#anyway he is eepy
rain-waifu · 8 months
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somebody's little sister made art of eepy Ghost from COD and i had to baby-fy my husband.................. he had a nightmare would you let him sleep with u?
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withdenim · 1 month
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Lullaby <3
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mishiami · 9 months
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been thinking abt them since i watched jjk 0 last week
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politemagic · 3 months
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everyone say congratulations to the first time homeowners!
edit: i may or may not have been inspired to write some headcanons based on this, if you're interested
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dandelion-roots · 5 months
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[ID: a digital drawing of chuuya and dazai from bungou stray dogs. in the main image, dazai is sitting on a metal counter in a nurse's office, his arms behind him to support him and knees spread so that chuuya can clean his wounds. he has bandages and scars on his arms and bare torso and is wearing white pants and white shoes. with a bored expression he says, hurry up. chuuya, who's opening a green bottle and is standing in front of the counter, shouts, wait a fucking minute, asshole, i'm not your damn nurse! in a smaller follow-up panel dazai shouts, you shot me! and chuuya is looking away while sweating and shouting back, you were being a shit. end ID]
the price of engaging in homoeroticism via shooting you 'old friend' THREE FUCKING TIMES more than necessary is, um... *checks notes* having to patch him up five minutes later whilst staring at his bare chest and then having to set his leg, thus literally putting him back on his feet to do his dramatic victory reveal??? this can't be right who wrote this
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Aaaaaand we got here a very long overdue Gray commissioned by @classysassy9791 who was mad patient for the time I kept her waiting!
Thanks again for commissioning me my dude!👉😎👉
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varpusvaras · 3 days
Fox knew what it was like to be tired.
He knew it like it was a physical thing he had carried around with him for years. He knew the weight of it, the way it would drag him down, threatening to pull him through the floor and the ground and through the core of the planet, until he would fall into the endless void of space. During the worst of it, Fox would wonder it that was the only way he was ever going to feel weightless again.
The few hours of sleep he would get during the nights would only make him be able to carry the weight a little easier for the time being, but not make it any lighter. It was something more at that point, Fox had realised, something that would not be cured with just simply closing his eyes for a moment.
So, when Thorn asked him, the moment before Fox stepped onto the ship that would take him away from Coruscant permanently, what was the first thing Fox would do when he got to Alderaan, Fox had an answer ready.
"Sleep", he said. "I'm going to get into a real bed and sleep."
He truly meant it. He also meant it when he told Bail the same, and he meant it when he told it to Breha too.
They all agreed that it was a good idea.
"We're going to take care of everything", Breha promised him.
"You can just rest now", Bail said, and tucked Fox a little closer to him. "Just sleep."
The bed was comfortable, Bail and Breha were warm and safe next to him, and Fox was so, so tired.
He didn't need to be told twice. He closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.
Fox opened his eyes.
It was still dark in the bedroom. He was still tucked securely against Bail, with Breha pressed close against his other side. They were both still sleeping.
Fox was fully awake.
He craned his neck a little to see the chrono on Breha's nightstand. 4.15. Precisely the time Fox had woken up every single morning during the war.
Fox turned to look at the ceiling. He counted to ten. The time was still 4.15.
He closed his eyes and tried to match his breathing first to Bail's, then to Breha's, but in vain. He was awake.
Fox opened his eyes and looked at the time. 4.23.
He laid there, looking at the chrono as the minutes slowly ticked by. By 4.30, there was a feeling creeping in. Fox knew it very well. It was the same feeling he had felt every single time he had been stuck in the medbay for any longer period of the time, while he acutely knew that he had work waiting for him.
By 4.45, he was starting to feel almost anxious. The bed was comfortable and warm, and Bail and Breha were still sleeping, and Fox didn't want to get up, but he wasn't so sure if he could stay in the bed for much longer either.
4.50. 4.55. 4.58. 4.59.
Very slowly and very carefully, Fox slid out of Bail's hold and away from Breha, and after making sure that they were still sleeping, he quietly made it out of the bed, grabbed Bail's robe and put it on himself, and then sneaked out of the bedroom.
He didn't do much. He just walked around for a bit in their living room, getting the anxiousness out of his body and his legs to stop tingling, and then he sit down on their couch and looked out of the window. The sun was rising at that point, making the sky pale where it touched down on the mountaintops.
Bail's robe was soft and warm and smelled faintly of Bail's cologne. Fox got a datapad, selected a random video of how to make a some sort of buttercheese pastry, and he buried himself deeper into the robe and watched it. Then he watched through whatever videos the site was suggesting for him, until the sky was painted warm, and he could hear an alarm go off in the bedroom.
