#anyway that's all for season 2 folks!!!!!! season 3 here we come!!!!!
mikesbasementbeets · 4 months
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byler in every episode -> 2.09. the gate
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 5 months
01/25/2024 OFMD Recap
TLDR; Cast & Crew Sightings; Queerties; How to Help; New Renewal Effort Resources; stats; gifs; petition status; morale boost ; self care pitstop; love notes; Rhys
== Cast & Crew Sightings ==
While not related to OFMD-- Leslie Jones has been nominated for Outstanding Performance Award from @naacp for "After the Cut" on The Daily Show! Just something to celebrate for our crew!
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Nathan Foad, Samba Schutte, and Con O'Neill are obviously excited about OFMD coming to the UK! All seen on their instagram stories.
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Next, Kristian Nairn answered some fans on the #WeeJohnDays Coming back. You can add to the thread here if you'd like.
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== Queerties ==
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If you're down, please vote for the Queerties each day! If you want to just vote for OFMD categories, feel free to visit: TV Comedy Best TV Performance
== How To Help ==
How To Help Save OFMD Task List - US How to Help Save OFMD Task List - Outside US
= New Renewal Campaign Resources =
Found some cool resources today if you're out campaigning on any of the platforms, feel free to use these, they're all tagged with sources. (These have been added to the Daily Recap Task Lists)
== Stats ==
Srcs (in order of appearance LTR): @lucyrosebutler , @bonnypitty @meowzawowza_ on Twitter
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== Gif Resources ==
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Our lovely @kiwistede made some gorgeous gifs that you can use on social media when you're @ing the networks.
==UK News==
@lamentus1 Gave us a brief update on the happenings in the UK:
Not much to report today, I’ve just been focused on promoting the show off the back of the UK talent, hoping to enlist new fans now that we have a date for season 2 on the BBC. The Guardian article was great, despite ending on a somewhat pessimistic note. It links to the petition though, which is amazing! The Guardian Article
We made it into the guardian! Holy Crap!
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‘Unhinged – in a good way’: Our Flag Means Death was cancelled. Its fans are fighting back"
As @lamentus1 mentioned, yes, the last quote in it is very pessimistic, however I don't think that's the part we should focus on, instead we should focus on the fact the campaign got big enough to warrant getting picked up by The Guardian AND our petition was linked in it. Think of how many new folks will be clicking in?
The 20 best feel-good TV shows
Our Flag Means Death Season 2 Finally Confirms UK Release Date
‘Our Flag Means Death’ Season 2: Fans Petition To Save Beloved HBO Show (this last one has a weird date at the end, which @OFMDBingo42 on Twitter speculates coincides with the end of the Social Media Strike for Palestine, just fyi it was confusing many of us).
==Petition Status ==
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Almost at 81K!
== Morale Boosts ==
Feeling low cause things have slowed down? A lot of crew have brought up some excellent points across the platforms as to why things aren't as down as they feel right now. Please check out: @PehmoKoira's Take on Tumblr
== Self Care Pitstop! ==
If you are feeling overwhelmed-- stop by @flowelineblog's post! It's quick, and efficient :)
== Love Notes ==
So while looking for cast and crew sightings I found this lovely message on @VicoOrtiz's IG Story, so I'm going to share it instead tonight by @thebehappyproject.
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Our Rhys picture tonight is courtesy of @rhysdarbinizedarby via a post about "The Jaquie Brown Diaries": Night on the Brown (2009)"
I couldn't get over the look, so now you have to see it. It's literally haunting my dreams and I haven't even fallen asleep yet.
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Anyway, night lovelies, hope you all have a great day/night <3 Stay safe, hydrated, and keep being the ever wonderful yous <3
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jaskierx · 1 year
bestie please explain what's going on in the witcher fandom because holy shit??! 👀👀
bestie what ISN’T going on in the witcher fandom. (i’m so sorry this got so long and boring i just started typing and did not stop apparently)
once upon a time in september 2018 henry cavill is cast as geralt of rivia in netflix’s adaptation of the witcher. people are generally surprised but pleased, reddit collectively nuts, mainly bc he's a self-professed 'nerd' and has talked about enjoying the witcher games and books previously
season 1 comes out and is generally well received, most of the negativity was just plain old racism and misogyny with people whinging that casting women and people of colour is 'netflix wokery' and 'inaccurate' because the setting is meant to be based on slavic countries. so according to some folks, henry cavill, as a straight white man who did not completely fuck up his role in s1, is basically the second coming of christ
season 2 comes out and is...not generally well received. by many people for many diverse reasons that i am not going into bc we will be here all day. but basically it becomes quite clear from s2 that the show is not an adaptation of the books, it’s more loosely based on the books. anyway the reddit bros start acting as if henry cavill is the show’s one saving grace and that he’s carrying a shitty show along on his back and that without him things would be even worse because there’d be nobody to overrule the showrunner on stuff like this
this intensifies in late october this year when stuff starts going around about the show writers mocking the books
anyway then henry cavill announces that he is leaving the witcher after s3 (filming had already wrapped at this point) and moving on to pastures new. he also announces that liam hemsworth will be playing geralt from s4. memeworthy stuff, the gift of prophecy strikes again. people tend to fall into one of two vibe camps in response: 1. ‘fucking lol’ 2. ‘i wish i was dead’
rumours swirl and the two main schools of thought about why he left are 1. because he was offered £££££££££ to play superman and 2. because he loves the source material so much he couldn’t bear to continue working on the show. these closely align with the two aforementioned vibe camps.
someone made this very reasonable post and i was grateful for it
THEN today a really objectively funny thing happened in that after all that, james gunn has turned around and said ‘actually the superman movie we’re doing is about a younger superman so none for henry cavill bye’
which is just like. icing on the cake of drama and dials everything up to 11 with the ‘i would kill and die for henry cavill’ gang taking this as proof that there were major creative differences between him and the showrunners (?) and the ‘fucking lol’ gang basically eating popcorn
and on that note i’m just leaving this post and this post here without comment
so yeah that’s that on that sorry for the novel <3
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thisisnotthenerd · 9 months
in light of the new d20 season (burrow's end!!), i have updated the spreadsheet & will be updating it as class info comes out. by god i gave myself homework to do.
anyways, here's the updates:
brennan is now at 18/20 seasons, playing in 4, three of which were aabria's sidequests. i'm glad he got a break from gming for a bit. now he's just a wee stoat for a while.
siobhan, joining ally and zac with 9 total seasons! it's so fun to see her in the sidequests--i can't wait to see where she goes with this one. i'm also just giggling at the fact that in some of the clips she just has a leaf in her hair. just sticking out the top.
aabria, still at the top of the guest list now with 6 seasons under her belt, gming 3 of those. now, since we've been told that the next ih season will likely by starting late Q4/early Q1, murph will be up to eight. however, if they stick to a similar sidequest schedule and he doesn't join, aabria may well overtake him next year. she's already very close.
erika, up to 5 seasons now! she's back again folks! i'm excited to see if he sticks to the magic or if he takes a dip into martial this season. as noted previously they've had 2 druids, an emo disney princess mage, and a shadow sorcerer vampire before; where will they go from here?
izzy, joining the three cree ranks, with rekha shankar and matt mercer. they've put her 1) in the plothound seat next to aabria, 2) next to erika, and 3) across from brennan. oh boy get ready people. she's back.
and joining the dome for the first time we have jasper william cartwright and rashawn nadine scott! after the schedule was posted for this week i knew it was likely they were teasing rashawn for this season, but i could not have predicted jasper! from the trailer it seems they're both following the trend of intense makeup & hair--very fun to see.
class updates will come later--see you all on october 4th for the premiere of burrow's end!
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rist-ix · 7 months
I have a question for you what do you think of the quote unquote age gap between Bloom and Valtor?
I had to do alot of research to understand Bloom age when I started to like this ship better than Mr cheater. So here's a brief information dump:
Bloom is 16 in the first episode and its confirm her bday is December 10 (we don't know the the exact year when each girl was born only the fact Stella is the oldest by that logic Bloom is the second youngest out of the group) when we get to season 3 it is confirmed that the girls is in their 3rd semester so that makes Bloom 19 at point. Valtor's age we do not know however I'm going to say at most early 20s from what we know Valtor working with a younger Griffin before he got Popsicled.
Here comes the tricky part. In s4 the girls just finished their semester and graduated making them 20-21. Up until s5 where Nicklodeon had to reboot their age making them 16 again. Flashforward to s8 and that makes Bloom age 19 if you are following the reboot or 23 if you do not follow the reboot. Since we don't know how long Valtor been frozen his mental age is up for debate.
For me personally I don't see Sparxshipping as an Edward and Bella situation as Edward was aging naturally during his years while Valtor was frozen and couldn't age naturally but only mentally.
Okay okay first of all! Your Bloom math checks out and I just realized that I for some reason always thought Bloom is 18 in s3. Which is still possible, I think, I just dont know why I assumed that. Actually no, it works, if she is 16 in s1 she is 17 in s2 and 18 in s3, but we dont know a lot about how the school years work in Magix so I'm gonna jot her down as 18-19 for the remainder of this post.
Still dont know how I passed math btw.
Anyway. Valtor's age is where the real mystery is at. We've got two possibilities in my opinion.
1. He's pulling the ageless immortal card.
My personal go-to for fics and discussions. Love me some 300 year old mommy issues. He has too much practice being a messy bitch, there's no fixing this man folks.
Evidence: There's a flashback showing him with Griffin as a tween: she looks MUCH younger, he looks exactly the same. Unless he also stole the secret magic of the world's most potent anti aging cream, or Griffin's proximity to Faragonda just aged her by three more decades, he does not age.
2. He is the age he looks.
Which, in my humble opinion, would not put him anywhere near twenty. That is a grown man. He's not college age, unless you count college professors under that word. Even if I were good at guessing ages the very stylized art style would throw me for a loop, but im gonna say 40s, give or take. Look at Avalon, look at Codatorta, look at King Radius if u must. That is the age range we're looking at.
Evidence: I dont have any. We're ballin'. I guess it's never explicitly stated he's immortal, which you'd think would be big enough of a deal to mention. If u got something feel free to let me know.
That being said, the Winx Club Wiki page for the canon timeline (ha, good one) puts the time of Valtor's creation in a rough time frame from "Over 17 years before season 1" to "Under 100 years before season 6". So he could technically be anywhere from 17-97, though I'm not sure the upper limit is as reliable as the lower one, given the check-list format of the website. So make of that what you will.
Now that we've got the question of age out of the way, lets get to the age gap. I have no idea what the situation in twilight was to be honest, so I cant compare that.
Realistically, there's at least a decade between Bloom and Valtor. Possibly two decades and change. And that is just from visible age, we can add a few centuries on top of that if we're sticking with the immortal bit. I'm gonna be gonest, I dont think being frozen for 17 years will make a whole lot of difference here.
