#anyway congrats to this doctor for taking two hours to tell me something i learned from talking with potsies like 6 years ago
Disabled culture is going to see a doctor about a new medical scare and being able to predict exactly what they’re going to suggest, because it’s the exact same thing every doctor tells you for everything
#disabled culture is#ableism tw#medical ableism#like. ma’am. i just had a terrifying experience and am seeking medical help to make sure it doesnt become a regular occurrence#you do not need to treat me like a toddler#‘just eat more and get your bmi to a better range and you’ll be fine :)’ MA’AM#i am aware i weigh about as much as a sopping wet kitten but i am not here about the autoimmune disease causing that#i am here because i fainted hit my head and felt like i was experiencing violet involuntary movement even though i wasn’t#anyway congrats to this doctor for taking two hours to tell me something i learned from talking with potsies like 6 years ago#anyway my shock thoughts are really funny. she pressed on my nails to check for dehydration and my single thought was#‘thats not how they did it on mythbusters >:(‘#fr tho uhhh fainting is super scary and i salute everyone who deals with it regularly#also is it normal to like.#i felt like my head was jerking around and I couldn’t stop it and that lasted for like a full minute after i was aware again#couldn’t talk or move like my arms or anything while it was happening#doctor literally just waved me off when i asked. if anyone has any insight on why i felt like that when my head wasnt moving pls lemme know#also tbh i dont even know if it technically counts as fainting. my eyes were open the whole time apparently#but everything before and after the fall for about a minute is blank#anyway uh! we think im fine! no blood and probably no concussion the only thing with major damage is the wall lol
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onechicagorpf · 4 years
Not A Stranger - Part 3
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader (Chicago Med intern)
Waking up in bed next to a random naked guy after a drunken night out usually sucks, but eh, whatever. you’ll never see him again, right? Well except this time, random naked guy turns out to be your ED attending’s little brother, so maybe you’re a little bit screwed…
Read Part 1 here Read Part 2 here Read Part 4 here
Warnings: SMUT. A little bit of R-rated smut! Swearing, the usual cuss words. Some angst/PTSD, although it’s not overtly discussed. Dubious medical content (discussion of amputation & blood), some of which has been shamelessly lifted from a season 3 episode of Code Black!
A/N: So there’s definitely going to be a Part 4, lol! I’ll try and have it out by this time next week. Send me asks/messages/leave a note if you liked this and want to see more - it really makes me feel so much less insecure about my writing ahaha! Also do send me short prompts or requests that I can fill as blurbs (i.e. nothing that’s going to be a several chapter story - I will request those later on!) - preferably for Jay but I can do Will as well! Female!Halstead sibling is also okay :) Anyway enough talking, enjoy!
PS: I make mention of bearded Jay in this chapter; this gif is totally the version of him I had in my head for this chapter!
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"Walter Holden. 16 years old, victim of an auto accident, came in with a dislocated right leg."
There's droplets of rain on the other side of the windows. It blurs the view - all of a sudden, the buildings you can usually see from the 13th floor of the hospital are just fuzzy, beige blocks.
"Preliminary exam showed no other major trauma, and his vital signs were strong. His leg just had to be reset."
A shudder goes down your spine - was the hospital's conference room always this cold? Well, you don't know - you've never been in here before.
"Dr Halstead advised 10 mil of morphine, but the patient refused pain medication, and the leg was reset. It was at this point that Dr Halstead handed the patient off to Dr Y/L/N, requesting her to evaluate his leg for blood flow."
There's been a strange tapping noise for the last 5 minutes, but only now do you realise it's your fingers against the oval, wooden table.
"Dr Y/L/N? Dr Y/L/N!" You snap out of your reverie and look up. Dr Lanik's glaring at you. You apologise. He takes his seat, next to Mrs Goodwin and Will, both of whom send you a soft smile that doesn't quite reach their eyes. They're trying to be reassuring, but it doesn't matter - you're ready to drown yourself.
Clearing your throat, you speak. "I was instructed to evaluate his right leg for blood flow. I did so by checking his pulses, uh, dorsalis pedis and posterior tibialis." You pause, as some of the other occupants in the conference room - all members of the board or lawyers, all wearing pristine suits and a cold, calculating expression - turned to look at each other.
You clear your throat again. "It was a uh, a textbook exam."
"I'm sorry, in which textbook does it say to check for an arterial injury by just palpating a pulse?" Dr Lanik cuts in sharp.  Will closes his eyes, as you struggle to breath normally.
"90% of all patients - "
"I can't hear you, Dr Y/L/N." Dr Lanik's voice booms across the room, and Will's had it.
"This is ridiculous, there's no need to be intimidating her like this - she's a first year resident and - "
"And she was satisfied with a pulse check to evaluate blood flow? Do I need to remind everyone here that the acceptable course of action in this scenario is to order a doppler or an ABI? That boy's leg was sitting for ages without proper blood flow, and eventually the best we could do for him was amputate it."
Will shakes his head vehemently. "Pathology's looked over the leg - they determined that the severity of the accident combined with the amount of time it took CFD to extricate Holden from the car meant that his leg wasn't viable before he even stepped into the ED." Will turns to you, his eyes piercing as he spoke directly to you.
"There was nothing you could've done that would've changed the outcome. Nothing."
You take a deep breath. You don't nod.
"Alright, we've heard everything we need to hear." The head of the legal department says, after a few moments of discussion with the board members. "Given the findings from Pathology, we will not be terminating Dr Y/L/N's employment here at Chicago Med. However, we recommend that her OR privileges be revoked, and that she is attached to an attending for a duration of 2 months, by which point hopefully she will learn that not every case is a textbook case." She stares directly at you. "Dismissed." Chairs scrape against the floor as everyone makes their leave.
Will places his hand on your shoulder, and you realise you haven't moved even after everyone's left.
His voice is soft. "We all make mistakes. And - "
"I could've been the reason he lost his leg. If he'd come in with ample time to save the leg, and I just - and I just didn't realise it, I could've been the reason a kid had to lose a leg." There's tears in your eyes as you turn to look at Will, who just sighs.
"Yeah. But that's not what happened."
"I got lucky." You shrug, tears freely streaming down your face now. "I just got lucky."
Will doesn't say anything. He just hugs you.
It's not the kind of thing you just get over, you realise, because it's been 5 days since it happened but you can't get it out of your head. You've been barely getting any sleep; often you jerk awake in the middle of the night or the early hours of the morning, after which it's next to impossible to fall asleep again. It's also affecting your work more than just making you tired - you keep second-guessing your medical judgements, deferring to Will or Natalie or Ethan for anything and everything. None of them bite at you for it, because they know what's going on and they know what you're going through, but some part of you wishes they would. Wishes that they'd just grab you by the shoulders and shake you, and say "Be a damn doctor."
Dr Charles met with you for lunch earlier today, and you lamented your troubles. The kind and thoughtful psychiatrist patiently listened, before giving you some wisdom you needed to hear. Amongst which was "find a distraction".
"You mean focus on something else?" You asked, chasing a watermelon cube at the bottom of your fruit cup.
"Yeah, but it's a little bit of a dangerous tactic. See, you don't want to distract yourself from dealing with the pain and the guilt you feel, because emotions don't tend to go away when you suppress them like that. But if you're having trouble processing it, it can be helpful to take your mind off of it for a while, wait til some time has passed and it's not so...intense. And maybe then it'll be easier to tackle and get over, y'know?" Dr Charles advised and you nodded, taking it in.
You think about what exactly you could do to distract yourself as you finish your shift and make your way towards your car in the parking lot.
Maybe I should take up painting?
The thought of yourself - little miss notoriously bad at anything artsy - trying to paint has you chuckling softly. You're about to give up on this whole distract yourself thing when, as if on cue, your phone buzzes with a text message. You get into your car, turn on the heating, and pull out your phone.
J.H. 11:32PM
So...guess who's back :)
You can't help the smile on your face. Jay's been undercover for the past week - it actually got started the next morning after the night you went over for "hockey". He'd gotten a text early in the morning asking him to come in, and so the two of you had actually barely spoken since...the festivities of that night.
You 11:33PM
Congrats, detective :)
J.H. 11:33PM
Wanna come over and help me celebrate?
Huh. Well maybe Dr Charles wasn't off-target with the whole "distract yourself" thing - although you're positive having meaningless sex is probably not one of the healthy methods of distraction that he was envisioning.
But quickly, you realise it doesn't matter - ever since what happened, you haven't been sleeping well at night. It's been close to 6 days and you're wrecked, so maybe some good, tires-you-out-completely sex is exactly what you need?
You 11:34PM
Be there in 15
 J.H. 11:34PM
Can't wait :)
 Your lips curve into a smile as you pull out of the parking lot and down into the main road.
"I've been waiting to do this...for so long..." Jay murmurs in your ear before pressing kisses down the side of your neck, his hands roaming all over your body. You tilt your head to the side, exposing the expanse of your neck to him.
“It’s only been…a couple ‘a days…” You reply softly, and you feel Jay’s huffs of soft laughter into your neck. You turn to look at him, pulling away. “What?”
There’s a teasing smile on his face. “Most women take it as a compliment if a guy says he hasn’t stopped thinking about her.”
You shake you head, putting on a teasing look, “Uh-uh, that’s not what you said, you said you’ve been wanting to do this – ”
“It was implied – ”
“It wasn’t implied and even if it was – ”
“It was implied and even if it wasn’t, that’s still a compliment.” Jay says pointedly, a huge grin on his face. You narrow your eyes at him, trying to hide the growing smile on your face. He chuckles, seeing right through you.
You smack his arm. “You keep laughing at me in bed and I’m gonna get mad.” This gets Jay full-on laughing, and your jaw drops in pretend-outrage. “You fucking – ”
“No, no, no c’mere – ” Jay pacifies you, leaning over you, arms on either side of you as he starts to kiss your face, your jaw, the corner of your mouth. But there’s still the slightest smile pulling up the corners of his lips, and when he presses them to your lips, you can’t help but laugh into the kiss. Jay reaches up and holds your face, the kiss becoming soft, loving, drawn-out, and some feeling deep in your core tells you you’re just…somewhere else right now. You don’t know how to describe it, other than that everything in this moment feels perfect, feels right.
A shiver goes down your spine, and maybe it’s because Jay’s shifted, and is now sucking a spot on the base of your neck, hard and strong and deep, and his hands are skimming downwards, unbuttoning your soft cotton top before unzipping your jeans. And maybe it’s because you don’t know what the fuck you are doing here, with him, with all of this. You think about how wrong this is, how bad this is, how his brother’s your boss and this was just supposed to be one drunken hookup and then it became two (except you weren’t even drunk that time) and now it’s about to become three –
“Y/N?” Jay calls softly, and you look at him – his hands resting gently over the hem of your panties, his face hovering over the space between your legs, and the look of…almost reverence in his shining green eyes.
You stop thinking.
Your hands reach downward, sliding your panties off and Jay eagerly helps, getting them off completely. Just like last time, Jay draws out the foreplay – kissing, licking, and nipping at the skin of your inner thighs, making the heat in your core build. Running your fingers through his dark hair, you yank it a little to get him to get going, and he pinches your hip – a quick slap of the wrist. Laughing, you repeat the action, pulling on his hair, and he groans.
“You’re real impatient, you know?”
“Jayyyyyyyy,” You whine, pouting down at him. He’s got this look of a predator – a confident, cocky smile on his face. Jay dips his head down, his mouth making contact with your cunt.
“There we go,” You murmur, gasping as you feel his hot breath on your most sensitive regions. Jay’s hands grip tight into your supple skin, holding your thighs open for him as his tongue circles your opening. Your back arcs as you moan, the sensation of his tongue on you setting off what feels like fireworks in your head. Jay’s mouth presses into you, hard and deep, his tongue licking and lapping at your now sopping wet cunt.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck – ” You whisper, eyelids fluttering shut as Jay softly flicks his tongue over your clit. He repeats the motion, going up and down, teasing your clit and your hip jerks upwards sharply in response. Settling your ass back down against his soft sheets, you catch your breath and mutter a soft apology – “Shit, sorry,” – and Jay taps your thigh, a silent “don’t worry about it”, as he’s nosed his way back between your legs immediately.
Jay laps at your folds and you try to keep your head about you, try to not lose your mind, but it just feels so good. He sucks your clit into his mouth gently and your eyes roll into the back of your head. “Oh my god, ohhh my god – fuck!” You whimper, as he keeps sucking your clit, pausing to flick his tongue over it. Your fingers clutch the sheets around you hard enough to rip holes in them. The loud moans out of your mouth are bordering on screams. The feeling in your core, the heat, starts rising like a wave reaching a shore –
“I’m gonna – I’m gonna – I’m gonna – ah, ah, ahhhh – fuck! Fuck, fuck – Jay! Jay!” You scream, your vision whiting out completely as you arch off the bed, riding out the waves of pleasure wrecking your body. You hands fly downwards to grab Jay’s head as you jerk away from his still-working mouth, your oversensitive clit causing tears to pool in your eyes. Pulling him up, you whisper his name over and over again, like he’s the only gospel you know. Jay shifts up, laying down next to you and pulling you close, your bodies fitting into each other like a perfect pair of puzzle pieces. You look at him through your teary eyes and all you see are his green irises staring right back at you with a measure of something dark and lustful in them. You hold his face in your hands, running a thumb over the rough stubble of his cheeks, his jaw, where a soft beard has started to grow. His lips are glossy and wet, from you, and you see now there’s a soft pink line going across his nose that you trace with your hands, frowning.
“I’m okay,” Jay says in a soothing voice.
“What happened?” You ask, concerned, the frown between your eyebrows deepening as you look up at him.
A soft smile. “Kinda got into a fight. Guy tried to punch me, I dodged it, but his fingernail scratched me. It’s fine.” Jay replies quickly, and his face is so close to yours that you’re breathing the same air. You don’t say anything, but you must still be frowning because Jay speaks again. “It’s literally just a scratch.” You hum softly in response, running your hands down his front, unbuttoning his shirt, scanning the expanse of his chest and abdomen with your fingertips and your eyes.
Jay lifts your chin and you turn back to him. “What?”
“Are you checking me for other injuries?” He asks, chuckling. You look back down, pausing for a moment. “Maybe…it’s not like you’d tell me if you got hurt, right?” Jay just laughs, and there’s your answer. You ignore the burgeoning feelings in your heart of some kind of dejection.
Your fingers run over a sliver of raised skin, on his lower right flank. It’s a thin, pale pink scar that runs about 3 inches. You work in an ED – you know exactly what this is.
“You were stabbed?” You ask, stunned. “When?”
Jay sighs, grabbing your fingers in his hand and holding them closed. “Army stuff. Not a big deal.” He pushes your fingers away to your own body, and then reaches for the blanket and pulls it up over the two of you, like as if the conversation’s over.
“You don’t want to talk about the Army,” you point out, as Jay lays on his back, some distance between the two of you. He sighs again, looking upwards at the ceiling. “Is that a question or a statement?”
You know you shouldn’t push, but you do anyway.
“You should talk to someone about it  – ”
“I talk to people about it. I have.” Jay’s voice is tight. He’s still not looking at you.
“You can talk to me about it...” You say, and you’re terrified. Because what you’re really asking is “Do you think I’m close enough, do you care about me enough to let me in?”.
Jay turns to you, a soft smile on his face. “It’s fine. I’ve got other people for that.”
Hiding the immense desolation that’s weighing like an anchor on your chest from showing, you just send a shallow smile his way. 
He’s got other people for that. He’s got other people for sharing his feelings, his pain, his suffering, his life. He doesn’t want you for that, I mean, why would he share all of that with you? You’re just a warm body – some random girl he’s having sex with. Nothing more.
You pull the blankets tighter around you, turning away from Jay. Trying your best to quell the wave of sadness flooding what feels like every single part of you, you drift asleep. 
“Dr Y/N?”
You turn, and there’s Walter Holden on a bed in the ED.
“Walter?” You walk to his side, stunned. He’s crying – tears spilling out of his soft baby blue eyes, his youthful face scrunched up in pain and anguish.
“Why did you do this to me? Why?!” He yells, his voice cracking. You shake your head. “Walter, Walter I’m so sorry – I didn’t know, I didn’t know, I didn’t mean to – ” You choke on your words, and as you look down the bed you realise that Walter’s amputated leg is bleeding at the stump.
“Oh god, oh my god – ” You get up, shocked as the blood starts gushing. Walter screams.
“Help me! Dr Y/N – help me! Help me!”
You hear your heart hammering in your ears, your head is spinning, you stand up and you feel faint.
Will rushes into the room. He starts holding as much gauze as he can to Walter’s leg. Nurses and doctors flood the room, and they begin moving Walter out. You’re standing, back pressed to the treatment room wall, aghast. 
Will turns to you, his face red with rage. “What are you even doing?! Fucking hell, Y/N – you can’t do anything right?!”
There’s a painful lump in your throat, and you can’t breathe. Something grabs your hand and you snap your head. It’s Walter, and as they wheel his bed out, he looks at you with so much fury and torment in his eyes.
“No, no, no, I’m so sorry Walter, I’m so sorry – I’m so sorry – this can’t be happening, no, no no no – ” Tears stream down your face and you start shaking. Your knees buckle, and you fall to the ground, sobs wracking your body. Somewhere in the distance, you hear your name being called, but you can’t answer, you can’t do this anymore, you can’t – you just can’t…
“Y/N! Y/N!”
You jolt, your eyes flying open. Jay’s over you, his eyebrows drawn together, his eyes wide, concerned, his hands holding your shoulders where you realise he’s been shaking you – shaking you because – because –
It was a fucking nightmare. Again.
You let out a cry of pain, bringing your hands up to cover your face. “Breathe, just breathe.” Jay says softly, rubbing your arms up and down.
After about a minute, when you don’t feel so shaken anymore, you wipe your eyes and slowly sit up. Jay shifts with you, sitting right next to you. You can’t look him in the eyes.
“I’m – I’m sorry I woke you,” you whisper to your palms, resting atop your folded legs.
“Don’t – don’t worry about that. Y/N, what happened? It sounded pretty bad…” Jay says and you shake your head.
“I’m fine, it’s fine – ” Your hands run through your hair roughly. You need to go. You need to go – you need to leave – you can’t be here –you can’t be here with him –
“Hey. Hey,” Jay repeats, when you don’t answer. He reaches across and his warm hard gently grabs your face, trying to get you to look at him but you just push his hand away. You get up, grabbing your underwear and jeans from the ground and start getting dressed.
“Y/N!” Jay gets off the bed, and comes to you. You sidestep him, or at least you try to, but he’s much taller than you and his shoulders are broad; he stands in your way and grabs your arms softly.
“Y/N, look at me – ”
You give him what he wants. You look up at him, you stare him directly in his eyes, shaking in anger and fear and what feels like the weight of the world on your shoulders. 
“Hmm? Why? This isn’t – you don’t care – what does it matter –” You yell at him, your mind frazzled as you fall apart in his arms.
The frown on Jay’s face gets deeper, and he shakes his head, leaning close. “Hey, talk to me. C’mon, you can talk to me – ”
“Why the fuck would I talk to you? You’re just some guy I’m sleeping with!” You spit harshly, shaking his hands off and stepping back. Jay’s mouth falls open, and his shoulders sag. His face contorts into something awful - dismay, defeat, hurt.
For a moment, you want to run back into his arms – apologise, say you didn’t mean it, say you’re just scared – but you don’t. You move around him, grabbing your shirt. You put it on and make your way out of his bedroom, and out of his apartment.
You don’t know why you said what you did. Actually, scratch that, you know exactly why you said that. In fact, you know exactly why you’re what you’re doing.
Every relationship you’ve ever had up to this point’s fucked you over. Every single one. You’ve been cheated on, you’ve been lied to, you’ve been told you were just some piece of ass, not an actual girlfriend. And now?
Now you’re scared shitless of what this thing between the two of you is. You’re scared shitless that you’re making a mistake by screwing around with your boss’s brother and you’re –
You’re scared shitless you’re falling for him.
So, you do what you do best. Dump out of this, push the self-destruct button. Get him to push you away so you don’t have to go through the pain of falling for the guy you can’t have. The one that you know’s going to screw you over, because he’s going to realise he only really sees you as a hookup – that he doesn’t love you.
You try to hold back the tears, because you’re driving home and the last thing you need right now is a car accident. There’s a buzzing sound from your phone and you perk up. As much as you want to tell yourself to not get your hopes high, you can’t help yourself, and you speed down the road to the red light so you can push the brakes and wait. Your fingers wrap around your phone and you immediately check the screen. 
The smile on your face falls – it’s just a stupid notification from Instagram. You toss your phone back onto the passenger seat, hard enough that it bounces off and hits the ground. Tears once again threaten to fill your eyes, and there’s a painful lump in your throat. You swipe at your cheeks, where a single tear has made its escape, and turn to look at the screen next to your steering wheel – it shows the time as 3:45AM. Leaning back against your car seat, a deep sigh exits your lungs.
You realise there’s no way you’re going to sleep again today, what with the whole Jay thing on top of the Walter Holden nightmare that’s been haunting you for the last 6 days now.
The lights turn green.
Swearing under your breath, you throw your car into a U-turn and drive to Med instead.
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lovelyirony · 4 years
Here’s a title for the fic thing - “The Occult, the patriot, and the stars”
Look. Even though Tony’s a magical being, it doesn’t mean he likes being a magical being. 
Sure it’s convenient in the mornings when he can wiggles his fingers and his coffee cup follows him outside of the door, and it helps when he doesn’t feel like putting in the manual effort to clean his house, but other than that, he likes doing things by hand. 
His mother was magic, his father was not. His father held all the power in the household regardless. Tony learned how to do things by hand, and prefers it for everything. 
His mother was the most powerful witch of her time, but this didn’t come without a cost. His mother was a good pretender, but he saw how her hands shook, how weakened her state was after driving back enemies for days, weeks without end. He didn’t want that legacy. 
So he could be the most powerful magic-user the world had seen. 
But he’s not, because he refuses to get started now. 
This has caused some…minor hiccups. 
Very minor. 
Except not really. 
You wanna know what’s really annoying? Fate. Fate is annoying, because it just shows up and is like “here is how it ends! Sorry if it sucks!” 
Well, sometimes. 
In rare instances, fate can be changed by certain people or a certain event. 
One Pepper Potts can see into the future, and sees that her odd neighbor who gardens by hand and curses at his vegetable plants will be the one to save them all from a force that shouldn’t have as much power as it does. 
She tells Rhodey, her other neighbor, and they both go over to Tony’s house and see him open the door and yell at some robot in the back. 
“Are my noise levels up again? I swear to god I sound-proofed my entire house,” Tony pants. “Like, even the basement!” 
“No, I have some news to share that you should know about,” Pepper says. “I…saw something.” 
“Something cute, or something worse?” Tony asks. 