It took another few minutes until Breha appeared next to him.
"Oh", she said, and turned to look over her shoulder. "I found your robe, dear!"
Then she sat next to Fox and put her arm around him.
"Have you been awake for long?" She asked. There was no accusation in her voice, and Fox felt a sting of guilt for expecting it to be there.
"For a while", Fox answered. He looked at the time on the datapad. 6.56. "I...couldn't sleep."
He felt somehow like he had failed at something when he said it. Breha only nodded slowly, before she sighed softly, and put her head on Fox's shoulder.
"Did you sleep well?" She asked.
To that, Fox thankfully had a better answer.
"I did", he said. He really had. It had probably been the best sleep of his entire life.
"That's good", Breha said, and lifted her head enough to kiss him on the cheek. "Now, there's going to be caf in just a moment. The usual for you? Black, with a lot of sugar?"
Fox really should be cutting back the sweeteners in his caf, he knew that. But maybe, just this once.
"Exactly that", he answered, just as Bail also made his way into the living room.
"We need to get you your own", he said, looking at Fox. Then he paused for a moment, before adding, "not that you don't look cute in that."
Fox stuck out his tongue at him. Bail only laughed.
Fox went to sleep that night, tired and ready to sleep for the next week.
He woke up at 4.15.
He waited until 4.45, and then slid out of the bed.
Fox went to sleep, tired and ready to sleep for the next week.
He woke up at 4.15.
He laid there for ten more minutes, before he slid out of the bed.
Fox went to sleep, tired and ready to sleep for the next week.
He woke up at 4.15.
He was fully awake, but he felt so heavy. He wanted to just keep laying there, in the warm bed, in the warm and safe embrace he was yet again lovingly wrapped in.
But no. His body soon begun to tell him that he needed to get up, right now, or he was going to have to tear his own skin off.
Fox slid out of the bed, made it to the living room, and collapsed onto the couch.
He was so tired. He wanted to sleep.
Breha and Bail definitely looked concerned when they saw him there that morning.
"Do you want to go see the doctors?" Breha asked him carefully.
"I don't know", Fox told her. He shouldn't have to. He was tired. He wanted to sleep.
Fox went to sleep, tired and ready to sleep for the next week.
He woke up at 4.15.
He was fully awake. He was so tired. He wanted to sleep.
Fox forced his eyes shut. He laid there as long as he could, before he had to get up.
He wasn't so careful with it that time, and Bail opened his eyes as he was halfway out.
"Fox?" He asked, groggily, lifting his head. "Where are you going?"
Fox crumpled the sheets in his fists.
"I can't sleep", he choked out, and then fled the bedroom.
Bail followed him a couple of minutes later, and quietly and gently gathered Fox in his arms, and sat with him on the couch, watching a random video after random video, until Breha's alarm went off.
Breha asked Fox about the doctors again. Fox still didn't have an answer for her.
He was so tired. He just wanted to sleep.
What else should he have needed?
Fox went to sleep, tired and ready to sleep for the next week.
He woke up at 4.15.
Fox couldn't stop the frustrated and desperate sob from escaping from his mouth before it was too late. Both Bail and Breha were awakened by it, and by the time they had realised what was going on, Fox was already full-on crying.
"I just want to sleep!" Fox wailed, biting his teeth together so hard that it hurt his jaw. "I just want to sleep!"
He pressed his palms against his eyes, trying to keep them shut, but of course, it didn't work.
He was fully awake.
He was so tired. He wanted to sleep.
Breha made the decision for Fox then and there.
"I'm taking you to the doctors", she said, leaving no room for any arguments, not that Fox had any left anyway.
The doctor said that Fox's body was still in the so-called "stress mode". It had not yet realised that it was out of the danger, out of the stressful environment it had been forced to operate in for so long.
It was going to take time, apparently, for it to snap out of it. In the meanwhile, Fox got a prescription for something that was supposed to help him sleep.
The doctor gave the medicine to Breha and told her the dosage. Fox thought that it was for the best as well.
Fox took his medicine, went to sleep, tired and ready to sleep for the next week.
He was awakened by the alarm. He watched as Breha and Bail got up.
"Do you want to stay in bed for a bit longer?" Bail asked him softly.
Fox nodded. He had slept, but he didn't feel like it at all.
Bail brushed his hair gently back from his face. Breha kissed him just as gently on the forehead before they headed out.
