#anyways. i hope u enjoy this stream of consciousness
astrobei · 1 year
Something’s wrong.
It’s a quiet afternoon in Will’s room. Mike is here, and this simple fact should be taking precedence over all else. It would be, on any other day — a day where it wasn’t off-puttingly quiet outside. On any other day, it would be all he could focus on.
Not that it’s not important. Mike is here, sprawled haphazardly across him, limbs akimbo like he couldn’t even be bothered to right himself before the need to bodily press every square inch of himself up against Will’s torso suddenly overtook him. It’s endearing, is what it is, even though Mike’s feet are dangling off the side of Will’s bed — they’re getting too tall to be able to lie down like this, side by side and taking up all the room they could possibly want. He’s got his cheek pressed up against Will’s sternum, arms wrapped so tight around Will’s stomach and lower back that it’s bordering on uncomfortable.
Endearing. It’s endearing, the need for proximity. The need for closeness, for touch, for reassurance. Mike wasn’t like this before. Not to this degree, at least. Will pretended to be annoyed by it at first, but the façade hadn’t even lasted a day before he cracked. He needs it too, and they both know it — the rhythmic push and pull of Mike’s breathing. Feeling Mike’s heart beat steadily against his own, separated by a meager few inches of blood and muscle and bone. The kinesthetic weight of a body against his own, grounding him on his off days — days where his pulse is perpetually panicked and off-kilter, threatening to fly away entirely, rendered unsuccessful only by the shape of Mike’s shoulder blades under his palm. The cotton of his flannel button-down, worn soft with use.
Grounding things. Real things. Safe things.
It’s a quiet afternoon. Mike’s foot twitches, suddenly and gently against where it’s pressed up against the line of Will’s calf.
It’s a quiet afternoon, and Will feels off, down to his bones.
Mike might be falling asleep.
Will smiles, hides it in the soft curtain of Mike’s hair where it’s brushing over his neck. Cups a hand around the back of his head and wraps his other arm around his shoulder — tighter, tighter, like Mike might just get up and walk away if he doesn’t. For all his pretending, Will is like this too, now: desperate, a little needy, selfish in small, ordinary ways. Too quick to worry when a call goes unanswered. Too quick to fuss over cuts and scrapes and bruises. He hugs too tight and he kisses too hard and he gets unsettled by quiet, calm afternoons.
He wasn’t ever like that before.
Mike twitches again — so delicately that it’s almost like an afterthought — then his arms tighten around Will’s midriff.
That feels intentional. Even if it hadn’t been. Things with Mike feel intentional. Purposeful.
Even if he is — you know. Asleep, a little.
Will’s room is comfortably warm; the late summer sun has been hiding lately, and the sky isn’t blue, exactly but at least it’s not red anymore — dark and rolling and angry. It’s still, and it’s quiet, and it’s peaceful for the first time in a long time — a long time—
—and still, something’s wrong.
Mike shifts, just slightly, just enough to lean his head against Will’s collarbone and look up at him. He catches the edge of Mike’s expression like it’s a secret, a glimpse of wide eyes, a little confused.
Will peers down at him. “Go back to sleep.”
“I wasn’t,” Mike says, even as he blinks heavily. He rolls out his ankle, bumps it against Will’s and keeps it there, stretches long and languid, lazy, like he has all the time in the world. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing’s wrong,” Will says. If Mike stays like this, if he doesn’t look up any farther, maybe he can get away with it.
Mike doesn’t sound convinced. “You sure?” he mumbles, rubbing at his eyes with one hand and pushing himself up, just enough to be able to look at Will better. “You seemed…”
He trails off. Will tucks a stray strand of hair back behind Mike’s ear, from where it had been falling loose and down into his eyes. “I’m sure,” he murmurs. “Go back to sleep.”
“I wasn’t asleep!”
“You were,” Will laughs. “You were twitching. Like a cat.”
“I don’t twitch,” Mike insists, then pauses. “Do I?”
“Sometimes,” Will admits, then presses a kiss to the top of Mike’s head. “When you’re really tired. I think it’s cute.”
“Stop,” Mike mumbles, but he lowers his head back to Will’s chest. “So mean to me.”
“I called you cute!”
“Mean,” Mike says, sounding like he’s halfway back to sleep already as he snakes an arm back around Will’s chest, hand resting lightly on the side of his throat, just over his jaw. He tangles their legs together, the sheets going wrinkled and bunched up under them. “So mean.”
Will smiles. “Sorry,” he whispers. He glances down at the mess of black hair in front of his face, runs a careful hand through it. Again, and again, and again. Mike makes a small noise, content and pleased, and presses in closer, like he’s trying to vanquish whatever minute semblance of space might have been left between them. “I won’t be mean again.”
It’s a joke, obviously. Still, Will traces apologetic circles into Mike’s back, into the gentle dip between his shoulders. He maps out the planes there, tries to commit them to memory by touch alone, the way he can feel Mike breathe in — slow, hesitant — and then out again — faster, like he’s collapsing back into Will’s body.
The circles give way to shapes, any that Will can think of. Then lines, curved and looping around his shoulder blades, his upper arms. He trails fingers up the back of Mike’s neck, where the cotton of his shirt gives way to a more organic warmth, and scrapes his fingernails lightly against the skin there. Drops another delicate kiss to the sliver of Mike’s forehead where his hair is parted as it falls around his face.
Mike lets out another pleased noise, half-coherent and probably involuntary, and his hand twitches lightly on Will’s jaw. Will bites back a smile, and stares straight up at the ceiling.
Will was never good at this before either — taking the things he wants. Letting himself have things he wants. Something is turning over in his gut, warm and viscous and slow, with each moment of touch he lets himself have, in this newfound, selfish way — through Mike’s hair, down his arms and back up again. Over his back, his shoulders, trailing fingers up his cheeks. He rubs circles into Mike’s temples, watches his brows unfurrow — for once in his life — and his expression go slack with contentment. He wants to touch the corners of Mike’s mouth too, where they’ve turned downwards, vulnerable, half-pressed into Will’s shirt.
He does. He can.
It’s a novel thing, for him, having someone be this close. Having someone be this close just because they want to be, because they trust you.
Will doesn’t know what to make of that. He’s never felt this before, the urge to hold someone so close that all the bad things go away. The urge to touch, the urge to lie here until entropy takes them.
There are no bad things anymore, though. It’s a quiet afternoon, and it’s calm, and it’s peaceful, and—
Will stops.
His hand stills on Mike’s back.
Oh, he thinks, still looking up at the ceiling. Oh.
“Will?” Mike stirs again, and he’d definitely been right on the precipice of sleep this time, judging by the way his voice is dragging on the single syllable. “You okay?”
“Yeah,” Will whispers, a little incredulously, as realization dawns upon him. He wants to laugh. He wants to cry too, a little bit. “Yeah. Yeah, I’m great.”
Mike taps a slow finger against Will’s cheek and peers carefully up at him. “What is it?
“I,” Will starts, then stops. He’ll sound ridiculous if he says it. Ridiculous and pathetic and— “Nothing,” he says anyway, despite every molecule of better judgment in his body. “I’m just— I’m happy.”
Mike pauses. “Oh,” he says simply, cheek still pressed to Will’s chest. He sounds a little caught off-guard, in a good way. “I— that’s good. That you’re happy.”
The weird feeling in Will’s gut bubbles up, up, and over. “Yeah,” he says quietly, trying to keep his voice even. “I am. You make me happy.”
At this, Mike looks up. His expression is a bit startled, like a deer in headlights. “What?”
Oh, god. Will swallows. He looks back up. “I just,” he says, “I’ve never— I’m happy. And I don’t know when— I don’t know if I’ve ever. Been this happy before, I mean. Before everything. Before—”
You, he thinks. He doesn’t say it, but it goes implied.
Mike is silent.
The weird feeling starts settling back into Will’s stomach, slow and steady like molasses. Shit. That was, objectively, probably a weird thing to say. It was, right?
Oh, god.
Will blinks, once, twice, thrice in quick succession, and keeps his stare fixed on the ceiling.
“Will,” Mike says at last, from somewhere below him. He lifts his head off of Will’s chest, tufts of black hair swimming into view. “Can you— can you look at me, please?”
Oh, god.
Will looks down. “Yeah?”
Mike looks— wondrous, maybe, which is a bit dramatic, but it’s true. “Really?” he asks, and he doesn’t sound freaked out or anything, which is a good sign, but— “I do?”
“Yeah,” Will whispers. “You do. Like, really happy.”
Happy seems a bit diminutive, if Will’s being honest. Whatever this feeling is runs much deeper than that — past contentment and comfort and satisfaction. Ease, maybe. Safety would be closer.
He doesn’t say any of that.
Mike’s cheeks flush a brilliant pink. He splays his palm across Will’s cheek and asks, in mild disbelief, “Is that what was bothering you?”
“It wasn’t bothering me,” Will says quietly, tugging at Mike’s wrist and sitting up, just slightly, leaning back against one elbow. “I’m fine.”
“You weren’t,” Mike says simply, and lets himself be moved. “I could tell. I just— I thought it was something, you know. Worse.”
“What?” Will laughs, and Mike’s expression softens in relief. “Like what?”
“I don’t know!” Mike exclaims, but he’s smiling too. “I just— I could tell, and I didn’t— I don’t know. Never mind.”
Will pushes a strand of hair behind Mike’s ear again, the same one that had been falling back out the entire time they’d been lying together. “I’m sorry if you worried,” he says quietly. “I just— I didn’t know what it was. I’ve never been this happy before.”
“Will,” Mike starts, expression earnest and searching. He opens his mouth and closes it again.
“Sorry,” Will adds, for good measure. Maybe Mike is, like, totally freaked out. “No pressure, or anything.”
“Don’t apologize,” Mike says immediately, frowning. “Never apologize. I just— I’m happy too. You make me happy. Really happy.”
“Well that’s good,” Will jokes, but it comes out halfhearted. “I should hope I’m not making you sad.”
Mike rolls his eyes. “Will.”
“Sorry,” he says on instinct, then immediately bites down on his lower lip. “I mean. Yes. Yeah.”
Mike gives him a look, exasperated and a little fond. “I mean,” he says, then leans forward, all the way back into Will’s space, “you make me happy too. I don’t know when I’ve been— me too, I mean. Me too.”
“Oh,” Will breathes out, in awe, a little bit, of a lot of things — the deepening flush across Mike’s cheek, the ease with which the admission comes tumbling out of his mouth. The simple reciprocity of it bowls him over, like maybe Mike thinks about this, when Will doesn’t know — just how happy Will makes him. “Okay.”
Mike eyes dart between his own. “That all you have to say?” he teases. “Okay?”
“What else do you want me to say?” Will asks, teasing back, a little, but also asking a little truthfully. He’s not the greatest with words, but he’s also not stupid — he understands the implications, here, of what it means to feel so happy around someone that it feels like you’re admitting to something bigger by just saying it. He knows what he’s implying, and he knows Mike is picking up on it, but he doesn’t know how to put that into words — the way his soul feels like it’s stilled inside of him, somewhere, no longer restless or jittery or perpetually keyed up.
He wonders if Mike feels like that too.
The thought, suddenly, is too much.
“Nothing,” Mike says, after a moment. He pauses, then presses a fleeting kiss to Will’s cheek. “Nothing.”
“Mike,” Will says, suddenly, then grabs a hold of Mike’s wrist again. “I— you know that I—”
He feels overwhelmed, a little frantic. He’s sure it’s coming through in his voice. The rest of the sentence hangs there, suspended in midair between the two of them.
Love you, Will thinks. I love you. I love you.
He needs Mike to know.
Mike can’t ever know.
He looks away again, like maybe Mike will be able to tell exactly what he’s thinking just by looking at him.
“Yeah,” Mike is saying. “It’s okay, Will. I know. Me too. Obviously.”
Will relaxes. Thank god for plausible deniability. “Okay,” he says instead, feeling a smile split wide and exhilarated across his face. He feels like he just ran a marathon, and it isn’t until he lies back down that he feels it. The adrenaline, sweet and thick and palpable in his veins. “Okay. Cool.”
“Cool,” Mike echoes, then settles back down on top of him. “Yeah. Cool.”
Will tucks his chin over the top of Mike’s head, running a soothing hand over Mike’s hair. His heart is beating so fast that he’s sure Mike is able to tell. “Go back to sleep,” he says quietly. Mike lets out a noise that might be a laugh, and tucks his face into Will’s neck.
It’s a quiet afternoon. Everything feels perfectly right.
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thelukesalvez · 8 months
Luke Alvez x Reader: Lifeline
Prompt: can you write something where luke is struggling with ptsd symptoms? Maybe he’s having nightmares or something & the reader helps him work through it? 
Word count: 2.2k
Warnings: angst, flashbacks, ptsd mention
A/N: thanks for the request, hope u enjoy xx. 
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Luke slides into bed beside you. It’s late– the clock beside the bed reading nearly one in the morning. 
“Hi,” you mumble, voice sounding exhausted and thick with sleep. You turn before he gets a chance to lay his head on the pillow, sliding your body closer to his and reaching for him. “Welcome home.”
“Hi baby,” Luke replies quietly. He wraps his arms around your waist and tugs you the rest of the way to his chest, to the spot you always manage to fit so perfectly. 
“Missed you,” you say, eyes barely cracking open in a way that makes his entire chest ache. 
“I missed you, too,” he murmurs, planting his lips on the crown of your head, right near your hairline. Guilt pours through his insides– a feeling he was no stranger to. Although his switch to the bureau allowed him to be home more than when he was with the fugitive task force, (or God knows, the army) he is still gone far more often than he wants to be. 
You rest your head in the nape of his neck and wind an arm around his waist, sighing a breath of relief like it was the first time you’ve been able to exhale since he’s been gone. 
And while you’re the last thing on his mind before he drifts into an uneasy sleep, Luke still has the same dream that’s haunted him since his army days. Soon, he finds himself running through the desert, down alleys frantically, the gun he kept holstered to his side in his hand– alert, on guard, and searching for something... or someone he can’t find.
When you wake up, it’s dark in the bedroom and the moonlight casts shadows through the sheer curtains of your shared bedroom. When you shift on the mattress, you’re alone; the bed beside you is cold and empty– a feeling you’re all too familiar with. 
But then you remember soft lips against your hair– and murmurs from the sweetest voice you will ever hear, so vivid that you know you couldn’t have just dreamt him coming home. 
“Luke?” You sit up and look around the room. Even without the light on, you can see his to-go bag resting by the door, a clear sign that you hadn’t imagined everything. And then the sound of running water becomes clear in the distance– pushing itself into your hazy consciousness. 
Quietly, you get up, shivering once your feet hit the floor, before walking to the bathroom door. 
You knock once, pressing your ear against the wood for a response that doesn’t come. You walk in anyway– sighing a shaky breath as soon as you see him standing in the shower, his back facing you. 
“Luke, what’re you doing? It’s three in the morning,” you say. 
But as soon as the words fall from your lips, you can tell that something is wrong. His head is hanging low, water tumbling from his loose, wet curls as they stream down the rest of his body. His shoulders are tense– the muscles tightened while he sways slightly. 
“Luke?” you repeat, taking a tentative step forward. 
He flinches– just the slightest bit, so subtle you wouldn’t have even caught it had your concern not forced your mind to become more alert. “Yeah–” he chokes out, his voice trying so desperately to sound normal, but the undertone of fear– panic, even, bled through. “I’m good,” he says, sounding nearly breathless. “Go back to bed–”
As if, you think. 
You take another step forward before reaching for the sliding glass of the shower. Gently, you tug it open. The water barely hit your hand, but you can feel how cold it is. Luke hated cold showers– in fact, he hated any shower temperature that didn’t practically scald his skin. You wonder if he’s even aware– or maybe he’s been in here so long all the hot water is just gone. 
“Luke,” you repeat, not caring that the shirt you’d fallen asleep in (which was conveniently his) was getting slightly sprayed. You reach your hand in and place it delicately on his back. “Luke– let’s get out of the shower.”
“I’m good–” he says again, voice thick. “I just… I just need a minute, I’m good.” As soon as he’s done speaking, you notice his shoulders shudder. 
Fuck it, before you can think, you discard the shirt you’re wearing on the floor and step out of the shorts you’d slept in and climb into the shower. Bracing for the cold, you wind your arms around his middle and rest your head against his freezing, tense back. 
Luke startles, jumping slightly at the contact. But he doesn’t pull away. Instead, he grasps for your forearm as your hands move to settle on his chest. The second you lay your head against the crease in his back, you feel something in him shift. A shuddered sob– one you can tell he’s been trying to hold in, escapes his mouth. He gasps, his grip on your forearm tightening, like he’s reaching for something. 
Good– let me be your lifeline, I’ll hold on tight, I’ll never let you go. 
You’re soaked within seconds, the water coating your skin and leaving a trail of goosebumps in each drop’s wake. Gently, you plant your lips against his skin– across his back, along his shoulder blade, and you feel the way his breathing is rapid and choppy beneath your touch. 
You stand there for seconds or minutes or hours– you can’t really tell. But eventually, Luke opens his mouth and speaks– a sound so sweet, you think you might cry, because it means he’s here… with you… right now. 
“God, it’s freezing–”
You nod against his back, your own body starting to tremble. “Can we get out?” You ask, not wanting to be pushy or demanding, but almost certain you were about to catch pneumonia or something. 