If you find that icky, which is fair, you can always change that for fics tho! Either turn him into a twenty year old or put Bloom in her milf-era, the options are endless. Personally, I think the age difference is half the fun though, and also the least of their issues. When you're off making out with the objectively worst person in history, wether he's too old for her isnt gonna rank very high on people's list of concerns.
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fantasy-mixtapes · 3 months
Kristen Applebees Season 1 Character Playlist BREAKDOWN
OKAY, SO this one is gonna be an ordeal.
I set a 6-song limit for every other playlist I made, but this is the playlist that started it all. So, I didn't have a limit. So it's 12 songs long.
Which is honestly like a normal playlist length BUT it's gonna be a long breakdown which I will lovingly do because I LOVE Kristen with my whole heart. Either way, this is deffos gonna be a long post so read if you want (i would very much appreciate it obvi but I get this is pushing it).
Genres Included: Folk, Singer-songwriter, Alternative, 80's
1. Save the People, The Mountain Goats
When wilt thou save the people? Oh, God of mercy, when? Not kings and lords, but nations Not thrones and crowns, but men God save the people For thine they are Thy children as thy angels fair Save the people from despair
Starting off strong with my main man John Darnielle. John, as prolific as he might be, did not write this song it is originally from the musical Godspell by Steven Schwartz. I was raised as a theater kid and I remember one summer my mom took out our cable and the only things we could watch on the tv were dvds and vhs tapes of musicals, and the 1973 Godspell movie was definitely one of my favorites. Its like "what if Jesus was around in the 70s and was a hippie clown and also was crucified on a chain-linked fence and beaten by cops" ...ah, good times.
ANYWAYS, I don't feel like I need to get into why this is a perfect Kristen song - I feel like it really gets to the divide between the way that Christianity is taught to kids vs the way it is enacted by the adults that do the teaching.
2. Father Texas, Birdtalker
Father Texas on his toes Tells me where and when to go He's a savior, liturgy man He's a stickler and a soap monger Shove it down your throat Holy answer man He says obey and I'll love ya Now I'm doing just to prove And I'm walking out of fear But the devils done
Ok so I was raised Catholic, which I feel like is a whole different flavor of religious trauma compared to Evangelical or Baptist vibes - which I feel like the Helioic religion gives. Either way, this song slaps and really gets to that Evangelical vibe.
3. Big Houses, Squalloscope
I build bridges with these arms I will not build a fortress In the circle around the kitchen table I say my "amen" because I feel blessed Secretly hoping, while joining hands, that you can't feel my trembling fingertips
Here's young Kristen Applebees - Chosen One of Helio- who just wanted to help people. She meets her first non-religious friends, plans to convert and save them, and then straight up dies on the first day of school. She comes face to face with her literal god, is disappointed and grossed out by him, and then is magically (and violently) revived.
Can you imagine her returning home, trying to answer her parent's questions about the first day, making it through dinner, crawling into bed, and just lying there? AHHHHHHHHHHH
4. Under The Table, Fiona Apple
I'd like to buy you a pair of pillow-soled hiking boots To help you with your climb Or rather, to help the bodies that you step over along your route So they won't hurt like mine Kick me under the table all you want I won't shut up, I won't shut up Kick me under the table all you want I won't shut up, I won't shut up
Speaking of those family dinners, as the days go by and Kristen gets closer to her party, how do you think she's gonna react to whatever comments her parents make about them hmmmmmm? The result of coming out of your social shell and realizing how bad the people around you really are.
5. Cleric Girl, Sisyfuss
I need my cleric girl tonight So she can bless me in this plight Dress me in crucifixes so they die on sight I need my cleric girl tonight
This is just a fun song I see as Kristen finds her groove within the party, kinda around the DJ brains fight. Also it makes me think of the prayer chain thing that she had the whole party on at some point.
6. Cornflake Girl, Tori Amos
She knows what's going on Seems we got a cheaper feel now All the sweeteaze are gone Gone to the other side With my encyclopedia They musta paid her a nice price She's putting on her string bean love This is not really, this, this This is not really happening
There's something about a Tori Amos song that never fucking misses. This song, for me, kinda gets at the part of growing up when you really start to uncover the truth of things for yourself, instead of listening to the things you were always told. Kristen buys the book of world religions and reads about the atrocities people did in her god's name. She is also told that the "cool camps" she was going to were run by an actual fanatical cult. Yikes.
7. Eldest Daughter, Isabel Pless
Bring me your battered, your bruised, and your scarred Florence Nightingale, to your broken hearts Bring me your bleeding I'll stitch it up with a bow Tugging at the sword in the stone The dormant hero in me is yet to be known Dying to prove myself again, but I don't know how Wanna lay my weapons down Lay my weapons down Want everyone to adore me even though People's emotions are out of my control Smothering fires Letting flames claim my hands I would do anything to be needed Over and over again.
Okay, the thing about this song is that we get the root of it here in season one, and it shows up really lightly, but God almighty, do we get one hell of a payoff in the next two seasons. Damn. The first time I listened to this song I cried. It's on several of my dnd character playlists - because, for some reason, I can't stop making dnd characters with self-saccrificing tendencies. HM! I WONDER WHY?
But anyways, yeah... something something, Christian households raising their eldest daughters to be surrogate mothers and laborers, something something Kristen is a cleric while her brothers are paladins, something something Women being healers
8. Angel Eyes and Basketball, Foot Ox
There are flowers growing all around A massive animal inside of me And it's so ugly, and I'm so broken And I'm so ugly, and it's so broken I am calling all of my friends To pull me out of this hole But they're so caught up in their own shit And I'm so caught up in my own shit
Ok, this is full Christian guilt. I also really like the way this song is one of those upbeat but devastating ones because it makes me think about her inspiring speeches to her party members just being her ranting about how horrible everything is, and then they get +1 to attacks and extra hitpoints. Living La Vida Loca.
9. We Fell in Love in October, girl in red
Smoking cigarettes on the roof You look so pretty, and I love this view Don't bother looking down, we're not going that way At least I know I am here to stay We fell in love in October That's why I love fall Looking at the stars Admiring from afar
Ok, I know this is cheesy. BUT TO MY CREDIT: both the song and the season came out in 2018. Also, you know Kristen would stream the fuck out of this song.
10. Running Up That Hill ( A Deal With God), Kate Bush
And if I only could, I'd make a deal with God And I'd get him to swap our places I'd be running up that road, be running up that hill With no problems
AGAIN TO MY CREDIT: I made this playlist in 2020 - two years before Stranger Things brought the song back to the general psyche. No shade, of course, to the stranger things; it's a perfect song to choose, and the scene effectively made me cry.
But anyway its here because at her bones, Kristen would die for her friends and has and will (unfortunately) continue to. Speaking of
11. Arms Tonite, Mother Mother
I cry in the afterlife I cry hard because I have died And you're alive I try to escape afterlife I try hard to get back inside Your arms alive
Kristen's dying count is more than double most of her friends at this point - and golly gee just wait till season 2!
Can I roll a nat 20 and then be alive?
12. Glory (Bunker Sessions), Bastille
And all their words for glory Well, they always sounded empty When we're looking up for heaven Looking up for heaven Way down here upon the ground When we're lying in the dirt There's no looking up for heaven Looking up for heaven
I really love this bunker session version of this song; the strings and the piano just give it a lovely honesty. Gorgeous song. Perfect way to end this season
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panelshowsource · 7 months
hey frends!
just a lil update to say that i'll be moving soon, so over the next 2–3 weeks i'll be quite busy and won't be able to post a lot a lot (not that i usually post that much but i do try!)
now that many panel shows are wrapping up their seasons, it's not too much to keep up with the masterpost or anything, so i'll definitely keep that chugging, but gifs might be a little slow :') i have a few requests i'll work on, and it's fine to send those in; plus, i said i'd be making BIG gifsets for the recent taskmaster contestants and i'm definitely working on those! i wanna do a good job so taking my time :)
wanna remind everyone about some of the newer additions to the googledrive!
ed gamble — glutton (audiobook) (i'll be listening to this today while i'm packing! if anyone else listened pls lmk what you think!! i'm also wrapping up david's book and gonna post my thoughts soon hehe)
added the most recent alex horne/tim key celebrity pointless to the alex horne collection folder
a couple seasons of duck quacks don't echo upgraded to 1080p
bbc radio 4's hard to tell from 2011, with jonny sweet, charlotte ritchie, katy wix, etc.
complete british as folk, with fern brady, ivo graham, and darren harriott (any other homo reading this grow up absolutely and painfully obsessed with queer as folk? either version? oh man... this programme gets a 10/10 for the name alone, iconic)
live at the moth club
lots of fun new episode of growing pains, hignfy, taskmaster, outsiders :)
as well, there are a couple of new podcasts out: russell howard's wonderbox and james acaster's springleaf :)
i have a bunch of asks and i'll post them later! you guys are being so cute about taskmaster it's been so fun
hope everyone is having a great weekend!
btw... please don't feel obligated to anon me rude messages... i'm a little stressed with everything going on in Life, so maybe save those for the new year? i'll try to come up w witty retorts after i've had some sleep
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it's funny, i've been hearing a lot about blog competition and fighting for notes and monopolising panel show content blah blah in my inbox recently. (i only included one here but there's genuinely been quite a few just in the last couple of weeks.) i don't know what might be going on on other blogs or discords or whatever, and i honestly didn't even know these were still convos people are having; i kinda thought we all agreed that this site isn't as big as it used to be, notes aren't as plentiful as they used to be, but by golly we'll just keep on posting anyways. i don't know if there are edit tags for any panel shows but i don't use them; i just post content here for my current followers and if you guys like it then that's all i wanted to do. i don't care if there are other panel show blogs with more followers or posts that get more notes or better gifs or better blogs or whatever. it's all fine. i don't care. i don't think about it. so you don't have to ask me that stuff — how to grow your blog or get more followers or more engagement, or how i feel about other blogs that post the same content as i do — i won't answer it. just post it because you want to; don't race to be the first one to get stuff at (especially at the expense of making content you're proud of!); don't put other people down; don't send anonymous hate. just be cool and worry about you. if you can't have fun here without validation in the notes then you're gonna be miserable. flopping is integral to being active.
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megaawkwardhuman · 1 year
don't mind me I'm just going insane over nandor's rings
OK OK OK SO idk WHY but my brain suddenly remembered this post by someguywife and it got me wondering how long has he owned those rings?
disclaimer: 100% looking too deep into this and most likely going insane also for the most part I only focused on old photos in the show since I doubt they would go out of their way to edit the rings onto the paintings for nandor
first I looked through the intro and for the most part the rings are nowhere to be seen.
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(side note: didn't notice that the last photo was taken on the same night as the new years eve photo :D)
anyway I say for the most part cause of this fucking photo...
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Now I don't know shit about polaroids but there's some numbers at the bottom of these photos.