He was so tired. He just wanted to sleep.
Fox cried himself silently back to the sleep that didn't feel like sleep at all.
Fox kept his head up, even though it weighed a ton, and he wanted nothing more than to just let it drop down, down, down.
He knew what being tired felt like. It was all that he had ever known, after all.
He blinked. People around him had moved. Oh, right. They were going to have dinner with Bail's family. Fox liked them a lot. He hoped that they liked him as well.
He blinked again. Tia was saying something to him. Fox liked Tia. She was like a smaller Bail, without a beard and a lot more hair.
Fox turned to look at her. She was shorter than him, just a bit. Not a lot, but he still needed to look down if he wanted to look her in the eyes.
He looked down, down, down, past her eyes, past her, down, down, down.
He was so tired.
He just wanted to sleep.
Breha bit on her thumbnail.
"Stop that", Bail said, and grabbed her wrist. "You're making it bleed."
Breha would've almost preferred that, if she was being completely honest.
"I know, I just-" She had to pause to gather her thoughts. "I just feel so awful. How did I not notice that it was not working?"
"He was sleeping more", Bail said. He ran his thumb soothingly up and down her wrist. "We knew that he was tired. It doesn't get better in a few days. I didn't notice either."
Breha appreciated him trying to make it sound better, even if it was not working.
Veda opened the door then, and motioned them in.
"Bad news? He's exhausted, and has a little bump and a bruise on his head", she started, scrolling through the diagnosis on her datapad. "Good news? He's sleeping now, and the bump and the bruise will fade in a few days."
Bail squeezed Breha's shoulder.
"What should we do?" He asked.
"Let him sleep", Veda answered. "His body has finally said enough. Make sure that he eats and keeps himself hydrated. I will come and check on him as often as you want."
Breha let herself breathe a little deeper.
"Thank you", she said. Veda smiled a bit.
"It's not the first time I've seen this", she said. "It took a while for Index and the boys to start getting actual rest. They kept waking up in the middle of the night, fully awake and feeling like they needed to get to work. They're better now. Fox will also get better, I promise."
Breha was going to hold onto that promise.
Fox looked very small by himself on the bed, with the blanked wrapped all around him. He didn't wake up when Breha slid onto the bed next to him and wrapped her arms around him as well.
Fox slept through the rest of the day like a stone, barely moving at all. Breha kept telling herself that it was alright, that he was finally resting.
Fox did finally move, when they both went to sleep as well. He shifted a little when Breha rested her head over his chest and Bail wrapped his arm around his middle. He made a small sound, and then sagged back against the pillows with a deep sigh.
His heartbeat was strong against Breha's ear. She fell asleep listening to its steady drumming.
Fox woke up the next day just before noon. He went to the bathroom, ate a bowl of light soup their chef had made for him, drank a glass of water Bail gave him, mumbled I love you to them, and went back to bed.
He was out again the moment his head hit the pillow.
Bail draped the blanket over him.
"At least he is sleeping", he said. "I'll do my work from here today."
Breha nodded.
"Update me if anything happens", she made him promise.
Bail sent her the first picture ten minutes into the first hearing of the day.
Breha quickly glanced at it in between the speakers.
Fox had grabbed onto the rest of the pillows as well, and stuffed them halfway inside his blanket.
He has made his claim read the message accompanying the picture.
The picture made something unwind further in her chest.
It would be okay, she told herself.
"Did you sleep well?" Breha asked, twirling Fox's hair around her finger.
"Mm-mmh", Fox hummed, already mostly asleep again. Breha peppered light kisses on his cheeks and nose before he was fully under again.
The Cocoon has moved, Bail messaged her at the end of the weeks Council meeting. In the attached picture, Fox had apparently rolled over to the other side of the bed from where Breha had left him that morning. His hair was sticking up a bit, and he had a small pout on his face as he slept.
He was so very adorable. Breha saved the image for herself.
Fox slept through the last two days of the week as well, with barely stirring for longer than a few minutes at a time.
Zhellday morning he blinked awake around ten, properly hungry for the first time in a while, and ate a good breakfast and a light lunch soon on top of it. He went back to bed after, but didn't fall back asleep right away.
"How are you feeling?" Bail asked him.
Fox blinked at couple of times, his nose scrunching up in thought.
"Tired", he said. "Better. But sweaty."
Bail laughed.
"You've been toasting inside the blankets for a while", he said. "I'll draw you a bath."
