#anyway heads up gonna probably be so so silly for the next day or two
spideyhexx · 3 days
soft billy thought is that especially after the stargazing scene with his father i always think about how romantic he could find stargazing as a date especially with like a boss’s/sheriff’s daughter reader where he sneaks you out of your room to take you stargazing in the middle of the night
(accidentally falling asleep out there and having to rush you back as the sun is rising and it leaves for some very rushed kisses goodbye but you assure him it was the best night possible as he apologizes for keeping you out all night)
yeah :(
He’d probably choose that as your nightly activity after he knows you had a bad day. While Billy can’t be seen conversing with you during the day, he still overhears things, talk in town, about how hard your father was on you when you did the daily trip into town for supplies and food with him, which ended up in a scene, you getting scolded and humiliated by him right in the town center.
So Billy makes sure his evening is free. He doesn’t know if you’re gonna busy, he doesn’t know if you even want to see him, but after giving himself some words of encouragement, he makes his way right outside your window, like he’s done countless times before.
You’re startled when you see him pop up but it’s no hesitation. You get off your bed and open it, immediately speaking to him in a hushed whisper, “I didn’t know if you were coming.”
Billy gives a look like that’s the most ridiculous thing you could’ve said, “no hello?” He teases, with a soft smile but he quickly says, “‘f course I’d come,” and he nods his head out towards the fields, asking you to come with him for a few hours.
Of course you say yes. Once you’re both on the ground, he gives you a proper hug, kissing the top of your head and rubbing your back, relaying that he heard what had happened as the two of you start to walk. You rant to him about your father like you typically do and Billy continues to feel frustrated that you’re stuck with him as a father, that you two are stuck hiding away.
But he’s quick to reassure you he’d hide forever if it meant getting to spend time with you. Once you get to a good spot (at his choice), you both lay in the grass on your backs, opposite ways but heads against one another, looking up at the sky. His fingers caress yours, and he speaks in his softer tone, pointing out any constellations he can pick out.
You both try to make your own and he’s silly with it, so you’d laugh. That was his purpose tonight anyways. To get you smiling. Calm. As some time passes, you eventually shift to actually lay with him, your head on his chest, fiddling with a button on his shirt.
“this had gotta be the most romantic thing you’ve ever done for me,” you tell him and he’s happy you can’t see his face right now because he’s blushing hard.
“I’ll do it all over again if it’ll make you smile like before,” Billy says, fixing your jacket on you so you’re more covered, you being cold was a worry of his but the way you lean into him, he can tell you’re comfortable.
It was already in his mind that he had to get you back to your room, but the comfort do you against him and the crisp air lulled you both to sleep. It’s near sunrise when you wake, immediately panicking and shaking him awake.
He’s groggy and rubbing at his eyes as he sits up and puts his hat back on, standing up, tugging on your hand to help you stand. Billy’s got a tight grip on your hand the whole way back, terrified he’s ruined this and your father would find out.
“‘M so sorry, honey, I won’t fall asleep like that next time, you were just so…it was just so…,” he trails off and looks back to you once you stop under your window, your hands reaching to cradle his face and give his lips a quick peck.
“None of that apologizing. Was the best night, Billy.”
He looks into your eyes, with stars in his own, silent for a moment like he’s zoned out on you and your admiration. It makes you chuckle and pat his cheek, “Billy, I gotta go.”
“Right, yeah,” he chuckles, flushing, and gives your lips a peck too, then again, and again, smiling as your grin gets wider. He can’t he’ll but place small little kisses to your cheek and chin and jaw as you’re pulling away.
He stops reluctantly when he has to help you back up into your room and he turns his head expectantly, and you place a long, lingering kiss on his cheek.
“Have a good day, Billy,” you say to him, and he nods, “you too, honey,” before he leaves.
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mishapen-dear · 3 months
remember kids. always procrastinate <- has been working for almost a full 24 hours catching up on procrastinated work
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nogenderbee · 21 days
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝔻𝕣𝕒𝕘𝕠𝕟 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖𝕣 ₊˚ˑ༄
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ anon request: Could I request Kaeya, Neuvillette, Ayato, and Wriothesley with a dragon s/o?
Also, how are you?
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Yeah!! I kinda sillies in Kaeya's part but I hope it's not a problem- Either way, I'm good! Snd you~? ^^
Hope you like what I wrote hehe
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ fluff
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✧ Kaeya noticed dragon-like looking person when he was walking back home from Angel's Share, so naturally, he thoughts it's alcohol doing...
✧ but who is he to decline his fate? He came up and complimented your features anyway, sure tomorrow he'll see you as normal citizen
✧ from your end, you noticed the man was obviously under influence of alcohol but he wasn't harmful... so you let the conversation go the way you wanted~
✧ and when on next day he discovers it wasn't him tripping... well.. he's glad to have such an interesting friend! Because unless you push him away, he's not gonna back away from this friendship!
"My my~ It's rare to see someone so pretty! That tail must be really heavy, huh? Want me to hold it for you?"
✧ but if you two are lovers and he sees your real form by mistake... he'll be freezed for a second... hehe get it? Because in his ult he- ehem.. sorry..
✧ but when he sees you panicking, he immidietly chuckles and assures you while caressing your cheek with his hand gently and maybe flirt while he's at it as well~
"Why would I ever think you're a monster when you're as stunning as always, my darling? Maybe even more~ This "scary look" definitely makes you look even more lovable~"
@bleachtheidiot @toyaswif3y - come get your cavalry capitan~
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✧ Ayato, being head of Kamisato Clan, is always trying to be as respectful as possible, be it if you come from different region or aren't human... as long as you're friendly and give him respect back, he'd be happy to chat
✧ but dragons in Inazuma are still rarely seen... so when he noticed you on his walk, he tried approaching you with a soft look
✧ he honestly just wishes to get to know you and maybe realize the difference between human and dragons behavior... and who knows? Maybe he'll get to know even more if he plays his cards right?
"Good evening. I'm sorry it I started you, I just noticed your... rare beauty and wondered if you'd be interested in a little chat?"
✧ tho if you're already partners and you happened to hide your real form well... he'll be even more interested...
✧ how did you manage to hide it from him for so long? He's curious to me know this and many more about you
✧ but if he sees you're stressing yourself over the fact he found out, he'll be quick to calm you down, assuring you he still loves you the same
"Please calm down... I don't see why you hid it in the first place... Did you really thought I wouldn't love you just because you have tail? If anything, I say you only expanded my interest in you~"
@bleachtheidiot - come get your boba lover!
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✧ and so is Neuvillette~ he just has a bit of a better disguise while you're... walking proudly in your form... and that's alright!
✧ if you can be easily found on streets, he'll be happy to see another dragon friend and will probably even approach you himself
✧ Charlotte definitely saw you two interacting at some point, especially since Neuvillette is a big person, but of course she asked first before publishing anything and it's up to you if you were in the news or not!
✧ but if you prefer hiding in quieter places, there's still a chance he found you and yob two chatted either way
✧ he'd probably come off as calm but in reality, he's pretty excited to finally meet another dragon with such a pleasent personality
"I find it quite surprising we haven't met untill today... I'd like to get to know you more if you don't mind."
✧ and if it happens you both are already dating when you spoil your secret identity~ believe me, he won't mind one single bit!
✧ he literally can't understand why you even tried hiding it from him when he already told you he's the same
✧ but don't worry, he's not mad, if anything he's gentle and tries his best to be reassuring
"Why were you afraid? Haven't I already revelead I'm the same? My love for you can't be broken, no matter who you turn out to be."
@bleachtheidiot @toyaswif3y - come get your otter judge~
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✧ Wriothesley is already friends with Neuvillette and has pretty sharp eye and ear, there's no way he didn't know his friend is a dragon
✧ so when he got our of Fortress of Meropide to get some work done and saw a dragon, of course he was surprised since seeing one is rare, but he also didn't care to make a scene
✧ he probably ignored you letting you live your life since there was no reason for him to interrupt anything, unless... you're wandering around terrains, the he may
"Excuse me, you may want to keep away from these terrains. You may be taken as a prisoner running away by mistake."
✧ and if you already were his partner, I feel like he'd hear some stories from his dragon friend already... so he'd joke that you act like some dragons in the stories, turning out to be... half joke...
✧ but when you finally reveal the truth to him, he doesn't mind at all! The only thing that changed is the way he may tease you from time to time but that's it
"Walking around in your true form for once? Glad you're comfy. But watch out for your tail or it'll knock down something."
@bleachtheidiot @toyaswif3y - come get your teddybear duke~
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hectorthedoggo · 9 days
aight i really don't feel like editing today so i'm just gonna give the unedited enyu thing for y'all :)
Tw: horror imagery
The warden took a swig from their glass of water, and turned their eyes back to their work, ignoring the slightly throbbing headache. It doesn’t matter.
Last time we went to get our daily check-up, Shidou told us to sleep, as we hadn’t slept in… a day? Yeah, that was a day ago. Hm… I don’t think that’s healthy. That was, what, yesterday? Hm…
They had whittled the two days away, only going for occasional breaks; they had requested more work, so they could be kept busy.
They had tried to sleep once in that period of time, and that hadn’t ended well.
Their rest probably lasted around 10 minutes, before they were promptly woken up by a nightmare. No way we should let that happen.
Jackalope didn’t seem opposed to the idea, as it would let him have less work. It was a win-win situation, because the more work they had, the less thinking they had to do.
However, the urge for sleep was pulling on them desperately. They didn’t remember the last time they sleep.
I suppose that I must, lest I randomly pass out. Again.
They sat up from the couch, setting their clipboard next to them.
They walked robotically to the bed, sloppily getting ready for bed and tucking themself under the sheets.
They decidedly didn’t look at the mirror while doing that, of course. We’re not an idiot.
They closed their eyes, but didn’t immediately fall asleep. It was ironic that they would be so tired yet not able to go to sleep.
They attempted sleep anyway.
That was idiotic of them.
After an indeterminable amount of time, they opened their eyes in their darkened room.
A feeling they were being watched clutched at their throat. No, that’s silly. Who would do that? Besides, we locked the door. There’s nobody in here, I’m- we’re just being paranoid.
However, out of some sort of twisted curiosity, they moved their eyes away from the ceiling.. 
A large black shape was in the middle of the room, slightly swaying.
They tried to get up, but couldn’t. Their body was immobilized by something. That shape wasn’t there before, oh god-
It started to float towards them, and it felt like their point of view shifted up. It slowly inched across the ground, two hanging limbs dragging across the ground.
Those are… those are feet, right?
They looked up, and a chunk of tangled golden-brown hair came from the head of the entity. It came to their bedside, and towered over them in the bed.
A cold sweat ran down their face, and they started to shiver. What? That’s-
Mahiru giggled, and they heard it. It was real.
But, she’s not alive, there’s no way this could be real.
Her hanging body resembled that of her boyfriends; an image subconsciously gifted to them by her MV.
A pale, ghostly hand reached toward their face, brushing their cheek. It felt so, so real.
They looked around the room, trying to find any way out, and ‘she’ started to hum her song. But, it was distorted, off key, and they started to try to cry.
It was a combination of fear and grief, but they couldn’t sob. They could never let it out, simply shaking and feeling the soft whisper of skin against their cheek.
Eventually, the sensation of the hand faded, and they woke with a start.
The first thing they did was scamper from under the bedsheet, as if it was the perpetrators of their distress.
They clutched their knees, and started to weakly sob. They didn’t have the energy or hydration, but they did have the raw emotion.
Oh god, and she seemed happy. That version of Mahiru was happy.
Right before she died, she was injured, and unhappy. She was faking happiness. I put her in such a state that she wanted this release. It’s my fault.
They clutched a pillow, and it simply deflated. I- I can’t do this anymore, but I can’t die.
I’m not going back to sleep. I’m not going back to sleep. I don’t want to see her again.
It’s all my fault.
It was dead quiet, excluding their own pathetic noises of fear and grief. They were so, so tired, but couldn’t go back to sleep.
They stared at some of the unfinished paperwork on the table. I’m having trouble thinking right now, but if I go back to sleep…
They let out another weak sob. I really don’t want to work… We’ve done that all day. But we should, shouldn’t we? It would take the pain away.
They kept clutching onto the pillow, but started to reassure themself of their authority, that it was all going to be okay, but it didn’t work.
The fear that Mahiru would pop up again, the monster would stare at them, remind them of their guilt. Why do I even see her as a monster? That’s horrible.
She just wanted to love people, and look at what we did to her.
The warden heard light footsteps, and hoped that whoever it was would open the door, check on them.
However, that hope was mixed with fear. But, we can’t let people see us like this. I-
They couldn’t repress their tears; not when there were so many. But, they did try to quiet them the best they could. It didn’t work; the attempt was half-hearted.
It was like a cry for help.
The footsteps stopped in front of their door.
Please. Please. But, they couldn’t directly admit it to themself.
They were relieved when they heard a knock on the door, and soon, an inquisitive head popped in. It’s Kotoko.
She’s going to see me like this. I’m not sure how to feel about this.
This is shameful. We can’t be doing this?
But, what do we have to lose? It feels like we won’t survive this any longer. We can’t.
That shut the warden up.
Will she protect me? She’s good with that, but my verdict’s ruined it all, as always.
She slowly stepped closer to them, but they didn’t protest. They were like an injured animal, though untrusting, had to rely on whoever’s around, no matter how they felt about that person.
They were somewhere else, staring at the spot where Mahiru appeared. Will she appear now? Kotoko will abandon me. Maybe she’s just here to admonish me or something.
I would deserve that. But, can the monster appear if she’s here? Am I at least slightly safer in her presence?
She approached their shaking form.
“How does this keep happening to you? Es, you should understand that you can’t keep this up.”
They shook their head, weak voice punctured by their gasping sobs, “But… Mahiru… she’ll come if I… if we try to… I can’t, I-”
The warden decided to stop their speaking before they revealed more weakness.
Kotoko stood over their curled-up, vulnerable form, eyes widened in a mix of anxiety and despair. The walls started to grow eyes, and they further curled into themself. “She, she’s, they’re all…”
Their cries came to be unapologetically louder than necessary, but she still didn’t save them.
Eventually, she overcame some of her own mental barriers, and scraped them off of their place of terror, up into her arms.
It was almost too easy, and they relaxed. She’ll protect me better than we can protect ourself.
She looked down on them. “Why did you do that?”
They passively looked at nothing, cries quieted now that they were safe. “We… we had to work.”
“That’s not helping anything, or anyone. You won’t be rational enough to decide life-changing verdicts. Idiot…”
Es looked ahead, at the eyes that watched them in the walls. 
“If we do the work, the more time we do it the better. I don’t have to feel anything when I’m working. Besides, I’m not… I’m not the one that chooses the verdicts, anyways. We-, no, I don’t matter.” Their speech and filter were slurred on their tiredness.
Sleep started to overtake them. I don’t care if this is Kotoko, I’d rather pass out here than on the floor.
She tried to lightly shake them awake, but it was futile. “Wait, the verdicts what?”
They lost consciousness, finally not worrying about working.
I guess she knows now.
I’m not sure how we’re supposed to feel about that.
When the warden woke up, they were, of course, back in Shidou’s room. Why do we keep ending up here? This is bothersome, and-
They tried to get up, hazily registering their surroundings, but was stopped. They scowled at the offender, Kotoko, again.
She pushed them, slightly roughly, back down. They tried to resist, but she held them still.
“Es, stop that. You’re only going to hurt yourself more.”