He nods slowly before reaching to snap off the water. For a moment, he stands there– completely still. You’re about to start worrying again when his head turns towards you with a frown. 
“You’re shivering–” he notices for the first time. “What–” his voice trails off, like he isn’t entirely sure what’s been happening. 
Truthfully, it scares you. Luke was always the put together one– the strong one– the one who held you close when things were falling apart. You don’t know how to reverse the roles, but you have to. It isn’t a choice. 
“It’s okay,” you say. You reach for your towel– hanging on the back of the bathroom door and wind it around Luke’s shoulders. As soon as you step out of the shower, you grab one for yourself under the sink and wrap it around your body before turning back towards Luke. He’s standing in the same position that you left him in. 
Gently, you reach for his hand and tug him towards you. He snaps out of his trance again and steps out of the shower, not protesting when you begin to wipe his shoulders and back with the towel. He takes it from you and begins to dry himself off– a sign of life that you welcome. 
“You got it?” 
He nods, giving you enough confidence to hurry for the bedroom. You grab sweatpants and sweatshirts from his closet– enough for the both of you. Quickly, you slide on the clothing before bringing the rest to him. 
“Here,” you say, holding the sweatpants out first. 
Luke takes them, then the sweatshirt and slides them on swiftly. 
He still seems absent– like he’s not all there. But at least he’s moving– at least he’s dressing himself. When he’s done, he stands there, your damp towel in his hands like he doesn’t quite know what to do with it. You take it from him, hanging it on the hook before reaching for Luke’s hand. Carefully, you guide him out of the bathroom and towards the bed, where you both take a seat on the edge of the mattress. 
“Luke–” you begin. When his attention doesn’t shift, you reach for his sleeve and tug. “Luke, look at me,” you plead. 
It takes him a minute– but he does. His eyes are watery– filled to the brim with agony. It makes something inside your chest crack at the sight. Because it was so obvious that you loved this man… the one standing in front of you looking so broken, so hurt– with everything inside of you. You know, in that moment, and in every moment, that you’d do anything for him, absolutely anything. 
“What’s wrong?” you ask gently.
“I’m–” he begins. 
But you shake your head. “You’re not okay.”
You watch his teeth sink into his lower lip– like he’s trying to alleviate just a little pressure inside of himself. 
“Was it a bad case?” You press. 
Slowly, he shakes his head. 
“A nightmare?”
You get a nod, now we’re getting somewhere. 
Another nod. 
“Luke– what happened over there– I know I can’t imagine. I know I don’t know, but it’s over. You made it home. You’re here, with me. You’re safe–”
“I shouldn’t be,” he whispers. He uses his fingers to comb back his damp curls. “I shouldn’t have made it back– I shouldn’t be here. I shouldn’t have been allowed to come back.”
You take a moment to compose yourself. Because just the thought of something happening to Luke while he was in the army all those years ago– of him not coming home to you, was enough to make you sick. But this isn’t about you, or your needs, or your inability to comprehend Luke’s guilty conscience. This was about him– his perception, his reality. 
“The things I saw,” he whispers, voice cracking. “The things I did. It’s… it’s unforgivable. I shouldn’t have lived through that–”
You can’t help the tears that surface in your eyes, but you fight like hell to hold them back while you listen. 
“I tried to do what I was told– I mean, I did do what I was told. But the lives… the innocent lives that were taken because of me, because of things I did…”
There are no words. You know that. So, instead, you reach out and gather his hand with your own– still freezing from the shower, and hold on tight. 
“I see their faces– in my dreams… my nightmares,” he whispers. “I remember all of their faces.”
He snaps his mouth shut and is quiet for a long time. “It never even changed anything. They died because I had orders that killing them was our best strategy– because maybe, just maybe, someone we were looking for was hiding in their house.”
He sighed, head hanging low. You bend and lift your leg, resting it on the mattress, and slide close enough so that you can lean your head in the nape of Luke’s neck. 
“None of it mattered. Their deaths meant nothing– they were just a number we’d sign off on and say was worth it– but it never was. All those people– they all died and it meant nothing. I should have died–” 
You squeeze your eyes shut and bury your face further into Luke’s neck, your hand releases his so that you can wrap your arms around him instead. 
“Sorry baby,” he whispers. “I didn’t mean to wake you up because of a stupid bad dream.”
Luke had this habit of pulling away– especially when the topic of his time in Afghanistan came up. But you don’t want him to feel like he has to brush this under the rug– to pretend this doesn’t haunt his dreams. 
So, even though it’s the last thing you want to hear about, you plead, “Tell me about the dream.”
Luke pulls away slightly, looking down at you. “You don’t want to hear about this stuff,” he assures you. 
You nod. “You’re right– I’m sure I don’t. But I’d rather hear about it all night than know it’s sitting in your head festering. Luke, this stuff is awful– and I know… I know hearing about it won’t make me understand any of it. But you’re not alone– I’m here, as unhelpful as I may be with knowing what the right thing to say is– or how to handle any of this, I’m here. You don’t have to be alone.”
Luke nods, wrapping his own arm around your waist and pulling you into his side. “Thank you, baby. I love you.”
You say it back– like you have a thousand times, like you will say a thousand more. And he doesn’t talk about it– at least not yet. So, you sit with him, until the sun pours hues of orange through the curtain– until he can breathe again. 
And you know the war is far from over– that the battle inside his mind is raging on. But for now, you hold him tight and you remind him with your touch that he’s not alone in any of these feelings– that as long as you can help it, he will never be alone, and you let it be. 
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livvyofthelake · 2 years
thinking about liv and major again…. “it’s what fate dealt us” “fate didn’t do this to me liv, you did” literallyyyyy. ur insane…. she legit turned him into a ZOMBIE so he wouldn’t die. huge for me as a once upon a time season 5 enthusiast. emma literally did that. well not with zombies. she turned killian into the dark one. because she was the dark one. and then he was dying and she was all surprised he was dying even though it was because he got a little cut from excalibur which as we all know even the smallest cut from excalibur is fatal so like emma come on have some foresight. wait why did i just say that. DO we all know that. why do EYE know that. hold on wtf. oh that’s really weird that that’s information i seemed to intrinsically know. is that even true? i know it’s true in once upon a time but i also know i knew this before once upon a time did it because i literally just repeated the exact thought process i had when i first watched that season. WHY would i know that. OHH do u think it was in the sisters grimm. that’s probably it. anyway i hope u all enjoyed this overly long stream of consciousness post that was supposed to be about izombie. whatever
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bonnie-bug · 2 years
I know I’ve seen it somewhere before (most likely here on tumblr) but i AM obsessed with the idea of a muppets version of good omens where the human characters are all played by muppets and aziraphale and crowley are played by humans who are very clearly controlling muppet versions of themselves as their corporations but the muppets only ever directly address the muppet corporations. as far as they can see aziraphale and crowley are also only muppets
moreover I am EXTRA obsessed with the idea that aziraphale and crowley. also keep up the muppeteering when alone with each other. their muppets are their corporations how they interact with the earth and they interact with each other while within these corporations. but when you can literally see their true (human) forms looming over their dinky little flesh (felt) bodies it adds a new level of hilarity
I cant tell which would be funnier: if, when talking to each other, they looked each other dead in the eyes while making their muppets also look at each other, or if they ALSO pretended the other was only a muppet and utterly ignored their true human forms
that being said I think for the drunk scene they should be slugging back actual glasses of wine in one hand and just very sloppily controlling their muppet selves with the other. the muppets have little fake glasses of wine too obvi
with tracy aziraphale just takes over as her muppeteer she just sometimes moves and talks on her own. all the other angels and demons are just humans but when on earth the angels have muppets and the demons have really shitty hand puppets. they just stand there holding the muppets/puppets they dont make them move and act. aziraphale and crowley are thought to be very weird and creepy for doing so with theirs
the horsepersons…. I think they start with muppets only but you can see there’s sticks or wires or whatever controlling their limbs. and them when they start to come into their power suddenly they’re being controlled by a person. and when they go full Horsepersons Of The Apocalypse they’re fully human (in form). except for death. death is identical to tv canon bc he’s the one who hides his true nature the least. and he’s creepier that way
with adam? I think he’s just an uncomfortably human looking muppet. his face is more normally proportioned. his felt is a very human beigey tan. his hands are uncomfortably dextrous like the swedish chef’s. maybe when he comes into his powers he starts looking less and less like a muppet and more and more like a human until it culminates in something dead center in the uncanny valley for both humans and muppets. and then after he tells satan to fuck off he suddenly looks almost perfectly muppet normal with only a twinge of almost-human-y since he still has at least Some powers
in terms of the muppet casting I have no idea who should be whom jdjdbdkd maybe miss piggy for anathema and kermit for newt, mostly bc they’re arguably the main human (adult) characters and it’s funny to me to call a frog “newt”. however this version does not include the all-but-onscreen sex scene okay we do not need to see that. it fades to black just like in the book thank you ❤️
also to be clear all the angels and demons and in particular aziraphale and crowley are all still dressed like in canon. when their wings show up their human true form also has wings. crowley puts on sunglasses on his human self before digging out a tiny pair of muppet sized ones and putting it in his muppet hand to put on his muppet face. yknow. stuff like that
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hauntlikeaghost0 · 2 years
i’m with you | b.h.
billy hargrove x gn!reader
summary: billy is ready to leave hawkins behind and there’s no way he’s going alone.
warnings: swearing. reference to billy being a dick. mostly fluff. technically an au because billy is alive.
a/n: this fic was requested by @muyub-yo . feel like it’s kind of short so could be considered more of a drabble but i really enjoy writing for billy in more of a stream of consciousness kind of way and this is what came out. thankyou for ur request, i hope u like it!!
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if billy had a dollar for everytime this shithole town ruined his life in some detrimental way, he’s sure he would be a millionaire. it seemed moving here with his dickhead father was the first step in some great chain reaction of unfortunate events that have ultimately led to him having enough. and, oh my god, has he fucking had enough.
he found so little happiness in hawkins, he wondered why anyone else stuck around. how the town was still inhabited when it clearly sucked the soul out of anyone who entered. all he saw each day were the same miserable people, going about their same miserable tasks like the town wasn’t collapsing from the inside. he’d been here three years and in that time he’d seen more death and literal monsters than he ever had and ever wanted to in his entire life.
for a while he thought he might deserve it; thought the suffering he was subjected to was karma. when had he ever done anything to deserve peace anyway? he was a bad son, a bad brother and a notoriously bad boyfriend. maybe cursed hawkins was where he belonged and he was put here as punishment, to teach him a lesson. that’s why he stuck around, at first, he figured if he put up with it long enough he might come out a changed person, a good person.
though, there was one good thing that came from hawkins, one gift that was granted to him, one indulgence. and that was you. a year ago, you were presented to him on a silver platter, all thanks to a hallway collision and a myriad of mumbled apologies that still make billy grin, to this day.
it was unusual, for billy, to be drawn to someone so timid. typically, he went for the loud girls, the ones who threw themselves at him, using him for his status the same way he was using them. it had become a vicious cycle, one in one out. the longest he was a boyfriend to the same person was probably about two weeks and he wasn’t exactly loyal then either. so why did this asshole all of a sudden think he was deserving of happiness from someone who could obviously do so much better?
he’d watched you since that day you’d ran into him, eyes caught on how your cheeks had flushed and how you’d genuinely smiled when he’d apologised alongside you. he couldn’t remember a time in his life when someone had given him a genuine reaction that wasn’t fear or selfish lust. and, maybe it was selfish of him to expect it, but he chased that reaction anyway. cornering you in hallways and offering to walk you to class to see if he could raise another smile from you; giving you a lift home and relishing in your honest conversation; asking you on a date praying to see you agree with no ulterior motives. he’d fallen for you fast and that was the only thing he could thank hawkins for. the gift of you.
that’s why, as he zips his life away into one last duffel bag and moves to throw it in the boot of his car, he knows there’s one place he’s stopping before he’s burning rubber, speeding himself out this place. he knows the one thing he won’t let hawkins sink it’s teeth into and take away from him. whether he deserves you or not he’s too attached, too selfish to care.
in many ways, you make billy good. when he feels like acting out, when he sees his world start to spin out of proportion, you’re the one to anchor him. your the one to quiet him before he can spew unnecessary hate at someone in the hallway in reaction to a bad morning with his dad. you’re the one that smoothed out his rough edges; that showed him that a relationship extended beyond and exchange for social gain. you showed him what it felt like to be wanted for who he was, for the beating heart that laid beneath all that armour he put up. you hugged him (that alone had a great effect on his demeanour) but you hugged him like you needed him, like he was worth something to you, like you never wanted to lose him. and billy had grown to need that. to need you. so it might be selfish, but as he pulled into your driveway to see you stood, bags packed, waiting for him, he decided, just this once, it would be okay.
“you ready, sweetheart?” he steps out of the car, cigarette balanced between his lips.
you don’t answer, instead picking up one of your bags and moving to put it in the boot, hoping that’s answer enough for him.
he grins widely in response and holds out a hand to stop you. “i got that, baby.” pressing a kiss to your head he takes your luggage off you and begins to pack it all himself. you still scoop up some of the smaller bags to throw in with you at the front and he fights to roll his eyes at your stubbornness.
as you’re about to climb into the passenger seat, he stops you with a hand on your shoulder. his eyes lock with yours, the sparkle in them causing a flutter in your stomach as he looks at you intensely. unintentionally your eyes drop to his pink lips, noticing how the instantly quirk up into a smirk as he reaches to remove the cigarette. stamping it out beneath his boot.
“you definitely up for this?” his hand gently pushes a strand hair behind your ear.
you nod solidly. “i’m with you. wherever you go.”
though he despised it, a part of him will always be eternally grateful to hawkins; the person that stands before him is the best thing he ever could have asked for and he wouldn’t have you without this godforsaken place. he tilts his head to press his lips against yours, hand gripping your face gently as though too much pressure would make you vanish.
but your solid, and your here and he could cry because for the first time in his life he can see that peace he’s always wanted. he can see it in your smiling face as you whoop excitedly from the passenger seat. and he can see it in that beautiful, metal sign that reads:
“you are now leaving hawkins, indiana.”
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hornime · 3 years
plsss do a nekoma ver of that toys hcs it brought me so much joy😩😩
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warnings: 18+, timeskip!everyone, toys (duh), voyeurism, praise, cum-eating (?), vaginal penetration, oral (f!receiving), begging
characters included: fukunaga, kenma, kai, kuroo, inuoka, yamamoto, lev, shibayama, yaku
a/n: got kinda broad w the definition of “toys” here (handcuffs, blindfolds, gags, etc.) but i that was just to avoid being too repetitive. hope u enjoy anon!!!! <3
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loves them and will use them even before you ask:
>> fukunaga: you bounce yourself silly on the dildo, sealed to the floor, rolling your pebbled nipples between the pads of your fingers and making the sweetest noises, desperate to get a reaction out of the man in front of you. fukunaga, sitting on the couch, faces you with outstretched legs, slightly rubbing his cock through his jeans with the palm of his hand. “looks like you’re enjoying yourself,” he notes, taking you by surprise. you look up at him in a silent plea to just touch you already, careful not to break his no talking rule. he considers your pitiful expression for a moment, leaning forward and placing his elbows on his knees, before falling back onto the cushions. “you look pretty like this. i’ll touch you, don’t worry, but i just wanna enjoy this view for a little longer.”
>> kenma: “you’re so fucking—ah!—lazy, kenma,” you gasped into the space between your foreheads, which were pressed against each other. “don’t even wann—ah! wanna touch me yourself.” he chuckles lightly at that, a small noise that morphs into a choked moan as the vibrations simultaneously touching you both increase. “yeah,” he grunts. “but you love it. and besides,” another wave of intensity sends you reeling, hands flying out to grasp on his shoulders in a desperate attempt to ground yourself. “this toy makes us feel a lot better than i ever could.”
never been super interested in them but will definitely try it out if you want:
>> kai: you were rolling your hips mercilessly, relishing in the way every inch of kai’s cock rubbed perfectly against you, making embarrassing squelching noises that only spurred on your movements. “shit, baby,” he groaned. the metallic clinking coming from behind him made it clear that he was struggling against the handcuffs you’d asked him to put on earlier. “wanna touch you so bad but these stupid fucking cuffs—” he grunted and your eyes widened in surprise as something bright and silver flew across the room. did he just...? kai brought his hands to the front of his body, gingerly rubbing his sore wrists and giving you a sheepish smile. “fuck, i didn’t know i had it in me to break them,” he admitted, grasping onto your hips to pick you up and drop you back down on his cock. “but when it comes to you, i guess nothing can stop me from getting what i want.” he took in your dazed expression, knowing that you probably were too fucked out to hear him, but he spoke regardless. “i think those cuffs’d look better on you, anyway.”
