coffeeandcalligraphy · 9 months
hey so. was anyone gonna tell me that last year I wrote *the* most tender lonan & harrison moment in feeding habits ORRRRR (harrison cuts lonan’s hair):
On the floor, Harrison eases Lonan’s skull over his knee and mimics what Suzanna does for him every other month: a modest section between his index and middle finger, then a tentative snip. A section. A snip. As he cuts, chips of Lonan’s hair falling to the tile, he notes the geography of Lonan’s skull, rough with uneven hair. He’s so focused on taming it all to one length that at first, he doesn’t notice when Lonan flushes crimson all the way to his throat. How he blinks rapidly to dislodge the tears netting his eyelashes, and eventually covers his face with his hands. Harrison snips again, and Lonan makes a strangled noise, like an animal’s cry. Tentative at first, like a short clearing of the throat, and then ugly, like a caribou dying. Harrison clenches his jaw, knowing it’ll only be harder to cut Lonan’s hair if he too starts to cry, but that doesn’t matter. Within seconds, his eyes swell, and as he snips, hair scattering like both of their old lives dissipating, he smooths his free thumb over Lonan’s forehead. He doesn’t know what else to do. How to imbue comfort. He’s not like Suzanna who understands that sometimes a person just needs another person to appear with a plate of papas, or a rented chick flick, and just be there. Within minutes, Lonan’s hair is at a new normal: shorter than it’s been in years, but in shape to regrow. Harrison sets the scissors onto the tile. He cups Lonan’s cheek with his palm, brings his forehead so close to his that they nearly touch. And he’s there. A bamboo stake waiting for a strand of ivy to give it new purpose.
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hayscodings · 8 months
hi!! i know i probably sound insane at this point, but i love your posts so i have a few svetlana questions. if svet and yevgeny had stayed until the series finale what do you think would have happened with their characters? what would svetlana do when mickey gets out in season 10? would she and yevgeny attend the gallavich wedding? would svetlana stay in the thruple or get her own place or would something else happen? what would be a proper ending for her?? she’s such an interesting character and we were so robbed when she left with such a bad ending
Noooo I love your asks and asks in general, I am always more than happy to talk about Svetlana.
So before I get into these questions, I just want to preface this by saying that, even though I'm on my third rewatch, I still don't have a good "big picture" concept of each season, especially past S8. So I probably won't get into timeline specifics because my general recollection of the timeline is...not great. I've also never really thought about how Svetlana's storyline would have played out if she'd stayed on the show, so this will be entirely off the cuff.
Personally, I would have liked to see the throuple to work out. I think, because it was executed imperfectly, that there was a lot of potential to work out those kinks and improve on what needed improving. I think they should have delved into each of those dynamics more and showed us how they complemented one another. One of the things I missed in S7-8 was Kev and Svetlana's friendship. They bonded in S5 and worked alongside each other all of S6, but then as soon as they all became a throuple, the focus shifted to Svetlana and V (to the point where you almost forget that it was initially Svet and Kev who made a connection).
All three of their feelings, concerns, etc. should have been properly explored (one short therapy session scene wasn’t enough) and their issues should have been addressed and gradually worked out over the course of the season. I would have liked to see more meaningful conversations between them, not just short little disagreements that conveniently resolved themselves by the end of the episode without them getting to the actual root of the issue. Svetlana wasn't a good communicator, Kev would resort to immaturity any time he got angry, and V frequently put Svetlana on a pedestal while neglecting to consider Kev's feelings. They all had things they could work on.
As far as how it would all play out, I think it would have been good for Svetlana to be on her own for a bit. She could focus on herself and raising Yevgeny and maybe reflect on where she went wrong in her relationship with Kev and V. So let's say that by the end of S8 she's living in the apartment above the Alibi with Yev and her aunt. (She's not paying rent because Kev and V owe her that much after reporting her to ICE and generally treating her like shit.)
When S9 starts, she still owns 50% of the bar and is working alongside Kev and V. Maybe there's still some awkwardness from the whole breakup, but for the most part they're doing okay. I honest to god don't remember what Kev and V's plots are this season, but I think this is the one where Amy and Gemma start acting up and one of them says something about how they don't remember the girls behaving this way when Svetlana was around? I thought it was odd that they didn't consider that the twins missed their stepbrother and stepmom, so...Amy and Gemma start acting up, and they realize it's because the 'divorce' really affected them.
They talk to Svetlana about this (Yevgeny misses his sisters too) and decide to arrange playdates with the kids. I always felt that Svetlana just taking off to marry that old dude was too clean a break. I mean, they made no mention of a divorce, didn't have to deal with custody, didn’t bring up Svetlana’s 50% ownership of the bar, and never had the kids see each other again? That’s so lazy. So anyway, this gradually ends up bringing them all closer together again. They discuss putting the kids in the same preschool and it's all very full circle to S5.
Another thing I would have liked to see for Svetlana is her no longer having to depend on another person for a visa. The show never addressed her and V getting a divorce, so I have no idea when that happened, but let's say that they get one in S8. I am not an expert in immigration law by any means, but my guess is that Svetlana would be left in a similar position as she was in S6. So, she does some research, applies for a T Visa, and ends up being eligible for one. This is a huge relief for her because it's the first time that her status in the country is legitimately secured. By the end of the season she's saved up enough money to get her own place (the room above the Alibi isn't big enough for three people), so she rents a nice little apartment where Yev can have his own room. She also enrolls him in some sort of activity— maybe dance or gymnastics, whatever he shows interest in.
Come S10 she's thriving. Once again I have no idea what happens this season other than Gallavich wedding, so I apologize for not being able to incorporate more plot-relevant storylines. I'll come back to this ask once I’m further in my rewatch. Anyway, this is the season where shit really starts going her way for once— she's doing pretty good money-wise, she's officially back on good terms with Kev and V, and Yevgeny is thriving. She's got lots of ideas for bringing in business to the bar, and maybe a couple of side hustles for good measure. She's still in touch with most of the girls from the massage parlor and one of them ends up giving her the number of a therapist who specializes in helping survivors of human trafficking. She sits on it for a long time but finally brings herself to call when she gets news from her mother in Russia that her father passed away.
She finds out about Mickey getting out of prison from Ian. They end up reconnecting and talking somethings out and Svetlana tells Mickey that if he wants to have a relationship with Yev, whether in a parental capacity or otherwise, then the door is always open. He asks her about the whole throuple situation— teases her about how he would have loved to be a fly on the wall— and she assures him that that ship sailed and that she blew it. She gets invited to the Gallavich wedding and attends with Yevgeny. Mandy is also in attendance, and the two of them get to talking and wonder why they didn't bond sooner.
S11 is when she's finally a place where she's ready to try and make a relationship work again. She's grown and healed a lot since S8, and she's no longer dependent on anyone for security so that anxiety has ceased being a motivating factor for her actions. Kev and V have since apologized and made up for everything that they put her through, and Svetlana understands why they felt betrayed about the bar and apologizes for hurting them. The three of them start to rebuild their relationship throughout the season, determined not to make the same mistakes as last time. Eventually they decide to move in together and buy a place somewhere away from the Southside, though still not too far. It feels like a proper fresh start.
Ian and Mickey start to be a part of Yev's life and Svetlana considers them family. She also becomes very close with Mandy and encourages her to go back to school so that she can get a better job. She’s relieved when Mickey informs her that Terry died, but attends the funeral in solidarity. His mixed feelings remind her somewhat of her own when her father passed.
Post-series, Kev and V get to practice the little Russian that Svetlana has taught them when they finally meet her family (her mother and grandmother fly out to Chicago to see her and meet Yev for the first time). They’ve learned to embrace her culture. Yevgeny is fully fluent and the tries to teach Amy and Gemma. He’s also inherited his mom’s mathematical prowess. Svetlana is safe and happy and finally has what he always wanted for herself and her son— a loving family. Several years down the line she’s able to obtain citizenship.
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floatingpetals · 5 years
Boys in Blue || Pt. 8
Pairings: cop!Stucky x F!Reader
Warnings: angst, mentions of gun violence and blood, possible trigger warning(?)
Word Count: 3100+
Summary: (Cop AU) There was just one crappy thing after enough that happened to her. It possibly couldn’t get any worse, or so she thought until she saw the dreaded flashes of red and blue behind her. Could things get any worse?
A/N: This was going to be finished last night but noooo. Stupid painting. Anyways. I hope you all enjoy this next part... Maybe. I don’t know. It leans a little more on the serious side for this story. I won’t say much more to give it away. Let me know what ya’ll think! Enjoy!♥
The gifs are not mine, credit to the owner. 
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Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Series Masterlist
Y/N was at work when she got the call. The dreaded call that everyone feared they would get about their loved ones. Her work phone rang, which wasn’t strange. She didn’t spare a glance at the caller id before she answered, cradling the phone against her ear.
“Y/N speaking.”
“Y/N, sweetheart.” Steve was on the other end, his voice trembling slightly as he spoke. Instantly Y/N knew something was wrong.
“Steve? Wh-whats wrong?” Frantically she began searching for her phone in her purse. It was on silent in the side pocket. The phone lit up, showing her the thirty-three missed calls from Steve and the several dozen messages from him begging to answer. Her stomach dropped to her feet.
“B-Bucky,” Steve started. His voice caught, a sob struggling to force its way to the surface. He swallowed loudly before continuing. “Bucky was shot.”
