#anyway that urge to protect important people kicks up to 12 when it comes to our little sister
chalk-homunculus · 1 year
The system's little sister got our number (finally? For whatever reason she didn't have it before) from our father and has been texting us every day since. It never fails to brighten our day. She's 10 years old and it's so heartwarming for us, I specifically would be ready to destroy not only mondstadt, but the entire Teyvat to protect her. I'm not exaggerating.
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butwhyduh · 3 years
Fit to be Tied
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Jason Todd x reader
Warning: Christmas? And the f word.
Christmas series 2
Jason didn’t pay much attention to holidays. Nope. That was for the living. He didn’t have much of need for it. But he did know that Christmas was quiet and New Years was busy for patrol. He guessed everyone ate Christmas dinner and and then got bored of playing nice. Or maybe that just wanted to start the new year with a big ass bang. Who knows?
Even when he was a kid, he didn’t celebrate the holidays. Too poor, mom too lost in drugs, and dad? Well fuck him. He was a piece of shit when he was around.
Jason kicked a beer can out of his way into the pile of trash on the sidewalk. They didn’t get the trash again this week it looked like. Daddy Bruce could play bat but couldn’t throw his money around enough to keep trash from piling on the street.
It was fine. He had more important things to do anyways. He had to buy a Christmas present. He didn’t care for the holidays but the sweet girl he had at home was a doll and fuck, if she didn’t deserve something. So Jason went down to the local pawn shop. Usually not a problem but it was 2 AM. Not exactly prime business hours.
So yes, Red Hood was breaking into a pawn shop to get a bracelet. He was leaving cash, $20 over the cost too. It was something you had seen earlier in the week and had admired. Gems of some kind shaped to look like a butterfly. You’d taken a minute longer to stare at it.
He left as quick as he came. And it wasn’t long until he was opening the window of your apartment dressed in street clothes. You were asleep. Jason had used the excuse of patrol to get out. But in the early morning hours of Christmas, he wanted to wake you.
“Princess,” he said gently. You moved a little before opening your eyes. You smiled up at him. Fuck, he didn’t deserve the way you looked at him. Your eyes looked so innocent and sweet. You never looked at him like he scared you.
“Jaybird, what’s going on?”
“I got you something for Christmas and it’s technically Christmas..” he said pulling out the box. You sat up, curious.
“It’s Christmas Eve. You got me something? I didn’t think we were- I didn’t get anything. I couldn’t-“ you said turning red. Money was too tight to consider it. The fact that the heat was still on this late in the month was a Christmas miracle.
“No no. It’s fine. Just being here is enough for me. I’ve never really celebrated Christmas anyways,” Jason said pushing the box in your hand. You held the box before kissing him.
You opened the box to see the bracelet you had been looking at the pawn shop. You smiled and stared at the pretty little butterfly. Jason watched you carefully for a reaction. He’d never admit it but he was more nervous now than fighting on the street.
“You saw me looking at it. I didn’t think you’d notice,” you murmured softly as you picked it up. Jason took it and wrapped it around your wrist. He clasped it on and you looked at it, moving your wrist in the light.
“Thank you. It’s beautiful,” you said quietly looking at it. You had a little grin on your face. Jason smiled. That’s the look he wanted. That little bit of happiness that you showed when you were really pleased. He intertwined his fingers in yours.
“Princess, you’re so cold,” Jason said with a frown. He could feel it colder outside but now that he was getting used to the temperature, it wasn’t warm as it should be.
“The heater was acting up again so I turned it down. The blankets are plenty warm,” you said and his heart all but broke. There was no way he was going to let you be cold all winter because the landlord wouldn’t fix things. He might pay this guy a visit. You sensed his anger.
“It’s okay, Jay. Come lay with me and get warm,” you said taking his hands. He let you pull him into bed. He kicked off his pants and shoes and laid on his side. You curled into him as a little spoon. His long big frame all but engulfed you. It always felt to protective. If he was holding you, he knew you were safe. Jason ran his fingers along your bracelet soft as his rough fingers could.
“You’re so good to me,” you said softly and his heart clenched again. Fuck, if you knew all the bad he did. His messed up past. He thought you would have run away when you first learned he was Red Hood but no, you had been kind.
“Naw, Princess you deserve more then this shitty place,” he said, and for the first time, he felt a little bad about giving all of his trust fund to the soup kitchen he would visit as a kid. A little would have been nice to get a better place for you. But he had been making a ton crushing the drug trade at the time and didn’t have a girl back home when he did it. He couldn’t be as reckless now.
You turned in his arms to look in his blue eyes. He has such an intense look on his face that you frowned. “Jaybird, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” he said pulling his face back to normal. “Just thinking. I wanna move you to a better place, a safer place than this,” he said running his thumb across your cheeks. You grasped his wrist and leaned into his touch. Jason would sometimes get like that. Thinking you deserved better. And you humored him even though you wouldn’t even know what to do with wealth.
“We’re moving. Soon. I’m promising now,” he said thinking about the painful conversation he was going to have with Bruce. His adoptive father he hadn’t even told you about. Bruce would do just about anything Jason asked. Probably the guilt of letting him die.
“But Jay, we’d miss the water that went from boiling to freezing at random. And I’m not sure if I can sleep without Mr and Mrs Jancowski having sex every Tuesday at 2 AM,” you said with a smile. He kissed you to shut you up. You were joking but each one felt like a little knife in his guilt. You pulled him over you and the thought of money troubles faded from your mind.
Jason woke before you and watched you sleep. You laid on his chest with your hand in his hair and your soft breath on his throat. The bracelet was still on your wrist. You looked so peaceful, trusted him while you slept. Jason carefully grabbed his phone and texted Alfred. He’d also have to tell you about his adoptive family. His very famous adoptive family.
He threaded his fingers in your hand that was flung across his waist. You began to stir. Jason moved hair from your face and you blinked to see his pale blue eyes watching you.
“Morning, Princess,” he said with a rough morning voice. You smiled.
“Morning, Jaybird.”
“I’ve got something to tell you,” he started. “I want you to meet my family tonight.”
“Tonight? Your family? I thought your parents...” you trailed off.
“I was adopted. I never told you because I don’t have the best relationship with them. But I think it’s time for you to meet them. I’ve got to tell you something else,” he said and you could hear his heart beat quicker as you laid on him.
“My adoptive father is Bruce Wayne.”
“You’re shitting me.”
“Nope. And tonight I’m taking you to meet him. And my adoptive siblings.”
“You aren’t joking,” you said sitting up. Jason sat up too.
“I’m not. I’m kinda the... black sheep of the family. He adopted me when I was 12. I was trying to boost the wheels from the b- Bentley he was driving,” Jason corrected. It was one thing to tell you he was Red Hood. He couldn’t say Bruce Wayne was Batman.
“Wow. I- wow. Okay. That’s a lot to take in. Also on brand to be honest,” you said and he smiled and shrugged.
“Wait. What the fuck do you wear to the freaking Wayne manor for Christmas Eve?” You said a little panicky.
“Whatever you want. It’s just family,” he said with a sideways smile.
“Oh no. I can’t go to freaking Wayne Manor in a Kmart sweater,” you said quickly.
“You can wear,” he said hopping out of bed. He dug way in the back of his closet for a pretty red sweater that was slightly oversized. “This. Should fit fine. Pretty expensive too.”
“Where the hell did you get that?”
“I’ve had it for year and it definitely doesn’t fit now,” Jason said with a laugh. “Try it on.”
The weather sucked. Freaking sleet that threatened everything it touched. You were grateful it wasn’t a night of Jason patrolling. This meant taking your car instead of Jason’s motorcycle. Your car was at least 15 years old and you called it Frankenstein because of all the repairs done over the years.
The radio skipped as Jason drove over a speed bump by Wayne Manor and you burst out laughing. Jason looked at you from the side.
“It’s not that funny,” he said. “What’s up?”
“My car is trash, I’m wearing your old sweater, and we’re late. If you weren’t the black sheep before, bringing me home, you will be now,” you said. He grabbed your hand and parked in front of a random house.
“I’ve been the black sheep since I was a kid and you aren’t going to change any thing for the worse. Trust me. In fact they’ll probably think you’re too good for me,” Jason said with a dry chuckle. “So don’t worry about anything. Except making room for pudding. I know it sounds weird,” he said starting to drive again. “But it’s the best part of Christmas.”
Wayne Manor was huge. You knew that. You’d even seen it on tv. But to see it in front of you was honestly terrifying, especially in the nasty weather. You almost hoped Jason was playing some weird elaborate joke and was going to drive on by but he knew the passcode to the gate. He drove in the covered drop off spot by the front door and parked. You both quickly ran in the building.
The front entry was breathtaking. A gigantic Christmas tree and a full staircase decked out in garland like a Hallmark movie. It was like a magazine. In fact, it was in the Christmas episode of Gotham Life the year before.
You gripped Jason’s hand tightly as you walked down the hall. Your shoes sounded unnaturally loud and you had the urge to quiet them like it was a library. Jason pulled you to the doorway of a dinning room full of people settling to eat. Jadon cleared his throat.
“Master Jason! You made it,” Alfred said excitedly. “I recieved your message but it’s been many years. Sit. Sit.”
“Glad you could come,” Jason’s brother Dick said with a grin. He looked at you in curious excitement. You looked down at some kind of mushroom soup placed in front of you. Everyone else was dressed so nicely and ate so perfectly. It was intimidating.
“Yeah, it’s Christmas,” Jason said shrugging. He gave Dick a look that said don’t ask. It didn’t take much for Dick to drop it because he seemed incredibly distracted. You spent most of the meal trying to keep up on conversations you clearly didn’t understand while trying food you’ve never seen before. You could barely remember everyone you were introduced to. One of Jason’s sister(s?) gave you a big hug along with everyone else when she arrived. You couldn’t tell anyone what was even said after the meal. Or so you thought.
Until right across from you, Dick proposes to his girlfriend. He stuttered around before finally asking. “Will you marry me? Oh god, I have a ring,” he said producing one. Everyone watched as she stared in the box.
“Will I marry you?” She asked faintly and you worried she’d say no. How terrible would it be??
“Please say something,” he pleaded and you could tell the man was practically in pain before she said yes. They kissed, the family applauded, and champagne was served.
Jason watched you from the corner of his eyes. How did you react to this? What did you think? You didn’t look jealous or anything. It made Jason think of marriage. He hadn’t before. He’d thought about moving into something more permanent but marriage. He’d never thought about marriage as his future, ever. Of course when you die at 16 and come back with a vengeance, love is low on the priority list.
“Jaybird, you there,” you asked slightly tapping his shoulder. He blinked and looked at you.
“Yeah, I’m here. Just in my head,” he said and you nodded. He’d do that sometimes.
“The party is moving to the parlor,” you said quietly in a proper rich Gothamite voice and Jason huffed before covering his smiling mouth with a nose rub. The rest of the group was moving ahead of you. Dick and his new fiancé were retiring for the night.
“I’m never going to hear the end of it, am I?”
“I’m so sorry, dearest. I can’t understand you with a silver spoon in your mouth,” you laughed. Jason rolled his eyes before guiding your shoulders towards the door. You heard a soft laugh behind you and you turned to see Tim’s girlfriend smiling.
“Sorry to interrupt but I’ve got to use that on Tim,” she said grabbing her coat and walking out.
After making sure you were cool with hanging with Tim’s girlfriend and their adoptive sister Cass, Jason and Tim started a very competitive game of pool. You couldn’t help but look at things that cost more than you’ve ever even seen. The chess set Damian and his girlfriend were playing with probably cost more than your car.