They kept their angry face on, but blocked the light from reaching their tired eyes. This is humiliating. Why is she treating me like a child that can’t take care of themself?
We’re perfectly fine.
Another voice, Shidou Kirisaki, chimed in from the background. His voice sounded a little choked up. “You’re really worrying us, Es. I- please stop doing this.”
Why would they be worried? “Why?”
“Why, what?” Kotoko’s stricter tone of voice.
“Why do you even care? What we do is none of your business. Again, I’m the warden, you’re the prisoners, there’s no reason for this irrational behavior.”
That left the adults in silence, and they let their pounding head adjust to the light the best it could.
They stared over at the two adults, who seemed like an unlikely duo. Didn’t they hate each other last time we checked?
Well, I suppose the verdicts might have changed things. Maybe Kotoko has lost her big ego, good.
Kotoko looked like a mess, her usual hair slightly out of place, and restraints all messed up. Shidou, despite his innocent verdict, looked even more pathetic.
His eyes were puffy from crying, something the warden hadn’t seen much of, other than that one time. Ah, those tears are for Mahiru. That’s right.
The air was thick with tension. Shidou broke the silence. “Es, we care about you.”
That is an outright lie. Does he really care about ‘me’? Or his kids. “No, you don’t. Why would you? All I do is boss you around.”
Kotoko sighed. “Es. Listen. I understand where you’re coming from; I used to be like this, but it didn’t work out for me, you should know. 
I wouldn’t want to lose you as a warden, despite- no, um, you’re an adequate warden. Your faith for your… cause, is admirable. I… I guess I don’t want to lose you.”
It must have taken a lot out of her to say that. Some of that seemed genuine, but…
The warden flicked their eyes over her vulnerable self, trying to justify her actions. Wait… The girl in her MV… Ah! I get it now. She just sees me as a weakling, a damsel in distress, out of her childish belief. That’s why she’s caring about me.
To her, we’re something to protect, out of a complex to make her feel better about herself. There’s no way she’d actually care for us. We can’t listen to her and feel vulnerable.
We were so pathetic last night. “I’m not falling for such a fragile pretense, Kotoko. You just see me like a weakling, like that girl, Keiko, was it? You’re no different than that man.”
They pointed at Shidou, who stared at them with a little heartbreak in his unc
This got straight to her heart, and she clenched her fist. “Stop that. That doesn’t matter. Caring about you aside, what about caring about your integrity as warden?”
This caught them off guard, as she brought up their own vulnerability, ignoring them. She’s bringing up the warden thing now. Are we going to survive this without having a mental breakdown?
That didn’t happen last time.
Yes, yes, we got this. Just ignore her words.
“You can’t be a good warden if you keep passing out like that. Even I slept when I was on the hunt; and I wasn’t the epitome of health. Shidou, you’re the health expert here.”
He cleared his throat. Are we just going to get scolded like this? “Alright, you’re 15, right?”
No response. Shidou continued on anyways. “I know full well you haven’t gotten nearly enough sleep in a while. Adults, yes, adults, can barely function on the amount of sleep you’ve been getting. And, you’re not even an adult.”
He shook his head, sighing. “You’ll do your work much faster on the highly recommended 8-10 hours.”
The warden detested this feeling, of being held down for something they knew full well was their fault, so they tried to avoid it. “I-”
Kotoko came to their defense, but also interrupted them, “In their defense… I don’t think their lack of sleep was fully their fault.”
Shidou turned to her, like a parent getting his authority questioned.
“Yeah, I’m pretty sure you were having nightmares, right?” Her tone was almost accusatory. This woman…
They stared between her and Shidou, classifying her as ‘insufferable’, the category in which Shidou and Amane already had an annual membership to.
Shidou’s anger melted, which was way worse than his previous anger. “Right… don’t you have to watch murder happen in front of your eyes? I mean, that would be nightmare material for anyone…”
The warden had no sensible defense for that, so they simply sat up while Kotoko was too off-guard to push them down and bunched themself together. “I don’t think that that’s any of your concern.”
“If that’s affecting your sleep quality, a small dose of sleep medication will really help, but… No, I suppose that the situation calls for it.”
I- no, we can’t accept anything non-essential from this man.
We’re losing ourself. We really need to get more sleep, but…
This is self-contradictory. How are we going to get out of this one?
The stress of the situation was unmanageable. But, I can’t rely on anyone. But, I’ll have to rely on someone if I can’t sleep.
Okay, but we can’t cry, too. It’s just what we have to do.
This is so stressful.
They teared up, despite their best wishes. We- I can’t do this anymore.
They started to sniffle, but couldn’t exactly stop their tears. They’re going to see us during the interrogation, and this is all they’re going to think about.
We’re so pathetic, Milgram should just replace-
No, no, what am I thinking? I- we can’t do any of that. We can’t think like that. We are no use to Milgram dead.
Surely if Milgram didn’t want us, they could just get rid of us. Like they did Mahiru’s body.
Her body was never in the garbage, so where else could she have gone.
So, Milgram must care somewhat for me. We’re useful.
No reason to be crying. We’re alright.
Shidou reached out to them, trying to pat them on the shoulder, and they slapped it, as harshly as it could. “Get away from us.”
The cycle restarted.
But, they couldn’t exactly leave. So, they simply hissed threats under their breath, to try their best to get the two interferences away from them.
They’re the causes of this inept weakness.
Kotoko sighed. “Jeez. Listen, we’re not going anywhere, and you can’t even do any lasting damage to us; calm down.” A little bit of bitterness slipped into her voice.
Shidou shook his head, trying to gently approach them, to wipe their tears. They hit him away, truly set off.
Their eyes drooped, but they forced them open. We’re in danger right now. These are murderers.
Though, they did know, deep down, we’re the only danger here, to ourself.
“Es, please, we can’t keep doing this.”
I’m the warden. We’re the warden. We’re the warden. “We’re the warden.” It was a hoarse whisper.
“Christ, they’re insane.” Kotoko looked mildly horrified. “This isn’t Es, isn’t it?”
The two adults stood on opposite sides of their bed, within hitting range, but their reactions were delayed.
The walls began to grow eyes, due to their sleep deprivation. They stared back, as if challenging the audience to question their authority.
The eyes started to close. They’re scared of me, aren’t they? They don’t like me, don’t they? 
Will they stop watching now? If they don’t like us, we’ll be rejected as well.
Are we interesting? Are we good entertainment?
That’s our purpose, as the prison warden of Milgram.
They shoved and beat down their last shards of discontentment.
a/n: they literally can’t act tough anymore they’re so sleep deprived 💀#get this kid some therapy that’s not two adults with savior complexes PLEASE-
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agaypanic · 6 months
Headcannons on being the Davenports bestfriend 💗
Being Best Friends With the Davenports Headcanons
Request Something!
A/N: this is probably asking for being best friends with all of them at the same time, but i’m gonna do individual headcanons. also even tho it says davenport, im also adding leo (i know he’s technically a davenport but idk i dont see him as a davenport i see him as a dooley)
You always enable and encourage his silly ideas
Which his family doesn’t like much
But you and Adam have fun, so you don’t care much
You help him with his homework a bunch
He doesn’t like asking Chase for help bc he makes him feel really dumb
Your favorite activity is probably going to the zoo bc he loves all the animals
You peeked through the front door of the Davenport’s house. When the coast was clear, you opened the door wider and waved for Adam to come in. How he was gonna hide this when his family saw, you didn’t know.
“What is that?” Leo’s sudden voice made the two of you jump. He had come from down the hall, and was staring at you with an incredulous look and pointed finger. 
“Lunch,” Adam answered, pointing at the bag of food in your hand. Leo rolled his eyes, furiously trying to make where he was pointing more obvious.
“No, that!” 
You and Adam looked at the alpaca that Leo was pointing to, knowing you were unable to avoid it any longer.
“Oh my gosh, how did that get there?” You asked dumbly, as if you didn’t help Adam break it out of the zoo and bring it home.
“This is definitely the first time I’ve seen this,” Adam said in a faux shocked tone, petting the alpaca’s head. “But since it’s here, we can keep it, right?”
You guys become extremely close extremely fast
Being surrounded by guys all her life, you’re very refreshing to be around
The two of you love to gossip
About who’s with whom, her siblings’ antics, everything and nothing
You guys like going to the mall to shop, eat, and catch up
Even though you hang out literally every day
“Oh my gosh, did I tell you what happened with my brothers this week?” Bree asked as she looked through a rack of shirts.
“You probably have, but tell me anyway.” You laugh, looking at the clothes with her.
“So Leo likes this girl, right? And Chase comes up with some plan to get her to fall for him- oh, this is cute. Well, anyways, it completely backfires, and she ends up going after Adam.”
“No.” You gasped.
“Yes! And that’s not even the craziest part.” Bree took something off the rack and held it up to you, wanting your opinion. You nodded furiously at the sight, and she grinned, adding it to the try-on pile of clothes she was carrying. “So Chase tells Leo that he’ll talk to the girl for him, and guess what.”
“What? Does she start liking Chase?” You ask jokingly. Bree raised her eyebrows at you and pursed her lips, signaling you were correct. “No!”
Yall are that duo at school
Smart, sassy, and pretty
You guys sign up for extracurriculars like science fair and debate club together
Even though he’s literally the smartest man in the world, he likes having you go over his work
Very occasionally, he’ll miss a detail, and you’ll point it out
But he mainly just likes the validation
But you also never hesitate to put him in his place when needed
“Hey, can you read this over for me?” Chase asked as he handed you his laptop. You decided to come over to watch a movie when he suddenly remembered he needed to revise one of his papers for a class. 
Pausing the TV, you set the computer on your lap and read the essay. You didn’t comment until you were finished, handing the laptop back to Chase.
“Pretty good.” You said, playing the movie again.
“I knew it.” Chase gloated, reclining on the couch next to you. “Perks of being the smartest guy ever.”
“Yeah, well, you also misspelled ‘and,’ genius.” You laughed as you watched him scramble for his computer, looking through every word to find the mistake. “Perks of not knowing how to type, I guess.”
“Shut up.” He grumbled, fixing the error and crossing his arms with a pout.
The blind leading the blind
You encourage all of his delusions, mainly because you think it’s funny
You two are a comedic duo tbh
You guys bounce off each other really well
Before the bionic trio, you always defended Leo from bullies
You still do sometimes
Leo was currently talking your ear off about his current crush, some girl named Danielle. This was part of your guys’ routine. He’d tell you about someone he liked, you’d tell him that the two of them were meant to be, something would go wrong, you’d laugh about it, and then Leo would find someone new the next week.
“We’re so close to being boyfriend and girlfriend; I can feel it!” He said excitedly.
“Oh yeah.” You nodded, trying to suppress a laugh. “I know that if I had a boyfriend, I’d want him to be my human footstool because it’s what I deserve.”
“Exactly! You’re like the only one who gets it.”
“Ooh, there she is now.” You said, looking over his shoulder to see his girl of the week at her locker. “She came into the same hallway you’re in, so she clearly wants to see you. You should go talk to her.”
“Really?” Leo asked, slowly standing up. You nodded and pushed him in Danielle’s direction, waiting for everything to unfold. 
Leo somehow found the courage to talk to Danielle, but it was a pretty short conversation. When she walked away, she looked at him from over her shoulder and said goodbye.
“See you later, Lenny!”
The name made you bust out laughing, almost weak in the knees to stand up and go over to the now somewhat sad boy.
“Better luck next time, Lenny.” You said, patting his shoulder and laughing some more.
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ellaa-writes · 5 months
Henlo!! I just saw ur doctor/medic reader story and i feel like they would all want to hear the absolute crazy cases and gossip from reader
Im a student and i work in a large hospital/shadowing some doctors aswell and someday’s these crazy things happen randomly. In the least expected ways. From getting a sudden code stroke to seeing 🪱🪱on body parts to hospital staffs gossips in the med room. Its so random sometimes.
Imagine doctor reader casually telling the time she caught so and so cheating in an empty room in between 2 codes. And shes so chill about it like shes seen and heard enough but the Kortac officers r eating it up like listening to Nurse John’s podcasts😂
Reader: yk this reminds me of the time i did my trauma rotation in—
Konig: wait! Let me get my snacks and tea👀☕️
Hello!! Thank you <3 This is so silly I love it. Decided to have fun with it. It's kinda gross but hey that's what happens. Lol.
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It's going to be a rough day, you thought. Not even 2 hours into your shift you had two concussed idiots sitting in your waiting room. This is gonna be a long one, you started at noon and won't be done till 4am the next morning.
Clutching your coffee you prayed for a miracle, an alien ship or a metor. Either one would do.
Later that evening, specifically dinner time. You were the last to arrive, having to help hold down a patient as another medic stitched up a gash on his forehead.
"I know, I know." you said as you sat you lunch down in front of your chair. Running off to grab a much needed coffee. It was your turn for the over night shift. It wasn't a bad shift, just babysitting the wounded soldiers that are currently being held. Coming back and setting yourself into your spot, digging into your food without a cause to the wind.
"You guys won't believe my day." you started off, slurping down your heart spaghetti. "Some rookies decided to play chicken and now they both have a concussion. And one probably memory loss. Couldn't even tell me his name." you shook your head, recalling the incident. "Than Hutch came in, complaining that he can feel worms crawling in him. I had to explain four times to that dense mother fucker that worms can not survive stomach acid." you stopped to take a big gulp of coffee. "But he wouldn't listen, said it wasn't in his stomach but inside his skin. Ran some blood tests and no hallucinogenic. But he could have fooled me." you didn't realise you were blabbing until you looked up from your plate to see a few of your team members surpressing their laughs.
"What?" you asked, mouth full of spaghetti. "Why don't you chew a bit more." one of them offered. Making the other laugh, "Oh fuck off." you spat. "Anyways, had to give Hutch an xray just to prove there's no damn worms in him." you explained.
"An xray? Does that-" you cut them off. "No, not at all. But it shut him up." they all bursted out laughing. "It reminds me of a patient I had back at the ER. Complaining about his ass itching. The other nurses weren't taking him seriously. Just sent him to the bathroom with some baby wipes." you stopped abruptly, this might not be a good dinner story.
"Oh come on Katze, don't get all shy on us now." König said, you didn't even notice he was there. You also didn't notice the rest of the mess hall getting quiet to listen to your story.
"Oh, well we're eating." you tried to explain but was met with loud booing. "Fine, fine." you yelled back. Wiping your mouth, your food finished, you pushed the tray away from you.
"Ok, so they sent him to the bathroom and he came back later saying he can still feel them."
"Them?" Horangi interrupted, and was followed by shushing. "Damn, sorry. Continue." he slinked back into his chair.
" So they put him in a room, told him to strip from the waist down. Another trainee and myself were assigned to this case along with a RN. She had him lay on the side has she spread his ass cheeks. Like you would a child." you stopped from dramatic affect. Watching as your tream and the rest of mess hall looked on in anticipation.
"We saw nothing. So she took a swab, had me spread this grown man's cheeks as she inserted it into the recum, shoveling out what ever was in side. Still nothing." a few people got up and left and others choking back a gag.
"She wet had him pop a squat over the trash can and cough. Sure enough a worm came shooting out. So did some green chunks, thankfully they were just some cucumbers. Guess the guy stole a cucumber from his neighbors garden not knowing it was infested with worms. He shoved the thing right up and it broke. He was like that for 2 weeks, worms up the ass. Still not the craziest thing I experienced, let me tell your that." you reached for your tray, but König took it for your instead.
"A cucumber up the ass?" Horangi asked. "I've seen people shove all sorts of thing up their butt. Idk what it is or why but it's way to common." you threw your finished coffee cup in the trash.