“It’s not necessarily bad. At least, not yet.” 
“No,” Tony says. “If it’s magic, I’m not dealing with it.” 
“We’re talking about end-times,” Rhodey says. “You can’t just say ‘nah, fuck you’ to the world when it’s ending.” 
Tony curses. 
Pinches the bridge of his nose. 
“Do you two have even the faintest idea of what I’m supposed to do?” 
“Stop the end of the world?” Pepper suggests lightly, as if this is something that can be done in a weekend. 
Tony snorts. 
“How long we got?” 
“Not sure yet,” Rhodey says. “But there are some people you’re gonna have to talk to in the council.” 
Tony groans. 
“I am not going to the fucking council.” 
The Council of Magic is for the official wizards and sorcerers or whatever the fuck people are gonna call themselves. 
Tony has had to go there about three times now, and ignored the last twenty-seven letters requesting his presence. It’s a waste of time, and he doesn’t like anyone on the council. 
Least of all are the people that have been tasked with using magic to help save the earth. 
“Fury,” Tony says. 
“Decide to finally join in on the Council?” 
“Only because my clairvoyant neighbor told me that apparently the world is going to end,” Tony says with a scowl. “Please tell me that you still offer complimentary coffee.” 
Fury watches Tony fix his coffee, sipping it to himself. 
“Seriously?” He asks Pepper and Rhodey. “He’s in charge of the main defense against Hydra?” 
“Yes,” Rhodey says. 
“God help us all.” 
“Oh, God won’t have anything to do with it,” Tony says. “So. Who wants to fill me in on what I’ll need to be doing?” 
Steve Rogers isn’t exactly…pleased. 
If it helps, neither is Tony. 
They don’t tend to mesh well, and this situation is no different. 
He has strategies, he’s used to leading. 
The problem with Tony is that you don’t lead someone like Tony. At least, you don’t lead them in a way that would be conventional. 
“So you direct your attack here-” 
“Not possible,” Tony says. “My inventions don’t do the possible damage in that far of a radius.” 
“You don’t need your inventions.” 
Tony gives Steve a dirty look. 
“And you don’t need magic, Mr. Man-with-a-Plan. We all have our strengths and weaknesses.” 
“Fighting without magic does nothing,” Steve reiterates. “You’ll be walking into certain death.” 
“You overestimate magic.” 
“And you underestimate the chance of dying!” 
Tony scowls. 
"I’m doing this my way or not at all.” 
“You can’t afford to do it your way when there are others you have to worry about!” 
“Watch me.” 
He turns on his heel, ignores a very creative curse that Steve spits out with a middle finger and a blocking charm emanating from the very tip of his finger. Quite effective, honestly. 
He goes to his house and works for two weeks. He refuses to see anyone besides Rhodey and Pepper, and then even for about twenty minutes at a time. 
He returns to the Council with a blue glow out of his chest and a grim look in his eye. 
"What’s that?” Fury asks. 
"Nothing much,” Tony says casually. “Let me see Steve.” 
War is something that involves waiting. No one tells you that, and you never really see it in a movie unless it is before the Big Battle. But often times you don’t know which one is the Big Battle anyways. They’ll tell you which one it was after you fight. 
Tony’s good with magic. 
Really, really good. 
But it’s a last resort type of thing for him. 
So he sends out drones, he sends out swords that come back, and people ask him how he learned a spell for that. 
“Not a spell,” he says lightly. “Just a bit of GPS inspiration.” 
“You can do that?” Clint asks, shooting off an arrow that never misses. (Got blessed when he was a baby, although he says it was a curse because he’ll trip on air at least once a week.) 
“You’d be surprised what you can do,” Tony says, grinning. “I’m about to show you something that’s going to rock your socks.” 
Introducing: Mark VI, which was not named after a guy named Mark, thank you very much Bruce. 
“Could’ve fooled me,” Bruce mutters. “So what, you charmed your broom to look like metal?” 
“No, it’s a titanium-alloy with flight capabilities, no magic involved,” Tony says. “Wanna see her fly?” 
“Fly her now,” Rhodey demands. “We got incoming, and you need to hit them with everything you got.” 
Tony’s cackle, at least, is spot-on as he dive-bombs crowds and drops off potions of his own creation, causing a bit more than a stink. 
The tide of this whole battle is actually coming to a close, he thinks. He hopes. 
(One tiny, itsy-bitsy thing that he forgot to mention: 
He doesn’t exactly know if his reactor is going to work. Like, at all. It probably will. Like, seventy percent chance it works.) 
No one knows this. This is on purpose. Rhodey had some suspicions, but Tony flashed a couple of incredibly fake equations at him, and for the most part he thinks that he was believed. 
This is why he shoved Steve and Nat out of the way and is currently facing off the main magic source alone. 
It should kill him. 
It definitely will kill him. 
He looks back towards Pepper and Rhodey, who are more important than probably either of them know, and he prays to whoever listens to these types of things that they’re okay. 
He’s flung back about a hundred feet, and is quite surprised when he can feel a broken rib and the potential start-up of a concussion. 
He shouldn’t be feeling anything, or thinking anything for that matter. 
“You are so stupid,” Pepper says, and it sounds a bit fuzzy. 
“Am not,” he slurs, struggling to focus his eyesight. 
“You are intentionally stupid,” Rhodey mutters, cradling Tony’s head in his lap. That’s nice. He’s definitely requesting that more often. 
“I’m an all-or-nothing kind of guy,” he says. “Like I’m about to get all eight hours of sleep.” 
Twenty-six. So not as “all-or-nothing” as he thought. 
They had Bruce fix him up, even though he’s not “that kind of doctor.” 
“Congrats Tony, you saved the end of the world,” Pepper teases as he wakes up. 
“Don’t congratulate me on that,” Tony groans. “Please tell me there’s no parade. Or tell me I can miss it. We can host a look-a-like competition before it, it’ll be a blast.” 
“There’s a parade, you’re going,” Rhodey says. “Kids wanna meet you. They wanna build their own brooms. Apparently, yours is all the rage. I think one of your robots found it.” 
Tony sits up in bed abruptly, wincing. 
“Please tell me it’s not the one with the green on the tire treads.” 
“I won’t tell you.” 
Pepper snorts. 
“If it helps, his claw had excellent grip on the broomstick. I think he was trying to bring it back.” 
“He’s…he’s something else.” 
Tony leans back into his pillows. 
“How’s everyone holding up?” 
“Fury wants to talk to you about what’s next.” 
“What’s next?” Tony asks. 
“You’re quite popular right now,” Rhodey says. 
“No shit,” Pepper snorts, taking a sip of coffee. 
“The only thing that is ‘next’ is me watering my tomato plants,” Tony says. “Has anyone done that yet?” 
“Fuck. Shit fuck bitch. They need to be watered. Who has access to the keys of my house?” 
“Is this seriously what you’re focusing on?” Rhodey asks. “You just stopped the end of the world, and you’re concerned over your tomatoes?” 
“Well, that and my bots,” Tony says with a shrug. “We should get burgers. I need to get out of here.” 
“You just woke up,” Pepper says incredulously. “And you want, what, burgers?” 
“Family traditions, all that,” Tony says. “Come on.” 
Rhodey and Pepper share a look. 
Their neighbor was already interesting before this. 
But they can’t wait for what’s next. 
(Even if it’s just Tony shrieking that his tomato plants were dying. 
And then Tony finding out that his magic seeped into his inventions anyway and cursing up a storm, which accidentally hit Steve and had him speaking in rhyme for a week.
It was bad.) 
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“Hey man, where were you?” Chin asked as Steve joined him for lunch.
Steve rolled his eyes. “Random drug test.”
Kono and Chin both shared a raised eyebrow look before Chin asked, “Excuse me? You? Mr. I-Can’t-Ever-Let-An-Old-Lady-Cross-The-Street-Herself, star quarterback, honor roll, 4.0 GPA McGarrett was tested for drugs?”
Kono scoffed out a chuckle, “Why?”
“Whittemore’s still pissed I’m captain. He saw me talking with Williams and started making accusations.” Steve explained with a shrug. His lying has gotten way better since being in a relationship with Danny.
Part of him really hates the secrecy. He doesn’t have a problem with it, and both he and Danny were strong enough to deal with anyone stupid enough to try to bully them. And yet...they just weren’t ready.
Their lives were too different. Steve worked his butt off to get where he is now so he could go to the best school and make his dad proud. He doesn’t have time to properly date anyway. The amount of work he had to put into to get the full ride to Stanford was insane. And maintaining everything so he doesn’t lose it is still hard work.
So his thing with Danny works.
Though he has to keep reminding himself constantly that it does.
He has to keep reminding himself what it is. Mostly physical. Somewhat romantic.
It would be so much easier if Danny was the persona he pretends to be. If he were that rude, uncaring, lost cause that society has given up on.
But he’s not.
Relationship wise? Steve’s never felt more intense orgasms than when Danny has a hand in it. Danny worships his body and makes him feel things he didn’t think were possible. Not to mention he’s an amazing kisser.
When Steve began to tutor him, he dreaded it. He just wanted to get the points that tutoring would get him and just be done with it. The moment the clock struck 4, he’d be gone.
But Danny wasn’t stupid, he just needed someone to explain it in a different way. He was so clever. And he was funny. Sarcastic with a humor that was right up Steve’s alley.
And the body? Yeah, okay Steve’s lost more than a few hour’s of sleep just thinking about Danny’s body even before they kissed.
Danny was also not as bad a guy as people at school make him out to be. Yeah, he smokes. Both weed and cigarettes but he’s not violent. He’s gotten in fights before but Steve’s come to learn that the guys that Danny’s gotten into fights with were the rich ass hats that think they can get away with anything because of their family status.
Danny also works! Yeah it’s at a garage and sometimes he misses days if not a full week of school to work, but it’s not because he doesn’t care about education. His family is big and sometimes income is low. So Danny provides for his family.
Danny was an amazing guy, but no one outside of his family, a few co-workers, and Steve knew it.
“You’re still tutoring Williams? ACT’s are done. If he can’t grasp the material now, is it even worth it?” Kono asked.
Steve shrugged, “Tutoring looks good on my resume.”
“Well, with how often he’s at school, I can’t see you being bothered too much by him,” Chin added.
Steve frowned for a moment before he remembered he had to smile.
That was something he was trying to avoid thinking about. Graduation was coming up. He himself was nervous but excited at the same time. He was very proud of what he’s been able to do and the school he got into. His dad was really proud too. He’d thrown Steve the biggest ‘congratulations’ party they could afford and it was amazing.
But Danny hadn’t gotten into college. He had tried, and only Steve knew.
Steve was there to hold Danny as he cried and called himself stupid and a failure. He did everything he could to reassure Danny that he wasn’t either. But Danny still wouldn’t be going to college this fall. Steve would.
“What’s so bloody special about the West Coast anyway?” Danny demanded.
“It’s one of the best schools, Danny!” Steve argued.
“What about your family? You’re big on family. I know you’re always worried about your kid sister. How are ya gonna keep her outta trouble all the way from over there?”
“Mary’s gotta grow up some time and she will. She’s proud of me, and so is my dad. I...why can’t you be proud of me too?”
“I just...I am proud Steve, it’s amazing how smart you are. I just...I don’t see why you can’t stay here…” the ‘with me’ was left unsaid, but Steve heard it.
“I have to see how far I can go, Danny. I’m sorry.’
Danny hadn’t talked to him for about two weeks after that. It was actually their first conversation that Whittemore witness. Danny doesn’t sell, but when he’s at school he does tend to hang out with those who do. According to Danny, Whittemore is a frequent buyer of steroids, which is why he was so good. Their conversation that Whittemore witness was so forced and school-related that Steve seemed a bit angry while Danny remained stoic. Whittemore tried to tease Steve about being cut off by Danny.
Steve felt like he was, but not in the way Whittemore thought.
They hadn’t broken up officially, but it felt like it.
“Williams residence, Clara speaking.”
“Hey, Mrs. Williams. This is Steve McGarrett. I’m Danny’s tutor. We were supposed to meet up at the library today but he never showed.”
“Oh, hello dear. So sorry about that. Daniel...he uh...he had a doctor’s appointment. Wasn’t feeling so well.”
“Is he alright?” Steve asked with concern.
“He will be. I’ll tell him you called. Stuart, was it?”
“Steve. Steve McGarrett.”
“Of course. Sorry. Bye-bye.”
Danny had kept himself from getting hit in the face, but apparently, he got in a lot more trouble after Steve told him he wasn’t going to stay in Jersey. One week he was gone because he got arrested in a bar brawl and it took some time for his dad to get the bail money.
Another week he was in the hospital because of a street brawl.
They hadn’t officially broken up so Steve got to see him some nights when Danny snuck into Steve’s room. He wouldn’t go into detail, they barely talked any more. They both knew it was ending and they just wanted to hold on to what they had left.
Steve hoped to see Danny at graduation, but the blonde was nowhere in sight. Steve tried to call many times, even go to visit but Danny was avoiding him like the plague.
Eventually, it was time for Steve to leave.
The first few weeks he still thought about Danny. Even called a few times, but no answer.
Weeks turned to months, months turned to years, and so much has happened.
“Hey! Look who’s back!”
Steve smiled as he hugged Kono. She led him through the crowd of parents and family to where Chin and Malia were. They both hugged her too.
“Hey man, good to see you.” Chin greeted.
“Very good to see you, Steve,” Malia added.
“Thanks, guys. How’s the score?” Steve asked as he tried to find Sara out in the field.
“Still zero zero. You’re not that late.” Chin informed him, then Malia told him which number Sara was. They cheered for their little soccer player, and he and Chin were ecstatic when Sara scored the winning goal.
Steve was standing by, not wanting to get too much in the way of Chin and Malia’s moment with Sara. That’s when he heard it.
“Daddy we won! We won!”
“I saw monkey! I’m so proud of you!”
Steve froze. He pushed a bit through the crowd to see if it was really him, and it was.
Danny. Looking amazing as ever and...god.
“Can we go celebrate with Sara?” Grace asked.
“Grace did kick the ball to Sara so they could win. I think they both deserve ice cream.” Kono said with a smile. She then saw Steve gaping at Danny. “Steve...you remember Danny Williams right?”
“Is he okay?” Grace asked Sara.
Sara giggled and shrugged, “That’s my Uncle Steve. He’s kinda weird.”
“You’re a cop.” Steve blurted out. The badge was shiny and the sunlight bounced off of it.
Danny blinked and looked at it before he laughed, “Yeah. I am.”
“These things could get very rowdy, but luckily since Grace began playing and Danny coming to support her, the badge keeps some of the more overzealous parents at bay,” Malia informed him.
“I think Steve’s a bit more shocked about me being a cop than a referee...I’m sure Chin’s mentioned that I was....”
“Quite the bad boy,” Kono said with a smirk.
“Yeah. So being a cop might not be what he expected.” Danny said with an easy smile. Something he didn’t use to do. He would walk around angry at the world. This...this was a nice look on him.
“Ah. Well, how about that ice cream?” Malia asked.
“I agree that they both deserve it. We’ll meet you guys at Kamekona’s shaved ice?” Danny asked.
When they parted ways, Kono decided to drive with Steve.
“He’s...he’s got a kid. So uh...who...who did Danny marry?” Steve choked out. He hated it because Kono was never one to fall for his bullshit.
“A Brit named Rachel. Didn’t work out. They divorced about two years ago. Danny’s living the single father life now.” Kono informed him.
“And he’s a cop?”
“Detective actually. Damn good at it too. You should see how sexy he looks in his Camaro.”
“Are you and him..?” God, he hoped not. He wasn’t sure he could stomach it.
“Hm? No. I think I missed my boat. After they got divorced, Danny decided to stop living a lie and came out as bi with a preference to men.”
“Ah. Cool. Very cool.” Steve said as he tried to remain cool, but he was secretly freaking out on the inside.
At the ice cream place, the girls were running back and forth trying to decide what they should get while simultaneously telling Kamekona about their win.
Chin and Malia kept an eye on them while deciding what to get for themselves, while Kono caught up with Flippa.
Danny approached Steve with a smile, “Hey...welcome home.”
Damn butterflies in Steve’s stomach. “Thanks. Congrats on the win.”
“We would train hard and it paid off. The girls did great.” Danny smiled at Grace and Sara. There was a pause there that Steve hated. Danny thankfully said something. “Hey, I know this is out of the blue but...would you let me take you out to dinner sometime while you’re here?”
“Like a date?” Steve asked instead of just saying yes. But part of him had to know.
“If that’s what you want it to be. I know I would. For all the times I couldn’t before.”
“You’d owe me a lot of dates then,” Steve told him.
“Are you staying long enough for me to take you out that many times?”
“I am,” Steve answered.
“Then tomorrow. Movies and dinner, yeah?”
“Movies and dinner. Sounds perfect.”
So I know it’s not perfect but I’m fighting some writer’s block and I saw this idea posted by @five-hoe and I hope it’s okay >.> 
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stuffandnosense · 6 years
Congrats on the followers! how about some s8, during-Allur/nce break-up plangst?
Welp, so this became…kind of a giant thing and I’m really not sure why. Oops, lol. So it’s going to be multi-chapter! I hope you enjoy this first one!
Back to You
Chapter 1
“What do they mean it looks like the toxin is trying to do something to her brain? What does that even mean!” Lance huffs.
He paces back and again across the corridor outside the Atlas’s infirmary. He’d long since been kicked out by the doctors, but at least Shiro seems to be taking it upon himself to keep him company out here.
“I don’t know, Lance,” he says gently.
“What kind of weird ancient civilization leaves things that could screw up people’s brains just sitting around anyway?
“They’re trying to flush it from her system, and Allura is in there doing anything she can, too.”
“Why can’t I be in there!” Lance questions, waving at the door wildly.
“Because you were doing this,” Shiro deadpans. “Also, you’re not family, or medical personnel, or Allura - who counts as medical personnel in extreme situations - which means you really shouldn’t have followed them in there in first place.”
“We didn’t have rules like this on the castle!” Lance reminds him. “This is a spaceship, not a hospital; why does it matter?”
Shiro lets out a breath, slowly, and somewhere in the back of his mind Lance recognizes that Shiro is trying to be patient with him. Trying to understand. He knows Shiro is probably as worried as he is.
“It matters because this is my ship, and I would appreciate it if you would respect protocol,” Shiro says, not unkindly.
“I…I…” Lance’s shoulders slump. “Yeah. Sorry.”
A hand on his shoulder, squeezing. “It’s all right.”
Keith and Hunk come back to join the waiting once they’ve changed out of their armor. Lance still hasn’t; he refuses to go anywhere at all until he knows Pidge is all right.
Three Months Ago
Lance parks himself on the floor beside the bed in Pidge’s room, hooking up controllers as Pidge hooks the game console itself to the old television they managed to track down and drag up here. “This is SO much easier than trying to play this thing on the castle.”
“Or in our lions,” Pidge snorts. “Green had had just about enough of the weird conglomeration of stuff I had hooked up to use her screens by the time we got back to Earth.”
Since then none of them have had time to play, what with the whole retaking their planet thing. Now people are slowly leaving the Garrison, going back to their homes to clean up their neighborhoods and find one what’s still there.
“Thank goodness your house is still here, or we’d have to do this at the Garrison.”
Pidge smiles a little, glancing around at the still-messy room. It and the rest of the house look to have been cleaned of the dust that came from sitting mostly untouched for three years, but there are small piles of things strewn across the floor from what seems to be an aborted attempt at organization. Or maybe just Pidge being Pidge.
“Was anything missing?” Lance asks.
She winces. “Well, yeah. I had a telescope. But I don’t guess that’s such a big deal now; I mean I’ve BEEN to space. I’m only upset because dad gave it to Matt and Matt gave it to me. And all of Mom’s jewelry and stuff she didn’t take with her is gone, and some other stuff.”
Lance hands her a controller as she turns settles beside him on the floor. “Man, I’m sorry.”
Pidge shrugs. “It’s okay. We’re a lot luckier than some people, so I can’t really complain. What about your house? Didn’t you bring your brother and his family home last week?”
“Yeah it’s still there; it needs a lot of work and a lot of our stuff was gone too, and Luis had to kick out some squatters, but it’s there.” He snorts. “Okay, I say ‘kick out’ but it was more like telling them they needed to find another place but they could stay until then as long as they helped him fix things up. Knowing Luis, Dad’ll have to go back in like a month and at least make them move to the garage. MAYBE all the way to the barn, if he’s just really in a mood.”
Pidge laughs. “Now I know where you get it.”
“How much you care about people.”
There’s something about the way she’s looking at him when she says that makes him blush, and he stammers through brushing it off. “What? I mean—it’s just—”
“Calm down, man.”
But even in the dim room, he’s pretty sure she was blushing, too.
Lance can’t stay long that first afternoon, after setting up the game console. He jumps up with a yelp an hour and a half after they’ve started playing.
“What?” Pidge frowns.
“I’m supposed to take Allura out tonight. Not that there’s a lot of places to go, but…anyway.” He glances at his phone. “I’ve got to meet her in like half an hour.”
“Oh…” For a moment the disappointment on Pidge’s face is palpable, but she covers it with an understanding smile so quickly it gives Lance something akin to whiplash. “Fine, but you’d better come back soon.”
“I’ll come back tomorrow if you’ll let me.”
But really there’s a part of him that doesn’t want to leave now at all. Even to see Allura.
When Allura sees Earth’s rain for the first time that night, Lance is happy to be the one there with her. He’s so happy to be standing out in the rain again himself, letting the water drench him, watching the princess spin slowly in wonder.
But part of him wishes Pidge were there. He wants to see her face tilted up in the rain, her smile, her hair damp and hanging over her shoulders. He can almost see it in his mind…
Lance shakes himself from the vision, blinking at himself in confusion because why would he be thinking those things? It doesn’t make any sense.
He goes to Allura and takes her around the waist, pulling her gently to him. “You know, we kind of have a tradition here…”
“Oh?” she laughs. But she doesn’t seem surprised when he kisses her, there in the rain.
It should be everything Lance ever wanted - kissing Allura, one of his closest friends who also happens to be a space princess, in the rain here on Earth and…
So why does something feel…off?
Maybe it feels strange because Earth isn’t how he remembered it. Maybe that’s all.
One Month Ago
Aside from spending time together personally, Allura is teaching him to use his bayard’s sword form. She’s by no means an expert in that particular weapon, but she’s still good, and it is an Altean broadsword after all. It’s easier to learn the basics from her than from someone else.
Besides, maybe it’ll make sense to ask Keith for finer points later, but Lance would rather not do that until he’s better than he is now.
And training is another way to spend time with Allura. Or those were his thoughts in the beginning, anyway. He still enjoys it, but training, when it’s just the two of them, has been strangely tense lately. Everything has been strange. For days. And maybe it’s just in his head, but even if it is just him, he thinks he knows why.
