some of the largest IED explosions, crew casualties have so far been astoundingly low, a testament to the M1s protection and survivability. While no future M1's are planned for production, a number of older models are currently slated for upgrade to current standards over the next few years, and the Abrams will continue to serve with the Us Army and Marine Corps. for mcuh of the century to come. M1 Abrams Vehicle Stats: Type: Main battle tank Manufacturer: General Dynamics Land Systems First deployed: 1980 Crew: 4 Length: 9.76 m Width: 3.65 m Height: 2.88 m Weight: 61.4 tons Armor: Classified Armament, primary: 1 x 105mm M68 rifled tank gun; later models equipped with 120mm M256 smoothbore tank gun Armament, secondary: 2 x 7.62mm FN-Browning M240 machineguns, 1 x .50-cal Browning M2 BMG machinegun Ammo stowage, primary: 55 rounds Ammo stowage, secondary: 11,000 rounds 7.62mm, 1,000 rounds .50-cal Powerplant: Textron Lycoming AGT1500 1,500hp gas-turbine engine Max speed: 72 km/h Max range: 498km Operators: Australia, Egypt, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, USA
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Welcome to Tumblr, Spop Fans!
Having seen a pretty decent post about the need to be welcoming to the tumblr refugees... (regarding how some of the nastier groups are always welcoming to new potential members, therefore decent people ought to knock off the “get off our lawn!” crap).... in that spirit, I’ve decided to give a little rundown of how things work on here for this specific fandom.   Okay, so She-Ra and the Princesses of Power fandom - a contentious place.  We all have our favorite characters and ships and also our NOTPS and characters we hate.   Having been here a while, well, the Spop fandom on tumblr has developed a certain etiquette to avoid drama.  It is not always followed.  Those who do not follow it suffer the consequences.   If you have a rant AGAINST a certain character or ship - you’re just talking about how much you dislike them or how much you think the creator-crew messed up their story-arc, or you hate the way their fans behave and have a “don’t trust fans of X-character!” rant or even BASIC ANALYSIS that is critical of a character or ship, the common convention is to please tag your post (tags are at the bottom of the window when you post, labeled “#tags” - you can put anything there you want), do not, I REPEAT, DO NOT put the character’s name / character names / ship name plain in there!   You need to put “anti-”  If you are critical of Catradora, for instance, or you dislike Hordak, you HAVE to label it “anti-catradora” or “anti-hordak” to avoid trouble.   You may still run into trouble because sometimes tumblr reads an anti-tag as a character-tag.  Generally, if you have an “anti-” tag in there, you have an alibi if tumblr screws up.  Usually it will not show up in the regular character-tag, but on the chance that it does, you can point to your original post or screenshot it with the tags and show people that you’ve tagged it correctly.   This is something that has developed in the fandom because people who enjoy characters and ships and want to search for something positive - fun fanart, fanfics, happy analysis - well, we like to be able to search clean and not have to deal with the negativity of people who are dunking on the things and characters we like.    THIS IS ENFORCED.  It is not necessarily enforced by tumblr, but it is enforced by the respective fandom-cliques.   Post an anti-character rant tagged with that character’s general tag? YOU WILL BE DOGPILED.   There are people here who make sport of analyzing “bad takes” and having a field day arguing with people and putting people up for ridicule and callout posts - sometimes with stalking and screenshots.   Sometimes even someone who enjoys a character making a silly joke about them will have their joke taken the wrong way and will get dogpiled and might even run the risk of getting labeled this or that “phobic” over the misunderstanding, or at least labeled as not respecting the character / ship or their fans, even if it’s furthest from the truth.  (I’ve seen it happen). So, use those anti-tags or maybe don’t tag at all if you’ve got such a rant.   Now, I don’t think this stuff goes on as much as it used to - the fandom mellowed out a great deal in the last year or so, but just in case some of you birdsite-refugees are coming in and are simply unfamiliar with the tagging-system here or some of the divides in the fandom, I’m trying to put forth tips to keep down honest misunderstandings.   Purposeful trolls, well... I’m just hoping people in my fandom will be mature enough simply to block people they don’t like (but I doubt it until some screeching has passed).  I’m not looking forward to it.  