"Sorry I gotta get back. The results for mister chicken should be in by now." you said you goodbyes and waved to others, rushing out of the lunch hall.
"What a women." König said, hearts in his eyes.
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elli3luvs · 1 year
monster mash
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summary: meeting the prettiest girl you have ever seen in a shitty party city costume wasn't what you had in store for your night.
genre: fluff!
wc: 500
a/n: just a silly little thing i thought of haha i kinda want to see ellie in a dracula costume.... also!! i have really been struggling with smut requests recently like i've tried and they are falling really short so if you have requested smut it probably won't happen </33 i'm so so sorry i just don't want to disappoint! i hope you understand <3
the material rubbing against your arms was enough to make you wish you never came out to this party. you were having fun, and halloween parties were always your favorite, but the last-minute nature of your costume made you feel like a poor sport. it wasn't even a funny last-minute costume. it was a cheap pleather costume making you look like a mouse. the poorly drawn whiskers from your already drunk friend were just the icing on the cake.
real sexy.
you set your drink on the counter behind you while crossing your arms over your chest. looking out at all the drunk people dancing while 'monster mash' blared through the speakers for the 90th time was your favorite activity. you spotted your friend dina grinding against jesse. a grimace graced your face, knowing that in the morning you would have to hear all about that. jesse looks at you with an enthusiastic smile, mouthing, 'she's not mad at me anymore!' before he goes back to focusing on dina.
"i need to get drunker to be able to watch that," you mutter to yourself, twisting to grab your drink. your fingers just barely grasp the red cup before a random hand shoots out to your forearm effectively stopping you from picking up said drink.
it was a girl in a vampire costume, fake blood dribbling down her chin while two fake bite marks settled on her neck. you couldn't tell if being that pale was makeup or if that was just her normal face, "i wouldn't drink that." her eyes were wide and urgent looking while she spoke.
your eyebrows furrow at her frantic nature, "what? why not?"
she grabs the drink and throws the remaining liquid down the drain, "dick head over there put a packet of something in it." she nods her head toward a guy who looked the type. he was hunched in the corner of the room, staring you down.
you groan while rolling your eyes, "can't even have fun at a halloween party these days."
the vampire — you decided to call her — leaned against the counter next to you while she hands you a new drink. her eyes were piercing the nasty man who skittered away like a stupid rat.
the music got louder with the new song forcing her to lean closer to you, "men, am i right?"
you laughed at that, nodding your head, "can't do anything! thanks for saving me from that awful fate!"
she shrugs, "i couldn't just let you drink it," one of her friends calls her name, cutting your time with her short. you wish you were able to hear what her friend called her. maybe dina knew her name, "besides... you're a pretty girl. i was gonna come up to you anyway." she saunters off, joining her friend group with a broad grin.
maybe the mouse costume was really sexy after all.
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welt except he has a fever and desperately needs sleep
cw: descriptions of illness, high fever, being kinda delirious/out of it, sleep deprivation?, nightmares, headaches, mentions of death
contains spoilers for welt's hi3 lore
also, disclaimer! welt in here is very reluctant to ask for help and feeling bad about it because... well i imagine he'd react like this, BUT! needing help and asking for it is completely normal and valid and okay; please remember that and take care of urself ok!! ily /p
alright, so...
i'm gonna be honest since i found @bugbytez13 's blog welt sickfic ideas don't want to leave my head LMAO except i will write a detailed description of a fic instead of the fic itself. that's it that's the post
tbh this ramble in particular could be made into two separate fanfics (one sickfic and one specifically about the nightmares) but shh
i will forever be self conscious or anxious about things i post that aren't just headcanons or silly little rambles, but also... writing this went surprisingly smoothly so! enjoy the essay or something idk HAHA
so, about welt...
i just know this man is going to force himself to stay awake. maybe his self-sacrificing issues are less present now, and he doesn't immediately throw himself in danger in every fight ever, but he's still stubborn as hell. so he won't admit something is wrong. he won't admit that maybe getting way too little sleep several days in a row wasn't doing wonders for his immune system and he's now finally feeling the consequences. to be fair, he expected it might end like this, but he didn't want to take breaks - there's still too many things to take care of before they finally head to penacony. and now, he will still insist of taking care of everything, even though his body is basically begging him to go take a nap.
except maybe, he didn't even expect it to get this bad. or thought that he can just power through it. i mean, he's been through much worse, right? this is nothing compared to literally losing his body for some time. but he's sitting in the parlor car, and he's half awake, and unusually cold, and his head is hurting, and keeping up the act is getting harder and harder - but he has to, because the younger members of the crew are here too, even if only march is talking to him.
but they pick up on the fact that something is wrong, of course they do. his eyes are unfocused, he looks like he's about to fall asleep - or pass out - and march had to repeat herself twice for him to even fully process what she was asking him, and so suddenly stelle is next to him, attempting to touch his forehead - and he recoils. "i'm fine," he says, and it's probably a bit too quick and a bit too firm than he'd like it to be, and all of this is stupid, really, because he shouldn't be scared of someone touching him. how hot can it really be anyway if he's feeling so cold, right? but if that wasn't enough dan heng asks an even more dreaded question, "are you sure, mr yang? do you want us to call himeko?" and welt decides it's time to excuse himself, before he makes them even more worried. because even in his present state, he can pick up on the fact they're concerned, but at the same time unsure of what to do, and it makes him feel guilty. of course they're unsure; he's usually their caretaker, and he always knows what to do, and it should never be the other way around. he should've just stayed in his room all day, shouldn't he.
"thank you all for your concern, but i'm alright." he stands up. "now, please excuse me, i still have some work to do." of course that's true, but he's almost certain he won't be able to focus on that- but he just needs an excuse to get out from here and be left alone anyway.
but stelle is right next to him, and looking determined to accompany him to his room, too. "you look like you're about to fall, mr yang," they explain, and he wants to insist that he's okay once again, but realizes he's too tired to do so. it would take him at least a few minutes, and it's a few minutes he doesn't have nearly enough energy for. he just wants to finally lie down. so, he lets stelle essentially escort him into the hallway and to his bedroom, and make sure he doesn't collapse on his way there, and-- it's embarassing, honestly, because it's already so difficult for him to show himeko the slightest hints that something might be wrong, and right now the situation is similar but ten times worse - so it's also ten times harder for him to come to terms with the fact he needs to rely on someone.
"my... apologies for making you all worry," he says quietly when they reach his room, and he's so thankful that he left the lights off, because the parlor car was way too bright, and though the hallway was a bit better, it still wasn't good.
"it's alright," stelle shakes her head, and stands there in the doorway, even as he heads towards his bed and sits down. "i'll ask himeko to check up on you in a bit?" she asks, and he only nods, though he isn't sure if she can actually see it. he doesn't want to talk anymore, he doesn't want to think because even just that seems to make his headache worse, he just wants stelle to leave, he just wants to sleep-- he isn't even sure if he understood her question correctly, but he also doesn't have the energy to care. he falls asleep the moment the door closes behind her, fully clothed and half covered with a thick blanket, but even then he isn't allowed a peaceful rest.
memories from old battles flash before his eyes, silhouettes of enemies he once fought, those against whom he won - but also of those who severly injured or even killed him, and with that come the memories of the pain
and the fear of losing his body again.
when he finally awakens, sweating, shaky for reasons other than his fever, and still feeling pretty awful, it takes him longer than usual to remember where he is. it takes him longer than usual to remember that he's safe.
but now there's medicine and a thermometer on his nightstand, and a note written in himeko's neat handwriting - though he actually spots and reads it some time later - telling him to rest as much as he needs to, because she'll take care of everything; and only after he does read it and feels a sense of relief come over him, he realizes how much the thought of having to leave all the work in order to take a break actually stressed him out. he still feels bad about it, because of course he does, and of course he's going to apologize to everyone later.
but he's also able to sleep more peacefully now.
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atom-writings · 1 year
Can I get the g8+Canada with an s/o who always talks with there hands? Like there hands are always moving no matter what
thank you ‼️
(Main 8 + Canada X Reader) S/O that talks with their hands!
(Gender Neutral) Headcanons ~ A/N this is the first canada req ive gotten u guys gotta like this guy more smh /j/j/j/j/j anyway i forgor to do france sorry
Trigger Warning: None, just fluff!
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Alfred would really like a S/O that does this! You know how people put subway surfers gameplay on the bottom of TikToks now? Yeah, your hands have basically the same effect on him. Helps him focus on what you’re actually saying.
He kinda does the same thing too. Recently he’s bought like, a lot of silly stim toys, so if you need something to do with your hands he’s got you covered.
No matter what, he would never get annoyed by how much you gesture and fidget. He does the same thing! Probably as much as you! He just sees it as a good thing, it makes it easier for you to get your point across. If anyone ever got mad at you for it, he’s immediately telling them to shut up.
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As much as Arthur tries his best to not be bothered by your constant fidgeting, he can’t help it sometimes. He loves how hyper you are! But sometimes, he’ll hold your hands as an excuse to get you to calm down a little. He’s an old man, he’s got a headache.
But most of the time, he couldn’t care less. I mean, if anything, it just helps him know exactly what you’re talking about quicker. And he didn’t date you because you were calm, he loves you just the way you are! If anyone (besides him,) tried to stop you from fidgeting, he’ll glare at them until they stfu. For you <3 
Also, this guy loves giving gifts, if you ask for any fidgets, they’ll be on the dining table the next day.
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It’s a real cute trait of yours… but sometimes Yao gets dizzy just seeing you flail your hands around like that. Are you swatting at flies? Are you ok? It’ll… take a bit for him to learn to not comment on it.
After that, he tries to ignore it when he can. Which is ironic, because he does the same exact thing sometimes! Like, he’ll tell you to calm down while talking with his hands himself. So annoying!
He doesn’t mind it too much though. He loves you just as much as he would anyway, he just finds it a bit confusing sometimes.
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Oh, Ivan would just find this so charming! Most of the people he spends time with are incredibly stiff and uncomfortable, so seeing you so excitedly try to sputter out something while gesturing wildly is a very welcome change.
But, he has a tendency to stand very close to you while you two are talking, so it’s not an uncommon occurrence for you to smack him upside the head. He doesn’t mind though, there’s no way you could ever hurt him too bad.
Although he would LOVE to buy you cute fidgets, he might be hesitant at first. Simply because he can’t get enough of watching you talk. It’s like a little performance! It’s definitely one of those little things he loves about you so much.
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It may make him a little panicked at first, but Matthew quickly learns to love how much you fidget and flail your hands around. He just finds it so adorable… plus your exaggerated speech makes up for how barely audible he is. That part he really appreciates <3
Even though sometimes you remind him a little too much of his brother when it comes to your mannerisms, he would never try to get you to stop or calm down. He loves you for you! Even when he’s a bit worried you’re gonna get hurt with how much you wave your hands around.
Absolutely will buy fidgets for you too! He likes them too so… win-win. Whatever makes it easier for you to be comfortable and talk more, he’ll support whole-heartedly.
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Hey! That’s something you two have in common! I mean, Feliciano basically invented talking with your hands. Now you can learn from the master of flailing wildly to get your already confusing point across!
Seriously, he probably won’t even notice how much your hands are moving because it’s just so ingrained in him. But if you ever just… need something to fidget with, he is capable of making anything entertaining for you. Somehow.
He does really adore a high energy S/O though <3 Seeing you get so excited is like, one of his favourite sights in the whole world. Anyone who gets annoyed with you two is gonna… well, be at the receiving end of his pathetic sobs. But that’ll still shut them up, so…
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Oh jeez. Now he has another Feliciano on his hands. Except, Ludwig quickly finds himself falling in love with your exaggerated gestures. Whenever you start talking, you’ve got his full attention… and adoration. He just can’t get enough of you!
Despite his reserved demeanour, he loves seeing how excitable you can get. Your energy is infectious! It makes him want to get as exhilarated as you are!
Even when you’re not as enthusiastic, he still can’t help but feel so happy whenever you start talking with your hands. It just reminds him of all the things he loves about you, and how you’ve changed him so much. If it was anyone else, he’d get pretty anxious over the constant movement. But not you, no, never you.
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Kiku usually isn’t too keen on that kind of thing usually, either. But… considering two of his closest friends are Alfred and Feliciano, he’s gotten pretty used to it. Most of the time, he doesn’t even look down to notice what you’re doing with your hands. (He worries you’ll assume he’s judging you if he does, which for the record, he isn’t.)
Maybe once or twice a week, he’ll take you hands in his while you’re talking just to get you to calm down a bit, but he really doesn’t mean anything by it. He’s just easily distracted and your performance is really not helping.
He’d never try to get you to stop though! He loves you just the way you are! Even when you’re overwhelming him a bit.
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wonijinjin · 5 months
dust: a christmas special (ot7)
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author’s note: to end the holiday season here is a little special with your favourite boys! have a peaceful day, take care.
synopsis: the christmas chaos vanished, time to clean up your mess, but it is not easy with those seven.
word count: 1.0k | genre: fluff, humour/crack | pairings: enhypen x gn! reader (platonic!) | warnings: mentions of being deaf, yelling, playfighting
“i think we should start cleaning up guys, the situation is not sustainable anymore.” it was the last day of christmas, the holy spirit and the holiday atmosphere slowly fading as time went on, you and the boys getting full and sick of stuffing yourselves with delicious special meals which you partly helped cook as well as got delivered to make sure you had enough of everything. wrappers of chocolate and presents were all over the kitchen counter, not leaving any space for you to make your morning drink; moreover the house looked like a mess, the two floors were terribly packed with all sorts of stuff you had to get in order to complete the decoration or to ensure that everyone was having the time of their lives (which included a karaoke machine, darts, and a table tennis court just to mention some activities you did), them being a bit damaged due to the excitement of the day before, the boys handling them roughly. “what did you say? sorry i’m literally deaf, yesterday’s karaoke destroyed my eardrums…even though i wanted to just sleep peacefully…” jake complained while moving into the kitchen, eyes barely open since he didn’t get enough sleep. “oh shit-“ “WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT OH MY GOD!”jake whined when you accidentally knocked the pot next to you over, its fall chattering on the marble floor, making your friend jump in surprise. “whoops, sorry. can you get the others? we need to clean this mess up.” you said gently, trying not to startle the poor boy even more.
ten minutes later all of the seven men were on their feet, sleepy gazes pinned upon your figure while waiting for an answer as of why you needed them so badly since jakey had no energy to even finish his sentence. “this is disgusting guys. i don’t even know where this suspicious substance came from, but i think it is better for all of us if we try to get rid of it.” you said with a face of shock, holding a roll of wipes and pointing at the countertop which had what you suspected was some kind of juice, sticking to everything of course. “hee please take the ornaments down from the rooms with riki, they are like broken in half or ripped into pieces anyways, so you can just throw them in the trash can.” you ordered, ushering the oldest and youngest boys of the group out of the mentioned room, and grabbing jay by his hand. “you are gonna help me clean the kitchen since we are probably the only ones who actually know how to do it.” he smiled at your words; you often came around to their dorm to spend time with them, meanwhile getting into a habit of cooking with jay, and this holiday was no exception; you had a blast with these silly boys whom you loved dearly, but the fun was over and everyone had to get back into their normal lives soon, not to mention new year’s eve rolling around soon enough. “sunoo, sunghoon please collect the wrappers.” you pleaded, the duo already hurrying to get the bags. “and lastly jakey and wonnie, can you go out to buy some new garbage bags and cleaning stuff? we are gonna run out i think.” you wondered, looking around the cabinets to find out what was necessary.
after hours of mopping and like ten bags of trash later you finally managed to get the building squeaky clean. “good job guys! i miss the christmas spirit, but i think this little session did wonders to the house! isn’t it nice to have a clean surface to sit down on?” you grinned at them, however they weren’t that happy. “yeah yeah great…” jay said while scratching the back of his head. “i wasted half a day for this…when i could’ve went out to get that ichiran ramen i got from heeseung!” riki added right after, surely not being satisfied with how his holiday came to an end. “i will treat you to a big meal on new year’s eve okay? yall are so dramatic!” you said with a blank expression. “you guys did nothing but eat and play for DAYS…a bit of hygiene doesn’t hurt you know.” sunoo sided with you, happily skipping around the house in the sunshine that was coming in through the big windows. “hah! that’s it for you all, sunny is on my side! i knew you would never let me down!” you ran to him, hugging him tightly to which he responded with a bubbly laugh. “are we gonna argue about this any further or are we gonna finally try to solve that 20000 piece lego set you bought for us?” jungwon asked with a cocked brow, you not even having time to process what happened when sunghoon started screaming. “YEAH FINALLY, THE LEGO!” he quickly grabbed it and poured it out onto the ground, sitting down next to the pieces. “now that i think of it it was a good decision to put away the stuff which has been laying here. now we have all the space for the fun!” heeseung commented, already lowering himself next to hoon. you watched the seven idiots fondly, looking at how their eyes sparkled. “okay big boys, let’s start then!”