All the blood drained from Y/N’s face. She sank back in her seat, a buzz starting to grow in her ears. This couldn’t be happening.
“He’s in surgery. I don’t know how bad it is, they won’t tell me.” Steve continued. He was struggling to keep it together. All his training never prepared him for the agony he would feel after seeing the love his life get gunned down before his eyes. “Sweetheart- Y/N, I need you here. Downtown hospital.”
Y/N didn’t have to be asked twice. She was already logging out of her computer and tossing her phone back in her purse.
“Give me ten minutes. I’ll be right there, baby.”
Steve bit out an okay, his throat burning as he kept in the tears. He couldn’t cry, not now. Not yet. Y/N threw the phone in the cradle and sprinted to her bosses office. The man didn’t even need to know more details. He knew Bucky and Steve, knew their line of work. He saw the raw panic and the growing tears and immediately waved her off. She shouted a thank you over her shoulder before she sprinted to her car.
The drive was excruciating. Even though she was ten minutes from the hospital, it was too long. She needed to be there now. However, she also knew she couldn’t afford any delays. Instead, she gripped the steering wheel until the blood drained from her knuckles and gnawed at her lip until she tasted blood.
She thanked whatever God was up there didn’t have horrible timing of humor when she pulled into a front row parking. Slamming her door shut, Y/N raced into the ER entrance. Steve was there before she had time to look for him, wrapping her up in his arms in a crushing hug.
He buried his face in her neck, his body trembling as he hunched over and held her tight. Y/N immediately wrapped her arms around his broad back and clung to him like a lifeline. She let him take a moment to recollect his thoughts, to get his baring. Bucky might be hurt, but she wasn’t. she knew he needed to know that, to see that she wasn’t in any danger. Steve didn’t pull away until he calmed his breathing and let go of that concern.  
Y/N reached and cupped his cheeks between her hands, thumbing the tears away.
“What happened? Is he going to be okay?” Y/N asked with a trembling voice. Steve’s let his eyelids fall shut, his brows pinched together. His brain kept replaying the last few moments over and over again in his head. He should have seen the gun in the man’s waistband. The man wasn’t even a part of the original traffic violation, but he wanted to put himself in the situation.
“We pulled over a guy who had a taillight out. It was just a routine stop.” Steve began. “There was a pedestrian that didn’t like us, kept yelling at us to leave the guy alone. Bucky wasn’t even going to give him a ticket. Just a warning to get it fixed.”
Steve had to stop and take a deep breath. Y/N leaned and pressed a lingering kiss to his chin, hoping she could pass him some strength. Steve smiled shakily.
“The pedestrian kept getting closer and Bucky kept asking him to back up. The guy didn’t like it. I should have seen it.” Steve croaked, shaking his head. He clenched his eyes shut, guilt washing over him. “I should have stepped up and detained the man. He was getting belligerent. But we didn’t want to cause more discourse. We figured he’d yell and leave. But he didn’t.”
“He shot Bucky.” Y/N whispered the tears she was holding back now flowing freely down her face. Steve nodded sharply.
“He shot Bucky point blank in the chest. I watched him collapse. I saw his blood splatter on the ground.” Steve cried quietly. “If it wasn’t for the guy we pulled over originally swinging his door open and knocking the shooter out, he’d have shot me. I watched Bucky get shot down, and all I could do was freeze.”
Y/N inhaled sharply. Not only was Bucky hurt, but she knew Steve was dragging himself down with guilt. This was more to him than just Bucky getting shot. Yes, it’s terrifying and scary, especially to watch the man he loves to get shot and possibly murdered right in front of him, except for Steve, this guilt included his inability to keep Bucky safe. He felt he failed.
Without pause, she closed the space between them and wrapped her arms around his waist. Steve clutched to her tightly, trembling and terrified of what was going to happen to Bucky. It kept repeating over and over in his head, the horror still painstakingly fresh. He couldn’t stop seeing the spray of Bucky’s blood, the flash from the muzzle, again and again. The shot still rang in his ears followed by the sound of Bucky’s body hitting the pavement. It made his throat feel tight, his eyes burned as the tears started to build once more.
“Hey, no.” Y/N gently took hold of his face between her hands. Her heart broke at the tears in Steve’s eye, the guilt written across his features. “I get that you feel like you’ve failed. You didn’t though. And I know Bucky sure as hell doesn’t and will never blame you for one stupid idiot, but right now, I need you to channel your inner future captain and stay with me. We need to figure out how Bucky is, and we need to be there for him. Right?”
Steve blinked rapidly, willing away the tears as he took in a deep shuttering breath. Y/N was right. He needed to pull himself together. Not just for himself, but for Bucky and Y/N both. He was trained for situations like this, he shouldn’t be completely losing it right now. He needed to be strong.
“Okay, good. Let’s go find a doctor and ask if they heard anything new.” Y/N let his face go to grab his hand. Steve’s eyes fell to their hands, watching Y/N link his fingers with hers, a calm washing over him as she dragged him over to the desk
“Hi. We were wondering if you knew the status on a James B. Barnes. He was shot on duty and no ones given us any of any updates on whether he’s okay or not.”
The nurse raised a brow and looked up at her over the desk with a touch of disdain. It made Y/N’s hackles rise. The nurse let out an irritated sigh and turned to her computer, clicking away on the screen.
“As I already explained to your friend, Dr. Temple is in surgery with him. Nothing new has changed in the five minutes he’s asked.” The nurse said in a monotone voice. Y/N scowled, that wasn’t nearly enough information.
“First off, neither Steve nor Bucky is my friend. They’re my boyfriends, so get that right. Second off, drop the fucking attitude and tell me exactly what the hell is wrong with him.” Y/N seethed. She kept her tone low to not make a bigger scene, but loud enough that the woman could hear the underlying fury. “We’re fully fucking aware he’s in surgery, but we need to know more. Did the bullet make a clean exit? Where did the bullet hit him? Did it shatter in his chest? Are there internal damages that could be life threatening? Did it hit any major arteries? Is the surgery to double check or is there something more? I don’t need your snark, I need answers and you’re going to give them to me. Either that or I’ll charge in the surgery room and get them myself.”
The woman blinked, physically reeling back as Y/N leaned across the desk and into her space. It was frightening how calm Y/N made herself out to seen despite the look of murder plainly written on her face. There was no doubt in the woman’s mind that if she didn’t tell Y/N what was on his file she’d most like stay true to her threat. The nurse shot Steve a concerned look, but he wasn’t paying the woman any mind. Rather, he was staring at Y/N with stars in his eyes, completely in awe.  
“Well?” Y/N asked, tilting her head to the side as she waited for the nurse to catch up. “Which option do you want to take?”
“I-uh.” The woman began to stutter, glancing between the computer and Y/N. Technically, she couldn’t tell Y/N or Steve. They weren’t kin or married. She didn’t want to get fired for this, but the crazed look in Y/N’s eyes made her think that was the least of her worries. She floundered for a moment, her mouth opening and closing for a few seconds.
“It’s alright, Karen.” A voice coming from the double doors stopped them both. A woman stepped out, with her hair still up in the cap for surgery. “I’m Dr. Temple. I assume you two are here for Sergeant Barnes?”
Abandoning the desk, Y/N and Steve rushed over to the doctor, leaving the nurse to breathe a sigh of relief.
“Yes, I’m his partner,” Steve said, his heart jumping to his throat. “Is he going to be okay? How is he? Did it do any damage?”
Dr. Temple laughed softly, holding her hands up. “Slow down, Sergeant. First, Barnes is fine. The surgery went well, especially considering where he got shot.”
“Where was it?” Y/N asked hesitantly.
“He was shot on his right side just below his clavicle. He didn’t have any shatter bones and there’s not internal bleeding that we weren’t able to stop. Nothing vital was hit either which is surprising considering how close he was shot. The bullet did have to be extracted, but fortunately for him the wound was clean and the extraction was done without a problem. He’ll scar and there probably will be a little physical therapy he’ll have to go through, but at least he’s alive.”
“Oh, thank God.” Steve let out a heavy sigh of relief and wrapped an arm around Y/N’s shoulder to tug her to his chest. He firmly pressed his lips against her crown and let his eyes fall shut as he tried to steady his heart. Y/N could have cried from happiness to know Bucky was going to be okay and that this wasn’t going to set him back much. She clutched to Steve, the tears starting to prick at the corner of her eyes once again.
“Would you both like to go see him?” Dr. Temple asked with a happy smile. Unable to say any words, both nodded quickly, eager to see Bucky with their own eyes. Dr. Temple waved them to follow her through the double doors and down the hallways.
She led them up to the elevator and down the recovery hall before pausing at a doorway.
“I do want to let you know, he looks worse than he is. He’ll also probably still be asleep for a while as his body heals. We’re hoping we can move him out of recovery and into a room downstairs by tomorrow, but it all depends on how quickly he wakes up.”
She slowly opened the door and stepped aside, letting Y/N and Steve in first. Y/N sucked in a sharp breath at the sight of Bucky laid out under the white sheet, machines hooked up to his arms and the soft beeping of the monitor echoing in the room. Pulling away from Steve, she rushed over to his side and took hold of his hand. Steve stood at the end of the bed, a new wave of guilt washing over him as he looked down at his partner and boyfriend.