But it was Christmas and you tried to push your insecurities aside. It was a fun evening. A glass of wine you kept sipping on helped as well.
After a while Bruce announced that the roads were too bad and that no one was leaving. Jason clenched his jaw for a second before looking at you and relaxing. He didn’t want to stay but he wasn’t risking your health in any way. Instead he focused on the game.
“So if I win,” Jason said a full hour later. By this time, Damian’s girlfriend had fallen asleep on his shoulder. Your eyes felt a little heavy as well. “I get the penthouse.”
“Sure Jay. That’s Bruce’s. But I’m willing to gamble it,” Tim said throwing his hands up at the ridiculousness.
“I accept terms,” Bruce said. Both boys looked at him surprised. “Whoever wins gets the penthouse.”
You turned quickly to watch the game. Okay, is that a normal thing for them? To bet property. The look on everyone’s face said that no it wasn’t normal.
Jason was excellent at pool. It was a common for you both to go down to the pool hall and play some games. Jason would occasionally make some money playing and he did often as a kid. It was also a way to waste time when your mom was throwing beers back like a fish, like Jason’s mother did. Tim didn’t stand a chance. He wasn’t as good and looked almost like he was in pain occasionally. But maybe it wasn’t a real competition? Maybe Bruce was trying to give Jason something he’d always want to but didn’t know how. Jason easily won the game.
“So the penthouse is mine?” Jason asked. Bruce nodded and shrugged. Tim softly coughed in his hand. Your heart raced. They couldn’t be serious.
“If you’ll live in it,” Bruce said. Damian was carefully carrying his girlfriend upstairs.
“Deal,” Jason says quickly.
“Deal,” Bruce said looking quiet pleased. Was this his plan all along?
“I guess, deal?” Tim said confused. “Though you should owe me. You’re the one that got me shot.”
Your brain broke. He was shot? And it was Jason’s fault?
“What?! You got him shot?” Tim’s girlfriend asked loudly. Tim blanched.
“Not my fault.”
“Literally your fault,” Tim countered.
“What did you do?” You asked looking at him suspiciously. He offered you a sheepish smile.
“I might have said ‘what are you gonna do, shoot us?’ I meant me. Not Tim! He also has a bulletproof suit,” Jason said. Tim must be a vigilante too. You glared at Jason.
“That’s not in the report,” Bruce said with his eyes narrowing.
“Good night everybody. Merry Christmas,” Jason said pulling you from the room and up to his childhood room.
“You’re in so much trouble,” you said and he grinned.
“I’ll deal with it tomorrow. How do you feel about a penthouse? Better than our current place hu?” Jason said pulling you close. You felt dizzy at the idea.
“Seriously? We can’t afford it,” you said trying to stay grounded. It was too good to be true. Things like that didn’t happen to people like you.
“I think I know a guy who can keep the lights on,” he joked and you gave him a serious look. “Don’t worry about it. Just enjoy the idea of constant hot water. Lights never going off,” Jason said pushing you towards the bed. “No one can hear me make you scream.”
“Tempting. Very tempting,” you said and of fucking course it was. A safe beautiful clean penthouse over your trashy scary apartment wasn’t even a contest. Jason pushed you on the bed and hovered over you.
“What are you doing,” you asked flushed but still encouraging him. It was still his dad’s house and he was getting handsy.
“Trying to have sex with my girlfriend on my old bed like every guy ever has dreamed of,” Jason said. He nipped at your throat. You gasped.
“Got to be quiet, Princess,” he whispered and you pulled him down to kiss more.
The next morning you woke to an empty bed. You fixed your hair as best you could and threw on Jason’s sweatshirt before going downstairs. You caught a glimpse of the kitchen as Bruce slowly slid a set of keys Jason’s way before taking a long drink from his coffee. “I’m glad you made home for Christmas this year, Jason.” The penthouse.
“Morning,” Bruce said to you nodding before leaving the room. Jason was alone in the kitchen but you could hear others in the breakfast nook a door over.
“Keys,” Jason said showing you. “And no lecture.”
You gave him a hug and looked at the shiny metal keys. It would be a while before you could handle the idea of a freaking penthouse being yours. “But you should get something for Tim. You did get him shot.”
“Let him shoot me?”
“Jason, no.”
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awkwxrdapple · 3 years
Fallen Angel (Part 1) - Peter Parker x reader
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Request: Hi! I love your writing! I was hoping you could do a peter x reader where the reader gets badly hurt and captured and it takes a long time for the avengers and peter to find her and once they do, she is scared half to death, jumpy, nervous, and stays by Peter's side during pretty much everything. They are living in the avengers tower with everyone and since they are the youngest, Peter is particularly protective of her during her recovery. Thank you!
Word count: 1.6k 
WARNINGS: mentions of anxiety, light torture, injury, trauma (after reading if you think I should include any others please let me know thank you)
Part 1
Simultaneously, you removed your headphones and slammed the textbook shut in front of you. Your assignments were getting tiring. It wasn't that they were hard and you were struggling, it was just that after being part of the Avengers, doing calculus and algebra seemed too easy for you. You could do it easily, but after all that you had done and seen already in your life, you knew your time could be better spent. 
Being the youngest Avenger alongside Peter Parker was exciting. You felt unbelievably honoured to be given the opportunity to be part of a team that did wonderfully amazing things. You had made friends for life, and most especially so with Peter. When you had come to New York you were enrolled into the same school as Peter. Midtown High was a good school and you enjoyed it, it also meant spending more time with Peter even though you both lived in the Avengers Tower now. 
Lying back against your bed you realised you were hungry, you'd been studying for what felt like ages. 
Knowing you had nothing sweet that you wanted to eat in the tower you decided that a quick trip out would let you get what you needed. If you were going to carry on studying you were going to need all the help you could get. 
Grabbing your purse from your dresser, you wandered down the corridor to where Peter's room was. The door was slightly open but you knocked anyway and waited for his reply. 
"Hey, I was just going to go to the store, do you want anything?" 
He, like you had just been, was sitting on his bed with papers strewn around him. When he saw you he gave you a warm smile. Having Peter living with you in the Avengers tower was amazing. Peter really was your best friend and you trusted no one more in the world. 
"I'm ok, but thank you. What are you going for?"
"Chocolate, ice cream, cake, anything." You said. 
"Homework giving you a hard time too?"
"Is it that obvious?" You laughed before placing your hand on the door handle again. "I'll see you in a bit."
"Bye Y/N."
Taking the elevator it didn't take too long to get to the ground floor and out into the centre of New York. You knew there was a little grocery store a few blocks over that made homemade chocolate cake. 
Unknowing to you, a set of eyes were watching you leave the tower, cross the street and make your way down the sidewalk. It was busy, and you were tired. Your instincts were slower and less aware of your surroundings. The one set of eyes soon became two, then three, then four. You were blissfully unaware of the imminent danger you were about to find yourself in. 
Taking a swift left at the next building you passed, your face collided with a hard arm and sent you stumbling backwards. Jolted out of your oblivious state, you raised your guard and lunged to land a punch square into your attackers chest. They struck back, using their larger build to throw their weight towards you forcing you to the ground. The air was knocked out of your lungs. 
Kicking back up from underneath them you tried to force their body off you, but they were heavy, and armed. You could feel a gun strapped to their hip pressing into yours. Rapid footsteps were heard around you as more people wearing a similar black combat suit to your assailant emerged and began to hold you down. You continued to fight in any way you could but soon all your limbs were rendered useless. 
"You're coming with us. Don't try to resist." A low male voice spoke into your ear as a cloth was placed over your face, a strong smell evaded your nostrils and then you relaxed back into the concrete. 
+ + +
Upon waking, you found yourself cold, aching and stiff. Your head hung towards your chest and a dull throb emanated from your forehead and rang throughout your skull. Your hands were tied behind you back and placed behind a chair, with your legs also tied to the chair legs completely restricting all of your movement. 
Fear and panic flooded through you and your chest became horrifically tight. The room around you was incredibly dim, with the only light coming from a single dull light bulb above your head. Feeling your breathing become hastened you remembered your training.
Don't panic. Be calm. Assess the situation.
The situation looked bleak. There were no sounds to be heard so you couldn't even begin to work out where you were being held. You remembered the last memory of being free, but couldn't place the people from anyone or thing you had seen before. 
You weren't kept guessing for long as a door creaked open to your left and two figures entered the room. The door was roughly closed behind them and a click of the lock was distinctly heard. You nervously swallowed and waited for one of them to speak. 
"We hope you aren't too badly hurt, Y/N." One spoke and made his way over to you. His voice was calm, and in any other situation you would have mistaken him for a nice man. 
"How do you know my name?" You ignored what he had actually just said to you. It was far more disturbing that your first name was known to these people. 
"That doesn't matter. We may know a few things about you, but you know much more than we do about things important to us."
"And those would be?"
The other man laughed coldly at your attempt to sound confident. 
"Your friends." The first man now knelt down a meter away from where you were sat. 
"My friends?"
"The Avengers."
To this you had nothing to say. You instantly felt guilt at being caught in this way, no other member of the team would be trapped like this. It made you ashamed. These people needed you for whatever heinous reason they had. 
"We understand you know a great deal about the runnings of that Tower, and of the inner workings of the group itself." The man continued. "We think you would be very useful to us."
"I won't tell you anything."
This brought a sigh from him. It was almost sarcastic. 
"We thought you would say that." 
He stood up and took a few steps backwards, allowing the other man to walk into your focus. 
"Maybe this will change your mind."
The first strike to your face stung. The next hurt. The third, numb. The intensity of the punch quickly removed all feeling. You could taste your own blood as your lip was cut upon the second blow. 
"It… it won't change my mind." You spluttered. Tears welled up in your eyes but you were not going to give them the satisfaction. You would never betray your friends, your family. 
"We shall see."
+  +  +
"Has anyone seen Y/N?" 
Peter was worried. You had left the tower four hours ago, and still had yet to return. 
"No I haven't, why?" Nat answered him as she wandered into the shared living room and kitchen space. 
Peter told her that you'd told him you were quickly going to the store and that you weren't back. 
"I'm sure she will come back soon. Maybe she ran into a friend?" Steve offered as he sat holding a mug of black coffee. 
"Yeah… you're right." Peter tried not to think about it too much. But after an hour or so that he hadn't heard you walk down the corridor, he went to check your room to find it empty. And he couldn't find you anywhere in the tower. 
Wanda gave Peter a small smile. She had seen how close you two had become. It was only natural that Peter was concerned. 
"If she isn't back tomorrow morning, we shall then worry, yeah kid?" Tony walked behind Peter and placed a brief hand on his shoulder. 
The next morning resulted in Peter's worry increasing exponentially. He had sent you multiple texts and phoned you many times to receive no response. Usually you would let him know if you were staying with a friend. The whole situation seemed off. 
"Still no sign of Y/N?" Tony asked as Peter wandered through the kitchen on his way to school. 
"No. I am worried." 
Tony considered Peter for a second. 
"Come with me, I might be able to find her." Tony stated and headed for the elevator. "School is important, but it can wait."
Walking into one of Tony's labs, Peter realised he hadn't been into this one before. Tony tapped on a screen and brought up a map of New York on one of the monitors. 
"Mr Stark, what is this?"
"I regret not telling you sooner but I have tapped yours and Y/N's phones. So even when it's off, it can be tracked."
"You're going to track her phone?"
"I think that's what I just said." Tony raised his eyebrows. "Let's see if she still has it with her." He could see how upsetting this was to Peter. He began to wonder if you two were just friends, or something more.
After putting more information into the computer a yellow dot appeared on the map, quite far from the Tower, but still within the city. 
