#anyway so Harrison’s fixing it here
coffeeandcalligraphy · 9 months
hey so. was anyone gonna tell me that last year I wrote *the* most tender lonan & harrison moment in feeding habits ORRRRR (harrison cuts lonan’s hair):
On the floor, Harrison eases Lonan’s skull over his knee and mimics what Suzanna does for him every other month: a modest section between his index and middle finger, then a tentative snip. A section. A snip. As he cuts, chips of Lonan’s hair falling to the tile, he notes the geography of Lonan’s skull, rough with uneven hair. He’s so focused on taming it all to one length that at first, he doesn’t notice when Lonan flushes crimson all the way to his throat. How he blinks rapidly to dislodge the tears netting his eyelashes, and eventually covers his face with his hands. Harrison snips again, and Lonan makes a strangled noise, like an animal’s cry. Tentative at first, like a short clearing of the throat, and then ugly, like a caribou dying. Harrison clenches his jaw, knowing it’ll only be harder to cut Lonan’s hair if he too starts to cry, but that doesn’t matter. Within seconds, his eyes swell, and as he snips, hair scattering like both of their old lives dissipating, he smooths his free thumb over Lonan’s forehead. He doesn’t know what else to do. How to imbue comfort. He’s not like Suzanna who understands that sometimes a person just needs another person to appear with a plate of papas, or a rented chick flick, and just be there. Within minutes, Lonan’s hair is at a new normal: shorter than it’s been in years, but in shape to regrow. Harrison sets the scissors onto the tile. He cups Lonan’s cheek with his palm, brings his forehead so close to his that they nearly touch. And he’s there. A bamboo stake waiting for a strand of ivy to give it new purpose.
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oddzo · 17 days
I did this instead of sleeping (I have to wake up for school in 3 hours)
Anyways, rough sketches for the Camp Camp merpeople! :D
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You can tell that I only used a reference for David then gave up lmao
Needs a lot of polishing and I need to fix some spacing, sizing, and poses but the roadblock of just getting it drawn out is over so yayyy
Didn’t add Ms. Priss cause I ran out of room and she isn’t that important anyways and didn’t put CJ for the same reason and he didn’t get enough screen time for me to get attached or consider him a main character tbh
If you want the list for what everyone is then click here! Can you figure out who is who?
I might change Jasper to some kind of cuttlefish or squid cause Harrison is the only cephalopod
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judesmoonbeauty · 3 months
The Past Records: Ellis & Jude Chapter 3
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Fan translation only. Not 100% accurate. Please expect grammatical errors. Cybird owns everything. Feel free to re-blog, but please do NOT post my translations elsewhere. Also, feel free to ignore my random commentary.
Translation notes are marked with ***
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Roger: A story I know, huh.
Harrison: I mean, why didn't you tell me you knew each other first?
Roger: You didn't ask.
Harrison: You......
Roger: Besides, we're not really close friends either.
Roger: As for whether those guys can be trusted, I can't say.
Harrison: So, how do you know each other?
Roger: Just as a doctor and a patient. Jude has weak bronchial tubes.
Roger: My dad's so good at what he does that sometimes he used to go over to my parent's house where he worked as a town doctor.
Roger: When he was a patient of my father's, well, I just knew him by his face.....
Roger: One night, he rolled in and said he'd been stabbed with a knife. Not to my dad, but to me.
Harrison: What were the details of the stabbing?
Roger: All he said was that, “I got stabbed because of a grudge.”
Flashback Begins -
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Jude: I got what I deserved. I won't say anything more. Don't ask me again.
Roger: I see. I can't believe you're talking to me, and not my dad because you don't want this out in the open.
Jude: I thought you wanted a table to practice your techniques on.
Jude: You can practice without a medical license.
Jude: In return, I won't tell me how you treated me, so as not to ruin the reputation of your father's clinic.
Roger: Convenient for me and you, huh? Well, I suppose it is.
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Ellis: Roger? Can you fix him?
Roger: Oh, don't worry. I'm quite skilled. I won't kill you.
Ellis: Thank God. I can't have him dying now.
Roger: What's with that talk? When can he die?
Ellis: Probably the happiest moment of his life......
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Roger: Huh. With all this damage, it seems like that's going to be a long way off.
Jude: Hey, I'm pretty sure that's not where you should stick the needle, you Quack!
Flashback ends -
Harrison: You treated him before you got your medical license, huh?
Roger: Haha. It's too late for the statute of limitations now, right?
Harrison: What else do you know?
Roger: Oh? Yeah..... like how Jude gets up early in the morning, or how Ellis eats more than anything?
Harrison: Not about that.
Roger: Jude can drink at the same pace as me and not get crushed, but Ellis gets drunk rather easily.
Harrison: It's not like that either....I've got two more images in my head that I don't need to know.
Roger: As I said earlier, I'm not sure if they're trustworthy or not.
Roger: There's something those two are keeping from me too. It's like conducting research that costs a huge amount of money or something.
Roger: Well, regardless if you can trust them or not, I don't think they'll do anything halfheartedly.
Roger: Was that helpful? Harrison: Well, sort of. At least the information I got from you wasn't false.
Roger: Thank you.
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Liam: I found you.
Harrison: Hmm...oh, Liam. How did you know I was here?
Liam: Will told me. Are you at the cafe to work on a review?
Harrison: If I'm in the castle, I'll be distracted by the report, so I had to change things up.
Liam: Haha, so if I report now, It'll just remind you.
Harrison: It's fine. I just lost my focus. Anyway, you called out to me didn't you?
Liam: So, what?
Liam: Well, then, be my guest. Let's see, first of all, the story I heard from Jude...
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Liam: Is Jude a doctor? A scholar? He was enrolled in public school through the mediation of a doctor or a scholar!
Liam: Surprising, isn't it? It must have been absolutely hard to fit in with all those aristocratic kids. I'd like to see a little bit of that.
Liam: Next, what I heard from Ellis. Ellis said that he didn't go to school.
Liam: I heard his father was a church school teacher, but they split up a long time ago.
Liam: Oh, Ellis and I promised to go skating by the lake sometime.
Harrison: Heh, good for you.....I mean, how did you talk to those two? You haven't been at the castle for the last few days.
Liam: I followed them invisibly and followed them, investigating their actions and routes the last few days.
Liam: Or maybe we just happened to on the way home together? Harrison: I didn't realize you went that far....
Liam: I thought Harry would like it. The rest was simply my feline curiosity getting the better of me.
Liam: I followed them and talked to them directly, but I still can't trust them.
Liam: I feel like I'm missing something decisive here.
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Harrison: That look on your face...you're up to something.
Liam: That's my bad friend! You're quick.
Liam: So, why don't we give the two of them a shot.
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sofiiel · 1 year
Best Burger | Steve x Fem!Reader
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Shameless flirting | Kinda Cringe | Sorta Silly | SFW
A/n: I don't know anymore :) other than I wanted to do a Good Burger ref. So here's this cute little hot mess.
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Mike and Lucas enter Scoops Ahoy to find Steve failing miserably at the art of flirting once more as a group of four girls turns and leaves with their ice cream, giggling loudly.  Lucas released a quiet whistle as he cringed for Steve. 
"That's the seventh failure today, dingus," Robin called with a smirk. While Steve gave a roll of his eyes.
"What do you want? There aren't any movies playing today they're doing maintenance, someone flooded the place." Steve spoke dryly, looking between the two boys. 
"Um, ice cream maybe?" Mike snarked, "maybe you should just try talking to the girl working across the floor," said Mike, pointing over his shoulder. 
"Yeah, Y/n over at Best Burger is super cool," Lucas said with a grin.