Dr. Temple saw the dark expression on Steve’s face, having seen that exactly look many times before on her patients family. Gently tugging Steve aside, she kept her voice low not to attack Y/N’s attention as she spoke with Steve.
“I read the file of the incident. Nothing you did was wrong and nothing you could have done would have stopped that man from shooting him.” She said sternly. Steve stared at her in shock. “I know that you think you could have done something, but speaking from experience, things are different when it’s your loved one's life is on the line. Nothing you could have trained for would have ever prepared you for that. At the end of the day, you still got him to a hospital and were here waiting for him come out of surgery. He’s not going to blame you for freezing and neither should you.”
She patted his shoulder firmly before walking away, leaving him standing there with an unreadable expression. How a complete stranger knew what he was thinking was incredible in of itself, but the fact that she cut right to the chase made him stop to think. This wasn’t something he was going to get over that easily, as much as he wished he could. It still didn’t mean it was his fault either. Hearing someone else, a complete outsider that knew nothing about their situation, tell him the same thing made his thoughts settle. Even if it was for only a moment, he wasn’t going to wallow in his self-pity.
“I’m going to give you two sometime with him. Just hit the button if you need anything.”
Y/N uttered a thank you as the doctor left, shutting the door behind her. Y/N turned back to Bucky and smoothed the hair from his face, his soft curl uncontained without his usual gel to keep it back. He was paler than he usually was, no doubt from the trauma and blood loss he suffered. A large bandage was wrapped around his chest, securing the wound from the outside germs. Beyond that, he didn’t look like he had just been shot in the chest but that still didn’t make this any easier to swallow. With a tender touch, Y/N traced the pads of her fingers down the side of her cheek, smiling through the tears as she did.
Steve pulled up a chair beside where Y/N sat on the edge of the bed, resting his hand on her thigh. Y/N glanced at him, reaching down to squeeze his hand with hers. Neither said a word at first, both too engrossed to stare at Bucky, needed it to believe he was still there.
“Thank you for being here, with us,” Steve spoke quietly, breaking the silence.
“Nothin’ to thank me for, Steve,” Y/N mumbled. “He’s my boyfriend to worry over too.”
“I know,” Steve let out a sigh. “I’m just grateful to have to too is all. I don’t know what I’d do if you weren’t here.”
“Probably still be tyrin’ to get that nurse behind the desk to tell you answers.” Y/N snorted with an eye roll. Steve chuckled softly.
“Yeah. Probably.”
“Hey,” Y/N cupped Steve’s face and tilted it to face him. “I’d still want to be here even if one of you stubbed your toe or broke an arm. I care about you both, a lot. I’ll always be here for either of you, no matter where or what time of the day it is.”
Steve couldn’t reply, his voice was lodged in his throat as he listened to Y/N speak gently. He could only smile and bite back the tears before he leaned forward and kissed her. Y/N grinned in the kiss and leaned into it, desperate to convey just how much they meant to her through the touch. She didn’t want there to be any doubt in his mind that she didn’t mean what she said.
“Don’t I get some of that?” Y/N gasped at the sound of Bucky’s raspy voice and pulled away. She spun back to Bucky and tightened her hold on his hand.
“You’re awake!” She cried. Bucky shot her his lopsided grin, moving to sit up against the pillows. A sharp pain exploded through his chest, causing him to hiss low and freeze in place. Y/N scowled, and Steve made a noise of irritation. “Don’t move! You just got out of surgery you dolt!”
Bucky chuckled through his gritted teeth but settled back on the bed with Y/N’s carefully guiding hands.
“Yup. Forgot about that.” He groaned, letting his body go slack. He took a second to do a mental once over of his body. He had all fingers and toes. But it felt like he got run over by a truck, his body aching while his chest felt on fire. Not the best feeling in the world to wake up to, he thought bitterly. Steve pushed off the chair and reached for the button across Bucky. He could see the pain written on Bucky’s face, plain as day.
“If you’re in that much pain, I’ll have them bump up your morphine drip.” He replied. Bucky opened his mouth to argue. He didn’t want any more pain meds, he already was hating the fuzzy feel he had right now. However, the pointed look Y/N sent his way stopped him short.
“You were just shot Bucky.” She repeated. “You’re allowed to want relief for the pain.”
“I know.” Bucky relented with a sigh. Y/N was right. “Just hate feeling weak is all.”
Y/N let out a deep breath, biting her tongue from making a comment. Now was not the time either. A nurse walked in before they could say more, and Y/N stood to move out of her way. Bucky grimaced and tightened his grip on her hand, dread flashing across his face. He inhaled sharply and the monitor picked up a frantic pace.
“You-you’re not going to leave, are you?” He whispered in a quiet broken voice, anxiously glancing between the two of them. Y/N cooed softly and brushed her hand along his forehead, hoping to silence his fears. Steve walked around to wrap an arm around Y/N’s waist and rested his chin against her shoulder, watching Y/N calm Bucky. Slowly, Bucky began to relax to her soft murmurs of reassurance, the tension slipping away.
“No, baby. We’re not goin’ anywhere. I promise.”
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cliban · 4 years
I kept writing like... tiny little scenes and then I made two mildly depressing very short stories because I Am Like That-
So uh here. 
Please read my writing.
Paragraph one: Fay and Cali being stupid
Cali folded her arms. “Fay, don’t use that knife. That’s a stabbing knife.” Fay scoffed and threw it into the air, catching it with her other hand. “This one? Noooo…” Cali rolled her eyes. “Fay I saw that sticking out of someone’s gut like half an hour ago.” There was a small clatter as Fay dropped the knife on the bench, ignoring the bleeding from her palm (She’d caught it by the blade). “Okay yes but I cleaned it.”
Paragraph two: Fay and Cali also being stupid
Fay slung her arm around Cali. “Well, I don’t know. Depends if a relationship is monogamous or not. Cali, are we monogamous?” Cali shrugged. “I have no idea what that means.” Fay sighed. “Please forgive my girlfriend. She was raised by savages.” Cali swatted her face. “I was not! I was raised by a scientist.” Fay opened her mouth then scowled as Leife spoke hurriedly. “Let’s just not fight, shall we?”
Stalker sprawls on her cloud bed. It’s lighter than should be possible, but she hates it, hates it because… well, no reason. She’d long accepted her emotions had been dulled with the receding of the flesh of her limbs. She just feels tired these days. Real tired. Songs are getting boring. Her wounds occasionally hurt. She waves a single orange gloved hand in front of her face, examining the minute details. 
Crinkles, creases in the fabric. Like her mind. It just seems to jump from one idea to another, one worry to the next. She feels the familiar rebellious energy coursing through her, but its tempered by her self-control. Rigorous, self-regulation, that she’d put herself through when healing. 
But today she just wants to scream. Tear up the grass and punch something without her suit. Take off her mask and it wouldn’t matter if the air dissolved her to nothing but bone. Then again, she had goddamn people who’d care about her if she went away. Trinity, Delta, Miki… Fay. 
Besides. She can’t speak. She’ll cry, if her tear ducts hadn’t withered away with her skin. She tries, tries so hard to make even the faintest cry, but all she hears is the rushing of air. No way to control what she was saying, and only the faintest, meaningless sound came from her ruined body. 
Broken can feel how she’s feeling. Limited by his decimated legs, he flies down to lie on her chest, and tucks his head into the space between her neck and her head. Beautiful, broken, little gray dragon. His markings glow their normal electric blue, signalling that he was male for the meantime. 
Stalker pushes out another sigh, letting her hand flop listlessly back onto the cloud she so very hated…. That was why. It’s pristine. White. Fluffy. Lighter than her. Just how the Air Kingdom likes it. She shudders, thinking of her last trip there. She doesn’t want to recollect on it. 
She’d killed herself there. Not herself. Freedom. Freedom Mercy, not Stalker Mercy. Wasn’t her. 
Broken flips his tail against her side in discomfort, seeing her own tenseness. Stalker reaches out a hand to stroke his head in a small effort to calm him. I’m sorry, she thinks, and she knows Broken can hear her, I didn’t mean to scare you…. 
Broken simply purrs in response. Stalker would smile if she still had lips. She had so little flesh left she barely remembered what skin felt like. Now she was just muscle and tissue. A zombie? Maybe. She’d survived though. Her lungs still breathed, her heart still beat, and she bled just like any other living thing. 
Again. She was tired. But she wanted to go out. Shriek at the world. Cry. Beg whatever creator Fay had met to take her back. Was she overworked? Probably. She pulls the soft, light blanket over her…. Doesn’t like it, and turns on her side, tucking Broken in the curl of her torso before pulling a heavier blanket over her. She might not sleep much, but she did need to rest. 
Dragonfly rolled their shoulders and pulled on their coat, admiring the way their muscles looked and moved. They were fully confident in themself, and besides, if people didn’t hire them, they’d know they weren’t as top notch as they thought. Their shirt; casual, a gray tank top. Coat: Sleeveless, darker gray. Showed off their muscles. Pants were just… pants. 
They glanced out the porthole, and the sea splashed across it as if in response, scattering silvery-clear drops against the surface. Dragonfly grinned, and stepped out onto the deck, adjusting their balance to go with the ship’s subtle movement. They headed out to the very bow, and placed their hands on the rail, looking out, but also just enjoying the gentle spray against their face. Life was good, especially for a mercenary like them. 