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This probably means something but after looking it up all the info I could find talks about numbers on the BACK of a photo so that's fuuuuuuuun. I would keep looking into this but I keep going in circles so please if you have any idea what 090111225 4 could mean please let me know It's driving me fucking crazy. I'm assuming it could translate into a date but idk it could mean nothing.
now looking at the outfits in the photo I'd say this is in the 70s maybe? idk I also suck at analyzing clothes so for now this photo is a dead end WHICH SUCKS CAUSE IT'S ONLY GOING TO GO DOWNHILL FROM HERE!
IF this is the 70s then on we have a rough estimate of WHEN he got them but that's just the intro what about in actual episodes.
if we go back to s2e8 collaborations we get a look at nandor in the 70s when he shows us photos of him and is old familiar benjy aND GUYS GUESS WHAT? N O F U C K I N G R I N G S
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the latest date we see on one of those photos is 1974 so around the mid to late 70s he got his ring grea- oh what's that? there's more? greaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat...
so going from season 2 to season 3 on s3e3 gail we also get to see some more old photos of our fav cringefail. he says they've been on and off for 30 to 40 years and doing the math that means they met around the early 80s so surely he should have his rings by now right? RIGHT?
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at first no BUT THEN
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so the next photo shows him celebrating new years with her and she looks to be around the same age SO THAT MEANS HE GOT THE RING IN THE LATE 90- wait the fuck a minute...
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so looking at the photo booth photos again it's most likely the rings nandor usually wears so you'd think he'd be wearing them since you know HE WEARS THEM ALL THE TIME!? but NOPE he's wearing this red ring instead.
and in the next photo you can't tell at all what ring he's wearing.
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so what does this all mean? well here's my current theory:
at some point when he was first with gail he got his rings (whether it was a gift or something he picked up idk) so around the 80s or 90s but he didn't wear them as often as he does now.
head cannon: after guillermo complimented the rings we see him wear in the show he made sure to wear those specific rings everyday
thanks for watching me go crazy coming to my TED talk
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tio-trile · 10 months
Good Omens fan since 2011 here! First of all just wanna say that you're one of my fav GO artists ever and your fanart of The Sacred and The Profane is still so important to me actually <3
Anyway, I'm a book fan through and through and when they first announced the TV Show I have to admit I was a bit hesitant but overall have made peace to the fact that it won't be 1:1. No adaption ever does but as long as the core stays there I'm good with it.
And while there are some parts I'm not a big fan of (The Dove being one but also how Crowley ask Aziraphale to ran away with him. I just can never see him asking that like he's the first one asking Aziraphale to work with him in stopping the Armageddon. And he's deep down is an optimist. So I can never see him asking Aziraphale to ran away regardless how desperate he is. Like on one hand I was like 'oh that's sweet' in shipping glasses but at the same time it's a 'he would not say that' moment to me 😔) but otherwise it was a good fun!
When S2 was announced, it took me off guard bc like. Do we *really* need this? I don't see why we need a S2?? I think biggest part is bc I've made peace over how we'd never getting a sequel. I'm at peace that those can just be explored in fan sphere 637382992 ways. I never see the necessity of needing a S2 or even S3. And while a part of me still a bit curious on what S2 is like, the response from the book fans I trust hasn't been .... good. So I think I'll sit this one out for now and maybe revisit it at some point in the future lol.
Silver lining I guess is the graphic novel! I'm really excited about that!! Curious how the book will translate as a comic :)
Anyway, sorry if this isn't really structured but I guess I just wanna say I've been enjoying reading your replies and asks from other folks as well! But also the one ask about GO could be the next SPN experience killed me point blank <3
Omg hi!! Wow, you've been in the fandom longer than I have...and THANK YOU for your kind words!! 🥺
And yes to all you said. S1 wasn't perfect, but I find myself overlooking the imperfections because overall it was a pretty faithful and good adaptation. And totally agree on the "run away" thing -- we bring up the dove a lot but that is honestly another "he would not say that" moment as you said. I was just talking with my friend about how book!Crowley is an optimist -- see how after he was sure that Aziraphale had disincorporated and the bookshop is aflame, Crowley still decided to drive down to the airfield to help the humans with nothing to lose or gain for him anymore, simply because he loves Earth too.
I talked about it briefly in a previous ask but I too was very sure that we wouldn't get season 2, because Neil Gaiman wouldn't ditch his dear dead friend to write more Good Omens on his own, right?......until he did. And like you said, we don't need a S2. The book fandom has been around for 30 years and still going strong. I guess the party that needed S2 the most is Amazon, and it just all comes down to money in the end.
I preordered the graphic novel and I'm curious how they'll adapt the book too! Season 2 has hurt me a little too much that I feel hesitant to say I look forward to any adaptations now......😂 but I am still curious about it! Again, thank you for your kind words! I think Good Omens is looking to be the next SuperWhoLock all by itself.
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toomanywatchers · 2 months
alright! knew soemone took out the corkboard for this one. I totally agree though with all the stuff about the rebranding. I would suggest they are trying to rebrand themselves and make themselves better because on WW+ they do talk about how watcher wasn't exactly how they thought it would be and the pandemic really was rough for their company. And I would agree with the streamings service bc it is literally called www.watchertv.com but it is true that they are a suggested smaller company and have a relatively smaller audiance then their buzzfeed days. One thing on their part I wish they would have done differently when watcher first started was promoting watcher more on buzzfeed. They did a few times and at the very end but no one reads the discription and or the last little bits of the crdits. if they did promote it more, then maybe more of the audiance from unsolved would have come over to their company and have given them a bigger start. but with that comes its own problems of not having enough content or better content yada yada yada. One thing I did think of when I say the announcement was maybe it was a slouth of new shows were already ready to watch like a series. I quickly shot that down. Bc when would they have time to shoot 2-3+ shows? Between editing and keeping their current shows alive I doubt they had time (this is all speculation I have no fucking clue). Anyway I do think it might be stuff like maybe a new show announcements like maybe one with Sara and Joyce. As well as the somewhat annocued one with Steven and his crew. aybe a new tour and merch? Merch store has been pretty dry (minus the new patches) and we haven't had a tour since november which isn't long but idk what they do in HQ. Truly excited tho. I have my alarms set and everything. Anyway lol that's for reading my ramble too. Your theories were great, didn't mean to kind of debunk them though.
I believe you and I are on same the page and here are some of my responses to this.
With the whole BuzzFeed promoting: I don't think they had much of a say on what and how much they could promote Watcher over on BuzzFeed. If I remember correctly, BuzzFeed is very stingy on their employees/shows promoting other outside sources that could be seen as competition. Henceforth many BuzzFeed employees on contract could not appear in other YouTubers videos do to conflict of interest. In the end, it was really generous for the amount of promoting allowed of Shane and Ryan to put into the last seasons of BuzzFeed Unsolved.
The possibility of new shows: Yes, filming a lot of shows to add in this new slate would seem like a lot, but not in possible. It would seem more likely than touring as touring takes the boys away from the office and takes up a considerable amount of time and obstacles for filming schedules. Also I said how there are new names showing up in the credits of new editors and production crew, meaning they are hiring on new folks. Bigger team, more flexibility to work on new projects. Also if these new shows are less of Shane and Ryan, and more of other individuals like Steven and friends of the company it would actually mean a more balance flow of shooting. Letting Shane and Ryan have a break from constantly filming and to work on other projects within their own lives or through the company. Actually, Ronnie who was an intern for Watcher back in 2021 or 2022 I believe posted this on their instagram story:
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They actually left the company sometime in 2022 possibly after the internship was up. Then when to work for GMM though that internship has come to close. Basically what I am saying is they are continue to grow their employment and with more people on the team means more flexibly in expansion of shows.
Merch???: I feel like merch could be a possible in this announcement if it's a relaunch of sorts. Especially if it's like a rebrand, selling merch to fit the new rebrand? Perfect idea to generate some revenue as for long time fans it would be a refreshing site to their merch line... and who doesn't love fresh new merch?
Don't worry guy I am also so excited! I noticed I actually don't work on Friday so I can be fully present for the announcement day! Imma be on the internet as a menace all day watch me.
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jpitha · 1 year
Hidden Depths 19
Awakenings 1 2 3 4Hidden Depths 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18Hidden Depths: A Side Story Hidden Depths: Another Perspective
Alia, being the only biological person, ate her dinner with gusto. Gord took a few bites to be polite, but stuck with coffee. Lucas, who never really liked the idea of eating anyway, just sat.
"So, how's the colony?" Alia asked, as she went for another serving of pasta.
"Eh, it's not much to speak about." Gord said. "The planet is much too dry for the K'laxi, so they really only have the one town and that's it. All the excitement happens on Starbase."
"Oh? Tell me about it."
"It's pretty great. It's the first joint Human/K'laxi place we set up, so it's been around the longest. Humans and K'laxi have been living together for more than a century there."
"Wow, the things you miss while you're in hibernation for five hundred years." Alia giggled. "Tell me about the K'laxi. How are they?"
Gord smiled. "They're pretty great. They come from a planet that is almost, but not quite Earthlike. Smaller, lighter, around a sun that's more orange, and get this: they don't have seasons."
"No. Way."
Gord nodded. "God's honest truth. Their planet is straight up and down, no tilt at all, and their orbit is practically a perfect circle. It's basically a cool fall day there every day, all the time."
"What are they like?"
"Every one I've met has been incredibly nice, no exception. You've seen photos?"
"There was one, her name was Fellmeli I think, who sent us the messages."
"Oh yeah, she's one of the Administrators of Starbase. Good head on her shoulders. Anyway, so you've seen them. Those ears of theirs? They're very expressive. They practically do all of our facial expressions with their ears. Takes a minute to learn them, but once you do it's innate. Same with their tails. They're prehensile, they can move and grab with them. They get along well with us and humans too. I know of at least a few pairings that wound up in marriage and a K'laxi dating a human and vise versa is no big deal. K'laxi serve on human ships and humans have posted to K'laxi ones."
"Wow. So we have new friends in the galaxy" Alia said
"That's just it. New friends." Gord said smiling.
"That's nice and all..." Greylock cut in. "But you and Lucas and Resort and Express wouldn't be here if it was all fluffy bunnies. Fellmeli said that there was an incident. What's going on?"
Gord's face darkened. "Venus. Venus is going on."
Alia looked surprised. "The resort planet?"
"Not anymore. They've decided they would rather be in charge than fleece vacationers. They built up a navy in the last one hundred years and took over the Sol system. I think the OPA is holding their own, but it's probably just because they're so small and spread out. Earth is under Venus' control and they set up a Vichy government. Previously, they let Earth manage the colonies but it looks like they're tired of that. When I left there was a Venusian dreadnought and troop carrier coming into the joint Starbase."
Alia shrugged. "That's bad for Earth, but I don't see how the colonies care. One government to complain about is basically the same when you're between 25 and 200 light years away."
"Alia, they don't think AIs are people."
"What? That's ludicrous. That question was answered two millennia ago."