"She gave us extra fries," he added. Mike squinted at Lucas, "It was a promotional thing." said Mike. "Still cool." Lucas said.
"Anyway, she just stares over here all the time," Mike said. "Max and El are over there a lot, they can put in a good word for you." Hinted Lucas.
Steve shook his head, "no, no way am I sending a bunch of rugrats over as my wingmen." Steve said. "Uh wingwomen," Lucas corrected, "whatever." Steve sighed.
"I mean," Robin pipped in with a shrug, "she is pretty cute. Just saying" she hummed. "And, might have a boyfriend. If that's the case." Steve tried to reason, causing Robin to laugh, "riiight, because none of the girls who walk into this shop have boyfriends." she shot.
Mike tapped the service bell, "hello? Our order?" he asked. "Right, what do want?" Steve asked. "A sample of the Strawcherry Melloberry?" Lucas asked, "a sample isn't an order..." Steve sighed but fetched the scoop anyway.
You have been working for several hours, and it's finally a lull in the service. "Who knew Best Burger would be such a hit out here." You sighed, "It's because Harrison Ford went public and called the California location one of the best burgers in America." hummed Keith.
Glancing across the Star Court floor, you notice Scoop's Ahoy has had a lull in its rush as well. However, seeing that the brown-haired guy that worked there was looking your way, you are quick to turn your head. "Oh my god was he looking?" you think to yourself.
Keith stuffed several curly fries into his mouth, "Harrington is staring again." he announced.
"Again?" you ask. "Ahhhh, yeah. He's been doing that off and on for the last hour." said Keith.
You start trying to fix your hair, "why didn't you say something?" you ask Keith. "Um, isn't that what I just did?" He asks in return.
"Are you going to stand there and burn holes into her from across the room, or are you going to say something?" Robin asked, making herself an ice cream cone. "I can't just go over there, what am I going to say? Hi, some kids told me to say hi, so here I am?" Steve asked.
Robin rose her brows, "I mean I wouldn't but if that's all you got Romeo." Robin said.
Steve sighed and Robin rolled her eyes, "Just go over and order something and make small talk. I mean, it is close to lunch. Just do it before the next crowd comes in, and I get stuck here doing all the work." Robin said.
"You're right, it's so simple," Steve murmured. Robin shook her head, "yep, just go right on over there as a sailor boy." she chuckled to herself.
"Incoming," Keith murmurs to you, quickly making himself scarce. Looking up, you notice the guy in his uniform and try your best not to giggle, leaning lightly against the counter.  In the most chipper voice, you can muster, you fall into the routine, "Welcome to Best Burger! Hooooome of the best burger, how may I -" You looked him up and down with a coy smile, "help you?" you ask.
Steve blinks a few times, "whoa, ok, good start." He thinks to himself, noticing your eyes go up to his hat, he quickly snatches it off and brushes a hand through his hair.
"I uh... I don't know. What would you recommend. Never been to Best Burger," He said. "But I hear it's pretty famous."
You shrug, "only recently I guess, the food's pretty good if you like grease." You say. "Love it." He replied, flashing a charming smile. His eyes sparkle as he watches a smile form on your face, and he hears the friendly giggle.
"So um...." Steve glanced down at her name tag, "so Y/n, lovely name, by the way, Is the Best burger really the best on the menu or, is it really," Steve waved his finger around at the menu above, "one of the other thousand burgers up there?" He asked.
Steve squinted, "Jesus, there's a lot of them." he exhaled. "Why, thank you, Steve." you answer, reading his name tag as well.
"The best burger is indeed the best, and that's not just because I get paid extra to say so." you say with a cheesy grin. He laughs, "right alright, I get it." He hummed. 
"I'll have the best burger then," said Steve, leaning against the counter with a flirtatious smile, "just how are the buns?" He asked in the spur of the moment, instantly regretting it and wanting to crawl away.
You smirk at him, copying his movements with a flirtatious smirk of your own, "they're baked fresh, and they're spectacular."  you said with a shake of your head. Steve nearly choked before the two of you fell into laughter.
"So does this mean, I can get a number with that Best Burger?" Steve asked. "Maybe" you tease as Keith quietly set a greasy bag down on the counter. You carefully scrawl your number onto a napkin and side it forward with the bag.
"Your order is on the house, Steve." You say. You've left him speechless as he backs away from the counter. "I, um. Come by Scoops Ahoy sometime, so I can return the favor!" he called with a dazed grin.  Walking away to let you go back to work as more people flooded in to place orders.
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Masterlist | a.k.a more of my madness.
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wtpb-rcp · 5 months
What headcanons do you have for the HUMAN side cast of RCP, their family trees, and more?
@canyonkingdom you might appreciate this post...or not. Idk.
(This is a hyperfixation moment fr fr)
I've hyperfixated too much on Mr. Wheeler's own family tree while building the WTPB AU (ALL the way before it was called WTPB...and at its first roots of shame) and so here's my family tree+info+spoilers for my AU? (and is that some certain people commenting?! Helly, I told you to shut the wall off! /j)
(The thing is, this devolved into some expanded lore shit. Forgive me for the wall of formatted words and colors.)
Unknown great grandfather marries unknown great grandmother, thus Rick Wheeler is born. He grew up with the smell of wheels and people and vehicles alike buying from him. He got no bigotry for some reason since his parents have to keep up a good facade (they're the bigots) and they're always busy, although he got his dad's negative traits.
Later on, he married a woman named Reese Cougart, and both have an only child named Gerald Wheeler. And since Gerald grew up in the late 70's and then towards the 80's...yeah take a guess.
After Reese died in '80 and The Incident of '84 happened, Gerald mysteriously broke contact and connections with one of his last friend from their highschool friend group (that he also helped with, as a programmer, making the set of code and blueprints that is now called "The Robocar Code"), Steve Harrison. Rick was never told by his own son why he did so, and when he did found out at '93, he got mad and also broke contact with his son (not that he doesn't deserve it, anyways...he got what was coming after him, and even if I pity his falling out, he still went on as if it never happened, never affected...never the one at fault of his emotional failure)
Rick also moved to Broomstown (it's spelled that way 'round here), out of pure spite and pettiness (it runs in the family. The girls don't get it, though), and there he stayed until now. Broomstown is also Steve's hometown, and Rick's father used to live there as well.
Meanwhile, Steve somehow found Gerald's contact and encouraged him to go into his place. There, he met Steve's sister, Marcy, and both took about two years before they married, due to fixing interpersonal issues. (Dude, where's the reason why they hooked up? No idea.) That doesn't mean Gerald changed his other ways.
One day, somewhen in 2001, Gerald was rushing his now wife into the hospital due to her about to give birth to who we now (vaguely in canon) knew as Betty. However, due to his frantic driving skills and arguing with his vehicle the wrong way, they got into an accident. Fortunately, someone saw them and called for help at the hospital, which happened to be right near the accident spot...and where Amber worked in (oh my, we're really connected). Upon seeing Amber's presence, Gerald was, well, shocked, and the cries of Betty are drowned by him shouting at his ex-friend Steve due to him giving away the blueprints and script to make a Robocar, and Rick somehow indirectly heard of this so that night was intense hell.
Fast forward one year later, Gerald and his family moved into Japan due to his job application being accepted. It was hard to adapt at first, but it went smoothly after. Here, Betty was supposed to be not taught about her grandfather, just her mom's parents, but she still did knew of Rick Wheeler. So by childlike pleas, Gerald gave in and lets her send letters to Rick since he is still not used to the trending phones (I'm happy Mr. Wheeler isn't so cranky for his granddaughter!). At the same time of this moment, Steve and his wife, Casey, divorced on good terms and for the sake of good, due to Casey discovering Steve's closetness and Steve having responsibilities and pressure about what happened in the past. Casey still kept the Harrison surname, though, so Jin grew up to become a Harrison, contacting her biological dad through messages and birthday gifts.