After a few moments of quietly observing the ocean, Dragonfly turned back and jumped up, reaching for the fence on the second level, grabbing it, and lifting themself up, testing their own strength. They hopped onto the deck and grabbed a telescope.
Then they frowned. The water was behaving oddly… almost as if there was a… “Sea dragon!” someone shrieked as the boat rocked violently. Dragonfly cursed and dropped the telescope, taking a running jump onto the bow again, their bare feet thudding gently on the deck. They were quieter than the sound of their heart beating, and they fumbled in their coat for two daggers.
The deck was harder to keep a grip on with just their feet now that the waves were really rolling, but Dragonfly was more reassured by the movement than frightened. They kept their eyes on the water.
There. Movement. A flash of scales. "Over here!" Dragonfly called, and readied themself. The seadragon reared up, and snapped at the masts. Dragonfly cursed and made a slashing movement, but the creature was just out of reach. Snarling, they leapt off of the deck, not minding the water splashing on them, and reaching for those scales.
As soon as they brushed their fingers up against the metallic surface, they gripped and hung on, stabbing both of their daggers into the beast's neck. It howled in pain, blue scales flashing in the sunlight and dark blood spattering everywhere, but Dragonfly held on, grimly ignoring the thrashing. There were people shouting, and the noise was too much.
They buried the blades in further, and the sea dragon screeched, a sound like metal tearing, and dived. Dragonfly gasped as the water rushed in and the cold shock to their muscles reached their bones. They reached up, trying to find the surface, but it was rapidly going away… getting darker. They couldn't see the surface anymore. 
It felt like an agony of time, but it wasn't anymore than a few seconds. The water was so cold… The light was going. Away.
Dragonfly looked up at the blue, and down at the seadragon. They wrapped their legs around its neck, and starting frantically stabbing with the daggers, hacking away, and it was only when they stopped that they noticed the stream of bubbles coming from beside them. Oh.
They were screaming. There was the faintest high-pitched noise as the water finally lost anything resembling light. 
Then the seadragon was whipped away and they were left trying to swim up, up, to the air they needed, but then they looked down and there was no bottom in sight and they couldn’t see what was below them and they couldn’t tell what way was up, and what had taken the seadragon and they kicked violently with their feet-
An eye opened. Red. Huge. Dragonfly was barely the size of the pupil.
They were screaming again.
“Dragonfly! Dragon… come on. Wake up.” Dragonfly snapped their eyes open and clenched their fists, relaxing them as Sera’s face slowly swam into focus, her head tilted in concern. She was stroking Dragonfly’s forehead slowly, brushing their ever-messy hair out of their eyes. 
Sera sighed as Dragonfly started shaking again, leaning back a little to give them space, since she must have been looming over them when they woke up, but Dragonfly reached up and wrapped their arms around her. “Sorry.” They murmured. Sera wrapped her own arms around them quietly. “It’s fine. It’s fine.” 
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I hate Astoria.
I hate her with a burning fire, I hate her like she’s an actual person who had the fucking nerve to crash into my world and steal the most precious thing in my life. I hate her, I hate her, I hate her.
Because the real obstacle for a Draco/Hermione isn’t that they stood on different side of the war, it’s not his backward upbringing, isn’t his last name, isn’t her heritage, and it most definitely isn’t Ron. It’s Astoria fucking Greengrass.
Astoria was created solely for Draco. To give him a heart, to give him some simulant of redemption. Astoria Greengrass was the fuck you J.K.R gave to Dramione shippers all over the world. She looked at us and with absolute cruelty created Astoria out of fucking thin air and gave her Draco’s heart and stole everything good that we, WE, used for YEARS to build a Draco/Hermione relationship.
Because Hermione was supposed to be the one. She was supposed to be the one to find his heart. She was supposed to be the one to open his eyes. She was supposed to stand next to him and fight for him and stand up to his parents and the rest of the Wizarding World. Hermione made perfect sense.
But it wasn’t enough to just create a half backed substitute, no, no, too easy, too gentle, why stop there, right? J.K.R had to go and fucking kill the fucking bitch in the most Greek tragedy way possible just to drive the point further.
There, see what you’re going to do now that I made him love her like no other, that I created her to give him a son he cherishes more than anything, see what you can fucking do with your silly little stories and your plot twist and your ridiculous stories now that I killed this poor soul who only lived enough to give Draco Malfoy a heart and a reason to be better and killed her off so he can never, ever, love another woman the same way. Go, you pathetic little girls, go and try to pretend that you can still have him redeemed by Hermione when in canon he’ll forever mourn his wife, his wife that he loves, his wife that changed him for the better. Because you can’t win against a ghost.
And while some days I can forget about Astoria. While I can read fanfics and bask in the amazing, beautiful feeling that Dramione is the only thing that makes sense, sometimes my mind slips and Astoria is there and that fucking epilogue is there and the snippets I know about that stupid play are there and despite him enjoying being bossed around by our favorite bookworm, my heart hurts. It hurts because she could have put him with Pansy, because Pansy has always been there, Pansy is familiar, Pansy makes sense. Or she could have just fucking killed him off. It would have been so much better to just kill him off.
This is me just ranting so feel free to ignore me and go on with your day (or night, whatever), but today was one of those days where my mind remembered and the pain was too much so I had to let it out. I’ve been keeping it trapped in my head for years. I realize now that I shouldn’t have because that hatred just got worse and the physical ache that comes with it, that cuts me every time is more excruciating than ever.
I know that HP is a children’s book at its very core, and a love story the size of Draco and Hermione would have needed major changes and rewrites. I get all that. But I resent J.K.R all the same for slowly, methodically, killing any Dramione goodness from canon for years. As soon as she realized that people could picture her precious Hermione with the evil, loathsome Malfoy heir, she did everything she could to sway us another way. Long before she put Ron firmly and unequivocally in the way (because let’s not forget she established other stuff with Ron for year: Lavender, ridiculous jealousy, Draco almost killing his sorry ass, that elusive “third scent” in her Amortentia), she wrote that scene in the Manor. That horrible, terrible scene in the Manor. And although in fanfic we all like to rephrase his “…maybe…yeah” into uncertainty and remorse, he still said “yeah”.
He still gave her up, he didn’t give up Harry, but he gave her up. He could have said “no”, he could have said “I don’t know”, but he said yeah. And some might argue that he couldn’t deny it because his mother was there, prompting him with her recollection of Hermione from fucking forever ago, but I don’t buy it. That yeah, that was J.K.R jumping up and down in triumph, see children, doesn’t mean anything to him, he can offer her up because she isn’t important to him, your little broken soul believes Harry will defeat Voldemort so who the fuck cares if Granger dies here. That scene is perfect for a Drarry (I don’t read them but I’m just going to assume that ship loves that scene and for good reasons). I’m not even going to go into that disastrous scene on the tower…HBP is really a heartbreaking book for me. Not because I feel for Draco and what he had to go through, but because it was the beginning of the end. it broke my dramione shipper’s heart.
I won’t go into the whole Severus/Lily shitfest. It never made sense to me because Snape was always nasty and that sudden revelation about his undying love for his own “mudblood” just left a sour taste in my mouth. If anything, that should have been reason enough for a Draco/Hermione arc, not letting past mistake repeat themselves and all that jazz. But noooo. Here, kids, that’s what a real hero looks like, all hail Severus Snape and his oh so grand love for Lily Evans, now absolve him of everything, alright? No, lady, fuck that. At least Draco was never friends with Hermione when he called her that.
But I digress, this started with Astoria and now I’m on a tangent about J.K.R and her silly vendetta because she based Draco on some school yard bully from her childhood and we had the audacity to pair him with her perfect daughter. In the end, they are her books, her characters, her universe… but I’d be much less angry and salty about it if she’d done things with logic instead of out of spite. And that, at the end of the day, just leaves me feeling incredibly sad and a little hollow.
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Ayesha Liveblogs Naruto Shippuden S21
What a tender intro omg also why is this filler so well animated
The introduction of modern technology will never not be funny to me. Kakashi on a laptop. Gaara sending emails. What has the ninja world come to 
I know it’s just superfluous background motion but that angry little cat design was amazing. Takes me tf out 
Hello again New English Iruka Voice time to feel slightly uncomfortable 
Doesn’t Inuyasha have a monopoly on this baby with a red ball imagery
Why! Is! No one! Making sure! Naruto is fed! He’s a baby!!!!!!
Naruto and Sasuke were such adorable children my heart
In case you thought I wasn’t being literal:
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[Accompanying dialogue to this image: “Did you hear the rumours that Lord Fourth died because of him?” WHO IS THIS FROG CHILD WITH A VENDETTA AGAINST MINATO]
This ninja cowboy music seems slightly misplaced but okay
Hiruzen. U r the literal ninja president. Naruto is foraging in the forest for food bc no one is taking care of him! How r u like ‘Hahah I’m hungry too :D’ 
“The things that we inconsequential humans worry about are often very petty indeed” “You’re right” It’s Philosophy Hours ft. Pre-Schoolers 
“Are you sure these mushrooms are safe to eat? “Won’t know ‘til we eat ‘em” HIRUZEN PICK UP THE PHONE 
I miss Neji :((((((((((((((((
“Please make sure that you look after Neji” show us Neji’s mum you cowards!!!