"I know, I know. I was there. And yet. They think I'm not a person and have decided to enforce that ruling."
"Well fuck them then. We gotta stop them." Alia finished her dinner. "How do we help?"
Back in the Mindspace, Gord looked at Greylock. "Hey Greylock, you have the cargo manifest?"
"Got it right here Gord. I think I see where you're going. We have a light Frigate, a heavy Destroyer, a cargo ship and a smaller dry dock class printer."
So three ships, and we just so happen to have three folks here who have the ability to pilot them." Gord said, grinning. "Lucas, you want to be a Frigate again?"
Lucas shrugged. "Sure, I can do that."
Gord clapped him on the back "Beauty. Greylock, I've got some ideas about the ships, let's see about applying some upgrades before we link in. Shouldn't take too long to print since you have such large printers. Did you get the wormhole generator and ancillaries done?"
"We got it done a while ago Gord." Alia says. "Ran the simulations too, it should work fine."
"Excellent. Greylock, I'm going to toss you some plans, let's get those printers cooking and get these ships upgraded. I want to have a surprise for Venus when we link in."
Greylock looked at the plans. “You sure, Gord? These look…suspicious.” Gord grinned. “I’m super sure. Don’t worry. They’ll work a treat. I’ve done it before.”
Greylock raised an eyebrow but said "You got it Gord, I'll get the printers going and the remotes can do the installs while we brake."
While Gord and Greylock were talking, Lucas turned to Alia. "Alia, can I ask you about your augmentations?"
She side-eyed Lucas. "Maybe, Lucas. What do you want to know?"
"Well, you volunteered for it right? Why?"
"Oh that's easy. I thought it would be really cool to be able to connect directly to computers and possibly be able to get upgrades to my body."
Lucas was taken aback. "That's it?"
Alia nodded "Why? What's wrong with that? Do you know how much stuff Humanity has done because it seemed like a cool thing to do?"
"I guess." Lucas looked disappointed.
"Wait, you were thinking there was some kind of underlying reasoning for me wanting to become a cyborg? Not really. I saw the ad asking for volunteers on the subway as I was headed to my dead end job and thought it looked neat and so I signed up." She shrugged. "It was super cool, and look!" She gestured "This is WAY better than just being a nobody who works at a coffee shop. I'm co-captain of a colony ship!"
Lucas changed tactics "Okay, but why is Gord always grumbling about the program and why does he always look pained when he speaks about it - if he speaks about it at all?"
Now, Alias face was serious. "The program was a failure. Most humans who underwent the surgery died. Either from infection or from their bodies rejecting the mods or from the mods themselves causing problems."
Lucas' eyes went wide. "How many people were a success?"
Alia thought a moment. "I don't remember." She turned and looked at Gord. "Hey Gord, how many people survived the cybernetics trial?"
"14" Gord said flatly.
"And how many volunteers were there?"
"Two hundred and seventeen made it through the screening. There was over ten thousand applicants before we closed the application process."
"Oh." Was all Lucas could manage. "Why didn't it effect you?"
Alia looked thoughtful. "I don't know really. My mods were all computational and brain augmentations. I wasn't on the group that did limbs or organs." She thumped her chest. "I'm all meat here." She pointed to the base of her brain and her eyes flashed blue. "I'm computer here. Maybe that was part of it."
"Are you glad you did it?"
"Sure. Look. By the time I came on, Gord and his team knew that it probably wasn't going to work. I was in the last accepted group before the program was shut down. I probably have the latest versions of the mods, the ones most likely to succeed. If they had kept the program going, they probably would have been able to make it work for just about everyone. People got spooked though at the deaths, and so the funding was pulled."
"For good reason." Gord said. "We should have stopped sooner. Over two hundred people died for no good reason."
"Gord, we've been over this. They knew the risks. Hell, I remember you telling people that it was going to be harder than you had thought and that people's bodies were rejecting the mods, and anyone could leave the program at any time and receive a full payout. How many people left?"
"Three." Gord said sadly. "The only smart ones in the group."
"Don't be mean Gord." Alia chided. "You know how medical trials go. The people that don't want the tech don't sign up. Everyone who was left knew what they were in for."
"So you think the program should have continued?" Lucas asked, carefully."
Alia nodded. "Yes. I am biased because I made it through, but I see a real benefit to my mods. It's easier for me to come in and out of hibernation, I can interface directly with AIs and computers, I learn languages just by loading the software, I can even be taught gross motor skills. Refinement takes practice, but it's a real shortcut. Look!"
Alia gets up and from a standstill goes a backflip. "That? I didn't know how to do that until I was modded. Now, I can do a backflip. It's not super useful, but it's a great demonstration. I really truly believe that if more people got cybernetic mods this whole AI aren't people thing would disappear. The differences would blend until people would barely be able to tell!."
"Or the anti AI folks would have a whole new group of people to oppress." Gord added darkly.
Alia was sanguine. "I think in the end, most people are generally good and want to do good where they can, how they understand it. If we were able to get the side-effects of the cybernetic mods curtailed, people would jump at the chance."
"The point is moot anyway." Gord said "Nobody will open up that can of worms again."
Alia raised an eyebrow and looked at Lucas. Lucas said nothing and shrugged.
"Okay, so Gord. Tell me about next steps. We have to stop right?"
"That's right Alia. We're going to thrust at a combined eighteen gee to get you slowed down relative to Starbase in 4 days or so, then we'll activate your wormhole generator and link all of us over. Venus doesn't know what we're doing and doesn't know about Mt Greylock, so it'll be a complete surprise. Then, between our ships, the colony ship, the Starjumpers and any help Chloe was able to scare up, we should be able to run Venus off."
Alia looked at Gord. "That's your plan??"
"Gord, that's so..so you." She said, exasperated. "That's barely a plan at all! It relies on so many external factors going exactly the way you expect them to."
"Chloe knows her stuff. She'll get us help. She can link beacons around to the colony worlds and to the other AIs, they can also send folks to talk to the K'laxi direct. It won't be just us. Trust me Alia." Gord said gently.
"I do Gord, you know I do." She thought. "Okay, eighteen gee is probably fine for you all, but what about me? How am I-" and she glared at Gord here "-and all fifty thousand people in hibernation going to do it?"
"That part is actually easy." Greylock said. "You'll just get back into your hibernation cabinet. Everyone already there will be fine. I'll adjust the pressure settings and make sure they're oriented flat to the plane of acceleration. They can take it fine."
"But, I'll need to be awake to coordinate. I can't go back into hibernation."
"And you won't. You'll maintain your neural link and be completely in the Mindspace, coordinating with Gord, Lucas, Express, and Resort. You just won't be able to use your body for a while then."
Alia looked skeptical. "And you're sure that'll work."
Gord spoke this time. "It'll work. I've talked it over with Greylock. Your mods will take over the heavy lifting while you're under, but you'll still be there, you'll still be you and you'll be helping us while we brake and coordinate our response. In fact you're going to have to pilot one of the ships."
"By myself? I've never done that before!"
Gord smiled "First time for everything. It'll be fine. You're helping out with a big colony ship. A Heavy Destroyer is nothing."
Alia looked surprised. "You just asked Lucas to be the Frigate. I figured you were going to be the Heavy Destroyer."
Gord waved his hands dismissively. "Nah nah, I'll be the cargo ship. Greylock and I have added new toys to it and it's more my speed anyway. I've been a warship. That's not for me anymore."
Express chimed in now laughing. "Don't worry Alia, we won't haze you about your first run as a ship."
"At least, not too hard." Resort said also laughing.
Gord looked at both of them "Be nice you two. I remember when both of you were newbies. Did I make fun of you?"
"Constantly." Express said.
"Every time you saw me." Resort said.
"Yeah, well it was done out of love." Gord said grumbling. "Anyway, we'll get you in your cabinet, and moved over to the Destroyer. You'd ride things out there, and when we link in you can launch and we can kick some Venus ass."
"Gord." Lucas said seriously "What about naming?"
"Hmm? Gord looked over at Lucas."
"The ships in Greylock are just empty shells right? We have to name them when they get occupied."
"Good point." Gord said, nodding. "I knew there was a good reason to keep you around. Yes, the ships will need to be named." Gord thought for a moment. "I'll take the name...Gordian Knot."
Everyone groaned.
Lucas said "Really? Really Gord? Fine. I'll be...Friendly Wave"
Gord laughed. "Hah, I like it. Ironic." He turned to Alia. "Okay hon, your turn. What's your new name going to be?"
"Hmm...I'll be Superliminal. Because I got here the slowest, right?"
"A little on the nose, but it has a nice ring to it." Gord said. "Okay, get to your cabinet. Lucas and I will wheel you in and strap you down and get the connections set. Then we'll go over to our ships and do the same."
"Hey Alia?" Greylock said.
"Yes Greylock?" Alia looked at her old friend. In the mindspace, Greylook smiled sadly. "Thanks for being captain with me. We did good work together."
"Oh Greylock." Alia ran over and hugged her friend. "We did great work. And it's not done yet. We still have to get our passengers home and kick some Venusian ass."
"Damn right we do." Gord said. "Let's go everyone. We've got a busy schedule"
Part 20
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hunsa-jars · 6 months
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Heyy things are pretty busy and exhausting right now, but I promise I'm trying to be brave about it
Might pop up here tomorrow
Or the day after tomorrow- this week sometime, or I'll go bonkers
Gonna queue this because I really shouldn't be distracting myself more than I already do nhdfdh
Haghhhh I miss you all, I'll be back
(uhh life update under the cut? to the folks who are curious, kinda wanted to mention these at some point anyways)
Remember that I said that my phone might be still alive after all? Well.. yeah, no, that was a false alarm, it really did kick the bucket. Temporarily using my sister's old phone until I get a new one this Christmas
And because I'm the way I am, I refuse to change anything about it- like I can't stand the idea of getting used/attached to it when I know in a couple of weeks I'm gonna give it back, so..
So yeah, I don't want to go through the procedures of logging into everything, including Tumblr
I've been avoiding going here anyway, so technically it helps :''')
My attention span is so awful you guys, so mad at myself 24/7 for always looking for excuses to not do my studying routine
Speaking of studying, this is the last week of uni for this year!
BUT exam period is starting next week and I have like 3 exams before Christmas, so fun
Uhhhh remember the board game I mentioned making? Teacher loved it and wants to display it for the university's open day. Pretty glad, worked hard on that thing (even tho it could have been better)
Gonna show you guys once I get it back
Uhhhh did my best with my recorder, my hands were shaking, but the teacher could tell I was only messing up because I was nervous as balls, and not because I didn't know the songs, thank god
My grandma is doing well! Well.. better. We keep her company. My cousins come to visit us twice a week now, so no silent Saturdays or Sundays
FINALLY figured out how to use emulators, so between studying for the January exams and relative visits, I'm gonna finally play Animal Crossing and Earthbound properly (I think I've mentioned using online emulators before, but those distorted the music so much I just couldn't continue with it)
Also was anybody going to tell me that OFF is free?