A highschooler keeping in touch even after a tragic event. A kid keeping in touch, oblivious of what transpired in the past, to say.
Jin and her mom moved into Broomstown on September 17, 2004, and Rick is willing to nag his pal, Ollie Buster (aka Mr. Builder), to help the two girls settle in this town.
And then, many years passed...after Jin dropped out of college...after the Rescue team of Broomstown are formed...after that incident...
"Jin, I have some shocking news."
"Huh? What is it, Mr. Wheeler?"
"You know my son, right?"
"Oh, Gerald? Last time I've heard of him, my bio dad is trying to mess with his date, who happened to be bio dad's sister. R-a late relative... told me about it when I was ten. I was still impressed that even if he wanted to break contact with my bio dad, Mr. Gerald still ends up being connected to him."
"Well, the thing is...he has a newborn son!"
"That's great, I guess."
"And he's...gonna move into this town because his wife insists so and he quit his job because he lost the drive to continue it."
"Oh my..."
"Oh no."
"I'm just gonna pluck that little blackthorn..."
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thislovintime · 1 year
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Brenda Lee and Peter Tork at Lee’s 1966 New Year’s Eve masquerade party. Photo 2 (and 1, too?) by Ric Klein.
New Year's Eve 1966:
“Every year for several years we threw a big masquerade party in December. […] We always had great entertainment, too. One year it was Gale Garnett singing her hit ‘We’ll Sing in the Sunshine.’ Another time it was Jewel Akens, who sang ‘The Birds and the Bees.’ My favorite was the time we booked the Monkees. They were the most popular group in America at the time, with hits like ‘I’m a Believer,’ ‘Last Train to Clarksville’ and ‘Daydream Believer.’ Needless to say, the Monkees were ‘fave raves’ in 16 Magazine. And since editor Gloria Stavers had long been my buddy, the gala got a photo spread in the teen magazine. After I sang with the group, I posed happily with Monkees Peter Tork and Davy Jones. Since I was a clown that year, my cheeks were dotted with red circles, and I was wearing a puffy ruffle around my neck.” - Brenda Lee, Little Miss Dynamite: The Life and Times of Brenda Lee (2002)
“[Lee] held it [the party] in the warehouse of her husband’s electrical store and everyone came in costume. We wore the clothes we had on but I guess some of the guests thought we were in costume anyway. They had a rock and roll band playing and it was mainly older people. Peter sat in on guitar with the band and Micky did his solo complete with dancing and falling down. [...] Davy did his number and then Brenda Lee sang a few songs. It was really great and the Monkees didn’t mind being away from home so much on New Year’s Eve because of it.” - David Price, Tiger Beat, March 1967
New Year's Eve 1967:
Peter, along with Karen Harvey and baby Justin, traveled to London.
"Saturday morning, the telephone rings, Dad answers and the operator tells him that there is a call from New York for Davy Jones, or anyone at Clumber Road, so Dad accepts the call. ‘This is Peter, Peter Tork, sir. I’m so pleased to speak to you. David has told me such a lot about you.’ The message is to tell David that Peter is at the airport in New York and is flying to London, can David meet him there for the New Year? Luckily we are able to get hold of David and fix things up. On Sunday morning Peter flies into London and David meets him at the airport. [They attended] a swinging New Year’s Eve party at the 'Speakeasy Club' in London." - Hazel Jones Wilkinson, Tiger Beat, April 1968
On this London trip, Peter writes "Long Title..." (read more here), plays banjo for one of George Harrison's Wonderwall Music recording sessions (read more here), guest hosts Top Of The Pops, and gives interviews at a press reception held at London's Decca promotions office (read more here; yet more about that press reception here).
New Year's Eve 1982: Peter with MTV's Nina Blackwood (watch here).
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trashyspaceprxnce · 1 year
Tony Award Thoughts
Brandon Uranowitz coming out of the gate swinging and making me cry with the first speech
& Juliet performance was not giving. i actually like the show but that's my least favourite song it in and i thought it was a weird choice
(The most iconic song they could have done would have been I'm Not a Girl, Not Yet a Woman and make the Tony's feel bad for not nominating Justin David Sullivan)
Michael Arden best speech hands down. Obsessed with him what a well deserved win (after being robbed for best direction for spring awakening AND once on this island)
(ok tbh I thought he won for once on this island until i googled it rn??? I guess i got it confused with it winning best revival)
Sweeney, Some Like it Hot and Shucked had the best performances tbh, good vibes and actually showed what the show was about
was SO stressed about best leading actor and was hoping Josh Groban could get his revenge but J. Harrison Ghee rightfully won it!
(people who are still mad about the 2017 Tony's I am here for you)
Also Alex Newell deserved it after being robbed for once on this island as well
Obsessed that we had two non-binary performers win but maybe can we talk about how we should fix the gendered categories??? Especially w/ Justin not being nominated
Also can we talk about best score and choreography not being shown??? what's up with that
"it's good for Lea Michelle that she's presented a Tony that year where there's no script" - what I sent to my friend during the show
tbh i have barely heard of Kimberly Akimbo but maybe I'll check it out? The song they did seems fun
I cannot explain the amount of rage that filled my body when Funny Girl did their performance.... Lea Michelle I am out to get you. Beanie Feldstein if you need someone to fight for you, you can count on me
anyways time to go into hibernation for another year (jk im seeing the Hadestown tour in like two months)
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4townie · 2 years
Road to 4☆TOWN
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4
Taeyoung Na and Aaron Mendez stood outside the auditions together, staring at the flier on the window. Taeyoung was bouncing up and down, and Aaron smirked at him.
“You good there, Tae-Tae?” He asked, briefly removing his lollipop from his mouth.
“This is so exciting!” Taeyoung exclaimed. “We’re gonna get a shot at becoming real celebrities!”
Aaron chuckled, juggling his lollipop with his tongue. “Y’know, I never took you for the type to be all over that celebrity life. Whatever floats your boat.”
“C’mon, Aaron.” Taeyoung shook his friend. “Think about how many ears I could reach with this platform. I could start an animal rights revolution!”
Aaron laughed at Taeyoung’s enthusiasm. “You know you’re auditioning for a boy band, right? You’re not running for office.”
Taeyoung calmed down a bit. “Well, I’m only doing it if you’re with me.” He smiled. “It wouldn’t be fun otherwise.”
Aaron smiled back. “I know your parents told you they’d only let you come today if I did. You don’t have to flatter me to make me stay.”
“Ugh, my mom and her big mouth always ruin my plans.” Taeyoung groaned. He hesitated. “Aaron…what are we gonna do if one of us gets picked and the other doesn’t?”
“Well, I know you have nothing to worry about. You’re too charming and talented to get cut.” Aaron assured him. “And even if I don’t get in, I’ll still be there for you every step of the way. What are best friends for?”
Taeyoung was quiet for a moment before a wide grin slowly crept onto his face. “Thanks, Aaron. That makes me feel better.” He took a deep breath and grabbed Aaron’s hand. “Alright, it’s our time to shine. Let’s do this.”
The five boys exchanged awkward glances as the manager, Beckett Martin, paced around in front of them.
“So you’re the chosen five.” Beckett paused with a grin. “I knew scouting local talent would be good for the label. Take that, Harrison!”
“Uh, we haven’t even done anything yet.” Aaron Zhao arched an eyebrow. “How do you know we’re good for the label?”
“Shut up!” Robaire nudged him.
“Mr. Martin,” his assistant stepped forward, “we do have one problem.”