"Is that her?" Peter asked urgently. 
"It should be. I don't like the fact she's in a decommissioned warehouse though."
Peter suddenly felt a sudden urge to drop everything and run to you. 
"According to this, the signal hasn't moved in 12 hours." Tony turned round to face Peter. 
Peter's jaw was tight. Tony could tell he was ready to fight. 
If you would like to be in the tag list for part 2 or any of my other Peter Parker imagines please let me know! 
"Alright kid, suit up."
Tag list: @unmistakablyunknown
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Thank you @sab-falco!
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The Smell of Fear
Simon Lewis x Reader Reader escapes a sticky situation with Simon’s assistance.  TW: attempted assault, stalking
Note: I decided to write Vamp!Simon because I haven’t done it yet. And though I know the damsel in distress trope is tired, I love the idea of having a supernatural partner who could whoop some ass on my behalf. I guess I’m a little basic in that sense lol
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You locked the door to your shop, pulling your jacket more snugly around your shoulders in the chilly night air. You had let time get away from you again, but people just kept coming into your store and you didn���t want to kick people out. After all, finals were coming up, and people needed their herbs and talismans.
You glanced at your watch. 12:26AM. Damn.
You thought about calling your boyfriend to come and escort you home, as this part of Brooklyn could get a little rough after hours, but you didn’t want to bother him. He was probably busy right now anyway.
It was just as far to your place as it was to the nearest subway station and wasn’t far enough to be worth calling a Lyft, so you set off at a brisk pace down the sidewalk. Your eyes kept darting to the left and right as you walked; you didn't want to give anyone the opportunity to approach you from the alleys you passed. Unfortunately, despite your attempts at vigilance, that’s precisely what happened. You were only human, after all.
“Hey girl,” a deep voice said from the shadows, making your heart leap in your chest.
“Hello,” you said without pausing. You never wanted to be impolite, something that perhaps could get you in trouble someday.
Someday was now.
As you walked, you heard the sound of heavy boot steps falling into place behind you. Shit.
You attempted a quick glance behind you without breaking your stride, and could only see the darkened shape of a man following you. He trailed a few yards behind. Your heart was in your throat now, and you had to resist the urge to break out into a run. What if he’s just going somewhere and I run away from him like some kind of asshole, you frantically thought to yourself. This is a public sidewalk after all. However, you couldn’t quite convince yourself.
“Where are you going lady?” Said a voice from behind you. It was the same voice from before, and it was closer. This time you squeaked audibly in your alarm.
“J- just heading to meet my boyfriend,” you said, and you couldn’t keep the tremor from your voice. You could see the streetlamp that marked your intersection ahead. Once you turned onto your street you would be safe as it was a well-lit main drag. Only two more blocks…
The events of the next few seconds were a blur.
“What’s the hurry?” the voice asked, and you felt a firm hand on your shoulder. You screamed. You dimly registered a sort of whoosh, and in retrospect you couldn’t be sure if it was a sound you heard or a sensation that you felt. You turned around, but the man behind you had disappeared. You saw nothing in the shadows, only the light giving way to darkness down the sidewalk. You thought you heard the faint sounds of a scuffle, a sharp cracking noise that resembled the sound of a twig snapping, and then only silence. Out of the darkness a shape materialized. Simon?
Your boyfriend stepped into the light, eyes blazing. “Simon!” you cried, and you ran to him. You threw your arms around him, relishing in his reassuring solidness. “Oh thank god, I was so freaked out!”
“I can see that,” he said, smirking down to you. “I was just coming by your work to see if you were done and I could smell you. I could literally smell your fear.”
“That’s...not sexy,” you said, and Simon chuckled. “But I’m glad you came by when you did. I don’t know what that guy was gonna do.”
“I have an idea,” he replied wryly, glancing over his shoulder at the darkness. “I could smell that too.”
“What… oh.” you said, your blood running cold.
“Don’t worry about him.” Simon said, his words clipped.
“Simon,” you said, your voice hushed. “Did you just kill a guy?”
“No,” he replied, and he actually sounded a little disappointed. “But he won’t be using his hands for a while. Let’s go.” He threw an arm around your shoulders as you started walking together down the sidewalk.
“Why didn’t you call me?” he asked. “I would have come to walk you home.”
You shrugged. “ I didn’t want you to have to come and rescue me. I figured you had more important things to do.”
“Hey now,” Simon said, stopping you, and you looked up at his face. His expression was earnest. “I never have more important things to do than be with you.” You melted against him a bit at his words. He could be so sweet, your Simon.
“And that’s even when your safety isn’t on the line,” he added with a smirk, but then his expression turned serious. “I will always be there for you, you know that right?”
“I know…” you began, looking away. He cupped your chin and gently turned your face again to look at him.
“No, I need you to know that. I will always protect you. You’re the most important thing in the world to me.” he said. His expression was hard but his voice was soft.
“Oh Simon,” you said, your voice quiet. “You mean everything to me too.”
He pressed his lips to yours, and you answered his kiss, opening to him. The two of you kissed in the shadows, and you were not afraid.
“Should we call someone? About you-know-who back there?” you asked.
“Nah, he’ll wake up in the morning in a world of hurt. He’s lucky I just ate, otherwise I might not have been able to control myself.” You saw a dark glint in his eye at that and oddly enough, it sort of turned you on.
Finally you had arrived at the corner of your street. “What do you want to do now?” you asked. “Do you want to go home or go out somewhere?”
“Whatever you want,” he said with a smile.
The night was still young, after all.
@joz-stankovich​ @spaceclone-mom​
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Bleeding Hearts
Summary: Being Tony Starks daughter has its pros and cons. One of the pros being you get to live with your best friends, the Avengers. One of the cons you will soon find out is having to deal with the one and only, James Buchanan Barnes...
Takes place during that happy made up time after civil war when everyone live in the tower.
TRIGGER WARNING: non graphic attempted rape and non consensual drug use
Chapter 3
2nd person POV
You wake up to the soft creek of your bedroom door being opened. You don’t even have to wonder who it is. The only one on the tower that would break into your small apartment was Natasha.
You groan, the creek of the door sounding much louder than it really was due to your hangover. You went a little crazy last night. After Tony had come back to the table you stormed off to your room in an angry rage, grabbing a bottle of vodka on the way. You made multiple trips to the liquor cabinet during the night. You honestly couldn’t remember how much you drank, but you knew it was well more than the average person could handle. But your Stark genes gave you a higher tolerance than most.
“I see you decided to redecorate.” Natasha jokes, referring to the state of your trashed room.
Oh yeah. You almost forgot that in your drunken rage that you totally trashed your apartment.
“Friday, turn the lights to 15%.” Natasha tells the AI.
You groan again. “What do you want?”
“Girls day, remember? And also, a fork, really?” Nat almost laughs as she speaks.
You sit up slowly. “Don’t tell me you're here to lecture me.”
The redhead shrugs. “Just wanted to advise that you at least use a knife the next time you plan to go up against the Winter Soldier.”
“You're the one that held me back, remember?” You remind her.
“I almost didn’t.” She sighs. “But then I thought that the ramifications of a second civil war might not be worth it.”
“What time is it?” You ask, changing the topic.
“About half past eleven.”
“Shit.” You jump up out of bed. “Isn’t are appointment at-“
“12? Yeah. Not to mention it half way across the city.” Nat points out.
“I’ll be ready in ten. Meet you and Wanda in the garage?”
“Sure. Brought you this by the way.” Natasha tosses you a Gatorade and a bottle of Advil.
You catch them out of the air with ease. “Thanks.”
“Wow.” Nat says with a surprised look on her face. “Your hand eye coordination has improved.”
A small smile makes its way to your face. “Strange as it is I’ve been playing catch with Steve. He said improving my hand eye coordination would help with my aim.”
“Well have to test that out on Monday. Now get ready, Wanda isn’t going to be happy if we’re late.”
Just as you were leaving your bedroom you heard a knock outside of your apartment door.
You groan. “Wanda it hasn’t even been ten minutes yet!” You call out, grabbing your bag and heading out into the living room. You don’t bother grabbing anything to eat on your way out, seeing as how the three of you paid for the ultra deluxe package at the spa. Which includes sushi and champagne.
You open your apartment door, prepared to lecture Wanda on the importance of patience, only to find…
“Dad? Hey, I thought you would be Wanda.”
“Oh are you two going somewhere?” Tony askes.
“Yeah. Nat, Wanda and I are having a spa day before the party tonight.” You say quickly, trying to hurry up the conversation. Not only was talking to your dad always awkward, you were also running late.
“Oh that’s nice!”
“Yeah and I’m running late so I really have to get going.” You move past him and out your door.
“Oh, ok, well I just wanted to ask you about what happened last night.” He asks as he follows you.
You brush it off. “Oh it was nothing, just a little disagreement.”
Tony places a gentle hand on your shoulder, urging you to stop walking. “You know you can talk to me, right? I know things have been a little tense between us but I want you to now I’m here for you.”
You smile at him softly. “I know. But seriously I’m fine, we just had a little argument.”
“Ok.” Tony buys the lie, or rather, he decides not to pry. “But if Barnes ever gives you a hard time, let me know. I’ll kick him out like that.” Tony snaps his fingers.
You laugh lightly, as much as you hate him, you know he’s an asset to the team. “Good to know. But seriously I have to go. I’ll talk to you later.” You say flippantly as you turn to leave.
“Love you kid!” Tony calls down the hall.
Unfortunately you were too far away to hear him
You feel hot. Very hot. You wipe the back of your hand across your forehead. Your body is covered in sweat. The little drops of perspiration sliding down your back and hitting the wooden boards below you.
The three of you are in the middle of your first treatment of the day. Fifteen minutes inside the dry heat room.
You take a swig from your water bottle. The cool water feels like heaven as it trickles down your throat.
Girl's day was off to a good start. The sushi was great, and you assumed the champagne was as well, though Natasha refused to let you drink any after last night.
You and the girls had talked about only meaningless things so far, no one bothering to bring up what happened between you and Bucky last night, which you are thankful for.
You’re still trying to figure out why he hates you so much. All his reasons last night sounded like excuses. If being happy and nice all the time was such a problem then why didn’t he hate Steve too? Maybe he was jealous that you were normal and didn’t have emotional baggage. Which he was wrong about. You had your own demons you fought, and even through they weren’t physical, they still brought you down.
To make things worse, you had this stupid little crush on him. You couldn’t even try to understand your feelings towards him. You hated him yes, but he was just so damn handsome and a silly part of you hoped that maybe he was hiding his feelings with anger.
A loud sigh catches your attention. You turn to find Wanda hunched over, Rubbing her temples with her fingertips.
“Y/n can you please think more quietly. I’m trying to relax.” Wand whines.
“Wanda stay out of my head!” You shout, not out of anger but out of embarrassment.
“I wasn’t!” Wanda defends. “You just think so loud that it’s projecting out of your mind.”
“What is she thinking about?” Nat interjects.
“She’s thinking about Barnes.” Wanda cuts you off.
You throw your head back and groan. “Wandaaa.” You whine. “Why’d you have to tell her that?”
Natasha laughs. “She’s not telling me anything I don’t already know.”
You furrow your brows. “What do you mean?” You ask hesitantly.
Nat shrugs and takes a sip of her water before answering. “Well it’s obvious you two have the hots for each other.”
Your eyes widen. “W-what? No it’s not! We hate each other.”
“She's right you know.” Wanda comments.
“You looking in his head too?” You accuse.
“You’re not the only one with loud thoughts y/n.”
That piques your curiosity. “What… what is he thinking exactly?”