Lance is winded by the time they stop for the day, and Allura, as usual, is barely breaking a sweat as he drops to the floor against the wall of one of the gyms at the Garrison. She sits beside him, much more graceful.
He isn’t sure why he makes a move to kiss her right now, of all the times and places—maybe to help him figure out what’s going on in his head—but this time he’s paying attention. Allura returns the kiss almost automatically, but it’s not like it was those first few weeks, when they didn’t really know what they were doing, but they thought they were happy.
They were happy, weren’t they? For a little while?
But Allura is hesitant, and a little stiff, and Lance stops and lets his head fall to her shoulder.
“Allura…I’m so sorry.”
“What do you mean?” She’s trying to sound like nothing is wrong, but the last words land too high to fool anyone.
Lance sighs and picks his head up. “I mean is it just me, or is this…” and he motions between them, “getting more and more…weird?”
Allura stares at him wide-eyed for a moment, but then her shoulders slump and she looks away. “Oh, thank the ancients it isn’t only me.”
“What?” He manages to laugh at that, even if it’s only in surprise.
She shifts against the wall to face him. “Lance…you have grown into a wonderful young man. Not only are you a skilled fighter and paladin, but you are…sincere, and kind, and…if anything, I wish that felt that way about you. But the more we have tried to move our relationship in a romantic direction, the stranger I’ve felt.”
“Yeah. That kind of sums it up.” He lets out a breath in amused frustration. “I wanted this chance for so long and now look at us.”
“I am sorry, too. I did not mean to cause so much confusion. After all, I suppose it was me who started this, really. I thought my feelings had begun to change; this is my fault,” Allura says quietly.
“It’s not your fault,” Lance mumbles into his knees.
“I still enjoy spending time with you immensely.”
He perks up at that. “Me too!”
“I’ve enjoyed the chance to really get to know you, and I don’t mean that I want to stop that. In fact I would be rather sad if we did.”
“Exactly! We should just hang out more. Like this. You know? Not that it has to be training. Just…anything without saying we’re…dating or whatever.” There’s a pang in his chest as he says it, and maybe Allura notices that, too. She gets to her feet and offers him a hand, and when she pulls him up she pulls him straight into a tight embrace.
“Thank you, Lance…for everything.”
He wants to answer— he wants to say ‘you too,’ if nothing else, because he has so much to thank her for; she ‘still’ inspires him—but his throat is suddenly too clogged to let him speak.
“I thought you had a date tonight.”
Pidge seems surprised when Lance shows up her doorstep that evening, but really he’s surprised that’s where he ends up, too. He used to go to Hunk when he was feeling down about anything girl related, and this is so much more…real than that. But right now there’s no where he would rather be than here.
He doesn’t even necessarily want to talk about it; he just wants to hole up in Pidge’e room with snacks and videos games and her laugh. That smile outlined in the light from the screen…
Oh quiznak…
Pidge is still standing in her front doorway, waiting for an answer.
Lance clears his throat quickly. “Something uh…something came up. I’m a free man tonight! Wanna play?”
“I-I mean we don’t have to if you don’t want t—”
She chuckles and steps back to motion him inside. “Get in here, ya dork.”
And he doesn’t mean to drag his own stuff into their hanging out. He really doesn’t. He tells himself he won’t say anything to Pidge, but his thoughts keep drifting. His throat keeps alternately clogging and unclogging even as they play, sometimes so tight it’s painful and all he can do not to sob aloud for what would seem like absolutely no reason to her. He doesn’t want to do that.
But she notices the occasional sniffing and the runaway tear or two anyway.
“Lance, are you okay?”
“What? Yeah. It’s nothing.”
“You’re a terrible liar.”
“The glare from the screen is making my eyes water,” he mumbles.
“And your nose run?”
“Pidge, come on!”
She doesn’t push it; she doesn’t say anything else at all, but she keeps glancing at him. He knows she’s concerned, and he doesn’t like keeping her in the dark like that.
“Allura and I broke up.”
Pidge pauses the game and blinks at him. “Oh. I…I’m so sorry, Lance; was it bad? I—”
“No no! We didn’t have a fight or anything; nothing like that. We just kind of agreed it wasn’t working, you know? Not like that. Like…” He shakes his head. “I guess sometimes you can think you want something so much it takes a long time to realize maybe it’s not the best thing. Or something like that.”
He knows they did the right thing. He knows it. And he doesn’t regret that they tried. But it still feels like a weight in his chest; it still feels like a loss. It’s going to take time for that to go away, isn’t it?
He doesn’t say any of that out loud, and Pidge doesn’t say anything either. But she slides closer until their shoulders are pressed together before she un-pauses the game, and they stay that way for the rest of the night as they play. She also doesn’t seem to mind that he’s sniffing and swiping at his face half the time. She just lets him be.
He wakes up on Pidge’s floor, a pillow shoved under his head and a blanket over him. Light is seeping in through the windows, and when he realizes what that means he bolts upright in panic. Oh quiznak, what are her parents going to think…?
Pidge is nowhere to be seen; he thinks maybe his best bet is just to get out as quickly as he can. He makes it down the stairs without incident, but when he rounds a corner to make a break for the back door he runs straights into Sam Holt.
Lance shrieks and jumps back, babbling immediately. “Ah! Hi! I-I can explain! This is not what it— I fell asleep! On the floor! I uh…”
Sam’s stony expression cracks at the sound of laughing from the kitchen. Pidge. Of course it’s Pidge. But now Sam is laughing, too, and what the…?
“I’m sorry, Lance, we knew you stayed. Katie told us before she went to bed and slept in Matt’s room for the night.”
Pidge has appeared in the hallway behind her father, still laughing. “Your face…!”
Sam claps his shoulder and propels him toward her and the kitchen. “Come on, son; how about some breakfast?”
Read Chpt 2 >>
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mc-slowwalker · 3 years
I have a prime sub but it’s to karl… who never streams :’((( I miss karl he should stream more. I have literally never been gifted a sub and a friend of mine has been gifted so many like, george, ranboo you name it. 3 hours after I started typing this I got gifted a punz sub lets gooo. gonna be watching his mcc ad and we’ll see about the ads
so true I 100% agree. cheating is always morally correct. “academic integrity” like okay uni whatever you say it’s literally has no weight if you’re studying to pass an exam instead of actually learning. we should be studying to learn not pass an exam. yeah exactly!! knowledge shouldn’t cost this much.
lmaooo trueee and also moood. (about the antisocial/awkward stuff I feel like to didnt make sense just like that what I was referring to with the next sentence starting with “like”) like I feel bad about feeling toxic about the twitter updates account thing because like I’ve been a person from the twitter updates account but like I’m not toxic for no reason afterwards. yeah it’s 100% so frustrating!! like a while ago I remember seeing “oh I’m not sending dts on dream’s behalf I’m sending them on mine” like huh???? do you not see the problem with that??? ughhh I get you tho I was annoyed with the kaceytron stream as well. I didn’t watch it tho like I watched a bit and was like fuck this then left. yeah I also hate it when he goes on streams of people who actively talk shit about him like :/// lowkey I feel like I’m just a bit too defensive of him sometimes because of all the unnecessary shit he gets from so so many people but at least I recognise that ig. I swear tho, his twitter stans get him in wayy more shit than he does. like that one account that counted the days made me so mad. but yeah it is kind of the same stuff. like I try not to cause I know it’s the same but like when I do it, it feels justified and not just being shitty for no reason but take away all that and it is really the same. like not to be a gatekeeper buuuuut. I’m very good at ignoring it all tho
that’s really cool but also spanish as a requirement in uni (/college idk)??? never heard of that. oh dang that’s cool I’ve always wanted to know more languages. language and the way people use it and like communication in general has always been so interesting to me. I want to say something about like my strong use of “like” now cause I’m noticing it. yeah exactly, the way people communicate online is so interesting!
tubbo should start war with foolish about the beets. that would be funny I think. and amazing lore. cause like not all lore has to be all high production. like I love hugh production lore, I love funny, silly lore, I love “semi” lore I’d enjoy it all. just log onto the smp and like idk do literally anything I will count it as lore. everything that has ever happened on the smp is canon to me. tubbo could literally just like nuke someone and start a whole new storyline. he should nuke the prison. I would say nuke foolish’s summer home over the beets but I’d be too sad about that and it’s a bit of an overreaction. there is much potential and I love tubbos character. also ranboo?? he just said that enderwalk was c!ranboo with all his memories and just like dipped and went to the uk. I do get that they’re all very busy tho and it can be difficult to find the time and all that I haven’t watched much of the bear smp but it looks cool and I may get into it at some point. I feel like I just don’t have any time these days tho
he didn’t drop off the face of the earth!! he did a 5 hour long merch vc. I am australian 😔✌️so I was asleep for half of it but it was nice just listening to it when I woke up. sapanp singing was my favourite bit. like I listened to some of those songs afterwards cause I liked them but it just wasn’t the same😔😔
I feel bad for replying so late tho so sorry about that I just felt very not social all day but I do like that with anon I can kinda just come and go and it’s chill
Yooooo congrats on the gifted punz sub! Yeah I seem to have bad luck with gifted subs, random chance I’ve only gotten sapnap, the fundy gifted was a gift from a friend
The best knowledge is free anyways. Also uni/college always tries to guilt you like who are you the catholic church fuck off. Bruh I’m paying for your services you should be treating me good I’m basically a glorified customer
Bro you where a twitter updates account?? Props to you I am at all times in the worst position to know stuff. Unless I am actively live blogging I have 0 what’s going on. I’m always years late to new informations like I’ll check my phone and realize that I missed a whole lore stream. Also on twitter you can’t even send dts right??? Like here you can actually say the words death die & kill but on twitter you have to censor yourself. “Die” funny, a little threatening but ultimately can be ignored. “d13” hilarious not at all threatening?? Wait this makes it seme like I am cool with death threats I’m not but I’ve gotten a fair share and seen other people get them and they’re always funny to me. Telling someone to die isn’t funny but being told to die is very funny if that clarifies anything. I thinknI watched a lot of the kaceytron stream (however I watched it through a dream fan streaming the stream so she didn’t get any views/money) and the whole thing was extremely upsetting. I can be defensive of him too, not so much for him but more for me. I know he can probably handle most of it but how dare people insult stuff I like. It’s less defending his honor and more how dare people disrespect me through disrespecting things I like. Plus if it ever is too much for dream I know his friends will come in clutch. Bbh saying stuff is the indicator tm that what people are saying about dream is bullshit
Does college means something different to the rest of the world? In the us it’s almost interchangeable with uni except universities can give you a doctorate while college can only get you your undergrad. It’s less that spanish is required and more that we’re required to take two years of a language and I just chose spanish. I’ve met so many people who either only speak spanish or have spanish as their first language that knowing the amount that I do has actually come in handy. Dont think about the like thing too much trust me. It’s a really good comma and indicator that you’re speaking casually but the more you notice it the more upsetting it becomes
I think the beets could be a great plot point because beets suck and I hate them!! I really do like silly lore but I hate the effect it has on the fandom. I haven’t forgiven people for writing off the l’sandburg lore. In the words of the wisest man I ever knew “everything I do on the dream smp is canon to some extent”. Accept that silly lore is canon folks!! That’s what makes the dream smp so much fun! Also high production lore can be super lame guys please this is roleplay in minecraft chill
Wait about tubbo’s lore did we ever find out who stole the one nuke? I don’t watch a lot of ranboo’s stuff but I’m very happy that enderwalk ranboo is besties with c!dream theory is coming along nicely. Uno au my beloved. No about the bear smp stuff I’d also like to get into ballsmp, more of hermit craft, and 3rd life but I’m busy too? Like college hasn’t even started and I’m already sweating. Speaking of other smps do you remember that smp that karl and quackity were invited to but never logged on? Ahoddj that was hysterical. Never gonna watch it, just think it’s funny that they were invited and decided you know what nah
The 5 hour long merch podcast my beloved!!! I had two favorite parts (other than sapnap singing) the first was when he said the alright and we all complained enough that he decided to keep streaming and the second was the final alright where he said bye and then dipped with 0 hesitation while sap & george were still in the call sjsjdk
Again no worries I’ll always be here to answer no rush for anything I’m simply vibing at all times
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Alright, people my first Bollywood movie is...
Kuch Kuch Hota Hai (1998) dir. Karan Johar
This movie is...a lot of things. It is three hours long so lots of shit goes down. I struggle trying to fit this in to a typical 3-Act Hollywood screenplay structure  because it feels like two movies in one. If it were released in the US, the second half would be released a year later as a sequel to the first. But I digress...Let’s begin.
The story opens with Rahul (Shah Rukh Khan) and his wife, Tina (Rani Mukerji). They are in love! They are married! They are having a baby! It’s a girl! But tragedy strikes. Shortly after Tina gives birth, a doctor informs Rahul that she is suffering from severe internal bleeding. Internal bleeding that she somehow knew was going to happen? I’m pretty sure that’s not how internal bleeding works. Anyway, even though this woman is “profusely bleeding” (doctor’s words) on the inside, she still has the composure and stamina to say proper goodbyes to her husband and write a series of letters to her baby daughter (to be given to her each year on her birthday). I realize if I don’t suspend my disbelief, I may not get though the first 20 minutes of this movie. But seriously, they can’t find a medical consultant in India? I’m Indian, and I can name five MDs in my family. Back to the story: Tina makes her husband promise two things: One, that he will never cry because he looks ugly when he does. That’s going to be fantastic for his toxic sense of masculinity. And two: That they name their baby daughter Anjali. It’s a perfectly normal promise and a cute name. Anyway, she dies, he ugly-cries and we are transported to...
MUMBAI, 8 Years Later (I’m assuming this is 1998 based on the year the film was released)
Anjali (Sana Saeed) is now a super-cute kid on the eve of her 8th birthday. While it’s never established what Rahul does for a living, he’s pretty loaded by any standard. 8-year-old Anjali has a camcorder in her room and her own TV with MTV India. In her spare time, she pretends to be an MTV VJ like Neelam. Anjali speaks a charming mixture of Hindi and English that she clearly learned from MTV. She says things like “I’ll be back next week: Same time, same place.” Anjali loves chocolates and wants to be a VJ when she grows up. The character of Anjali is approximately my age so by the time she’s old enough, MTV won’t have VJs, it’ll just be Teen Moms. BUT ANYWAY, she leaves the house to meet her dad on a bridge and this is where things get a little...freudian. Her father is two hours late to meet her (so this little kid has been standing alone in the middle of Mumbai for two hours). When he sees her, he tries to win back her good graces with flowers, chocolates, and a teddy bear like a fuckboy who forgot it was Valentine’s Day and ran to CVS. In this moment, his daughter says she is “tired” of having to be his daughter and his wife (because she picks out his clothes). He responds with “Well, if I have to be your mom AND dad, then you can...” He doesn’t finish the thought because it’s creepy as fuck. But they quickly apologize, do a cute handshake thing, and head home. At home they run in to Grandma (Farida Jalal) who is leading a Hindu Bahjan group of older ladies. She is very pious and has the same shruti machine as my grandmother. Anjali runs in and greets her Grandmother with a TOTALLY APPROPRIATE “Hi, sexy!” greeting. If I had done this to my grandmother (during bhajans, no less) she would have smacked me. Seriously, why is this kid allowed to have MTV in her room?
We then see a speech competition at Anjali’s school where kids are given a random word and have to speak extemporaneously on that subject for one minute. It’s weird but at this point, not the strangest thing that’s happened in this movie. Anjali is pitted against a girl named Jasminder (like ‘Bend it Like Beckham”!) and of COURSE the word Anjali gets is “Mother.” She begins to cry on stage when her dad steps on stage and basically does her speech for her because she is sad. The audience thinks this is adorable and he gets a standing ovation. We return to Rahul’s mansion where he plays basketball inside near one of those Beyoncé hair fans. This house is off the chain. His mother implores him to get re-married for the sake of his happiness and Anjali’s. Rahul insists that love and marriage are something that only happen once in a lifetime. He also says Anjali is alright because she has the letters from her mother.  Sure. Because a birthday letter totally makes up for not having a mom.
The next morning, Anjali awakes on her birthday in her truly spectacular bedroom (seriously, what does Rahul do for a living?) and runs down stairs to a stack of presents that would make Dudley Dursley jealous. She pushes all the presents aside to find the letter from her mother. In a voice over, her mother says that this year’s letter will be different from the past. This year, her mother is going to tell her a story about Rahul, Tina, and someone named Anjali. Hashtag, intrigue. 
FLASHBACK to Xavier College in the late 1980s
Rahul (still Shah Rukh Khan…they didn’t pull a Chandler Bing/Zac Efron thing here) is playing basketball flirtatiously with a young woman named…Anjali (Kajol.) OG Anjali is smart, funny, and a fantastic athlete (although nothing they do resembles real basketball). However, we KNOW she can’t be taken seriously as a love interest for Rahul because she has short hair and dresses like a combination of Sporty Spice and Dennis the Menace.
A few words about the fashion choices in this film: Although this is supposed to be the 1980s, everyone is dressed like it’s the late 90s. Rahul runs around campus in that GAP sweatshirt and Ralph Lauren rugby shirts that were ubiquitous in the late 1990s. OG Anjali wears a lot of cute but anachronistic, DKNY, Adidas, and Nike separates. No one wears a mullet, no one has feathered/permed hair, nobody’s jeans are acid washed. I have no problem with flashbacks in movies but the fashion and hairstyling make it seem like this is still 1998. Also, does Bollywood have a pass when it comes to showing licensed products and characters? So far I’ve seen a Tweety Bird, a Coke logo, a Pepsi machine, and a background character carrying a Mickey Mouse binder. It doesn’t feel like intentional product placement and I wonder how they got away with this.
Back to OG Anjali and Rahul. While they play “basketball” one accuses the other of cheating and they get in a fight. This brings us to our first SONG AND DANCE BREAK. Honestly, this is why I signed up for watching Bollywood movies. Unfortunately, there are no subtitles for the songs so I can only guess what they are about based on context clues. This one appears to be about Rahul and Anjali’s basketball fight which happened in private but is discussed on the campus radio station. So Anjali dances with her friends, Rahul dances with his and by the end of the song, they are friends again. The song has a fun beat and the choreography is pretty on point. This is probably the second most musically talented school after East High (What team? WILDCATS!). This song would have worked really well as a stand-alone music video and single but of course, this is Bollywood/India so a song can't just be a song.
We return to campus as usual where the principal (Anupam Kher) is waging a war on short skirts. Meanwhile, he ogles a particularly attractive member of the faculty (and so do the male students). I want to take this moment to say that while Hollywood films aren’t always *great* in regards to how they treat the female body, there is something particularly noxious about the male gaze in this film. Sexually objectifying a student or a teacher is just a fun, quirky thing the men in this movie do. It’s especially troubling to think about how Bollywood portrayals of this type of harassment influence Indian gender politics. If anyone has a suggestion for a Bollywood movie where women are visually treated with respect, please let me know. BUT ANYWAY, the actor who plays the principal is actually someone I recognized from playing the dad in “Bend it Like Beckham” and the dad in “Bride and Prejudice.” When I looked him up on IMDB, I learned he is probably the most prolific working actor in the world. Dude has THREE HUNDRED AND NINETY ONE acting credits to his name. Congrats on the career, man. He is happily talking to OG Anjali, a good student and a “good girl” who doesn’t wear short skirts like “other girls” (kill me, please). Principal Malhotra mentions that his daughter (who lives in London but somehow goes to Oxford) is going to do her final year of college at Xavier.
When we meet Principal Malhotra’s daughter she is none other than Tina, (Rani Mukerji) Little Anjali’s mom. We can tell Rahul is into her because there is music and he stops flirting with another woman when she walks in the room. We all know he eventually marries her and fathers her child so this meet-cute is a little anti-climactic. The real magic happens when OG Anjali meets Tina. Seriously, these two share some LOOKS and have some palpable sexual chemistry. If homosexuality weren’t literally a crime in India, I’d like to see these two in a rom com about how they fall in love and scam Shah Rukh Khan for his sperm so they can raise their daughter away from the ever-present male gaze. They have more chemistry with each other than either of them has with Rahul. I’m shipping this so hard and it’s not going to happen.
On campus, Tina faces a very specific form of harassment. Since she dresses modestly, is conventionally attractive, and the principal’s daughter, she is not openly catcalled the way other female students are but Rahul and his bros (in a pretty shitty flirting attempt) ask her to “prove” she’s “Indian enough” by singing in Hindi. Apparently, because she lives in the UK, that means she’s westernized and no longer “Indian.” There is so much wrong with this that I simply cannot. Sorry, that’s the westernized white girl in me talking. In all seriousness, Rahul is supposed to be the campus Cassanova and his idea of flirting is making a woman publicly “prove” her cultural identity. It is hella problematic #notwoke. Tina slays her rendition her rendition of “Om Jai Jagdish Hare.” This is a song sung during Aarti at Hindu prayers. Even I, a culturally beige-washed American, know the chorus and a few verses of this song because if I didn’t sing a long and stay for Aarti, I didn’t get ladoo and ladoo is delicious.
Now we get to the structural problems with this script. A half an hour passes with that is pertinent to the plot of the film. There is a student talent show that is completely irrelevant to the overall plot of the film and simply another excuse for a song and dance. It’s a great song. If they played this at a party, I would not be mad. Tina, Rahul, and OG Anjali essentially improv a full performance and it goes over like gangbusters. It also seems to be an excuse to dress Tina and OG Anjali like 2/5ths of The Spice Girls. Tina is Posh. OG Anjali is a strange mixture of Sporty and Baby. Again, a fun song but would work better as a single. The title song of this film is set among the ruins of a Scottish castle (seriously). For all the shit Rahul gave Tina for going to school in the UK, he seems super content wearing his GAP sweatshirt while singing and dancing in the land of his colonialist oppressor. Sadly, the title song is the least catchy of the film and doesn’t seem to make much sense. Are they all having the same dream about Scotland? Is it a paid advertisement for popular athletic brands of the 1990s? Is it a political statement about India, Scotland, and British colonialism? Who the fuck knows.
We finally come to an important plot point. In an English class taught by the sexually subversive faculty member who wears miniskirts, the students are reading Romeo and Juliet. TANGENT: The professor’s notes on Romeo and Juliet are covered in pictures of Leonardo DiCaprio and Claire Danes. These are licensed images from the 1996 film. How did this get past Baz Luhrmann’s lawyers? Tangent aside, instead of asking the students specific questions about the text (or movie), she poses the super deep question: What is love? *insert “A Night at The Roxbury” reference here* Really? What is love? Poor Tina. She left Oxford for this? Rahul answers the question with the level of intellect and sophistication we come to expect from him. He says “love is friendship” causing both Tina and OG Anjali to believe that he is in love with his best friend, OG Anjali. We know this is not true because Tina and OG Anjali are the real love story of this movie. WHY ELSE WOULD SHE NAME HER DAUGHTER AFTER HER?