“Problem?” Beckett turned so fast he could’ve gotten whiplash. “What problem? We can’t have any problems.”
“Calm down, sir. It’s minor.” The assistant pointed to the two Aarons. “These two have the same first name.”
“Oh. Whew!” Beckett wiped his brow. “Easy fix. We’ll just give you stage names.” He froze. “Hmmmm…but what to rename you…”
“We could just add a letter to the end.” The assistant suggested.
“Caitlin! You’re brilliant!” Beckett praised with a huge smile.
“Uh…it’s Courtney…”
“Courtney, that’s what I said.” He waved a hand and turned back to the boys. “You. What’s your last name?”
“Zhao.” Aaron answered in a monotone voice.
“Perfect! You will be known as “Aaron Z” from here on out.” Beckett waved his hands like he was imagining a lit up sign. “And you, other one. What’s your last name?”
Aaron raised an eyebrow at the words ‘other one’. “…Mendez.”
“Mendez! Aaron…no, that doesn’t work. We need a new letter.”
“What, so he’s just gonna change his name?” Jesse furrowed his brow in confusion.
“It’s no big deal.” Beckett shrugged. “No one will be calling you Aaron Mendez anymore anyway. It’ll be Aaron…—”
“T!” Aaron’s eyes lit up. “For Tae-Tae.”
Taeyoung gasped. “Awww, that’s so sweet.”
“Excellent! Looks like we have our boys.” Beckett said excitedly. They boys all smiled at each other. “Now onto the miserable part.”
Their smiles vanished. “The what?”
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theageofsims · 1 year
Version 1 created on: 9/22/22
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Version 2 created on: 1/28/23
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Version 3 created on: 3/12/23
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Version 3's are usually where things start to work against themselves, for me at least. I start changing things I liked before to fit more towards what I see in the particular photo I'm looking at in that very moment -- knowing that once I take the Sim out of the room with glaring white lights and white walls, and into the game where they'll be used for gameplay/story purposes... they'll start to look a different way. It's the lighting, the atmosphere/scenery, and the angles/mannerisms. One moment will make you say HEY! That's really them! (whoever the character is) and other times you're going to be like... that looks nothing like them, but I love them anyway!
Not entirely so, but there's only so much you can tweak and I swear I can already spot what I would like to change/tweak (if possible).
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Sim-Everett will end up becoming his own person just like the rest of my sims based off of characters. There's always going to be something unique to them I've discovered since back in my Sims 3 days when I started making my favorite Harrison Ford characters (and continued making into the Sims 4).
I already know I'm keeping the ear preset, I'm going to make him less frown-y when he's expressionless, the hair is up for debate... I think I like the Version 2 hair best, but that one comes with a shadow issue on part of the forehead so that means I'll be editing every single cap I take of him in the future... and I may not want to do that, but I probably will end up doing that.
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His nose is going to make me go to therapy because it's like I fix it... and then I have to fix it again. I can already see where I should fix it, but again -- will it be possible? I dunno.
Version 4 may be the last version I make and post about -- but I'm sure he'll go through about 10 more tweaks here and there throughout whatever storyline I create for him in my story, (completely behind the scenes).
For those that have been liking/following (or you just know about it because seriously who doesn't know about William Jones and follows my Sims blog? He's the reason why I've got a simblr in the first place!) my The Age of Sims story/gameplay/save since... I dunno, 2017? Everett will be part of that save so... you'll most likely be seeing him popping up in the upcoming parts of the story/gameplay.
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hi!!! so i have been following your YouTube channel since (checks calender) 2018 so it's been a while, and I'm a huge fan, just a lil shy (you're so cool holy shit, your writing is mind blowing, aaaaaa), so ANYWAY the point of this ask is, body back sounds awesome, might i request some more vibes perhaps 👀👀👀
Omg hi!!!! I could cry to learn someone’s been watching my videos for so long 😭 thank you for all your support!! ❤️ when people think I’m cool it makes me v excited because I’m really just a little gremlin IRL! Happy you like my writing & appreciate all the engagement!
Of COURSE I can send more vibes for BB! First, here's just an excerpt because I'm about to go ham under the cut lol:
The pool he floats in belongs to a young couple. The man works real estate according to the signs Harrison’s seen of his face peppered around the neighbourhood. He’s wondered if that’s ever humiliating, to constantly see pixelated versions of yourself everywhere. But that doesn’t matter. His wife walks dogs in her free time, which means always. Last week, Harrison watched her jog with a vizsla, and just yesterday she spent the morning on their gable-roofed veranda brushing a wispy Alaskan malamute. That was the same veranda Harrison passed on his way to their yard’s fence. Perhaps they wanted someone to do what he did: hook his boot into the crisp rung of their gate, then swing right over. Why else would it have been so easy?
More in-depth BB rambles under here!
CW: drug addiction, mental illness, violence & suicide.
This project is taking over me right now, which might be a way of my brain procrastinating finishing Seventh Virtue (LOL), but I’ve learned to just lean into the hyperfixation so we’re here now!
I really felt drawn to write BB because of this extremely complex thing Harrison goes through in Moth Work that unbeknownst to 17-year-old Rachel who wrote it, she reaaaaaallllly relates to now at 21. I've been unable to stop thinking about this since re-reading MW, because I somehow profoundly represented this experience at 17 that I'm now undergoing at 21.
Harrison is supporting someone who needs a LOT of help (at this point in MW, Lonan’s been an addict for about 3 years, is chronically depressed, is in a constant disocciated state, has attempted suicide twice in less than a year). He feels responsible for this because he loves this person very much--he WANTS to help Lonan. But I don't think he realizes how much effort this will entail and that he himself doesn't have the sole power to "fix" anything. But he’s so young—how long can he handle this before he himself breaks?
The answer is: not long! One could say Harrison’s fatal flaw in MW is not wanting to change. He doesn’t WANT to leave Lonan behind because he doesn't WANT to lose him, he doesn’t WANT a relationship with his mom, Suzanna. At the same time, his life is at this tenuous impasse: things CANNOT sustainably continue in the state they're in, but he's terrified of them changing. And by the end of the book, both of those things happen—it’s his arc. The loose end is the prior point: he's terrified of change, but now the change has happened.
What I want to do in BB is take that loose end and light it on fire. I want to show what happens when that change happens. It's NECESSARY change, but in this moment, feels like the worst decision possible. BB is about the in-between space of being in a destructive relationship & eventually putting yourself first. For Harrison, the experience is extremely messy. He craves intimacy badly but has no idea how to love anyone but Lonan. He craves independence but is also scared of it: how do you start your own life when the last few years have been focused on someone else's?
In Moth Work, he creates the beginnings of a relationship with a man named Jeremiah (to be clear: H&L aren’t dating in MW, they never canonically actually date unlike how I make it sound LOL, only in the Seventh Virtue AU are they a couple!). Jeremiah is a really interesting character in Harrison's life because he represents something "normal." Here's when Harrison meets him in MW:
The motel is named after a dead woman—The Greta Arquette. Harrison discovers this while absently thumbing through a brochure at the empty front desk. The lobby is decorated with vintage clocks and floral wallpaper and it makes sense—the woman it’s dedicated to died at 92. He’s on page six when a young man with an earring and a hair pick appears behind the desk.
Harrison shuts the brochure and slots it back into the display. “Can I get a room?” he asks, already fumbling for his wallet.
“Long ride?”
The clerk—Jeremiah, according to his nametag—smiles. His skin glows amber under the lanterns hung from the ceiling, and his hair looks too good for 2AM. The collar of his uniform pastes underneath his sweater, and it’s almost charming, this unnoticed mistake.