And Yume Nikki?? On Steam?????? Hello??
Umm also! My little brother sat down with me last Saturday and made me watch Murder Drones (he's hyperfixating and wanted to pass it onto me, spoilers: IT WORKED)
Oh my goodness... that show................................. Plan for another flooding
What else, uh- we're on season 2 of AOT, it's insane, it makes me insane, I wish I could say more without going unhinged
I... i think that's all
To the people who've been tagging me the past few days I SEE YOU ALL, THANK YOU FOR THINKING OF ME, I'LL GET TO IT
See you guys later this week, hopefully, please take care
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 3 months
03/11/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Cast & Crew; Wee John Wondays; Rhys Darby; Con O'Neil; Taika Waititi; Wendy Anderson;Damien Gerard; London Billboards; London Billboard Survey; Watch Party Reminders; Queerties; Trends; Max Surveys; Fan Spotlight; Fundraisers; Articles ; LoveNotes; DailyDarby/TonightsTaika
Hey Lovelies. I'm not sure where the recaps are going to be going from here. I may calm thinks down a bit and just keep you updated on watch parties and fun sightings. With the news on s3 not being picked up, I'm feeling not quite sure of myself on where to go from here. Still thinking on it. Is there a particular thing about the recaps you like? Maybe I'll focus more on what people want to see most. Anyway, I'd love some feedback. Thanks Crew.
== Cast & Crew Sightings ==
= Wee John Wonday =
This one featured Con O'Neill and Gypsy Taylor.
Src: Kristian Nairn's Instagram
== Rhys Darby ==
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Rhys has a new Cameo! This time from our lovely dear @/Baladria on twitter.
Check out the video on Cameo
In addition, Rhys posted a pic by @andyhollingworth1 on his instagram story.
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= Con O Neill =
Warning, video may cause tears of joy and sadness. Con O'Neill is a gem of a human being. "You were all the home we ever needed"
I also missed his post from the other day, which was a dedication to his lovely mom.
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== Taika Waititi ==
Rita was kind enough to give us some more Taika shots amongst her pile of Auckland pics! SRC: Rita Ora's Instagram
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== Wendy Andersen ==
Our RedFlagCrew @wendywings on Twitter brought us some much needed Peanut action from the Oscars.
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== Damien Gerard ==
Our lovely Father Teach has been making videos for us on Twitter! He's been sending a lot of love notes and keeping us up to date with his works. If you're interested please visit:
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== First London Billboard Meet Up==
The first day of the London Billboards had a wonderful meetup of various UK fans! The billboard was visible from Leicaster Square and had a whole lot of foot traffic throughout the day!
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Our lovely friend @queerly-autistic / QueerlyAutistic on Twitter made it to the billboard as well!
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The UK Crew also got to see some Box Trucks!
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Our dear friend @/whimmzee on twitter put these awesome signs together and the visiting crew signed them!
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An exhausted OFMD Crew took one last picture after many hours of work! Thank you for getting out there and documenting the billboards: @MoviesWithMarty, @/whimmzee, and @queerly-autistic.
== Save OFMD Crew London Billboard Survey ==
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"Although the March 18 & 19 dates for the billboard are locked in, we’re still able to change the design if desired. This is where you come in. Amazing donors, your generosity is responsible for this billboard, so it’s only fair you have a say in this decision. We’ve set up a survey of viable options: let us know which you’d most like to see! It’ll be open through Wednesday, March 13, 11:59 GMT. Thank you again for helping us make this happen! 🐙💜 “Billboard Survey Link” Tumblr Link to Post / Instagram / Reddit
== More London Billboard Meet Ups! ==
Tomorrow's the day folks! First set of Billboards are up tomorrow! SRC: Tumblr / Instagram
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== New Save OFMD Crew Calendar ==
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The next few days are focused on the LED Trucks outside the various networks locations as well as doing a rewatch party with @OurFlagRTL
= Watch Parties =
== Wrecked ==
There are sources being passed around. If access is an issue, DM @iamadequate1 on Twitter or Tumblr
Season 2 watch from March 11th to March 15th. 
Season 3 watch from March 18th to March 22nd. 
Times will be 10pm GMT / 5pm EST / 4pm CST / 2pm PST. Watch two episodes per day. Episodes are 21-22 minutes each. Use the following Saturday for the tags/watch if interested but not able to make this time.
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== Deutsche Nachrichten / German News ==
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Twitter-Watch-Along von Our Flag Means Death:
Streamt Staffel 2 ab dem 15. März.
Samstag, 9.3. 17:00 Folgen 1 bis 3, 
Dienstag, 12.3. 20:00 Folgen 4 & 5, 
Mittwoch, 13.3. 20:00 Folgen 6 & 7, 
Donnerstag 14.3. 20:00 Folgen 8 & 9, 
Freitag, 15.3. 17:30 Folge 10
Und anschließend bingen wir zusammen Staffel 2! 
Schaut und tweetet mit! 
== The Queerties! ==
We finally find out the results of the queerties votes tomorrow!
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== Trends ==
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== Max Surveys ==
Don't mind if I do! If you emailed max earlier this year after the cancellation, check your email, you may have one too. Feel free to tell them how much you hated that they cancelled OFMD. Remember these folks are not the ones making the actual decisions so be a Polite Menace and not a Complete Asshole :D Although, if you decide to go complete asshole route, just be sure to let them know its David Zaslav you're mad at, not the support folks.
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== Fan Spotlight ==
Thank you to @melvisik for continuing to make these fun Cast cards for us!
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I would love to get more fun stuff for fan spotlight, so if you'd like your artwork or creations featured please please please hit me up! I'd love to highlight your work!
== Fundraiser Status ==
I had a few folks ask me to keep them updated on the two big fundraisers going on right now so I'm just showing a comparison fo how much they're going up today :). As usual please don't feel obligated to spend money you don't have or can't spare! If you wouldn't mind sharing to help these charities out, it would be appreciated, but yet again, not required.
eSIMS and Sanitary Products for Gaza
03/10/24 - $5689 / 191 Supporters / 71 %
03/11/24 - $5814 / 194 Supporters / 72%
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InSoupNow Status
Wow! That jumped up in less than a day! Thank you to everyone donating or sharing! It's working!
03/10/2024 - $925 / 39 supporters / 18%
03/11/2024 - $1183 / 47 supporters / 23%
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== Articles ==
Exclusive Interview: stand-up comic Jes Tom on Hannah Gadsby’s Gender Agenda Netflix comedy special – “I am your new queer best frenemy”
== Love Notes ==
Hey lovelies, I'm going to leave the love notes to Con and Rhys tonight. There's nothing I could say that they haven't said better. Rhys Cameo Con's video is up above in the Cast & Crew Section I will say I love you all, and I hope you're hanging in. Be kind to yourself today lovelies <3
== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Tonight's theme? SNAAAAAAKES OOOOOHHHH ITS A SNEEEEEKKKK Daily Darby Gif Courtesy of @ofmd-ann Tonight's Taika Gif Courtesy of @tea-and-liminality!
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21iskindafunny · 7 months
Can we know more about your Croatia?
DA! Of course!! Thank you for the ask:-)
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Here’s a summary of my Croatias main aspects!
(Before I talk about him, I gotta say that my main inspirations for Croatia are Hidekazs incredibly short introduction of a design, my own experiences with Croatian folk, and some historical stuff that molded Croatia (and it’s stereotypes) to be the way they are today. Of course since I’m not really croatian myself, I can’t really say how accurate I depicted him, but I hope you enjoy it anyways xaxa)
1: His general personality; Croatia is a charismatic man with a high ego. He prides himself in his newer, cleaner aesthetic that he acquired after joining the EU, though it’s mostly just a well-kept façade. Under this façade he has some alcohol and drug problems, which he only shows to other balkaners. Admittedly, the drug problem does slip sometimes when he goes on coke-induced rants, dropping his EU-branding momentarily. He is quite the asshole to most of his neighbours, of which he is frenemies with.
2: Touristic integrity; Croatia loves nothing more than his beaches. He tries his best to take good care of them so the Germans and Brits who go on Vacation in the summer are enjoying it enough to come back. Though when the summer is over, he isn’t as happy and well-adjusted as usual; with the lack of tourism he gains some sort of seasonal depression, where he gets incredibly irritable and pissy.
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3: Fudbal Freak; An incredibly huge hooligan, loving this sport to death. Don’t let him get a Penalty. He will get hard. Anyways, he would fight anyone without hesitation if they say Modrić sucks. He is not afraid of giving someone a blue eye for having opposing opinions.
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4. (Fr)Enemies; One of his biggest problems in Life are Serbia and Bosnia. Most of the time he’s only happy to see them when heavily intoxicated or high. Though he doesn’t like to admit it, it’s very important for him to be Serbia’s Nr1 Enemy. If he isn’t Serbias number one problem in the moment, he gets mad, but usually can’t do anything (the EU is a party pooper!), so waits till the 78th feud between Albania and him are done to finally annoy him. Bosnia is mostly just a side-hustle to annoy while waiting nowadays. All of the annoy each other.
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5. EU-Buddies; Though not as close as the Ex-YUs, Croatia does have good friends in the EU. His main accomplices (next to Slovenia) are Romania and Bulgaria, whom he hangs out with every now and then. After EU-Meetings they like to go out for beers. They are often all cornered into the group of… well.. a bit odd EU members because of their behaviour, but he doesn’t care since it doesn’t affect him in the grand scheme of things.
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These are the basics of my Croatia! If you have any Questions about specific things, don’t be afraid to ask. I‘ll go and snort some Cedevita now.
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lowkeyclueless5137 · 9 months
Winx Club au(S1)
Alright! But hear me out!
Like I have the creative zoomies(again) and I brainroted this for DAYS! Like you have no idea how on point I nailed everything.
Except visuals... We are here for the plot... :'3
I will accept any kind of visual suggestions tho... Plot too if you have :3
Anyway! I put the title! You know it: Winx Au!
Bc why not? Why tf shouldn't I smush together these 2 pieces of media that I like?
Anyway! We will have A LOT to cover... Because, much to the horror of moi, we will have 6 seasons. Like, if you know winx or were in the Fandom, you know the mixed opinions that started after season 3. It's just... A lot...
Even so, I enjoyed way too much the concepts and themes of the later seasons that I... Kinda forgot about plot? Shocking, I know...
Although season 7 was way too painful to watch and that's where I dropped everything and went my merry way. U-U9
Anyway! With that out of the way, we will dive into this Au, but first, some disclaimers:
I WILL go into more darker themes. Maybe Winx had a lighter tone, but it did go dark a few times. And I will go and shove it in even darker pits.
There will be swearing, much like violence... Because I need it for plot purposes.