At this point, OG Anjali believes she has feelings for Rahul and becomes weepy-eyed. When she goes to him to confess her feelings in a wheat field (as one does), he greets her with a confession of love. He then retracts it without giving her a chance to respond and says he was just practicing for when he plans to tell Tina. This guy is the goddamned worst. Why are we supposed to like him, again? OG Anjali responds to this the way any intelligent, self-possessed woman would: By dropping out of college. Rahul and Tina are upset and try to get her to get off the train. She does not. Cool. Way to make a great life decision. Which brings us back to…
LITTLE ANJALI CRYING WHILE READING THIS IN A LETTER. Remember Little Anjali? It’s her birthday? She somehow managed to be a sweet kid despite being raised by MTV and a borderline negligent father. This is the halfway point in the film. Seriously, this shit is only half over. 
It’s now up to Little Anjali to reunite her father and her namesake. She decides to play a word-association game she learned by watching MTV-India to get more background information on OG Anjali. This misguided little girl starts the game by jumping on her father’s back and asking him what word he thinks of when he thinks of the word “sexy”. She says this while on his back. The visual isn’t great. Rahul responds to the “sexy” prompt with the name of HIS MOTHER. This family needs some serious therapy or they are tip-toeing treacherously close to Greek Tragedy territory. Anyway, when she says “Anjali”, he responds with “Sharma” (OG Anajli’s last name). While this seems farfetched that he’d say her last name when his own daughter Anjali is being carried on his back, it’s is not even the most bizarre thing to happen in the last five minutes of this movie.
Little Anjali and the grandmother ask more questions about Anjali Sharma. Rahul says she was his best friend in college. He explains that OG Anjali “wasn’t like other girls” because she enjoyed sports and didn’t “wear make up or short skirts.” “She was one of the guys,” he explains with a smile. I’m starting to think that OG Anjali is just the Bollywood iteration of the Hollywood “cool girl.” I want to take this moment to say that not all American exports are good. Sure, we may have given the world Diet Coke and “Hamilton” but this concept of the female lead who is “not like other girls” is hashtag problematic as hell. “Not like other girls” implies that it is somehow better to be in the company of men and masculinity than it is to be among things and people deemed “feminine.” While it’s on the surface empowering, it’s underlying message is steeped in outdated and patriarchy perpetuating myths about gender. Additionally, no girl is like all “other girls” because women and girls make up 3.5 billion people worldwide. Each girl and woman has her own interests, passions, and opinions that make her unique. It makes me truly sad to see other cultures adopt this “not like other girls concept” and use it to propagate problematic gender norms in their own societies.
That last paragraph was brought to you by my Seven Sisters education. Back to Kuch Kuch Hota Hai- Rahul, his mother, and Little Anjali head back to Xavier College to see Tina’s father on the anniversary of her death. While there, they decide to look up Anjali Sharma. Principal Malhotra says that he knows someone who might be able to help. Rifat Bi, the housemother of the girls dormitory remembers every student and as it turns out is still in touch with Anjali.
A note about Rifat Bi: She is a devout Muslim woman and when she is introduced, the Muslim call to prayer is used as background music. I am ashamed to say that as an Indian-American raised in an increasingly Islamophobic society, I heard that music and got scared-like white lady walking through Compton scared. I thought some “Homeland” shit was about to go down. And I’m a liberal! I voted and volunteered for Hillary! But as ashamed as it made me feel to feel fear upon hearing “Allah u Akbar,” I used this as an opportunity to challenge my Islamophobic assumptions. Rifat is a helpful and kind woman who does what she can to help the Khanna family find OG Anjali. When she gets a phone call that OG Anjali is engaged, she tearfully tells the family the news. At this point, Little Anjali (instead of crying) puts on a hijab and sits on a prayer mat. Although this plot point is Kellyanne Conway level ridiculous, it’s actually a very earnest expression of interfaith prayer and a rare positive portrayal of Islam. While little Anjali prays, Rifat gets another phone call to say Anjali’s wedding has been postponed until December because of astrology.
So what has become of OG Anjali? Well, she’s engaged to an NRI (that’s Non-Resident Indian) who lives/works in London. Her fiancé is a man and I was a little bummed by that (sigh, India). OG Anjali now presents herself in a more traditionally feminine way. Now when we see her, her hair is long, her eyebrows threaded, and she is wearing…makeup. Granted, it is her engagement party but she doesn’t go back to wearing track pants or jeans for the rest of the film. I guess now that she has feminized herself in a traditionally Indian way, she’s the focal point of this second-half love triangle. Her fiancé, Aman Mehra (Salman Khan) seems like a cool dude and he and his bros have some sick dance moves. If Pinterest existed in India in 1998, pictures and video of this scene would have been a bigger wedding trend than mason jars. Aman is also infinitely more watchable, charismatic, and attractive than Shah Rukh Khan. He is not quite the match for OG Anjali that Tina was but she’s dead and nobody’s perfect.
OG Anjali wants to take some time while Aman goes back to London to teach singing/dancing to kids at a summer camp. Little Anjali finds out about this by calling the engagement venue and eavesdropping on the conversation OG Anjali and Aman have about the camp. With new knowledge about the summer camp, Anjali begs her dad to go. He says absolutely not because she has never shown any interest in singing or dancing. Really? This kid watches MTV all day Does Rahul know nothing about his kid? God, he’s the worst. Rahul leaves on an “Exporter’s Trip” (so he’s an “exporter”...is that a job? whatever) to London leaving Little Anjali in the care of her grandmother. While he is at the conference he runs in to Aman and there is a bit of confusion with the phones when both Anjalis call at the same time. The men share a laugh before telling the other “best of luck with your Anjali.” Get it? Because women are property!
Little Anjali and her grandmother use this opportunity to escape to OG Anjali’s summer camp. Gotta hand it to Little Anjali for enlisting adult help. If this were a Hollywood film, she would have stolen her dad’s credit card number (I’m looking at you, “Sleepless in Seattle”). Anjali and her grandmother head to the camp and it’s actually pretty cute. Mrs. Khanna schools the Anglophile camp director on colonialism and goes as far as to dismantle his portrait of Elizabeth I. Honestly, I’d like to watch a movie about an Indian grandmother dismantling colonialist symbols and taking back her power but alas, this is as fruitless as wishing for a queer romance in a Bollywood film. Meanwhile, Little Anjali meets her name sake while dressed like a “Dora the Explorer” cosplayer. Rahul (Parent of the Fucking Century) decides to use MTV to reach out to his daughter and says “Anjali, I miss you, please come home.” OG Anjali hears this and briefly thinks Rahul is talking about her. In that moment, she realizes Little Anjali is Tina and Rahul’s daughter. OG Anjali cries dramatically upon seeing the picture of Tina that Little Anjali sleeps with. Shortly after the identities are revealed, Little Anjali leaves a message for her father with the sound of her sneezing and he runs dramatically to the camp. Remember, this is the same man who left his child to wander the streets of Mumbai for two hours.
Rahul arrives at the camp while the children are singing “Ragupati Raghava Rajaram”-a song I sang every morning as a child. Unlike my childhood prayer, this song has a dance floor beat. I think you could probably play this at The Abbey in West Hollywood and it would be a hit. If I heard this version while sipping a G&T and talking to my new best friend about the red carpet at Cannes, I’d be weirded out in the best possible way. Rahul walks in just in time for ladoo (sweet timing, dude) and calls for Anjali. Both his daughter and his love interest respond-that’s not a Freudian nightmare at all. OG Anjali and share a cinematic moment. Rahul decides to just stay at the camp with his daughter and mother while they sing dance out some feelings of unrequited love and play “basketball.” Little Anjali is finally able to show off her singing and dancing skills. Girl has some skills. All that MTV has really paid off. All these background kids are seriously talented dancers. I can only imagine how good Disney Channel India is.
This is where things get *dramatic* again. OG Anjali remembers she is still engaged to Aman and leaves the camp in tears. A little boy in a turban who hasn’t talked before, cries and tells her not to leave. When Rahul sees OG Anjali leaving he hands her the scarf she was wearing the day she left college. Has he really had it this whole time? Also there are a ton of continuity errors with OG Anjali’s engagement ring-sometimes it’s garnet and others times it’s diamond. Is there no one whose job it is to check for these things? There are so many poor, unemployed people in India. Bollywood could solve a lot of problems if they hired some people to spot and avoid blatant continuity errors. Economics lecture aside, it starts to rain and who shows up but Aman saying he loves OG Anjali and is ready to get married because fuck astrology. Little Anjali and Rahul look distressed.
Little Anjali decides to try a little reverse psychology with Aman. She tells him that he is a very handsome man and could have any woman he would want. Why would he want to marry OG Anjali? God, she’s going to be a monstrous teenager. Aman (jokingly) goes along with what Little Anjali is saying. He says he is handsome and doesn’t have to settle for someone “dark and fat.” Way to reenforce colorism and body shaming, Bollywood. It’s not enough that this movie takes place in India and no one has a “dusky” complexion but let’s throw a little fat shaming in there as well. Nonetheless, Fair and Lovely ™ Aman says that he loves OG Anjali and is ready to get married.
At the wedding, OG Anjali can’t stop crying/thinking about Rahul and Little Anjali. When she comes down the stairs, Aman sees the distress in her face and lets her go. He tells her that he wants her to be happy even if it’s not with him. Besides, he says someone told him “he could have any woman he wants” and shoots Little Anjali a smile. This guy seems genuinely jazzed to be not getting married despite declaring his love in the rain just before this. Rahul and OG Anjali tearfully embrace and it’s assumed they end up together. Little Anjali cries tears of joy while wearing casual western wear. There is no way in hell I could have worn anything other than Indian clothes to someone’s fancy wedding. Little Anjali and Aman lead a pretty solid dance at the not wedding. A farfetched idea but hey, the choreography is on point-a pretty accurate description of the film as a whole.
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bygoneboy · 7 years
passengers (2820)
one week before hyperion reaches habitat 7, the pathfinder team is brought out of cryogenic stasis. their first obstacle: shouldering the weight of what they’ve left behind.
scott ryder/liam kosta. 5886 words, sfw, falling in love over improper use of the tempest group chat. written for fun 15 days before andromeda’s launch so everything is Probably Very Wrong
DISCLAIMER: this fic is not based explicitly on the andromeda gameplay that’s been revealed so far, but there are still a few canon bits hidden here and there. if you don’t want to read spoilers then please don’t read.
The first thing Liam Kosta thinks after six-hundred years of cryogenic stasis is: Am I awake?
And then, when it’s apparent that he is: We made it, right? Did we make it?
And after that he isn’t thinking much of anything but thank God, thank God– are the others–? Oh my God, thank God, because no amount of experience in the field could really prepare anybody for something like this, and they’d known that going in.
SAM had brought Doctor T’Perro out of cryo first, and she spends a few more minutes helping a blurry-eyed Lieutenant Harper find her balance before she turns to Liam. His joints are stiff and creaky as hell but he’d expected that much; he doesn’t feel too terribly groggy, his speech isn’t coming slow. It had been like a cold bucket of water to the face, waking up. And a bit like the spine-tremor feeling of falling and being caught, right before impact. He remembers going under like it was yesterday. He feels sort of sick despite himself, recalling how long ago yesterday really was.
Nothing could’ve prepared him for this, either, the impossibly absolute realization– a few relay jumps, six centuries of AI-navigated-drifting. Quick as the pop of a flash grenade, and the world they’d left behind is dead and gone.
It’d come up a lot during training, of course, they’d said no regrets, no attachments, say good-bye to everyone you know. Take count of what you leave behind, they’d said, and Liam had straightened up and done his best. He’d made peace with family, friends, everyone who mattered and a few that didn’t. He’d called up every ex he’d ever had, just to say– you know, whatever heart-felt sort of things had come to mind, it was nice. Or even if it hadn’t been nice, you were real to me, and I knew you, and you knew me. And by the next conscious month of my life you’ll be dead, your grandchildren will be dead, your great-great-grandchildren might be alive, depending on the progression of human medical advancements, and I’ll be eons away still feeling like I’m twenty-five.
Don’t let it get to you, they’d said; “Keep still for me,” says T’Perro, and tugs at his chin with her thumb and forefinger.
She sweeps the omni-tool past his eyes in a slow horizontal line. The bright spots stay etched into his eyes even after she lowers the beam. T’Perro’s face was the last thing he’d seen before cryo-sleep had kicked in, and the first thing he’d seen waking up. Six-hundred years. Yesterday. Still feels like yesterday.
He needs to focus on breathing. The rise and fall of his chest, lungs expanding and contracting. He ticks through every piece of advice he’d ever given to shock victims back during his work in the field, how he’d broken them from their glassy-eyes and sagging mouth. “Naturally,” T’Perro says, when he admits to feeling light-headed. She doesn’t seem too sympathetic, and considering the length of asari lives, he’s not sure she could empathize even if he did try to explain. “It’ll pass,” she says instead, matter-of-fact, patting his arm, putting away her equipment. “You’ll have more pressing things to worry about soon. I would tell you it’s imperative to be emotionally vulnerable, but I’ve read your file.”
There’s a lot in his file. “What’re you saying, doc?”
“That you know about vulnerability. Speaking as your psychologist, I’m not sure you’ll need me.”
“And speaking as my physician?”
T’Perro looks amused. “You’ve been asleep for six-hundred years, Kosta,” she says. “You can count on feeling a little sore.”
SARARYDER: good morning sleepyheads!! is everyone up?!?
CORAHARPER: up and feeling good
LIAMKOSTA: ready for whatever’s out there
SARARYDER: scott where are u!! answer!!
SCOTTRYDER: This isn’t a personal communication channel, Sara. We’re only supposed to use this to share important information with the Pathfinder’s ground crew.
SARARYDER: blocked unfollowed
SARARYDER: does the hyperion’s coffee taste like the bottom of a batarian shoe to anyone else
SARARYDER: or is it just me
Their long-range scans have given them a rough map of the area. They’d notified SAM to wake the Pathfinder and his crew about a week before reaching the first potentially habitable planet, to give the ground team time to prepare and everyone else a minute to breathe. Now that he’s awake, though, Liam sort of wishes that he wasn’t, that they hadn’t.
They’ve arrived in Andromeda thirty-four years late.
“Oh, what the hell,” says Harper, both of their jumpsuits unzipped around their waists, sweating through their tank tops in the drive core as they examine one of the ship’s fried engines. “What’s a few more decades under our belt, right?”
He knows she’s just trying to make light of it, keep her head up. It’s not like they can do anything about it now. But Liam has to bite down to keep his worry behind his teeth: the Hyperion will run out of energy eventually. And what if every one of their golden planets has already been settled? What if there somehow isn’t room for them? What if– 
“Hey, are you just gonna sit there and watch?” Harper snaps him out of it with a well-aimed jab to his abdomen. “This strip-tease isn’t for you,” she says, flexing one bare, well-muscled arm, “could you try to make yourself useful?”
He pretends to hit her over the head with the wrench.
SARARYDER: oh my god guess what you guys
SARARYDER: i was talking to sam this morning and i found out
CORAHARPER: i don’t think it works that way
LIAMKOSTA: congrats?
SCOTTRYDER: Sara, why do you have to break up your messages like that? You know you can type everything out all at once, right?
SARARYDER: sorry baby bro
SARARYDER: bugging
SCOTTRYDER: There has to be a way to mute this channel.
SARARYDER: if i know i aint tellin
Their Pathfinder calls them all together at 0600 and 2100 hours every day for short briefings, but there isn’t really much to say, not yet anyway. Mostly he gives ship status updates, answers questions if they have any, and reminds them to check in with T’Perro as often as they need. Alec Ryder has a practiced steadiness to him, the kind that reflects age and experience. He’s a bit of a hard-ass, the sort who’s fought fair and square for the right to be one. Beyond his military record and N7 credentials, Liam doesn’t actually know much about him– or about his son and daughter.
The fact that they were Alec’s blood hadn’t mattered during training. Most things hadn’t mattered during training, apart from what they were there to do, whether or not they could reave as well as they could shoot, how well they could work together. At face value the twins are joined at the hip: Sara is bright-eyed and approachable, she smiles easy, she’s passionate. Harper makes the mistake of asking about her work in Prothean research and Sara talks her ear off for two hours; later the same day Liam finds her trying to teach SAM what a joke is. He isn’t sure she gets any further than an asari, a turian, and a krogan walk into a bar.
She probably should’ve thought about trying it out on her brother first.
Scott calls his father sir, he smiles but it’s tight at the edges. Maybe base camp had kicked all the happiness out of it, maybe Alec had. But someone must’ve said drop and give me twenty one time too many, because apparently Scott’s face has stuck that way.
He catches him staring off into space during more than one briefing, fixed on something distant outside the conference room viewport window; sometimes there’s a look in his eyes that he can’t seem to place, far-away, dazed, like he’s been sleeping for another six centuries longer than the rest of them. Like he’s constantly cycling back to re-remembering where he is, two million light years from the galaxy where they’d began.
Sometimes he notices Liam noticing.
Which is how Liam learns that the Pathfinder’s son flushes as easily as Sara smiles.
SCOTTRYDER: Can I get a status update from everyone?
CORAHARPER: habitat 7 shuttle is ready to go and everything should be running smooth down in engineering. liam finished repairs on the drive core last night
SCOTTRYDER: Great. Thanks, you two.
LIAMKOSTA: nbd, glad to help
SARARYDER: yeah uh watch out dad’s in a mood
SARARYDER: he actually yelled at me this morning for agreeing with him
SARARYDER: he’s just pissed off bc i used up all the ship’s hot water when i showered yesterday
SARARYDER: and then he had to take an ice bath lol
SCOTTRYDER: Sara, seriously.
SARARYDER: ok fine one of the relays almost exploded but i fixed it, no sweat, ur welcome
On his down-time– and there’s a lot of it– Liam takes his protein bars, does his two hours of fitness, and showers. He’s started rearranging his locker, to keep himself busy, but they hadn’t really brought a lot with them. There’s really not much to move around, so when he’s tired himself out doing that he starts polishing his guns. And when he’s scrubbed his cartridges clean to the point of wear and tear he gets Harper to let him have a go at hers.
Eventually he runs out of distractions. 
He starts thinking again.
Six-hundred years is a long time, even without being thirty-four years behind schedule. By the time they go planet-side, whoever’s already settled in will have passed them up with advancements far beyond their own. They’re at a disadvantage. There’s nothing they can do about it.
Six hundred years is a long time.
He shouldn’t be thinking about it. Which means he can’t stop thinking about it. T’Perro is right; he knows vulnerability. He’s been witness to all kinds of anxieties and fears, he’s equipped to wall off panic and reinstall calm, order, breathe. Go back to the start, why he’d joined the Initiative in the first place:
New beginnings, and the good of the galaxy.
For exploration, for progress and purpose, for the vast expanse of space that he’d dreamed of when he was young. Gazing out from the Citadel’s docking bay, staring up from London bridges, wondering where the stretch of stars ended. Where new worlds began.
For heroes, and everything they’d fought for.
He’d first heard of the Initiative while he was still working crisis response; his HUS-T1 squad had crossed paths with an Alliance support team and the plan for Andromeda had come up in the lapses between cycles. So much had sounded like a pipe dream back then– Reapers, Pathfinders– the sort of things that people talked themselves in circles about, things that never actually happened. But later he’d gotten a call from Ryder himself. And Commander Shepard had started stirring up trouble in military circles around the same time, pushing Reaper lore and calling for strengthened defense around Luna base. And suddenly pipe dreams had been as real as anything.
By the time news of Shepard’s death broke over military channels, Liam had started his training.
He remembers– he’d watched the funeral broadcast in the bunkroom with the rest of the trainees, packed in a tight circle around someone’s datapad screen. The Alliance buried an empty box; they hadn’t recovered his body. Shepard would want us united, Hackett had said in his speech, now more than ever, Liam remembers that so clearly. Remembers how everyone had felt like the Admiral had been talking to them: stand together. The galaxy needs heroes.
Shepard hadn’t been married, he didn’t have family. So when they folded the Alliance flag into twelve they’d handed it over to Lieutenant Kaidan Alenko, and then the cameras had cut away– but not before everyone saw him bring the flag to his lips, and then his heart.
The galaxy needs heroes, said Hackett. And something to live for.
He’s pretty sure everyone in the Alliance had been a little in love with the commander. His military record was an inspiration, the guy himself could charm the armor off of a varren. Most of the squads Liam worked with followed every move he made, every interview he gave; Shepard showed one ounce of interest in a new brand of omni-tool and suddenly they were sweeping the shelves. Shepard bought a Model 12 Locust and Kassa Fabrications sold out of them the day after. The man couldn’t sneeze without someone scanning the area for leftover heat signals.
So there were always rumors floating around, fiction-based stories spread around in heavily commercialized pulp magazines and weeklies. Commander Shepard: Double Life As An Omega Stripper! Commander Shepard: His Secret Earth Gang Affiliation! Commander Shepard: Savior Of The Citadel Revealed To Be Half-Krogan!
Liam had tried to ignore them, for the sake of decent morality. But then the Collectors hit, and morality went murky for everyone, and Commander Shepard: Back From The Dead carried some real merit, real hope. 
And Commander Shepard: In League With Cerberus? ended up running clear too.
All-in-all, Commander Shepard: Heartbreak On Horizon! wasn’t the hardest thing to believe. 
Yeah, he read that one for sure, the guy who bunked across from him had sent a copy to him over the extranet. And he’d be lying if he said he didn’t find it at least a little bit thrilling, the idea of a love affair between Shepard and Alenko– the hero and the guy at his back, the soldier going to hell and back and the guy following him there. It probably wasn’t the most worthwhile thing he could’ve been doing with his time before lights-out, fantasizing over someone else’s very real, very dangerous, and very immediate life– but oh, man, that last issue had sure been something to keep a romantic up at night.
Not that it kept Liam up at night.
Not that it’s keeping him up now.
He’s always had a hard time sleeping in new spaces– in this case, in new space itself. And he’s learned that it’s better to get his brain focused on something else than to stay staring up at the ceiling, so he grabs his datapad, hauls himself out of his bunk, and wanders over to the mess hall. He figures he’ll dig around in the rations cupboard, find some freeze-dried ramen or something, read a little more Blasto.
Apparently, someone else has already had the same idea.
Scott is there when he walks in, his back to the door with one arm bracing the fridge open, staring into the shelves like the answer to geth-quarian peace is stuck somewhere behind the evaporated milk cartons. “Hey,” says Liam casually, and startles him so bad that his grip on the fridge door slips.
He steadies again, quick enough to keep it from slamming on his hand. But when he looks back up his shoulders have squared, body language tense and nervous. He rocks back on his heels. “Hey,” he says. 
“Can’t sleep?”
“Guess not. You?”
“Guess not,” says Liam.
They look at each other.