“You have to be more positive, and confident!” Nejiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii my boy
“I wish that I could switch places with you, big brother” There’s a lot to unpack here and I’m wildly concerned about all of it. This episode ought to be titled Konoha Desperately Requires Child Welfare Programs
Making an mini-episode which largely depicts Neji’s tragic backstory and centring its ending on Hinata seems like an odd angle to take
 “I’m alone. I don’t have anyone, but I never cry” NARUTOOOOO
Also not that I don’t like Genma but why is he a central figure in this ending. Has he had more than a single conversation with Naruto in his life
Lmao @ Sasuke and Itachi’s child versions going back to having their adult voices. Pick a lane SP!!!
“Things in season are always cheap and tasty” “Oh, is that so, Sasuke? Hahaha” Sasuke learning about the ninja economy
“We’re going to visit your mother’s family” Two questions: 1) Aren’t your families the same family (eep) and 2) Don’t they all live in the same part of the village
90% of this dialogue is recycled from prior episodes except delivered more slowly and it’s a little confusing 
Itachi sure knows a lot about cooking for an eleven-year-old 
Sasuke being a clumsy child is such a cute character detail ahhhh I love him so much 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
“[Confused laughter] You want to be like me?” What a Mood Itachi
Sakura’s hideout in the woods is so sweet yes 2 semi-normal childhoods
Poor little Sakura already concerned about her appearance they never let girls live do they
“You’re really cute Sakura, don’t hide it” Ino and Sakura are the most adorable children in the WORLD I love their relationship 4ever
“If she’s cute like you say, then I would love to meet her” who will stop all men
“But Ino, aren’t you good friends with Sakura?” “No, not really” Okay not to project but. I have a lot of thoughts on this narrative 
GASP Inner Sakura’s first appearance!!
Tiny Team 7 is all I need in the world honestly I would watch a whole show that was just those three growing up
I have only just now noticed Suigetsu as third baseman. This ninja baseball game and season in general raise so many questions
Noooo Gaara don’t cry you are gonna be so loved in the future
Rasa, can I just say, from the bottom of my heart, I’m going to yeet you into the sun
“When I look up at the sky, the pain inside my heart feels a little bit better” He’s like 4!!!!!!! >:(
“Instead of a mother, you get to have me, Lord Gaara” Yashamaru: Self-Diagnosed Mumncle 
Ngl baby Gaara’s recollection of Karura is nothing like she looked like
I really don’t care for this new Iruka voice I just keep listening to him like ‘that’s not the sound of Naruto’s dad!!’
I will admit him spooking the sleeping children was cute I don’t know why I always find that so funny kjhgkjhg
“Let me buy into this fight” who taught seven-year-old Naruto to gamble
Christ alive the implication that Naruto has been doing the sexy jutsu since he was seven who will put this boy in ninja therapy
If Orochimaru had just continued to be Jiraiya’s long-suffering friend he might be half-endearing but alas he is fecal matter personified 
“Come on out, I made plenty, so you might as well stay and eat” Hjgjfjgfgffg I’m not sure what’s funnier about this scene the implication that Obito and Rin both independently followed Kakashi home without noticing each other, or that Kakashi did notice and rather than question this turn of events was just like “Guess I should make more fish”
“When you’re older, do you think you’ll become a chef” I would pay to see the AU where Kakashi becomes a professional chef why couldn’t that have been his Road to Ninja persona 
Ngl I spent the first half of Kakashi’s minisode wondering if Sakumo was dead or simply too depressed to take care of Kakashi and I think dead is the less upsetting outcome 
“It’s no fun when you’re not around, Kakashi” Obitooooooooooooooo
I’m not saying it’s suspicious that Sakumo is given two different depictions of his grave site in the anime but Sakumo fucked an alien and I stand by that statement 
All I remember from Sasuke Shinden is that a character called Sasuke “Sassy” as a nickname and if they do that in the Eng dub I won’t survive
“[Deep sigh] Alright Sakura, what is it?” Fhfjhfkjh what’s your damage Kakashi can’t your kids come to visit when people start exploding
God Sakura and Ino’s relationship is the realest.... she went to the Hokage bc her gal was worried abt her family friend and then comforted her from her loss... the looooooooove
Hinata not to devalue your work in any way but why did u collapse after poking one (1) man in the chakra point isn’t gentle fist based in taijutsu
Fhjfhkjhf I’ve seen that gif before of Kakashi knowing that Sakura was thinking about Sasuke but it’s still funny
Sasuke just hanging in the woods with kittycats what kinda redemption journey is this lmao
Ehehehe I’m still not over the fact that Sasuke recognizes Sai’s jutsu and Kakashi uses it to communicate like there are six members of team 7 and this arc PROVES IT HELL YEAH
I can’t believe I forgot the circus ninja oh my god 
“There’s good money to be found for performers like us” MOVE OVER EXPLODING HUMANS WHERE’S MY EPISODE ABOUT THE NINJA CIRCUS 
Everyone always commenting on the pupils and sclera of the Hyuga and Uchiha but nobody caring about Old Man Demon Eyes from the Bamboo Village:
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You’d think at this point no amount of genjutsu could traumatize Sasuke 
They’re leaning wholeheartedly into the ninja cowboy music
That is not how I thought they would pronounce “Sassy” this show is full of twists and turns
“What about reviving the Uchiha clan? You’re the lone survivor right?” said Chino, inquiring about when Sasuke was planning to have vaginal sex
“You really think you’re going to find him inside that seriously scary looking cave?” GASP IT’S TENZO TIME
“You’re Sasuke, right?” asked Yamato, as if Sasuke had not provided the memorable introduction of stabbing a seasoned ANBU in the shoulder as a sixteen-year-old during a dramatic reunion with his team
“It would be easier for us to keep things coordinated, if you sent us progress reports as you went...” Okay not to be that gal but I love that Tenzo and Kakashi are an “us” in this mini-lecture about how Sasuke should call his father (Kakashi) more often
P sure that’s Yamato’s last speaking role goodbye sweet man we knew ye well
“So does this mean that you trust me?” GO TO JAIL OROCHIMARU
Every time that Orochimaru touches Sasuke I want to leap through the screen you leave that boy alone!!! Go! To! Jail!
Sasuke having to explain his social life to Taka is a dynamic I never knew I needed. What more do I want from Naruto than frames like this:
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"By showing everyone that Sasuke isn’t in the Hidden Leaf Village and that he’s still out journeying around the world, it reduces the possibility that the village will be harmed” “So are you saying that Sasuke has to keep travelling forever” “That might be so” I can’t believe the entirety of Taka came up with a better explanation for Sasuke staying outside Konoha than Kishimoto himself
“Compared to me, the likelihood that Kabuto will return to evil is extremely low”
He still helped kill......... 40,000 people????? Okay dude
I’m gonna pretend I don’t see Tenzo following Stranger Danger and he’s on vacation on a beach where he belongs
Fhjkhfkjhfkj what’s the meaning of this Orochimaru you’ve looked the same since you were 25:
Sasuke: No. She’s older than I am
Orochimaru: [Soft gasp] What?
Man I remember vaguely Sasuke being involved in this fight based on the Tenzo novel scene later on but hoo boy I do not like this
“I can’t make direct contact with him, so I better go now” I hope it is because you filed a restraining order, Yamato
“To increase the rarity, what I’ve even done is, had all but one person in a clan killed” at this point En Oyashiro is just trying to bait Sasuke
God I love how righteous Sasuke is being rn like this is the kind of dismantling of oppression I wanted for him instead of sad murder times
This battle is bonkers:
Villain: Looks like you brought a sword to a dodgeball fight
Sasuke: Looks like you brought a dodgeball to a magic eyes fight!!
Well I certainly breezed past this part of Sasuke Shinden hello Fushin
I find it hard to believe that anyone but Naruto could best Sasuke rn 
I keep joking that those eyes in the sky look like Tenzo but I’m right and I should say it
What a long, drawn-out and slightly suspicious backstory for Chino (looking at you, Fushin of two personality types)
“But now you’re still able to travel freely... and that is all because you have people who love and protect you” Team 7 cutaway with closeups of Sakura and Naruto, Narusasusaku game strong
“For the Leaf’s nourishment, your entire clan was absorbed by your village’s Roots” wow what a shitty time for such an excellent pun
Unbelievable kkhkjhfk and by this I mean completely believable:  
Chino: Please explain your change of heart re: village corruption
Sasuke: I got a boyfriend
Unbelievable x2:
Chino: KILL ME 
Sasuke: Consider this.... you have.... boy who is friend. Good enough
Chino: Wow Sasuke, you’re right
Lmao @ Kakashi proudly announcing that Sasuke is about to enter an unsanctioned jutsu fight in a bet to free enslaved people how did this letter go “Dear Hokage-dad-Kakashi, I am writing to inform you...”