Wanda and Nat share a smirk. “He’s totally into you.” Wanda answers. “He’s only being an asshole because deep down he’s scared of letting himself have a good thing.”
You furrow your brows, shaking your head. “You must be reading him wrong.”
Natasha rolls her eyes. “You don't have to be a mind reader to see the way he looks at you.”
“He looks at me?”
“Only all the time.” Natasha laughs. “He’s constantly eye-fucking you.”
Your eyes widen at the thought. “That can’t be true.”
“Have we ever led you wrong?” Wanda asks.
“Well, no but-“
“But nothing.” Nat interrupts. “We’re not saying you need to make a move or anything. Just telling you the facts.”
“Ok, ok, fine. Let’s just move on alright?”
“Good with me! We have better things than men to talk about anyway.” Wanda starts. “Like what are you wearing to the party tonight?!”
You smile, starting to get excited. Wanda and you love fashion. Natasha likes fashion too, but she isn’t as obsessed with designer brands as the two of you are.
“You remember the dark metallic Saint Laurent dress we saw at the mall?”
“The one with the short asymmetrical skirt and the halter top?”
“Yes!” You say excitedly.
Soon the three of you were laughing and gossiping about all the people and celebrities that would be attending the party. Your thoughts and worries about Bucky sloping from your mind.
Floor 53 aka Tony Starks party floor. Waiters dressed in all black carry trays of hors d’oeuvres and champagne around the floor. The bar is fully stocked with only top shelf quality drinks and the room filled with only the most famous and wealthy people in New York.
You had a love hate relationship with these parties. On one hand, you enjoyed getting to meet and converse with some of the actors and actresses you admire. On the other, you hated talking with the snobby social elites that your father was friends with from work. They always either make meaningless small talk with you or try to pry into your personal life. Two things which you hated. Usually you would put up with it, smile and laugh at their dull jokes, but tonight you had a goal. Tonight you heard someone special was going to be attending the party.
Arthur Milligan. Academy award winner, child star, man of your dreams Arthur Milligan. He has been your celebrity crush ever since you were 13, and now you finally had the chance to meet him. It’s safe to say you weren’t going to let anyone get in your way of meeting him tonight.
You step out of the elevator with Nat and Wanda flanking your sides. The three of you had made a plan. With Steve and Tony being so protective, they would immediately notice if you were flirting with Arthur. Them being the way they are it was unlikely you would get a moment alone with him. So Wanda and Vision (who surprisingly is going along with it) would distract your dad while Natasha took care of Steve.
“Remember y/n, keep the drinking to a minimum.” Nat reminds you.
You sigh, rolling your eyes. “One drink, I promise.” You reach your hand towards hers to momentarily cross pinkys.
“Good. Now go get em tiger.” She encourages you, giving you a small nudge forward.
You take a calming breath, getting all your nerves out before letting a smirk come to your face as you turn on the charm.
You strut out through the crowd, keeping your eyes out for the man of your interest. It takes you about five minutes to spot him. The 6 foot tall blonde man standing on his own near the bar. He seemed to be people watching.
You make your way towards him, careful to stay out of his line of sight. When you finally reach him, you purposely trip, stumbling right into him.
Of course, just as you planned, he catches you.
“Are you alright?” He asks, sounding slightly irritated, though his demeanor completely changes when his eyes land on you. “Well aren’t you a sight for sore eyes.”
You blush, a smile making its way to your face. “Surely you must be looking at your reflection in my eyes.”
“Actually I was staring at your lips.”
“Y/n Stark.” You introduce yourself.
“Arthur Milligan.” He pauses. “Can I offer you a drink?”
You flutter your lashes. “I’d be offended if you didn’t.”
Arthur smiles, his white teeth gleaming. “I’ll be right back.”
Chapter 3 Pt. 2
3rd person, Bucky’s perspective
Bucky isn’t staying at the party long. Just long enough to appease Steve’s need for him to socialize. Bucky barley socializes through, his mind preoccupied with thoughts of y/n.
He was a total asshole last night, even by his standards. After the fight with y/n, Steve and him had their own argument. It lasted quite some time, the two of them yelling back and forth. Eventually Bucky opened up about his feelings and Steve convinced him to apologize.
He really did intend to apologize, but he hadn’t seen y/n all day… not until the party.
Bucky can’t help but stare when he sees her walk in. Both her legs and chest on display. She truly is a vision.
For a moment he wonders why he was so mean to her. She didn’t do anything to deserve it. It’s almost as if Bucky has subconsciously tried to ruin things for himself. Deep down, he knows he wants her, but for some reason he just can’t let himself have a good thing.
In a moment of clarity, Bucky moves from his spot by Steve and Natasha, prepared to go talk to y/n, apologize, and tell her how he feels. But as soon as he sees her talking to the blonde man, his hopes are squashed.
He’s suddenly overwhelmed with jealousy. Not that he has the right to be jealous. They aren't even friends. But Bucky can’t help it, his emotions getting the best of him.
However, instead of interrupting the pair's conversation, he heads back to his room. He wants to say somthing, he truly does, but who is he to get in her way of happiness? He doesn’t deserve her. She’s too sweet, too perfect for someone as broken and bad as him. He’s a murderer, a weapon. Y/n deserves better than that.
With a sigh he walks back to his apartment, giving y/n one last look before he leaves.
In his room he leans back on the bed, one arm propping his head up, the other holding a bottle of bourbon. Not that he can get drunk, he just likes the flavor along with the warm burn in his throat.
He had been in there about 15 minutes when Friday called out into his room.
“Sergeant Barnes, it appears Miss Stark has left the building unattended.”
“Not my problem.” Bucky grumbles. Someone else can deal with it.
“I’m afraid it is sir. I can’t get in contact with anyone else at the moment.”
Bucky sits up a little straighter. “They're all at the party, can’t you just make an announcement?”
“Making an announcement would alert everyone that she is unprotected. You never know who may try to take advantage of that information.”
“I guess it is my problem.” Bucky sighs as he gets out of bed. “Where’d she go?”
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Keep in mind I was about 12-13-ish when I wrote it and I was in my angsty stage so this gets a bit dark pft
here are the first 2 chapters -there are like 9 in total I think- if ya want the fnaf one then tell me bc I actually have to translate it and everything bc I wrote it in Spanish lol 
TW mentions of abuse sorta and alcoholism
"Come back here you lil' shit!!!"
"I'll kill ya, I swear to God I'll kill ya!!!"
I could hear him behind me, stumbling and crashing into things, with that stupid glass bottle in his hand.
I have to keep going or he will really kill me. I kept running zig-zagging through the trees trying to lose him.
"You little fuck!!! How dare you run away from me after all I've done for you?! I was the one that gave you a roof under your head, the one that fed you and took care of you and THIS is how you repay me?!"
Yea right. I'd rather be in the streets than have to live with you in that damned house again. C'mon (Y/N) you're almost there!!
"I'll do the same thing I did with them to you!! You'll end up like all those kids, like all those dirty bastards!"
A flash of lightning crashed behind me.
Keep going, keep going.
Suddenly, as I keep climbing up I see something.
A cave.
Yes!! Now I can finally get rid of him! I quickly started climbing, finally getting into the cave. It was really chilly, but it would at least protect me from the rain, and since it was nighttime and he was drunk he'd have no chance of finding me.
Or that's what I thought.
"Ahh, there you are my dear (Y/N)~ You are quite slippery you know? You remind me so much of her, my little Frisk. But you both had to escape from me didn't ya. Do you know what happened to Frisk dear?"
He chuckled and came closer, while I was walking backward trying not to stumble.
"I killed her." He smiled. " It was an accident, I didn't want to, but she was being a naughty little girl~ [EW WTF WHY DID I WRITE IT LIKE THAT LMFAO GREAT WAY TO MAKE HIM CREEPY AF AMANDA]" he came closer, and the smell of booze reached my nose.
"G-get away from me you creep!"
He laughed and pushed me, making me stumble and fall down. I tried to crawl away but then he started kicking me.
Basically, he said more creepy shit bc I wanted to make him a huge asshole, but I still don't feel comfortable putting it and I'm sure for other ppl its uncomfortable too so uh, lets just say the guy was just really really bad and wanted to do really bad things to uhh, the reader 
This, this guy had the nerve to- ugh!!
"S-stop it"
He quickly grabbed me by my hair and brought my face closer so we were locking eyes.
"Y'know no one cares about you! You're nothing! But if you stay with me you'll see I can be a good guy! I promise I  will treat you better! I will do anything for you. You just have to be a good girl and stay in your room."
I quickly spit on him and kicked him in the stomach. I was not going back there, not going to suffer through all that again. I got to my feet and ran deeper and deeper into the cave
"You can't escape (Y/N)~" I heard from behind me.
I ran faster. I'm not going to let him win. I'm not.
" You'll just end up like Frisk!"
I yelped and tripped on a vine, falling into a hole, hearing his echoed taunts getting farther and farther away.
Is this it?
Is this how I die?
Will I really end up like Frisk?
I won't die. I can't die. Not today.
Those were my last thoughts before I was surrounded by darkness.
Chapter 2 [this one is more fun  I lol]
"You little bitch!"
"Come back here!"
"You'll end up just like Frisk"
"I promise we'll get out of here....
I woke up with a start. My head dizzy from the fall.
Where...am I? Who's Frisk? Why can't I remember anything...? Hold on, did I loose my memory? What the-
"Heck!!" I heard someone say behind me. I quickly turned around, and saw a kid who looked to be around my age, floating a few feet away from me. Their hair was up to their shoulders and they were wearing shorts with a cute green stripped sweater.
"Seriously?! And just when I get used to being dead?! Do you hate me that much world!?" The kid yelled while waving their fist at the top of the cave.
Am I dead?
If so where the heck am I?
Is this what the afterlife is like? Being stuck with a 10 year old ghost kid? Is it because of that one time I stole a ring pop from John? Because if it is he totally deserved it, he wasn't even gonna eat it!
"Am I really dead..?" I whispered.
Suddenly the ghost kid turned around and looked at me.
"Wat?" They asked.
"Am...am I dead?" I looked at my palms trying to figure out what was going on.
The kid sighed.
"No. You're not dead you dummy, you just fell down into the Underground, and somehow that awoke me...huh... that's weird."
Oh. So I'm not dead. That's nice I guess.
"Um, wait, the Underground?" I stood up, and stretched a bit, trying to check if everything was alright.
"Yea. With monsters and stuff. You just fell down from Mt.Ebott. You'd be the second human here to fall down."
Wait. The second one? I thought six more had disappeared in here a while ago.
"You mean the seventh human." I corrected them.
"Noooo, I mean the SECOND human, jeez are you deaf or something?"
They glared at me as if I was the dumbest person they had ever met.
"Nuh-uh. If there's one thing I remember is that 6 humans had fallen before me"
"Well then you remembered wrong because last time I checked I was the only one. That fall must've really damaged your brain" they chuckled.
I rolled my eyes. They really were stubborn and they were pretty rude too! If it were up to me I would've walked away by now but since I am down here somewhere I don't know with MONSTERS, I should really have an ally and they seem to be my only hope. Maybe they're nice once you get to know them, so I should really try to befriend them.
"So uh, ghost kid...what's your name?" I looked at them with a sweet smile, trying to be friendly.
"My name is Chara. And I was the first human to fall down here. What's yours?"
"My what"
"Your name, you idiot. Don't tell me you forgot that too." They smirked.
"Pshh I didn't forget my name!" I puffed my cheeks and looked the other way. I honestly had no idea what my name was but I wasn't going to let that ghost kid treat me like a dumbass again.
"Fine then, what is it?"