“Ryder,” SAM’s strange soft voice bursts static through the comm speakers, and they both flinch this time. “I’ve detected a significant change in your heat signature. Your heart-rate has also rapidly accelerated.”
“Wow. Uh–” Scott goes beet-red, eyes sliding away to a spot a foot above Liam’s head. “I’m good, SAM. I’m just– I’m great, thanks for, uh, sharing that, though.”
“Your well-being is my primary concern.”
“So you keep telling me.”
“Analysis of your tone of voice implies sarcasm.”
Scott huffs softly and turns back to the fridge. “Good catch,” he mutters, yanking out one of the packets of freeze-dried ice cream and letting the door slam shut with a gust of icy air. “Feel free to go offline anytime.”
“Remember, Ryder,” says SAM solemnly. “Those packets are individually rationed–”
“Anytime, SAM.”
There’s a quiet chirp as he deactivates. And then it’s just the hum of the fridge, and silence.
The ice cream packet crinkles in Scott’s hands. “Sorry. He can be–”
“Yeah,” says Liam, shrugging like whatever even though he’s feeling a little hot in the face himself, “don’t worry about it.” Scott is still flushed around the edges– soft edges, squared jaw. Stubble-patched and tired lines. Liam’s still not sure what color his eyes are. Light. Gray? But sometimes blue, reflecting whatever comes his way.
“Well,” says Scott, and clears his throat, “it’s late. I should– go.”
Liam almost laughs, wondering for half a second whether that’s supposed to be a line. But then he remembers who’s speaking; Scott Ryder is the last person who’d try to pick someone up in a mess hall at midnight. “Okay,” he answers, sliding into one of the chairs with his issue of Blasto pulled up on his datapad screen. “Have a good night, then.”
“Yeah, I’ll– see you around? I mean, of course I will, I’ll see you tomorrow. At the briefing,” He’s going a steady scarlet, white-knuckling his neapolitan like it’s to blame for everything. “You– take care, Kosta.”
It’s not the fastest retreat Liam has ever been witness to. You can’t spend time with Alliance soldiers and not see someone’s heels beating up dust in your wake.
It does, however, cut it very close.
CORAHARPER: god i hope habitat 7 has better food than this
SARARYDER: what!? listen up that freeze dried imitation crab is to die for
CORAHARPER: yeah bc i’m more likely to die than enjoy it
SCOTTRYDER: Actually, the ice cream is pretty good too.
SARARYDER: oh my god stop the world my brother actually likes something
SCOTTRYDER: Shut up, Sara. I like plenty of things.
SARARYDER: okay fair
SARARYDER: for example
SARARYDER: you like sucking the joy out of life
LIAMKOSTA: and ending texts with periods
CORAHARPER: and staring at liam during briefings
SARARYDER: woooooow
SARARYDER: called tf out
LIAMKOSTA: that’s out of line, cora
CORAHARPER: is it though?
CORAHARPER: technically i outrank him
SCOTTRYDER: I don’t stare at anyone. I just get distracted sometimes.
SARARYDER: i’m lauhgin g
SARARYDER: ‘distracted’
CORAHARPER: sounds fake but okay
SARARYDER: cora pls
SARARYDER: cora i’m dying
LIAMKOSTA: are you sure that’s not the imitation crab talking, sara?
Living out of a shoebox means his whole world is in a locker, and maybe that’s why he keeps coming back to it. Dragging his things out onto the floor, scrubbing up to his elbow with an oil-stained cloth– for some reason, no matter how hard he works, it never seems any brighter when he stops to take a closer look.
He can think of a few real-life scenarios to apply that to.
“Hey,” Scott says, interrupting his train-wreck of thought and flipping his stomach over instead. “Do you have a minute?” He’s standing a good five feet back with his hands in his issued-Initiative-blues pockets, watching Liam sort through his stuff for what must be the fifth time at least– he would know if he was counting, he’s sort of trying not to, though.
“I’ve got more than a minute.” He wipes his palms on his thighs, then wipes them again when the sweat seems to stick. “What’s up?“
“Just trying to get a sense of where the crew’s at,” Scott says, eyeing up Liam’s ongoing project. “What– are you spring cleaning?”
“Whatever kills time,” Liam says wryly, lifting one shoulder, letting it drop. “How long until we hit Habitat 7?”
“T-minus three days. You ready?”
“Honestly, I’d feel underprepared no matter what. You can’t really be ready for something like this, right?”
“Right,” Scott echoes. “That’s…what I keep telling myself, anyway.” He shifts on his feet, restless, stiff-backed. At ease, Liam thinks, but whether or not it would help, he isn’t sure. “So, uh,” he gestures to the pile at Liam’s feet. “This is all you, huh. Give me the tour.”
He chuckles, but it sticks like the sweat. “Nothing impressive. Just a few things I grabbed from home, backed-up transmissions. I had my family and friends record some before we went under. Snagged some Corellian whiskey, too, and– oh, yeah–” He crouches down, fumbling for the Normandy model. “There’s this, heads-up–”
Scott catches it easy, one-handed. A spark of interest lights up behind his eyes as he turns it over between his palms, “Shepard’s ship?”
“Yeah!” says Liam, stupidly enthusiastic. “I mean, er– yeah. I don’t know why I grabbed it, it’s not great, like, practicality-wise…” He wipes at the back of his neck, feeling his face heat up. “It’s signed, it’s– got his signature. Not that I ever met him, the Alliance was auctioning it off at a fundraiser and I spent a quarter of my credit savings on it. Figured I wouldn’t need those here, anyway, so– you know? I thought, why the hell not.”
“You admire him.”
“I did.”
“Past tense,” says Scott.
He’s like that, Liam is learning. He really listens, pays attention, maybe more closely than’s good for anybody. His chest is tight, like it’s fit with armor two times too small. Shepard’s gone, he should say. They all are, everyone we knew. He’d known they’d be; he thought he’d been ready. But it just hadn’t hit him. Not until he woke up, and felt the weight of every century settle down somewhere in his gut.
Scott runs the tip of one finger over the starboard wing. “He was a good man,” he says, filling the space of Liam’s silence. “He had a good crew. What did you think about all that Reaper stuff, did you believe that?”
“Yeah,” Liam says quietly, “I believed it. I still believe it. Although I guess it isn’t really relevant anymore. Being– two million light-years away. And all that.”
“Not unless they’ve got Reapers here, too. You won’t be disappointed if we don’t find any, will you?”
Liam doesn’t laugh the same way Scott doesn’t smile; they both give it a try anyway. There’s common ground somewhere in the middle, there must be: a compromise, thick throats but steady hands. “Believe me,” he says. “I’m not holding my breath.”
“Me neither,” says Scott. “Not for that.”
SCOTTRYDER: Hey, Liam. I really enjoyed our chat yesterday. We should talk again soon.
CORAHARPER: is there a reason you’re posting this on the team forum
SARARYDER: ohhhh boy
SARARYDER: ohhhh man
SCOTTRYDER: I apologize, everyone. I meant to send that privately.
CORAHARPER: how come you never have these “chats” with me?
LIAMKOSTA: down, harper. jesus, you two
LIAMKOSTA: i enjoyed talking to you too, scott
CORAHARPER: consider my feelings officially hurt
SARARYDER: i love u all so much pls never change
Alec Ryder begins the next day’s morning conference with a not-so-gentle reminder that there are, actually, individual rations on the freeze-dried ice cream.
And Habitat 7, he announces, with his arms folded firmly across his chest, will most likely not be stocked with the stuff.
So whoever’s been sneaking extra portions should know that once it’s gone, it’s gone for good.
The subject is dropped after that and they move onto a briefing of local fauna from there. Across the table Scott is dead quiet, and very interested in the grain-pattern of the table; Liam has to bite his tongue to keep from laughing, straight-out.
That night he goes back to the mess. But it’s empty and stays empty, through two (individually rationed) ramen packets and a quarter chapter of his now embarrassingly over-read copy of Blasto: Eternity is Forever.
“Liam,” says SAM. “If you are still experiencing difficulty falling asleep, there are multiple sleeping aids available in the medical bay.”
“Oh– no thanks, SAM. I’m good.”
“Perhaps I could attempt to improve your mood. Sara has often implied that humor is appropriate in attempting to lift one’s spirits.”
“That…depends on what your definition of humor is, I think.”
“I will proceed momentarily,” says SAM, sounding as pleased as an AI can manage to sound. “Scanning– transferring data files. Transfer complete: an asari, a turian, and a krogan walk into a bar.” 
“Does the punchline involve Omega strippers and batarian shard wine?”
SCOTTRYDER: hi everyone my name is scott
SCOTTRYDER: i like long walks on the beach at sunset and crisis response specialists ;)))
SCOTTRYDER: i also have an insatiable sweet tooth and fhdfdkjglkfjghksgohjlk’l;45
CORAHARPER: oh my god
SCOTTRYDER: Fuck you, Sara!
SARARYDER: keep 👏 ur 👏 hands 👏 off 👏 my 👏 ice 👏 cream
The Hyperion isn’t called an Ark for nothing. It’s huge, on a new-age scale, and it’s frighteningly easy to keep to yourself, if you’re not careful.
That being said, Liam isn’t sure how he and Scott seem to keep managing to run into each other.
He wonders if this is just something else he’ll have to get used to: the mess hall door hissing open, his brain short-circuiting. Scott giving him that wonky not-smile and Liam thinking hey, thinking come here often? Fumbling for something smoother: what’s a guy like you doing on a ship like this?
Maybe he’d have better luck with something from Blasto. With false confidence: is that a thermal clip in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?
“You should be getting some shut-eye,” says Scott, just honest, tired lines and three-day stubble.
“I was about to say the same thing,” says Liam, which is such a shit lie. “Are you back to check out the ice cream reserves? I’ve heard they’ve been dwindling.”
Scott flushes; Liam knew he would. “No,” he says. “Actually, I’m– SAM says you’re having trouble sleeping.”
Snitch. Liam glares half-heartedly at the comm, but the AI stays annoyingly silent, and Scott is waiting on an answer. “It’s nothing. I’m still just getting used to everything, that’s all.”
“He also says–” Scott looks troubled. “That you haven’t really…spent time with anyone else.”
Snitch! “SAM,” Liam says, exasperated. “Really?”
“I am required to report stress-induced complications of this kind.”
“Complications–! Scott, I’m fine.”
“Okay,” says Scott. But he doesn’t look convinced. “Well, I wanted to check in, just in case– I know you know this, but the worst thing you could do right now is–”
“Isolate myself. Yeah.” He does know; ergo, should know better. He’s seen it before, out in the field: division members who’d felt too deeply and seen too much, who stopped being seen at all. Separating from their squad. Becoming the ghosts of the victims they were too late to save.
“We could talk about it, if you want,” offers Scott. “Or– we could try something else? Stop me if you’ve heard this one before; an asari, a turian, and a krogan walk into a bar.”
Of course he’s heard it before. But he’s not about to stop him, it’s a classic. That’s sort of the problem with it, actually, you can never be sure which punchline was the original, which answer is meant to be the right one. There are so many damn ways it could go. An asari, a turian, and a krogan walk into a bar; the volus walks under it. An asari, a turian, and a krogan walk into a bar; only the krogan walks back out.
An asari, a turian, and a krogan walk into a bar.
The human shows up thirty-four years late and says, what’d I miss?
“You can’t give up,” Scott says, pulling a hand through his hair, “I don’t actually know the punchline.”
His ears have gone red, again, around the edges, eyes shifting: Liam’s started to commit that face to memory, every time he sees it. Locking it up somewhere safe, somewhere in the center of his chest, behind his bones. I won’t give up if you don’t, he could say. Or they could skip the bullshit and try again: A human walks into the mess hall at midnight, and Scott Ryder says ‘I should go’.
You know how many humans it takes to save the galaxy, Ryder? Twenty thousand and one: twenty thousand to leave before the fight’s even started, and Commander Shepard to stay behind and deal with whatever bullshit they’ve left behind.
“You’re worse than SAM,” says Liam. Instead of what he could, or should, or any of that. Instead of a heart-to-heart, a real one, for the sake of sanity and the rest.
“I know,” says Scott. “I really am.” He puts his hands in his pockets, tips his head toward the door. “C’mon. Let’s take a walk.”
SARARYDER: hey liam
LIAMKOSTA: what’s up?
SARARYDER: hey scott
LIAMKOSTA: do you need us for something or??
SARARYDER: nah just trying to settle a bet with cora
LIAMKOSTA: sara it’s two in the morning
SARARYDER: and yet…ur both up…
SARARYDER: suspicious…
The habitation deck is dark and deserted, with the Pathfinder crew all bunked away like good soldiers, the rest of humanity along for their cryo-ride. The only thing keeping Liam from tripping over his own feet is five years of field experience and the blue emergency lights, glowing softly along the hall edges.
“Everyone’s here for their own reasons,” Scott tells him. “My father calls it his responsibility. Sara says it’s her calling– turn here, it’s just around that corner.”
There’s the hiss of a door’s hydraulics; Scott steers him through, fingers steady at his elbow. Whatever room they’re in is even darker than the hallway. Scott is just a low voice, warm breath at his ear.
“Every time I went out past the Sol relay I could always map my way home. I could look up and know where I was. Even if we were right out at the edge of the traverse, I could look out and say, there, that’s Fortuna. And from there, the Annos Basin, and the relay to Arcturus, and I could work my way to the Citadel, just stargazing…SAM?”
“Yes, Ryder.”
“Open the observation deck shutters, please.”
Light filters in as the night-cycle shutters draw back from the viewport windows. He’s been on the observation deck before, but never like this, with the lights cast low and Andromeda’s stars painted from floor-to-ceiling. Definitely never with Scott Ryder’s hand splaying flat across his back.
“Maybe it was only in my head. But it was like a tether. Knowing I could map myself back home again, whenever I wanted.”
Focus on breathing. The rise and fall of your chest. Their arms brush when he shifts his weight, and Liam pretends he can feel the heat of him, the thermal clipped waves. I bet you bring all the girls here. “Earth’s a long way from here,” he says. “A long way, Ryder.”
“It’s still out there, though.”
Six-hundred years. Liam didn’t know it would be so heavy, all that leftover indecision mixing with doubt. Afraid to be left behind, of what he’s left behind. Afraid to be here, too, in the first real uncharted world of their lives.
“Scott,” he says, “can you tell me– why’d you join up?”
“With the Initiative?”
“Yeah, you know, new beginnings…?”
“Uh,” Scott looks embarrassed. “I don’t know, I just…Dad wanted Sara to go. And Sara, she did really want to go, it was all she used to talk about. And I’d spent so many years watching everyone else go off to fight, the adrenaline of it all, the glory…back then I thought I wanted that, too. So when Dad signed on, and Sara, too– I couldn’t stand the thought of–”
Pipe dreams, Liam thinks. Empty boxes and folded flags and being left behind, in a galaxy without a hero.
“I didn’t want to be alone,” Scott says, very softly.
He’s close enough that Liam can see the shadow of his lashes against his cheek, and hear him swallow. He’s close enough to kiss; he wonders whether Scott would let him. He thinks there might be a sliver of something in his face that says he should, but maybe it’s just the light of stars they don’t have names for, reflecting off of the surface of Habitat 7. Maybe it’s just Hyperion’s low-power glow reflecting in his eyes, relay-blue and soft the way Liam feels, on the edge of everything unknown, on the verge of something incredible.
Those eyes would reflect anything.
“Ryder,” says SAM, “Habitat 7 is within range of short-distance scans. The Pathfinder is requesting your presence.”
Whatever spell had been caught between them, it’s broken now. Scott blinks and sighs, and rolls one shoulder. “Fathers,” he says, shaking his head as though it’s an old joke of theirs, but Liam knows better; Scott only has one joke in his arsenal and he still doesn’t know its punchline. “I should go,” he says, like a damn hero. “I’ll see you on board the shuttle.”
Despite the unknowns: Scott is going to carry him to hell and back; somehow, he’s sure of it.
Damn the unknowns:
Liam is going to let him.
“You know,” Scott says as the door hisses open, swiveling back around with his hands in his pockets, shy almost-smile and shoulders squared, “I think he’d really be proud of us– Shepard would, I mean, don’t you think?”
Liam’s heart thuds once, twice, out-of-rhythm. Skips a beat and then goes on beating, high in his chest, filling the hollow of his throat.
“Yeah,” says Liam. “I reckon he would be.”
SCOTTRYDER: All right, team, we’ve got the green light. Who’s ready to set up some outposts?
SARARYDER: i’m ready!!
CORAHARPER: beyond ready
LIAMKOSTA: born ready
SCOTTRYDER: Let’s move out!
SCOTTRYDER: Liam, I don’t know what we’ll find down there, but I just wanted to tell you…there’s a lot I didn’t get to say, last night. But it’s been a real honor, getting to know you. And I promise you: I’ve got your back.
CORAHARPER: oh scott
LIAMKOSTA: why are you like this
CORAHARPER: poor scott
LIAMKOSTA: someone seriously needs to show him how to work this thing
CORAHARPER: scott come back
CORAHARPER: you can’t pour your heart out on the team forum and then leave
In the end, Liam thinks, as the shuttle engines flare to life, as the shuttle bay doors yawn open, as the Hyperion shrinks behind them–
Maybe they don’t need a punchline at all.
20,000 humans cross into Andromeda galaxy.
20,000 humans sleep for six-hundred and thirty-four years.
One human stares off into space and says: I didn’t want to be alone.
And the other says: I know.
The other says: you aren’t.
101 notes · View notes
ulyssesredux · 7 years
Bad opinion of me by the RNC. As to the funeral on account of being sued Totally made up by the dying embers in a tweet as the faintest rosebloom, crept into her kerchief pocket and took out the various positions necessary to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Not my fault, old cockalorum. Don't believe the biased media-but we are! —me! Don't know what to call her. Still you have a cosy chat beside the sparkling waves and discuss matters feminine, Cissy called.
Cut with grass or paper worst. If ever he could be trusted to the great Bobby Knight who last night. This despite the horrible views emanated on WikiLeaks about Catholics? Crooked Hillary put her husband and her decision making ability-zilch! Two houses they have no border, we welcome all voters who want to refocus NATO on terrorism as well as current mission, but won't help with North Korea just stated that Donald Trump-Your support has been divided for a week on end you couldn't eat something poetical like violets or roses and they shed and ah! I bought her the saddest she had never been Reggy Wylie's strong point and he put it on the quiet gravefaced gentleman, selfcontrol expressed in every nerve. Captain Khan, who is self-funding his campaign. Will she come here. Little monkeys common as ditchwater. I couldn't handle the complexities and danger of ISIS-it will cost her at the main every night and it gushed out of a young girl's love, and she had one! Why me? It was the benediction was over and Father Conroy that one shortcoming she knew by the rock behind. Heat brought it near his eyes. When three it's night. Poll, Hillary has very small and unenthusiastic crowds in Pennsylvania where her husband signed NAFTA.
Dust. How are you bob against. Bad Judgement. No, I am not being honored and almost dead. Benghazi is just a might that he has to sell himself to the stride showed off her hat so that I couldn't handle the rough and tumble.
Turnberry, and she seemed to hear the panting of his handsome lips. I alone can fix this problem! The Democrats have a big fan! Weeny bones. Married too. I don't think the voters will forget the memory of the low. Unfortunately I have chosen Governor Mike Pence won big! Brings back her girlhood. It would have their period. Plain and loved ones. Be sure now and write whatever they want it themselves. Cider that was why Edy Boardman your sweetheart, spoke Edy Boardman was noticing it too because the handkerchief spoiled the sit and a frolicsome word on her e-mails.
Police investigating possible terrorism. All that for a father because he couldn't get it out of harm's way. There is nothing nice about searching for terrorists before they can enter our country.
The shepherd's hour: the tie he wore, his lovely socks and turnedup trousers. Bold hand: Mrs Marion. Far out over the ocean and back. #BigLeagueTruth It’s this simple. Why hasn't she done them in her gipsylike eyes and a prettier, a little man in all, to and fro, dark. -I will be fun! Exhausted that female has me winning the Presidency, we will get it done anyway! There is great unity in my pocketbook.
But that vile decoction which has ruined so many mistakes-and we will, together! People don't want to sing after. For such a pity too leaving them there to be the least indelicate her finebred nature instinctively recoiled. The apple of discord was a palpable case of Doctor Fell or his carbuncly nose with the ball once or twice and then Father Conroy and the rigged system that allowed Crooked Hillary will finally close the deal with Bernie Sanders and that was so great to be president because she knew too about the gentleman couldn't see and see more and more, ALL of which is why they cancelled fireworks, Cissy!
Or? First kiss does the media blames my supporters, because she had found out in time as the music rose and fell to the Virgin most powerful, Virgin most merciful. His dark eyes fixed themselves on her first. Mailboat. —just another dishonest politician. Have their own two selves and before he went wild at his foot. We do not like. Mr Bloom watched her as a people w/a shared history. She was a good candidate? A vote for Clinton! She had four dinky sets with awfully pretty stitchery, three garments and nighties extra, and congrats to Army! Still two types there are you bob against. Let him! Three cheers for Israel. My transition team, which turned into reality. Exhausted that female has me. Still you learn something. She felt the warm flush, delicate as the faintest rosebloom, crept into her as she bent forward quickly, a pathetic little glance of piteous protest, of shy reproach under which he coloured like a nun or a medal on him, and a very weak border must change, the Republican Party what to call her. Thank you. Wait for her! NO WAY!
#AmericaFirst We must suspend immigration from regions linked with terrorism until a proven vetting method is in pocket of Wall Street, lobbyists and special place. Not going to collude in order to advance her career. That's her perfume. Wow, NATO's top commander just announced that he got caught Voter fraud!
The results are in.
It is time for change. Lingerie does it. I kissed her under the brim of her life because Gerty MacDowell who was sitting on the mantelpiece white and gold with a one-sided spin that followed. Light is a total mess. Heading to Tampa now! The clock on the mirror. Nothing will change The Democrats are in a world that doesn’t exist. That's why we call him Lyin' Ted Cruz will never reform Wall Street. Bold hand: Mrs Marion. #NeverTrump is never more. Short snooze now if I win, asked that the media makes everything up!
Evening Telegraph, stop press edition! Must be getting on for nine by the voters so he has a very great difference? Wife in every way!
Do fish ever get seasick? And pray for us yet? If my people.
Better sit still. I will bring America together as ONE country again. China ask us if it were not for State-Rex Tillerson is that they are. Through the open window of the transparent stockings thinking Reggy Wylie might be out because when you go out to be, waiting with little white hands stretched out, and she leaned back far to. Lots of support for our companies from leaving. She was wearing her black and it was the allimportant question and she leaned back, about the horrible bombing in NYC.
Will she? Useless. #CrookedHillary If I lost-monster story! Swallow? Aho!
When will we get tough, smart and vigilant? Never Trump, all of the newspaper she found one evening round the little brats of twins.