For that matter, if anyone has anon-ask enabled on their Asks-box (I do not on any of my blogs. You have to use a signed account as I got some obnoxious asks), do not abuse the privilege.  If you actually harass someone over their fandom opinions, they will very likely take away anon asks or asks altogether. Those who don’t are probably drama llamas and I suppose they leave themselves open to what they get.   That brings to mind another thing:  New account? If you want people to send you Asks, you have to enable that in your settings.  You have the option from there to Allow Anon Asks (in which case people do not have to sign their accounts) or to disallow it.  If you disallow it, all asks to you must be signed (therefore if you get someone obnoxious, you can block them.  You cannot block anons, you can only delete them instead of answering them, but you will still get them in your inbox). YOU HAVE TO DO THIS FOR ALL YOUR BLOGS.  If you run sideblogs (such as what I do for different fandoms and different interests - freedfromthegalactichivemind is not my main), you have to work your settings specific to every blog.  If you block someone from your main account, for instance, but do not block them from your sideblog, they will be able to see and respond to your sideblog.   Anyway, I hope that this is helpful, but in general and in specific to this fandom. Please manage your Asks, use character tags and anti-tags appropriately, and be careful out there.  
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tallysgreatestfan · 2 years
Watched this amazing video about white cishet people getting tantrums for queer and/or POC just existing and how for them a marginalized character is always “too preachy” and claims they have no identity outside their queerness or ethnicity, and realized that something similiar goes on for queer disabled characters, though in a slightly changed pattern.
( I know nobody sits down and consciously plots these schemes to hide their bigotry. This all happens unconscious, as most of these social justice things do. Sadly, that also makes them harder to catch and harder to call out)
Take Entrapta for example. Disability is not seen as something inherently sexual and unsafe for children as queerness is, but the other way around, something child-like and incompetent that always has to be protected (read: controlled).
Me and the rest of her disabled fans noticed again and again how in the eyes of most She-Ra fans she becomes nothing but her disability, or rather their idea of what autism is, meaning that she is innocent, dumb, manipulated all the time and can’t possibly make own choices or has a sexuality, and the abuse she faces from the Princesses is read as protection rather than disgusting mistreatment.
They can’t claim that disabled characters come to replace them and soil the children because with their view of disability as childlikeness, this does not work, so in order to control the narrative they claim that disabled people have to be controled (they don’t understand themselves, they should not make own decisions or chose their own romantic partners, the Princesses just did that for her own good, don’t you see...) as if its something that benefits disabled people.
The claim she just cares for her special interest, when its so visible how deeply she cares for other people, also comes from this. If one sees a visibly autistic person for maybe the first time, her having a special interest will stick out and her just existing becomes “just thinking about her special interest” through this lopsided focus.
Entrapta is also queer. But queerness stands in juxtaposition to this idea of disability, so they either erase her queerness completely or claim she is queer in a way that does fit with this idea of disability - the uwu innocent pure lesbian or the childlike innocent asexual, which are both quite gross ideas of these identities, but they never seem to notice that. I suspect her brownness is also erased for a similiar reason, since for white supramecist culture being brown means being sexual and agressive, though since I am white I can not really comment on that.
Hordak is a at times quite aggressive dictator, and for their reductive view on Entrapta to work he also has to be a sexualized manipulator and abuser. But this does not fit with their view of disability. It also is not well liked to openly attack disabled characters because they are seen as so childlike and thus worth of protection, so they have to claim Hordak has no disability at all, despite it being very visible in the first four seasons (and then the crew being to ableist to even remember he is disabled, but this is another story).
Now, both Hordak and Entrapta did a lot of unmoral things, but other characters in the series did too, and the double standard is quite visible. Erasing Hordaks disability (and queer-coding) also helps to erase traces of this double standard.