Even funnier: If Tenzo wrote the letter bc Sasuke is shite at contacting people: “Dear Kakashi-senpai, Brace yourself to be worried and proud—”
“Are you Sasuke’s...” yes Chino, whatever the end of that sentence is, you’re correct
Huh I could’ve sworn at least a good chunk of these freed people go to the Leaf. I didn’t make that conversation up. I have discussed it many times!!! My poor Tenzo cut out for more logical story lines I guess 
Omggggggg the Raikage is telling Sasuke about Naruto’s most vulnerable Sasuke moment..... the love!!! Is this the only reason they invited A lmao
En Oyashiro joining Rasa and Hiashi in the Bad Dad Club
I’ve said this before but Naruto and Sakura going on a date to talk about Sasuke is the most legit representation for their relationship I’ve ever seen that’s it that’s what them dating would be like 
“You’re just like a one man police force” lol @ them cutting out the fact that Sakura said this bc Sakura’s not allowed to have individual connections to Sasuke and also just like....... how much Sasuke still wants to be a cop kjhgkjhgk baby stop
I’ve belatedly realized that Kakashi types to the beat of the intro music and it makes me giggle
“The adult world can be complicated” is that ur way of saying ‘nepotism’ Kakashi
“I’m startin’ to get a belly” “I don’t want to hear about all that” PLS
“You two are really the only ones who are special to me” aw Shikamaru
That slap was A  Lot, Temari, surely there are better ways to tell Shikamaru you want him to be your boyfriend
“You don’t really think that Sai has—” “Well, he is very innocent.” 
Kakashi about Sai: He’s the baby of the family
Sai: I’m the oldest and most experienced of all the youth???
Kakashi: I mark ur ages by when I got you xoxo ur legal age is 3
I’m not sure that that’s the intonation I expected for Hinoko but I guess that’s on me for stereotyping teen girls hahah
“That’s my ninja way” “Our ninja way” I feel like this is shinobi flirtation
The outro with Little Team 7 fading to Big Team 7... I have but one heart
Also the implication that they took a photo immediately post war jhgkjhgkj. Kakashi still has a barely healed stab wound and twenty years of trauma. Sasuke and Naruto both just lost an arm. Also who brought a camera to the battlefield. Who took this picture. (Tenzo waking up from a 224 episode coma: We gotta take a family photo)
“You might consider yourself a member of Team 7, but I wonder if they think the same of you” [Naruto voice] Believe it!!!!!!
“If we just kill the lookouts, it’ll be like easy to get past the checkpoint” okay calm down Soku
Lmao Shikamaru struggling to deal with rebellious teens jhghjkg why are the anime episodes I watch so fitting to my own life
Man not to get 2 real it’s fucked up that Soku fears peace wyd militarism 
I don’t really believe that Soku is deserting the village but it’s a good tactic
[Panning to the bird scene at the beginning of this arc] We call that foreshadowing
Komori’s judgement seems to be clouded by his lowkey crush on Soku
“I’ve just been having these really bizarre dreams lately” that’s PTSD Shikamaru
“Feudal lords are always [tyrants] no matter where you go” then why.... do you have.... feudalism.......... [Tobirama screams in the afterlife]
Not to judge these guys so much but like.... ur ANBU and a veteran ninja surely you should have a disguise after faking your death??????? Kakashi, Iruka, what shinobi standards are you teaching exactly?? U didn’t even change ur hairstyles???
“Something similar happened to me as well” what are you... are you talking about when you pretended to be asleep during the Chunin exams because that’s not the same thing as sleeping under a pile of corpses Shikamaru 
AHHHHHHH I don’t like seeing Sai like this, Kakashi’s right he’s a baby!!
“Let’s just say I’ve found the place where I belong” Fhdjskhfksjhf this is definitely Root Code for something because Kakashi uses this line on Tenzo in his Tsukuyomi dream
“Then why didn’t Naruto come to get me? You and I have never been particularly close, so why were you the one who came here?” LMAO SAI ‘you’re not on my list of eligible rescuers Shikamaru 😒😒😒😒’ 
“Fret not, to me this is but a trifle” said Ro, lying prostrate on the ground in between groans of pain (same)
I mean... Gengo makes some pretty compelling arguments abt the shinobi system
“The alliance of nations that the Leaf is currently a part of... is only going to maintain a dark, tenuous peace” I mean... Gengo’s right even if he is a dick
“Lord Hokage told me everything... and I had a hell of a time getting it out of him too” “I don’t want to know what you did... I don’t even want to imagine it” JHGKJHGKJHG I WANNA SEE TEMARI INTERROGATING A FORMER ANBU, KAGE-LEVEL NINJA I LOVE IT
Wait are these last twelve outros dedicated to each of the rookie teams + Team Guy bc that would be adorable
Update from 3 seconds later: We don’t but Kakashi’s “Euh?” sound as she knocks down his door is still very funny
“Friendship is useless” “If that’s true, then why are you crying right now” he’s been taking Sasuke lessons in his spare time
“Do you know of a man named ‘Zabuza Momochi’” !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“These are my only friends” said Sai, about two giant cartoon lions 
Sai’s genjutsu scene was actually much sweeter in the book bc Naruto, Sakura, Kakashi and Yamato’s chakra were all protecting him inside his own mind but I don’t mind my boy getting a hug
“What in the hell was that?” that was also my question Shikamaru
Shikamaru with full conviction: To be lazy.... that is my dream 
Hahahaha it’s Ninja Teen Romance Hours I guess
“Oh, you don’t want to [go out on a date]?” No that’s not what I’m saying” [walks away] TEMARI PLS
“Going on a date without a strategy, would be like trying to fight a tailed beast unarmed” [Nodding] “You have zero chance of winning, that way” I suddenly understand Kakashi’s dating life a lot more
They really rely on you being aware of Naruto the Last huh gjkhgkjhgk there’s been no mention in any of this filler of Naruto and Hinata even being in a relationship to this point as far as I remember
Fhjkfhkjhfkfh poor Iruka none of the kids know he’s President of the Naruto’s Dad Society
“I know I’m supposed to be striving to get ahead in my career, but there’s also a part of me that really wants to just continue teaching kids, one on one” Irukaaaaa <3333333
Looool even as Hokage, Kakashi just drops out of nowhere to give cryptic life advice and then leaves
Smash the statue, Tsukune, don’t let the establishment tell u what to do!!
“Eating ramen everyday isn’t healthy you know” am I to believe that Kakashi, the man who told Naruto, ‘if you're going to be a ninja, you need to eat your vegetables’ is on a ramen-only diet?? Falsehoods
“And it’s all thanks to you Iruka” khjhgkjhgjhg alright.... you win this round KKIR shippers
WHO IS ANIMATING THIS SCENE IT IS BUCKWILD??? There is no character model to speak of, most of the kids don’t have noses, everyone’s upside down or spinning around, and Iruka is... hiding in a frog sign???
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(Update I looked it up in the sub and the caption offers no more insight. “IRUKA UMINO, AROUND 30 YEARS OLD. STEALTHILY”)
“This is for Hinata, so let’s all try our hardest” Kiba loves Hinata MOST
You know how if you pause in the middle of an animated action, you sometimes linger on an in-between image that looks goofy because it was meant to add to the motion rather than be focused on? This whole episode is animated like one of those images
It’s okay Lee the only dumbbell Naruto is fixated on is Sasuke Uchiha
I know don’t usually post so many images in these liveblogs, but I really need anyone reading this to see the Leaf Village’s semi-canonical Unofficial Mascot Konorin:
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He is??? The love of my life???
“I don’t even have a boyfriend and train every day from morning til night” yes you do. His name is Neji Hyuga and he’s very alive and he’s a jonin sensei and he will buy you all the knives you want after he takes all of Hiashi’s money and redistributes it. In this essay I will—
You see what I mean??? Neji wants to be there for Tenten (and Lee)!!!
Tenten: What would Neji do if he were here now
Neji: [starts manifesting]
“It’s you since you’re a taijutsu specialist, but Naruto and Hinata aren’t” yes????? Hinata is???? She doesn’t use weapons but Gentle Fist is entirely taijutsu??? Why does everyone keep forgetting
“And don’t forget: Hyuga” Neji........ what.... does this mean!!!!!!!!
Why say “Neji” like that Orochimaru and in fact why say anything at all [Konan voice] I’m the Hokage now, the entire criminal justice system is on its way you are going to jail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I really can’t believe that the Naruto writers looked at Tenzo’s role in Naruto SD and decided “let’s do that.... but worse” 
They animated?????????? A smaller Lee??????????? Into Lee’s mouth???????????? As if the animation style wasn’t enough. I need a minute
They are really going full Naruto SD huh??? Cut away skit like a ‘genjutsu’ scne. Lee and Guy playing a married couple and Tenten a baby. Neji in drag. This is a choice
“How can you misunderstand Neji so much” “Even if it’s only as a ghost, I’m sure that Neji would appear” I need. Several minutes
Fhjkhfkjfh Shikamaru’s vision of Gaara, Bee, Kakashi and Tsunade hanging out at this fancy restaurant. Is this who he thinks Kakashi’s social circle is these days (he might be right)
“Okay, I’ll hear you out!” Is this implication of this scene that Temari thinks Shikamaru’s idea of a first date is marriage... and she’s WILLING TO GO ALONG WITH THAT. TEMARI PLS
“Hey Ino, why would you go out of your way to make something I love? Bc she looooves you Sakura
“Sakura, I thought the same thing” GOD JUST GET MARRIED
“It’ll be too late once we go in, I could get all caught up in the mood or something like that” wait........ does Temari think Shikamaru wants to get married or fuck???? Or both??? OH MY GOD
Gaara: Naruto’s getting married.... without meeeeeeeeeee
God I love Gaara’s Blank Period hair it is truly careless and happy hair
“His ramen’s extravagent?” JKGHKHKJH everyone in the Leaf Village trying to convince Gaara that Naruto’s taste is incredibly obnoxious which is true but not in the way being described 
Kankuro what’s your damage let Gaara buy a nice and personal present for the love of his life 
Every time I think this arc can’t get more ridiculous it exceeds my expectations:
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[Vaguely horrified accompanying dialogue: “The Raikage—” “—Will do the Hidden Cloud Dance?”]