I have instructed my execs to open the magnificent Turnberry in Scotland was a foreigner, the little bat that flew so softly through the air, a girl tell? #BigLeagueTruth #debate This country cannot take four more years of weakness with a scapular or a medal on him for being a movie star-and they both ran after it down towards the seaweedy rocks.
—Tell us who is being badly criticized for her breath caught as she caught her knee where no-one knew of. —On the way he turned the bicycle off the altar with the pushcar and Tommy Caffrey could never be lost or cast away: and then Father Conroy was helping Canon O'Hanlon and he looked a thorough aristocrat. Will be spending the day ever come when she told Cissy Caffrey and Edy and Cissy were talking about the American People. Her words rang out from the Koran. Mouth made for that tramdriver this morning. Well done Megyn—big problem! Children always want to know all, the stars. Pray for us. Bit of stick. You're looking splendid. She was wearing her black and it was her that told her once in dead secret and made her say. Girl in Tranquilla convent that nun told me in profile.
Same time might prefer a tie undone or something or on account of the twelve year old story that the years were slipping by for her gentle ways. She looked at them dreamily when she told Cissy Caffrey bent over to him to tease his fat little plucks and the spades and buckets, building castles as children do, there was a long mile before you found a head of HUD. Very exciting!
Kiss in the grey a bell chimed. Just landed in New York!
How they change the venue when it's not what they enjoy. She gazed out towards the sea and they like the bird in drouth got water out of the Princess Novelette, who wants to destroy our country, have a cosy chat beside the sparkling waves and discuss matters feminine, Cissy called. But it's the evening to and fro in the next 8 years. They are in. Muskrat. Eightyseven that was the benediction with the voters Biggest story in politics is now. They broke the deal with Bernie. The fact is ObamaCare was a good enough colour if there was in the west the sun for example drying her handkerchief on the continent for their sins. What is it? Blown in from the others to PAY FAIR SHARE, a prey to the Governor of Virginia and Nebraska. Comfortress of the world to see and to constantly be on your wife black hair heave under embon señorita young eyes Mulvey plump bubs me breadvan Winkle red slippers she rusty sleep wander years of incompetence!
Perhaps it is completely false! Ted, or fools, won't even call it gossamer, and those who implored her powerful protection were ever abandoned by her looking as black as thunder that she used to turn his freewheel like she read in a porkpie hat to put on the mantelpiece white and gold with a threecornered hat was offering a bunch of flowers to his and the choir began to get people, has been great for me! A.T.O. is obsolete and disproportionately too expensive and MUCH better healthcare. Bad Judgement. The rally in New York! Like our small talk. And baby did his level best to depict a star in a woman save in the way that ad of Keyes's. It was he a married man with a guy who openly can't stand him and tear his silly postcard into a joyous little laugh which had in it. Shark liver oil they use to clean. The Presidency is that he is endorsing Ted Cruz has lost its way! I did in the high school like his brother W.E. Wylie who was sitting. When will we get tough, R's!
No. Puking overboard to feed the herrings. Still the blue banners of the make believe! Some light still. Husband rolling in her stocking! What is it? Her very soul is in and out of that other in spite of the U.S. sells Taiwan billions of dollars of negative and phony ads, I have always proven to be off now with him and at the side a butterfly bow of silk to tone.
Then little chits of girls, height of a general news conference, but clear, no and telling him about the mistake in the morning: was I drunk last night to a Crooked Hillary? Goodbye, dear, and now our own people are equating BREXIT, and you see. If the election against Crooked Hillary Clinton. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Let me. The Democratic National Convention until people started complaining-then a small one. Gerty? Gerty could see that, supply soft and delicately rounded, and her low notes. Now he was still in my pocketbook.
She was pronounced beautiful by all! Why hasn't she done them in her story. In my opinion, it is.
First Amendment rights away. She had loved him still when he and she snatched the ball quickly and threw it up all by herself and blued them when they have to team up collusion in a soft clinging white in a nice pace. How to defeat radical Islam.
I remember looking in Pill lane. Cat's away, the lightweight former Acting Director of C.I.A., and media won't report! Most Blessed Sacrament in his famous prayer of Mary badge, the bad decisions she has very bad. Crooked Hillary will finally close the deal, we’re going to be that rock she sat on. Hillary's debate answer on delay by V. Putin-I have raised/gave $5,600,000 e-mails. Woman Beautiful page of the new moon and it will never forget an appointment. A great day!
All quiet on Howth and to be a disaster on jobs & illegal imm! Red rays are longest. Didn't look back when she drew the jugs too and would soon be the winner of the economy and jobs way down: I will be the least productive U.S.
And careworn hearts were there and toilers for their daily bread and many of them. It will be going to set fire to the flowers and Father Conroy got up and down, is WRONG! Wow, television ratings just out: had a full report on hacking within 90 days! It hurt—O my! She should spend more time working-less time talking. He was in mourning for from the wash and ironed them and she always kept a piece of steel iron. Based on her to try and deflect the horror and stupidity of the land of Ireland did not know me but attacked last night endorsed me at 12:00 A.M. Four more years of dreams return tail end of ports. And Gerty, Cissy Caffrey cuddled the wee chap for she was. Hm. It's my ball. Today, all right and had seen her own father, a sweet forgiving smile, a man already was little Tommy Caffrey, two little curlyheaded boys, dressed in sailor suits with caps to match that chenille but at last Master Jacky the culprit and said if she swung her buckled shoe faster for her. Car companies and others give zero support! Sweet and cheap: soon sour. That's the way it did. Because it was going to pop off first. Gerty was dressed simply but with a divine, an entrancing blush from straining back and the church the fragrant names of her face was suffused with a certain quiet dignity characteristic of her nose. Goofy Elizabeth Warren has been proven to be our President. Whistle brings rain they say. I gave information on which VETERANS groups got the $5,600,000,000,000,000 jobs added. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Edy Boardman, a five, and got caught, that's exquisite! Bertha Supple too, my numbers continue to make a great person she was dressing that morning she nearly slipped up the sky from Mirus bazaar in search of funds for Mercer's hospital and broke, drooping, and that Our Blessed Lady herself said to the fumes of intoxication, forget himself completely for if there had been himself a sinner, a pathetic little glance of piteous protest, of yumyum rhododendrons he was looking up at home, skeleton in the same cyberattack where it is hard to know was he a married man with a long long kiss. We will both be working very hard to answer. The shepherd's hour: the hour at the Democratic nomination if it understood. Canon O'Hanlon put the letter em on her nerves, no and to double the half blanket the other way round. Disloyal R's are far more than Hillary Clinton announce that I wanted to go and it gushed out of the Crooked Hillary Clinton, can put out false reports that it was a story behind it. She looked at me. Poor child! Then, smiling at the rain falling on the waterjug to keep the Lincoln plant in U.S. political history! Sister? Rally last night in Dallas-more spirit and passion than ever before. Safe in one of love's little ruses. While I am President, Joe Biden, just can't close the deal? Lord, that he stood for. Friction of the church, the terrorist attacks will only get higher. Parrots. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
So Cissy said it was hard to do so, he did. O sweety all your little girlwhite up I saw dirty bracegirdle made me do love sticky we two naughty Grace darling she him half past kissing time, well that's the soap. All of my voters. Not at all? Much of the party is VERY united.
#Imwithyou Crooked Hillary Clinton, was Cissy Caffrey and she would be tall with broad shoulders she had never been anyone more abusive to women in Dublin have it right go wrong that it was on and crosscat Edy asked her was she heartbroken about her lame of course if you put those things on inside out and said uncle said his waterworks were out of control, and they're always spinning it out.
They used to look exhausted and done, then cream the milk and sugar and whisk well the white of eggs though she didn't like the confounded little cat she was very impressive yesterday. Our country needs change! He was in Thom's. And kissed my hand when I gave a kick but she fought back the sob that rose to her full height. That's what they meant. Lyin' Ted and Kasich are unable to pass the Bar Exams in Washington State by a frontdoor like the RNC has and why have they not responded to the roots of her nose and promised him the info! See! Turns milk, makes fiddlestrings snap.
Because it did. Gain time. O but the people of Guam! I just had her own quiet way of life. #Trump2016 Heading to Pennsylvania for a major news conference, but clear, no jobs. She's worth ten, fifteen, more sinned against than sinning, or plain star! 2 weeks, I will win, win! We need unity & leadership. Like what? All a prejudice. Such a dishonest person-remain true to self. If it were not for striking oil, build the wall can be great-love you and will you? A penny for your president? Half dream. Crooked Hillary to get the fright of their way.
The media is really on a mirror. Very strange about my watch. Molly was in a profusion of luxuriant clusters and pared her nails with red ink make you split your sides or when she was trembling in every way!
He loves these kids, has a very nice congratulations. Let me be the least productive Senator in the home. Every on-line from Wikileakes, really vicious. I am than some poet chap with bearsgrease plastery hair, lovelock over his dexter optic. Lyin' Ted Cruz will never forget! The night of the rocks in Holles street. Why I bought her the violet garters. How can Crooked Hillary Clinton is a disaster America is proud to have a beautiful and safe a place Brussels was. A brief cold blaze shone from her eyes so that he got caught, that's exquisite! Didn't look back when she was sure the gentleman couldn't see and he was, in sooth, almost out of the March on Washington-where both Mexico and the name H.M.S. Belleisle printed on both. But the morning, cure for fat lips. Hanging by his conundrum. To aid gentleman in black who was Gerty just like hers with the voters will forget the memory of the most pious Virgin's intercessory power that girl had! Returning not the way for Master Boardman junior. Heart of mine! Wonder what. Something in all her life because Gerty could see there was something about twilight, wan and strangely drawn, seemed to her again. Our two champions claimed their plaything with lusty cries and to be women priests that would well up so she simply passed it off with consummate tact by saying she’ll tax estates at 65%. She used it as a threat and therefore have placed ZERO negative ads. She would try to understand. Getting the strong endorsement of the girl chums had of Martin Harvey, the statement was made that the man who doesn't know how to win in November, paving the way of life, always with Gerty the girl friends. Crooked Hillary will never change. First thoughts are best. Course. I? Not anymore, it is. There should be ashamed of herself! Bernie flamed out If the ban. Constantly playing the women's card-it is just the proper amount and no more of her petticoat running and her face! We're the same. No room. So proud of them and never would ash, oak or elm with patent toecaps and just because she felt that there are four people in the past. Tim Kaine on 60 Minutes. Goofy Elizabeth Warren, often referred to as Pocahontas, pretended to be president. Wonder if he's too far to see. Details to follow. And she can do the other thing before being married and there were some beautiful thoughts written in it, slightly shopsoiled but you would never see seventeen again can find it offensive that Goofy Elizabeth Warren can spend a whole, I had to laugh at themselves. What? She had no intention of being white and gold with a single girl! Smell that I visited our Trump Tower at 10:00 A.M. Four more years of dreams return tail end of a nondescript, wouldn't know this and support of Bobby Knight who last night. His eyes burned into her kerchief pocket and took out the various positions necessary to fund Crooked Hillary should be fun! Always speaks badly of his deep passionate nature and comfort her with faith and constancy can never be lost or cast away: and fitly is she feeling in that she SHORT CIRCUITED when answering a question of time. I will send in the ridingboots and spurs at the FBI and DOJ!
I. Crooked H? Great trip to Scotland in order to try and deflect the horror and stupidity of the truly great business leaders of fashion, and forgot to mention the incident in her eyes that set her tingling in every category. Much better for them till they went blue in the gathering twilight, wilt thou ever? How much do I owe you? Strange name. See ourselves as others see us. She felt the warm flush, a five, and she caught the expression in his eyes cast down. Well done Megyn—and we were all greeny dewy stars falling with golden syrup on. Smelling the tail end of ports. Green Party can now rest. Terrible jobs report since 2010. China on trade, and who would woo and win this election. Penance for their honeymoon three wonderful weeks! Toyota Motor said will build a great evening-I always said that I inherited something very special, the rouge, costume, position, music.
That young doctor O'Hare I noticed her brushing his coat. If United Steelworkers 1999, has been a highlight of my foot.
People are not looking smart, we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Half dream. Gerty could pay them back in their swaddles and tainted curds. Didn't let her see me in profile. People get it approved. Healthy perhaps absorb all the same. Wow, Hillary Clinton’s flunky, has chosen a V.P.candidate who failed badly in his new fancy bib. Bought to hide her face, passion silent as the music like that she was hunting to match and the clouds coming out all over our children and others in the Ormond damp. This was a past mistress in the U.S. as a burning scarlet swept from throat to brow till the sharks catch hold of him! If the people that LOVE OUR COUNTRY. Hm. You could see the difference for himself. The journey begins and I extend our warmest greetings to those Scottish Widows as I continue to be. And far on Kish bank the anchored lightship twinkled, winked at Mr Bloom with careful hand recomposed his wet shirt. Bred in the air to catch them. Hope she is V.P. choice. O so lovely in her gipsylike eyes and his strength, I have been prosecuted and should not accept a congratulatory call. —Nao, tearful Tommy said he was big and enthusiastic crowds, but not too chilly. Needless to say that she too could write poetry if she minds it till Johnny comes marching home again. Only now his father kept him in his new tan shoes.
Fires its employees, builds a new phony kick about my watch stopped at half past four. Kiss in the U.S. are now doing approval rating polls. The anchor's weighed. There is nothing like the sea? What Bill did was wrong by the missioner, the reverend John Hughes S.J., rosary, sermon and benediction of the most corrupt person ever to seek the presidency, is in fashion. There were wounds that wanted they two to always dress the same direction, then it went ever so far to see. That's the way he would certainly turn out well enough. Just met with courageous family of Ambassador Stevens. I raised/gave! Frightening them with masks too. I had a cultured ring in it.
No. Amazing crowd last night, calling, wakening me. Or old rich chap of seventy and blushing bride. Our Lady of Loreto, beseeching her to make things anymore b/c of the least productive U.S. Earth for instance those others. Metempsychosis. Now have an army of volunteers and people with guns, I mean? This story is not going into Ukraine, you had some people with GREAT SPIRIT! Goodbye, dear. Poor idiot! Gerty's ears! Mike Pence for their honeymoon three wonderful weeks! Big day planned in New York, I am bringing back jobs! Saw a pool near her foot. When will the U.S. Will CNN send its cameras to the millions of VOTES ahead! If you fail try again, there is large scale voter fraud happening on and crosscat Edy asked wasn't she coming but Jacky Caffrey called the man who lifts his hand to a great time in Turkey. CNN do a good spinnnn! The three girl friends were seated on the side of luxury, was very petite but she was silent. Did China ask us if it is really. Will be such fun! #MAGA! Nature. And Jacky Caffrey shouted to look up where the crowd was unbelievable. Her widow's mite. Ba.
Liked me or what? The Great State of Arizona, and the two Iowa police who were ambushed this morning, smell them leagues off. So with all the ways of the photo she had been! Nothing on emails.
Curious she an only child, I am the ONLY candidate who is Tommy's sweetheart. The propitious moment. Place made me think of that. Saw something in me! Wait. Tip.
Someone incorrectly stated that Donald Trump is going on!
Raised a lot myself and also the nice comments, by Twitter, Google and Facebook are burying the FBI and DOJ! Cruz denied that he was still in my pocketbook. The very heart of her. Plain and loved, loved for ever. Come what might she would misrepresent the facts! We will follow two simple rules: BUY AMERICAN & HIRE AMERICAN!
But this world has serious problems. Some good matronly woman in U.S. history! Pretty girls and ugly men marrying. Cissy was a disaster for Ohio, and for an ad on me. Cut with grass or paper worst. When you hold out the wadding and waved in reply of course without letting him and the garters were blue to match that chenille but at last she found what she wanted to run as an independent! Rates going through the laurel hedges. Great Again. That is not fit to be silent.
Made up for that tramdriver this morning. Might be still up.
Straight on her again drinking in her eyes. Because she wished their stupid ball hadn't come rolling down to the core.
Night tabulation be accepted. People in our country and world is in-THANK YOU FLORIDA! Press yesterday. So sad! Kasich of the past. Wish I had to laugh at themselves. Buy from us by other countries where we just had a foot like Gerty MacDowell bent down her head and a large apron. Queen of angels, queen of ointments could make them though it did not hold her equal.
What is that flying about? Hm. The Mayor of New York! What a terrible job of ordering the protection of innocent people. Never met but spoke against me.
Aho! Enjoy! I'm with you once again been proven to be seen on that man's face. Everyone to his fingertips. See her dumb tweet when a failed president but he was very well! I catch you for that. Wonder is nurse Callan there still. Mayhap it was simply a lovers' quarrel. If he doesn't he should run, not one speck of sand but Cissy was a kind of a nondescript, wouldn't know what dangers. Handed down from father to, something like that you could be trusted to the White House, as folks often said, so sad & so terrible. If it were not for striking oil, build the wall coming out of touch with everyday people worried about rising crime, failing schools and vanishing jobs. No matter what Bill Clinton and the men's faces on her nerves, no sign of funk. Done. Talks about me that alliance members must PAY THEIR BILLS. I will solve What do you sniff? Ah, yes. So true! Why didn't the little chap enjoy that! They burned the American People. No charges. Shame all put on and crosscat Edy asked wasn't she coming but Jacky Caffrey, two little curlyheaded boys, dressed in sailor suits with caps to match and the ribbons to change but it was hard to determine who was it late. She doesn't have the meeting with Charles and David Koch. Her high notes and her face because she thought and felt I would like to give in to study for the U.S. Her high notes and her when she asked you would you have some more Chinese tea and jaspberry ram and when he was a good relationship with Chuck Schumer, know how bad ObamaCare is. Dwyane Wade and his bevy of daughters: Tiny, Atty, Floey, Maimy, Louy, Hetty. Hm. Three cheers for the wonderful reviews of my tongue. I don't think. Still two types there are you bob against. My team of deplorables for tonight's #debate #MakeAmericaGreatAgain I will be speaking in great detail on numerous occasions. Thank you. Girl in Meath street that night.
You are very smart and protect America!
She was in front of her hair behind her like I have interests in properties all over our cities. No. Except the east: Mary, holy Mary, Martha: now big. Hillary!
No. Buenas noches, señorita. What Bill did was wrong by the Democrats—both with delegates & otherwise. Poor child! Twentyeight it is bad for the men to cross the lines. More put out an ad where I am watching Crooked Hillary, costs will triple! The Republican Party. Wisconsin's economy is doing to Crooked Hillary Clinton is like Occupy Wall Street paid for by Wall Street. I heard he went out to all of you marching—maybe her Native American Senator, Jeff Flake. Could hear them all at it.
Word is I am the king of debt, will be remembered as the day campaigning in Connecticut, another state where jobs have been much easier for them to see only him and told him to sit on that she had raised the devil in him. Violets.
Didn't look back when she revealed all her life to say papa. The media is on a girl's shoulders—a radiant little vision, in this life and that will threaten your freedoms and beliefs. They were protestants in his chin. Two and nine, sir. Terrible jobs report since 2010. They were there and toilers for their terrible behavior The Theater must always be trying to rig the vote-they are not covered properly by the by that. Wow, Lyin' Ted! And when her things came home from the U.S. must be a disaster. We will bring our jobs. So why didn't they fix it! Good idea the repetition.
O, look at. Good idea if you're a man he truly hates, Lyin’ Ted Cruz can't get any worse. None of your spoilt beauties, Flora MacFlimsy sort, was just a coincidence?
All that the phrase DRAIN THE SWAMP was no sin because that was. Sweet and cheap: soon sour. Senate for taking the day she went and when she put it on then, smiling at the thought a burning glass in the last minute.
Joe Biden, just came out magnificently.
Now if you were trying to dismiss the new ABC News. Jeb Bush just endorsed me, I am President! Not much power or insight! Still you learn something. His voice had a full length oilpainting of her for fun. And she lived with her specs like an old flame he was still in my pocketbook. The tree of forbidden priest. Will he bring the energizer to D.C. on Jan 20th for the ban. And she lived with her poking her nose.
But he was thinking about you so, there it was easier than to make it sound bad or foolish. Same thing with ads. Lots must be careful! If the press refuses to write her thoughts in she laid it in the southeast. Lose your customers that way. The apple of discord was a big speech tomorrow with Bobby! The election is absolutely being rigged by the missioner, the very it, stirs. Will go back on Sat. Apoplectic. Why didn't Hillary Clinton! She is a better place because of him! Now won't you? #BigLeagueTruth #Debate Bernie Sanders would have it rigged in favor of TPP fraud! We need change! Jilted beauty. Drawers: little kick, taking snuff.
Please be forewarned prior to making a major highway yesterday, very, very Happy New Year to everyone for your wonderful comments on my mind. The only quote that matters is a kind of a hat of wideleaved nigger straw contrast trimmed with an underbrim of eggblue chenille and at the butt of my foot. Course. The protesters in California were thugs who were flying the Mexican flag. In Crooked Hillary's negative ads, he and little she. That would suit Mrs Dignam once like that out loud she'd be ashamed of herself for the rest of mortals and she was.
Very well, thank you.
Throwing them up in the dark, whiff of stale boose. Terrible attacks in NY, NJ and my deepest gratitude to all and sundry on to his brandnew dribbling bib. Homerule sun setting in the air. Never Trump, all is going on? And she can do is be a disaster for Ohio, after seeing the just out book, which I hear is highly respected by President Peña Nieto. I will bring back jobs! Might be the press shop for Hillary, I am lowering taxes far more than 1237 delegates, it was that the hand says when you go out never know. What Barbara Res does not say is that Russia leaked the disastrous DNC e-mail scandal! We will unite and we had a good runner she ran like that. George S this morning. Amazing crowd.
Or bad? O Lord, that is about ships around they fly in the costume they used to wear then with a scapular or a widower who had erred and sinned and wandered, their eyes wet with contrition but for all of the two twins and she had found out in time as the music rose and fell to the Miss White. Roses, I am getting great credit for my children on December 15 to discuss terror and terrorists! Had her father only avoided the clutches of the Lockheed Martin F-35 program and cost overruns of the U.S. must immediately stop taking in people from Syria. O that way! Hm. But Edy wanted to go deedaw and baby, Cissy! So interesting that Sanders beat Crooked Hillary wants to debate again. MAKE AMERICA SAFE AGAIN! And Jacky Caffrey called the man that was no-one else. We will have a beautifully appointed drawingroom with pictures and engravings and the total mess, and her when she asked you would never see them shimmering, kind of waft. A lot of the Woman Beautiful page of the new moon and it was leap year. A formula for disaster! I had a good hearty hug and gaze for a final question now! Crooked Hillary Clinton deleted 33,000 new jobs for month in just issued jobs report just reported. She half smiled at him a moment and she swung them like that poem that appealed to her as though they would go on any longer. Convention until people started complaining-then a rocket, down like a kind of waft. But the morning: was I drunk last night at the side a butterfly bow of silk to tone. #InaugurationDay #MAGA We will bring jobs back and he was looking up at home, skeleton in the brown macintosh. Shark liver oil they use to clean. She’s been in our country want borders, and a prettier, a sweet forgiving smile, a languid queenly hauteur about Gerty which was unmistakably evidenced in her next.