Fox smiled back at him, a little wobbly.
"Thank you", he said, and then promptly fell back asleep.
Bail shook his head, and went to the bathroom to warm up the bathtub.
"Have I ever told you about the time I decided to run away from home?" Bail asked.
"No?" Fox turned to look at him, after blinking slowly first. He was shoulders in to the water, with the foaming soap already stuck to one side of his face.
"I was around ten", Bail started, rolling his sleeves up more and putting his hands into the water to scoop it up. He poured the water over Fox's head a few times over, before getting the shampoo. "Back then I really didn't want to grow up to be a Nobleman."
He poured the shampoo to his hands and rubbed them together slightly, before starting to work it into Fox's hair.
"I do remember that", Fox mumbled. He tilted his head forward a bit to give Bail better access. "You wanted to go adventuring around the Galaxy."
"I did", Bail nodded. "It was really getting to me, at that point. I would spend all the time I could outside, living inside my games, predenting I was far, far away from Kathou, from Alderaan altogether. I thought this place was boring back then."
He still remembered it clearly, although not too vividly. Too much had changed during the years between that and the current moment. Now, Bail didn't know anything better than Alderaan.
He got the shampoo in, and got more water to rinse it out. They had gotten a good conditioner as well, one that promised that it was made to keep curly hair like Fox's soft and moisturised. The soaps the GAR had used had definitely not been made with the clone's hair in mind.
"I was awake one night, later than I should've been", Bail continued, as he started to gently massage the conditioner to Fox's hair. "I was thinking of sneaking into the library and getting one of the books to read, when I heard my parents talk. They were debating over sending me to a school to learn some discipline and responsibility. I feel a bit funny over how much that thought upset me then. I was definitely a bit spoiled."
He felt especially silly about it now, sitting next to the bathtub in the Royal Palace, while washing his husband's hair for him. His husband, who had known nothing else than training and pain and duty his entire life before now, and was tired to the bone because of it.
Bail's parents had not even been the ones who had come up with the idea of sending him to a boarding school for a year or two. It had been his grandfather, and his parents had been very much against the idea, believing that Bail would grow out of it when he was older, if he just felt supported enough. They had been very right, of course. Not that Bail had stayed to listen to them for long enough to figure that out-
Fox slid deeper into the water. His eyes had closed while Bail had concentrated on getting the conditioner in.
His mouth was partially under the water now. Bail put his hand under his chin and lifted it up.
"Fox", he called. Fox startled a bit, and sent the water splashing as he scrambled to sit back up, his eyes open and wide.
"I'm awake", he said, shivering as his wet skin hit the air. "I'm awake. Sorry, what did you just say?"
There was a single curl plastered over Fox's forehead and the bridge of his nose. Bail stiffled a laugh.
"I was saying, that I think you have been in there for long enough", he said. "Let me just rinse this off."
Fox's eyes were drooping again by the time Bail had gotten a towel for him. Bail dried his hair and wrapped the towel around him, and then led him back to the bedroom.
Sometimes Bail didn't like his height and size, but sometimes being the tallest person in most rooms came in handy. His shirts were all too big for Fox, and thus easy to slip on him without too much of a fuss.
Fox's eyes were barely open as Bail got him back to bed.
"Have good dreams, my love", he said, pressing a kiss on Fox's forehead. Fox hummed, content, and just a few seconds later, he was already asleep.
Bail got his datapad and laid down next to him, opening his inbox. Fox shifted, and nuzzled in closer to Bail's side.
Bail threw his arm behind him and slipped his fingers into Fox's still slightly damp hair, and Fox settled back down with another soft, content noise.
Breha got back from her audiences a couple of hours later.
She opened her hair from the braid and tied it back up to a simple updo, changed out her dress to simple shirt and soft pants and laid down on the other side of Fox.
"I see that you managed to keep him from drowning in the bath", she said, leaning her head lightly on Fox's chest. Fox turned his head slightly to her direction, breathing in a little deeper.
"Had a couple of close calls", Bail laughed, and put his datapad away. "Do you want to watch something?"
"They have the new episode of House Brighterdon up", Breha said, grinning as Bail groaned. "Don't try that, I know you're just as invested as we are."
"Are you sure it's alright to watch it without Fox?" Bail asked. He was already reaching for the screen controls.
"What makes you think that Fox and I haven't already watched it?" Breha asked. "The episode was released a couple of weeks ago already, the next one is coming next week. I'm not watching that one without Fox, don't you worry."