Wait up for my video later today (3PM EST!!) where I literally in-depth analyze a couple scenes with Jeremiah (since I talk more about this there), but essentially, Harrison gets a small taste of what it might be like to be a "typical" 21-year-old here. It entails dancing with people you think are cute, enjoying each other's company without doing anything at all, going to breakfast, etc... All things he and Lonan have never done.
In BB, I want to show the breakdown of this "normal" relationship as Harrison more and more self-destructs to self-preserve. He literally cannot handle this change he's incited--who is he at all without Lonan? He doesn't know, and he can't handle that he doesn't know, so he "goes bad." There's brief mentions of this turn in Feeding Habits where Harrison addresses he was a bit of a disaster when he and his mother lived in Las Vegas, which is why his main goal in FH is to "restart" in NYC (and it's why he also gets destructive again in NYC when his second reboot fails).
I always knew elements of what happened to Harrison in Las Vegas, but didn't know the extent. In FH, the only element we're certain of is when he runs into the same woman Lonan runs into in ch. 6 of Moth Work. He essentially ends up being beat up badly, which for him (mostly his mother, Suz) is the last straw and what makes them pack up to NY.
It was only later, when he stumbled, bloody knuckled, through their front door, stepping over partygoers and martini glasses, that he understood. He hadn’t come to the party thinking about Lonan but managed to attract the same people. He hadn’t drunk the magenta liquid thinking about him but managed to exit the house stumbling, as Lonan did, his knees knotted like a newborn lamb's. There was something inconceivably indissoluble about them—their bond mirror-like, one making a decision, and the other mimicking it with vigour somewhere else, unknowingly inseparable.
But I've been wanting to write what happened BEFORE this, in the time between, which is what BODY BACK is going to be! Here's an excerpt from FH (ft. Jeremiah) that takes place during this timeline:
They saw each other in brief, neon stints. Drinking in his one-bedroom, after Jeremiah’s shifts at The Greta Arquette—a dingy motel—clattering, limb by limb, under his Styrofoam disco ball and calling it dance. They knew each other so little but so well. Where each groove of skin and bone on the other’s body was, what limbs could notch so perfectly together, like nubs of old soap fused together.
The vibes are going to be pretty much the above! Mirror balls, pop music, drugs in misty rooms, eat the rich, etc.
I've been excited to write this story because it shows a side of Harrison I only barely understood when I wrote Feeding Habits. It's actually why Feeding Habits was IMPOSSIBLE for me to write, because I was still seeing Harrison in "caretaker" mode when he actually was rejecting that fully. I wasn't used to seeing him make bad decisions. For all accounts, Harrison is a terrible person in FH. He takes advantage of his mother's kindness, he disappears to scare her, he's self-medicating, he's inviting Reeve to his place under the guise of catching up with an old friend when he actually doesn't care at all about her and only wants to see a glimpse of Lonan's face, he's stealing from the vulnerable, and doesn't want to stop any of it. FH is really Harrison's destruction arc, and BB is going to explore HOW that happened--what triggered those events?
I'd always seen Lonan as the "issue" in their relationship. This was natural in a lot of ways since Lonan started out as a literal villain (lol), but also mostly because I emotionally related to him most back when I was writing him. ALLL my negative emotions and struggles went right to him. It's why Lonan was my favourite character all throughout my teenage years. What I didn't expect is that at the age they're at in this book (21), I'd suddenly understand Harrison on a very, very different level. This is also another reason I want to write this like NOW because I'm 21 and in a similar (albeit wayyyy less dramatic) era. Is this sort of going to be autofiction, maybe!
I think in MW, Harrison doesn't feel much like an "adult" yet. in BODY BACK, he KNOWS he's an adult, and goes a little too hard knowing he can do whatever the hell he wants. If Harrison can do what he wants, it means he can reclaim himself even if it means destruction along the way. What's he willing to do to get his body back?
That's a q to ponder!
It's going to be lots of fun! LOL
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Take Me To The Movies - Eddie Munson X GN (Bi) Reader - November 25th
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Title: Take Me To The Movies
Eddie Munson X GN (Bi) Reader
Additional Character: Robin, John (OC) (Mentioned)
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 |
WC: 2,317
Warnings: Angst to fluff, fighting, confessions, misunderstandings, and drama (but small)
"I can't believe him! I bought the tickets and he canceled on me." You exclaim, throwing your hands in the air, irritated.
Robin sighed, resting her hand on her cheek as she watched you pace her room. "Go with Eddie. Or finally, fall into your bisexuality and go with me." She joked.
You sigh, sitting down beside her, "You know you can't go, Robs. You have work tonight. If you didn't, I would've totally taken you instead of John."
"Ew, John. I forgot he was the one who asked you out. Why did you say yes?" She asked and you just sighed again.
"Cause he seemed nice and Blade Runner is at the drive-in right now." You admitted, rubbing your temples.
"Blade Runner? What's that?" She asked with a look of disgust on her face. "Sounds terrible."
You gently nudged her. "It's a Harrison Ford movie. You know how much I loved him in Star Wars and Indiana Jones."
"Ah yes, the reason you want to see it is because of him. Worst crush ever." Robin exclaimed with a sigh and you just shook your head. "You know Madonna? Now, that's a crush." She finished only making you laugh.
"It's whatever. I'll just stay home."
Robin shook her head, leaning over to her phone on her bedside table. "Oh, no. You're going to have fun tonight." She spoke as she turned the dial on the phone, raising it to her ear.
"Who are you calling?" You asked, fear engulfing you as your eyes widened. Robin only raised a finger to her lips, shushing you, "You better not be calling who I think you're calling."
"Hey! Munson! Yeah, it's Robin. So, Y/N's date's been canceled. Yeah, yeah. I know! Yeah, so I was wondering... Yeah? Awesome, thanks. See you in ten." Robin then put the phone back on the receiver, before turning to you with a smirk on her face.
"Oh, you're evil." You said with a frown.
"Yep. There are only two ways this night will turn out. Either way, you'll end up having a good time." She replied, pushing on your shoulder. "Now let's get your outfit ready for tonight. We wanna look hot, right?"
"I'm already dressed." You said, gesturing to your sweats and baggy TMNT sweater, only for Robin to shake her head.
"Nah, you still have some of your clothes here, right? Let's get you into some cute jeans and a shirt or something."
Without any options, you agreed, watching as Robin opened her closet and tossed back a pair of your jeans, a white button-up, and a Y/F/C sweater.
"Alright, you go change, I'll find you one of my belts you can wear." Robin softly commanded, pushing you into her bathroom to change.
Once you tossed the sweater over your head, you fixed the collar of the white button-up before looking at yourself in the mirror. You had to admit, it was a cute outfit. Coming out, Robin quickly tossed you her yellow belt with a smile on her face.
"Eddie's gonna be here any moment. Don't want to be late to your favorite movie." Robin taunted as you looped the belt through the loops.
"You're going to be the death of me." You mumble as Robin just crossed her arms.
"Why do you hate Eddie anyway?" She asked and you sighed, but before you spoke the doorbell rang.
"He's here. I'll see ya later." You say, before rushing out of her room and down the stairs, "Love you!" You called out to her as you neared the door.
"Love you more!" She called back, as you opened the door.
Eddie stood there with his hands in his jeans pockets, looking like he usually did. He looked up at you with a shy smile, "Hey."
"Hi. We should probably get going."
"What are we doing? Robin just said your date canceled." Eddie asked before he suddenly looked down at the ground again. ""
You roll your eyes. "Drive-In. Come on, I don't want to be late." You said, speed-walking to his van.
"What are we seeing?" Eddie asked as he caught up with you.
"Blade Runner." You reply without thinking, only making him chuckle.
"Of course, that new Ford movie."
"Shut up and drive."