“YAHHH RIKI DID YOU LOSE THE LAST PIECE?” “I TOLD YOU I HAVEN’T SEEN IT, ARE YOU STUPID?” “HEY! that is not how you talk to the older members!” “it was sunoo’s fault anyways, he was dancing around i bet he kicked it off somewhere…” “I WILL MAKE SURE YOU WILL BE THE ONE KICKED OFF YOU LIAR!” “here we go again…”
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arthropod-concoctions · 7 months
(AO3 - prev)
Martyn swiped his finger across a page of the enchanted book, sketching a pose, and watching as the armor stand in front of him mimicked it. He took his finger off the paper with a flourish, and the stand froze, staying in position. It wasn't a particularly impressive pose, but Martyn smiled proudly anyways.
“This thing is awesome,” he said to Joe, who had flown in to drop yet another shulker box full of various types of stone at Cleo's doorstep. Ze said that they would know what to do with it; somehow, Martyn doubted that. “You wouldn't happen to know how to replicate it, would you?”
“Oh, that's easy, just take a book and title it `Statues',” Joe replied. Around zir head floated a rainbow of small multicoloured eyes that stared directly at Martyn.
“Right,” Martyn said, looking back at the eyes. That sounded like far too easy a process to be possible on just any server. He tried not to be too disappointed; he wouldn't have had any time for making statues in the Life games anyways, and, well, where else was he gonna do it?
“And another thing... do you know if Cleo has a change of clothes stashed anywhere?”
Joe hesitated for a moment. “...In their cross-server inventory, probably?”
“Sure, but I'd feel weird just digging through that. And I had a look around this block of skyscrapers here, but I couldn't find a wardrobe or anything.”
“Oh, fair enough. Well, I don't know about Cleo, but you can borrow some of my clothes if you want?”
“Sure. Do you have anything in green?”
Joe smiled and looked at Martyn through zir green glasses, and Martyn looked at zir green fingerless gloves and green hairtie and felt a bit silly for asking. “Oh, I've got a few things. I'll be right back!”
Half an hour later, Martyn was standing next to a shulker box overflowing with clothes, dressed in... not the most ostentations outfit he'd ever worn, considering a certain December MCC, but it was probably in the top ten. Cleo was a bit taller than Joe, so most of the clothes left the belly exposed, but Martyn had managed to find a chroma green pinstripe suit that fit well enough. He stepped out of the room in Cleo's base he'd used to dress up, and made eye contact with Joe, whose face lit up.
“Found something you like?” ze said.
“Yeah, I guess so,” Martyn replied, laughing. “I feel like I'm ready to play for the Lime Llamas with this fit.”
“I don't watch sports, but yeah, I think you look great!”
The two of them walked out into Cleo's courtyard, where someone was waiting for them; someone who appeared to be a blue slime in a hoodie and jogging pants.
The slime looked at Martyn and stifled a laugh. “Wow, looks like I chose the right day to go check on Cleo's replacement,” they said, then held out a slimy hand- more like a stump, really, Martyn couldn't make out separate fingers. “I'm Jevin. Nice to meet you.”
“Martyn,” Martyn responded. He tried to shake Jevin's 'hand', but only ended up slapping against it before Jevin withdrew it. It had the consistency of a water balloon. “You're a friend of Cleo's?”
“Uh- yeah, a friend. Totally. Mhm, we're best friends,” Jevin replied, nodding. “That's why I'm here. Friendly reasons.”
“Right. Friendly reasons. Definitely not `collecting blackmail material for Cleo' reasons.”
“Exactly! See, you get it,” Jevin said cheerfully. Martyn looked at Joe, who shrugged. Zir rainbow eyes shot a few glances at Jevin occasionally, but most remained trained on him. Suddenly, Joe gasped.
“Wait, I haven't even shown you the best feature of this outfit yet!” ze said, then began rummaging through zir inventory. Eventually ze pulled out a strange flashlight of sorts. “Check this out!”
Ze shone the light on Martyn; he looked down to realise his body had vanished. From the neck down, all of his body which was covered by green fabric was completely invisible.
Martyn laughed deviously. “Oh, that's fantastic. Say, can I borrow that light for a bit?”
“Sure,” Joe said, handing Martyn the flashlight. “As long as you bring it back by the end of the day.”
“Yeah, I can do that, no problem,” Martyn replied, then went back into his little changing room. After some rummaging, he found a piece of fabric big enough to cover his head, protesting snakes included; then, he pulled out his chat and began typing a message.
<ZombieCleo> Tim, where you at?
<Tango> the shopping district
<Tango> zedaph's giving me a tour
Taking the makeshift mask with him, he went outside to meet Joe and Jevin again. “Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got a rancher to prank.”
He shot a glare at Jevin, who appeared to be taking a picture of him, then took off flying with Cleo's elytra.
Despite receiving precise coordinates from Jimmy, Martyn had quite some trouble locating him and his new friend in the shopping district. Partly because the district in question was a headache-inducing mess to fly over, and partly because all of Tango's distinctive physical features were now blue for some reason.
He gently glid down to the ground, careful not to make any noise, and landed behind Jimmy and a blond Hermit who he guessed must be Zedaph. He'd been shining Joe's flashlight onto himself, rendering him entirely invisible except for his hand. He trailed behind the two of them, slowly closing the gap. Eventually he could hear what Zedaph was saying:
“And this is the hole where... Actually, I have no idea what this hole is for. It wasn't here last time I went shopping. There's hoppers at the bottom... d'you reckon we should throw something in, see what happens?”
“You know, Zed, this tour isn't very good,” Jimmy said. His accent was unmistakeable, even in Tango's voice, which didn't seem to have changed with his colouration.
Martyn was right behind them at this point, so he spoke up: “Yeah. Zero stars.”
Jimmy yelled out and whirled around, flailing his arms about in a panic. His arm collided with Zedaph's, and expelled some kind of red flash; then, Zedaph yelped too.
Martyn began laughing, pulling the cloth off of his face and pointing the flashlight down. “Oh, that was beautiful,” he said between laughs.
“Wh- Cleo- Martyn- how did you- what are you wearing?” Jimmy sputtered.
“More importantly, what were you thinking?” Zedaph added, rubbing his arm where he'd collided with Jimmy. “Do you know how annoying redstone burns are to heal?”
“Sorry, Zed,” Martyn said. “Didn't mean for you to become collateral. Hi. I'm Martyn, by the way.” Martyn extended his hand to Zedaph, who crossed his own arms, pointedly not shaking his.
“Wait-- sorry, Zed, by the way-- what do you mean 'redstone burn'?” Jimmy said.
“Well, you know, with Tango's redstonyness... he never zapped you on accident?”
Jimmy shook his head. Martyn piped up: “Wait, are you saying Tango just has redstone tasers hidden up his sleeves at all times?”
“No- he- because he's a redstone sprite, guys come on!” Zedaph exclaimed, clearly expecting Martyn and Jimmy to know this.
“I didn't know that,” Jimmy replied immediately.
Zedaph looked at Jimmy, looking very offended on Tango's behalf. “Seriously? You were married to him, and you didn't even-”
“We were not married!” Jimmy interrupted him. “We were soulmates, not-”
“About the same thing, isn't it? Still, not a very good soulmate if you didn't even know what species he is.”
“I thought he was just a regular guy!”
“He has red eyes!” Zedaph and Martyn said in unison.
“Not anymore though, they're blue now,” Martyn added. “Zed, what's up with that anyways? Why does Hermitcraft get the blue raspberry flavoured Tango?”
“Because of...” Zedaph trailed off, then sighed, and pinched his nose. “You know, I figured because you were his husband- soulmate, whatever-” he waved a hand at Jimmy, who's opened his mouth to protest- “I could skip the `introduction to Tango' part of this tour. But I guess not! Follow me, let's turn this tour around.”
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lurking-latinist · 2 months
I am sure everyone has been biting their nails waiting to find out what the next Hornblower fic premise that I’ll never write is. It is below the cut.
Retribution fix-it, obviously. Nobody is dying and if anybody tries to confess to anything and sacrifice himself (I don’t trust Hornblower not to pull this stunt either) the other two will sit on his head until he stops being silly.
So the lieutenants all stick to their story and as far as the court-martial can tell there’s not a pin to choose among them. Hammond argues that in that case they should hang the lot but Pellew is pulling every string in the British Empire to save their necks, and he has a lot of strings. The compromise they come to eventually is that they will all of them be stripped of rank and dismissed the service. (I don’t know if this is historical. I haven’t done any research at all. That’s why I’m not actually writing it.)
So our boys (and Buckland I guess; I wonder just how many times Buckland’s name has been followed up with “I guess”? Anyway he goes off and does his own thing) are cast adrift, metaphorically, they are on land, that’s the problem, in Kingston. There will be opportunities for fun (for the reader) and chaos (for the characters) if they are drifting around penniless for a bit; I imagine Hornblower’s one remunerative land-based skill, which is card-playing, takes him to rather less posh surroundings than in Portsmouth.
But anyways obviously they are still sailors and they eventually find a short-handed privateer that will take them no questions asked under the names of Smith, Jones, and Robinson. Only to find a few days out of port that she is less of what you might call a privateer and more of what you might call a pirate, and her captain is a drunken murderous tyrant… During a particularly horrible moment Bush sees Hornblower and Kennedy exchange one of their telepathic glances, realizes he too knows what they’re thinking, and thinks, when did this become my life?
With practice and without Buckland, and with a captain none of them had any respect for in the first place, they’re a lot quicker. If they have a reputation as desperate men now they might as well use it. So they explain to the pirate captain very softly, very politely—well, Kennedy’s very polite; Hornblower’s blunter, and the headlock Bush has the pirate in would definitely not be accepted in any drawing-room—that they are the Renown mutineers, they find they don’t like how he runs his ship, and if he doesn’t care to accept their advice he is welcome to find out what happened to their last captain.
(They don’t really mean to kill him in cold blood. Probably. But he thinks they do. Hornblower will be miserable about this ambiguity later—more so, weirdly, than the big ones like “we are technically also pirates now.” The loss of identity he has suffered through loss of his rank and position in the Royal Navy has not even begun to reach the surface of his labyrinthine subconscious. If you were wondering, Bush is just straightforwardly sad and angry about it and Kennedy is mostly worried about the practical aspects, i.e. what are they actually gonna do.)
They don’t kill him and he does agree to their terms. But very soon they take a small French prize and he tells the three of them, you take her, take a small crew and she’s yours, just get off MY ship, and they take some of the more decent-minded and/or ex-Navy sailors who were amenable to their attempted reforms, and they do, and now they have their own ship. They probably pick one of themselves to be officially in command but they are really a triumvirate and everyone knows it. And they work really, really well together.
I wish I could make them go properly ideologically rogue but I am afraid they will still mainly want to harass the French. (Hornblower is despite his own repeated assertions chock full of revolutionary sympathies but they’re not democratic, they’re aristocratic-republican, and he was born 150 years too late to be an English aristocratic republican.) But it’s a start.
As I said this is probably deeply unhistorical in some way and anyhow I am not actually writing it. But it brings me pleasure.
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floufli · 1 year
Admit It
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Chapter 2 : Consequences (5k)
Before the whole "multiverse collapsing" thing, everything was going pretty smoothly for you. As Spider-woman, you saved people, beat up villains and lived an calm and uneventful civilian life. But everything seemed to have changed the moment one boy was bitten by some radioactive spider. Now, the villains you faced have become more active, and always seemed to disappear before you could deliver them to the police. One day, you manage to finally catch the trail of the ones that kept stealing your catches, only to be left to discover another facet of your life waiting for you.
Will this end well for you? You could only hope so. But you are perfectly okay with risking it all, after all, that "Miguel" got one hell of an ass to make up for it.
Miguel o'hara x fem!reader, violence, 18+ MINOR NON FRIENDLY SO HOP HOP GET OUT OF HERE, future tags
Chap: (1)
Don't copy to another site or I'm gonna be big mad >:C and don't feed to AI obviously
Author notes:
Doing this instead of doing exam stuff related. Tried do to 3k didn't work now take this 5k and the smutty bit . I wanted to put Miguel's POV but it would have been 7 or 8k so it'll be for next chap.
I'll probably edit it later bc there're parts I find weirdly written but anyways-
Why did I do that already? Ah! Yeah! I remember, to " not miss all the fun". Silly me... HOW IS THAT FUNNY???
"HOLY FUCKING SHIT !!" You screamed at the top of your lungs as you almost immediately regretted going through that damned portal. One second you were walking onto a nice- beautiful even, concrete floor, and the next you got yourself propelled into a way too colorful void that made your eyes hurt.
Why does everything they have must be so bright? Does it not make their head hurt, like, please??
But right as of now, you thought the colorfulness of this new environment to be one of your less important problems. At least for now.
You were more concerned as to where you were actually heading, a slight panic running through your body as you realized you had no control whatsoever over your direction or speed. You didn't mind not knowing where you were going to land, no problem, but you would prefer not to crash into a building- or even better the ground, at 100km/h.
Quickly asserting the situation, you tried to take as much information as you could. Looking around yourself, you could observe ass you traveled into what could be a sort of invisible tunnel, if an invisible tube could be called a tunnel, it kind of defeats the whole purpose of the tunnel but anyway. Although you could see some kind of geometrical forms that set the global shape of the way, like guides that allowed the tunnel to go the right way.
The feeling almost made you sick. Sure swinging around was something you now excelled in, but being moved around so much that you lost sense of up and down was now something you dread to experience again.
That's something I'll never get used to. You thought as your eyes tried to find something to anchor yourself before you could throw up your last meal.
Thanks to whoever designed this thing, the experience was quite short, even if quite extreme. In only mere seconds after your entry into the portal, you were back in the real world. And not this weird in-between dimension that threw your senses off.
As much as you were thrilled for the experience to be over, your eyes stung at the bright lighting at the end of the way. But you got no time to rest and recover properly your vision. The moment your body went through the blinding light, gravity suddenly seemed to reappear, pushing you down toward the ground. Acting by instinct at this point, you let your body react by itself as it reoriented itself so you would land carefully on your two feet, and not head first.