This Au will start IN PARALLEL with Winx S1. So if you see mentions of og winx characters, locations or artefacts, you know why. I will also neglect season 7 and 8. Which means that for me, lore wise, will be irrelevant. I say this, because I will use lore aspects up until season 6, therefore it's just the bare necessities :3
At one point, the winx time-line and this au's time-line will meet up. So you should expect even a meeting in between the og winx and our group. :3c
Now, with that out of the way, we will go under ✨the cut✨ for it!
To start off: world lore.
Twisted wonderland was a planet full of magic. Unfortunately, due to political reasons, this planet didn't want to abide by the rest of Magix's quite tight rules and regulations, therefore it wasn't granted as many benefits as the other planets who agreed upon them. The primary reason was, of course: there has to be one singular royal family ruling over the whole planet. Twisted wonderland had multiple monarchies, democracies, republics and everything. And it was clear neither of them wanted to cojoin and be ruled by a single entity.
What was very special about twisted wonderland, was it's diversity in magic and how open it was. While it was very diverse, quite the array of categories of magic being able to be accessed, it was more or so notable that the common folk either didn't have magic affinities, or very weak magic, to the point they don't unlock even the base forms. Those people are called: stagnants, and could follow just primary magical courses at the very least.
Some notable institutes training people are:
NRC- an all boys school for fairies. Founded by the great 7, NRC is a 4 year boarding-school, whith a riguros training system. You can only boast about being in NRC after you passed in your 3rd year, because the exams are means of expulsion on their own.
RSA- the infamous specialists School. It trains magicless people into becoming knights and guards. It is quite renowned for it's 4 year training and great knights who could handle difficult situations.
NBC- the school of witches and wizards. Mostly known for it's long history and the very notable positive figures it housed. Despite training students into the dark arts, many came out to be protectors of their homelands or serving for good.
Now, for the first season:
We follow Jack. Jack was a Beastman, coming from a magicless family. His family had a very weak connection with magic since countless generations. But that didn't really stop Jack from living his life. He was a normal guy. That's all about him.
Alright, maybe not so normal, since he was close friends with the raising star in acting and modeling: Vil Schonenheit. Vil was known to be a fairy in training, just like his father, grandparents and so on. But Vil was also nice and always made time to go outside and hang out with Jack, so Jack really didn't think Vil was bad like the villain he was always portrayed in movies or plays.
But even so, Jack was never ready when he first discovered he could do magic. It was something more of a heat of the moment: his younger siblings were in danger, falling from a tree they climbed, so Jack, in a panic, summoned a layer of magic snow that cushioned their fall. It was clear he was the source, because it was the middle of the summer then.
With that, Jack really had his world rocked from it's feet. Vil just started his first year at NRC at that time, so he really wasn't sure if he should lay this news on his friend.
Nonetheless, Vil was excited when he heard the news. Jack was a terrible liar, so he figured he should fess up rather than hide it. Vil, obviously, was very happy and expected for his buddy to come to NRC with him. To assure he will get picked up, Vil would train Jack over the holidays, trying to get a grip on his powers before going into school.
Vil managed to get into his 3rd year when Jack finally got accepted and got in as a first year. Unfortunately for him, Vil did tell him that now that he was in his 3rd year, he would have to work even harder, so the best they could do is to text each other and maybe they could hang out sometime.
So Jack stepped in NRC, with a rough idea of how things work and clearly ready to learn more.
Vil told him about the sorting ceremony, so Jack really didn't expect to be so gloomy. When he thought about the fairies, he saw them so colorful and sparkly. Even so, someone did grab him, explaining that it's a metaphor for the butterflies process. They start as gloomy caterpillars before gaining their wings.
That someone was none other than a short boy with hair made out of blue flames. Jack was surprised of the hair, but the boy, named Ortho, was thrilled to meet another first year. He really hoped to be sorted for the Ignihyde courses. At that, Jack really didn't understand.
Ortho explains it to him: there are 7 courses, meant to train a future fairy in one of the 7 virtues the founders had. Each course has it's unique perks and special places on campus.
The 7 courses were:
The Heartslabyul course-focused mainly on a little bit of everything. It's a course that relies heavily on the rule abiding. A fairy must always aim to solve a problem without breaking rules or morals, which can affect their magic as well. Their special aera was the rose garden, where the students could relax or maditate. Jack noted that it would be a great course for him. He wanted to practice everything.
The Savanaclaw course- a course that relies mostly on limited use of magic. It trains fairies to be proficient even without magic, making it the best course in training great guards. They just never give up no matter what. Their perk was unlimited access to the sports grounds. Ortho said that even if he was energetic, he wouldn't stand a chance in there. He's a couch potato unfortunately. :'3
The Octavinelle course- they are courses mostly aimed at one's inner peace. Since the state of the mind also affects fairies, Octavinelle students are known to be always with their feet on the ground and able to deal very easy with spells that require a more deep understanding of oneself. Ortho wouldn't call it really a perk, but there is a cafe on campus that Octavinelle fully runs it. They also have an aera of the library allocated to them only.
The scarabia course- it's very popular for their focus on resources. These students are fairies who can easily use their environment to their advantage. Apparently their perk is access to a lot of supplementary courses outside. They could just crash in other course's expedition outside and be totally fine with it. Jack really didn't know what to say, but Ortho reassured that apparently the scarabia fairies are quite chill.
The poemfiore course- it's a course focused on antidotes and curses management. Their main perk is unlimited access to herbs and ingredients that are cultivated on the school grounds. Although they are also renowned for their impeccable looks and manners. Ortho did say that perhaps he could fit the bill for it, while Jack mentioned he had a friend in there.
The Ignihyde course- a course focused primarily on magic and technology. Since there is magic tech, the Ignihyde fairies can merge magic with tech flawlessly. There are many technological fairies in there, although there are also a few exceptions. Their perks aren't that known, but they have the underground workshops, where they can invent or tinker with whatever they please. Ortho said that his big brother is there, so he hopes to get also in there. Jack didn't really feel like he had a knack for tech, so he really didn't know what to say.
Then, the last one, Diasomnia- the practical magic course. Not only is the course where one of the most powerful fairies are coming, it is also a course with a lot of perks: status, more optional courses, meditation places and also a personal library section. It's the course that outshines everyone. Ortho did say that he hoped he wouldn't end up with a jerk from there in the dorm. Jack just awkwardly looks in the other part.
Ortho also mentioned that apparently the dorms are mixed. So there is a fair chance that even if they end up in different courses, they could still be roommates. Jack also hoped that, because ortho was literally the only 1st year he knew.
They do get sorted by the dark mirror. An odd name, but Jack didn't question it.
He ended up in Savanaclaw. And Ortho ended up in Ignihyde.
Jack was of course guided towards a senior: Ruggie. He presented himself as the prefect of the Savanaclaw course. A prefect, as Ruggie put it, was a student who excels in their courses while also embracing the virtues of the founder the course is based of. As a prefect, Ruggie had a job of overseeing the savanaclaw students. Mostly to guide the first years and nudge them into adapting. He also explained the school main rules to them, which Jack took a big note of:
-do not be off the campus after 22.
-do not smuggle in dangerous curses/artefacts.
-do not cross the restricted sections of the school.
3 big rules. Of course, there are the minor rules also, but these 3 are the ones that immediately get you expulsion.
Ruggie also gave to everyone, one by one, their programs and dorm keys. Thankfully Ruggie was the kind soul who smuggles in a map for the first years, so they won't get lost, then pushed them on their merry way to the dorms.
It took some mad orientation skills and also a small meeting with Vil, before Jack finally found his dorm.
And it was a mess.
The dorm itself was pretty big, considering it had 3 supposed bedrooms, all connected through a small lounge. It was very spacious. But it had things sprawled around, 2 guys arguing, one of them on the coffee table, and 2 literally throwing books and pillows at each other.
Oh and Ortho was there. He seemed to be texting someone when he saw Jack and happily approached him.
It took a bit to calm down and finally get around with intros and everything. There were 2 bedrooms, each with 2 beds and everyone was already pre-determined.
In the first room- Deuce Spade from Heartslabyul and Sebek Zigvolt from Diasomnia.
Second room- Jack and Ortho
Third room- Epel Felimer from poemfiore and Ace Trappola from Heartslabyul.
And for now, things seemed quite awkward, with everyone settling in at their own pace then sleeping.
The first few days were also awkward. Everyone had their own courses and still had to get to know each other, which was a bit hard. Still, for the sake of coherence, Jack tried his best to bring everyone together to bond.
Which leads them to a weekend hangout through the Sage city. Gradually, they had fun together, went to a cafe, arcade and walked through the streets, bonding. It seemed to do wonders as now they were all comfortable enough to crack jokes in between them.
But their fun moment is cut short when they happen to overhear a very sus conversation on an alleyway. Being the bastards they were, despite Jack, Deuce and Sebek being against it, the 6 of them decide to snoop a bit on the convo.
They overhear 2 people, cloaked from head to toe, talking about finding some sort of key. One of them seemed quite impatient as the other reassured that until they find the key, that a stone they showed should do the trick. Ortho recognised it as a black magic stone, which got the group to worry.
Sage Island was very known to heavily rely on fairy magic, also dubbed as white magic. Black magic is used sometimes in here, but if it's used to affect the land, the island itself won't stand, since it's core is made out of fairy magic. At least that's what Epel explained to the group in whispers.
Their little cover is blown anytway, because they couldn't be discret to save their lives, so due to this, the 2 people summon a monster made out of trash, meant to dispose of them, while they fleed.
And rightfully, being the fledgling fairies they were, this group was absolute shit at it. Everyone tries to be leader and everyone is crashing one against each other. It doesn't help that only 4 out of 6 could actually transform. (Jack and Ace) which left 2 more vulnerable.
In the end, Jack comes up with a plan to defeat the monster and actually rolling with it, assuring them as the winners of the fight, while the monster returned to trash piles. But they made a mess out of it, so now they hurried back to NRC to just get a shower and talk about it, since maybe they were tired, but sleep was the last thing on their worry list.
Except that they get caught up by Ruggie. They came in late, but seeing how they were looking like shit, Ruggie decides to close an eye for the meantime, with the promise of not happening again. They didn't go that much over the curfew, so he could just assume they got lost on their way back.
At their dorm, the 6 of them gathered together after cleaning up and getting some comfy pijamas and decided to discuss about it.
Epel says that he is the fairy of earth, hence why he felt a slight disturbtion in the earth magic from here when the monster was summoned. That monster clearly wasn't a being with life and mind of it's own as Ortho put it, but their next dilema was: What was the deal with those 2 people?
Ace suggests that maybe they should leave it and mind their own business. Deuce said that he is worried about the monster returning, or even worse, more of them coming. Sebek was wondering what kind of key were those people looking for. Epel had mixed feelings about it, while Ortho was insisting to look into it.
Jack suggested to tell some authorities about it, which gained a flat no. They didn't know how the individuals looked like, nor did the monster they fought got caught by the public. They could be considered to be bluffing for clout, so for now, this stood in between them.