The drive-in is crowded, being a Friday night. The line to get drinks and food stretches all the way around the building. You crossed your arms, tapping your foot against the ground as you impatiently waited for the line to move. You were hungry, angry, and annoyed.
"You alright?" Eddie asked, leaning closer next to you.
"Fine. Just annoyed," You answered, trying not to let him see you pout. It didn't seem to have worked because Eddie chuckled to himself before standing back up.
"Here, I have an idea. Stay here." He offered before rushing out of his place in line, going up to the front. The other people in line just moved out of his way as he got to the counter, ordering two drinks and some snacks. You watched pretty surprised and impressed when he walked back, his arms full of food.
"How did you do that?" You asked as you headed back to his van in front of the giant screen.
"Come on, it's me we're talking about here. Sadly, people are afraid of me and just don't want to be my next sacrifice."
You scoffed, taking a bag of chips from his arms. "Whatever, Eddie. How much has that crap cost you?"
"A bit?" He replied only making you scoff again.
"You didn't have to buy the entire snack selection." You mumbled, slouching in your seat as you opened the chip bag.
Eddie's eyes drooped as he let out a sad sigh, setting his and your drink down in the cup holders, he dropped the snacks in a grocery bag on the floor. He glanced at you, watching as you threw another chip in your mouth, eyes glued to the screen before you.
Soon the movie was starting, the opening scene of a futuristic dystopia on the screen. As it progressed you found yourself mesmerized by the film. You watched every scene, the character's faces frozen in different emotions.
"You alright?" Eddie asked quietly as he turned to you, noticing the shimmer in your eyes and your slightly agape mouth.
"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" You ask quickly as you sip your soda.
"Well, you've been acting a little off," He paused to let that sink in before continuing. "You... You don't hate me or something, right?"
You bring your gaze back to the movie, speaking with your mouthful. "What?"
"Do you hate me?" He repeated, turning in his seat fully to look at you.
Your face heats up under his stare, feeling uncomfortable with his closeness to you. "What are you getting at here? I just want to watch my movie and Robin called you cause you're always available. I didn't want to go with you anyway." You answer in a low whisper, even though Eddie could hear you.
Eddie looks away, averting his eyes, clearing his throat. "So, you do hate me?"
You scoff and your cheeks burn with embarrassment. "No..."
"Liar," He says bluntly, bringing your attention to him again. "You totally do. You always get this way when I am near you, you weren’t like this when we were twelve. What’s freaking changed?"
You cringe as you press your knees together, grabbing your soda tighter, "You're just annoying is all." You mumbled only for Eddie to turn back to the screen.
You did the same, watching as Harrison Ford's character ran down a crowded street as he was being chased. It was silent between the two of you for a while, the only sound coming from the small speakers hung up on the windows.
"Sorry about earlier," Eddie spoke up, finally breaking the silence. "I shouldn't have said that stuff."
"No need to apologize," You responded quickly before sipping on your soda again.
"Really? Cause if anything, it makes me feel worse. Like... I haven't done anything wrong and you just sit there and tell me that I'm annoying." He confessed, looking straight into your eyes. "I... I haven't done anything wrong... Have I?" He asked softly, sadly.
You just stare right back at him before sighing and looking down at your drink in your hands, "No... You haven't."
His brow furrows, studying you. "Then why do you hate me? Why do you always say I'm annoying? What did I do that made you act this way, treat me this way?" His voice was thick with emotion, anger maybe, as he added, "I just... I just don't understand."
You felt your eyes water slightly as you bit down on your bottom lip hard, "I don't hate you," You admitted, "It's the opposite really." You look up at the screen, "I actually find you really adorable. But, I-" You sigh, dropping your eyes back to your lap, "I don't know how to control my feelings. I just act annoyed by you because maybe if I do, I could get over my dumb feelings for you."
Eddie looks down at you, seeing your tears fall as you speak, "When we were younger, you were the first person that told me I wasn't worthless. That I was worth something special and important. You gave me confidence and strength. You showed me what real friendship really meant and taught me to love myself for who I truly am. Yet, once High School started... my feelings for you developed and I didn't know what to do... So I just ignored you... And I'm sorry." You sobbed lightly, closing your eyes. "Because of me, to you I silently told you that you were worthless, not important... Nothing special. I took away your confidence. I broke our friendship because I didn't want to get hurt, yet... I hurt you most of all." You sniffled and wiped the tears from your face, "I don't mean to. I don't want to. I try not to. I want to fix things between us. I want to rekindle our relationship." You look back up to Eddie, "But... I’m scared."
Eddie studies you carefully as he runs a hand through his hair. "I... I can understand why you would act like that, Y/N. I wish I knew. I wish I could've helped you in some way. We didn't have to go through this. I wish I knew what was going on in that pretty head of yours."
You flinch, heat blossoming in your cheeks, "Eddie..."
"But neither did I..." He whispered to himself. "I wish I knew you returned my feelings sooner." He looked at you with a small smile, hesitantly reaching over, his fingers brushing against your cheek tenderly.
You stilled, staring wide eyed into his beautiful brown eyes, "Y... You..." You stuttered out.
"I've loved you since we were twelve, Y/N." Eddie confessed, before he dropped his hand from your face. "Before I was even capable of knowing what love was, what it felt like. I wanted nothing more than for you to see me the way I saw you."
You felt the tears resurface as you stare at him, "Why didn't you tell me?" You asked, only for Eddie to sigh, shrugging his shoulders.
"I tried. But, that's right when you also changed. I thought you hated me or that you weren't interested. You never mentioned anything. Not one word. It was always me asking after you. Always. And not all friendships last forever." He fiddled with the hem of his Hellfire shirt nervously, "I never gave up on you," He pauses then, tilting his chin upwards as he stares at you. "I kept trying to convince myself that I just had a crush on you, that I wasn't in love with you. I tried not to care and that didn't work. I love you more than you'll ever wrap your head around."
You wipe the tears from your face again and sniffle lightly, "Oh, Eddie." Your voice cracked and shook as you took a deep breath, "I do love you, too. I just can't put my feelings into words anymore. That's probably part of why I act so stupid around you sometimes. I was just worried, and sure that you'd never like me back."
Eddie took your hand in his, squeezing it softly, "Well, know you know. I do love you."
You look at him with happy eyes before smiling broadly, "Thank god." You giggle, wiping away more tears.
Eddie chuckles as well. "So what are we going to do about this?" He asks, cocking an eyebrow up to you.
You stare at him for a few moments, biting your lip before whispering, "Count this as our really weird first date?" You chuckle softly at your own joke.
"Mmm, okay," He replies with a playful smirk, nudging you gently as he teases you, "Our kids are going to love this story."
You shook your head with a laugh, "Geez, I tell you I love you and you go right to kids..."
Eddie chuckles, "Hey, you were the one who planned out our entire future when we played house when we were seven."
You huffed playfully, "How do you even remember that?"
"How could I not?" he smirks, pulling you back into his body. "I thought I was a pretty good mother."
"Just shut up and watch the movie." You laughed, pressing your lips to his cheek before letting out a soft sigh. Eddie brought his arm around you, holding you close to him, closer than usual. "I just want you to know that you won't have to hide your affections for me from me anymore." You confessed, biting your lip.
Eddie glanced down at you, grinning shyly as you looked up at the screen, "And you won't have to hide yours for me either."