>> kuroo: “you sure this is good?” kuroo was crouched between your outstretched legs, ankles chained to opposite ends of a spreader bar, giving him a eyeful of your glistening hole. you nodded meekly in response to his question, not trusting your voice, especially with the predatory way he was looking at you. with your affirmation, he crawled forward and loomed over you, two fingers expertly plunging into your cunt. his pace quickened almost immediately, and you thrashed at the intensity in a weak attempt to escape from the buildup in your core. you let out a choked moan as he inserted a third, his other hand holding your hip down as it hopelessly tried to wiggle out of his grasp. “this pussy,” he grunted, “is mine. all fuckin’ mine.” at his words, your cum spilled over his palm, and he snickered as you whined in overstimulation. he brought his hand to your lips, prompting you to part your lips. “now suck.”
thinks using them means they’re not doing enough for you:
>> inuoka: inuoka was lapping desperately between your folds, anchoring your body to his face with the iron grip of his forearms crossed over your back. the sounds that were coming your mouths were obscene: his, muffled groans that shot spikes of pleasure up your spine, and yours, moans that were ripped out of your throat. he momentarily lifted you off of him, gasping for breath, revealing his unfocused eyes and dripping chin. “dunno why you bother with all those toys,” he breathed. “especially when you can use me. use me however you want. alright?” you let out a huff of yes, and he pulled your thighs back down, smushing his face between them, and got back to work.
>> yamamoto: “i’m the best you’re ever going to experience, admit it,” he mumbled into your collarbone, two fingers on one hand occupied with your pulsing clit and two on the other hand thrusting shallowly in the tight rim of your ass. “shoulda just told me you wanted this. no plug could make you feel this, good. got that?” you nodded weakly, and he groaned at the stars in your eyes. “would give the world to my good girl. would give the world to you.”
wants you to use toys on them:
>> lev: lev’s breath caught in his throat and his eyelashes fluttered against the blindfold as your fingers traced a path down his chest, lightly playing with his nipples. you continued further downward, spreading his thighs further. he whined as your hands left his body entirely, his inability to know what you were going to do next setting all his nerves on fire. “please fuck me,” he whispered. you settled your palm along the base of his cock, squeezing gently. he bucked his hips up helplessly, “please, please, please.” you smirked, wanting to tease a little bit more. you leaned forward until your lips were against his earlobe, nipping at the flesh. “only if you’re good.”
>> shibayama: garbled sounds were escaping the man in below you, drool slipping from his lips, stretched around the black sphere of a ball gag. you were furiously pumping your hand up and down the length of his cock, movements aided by lube and results of his past orgasms. “gimme one more,” you ordered, fiery gaze making him throw his head back, tears streaming freely down his face. “you can do that, right? gimme one more.” he hadn’t performed the safe action, so you kept fucking him with your fist despite his pleas and twitches of his body. a mumbled cry of cumming! had his muscles tensing up as he released on your fingers and his stomach. he could feel himself losing consciousness, eyelids losing their will to stay open, but heard your quiet whisper of “good boy” and the small peck you left on his nose before dozing off with a small smile.
>> yaku: "you really think a collar is gonna do anything? we both know who the better dom is, so why don’t you just—” you yanked harshly at the leather around yaku’s neck, cutting off his air supply. you wrenched his chin so that he was looking at you, his mouth set in a defiant line. “stop being such a brat. do you not want to cum today?” he scoffed at your words. “i’m not the one being a brat. you’re the one that thinks you’re the dom, but its actu-ah!” you sucked at a spot on his neck that had him keening and clutching at the bedsheets. detaching from his skin, you tugged at the collar again. “keep talking. we’ll see who’s begging later.”
© property of hornime 2021. do not plagiarize any of my writing and do not repost/copy my writing onto any other sites.
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honeysidesarchived · 2 years
filthy + hmwyc xx
thanks stella : ' ) hope u enjoy this stream of consciousness
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filthy + hit me with your car (ig john is there too in spirit) from this list! blood/gore/kissing with blood and gore and kind of tiny bit of spice. par for the course with the girls yknow how it be
"just look at you."
there is a curl of disdain in the familiar voice, lulling through the haze of red permeating her brain. in, and out, echoing in a blur that rattles her skeleton down to the marrow of her bones. elliot blinks, and blinks and blinks (and blinks and blinks andblinksandblinks) and opens her mouth to say something.
fingers brush matted hair from her face. oh, yes; matted with blood. but not her own. her mouth closes and the touch startles her out of her strange, dream-like state, the sounds of a music box ticking away somewhere in the back of her mind: distant, but lurking. only you!
"look what he's done to you," lyra murmurs. she inspects a lock of hair, lets it slide--wet with crimson--between her fingers before her eyes lift to meet elliot's. "you're filthy."
she realizes, quite suddenly, that she is standing in the doorway to the ranch. that somewhere, sometime after she woke up in a pool of bodies and blood, she fled the whitetails. departed. and now, arrived.
"sorry," she blurts out, compelled by the criticism even though there is a part of her brain that shrieks not our fault! not our fault! not our fault!
the corners of lyra's mouth lift. she finds it funny.
(of course she does.)
"i am glad you came to me," the redhead murmurs, sidling closer. she is pristine, elliot realizes too late, the silk of her dress instantly collecting carmine when they're close enough to touch. absently, she wets her lips, and tastes blood. "i only wish jacob hadn't rushed you. he is so impatient. consider the lilies, how they grow..."
elegant fingers trace the slope of her jaw. it smears dark-wet with it.
"...they toil not, they spin not; and yet, i say unto you..."
elliot takes in a breath. she can see the flush of lyra's lashes against her cheekbones when they flutter, she's so close, their noses brushing. she ought to pull away,
(and yet)
but she stays. she stays. she stays
(she was the one who came here, after all.)
and lyra says, lips brushing hers, "that solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these."
their lips meet, and she thinks she moans. it's an eerie animal sound that crawls up out of her throat, anyway, trapped between their kiss, throttled in place by the flicker of lyra's tongue against her lips and fingers spanning the side of her neck.
it's just a moment, just a flickering moment, before some of her sense regains (no more music box tick-tick-ticking in the back of her head, no more, no more, please,) and she tilts back, just a little, just enough to see the blood has smeared onto lyra's mouth and she seems, as ever, unperturbed by it.
"we ought to clean up, deputy," lyra says, keep her hand where it is, letting her fingers sweep the nape of her neck. "don't want to be in disarray when john gets home."
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thoughts-on-bangtan · 3 years
Do you think BigHit pays attention to how much things to show to be able to "please" each ship, esp the maknae ships? For example, If a run ep/any content showed a little bit more of vmin, it will somehow highlight jikook or taekook next. For sure, the boys are not faking their interactions, but do u think BigHit consciously monitor these interactions and edit it in a way that can avoid violent reactions from diff ship groups? Sorry I cannot word this ask well. 😕 I'd love to hear ur thoughts.
Thank you so much for the amazing question! And your wording was really good and clear so don’t worry about that.
I think the first major thing we need to remember is that BH is a company, and a company’s main purpose, above all else, is to generate revenue. Which isn’t a bad thing in this case seeing as, depending on how much BH makes, so do the members since their contracts, compared to others in the same industry, have some great percentages in their favor.
With that in mind, the answer to your question is a very simple and straight forward yes. BH monitors and plans things accordingly to please (paying) costumers, in the context of this answer, shippers. Fan service and showing certain interactions in certain ways are a great marketing tool that every idol agency uses for decades now, it isn’t anything new or revolutionary in any shape or form, though it’s clear that the type of fan service the BTS members do nowadays has changed in comparison to earlier years, like Jimin being required to perform shirtless at an award show.
In the context of this answer when using “ship”, I simply mean two members interacting with each other and are liked together by a certain community of people, and not actual pairs that have (in my opinion) chances or signs of being real (in a romantic sense) at all, except for vmin and namjin, since those are the only two we see as fulfilling that criteria of romantic potential and are the only two we focus on on this account. But that at large is a post/discussion for another time.
When it comes to showing different interactions between ships, or even really any kind of duo or trio in the group, editing and what does and doesn’t get shown certainly plays a role and follows some kind of idea as well. A good example of that would be how following the release of Dynamite there was a bigger “focus” on J*k*ok, seeing as they had their own moment together in the choreography and we were shown more of their interactions/”moments” in content around that time. But, while that satisfied one major ship and its devotees, it didn’t satisfy another, so it needed to be balanced out. Which is exactly what BH did.
More below the cut since this got a little long:
If you look at the Break the Silence: Persona movie commentary done by the members, the maknaes sit together in the middle of the sofa (and the screen) with JK between vmin, meaning that both major ships could pay attention to their two members and be “pleased” at the same time by any and all interactions or “moments”. A counter argument to moments involving all three of them working in a positive manner would be the Dynamite performance at Jimmy Fallon (x) that ended with the members skating around on roller-skates where at one point the maknaes were together, JK holding Tae’s wrist while Jimin had his hands on Tae’s hips (?). It was a cute and funny moment of them just helping Tae since he can’t skate, but it caused a plethora of negative/awful reactions among those who ship one and the other “main” maknae ship with, in both cases, either Jimin or Tae being on the receiving end of awful accusations, insults, and alike. Then again, to balance out J*k*ok Dynamite content, we can look at the BE-hind Story video where JK and Tae sat together and were seen interacting more, while Jimin interacted more with Yoongi, where Yo*nm*n is also a rather popular ship.
Perhaps it sounds mean or calculated or like I’m badmouthing other ships as just “tools”, but the thing we have to keep in mind is that every piece of content is planned in a certain manner (BTS are seven people after all so you can’t just tell them to do something and hope it’ll just magically work out somehow), is filmed by a giant crew of staff from stylists to PDs and lighting crews, and while there are certainly also genuine interactions between the members, simply because they enjoy spending together and interacting, being close and have no issue touching each other etc, many of these things are not really anything that would really count as “intimate” moments due to the nature of the content itself. But shippers oftentimes ignore that in favor of enjoying whatever content of their ship they are given, which makes sense, as vminnies and namjinists we do too, but we also know that BH certainly has a hand in what is and isn’t shown, and the way in which it is shown.
Look at the trailer for Memories of 2019 and the famous J*k*ok moment that was front and center. From a marketing standpoint it was a genius move since it made sure that shippers would go and buy the DVD regardless of its price. Look at what we’ve gotten for Winter Package 2021 so far, J*k*ok being playful in the trailer, T*ek*ok squished together in the picture on IG, and J*k*ok next to each other, along with Seokjin, in the preview pictures on Weverse. Of course, there was also a picture of Yoongi and Hoseok together (a popular ship) as well as Namjoon with Yoongi and Namjoon with Tae (far less popular), but those three aren’t really selling arguments the way the major maknae ships are. Even vmin isn’t, seeing as the vmin community is much, much smaller than the other two maknae ships, and also vmin moments are often times written off as ‘friends’ interacting anyway and thus not taken seriously (or being paid attention to), if you know what I mean.
(Admin 1: I, for one, would really love to own the 5th Muster DVD because I love the concert itself but also because the famous vmin dancing together to Spring Day sequence is immortalized in picture form in the photobook, so I’m not innocent or “different” in any way since I fall for this marketing stuff just as much as everyone else.)
But on the other hand, there’s also content that isn’t as controlled by BH as pre-recorded and edited videos or DVD’s, as in their vlives or live content, like the BE/LGO release day vlive in pajamas where, sure, the members were given a general plan of what they’ll be doing and a timeframe for it, but certain things seemed more spur-of-the-moment and unplanned, like the vmin lipstick moment (Tae putting on the lipstick was planned, but the final executions likely wasn’t) and the way the other members reacted to it. Or things they do at concerts, which some of it is surely also rehearsed and planned, we saw Hoseok ask JK if he’d do a heart with him at some point during one of the concerts, as example, or Tae and Seokjin planning their typical moment that happened at every concert, but other ones are more in the moment and not controlled.
When it comes to concert DVDs, that is again a different story seeing as a camera can only show as much at a time, so the editors are presented all the footage from the concert and then decide which to show and which not. So, if we see an interaction between JK and Hoseok, for example, at the same time somewhere else Namjoon might be dancing with Seokjin or vmin could be doing something, but we’d simply never know since they can’t show us everything.
That, in a way, is also the case with actual concerts where there’s a difference, somewhat, between concerts that get filmed for DVDs or streamed online, and those that are not. Something that comes to mind would be a vmin moment during Best of Me in Busan on the day that didn’t get filmed where they skipped the first half of the choreography and vmin stood together, half of that sequence being just visible in the background while JK is the primary focus of the cameras that are shown on the side screens, and this whole thing only happened this one time and never again. (x) That’s a moment that, in my opinion, isn’t planned, or other similar moments where vmin change the choreographies (even if just a little) to do something together, like during Spring Day during WINGS Tour Final where Jimin adjusted his solo moment so that he ended up in front of Tae. (x)
There’s also this whole mythos I’ve heard/read about a lot about how supposedly at some of the not filmed Japanese concerts (where I’m not sure if people mean LY:SY or just LY) had some crazy moments between the members (in the sense of “ship” moments and alike) BUT I couldn’t find any proof of that, so if someone perhaps knows anything about this, let me know.
Finally, there’s also things like Bon Voyage and In the SOOP which, you’d expect that they would be less edited and less controlled, but even here a selection takes place of which scenes are shown and which are not. Something I find interesting is how the first half of In the SOOP feels very different to how the second half does when they return to the house after being gone for a few days. In the first half vmin (as well as namjin) seemed to “satellite” around each other and interact much more, playing ping pong or doing things together in some shape or form, but in the second half that was (nearly) completely gone and neither interacted much with each other, if at all. We even had Jimin who outright refused to join Tae and Hoseok on their car adventure, or we saw Seokjin wake up Namjoon to go jogging yet never got to see said jogging happening (if it did happen, that is).
So, to sum all of this up: Yes, BH definitely monitors and guides the way certain things are and aren’t shown in order to achieve certain things or avoid certain reactions, though it’s a complex balancing act and doesn’t always work out. There are things that are unplanned and not controlled, of course, but there’s also a fair amount of marketing play involved. 
After all BTS aren’t rookies anymore, instead they are giant household names and their actions and words move people, move money, and on top of that they are still idols, and part of what it means to be an idol is differentiating between your idol appearance/persona (so what we see in screen) and your personal private life, which is usually kept as secret as only possible. How much they themselves choose to share of their real selves and real feelings toward each other is up to them (as well as up to BH and how much they “allow” them to/don’t edit out). But that, too, is a whole other discussion for another time.
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dyaz-stories · 4 years
Out of The Woods — One: Acceptance
It’s here!! You guys might remember this post of mine, and that is what this story is based on! I had planned to have everything done by Inukag week and... yeah that didn’t happen, but this is chapter one, the next ones will be based on prompts, though I definitely won’t have them all out this week. Let me know if you want to be tagged for this specifically (tagging everyone just for the first one) and I hope you’ll enjoy this first one!
Thank you so so much to @sweetchcolate for being my beta for this chapter, you helped improving the final result so much and you’re amazing ❤️
Tagging: @shinidamachu @sailorbabydoll92 @sweetchcolate @clearwillow @zelink-inukag @cstorm86 @digital-art-monster @danycontreras90 @redflamesofpassion @lost-amidst-the-stars @eternalnight8806-3 @desiree239 @keichanz @ashleys-canvas @mustardyellowsunshine​ @meggz0rz @contacting-u @ramen---boi @superpixie42 @kazeinori @disgruntledbeast
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The full moon shone high in the night sky, its soft light falling on empty streets and tightly shut windows. The villagers laid restless in their beds, waiting for the morning to come, pretending nothing would be happening tonight, pretending that they didn’t know about the white form dashing through the trees in the forest, pretending they hadn’t left him an offering that was far more than they had ever expected to pay. Pretending that the moonlight was enough to repel the darkness.
In the forest, things looked very different. Even the midday sun hardly pierced the thick foliage, and the moonlight barely reached the ground. Unlike the village, the forest was full of life and movement, even at night. Small demons, animals, owls and bats… It was like they knew the humans wouldn’t venture in here tonight, and they intended to make the most of it.
Sometimes, however, the noise was interrupted for just a moment. Silence fell brutally on the trees, as a flash of white appeared, only to vanish just as quickly, letting the animals resume to their lives as though nothing had happened. The silhouette stopped in front of a clearing, sniffing the air, as it checked its surrounding. Once it was satisfied, golden eyes focused on a bag laying on the ground. Good. Relief overtook it for just a second, before resolve flashed in its expression, and it jumped in.
The action was only a matter of seconds. The form jumped in, easily threw the bag over its shoulder, paused, only long enough for an exterior observer to discern red clothing underneath long white hair, before he ran away, just as fast. A blink, and you could have missed it.
It didn’t stop until it had reached a small river. There, it took north, going up stream, the sound of bare feet on rocks barely audible over the brook’s whisper. Finally, the shape slowed down as the banks of the river started to rise to form a small ravine. After one last glance over its shoulder to make sure it wasn’t being followed, the white shape disappeared behind the rocks.
As it walked to a small wooden hut by the lake that had formed there, the moonlight revealed a definitely humanoid shape, an impression that was only disrupted by the two triangular ears on top of its skull. He unceremoniously dropped the bag onto the grass, only to freeze when a yelp came from the bag.
Slowly, he knelt down next to it. The moonlight caught onto claws, and they briefly shone in the dark as he prepared to open it.
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Kagome didn’t regain consciousness until she was moving. She remembered the men, showing up in her house, dragging her out as she asked, begged, for an explanation. She remembered Mo, the leader of the village, telling her that he was sorry, that this was for the best, for everyone. She remembered the pain exploding in her temple. She remembered hitting the ground. And nothing after that.
She woke up, disoriented, unable to see, terror coursing through her veins, aware that someone was moving with her at full speed. Her stomach immediately protested against the up and down movement, and made it all the more difficult for her to fight her first instinct: to scream. She dug her teeth into her lower lip in order to keep from making a noise. Trying to calm herself down, she took a few quick breaths. That, however, only fueled her panic as she realized with horror how hard breathing through the cloth was, but she somehow managed not to have a complete meltdown. She could breathe, after all. It was just difficult. She focused on that for a moment, and used that to consider her situation.
