#aph antonio
arina-nov · 5 months
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mililyrose · 1 year
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Prewtty prewtty spain 🤲❤
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parsemage · 1 year
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Iberian bros! 🇵🇹🤝🇪🇸 I love these two so much 😤
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mickskicks-art · 11 months
Here’s the first requested Hetalia ship!
… it’s Spain x Olive Oil.
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spamanohcsandstuff · 1 year
[1282] In which Sicily (Lovino) is ruled by Spain
For every day spent in each other’s presence, the awkwardness and formalities faded. Slowly, a bond formed between them. They grew closer. Lovino, especially, found it unexpected. It was so easy to be close to Antonio. When he spoke, his voice was steady and mature beyond his age. Lovino often forgot that Antonio was the younger of the two.
A dreamlike tranquility filled both of them; it was unexpected how their once nervous vows proved true every day. Antonio thought about the things said in the tent, when they had met in Africa. He still wanted to make sure Lovino's life would be easy. Something stable. He presented a room to him, called it his, and told the servants how to address him. He provided whatever comfort Lovino could think of, and was often away for days at a time. Whenever he returned, it was with an abundance of pleasantries. Strange men came and unpacked for them, and Lovino's chamber was soon a home. He went to the garden while this happened, and later fell asleep on silk pillows, beneath heavy hand-woven blankets.
Next came the portraits and paintings. One in particular stood out to him. It was a village from Sicily itself, signed with a dedication to him and hung pristinely on the wall. He recognized it instantly; Antonio had been there with him, shortly after their return from Algeria. The village was depicted with all its details. Who Antonio had paid to do it or where he had found a painter that talented, well, that was left to his imagination.
"I'm sorry it isn’t bigger". Antonio's warm voice came from the door, light as the wind on the sea. Lovino answered without being able to look away from the painting. "No, me encanta. But you didn't have to-"
Antonio stepped closer to inspect the painting as well. He didn't have the same appreciation for the place and couldn’t pretend to, but Lovino saw that he was fond, anyway. Their shoulders bumped against each other. Antonio made a quiet sound, then turned to face him. “I've told you; whatever you want. When you’re ready, there is something else. I’ll wait for you in the kitchen.” With that, he left.
Lovino took a last quick glance at the painting. It was strange to see his name displayed so boldly on something that valuable.
Antonio’s other surprise was far more precious. A small, female foal, hardly walking, waiting for him in the stable. “She reminds me of you,” he said shyly. “Her color is the same as your eyes.”
It soon proved to be a gift for both of them; Antonio learned Lovino’s habits in the stables; which chore he liked most, and the order in which he did things. Antonio had duties, more than usual. Lovino was sure of it, he could plain see when Antonio’s mind was elsewhere. But even so, Antonio was often sitting with him. Lovino learned not to mind. After all, without Antonio, he would be all alone. And he liked how it felt to be together. Their worries and differences disappeared. They were just two kids here. The world could wait.
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freelyshinytheorist · 2 months
Lazos paternales de ocs de latinoamerica para hetalia
Lore: El Lore o trasfondo de un juego, es el conjunto de historias, datos, personajes, etc. que conforman el universo representado en el mismo y le dan coherencia. Se podria decir de manera mas simple la realidad de los personajes del juego.
Quiero dejar muy en claro que uno de mis principales trasfondo de mi lore es el hecho de que la mayoría de los países de habla hispana en América Latina son hijos de las diversas culturas y civilizaciones que radicaron ahí y de España y Portugal.
Para darle un poco más de profundidad a la situación, describiré que cuando me refiero a ello por ejemplo, pongo en contexto a la representante de la mayor población, cultura y civilización en áreas dónde hoy en día están situados los países.
Basemonos en Honduras por un momento, la etnia y cultura Lenca es una de las que hizo contacto durante las conquistas españolas, también es una de las cultura que se encuentran entre los límites de lo que hoy es Honduras y parte de la población mestiza e indigena de Honduras desciende de ahi. Por tanto en mi Lore, Lenca es una mujer que llego a tener su "ese algo" con España y por tanto ambos son padres del representante de Honduras.
Se puede intuir que "ese algo" pudo haber sido consensuado o no. Dependerá de cómo se maneje en un fanfic. Pero siempre es más complicado que eso al ser seres no netamente humanos comunes y corrientes.
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renonv · 4 days
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Watched Death Race 2000 and now I have a racing au in the works 🕴️BUT I MEAN ITS BEEN COMING
Part 2
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sisalrian · 3 months
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besame mucho
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bighugelargebig · 2 months
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happy belated birthday to antonio
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nurmiiii · 7 months
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The image is not mine! here's the link of its author's Twitter account 🌷 link
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prumanoenjoyer · 12 days
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A fantasy AU me and a couple of friends are cooking up in which Gilbert is mistaken for an evil villain and PruMano becomes a thing through various shenanigans. FrUk is endgame but there may or may not be some Frain and TurFra going on. It's a mess.
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hetalia-club · 17 days
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(This little interaction is so adorable it's so them)
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etinfernum · 8 months
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He said "yes" !!!!
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magicalmanbacon · 4 months
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I finsh it!finally!
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weizabonnie · 1 year
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Spain,Venice&Ottoman maybe in Kostantiniyye before battle of Lepanto? (a Mediterranean sandwich maybe:D
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spamanohcsandstuff · 1 year
In which Lovino is brought to the Bourbon household, living in new surroundings in some nameless place in France:
Antonio stirred underneath the heavy blankets, restless for what was on Lovino's mind as he flippantly made his way through the array of books on the bed. "Do you want another book, tesoro*?"
Without waiting, he readjusted the blanket, threw them aside to step out and hurried across the room to where the books they had brought along were sprawled out; most of them Lovino's. Antonio gladly brought them all along. "Maybe we can read one together?" He suggested, avoiding the question that really occupied his mind; Was he happy here?
He saw how Lovino kept to himself, dined alone, and withdrew from him. He pushed all those doubts aside, and got back in bed. The warmth and Lovino's presence was enough. "I've missed you."
*tesoro [lit. Treasure]. I hc that even if they're not romantically invested in each other, they are very, VERY good friends, and do not shy around showing affection through pet names. They do pretty much everything together. Bonus: the front figures of the bourbon household (France and Spain) are very much together here. Yeeeeaa spamano has a long way to go to become a couple
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