"If you have already watched this, why are you making me watch it?" Bail asked. He was typing the name of the show in as he spoke.
"Because, like I just said, I know you're just as invested as we are. I'm just making sure that you are caught up as well, you stubborn little bantha."
Bail rolled his eyes and pressed start.
Fox opened his eyes.
It was still dark in the bedroom. He was still tucked securely against Bail, with Breha pressed close against his other side. They were both still sleeping.
He blinked slowly, and then lifted his head to look at the chrono on Breha's nightstand. 4.14
Fox watched as the time ticked over to 4.15.
Then he put his head back down, burrowed a little deeper under his blanket, and closed his eyes, drifting back to easy sleep.
Fox knew what it was like to be tired.
He knew it like it was a physical thing he had carried around with him for years. Whatever sleep he had gotten before had only made him be able to carry the weight a bit easier for a little while, but not make it weigh any less.
Fox woke up to the ringing of the alarm and the first rays of proper sunlight softly shining through the blinds.
He moved his arms and legs, hoisting himself up, and rubbed his eyes.
As he sat there, in the middle of his bed, in his bedroom, with his wife and husband waking up next to him, for the first time in his life, Fox felt lighter.
Bail leaned to press a quick kiss to the corner of Fox's mouth.
"Good morning", he said, his voice still a bit rough from the sleep. "Did you sleep well?"
Fox breathed in.
"Yes", he said.
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evillillad · 7 months
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its tru she does like em big and stoopid
(punk mob rob MY BELOVED belongs to @goorfy)
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catmanbowser · 1 year
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Hi lol <3
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Scrunk mccgrunkle
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severaltuesdays · 6 months
I’m tempted to do a deep analysis of Mori and his relationships with certain characters because this fandom ignores and misunderstands him too much for the role that he plays
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spinjitsuburst · 3 months
ramble about ur favs i wanna hear abt ur thoughts -zaptrap
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so like sgdkdhdkdhd I say Jay and Lloyd are my “favorites” but honestly it’s so hard to pick favorites out of this skittles squad like I love EVERY character for a variety of different reasons. I was going to also infodump about Lloyd but then I started talking about Prime Empire and then this post got. Long. So. it's just Jay I may infodump about Lloyd another day especially since I'm very Conduit Brained Rn but yea yea!
this is long so i'm putting most of it under the cut so y'all don't kill me for making a huge long post
I considered putting Zane and Sora on here as well since I’d also consider them my “favs” but like this is already gonna be. A lot of. Infodumping (also i typed THIS part before I even started and decided not to yell about Lloyd because this already got long enough). Maybe I’ll make a separate post for those two hmm hmm much to consider but for now MY (technically) FAVORITE NINJAGO CHARACTER: JAY WALKER
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so hey his name is a pun this makes me laugh ridiculously hard every time I remember he is named. After a misdemeanor HSKSHDKFH
Jay is such an interesting case of a character for me because I started out the show not liking him. Which is. Stares at my entire account I think my feelings have changed somewhat
Jay starts out as an asshole I don’t think anyone can disagree with me there (although honestly they’re all assholes in early ninjago they bullied a ten year old and left him dangling several feet off the ground) but over the course of the show you can see him start developing into a much more interesting character. He goes from being so insecure he's faking everything about himself to someone who knows who he is and is so genuine about it
now yea we could argue about whether his character was too uwu-ified post-season 10 but this is the FUN HAN POST SO WE'RE NOT GONNA TALK ABOUT THAT the point is you can SEE the growth that Jay has gone through and I am going to show you that growth through what I call
✨ The Skybound to Prime Empire Effect ✨
when season 12 rolls around we are at the point in Jay's development where he is CONFIDENT in who he is. He's a fun-loving jokester with the power of lightning and the drive to help people whenever he can. He uses jokes and humor to help alleviate tension and get people through whatever's happening. And when on his own what does he do?