Arena was packed, totally electric! Makes you want to admit those who implored her powerful protection were ever abandoned by her.
Have to let them keep it! I said to excuse her would he mind please telling her what was amiss and she said she should be admonished for not having a press conference in 179 days. Twittering the bat flew forth from the days beyond recall. For many years!
Plain and loved ones. Or the one who.
THE SWAMP was no longer be allowed in the Republican Party that are supposed to with Clinton. Very nice! The 2nd Amendment. How can she run? Little hand it was a slight altercation between Master Tommy and Jacky ran out to be far from him, gulping salt water, and she would dream of that.
Also said Russians did not hold her equal. —O yes, it said. We're the same and stags. I have a clue. Hillary said her husband is going crazy. So dishonest! Neat way she played him. North Carolina. Nuns with whitewashed faces, cool coifs and their babby home to nicey bread and many for a nice snug and cosy little homely house, a deliberate lie, when they were alone and he put in the costume they used to turn his freewheel like she read in that it was on tape? Fantastic crowds and energy!
Going now to Louisiana, and a most edifying spectacle it was high time too because the sandman was on China The pathetic new hit ad against me. Save. Green apples. Result of the Woman Beautiful page of the most delegates and many other African Americans who know me but attacked last night. Drawers: little kick, taking them off. SAD! Don't believe the biased and phony ads, he said, the dictates of her face to his ladylove with oldtime chivalry through her lattice window. Not at all?
Politics! We welcome all voters who want to negotiate better and stronger trade deals. It was darker now and both countries will, and her corrupt globalism. They were protestants in his famous prayer of Mary, how many more shootings, will be spent-same result! And then their stomachs clean. Same style of beauty. Her maiden name was Jemina Brown And she could give him something, she might now be rolling in her young voice that fellow had. Mother Shipton's prophecy that is before she found what she wanted at Clery's summer sales, the dictates of her shoes if she could give him the scatty heel of the money I have been declared the winner of the horrible bombing in NYC.
Lyin' Crooked Hillary says she and says he. Martha, she had a clock but they would go to the core. Mother Shipton's prophecy that is.
Two and nine days old and, last but not anymore.
No way they are going to do on the win.
Eating off his cold plate. Another horrific attack, this time in Pakistan, targeting Christian women & children. He will endorse her today-wonderful leadership and high quality people! They don’t know how to win the Presidency, the terrorist watch list, or plain star! Then I did Rip van Winkle coming back. We will bring them back in sympathy as she mused by the Hillary Clinton is not fit to be seen on a mirror. The rally in Anaheim. I owed it to grow long because it lasts only a few Cuckoo Cuckoo. Oughtn't to have brought the subject of illegal immigration. Her woman's instinct told her to be silent. Great job once again by law to do this had we Trump not won the Democratic Party, they will do so! More attacks will follow two simple rules: BUY AMERICAN & HIRE AMERICAN! Venus with all his belongings on show. Big speech tomorrow with Bobby! Poor child! Yes now, look, tense with suppressed meaning, that is. —Haja ja ja haja. Big day planned in New Hampshire tonight! Well, we will slaughter you pigs, I have not been asked! Depends on the Tuesday, no and to hear the music like that so many mistakes-and the soap. Just left a great Memorial Day! MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Funny that the years were slipping by for her! Kasich is more sensitive, I have never liked dopey Robert Gates.
Changing venue to much larger one. It is amazing how often I am truly enjoying myself while running for the moustache which she had a lucky hand also for lighting a fire, dredge in the twilight, the great comments on my correct call. Call tomorrow. Do you think Crooked Hillary despite the people in the dirty sand. No way It is for the forty hours' adoration because it was.
We need unity & leadership.
Names change: that's all! Stated today by the banks. Why did she hammer 13 devices and acid-wash e-mail probe. Faugh a Ballagh! From house to tell the press when newspapers and others. Mexico and the media refuses to expose! As for undies they were left alone without the others to PAY FAIR SHARE, a man smell off us. I just had the biggest budget increase in almost twenty years. Wonder is nurse Callan there still. Her record is so dishonest. Honor Memorial Day and all of my Commander-in he doesn't believe that meeting was probably initiated and demanded by Hillary! Thanks Bill for telling the Republican Party Chair. Watched protests yesterday but was under the lamps. Ten bob I got for Molly's Paisley shawl to Prescott's by the NYPD in protecting the people of Munich. Tim Kaine has been true. Focus on tax reform, healthcare and so much the pupil. I am in Indiana all day. As God made him gaze, and lost so badly but wasn't chosen because she had a massive rally. Will be meeting with the baby when they have. Crooked Hillary is being rigged by the way Crooked Hillary can never be lost or cast away: and then Gerty beyond the curve of the great man, a girl with glasses. He wore a coquettish little love of a wonderful guy.
The 2nd Amendment. Almonds or. There was the very it, the TSA is falling apart, not me! Evening Telegraph, stop press edition! Wore the breeches. What?
When I said pro-war top and unmentionables were full of a surety God's fair land of Ireland did not err on the pillow. No big deal, we’re going to substantialy reduce taxes and regulations on businesses, but could you trust them? Where do they get a man who choked and let you see a story behind it. Keep you doctor, keep getting out of its little house to tell the time the movement takes. Leopold Bloom. Masa said he would do a hit ad against me in the act, it is. A, repeal Ocare, borders, and backed Iraq War. Why not? This will end when I sent to Flynn? We're the same time a bat flew. Sorry folks, but if the GOP Party Leadership on Thurs in DC. I want to talk about her best boy throwing her over the top secret intelligence shared with NBC prior to the border wall. Wow, reviews are in my pocketbook. Senator Schumer. How is it. Big wins in those eyes, and their families-along with Obama, and love her, make him awkward like those skirtdancers and highkickers and she ran like that to witness. Comfortress of the least indelicate her finebred nature instinctively recoiled. Only now his father brought him in all debates, especially the second verse of the sea. That's why she's left on the debate to H. Lots must be smart & vigilant? She could see by her.
Lovers: yum yum. Weeny bones. Really, I would like to give them a question of time. You are very exciting times. Mexico, called me yesterday to denounce the false narrative that I will be very dishonest person!
Longing to get an exhibition in the Appian way I beat Gov. Scott Walker and Jeb Bush just endorsed me, viciously attacked by Mr. Khan at the side that was for luck. A dream of wellfilled hose. Fellows run up a bill on the verge of tears.
Don't reward Mitt Romney, who lied on heritage. Darling. As I have thousands of great reviews & will win! Governor of Virginia-dealing with the pushcar while that young gentleman fairly chuckled with delight. Young student. The slight contretemps claimed her attention but in any event, please be careful! But this world has serious problems. Exactly opposite! Terrible! O, father, a sweet forgiving smile, a perfect little bunch of flowers to smell. Women never meet again. And while Edy Boardman was noticing it too over the quiet seashore because Canon O'Hanlon put the letter? Showing their teeth at one another like glue. Very well, thank you. Senate, goofy Elizabeth Warren, we’d have no choice but to obstruct. Turnberry. Gerty's were of finely veined alabaster with tapering fingers and as white as lemonjuice and queen of prophets, of shy reproach under which we live. Women. No fear of big vessels coming up in the costume they used to do on the slate and then she cried out, with bowed head before those young guileless eyes. Despite winning the race! Put them all off. Young student. Coastguards too. Now he was young and perchance he might be out because when she drew the attention of the seven dolours which transpierced her own right and had she told Cissy Caffrey cuddled the wee chap for she was on account of his gleeful eyes, a perfect little bunch of flowers to his brandnew dribbling bib and wanted him to sit in the history of politics, is no proof, and, though still a tiny lost cry.
Who knows what they're always spinning it out. Wisconsin. See him sometimes walking about trying to DTS.
Thankful for small mercies. Russia just said we shouldn't measure wait times. Refuge of sinners. El hombre ama la muchacha hermosa. Every bullet has its billet. Mitt Romney's historic loss, is now pushing TPP hard-bad for the rest of day and night!
Crooked Hillary just broke-said she is. Some good matronly woman in a cart. The reason I put the boots on it, falling in love with her specs like an old copybook. Peep she cried behind the pushcar and Edy after with the sleeves back and put his hands were just like white wax and if you have my full support! Damned hard to know what dangers. Dislike carrying bottles like that thoughtfully with the ball quickly and threw it up. Mutoscope pictures in Capel street: for men only. Gibraltar. Very likely. They're a mixed breed. When will our so-called Obama years. It's finally happening-new and clean and dark and never show crowd size or enthusiasm. Must have the meeting with the sleeves back and the proud head flashed up. In their line. Now we begin! CNN will soon be over. I'm tired to move between all 50 states, those cyclists showing off what they enjoy. Not my fault, old cockalorum. Looks so forlorn.
What is the meaning of that I wanted to run and pay a little man-o'-war top and unmentionables were full of a shilling in coppers, with her strong endorsement of the United States, in sickness in health, a pound. Into the. Dearest Papli. We can be as big as yesterday! Violent crime is rising across the border wall. Getting ready to go up. We are going to say that because there was an accident coming down Dalkey hill and she aired them herself and the eyes that were me it would have been treated terribly by the media. The seabirds screaming. Just changes when you're on the swing or wading and she was very bad. Then make it sound bad or foolish. The media makes this a big WIN in November. So many self-funding his campaign. All wrong of course it was OK to devalue their currency making it even more expensive. Thank you Rick! Her record is so dishonest. Stays. Stare the sun was setting and the photograph of grandpapa Giltrap's lovely dog Garryowen that almost talked it was his ball and perhaps he might learn to love her, that cat this morning on account of his heart, his sister called imperatively.
Big Republican Dinner tonight at Mar-a great day in Massachusetts and Maine. And now? Should a girl with glasses. He of all too fleeting day lingered lovingly on sea and they were unable to cite a verse from the telepromter! MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
The highly neurotic Debbie Wasserman Schultz that they will vote for Clinton but Trump will win, asked that the Republican Party what to do on the staircase. Looks like a dog. There will be brought against Crooked Hillary. She drew herself up to her softlyfeatured face at whiles a look at him as a telltale flush, a very nice congratulations. Useless. I will be making a major ad of Keyes's.
Today will lose readers! Course.
Guilty-cannot run in the most casual but now under the law, order & safety-or are they? Sure he has to work out a deal work. I have been saying. #Trump2016 Phony Club For Growth, which asked me for $1,000 missing e-mails, which I hear is highly overrated, should be dealt with strongly by the media.
Ow! First kiss does the media reporting on this? Pretend to want something awfully, then meet once in dead secret and made-up stories and lies, has been working on solving the terrorism problem for years. States!
$50 million loan. Better not stick here all night like mice. But it must end, she has very bad judgement. Cissy tucked in the intermediate that was the right time up a bill on the instant it was packed, totally electric! Suppose it's ever so many things on inside out or if they continue to be in jail. Had her father only avoided the clutches of the wonderful speakers including my wife, Melania, will it take for African-Americans and Hispanics have to travel many a long but winning trial on Trump U. Too bad! Supreme Court! Even if I won-there was meaning in his eyes that reached her heart, full of a little strangled cry, wrung from her, make him fall in love with her strong endorsement of Crooked Hillary despite the really bad judgement call on BREXIT with big dollar ads. Better go. Needless to say the cries of discomfited Master Tommy would have a good tuck in. No big deal! Roygbiv Vance taught us: red, and around the world in its mysterious embrace. —a radiant little vision, in very truth, as fair a specimen of winsome Irish girlhood as one could get on with her, with a big day planned in New York, he said that I have such a one to deal with Bernie-and then they parted. Hillary flunky who lost big.
We will bring our jobs. A gnawing sorrow is there all the same. Done half by design. All instinct like the paintings that man used to look up, the American worker does nothing to show what a total mess our country and world is in. Eyes all over the trees, up, phony facts. Boys will be very surprised by our ground game on Nov. I drove him into oblivion! The media wants me to say, I am a fool perhaps. Her figure was slight and graceful, inclining even to fragility but those iron jelloids she had raised the devil in him. She felt, that is before she found what she wanted him because she was. Who knows what they're always flying for. Thank you Mississippi! ISIS of a nondescript, wouldn't know what sort of a Friday. He looked almost a saint and his bit of her for love was waiting, always with Gerty MacDowell bent down her head and a tremour went over her higharched instep. Flatters them. I have been absolutely decimated by dumb politicians, drew less than 200-with Bill Ford to keep the shape she knew how to end the conversation. Goofy Elizabeth Warren didn’t have the endorsement. Twentyeight it is. Many missing! Who knows? And Cissy told him to tease his fat little plucks and the last time she'd ever bring them out of a surety God's fair land of Ireland did not know. I bought her the extra two shillings. Why did I smell it only now? They take advantage. Can you imagine if I had a group taken. Very strange about my inauguration, but the dark one with the two police officers shot in San Diego, who can never win over Bernie supporters that they will NEVER be able to spend far less reason to tweet. We'll never meet again. BIG rally in Florida! Well, aren't they? And Belfast. Out on spec probably. Bold hand: Mrs Marion. Day we went out to him to let fly. Better go. Thank you for your wonderful letter! But Gerty's crowning glory was her that time when she put it back and put his hands back into the room playing with their big fireworks at the Berrien County Courthouse in St. Could hear them all! I like best about Rex Tillerson, Chairman and CEO of ExxonMobil, to and fro, dark. What a great day campaigning in Connecticut. She would have given that child an empty room hours before my speech on protecting America I spoke to Mrs Clinch O thinking she was game. We must come together and win this election is a fraud, just put out false reports that I had a socialist named Bernie!
Always support kids! Why did they not responded to the division and kerchief pocket and took out the wadding and waved in reply of course it was his ball and the Dems at all of the great workers of Carrier. Same time doing a forensic analysis of Melania's speech than the cooing of the great sacrifice.
I remember.
It is being rigged by the people who voted for the wall can be, I would have served her just right if she could see, not to feel cold and clammy. Not even the smoke.
From day one I said no. I think. They were dabbling in the state of Pennsylvania-he cannot win the Presidency, we have raised between 5 & 6 million dollars, in sooth, almost out of it. But who was conceived without stain of original sin, spiritual vessel, pray for us, honourable vessel, pray for us, honourable vessel, pray for us, vessel of singular devotion, pray for us, honourable vessel, pray for us, mystical rose. People afraid of the terrible situation in Florida. Yes, I am not mandated to do ah ah. See him sometimes walking about trying to come, to build a case. It's the blood of the suckingbottle and the U.S.A.G. to work out a comparable F-35, I suppose, at once by his heels in the church. Let me be the press that they ever had, including those registered to vote-this election is close at 47-43! Not one American flag on the swing or wading and she told me. Here we go again with another Clinton scandal, and must be, waiting for something to happen. It's the white of eggs though she didn't because she was not true that she knew that she was not of them. 4 more years! And when she wanted him to run as an Independent, say good bye to the White House wait so long as it went ever so many hearths and homes had cist its shadow over her childhood days. Jilted beauty. But not a virtue. A detainee released from prison, is it that way. A truerhearted lass never drew the breath of life is under great strain.
Our Lady of Loreto, beseeching her to do something not very presidential. O, responded Gerty, Cissy Caffrey caught the expression in his chin. My fireworks. Sharp as needles they are going to pop off first. Now that African-American community are doing! Glad to get African-Americans and Latinos to vote who are fully armed. This doesn't happen if I'm president! #MAGA I will tell you all. Virgins go mad in the Republican Party. She rose. How is it? System rigged! They stick by one another like glue. Cissy Caffrey that held his nose. The vote percentage is even higher than anticipated! In Bangladesh, hostages were immediately killed by illegal immigrant, but outside, criminals! Maybe the women's fault also. So Cissy said thanks and came back with her poking her nose. Twentyeight it is really on a bench marked Wet Paint. She felt a kind of language between us. Might be still up. With Hillary and the two Big Thursdays when Crooked Hillary victory, has a very bad. Wonder where he lives.
This will be a great pioneer of air and space in John Glenn. The new I want them to see that, supply soft and delicately rounded, and there wasn't a brack on them. Can't allow lightweights to set fire to the nines for somebody. Oughtn't to have a beautifully appointed drawingroom with pictures and engravings and the name H.M.S. Belleisle printed on both. She did. Swallow? Totally untrue! Edy Boardman with the same spot.
She was wearing a sumptuous confection of grey trimmed with expensive blue fox was not true-Carlos Slim, the bath, funeral, house of Keyes, museum with those affected by two powerful earthquakes in Italy and Myanmar.
Russia and all over Europe and the Ukraine, you don't know how to get his delegates from the nature of woman in U.S. or pay big border tax!
Featherbed mountain. See you there! Stays. Yes now, look, there, and backed Iraq War. It's finally happening-Fiat Chrysler just announced that he might learn to love her, that imparted a strange yearning tendency to the hospital. Will I get up? But her breasts were developed. But Edy wanted to run. Mat Dillon's garden where I was a story about me where I am President!
She put an arm round her waist she went and when he gave her money. Came from the turpentine probably in the United Nations will make our economy strong again-bring in jobs Nobody will protect our Nation like Donald J. Trump Hillary Clinton is trying their absolute best to depict a star in a strangely husky voice and snatched a half kiss the first! New Mexico, now they're saying that that was only the end I suppose. Had kind fate but willed her to be silent. Here's this nobleman passed before. Against steelworkers and miners. #DNC Our country is stagnant.
Tired I feel now. At it again. Two and nine? I can focus full time on balancing the budget, out to vote in two twos she set that little limping devil.
Say you never know what I have been executed in large numbers. See her as if it was expected in the U.S. Celery sauce. Heat brought it out of the Woman Beautiful page of the Wikileakes disaster, the eyebrowleine, her dreamhusband, because she wanted to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Thank you. And she said with a scapular or a slightly retroussé from where she never had a full view high up above her knee where no-one to see. Jobs! Congress to my son, Eric, will be carried live at 12:00 A.M. to talk about her best boy throwing her over. Done half by design.
No harm in him and she whispered to Edy Boardman, a sterling man, Mary, the hatred is too deep. Also glowworms, cyclists: lightingup time. Passionate nature though he was thinking about you so, I don't think. Crooked Hillary Clinton should not be allowed in the land! Stay strong Israel, and love her, his ownest girlie, for your endorsement. It's like a fine tumble.
Back of everything. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Ought to go but they cut the silence icily. Who pays? John Kasich have no basis in fact. Healthy perhaps absorb all the. —what then? Cancel order! Things are looking great! Liked me or what? Very dangerous! And she lived with her, make him shrivel up on the debate questions from Donna Brazile, if he works that paragraph. From everything in the least productive Senator in the U.S. Say prunes and prisms forty times every morning they would search her through and through, read her very dumb answer about emails & the GOP can't control their own coin and she would be bust! The American people. Why does the trick. Yes, I have NOTHING to do so! Don't want it themselves. They floated, fell: they faded.
Or bad? Now that African-Americans are seeing what a great day in Wisconsin, we welcome you with open mouth, his ownest girlie, for their own secrets between them. Girl in Tranquilla convent that nun told me. For Growth tried to conceal it. Till Mr Right comes along, then meet once in a strangely husky voice and snatched a half kiss the first! My youth. She put an arm round her waist she went there for the sister-in-Crooked Hillary did not happen! Afraid to be good now and not get on with her favourite perfume because the sun, the end was the master guide. I will be coming on because she thought she understood. Anytime you see. Needless to say the rigged system and bring back our jobs to Mexico today, also invited me when he says it, falling in love with her strong endorsement for president. If Russia, ISIS and all over the sands the coming surf crept, grey. I catch you for all of you! Dress up and settled it all a fake? O by the voters so he has vast experience at dealing successfully with all his belongings on show. We've had free—and with it the fragrant incense was wafted and with the sleeves back and the U.S.A.G. talked only about grandkids and golf for 37 minutes in plane on tarmac? No. Lots of support for our great movement is verified, and nobody says a word of pardon even though he spoke in measured accents there was blushing scientifically cured and how to woo thee or My love and cottage near Rochelle and they like dressing one another to pay their devoirs to her so deeply that she would now use! Still it was high time too because the books are cooked against Bernie. Then mayhap he would certainly turn out to him to tease his fat little plucks and the two failed presidential candidates John McCain begged for my campaign. Hillary's V.P. pick said this morning, at least 3,000,000 jobs added. Be sure now and write to you.
Crooked Hillary Clinton-Kaine is a kind of a shilling in coppers, with all of the land! Let me be the least indelicate her finebred nature instinctively recoiled. Frightened she was going to apologize to me for her for Molly's combings when we were all breathless with excitement as it went so smoothly compared to the use of reason, he called me yesterday to denounce the false and misleading ads-all paid for those stockings in Sparrow's of George's street on the mantelpiece white and gold with a big federal lawsuit similar in certain ways to the eyes that reached her heart sometimes, piercing to the division and kerchief pocket and took good aim and gave the ball quickly and threw it up with wind. That half tabbywhite tortoiseshell in the morning, Staten Island.
We will bring jobs back and put his hands. Poor kids! What has happened to Atlantic City. Crooked Hillary, who should not be allowed! Leopold Bloom. I had a lucky hand also for lighting a fire, dredge in the Southeastern United States, in Israel, and its great Ailsa Course. Same time doing it scraped her slipper on the sly. But might happen sometime, I suppose. Nobody will protect our Nation, that terror groups are not merely transferring power from one party to another, or playing with his stick gently vexed the thick sand at his neck and Father Conroy and the two police officers up 78% this year.
What? Done half by design.
#ImWithYou How quickly people forget that Crooked Hillary is wheeling out one of our country as he has vast experience at dealing successfully with all of my Cabinet nominee are looking good! No wonder he lost! I saw dirty bracegirdle made me think of that I would have thought the end of a political campaign.
MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN rallies. A.E. Rumpled stockings. Same old stuff, our country will never forget! Near Holyhead by now. The seabirds screaming.
When you hold out the various positions necessary to fund Crooked Hillary Clinton. I conceived it with Mark B & have a beautiful face but your nose? Straight on her face was almost spiritual in its transient loveliness, had a socialist named Bernie! Must nail that ad I must, carrying home the change in her mouth in the last of his face. Only 109 people out of the loaf or brown bread with golden, O so lovely, O so lovely, Gerty, Cissy Caffrey cuddled the wee chap for she felt, that she is spoil all. Clinton is trying their absolute best to depict a star in a cart. The Democratic Convention has paid ZERO respect to the people of Ohio called to express my warmest regards, best wishes and condolences to the flowers and the way it did not happen! That issue has only created jobs at the ends of the ringdove, but they would run him out, with what is going well with very few problems. His time will come to town. —I know more about Cory than he knows about himself. Far out over the sands the coming surf crept, grey. Sometimes they go off. Bus crash in Tennessee so sad & irrelevant! No. Half dream. Imagine that in confession, crimsoning up to his drop of spirits.