It wasn’t easy to form coherent thoughts, not with the fear that was infecting her system, and certainly not with the fact that she could feel the youki of the person carrying her. Her reiki was always under control, and she had never had any problem with it, but as it was, it took everything she had not to let it spike. If she did, it could have disastrous consequences.
She swallowed, and forced herself to focus. What did she know? The men of the village had knocked her out, but clearly, she wasn’t with them anymore. She closed her eyes, both to calm down her breathing and to try to remember Mo’s words.
“I’m really sorry, Kagome,” he’d sighed, shaking his head dejectedly. “If there was any other way, I would choose it, but you’re the village’s priestess, and I know you understand why you must offer yourself in this situation.”
“What are you talking about?” she’d asked, tensed, not aware of the gravity of the moment yet.
Her eyes shot open as his words finally came back to her.
“I’m sorry,” he’d repeated. “I believe what we need right now is a virgin sacrifice.”
‘The situation’ had to be a reference to whatever lived in the forest. From what she’d been told when she had joined the village as a priestess, only a couple of weeks ago, in replacement for a distant cousin of hers who had been murdered, everyone believed it was a god that they had angered. They made regular offerings to it, once a month, on the full moon. And tonight was…
Gods. She was tonight’s offering.
She had just realized it when she felt herself falling, and let out a cry of protest when she hit the ground. She closed her mouth shut, but the damage was done already.
The silence that followed was excruciating. She felt the bag being lifted as though she weighed nothing, and she knew that it wouldn’t be long until it was open. Concentrating her reiki in her hands, Kagome prepared for a fight. She would not go down easily. She knew herself, knew her power, and she didn’t doubt that she would be able to take out a demon, even without her bow, if she had the advantage of surprise.
But, as she prepared to deal it a death blow, knowing that she wouldn’t have another chance, she hesitated.
Maybe she was being unfair. Maybe it was her fear speaking, and not her reason. Her work was not to inflict death. It had never been, and in fact, she had always held strong beliefs against that practice. Kagome knew that gods and demons could often be reasoned with, and that they would rarely go out of their way to attack humans unless provoked.
It was stupid, not to kill the demon instantly. An act of folly. It was taking a chance on something nonsensical.
Kagome took it anyway.
When the bag was finally pulled down, she held back her power, only sending a flash strong enough to make the demon jump back with a surprised growl. Sharp pain to her cheek told her she’d been hit, but she didn’t care as she stared at the supposed god that terrorized the village, and all she found was…
A young man. No older than herself, probably under twenty. Sure, his hair was white, his eyes seemed like liquid gold, and the dog-ears on his head weren’t human, but other than that— He was practically a boy. Skinny, almost to the point of being called scrawny, and his entire body tense as a bow string.
Kagome slowly lowered her hands, though she didn’t disperse her reiki just yet. The man kept growling as he glared at her, claws in evidence. His eyes moved over her clothes, a priestess’ garment, and the growl only became louder.
“What the fuck are you doing here? Where’s my food?”
Fear was soon replaced by anger, and Kagome shot him a death glare that would have made most men cower. He didn’t react to it — she hadn’t expected him to. Clearly, he was not ‘most men’.
“Oh I’m sorry, am I not a sacrifice satisfying enough?”
“Sacrifice?” he repeated with a frown. “The hell sort of sacrifice are you? Am I supposed to— eat you?”
People didn’t eat other people, did they? He couldn’t say he was tempted, even if she smelled a lot like fresh meat.
“No, I’m—” Kagome rolled her eyes. She had not expected to have to explain that part of the situation, and now it was weirdly uncomfortable. “They said they needed to make a— a virgin sacrifice. To appease you.”
A puzzled look appeared on the man’s face, and for a second, Kagome really feared that she would have to explain to him what a virgin sacrifice was. But then, his eyes widened in understanding, and, much to her surprise, his cheeks heated up. He glanced away from her, blushing and clearly embarrassed, which only made her feel more awkward.
“K-keh! So there’ll be no food this month?”
The question took Kagome off guard, yet again, and she was starting to realize that she really did not like that sensation. Why was she always one step behind? Something was wrong here.
“I… suppose not.”
For a few moments, there was only silence. He was crouching and glaring at her and she was trying her best to assess the situation, now that her fear was mostly gone, but she still was far from having enough information. First things first, then. Clearing her throat, she asked him about the thing that had been on her mind ever since she had felt his aura.
“You’re… not a god, are you?”
His lips curled to reveal his fangs, and his growl, which had stopped when she’d mentioned being a virgin sacrifice, picked up again.
“Are you making fun of me?”
His voice was defiant, and Kagome didn’t doubt that he would have attacked her if he hadn’t feared her powers. She swallowed as she looked him over once more. His youki was extremely powerful, so she had assumed he was a demon from the beginning, but now that she was looking at him, there was only one explanation that made sense. She hadn’t even considered it before, but the ears spoke for themselves.
“You’re a half-demon,” she said slowly.
“Gotta problem with that?” he snapped.
“Everyone believes you cursed the village,” she said, shaking her head, just trying to understand. She didn’t know how such a mistake had been possible. She’d only ever met Kikyo a few times, but based on what she’d heard about her power, there was no way she wouldn’t have been able to tell the difference. Maybe, maybe, she would have believed him to be a full demon, but she doubted even that.
“Sounds just like those assholes to blame their problems on me,” he mumbled bitterly. “Been blaming me for their priestess’s death, too.”
That caught her attention again.
“You’re Inuyasha?” she asked.
He almost jumped when she said his name, before focusing back on her. His eyes were shining dangerously, and Kagome resisted the urge to lift her hands defensively in front of herself. She didn’t want to risk escalating the situation.
“How would ya know that?”
“I was told that, on her deathbed, Kikyo said you were responsible for her final injuries.”
She watched his face crumble. The shock in his eyes, the way his lips fell. He whirled around, turning his back on her, but his reaction told her everything she needed to know. Having seen that— she couldn’t believe he had anything to do with her cousin’s death.
“She said that, huh?” he asked, voice sounding a little too loud and too clear. “Sounds just like that bitch. Keeping me her dirty little secret and stabbing me in the back last second. Nothing surprising about it.”
Kagome watched his back, silently. She didn’t know what to do. Didn’t know where she went from here.
“I’m Kagome, by the way,” she said, awkwardly.
That snapped him out of whatever emotion he was feeling, and he turned around.
“I didn’t ask,” he growled. “So ya said ya were— a sacrifice? Were ya okay with that?”
Her lower lip started to tremble, as it finally dawned on her what the men from the village had been willing to let happen to her. Whether they expected she’d be killed or— It would all have been horrible for her. The worst part was that she was pretty sure she could have been guilted into accepting it.
“Well, that’s humans for ya,” the half-demon said with a shrug, able to tell what the answer was from her silence.
Kagome forced herself to breathe in, but it didn’t help. She had been called to the village. They had asked for her presence, and she hadn’t thought much about it. She travelled a lot, usually going where she was needed. When they had called for her, she had assumed they wanted someone powerful, given what was living in the forest. She hadn’t doubted their intentions at all. Did they know then? Had they planned this all along? Did they think of it whenever they saw her walking through the village in her robes?
Inuyasha cleared his throat, right before she lost herself completely in questions she didn’t have any answers to, and she looked at him, blinking the tears away.
“What are ya gonna do now? Going back? Are ya gonna tell them that I ain’t a god and I haven’t cursed their village?”
He was trying his best to sound detached but, judging by his previous reaction, he did count on the offerings of food, which meant he did care about what her answer would be. She wanted to give him something, she did, but she didn’t know what to tell him. Even if he hadn’t killed Kikyo, he had injured numerous villagers who had ventured into the forest. She couldn’t find it in herself to feel bad for them right now, but he was still very much dangerous, even if he looked so young and normal. He could probably feel her reiki, and that might be why he hadn’t done anything to her yet. He might very well be waiting for her to lower her defenses to strike.
“I don’t know,” she admitted regardless, voice weak. “I can’t say I really want to go back there.”
The silence that followed was heavy and uncomfortable. Kagome wrapped her arms around her knees, pressing them against her chest, and finally let the reiki dissipate in the air. She would be able to summon more energy if needed, but it didn’t look like it. For now, at least.
“I guess ya can sleep here,” Inuyasha finally said, reluctantly. “’s not much, but it’s warmer than outside, and demons don’t come here.”
She could understand why. The air was infused with his youki, clearly marking the place as his territory. It made sense that other demons wouldn’t want to challenge him.
“…I think that would be for the best,” she said.
His reaction was less than enthusiastic. He sighed, obviously considering retracting his offer, then pointed at the hut with his chin.
Kagome pushed herself up, wincing at the sudden wave of pain that shot through her head, where she had been hit. If Inuyasha noticed it, he didn’t show it. In only a few large strides, he was in front of the hut, pushing the curtain that served as a door.
“You comin’ or what?”
Well, even if he didn’t kill her, he was pretty insufferable, Kagome decided as she followed him, walk a little wobbly.
The hut consisted of one room, with no furniture whatsoever. In a corner, there was some straw and what looked like a blanket, laying directly on the earth, and that was about it. It was not, by any means, comfortable, and Kagome found herself almost horrified at the thought that he lived here. These conditions were definitely not good.
“I told ya, it ain’t a palace or anything, but unless you wanna sleep outside, you should get your ass in here.”
Inuyasha’s annoyed voice — though Kagome was pretty sure she detected a hint of shame in there as well — finally got her to step in.
“You can sleep there,” he said, pointing at what was probably his bed.
“But what about you?” she questioned, concern filling her voice despite the fact that she wanted nothing more than to collapse on there to soothe her throbbing head.
In the darkness, with the only window in the hut being the sole source of light, she missed the suspicious glance he shot her. When he didn’t find anything in her behavior that should keep him on his guard, he merely shrugged.
“I’ll be good. I’m not like you humans, my body can handle a lot more.”
Kagome accepted his explanation, too tired to object that demons, while more resistant, still needed sleep.
“Well, if you’re fine with it…”
The only response she got was another shrug, so she slipped under the blanket and did her best to wrap herself in it. As expected, it wasn’t pleasant, but it was better than nothing. She watched as Inuyasha went to sit against the wall opposite her, putting as much distance between them as he could in this small space, and closed his eyes. She hesitated a second before rolling around, turning her back to him. Maybe it wasn’t the smartest decision, as she wouldn’t see him coming if he attacked her, but she knew she’d hate it if someone watched her as she slept.
Even with her exhaustion, sleep wouldn’t come to her, and the pain did not help. After a while, she rolled over again, attempting to find a better position to sleep. When she moved, she saw his eyes opening. It lasted less than a second, just long enough for her to see a golden flash, but it told her that he was keeping track of her actions.
It seemed that he was as weary of her as she was of him. The thought was almost reassuring. She wouldn’t attack him, unless he did first, and if he felt the same, well, they were both probably safe.
And with that thought, Kagome was finally able to find sleep.
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When she stepped out of the hut in the morning, Kagome at least felt a little better. Her head still hurt, and the cut on her cheek stung, but she assumed she would be okay. The first thing she did was to examine her surroundings, something she hadn’t been able to do when she’d arrived at night.
There was something surreal about being here, in the middle of a forest she’d been told was inhabited by dangerous monsters since she’d arrived, and to see that it was, actually, a really normal place. The sun was shining bright in the sky, the birds were chirping in the trees. Today was looking like a beautiful day.
Looking around, she realized the hut was by a lake, in an enclosed area surrounded by cliffs. There was a small waterfall just a little further, making the river the only easy way out, though she assumed Inuyasha had other ways. The scenery was idyllic, in stark contrast with everything she’d imagined about the forest. Sure, she could feel youki all around her, even with Inuyasha’s so present, and she couldn’t forget that this place clearly wasn’t inhabited by humans, but it was all so… peaceful.
She heard a noise above her, and was startled when Inuyasha simply jumped down from a cliff. He landed with a grunt, and she took her chance to examine him as he pushed himself back up as though he hadn’t fallen from at least ten meters.
She hadn’t noticed in the night that he was dressed entirely in red, and that was not the only way he looked very different in the daylight. He went from a mythical being to— a person, simply put. She noted his sharp jaw, the hard glint in his eyes, the frown that she doubted ever left his face. When his eyes turned towards her, she glanced away quickly, then berated herself for her reaction. She hadn’t done anything wrong.
“Hey!” Inuyasha yelled at her, “I got some food for ya!”
Joining her, he hastily handed her some fruits.
“It ain’t much, but ’s all the forest gives at this time of the year,” he explained.
“It’s fine,” Kagome replied, forcing herself to smile. “Thank you for that.”
A look of suspicion passed on his face, and he had to bite back a comment. He didn’t like her behavior, not one bit. People were never nice to him. He definitely expected her to try some shady shit. Maybe she wanted something from him. He couldn’t figure out what for the love of him, but that would explain that ‘virgin sacrifice’ story she’d told him. After all, he’d never asked for that. Surely, those guys weren’t twisted enough to get that in their mind without any suggestion?
Keh. All things considered, he wouldn’t put it past them.
Humans couldn’t be trusted, after all.
“You should try to wash yourself,” he said bluntly as she bit down on a pear. “You reek.”
In fact, she smelled like animal blood. That was why he hadn’t been able to tell she was in that bag. Which was definitely weird and—
“Excuse me?” she protested, eyes wide. “I’m so sorry I didn’t have time to wash myself before I was given as a sacrifice, you—”
Was she insane? Did she think that, just because she was a priestess, there’d be nothing he could do to her?
“Whatever, wench,” he growled. “Should probably take care of your clothes, too, ‘cause it ain’t any better.”
Kagome didn’t think she’d ever been so insulted. It took a lot of her self-control not to shoot some reiki at him. She tried to tell herself that he had helped her so far, and that it was probably a bad idea, but damn if it wasn’t tempting. She folded her arms on her chest, self-consciously tightening her clothes around her.
“And what am I supposed to wear then, you pervert?”
The way his eyes widened as color rose to his cheeks his face told her that he had not considered that difficulty.
“That’s not what I— Ah, fuck.”
He quickly got rid of his haori and pushed it in her hands.
“Just get it done. I’ll be— around. Scream if a demon starts eating you alive or— something.”
With that, he was gone, and Kagome was the first surprised when she felt a grin lift the corner of her lips. She’d been told before that she trusted too easily, clearly she had, and perhaps this was another one of those situations, but Inuyasha just seemed weirdly… inoffensive. She didn’t doubt that he could be dangerous, however it was also strangely easy to forget.
Shaking her head, she walked to the lake, and found a place where she would be hidden by rocks to take off her clothes, before taking a deep breath and plunging in.
It was the middle of spring, and the water was biting cold, which didn’t stop her from immersing herself completely. As much as she didn’t want to admit it, Inuyasha was right about her needing a bath. She didn’t think she reeked — jerk —, but she didn’t think she smelled great either. She took the time to rub her body energetically, then to rinse and disentangle her hair. She was almost done and was about to start working on her clothes when she felt a disturbance in the forest’s youki.
She only had the time to look up before a giant centipede, with a woman’s chest and head, came out of the woods, screeching in a high-pitched voice. Instinctively, Kagome tried to reach for her bow and arrows, only to find them missing. She didn’t have time for anything else, so she moved as though she did have them at her disposal. With only her mind, as the Centipede was closing in on her, already opening its mouth wide enough to swallow her whole in one bite, she shot a reiki arrow.
The shot was unfocused, difficult to maintain, and it wasn’t nearly as efficient as an actual arrow would have been, but the creature was close enough that there was no way she could have missed it. Fortunately, purification was her strong suit, and the Centipede was destroyed in an inhumane scream.
Kagome remained there, trembling, frozen in place, unable to comprehend what had just happened. She was still immobile when Inuyasha burst into the clearing, jumping in the water in front of her, fully clothed.
“What the hell was that? What—”
His eyes widened and he spun around, though not quite quickly enough for her to miss the blush forming on his cheeks. Kagome slowly realized, while staring at his back, puzzled by his reaction at first, that it was because she was naked. That finally got her to move, and she wrapped herself in his haori, hands shaking so hard that she had to try several times before she made it.
She forced herself to breathe in. She’d fought and killed demons before. Sure, this time she’d been taken completely off guard, and she didn’t have her weapons here, but still. She’d been through worse. She couldn’t let this affect her that much.
“Wash your clothes,” Inuyasha ordered, though the effect was undercut by the fact that his back was still turned to her. “I’ll be closer, ‘kay?” Then, after a moment of awkward silence, he added “Good job on that one”, and took off as fast as he had the last time.
Kagome didn’t even have it in herself to protest his manners right now. She started to wash her priestess garment, with regular movements that she had done a hundred times before. Still, the Centipede’s scream kept replaying in her mind, and she couldn’t seem to shake off that horrible feeling she’d had when she had realized that her bow wasn’t there.
Despite all her efforts, her hands didn’t stop shaking.
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Inuyasha watched the woman from above. Seeing his haori on her shoulders made him feel— weird, to say the least. He hadn’t expected her natural scent to be so pleasant for his nose, and he knew his clothes would definitely smell like her afterwards. Right now, though, the aroma from the mix of their scents was having more of an effect on him than he’d have wanted it to. Stupid demonic instincts…
It would probably only get worse if she chose to stay. He didn’t have much experience in that domain, because he hadn’t been in contact with many dog demons, or not for a long time, but it was likely he’d start to consider her part of his pack. Which meant he’d feel protective of her. Get attached to her.