" Ah.." You sighed, appreciating the comforting weight of gravity. You raise to your full height, arms by your side, you let your eyes take as many details around you as they could, while your ears tried to assert if there were any threats nearby.
That's a pretty big elevator.
Your eyes were amazed by the sight you were met with. By just looking from side to side, you could see the breathtaking, future-like sight behind the thick protection glass. Incredible buildings stretched so far up into the deep blue sky that you almost could believe your own eyes. How was it even possible? That must be some kind of dimension that's set well into the future for it to be so technologically advanced.
The scenery was pure beauty, roads were spreading around each building like a gigantic snake, embracing each gap and swirling in the place. And unlike your world, those were set up in the sky, allowing an astonishing field of green to surround the whole city.
It was still hard to tell from this distance, and knowing that the elevator was actually moving upwards, but you could swear those cars looked weird as fuck.
…Wait, they definitely were flying...there wasn't any road for them to be on ??!
Too caught up in your own excitement, you didn't notice the three people waiting with you while the elevator moved. Running towards one of the glass windows you almost pressed your face against it to better examine this completely new view. But you quickly dismissed the idea once you saw that the elevator was in fact just a platform and putting your face against the window would result in your face being squished down along the elevator's movement.
Wait that's weird... why is everything upside down?
It took you a good minute to realize that your entire vision was in fact upside-down and that your body was in fact dangling into the void, only kept from falling by your talons. Despite the fact that the spikes on your feet were considerably huge, it seems like you didn't notice them piercing into the platform's ground.
Thanks, weird spider instincts. You thought amused, it would have been quite embarrassing if you had landed just for you to fall down because you couldn't spot that the gravity was inverted.
Parting from the glass, you looked behind you. Three different pairs of eyes met your own. You almost let a laugh escape your lips when you saw the scene, stopping yourself last second, but unable to help the smile on your lips.
While the two other Spiderwomen- you guessed you could call them like that for now, were standing perfectly straight on their feet despite the gravity trying to pull them down, Vulture was dangling weirdly, only hold back by the firm grip of the youngest Spider. Seeing something falling upwards wasn't really common in your job, as you almost never let yourself be put in a taught enough situation that would force you to be left head down.
Vulture wasn't as pleased as you were on another note. His face was one of pure worry as he frequently stared at the girl holding his restrained body and then the abysmal void separating him from the bottom of the building. You could almost catch beads of sweat sliding profusely from his now pale face.
"Enjoying the view?" The woman asked with a smile of her own, all the while she was playing with something on her watch-like device. From her relaxed brows, everything was going as usual for her. This told you a lot about the situation as a whole; if they were really who they pretended to be, fellow Spider-Men from; different universes, then they could be many more than just these two and the “Miguel” from before.
“Yeah, flying cars are not really a thing at home. This view is really something to behold.” You stated breathily, even if you didn’t know them- not even their names you realized, you could let your guard down, you could feel it.
It had been so long since you felt this safe.
Not having to worry about enemies coming to stab you in the back, always looking out for people's betrayals, it really was refreshing to say the very least. A much-needed break indeed.
“Miguel’s dimension is surely more advanced than most of ours, that’s for sure!” The woman laughed as if amused by your almost pure reaction to the scenery. Just as she finished doing whatever she was doing with her watch, the elevator started to slow down, and you walked up to where they were currently standing- waiting to arrive at your destination.
But just as you were about to stand before them a sudden vague of pain came through you. The feeling, despite short-lived, left you breathless, contorting in pain, you lost your balance and almost fell to your knees. But weirdly you didn’t.
It was as if you were shredded into pieces, and while you tried to scream, you could hear the bugged sounds that came out of your mouth. You really felt like a scratched disc that kept coming back to one scene over and over.
Thankfully, it went away as quickly as it came. You were now crouched down just next to the older woman, who had lowered herself in the meantime you were out. Now extending her arms, presenting you with a sort of elastic bracelet.
“Shit! I’m so sorry girl, that completely slipped out of my mind. There put this one on, it will stop you from doing that again, I know it’s not the best feeling.” She said to you, expression full of remorse while you quickly put on the thing.
“ That’s for sure..” You breathed, “Shit, that fucking hurt ugh-” You straightened yourself while she stayed near in case you needed help, but in mere seconds you were back to full form.
“Yeah, I know. Sorry again, a lot of things to do at the same time and you weren’t on today’s agenda.” Just as she finished her sentence, the elevator came to a stop, it’s lack of a door allowing you to fully take in the view in front of you.
“But don’t worry, Lyla will give you a real Goober since Miguel asked her to, you should have it soon enough.”
You didn’t pay as much attention as you probably should have to her words, too focused on observing the impossible scene.
There were so many Spider-Men and Spider-Women everywhere.
But you didn’t get the chance to admire them more, the two women and their package were already well ahead of you, still in the elevator.
Oops, wait for meeee!!
You quickly took off towards them, but still, let ourself look around the bright alleys. They were covering almost every centimeter available, from the floor up to the ceiling, thanks to the Spider capacities they surely possessed too.
You jogged behind the two women, avoiding the Spiders that came in your way while saluting the ones that acknowledged you.
“Jessica, do you bring us a new one? Does Miguel knows about that one?” A voice came from your right, a Spider-Man, his suit a deep red and light blue. He seemed to have been talking with others, but your presence must have caught his attention.
How does he even know I’m new here? WE ALL LOOK THE SAME. HOW?
“YES AND YES PETER.” The woman, Jessica, answered without missing a beat, walking unfalteringly toward a gate a bit farther into the ‘main’ way.
The other spider let go almost immediately after her answer, going back to his previous discussion.
“Don’t worry, they are all pretty chill when you get to know them.” The young girl spoke while you continued to look around, catching your attention.
“Yeah, since we’re all Spiders from different dimensions I figured we must be the nice guys I guess. I shouldn’t be too worried about them trying something.” You nodded, and the youngster laughed softly at your response.
“I could even present you some, I’m sure you could get along just fine with Hobby.” She continued as you all entered a darker zone of the building, the atmosphere changing immediately. It even smelled different from the main hall.
The scent is different here but it feels off. Like there’s something behind it? You took a long inspiration. It’s not strong but I can definitely smell something.
It smells pretty good too. Like a subtle mix of pine and oak, just strong enough to pick on but not too overwhelming either.
Hell, it smells divine.
As if in a trance, you followed while they approached different cells-like containers, each filled with what you could recognize as a villain from your own dimension, except slightly different.
Jessica stopped before what looked like an inactivated cell, pushing some sort of code into a nearby panel while the girl approached and put down the Vulture right in the middle of the device that served as the cell’s base.
The moment he left her arms the cel activated, a bright purple hue commit to completely encapsulated him, leaving him unable to leave.
“ They wait here before we send them back to their own dimensions,” The girl said as she pulled down her mask, before pointing toward another room, behind some control panels. “ We got a supper-and-absolutely-not-scary giant spider robot that scans their DNA before sending them back. Super effective.”
“Totally humane and professional.” You completed as you began to see white appendages leaving a hole you didn’t notice in the ceiling, red yes soon following as the gigantic thing came out to work on the prisoner that was just scanned.
Yep! Not scary! Not scary at all!
Quickly, you turned around before you could witness anything more this spider thing was about to do, and chose to follow the two women, staying closer to the girl that seemed more eager to talk.
“I’m Gwen between, I’ve not been here for much longer than you don’t worry, only a month or so. So I know what it feels like at first.” She tried to reassure you, that was easy to tell. But you weren’t stressed, or at least not as much as you think you should have been.
It’s weird. Since I smelt the scent I feel almost at ease.
But there’s more to it, I can feel my entire body heating up.
…Don’t tell me they got some strange laboratory things going on in there and I’m the only one affected… That would be so embarrassing.
You could feel your face heating as you walked. You chatted calmly with the Girl after introducing yourself, and she seemed eager to talk to someone, but inside, you were screaming. It was beginning to be difficult to breathe with your mask, the scent becoming stronger and stronger as you approached a somber room with a sort of platform attached to a metallic arm that stretched into the darkness.
It’s dark enough here, I should be able to pull it off without dying from a headache.
Mimicking the actions of the girl, Gwen, from moments prior, you raised your hand to pull your mask off swiftly, a sigh of pure satisfaction leaving you as the cold air of the room hit your burning face.
I hope I'm not too red or I'll need to make something up.
Thankfully no one seemed to notice your very much cherry-colored face, possibly due to the low lighting of the room to begin with.
Get your hormones in check for fuck's sake.
"Everything's alright here?" Jessica asked as she could tell something was visibly bugging you from the frown on your face.
"Yeah, Yeah everything's good. Just trying to take in all the new info you know?" You answered quickly, but not without missing the curious face Gwen threw your way.
Your eyes went back to Jessica, she was next to the control panel now, and just as she had been doing all the way here, she taped some code on the display. But this time, a holographic figure appeared just next to her.
"Hey, Lyla!" The girl next to you greeted cheerfully the hologram. Wait, THEY HAVE ADVANCED AI TOO?
"Hi Gwen, what's up? Still, sticking with poor old Jess? Miggy still hasn't let you go alone on a mission?" The yellowish woman asked, her form teleporting just next to the girl in question.
"You already know the answer to that Lyla-" Gwen answered, defeated, "I'm ready, at this point I'm just waiting for SOMEONE to tell him that I'm ready too."
The glare she threw at Jessica couldn't be missed, even if you tried, her eyes full of expectations but only met with blank ones.
"Hey it's not my job to babysit, I will have plenty of work when this one will be there," She said while pressing her hand on her belly," If you're sooo ready just go and tell him you are. That shouldn't be difficult for someone as good as you." She finished, a wicked smile playing on her features, obviously teasing the girl.
The two continued their own playful arguing, you could only stand by and watch, at least until the AI- Lyla apparently finally noticed you.
"OH! YOU'RE THE NEWBY MIGGUEL SAID TO MAKE THE GIZMO FOR!" The hologram appeared right in your face, causing you to jump in surprise. She looked like a twenty-something years old woman, a short brunette, and she smiled at you friendly.
"Yeah, I guess that's me..." Everything was starting to become a bit too much for you, having enhanced senses had its pros and cons, and being easily overwhelmed was one of them, and the strange but pleasant scent that invaded your mind didn't help your body to calm down.
"Good, I'm sure you got your own Spidey things to do so we're gonna be brief." She said happily, moving around with way too much energy for such a little thing. "Take that first, it's way better than the daily pass you have right there."
A bracelet similar to the one you saw on the two women materialized in front of you, and you quickly reached out to catch it, not wanting it to break.
Pulling off the elastic bracelet from your right arm, you rapidly replaced it with its metallic counterpart. Up close, you could see the amount of detail and work that went into the item's conception, from the small display to the multiple buttons there and there.
"We'll teach you how to you it don't worry, it's not that hard when you know what to do." Lyla declared confidently, from her proud expression, she must have been the one designing the item.
"But first-" Jessica turned from Lyla to face you.
"-First we'll explain to you everything that has happened." Lyla cut off, earning an angry look from Jessica.
Finally. You thought. it's not like I came here for that in the first place but kinda.
Suddenly the whole room became pitch black, and a beam of white light rose from the middle of it, urging you to come closer. The beam began to take the form of a tree, and from there you could only listen as both Jessica and Lyla explained to you the story of this organization.
"These webs linked us all together," Jessica started, "And one year ago, a gap was left in it, allowing people from one dimension to enter another, those we call anomalies."
"And if we don't do anything, all the worlds could be destroyed."
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Waving goodbye to your new colleagues, you stepped into the portal after making sure it was set to your dimension. The trip wasn't as bad as the first, since you were now expecting the whole floating part, but still, it will definitely need to be improved.
When you landed, you were surprised to see yourself in your flat, in the middle of your living room. Almost falling to your knees in relief for the day to FINALLY be over, you caught yourself last second, instead falling face-first into your sofa.
Your body was aching everywhere and you could already feel the headache in your temple, the distinct throbbing enough to let a painful whimper escape your lips.
Need to shower and put this off.
After inhaling heavily, to prepare yourself mentally for the pain to come, you finally rose to your two feet and headed to the bathroom. You took your sweet time undressing, delaying as much as you could the moment the cold air of the room would touch your sensitive skin.
Your flat was modest, and so was your bathroom, you didn't have a very big salary at your local job, and doing Spider-Woman exploit didn't pay shit. Free work all along and still some people got the nerve to hold it to you when you made the slightest mistake.
'Go on take the work' You had wanted to yell more than once. But deep down you knew no one would take your place if it meant going through what you did to have this kind of powers.
As you managed to get most of your suit off, you couldn't but notice the smell that came from off of it. The same as the one in that place in the HQ building. Miguel's 'office' would you had learned it to be. The memory of the man's face still vivid in your mind.
Poor guy, he really lost everything he had. And I can't imagine the amount of guilt he has accumulated over time from that.
And still despite your kind words you couldn't help your body's reaction the moment your eyes met the sculpted body of your new boss. At this moment you thanked every god and goddess you knew the name of to have made this room so dark. If you think you were feeling kind of hot before, then now you were burning from the inside out, everything felt ten times as what you were used to. Sounds, images, odors, everything was multiplied and allowed you to sense almost everything that was going on inside and outside the room.
But it was useless, as your eyes only seemed to see interest in this Miguel's divine complexion.
And damn if your suit didn't make your body heat up once more. Chills ran through your entire body, your talons and fangs starting to stretch despite the fact you didn't want them to. You desperately tried to control yourself, tried to let go of the fabric in your hands, but it seems your body wasn't cooperating. Instead, your hand rose the piece of fabric to your face, allowing you to smell the full fragrance still enclosed in its fibers.
"Shit-" You hissed, as one of your hands grabbed the edge of the sink, your legs were starting to give up on you. You didn't feel this aroused in- hell you've never been this turned on in your entire life and that's saying something about yourself right now. Why was it happening now? It wasn't nearly as bad when you were there, it should have calmed down and not worsened!
You could only let yourself fall on your knees in an attempt to calm yourself, maybe the coldness of the tiles would help? Well, it didn't. Now you could hear a cracking sound coming from above and below you, your talons and claws surely pushing the ceramic of the sink and the tiles to its limit.
As embarrassing as the whole thing was would feel yourself growing soaked, your entire core on fire, waiting for something you weren't sure only your fingers could provide. But your resolution to control yourself started to falter.
So while your nose was still buried deep into the fabric, mouth agape while you inhaled the divine sent, your other slowly caressed your body, starting by your neck, luckily your claws still retracted the moment they touched your skin. You tried to imagine how his body would feel below yours, how his fingers would feel against your skin, would they be rough or smooth? Oh- What you could do to this man at this instant.
Your hand was now on your breasts, your hand easily englobing the mound of flesh, playing with it just the way you liked, causing small moans to escape your drooling mouth. Your hips began to move with a mind of their own, swinging back and forth against nothing, the feeling at your core begging to be too much.
Leaving your other breast without giving it the same attention, you let your hand make its descent towards you screaming for attention vulva. You breathed heavily into your suit, both yours and his scent mixed making your mind go crazy.
"Fuck-Ah!" You jumped as your fingers first made contact with your aching clit, the simple touch almost enough to immediately send you over the edge. Your whole body was tensing now, waiting for something to release the unbearable tension.
Tentatively, your finger started to play around with your sensitive clit, sending powerful waves of pure pleasure through you that left your mind practically blank- except for the image of this beauty of a man panting below you.