Do I think everybody hating one of them is ableist? No. There are many ways to hate them in ways that are not double standard or prejudice because of their disabilities, most antis just do not do these ways.
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spop fans 🤝 toh fans
using the classic “the show was cancelled/there wasn't enough time” excuse to justify the creators' poor writing choices
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ya-girl-static · 2 years
My She-Ra naval aviation AU, Hornet Ball, is now far enough along for me to post Chapter 1, Tumbleweed.
I made this tumblr for the explicit purpose of nerding out and elaborating on things I think are cool or could use a little more info on but that didn't really fit into the chapter itself, so... without further ado, me being an airplane nerd about Chapter 1.
The chapter header image is actually a (somewhat edited) screenshot from a flight sim I play way too much, DCS. I do custom skins for the planes in that game and because I have too much free time made each squadron on the carrier.
I'm spelling things phonetically for this fic when applicable. 2-3 is said "two three," but with the hyphen there I didn't feel a need to specify that. However, for things like runways, standard notation is something like "14L", but you say "one four left" instead of "fourteen left", so I wanted to get that across. Basically, in this fic, if somebody is saying a number, they'll either be saying it like a normal person, or it'll be spelled out.
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There's actually no carrier in Chapter 1, but they do mention the angled deck: In the 50s-60s, carriers started being made with the landing area slanting off to one side (it's the thing that looks vaguely like a road in that image just above). This has a couple benefits. Not only does it free up space on the carrier deck, it also means an airplane can miss the landing and just go around and try again. Before the angled deck, they had nets before parked planes at the end of the deck so pilots wouldn't run into them, and it was a huge hassle to take care of that when somebody missed the wires (and one other system, but that's not really important so I'm not getting into all that stuff unless somebody asks). It also allows the carrier to do takeoffs and landings around the same time during things like sea trials for new aircraft, or carrier qualifications.
Navy squadron designations start with a letter indicating what type of aircraft they are: "V" for fixed wing, "Z" for lighter than air (like zeppelins. haven't been any of those in like a hundred years), and "H" for helicopter. After that comes the role: For now, Horde is a fighter squadron (F), whereas Alliance is both a fighter and an attack squadron (so FA). You may also see electronic attack (AQ) or anti-submarine (S), although the fixed wing anti-submarine squadrons at the time were also responsible for providing tanker aircraft for air-to-air refueling, and the helicopter ones did search and rescue. After that just comes a number to distinguish it from all the others.
The Edge 540 I’m describing is specifically Melissa Pemberton’s Edge 540. Did she have her pilot’s license in the 90s? No. Do I care? Also no, it’s my 90s Earth/Modern Etheria mashup, I do what I want.
Tomcat crews, having a superiority complex the size of Texas, often referred to the Hornet as the more diminutive "Bug."
That's all I've got for this chapter (unless there are questions). It's kind of a prologue; Chapter 2 is going to be a time skip to near the beginning of the next cruise/deployment. That's already written, but I'm trying to keep at least one chapter ahead of where I'm at at all times, so not sure when it'll be out. Hopefully by the end of next month!
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And Now The GOP Wants To Disarm Us
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In a recent segment titled "Tucker: They care more about pronouns than human life", Carlson implicitly calls for the disarming of trans and queer identities.
"You don't need a RA 15 or whatever they call it—says the head of the democratic party speaking very clearly the party's position on guns: "If we can't control them, you can't have them."
He makes this claim to somehow stir up a concern in his viewers, also saying the following:
"It's the same template, always: scare the crap out of your voters, tell them their lives are at risk, encourage them to get guns, how do you think that ends?