He sat up with a growl at that thought. He knew he should have wanted her to leave, if only to avoid that. She was human, after all. She wouldn’t have the same instincts as him, and judging on how easy it had apparently been for Kikyo to stab him in the back, he didn’t have many hopes for that one.
Keh. He couldn’t believe Kikyo would have done something like that to him. He’d— Fuck, he didn’t know if he’d loved her, not when they’d spent so long openly distrusting each other, but saying that, on her deathbed? She’d really done him dirty.
And it sucked, because he hadn’t been able to mourn her. He’d been preparing himself to meet her, in the clearing when they found each other, when it had happened. It was like a refuge for them, a place where they just— sat, next to each other, and talked, ignoring their differences. She spoke a lot about not wanting to be a priestess anymore. He listened, mostly. Let her daydream out loud about a world where they’d both be simple humans. Normal.
It had almost made him want that, too.
But Kikyo had died, and the villagers had tried to kill him, almost succeeding that night, because they’d taken him by surprise, and he’d been all alone once more.
He swallowed, risking another glance at the new priestess. He should have gotten rid of her as soon as he’d realized she was a— a person. Should have made sure she wouldn’t be able to guide anyone to this place, and shouldn’t have looked back. However, even though she clearly viewed him as a threat, judging by that first shot of reiki she’d fired at him, she hadn’t commented on the fact that he was a half-demon. Her gaze had lingered on his ears, but outside of that, she hadn’t shown she was even aware of the implications of his status, something humans were usually very keen on reminding him.
That had gotten him… curious. Not hopeful, he didn’t do that anymore, but if she proved to be somewhat interesting, if she could dull the loneliness, even just a bit… Let’s say he wouldn’t be opposed to her presence.
He’d been alone for almost as long as he could remember. The memories of his mother had been fading, and he now tried his best not to think about it, because he couldn’t take that her face wasn’t as clear in his mind as it used to be. He clung to her scent, which he still knew, but he didn’t have much else, and when that’d be gone— He’d have nothing left. He knew it was stupid, to try to make new memories, hadn’t worked well with Kikyo and wouldn’t work with that one either, and yet he couldn’t help but try.
He could take being alone, had for years. He couldn’t take not having a single good thing, a single good person to remember. He just couldn’t.
Down there, the priestess was done with her washing and had laid her clothes on a rock, waiting for them to dry, and he decided that was his cue to go back down.
She jumped when he landed next to her. In other circumstances, he might have found that funny, but right now, he was just satisfied with her reaction. She should be afraid. This place was deadly, and ignoring it wouldn’t do her any good. If she was on her guards, it was all for the better. As long as she didn’t zap him with her reiki, at least.
“Is everything okay?” she asked, frowning, when he didn’t talk immediately.
Yeah. Fine. Just, there was this weirdly childish part of him that liked to imagine that she wouldn’t remember she was supposed to choose whether to leave or to stay today, and that she’d just end up… Well. Staying.
Like she could fucking forget something like that.
“’s all good. You?”
She shivered at the question, but quickly caught herself.
“I’m… fine. I didn’t think a demon would come here. Your youki is pretty powerful. I thought it would keep them at bay.”
“It usually does,” he replied, shrugging off her concern. “Could be ‘cause they smelled the blood, or ‘cause you’re a new smell. Some find reiki… tasty, I guess.”
She threw him a horrified glance, and he took offense at that.
“Calm the fuck down. I don’t eat people. Would be shit if you taste as bad as you smell anyway.”
Kagome rolled her eyes, reminding herself that she should not waste her energy on getting offended because this jerk implied she would taste bad. It just was not worth it.
“Men at your village did that?” he asked, pointing at the injury on the side of her head.
She had done her best to clean it, and she didn’t think the wound was infected. It still throbbed painfully, and it couldn’t possibly look good, but there was not much she could do about it right now.
“They did,” she replied, mouth dry. “They knocked me out before… You know.”
He did, and it still didn’t sit right with him. He wondered if they just wanted to get rid of her and were hoping he would do the dirty work for them, or if there was something else underneath it all, but he just couldn’t come up with an answer.
“So? You gonna go back there or what?”
She flinched, suddenly snapped out of her thoughts, and Inuyasha cursed himself. He was supposed to approach the subject carefully — or, ideally, not at all — and that just wasn’t the way to do it. Especially since he had this irrational wish that she would stay.
“Well, I clearly can’t for the moment,” she said, finally. “My clothes are drying, and I don’t think I feel well enough to travel. But…”
Inuyasha’s ears had perked up, which was pretty pathetic in his opinion, but at least she hadn’t noticed. That wasn’t definitive, not by any means, but it was something, right? If she stayed for a few days, he could perhaps— pretend. Pretend she was something for him that he could never even hope for. Pretend that, maybe, she didn’t feel sick and disgusted from being in his presence.
“I just— I have nothing here. I’m not talking about the food, you can clearly find those things, even without the offering—” Inuyasha felt his chest swell with pride, as his instincts to provide for his pack kicked in. “—but there isn’t much I can do about the creatures here. I mean, I barely took down the Centipede, and you and I know it’s not the most dangerous thing to live in those woods, not by a long shot. Not to mention I don’t have herbs to take care of my wounds, or…”
“I know where herbs humans like grow,” Inuyasha interrupted her. “Can’t help you with picking them, don’t really know the difference between ‘em, but I can take ya there. I can go steal stuff from the village, too, but if you’re talking ‘bout your bow, I don’t think I’d make it to the temple. That’s usually under heavy guard.”
Kagome frowned, but nodded.
“I suppose I could learn to focus my reiki without it. It’s doable, in practice. If you know where herbs grow, that would be great, though.”
Inuyasha couldn’t help but think that there was something weird in the way she spoke to him. He was vaguely aware that it was because she talked to him normally, without calling him a monster, a half-breed, or an abomination every sentence, but there was something other than that. He couldn’t identify it as respect — he hadn’t been faced with it enough — however he could hear the underlying kindness in it.
That definitely played a role in him letting her stay, in walking her to the spot where herbs grew, later in the day, and in waiting around to make sure she wouldn’t get in trouble. It was rather nice, to have someone talking to him like that, he wasn’t gonna complain, that was for sure, and yet…
There was also something worrying about it. If she kept it up, it would probably get harder to endure the way others spoke to him, so, when he recognized it for what it was, he told himself he shouldn’t get used to it.
But fuck if he didn’t want to.
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Days passed. Kagome was healing slowly but, though she appreciated not feeling pain every time she got up anymore, the idea was more worrying than pleasant to her. Every time she thought about it, and about going back to the village, she felt a pit in her stomach. She hated it. She had always lived to help others, devoted herself to it body and soul.
And they had betrayed her so easily.
She didn’t think she would be able to change her behavior, even after that. She knew herself well enough to be able tell that if someone was in danger, she would jump in without a second thought. She spontaneously took action for others. It was just who she was, what she did.
Now though, the thought of doing this for them was actively sickening. The thought that they would use her, would take advantage of her again, and the knowledge that she probably wouldn’t be able to stop them— it hurt in so many ways. She didn’t want to be the type of person who couldn’t trust. It was— She believed people were good. Maybe not entirely, and maybe they hadn’t always been, to her and to others, but all in all, she thought everyone deserved her help, her kindness. If they talked to her about their issues, she wanted to be able to listen to them and  to believe them.
The idea that she might not be able to do that anymore was soul-crushing.
Inuyasha, as it turned out, wasn’t of much help when it came to her moral dilemma, and she hated that he had been the first recipient of her new-found mistrust. He didn’t deserve that. Clearly, he had been through enough already.
Not that he had talked to her about it. In general, they didn’t talk much. She’d tried to engage in some conversations, but he’d shrug her off quickly, take off in the woods, or close his eyes, leaning against the wall of his hut. She knew he could probably still hear her, because there was no way he fell asleep that fast, but she got the message, loud and clear.
It didn’t mean there was no communication between them, though. It wasn’t much, and he certainly didn’t make any grand gestures, but if she mentioned something, he’d make sure she would get it. It generally manifested in food, but he also stole some items she’d brought up. She knew she should have said something then, but she hadn’t found it in herself to berate him.
“Thank you,” she’d just said, genuinely grateful.
“Keh. If it can get you to stop talking my ears off, it’ll have been worth it.”
But she was starting to be able to read him, and even if his arms were folded on his chest, and he was frowning, she knew that when his ears perked up that way, it meant he was happy about the attention.
It was the cutest thing ever.
“You shouldn’t put yourself in danger by going to the village, though,” she’d added, genuine worry piercing in her voice. “I can make it without these. I really don’t want you to get hurt because of me.”
As most of their conversations, it had ended abruptly, with him rolling his eyes and growling “Whatever” before running off in the forest, and she’d let out a long sigh. Just once, she would have liked not to feel like a complete nuisance when she talked to him. Was that really too much to ask?
It wasn’t even like they could avoid each other completely, otherwise she would have given him as much space as he wanted. Instead, they lived together, in a really small space. He had taken to sleeping regularly outside, and when she’d voiced her concerns, because she really, really didn’t want to push him out of his living space, he had vaguely replied that he did that before she was here, that he liked sleeping in trees, and that she was overestimating her own importance.
Another extremely fulfilling conversation.
So Kagome had done her best to use the same language as him. She couldn’t be as silent as him, because she was the type of person to express herself vocally, and not with growls and grunts, but she could pick herbs and fruits, even if she still didn’t stray far from the hut, and she could kill small demons. So that was a start.
She did her best to pay attention to him silently, to avoid scaring him off, which wasn’t simple for her. It was obvious that he was used to a rough existence. There was no hidden softness in him. Whether in his body, all muscles and bones, or in his behavior, he seemed to treat everything with the same harshness, including himself. It was that very harshness that came out when he was talking to her. That became a lot easier to accept once she realized that it was just who he was and that it was very likely that he hadn’t received anything else.
She wanted to show him something else.
That turned out not to be such an easy task. He always pushed her away when she tried to show him kindness. She didn’t know if he just really didn’t like her, or if it made him uncomfortable for some reason. She didn’t want to impose anything on him, she just wanted him to know. Not everything needed to be so hard all the time.
When she was coming back from picking fruits, she found him knees deep in the lake, and chest bare. It wasn’t the first time, and she was pretty sure he had caught glimpses of her naked as well. Normally, she would have been uncomfortable with it, but her attachment to privacy had greatly diminished recently, so she just watched him from the corner of her eyes, absent-mindedly noticing his toned chest.
She heard him groaning in annoyance as he attempted to untangle his hair. His claws seemed to be doing a pretty good job at that, but it still looked like an unpleasant experience. She winced in sympathy for him, and then the idea hit her.
“Do you want me to brush your hair?” she asked, words leaving her mouth before she had really decided whether or not it was a good idea.
The look he gave her told her that it definitely wasn’t one. Yet, because she just didn’t know when to quit, she insisted.
“You got me a brush, remember? That would be a lot easier, and I would actually see what I’m doing.”
Inuyasha glared at her, and Kagome swallowed. She was pretty sure that was an argument she’d just lost. It was obvious, from the look in his eyes, that he was doubting her. Well, it would just be another failure to add to her list. No big deal, fine, whatev—
“Okay. But if you try anything funny, I’ll tear off your hand.”
“That’s great!” she beamed. “Just give me a second to get the brush!”
He was still eyeing her suspiciously when she came back, and she wondered what he thought she would do. Beat him to death with the brush?
She sat on a rock, and he took place between her legs, back turned to her. He tilted his head, and she got to work, an inexplicable grin forming on her lips. His hair was surprisingly smooth and silky between her hands, and it was a pleasant feeling underneath her fingers. After the first tense minutes, Inuyasha started to relax. His shoulders fell down, and she heard him taking in a deep breath, followed by a long exhale.
Her movements were slow, careful. Soft. Evidently, he didn’t mind the treatment.
“Can I touch your ears?” she asked, curious, after a while. She had wondered about them since she had first seen him.
“Don’t pull on ‘em,” he mumbled back, voice almost slurred, as though he was falling asleep.
She decided to take that as a yes. Hesitantly, she reached to take one in her hand, and let out a small exclamation when she found it feeling like real fur. Not just that, but it was pleasantly pliable, and she had to actively resist an urge to play with it.
Don’t, Kagome, she told herself. She didn’t want him to push her away again.
But Inuyasha didn’t say anything as she massaged them. Instead, he let out what she thought was a contented sigh.
“So,” he said, still with that half-asleep voice, “your injury’s better. Are ya, y’know, going back there? Have ya made your mind ‘bout that?”
Kagome froze and let go of his ears. She cleared her throat awkwardly as she took back the brush and got back to taking care of his hair.
“I’m in no hurry,” she admitted, voice small. “Why, do you want to get rid of me that bad?”
She had intended to say it as a joke, but it sounded desperate instead.
Inuyasha’s long silence after that only made her feel worse. If he was trying to find a nice way to say it, it was more than she had expected. She thought she would only receive bluntness in response, but she could take him at least not wanting to hurt her feelings too badly.
“…nah,” he said, so low she almost missed it. “Y’can stay a while longer. Or a lot longer. I don’t mind.”
That almost had her dropping her brush.
“Really?” she asked in disbelief. “You told me I was breathing too much of your air.”
“Didn’t mean that.”
“You said if I hurt myself when picking fruits, you’d me get eaten by the wolves.”
“I wouldn’t have done that.”
“Ugh, fine, go, see if I care!” he finally exploded, standing up and stepping away from her.
He found her with a bright, wide smile on her face, and his heart skipped a beat.
He didn’t know he was capable of making someone smile like that.
“I’d love to stay,” she said softly. “I just didn’t think you’d want me to.”
“Well I told ya. I don’t care.”
“Actually,” she grinned, leaning forward, “you said you didn’t mind.”
“I meant I didn’t care!”
“I don’t care! I fucking mind if you’re going to be like that!”
Then Kagome bursted out laughing, and Inuyasha felt like he couldn’t breathe simply from listening to her. The laugh flew high in the sky, losing itself between the clouds, and Inuyasha felt lucky from having been there to witness that. Hearing her laugh. Certainly felt like an event in and of itself.
“Thank you,” she said, simply.
“Keh. You’re welcome.”
When she pushed herself off the rock to get up, he held out his hand for her. He didn’t know why he did, certainly couldn’t find a good reason, but he did anyway.
She took it without any hesitation, ignoring the calloused palms and the claws. This time, he felt like he could finally breathe, like she was injecting air directly to his lungs.
He could get used to that feeling.
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sadienita · 4 years
Maison des cartes - The Hierophant
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Witch!Dami x Gender Neutral Reader
Word Count: 3.7k
Contents: magic, kidnapping, a cage, being held captive
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tradition conformity
A suffocating blackness rushed in around you in an instant. You gasped for air in what felt like the vacuum of space as you felt something around your waist pulling you through the nothingness, eyes shutting against the darkness, not making any difference as you did. Your head felt light and woozy as your consciousness slipped away and a distant voice said “help her.”
You had no memory of hitting the ground. The only thing that let you know you did was the dull pain in your back and the back of your head and the fact that you were lying down. Your disoriented mind reached for any details to help you as your eyes fluttered open and you furrowed your brows, eyes bleary in the sunlight streaming in the window.
“I-I’m so sorry!” You forced your eyes open as fear shot through your heart at the unfamiliar voice. Your vision was blurred but you made out the shape of a young woman leaning over you. Closer in your vision swam her hand, offering it to you to help you up. You took it cautiously, trying to make sense of where you were and what was happening.
“What happened?” you mumbled, getting up slowly and rubbing the back of your head. The woman ushered you to a comfy chair and helped you sit down.
“I-I think the potion caused you to faint,” she fretted.
“The… potion…” How you hadn’t seen it until now you had no clue but there was very clearly a large, bubbling cauldron in the center of the room. You blinked at it, your foggy head still confused. You knew you had been in the abandoned house and the door was stuck. You remembered fog. How did you get here? Why did she have such a large cooking pot?
“Yes, it really wasn’t supposed to do that at all. God I’m so bad at this,” she muttered, heading to her shelf where a number of bottles with brightly coloured liquids sat. You watched groggily as she pulled on a certain small bottle and the shelf shifted, revealing a space in a wall behind where she grabbed another potion before returning to you.
“Here,” she handed it to you. “Drink this.”
You stared at the little bottle, thick looking dark green liquid was swirling slowly inside, as if moving of its own volition. A grimace tugged at your lips as you imagined what it could taste like, trying to figure out what it was, as the woman fidgeted in front of you.
“I-It’ll help… w-with the pain I mean,” you looked up at her and she gazed at you nervously. “It- It’ll make you feel better.”
You barely had any idea what was going on but you felt it was probably your best option. You didn’t know if you should trust her or not but what other choice did you have? None of this made any sense to you and your confusion still clouded your mind as you pulled out the stopper and took a swig.
The liquid tasted foul but that wasn’t what made you throw the bottle. The feeling, like a tingling or prickling as it slid down your throat, almost like it had a mind of its own, was what caused you to throw the bottle. You couldn’t manage a scream past the thick liquid as you choked it down and a warm feeling started to melt over your body.