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inspiteallthedanger · 2 years
Have you thought about that moment in Get Back where Paul says ''Good try that, Johnny'', and George says something immediately after to John, addressing him ''John'' pointedly? Like very pointedly. I mean it might have been discussed on Tumblr, but I just rewatched it on Youtube (it's in the beginning of a short video there called ''George's admiring Eric Clapton & Billy Preston'') and that moment always makes me smile and wonder. It's just a tiny second of interraction between the tree of them but a mess of so many possible feelings. It definitely sounds like George is either mocking Paul or in otherwise responding to the fact that Paul said ''JohnnY''. Like he's acknowledging that that petname sounds affectionate and is annoyed by that fact. It's also interesting to me that apparently it DID sound special/affectionate, it wasn't common for people to call John that, if George payed attention to it. It's like.. George's reaction in a way for me confirms Paul's affection which is why the moment makes me smile mostly. But also... they're not teenagers anymore but George is annoyed/jealous? That Paul likes John? That John's ass is kissed by Paul? That they were an annoying petname-calling team like that still? I mean it's kinda hilarious but also like our weird fanfictions are not so far from the truths. Sorry for that long rant over one second of Get Back, what do you think? :D
Hello. This is interesting, isn't it? My following response is assuming that this dialogue is presented in Get Back as it was (more or less) said in real life. Which, we know might not be the case. So, for a start, I’m ignoring the visuals in this. But, anyway, with that aside:
I do totally agree that George's 'John' does seem a pointed moment in response to Paul's ‘Johnny’. And yes! I think Paul's trying to create some sort of short-hand/intimacy with John there too. I think, overall, George is trying to win John over to his way of thinking in his on-going argument with Paul. I think it’s pointed because he’s sort of saying “Oh, no you don’t, Paul. You don’t get to win by pulling on your weird ass relationship with John.”
I’m not sure, entirely, why he’s annoyed. Because I don’t think it’s wildly unusual for Paul to call him Johnny in that context.
I wonder if it’s possible George's annoyed because Paul says it was good. Then sort of pauses and only calls out John as being good, and George takes that to mean Paul thinks George wasn't good? I can’t remember what they’ve just finished playing, so assuming they’ve all just done a song, that could be part of it?
But overall, I think he’s annoyed because he's trying to win the argument that he's been having with Paul since the start of the sessions i.e. how they should go about crafting these songs. So, he's mostly disagreeing with Paul that the take was good.
I do think this is part of George's on-going issues with the whole idea of the project. Specifically, he's talking here about why he can't do what Paul wants him to do: stop and fix each wrong note as they go (by which George thinks Paul thinks he should just automatically know how the song ought to go), or allowing them to play through it and figure it out once they have the overall shape.
I'm not sure if George is just very insecure during these sessions or what, but it's a clear through line from this chat to "You need Clapton for that" where John says, "We need Harrison". And likely why John jokes they should just bring him in when George leaves.
None of the Beatles were good at just jamming - when they tried it, apparently it was often terrible. Paul's dismissive, "That's jazz, man," is meant to say, "So what if Eric does that? Doesn't make him better than us, or what you do." Anyway, I think this is all part of them trying to get John to weigh in on one of their sides. Which is interesting, because by all accounts that isn’t what he ever did. Let alone by this time in their relationship.
Anyway, none of this takes away from anything you’ve put here. I just think it’s more about them more directly fighting for John’s approval/agreement. Which John is resolutely not about to do...
It’s also funny/sad that George thinks that Paul and John still likely have that bond. I mean, they do but the very timid sort of way Paul says ‘Johnny’ sort of suggested that he’s not even sure of his place with John currently. Like, he’s trying to get John engaged and in doing so is excluding George. The dynamics are wild and painful to behold!
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thehypercutstudios · 2 years
Bww MoD - Swapping Decisions
This is for my bww au called Masters of Disguises, so yeah big info is in here.
Anyway, here’s an idea of a Story that is made by me and help by @sundove88 and @lovelyteng
Synopsis: “Upon discovering one of Bruce’s inventions, the gang accidentally swaps bodies-with each other! Considering their current situation, the gang must adjust to their current bodies and foil the plan of this Nega Boss until the machine is fixed!”
Nega Boss of the Day: The Gemstobbery (Gemstone + Robbery) (Sneaky Lizard + Floaty Flower + X-ray Ape + Jewelry)
Negatized Victim: Kylie Harrison (she was Negatized because She was too indecisive about choosing a gift for her husband, Al. After she is purified, Al tells her that she is the gift he has wanted the most.)
Transformations Used:
-Kangaroo Cuff (Used by Cal in Jose’s Body to turn into Knightgaroo, or in this case, Jump Boots)
-Seal Scarf (Used by Cass in Iben’s Body to turn into Snowcap Pup, or in this case, Ballad-rina)
-See Through Goggles (Used by Yuri in Lucy’s Body to turn into Spider Monkey, or in this case, Primate Painter)
-Panda Ears Headband (Used by Bruce in Attilio’s Body to turn into Pandamonium, or in this case, Strongman Prize)
-Metallic Red Gloves (Used by Fiona in Sana’s Body to turn into Water Blades, or in this case, Forest Warrior)
-Heatwave Headphones (Used by Haoyu in Eis’s Body to turn into Sun-Mane, or in this case, Lionheart)
-Bow Ring (Used by Leo in Emma’s Body to turn into Tabby Toes, or in this case, Kitty Kid)
-Minotaur’s Nose ring (Used by Jose in Cal’s Body to turn into Battle Cattle, or in this case, Medieval-Taur)
-Duckling Necklace (Used by Iben in Cass’s Body to turn into Slush Swan, or in this case, Slam Duckling)
-Mantis Goggles (Used by Lucy in Yuri’s Body to turn into Womantis, or in this case, Madam Mantis)
-Chameleon Shades (Used by Attilio in Bruce’s Body to turn into Sneak Freak, or in this case, Mystery Man)
-Leaf Brooch (Used by Sana in Fiona’s Body to turn into Pond Nymph, or in this case, Pop Pixie)
-Cloud Patterned Leg warmers (Used by Eis in Haoyu’s Body to turn into Flame Wings, or in this case, Bat-Boy)
-Fox Tail Bracelet (Used by Emma in Leo’s Body to turn into Puprise, or in this case, Box Dancer)
Accessory Unlocked: Gecko Bracelet (Sneaky Lizard Form)
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booksbydlwhite · 4 months
Bookcast Episode 76: Updates + How I Write Pt 3: Just When You Thought Quicksand Would Not Be a Concern
On Episode 76, we discuss reading a bit, I give an update on writing THE PEARL at Black Diamond, share what's happening with Spotify/Findaway as I try to have control over my books on their platform to teach AI, and continue my HOW I WRITE series on dealing with a slow, unexciting middle to create an interesting ending, build up to an exciting climax, and end on a satisfying note.
A quick heads up that I'm not an expert, just sharing my own process. But if you're looking for expert advice, check out Tasha L. Harrison's new podcast "Making Words" from the WordMakers writing group. It's all about authors and the writing process, hosted by Tasha L. Harrison - fiction author, developmental editor, and creator of The Wordmakers Writing Community. Give it a listen if you're a writer – it's fantastic!
LISTEN TO THE EPISODE HERE (Grab a Transcript here)
I talked about the following books on today’s episode:
Been in Love With You (The Love of Elias Book 1) by Tina Martin
When Hearts Cry (The Love of Elias Book 2) by Tina Martin
Neighbors and Other Stories by Diane Oliver
One Summer of Love by Reese Ryan
Candidly Yours by Reese Ryan
Love and Hot Chicken by Mary Liza Hartong pubs 2/20
The American Daughters by Maurice Carlos Ruffin pubs 2/27
The Rumor Game by Thomas Mullen pubs 2/27
Notes on the Spotify/Findaway TOS edit issue
(these are my notes and therefore likely incomplete. Use these as a starting point to educate yourself on the topic and make the best decision for your author business):
Background from Courtney Milan, author and attorney:
PSA: If you are using Findaway Voices to distribute your audiobooks, you should know that their new terms of service have significant problems. The new TOS contains this section: Source: 4b here: https://my.findawayvoices.com/terms-of-use 1/6
 I got this from the Marketing audiobooks wide group:
Spotify Terms Update: Next Steps:
1. Communication from Spotify regarding the new terms. As everyone has most likely seen, Spotify sent out an email last night stating that they got the language in the new terms wrong and are going to fix and address it.