Sounds familiar, Mr. Carlson... Almost like the republican party... You did say in this segment "Just to be clear, we're not against people, American citizens, owning firearms, having firearms, we support it, including trans people, it's fine."? So, why does he have an issue? Let's take a look at the situation:
Carlson was driving, listening to NPR , and he hears this:
"EYDER PERALTA: Mass shootings targeting LGBTQ spaces and a rise in anti-trans rhetoric have inspired some quee people to take up arms. New Hampshire Public Radio's Todd Bookman joined the monthly gathering of a gun group that sees firearms as key to their own self-defense. As and you might imagine, this story does include the sound of gunfire."
BOOKMAN: "On a recent Sunday morning, the parking lot of Pawtuckaway State Partk in Southeastern New Hampshire is filling up with hikers. There's also a different crew packing up warm clothes and weapons."
FIN SMITH: Thank you all for coming to Rainbow Reload.
Tucker stops to mention his disapproval, making the claim these militias are actively out to get anti-trans or non queer people for the sake of it. Saying NPR endorses the gatekeeping of weapons to queer people exclusively and for nobody else, hinting at the disarming of the right wing by democrats, also hinting they might want to harm republicans simply for disagreeing with them.
"Well, you know what's going on here: NPR has decided that guns are bad except when the enforcers of its ideology have guns. You can't have guns, but faithful servants of the democratic party can; that makes sense because all totalitarians, they want a monopoly on force, right? So, debate ends at that point, so the other side has all firearms, you don't have to argue. You say "you can't change your sex" "SHUT UP BIGOT! BANG BANG!" He also utilized NPR's coverage of the death of a transgender woman who goes by Eucy, who, according to her friend, Rachel, "was a peaceful, kind being who liked to garden and make soups from things she grew in her garden. I think out of desperation she barricaded herself in her apartment, as far I know, she had no family in the area." And, he made a big point of NPR leaving out the fact she shot a deputy, but he was unable to mention why she shot the deputy which landed them in the hospital; this entire situation is incredibly unfortunate no matter who is in the wrong, and, we should show attention to the injured deputy as well as Eucy, and, friends and families of the two. This shouldn't have happened, definitely. Though, it would be very logical to find out who fired the first shot.
"And, anyone hearing or reading that dispatch from npr "reporter" from Lily Ana Fowler would feel pretty bad for the person who killed him or her-self. Politics aside, completely. But it turns out NPR didn't tell the whole story. What NPR left out was Eucy had shot a Sheriff's deputy prioe to killing [himself] . In fact, Eucy put that Sheriff's deputy in the hospital where he remains tonight after undergoing emergency surgery. That wasn't of any interest whatsoever to NPR's "social justice" team. They just didn't care. What they want you to know she was part of the trans community, and Eucy died. And so, Eucy's life matters much more than anyone's, including the cop that she shot, certainly more than yours."
Jason Rantz, another member of Fox News and an NPR reporter, after conducting his own research claims:
"There is no genocide of trans people in the U.S. or anywhere in the West.. In fact, there has been an explosion of trans-identifying people, which research suggests is a social contagion spread by social media fads and youth peer pressure. They few dozen trans people tragically killed in the U.S. each year are usually murdered by black men while in the course of prostitution activities."
Rantz does not have a psychological or medical degree, rather, he graduated with a Bachelor's degree of Arts in Politics from LA's Occidental College in 2004. The college became accredited in 2022.
We also know that he has not realeased how he came to this conclusion, or even the data of his research. This can lead one to believe it may be biased or nonexistent. It's just another claim to discredit transgender people so that they have more of a platform to say they cannot own firearms, while also making the hypocritical statement the trans community has the ultimate goals to disarm or cause harm to those they do not necessarily agree with. Obviously, even if trans people do have guns, it's already proof this is not the goal, self-defense is the goals. And, nobody is ever barred from the right to bear arms in at least one way or another. The second amendment is for all people.
SOURCES (video at start of post)
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meanmisscharles · 1 year
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I posted 11,810 times in 2022
That's 11,810 more posts than 2021!