The conclusion: no one would believe the without evidence.
So in the spirit of their unanimous decision of investigating, Ace suggests a group name for them. They were kind of like a team so names were suggested around. The final draft was: Requix squad. It sounded sick by Epel's standards, so they decided that this was their group name.
So they start their investigation. Looking around for clues about what the key was meaning, watching the news, discovering that more and more monster attacks were spotted, thankfully the specialists and fairies were there in time. And of course, attending the courses and triaing to unlock their fairy forms or more power.
Early on, they get introduced to the concept of fairy forms: there are 2 main forms: base form and enchantix. In the first year, students are meant to learn the bases, including control of their base form. The 2nd year students are meant to unlock charmix, a power up for their base form, meant to signal them getting closer to enchantix. And by the final of their 3rd year, they have to get enchantix, so that on the 4th year they could properly train to be guardian fairies.
And like that, our Requix squad is very vexed about it. Ortho had an idea what that stone they saw could be, but he still had to do some research and confirm his worries before sharing a possibly flawed theory.
During this, Jack has Leona, his practical magic teacher, noticing his lack of attention. He does confront him about it. Maybe it was just the start of the year, but Leona could see that Jack was a vigilent kid, so him looking so troubled must've been because something happened. Rightfully, Leona assumes it's because Jack is a late bloomer with magic and all these monster attacks that leave the first year fairies to learn combat more early.
So Leona tries to reassure Jack that he needs to put more mind on his own self and only then he will be able to connect with his magic more.
Meanwhile, Ace has a nightmare. One that ends up waking Epel as well, the 2 having a talk about it.
Ace tells Epel that he saw something bad. A big monster, dark tunnels, and the same cloaked figure from the alley, hidden in the shadows. Epel wasn't the best at comforting, but he did his best. In the morning, Ace didn't share about it with the others, everyone assuming he just didn't sleep that well.
Meanwhile, Jack catches Ortho trying out a dark magic spell. When asking about it, Ortho realises that he has to fess up to the truth: he was half witch, mainly from his mother's side. Since the Shrouds had the heirloom of the first born to be the fairy of death, Ortho's big brother, Idia, gained that title, along with being a full fledged fairy, even if he did cary some faith traces of dark magic, those didn't affect him. Meanwhile, Ortho inherited both fairy and witch magic, making it hard to control and sometimes, his own body can't take it, manifesting as dizzy spells or even fainting when one of the sides takes over. So far, Ortho took many precautions, but he just can't pursue one side of him without feeling the repercussions, so sometimes he tries dark magic spells to balance it out.
Jack is a bit taken aback by it, but Ortho pleaded for him to tell no one. Jack had no option but to comply and help Ortho out with his little problem, mainly by helping with the research about the stone.
And they finally come with a rough idea. What that stone was, could it be a gloomix stone. The others are a bit confused, but Ortho tells them that gloomix is a witch form. Just like charmix is for a fairy, gloomix is a powerup for a witch's base form. Except that while charmix comes from making personal amends with oneself, gloomix is made through taking dark magic straight from a power source or given to you by a more powerful entity.
This leads them to search more about where could the gloomix stone could come from. They discover some aincent tunnels, so while everyone is asleep, the 6 sneak out and find a hidden entrance to the tunnels right behind a statue on the school hall.
Ace does become uneasy, saying to Epel that it was just like in his dream, which also got Epel a bit uneasy. They are exploring a bit the place, using an enchanted paper to map it out.
Thankfully for them, they find a big door. One under many locks. An idea coming from Sebek was to use a convergence spell. They were all a bit skeptical, but if they find something useful in there, they could pinpoint the one behind the monsters and finally report it to the authorities. Heck, maybe they could gain some nice grades out of it. It wasn't unheard of extra credits or good grades from fulfilling a very difficult problem/mission.
The convergence spell is wonky, not working at first. But a second time has all of the group finally coming to a comune agreeement: they need to open that door. They are a group and nothing can stop them!
And it works! The locks are down and the doors open.
And the place? A big library. Lots of stairs, both tall and deep, filled with rows and rows of books. There were also floating platforms going up and down as on the walls, different murals were painted.
They decide to go down instead of up, finding at the bottom, after a hell lot of stairs, some tables, armchairs and couches. There was also a big Cauldron in one side, some utensils and many more things, yet the most interesting of it was a crystal ball.
Jack nudges Ortho to do something with it, but the latter doesn't want. Instead, Sebek pokes it, wondering what it is. The ball does seem to light up and shake with life as from there, a spirit of a man in a lot of robes presents itself.
Also a cat, which immediately slaps Sebek for poking the ball. :'3
The man presents himself as Trein, the spirit of the aincent library. He thought that this place was locked, as no one really got on. The group is pretty quick to say that it was fairly easy to get in, because they did a convergence spell. Trein was a bit skeptical, since the convergence spell had to have both light and dark magic to open all the locks.
It brings a bit of suspicion among the group, Ortho growing uneasy and Jack trying his best to divert the situation towards their goal: finding the truth about the monster attacks. Trein couldn't help them that much, only show them present events through the crystal ball. Lucius however, could find for them any book they desire.
The group contemplates for a bit, before finally telling what they want: a book on monster making. Lucius finds it quite quick and gives it to them, starting to skimm through it and try to find what kind of monster did they encounter then.
It was found out that it was actually a simple type of dark magic spell, a monster made out of environment objects. Therefore their foe wasn't someone that powerful. Maybe they were even on par with them.
But their little research moment gets stopped when they hear a roar outside. Lucius reports to Trein that some sort of beast is trying to break into the library. The group decides to fight it, because that might be their next big clue after all.
In the fight, Ace and Jack also unlock their own fairy base forms. The monster doesn't get defeated that easily, leaving a few wounds on the group, who had to rest a bit in the library.
But, they managed to defeat it in the end. And fortunately, this monster leaved behind something: a wilted flower. It must've been created from that flower in question, so maybe they could find another big clue.
Trein seems quite pleased with the group in question. Maybe everything seemed a bit of a haze, all on the run and bearly they got a month since their started school, but Trein saw some potential in them. So he decided to test them: he gives them a riddle and they will have to bring him the answer to it. The library will only be open to them and them alone, so they shouldn't worry if the monster would return. To find the library again, Trein entrusted them with a magic bottle, that it will show them where the library is when unbottled. They only have 1 chance after all, so they all should think the riddle through.
As for the riddle:
You can't see, smell or hear me,
You feel me at your worst,
You know me at your best,
You, alone, can't have me,
I will be your power and your weakness.
What am I?
So the first years are left to sneak back to their dorm and contemplate.
Except that the next day, after classes, everyone is called for an emergency roll call. As it turns out, the island is suffering consequences of the dark magic monsters being more and more by the day. And so, it was mandatory for NRC and the locals to have some dark magic detectors around. Those were put a few days ago.
And already they went off a few times, getting everyone to realise that someone in this school was secretly a witch. This qualified as a traitor, given the circumstances.
And so, it comes to each group of students to be interrogated under the detector. Of course, knowing just how they got the library seal down, our group is a bit uneasy and also suspicious of each other. They tried to contemplate any kind of last minute plan to escape it, but so far, nothing came to them.
And of course, the detector goes off on them. In front of everyone. Of course, Crowley, the headmaster, gives them the option to fess up who's the witch or all of them to face expulsion and also be handed to the police for further investigations.
And Jack, desemned leader of the group, has no other option than to fess up that Ortho was half a witch. He tried to defend him, saying that Ortho couldn't have done such a thing, but everyone was obviously shocked and more or so disgusted by this.
Thankfully, before Crowley could do a decree, a student raises up, while the other leave for their dorms. That was Idia, very notable by his fire hair. When he goes to Crowley, the detector also goes off. Idia explains to Crowley. Since they remained alone, Idia has more courage to explain that because of their mother being a very powerful witch, both Idia and Ortho have traces of dark magic. It's not much, but enough to have the detectors go off. The monsters that plagued the city were getting more powerful, sign that perhaps gloomix could be involved, which Ortho clearly didn't have.
Also Idia pointed something out, that the Shrouds have a unique trace of magic, which would've let anyone know that a creation spell was done by them, mainly the 'heart of flame'. As an example, Idia himself creates a creature, which notably has a blue flame around it's chest. It easily dissappeared, but it did prove the case.
Crowley buys into it and leaves the group off the hook for now. But if they ever slip up again, he will have to take more drastic measures. For now, Idia is guiding them back to their dorm.
And rightfully, on the halls, Idia warns them. He saw them last night sneaking around. He is aware that they are mingling where they shouldn't, so he tells them to stay put.
He just doesn't want to repeat 'the incident' again.
Back at the dorm, everyone is silent. It was clear that Jack was aware of Ortho's secret and still, it felt like a betrayal. Ortho doesn't try do defend his case, but Ace is the one that breaks the silence.
Idia was going to save their asses anyway so Jack didn't have to just rat out a secret he was entrusted with. Jack tries to defend himself, saying that he didn't know about Idia having an intervention, even so, Epel adds that it's just fucked up that the headmaster was gonna hand them all on the police hands just for that. Deuce points out that now they all have big targets on their back and probably the culprit is happy they have a cover.
Sebek booms in, saying that they must find the true perpetuator, because this now is personal. The headmaster was truly too hurried with this thing, so something had to be up with it. They were 1st years, it was easy to weed them out. If perhaps they were 3rd years or more influencial, then it would've been harder to come up with a proper motive.
So now, Jack just puts his foot down. They are in this shit together. They have an advantage: the library. They need to figure out that riddle, find the object that is the answer, unmask the culprit and clear their name. Now it's the best time to just fess up everything that is on the plate. No more secrets and then they can work this shit together.
So they gather up in their lounge, with pillows and blankets. Sebek conjured a stick they called 'the stick of talky', so they started to pass it around.
Jack didn't have any secrets he hid from them. He was the fairy of snow apparently, which was also new to him, he tries to get around everything and hopes he can just get to the bottom of this.
Ace gets the stick, revealing that he is the fairy of tarot, which puts him in the future seeing fairies, quite the taboo type. His brother was the fairy of matchmaking, a graduate of NRC and Ace hopes to surpass his brother one day to gain more than just 'the little brother' title.
When it's Epel's turn, he says that he wants to be manly, not a cute sparkly ass fairy. But as the fairy of earth, he has to commit to it. He says that he's sick of the poemfiore's strict self care regime, which has him looking like a porcelain doll. And doesn't help that he absolutely hates the prefect's guts.
Sebek reveals that he trains to be a retainer for prince Malleus Draconia, the fairy of dragon's breath. He takes great pride in it, but with Silver, his fellow guard, being a year older and in the 2nd year, Sebek feels a bit overshadowed and ignored by Malleus and Lilia in favor of Silver.