2. Alternatives to Spotify Heather G Harris Author was kind enough to compile a list of Findaway alternatives in the other Spotify post that I'll list here. Thanks, Heather! It is up to you to do your own research on these. Every author has different needs for their business. 
https://publishdrive.com/ 3. We always have the option to sell direct and if you want to learn more, there will be a zoom session forthcoming. There are also multiple groups on selling audio wide. I also have experience if anyone has general questions. I distribute direct via payhip and Bookfunnel.
Last night Spotify sent out a message that was basically, our bad, just kidding, we aren’t going to assume rights to your books, we won’t reproduce them without permission and we won’t train AI with them.
We should not have to threaten suit to get people to act ethically and it does not at all miss me that this is the stuff they pull on indie authors. I know a few authors who plan to move anyway. I had a feeling when Spotify bought them that things were going to go downhill. I make money on wide audio but only if I discount books. IF I make money on audio it’s via Chirp or libraries so until I find another avenue to reach them, I am holding but I am watching.
I referenced the following resources in today’s episode.
Writing Mastery
Janice Hardy’s Fiction University
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beangods · 5 months
*rolling up to the askbox drive-thru* can i get a 12, 15, 25 and a 4 for the ask game? and a large pepsi?
04: Are you insecure?
oh, very, about several aspects of my physical and mental capabilities. luckily at least some of that is impostor syndrome, but unfortunately my actual accomplishments are unlikely to benefit me in any way and my best physical features are overshadowed by my worst ones. the only solution to this is a miraculous windfall enabling me to completely change my lifestyle and also a dunk in some sort of green sci-fi goop. that would fix me.
12: Have you ever stayed up 48 hours?
no the longest ive managed is thirty-something. dont recommend.
15: Have any pets?
YES. i live on a farm with my mom so most of these are hers though. 4 cats: joe-joe (asshole*), panther (no manners), bradley jacob harrison (bastardly squeembus), and milo (sweetie pie). also 3 dogs who bark at me and Only me whenever i come upstairs to do Anything at all. 1 chicken. 5 horses, one of whom has learned to spell.
*joe-joe is an asshole only to other animals. he loves people and hates sharing.
25: Do you miss anyone from your past?
not actively at the moment but i bounced around schools a lot as a kid so there are many people i never got closure with. for the most part i've made peace with it & have gotten a little too good at leaving people behind/letting people leave my life. that being said if you live(d) in nova and went to st. b's from 2005-2009ish hmu let's get coffee
anyway here's ya pepsi luv u <3
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starthetripledevil · 8 months
Mario Legacy Challenge: 1985 (Part 1)
Last year, Jumpman captured Donkey Kong as part of his job at a circus, where he now works. He has now returned to a fairly normal life with his family whenever he's not at work.
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For the Renaissance Sim aspiration, Jumpman needs to reach level 8 in 6 skills. The only skill still left is fitness, which Jumpman works on by playing basketball near his home. He even used to be a professional basketball player at one point, though he didn't get very far in his career.
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One day, Pauline returns home from school and tries to have a conversation with her neighbor Emmalyn, but things get pretty awkward. In a moment of anger, Pauline declares that she no longer wants anything to do with Emmalyn.
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This conversation has left Pauline feeling embarrassed. She also ended up with a bitter sentiment about Emmalyn (specifically Festering Grudge). Can things ever be fixed?
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Lady attends a festival with her friend Elle Craig (someone who shares her interest in art). Elle is even wearing a pink outfit for the occasion.
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The two are attending some kind of tea festival (romance festival in-game with the sakura tea). As such, they try out the tea.
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Lady and Elle become best friends.
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Here are two of Pauline's classmates: Kayla and Isaac. The three are playing outside near the Marios' home.
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Later on, Jumpman and Lady compete in a basketball challenge. Yet despite being a former basketball player and, Jumpman loses. Because of this loss and his hot-headed trait, Jumpman feels angry for a while.
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Kayla visits the Marios and gets to know some of Pauline's family members, including her younger brother Mario.
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Some time later when Pauline and Emmalyn cross paths again, Pauline apologizes for anything mean she said before. But the awkwardness is still not entirely gone...
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Lady spends some time playing with Luigi. However, she starts feeling uncomfortable due to how big the toddlers have been getting. They're like 4½ at this point, after all.
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While working on his fitness, Jumpman ends up crossing paths with his boss, Harrison Gibbs.
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A less expected encounter is with Caitlin Kato, Jumpman's former neighbor who now lives in the Seaside Kingdom. She was still a child when she used to live in Jumpman's neighbor with her mother Kaori, and now she's a young adult. Anyway, she has decided to visit her old home of Brooklyn. She joins Jumpman in playing basketball.
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Lady is helping the toddlers with skill building. She focuses on showing flash cards to Luigi to improve his thinking skill.
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While his mother is focusing on Luigi, Mario may feel a bit forgotten right now... he's still dirty...
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After Lady is done playing with Luigi and cleaning Mario (with the sink because there's no room for a bathtub in the bathroom), she reads a book to Mario, improving his imagination. It appears that this book is about dinosaurs - which, although still rare, are not actually extinct in this dimension.
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After an embarrassing day at school (she dropped the tray in front of everyone in the cafeteria), Pauline's brothers have come to her room to cheer her up. Luigi is the first one to leave (being the most introverted of the siblings), while Mario stays and talks about art.
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Jumpman is feeling tense from work... must be because of a certain gorilla.
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Lady's sister Luigeena has come for a visit. The two talk about appearances... perhaps Lady's plan to dye her hair again.
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Aunt Luigeena seems to be annoyed by Mario walking around in his sleepwear. Mario doesn't like being around her either... he becomes sad after talking to her.
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Meanwhile, in the Seaside Kingdom, Rhonda Parata is now about 14-15 years old, having aged up into a teen a while ago. She has the Serial Romantic aspiration and her traits are vegetarian and bookworm.
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Also, Regan Espinoza is dead. She was one of Jumpman's earliest friends in Brooklyn, having first met in 1965. However, in recent years, the two have not really been in contact, so Jumpman didn't even find out about her death. On the other hand, Caitlin (Rhonda's half-sister), does know and is sad.
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And while we're checking side households, here are the two daughters of Jumpman's friend Lana Yee. Mariam and Erin are half-sisters, both raised by Lana as a single mother. Mariam, the older child, was born in 1967 (and is now aging up into a young adult), has an interest in farming and is active and creative. Erin was born in 1972, wants to live in a mansion, and has the slob and lactose intolerant traits. (Pretty much all of this was randomized in-game, as are most of the characters who are not directly based on Mario or Sonic characters.)
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Jumpman, Lana and Luigeena are out at night playing basketball together.
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And with that, Jumpman has completed the Renaissance Sim aspiration! This leaves just goals that are tied to the plots of the Donkey Kong games.
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Luigi comes to talk about cars with Aunt Luigeena, but she seems to be just as annoyed as she was with Mario.
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Lady has dyed her hair again, this time orange.
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Lady spends some more time improving the twins' toddler skills. The twins are now about 5 years old (just turned or about to turn), meaning there is one more year left until they age up.
The year may be approaching its end, but we're not done yet. For the rest of the year, see this post.
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