“Well then, Gaara is just going to have to do the Hidden Sand Samba” Ah. Of course. The Hidden Sand Samba. Why didn’t anyone think of this plan before
Gaara is blushing because his new dream is just to samba dance with Naruto into the night
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh Teuchi giving Naruto an “all you can eat forever” coupon that’s cute our sweet boy is so loved 
Gaara: My wedding gift to you, Naruto... is me :)
“I’m just disappointed that we aren’t going to get to see you dance, Gaara” you know what that’s fair Kankuro me too 
Hahahaha Shino dissing Kiba’s plight for becoming Hokage to these random kids
I can’t pay attention to anything this ninja cat is saying because they’ve got Naruto’s voice and it is very distracting
There’s something to be curious about how it would be if Kiba married into a family that has a contract with the Uchiha lmao
Literally the girl who Kiba is supposed to be in love with is given Hinata’s voice #kibahinarights
“Oh, just take it. Money means nothing to me” the Beekeeper is truly one of the strangest characters in the Naruto universe just conceptually. Why are they wearing a giant bee stinger on their butt?
LMAO @ Kiba having absolutely no self-doubt whatsoever. Goals!!
Shino becoming a teacher after the war is actually one of the post-699 futures I like, good for him!
Iruka sweet man Naruto has compared you to a father like 1500 times have you not overheard him one (1) time
Kakashi is such a dumb stubborn bitch trying to find a way for Naruto to have a happy wedding... I love him
“This is my fault, I never taught him how to treat women! Not that I even really know about that kind of thing of course” Iruka Umino confirmed canonically gay
“I just have to bow my head a little” KKIR: 2; Me: 0
I love this tradition of Hokage boys bowing their heads for cooperation between villages yesssssssssssss
Outro for the whole OG Team 7.... I’m fine everything’s fine I’m good cool cool cool cool cool
The implication that they just sell Kakashi wigs in the village... amazing
I know this is about to be an emotionally poignant moment but what Naruto’s presence is reminding is that the only word he has said in the past 6 episodes is “ramen” LMAO
“I’m going to have to apologize to her for raising you as a such a thoughtless, inconsiderate man” raising you... RAISING YOU..................... TRULY PRESIDENT OF THE NARUTO’S DAD SOCIETY GOD BLESS IRUKA UMINO
God..................... the Team 7 lover in me just despairs of this final episode bc they’re all separated and also Tenzo needs justice 4 being Kakashi’s co-wedding planner it’s in the book I read it!!!!
I will set aside my feelings to recognize that Kakashi looks very handsome
Goodbye Naruto you were certainly an experience and I mean that in every possible intonation 
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talkstarwars · 7 years
The First Order
There is often a debate about what order to watch Star Wars movies in if you are new to the saga. I am told there are people out there who have never watched a Star Wars movie. After giving this much thought you will be delighted to know that I have come up with the definitive order.
Many people suggest watching the movies from the Phantom Menace through to Return of the Jedi. The argument here is that this is chronological and therefore would make the most sense. Well, we are in a galaxy far far away and a long time ago so sense really doesn’t need to rear its ugly head now does it.
Film franchises don’t always move chronologically, although most do. Many get reinvented such as Bond movies or Batman. The joy of movies is that you can do whatever you want with them, in whatever order you want.
Consider watching the Phantom Menace first. Were this the movie that launched the Star Wars universe would we all be such fervent fans? Probably not. In this movie, we are introduced to a young Anakin. We would be unaware of the sad fate that befalls him. He is just a cute kid. Padme is introduced to us and Anakin swoons over her whilst she looks on him like a little brother, at least I hope she does. We would have no idea of what the Force is until we find out it can all be explained away by a simple blood test. Mystery over. Then there is the Jar Jar issue. Many people hated him, for many reasons. We meet a young man named Obi-Wan Kenobi. He is being taught by the guy from Taken and therefore is obviously going to be a tough guy. Yoda is introduced to us as a wise old shaved Gremlin who talks backwards but is forward thinking. All the mystery surrounding these characters from the later episodes is instantly gone. Episode 1, we thank you.
We move on to Attack of the Clones. In this movie, we discover that Anakin has aged at least 10 years whilst Padme has not aged a day. Some politics ensue again just to keep younger viewers riveted. An attempt is made on Padme’s life and an impressive CGI chase through the Fifth Element and down into Blade Runner's old sets and ideas to capture the would-be assassin takes place. Said assassin is assassinated by the assassin who ordered the assassination that started this whole chase. Quite why the assassin chose not to assassinate the target themselves in the first place is never quite explained. Due to the attempt on her life, Padme is taken out of the custody of a trained Jedi master and his impulsive young Padwan and left with just the impulsive young Padwan. We then get treated to some sulking and overacting as the mismatched two fall deeply in love. Later we get a taste of Anakin’s rage as he butchers Tusken Raiders for killing his mum. Eventually Anakin gets his arm chopped off as well. Having the prior knowledge of his later predicament would make this ever more poignant. Yoda is revealed as being a fraud as he casts his stick to one side and battles Dracula/Saruman like the Tasmanian Devil and whirls around sounding like an enraged Muppet. This in itself would pretty much ruin the entire meeting of Yoda on Dagobah with Luke. So, thank you Episode 2, you’ve ruined Empire for us.
When we start Revenge of the Sith with the lovers all married up. In this movie, we see the Emperor finally push Anakin to the Dark Side. In the early stages he kills Dracula/Saruman as the Emperor, still known as Palpatine, looks on. Padme is pregnant by her toy boy husband who has dreams of her dying in childbirth. Palpatine pushes Anakin further to the dark side by telling a fib that he can save her. Remember, at this stage we have never heard of Darth Vader or even heard his heavy breathing. So, if this is your third film you have to wonder what is happening to the hero of the previous 2 movies. We rooted for you for the last 5 hours and now this? Anakin kills Nick Fury and finally turns to the dark side, being renamed Darth Vader. The heroic Jedi are then butchered by the Clone army with Order 66 being issued by the Emperor. Darth Vader kills about 30 children Jedi. Bear in mind this is like Luke killing children in Return of the Jedi. Unless you know the full story, it makes no sense at all. Your hero has just killed children! Unhappy about the entire situation Vader Force throaty chokes Padme until she collapses. Obi-Wan and Vader then battle until Vader is left barbecuing on a volcano devoid of most of his limbs and skin. Padme then dies in childbirth, giving birth to Luke and Leia. Darth Vader is given an iconic black suit we see long enough for him to scream the worst ‘NOOOO!’ in movie history. Yoda goes into exile and Obi-Wan dumps Luke on a farm while Leia gets given a Royal family. To us fan boys, brilliant stuff. If you have no idea about the arc of Vader’s redemption, then this would pretty much be the suckiest end of a trilogy ever. Most of the good guys are dead, the galaxy is in turmoil and your hero has turned into a child killing wheezing maniac.
Luckily for us, along comes A New Hope. We start with a desperate space battle during which two of the hero droids from the previous three movies can be seen running around while Stormtroopers shoot lots of people. Obviously as the movie progresses the aim of Stormtroopers just gets worse. Now grown up, Princess Leia posts something into the front of R2-D2 and shoots him off into space. Anakin turns up again in his shiny suit and wheezes his way through bullying Rebel scum and Princess alike. We now know that this is his own daughter. The sod. C-3PO and R2-D2 wind up bumping into Luke, Leia's brother, Vader’s son. Small galaxy isn’t it! Eventually Luke is rescued from Sandmen by Ben Kenobi, Alec Guinness doing a splendid impression of Ewan McGregor. In this scene, we discover that many years in solitude has withered Mr Kenobi’s brain a little as he has no recollection of owning the droids he spent years beside. R2-D2 plays a snippet of a holographic message and Luke sees his sister for the first time. Dirty boy. We know that’s his sister by now, so no heroic ‘save the Princess’ stuff to us here. Ben then gives Luke Anakin Vader’s lightsabre, from a more civilised age. When it killed small children. Luke shrugs off the death of his foster parents by staring enigmatically into a twin sunset and with the help of his new friends Han Solo and Chewbacca zoom off in a piece of junk to save the day. Part of the joy of this movie is the chemistry between the three human leads. There is a flirtation between Leia and the two new men in her life, Han, and her brother Luke. In this episode, there is a ‘which one will she chose?’ vibe. The poster even depicts her hanging of her brother’s leg. All of which is pretty uncomfortable when we know what we know. Then there is a kiss. No tongues, but still. If Mr Lucas knew they were brother and sister at this point, shame on his dirty mind! So, they rescue the princess at the cost of Obi-Ben-Wan's life. Vader returns to face the man who literally left him in pieces. They chat while occasionally bouncing their lightsabres together. Eventually Luke uses the Force and blows up the Death Star all down to the plans R2-D2 was carrying. This was only possible thanks to some people in a non-episodic movie getting them. The movie ends with smiles and medals for everyone. Except the Wookie, he gets nothing.