"U-um i-its uh..."
Let's seeeeee... what's a good name? Oh jeez what are some good names I could use right now?
As I was panicking suddenly something came to my mind.
"Frisk." I said.
I have no idea who Frisk is, but it felt just right. And it was the first thing that popped into my mind so.
"Oh. That's a peculiar name. But we'll then, Frisk. What are you going to do? Do you want to go back to the surface?" They eyed me with curiosity. I honestly had no idea what I would do. But I just had this urge to go back to the surface. But there was nothing up in there for me was there? I mean maybe I had a family or something's that's looking for me right now. Or maybe I could just be a homeless nobody.
"Do you promise me we'll get out of here?" "Yes. And we'll go and look at the stars in a field of golden flowers, like the ones in your book. It's a promise."
"I want to go back up."
That seemed to get Chara's attention.
"R-really? You want to go back up there? With those assholes?" They scoffed.
"Yep. I just feel as if I have something important to do over there. Like a promise."
"Ah...well, if you want I can show you the way! We can go meet these monsters, they took care of me while I was in here! They could help you!" They smiled and started going ahead of me.
"Uhm, sure, I guess! That'd be cool!" I said as I started walking behind them. If I manage to get those monsters' help, I'll be out of here and try to get my memory back and fulfill my promise.
Chapter 3 
"So uh..Chara..will these people have food?" I asked while walking behind them.
"Food?" "Yup" "You're stuck in a place full of monsters and all you can think of is food?"
Before I could answer though, my stomach let out a loud growl. I giggled.
"I guess that answers your question."
We became quiet again until Chara turned around and looked at me.
"So how old are you?" "I'm about to be twelve" "You're pretty mature for a twelve year old" they scoffed. "Well you're pretty immature to be whatever age you are." Chara laughed.
"I'm thirteen. So that basically means you have to do everything I say since I'm the older one" they stuck their tounge out.
"That's not fair!" I proclaimed. "The world isn't fair." The smirked. "Your face isn't fair"
"Damn, Frisk, you got me" they said with mockery.
"Shut up"
They laughed and then looked at me with a serious expression. "No but really, if you want to survive here you'll have to listen to me or else you'll die. And if you abuse the SAVE point it'll stop working. If you loose determination too."
"Woah. Wait what? A save point? Determination? I am really confused right now"
"Ugh, I'll explain later. Right now we have to get to the RUINS."
"Is that were you lived when you were stuck down here?"
"Tch, why do you care? And I wasn't stuck. I lived here because it's the only place were murder isn't the first option and monsters aren't assholes."
"Hey, stop being so rude, I just want to find out more about you! I really want us to have a good relationship if you're stuck with me for a while!"
"Just mind your own business."
"Ughh you're so-"
I suddenly stopped walking when I saw a single gold flower in the middle of the path.
"Why'd you sto- ohh that's creepy."
"It's just a flower. It won't do anything."
I kneeled down to look at the flower better, for some reason this flower looked different than all the other ones.. I was about to reach out for it when all of a sudden the flower turned around and smiled at me.
"Howdy! I'm Flowey! Flowey the Flower!"
What. The.
This flower could talk?! What?!
"Oooook Frisk this is definitely creepy, don't touch it and walk away."
I ignored Chara and smiled at the flower. They seemed friendly, so why not?
"Hey there! I'm, um, Frisk. I'm new around here."
Flowey noded and smiled at me.
"Oh! So since you're new you probably don't know how the Underground works! I guess lil' old me will have to teach you! Ready?"
"Frisk I'm not really getting good vibes from this guy." Chara said again, this time a little bit more serious.
"Shhh" I stood up and looked at Flowey, nodding.
"Thank you Flowey!! You're really nice! So how does this all wo-?" Suddenly I was being surrounded by darkness, with Flowey standing in front of me.
"Where is-" I suddenly stopped talking when I saw a red...heart? In front of me.
"See that red heart over there?" Flowey asked me.
I nodded.
"That is your SOUL, the very culmination of your being!"
"Woahh, that's so cool!"
"Your soul starts off weak, but it can get stronger if you gain a lot of LV."
Suddenly Chara appeared beside me and shook their head.
"Frisk I don't think he-"
"Frisk! You may be asking: Flowey, what does LV stand for? Well, for LOVE of course!!"
Oh. I guess in here is not that bad if their policy is like the place where the Carebears live.
"You want some LOVE don't ya? Well don't worry! I'll share some with you."
After he said that a few white pettals appeared in front of Flowey. I guess that's how you get some LV right?
"Frisk, I'm serious right now, do not touch the bullets."
I looked at Chara.
"Thanks but what bu-"
"DOWN HERE" Flowey yelled to get my attention. I turned to look at him with a nervous smile, he just rolled his eyes and kept talking.
"LOVE, is shared through some....little...white... friendliness pellets!"
Ok. Now that was definitely suspicious. And where those the bullets Chara was talking about before? Jeez this guy really got me, but I mean. He's a flower why in the world would he kill me?
"Are you ready Frisk?! Catch as many as you can!" Then, the...white friendliness pellets, started moving towards me. How in the world was he doing that?! This place is so weird, filled with talking flowers and dead kids suddenly becoming alive again. I just want to go home!
"Frisk!! Watch out!!" Chara yelled beside me.
I looked at Flowey and saw the pellets getting closer to me. Before I had the time to dodge they got me and I felt a huge amount of pain. I fell to the ground on my knees, gasping for air, trying to make it go away.
What was happening?! I quickly looked behind me when I noticed that the yellow bar that was once full, was suddenly empty. It said 1/20.
Chara rolled her eyes.
"You dummy! Those were bullets! And to even top it off you have literally one hp left!"
"One hp...? Wait Chara what is goin-"
"You idiot." I heard a creepy voice say behind me.
I slowly turned my head around, looking at Flowey, with my eyes widening.
"In this world, it's killed or be killed!"
"Why would ANYONE pass up an opportunity like this?"
"Chara!" I yelled trying to get up, but a couple of bullets appeared beside me and surrounded me, trapping me where I was.
"DIE. " I heard Flowey yell, while the bullets started closing in on me.
Maybe I could dodge them? Or find a way to escape? Where was Chara and why weren't they helping me?
I heard Floweys's laughter get louder and louder while the bullets got closer and I shut my eyes.
I guess this is the end now. I will really die. Did I seriously think I would survive in this Underground world? Really? They're monsters for God's sake! Of course I would die here. And I wouldn't be able to fill my promise. My eyes started tearing up. I could feel the bullets really close now, about to touch me when-
All of a sudden, a fireball hit Flowey in the face, making him disappear with the bullets. Chara appeared beside me.
"Phew! That was close! At least she got here in time! I told you he wasn't a good person Frisk! If you want to survive here you'll have to do exactly what I tell you to do, or else you'll die." They nagged me.
I tried standing up once again, trying to see who saved me.
"What a horrible creature, torturing such a poor, innocent youth." Came a sweet voice from above me. I felt their hands go in my back and a weird warm feeling surrounded me.
When the warm feeling was gone, I didn't feel pain anymore. That was weird. I finally managed to stand up, and looked at the lady who saved me.
She's a.....goat? Lady? Monster?
She had a really pretty purple tunic, with a weird white symbol in the chest area.
She smiled at me and waved her hand.
"Ah do not be afraid my child. I am TORIEL, caretaker or the RUINS. I pass down here everyday to see if any humans have fallen down."
I looked at Chara, who looked to be about to cry. Maybe this was the monster they were talking about before? The ones that took care of them probably?
I shook my head and smiled at Toriel. She did look like she had good intentions, and yes, they did save me from that wretched flower. But I wasn't going to be dumb enough to fall into the same trap again, so this time I had to be cautious.
Toriel smiled back, and turned around, grabbing my hand.
"Come, my child, I will guide you through the catacombs!"
And with that, she grabbed my hand and walked with me, leading the way.
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"The Last Airbender" honest commentary by me
-> I remember I watched this once, when I was something like 12, and I think my mind FORCED me to forget about it, and now that I'm 20 I feel the urge to watch it again. I saw clips on YouTube so it's not like I know nothing at all, but very very little. I'm honestly scared. I'll point out the things that I like too, if I find something like it. So... bring it on.
What is that gibberish in the background even supposed to mean? As someone who studies Japanese I am deeply disappointed. "But A:TLA's words are in Chinese!!" yes. But, for those who don't know, Japanese imported them as kanji so I can recognize them even if I don't speak Chinese, for these characters are written in the same way, even if pronounced differently. Or, well, I could recognize them if this gibberish meant anything. But it doesn't.
Not a fan of the prologue written onscreen as Katara reads it aloud (I suppose it's her?) to be honest. Especially when it's in... English. At this point why not changing that ugly gibberish into the English translation of the words? It would've made more sense, even if it doesn't.
Katara and Sokka sure are very... huh... White. Watching the racism and whitewashing jump out is too painful. Damn, I'm already upset with this movie and I'm only 2:35 minutes in.
A:TLA Sokka would never raise a finger on his sister- never in a million years. This dude straight up grabbed her arm! Not. Cool. Dude.
"I thought about Mom, isn't that strange..?" no Katara, it really isn't. She's your dead mother, it's not strange to think about her. That sentence just seems forced, it's got nothing to do with what's happening.
Okay, Sokka following his father's teachings is actually accurate, nice one.
I take it back. Sokka, what the actual fuck- why would you break the ice right under your feet?? A:TLA Hakoda would be very disappointed.
Oh, look, Aang's white too. How surprising.
Katara, the kid just woke up from a coma, stop asking him a thousand questions, cut Aang some slack!
Acting skills sooo not on point. Maybe the actors are actually good, and maybe it's just the dialogues that are... off. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and see how it goes.
I apprecciate the effort of trying to make Aang's tattoos look "cool" but next time, please don't.
This camera work is giving me a headache. The angles keep changing rapidly with no reason, and sometimes the camera's too close to the actors... Who did this?
Are Katara and Sokka the only white people in their village? I'm... confused.
"I am Prince Zuko." uh???? Where's your scar? Come on, that is literally one of the main points around which his story revolves, you can't just not put it there. I'm so upset.
Oh... that's the scar? Dude, I have a worse scar on my knee, I'm not even joking.
Of course Katara and Sokka's grandma is white, makes sense. So there's three white people in this village while everyone else is Asian, from what I saw. So it's okay to cast Asians as extras but not as the main characters? Holy shit, this movie is so problematic already.
Zuko, for fuck's sake, stop yelling. Aang's right in front of you, you two are, like, three inches apart. Stop screaming!
Firebenders need firepits to draw fire from..? Just bring a flamethrower with you next time, it'd be more efficient than your attacks anyway...
I'm not even 11min in and I want to stop already. I can't endure another 1:30h of this. I'm not strong enough.
"[Our mom] would have fought!" she didn't, that's the whole point. She surrendered to protect you, Katara, and the others. I get that the producers changed the story a little, it's normal, but- you can't change these things.
These dialogues... I want to rip my ears off. So little logic, so little pathos, such a poor timing- I want to cry.
Okay, this Iroh seems pretty similar to A:TLA's, thank goodness they didn't mess him up too much.
That is NOT how you pronounce Iroh!! I was a fool to think that there was one character that hadn't been completely ruined in this movie.
Nice nod to Hama, not bad.
Grandma casually has a map next to her when she needs it... Okay, I guess.
The scene on the ship- I'm speechless. Negatively speechless. I want to wash my eyes with bleach.
I love how Zuko just watches Aang fly away, like- "oh, there he goes". A:TLA Zuko would've jumped into the freezing ocean and swam toward him if he had to.