The woman yelled something in a strange language and the bottle stopped in midair, slowly changing course and floating into her hand. As the drink went down you began to cough, barely even noticing how your pain had vanished as she rushed to give you water but you scrambled back in the chair, watching her with frightened eyes.
“Please,” she whispered. “Please just take it, it’s just water; it’ll make you feel better.”
“I-I what-”
“Shhh,” she hushed you. “Please just drink the water. I promise I’ll-” The woman froze and you heard the sounds of footsteps coming closer.
“No,” she whimpered. She grabbed you forcefully and pulled you towards what looked like a cage. “Just, sit in there and be quiet, even pretend to sleep. Just- don’t draw attention to yourself I promise I’ll let you out again.”
You didn’t have much time to react as she was pushing you into the cage, your brain clearing bit by bit and your heart starting to race. You looked back at her as she locked it and looked at you sadly. “Please,” she hissed. “Just pretend to sleep please I know you’re scared.”
You nodded slowly, holding in any and all sounds as she drew away, moving the shelves until they were in their original position. As someone knocked on the door you laid down and closed your eyes, figuring her advice was the only advice you had. You breathed slowly as you laid on the hard ground, listening intently and keeping your face even.
The door creaked open and you heard a rough, man’s voice. “What’s with all the noise?”
“They passed out from the potion,” the woman said nonchalantly. “I haven't got the formula right yet.”
“You’re not going to wake them up and try again? They can take it.”
“That’s not why I left them,” she snapped. “What’s the point? I need to make adjustments, might as well let them stay knocked out until I need them. This way they’re quiet.”
The man hummed. “Yeah, I guess so. Just don’t make such a racket.”
“Of course,” she said cooly. “Now can I work?”
The man let out a grunt as he stalked out of the room. You stayed frozen in your spot until you heard the woman fiddling with the lock and you warily looked up at her.
“You can come out now, I-I’m really sorry about that.”
“What? Why did-?”
“Here,” she said, a little shaky herself as she helped you out of the cage and back into the chair. “I’ll explain, just rest for a moment.”
You nodded slowly as she hurried around the room, trying to calm your heart and process what you’d heard, trying to make sense of it all. The woman seemed to boil a kettle with her hands before pouring you a cup of tea and rushing it over to you. You accepted it gratefully and she pulled up a chair to sit with you.
“I’m sorry about this,” she worried. “I wish I could do more for you.” 
“I’m still confused as to how I got here,” you mumbled.
“I…” she bit down on her lip, seeming to think for a moment. “You don’t have magic, correct?”
“Not as far as I know,” you mumbled, taking a shaky sip of your tea that tasted much better than the potion.
The woman fiddled with her cup. “Then they would have told you nothing. You’re…”  she hesitated. “Ah, a test subject.”
You froze and stared at her with wide eyes and she babbled on quickly. “T-Try not to worry. I want to keep you safe. I-I just need t-to, keep lying to them.”
“My family,” she muttered. “We’re all- I- Oh! I-I’m sorry I’m Yoobin, or Dami, whichever really. I- We all have magic but… they- they aren’t nice to people without magic.”
You just stared at her, trying to absorb all the things she said. 
“You’re here so we can create new spells a-and, uh, I guess you know already. Th-That potion might have knocked out some of your memory though. I’m going to try and keep you with me. You’re one of the only ones here right now but I need you the most anyway and the others…” She trailed off.
“I can’t leave,” you said quietly.
“I’m going to try,” her eyes flickered towards the door. “M-Maybe.”
“Maybe?” you questioned.
“It’s- I can’t just go. We… We do things a certain way here and even this,” she motioned between the two of you. “Isn’t allowed.”
You sat quietly for a moment, thinking. “You’re not even supposed to make health potions are you?”
She shook her head. “They can’t know. If they found out what I actually make…”
“You need to leave too,” you said, perking up.
“N-No, no they would find me. I’ll be good to you here, I promise.”
You reached forward and took Yoobin’s hands shakily. “What do you need to do, to run away and not be found?”
“I-I- I’m not sure… u-um some potions a-and cloaking spells. But-”
You shook your head. “We’re doing it.”
Your ability to help Yoobin was limited to be sure. You had no magical powers whatsoever and she’d warned you against touching anything unless she told you to. You were glad that she kept you near her so much. You barely had any contact with the rest of her family but they were still around from time to time to see what she was doing and as much as you hated going in the cage, and sometimes staying long when they wanted to stay with her, spying or snooping on her work, you were grateful that they left without paying you much attention. 
You did hate sleeping and you barely slept much at night. She’d apologized to you every night as she took you to what felt like jail cells, locking you up near some other non magical people who looked to be in worse shape than you were. You knew if the family started to suspect too much it would ruin all the preparation.
You still didn’t like being in the cells though. You wanted to help the others but none of you talked and you had a feeling they’d been told not to. You were always worried that someone else would come and grab you before Yoobin did. She was late to bring you to bed and early to pick you up but it wasn’t like everyone was on a strict schedule and today, like every other morning, you sat anxiously waiting for her to come.
Heavy footsteps echoed from down the hallway and you heard a whimper from a nearby cell. You squeezed yourself back on the hard bed, hoping that whoever it was wouldn’t notice you, would pass you by. Was it bad to wish that? If that harm didn’t come to you it came to someone else.
“Well well,” the voice you recognized, even if you had never looked at his face before. His frame was large but he was well put together. His hands were casually resting in his pockets and his slicked back hair, like the sly smile on his face, made your stomach turn. “Yoobin’s late today.”
You sucked back your reactions as his hands started to fiddle with the lock. You knew he could undo it with magic so why he was bothering to use his hands you didn’t know, maybe just to prolong the moment. You had a feeling he enjoyed fear.
“You know it’s first come first serve,” he drawled. “The early bird gets the worm.”
The door swung open and you felt yourself standing against your own will before something invisible grabbed you around the throat and dragged you closer. You grasped at the nothingness around your own neck, gasping as he chuckled and pulled you against him.
“And you are a worm,” he murmured. “But a good one, if Yoobin’s keeping you all to herself. Let’s see what all the fuss is about, shall we?”
“Let them go.” You couldn’t turn to see Yoobin but you could hear her icy, low tone. 
“Finders keepers,” he drawled, staring down the hallway with you in tow, still gasping for air.
You felt Yoobin’s hand grab you. “They stay with me,” she said evenly.
“You can have one of the others,” sneered. “I want to see what about them has you all excited.”
In an instant air rushed into your needy lungs and you gasped, Yoobin catching you as the man went flying. He landed with a loud crash at the far end of the hall.
“What the hell do you need them for that badly?” he growled.
“You know my experiments take days. They’re delicate and even your stupid spell could have messed them up you absolute imbecil. Don’t touch them again.”
Yoobin grabbed your wrist and dragged you behind her, moving at a brisk pace down the hallway. She squeezed it tight as a warning not to talk or in fear that he would follow. Either way you stayed silent as you made your way to her room, too shaken to collect your thoughts.
Yoobin helped you out of the cage, still listening intently to make sure the hallway was really empty for another moment before setting you in the chair. You quietly took the tray with willow sticks again and began carefully striping them with your shaky hands.
“They’re suspicious.” She mumbled
“Yep,” you said quietly.
“I’m sorry,” she mumbled. “They usually leave you alone when you’re in there…”
They usually did. It had taken all of Yoobin’s protests to keep them from pulling you out to “have some fun” as they put it. They questioned why they couldn’t and complained that Yoobin was always testing things that were too delicate and that surely one little jinx, a few spells, a hex, wouldn’t hurt.
Well wouldn’t hurt her project anyway.
You had done your best to stay steady, to not show them too much emotion like she’d told you but you were sure they could see the fear in your eyes and it had only made them want to mess with you more. You had a feeling she nearly threw them out with magic but as you had gathered that was also not allowed and she had already been in trouble for doing it before.
“It has to be soon,” she said nervously. “If we wait too long…”
You weren’t sure what she was thinking, but you agreed. There were definitely more and them and you shuddered to think what they would do with both of you if they figured out your plans or caught you. She’d drawn up the plans for rescuing the others and to escape, how to get out undetected and with the last potion brewing, you knew your time was wearing thin.
“Three days,” she said, and her voice sounded more terrified than you’d ever heard it. “The potion will be done in two, that gives me time to bottle it and pack things.”
You nodded numbly. “Three days.”
You wouldn’t be sleeping tonight. Even if it were a regular night you wouldn’t sleep. You were wide awake, anxious and nervous about the plan. You knew the others in the house slept, but some might be awake, they had odd schedules. Others didn’t trust Yoobin. You knew her plan was to stay up late in her study and wave off anyone who tried to get her to sleep, insisting she was on the verge of a breakthrough with her sleeping potion.
You didn’t know if they had left her alone. No one had come down to the cells and you figured no one would now. It had to be beyond midnight now, with a new moon tonight there was little light to see by and it only had you lost in your thoughts even more. This place seemed surreal to you, like some long dream, but it felt all too real. You’d managed to get caught up in this scheme but you had no clue if it was what you meant to do.
A very quiet set of footsteps came down the hallway and you strained your eyes, looking for a figure in the dark, and holding your gasp when moments after the footsteps stopped the door to the cell swung open and Yoobin’s head popped out of thin air. Her hand joined her, floating in space and she beckoned to you and you tiptoed out of the cell. 
Yoobin was silent and you were sure even in the low light pale as she pressed a key into your hand and motioned to one of the other cells. You followed her lead opening it and shaking awake the girl inside. She took in a breath to scream but you covered her mouth quickly.
“We’re escaping,” you whispered.
The girl nodded and followed close to you as Yoobin motioned to you to open one more cell. You did as you were told. The boy inside was wide awake and already standing at the bars. He looked young and you wondered how old he must be. The second you released him he dashed across the hall and wrapped his arms around another girl who looked just like him. The two cried quietly and you thought they must be siblings as Yoobin let out the last person and turned to all of you, pulling a stopper out of a potion bottle, handing it to you first.
“Drink this,” she whispered. “It’ll make you invisible.” The others looked wary but you drank the liquid readily, sweet and strangely warm as it travelled down your throat before your body faded into the shadows. The others slowly took turns drinking and one by one disappeared as Yoobin cast incantations over you to quiet your footsteps.
“I’ll lead,” she said. “Follow my feet. If I stop, you stop. Okay?” Yoobin took a deep breath before covering herself. Her feet were the only things even a little visible as she made her way down the hall.
The basements were quiet and dark. The air seemed to chill you, though maybe that was just your fear. You worried that the others were left behind but you had to trust they would follow. You heard Yoobin’s quiet whisper, telling you all to remain silent at all times before turning a corner. 
The house seemed like a maze but Yoobin knew it well, leading you until you came to a large staircase. The house above seemed just as dark and she led the group silently up, charming the door to move silently as she let you all out into the house and started down hallways.
Light from rooms cast shadows as she moved you through what must have been servants quarters. The hallways were narrow and long and only the slight sight of feet let you know that you weren’t wandering aimlessly on your own. Every little sound made you jump and you swallowed down every single fear that rose inside of you, hoping that this would work.
You were sure you heard a floorboard creak under one of you. Yoobin’s feet didn’t stop, and neither did yours until a door just up ahead swung open and Yoobin’s heels disappeared.
One of the men you had only seen once stepped out of the room, his eyes scanning the hallway slowly. You held your breath, afraid to move even a hair for fear that he would know, that he would hear or see something. 
You suddenly wondered what could make the potion wear off.
The man raised his hand and opened his mouth but at the same time, some things seemed to fall within his study.
“Damn poltergeist,” he muttered before stalking back into his room.
Yoobin’s feet reappeared and you followed them. The corridors turned quiet and darker as you moved to the outer edge of the house. Floors creaked but no one seemed to hear, too far from where people were sleeping or working late into the night.
You had no idea how long it was that you moved but you were still surprised when she opened a door and the cool night breeze hit you. Yoobin’s head appeared and she motioned to move, quietly asking if everyone was out before closing the door behind you all. You stood in the dark and watched anxiously as she cast a spell on the door. You knew she had to erase traces of what you’d done, how you’d left. 
“We’re not done yet,” she mumbled. “Follow me.” Yoobin’s head was uncovered as she led you through the dew-wet grass and into the forests. She said they weren’t the safest but they were the easiest option to get away before you could really travel.
As you trekked through the forest and the sun started to peek over the horizon the potion began to wear off. You managed to see outlines of the others and then see their faces properly. It was a relief to see no one was lost and Yoobin smiled back at the group with relief as you kept moving, her casting incantations every so often to hide your footprints. No doubt they would have realized by now that you were gone, and for as tired as you were you were happy to be away from the house, though the thought in your mind of how to get home was still there.
As day fully broke and sunlight poured over the land you chattered with the others, a sense of joy over all of you as Yoobin led you up a hill overlooking a village. She stopped at the top and reached into her bag, pulling out an old hat and placing it on the ground.
“This will take us somewhere far away,” she said. “We’ll be safe, just give me a moment.” You watched her as he cast the spells she needed before standing and stepping towards you.
“You know I couldn’t have done it without you.” she said.
“You did all the work!” you said “I-I just-”
Yoobin shook her head. “I never would have been brave enough. I would have given up without you there.” She hugged you. “Thank you.”
You couldn’t help hugging her back. “Thank you, too.”
When she pulled back she sniffled slightly before turning to the hat. “Okay, everyone take hold to it.” You all did as she said, the last pair of hands grabbing the hat and wind suddenly whipping around you, making it harder and harder to breath as you lost all sense of land under you. Your head felt dizzy and your eyes slid closed as your fingers slipped from the hat.
“God,” you muttered, sitting up from the floor. You rubbed the back of your head as you looked around, your eyes recognizing the dark living room. The card caught your eye and you let out a strangled yelp as it turned 180 degrees before disappearing in a puff of smoke. In its place a torn piece of sheet music sat as the smoke cleared and you cautiously took it between your fingers as you stood up.
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astrobei · 1 year
7, 14, 17, and 9* *twisting this slightly: what fic of yours, or more specifically, which scene of yours would you most like to see acted out by the cast on screen. (doesn't have to be canon compliant or account for ages etc etc)
hiiiii ella !!
7. tell us about the plot of the first fanfic you ever wrote
LMAO ok uhhhhhh i don’t remember exactly but it was in eighth grade and i was going through my mortal instruments phase and i vaguely remember it was for alec/magnus with simon/izzy as a side pair and i have no recollection of the plot except that it was a medieval au and izzy and alec were peasants selling their wares at the market or something. god this is so embarrassing don’t look at me it’s hard enough for me to perceive my writing from like 3 years ago 🤢🤮
9. ooooh ok ok interesting take !! my first instinct was to say the prom scene from all this time just bc i’d looooove to see the party in their dresses and suits and slow dancing and having a good time like a snow ball parallel it’s just so self indulgent (my entire reason for writing it) and i would love to see it on screen !! also the halloween fic again because it’s so self indulgent and something that’s like. not even in the scope of the show and would have Zero reason to be included bc it’s so random but i will be promoting my byler hanleia agenda until my dying breath and i would give an arm and a leg to see this on screen
14. what’s your worst writing habit?
uhhh ok i gave one answer for this but i definitely have many Worst Writing Habits so . i would say that i have this mindset that everything i write has to top the previous thing i’ve written even though 1. that’s ridiculous and no it does not and 2. comparing a self indulgent quick fluff fic to a plot-based fic i spend weeks on is like apples and oranges or whatever and just is not practical and doesn’t make sense ?? anyways i think there’s this whole thing of when ur writing u just have to churn out masterpiece after masterpiece and u have to be constantly outdoing urself and i get very caught up in that and in my own head sometimes and i have to be like suni !! ur doing this for fun !! this is not a chore !! so. that probably made Zero sense but i hope u enjoyed my stream of consciousness sjdjwjfndn
17. what is your favorite line you’ve ever written?
i also just answered this one but i will offer u another line i really like !! from a fic that’s Not not all the prayers because u are an insane crazy person and i know u annotated the whole thing like a FREAK which still amazes me every time i think about it but. i like this one from i might be hoping about this:
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i guess this is technically two lines but. they go together so. yea !! (also whenever i reread this fic i literally go “omfg when did i write that” bc i swear i was in some sort of fugue state the entire time i was working on this i don’t remember coming up with ANY of this)
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plump-lips-imagine · 4 years
Osomatsu x Reader: Have The Patience To Bake, So That You Get The Perfect Cake (1/?)
* Hey Guys! This is my first Osomatsu-san fic. To celebrate the coming of season 3, I wanted to start practicing my consistency in writing by starting off here, and hopefully Ill grow from here, and then i could do some imagines. Let’s see! Hope you enjoy.**
You don’t really know how you ended up in this situation.
You were currently holding a man on top of you on the side of the street, but he seemed to be passed out as a stream of blood was leaving his nose. The blood staining your shirt wasn’t really bothering but he was really heavy on top of you and considering the situation, you needed to get this man some help!
You decided too quickly grab your phone and call the emergency hotline, and quickly recall all that happened that led you to this predicament in the first place.
- Some Time Earlier -
“I’ll be there in about 20 minuets, Sato-san. We can get some ice cream and discuss scheduling then......Great! See you then! Thank you again!”
It was a sunny day in Akatsuka, and the streets were busy with people. Several conversations filled the air as the ray of the sun hit your heads. Some cats even made their way into the streets to join the crowd. It was a normal day. Nothing stood out too much in the area. A few fast food joints, small markets, a pachinko parlor here or there. It was something you could get used to living here after just recently moving here. The area was quite cute in its own way.