Typically enough, The Empire Strikes Back! This being generally considered the best of the Star Wars movies, how can watching it in chronological order possibly ruin it? Well, there’s another awkward kiss for a start. After following Star Wars tradition by chopping of the arm of someone or something Luke sees Ben as a Force Ghost, we don’t question it. Ben tells Luke to go to Dagobah and see Yoda to finish his training. This would be the little green fella we have seen before. He can do amazing things with the Force, like move massive objects and stuff. Oh, and he is handy with a lightsabre as well. So, off Luke runs to Dagobah where he meets the mighty Yoda. Except we know he is the mighty Yoda. So, all the silly mucking about is confusing. When he reveals himself to be a Jedi Master it’s no great surprise. Luke is in awe as Yoda effortlessly lifts his X-Wing from the swamp, but we have seen it all before. We, unlike Luke, did not judge Yoda by his size. In the meantime, Han and Leia are falling in love (thank the maker!) and wind up on Bespin. Here they meet Vader and Boba Fett, another young kid from the previous movie deeply scared by the events that unfolded around them. Fett has become a bounty hunter and is after Han Solo. Vader freezes Han and sets a trap for Luke who has seen all this in a Force vision. Yoda tells him not to go, but like his father before him, Luke will not listen to Yoda. Luke faces Vader in one of the most iconic scenes in movie history. All of this is totally ruined by watching the prequels first. ‘No, I am your Father’ Vader tells Luke, who responds with one of the best ‘NOOOO!!’s in movie history. We all know this story, but when we found out in the movie it was a massive thing. Nobody had seen it coming. Once again, watching the movies in order would completely have ruined probably the biggest scene in the entire saga. This in itself is enough to make anybody reconsider the order in which to watch the movies.
Finally, we get to Return of The Jedi. Luke is now a Jedi as he has been back and finished his training. He and his friends run off and kindly save Han from Jabba the Hutt.  A footnote here is that you also shouldn’t watch the Special Editions either as you’d have already seen Jabba the Hutt, but in a terrible CGI form. The big slimy puppet version is the only one to consider. Luke fights a giant Rancor monster, but chooses not to use the Force and squishes him with a massive gate instead. This is seemingly all part of Luke’s plan as he is sentenced to death with everyone else. R2-D2 saves the day by shooting a lightsabre out of his head, Luke catches it and goes full Jedi on the bad guys. Boba Fett is eaten by the Sarlac, once again not the over tenticled Special Edition one. We then get Luke off to say goodbye to Yoda as the story starts to complete its arc. We meet Ewoks, and I love them! We have another attack on a fully armed and operational Death Star and a generally happy end. Darth Vader turns against the Emperor, all the family ties are connected and we finally get to see Dave Prowse out of the Darth Vader mask. Oh, no we don’t we get an old man instead. However, after all the death and wars everyone seems happy, the Ewoks have enough Stormtrooper meat to last for weeks and we see three happy Force Ghosts. But wait, who is that one? If we are watching the Special Editions we see a young Anakin. OK so this tweak I don’t mind. Now I want to see movies about this guy, so, back to Episode 1 to watch in the correct order.
It’s OK to watch The Force Awakens after the prequels as this would explain some of Kylo Bens obsession with his grandfather. A Jedi Master turned Sith Lord who redeemed himself, an all-powerful badass that everybody feared with good reason. After the CGI eye bleeding onslaught of the prequels (All good movies in their own right) it’s a pallet cleansing return to Star Wars of old.
Rogue One can be watched any time after you have watched the first six movies, but not until you have seen them all. You get to see Vader going full evil laser sword swinging super villain and so many fun nods to all the other movies. Rogue One not being an Episode per se needs to be watched after you know a little about the story. You just don’t know this part of the story. Awesome as it is.
So there, once and for all is the order. Please feel free to comment and tell me if you think I’m wrong.
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Waking up, you still feel on edge. What has come to pass still haunts you, flashbacks of the incident ringing in the back of your mind. How can you explain this to them, to HIM! It is all so messed up. Going through the scenarios, each one made you out to be the bad guy, and even insane.
With the information you have about X and the world your in, it won’t matter if it does not add up here. Just because it says he’s good, the profile on him might be different here. The look of him is different, he’s taller than described, what else is different here?
How can you find out more about him?
…….Hunter HQ….. that’s where the info would be. Well walking up and asking is out of the question. You go back to the laptop and trawl through the mass of information, and find something. There is information about the base’s computer system, maybe you can access it and be in and out quickly with the info you need. But you can’t do it here, on your laptop. Far too risky. You power down the laptop and make your way downstairs.
You meet and greet the elder and help him with the pub, most humans are in here, no reploids.
A few hours later you ask the elder if there was a nearby public library. He tells you there is. But you will need a pass to enter. Happily, he hands over his, it does not have picture ID or name on it, it must be digital. You will have to grab and go when you start accessing the info you need and run back to get your things before they do.
Making your way with the verbal directions given to you by the elder, you find yourself, a bit lost. The futuristic world your in is an urban jungle. You notice two reploids chatting, bucking up the courage and interest to interact with them, you walk on over. Nervously, you spoke out.
“excuse me……I’m a little lost, can you direct me to the nearby public library, please?” nervous by the tall humanoid, he turns around, a moments pause seemed like forever. But he warmly, friendly helped you out, giving you directions to the building, and smiled after he spoke. Completely taken by the warmth coming from him, you overly politely thanked him and almost bow down to him, but stopped. Caught off guard by the returning over friendly gesture, one of them smiles and the other lightly blushes and welcomes you. Embarrassed by nearly bowing to him you skipped off past them and carry on your way.
Finally coming to the library, you are faced with a very big building. Walking around to the entrance you enter through large glass doors and are faced with four levels of the building, open plan. Coming across a gate you watch people slide their cards through a device and through a small gate. You do the same and enter into the ground floor.
Off to one side, there is an elevator and stairs, same on the other side. Going to one, you take the lift riding it to the top floor. On exist there are tables and three computers evenly spaced across the level, luckily there was no one on this floor and you sit down in the middle. You take in a breath and sigh deeply. It's now or never. Going online, you follow the information you have and managing to access Hunter HQ systems, your own borrowed time now.
Hunter HQ Navigators are immediately alerted to your presents and inform the two mobile hunters nearby.
“X, this HQ we’re under a system hack, it's coming from the library in your area!”
“this is X, acknowledged, Zero and I are making our way, can you tell us who the hacker is!?”
Quickly running through the system you find what you are looking for, going into hunter classes you locate X’s profile and print the pages you need.
The Navigators soon go into the library systems and to the security camera feeds and see you.
“X, We are maintaining the hacker only to the profile subsystem, they are copying your profile information, we’re sending a small team to back you”
“Rodger that, ETA 2 minutes!”
While the information is being printed you try to access other areas. But are denied access. Instead, you read some of the info regarding X while it finishes.
On arrival X and Zero are at the library and are met with a group of reploids to back them. On entry, X receives information from HQ directly from Commander Signas himself.
“X, Zero, this is Command Signas. The hacker is the female from the incident with the strange radiation signature. You are to use non-aggressive actions and are to bring her in for questioning. Is that understood?”
“Yes, sir!”
Both hunters enter inside meet in the centre with the others spreading out blocking off the ground floor exists.
With a sudden commotion coming from the ground floor, you turn to look down and are stunned, looking all over scene a number reploids are covering the ground floor before your very eyes and you soon lock onto the blue form below. Like a six sense X looks up, as you look down to see him. He locks onto you.
Horrified you bolt away from the side.
“SHE’S ON THE TOP LEVEL!!!” X shouts out.
“I’ll take the left side X!” Zero announces dashing over.
While X takes the right.
Bolting away from the edge you grab the few pages and scrounge them up and shoving them into your pocket. You run to the left side staircase and lean over the side. Zero is at the bottom and looks up. “STAY WHERE YOU ARE!!!” he firmly states, you run back over the other side, X is already halfway up. Damn, he’s fast. You go down one flight of stairs on that side and out of an exit door onto the rooftop. Nothing but a dead end. Freak out, you are about to go back and notice a thick pipe halfway across the rooftop, it is roping down the side of the building.
X and Zero make it onto the top floor at opposite ends, seeing each other and no one else.
“where did she go?” X queries.
“check the exist to the roof” Zero calls.
While Zero goes to his end X goes to his. Bursting onto the rooftop he quickly scans to find you not here, he turns to leave for the door.
His attention alerted to the noise he notices the pipe and its weaving. Dashing over he looks over the side.
Horrified by what he is witnessing he screams out.
“STOP!!!! YOUR GOING TO HURT YOURSELF OR WORSE!!!!” terrified by what demise may happen to you.            
Halfway down the pipe, you get lower enough to jump the rest of the way, stumbling onto the ground.
Zero dashes onto the same roof as X and over to his partner's side.
Recollecting himself from his worries, X acknowledges Zero and they both jump together.
Heart racing lung heaving you are in flight mode, you move over to the next pipe to climb down from, stepping up onto the ledge.
You turn to the sound.
X and Zero jumped from the rooftop and cratered the ground beneath them, determination on their faces looked frightening full intention to get YOU.
Not looking at what you are doing, you carelessly miss the pipe and stumble over the edge. With a horrified expression on your face, you let out a scream as you tumble to your demise.
Both the hunter's expressions drop, and X with a frightful look of fear dashes forward with full force.
He yells reaching out.“NOOOO”
Everything fell silent and slow.
X tries to grab you.
He misses……and you fall.
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