1,233 posts created (10%)
10,577 posts reblogged (90%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,875 of my posts in 2022
#ofmd - 503 posts
#our flag means death - 382 posts
#youtube - 148 posts
#food - 68 posts
#spotify - 58 posts
#interview with the vampire - 36 posts
#my fic - 33 posts
#iwtv - 29 posts
#interview with the vampire amc - 25 posts
#important - 14 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#yes. give me a crowley so sick of 6000 years of yearning that lucifer is like 'fuck no i don't want to talk to him! he's on some bullshit!'
My Top Posts in 2022:
First of all, I'm going to just talk about KNOWING YOUR STATUS!
"Why, Meanmisscharles?"
Being tested for HIV (and other blood-borne viruses, like Hepatitis C) is the first step in AIDS prevention. You should get tested if you're having sex right now, if you've had sex, or if you think maybe you might have sex. You should also get tested if you've used syringes for substance use, are using syringes, or might use syringes for substance use, or are partners with someone that does. You can also acquire HIV from shared piercing and tattoo needles.
You should know YOUR status, even if you don't know your partner's status. Some testing centers offer couple's testing - but make sure that option is one that you feel safe and comfortable doing.
A "non-reactive" or "negative" HIV test means that you can get on PrEP and keep your status that way, with correct and regular use.
A "reactive" or "positive" HIV test means that you can start ART (anti-retroviral treatment) that with regular and correct use, can bring your status to "undetectable" - which means that your viral load is undetectable on standard blood tests and you won't pass HIV to partners through sex.
Knowing your status so you can take steps to prevent transmission, or start treatment, is about empowering yourself.
Find out where you can get free HIV testing here:
I know all the smart young people following me know this, but I still wanted to put something out there. I remember what it was like, before testing was available and I remember the people that fought so hard for this to be different than it was then.
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559 notes - Posted December 1, 2022
Ed HAD to grow that beard.
Otherwise, the stories would all be; "Yes, my ship was raided by Captain Finer Than A Motherfucker! He looked me in the eyes and then threatened to cut my eyeballs out, or gut me, I really don't remember because I was too busy staring at them lips! You know he wears those short ass little shirts, right? Damn, we were on fire and everything and I still tried to find out where he stays at when he's not busy. Um. Yeah I was terrified tho."
664 notes - Posted October 13, 2022
Stede Bonnet really said "I may not know shit about being a pirate, but bitch, NONE OF THESE HOES will outdress me!"
And he meant that shit.
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955 notes - Posted November 4, 2022
Not a complaint, as such, but I wish there was more of a non-Western/colonial bit of theorizing around stuff in fandom.
It takes place in the Caribbean! We have an Indigenous lead and Black crew! We have a multi-racial/ethnic writer's room!
I am B A F F L E D that a fandom that can research forks, cravats and cakes don't make the effort to look into other interpretations of stuff.
Like, WHY is Oluwande so shocked by the racism he encountered at the French party? WHY is he the only Black crew member with a full, non-Europranized name? WHY was he received the way he was by the Indigenous tribe? I have only seen references in fic about his background connected to slavery or being on a plantation and it doesn't fit! He's more likely to be a Maroon than anything else, but it never comes up.
Frenchie is a clever rascal who was in service, has unusual beliefs and is decidedly uninvolved with Catholicism. If we ignore Joel's personal accent, could he have been from the colony of New France, or even Saint Domingue (my personal headcanon)?
Mermaids! There is a whole lot of good stuff about mermaids and Caribbean/African beliefs around them. Even some from New Zealand.
Anyway, just thinking out loud.
1,451 notes - Posted August 29, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
The lil' extra head-tilt kills me dead
Every. Single. Time
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1,496 notes - Posted September 1, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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danwhobrowses · 2 years
One Piece - 5 Obscure Theories that May Happen in the Vegapunk Arc
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With the manga on break this week, I thought I'd throw in some early theories I think could happen in the latest arc.