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i like to think jay's club in prime empire was a safe haven for anyone stuck in the game who figured out hey. we Can't Leave and felt freaked about it. Also Jay would generally try and spread the word that hey something ISN'T RIGHT HERE which would lead people to want to stay with him
(totally plugging my friend's fic but this kind of thing is explored in would you like to enter prime empire by @finn-m-corvex y'all should check it out cool cool)
also the prime empire shorts which i watched all of in the midst of typing this video cuz i love them go watch them please please please jay was publically fighting the red visors which I imagine may have raised some red flags for some players
THIS SOMEHOW TURNED INTO PRIME EMPIRE INFODUMPING LMAO ANYWAYS Jay's confident! He becomes an entertainer because it's who he knows he is! And it's something that will get people hyped and having fun, which is very in-character for Jay to do! He uses those kinds of things to mask the Bad Things going on and get people remembering what's good
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I've talked about this sort of thing before but that's Jay's whole philosophy as early as season 9! Which is a DIRECT contrast to how he views it in season 6, as Nadakhan puts it scarily accurately
"You make jokes to mask the fact that you're afraid"
(i was gonna grab a screenshot for that like i did with the hunted scene but netflix has bloCKED THE ABILITY TO TAKE SCREENSHOTS THE WAY I USED TO and i don't have them already and i'm too lazy to grab them from elsewhere so alas trust me he says it)
making jokes to hide your fear and using humor to remind yourself of what's good and coping with the bad are two VERY different outlooks on it
so I think this outlook is what drives him to make this glamrock persona in the first place - this is a bad situation, one he's in with other civilians, and what better way to keep him and themself safe until the others get there than throwing a big performance at a safe place!
also it's just so gender okay I want to look like Superstar Rockin' Jay so badly
it's also interesting to see his outlook on his parents change over time! In season six he finds out Ed and Edna aren't his birth parents and feels upset about it, not understanding why his birth parents would've abandoned him. In season twelve, that outlook changing is EXACTLY why Jay's able to get through to Unagami
"I was abandoned by my parents, too!... I never understood why, and I never had the chance to even ask. But I always hoped there was a good reason. What if there's a reason?"
(again curse you netflix i wanted SCREENSHOTS whatever whatever)
It's this scene that gets Unagami to calm down long enough for Milton Dyer to get there, and presumably is what stops him from just. Flattening him and Jay like a pancake.
to piggyback off of this i absolutely adore how Unagami and Jay consider each other adopted brothers in that one book I still haven't read and I hope he's in Dragons Rising at some point Unagami is my favorite "villain" (no longer a villain) in the whole show he deserves more screentime
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like this is where i found out about this and it's plagued my mind ever since. i need to read. this book just for them
SO YEA OKAY Prime Empire is "Who is Jay as a Person Post-Skybound" to me also it opens up so many fascinating things about Jay. I rest my case
so backpedaling a little bit. JAY CARES SO MUCH ABOUT HIS PARENTS GUYS IT'S SO SOFT AND I'M sobs
like yea the first episode with Ed and Edna in it has Jay avoiding them like the plague but this gets explained very easily when you remember he was bullied for his home life before he became a ninja. It makes a lot more sense why he wouldn't want them around his new friends, assuming they'd react the same way. Also how was he supposed to know literally all the rest of the groups parents were either dead, presumed dead, or had a toxic relationship with their kid lmao
(Cole calling his mom kills me. Cole's mom is dead. I know they probably just didn't think that far ahead when writing the dialogue but it's so funny mans pretended to call his dead mom to get on Jay for not appreciating his parents iconic behavior)
anyways literally every episode Ed and Edna are central to (except like the one in skybound) Jay stops at nothing to protect his parents and it means the absolute world to me he's so much like them!! They raised an inventive little nerd and he will stop at nothing to make sure they're safe and it's. It's SO IMPORTANT TO ME OKAY
ALSO this is an excuse to clip my favorite piece of dialogue possibly in the entire show. Except Netflix won't let me now. So you just get the text dialogue
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Jay's just fallen from the sky with a messed up eye and is incredibly distraught that all his friends are captured. And his dad just. The woRLD IS FALLING APART AND HE'S EATIN' SOUP-
Ed i love you
anways anyways this just turned into me rambling about prime empire and then Ed and Edna and a lot of disjointed other stuff but thank you for this opportunity i was going to also ramble about lloyd but i put this post in a word count and
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yea i think that's enough for a tumblr post anyways! If anyone wants any like. More logically thought out and direct thoughts about characters feel free to send me asks this was fun thank u @zaptrap for this opportunity to scream about jay
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ded-lime · 6 months
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my attempt at lily versions
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pixelatedraindrops · 10 days
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Yuma Month: Day 21: Moon
Goodnight, Little Rain Drop 💧🌙
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timothylawrence · 7 months
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he's literally the prettiest man in the whole game sorry not sorry <3
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arson-09 · 2 months
hi guys. I really love tamlin. Like hes become one of my favorite book character’s ever, probably one of my top fictional characters over all and shhshdgshd
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starswirly · 8 months
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(Error -> Loverofpiggies)
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