Hips grinding on your hand, chasing for more, you allowed one finger to begin spreading your wet folds, sighting in relief when a new sort of pleasure overwhelmed your senses.
But still, it wasn't enough, you were fully moaning into your suit while three fingers worked hard on spreading you and your hips still grinded hard on your palm, trying to get as much stimulation as you could.
You had the picture perfectly painted in your head, mimicking your current depraved act, you would be riding that man until he'd beg you to stop, or until you were fully satisfied. He would look so good with tears in his eyes, you thought, the constant brows on his face as its appeal but god- what would give out to be the one making sure he was milked until there was nothing much he could give you. 
You licked your dried lips at the thought, your tongue brushing slowly upon your bared fangs. You panted heavily, sensing your orgasm approach way faster than usual, the familiar tightness in your core becoming more and more unbearable, but promising a delightful end for all the torture it had been.
You curled on yourself when you grinded particularly hard on your clit, provoking a shockwave that made on fall on the floor of the bathroom. You must have been quite the sight, ass up in the air, hand pushing your suit in your face, all the while you now grinded with a desperate thrust into your hand.
Your entire frame tenses when your orgasm finally hit you full force, the hotness of your core spreading across every centimeter of skin, up until your face. Instinct taking over, you let yourself sink your teeth deep into the fabric still pushed in your face, and the moment your fangs sank in completely, you could feel your own venom ooze out of them.
"Ah AH-" You tried to muffle your sound but to no avail. Fingers still moving against and inside you, you tried to make the few waves of pleasure last as much as you could, even if it meant overstimulating you a tiny bit. After the last bit of pleasure eventually faded, you stayed immobile for a few more minutes, struggling to comprehend what exactly had just happened.
What. The. Fuck. Was. THAT?
Still slightly out of breath from your previous activity, you slowly rose back up, wincing at the feeling of your fingers leaving your leaking cunt. Sitting on your knees, you tried to assert the situation.
You looked intensely at your wet hand, your mind still not processing everything that just happened, as if it had been totally disconnected, leaving your body to be ruled solely by primary and animalistic instincts.
You stood up, not without faltering for an instant, where you incredible sense of equilibria when you needed it?
"Okay. Okay. That is just horny me, no need to think about it. It's just the Sider DND going berserk because of a pretty guy." Your reasoning was strong, at least you thought it to be, just enough to convince you would surely do the work. Looking up into the mirror about your sink, you stared at yourself, hand grabbing its edge with way too much force, causing your fingers to go white and a small crack to appear.
You looked absolutely disheveled, your already not very tidy hair now tangled in a messy patch of color. Your eyes were bloodshot red, your pupils still dilated, taking over most of your eyes, leaving no place for its original color to sip through. Along with you still, open mouth and bared fangs, your shoulder moving up and down in rapid breaths.
You looked monstrous, quite literally. If someone were to see you like this, it would be more than understandable if they suddenly took off running, fearing for their life. You seemed ready to attack anything that come your way, but you could help to find a certain charm to your current state. Sure you looked savage, but the good kind of savage.
Hell, you even though you looked pretty hot like that.
Turning on the sink you quickly rinsed off your hand, a sudden wave of fatigue shutting you down. You then took a quick shower to rinse off any residue of dirk of concrete from today's work, along with the last proofs of your own excitement.
In less than fifteen minutes you were out of the shower, patting yourself dry, and getting ready for bed after throwing your suit in the washing machine before the smell would get you to do this again-and it almost made you sad to know that the only piece of this sent would be gone. Leaving the bathroom after opening a window to evacuate the fog, you stepped into your leaving room for a quick dinner, nothing too fancy.
You took from the fridge some leftovers from this afternoon, some rice along with a small piece of marinated fish, which will be more than enough. You ate at your own pace, not bothered by the clock ticking, reminding you of today's day of work. When you finished, you took out your phone, making sure you didn't forget to activate your alarms.
You entered your bedroom languidly, the darkness of the room comforting you, and with eyes as sensitive as yours, seeing in the dark was included in the package. Putting your phone to charge and the watch thingy- a Gizmo you had learned, o the night table, you throw yourself into the smooth and soft sheets of your bed.
As you found a comfortable position to fall asleep, your mind went back to what today had taught you, memories of all the Spider-men and women invading your mind, and fatally- the image of this Miguel you didn't even know as you watched him lose everything he had.
What a shitty person I am for having this kind of thought toward that poor guy.
Your eyelids were now starting to feel heavy, and before you could react your eyes closed on their own accord, your conscience beginning to drift away.
Thought shutting down as you began to fall asleep you could help but come back to what you saw at the HQ, but this time without the guilty feeling, thanks to being half-asleep.
But he got that cake... Bigger than me.. that's for sure... 
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friendlyspidercop · 1 year
that night, your mind chooses to relive high school…
“hate to break it to ya, grizz, but staring at the problem isn’t gonna make it go away.”
you groan and look up from your ap calculus textbook in time to see harry osborne set his lunch tray down on the cafeteria table and take the seat next to you. he gives you a sympathetic grin before picking up his fork and taking up a mouthful of mac and cheese.
that’s fine, you think. there’s no one else you’d rather have take it.
you still roll your eyes.
“harry,” you say, straightening your back and turning to him. he looks up at you, still chewing on those noodles. “why do you get lunch from here when you probably have a chef back home?”
he looks like he’s about to laugh at your question, but holds it in to swallow his food. “have you never had the mac and cheese here? delicious. also— a chef? really?”
you grin and shrug, turning back to your textbook and picking up your pencil again. “yeah, really,” you say, flipping the pencil in your fingers before you begin to solve the integral. “are you trying to tell me you don’t have a chef?”
he laughs and lightly pushes your shoulder. “i think you’re just jealous that i don’t leave my homework until the last possible minute so i can eat lunch everyday.”
ok, there might be some truth to that.
you pencil in a 22 to mark the next math problem before you turn to your brunette friend, eyebrows raised as you try to fight back laughter. “sometimes you can be so sassy!”
he grins proudly and takes another bite of his mac and cheese as you continue.
“does peter know about this?” you ask, shaking your head in faux disapproval, as if peter were the mom in the sentence: does your mom know about this?
but maybe peter isn’t the best person to bring up right now.
harry smiles at your jest, but it doesn’t have the same lightheartedness as it did just seconds ago. you wish you hadn’t mentioned the name.
“sorry,” you say quietly.
“it’s okay,” he says. and he means it, you know. but guilt has sunk its claws into your heart and has no interest in letting go.
as you turn back in your seat to let harry eat in peace and continue finishing up your homework, your eyes catch the two empty chairs on the other side of the table. that’s where they sat.
you glance at harry— he’s looking at peter and mj’s chairs too.
you bite your lip and look down at your paper, the numbers starting to blur together as your thoughts race. they’re mostly about peter and mj and what they might be doing right now. but another thought also pushes its way past all of these, triumphant at last: you are not alone. harry osborne and his silly mac and cheese are still here.
“so… which one’s better? the cafeteria mac and cheese or your chef’s mac and cheese?” you looked at him, an eyebrow raised.
surprise flickers in his eyes for a moment before disappearing under the weight of consideration as he chews his mac and cheese thoughtfully. you’re pretty sure the lunch ladies just use velveeta anyway, but you don’t want to ruin the magic for him.
seeming to reach a decision, he swallows his mouthful and smiles. “well, i know what i think, but you’re not gonna like the answer, grizz.”
you roll your eyes playfully— did he really like the school’s that much?
“but how about you come over after class? try the one at my place for yourself?” he asks. you don’t pay too much attention to the way he quickly drums his plastic fork on the rim of his bowl.
“huh…” you consider, nodding to yourself as you finish your last homework problem. you slam the hefty textbook shut. “i will take you up on that offer, harold osborne.”
he nudges you. you laugh, pushing his arm away.
“my name’s not harold.”
“yeah, okay, okay.”
in those days, it felt like it was you and harry osborne against the world. two halves of a whole. you had your differences, sure, but ultimately it all culminated into a friendship you were convinced would last you your lifetime.
is that what makes it so hard for you now?
you’re starting to hate europe for swallowing up your best friend.
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bioexorcizm · 5 months
drabblecember days #19/20 - hot coffee/listening to music
ship: dewmav word count: 722 summary: dewey drives maverick home.
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There was something so wonderfully dissonant about the way their voices blended. It reminded Maverick of the chords off of their favorite album. But it'd be silly to say something like that to someone even if it was a compliment, surely?
“Ozzy’s got nothing on you, you know,” they grin.
Dewey glances over as they come to a red light.
“Don't give me all the credit. You're the award-winning frontman.”
“I think we sound the best together. You always know where to pick up when I leave off.”
“Like we're soulmates or somethin’,” he jokes, though his voice wavers in the last syllable -- he feels his face heat, and he drops his gaze from Maverick’s face. He regrets his words almost immediately. Who the hell says that two dates in?
“Or the Beastie Boys,” Maverick jokes, unfazed it seems, leaning forward and pressing the skip button, and into the next track they go.
Dewey watches them carefully, entranced by their every move. Someone behind them slams on the horn.
Dewey startles, flooring the gas pedal; He hopes Maverick doesn't see the blush he tries to hide, or mention the fact he'd been staring. Again. A stolen glance tells him though they probably did not think much of it; They had his CD case in their lap, flicking through the pages lazily.
He takes a deep breath, reaches for the travel mug of coffee in the holder of his dashboard console. He doesn't notice that at the same time, they too are going for the cup.
And their hands brush against one another at the intersection of their paths.
Dewey retracts his first, gripping the steering wheel with ferocious focus.
“Sorry,” Maverick mumbles, eyes following as his hand so quickly was pulled away, “Shoulda asked before --”
“No! No, it's fine. You can have a sip. What's mine is yours, as far as I’m concerned.”
“Not worried about spreading each other's germs?” Maverick smiles, head swaying gently to the music.
“In the nicest way, I don't think it matters. I’m sure our germs have mixed enough already.”
They both chuckle. Maverick continues to scan the collection of music, taking a sip from the coffee as they do.
“Issues…Ten…1984…Pretty Hate Machine?” Maverick clicks their tongue, “All great choices, but you don't have my favorite album, you know.”
“I don't?”
“That’s alright. I’ll grab it from my place when we get there.”
Dewey nods. He almost wants to ask if Maverick sees themselves in his car that often, if they really were willing to give him their copy of their favorite album. But then he stops himself. Maybe it was silly to ask something so stupid.
Besides, he realizes then he wouldn't know how to react if the answer were anything but yes.
“Doyouwannagetlunchtoday?” his words come out much more rushed than he'd intended.
Maverick looks over, noticing his white-knuckled grip on the steering wheel.
“Uh…Nervous that I’m gonna say no?”
“I really hope you don't.” Because I really, really like you and I really, really hope you like me too.
The pause between them lingers longer than normal. Dewey feels he's pushed beyond the appropriate boundary for a second. He should give them space -- maybe he was being too pushy, too suffocating.
He means, they'd just spent the night, and he was driving them home, they probably want time alone, and maybe they work tonight, and he probably should meet up with the guys for practice anyways, and --
But then, Maverick nods.
“I'd love to, if you don't mind waiting for me to freshen up when we get to my place.”
“Not at all. I’d wait all day if you needed…That was -- Really weird to say, I don't know why I said that.”
Holy shit Dewey, why don't you just say you're a fucking freak now?
He hits himself over the head mentally, and turns up the music. Where the hell was his confidence? He blew it all last night, probably. Or maybe it was just too early. He couldn't remember the last time he'd been up before noon.
Or maybe it was the coffee, riling his nerves. Yeah, definitely the coffee.
Maverick shakes their head, still smiling.
“You're one of the strangest people I’ve ever met, I think. But you wanna know the weirdest part?”
“I’m scared to ask.”
“I think I’m into it.”
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tempobrucera · 2 years
Trick or Treat
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Pairing: Vampire!Ethan x Human!Reader x Demon!Thomas Summary: There's nothing hotter, more dangerous or more heartwrenching than spending a night with a vampire and a demon. Word Count: 7.4k Warnings: Smut, it's a demon and a vampire with a human Other: Wanted to write some Halloween smut and there will be another silly story on Halloween itself. Maybe something inbetween but I'm not gonna promise that. 🦇👻🎃🦇
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Every year their annual Halloween party is on the day of the closest full moon to Halloween. Last year it was during the Blood Moon, to Ethan's and Thomas' delight. This year it falls onto the Darkest Depths Moon in early November, to Thomas' and Ethan's delight. It can only fall on these two options, you figured out, and guessed that Ethan and Thomas would be delighted anyways. They are excited for Halloween and to be normal between all people around. Ethan's sharp vampire fangs a cool feature for any costume, not hiding them away, like he usually does. Thomas' ever changing eye colour a prop no one questions at a Halloween party. Finally he can let the colour change how his eyes want to, let them flicker when he's excited instead of surpress it, and not only play around with his human eye colour that changes with the weather and sometimes with his mood but not quite as they want to.
"Nice costume," Victoria says when you open the door for her and she sees you in your pink ensemble, pink jacket, pink pencil skirt with a slit, the black sunglasses with the pink shades and the plush dog you are carrying with you which you put into a pink and purple sweater, "Elle Woods."
You laugh: "Thank you, likewise, you look hot."
"Hmmm," she doesn't look too convinced. Which isn't like Vic, she's standing in front of you as a nun. A really sexy version of a nun, you have to admit, which makes her disappointment even more confusing. Her habitat dress is short, showing off her legs and her thighs, the top part out of black sheer, showing her bare boobs underneath, flowy bell sleeves and a white scapular collar - both also out of sheer. To top her outfit of, she has a veil on her head and a cross necklace around her neck, you are sure you have seen it on Thomas before. "I wanted Thomas to go as my little demon toy but he told me, he found something better when I was already getting dressed. What better is there than playing possessing a nun?"
The moment you open your mouth to tell her how much that sucks but that you will happily offer her your vampire boyfriend, Thomas is walking down the stairs. All words in your brain die the second you see him.
"Oh great, you could have told me sooner." Vic says when she sees him, "Now you two are matching. Two iconic blondes out of movies. Cher and Elle, Clueless and Legally Blonde. Thank you, Thomas, you asshole."
Your gaze lingers on his long legs. The white stockings, the really short yellow tartan skirt, his hairy thighs. The matching yellow tartan blazer, he went for nothing underneath. You can see how his eyes flicker with excitement when he looks at you and Vic and does a little twirl.
"You look great!" You assure him - he does, you swallow. Vic only groans next to you.
"You do," Vic has to admit as well, "If you wouldn't have left me hanging."
"Sorry!" He smiles at her shyly, pulls his skirt down a bit and changes the topic. "Who are we waiting for?"
Your group decided to meet up at Ethan's place, you staying over most of the time when he's home. Thomas securing himself Ethan's guest room because Ethan's maisonette is closer to the place the party takes place. Vic deciding to come over so you can go together and Damiano driving himself and his girlfriend directly to the party, without any stops.
"Only Ethan," you say. "I probably have to help him with his wings."
"I'll go," Thomas is already skipping up the first stairs. You can't help yourself to look at his legs again, skirt swinging. It doesn't take him long to come back down, ten minutes you talk with Vic, and he's there again. You can see that there's lipgloss on his lips now that wasn't there before, subtle eyeshadow and mascara on his lashes. "He still needs a few minutes and then we can goooooo."
"Let's play a little game until then," Vic looks at you, "Ethan, Damiano, Thomas - fuck, marry, kill?"