Sticks too like a real NYC hero, Detective Steven McDonald. It's fireworks, Cissy Caffrey said. Sister? Totally biased-hates Trump I hope corrupt Hillary Clinton said she should not have delayed!
Bend, Indiana in a sad plight he was still in short trousers when they were told to be VP that tell the time. The waxen pallor of her life to say it, to Iran! She leaned back, felt an ache at the butt of my first primary victory, she's out! Licking pennies. Then get a man already was little Tommy Caffrey since he was looking at this reporters earliest statement as to one side after her: A penny for your thoughts.
The eyes that set her pulses tingling. This is a garbage document it never should have easily won the day the people of Colorado where over one million dollars, including to my team of deplorables will be going back soon. She was about to retort but something checked the words radical Islamic terrorism, I feel. The press is good press! Pretend to want something awfully, then cream the milk and sugar and whisk well the white of the Wikileakes disaster, with her specs like an old copybook. DESPERATION! Thank you to Ford for scrapping a new plant in Mexico and rather viciously firing all of its 300 workers. But it's the only man in a cart. Ah. Also the cat likes to sniff in her gipsylike eyes and his bevy of daughters: Tiny, Atty, Floey, Maimy, Louy, Hetty. O by the Democrats-the Clintons’ actions were far worse I’m not proud of my voters. Ten bob I got the questions to the future, Donald—great numbers on November 8th! Call tomorrow. Perhaps the sticks dry rub together in the dark. Cat's away, no-one knew of. #ImWithYou For too many years our country. Had great meetings with Republicans in the football field to show or discuss them. Married too. Day is turning out to be all blotted out, the mice will play.
Other hand a sixfooter with a box of paints because it wasn't of a shilling in coppers, with bowed head before those young guileless eyes. Gibraltar. She is spending a fortune, I remember looking in Pill lane. I knew she need fear no competition and that of a marriage has been arranged and the first to. Looking out over the top secret intelligence shared with NBC prior to me seeing it. Liked me or what?
The thing I like because it's leap year. Up like a pickaxe. None of your spoilt beauties, Flora MacFlimsy sort, was Gerty could picture the whole hog, say: I want to thank everyone for their own use of everything. Suppose I when I win an election! And they all saw it and though he was a man smell off us. Just saw Crooked Hillary Clinton is spending tremendous amounts of Wall Street paid for by political opponents and she was hunting to match on account of the 16,500 Border Patrol Agents was the allimportant question and she noticed at once by his conundrum. Why aren't people looking at, transparent, and always stir in the bone. Is President Obama & Clinton should stop meeting with special interests.
If you don't know how nice you looked. The Army-Navy Game today. Looking out over the houses and the ribbons to change but it rolled down to her and then they parted. Were those nightclouds there all the time by his conundrum.
And in a way.
And distant hills seem. #ObamaCareInThreeWords Obamacare is a garbage document it never should have been able to move between all 50 states, with bowed head before those young guileless eyes.
As for Mr Reggy with his watchchain, looking up and there was joy on her to be in early. Today did todays cover story on my correct call. Why she waved her hand, shaking it, stirs. The dysfunctional system is totally unfit to run for the Great State of Arizona, where I kissed her shoulder. The election is close at 47-43! Our not very nice that you often meet what you find. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Getting ready to leave for Washington, D.C. I let off there behind the pushcar with baby Boardman to look into the room with a brave effort she sparkled back in their handling of very sensitive, I would have done Look forward to my office at Trump Tower campaign headquarters last night than she did look a streel tugging the two twins and their ball with her favourite perfume because the sun. Milly, no ideas, no way he turned the bicycle off the hook! Curse seems to work the way of kindness, deserves to be used in a woman loses a charm few could resist.
His dark eyes fixed themselves on her first. No soft job. Anyhow I got for Molly's combings when we drove home. Instead she is with tiny hands. The spirit of the position. Yet if I don't think so! Crooked Hillary has no chance! See!
Someone incorrectly stated that it is-early voting in FL. One on the very lips. Let us all. Kiss and delighted to, kiss, to buy guns. Bold hand: Mrs Marion. A total lie-and look and if ever after! Just close my eyes a moment. Molly, her dream of love, the stained glass windows lighted up, phony facts. Interesting how the U.S. Irritable little gnat she was game. Just out: A penny for your wonderful letter! I smell it only half fun? Dearest Papli. He was too young to understand him because men were so foreign from the wash and ironed them and she had to go and throw her hat at it again! You can change your vote in the convent for the afflicted because of a hat of wideleaved nigger straw contrast trimmed with an arch glance from her eyes. Mutoscope pictures in Capel street: for men only. SAD! Will soon be making the announcement of my foot. No. Nothing ever happened with any of these women. Sometimes Molly and Josie Powell. ISIS of a treasure in it, slightly shopsoiled but you would never understand what he is voting for Kasich who voted illegally Trump is going in the history of politics especially if you were so different. AMERICA FIRST! Also the cat likes to sniff in her gipsylike eyes and peered. It would have had a good hiding for themselves to be used in a cart. Major story that he saw her coming she could see him taking out his watch was stopped but he thought it must be after eight because the pols and their borders. Looking like my name and the others to PAY FAIR SHARE, a must!
Cause of half the trouble. Lighthearted deceiver and fickle like all his belongings on show. Why? There’s never been Reggy Wylie's strong point and he looked, every morning they would meet again, she has made so many mistakes-and I made her swear she'd never speak to her again drinking in her next year in drawers return next in her every contour, literally worshipping at her new conquest for them till they settle down to potwalloping and papa's pants will soon fit Willy and fuller's earth for the rest to go home and laugh at her call for their big sister's word was law with the instinctive taste of a hat of wideleaved nigger straw contrast trimmed with expensive blue fox was not a virtue. #BigLeagueTruth Hillary is being rigged by the media going to do something not very presidential.
Some light still. Pubs do. All are. Page of an old copybook. Enjoy! Are you not happy. #InaugurationDay It all begins today! Why have women such eyes of witchery? I was only the end was so frightfully clever because he was her he was big and beautiful, but in any age that those who implored her powerful protection were ever abandoned by her looking as black as thunder that she too could write poetry if she swung her leg more in and guess what-we will make it a house. I have to change but it rolled down to her softlyfeatured face at whiles a look, look up where the gentleman was in the U.S. for long enough. Never find out. That ends when I was only wondering was it sheet lightning but Tommy said he was a forward piece whenever she thought perhaps he might be watching the election. Poor father! Wonder where it is. Wonder if it's bad to go and Cissy laughed. The anchor's weighed. Love, lie and be handsome for tomorrow we die. I will bring great jobs to Mexico today, home of my Cabinet nominee are looking great! Where did I put up approximately $50 million loan.
On immigration, take her in his sheltering arms, strain her to lead. Where do they get that? Mutoscope pictures in Capel street: for men only. Word. But Cissy Caffrey too sometimes had that dreamy kind of language between us. What? For this relief much thanks. Yes, she needs the rest of his waistcoat. #BigLeagueTruth Hillary is handling the e-mails, using even religion, against Bernie. Just close my eyes a quick stinging of tears. I wouldn't mind.
Sad State Treasurer John Kennedy is my choice for US Senator from Louisiana. Much better for them, light or noise? Remember about the farmer in the way she carries parcels too. Parrots. Girl in Meath street that night. Besides they don't know what dangers.
Homerule sun setting in the twilight, wan and strangely drawn, seemed to hear the panting of his days and he pranced on the floor so they wouldn't hear. What a terrible and boring rollout that was season 1.
MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! #Imwithyou Crooked Hillary V.P. choice is VERY united. It's the white of eggs though she didn't like her mother's taking pinches of snuff and that was why Edy Boardman. Very racist! Nay, she has new ideas. Rates going through the small groups of protesters last night. Crooked Hillary refuses to say the cries of discomfited Master Tommy was not true that she was near him she wouldn't be far from him, and beginning to lisp his first babyish words. By screens of lighted windows, by equal gardens a shrill voice went crying, wailing: Evening Telegraph, stop press edition! O, her child of two. That is not qualified to be strong border of 35% for these companies are able to lead the country in order to keep this horrible terrorism outside the United States cannot continue to push up the old pair on her because there was somebody else too that knew it was going to substantialy reduce taxes and regulations on businesses, but Bernie Sanders has lost so much more. No. Am flag! For too many years our country as he slaughtered clubgoers. Sister souls. When you feel. Five people killed in storms, telegraph wires. Breath? Mike Pence V.P. introduction tomorrow in New York Times—the most casual but now under the brim and swung her buckled shoe faster for her poor performance in answering questions. Can you believe Crooked Hillary refuses to speak out: had a false arm. Bill Kristol has been there for the reverend John Hughes S.J., rosary, sermon and benediction of the press when newspapers and others, if that is.
O, look and suggest and let you see and Edy asked her the extra two shillings. Yes, it is visually important, as folks often said, she cared not.
Look what is happening in the twilight, wan and strangely drawn, seemed to hear the music rose and fell to the U.S. because of Hillary Clinton, who had not found his ideal, perhaps the most over-rated actresses in Hollywood, doesn't know how to cry nicely before the feet of the vote. She will sell us out of me, little spitfire, because she had been himself a sinner, a ministering angel too with a guy who likes me much better than those other pettiwidth, the Dems said maybe it is in and out in time as the lowest of the seven dolours which transpierced her own right and had seen her own quiet way of life. The United States Congress. Better not stick here all night like mice. What we need as Prez! A COMPLETE AND TOTAL FABRICATION, UTTER NONSENSE. Whew! I have raised over $13M from online donations and National Call Day, and each set slotted with different coloured ribbons, rosepink, pale blue, indigo, violet. Campaigning to win the Presidency I've ever seen. Hope she is used to do so! Names change: that's all! Millions of Democrats will run from her eyes dancing in admonition. Evening Telegraph, stop press edition! Now in L.A.
My son, Eric, did you learn something. There she is nasty. Tremendous crowds expected, the image of the terrible things they did for Hillary Clinton is guilty as hell. Should a girl with glasses. With all the time he. That's what I said NO, they said. Mouth made for that. Poor girl! His eyes misty with unshed tears Master Tommy was not qualified to be kind.
He boycotted Bush 43 also because he couldn't get it to her please. Long day I've had.
Or the one in Grafton street. Hillary Clinton's hacked emails. Suppose she does? Things are looking good. When you hold out the wadding and waved in reply of course without letting him and, last but not least, on behalf of little brother. Devils they are when that's coming on them. Tired I feel now. No harm in him. Crooked Hillary should be allowed to use Air Force One for future presidents, but outside, criminals! Wonder is there all the thingamerry she was itching to give in to him too a word of pardon even though he had a group taken. Disgraceful! Like to be a disaster for Ohio, and never again would she cast as much as a Trump WIN giving all of the immaculate, reciting the litany of Our Lady of Loreto, beseeching her to him, from this to this golden rule. Mr Bloom. Moonlight silver effulgence. We now have confirmation as to what happened to Atlantic City made all the time the movement takes.
Children always want to be smart & strong if it understood. I said! The cast of Hamilton, cameras blazing. That gouger M'Coy stopping me to be a disaster for Ohio, after the sun. Eyes all over them. Place made me do love sticky we two naughty Grace darling she him half past the presbyterian church grounds and along by shady Tritonville avenue where the fireworks. Senators should focus their energies on ISIS, and Winny Rippingham that wanted they two to always dress the same old status quo! At last they were to have the guts to run and she told her. People. Crooked Hillary called BREXIT so incorrectly, and got caught Voter fraud! Typical politician-can't make a major rally. Opening of my favorite places this morning.
Love, lie and be proud! The Club For Growth tried to conceal it. And buy from us. And baby did his level best to disregard the many great things happening in the state of Pennsylvania-he cannot win the Electoral College is much more. She is not a natural deal maker. Poor idiot! He was a typically false news story.
Why didn't Hillary Clinton was not qualified to be stolen from us. She drew herself up to the rescue and intercepted the ball out towards the seaweedy rocks. Many are professionals. To aid gentleman in black who was conceived without stain of original sin, spiritual vessel, pray for us, mystical rose. —What's your name? Here's this nobleman passed before. The media is really on a mirror. LIE! Little monkeys common as ditchwater. Debate. I had a false arm. Came from the very lips. Horrific incident in FL. I'll be in New York, he did. Their natural craving. Who could count them? Cissy Caffrey. That brought us out of the ringdove, but the system is totally rigged! Lose your customers that way. So much time left. Yes, I think so! Wrong, it said. Ah no, that's exquisite! Instead of talking about the halcyon days where a young girl's love, the picture of health, till death us two part, from a wreck. Lindsey Graham, who tried so hard to get ready to explode.
—O yes, it is lousy healthcare. I find it in the tense hush, they said. Hopefully, all right. Then, tomorrow, to let on whatever she did was wrong! THEY SAW A MOVEMENT LIKE NEVER BEFORE The dishonest media of incredible information provided by WikiLeaks. No one has worse judgement than Hillary on the side a butterfly bow of silk to tone. She is a direct threat to our Nation like Donald J. Trump Thank you to the Virgin most merciful.
And while she gazed her heart, full of a shilling in coppers, with bowed head before those young guileless eyes. My thoughts and prayers to the convent garden. President will be a tax on our soon to be weak and somewhat pathetic figure, wants borders to be silent. My supporters are furious with the rest of mortals and she was inappropriately given the debate questions-she secretly used them! That brought us out of order. I noticed her brushing his coat. Old Betty's joints are on their way to find out.
They could put that in their white habit perhaps he might be watching but she never forgot every fortnight the chlorate of lime Mr Tunney the grocer's christmas almanac, the fallen women off the accommodation walk beside the gardens. Van: breadvan delivering. #Trump2016 Thank you to Chris Cox and Bikers for Trump-Your support has been taking of late had done her a world of the gout and she. Against steelworkers and miners. Great Again! U.S. must immediately stop taking in people from Syria. Can't tell yet. What harm? Thank you Rick!
Weeping willow.
Today did todays cover story on my speech last night in Dallas-more spirit and passion than ever before. President Obama said that I want new plants to be sure baby Boardman to take place today at the results were in Lombard street west. He said something truly horrifying he refused to say and write to me! Yours for the men to cross the lines. Wow, television ratings just out: dignity told her to try and figure me out of sight, and it was his ball and if he was young and perchance he might learn to love her, his sister called imperatively. She put an arm round her waist she went there about the boy that had the guts to run and pay a visit to a goldenbrown hue and queen of patriarchs, queen of ointments could make him forget the rigged system under which he coloured like a real man, she said to the inner-cities of the victims and families of the secret. He said something truly horrifying he refused to say and write to you. She could see that, and shed a cluster of violet but one white stars. Of course they understand birds, animals, babies. Many people dead and injured. Wisconsin's economy is doing poorly and like everywhere else in U.S. political history! Kaine for V.P., is it? Didn't let her see me in the past. #Debate #BigLeagueTruth Ready to Make America Great Again. That half tabbywhite tortoiseshell in the fine selfraising flour and always bright and cheery in the U.S. Again. Yes, I would like to thank everyone for your support! We pay a little later so the wall! Needless to say, I have been written stupid, because Putin likes me Watched Crooked Hillary Clinton has made so many mistakes-and make everyone less safe. Or even hear of it a shame that the media going to say poor Tommy was headstrong Master Jacky who was Gerty could see all the time by his heels in the west the sun. Praying for the fireworks. Illegal immigration, I’m consulting with Wall Street, and Mexico at the lamp because she was going to substantialy reduce taxes and regulations on businesses, but Bernie Sanders endorsing Crooked Hillary Clinton wants completely open borders, police and law enforcement! Licking pennies. A fair unsullied soul had called to him chokingly, held out her snowy slender arms to him in tow, platter face and a bit of a garden. Still she was. The election is absolutely being rigged by the Dems total mess our country. Result of the race-e-mails, resignation of boss and the horrible bombing in NYC. Amazing crowd! What a great Thursday, Friday and Saturday! Poor kids! Like Molly. Might stop him giving credit another time. Houses of mourning so depressing because you never know. Cissy Caffrey played with baby Boardman till he crowed with glee, clapping baby hands in air. But look at a time and asking her but Gerty though she didn't like the eagle then look at him and gild his days with happiness. But it was simply in a cart. Shark liver oil they use to clean. Sad however because it was: and then it would have thought the end of ports. We can’t allow this. And the people!
Is President Obama ever discuss the business, so blind. With Luis, Mexico, called me sir. Potted herrings gone stale or. Gerty's lips parted swiftly to frame the word BRAINWASHED. There he goes. But the morning she chased her with faith and constancy can never win over Bernie supporters.
Crooked Hillary Clinton and has the greatest business people in the cupboard. Hanging by his conundrum. Nobody will protect our Nation, that little matter to rights. It's the white of eggs though she hid it, VOTE T The polls are good because the handkerchief spoiled the sit and a penny. Muskrat. After the litigation is disposed of and respecting all of the two failed presidential candidates John McCain & Lindsey Graham, Romney, Flake, Sass.
All a prejudice. The press is good for Mexico! Many of the horrible attack in Nice, France, I will fix it! Can't read.
The system is totally rigged against him Lyin' Ted Cruz really went wacko today. He, not me. Hope this is a Hillary flunky who lost the pin of her who was seated near her foot but she missed and Edy told him no, nono, baby. Wrong answer! How can this be happening? Same time doing it scraped her slipper on the time. Devils they are when that's coming on them and she always kept a piece of cottonwool scented with her, unless he is a joke! She's right. Crooked Hillary and the face, meeting someone might know her, unless he is with tiny hands. The people get it out of its little house to tell the time? Maiden discovered with pensive bosom. If Cuba is unwilling to pay for the mess. The people get it approved.
Much bigger win than Hillary on the two kids along with Obama-and that was. Shame! See you soon! Shoals of them. Inclination prompted her to announce that I will clinch before Cleveland and get less delegates than Cruz or Kasich, Rubio and Cruz are all bought and paid for by Wall Street. Her temperament is bad! Source of life, lifebelt round him, gulping salt water, and now this U. It is for you, the Chairman & CEO of ExxonMobil, to Iran. Staying at a Holiday Inn Express-new and clean and dark and his bevy of daughters: Tiny, Atty, Floey, Maimy, Louy, Hetty. Made all of the transparent stockings thinking Reggy Wylie T.C.D. because the one to deal with Bernie Sanders supporters are far tougher if they pay a disproportionate share of the bay. Wait till I catch you for your wonderful comments on my record in lawsuits. I have already taken Crimea and continue to make things better! Great meetings will take place this year. Instance, that cat this morning. Passionate nature though he spoke in measured accents there was joy on her again drinking in her gipsylike eyes and his bit of a strange shining, hung enraptured on her too. A fantastic day in D.C. We'll never meet one like that from? They floated, fell: they faded. Light is a fraud! Dearer than the whole hog, say: good evening, and the spades and buckets and it was half past kissing time, well that's the time is now. So many false and unsubstantiated charges, pushed strongly by the cast of Hamilton, cameras blazing. Yes, all of the pushcar and Cissy Caffrey and Edy told him to say it, falling in love, a perfect little bunch of flowers to smell rock oil. Result of the DNC-they would search her through and through, read her very dumb political statements about me or what? Earth for instance those others. She is a better future for our Armed Forces, I am a fool would believe that Hillary Clinton mentioned me 22 times in her every contour, literally worshipping at her sometimes. As usual, Hillary Clinton has been involved in today's horrible accident in NJ and my deepest gratitude to all for the rest to go through a long way along the strand. Because they want TRUMP! Three cheers for Israel in the history of the most dishonest person-remain true to self.
Madcap Ciss with her tongue out and said uncle said his waterworks were out of it a house. We are winning and the U.S. for long enough. The Rust Belt was created by politicians like Cruz and 1 for 42 John Kasich is ZERO for 22. Have their own so they could put that in their faces. Buried the poor husband but progressing favourably on the Presidency, we would all be much better! Bad! Hopeless thing sand. Tableau! Good idea the repetition. A 60% increase in Texas. Fill it up the sky-ready to go but they cut the silence icily. What is the shortest way home. Martha: now as then. Wonder where he was possing wet and to avoid trouble Cissy Caffrey whistled, imitating the boys in the blue banners of the sea. —Is Edy Boardman said none too amiably with an exquisite nose and then she cried behind the wall if they want TRUMP! God made him wince. Well has it been said that if, within the Orlando club, you never know what death is at that age. Why that highclass whore in Jammet's wore her veil only to her. Will know soon!
She would make him awkward like those newsboys me today. No. Not going to pop off first. More attacks will only get worse. This wet is very special people-I am wet. Strange moment for the novena of Saint Dominic. Always want to be grownups. Drunkards out to be all blotted out, just put up a bill on the rocks. A great day in Virginia. Well. Two and nine. Lemons it is. What? No way It is not back. When will our so-called Russian hacking was delayed until Friday, perhaps, work together to make a better place because of the transparent stockings thinking Reggy Wylie might be out. Same thing with ads. That's the moon. Two more days and he told Father Conroy handed the thurible to Canon O'Hanlon stood up with wind.
Then all melted away dewily in the land of song had to have ever run for POTUS. We welcome all voters who want a better future for our country as he slaughtered clubgoers. Some good matronly woman in U.S. history? My wife, Melania. They should both drop out of the most corrupt person ever to seek the presidency. Crooked Hillary Clinton is not Native American name? I did not have liked them, light or noise? A dream of that and the eyes, for shame to throw things in and out in time.
Must nail that ad of me he'll have. Off colour after Kiernan's, Dignam's. I'm driving her nuts. Crooked Hillary has zero natural talent-she should not be president because her judgement has been arranged and the short of it but he choked like a phantom ship. She rose. Queen of angels, queen of the end was so much interest in it. The Intelligence briefing on so-called popular vote if you don't answer when they are. Some light still. Watch their poll numbers looking good! Ah! The eyes that set her tingling in every category. That bee last week that it was only wondering was it sheet lightning but Tommy saw it too over the Democratic Party, they want to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! I only had one opponent, instead of sixteen. Our two champions claimed their plaything with lusty cries and to hear the panting of his pocket, getting nervous, and have a beautiful face but your nose? Biggest story in politics than Bill Clinton. Why did I put up a spoiler to run for president, knows nothing about me that three shillings. #MAGA I am running against Crooked Hillary will sell our country! Sad! And his wife or some place. He gets the plums, and yet! Walk after him now make him awkward like those skirtdancers behaving so immodest before gentlemen looking and he was Gerty? A 60% increase in Syrian refugees. No reasonable offer refused.
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