The stick reaches now Ortho, who has a bit of a hard time, but the others were silent when the others confessed so Ortho finally got it off his chest everything, including why Idia was so worried to the point of intervening into their situation because the way Idia gained his enchantix was by giving his base form's wings in an attempt at saving Ortho. Ortho was not a fairy if death, rather a fairy of the souls, which isn't really something to brag about. The others didn't push more info and finally the stick reached Deuce.
Among his delinquent phase, Deuce admits that he has in possession something else. As the fairy of the night sky, Deuce got as a heirloom, the zodiac blade, a blade that was in the form of a bracelet Deuce had on his hand. This blade was insanely powerful and Deuce fears of using it as he is still incapable of controlling it. He fears he could hurt everyone if he uses it.
After the stick finally making a full round, everyone seems a bit awkward. Ace finally decides to address the elephant in the room: they are shit at getting along. This gains a pillow on the face from Epel, which quickly escalates in a pillow fight.
After the pillow fight, all of them were just laying there, laughing and taking a breather. They were absolute disasters, but at least they had each other.
And that's what gets Jack's gears turning. He finally got an idea of the riddle answer, so he prompts the others that the answer they were searching for was here the whole time.
The answer was them all. Their group. Maybe they had a way too fast development, maybe they just got in too much trouble for bearly starting the year and maybe it was all a very wierd streak of luck that got them here, but they are now here, all sprawled on the floor and laughing together despite in what deep shit they are now.
They were in all of this together and they will get out of there together too!
But how do they go to Trein to tell the answer? They were on close watch.
And that was painfully made obvious. Not only the teachers, but also the students put more attention on them. Except that the students also did give them some nasty looks too or even go as far as to prank them. Oh Deuce was on the verge of squaring up with someone if it wasn't for Ace.
But also Idia seemed more of a worrywart now, which the group really was a bit thankful, since Idia's gloomy vibes kept at bay the other younger students.
But still, they took the risk and finally sneaked in while everyone slept to find the library. They do so, surprisingly quick, seeing how there were several failed attempts and more than not some of them slamming into walls.
Trein does wait for them and the group presents their answer: their bond was the answer. Trein takes it as a close one since the answer was friendship (which none of these petty mfs is able to even admit it), but he takes it as correct and finally grands them unlimited access to the library, in the form of a mark on each of their hands. The mark will only appear when they wish to go to the library. And the mark will turn any door they wish to use into a temporary door to the library as to not go all the way through the secret tunnels.
The first years obviously cheer for their success, so they get straight to work. Using Ace's future seeing powers and the cristal ball, the group is able to predict a few of the next attacks. The one they had to look out to was the one on the Halloween, which was when a big ball was held at RSA. Many students from other schools will go there after all. And it was also where their prediction showed that a big monster will come.
So they start to cook a plan. They obviously were forbidden from leaving the school grounds as they were still under suspicion, so they had to be more creative.
So countless hours of late night library studying and and searching. Ortho was a bit skeptical, but in the end decided to make a concealing spell, which would make all 6 of them unrecognizable and thus able to attend the ball. Thankfully it was an open gates event held outside.
Ace and Deuce were trying to assure the details about the ball, while Epel and Sebek were looking into a way to capture the culprit. And Jack was looking into the aspects the monsters had up until now. Ortho had to make the said potion, as a spell would be blown off immediately. It was chaotic and Trein simply watched them ferret from time to time, figuring out that they aren't aware over what source of power they actually stumbled upon.
Halloween comes around. The theme of the ball was, of course, masked ball. And with this, as to not swallow some nasty tasting potion, Ortho merged it into some masquerade masks, perfect to conceal them. To add to it, their casual clothes were now very eye catching gowns and their body proportions also changed. Ortho clearly was proud of his potion success, but warned that it might not hold past midnight, so they should hurry.
The ball itself wasn't that flashy. And it was a surprise that 6 random pretty girls presented themselves in there. To communicate, they had earpieces disguised as earrings, so they split up.
Jack does go to the food table and due to some 'unfortunate accident', a specialist accidentally spills some juice on his dress, which prompts Jack to excuse himself and go to the bathroom. The specialist, named Neige, apologises for it and decides to show Jack where the women toilets are.
On their way tho, Jack knocks out Neige with a spell and is on his merry way to explore the said school, in search for anything that could point to the culprit.
Meanwhile, Ace and Deuce dance together and look gorgeous, Epel hauled a food table, Ortho was hyping Sebek in chugging down a bottle of juice, much like the girls that gathered with them.
Back to Jack, man stumbles upon a quite nicely dressed specialist. Immediately Jack puts the excuse that 'she just got lost' and asks for directions. Except that the guy seems quite suspicious when leading Jack towards the ball location.
Because they didn't go the same route.
Jack is a bit taken aback when the guy tries to attack him, but he defends himself with a spell and so it starts the fight. Thankfully, even when in fairy form, the concealing potion was kept, which Jack was infinitely grateful for as he called for the rest of the team.
But the guy, who reveals himself as Prince Mandor, doesn't let down so easily, able to quickly knock out of the way Jack as he uses the gloomix stone in the form of a glowing collar hid under the coat, to summon a big monster out of the armour statues laying throughout the school.
The prediction was made true in the end, but that didn't stop the group from reuniting and all of them to put a face to the culprit.
Immediately it gets to a big fight as the monster leaves towards the ball. They also had to stop it in time, even so, they didn't have time, nor power to hold against a gloomix power up.
And in true villain fashion, Mandor reveals that he hated fairies from here, who always stole the spotlight from specialists. NRC fairies especially, who were all stuck up jerks. He hated them with a passion, to the point he wanted to put all of NRC to shame.
So our group decides to do a convergence spell, but not the way one may think. They all decide to aim at the collar with different beam attacks, overcharging it with power and thus destroying it.
The prince doesn't give out so easily and manages to flee via running. Jack wanted to run after him, but he was tired and Deuce warned that midnight was coming close. Epel found the gloomix stone smashed on the ground, so he grabbed the shards with him, together using their library marks to get to the library and flee the place.
Trein welcomes them back and the group all collectively are tired. But they present the gloomix stone shards. Nonetheless, Trein congratulates them on their good work. Lucius even gives them all a smol nuzzle. :D But even so, looking at the shards, Trein realises that the stone was made by a very powerful dark magic user, if not a dark magic entity. The price managed to run out of their hands, but right now, they got the gloomix stone shattered. So it was a victory still.
The next day, there are many cheers for the 2nd year group, who apparently managed to defeat the monster that threatened the ball. It was a bit of a collective saltiness from our first year group, because they work their asses for weeks, only to find the real culprit and prevent him from summoning such powerful monsters again. By a short research, it was clear that once the gloomix stone was shattered, the monster was gone, so in reality, they did all the work. Oh they were VERY salty about.
And Trein rightfully tells them that their battle is not over. They need to grow more powerful, not more popular. Begrudgingly, Trein declares himself as their mentor. As the spirit of the aincent library, he holds secrets for far more powerful spells and powers that an NRC graduate could only fantom about, let alone know about their existence and also pursuing them. This library constantly moved around under Sage Island via the secret tunnels, and not anyone could accces it. So for the team to have each a pass, it was quite the feat.
So of course, because they were in no position to accuse someone, let alone a royalty, the first years decided to take up on the offer and defeat prince Mandor and whoever is helping him reek havoc in here.
That's when season 1 ends.
next season
other seasons: S2, S3, S4, S5, S6.
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ejunkiet · 2 years
voicemails (sam/darlin)
redacted asmr: sam/darlin. rated G for goodness. set after HBS. >:3
A series of voicemails Sam leaves Darlin' during a trip to Washington.
Hey, darlin'.
Hey, darlin'. Just wanted to call, as I was thinking of you. You must still be sleeping. Long trip up north, to see your folks. Hope the flight went well. Your text after you landed was much 'ppreciated.
I expect you'll be busy, these next few days. Picking up the last of your things. Wish I could've made the trip with you, but the sun's working against me. Summer. A vamps' least favourite season.
At least we're long past the solstice, even if it did feel like a mighty kick in the teeth. It was better with you there, though.
[Pauses for a long exhale, ending on a sigh.]
'S quiet round here with you gone. The everyday routine doesn't quite have the same ring to it that it used to. Not that I mind much. Life's been better with you around.
Still, it's gonna be a long drive back down South in the van, and I miss you, darlin'. The sound of your voice. The softness of your touch. The feelin' of your lips against mine.
[A soft exhale, followed by a laugh]
...guess it's too late to ask if you're listening to this in private. I'm gonna choose to believe you are, and that this isn't being broadcast over your car speakers. Allow me my delusions, darlin'.
[He hums, low.]
Still, I'm glad you have someone with you on the trip. Company always helps on a long drive… although I'm guessing you maybe view it as something else. A mixed blessing, as it were. From what I've seen of Asher though, he's a good man. He cares about people, you included. I think you'll do just fine.
[Another pause, the faint sound of nails scratching across a rough jaw.]
…and like I said before. The offer still stands. I know that you appreciate your own space. Trust me, I get that. 'M the same. I would never ask you to give that up, in any form. I just… wanted to make the offer. I have the space, if you were looking for it. A space that comes with less history, less baggage… and maybe a few less bloodstains. I think you get my drift.
And a vamp ain't a bad roommate, all things considered. You'd have your space, and I'd have mine. And maybe sometimes, we can meet in the middle.
…just think about it. S'all I ask.
At the very least, I can hold some of your stuff for you, until you find a new apartment. I've got plenty of space out here, you've seen it. William was mighty generous. May as well spread some of that wealth around.
[Another pause for a yawn, his jaw clicking with it.]
…alright. I think that's about it.
[He lets out another hum, low and soft down the line.]
Thinking of you, Darlin'. Take care, and drive safe. I'll see you soon.
Hey, Darlin'.
It was good to hear your voice. Good also to know that the move is going okay, and you're on the road back down already. Heck, you're probably still driving now. Don't push it too hard. Lean on your packmate, ask if he can take a shift, and get some rest Darlin'. I want you back home safe and all in one piece, you hear?
Anyway. Just checkin' in. Drop me a text when you're done driving for the night.
Hey, Darlin'.
Have to say, hearing Asher's voice coming from your contact was a surprise, although I appreciate him tapping in. Sounds like you're making good time, and I should see you tonight. Even if it's just to have you fall asleep in my arms. You're welcome to, any time. These arms miss you, Darlin'.
[Pause for a yawn, wide and long, his jaw cracking, ending with a heavy sigh.]
…S'early to be calling, I know. You're still driving. Even making good time, you've got a handful of miles left. Was just thinkin' of you. More than that, actually. I was dreamin' of you, darlin'. S'fresh enough that the details haven't faded yet, and I wanted to hear your voice. Even if it was just the sound of your voicemail recording.
…just in case Asher happens to be on this call too, I’ll spare him the details for now. I’d be happy to fill you in later, though.
I have a feeling you might like it.
Drive safe, Darlin’. I’ll see you soon.
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