"What?" You look at her in turn, she smirks at the shock on your face.
You can feel how you're blushing, Thomas is blushing as well. He radiates heat even more than usually. A thing you got used to quickly after meeting him when you got together with Ethan. Kind of a shock, to first fall in love with a vampire and then being introduced to his demon friend, he's in a band with. You had an ordinary life before, nothing do with the supernatural - even though you were interested. Who couldn't be interested in something so special, not everyone gets to see. Thomas is always hot to the touch, always heating up a room when he's in it. You don't know, how many times you already cuddled up into his arms when you were cold. It's such a difference to how cold your boyfriend feels under your touch. But Thomas feels always cold himself - I think, I just radiate it everywhere, I don't keep it in. I'm always fucking cold. While Ethan is always feeling hot, whatever the weather - I keep all the heat in, I'm always warm.
"It's okay, you can say that you want to kill me, sink me to the bottom of the ocean, ram a dagger into my heart, a cruxifix." Thomas' eyes change from normal to a red blazing gaze to deep black and back to normal again, he smirks. "But I'm not that easy to kill."
Of course - you're a demon. And it instantly gets you heated too - it shouldn't, you think. Then Ethan gets down the stairs, you think you can avoid giving Vic an answer now. You don't want to kill any of them off, not even for Vic's mindfuck game question. Your breath gets stuck in your throat when you see him. He's in white wide-leg sheer trousers, a cropped white blazer with golden stars on it, like Thomas he went for nothing underneath. He has a black glittery smokey eye, that looks a little bit to good on him, like the dark red lipstick he put on and instead of a halo, he wears a flower crown out of white lilies and roses. When he smiles, you can see his pointed teeth. Out of the corner of your eye, you can see how Thomas longingly stares at his big, feathery, fluffy wings - they are black.
"You look so stunning," you have a closer look at his make up when he stands beside you. Carefully you leave a kiss on his cheek.
"And you can be my sidekick." Vic looks at him happily. "As Thomas, the idiot here, isn't matching anymore, but we would be the perfect fit."
"We're ready to go then."
"No," Vic says, "We aren't. Your partner in crime here still has to answer a question."
"I won't be offended, I promise." Thomas says, "I'm not gonna haunt you or something like that."
"What question are we talking about?" Ethan asks.
"Fuck, marry, kill. You, Damiano, Thomas."
"What an interesting question." Ethan looks at you. "I would like to know the answer as well."
"Marry Ethan."
"Obviously." Vic and Thomas say simultaneously, Ethan next to you laughs.
"Kill," you swallow, "Damiano."
You can feel, how Ethan looks at you. You can see, how Thomas' eyes flicker for a few seconds - then they turn completely white which is new, before you have to look away.
"That only leaves Thomas to fuck," Vic points out - you're sure, you are all aware, "Guess humans are too boring."
You wouldn't say that humans, like Vic and Damiano, are too boring but she has a point, you have to admit. After getting together with a vampire, Ethan being the gentlestest soul you have ever known, you wouldn't go back. There's so many stories he can tell, so much wisdom, so much fun, you wouldn't change it for the world, even when you're aware of the danger. What's a little danger for all the fun you can have? Maybe she's right, they are too boring. Thomas draws you in like a moth is drawn by the lights, you would have chosen Thomas anyways.
"We can leave then," Vic says and smirks at you and then at Thomas who nervously plays with the hem of his skirt, "Thanks for the interesting answer. Who would have known?"
Somehow you all didn't think about the fact, that Ethan's wings won't fit through the doors. It ends in a lot of giggling, Vic and you going out of the door first, grabbing one wing each carefully, and getting him through the door, while Thomas looks on. You know, you could have taken them off again, but where's the fun in that. On the way, people look at him, he hits some people with his wings and apologises profoundly to each of them. Going into the bar, Ethan, Vic and you repeat the same procedure as to get him out of the house.
You are already sweaty from dancing with Vic and Ethan when you get yourself a new drink later in the night, Ethan and Vic in the toilets to reapply Ethan's make up. Thomas went to look for Damiano when you arrived earlier, you have only seen him dancing with a girl and some guy laughing at his eyes during the evening. But sometimes, you can feel the heat creeping up on you but you can't see him anywhere. Like now, and then there's arms wrapping around your waist. Thomas' chin on your shoulder, his warmth is giving you the chills.
"You didn't have to say that just because Damiano wasn't there." His breath is hot against your ear. His body too close to yours, you shiver. It's too hot, to be cold but it shakes you to have him so close. Thomas doesn't step back when you turn around in his arms.
"That wasn't the reason, Thom."
"You sure? That wasn't a lie?"
Shuffling even closer, he puts one of his hands on your cheek. All his heat flowing through your body. Out of nowhere there's a quiet peng and Ethan stands next to you. Thomas startles a little and draws himself back, looking at Ethan apologetically.
"You don't have to stop just because of me." Ethan grins, puts one hand on your ass and pinches slightly.
Thomas looks at both of you unsure, his adam's apple bobbing. You bite your lip.
"Oh, I know this look." Ethan says, "That earlier wasn't a lie. I know."
And then, with a snap of his fingers, he's gone again, leaving you behind. Behind with a Thomas that looks at you nervously.
"I'll never get used to him doing this," he says.
Before there can be said anything else, the girl he danced with earlier turns up to get him. He leaves a light, hasty, sweet kiss on the corner of your mouth. Then he's gone and you're on your way back to Ethan again. You always find him, he makes it easy for you, you always find him when he wants to be found, your feet are just leading the way, when you want to turn the wrong direction they always stop and push you into the correct one. Another weird thing, you had to get used to. Magical but nonetheless, weird. Some clichés you had about vampires ruined during this time - No garlic? I'm Italian; No churches? I'm Italian; All lies. Sunlight just slightly hurts but with the right SPF everything is possible. You learned some new things as well, like this. It doesn't take long, he's sitting in a corner on a plush sofa.
"I thought, he isn't your type." Ethan says when you sit down next to him.
"He isn't." You draw circles and stars on his exposed stomach with your finger. "But have you looked at him?"
"Yes, babe. I see him every day." He smirks. "And he can be the goodest boy or a little shit, maybe we should find out …"
How that would translate into having him in your bed, you think.
Ethan's smirk gets even wider.
"Heeeey, get out of my head," you complain but laugh, "You intruder."
"Sorry. But I would really like to stay here for a bit longer, if you don't mind. They taste delicious today."
You let him. He's talking about your thoughts, you know. Ethan's species of vampires can read the minds of their loved ones, a feature only a vampire in love possesses, you learned this as well. They can feed on blood and thoughts. Ethan never takes advantage of it, usually he asks if he's allowed in, tries not to intrude or make it his advantage that he knows what you are thinking. But you also know, that sometimes, like today, his vampiristic traits want to take over because this is yet another thing you learned. The most vampire thing is for them to gather knowledge about the things surrounding them.
"We should try getting him there." He places a kiss to your temple.
Besides Ethan building up the heat in your core, with whispering dirty things into your ears, grazing your neck lightly with his fangs - leaving faint lipstick stains behind - or commenting on Thomas' long legs in that skirt, the night goes and ends with any further accidents. You almost think, that Thomas went home with the girl earlier but when Ethan and you're gathering your stuff, he's there to leave together with you.
For some reason, you get Ethan out of the door and into his home, the same way you got him out earlier in the day, instead of taking the wings off. Thomas watches when you take the wings off Ethan's shoulders. You can see the longingly stare again.
"I miss my wings," he says when he sees your questioning face. He wraps his arms around himself. "They were the fluffiest wings, with the softest feathers, and the most comforting. It was nice to wrap them around myself or to wrap them around others."
You look at Ethan, who nods and you go to Thomas to hug him sideways, leave a kiss in his hair: "I'm sure, you had the most beautiful wings in heaven, but I'm also sure, you're the hottest and cutest demon in hell."
Thomas blushes, before he excuses himself and says that he'll be back in a few minutes. You can hear how the wind is getting louder outside, how it whistles through the windows. You had a feeling it would rain all day. Sitting down next to Ethan, who still wears his flower crown, he almost automatically pulls you into his lap. He kisses you passionately, lets his hands wander over your hips, under your top to caress your back. You can hear how the rain starts dropping against the windows, before Thomas comes back into the living room.
"I should go to bed in my room," Thomas says when he sees you sitting on top of Ethan.
"Or you could join us in ours," Ethan says against your lips - but he isn't looking at you. "If you're interested."
You can't see Thomas' reaction behind you, but Ethan pulling you in for another kiss, wilder then the one before, pushing his tongue into your mouth, sneaking his hand under your skirt and Thomas breath hitching gets it away. When you get up from the couch, you can see how Thomas' eyes flicker with excitement and how he licks his lips. You leave a kiss on his lips. You're the first leaving for the bedroom - Ethan and Thomas staying behind to smoke a cigarette - Ethan slapping your butt lightly on the way out. You aren't complaining, it gives you time to undress yourself, except for your black and golden panties and to get comfortable on the bed - even a little bit too comfortable. You let your hands wander over your own body, down to your stomach and into your underwear, you close your eyes. You can feel that you're getting wet and when you lightly touch your clit, you let out a loud moan. And another moan when you can hear the door click, seconds later feel Ethan's hand in your hair.
"You playing with yourself?" Ethan whispers into your ear. At the same time, his other hand takes the same way, your own did before. Down your neck, a calloused thumb gliding over your nipple, further down over your stomach, he draws a circle around your navel before dipping his hand into your panties. Touching you only lightly, you try to buck up your hips, to get more of his touch. Instead of getting more he takes your hand and pulls it out of your panties. An unhumanly hot tongue around your fingers is the next thing, you can feel, it has you open your eyes. Ethan holds your wrist in a tight grip, while Thomas enthusiastically and sloppily sucks on your fingers. He moans around your fingers and his eyes turn white again. You have already seen it one time before today. First you thought, it's only another way his excitement shows and it is. But he's not only excited, he's aroused. It has you moan as well. With a loud plop he lets them go. Before you can pull them back, Ethan licks over your fingers as well, his tongue cold. You shiver.
Ethan gets his hands back into your hair and pulls you up on your knees. Slowly you take off Ethan's blazer, kissing over his toned muscles, his skin feeling cold to your touch. Just when you kiss his nipple, you can feel another hand in your hair, long fingers. Thomas pulls you into a filthy kiss - it's a lot of tongue, his tongue hotter than anything you have ever felt, pulling your hair as he pleases. You take off his blazer, his skin hot under your fingertips. Under your tongue, when you let it wander over his neck artery, when you lick and bite into his stomach. Next to you, Ethan takes off his trousers without making a big show out of it. Thomas puts hands on the waistband of his skirt to get it off as well, you look up to him, lips still on his warm stomach. When he sees your face, he stops himself, instead he only takes off his briefs and leaves the white stockings and the skirt on.
"Trick or Treat?" Ethan asks.
"What's the treat?" you want to know.
"A surprise."
"And the trick?" you ask.
"You'll have to find out," he looks at you and smiles.
"Good girl!" It's coming from Thomas, not what you expected. You expected Ethan would be the trick as you can have him as a treat every day, but you apparently where mistaken.
You put a hand on his thigh, under his skirt, your head follows and you leave kisses all over his upper thigh. He radiates so much heat, you moan. But before you can put your lips around his dick, he pulls you back by your hair.
"No cara, I don't want you to burn yourself like that."
You swallow, when you look at him. If he thinks, he runs too hot to blow him, how hot is he going to feel other places, when he …
Ethan getting behind you on the bed, snaps you out of your thoughts. He's sitting against the headboard, he looks beautiful, his long black hair with the white flowers - otherwise naked - pulling you with him between his legs. His skin touches yours, his cold skin against yours that feels more and more heated thanks to Thomas. It has you whimpering, going from one opposite to the other. Getting down on the bed, Thomas' skirt slips a little bit and he bats his lashes at you when he readjusts it.
"Spread your legs for him," Ethan whispers and bites into your earlobe, almost nibbles on it. You do spread your legs, Thomas coming closer, skirt slightly swinging before he is between your legs, puts his warm hands on your waist and his hot lips on your shoulder, lipgloss sticks to your skin. "Can I stay in your head?"
Yes, he can stay. You want him there, you trust him. It is never an unpleasant feeling, just feeling his presence on another level. You know, he wants to because this is new, because Thomas is there. You wonder if this would work with him as well, with a demon. Ethan laughs against your ear while Thomas sucks on your neck until he left a hickey and looks at you: "I can't read your mind."
"Sorry," you pull him up to kiss him, "I was just wondering, if this would work with you too, Ethan getting into your thoughts?"
"I probably would have to leave him in," he tilts his head, "I don't think he can otherwise do it or … not sure if that would work at all."
Thomas is kissing down your neck again, between your boobs, then your thighs, leaving more sticky lipgloss - the right one first, then the left one. You are writhing in Ethan's arms. Thomas kisses the fabric of your panties, licks over the fabric and then lightly sucks at your clit through the fabric. Slowly, so slowly, he's taking your underwear off, lets it glide off your legs. Then he puts his lips on your clit again, drawing circles, before moving down and licking over your entrance, licking into your pussy. Pushing his tongue in and out, still so slowly. Sloppy, sticky, hot - you're sure the lipgloss is completely off his lips now.
"How does that feel?" Ethan still asks even though, he knows. He can see all your thoughts, he knows how it feels for you what Thomas is doing with you.
You grab for Ethan's arm, clawing at it - pressing your nails into his skin. The heat is travelling through all of your body, your toes curling in pleasure: "Hot, good, so good. God, god fuck, it feels so hot."
You enjoy it, but it's so much, you yank at his hair to get him off. It's too much, too hot. You feel like burning. From the outside and the inside.
"Sorry," Thomas looks up at you - your hand still in his hair, "I'm trying not to overheat."
One second ago, you thought how it is too hot but you want him to be what he is, to not restrict himself. To show his demonic self. You can hear how Ethan says something to him but you can't register what is being said. Thomas is even getting a bit warmer on top of you, pressing his warm lips to your throat again. Ethan sneaks his arm around you, between Thomas' and your body. Thomas whimpers, Ethan's cold hand also touching his skin before he lets his fingers dance over your skin. He pushes one of his cold fingers into you, cooling you down, it's soothing, and then a second one. Until Thomas adds one of his slim nimble, and above all hot, fingers. Hotter than before. You wish, he would put his tongue somewhere on you again. Ethan pulls Thomas by his hair to your nipple - he puts his mouth on you. He licks over your nipple and then switches to the other one. You whine when Ethan pinches the one Thomas isn't grazing his teeth over, cold slowly taking over again, while Thomas sucks on your other one.
He lets go of your nipple, and sits up. Thomas lifts his skirt playfully. Shows you a bit of skin, shows his hairy thighs, lets it fall down again. Plays with his stockings, then lifts his skirt completely. He's a tease. He teases you even more when he gets between your legs again, pushing his dick between your folds, before he pushes in to you. Thousand little flames are lighting up everywhere in your body. He teases more, pulling back and stopping until you push against him. He still pulls back, grinning at you, before he pushes into you again, harder this time. But he remains playful all the way. Playful and sweet but teasing and passionate. You wonder if it has to do with him being an angel before becoming a demon. There's no time to think about it further, Thomas pushes your legs upwards against your upper body, Ethan ghosting his lips along your neck, probably still leaving light lipstick marks on your skin. It's so hot and he gets so deep, you almost scream and you shake in Ethan's arm. You can't tell if you just came or not. Thomas stops, making sure you are okay, before building up a rhythm. It reminds you of the first time with Ethan, when he played a mindtrick on you - you wanted to try it, but you don't do it often now, passionate but too draining for both of you.