You continued onward, thinking of the possibilities here as your bakery was doing well with its recent opening. The future was looking bri-
You body suddenly moved on its own as you ran up to the man wearing a red hoodie. He seemed to notice you screaming at him, his head looking over  his shoulder, but you had already tackled him to the ground with a *Thud*.
 You heard the car break to a halt,but you couldn’t see what else was happening because the guy’s hair took over your vision.The tackle caused the two of you to roll on the pavement. This ended up with you ultimately ending up with your back on the ground while he seemed to be tensed up as his face was directly into your chest.
“Sir, are you okay!?”
He said nothing but just blankly stared at your chest that he was still pushed up against. You sat yourself up a bit......his face still in your chest.
You couldn’t help but look dumbfounded at him as he just shamelessly said “boobs” to you twice. TWICE. Without hesitation. Does he have no shame?!
“Too much...Too close...for a virgin-” Next thing you knew, blood started to flow out of his nose, staining your shirt, and then he fell limp in your lap.
“Oh. Oh dear.”
And that’s how you ended up where you were now. Looks like you’ll have to call Sato again. You're gonna be a little late.
Sigh. Well. Today was interesting. Good thing this was on your day or else this would've been a whole lot more stressful. At least the sunset was looking good.
Admiring the sun saying it's  goodbye for today, you strolled outside to explore a little bit. It was gonna take more than a little near death experience and a weird guy to leave your curiosity astray. But....Although you hate to admit it..he was kinda cute.
In a weird way. You did kinda hope he was alright.
Walking along the bridge water stream, you spot a kart-wagon in your vision. A food stand maybe? You could eat.
“Uh...Good Evening?”
“Good Evening! You came to try the world’s best oden!”
“Oden? I never had it before. Is it good?”
“Of course it is, idjit! How can you not try it?! You’re lucky you found the best spot to try it!”
“Well then, I guess I’ll have a seat then!” You don’t know what, but the spirit this dude has in his oden actually makes you wanna try some. You were beyond hungry anyway.
Taking your seat, he makes a small plate. you take a bite as he anticipates your judgement.
“It’s delicious!”
“Of course it is! There was no doubt about it!”
“More Please”
Ha Ha. Flattery won’t get you nowhere.” But apparently it did get you somewhere because he gave you an even bigger plate of oden.
“Thank You!”
“Ehhh? Who are you?”
A new voice made you jump as you weren’t aware of the person sitting next to you on the other side. You could tell by his face that he was clearly drinking. A lot of it too be exact. His face was flushed with a bright red and his eyes were struggling to stay up....wake a minute.
“Hey! It’s you! You're that guy from earlier!”
“Ehhhhhhhhhh?” He sits up a bit to get a better look at you. “EH?! BOOB GIRL!?”
“WHO YOU CALLIN’ BOOB GIRL!? WHAT KIND OF NAME IS THAT?!” Does this guy have no shame?!
“How was I supposed to know? Why’d you suddenly attack me like that anyway? I know I’m hit and everything but you can’t attack a virgin like that You almost killed me!”
“I almost killed you?! YOU ALMOST KILLED YOURSELF! What were you thinking walking into ongoing traffic like that!? That’s why I pushed you!”
“......I did? I think I would’ve remembered if I-.”
“You.Did.” You took down a swing of water before you looked back at his drunken stupor. “Look.What were you doing exactly before you went into traffic?”
“I was a pachinko parlor!” He exclaimed with a big grin.
“Uh-huh,and did you win anything?” He seemed to flinch at the question. He was looking anywhere that wasn't your eyes and rubbed the back of his head.
“Ah. You were so disappointed in all that loss of cash that you didn’t even notice a car coming straight for you.”  
An non-existent arrow hit him in the back of the head, as he put his head down in shame.
‘Ah, so he does have a little bit of shame.’
“I’ll win next time!” He said with a dumb grin on his face, holding up a thumbs up. 'I WAS WRONG! NO SHAME!'
The Cart Owner just stared at the scene in front of him, crossed his arms and sighed.
“Hey, Lady. I wouldn’t really talk to this guy if I were you. Talking with him and knowing his existence can only bring trouble.” The food cart owner stated.
“Huh!? Chibita! That’s so cruel~. I thought we were friends.”
“Who the hell said you were my friend,you damn idjit!?”
“So mean~! You're starting to sound like Totty. Stop being so mean! It’s bad enough I get it from my brothers!”
"Chibita,huh?” Another drink from your cup, you turned back to the drunken man.
“What’s your name, if you don’t mind me asking?”
He straightened up a little and rubbed his nose, winking at you and pointing to himself. “I’m Matsuno Osomatsu! But you can me Osomatsu, Cute Savior~!”
“Okay, Osomatsu. I’m (L/n) (Y/n), but for you, You can just call me (Y/n).” You decided to playfully flirt back, winking at him in the process. He stared at you blankly again, then his face started turning red, with more blood pulling out of his nose.
“ACK!Another surprise attack! Now you're definitely trying to kill me!”
“What the hell!?” You quickly grabbed his nose and plunged them. “ Tip your head forward and breath from the mouth.” He did what you told him. “Gently now.”
a few seconds later, his nose stopped bleeding.
“There, all better. Now......How did that happen!?”
“It’s your fault! Doing something like that a virgin NEET is a low blow. I might explode,Y’know!?”
“First Off, that shouldn't be possible.Secondly, I know no man that openly states he’s a virgin and a NEET so casually.So shameless yet so brave.”
“So Brave that you wanna date me!”
Whaaaaat? Man, the world is so unfair. Even a NEETr like me needs love too. Someone cute needs to take my virginity.....Akatsuka-sensei here my.....prayers.....zzzzzzz..” Osomatsu face plants onto the table, loud snoring.
“He fell asleep?!”
“Tch. Lousy NEET always gets himself from paying his tab. I outta stop serving him. “ Chibita obviously knew the guy too well to look at him so nonchalantly. But still, this isn’t something a normal person will get used too. Wait-.
You look around and see that it was already dark. ‘So late, I gotta get ready for tomorrow.’ You stand up and give the money you owed. “Thank you for the meal, I'll be sure to come back again, Chibita-san.” You look over to Osomatsu. “What are you going to do about him?”
“Eh, I’ll just leave him. This isn’t the first time this happened. He’ll survive, he’s like a parasite.”
Even if what he said is true. It still feels...
You walked over to Osomatsu and draped his arm over your shoulder. “Chibita-san, do you know where he lives? I’ll be able to take him home.”
“HUh?! Well,yeah, but are you sure? There’s no real need to bring him home.”
“Don’t worry. I got time. Plus I think it’ll be easier for you. I’ll bring him home.”
And here you were,dragging Osomatsu home with the address Chibita gave you. He was pretty heavy over your shoulder. It didn’t help that he was drooling on your shoulder, and was in and out of consciousness. He was awake enough to talk.
“You smell good~~, can I touch your boobs?”
“Pretty Please~~. I already had my face in your boobs, what’s a little grab?”
“C’mon~~, I wanna! You're so sexy! Your chest is just begging to be grabbed!”
“Osomatsu-san, I am this close to throwing you in the river.” You emphasize by putting your fingers close together.
“You being angry is so hot. It does things to a guy.”
Sigh. You're almost there. Just drop him off and then you can’t finally sleep.
The Matsuno household.You made it. The house was pretty out of place with the rest of the building but it was cute.
You gently place Osomatsu on the ground, he was finally knocked out. Which was because of your help. He currently had a knot on the side of his head. This Jerk.
Looking over him, he was pretty peaceful even in the current state he was in. He was sucking his thumb and snoring loudly. Not a care in the world.
“He’s like a child. A man baby.” At least he has a cute face so it wouldn’t make it as bad. Sighing, you decided to grab some loose paper and a pen from your purse. Just in case. You never know. HE may be a bit of a jerk, but he was cute in a weird way.
You put your number inside his hoodie, hopefully he’ll notice. Knocking on the residents’ door, you took your leave for tomorrow. You have a busy day tomorrow.
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livvyofthelake · 3 years
speaking of obx. i’m literally so anti jiara i don’t even want them to be friends. i don’t even like either character as an individual anymore i’m such an anti. i know that’s extreme i don’t care. actually i think my anti-ness has gone so far it’s become acceptance. i’d love to see them sectioned off from the rest of the group together then i don’t have to care about either of them at all. incredible. you all just watched this journey happen in real time. sorry to all the platonic jiara mutuals i know you like those guys this isn’t about you i’m just a cunt. a cunt who likes literally every other main character more than jj and kie and i know that doesn’t make sense i can hear your “beth aren’t you a kiesarah stan? aren’t you a jjpope enjoyer?” first and foremost. i am a sarah apologist. and a pope heyward stan. everything else comes second to those two absolute truths
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zoethespiritwolf · 4 years
Hi! Can u do a luka x reader, that is angsty at the beginning but has a sweet ending 👉👈
Of course! I actually wanted to write one in the future, so this gives me the perfect opportunity to write this.
Anyway, I hope you like it!
Hanahaki Disease - a fictional disease where the victim of unrequited or one-sided love begins to vomit or cough up the petals and flowers of a flowering plant growing in their lungs, which will eventually grow large enough to render breathing impossible if left untreated. There is no set time for how long this disease lasts but it may last from 2 weeks to 3 months until the victim dies unless the feelings are returned or the plants are surgically removed (source).
Primrose - I can’t live without you (source)
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~Primroses~Luka Couffaine x reader
Some people say that having your love unrequired is the worst thing that can happen to someone. And to me, it is but at the same time - isn’t.
Of course, people eventually move on from their old loves and find new ones. But still, some take their unrequited love to the grave.
And it seems the latter will soon be my case.
It already hurt mentally to see the man I love, Luka, my best friend, love another. But now it was more painful as vines filled my lung by the day and I was spewing out primroses.
I can’t live without you. A sad smile and a chuckle escaped my lips at the thought of the meaning of the flower. How ironic it is to my fate.
I had contracted Hanahaki disease almost a month ago. It wasn’t exactly a problem in the beginning.
I was walking with my friends through the park. All of us were happy and enjoyed the chilly spring air. I, of course, was walking beside my best friend and crush, Luka Couffaine. While I was trying to keep myself composed around him, he was happily chatting with another close friend of mine - Marinette.
I loved her like a sister and I would do anything to ensure her happiness. The same would go for Luka. Even if it meant letting him go.
“Soooooo...“ Alya asked with a sly smirk on her face. “When are you two getting together?“
I looked up at my friend's question and turned to the couple. Both of them were bright red and I could already feel my heart start to crack.
“Wh-what!?! We’re just friends!“ Marinette managed to squeak out and turned a few shades redder.
“Yeah, there is nothing between us.“ Luka replied with what it sounded like to me, in a dejected tone. “What even gave you that idea?“
“Well you’re always with each other, even when none of us are around-“
Since when did they start to hang out with each other? I felt my eyebrows furrow. And alone for that matter?
“-Luka gave you a jacket that one time when she didn’t bring hers, which was super romantic!“ Alya gushed
But I thought it was platonically, not-not like that-
“And,“ Nino then intervened, “it looked like you had a crush on him.“
I felt something in my stomach drop.
Did I really miss the signs? Are they- are they crushing on each other? And I just didn’t notice?
It became harder to breathe and it felt like something was in my throat. I felt that lump growing until I needed to cough it out. As I did, my friends turned to me with slightly shocked expressions.
“Are you okay, (Y/n)?“ Luka asked as he started to reach out to me.
No! No, I’m not-
“Yeah just-“ I was then interrupted by another coughing spree, but eventually it calmed down. “Maybe I dressed too little and just froze myself. I should probably head home.“
“Yeah,“ Marinette said sadly, “Maybe it would be the best option.“
So you can be with him longer- wait, what the hell!?! Why am I thinking that? Thir my closest friends!
I nodded my head in agreement but felt a lump in my throat again and started coughing. I started to walk away, followed by the goodbyes of my friends and their wishes for me to get better.
Only when I got home and took away the palm of my hand from my mouth did I see that I was holding a primrose. A light pink primrose.
Obviously, I knew that something was wrong so immediately after getting to my room and turning on my computer did I start searching about people coughing up flowers. All the answers were the same, no matter how I tried to alter the wording of what I meant.
Hanahaki disease.
As I started to research it my stomach dropped by the moment and by each answer I got about that disease.
Caused by unrequited love.
Vines fill your lungs and you vomit or spit out flowers.
It can kill you.
Can be cured by the same your crush returning your feelings or removed through surgery.
After the surgery, you can never feel love anymore for that person.
The world stopped at that moment. The bring screen lit my face as tears streamed down my face. I stared blankly at the last sentence.
At that moment, I knew it was a death sentence for me. I couldn’t confess to Luka, because he already loves Marinette. I couldn’t get the surgery, because I would lose the love I had for him and it could potentially destroy my friendship with him.
There was nothing left for me to do.
I am going to die.
I’ve been living with that thought ever since I found out. At first, I was in denial. There was no way I had that disease. No way was I going to die because of unrequited love.
But the passing days and the feeling of vines growing in my lungs, not to mention the primroses I was secretly coughing up, proved me wrong.
Then I felt anger. Anger towards Luka for doing this to me. Then it was towards Marinette because she took him away from me. And lastly, it went towards me. I wasn’t strong enough.
Why did I have to fall for him?
In the past week, I started to feel depressed. Depressed because I had accepted my fate. I was going to die.
I felt the vines growing thicker in my lungs and it became harder to breathe. Eventually, I started violently coughing and felt a handful of flowers spewing out of my mouth. Most of them by now were covered in blood. My blood.
My vision started to become darker. But I couldn’t stop coughing to take a breath. I only saw a dark figure rushing towards me from the doorway of my bedroom before I lost consciousness completely.
It felt like an eternity until I was able to open my eyes again and lightly breathe. I was greeted by a white concrete ceiling. A steady beeping noise was heard and when I turned to where it was coming from I saw a cardiac monitor.
So, I’m in a hospital. This is it. These are my last moments in life.
I was barely able to hear fast and hard footsteps nearing the hospital room I was staying in before the door was swung open. I turned to see, who it was.
“Oh God, (Y/n).“ Luka breathed out in relief yet still looked saddened as he came quickly to my hospital bed and dropped to his knees and taking my hand in both of his. “Why didn’t you tell me? To all of us?“
I could only blankly gaze at him with half-lidded eyes as it became harder for me to breathe.
“Because I knew what you would do if you found out about my condition.“ I managed to tiredly breathe out with much difficulty. “You would want me to get surgery.“
“Of course I would.“ the boy’s eyes turned desperate and he clutched my hand tighter. “The doctor said there was still time for it. They can still remove the vines from your lungs-“
“I don’t want the surgery.“ I interjected and tried to look at him with the sternest expression I could muster in my exhausted state.
Luka only shook his head and his expression turned angrier by the minute.
“Then we need to find your crush.“ I already started to miss his warm hands as they slipped from mine as he stood up. “Then-“
“It’s no use.“ I replied.
He swiftly turned to look at me and his expression soured.
“What do you mean you can’t?“ he demanded.
“Why does it matter to you?“
“Because you’re my best friend.“
“And? That doesn’t change anything! I would still die-“
“Just tell me who it is-!“ his voice was just on the brink of yelling.
“Who do you care so much if I was to die-?“ my voice was also on the brink to yelling, at least, as close to yelling as I could get with my lungs filled.
“BECAUSE I LOVE YOU, DAMN IT!!!“ silence filled the room after those words that were yelled. Too shocked at the moment, I hadn’t even noticed I could breathe more properly.
“You....you love me?“ I carefully asked with wide eyes.
“Of course I do.“ he breathed out in anger but his eyes were soft as he gazed at me. “Ever since we met.“
Luka then sighed shakily before he turned away from me and ran a hand through his blue locks. “I know you don’t like me that way but I just-“
“I love you too, Luka.“
“You-what?“ he turned around eyes wide and mouth agape. “You....you love me too?“
I nodded vigorously as a large grin started to stretch across my face and loughs of relief escaped me as I felt my lungs becoming much emptier by the second. Soon Luka joined in on my actions and came back to my bedside to hug me tightly. I could only hug back as immense joy overcame me.
I was going to live.
And Luka is going to be by my side.
For every step of the way.
Both of us stayed like that, in each other's arms and feeling content. And in both of our hands ware primrose blossoms. Beautiful, pink primroses.
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sunyoonandstars · 6 years
BTS reaction 3: Them reacting to your cute / strange sleeping habits ...
Honestly, I was feeling a little weird today, so I consciously decided to write and post something warm, fluffy, light and kind of uplifting. 😌
That’s how this reaction came to life, inspired by some weird sleeping habits I myself have (don’t we all!? 😅) and actual reactions to them by past partners ...
Enjoy! And I hope you have a nice day! 
P.S. (directed at everyone who is wondering): I’m still working on that series about Namjoon cheating, but it was just a tad too angsty for me today. I have the next chapter almost ready and will update soon! 