I can't get over their pronunciation of Aang. Ahng? Ohng? What is the reason behind this- why did they change it? He's literally the main character, you just don't do that.
With all due respect, the CGI is bad. I get that this movie is kinda old, but... No. There are older movies with better special effects. Low budget, maybe? I don't know.
"Souuka and I-" it's Sokka. Not Souuka. Sokka.
Zhao is hateful and annoying, which is accurate. I miss the ugly sideburns though.
Iroh calmly sipping tea while Zuko kicks ass- spot on, I can't deny that.
I hate Sokka so much. He's completely out of character, too annoying, uncharacteristically angsty and so boring. How can someone completely mess up a cool character like him?
"There is earth right beneath your feet"... oh my God, for real? Wow, how did they not notice that sooner...
"It's time for you to stop doing this!" reminds me of that one vine with the kid that yells "whEn wiLL yOu LeArN tHAt yoUR aCTioNs hAve ConSeqUEnceS!?", I don't know why.
Katara pushes a Firebender. She pushes him. He could burn her to a crisp and she- okay, you know what, I'm just going to ignore it.
Again with the firepits, I can't even-
It takes six Earthbenders to lift the rock the size of a chair..? And they also have to make a little dance to do that..?
The extras in the background don't even move- guys, at least pretend to dodge or be afraid, or cower backwards, don't just observe while you stand still looking as if you were glancing at the horizon.
Literally everyone in this movie is portrayed by Asian and Middle Eastern actors except for the main characters... Who allowed this, who said that this was okay? Seriously, who. Please, fire this person.
If Aang can't bend the other elements, what was that on Zuko's ship? Were the fire, the rock and the water acting up because Aang was there? It makes no sense.
"Avatars can't have a family." are you sure? 'Cause Roku did, even Wan (and Korra, after Aang) in a way, and many other Avatars too, I'm sure. That's not why he ran away, not at all.
Again with the fake Chinese characters... I mean, I think they were trying to imitate Chinese cursive writing, but... The lines are so straight, so stiff, so clean- there is no way that authentic cursive looks like that. Have you ever seen Japanese cursive? The characters are unrecognizable, but the lines are fluid and curved, not like that.
The scene with Katara and Aang practicing by the river confuses me because- I don't see any water being bent. Is it just me? I'm serious, maybe I just didn't see it..?
Ozai asking about Zuko and acting mildly concerned and almost caring is off-character. It makes it look like he feels guilty, when A:TLA Ozai does not. Also, let's say that this Ozai feels guilty, why doesn't he just welcome his son back, then? But he doesn't, 'cause he indirectly says so, so it makes no sense.
More gibberish. Please, stop. Don't do that again. I beg you.
"-sentenced to Agni KEE." goddamn it. Agni KAI. Not KEE. KAI! Why is that so hard for these people to say things right?
I still don't see any Waterbending. Are they just moving randomly? Are the practicing without actually bending the water..?
Oh, alright, now there's water moving, that's better. Still, so many movements for a little stream of water being lifted in the air- almost like that dance the Earthbenders did earlier. Seems excessive.
Is that monstrosity supposed to be Appa? Why is his face so- human? Oh Spirits, forgive them!
Again with this "I can have no family." thing- did the producers even watch the whole show or just read the summary of Wikipedia?
You know what, the Blue Spirit mask is accurate, in a way. Old masks used to have wigs attached sometimes, so it's not as bad as it seems. His stance though- that's a big no.
Zuko's swords don't actually hit anything most of the times he swings them around- just saying.
"What is this?". Ugh, Zhao, Aang's an AIRbender. Get it? AIR. So he is moving the AIR. I mean, you know he's an airbender, why are you acting surprised that he can redirect the wind?
Yue's white too... I checked online, and I discovered that the actress has Mexican origins: this has nothing to do with Asia and the Middle East so I personally consider this as a desperate attempt to include diversity- as if there were no actual Asian and Middle Eastern actors out there, but fine, I guess. What was I expecting at this point? Oh, I also know that this actress is Asami's V.A. which doesn't change much but since I like Asami I'll pretend to like this Yue too, a bit.
Extra™ moves to create a 10ft tall tornado... Okay, Aang, you're the boss.
Pakku is white too, hm? I don't know what to say anymore. Should I just stop pointing out this cast is so, so wrong? Probably. Will I? No.
Sokka's face when Yue tells him her hair's white because she was stillborn- that is the only realistic face he's done so far. Also, Yue's acting is not that off, and I actually like it! She's better than others.
More waterbending without water. Budget cuts.
I take that back, Yue is basically smiling when Sokka tells her that the Fire Nation is there, like, come on! Yue, I believed in you...
The dialogues are so fake, nobody talks like that! I'm sure that this is among the reasons why the actors seem incapable of doing their job- I'm sorry for these people, maybe the poor performance is not entirely their fault.
I'm trying to figure out what's up with Zuko's hair, and I'm not talking about the fact that it doesn't grow where the scar is, that's normal. What bothers me are those spikes he has on the front and on the back- or whatever they are. I am confused. Better than ponytail!Zuko, worse than all the other haircuts he had in A:TLA.
Zuko's actor is the best one in this movie so far, in my opinion. He's believable. He yelled a lot in the beginning, but now (1:12h in) he's not that odd.
How to understand when a scene has been not thought through: when characters don't do something that normal people would do. Zuko throws fire at Aang when he tries to escape, and then he just stands less than ten feet apart as Aang hides- he watches him, he stands there like "okay, I can't attack you now because the script says I'm not supposed to". Then do not include him in the shot! Or, at least make him say something- no, he just stands there and watches as his enemy is literally three seconds away from him. He could reach him with a little leap, without even running!
They showed Azula for a split second in the Agni Kai scene and then Zuko mentioned her once. Is that all? I hope to see her more, even a little something. Not including her would be a huge waste.
I don't ever want to see Appa again. So ugly he's scary. Who is the person that created the CGI for our amazing flying bison that we fell in love with? This isn't Appa, it's... Something else, something terrible.
The scene where Yue passes out when Zhao kills the Spirit- the secondhand embarrassment is real there. I had to look away, it's so bad.
This Zhao is maybe the most out of character person in this movie, and it's hard to beat Aang and Sokka so that sure is something...
If they say "Souuka" one more time I'll cry. I'm serious. I'll do it.
Alright, alright, the scene where Aang saves the day is pretty cool, I liked it, despite the questionable CGI.
Why do Katara and Sokka keep Aang upright by gripping his upper arms so tightly? That hurts! There are different ways to do that, less painful and more efficient.
Ozai looks like he has no idea of what he's talking about, he looks like me when I read maths.
There she is, Azula!! Wait- are we seeing her again?
...okay, we're not.
What can I say... Disastrous. No cabbage man, literally only five seconds of Azula, everyone is out of character, bad casting, bad pronunciation, gibberish wannabe Chinese characters, odd CGI... Everything is wrong.
7 notes · View notes
tokyohseok · 7 years
Tumblr media
pairing; jooheon x reader
genre; angst, fluff
words; 6.1k
Knock, knock, knock.
“What crime are we committing today,” you sighed to yourself. “Come in,” you yelled to the person on the other side of your bedroom door.
“Get dressed, we’re going out,” one of your father’s delinquents ordered.
“Wanna tell me where we’re going?” You asked, slipping your coat on, though you don’t know why you bothered to ask such a silly question when you knew it would never be answered anyway.
“You’ll find out when we get there,” he said in such a monotone voice, it was hard to believe he was a real person and not a programmed machine. Not that you saw much difference between the two anymore.
It didn’t take you long to get ready: you were so used to it that it just became a quick, daily routine. Before hopping into the passenger seat of your dad’s van, you checked the time. 12:09am, it read. You groaned as you hopped onto the seat, wishing you were anywhere but there.
“Do you really need me for this one?” You complained to your dad, who was driving you and his delinquents to a place still unknown to you.
With no expression or tone, he simply stated, “It’s essential.”
Eventually, your dad pulled up to a filthy alley in a run down estate. While everyone else in the van was one-by-one getting out, your dad told you to wait a minute so he could speak to you in private.
When the only people left in the van were you and him, he began talking. Starting with a deep sigh, he began, “This meeting is important, and most of all dangerous. If I weren’t positive they would go looking for you there, I would have left you at home… It’s essential that you stay quiet and try to just blend in, okay?”
“Got it,” you nodded with little worry. If it was the first time hearing him recite this speech, you may have been a lot more nervous. But it wasn’t the first time.
Nonchalantly, you jumped out of the car, hiding yourself within the crowd of tall, butch men that followed your father’s steps into the alleyway. You couldn’t see much since a bunch of broad shoulders blocked your vision. You wondered if the close proximity everyone seemed to have to you wasn’t in the slightest suspicious. You listened attentively as your father spoke to, what you assumed was, the leader of one of your rival mafia’s. Their conversation was the same old, same old. However, curiosity got the better of you and you slowly and stealthily went up on your tiptoes to see the other group of criminals. They had about the same number of people as you did; if not, even more. Though, they were a noticeably younger bunch, on average. For a quick moment, you made eye contact with one of the younger looking men. He furrowed his eyebrows briefly. Feeling your heartbeat start to increase, you casually went back onto your heels to divert any suspicion. As if you couldn’t control yourself, you peeped through the gap between two men and at the young man from before. Perhaps you should have expected it, he was also looking straight back at you. Suddenly your heartbeat quickened in pace but you spent your life in the mafia, it was no chore by now to control your expressions even when in critical danger. For a moment, you thought you had pulled it off as he looked away seeming rather disinterested after just a moment longer. However, that was a prediction too fortunate to be true. With a swift nod of the head in your direction, he diverted the attention of two men (around the same age as him) onto you. Acting as if you didn’t see them, you turned your head to the side slightly and hid back behind your dad’s delinquents, cursing in your head for being so stupidly curious.
You tugged on the sleeve of the man standing next to you. Not knowing the situation, he shook you off discreetly not wanting to inflict any attention on you…which only you knew it was too late to worry about that now.
After a few moments had passed, you were beginning to wonder if he really did recognise you, or if he was just talking to his friends because he was surprised to see a girl among a mass group of mafia members. I was so obvious, though? You thought, beyond confused. You were taught to never think you’re safe, so you didn’t let your guard down just yet, even if the meeting was beginning to come to an end.
“How’s your daughter doing these days?” A man on the opposing side questioned all of a sudden. At the mention of you, your heart began beating out of your chest.
“I’m not quite sure what that has to do with the topic of the meeting,” your father gritted his teeth as he replied.
“I suppose you’re right,” the man smirked. “Maybe we should bring this meeting to a close…your daughter’s legs must be tired from standing for so long.”
The hesitation before your dad spoke again was clarification enough that they had found out. That snitching bastard, you scowled referring to the young boy you made eye contact with.
Suddenly the protection around you got tighter, with a tall, muscular man standing close to you at every angle. All you could see was the black of their clothing.
“The meeting is over, there is no reason to bring my child into matters not concerning her.” Your father was so desperate to protect you from them, but both of you knew it was a hopeless case. In terms of experience, they didn’t stand a chance against you. However, in terms of stamina and numbers, it was a losing fight.
The leader of the opposing group signalled for his guys to make a circle around you all. You noticed his gaze kept scanning the crowd, giving you the assumption that he didn’t actually know where you were. Though, the more you thought about it, the more it began to seem like useless information. Whether he saw you or not, his guys had surrounded you all: there was nowhere to run.
For longer than you would have hoped, you stood in the centre of this huge group of brutal, scarred faced men feeling completely depleted that you couldn’t do anything. All around you, people were getting pushed, punched and kicked. At first, you flinched every time someone yelped in pain, but it happened so often that you got used to it.