Calm is still washing over you. First you thought Thomas' ways of being calming to be out of place, for a demon of all creatures, but Thomas disagreed with you. Demons have to be calming, or at least know how to be calming because it's easier to possess people, he explained. He chuckled when you pointed out his chaotic tendecies. Everyone has their flaws, he said, even a fallen angel. Sometimes you see how he possesses Vic just for fun and for the chaos that it leads to, Vic an unwilling participant for the most part, always complaining to you it feels like he's trashing her insides but that it's wildly satisfying and mostly she laughs about it with him together when the chaos is over. Otherwise you never asked how possession works or how it looks like or what he's doing as a demon - you trust him nonetheless.
"Are you sure, you should be this trusting," Ethan whispers into your ear, so that Thomas can't hear him, "He's a demon after all?"
Ethan drags his teeth and especially his fangs over the skin on your neck and then over the sensitive skin on your neck. You trust him as well, even though he's a vampire. He wouldn't bite you, drain you, sometimes he just pierces your skin softly with his sharp fangs to get a little taste of blood but never more. Thomas alters his rhythm slightly and gets your full attention back in a heartbeat. You moan, and then you moan into Thomas' mouth, one hand buried in his hair and the other one pulling at Ethan's hair behind you, knocking off the flower crown that was still on his head.
"You should ride him. Thomas deserves a Halloween treat as well, right?"
You turn around together, to get on top of him. Thomas moans, holding you, both of you moving your hips in the same rhythm. The little flames are still dancing - the light of the lamp on the bedside table flickers. Outside is lightning, thunder not too far behind. Thomas is sweaty, he's so unbelievable sweaty under you, his hair a mess, his bangs clinging to his forehead. Sweat on his throat that you lick away, your tongue tingling.
Interested you see how there's black reddish smoke coming from between Thomas' lips but he draws it back before you can get closer. He looks at Ethan.
"I'm not the one you have to ask. If you both want to."
He looks at you again: "Can I?"
"What?" You only have a vague idea.
"Get in you."
You thrust your hips downwards. He chuckles: "Not that kind of in."
He looks at you smiling, tiny bits of smoke still swirling in the air, and you realise that he means possessing you. You nod, you want this, you want to know how it feels. Thomas puts his hand on the back of your neck and then kisses you open-mouthed, the smoke still swirling between you, then leaving Thomas' body to find it's way into yours. If anything else before felt like burning and a thousand little fires, this feels like forest fire settling low in your stomach. On it's way Thomas touches something in you that you can't quite place.
You can feel how Thomas' skin gets colder, his eye colour turning into a pleasant grey-ish green, flickering only lightly. In the same moment, your body heat spikes up. You can feel how your eyes go through the motions like Thomas' before. They flicker because of Thomas' and your own excitement, you go to a dark place when they turn into black orbs, you feel Thomas' passion and wild rage taking over your body when they turn red and they stop at white, you both being incredibly aroused.
This time you can feel your orgasm build up, it's slow. Never did it feel this slow before. Ever. It builds up and up and up, but you don't release. You can't. You want to, but you can't.
"You can let go, it's gonna feel good for both of us."
It sends sparks through your body, Ethan got up and behind you, slowly grazing his fangs over your throat. Thomas pulls you down into a sloppy kiss, draws his demon back, the smoke between you, when you cum and cum and cum. It doesn't stop, it holds on for so long, you almost get dizzy, your head spinning. You crash down over him, he leaves gentle kisses in your hair and on your face while you still shake and whine. And then you can feel how he shakes as well, how he cums and moans into your mouth, his eyes white. The light turns off completely, it turns on again when he holds you in his arm, his breath slowly evening out.
"Vic said this hurts?" you mumble against his lips. You are curious, because it didn't. It didn't hurt, a little unusual. But otherwise there was just blinding pleasure and comfort.
"Yes," he mumbles back, "but you gave yourself willingly and it was for pleasure, not for chaos. She's always so shocked when I do it."
You stay like this, twirling strands of his hair between your fingers, you both breathing together and Ethan behind you drawing a pattern on your back.
"Ethan deserves a treat as well, don't you think?" He chuckles, it's cute. "And he's your treat as well."
You're tired and so calm in Thomas' arms but deep down in your soul you know, that you want to pleasure Ethan as well. And then it hits you, that Thomas touched your soul when he was possessing you. Before them, you never thought about the fact that your human flesh might house something else than organs. But then Ethan came around, a vampire with a soul, who explained that there are such and such, some with and some without - it depends on how they were created. And Thomas, a demon, that shouldn't have a soul but the longer you thought about it, and about your own, you think there's still something like a store somewhere in him. Ethan looks at you for a second, before looking at Thomas, showing him his fangs. Even Thomas seems to be intimidated by them, he recoils.
"I didn't take anything, I swear!"
"You better not."
It reminds you, how dangerous this is. You're between a demon that could do god knows what with your soul and body, burning through your skin, and a vampire that could drain all your blood from you. They wouldn't, you know - you trust them. But the possibility still remains, you shiver. You feel hot all over again. Ethan gives him another look before you get off Thomas with a heavy heart to give Ethan your undivided attention. Getting up, you can see how Thomas' cum is black. Such a stark contrast to Ethan's translucent one you are so used to.
"I thought, you told me, it's normal," Ethan says.
"It is," Thomas rolls his eyes, "Usually it is, I'm not having sex as a demon that often. It's too hard to control myself and only then it happens."
For a second or two, you ask yourself how that would look like, Thomas not controlling himself. In your bed. You bite your lips, Ethan growls at him and Thomas' eyes turn the darkest black you've ever seen, then a blazing shade of red before going back to normal. You kiss Thomas again, before Ethan pulls you back and kisses you possessively, leaving lipstick behind. He lays you down on the bed again, your head hitting the mattress - Thomas pulls your head onto his thigh, you leave a kiss on his skin and play with the hem of his skirt.
Ethan spreads your legs, he kisses you, cooling you completely down when he thrusts into you. He finds a rhythm quicker than Thomas, being used to you, to your needs, probably still being in your head, knowing exactly what you want. His thumb slowly circling your clit - Thomas slowly carding his fingers through your hair. Biting your tongue, you can taste the metallic taste of blood. Ethan kisses you, his lipstick already smudged, lets your tongues swirls together, moans when he gets blood on his tongue.
Ethan has more strength than Thomas and he shows it off, fucking you into the mattress. He's not letting you cum. He makes it look like, it's your choice but all three of you know that it's just show. It's his decision, not really yours anymore but one time he doesn't stop you.
"When you cum, Thomas can use the paddle on you." It gets you so excited, you almost don't stop yourself. "Or you can use it on him, whatever is worse."
In the end, you do control yourself, when you see Thomas looking intimidated, his eyes going wide. But you also see interest flashing in his eyes. Even more interest and fascination reflects on his face when Ethan bites into your throat, exactly where Thomas left a hickey earlier, he's still fucking you, and draws blood from you. Cold lips on your throat, your eyes are rolling back, Thomas licking his lips. Ethan cums before you, still sucking on your throat but it doesn't take you long to follow.
All three of you are a cuddle pile, exhausted. There's Thomas' sticky lipgloss everywhere, Ethan's lipstick - smudged, stains on your skin, dark eyeshadow - wiped away, Thomas' mascara - also smudged. You know, that you don't look any better, you're happy.
"You really didn't take anything?" Ethan wants to know again, he wants reassurance for something. He puts his hands around Thomas' throat, you putting your hands on his forearm, and he loosens his grip.
"I wouldn't, I would never! You know that!"
Ethan gets his hands off then, looking at him apologetically and whispering a silent sorry.
"What are you taking?" You ask, you put your arm around his hips, your other one around Ethan's. You know a lot about vampire lore and Ethan's history but you still don't know that much about him, you would like to know more.
"The souls of people who made a pact with Satan. And … Some here and there, consensually, of course. I would never take some for myself when my opposite doesn't want to give. And I would never only take a part of it," he looks at Ethan angrily. It seems like he was accused of a greater crime than just taking a soul.
Thomas sighs, and Ethan sighs as well.
"Some demons only take parts of human souls, it fucks them up completely, it's worse than when you just take them whole, it makes most humans go insane and …," he swallows, "Some of them just have fun feasting on the best chunks. I wouldn't. I only touched because it looked so pretty and warm, I'm sorry."
"I know, I'm sorry too, I'm just protective." He presses a kiss to Thomas' sweaty forehead - leaving a smudged lipstick stain there as well, to his sweaty bangs and you do the same.
"What happened to your wings?" Your own curiosity is taking over now, Ethan caresses your shoulders and Thomas takes your hand for a short moment.
He rolls out of bed, still dressed in the yellow skirt, the white stockings slipped down. Ethan is behind you, holding you securily in his arms. Your breath catches in your throat and you can hear the little oh Ethan breathes into your ear.
Thomas' wings are a dirty grey, some dirt sticking to them, a tiny bit of blood. You can see that he stopped taking care of them a long time ago, but for the most part, you see that his wings are clipped. It breaks a piece of your heart to see it, and this is new, you can feel something break in Ethan too. Snap - just like that. It's a weird moment to know something like this, but in this moment you know that you two belong together. And still Thomas' wings are one of the most beatiful things you have ever seen.
"Could I touch them?" You don't want to be rude but the feathers are drawing you in like a magnet.
"They are dirty," he blushes.
"We can wash them," you offer.
"We all have to shower anyways," Ethan says, "You can go, I'll do the bed first."
You get him under the shower and Thomas shudders and shakes his wings at you when the water is still too cold for him, hits his wings and then your face, you laugh. Carefully you wash them with a soft sponge you found hidden deep in Ethan's bathroom cabinets.
"Why did you become a demon?" There's still the fear to overstep but he seems open for the conversation.
"You know why Ethan turned? Same reason, but I did it out of my own will."
Love. That was the reason.
Ethan was a normal person at the beginning of the 1800's. He opened one of the first bookshops in Italy. You suspect that his old love for books as a human only amplified the love for knowledge a vampire has even more in his undead life. He was in love with a girl who wasn't allowed to see him, because her father thought she could have something better than him. So they met during dark nights, having dinner together in fields. Until one night, he didn't make it home. He died that night on the way home. He fell, his oil lamp falling with him, catching his feet and the next day only his corpse could be found. The girl felt deep guilt and blamed herself, like Ethan having a knack for the occult, she searched the hidden section in his bookstore until she found something interesting. She had a cat jump over his corpse to become a vampire. It looked like it didn't work but three nights later, he was standing in front of her, in one piece, no burn mark except one on his body, with fangs and an unquenchable thirst for blood. You asked how he felt with it but he reassured you, that it was absolutely fine; he can't remember the way home, or dying, there's no trauma. Just a pair of fangs - could have been worse.
"Can I ask what happened? Who did this to you?"
"I played dice with Satan to safe the soul of a loved one. I … I lost. So I gambled my own soul, to have another chance at it. I won, she released the soul of my loved one but kept mine instead. I should have read the fine print on which conditions she would have play me again, I was never suppossed to get both back. But stupid trusting me having faith, went for a another game, I already lost my soul and already knew I would be cast out of heaven. She offered me that she'll let me go, live a soulless life with my loved one, but leave us and any offspring past that alone, forever. I went for it, it went okay, I was finally lucky until I wasn't and I lost. In return she kept me in hell for fifthy years and had the pleasure to turn a fallen angel into a demon unwillingly." He looks at you, and you look back, carefully washing away at his wings. "She cheated on me, she played with a loaded dice."
"Was it -, was it for another angel?"
"No, she was human, like you or Vic. She lived a long and fulfilled live, had kids who had kids who had kids who had kids who had kids and so on over the years. She died a long time ago, but I still visit the family from time to time. I'm still always invited for birthdays." He smiles at you sadly. "I … I would do it again, you know. I would always do it again, if it means she had a peaceful happy life in the end, I would do it."
"I'm sorry." You don't know what else to say. You remember some yellowed, old looking photographs in Thomas' wallet, you can have a guess now that this is her family and somehow his as well.
"It's not too bad, it could be worse," he smiles, "I love the chaos I can cause, I could have never in heaven, even when I would have liked too and I would have liked to, believe me, and some things are more of a perk than a burden. It's okay, trust me."
Ethan joins you in the bathroom as well, he washes his face first, before having a look into the shower.
"You okay in here?"
"Yes," you smile at him, "Could you just hold that wing, he always moves it when I touch there, I just can't clean that one spot."
Ethan does you the favour, smiling at Thomas, who in turn isn't having it at all. His wing is flapping again and he splashes Ethan with water that drops out of the feathers.
"Lets try the other way around," you say and hold Thomas' wing again, "Can you clean it?"
The sponge hits Ethan' face - Thomas giggles.
Ethan somehow does manage and you finally get out of the shower. All clean, getting wrapped into warm and fluffy towels.
"Sorry that these are still grey."
"Don't worry, they won't get any better, they are supposed to be a shiny silver but that's long gone."
"It's still a lovely colour." You kiss the tip of his nose.
Ethan kisses your cheek: "We can have some tea in bed and I stole some cake from the party."
You raise his eyebrows at him, sounds more like a Thomas' thing to do.
"I'm full of surprises! It's shaped like little bats, how could I not?" He laughs and you kiss him lovingly. Thomas looks at the floor, you kiss him as well. Not because you feel sorry for him, but because you want to. Ethan smiles at you both.
You all have tea together in bed, the cake Ethan nicked from the party on a plate between you. You are talking more about Ethan's earlier life, but also about Thomas' earlier life - your head rests on Ethan's shoulder. Thomas tells you something about another stint in hell because he refused to get a soul from someone who didn't want to let it go, but that after this he met Vic. And how he mostly prefers being a chaotic, independent demon over being an angel bound to heaven. It eases you a little bit.
When all the cake is eaten and the teacups are empty, Thomas wants to leave and go to his own bed. Ethan and you look at each other, it's not an option. You pull him back into bed and Thomas smiles shyly at both at you but doesn't complain.
Thomas was right, he has the fluffiest wings, it's the most comforting experience, there's still a thunderstorm outside: You fall asleep with Thomas' wings wrapped around Ethan and your own body.
Trivia (aka useless facts about this, with me, a section no one ever asked for):
Elle Woods - Legally BlondeCher Horowitz - Clueless Lilies and roses - Lilies represent the Holy Spirit and stand for the link to the afterlife. Roses "attract angels of love" and they strengthen and cultivate new relationships. Bookstores in Italy - The first bookstore in Italy was opened in 1810 in Genoa Legend about Pope Sylvester II - The legend says he played dice with the devil to become pope
Taglist: @writingmaneskin, @oro-e-diamanti, @iamtashaquinn, @teenyweenynightghost, @findaqueenwithoutaking, @foreveryking-thatdied, @findoutwhoyougonnacall, @maneskinbrainrot, @little-moonbeam-666, @ethaneskin, @maneskin-dimensione, @l0standn0tf0und, @butkutee, @gr8rainbowpunk, @maneslut, @maneskintifoso, @weareoddlydrawn, @hiraetheral, @imjustanerdwholikestoread, @cuzimitaliano, @hopelessromantic727, @dating-villain, @maneskinsimp, @lauraosheaoh, @till-you-scream-and-cry, @wonderlandishell, @h1ppieth1ngs, @paralianeyes, @roisinmillar, @livvyysstuff, @que--sera--sera
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