1. Kim Seokjin / Jin
Whenever sharing a bed with Jin, you usually start randomly kicking off the blanket in the middle of the night, whatever the season and however cold it is. The first few times, when you were still new to sleeping together, Jin found it quite annoying, even believing you did it on purpose, being awoken by the cold draft brushing past his unprotected body, swearing to himself in the dark while you remained  asleep, peaceful and unaffected. But when he confronted you about it in the early hours of the first morning you woke up side by side you seemed genuinely clueless. „I did what!?“, you exclaimed, incredulous. „So that’s why I always discover my blanket lying on the floor when I wake up. I thought my dog kept pulling it down …“ „Nope. That was all you. Definitely.“ „I’m sooo sorry, Jinnie! I know how desperately you need sleep.“ At one point Jin even pondered getting a second blanket,  just for himself, after having caught a cold from sleeping exposed one night. However, he decided against it, loving falling asleep skin to skin, hugging or spooning you, feeling the warmth emanating from your body and your heartbeat against his chest way too much to let a silly blanket get in the way of having you close to him. „I'll just hug you even tighter from now on, Y/N, so we can warm each other. I don’t need a stupid blanket as long as I have you.“
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2. Min Yoongi / Suga
When Yoongi hears you crying in your sleep for the very first time, he can’t believe you aren’t merely pretending to be asleep, afraid it’s his somehow fault, that he made you cry, that he something wrong earlier or maybe didn't listen closely enough when you told him about your day. However, when he tries to talk to you, asking you what’s wrong, you remain unresponsive, silent sobs shaking your slender body and tears streaming down your face while you mutter incomprehensible words under your breath. The sight of you in this state and his desperate need to comfort you paining his heart, Yoongi simply decides to follow his instincts and wraps his arms around you, hugging you from the back, pulling you as closely to his body as humanly possible, burying his face in your neck and planting soft kisses on your skin. „Sssshhhhh, Y/N, it’s alright. I’m here. I’m here for you and I’m not going anywhere“, he whispers into your hair and, slowly but surely, you, still fast asleep, calm down as if you’d actually understood the meaning of his words and the promise they carry. Even after your crying has long ceased the two of you remain like this. And when you wake up the following morning, you discover Yoongi clinging to you unusually tightly, his face still nestled up to the crook of your neck. Surprised, knowing Yoongi normally needs some breathing space in order to sleep peacefully, you turn around in his embrace to look at him, initially worried. „Hey, what’s this? Why so cuddly all of a sudden? Are you sick or something?“ He merely shakes his head without even opening his eyes, brows furrowed,  a sleepy grin stretching his lips. „You were breaking apart last night, Y/N“, Yoongi then mumbles, his speech slurred and his voice still heavy with sleep. „I just couldn't let that happen, could I?”
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3. Jung Hoseok / J-Hope
Hoseok is awoken by thirst and the strong desire to have a plain glass of fresh water. When he gets up, however, to fetch himself a drink, slowly, silently, careful not to wake you, you shoot up immediately. Startled by your sudden movement, Hoseok stops cold in his step and jumps in place, hardly able to stifle a squeal. Sitting up straight in the middle of your shared bed, you frantically look around, your eyes wide in the dark, feeling for the body of your partner between the sheets. „Hobi? Hobi, where are you!?“, you cry out, having trouble lowering your voice, resonating with sheer panic, to a reasonable volume. Slowly recovering from the shock, heart rate gradually decelerating again, Hoseok makes a U-turn and comes back to bed, smiling fondly to himself, touched by your strong reaction to him leaving your side even only for a second. „It’s okay, Y/N“, he whispers softly, brushing your forehead with his lips. „I won’t leave you. Go back to sleep, alright, babe?“ You nod, already half asleep again, the sound of Hoseok’s familiar voice promptly putting you at ease. Unresisting, you let him gently put your head back to your pillow, snuggling into his welcome embrace. A warm smile still on his lips, he gives you one last peck on the cheek before going back to sleep himself, thirsty but happy. „You did it again last night, Y/N. This time you literally almost scared me to death!“, he teases you the next morning. „Aww, I did!? I’m so sorry, Hobi, I really have no control over it. I don’t even remember anything. But … shouldn’t you have gotten used to it by now anyway, my little scaredy-cat?“, you taunt him, playfully kissing the dimple showing on his cheek as he grimaces at the nickname you just called him. „Well, you still freak me out, every night anew. Nonetheless, I can’t get enough of it.“ He smiles at you lovingly, scrunching his nose. „It’s so cute how you already miss me the instant I’m gone, even in your sleep.“
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4. Kim Namjoon / RM
Being quite tall with a rather manly frame and rarely having had to share a bed ever since he outgrew his teens, Namjoon had gotten used to having all the space his bed offered entirely to himself, sprawling across the mattress shamelessly. That changed, however, when you started to finally share his bed whenever you slept over at the dorm. At first he loved it, being close to you and feeling your fine body against his even in sleep. But his sentiment towards your sleeping arrangement soon changed as he discovered that you were quite clingy when dead asleep. Unconscious of your own actions, you keep clutching Namjoons waist, or really any of his limbs you can get your hand son, ever so tightly, each night without exception. Sometimes it annoys him, especially when its summer and the room is already hot and stuffy, or when you hug him so tightly he can barely breathe. Occasionally Namjoon even carefully loosens your grip around him, placing a pillow in your arms instead, which you reluctantly accept as proficient replacement, whenever he has to pee or get up early. Most of the time, though, Namjoon adores your subconscious need for bonding, even though it costs him sleep, especially since you’re so much more cuddly than in an alert state.   Taehyung, as his roommate oftentimes having witnessed your cute habit first hand, teases him about it on a regular basis. „Aww, our Rap Monster is so soft …“ „I just can’t refuse my Y/N anything, that’s all. And I can’t very well disturb her sleep every night, can I now?“, Namjoon simply replies, turning around to hide his content smile in your hair as he hugs you, still being fast asleep, both your arms clutched tightly around his neck. Because, yes, you make him soft. And he secretly loves it. 
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5. Park Jimin
At first, Jimin was, mildly put, slightly freaked out by your sleepwalking, even though you had warned him of it. You would get up in the middle of the night and roam around the dorm, muttering to yourself and doing or taking random things, sometimes even cook or shower. It creeped the hell out of him and furthermore led him to worry for your safety, seeing you like that, staggering around with your eyes half closed, face blank, unresponsive to any of his words or actions. Once you even fell down the stairs and a few times you got completely undressed, leaving your clothes all over the house and slipping back into the wrong bed which caused quite a stir and made for a rather funny anecdote. After a while, however, he got used to your nightly escapades, actually growing to anticipate them and find them quite amusing, secretly making bets with the boys on what kind of crazy stuff you’d do next. A few months ago he eventually started filming you, having bought a special night vision camera for the sole purpose of doing so, following you around the house at night, paying no mind to the lack of sleep he experienced as a result. Whenever he shows you his video recordings, though, the blurred pictures being accompanied by his adorable, muffled laughter, you can’t believe it’s really yourself you’re watching. „I really did that!?“, you gasp, a hand pressed to your mouth in awkward surprise. „Oh, yes, you did. And it only gets better“, Jimin laughs, pulling you onto his lap, placing a soft kiss on your neck, before pressing play again to continue the playback of his visual evidence. „Nooo!“, you protest, cheeks burning, unsuccessfully trying to take the camera from him. „Turn that off, Jimin-ah! It’s so embarrassing!“ „No, it’s not“, he objects, smiling softly against your bare shoulder, his hot breath tingling on your skin. „I love you so much, Y/N. You’re adorable even when sleepwalking and have absolutely no idea how happy these unique little moments make my heart.“
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6. Kim Taehyung / V
The first night you sleep over, Taehyung is awoken from his peaceful sleep by a sudden, strange noise. As he comes to his senses, he realizes it’s originating from you. Startled, Taehyung props himself up on his elbows, staring at you in amused bewilderment, stifling a chuckle. You are laughing. Out loud. In your sleep. Like the happiest little puppy. „What the hell …“, he mumbles to himself, continuing to watch you fondly until your giggle fit finally comes to its end. The next night, this pattern repeats itself, leading him to believe it’s probably a common occurrence with you. Another little quirk he can love about you, Taehyung thinks to himself. When he asks you about it one morning, however, you have absolutely no clue what he’s talking about. „That’s crazy, Tae, nobody laughs in their sleep! I didn't even dream anything funny. Maybe you imagined it or something.“ „For five nights straight?“ „Who knows?“, you shrug. „Your beautifully weird mind is a marvel, Kim Taehyung. We will never be entirely sure what’s going on in there.“ You lovingly tap his forehead, proceeding to place a quick kiss on it. „If you won’t believe me, I’m gonna prove it to you. It’s the most funny and adorable thing ever, you’ll see, Y/N.“ „Even more adorable than Yeontan?“, you tease him. „Even more adorable than Yeontan“, he agrees with conviction. The following night when he is once again awoken by your muffled laughter, Taehyung immediately grabs his phone to make an audio recording which he eagerly plays for you as soon as you wake up in the morning. Wide-eyed you stare at him in disbelief, laughing the exact same laugh you just heard in the recording. „What the fuck!? That was really me!? I had no idea, Tae! I’m so sorry I keep waking you up like this.“ „Don’t worry, Y/N“, he smiles, biting his lip while affectionately brushing a strand of your hair behind your ear. „It’s so cute and beautiful, I wouldn't wanna miss it for the world, not even for an additional half hour of sleep.“
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(...just imagine him looking at you like that ...)
7. Jeon Jungkook
„Just admit it already, Jeon Jungkook, you switched my shoes again, didn’t you? So it’s your fault that my ears hurt!“ Startled by you raising your voice at him in the middle of the night, Jungkook shoots up in bed, barely even having managed to doze off yet, while he thought you at least had been fast asleep already. „What are you talking about, Y/N!? I didn't do shit to your shoes!“ You show no reaction. 
„Y/N?“ Again, no response. When he leans over to look at you, your eyes are shut tightly and your face is that of a sleeping angel. Weird, Jungkook thinks to himself, lying back down again. Maybe he misheard or dreamed it. Barely a few minutes later, however, your voice sounds again. „How many times do I have to tell you!? Of course Taehyung is the more handsome one between the two of you. But it’s still you I love, Kookie, you little dork …“ „What the heck!?“ Anger and jealousy rushing through his protruding veins, Jungkook sits back up, instantly wide awake again, this time perfectly sure he heard right. As he turns to look at you, though, you lie sleeping as peacefully as ever. „Oh, don’t you dare pretend you’re asleep now, Y/N! I heard what you just said, every last word of it! So you think Tae is more handsome than me, yeah!? Well, then go cuddle up to him next time.“ For a few seconds he pauses, eagerly anticipating your reaction. You, however, remain fast asleep, showing no feedback whatsoever. „Okay. Have it your way. I’m leaving then. You can have the bed to yourself, traitor“, Jungkook mutters angrily under his breath, already climbing out of bed. „Alrighty …“, you mumble. „But don’t forget to bring the Ketchup. I’d hate to disappoint Winnie the Pooh.“ Perplexed, Jungkook stops cold in his movements, stifling an incredulous laugh. „Come again!?“ But this time you remain silent. The next morning, you’re confused as to why he behaves so oddly towards you, acting colder than usual and darting sullen glances at you and Taehyung lounging on the sofa. Worried, you come over to him. „What is it, Kookie? What’s wrong?“ „You know full well what’s wrong“, he pouts, averting his face, still glaring at an unaware  Taehyung. „So, you really think he’s more handsome than me, Y/N?“ Eyes wide in bewilderment, you can feel your cheeks blush. „Who said something like that?“ „You did“, he retorts, his lips pursed. „When?“ „Last night.“ A knowing „Ohhhhh …“ escapes your lips as you finally realize what’s gotten into Jungkook. „I talked in my sleep, didn’t I?“ Still glaring, he nods. „I forgot to tell you … I do that sometimes when I’m stressed out, and right now it’s exams season, so …“ „Well, I guess I have no choice but to believe you. For now. But do you really feel that way about Taehyung? Should I be worried, or what?“ An apologetic smile on your face, you throw your arms around his neck, climbing onto Jungkooks lap. „Of course not, Kookie! You’re my everything, you know that! I really have no power over what I say when I’m asleep and it’s mostly nonsense anyway. I swear!“ „Alright“, he reluctantly concedes. „But next time you have the cheek to say something like that, even if it’s in your sleep, it won’t go unpunished. Got me!?“
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[ ... lol ... no clue as to why my reactions with Jungkook always turn out the longest!? Any ideas!? 😅 ]
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cometkins · 3 years
random ravnica dnd thots kozy you can read if you want
just thinking about ilya and his romantic relationships As Usual and i just kinda wanted to talk at the air about them to organize my own thoughts bc i care about One Thing. kozy if you’re reading this it will be stream of consciousness and good luck getting anything out of this lmao
obvs i know what i want as endgame which is for ilya and danny to get together bc i very much enjoy the idea of two very traumatized people working together so they can heal past it with a level of understanding that people who haven’t been through the same things won’t have bc like. yeah we love mutual growth and understanding in relationships. pretty poggers
their traumas are not the same and are awful in different ways but i would say they’re both like. equally fucked up from it. ilya is barely fresh off of years of awful physical abuse (not to mention the continued verbal/emotional abuse at the hands of his mother and guild at large) and danny isn’t even out of the hospital last we checked on him with the barest hint of a will to live after losing all of his life’s work and his job and also being paralyzed and like.
i am trying to figure out how to get them to even bond in the first place bc while i as the player know what i want i don’t think ilya as a character does yet. like. ilya currently cares about danny and spending time with him if only bc he feels responsible for convincing him to jump out of his spaceship to try and be saved and seeing how despondent he is rn has him feeling some level of guilt and compulsion to try and comfort him. it’s weird to remember sometimes since ilya is such a selfish asshole most of the time but he is a healer and likes being a healer and it’s in his nature to do so. as much as orzhov is a very black magic guild it is still also a white magic guild, you know. the white magic part of ilya wants to help danny be better, even if right now it’s very motivated by guilt over something deeper. i just think it can be deeper
but anyway, ilya has spent the past 4-ish years wanting to escape his shitty abusive marriage to the point of being ready to jump out a window before father alexei yanked him off the sill and dragged him fully outside the church so he couldn’t do it and the only thought in his head that gave him any reason or will to live was the potential of seeing sarren again and being with him because it was way better than being choked out every day of his life
so ngl him being pretty much banned from seeing or interacting with sarren has him doing Very Bad but having the new goal of torturing and killing nikolai and having people thank him for it is what’s helping him deal with THAT but anyway
ilya is still (currently) very much of the mind that he wants to try and make things work with sarren again because he still genuinely loves him a lot but i think after years and years of abuse and building up this past relationship in his mind he kind of has rose tinted glasses on wrt sarren in general. sarren not seeming to remember how he treated ilya already has ilya slipping back into old feelings of resentment and the fact that he’s not putting in enough effort (in ilya’s mind) to see him again and spend time with him has him feeling hurt. we haven’t rp’d the scene out yet but the fact that sarren even showed up to their secret meeting probably shocked ilya a lot. i think ilya would’ve been willing to wait the entire day and night to see sarren but he wouldn’t have been very happy about it. i think (whether true or not) ilya feels like sarren is ashamed to be seen with him to some degree, since he’s poor and a pariah within his guild and sarren prioritizes his work and keeping up appearances. being seen with ilya is almost shameful despite the fact that they were married
but regardless, his relationship with and marriage to sarren was ilya’s first glimpse into the idea that people could treat him well and actually genuinely care about him but he also still feels like he can’t really hope to ask for more than the neglect sarren gave him? ilya feels ugly and worthless most days and the fact that sarren was ever interested in him still shocks him. i imagine a lot of marriages in the orzhov are political/arranged ones like the one he had with nikolai so the idea of having a loving relationship is already super foreign as a concept to him.
idk how he and danny might end up but i like to think it’s one that could be better than what he had with sarren even in small ways.
im still trying to figure out how ilya might get danny to even begin to warm up to him and rn he’s kind of just hanging out in his hospital room reading and bringing him food and books so he has anything else to eat or do and so he knows that at least somebody seems to care about him enough to be around him? but i think i might have ilya bring him cigarettes next time he can visit to really get him to crack. i don’t think ilya likes them from a healer perspective but if it’ll help danny cope that’s fine enough for now.
will prob go with celeste to make sure he can get his job back or at least be able to work in celeste’s lab bc if she’s leading shit why can’t she pick her own employees damn fuck u zir wackass ableist bitch
but yeah. idk man i go back and forth on if ilya will really be happy with either man and sometimes i wonder if maybe he couldn’t just be with both bc he has two hands but i also do think that unless ilya and sarren can really have the time to make up and be together ilya will pull back, esp if sarren doesn’t vastly improve from how he was before, and that’s hard when they can’t even be with each other in a meaningful capacity rn. i tend to feel that if your relationship was super bad before that unless there’s been major growth between the both of you that it won’t work if you try to get back together. idk if ilya has exactly done any growing but he wasn’t necessarily why the marriage fell apart in the first place so. big shrug.
danny and ilya haven’t really interacted enough for me to say what will be good and bad, i just have Ideas for how i’d like them to be and envision how things could go but what i expect and what happens almost never lines up so. we’ll see w them. i don’t think they’ll make much progress until they like. talk. i’ve joked about how they’re two people that would be comfortable spending entire days together in utter and complete silence like utter crazy men and i do think that can still be true when they’re actually together but yknow. they need to get to know each other more first lol.....
it’s hard to plan for how i want to try and have them interact when i’m getting hit with a brick wall but i’m stubborn and persistent and will not be swayed from my efforts :’))) it’ll happen
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