Taking a deep breath, you tugged the sleeve of one of the men standing next to you, “let me out,” you stated simply.
“What?” He cried, then fixing his volume so he didn’t draw too much attention, as if it mattered now anyway. “I can’t let you do that.”
“I can’t let anyone else get hurt because of me. Just tell my dad I know what I’m doing.”
“If you do this, your father will kill me.”
“If I don’t do this, they’ll kill you,” you looked him in the eyes pleadingly. “Let me do this.”
He simply nodded and you squeezed your way through the human wall. Once you were out in the open, you could really feel the breeze pinching your skin. Or at least you thought it was the breeze. What once was the cold touch of the wind against your arms, turned into the cold touch of a rough hand. You flipped your head round to be met with the boy you made eye contact with before. While you prepared yourself to be turned in immediately, he surprised you.
“Are you crazy? Why are you ratting yourself out?”
“Are you one to talk about ratting people out?” You retorted spitefully. Considering he didn’t look particularly out of your age range, you would have thought he also grew up unwillingly in the same environment as you. You hoped maybe he could relate to you and that he would show you some mercy. Though, because he grew up in the environment he did, of course you could never expect him to know the definition of the word.
“Jooheon!” A boy hissed behind the one gripping your arm. For a moment he didn’t notice you standing there. That moment was significantly brief.
“Are you crazy?” The other boy questioned your sanity just like the one in front of you. Now you were beginning to wonder if you really were in your right mind or not. Clearly not.
“If you’re going to turn me in, can you do it quickly, please? My people are kind of being slaughtered right now.”
“If I were you, I’d run while you still have the chance,” Jooheon suggested. “Take some of your tough guys over there and leave.”
“And let my dad get beaten to a pulp? Not to mention those tough guys, I’m not a coward.”
“Whatever you say,” he shrugged, before going on his toes and yelling over, “She’s here!”
Despite you urging that reaction, you couldn’t help but resent him for telling everyone your whereabouts. However, with his signal, all the barbaric grunting came to a halt. You searched the crowd for your father. When you finally found him, he face was red and bloody. You felt so sorry seeing him so broken.
A man, roughly the same age as your father, approached you. Your dad followed closely behind him yelling, “leave her alone!” He was ready to throw a few punches but was held back by two strong men. If his energy hadn’t already been so recklessly used up, he could have easily fought against them.
“What a pretty child,” he cooed, attempting to stroke your cheek with the back of your hand, but you desperately pulled away. He laughed cynically at your reaction. “This was somewhat too easy… Perhaps… you didn’t hand yourself in, did you?”
You avoided eye contact, also trying not to look at your father too.
“Y/N,” you dad whispered in disbelief. “What did you do?”
Swallowing to hold back your tears, you stood taller. “Let them go and I’ll go with you.”
“Y/N!” Your dad screamed, his cry sounded like a command to stop, and it was.
“You’re rather gutsy for a young girl, aren’t you?” The man chuckled. “I can acknowledge that.”
While he seemed like he was going to let you free with just a warning, he looked behind you at Jooheon demanding, “Take her to the van.”
Jooheon hesitated for only a second, not long enough to cause suspicion that he was wavering, though you noticed it all too clearly.
You could hear your dad kicking and screaming as your back turned to face him. You forced yourself not to cry, despite it being one of the hardest things you had ever had to do.
As you sat in the dull van, surrounded by unfamiliar faces, you felt completely lifeless. All you could hear in your head was the cries of men in pain and agony from the brutal beatings.
Jooheon looked over to you from time to time to see if your expression would ever change, but it never faltered even once. Without anyone noticing, he took out his phone and earphones, putting the earphones in each of your ears and he clicked, Royal Rumble.
As he snapped you out of your daze, you first wanted to detest and throw his phone out the window of the van. However, after really taking in the song that was playing, you swallowed your urges. While the sweet song played in your ears, you completely forgot the previous haunting sounds.
You looked at Jooheon; his skin was glowing under the dim moonlight coming through the dusty windows. Considering the rings and earrings, you suspected that he wasn’t expecting a violent encounter this evening. Something screamed different when you looked at him, compared to the men that always surrounded him.
Eventually, you were caught staring as he turned to you, discreetly pulling the earphones out of your ear and putting them in his pocket. He unbuckled your belt before announcing that you were there. A brief moment later, the van door slid open, revealing two young men. They were smiling, in an amusing way.
“She’s either really gutsy, or really stupid,” the one with plump lips laughed.
“Shut up,” Jooheon smacked them both on the back of the head as he climbed out of the seat, then turning back to help you out too.
If he hadn’t of been the one to rat you out, you may have begun trusting him by now. Except he did rat you out, and you suspected that’s why he was being discreetly helpful. So you refused his help. You had to remind yourself that no matter how these men treat you, you’ve grown up with enough people just like them to know that everything they do or say is a liability.
Jooheon rolled his eyes as you walked passed him without giving him a second look before swinging the van door shut and following behind you.
“You don’t know where you’re going,” Jooheon stated quickening his pace only slightly to walk in front of you, grabbing your arm as he did so to stop you from walking left when you should have turned right. When you were about to pull your arm from his grip, he let go.
Furrowing your eyebrows and thinking aloud, you blurted, “you’re rather odd.”
He chuckled momentarily, “I’m odd?” He huffed, amused, “says the girl that turned herself in to the mafia.”
“I’m in the mafia too, you know!” You defended. Pouting, you mumbled, “I bet I could kick your arse right here.”
He stopped in his tracks and turned around to face you, “then do it.”
For a moment you were caught off guard. You expected him to huff it off. Truthfully, you had no confidence going up against him. Although you were far more skilled and stronger than the average girl your age, you still didn’t compare to him.
“See, I would…except I’m quite tired, you know, after being kidnapped and all,” you shrugged as though it was a shame.
“Can you call it kidnapping when you got in and out of the van on your own accord?” He questioned, tilting his head, and then continued to walk ahead of you.
You sneered, raising your fist threateningly in the air briefly before letting it drop back down to your side.
It didn’t take long from there for you to reach the bedroom you would be being held captive in for the meantime, though you had no idea how long ‘meantime’ was. Once you were in the room, you flopped onto the bed. Jooheon whistled once: at the noise you lifted your head. Suddenly your hands instinctively went up to catch whatever he had just thrown at you.
“If you need anything, call me on that. If you get annoying, I’ll block your number,” he said before shutting the door behind him after he left. Your head flopped back onto the bed the moment the door closed.
What have you gotten yourself into, you sighed. “I’ll be home soon, Dad,” you smiled through the pain in your chest, mostly trying to convince yourself. You fiddled with the old flip phone to distract your thoughts, but it wasn’t working. That night you cried yourself to sleep thinking about your dad and how worried he must be, not knowing what happened to you.
“Breakfast,” Jooheon somewhat announced as he barged into your room without knocking, a tray of food in his hand. “Sleep well?” He asked, placing the tray on your lap.
“Would have slept better if I had been in my own bed,” you grumbled, still trying to fully wake up.
“And whose fault is that?” He retorted.
“Yours, you little snitch.”
He huffed in amusement, “just eat, hm?”
With his hand on the doorknob, Jooheon was about to leave until you called him back. He turned round with raised eyebrows.
“Do you think I’ll be able to go home eventually?” You asked with upmost sincerity.
Jooheon hesitated for a moment; you noticed his regretful expression before he quickly smiled reassuringly, “I promise I’ll do what I can to get you home soon.” Then he left.
While you wanted to believe him, you knew these types of people all too well. Don’t trust a single one of them. Everything they do or say is a liability.
At least three times a day Jooheon would come uninvited into your room to give you food, or sometimes just simply company. Often he would sneak in some type of gaming device, or books, so that you weren’t completely bored out of your mind. The past few weeks you had really got to know him and become somewhat fond of him. But you never let yourself get too close. It was only a matter of time before his attitude would switch and suddenly he would become a member of the mafia once again.
“Can’t you sneak me out of this suffocating room for just 20 minutes?” You whined to Jooheon, going out of your mind being cooped up within the same, bland four walls. “I’m so sick of this stupid room, and this horrible food.”
“20 minutes may be too ambitious,” he regretted to inform you.
He considered it for a minute, “maybe it’s doable…” At the sight of your suddenly brightened expression, he couldn’t bring himself to keep you locked up any longer. “10 minutes,” he announced, “that’s all.”
“Okay!” You cheered, jumping off your bed and slipping on some slippers, “let’s go.”
Jooheon laughed at your enthusiasm and unlocked your bedroom door, telling you to stay behind him at all times. The moment you stepped foot outside the room, you breathed in the new air.
“Here,” he spun around to face you, taking the cap off his head and putting it on yours. “It’s not exactly the most foolproof disguise in the world, but it will probably fool some of the knuckle heads around here.”
You laughed a little before realising the close proximity of you both. You looked up into his eyes, your heartbeat fastening.
“Are you falling in love with me?” He teased.
You whacked him on the arm, “now I only have 8 minutes, thanks a lot.” Avoiding his question, you hurried in front of him.
Just a moment later he grabbed your arm, pulled you close behind him, and asked, “didn’t I tell you to stay behind me?”
Your heart was beating so fast you felt like you were going to die. “7 minutes,” you reminded him, but your real aim was to snap you out of your own trance. Liability, liability, liability! You repeated in your head to slow your heart down. With the reminder, you were able to peacefully continue on your forbidden trip outside your room.
Your time of freedom outside your room was coming to an end so you and Jooheon were heading back when you heard people chattering at the end of the corridor. Jooheon pulled you into a narrow hallway to hide: to cover your face, he placed his forearm on the wall above your shadow and pushed himself close to your chest. To any passer-by it would have looked like two young lovers showing public displays of affection. Despite the proximity making you go crazy, it worked for diverting suspicion. As if the position you were both in hadn’t been enough to send your heart into overdrive, you noticed that, even after the people had been and gone, Jooheon didn’t even budge. He stared intently at you.
“Do you remember what I promised you a few weeks ago?” He asked suddenly.
You couldn’t tell if your mind had gone blank because of the circumstances or because you really could not remember.
“I promised I would do whatever I could to get you home soon,” he said. Then he sighed, as though there was a confliction between his head and his heart. “Ah,” he huffed, “what do I do?”
You looked at him, unsure of what he was talking about.
“I don’t know if I want to keep that promise anymore,” he whispered unintentionally. As though he was completely hypnotised, he leaned his head down, his lips closing in on yours until they eventually came in to contact. You completely forgot where you were in that moment. It seemed like you hadn’t been cooped up in a terrifyingly bland room for weeks only now getting a 10-minute getaway. Jooheon made you feel so safe and secure despite the likability that you could get caught any moment.
He smiled sweetly as he pulled away but not going very far. With one more peck on the lips, he grasped your arm and took you back to your room that now somehow seemed so much lighter.
After assuring you were safe back in your room, Jooheon announced that he had better get going, but before you let him leave you asked, “can’t we leave together?” The question wasn’t unexpected, but it was tricky nonetheless. “I know you have people here you care about, but we both know that I’m not just going to be let out of here anytime soon. However much they’ll charge my dad, I know he doesn’t have it.”
“There’s something I haven’t told you,” Jooheon sighed, sitting on your bed. “The big boss we all follow orders from, the one that’s keeping you here… He’s my dad.”
Your mouth fell open without much control from you. “How could you not tell me this slightly vital information?”
“Because it doesn’t change anything,” he defended.
“You can’t speak to him? Reason with him to let me go home?”