Spoilers for recent chapters regarding the Arc (up to ch.1064)
1 - Vega Shoes have an ulterior design
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It may just be the story going along but it is unusual that we've took a couple of panels to show how the 'Dom Shoes' work. It's also unusual that Luffy, Chopper and Sanji are wearing them, despite often favouring other lighter (or in Chopper's case no) footwear. So what if these shoes have a secondary part to play? They are cranked in to fit you perfectly but that also means you can't slip out of them, so what if they can be used as trackers, remotely controlled or forced to stick to certain surfaces, could be a way for an Anti-Straw Hat Vegapunk to entrap most of the crew, leaving Zoro and Brook to get involved.
2 - Caribou and the RA
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Nobody expects him to be Nakama, but Caribou somehow ended up leaving Wano on board the Sunny - albeit in a barrel - and has thus arrived on Egghead too. He was out of the barrel last we saw him but now it's unsure if he slithered away or remains trapped again. Add onto the fact that Shaka is talking to Dragon and there could be an opening for miscommunication; Caribou seems to like big money kidnaps and who is bigger money than Vegapunk right now? If Shaka believes him to actually be Gaburu - the Revolutionary with an impeccable likeness to him seen in Caribou's cover story - it could lead to the Vegapunk mistakenly trusting the rookie pirate beliving them to be in the Revolutionary Army.
3 - Someone turns on the Government
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The World Government may not be on a high but killing off Vegapunk is going to spark some questions. We already saw the importance of Vegapunk to the Navy with the Punk Hazard kids being shown so we know they would want to keep him alive (as I try to feed my reasoning to throw Smoker and Tashigi into this arc) so seeing CP0 try to eliminate them at the behest of the Government will likely lead to fallout, especially if Drake does tell SWORD about CP0 in Wano too. In this case I would see Smoker - if he is in the arc - being someone to renege against the WG, either by quitting the Navy or operating on his own initiative, it could push other theories of Smoker for Straw Hat for some but in the long run it could lead to him having to come to terms that he and Luffy share more in common than he'd admit. However, as of current you cannot overlook the possibility of Lucci turning on CP0 also; in the Water 7 saga, Lucci talked about how he was okay with any WG decision so long as it allowed him to kill, that was his 'Dark Justice', however at the end of 1062 Lucci is openly questioning the reasoning behind killing Vegapunk. Being beaten by Luffy may've indeed changed his worldview a little, and though he might not side with Luffy in this aspect it is possible that Lucci forgoes the Government to become a pirate himself, where he's free to do and kill what he wants.
4 - CP0 vs Usopp
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CP0 also have two blasts from the past in Lucci and Kaku, and while everyone expects Luffy vs Lucci II, it's also possible that Usopp fights one of the two - and wins! Usopp has been lacking in the win department recently, his last victory being retraumatizing Sugar thanks to Observation Haki Oda's yet to flesh out and his last 1v1 win was in Fishman Island. He got an assist for Nami against Ulti but that was one of many assists that include Big Mom and Yamato wearing her down, so Usopp is one of the few characters now that need a win. We may be waiting on Elbaf for Usopp to have a proper arc, but if Usopp is able to defeat Lucci or Kaku - on an island of innovation and invention - it would definitely show his growth since Enies Lobby.
5 - Egghead Island blows up
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The WG can't just Lulusia Egghead Island for the reason that they still want to keep Vegapunk's technology, so it would be an ultimate defeat is all that technology was destroyed. As we saw in Franky's Karakuri Island adventure, Vegapunk has been known to wire his lab with a self-destruct button so it wouldn't be uncharacteristic for the Island of the Future to be destroyed either accidentally or intentionally. If I were to guess on this, I could see Vegapunk blowing up their island as a means to escape, either by sea or using the Sky Island section to preserve their labs, but I can also see the WG using this as a means to propaganda against the Straw Hats and also explain Vegapunk's 'death'. Suffice to say, if we expect all this future tech to still be around by the time Bonney, the Straw Hats and any others depart then it does present the possibility of a plot hole forming.
These may not be super likely in happening, but there is just about enough to entertain the idea, we shall see what becomes of it in the arc itself.
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