“Anything I say won’t change his mind. You don’t understand, Y/N. I’m his son, not his dictator.”
“I miss my family, Jooheon. Did you think about that? Rather than giving up before you’ve even tried, am I not even worth giving it a shot?”
His eyes widened, “that’s not it–“
“You know,” you cut him off, feeling cheated. “I’m beginning to wonder if you really like me or if I’m just someone you can play around with when you’re bored.” You stared him in the eye and he could see the pain in your heart through your pupils.
“If there’s one sincere thing about me,” he begun sternly. “It’s my feelings for you.”
“You have a funny way of showing it,” you grumbled, pulling your bed sheets over you and turning away from him.
Jooheon reached his hand out to comfort you but hesitantly pulled it away.  With a surge of energy, he pushed himself off the bed and stormed out the room. He passed through halls upon halls before he met the room he was looking for. Taking a breath first, he knocked firmly on the door. When he heard his father yell ‘come in’, he made his way to the mighty wooden desk his father was sat at.
“What do you want,” his dad, Mr Lee, asked in a monotone voice. “I’m busy.”
“Can you let her go?” Jooheon plucked up the courage to ask.
Mr Lee laughed cynically, “don’t tell me you’ve actually found someone you’re fond of, Son?”
“What do you even need her for? A kidnapping was never what you intended, so why can’t you just let her go now?” He was desperate to prove himself to you, to make sure he did anything he could to make you happy: even if it meant standing up to his worst enemy.
“When have I ever done anything without good reasoning? Trust me, Jooheon. I know what I’m doing. It’s better for everyone if you just stay patient.”
“I promised her,” he confessed, though somehow it sounded like a plea. “I promised her I’d get her out as soon as possible.”
His father sighed, becoming agitated. “And if you just sit tight for a little while longer then you’ll be able to keep your promise.”
Jooheon furrowed his eyebrows, “what do you mean?”
“I know you think I don’t listen to you, Son. And I know you don’t think I care about your feelings, but I just need you to trust me this once, okay?” When Jooheon nodded, “now I want you to stop seeing her for a few days. If you really like her, then stay away from her for a short while, hm?”
Once again, Jooheon nodded. Though he still couldn’t comprehend a single thing, his father’s reasoning seemed so sure and solid that he found it impossible to argue. So he stayed away. In fact it didn’t just end up being a few days, a few days turned into two weeks.
Every day you waited for a specific someone to hand you your meals. And every day you were disappointed. Eventually, you gave up and didn’t even turn to face the door anymore. You were beating yourself up for letting your guard down despite warning yourself over and over again. “Everything they do and say…is a liability,” you whispered painfully.
Just as you shut your eyes to go to sleep, your door burst open. Three men in surgical masks and black caps ran through the door, scanning the room before they laid their eyes upon you. The first thing you thought was that it was people coming to help and get you back home, except something was off. You analysed their appearance: they weren’t wearing your symbol. They weren’t your people. You backed up to the wall, nowhere to run since one of them was blocking your only exit. Your eyes searched the room, looking for anything that would help. Then you remembered the flip phone Jooheon gave you. You had never once used it since he had given it to you, meaning something would have to be off for you to make use of it all of a sudden. If he didn’t show up with some urgency, then you would really have to accept he didn’t really have any feelings for you at all. You slid your back against the wall, as though you were merely just backing away from the mysterious strangers, and to the drawers next to your bed. Hastily you opened the middle drawer and speed dialled Jooheon’s number. From there, you tried to fight them off as best as you could until Jooheon got there…if he would even show up, that is.
Little did you know you weren’t the only one coming face to face with intruders. Jooheon was fighting his own battles when his phone buzzed in his pocket. His first thought was you. With one strong punch, he knocked out the guy he was battling it out with and reached into his pocket, pulling out his phone. Your name flashed up on the screen and that was all it took for him to shoot off to your room like a rocket.
“Jooheon!” Hyungwon stopped him. “What are you doing?”
“I’m going to need your help,” he said before sprinting off again. Hyungwon sighed, following closely behind him.
“Y/N!” Jooheon yelled continuously as he approached your room. He ran to your door noticing it had been kicked in. Seeing you squabble with three large, henchmen made his blood boil. Followed by Hyungwon, he ran into the room, setting his sights on the masked men. Without even a second of hesitating, he ran in front of you. One of the men he punched so hard that the man stumbled back into the wall. Then he turned to his left and kicked another guy in the gut, also causing him to stagger backwards. As though he was completely possessed, he fought the men off with so much energy and strength that it seemed hard to believe it was even Jooheon. Within no time he had all three men on the floor, grunting in pain, with only minimal help from Hyungwon.
Taking no interest in the limp henchmen on the floor, he turned to you immediately grabbing your shoulders and inspecting you for any injuries.
“Are you okay?” He asked desperately, his tone weaved with the upmost concern.
You shook him off, staring him blankly in the eye. “It took getting attacked for you to come see me? Is that all I’m worth to you?” You were trying so hard not to shed a tear; the lump in your throat was almost as painful as the quarrel you were in the middle off. “I really thought you were different. It seems you’re just a liability like the rest of them.”
He wanted to clear everything up that very moment, but got interrupted.
“Jooheon!” Kihyun panted, swinging his head round the doorframe. “We’re going to need your help.”
Jooheon faced you with apologetic eyes, before switching his focus to Hyungwon. “Take her out of here, don’t let anyone see her! And I swear to god, if so much as a hair is gone from her head,” his expression darkened and his voice sounded so serious, “I will kill you.” Hyungwon gulped as Jooheon ran out the room with Kihyun in tow.
“Come on,” Hyungwon said finally, taking you elsewhere.
You had both been speed walking for what felt like a lifetime, constantly looking nervously over your shoulders. “Where are we going?” You sighed impatiently.
“All this trouble for one girl,” Hyungwon grumbled. “How bothersome.”
Shocked and offended, you cried, “Are you blaming me?” When he didn’t reply, you continued, “If you brutes didn’t keep me trapped here for so long and just let me go home already–“
“You don’t understand,” he huffed, feigning amusement.
“Because I’ve been isolated by myself in that grubby room for over a month! How do you expect me to understand anything when no one says a word to me!” You snapped suddenly.
“Can you keep it down?” He hissed, clasping his hand over your mouth. Immediately, you peeled his hand away, throwing it to his side. “Listen,” he exhaled, prepared to reason. “I’ll explain everything if you just follow me – silently – for a little longer.”
You rolled your eyes but agreed that you would comply nonetheless.
Hyungwon hadn’t lied about the walk only being a little longer: within 5 minutes, you arrived at what looked like a garage.
“Here?” You raised an eyebrow questioningly.
“This isn’t part two of your kidnapping if that’s what you’re thinking,” he retorted. “This is the safest place in the warehouse.”
Before he had even opened the garage door, you started pushing him for answers. “Now that we’re here, tell me everything: what’s happening?”
“You should go inside first,” he said, pushing a button on a remote that opened the door.
You waited for it to lift high enough then you ducked under it, waiting for Hyungwon on the other side. Facing him, you demanded again, “tell me what’s happening.”
“Turn around, idiot,” he nodded his head behind you.
At first you were confused and even after you spun your head around you were still bewildered.
“Dad,” you whispered not believing what your eyes were seeing. Your father stood at a run down table with papers plastering it completely, with men hovered over his shoulder. He stared back at you with tears in his eyes. Wasting not even a second, you ran to him, letting him embrace you. Now accepting that he was really there and that those three goons hadn’t knocked you out, you questioned it. “What are you doing here?”
“I’m sorry I had to trick you,” he begun. “But these people aren’t our enemy. They didn’t take you away out of spite or ransom, I asked them to fake a kidnapping.”
You knitted your eyebrows together, “why would you do that?”
“There’s another mob, one that really are our enemy. If they had got a hold of you, we wouldn’t just be facing a kidnapping: they would have killed you. You don’t need to know the details of it all, it’s not important. But they were always watching, including during that night a month ago. So we formed an alliance with Mr Lee to fake your kidnapping.”
“Why couldn’t you have just told me what was happening? Why did I have to be trapped in that room the whole time?”
“Because, like I said, they were always watching. We were hoping to keep you hidden long enough for them to think you were dead, but a rat squealed that you were still alive and it was all just a set up. Which is why the warehouse is in a bit of chaos right now,” he sighed. You looked closely at your father. The circles under his eyes were all but small, and his skin was rough and pale. It was clear he hadn’t slept in a while.
Although you hadn’t gotten half the answers you were hoping for, you saw how stressed your dad was and how whatever happened has not affected him kindly. So you didn’t pry. You didn’t need to: you were just happy that you could finally see your dad again.
What was once a bliss, happy reunion had been flipped in an instant when the shutters of the garage door lifted and through boys, one of which were limp and bleeding, came scuffling through the entrance. Your heart sank at the sight.
When other noticed, they shuffled hastily around you, moving tables for him to lie on and gathering towels to stop the bleeding. You, on the other hand, couldn’t move. While your head was screaming at you to go to him, your body just wasn’t complying.
“Y/N!” Your dad shouted at you from the table Jooheon was lying on.
Quickly, you gathered yourself together, wiping your wet eyes and taking a deep breath. Hesitantly, you made your way over to him. He groaned in agony when your dad applied pressure to his wound to stop the bleeding, his eyes shut tightly to try and ease the pain in his abdomen. Your emotions kept changing seeing him so hurt and fragile on the makeshift bed. At first you were stunned, which then changed to concern, then you started feeling angry.
“How could you let that happen to him?” You yelled, crying, at Kihyun and Wonho, whom had carried him in. They ducked their heads in shame. Seeing them look so defeated also caused a shift in your emotions. You turned back to Jooheon and held his hand. At the touch he opened his eyes barely, looking at you leaning over him.
“Why are you crying?” He asked hoarsely while smiling.
“You’ve been stabbed you idiot! What do you expect me to do,” you sniffled.
“Don’t worry about me, it doesn’t even hurt,” he continued to smile so he could reassure you.
“Liar,” you stated simply, though his playful attitude put your heart at rest.
“You must really like me,” he joked, grinning with his eyes shut.
You laughed unwillingly.
Suddenly becoming serious, he spoke again, “I’m so sorry, Y/N. I’m sorry I left you alone for so long. But I swear I never lied to you when I said I like you. I took a blade for you after all.”
You pushed his shoulder lightly but he still groaned through his chuckles.
“I swear I won’t leave you again,” he said quietly and sincerely. You nodded holding his hand tightly. He used what little strength he had to lift your hand to his lips and pecked the back of your hand.
“There,” your dad sighed. “He’ll be fine, nothing major.” Your dad walked to the head of the table, looking Jooheon in the eyes, “If you hurt my daughter you won’t be so fortunate next time,” he warned.
“Yes, Sir,” Jooheon gulped.
When your dad’s phone buzzed in his pocket, he stepped away from the table to take the call. You took note of his expressions, but he just kept nodding. Though the call didn’t last long.
“Seems we’re safe for now,” he announced putting his phone in his pocket again. “Though I think we’re going to have to do a bit of tidying up,” he exhaled. “You stay here and look after him,” he ordered you.
After everyone left, Jooheon spoke up, “come here.”
You moved closer to him hesitantly, not knowing what he was talking about.
“Closer,” he said. Then repeated himself again and again until he took matters into his own hands. He swung his arm around you to the small of your back, pulling you so close that your noses were practically touching. Lifting his head slightly, he crashed his lips on to yours. You kissed him back, smiling slightly against his lips. When you pulled away, Jooheon confessed, “I’ve missed you.”
You pecked him once of the lips, “I’ve missed you too.”
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